PZA Boy Stories




A young boy is arrested by four FBI agents for making a child pornographic movie.

Publ. May 2008; this site June 2015
Finished 11,000 words (22 pages)


Kale (11y)

Category & Story codes

Man boy story
Mb tbreluc oral


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is fiction. All of the prepositions, articles (both definite and indefinite), conjunctions, qualifiers and many of the adjectives and adverbs are true; the rest is entirely my invention. Besides, the dedicated men (and women) of our federal law enforcement agencies would never behave in the manner described herein, now would they?

[I lost contact with Parrafan. His e-mail address is inactive since 2011, Celadon]


Kale Baxter lay on his front on the living room carpet, chin on hands, watching The Simpsons Movie before dinner (for the tenth time, or so he guessed). He still thought it was pretty funny, and there was nothing else to do. Summer vacation had just begun, and he was taking a few days of relaxation before deciding about his next two months from among the few alternatives that his parents had offered to him. He was seriously considering going to his grandparents' place, because they lived on the coast; the downside was he didn't know anyone his own age there. Then there was the summer camp option – while he hadn't completely ruled it out, he didn't know whether any of his friends from school would be there, so he wasn't willing to commit to that 3; yet.

Kale's Dad had suggested coming to work with him for a few weeks, to see if he liked it – a suggestion his mother strenuously opposed. Kale's Dad was a carpenter, and had a full book of work orders for the next three months, and had invited Kale to come along as a junior labourer. And while the boy was not opposed to hard work in principle, he knew that summer only comes around once a year, and after it was gone there was only another year of school to look forward to – in his case, the seventh grade. Besides, he didn't want to flagrantly go against his mother's wishes, and she had already declared it would be too dangerous to have Kale wandering about on construction sites, in the company of all those rough workmen, even with his father's supervision.

Then there was the summer job 3; but both his parents had already said they were not keen on him spending every day of summer at the video rental shop in the Mall, especially as the owner, the man who invited him to take the job was 3; well, to put it bluntly, unmarried. "What sort of thirty year old man doesn't have a wife?" his mother had wondered out loud at the dinner table only the night before. The plus side of the video shop job would be that it would get him away from the house, which meant away from his older sister Bethany, who hated him, and his younger brother Dillon, who was a pest.

Kale could hear Bethany now, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Probably trying to wear Mom down about dating. Bethany thought she was old enough to date, but both Mom and Dad were agreed that thirteen and a half was nowhere near mature enough yet. So far her whining had gotten her precisely zip, which made Kale secretly happy inside. He had a feeling that if Bethany started dating, she would begin acting in an even more superior fashion towards him than she already did. That's just the sort of mean thing Beth would do.

"Can we watch South Park, Kale? You've seen this movie like a million times already," Dillon whined as he slumped onto the sofa behind his older brother.

"Just because you walk into the room doesn't mean you can pick what's on TV – I'm watching this," Kale retorted, without looking back at his brother. "You can watch South Park when this is finished," he added.

"But it'll be over by then," the younger boy griped.

"So watch it on FoxPlus2. It'll come on again later," Kale parried.

"But we'll be having supper then, and I'll miss it. You can watch this stupid movie any old time," Dillon persisted. Kale sighed. This was an argument they had fought on many previous occasions. The outcome was fairly predictable: Dillon would quickly become tired of trying to out-argue Kale, and go whining to Mom, who would agree to anything to get him out of her hair, and he would storm back into the living room in triumph and simply switch the DVD player off to watch his cartoon.

But before the argument between the two brothers could degenerate into personal vilification, which it usually did, the doorbell rang. The boys' father had just emerged from the bathroom, where he had been washing off the day's grime, so he continued on his way through the living room to the front door and opened it.

A man wearing a dark pinstriped charcoal suit and dark sunglasses (at night 3;? Mr Baxter thought briefly) stood in the doorway. Mr Harrison could detect the vague shapes of more figures behind the sunglassed man. "Special Agent Dickinson, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mr 3; Baxter? May we come in?" the well-built man stated, flashing a badge in a wallet, and it sounded to Kale's Dad like he was reading it off a script. In any event, Agent Dickinson didn't wait for his request to be granted, he just shouldered his way past Mr Baxter and into the house, followed by three equally well-built men. It was only then that Mr Baxter realised that all of the men were similarly dressed, right down to the dark sunglasses, and two of them had tiny coiled wires running from inside their shirt collars up behind their ears and around into discreet earpieces.

The four men dispersed themselves strategically around the living room. One of them picked up the remote control from the coffee table and turned off Kale's movie. "These gentlemen are Special Agent Rogerson, Special Agent Boylance, and Special Agent Reamer," the first man introduced, but none of them made any moves to shake hands with Mr Baxter. Kale's Mom had heard the doorbell and only now realised that her husband had admitted the four dark-suited agents.

"What's this all about, uh, Agent 3;?" he stammered.

"Dickinson, sir. Special Agent Dickinson. Which of these boys is Kale?" the man answered.

"Uh, I'm him, er, I'm Kale. It's me," the boy spoke up, standing as he did so, but the eyes of all four of his family members had already shot straight towards him, so it was no use denying it.

Agent Dickinson gave a small nod towards one of the other men, Agent Reamer, who began unzipping a computer bag and pulling out a sleek black laptop even as Mr Baxter started to assert himself. "Now, look here, what's this all about? Is Kale in some kind of trouble?"

"Kale's broke the law, I bet," Bethany piped up. Kale shot her a look.

"Wow, it's a JZ-three-oh, Dad!" Dillon gushed, staring at the advanced piece of technology that Agent Reamer was now setting up on the coffee table. "I seen these on the Science Channel!"

"Just what exactly is going on here, gentlemen?" Kale's Mom demanded, but her eyes were instinctively drawn to the screen of the hi-tech laptop as a movie began to appear on its screen. "You can't just come into my house and- oh my god! Those underwear! Kale! Those look just like the ones I bought for you last w-" Mrs Baxter's hands flew to her mouth as her words evaporated.

On the flat screen of the laptop, displayed in front of the whole family, and the four agents, a movie was playing. A figure, clearly a young male, was performing a strip-tease in front of a webcam. He had his shorts down as far as the tops of his thighs, his underwear-clad bottom swaying to an unheard beat. He shimmied his hips to allow the shorts to fall, and began sensuously drawing the underwear down over the curved cheeks of his bottom.

Mrs Baxter gasped and pointed a trembling finger at the screen. "Those curtains! On that window! They're 3; I 3; I made those! That's your bedroom, Kale!"

