UnknownwriterHarnessed |
SummaryAiming to get his own back on his practical joker, best mate, a boy discovers that not all jokes are what they appear to be, and ends up dressed like a giant toddler in a pram, to help his friend comes to terms with himself.
Publ. Dec 2013
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CharactersNick Narrator (14yo), Max Rockton (13yo), Rick Rockton (12yo)Category & Story codesOther Boy storyt (solo) bt tt – cons – bond clothing age-regression diapers. (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteI lost contact with Unknownwriter (his e-mail gives an error message), but, he has sent me 31 stories, so I can continue for quite some time publishing his stories with one or two per month. Unknownwriter, if you read this, send me the new e-mail address, and to be sure it is you, mention your old e-mail in your message. |
Chapter OneIt was time for pay back which is why I was sneaking into my best mate's house at the crack of dawn. Well not exactly the crack of down as it was already gone nine o'clock but when you're fourteen that's early enough on a weekend to be doing anything let alone sneaking into someone house. Okay so it wasn't like I was really breaking in or anything, as my family had known the owners of the house since, well forever, so we'd been in and out of there all the time, which is why I knew the spare key for the backdoor was where it was, and how I could let myself in that way, even though Mr and Mrs Rockton's car wasn't in the drive. But then I knew they weren't there as they'd gone out with my parents, so I was expecting Max to be in the house by himself, which he was, just not how I imagined he'd be. Anyway, once I was inside the Rockton's house, all was quiet just as I'd hoped it would be, meaning that Max must still be in bed, and his little brother Rick was staying with a friend someplace else, which would give me free reign to act our my dastardly deed, with the water balloons I was carrying. I just needed to get to Max's room before he woke up. It had all started a week before when the roles had been reversed and it had been Max sneaking into my room, with a cup of water, into which he put one of my hands while I slept, no doubt with the intention of trying to get me to wet myself. However, I hadn't been asleep as the pipes in our house make such a row that there was no way I could have slept through the time it took of him to fill up that washing up bowl. Still, I let him carry out his plan, while planning revenge of my own. However, when I got to Max's room that day, made me forget what I was doing and would go on to change my life while, at the same time making me even tighter with Max. Not that I thought that was going to happen when I first went in. Max's room is at the back of their house, so there was enough light streaming through the windows to light up the scene almost perfectly, for there laying right in the middle of Max's bed, was what looked like a very large toddler, dressed in nothing but brilliant white nappy, that almost shone in the early morning sunlight, in deep contrast to the sun tan that Max somehow always managed to maintain even in the depths of winter. All of which proved that it wasn't a toddler at all but Max. When I looked closed I could see that the nappy wasn't the only thing Max was wearing, as there were several straps going around his chest and up over his shoulders. All then disappeared around behind his back, and no doubt connected to the twin straps that had been put around his mattress, and which clearly were holding him dead in the centre of his bed. For quite a few minutes I just stared at the really odd sight of my best mate, dressed in a nappy strapped down to his bed. Max was slightly younger than me, and wouldn't be fourteen for another month yet, but all the same he was clearly too old to be wearing what he was wearing and obviously there was no way that he would have put this stuff on himself, even if he could have – I couldn't for example see just how the straps on the bed were fastened, so doubted he could have removed them himself – so the question was who had done this too him and why. Actually the 'why' wasn't that hard to guess, as Max was something of a practical joker, or at least he had been when we'd been younger. More than once he'd got me into trouble with either my parents or his, for something he'd done, but that hadn't happened so much in recent time, at least until he'd tried to get me to wet my bed. Clearly though, someone else had had the same idea as me that morning and had already played a prank on Max. A prank far better than anything I could have come up with, so putting my water balloons aside, I decided to just go with what I'd found. After taking a few photos with the camera I'd bought along to capture the moment I'd burst the water balloons over my friend's sleeping head, I then returned to the end of the bed, and after slamming open the door like I'd just come in finally let out all the laughter that had been building up for the last ten minutes or so. Unlike me, Max was slow to wake up, but when he did it was with something of a start although oddly not about what he was wearing, but rather that I was there. In fact he didn't make any move against the harness or straps that held him to the bed, and instead just looked at me, so clearly he'd known about the nappy and the straps when he'd gone to sleep. "What happened?" I eventually asked, but again Max didn't answer for a few moments until he asked me what I thought had happened. After I'd told my friend about how someone had clearly done this to him in his sleep, he suddenly came to life, twisting and turning helplessly on the bed, trying to reach something over the far side of the bed, but it was no good he couldn't reach whatever it was. "Quick," he said, "undo that catch will you before he comes back." Moving around to where he'd been trying to reach, I saw there was a belt buckle just under the edge of the mattress, which was holding one of the straps that held him down. Easily I was able to release it, followed by the one on the other strap. Naturally, as I did so, I asked just who had played this prank on him but he didn't answer in his haste to get out of what had to be a totally humiliation outfit. Free from bed, Max sat up and started fumbling behind his back, at the straps that were wound around his body, only they place where they all joined together was covered over with a yellow cover, that itself was fastened