PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Born to Serve


Kip thought of himself as being lucky in life. Most other twelve-year-old juveniles would not have thought the same if they had found themselves in Kip's position. Kip was a slave, he had been born a slave and as far as he was concerned would always be a slave.
Publ. Oct 2006 (Nifty & Nialos); this site Sep 2007
Finished 2,300 words (4½ pages)


Kip (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
Mb – nosex – ws


This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

Author's note

© 2006 by Steam Train, all rights reserved
e-mail author: steam_t2007(at)yahoo.com.
This story is an excerpt from the larger story tracing the fall of Judge William Mitchell that I wrote entitled, Scales of Justice by Steam Train.
The Pony Slave details in this story are based on information contained in The Best Laid Plans by Richard Davis.

Kip thought of himself as being lucky in life. Most other twelve-year-old juveniles would not have thought the same if they had found themselves in Kip's position.

Kip was a slave, he had been born a slave and as far as he was concerned would always be a slave. He was different to the free citizens he served. He didn't look it, but deep inside he felt it. He had that slave feeling! He had been born and bred for the sole purpose of being a slave for life. As a slave Kip was never considered a citizen and never would have any rights, only obligations to his masters unless in a very exceptional circumstance, some future master set him free.

Born on a breeding farm near Bountiful, in Antipodes County, the adjoining county to Eastbrook's, Tallahatchie County, Kip had been brought up with no parental presence. When he was born he was first placed in a crèche, then the farm nursery, then when about six years old into activity groups, and finally when ten years old into a junior work group. He would have stayed there till he was sixteen years old and was eligible by law to be sold into general labouring tasks if he had not been sold. As Kip was younger than sixteen, by law an education program had to be implemented by his master and restrictions upon his use as a slave applied and were strictly enforced. This tended to lower the slave's value and worth until they turned 16 so this is why Kip considered himself lucky to be sold to a master before he was sixteen.

It was one of the peculiarities of the slave laws that though they provided for a limited education process there was no clause within the same laws that prohibited a master from having his way sexually with a slave, no matter what age. It had become a convention however based on the Voluntary Code of Conduct from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Slaves that a kind of moral embargo was placed on fucking a slave until they were sixteen. The Federal Bureau of Servitude enforced this code as if it was actually law and if it caught a master taking the cherry of a juvenile slave before they were sixteen, the FBS would publicly shame the master even though there was no law to actually prevent that from happening or to convict him or her.

No legislator wanted to draft a bill laying down basic rights for a slave because that would give the slave some legal status. It was in the slave owners' interest and they were a majority of the electors of the legislators, to ensure that slaves were seen by the law as an owned object to be used, or misused, and not to give them any additional legal rights short of what the law already provided.

Kip had been sold at twelve years of age to the new Chief Judge of the Tallahatchie County Court, Master Bertram Avery to serve as his house boy at his official residence in Eastbrook, 'Juridique' and also to run alongside the judges rickshaw on formal occasions as is the fashion for the rickshaws of the rich and influential.

When he first arrived at 'Juridique' Kip slept alone in a cage located away from the other adult slaves in a storeroom at the rear of the garage.

"You will be living in this store room from now on" Mr. Bunter, Master Avery's Overseer had informed Kip when he first arrived "besides the slave pen in the house is full and I think it will be safer for a while at least, to keep you separated from the adult slaves. I can do without any additional slave discipline problems."

In the storeroom a space had been cleared on one side of the room and a small slave cage had been installed.

"You will utilize the slave bucket in your cage when you need to go and every morning you will deposit your remains in the toilet on the back porch. You will then wash the toilet and your slave bucket. Do you understand boy?" Mr. Bunter had instructed.

"Sir, yes sir" Kip replied quickly as he had been trained throughout his short life to do.

"There is a hose in the back yard. You will use that to wash your body. You will do that daily under my supervision, Is that also clear?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Kip again promptly replied.

"Your new master is keen to show by public example that he is conserving resources and energy so soon you will be joined in this cage by your new masters pony slave, so don't get too comfortable in that cage all by yourself for soon you'll have to share the room!" Mr. Bunter continued.

"Sir, yes sir!" Kip responded.

"I will warn the pony slave when he arrives that you are two months shy of being thirteen years old and remind him of the conventions under the slave laws relating to young juvenile slaves under sixteen to ensure that he keeps to those conditions unless he want to be castrated".

"Sir, thank you sir," Kip politely replied as a well trained slave should.

Some weeks later, late at night it was a very shy young Kip wearing his khaki slave shorts and tee that was locked into the cage for the first time with his masters new pony slave.

Kip immediately cowered over to the other side of the cage afraid of the strange slave that now occupied the cage with him. The pony slave looked terrifying to Kip's young eyes. The pony was naked, bald, tattooed, and decorated with numerous piercings. Kip knew all about the new slave but his appearance had startled him. His slave name was Beak but in his former life he had been Judge William Mitchell, until recently the Chief Judge of the Tallahatchie County Court, the position now occupied by Kips new master. The household slaves had been talking and joking about Beak's fall from grace as judge and master of this very household ever since Kip had arrived at "Juridique". Kip knew that there was little or no sympathy for Beak amongst his own former household slaves.

Kip sat shyly in his cage allowing himself to get used to Beak's presence and to overcome his shyness. As he sat, Kip could hear in the quietness through the small barred window of the storeroom the sound of voices occasionally from outside. Eventually however all went quite and the outside lighting was turned off leaving the storeroom dimly lit by the moonlight drifting in through the barred storeroom window.

