Bill aka StoryguyRussian Boys |
SummarySasha, a naive 12-year-old living in the slums of Moscow, learns from an older boy how to make easy money by posing nude for a photographer. The older boy, 14-year-old Alexei, then introduces Sasha to the pleasures of sex, getting him ready for his next money-making venture – a boy-sex filming session at an isolated farmhouse
Publ. Aug 2004 (ASSGM); this site Jan 2009
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CharactersSasha (12yo) and Alexei (14yo) and S. Ivanov (in his 30s)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/photographingtb – cons oral anal mast (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteLike it? Write to me at bil47_new(at) or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
"Hey 3; malchik 3; you're name's Sasha, right?" Sasha Petrov recognized the handsome and popular older boy who had approached him on the playground, carrying a ball, but was totally surprised that the 14-year-old knew his name. "Yeah; that's me," said Sasha, in a suspicious tone, not knowing if he was about to get beaten up for some unknown offense. "My name's Alexei 3; Want to kick the ball around?" Now Sasha was even more surprised. An 8th grader playing football with a 6th grader during recess? It was practically unheard of in the unwritten social protocols at their school. "Sure!" Sasha had no idea why the older boy was acting so friendly, but felt proud of the recognition. When the bell rang, calling them back to classes, Alexei draped his hand over Sasha's shoulder as they walked back to the building. Then Alexei whispered in his ear. "I've got a magazine with dirty pictures 3; you want to see it after school?" Sasha was 12 years old and rather naive about sex, but by no means completely so 3; and he was definitely curious about such things. He agreed instantly. "Meet me in the furnace room down in the basement after the last class period," said the older boy, as they parted ways. It was early June, with school almost over and the Moscow weather turning from too-cold to too-hot. Sasha lived in a dreary neighborhood of southwestern Moscow known as Volgogradsky, where gritty factories stand side-by-side with run-down 8-story apartment blocks built in the time of Stalin. He shared a two-room flat with his unmarried mother. Sasha was a good-looking kid 3; a boyishly handsome face, straight light-brown hair that came over his ears, clear skin, and a rail-thin body that had shot up in height during the school year. He had a circle of pals, but no 'best friend'. A couple of the girls had tried to flirt with him 3; motivated by his taller-than-average height and cute face 3; but the whole idea of girls made him nervous, and the female suitors quickly gave up on him. Sasha was filled with excited anticipation all afternoon, and when he got down to the school basement, Alexei was waiting for him with a smile on his face and a rolled-up magazine in his hand. By the light of a bare bulb, Sasha started looking at the pictures of naked women with big breasts, and men with large stiff cocks 3; sucking and fucking in various positions. Alexei, on the other hand, was studying Sasha 3; his face, the form of his body, the bulge appearing in his trousers. Sasha was totally absorbed in the magazine. He had heard about such things in giggling playground conversations, but had never seen anything like these pictures. Sasha was as fascinated with the men's bodies as with the women 3; the thick hard cocks in particular. He'd compared boners with his friends around the beginning of the school year, daring each other to pull down their pants and coax their immature dicks to stiffness. He hadn't done it since, though. Back then their boners had all been boyishly small; but now his penis was stiffening to a considerably bigger size inside his jeans, and it no longer needed to be coaxed in order to become instantly erect. Sasha's body had embarked on a race to puberty in recent months. His genitals had developed at a pace so rapid that they seemed bigger each time he secretly explored his naked body. Alexei had anticipated the bulge at Sasha's crotch and proceeded with his plan. "Want to compare dicks, Sasha? I can tell you have a nice one!" Alexei didn't wait for Sasha's reply, as he began to unfasten his own trousers. After only a moment's hesitation, Sasha grinned and began doing the same, intensely curious to see what a teenage boy's penis would look like when it got stiff. They both pulled down their underpants at the same time, and Sasha's eyes widened at the sight of Alexei's equipment. His penis was still soft, but it was as long and thick as Sasha's erection. He had a respectable patch of curly pubic hair too 3; and balls that hung down low, seemingly big as walnuts. With just a few strokes of Alexei's hand, the teenage dick pumped up to an erection that was as long as those of the men in the magazine 3; though more slender and elegant. Sasha looked down at his own rigid cock 3; two-thirds the size of the older boy's, with a loose ball-sack holding robin's-egg-size orbs. Sasha thought his genitals looked childish by comparison 3; especially his complete lack of pubic hair. But Alexei assured him otherwise. "Nice one, tavarich. You've got a big dick for a 6th grader 3; nice balls too," said the older lad. "Really? You think so?" "Yeah, sure! I've seen lots of guys boned up, and some kids my age don't have as much as you," said Alexei. Then the older boy stepped closer, pulled his shirt up, and pushed his crotch forward. "Want to feel me up?" The younger boy blushed, but immediately reached out his hand and wrapped his fingers around the shaft. It felt so thick and hard, pulsing with hot energy. The foreskin snuggled around the ridge of the youth's cock-head, and Sasha slid it all the way down. "Mmmm 3; keep stroking it!" urged Alexei, and he put his hand over Sasha's to get the rhythm going. When Sasha didn't really get the concept, the older boy said "Here; I'll show you how." Alexei reached out and started masturbating Sasha's erection with his thumb and two fingers. Unlike the random way Sasha fondled himself whenever he explored his boner, Alexei was moving the