Eff DelScilio and Artred
SummaryA young boy is captured in a raid upon his village and is taken as a slave by the commander of the invading forces.
Publ. June 2016
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CharactersScillio (a boy about 9-10) and Artred (a man about 25-30yo) Category & Story codesSlave Boy storyMt – slavery oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at nolitimere156(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Eff Del: Scilio and Artred in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Covered with dirt sweat and quivering with fear, the boy was kneeling with his young chin pressed onto the ground as the large soldier placed his foot onto the back of his thin neck. The child was gripped by terror knowing for certain that within moments his short life would be over. He had a sudden sobering thought through this stress and wondered plaintively if it would hurt very much. "Say good bye to your father young man." The soldier grunted as he released the pressure of his heal from the back of the small dark-haired head. The boy raised his eyes only to witness his father being pulled backward as a soldier ran a knife across his neck. The blood spurted out furiously and his father gasped and gurgled in his death throes. "Don’t worry about your mother boy. She’ll become a welcomed house slave for one of our commanders along with your pretty little sister. You on the other hand are going to come with me and work on my own estate. I have a need for a houseboy and you are certainly comely so I’ve claimed you as part of my victory spoils. Climb up onto that cart and when we’ve stopped for the evening, you’ll begin to learn your duties." As he struggled to his feet, the big soldier grasped him by the neck and raised his head so that he was forced to stare into the blazing dark eyes of his captor. The big man spoke in a surprisingly soft; almost kind tone; "We are the mightiest people in the world boy. Your father and his men were foolish to try to resist us and they all paid the price as you have just seen. As it was with your father, so it will be with every man of your clan. As a result, though, I’ve gained a pretty little lad. So, I’ve obtained something more than just gold out of this bit of annoyance haven’t I?" The man released his grip and the boy was certainly worldly wise enough to realize he was in a dangerous position. He quickly climbed into the cart and scrunched down. A few hours later, the group pulled into a lovely little clearing with a clear fast moving stream and prepared to camp for the night. "Come on boy. Get off the cart. Bye the way, what is your name?" "Scilio 3; my name is Scilio sir." The big man nodded his head. "Well Scilio, my name is Artred but most of the time you’ll call me ‘Master’ got that? Now, get out there and gather firewood so we can cook supper tonight but 3; before you do that, go pour me a flagon of wine from that large bag in the cart," "Y-yes Artred " He almost squealed as he ran to do his job. Returning with the pitcher he stood before his new master. "Here Sir, shall I pour some into your cup for you?" "No boy, normally that will be your job but for now, I can do that. You’d better hurry off and gather the firewood while there’s still light enough in among the trees." "Yes Sir." The young boy rushed off into the woods. It wasn’t very long before the boy returned and had a blazing fire going. He tended it as he let it burn down to coals. Artred hadn’t been idly standing by drinking wine. He emerged from the woods smiling as he carried three fat rabbits. "Do you know how to skin these little Scilio?" He asked as he tossed them by the fire. "N-no sir I haven’t got a clue." "Then sit down and learn because it will be your job next time." The boy hunkered down and just stared as the man made a small puncture in a rabbit’s neck, inserted two fingers and then simply pulled the skin off like peeling an orange or a banana. The tail came off with the skin leaving just a little bit of meat at the rump and the Man almost carelessly chopped off the head and the paws tossing them into the brush. "You try Scilio." The boy picked up a rabbit and cut through the skin at the neck and peeled the skin from the carcass. The skin resisted and the pulling was hard but eventually, the denuded rabbit was ready for the little boy to accept the large knife from the big soldier and chop-off the head and paws of the carcass. The man laughed. "Good job Scilio! You certainly learn well. Skin this third one and then I’ll show you how we clean, spit and roast these but first, we’ll gather some flavor enhancement for these three plump boys. Then after we eat, we’ll go to bed." The man and the boy wandered around the edge of the woods and gathered small handfuls of wild local herbs that Artred pointed out. Some of these Scillio recognized having gathered the same plants with his Mother although the big soldier, spoke different names for them. Some of the plants selected by the big soldier were ones that his Mother had never used so, they were strange to the youngster. Artred’s deep chested laugh was not cruel it was more as if the man was pleasantly amused. "Don’t worry Scillio. You will be taught all about the useful plants. Every man should know these things, but you are not a man, you are a little boy. Come, let us cook our camp dinner." The rabbits, having been gutted and