Kip remained cowering on the other side of the cage near the sanitary bucket for a long time. The size of the cage prevented either of them laying down to sleep without touching each other so both Beak and Kip at first remained propped against the other side of the cage trying to give each other as much personal space as was possible.

It took a long time for Kip to calm his fears and for Beak to get him to talk. Slowly they moved closer together and finally as tiredness overcame Kip he felt Beak move over behind him and cuddle up. Kip did not reject his affection and soon both were sleeping huddled together, Kip's bottom tucked into Beaks chest and abdomen as the chill of the night crept into the storeroom.

Kip noticed that Beak blushed profusely the next morning as he did his morning piss and crap into the sanitary bucket. Kip looked the other way and Beak returned the courtesy when Kip took his turn. There was no opportunity for modesty as a slave in their small cage, and none once they were released from their cage by Mr. Bunter and had emptied the bucket and washed it out. Mr. Bunter made Kip strip naked and stand against an outside wall as he instructed Beak how to wash Kip down with the hose. Regardless of his his slave training Kip felt a stirring in his groin as Beak stripped his body naked.

Kip could sense the eyes of both Mr. Bunter and Beak feasting over his slave farm developed, firm, well-defined pectoral muscles which highlighted the near thirteen-year-olds bare chest before tapering sensuously to a slim narrow waist. The entire area was smooth, tanned and absolutely flawless. Kip still had his body hair. Many masters allowed their young teenage slaves this privilege as it gave the master the pleasure of watching their young slaves develop and mature. When they got older and hairier, then they were shaved.

Kips head hair was short but not buzzed. He had just a trace of peach fuzz underneath his arms and also a thin trace of golden down which extended from just beneath his deep navel down to Kip's tan-line which erotically showed off the stark contrast between his bronze abdominal muscles and the pale white skin of his extreme lower belly. The golden down continued down below the tan line and led to a small silky thatch of dark early adolescent pubic hair which was growing above the base of Kip's flaccid circumcised penis. It was the only hair down there as his penis and ball-sac were smooth and hairless as were his smooth tanned legs.

Long used to this daily routine, Kip was not the least aroused or perturbed by his nakedness and did not bone up at all.

When washed, Kip was sent by Mr. Bunter to the kitchen to be dried and dressed in his fancy house boy clothes. When he emerged for Mr. Bunters morning inspection he was dressed in tight fitting royal blue knickerbockers braided with gold and a white puffed sleeve silk shirt, maroon velvet waist coat and a maroon jockey cap tasseled with gold pom-poms and decorated with gold and silver ribbons and colorful feathers.

Kip thought to himself that he looked ridiculous but he knew that Master Avery liked to show off his status by just such an outlandish show of opulence and power that such a uniform conveyed. This was never better displayed than when Kip was out in public running as his masters slave boy alongside the rickshaw, holding on with one hand, with the other placed on his hip so that the elbow stuck out to show off his puffed sleeve shirt.

Kip's role as a rickshaw slave boy was considered an essential fashion accessory and observing the other slave boys running with their masters rickshaws, Kip's costume could not be considered too extravagant or bizarre.

Rickshaws are pulled at a steady trot and the pony slave Beak, attempted to maintain elegance in his movements, by leaning back a little, lifting his knees high, holding his head erect, and keeping his shoulders back. Master Avery sat back in his rickshaw with the whip in his hand holding the reins lightly as he greeted neighbors and friends. It was considered bad form to speak to a pony slave, especially when he was pulling. The well timed use of a whip was so much more precise and effective if Beak needed encouragement to maintain his correct posture and form. When Beak did it properly it made a fine sight with his fancy decorations, high stepping and his penis and balls bouncing along in rhythm.

It was the Kip's duty to attend to his master's every need, whether delivering letters in person like a messenger, or walking behind his master at a respectful distance weighed down with golf clubs, sports bags or briefcases. Kip would keep about his person a rag to dust down his master's boots before he got down from the rickshaw, a vial of cologne to freshen his master's handkerchief, and a small knife to cut him a slice of fruit for his master if he was peckish. A small flogger usually hung from Kip's belt in case he required a quick spanking from his master or overseer.

It was also Kip's duty to hold an umbrella to keep the rain and sun off his master, or to cup his hands to make stirrup for his master's foot as he entered his rickshaw. At every social event that occurred in Eastbrook and the county, his master seemed to be invited and on these occasions Kip would join a line of slave boys along the outside walls of the house as they waited to be called inside to run an errand or tuck in a shirt or hand feed their master.

At home at 'Juridique' Kip answered the front door, politely greeting guests and ensuring that the household slaves attended to their presence until the master arrived. Of a more private nature Kip was also his master's toilet slave. Washing his body in the spa or shower and wiping him dry. Kip also wiped his master's anus after his daily excrements and if required, was the receptacle of his master's urine if a toilet was not handy. He was skilled in masturbating his master both by hand and orally and sometimes was even called down to the court house during a break in proceedings to provide his master with relief.

Such was the varied and interesting life that Kip found himself serving as a slave at 'Juridique'. Though many would think otherwise Kip considered himself very luck. Most bred slaves were doomed to a life on the plantations chained together in coffles as part of a work gang. Though he never knew them Kip thanked his parents for giving him the gift of the Adonis like looks that had seen him selected by Master Avery out of the hundreds of young slaves at the breeding farm to serve his master.

The End