Timothy & Curious guySander's StorySan Carlos Island story #1 |
SummarySan Carlos is a resort like no other in the world. It is a place where wealthy men who like emasculated boys (castrated, penectomized, or nullified) may vacation to have their way with the boys. The boys, for the most part, are sold as slaves to Mr. Ben Toeber, the proprietor, who charges exorbitant fees for their sexual favors. Over time, however, Ben develops a soft spot for his young slaves, and actually pays them commissions, so that when they get older and retire, they are quite wealthy. The boys, however, have a hard time staying out of trouble! Especially Sander (our hero) and his friends Chris, Hop Sing, and several others.
Publ. Oct. 2004-Feb. 2007 (Eunuch archive); this site Oct 2010
![]() With the end by Slammr: in total 36,500 words (73 pages) |
CharactersSander (11yo), Chris (11yo) and Matti (14/16yo)Category & Story codesProstitution story/castration & nullificationMb tb b-eunuch M-eunuch – slave anal oral – prost castration & nullification (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok?
a main theme of this story is the non-consensual or coerced nullification of young boys, that is cutting of their penis and scrotum. If you don't like stories with that theme, don't read further.
If this type of material offends you or if you don't like it, then
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback through this feedback form with San Carlos - Sander's Story in the subject line (I don't have addresses of Timothy or Curious Guy, but can forward to Paolo and Slammr). |
Science Fiction. The year is 2104. A few things have changed. This is a story about a boy named Sander who has just turned 11.
Chapter 1"Sander, do you remember meeting my old college buddy Ben Toeber?", dad asked as he entered an address into the autopilot of our car and punched the "GO" button."No I don't think I do," I replied as the car started to roll. I thought that dad's question was somewhat odd. I had not met many of dad's friends. Some fathers take their kids to work, and everywhere, just to show them off. But not my dad. Often times it was as if my dad wanted to keep me hidden away so people would not know he even had a son. I never knew why he did this. It was not as if I was ugly, stupid, or anything like that. Far from it. People were always going on about how I was too pretty to be a boy and how smart I was and that sort of thing. "Well it's no surprising that you don't remember him," Dad said. "You were only five the last time you saw him. We visited him at his house and he played with you in the swimming pool." Suddenly an old memory came back to me. "Do you mean that really rich guy with the big house?" I asked. "I do remember. He was really nice." "I'm glad you liked him," dad said. "He was quite taken with you. How'd you like to see him again?" "That would be great. However, the last time we saw him was like six years ago. Would he even remember us?" "He remembers us very well. I phoned him last night and he invited us to his office. That is where we are going right now. Ben is a talent agent. If you make a good impression on him, and I can't imagine why you would not, he might offer you a job." "Do you mean an acting job like Peter Tanner got?" "Peter Tanner?" dad asked. He did not know who I was talking about. "Peter is the boy in my class who did the cat food commercial on TV," I explained. "Now he acts like he's some sort of big Hollywood star and we should be asking for his autograph." "Sander, Ben might offer you a job that pays much better than a cat food commercial," dad said. "And you know we could use the money." Didn't I though. Dad worked hard as a freelance writer but things were often tight. Maybe that was the reason why he always seemed to distant. Perhaps if I could help with the household expenses it might bring us closer. It would be nice if we could spend more time together. As it was, my dad seemed sort of like a stranger. And money aside, it would be nice to get an acting job even better than the one Peter got with Kitty Fritters Cat Food. Do not get me wrong. I liked Peter. However, the acting went to his head and I sure would not mind showing him up by getting to act in an even better commercial. Our car parked itself in the underground parking lot of a very large and fancy office building. I do not know if cars have feelings or not but if ours did I will bet it was not feeling too good right about then. Surrounded by all the shinny new fancy cars our old rust bucket looked like an escapee from the junkyard. I patted its door after we stepped out just to let it know that I still loved it dents and all. A robot greeted us and asked how 'he' could help. Dad told the robot "I'm James Gobin and this is my son Sander. We are here to see Ben Toeber." The robot said, "Yes Mr. Gobin, Mr. Toeber is expecting you. Follow me and I'll take you to him." The robot lead us up a lift and the next thing I knew we were entering a huge office. You should have seen this place. It must have been on the five hundredth floor. The walls were all floor to ceiling windows about 12 feet [3½ m] high. Talk about posh. Ben Toeber must use thousand credit bills just to blow his nose. Then there he was the same guy I remembered from the swimming pool all those years ago. He walked up to my dad and hugged him as if they were old friends, which I guess is just what they were. "Jimmy it's so good to see you again," he said. "And this young man must be Sander," he said as he turned to me. "He's stunning. Sander, the last time I saw you, you were only five. Even then you where beautiful but now 3; Well I can see that you are going to break quite a few hearts." I smiled not really knowing what to say. Last time I had seen Mr. Toeber I had been so much younger that I did not even bother to wear a swimsuit in his pool. I just went in naked and he carried me around the 'deep' end, which I loved. I offered him my hand and managed to get out, "It's good to see you again Mr. Toeber." I was just a bit embarrassed as I wondered if he remembered that I had been naked that day. "Sander, please call me Ben," he said. "I know this is more than a bit uncomfortable for you but there is no reason why we can't be friends. I'd like it if we were friends, okay?" "Okay," I responded. After all there is nothing like having friends and if your friends happen to be rich so much the better. However, why did he say that this was 'uncomfortable' for me? The three of us sat down and Ben and my dad talked about the old days when they were both boys and the things they did back then. Finally, dad said, "Ben about the transaction we talked about, I really do need the money." "Of course I understand Jimmy," Ben said. "And don't worry, after seeing Sander again I'm more interested than ever. I just did not want to be crass by bringing up business too soon. If both you and Sander would like to sign a one-year contract, I will have one million credits deposited into your bank account by nightfall. Another one million credits will be placed in a trust fund I have established for Sander. He will have access to those funds when he turns 21. In addition to that Sander will get a full four year college scholarship." I could not believe what I was hearing. "But that's so much money!" I gasped. "My dad and I would be rich!" "It is a good deal of money," Ben said. "But believe me Sander, you are worth every cent. You see I only manage the finest boys. And you, my young friend are the finest. You must know that you are beautiful." "What if we wanted a two year contract?" dad asked. "If that's what both Sander and you would like I'll double the money," Ben said. "I'll also enlarge the scholarship to cover grad school. Sander could become a Doctor or a lawyer." All of this was too good to be true. It must be some sort of joke. Perhaps we were being filmed for one of those reality TV shows. "But I have no experience," I said. "How do you know that I'll be any good?" "Believe me Sander, no experience is a good thing," Ben said. "I have trainers to teach you everything you'll need to know. You are going to be fantastic." "Wow!" I said. "This is better than the TV commercial Peter Tanner did!" "What TV commercial?" Ben asked. "The one for Kitty Fritters Cat Food," I replied. "Have you seen it?" "I don't think so," Ben responded. I could tell by his tone of voice that something was wrong. I had said the wrong thing but I did not know what it was that was wrong. "Jimmy perhaps you could step out for a moment so Sander and I could talk alone," Ben said. I could see my dad was reluctant to leave but since Ben was offering too much money, he did not want to ruffle his feathers. After dad was out of the room, Ben turned to me and said, "Sander I don't want to scare you. You and your dad are free to walk away at any time." "Why would I want to walk away?" I asked. "Because I'm not a talent agent," Ben said. "We aren't talking about you becoming an actor, at least not the sort of actor you are thinking of. Not a mainstream actor. Sander I am a slave trader. What we have been talking about is me buying you as a slave for one or two years. If you and your dad signed the contract, I would own you for that period of time. If I sold the contract to someone else, he would become your new owner. He would become your new master. However, you will become a free boy once the contract expires. At that time, you would still have your trust fund and your college education paid for. No one could touch that. So the deal is do you want to give up a year or two of your freedom in exchange for a whole lot of money and a full college scholarship? Your dad wants to sign so it is all up to you. You can say 'yes', or you can say 'no'." I just sat there in silence for a few moments. I could not believe what I was hearing. It took a while for it to all sink in. Then I asked, "Ben, if I were your slave what would you do with me?" "Sander this is what I do for a living," Ben replied. "I would want to get the maximum return from my investment. I would place you at a brothel where clients would use you sexually. They would pay me to sleep with you. You are such a beauty that it's my guess that after a few months you'd catch the eye of a very rich client who might want to buy you for his own and he'd spend the next year or two treating you like his son. Just think Sander, it would be like a year long vacation where you would be the pampered son of a billionaire. He would spoil you with love and attention. And once you grew too old for him, the two of you would part as friends and he would buy a younger boy to take your place. Doesn't that sound like fun?" "He'd treat me as his son," I said. "Except that he'd do things to me in bed. Right?" "Right Sander," Ben said. "But as of now you are still a free boy and will remain one unless you sign the contract and no one will force you to sign." All this explained a lot. I always wondered why my dad was not closer to me. I could see now that he did not want the emotional bond. If he allowed himself to love me, it would only make it that much harder to sell me and if he did not sell me, he would miss all that money. I could not help myself. I started you cry. Ben saw my tears and so he lifted me into his lap and held me. He held me the way I always wished my dad would hold me. It was so very strange. I mean Ben was a slave trader. He wanted to buy and sell me and turn a profit in doing so to pay for his big a$$ house and his big a$$ office. Yet for all that, I enjoyed being held by him. He comforted me. "Don't worry little Sander," Ben said softly. "And don't cry. It will be okay. I will tell your father that it was all a mistake. You were never meant to be a slave. What's more, I carry a lot of weight with the other slave traders. I will put the word out that you and I are friends and I want you left a free boy. Anyone who buys you will have me as his or her enemy and so no one will buy you. You have nothing to fear." "You'd do all that for me?" I asked drying my tears. "Sure I would Sander," Ben said with a smile. "I may be only a slave trader but even a slave trader can do the decent thing now and then. Once you have pulled yourself together, I will call your dad and have him take you home. Then you can forget that any of this ever happened." I did not really know why but I did not want Ben to give me back to my dad. Not so soon anyway. I wanted to spend more time with Ben. "Ben," I asked. "Can I spend the next few days with you?" "Why would you want to do that?" he asked. "I don't know. But I think maybe I would like to meet some of the boys you own. If they seem happy, maybe I could let you buy me. That is if you still want me." "Sure I want you Sander. I will tell you what; my personal flyer is parked on the roof of this building. I have plans to spend the afternoon and evening at San Carlos. San Carlos is a privately owned island about a hundred miles [150 km] off the coast. There is a resort on this island where I board some of my boys. Clients come there to relax, unwind and spend time with the boys. Why don't you and your dad join me for the day on San Carlos? It would be fun! You could see what it's like and talk with some of my boys. You could talk with them away from any adults to get the straight story." I wanted to go with Ben. I had never been in a personal flyer before and I wanted to see what it was like. I also wanted to see what the other boys were like. I had never met a slave before. But I was a bit scared. What would happen to me on this strange island? "Will any of the clients try to do anything to me?" I asked. "No!" Ben replied firmly. "Everyone will know that you are a free boy and not for sale or rent. No one will lay a hand on you." "Let's find my dad and go," I said.
