PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche



The story of a young boy who's normal life is dramatically changed for the worse when a seemingly innocent occurence happens. Things progress from bad to worse as time progresses.
Publ. Jun 2009
Finished Length 14,000 words (28 pages)


Jonas (11yo) and his father, Jack (adult)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb – nc anal oral – humil cross-dressing pierc



This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with Shakey Psyche - Misery in the subject line.

Eleven year old Jonas was shaking. Pain wracked his small frame. Fear had gripped his heart and he was anxious about just what his father was going to do to him. Being in the basement of the house alone was bad enough, but the anticipation of what was to come was worse. To him, that is. The time alone gave him the opportunity to reflect just on how he got down here in the first place.

As it always does, it had started innocently enough. He and his best friend, Matt, were talking about girls in their classes. Matt, also eleven, and Jonas had known each other since fourth grade. Matt had saved him from a beating from the class bully; Butch.

Jonas confided in him that he wasn't interested in girls. Matt stopped talking and looked at him in mild surprise.

"You're not?" Matt asked back.

"Not really," he whispered, nervously. "Please don't tell anyone. If my dad finds out, he'll kill me. Or worse." Jonas knew what Jack Morris would do to his son all too well. So many times, Jack had made comments on "too many faggots in this country".

"Don't worry, he won't find out from me, Jonas," Matt told him, comforting him with a hand on his shoulder.

"What do you like?"

"Boys," Jonas said, shyly. He brushed his long, curly hair out of his eyes and looked up to his friend. Matt was smiling slightly.


"I dunno, Matt, I just do," Jonas told him, almost wining.

Matt thought about it for a moment and then a wicked thought came to his mind. The previous week, unknown to Jonas, Matt had gotten his first blowjob from his girlfriend, Lindsey. He loved the feeling, and now, he was anxious to see the difference between the two.

"What would you do if another guy came on to you?"

"I dunno. Why?" Matt ignored the question.

"Would you suck a guy's dick if he asked you to?"

"I guess so," Jonas replied, shrugging. Matt smiled again.

"Then suck me off," he said, reaching for the top button on his jeans.

"You're kidding," Jonas retorted. "Here?"

"Yeah, sure; why not?"

"Because if my dad or Wally walks in here, I'm dead; beyond dead, even. That's why not."

"They're supposed to be gone for a while, aren't they?" Matt asked and Jonas nodded in reply. "Well, then, shut up and begin sucking it. You know you want to, Jonas."

The offer was tempting as well as the thought of pleasing his friend. Taking a deep breath, Jonas reached up and lowered his friend's jeans down his legs. Matt's stiffy jutted out from his underpants. With shaking hands, Jonas then reached back up to the cotton briefs. They were shakingly lowered as well, freeing a nice woody.

Matt still had no pubic hair to taint his pelvic region, but his balls had dropped a little over the past few months. Jonas was impressed with what he saw in his friend's privates. Taking another deep breath, the boy moved towards the appendage and opened his mouth. Closing his eyes to a dream come true, Jonas closed his mouth around the first cock he would ever suck.

"Mmmmm," Matt groaned, moving his hands to work them through Jonas's hair. "That feels wonderful."

Jonas agreed. It felt good to him to finally have a cock in his mouth to play with; something he'd longed for. For a long time. Being his first time, Jonas didn't really know what to do next, but Matt did. With his hands in the boy's hair, Matt held onto his head and began moving his hips in motion to fuck the warm mouth engulfing his cock. The feelings coming from his tool intensified, flooding the rest of his body.

More groaning escaped his lips as the sensations increased. This was even better than Lindsey's suck-job. This one was vastly preferable to the previous one. Even with Jonas's inexperienced mouth, Matt was liking his friend's technique more so. He began building up his rhythm more and more until he had finally climaxed into the boy's mouth. He twitched uncontrollably for a few seconds as he calmed down from his euphoric high.


Both boys turned to see Jonas's older brother, Wally, standing in the doorway. He'd come home early from practice. Jonas was not only mortified, but scared out of his mind at what was about to happen. He knew he had no way to convince his brother to keep this quiet, but he had to try.

"Please, Wally, don't say anything to Dad," the boy whined, moving from the bed.

Matt quickly pulled both sets of pants up, his erection now seriously deflated, and scrambled off the bed as well. Wally had turned from the doorframe and walked away with Jonas trailing along behind him, pleading his case. The older boy was absolutely refusing to acknowledge any argument from Jonas.

"He'll kill me, Wally," Jonas pleaded with him still.

"You should've thought of that before you started handing out blowjobs! Now, get away from me, you little faggot!"

Jonas didn't; he kept trying to reason with Wally. The end result was a backhand from the boy's right fist. It was powerful enough to send him to the floor, crying. Wally wasn't satisfied. He viciously picked Jonas up and slapped him twice more, causing more wailing from him. Matt had entered the room at this time, seeing the event, but was too frightened to try and stop it.

"Get your ass home, faggot, before I tell your parents about this," Wally growled at the boy. Matt didn't question his good fortune, and simply left the house without a word to his friend. He knew that his parents probably wouldn't like this any more than Jonas's father or brother.

Once Matt had cleared the house, Wally looked down at Jonas with utter contempt.

"I told Dad you were a homo; he wouldn't listen. He said that you'd straighten out eventually. Guess now, he'll have to listen to me."

"Please, don't Wally," Jonas pleaded again with him. "Maybe I can 3;" Jonas offered, thinking that this might persuade his brother to forgo informing on him, but he was wrong; dead wrong.

"You ain't touching my cock, you little faggot," Wally screamed at him with another backhand to his face. The blow was forceful enough to send Jonas to the floor, being wretched free from being manhandled.

Wally, quite riled up, grabbed the boy by his curly hair, and dragged him to the door leading to the basement. Jonas squealed in pain at the sudden jerk of his follicles and reached up to his brother's wrist to keep the fist from yanking out any more hair. The door was thrown open and Wally threw his brothers down the short flight of stairs. Jonas screeched again as he hit the bottom of the basement.

"You'll stay down there till Dad gets home and figures out what to do about you, Faggot," Wally roared at him. The door was summarily slammed closed, leaving Jonas alone in his pain and thoughts.

After crying for several minutes, Jonas forced himself to get up and move away from the door. He looked his body over, and nothing seemed broken, but everything still hurt. The slaps and punches he'd taken from Wally were taking their toll on his face and he felt bruised. His hair felt like every strand had been yanked out. And then the fear set in. His father would be home soon. Too soon.

As the next two hours progressed, Jonas's imagination began to get the worst of him. The very thought of what his father would do caused him even more terror, so he tried to put it out of his mind. It worked sometimes, but inevitably, the reality of the situation would creep back into him.

A car pulled into the drive. Terror gripped Jonas. A door opened and then closed. A lump formed in his throat. The front door opened and closed shortly thereafter. The lump progressed to a knot, lodging itself in his throat. Two voices talking in the space above him, and then a sudden silence. The door leading to the basement opened.

"Is it true?" A man asked, entering the room. He was bigger and a bit on the burly side. Jonas knew that his father was always closer to Wally than to him, both in stature and in personality. Both now gripped him in absolute terror.

"Is it?" Jack asked again, looking Jonas in the eye fully. All Jonas could do was nod. Even if he denied it, whether the truth or not, he knew his father would believe Wally over him. "Come here." Jonas shook his head, terrified at what his father had in mind for him.

"Get your ass over here, Bitch," Jack growled at him, sounding a lot like the older version of Wally.

Jonas carefully inched his way to his beefy patriarch. When he got in front of him, Jack shot his hand out and gripped the boy by his hair, causing Jonas to squeal again. He jerked the boy's head back and gazed down at him with contempt.

"You're too much like your bitch of a mother not to be queer," Jack spat at him. He took a deep breath and let it out. "Well, if you're going to be queer, then it's time you were treated as a queer."

With a quick, final jerk, Jack released Jonas's head of hair. One final, contemptuous look, and the man left his son alone in the room. As Jack left, Jonas looked on, stunned. He'd expected more from his father, but became quickly terrified again as he thought about what was just said to him. "Treated as a queer" resounded loudly in his head over the course of the next hour or so.