closed with two twists that he just couldn't reach, so once more he had to ask for my help. Quickly, I opened up the panel under which was a buckle like you find on baby seats, into which all the various straps going around his body fitted into. It had a big red button in the middle that, when pressed, caused all the buckles to come loose, allowing, Max to shrug of the entire harness, which only left the nappy. The nappy looked like the disposable sort that babies wore only it was obviously rather bigger in order to fit a thirteen year old. There were three tapes on either side that fastened together the two parts across Max's hips. All of these proved easy for him to pull back, and release, allowing him to become free from it. Naturally he was naked underneath, but that was nothing new for me to see, as I'd seen him naked many times before, although, in the brief look I had, I could have sworn that he'd lost all the pubic hair that he'd been so proud of only a few months earlier. Not that that was the only shock, as there was a weird smell coming from him. A mixture of smells in fact. One was a babyish one that I put down to the nappy, but the other two were more familiar, as one was that of the school changing rooms after a hard game, all sweat, with a faint hint of pee. That though wasn't the most surprising, as that was the small that I, as a teenage boy, was only too familiar with. The smell of cum. Finally free from his baby clothes, Max wasted no time in grabbing the previous day's t-shirt and long shorts that he'd left on the bed side chair as always, and put them on as he offered his explanation. "You remember that I'm always calling my brother "Baby Ricky" right?" "Yeah," I lied as I couldn't remember that. I'd heard Max call Rick, his "Little brother" many times, even though there was only a couple of years between them, and Rick wasn't actually that much smaller than him at all, but it had always seemed like a joke between them. "Well, Rick decided to get his own back by making me into his baby brother, which is why he got me all dressed up like this last night, before he left for his mates, and he said he was going to do some more this morning, so thank goodness you came round." Max said as he finished putting his trainers on. "You're little brother did this?" I asked a little surprised as although Rick was, like I said, about the same size as Max, he wasn't all that big and Max, being a rugby player should have been able to do something about that. "He got me by surprise." Was the only explanation, quickly followed by another urge for us both to get out of there before Rick came back, just in case he bought a load of his mates with him who we wouldn't be able to fight off. It didn't really make sense to me, but somehow I got caught up in the excitement of it all, so when Max pushed passed me to into the hall I followed him. Likewise, when we then heard the front door open and bang shut, followed by Rick Rockton announcing he was home, I panicked nearly as much as Max did. We ran down the stairs, straight towards the clearly surprised Rick, standing there in the kit of the soccer team he should have been playing for that morning, giving him just enough time to ask how Max got free, before his big brother had reached the front door and was through it, annoyingly closing it behind him. With the door closed in my face I had little option but to pull up short coming face to face with the eleven year old, who just smiled and said "Hi Nick." As if nothing odd was going on. Pulling myself to my full height – I was a little taller than both the Rockton brothers – I put my hands on my hips in what I hoped was a threatening pose, and told Rick, plain and simple that if he thought he was going to do to me what he'd done to Max then he was going to have a fight on his hands. That was when things got even weirder. "I didn't do nothing that Max didn't want?" he said still smiling, while his eyes sparkled under the wild mop that passed for his hair. "Yeah, right," I scoffed, "Like Max wanted to wear a nappy and be strapped to his bed." "He did. He always does. He likes it." "He what? No way? And what do you mean 'always'? Have you done that to him before?" "Of course, loads of times, ever since I caught him wearing the nappy and baby clothes he got from the internet." That left me rather dumbfounded, I have to admit, as somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered Max telling me about this 'weird' site he'd found that sole all sorts of baby stuff big enough for adults or even, as he'd said, "for people our age'. All the same, it was rather a big leap from that, to thinking that he'd actually ordered some of this stuff for himself. Or was it. Chapter TwoIt was a cold spring day when Max Rockton had received the call on his mobile that the packed he'd ordered had arrived at the post office. Not willing to take the risk of having it delivered directly to the house it was another day, before he could slip away from the last lesson of the school day, and go and collect the large thankfully plain wrapped box. After producing his ID, and signing for the box, Max got out of there as fast as possible as he was sure the guy behind the counter was staring at him, after no doubt having x-rayed the box to know exactly what was inside it even though he'd asked if it was a new games console. There was, however, something about the way the guy had said "Have fun with your games!" as Max had left that had caused the long haired thirteen year old to blush more than a boy should. By the time Max got home he was breathing fast, and his hands were shaking so much that he had trouble unlocking the front door. Finally though, he was inside, and with the front door slammed shut, heading directly for his room. Inside his room, he wasted no time in dropping his coat on the floor, and nearly fell over as he toed his shoes off, before he ended up dropping the box on the end of his bed and standing panting in front of it, barely able to believe that it was finally there, after all those months of saving up his regular pocket money along with any cash he could get from odd jobs, some of which had gone on the cost of a pre-paid credit card, with which he had been able to conduct the online purchase, the results of which were in that box. Using a barely sharp, pen knife, Max carefully sliced through the tape on the box, and opened it up to revel the treasures inside. Most of the box was taken up by a large pack of youth sized disposable