Ben's personal flyer was the size of a large mobile home. It was bigger than the apartment my dad and I shared. Inside it was set up like a luxury yacht. Ben had everything you could think of in it, he even had a human servant. She was a very pretty woman named Amy who I guessed was about 21. As the autopilot of Ben's flyer flew us out to the island, Amy served as our flight attended and served us a wonderful lunch. Ben and my dad had fancy adult food. Smoked duck, truffles and caviar, that sort of thing. But for me Amy offered a more kid friendly fair. I had a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milk shake. It was great. I could really get used to living like that. After lunch, Ben offered my dad some port wine and they both lit up Cuban cigars. Amy said to Ben, "We will be landing in less than an hour. Would you like me to prepare the boy for our arrival in San Carlos?" "By all means," Ben replied. Then turning to me he said, "Sander be a good boy and let Amy take you to the back of the flyer where she will help you to freshen up before we land." I guessed that 'freshen up' was adult talk for 'poop and pee'. I did not need to do either. However, if I did I would not need Amy's help. "It's okay," I replied. "I'm fine." "Sander," dad said as he gave me a very stern look. "Let Amy take you to the back of the flyer." Dad said it as if he did not want any resistance on my part. "Ummm. Sure dad," I said as I got up and Amy led me to a large bathroom in the back of the flyer." Amy closed the door behind us and said, "Now Sander, let's get you undressed." "You want me to get naked?" I asked. "That's right," she replied as she pulled my shirt off over my head. "But why?" I protested. She stopped and looked at me. "It's the tradition on San Carlos Island for boys your age to go naked. All the other boys you see there will be naked and so you would feel silly being dressed when they are not. In addition, there is swimming and many fun water sports so you will be much more comfortable that way. I will give you a bath now to make sure you are clean and then apply a dry suntan location. It is a hot sunny day and you are a very fair-skinned boy. We don't want you to get painful sunburn." She started to reach to pull down my pants. I pulled away from her. "Sander," she said smiling. "You are shy! That's so cute." However, I did not think it was cute. "Look Sander," Amy continued. "I've been working for Ben for three years now, ever since I finished high school. In that time, I have seen and bathed more naked boys than I can remember. I'm not going to learn anything new from you." I decided that there was no point fighting. I let Amy undress and bath me. To her credit, I must say that she was very gentle and I began to enjoy it. She shampooed my hair and I even let her wash my genitals and bottom. Out of the tub she slowly hand-dried me with a soft warm towel and said, "Now that wasn't so bad was it?" I smiled and nodded yes. I liked Amy. She made me feel loved and cared for. She could give me a bath anytime and I would not mind a bit. "Now hop up on the table and I'll spread that suntan lotion on you," she said. "We can't have a boy like you to getting burnt." The lotion went on like a dry powder not slimy and greasy. I liked the feel and did not even mind that Amy was putting it on me everywhere. She then sat me up on the padded table and from a drawer she removed what looked like a red dog collar and put it on around my neck. "What's that for?" I asked. "On San Carlos Island all the boys wear color coded collars to let people know their status," she explained. "Their status?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "I put a red collar on you. That way everyone will know that you are a free boy who is not to be touched." "What other colors are there and what do they mean?" I wanted to know. "Orange means that a boy is owned by a rich patron and no one but his owner is to use him. Yellow is for a boy who has been left by his owner to be trained as a catamite, sort of like leaving a boy at a boarding school. No one but the trainer is to touch a yellow-tagged boy. Green is for boys who are available to the clients. Most of the boys that you see will be tagged green." I felt the collar around my neck. "How do I remove it?" I asked. "Don't silly," Amy replied with a smile. "We can't have the boys changing their tags now can we." "No I guess that wouldn't work," I replied as I realized that where I was going a red collar was a good thing. "Sander I've never seen a boy more beautiful than you," Amy said and she lifted me up into her arms and kissed me on the cheek. I grinned ear to ear. "Now let's show your dad and Ben how well I have cleaned you up." Realizing that I was still very naked I asked, "Don't you have a bath robe or a swimsuit for me to wear?" "No silly you don't need one," she replied as she opened the door and carried me back to Ben and my dad. When she put me back down on my feet before them, I had a weird feeling. Have you ever been stark naked in a room with three fully dressed adults? I did not think so. I sort of freaked out. I ran to my dad, jumped into his lap, and was glad when he wrapped his arms protectively around me. It helped to cover my nakedness. "What's wrong Sander?" dad asked as he rubbed my back, "You look freighted. Don't you like flying?" I did not know how to respond. Ben smiled and said, "Jimmy don't worry about Sander. This is all to be expected. It takes some boys time to get used to being naked. He'll calm down soon enough." "But Sander has been naked before," my dad protested. "And he has never acted like this. It's like the poor little guy has seen a ghost." "I'm sure Sander has been naked before," Ben replied, "But that was with family, friends and at the doctors. He has never been naked before someone like me. Sander has never been naked in front of a slave trader before now. He needs to learn that he does not need to fear me. Jimmy I know how to handle boys, its part of my job. Bring Sander to me and put him in my lap," Ben said opening his arms. My dad carried me over to him and placed me in Ben's lap. Then Ben hugged me and kissed me and said, "Don't worry little Sander. You are a treasure. You are a priceless work of art. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." After a while, I started to feel better. I guessed Ben really did know how to handle boys. I guessed that being naked was not going to kill me. Soon the autopilot was landing the flyer on San Carlos Island. It was beautiful. It was a paradise like something you would see in a movie. Dad, Ben and I stepped out of the flyer into a park like setting with a beach, cool green grass and lots of playground equipment for the boys. And there were many boys from about eight up to about 13 or 14 years old. Most all of them were tagged green. Suddenly a naked, green-tagged boy who was about my age, about 11, saw Ben, with a yelp of pure joy flew to him, and flung his arms around him. Ben returned the embrace. "Ben I missed you so much," the green-tagged boy said. "Chris I missed you even more." Ben replied and the two of them kissed. After that the boy turned to face us and Ben said, "Jimmy, Sander, I'd like you to meet Chris. Chris is one of my best boys. Chris these are my friends, Jimmy and his son Sander. You will be showing Sander around today. I know that the two of you will get along great and you'll make Sander feel right at home." Chris smiled and said, "Hi Sander," as he held out his hand to shake mine. I did not take Chris' hand, I froze, too stunned to say anything. Ben had said that Chris was a boy. But Chris was not a boy at all. He was not a girl either. I did not know what he was. I looked between his legs and there was nothing. He had no cock and he had no balls. There was no trace of his ball sack either. He did not have a slit like the one you would see on a girl. All I can say was that Chris was just smooth down there, just smooth. It was as if he had never been a boy or a girl. It was hard for me to pull my eyes away from his empty crotch but when I was able to do so, I looked around at the other kids. Most were boys but not all of them. There were others just like Chris. Then I saw a few kids with balls but not cock. I saw one boy with a penis but no balls. What was going on? What had been done to those boys and why? Where was I? I felt myself start to get faint.
Chapter 2
Sander talks with his new nullo friend Chris
"Sander I guess you have never seen a nullo before." Chris said. "Uh no." I managed to say. Geez if a 'nullo' is a boy without his boy parts, I sure as heck hadn't seen one before. In fact until that moment I didn't even know that there was such a thing. "Well it's okay," Chris continued. "I know this is all new to you and it does take time to get used to. But once you come to accept it as a fact of life it isn't too bad. Some kids even enjoy it." "How'd it happen?" I asked. I was wondering if it was the result of some sort of accident. But how so many boys could all have the same sort of accident was beyond me. Were they born like that? "Ben did it after he bought me." Chris said matter of factly. "What?!" I gasped in disbelief. I couldn't believe my ears "Do you mean that Ben cut it off you? Why would he do that to you? Why would anyone?" "Why do you think?" Chris shot back. "So he could have my boy parts stuffed and mounted on a plaque and then hung on his office wall next to all his hunting trophies." "Really?" I asked. "No," Chris burst out laughing. "I was making the last part up. Sander you'd believe anything!" and he doubled over with laughter. Then once he regained control of himself he managed to say, "I'm sorry to laugh but you are just so innocent that it's sort of funny. But it was Ben who castrated me. That part I wasn't making up." I turned to Ben and asked, "Why?" And then I turned to my dad and asked, "Dad did you know about this before you brought me here?" It was my dad who replied "Sander," he said, "I know that this might be hard for you to understand but when you study history you'll learn that masters have been castrating their slaves for thousands of years. It's very much a tradition." "But why?" I demanded of him. "Dad you should have told me about this before taking me to see Ben." My dad could see that I was getting mad. "For one thing castration helps boys calm down and do as they are told," dad said. "You'd never seen Chris, or for that matter, any other young nullo acting up the way you are now young man." "Sander," Ben added. "Your father is right. Not only that, you'll hear many other good reasons why slaves should be castrated. But what it all comes down to is castrating boys is thrilling. Some men say it's the greatest experience of their lives. Nothing makes a man feel more alive and powerful than when he removes a boy's sex. And believe me most slaves are only too happy to be able to provide that service to a man." "Happy?" I asked. "This is all so gross." None of what I was hearing was making any sense. "Don't worry Sander. When we do it, we use the latest generation of pain killers. Although the boys are all fully awake and know exactly what is going on they feel no pain at all and there is no risk of shock. We also use super antibiotics so there is no chance of infection. With the most advanced healing agents there is very little bleeding. So you see the boys are not hurt at all." "But even so," I said. "That still doesn't sound like much fun." "Well you need to understand that it's all done as part of a ceremony," Ben said. "We do it after sunset around a huge campfire and the boys to be cut are tied to the ground. There are drums and a feast and dancing afterwards. If you can stay until tomorrow night you'll have the chance to see for yourself." What Ben was describing sounded like a nightmare. It was like something from a horror film. But for some reason that I couldn't explain the thought excited me. Then something really weird happened. I got a stiffy. It was so hard it was painful. I covered it with my hands but in a way that only made the situation worse. It was like admitting that I couldn't control my wang and was ashamed of the fact. My dad, Ben and Chris all noticed that I was trying to cover my stiffy and smiled. Then Chris said, "What's wrong Sander? Are you afraid people will notice your dick is hard? I seem to recall that, that sort of thing is all part of being a boy." Ben added, "He's right Sander. Often times boys get erections when the subject of castration comes up. If you come to the ceremony tomorrow night, you'll see that many boys are erect even as they are begging to be left whole. Most are stiff as they are being neutered. It's very natural." The really weird thing is it was something I wanted to see. But at the same time I didn't. I guess you could say I was pretty mixed up at that point. I summoned all my will power and removed my hands from my stiffy. I would act like I couldn't care less that my thing was so hard. Just nature, I told myself. But I asked, "Ben, if I where your 3; Well what I mean to say is if you like, owned me, you wouldn't have me cut would you?" His response will stay with me for the rest of my life. He said, "Sander from the moment I first met you when you were only five I have dreamed of castrating you." Hearing this, I couldn't help myself. My hands cupped my wang to protect it from this man. My dick and balls were such a personal part of me and Ben wanted to take them away. Why? And why had my father brought me to see this man? Surely he must have known what Ben wanted to do to me. Well they were both going to be disappointed. Ben wasn't going to get my boy parts and dad wasn't going to get his money. No matter what, I was going to stay a boy. "Chris," Ben said, "Why don't you show Sander the island. I have some things I'd