The door opened again and Jack brought a plate with a sandwich and a glass of water down to Jonas. Without saying a word, Jack put the meal on the floor and left the room. Jonas was still scared, but also had become hungry over the course of the time he'd spent downstairs. He crept over to the meal and took a bite of the sandwich; it tasted funny. He spread the bread apart from the bologna to see a slimy substance on the meat. His grumbling stomach told him to ignore it, so, begrudgingly, he did and finished the meager meal.

Later, Jack walked in, took the plate, and left again just as quietly. The behavior of his father began to really concern Jonas now. Just what was he going to do to him? It filled his thoughts constantly the entire night. Jonas eventually pulled his knees into his chest, wrapped his arms around his legs, and fell asleep on his side. It was a fitful sleep that didn't leave him rested at all when he woke the next day.

He mistakenly thought that he'd be going to school, but when the door opened and breakfast replaced the dishes from the previous night, Jonas knew he'd be staying in the basement. The meal was the same sandwich with the same goop in the middle. Jonas ate it, but was still curious about the strange substance. No one visited him all day. Jonas assumed that Wally had gone to school while his father went to work.

At about noon, he had to pee and didn't want to go on the floor, so he used the glass that had accompanied his meal. Nothing consumed his time more than thinking about what was going to happen to him. He paced around the area, with the concerns on his mind. Why wasn't his father angrier than he'd shown? He knew his father disliked all 'fucking queers', as he'd put them, but only Wally had hurt him so far.

That afternoon, Jonas heard his brother come home, but didn't come to the basement. He heard Wally walk around, go to his room, use the bathroom, and then leave. It wasn't anything too out of the ordinary, as neither one of them got along enough to talk. Several more hours of time passed before anything else was heard. Jack arrived home with Wally in tow. The absent fear resurfaced.

One set of feet, Wally's by the sound of them, went to Jonas's room. The other set proceeded to the door of the basement. It opened and Jack descended the stairs. In his hands were two bags. He didn't talk to Jonas. He just set the bags down and pulled out some nylon rope from one of them. Jack cut the ropes into four lengths. From there, he proceeded to tie them to the four support beams in the basement. Jonas could do nothing but watch from his seated spot. He thought about trying to make a break for it, but quickly reconsidered; he'd never have made it.

"Come here, Queer," Jack snarled to his son. Jonas shook his head, no. Jack lost his patience and bound to him in one step. Jonas cowered away from the large man as his hair was gripped yet again. The boy was yanked up from his position and dragged into the center of the area.

"Little fucking queers don't wear boy's clothes," he barked at him.

With that, and some struggling from Jonas, Jack stripped the shirt, jeans, shoes, socks, and underpants off the boy. Minutes later, he was standing, humiliated, in front of the big man and his former clothes were piled up at the stairs leading up to the house. Jack forced him to the floor and pulled his left arm towards one of the poles. Jonas struggled against what he now knew what was going to happen to him, but it was useless. Jack was just too strong for him.

The left hand was slipped into the noose of the rope and it was tightened down around the slim wrist. Jack pulled the lad's right hand to the pole across from the first. Another cinch and the boy's arms were pulled out tightly. Jonas felt the ropes tighten, pulling his arms out so tight, he thought that his shoulders would pop out of their sockets. Another rope was tied to each wrist and then strung down to each ankle, pulling his legs apart severely. The ropes that were at each pole were then strung to each corresponding ankle, making it impossible for Jonas to move any of his four limbs.

Jack circled his son as he lay there, absolutely terrified at the predicament. He had a smug look on his face as he looked downward, pleased at the effect. It wasn't a pleasure that brought an erection, Jack wasn't turned on by any males, but pleasure nonetheless. With a certain amount of sadistic gratification, though, Jack did plant his boot right on the boy's genitals and press downward. Jonas could do nothing but cry out in pain.

"Please stop, Dad; it hurts!" The boy was in tears already.

Jack was furious at that scream, though. In a nano-second, he gripped the boy by his hair again, getting into his face.

"I am not your father, Bitch. I am nothing to you anymore. You WILL NOT call me that again! Got it?!"

"Y 3;Yes, Sir," he answered back, stuttering in fear.

"Good!" He released his grip and turned to the bags that were still at the stairs. He noticed the glass of piss, but let it go for the time being.

Jack reached in and pulled out what he needed for the next phase of the boy's 'adjustment' into being a proper queer. He took all of it over to the spread eagled Jonas and set everything down on the floor. He positioned himself between the boy's legs. After sterilizing a very long and thick needle, Jack grabbed the boy's dick in two fingers.

"Oh God 3;, NO!"

"Shut up, Bitch," Jack gutturally growled back at him.

"Please, don't," Jonas pleaded one more time.

Jack had had enough. He went to the stairs and picked up one of the socks. Yanking open the boy's mouth, he planted the sock inside, to keep the kid quiet. Satisfied at the results, Jack resumed his place at the hairless crotch. He picked up the needle, reacquired the flaccid cock, aimed the needle at the pisshole, and ran it into the sensitive skin. He pushed hard enough to puncture the boy's cock on the other side, sending Jonas into a fit of muffled screams. With deliberate viciousness, Jack pulled the needle out and replaced it with a ring. Pain erupted from Jonas's dick as it was skewered by the metal ring. The metal passed through the opening until the gap was fully outside the skin.

Jack wasn't finished, yet. The needle was then used to pierce the lad's perineum, sending a renewed fit of screams through him. It was pierced lengthwise long enough and deep enough to hold some weight if needed. Jack pulled the wounded cock downward, splitting the two preteen nuts apart, and fit the opening of the ring through the second piercing. Jonas couldn't believe the amount of pain that all of this caused him, and voiced it the only way he could.

The ring was large enough to fit through all of Jonas's skin and come out the other side, but small enough not to allow any movement of the boy's young cock. It was only able to pull away from the taint about a millimeter or two. Jack used another very small piece of metal to weld the gap in the ring closed. The heat from the welder got incredibly close to Jonas, but didn't burn him.

"Little fucking queers don't get to use their cocks, either," he informed Jonas as he stood back up.

Jack gathered up his things and headed back to the stairs. Seeing the glass of piss, he smiled and picked it up.

"Have something to drink, Queer," he said, and poured the acrid fluid over the boy's face. "Enjoy the night, Queer."

Jack didn't bother untying him or taking the gag out of his mouth; he just left him. The light was turned off and Jonas was left alone in the dark with nothing else but his painful groin, the smell of urine permeating his nostrils, and his own thoughts. He tried several times in the night to get loose, but nothing came from his efforts.

The next morning brought Jack and Wally down the stairs earlier than normal. Jonas woke up, suddenly, as the light was turned on. He then remembered his traumatic evening given to him by his father and how exposed he was at this time. Embarrassment flooded him again.

"God, it stinks down here," Wally commented needlessly.

Jack didn't comment, but went right to a horizontal Jonas. He untied his feet first, and then his wrists. Grabbing the boy by his hair again, Jack led him upstairs for the first time in almost two days. He took the kid right to the bathroom.

"Piss and then get in the shower, Bitch," Jack barked at him.

Jonas didn't argue. Due to his new addition, he had to sit down to pee; another humiliation. He just then realized he would never be allowed to have that particular pleasure again. He'd never stand alongside the others to piss. As the liquid passed through his dick, he hissed at the painful stinging sensation, but didn't dare say a word against it. The look on Jack's face stopped any complaints.

Jonas finished up and then stepped into the shower. He washed his body and hair, removing the smell of piss, and then stepped out to dry off. Jack was nowhere to be seen. The towel on the sink was pink. Hot pink. Jonas looked at it and groaned a little, but used it anyway. As the towel dried off his groin area, Jonas groaned again at the pain coming from his captive penis.