nappies, but underneath them were even more things that your average teenage boy wouldn't even think about let alone want, including a set of plastic leak proof pants, in clear plastic with strong tight elastic at the waist and around the leg openings, as well as a set of shortalls, in light blue with small cartoon characters around the seat, across the font and up onto the big. Underneath that was a large size baby dummy with a yellow mouth guard and red stopper on the front that matched the large rubber teat on the other, that came with a strap for fixing it around the wearer neck so it couldn't be removed. When everything was laid out on the bed, Max knew that he should put all his new goodies away in the secret place he'd already worked out for them, and get rid of the box, but the wait for the items to turn up had been so agonising, that he had to be sure that it was all worth it and that wearing this stuff, would be every bit as exciting as he'd always thought it would be. After all his parents wouldn't be home for hours yet, and nor would Rick, plus it was a family tradition to announce yourself when you arrived so that would give Max plenty of time to forget about the strange thoughts of being a baby that had bugged him for the last year of so. Ever since puberty had struck Max Rockton, he'd found himself thinking of how great it had been to be a baby. Well not so much a baby but a toddler, who had nothing to do but enjoy themselves while everything else was done for them. Confused by these thoughts, Max was well aware he couldn't talk to anyone, not even his usually loving family, or his best mate, so instead had turned to the internet. In the following few weeks, he found site after site that had proved he wasn't alone in having these thoughts – far from it – as waves of emotion over came him. Relief that he wasn't a freak, mixed with arousal at some of the things he was able to read about, or see for offer on line. Quickly, but carefully, Max made friends on line who shared his interest who, in turned opened his eyes to even more things that were available and how he could get them without risk of giving away either who he was, or what he was buying. Which is how he'd come to having the items that he was now about to put on for the first time. After taking off his clothes, Max pulled out the first nappy he'd seen since his little brother stopped wearing them, and with surprising ease managed to put it on, despite never having done so before. Admittedly he made the initial mistake of trying to do so while he was standing up but he'd soon corrected that rookie error, and sitting firmly in the middle of the soft comforting padding, had successfully, pulled the front up over his rather excited erection, and taped it down across his hips to the rear panel. Standing once more, Max moved over to the mirror to get a good look at himself, feeling a great rush go through him as he saw the way the brilliant white nappy fitted so snugly around his waist and up between his legs. He was slightly disappointed that his legs were spread as wide as some of the stories had told him they would be, giving him that distinctive baby waddle, but he also knew that wearing a doubler underneath the nappy would have the desired effect, but that was for a later date, as for now he was content with just seeing his behind bulging from just the single nappy. With trembling hands he picked up the clear plastic pants which admittedly he didn't really need, as the nappy was designed to hold anything a teenager bladder could throw at it, but all the same, Max had been told that plastic pants would make him feel even more babyish so he'd ordered them, and was no putting them on. It was little bit tricky getting the plastic pants on, as they were a touch on the tight side which was somewhat disappointing as Max worried they wouldn't fit at all if he made the nappy thicker, but oddly once they were in place, over the single disposable he was wearing they didn't seem that tight, even if the elastic did bite into his waist and upper thighs a bit. By the time Max had the plastic pants in place without a single trace of the nappy poking out from the leg holes or around the waist, he was fighting the urge to take care of the tubular bulge that was so very obvious even through the thick padding of the nappy, but he knew that if he did then it would be the end of his initial experiment at dressing up and he wanted the full effect, so he ignored it, as he unpacked the shortalls from their cellophane wrapping. Like the plastic pants the shorts part of the shortalls had elastic around the waist and legs, but the reason for it was different. With the shortalls this wasn't to prevent leaks but to ensure that the wearing of the nappy underneath them was all the more obvious as it caused them to bulge around the wearer's middle far more than normal shorts would have. Naturally with the tight waistband the bib and braces part of the shortalls was rendered pointless, but it was all part of the childlike appearance, so Max took great care to ensure the shoulder straps crossed over behind his back, and that they were just the right length to hold the big high and tight against his chest. Finally there was just one thing left to do, and Max picked up the dummy, put the nipple up to his mouth, but then had second thoughts about it, as he smelled it, remembering the instructions his baby friends had told him to wash it first, so he headed for the bathroom. Leaving his room for the first time dressed as a giant baby, Max found that his legs were now, slightly forced a little apart from the added thickness of the plastic pants and the shortalls, giving him the waddle he'd wanted. Not only that, but there was a great tell tail sound of plastic rubbing on plastic made by the motion of the nappy against he plastic pants, that made him shudder with pleasure. In the bathroom, Max stood in front of the sink carefully washing the teat of the adult sized dummy, under hot water, before pouring a little of his dad's mouthwash – the only antiseptic he could find – over it before washing it again to remove the smell of the mouth wash. Only when that was all done did he finally put the nipple into his mouth and give it a few test sucks before putting the strap around behind his head, loosely. It was as he was coming out of the bathroom that Max heard the front door slam, and his little brother announce that he was home early due to his friend being a 'knob-head'. The surprised