PZA Boy Stories


The Corruption of Pauly


Little Pauly is a daydreamer, always sitting by the fence with a stiffie in his shorts, idolising the older boys in the schoolyard. When Kevin and his sidekick Tommy start to take an interest in little Pauly, that is the beginning of a very special friendship. Pauly is initiated into their games and starts to learn about how the older boys really like to play.
Publ. 2010 (forum); this site Jan-Mar 2012
34,000 words (68 pages)


Pauly (6yo), Kevin (12yo) and Tommy (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Boy-Boy story
bbcons coerc mast oral anal – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at cosmonaut(at)hush(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cosmo - The Corruption of Pauly in the subject line.

Part I

My little dickie was always going stiff. Far as I remember, it was stiff pretty much all the time. I didn't always know why. I just knew that it went stiff even when I wasn't touching it. Sometimes it went stiff because I thought about the other boys at school. Especially if I saw a boy I liked the look of, like Kevin. It went super stiff when I saw Kevin. In fact, I only had to think about Kevin and my dickie was instantly stiff. Now, Kevin was much older than me. He was one of the big boys that played in the school yard next door, away from us little kids. Our yard was separated from theirs by a really high fence, but sometimes Kevin would hang around by the fence and if I sat really close, I would get to see him and his friends through the fence, running and shouting and getting really wild. It looked like those older kids really had fun. Us little kids weren't allowed to run and scream like that. It was so cool to see Kevin playing ball and rough-housing with his mates. They hung around together in a really chummy way, and I could tell that Kevin was the leader of his little group. He was always telling the other boys what to do. It was him who always dictated what game they would play and who would get to go first. They all hung onto his every word, and you could see in their eyes they way they all looked up to him. He was so popular. And he was bad, in a cool kind of way. He smoked cigarettes and used swearwords and he probably kissed girls and everything. The other boys would whisper into his ear confidentially, and sometimes they got to hang with him, real close with their arms around his shoulders, like they were really privileged to know him. Sometimes Kevin would take his shirt off in the yard and run around bare-chested, showing off his cool boy body – he really loved doing that and he knew that it looked awesome. His jeans hung so low around his hips, you could see the waistband of his boxers underneath. I wondered how come his friends didn't all get stiff little boners like me when they saw him like that, especially as they were able to get so close to him.

Kevin was really beautiful too. I know he was older than me, and much bigger than me. But he was so handsome. He had quite long black wavy hair that was always flopping over his eyes when he played soccer, and he had a really nice face, with dark mysterious eyes and brown skin which I felt like I wanted to lick. Secretly I wanted him to be my older brother. He was big and had really strong arms which he could wrap around me and protect me from the other kids who picked on me. Kevin was my hero, and his face was so cool. I often thought that if I could look like any boy in the entire world, I would have chosen to look like him.

It was just such an afternoon, when us little kids were out in the yard playing. But no one wanted to play with me. I was always on my own. My teacher said it was because I was a dreamer. Always daydreaming, she said, always had my head in the clouds. I wasn't sure what that meant. She wasn't being very nice when she said that. I think she meant I was doing something bad. But I liked daydreaming. It made me feel nice when I daydreamed. In fact, it made me want to daydream even more. One day my daydreams were going to come true. But that's another story. For now, I sat by the fence daydreaming, peering through at Kevin running around with his mates, and of course my dickie was as hard as ever in my tight little shorts. I remember this afternoon really well because it was the first time Kevin ever spoke to me. He and his friends were playing with a tennis ball, and one of them kicked it really hard. It came whizzing over the fence and landed in our little kids yard. Kevin trotted up to the fence and saw me there.

"Hey squirt, can you throw that back?"

I hesitated a moment, afraid to move because I knew my little boner was sticking out in my underwear, almost painfully pressing against the front of my tight shorts. But I was also momentarily frozen in awe by the fact that Kevin had actually spoken to me.

"K," I said, and went after the ball for him.

I retrieved the ball and threw it back, making sure that I threw it as hard as I could to get it back over the high fence. Well, it was high to me.

"Thanks," Kevin said, and started to go after the ball.

He watched the ball land some distance away and, before he had even gone a few steps, he stopped and looked back at me.

"Nice throw squirt," he said, smiling, and went to rejoin his friends.

That made me smile. I remember the way he looked at me and thinking how good that felt, that he had taken the trouble to look back like that and said something nice. In my lonely little life, it was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. My favourite boy in the whole world had actually spoken to me. And he called me squirt. How cool!

Of course, Kevin had seen me around. He probably recognised me in the same way that you recognise all the kids you go to school with. I didn't know all their names. Probably never spoke to most of them, but recognised them all the same. So I was sure Kevin had seen me hanging around by the fence before, and may even have noticed me hanging around at the school gate watching him and his friends go past as I waited for my ride home, as usual with a little boner in my pants.

So that was the start of it.

The next time I saw Kevin I was sitting outside on the stoop daydreaming, as I usually did, until it was time for supper. I sat on the steps in my little cut-off jeans, with my elbows on my bare knees and my chin resting in my palms, and Kevin and Tommy rode past on their bikes. They had really cool big boys bikes, with big wheels, that went really fast, and they had racing handlebars and multicoloured streamers. It was Kevin who spotted me, and as Tommy rode on, up the street, Kevin turned around in a big arc and rode back towards where I was sitting.

"Hey squirt," he called out, no doubt having recognised me from school.

I smiled, squirming bashfully.

He continued riding his bike nonchalantly in a big circle in the road in front of me, sitting upright in the saddle, barely touching the handlebars. He turned his head to look at me as he rode round and round. It was really cool the way he looked so natural and comfortable on that big bike and the way he was able to steer it with no hands.

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked me.

"Nothin'," I replied, wondering why he was taking a sudden interest in me.

At this point Tommy arrived on the scene. He had ridden up the street and probably realised that Kevin was no longer with him, so he had turned his bike around and rode back to see what Kevin was doing. Tommy rode his big bike up really fast and came to a sudden halt right in front of me, neatly skidding the bike sideways. He put his long legs down on either side of the big bike, so he was standing astride it, and he waited, leaning forward on the handlebars, just watching.

"Summat you want kid?" Kevin asked me, still riding around in circles.

"No," I said, emphatically, not sure what he was leading up to.

"Well you're always looking at me," he said, challenging me.

"He's got the hots for you," said Tommy, laughing.

I didn't know what that meant.

"Cute though huh?" said Kevin.

"Kinda," Tommy replied.

"Say kid, you wanna go for a ride?" Kevin proposed.

"I can't," I said, "It's nearly time for my supper."

Both Kevin and Tommy burst out laughing. I felt silly. They were big boys. I was only little. Probably they didn't eat supper. Maybe that was something only little kids did.

At this point Kevin stopped and dismounted, laying his bike down flat on the sidewalk, and marched over to me purposefully. He stood looking down at me with his hands in his pockets, and I noticed he was wearing a really cool leather jacket.

"Say kid, why you always got one hand on your wiener?"

Until he said that I hadn't actually realised that I was doing that, but after he said it, I could hardly deny it. I looked down and saw that my little fist was indeed grabbing at the front of my faded denim shorts. It was obvious now that he had pointed it out to me. My face flushed and I felt very hot. I hung my head down, feeling very shy.

Kevin tried to reassure me.

"Hey, it's OK kid. We all get boners you know."

I looked back up at him, unsure.

"You do?"

"Sure kid."

He was leaning over towards me, looking really concerned, and for the first time I saw his face close up. His eyes were really big and clear and bright and his long dark hair was flopping over his eyes. His skin was kind of brown, like caramel, and I knew it was because he spent a lot of time in the sun. But he meant me no harm and I trusted him.

"Sometimes it gets real hard," I blurted out plaintively, almost tearful in my appeal, rubbing my crotch even harder, "It gets so hard I don't know what to do."

I emphasised the last word DO and he blinked, almost taken aback by that. He stood there looking at me in wonderment, staring into my eyes, a little perplexed.

"Christ kid, you really got it bad."

At that point, he reached out and gently took my little hand, moving it away from my crotch where it had been grasping my little boner in my shorts. He looked down at my shorts and it was clear that my stiff little dickie was trying to poke through.

"That's real hard wood you got there. We'll have to do something about that."

I watched his face as he said it, and he looked up from staring at my crotch.

"What's your name kid?"

"Pauly," I replied.

"OK Pauly," he said, making sure he got my name right, "Say how old are you anyway?"

"Six," I replied, " 3;and three quarters."

He and Tommy both laughed at the three quarters bit.

"Christ," he said again, and turned to look at Tommy, "a little young."

Tommy was still astride his bike with his feet firmly on the ground, watching. I liked Tommy. Kevin was very much the leader of these two, but Tommy was nice too. Tommy had really light blond hair, like mine, except his was long and straight, not curly and floppy like mine. But he had a little light smattering of tiny freckles across his nose, and really blue eyes.

"I'm twelve," said Kevin, "and Tommy's eleven."

"Cool!" I said, genuinely impressed.

The difference in our ages seemed vast to my childish little mind. To me they were practically adults.

"So whadya say Pauly? Wanna go for a ride?"

"What about my supper?" I asked him.

"I'll buy you a burger later. I promise. Come on. It'll be fun."

Thinking nothing of it, I got up off the stoop and went with him, suddenly all happy and excited. I saw Kevin and Tommy exchange glances, smiling knowingly at each other. I could tell they liked me. My favourite boy in the whole world had stopped and talked to me and now I was going to go for a ride with him. He was going to take me out on an adventure with his friend Tommy. How cool was that?

Kevin helped me hop up onto the cross-bar of his big bike, and put my little hands onto the handlebars.

"Now hold on squirt," he warned me.

I liked the way he called me kid and squirt. I knew he used those names affectionately and it made me feel all warm inside when he said them.

When Kevin mounted the bike, he leaned over and took the handlebars, with me sitting there between his outstretched arms, and I felt totally safe and totally in his care. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he leaned over me, and I could also smell the distinctive scent of his leather jacket. It was a great jacket. It had a motif on the back and lots of little silver studs on it. I wished I had a jacket like that, but only older boys wore jackets like that.

We rode on down the street picking up speed, and I could feel Kevin's powerful legs propelling us along. I felt so privileged and safe perched up there with his strong arms either side of me. Behind me, Kevin was breathing hard and we were going so fast that I could feel the wind in my little face and I sat up with my eyes squinting against the cool rush of air. Tommy followed on behind us on his bike, sometimes drawing up alongside, other times falling back and letting Kevin take the lead. As I sat there, high up on that cross-bar, I was able to watch the world flash by, as my new friend powered the big bike through all these unfamiliar neighbourhoods, which I had never ventured into before. I don't think I had ever been so far away from home.

Kevin signalled Tommy when it was time to stop, and they pulled up their bikes on the corner of a busy intersection. I didn't know this part of town at all, but evidently they did. They both dismounted, slightly breathless, and I loved the way their exertions made their chests puff in and out like that. They were much bigger and stronger than me. I hopped off Kevin's bike, wondering what we were doing here.

With a minimum of formality, they took their bikes and wheeled them around the corner, behind a convenience store, where there was a little alleyway, cut off from the general commotion of the intersection. It was a dead-end street, with lots of service doors, surrounded by high walls and littered with trash cans and empty boxes. Kevin and Tommy laid their bikes down on the narrow sidewalk of the alleyway and sat down on a big pile of flattened cartons. It was just the right height to sit comfortably with their feet on the ground. When I joined them, I had to hop up, and my little feet dangled over the edge.

Sitting between Kevin and Tommy, I watched as Kevin dug his hand deep into the diagonal pocket of his leather jacket and brought out a packet of cigarettes. It was so cool the way he flipped open the top and withdrew a cigarette with his lips in one swift gesture. Then he offered the box to Tommy. Next, Kevin produced a box of matches. Cupping his hands around the box he expertly stroked the match towards him and it hissed into life, flaring up in his palm.

They both lit their cigarettes, and were sitting there blowing smoke rings, Kevin forming his lips into a perfect O and the whispy smoke rings rose up diagonally into the air. That was so cool. Just then, an old guy in overalls came out of one of the service doors, pulling it to behind him, and headed for the street. He glared at Kevin disapprovingly as he walked past.

"Take a picture, why don'tcha?" Kevin shouted after him.

Kevin liked to taunt people and answer back. I could tell he even got a kick out of it.

"Here, wanna try?" said Kevin, offering me his cigarette in his upturned palm.

I looked at it, and then up at him.

"Go on," he urged, putting the cigarette to my lips for me.

As he held it there, I sucked on it pretty hard and of course started coughing and spluttering almost immediately, my lungs feeling like they were on fire. Kevin and Tommy were laughing.

"Guess that's one thing you won't be puttin' in your mouth for a while," said Kevin, laconically.

That made Tommy laugh even more.

For a good few minutes I coughed pretty hard. When my coughs became fewer and shorter, they waited for me to recover and then Kevin slapped me on the back.

"You OK kid?"

I nodded bravely, hoping he wasn't too disappointed in me.

They stood up to finish their cigarettes, eventually throwing the spent butts down and tramping them into the gutter. They both stood there watching me still sitting on the pile of flattened cartons. Then Tommy leaned in, cupping his hands around Kevin's ear, and whispered something to him. Kevin smiled at that. I liked the way they had this understanding between them. You could tell they were good friends and were comfortable with each other.

Kevin walked over and leaned towards me.

"You ever been touched before Pauly?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"No one ever done anything with you, y'know, down there?" and he jerked his head towards my crotch.

I looked at Kevin blankly. I could see Tommy standing behind him, watching from a short distance.

"Christ, I think this kid's never done nothin'," Kevin said, talking to Tommy, "And so cute an' all."

I smiled to myself bashfully. It was so nice he thought I was cute.

Tommy came closer, still standing a little behind Kevin.

"You ever had a boycum kid?" Tommy asked me, joining in.

"What's that?" I asked, fascinated.

Kevin turned around and looked up at Tommy.

"I tole you, this kid's as green as they come."

"I'm not green!" I protested.

They burst into laughter.

"You're funny," said Tommy, and I could see from his expression that it was a compliment.

"You wanna have some fun kid?" Kevin asked, "Wanna see how big boys play?"

I nodded slowly, wide-eyed and with a serious expression, half fascinated, half scared. I didn't know anything about big boys games, but my dickie was getting harder and harder at the thought of it, if that was possible. I squeezed it tightly and I could see their eyes were drawn to my little fist clutching at my crotch once again. I just couldn't help it.

"Christ, you need it real bad, kid," said Kevin.

As he said it, I could see Tommy put his hand on the front of his jeans and was groping his crotch. Gosh, maybe he had a boner in there as well. A big boys boner! He was watching intently and I knew that he was getting excited about what was going to happen next.

Kevin reached over and pulled my t-shirt out of my shorts, lifting it up a little at the front, exposing my tummy and my little innie belly button. Then he started to unfasten my cut-offs. He stripped open the front of my little shorts, exposing my underwear, and pulled open the front of my tighty-whiteys, peering in. I let him. I leaned back slightly, watching in fascination, waiting to see what he would do. The cool air around my privates was so exciting, and my dickie was extra hard because this was the first time another boy was looking at it – and it was Kevin, my favourite boy in all the world! He peered over the waistband of my underwear and whistled, sounding really impressed.

"Phew! That's a magnificent little boner you've got there."

I didn't know what magnificent meant, but I knew from the sound of his voice that he liked my little dickie. That made me really proud. And with that he was about to put his hand in and touch it. I gasped.

"Don't!" I said, shocked, "That's naughty."

He stopped, hesitating for a moment, and looked up at me with a sly and knowing grin.

"Naughty 3; but nice," he said, slowly, and plunged his hand into my underwear anyway.

I winced from the sheer unexpected pleasure, and the shock of someone touching my little boner. No one else had ever touched it before. I had to close my eyes. When Kevin squeezed his hand around it I squealed really loudly in my little high-pitched voice, and I fell forward, almost collapsing onto him from the feelings he was giving me. For a moment it was as though someone had sucked all the air out of my lungs. I couldn't breathe from the sheer pleasure of it. It was so cool.

Kevin took my shoulders and gently pushed me back up, letting go of my underwear.

"Did you enjoy that Pauly, me touching you there?" he asked, glancing down at my crotch.

Bashfully, I averted my gaze.

"Yeh, it was real cool," I said, quietly.

"Well, imagine that but a thousand times better," Kevin said.

My eyes widened, unable to conceive how that was possible.

"You wanna do stuff with me Pauly?"

"What sort of stuff?"

"Boys stuff," he said, cryptically, "Stuff that will make you feel real cool."

"Naughty stuff?" I asked, in hushed tones.

"Amazingly naughty. More naughty than you can imagine," said Kevin.

My little boner was so hard it was trying to pop through the front of my tighty-whiteys, and I gripped it instinctively, not quite able to imagine what could possibly be that naughty, yet wanting to do it real bad.

With that, Kevin leaned in over me as I sat on that pile of cartons, and he looked into my little face, real close.

"It'll be cool and make you feel real good. You wanna do that with me kid? Huh, you wanna?"

"K," I said, nodding emphatically.

Kevin smiled and got up. Tommy was staring at him gravely, and they fell in together and walked a few steps away. They sort of turned their backs to me and were whispering conspiratorially. Amongst their hushed whispers I could see Tommy turning to look over at me, chiding Kevin, evidently not happy about something.

"He's so small!" he hissed, "You'll hurt 'im. You wanna get into trouble?"

But Kevin wasn't concerned. He brushed off Tommy's complaints and suggested we go to the drug store. That caused another round of hushed whispers, during which Kevin punched Tommy on the shoulder. As usual he got his way, which resulted in both boys digging into their pockets to compare how much money they had. They started fishing out handfuls of coins and counting them out on their palms.