like to talk over with Jimmy. We'll come find you in a few hours." "Okay Ben," Chris said. "But I don't have much time. You know that I have an appointment with a client for the afternoon and evening." "That appointment has been canceled," Ben said. "Jimmy and Sander will be spending the night and you'll make sure Jimmy enjoys himself." Chris smiled at that and my dad looked at Chris like he loved him. I was so mad. Chris was going to spend the night with my dad. Where would that leave me? Either alone or with Ben and I sure didn't want to spend time alone with a guy who wanted to cut my dick off! The adults left and Chris started to show me around. Chris said with a smile, "Sander your dad is cute. I'll bet he can really fuck." "I wouldn't know," I said coldly. "Well don't get your nose out of joint," Chris said. "You could ask your dad if you could watch. He might say yes. Some dads like to do it in front of their kids." "What?" I asked. Just how sick were these people? We were coming up on a play ground. I saw a red collared boy of about 12 playing with some smaller kids. This kid was the only other kid besides me who had a red collar and he was the only kid I had seen who wasn't naked. He was wearing clean white shorts and a red tank top. His some what younger friends were all stark naked save for their green collars. "What's up with that kid?" I asked Chris. I didn't have to say what kid. It was pretty obvious. When all the boys on a playground are naked except one, the one with clothes really looks odd. "Oh that's Randal Hoppkins Carter the Third," Chris said as if the dressed boy was royalty. "Is he someone special?" I asked. "And why is he dressed." "Well Randal's father is a rich client and I do mean very rich," Chris replied. "I spent last nigh with the two of them. That was some experience boy I can tell you." "Why?" I asked. "What happened?" "Randal is an only child and his father wants him to follow in his footsteps but I don't think it's going to happen, You see Randal and his old man don't have the same ideas. The old man thinks Randal is a sissy so he brought him here to teach him how to be a man. Last night Randal's old man did me and made Randal watch. Then after his old man finished with me he said, 'See Randal. That's the way to hump a nullo. This little slut here just can't get enough. Strip down and let me see you mount him'." "Randal's father ordered him you mount you while he watched?" I asked stunned to the core. "Yeah but Randal said he wouldn't," Chris replied. "He said he didn't want to demean me. His old man was all mad like, 'You care about this little nullo slave but you won't fuck him? What's wrong with you?'" "Wow then what happened?" I asked. "Randal said his father was sick and he wouldn't play along. So the old man said, "If you won't be a man I'll have your genitals nullified. Is that what you'd like? Do you want to be a nullo like this little slut here?' he said pointing to me. And then do you know what happened. Randal said he's rather be a nullo like me than a man like his father. Sander I think the old man is really going to have Randal fixed. He was that mad! ." "Geez and I thought my dad was bad," I said. "I sure hope Randal doesn't get neutered." "Why do you hope for that?" Chris asked. "Being cut could only do him good." "What?! Chris, how could you say such a thing?" Chris didn't answer my question. Instead he said, "Hey Sander, want to go some place private? I'll let you have a closer look between my legs. I know you'd like that." How did Chris know that I was curious. Did being cut give him the ability to read minds? All I was able to do was nod my head 'yes'. We found a grassy area under a tree where no one could see us. Chris laid down on his back and spread his legs wide apart and said, "Go on, have a look. You can touch it if you'd like." I felt that somehow it was wrong and I shouldn't. But I was so curious that I couldn't stop myself. I kneeled down between Chris' knees and lightly ran my fingers over Chris' empty crotch. It was smooth like there had never been anything there at all. Chris seemed to enjoy it and gave a little gasp of pleasure. But if it felt good to him it was ten times better for me. My thing got harder that it had ever been before, my heart beat so fast that I felt it would pop, and I was panting for air like crazy. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. Chris sat up and I rolled away. My dick was so hard I was afraid it might break off. "Feels good," I managed to gasp between gulps of air. "Sure it feels good," Chris said. "If you stay male, it will soon get to the point that you feel you can't live and be happy without it." "Without what?" I asked. "What are you talking about Chris?" "I'm talking about sex Sander. Your dick is small and cute and hairless right now. But if you keep it do you know what will happen. It will grow big and hairy and when that happens it will be hungry all the time. And when it's hungry you'll have to feed it. It will want pussy or nullo or both but you'll have to feed it. That's how it is with men." "Not all men," I said. "Some men are nice and don't care that much about sex." "How would you know Sander?" Chris asked hotly. "Do you sleep with a different man every night? I do. I have been doing that for almost a year. I can tell you that all men are alike. They all want the same thing, sex. All they care for is sex not love. They are all ruled by their dicks. They can't love." "You sound like you're glad Ben cut your stuff off. Are you?" I said it like a challenge. But Chris didn't get mad the way I thought he would. Instead he got sort of thoughtful. He said, "I sure wasn't too happy when it happened. Oh Ben is right when he says it doesn't hurt the way they do it. But I didn't like being nullified. But the more I have seen of men the more I'm glad that I'll never be one. As a eunuch I'll be able to live and love without my dick and the constant need for sex running my life. I signed a two-year contract. I've been here almost a year. Do you have any idea what that means Sander? In just over a year I'll be a free boy and when I turn 21 I'll have half a million credits. I'll be rich and I'll be free and I won't be a man. Where will you be then Sander?" "I don't really know where I'll be even next week," I answered and then I added, although I know I shouldn't have, "Ben offered me a million credits for a one year contract." "He did?" Chris gasped. "That creep! If you signed your contract tonight, you'd be free a month before me and twice as rich. Ben never should have offered you more than he did me. It just goes to show that you can never trust a man. They'll screw you every time. Are you going to sell your self to Ben?" Sell myself to Ben. That was some way to put it. I wanted to help my dad but I just didn't know. "I don't think so," I replied. "I know both my dad and I would get a lot of money but I don't think I'd be able to handle being, well you know. I don't think I'd be able to stand being like you." "Sander one year isn't so long and a million credits will last you a long, long time. You should think about it because it's pretty much now or never. If you were to come back when you are 16 and say you want to be a slave Ben and all the other owners would only laugh." And then Chris added, "Besides what good do you think it will do for you?" "What good will what do me?" I asked. "Sander what good will your dick do for you? If you don't let them take it you'll grow into a man. Is that what you want?"
Chapter 3Chris introduced me to his friends. Some had just their balls removed and could still pee while standing like a boy. Others had their cocks taken but still had balls. I thought they were sort of funny looking. If you didn't have a cock, what good did balls do you? They'd just be something to worry about when playing soccer.Many were full nullos, like Chris. But some were complete boys like me. The funny thing was the nullos seemed just as happy as any kids I had ever met. I asked Chris why the nullos seem not to mind being desexed. "Well think about it," Chris replied. "If you've been cut like me, you come to realize that it's not so bad. In a way being nullified sets you free." "Sets you free from what?" I asked. "Set's you free from your dick," Chris replied. "You don't have to worry about it controlling you when you get older. You want to know who I really feel sorry for?" he asked. "I feel sorry for the boys." "You feel sorry for boys?" I asked, thinking he had gone nuts. "Why would you feel sorry for them?" "Well think about it, Sander," he said. "They know that unless they are bought by some rich guy who likes complete boys they will soon be cut. Kids fear the unknown, everyone fears the unknown. They think it will hurt. It doesn't, but they don't really believe it. Most of the boys go to sleep each night afraid that the next day will be their last as a boy. After they have been done, they don't have anything to worry about. They can just enjoy themselves after castration." "Chris," I asked. "How long were you a slave before they 3; Well you know." "Before they castrated me?" "Yes." "Ben did me only a few days after he bought me and I'm glad I didn't have to wait. It's best to get the cutting over with so you can start your new life," Chris said. "Did Ben make you a full nullo all at once or did it take only part at a time?" I asked. "He did me all at once," Chris explained. "And once again I think that's the best way. Get it over with fast. Some owner think it's best to leave the penis until latter. Others think the balls should be taken last taken after the penis is gone." Then Chris got sort of thoughtful. He said, "You see Sander the thing is when they do you people watch. Slave owners, slaves, clients and even sometimes free boys like you watch the cutting. They watch you being cut. They want to see if being castrated gives you a stiffy, or if you cry, or if you beg to be left a boy. If you cry or beg people think you are a baby and not fit to me a man. If your thing gets hard they think that, well you know, castration turns you on. Almost everyone crys or begs or gets hard or something so you know it's best just to have it all done at once and be done with it." I didn't ask if Chris cryed or not. I didn't really want to know. Soon Ben and my dad came to find us and take us to Ben's place for the evening. I was sort of sorry to leave the other kids. I wanted to spend more time with them and find out if what Chris was saying was true, although I could see no reason for him to lie. Ben 'gave' Chris to my dad for the night. I know that sounds really weird but I was told it's what slave owners do. They might lend a slave to a friend for a night or even a few days. It was clear that dad liked Chris so Ben said, "Jimmy, you can have Chris for the night. I know you'll really enjoy him. In fact you should let Sander watch. It would be educational." Dad said, "Do you think it would be a good idea to have him watch? I don't think he'd understand and it might scare him." "Don't worry about that Jimmy," Ben said. "I'll sit with Sander and answer all of his questions as they come up. I really think it's time the boy learns the facts of life." I didn't really know what they were talking about but I wanted to find out. At first all dad did to Chris was study his body and start to massage him. Chris leaned back, closed his eyes and all but purred with pleasure. I could see that Chris loved it. If he had any embarrassment about being naked and a nullo he sure didn't show it. As for my dad, well he was clearly having the time of his life. Carefully and gently dad examined every part of Chris' young body. Strangely enough I started to feel jealous. I was jealous of Chris. My dad had never paid much attention to me. There were times when I had been so starved for love that I had stepped out of the shower and then out off the bathroom naked in front of my dad just to see how he would react. He was interested, I could see that, but he always held back. Now here he was looking at Chris like Chris was the most beautiful boy in the world. Well what about me? Wasn't I beautiful? Didn't I count? Then dad pulled his shirt off and I was proud of him. Dad always watched his weight and worked out. His muscles rippled under his skin. He looked great. Then dad placed Chris on his back and spread Chris' knees wide apart exposing his empty crotch. Dad leaned down and started to kiss and lick Chris there. Chris really went wild with pleasure. I could tell he loved what my dad was doing to him. But how could he? He didn't have anything down there. "What's happening to Chris?" I whispered to Ben. "He acts like he loves it but how can he after being neutered?" "Your dad is just showing Chris how much he loves him," Ben explained also in a whisper. Ben then lifted me into his lap and although I was naked I didn't resist. What I saw was both confusing and exciting. But it was also sort of scary. I liked being held by Ben. It made me feel protected which I guess was pretty strange when you consider that it was Ben who desexed Chris. Then Dad stood up and removed his pants. I was shocked. I had seen my dad naked before but never stiff. His thing was huge. It must have been eight inches [20 cm] long and the end was wet with some sort of liquid. "Will my thing grow that big if 3;? Well if you don't cut it off?" I asked Ben. "Probably," he replied. I found the thought fascinating but also sort of unsettling. I wasn't so sure that I wanted to spend the rest of my life walking around with something that big between my legs. What if it got stiff when I didn't want it to? Without being told Chris knelt at my dad's feet and started to hungrily lick my dad's cock all the way from the wet tip to the base. Dad closed his eyes and savored the moment. "Why's Chris doing that?" I