DirtSafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages
SummaryGood companies understand their markets, and BoyServices, Inc., a subsidiary of BoyAbductions, Lmt. of Bundus III, have come up with another winner – their newly re-engineered line of SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages. These absolutely top of the line boy cages have quickly become the fastest selling cages among slave boy owners. The following is a synopsis of the advanced promotional advertisement of the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages and their most commonly sold attachments.
Publ. Dec 2008
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CharactersTimothy (phys. 9yo), 'boy' (phys. 10yo), Minx and Lynx (twins, phys. 8yo), Faunis (phys. 16yo), and Liu Chen (40s), Ramon Sanchez (60s), Tomulo Bangine (20s), Kundo Chutultuk (30s)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt Mb – Mdom nosex (sex is only implied) – bdsm body-modification tort (all implied) (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
BoyServices, Inc., a subsidiary of BoyAbductions, Lmt. of Bundus III, has two factories, and seven outlets located on the main continent of Bundus III, together with its new factory and experimental labs located on the Icarus Ring-world.
And for your convenience, its entire stock of sex-boy and slave-boy related items are available through electronic shopping. Our lines include everything you could possibly want for using, controlling and enjoying your special boy. Please view our catalogues for a complete listing. Holographic representations, description, and all specifications are given for each product and each attachment. (Please note: It is our full intent to abide by the recently ratified Indenture, Consensual, and Non-consensual Slavery Laws of the Aligned Nations of Bundus III. Thus catalogue items no longer legally permitted there, or those limited to use with class two or class three permanent slaves, are so indicated. It is the responsibility of the buyer of such items to use them only on those worlds and with those slaves, where legal restrictions do not apply. We also strongly encourage all users of our products to understand the full function of all purchased items and their limitations of use to avoid unnecessary damage to that boy you so care for). With this advanced promotional effort we are proud to announce one of our new products: Our totally reengineered line of SafeSecure™ Boy Transport Cages and attachments. These boy cages are adaptable to most boys regardless of size and any body modifications. (Please see Appendix B for specific conditions and boy modifications for which we recommend you see your own Boy Modification Specialist for appropriate transport cages and attachments). This promotional effort is only a resume of the entire listing of SafeSecure™ Boy Cages and available attachments. For full visualization of all model cages and attachments please refer to their specifications and details in our electronic advertisement ------- Our new line of boy cages is specifically designed for a fully safe and secure transport of almost all boy sizes and modifications. However, due to popular demand by many of our past clients, we now offer an easy conversion kit which can easily transform any transport cage so that it can be utilized as a punishment cage for your special boy. Note that SafeSecure™ boy cages are made with the best materials, the latest innovations including the new micro-grav field technology, the most up to date materials, and are manufactured and hand crafted to exacting specifications. And almost all of our mid to high tech factory artisans are comprised of retired and re-conditioned BoyBots specifically trained and brain implanted to allow only superior workmanship and to insure the highest of quality control. (Note that our company uses only class three slaves in its factories and are totally in compliance with the Slave Rights and Conditions clauses of the new Indenture, Consensual, and Non-consensual Slavery Laws of the Bundus III Aligned Nations). Many test hours of operation on our own slave boy test subjects are required with any new product before we will allow its addition to our catalogues. You are always welcome to visit our factories to observe their latest in innovative techniques, comfortable environmental controls, and efficient operations. BoyServices, Inc. only has the safety and comfort of your special boy in mind. We guarantee all shipments while transporting your boy in our SafeSecure™ transport boy cages. If any damage occurs to your boy during transport, whether it be across town, across the world, or across space, we will at our expense either arrange for the complete repair of any damage to your total satisfaction, or if required, full replacement with a model of boy either equal to the specifications of the boy shipped, or one of greater value. [It should be noted that this latter eventuality has never occurred]. (Please see Appendix A, for owner responsibilities). Please also note safe guards necessary before placing your boy into a SafeSecure™ boy cage prepared for punishment. (See Appendix A). SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages: All SafeSecure™ boy cages come with Advanced Memory Foam. Settings of variable tension can be accommodated from 0.1 to 0.32 mbks. However, for safe transport, settings less than 0.25 mbks. are not recommended for transport where the cage is subject to possibly sharp movements such as those possible in Space-Time cargo transport. Our special Advanced Memory Foam can easily accommodate any permanent ankle, wrists, above knee or above elbow cuffs. It can also accommodate any permanent collar configuration, and permanent ring or stud emplacements. Please detail placement and size of any ring or other attachment in the genital and/or peri-anal region. Information about these attachments is also necessary for our urinary and fecal elimination attachments. (See Appendix G for rings and/or attachments which may necessitate adaptors made by your own Boy Modification Specialist). SafeSecure™ boy cages now come in three models. Standing, supine, and the most popular, the half-sitting. All models have separate sleeves to accommodate each of your boy's extremities. Both the standing and supine models allows for a separation of both legs away from each other at about a 20 degree angle, and arms away from the body at a similar angle, all depending on the size and weight of the boy. In the standing model, there are special constructs and grav-fields within the interior of the cage to help support the boy's body to maintain this configuration. In the half sitting model, the boy is placed with his legs fully outstretched and the boy is bent at the waist at a 90 degree angle (sitting position). Again the boy's legs are separated at about a 20 degree angle. In this model the boy's arms are extended into separate sleeves parallel to each other and parallel to his legs. This model provides for the most secure positioning of your boy's body and is recommended for Space-Time Cargo transport between planets. All models come with either an opening for the interior aspect of your boy's face including mouth, nose, and eyes, or with total enclosure. In the sitting model, the boy's face and head will be enclosed within a portion of the cage which projects above the rest of the cage. In this manner the boy can easily see out if the owner wishes.