At the drug store, Tommy stayed outside to watch the bikes and I went into the store with Kevin. I stood some distance away from the counter and let him go up to the clerk. He asked for a jar of Vaseline, and I knew that Kevin wanted it because he was going to use it on me. I knew that he was going to do something to me, and I didn't really know what it was, but I just knew that thinking about it made my dickie harder than ever. It was so hard in my tighty-whiteys that I just wanted to rub it and it made me feel dizzy every time I squeezed it, like I was flying, just like when Kevin had squeezed it earlier. Kevin knew what he was doing. He was a big boy and knew so much more than me. After all, he smoked cigarettes and used swearwords and probably kissed girls and all that. Being with him made me feel so excited because he was going to do something with me which he said I was going to like, and he told me it was going to be cool and make me feel real good. That was why he needed the Vaseline. But I also knew that it was something secret, something naughty, and maybe it wasn't so good for the store clerk to know what he wanted the Vaseline for. So I was all the more perturbed when he started questioning the clerk about how much it cost and really drawing out the process of buying it. At one point he asked to see the larger jar, the family size one, and the store clerk was getting a bit tetchy. But I really think Kevin was enjoying this. When the clerk handed him the family size jar, he studied it carefully for a few moments, really deliberating, turning it around in his fingers. As he had it in his hand he turned around to me, still standing behind him, and looked at me. Then he looked at the jar and back at me again, as though weighing up how much he was going to need. Gosh! Was it conceivable that he was going to need the whole jar? Just then, as he was looking back at me, I could see a sly little grin on his face, which the clerk couldn't see, and I knew then that he was just having a bit of fun. I giggled. But it didn't stop there. He handed the jar back and finally settled on the standard size jar, causing a puff of annoyance from the clerk. He then insisted on paying for the Vaseline in quarters, and stood there counting out the coins from his pocket one by one as a queue was forming behind him. He also insisted that the clerk put his purchase in a brown paper bag and was quite specific about asking for a receipt. As we both left the store, I could see Kevin grinning from ear to ear. You know, I think he really got a kick out of being awkward on purpose. He was so naughty and I found that really exciting. I was starting to really like Kevin more and more.

After we left the drug store, Kevin said we had to go somewhere secret, somewhere hidden, and they knew a place where no one would find us. It was towards the edge of town, far away from where we started out. There was a quiet road that led out towards a river, and a stone bridge that didn't look like it got used very much. The boys left their bikes in the long grass that was on the side of the road, and led me down a steep grassy embankment to the edge of the river. It was more of a stream really, which you could easily cross if you used some of the stepping stones in the shallower parts.

I saw that, as we reached the muddy edge of the river, you could follow the river bank underneath the bridge, where you could be completely hidden from the road and anyone crossing the bridge. It was the perfect secret place, and it added to the air of excitement and mystery that I felt with these two big boys who knew so much more than I did about everything.

When we finally reached our destination, the boys led me under the bridge where it was shady. The grass was cool and slightly damp. Just then, they stopped and suddenly everything seemed to take on a strange sense of urgency. They were jumpy and excited and generally fumbled about, almost clumsy in their boyish anticipation of what was going to happen.

The first thing I liked was that Kevin took off his jacket and laid it down gallantly on the grass, inviting me to sit on it. I made myself comfortable on his jacket, and I could feel under my bare legs that it was still warm from where Kevin had been wearing it. I stretched out my little legs, propping myself up on my outstretched arms.

Kevin had been watching me intently, and he had a really strange look in his eyes. I knew it was because we were going to do something naughty. He came over to me and kneeled down beside me, speaking ever so softly.

"C'mere," he said, "Let's take a look at you."

First he helped me pull off my little t-shirt by lifting my arms up in the air. It got stuck around my neck and for a few moments I couldn't see anything. Kevin pulled it off me, finally getting it over my head, and I found my little torso exposed. I could feel the chill of the evening air against my bare skin and I shuddered, crossing my little arms across my chest. I shivered a bit, but this was so exciting. I had never been naked outside before.

Kevin leaned back on his haunches and admired me for a few moments, cocking his head this way and that, as though sizing me up. I could feel his sparkling eyes roving all over my little body, and he was smiling, looking at me approvingly. I could see that Tommy was hovering around in the background watching all this.

"Christ kid, you're pretty hot, you know that?"

He made me really blush when he said that. My little face was all red, and I looked away, shuffling my little feet in the grass nervously.

Kevin took off my little sneakers and socks, one by one. He was so gentle, with calm, calculated movements, and all the time he was looking at me, smiling reassuringly. Then he stood me up and undid my cut-offs, this time yanking down my shorts and tighty-whiteys together. My little boner sprang free, naked and exposed. The sense of freedom I felt from releasing it from the confines of my tight little shorts, was overwhelming. I almost gasped with the relief. He took off my shorts completely, helping to pull them off me as I raised one foot and then the other, and at last I was standing there completely naked. This was so naughty. Here I was with these two big boys, out here on our own, and I was showing off my little boner to them, which was sticking straight out like a little flagpole.

I sat back down on the jacket, cross-legged with my dickie still pointing up insistently in my lap. Then Kevin and Tommy looked at each other, as though in perfect synchronisation, and they both began to take their clothes off. Within seconds, their sweatshirts, jeans, boxers, socks and sneakers were all lying in a crumpled heap on the grass. I watched in utter amazement as they revealed their boy bodies to me. It was quite the most awesome thing I had ever seen. My little jaw was hanging open in disbelief and my eyes were as wide as saucers. I liked the way their smooth butts flexed as they were undressing, and how they even had some muscles on their chests and arms, and the beginnings of little six packs on their tight tummies. They were so tall and slim compared to me. Kevin's body was brown all over, except for the tell-tale white areas on his pelvis, where his shorts had covered him from the sun. There was a well defined line running down the centre of his chest and stomach. He had some fine downy hairs on his calves, and there were even a few thin hairs around the base of his dickie. His dickie was much bigger than mine, longer and fatter, and it was already getting stiff. Tommy's body was whiter, smooth and milky, and he had incredibly long, sturdy-looking legs. He had hairs on his forearms which looked almost translucent. He didn't have any hair around his dickie, but it was still big. Not as big as Kevin's, but still much bigger than mine. Gosh, they were both beautiful, and I felt so privileged to be sitting there at this moment with these two older boys. I was so excited by all the naughty things that they were doing and how all three of us were now naked together!

Still sitting there on Kevin's jacket, the leather was becoming warm and sweaty beneath my naked butt. I was looking up at them as they stood in front of me facing one another, and their big boy boners were sticking out. I gasped when I set eyes on them for the first time. They were so big! Much bigger than mine. They stood there with their boners pointing at each other and they had this really strange, faraway look in their eyes. Just then, as if they had rehearsed the whole thing, they stepped closer together, each reaching for the others crotch at the same time, their other hand on each other's shoulder, and they locked their lips together. They were kissing! Gosh, I didn't know boys did those things. It was so naughty. Quite the naughtiest thing I'd ever seen, and my naïve little mind was well and truly blown. Of course, my hand was still absent-mindedly rubbing my little boner, which was so stiff by now that it was beginning to hurt. I was squeezing it so much that it was getting sore.

Slowly, both boys sank to their knees, their lips still locked together, and still massaging each other's boner. They dropped down like this right in front of me, and for the first time I saw the size of their big boy boners close up. They looked huge! Compared to my pencil thin little dickie, theirs were much thicker and longer. And I was amazed by the way that they could move the skin up and down, and saw how red and shiny and swollen they looked. I wondered if mine would ever get that big.

They stopped kissing as abruptly as they started, let go of each other and turned to focus on me. Still on his knees in front of me, Kevin was massaging his boy boner up and down.

"That's what big boys do," he said, "You like that kid?"

I was speechless, still mesmerised by the sight of his boner which was now within touching distance. I was staring at it fixedly, and he scooted closer. He grabbed his big boner by the base and pointed it at me.

"Wanna touch it?"

Tentatively, I reached out my little hand not quite believing that he was going to let me do that. But he did. As I raised my little hand, he grabbed it almost impatiently and put it on his boner for me.

"Go ahead, it won't break."

I touched it lightly with my fingertips, and I could feel how hot and hard it was, much hotter and harder than mine, and I was fascinated by its sheer size. I squeezed the head between my delicate pink little fingers, and Kevin moaned, throwing his head back in ecstasy. That encouraged me to grab it further down and I wrapped my little hand around the thick shaft and jacked it up and down clumsily.

"Christ kid, that's so good," said Kevin breathlessly, looking like he was about to burst into tears.

"He's a natural," said Tommy, with a tone of amazement.

I stared up at Kevin wondering if I was doing something wrong.

"You OK?" I asked, concerned.

Kevin looked right at me, fixing me with a deep and serious expression.

"You sure you never done anything like this before?"

"Uh uh," I said, shaking my head.

Kevin reached out and cupped my face in his palms.

"You're so fuckin' cute," he said.

I gasped. He swore!

Kevin thought my innocence was quaint and smiled at that.

Kevin and Tommy sat on either side of me and Kevin told me to relax. They were looking at me with really intense stares. It was a bit scary. But then Kevin reached out and stroked my chest and tummy, running his hands down my little body. It felt nice having my body stroked like that. I saw the love and admiration in his eyes as he did it, and I wasn't afraid.

Without warning, Kevin leaned in, putting an arm around my neck, and kissed me fully on the mouth, just like he had done with Tommy. His big wet lips totally enveloped my little mouth, and some of my chin. At the same time, he tilted me back, laying me down flat on his jacket, pressing his mouth into me real hard. I closed my eyes, totally in his power. It was like a charge of electricity all through me which made my heart drum away really fast in my chest. I could feel his big boy tongue probing my little lips and filling my mouth, licking my tongue and all over my teeth. Gosh, it was the most exciting thing ever! I laid there under him, overwhelmed by the way it made my chest breathe in and out so fast. I felt all floppy and slightly dizzy, totally compliant, totally in his power. When Kevin pulled away, he took a deep breath, his face hovering above me, only inches from mine, and he looked down searchingly into my eyes.

Tommy went over to their pile of discarded clothes and retrieved the jar of Vaseline, still in its little paper bag. He brought the jar over and handed it to Kevin. Kevin popped open the lid and stuck two fingers in, scooping out a thick glob of the greenish-yellow contents. Then he reached between my legs and pressed his fingers under my little balls and smeared the cold, greasy substance all around. I winced in shock. No one had ever touched me there! That made Kevin smile. His fingers continued to probe and press into the soft flesh between my legs and his fingers even went into my little hole! I gasped really loudly. Gosh, I didn't know that could feel so good. My little dickie was harder than ever, and it even jumped a few times as it was laying flat against my tummy. I drew my knees up and spread my legs to give him better access, exposing my dickie and little balls completely. When I did that I turned my head to one side and I could see Kevin glance over at Tommy and they smiled at each other. To me it was a natural reflex action. To them it was an invitation and an indication that I was ready for more.

Kevin was gentle, but firm. He continued to probe his fingers around my little hole and pressed harder and harder until I could feel a distinct stinging. He kept his hand there for a long time, not moving very much, but slowly sticking his fingers further and further into me. It was hurting a little, but not enough to worry me or make me squeal. All the time he was leaning over my little body and looking into my eyes, smiling and breathing in quiet little gasps, and his big boy dickie was still hard all the time he was doing this.

Then, very skilfully, whilst he had one hand between my legs, sticking his fingers into my little hole, he brought his other hand up and grasped my stiff little dickie between his fingers. Once again I winced with the sheer pleasure of it, which felt so good I had to squeeze my eyes tightly shut and I felt like I was falling. I was dizzy and couldn't see, and my whole body was floating. It was so cool.

When I opened my eyes, Kevin still had my stiff little dickie between his thumb and finger and was rubbing it up and down. I could see Tommy moving in closer, watching what he was doing and he had his hand around his big boy boner and was rubbing it up and down with his fist. Gosh, it was just too exciting! In no time at all I started to feel a very strange sensation in my dickie, which started off feeling like an itch. But it was an itch which grew in intensity and for a while there I felt like maybe I had to pee, but it was better than that – much more pleasurable than that – and it soon grew more and more insistent, as though my little dickie was growing bigger and fatter. Kevin carried on rubbing it between his fingers up and down faster and faster, and as he was doing that he started to breathe faster as well. With him on one side, playing with my dickie like that, his other hand still pressing his fingers into my little hole, and the sight of Tommy playing with his big boy boner on the other side, my dickie felt like it was going to burst.

I don't know what happened next, but I felt my whole body suddenly go very tight, consumed by a gradual wave of ecstasy that grew and grew in intensity and suddenly took over my little body and made my dickie go out of its head and start to jerk really wildly, pulsing away between Kevin's fingers. I almost sat upright – arching my back and lifting my head off his jacket for a moment with a loud high-pitched squeal. It was a squeal of exquisite pleasure, and I thrashed about on the ground uncontrollably for a good few seconds, completely overwhelmed by the power of this unfamiliar but delicious sensation which was centred around my little dickie, and spread from my groin throughout my whole body. Gosh I had never felt anything like that before. I could never have conceived that it was possible to feel so good.

When it was over, I felt suddenly quite weak and floppy, and I was breathing real fast, like I had been running. I was so dizzy I could barely speak. I was only disappointed that this wonderful feeling had gone away and suddenly I felt the stinging between my legs where Kevin still had his fingers in my little hole. I realised that it was because he had his fingers wedged right inside and it was hurting more than ever.

I turned to look at him groggily.

"What happened?"

"You just had a boycum kid," he said, with a satisfied smile.

"Ooh, that was so 3;"


I smiled weakly, realising that my little dickie was no longer hard. For the first time in my life, it wasn't aching and standing to attention and it felt satisfied. It was like it had been waiting for that boycum all my life.

After a bit, Tommy, who had been very patiently watching all this, got up onto his knees, still playing with his big boy boner, rubbing it up and down quite firmly in his fist.

"That was real hot," he said, breathlessly.

Kevin asked me to turn over and get up on my hands and knees. This gave him better access to my little hole, and I could feel him parting my little butt cheeks and rubbing his greasy fingers with the Vaseline all up and down my little ass crack. He would press his fingertips into my little hole as he did so, and it felt like my hole was really loose and slippery.

"Me now," said Tommy, grasping his boner, and scooted closer to me on his knees.

Whilst Kevin was concentrating on my little hole, I could see Tommy bringing his big boy boner closer until he was right in front of my face, and when he pushed it onto my lips, I kissed it. I stopped wondering and questioning or even being shocked by anything these boys did. After my boycum I knew instinctively what they wanted, and their boners needed to have their own boycum. In one single act, I suddenly understood everything about how big boys play, and everything they had done with me so far made complete sense. The thing that did surprise me, more than anything, was how I seemed to know automatically what to do. So, when Tommy brought his smooth boy body close to my face, I just opened my little lips and let him push his boner in so I could suck it like a popsicle.

"Oh fuck," he gasped, really loudly, and threw his head back in ecstasy.

I wanted to please him, so I took that as a positive sign. He held his hands up to my head as I was sucking on his dickie, but he resisted touching me. It was almost as though he was afraid to lay his hands on me. But he didn't need to. I bobbed my head and enveloped his big hot boy boner in my little lips and pushed my mouth onto it as far as I dared, as far as I could without choking, and he was thrusting his hips instinctively as I did so. Seeing the smooth boy muscles of his body flexing like that made my dickie instantly hard again.

"Oh Jesus," Tommy was moaning, "Oh fuck, Pauly."

Hearing him moaning like that, swearing and saying my name, made me feel really naughty. I sucked on his dickie even harder, and the harder I sucked, the more he moaned.

I didn't expect what happened next.

He was moaning and bucking his hips and I carried on sucking as hard as I could, and it got faster and faster until suddenly Tommy froze. He grabbed my head, pulling my hair roughly, and pushed his dickie in hard and deep into my mouth, almost choking me. I tried to pull back, nearly gagging, but he held me there for a moment and there was almost a delay before I heard a gradual little scream emanating from him and his boy boner started flexing in my mouth. Something hot and wet shot out in two little jets, hitting the back of my throat, and he was moaning "Oh fuck, oh fuck," in time with the pulsing of his dickie.

I should have been shocked and horrified, but I wasn't. Instinctively, I swallowed it, gulping it down with some relish. It just made sense to me. He had shot something out of his dickie which I knew wasn't pee. For one thing there wasn't much of it, and for another it was somehow thicker and was not how I expected pee to taste.

"Oh fuck," Tommy said one more time, as he slowly pulled his dickie out of my mouth, letting go of my hair, and even ruffling it a little by way of apology as he did so.

A long string of almost clear liquid came out, still attached to the hole in his dickie, and it broke across my tongue and down my chin. I licked it up and swallowed it. It didn't taste too bad.

Tommy sat back on his haunches, breathless from his boycum, and he stared at me in amazement. Then he looked up at Kevin and back down at me, his mouth hanging open.

"Christ kid, you're really somethin' else."

"Pauly? You OK?" I heard Kevin ask.

Tired of being on my hands and knees, I turned over and laid back down on the jacket, smiling and feeling quite pleased with myself.

"He's OK," said Tommy, bending down to kiss me.

So far I hadn't tasted Tommy's lips. His mouth was really wet and sloppy and his hot tongue licked inside my lips, leaving a trace of his spit all over my mouth and chin.

He straightened up, his tongue licking all around his mouth, as though he had detected a taste of something from my lips.

"Mm," he said, "Good boycream."

So that's what it was.

Kevin explained that I would be able to shoot boycream when I was older, and that it would get more and more as I grew up. Kevin said for now I would just carry on having dry cums. He said I should have as many boycums as I wanted and not be afraid to rub my little dickie whenever I liked. And he said I should swallow as much boycream as I could so I would start making my own soon. I looked forward to that.

I was lying back down on his jacket, with one hand up behind my head, and the other resting across my little belly, by now totally comfortable in my nakedness. Kevin was lying down alongside me, propped up on one elbow, stroking my little body. I loved the way he was lavishing attention on me, running his hand up and down my bare chest and even down as far as my little dickie and between my thighs. He looked at me with a grave and serious expression.

"Christ, you're so fuckin' cute," he said again, "I wanna bust your little cherry so bad."

I didn't know what that meant. I only knew that he looked at me in such a way that I could see in his eyes he wanted to do it real bad.

"Will it hurt?" I asked, not really afraid, just curious.

Kevin and Tommy looked at each other and kind of smiled. They though that that was sweet.

"It might hurt a bit. But I want you to be brave for me OK?"

"K," I said.

I didn't know what he was going to do exactly, but I knew I wanted it just the same.

Kevin sat down on the jacket with me, his long legs stretched out in front of him, and his big boy boner sticking up between them. He reached over and pulled my little body onto him, so that I was sort of kneeling astride his lap, facing him. He hugged me tightly against his naked chest and I remember the fantastic feeling of his warm, brown skin against my little body. It was awesome, and my little boner was digging into his tight tummy.

Watching this, Tommy got up. His dickie was getting stiff again. It was so hard and red and he was rubbing it up and down with long, firm strokes. He went over to sit by the base of the bridge, leaning up against the grimy brickwork, and settled down as though getting ready to watch a movie.

Whilst Kevin was hugging me real close, I laid my head on his bare shoulder, and I could smell his scent. It was like a mixture of boy smells, cigarettes and leather, and I loved it because it was Kevin's smell. At the same time, he was playing with his boner, and I knew he was smearing it with Vaseline, his strong arm making smooth up-down movements behind me.