foreskin quickly up and down over the head in a steady rhythm. The familiar good feelings just kept getting more and more intense, surpassing anything he'd felt before. After a minute, Alexei stopped and reached for Sasha's hand again. "OK; now you stroke my boner the same way," said Alexei, placing the boy's hand around his teenage erection. But just as Sasha started to stroke the shaft up and down, they heard the custodian's footsteps outside the door, so they quickly pulled up their pants and snuck out. As they left the school building, Alexei said in a low voice "Would you be interested in an easy job that pays 200 rubles ($7 or €5) for an hour or two of work?" "Of course!" replied the boy, without even asking what was involved. That was almost as much money than his mother earned for two whole days at her job. Alexei explained that he sometimes worked as a model for a photographer in the center city. All he had to do was take off his clothes and let the man take pictures of him when he was naked. And the man had told Alexei to invite other boys who had good-looking faces and bodies, and who wanted to earn an easy 200 rubles. "We can go there after school tomorrow if you like," said Alexei. "Can you get away without your family knowing?" "Mama comes home at 7:00. Just so I'm back by then." "No problem 3; see you tomorrow!" As Sasha walked toward his apartment building, all he could think about how much money he would make 3; 200 rubles! That was enough to buy the CD player and headphones he had seen at the street market last weekend. His mother brought home a paycheck of only 2,200 rubles a month (about $80 or €60) 3; she was a cleaning lady in a government building. It was enough to get by (the old folks lived on monthly pensions of just 1,200 rubles) and the most people in Volgogradsky were no better off. The only prosperous people Sasha ever saw were the neighborhood's low-level gangsters, whose flashy clothes and German cars advertised their allegiance to one of Russia's homegrown mafias. As he sat at the small table in his apartment that evening, eating his usual dinner of boiled potatoes and cabbage, Sasha fantasized about going to one of the McDonald's or Burger King restaurants with his 200 rubles. He had stared longingly at the billboard advertisements showing the thick, juicy hamburgers, but he'd never had one before. After all, a Big Mac cost 40 rubles ($1.50 or €1) 3; the same price of 5 kilos of potatoes at the street market. Lying under a blanket on the sofa that night, Sasha reflected on the day's events. He was amazed that someone would pay so much money to take pictures of him naked. You could see all the naked boys you wanted just by going to one of Moscow's ubiquitous steam baths, where men and boys from 8 to 80 lounged around naked on benches in the steam room and then rinsed off and swam nude in the warm indoor pool. Uncle Fyodor took Sasha and his cousins to an old steam bath in the neighborhood every month or so. It was a Russian national tradition for one thing 3; but also a chance for Sasha to get clean, since his apartment building had no hot water. He refused to take a cold bath in the decrepit bathroom down the hall from his apartment, shared by the families in three other apartments. The last few times he went to the steam bath, Sasha had been acutely aware that his body was looking more like the older boys. He got a secret thrill out of showing off his maturing genitals 3; and seeing how some of the men and older boys were glancing down at them in a certain way. One of the men even gave him a sly wink after slowly running his eyes down Sasha's naked body. And, indeed, Sasha's penis was handsome when soft – pointing downward, finger-length and plump, with a short foreskin. Since he enjoyed being seen naked in the steam bath, he supposed he wouldn't mind the man taking pictures of him that way 3; especially for 200 rubles! With his mother gone to bed in the apartment's only bedroom, Sasha had the privacy to play with his private parts at leisure, and he pulled his underpants down to his knees. Practically the instant his fingers caressed his penis, it rose to a stiff boner. Thoughts ran through his head 3; of playing with Alexei's cock 3; of Alexei playing with his 3; of the nude bodies at the steam bath 3; of getting naked for the photographer. All the while, he manipulated the foreskin up and down the way Alexei had stroked him. When he caught himself moaning, he stopped for a moment, afraid that Mama might hear and know what he was doing. But her familiar snoring from behind the bedroom door eased his mind, and he returned to making his penis feel good. He kept going, much longer than he had played with his erection ever before, experiencing wonderful (but somewhat disturbing) sensations as his body tensed and shivered. The pressure inside his groin became almost painful and he decided he should stop. Perhaps he was hurting himself by doing this too long. He drifted off to sleep with a warm feeling in his body and the thought of 200 rubles dancing in his head. The next afternoon, as he walked out the front door of the school, Sasha spotted Alexei at the bottom of the steps. "Come on, Sasha. If we run we can get that streetcar before it pulls away." The photographer's studio was just off Tverskaya Street. It took 25 minutes, changing trams once. Alexei paid Sasha's 4-ruble fare since, as usual, Sasha had no money. The studio was on a narrow street fronted by small shops 3; a much better neighborhood than the boys lived in. They went up a flight of stairs, and Alexei knocked on a door with a sign saying S. Ivanov – Portrait Photography – By Appointment. A man in his early 30s opened the door. "Ah, Alexei! Come in 3; you're right on time. And who is this you've brought?" "I'm Sasha, sir," said the boy as he extended his hand. "Very pleased to meet you! Alexei chose well 3; as he always does." Sasha glanced over at Alexei. The older boy smiled with satisfaction. Sasha found Mr. Ivanov to be friendly and talkative. He poured them glasses of lemon soda and offered cookies from a tin, which Sasha devoured. Then Ivanov handed him a photo album from a shelf that held several, telling Sasha