SafeSecure™ Boy Cage Adaptations for use as Punishment CagesOur SafeSecure™ boy cages can easily be adapted for use as a special punishment cage securing your boy with minimal to almost no allowable movement to insure a safe and secure method for torturing your boy. We recommend mouth gags number 26 through 48 if you wish to minimize or eliminate excessive yelling and screaming. All gags can be sized with great accuracy to accommodate the size and shape of your boy's mouth. (See Appendix K for mouth gags). Note that several of our mouth gags with an 'I' designation are inflatable, and those with an 'E' designation are expandable either mechanically or with the use of the new micro-forcefield technology. Furthermore, models 125 through 128 are extreme models usually used for punishment only. Our designers and engineers are quite proud of our newest Model 128 punishment gag which easily sits within your boy's open mouth with specialized retaining ring so that it can not be dislodged. Note that its surface is covered with 24 projections which can inflict additional pain if your boy tries to close his mouth. The projections are safe and can retract so that no part of your boy's mouth will be injured, but each tip is connected to an internal micro power source which can zap your boy's mouth if the tension on them is increased. All but gags numbered 38 through 57 plus 125 can be used in conjunction with the tongue immobilizers as shown in Appendix K, Part II. In order to deliver a wide range of electro torture modes to your special boy, BoyService Inc. can supply any special conductive attachments for the following body locations: Toes, fingers, mouth, tongue, ears, areolae, and/or nipples, testicle sacs, all or part of the outer penis sheath including foreskin, and urethral openings. (We recommend only urethral sounds and butt plugs with time tested safe conductive surfaces to avoid any damage to your boy's interior tissue surfaces). Simple skin conductive adhesion nodes are also available in various sizes and degrees of conductivity. (Please see Appendices H through J for full listings and descriptions). Using our elector-torture devices and programs we can simulate all ranges of electro-torture from class one through class three. (Please see Appendix A, part II for owner responsibilities and other noted restrictions. BoyServices, Inc. only recommends use of up to class three electro-torture with placement in a SafeSecure™ punishment boy cage, unless your boy has been specifically modified to withstand class four stimulation without damage. Please see appended recommendations by our team of esteemed slave-boy physiologist and psychologist concerning this point). In addition to the traditional electro-torture stimulations, if you send a measure accurate holo-image of your special boy, we can easily construct a full body webbing with literally any configuration of electro-conductive nodes. These nodes can be as close as 0.38 inches [1 cm] and can transmit current to any configuration of nodes in any pattern or intensity and length to simulate up to class three electro torture to your boy's entire body including genitals and rectum. Our special computer chip can be programmed easily by any owner with our easy 5 step process. BoyServices, Inc. welcomes your business. Please shop and compare. We will gladly supply you with descriptions of our competitors' cages and attachments along with detailed specifications so that you can know that our products are the best. Below area few of the many testimonials from not just from our satisfied slave-boy owners, but from their special slave-boys too.
TestimonialsLiu Chen is one of Tranquil City's (city in North Umbland, Bundus III) leading civic leaders and respected businessman. Timothy is his class two consensual and permanent slave.
Liu Chen (owner of Timothy) "Timothy, a modified boy of physiological age 9 years, is without doubt my most precious possession. Any damage to him could not be countenanced. After directing my staff to investigate the specifications and refrightlative merits of all transport boy cages I was quite happy to spend that little extra on a SafeSecure™ sitting model transport boy cage for my most cherished boy. During one transport on a deep Space-Time Transport, the ship experienced an unplanned worm-hole collapse. Although most of the class three fragile merchandise experienced at least some minor damage, my boy Timothy, though frightened, came through totally unscathed – and smiling. I definitely would recommend the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages to protect YOUR special boy during any cargo transport." "I have also decided to 'reward' my slave boy when we celebrate his next annual Enslavement Day Remembrance by a several hour stint in his SafeSecure™ boy cage which I have recently outfitted with their new Punishment Adaptations. I thought this only 'fair' since he saw fit to delete information about this accommodation from my home computer."