He held me in place, with one arm wrapped around my back, and with the other he started to probe my little hole again. It was still loose and slippery from before, and the Vaseline had become hot and greasy on my skin. He wiggled his fingers about in my hole, and it felt good, but it was also a little painful.

Kevin stopped and seemed to hesitate for a good long while, still holding my little body up against him, and still massaging his boner, and I could feel it poking real hard into my little ass crack below me. He started kissing me. He put his hot wet lips all over my little face, my neck, my shoulders, my temples, my hair, and he started talking, almost whispering to me, in very low, intimate tones.

"You're so fuckin' cute baby boy," he was saying.

And as he said that, he pressed his dickie really hard into my ass crack and I was shocked that it actually slipped some way into my little hole. I tightened up from the shock and the pain, but I bore it. I trusted him. I knew he was not hurting me deliberately. I gripped his body with my little arms, panicking a bit, but I held my breath so I wouldn't cry out. He dug his dickie in a little further and he started breathing really hard. I knew it was because he was excited. But he stopped and kissed my head again, and whispered into my ear.

"You OK Pauly?"

"It's hurting," I said, between breaths.

"Nearly there," he whispered, "Be brave."

No sooner had he said that, he thrust his hips upwards and at the same time pulled my little body down hard onto his dickie and it speared painfully up inside me. I cried out and the pain stung me so badly I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. He held me there, impaled on him, comforting me with kisses. I knew that his big dickie was up inside me all the way, cutting into my little body, and I felt like I was about to be split apart. But I held onto him bravely, and his kisses soon quieted me. He held me so tightly, so lovingly, I wasn't afraid.

"Oh fuck," he gasped, ecstatically, "You're little ass feels so good."

He kept his big boner in me for a long time, and didn't move for a while. So I waited. Then he started sliding it up and down in me slowly, helped along by the Vaseline. It really hurt every time he stabbed it up into me. I bit my lip, trying very hard not to cry out, and I could feel little tears starting to run down my face. But I wanted it. I didn't want Kevin to stop. I knew I wanted to do this for him. He was loving it, and I wanted to make him happy. In a strange way, I almost wanted him to hurt me. Before long it didn't hurt so much, and I was surprised that it actually started to feel good.

As he was moving my little body, sliding me up and down on his big boy boner, my little dickie was rubbing against his tummy, digging really hard into the tight, warm muscle of his stomach, and a now familiar sensation was starting to build. The combination of my dickie rubbing up against him and the feeling of having his big boy boner so deep inside my little body, excited me so much that it soon became conceivable in my mind that I could have another boycum. I jabbed my little dickie into him, rubbing the underside against his skin. This time I recognised that itch building, and because I recognised it, it seemed to hit me all the more suddenly.

I was shocked at how quickly my boycum arrived. As I impetuously bucked my hips into Kevin's tummy, my dickie seemed to grow thicker and harder and eventually burst into another boycum, pulsing wildly as it was pressed between us, making my whole body shudder violently. I squealed with the sheer pleasure of it. For a good long time I was dizzy from the waves of pleasure that wracked my little body, unable to contain the ecstasy of this wonderful new sensation which I had now learned to command.

Feeling my little body tighten in his arms, consumed with pleasure, Kevin seemed to increase his pace. As my little boycum gradually subsided, he held me firmly, ramming his dickie into me harder and harder, seemingly distracted by the pleasure that was building up in him. He was breathing really heavily, stabbing his boner into me at such a furious pace that I could almost pinpoint the exact moment when his boycum was going to hit.

Just then, he made one final, almighty lunge into my little hole, as deep as he could penetrate, and held me down onto him, and gasped loudly, urgently calling out "Oh, baby boy!" I could actually feel his dickie start pumping inside me. It hurt, but at the same time it was my reward for bearing his energetic thrusting. He let out a series of loud moans, synchronised with each wave of his boycum, his eyes tightly shut. As his dickie burst forth inside me, I could feel the little jets of his hot boycream squirting deep into my hole, making it wet and sloppy. Of course, I couldn't see how much boycream he had squirted, but it felt like a lot more than Tommy.

When it was over, Kevin took a deep breath, still breathing very fast, and lifted my little body up off him. His dickie slid out. I was suddenly overcome with an overwhelming sense of disappointment at feeling my little hole being left vacant after being stuffed so full. It was still wide open and I could feel the coolness of the evening air on the wetness that Kevin left behind. It even started to leak out a little.

Kevin laid down, exhausted, and he gently laid me down next to him, so we were lying side by side. He draped one arm over his eyes.

"Oh fuck Pauly, that was the best," he said, breathlessly, his chest still heaving from his exertions.

He turned to look at me as we were both laid flat on the ground, and he smiled encouragingly. Then he saw that I had tears in my eyes and my cheeks were wet where the tears were still drying on my face. He rose up, suddenly concerned, and leaned over me.

"Did I hurt you baby boy?"

I loved the way he called me baby boy, like I was something very dear and precious to him.

He reached over and wiped my eyes with his thumbs and leaned back, looking down at me lovingly. I could tell he really enjoyed looking at me. Then he closed in and started planting little kisses all over my face and neck and down my chest, nibbling a little on my tiny nipples and digging his nose into my tummy, licking my little innie belly button, causing me to squirm, erupting in fits of giggles.

Tommy, who had meanwhile been watching us intently, came over and laid down with us. He brought over the box of cigarettes and I watched him do something I had never seen any adult do: he took out two cigarettes and lit them both, handing one to Kevin who was still laid flat on the ground. I remember thinking what a thoughtful and considerate gesture that was, and an indication of the regard these two boys had for each other. As they smoked, we laid there on the grass, my head resting on Kevin's jacket, and I remember how privileged I felt that I was here, lying between these two big boys, all three of us naked and happy.


True to his word, Kevin did buy me a burger in the end. And I can remember sitting in the burger bar afterwards with Kevin and Tommy, wearing Kevin's big heavy jacket, which smelled strongly of leather but also had Kevin's distinctive scent on it. That made me feel all warm inside. I was enveloped in this cool jacket which belonged to the nicest boy in the world, and he was going to be my friend forever. My body was hurting a little. My little hole was still stinging and my legs felt sore from where Kevin had stretched them wide across his lap. In fact my whole body ached from the things we had done. But it was a nice, gentle kind of ache, a pleasant reminder of our earlier exertions. As I sat there, munching on this enormous burger, which was almost too big to hold between my little hands, I was grinning from ear to ear. My hero Kevin was sitting opposite watching me, smiling and looking handsome, and that made me feel really happy. I knew that we had just done some naughty, naughty things. I had had my first ever boycums, which made my whole body tighten up so good, like I was flying, and he had put his boy boner in my little hole and shot his boycream in me, and I had swallowed Tommy's boycream, and they had kissed me on the mouth and everything. We had been so naughty and my mind was still in shock about all the big boy things we had done. It had been almost too much for my childish little mind to take in. Only now, sitting in that booth with Kevin and Tommy, did I start to realise the magnitude of what we had done, like in the cartoons when there's been a big explosion and the smoke starts to clear. I knew that things would never be the same again after today. I had been thoroughly corrupted and I loved it. I wanted to do it some more with him, and with Tommy as well. Thinking about that made my little dickie harder than ever. It had been the most momentous day of my little life, and because of that, I swear it was the best burger I had ever tasted.

Part II

"I'm so fuckin' horny," Kevin exclaimed, grabbing at the front of his jeans.

"No shit?" said Tommy.

"I haven't touched my wiener in days," Kevin went on, "I'm savin' it."

Tommy did a double take and looked at Kevin incredulously, narrowing his eyes.

"Savin' it? What the fuck for?"

Kevin jerked his chin forward, gesturing to me.

"For him, whadya think?"

Tommy stared down at me, then looked back at Kevin, and slowly a crooked little smile crept across his lips.

"Fuuuuck!" he exclaimed, with a sly grin.

We had decided to go to Kevin's place and Kevin and Tommy were wheeling their big bikes up to the house talking, with me between them. I didn't know what they were talking about, but I knew it was naughty stuff. I was starting to like all the naughty boys stuff that Kevin and Tommy were teaching me. It had become almost their mission to teach me all the naughty boys stuff they knew, and the more I learned, the more I knew I liked it. I was an eager and willing pupil, who was only too keen to experiment with them and do everything they told me. I knew they liked me. They told me I was cute. I liked being cute. Being cute brought me a lot of pleasure. It meant I had the affections of these two big boys that I absolutely idolized. On the whole they were quite gentle with me, and they looked after me, always giving me lots of hugs and kisses. Kevin was a little rough with me when he forced his dickie into my little hole for the first time, but I knew he didn't mean to hurt me. Fucking, he called it. I liked it when Kevin had fucked me. It was cool when he squirted his boycream in me. In fact, I was looking forward to doing it again. I wanted him to put his dickie in me and fuck me real hard. I kind of understood why he was rough with me – because I felt like that too sometimes. Sometimes my dickie got so hard I wanted to fuck too. I wanted to fuck real bad.

I was really excited about seeing where Kevin lived. They propped their bikes up against the wall of the house and we all three went in by the side door, through the kitchen. Nobody was home. Kevin said his mom was out and we could do what we liked. Both of them immediately started making themselves at home. I could tell that Tommy spent a lot of time here because he was noticeably at ease straight away. He knew where to go and seemed familiar with where everything was.

The first thing that surprised me was that as soon as we were inside, no sooner was the door closed, Kevin immediately pulled off his sweatshirt, like it was the most natural thing in the world. You could tell straight away that it was his usual habit. I liked the way he hooked the back of his shirt forward over his head, pulling it down, revealing his tanned body as the shirt rode up and off him, mussing his long black hair. Tommy did the same, and they were standing in the kitchen shirtless, showing off their boy bodies to me. They may have been only 11 and 12 years old, but their bodies seemed so mature compared to mine. They looked really slim and tight and muscly to me. Kevin had that delicious brown skin that made me feel like I wanted to lick him, and he had a defining line running down his chest and abs. Tommy's body was smooth and white and creamy and he too had the beginnings of a little six pack on his tight little stomach. They were so sexy that my dickie was instantly hard from their nakedness. Quite involuntarily, I licked my lips, grabbing my crotch to adjust my little boner which was now painfully distended in my jeans. Kevin saw that and smiled, touched by my unconscious reaction.

"You're such a horny lil fuckboy," he said, smiling, and he ruffled my hair affectionately.

I didn't know what that meant, but it sounded like a compliment.

But they didn't stop there. Both Kevin and Tommy kicked off their sneakers, unclipped their belts and took off their jeans and the rest of their clothes, discarding items of clothing in their wake as they moved through the kitchen. It was as if no one cared – as if they could do what they liked. I was stunned – momentarily silenced by the idea that they wanted to walk around the house with no clothes on. More than that, I was ever more excited by the prospect of being able to look at their naked bodies. I could see their big boy dickies swinging between their legs as they removed and discarded their boxers. Even though their dickies were soft, they were still much bigger than mine, and of course Kevin already had a few thin hairs around his.

Kevin turned to look at me as I was standing there looking hesitant.

"Oh, y' know – we have rules in this house," he said, "We don't bother with clothes."

"What, none?" I asked, looking up at him in wonderment.

They both laughed. But it was a friendly, good-natured laugh, and I knew they weren't teasing me.

"Nah, we like being in the nude," said Kevin, unequivocally.

With that, he knelt down and drew me closer, looking deep into my eyes.

"I prefer you naked. Whadya think baby boy?"

"K," I said, shrugging my little shoulders, deciding I might as well get with the program.

He helped me get my t-shirt off and quickly removed my little jeans. I liked him undressing me. He was so gentle and reassuring, in a big brother kind of way. In no time at all I was standing there naked with my little dickie sticking out insistently. I could see Kevin and Tommy look at my dickie and then at each other. I could tell they were thinking about what naughty things they were going to do with me – what they were going to do to make my dickie have another boycum, and maybe they wanted me to give them boycums as well. I loved that we were standing there all naked and I was so excited thinking about all the naughty things we were about to do. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I could hardly breathe from the anticipation.

Still kneeling before me, Kevin looked me up and down, admiring my little body, and he was compelled to reach out and stroke me. He ran a hand through my curly blond hair, then let his warm palms run down my chest and tummy, giving a token tug on my stiff little dickie as he did so. Then he leaned in and gave me a single affectionate kiss on my forehead.

"You're so fuckin' cute."

He was always saying that. I knew he was really into me, and enjoyed looking at me, but I always felt shy just the same. I squirmed a little, looking away bashfully. Looking down, my dickie was so hard I could actually see it pulsing with my heartbeat.

I saw Kevin and Tommy exchange glances. Every now and then they would look at each other in a very special way. They did that a lot. They would just exchange glances and it was as though they knew what the other was thinking. I envied that. They could almost communicate just by looking at each other, without actually saying anything. You could tell they had this genuine affinity, a deep and real affection which showed in the way they did so many things in unison and the way they regarded each other with a level of respect that I rarely saw in boys of their age. You could tell they were very much in tune with each other and I felt privileged that they both allowed me into their confidence and let me join in their games and be part of this exciting rapport they shared.

We moved through the kitchen into the family room, and Kevin asked Tommy to get us all a drink. There was an enormous silver refrigerator with double doors. It was quite the biggest refrigerator I had ever seen. Tommy grabbed both doors, throwing the refrigerator open as though he was about to step inside. He reached in and pulled out three beers from the vast array of drinks in there, and was about to open one.

"Better stick to soda," said Kevin, glancing at me, "we don't want anyone passin' out."

"Oh, OK, " said Tommy, and put one of the beers back, grabbing a soda instead.

Apparently the soda was for me. Tommy proffered the can and I looked at it hesitantly.

"I'm not supposed to drink a whole one," I said, reciting the rules that I was accustomed to.

Kevin smiled as though I had said something really quaint.

"In this house," he said, unequivocally, "you can do what the hell ya like."

I looked at him, and then back at Tommy, standing there with the soda in his outstretched hand. I accepted it gratefully.

"Gee, thanks," I said, feeling ever so naughty at the idea that we could do 'what the hell' we liked. Gosh, I don't think I ever drank a whole can of soda in one go.

As we moved into the family room, I saw that we had left our clothes littered about the place, some crumpled on the floor, or hanging over the backs of chairs. My little jeans somehow got kicked under the dining table and Kevin's boxers were tantalizingly draped over a table lamp where he had absent-mindedly tossed them. It was like a half-hearted, reckless attempt to decorate. They didn't seem to care.

In the family room, beyond the kitchen, there was a big plasma TV and a voluminous sofa, which Kevin and I sank into at the same time, bouncing back up on the big, plump seat cushions. It felt really luxurious to be sitting there on this big sofa, and it felt so warm and soft beneath my naked little butt. Kevin got comfortable, snuggling into the deep backrest, and he immediately pulled me onto him, so that I was sitting in his lap, cradled in the natural groove between his legs. His soft dickie was nestled in my ass crack. I could feel his smooth thighs under my legs and the warm skin of his chest and tummy pressed against my back as I leaned against him. My little feet jutted out over his knees and he cuddled me, pressing me into him real close. His hand rested on my lap, automatically grabbing my little boner, and wrapping his big boy fist around it so that I melted with the sheer pleasure of it. I let out an involuntary whimper, and he kissed the back of my head. He was so gentle, so affectionate with me, I had never felt so loved and wanted as I did when I was in his arms.

Tommy went over to the TV to find a DVD. As he stood there, I was able to trace the clear defining line of his spine all the way down his back, admiring the way his torso tapered down to his slim waist and narrow hips. I loved how his smooth, round butt was flexing, and how his ass cheeks hollowed as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He knelt down to feed the disc into the DVD player which was sitting beneath the TV, nestling amongst a tangled mass of cables, and as he did so he gave us a fantastic rear view glimpse of his tight little hairless balls tucked between his legs. I chuckled. Kevin kissed me again, this time on the neck, knowing full well what I was chuckling at.

Stepping back, Tommy handed Kevin one of the beers as he came to join us on the sofa. He sat down on the other end of the sofa, cracking open his beer and taking a good long slug, then he reached for the remote that was on the floor. Then Tommy did something which I shall never forget – he leaned over towards Kevin, putting his face really close, and Kevin knew instantly what he wanted. He tilted his head up and they kissed resoundingly, touching lips ever so briefly, and ever so lightly. That simple gesture, which neither of them thought twice about, said so much about their relationship. They had such regard for each other and were such true friends, were so comfortable in each other's presence, that one could steal a kiss from the other whenever they wanted. I had never seen boys behave with such genuine affection. I knew then that I wanted to be just like them when I was older.

Tommy pointed the remote at the big plasma screen, as though to signal the start of the performance, and I could see him settle back on the sofa with one hand holding his beer, and the other went straight to his dickie. There was a sense of occasion about the way they were behaving, and I got the impression that they were building up to something, preparing themselves – and me – for what was to follow.

There was a soft click, and the DVD flashed its pictures up onto the screen. I couldn't tell what was happening at first, but I quickly realized that what we were going to watch was not a regular film. There were some close-up shots of some activity which I couldn't quite identify. It soon became apparent that it was a video of young boys. Naked young boys. Naked young boys fucking. Lots of them.

I gasped audibly.

"They're fucking!"

Both Kevin and Tommy laughed. I remember it because it was the first time I had ever said that word out loud. But I didn't care. It made me feel naughty when I swore. The fact that we were all sitting there naked was already an indication of what was to follow, so I fully expected things to get naughty. I wanted to be naughty when I was with them. I wanted to swear. I wanted to fuck. I wanted to do rude, bad, dirty things with them.

Kevin was still squeezing my boner as the film began. He momentarily took his hand off my little boner, cracked open his beer, and then put his hand back on my boner. It was cold from the coolness of the can, and I shuddered ever so lightly. Kevin felt it, and he scrunched his hand over my boner so hard that it hurt a little. It hurt, but at the same time it felt so good.

As we watched, we all went very quiet for a while, mesmerized by the antics on the screen. For a moment I was transported into the TV, totally entranced by what I was watching. There were boys of all ages fucking. Lots of them in a big room. They fucked in all types of positions, big boys and small boys together. The big boys were really fucking the small boys hard. After a while they would change positions and the big boys would turn the little boys over and stick their big boners back into the little boys' holes. Even some of the smaller boys were fucking each other! I was sure they couldn't have been much older than me. In one scene, one of the small boys was being fucked on a bed by a much bigger boy. The bigger boy had lots of dark hair around his dickie, and his boner was enormous, bigger even than Kevin's! The little boy had his legs drawn right up to his chest, so that his knees were pressed up against his shoulders, and the bigger boy was kneeling over him, gripping his thighs, holding his legs there as he was pushing his dickie into the little boy's hole. But the little boy was crying out plaintively, his eyes closed, thrashing his head from side to side on the pillow.

