PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

Athenian Boys - 460 BC


The story follows 15yo Jason as student in the Athenian acadamy and as temporary master of his mentor's household – including the 12yo twin boyslaves.
Nederlandse vertaling: Atheense Jongens - 460 v.Chr. .
Publ. Aug-Oct 2001 (ASSGM and Nifty); this site Aug 2007;
Finished 25,000 words (50 pages)


Jason (15yo) with in Pt. 1 Niklo (14yo), in Pts. 2 & 3 Dov & Danni (12yo), and in pt. 4 Dem (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/antiquity
Mt Mb tt tb – cons anal oral mast – bd spank toys


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Like it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form with Bill - Athenian Boys in the subject line.

Chapter 1

It was early summer; the warmest day yet. Jason wished the wrestling-master would stop his tedious droning so that he and the other boys could escape to the cool waters of the bathing pool.

A drop of sweat rolled off Jason's chin, landing on the back of his friend Niklo. Jason's eyes wandered about the wrestling arena. Eleven other pairs of boys were crouching in ready-position, just like him and Niklo, at the center of Athenian Academy's gymnasium. All were naked, their young bodies marred only by abrasions and bruises earned in rough impacts on the hard-packed ground.

Jason thought it somewhat odd that the Academy viewed the sport with such reverence. But he was determined to mold himself to the Athenian ideal, so he refocused his mind on the elderly teacher's lesson.

" 3; must use your opponent's momentum to defeat him. Push him to make him push back. Push him again, and when he reacts, then you strike. When your opponent is on top, lean into him aggressively. When you feel him falling into your trap, grab his wrist and roll in the direction he pushes. It is like our strategy on the battlefield of Marathon 30 years ago, when our army faked a push to the center while at the flanks 3;"

"Oh no! Is he going to tell that same war story again?" whispered Niklo.

Jason quietly groaned in agreement. "Gods! We'll NEVER get to the bathing pool at this rate!"

On his knees at Niklo's side, Jason relaxed his taut body, sitting back on his haunches. He released his left hand from Niklo's elbow, and his right arm – which had been wrapped around the 14-year-old's slender waist – came to rest on the boy's lower back.

As he looked around the gymnasium, Jason noticed other boys whispering and shifting about. They all realized it would likely be several long minutes before the wrestling-master would direct them to execute a maneuver. What caught Jason's eye, diverting his attention totally from the teacher's words, was the pair of students 7 feet to his left. The boy on top had slid his right hand down to his partner's crotch and was shamelessly stroking the adolescent erection. The recipient of the clandestine masturbation murmured sounds of pleasure, barely loud enough for Jason to hear. As he continued to stare at the lascivious conduct, Jason saw that the boy on the bottom was subtly rubbing his ass against the other's crotch. The old wrestling-master, half-deaf with age and one-eyed from a wound received in the Persian Wars, was oblivious to the activity.

Sexuality among these 13- to 16-year-old boys was certainly a common enough activity at the Academy. In a half-hour they would all be engaged in erotic play – especially in and around the bathing pool. But it was disrespectful to be doing it during class. Disrespectful or not, a little shudder ran through Jason's body as sexual thoughts filled his brain – as they did at least two dozen times a day. He gave up trying to listen to the wrestling-master as he felt his penis becoming erect, and he pressed it against Niklo's hip.

'Oh, gods,' he though to himself. 'Here is the most beautiful boy in Athens, on his hands and knees beneath me, as if waiting for me to mount him. If only I could!'

Jason's right hand slipped from the small of Niklo's back to gently caress his smooth ass cheek. The handsome boy looked back over his shoulder and winked at Jason, making the 15-year-old's sexual desire rise to yet a higher level.

"Oh, my dearest friend Niklo" he whispered in a voice that was half-comical, half-serious. "You've GOT to let me fuck your beautiful ass today after practice. Just this once? I am burning with desire for you!"

"Jason, you dim provincial bumpkin!" hissed the 14-year-old, in a tone that betrayed a friendly sarcasm. "How many times must I repeat that only my mentor receives that particular prize these days. Surely you can satisfy your lust with one of the little 13- year-old sluts."

"But Niklo, I don't want a little boy 3;. I want YOU! I'll do anything you ask of me. You know how much I love you!"

Niklo looked back over his shoulder again and smiled. "Ah, my friend; if only you had been here a year ago, when I was one of those sluts. I'd whore for any handsome older boy who tossed me a compliment." After a long pause, Niklo added gently "But you are a dear friend, Jason. Let us discuss the matter further when we get to the pool."

"Thanks, my friend, for giving me at least a bit of hope that I might show my love for you" said Jason as he shifted his right hand down to give Niklo's cock a few sensuous strokes. He found it wonderfully stiff, with a drop of slippery fluid forming where the head peeked out from the foreskin.

Jason let his mind wander back in time, still tuning out the wrestling-master, and wishing he HAD been at the Academy a year ago to partake freely of Niklo's favors. Instead, he had been slowly dying of boredom on his family's isolated country estate on the Aegean island of Delos. Until a few months ago, his education had been in the hands of an old live-in tutor who bore a passing resemblance to the wrestling-master. There being no other boys of his social rank in the area, the dawning of his sexuality was explored in seemingly constant solo masturbation instead of in the company of equally-horny school friends. His tutor had told him all about the marvelous Athenian Academy, and Jason had pestered his father relentlessly to send him there.

Only a handful of times during his life on Delos had Jason tasted the excitement of the Greek culture's notoriously libertine sexuality. It began when he turned 13 and was finally permitted to journey with his father to the occasional banquets in town or at another aristocratic estate on the island. Being a comely youth, he inevitably attracted adult suitors at these all-night events. On the first such occasion, their attentions and flattery could not quite overcome his inhibitions, though their lascivious fondling of his cock caused him to excitedly shoot his seed three times during the long evening. But a month later, at his second banquet, he succumbed to his carnal urges (and the liberating effects of several goblets of wine) and allowed a sturdy young officer of the Delian militia to take his virginity. Thereafter, Jason eagerly looked forward to these too-infrequent social events, where he knew he would be the object of attention from a variety of handsome men. He was amused by their courtly games of seduction, but found it irresistibly intoxicating to play along. And the game always led him to bestow his favors on the most desirable suitor at the party – sometimes more than one – either retiring to the garden to make love in semi-privacy or else drunkenly casting discretion aside and getting fucked in full view of the boisterous crowd of men, boys, and female prostitutes.

When Jason was nearly 15, his father finally gave in to the boy's pleadings and sent him off to complete his education at the Academy. Arrangements were made for him to live in the household of Timarcus, a wealthy Athenian citizen, naval officer, and civic leader with whom Jason's father had served in the wars, some years before the boy's birth. As Jason sailed across the calm Aegean Sea for his first visit to the great city-state of Athens, he daydreamed about how it would be to finally have a real mentor, just as so many well-born city boys had. The stories he heard of the Athenian tradition of love between a boy and his mentor had sounded so romantic 3; the strong and handsome citizen-soldier forming an intense bond of physical and spiritual love with the young teenager, teaching him to be a man in every sense. What boy wouldn't have longed for such a relationship?

But while Timarcus had admirably fulfilled many aspects of the mentor's traditional role, the part that had most filled Jason's fantasies – the romantic and sexual connection – just never developed. Oh, the man had been a gracious and generous host during the four months Jason had spent in the household. The two of them had held long discussions in Timarcus's living quarters, where he and Jason discussed the finer points of politics, the art of war, philosophy, and many other subjects of importance to the boy's future. But on the relatively few times Timarcus had taken Jason into his bed, it was almost as if the man considered the love-making as a tedious duty.

It had been clear from the day of Jason's arrival at the villa that the man was totally smitten by the sexual charms of his twin slave boys. There was sometimes a twinge of jealousy when Jason watched Timarcus retire for the night in the company of his identical little 12-year-old beauties. He observed wryly to Niklo one day that his relationship with his mentor was similar to that accorded the man's unobtrusive wife – always courteous, but infrequently sexual and never passionate. Unlike the wife, however, Jason was free to relieve his sexual frustration in the arms of his fellow students at the Academy.

Jason couldn't really blame his master for the preference. The slave boys – Dov and Danni – were incredibly beautiful and had been superbly trained in every aspect of personal service. And they were so exotic, with their Semitic features and their strange foreign names and their accented speech. Jason had learned – in talking to the boys themselves and from other members of the household – that they had been born in the land south of Phoenicia – of a tribe called the Hebrews – and were brought to Athens when they were but 8 years old. Even at that young age they had been well-trained in decorum and service, already speaking an adequate degree of the Greek tongue. The slave merchant who had acquired them knew the value of his product to the right buyer, and had wisely kept the twins together as a set, to be discretely offered in private showings to selected wealthy Athenians, rather than being auctioned in the city market. Their only flaw (but one that Jason found intriguing and strangely erotic) was that the flesh at the end of each boy's penis had been cut off in some barbarian religious ritual when they were infants. Timarcus always preferred the slave boys to be completely nude whenever they waited upon him in the living area of the villa, and Jason invariably found his eyes drawn to the unusual sight of a prepubescent cockhead being blatantly displayed at all times, without being touched and regardless of whether the penis was soft or erect.

Jason's daydreaming ended abruptly when at last the wrestling- master completed his war story and directed the boys to execute a rolling maneuver several times. The practice concluded, as always, with each pair of youths wrestling at full-strength for several minutes, a few pairs at a time, under the teacher's critical eye. Although Jason was bigger and stronger than Niklo and could almost always defeat him, on this afternoon Jason let up just slightly, allowing his friend to pin his shoulders to the ground for a hard-fought victory in the scrimmage. Niklo beamed with pride, especially when the wrestling master praised his technique. And Jason was pleased to note, when Niklo jumped to his feet after the pin, that his friend's penis was pumped up to its full 5-inches [12½ cm] of rigid erection.

With wrestling practice over, the 24 boys went straight away to the bathing pool, not bothering to put on the linen tunics they had removed at the beginning or their wrestling lessons. As they walked, the typical maneuvers for sexual pairing were well under way. As usual, the younger boys were being pursued by the oldest lads. Up ahead of Jason, three 16-year-olds were practically elbowing each other out of the way to walk next to 13-year-old Icarus, whose physical beauty was a miracle from the gods. Like all of the youngest boys in the group, the lad's body was devoid of hair. And among his same-age peers, his penis and ball sack showed the fewest signs of approaching sexual maturity. Whatever frustrations he may have felt about the slow development of his genitals, there is no doubt that it enhanced his desirability to the more mature students. Like Jason's adult suitors at those Delian banquets, the older boys were falling all over themselves to win Icarus' favor, hoping to be the one who would be kissing his full red lips and fucking his flawless tight ass that afternoon beside the pool, in full view of the others. Almost like a mating ritual of animals in the wild, the older boys made their cocks stiff for Icarus to admire, and they gave themselves a few discrete jack-off strokes whenever their tumescence began to subside.

Boys and men proudly showing off their erections was by no means an indiscretion in this environment, and it was never an object of teasing or shame, as it might be in other cultures. The erect penis was universally admired by Greeks – a symbol of the primacy of male sexuality in the natural order. Indeed, right next to the Academy's bathing pool was a carved stone "herm". This representation of the god Hermes consisted of a life-size head and – at an anatomically-correct distance below it – a large but realistic phallus and balls springing from smooth stone. No other body parts 3; just head and genitals. Whether intended to inspire the boys' activities, or merely as a monument to the glory of male sex, the stone lecher mutely presided over a daily orgy of boys engaging in a broad array of sexual activities.

On many days, Jason would be in competition with the other 15- and 16-year-olds in the fevered pursuit of the youngest, cutest boys. He had fucked nearly all of these 13-year-olds – including Icarus – and a good many of the 14-year-olds as well. But now Jason put his arm around Niklo's shoulder as they walked, and the other boy returned the gesture. As they glanced in each other's eyes, they both knew – without speaking – that they would be partners in that afternoon's pleasures. Seduction of a pretty 13-year-old might be exciting, but sharing pleasure with a beloved comrade seemed more comforting.

Jason's burning love for Niklo was constrained by another factor, apart from the younger boy's self-imposed limits. That was the set of unofficial rules, enforced by peer pressure, that governed sex among boys 3; and between boys and men. There was one clear standard from which the other rules sprang: a fully grown man must reject any sexual role that might be considered submissive. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the cultural mores proclaimed that a tender youth – one without hair above his penis or a changed voice – was completely unfettered his sexuality. He could give himself – as often as he wished and in any way that pleased him – to boys of any age 3; and, with reasonable discretion, to men as well. Submission to anal penetration and the giving of oral pleasure was his expected role, unless he was with a same-age or younger boy.

The appearance of pubic hair, however, signaled the need to be more circumspect about who he allowed to penetrate his ass, and for whom he would get on his knees to suck. He might give himself to an older boy of appropriate social rank, or to an adult mentor who assumed certain responsibilities. But getting fucked by a peer was now something to be done privately, and with an equal exchange of dominant and submissive roles. Being fucked by a younger boy would be seen as a mark of embarrassing immaturity. A youth of full sexual maturity would generally allow himself to be fucked only by a single adult mentor. And once whiskers began to grow on his face – the final defining element of manhood – it would be shamefully effeminate for a free man to be sexually subservient under any circumstances. Nevertheless, there were more than a few such men in Athens, whose desire to be penetrated by a boy's or man's cock overcame their sense of social decorum. (And of course a slave would submit sexually any time his owner desired it.)

Jason's body was maturing rapidly. He had a thickening growth of pubic hair and a few dark strands sprouting from his armpits, and his voice had recently lowered in tone to a pleasing tenor. But he was ambivalent about his advancing maturity. Although pleased at how attractive it made him to the younger boys, he was saddened by the thought of giving up the experience of a boy's oiled cock gliding sensuously inside his ass. The closer to manhood he got, the more he risked the snickers of his peers at the Academy for pursuing the pleasure of being fucked – even in the privacy of the olive grove – by a fellow student at the Academy.

Niklo had less physical development but was only a few months younger – close enough, thought Jason, to be considered a same-age peer. But Niklo was stingy in his sex play. He was totally devoted to his illustrious mentor, Pericles – a handsome young aristocrat who had just recently attained substantial power in the Athenian democracy. Out of respect for his mentor, Niklo spurned the sexual advances of other boys and men. Friendly kisses and playful mutual masturbation were not in the same category as sucking and fucking, however, and Jason was grateful that his friend was free with these intimacies.

The two would talk for hours about innumerable subjects, sitting naked in the warm Mediterranean breeze, under a tree or by the bathing pool or in a courtyard of the Academy. And they interspersed their serious discussions with playful tussling and physical closeness. Sometimes the friendly kisses turned into a bout of sloppy tongue wrestling that climaxed in urgent mutual stroking – an activity that carried no stigma of sexual submission. Each time, this intimacy filled Jason with hope that his romantic devotion to Niklo might be returned, but the younger boy always refused to take the lovemaking to a higher plane. Jason very nearly offered himself sexually to Niklo without reciprocation, but decided that would be unseemly for a boy of his maturity and that he would lose the respect of his younger friend. But as the two walked down the path together, Jason thought to himself that perhaps this time they might truly make love.

