JozzyThe Prague Dream |
SummaryAn 18-year-old student makes a field trip to Prague. He doesn't know what to do in the evenings, but the hotel bartenders has a solution for him 3; an 11-year-old solution.
Publ. (Johnny); this site May 2010
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CharactersNarrator (18y) and Lukaz (11yo)Category & Story codesProstitution storyMb – cons oral – prost (Explanation) |
DisclaimerI don't know why I should add one 3; If you're here, it means you don't really mind reading stories about adults and boys having a sexual relationship. But I'm still gonna do it, cause it's something people seem to do around here.Anyhoo: do bear in mind that this story is purely fiction and that nothing like this has ever happened nor will ever happen... Well, at least not in my life. There's a huge step between writing down sexual fantasies like this and actually doing it. That's a step I'm not willing to take, because I would never take the risk of hurting a boy in any way. Besides, I have a hard time believing there's boys that young who're actually interested in doing this kinda thing. |
Author's noteThis is the first time I try to write a story.By doing this I try to prove my love for young boys. I've never really lived this kind of experience, but I've always dreamt about it. I don't even know if I will ever have the chance to be together like this with my favorite kind of people. I sometimes wish I will, but then again, I'm always a bit repulsive about it. I love young boys that much, I'm afraid they'll get hurt by even looking at them. Even if a get invited by someone, I'll always think twice before doing it and make sure if the invitation is to be taken serious. Any way, I hope you'll dream my dreams with the same joy as I do.
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About two and a half years ago we went on a 4-day school trip to Prague. I'd just turned 18, then. It seemed like it was going to be a very nice trip. And it would have been if they didn't want to go sightseeing that much. We often had the time to be on our own, but always had to stay around the same neighborhood. Prague is a very nice city, but walking down the same streets every day is not what I wanted to do. We stayed in a cheap hotel (we were only students, so a five-star hotel wasn't something we could afford). During the evenings, before we had to go to our rooms, we were allowed to stay in the hotel-bar for a few hours. That was nice, but all the other students were too busy getting drunk by drinking a cheap brand of vodka. The bartender was a very nice man, though. The first evening I didn't feel much about sitting between the others. I went to the bar and ordered a coke. I sat down on one of the stools and relaxed. I observed the behavior of the others. Sometimes they acted so foolish, I got kind of embarrassed. Was I really one of them? The man behind the bar must have noticed I felt a bit annoyed about what happened at the other side of his bar. He tapped on my shoulder and I turned to him and started the conversation. Luckily he spoke English, 'cause Czech is like Russian to me, and I don't know any Russian. "Correct me if I'm wrong," he started, "but you don't like seeing all that is happening over there, do you?" "You're right, sir," I answered. "Would you want to be part of that bunch, then?" "No, I wouldn't. But why don't you go up to your room, then?" "I don't know why. Maybe I hope to see some improvement. But the longer I sit here, the less that seems probable. You are talking to me, now. You gave me a reason to stay down." "Glad to be of your service, sir." The bartender – Petr was his name – and I went on talking like this. Petr was quite an interesting person to speak with. He knew every corner of the town and especially the places the normal tourist never go. Eventually we got to discuss our sexual interests. It seemed he had a bit the same as me. I told him I was really found of little boys, and so did he. He asked me if I'd ever really been with one. I admitted I hadn't and that I've always wanted to. I explained to him I had a little doubt of doing that, 'cause I didn't want to hurt anyone. He told me he had had some experience with little boys. He said that most of the boys whom he had been with never complained about pain, and that almost all of them quite liked to spend time with adult men that way. It was kind of a relief to hear that, and I got quite excited by the thought of being with a young boy. I asked him where I could find boys who would be willing to spend the afternoon with me. He gave me a real good explanation of how those things worked in the Prague area. "In Prague there are about ten contact persons," Petr started explaining. They all have their own group of boys. When a person is send to them, they tell him to wait at an arranged place, mostly in a cafe. While the client is waiting, the contact person goes looking for the right boy, the one that fits the best in the client's wishes. The man brings the kid to the client, introduces him to the boy – tells about all the things the boy likes and dislikes – and arranges a time to get the boy back. For all this, the contact person charges a little fee. If the client wants to