cleaned, were well seasoned and then pulled upon the spit the man had contrived while carefully showing the boy what he was doing 3; cautioning the young boy that this was something he needed to learn to do. Eventually, Scillio was sitting with his back against a big live oak tree and just nibbling upon the last of the bones of his rabbit. "Tired boy?" The man asked. "Y-yes Sir." "Well, I suppose that this hasn’t been the best day in your life has it? Take comfort in the fact that your Mother and your sister are still alive although you’ll probably never see them again." Scillio’s pale blue eyes were as light as the man’s almost coal black orbs were dark. The big soldier’s look focused directly upon Scillio and this time it didn’t require the big man’s fist around his neck to lock their gaze. Once again, the big soldier spoke in a surprisingly soft and gentle tone; "Your Father’s death was his own doing Scilio. Poor choices always have poor results. Remember that boy. Remember that for the rest of your life." The little boy swallowed hard and nodded his head. "Alright, let’s make up a bed in the cart now. It doesn’t look like rain and so we should be fine under the stars." The man and the boy made a comfortable pallet of blankets and a quilt and soon were sleeping side by side with the boy wrapped in the big man’s arms. "Tomorrow, you begin to learn how to be a slave boy because that’s what your life is from now on." "Yes Sir." The boy muttered as he turned and instinctively cuddled into the man whose muscles were hard and his body warm and surprisingly comforting. Very soon, he was snoring softly against him. The man made no protest. Scilio woke early because his bladder was making demands. After walking off into the trees and pissing, he tried to figure out what to do next. His instinct was to gather wood and make a fire so therefore, that is what he did. Once the fire was burning, it seemed to him that logically Artred would like some hot water so he retrieved a pot from the cart, walked down to the little stream. He returned and placed the pot over some well-arraigned stones among the coals. Satisfied with that, Scilio walked back to the stream, entered into the cool water, and bathed himself. It actually felt wonderful. Scilio had grown up knowing that it was a hard world and therefore he’d not dwelt upon the fate of his father or mother. He actually realized that his own fate could have been harsher even to the point of death or cruel treatment except for luck. That luck thus far, consisted of the nature of the man; Artred who was in charge of the raiding party that had slaughtered his village. What a strange anomaly. Life was life after all and you accepted what it gave you. Artred taking him into slavery most certainly may not have been the worst possible roll of the dice. It was a cold, ‘matter of fact’ world. Life was not cruel, it was (if anything) ambivalent. There was no inherent kindness out there for children and therefore no time or justification for tears. You accepted your happiness those few times when you found it and then, you put up with your misery. Sadness was a waste of time, energy and emotion. You just lived your life as long as you were allowed to live it. "Scilio!" the call was loud and harsh. The boy’s reaction was instinctive; "Yes Artred 3; yes Master!" and his young legs pumped up the bank of the river he actually forgot his little loincloth down at the shore. The man smiled down at him. "You’ve made a fire and hot water without being told. Good boy Scilio. I knew you were smart. In my saddlebag there are tea leaves. Do I need to teach you how to brew tea boy?" "I don’t think so master. My mother and I used to make tea every morning. If I do it not to your liking, I hope you will correct me without chastising me too hard." "Good boy. Then, you brew my tea and a cup for yourself while I bathe in the stream." "Yes Master." The boy said as he hurried past the fire. Shortly Artred returned from the stream with two fair sized trout in his hands. "What do you think about these for breakfast?" The boy stood there astonished. "How 3;?" The man smiled. "Belly fishing boy. You have to be slow and gentle and you have to raise your hands up right under them and flip them quickly onto the bank. I happen to be good at it. Do you know how to clean a fish boy?" "No sir. I’m a farmer’s son and all I know how to do is plant things. M-my Mother used to butcher the rabbits and the fish and the birds that Father caught, so I just pretty much planted." The man smiled and indicated the boy should kneel down. "I’ll soon be doing the planting at my estate, and it’s your little furrow I’ll be planting. You by the way, are no farmer’s son. You are much more than that boy. However, every man should know how to skin a rabbit and gut a fish." The boy didn’t understand the first part of what the large soldier had said but the big man seemed to find it privately amusing. "First of all you need a sharp knife and once I trust you, you shall have one of your own. Next for courtesy’s sake 3; especially if there will be tender ladies at table, chop off the head and the tail and then run the blade through the belly. Those things can be done in reverse by the way 3; your choice. Next just use your fingers and pull out the guts and throw them away, rinse out the innards of the fish and then cook the fuckin’ thing. Nothing better for breakfast