PZA Boy Stories

Bobby Trabieso

Uncle Frank Babysits His Nephews


30 year-old Frank has to cancel his date with a hot woman to babysit his little nephews Petey & Philip. Frank is disappointed & sexually frustrated. But when his rambunctious nephews start wrestling in their underwear, Uncle Frank hatches a scheme that'll allow him to get laid & get even.
Publ. this site Aug 2012
Finished 3,500 words (7 pages)


Uncle Frank (30yo), Petey (8yo), Philip (7yo), and Freddie (32yo)

Category & Story codes

Other Man-Boy story
Mb – cons/coerc oral anal – rim first interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at bobbytrabieso(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Bobby Trabieso - Uncle Frank Babysits His Nephews in the subject line.

Frank Diaz couldn't believe it. He had a date tonight with a hot chick he had his eye on for weeks and now he had to cancel. His stupid brother's wife would go into labor now of all times. Frank's big brother Federico called him with the news.

"Jeanie's having the baby! Her water just broke!" Freddie said frantically on the phone. "Could you come over and watch the boys?"

"Sure," the thirty year-old Frank agreed, crestfallen.

"Cool! You'll want to bring a toothbrush and some things to sleep over," his brother warned.

"Oh 3; alright," Frank shrugged. He called his date immediately and cancelled. She was very understanding, but it did not ease the tension Frank felt in his pants. It had been too long since he got any pussy and now he was stuck babysitting his little nephews Petey and his baby brother Philip on a Friday night. "Great," Frank sighed. "I was gonna get laid tonight but now I'm stuck in Gymboree!"

Frank threw some things in a gym bag and rushed to his brother's house which was just a couple of miles away. He was greeted at the door by Freddie and Jeanie who thanked him profusely for coming over. "We're probably gonna be gone all night, so you'll have to put the boys to bed around 9 p.m.," Freddie instructed.

"Oh, and would you mind giving them a bath?" Jeanie added, holding her big belly. "I was just undressing them for their bath when I started feeling contractions. The boys are in the living room. BOYS! BEHAVE!" she screamed over her shoulder. "Thanks, Frankie. You're a life saver. " Freddie and Jeanie raced out the door and peeled away leaving Frank in their dust.

Frank closed the door and walked into the living room. "Hi boys," he fake smiled.

"Hi Uncle Frank!" the boys greeted him. Eight year-old Petey and seven year-old Philip were wrestling on the carpet dressed only in their tight little white cotton briefs and dirty white socks. They were laughing and screaming hysterically as they horsed around on the living room floor.

"Looks like you guys are having fun," Frank winced already feeling a headache coming on.

"We're wrestling!" Petey informed, tossing his baby brother around. The two kids smacked each other with couch pillows.

"Oh. How fun," Frank rolled his eyes.

"Pway wiv us, Unco Fwank!" little Philip shouted with big brown puppy dog eyes, unable to pronounce words properly as he was so young.

"Yeah! Please? Pretty please?" Petey also begged. The two cute little boys had wavy brown hair and their smooth bare skin was golden from the sun.

"Oh, I don't know. I 3; " Frank didn't get a chance to protest. The two brothers grabbed him and pulled him to the floor.

"Yayyy!!!" the boys screamed, forcing their handsome uncle to play with them. They were jumping all over him like puppies.

"Boys! Boys! Settle down!" Frank grumbled.

"Uncle Frank! You're not supposed to have clothes on," Petey pointed out.

"Wha 3; huh?" Frank stopped, lying on the carpet defeated.

"We watch 'rassling' all the time," Petey informed in his squeaky little baby voice. "They don't wear clothes!"

"I guess they don't," Frank agreed.

"They only weaw chonies!" little Philip shouted, unable to pronounce the word 'wear'. Frank was suddenly stunned as Petey frantically unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans. Philip ripped open the snap buttons of Frank's plaid shirt exposing his hairy chest.

"Come on, Uncle! Get naked with us!" Petey cried as he pulled off his uncle's sneakers.

"Hey kids! Take it easy!" Frank said overwhelmed. His two cute little nephews showed no mercy as they stripped their hunky uncle down to his long white tube socks and tighty-whiteys.

"Come on, Uncle Frank! Wrestle us!" Petey ordered, jumping on his uncle's head.

"Alright, you boys are gonna get it!" Uncle Frank acquiesced as he playfully roughhoused with his nephews. He tossed them around the living room and restrained them with his hands making them writhe and scream till they cried "Uncle!" Frank rolled around on the carpet with his little nephews, all of them dressed only in their socks and underwear.

Frank teased the boys by shoving his feet in their faces, making them smell his sweaty socked feet. "Smell uncle's giant feet!" he roared. He got them real good.

