PZA Boy Stories


The Sitter


A rich couple hire David as a sitter for their son, but what do they really want?

Publ. Dec 2016
Finished 6,250 words (12½ pages)


Mark (13yo), David (20yo), Mr. and Mrs. Blumenthal (over 35yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt MM MFcons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: The Sitter in the subject line.


In our town, there are two malls. One large, very busy mall, with all the major department store chains, and one smaller mall, with only little shops and fast food places. There are a couple of shoe stores and boutique clothing stores, but nothing large.

I was there during my lunch break one day, when I decided to use the toilet before returning for work. I went into one of the two stalls, and sat down to do my business. I noticed a large hole between the stalls, and as I reached for the paper, on the opposite side, found a smaller hole on that side as well.

The small hole was toward the urinals. I had heard a guy come in, so I peeked. I could only see from around his belly button to mid thigh, as he was at the second urinal from the hole. Judging from his beer gut, and dress, I would guess he was probably fifty years old. He had his dick out and was peeing.

Just then I hear the door open and someone walks past my stall and goes into the next one. He quickly pulls down his pants and sits. I remain seated, but I lean forward a bit, and look into the hole. The guy is sitting with his legs close together, his hand between his legs where his cock is concealed. I do the same, in case he can see into my stall.

He leans forward and I know from this position, he can definitely see in. He leans back again, and spreads his legs a little. I can see his bush, and the base of his cock, though his hand blocks the rest. He leans forward again. I realize he had shown me part of his cock on purpose, and was waiting to see mine. I do as he did, not exposing my whole cock, which I then discovered, is hard as stone.

He leans back again, this time his entire seven inch [18 cm cock springs up, and he strokes it a bit. When he leans forward again I do the same, letting him see my eight and a half incher [21 cm. His finger comes through the hole, and gestures to 'come here'. I realize that he wants me to bring my cock to him.

I haven't been laid in forever, and this was the closest I had been to having sex. I stood and put my cock at the hole. He pulled it through and stroked it. Then he pushed it back through. I sat down and his cock suddenly appeared coming through the hole. I figured 'He stroked me, I should stroke him.' so I did.

It felt different from mine. Thinner, not as long, but so hard the skin was stretched tight. I stroked it about as long as he stroked mine, then stopped. He retracted his cock, then his finger wiggled at me again.

I stood and slipped my cock through the hole. This time I felt his lips encircle my cock. I've never had a blow job from another guy, and this guy knew what he was doing. He made me cum in record time. Maybe it was because of the situation, or the fact that I hadn't cum in days, but I blasted his throat with a huge load.

Call me an asshole or whatever, but I didn't stick around to return the favor. I pulled up my pants and zoomed out.


A little background here. I'm David, twenty years old, broke, and living in a small, cheap, apartment. I still drive the old Buick my dad gave me for my sixteenth birthday. It was ten years old then, now it's ancient.

My parents divorced when I was thirteen, mom remarried when I was fourteen. My stepfather never liked me, and the feeling was mutual. He moved us to this town when I was halfway through junior year of high school. Leaving behind all my friends and going to a new school was difficult, but I survived. By senior year I had made a few friends and even had a girlfriend, who I fucked every chance we got.

Unbeknownst to me, my step dad talked mom into using my college fund as down payment on the house we moved into. Then came time for me to go to college, and no money. My girlfriend was going away to the school I thought I was going to. The day she left, wicked step dad said I was on my own, and kicked me out. I don't blame Mom. She has never worked and so she was totally dependant on him.

I was working part time then, so I just asked for more hours, and got me a place. I get by, but barely. I do odd jobs on the side to help, and I am taking a few night classes when I can. Every day I pray my car holds up, and nothing expensive happens.

That's when I found the glory hole. Almost two years after I had been laid. I don't have time or money for a girlfriend. I can only keep telling myself that when I finish school, life will be grand.


Two days later was Saturday. I was driving by the mall thinking about my shoes. The sole on the right one was loose to midway down my foot. Every time I took a step, it flapped back and forth. I had just decided to blow the money on a new pair, even if I had to not eat for a few days.

I swear, that was what I was doing there, getting shoes. Okay, admittedly, the idea of another blow job was what led me to the restroom. I had been sitting there about five minutes when someone finally entered the next stall. I peeked in, and it was just a kid. I could tell by the clothes and small build. He sat down, and I thought about leaving and coming back after I get my shoes.