in this entire world." The two fish were soon sizzling in a hot pan and the boy’s mouth was watering. The man smiled and pulled a loaf of dried bread from his saddle bag and crumbled some of it up into the pan and over the fish. He also sprinkled two large pinches of salt from a pouch he carried. "Fetch two plates boy." Scilio rushed to the wagon and returned holding two large dishes. Artred pulled the fish off the fire and served them out into two portions. The boy almost wept as he realized that he hadn’t eaten this well in weeks. "We’ll be at my home tomorrow Scilio. You’ll be my youngest slave 3; most of them are older 3; men and women. I’ll enjoy having you around so you’ll train to be my body servant. That won’t be so bad will it?" "N-no sir 3; no Master 3; whatever you command." The party crested the hill and the extensive estate was soon in view. It was impressive and obviously well laid out and carefully maintained. "I’ve got to collar you now" Artred turned to the boy with a smile that was almost friendly. The little boy was startled but had become used to the idea that the man’s behavior was often unusual though (thus far) it had not been unkind. His life was becoming stranger by the minute, but when all was taken into consideration, he was still alive and was not being mistreated. As the man reached over and snapped the leather collar around his neck, he didn’t make a sound. The horses and the carts pulled softly down the hill to the large villa and compound. Soon servants were all out into the area to assist the unloading of the carts and the pack-horses. "Amos, this young lad is Scilio. I want him bathed scrupulously, I want him shaved completely 3; though I don’t suppose that will take much doing, and I want him at my dinner table tonight serving me perfectly. You’ll be personally responsible for all of his behavior Amos. There is gold, silver and copper out in the wagons that need to be unloaded and stored in the strong house. There are also a few other trinkets that I’d like to examine when I wake up. Assign slaves to do these tasks while you concentrate on the boy here. For now, I’m going to take a pleasant nap in my own bed." "Yes Master." The old man replied and quickly took Scilio’s arm. "Come Lad, there is a great deal to do and not much time to do it in. I am Amos and I am the house steward. I’ve served Master Artred for over fifteen years. In all of that time, you are the only little boy that he has brought into his service. He must see or sense something very special about you." The two were soon in the enclosed courtyard with the warm bathing pool. "We’ll shave you first and then we’ll get you well bathed. Take off those filthy rags that you’re wearing and toss them into the fire over there and then, jump into the pool and get wet. After that, get out and lay down upon that marble table. I’ll go get the razor, the soap and the brush." Scilio was terrified because he didn’t understand what any of this meant. Things had once again changed suddenly. Despite his fear, he quickly stripped and placed his rather smelly tunic onto the fire and dropped down into the surprisingly warm and pleasant pool. He didn’t have long to enjoy the comfort of the water because almost at once, he heard the old man’s sandaled feet padding upon the floor tiles and then he saw him. "Out of the water boy! Out, out, out! We’re wasting time." Amos scolded. Scilio quickly jumped out of the pleasant pool and looked at the old man in fear. "Relax boy. Now for a moment just stand there, raise your arms over your head and slowly turn around. Stop if I tell you to. I’m just going to look at what I’ve got to work with." The boy did exactly as he had been instructed. "Hmmn 3; well you’re young enough that there won’t be much to shave Lad though I’ve got to admit that I’m not so old as to not remember losing my pubic hair for the first time. Eventually, you get used to it though. It’s not the worst thing some masters do to their slaves. Up onto the table then. Lay on your back we might as well get the biggest job over first." The boy couldn’t help it and he burst out in tears. "A-amos are you going to cut my cock off?" The old man pulled up in a start and then burst out in a magnificent laugh. "No you little jackass! I’m simply going to remove the bonnie little forest of fuzz you’ve just started growing in small spots around your young body 3; especially this soft tuft here above that little pole of yours. Sadly on this estate, slaves are not allowed body hair so, I’m about to remove your pride and joy." "A-actualy A-amos, my cock is my pride and joy. I don’t much care one way or the other about my hair." The older man almost exploded with laughter. "You’re a cheeky little boy Scilio. Now, lay down and let me get to work." Reassured that his worst fear was groundless, the boy collapsed against the cool stone slab and the old man applied soaped brush and razor and meticulously shaved him clean of hair taking the same care front, back and in every crevasse. "Step down and let me examine you boy." The boy did so and responded to the older man’s instructions. "Bend over boy and let me get a good look at your ass. This is one place Master won’t allow any hair at all." The boy bent over and the older man spread his round little cheeks. "Everything looks good but then, there wasn’t all that much to worry about. As you grow, so will the complication