Timothy (class two consensual and permanent boy slave) owned by Liu Chen: "I have been directed by my master to write concerning his use of the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage. I feel quite safe and secure now when my master finds it necessary to transport me any distance. I have even been transported off-planet once. I know that my master really cares for me when he spends that little extra so that my transport is the safest money can buy." "And the cage is even quite comfortable. (Even during that scary worm-hole discontinuity encountered during my cargo transport through 11-n space). The snug yet comfortable enclosure gives the feeling of true security and loving embrace, desired by all slave-boys. The attachments for rectum, penis, nose and mouth are all very comfortable and are easily attached and removed. And that penis and testicle sheath was quite effective in making sure that I was always aware that my genitals were indeed my master's property." "(Please don't let my master know but I sort of 'accidentally' erased from my master's home computer network the data containing the SafeSecure™ punishment adaptations)."
Ramon Sanchez is a legal counsel for the Aligned Nations Slavery Board and has been elected several times to the Senate for Queensland, Bundus III. He is highly respected in both political and business circles. His unnamed slave of 33 years (designated 'boy') is a permanent class three slave imported from old earth.
Ramon Sanchez (owner of 'boy') Over the years I have utilized many methods of transport for my slave of 33 years (modified to stay at age 10). As a public figure and member of the Slave Commission I do not normally endorse products having to do with either slaves or the handling of slaves. However, in this instance, because of the clearly superior quality and manufacture, and impressive safety features of the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages I must make an exception. Not only do I now transport my valuable boy with perfect sanguinity, I can also attest to its superior use as a punishment cage when needed. Since my slave was acquired just before the new Slavery Laws had been promulgated by the Aligned Nations, he was 'grandfathered in' as a class three slave even though he was acquired as a ten year old from the old Gentry Mining Cabal in Cicero, Queensland, and today would only have been legally acquired under non-permanent Indenture and been legally afforded the protections and use protocols of these new laws. Yet I can not imagine my life without my beloved slave boy, and I treat my boy as a class two slave anyway and continue to use all measures to keep him safe and healthy (and sexually alluring). Please do not trust your valuable property to anything of lesser quality."
'boy'(class three non-consensual permanent boy slave) owned by Ramon Sanchez. "I am Master Ramon's 'boy.' (I do not remember ever having an actual name). I am using a GenMaster Voice Interface – one of the few which can understand my speech – to record this from voice to digital print medium at the command of my master. (I never have learned reading or writing). Even with no command I would still encourage all masters out there to use this type boy cage to transport or to punish your slave when it is not convenient to use a method which could take more time or preparation. One thing I can state is that this boy cage is the most comfortable I have even been sent anywhere in. Also my master said that he was also happy that a force feeding mouth gag was even available for me by this same company even though my mouth has not had any teeth or lower jaw since my modification as an 11 year old. (I am like an 11 year old even now and I also need a special thing to speak normal words)." "I can state also that the punishment part of the cage works REAL GOOD! Way real good. Take my word for it. I was hurting so good after just an hour that the sex with my master after was REALLY great!" "And I am glad my master cares for me so much and I don't really care if I was made a slave since I am so lucky to have someone to care about me and love me so much."
Tomulo Bangine is a world traveler and heir to the Banchee Computerware Fortune. He is owner of Minx and Lynx, identical twin boys and although acquired off planet just 10 years ago, who have been voluntarily designated as class two slave boys.
Tomulo Bangine (owner of twin boys Minx and Lynx) "I never expected to have these two boys more than a few years when I had them 'recruited' from off world but they have so captivated my heart (and my lusts), that 10 years later I now consider them my most cherished possessions. I can literally afford to buy any of the companies which make boy cages, so I make my choices solely on a product's merits. And the SafeSecure™ Boy Cage is so far superior in technological refinements that no competitor is even close. My two cute (and permanent) 8 year old slave boys I suspect will still be my most treasured possessions even when gene splices and pharmaceuticals can no longer give me a healthy sex life, and therefore I will use whatever means possible to keep them safe and happy."