He finished drying off, and then headed to his bedroom for another shock. On the bed were clothes, but he didn't think they were his. To the far right, a set of pink cotton panties lay spread out next to his pillow. Beside them was a pink dress with white blouse. The dress was a short one, Jonas couldn't see anyone, even a girl, wearing it. Beside the dress was a pair of white lacy bobby socks. To the right of the socks was a pink ribbon, obviously meant for his hair. On the floor, beside the bed, were a pair of white shoes; girl's shoes. Jonas was mortified.

"Put them on, Bitch," he heard his father growl from behind him at the door.

"But 3;," he said, turning to face him.

"Do it, or I'll cut that pathetic excuse for a dick off! That'll make you a real 'girl', then. Won't it?"

Jonas nodded, and didn't say another word in protest. He just turned back to the bed and began putting on his girl's clothes. As he slipped the panties on, his cock twitched and then a dull pain ebbed from it, reminding him once again of its captivity. The pink dress was one that had some wide straps to go over his shoulders, but also didn't go down very far on his legs. Most of his thighs were exposed. The pink ribbon was tied, pulling his hair straight back, exposing his neck, and then hung down with his long, curly hair.

When he was done, and the second shoe was strapped on his feet, Jack moved him to the desk in the corner of the room. On it was some lipstick and other make up items.

"Make it look good, or I'll beat you silly, Bitch," he warned the boy before leaving the room.

A humiliated Jonas shakingly picked up the lipstick and applied a small amount to his lips. A little eyeliner, trying to be conservative with it, and then some light blush followed. He did his best not to cry, and for a time, it worked. But, when he saw his finished product in the mirror, he couldn't help himself.

"You wanted to be a queer, Bitch," his father said to him, startling the boy a little.

"I didn't want this, though," Jonas answered.

"Tough shit, Bitch. Too late to change anything. Now, redo it and get your ass out into the living room."

"Yes, Sir," Jonas answered, autonomically.

The boy/girl wiped off his cheeks and redid his makeup. When he was finished, he walked into the front living room, to a resounding barrage of laughter from Wally.

"Now, there's a fucking sissy queer," he said in between his fits of merriment.

Jonas hung his head in extreme embarrassment. He knew he looked ridiculous without Wally's inferences. Jack handed Jonas his books from two days prior and then headed for the door. Jonas just stood there even more mortified.

"I'm going to school like this?"

Jack turned to the boy with a look of fury so much that the boy shut up any more objections. He looked down to the floor, defeated, and followed his father out the door. The day was actually very nice, with the sun shining and no clouds in sight. Jonas followed his father to the car, and then was summarily driven to his school.

"The school knows, Bitch, so don't get any ideas about informing anyone," Jack warned.

"Yes, Sir," Jonas answered.

Jack Morris wasn't extremely wealthy, but in the town they lived in, no one questioned him. They needed his business to help the town survive. No one was going to face to face with the man. Jonas knew this, too. So, he knew his fate was sealed.

The car pulled up to the school and Jonas looked at it as if it were a guillotine. He turned back to Jack, making one last plea with his eyes, but got nowhere. Resigned, the poor boy opened the door, and stepped out onto the curb. Once the door was shut, Jack left him in a ball of dust, standing beside the school.

Jonas looked at the building with severe trepidation, but made his way to it, nonetheless. The halls were empty, as everyone else was already in class. He found his classroom, and took a deep breath as he opened the door. When he walked in, there was a pregnant pause from the room as everyone took in the sight of him. Jonas shyly walked over and handed his absentee slip to the teacher, then, under the veil of relentless snickers and giggles, made his way to his desk.

When he sat down, his eyes shot in the direction of Matt, who didn't return even so much as a sideways nod. Jonas was alone in his shame and humiliation. As his body made contact with the hard surface of the wooded seat, he winced at the pain to his confined dick. He couldn't get it comfortable through the pain of it, so he had to bear it in silence. He knew he wouldn't get any sympathy from the teacher or any of the other staff.

The rest of that morning continued much the same way. As the class left for lunch, Jonas was mocked, teased, ridiculed, scorned, and laughed at the whole way to the cafeteria. He kept his head and eyes downcast, trying to deflect some of the derision, but it only seemed to egg others onward to continue.

Red-faced and even more shamed, Jonas ate by himself in a corner of the cafeteria as others pointed and laughed at him. When he was finished eating, he got up to try and be alone outside. As he made his way to the grounds, an older boy pushed him down, causing the skirt to flit away from him a little. The whole crowd saw his pink panties.

"You're even wearing panties! How girly of you, Faggot!" The boy continued to mock him and his new panties.

Soon, the boy tired of simply mocking him, and reached over to his shoulder. Jonas moved away from him a little, but the boy grabbed onto the white undershirt. Jonas tried again, but the shirt ripped in the effort. Spurred on by this, the boy pulled even harder, ripping the shirt fully. Jonas may have disliked the dress, but it was the only clothing he was wearing, so he tried to cover up his bare skin. The older boy took advantage again, by slapping the younger one, and it sent him to the ground. The crowd cheered at the action.

"That's what we do to little sissies around here, Faggot," he cussed at him.

Jonas tried to get up, but the brute kicked him in the stomach. Another slap had Jonas reeling back to the dirt. Fueled by success, the bully reached down and tore at his clothes even more so. Within mere moments, the pink dress that was once laid out so nicely on Jonas's bed was nothing but ribbons hanging from his body.

When it had progressed as far as it could go, the larger boy reached down and ripped the pink cotton panties from Jonas's torso, leaving him cowering on the dirt ground, trying to cover his dignity. Another kick landed on Jonas, but it was at his hip. As he turned from it, the move exposed his backside to the bigger kid, leaving it open for another kick. Jonas finally let out a scream at that one.

"I think the little fairy's had enough, Cole," an adult voice sounded.

Jonas didn't know who his benefactor was, but he mentally thanked him, no matter what he was called. The teacher grabbed his arm and practically dragged Jonas from the fighting area. No one helped. The boy tried desperately to keep his torn clothes with him, but was losing a piece of the dress here and there the whole way inside. Jonas couldn't keep up with where the teacher was leading him, but he was soon thrown into a room, landing on the floor of the nurse's office.

"Clean him up, Marge," the teacher said.

Marge the Nurse nodded and picked him, placing him on the examination table. She wasn't most kindly of people, but didn't mistreat him, either. Being a closeted lesbian, Marge disliked any kind of boy, so she just treated his wounds.

"Can I stay here for the rest of the day, please?" Jonas asked when she was finished.

"And have you sully up my workspace even more? I don't think so. Back to class, filthy little thing."

Jonas wasn't going to make her any angrier, so he just nodded and walked out of the office. His clothes in shambles, the poor kid could only barely hold them together as he made his way back to class. More snickers and giggles assaulted him in his close to nude state as he made his way to his desk. The teacher did nothing to alleviate his woes, but just continued with class.

When the day was over, she told him to remain behind. Jonas sighed and sunk back into his chair.

"Tomorrow, you will dress more appropriately, Mr. Morris, or you will not be in my class any longer."

"Appropriately?" Jonas asked. She nodded. "But this is what my Dad wanted me to wear. He's taken my other clothes away from me."

"I wasn't referring to the dress, Mr. Morris. I was referring to what you have on right now."

He realized what she was talking about and stared at her with an open mouth. It wasn't his fault the bully named Cole had done this to him.

"But, I 3;," he started, but she stopped him in mid-sentence.

"I don't want excuses, just compliance!" He was about to argue again, but she grabbed him by his hair, similarly to how his father had been doing, and dragged him forward to her desk.

Sweeping aside everything on the desk, she planted his upper torso down on top of it. His pelvic area was rammed into the corner of it, sending shards of pain into him. Jonas let out a whimper from the agony of it. She held him down by the back of the neck with her left hand and began ripping off the remainder of his clothing with the other.

When Jonas was wearing nothing but the white bobby socks and shoes, she reached over and retrieved the paddle. He knew what was coming, but it didn't prepare him for the explosion of pain that erupted from his backside at the first whop of the wood. He screamed in pain into the bare room, but it didn't stop the teacher from delivering more strikes.