to look through it and see if he still wanted to work as a model. As Sasha turned the pages, all the pictures were of boys, ranging in age from perhaps 9 to 15. The album contained sequences of twenty or so shots of each boy. Each grouping started with the boy fully clothed (usually in ordinary clothes, but sometimes in a fancy or unusual costume) 3; then removing his shirt 3; then trousers 3; then underpants. Subsequent photos showed the naked boy in a variety of poses. There were also close-ups of each model's soft penis, and others that fully displayed his asshole. Sasha studied the pictures with excited interest. Although he had seen plenty of naked boys at the steam bath, the pictures of penises in every shape and size fascinated him. Alexei was looking over his shoulder and impatiently reached down to flip the pages ahead to the pictures of himself, obviously proud of how he looked in the photos. In the first pictures, Alexei was wearing a military camouflage outfit. When he had stripped down, and especially when his penis was shown in close-up, it was clear that the shots had been taken a year or more previously, as he had only a slight fringe of pubic hair and his genitals were smaller. In the last shot, he was on his elbows and knees, completely nude, looking back over his shoulder, his ass raised up to the camera, with his pink anus at the center of attention. "Are you OK having your picture taken like that?" asked Ivanov. "Sure!" said the boy in a tone of bravado, glancing over at Alexei. Sasha was a little nervous, but was reassured that the older boy had done it. And he was not at all dissuaded from this chance to make some good money. Then the man handed Alexei a 50-ruble bill and said, "You did a good job finding the boy. Come back in about 90 minutes to take him home, and you'll get the other half. Off you go now." Alexei grabbed the money and said "Sure; no problem." He looked up at a wall clock and said "See you around 5:15," and left. Sasha had thought Alexei was going to stay, and he felt apprehensive at first. But Mr. Ivanov put him at ease with his friendly conversation. Finally they went into the next room – a studio that had several lights mounted on metal stands with umbrellas. There was a big sheet of cloth hanging from the ceiling for a background, a sofa, and an oriental-design rug. Ivanov picked up a professional-grade digital Nikon and directed Sasha to sit on the sofa. When he took a picture, the lights flashed by remote control, bouncing off the umbrellas. He took a half dozen shots from different angles. "Good! Now stand up and start unbuttoning your shirt." Flash. "Look up at me. That's it." Flash. "Unbutton some more." Flash. "Smile 3; turn to your left 3; unbutton down to the last one 3; look straight at me 3; sexy smile." Flash. "You're very good as this, Sasha. Have you done it before?" "No, sir." "Well, you have a natural talent then. And you're very handsome besides 3; but I suppose you already knew that." Sasha could feel himself blushing, but said nothing. The next photo caught his shy smile as the shirt was sliding off his bare shoulders. Following Mr. Ivanov's instructions, Sasha posed bare-chested, with a variety of expressions and configuring his body and arms in different ways. "Now your trousers 3; Take your time removing them so I can get plenty of shots." When Sasha stood in his underpants – dingy grey and with the elastic stretched out – Ivanov was taking pictures faster than ever. He posed the boy in ways that allowed his penis and balls to show through the leg openings of the loose briefs 3; even getting up close to focus exclusively on Sasha's cloth-covered crotch. "OK 3; pull them down a bit 3; slowly 3; that's it 3; Now turn around and slide them down your rear-end." Sasha was a little embarrassed at the strip-tease he was performing, especially with the lights flashing every few seconds to signal another picture that would end up in the album on the shelf. Mostly, though, he was enjoying the excitement. It was like being at the steam bath and getting a secret thrill from showing his naked body. As soon as his underpants were completely off, though, his penis began rising up in an involuntary erection. Sasha hid it with his hands as Ivanov stopped taking pictures. "Uh-oh!" said the man in a friendly joking voice. "I'll have to stop until that goes down. I don't take hard pictures. Let's take a rest for a minute." Child sex pictures, including young boys' erections, were technically illegal in Russia 3; though Ivanov knew of photographers and mafia-connected businesses who paid the necessary bribes and had no trouble with the hard stuff. But sometimes the police cracked down, hauling people off to prison. Ivanov figured it was much easier to just avoid the mafias and the police. No kid-sex; no boners. Though he tried to busy himself checking his camera and equipment, Ivanov's eyes were drawn back to the naked boy with the perfectly formed young erection. To his surprise, he was feeling aroused by the sight. Sasha was aware of the staring, and it made his penis throb even stiffer. After a couple minutes, Ivanov said "How about if I leave you alone for a few minutes so you can jack off?" "Sir?" asked Sasha in a puzzled tone. "Jack off?" "You know 3; stroke it 'til you cum." "I don't understand 3; Come where?" Now it was the man's turn to flush with embarrassment. He had always considered himself straight, with no interest in having sex with the boys he photographed. (Unlike many of the other photographers in this business!) Nonetheless, the thought flashed through his head that it might be fun to teach this kid how to masturbate, perhaps even taking the matter into his own hands. Just as quickly, he brushed the notion aside. "Tell you what 3; how about you take a shower? Looks like it's been a while since your last one." He led Sasha to a bathroom that had a tub 3; the studio had been a middle-class apartment at one time. Sasha began to wash away the grime that had accumulated in the weeks since he last visited the steam bath. He stood and washed with a cloth, using a hand-held sprayer to rinse off the soap. Ivanov engaged him in conversation about his