of your weekly shaving. You’ll be fine lad so now, go hop into the pool. I’ll be right back with some soap and some emollient for your hair. You’ve got about a half an hour to enjoy this and then I’ve got to train you at the table. It seems as though the Master intends for you to be his personal boy. After drying off, the boy was treated to a hair brushing and a sprinkling of fragrant herbs and flower petals over his body that were gently rubbed and crushed into powder against his skin and then softly brushed off. The fragrance lingered and even Scillio sensed the light scent and realized that it was pleasant. "I haven’t received any instructions about what you should wear and therefore I’ve chosen a red loincloth. Do you know how to put it on?" "Of course Amos, that’s almost all I’ve ever worn my entire life." The old man nodded and smiled. "Then put it on and follow me to the kitchen and dining room. There are very specific things that you need to learn and learn very quickly." The boy quickly wrapped and tucked the long thong-like garment around his pelvis and privates and followed the old man into the kitchen. "The first thing you will do (with-out asking) is to bring out Master’s wine cup and, if he has guests, then cups for each of them will follow. Do this silently and do this from the right side. The plates should be ready and here for you to pick them up. You will carry them into the dining room and you will approach the master and any of his guests from their left side. You will ask permission to serve and then gently slide each plate in front of them. Master Artred usually dines alone but he does have guests on occasion. Everything I tell you about serving directions applies to the Master’s guests however; it becomes a bit more complicated with guests. You always serve Master first. When re-filling wine cups, you’ll move to the right around the table. When attending to the meal itself, you’ll move to the left. Just remember; drink to the right, food to the left and you’ll do fine. Tonight, it will only be Master Artred so it shouldn’t be too difficult for a bright lad like you. If the plates are not ready boy, don’t apologize and don’t try to accept any blame. There are others in this house who bear the responsibility for the timeliness of the meal. Your job will be the perfection and the pleasantness of the actual service. The meal must flow smoothly like a gentle brook. Once all have been served, you will then approach the Master and any of his guests from the right side with a carafe of wine and quietly ask if their cup needs to be re-filled and then of course, you will do so. After that you will stand behind the Master and announce that you are at his disposal. He will give you instruction from that point on. The Master expects no less and therefore, we provide no less." "Y-yes sir Amos." The boy was trembling and the old man pulled him into a hug. "I am no ‘Sir’ little boy. I am a slave just like you. I wish it were not so for either of us, but I can assure you that there are far worse houses than this to be enslaved to. I suspect young Scilio that you’ll do just fine though I must warn you that the Master may require that you remove your loincloth." The boy nodded his head. From his point of mind, being in a loincloth was just about being naked anyway. Artred suddenly burst into the room and with no ceremony, sat heavily into the carved chair at the head of the table. The boy quickly skittered to the wine cupboard and filled a cup, which he carefully placed in front of his Master from the right side. The big man smiled. "Either you’re a quick learner or Amos is a great teacher." The boy replied softly; "Perhaps both Master." "Scilio, I saved your life because of your beauty. Why are you hiding that from me now?" "Master? What have I done wrong?" "That cloth that you’re wearing around your loins. I want to see the entire boy that I’ve taken as a prize from that unpleasantness up north. I want to enjoy your beauty." "Yes of course Master." The little boy blushed as he unwrapped the loincloth and let the fabric drop to the floor. The big man slowly looked him over and smiled a strange smile. "Good Scilio. Now, isn’t it time for my first course?" The now naked boy padded into the kitchen and quickly returned with a large bowl of soup. He remembered the correct side to present it and then settled back behind the Master’s chair. "You have only to command me Master." The small boy spoke softly He was naked but it didn’t really bother him because most of his life he’d worn only loincloths and had often run naked among his people. He was after all, a young boy and among his people especially during the hotter months, boys did that. There was very little body shame among his clan and yet, the way that his master looked at his young exposed body, almost made him shiver. He leaned into the proper side and whispered; "More wine Master?" The big man looked up and smiled. "Yes Scilio. Thank you." The young boy filled the big man’s cup and stepped back. The naked boy served three courses to the big man and filled his wine cup several times. "Time for bed!" Artred exclaimed as he rose from his chair. "Come with me Scilio, We’ll see if you are as sweet as you seem to be." The boy was bewildered but he followed the man to the bedchamber. The man grabbed the boy and threw him onto the large bed. "Scilio, unless you somehow disappoint