With the bathing pool in sight Jason and Niklo dropped the tunics they had been carrying, ran the last 15 paces, and jumped into the cool spring-fed water. All around them, naked boys were splashing and rough-housing and diving under the surface. The dust of the wrestling arena was washed away and tired bodies were refreshed. Play quickly changed to lust, however, as many of the boys – Jason and Niklo included – embraced and kissed and rubbed hardening cocks together. Pairs of boys snuck off to the privacy of the nearby olive grove. Others had no inhibitions about their acts being in full view of the others.

No adults were present for this festivity. Young and middle-aged men were banned from the grounds of the Academy, and the elderly teachers generally avoided outright voyeurism. In this haven for boy-sex, nearly every one of the students quickly partnered for sex.

"So Jason," said Niklo with a sly grin as he ran his hand across his friend's hairless chest and underwater down to his now-stiff cock; "you said you will do anything if I give myself to you?"

"Oh, Niklo 3; I would be your slave!" replied Jason with romantic hyperbole.

There was a twinkle in Niklo's eye. An erotic nerve had been struck. "My slave, eh? Perhaps I should take you up on that!" Niklo was still pumped with confidence from his victory over Jason in the wrestling scrimmage, and he had decided to prolong the heady feeling of dominance and probe the limits of his older friend's tolerance.

The younger boy hopped up to sit at the side of the pool, with his legs dangling in the water, his feet gliding along Jason's body. "Here is my offer. You may have your way with me today in the olive grove," he said in a quiet voice that only Jason could hear; "but first you must indulge me with some play-acting here by the pool." He spread his legs wide and continued, "you will act as my obedient slaveboy and serve at my every command 3; beginning by using your mouth to please me." Niklo's stiff penis throbbed with arousal and his fingers sensuously drew the foreskin down to fully uncover his beautiful dark cockhead.

Jason blushed and his heart beat faster as he gazed at the young adolescent erection that he so desperately wanted to suck. A shiver ran through his body. Although he had not expected to be taken literally with his remark about being Niklo's slave, the thought was now irresistibly erotic. Had he not fantasized being a slaveboy during some of his countless solo masturbation sessions? Did he not sometimes imagine being one of the pretty twins who spent so many nights in his mentor's bed?

Even though his intense lust urged him on, however, he knew that playing this game in such a public setting would guarantee ridicule. But, oddly, even this embarrassment was generating a strange erotic power. His own penis pulsed with lust as he contemplated the prospect of being sexually submissive to a younger and less mature boy in the midst of his classmates.

He looked up at Niklo and grinned. "Your humble slaveboy will do as his master commands," he said impulsively, his voice just barely above a whisper.

Niklo was relieved that his audacious suggestion had not met with an angry rebuff. He stood up and called out in an authoritative voice "Alright slave; get on your knees and suck my cock 3; and make it good, boy, or I'll spank your butt." That caused surprised heads to turn toward them, as Jason pulled himself out of the water and then knelt at Niklo's feet. He felt intense excitement as he brought his mouth down to suck on the slender 5-inch [12½ cm] cock, and his hands slid along the sides of Niklo's smooth strong thighs and round ass cheeks. When his lips encircled the foreskin-covered head, he hungrily licked it, tasting the pre-cum that formed at the slit. Jason's lips and tongue pushed the foreskin down, and he lavished attention on the exposed cockhead and angular ridge of hyper-sensitive flesh. Niklo groaned with pleasure and pulled Jason's head down, driving his cock deeper into his friend's willing mouth. As the slippery head pressed against the back of his mouth, Jason was determined to take it all – remembering the technique of the hired female prostitutes at the all-night banquets on Delos. He willed his throat to open and accept the slender lance. As if by magic, the stiff rod of flesh was engulfed by Jason's throat, and the boy's lips pressed firmly against the sparse pubic hair at its base. He brought his wet lips back up the warm stalk and then plunged down again, this time opening his throat with seeming ease. Jason quickly fell into a rhythm of urgent deep-throat sucking, anxious to show his total devotion to Niklo's pleasure. Though he had often taken boys' cocks into his mouth before – sometimes even swallowing their seed – he had never done it like this 3; this deeply or this aggressively.

Through the haze of his lust-charged brain, Jason now heard the comments of the on-looking boys, mixing with the groans of pleasure from Niklo.

"Our Delian classmate is quite the submissive cocksucker!"

"He takes it like a slave!"

"No. Like a whore!"

"Or an old faggot!"

"I'm next-in-line for his mouth!"

"Then me!"

The mocking laughter generated by these comments did not deter Jason's oral efforts. In fact, they filled his brain with a mysterious and intoxicating emotion that combined joyous exhilaration with humiliation 3; unbridled lust with chest- tightening apprehension.

Suddenly, Niklo's hands forced his head away, and the glistening erection slid from Jason's sucking lips with an audible pop, springing back to slap Niklo's belly.

"By the Gods, Jason! When you pay up on a wager, you deliver the full share!" Jason was confused for a moment, kneeling on the ground by the pool, panting for breath. Niklo went on, in a tone of good-natured kidding, talking as much to the onlookers than to Jason: "You would likely defeat me on the wrestling grounds 9 bouts out of 10, but when you make such a wager as that, you tempt the gods to teach you a lesson in humility 3;. So now I will assist the gods in their lesson, my young slaveboy. To complete my reward for pinning you in the wrestling ring, I claim your ass as mine. Get in position to be fucked, boy!"

Jason's eyes twinkled as he looked up at Niklo. Then he looked around at the grinning faces of the onlookers. Niklo had rescued Jason's reputation by putting his willing sexual submission in the context of a lost wager – boyhood fun rather than breach of a social taboo. Wagering for sexual prizes was actually quite common – some were paid off in private, but others played out for the sport of the entire class of Academy boys.

Jason stood up and walked a few paces over to a simple wooden bench, leaning down to rest his hands on the seat. He spread his legs and bent his knees a bit, ready for what was coming. Niklo poured some oil from a ceramic bottle onto his hand, coating his cock with it and wiping his slippery fingers in the crack of Jason's upraised ass. Jason looked back over his shoulder and smiled at the handsome 14-year-old standing right behind him.

Suddenly, there was a loud *SLAP*, accompanied by a sharp pain on Jason's right butt cheek where he had been spanked at full strength by Niklo's open palm.

"Head down, slave, while I take what's mine," said the younger boy with mock-arrogance. Jason's face burned with humiliation as all the others laughed, and he placed his forearms on the bench, clasped his hands together, and rested his forehead on them. His body and mind were buzzing with sexual energy and his heart thumped in his chest as he raised up his ass and waited for his friend to dominate him 3; while 14 boys of various ages stood in a circle to watch. Teasingly, Niklo rubbed the tip of his oiled erection firmly against the puckered anal hole several times, and each time Jason flexed the circle of muscle in excited anticipation.

"Tell everyone how willing my little slaveboy is 3; and make it convincing lest you be in default on our wager."

Actually, Jason's mind was already alive with thoughts of desire and submission, and his previous masturbation fantasies fed his imagination. But could he actually say out loud the words that were in his brain?



"Speak up, boy, unless you really want me to warm up your butt."


"Ugh! 3; Oh, master," he said in words that had trouble escaping his throat, which was tight with humiliation and sexual tension; "my body is yours to use in any way that pleases you 3;. I beg you to thrust your thick cock in my slaveboy cunt."

"That's better," said Niklo as he positioned his rigid cock.

As Niklo's hips thrust forward, Jason again flexed open his anus and pushed his ass back. He felt the usual jolt of discomfort at the initial intrusion of the adolescent cockhead into the tight ring of muscle. But it was immediately transformed into familiar warm pleasure as the shaft slid into his rectum. Both boys moaned at the same moment. Niklo kept pushing his cock forward even after he had achieved full penetration, and Jason kept pushing back 3; both striving to drive the adolescent boner just a little bit deeper into Jason's ass. Finally, Niklo pulled back and began a slow, steady cadence of fuck-strokes, forcefully in and more slowly out, holding firmly to the knobs of Jason's hip bones.

Jason concentrated on the indescribable sensation of a hot slippery erection sliding rhythmically past his tight anus and filling his insides. His brain silently voiced the words of love and submission that he could not bring himself to speak out loud for everyone to hear. 'My beautiful lover 3; Take me 3; Yes! So good 3; Oh gods, how I love you! 3; Fill my body with your cock 3; Fill me with your seed 3; 3; Fuck me forever! 3; Yes 3; harder 3; more 3; OH, YES!'

Some of the watchers were still making wise-cracks as Jason silently accepted Niklo's rutting thrusts, but others were clearly aroused by the display. Among the audience, pairs of boys were stroking each other's erections as they gazed at the two mid-teens putting on so blatant a sex show. Little Icarus stood next to a mature 16-year-old named Mikos – the strongest and best-endowed in the Academy class. The younger lad had his hand wrapped around his older partner's man-size cock as they both watched Jason being fucked.

"Niklo, my friend!" called out Mikos. "Let me fuck your slaveboy's mouth while you plow his ass!"

"I have a better idea," gasped Niklo, as he humped Jason's backside in a steady rhythm. "My slaveboy will give suck to young Icarus. I'll venture he's never had his cock properly attended to by an older boy."

"Yes!" giggled the prepubescent youngster in a high chirping voice. "You are right, Niklo. I have sucked just about every cock in the Academy in the two months I've been here, but none of you has yet deigned to pleasure me 3; except to diddle my penis with your fingers as you stretch my ass with those oversized clubs between your legs."

That got another round of laughter from the assembled boys. To be sure, the youngest and least mature of the Academy boys might have trouble getting his cock sucked 3; at least until a boy even younger and less mature came along. So it should have been especially humiliating for Jason to have Icarus slide onto the bench in front of his face, the youngster's plump thumb-size erection and round little ball sack waiting to receive oral attention.

But in Jason's mind, the mounting humiliation continued to be transformed in a strange way into lust. And besides, his sexual fantasies had often been filled with images of young boys' stiff cocks – especially after being around his mentor's twin boyslaves – and he had entertained masturbatory thoughts of how a boyish boner would feel on his tongue. Icarus sat with his legs spread, his crotch right in Jason's face. The head of his penis was completely hidden beneath the taut foreskin, but Jason skinned it down with his fingertips to reveal a cute cockhead, glowing dark red with arousal. With his senses already stimulated by the exquisite ass-fucking that he was receiving, Jason took the 3-inch [7½ cm] morsel between his lips and tongued the sensitive flesh. Icarus squealed with delight as Jason began to move his hot wet mouth up and down, swirling his tongue over every surface, including the round ball sack. Niklo picked up the pace of his fuck-strokes, and Jason sucked and tongued faster and harder at the stiff immature penis in his mouth.

Grunts from Niklo mixed with high-pitched giggles and sighs from young Icarus, all but drowning out Jason's own muffled moans of pleasure. And as Niklo picked up speed, he leaned down and wrapped his strong arms around his older friend's torso – left hand caressing Jason's chest, and right hand grasping Jason's rigid erection. As his oiled cock plunged into Jason's hole with increasing urgency, Niklo pumped the 6-inch [15 cm] boner in his hand with fast firm strokes, guaranteed to produce a quick result.

Sure enough, it was Jason who shot his cum first 3; blasting his seed onto the dusty ground beneath him while Niklo rode the resulting wave of anal contractions to his own incredibly powerful orgasm. Jason's mouth stayed clamped to the tiny cock he was servicing, and Icarus began trembling with pleasure from the dry cum that wracked his small body, his little penis spasming in Jason's mouth.

As the three boys disengaged, there were friendly smiles on the faces of all the gathered onlookers and admiring comments 3; directed mostly to Niklo and Icarus, but also to Jason. To have shown good sportsmanship in fulfilling a lost wager – enduring humiliation with stoicism – was a sign of admirable character. And of course Jason was not ABOUT to tell them that there had been no wager at all!

Jason and Niklo jumped back into the bathing pool, washing off the accumulation of sweat, dust, and sex. They held each other and kissed, talking in low voices as the attention of the other boys turned to their partners 3; and to the prospect of watching another sex show.

"Thanks for that story about the wager," whispered Jason. "I would not have been able to face the shame if you had not. I was quite reckless in my lust. Were it not for your little fib 3;."

"Think nothing of it. It was I who was reckless, risking our friendship by asking for such as that 3;. But now it is I who will be your slaveboy, up in the olive grove."

The two kissed, long and lovingly, one last time. As they climbed out of the pool, grabbing up their tunics, they looked over at the next public showcase of adolescent lust. Beside the priapic statute of Hermes, the sturdy Mikos was fucking Icarus in a standing position. Icarus had his legs wrapped around the older boy's waist and hands locked behind his neck. Mikos's big hands supported the youngster's ass cheeks, guiding the boy's body and spreading him open for the 7-inch [18 cm] cock that impaled him. Icarus was truly enjoying the assault, however. As the thick oiled erection was sliding in and out of his tender ass, Icarus had his head tilted back, eyed closed. As he energetically raised and lowered his body in an exquisitely sensuous motion, the youngster cooed and squealed with happy pleasure-noises. Jason and Niklo lingered a few moments to watch, entranced by this perfect example of Greek eroticism – the image of youthful boy-beauty in willing service to mature masculine lust.

Still dripping and totally nude, Jason and Niklo began walking the several hundred feet up a hillside path to reach a grove thickly planted with olive trees. Waist-high grasses grew between the trees, making a soft and semi-private nest for couples lying down to make love. And couples there were. The protocol demanded that those entering the grove at this time of the afternoon look and listen carefully so as not to intrude on the amorous activities of others. Although the privacy was mostly an illusion, it succeeded in allowing older boys (or bashful younger ones) to engage in sexual acts that would have embarrassed them if done in public.

Finding a comfortable spot, Jason and Niklo spread their linen tunics out as protection from the tickley long grass. As they lay down together, Niklo said with a smile "What does my master wish of his obedient slaveboy? I will do as you command."

Jason kissed his friend and replied "I wish that you were as helplessly in love with me as I am with you 3;. So I command you to lay with me and play-act that we are the only people in the world, and that nothing else matters but our love for each other." He tried to sound facetious, but the longing in his heart was clearly revealed on his face.

Niklo ran his hand through Jason's thick brown hair and then tenderly across his cheek. "That will not be a difficult role for me to act, dear friend." And he took Jason in his arms and kissed him deeply as their bodies melded together.

And it DID seem as though they were alone in the world, without a care, as they kissed and whispered and laughed and kissed some more. Hands roamed freely, caressing and fondling. Both cocks quickly reawakened to stiff erections. Sometimes they lay side- by-side 3; cock-to-cock. Other times one atop the other, face-to- face, smooth warm bodies rubbing together. Jason was totally content, for he knew in his heart that Niklo's tenderness was not just an act.