family, his neighborhood, his least-favorite subjects at school, and sports 3; as his erection subsided. In a few minutes he began to take pictures again 3; this time of Sasha lathering his body and rinsing off. Ivanov was very pleased with Sasha as a model 3; his comfortable, natural manner 3; his cute face 3; a body that was long and thin, without being malnourished or boney 3; unblemished skin 3; a nice roundness to his slender bottom 3; and genitals that were exceptionally pleasing from an esthetic view. The man had photographed almost 50 boys, and had developed a good eye for the type of physical beauty that the consumers of his product – boylovers living in the West – found arousing. It was a skill he had learned in the process of bargaining to sell the pictures after each session. There were several internet entrepreneurs in Moscow who dealt in the kind of pictures Ivanov took, and he would sometimes get them to bid against each other for an especially good set of photos. He was confident that one of the businesses would pay top price for the pictures of Sasha. Sasha washed himself well, removing weeks of grime from his entire body from his hair down to his toes. Ivanov instructed the boy not to neglect the nether region of his ass, and the boy dutifully complied, scrubbing himself thoroughly between his cheeks with the cloth. "Here 3; dry off," he said at last, tossing the boy a nice soft towel. As Sasha toweled his body dry, Mr. Ivanov went on taking pictures, then led the boy back to the studio room. He took several dozen more pictures of the naked boy under the bright flashing lights 3; of Sasha reclining or kneeling on the sofa 3; sprawled on the floor 3; on hands and knees 3; flexing his boyish muscles 3; doing acrobatics 3; close-ups of his flaccid penis and his freshly-scrubbed anal pucker. Then Ivanov went to a closet and looked through an array of costumes. He considered but rejected a fantasy soldier costume, evoking the days of the Tsars but made of cheap synthetic fabric. The clown costume wasn't right either, nor the skimpy loincloth and feather head-dress like the Indians in America wear. He almost chose the short Greek toga and crown of fake leaves. Then, looking back at Sasha's delicate face – a boylover would call it 'pretty', or even 'beautiful' – he decided to try out some of the new things he'd bought recently. "Put these on. It'll be a costume party 3; like you'd wear to a New Year's celebration." Sasha had no experience with New Year's costume parties, and as he looked at what he was to wear, he blushed with embarrassment. They were all women's things 3; silky red bikini panties, a matching baby-doll nightie that didn't even cover his crotch, fancy gloves that came to his elbows, a feather boa, a long string of fake pearls, and a long blond wig. Once he was fully costumed, Sasha looked in the mirror and laughed at the image. With the wig, he DID look like a girl. And when Ivanov put some powder on his face and applied some lipstick, the illusion was even greater. "Have you ever seen pictures of the fashion models?" asked Ivanov. "The way they make their faces pouting and sexy? Here; look at this magazine. See if you can do that." Sasha tried his best, getting increasingly engrossed in the play-acting as the photographer gave him encouragement and instructions on how to 'vamp' and look seductive. And Ivanov found himself growing increasingly aroused as he took pictures of the feminized boy. There was a stiffness inside the man's pants and an erotic tension in the air. Sasha must have felt it too, because his penis suddenly rose up in eager erection beneath the girlish panties. Ivanov paused for a moment, but then thought to himself 'What the hell.' He continued to take pictures of the erect penis bulging underneath the thin red silk 3; then lots more with the panties pulled slowly down and removed. These photos he would keep for himself; not for sale. He'd masturbate to them 3; exploring these taboo urges he was feeling 3; before deleting the images. He posed Sasha in ways that showed the erection prominently 3; standing with his crotch thrusting forward, hands on hips 3; pulling the foreskin all the way back with his fingers in a close-up 3; kneeling on the floor with his torso arched back, grabbing his ankles. After taking 30 such shots, he stopped and engaged Sasha in banal conversation until the erection subsided. Several dozen pictures later, Sasha had once again stripped down to full nudity and had discarded the wig 3; posing in accordance with Ivanov's direction. The last pictures had him kneeling on the sofa with his back to the camera, displaying his ass in a lascivious fashion, looking back over his shoulder with his tongue licking across his lipstick-reddened mouth. "That's enough. A good session, lad! Get yourself dressed and wash off your face. Your friend Alexei will be back soon to take you home. I still owe him some money." When Sasha emerged from the bathroom wearing his own clothes and with the make-up scrubbed off, the man handed him twenty 10-ruble notes 3; more money than he'd ever held in his hands before. The boy gushed with thanks. "If you ever want me to work for you again 3;" "I figured you'd feel that way," said Ivanov. "I may get you back soon if my buyer likes these shots. But I also took the liberty of calling an acquaintance just a minute ago 3; he makes movies 3; to see if he'd give a job to a boy like you. I e-mailed him your picture, and he's interested 3; How would you like to make 1,000 rubles this Saturday?" "YES!" The boy almost screamed out the word. "There are a few things to know before you agree. You have to be able to get away from home for most of the day. You said your mother doesn't know you're posing for me, right? Well, you definitely shouldn't tell her about the filming. And you'll be making sex videos 3; have you ever had sex with other boys?" "Uhh 3; not really 3; I guess." Sasha wondered if the fondling he and Alexei did the day before was considered 'having sex'. "Talk to Alexei about boy-sex. He has done these films before 3; So, do you still want the job?" "Yes, sir." Ivanov dialed his cell phone and spoke. "Yeah; he'll do it 3; uh-huh 