caught Max where he was, on the other side of the open landing from his room, trying to decide if he should dash for it, or wait to see where Rick went next. Hopefully into the living room, or the kitchen. Well anywhere but upstairs. He was out of luck. "Where are you Max?" Rick shouted clearly keen to talk about whatever it was that his mate had done to cause him to come home early, totally unaware that the last thing Max wanted right now was to talk, as he made the choice to dart for his room. He nearly made it too. Running across the landing, Max just about had his bedroom door open and himself though it when his brother's shaggy head appeared up the stairs. "You'll never guess what happened," Rick started to say, but that was quickly forgotten when he caught sight of Max, "What are you wearing?" Quickly pulling the dummy from his lips, Max found he couldn't totally remove it due to the strap around his neck, so had little option but to leave it hanging in front of his chest, while he ran through his choice of options of what to say. One by one he dismissed those he'd read about as either being stupid or that he knew Rick would never swallow, as most of those revolved around him admitting to a bed wetting problem which although it would have explained the nappy, and plastic pants, didn't explain everything else. Eventually Max settled on the only one he could think off that would work, "It's a fancy dress costume." He said. "Really," Rick's eyes grew wide as he came up the rest of the stairs, "You'll go out like that?" Crap! That wasn't right. Forcing Max to do some damage limitation. "Yeah, I mean, no. I was just testing it out to see what it was like and see if I could send it back, or not." "And it's a baby boy costume right. Well a toddler anyway." "Yeah." Rick was quiet for a moment before he admitted, with a strange smile, that it sort of suited Max before he added that, if he really wanted to pull off the baby look, then he had to get used to wearing it for a bit longer as, after all, Rick had always wanted a baby brother, that he could tease like he remembered getting teased, by Max. Max though wasn't really listening as he was still trying to think of a way to get out of the situation he'd found himself in, while simultaneously praying that the added layers of the shortalls was enough to hide the near constant erection he'd had since he'd first put the nappy on. He even tried backing into his room, but Rick just followed him. Inside his big brothers room, Rick couldn't help noticing the large packing case the clothes had come in, and especially just how many nappies remained in the overly large pack that had apparently been bought just for a one off occasion which started his mind remembering, the time, that their mum had found an few old towels and safety pins in Max's room and had joked about them reminding her nappies. At the time it had got a family laugh but it had also made Max blush a deep red, for reasons that were now becoming more than a little clear to his little brother. "You know what that thing you're wearing reminds me of something!" Spinning around from where he'd been hiding the shipping order so the cost of his costume wouldn't be known, Max, asked his brother what he meant. "Don't you remember what you and Nick used to do to me when I was still in infants and you bother were in juniors." Max shook his head, making the dummy on his chest bounce although it wasn't long before it was doing more than that, as Rick's fingers reached into the sides of the shortalls and quickly reduced him to giggles. "Tickle attack!" the younger boy shouted, as he intensified his assault until he'd worked his other hand into the other side of the shortalls, reducing his teenaged brother to a giggling mess on the floor. "Man you're more ticklish than I ever was back then." The youngster noted, as Max was reduced to be very red faced and panting on his bed, although not all of that was from the tickling. At least not directly, as there was also the matter of the warm wetness that was now in his loins. "St 3; st 3; stop!", he finally managed to say, pushing his brother off him, to announce that he needed to get changed. "Why? I thought you were trying that gear out and the 'rents wont' be back for ages yet." Then suddenly something dawned on Rick, "Oh wait, you don't mean you've 3; you know 3; in them!" "No just a little wet." Admitted Max misunderstanding what his brother was asking. "From the tickling, you know!" A strange silence came over the room, as the two brothers locked eyes, before they both burst out laughing in the conspiratory way that only siblings can. "Tell you what," Rick was the first one to pull himself together, "Why don't you put on a fresh nappy – I see you've got loads – and continue to wear your costume until mum and dad come home." Max's mouth fell open as he fought to find the words to express what he was thinking, but Rick just picked up the dummy that was still laying around his neck and pushed it back into his mouth sealing the deal for how things were going to be in the future. Chapter Three"Max is a what?" I asked his brother for about the tenth time. "He's a teen baby. Well more a teen toddler, but for some reason they don't call themselves that." "Who doesn't?" "The other teen babies of course, and their careers. The people who look after them and treat them like the babies or toddlers that they want to be, like I do with Max." "You treat him like a baby?" Rick sighed and gave himself a head slap in frustration at my question which was, I admit, somewhat stupid given everything I'd already seen and heard that day. "What do you think all this stuff is for?" We were now standing in Max's bedroom, where Rick had told me more about the various things he and Max had bought over the months since they'd started on this new relationship, including the items mentioned in that initial encounter, and the somewhat large supplies of nappies, that were hidden beneath Max's bed. "But why does he do it?" I asked out loud the question that had been bugging me all along, and to which, it turned out, there was no one simple answer. Instead, it took nearly an hour, while instead of explaining, Rick took me on a tour of all the sites his brother took part in. Pointing out along the way, the postings by "Baby Maxi", who, I wasn't surprised to learn was my friend's name when he was being a baby. It was an eye opening experience to say the least to see life the way my best mate did, but as Rick pointed out