Finally, as Jason lay on his back with Niklo snuggling atop in his arms, the younger boy said "Jason; let me pleasure you now. I'll do it the same way my mentor enjoys. Lie still while I work."

And with one last passionate tongue-kiss, Niklo began to work his lips and tongue slowly down his friend's body 3; nibbling at his neck 3; the small tan nipples on his chest 3; Niklo's fingers moving in sensuous swirls over shoulders and upper arms and chest. The tip of his tongue dipped into Jason's navel, bringing a giggle. Down further, Niklo knelt between Jason's spread legs and his hands slid up the smooth inner thighs. With his face only an inch above the head of the older boy's stiff penis, Niklo inhaled the subtle musk, then blew a long stream of warm breath with his lips pursed. A shudder ran through Jason's tense body. Then Niklo's tongue flicked out, running along the shaft.

Top to bottom several times, his tongue-tip teasingly stimulated Jason's rigid erection. Then down to his balls, hanging in a loose sack of silky skin 3; licking, sucking each orb in turn. As he pleased Jason's balls, Niklo took the adolescent cock in his right hand, gently running the foreskin up and down, alternately exposing and fully concealing the dark red cockhead. Niklo's mouth came up and kissed the cockhead softly 3; slowly 3; then tongued it with the lightest caresses. Then his lips surrounded the little plumb of sex-flesh, and in tandem with his tongue they teased and probed more aggressively. Bringing his other hand to Jason's balls, Niklo fondled them as Jason purred.

Then Niklo's his mouth descended, taking the shaft of Jason's penis into its wet warmth 3; sucking, licking 3; slowly working down the pulsing shaft 3; letting the exposed cockhead graze gently along the top of his mouth. Jason groaned with pleasure. His body stiffened as he arched his back.

Niklo tried to take all of the cock shaft into his mouth, as Jason had done for him, but he could not overcome his throat's resistance, even after several attempts. The discomfort was even bringing tears to his eyes. And he could not hide the sounds of his throat's refusal. Jason sat up and touched Niklo's face with his fingers.

"Niklo 3; stop 3; please don't hurt yourself."

"But I wanted to 3;"

"Yes, I know. And I love you all the more for your desire to please me 3;. But remember that you are my slave as we lie here, and your master commands you to desist." Jason's gentle smile as he said these words warmed Niklo's heart, and he returned to lavishing the first 3 inches [7½ cm] of Jason's cock with his loving oral attentions. Then he stopped and rose up on his knees.

"The stallion is ready to be ridden," announced Niklo with a grin, and he moved up to straddle Jason's midsection, his knees on either side of his friend's torso. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, Niklo took a generous amount of saliva, reached behind himself, and massaged it into his anus. Spitting again into his hand, he added another coating to Jason's erection, supplementing the slickness that remained from his sucking. Then, holding Jason's cock steady, Niklo brought himself down slowly and steadily on the 6-inch [15 cm] erection. The slender penis slid into Niklo's body with ease, owing to the younger boy's having shared the bed of a virile adult mentor for nearly a year.

"Oh, Niklo! It's so good!" moaned Jason, as the younger boy began to ride Jason's cock like a cavalryman on a horse. His hands grasped Niklo's thighs, and his pelvis rose up slightly off the ground to match his friend's movements.

And Niklo was in the grip of his own pleasure as well, his own penis stiff with lust. This was the first time in many months that anyone other than his mentor had taken him anally, but a collage of sexually-charged memories flooded into his consciousness – the warm memories of his many earlier experiences of being fucked by other boys.

Jason rode a wave of physical and psychic pleasure. His cock was sliding in and out of the only boy he truly loved, and he could see the pleasure on Niklo's face. His hand moved to the boy's bouncing erection and held it firmly. With Niklo's energetic movement, his penis almost masturbated itself in Jason's hand. As the tension in Jason's loins began to gather – the familiar prelude to sexual climax – he worked his hand up and down, making Niklo groan with over-stimulation.

"Come on lover 3; spray your seed all over me 3;. Come on 3; do it!" Jason's hand moved in fast firm strokes that quickly drove Niklo to the edge.

"Oh, yes, Jason! YES!" gasped the boy, his semen spurting onto Jason's chest, diminished only slightly in amount from the previous load that had filled Jason's ass down by the pool.

Thoroughly distracted by the ecstacy of orgasm, Niklo ceased his cock-riding motions and rested his hands on Jason's chest, gasping for breath.

Though his cock pleaded for release, Jason lay still beneath his friend, concentrating on the incredible feeling from the anal spasms that massaged his straining penis for the entire duration of Niklo's climax.

Resting right on the very edge of orgasm – a magical state that he had never before experienced in his usual adolescent rush to cum quickly when the urge became this great – Jason pulled Niklo down onto him and kissed him deeply. Then Jason rolled the two of them over so that now he was on top, still kissing, his cock still throbbing deep in Niklo's rectum.

Though the spasms of orgasm had passed, Niklo consciously contracted and relaxed his anal muscles around the hot rigid cock inside him. For his part, Jason flexed the muscle that made his erection jerk slightly inside his friend's rectum. They both giggled at this shared discovery of a new little pleasure. Their whole bodies slowly rubbed together as they kissed, and their hands caressed each other's faces and hair.

"Oh, Niklo! I love you so much!"

"Jason, I 3; I love you too. I know I should be loyal to my mentor, but I cannot help myself 3;. I love you!"

The words he had so wanted to hear filled Jason with utter joy – a wave of emotion that swept through his body with a flood of warm ecstacy. He said nothing, but tears filled his eyes as he looked down on Niklo's handsome face. The boys kissed again 3; gently, lovingly 3; then more intensely. Arms encircled bodies and the two lover hugged each other savagely. As Jason's hips humped into Niklo with instinctive force, striving for orgasm, the younger boy drew back his legs.

"Come, my powerful lover. Fuck me hard and fill me with your seed!"

Jason's placed his hands behind Niklo's knees, pushing his legs back to his shoulders so that the boy's ass was at a perfect angle to be vigorously plowed.

It only took nine thrusts, delivered with savage urgency, before Jason's brain exploded with stars and ultimate pleasure ripped through his body. Spurts of sex-fluid pulsed from his throbbing cock, deep into Niklo's bowels. Both boys groaned and laughed and hugged and kissed.

As the last trembling spasms subsided in Jason's body, he slowly pulled out and rolled over to lay at Niklo's side. They lay in contented silence for a few blissful minutes, hugging, caressing. Then a serious look came over Jason's face.

"I could never love another as I love you, Niklo 3;. But I realize that I must respect your devotion to the great Pericles. Know that I will always stand ready to be your passionate lover, my friend 3; whenever you want me."

Niklo's expression was mixture of seriousness, love, and a bit of sadness. "Thank you for your understanding, my dearest friend. I will remember this day always, but we are both growing up – you especially. We will always be comrades, Jason, and I will always be there to share sensual caresses with you at the pool and in the courtyard. But you are correct that I must return to my pledge of loyalty to my mentor 3;. But if that ever changes 3;." He didn't finish. Instead he leapt onto Jason's body and began wrestling playfully as both boys laughed.

Chapter 2

N.B. The author wrote a prologue of chapter 2 at the end of chapter 1. The final start of chapter 2 was different in respect of the last paragraphs of the prologue. I give here both versions:
Original prologue of chapter 2 & First paragraphs chapter 2; identical part
As Jason sat in the garden of the large villa, his eyes strained in the dim light of evening to read the words on the scroll on his lap. The play by Aeschylus was interesting, but it would be better to watch it performed, as the author intended.

Jason's concentration was broken by Sohrab, the Persian slave who was the household's butler. The eunuch had entered the garden so silently that Jason was not aware of him until the man was only a few paces away.

"A thousand pardons, young master," he said softly and with deference. Only after Jason raised his eyes from the scroll and acknowledged him did the slightly effeminate man continue. "Your mentor bids you to come to his personal quarters that he may speak to you of important matters."

"Thank you, Sohrab. I will go immediately." As Jason handed the papyrus scroll to the Persian, their hands touched and their eyes met. Jason felt the unmistakable vibe of a sexual come-on. He had sensed it before from the slave 3; never verbally, but in body language that clearly said 'I am available to serve you sexually.' But tempting as it was – Jason had never fucked a man before, even a slave – he would need the permission of his mentor first. That would be awkward, especially in light of Sohrab's previous position in the household.

Brought to Athens 15 years previously as a boy – a eunuch of the royal Persian court – Sohrab was part of the considerable war-booty won in the Greek victories over the Persian Empire. He had been purchased by Timarcus to be his personal slave. Timarcus had a liking even then for the exotic appeal of foreign boyslaves, and Jason could imagine how beautiful Sohrab must have been as a youth. Even now, at age 25, the Persian resembled a pretty (though too-well-fed) youth of 13, enlarged to the height of a man. After years of very personal service to his master, Sohrab had been replaced in Timarcus's bed by the arrival of the twins 3; but he was rewarded with a substantial increase in status and responsibility. As butler he effectively ran the villa, directing the work of 15 other household slaves.

As Jason approached his mentor's personal living space – a study, lounging area, and bedroom combined – he heard the soft tune of a lyre. Both Dov and Danni were skilled players of the flute and lyre, and Jason found the tune distinctly sensual 3; almost liquid in its flowing notes. Of course, practically everything about the twins was distinctly sensual.

When he stood at the open door of the finely-furnished room, Jason suppressed a grin and considered whether he should leave. Sitting on a stool at a small writing desk, at the center of the room, the 45-year-old Timarcus had his eyes closed and his head tilted back 3; a look of pleasure on his face. A writing stylus dangled limply from his right hand above a half-completed tablet. His toga had fallen off his shoulder, exposing his hairy chest. Behind him stood Dov, arms wrapped around the man's neck, hands caressing his chest, and his lips and tongue imparting teasing little pleasures to his master's ear. Timarcus's left hand reached behind his back, apparently fondling the naked boy.

On the wide bed at the rear of the room sat Danni– distinguishable from his brother only by his longer hair. He was naked, propped against pillows as he plucked the strings of the lyre. His eyes met Jason's and he smiled warmly, but he said nothing and continued playing.

Jason cleared his throat to announce his presence. "Ahem 3;. Mentor; you summoned me? Shall I return at a later time?"

The man blushed slightly and grinned. "Ah, come in Jason 3;. It's difficult to work when there are distractions such as these!" And he kissed Dov on the cheek and ruffled his curly hair. The boy was resting his chin on the man's shoulder, a look of mischievous sexuality in his dark eyes. "Dov, my pet; get the young master a goblet of wine and a stool to sit on."

As the 12-year-old stepped out from behind his master, it was clear where Timarcus's left hand had been. The slaveboy's plump 3-inch [7½ cm] erection pointed straight up, glowing red with arousal. Jason's eyes were drawn to the prepubescent boner – similar to that of young Icarus at the Academy, except for the unusual absence of foreskin around the slightly flared cockhead. This made the boy's penis look more like a miniature version of a mature organ, somehow more intensely and blatantly sexual than a Greek boy's hooded erection. Dov brought over a stool and then fetched the wine. As he handed the goblet to the seated Jason, with his back to Timarcus, Dov shamelessly fingered his little boner for Jason's visual pleasure. And Jason was mesmerized.

Original prologue of chapter 2 continues:
"Jason?" Now it was Timarcus's turn to suppress a grin as the teenager looked up sheepishly and Dov returned to his master's side. "I will be leaving Athens early tomorrow morning on a military mission. The Council has decreed that a detachment of our navy go to the island of Thasos, which is in rebellion against the League of Greek States. Thasos will no doubt relent and pay their assessment after we have sunk a few of their ships. But I must assume that it will be at least a week before my ship returns. With my sons grown and burdened with their own responsibilities, I will depend on you to be the man of the household. You will stand in my place, consulting with my wife and with Sohrab, regarding the affairs of the villa. If you need further counsel, send a message to my elder son and he will assist you."

Timarcus ran his hand over Dov's baby-smooth ass for a moment before he spoke again. "You may sleep here in my quarters during my absence 3;. And as master of the house, you may freely exercise your right to bring any of my household slaves to your bed to pleasure you." With a look back to Danni, still playing his lyre, he added, "and I would be disappointed if you did not allow my little twin treasures to show you their special skills 3;."

First paragraphs chapter 2 continue:
"(Ahem) 3; Jason?" Timarcus, the wealthy middle-aged Athenian broke the erotically-charged silence and suppressed a grin as Jason looked up sheepishly.

Jason had been totally distracted, almost hypnotized, by the sight of the slaveboy who stood naked before him. Dov, one of the beautiful 12-year-old identical twin slaves who were Timarcus's personal servants, had been sensuously fingering his prepubescent erection 3; with his back to his master and only a few feet from where Jason sat. Pursing his full red lips, Dov mimed a kiss toward Jason before turning around and walking back to his master's side.

"I will be leaving Athens early tomorrow morning on a military mission. The Council has decreed that a detachment of our navy go to the island of Thasos, which you no doubt have heard is in rebellion against the League of Greek States. I am certain that Thasos will relent and pay their annual assessment after we have sunk a few of their ships and put their treasonous leaders in chains. But I must assume that it will be at least a week before my ship returns. With my sons grown and burdened with their own responsibilities, I will depend on you to be the man of the household. You will stand in my place, issuing orders through Sohrab, regarding the affairs of the villa. Additionally, each afternoon you will ride down to the shipyard to observe the progress on my newest commercial vessel. Talk to each of the foremen and prepare a daily report that I may read when I return. If you need further counsel in any of these matters, send a message to my elder son and he will assist you."

Jason was speechless for a long moment, but then excitedly proclaimed "Thank you, Mentor! I will justify your confidence in me."

"I know that you will, Jason."

Timarcus ran his hand over Dov's baby-smooth ass before he spoke again. "You may sleep here in my personal quarters during my absence 3;. And as master of the house, you may of course bring any of my household slaves to your bed to pleasure you." With a look back to Danni, who was sitting on the bed and softly playing the lyre, Timarcus smiled and added, "and I would be disappointed if you did not allow my little twin treasures to show you some of their special skills 3;."

Jason glanced over at Dov. The lad's dark eyes burned right into the 15-year-old's soul with a smouldering look of mature sensuality that would have been frightening if it were not so arousing. Dov's pretty mouth parted slightly, and the tip of his tongue made a slow circuit around his lips. With effort, Jason averted his gaze, lest he become lost in his erotic thoughts of Dov and Danni 3; and of their "special skills".

"That will be all, Jason. I will be gone when you awake in the morning. Confer with Sohrab first thing, before you leave for your studies at the Academy. You will need to direct him regarding household activities for the day."

"Very well, Mentor. Good sailing to you, and a fresh breeze to return you home." He kissed the man formally and left 3; but not before glancing once again at each twin.