3; yes 3; in the Volgogradsky neighborhood 3; yeah 3; uh-huh 3; I'll ask him." Then he spoke to Sasha. "You know the plaza in your neighborhood that has the statue of Pushkin 3; on Bolshaya Street? Can you be at the statue at 8:00 on Saturday morning? A white delivery truck will come to give you a ride. The driver's name will be Dmitry, and he'll recognize you from the picture I just sent. He'll get you back home by 5 in the afternoon. OK?" Sasha nodded his head. He looked at the computer monitor on the desk, showing a picture of him totally nude, posing with one hand behind his head and the other on his hip, with a sexy look on his face. Ivanov spoke a few more words into the phone, confirming the arrangement. With that phone call, the photographer had earned himself a 3,000 ruble finder's fee (about $100 or €70) 3; not as much as he expected to earn from selling the 300 pictures he took of Sasha, but a nice bonus nonetheless. As Ivanov looked at his watch, wondering what had become of Alexei, there was a knock on the door. Alexei had a goofy grin on his face as he entered, holding a half-liter bottle wrapped in a paper bag. "I see you found a place that would sell vodka to a 14-year-old," said Ivanov in a disapproving tone. "Actually, I found a drunk who would buy it for me. I had to pay for another bottle for him to drink. We walked a couple of kilometers to find a store where 50 rubles would buy two bottles." "Christ! It must be home-brew at that price. Well 3; none of my business. Here's your other 50, like I promised, for bringing in Sasha," said Ivanov. "He's scheduled to do a film shoot with Zhukovsky in couple days. Give the boy some pointers, ok?" "Zhukovsky? At that old farm in the country? Can I go too?" said Alexei excitedly, eager for the extravagant pay. "No, lad. Zhukovsky's only looking for younger boys this time. You have too much hair and your dick's gotten too big. But I'll let you know if I hear of someone who is filming your type. But get along home, both of you." The two boys decided to stop at the enormous McDonald's restaurant on Tverskaya Street, brand new and gleaning in its American-style modernity. Sasha bought the Big Mac he'd been longing for 3; a large portion of fried potatoes too 3; and found the meal every bit as delicious as he had imagined. While eating, he asked Alexei in a whisper about the movie job and inquired about 'boy-sex'. Alexei had worked for Zhukovsky, and other film-makers as well, and he had plenty of practical advice. As they spoke in quiet tones, Alexei described how Zhukovsky liked to gather a small group of boys at a country farmhouse and film them in various combinations over the course of the day. Directing the action while a cameraman filmed, he might show a single lad stripping and masturbating 3; or two or three boys playing on a bed or sofa 3; or all the boys together in an orgy of stroking and sucking and fucking. "You're lucky to be working for Zhukovsky. He doesn't get into the action himself, like some of the others," said Alexei; "it's just the boys having sex." Alexei thought for a moment about the film makers he'd worked for who liked to include themselves in the action 3; having a boy suck the man's cock, or fucking a boy as the camera rolled. As they talked, it was clear that Sasha was unfamiliar with the mechanics of boy-sex, and Alexei was getting horny talking about it, so the older lad offered to teach Sasha the basics when they got back to the neighborhood. "I live with my father and older brother, but they never get home until the neighborhood bar closes. We'll have the apartment to ourselves. I'll let you drink some of my vodka if you like. Come on; let's take that streetcar that's coming in now." The boys jumped up, carrying the last of their food with them, and dashed to the street to catch the tram. When they got back to Volgogradsky, Alexei led Sasha to a looming apartment building that was identical to Sasha's own, even though it was six blocks away and separated by a smoke-belching factory. They climbed the stairs to the 6th floor. And Alexei was right; there was nobody home. Sasha looked at the clock on the wall, noting that Mama wouldn't get home from her work for almost an hour. "Let's have a drink," said Alexei, uncapping the vodka. Sipping straight from the bottle, Sasha choked on the burning liquor that seared his throat. "I'll mix it with lemonade to make it go down easier," said Alexei, getting a bottle of soda from the small refrigerator. After they had both drunk a glass, Alexei reached over and began unfastening Sasha's belt. "Come on. Let's get naked!" he said, with a big grin. "Do a striptease for me. Pretend I'm Mr. Ivanov taking your picture." He put a CD in the cheap boom-box, and pop music by the girl-group Tatu began to play. Sasha giggled and began unbuttoning his shirt as he moved to the music. When he was down to his underpants, Sasha was bumping and grinding like a stripper, and lewdly rubbing his stiffening penis through the thin cotton. Then he slowly lowered the tattered old briefs and teasingly revealed his boner. Alexei, meanwhile, had quickly peeled off his own trousers and undershorts and was stroking himself as he sat on the sofa watching the show. Then he poured some more vodka and lemon soda in both glasses. "Cheers!" he toasted, and drained the glass. Sasha did likewise, chugging down the whole glass. He laughed as he danced some more 3; standing in front of the seated Alexei, his hands linked behind his head, making his erection bob from side to side, and up and down, as he moved his hips. Alexei beckoned him closer and reached out his hand to fondle the younger boy's cock, stroking the stiff little boner with his thumb and two fingers. "Can you cum yet?" Alexei asked. "Cum?" he replied in a puzzled tone. "Mr. Ivanov was talking about the same thing. What does it mean?" Alexei gave the youngster a crash course on male sexuality, all the while softly masturbating him 3; rhythmically pulling his foreskin all the way back to reveal his purple cock-head, then covering it again. "Now you stroke yourself," he instructed the boy, as he went back to his own cock. "If you keep stroking with your hand, like