more than once, under it all "Baby Maxi" was still the same Max Rockton, I'd grown up with, and he always would be even if he had different interests to me. "I know, I know," I agreed fully understanding the point Rick was making, but as I told him, the entire baby thing was just difficult to understand especially as Max looked so scared when he realised I'd found out his little secret. "Oh don't worry about that. He was like that with me the first few times. Always trying to hide when he was wearing a nappy even though the noise and the size of his bum made it obvious, not to mention the smell of the baby powder. Still, after a while he got more comfortable with me seeing him in one, until some days that's all he wears." "Yeah, okay I can get the nappy thing 3; well sort off 3; and maybe even the dressing up, but what's the deal with him being strapped the to bed?" Rick smiled, "Well that was a bit of a compromise as obviously he can't sleep in a crib like he really wants, as I think mum and dad would notice a teenaged sized one of those, especially one that locked, don't you think?" I laughed at that, before asking if Max's parents didn't know anything about what he's doing. "I think they've guessed, or have an idea at least, but they won't say anything to Max until he's ready to tell them." "Is he going to?" "No, not yet, I don't think, as I think he's happy with things the way they are with just him and me knowing. Well and you now, of course." Rick smiled, "Plus I don't think mum and dad would be too keen on all the restraints stuff." "Probably not," I agreed as the Rockton's were even more liberal than my family and that's saying something. To them freedom was everything, so I couldn't see them agreeing to their eldest son being strapped to his bed all night even if he did want it. "So," Rick paused until he had my full attention, "You're not going to tell anyone are you?" "What about this? Who'd believe me?" Rick shrugged, "That's not really the point, as Max is just worried about people finding out that's all." "You see, that's another thing I don't really get. Well I do get why he wouldn't want people to know,.." before I could say anything else, Rick interrupted. "But he does want someone else to know." "Who?" "You!" "Me?" I laughed, "It didn't look like that just now. Did you see how fast he was out of here?" "Well, yes, but he does want you to know, guess this just wasn't the way he wanted you to find out. After all what do you think all that hand in the water stuff was for?" "The prank?" I asked before the penny dropped, "You mean he really wanted me to wet myself, so I'd have to wear a nappy like he wants to?" "Not exactly like that, just wanted you to think you might wet yourself so then he could tell you that he did, and if you didn't freak out at that, then he'd have told you about the nappies and stuff. Slowly of course." "Of course." It was my turn to shrug. "So what happens now?" I meant the question to be about Max and how we got him back home and calmed down, but his brother thought I meant what the two of them would have done had I not turned up to ruin it all. "Well, I was going to get 'Baby Maxi' up, dressed and then I was going to take him out for a walk." "No I meant 3; hang on 3; Max was going to go outside in this stuff." I pointed to the nappies as I spoke. "Yeah he's done it loads of time, especially with the nappies under his clothes, but of course we have to be more careful when he's fully dressed up, so we usually just stay in the garden or go places where we know we won't meat too many people." "'Too many'?" I butted in, "You said 'too many people', does that mean you've met some people." "Oh for sure, not that we mean to but some times we can't help it." "What do they say?" "Not much usually. I think they just assume 'Baby Maxi' has something wrong in the head, or they think it's cute, or if that doesn't work, then I tell them it's for a fancy dress party, or it's a dare, or that Max lost a bet. Something like that?" "And that works?" "So far it has. I mean there was this one time when a little old lady asked Max if he was okay, because she was worried he was being bullied or blackmailed or something, but otherwise there haven't been any problems." "Jeez," I sighed, "I'm surprised Max does that if there's a chance he can be seen." "I'm not, as I think he likes it." "He likes people seeing him dressed like a baby?" "Yeah, as long as he doesn't know them, and they don't know him, of course, but it's all part of his teen baby thing, really, to be totally treated like a baby all the time. Well not all the time, as that would just be stupid, but when he wants to be, plus, he's a baby, so there's nothing he can do about it. That's the point." Slowly I was beginning to understand, well not understand as such, but at least get to grips with what my friend had been going through. It was like Rick said, and similar to all those 'inclusion' lectures we often got at school, about not letting people who were different feel left out by trying to understand them, and even join in with what they were doing. Only I wasn't too sure about that last point. "Really," I asked Rick, "You think Max wants me to be his 3; what did you call it again 3; his carer?" "No, not so much." "Then what then?" "He wants you to be his mate like you always have been, or rather, in teen baby talk, his little playmate." "Oh, right, I get you." Only I didn't, but I was about to. "Hang on, you mean he wants me to wear nappies and stuff too." Rick hit his palm against his face again, "Yes!" A silence fell between the two of us, while I thought about that and Rick thought about something else. Something which gave him an idea. "You know, I've a pretty good idea that Max will have gone where we were going to go today anyway, so I should probably get there and let him know you don't have a problem with him as 'Baby Maxi' everything will be fine again." "that's a great idea." I started to leave but Rick stopped me. "No you've got come to, so he can see how fine you are with everything and that you won't go telling on him." "I wouldn't tell." I shot back immediately suddenly sounding like a ten year again. "Yeah, and Max probably knows that, but we need to show him that you won't." "And how do we do that?" "Easy, we make it so that you can't tell without him telling on you too!" "On me too, what?" I was confused. A sigh went through Rick's slender body, as he explained further, "It's like when you broke that window playing football