The boys screamed in holy terror and laughed so hard, they cried. "Noooo!" screamed Petey. "Your feet are stinky!"

"Smell them!" Frank growled, rubbing his feet all over his nephew's faces, torturing them with his man scent. Petey and Philip decided to retaliate by shoving their little toes up their uncle's nose. But the plan backfired. Uncle Frank had another plan up his sleeve. "Mmmm! These little boy feet smell like Cheetos! I'm gonna eat them! Nom nom nom nom!" he growled, munching on his nephews' feet and sucking their toes through their socks.

"No, Uncle! It tickles!" Petey screamed with laughter. Petey managed to squirm out of his uncle's clutches.

Frank grabbed Petey and tried to pin him down, but the boy started to scurry away, laughing hysterically. Frank grabbed the waistband of his nephew's briefs to prevent him from escaping. In the process, he accidentally pulled the boy's underwear down exposing his pale bottom. "I got you now!" Frank growled playfully, grabbing Petey's butt cheeks. The kid's ass cheeks opened up in his clutch exposing his pink little hole. 'Wow!' Frank thought. 'My nephew's asshole looks like a sweet little cunt. It's been ages since I've felt one.'

Frank was so horny and frustrated from earlier, he didn't even think twice about pressing the boy's asshole with his thumb. "What cha doin', Uncle Frank?" chuckled Petey.

"Nothing, Petey," Frank answered. "I just wanna try something." Frank sucked his index finger wetting it with spit and started fingering Petey's hole. He didn't care if it was wrong. 'I ought to fuck the shit outta these boys. It'll serve my brother right for dumping them on me,' Frank thought deviously. 'Maybe I can get some action tonight after all!'

"Alright, boys! Time for a new game! I'm the tickle monster and I steal little kids' clothes and tickle every inch of their bodies! I'm gonna get you!" Frank roared attacking his nephews playfully. They screamed with delight as their uncle grabbed them and stripped off their underwear. "I'm gonna eat you!" Frank growled. He looked at their little hairless peckers as they wiggled between their smooth bare legs. "Look at these little weenies! I'm gonna eat them! Nom nom nom nom!"

Frank sucked Petey and Philip's little wieners into his mouth and took turns blowing them. The boys giggled and screamed as their little dicks started to grow in their uncle's mouth. 'They're cocks ain't exactly clits or a pair of tits, but they're close enough for tonight,' Frank thought to himself. He crouched down on his knees before his naked nephews and sucked their dicks.

The boys seemed to settle down, soothed by the newfound euphoria their penises were experiencing. Frank sucked their cocks like a pro. "You boys like that?" he stopped to ask them.

"Yeah, Uncle Frank!" Petey answered enthusiastically. "It feels real good!"

"What about you, Philip?" Frank asked the younger one. "Does that feel good?"

"Yes, Unco!" the boy squeaked. "It tickows my pee-pee a lot!"

"I know it does, Philip!" Frank said jacking the boys off. "You and your uncle are gonna have lots of fun tonight!" Frank continued to fellate his nephews, taking turns sucking each cock. Petey and Philip looked so cute standing before their uncle in just their dirty white socks. They put their arms around each other's bare shoulders for support as their heads were spinning.

"How come our pee-pees are sticking up?" Philip asked innocently.

"That's because they feel good! Weenie's get hard and stand up when you play with them cause they're excited," Frank explained. "Mine feels good too. See?" Frank stood up and pulled off his jockeys and showed the boys their first adult sized cock, pubic hair and all.

"Wow! Your wiener's big!" exclaimed Petey. "And it has a mustache!"

Frank laughed. "Yes it does. And so will yours when you get bigger. Wanna taste?" he asked daringly. "Try it the same way I was trying your pee-pee!"

"Ok," Petey responded. The boy gave the grown man's cock a lick. It twitched involuntarily making Petey jump.

"It's ok," Frank laughed. "That feels really good. Keep trying it." Petey licked his uncle's cock like an ice cream cone. "That's it. Suck on the tip like a lollipop," Frank instructed. Petey sucked on the fat bulbous head of the man's cock and savored the sweet and salty juice that leaked out. "Good boy! You like that, ha!"

"Yeah," Petey smiled. "It's yummy."

"I wanna twy!" little Philip cried out.

"Get in there, Philip! There's plenty for you both," Frank said. Both Philip and Petey were sharing their uncle's huge cock licking it up and down and sucking it, soaking it with their spit. "Here, let Uncle get comfortable," Frank said, lying back on the carpeted floor in just his long white athletic socks. His cock stood straight up and Petey and Philip crawled over and devoured it. "Lick Uncle's balls too," Frank requested.

"You mean your tea bag?" Petey laughed. Philip chuckled too.