"Keep it up, boy, and I'll keep it up, too," she warned.

Jonas tried to keep quiet, but the abusive board kept raining down hits on his darkening red ass. When she finally finished with the pitiable child, she released him, but he didn't move. She simply grabbed her briefcase, looked contemptuously at him and left to go home with Marge the Nurse.

Eventually, the boy came to his senses and began moving. His dress was nothing but torn and tattered strips of cloth. There was nothing to cover himself with for the trip home. Plus there were more bruises on him than he could count; his butt, legs, back, stomach, chest, and face. His whole body was a map of aching pain. He slipped, groaningly, off the teacher's desk and began crawling out of the room.

Staggering out the length of the hallway, Jonas slipped from the building to land on his hands and knees in the dirt. Painstakingly, the young boy made his way in the direction of home. When he'd made it to the edge of the school, four boys from his own class were there waiting for him. And he cringed at the looks of contempt they had on their faces.

"So, you finally admitted it to everyone, eh, Fag?" Freddy asked, rhetorically. He was the expo-facto leader of the small group.

Jonas had covered his groin with his hands in vain hope of concealing what his father had done to him as he walked. When all four boys of the gang circled him, he gave it up and just simply collapsed to the ground. Sensing defeat in their prey, Harry, a smaller boy, yelled.

"Get him!"

The other three didn't stop to ask. All four of them grabbed the destitute preteen and dragged him into the small set of woods that neighbored the schoolyard. When they got to a small clearing, they threw him on the ground and proceeded to kick him in different places of his body. Jonas tried his best to protect himself, but there were just too many of them. Kick after kick landed on his body. One kick finally landed on his hand that was protecting his boyhood, eliciting a pain-filled scream.

"What now?" Silas asked as they were finished with the beating.

"I got an idea," Freddy said, snapping his fingers inspirationally.

He disappeared momentarily and returned with a soda bottle and an evil grin. The others looked at him in a befuddled manner.

"Hold him down," he said.

As there wasn't much fight in the bloodied, beaten boy, it wasn't all that difficult to get him into the position Freddy wanted. Two boys took a leg each and pulled them apart. The third one took his wrists into his hands and then used his body weight to hold them down.

"The little sissy wants to be queer, let's show him what it means to be queer," Freddy announced to the others.

Jonas wasn't conscious enough to understand Freddy's intent, but he grasped all too soon when the tip of the bottle was placed at the opening of his inner being. He began to thrash around, trying to dislodge the three of them, but it proved in vain. When he finally gave up, Freddy took the advantage and re-aimed the bottle at his nether region. With all the force he could muster, the sadistic preteen drove the bottle deep inside his hostage.

Jonas screamed like never before as his anal muscles were mercilessly shredded by the invading bottle. Freddy continued to shove it inside him, even through the screams of his helpless victim, until it'd reached almost halfway inside. Even as it had reached beyond its widest point, the bottle was still significantly wide enough to cause excruciating pain to it intended sufferer. The child didn't know how to handle the amount of pain he was enduring and mercifully passed out.

"What the fuck 3;?" Harry asked. All four of them looked at each other, scared.

"Is he..?" Silas cautiously asked. No one answered.

In the moment of extreme panic, they ran, leaving Jonas to fend for himself. They didn't stop running until each of them had reached their respective homes and rooms. None of them came out to their parents at dinner time, but declined all food. All four of them were too scared to sleep that night, fearing sirens, but none came.

Well into the night, Jonas began waking up. His battered body belligerently opposing his will. But, yet he forced it to move. As he moved a leg, pain erupted renewed from his torn hole and he screamed again. Fighting as best as he could, Jonas reached back to touch the bottle invading his body. It sickened him that this thing was somewhere inside him. Somewhere private. Staving off a wave of nausea, the preteen grabbed the invader and began pulling it out of him. He cried louder as the bottle widened even more than it had been, but he knew it would. He just couldn't do anything about it. With a strength of will that even he didn't know he had, Jonas managed to get the soda bottle past the widest point and then it slipped out of him on its own.

Jonas groaned at the relief of having something so invasive out of him. Careful not to cause any more undue pain to himself, he very gently got to his feet. Using a nearby tree to steady himself, Jonas gathered some of his lapsed strength and began making his way home again.

It took him over an hour of walking gingerly before he saw the lights of his own house in front of him. He wasn't too sure he was happy to see it, but it was home. As he opened the door, his father bellowed from the kitchen.

"Well, it's about fucking time, Bitch!"

Jack rounded the corner to see his younger son in the shape that his was in. Compassion hit him for the first time since this had started. Just as Jonas was collapsing in utter exhaustion, Jack arrived in time to grab him. He saw the blood that had run down the boy's legs from his torn hole, the added bruises and welts all over him, and had pity on him.

It took several days before Jonas was coherent enough for Jack to talk to him. It had been a tough run of days, but the boy had pulled through. When he did, Jack was sitting on the desk's chair, looking at him.

"Dad 3;," he said waking up, and then realized his mistake. "Oh, I'm sorry; Sir."

"Whatever, Bitch," he said, dismissively, but just as harsh, and still seething plenty over the whole experience of finding out the truth about his son. "Listen, what happened to you was not what I had in mind, so I've had to re-think things since it's all happened."

"I can't go back to that school, Sir," Jonas pleaded.

"No, you're not. You're going to remain here, but don't think it's going to be a vacation. You're going to work. This house needs a lot of cleaning and picking up since your bitch of a mother walked out on us. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Jonas answered.

"You will still wear the clothes I got you. And you will do exactly what Wally and I tell you to do; no matter what it is. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," he answered again.

"Good. Now, get up and get a shower and get started. I have a list of things that need to be done and I expect them done by the time Wally gets home from school."

"Yes, Sir."

After his shower, Jonas saw that there was a small maid's uniform lying on his bed with black shoes to match setting on the floor in front of it. The note on the uniform told him that he was to wear this at all times while he was cleaning the house.

"Disobedience means severe punishment, Bitch," it said in finality. It wasn't signed, but it didn't need to be. Jonas knew who it was and who he was. Nothing else was to be expressed.

The boy slipped the maid's skirt on over his head and zipped up the back. It was black, with white lace trimming it, and fluffed out at the bottom. His panties he was to wear while working were white with white lace around the edges. Another pair of laced bobby socks and the black shoes covered his feet.

He groaned as he looked in the mirror. The girl that looked back at him still had ample bruises on her face and arms. She looked ridiculous with all the wounds he'd sustained, but he dared not disobey his father. He had to wear the outfit, no matter how he looked.

The note on the table outlined the day's chores for him to do; dishes, laundry, and clean the front living room. Jonas ate his breakfast and then got to work. Even though the list was fairly small, he was still moving slowly and painfully, so he got to work as quickly as he could. Within an hour's time, though, he'd forgotten he was wearing the maid's clothing and just moved about naturally.

An hour before Wally came home, Jonas moved into his room to change from the maid's uniform into something more casual. It was only then that he noticed not only were all of his old clothes gone, but the closet was packed with girl's dresses. He scanned the length of the closet, taking in all of the things inside it. Skirts, dresses, blouses, shoes, all lined the enclosed space. He picked out a short skirt and a short, tight blouse from the selection.

Pulling the maid's dress off, Jonas slipped the short skirt around his waist, actually beginning to like the look of it. He felt like he could have no problem wearing this as long as it was here at the house. The shirt was pulled on next, but it too short and left his midriff exposed. He didn't bother with shoes, but went barefooted around the area. Then he heard the door open and close. Taking a deep breath, he walked out to face Wally.

"Damn, Bitch, if I didn't know what you were, I'd say you looked good," he exclaimed walking into the kitchen. Jonas smiled back at him, knowing that for Wally, that was a compliment. "Get me something to drink, Bitch." Wally then turned and headed out of the room.

Jonas nodded and got his brother's favorite soda from the fridge. He opened it and took it to him in the living room. Wally was lying on the sofa, scanning channels on the TV.

"Thanks, Bitch," he said as Jonas put the soda down for him. "Oh, and Vince is coming over to the house in a few minutes. Don't embarrass me."