I looked around and up at Kevin.

"Is he hurting that little boy?"

"Nah," said Kevin, dismissively, "It's cool. That kid's lovin' it, see?"

"Oh," I said, turning back to the antics on the screen.

As we watched, Kevin drank his beer, and with his other hand he played with my boner. My boner was achingly hard from what I was seeing, all the stiffer because it was Kevin that was pleasuring me. I was in heaven. Here I was sitting naked with these two boys who I absolutely adored, drinking beer and soda, watching this breathtaking activity unfolding on the screen before me, and having my stiff little boner played with by my favorite boy in the whole world. I just couldn't think of anything that would make it more perfect.

As we were focused on the screen, I could feel Kevin's dickie become tangibly hard and it was digging into my little ass. It was burning hot. I caught sight of Tommy's fist in his lap, pumping his boner up and down with long, steady strokes. So all three of us were sitting there with the hardest boners ever. I felt hot and sweaty. My heart was beating fast and hard in my chest. The steamy goings-on on the screen were making me so excited, and feeling Kevin's boner in my ass crack made me start to pant. I squirmed a little on his lap, pressing my butt into him, rubbing his boner up and down so that it was cradled right into the natural groove of my little ass.

Kevin's hand on my boner was squeezing even tighter. I felt I could almost have a boycum from the way he was squeezing it so roughly and painfully. It made me dizzy from the sheer pleasure of it. My little hand was drawn to his, and I pressed his hand down into my crotch even harder. He responded by squeezing my little dickie harder than ever, like he knew I wanted him to hurt me, and he made me squeal. That made Tommy look over and he smiled, seeing my head tossed back in ecstasy against Kevin's chest. Kevin kissed the back of my neck by way of apology, which only aroused me even more. The back of my neck was very sensitive. I loved being kissed there. It made my whole body get goose-bumps all over. I shivered in sheer delight. I wanted him to squeeze my little dickie even harder. I wanted him to squeeze it until I had a boycum in his hand. I wanted him to give me lots of boycums and I didn't care if he hurt me. I even wanted him to hurt me. I wanted him to hurt me real bad.

Just then, Kevin took his hand away. I exhaled sharply, mostly out of disappointment, because I knew that I was heading for a big boycum. My dickie was super stiff, expectantly aching for more stimulation. Instead, it was left pulsing uselessly in mid air, and I was left panting in anticipation. I turned my head, about to ask Kevin why he'd done that. As I turned my head, Kevin kissed me on the cheek.

"Slow down baby boy," he whispered into my ear, "Don't cum just yet."

Until then, it had never occurred to me that this powerful urge could be restrained. But Kevin's calm, reassuring tone made me realize that he had the ability to pace the proceedings. I was so impressed by his presence of mind, and the way he had such control over the situation. In my immature little mind, I could never conceive that this excitement could be incremented.

We watched the screen some more. The bigger boy was really ramming his dickie into the smaller boy, thoroughly pummeling him into the pillow, and the smaller boy was crying out even louder, his eyes screwed tightly shut and grabbing handfuls of the bedclothes as he was being fucked. I guessed he was enjoying it, but I couldn't be sure because the bigger boy was so rough with him. This went on for a really long time and I found myself wondering how come these boys were doing these things in front of a camera. Suddenly, the bigger boy pulled out his big boner from the little boy's hole and he scooted in, jacking his dickie real fast, and shot several big squirts of boycream all over the little boy's chest. It was just like a water pistol. It squirted out so far, the first and most powerful squirt hitting him in the face. Gosh, it was a lot of boycream. There was so much of it, blasting the little boy in long, milky streaks, coating his nipples, pooling on his chest and running in little rivulets down his tummy. Gosh, it was the most naughty thing I had ever seen. I didn't even know it was possible for a dickie to shoot out so much boycream.

"Oh fuck," I gasped, so incredulous that I didn't even realize I was saying it.

Kevin thrust his hard boner into the small of my back real hard and drew me back against his body, with an arm around my chest, burying his chin into my shoulder. I could tell he was as excited by that as I was. I could feel him panting against my cheek.

"You like that baby boy?"

Kevin was jacking my dickie real fast as he held me there, sensing that my boycum was perhaps overdue, and I was so excited by what I had seen on the screen, my little boner was aching for relief. With Kevin's expert hand on my dickie, and his own excitement evident from the way he was panting against my neck, I let myself abandon all control, surrendering my little body to the pleasure of being manipulated by this older boy who I idolized. I put myself in his control and let him usher me towards a really powerful boycum. I bucked my hips into his hand, thrusting up into his fist as hard as I could. His fist was really hurting me, tightening his grip on my little dickie, jacking it faster and faster, and that just seemed to accentuate my pleasure. I was shocked by how suddenly my boycum hit, and I cried out a single plaintive, high pitched squeal as it consumed me, bucking backwards into Kevin's warm body, and I instinctively reached back for his head. He leaned forward and did exactly what I wanted him to do: he kissed the back of my neck. This sent my body into waves and waves of pleasure and my little dickie pumped forcefully in his fist. Of course nothing squirted out, but it felt like it did. My whole body shuddered in ecstasy, and I exhaled sharply, catching my breath between each spasm of pleasure that ripped through me. Kevin kept pumping my little dickie and holding me tightly against him, never faltering for a moment, until he sensed it was over and I relaxed. Then he loosened his embrace and let go of my dickie.

"Oh fuck," I said again, breathlessly, because I just couldn't think of anything else to say.

I collapsed back against Kevin's warm body, my head lolling uselessly on his chest. He held me close, propping me up, sensing that I had gone quite limp and floppy, as I usually did after my boycums. I felt safe and protected in his arms.

Tommy glanced over at Kevin. Again, they were just checking in with each other in that unique way of theirs. Tommy's face was noticeably flushed, and he had a serious expression on his face. His mouth was hanging open as though he was really making an effort. He had been watching what Kevin had just done to me, and his fist was curled tightly around his big boy boner. I could see the head of his dickie was red and shiny. I guess his boner was hurting him too and was desperate for relief.

"Oh shit," said Tommy, a little breathlessly, like it was all a little too much for him.

Somewhere above my head Kevin smiled and reached out a hand to Tommy, sensing perhaps that Tommy needed his attention too.

"C' mere," he said, beckoning him closer.

Tommy put his beer down and scooted over, leaning towards Kevin. They kissed for a really long time. This time they were really sucking, tonguing each other with their mouths open, turning their heads this way and that with their lips locked together at different angles. They gorged on each other noisily and hungrily for a good long time. I was sitting somewhere between them, a little squashed, but enjoying the closeness of all three of us together. The heat from our bodies was tangible and I could smell the beer on their breath. The sight of these two big boys getting so affectionate, so amorous with each other, made my dickie hard all over again. It was so cool.

As the antics on the screen continued, the video was almost forgotten. Kevin and Tommy kissed for a really long time, then broke away, as though anxious to avoid getting overheated. I really loved what they did next. As if to reassure me that they hadn't forgotten me, they both kissed me as well. Still safely ensconced in Kevin's lap, he kissed the back of my neck and my shoulders as he held me there. Tommy meanwhile kissed me on the lips, delving his tongue deep into my little mouth. He smelled and tasted of beer. He nibbled my lips, taking them between his teeth, and when I poked my tongue into his mouth he sucked on it. That felt real cool. With Tommy kissing me on the lips and Kevin planting kisses on my neck and my back, I was sandwiched between them in the most pleasant and delightful way.

Tommy continued kissing me, tracing all the way down my chest with his tongue, licking my nipples and my tummy, and even sucking on my little innie belly button. Then he bobbed his head right down into my lap and I felt the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt – his hot wet mouth around my dickie. The first contact with his lips made me gasp audibly, immediately sucking all the air out of my lungs. As he closed his lips around my boner, creating a seal, he sucked hard. I nearly screamed, almost jumping from the unexpected pleasure. Meanwhile, Kevin held me tightly against his chest, his boner still digging into my ass crack. Tommy's cute blonde head enveloped my little boner right down to my little balls, deep into that warm wet cavern of his mouth. He bobbed his head a few times, taking my boner right into the back of his throat, running his hot little tongue over the head of my dickie. I couldn't help burying my little fingers into his thick blond hair. With Kevin's boner in my ass crack and his hot lips on the back of my neck, it was sensory overload. It was just too much for my little body and I couldn't help myself. My second boycum hit me straight away. Oh, the indescribable pleasure! This time it was much more powerful than the first. It happened almost in slow motion, rising up within me like an approaching train, and suddenly exploding in my brain, my whole body tightening up with the most delicious sensation. My little dickie jerked wildly in Tommy's mouth, and I could feel my little body shuddering violently for a good long time in the most exquisite of seizures. My eyes rolled back and everything went blurry, and then I don't remember anything.

It felt like a good few minutes had passed before I opened my eyes again, somewhat dazed and fatigued. I felt like that approaching train had run me over.

"You OK Pauly?"

It was Kevin.

"Hey kid, you OK?"

I felt something cold being pressed to my lips. It was the soda. I took a few mouthfuls of the sweet, biting drink, which helped to lubricate my dry mouth, and then I focused on Kevin's face, looking really concerned. I was laying on the sofa in Kevin's lap. Kevin was cradling my head, holding the soda to my lips. I took a look around and realized that all had gone quiet. The TV had reverted to screen saver, so I guessed the video was paused.

"Christ, you really felt that one, little buddy," said Kevin, "I wish I could cum that hard."

I smiled weakly.

"You just had your first BJ kid," said Tommy, beaming at me with a self-satisfied smirk.

"It was awesome," I said.

Kevin and Tommy looked at each other and smiled.

"Shall we carry on?" Tommy asked, picking up the remote.

For the first time I realized that even two explosive boycums did not signal the end of this little session, and they were obviously well versed in stringing it out as long as possible. I was learning so many things from Kevin and Tommy. Just being with them, observing the way they did things and being included in their little games revealed so many things which I probably wouldn't have got to know otherwise. I welcomed it, but at the same time I wondered just how much more excitement I could take.

"I need to pee," I announced.

It was the soda, of course. Kevin pointed out where the bathroom was, and I ambled along in my nakedness, the tiled floor of the kitchen cool beneath my little feet, and one hand squeezing my dickie, which was now uncharacteristically soft.

By the time I came back, I could see that the video was running once more, and there were boys fucking on the screen again. This time the little boys were sucking on big fat boners. Some of them could barely fit these big boners in their mouths. The big boys were shoving their boners excitedly at the little boys' faces, and the little boys were kissing them and licking them and making them all wet with their spit. It was delightful to see the way those little boys relished sucking those big boy boners. Of course that made my dickie instantly hard again.

As I rounded the sofa, I saw Kevin and Tommy on the floor doing something I had never seen before, nor ever conceived of – they were sucking each others boners! I was stopped in my tracks by this awesome sight. Tommy was laying stretched out on the floor, with Kevin above him on all fours, their heads at opposite ends, sucking their boy boners with great relish. Gosh, how did they think of that? It struck me as ingenious. They had discovered the perfect reciprocal arrangement. I stood there and stared for a good few minutes, utterly fascinated, roughly pulling at my boner. I admired the way Kevin was thrusting down into Tommy's open mouth, and I could see him bobbing away on Tommy's dickie at the other end. It was so cool.

When they saw me return, they stopped. I don't know why, but I was disappointed. I was enjoying their little show, maybe every bit as much as the video. Kevin turned over, pulling his dickie out of Tommy's gaping mouth, and sat on the floor with his knees drawn up. Tommy rose up and sat next to him. Once again, I thought they were showing great restraint. I didn't think I could have stopped. Kevin invited me to sit with them on the floor, reaching out to me as though inviting me to take his hand. I went over and sat with them. The rough fibers of the carpet were itchy beneath my naked little butt. Turning towards the TV, we were momentarily distracted by the antics on the screen. The film was still running, but pretty soon it was forgotten again.

Tommy was looking extremely flushed, and the reddishness was very prominent on his creamy white skin. He looked like his boner was becoming uncomfortable, and he was manipulating it this way and that as though unable to find a position that was satisfactory.

"I gotta fuck," he said tersely, appealing to Kevin with a note of urgency in his voice.

Kevin turned to me.

"Whadya say baby boy? You wanna fuck with Tommy?"

I squirmed nervously, squeezing my boner real hard. I looked at Tommy. After I had already had a boycum in his mouth, it seemed only fair that he should fuck me. The truth is I had always wanted Tommy to fuck me. Tommy was beautiful. He was a gorgeous, blond little boy god that I absolutely adored. I looked down at his boner and saw how stiff and long and straight it was, and how neat and perfectly proportioned it was. His dickie was as beautiful as the rest of him. So beautiful I wanted it inside me. I wanted to feel that boner in my little ass, hurting me. I wanted him to squirt his boycream in me. I wanted him to make me cry out just like the little boy in the video. Of course I wanted Tommy to fuck me. I wanted Tommy to fuck me real bad.

I nodded slowly, looking away shyly.

Tommy smiled. For him, it was an endorsement from me. But I appreciated the way that Kevin had given me the power to decide.

"Go easy on 'im," said Kevin, looking at Tommy. It was more of a request than an order.

I was flattered that he was so protective of me.

"OK," said Tommy, nodding.

He was moving towards me even before the words were out of his mouth. At this point I expected Kevin to take a back seat and let us get on with it, but I was pleasantly surprised that he didn't.

"Let's get you ready," he said, and he reached for the ubiquitous jar of Vaseline that was sitting on the coffee table next to the sofa with his half-finished beer.

Kevin sat me down on the sofa and made me put my feet up on the seat with my knees up and my legs apart, so they had a clear view of my little hole. Then he and Tommy both knelt down on the floor and peered between my legs, scrutinizing my tight little balls and that small sensitive area of skin between my balls and my little hole. They both looked from my balls up to my face and back again.

"Jesus, I wanna root that little hole so bad," said Tommy, grasping his boner in his fist.

"Not so fast," said Kevin, always in control, "There's summat we gotta do first."

And with that, he lowered his head right in between my little legs, his mouth directly over my little hole. I could feel his hot breath on my balls. Then he leaned in and poked his tongue out and started licking all around my hole. It was indescribably sensitive. I moaned loudly in my high-pitched voice, and swallowed hard.

Staring down at Kevin between my legs, my jaw was hanging open in shock and ecstasy. Kevin came up for air with an almost manic, evil glint in his eyes, and then he lowered his head one more time, thrusting his tongue firmly into my little hole.

"Oh fuck!"

I couldn't believe it was me saying it this time. It was so good, I felt like bursting into tears.

Kevin looked up.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed triumphantly, "No one's ever done THAT to you before, have they?"

Gosh, I didn't think things like that were possible! Just as I thought I was getting to know the measure of what these boys were capable of, there was always something new. Whatever fireworks they had stored in their arsenal for me, they kept bringing out yet bigger and more spectacular ones. I just couldn't believe it. My little boner was sticking up insistently between my legs and I deliberately flexed it several times, making it stiffen perceptibly just for the pleasure of it.

"Christ Pauly," said Tommy, "You're such a horny lil fuckboy."

That was the second time I had heard them use that term. I decided I quite liked being called a fuckboy. I knew it was a compliment of sorts.

After licking my hole all around, and having poked his tongue as far as he could, Kevin drew back and popped open the Vaseline. Then, with all the tender care and attention of a medic, he started applying the cold, greasy substance all around my hole, gently massaging it in with his fingertips. Pretty soon I could feel the familiar sting of his fingers entering my hole, and pushing against the resistant ring. I relaxed, and he was able to push two, then three fingers right up inside. I watched him intently, looking down at him between my knees, my little legs splayed open in invitation, and he shoved his fingers in real hard. He was fucking me with his fingers, digging into my hole several times, making me wince.

"Ugh!" I cried out.

For some reason that made Tommy smile.

His work seemingly done, Kevin got up and replaced the lid on the Vaseline, indicating that I was ready. Kevin moved away and Tommy took his place, scooting in on his knees. I laid back on the sofa expectantly with my legs still open. It was just the right height for Tommy to lean in and put the tip of his boner against the entrance of my little hole. I looked up at him and scanned his smooth body all the way down, taking in his pink nipples and his slim, almost concave tummy that was as tight as a drum. He was breathing really fast and I could tell he could barely contain his anticipation. He pushed in. I winced, bracing myself. He took one violent stab and I was surprised at how easily his boner slipped inside. After the initial push, he was easily able to glide right up inside my little hole. Suddenly, I felt very full, impaled on his big boy boner which was completely buried inside me. Tommy held it there, almost taken aback at how easily my hole had accommodated him. He closed his eyes and his jaw fell open. He was panting with his mouth wide open. He steadied himself on his outstretched arms. I waited. Then he opened his eyes and looked directly at me, and I could see the sheer pleasure in his face.

"Oh Christ Pauly!" he panted, "Your little cunt feels so good."

Of course this was all new language to me. But I knew he was loving it, and the thought that I was bringing him so much pleasure was very gratifying. I wanted to please him. I wanted to make his beautiful boy body feel good. I wanted to give him a boycum and feel his big, beautiful boner fuck me hard and squirt his boycream deep into my little ass. These boys had got me so sexed up I was almost delirious.

Tommy's fucking wasn't as rough as Kevin. When he settled into it, and found a really good rhythm, he was actually quite good. He was less impetuous and slightly more gentle than Kevin, but he was still quite refined. He changed position slightly, shifting a few times as though trying to find the ideal angle to thrust into me. I loved the way he held my knees back against my chest, so he could get maximum penetration, just like the little boy in the video. Luckily, I was so small and flexible he could bend me literally any way he wanted. He folded my legs right back, so that my ankles were resting on his shoulders, and he was driving his big hard dickie into me relentlessly. He kept going for a good long time. I admired his stamina. Every now and then he would look up and offer me a vocalization.

"Oh fuck Pauly," he would bark, and it sounded almost like a rebuke.

I loved the way he was saying my name, recognizing that it was me that was doing this to him.

I knew his boycum was close when his pace became ever more urgent and more insistent. His thrusting was rocking my whole body, forcing my head to bounce against the backrest of the sofa as he fucked me. When his breathing became quick and shallow, he seemed to take one enormous breath, preparing for the final assault, and he almost shouted out a single, animal grunt. Just then, he did something which I shall never forget – because I was taken aback by the sheer magnanimity of it – he swooped down with his lips and kissed me really hard on the mouth. He was doing it for me as much as for him, and I remember thinking how good it felt that, even in fulfilling this primal urge, he was able to show affection towards me in that way. He held that kiss there even as his whole body shuddered violently above me in the throes of his boycum, and I knew it was because it felt good to be doing both at the same time. I felt his dickie expand inside me and it was almost as though it had burst open, pumping little jets of his hot boycream deep inside me. It felt like a lot. It wasn't just two little squirts, like before, it was several good long ones, and it felt very squishy inside my little hole. He continued thrusting into me impetuously even when his boycum was over, like he wanted it go on and on.