asked Ben. Ben replied. "Chris knows that your dad will soon mount him. He needs to get your dad's cock wet so it will be slippery and won't hurt too much when it goes in." "You mean dad is going to put it in Chris' butt?" I asked in shock. "Yes, Sander," Ben replied. "That is the way a man makes love to a nullo. It's been that way since the dawn of history." "But dad can't!" I said. "It's way too big. He'll hurt Chris. He'll hurt him bad!" "Don't worry, Sander, Your friend will not be hurt. Not badly anyway. Chris has been trained?" "Trained?" I asked. "What does that mean?" "It's sort of like when a young horse is saddle broken," Ben explained. "Once the horse has been mounted by a rider he realizes that control of his body has been taken away and his pain is someone else's pleasure. When that happens, he will try with all his might to throw the rider. The rider doesn't want to hurt the horse any more than he has to. But some pain is a good thing because it teaches the horse who his master is. The horse will be much happier when he learns this and comes to accept his place in life. You see, little Sander, it is no different for a slave boy or nullo. Chris has been trained; he knows what to do. Chris knows how to make your father feel very good." Chris started to play with my dad's balls as he continued to lick his dick. As he did so I looked at my dad's balls. It was odd really, my life had started in those balls and now my dad wanted to sell me so he could afford to mount kids like Chris. Kids like I might be some day very soon. My dad said to Chris, "Ben was right about you my little eunuch. You just can't get enough. You love it you little slut." Chris pulled his mouth away from my dad's thing just long enough to gasp, "Yes master. How would you like to enjoy me? On my back, or on my tummy?" Dad lay down on his back with his thing sticking up in the air, "Climb aboard, my little one," He ordered Chris. Facing my dad, Chris stood over him and then slowly lowered himself down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Dad was so much bigger than Chris. Dad's thing was huge. I thought for sure it would split Chris in two. But it didn't. Chris lowered himself down onto my dad's dick. It was almost like some magician's trick. I couldn't believe that anything so big could fit up Chris' rear end. Chris looked like he was feeling some pain but the little eunuch was as brave as an eagle scout! It was terrifying and yet as I watched my own thing had become as hard as a rock. Ben noticed too and very gently he started to play with it and my balls too. It felt good. In fact, it felt great! Even though I knew Ben wanted to neuter me, I couldn't help but love having him handle my thing. Chris was sitting astride my dad, his legs folded on either side of dad's hips. They were looking at each other like lovers, which come to think of it they were. Dad was running his hands over Chris' legs, back and tummy. Everywhere really. If Chris was ticklish, he didn't show it. Then dad started to finger Chris' empty crotch. As if by some sort of signal Chris started to move up and down on the shaft of dad's cock. It drove both of them wild. As this was happening, Ben was very gently stroking my stiffy. I loved the way it felt. I loved the way it made me feel. It was like there was this incredibly good feeling inside my dick and that good feeling started to move outward from my thing to every part of my body. Then something happened; I don't really know what. I felt better than ever but my body started to thrash about like I had no control over it. Next, well I don't really know what happened next. I think I fainted although that had never happened to me before. Next thing I remember was waking up in Ben's arms. He was carrying me through a doorway into his room, "Ben," I asked, "what happened to me?" "Something wonderful, Sander," he replied. "I gave you an orgasm. But it was a bit much for you to handle and you passed out for a few moments." He said rubbing my back and then kissing me on the cheek. "My dad and Chris, where are they," I asked. "Don't worry about them Sander. They are very happy. They will spend the night together and you can stay here with me, if that's what you'd like." Slowly, I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked around. Ben's room was also lit by candlelight alone. It had a soft dreamy look. I thought that Ben was going to put me down on his bed. But he didn't. Instead he placed me on the seat at his desk. On the desk before me was my contract, the contract that would sell me to him as his slave. I saw that Ben and my dad had already signed it. Ben handed me a pen and said, "Sander, I know how much you love your father." I nodded yes. I did love my dad. In spite of everything, I loved him as much as any son could love his dad. "Well, Sander," Ben continued, "your dad works very hard and for not much money. But you can do something to help him right now. You can sign this contract. Do that and he'll be rich." Ben handed me a pen. With my hand shaking I picked up the pen and signed the contract. As I did so I wasn't even aware that Ben was removing the red collar from my neck and replacing it with another collar, a green collar. I was his slave. He owned me.
Chapter 4I woke up the following morning as sunlight streamed through the windows of Ben's bedroom. I could hear the surf outside. I looked around and saw that I was all alone in the room. Ben must have left before I woke up. I thought back to the night before and remembered what Ben had done to me- how he had rubbed my thing and how that had given me that incredible feeling. Ben had called it an 'orgasm'. I wondered if I could do it to myself. I think it was what was called jacking off. I just had to find out.I kicked the bed covers off and looked down at my thing. It was just a bit red and sore from the rubbing last night. Well no matter, it could take a bit more. Lying on my back I started to handle it and soon it was a stiff little spike pointed up at my chin. "Okay Sander," I thought to myself, "It's now or never. Let's take this baby out for a spin and see what it will do." I started stroking up and down. Soon my heart was pounding with excitement and I was gasping for air. I closed my eyes to concentrate on how I was feeling. It was the same great feeling Ben had given me the night before, but this time I was doing it all my myself and it was easy. For the first time in my life I knew what it meant to have a dick. I couldn't believe it was just there for the beating anytime I felt like it! The orgasm washed over me and I had never felt so good in all my life. I never knew such a thing was possible. Why hadn't someone told me about this before? The feeling of pure joy was so powerful that I flopped about on the bed out of control. For a bit I couldn't even control my own body and I didn't even care. Slowly I came back down to Earth and opened my eyes. I saw that my dad was standing there in the door way watching me. "Dad how long have you been there?" I asked. "Long enough," He answered. "Are you mad?" I asked, afraid since he caught me doing something bad. "Oh Sander," he said. "How could I be mad at you? It's something all boys do. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your body." I was so relieved that I wasn't in trouble and I was so glad to see my dad that I stood up on the bed and jumped into his arms. I had my legs wrapped around his mid section and my arms around his shoulder. He placed one of his arms under my butt to support me and with the other arm he rubbed my back. "I love you dad," I said and I kissed him. He said, "I love you too son," and kissed me back. "Dad, take me home," I said. "Coming here was a mistake." "A mistake?" Dad asked. "Sander haven't you looked around? This place is beautiful. There is swimming, sports and lots of other children for you to play with. Hasn't everyone you've met here been happy? It's like an expensive vacation that lasts all year long. Why would you want to leave?" "Dad you don't know what's going on. Ben wants to 3;" I couldn't bring my self to say the words. "Are you trying to say that Ben wants to nullify your genitals?" Dad asked. I nodded yes, afraid that I might lose control and cry. "I know it's not an easy thing for a boy, but it won't be too bad," Dad said. "Look around Sander and you'll see that it's been done to lots of the children here and they are happy. Believe me, many of boys your age, both slave and free, are castrated or nullified for a number of reasons. Sometimes it's done for medical reasons. Sometimes it's done so they can keep singing. Sometimes it's for birth control. Sometimes it's done to calm a boy down. "Nullification is nothing to be ashamed of. And when I am able to bring you home, none of your friends will even have to know if you don't want to tell them. We can just say that you were away visiting a relative or at a boarding school, or anything you want to tell them." "Dad, you just don't get it!" I said, almost yelling. "Ben wants to take my boy parts! When he is done, I wouldn't be a boy anymore. I wouldn't be a girl either. I wouldn't really be anything!" What I didn't say was that I couldn't stand to lose my dick now, just when I was learning how to use it. I mean, I'd just jacked off for the first time ever, and I wanted to be able to keep doing it! "What about your friend Chris?" Dad asked. "Do you think he isn't anything? He's been nullified and he doesn't mind it at all. He likes it, and so will you once you give it a chance." "Dad, who do you love?" I asked. "Do you love Chris or do you love me? Who do you love more?" "Sander, what sort of question is that?" Dad said looking hurt. "You are my son and always will be. I love you more than anything or anyone and I always will." "Then why were you doing that stuff to Chris last night?" I asked. "I saw you licking Chris between his legs. Ben said you were showing Chris how much you loved him." "Sander, that's Chris' job," Dad said. "Chris has been trained to make men happy. It's a very important job and he does it extremely well. Men come here tired and stressed out from their work and families. Because of people like Chris, those men are able to return home happy and relaxed. What could be more important than making people happy?" "Dad, just take me home, okay? I want to keep my dick. It belongs to me and I want to keep it." "Sander, I can't. You are a slave now. You belong to Ben. Your dick belongs to Ben and if he decides to take it, he can. There is not a thing we can do to stop him. Ben is your master and he needs you here. You have to learn how to follow his orders." Just then Ben appeared at the door holding a tray with food on it, "Sander," he said, "Don't be upset. We can still be friends. Look, I've brought you breakfast in bed and it's all your favorites. Waffles with cherry syrup, bacon, fruit and milk. I asked your dad what your favorite foods are and he told me." "Take it away," I said glumly. "I'm not hungry." Ben put down the tray, opened his arms and said, "Jimmy, please let me hold Sander for a bit." It seemed odd for a master to ask if he could 'please' hold his own slave. Dad handed me over to him and Ben held me tenderly. "Jimmy, could you leave me and Sander alone for just a bit? Thank you." Dad left and I was all alone being held in Ben's arms. "Sander," Ben said, "I have been trying to get your dad to sell you to me since you were only 8. But your dad won't let you go. He wouldn't let me have you. He said he loved you too much. But one of your dad's customers has gone bankrupt and can't pay your dad what he owes him. Your dad had no choice but to sell you. Believe me, this is just as hard for him as it is for you. If you want to help your dad, you'll accept what is happening. The way you are acting now, you are just making this worse for your dad. No, I have called for your friend Chris to come. He'll take you for a walk along the beach, or anywhere else on the island that you'd like to go. In a bit you'll feel better." "I'm afraid to go out where people can see me," I said. "Why are you afraid?" Ben asked. "I'm afraid because you put a green collar on me. When the clients see that they'll try to fuck me and I'm afraid it will hurt." Ben carried me over to a mirror. "Look at that collar more closely Sander," he said. I looked at my collar in the mirror and saw that it was green but with small gold strips on it. "Those gold strips mean that you are a slave in training," Ben said. "No one will try to fuck you when they see the gold strips. They know that you're not yet ready to be mounted. I'll see to it that you are given the best training and only when you are ready will I let a client fuck you. And do you know what? You're going to enjoy it."
"Promise?" I asked, not sure I believed him.
Ben nodded. "You don't want to know what I'd do to a customer of mine, if he fucked you, or any other green/gold collar boy," Ben said ominously. "Will I still be able to have orgasms after I'm a nullo?" I asked. "Yes Sander, you will," Ben said. "How?" I asked. "It will be from the other end when a man mounts you. It won't feel exactly the same, but it will be an orgasm none the less. Now here is Chris to take you for that walk on the beach. When you get back, you'll be feeling better and you might even be hungry," Ben said. "Sander, I have been told that for lunch you like pizza with little cut up hotdogs and mushrooms on top. I have also been told that you like to eat it with a root beer float and BBQ flavored potato chips. Is that right?" I nodded yes. For a slave owner Ben sure was trying to be nice. "Then I'll have it waiting here for you when you get back. How does that sound?" He said as he set me down on my feet and gave me a playful little smack on my little naked bottom which now belonged to him and not me.