Beth tossed her head back and sneered at her brother. "See, Mom? See? I always told you he was a pervert! A filthy, disgusting pervert!"

Kale's mouth open and closed soundlessly. He was mesmerised by the movie on the screen. Those were his undies, all right 3; and his bedroom curtains. When he regained use of his tongue he croaked "It 3; it's not me! I 3; I 3; Mom! Dad! It wasn't me! I swear!"

He looked desperately from one parent to the other for succour, but before either adult could speak, his brother Dillon made another outburst. "Hey!" the nine year old yelled. "Isn't that Blackie? He's 3; uh, he's 3;" All eyes, even those of the federal agents, now stared at the screen. The boy in the movie had eased his underwear down so that they were bunched up just below his scrotum, and his right hand held an erect penis, which was being licked enthusiastically by a black Labrador dog.

"You sick creep," Kale's sister's whispered accusation cut through the silence. "Mom, I'm not staying another night in the same house as a 3; a 3;"

"Isn't that your school ring, Kale?" Dillon observed, almost gleefully. The hand holding the erection which was being lapped by the dog had a distinctive signet ring on the middle finger. Every eye in the room refocussed from the screen to Kale's right hand. The very same ring that they had just seen on the boy in the movie was currently adorning Kale's right middle finger. He tried to wrench it off, as if that might make this whole nightmare go away.

"It 3; it's not me 3; I 3; I didn't 3;" he whimpered, tugging desperately at the ring.

"Oh, for god's sake, stop lying," his mother spat. "I knew it was a bad idea to get you the Internet. Now look what you've done" she added, turning her face away in shame.

Mr Baxter was also having difficulty coming to grips with what he had seen. He turned to the nearest Agent, the one who had knocked on the door. "How 3; how did you 3; I mean, are you sure it's Kale? You can't see his face on that thing."

"Yet 3;," Special Agent Boylance spoke for the first time.

"Oh, god," Mr Baxter buried his face in his hands and slumped to the couch.

"See the angle the sunlight is making on the bedroom wall?" Special Agent Boylance continued, as though he was instructing some students in a clever discovery he had made. "We used the timestamp of the movie, combined with the angle of the Sun that made that shadow, to establish the latitude the movie was made in. That narrowed our search down to just nine States. Then we sent copies of the distinctive design on that signet ring to all jewellers in those states – that brought us here to Illinois. Next we identified the school that awarded those rings, and pulled all the Social Security records of families with boys of the approximate age in this school zone. Our surveillance teams have been eliminating other families by excluding all homes without your son's bedroom curtains," he finished, shrugging his shoulders as though it was all rather obvious.

"Those damned curtains," Mrs Baxter muttered.

"But 3; but you still haven't seen his face! How can you be so sure it's my son?" Mr Baxter demanded, but without much defiance left in his voice.

Special Agent Dickinson spoke again. "Well, there are more ways of identifying a person than by facial recognition, of course. Fingerprints, obviously, and DNA, as well, but we only have this movie 3; so you tell me, Mr Baxter. Er, Special Agent Boylance, can you, uh, fast forward to that scene we discussed?"

The picture on the screen sped up for a few seconds. "It's got that digital anti-blur, Dad! Cool!" Dillon enthused, but the rest of the family was too sickened to appreciate the finer points of the gadgetry. Bethany turned away, her head cradled on her mother's shoulder. The federal agent slowed the movie to normal speed as the boy on the screen waggled his now-bare bumcheeks at the web camera. On the otherwise pristine right buttcheek was a small grouping of three matchhead-sized moles in the shape of a triangle – no bigger than a postage stamp, but distinctive nonetheless. Kale blanched.

"It can't be 3;" the eleven-year-old whispered. "It just can't be 3;"

"Oh god," his mother moaned in the background.

"Come here, son," Mr Baxter held out a hand while patting his lap with the other. "We'll get this sorted right now. I know you've got a couple little moles on your butt, after all I helped change your diapers when you were a baby. All we have to do is show these men that yours are different, and they've got the wrong boy, it's all circumstantial, and we can get on with our lives."

Special Agent Boylance had frozen the movie at the optimal point for comparing the screen image with the physical specimen, then clicked on an icon to sharpen the image. Dillon's eyes widened. "Wow! Freeze-frame enhancement on the fly!" he whispered, awed.

"Dad, it's nuh- not me, I swuh- swear!" Kale bleated, his voice beginning to catch.

"So just lie across my lap, I'll show these men your moles, and we can put all this behind us," Mr Baxter explained, ignoring his son's protests. "Come on, son," he added, urging the boy. Kale reluctantly climbed onto the couch on his knees and lowered himself into position face down across his father's thighs. Mr Baxter took hold of the waistband of his son's shorts and eased them down to reveal his underwear. Kale happened to be wearing the same underpants as the boy in the movie.

"I'm sure the stores sold plenty of pairs of those," Mr Baxter declared, but his voice did not quite carry off the bluff. Next he gingerly pulled the undies down on the right side to reveal Kale's moles. The whole family knew Kale had them, but nobody had paid them much attention before. But as the small brown blemishes came into view, every pair of eyes in the room, including Kale's, darted to the screen.

The pattern was identical.

Mr Baxter snapped Kale's underwear and shorts up in disgust. "Oh, son, how could you?" he sighed, disappointment and sadness lacing his voice.

Kale crawled off his father's lap. "Dad, I 3; please, Dad, you gotta 3;" he stumbled over his words. He looked at his mother for support, but her face was set in a severe mask.

"Hey, there's more!" Dillon cried excitedly as the movie resumed (thanks to Special Agent Boylance). The figure on the screen pulled his underwear down to his knees and picked up a battery powered handtool, the kind with removable attachments on the end. The particular attachment on the device at the moment was a small buffer-polisher, and the boy in the movie was running it all over the engorged head of his penis. "Wow! I bet that felt awesome, Kale!" Dillon yelled, but the rest of the family did not share his amazement. Especially Mr Baxter.

"Isn't that 3; my power buffer?" he gasped. "Haven't I told you to leave my tools alone, Kale? But I 3; never dreamed you would use them for 3; for 3;" He got up and walked over to his wife. The family was now clearly divided along battle lines – two flabbergasted parents and a sneering sister in one corner, Kale in the other. Dillon was still watching the boy in the movie pleasure himself with the power tool, so he didn't count.

Mrs Baxter broke the silence. "So, what's the next step? Where do we go from here?" she asked the nearest agent, her voice flat and lifeless.

"Does Kale need 3; a lawyer, or something?" Mr Baxter asked Special Agent Dickinson.