me, you are going to become my favorite slave and my personal boy." The big man pointed to a medium sized object on one of the wall shelves. "This grey stone jar contains brabble oil. It will always be on this shelf. From now on, when we come to the bed chamber, bring this jar with you. It will be important, as you’ll soon discover. The boy got up from the bed and brought the jar to the man. "I’m going to spread a bit of this into your bottom and a bit more onto my cock to ease the initial pain of penetration. I will however penetrate you and enjoy your young body. We’ll do this almost every night and often during the day. Are you ready for that Scilio?" "If that is what you require of me master." The boy knew how the world worked and had often seen the men of his clan lead weeping slave boys into private tents. In a flash, he recognized the reality that his clan had been no less cruel than Artred’s people; just, less powerful as it turned out. The world was as it was and there was no natural compassion in it for children, only occasional opportunities for survival. In a blaze of enlightenment, he realized that he was obviously more than the son of a farmer, he was the son of a War Lord and he’d been left to tend the family farm because he was too young to join his father yet upon the raiding rides and therefore, his fighting training had not yet begun. His father had been surprised and overwhelmed by Artred and his soldiers. Under different circumstances, his father might be bringing some other boy or girl home as a slave who would be treated probably not as gently as he was now being treated. Ultimately, his father had overestimated his clan’s strength. He had gambled and lost. That was how the world worked. Artred’s voice broke his reverie; "Good, then get upon the bed and pull your knees up to your chest." The boy complied and quickly the man applied the buttery lube to his tight little hole and then to his own large erection. With no further fanfare or discussion, the large soldier positioned his penis against the boy’s slippery hole. The penetration was quick and not gentle because that wasn’t in the nature of the big man. He moved into the young boy aggressively and quickly. He paid no attention to the condition and comfort of his little slave and certainly gave no thought to the small boy’s pleasure. Strangely, after his ejaculation, he became warm and loving and he pulled the youngster into a tight cuddle. "You will do well as my very favorite slave Scilio. Feel safe and comfortable in my house." The boy was trying very hard to hide his sobs over his pain and humiliation but he managed to say; "Yes master, I will." As the morning woke him, the boy quickly rose from the bed, warmed water for his master’s ablutions, and stood silently waiting for his next command. His master stirred just moments later as if he was aware that the boy was waiting for orders. The man looked around and saw that the boy had prepared all of his morning needs without having been told. Artred turned to the boy and smiled; "I know that this is hard for you, but it could be far worse boy. Continue to please me as you have thus far, and your life will go quite well Scilio. Run off now and bathe. I’ll require you to serve me at breakfast in an hour, so bathe quickly, but be certain to do it well and then, go to the kitchen. Amos has instructed the kitchen staff that your breakfast is always to be ready a half-hour before my own so that when I sit down to my morning table, I’ll find you waiting: clean, fed and ready to serve me. Now go boy." "Yes master." The water in the bathing pool was pleasantly warm and comforting and Scilio thought to himself what a wonderful comfort it would be to just lie back in the pool and remain in the gentle liquid’s embrace. He quickly shook that idea from his mind, and plunged beneath the surface. He then stood up rapidly to rinse his body. Luxury had never been a part of Scillio’s existence and he was not going to allow himself to get used to it now and risk losing the best chance at a reasonable life that he was likely to have. He used the large soft towel that had been laid by the pool and dried himself off and headed for the kitchen. "Well boy, I am Lydina and this is MY kitchen no matter what the Master tells you. My job is for my staff to cook for him and to do so well and it seems your job is to serve him to his satisfaction. When you leave your bath, your breakfast will be waiting for you here at this cupboard. The swifter that you are with your bath, the hotter your breakfast will be." "Hotter Lydina?" "Yes you silly boy do you think you can start a day with cold food in your belly?" "That’s almost all I’ve ever had for breakfast; cold cracked grain with a small splash of goat’s milk. Actually, the only warm breakfast I can remember are the holiday cakes mother made four times each year and the fish Master caught on the ride here." "Well, come here and let me show you what you can expect most mornings. This is a bowl of good hot porridge. The grains have been milled fine, toasted and mixed well. This pitcher holds sweet good honey. Drizzle the honey all over the top of the bowl and then stir it. This smaller pitcher holds fresh cream. You’ll learn your own taste for this, just remember that it will cool the bowl off quickly so I’d suggest a little at a time. You’ll also find your own mug of tea. While tea is