As Chris and I walked along the beach for a mile or so. We then went into the surf to get wet and splash around a bit. I was starting to feel a bit better. Maybe things weren't really so bad. If I had to be a slave this was sure a great place to be one. After getting out of the water we streched out on the warm sand to sun ourselves. We were on our backs and I couldn't help but glance down at Chris' empty crotch. "Chris," I asked, "when your parents sold you to Ben did you know that he was going to nullify you?" "No, I didn't," Chris said. "And it was good that I didn't. If I did, I might not have gone through with it." "Did your parents know that you were going to be cut?" I asked. "I think my dad might have suspected, but my mom had no idea. She took it pretty hard." "Really, how did she find out about it?" I wanted to know. "Well after Ben nullified me and after I healed, I didn't want anyone to see me," Chris said. "I just spent a lot of time standing in front of a full length mirror. You know, just sort of getting used to my new look. After a while, I'd go out where people could see me, but only if other nullos were around. I didn't want to be the only one. You sort of get used to it one step at a time. After I had been here a few months, I was cool with the whole thing and I wouldn't mind if I was the only nullo around. But then something happened and it sort of sent me back to the starting point." "What happened?" I asked Chris. "Sander, I don't really want to talk about it," he said. I could see it was painful for him. "Chris we are friends. Please tell me." I just had to know. Chris started slowly, "It was my 11th birthday. I was sitting at a table playing a game of chess when I looked up and who should I see? My parents. They had flown out to the island just to wish me a happy birthday. I hadn't seen them since my sale and I was thrilled that they were there. They were happy to see me as well. 'Chris, your father and I have missed you so much,' my mom said. 'It's so wonderful to see you and see that you are doing so well. Let's go somewhere where the three of us can be alone and talk' she said." "Then what happened?" I asked. "I was sort of slow to get up," Chris said. "You see the table I was sitting at was covering me and I didn't know if they had been told yet. You know, I didn't know if Ben had told them that he had desexed me. Mom saw that I was slow to get up and so she said, 'Chris, sweety don't worry about a thing. We know that nudity is the custom for boys on this island and it's not like your father and I haven't seen you naked before. In fact, since this is your birthday, it makes perfect sense that you are in your birthday suit'." "So I moved my chair away from the table, stood up, and then ran around the table to hug and kiss them both. But when they saw me, their faces lost all color. Ben hadn't told them that he had neutered me. They didn't know. There I was standing naked in front of my own parents and they saw my boy parts were gone. They saw that their son was a nullo." "What happened next?" I asked. "Well you know, they tried to act like it was no big deal and they didn't mind that I was now a eunuch, but I could see that it freaked them out. Later over dinner my mom said to me, 'Chris, Ben tells us that there are private schools for boys who were once slaves and have lost parts. When you come home you could go to one of those schools. The money for a private school is no problem at all.' I said, 'But Mom, why should I go to a private school? I want to go back to my old school. That's where all my friends are.' So my mom said, 'But Chris you wouldn't want to have to shower during gym with the other boys. Not now that 3; Well not now.' And I said, 'Why wouldn't I want to shower with them? I have done that before. You don't think that there's anything wrong with me do you?' And she was all like, 'Well of course not, Chris. There is nothing wrong with you at all!'" Chris was silent for a while as we walked along the beach. The he said. "Sander, there are two different sorts of naked. One sort of naked is when you don't have any clothes on when everyone else is dressed. The other sort of naked is when you don't have genitals when everyone else around you does." "Are you really going back to your old school?" I asked. "Are you really going to shower with boys?" "Yes," Chris said. "Don't you see Sander, I have to. If I didn't it would be like admitting that I don't like what I am."
Chapter 5
There are a few new people on the island. A former slave boy named Matti and an evil slaver named Lester
"Chris," I asked. "I hope you don't mind me asking you this but I have to know. Do you have orgasms when you are mounted?" "You are afraid that after you are nullified you won't be able to have them," Chris said. I nodded my head 'yes'. "They feel so good but I don't know how much longer I'll be left a boy. If I can't have orgasms as a nullo I don't know what I'll do. It's so unfair. Just when I've learned what my dick is for I'm about to lose it. So I have to know, are you still able to well, you know, get off?" "It all depends," he said. "Depends on what?" I asked. "It all depends on the man or boy who mounts you," he replied. "If you are so worried about that why did you change your mind and sign your contract?" "My dad really, really needs the money and I was in kind of a daze after Ben jacked me off. I didn't really know what I was doing," I said. "What is different about the men or boys that give you orgasms? How often do you get them?" "You have so many questions," Chris replied. "You'll find out soon enough." "Chris did my dad give you an orgasm?" I asked. Chris smiled and said, "Yeah he sure did! Your old man is good! Sander would you like to see something?" "Sure," I replied. "Okay," he said. "But you can't tell anyone about what I'm going to show you. If you do, we'll both be in a lot of trouble." Since we were both slaves, I wondered what more could happen to us, but I didn't ask. Chris led me up a hill with thick plant growth all around. From the top of the hill we could see a very nice looking private compound. There was a pool, a bar and lots of beautiful plants. "See that?" Chris asked as the two of us hid behind some bushes. "That's where the adults meet. No kids are allowed in there. Not ever. The slave owners, clients, trainers and the people who run this place go there to talk shop." "Talk shop?" I asked. "You know," Chris replied. "They talk about how much a given slave is worth. How good he is in bed. When and how he will be cut. That sort of thing." "How can you know that?" I asked. "We are too far away to hear them talking." Chris just grinned and said, "Don't tell anyone about this!" He pulled a small package out from behind a tree. He opened the package and from it he pulled out a very expensive set of binoculars. They were the type spies use. They had image stabilization and a directional microphone. "With this little baby you can see and hear everything the adults are doing and they don't know it! Sweet!" "We aren't supposed to have stuff like that," I said. "Where did you get it?" "I see a client named Simon," Chris explained. "Simon is always telling me how much he loves me and how he would have me as his son if only he could afford to buy me. All clients say that. They all want you to think that they love you. Anyway, I asked Simon to prove his love. I asked him to smuggle me these binoculars and he did." "Wow," I said. "Simon must really love you." "Who knows if he does or not," Chris replied. "Simon is a man and when you come right down to it all men are ruled by their dicks and balls. That's all men really care about. Only eunuchs are able to think straight and reason. Would you like to look through the binoculars and see what the adults are talking about?" "I don't know," I replied. "It would be spying and I don't want to get into trouble." "Are you chicken?" Chris asked. "Give me those binoculars," I said. I took them, put the earpieces into my ears and looked at the compound. "Wow there is Ben! I can see him just as clearly as if I was standing right next to him. And I can hear what he's saying as well!" I saw a man walking up to Ben. Ben said to him, "Well if it isn't Lester DelRay. What brings you back to San Carlos Island Lester? Are you here for business or pleasure?" It seemed to me that Ben didn't much like this guy. The other man said, "You know what they say Ben, no rest for the wicked. I'm here on business. But since we are such old and dear friends I'd like to do you a favor." "You'd like to do me a favor?" Ben asked and I could hear the disbelief in Ben's voice. "Yes," Lester replied. "I saw your new little toy Sander. He is quite a little fox. But the word on the street is that you paid two million for him. A million tor the boy and a million to his dad. Oh yes you also added a college education for the little tyke. What were you thinking? No boy is worth two million and we both know it. People will think you are a fool to pay so much for one small boy." "But you are prepared to help me, aren't you?" Ben said. "Yes indeed," Lester replied. "Since we go back such a long time, I'm prepared to take young Sander off your hands for three million. That's twice what the little guy is worth. You'll turn a million credit profit on him. Of course everyone will think me a fool, but to help you out, I'll just have to live with it." "Lester you are not the only person who has expressed an interest in Sander," Ben replied. "If I put Sander on the auction block tonight, he'd bring more than five million." "Five million!" Lester gasped and started to laugh. "You have taken leave of your senses!" Just then something unexpected happened. Chris told me that there were no kids allowed in the private compound but I saw a boy there. He was about 14 with blond curly hair, no collar and he was dressed like a fashion model. The kid was as beautiful as a movie star and in fact reminded me of a very old movie I had once seen. The boy looked just like Jeremy Sumpter from the movie Peter Pan. Perhaps I was looking at his clone. The boy rushed up to Ben. Ben and the boy hugged. Then Ben kissed the boy on the forehead and the boy kissed him back. "Matti, it's so good to see you again. How was your flight?" Ben said. "The flight was great," the boy replied. "And it's wonderful to see you again Ben. It's also wonderful to be back on the island. Life on the outside is so boring." "Is that little Matti?" Lester said. "Why Matti it is you! I remember you when you were only eight years old, a little naked slave boy. Now just look at you! You are a rich young free boy. What brings you back to San Carlos?" "Ben sent for me," Matti said. "He has hired me to manage the training of one of his slaves. A boy named Sander. "How wonderful!" Lester said. "Sander should learn from the best and you were the very best. If I may be so bold as to ask, what is Ben paying you to train Sander?" "A hundred thousand credits," the boy replied. "A hundred thousand!" Lester repeated. "Matti, before this summer is over, I expect you'll be buying and selling your own slaves! Just imagine, a boy slaver. But you may have a problem training our young Sander." "Oh, and why is that?" Matti asked. "Being just a boy yourself, you won't be able to teach Sander how to take a man-sized cock up his ass. You don't have the proper equipment, not yet anyway. But I'm willing to help you train Sander and I won't charge a thing." "You mean you you're willing to fuck Sander's butt?" the boy asked. "Exactly!" Lester replied. Matti said. "Thanks, but no thanks. Ben and I will be able to teach Sander everything he needs to know. You can just stay out of the way." This made Lester mad and he said, "Why Matti, I would expect some gratitude after all I have done for you. Do you remember when you were eight and I took you on your first trip to Paris? When you were nine, I took you to Rome, and London when you were ten. I have done so much for you and this is the way you repay my kindness!" "Mostly I remember your spankings." Matti said. "If Ben had known about that he never would have let you rent me. I was too afraid of you to tell him what you were doing." "Those spankings were for your own good young man," Lester replied. "A boy needs discipline. And may I remind you that it's because of me that you were left a complete male. Ben would have nullified you when you were eight but I stepped in and told Ben no. Leave Matti as a boy, I told Ben. I showed you the world and I treated you like a son." "What you mean Lester, is that you passed me off as your son," Matti said. "You did that because you were ashamed to be seen by your high society friends traveling with a slave. If I had been nullified, your little secret would not have lasted very long. More than one of your friends slipped his hands down my pants when you were too busy to notice. The rich and powerful don't nullify their own sons and that is the only reason why you had me left male. So you could pass me off as your son. But you never cared for me. Not beyond the sex anyway." I had seen and heard enough. My head was swimming. I put down the binoculars. Chris said to me, "Well, Mister That-Would-be-Spying, you sure were watching the compound for a long time. What did you see?" "Chris," I asked, "Do you know a slave boy named Matti?" "Sure I do," Chris replied. "Matti was my best friend before he left the island nine months ago. We shared a bedroom. In fact we shared just about everything. We were like brothers." I wondered if they had sex together but didn't ask. It would be too impolite. "He was one of Ben's best slaves?" I asked. "I should say so!" Chris replied. "He was practically a legend. Ben bought him when he was eight. That was for a one year contact. But when the contract was up Ben bought him again for two more years. When those two years were up Ben bought another two years. Matti spent five years as a slave, from the time he was eight until he was 13. But like I said he went free nine months ago when his final contract expired. The clients are still morning his departure. And Ben must be too, he made millions off Matti. "Before Matti came along Ben was just a small time slaver. But with Matti in Ben's stable Ben got the reputation for handling only the best boys and eunuchs. And do you know what? Ben never cut Matti. He left the island with a full set of boy parts. Not many kids can say that." "None of this makes any sense," I said. "This island is crawling with beautiful young boys, eunuchs and nullos. How can any one boy be so much better than all the others?" "Mojo," Chris said. "Mojo? What's that?" I asked. "It's a sort of magic," Chris explained. "Any kid can be trained to offer his butt to a man, it's no big deal once you get used to it. But Matti had the power to make men love him. When they were entering his butt, he was entering their minds. The clients would say that after a night with Matti you were spoiled for life. I'm not surprised that the adults are still talking about him. I miss him just as much as they do. Matti broke a lot of hearts." "He's back on the island," I said. "I just saw him." "Really?" Chris asked. "Matti is back? Why?" "Ben brought him back to train me," I said. "This does make things interesting," Chris said and he smiled. "Matti is back!" "Chris," I asked. "Do you know a man named Lester DelRay?" When Chris heard that name, he turned white. "Lester DelRay isn't back on the island, is he?" Chris asked. "He sure is," I replied. "And he has taken an interest in me." "Sander, that isn't good. DelRay could give mean lessons to Darth Vader," Chris said. Chris then laid down on his tummy and said, "Sander have a close look at my butt. A real close look." I looked and then I saw something. I saw thin white lines running across Chris' butt. "Those aren't scars are they?" I asked. "They sure are," Chris replied. "They were made by a whip. Lester DelRay put them there. That was before he sold me to Ben."