The agent dawdled over to the tight little knot of shocked family members, hands in his pockets, trying to look non-threatening. "A lawyer? No, he doesn't need one of those because we haven't charged him with anything 3; yet. And as soon as a lawyer gets involved, well, the case will inevitably go public. The papers will pick up on it, maybe even the TV news. No, it's a bit soon for a lawyer just yet. We really only want Kale to come with us to the local field office, maybe answer a few questions, you know, get this whole thing sorted out."

"Should 3; er, me or my wife be there 3; while you're interviewing him, I mean 3; uh, we are his parents 3; aren't there rules about, er, questioning minors and suchlike, uh, doesn't a parent have to be present or something?" Mr Baxter asked, still trying to come to grips with the enormity of it all, and not really looking forward to taking his son to the local federal office for interrogation.

Special Agent Dickinson gently took hold of Mr Baxter's elbow and led him a few steps towards the kitchen, away from his wife and daughter. Lowering his voice, he murmured "Look, sir, I didn't want to say this in front of your wife, but I've handled dozens of cases like this in the last few years. And I've found that if a boy has a parent with him when questioned, the boy gets all brave and smart-assed, he doesn't assist us even when it's in his own best interests to do so. But if a boy knows his parents won't be there to shield him, why, he usually cracks right open, we get the whole truth right then and there, and wrap the matter up in a few hours – or a day or so at most. I'm sure you see what I mean. But if you want to accompany him, well, it's certainly your right to do so."

Mr Baxter ran a hand through his thinning hair to help him think, but it didn't help very much at all. Mrs Baxter asked Special Agent Dickinson (who she judged was in charge of the group) how the agents obtained the video in the first place. Not that she really wanted to know, she was just trying to calculate how she could minimise whatever damage her son had done.

"We busted a pedophile in New York, and he had this movie on his hard drive – among others," he explained simply. "That was a week ago. We've been sifting through evidence around the clock ever since. The upload log on the pervert's computer showed that he had already shared the movie over seventy times. God only knows how many more copies have been made from those first seventy."

"And what's going to happen to Kale?" she persisted. "Does this sort of thing eventually go to 3; um, family court or something? Some kind of 3; juvenile offender 3; hearing?" she grasped for the words that she had heard on TV court and all the cop shows she had watched over the years.

Special Agent Dickinson smiled. "Oh, you won't need to worry about some local judge giving him a slap on the wrist or a suspended sentence, Ma'am. We're looking at felonies here, uh, let's see 3; there's, uh, creating a pornographic image 3; obscenity, transmitting child pornography, uh, bestiality – that's a capital offence in this State, by the way. No, these are adult crimes; the local police will probably be able to get the case moved up to adult court, have Kale tried as an adult 3; he's looking at 25 to life in maximum security."

Mrs Baxter staggered a little, Bethany doing her best to hold her mother up. Special Agent Dickinson directed two of his men to go up to the offending bedroom and collect 'physical evidence'. Dillon was still avidly watching the performance on the laptop. The boy on the screen had abandoned the power tool and was now vigorously pumping his hips and jacking frantically. Special Agent Rogerson had placed a heavy hand on Kale's shoulder and bent down to whisper to him "Now, if you promise me you'll behave, I won't have to handcuff you. That would shame your parents even more, having their son dragged away at night in handcuffs, in front of all your neighbours, now, wouldn't it, kid?"

"I 3; it wasn't me 3;" the boy repeated over and over, as though repetition of that mantra would be sufficient to convince everyone that the boy on the movie was not him. But his parents didn't seem to be rushing to his aid, and he found himself moving uncertainly like a blind man through his own front door into the evening gloom, Special Agent Rogerson's hand still heavy on his shoulder, and into the back seat of a dark sedan. Special Agent Dickinson got in the other side, and the remaining two agents, after they had stowed his computer, his books and most of his clothes in plastic bags in the trunk, got into the front seat, started the car and drove away into the night, leaving his parents, brother and sister still dazed and confused in the living room.

Special Agent Dickinson was the first to speak, after the car had cleared Kale's street. Kale heard the distinctive sound of a zipper being unzipped, and felt the agent's hand on the back of his head, carefully but relentlessly forcing it downwards to the agent's lap. "Open up that sweet mouth, boy, and suck my cock. You're a pervert, this should be second nature to you," he said, as calmly as if he were talking about the weather.

Kale stiffened his back, trying to prevent his face from being pressed into the man's crotch. The pressure on his head was unyielding. "Now look here boy, I'm doing you a favour. You're gonna suck all four of us, and I thought it might go easier on you if you got the first two blowjobs out of the way in the car, before you got to the office. But, seems I was wrong – you want to save them up for when you get there, fine with me. Only when we arrive at the field office, it won't be just us four guys – it'll be about thirty men – men who've been away from their wives the last six days tracking you down. Men who'd like nothing better than to fuck some pervert boy ass."

"It wasn't me" Kale managed through gritted teeth, still sticking to the tale of innocence he had maintained all along. The weight from the man's hand on the back of his head eased, allowing him to sit upright again.

"Okay, let's assume for a minute that's true," Special Agent Dickinson mused. "You're still gonna suck my cock. And if you do a good job, I might be 3; well, let's say, more inclined to listen to your side of the story"

Kale saw the streetlights flit by as the agents' car took him further away from his home, away from his mother and father. The man's suggestion, that he suck first before getting a hearing, seemed like his best chance. Maybe he wouldn't have agreed if he hadn't already been thoroughly frightened by the whole experience, his family watching that horrible movie, his mother's disgust, his own father letting the men take him away without putting up any kind of a fight to save him 3; .

He gave a heavy sigh and bent over to plant his lips around the man's big cock.

"Oh,yeah, thatta boy, work that tongue around, yeah, you got it goin', mmmm baby, you're better than a forty-dollar hooker, yeah, slide that mouth up and down 3;"

Special Agent Dickinson was suitably impressed with Kale's efforts, judging by his commentary on the boy's performance. For his part, Kale was distracted from his task by Special Agent Rogerson, who took the opportunity to grope all around Kale's shorts and up under his shirt. As Kale was resting his weight on one elbow, to stop from being impaled on Agent Dickinson's cock, he only had one arm free to grab onto the waist of his shorts to prevent them from being dragged down by Agent Rogerson. It was a losing battle, as the Agent was using both hands. It wasn't quite the same as being tickled, but Kale squirmed around as though it were.