give something to the boy, he can." "Do you know one of those contact persons, then?" I asked. "Even better," he answered. "I'm one of them. But I only work for someone else, 'cause I can't get out of the hotel enough. Sometimes it happens that boys are sent here. I allow that, of course, but the other people who work here don't know about it. I don't want one of them to find out about it. It IS illegal, you know." "I understand, Petr. Is it possible to arrange someone for me?" "Well, you seem to be honest about this. Maybe I can do something for you. How long are you staying in Prague?" "After today, three more days. But we're always away during the daytime." "That's not a problem. I'll arrange an appointment tomorrow and at night, I'll give you the instructions you must follow the day after tomorrow." "Okay. I'll try to find out what time's the best to do this." "Good. Any special wishes about the boy?" "Not really, no. I'd like it if the boy was kind of new in this. It'll be my first time, and it might be quite boring for someone who's done this a lot of time. If the child is as unexperienced as I am, we can learn a bit from each other." "I'll see what I can do. How old do you want the boy to be?" "Between 10 and 12 years old. I like them best at that age." "So do I. Well, I'll do my best to find someone suitable. Come to the bar tomorrow night. I'll give you directions and instructions then." "I'll be there. Thanks anyway." Petr and I shook hands on the great deal we'd just made. I watched behind me and saw that my travel companions were leaving their seats. I nodded at Petr and followed the rest to my room. I went inside and laid down on the bed. Pretty quick I fell asleep. I dreamt about what could happen in two days. I imagined some lovely boy, standing naked in front of me, inviting me to make love to him. It was a great dream, and maybe this time it was going to be fulfilled. The second day of my stay in Prague, in didn't enjoy the sight-seeing one bit. I couldn't stop thinking and daydreaming about what might happen the next day. I always wondered if Petr would have been able to make some arrangements for me. I knew already when it ought to happen. The third day we were free to go where we wanted from 3 until 6 o'clock. So, when I entered the hotel cafeteria again that evening, I went straight to the bar. I greeted the Petr and ordered a drink. Petr didn't say or give anything at me at first. After about twenty minutes I ordered my fourth coke. Petr started the conversation. "Are you still willing to do what you told me yesterday?", he asked. "Am I willing?! I haven't thought about anything else today." "Well, then I have good news for you. I have spoken to a very good friend of mine, Karl. I told him what we've discussed about yesterday. He liked the things I told about you, including your taste in boys. Karl will meet you at this address (Petr gave me a little card with address and a little street plan on it) at a time that must still be arranged. You won't recognize him but I gave him your description. What happens then, he'll tell you. All I want from right now is an hour and 300 corunes. The money is for me, as a fee for making these arrangements." "No problem. Here's the money (I gave him 400 instead of 300, 'cause I was really grateful to the man). I'm free from 3 o'clock tomorrow. I can get at the address at about 3.30." "Okay, I'll call him tomorrow morning to tell him when it's happening. How long do you wish to spend with the boy?" "About two hours, I've got to be back at six." "That's alright." "Thank you, Petr. I won't forget this." "Glad to help you. I hope you'll have a great time tomorrow. Tell me in the evening how it went, okay." "I'll happily do that, Petr." I put the little note away in my wallet and went to my room. Again I dreamt about a cute little boy standing naked in front of me, inviting me to make love to him. But this time I knew that dream would become reality. The next day was quite a hard day. From the moment I got up early in the morning, I was excited. The more the moment of truth came closer, I got more and more nervous. I tried not letting it show, but sometimes the others saw I acted real agitated. So, when they asked me what was wrong with me, I told them I was real glad to be in Prague, that I really enjoyed being in the big city. They believed me, I think. I didn't care much about the impression I gave them. All I could think of was the boy I was going to meet. I was nervous because it would be the first time I was going to be with a young boy. Well, with this kind of intentions, anyway. But my admiration towards little boys over won the nerves, and I relaxed a bit. But the clock struck three and our guides told us we were free, a tremor went through my body. I waited until everyone was out of sight and went the other way. I followed the instructions on the note Petr had given me the evening before and found the address easily. It appeared to be a bar, with quite a lot of crowd in it. I watched my clock and saw I was ten minutes early. So, I went in and walked to the bar. I ordered a drink and sat down on a barstool. The waiting was horrible. I almost got sick of excitement and nervousness. Suddenly a man sat down beside me and ordered a beer. While he was waiting for the beer, he turned to me. He put his hand in his pocket and took out a little piece of paper. It said: "Sit down at one of the tables. I'll fetch the boy and bring him to you." I did what the man had ordered. A few minutes later he came back in, together with the most handsome little fellow I had ever seen. The two came to my table and sat down. I observed the boy thoroughly. He had dark, half long hair and very bright dark eyes. He wore a tight pair of jeans, a blue shirt and a jacket. He caught me looking at him and smiled at me, a little nervously. I smiled back and then turned to the man, expecting him to say something. And so he did. "Good afternoon, sir. My name is Karl. Petr sent you to me, right?" "That's right, Karl. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too. And this little man next to me is Lukaz. He'll be your partner this afternoon." "He looks really great. Anything I should know about the boy?" "Not really, no. He's eleven years old. And as you requested, he's not experienced in this. You're the third person who he will be with. But he accepts almost everything, except going into his butt hole." "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." "Lukaz will guide you to the right place. Bring him back here at about 5.30. You can pay afterwards." "Deal, Karl. I'll take good care of him, real good." "I know you will. Enjoy!" Karl stood up and left. I looked back at the boy in front of me. The longer I looked upon his face and into his shiny eyes, I grew to love the youngster. He smiled back at me, still with a bit of anxiety in his dark eyes. I reached out to the boy to comfort him. He understood the gesture and grabbed my hand. I enclosed his hand with both my hands and rubbed them gently. The anxiety in his eyes was soon replaced by trust. Lukaz stood up and walked slowly to the door. He beckoned upon me and I followed him. We stepped out on street. He let me come beside him and we walked on, hand in hand. After a ten-minute walk, we arrived at a little abandoned warehouse. He opened the door and we went in. Lukaz moved on to the stairs on the other side of the warehouse and started climbing. I followed the boy up the stairs. He stopped in front of a brown door and waited for me. When I came standing right behind him, he opened the door and we went inside. What I saw in there was a real surprise. So far the warehouse had appeared to be abandoned since World War II. But when Lukaz opened the door, he revealed a very nicely and comfortably decorated room. There was a bed, a couch, a table and a couple of chairs. Lukaz walked towards the couch, while taking of his coat. He sat down, took of his shoes and socks and relaxed. I observed him while doing that, and then followed his example. I sat down right beside him and went on staring at his handsome face. Apparently he enjoyed all the attention. He smiled back at me, now without any fear or nervousness. He even seemed real happy. Then, I reached out for his face. I put my hand on his cheeks and caressed them gently. His skin felt real soft and smooth. Lukaz seemed to like the touch. He grabbed my hand and moved it to his lips. He started kissing the palm of my hand and I moved closer. With my other hand I went through his soft hair. I brought my face to his and kissed him on the forehead. He let go of my hand and answered the kiss by throwing both arms around me. My lips met his and he put his tongue into my mouth. While he was playing with my tongue, I started opening the buttons of his shirt. When I was halfway, I put my hand in and touched Lukaz' chest. His skin was real smooth. I caressed his chest gently, playing his nipples with the fingers. Lukaz brought his hands to my shirt and opened the buttons. He threw it over my shoulders and I let it slide off my arms. Lukaz embraced me again and I pulled him close to me. Lukaz stopped our kiss and pushed me back gently. He brought his head to my chest and started kissing it. He paid a lot of attention to my nipples. I enjoyed this a lot. I put my hands on the back of head and pulled Lukaz close to me. Slowly the boy moved his head down. He licked my belly button and then reached for the button of my pants. Lukaz opened the button and the zipper. I understood what he wanted and lifted my hips. He pulled my pants and my underwear down and threw them next to him. He sat down on knees and overview my body. He saw my erect penis right in front of him and took it in his hand. I spread my feet a bit so that Lukaz could sit between my legs. He did and moved closer. Lukaz put his hands on my thighs and brought his mouth to my penis. He took it in his mouth and started sucking it hard, playing the end and the slit with his tongue. I got aroused by Lukaz' sucking and licking. I really enjoyed the feeling. I put my hands on Lukaz' head and caressed it. But it was way too soon to end this, so I pushed the boy away. Lukaz stood up and smiled at me. He opened the rest of the buttons of his shirt and took it off. Immediately he pulled down his jeans and underpants and he threw them away. Proudly Lukaz stood naked in front of me. This was the best I had seen in those three days Prague. An eleven-year