Finally spent and exhausted, Tommy pulled his lips off me, giving me one last sloppy kiss by way of thanks, and slipped his dickie out of my tender little hole. He collapsed back down on the floor somewhat breathless, looking at me with an expression of wonder and gratitude. He was looking very flushed and sweaty and his cheeks were noticeably red.

"Fuck Pauly, you can really take it kid."

"That was so hot," said Kevin, who had been watching all the time, and was kneeling on the floor over by the TV, with his fist around his boner.

I hadn't moved and was still on the sofa with my legs open, leaking Tommy's boycream from my little hole. Absent-mindedly, I was pumping my little boner in my fist. Kevin got up and scooted in closer, taking Tommy's place between my open legs.

"Ya like that Pauly?" Kevin asked me, with a wicked gleam in his eyes, "Was Tommy a good fuck?"

I nodded shyly, still breathless myself from Tommy's energetic thrusting, and I was shocked to see that Kevin was closing in to fuck me as well, lining up his boner with my sloppy little hole.

"Let's see how much more you can take," said Kevin, hunching over me.

It was the first time I had ever seen Kevin almost disregard my welfare and do something which paid me no consideration. It was almost like I was seeing another side to him, an aspect of him that was reckless and cruel and was concerned with doing only what he wanted. But in a strange way, I also understood it. He was by now so sexed up that I knew he just wanted to fuck. That was all that mattered to him. I knew exactly what that felt like, and by now I was only too familiar with the black, blinding desire that we boys were driven by – the desire to stick our little dickies in each other as hard as possible and have a really powerful boycum. So, I let him. He stuck his big boy boner in me without any formality, and I actually enjoyed the thrill of his animalistic attack, sliding his hot, stiff dickie in my hole in one greedy lunge without hesitation. I was shocked that he was not at all discouraged that my hole was still wet and sticky and was already full of Tommy's boycream. I could feel Tommy's boycream spurt out as Kevin forced his dickie in, slapping his little balls against my ass cheeks. It hurt like hell. My little hole was already sore from Tommy's fucking, and the sudden sting of Kevin's invasion brought tears to my eyes, but I bore it. I bore it because I liked Kevin. He was my favorite boy in all the world. I would have done anything for him and to have his boner in my little hole, pushing into me so forcefully and brutally, was something I knew I wanted. I wanted it real bad.

I watched in dumb admiration as Kevin's lithe, brown body flexed in perfect rhythm, thrusting his slim hips into me. His technique was altogether more forceful than Tommy's. He was stronger, perhaps more impetuous, certainly a lot rougher, and he hammered away into my little hole at a speed that I couldn't keep up with. I was trying to pump my little dickie as he was doing it, but he was pummeling me so hard into the sofa that I could barely connect my little fist to the boner between my legs. Like Tommy, he was pushing my knees right up to my shoulders, but he was altogether more practiced, and it showed in the way he was confident enough to hold both my ankles in one hand, pushing my legs right up over my head, freeing up his other hand to grab my little boner and jack it for me even as he fucked me. I was impressed by his coordination, and also grateful that he had the presence of mind to consider my pleasure even as he pursued his own. I prayed that he was going to give me another boycum. He certainly knew what he was doing.

With Kevin's big boy boner in my little hole, and his fist squeezing my dickie like that, my boycum didn't take long to explode upon me. He was jacking my dickie so hard that it soon reached the pinnacle of my excitement and pulsed rapidly in his fist. I felt my whole body tighten up in the now familiar ecstasy that I loved so much, which was all the more accentuated by the sight of Kevin's smooth boy body pumping into me. I closed my eyes and couldn't breathe for a good few seconds, as I floated around, enveloped by the waves of pleasure that crashed through me. When that pleasure subsided, I relaxed and could feel my little body losing tension. As usual I went all floppy and limp. When I opened my eyes again, Kevin smiled. Still laboring away above me, his rhythm never faltered, and I smiled back weakly.

Pretty soon he was thrusting so hard that my neck was hurting. My head was being forced right into the backrest of the sofa and he was pushing my knees so hard into my shoulders it felt like he was going to snap my spine. He must have been desperate for his boycum because he didn't last long – not as long as Tommy at any rate. His pace accelerated and his breathing reached fever pitch, until eventually I knew his boycum was imminent. Suddenly, he pulled out of my hole and spread my legs by pushing my knees apart, and he leaned in over me, jacking his big wet boner furiously, breathing really fast and I knew he was preparing to squirt his boycream over me. How did he know I wanted that? On the paradise stroke, he pushed his big hard boner into my tummy and shouted out "Oh Pauly!" I could actually feel his hot dickie explode against my yielding tummy muscle. A big jet of his boycream squirted out with such force that it disintegrated into tiny droplets, raining all the way up my chest. His boycream was burning hot. He carried on pumping with his fist, and that was followed by two or three more powerful jets of his boycream, and several smaller jets, and Kevin exhaled sharply with each one. He had squirted a lot of boycream, and there was so much of it that I couldn't believe Kevin had so much boycream inside him. I was soaking wet. I looked along my chest and tummy and I saw that I was covered in long glistening streaks of his hot boycream. It was running down my chest and dripping down my sides onto the sofa.

Still jacking his dickie, Kevin slowed down and swallowed hard. His jaw was hanging open. He gazed down at me, thoroughly saturated with his boycream, and looked almost incredulous at the amount he had squirted.

"Christ Pauly," he exclaimed, "You're gonna be sensational when you're older."

I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it was something good.

I could see Tommy leaning in over to one side, also admiring this amazing sight.

"Oh fuck Kevin!" said Tommy in disbelief, "Where do you get it from?"

"I told you I was savin' it," said Kevin, with a self-satisfied smile.

I looked along the length of my torso as I lay there, and admired how wet and shiny I was, with Kevin's boycream splashed all over me. It was still very warm on my skin, and it looked quite thick and pearly. Without thinking, I scooped up a little on my finger and stuck it in my mouth. I wanted to taste it, but didn't know why. It just seemed like something I might enjoy. It was Kevin's boycream, and I absolutely idolized Kevin, so it just seemed natural to want to eat his boycream.

When they saw me do that, both Kevin and Tommy's jaws dropped open in unison, and they turned to look at each other with shocked expressions. I remember it vividly because it was the first time I had done something to shock them. That felt good. And because it felt good, I scooped up some more with my fingers and started licking them, just like I had been eating the proverbial fried chicken.

"Mmm, good boycream," I said, with a sardonic smile.

Kevin and Tommy burst out laughing.

We were all totally spent, and at that point lost interest in the video. Tommy fetched a damp towel from the bathroom and they both took pleasure in wiping me down. I enjoyed they way they laid me out on the sofa and ever so lovingly wiped my little body clean. They wiped up all the boycream from my tummy and cleaned my little hole that was still greasy with the Vaseline and leaking boycream. They even wiped the sweat from my head and neck and between my legs. They dried me thoroughly and seemed to enjoy doing it. I certainly enjoyed all the loving attention they lavished on me.

Afterwards, Kevin and Tommy performed their now familiar ritual of lighting up cigarettes. They sat next to each other, with me laid out on the sofa between them, my head on Kevin's lap and my feet on Tommy's lap. We sat there in silence, enjoying the moment, not really feeling the need to say anything. Even after they had finished their cigarettes, we sat like that for a good long while in silence, thoroughly contented, nestling together on the sofa, still naked, basking in our togetherness and friendship. I had never felt so good as I did when I was with these boys, and I felt privileged and safe and happy.

"I'm hungry," said Tommy, after a while, breaking the silence.

I watched him get up, his hand cupping his crotch, and walked around the sofa towards the kitchen. Kevin sat me up and put an arm around my shoulders, giving me another reassuring kiss. Shortly, Tommy returned with an oversized tub of vanilla ice cream and three large spoons. We all sat down in the middle of the floor in a circle, with the tub of ice cream between us. Leaning in, we greedily dug into it, scooping out big spoonfuls. Pretty soon we were all sucking our spoons and licking our lips as we coated our tongues in the sweet, frozen substance. And as we did so, we talked between mouthfuls.

Kevin looked at me admiringly, his mouth still full of ice cream.

"Did you enjoy yourself today Pauly?"

My attention was focused on the ice cream, but I answered him even as I helped myself greedily.

"Yeh, it was real cool," I replied.

Kevin and Tommy both laughed at that. I looked up and saw them staring at me with amused expressions.

"You're such a lil fuckboy," said Kevin, affectionately

He delved into the ice cream one more time, and then looked up again with an afterthought

"Wish I could have cum three times in a row when I was only six," he added, enviously.

"Six and three quarters," I reminded him.

I hadn't meant to be funny, but Kevin and Tommy burst out laughing. They laughed for a really long time as well. Pretty soon they had me laughing with them, until all three of us were rocking around on the floor roaring with laughter, our mouths still full of ice cream. I don't even know what we were laughing at, but it was a gentle, easy, rolling type of laughter, a friendly expression of relief, and I thought, of the solidarity between us. It felt so good to be laughing with these two boys, all of us huddled around the ice cream tub on the floor, so free to express ourselves, free to walk around the house naked, to drink beer, eat ice cream from the tub, watch sex movies, and to suck and fuck as we liked. I remember looking at Kevin and Tommy as they were laughing, these two big boys that I absolutely idolized, and thinking how great it was to know them, how much I appreciated their friendship and everything they had taught me. I was so happy at that moment, appreciating the fun I was having, and feeling so grateful that I had this wonderful dickie between my legs which could make me feel so good, and how lucky I was that I was cute, and how much pleasure that was going to bring me as I grew older. I thought about how great it was to be a boy, and most of all how great it was to be young, to have the rest of my life stretching out into the future, and knowing instinctively that the best was yet to come. And because of that, I swear it was the best ice cream I had ever tasted.

Part III

We were on our way to the secret place. It was after school and we were walking through the long grass by the river. I still had my school uniform on, gray shorts and starched white shirt with a neatly knotted tie. I didn't have my blazer because it was a hot day, but I was carrying my backpack with my schoolbooks in it. My shoes and ankle socks were getting dusty from the dry soil and the long grass was brushing against my bare thighs.

"Nearly there," said Kevin, holding my hand.

He led the way. He was in his school uniform too. Being a bigger boy, he always wore long pants and I remember how his gray school pants made it look like he had incredibly long legs. But he had loosened his tie and, being the ornery boy he was, always had his top button undone. At school he never pulled his tie right up, the knot was always loose, and I admired that about him. Kevin was always a little subversive, and I remember how much I was attracted to that naughty, wild, rebellious streak in him. I was very fond of Kevin. Even tramping through the long grass, with him holding my little hand, seemed like bliss for me. It was heavenly to be so revered and idolized by him and to be so intimately taken into his confidence. Even though he was nearly 13, nearly six years older than me, he was my best friend. When I was with him he really cared for me. I know he was a little rough with me sometimes, especially when he fucked me, but he said he loved me. When he was squirting his boycream in me he always said he loved me. And he always said thank you. That made me feel really special. I didn't get much love at home. The isolation and lack of affection I grew up with only drove me even deeper into Kevin's arms. Kevin was the only person who ever made me feel loved. And I think I loved him too.

Kevin had been fucking me regularly for the last few months. I still remembered that very first time he fucked me at the secret place, on the riverbank by the bridge. Since then, we fucked at his house regularly, when his mom wasn't around. But mostly we did it at school. Kevin would pull me into the boys' restroom during recess. He would just push me roughly into the door without saying anything and when he did that I knew he just wanted to fuck. If we had time, he might take my pants off completely in one of the cubicles, so that I would still have my shirt and tie on, but my bottom half was naked. He would sit me on his lap, facing him. I liked it better that way because he was able to hold me and I could look into his beautiful face as he was shooting his boycream in me, just like the first time he forced his dickie into my little hole. That way he could kiss me on the lips as he was having his boycum. When he had a particularly big boycum, he would sometimes clamp his teeth down real hard and bite my bottom lip as he was kissing me. If there wasn't much time, he would just yank down my pants and tighty-whiteys and quickly fuck my little ass with me just kneeling over the toilet seat. Sometimes it was like he needed to shoot his boycream so badly he could barely whip his boner out of his pants quickly enough. More than that, he often wanted to do it again and again. He could have two boycums in a row if he was excited enough, although not much boycream came out the second time. There were occasions when he would do it at different times throughout the day, whenever there was an opportunity: at recess, at lunchtime, even after school. Most days he did it at least once. Many times he did it twice a day. On a few occasions he did it three times. And once - just once - he did it four times in one day: at recess, at lunchtime, and twice after school. By the fourth time he had no boycream left. It was a dry boycum, like mine. It was like he needed it. Or rather his dickie needed it. I think Kevin was a bit like me. His dickie was always hard.

As we walked, I stumbled a bit in the long grass and nearly lost my balance, inadvertently tugging on Kevin's hand where he was holding me. He stopped and looked around.

"You okay Pauly?"

I nodded bravely. Actually I was hot and tired. We had walked a long way and my feet were hurting, and the straps of my backpack were starting to cut into my shoulders, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to whine and complain. I would have done anything for Kevin, and I wanted to suffer this for him because he said he had a surprise for me and I didn't want to seem ungrateful.

He seemed to detect my exhaustion and looked me up and down affectionately.

"Tired?" he said solicitously.

I nodded regretfully. He smiled, thinking that quaint. I loved it when Kevin smiled. You could see his pearly white teeth. They contrasted nicely against the tanned skin of his face, which was light brown in color, like caramel. He peered out benevolently from under the little curtains of black hair that were persistently flopping over his eyes, and his dark, mysterious pupils seemed to sparkle brightly. He let go of my hand and stepped forward to hug me. It felt good when Kevin hugged me. It gave me a nice warm feeling when I was in his embrace. I could feel his big boy arms around my shoulders, and the bulge of his muscly biceps tightening around me. He wasn't that big a boy really, but my diminutive frame always seemed so small and frail next to him. His embrace seemed so protective and powerful. I missed him when I wasn't with him. I wished Kevin was my big brother so I could be with him all the time.

"You smell nice baby boy," he said, "So clean, like little boys should smell."

I remember how his words gave me such a feeling of affection. I loved it when he called me baby boy. It made me feel very special. Only Kevin could make me feel like that. I wasn't used to words of endearment, so they were all the more tangible when they came. In my lonely little life, that was probably one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me.

As we stood there in that prolonged embrace, Kevin rubbed his crotch up against me. His dickie was hard and I could feel it digging into my tummy through his tight gray school pants. He stabbed it into me quite hard a couple of times and he breathed heavily. He held me even tighter.

"Christ Pauly, I wanna fuck you real bad," he whispered into my hair.

"You can if you want to," I said meekly, quiescent as always.

Kevin laughed and stepped back, holding me by my elbows.

"You're such a lil fuckboy," he laughed, "I wanna do it to you real bad, you know that? I wanna fuck your lil cunt all day and all night."

I blushed, smiling and feeling flattered.

"But I think we better save it for later," he went on, grabbing at his crotch quite hard, willing his boner to go down, "C'mon, the others'll be waiting."

And with that he took my hand again and I fell in with him as he led me towards the secret place.

We continued scything our way through the long grass until we got close to the edge of the river. Then Kevin led me along the riverbank. Up ahead I could see the stone bridge where the others would be waiting. As we neared the bridge, I could just make out the golden blond head of Tommy. His thick mop of straight blond hair was very distinctive. He wasn't in school uniform. Tommy liked to skip school and this afternoon had evidently come straight to the secret place. He was sitting under the shade of the bridge, as usual, leaning against the grimy brickwork with his knees up and his shirt off. He was wearing his baggy combat pants, and was barefoot, nonchalantly smoking a cigarette. His arm was draped over one knee and he had the cigarette pinched between his thumb and forefinger.

I saw that Tommy was not alone. There were three others with him, all sitting around expectantly under the bridge. One of them was Piggy. Piggy was easily identifiable, and so called because he bore a close resemblance to the character in Lord of the Flies. Of course I hadn't read the book, but Kevin had told me all about it. Piggy was the perfect match to the character he was nicknamed after. He was a little chubby, not fat exactly, at least not in an obese, unattractive way, but he was plump, with a round face and little round, wire-rimmed spectacles. He also had asthma. The similarities with the fictional character couldn't have been greater. His real name was Clayton, but nobody called him that. I think even he preferred to be called Piggy. I had never heard him called anything else. Piggy was always in full school uniform, including blazer, despite the hot weather, with his tie pulled up tight around his neck. I could see that he was sitting up in the grass with his stumpy legs stretched out in front of him. Beside him, nestling in the grass, was a rather expensive looking SLR camera.

The other two boys I recognized but didn't know that well. One of them was Jonathan. I knew Jonathan only because he was quite distinctive. He was a lanky, scruffy-looking black boy who always looked quite thin and underfed. He had this distinctive way of shuffling around, like he could never pick his feet up. He was always shambling about and had a liking for ineffectual practical jokes. I always thought there was something not quite right about Jonathan because I knew that he sometimes went for individual sessions with the special teacher who had a separate classroom on the other side of the school yard. I often wondered what went on in that classroom. Jonathan was very childlike in the sense that he behaved like someone much younger than he was. Actually, he was the same age as Kevin, but he seemed younger than me in his behavior. Because we knew him, he was more tolerated than despised. We didn't treat him as though he was stupid. He was a bit of a nuisance sometimes, always humming or making some kind of background noise, but that was about the worst that could be said about him. He was usually quite timid and reserved. He also showed an extreme fear of sports or games of any kind, and during swimming he was even afraid of contact with the water. This afternoon, Jonathan was sitting cross-legged in the grass with the others, with a furtive and wide-eyed expression and looking slightly out of touch with what was going on. As usual, his shirttail was hanging out of the back of his pants. I wondered what he was doing here. He didn't seem the type to be interested in anything we were doing.

The other boy was Tony Slater. I knew Slater only because he was something of a bully in school. He was known for pushing the other kids around, and was generally cocky and loudmouthed. Slater's appeal lay entirely in the fact that he was devilishly handsome. He had a neat arrangement of features on his face, with a narrow nose and gorgeous green eyes and bushy brown hair that was always brushed back off his face and spiked with gel. He was bigger than all of us, but then, at 14, he was also slightly older. He often used the advantage of his height and bulk to get his own way. I had seen him in the school yard, taking things off boys much smaller than himself, and he often made them cry. I wondered why Slater was here. He wasn't really liked by anybody and, although he never really bothered any of us, I couldn't say he was friends with any of us either.