"You just let Special Agent Rogerson take those shorts off, boy, they're evidence anyway, we gotta bag 'em up, oh, good boy, suck on that cock, yeah, here comes my juice, mmm, drink it all down, yeah, baby." Kale gave up the unequal struggle to retain his lower garments, and felt them slide down his thighs just as Agent Dickinson's semen slid down his throat. Agent Rogerson did not give him any respite though, and still groped his hands all around Kale's little dick and balls, and right along his crack. Kale was momentarily embarrassed by the erection the Agent's fingers gave him, but he realised it was a minor concern in comparison to sucking a guy off all the way. He was still wiping his mouth when the two men flipped his body around and he found his face pressed into Agent Rogerson's lap for another round, while Agent Dickinson felt his butt and groin.

Agent Rogerson was not as verbal as the first man had been – he communicated his pleasure mostly through grunts. He kept a steady grip on Kale's hair, working the boy's head up and down with it when Kale got tired. Meanwhile, at his upturned and now naked butt, Agent Dickinson was having himself a grand old time, feeling, stroking, squeezing, prodding and generally running his fingers over and under every square inch of Kale' hips, front and back.

Kale felt that they must have nearly driven out of the State by the time the car slowed and made a turn, but Kale still had no idea where they were – he kept his eyes closed to keep the Agent's wiry pubic hair out of them. He felt the car travel slowly down a hill and into a spiral, guessing they might have been in a carpark under a building. The second Agent blew off in Kale's mouth just as the car came to a stop.

"Er 3; what about my clothes?" Kale asked the nearest Agent after swallowing several times to get the taste of federal semen out of his mouth. He looked around to see that the small group was indeed standing in some kind of subterranean parking garage, with about a dozen cars, dim lighting, but no other living souls around. Kale's remaining garment was a t-shirt, which Special Agent Boylance, who had been riding in the front, simply stripped off him where he stood, muttering "evidence."

"Let's move out" Agent Dickinson told the group, putting his hand in the middle of Kale's naked back to push/guide him towards an elevator. SA Dickinson looked over to the man who had just taken and bagged Kale's shirt and said simply "You're next up to the plate." Kale wondered what on earth that could mean, but he quickly found out as the elevator doors opened and all five stepped inside. The chrome doors slid together. To Kale it felt like the lid of his own coffin being shut.

SA Boylance turned to Kale, placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and gently pressed downwards. "Kneel," he ordered, not sternly, but leaving little doubt in Kale's mind that he was unused to being disobeyed. Kale sank to his bare knees, which put his face on a level with SA Boylance's belt buckle. "Go ahead," the man ordered in the same tone as the elevator began a slow ascent.

Kale's spirit sunk even as his body rose in the lift. He realised that the Agent expected him to do all the work, now that he had been 'broken in' in the backseat of the car. He was stark naked on his knees in the company of four fully dressed men, two of whom had already cum in his mouth. Resigned to his fate, he reached out to unzip SA Boylance's flies and put a timid hand inside the man's pants to pull out the Agent's non-service issue weapon. Kale had to sit on his heels to get into a comfortable position, but quickly adapted to his task, taking a few inches of SA Boylance's rod into his mouth and working it around, tonguing the underneath. Just as Kale thought he could sink no lower, the other Agents, who had been sneaking glances at his performance, now dropped all pretence and started openly 'encouraging' him with whispered phrases like "Yeah, suck that dick," and "give it more tongue, boy," and (this one from Agent Dickinson, Kale thought) "you sure are one horny fag kid, go for that cum, now."

The elevator jolted to its eventual destination as SA Boylance grabbed the back of Kale's head and unloaded into his mouth with four or five strong pumps of his hips. He zipped himself up, leaving Kale to stand up, wipe his lips off and gulp even more sperm down his throat. The small band exited the lift, Kale in the middle of the group as though he had four bodyguards, a thought which gave him a wry smile. Some bodyguards.

As they walked through the office, Kale got the impression that he was in a familiar place, even though he had clearly never been there before. It was a 'situation room' – he'd seen them numerous times in television movies. Charts adorned the walls; free-standing whiteboards had photos, words and arrows and little yellow post-it notes on them; every desk seemed to be crammed with computerised devices of all kinds ("Dillon would freak if he saw these," Kale mused to himself). But there were no other people there: the number of clear-glass cubicles and desks suggested the place should have had about thirty staff, but it was deserted, except for Kale and the four Agents.

His escort led him into what Kale guessed was an interview room, because it only had a small table and a few chairs, a water fountain and a couch by the wall. Now comes the interrogation, Kale thought. I wonder how long before I crack, and tell them everything? The boy did not have long to wait for that answer.

Special Agent Reamer, who had driven the car that brought him there, got Kale's instant attention by unclasping his cowboy belt buckle and sliding a thick leather belt out of his trouser loops. Doubling it over, and flexing it a few times to produce the distinctive loud snapping noise that only a leather belt can make, he grinned at Kale. "Okay, kid, bend over the arm of that couch. I'm gonna heat up that ass of yours before I fuck it. No fag boy is gonna suck my dick – it's going up your cunthole dry, after I whale on you a time. Always makes me horny as hell, flaying a boy's ass. I can keep it hard as an iron bar for an hour after I've given a boy a whuppin'. So get over there. Now, boy, before I decide to get rough."

Kale's heart rose to his mouth. He had been spanked by his Dad before, maybe a handful of times when he was younger, but never whipped with a belt! His eyes darted around to the other three men, to gauge whether he might expect any help from them, but they simply lounged around the room as though this was a routine procedure. He backed up to the couch as Special Agent Reamer advanced on him, still flexing the belt. Snap! Snap! Snap!

"No! Don't! I'll tell! I'll tell you everything!" Kale screamed as he ran and cowered naked behind Special Agent Dickinson for protection from the man with the snapping belt.

SA Dickinson dropped to one knee in front of the blubbering boy, holding him by one shoulder. His other hand went to Kale's scrotum and squeezed, not hard, but enough to be felt by the terrified boy. "We got you by the balls now, kid" the Agent murmured, looking directly into Kale's eyes. "We own you. Your parents done give you up right off the bat. You're ours now, to do with as we wish. And I think you got a pretty good idea about what Special Agent Reamer's wish is. Son, you ever heard the expression about 'tearing someone a new asshole'? Well, I seen Special Agent Reamer work on a boy's ass so bad, they mighta made that expression up just from seein' him go at it. You think you're in bad trouble? You don't know trouble till it's pumpin' up your raw cunt. After it's had a beatin' from that hard ol' belt o' his. So when you say 'I'll tell everything', you just keep that belt in mind. You're not only gonna tell us everything, you're gonna do everything, and I mean every last thing that we tell you. Because we ain't gonna waste time tellin' you twice. We'll just let Special Agent Reamer have his fun. Fun for him, anyways. No fun for you."