old boy stood naked before me. Besides his handsome face with the dark, shiny eyes, he had a cute, slim body. His chest was gorgeous and he had great legs. Between them there was a nice little cocklet, which was pointed straight in my direction, shadowing his balsack. Lukaz walked towards the bed, crawled upon it and lay down on his back.. I followed him and lay down beside him. I started kissing him on the lips, and he put his tongue into my mouth. He threw his arms around my neck and pulled me against him. I put my hand on his chest and caressed the smooth skin. I played with his erect nipples and went down slowly over his belly, finding his cocklet. I put my hand on the little boyhood and gently rubbed it up and down. Lukaz seemed to enjoy that, 'cause his kiss became more and more intense. After a while Lukaz pushed me on my back. He sat down on me with his knees spread over my chest. He lay down and started kissing me again. I put my hands on his butt and began caressing it. It was a real joy to feel the soft skin of Lukaz' butt cheeks. I squeezed the buttocks gently and put my middle finger between them. Carefully I pushed my middle finger in Lukaz' butt hole, which felt very warm. All the time I felt Lukaz' hard and hat little cock pressed against my belly. While I held his butt, he started rubbing himself against me. I liked the feel of the young boy's penis and balls against me. As a token of appreciation, I squeezed harder in the butt cheeks and kissed the boy's lips more intensively. We lay like that for it seemed an hour. The kid lifted himself up and lay down beside on his belly. I turned to him and caressed his butt, feeling between the butt cheeks and pressing my fingers against the hole. I kissed him in the neck and on the shoulders and went down slowly. I kissed almost every square inch of the boy's back. Then I put my tongue between his buttocks, and began licking the young sweat., which tasted real good. I pushed my tongue into the butt hole, which had opened up a bit. Then Lukaz' turned on his back again. This resulted in his cocklet being right in front of my face. I took it in my mouth and played it with my tongue. I licked his little ball sack and began sucking Lukaz' boyhood. While doing this, I put my hands underneath his butt. After a couple of minutes I let Lukaz' warm, tasteful penis slide out of my mouth. I looked at his face and I saw the boy's eyes were closed. Immediately he felt I'd stopped pleasing him and looked back at me and smiled happily. I lay down next to him and kissed him on the chest. While I licked and played Lukaz' erect nipples, I took his boyness in my hand. I pulled the foreskin slowly up and down. Lukaz' threw his arms around me and I put my lips on his. We kissed very intensively, while I kept playing his cocklet. Suddenly he pressed himself hard against me, his hands grabbing me like claws. An intense moaning sounded out of his throat. His warm and sweaty body tensed as the young boy reached climax, having a dry but real orgasm. After this heavenly moment Lukaz' lay down on his back, with the look of great satisfaction in his eyes. I lay down on my back next to him. The boy turned on his side and threw his arm over my chest. He pulled himself close to me and brought his lips to my chest, kissing them gently. He played my erect nipples with his tongue, drawing little circles with it. Then he crawled upon me backwards.With his cute little butt right in front of me, he bent over and took my cock in his mouth. While he began sucking and licking my penis, I felt him get hard again against my chest. He grabbed both the butt cheeks and pulled the butt closer. I licked between the butt cheeks, pushing my tongue gently into the butt hole. I was tasting youth, when I felt cum streaming upwards. I wanted to pull Lukaz away 'cause I didn't know if he'd like me to come into his mouth. But the boy refused, and cum was shot into his mouth. Surprisingly, Lukaz swallowed everything. He turned to me again and smiled at me. He bent over, gave me a few small, friendly kisses on the mouth and then lay down beside me, flat on his back. I turned to him, threw my arm over him and pulled his young, beautiful body close to me. Softly I caressed his chest and I looked right into the boy's eyes. We lay like this on the bed for about an hour, holding each other close and caressing each others body. Then the boy pointed at the clock, which taught us it was time to leave. We stood up and got dressed. Lukaz' did this very slowly, so I had the chance to overview his beauty. When dressed, we walked out of the room, through the warehouse and onto the street. We went back to the bar where we'd met. When we went in, we saw Karl sitting at a table. We walked to the table and sat down, next to each other. Lukaz' and Karl talked to each other, Lukaz telling Karl lively what had happened. After Lukaz had told his story, Karl turned to me. "So, young man," he said, 'I hear from the boy here you both had a great time." "That's right,' I answered, "Lukaz is a real great kid, awfully handsome and very enjoyable." "He said you weren't that bad, too, that you've treated him with a lot of love and care. I appreciate that, and so does Lukaz." "Boys like Lukaz