Chapter 6After Chris and I finished spying on the adult compound, we returned to the beach. I needed to splash around in the surf for a bit to cool off. It was turning into a hot day. I also needed time to think about what I had just seen and heard.Ben had brought Matti back to the island to train me. Chris was thrilled at the prospect of seeing his old friend again. I wondered what that training would entail. I had to admit that I was happy that my trainer would be a kid and former slave. At least Matti would have some idea of what I was going through. As Chris and I swam in the surf I started to feel better about things. The island sure was a fun place to spend time if you were a kid and I guess that went double for the adults. A little way down the beach I noticed a client playing in the surf with a little 10-year-old nullo. They were playing like a father and son. Suddenly the man scooped the little guy up and placed him over his shoulder. He carried the young eunuch, who was now laughing, kicking, and screaming, up the beach to where the sand was dry and warm from the sun. "Timmy, I'm going to have you here," he said. "Right here on this beach is where I'm going to make love to you!" "No daddy! Not here!" Timmy yelled. "People will see!" I thought they were just playing but as the man held his little naked charge over his shoulder with one hand, he used his other hand to pull off his swimsuit and kick it away. Now both the man and his young eunuch were naked and the man was sporting a monster boner. "Chris," I asked. "That guy isn't really going to hump the little kid right on the beach is he?" "Sure he is," Chris replied. "But people will see them doing it!" I said. "So what? It happens all the time," Chris replied. "You'll get used to it." The man placed Timmy, who was giggling, laughing and squirming like crazy, on the beach. Then there was a short, playful, struggle. It didn't last long. Soon the man had the little guy on his back with his ankles held up above him. The kid's 'boy pussy' was completely exposed and defenseless. "Help me! Help me!" The little guy shrieked still smiling. "I'm being raped by a complete stranger!" "You can scream all you like," The man said. "No one is going to save you my young prince." The man positioned his rock hard cock just inches from Timmy's hole. "Now admit it Prince Timmy. You want it! You want it all, you want it now, and you want it bad!" "No, I don't," Timmy shrieked. "You're a bad man!" I didn't know what to do. Should I try to help Timmy? No, in spite of everything the kid seemed to be having the time of his life. I guessed I should just stay out of it. I knew that I really should have turned away to let them have some privacy but I couldn't. I had to see what was going to happen next. Were they really going to fuck? My thing had grown stiff as a board and so I sat down on the beach and pulled my knees up to my chest trying to hide it. "You are mine, little Prince Timmy, all mine!" the man said and then slid his shaft into the kid's hole. The little nullo threw back his head and gasped but I could see that he was loving every second of it. With his butt full Timmy admitted that he really wanted it, "Oh yes, do me," he said. "Fuck me now Daddy, fuck me hard. It feels so good!" The man chuckled and said, "Timmy admit it, you're just a little nullo whore who can't get enough. Isn't that right?" "Whatever you say Daddy. I'm your little nullo whore. Just do me! I have to have it. Oh I have to have it!" The man started to thrust his dick in and out of the little guy. Soon the little guy was thrashing about in the ecstasy of an orgasm. The man came as well and I could see some of his cum leaking out of the kid's "boy pussy". When the man pulled his thing out the little eunuch all but collapsed onto the sand completely spent by the fucking he had just received. The man gathered up the young nullo in his arms and held him tenderly. "I love you Daddy," I could hear the boy say and the man replied, "I love you too, Timmy. You are a great fuck. Now I'll take you to get you cleaned up and we will relax a bit." The man carried Timmy away the way a father would carry a much loved son. "Chris," I asked. "What was that all about?" "What do you mean?" he said. "Stuff like that happens all the time." "I knew that there was sex in the bedrooms but not out in public where other people can watch," I replied. "That's not going to happen to me, is it? No one is going to do me where other people can see us. Right?" "Sander, you'll just have to get used to it," Chris said. "It happens to us all. Most men are so horny that they can't wait long enough to get you to a private place. Once a man feels the need for a fuck there is just no stopping him. Men are part animals. I'm glad I was desexed. I don't want to be that crazy. Who would?" "Is that guy really Timmy's dad? "I asked. "No," Chris said. "I served the same client and he had me call him 'daddy' as well. Some guys like that. He fucked me on the grass."
When Chris and I got back to Ben's place for lunch, we saw that it was set up like a party. It was a party for me, to celebrate my new life on the island. There were balloons, colored crape paper, and little cardboard party hats. My dad was there and so was Ben's helper Amy. Chris and Matti were thrilled to see each other again. They had only been apart for nine months but you would have thought it was nine years from the way they acted. Ben introduced Matti to me as his 'very old and dear friend'. I didn't let on that I already knew who Matti was and why he was there. I didn't want Ben to find out that Chris and I had been spying. After we finished off the pizza, root beer floats and cake Dad said, "Well Sander I have to be returning home. I might be out to see you in a month or two. We'll have fun then." "What?" I asked. "Dad why not stay here on the island for a while? Now that you have all that money Ben gave you, you don't need to worry about your job." "Sander I have to leave," he said like that was that. I climbed into his lap, wrapped my arms around his shoulders and whispered into his ear so no one else could hear, "Dad you can't leave me now. I need you here. They are going to castrate me. They are going to do other things to me. I'm afraid. I need you here to take care of me." "Ben will take good care of you," Dad said. "You belong to him now, not me, and you'll just have to get used to it. I'll mail you your notebook computer, movies and comic books. I don't think you'll need much in the way of clothes but I'll send your sandals for walking on hot or sharp rocks. I'll also send your athletic supporter and cup just in case you need them." I wasn't at all sure that I'd have much more use for my jock strap. Then Dad lifted me up and passed me to Ben. Ben held me tenderly and said, "Don't worry about a thing Jimmy. I'll take good care of Sander. You know I know how to handle boys." After my dad had left Ben said, "Sander, Chris has an appointment to see a client now so you'll see him later. And I have work to attend to. Matti and Amy will look after you now," I was handed to Amy who carried me into a large spa-like room. "Sander we need to wash that salt water off you before you turn into a fish," Amy said. She had me climb onto a massage table and asked me to get on all fours, "like a puppy," she said. I did it and saw that she was getting out some strange looking equipment. "What's that?" I asked. "Matti will you explain to Sander what I'm doing?" Amy said. "It's time for your enema Sander," Matti explained, "What's that?" I asked again. "Amy is going to put a small tube into your bottom. Then she is going to flush out your bowels with warm soapy water. We need to clean you up both inside and out." Amy plugged this nozzle like thing into my butt. It felt pretty weird. She then turned a valve and I could feel warm water rushing into my backside. It felt really weird and for some reason it gave me a rock hard stiffy. Both Amy and Matti were quick to notice my little stiffy. They smiled and Amy gave it a playful little tug. "Oh Sander," she said. "I can see that you like this. You're going to do just fine." "What's the point of all this? I asked. "Why do I need an enema anyway?" "It's more for my benefit than yours," Matti said. "How is that?" I asked. "I don't want to get your poop on my cock when I make love to you Sander," Matti replied. "We'll give you a hot whirlpool bath and some wine to help you relax first. Don't worry, I'll be very patient and gentle."