we're doing now, you'll get a rush of super-good feeling after a while. And if you're old enough, some white stuff called sperm will spurt out. You know what sperm is, right?" Sasha did, and he nodded. "This is called jacking off, and it's called cumming when you spurt. If you aren't old enough to shoot sperm, you'll still get the good feeling, but nothing will spit from out of your dick." "It's starting to feel REALLY good!" "Yeah, and it'll keep getting better! And another guy or a girl can jack you off too. Or they can do it by sucking your cock with their mouth. That's called a blow job." (Sasha had heard other boys use these expressions, and now they finally made sense.) "Do you know about fucking 3; like a guy putting his cock into a girl's slit and pumping in and out 3; like when they want to make babies?" he continued. Sasha nodded his head. They had briefly touched on the baby-making facts earlier that year at school, and he had heard older boys bragging about fucking girls or about the activities of the hookers who hung out in the park at night. "Well, boys can fuck boys too. One boy puts some slippery stuff on his dick and sticks it in the other boy's bottom hole and slides it back and forth. It feels really awesome to be the one doing the fucking. When you're the one getting fucked, it hurts a little at first, but you get used to it pretty quick and it can feel really good." He pulled Sasha closer and said "so how's about I show you how to suck a cock? The movie makers will be a lot happier with you if you know what you're doing when you get there." Alexei was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his legs apart, and Sasha stepped between them. Leaning forward just a bit, Alexei flicked his tongue at the inviting cock-head. Then he wrapped his lips around it and slid all the way down the shaft, letting the bottom side of the boy's cock glide along the surface of his tongue. When his lips were pressing against the smooth skin at the base of Sasha's penis, Alexei sucked his cheeks in and moved his mouth and tongue all around. This was the older boy's favorite size of cock to suck – plump enough to really work on, but not so big as to push past the entrance of his throat. "Agh! 3; That's awesome!" gasped Sasha, experiencing a mouth on his dick for the first time in his life. His body shuddered with the chills of intense sexual stimulation. Alexei's hands cupped the younger boy's slender butt cheeks and caressed them as he sucked. The teenager was aroused by the feel of this perfect boyish ass 3; so silky smooth, so shapely and round. He was confident he would be fucking it soon, but first he'd give the boy some thrills. Alexei moved his right hand around to fondle Sasha's soft ball-sack, feeling it pull up tighter as his fingers caressed it and his lips and tongue pleasured the boy's cock. Then he slid a finger back behind the balls and gently rubbed the puckered hole. "Oooo 3; that feels so weird, Alexei! 3; Do it some more!" Sasha giggled, feeling punchy from the effects of the drink. "Tell ya what 3; sit on the sofa and I'll give you the full treatment. You're gonna LOVE this!" Sasha sat down on the sofa as Alexei knelt on the floor between the younger boy's splayed legs. As Alexei bent down to resume sucking the lad's stiff penis, he lifted Sasha's legs and pulled his ass to the sofa's edge. After a minute of sucking, his lips moved down 3; first to the soft hairless ball-sack, taking the adolescent nuts into his mouth and bouncing them on his tongue 3; and then further down to the rosebud of anal flesh, still fresh and clean from his bath an hour before. He lapped at it with his entire tongue, like a puppy happily licking a child's face, slathering his tongue all over the nerve-dense flesh. As he did this, his fingers began masturbating the boy's rigid cock. The combination made Sasha feel like he was going to jump out of his skin, as his body was bombarded with jolts of intense sexual pleasure. "Ah 3; oh 3; mmm 3; yes!" Sasha cooed with pleasure and lifted his legs higher and wider, holding his knees back to his shoulders, as Alexei began concentrating on the center of the pink hole, cork-screwing the tip of his tongue into the tight pucker. After a few minutes of intense tongue work, Alexei loaded up his middle finger with a glob of spit, brought his mouth back to the boy's cock, and gently slid his finger knuckle-deep into Sasha's ass. A delighted pleasure-squeal told Alexei all he needed to know. The 12-year-old wrapped his hands around Alexei's head as the older boy's mouth expertly worked on the barely-adolescent erection and his finger slowly fucked the virgin hole. "It's so good, Alexei! 3; Yes! 3; Oh, yes!" The teenager was giving the boy his best effort, working his mouth and lips and tongue with every technique he'd learned in three years of working on the fringes of Moscow's underground world of boy-sex. While the middle finger of his left hand began to slide faster and deeper in the tight ass, the fingers of his right stretched Sasha's foreskin down so his could inflict erotic mayhem on the exposed cock-head with his mouth. "Oh! Yeah! Uhhh!" gasped the boy in ecstatic moans. "I'm gonna 3; it feels like I need to 3;" "You're gonna cum, malchek," said Alexei, releasing the penis from his mouth. "Go with it! This is gonna be good!" Alexei began masturbating the dark-red cock with rapid strokes as his probing finger located and massaged the magic spot inside Sasha's rectum. "Agh! Oh! Ah! Ugh!" babbled Sasha incoherently. His entire body was almost unbearably tense with built-up pressure. Suddenly the staccato pleasure noises from his mouth ceased 3; his head was thrown back and he stopped breathing. A spurt of almost-clear fluid shot up onto Sasha's chest, accompanied by a desperate gasp from deep within his throat. As Alexei's fingers continued to work on the rigid boy-penis, more fluid gurgled up from the slit and was spread around the ultra-sensitive glans. Sasha howled as if he was in pain, forcing Alexei's hand away from his penis to stop the hyper-stimulation. "That was incredible!" gasped Sasha at last, as he looked up into Alexei's eyes. "Pretty intense, huh?" "Oh, YES! It