"Bout time," said Slater, with a sneer, "I thought you girls had chickened out."

"Shurrup Slater," said Kevin, impatiently, "We're here aren't we?"

Tommy got up and came out of the shade from under the bridge. He greeted Kevin and they bumped fists in that knowing and over-familiar way of theirs.

"Hey," said Kevin, by way of greeting.

"Hey," Tommy replied.

Then Tommy turned to me and gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Hey Pauly'.

He flashed me an affectionate smile, his bright blue eyes shining out from under that mop of straight blond hair, and when he wrinkled his nose it accentuated the cute little smattering of freckles across his face.

Tommy seemed genuinely pleased to see me. I liked Tommy. I was very fond of him. He was the only other boy who had ever really been nice to me and I idolized him almost as much as Kevin. I saw the way he had stripped off his green sweatshirt and tied it around his waist by the arms, so that he had a little bumflap hanging down over his ass. He loved showing off his body. Usually his skin was quite white and creamy, but today he had caught the sun and I saw how his body was browning nicely in the summer heat. He had a very tight, trim figure, with good definition and prominent musculature. There was a perfect groove right down the center of his chest, and the beginnings of a little six pack on his flat tummy. He looked very sexy.

"Okay, let's get started," said Kevin, immediately taking control.

He stood behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders, almost as though he was proud of me, showing me off to the new boys in our group. Tommy hung back, hovering just under the bridge while he finished his cigarette. Piggy, Jonathan and Slater all assembled in anticipation and focused on Kevin and me, shading their eyes and squinting up at us. They sat down in the shorter grass, just out from under the bridge, directly in the glare of the hot sun.

"This is Pauly," said Kevin, introducing me to the newcomers, "And we're gonna fuck him."

"What that little thing?" said Slater, disparagingly, "He doesn't look like he can take it."

"He takes it!" Kevin protested, "He takes it good!"

"Yeah, I guess you'd know all about that," Slater scoffed.

"You wanna fuck him or don'tcha?"

"Yeah, course I do!" Slater shot back.

"Then be nice to him," Kevin warned, "Pauly is my friend and I don't want you to hurt 'im."

I was flattered that this boy who I idolized not only considered me his friend, but valued me enough to want to proclaim it aloud to everybody. That made my heart swell with pride.

"Okay, okay, I get the picture," said Slater, dismissively, "Just strip the little fucker so I can bust a nut in him."

Kevin shot him a killing look.

"You're such an asshole Slater."

"You want some of my gear or what?" said Slater.

"Sure we do," Kevin replied, "That was the deal wasn't it?"

"Okay," said Slater, "Strip the little fucker and I'll skin up."

"His name's Pauly," Kevin reminded him.

"Whatever," said Slater dismissively.

I didn't know what they were talking about, but I didn't mind. If they all wanted to fuck me, that was fine by me. If Kevin said it was okay, and he wanted me to, I would have done it just to please him. But the truth is I liked having my little ass filled. If they all had hard little dickies they wanted to stick in me, and have their boycums in me, I was only too happy to oblige. In fact, the thought of it made my dickie so stiff in my pants that it was starting to ache.

Kevin took my little backpack off me, easing the straps off my shoulders, and he turned me towards him so that we were standing sideways on to our little audience.

"You ready Pauly?"

I nodded.

Kevin stepped towards me and knelt down, untying my shoelaces and slipping off my heavy shoes. I lifted each foot in turn. He tossed my shoes into the grass as though they were a superfluous inconvenience. Then he straightened up and loosened my school tie from around my neck, pulling the end out of the knot, untying it and stripping it off me. He then tossed that into the grass as well. I remember the way the tie lay coiled limply in the grass, and the way the silky red and black diagonal stripes of its colors were so iridescent in the afternoon sun. That was soon to be followed by my bright white school shirt, which Kevin pulled out of the waist of my gray school shorts and unbuttoned slowly. As he did so, he turned me towards the watching boys, and he even had the foresight to stand slightly to one side as he opened my shirt to reveal my body to them for the first time. Kevin opened my shirt, throwing it back over my shoulders, exposing my body. Jonathan and Piggy both gasped. Slater simply stared with a smug look.

I could hear Piggy fumbling about with the camera. I remember clearly it was a Nikon, with a silver and black finish and one of those really wide shoulder straps. I found out later it was his brother's camera, and he had taken it without permission. He stood up and started taking pictures, the shutter opening and closing with soft little clicking sounds. Piggy was winding it on quickly and snapping away continuously. He seemed to be more engrossed in taking pictures than enjoying the proceedings. Of course I didn't know he was going to have a camera with him, but I was so flattered by the fact that he wanted to photograph me that I almost relished being stripped naked for him.

Kevin let my shirt fall off me by pulling it down my arms, and it fell to the ground behind me. Then he unbuttoned my gray school shorts, lowered the zipper and pulled them down along with my tighty-whiteys. My stiff dickie popped up, bouncing a little as it was freed from my underwear. Piggy shot more and more furiously with the camera. I was already excited from the moment Kevin untied my shoelaces, and although I was shy, I knew that everyone enjoyed looking at me. I was the center of attention. Ordinarily I didn't like attracting attention to myself, but the attentions of these boys, who were staring at me with studious fascination, excited me more than anything. I knew that they all had stiff little dickies in their pants from looking at me. For some reason that made my dickie super stiff.

Last of all, Kevin pulled off each of my socks and added them to the little puddle of clothes on the grass. I was standing there now completely naked, and I could feel the cool grass beneath my toes. The sun was warming my back. Kevin's gentle touch undressing me, and the lens of Piggy's camera glinting in the sunlight, the soft clicks of its shutter smoothly capturing my image, gave me a heady, dizzying feeling, and I knew then that I got a buzz out of all this attention. This was the first time I discovered that for shy, retiring boys like me, the adrenalin rush brought on by being in front of an audience, convinced me of something I had always half suspected: that all shy boys secretly crave the limelight.

Kevin got behind me and reached around, leaning over me, and took my stiff little dickie between his thumb and finger. It was too small for his fist. He pinched it quite hard and I squealed, not from pain but from the sheer pleasure of having someone else's hand on it. It was aching to be touched. He jacked it a few times in his fingers and I melted backwards into him. He breathed heavily into my ear as he hunched over me. Piggy was down on his knees snapping away at my crotch, getting close-ups of my little boner as Kevin's fingers worked the thin elastic skin back and forth.

Behind Piggy, I could see Slater distracted by some other activity. He was sitting up in the grass with a box of cigarettes and other paraphernalia on the ground between his legs. I watched the way he took out some little bits of paper and stuck them together. I recognized them of course. They were the little bits of paper that some of the older boys used to make their own cigarettes. Slater stuck a few of them together to make a larger one. Then he took one slim cigarette from the packet, licked it along its length, rather like he might have licked a gummed envelope, and peeled a thin strip away from the cigarette, splitting it open. He emptied the stringy tobacco onto the cigarette papers. I didn't see what he did next because Kevin came around in front of me and kissed me. He leaned in and pushed really hard into my lips, smearing my mouth and chin with his wetness. I loved it when Kevin kissed me like that. It was almost as though he could swallow my whole jaw in his big boy mouth. He pulled away, leaving his wetness all over my face and he whispered into my ear.

"Christ Pauly, you're so fuckin' cute. I'm gonna blow such a big load in you later."

The others didn't hear. Kevin's words were like poetry to my ears. It was true I loved it when he fucked me, but the promise that he was going to fuck me extra hard excited me beyond belief. The thought that he wanted me so badly, that I could have that effect on him, made me feel very special and filled me with nervous anticipation.

Kevin looked up and addressed the little group.

"Okay, who wants to go first?"

Slater was still preoccupied, fashioning his homemade cigarette, and didn't even bother to look up. Piggy and Jonathan looked at each other.

"I don't wanna do it," said Piggy, chickening out, "Is it okay if I just take pictures?"

He had a frightened, embarrassed look in his eyes. The fact that he was still fully dressed, with his blazer and tie, even in this hot weather, told me that he wouldn't have been comfortable even getting undressed, yet alone fucking me. I could tell that his agenda was to get the pictures and then furtively scurry off home with his spoils. No doubt he would have plenty of boycums looking at them later.

That just left Jonathan. He seemed a bit confused, looking around at Kevin and me, not sure what to do. But as he sat in the grass, I could see he was busy manipulating the big lump in his pants. His dickie certainly knew what to do, even if he didn't.

Jonathan stood up and started taking his clothes off. Kevin laid me down in the cool grass. It tickled my back and my ass crack. I rested my head, and placed my hands on my tummy obediently. Kevin reached over for my backpack, which was next to my pile of discarded clothes, and unzipped the pocket. There, secreted amongst my schoolbooks and pencils, was the little jar of Vaseline that Kevin had given me for safekeeping.

Jonathan took off his somewhat grubby looking shirt. It was rumpled and the collar was frayed. So were his pants. He didn't even have a proper belt, just a piece of chord that was knotted at the front. His underwear was a rather manky looking grayish-white, and was worn and holey. Something told me that Jonathan was a rather neglected boy from quite a poor family. That was accentuated by the fact that he was so thin. He was not skeletal, but was definitely underweight and always looked malnourished. No wonder his eyes always looked so big against his thin face. The whites of his eyes really stood out against his black skin. It was a shame because he wasn't a bad looking boy. He had almond shaped eyes and hair that was shorn fairly short, so it accentuated his high forehead. His body was actually quite well proportioned, very lean and wiry. But his ribs showed, and when he dropped his pants you could just see the points of his boney hips on either side of his concave tummy.

As Jonathan was getting undressed, Kevin popped open the jar of Vaseline and reached in between my legs to grease up my little hole. I raised my knees and spread my legs for him. I liked this little ceremony that Kevin performed before he fucked me. We didn't always have time for it, but when we did, I loved it. It had stuck with me since the very first time he fucked me, right here under this very bridge all those months ago. The application of the Vaseline became almost like foreplay for me. So much so that even when I had my own boycums by myself, I needed to play with my little hole, just like Kevin did when he was getting me ready. Kevin's fingers probing my hole and greasing me up ready to be fucked was almost as much a part of it as the actual fucking. What I liked best was that he always looked me in the eye when he did it. I laid there, submissive and obedient, and he smiled down at me lovingly, admiring me even as his fingers were digging deep into my little hole. He was caressing me with his eyes and his fingers at the same time. It was the best feeling in the world.

I was almost disappointed when Kevin stopped. He went to take his hand away, but I reached down to stop him. I wanted him to keep on doing it because it was making my dickie swell up real hard and it felt like he was going to give me a boycum just by rubbing my little hole. Kevin gave me a knowing smirk.

"You like that baby boy?" he said, looking down at my little hand keeping his fingers against my hole.

And with that, Kevin leaned over me and kissed me right on my bare tummy. His nose in my soft flesh made me giggle. He looked deep into my eyes and fixed me with a serious, intense stare, at the same time digging two greased fingers quite hard into my little hole. They went all the way in. Then he waggled them about and dug them into the sides of my hole. It felt good, like he pressed something inside me. I flinched, emitting a quiet little squeal, and opened my mouth in a silent gasp of ecstasy.

"Christ Pauly, you're such a horny lil fuckboy. You like having your lil button stroked?"

"What's that?" I asked, fascinated.

"I'll show you later," he said, "I'm gonna fuck your lil button so hard your lil stiffie is gonna burst."

And with that he dug his fingers back into my hole real hard, gritting his teeth with the effort. When he saw me wince, he smiled. His expression told me that he enjoyed doing that to me. I loved it when Kevin did things like that. It hurt, but in an exciting way. His fingers embedded deep in my hole gave me such a thrill. I liked him hurting me. I almost wanted him to hurt me. I didn't know what he was going to do exactly, and I didn't really know what my little button was, but Kevin was such a sexy, dirty boy, he knew all sorts of things about sex, and the thought that he was going to fuck my button so hard that it would make my dickie burst sounded both painful and erotic and excited me beyond imagination.

Eventually he pulled his greasy fingers out of my hole and turned to the others.

"Okay, ready," he announced.

Kevin got up and went to sit with the others. He joined Tommy and Slater and they all looked as though they were getting ready to watch a movie. Piggy sat off to the side somewhere, away from them, his camera poised and ready. I didn't mind them watching. I even liked the idea of having an audience. The first time Kevin fucked me it was in front of Tommy, and of course they had both been there the first time they ever got me naked. The three of us had always fucked about together since we started our little sex games. Whenever we were at Kevin's place it was always the three of us.

Jonathan walked over to me, his slim black body totally naked and his little dickie protruding outwards from his crotch, already stiff with anticipation. His dickie waggled from side to side as he came towards me. It was very long and thin, and a little pointed at the tip, almost like a pencil. I was relieved. It wasn't as thick as Kevin's, so I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. I noticed as he knelt down between my knees that it was very wet. It was already leaking, and the skin had slid back so that the shiny, wet head was poking out, and it was very light pink in color. That surprised me because Jonathan's skin was a deliciously dark chocolate brown color, and yet his cockhead was lighter in color even than Kevin's. Kevin's cockhead was a reddish purple color, even though his skin was much lighter than Jonathan's. I remember thinking how strange that was.

I instinctively raised my knees and folded my legs up against my chest with my little feet pointing up in the air somewhere above my head. Jonathan got down on his knees and scooted forward, then Kevin let him grease up his dickie with a little more Vaseline. Jonathan had this wide-eyed, almost disbelieving look in his eyes as he closed in to fuck me. Either he was very scared or he couldn't quite believe that he was actually going to do it. He took hold of my ankles, I guess so he could steady himself against my ass, and placed his stiff dickie at the entrance to my hole. He pushed, and it slipped inside easily. In fact, even I was surprised at how quickly it went in. I gave a little gasp, always thankful to have my little hole filled with a boy's dickie, even a thin one like Jonathan's. He let out an involuntary squeal of excitement. When he felt his dickie disappear into me so easily, and he heard me gasp in pleasure and surprise, he looked shocked. He stared at me. Intense pleasure mingled with panic in his expression, and he closed his eyes momentarily savoring the ecstasy of having his dickie engulfed in my warmth. It must have been like nothing he had ever felt before. He gave a few tentative virgin stabs, which hurt a little as my hole adjusted to his invasion, and he threw his head back, emitting a little squeal each time he pushed it into me. I wasn't sure if he was aware of the noises he was making. As he worked in and out of me slowly, I got a whiff of Jonathan's odor. He had a kind of earthy smell about him. I quite liked it. It was a very alluring, boyish scent.

Jonathan only lasted a few strokes. He stabbed into me a few times very inexpertly, his little squealing sounds getting louder and faster, and within a very short time he seemed to take on this almost pained expression. A look of surprise and delight washed over him as he gave one last, desperate squeal and almost doubled up, hunching over me urgently in a fit of ecstasy that made his little dickie waggle wildly inside my hole. It looked like he was taken by surprise at how quickly he had his boycum, and I could already feel his warm boycream filling up my hole. There wasn't much of it, just a little trickle really, but at least he had experienced what it was like to fuck a boy. I felt almost privileged that I was able to afford him the pleasure of being his first.

As soon as it was over, Jonathan looked disappointed. I could tell it was all over too quickly for him. When he stopped huffing and puffing, he pulled out. He watched his softening dickie as it flopped out of my hole and he looked down at me.

"Sorry," he said, in his very childlike voice, looking almost sheepish.

"What for?" I asked.

"I wanted it to last longer."

"It's okay," I said.

"Was I any good?" he asked, sounding terribly guilty.

"You were great," I said, "Thanks."

He was lousy, but I felt sorry for him.

Jonathan got up and started getting dressed, rubbing the head of his now floppy little dickie, wiping the excess moisture off the end with his fingertips. When he was fully dressed, he fastened his pants once again with the piece of chord but didn't bother tucking in his shirt.

"I'm going," he said, a little downbeat.

I could see that for him the fun was over. Maybe he was regretful and even felt a bit guilty about what we had just done. Everyone waved him off, but didn't bother getting up.

While they had been watching Jonathan fuck me, Kevin and Tommy were busily sharing Slater's cigarette and they were passing it around between the three of them. They seemed to inhale on it much more deeply than usual, and savored the smoke for longer. It also smelled funny. Piggy didn't seem to want any. He was strangely disapproving of their smoking, which struck me as odd because, by associating with us, and so readily photographing the proceedings, he was in no position to be lofty and judgmental. I wondered if it was because of his asthma.

I felt a bit abandoned that Jonathan had fucked me and just left me lying there on the grass. The boycream he had just pumped into me was seeping out of my sloppy little hole and I felt a little unfulfilled. I wanted to be fucked some more. A lot more. I wondered why the others weren't as eager to fuck me as they usually were. Now that Jonathan was gone, it struck me that I was the only one who was completely naked. Tommy still had his shirt off, but I wondered when Kevin was going to get naked. He was the one I really liked looking at.

Kevin saw that I was looking a bit dejected and that I was watching them as they passed the cigarette around. Kevin took a few long drags on the cigarette and then looked over at me. He said it was a joint and asked me if I wanted some. I wasn't sure.

"It'll relax you and make you feel real cool," he coaxed, holding out the smoldering joint towards me.

If Kevin said it was cool, I believed him. If he thought I should do it, I always did. I would have done anything for Kevin. So I scooted over, dragging my freshly fucked bare butt across the tickly grass, and joined them. We all sat around in a circle and I took a quick toke of the joint. Kevin seemed to have a look of admiration in his eyes as I did so. Even Tommy had a smirk on his face. As soon as the smoke reached my lungs, I felt momentarily dizzy. I could feel the joint spreading through me, giving me gooseflesh all over, penetrating deeply throughout my whole body.

"Good?" asked Kevin.

I nodded.

I took one more drag and gave it back to Kevin, then laid back down in the grass, staring up at the sky. We all carried on lying in the sun, basking in its warming rays and feeling very mellow. Suddenly my arms and legs felt very heavy. I felt very sluggish and lazy and overcome by an incredible feeling of wellbeing. As I laid there, everything started swirling around me and, although I knew I was resting on firm ground, I felt like I was losing my balance. It was powerful stuff.

As we laid there, Tommy started giggling. He was looking up at the sky and spluttering with laughter, apparently at nothing at all. He started humming to himself. I recognized the tune. It was a song that Tommy sang all the time. A song I knew he loved. He hummed and then broke out into subdued singing, giggling at the same time. "Two little boys had two little toys 3;" and he could barely get the words out because he was laughing so much. His hand was strategically groping his crotch as he laid there, wriggling about in the grass. I knew he must have had a boner in there. "Gaily they played, each summers day 3;" he hummed. Kevin laughed.