Chapter 7After my enema I said, "Can I call my dad on the flyer?"Amy said, "Of course you can." She dialed a phone number and said, "Sander wants to talk to James Gobin." Then she handed me the phone. I said, "Can I have some privacy, please?" Amy said, "Sure." She and Matti left the room. When my dad came on, I said, "Dad, can you send Mr. Bear with my other stuff." Dad said, "You haven't slept with Mr. Bear for years." I said, "Just send him. OK?" Dad replied, "OK. I'll send him." Matti returned after I finished my phone call with dad. Once out of the whirlpool bath he carefully dried me off. He dried my off everywhere! "Come on Sander, I'll show you our new room?" he said. "We have a room?" I asked. "Just the two of us?" "Sure," he replied. "The two of us will be spending a lot of time together until you are trained. So Ben put us in the same room. I've already moved some of my things into it. When your dad sends you your stuff, we can really make it 'our' room. It will be our own private little kingdom. No one can enter unless we say so. Later, if you like, Chris can visit us there." The room was very large and luxurious. It had a spectacular view of the beach and it's own fireplace, although I wondered if it ever got cold enough to use it. There was also an attached private bath, entertainment center and kitchen area. It looked like we could spend days there if we wanted to. Matti had already started decorating it with souvenirs he had brought back from around the world as well as photos of him with clients at places such as the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, The Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and you name it. I noticed that there were no pictures of him with Lester. The room had only one very large bed. On this bed was an old and somewhat tattered stuffed animal, a fat, stripped, orange cat. "Is the cat yours?" I asked Matti. "He sure is," Matti replied. "His name is Garfield and I've had him forever. Since long before I was a slave. I never go anywhere without Garfield. Did you know that he once had his own comic strip?" "You were a slave? Were you Ben's slave?" I asked. I knew the answers but I didn't want him to know Chris and I had been spying. "Yes, I was Ben's slave for five years." Matti replied. I picked up Garfield and cuddled him, "He's cute," I said. "I have a Bear, 'Mr. Bear' I call him. I was afraid to ask my dad to send him when he said that he would send my things. I didn't want people to think I was a baby but later I called my dad and asked for him." Matti said. "I'll bet Mr. Bear and Garfield will be great friends." I turned to smile at Matti and when I did so I almost dropped Garfield. Matti had striped naked and was sporting a large stiffy. I looked at his boner and realized where he wanted to put it. I realized that most likely I was about to be deflowered. Matti saw my surprise and said, "Sander since you were naked and I was dressed I thought you'd be more comfortable if I got naked as well. You don't mind, do you?" "No, it's not that," I said. "It's just that, well, I haven't ever really done anything much. Ben whacked me off one time and I whacked myself off. I watched as my dad and Chris made love and then earlier today I saw a man and a young nullo doing it on the beach. But I just don't think I'm ready yet." "Then we don't have to do a thing," he said. "Let's just get on the bed and talk. Or we don't even have to talk. Let's just rest a while." We both got onto the bed and lying side by side we talked about everything and nothing. After a little while Matti placed his arms around me and it felt good, very good. So I placed my arms around him and we hugged. It felt great to have him holding me. He said, "Sander you are a wonderful, beautiful boy," and he kissed me on the cheek. I didn't resist. I was trying to remember how long it had been since I was last kissed by my dad. Before coming to the island I didn't get much love. Matti started to lightly run his fingertips over every part of my body and that felt good as well. It felt great! I started to examine Matti's body as well. Matti was still a kid but not a little kid. His body was lean with tight muscles just below the skin. There was no 'baby fat' on him. The only body hair he had was a patch of pubic hair right above the base of his dick. His balls were completely hairless. Examining his dick and balls I saw that they were still a long way from man-sized but not those of a little kid either. Next to Matti, my own boy package looked like it belonged on a five-year-old. But at least I had a boy package. Lots of kids on the island didn't. I noticed that the end of Matti's thing was starting to get wet. "What's that wet stuff on you dick?" I asked. "It's called pre-cum," he explained. "It comes out before your dick shoots cum." "How long has your dick been able to shoot?" I asked. "About nine months," he replied. "It started to happen about the same time I became free." "How does it feel, you know, puberty?" "It feels good but it's also sort of scary. Things are happening to my body that I can't control. My thing gets stiff a lot now. Almost anything will set it off. I'm horny almost all the time. If it gets any worse I think I'll go crazy." "You could have it removed," I suggested. "No, not at this point," he replied. "You see castration and nullification isn't too bad for little kids. They haven't had it long, so it's not too hard on them when it's taken. But once you've had it as long as I have and really know how to use it you can't give it up. At this point if I lost my dick, well it would be like losing my right arm. I just couldn't go through with it." "Do you think Ben will let me keep my dick and balls the way he let you keep yours?" I asked. "Probably not." He replied. "Ben is a really good guy but he does love to desex boys. I am the only slave he has ever left complete. He might sell you to someone who likes complete boys but almost all owners prefer nullos." All this talk was making me horny and I asked, "If we wanted to, well you know, go farther, how would we do it?" "Just lie on your back like you are now and relax," he said. Matti then got over me with his weight resting on his knees and elbows. He was upside down relative to me. As he was looking down at my balls, I was looking up at his belly button and the tip of his boner. If I hadn't been shorter than him, we would have been looking each other right in the balls. "Just concentrate on what I'm doing," he said, "and then you try to do the same to me." Matti then started to gently nuzzle his nose into my ball sac. It felt really awesome. I could feel his warm breath against my tender skin. No one had ever done anything like that to me before. He shifted his position so that his balls were right above my face. "Now you try doing the same to me," he said. Gently I pressed my nose into his sac right between his balls. His sac was soft and warm like a little pillow. His balls were drawn up close to his body. He had a tight clean package, I loved the way his balls felt against my face. Matti moved again so his mouth was right over my balls. He began to carefully lick my balls. When they were wet with his spit, he blew cool air on them which felt great. I know all this sounds gross but I felt out of this world. Matti moved so that his balls where right above me. He didn't have to tell me what to do, I just knew. I opened my mouth and started to lick Matti's balls. It may sound dreadful but it wasn't. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever done. By letting him take my balls into his mouth and him letting me take his balls into my mouth, we had shown how much we trusted each other. He started to lick and suck the end of my dick. I went wild. I sucked and licked him not even caring that I got his pre-cum in my mouth. It didn't seem gross at all. It somehow seemed natural that we should be doing this. Next Matti did something that really blew me away. He licked below my balls all the way down to my 'boy pussy', over and around it. Matti had his tongue pressed into my 'boy pussy'. I moaned and gasped with ecstasy. Now I knew why I had been washed so carefully down there. Unable to contain himself any longer Matti rolled me over onto my tummy and had me bend my legs so that my knees were under me and my butt was proped up. "Relax Sander," he said and reached for something on the table next to the bed. "This is Vaseline, it will make you slipery so my dick doesn't hurt you." He entered me from behind with one lubricated finger, and then two. "Okay?" he asked. "Yes," I managed to gasp. "Let me know if I'm hurting you so I can stop," he said and slowly insert his lubricated dick into me. It sounds gross but it wasn't. I liked it. I loved it more that I had ever loved any other experience of my life. I was being fucked and I had never felt better. Matti thrust his dick in and out of my 'boy pussy'. I could feel his dick filling me and I felt like I had been born for this moment. If I hadn't been sold to Ben, if I wasn't a slave, I never would have met Matti. I would never have experienced this total and intense joy. It was all worth it! By that I mean that being a slave and even the threat of nullification was worth meeting and being loved by Matti. No matter what happened to me from that moment on, I would always have this memory. For the rest of my life I would know that I had known the greatest joy anyone can ever experience. I had coupled with another person. After Matti filled me, he took me into the bathroom and we lovingly washed and dried each other. Then we returned to our bed to rest and hold each other. It was bliss just being alone with Matti. Finally I spoke. I said, "Matti there is going to be a ceremony tonight. They are going to, you know, castrate some boys" "I know," he said. "Ben wants me to go but I don't think I'm ready to see anything like that. Not yet anyway. I need more time to get used to it." "Then don't go," he said. "But Matti you don't understand. Ben is my master. I have to do what he says." "Sander, Ben owns you but until you are fully trained and ready to handle a client I'm your master. I made that very clear to Ben before he hired me to train you. During your training, what I say goes. You'll stay here tonight and you don't have to explain anything to Ben. I'll handle that. I'll have Chris sent over to keep you company. You can call room service if you want something to eat. Just dial six." I was looking forward to spending more time with Chris but I didn't want Matti to leave. "Why not stay here with me tonight?" I asked. "Sander I can't," he replied. "There is something I have to do." "What?" I asked. "Sander, do you know remember how sex was scary before you had it but you discovered that it's really fun." "Sure," I said. "Well I have something I need to do tonight. It scares me. I don't know if I'll like it or not but I have to try. I have to do it at least once to see what it's like." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I've never castrated a boy before," he replied. "Matti you don't mean 3;" I couldn't finish the sentence. "Yes I do," he said. "At the ceremony tonight I'm going to cut a boy. But it's not what you think. The boy is free, not a slave. He wants to be nullified. Some kids do. I talked with him and he said that I'd be doing him a huge favor by cutting him. He wants it done by a kid, not an adult. He wants me to do it." "Who is the boy?" I asked. "His name is Randal," Matti said. "His father is a very rich client." "I can't believe he wants to be cut. I can't believe any boy would want to be cut. Did he say why he wants it? Did you try to talk him out of it?"
Chapter 8Matti said, "It's not common but a few boys really do want to be castrated or nullified. Randal said that when he saw all the nullos on the island it really excited him. After his father threatened to nullify him, he realized that he wanted to be nullified."I did try to talk him out of it. I told him that it was permanent and that a dick can provide great pleasure. He asked me how so I told him about jacking off. He said, 'What's that?' We were in a private room so I locked the door and I jacked him off. He said that he enjoyed it but that he still wanted to be nullified and that if I didn't do it he would have Ben do it. "I have to get dressed to go to the ceremony now. Chris should be here soon." As he was getting dressed, I lay on the bed hugging Garfield and wishing I had Mr. Bear. I was stunned that the Matti I had fallen in love with was going to nullify a boy. Would he nullify me at the next ceremony? A few minutes after Matti left, the phone beside the bed rang. I pressed the answer button and the screen lit up with a color image of Chris outside the door. I said, "Hi Chris, come on in." He replied, "I can't, the door isn't programmed for me. You have to come and put your hand on the ID plate beside the door." After I let him in Chris said, "Where's Matti?" "He's at the ceremony. You know what he's going to do?" "No. What's he going to do?" Chris replied. "He 's gunna nullify Randal!" I exclaimed. "That's good. Randal will be much better off that way," Chris said. "You should go to the ceremony tonight and ask Ben to nullify you. If you ask him, I'm sure he would do it right away and you won't have to worry about it. Besides you'd be better off if you were nullified. You don't want to be like that client who humped Timmy on the beach do you?" "What about Matti?" I said. "He's complete. Do you think he would ever be like that client on the beach?" "No, I guess not," he replied. Then I said, "What about your father, he must be complete. Would he act like that guy on the beach?" "He would never act like that." "No. I won't go to the ceremony tonight. I want to keep my dick as long as I can. "Matti said that I can call room service if I get hungry. I was thinking of a half dozen tacos and some fried chicken with cheese cake for dessert. How does that sound?" "Sounds good, but have you ever tried lobster? It's really good. Let's order one lobster tail. If you like it, we can share it. If you don't, I'll eat it all. I want a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for dessert." While we were waiting for the food Chris asked, "Did you start your training yet?" "Yes I did." "How did it go? Did Matti mount you? Did you have an orgasm?" I felt my face get warm and I replied, "It went really well. Matti mounted me and I had an orgasm without even touching my dick. It was way better than the ones I got from jacking off." Since he had asked me about sex with Matti I thought it would be ok so I asked him, "When you were roommates, did you and Matti have sex?" He blushed and replied, "Yes we did and it was incredible." I blurted out, "You're blushing." "So are you," he replied. I said, "I felt my face get warm but I didn't know it was because I was blushing." To change the subject, I asked, "Is your room as nice as this one I share with Matti and do you have a roommate?" "It's not quite this nice but it is nice. It's much nicer than the tiny room I had at home. I have a roommate but I don't like him very much. He's not very friendly." "Do you share a bed with him?" "No. With Matti and with Peter, my second roommate, we pushed our beds together but with him our beds are at the opposite sides of the room. Maybe after you are trained, we can become roommates. I'm sure that Ben would let us." "Did you have sex with Peter?" I asked. "When Peter and I met we were both nullos so we couldn't have the kind of sex two boys or a boy and a nullo can have. We did a lot of cuddling and stroking. Sometimes we would lick each other down here." He touched himself where his private parts used to be. I found that I really liked the lobster. I wished that I had ordered two of them but the tacos and fried chicken were good too. After we ate, I noticed something on Chris's back. I touched it and asked, "Is this a bandage?" "No. That's a medicine patch. Eunuchs tend to get fat. The patch has hormones and drugs to keep me skinny, including a tiny bit of testosterone which also makes me enjoy the