Jonas shook his head, no, that he wouldn't do that. He spun around on the heel of his foot and left his teenage brother to the vices of the television world. He finished folding the last load of laundry as the doorbell rang, announcing Vince's arrival.

"Damn, you do look good," Vince said as Jonas opened the door for him.

"Yeah, I know," Wally voiced from the sofa. "Get him a soda, too, Bitch."

Jonas nodded and went to get the specified drink. As he was setting it down in front of Vince, the older boy, grabbed him around the waist.

"You look good enough to fuck, boy," Vince told him with a leery grin.

"Not yet, Vince. Dad said that the bitch needs time to recover from the beating it took. You can fuck it later."

Jonas didn't like the sound of that. Not at all.

"Oh, and it's not a boy; it's a bitch. Get it right, man." Wally added after a few seconds.

"Right; will do. But, what about it blowing me?" Vince asked.

"Not a bad idea," Wally said, ponderingly. "On your knees, Bitch."

Jonas did as he was told and got to his knees. Vince unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his fly. He scooted out of his pants and then moved his legs to put Jonas in between them. He began waving his cock at the boy. Jonas noticed that it was considerably larger than Matt's and had hair around the base. Vince's balls were also quite large.

"Up here, Bitch, and suck it," he said harshly, getting into the same frame of mind as his friend.

Jonas nodded and moved up towards Vince's cock. Vince guided the boy's hands to his throbbing member and Jonas complied. He began stroking the hard meat with both hands, but that wasn't good enough for the older teen. Reaching down, he grabbed Jonas by the hair, and pulled his face towards his manhood. Knowing what to do, the child opened his mouth to the angry red head of it and fit it inside.

"Oooohhh," Vince groaned. "That feels good, Bitch."

Jonas lowered his head down onto Vince's eight inch [20 cm] tool. He wasn't able to fit all of it into his mouth, per his gag reflex, but he tried his best. Vince cooed even more so as Jonas continued to work on him. He began humping his hips causing his cock to slide in and out of Jonas's preteen mouth. It took some time, but eventually, he reached his orgasm, groaning and cumming all over the boy's face.

"Damn, that was hot," Wally commented. During the blowjob, he'd pulled his own cock out and was stroking it in time. "Get your hot mouth over here, Bitch."

Resolvedly, Jonas moved over to kneel in front of his big brother. He reached up and began doing the same thing to him as he just had to his friend. Wally didn't take as much time, due to already being so horned up by waiting and watching. Jonas took another face-full of cum, with some of it dribbling down his face to stain his girly top.

During both blowjobs, Jonas's cock strained against its captive ring, pulling on the still tender flesh. He knew better than to even hope to believe that that thing would ever come off one day. After seeing how much pleasure both of these two teenagers and his friend Matt were having, he longed for getting an erection also. The feelings of his mistreatment caused his eyes to water up and two tears broke loose, sliding down his face and mixing with the teenage cum.

"What's your problem, Bitch?" Wally asked. Jonas shook his head, knowing that anything he said would be cause for more ridicule.

Jonas got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face off. He took a deep breath and then made his way back to the kitchen to begin making dinner. He bent over to get something out of one of the lower cupboards when a voice behind him told him that Vince was in the room.

"Now, that's a fuckable ass, if I've ever seen one," he said. The smile on his face was evident from his tone.

The boy didn't know what to say, so he just said nothing, but nodded and continued about his work. Vince watched him for a few minutes longer, and then went to join Wally in front of the tube again.

Jack arrived home just as Vince was leaving for his. He saw all that Jonas had done and patted his head in approval. Both Wally and Jack sat down at the table, but as Jonas was going to sit down, Jack stopped him.

"Bitches eat on the floor," he said with a sneer.

Jonas then knew his place. Not only would he never be able to experience erections, but he'd never be equal with anyone else in the house. Even a dog would have a higher status than Jonas. He moved his plate to the floor and ate off it for the entirety of the meal. Never once did his father nor his brother do anything more to acknowledge all the hard work he'd put into cleaning the house that day. All they did was discuss the day's events in the other's life.

Over the course of the next several days, Jonas cleaned, scrubbed, dusted, and vacuumed his way through the house. By the end of the week, the house looked totally different. Each day, Wally and Vince sat on the sofa or in the kitchen for Jonas to suck them off at least once. Friday morning arrived with Jack pulling Jonas aside before leaving for work.

"Make sure this house is spotless, Bitch; there's going to be a small party tonight with some friends."

"Yes, Sir," Jonas replied.

"And make sure the backyard is picked up as well," Jack added.

"Yes, Sir."

Jonas did what was expected and more. The backyard looked exceptionally clean when he was through. The whole place looked totally different than when he first started, and the boy was proud of himself for once. He knew he wouldn't get recognized for his hard work, but not getting beaten was reward enough for him.

Wally and Vince arrived at the house for their daily blowjobs and then began getting things ready for the party. The barbeque broiler had to be prepared and a few other things had to be set up as well. To Jonas it looked like any other party that Jack had hosted before. Jack arrived at home after going shopping for supplies needed. Ribs and accessories, beer and other alcohol, but it was the rope that confused Jonas the most.

"Go get into that white dress, Bitch," Jack told the boy, who nodded and left.

The white dress the man had referred to was a white, lacy dress that puffed out at the bottom. White socks and shoes matched the look and when Jonas was finished, he looked more like a sissy than ever before. The thing that Jonas noticed most was that almost all the bruises had healed from his experience with his teachers and classmates. Embarrassed about having to walk around in this with others at the house, but determined not to be beaten by his father for disobedience, Jonas took a deep breath and left his room.

A man suddenly grabbed him by the crotch as he entered the backyard. He roughly felt around the boy's genitals, pulling on the boy's captured dick. Jonas moaned at the efforts of the man's rough hands.

"Nice bitch you got there, Jack," the man yelled across the yard.

"Fuck off, Butch," Jack answered and the two shared a laugh. Then the burly man turned his attentions to Jonas. "Come here, Bitch."

"Like what you did with his cock, too," Butch added.

Jonas walked over to his father as the two engaged in the banter.

"IT doesn't have a cock; IT has a penis, Butch. You ought to know the difference."

Jonas reached his father's position, but more subdued from being humiliated further by the big man. Jack grabbed the sissy boy and turned him around. Jack used the rope to tie his arms behind his back. Each wrist was tied to the opposite elbow as if he were crossing his arms behind his back. The action also made his chest stick out more so. Jonas whimpered, but didn't dare complain.

As the backyard continued to fill up with men from Jack's work, Jonas became more and more nervous. The looks they kept giving him made things worse. Wally and Vince were there as well, with Vince always making lewd comments sporadically. Every so often, he would flip the edge of Jonas's dress, teasingly. With his arms tied behind his back, Jonas was helpless to defend himself if things went badly. And as the sun went down, things went badly for our hero.

"Dad 3;?" Wally asked, getting Jack's attention.

The two looked at each other, knowingly, and Jack looked at Jonas. He looked back to Wally and nodded. Wally grinned at his younger sissified brother. He curled his finger to him, but Jonas didn't move.

"Get your ass over here, Bitch," Wally growled. Apprehensively, Jonas made his way to his big brother.

Instantly, Wally grabbed him by his shirt and planted a rough kiss on his mouth. Jonas tried to back away from it, as he smelled a great deal of beer on his breath, but the older boy had him securely. When Wally broke the kiss, he turned Jonas around and pushed him to the ground. With his left hand, he held the boy down and using his right, he reached under the frilly dress and yanked the white lacy panties down Jonas's white legs.

Jonas felt the cool night air touch his privates and buttocks for the first time in over two weeks, but now, it was his brother doing this to him. Tied as he was, he couldn't do anything to stop what was coming next. From his position, Jonas heard Wally unzip his jeans and then felt his body press down on his back. Something fleshy and hard touched his buttcrack and Jonas then knew what was about to happen.

"Oh God, no, Wally," he pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up, Bitch," Wally snarled at the boy.