Darkness had fallen, and Jason retired to his small, plainly furnished room and removed his linen tunic. As he lay naked on the narrow bed, a swirl of emotions coursed through his brain. He would have such responsibility! But what an honor and a learning opportunity it would be. And the thought of bedding the beautiful and exotic twins! His cock throbbed to a quick erection in his hand as he contemplated the possibilities. As he fantasized the pleasures he would experience with the boyslaves, he masturbated his cock with the impetuously rapid strokes of youthful lust, quickly spurting his seed up onto his hairless chest and belly. That settled his excitement a bit, and he basked in the afterglow of orgasm as he drifted off to sleep.

"Master? 3; Master? 3; It is time to awaken."

Jason opened his eyes to the sight of the household's butler, Sohrab, standing beside his bed in the morning light. The implication of word 'master' finally penetrated Jason's foggy brain. He actually WAS the master – however temporarily – of one of the great villas of Athens. He had 15 slaves who now answered to him as they would to their real master, Timarcus.

"May we converse about the day's activities?" said the 25-year-old eunuch quietly. "I will wash and dress you as we talk, if you wish."

Jason yawned. "Certainly. Proceed, Sohrab." The wiry adolescent tossed the light blanket aside, rose up out of bed and stretched. The Persian slave was already speaking about household matters as he fetched a bowl of water and sponge and a clean white tunic. Jason was not the least bit embarrassed by the morning erection that stood up at his crotch – a firm 6-inch [15 cm] cock of youthful slender proportions, framed by a sparse nest of dark hair. But he was aware that Sohrab's eyes were drawn to it, and he was amused at the effeminate slave's fascination.

The slave dipped the sponge, squeezed it out, and ran it lightly over Jason's chest and shoulders. He scrubbed more firmly to clean off some crusty residue of cum on the youth's torso. All the while, he was talking about work assignments for the household staff, minor maintenance tasks to be carried out, the food that would be purchased and prepared for that days's meals. Jason didn't know that these were matters that Timarcus routinely left to his butler's discretion; the master had directed that they be made with Jason's approval so that he might have a taste of decision-making.

Sohrab sank to his knees to sponge the lower part of Jason's body, dabbing the sponge over the boy's rigid erection and around his dangling balls, then down his legs as he knelt before the boy. Finally he stood up and put the sponge aside.

"There are no other matters for your approval at present, Master. I will carry out your wishes," said the slave as he unfolded the tunic and held it open to be slipped over Jason's arms and head.

"Please know that I will do all in my power to assist you. And if there is any service I can provided 3; any service at all, Master 3;." As he was saying this, Sohrab glanced at the boy's tumescent penis.

Jason smiled. It was so obvious – not just this morning but on previous occasions – that the slave was signaling his very willing availability. But though Jason was ready for a good orgasm (he typically masturbated first thing each morning), he did not find the eunuch particularly arousing. There was none of the instant lust that he experienced whenever he thought about the young twins or about his classmate Niklo 3; or various other classmates at the Athenian Academy for that matter. Although Sohrab's face was certainly appealing, the almost-female softness of his body was the very opposite of the Greek ideal. But Jason had no doubt that the Persian was talented in the ways of imparting sexual pleasure, recalling the time he briefly observed the slave orally serving Timarcus in a remote corner of the villa's gardens. Jason was at a distance but had gazed on the scene for several minutes with voyeuristic arousal before discretely withdrawing.

"Yes, Sohrab; there is a service you may provide 3;." Jason reached down to his erection, his fingertips sliding the foreskin down to fully expose the dark red crown, saying in a matter-of- fact tone "take care of this with your mouth. But you must be quick about it. I've a busy day."

Sohrab was not at all offended by the blunt nature of the order. Such directness was the appropriate protocol for exchanges between a slave and a citizen – and even more so between slave and master.

"Right away, Master." His voice remained calm and deferential as he returned to his knees, but his senses glowed with hungry delight. The handsome youth had finally responded to his advances. Perhaps a quick sampling of oral techniques might convince the lad of the slave's desirability. The eunuch may have lacked a masculine sex-drive, but he had been tantalized for months by thoughts of being fucked vigorously by the boy. Sohrab so missed the days of his youth when he had been his master's favorite bed partner 3; and had been given as a special treat for the night to honored house-guests. These days he usually had to seduce the crude and slow-witted Thracian stableboy to satisfy his desire to take a cock in his mouth 3; and his absolute craving to be anally penetrated.

The eunuch's hands did not touch Jason at first – only his mouth. Wrapping his lips around the cockhead, half-hidden by foreskin, Sohrab bathed it with gentle swirls of his tongue for a few moments and then moved his wet lips down 3; all the way down 3; in one smooth plunge, until his mouth was pressing against Jason's pubic hair. The adolescent boy moaned softly as the head of his stiff penis entered the slave's throat. The eunuch brought his mouth up, sucking a vacuum with his sealed wet lips, then quickly down, causing the cockhead to once again penetrate his throat.

Five times in quick succession he expertly swallowed the erection. Then, leaving the stiff penis embedded after the fifth such entrance, the slave's throat muscles made undulating motions around it as he subtly moved his head up and down, sliding along the cock only a fraction of an inch. Jason had never been sucked like this, and pleasure rushed through his body. Then there was a quiet low humming sound that reached Jason's ears at the same instant that a new surge of stimulation surrounded his cockhead. Sohrab's larynx was producing a guttural buzzing that caused intense vibrations around the entrapped top of the boy's penis, bringing sensations that were quite unlike anything Jason had ever experienced. The teenager's body tensed and his fingers entwined tightly in the slave's hair and he gasped at the powerful stimulus.

"AGH! 3; How do you do that?!"

The 25-year-old eunuch glanced up at the boy, eyes twinkling. He thought back to his time at the Persian royal court, so many years before, when he was gelded and then expertly trained as a boy-courtesan. The teachers had been thorough in imparting their ancient knowledge to the numerous young pleasure-slaves like himself.

His lips rose up again and his tongue writhed around the 6-inch [15 cm] erection like a slippery snake, swirling intensely around the cockhead and then pulling off the cock completely. Now the slave's hand came up and grasped the adolescent phallus, pulling the skin down tightly so that the purple cockhead stood out prominently 3; exposed and delightfully vulnerable. Sohrab smiled and took the mushroom of flesh between his lips again. But instead of sliding down the shaft, he concentrated on the top inch, from piss-slit to just below the slightly-flared ridge – licking and nibbling and sucking, teasing the taut skin aggressively. The intensity increased when he began twisting his head vigorously from side to side, causing his lips to rotate around the hyper-sensitive ridge. Jason knew that this would indeed be a quick suck 3; and he moaned for the slave to finish him off. But there was yet another level of sexual pleasure for Jason to attain 3;.

"Ahhhh! By the goddess Athena! I can hardly bear it!" Jason's nervous system was feeling the most incredible blast of sensation in all of the youth's 15 years – Sohrab was gently scraping his teeth along Jason's cockhead as his tongue-tip probed the tiny piss-slit. This was clearly not the unintentional tooth-scraping of an inexperienced 13-year-old student at the Academy. It was the well-measured infliction of the most exquisite kind of pleasure-pain, causing Jason to cry out in glorious erotic agony. Just as it seemed that the sensation was about to cross the threshold into true discomfort, the slave's mouth plunged down again, deep-throating the boy's cock.

With Jason's balls cradled firmly in his hand, the eunuch began the final push to orgasm, running his lips and tongue up and down the shaft, as the head of Jason's cock was being masturbated by the muscles of Sohrab's talented throat. Jason's mind was out of control with lust 3; his hips bucking in frantic thrusts 3; his hands riding the slave's bobbing head.

"AHHH, YESSSS!" he cried out, as he climaxed in powerful spasms of sexual release. "Oh gods, YES!"

The slave held the throbbing cock all the way in his throat, the circles of muscle massaging out the last dribbles of the hot cum as he swallowed repeatedly. Sohrab finally released the glistening penis from his mouth as Jason's erection started retreated to softness. The entire session of pleasuring had taken less than three minutes 3; a blur of erotic virtuosity that left the boy speechless at first.

Sohrab rose to his feet and casually picked up the clean tunic, again holding it out for Jason to slip into. His demeanor revealed no hint of the intense sexuality that had just concluded.

"That was absolutely 3; uh 3; it was 3; cleverly done," said Jason awkwardly as he slipped into the garment. It would be inappropriate to speak too effusively about the actions of a slave. Then he spoke with more self-assurance: "I will go to the shipyard at Piraeus directly from the Academy to view the progress on my mentor's ship. You will arrange for a horse?"

"Of course, Master. And 3; thank you for allowing me to serve you." Though his words were soft and deferential, the slave's eyes betrayed his continuing desires – which were boosted considerably when Jason nodded, with a trace of a friendly smile on his lips.

Jason couldn't concentrate on his lessons at the Academy. His life was now so full of new challenges and experiences and expectations. He gushed to his best friend Niklo about the exciting implications.

"Niklo; you must come stay with me tonight! We could have the twins serve us together. It would be incredible!"

"I am sorry, Jason 3;. Yes, it would be fun, but I have to attend to duty. My mentor is under stress at this time of crisis for the League of Greek States 3; the very reason why your mentor has sailed off and left you with his pretty slaveboys. Pericles says that my love and companionship bring him peace after a day of trouble. I would not abandon his needs for the sake of a little fun."

"You are right 3; as always," said Jason with a note of friendly sarcasm in his voice. "I just wish that the great Pericles had a pretty boyslave or two who could replace you in his bed on occasion." He kissed Niklo quickly on the lips, and they both ran to their next class.

After wrestling practice, Jason had no time for the pleasures of the bathing pool. He went to the Academy's gate and looked about. He spotted one of his mentor's horses tied to a tree, with the 18-year-old stableboy sitting against the same tree, asleep.

"Pelus! Wake up, fool! Bring me the horse!" His sharp words got the desired response from the lazy Thracian slave, who was far stronger of body than of mind.

The bare-chested stableboy got to his feet and prepared the horse. Jason studied the almost-mature youth, noticing his strong arms, muscular chest, and tight butt. He felt the tingling of sexual arousal and concluded that the husky slave might be an interesting bed partner 3; but only after he had become satiated with the twins.

Pelus clasped his hands together for Jason to step on as he mounted the horse. Jason was off at a trot, eager to cover the 6 miles to the waterfront at Piraeus and carry out his assignment. It took more than an hour to question each of the shipbuilding foremen and take notes on the wax-covered tablets he carried, but he felt increasing self-confidence as he went along and knew that it would be quicker the next day. Finally, he was back on his mentor's horse and galloping toward the city.

Jason hopped down from the stallion, tired but exhilarated. He handed the reins to the stableboy and made his way to the villa. Approaching the back entrance, he saw Dov and Danni washing and drying the pots and serving plates from that evening's dinner. Both wore only short, pleated kilts of white linen, their feet and torsos bare 3; typical summer attire for the boys – except when they were with their master in his personal quarters, when they were invariably naked.

"So I missed the evening meal, eh?"

"Welcome, Master!" said Danni in a bubbly voice, "we will serve you in the private quarters, just as we do when our master – our other master – arrives late. Shall we serve you now, or do you wish that we finish our kitchen duties?"

"Finish up here. I will wash off the smell of horse before I pay my regards to my mentor's wife and consult with Sohrab. Then I'll take my meal. And then 3; well, perhaps we may need to get to bed early this evening," he said with a smile.

"Yes, Master!!" giggled both boys in unison as they looked first at Jason and then at each other.

As he walked away, Jason was grinning broadly 3; his life was at such a peak at this moment. To have carried out his mentor's assignments with competence and self-confidence 3; hearing the sexy little twins calling him "Master" 3; his thoughts of the pleasures that awaited. Yes; life was good.

His first stop was the small bathing pool in the villa's central courtyard. He quickly stripped and eased his body into the water, glad to be getting rid of the road-dust and sweat. As he stepped out, Sohrab appeared with a towel and a short toga (an 'exomis') belonging to Timarcus. The eunuch dried Jason's body and secured the loose material over his left shoulder with a fine gold clasp, leaving his right shoulder uncovered. The skimpy garment came down only to mid-thigh, and Sohrab thought to himself how sexy the youth looked 3; though the eunuch was resigned to the knowledge that he could not compete with the twins for Jason's attention this night.

"The finest cloth, Master. They call it silk. Made in a land beyond the farthest reach of Persia. " The youth had never felt such fabric. When it brushed against his skin – especially against his cock – the sensation was exquisitely sensuous.

Jason finally reached the large room that was the private domain of his mentor, finding the twins waiting for him, knowing grins on their faces.

"Come. Sit here. You must be tired, Master. Let us take care of you," said Danni, leading Jason to a narrow, low-backed chair of leather and wood. "May we serve you food to satisfy your hunger?"

"I hunger for more than food" said the teenager jokingly as he eyed the beautiful, dark-featured boys facing him 3; his hand brushing against the Danni's cheek as he sat down. He had fantasized about this moment, and now he wanted to experience it to the utmost. "Tell me what pleasures you provide to my mentor 3; the things that he especially enjoys."

The smiles on the slaveboys' faces faded. "We are sorry, Master," said Dov. "I fear we must be disobedient, for we would not be indiscrete about the details of any pleasure sessions with our dear master 3; or about any of the noble gentlemen to whom he has lent us for a night 3;. And we will likewise remain discrete about what we might do with YOU, Master."

"But perhaps you would trust us to intuit your desires and apply our skills and imagination," said Danni softly, as he ran his hand up Jason's arm and fingered the clasp of the toga at his shoulder. "We are very good at discovering what gives a man his greatest pleasure," he whispered in Jason's ear in a tone of sultry seduction as he released the clasp. Danni's hand pushed the smooth fabric down to Jason's lap, lightly caressing his chest in the process. "Will you let us? 3; Please? 3; Pleeeeez?" the last words said in an intentionally-humorous whimpering voice as his hands roamed sensuously over the youth's torso.

Jason smiled, but he also felt his face flush. Yes! This was what he wanted 3; to be served by the most incredibly desirable young pleasure-slaves 3; never knowing what new delights they would offer next. Perhaps they might even know some of the oral techniques that Sohrab had used that morning. He consented to the idea immediately.

The two 12-year-olds exchanged a glance that lasted only a second or two. But in that exchange, information was conveyed between them through only the slightest movement of eyes and facial expression 3; plus a healthy dose of the powerful telepathy between twins.

"Thank you, Master! First we will feed you and entertain you with music and dance. And then 3;. Then we shall entertain you in other ways."

Dov began playing a V-shaped dual-reed flute 3; a soft tune that was both soothing and insinuatingly sensual. Danni brought over a tray of food – olives, fruit, bread, cheese, honey – and set it on a low table not far from where Jason's sat.

"We shall make a game of your meal, Master. I will feed you from my own hand, and you may not lift a finger lest it spoil the game" said the beautiful 12-year-old as he brought a pitted olive to Jason's lips. The youth answered by leaning back in the chair, smiling, and opening his mouth to receive the food. Danni's other hand brushed along Jason's neck and hairline, very lightly, sending a slight chill through Jason's body. As Danni went back to the tray to get another morsel, his body was moving with the music – not quite dancing, but with a fluid movement that was almost feline. Each time he fed Jason with his right hand, his left lightly stroked a different part of the youth's body (though not his crotch, which remained covered by the bunched fabric of the toga).