I notice movement next door, and peek again. The kid is leaning back, stroking a nice five inch [12½ cm cock. He only barely has any pubes, but already knows where to go to get a blow job. I wished I had known at his age. I'm mesmerized by this kid. His cock is actually beautiful to me. I never thought about kids as being sexy, but this kid was very sexy. I must have gotten too close to the hole, because he saw me looking and stood up. His cock came through and I couldn't help myself. I took it into my mouth. He begins to move his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth through the hole. I can taste his cock dribbling on my tongue, and it excites me. I stroke my own hard cock as I suck his. He starts fucking the wall, and my mouth, faster. All too soon, I feel his cock throb, and his cream is filling my mouth. I had never tasted cum, but this was sweet and salty at the same time. I thought it would be gross, but I swallowed every drop he gave me.

When he had finished cumming, he sat back down. I leaned back and began beating my meat in earnest. I hadn't been this turned on in years. I had come in here hoping to get a blow job, instead I gave one to a kid, and I was ready to forego my own blow job to get relief right then. I glance at the hole, and see the side of his face, he leans a little further down to look into my eyes, then back at my cock. His face disappears from the hole, just as I shoot all over myself.

I'm cleaning up with tissue, when a rolled up tissue comes through the hole. It's a note, "Call me at 6:00" with a phone number, and signed Mark. I started to say something, when Mark left.

I got some new shoes, on sale of course, and was driving home, when I thought about the note. I couldn't possibly be thinking of calling a kid. I mean, it was just a quick blow job. This could get me into serious trouble if I got caught. And what was I going to say? "Hey, Mark, want another blow job?" Yeah, I could see that happening 3; Not!

Entering the air conditioned apartment, I plopped onto the second hand sofa I got at a garage sale for forty dollars. It was a hot summer day, and I appreciated the cool air. I looked at my new shoes, smiling to myself thinking they would last a couple of years. This, of course, brought to mind the restroom adventure, and the note.

I pulled it out of my pocket, looked at it, then headed to the trash can in the kitchen. I wouldn't need that anymore, and tossed it. I would spend the evening studying. First a shower was in order.

The warm water felt good, and my cock rose to the occasion. I stroked it, and Mark immediately came to mind. His gorgeous cock had enticed me to do something I had never even thought of. I could almost still taste his cum on my tongue. That was all it took for me to paint the tile of the shower wall with my cream.

An hour later, I'm pacing in the kitchen. What am I thinking? I can't call a teenage boy and ask him if I can suck his dick again. I sucked a dick, so what. I don't have to do it again. We should try different things in life, otherwise how will we know what we like. Shit! I liked it. But he's just a kid, for Christ's sake. I could go to prison.

It's probably a fake number anyway. Why would a kid give his real number to a stranger who sucked his dick through a public restroom stall wall. Yeah, definitely fake.

5:59 3; Yeah 3; it's fake, I'll prove it. I'll call and it will be like a helpline or something. Maybe cocksuckers anonymous or something. The kid had a good sense of humor probably, and playing a prank.


"Uh 3; Mark?"

"Yeah. Get a pencil and write down this address. Be here at seven sharp."


That's how I came to be pulling passed the gate of a huge house at seven. It was the biggest house I have ever seen in person.

"Oh good. You're right on time," said the late fifties, balding guy that opened the door.

"Uh 3; okay."

"Hurry dear or we'll be late," he yelled up the huge staircase.

An attractive blonde, around thirty five years old, appeared and came down. "Don't rush me. I hate being the first to arrive anyway."

At the bottom of the stairs she gave me the once over and said "Well, he said he wanted someone different. You're different. Mark is in his room. Take a right at the top of the stairs, second door on the right. We should be back by midnight." And they were gone.

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but Mark was upstairs, so that's where I headed.

I didn't bother to knock, I just walked in. Mark was sitting at a desk. He stood, and I immediately noticed he was only wearing tight white briefs.

"Thanks for coming. I hoped you would."

I couldn't help staring at his crotch as he approached me. "You're anxious. Did you like it that much? Well, I won't keep you waiting." He peeled down his underwear, his beautiful cock sprung up taunting me.

I was like a moth to a flame, and I knew it. It would mean certain death, but I would have that dick in my mouth again. I'm going to wind up in prison, being a bitch for some big black murderer, but I didn't care. He sat on the bed, and I was between his legs a second later.

I guzzled his dick like a baby does his momma's tit. Waiting expectantly for what would flow from it soon. I went down and licked his balls, and then buried my nose in his new pubes, as his dick hit the back of my throat. I didn't have to wait long. He gave me my reward, and I swallowed all of it.