Kale's slim nude body shook as he digested all of SA Dickinson's words."I'll tell. I'll 3; do everything 3; you say. Everything. Please," he added, barely able to get the words out, he was trembling so violently.

Special Agent Dickinson stood up and patted Kale's head. "I knew I could count on you, son. Now, just to show you know what it means to do as you're told, I want you to go over to Special Agent Reamer and kiss his shoes. Go on, now, he won't bite you."

Kale blinked."K-kiss his 3; shoes?" he asked the Agent, not quite believing his ears.

Special Agent Dickinson's face hardened a little. "Now, I know there's nothing wrong with your hearing, boy. I just got done telling you I wasn't gonna waste no time tellin' you something twice. This is a little test, and you're already three parts of the way towards failing it. Which would make Special Agent Reamer very happy."

Kale's brain clicked into gear as he grasped the implications of what he just heard. He threw himself onto the floor at SA Reamer's feet (to stay as far away from that belt as possible), lifted up the cuff of the man's trousers and kissed the black leather shoes several times each. It didn't mean anything to him: the shoes were fairly clean after all, but he made a decision there and then to act instantly he was given an order, even if he didn't understand (or like) it. He was terrified of that leather belt.

Scrambling back to his feet, he ran the short distance to Special Agent Dickinson, whose face had softened to a thin smile. "Much better, boy," he observed. "Now I want you to go sit in Special Agent Rogerson's lap over there on that couch, and let him play with your little cock. While he's doin' that, you can tell us all about that video we showed your family. And I want everything – I don't wanna be dragging the story out of you. Start anywhere you like, but don't make me question you, 'cause I usually leave the questioning to Special Agent Reamer. He likes questioning boys, and I'm sure you got a pretty good idea how he does it. Hop to it, now."

This time Kale had no need of clarification. He didn't relish the idea of being fondled by SA Rogerson, but it sure beat the crap out of getting the crap beat out of him by that damn belt. He scampered over to the couch and plopped himself in Special Agent Rogerson's lap. As the man folded him into a hug, Kale grabbed the Agent's meaty hand and placed it straight onto his dick. "Better get this over with," he thought.

"Okay," Kale began, as SA Rogerson began stroking his little piece, "we got this new kid in our class two weeks before vacation. His name is Arron, and he 3; well, he looks like me. A lot. The other guys thought he was my twin brother or something, but he's no relation at all. The teacher put him next to me in class. Anyway, since it was near the end of school, they put on a lot of gym classes 'cause they didn't know what else to do with us since all of our tests are over.

"So, because I was the only guy in the class friendly with him, Arron kinda hung out with me. So in gym class, like, he took the locker next to mine. He stood next to me in the showers, too. So, after showers, we were at our lockers, and I started to uh, you know, bone up. I couldn't help it. And Arron saw it. I thought he'd bust me for sure, and everyone would call me names and stuff, but he didn't. He kinda turned around, and blocked me from the other guys, like, so no-one else could see my, uh, you know, my boner. And that's when I saw he had these two moles on his butt, right where I got three moles."

"So at lunchtime, after we ate, we went out and sat by the basketball courts. I told him thanks for covering me, in the showers like, and he said no problem. I asked him if he wanted to come to my house after school and hang out, and he said sure. We talked some more, he told me he had to leave his last school because kids were picking on him. I asked him why, and he said they sorta didn't like him. So I said I liked him, and that cheered him up."

"Well, anyway, he came over after school, and we sat in my room and just talked about stuff. He looked at my clothes, in my cupboard like, and said they were nicer than his clothes. I never knew a boy who talked about clothes before. He said it would be fun if he could dress up in my clothes and pretend to be me, sometimes, you know, just to see if he could fool people. I said there was one way we were different, that was our moles on our butts. He jumped up off the bed and pulled his pants right down to his knees and said 'Show me yours, we'll check'. I thought it was a bit gay, but I didn't want to, you know, make him angry, he was my guest and all."

"So I pulled my shorts down too, and we, uh, used my big mirror on the back of my door to, uh, compare. He said he got an idea, and got a pen from my desk and went back to the mirror. He coloured in a dot on his butt to make his two moles into three, and it looked just like mine."

Agent Rogerson started licking the back of Kale's neck, right around to the boy's earlobes, while maintaining his finger action on the lad's stiff little cock. Kale squirmed a bit, but continued his story. "Then Arron asked if we were the same size, uh, in front, uh, you know, our, uh, penises. So I turned to him and we uh, compared. I don't know why, but I let him hold mine, and I, uh, held his, for a bit, and he said 'You wanna play with 'em?' I was so excited by then I said yes. I know it's totally gay, but I couldn't help it. We jacked each other off, then he said he had to go home."

"We hung out together at school each day, and each afternoon he would come over to my house and we'd, uh, jack each other. Sometimes he wanted to dress up in my clothes. I couldn't see any harm in it, 'cause we always stayed inside my room. One day he said he would suck me if I sucked him. We had already been, uh, playing with, uh, with each other, and I was pretty horny, so I said okay. We had already done gay stuff, so I figured it couldn't, like, be any worse."

Special Agent Dickinson smiled. "I think Special Agent Rogerson likes your story. Kneel up on the couch and let him suck your cock while you finish telling it." SA Rogerson lay full length on the sofa as Kale scrambled up to kneel over the man's chest. Supporting himself with his hands on the armrest of the couch, Kale lowered his crotch to the Agent's face, who enveloped his hard little dick in one mouthful.

Kale gasped. "So, uh, me and Arron started sucking each, oh god, uh, sucking each other after school every day. Arron liked to put on my class ring that I won for cuh- 3; cuh- coming first in three of my subjects in the tests. Oh, jeez 3; uh, Arron used to ask about some really weird stuff, like did I have any dildos, or did my dad have any power tools, like, to play games with, uh, sex games, oh, oh, oh, I'm, uh 3;" The boy stretched his face upwards in a wordless howl as Agent Rogerson's mouth brought him off.

The other Agents chuckled softly as they watched the boy go through his orgasm. "See what happens when you co-operate, kid?" Special Agent Dickinson commented. "Now just finish your story like a good boy."

Kale panted for a bit, then got his breath back. Special Agent Rogerson got up off the couch, and was replaced by Special Agent Boylance, who took Kale onto his lap and began stroking his bare thighs and chest. The boy seemed a little bit more relaxed about being caressed, and his prong still stood up proudly. "A few days ago, when Arron came over, we were looking at some webcams online. We had Dad's power buffer, uh, Arron was showing me how to, you know, put it on your, uh, dick, and Mom called me to go down to the Seven-Eleven to get some bread. I guess that's when he put my clothes on and, uh, made the movie. But I don't know who he went online with, honest! You gotta believe me!"