Danni pulled a hunk of bread from the loaf and dipped it in honey, returning to Jason's side gracefully. Jason's head was tilted back and his mouth was open to receive the treat. A big drop of honey landed on his chin as his lips snatched the bread. Danni scooped up the drop with his fingertip, then brought the finger to Jason's mouth. The youth licked 3; then sucked the finger into his mouth 3; all the while looking into the boy's smouldering dark eyes. This time Danni's other hand glided along Jason's inner thigh.

Jason swirled his tongue around Danni's index finger for a few seconds, feeling the atmosphere of the room becoming ever more erotically charged.

"There is still a bit more honey on your chin, Master," said Danni is a sultry voice, as he placed his hands on Jason's shoulders, leaned down, and licked at the spot like a cat lapping at a bowl of milk. But as Jason reached for the boy to pull him into an embrace, Danni slithered away.

"No hands, Master," he giggled devilishly as he got a clump of grapes. "Greater pleasure will come if you let us serve in our own manner." He cajoled Jason into clasping his hands behind his back, which Jason did willingly, eager to learn where the pleasure-game would lead. Jason reflected momentarily on how the young slaves were issuing orders to the master. Yes; this was a fascinating game.

When he returned to Jason's side, Danni gracefully slid onto the adolescent's lap, facing him with his legs astride Jason's thighs. He placed one grape at a time between Jason's lips as he subtly moved his body, snuggling his crotch against Jason's. Jason felt intense temptation to caress Danni's body with his hands 3; to feel the baby-smoothness of the 12-year-old boy's chest 3; to tease the small tan nipples, which were now raised into tiny erect nubs.

Danni placed a grape between his own lips, leaning forward to Jason's mouth. The youth sat up straighter, bringing his lips to the boy's, and they kissed as the grape passed from one to the other. Another grape, likewise placed 3;. another kiss. The next grape was held firmly in the boyslave's teeth. Jason bit at the fruit as his lips ground against Danni's. With half a grape in each mouth, the two continued kissing 3; longer, deeper, as Danni's little tongue slithered into Jason's mouth, lasciviously licking at the older youth's tongue. Danni was also running his hands over Jason's body – chest, back, shoulders, hair, face 3;. driving the 15-year-old wild with arousal.

"By the gods, you will drive me insane! Feel how my cock desires you," said Jason as he thrust his silk-covered erection up against the boy on his lap. Nonetheless, he succeeded in keeping his hands clasped behind his back.

"You must be patient, Master. The anticipation makes the eventual climax so much better." And he slipped off of Jason's lap after one last deep kiss and began dancing before the youth.

Dov, who had been playing softly, shifted to a more insistent melody on his flute. Danni's movements were graceful, cat-like 3; undulating, turning, dipping 3; as if every part of his body could bend impossibly in any direction 3; every motion of his hands and fingers, in the air or along his own body, dripping with eroticism. He danced close to Jason, around behind him, touching Jason's neck and shoulders lightly with hands and lips. It was a foreign dance of some sort, far more sensual than the formal Greek dances with which Jason was familiar. Perhaps a dance of the Persian harem, taught to the boys by Sohrab. Perhaps from the land of the twins' birth – along the stretch of arid seacoast between Egypt and Phoenicia.

As he danced, Danni released the clasp that held the waist of the linen kilt, and tossed the garment across the room. But instead of being naked as Jason expected 3; and lusted for 3; the boy wore a tiny loincloth made of a slender band of purple silk fabric. The cloth covered his boyish genitals, but little else, fully displaying his slender rounded buttocks. As the danced, Danni's hands moved all over his body 3; down his chest, his crotch, his thighs, his ass 3; in such an explicit manner that Jason felt short of breath.

Slowly, Danni unwound the narrow band of fabric as he danced, until finally he was dancing naked, a ribbon of silk floating in his hands. Jason's eyes were glued to the erection that stood up straight from the boy's hairless crotch – the length of Jason's middle finger; the girth of his thumb. And, as ever, Jason was entranced by the absence of foreskin. The penis gave the appearance of an adult man's at the height of tumescence, or of Jason's own cock when the skin was pulled down all the way and the head fully exposed for pleasuring. Danni's balls showed the earliest evidence of approaching pubescence 3; a bit larger, and dangling more, than a younger boy's. Jason couldn't wait to take the boy to bed and fondle every part of his body.

Danni kept dancing 3; kept moving his hands all over his body 3; invitingly, teasingly. He turned his back on Jason – only a few feet from where he sat – and leaned forwards with his hands on his knees. It was now only his beautiful ass that was dancing 3; weaving in a hypnotizing pattern as the boy looked back over his shoulder. When Danni brought his hands back and spread his ass cheeks, Jason's total attention focused on the little pucker of pink flesh that winked slightly open and closed in time to the music. The heat in Jason's loins – and his brain – was almost feverish. He could barely restrain himself from jumping up and fucking the slaveboy on the spot.

Then Danni danced over behind his brother, and in an instant it was Danni's hands that fingered the flute into which Dov blew. And with a motion that left Jason disbelieving his eyes and ears, they exchanged the flute from one mouth to the other without missing a note. Now it was Dov who was dancing in a wanton feast for Jason's eyes 3; quickly stripping to the same loincloth of silk fabric; slowly unwinding it to reveal an identical erection that evinced the purest boy-beauty.

As the song ended, Dov came around behind Jason's chair and whispered in his ear as he ran his fingers over the youth's chest.

"Let us move to the bed, that we may play more 3; actively."

As Jason rose to his feet, the toga material fell to the floor, revealing his stiff penis, dark red with engorgement. Both naked boys hugged him at the same time and them took his hands to lead him to the wide luxurious bed of his mentor.

"What game would you have me play now? Tell me, you little imps."

The twins glanced at each other, exchanging thoughts in a split- second of silent communication.

"Well, Master," said Dov, "we are but boys, so we play at boyish games. But we have found that some can be quite appealing to the men that we entertain. We know games that offer a challenge 3; a measure of just how much pleasure a man can experience."

"Yes," added Danni, "but some men are rather weak and feminine, not capable to experiencing the height of manly pleasures, while others 3;"

"Other men have nearly exhausted my brother and me with their virility," chimed in Dov.

"By the gods! Now that is the kind of game I would gladly play. Show me all the pleasures that you can dream of, and I assure you that I will be a match of the most virile of men that you have ever entertained," said Jason in a confident and excited voice. "What should I do?"

"Lie down on the bed, Master. Head and shoulders resting on the pillows. Now reach back to grasp the rings in the wall."

Jason looked back to see two sturdy iron rings, set 3 feet [1 m] apart, just below the narrow shelf that held a glowing oil lamp. He grabbed them as he reclined back against the pile of soft pillows.

Chapter 3


When we left off in chapter 2, 15-year-old Jason had become the temporary master of the household, during the absence of his mentor, Timarcus. In Jason's first night of pleasure with his mentor's 12-year-old twin slaves, Danni and Dov have talked him into playing a seemingly boyish game of make-believe. But their game has the intensely mature sexual goal of testing just how much prolonged erotic stimulation Jason can take. The twins are pretending to be pirates, torturing their shipmate after tying him to the bed to make him disclose the location of the chest of gold he has stolen.

N.B. The author rewrote the last few paragraphs of chapter 2 for this new part. I give here both versions:


Last paragraphs chapter 2
"We shall all three be Lycian pirates – the fiercest raiders of the Aegean Sea," said Danni. "You shall be a renegade crew member who has stolen our ship's chest of gold and has escaped to hide it somewhere. You will need a pirate name. We shall call you 3; 'Jando'. My brother and I have tracked you down and will make you tell us where you have hidden the gold."

As Danni spoke, the boys used the wide silk ribbon that had been around their loins to quickly tie Jason's hands securely to the rings – finishing by tying the free ends of the lengths of fabric to each other, well out of Jason's reach.

"We shall torture you, Jando, to make you reveal the secret of the gold," said Dov, as he reached down and took Jason's cock in his his hand. "Torture you thus until you beg for mercy and tell us where you have hidden the treasure." He leaned down and flicked his tongue on the tip of the erection, lightly, like a butterfly alighting and then flying off. Jason's body trembled as held the iron rings more tightly.

The twins then tied each of Jason's ankles to the foot of the bed, leaving him naked and spread-eagled.

"I could endure such torture through all of the night, my lusty shipmates, and never reveal my secret," said Jason, excitedly getting into the spirit of the play-acting.

The boys looked into each others' eyes and smiled devilishly. Then they knelt down on either side of Jason's supine body, their mouths poised on either side of his adolescent cock, its head half-shrouded by foreskin. Jason's erection gave a little jerk as it was enveloped in hot breath. Then, as the helpless youth watched with growing arousal, each boy firmly grasped some loose cock skin between lip-covered teeth 3; pulling out and then moving their heads from side to side in unison. Jason's body tensed as he watched – and felt the pleasure of – his foreskin being drawn back and forth over the glans 3; guided by two small mouths.

'What sweet torture!' thought Jason to himself.

First paragraphs chapter 3
As the boys finished tying Jason's wrists and ankles with lengths of silk cloth, they stepped back to admire their handiwork. Their young master lay spread-eagled on the bed, his head and shoulders propped up on pillows, his adolescent cock gloriously erect with excited anticipation.

Jason could not help but stare back at the naked twins – absolutely identical in all but hair length – their skin a uniform tan of rich butternut. The young boys' exotic beauty was strangely enhanced in Jason's mind by the unusual appearance of their immature cocks – shorn of foreskin during infancy, in the custom of the Semitic people of their long-departed homeland.

"We must have a pirate name by which we will call you," said Dov.

"How about 3; Jando?" exclaimed Danni.

"Perfect! And we shall torture you, Jando, until you reveal the secret of the gold," said Dov, as he reached down and took Jason's hard cock in his hand. "Torture you thus until you beg for mercy and tell us where you have hidden the treasure." He leaned down and flicked his tongue in luscious circles around the top of the erection. Jason's body trembled slightly, and he tightly grabbed the iron rings to which his hands were tied.

"I could endure such torture throughout the entire night, my lusty shipmates, and never reveal the secret," said Jason, getting into the spirit of the play-acting.

'Our young master has no understanding of what awaits!' was the gleeful thought that passed telepathically between the twins.

The boys glanced at each other and smiled as they knelt down on either side of Jason's supine body, their mouths poised on either side of his adolescent cockhead, which was partly shrouded by foreskin. As the helpless youth watched with growing arousal, each boy firmly grasped some of the loose cock skin between lip- covered teeth 3; pulling out and then moving their heads from side to side in unison. Jason gasped as his foreskin was vigorously drawn back and forth over the glans 3; as if the twins were two puppies playing with a toy.

Then they went to work with their tongues, licking at Jason's cock. Slow, wet, sloppy lapping 3; interspersed with quick, exciting flicks of their tongues and nibbles by their lips 3; moving simultaneously on each side of the youth's straining erection 3; teasing every surface of the slender 6-inch [15 cm] penis from tip to base. Their tongues frequently met as they were licking, and the twins were not hesitant to pleasure each other 3; but such distractions did not deter them in the least from their mission of pleasuring their young master. And as their lips and tongues aggressively pursued an ever-changing oral assault, Jason's body tensed with rising sexual tension.

"Ah, yes! Torture me harder!" gasped Jason with delight.

But instead of increasing their efforts, the boys stopped immediately, leaving Jason's cock visibly pulsing at maximum erection. As Danni sat beside Jason, running his hands lightly along the older boy's inner thighs and lower belly, Dov crossed the room and returned with a large try, which he set on a low table near the bedside. On the tray were several small clay jars of various shapes and designs. There was also a metal bowl, set above a flickering lamp flame that warmed the bowl's contents – a slippery aromatic oil. The boy touched his fingertip to the fluid, then licked it off. Satisfied, he dipped in a small wooden ladle and brought it over, poised a few inches above Jason's stiff cock

"Time to inflict some serious torture on the treacherous Jando," said Dov to his brother in a theatrical voice. Danni took the rigid phallus in both of his hands and pulled the foreskin down so that the cock-skin was stretched tight. He also brought the shaft upright as far as it would go. So tumescent was Jason's penis, however, that it could not be inclined more than 45 degrees from the youth's belly. As Dov tipped the ladle, warm oil dribbled onto the exposed cockhead. Jason flinched for a moment 3; the fluid was quite warm 3; but then he purred with pleasure as the oil covered his exposed glans and ran down the penis shaft onto Danni's fingers.

Danni began rubbing both his hands all over the shaft, spreading the warm oil over every surface of Jason's stiff penis. The last of the oil dripped from the ladle and Danni began a slow, firm, two-handed masturbation. Jason couldn't restrain himself from moaning out loud as Danni made a tunnel of both his hands, moving them down in a continuous motion – the lower hand switching to the top when it reached the base of Jason's straining cock. It felt to Jason as if his erection was penetrating a classmate's tight asshole, but it just kept going in 3; deeper and deeper.

Then Danni switched to a different stroke – with stimulation that was almost too intense. As his left hand slid down the slippery shaft at an agonizingly slow pace, the fingers and palm of his right hand gently twisted back and forth around the knob of his exposed glans. Danni's hand pulled away just long enough for a second ladle of warm lubricant to stream down, covering his cock and balls completely as the youngster returned to the slow, incredibly-stimulating stroke.

Dov had returned to the tray and took a small blue jar, extracting a bit of white paste on his fingertip. Kneeling beside Jason, he applied a thin coating to the teenager's nipples. Instantly, Jason felt a chill that hardened the nipples to stiff brown nubs 3; standing up from his chest and tingling from the mysterious substance that felt so cold. Dov began to pinch each nipple with his fingers – just as Danni increased the intensity of his masturbation strokes. Jason arched his back as his body tensed from the sudden increase in lust. Faster, harder 3; Danni's hand twisted in a back-and-forth circular motion on Jason's exposed glans. Meanwhile, Dov was pinching harder, twisting and pulling at the stiff little nipples. To his amazement the incredible pleasure in Jason's cock was being heightened by the painful abuse of his nipples.

Jason felt his seed building up, ready to burst. Yes! This would be an excellent cum. His teenage lust was attuned to quick orgasm, but he knew that he would shoot several loads of cum in the twins' asses and mouths before the night was done. He closed his eyes as his body prepared for the powerful climax.

"Yes! Faster! Yes, lads; just like that! Keep going! Ah, YES!"

But just as Jason felt the wave beginning to crest, ready to crash down, so close to release 3;

3; Nothing. His orgasm was stalled just before his seed would have spurted. Jason opened his eyes with a look of puzzlement and agitation. Dov had stopped the nipple torture and was sitting back on his heels. Danni was squeezing the base of Jason's cockhead – hard – with his thumb and forefinger, and then let go completely.