"Yes! My tea bag," Frank laughed. "You boys are a lot of fun after all." The two little kids continued to worship their uncle's cock and balls. "Now let me see you guys play with each other," Frank suggested. "Petey, suck on your baby brother's pecker." Petey did as he was told and sucked on his little brother's stiff prick on the living room floor. Philip's toes wiggled in his dirty little socks. His big brother's tongue felt so good on his weenie.

Frank pushed Petey aside and took over. "Here, let uncle try something, boys." He lifted Philip's legs in the air exposing his tiny little pink ass slit and started eating it out like a pussy. "Wanna see something cool, Petey?" Frank asked his nephew.

"Yeah!" Petey cheered.

Frank placed the head of his cock at Philip's little hole and carefully pushed forward.

"Ooh! Ow!" Philip squeaked. His tiny dick was rock hard. "Ooh my booty! My booty!"

"Hang in there, Philip. Let Uncle do his thing," Frank urged. Frank pushed his cock deep into his young nephew as the boy bit his lip with his eyes tightly shut. Tears streamed out the sides. 'Fuck! It feels like a tight little pussy!' Frank exclaimed in his head.

"Wow! Your weenie's in his butt!" Petey said in amazement. "All the way!"

"That's not all! Watch this!" Uncle Frank said. He started pumping his huge adult cock in and out of the small boy, fucking him steadily.

"Hahaha! That looks funny!" laughed Petey, his boy cock sticking straight up.

"I know, ha!" Uncle Frank smiled. "It's called 'humping'." Frank chose a childish non-vulgar term for the boys' sake. "It feels really good on your wiener. You get that tickly feeling real good!" the good looking thirty year-old man explained. He pumped away at his little nephew. Philip wasn't saying much anymore as he was either in ecstasy or in shock 3; maybe a combination of both. His tiny cock was still rock hard and he was rubbing it with his palms, so Frank knew he was enjoying himself on some level. His nuts were drawn tight in their ribbed hairless sack.

"I wanna try!" shouted Petey.

"Ok, but if I let you do your brother's butt, I get to do the same to your butt," Frank bargained.

"If Philip can take your pee-pee, I can too," Petey boasted. "He's just a baby. I'm a big boy!"

"I'm not a baby," Philip whined. "I'm a big boy too!"

"If you insist, Petey," Frank sang. He pulled his cock out of Philip's baby balloon knot and guided his nephew into his little brother's hole. After his uncle's enormous cock, Philip had no trouble accommodating his big brother's smaller cock. Petey instinctively pushed his small prick in and out of his kid brother's ass and it felt really good. He pumped away at him like a horny little chihuahua.

Frank crouched behind the two kids, spit in his palm, lubed up his cock and slowly shoved it up Petey's little butt. "Owww!!" Petey cried, stopping his fucking, balls deep in his little brother.

"You're a big boy now, Petey," Frank told him. "Take it like a big boy." Petey continued to fuck his little brother. The pleasure his cock was experiencing was great enough to make him ignore the pain his tender bottom felt. The three males fucked away like crazy with Petey sandwiched between his little brother and his uncle. All they had on were a pair of white socks and a coat of sweat.

Little Philip started to whimper like a puppy as he began to orgasm in his hand. No semen came out of his tiny dick. It just deflated as the kid shivered with goose bumps. His tiny toes curled in his dirty socks, his feet resting on his big brother's smooth bare shoulders. Petey began to feel the same strange sensation as his wiener tickled intensely in his baby brother's bottom. His little cock deflated in Philip's tight little ass. Uncle Frank banged the boy's ass hard making smacking noises.

Frank suddenly pulled his cock out of Petey's ass. "Watch this, boys!" he shouted. Petey and Philip sat on their sore asses as their uncle jacked off in front of them. He shot load after load of silky white cum all over his little nephew's faces and chests. "Ahhh yeah!" Frank shouted with intense orgasm.

"Wow! What is that?!" Petey shouted. "Is it milk?" The two boys were both startled and amazed. They were drenched in semen.

"It's cum," Frank answered, sweaty and out of breath. "It's like milk. It comes out of your pee-pee when you get older after you've been rubbing it a while."

"Wiw I make some too?" little Philip asked.

"You too, kiddo," Frank pinched his rosy cheek.

Petey licked some of his uncle's cum off his kid brother's chest. "It doesn't taste like milk," he winced. "It tastes funny."

"Let me twy!" cried Philip. Frank had a pearly drop of cum oozing out of the tip of his cock and Philip dove for it. The greedy little kid licked the cum from his uncle's knob, cleaning it with his wet little mouth. "It tastes like the wa-wa (water) at the beach!" he laughed.

"Yes it does! It's salty," smiled Frank. "Now why don't we take a bath 3; get you boys all cleaned up."