was unbelievable!" gushed the boy, as his fingers explored a little puddle of cum on his belly. Then his eyes focused on Alexei's half-hard penis. "You want me to do that to you now?" "Tell ya what, comrade 3; let's go back to the bedroom, and we can play some more on the bed. How about another drink first?" As he walked to the other room, sipping another glass of vodka and lemon soda, Sasha was a little wobbly on his feet but feeling euphoric. They lay down on the double bed in the dim room, Sasha on his back, Alexei on his side. Alexei's hands wandered all over Sasha's soft slender body, and he gently humped his crotch against the boy's hip. Sasha lay there passively, soaking up each new sensation through the blissful fog of intoxication. Alexei ran his hand up Sasha's inner thigh, patiently coaxing the boy's limp penis back to rigid excitement. The older youth shifted so he was lying on top of Sasha and began rubbing their bodies together. His face hovered briefly above Sasha's, then came down 3; his mouth pressing against Sasha's sweet lips. The 12-year-old had never been kissed on the mouth before, but he accepted it as if it were totally expected. When Alexei's tongue came out to press against Sasha's mouth, it was granted entrance immediately and merged with the youngster's own tongue. Having watched young couples necking in the park, Sasha had an idea of what to do. But he surprised himself with how much he enjoyed being kissed, and how wonderful it was to have this handsome teenager seducing him tenderly. The adult-size teenage cock glided against the much smaller boy-boner as both bodies merged in a slow-motion dance of love 3; mouths joined 3; hands caressing warm flesh. Sasha was completely controlled by the older boy 3; totally trusting 3; eager to be led to each new variety of pleasure. His hands wandered across Alexei's back and shoulders, feeling the developing muscles of the athletic teenager. Then, with a smooth motion that did not break their kiss, Alexei rolled over so that Sasha was now on top. Now it was the younger boy who thrust his hips as they continued their erotic kissing. Alexei's hands wandered over the Sasha's backside, endlessly fascinated with the silky feel of the 12-year-old's slender butt. "Turn yourself to face the other way," instructed Alexei. "See if you can suck my cock without scraping it with your teeth." The boy did as he was instructed, lying along Alexei's body. With his face only inches away, he gazed at the long, elegant erection, dark red and pulsing with arousal. His lips came down and pressed a kiss against the tip 3; then opened to take all of the bullet-shaped cock-head into his mouth. Sasha's tongue tentatively explored around the glans, eager to duplicate what the older boy had taught him. Just then, Sasha felt a wet, warm tongue glide along the flesh behind his balls in a line to his asshole. He reacted by doubling his oral assault on the top half of the teenage cock, sliding his lips up and down and swirling his tongue. The two boys propelled each other's lust, as Alexei's tongue zeroed in on the tight puckered hole and Sasha worked energetically to return the oral pleasuring he had so recently received. For several glorious minutes, the two boys were lost in the sexual bliss of pleasing each other simultaneously 3; one sucking, the other rimming. Then the older boy disengaged, repositioning Sasha so he was face-down on the bed. Alexei tenderly stroked Sasha's smooth ass as he knelt over the boy. "That was excellent cocksucking, tavarich 3; you're gonna be incredible when you get a little more practice!" said Alexei kindly. "Now let's try something else. Spread your legs open 3; bend your knees some so your ass is raised up 3; hug the pillow to your chest 3; that's it." Sasha was totally obedient to the older boy's direction, like a doll that Alexei was posing. Alexei fetched a small jar of vaseline and loaded a glob onto his index and middle fingers. His other hand fondled the boy's ass and then spread the cheeks apart. "You like it when I play with your bottom-hole, don't you, malchek." "Yes; I guess I like it 3; actually, I like it a whole bunch!" said Sasha, realizing just how much he had enjoyed this new experience of anal play. "I'm gonna use two fingers and stretch it a bit, and then I'll slide my dick in there." The teenager explained to Sasha about relaxing his anal muscle as the two fingers massaged the tender flesh at the opening. Slowly, both fingers twisted to the virgin hole. "That's it 3; flex it open while I push in 3; yeah, like that. Breath deeply and relax." The fingers twisted and moved in and out. Sasha accepted it willingly, as the strange feelings turned increasingly to sexy pleasure that made his stiff penis twitch. When the fingers finally slid out after several minutes, they were quickly replaced by the tip of Alexei's lubricated cock. "Here it comes, malchek. Flex open just like you were doing before 3; Yeah! That's it! 3; Oh, God! You're so nice and tight!" Suddenly the 14-year-old pushed forward impulsively, eager to penetrate deeply and satisfy his lust. But in the same instant, Sasha clenched tight. "Ow! Ow! It hurts! Stop!" "Settle down. It's OK, kid. You just gotta relax 3; I'll go slower. You're gonna love it." Alexei wrapped his arms beneath Sasha's chest, pulling him upright on his knees. Alexei's cock remained half-embedded inside the boy's hole, unwilling to surrender the progress he'd made. The teenager reached for the liquor bottle and put it to Sasha's lips. "Drink," he said, and Sasha obediently took a gulp. The cheep vodka seared his throat and lit a fire in his stomach, making his tipsy brain forget the intrusion in his anus. "Another drink," instructed Alexei, and Sasha gulped again. Alexei held the boy against his chest, gently pinching his tiny nipple with one hand while diddling his penis with the other. His mouth pressed against the lad's ear and nibbled the lobe. "Remember to open yourself when I press forward, and take deep breaths. You'll be fine 3; OK, tavarich?" Alexei positioned the pillow under Sasha's hips and lowered the boy face-down on the bed. Then he slowly pushed his cock forwards 3; sliding in farther, then retreating. Alexei could feel Sasha's anus flexing open for him and he continued these gentle thrusts 3; a little back, a little more forward 3; probing ever deeper into the greased hole. "Yeah! So nice! So tight and hot!" said Alexei, as he finally stopped moving. "I'm all the way in you now, tavarich. You OK?" "Yeah, Alexei 3; I think so," said the boy, anesthetized by the alcohol, the pain almost forgotten. It didn't feel GOOD 3; but it felt new and exciting, made all the better by the knowledge that he was giving pleasure to the older boy. Now the 14-year-old began to move his cock a in rhythm of fucking; long, slow strokes in and out. Sasha moaned as feelings of sexual arousal started flowing through his body. It really WAS getting good! His penis had gone soft, but now he felt it stiffen again as it rocked against the pillow beneath him. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander to a place of pure physical sensation, mesmerized by the machine-like motion of the hot firm cock sliding inside him. Alexei paused, panting with arousal. He lay along Sasha's back, his lips pressed against the youngster's neck in a tender kiss, and he murmured "so you like it now 3; eh? You like getting fucked, malchek?" "Yeah 3; good 3; really good," the boy murmured. Then he lifted his ass up into Alexei's crotch and said "Keep doing it 3; keep fucking me." "Alright! Here goes!" Alexei lifted himself on straightened arms and picked up the pace of the fucking, pulling almost all the way out, and then plunging back in to the hilt. Yes 3; this was perfect, he thought to himself. He had bedded several girls his age during the last year, but this 3; the raw eroticism of fucking a willing 12-year-old boy 3; this was incomparable. And Sasha was indeed willing. His brain was alive with lust 3; a voice inside him pleading 'fuck me 3; fuck me 3; fuck me' as each thrust plowed into his ass. With increasing urgency, Alexei felt his orgasm rising up. He grunted with animal rutting lust and slammed his cock again and again into the slippery, tight asshole. "Here it cums! 3; Almost there! 3; Uh! Uh! 3; Oh yeah! 3; Oh shit! 3; That's so good!" As spurts of hot cum pumped into Sasha's rectum, Alexei collapsed onto the boy's back, wrapped his arms around the boy's chest, panting in heavy breaths. Then he rolled over so they were spooning on their sides. Alexei's free hand slid down to fondle the boy's stiff penis 3; the hand underneath played with the tiny nipples on Sasha's slender chest. In a minute, Alexei's softened cock had slipped from Sasha's ass and the two repositioned face-to-face, exchanging gentle kisses and languid caresses. Neither was in a hurry to get up, and Sasha had no thought of the time. When Sasha finally got back to his apartment, his mother was sitting at the table, her hands folded and a sour look on her face. A cold plate of boiled potatoes and cabbage sat at Sasha's place. "You're over an hour late. You made me worry." Her voice was low, but anger was bubbling beneath the surface. Sasha weaved a bit on his way to the table, and he fumbled with the chair as he pulled it out, giggling stupidly at his clumsiness. "You've been drinking, haven't you? Only 12 years old, and you're drunk." "No! I 3; I 3; I wasn't 3;" A slap across his face ended Sasha's lie in mid-sentence. He stood silently before her as she scowled. His face glowed warm red from a combination of the vodka, the slap, and his shame. "I won't have you end up a good-for-nothing drunk, like so many of the men around here 3; Now get yourself ready for a spanking while I get the paddle." "Mama!!" whined Sasha in protest, just before another slap cuffed his ear. Sasha hadn't been spanked in almost a year, and he thought Mama might have decided he was too old for such a punishment. The paddle had started out as a toy that bounced a little rubber ball on an elastic string, but it quickly broke. For several years it had been the weapon of choice for Mama to inflict Sasha's infrequent spankings 3; bare-assed across her lap. When Mama returned from her bedroom with the paddle, Sasha was standing by the table, just as he had been. "Go on 3; get yourself ready," said Mama in an impatient tone. "Take off your trousers and pull down your underpants. Don't tell me you've forgotten how we do this. Or maybe you'd prefer for me to call your uncle and have him use his belt on you?" Sasha had never been punished by Uncle Fyodor, but he heard all about it from his cousins. One time he had witnessed his cousin Anton having his pants yanked down and his bare ass whipped with a doubled-over belt 3; far worse than anything Mama dished out with her little paddle. Now, as he stood paralyzed, Sasha was not nearly as concerned about the pain of the spanking as he was about his mother seeing him naked. This hadn't concerned him when his penis was little-boy size. But now 3; "Do it boy. I don't have all night." Sasha pulled off his jeans and turned his back as he lowered his underpants. To his horror, his penis was standing up erect, heedless of his mental efforts to keep it soft. He tried to pull his tee-shirt down, but Mama grabbed his wrist and pulled him around to face her, and with her other hand she yanked his shirt up to his chest. Now Sasha stood right before his seated mother, his purple-headed adolescent boner pulsing at his crotch. The woman gasped and let go of his wrist, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. "You 3; I 3; Well I never 3;" she mumbled, clearly flustered and embarrassed. "Put your trousers back on 3; right this minute!" As Sasha got dressed, Mama said "Eat your supper and do your school work. I need to get out of the house for a while." In a minute she was out the door on her way to the corner bar. Sasha, still tipsy, was grinning at his good fortune. Rather than sitting down to his dinner 3; he wasn't hungry anyway 3; he pulled his pants and briefs off and began jacking his penis 3; not stopping until his body was trembling from the pleasure of his second-ever orgasm, with a trickle of boy-cum bubbling up from his pulsing cock.
The End (for now)Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo(dot)com