I just sat there, sucking his dick, even as it softened. I don't know why I wanted it so bad. I loved having it in my mouth, playing with his balls, rubbing his belly and down to the ten or fifteen hairs there at the very base of his dick.

"So, are you like a hundred percent fag, or what?"

I relinquished his dick, "No 3; what? 3; I've never 3; I mean 3;"

"You've never sucked a dick before?" he asked surprised.

I shook my head. It seemed unbelievable, considering I was still holding onto his, and staring at it like a kid in a candy store.

"That's so cool. Why me then?"

"I don't know. I just saw you there, and couldn't help myself. I was actually there hoping to get a blow job. I got one there a couple of days ago."

"Me too, last Saturday. That's why I went back," he informed me.

I went back down on him and sucked his dick for a minute. "What's up with your parents?" I asked, letting him slip from my mouth again, but continuing to play with it.

"I told them I wanted to choose my own sitter. I chose you."


"Yeah. My parents don't want me to be alone. They go out a lot, when dad's in town, that is. And when he's not, mom goes out a lot too."

I toyed with his renewed erection. "What makes you think I want to be your sitter?"

"I saw that piece of shit you drove up in. You need the job, and I see the way you like my dick too. It comes with the job." He rolled over onto his stomach. "So does this," he said, wiggling his butt at me.

"You mean 3;?"

"Yep. Take the job, and I'll let you take my virgin ass too," he said rolling back over.

"Why me?"

"I saw your cock at the mall. I liked what I saw. You're young, and nice looking too. There's another thing though."

"Oh, what might that be?"

"My mom is a slut. She's obviously a trophy wife, and dad doesn't quite do it for her now. I told you she goes out when dad is gone. Well, she goes out and gets laid. Dad knows, I've heard them talking about it. She's discreet, so he doesn't complain too much. He knows he's not doing his job in the bedroom."


"Take the job, and when mom sees what you are packing, she'll want it too. I suspect she will have you in bed the first chance she gets. That's why I asked if you are a complete fag."

"First, I don't think gay people like that term. Secondly, you didn't say how much the job pays."

"I don't know really, that's between you and Dad. I know that it is full time, and that room there will be yours." He pointed to a door that I had assumed was a closet. It apparently led to the first room I passed at the top of the stairs. But there was a door between the two rooms as well.

"I'll consider it once I know how much," I said, leaning down to take his cock into my mouth again. I don't know why I couldn't resist it. It beckoned to me like sirens to the sailors, and I was headed toward the rocks.


His parents returned just a few minutes before midnight. I was waiting on the sofa in the large den.

"I didn't catch your name, son?" Mark's dad said to me at the door.

"It's David, Sir."

He shook my hand, "Oscar Blumenthal, pleasure to meet you." It dawned on me just then. The Blumenthal's were the richest family in town. Damn, no wonder they could afford that house.

I was halfway back to my apartment when I realized I hadn't been paid for tonight's babysitting job. Damn, and I could really use the money too. Oh well, I had three loads of Mark's cum in my belly. I would consider it payment enough. I jerked off before going to bed, thinking about Mark's dick.


I was trying to clean the frost out of the ancient fridge in my apartment the next day, when my phone rang.

"David, this is Oscar Blumenthal. I forgot to pay you last night, and I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight. It's casual, in fact we're just grilling by the pool, so wear your swimsuit. Come around five." And he hung up. I didn't get a chance to say yes or no. It was just assumed I would jump at the chance to eat dinner at their house. I did.

A servant showed me to the pool area, where Mr. and Mrs. B. were already. He handed me a frozen drink of some kind, that really packed a punch. Mrs. B. was wearing a two piece suit that left little to the imagination. She was pretty hot for her age, too.

Mark came out in a speedo, and drug me into the pool. It was a good thing too, because my cock started to rise, just from seeing him in that suit.

He and I played around a bit, both of us taking occasional breaks to take a drink. After a while Mr. B. called me over with a fresh drink. He and the Mrs. watched me climb the steps out of the pool and walk over to them. I realized that my wet suit clung to me, and displayed my semi erect dick. Even the cold water hadn't kept me from getting excited around Mark.

He handed me the fresh drink and said. "Let's have a talk in my office after dinner, shall we." Again, I knew it was expected, not an enquiry.

Dinner was very good, and it gave me a chance to dry off some before going into his office. We sat in two chairs in front of his desk.

"My son wants me to offer you a job. He really likes you. This is what the job pays," he handed me a piece of paper with an amount more than double what I was making.