"Please 3;," was all he could get out before pain erupted from his anal region yet again. He howled into the night as Wally speared his brother's backside hole. Being only a teenager, and not fully grown yet, Wally wasn't terribly big, only six inches [15 cm] or so, but he was vicious. He didn't take his brother slowly or in the least bit lovingly. He was brutal in the rape of his sibling.

Wally lifted his upper torso with his hand still on Jonas's back and began thrusting for all he was worth as he strove to reach climax. All poor Jonas could do was lie there and take it. His guts were pumped continuously over the next several minutes until the older boy finally stiffened and came inside him.

"Ah, now that felt good," Wally commented as he pulled his weakening cock out of his brother.

"My turn," Vince announced.

Flipping up Jonas's dress to lie on his back, an already nude Vince lowered himself onto the boy's back. Feeling around for the hole that inspired him, the teenager struck gold with the third attempt. Just as vicious as his friend, Vince thrust his cock inside the helpless preteen. Jonas cried his heart out into the dirt as he was ravaged again. Being unable to help himself, Vince came after just a few minutes' time.

"Man, that felt great," Vince said, groaningly as he lifted himself off the boy and out of his tormented asshole.

"We're done, Dad," Wally called out and Jack nodded. As Wally and Vince zipped up and left the party for Vince's house, Jack set his beer down on the ground.

He made his way to where Jonas was still lying on the ground, trying to recoup his strength. He reached down and grabbed the boy by the hair again and then practically dragged him to the wooden patio table. Once there, the kid was thrown onto the table right at the hip, putting his upper torso on the table and his legs dangling towards the ground. Jack used some leftover rope and tied it around his son's neck; tight, but not too tight as to cut off air supply. A knot was made and the excess was wrapped around the width of the table, securing Jonas's top to the wood. Two more ropes were used to spread his legs apart and secure them to the legs of the table.

"Dessert is now served, gentlemen," he said, walking away.

The first to come to Jonas was Jack's friend, Butch; a big man as burly as the boy's father and meaner. Butch didn't bother with lowering his pants, he plowed into the boy after only opening his fly enough to get the material out of the way. Jonas screamed anew as his hole was used again, but this time, the cock entering him was no teenager's; a man's cock invaded him now. And it showed no mercy. All eight inches [20 cm] of thick manhood assaulted the poor kid. Unable to do much else, Jonas just screamed at the intrusion. The screams he made seemed to do nothing but spur the large man onward, thrusting harder and harder into the orifice. As he got closer and closer to his own climax, Butch reached up and did the same thing everyone else seems to do; grab the boy by his hair, but this time, it was used to hold onto him for more thrusting power.

With one final, guttural thrust, Butch came inside the boy's intestines. After pulling out just as harshly, Jonas collapsed to the table. But, no respite was due for the little boy; a second man took his place. Mason Powers was a vindictive bastard and took no time in burying all nine inches [23 cm] of his cock inside the sissy. Jonas once again screamed.

"That's it, Bitch, take my cock!" Powers growled at him as he savagely thrust into him again, making his point clearer to the kid.

Powers forced his way past what Jonas thought he could endure. He helplessly suffered over twenty minutes of being raped by the brute. When he was done, another took his place. And another. And another. Until every one of them had had their turns with him. Jonas blacked out after the fifth rape, but woke up to yet another painful intrusion minutes later.

"I got time for another go 'round, Jack," Butch announced after the twelfth man was done.

"Don't let me stop you," Jack said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Jesus, Bitch, you're loose. Need to change your name to 'Slut'." Butch had told the preteen just as he entered him again. Others around the table and yard snickered at the boy's humiliation. Nothing stopped him from being taken by each man once again.

"Good night, Jack," Mason said as he left after a third time at Jonas. He was the last to leave as he wanted a third fuck with the kid. All the other guests had left for the night.

"See ya," Jack said in reply. Jack turned to Jonas, half-lying on the table. He wasn't drunk enough to get the notion to fuck the kid, but he did have something else in mind. He opened his fly and pissed all the beer he'd been storing up for the night all over the boy's head, back, butt, and legs till he was totally drained.

"Ah, now that feels better," he said to himself, but didn't release the boy from his bonds.

Jack, pleased with the evening's proceedings, just simply zipped up his fly and walked into the house. Turning out the lights in the house, Jack headed for his bedroom and then turned out that light for the night. Jonas was left, reeking, sore, and humiliated on the picnic table for the entire night. He could nothing to escape what held him to the table, even after trying for a time. Every part of his body hurt again, especially the places on his body where the ropes were tied. He tried several times while he was being raped to get loose, but it was too tight. Once everyone was gone, he tried again, but to no avail. He was stuck till someone untied him.

The morning brought Jack out from the house to the backyard. The knife in his hand cut the bonds holding his son inside a few minutes. Jonas did nothing when he was free, mistakenly thinking that it was a dream.

"You stink, Bitch," Jack told him with another sneer. "Go get cleaned up and get breakfast ready. NOW!"

Jonas nodded weakly and moved back into the house. He cried again as he cleaned his body off of cum and blood, knowing that at any time it could happen again. His home had become a house of horrors for him. The ropes that were still tied to his limbs and neck were loosened and removed while he showered. The marks they left behind were so severe, Jonas doubted they'd ever leave his skin.

"Hurry your ass up, Bitch," Jack yelled from the living room.

Jonas finished the shower as quickly as he could and then made his way to the bedroom. A yellow dress was waiting for him and he hurriedly put it on. He made a quick plate of bacon and eggs for his father and brought it in to him with a glass of OJ.

" 'Bout fucking time, Bitch," Jack commented with another look of contempt.

"Yes, Sir," Jonas replied.

Jack ate the meal, not bothering to allow Jonas to eat till he was finished. The boy ate just as fast as he had showered, knowing that there were chores to do for the day. And there were. The backyard, scene of his own brutal rape, had to be cleaned up. The dishes from the party had to be done and trash taken out. Jonas was busy with all of it the whole day.

Wally and Vince came home just as things were finishing up being cleaned. Wally grabbed Jonas and hauled him into his room. Without preamble, he shoved his stiff cock down the boy's gagging throat. Vince couldn't be denied, either. Ripping the white lacy panties from Jonas's body, the teen shoved his cock into the sore opening that was present. Jonas's scream was muffled against his brother's crotch as Wally had made sure his whole cock was down the boy's throat. Jonas suffered through a double-fuck from his brother and the friend for almost half an hour before both boys finished; both inside his used hole.

When they were finished with him, they threw the sissy from their presence with a laugh at his dress. Jonas made his way to the kitchen to clean himself up and begin making dinner. The dinner was enough for Jack, the two teenagers and Jonas, so all four ate there. When it had been cleaned up, the two teens took their turns at the boy again, sending him on his way with a face full of cum. Jonas spent the night crying, knowing that no one loved him any longer.

The next day being Sunday, it was spent pretty much the same way as the day before; getting fucked by two teenagers in the morning, cleaning the house for the day, and then getting it again after dinner. Jonas saw the pattern of his life now and there was no way out of it. Escaping it had crossed his mind, but if he were caught by anyone in the town, the penalty would be more than he could imagine. Besides that, there was really nowhere for him to really go. Even his mother had abandoned him to this fate.

The following week was more of the same; cleaning and getting fucked by whomever wanted him. Friday arrived with Jack arriving home early. He told Jonas to get into the yellow dress and then come back into the living room. Jonas nodded and then did as he was told. Jack led his son to the car shortly afterward. Jonas questioned this, but didn't ask; he didn't have to.

"You're going to be staying with someone until tomorrow night, Bitch," Jack told him as they were rounding the first curve in the street. All Jonas could do was nod.

They pulled up to a house Jonas had never seen before. Jack got out and walked around to the other side, as Jonas slipped out of the car as well. The older man took his son to the door and rang the bell. Marge the Nurse answered the door and Jonas groaned. Patricia Powers, Mason Powers's sister, was standing behind her, waiting.

"He looks precious, Jack," Marge told him after looking the boy over.