"Tell us, Jando," Dov whispered into Jason's ear. "Tell us on which island you have hidden the treasure. Tell us the location and we will give you a climax that will leave you utterly satisfied."

Jason's body was still straining with an incredible buildup of sexual tension. Beads of sweat covered him as he gripped the iron rings set into the wall behind him. His mind was awash in conflicting thoughts 'Gods! How I long for orgasm!' Jason thought to himself. 'I should end the game now and receive my pleasure from these slaveboys.' He would tell them the gold was on his favorite sandy beach on his home island of Delos. But he stopped himself before the words came out of his mouth. He should resist the urge, he decided. These boys are experts at the pleasure arts, and he had never felt such intense lust. He would wait and see what greater pleasures awaited. And besides, his pride would not allow him to be seen as weak – even by mere slaves – by forfeiting the game so early.

"Never will I reveal the secret!" said Jason in a boastful voice. "Torture me all that you wish, but I shall never tell!"

The twins looked into each other's eyes and grinned wickedly as they communicated with each through the special telepathy of identical twins – without uttering a sound – in planning their strategy.

"Then we must increase the intensity of our efforts, my treacherous shipmate!" said Dov, whispering ominously as he flicked the tip of his tongue into Jason's ear. Then he quickly shifted down so that his mouth was poised above Jason's erection. Looking up briefly to meet Jason's eyes, Dov proceeded to devour the erect cock, letting it slide along the roof of his small mouth and deep into his throat with one smooth motion. Jason's body was seized by the tensing of every muscle in his body as Dov's throat muscles stimulated his cockhead. Dov's lips moved up and down along only the bottom inch of cock shaft, just above Jason's sparse patch of pubic hair. After more than a minute, the boy's mouth glided half-way up the shaft so that he could breathe through his nose, then plunged down again.

Jason had just that morning received incredible oral service from Sohrab, the Persian eunuch who was butler to the household. But Dov's technique was every bit as skilled 3; far beyond anything he had experienced prior to this day. He writhed on the bed, straining against the bindings at his wrists and ankles, but his hips were held down by the weight of Dov's body.

'Gods! How long can the boy keep doing this?' thought Jason. He was beginning to lose track of the passage of time, and his body strained under the intense stimulation that remained just short of that needed for orgasm.

"The secret, Jando 3; and then my brother can show you all of his oral skills and give you sexual release such as you have never experienced." Danni was speaking even as Dov's throat muscles were rhythmically clenching and twisting around Jason's cockhead.

"No 3; I 3; agh! 3; I will not!"

With these words, Dov's mouth finally rose up off of Jason's pulsing erection. Danni walked over to the tray and dipped the ladle into the oil, which had been growing ever hotter above the flame. When he touched his finger to it, he pulled it away suddenly and blew on his fingertip to cool it off. Then he brought the ladle over so it was poised, as before, right over Jason's erection. Dov's fingers stretched down the foreskin and held open the small piss-slit.

Jason realized suddenly that he was about to be seriously injured by boiling oil on his body's most sensitive flesh and was just beginning to call out when the first drop landed. Jason flinched as a stab of heat shot through his penis. But then he realized that the oil, while quite hot, was not so scalding as Danni had pretended. Painful, but tolerable. A slow, deliberate sequence of tiny oil drops followed, landing on the glans and then in a trail down the shaft 3; each making Jason flinch but each heightening the erotic tension within his cock. Then, as the remainder of the hot oil began flowing in a steady stream, Dov's hand began to masturbate the penis with a slow, insistent stroke. With his other hand, Dov teased Jason's nipples, the brown nubs still stiff from the cooling potion that had been applied.

Danni refilled the ladle and this time poured a slow stream in a line up Jason's belly, making his abdominal muscles clench as hot oil filled his navel. Another ladleful 3; the first drop plinking down onto Jason's left nipple, stretch up in Dov's fingers 3; then his right nipple, likewise captured. As the flow increased, Dov stopped his masturbation strokes and used both hands to spread the oil all around Jason's chest and belly 3; his crotch and thighs. His massaging hands soothed Jason's over-heated flesh as they traveled up and down his torso, pausing every few moments to apply firm pumping strokes to his rigid penis. Then, without warning, both hands began pumping Jason's engorged penis 3; stroking it hard and fast 3; up and down the slippery shaft 3; faster 3; harder 3;

'YES! YES! Here it comes!' was the excited thought that raced through Jason's brain. 'Oh, YES! Just a few more strokes, and 3;. NO! Oh, Gods 3; the boy has stopped again! And I was so close! I feel that I'll go mad if I don't cum!'

As he gazed up into the eyes of his beautiful tormenter, Jason's thoughts were mired in the swirling mix of physical and mental sensations – overwhelmed by a pleasure so intense that it was turning to agony. The only sounds Jason could hear were his own ragged breathing and the pounding within his chest.

With a smile on his lips and an impish look in his eyes, Dov cocked his head to the side. "Will you relent, Jando so that we may end this torture?"

Yes! 3; yes 3;ye 3; "NO! I will not relent!" Jason turned away from Dov's gaze, lest he be tempted to change his mind. But the sight of the other twin – standing right beside the bed – served only to make his lust spike even higher. Danni's naked body now glistened with oil and glowed with the reflection of lamp-light as he seductively caressed his chest and stomach with one hand 3; gently masturbating his immature 3-inch [7½ cm] erection with the other. Then, wordlessly, the youngster climbed atop Jason's spread-eagled body 3; as oiled flesh slid against oiled flesh, and slippery stiff penises rubbing together. Jason's moan was instantly muffled by Danni's mouth, clamping down in a passionate kiss. The older boy craned his neck to kiss back hungrily, pushing his tongue between Danni's sucking lips.

'If I could only free my arms and legs to embrace him 3; to hug him tightly to my body 3; to roll him over and savagely fuck his slaveboy ass!'

As they kissed, Danni's oiled body slid all over Jason's 3; a dance of erotic stimulation unlike anything Jason had ever experienced. Jason felt that his penis was about burst as Danni insistently rubbed against it with his warm belly, his silky thighs, his ass, his crotch. Jason humped his hips up, desperate to drive his boner against Danni's sexy body 3; against Danni's stiff little cock 3; between Danni's well-lubricated ass cheeks.

Again, however, the build-up to orgasm was only a cruel tease 3; cut short just before climax as Danni slid up along Jason's torso, away from his cock. Jason's senses burned with his overwhelming desire for orgasm. His body twisted and strained, but there was no relief.

"Will you tell us, Jando? We will free your bonds and you can take me in any way you desire."

"Never!" Jason gasped. His pride would not allow him to yield. And he knew that only a little more of the boys' 'torture' would surely drive him over the edge into sweet, cum-spurting bliss 3;. If only they would get back to stimulating on his cock!

Straddling Jason's upper torso, Danni slid his crotch over Jason's chest, rubbing his erection against Jason's hard nipples. Then he scooted up further until his crotch was right above Jason's face. Then the thumb-like erection and dangling ball sack ever-so-briefly grazed against Jason's lips. The teenager's mind instantly burned with desire to suck the miniature penis 3; his mouth watered 3; he must have it! Jason opened his mouth and craned his neck up, heedless of the impropriety of sucking off a slave. But the loose sack and upraised little stiffy were just out of reach of Jason straining tongue and lips. Finally, Danni dipped his balls down to Jason's mouth, and the older boy greedily sucked at the bag of satin skin and the delicate marbles within. When Danni lifted his crotch up out of reach, Jason looked like a small child whose favorite toy had just been snatched.

Danni's body slid down so that he again rubbed his crotch on Jason's chest and kissed his mouth. But just as quickly, the beautiful circumcised erection was back up positioned right before Jason's face. Danni's fingertips pointed the reddish stalk downward so that it was aimed at Jason's mouth. Wordlessly, the older boy strained to take the boner between his lips. Danni leaned forward and lowered his body just a bit more 3; just barely within reach of Jason's mouth 3; and the slaveboy shivered slightly as Jason hungrily suckled the acorn-size cockhead like a baby as his mother's breast. Then Danni thrust his crotch forward, and his entire finger-length erection slid between Jason's lips. The older boy took it gratefully 3; worshiping the boy's penis with his lips and tongue 3; totally under the spell of the pure lust that had taken control of his will.

Danni was tempted to dwell on the pleasures he was now receiving from his master. But this was not about his pleasure 3; he was but a slave and he had work to do. He pulled his erection out of Jason's mouth 3; so quickly it made an audible pop. Shifting his oiled body back down Jason's torso, Danni looked back at his twin and spoke silently 3; with his eyes. Dov took hold of Jason's throbbing cock and held it in his hand as Danni slithered back against it.

With well-practiced teamwork, Dov aimed the adolescent cock as Danni slid back and flexed open the ring of muscle at the entrance of his love-channel. Drawing on years of practice in the art of pleasure-giving, Danni impaled himself fully on the oiled erection with one smooth motion. Jason was wonder-struck that a young boy could take his adult-length boner to the hilt with such smoothness and ease. Every other boy Jason had ever fucked needed at least a few moments to adjust to the entry. And though Danni had been fucked many times, he was as tight as any newly-arrived student at the Athenian Academy.

Instead of moving his ass up and down on Jason's cock in long strokes – which would have brought the teenager to orgasm within a very few thrusts – Danni moved only a bit and demonstrated his incredible muscle control 3; tightening himself around the shaft, then relaxing, then tightening again. He played Jason's lust as if it were a musical instrument, knowing exactly how it would react. Whenever he felt Jason's peak of arousal start to recede a bit, Danni would raise up ever so slowly 3; pulsing his anal muscle in contractions as he went 3; until only the cockhead remained inside the boy's hole. Then he would slide back down, achieving maximum penetration in a single fast thrust, but then staying completely still for long moments thereafter. All the while, Dov had Jason's ball sack in his hand 3; kneading, caressing, squeezing.

When Jason tried to thrust up with his hips, he found himself held down by Dov's knees on his thighs. He was helpless 3; and more totally aroused than he had ever been. Jason knew that only two good thrusts of his cock along the length of Danni's exquisitely tight rectum would bring him the orgasmic relief that he craved. But instead he was being tortured by endless erotic stimulation as he lingered tantalizingly at the edge.

Torture! Yes; now Jason understood the accuracy of the word. Compelled by his pride to persist, yet driven nearly insane by his lust. His brain silently wailed with frustration.

"You know you must spurt your seed, Jando. Tell us. Tell us where you have buried the treasure!" Said Danni as he again slid his ass up Jason's cock in slow motion.

"Agh! I 3; I 3; NO!" He was in agony, but he would not relent. Jason's mind was racing. Had he lasted very long at all? How did he compare with his mentor Timarcus? The twins had spoken of playing this game with other men 3; with mocking references to some as being unmanly in their lack of endurance. Jason couldn't bear the thought of displaying weakness in a test of manhood.

Danni was poised at the top, read to thrust his ass down onto Jason pole. But this time he lingered with only the cockhead captured inside his ass. And then Dov's hand reached around and began masturbating his brother's oiled erection with a thumb and two fingers. In addition to the visual stimulation as Jason watched the lascivious scene, the contractions of Danni's anal muscles increased with the youngster's rising pleasure. As Jason watched Danni's face scrunch up with boyish lust, and as his ears were filled with the lad's high-pitched sighs and cooing, the teenager felt the head of his cock being vibrated inside the tight trap of Danni's anus.

Jason knew that only a few quick up and down thrusts of the boy's ass would bring him relief from this erotic torture. But the boy's body remained poised above him. Jason could only watch in helpless jealousy as Danni moaned in the throes of a glorious dry orgasm under his brother's insistent stroking 3; his anal muscles spasming with pleasure around Jason's cockhead.

With panting breaths, Danni spoke. "Let me finish you as my brother has just finished me. Tell us!"

Jason closed his eyes tight and shook his head. He clenched his teeth together, not confident that he could even speak the words of defiance 3; not trusting his tongue to uphold his stubborn pride.

Danni rose up and Jason's cock popped out of the tight hole. Dov wiped the throbbing shaft gently with a damp cloth, then anointed it with a fresh coating of warm oil (no longer hot, as the flame had been extinguished). He then began yet another extended round of masturbation 3; firm one-handed strokes, timed just right to keep Jason poised on the edge. Sometimes a long sequence of single pumps, with a 10-second pause between each. Then five rapid strokes with nearly a minute of repose. And Dov's other hand played with Jason's balls, which were drawn up in a tight pouch 3; sometimes gently fondling, other times tightly squeezing.

Jason's mind was tormented by unrelieved arousal, buzzing with dozens of random thoughts and images 3; his body nearly levitating off the bed with built-up tension. Straining against the knots that held him, Jason was exhausted, yet the energy of lust kept surging through his body. Finally could take it no more.

"MAKE ME CUM!" he shouted. "I am your master, and I demand it!"

The boyslaves walked a fine line. After this was over, they would either be highly praised for their skills or severely whipped for their impertinence. Nearly any other slave in the City of Athens would have relented instantly to such a command, but Dov and Danni had perfected this game, with their master and with other men to whom Timarcus had lent their services for the night, and they were confident in their instincts.

"Do you hear what Jando bellows?" said Dov with a tone of incredulity. "He must be delirious with this talk of being our master. We are his torturers and he has the audacity to make demands!"

Danni tried to suppress a giggle. "Well, perhaps Jando is prepared to relent, then."

The only sound that came from Jason was a noise resembling the growling of a fierce dog. He shook his head to convey his refusal.

"What can we do to make Jando talk?" said Dov with feigned frustration 3; knowing full well what the next step would be. "He has lasted far longer that we ever expected."

"Perhaps we must 3;" began Danni.

"You mean 3;?"

"Yes; we have no choice!"

"Well, if you say so 3; but it will not be a pretty sight."

Jason's eyes followed Danni as he walked over to the tray of unguents. His finger dipped into a tiny red pot. "The Persian magi who concoct this particular potion call it sakht-alz-zuld. That means 'instant unrelenting lust'. We did not think we would need to resort to its use, Jando, but you have proven resistant to our other tortures."

As Danni came back to the bedside with a dab of red-colored ointment on his index finger, Dov held Jason's cock and spread open the piss slit, revealing the sensitive membrane within. Danni's finger brushed along the slit, depositing a small amount of the substance. Then Dov reached between Jason's wide-spread thighs and used his fingers to part the teenager's ass cheeks, exposing his hole. Danni spread some of the potion on the puckered pink flesh, then pushed into the hole as far as his first finger-joint. Twisting his fingertip just inside the asshole a few times, Danni pulled it out and wiped the finger on a damp cloth.

Jason's body reacted immediately. Warmth radiated from his cock and anus. A wave of indescribable pleasure rushed through his body as if carried by a flooding river. Jason closed his eyes and rode the wave for a few moments, though its intensity kept increasing, and he felt it overwhelming his senses. His cock felt as though it were as long as his forearm 3; the cockhead as big as his fist. Only by opening his eyes and looking down at his 6-inch [15 cm] penis was he convinced otherwise. Jason wanted to cum 3; he wanted it desperately. But then there were the incredible feelings emanating from within his ass 3;.