"After this evening, I can see that you are qualified to earn more than that. This is what I'm offering, with certain conditions," he said handing another paper. This amount was more than double the previous amount.

"Who do you want me to kill, and why?" I asked, joking about the amount.

He laughed at my joke and said "No killing, just a few extra duties."

I must have looked puzzled, because he continued.

"Can we be frank?" he asked

I nodded and he continued. "My wife has her eye on you."

"Sir, I would never 3;"

"Hear me out. I don't mind her getting a little extra cock. But I don't want our family name dragged through the mud. If you can keep her from spreading it around town, I don't mind you getting her pussy on occasion. I also would like to watch you bang her."

"Let me get this straight. You want me to 3;"

"Fuck my wife. Yes," he confirmed.

"And you want to 3;"

"I want to watch. Not all the time, but once in awhile," he confirmed again.

"And you'll pay me this much?" I asked, holding up the paper.

"Yes. But I want to see what I'm paying for first."

"You mean 3;"

"Yes. Stand up."

I stood, and reached for my waistband. I pulled the front of my swimsuit down, exposing my cock. He reached out and grasped my cock and began to stroke it. It wasn't long before I was raging hard.

"Very impressive. My wife should like this," he said as he continued to stroke me. "I guess I shouldn't leave you like this." Then he just bent down and took me into his mouth. I was glad too, otherwise I would be going home with blue balls. He sucked me like a pro, and I shot a big load into his throat.

He licked his lips afterward. "I think we have an understanding," he said. Then he reached into his pocket and handed me a wad of money. "This is for last night, and just now."

I discovered later, it was five hundred dollars. For that, he can blow me anytime.


The next day, I gave notice at my apartment, and packed my things. My furniture was easily replaced, so I rented a trailer and hauled it to the dump. By Tuesday afternoon, I was at my new job. "Are you sure that car is safe?" Mr. B. asked.

"It was a gift from my dad, I hate to get rid of it," I explained.

"Well, park it around back, use the Lexus if you and Mark go anywhere."

That night, Mark opened the door between our rooms and came in nude. He checked to be sure the door to the hall was locked, and crawled into my bed.

"It's time," he said.

"Time for what?"

"Time for the bonus I promised you. I'm clean and ready," he informed me as he lay on his belly.

I was already hard just from watching him come in. When I saw that pretty ass of his, I was ready to drive nails with my cock.

"I put some lube in your nightstand." Damn, he was really wanting this.

I lubed my cock and got between his legs. I had never seen a more inviting sight. His little bubble butt, was really very innocent looking. I wanted to destroy its innocence. I placed the head in his crack, trying to find his pucker. He reached back and lined it up, pressing up into my cock a bit. I knew this was going to hurt, I'm pretty big. I kissed the back of his neck, and put my hand over his mouth and pushed my hips forward. He was still guiding my cock, and when the head popped past his muscle ring, he let go and screamed into my hand.

I whispered encouragements into his ear, and kissed his neck some more. But I didn't let up. I pushed more and more into him. Backing out a little then pressing in more. He moaned and grunted into my grasping hand at each thrust. Soon, I was taking four inch [10 cm strokes, then five. He was beginning to back into me, so I gave him more. When I was buried to the hilt, I slid all the way out. He groaned in disappointment, then I pushed it back into him. Just the fat knob head. Out again then back in. I wanted to work over that muscle to let him know who owned it. After another couple of getting acquainted, breaking in, strokes, I slid all the way back in until my balls were mashed against his. Then I began to fuck him.

Once he had calmed down enough, I removed my hand from his mouth and he just moaned every time I struck bottom. I reached under him to grab his dick, and discovered a pool of cum under his dick. I was glad he was enjoying my efforts, and plowed him harder. I could tell when he orgasmed because his ass gripped my cock, but his dick leaked a constant flow of cum. I kept fucking him, he kept moaning, his dick kept leaking, until I finally unloaded in his ass.

I had counted three orgasms for him, and was quite pleased with myself. After I softened, I rolled off him. He grunted at the loss of my cock, but didn't move. I lay beside him, with my arm over my forehead, trying to regain my strength. Neither of us moved or spoke for about fifteen minutes. He finally pushed himself up and off the bed, and went into the bathroom. Coming back a few minutes later, with a towel, which he spread where he had been lying to cover the puddle of cum there. He crawled into my arms and whispered "Thanks David. That was the best thing that ever happened to me." Then he kissed my cheek, lay his head on my chest, and went to sleep.