at your house and were worried Max was going to tell on you. What did Max do then?" My memory went back to the time we'd both been around eight or so, and after a moments pause, Max had gone inside the house to get the ball, only instead of bringing it out with him he throw it back through the window. Only not the window I'd just broken but another one. When I asked why he'd done that, he'd just said that now if anyone was in trouble it was going to be the both of us, and that was what friends did for each other. Of course we had both got in trouble, but that wasn't the point, and now I still wasn't too sure what Rick's point was, as there were, as far as I could see, any windows to break. And then I did. "You want me to put a nappy on?" "Exactly," Rick actually clapped his hands, clearly having no idea just what he was asking. Or did he? "You see that way, Max can have no doubt that you get exactly what he's doing, and you're fine with it. Plus if you were to tell anyone what he was doing then he can tell them, honestly that you were doing it to, just like with the football." "But, but, what if someone sees me? Someone else I mean?" "Don't worry they won't. And even if they do, they won't know it's you. Well Max will, but no one else would." "But I'd be outside in a nappy, won't that look odd to everyone?" "No cos you won't just be wearing a nappy will you and anyway, don't you think Max and I have a way to make sure that most people won't see you even if they do see you?" "What the heck does that mean?" "Don't worry it'll make sense once we get to that bit, but are you going to do it, or not, or are you going to let your best mate think you think he's a freak." It was emotional blackmail of course, something that little brothers are, I guess, rather good at, and of course it worked. "Okay what do I do?" Chapter FourThe instant the words were out of my mouth, Rick Rockton burst into action, getting supplied out of his bit brother secret baby stash, while telling me to take off my clothes so he could put a nappy on me. It was just about the oddest situation I could have ever imagined I'd find myself but something told me that it wasn't going to be the last one of those that day, and I was right too, although for the meantime it was enough for me to cope with being naked in my best mate's bedroom – itself not strange – but doing it in front of that mate's little brother was. By the time I was naked, Rick pretty much had everything ready. Having pulled the duvet off Max's bed, Rick had taken one of the disposable nappies from under the bed, and having opened it up, lay it out in the middle of the mattress. "Okay, lay down on this, face up." He told me, waiting while I did so, and guiding me until my naked bottom was directly in the middle of the surprisingly soft white padded cloth. "Right then, you just lay back and let me do everything," he said, making me feel about ten times weirder then I already did. "First we'd best use some powder on you, but not the oil, I don't think, as you've still got hair down there." "You mean, Max hasn't?" I asked, while staring at the ceiling as a cloud of white, powder slowly drifted up my body from my loins. "Not any more he doesn't. It was getting in the way all the time, and is a terrible cause of nappy rash in teen baby's." Rick explained in a voice that gave away just how much he knew about what he was saying and doing. Once I was powdered, Rick turned his attention back to the nappy, unfolding the three parts of it that poked out from around my body. One on either side of my hips and the third down between my legs. I had to open my legs to give him access to that last one, which made me feel more than a little vulnerable, but it wasn't a sensation that lasted long as no sooner had Rick's hand gone down between my legs then it was coming up again, pulling the nappy with it. In a couple of minutes more, Rick had main flap of the nappy down over my nakedness, and was picking up each of the two sides in turn, so they could be fastened two it. This was done via a row of three tapes across the hips. Tapes that could be fastened and then re-fastened until they were as tight as they could be. For the first time in around ten years I found myself wearing a nappy, and the odd thing was it didn't feel all that strange. It was a bit like wearing old style tight underwear, only thicker due to all the padding that was fixed into it. This padding though, for obvious reasons, was only in the middle part that ran down over my front, between my legs and then up the crack of my bum. Compare to that there was almost nothing on the sides at all, despite the tapes being there. "Think we'll use these too, although you don't really need them, as that's one of Max's best nappies you've got on." Rick was holding up a pair of translucent plastic pants. These looked just like old style underpants only, they were see through of course. They had a thick line of elastic around each of leg openings and what looked like a little belt around the top. Under Rick's instructions, I lifted my legs up off the bed, so he could thread my feet into the leg holes off the plastic pants. Rick then drew them all the way up my legs until they reached my middle, at which point I had to do a sort of crab move to raise my bum from the mattress so the plastic pants could go all the way over the nappy I was now wearing. Finally Rick said that I could stand up, which I did, and he spent the next few minutes going around the plastic pants making sure that all parts of the nappy were tucked inside it, explaining that they were really made for the old style nappies, but that Max liked to wear them anyway due to the noise they made, when he walked. Naturally I raised some objections to this, stating that if the noise was that obvious wouldn't other people hear it, but Rick just said that didn't matter as I wouldn't be walking. I was going to ask him some more about that, but before I could, I had another question. "What was that?" I asked, trying my best to look behind me, where the clicking sound had come from, but I couldn't quite make it. "These are locking plastic pants," explained Rick as casually as he could. "Locking? What do you mean locking?" "That they lock, when they're on so the wearer can't take them off. GO on try." I tried but I couldn't. Like the legs the waist had a fairly tight elastic around it, or rather what I'd assumed to be elastic but what actually turned out to be the belt that was just above the actually