It was a sensation that Jason's brain couldn't decipher at first. Intensely sensual, yet demanding. Tingling. Pulsing. Insistent. An itch that must be scratched. But most of all, Jason realized, it was the feeling that he experience just before his ass was penetrated by a cock 3; the anticipation of being filled by an man's or youth's warm cock-flesh 3; yet magnified ten-fold. It was a compulsion to be fucked in the ass 3; fast, hard, and RIGHT NOW.

"Oh gods! I cannot stand it! I will die if I do not have relief. Make me cum! Fuck me! Stick your cock in me 3; PLEASE. No 3; your fingers 3;. Agh! 3; Fuck me with your FIST! Do it 3; PLEASE!"

"Oh, Jaaaan-dooo 3;. Tell us the seeee-cret" said Dov in a mocking sing-song voice.

"The secret? OH, GODS! 3; It's 3; it's 3; it's on the Isle of Delos 3; at the eastern edge of Poseidon's cove. Now DO IT!!"

Both boys immediately went to work. Dov grasped Jason's tight ball sack in one hand and began masturbating with the other in firm strokes. And even before Jason began revealing the meaningless 'secret', Danni had been preparing a strange-looking tool of intricately-carved wood. It was a glistening black length of solid ebony, carved so that it resembled a string of five round beads, strung on a slender rod of strong wood. The round protuberances were of progressively larger diameter, the smallest ball not much wider than the rod, the largest more than an inch. It appeared to Jason's fevered brain more a weapon than a pleasure toy, but he correctly guessed its purpose.

"Yes! Shove it in me!"

Kneeling between Jason's thighs, Danni positioned the round tip of the oiled dildo at Jason's anal opening. With barely a push, the first node slipped inside Jason's ass, and his anal muscle clenched around the narrow connection as the next ball pushed against the hole from the outside.

"Ahhh 3; Yes! More! Fuck me with it!"

But Danni was going to take it slowly. As the second ball was pushed in by Danni, his brother kept stroking the fiercely engorged erection. A larger ball was eased in 3; accompanied by a hard, full-hand masturbating stroke. The fourth ball entered, larger still. Jason's rectal craving was still screaming for more, and he growled with animal lust. The final ball – the largest – was eased past the anal entrance slowly, and now the teenager was babbling incoherently.

Danni twisted the toy expertly, pressing the side of a ball against Jason's prostate. At the same moment, Dov's masturbation technique changed – to the rapid fluttering of oiled thumb and forefinger on the glans. And the flood of orgasm, so long restrained, finally broke loose as a wave of cum now rushed headlong. And as the first pulse of fluid was hurled up the shaft, Danni pulled back on the tool, extracting the large ball back from the stretched anal opening 3; just as a spray of semen flew past Jason's head 3; some of it landing on the wall, some on his face and in his hair.

Dov's fluttering thumb and finger kept up their intense masturbation as the second wave of cum shot up onto Jason's chest, just as Danni pulled out the next protuberance of the dildo. Jason's senses were on fire 3; stars exploded behind his closed eyelids. A third and fourth spurt, only slightly diminished in force, accompanied the extraction of the next two balls.

Dov's hand slowed, and now all of his fingers were again wrapped around Jason's spasming cock, stroking with a firm grip. Up and down 3; slowly 3; more than Jason could bear. The tip of the carved dildo remained inside the teenager's ass, and his body was poised for one final burst of pleasure as it was withdrawn. But instead, Danni push in again – reinserting the next two balls – and twisted the toy so that the tip directly stimulated the prostate. Jason whimpered as Dov's churning hand drew forth the last spurt of cum 3; a blast almost equal to the first.

As Jason lay back on the bed, dazed and only semi-conscious, the twins quickly untied the restraints and massaged his wrists and ankles. Then they efficiently wiped the oil and sweat and cum from his body with soft cloths dipped in warm water scented with the juice of lemon fruit. They likewise cleaned themselves off and lay down on either side of their master, snuggling tightly against his body and caressing his torso lightly with their hands and nuzzling his face with their lips and soft cheeks.

"Did we please you, Master?" whispered Dov. "Can you forgive us for disobeying your order to stop?" The boy's hairless leg rubbed against Jason's inner thigh and he gently ran his hand along the teenager's chest.

"You played the game magnificently, Master!" whispered Danni in Jason's other ear and continued nuzzling Jason's cheek and neck.

"Yes, boys; you have pleased me. I have never known such intense pleasure! Though it may be some time before I am ready to experience such as that again! 3; And of course I forgive your calculated impertinence. It was essential to the game 3;. But tell me. Did I really hold out longer than the others that you have served? Even my mentor?"

Dov replied in a serious voice "Alas, as we said at the beginning of our play, we would never be indiscrete about our services 3; just as we will never speak to others about our just-concluded play with you. But our discretion does not constrain us from saying that you displayed an uncommon degree of manly endurance."

Danni added: "And we are very proud that you have allowed us to serve as your pleasure-slaves in our elder master's absence." Then each boy kissed Jason on the mouth and hugged him tightly as Jason enveloped them in his arms.

"What would please you now, Master? Sleep? More food and wine? To receive any pleasures from us that you desire?"

"Some wine. The night is still young 3;. I think!" added Jason with a grin. And, indeed, Jason had no concept of how long he had been their victim in torture. "For a start, it would entertain me to watch the two of you pleasuring one another as I consider how you will satisfy me next."

A few minutes later, Jason sat cross-legged on the bed, drinking deeply of the large goblet of wine. As he gazed at the twins, 3 feet [1 m] away at the foot of the bed, sucking each other's cocks in a constantly-shifting choreography of eroticism, Jason wondered which exquisite ass he would fuck first. But memories of the torture session kept creeping into his brain.

Had he really sucked a slave's cock? Yes 3; it was true. And the taboo thought made his mouth water as he closely watched the boyish erections slipping in and out of wet lips.

And had he truly asked these boyslaves to fuck him? Surely it was only the magic of the potion that had made him utter such a degrading request. He would never allow a slave – a young boy at that – to fuck his ass 3;. Would he?

The nerve endings in Jason's anus began to tingle 3;.


Any similarity between this episode and the web-published story Lord Kinzuburo's Gift is purely intentional. My thanks to author D.G. Ross for his suggestions and permission to borrow some of the concepts of that story.

Chapter 4

"We have several honored guests this day," proclaimed the elderly philosopher who served as the director of the Athenian Academy. "A delegation of Spartan men and youths is passing through Attica for several days, and they have requested that the youths – these four fine lads – be permitted to sit in on our lessons here at the Academy. This is, of course, a wonderful opportunity to bring our two great cities closer together and foster even greater understanding."

From the looks on the faces of the four youths standing at the old man's side, you would think they did not view the occasion with such pleasure. To Jason they resembled nothing so much as a pack of wolves observing an isolated farm from the edge of the woods – noble of bearing, strong and lean, fiercely confident, yet instinctively wary. Jason half-expected to hear them growl at the two dozen Athenian boys who had gathered in the courtyard.

"I will assign each Spartan youth to one of you, that you may be his guide for the day," said the old man as he matched up boys more or less at random. Jason was pleased when he was chosen as a guide 3; and even more pleased to be assigned the most handsome and youngest-looking of the four adolescent boys.

"I am Jason, son of Cleon, of the island of Delos," he said, extending his hand.

"Demaratos; Spartan," said the boy brusquely. He added, in a slightly more civil tone: "Call me Dem." The lad took Jason's hand and squeezed it – very hard. Jason was surprised by the boy's strength, and by the rough skin of his hand – like the hand of a field worker. He almost flinched from the pain, but managed to keep a straight face. The Spartan boy was in the first bloom of puberty 3; his voice had not yet changed. And Jason found him wonderfully erotic. As was his habit, Jason immediately thought about the end of the school day when nearly all of the Academy boys participated in unabashed sexual activity. Might he be sharing pleasures with the Spartan youth this afternoon?

Dem proved to be whip-smart. He breezed through difficult problems in the mathematics class. And when the scroll was being passed around to read a section from the Iliad, Dem recited the passage of Homer's words from memory, while some of the Athenian boys relied on the written text in their declamations. But he was as terse in his conversations as the stereotype for all his countrymen, often responding to Jason's questions with single- word answers.

It was with great persistence that Jason received confirmation of the often-heard stories about a Spartan boy's upbringing. How at birth he was examined by a committee of elders who would order weak newborns to be placed on a hillside to die. That as a toddler he was trained never to cry or complain or fear being alone. And that at age 7 every boy left home to live in barracks, assigned to a 'herd' of similar-age boys who were – literally – whipped into shape by a barely-pubescent boy assigned to be their prefect. The prefect, in turn, was under the harsh authority of an older teenager. The boys slept in a heap, like puppies, on a bed of marsh rushes that they picked with their bare hands. They were underfed and encouraged to steal food from peasant farms. If caught, they would be severely whipped – not for stealing, but for being clumsy enough to be detected. Their games were of the most violent sort – often just crude tests of pain endurance. And boys were regularly sent out alone to the mountains for days at a time to fend for themselves. The brutality and deprivation of a Spartan's boyhood was designed for the single-minded goal of training him to be the ultimate soldier. Spartans remained in the barracks until age 30, after which they took a wife and sired a new generation of boys.

Jason was filled with a strange erotic fascination. He was now quite sure that he wanted to lie naked and share pleasures with this boy who was so inscrutable and fascinating 3; and ruggedly handsome. When Jason was describing the Academy's schedule to Dem, he was eager to observe the Spartan's reaction to hearing of the sexual activities that occurred after wrestling practice. Jason told Dem of the gentle seduction of younger boys by the older lads at the bathing pool, and about how companions went off to the privacy of the olive grove to exchange romantic words as they made love.

The description of the Athenian boys' courtly sexual rituals brought an uncharacteristic flow of words from the Spartan. "In our land," he said with pride tinged with scorn, "the strong boys take their pleasure by force from the weak. They would never ask; only demand 3; and fight if necessary to satisfy their sexual urges. The weak submit 3; but they pledge themselves to be stronger the next time. Your soft games of seduction, Athenian, would be the laughing-stock of my herd. The lust of Spartan boys is never an expression of love; it is just another way to prepare ourselves for war." Jason could have taken the statement as a rebuke, but instead he felt a shiver of excitement, and his cock stiffened at the thought of a sexual encounter with this rough and mysterious outlander.

At the beginning of wrestling practice, all of the students stripped nude in the Greek custom. Jason glanced at Dem's genitals and was well-pleased by their beauty. He had a well- proportioned cock 4 inches [10 cm] in repose and slightly thicker than Jason's thumb, with an attractive short foreskin that barely allowed the little piss-slit to peek out, and nicely dangling balls. Jason was also fascinated by Dem's pubic hair – a dozen dark sprigs at the very base of his cock, suggesting that they had first sprouted only recently. But when Dem turned around to walk into the arena, Jason was shocked to see numerous scars across his back and buttocks. Jason had seen such marks on the backs of slaves back home on Delos – evidence of firm discipline by an owner or overseer. He recalled the time, some years prior, when he had watched the overseer on the family's estate whip a returned runaway, with such intensity that the flesh on the man's back was criss-crossed with bleeding wounds.

Like any boy, Jason had himself experienced a leather strap on his naked butt when he was disobedient to his father, but never so harshly as to leave scars.

It was unthinkable that Dem had ever been a slave. Could his father's harsh discipline have caused such marks on his back?

Dem was paired with Jason for the practice, even though Jason outweighed the Spartan. In fact, Dem looked at first glance to be downright scrawny – as underfed as a peasant boy from the shanties outside the city walls of Athens. But despite his slender build it became instantly clear that Dem was quite strong, with wiry muscles and stealthy speed. Jason was also rather strong and quick, and his added weight made the two boys an even match.

Whenever the activity in the practice flagged a bit – for the instructor to talk or the whole group to watch a pair of boys demonstrate a move – Jason's hormone-driven thoughts turned to sex. The feel of Dem's taut body and the sight of his attractive cock and dangling balls fed Jason's desire to pursue a sexual get-together with the Spartan. Jason wondered how he should broach the question.

The last part of wrestling practice consisted of several minutes of full-strength scrimmage by the pairs of boys. Starting from the standing position, Jason and Dem circled each other warily, looking for an opening. Jason used the trickery and psychology that he had learned from his wrestling master to make Dem fall into a trap, as Jason dipped under his grasp and slipping behind the Spartan. With his arms wrapped around Dem's torso, Jason knocked the boy's feet out from under him, sending both of them thudding to the ground, Jason on top. But as Jason worked for a means to turn his opponent onto his back, Dem had tricks of his own and was quick to turn the tables, using a sit-out move that left Jason face-down in the dirt with the Spartan atop. Jason moved just as quickly, however, scrambling to his knees and using the momentum his opponent's pressure to roll both of their bodies and regain the top position.

Both boys were working at full exertion, using finely-honed skill as well as strength, as the advantage traded back and forth. Three fast-moving minutes into the match, Jason found himself pressed to the ground by nothing more than a sharp elbow, driven into the center of his back by the leveraged weight of Dem's body. At the same time, Dem was using both his hands to pry Jason's left arm up and force it behind his back. With his arm thus captured, Jason was defeated – not to mention helpless and in pain – and he stopped struggling. All around them, other pairs continued to wrestle. Dem was now astraddle Jason's haunches, his crotch pressing against the crack of Jason's ass. He leaned down, his mouth close to Jason's ear.

"Do you submit to me, Athenian?" he hissed, nudging the youth's arm further up between his shoulder blades.

"Agh! Yes! I submit! You're breaking my arm off!" gasped Jason in a hoarse pleading whisper.

But Dem did not release Jason's arm immediately. He spoke again, still in quiet but threatening tones. "In Sparta, when a youth is defeated in a match, he understands that he must then satisfy the lust of the victor. You don't know our ways, so I must demand that you swear you will submit to being fucked." Dem inclined the arm even higher up Jason's back

"I swear it!! I swear by the goddess Athena that I will do anything you require!" Dem let go of the Jason's wrist, and the Athenian breathed a sigh of relief. Though he was embarrassed at his defeat by the Spartan, Jason couldn't help thinking to himself that things were actually working out rather nicely. And as both boys rose to their feet, Jason was additionally pleased to see Dem's cock standing nobly erect. Six inches [15 cm] of slender adolescent phallus, with the purple glans protruding from the cover of foreskin. The Spartan was justifiably proud of his manhood and made no effort to hide it 3; no different from any of the other boys here. The wrestling master had called an end to the scrimmage, and some of the boys where already jacking themselves hard for the ritual of sexual pairing that began as the group made its way down to the bathing pool to wash away their sweat and the dust of the arena.

As the crowd of boys walked along the broad pathway, all still naked and holding their linen tunics, Dem said "Show me this olive grove of which you spoke. My cock desires its reward."