The next day, I spent a lot of time with Mark. More than a sitter, Mark needed a friend. I guess being the richest kid in town made him a bit of a target. Either from bullies, to hangers on, to gold digging leaches. He seemed to have few friends, if any.

His previous sitter, was a drunken older woman that didn't spend any quality time with him. She had been hired by his mother. When she was caught stealing a piece of Mrs. B.'s jewelry, Mark convinced his father to let him choose his next sitter. Happenchance put us together that day at the mall. The fact that I didn't know who he was, made me appealing to him.

I only had a chance to blow him once that day. But at night he came to my room. "Will you do me again?" he asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. I mean, It was such a chore last night," I kidded.

He punched me in the arm, and lay on my bed face down.

"Turn over, I want to see your face," he did as I asked, and I lubed my cock. He seemed confused as to how this was going to work, until I placed his feet on my shoulders. Once I had penetrated him, I leaned down and he wrapped his arms around me. As I sunk into him, he pulled me in for a kiss, moaning as I gained ground in him. I began thrusting, and he began meeting my thrusts with his own.

"Oh god, I love your cock in me. Fuck me David."

He started getting loud again, so I covered his mouth with mine.

Over the next ten days, Mark and I became closer. I found so much to love about the kid, and he liked me as well. Then Mr.B. was going out of town. He left early in the morning, and Mrs. B. knocked on my door a few minutes later. Mark scrambled back to his room, and I opened the door wearing only my robe.

"Come with me please."

I thought I was in trouble. Maybe she knew about Mark and me. She led me to their bedroom, and closed the door behind us. It would be two hours before I would be allowed out of that bedroom.

Mark was waiting for me when I got back to my room. He gave me a dirty look and stormed off to his room.

"Baby, I had no choice. You knew it was going to happen," I said chasing after him.

"I know. But you didn't have to enjoy it. She's my mom too, for Christ's sake. My dad is barely out of the driveway."

"Mark. Baby. I have to. Your dad knows. He told me to keep her from getting it all over town."

"He knows you were going to fuck her?"

"He told me to do it. He doesn't want her getting a bad reputation all over town. He wants this to remain private. If I can keep her happy here, she won't go looking for it elsewhere. Maybe picking up the wrong guy, getting hurt or worse."

"I was outside the door. I heard her cumming on your cock. I heard you moaning. You were enjoying it."

"Did you hear me tell her I love her?"

"No!" he said in shock.

"That's because I didn't. It's you I love, not her," I said, looking into his tear filled eyes.

That brought a smile to his face.

"But you did enjoy it," he still accused.

"Look, baby, if I don't keep your parents happy, they will fire me. How will I get to be with you then? If it's any consolation, her pussy isn't nearly as tight or wonderful as your ass."

"Do you mean that?"

"I swear."

"Go take a shower. I can still smell her on you."

The rest of the day, Mrs. B. smiled at me every time she caught my eye. She even pinched my ass by the pool as Mark and I swam. I had gotten out to get a drink for he and I, and she came up behind me and pinched me.

The next morning was a repeat. Mark was a little cold afterward, but understood. Mr. B. returned midday, and after dinner, called me into his office.

"You must have done an excellent job, David. She's positively giddy. I know she didn't go out too. Very good indeed."

"Thank you sir. I try my best."

"And Mark seems happy with you too."

"He's a great kid. I enjoy taking care of him as well."

"Yes. I'm sure you do. Would you like to earn another bonus?"

It dawned on me what he wanted, so I nodded and reached for my zipper.

"Let me do that. Stand up."

I stood, and he pulled my pants down and took my soft cock into his mouth. As I grew hard, I heard him unzip his own pants. I looked down to see him jerking his dick as he sucked me. Mark's dick was bigger than his, no wonder Mrs. B. went looking elsewhere.

I took his head into my hands and forced my cock into his throat. He seemed to like that, so I stroked it in and out of his throat a while. Then I said "Can you taste your wife's pussy on my big cock?"

That did it for him. His load dribbled down his fingers and onto his expensive slacks. But I held him in place, until I unloaded down his throat. He stood and took his wallet out. He handed me five one hundred dollar bills.

"Worth every penny," he said.

That was the first of many days that I would have my cock in all three of the Blumenthals.


A week later the same thing happened. Mr. B. returned from his trip, and called me into his office after dinner. We had a similar chat, then he offered me a bonus, just as he had done before. Only this time he dropped his pants, and leaned over the desk. I'm no genius, but I knew what he wanted, and I gave it to him. I wasn't as gentle with him as I was with his son.