"See you tomorrow evening, Marge," Jack said, and without a backward glance, left his son with the two lesbians.

Marge reached out and grabbed Jonas by the top of the dress, yanking him into the house. Patricia was already getting into the mood, savoring the idea of doing her worst to a nasty boy, and a sissy at that. Marge, the more dominant and larger one of the two, shoved him to the small living room where Patricia waited.

"Let's see if we can whip this dress of the little sissy, eh Sis?" Marge asked, looking to her partner.

"Sounds good to me," she answered.

Before Jonas knew what was happening, rope was brought out and wound tightly around his slim wrists. The free end of the rope was thrown through a loop screwed into the rafters of the ceiling. Patricia then pulled it tight, lifting the boy off his feet and into the air. Once suspended, more rope was added to his ankles, calves, knees, and thighs, totally immobilizing his legs. Satisfied with the results, the two lesbians began walking around the helpless lad.

If Jonas had been scared the previous weekend, he was terrified now. There was no telling what these two would do to him. He groaned under the strain the rope was putting on his new skin, but neither one did anything to alleviate his suffering. Patricia gave Marge a certain look and the larger one nodded. She left the hanging boy and returned with a nasty looking whip. Marge took it and lined up some spaces away. One lash across Jonas's back had him screaming to the top of his lungs.

"Oh, shut up, Bitch, we just got started. We got a long way to go before we're done."

Marge ruthlessly brought the whip across his back again to illustrate her point to him. He thrashed about in is suspended bondage, trying in vain to escape the painful lash. Patricia had taken up residence in a chair and was avidly stroking her clit with a finger. Each lash of the whip stripped more of the cotton dress from Jonas's back, as well as a thin layer of skin.

She didn't let up with it until his whole back was a crossing pattern of red welts. Sweat was pouring off both victim and assailant. Patricia had made herself cum more than once throughout the whole experience. Jonas's dress hung off his pliant body in torn, tattered ribbons. He wasn't able to distinguish his tears from his sweat, but he was beyond such speculations. Pain and hopelessness were the only things he knew now. His situation was deteriorating rapidly since his mishap with Matt.

"Hm, no balls," Patricia said as she ripped the dress and subsequent panties from Jonas's frame. Marge moved to the side to investigate as well.

"How'd this happen, boy?" She asked, looking up to Jonas's sweat-drenched face.

"My father," the boy gasped out, barely audible.

They loosened the ropes a little to see what was done to him and both women approved. Sadistically, Patricia began to massage the boy's small cock, with hand and warm breath, to get it hard, pulling on the sensitive skin. Jonas groaned in renewed pain at the sensation. His own body was causing him pain, now. His own sexual sensations were betraying him in causing even more pain. It began to drive his mind crazy with all of it.

"PLEASE! STOP!" Jonas howled, begging for mercy for his tortured mind.

But he was helpless at the mercy of two women that hated everything that was man. His cries went unanswered. His small dick continued to undergo its own level of torture from them. One would tire of stimulating his member, and the other would take over. Every minute was spent causing his cock to harden, pulling on the metal ring, causing more and more pain to an already sensitive area. The agony increased beyond anything the boy had experienced so far; even beyond the soda bottle's invasion, but his body never passed out from the torment. He endured it all wide awake.

Alligator clamps were attached to both his nipples, sending a renewed sense of anguish through him. Shards of agony shot through him and he screamed yet again. He thrashed his body about, trying to dislodge the clips, but nothing made them release their grip. Pity and compassion were two adjectives that could never be used to describe these two women, and they showed none here for the boy. Two more clips were clamped down on his hairless balls, eliciting another loud bellow of pain. Jonas finally, mercifully, thankfully, and gratefully passed out.

Hours later had Jonas waking up from his brief respite to see that neither woman stopped their onslaughts. Red welts now littered the front of his torso, matching his back. One angry one ran down the base of his imprisoned cock. The four clips that had been attached earlier had been joined by several others; his cock, ribs, armpits, toes, and butt were littered with them. They painfully bit into his flesh, drawing bits of blood.

Jonas looked around, to see that no one was there, and it was dark outside. He tried moving little things on his body, but the ropes around his legs were tied tight again, and he was still suspended off the floor. He tried moving his fingers, and found them hard to feel. There was just no way out of the predicament he was in.

"Among the living again, I see," Jonas heard a voice say behind him.

Marge walked around and Jonas jerked away from her, in surprise and fear. The lesbian smiled, humorlessly.

"Please take these things off me," he pleaded with her.

"Alright," she said, with an evil grin. Jonas didn't like that grin; he'd seen it too many times over the past few weeks.

With one flat palm, she slapped a clip from Jonas's left underarm. As it left his body, it tore a small ribbon of skin away from him. A round of screams accompanied it. Another slap removed the one under the right arm, tearing even more skin from Jonas's body.

"Please stop!" He howled again.

"Well, do you want the clips off or on?" She asked, with a silky tone to her voice.

Jonas was in a conundrum about these things. In one hand, these clips bit painfully into his skin, but he didn't like the way she was removing them from his body. Pain was all he knew now, and it was clouding his mind, making it difficult to concentrate.

"Well? What is your decision, Bitch? Off or on?"

Jonas nodded.

"Oh that tells me a lot," she sarcastically commented.

"Off, please," he said, finally deciding.

"So be it," she said with a certain amount of relish.

She retrieved the whip and began whipping each and every clip off of him, one by one. Every one of them had Jonas screaming and writhing in agony. The torture lasted over an hour before the final clip was whipped from him; the one biting into his enslaved cock. When Marge was finished, small streams of blood flowed down his entire bound frame. She wasn't finished with him quite yet, though. A small bottle of bleach was poured over him, causing each and every cut to sting in excruciating misery. Darkness claimed him once again just as the big lesbian emptied the bottle.

The boy woke up to a dark room some time later. No lights were on, and the door leading outside told him it was still nighttime. No one was there, and he was still hanging in the same position he was when he first arrived. He didn't want to attract any attention; that meant even more pain and suffering than he was already experience. Jonas may have been in severe pain, but to invite one of the women into the room would've been extremely unwise. As there was almost no way he could sleep in this agonizing position, all he could do was wait.

Nothing was so detrimental to a child as having nothing to do and nothing to do about it. He was stuck with no hope of escape, whether by sleep or by running away. For hours, he hung from the ceiling like a room ornament, not being able to move. All he could do was experience was the pain and agony of the previous several hours in his mind.

Light began to filter in from the door, informing mankind that morning was arriving. To most people, it was a time of expectation to a new day and new possibilities. To Jonas, it was a time of trepidation in expectation of new levels of pain and suffering. A light clicked on behind him, causing even more fear to shoot through him. There was no way of telling what these two sadistic women had in mind for him.

Patricia was the first one around him. She paid him no mind as she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. And Jonas was just fine with that; the longer it took either of them to notice him, the better. Marge walked past him with a heavy swat to his marked buttocks. Jonas moaned, but otherwise remained silent. The smell of eggs that came from the kitchen permeated his nostrils, filling Jonas with an even more profound sense of hunger and his stomach growled in response. Neither female offered anything to him.

When breakfast was finished, Patricia loosened the rope holding him vertical, and let Jonas down to the floor. The boy collapsed immediately, but no such respite was going to last. She dragged him across the carpeted floor and into a bedroom. She hauled him up to lie facedown on a bare mattress. The rope that was wound around his thighs was cut loose, eliciting a sigh from the preteen. But, a few minutes later, had him realizing that mercy wasn't what Patricia had in mind.

A foot [30 cm] long, and very thick, strap on dildo was beginning to make its way into his backside door. Patricia began feeding the thick cock into the squirming boy and when the head had finally made its way inside him, the pain was so excruciating, that Jonas cried out from it. She didn't stop there; every inch was being inserted into him, causing more and more agony to course through him.

"It's ripping me apart!" He bellowed.

"Not my problem, Bitch," she informed him as another two inches [5 cm] was instantly shoved inside.