"Don't you wish to go to the bathing pools first?"

"Bathing pool?! A Spartan washes his body with a vigorous swim in cold water; we do not lounge in a pool like effeminate Persians. I swam in the sea at dawn this morning, so my sweat and dust are of recent vintage 3;. Does the scent of a wrestler offend you, Athenian?"

Jason blushed. In fact, as they had wrestled Jason had been powerfully aroused by the adolescent musk of Dem's body. He did not answer the question. "The grove is this way," he said. "We will be the first ones there and have our pick of the best locations."

Jason led Dem up to the crest of the hill. Part-way up, he placed a small branch across the path – a signal to later-arriving boys that the most secluded and desirable spot was already taken. Standing face-to-face in a clearing at the top, the teenagers both sported rigid erections that arched toward their bellies. Jason felt short of breath, his heart thumping in his chest as he awaited Dem's orders 3; ready to experience the heady taboo thrill of being sexually subservient to a younger boy.

"Suck me, Athenian. Wet my cock with your spit before I penetrate your ass."

Jason dropped to his knees in front of Dem. His hand reached up to the boy's cock and pulled the foreskin down to fully reveal the slender cockhead. Then he hungrily took the hot flesh between his lips, slathering it with his tongue, tasting the rich earthy essence of the 14-year-old's unwashed penis.

"That's good," murmured the Spartan. "Now let's see if you can take it 3; DEEP!" and he grabbed Jason's head with both hands and thrust his hips forward, forcing his cock into the helpless youth's throat.

Jason gagged at the intrusion, but successfully fought off the urge to retch. With all his willpower, Jason passively allowed Dem to fuck his throat with quick, brutal thrusts. When the Spartan pulled away after a few minutes, he was breathing hard and red-faced with arousal.

"Now get up and offer me your ass, Athenian. Grab that low branch. You best hold tight as I intend to fuck you hard and fast."

Jason leaned over, spreading his feet, bending his legs, and looking down at the ground 3; waiting for Dem's cock to enter his body. Inwardly, he reveled in the excitement of sexual submission to the tough young Spartan, though of course he could not express such a humiliating perversion.

Dem's warning had been no idle jest. He positioned himself behind Jason's proffered ass and pushed in hard, with no concern for the pain it would cause. Though Jason tried to open his anal muscle to the thrusting phallus, the assault felt like red-hot iron searing his asshole. And there was no pause when Dem's hard thrust rammed his erection all the way to the hilt. He grabbed Jason's hip bones and fucked with rapid piston strokes, in and out of the teenager's inflamed rectum.

Jason clenched his teeth and grasped tightly to the tree branch. He was determined to take whatever Dem could give, and take it without a whimper. But as the brutal fucking progressed, something surprising happened 3; the burning pain diminished, replaced by the familiar warm fullness and intense erotic stimulation that Jason felt whenever a fellow student at the Academy made love to him. He was being fucked with savagery, but he was loving it! With each thrust of the Spartan's adolescent cock, Jason's senses were moving to a higher level of arousal. He looked between his legs at his own cock, and it was hard 3; bobbing up and down in time with his swaying ball sack as Dem pounded into his ass.

Jason could hear Dem's breath growing ragged. No words came from the Spartan boy's lips, and no cries of lust. But Jason could now hear almost noiseless grunts each time Dem's cock was rammed home. The fuck-strokes came even harder and faster. And then, with a gasp, Dem orgasmed intensely, pulsing his hot cum into Jason's rectum. Jason gloried in the feeling produced by the spasming cock inside his body, and he clenched his ass-muscle tightly around it. After a few more residual thrusts, accompanying the last cum-spurts, Dem pulled away and Jason stood up straight.

"You took it well 3; Jason," said Dem, using Jason's name for the first time that day, and giving his back a good-natured slap. "So stoicly did you accept your obligation that one might mistake you for a Spartan." This was among the highest compliments he could have bestowed, and as he sat in the grass beneath a tree, he pulled Jason down by the arm to sit next to him.

"In my herd, when a defeated opponent takes a fuck with stoicism, the victor shows admiration by drawing forth the boy's seed with hand strokes. Would you object if I honored you thus?"

"Uh 3; no! Of course not! I would gladly accept the honor, Dem." As he said the words, Jason was thinking that he would be honored even more if the Spartan were his bed partner that night. But he kept that thought to himself as Dem knelt beside him, taking Jason's penis in one hand and his balls in the other. With the same serious determination that seemed to accompany every task he pursued, Dem commenced a skillful masturbation, exhibiting a deft touch and a willingness to make the session last longer than the typical quick jack-off.

As Dem pleasured him, Jason longed to hug and caress the boy with affection 3; to lay with him in the grass and kiss, just as he did with his school friends. But he knew that such a suggestion would offend the Spartan, so he refrained. Instead, he closed his eyes and let his body ride the wave of pleasure that flowed beneath Dem's stroking hand. As Jason's breath quickened and his muscles tensed and his toes curled, he broke the silence.

"Oh, Gods, YES! Here it cums!"

And ropes of semen burst forth, at quickly-pulsing intervals, leaving pearly puddles scattered over Jason's chest and belly, as well as on Dem's stroking hand. As Dem sat back down and wiped the cum off his hand onto the grass, Jason used his tunic to clean his torso. "That was good, Dem. Thanks."

"Do not thank me. I was merely upholding tradition."

But Jason thought he could tell, from the look in Dem's eyes, that a connection of friendhip had been made.

"I have a personal question for you Dem, if I may be intrusive," said Jason after they had sat quietly in the afternoon sun for several minutes."

"Ask. I have no secrets."

"The scars on your back 3; are they from your father's discipline?"

To Jason's surprise, Dem began laughing – another first that day from the serious-minded Spartan.

"Forgive me, Jason. I do not mean to be rude. But I thought you knew about the training of Spartan boys. The scars are the badge I wear of my ability to bear pain 3; of my suitability to be a warrior. Last year, at the festival of the goddess Artemis, I was allowed to participate in the whipping ceremony for the first time. I lasted more than 20 minutes before I passed out, and even won praise from the elder of our two kings. My comrades and I often whip each other in friendly competition. The ability to accept the harshest whipping is a key element of our culture. And we are not raised by our fathers. We are raised by all Spartan men, and can expect to be disciplined by any man or older boy if he finds our conduct deficient.

"When a boy joins a herd at age 7, his first welcome is a whipping by his prefect. Not too severely, of course, just an introduction. He is made aware from that first day that he is no longer a child under his mother's protection 3; he is a soldier- in-training. Any lapse in discipline results in a whipping. Any deficiencies in learning 3; a whipping. Our food ration is one bowl of gruel a day; anything else must be stolen, but if you are caught stealing, the whipping is especially harsh.

"If a boy takes his whipping well, he is respected by the herd and by his prefect. If he takes it poorly, with crying and groveling, he is disgraced and invites humiliation. In my herd, a boy who could not take a whipping well was immediately fucked in the ass by the prefect, and was then required to suck off each of the other boys in the herd, under the threat of further whipping. There were nine other boys in my herd, and I'm proud to say that I never had to suck them all off. That's not to say the prefect never fucked me that first year, however. In spite of the fact that I accepted my whippings in silence, the prefect sometimes ordered me to sleep with him, and he used me to satisfy his lust during the night. Until one night, I answered his demand with a kick in his balls and a fist to his nose that drew forth blood. Not bad for a 7-year-old against a 13-year-old, huh? 3;. Of course, he proceeded to beat me unconscious with his fists. But when I was revived he congratulated me for my warrior spirit, and he never again fucked me or made me take his cock in my mouth.

"I don't imagine an Athenian would ever understand our Spartan ways, Jason. We welcome pain the way Athenians welcome their luxuries. I'll wager that no boy at this Academy could take even 25 good lashes on his back, something a Spartan 10-year-old could accept with barely a blink."

Jason spoke immediately, in defense of his peers and in the excitement of the challenge. "I'll take that wager, Dem. Give me 25 of your best, and I'll show you what an Athenian boy can take. Back at the Academy building, there's a 5-tailed cat that schoolmasters may use on unruly students. Let's go." And Jason jumped to his feet and extended a hand to help Dem up.

Dem had a bemused smile on his face as he and Jason grasped each other's forearm and he hopped up. "And what shall be the prize, Jason? How about if you can take the 25 strokes in silence, you may have your way with me however you choose. If you cry out, I'll have you suck off my cock at the center of the wrestling arena, to be watched by anyone passing by."

"It's a bet!" said Jason, pumped with energy.

The two made their way down the hill, passing a pair of boys casually loitering beside the trail who immediately headed up the path to claim the favored spot for private sexual coupling.

When they got to the brick building where classes were held earlier in the day, Jason got the whip from its hook on the wall. It had five 2-foot-long tails of finely braided leather, each strand knotted at the end, attached to a leather-covered handle.

"Yes, this will do," said Dem. "Hands against the wall."

Jason was still naked, as was Dem. He leaned forward and rested his palms against the cool wall at head-height and braced himself for what was coming. The whistling air advertised the first stroke a split-second before it hit.


The pain did not really register at first, but Jason knew from experience that it quickly would.


Jason's felt all five strands rake across his back.


Intense pain was now radiating from his back.


Jason clenched his teeth and concentrated on breathing evenly.


'I must send my thoughts elsewhere. Think of something other than the pain' he told himself.


Jason focused his thoughts on the memories of Dov and Danni, the twin 12-year-old boyslaves at his mentor's villa, and the pleasures he had experienced with them in the nights since his mentor had been away.


He struggled to keep his mind focused on sexual thoughts, instead of the severe lashing that was stinging his back like a nest-full of angry hornets. He concentrated on the events of his first night with the two pleasure slaves, when they had stimulated him for over an hour before finally bringing forth his orgasm.

Again and again the whip sang through the air and landed on Jason's bare back, a new blow striking every 10 seconds or so. But still he willed his brain to concentrate on thoughts of the most intense pleasure.

Dem had counted silently to himself, and when he delivered the last stroke, he walked over to the wall and hung up the whip. Jason was still in his self-induced trance, and he barely heard Dem's words. "Well done, Athenian!" Jason slowly turned around and tried to clear his mind. That's when the full extent of the pain hit him, and he suddenly felt faint. Dem saw that he was about to collapse and caught him under the arms and held him up, as Jason instinctively wrapped his arms around Dem's neck.

"Strength, Jason. You took it like a true Spartan. Don't pass out on me now and spoil it."

As Jason cleared his head, his back was throbbing with pain, but it seemed to be waning rather than increasing. He was leaning against Dem's body, and it felt good. When he felt Dem's hand slip down and take hold of his penis, Jason realized he had a stiff erection.

"I see, Athenian, that you use the same strategy to block out the pain that I use. Either that, or you are thinking ahead to the payment of our wager."

Jason grinned despite the pain. "Perhaps both of your guesses are correct, my Spartan friend. But no matter what my arousal suggests, I guarantee that I do not love the kiss of the lash as you and your countrymen seem to."

"To each his own, Jason. Now, how would you have me pay my wager?"

Jason thought for a moment and decided to ask for what he really desired. "I would have you ask the permission of the men with whom you travel that you spend the night at my villa." Jason explained the circumstances of how he had become the temporary master of one of the great houses of Athens. Dem listened and then nodded his head.

"The purpose of our trip is to learn about your Athenian ways. I will ask my leaders, and I believe they will consent."

And so they did, after consulting with the director of the Academy to verify Jason's claim to being master of the house in which Dem would spend the night.

As Dem was consulting with his leaders, Jason had gone to the Academy's infirmary, where the attendant applied to his back a healing salve imported from Egypt, having remarkable currative powers. The pain disappeared almost completely, replaced by a slight throbbing warmth. The salve could do nothing, however, for the many angry welts that lay in stripes across Jason's back.

When Jason met back up with Dem, the Spartan said "My leaders have allowed me to spend the night in your villa and have instructed me to conduct myself as if I were an Athenian 3; difficult as that may be." Dem didn't mention the additional words of the eldest Spartan in his group: "All the better that you may know the ways of these Athenians, for I am certain that one day our city and theirs will be at war."

Jason beamed with joy at the news, and his mind raced with ideas for nighttime fun. He decided to begin with a quick session of pleasure before they left the Academy.

"Well then, Dem; since you are now an Athenian youth, may we share kisses for a while?"

"I would never 3;" he began with haughty bluster, but witched to a gentler tone "uh 3; I mean, Spartans do not kiss. It is unmanly." Jason could see an uncharacteristic blush sweep over the boy's cheeks as Dem added, almost in a whisper "But I have heard about kissing, and 3; perhaps I have wondered on occasion what it is like."

Jason thought he detected, hidden deep beneath the tough Spartan shell, a gentle boy in need of the tender love that Athenians so easily shared with each other. He moved close to Dem, wrapping his arms around the boy in a gentle embrace. The Spartan stood awkwardly with his arms at his sides.

"Put your arms around my neck," whispered Jason in Dem's ear. Their bodies pressed close together. Jason's lips brushed against Dem's, then pressed lightly against Dem's mouth. But Dem did not kiss back, and the Spartan looked bewildered.

"Could you 3; will you teach me to do these things, Jason?" asked Dem, almost shyly 3;. "Please?"

"Just follow my lead, and then do what comes naturally."

And this time, when Jason pressed his lips to Dem's, the Spartan pressed back. Jason flicked his tongue lightly across Dem's mouth and was rewarded with the feeling of the younger boy's tongue responding in kind. And Jason heard what sounded like a sigh of pleasure as their tongues gradually merged in hot, wet desire.

Dem was a fast and eager learner as the two boys clung together in passionate embrace. Jason noted with pleasure how the Spartan was taking the initiative with his tongue, probing hungrily into Jason's mouth. Dem's hands moved from Jason's neck to his ass, pulling their crotches even closer as their erections slid sensuously together. No words were exchanged, but the sounds of eager passion echoed off the walls of the empty room in with they stood.

Dem's hand slid between their bodies, and he grasped Jason's rigid penis, sliding the foreskin up and down over the cockhead. Jason's hand immediately followed suit, and the two boys were jacking each other with rising lust as their tongues continued to duel. In a chorus of ecstatic moans, both of them shot their bursts of seed onto each other's belly. The semen mingled as they pressed their bodies close and continued to kiss.

As the mutually-felt adolescent lust slowly waned, Jason held his new friend close and whispered in his ear. "Tonight I will show you the pleasures of being served by a skilled boyslave. Or in our case, two twin boyslaves with extraordinary talent and creativity."

The End


The upbringing of Spartan boys described in this story is historically accurate. And it must have worked, because Sparta's citizen-soldiers were the finest army in the world at that time; arguably the toughest and most selfless warrior class the world has ever known. Long after the decline of Spartan power, with the rise of the Roman Empire, the temple of Artemis and its ritual flogging of boys became a tourist attraction a parody of its former noble purpose. Romans came to watch with erotically-tinged fascination as naked Spartan boys were whipped - uncomplaining and unmoving - until they passed out.
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