elastic. This was like a regular belt, but was worn backwards so the buckle was in the middle of my back rather than in front of me. Not only that, the buckle had a hole through it which a tiny padlock could be placed, so it couldn't be undone. Or in other words I was trapped in the plastic pants, and therefore in the nappy too. "Don't worry about that now?" Rick dismissed my someone obvious concerns about this, while he fetched something blue from under the bed. "Here lift your leg up so I can put this on you." I was about to ask what it was, but then I caught sight of the cartoon characters that were on the blue cloth, and I recognised it from the description of the first shortalls that Max had ordered on line and which Rick had caught him in. This made it the first item of baby clothes we were both going to wear, which made sense. Sort of. The shortalls were, basically shorts, so they came up my legs like shorts would, only they were much, much shorter than any shorts I would normally wear, so they came a long way up my legs, until not just my knees were bare, but nearly all my thighs as well. They were also rather a tight fit although they probably wouldn't have been had I been wearing normal underwear, although if I had been, then I'm fairly sure the ends of my boxers would have poked out the legs holes. Anyway, as it was Rick had to take some time working the shorts up over the bulge caused by the nappy and the plastic pants, until he got the waist of the shortalls up to my waist. Once the shorts were in place, Rick made a couple of final adjustments before he flipped the braces up over my shoulders from behind, so they dropped down over my chest. Then he lifted up the bib part and after getting me to scrunch down a bit, fastened the buttons that held the braces onto the bid. Standing up again, we discovered that I was clearly a little bit taller than Max was, or at least taller than he had been when he'd bought these on line, as the braces were totally stretched tight, which in turn hoisted the shorts up a little more, which also tightened both the plastic pants and the nappy around my private parts, in a way that I have to admit wasn't entirely unpleasant. "Hold out your hand and make a fist!" It wasn't an instruction I was expecting but then I wasn't expecting anything that had happened so I just did it and then watched as Rick fitted one of a lair of soft leather fingerless mittens onto my hand. It looked a bit like a boxing glove, as it had laces around the wrist, only it wasn't padded like they were. All the same I didn't think of asking what they were for, as Rick fastened up the laces, and tightly tied them in a non slip double bow. I didn't even ask as he buckled up an additional sewn-in strap firmly around my wrist either as by then it was fairly obvious what the mittens were for. They rendered my hand totally imprisoned inside, stuck in a clenched fist, within the tight leather. "That will keep your fingers out of places they shouldn't go." Rick did explain, albeit a little too late, "Now let's make sure you don't go wondering off with these." This was something I'd seen before, as it was the same set of straps that Max had been wearing and which had held him down to his bed while he slept, when I arrived. "Right hold your arms out, so I can put this on you." Again I complied with the instructions I was given, slotting my now useless hands into the spaces between the straps that Rick indicated. This formed the start of the harness, as the shoulder straps and the top chest strap were already joined on either side, so it was a bit like putting on a jacket backwards, as once I'd gone that far, Rick nipped behind me, and started buckling everything together. It took some minutes to get the harness on as I was clearly a different size to Max, so nearly all the straps had to be adjust so they would fit me. Thankfully that wasn't tricky as they had built in sliders on all the straps, but it did mean that straps were fastened, then unfastened to be adjusted and then fastened again, several times each. Naturally as Rick did this the harness stated to get tighter and tighter, until it became a perfect fit both over my shoulders and around my chest and stomach. Then came the final strap which was an extension of the two shoulder straps, at the front, going right down, under, and between my legs and then back up to rejoin the major buckle at the back. This two was adjusted until it was very snug, once more pulling the nappy even tighter around my loins. Finally all the straps were in place, and as tight as Rick wanted them, so after a few more second fiddling around behind me, I heard another couple of ominous clicks, as the security panel was closed over the top of the buckles, and I knew I was stuck in the harness, and therefore the clothes, until Rick unlocked me from it. "Does Max actually go out walking in this stuff?" I asked his little brother a few minutes later, when I'd attempted to take some steps in the get up which wasn't all that easy. This was partly down to the tightness of it all, especially around my private parts, but also, the added bulk of the nappy between my legs, meaning that I couldn't close them as far as I normally did, making me look, or at least feel, a little bandy legged. "He sure does, but like I said, you're not going to have to walk anywhere but out to the garage." "Max is in the garage?" I jumped to the wrong conclusion. "No, but your transport is." Rick refused to say any more than that, as he flicked around the room picking up a few more bits and pieces, before he urged me to walk out of the room, and take a sharp turn towards their garage. Naturally it felt a bit odd walking around the house in what I was wearing, even though I knew there was no one there, but at the same time I really wanted to see what I looked like in this get up, only there were no mirrors along our route and not even one in Max's room. Not a full length one anyway, which led me to wonder how Max got to see what he looked like, or maybe that wasn't important to him. The garage was a total mess. Or at least that's what it looked like. It also had a rough concrete floor which meant I had to walk really carefully as I still had bare feet so it was with some relief that Rick told me to stand to one side, while he went to the end of the stacks of junk and pulled the covering from what looked like a very large, old fashioned black pram. "Max found this in a junk yard, and bought it home to use." Explained