very good boy, if there’s time, tomorrow I’ll show you how to use your leftover honey and cream to greatly improve that beverage. Now though boy, you’ve barely got time to consume your breakfast. You’d best get at it. Scillio quickly dipped his spoon into the bowl that Lydina had laced with honey and cream and he smiled in quiet delight. "This is wonderful Lydina." "If you keep talking boy, you won’t have time to taste more than a mouthful 3; EAT." Scillio quickly shoveled spoonful after spoonful into his mouth feeling well fed and satisfied. He quickly gulped down his mug of tea, and smiled at the old kitchen matron. "Thank you Lydina." "This was no more than I’ve been ordered to do boy." "Perhaps, but I seriously doubt that you were ordered to be so kind." The old woman turned a bright red and led him to the serving area. "For lunch and dinner, you may safely assume that Master will begin with wine. For breakfast however it may be wine, it may be tea 3; or it may be both. If he is awake before you leave for your bath, it is perfectly all right to ask him then. If not, ask him as you first approach the table. Just approach him from the proper side and ask what he’d prefer this morning. We’ll have both prepared at the pick-up station. By the way, you serve tea just as you serve wine and, even if you begin a breakfast with tea, don’t be surprised if it ends with wine." They had barely ended this conversation before Artred came into the room and sat down in the big heavy chair at the head of the table. Scillio didn’t waste a moment but quickly approached the big man from the right side and asked softly; "Would my master break his fast with tea or wine this morning 3; or perhaps both?" "I will have wine this morning lad. I’ve got some boring business to attend to and tea just won’t keep my mind cool." "So it shall be Master. Allow this boy just a few short steps." He quickly padded off and retrieved the goblet of wine. He served it to the big soldier from the right side. The man accepted the cup and took a huge drink. Scillio quickly hurried to the serving station, found a large bowel of berries and served it to his Master from the left. The big man took another swig from his wine cup and then, using his fingers, dove into the bowl and soon had it empty. Remembering his training, Scillio leaned into his Master’s right side and asked; "More wine Master?" The man smiled at him. "Yes Scillio, thank you." After filling his Master’s cup, the boy rushed to the serving station and retrieved a plate with six small roasted birds surrounded by steamed tomatoes and large wild asparagus. He whispered into his Master’s left side; "May I serve?" "Yes, yes you damned wonderful boy. You learn so fast and you do so well." He tore into his plate and then stopped as if he’d just had an idea. "Scillio, take one of these birds from my plate and tell me what you think." "B-but Master, I can’t I 3;" "Don’t ever refuse to do anything I ask of you boy! Now take a bird and let me know what you think." With trembling hands, the boy took one of the remaining little birds from the plate and bit into it. The skin had been roasted to a crispy crunchy goodness and had been cooked in a glaze of what Scillio now recognized as honey but, there were other flavors present as well. He knew that he had never tasted anything this delicious. As he bit through the small carcass, into the meat and with his teeth crunching the tiny succulent bones, he felt that if he weren’t careful, he might cry. "Well boy, what do you think?" "M-master, I’ve never tasted anything this good in my entire life." The big man laughed and said; "Good! But, I’m keeping you from your duties. Do you remember the proper order of service boy?" Scillio didn’t hesitate. He leaned into the right side and asked; "More wine Master?" With a big guffaw,the man exclaimed; "By the gods, can’t trip you up can I?" After properly filling the man’s wine goblet, Scillio padded off to the serving station and returned with a platter of seven boiled eggs and a river fish filet. He served it properly from the left and stood behind his Master’s Chair. He filled Master’s goblet once more before returning with the final serving. It was a half of a loaf of fried bread dredged in honey. Artred used his big knife to cut the serving into four equal pieces. "Take this piece boy and tell me what you think." Scillio bit into the treat and to his surprise the first thing he’d noticed was that the crust of the bread was sweet and had a soft rather than a hard crunch. Then of course, the honey kicked in and he couldn’t stop eating. "Oh Master 3; I’m so sorry. It’s just so delicious and I’ve failed you. Please be kind in my punishment and please keep me as your slave. PLEASE don’t sell me I’ll never do anything like that again I swear." He leaned into the big man’s right side and asked softly; "More wine?" Artred broke out into hysterical laughter. "Sell you? Boy you are one of the best spoils of war I’ve ever brought home. I told you to eat that bit of fried honey bread because it’s always been one of my favorite things and I wanted to see what a boy who’d never tasted it would think of it. Your reaction pleased me. Don’t ever be afraid when you’ve done something I’ve ordered you to do. Go ahead and finish it." Scillio reached down and took the final quarter of the fried sweet treat and took a bite. "Nothing should be allowed to