Being a youngster, she wasn't able to get all of the invading tool into him, so all but two inches [5 cm] was firmly embedded into him within a few minute's time. As she looked down, she smiled at seeing the effect of her "cock" inside his preteen, marked ass. The welts across his backside felt good to her as she traced every one of them with a finger. Slowly, cautiously, Patricia lowered herself to the back of his head.

"Now the real fun begins, Bitch," she told him.

Without raising up, she began pulling her hips backwards, pulling the fake cock out of the boy, eliciting yet another groan of anguish. She took her time, allowing him to feel every inch of the tool. From experience in using the toy, she knew when the cock was about to exit the abused boy's hole and stopped just beforehand. With a thrust of her hips, half of it shot back inside him, filling his tormented mind and body with further agony. Another thrust and she was buried inside him to the cock's limit. Another painful withdraw, followed by yet another thrust assaulted Jonas's weakened frame. Within minutes, Patricia built up into a steady rhythm of fucking the boy's asshole. The plastic nub on the flip side of the strap on was rubbing her clit nicely, causing her to enjoy everything she was doing to him.

She hummed out a nice, calm orgasm after fifteen minutes. Jonas thought that it was over, but she didn't stop for long. Keeping the dildo inside him, she took the time to recover and restarted raping him. The sadistic lesbian didn't stop after the next one, ten minutes later, either. It wasn't until she had cum over six times before she finally had had enough. Seventy-five minutes after initially penetrating Jonas's preteen hole, Patricia unbuckled the strap-on and climbed off the boy.

Marge walked into the room as Patricia left. Jonas groaned, knowing that his ordeal wasn't over with yet. The larger woman climbed onto his back taking her lover's place and strapped the device into place.

"My turn, Bitch," she hissed into his ear.

And it was. The fake, hard cock was used to fuck him harder than ever. Marge was more vicious in raping him than the previous lesbian. Jonas's pussy was torn to shreds before Marge had enough of him. She'd made herself orgasm at least ten times before calling it quits. When finished, she ripped the cock from his guts, extracting another groan from her victim.

"Now, that was fun," she commented needlessly.

She looked down at his backside to see some blood flowing from his abused hole and smiled.

"You on the rag, Bitch?" She guffawed at her own private joke and left the bound boy on the bed for a shower.

Jonas laid there, doing nothing but trying not to think about all the pain his body was experiencing until Patricia walked into the room. He flinched away from her, but she simply sat down on the edge of the bed and untied his molested frame. He groaned as each rope was savagely untied from him. And again when the rope around his wrists suddenly allowed blood to flow back into his hands. Needles shot through his hands as feeling returned to them.

"Get your ass up and get a shower, Bitch; your father will be here soon," she informed him.

Jonas nodded, but moved slowly due to his injuries. It was a slow, painful process to wash his body clean. It seemed every inch of him hurt in some way or another. Wiping off his backside hole was especially excruciating. Cuts on his body had replaced what would have been bruises by anyone else. The welts that littered him were simply angry red lines, crisscrossing his entire makeup.

Jonas sat on the front porch, naked waiting for his father. The two lesbians had their fun with him and they were done. He was nothing more than a toy to use and abuse. His father pulled up in front of the house a half an hour after the boy had sat down. Jack didn't ask anything of him as to why he was wearing nothing but the bobby socks and white shoes. He just drove the boy home as Jonas lay painfully on the back seat.

It took over a week's time for the young boy to recover from his experience with the two women. It was another slow, painful recovery, laced with time doing his chores and sucking Wally and Vince off. Another week later, and Jonas's injuries were almost totally gone. His anal barrier had pretty much returned to normal and was responding to his commands of being able to hold waste again. The week of embarrassment from having to wear diapers was another new degrading experience for him, but he had to endure it. His father forced the baby's cloth on him until he was able to control himself again.

Another week went by and that Friday night was another backyard party at the house. Jonas groaned, but didn't say a word in protest. He served his father's friends their meals dressed in a spring sundress with yellow shoes and a yellow ribbon in his hair. All the men smiled approvingly as he made his way from one to the other. When the main course was finished, Jonas was dessert, yet again.

Stakes were driven into the ground and he was tied to them, spread eagled. Butch ripped the boy's white panties from his hips again and seconds later, drove his massive cock into the boy's healed hole. Jonas screamed into the dirt at the intrusion.

"Ah, sweet music," Butch commented as more of his cock was shoved inside the squirming boy.

All through the night, Jonas endured another gang rape from the sadistic men. Each man shoved their cocks either down his throat or inside his smooth bottom. He was spanked and hit many times over until a thunderstorm began moving its way into the area. Jack didn't bother with the sissy boy that was once his son, but with all the picnic gear and food. As the rain began to fall, the last man fucked him hard with a ten inch [25 cm] cock and then went inside after cumming.

Jonas was left behind as wind and rain assaulted the small town. The boy held on as best as he could through the torrential rains. Trees blew from side to side. Horizontal rain blew past him and all he could do was hope that he would make it through this night. A bolt of lightning flashed through the sky cutting its way across the blackness. Jonas yelped in shock and fear.

The following morning brought sunshine to the local area, but did nothing to improve Jonas's life at all. Jack untied him and then had him clean up the yard from the night's storm. Wally and Vince doubled him up again before he was able to get another shower.

That evening, Jonas noticed that Jack was drinking more heavily than ever before. It was not a good sign for the boy, so he tried to stay as elusive as possible. It worked. Up until about ten o'clock or so. Jonas was lying on his bed, facing away from the door when the door crashed open. The boy turned suddenly to see Jack standing there with nothing but a bottle of Jack Daniel's in his hand and an enraged look on his face.

"You left me, Bitch, with a sissy for a son," he said, getting started, "now, you're going to pay for that."

Jonas, sensing severe danger, moved away from him, but Jack, even in his drunken stupor, was quicker. He nabbed the boy by the arm and threw him on the bed. The clean blue sundress that covered him was ripped from his torso in heated fury. The bottle of whiskey had been forgotten as it lay on the floor. Jack looked down at his son, hallucinating that his ex-wife was beneath him once again.

"I tried to teach you to mind me, Bitch, but that was impossible for you," he growled. "You kept complaining that I was too big for you; well let's just see if you've loosened up since leaving."

His stiffened cock was placed at Jonas's backdoor for the first time. Even though the boy had taken so many the night before, none of them were as large as his father's. Being exceptionally large was always a source of complaint from Jonas's mother about Jack. The boy was about to feel every inch of what she protested about. Jonas tightened up as Jack began to fit the mammoth inside him.

"That ain't gonna help, Bitch," he told the boy. With a grunt, Jack shoved forward, impaling his young son at last.

In all the weeks of abuse that Jonas had taken recently, he'd not felt such pain as he did at that moment. It was as if he was being split totally in half. Even through the fits of struggle, crying, and screaming, Jack continued to feed all of it into his boy.

"You're taking all of it, Bitch," he yelled over the kid's cries.

Jonas felt his internal organs being pushed aside as the invading cock made its way into him. The pain was beyond comprehension and if he had a choice, he would have passed out from all of it. But, that was not going to be the case. Oblivion eluded him as he was forced to take his father's massive cock one inch at a time. His guts were stretched beyond intended limits as he felt his father's pelvis make contact with his smooth bottom.

"Just as tight as I remembered," Jack said to himself. "Well, so much the better, Bitch."

Jack began fucking the boy's ass properly after that. Pain upon pain assaulted the preteen. Every part of his insides felt like they were being beaten from the inside. Each time Jack's cock forced itself back inside him, his entrails were battered once again. There was no escaping it and the boy's father was ruthless in his brutality. Jack raped him for over a solid hour, not stopping the onslaught, even after cumming once.

Jack passed out following the eventual rape, leaving a beaten, abused, and mistreated Jonas crying himself to sleep. The nightmares that haunted Jonas that night were nothing in comparison to the reality that had become his life. Even the muffled apology from Jack the next morning brought no relief to the boy. He knew that it would happen again, and again, and again. His life was now nothing but a long, strung out wave of misery.

The End