"Yay!!" the kids shouted. The three guys ran naked up the stairs to the bathroom where Frank drew them a hot bath. They each stripped off their dirty socks and hopped into the water, Uncle Frank joining his nephews. Petey and Philip were so giddy to have their Uncle join them in the water. They laughed and screamed and splashed each other wildly. All three dicks started to rise again and before long, Frank was taking turns fucking both their sweet little asses in the bath tub. There was barely enough room for all of them, but they didn't care. They loved being close to each other.

Little Philip sat on his uncle's cock and rode him. "Aww shit!" Frank couldn't help saying aloud as he filled the kid with cum. "I mean, oh shoot!" The boys just laughed.

After Frank fucked his nephews and bathed them, he toweled them off and escorted them to the bedroom that they shared. Petey and Philip put on their pajamas and hopped onto their individual twin beds. Frank put on a fresh pair of jockey shorts.

"Wanna meet my fwend?" little Philip asked his uncle, showing him his big fluffy teddy bear. "This is Wupert (Rupert). He's my best fwend."

"Hi Rupert," Uncle Frank shook his fuzzy paw. Philip was so adorable.

"I think Wupert wants to pway the 'humping' game," Philip said, remembering his Uncle's term from earlier. Philip unzipped his footy pajamas and stepped out of them naked. His little cock was sticking straight up. The boy began to hump his teddy bear like a stud, rubbing his tiny cock against it's soft belly. "Wupert likes it!" the boy smiled. "Put your weenie in my bottom, Unco!" Philip ordered.

"If you insist," Frank smiled. Uncle Frank stripped off his white briefs, grabbed a bottle of baby lotion from atop the boys' dresser, lubed up his hard cock and obeyed his little nephew by fucking him doggy-style on the twin bed as the boy humped his teddy. Frank held onto the boy by his waist as he fucked him. His large hands were almost entirely wrapped around the kid's waist, he was so small.

Petey wasn't about to be left out. He stripped off his PJs and crouched before his little brother and stuck his dick in his mouth. Philip sucked his big brother's cock while getting fucked from behind by his uncle. Rupert was buried beneath them getting humped by Philip's hard two and a half inch [6½ cm] wiener. Frank filled his younger nephew's ass with cum as the two kids came dry.

"Did Rupert like that, Philip?" Uncle Frank asked.

"Yes, Unco Fwank!" he smiled. "He liked that a lot!" Philip hugged his bear tightly. Frank told his nephews it was time for bed. He tucked them in and gave them both a scruffy kiss on the lips.

Frank retired to the master bedroom of his brother and sister in law. "This is one Friday night that turned out better than I could ever imagine," he smiled in bed. "Those little fuckers are better lays than any broad!" His cell phone rang with news from his brother announcing the successful birth of their third baby boy who they named Parker. Freddie said that Jeanie and the baby were in recovery and they should be home tomorrow afternoon. "Take your time," Frank told his brother.

"I hope the boys aren't giving you a hard time," Freddie said.

Frank laughed. If his brother only knew. "Oh they're a handful," Frank smiled on the phone. "But I'm having a great time playing with them." Frank fell asleep soundly.

The next morning, he was awakened by slurping sounds and the most amazing sensation on his cock. He opened his eyes to find his little nephews naked and nursing on his morning boner. "Well what do we have here!" Frank smiled. "Looks like my nephews are hungry for their morning sausage!" The boys laughed and the morning love making session began.

Petey and Philip worked their little tongues like puppies down to their uncle's big feet and started licking his toes. They munched on their uncle's feet like salt water taffy. Apparently Frank planted something erotic in their handsome little heads when he shoved his sweaty feet in their faces yesterday. 'Dirty little piglets,' he laughed quietly to himself. Petey and Philip straddled their uncle's big feet and rubbed their hard pee-pees against his bare soles, humping his feet. Frank eventually fucked both of their asses and showered them with his cum.

Frank enjoyed the quality time he spent with his nephews that Saturday. After making them breakfast, they spent most of their time playing with each other's cocks and fucking each other's asses in every corner of the house. Sometimes they even fucked outside in the backyard. Frank even took some dirty pictures and videos of him and the boys in action with his cell phone to enjoy later. All three of them never bothered to put their clothes on.

Petey and Philip were having the time of their lives and Uncle Frank was their new hero. Having gained their trust and admiration, he explained to them that their special 'humping' games were only for them and Uncle. Their mommy and daddy wouldn't understand and if they found out, their fun and games would come to an end. Petey and Philip certainly didn't want that.

Later that day, Freddie and Jeanie came home with the new baby. Parker was as cute as could be. Uncle Frank kissed Petey and Philip goodbye, giving them a wink as he left. He knew he'd have his hot little nephews again soon. Petey and Philip were counting on it.

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Bobby Trabieso - Uncle Frank Babysits His Nephews in the subject line.