taste this good." "Of course it should. Just like the bird you ate earlier. Just like many things I’m going to teach you about 3; just like you Scilio. We’re going to my sewing slaves and have some tunics made for you so that you can go out and about with me but you’ll still always be naked for me in the villa. Let’s go and get one of your new tunics made right now, because I have tedious things to do and I want you with me. You’ll make those things less boring. "As you desire Master." "What I desire boy is that plump sweet ass of yours. Before we do anything more this morning, let us go to my room so that I can enjoy you again and then we’re off to the old ladies with their needles and thread." "Yes Master." The boy now knew that Artred was not gentle in his carnal ways, but he was actually kind in his normal interactions. If being a source of pleasure was the worst thing that he had to endure, well 3; he wisely considered that about four days ago, he was expecting to be dead. Scillio knelt upon the large bed and tried to relax as the big man worked the sticky lube into his tight hole and then with a grunt that he could not suppress, he accepted the large head of his Master’s cock deep into his bowels. Artred was either an unskilled or an uncaring lover because he quickly and roughly drove himself into Scillio’s exposed hole and worked his large cock in and out until he was ready to ejaculate almost violently into the little boy beneath him. When that was accomplished, he rolled off the boy and urged him up. "Come boy, we need to see the needle and thread ladies." Scillio stood upon a stool still and unembarrassed as three old ladies took measurements of his body with pieces of string which they passed amongst themselves. When they were finished, Artred commanded that a simple tunic would be finished by the evening and that the rest would be finished in two days. Artred placed his hand upon the boy’s back. "Now we’ve got to listen to a candidate for official minstrel. Now that I’ve become such a successful warlord, it appears I’ll be entertaining more often and that, it seems, requires music." In the large room stood a rather portly man ridiculously dressed in pied colored pants and jerkin. As they entered the room, he bowed low. "My lord." "Play for me minstrel" Artred almost snarled. The plump man smiled and sat upon a stool. "I shall treat you with the song of the death of ‘Brave Conic Torvin’" He strummed his lute lightly a few times and sang;
Scillio could not restrain him himself and he stood up from his chair. "Master, this is lazy southern non-talented crap. This is not minstrelsy at all. This is laziness 3; this is bullshit!" Atred, turned to the boy and asked; "What brings out such passion in you boy?" "Because Master, I learned to sing the great stories at the knee of my grandfather. My lute was destroyed when your army destroyed my village but if I had one, I could show you how that song should truly be sung." Artred motioned Amos to his side. "Bring up two of the best lutes in our stockpile Amos. Let us see if this boy is up to his brag." Amos smiled to himself because he knew in the treasure room there were two master crafted instruments no doubt beyond anything Scilio had ever touched but if the child was even nearly up to his bravado, they would help the lad’s presentation. Very quickly, Amos returned with two lutes in his hands and Scillio at once recognized one to be a magnificent instrument. He took it from Amos’s hand and tuned it lovingly. "This Master is the true version of ‘The death of Conic Torvin"
"By God child! I’ve never heard anyone better. Besides being my personal boy, you are now my minstrel. Come with me to bed and let me love you." Artred grasped the young boy and pulled him down the hall. Chapter 2The big man smiled in delight as he pulled out of the small boy's bottom and sprawled over onto his own heavily muscled back. He reached over and pulled the boy over to him so that they were lying chest to chest. "When I first spied you during the raid on your family's village, I knew you would please me, but I never had any idea that you would please me this much. Let us go out and dismiss that charlatan and then go see the thread and needle ladies to have you one of those many colored tunics made." "No Master, that's not how it's done. True Minstrels 3; especially from the north; begin their careers in plain colored tunics just as you have the women sewing for me now. As they progress and successfully please their hosts or their guests, they are awarded a small patch of colored cloth that is sewn to their tunic starting at the left shoulder and as they are accumulated, progressing diagonally down the shirt to the right hip. As a minstrel accumulates more, the progression begins at the right shoulder. These colors are earned and not cheaply. When two lines cross from the left shoulder to the right, a minstrel will be proclaimed a Bard. The lines of patches continue from left and right shoulder to hip but it takes a very long time. My grandfather was one of the most renowned minstrels in the entire north. He was thrice declared a Bard and he only had a tunic with a triple cross of patches. That man's clothing is completely covered with color and I'll bet that he only knows a few chords on his lute and a few melodies and makes some sort of living fooling people but Master, he is a complete and total