Special Agent Dickinson smiled. "A very full account, my boy – you've done well. Just let Special Agent Boylance play with your cock while I explain a few things to you. Then you can help the Bureau with an important mission." The burly federal agent sat on the couch next to Agent Boylance, who had taken over where Agent Rogerson left off, stroking and caressing every part of the boy's naked body, licking his neck, nibbling on his earlobes and generally keeping him in a disoriented state of excitement. Up until that evening, Kale had believed that the FBI was supposed to arrest guys for doing exactly what three of them had already done to him. But Agent Dickinson's next words were even more shocking.

"The Bureau has a problem, son," the Agent began. "A huge problem. There are pedophiles all over the country. They're everywhere. Thousands of 'em. In all walks of life. Hell, I ought to know – I am one of them, just like my three fellow Agents here. The Bureau found out about us years ago, but because we were good at our jobs, they kept us on. And now ol' J Edgar has brought the four of us together for a special assignment. We got formed into a team – Specially Licensed Undercover Team – and our mission is simple and direct: to identify every sex pervert in the country and infiltrate his computer system."

Kale's face showed his puzzlement (as well as his pleasure, generated by Special Agent Boylance's busy fingers). Why would these guys want to help catch pedos if they were pedos themselves? he thought. "Uh, I thought Mister, uh, Hoover was, er 3; dead?"

SA Dickinson laughed. "That's just what we call the top brass, kid – kinda keepin' the old queer's name alive 3; he's like our mascot, in a way."

"Now, I can tell you're confused," Agent Dickinson continued. "You're wondering why we're helping the Bureau against our own kind. Well, it's like this, kid. If it was just a few drug smugglers, counterfeiters or terrorists, fine. We'd put 'em out of business without a second thought. But the pedophile problem is so widespread. And the men involved are integral parts of the communities in which they live. They're bank managers, teachers, policemen, plumbers, and bus drivers. They're short-order cooks and fishermen, insurance salesmen and guys that coach little league teams. Even if we had started building jails twenty years ago, we'd never be able to house all of them. And even if we did, society as we know it, without these men, would just cease to function. These men do essential jobs in the community. We need them to be where they are. But we have to know who they are so we can control them. And that's where you come in."

"Me?" piped up Kale in a high voice, just as Special Agent Boylance licked along his smooth jawline and gave both his nipples a little squeeze. "What 3; uhhh, mmm 3; .what can I do?"

"Simple," SA Dickinson replied. "You're gonna star in a movie for us."

Special Agent Reamer had re-threaded his belt and took over the explanation from his colleague. "We've had a lot of practice with computers in the last thirty years – a lot of the software we use was developed by our own research people. Much of it hasn't been released to the public. We've developed a technique for implanting lines of code inside a digital movie in a way that's almost undetectable. The lines of code are a Trojan – a program that secretly gets inside a computer's memory, then sends information back to us here in the Bureau. Information that identifies the computer's user – the pedophile. We're going to film a movie, implant the Trojan, then allow the movie to be widely distributed among pedophiles. They'll break their necks to get it. And they'll be poisoning their own computers and incriminating themselves by doing so!"

"But 3; I 3; it wasn't me on that webcam! I keep telling you guys that! Don't you believe me?" Kale moaned.

Special Agent Reamer gave an evil grin. "Sure we believe you. You don't think the version we showed to your family was the complete movie, do you? We've known who the star of that little performance was all along. We just edited out the head shots." Special Agent Reamer glanced over at SA Dickinson. "I think it's time we reunited our little stars, don't you?." Special Agent Dickinson nodded in reply, and pressed a button on the wall beside him. The door opened, and two more Agents that Kale had not previously seen ushered a nude Arron into the room and led him to the couch. Kale's friend looked a little scared, but his dick was as stiff as Kale's.

"I'm 3; I'm sorry, Kale, I had to tell, they said they were going to 3; to 3;," he blubbered.

The six Agents started shuffling towards the door, smiling broadly. Agent Dickinson was the last man out, and he looked back at the two nude boys on the couch. "Now you boys rest up a bit, hear? We'll be starting production on the movie in about thirty minutes. Do a good acting job and you'll both be back home by morning – lunchtime at the latest."

Kale was hugging his friend, who was still sobbing quietly. The prospect of going home did not exactly thrill the boy, much as he wanted not to be where he was. "But 3; what about our parents? Mine think I'm a 3; a pervert." Arron moaned louder at this, but Kale tightened his grip on his friend.

"Don't you worry about that, kid. Once I explain to 'em that you helped your Government, and that further examination of the webcam revealed you were an innocent party, why, they'll welcome you right back. And for Arron's folks, well, I'll just use the same story, only reverse the names."

Half an hour later the two boys were dressed in their own clothes (from the bags of 'evidence') and sitting on a bed in a room made up to look like a typical twelve-year-old's bedroom – except for the movie cameras and microphones. SA Dickinson had taken Kale aside before they two boys entered the room for a quiet word. "I guess you realise your friend is gay," he confided.

Kale didn't know how to respond to that – it's one thing to act gay from time to time, all the boys he knew at school did it now and then to get their rocks off with each other – it's another thing entirely to actually be gay.

"Oh, it's all right" the Agent continues. "Many's the time I wished the boys I went to school with – the straight boys, that is, boys like you, Kale – had let me suck them off, and more. You know, if only the straight guys knew how much that would have helped us gay boys, not to mention getting off themselves, why, there'd be a lot less of this silly 'gay vs. straight' nonsense, and a lot more pleasure all around. So what I guess I'm tryin' to say, Kale, is that I know you're not gay, but I want you to act like you are for this movie. Give it your best shot. Arron will get a lot of pleasure out of it, and you will too, I guess. And I'll get the movie I need for this operation. Just let yourself go, talk about what you're feeling, and make sure you give him a good fuck at the end to finish off."

Kale blinked. He kind of suspected Arron was gay, the way he liked dressing up, and how he said he had to leave his last school. Kale wasn't sure how he felt about that, but he didn't have much time to think because he here he was, sitting on a bed next to Arron, talking about school and stuff for the camera. Without warning, Arron put his arms around Kale's shoulders and kissed him. Right on the lips! The two boys slowly slumped back onto the bed, Arron still kissing Kale. Before he recovered from the kiss, Kale watched as Arron sat up and began fondling the front of Kale's Bermuda shorts.