sex with the clients more. The doctor says there is not enough testosterone to make me grow body hair or a beard. "I like not having body hair. Some of the clients have hair all over their chests and backs. I think it looks disgusting." Chris replied. When Matti came back, I asked, "How was it?" "It was 3; disturbing. I don't think I will do it again." I was glad that he didn't enjoy desexing Randal. Matti took off his clothes and said, "After five years of being a naked slave I really don't like wearing clothes that much, especially when it is this warm." We watched some movies in the entertainment room for a while. I liked having Chris around and I could tell that Chris liked being with Matti so I asked, "Can Chris spend the night with us?" Matti said, "I would like that. Chris, when is your next appointment?" Chris replied, "Ah, let me check." He pressed a place on the inside of his collar and said, "appointment check," a computer voice said, "Your next appointment is two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Matti said, "Then there is no reason you can't sleep here tonight. The bed is plenty big enough for the three of us." I asked Chris, "How many clients do you see every day and every week. Do they have to make an appointment?" "Most of the clients come on the weekend so we have a maximum of two appointments per day on Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the week it's one per day and we get one day a week off but we can't choose Saturday or Sunday. "They have to make an appointment so that they can be billed but if you're not booked up for the day, the client can get an instant appointment. That happened to me a few times when I started out. I would be playing outside and a client would make an instant appointment and I would have to stop what I was doing and go with him. It was kind of annoying." I said, "I'm getting kinda sleepy. I think I'll go to bed." "Me too," Chris said. "You two use the dental machine in the bathroom and go to bed. I have a few things to do and then I will join you." "Yes Mom. I'll use the machine before I go to bed." Chris said. "Dental hygiene is very important for your health if you want to live to 150 and clients don't like a slave with bad breath. You are lucky. A hundred years ago, people had to brush, floss and use an oral irrigator. All you have to do is put the machine in your mouth and press a button. The machine does all the work in a couple of minutes and it does it better than someone could have done with the best devices a hundred years ago," Matti lectured. This time I said, "Yes Mom." I grinned at Matti. He grinned back and I noticed that Chris was grinning too. I let Chris use the bathroom first since he was a guest. When I woke up, we were all cuddled together with Matti in the middle. I needed to pee and of course I had a boner. I got up to go to the bathroom and Matti and Chris woke up. I noticed that Matti had a boner too so I said, "Why is it that when you wake up and need to pee you usually have a boner that makes it hard to pee?" "I don't know but it is kind of annoying." Matti replied. "If you were nullified, you wouldn't have that problem." Chris said. I made a face at him and he grinned. After we all used the bathroom Matti said, "I want to train Sander a little more. Chris, you don't mind waiting in the entertainment room do you? I think Sander would be uncomfortable if you watched. After we're finished, I'll call and order breakfast." Chris said, "I'd be uncomfortable if I watched." I realized then that Chris was in love with Matti and he was a little jealous of the sex we were having. After Chris shut the door to the entertainment room Matti said, "When your training is finished, you will need to be able to take a big dick up your butt with only your spit for lubrication and some of the clients just stick it in rather quickly. If I ran this place I think I'd require clients to use proper lubrication. "Last time I put my fingers in first. This time I will use just my dick. I'll use some lube and take it slow but you have to remember to relax and you must tell me if it hurts so that I can stop. Now lie on your back and put your legs on my shoulders." Matti lubed up my butt hole and his dick. When I felt the end of his dick against my 'boy pussy' I relaxed as much as I could. When his boner slid slowly into me I got a really hard stiffy. When he started pushing in and out I started stroking my stiffy. Soon I had an incredible orgasm. It was the best one yet. I think Matti had one at the same time. He collapsed on top of me and left his dick inside of me. It felt great but it soon started to get soft and he pulled out of me. Matti used the intercom on the phone to ask Chris what he wanted for breakfast. Chris said, "Pigs in a blanket with pecan syrup and orange juice." I told Matti to order me waffles with cherry syrup, bacon, honeydew melon and milk. Matti ordered a ham and cheese omelet with a bagel and tomato juice for himself. We all took a quick shower together while we waited for the food. I had not showered with anyone else for a long time. It was a little crowded with the three of us but I loved it. I washed Chris' back while he washed Matti's back and Matti washed mine. While I washed Chris' back I ran the bar of soap between his legs and over where his boy parts used to be. He really seemed to enjoy it. When the food came it was Ben himself who delivered it. He said, "I told the kitchen people to tell me when you ordered breakfast." Then he looked at me and said, "How is your training going? Are you enjoying it?" I blushed again and said, "It's going fine." Then he looked at Chris and said, "You seem angry at me Chris. Did I do something to upset you?" Ben asked. "You paid Sander a lot more for his one year contract than you paid me for my two-year contract," Chris replied sullenly. "You forget young Chris, it was Lester DelRay who originally bought you. If your parents had sold you directly to me, both you and your parents would have gotten quite a bit more money. Also, you have earned more than 150,000 credits in bonuses for doing such a good job." Ben replied. Ben looked at me rather sternly and said, "One of my most important rules is that slaves are not to tell other people how much they were paid. I hope you will not do it again." I gulped and said, "No sir. It will never happen again." Chris said, "Don't be mad at Sander. He didn't know about the rule and he was still free when he told me." Ben looked back at me more kindly this time and said, "I'm not mad at you Sander. I just don't want you to tell anyone else what I paid you and your father. You don't need to call me 'sir'. It makes me feel like my grandfather." Then Ben said to Matti, "It is fine if you are naked in your room but you do know that as a trainer you need to wear clothes whenever you are outside." "I know." Matti said. After we finished eating Matti said, "Why don't you two go play somewhere while I take care of some business?" After we left the room I whispered to Chris, "Do you want to go spy on the compound again?" He replied, "No. I want to show you the waterfall. It's really nice." While we were walking to the waterfall I said, "You're in love with Matti, aren't you?" "Of course I am! Almost everyone falls in love with Matti. You fell in love with him didn't you?" "Yes I did." I replied. The waterfall was nice but the water was a little cold. We splashed around in the small pool at the base of the waterfall and ran through the waterfall several times into the small hollow behind the waterfall. Later while we were sunning ourselves beside the pool, I heard Matti's voice coming from my collar. He said, "It's eleven o'clock. I want you back in the room by twelve for lunch." I said, "Ok, I'll start back." Chris said, "You have to press the one of the buttons on the inside of your collar before you talk." I asked, "Any button?" He replied, "Yes there are eight buttons around the collar so that you can always find one easily no matter what way the collar is turned." I pressed a button and repeated, "Ok, I'll start back." Then I said, "Do I have to press the button again when I am through talking?" Chris said, "No. It will hang up automatically. If a client starts abusing you, you hurt yourself or you get into any kind of trouble just press a button and yell 'help'." "Have you ever had to press a button because a client was hurting you?" I asked. "No, but I did when I got lost once." Chris replied. We started walking back to the room. I noticed that Chris was walking very quickly. I wanted to go slower so that I could see the sights and avoid stepping on anything sharp. I called out to Chris, "Why so fast?" He replied, "I need to pee real bad." I said, "Why don't you just go behind a bush?" "It's not as easy for me as it would be for you. You can just stand behind a bush, hold your dick, pee and when you are finished shake it a little bit to get rid of the last drops. Because I don't have a dick anymore, I'd have to squat which I don't like to do and I really need to use some toilet paper to dry off my pee hole. There's a restroom not too far away." I decided to pee too while we were at the restroom. While I was standing there with my dick in my hand, I wondered how long I would be able to pee standing up. I remembered all the times I had peed behind a bush when I was hiking and wondered what it would be like to pull down my pants and underpants and squat to pee. After we finished, I asked Chris, "Do you miss being able to pee standing up?" "A little bit," he replied. "Here on the island it's not too bad. There are restrooms all over and I don't wear pants I have to pull down. It will probably be more of a problem after I leave the island. Being able to pee standing up is the only reason I miss my dick." "What about jacking off? Or did Ben desex you before you ever jacked off?" "No. Ben taught me how to jack off just after he bought me. I think he teaches all the slaves he buys so that they will know what they are missing when he nullifies them because it makes it more thrilling for him. I don't really miss jacking off. I get plenty of sex and have plenty of orgasms with the clients." "How will you have orgasms after your contract is over?" "I am sure I will be able to find boys or men to mount me and I can jack off using a vibrator or a dildo." "What's a dildo?" "It's a soft rubber fake dick you stick up your butt. Ben gives some vibrators and dildos to all of his slaves when their contract is over." When we got to the beach, a client came up to me and said, "Hello beautiful. What's your name?" I saw a bulge in the man's pants. I blushed and stammered, "Sa 3; Sander." The client asked, "When is your training over?" I replied, "I don't know. It's just started." He said, "I am going to try to get one of your first appointments. I hope you will be nullified at the ceremony tonight. I want to watch and I prefer to fuck nullos." I got a boner and the client said, "It looks like you want to be nullified." He got out a cell phone, pressed a few buttons and said, "I want to make an appointment with the trainee slave Sander as soon as he finishes his training. I want him to be nullified at tonight's ceremony. I know he wants it too because he got an erection when I mentioned it. If he is not going to be nullified tonight, I want to know when he is so that I can be there to watch." The client put the phone away, took out his electronic room key, pointed it at Chris' collar, pressed a button and a computer voice came from the collar and said, "The slave Chris3 is not available today. Please call the office to make an appointment." The client walked off angrily. After the man was too far away to hear, Chris said, "I hope he doesn't get to use either of us. He's a real asshole. I wish he had been nullified when he was 10 or younger. He would be a much better person now if he had been." "Is there another ceremony tonight?" I asked. "Yes. Today is Saturday. Most of the clients want to watch the ceremonies and since they mostly come on the weekend, ceremonies are held on Friday, Saturday and Wednesday. If you're lucky, you will be done on Wednesday when there are fewer clients watching." "Why did he point his room key at your collar that way?" I asked. "He wanted to know my name and make an instant appointment with me. If I had been available, the computer would have told him how much an appointment with me costs. If he agreed to the price, he would have pointed his key at my collar again and pressed the button twice. Then he would be billed for my services and I would be his for the next two hours." Chris replied. "Do some slaves cost more than others?" I asked. "Sure, popular slaves like me and Timmy cost more than average and an unpopular one like my roommate costs less. Ben says it's the law of supply and demand. I think Ben is going to lose money on my roommate 'cause he is so unpopular. He costs less than any other slave on the island and he rarely has appointments. I don't think any client has ever made a second appointment with him. He hasn't earned any bonus money at all." After we ate lunch Matti said, "Randal wants me to visit him in the infirmary. I asked him if it was ok for you two to come along and he said that it was. Do you want to come?" We both said, "Yes." Randal was in a nice private room. He had an IV in one wrist and there was a tube coming out from under the sheet to a bag partially filled with pee. Randal threw the sheet part way off and I saw that he had a green collar with gold stripes just like mine. "You're a slave now too!" I gasped. Randal said, "I remember you. I saw you a couple of days ago with Chris. You had a red collar on then. I remembered you because you are so beautiful." This time I didn't blush. I guess I was blushed out for the day. Randal continued, "After I had myself nullified, my father said, 'You better sign this two-year contract. If you don't, I will kick you out of the house when you are 18 with nothing. If you sign, I will still kick you out when you are 18 but I will give you half of my share of the slave fee and when you are 21 you will get your share.' Of course I signed. "I really like it here on the island. Ben says that I might be able to get a one year contract after my two-year contract is over and after I am too old to be a slave, he will hire me for some other job. I want to stay on the island forever. I like it a lot better than anyplace else I have been." Then he pulled the sheet down more and said, "See Chris, I'm a nullo just like you now. Doesn't it look great?" I didn't think it looked great. There was a big red scar and the plastic tube came out about an inch [2½ cm] above his butt hole. I asked, "Does it hurt?" He replied, "It's a little sore but not bad. They give me pain killers through the IV. The plastic tube is so that my piss hole doesn't heal shut. The doctors say that it should come out tomorrow or the next day. I'll be able to start my training a few days after that. Ben says that Matti might do some of my training. The doctors say that the scar will fade and in a few weeks it will look like I never had anything there." Matti asked, "So. Why did you want to see me?" Randal replied, "I wanted to thank you again for nullifying me. Also, I want you to be the first one to fuck me. It would be great to be fucked the first time by the guy who cut off my stuff." Matti replied in a strained voice, "I'm glad I could help you. Your owner will be the one who decides who will mount you first." I could tell that Matti was really uncomfortable. The next time I was alone with Matti I asked him, "When do you think Ben will nullify me?" "I am in charge of you until your training is finished so it won't be before then," he replied. "How long will my training last?" I asked. "A maximum of three weeks. I wish I could buy you and keep you complete but almost all of my money is in my trust fund and I don't get it until I am 21 in more than six years. I'm trying to work something out with Ben but he really, really wants to cut you," he replied.
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