Rick, before reading my mind, and the somewhat obvious question that was there, "Of course it's not made for a thirteen going on fourteen year old baby, so we had to make some adjustments to it, as you'll see." Having pulled the pram out into the only space left on the floor of the garage, Rick removed the clear plastic rain cover from the top of the pram, followed by the hood, and a shopping bag that had been fitted to the space underneath the part where the baby rode and sure enough I could see what he was talking about. At the foot end of the pram two holes had been cut, which were large enough to let someone's legs stick out of the end. They'd been padded around the inside with foam for comfort and as Rick next demonstrated the top half of the bottom end, lifted out, to leave only the lower half of the holes, similar in the way to how old fashioned village stocks worked. "Right then, it's going to be a bit tricky for you to get in but here's what you do?" The warning turned out to be true, but clearly both Rick and Max had thought through the operation of how to get a teenage boy into the same space designed for a small baby, even though the teenager's hands were rendered useless by mittens. This involved, putting on all the pram's brakes, then for me to come around to the foot end of the pram and stand on a small box. This raised my up until my well padded bum was higher than the base of the pram so I could then sit down, just on the other side of the remaining foot part. From there it was just a matter of my laying down in the pram with my legs dangling out the bottom. I had to shuffle around a bit until my head was right at the other end of the pram, but eventually I was in the right position and Rick was able to position my thighs into the slots provided, and to then drop the top part of the stocks down and lock it into place with two strong catches on either side. I couldn't see what happened next, but Rick gave me a running commentary so that I could tell what he was up to as he buckled a couple of wide but small dog collars around each of my ankles. These he purposely crossed over, in the middle, so that my legs were stuck to each other, before he bent my legs at the knees so that my shins and ankles went up under the base of the pram where two spring loaded clips were attached to the rings in the collars, to hold them there, and totally immobilized. My upper body was next. Velcro straps had been added down both sides, of the pram interior, and these were fastened around my wrists, elbows and upper arms, until they were out of the way. Once that was done, more spring loaded clips like those holding my ankles, came in and were clipped onto the rings on the harness I was wearing at my waist, chest and on top of my shoulders. The chest and waist ones connecting me to the sides of the prams while the shoulder ones pulled me up to the top to ensure I was fixed firmly in one place within the pram. They could even all be adjust separately until there was no chance at all of any slack being left in them, meaning of course that I couldn't more a muscle. Naturally as soon as I was able I attempted to struggle against the restraints but it got me nowhere, literally, and there was more to come. "Now you're still, we have to make sure you don't attract any attention by making any noise." I had a limited field of view not, being only able to look upwards so it was a few seconds before I knew what Rick was talking about, and that was a large version of a baby's dummy, very similar to the one I'd seen Max sucking on in his sleep when I'd first arrived at their house that morning. Like that one, this also had a strap attached to it, to hold it in place so that once Rick had eased the large rubber bulb into my mouth – I didn't protest as there seemed little point in doing so by this stage – he raised my head as much as he could before adjusting the strap so it was tight, and there was no way I'd be able to get the dummy out of my mouth. "How's that feel?" Rick asked a few minutes later once he'd once more gone around the pram checking all the restraints were as tight as they could go. "Nice and helpless I hope as that's what Max wants." It was, but I couldn't say anything, due to the large bulb in my mouth, so instead I just mumbled something that even I didn't understand, and I knew what it was. Still, Rick seemed to know what I meant, as he gave me a little smile as I tried to move around, but could only succeed in rocking the pram a little bit on it's springs. "Right then let's get you ready to go out then." Rick was all business once more, picking up the black waterproof shopping bag, which even though I couldn't see it, I now realised was there just to hide my knees sticking out of the bottom of the pram, and the way my legs were bent up underneath the pram. The pram hood went up next, limiting my view of the garage roof even more, as it was locked into place, until finally an apron was placed on top of the pram, spread out over my helpless form, and fastened down with securing clips around the edge of the pram top until I was barely visible to anyone unless they looked right down under the top of the hood, and over the raised flap of the cover. Likewise all I could see was the inside of the pram, and a small slot out, that was like being inside a post box, albeit a post box that smelled rather babyish. "Time for a walk," announced Rick, as he pressed a button that raised up the garage door, to the outside world and I was wheeled out, still squirming helplessly in my restraints. Very suddenly I was aware of just what I'd let myself in for as I was left alone in the Rockton's front garden so Rick could lock up the house. I mean I was dressed as a toddler, with a nappy and plastic pants, beneath a very childish set of shortalls, totally strapped down and fastened into a pram, with a large dummy in my mouth, about to be taken for a walk to 3; well I didn't know where to, which didn't exactly make me feel any better especially as I could clearly do nothing about it. Thankfully I wasn't left alone for long and soon the pram started to rock slightly once more as Rick pushed me down the pavement for a short distance before he took a sharp corner off the public roads and onto the tracks running behind his house where, hopefully we wouldn't be about to meet anyone but which would leads us to where my best mate, the real teenage baby was hiding out, and convince him that things weren't as bad as he probably thought they were. The End |