"Let's fool around, Kale," Arron said eagerly, giving Kale the distinct impression it was a kind of script that Arron had been told to say. But script or no, he lay back and let his friend grope the front of his pants. "Let's pull 'em down, Kale, so I can play with your dick," Arron urged. Amazed by his friend's apparent complete embrace of the whole movie idea, he simply lay back and let Arron do what he wanted – which was quite a bit. Arron grinned as he alternated between playing with the front of Kale's shorts, and edging the shorts down his hips, until he had freed Kale's stiff cock and balls from their confines. "I wanna suck it now, Kale," Arron smirked, going down on the fleshy goodies.

Kale lay back on the bed, wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into. Sure, he was getting a blow job from his friend, and Arron was pretty good at it, but it was going to be on the Internet soon, or so the FBI guy said. But then the sensations from his dick overwhelmed his ability to use logic, and he grabbed Arron's head to stop his up-and-down movement. "That feels great, Arron, but I wanna fuck you so bad," he whispered in a manic giggle. Arron's face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning, which made Kale think that the FBI guy must have been right all along.

The two boys wrestled with Arron's shorts, finally tearing them down his pale thighs. Even though this was the first time he had ever done it, Kale had a fair idea of what was involved, pulling Arron up to his knees after jerking the shorts off his ankles. He licked his finger and poked it at Arron's now-exposed hole, making the other boy giggle, then lined up his boner and pushed. It was a lot easier than he thought, as he pushed in and out of the hot orifice. Arron helped by yelling out stuff like "Oh, yeah, Kale," and "fuck me good, Kale."

With a final grunt Kale slumped on Arron's back, pushing him down to the sheets. Arron twisted his face around so Kale gave it a few kisses. He was kinda cute, really, Kale thought. For a boy, anyway. "Great work, guys!" Special Agent Dickinson congratulated them, and a few other Agents applauded briefly, bringing Kale back to earth. "Now, you guys get some sleep, we'll fix things up with your folks, and you'll be back to your homes by noon." Kale spooned up closer to Arron as the Internet's latest porn stars dozed off.


Just as he promised, Special Agent Dickinson drove Kale back to his home at around midday. The events of the preceding eighteen hours already seemed like a blur to the boy. He remembered humping Arron again during the night, or thought he did – maybe he dreamed it – and he had a feeling the cameras were on him again. There was even a vague recollection of another hand touching him at some point, which might have been Special Agent Boylance's, because Kale recalled the particular way his dick felt under that man's earlier touches 3; but he might have been mistaken. He was more worried about the reception he was going to get at home.

Mom was home, of course, but Dad was there too, even though he should have been at work. Dillon was watching TV, of course, and Beth was in the kitchen talking to Mom. What Kale didn't know was that while he slept the morning away, the FBI agents had been busy preparing the way for his re-entry into the bosom of his family. Special Agent Reamer had paid a visit to Beth at the Mall that morning, and explained to her that it would be in her interests to go easy on Kale in future, and as a reward for her co-operation, her parents were going to allow her to date that scruffy sixteen year old boy she had been meeting in secret after school every after. Not only that, her parents would never find out (from the FBI anyway) that she had been giving blowjobs to said scruffy boy for the past three months. To seal the deal, SA Reamer told Beth that her continued co-operation would guarantee that the little bag of drugs found in her boyfriend's bedroom would never be handed over to the local cops. Beth naturally leapt at the deal.

Mr Baxter also had a meeting that morning, one which inspired him to return home to greet Kale on his arrival. It turns out that Mr Baxter's nineteen year old secretary, who had left town suddenly two months ago, was pregnant; and Special Agent Boylance's investigations had uncovered a very generous severance payment to her from Mr Baxter via the company's expense account. SA Boylance explained to Mr Baxter that the last thing the FBI wanted to do was expose any marital infidelities or financial irregularities that might cause him problems, and wasn't it good news that the FBI had totally cleared Kale of any involvement in the making of that kiddy porn movie? Mr Baxter agreed that it certainly was good news, and he would be making it up to Kale for his lack of trust in his son that very same day. Agent Boylance added that it might be beneficial to cut Bethany a little slack as well, just to keep the peace, a concept with which Mr Baxter readily concurred.

Special Agent Rogerson had not been idle, either. He had spent over an hour that morning with Mrs Baxter, assuring her that the surveillance footage from several retail outlets in the Mall which appeared to show her shoplifting in the last six months, had all been confiscated by the FBI. With no evidence, the shopowners' threats about lawsuits and police charges were rendered moot. Of course, the video evidence would remain secure in Federal custody indefinitely, he assured her. As an amazing coincidence, SA Rogerson added, the same technical investigation team which had secured that shoplifting footage had been able to clear Kale of any involvement in the making of that movie which had so horrified Mrs Baxter only the day before. Mrs Baxter's relief was palpable. Agent Rogerson also recommended that her daughter Bethany might benefit socially from being allowed a little more freedom to meet boys, since in his experience of domestic strife, too much control over the children's social life was just as harmful, or in some cases worse, than too little. Mrs Baxter instantly saw the point Special Agent Rogerson was making, and decided there would be a few changes around the house from then on.

So it was a completely unexpected reception that Kale returned to, just in time for lunch. Taking the wind out of his sails as soon as he walked in the door was his sister Bethany, who actually smiled at Kale for the first time in more than a year, (since she got her first period, Kale thought). "Hey Kale, sorry about yesterday. Guess I was wrong, huh?" she said, before turning around and heading upstairs for her bedroom.

"We were all wrong, darling," his Mom added, holding her arms out for a hug. Kale hesitated, not wanting to appear like a little boy in front of Special Agent Dickinson, but the Agent had other ideas and pushed Kale gently forward into his mother's embrace.

"Your mother's right, son" Mr Baxter added, appearing from the kitchen. "We, uh, that is, I, uh 3; should have trusted you more, believed you 3; the Federal men explained the mix-up to me, uh, this morning at work, and I, uh wanted to make sure you knew I was, you know, okay with everything. And I am. Uh, okay, that is."

Special Agent Dickinson beamed a big smile before letting himself out the front door. "Glad everything worked out okay for you folks," he murmured before departing.