deserve to be treated like that. I really feel attracted to him." "Well, now, I must give you a little reward. I only want half the normal price, okay." "That's fine by me, but if you don't mind, I'd like to give the other half to Lukaz'. After this afternoon, he's worth it." "Okay, go ahead;" I took out the money and gave 400 corunes to Karl. When I reached the other 400 to Lukaz, he refused it. But I insisted on him having the money, and with a little reluctance, the boy took the money. We had another drink together, and then I left. I said goodbye to Lukaz, knowing I'd never see him again. We gave each other a firm hug and I stepped out of the café. I walked back to the place where the other students were waiting for me and some others. They wanted to know where I'd been, but I only told them I had had the best day of my life. That evening I sat down at the bar again. Petr came to me and asked me how it went. I told him the whole story and let him know I had had the time of my life. I gave him all details, including a description of the boy. I also told him I felt a bit sorry when I had to leave, 'cause a life with a boy like Lukaz would have been a wonderful one. He shared some of his experiences with me, and agreed on the feeling you get. At about 1 o'clock, I went upstairs. I lay down on my bed, feeling like God in France. The next morning, the last one in Prague, I heard a knock on my door. I opened up but saw no-one. There was only a little envelope on the floor, with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it. Inside the envelope I found a little pack of pictures of Lukaz. The pictures were really wonderful. They were ordered like a striptease, and at the end there were a few photographs of the Lukaz as I remembered him from the day before: naked, beautiful and lovely. I put the little works of art away. Just before I wanted to throw the envelope away, a little note dropped out of it. I picked it up and read it. It said: 'Room 541. 7 o'clock. Bring camera.' It was almost seven at that time. I had a little feeling of what would happen, so I took my photo camera (a digital one) and went to room 541. I knocked on the door and Lukaz' angelic voice called me in. I opened the door, looked around and found Lukaz' on the bed, wearing a tight T-shirt and a sort like jeans. He stood up, came to me and gave me another note. It said: 'I strip, you take pictures.' I smiled at the boy and put my thumb up, telling I liked the idea. He showed me where to stand and stood up the bed. He started moving smoothly, dancing to the rhythm of love. I looked at the boy for a few seconds and then started taking pictures of the boy. Lukaz' movements aroused me and I felt my penis getting hard. When he started taking off his shirt, I couldn't bear feeling my boner pushing in my pants, and I quickly took of my clothes. He saw it and seemed to appreciate it. Entirely naked I continued shooting photos of Lukaz stripping. The boy really knew how to heat up a crowd. He took his clothes off real slowly, giving me the chance to rediscover every square inch of his young body. Lukaz rolled up his shirt bit by bit. Just before he reached his chest he turned. He pulled the shirt over his head, and placed it against his chest. He turned around slowly and at the second round he threw the shirt towards me. He stood proudly in front of me and reached for the buttons of his jeans, opening them all one at a time, looking challenging towards the camera. Gently he lowered the tight jeans, and then let it slide onto the ground. He stepped out of the pants and kicked them away. Lukaz now stood before me with just some boxer shorts. I noticed clearly there was a little tent in the middle of it. He grabbed for the rim of the underwear and played it in a exciting way. Then he turned his back to me, bent over and pulled the shorts all the way down. He stepped out off the little shorts, and kicked them way. Lukaz gave me a lot of time to look at his naked butt. By caressing himself on the butt cheeks and feeling between them, he showed me he really liked standing there naked in front of me. Then he turned again, now pointing his cocklet towards me. He played with it, touched his balls and looked at me with excitement in his eyes. Lukaz stood there for another minute, proudly showing of his naked body. Then Lukaz walked towards me, took my camera and put it beside me. He took my hand and guided me to the bed. I sat down on the bed and he kneeled before me. He smiled at me and then brought his mouth towards my cock. He put my penis in his mouth and began sucking it. Smoothly he playing the end with his tongue. The feeling I had at that moment was pure delight. After a couple of minutes, he stood up in front of me. I pulled the boy closer and put my hands on his butt. I began licking his balls and then took his boyhood in my mouth. I licked and sucked the cocklet intensively, while I pushed my finger into his little butt hole. We remained in this position for quite some time. Then I let go of his hot and tasteful penis. I pulled him onto my lap, with his smooth skinned legs around me and close to me. His beautiful chest was now in front of me. I put my lips onto his erect nipples and kissed them, playing