And once I was pounding him good, I leaned over his back and whispered "You like my big cock as much as your wife does," he nodded and groaned as he squirted on the side of his desk.

That earned me a thousand dollar bonus.

The next time I fucked him, I convinced him to pay for my tuition for the fall term that was starting soon. He agreed. And gave me the bonus too, when I mentioned it might be a good idea for his wife to go off the pill.

That's how it went for the next few weeks. I would fuck Mrs. B. whenever he was gone, upon his return, I fucked him. Usually it was only one or two sessions for the mrs. and one for him.

I had free reign with Mark the rest of the time. I'm sure Mr. B. knew about my relationship with his son, and Mrs. B. probably suspected. The whole family was a lot happier. I know Mark and I were.

When school started for me, I took courses that wouldn't interfere with my time with Mark. Other than the first week, which was before his school started, my classes were all during Mark's school hours.

His school started, and I drove him to and from every day. I spent all of my time with Mark, when I wasn't in school, or fucking one of his parents.

I had no expenses, so I saved all my money, including the bonuses. Mr. B. was quite generous when I would say things that fed his fantasies. Once we were by the pool, and Mr. B. had just returned from a trip. I said to the mrs. "Mark is such a handsome boy, maybe you should have another baby, Mrs. B."

Ten minutes later, I had Mr. B. over the desk, "She didn't say no. She wants me to knock her up." Earning a thousand dollar bonus.

That was his main trigger. He liked being cuckolded, but he loved the idea of his wife getting pregnant by another guy, a better hung, young stud, like me.

A couple of weeks later I asked "Do you want her to go off the pill? Would you like seeing her belly grow with my baby?"

He groaned and squirted. I kept pounding him. "If I ask, and she does, it means her pussy belongs to me."

He groaned again and his ass tightened on my cock.

That night, while in bed with Mark, I asked him "Are you happy with me?"

He had just rolled off from riding my cock. "Yeah, that was great," he said.

"No. I mean, are you happy being with me?"

"I've never been happier. I love you. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I was just wondering if you had the chance, would you want to live with me?"

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"No. Just wanted to know where we stand."

"Too bad. I would've said yes," he whispered in my ear, then kissed me.

It didn't take me long to finally push Mr. B. into it. He wanted it. I knew he did. I slid in and out of him slowly, working him up good. Then I asked "Do you want me to ask her?"

He only moaned.

"You've got to tell me what you want," I said as I stopped moving inside him.

"Ask her," he moaned as he backed into me.

"Ask her what? You have to say it," I said refusing to thrust in him.

"Yes 3; ask her to stop taking her pills," he moaned and I slammed into him hard.

"What else do you want?"

He moaned again.

"Say it, or I stop."

"Knock 3; her 3; up," he squirted on the desk. He gave me a five thousand bonus check. I love my job.

It took two weeks before I could tell him "She's getting off the pill. Her pussy is mine now."

He was on his back, on top of the desk. I was holding his legs up and shoving my cock into him. He started yelling "Oh god!" every time I shoved it into him, and his little dick throbbed in the air.

I put my hand over his mouth. "She probably won't let you near her until she knows she's pregnant."

His cock dribbled out his load.

"How much?" I asked him.

"Oh 3; GOD!" His cock just kept dripping.

"How much to get your wife pregnant?" I asked him.

"A hundred," he groaned.

That was enough to set me off, and I shot my load into his colon.


It was the day after Mark's fourteenth birthday when Mrs. B. told me she was pregnant. It was the day after that, I told Mr. B. he owed me a hundred thousand. He didn't hesitate. As soon as I shot my load into him, he wrote me a check.

He wasn't surprised later that night, when she initiated sex with him. She needed to make it look like it was his kid. He knew I had done the job well.

By the time school had let out for the summer again, Mrs. B. was pretty blown up. She didn't want sex anymore, but Mr. B. did. I still fucked him about once a week. I didn't mind too much, it paid well, and I was working on future arrangements.

Mark and I moved into our own place at the end of summer. Mr. B. pays all our expenses, plus my salary for 'Sitting' with Mark. I go by the house once a month to pick up a check, and fuck Mr. B.

The baby's name is David Mark Blumenthal. He has a big dick according to Mr. B. He chose the baby's name, and the mrs. agreed to it.

By the time Mark finishes high school, I will finish Law school. All at his father's expense. We will have a nice little nest egg too. We couldn't be happier.

The End

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