Lynx (class three permanent slave) owned by Tomulo Bangine "Since Minx is sorta 'tied up' right now (and hanging from that neat new torture frame) I's been tol' by Massa Tom to write this. (I's told Massa I needs to use my hand to write so's he let it loose for a while). Both Minx and me is real familiar with being in cages and being getting us all kinds of neat torture and stuff. So I know what I am saying to be true. (And Minx would also say so). Massa sent us somewhere's when he first got us so we were fixed to stay small and not grown up. So we can fit in a whole lot many cages, even together. And we both can say that this new cage is the best and nicest we'd ever been put it. And it tortures real good too. Massa gets real 'cited – his thing sticks out way long – when he hears us scream and cry and this cage can sure make us do that. (Even if it don't hurt near as good as some of the other things he does to us does). Oh. Massa wants us to tell about all the neat 'tachments. There are all kinds of buzzy and stretchy things for both our love holes too. And Minx' little peepee (Massa puts rings in them sometimes to 'tach our leashes to) still has some good bumps in it from that last thing Massa used on us. (My bumps are gone already)." "And we are so 'cited – Minx and me. Massa said he's gonna go back to visit old earth where he got us and gonna take us if we are REALLY good slave boys. (We's having lots o' fun putting on clothes and stuff since Massa says we gotta' wear some there. We will feel too weird to keep clothes on outside – with everybody looking. But I guess we gotta, even though it can also make us feel too warm). And he wants us to tell you we will be put in these Safe cages to keep us real safe. We both barely remember when we were put in a big box when we were sent here but I still remember how scared I was and how it caused me to hurt so much. (A bad kind of hurt, not the good kind Massa does to us). So we are really glad that this time we will be so comfy." "Oops. I gotta go now. My turn to get cruc'fied. And Massa's promised to use real nails this time!"
Emir Kundo Chutultuk the Vice-Prince of The Emerald Kingdom, Bundus III is the proprietor of some of the most extensive vineyards, manufacturing enterprises, and mining combines of his country. Kundo commands the respect not just of his loyal subjects, but is well loved far and wide for his philanthropy and modest life style considering his immense wealth. He is also the owner of Faunis, a class three permanent slave of more than 27 years.
Kundo Chutultuk (owner of slave Faunis) "I am so immensely wealthy that price has never entered into my decision to buy any of my personal possessions, all the way from my clothes to my most esteemed possession, Faunis. Thus it is quality and aesthetic appeal which commands my consideration. And in both these important qualities the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage is what I own. In fact I have been so taken with the eminent salability of this product I now own 11% of its company's stock. And when transporting my most cherished slave, I would use no other enclosure. Ever since I had traveled to old earth to choose the perfect boy from among all available choices, and subsequently had that small barely pubescent 15 year old physically modified in the eminent labs of BoyToys, Inc. several months later, I have made sure that my slave boy only be harnessed and restrained in the best that money could buy. I have been known for the demands I make upon myself, my employees, and the quality of the things I personally use, and the SafeSecure™ Boy Cage exceeds all my requirements for reliability, serviceability, and ease of use. In addition, because of the type of slave's peculiar modifications I needed a cage of extreme versatility. I whole heartedly recommend this product above all others." "I have commanded my beloved slave boy of 27 years to give his own comments and you can be sure you will only hear the unvarnished truth – my slave knows obedience."
Faunis (class three permanent slave owned by Kundo Chutultuk) "My master has commanded me to comment on the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage. I can not comment on its Punishment Adaptations since my master does not utilize them, nor on many of its attachments, but those my master has utilized and the cage itself I can totally recommend. Because of my body form and modifications I can attest to the fact that comfortable transport is difficult to come by the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage is completely amendable and comfortable. Ever since my modification at the BoyToys labs my master has had to use specially constructed components for my harnesses, muzzles, plugs, and items of restraint, yet with only one exception, this company has been able to supply serviceable and comfortable attachments for both waste product elimination, genital confinement, and air inspiration. Only the structure of my somewhat extended snout and mouth configuration necessitated a specially engineered mouth gag and feeding device for use with this cage. My proportionately large and slightly pendulous testicles, and penis within its large sheath, were easily accommodated. Even the evacuation butt plug fits comfortably between my anal opening and tail. But what most pleases me are the most comfortable sleeves which confine my lower extremities in comfort – not always available in other constraining devices due to the configuration of my large split hooves and sensitive hocks." "Even the cage's face and head enclosure has been reconfigured by factory engineers to comfortably accommodate my small horns, sensitive upstanding ears, and slightly protuberant muzzle. I am most satisfied, with both this transport cage, and my master's care and determination to only use the best for my transportation." "I am a slave with all that implies. I have spent my last 26 years being the very best slave I can be. (It took about one year before I could adapt enough to my new situation to finally understand that only total obedience and complete submission to my master would afford me my best future. Fortunately it has been literally years since I've needed any corporal discipline). Thus you can be assured that when my master commands, I obey, and what I have reported here is the unvarnished truth. I am totally confident that the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages are by far the best available. And that they, along with their numerous attachments can be configured to easily accommodate other partial animal-boy conversions in addition to my satyr configuration."
The End |