"I know what toys you wanna play with," Kevin joked.

Tommy got up and started being silly. He sang even louder, wailing up into the air: "Two little boys had two little toys 3;" He seemed quite lively and high-spirited suddenly, and was dancing around down by the edge of the river, singing his silly song. He launched into a tremendously fast shimmy, and was clapping and throwing his head around with his eyes closed, half humming and half singing " 3;there's room on my horse for two 3;" I had never seen him like that. Piggy followed him around with the camera. All he was interested in was taking pictures. Tommy saw the camera lens there and unfastened his combat pants, revealing his patterned white boxers, playing up to the camera. He looked a bit unsteady on his feet, but he was still laughing manically. He reached in and took out his stiff little dickie so that it was sticking out of the slit in the front of his boxers and he swayed his hips for Piggy's camera.

"Suck me Pauly!" he called out, taunting me in a half humorous way, "C'mon Pauly! Come and play with my little toy!"

His stiff little piece of pink flesh waggled about, nestling in the opening of his baggy boxers. Piggy was snapping away continually, capitalizing on Tommy's sudden exuberance.

I looked at Kevin. He seemed very relaxed and was reclining in the grass up on one elbow, with an incongruous, vaguely amused look on his face. But he didn't seem too perturbed by Tommy's odd behavior. In the absence of any direction from Kevin, I assumed I was free to do as I wished.

I crawled over to Tommy and knelt by his feet, kissing the tip of his stiff little dickie. He grasped my head, pulling my hair, and pushed my face into his crotch, squishing my lips against the underside of his dickie. He ground his pelvis right into my face and I could feel the warmth of his hardness against my lips. I kissed it and licked the tip. Tommy moaned, still digging his fingers into my hair. But he had stopped singing.

"Oh fuck Pauly!" he moaned.

I loved it when Tommy swore. I loved it when he said my name. He was really into it, and I knew then that I just adored this boy and I wanted to suck his pretty dickie as hard as I could and swallow all his boycream. Tommy's boycream was the first I ever tasted. I still got to swallow it from time to time when we fucked about at Kevin's house. It was delicious and I never got tired of it.

Tommy grasped my head by my ears, and started fucking into my mouth. I sealed my lips around his little shaft and sucked as best I could. I formed an O with my lips for him to fuck into, letting him do all the work.

"Jesus Pauly," he was moaning.

I could tell Tommy was very horny. He stabbed away into my lips, hunching over me and thrusting his pelvis at me violently. It was incredibly arousing to see his lithe boy body so sexed up. I sucked him even harder. My dickie was very stiff in my crotch as I was doing it, and I could feel it pulsing away on its own. I had one hand inside the opening of Tommy's boxers, with my palm under his smooth balls, squeezing them. With the other, I was scrunching my own little dickie. Somewhere off to the side Piggy was still snapping away.

Tommy pulled away, breathing heavily, almost as if he had been running and impetuously took down his pants and boxers so they were around his knees. Naked from the knees up, he thrust his pelvis out, his dickie unencumbered and stiffly standing to attention, and his tight, hairless balls exposed. He stood there with his arms out, inviting me to gorge on his boner once again. I was only too pleased to oblige. He carried on holding my head and stabbing into my mouth, almost as though he was fucking my head. It hurt a bit because he caught my bottom lip a couple of times, but I didn't mind. I was a bit numb from the joint anyway and I was too excited at the prospect that I was going to make Tommy have a boycum. I desperately wanted to feel his little dickie squirt in my mouth. I wanted to feel it pulse with his boycum and shoot his delicious cream right into the back of my throat. I wanted to suck all the warm boycream out of him. I wanted to suckle on his dickie until his hairless balls were empty.

Suddenly Tommy gasped quite loudly. He let out a little scream and froze, with his dickie jammed right into my throat, and his whole body seemed to go into spasm.

"Oh fuck Pauly!"

In the height of ecstasy, it was my name he was screaming, and as the sound of it echoed in my ears, his dickie finally let go, pumping wildly a couple of times in my mouth and squirting a good volume of boycream onto the back of my tongue. As he did so, Tommy cried out breathlessly.

"Take my spunk Pauly!"

He thrust a few more times as his boycum receded, and he was suddenly gasping for breath. Then he stepped back, removing his still hard dickie from my eager lips, and a few drops of his watery boycream escaped onto the grass. It tasted thick and starchy on my tongue.

"Let me see it! Let me see it!" Piggy clamored.

I knew instinctively what he meant, almost as if I'd done it before. I hadn't of course, but somehow I just knew what to do. As Tommy pulled his dickie out of my mouth, I stuck my tongue out. Piggy pointed the camera at me for a few close-up shots of Tommy's boycream on my tongue before I swallowed it. It was warm and gooey on my tongue and I could taste its distinctive pungent sweetness as I reeled my tongue back in and gulped it down with great relish.

"Oh fuck Pauly!" Tommy exclaimed one more time, and stared at me in disbelief, still catching his breath.

He looked incredulous, but I wasn't sure if it was because he couldn't believe how good I was, or whether it was just because it was such a powerful boycum. He certainly looked worn out by it. He threw his head back, looking up at the sky with his hands on his hips, and took a few deep breaths.

"Oh man, you gotta cum after a few drags of that joint," he said, looking at Kevin.

Then he turned to Slater.

"That's good shit man," he said.

Slater grinned smugly.

"Yeh, it is," he said, conceitedly, "so this little fucker better be worth it."

I assumed he was referring to me.

"Oh, he is," said Tommy, pulling up his boxers and combat pants, "He'll take you to boy heaven."

I remember feeling so flattered by that comment. Not only was it coming from Tommy, who I idolized so much that I would have suffered anything for him, but he was also massaging my ego by extolling my virtues to Slater.

Slater seemed to be deep in thought.

"Don't know whether to stick it in his ass or his mouth," said Slater.

I was still on my knees, sitting back on my haunches, propped up on my ankles, and still totally naked. I was a bit spaced out by the joint, still dizzy and a bit numb from sucking off Tommy.

"C'mere," said Slater, beckoning me over.

I got up and went over to him obediently, standing before him with my dickie still hard. My eyelids were heavy and I was swaying slightly, my head still buzzing from the joint. Slater was sitting in the grass with Kevin. Slater looked me up and down lasciviously and then got up on his knees, so that he was almost at eye level with me. Then he reached out to feel my ass. For such a big, clumsy lunk like Slater, his touch was oddly gentle and arousing. He cupped my ass cheek and squeezed.

"I sure would like to bust a nut in your little ass, kid."

I didn't say anything. I was excited but apprehensive. I had never been fucked by a boy as big as Slater.

Kevin proffered the jar of Vaseline.

"Here, you'll need this," said Kevin.

"I'm not using that!" Slater protested.

"You gotta," Kevin insisted, "You'll hurt 'im otherwise."

"He tight?" asked Slater, with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, he's tight," said Kevin, "Whadya think? He's only seven."

That information seemed to excite Slater. The glint in his eyes glowed ever brighter.

"Okay," he said at last, "I'm gonna fuck your little buddy. But I want some privacy."

"You what?" said Kevin

"I'm gonna take him over there and fuck him," said Slater, pointing to some bushes that were some distance along the river bank, where the undergrowth afforded some cover.

"You okay with that Pauly?" Kevin asked me.

I wasn't sure. I didn't understand why Slater wanted to get me alone away from the others. I figured maybe he was just shy about getting naked. I didn't really know. But I knew that Kevin had some kind of agreement with Slater and I didn't want to let him down, so I nodded.

"That's good, baby boy."

Kevin was pleased, so I knew it was what he wanted.

Slater got up, holding onto the smoldering joint in his fingers.

"Here," said Kevin, holding out the little jar of Vaseline.

Slater took it, but grudgingly. I knew he had no intention of using it.

Slater pushed me on ahead of him towards the cluster of bushes that were way along the riverbank away from the bridge. They were far enough away to be clear of the others, and they were thick enough to hide us from any passers-by. I thought maybe Slater was concerned about being seen, though in all the time we had spent down by the river, no one else ever came past. Even the bridge itself was rarely used.

When we reached the bushes, we were able to step through an opening and there was just enough room behind there for us to lie down and be completely hidden from view. I liked the shadiness of the little clearing in the middle of that cluster of bushes. The grass was cool and damp there, because it was almost completely shaded from the sun.

Slater stepped into the little clearing after me, allowing the frond of broad leaves to spring back into place, like a door closing behind us. He stood facing me, clutching the joint and the jar of Vaseline. I stood there, still naked, and my dickie still hard and sticking out from my crotch, pulsing away in time with my heartbeat. I was half scared, half excited.

Slater took another few drags of the joint in quick succession, looking at me contemplatively as he did so. He didn't say anything and I didn't know what he was thinking. I just stood and watched him exhaling smoke. Then he offered me the joint, strategically turning the unlit end towards me.

"Here," he said, "finish it."

I looked at it hesitantly. I wasn't sure if I wanted it.

"Go on," he said, coercively.

So I took it. There were perhaps two or three drags left in it, so I smoked the rest of it. No sooner had I taken the last drag, Slater stepped towards me and took the spent joint from me almost as soon as it was out of my lips. He snatched it and threw it contemptuously on the grass. Then he grasped me roughly by my shoulders, spinning me around so that I was facing away from him. Without saying anything, I could hear him bend down and breathe heavily into my ear.

"Now you listen to me you little cocksucker," he said, threateningly, "I'm gonna hammer that little ass of yours and see for myself why they rave about you, and I won't be needin' this."

Slater tossed the jar of Vaseline down onto the springy grass near my bare feet. Then I saw his hand reach around from behind me and put something hard against my balls. I looked down. There was a little knife sticking out of his fist.

"Don't scream," he said quietly, into my ear, knowing the others couldn't hear, "You make any noise at all and I'll slice your little wiener clean off. Got it?"

I nodded slowly, staring down at his knife. It was only a little penknife, not more than a couple of inches in length, but the point was just scratching my balls at the base of my dickie. The way he held it, and the way the shiny blade glinted in the afternoon sun, scared me.

"That's it. Do what you're told and you won't get hurt. Well, except by my cock," he laughed.

He threw me down onto the grass. I fell down, knocked off balance, and hit my face hard on the ground. My nose stung from the impact, making my eyes water. I remember how I shuddered at the feel of the cold damp grass on my chest and tummy. Then he pressed his foot down onto my butt. His sneakers had rubber soles and it hurt when he pressed my pelvis down hard, grinding my crotch into the ground. I could hear him hurriedly shedding his clothes, slipping off his shirt, and I clearly remember the jingling of his belt buckle as he was removing his jeans. He was breathing heavily. I didn't know if that was from excitement or just because he was a heavy smoker. When he was undressed I could hear him fumbling about above me. I didn't dare look up.

Next, I could feel his warm, hard body as he settled himself above me. He laid on me, his full weight bearing down on me, pressing me hard into the ground. I could feel his trembling breath on my cheek which smelled strongly of cigarettes. He parted my legs with his knees and spread my legs out to give him access to my hole. I could feel the hot, solid mass of his heavy dickie stabbing into my ass crack. He was trying to find my hole, and not doing a very good job of it. I puffed with the effort of bearing his weight and I let out a little moan of protest because he was hurting me.

"Shurrup!" he said angrily, and I saw the blade of his little knife which he held up to my face at ground level, "Just do as I say."

"But you're hurting me!" I protested.

"Good!" he said cruelly.

And with that he simultaneously found my hole and stabbed his hard dickie into the opening. It hurt. It didn't go in. His dickie was too big. Even though my hole was still well greased from Jonathan fucking me, and I still had some of his boycream smeared inside it, Slater couldn't get his dickie all the way in.

As I lay face down on the grass with Slater on top of me, I was thankful that the last few drags on the joint made me very numb. I was dizzy and my head was thumping with every heartbeat. I was a little hazy and detached from what was going on. He stabbed a few times with his dickie and it hurt. I winced beneath him, but it didn't deter him. He kept trying until he had the head a little way in. I could feel my hole being stretched. It felt like it was opening wider than ever before, and it was hurting even more urgently. I gasped for breath and was emitting quiet little moans, muttering 'ow, ow' under my breath. I braced myself as his dickie invaded me even further. It was inconceivable that it was actually going in, but I found that the more hazy I became, the more I could feel my hole relaxing, and although it was hurting, his big dickie was going in even further.

"That's it," he breathed into my ear, "You like that don't you? You like taking cocks up your butt? Dirty little fag."

I closed my eyes and concentrated on making my hole relax because that was the only way it didn't hurt so much.

"See how you like this, you little fag," he went on.

He raised his pelvis off me as far as he could without letting the head of his dickie slip out of my hole completely. He held his dickie right there, poised at the entrance, and he waited. He took a deep breath, then he unexpectedly put his big hand over my face, covering my nose and mouth, gripping me so hard that I couldn't breathe. Before I had time to protest, he brought his pelvis down with all his might and stabbed his dickie real hard all the way up into my hole in one swift thrust. I screamed into his hand, but no sound came out. My hole was hurting savagely and it felt like he had ripped it open, like he had torn my legs apart. I struggled to get out from under him, but he was too heavy and too strong. I knew his big dickie was firmly engulfed inside me and it was embedded deep and thick in my little hole.

He started thrusting in and out. After the initial penetration, the stinging didn't get any worse. I didn't struggle anymore. It was easier to lie still and let him use my little hole. The sooner it was over, the sooner I could get back to Kevin and Tommy, who I knew were not very far way, just on the other side of the bushes.

"Oh yeah!" Slater moaned, as he worked his thick dickie in and out, "Take that you little fag. You like that?"

I didn't realize he was expecting a reply.

"You like it? Huh?"

He took his hand away from my mouth. I cowered beneath him, totally at his mercy. I had tears in my eyes from the pain. I sobbed silently into the grass.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I like it," I sobbed, because I knew that was what he wanted me to say.

"That's right," he went on, as he continued using my hole, "Say "I'm a dirty little fag"."

I hesitated.

"Say it!"

"I'm a dirty little fag," I said, through my tears.

"That's right. And dirty little fags need to be taught a lesson."

I closed my eyes. The tears were still seeping through, and the pain was unbearable. I was also frightened and humiliated and I knew I just wanted it to be over. I braced myself to his impetuous thrusting and waited. I bore the pain and his weight and just wanted him to finish. It really didn't feel like he was fucking me because he liked me. It was more like he wanted to use my body to have a boycum. There was no excitement with Slater. He was rough and inconsiderate and all he was interested in was using my hole for his own pleasure. I think it was the first and only time that my dickie wasn't stiff as I was being fucked. Usually my dickie was always inordinately stiff if another boy had his dickie in me. But it was not like that with Slater.

For a while there was silence, other than the muted puffs of his exertions, and he concentrated on making himself cum. Eventually I heard him build up to his boycum. He thrust into me faster and faster and started breathing more heavily. His pelvis was pounding into my butt. He gasped loudly. Then he released his boycream into me with a few gentle pulses, and he stopped. My little hole filled with thick liquid. There was a lot of it. Much more than Kevin ever squirted. It squelched inside me. Its warmth and wetness had an anesthetic effect, radiating into the walls of my little chute and soothing the savage sting of his attack.

When it was over, Slater pulled out. Even his withdrawal was painful. I moaned loudly as his big, thick dickie slipped out with an audible pop. He got up, pausing to wipe the tip of his slimy dickie on the grass, and he started getting dressed. I laid there, cowed and defeated, and feeling sorry for myself. When he was dressed, he came around to my face, still pressed into the grass and he held out a hand.

"C'mon," he said quietly, "Let's get back to the others."

I took his hand and he helped me up. His grip was firm and strong, and he was able to raise me up to a standing position with just one hand. I threw my head back in agony because my hole was hurting too much, and I didn't think I could walk. I sobbed from the pain. I looked at him through the tears in my eyes and he seemed strangely regretful and caring all of a sudden. I knew instantly that it was only his sexual urges that made him behave like that. Once he was sated, he seemed perfectly calm and considerate. But he had still hurt me and frightened me.

Slater helped me back out of the clearing, holding the branches back for me to step out. I noticed that he even remembered to collect the unused jar of Vaseline as we left. He took me back to the others with a hand on the back of my neck, almost appearing as though he was guiding me safely back. But it didn't feel like that. It felt more like he was keeping hold of me as a warning against what I might say to the others. I hobbled back jerkily. It was painful when I walked, and the sting of my little hole was causing me to limp slightly.

When we got back to the others, Kevin and Tommy were lying in the grass side by side. Kevin was face up, his shirt stripped off, revealing that golden brown skin of his. Tommy was lying next to him face down, still also shirtless, and with an arm across Kevin's chest. It was interesting to note Kevin's caramel-like skin tone contrasting against Tommy's whiter creaminess. They looked almost like they were about to go to sleep. There was no sign of Piggy. I figured he must have left. I guess he had got enough photos by now. Most probably he had run out of film.

"Okay Pauly?" Kevin asked, squinting up at me into the sun overhead.

I hesitated, not sure how to reply.

Kevin seemed to spot that I was looking none too happy and I still had tears in my eyes. He sat up, concerned, and looked up at Slater with a suspicious, annoyed expression.

"What did you do to him?" he demanded.

Slater laughed smugly.

"I fucked him!" he hissed, "I fucked him good."

Kevin jumped up and stared at me solicitously. He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me, genuinely concerned. His expression soon transformed into a horrified grimace.

"Pauly, you're bleeding!"

He gestured at my face and tentatively put the side of his finger under my nose. He pulled it away with blood on it, and he stood there looking at it. I wasn't aware that my nose was bleeding, though it was still hurting persistently from when Slater threw me down onto the ground. But the sight of the glistening red liquid on Kevin's finger frightened me. I hadn't realized that Slater had pushed me down quite so hard. Perhaps the joint had numbed the pain somewhat. I put the back of my hand under my nose to feel how much blood was coming out, and big thick glob of dark red blood fell onto it. It was dripping more profusely, and I could feel the wetness on my top lip where I had smeared it. The sight of the blood on my hand shocked me. The full magnitude of what had just happened suddenly hit me and I burst into a renewed fit of crying. That seemed to anger Kevin.

"You asshole, Slater!"

And with that he lunged at Slater, his clenched fist taking a swing at his face. Slater stepped out of the way and smirked smugly. Kevin's punch missed. But the message was unequivocal.

"Fag!" said Slater.

"Fuck you!" said Kevin.