them with my tongue. After a little time, Lukaz pushed me on my back. He lay down on me and started kissing me on the lips. I opened my mouth and immediately Lukaz put his tongue in to play with mine. This kissing felt wonderful. I put my arms around his warm body and held him firmly against me. Again I grabbed for the boy's cute and smooth little butt. Intensively I caressed his butt cheeks and then put my finger against his butt hole, pushing it in carefully. As I felt his kiss becoming more intense and cocklet feeling hard and hot, I knew he enjoyed it. We lay and kissed like this for it seemed like forever (I sometimes wish it were forever). Lukaz then lay down beside me, flat on his belly. I gently let my finger go over his back, tickling the boy when moving over the spine, and then put my hand on his butt. My lips followed the same way and when I reached his behind, I sat down between his legs. I kissed every little spot of his young butt. I put my tongue between the butt cheeks and licked the boy's sweat, which had a great taste of youth. Then I pushed my tongue gently into the little butt hole. Lukaz lifted himself upon hands and knees. His rear end was now right in front of, the butt cheeks spread a bit, exposing the little butt hole. I understood what the boy meant, but it didn't feel right. I caressed the buttocks for a while, kissed them gently but I couldn't get myself to penetrate this beauty. I pushed him back flat on the belly. Lukaz turned on his back and looked at me questioning. I shook my head to tell him I didn't feel like doing what he wanted me to. He pulled up his shoulders and smiled back at me, to assure me he understood how I felt. I smiled back, and lay down beside him. I tenderly caressed his forehead and cheeks and then I kissed him on the lips again. Lukaz immediately put his tongue in my mouth and started to play with my tongue. The boy put his arms around me and I lay my hand upon his chest. I caressed the smooth chest, playing with the erect little nipples. I slowly went down with my lips, trying not to miss one little piece of his young and tasteful body. Finally, my lips and tongue met his boyhood. I took Lukaz' hard and hot little cocklet in my mouth and started sucking it. When I moved my tongue around the end and over the pee-slit, Lukaz trembled through the whole of his body. He moaned heavily and every muscle in the young body tensed up. The boy sat up straight and moved back against the wall. He spread his legs wide. I sat down on hands and knees between the boy's legs and continued arousing him. Lukaz put both his hands on the back of my head and pushed me close against him. Suddenly, the boy started breathing heavily, twitching with the whole body. I knew then Lukaz was experiencing a most fabulous orgasm. I tasted a few drops of youthly cum on my tongue. Then the boy relaxed again, and I let this boyhood go. I looked up at the boy's face and I saw nothing but great satisfaction. I moved closer and put my lips on his. He reacted immediately by pushing his tongue in and throwing his arms around me. He pushed me down on my back and lay down on me. I put my hands on his buttocks and squeezed them gently. Lukaz then moved back and put his lips around my dick. He moved his tongue playfully around the top and then began sucking intensively. The boy gave me the most wonderful blow job. Very quickly, cum was shot into the boy's mouth. He swallowed everything, like he'd done the other day. Lukaz then looked back at me and smiled happily. He lay down on me again and I gave him a great hug, as a token of my gratitude. I caressed him gently on the back and the butt. We lay like that for quite a while, but then I remembered that I would probably be expected downstairs. I carefully pushed the boy away and explained him in simple English I had to go. He nodded, understanding what I meant, and let me go. He looked a bit disappointed because we had to separate again. I felt a bit the same way, 'cause the boy had given me the time of my life. Twice! I felt a bit sad, because I had grown to love Lukaz, and not only because he's a good fuck. I admired his honestly looking face, with the angelic eyes. We both got dressed and just as I wanted to open the door, he called upon me. I turned towards the boy and saw him standing there with my camera in his hands. I walked back to him, took the camera, gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek and thanked. I remembered the photo session, and I felt a bit of relief going through me. At least I'd be able to see the young boy's body again, although it was only in small size. I stepped out of the room, feeling a bit sorry for leaving the boy behind on his own, and went down. The others were waiting for me (I wasn't late, luckily, 'cause I didn't feel much for explaining the whole thing), and we left. When I got on the bus, I looked up to see if I couldn't pick up a last glance of Lukaz' face, but I was unfortunate. The bus drove off, back home to Belgium. The whole trip I thought about the wonderful time I had spent with Lukaz. I hoped I would be living this kind of feeling again some day, but I knew it would be difficult to find someone as gorgeous as this little Czech kid.
The End |