Kale gently extracted himself from his mother's embrace and sat on the couch. Dillon, seemingly blissfully unaware of anything, lay on the floor watching his cartoons (in my favourite spot, Kale thought for a second, but then shrugged off his annoyance). Kale gazed at Dillon's smooth legs for a moment, as his younger brother idly kicked them up and down, engrossed in the television set. Long, lean legs that disappeared under the hem of his loose board shorts. Where Dillon's tight little butt was concealed. Dillon's soft, smooth, tight butt 3;

Kale shook his head to clear his thoughts. His parents had sat on the couch with him, expectantly. "Uh, Mom? 3; Dad? 3; I've been kind of thinking about summer vacation, you know? And I thought about going to grampa and gramma's, and I thought about camp, and about the job at the video shop and all 3; I guess what I'm trying to say is, maybe instead of just doing stuff that I want to do, I should, uh, help out around here, by, uh, looking after Dillon? I could take him for bike rides and stuff, maybe go to the pool for a swim some days, you know 3; uh, we could camp out in the back yard, I still got my old tent 3;"

Mrs Baxter's mouth opened soundlessly in surprise and turned to her husband. Mr Baxter held his wife around the waist and blinked back a tear or two. "Well, son, I'm 3; really glad to hear you say that. And impressed. It's a sign you're growing up, offering to take on new responsibilities. And I won't hide the facts from you, it would have cost us a packet to send you to camp, or even to my parents, plus getting a sitter for Dillon sometimes in the next two months. All I can say is, thank you, and Mom and I would love it if you could do that."

Mr and Mrs Baxter smiled broadly at their older son as Kale stood up and nudged his brother's ribcage with his toe. "Hey, Dillon, come on up to my room."

The younger boy rolled over on the floor and whined "But I'm not allowed in your room, Kale, you said!."

Kale looked at his parents for a moment, then back at his brother. "Well, you are now. You can go in my room anytime, even if I'm not there. Now, come on upstairs, and we'll figure out what we're gonna do all summer. Together."

With a yell of "Neat!" Dillon grinned and leapt to his feet, following his brother as they raced up the stairway to Kale's bedroom.


It took a few days for Dillon to get used to having an older brother that actually wanted him around, but he was a child of the computer generation, already accustomed to living in an ever-changing world. Plus, he thought it was neat that Kale and he were doing stuff together, like going to the movies, riding their bikes to the park and playing a little ball; even getting a soda afterwards was fun.

The unexpected part for Dillon was that everybody seemed to know who his big brother was. When they rode their bikes down the street the other day, a man walking his dog waved and called out "Hi Kale." Then later, the guy that runs the soda fountain gave them both a free ice-cream. "On the house, Kale," he had said. The mailman knew Kale; some guy in a car slowed down and smiled at them; a cop walking the beat waved at the boys and said "Hey there, Kale." A bus driver at a bus stop leaned out his window and said "Lookin' good, Kale." And he wasn't even their regular school bus driver, Dillon was pretty sure.

"Boy, you sure are popular, Kale," Dillon complimented his big brother. "Everybody seems to know you."

Kale looked a bit embarrassed by the attention, both from the people around him and from his younger brother. "Yeah, I guess," he shrugged. The outing Kale had planned for them that day was to the local swimming pool, and the two brothers wheeled their bikes off the pavement and up towards the entrance, where a line of people had already queued to get in, all trying to beat the heat.

"Over here, Kale," they heard a man's voice. It was the pool manager, Mr Franklin. He was well known by all the local boys as a real mean guy who would put you out of the pool for the tiniest bit of misbehaviour. But he was waving them to go through another gate, one where there was no line of people waiting. "Wheel your bikes in here, they'll be safer than at the bike stands," he said, as the two dumbfounded boys passed by all the hot, impatient crowd waiting to get in.

Kale reached for his admission money but Mr Franklin stopped him. "No charge, boys, it's on me. Good to have you here today," he added. "Take your pick of the change rooms before all these others come in, here's some locker keys for you. Come see me at lunchtime and I'll get you something nice from the shop."

Dillon's respect and admiration of his big brother grew even further when the two boys exited the dressing rooms. "Did you two boys forget your hats?" a stern voice challenged them. It was Bobby, the pool lifeguard. He was a senior, the school quarterback, and the coolest teen in town. Mr Franklin hired him as a lifeguard to keep kids in line at the pool. But his voice softened when the boys turned around. "Oh, it's you, Kale; great to see you. Don't worry about hats, you guys are cool – hey, you want some sunscreen?"

Dillon thought it was great that Bobby was putting sunscreen on his back and tummy, and even greater that such an important local identity was treating him so good, just because he was Kale's brother. But what impressed Dillon the most was later, when a few bigger boys starting moving towards them in a menacing way, even though the brothers were minding their own business, and suddenly about half a dozen men materialised from nowhere and made sure they were safe and not being bullied. "You okay Kale?" one of them said, forcing the teens to disperse with a glare, and it looked like the guy could have torn the bullies in half with his bare hands if he wanted to.

"Uh, yeah, we're fine, thanks," Kale muttered. The two brothers had no trouble at the pool, that day or any subsequent day.


The only person missing from Kale's rediscovered summer was Arron. His parents were not as trusting as the Baxters – they had previously suffered the humiliation of being hounded out of a town for having a gay son, and they decided it would be better if they simply left this town too. Nothing that the FBI men could say would change their minds – even the earnest entreaties of Special Agent Reamer, who had gotten to know Arron very well during his short detention to the field office. Arron knew that SA Reamer was not the vicious ogre he made himself out to be – that was all a big act to hide his true, gentle nature.

So when Arron's parents moved out of town, SA Reamer put the resources of his Agency into tracking them, not a difficult task as they did not expect to be followed. On learning the name of the new town, SA Reamer had himself transferred there by the Bureau, and met up with Arron's folks again, this time offering himself as a mentor for the boy – a sort of 'manliness coach', as he put it. Arron's folks were delighted: they jumped at the opportunity to have their son turned straight by the burly Agent.

SA Reamer explained to Arron's parents that it might be beneficial if their son was to have a few 'one-on-one' sessions with him each week – at the local Police gym, which was also available to Agents of the Bureau. Dillon's folks were over the moon – what could be a better atmosphere for their faggot son than a gymnasium with plenty of positive masculine role models – and Police at that! Dillon was delighted – he got to meet his new big friend Agent Reamer at a private room at the gym three times a week, where the two mismatched lovers took each other to the heights of passion, the clanking of weights providing the background notes to their symphony of sex.


A week into summer, and Dillon couldn't stand it any longer. He loved the new closeness he had with Kale, and he talked to him about every conceivable subject except one: the movie he had watched on the FBI laptop.

"Kale 3; don't be mad at me 3; but 3; was that really you in that movie, the webcam?" the younger boy ventured.

Kale looked at his brother. They had shared quite a few experiences in the few days since his return from the FBI office. Was Dillon ready for the next step? "Well, we can't talk about it down here," he whispered, furtively looking around the living room and getting Dillon's attention immediately. "The FBI guys gave me an important, secret mission. Let's go up to my room 3;"

The End

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