Kevin wrapped his arms around me. It felt good to be pressed naked against his big boy body. It felt strangely arousing. I buried my face into Kevin's hard chest and sniffled a bit. I stained his smooth brown skin with my blood. But he didn't seem to mind. I remember thinking, it was probably just as well that he had taken his shirt off. My tears mingled with my blood, smearing his body, and as I cried, Kevin comforted me.

"Did he hurt you baby boy?"

I nodded, my face muffled against his warmth, and he held me tighter, rubbing his hands comfortingly up and down my bare back. Feeling Kevin's strong arms around me, and the hardness of his chest muscles against my face, made my dickie stand up stiffly. Kevin's mere presence, his warmth, even the sound of his voice, was enough to make my dickie stiff, and even as I was crying against him, I was wondering when he was going to fuck me.

With my face still buried against Kevin's chest, I watched as Slater collected up his things and prepared to go. He was no longer welcome and he knew it. He had spoiled the afternoon. It might otherwise have been idyllic if he hadn't behaved like such an asshole. But it didn't disappoint me. I just wanted to be alone with Kevin and Tommy, the way it should have been.

"You're just a bunch of fags," said Slater, embittered, as he turned to go.

"Yeah, well you just had yourself some boy butt, so what does that make you?" Kevin retorted.

"Whatever," said Slater, shrugging it off.

We watched him go, cramming his pack of cigarettes back into his pockets.

"Asshole!" Kevin called after him.

"Fuck you!" Slater replied, without even looking back.

Once he had gone, Kevin pulled me to him even tighter. I was relieved. Relieved and happy. At last I was alone with Kevin and Tommy. Maybe at last Kevin was going to fuck me and make everything alright.

Kevin and Tommy looked at each other, and they had this expression of sympathy in their eyes. They led me down towards the river's edge and knelt me down on the muddy bank. I leaned over so that I could see my reflection in the murky water. Tommy stayed with me, with a comforting arm around my shoulders, while Kevin went to get his school shirt. Then he did something which I shall never forget. It was a gesture which at the time struck me as being inordinately altruistic, and perhaps the highest example of how much this boy really cared for me: he twisted a corner of his shirt into a little point and dipped it into the water, then he started cleaning my face with it. I winced. It was icy cold, and my nose was still tender and stinging. Kevin carefully wiped all the tears from my cheeks first, carefully dabbing under my eyes. Then he wiped the blood from my nose, dabbing around my lips where I had smeared it. I noticed the way the clean, white fabric of his shirt was stained pink where he had mopped up the blood, and I wondered how he was going to get it clean again, or how he would explain it to his mom. All the time he was looking at me lovingly and caringly, in a very older brother kind of way, and his gaze would flit from my mouth to my eyes, as though he was fascinated with every detail of my face. There was a look in his eyes that told me this boy loved me. Of course everything that had happened was really his fault, because he was the one who had invited the other boys, after all. But I also knew that I could have said no at any time, and I didn't. I bore no malice towards Kevin, and I would have forgiven him anything. I loved him, and at that moment I could tell he loved me too.

I relished the attention that Kevin gave me. Even Tommy seemed strangely sympathetic and his presence was also reassuring. He was sitting next to me with a comforting hand on my bare back. I could feel the warmth of his palm on my spine. When they were finished, they helped me up and led me back up the grassy bank to where we had left my clothes. They stood me in the grass and Kevin reached over for my tighty-whiteys. He stood there proffering them to me, my limp underwear in his hand, indicating that I should get dressed. I stared at my tighty-whiteys in his hand and was disappointed. I didn't want to get dressed. I wanted Kevin to fuck me. I had been waiting all afternoon for that.

"Fuck me," I said, quite spontaneously.

I surprised myself that I blurted it out like that, because I had never spoken like that before. I rarely used that word out loud, and I had certainly never before openly asked Kevin to fuck me.

Kevin seemed taken aback. He and Tommy looked at each other, with that knowing exchange of glances that was so characteristic of their relationship. They were both genuinely surprised. Tommy looked concerned. Kevin smiled and turned to me.

"What did you say?"

"Fuck me," I said again, this time aware that I was saying it, knowingly and deliberately, in my high-pitched little boy voice.

Again he and Tommy exchanged glances. Kevin stepped towards me and hugged me. I threw my arms around him and buried my face into the side of his neck.

"You really want me to?" Kevin asked.

I nodded, my face still muffled against his collar bone. Kevin took a deep breath and squeezed me extra tight.

"I'm not sure Pauly," said Kevin, "Looks like Slater was pretty rough with you."

I raised my head and looked into his face, despairing slightly.

"But I want you to fuck my button and make my dickie burst," I appealed to him.

Kevin gave a good natured laugh, then held me by my shoulders and looked at me.

"Christ Pauly, you're such a horny lil fuckboy. Tell you what. Let's try, but I'll stop if it hurts, okay?"

I nodded enthusiastically and smiled bravely, pleased that I was going to get my wish at last.

I got down on the ground and rolled over onto my back. Kevin saw how eager I was and gave his crotch a tentative squeeze through his gray school pants. I admired Kevin's body as he stood over me. Lying at his feet, looking up at him, I felt totally at his mercy. It was like he could do whatever he wanted with me. I played with my dickie, roughly scrunching it in my little fist as I watched him. The sight of Kevin's body always made my dickie stiff. His brown skin tone was delicious, and he had that perfect groove down his chest and tummy, just like Tommy. But Kevin's little six pack was more pronounced and his chest was bigger. When he took down his gray school pants and boxers, I could see the thin hairs that were sprouting at the base of his dickie. His dickie was already hard and it was straining upwards, with a slight curvature to it, and the little slit in the head seemed to be pointing skywards. It was quite big. Not as big as Slater's, but much more beautiful. It was so beautiful, I wanted it in me.

Kevin knelt down by my feet and put his hands under my knees, folding my legs right back, so he could get at my hole. And he started the ceremony of applying the Vaseline. My hole was still a little greasy, and it was tender from Slater's attack. When Kevin stuck his fingers in, it hurt like hell. My hole was very sore and stinging savagely. But I didn't flinch. I bore it because I wanted Kevin to fuck me so badly and I didn't want to discourage him. I knew it was going to hurt, but because it was Kevin, I didn't mind. I think Tommy saw that my eyelids were screwed up with the pain, and he sympathetically leaned over me, putting a lighted joint between my lips. Slater must have left it behind, and Tommy had started smoking it by himself. I took a few puffs, with Tommy alternately sticking it into my lips and removing it to allow me to exhale. With Kevin still fingering my hole at the other end, these two boys were attending to me in the most caring and intimate manner. I felt privileged. Pretty soon I was feeling the dizzying effects of the joint. My eyesight closed in slightly, as though the edge of my vision was blurring, and that familiar heaviness pervaded my whole body, making me sluggish and sleepy, but also giving me an incredible rush of euphoria and a level of horniness I had never felt before. It was good shit, just like Tommy had said.

When he was finished with the Vaseline, Kevin wrested the joint from Tommy's fingers and took a few drags himself. He seemed to crave its high and relished it almost as much as me. He threw his head back in appreciation as he allowed the smoke to penetrate all through him. He breathed deeply, almost as though he was psyching himself up for what he was about to do. At last he turned to me, and folded my legs back so that my knees were pressing against my shoulders. He laid on top of me, his strong arms propping him up either side. My feet were pointing up in the air and his head was between my ankles. He looked deep into my eyes as he forced his dickie to slip inside me. His face was only inches above me, and I liked this intimate face to face fucking technique of his. It was like he wanted to look into my eyes as he was fucking me. He studied my features in a loving and admiring way, at the same time concentrating on the energetic thrusting of his dickie in my hole, which he was stabbing forward into me, and making my little body rock beneath him.

"Okay Pauly?" he whispered.

I smiled and nodded, happy at last to be feeling his thick dickie stabbing into me.

"Not hurting?" Kevin asked.

"No," I lied.

It was hurting, but in a good way. The familiarity of his dickie was comforting too. Jonathan's had been too thin. Slater's too big. But Kevin's was just right. It was like my hole had molded itself to his dimensions, so that it felt familiar inside me. His big boy thrusting into my hole had an oddly soothing effect, like he was scratching an unreachable itch. He concentrated for a bit, working up into a comfortable rhythm, and I could see he was starting to feel the pleasure too. Then he focused on my face again.

"Oh fuck Pauly, your lil cunt feels so good."

His terms of endearment were always heartwarming to my ears, and the thought that I could afford him so much pleasure made me feel almost powerful. For as long as he was sampling the delights of my little cunt, it was like I had some kind of hold over him.

After a short spell of easy fucking, Kevin slowed down, and shifted into a lower gear, raising himself up a little so that only his dickie was connected to me, and he was maneuvering in and out slowly.

"You ready Pauly?"

I didn't know what he meant. I looked up at him, still a little glassy and vacant from the joint, and waited. Suddenly he altered his technique and started thrusting quite violently, hooking his dickie upwards into my hole at different angles, almost lifting my butt off the grass. He watched me intently, thrusting all over the place as though he was looking for something and suddenly I squirmed with a sense of acute pleasure. He had hit that spot inside my hole that he had earlier pressed with his fingers. My eyes widened momentarily and I exhaled sharply, like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs. He saw the pleasure on my face and smiled.

"You like that Pauly? Did I hit the spot? Did I get your lil button?"

I nodded, and swallowed hard, wanting him to do it again. He went on thrusting upwards violently, not always hitting the same spot, but pretty close to it, and every time he hit it square on I flinched with pleasure. My body rocked beneath him, and my head was lolling about loosely on the ground, almost drunk with pleasure. Kevin was good. Not only was his technique extremely refined, he knew so much about sex stuff, and I idolized him so much, and he was making me feel so good, at this moment I knew I was totally in his thrall. I just let him steer me towards some as yet unknown pleasure that I had never experienced but he seemed to know all about. My naked little body felt so submissive and vulnerable beneath him, and I was completely in his hands.

The violence of his thrusting continued until I started to feel the pleasure build up in my dickie. The more he hit my button, the more he made me squirm, until I was virtually trembling with pleasure. Something was happening that I had never felt before, like there was an unfamiliar but pleasurable sensation that was making my dickie stiffer than ever without even touching it. As Kevin fucked into me, when he managed to hit the spot dead on, my dickie would rise up from the pleasure, and it waggled about as though it was mounted on a spring. I had never seen it do that, even when it was as stiff as a pencil in my pants and I flexed it by myself. The urgency was building and building with the intense pleasure that Kevin was inducing with his thrusting. His big boy dickie was doing something inside me that only he seemed to know about and I wanted him to do it harder and faster. It felt like my dickie was growing thicker and thicker, like it was inflating, getting tighter and more engorged with every thrust and I started to feel an overpowering urgency. The urgency was my boycum rising up in my dickie. But because no one was touching it, it was like the impending pleasure was originating elsewhere, from somewhere deep inside where my dickie was rooted to me, somewhere behind my balls. It grew more and more insistent as Kevin pumped into me with ever more violent thrusts and he could see the pleasure in my face. It seemed to excite him too. He clenched his teeth, like he was trying to hurt me.

"Am I doing it baby boy?" he gasped breathlessly, "Am I striking your lil button?"

I remember specifically his terminology as he labored away above me. There was something about the words he used that took me over the edge. When he said 'striking' my button, he simultaneously hit it in exactly the right place and it was like my whole body exploded. A vast and overpowering pleasure burst all through me and I tightened up in a kind of profound ecstasy I had never felt before. My dickie waggled so violently it was almost painful. It pulsed, trying to eject the boycream I didn't yet have, but it tried anyway, redundantly pumping away in my crotch on its own, without any hand touching it. And yet, it was just as pleasurable. Although my eyes were wide open, everything went dark, and my brain seemed to go into reset. For a long few seconds I could neither see nor speak. I gasped for breath almost as though I was suffocating and I trembled with intense pleasure, wriggling around beneath Kevin like I was having a seizure. I always felt my boycums very keenly, but I had never felt one like that before.

It seemed like it took a long time for that boycum to pass, rather like the turbulence left behind by a passing truck. I was still shaking even after it had gone, trembling with the remnants of the intense pleasure. I focused my eyes again and Kevin was still above me, propped up on his arms, smiling down and looking pleased with himself, his dickie still hard and still firmly embedded in my little hole.

"You okay Pauly?"

I nodded and smiled up at him. He seemed reassured by that.

That was a signal. It seemed to spur him on to finish off. When he resumed his fucking, I realized that he had held off his own boycum just for me. He had concentrated on pleasing me first and made sure he brought me off before he had his own boycum. Without ever allowing his dickie to go soft, and without withdrawing from my hole, Kevin carried on fucking me. He reverted back to the easy rhythm with which he had started out, and then I knew it was my turn to please him. I clenched my little hole for him. He liked that. He smiled, acknowledging my gesture. It worked. Kevin must have been fairly close to his boycum all along, so it didn't take much for him to reach it. He pumped away inside me for a bit more, then seemed to stop abruptly, his eyes closed, overcome with the impending pleasure which he could feel approaching. He thrust once more, and suddenly his whole body jerked violently. He held his breath, then opened his mouth in a silent gasp of pleasure, and then his dickie pulsed tangibly inside my hole, waggling about with the force of its squirting. In the confines of my tightness, his warm boycream filled my hole. There was nothing like the feeling of Kevin depositing his cream deep inside me. He stabbed it into me quite hard, like he wanted his boycum to go on and on, and I could feel the profundity of his pleasure as his body rocked violently with the force of his boycum. He dug his dickie in so deep as he was squirting it into me, that it felt like he was shooting his scalding hot liquid right up into my tummy. Only Kevin went in that deep. Kevin was good. He knew how to use his dickie better than any other boy.

When it was over, and the pulsing of his dickie slowed and then stopped altogether, he gazed down at me once more, looking a little hot and sweaty.

"Christ Pauly," he said, tersely.

I took it as a compliment, and understood that he was just expressing general approval.

He lowered his head and kissed me hard on the lips.

"I love you baby boy, you know that?"

I don't know why Kevin said that. He never said it as we were fucking. He only ever said it afterwards. But this time it seemed different. It seemed to mean more when he said it with his dickie still inside me.

"I love you too," I whispered.

"Thank you Pauly. Your lil cunt is the best."

And with that, he pulled his dickie out. It was still rock hard even as he withdrew. I was a little disappointed that it was over. My hole was left vacant and dilated, and I could feel the wetness of his boycream leak out a little. I clenched my hole tightly shut. It was hurting a lot now, and once the pleasure of Kevin's fucking had ceased, it only left behind the pain from the punishment it had received from Slater earlier. I clamped my hole tightly shut because I wanted to hold onto Kevin's boycream and keep it inside me for as long as possible.

I stretched out on the grass and closed my eyes against the blinding sun overhead. Kevin sat next to me for a bit just looking at me. When I opened my eyes again I could see his gaze roving all over my naked body, and I remember thinking how flattering that was, this big boy who I idolized, sitting there admiring the little boy he had just fucked. For some reason that made me feel so happy and proud of myself. It was good to be so appreciated by him. I laid there, spent and exhausted, but sated and happy.

Tommy sat down with us, bringing the joint with him. I couldn't tell if it was the same joint that he was smoking. I had lost track of time. Maybe he had relit the same joint, or maybe he had carried on smoking it even while Kevin was fucking me. It didn't matter. There was plenty left for it to pass between us several more times. After a few more drags of the joint, I was sleepy. I snuggled back down into the grass and yawned quite rapaciously.

"Tired?" asked Kevin.

I nodded, jiggling my head in the grass, but smiling contentedly.

"You did well this afternoon, baby boy," said Kevin, "You deserve a treat."

"I'm hungry," I announced, without any hesitation.

Tommy and Kevin burst out laughing.

"First the giggles, then the munchies," said Tommy, "that's good shit."

"C'mon," said Kevin, "Let's get dressed and get summat to eat. What're you hungry for Pauly?"

"Pizza," I said, again without even thinking.

Kevin and Tommy looked at each other like I had just uttered some kind of profound truth. They seemed to nod agreement at each other.

"Pizza it is then," said Kevin.


I remember sitting in the pizzeria with Kevin and Tommy afterwards. We all squeezed into a little semicircular booth, all scrunched together at the apex of the curve as we waited for the pizza to arrive. Kevin and Tommy squeezed up against me quite insistently, one either side, trapping me between them. Then they each took one of my hands and placed them firmly into their crotches, inviting me to squeeze their boners through their pants. I couldn't believe they were both hard again. I squeezed as hard as I could, grabbing little fistfuls of their dickies swaddled in the folds of their pants and boxers. I played with their hard little dickies under the table, and they pressed my hands even deeper into their crotches, flexing their boners through the loose folds of their pants. They both squirmed in their seats and I knew they were enjoying what I was doing. Kevin started thrusting up into my hand, trying to get more pleasure from my ministrations. Tommy was giggling. He was still a little spaced out from the joint and sat back slightly, allowing me free reign with his boner. He was humming under his breath "two little boys had two little toys 3;" and Kevin and I laughed.

When the pizza arrived we were so hungry we pitched into it without any formality and for a while there was total silence as we gorged on the hot, tasty offerings before us. We stuffed our mouths eagerly, smearing tomato sauce around our lips, our cheeks bulging greedily as we chewed. And even as I sat there, my teeth tearing off little pieces from a large floppy slice of pizza, my hole was hurting, stinging savagely from the pounding and stretching of those boys sticking their dickies in there. My hole felt loose. I tried to keep it tightly closed. But every time I clenched, it hurt. I wanted to keep Kevin's boycream inside me. Kevin's boycream was like a secret, intimate gift that he placed deep into my body, like a personal token of his love for me, and I wanted to hold onto it for as long as possible, because all the time the most personal liquid of his beautiful body was inside me, I knew he loved me. It connected us, in the most intimate and erotic way. All the time I sat there eating the pizza, I could feel Kevin's cream seeping out of my loosened hole, and it was soaking into my underwear, making my tighty-whiteys very wet. I squirmed about on the wooden bench of the booth, enjoying the sensation of his boycream making my little hole slippery, almost as though it was expecting to be fucked by him once more. I looked at Kevin sitting next to me, and felt very privileged that he had chosen me to squirt his boycream into. I wanted him to do that to me again. I wanted to feel him forcing his dickie in me and having his boycums with it deep in my little ass. I wanted him to fill me up with his boycream, squirt it in my mouth as well so I could taste it; to give it to me in every way, even squirt it all over my naked little body until I was dripping wet. As I looked at Kevin, breathless with awe at how much I idolized him, I let out a little giggle to myself. I sat there giggling and chewing on a big mouthful of pizza. I loved Kevin so much, I would have done anything for him. And I knew he loved me too. He said so. And because of that, I swear it was the best pizza I had ever tasted.

The End

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