fraud." The big man smiled and gently stroked his hand down the spine of the boy lying on his chest. The boy was still young enough that muscle hadn't yet begun developing thus by going slowly, Artred could actually count the vertebrae as he passed down the valley of the boy's back. As his fingers passed the little coxis, he brushed through the tight valley between the boy's buttocks and even flicked gently against the still wet little hole he'd only just invaded. Scillio sighed and reflected upon his short life of slavery. Artred was indeed a ferocious warrior and not given to mercy for enemies and he was a terribly aggressive sexual partner with no interest or concern for his bedmate's comfort or pleasure. Artred was only interested in his own sexual satisfaction. After that was over however, he was tender and gentle. Scilio considered that things could certainly be far worse for him. Aside from that, he realized that despite the fact that he was lying on top of the one who'd had his father killed, he liked this man. This man had kept him alive and just might continue to do so. His father had been a hard man and while he'd never sexually used his little son, he'd never held and cuddled him so lovingly either. He realized that he liked being held and caressed by the warrior despite the consequences. "Come little Scillio, let us get rid of this fraud." Artred began to rise from the bed. The little boy impulsively threw his arms around his Master's neck and nuzzled against the big man. "N-no Master not yet. Hold me against you for just a little longer. That fool of a man can wait." Artred's laugh was very much like a bear's growl as he pulled the little boy tightly to his chest. Despite the fact that his world had turned upside down only a few days ago, the little boy felt safe and protected. If it meant that he would be a slave for the rest of his life, he would be secure, content and watched over. Many worse things could have happened to him. *** The large warrior and the little naked boy walked into the hall together. The man in the multicolored clothing was drinking a cup of wine and nibbling on some sweet cakes all of which the staff had provided under the standard rules of hospitality. The portly "minstrel" smiled and tipped his cup in Artred's direction. "Well my lord, do you require another performance?" "Anything you could perform would be exceeded by this little nine year old boy. You sir are a fraud. I almost feel that I should have you placed under arrest. The rules of hospitality however, require that I feed you and house you. Amos will find you a place to sleep this night and you will dine with the servants in their dining hall. The food will be good I promise you. I feed my slaves well." "But 3; I am no slave! I am a free man and should dine among free men." "I am the only free man here and you will not dine with me. You will dine with my staff or you will not dine at all. Then you will sleep in the place that Amos has found for you and in the morning, you will break your fast and then leave. You will never return to this keep. Is that understood?" The portly man nodded his head glancing at Scilio with quiet malevolence. "Yes my lord though, I truly believe that if you would allow me another song, I might win your favor." Artred looked at the naked little boy sitting on the window ledge and the child flashed an almost cheeky grin and nodded his head energetically. "Scilio; wine for me boy. Minstrel; prepare your next song." The boy padded off to the kitchen and returned with a cup and a flagon in his hand. He presented the cup on his master's proper side and stepped back. The portly false bard sat down upon a stool before Artred who had taken a seat upon a large chair. The singer said somewhat pompously; "Here now is the sad but lovely story of 'Truvilance and Beothane' I hope you will enjoy." He strummed dramatically upon his lute, and suddenly began to sing loudly and lustfully;
The 'Minstrel' then strummed furious successions of three chords which he played loudly and powerfully mostly in order to disguise his lack of musical talent. He then continued singing seven verses which ended with the deaths of the two lovers; broken on the rocks below the cliff from which they had jumped together. Scilio stood at Artred's right side and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling before turning to the big warrior and softly asking; "More wine Master?" The warrior turned with a smile and offered his cup. "Minstrel, what is your name?" "I am Bancucous Lord. Often called 'Bancucous the gifted' though my modesty prevents me from calling myself that." Artred smiled and turned to Scilio holding out his wine cup. "Are you slipping boy?" "N-no Master! I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation. I actually didn't think that you'd be ready so soon." The little boy quickly poured into the offered cup and discovered that it was still ¾ full. He looked up to Artred and the big man winked at him. "Well then 'Bancucous the gifted', I am lord Artred often called 'Artred the cruel' 'Artred the fierce' and 'Artred the Black'. I have no personal qualms about using any of those appellations because they're true. If I had any enemies left living, they would tell you. Now, that last song was much better than your first." Scillio again rolled his eyes up to the ceiling but managed to stand still. "However, my friend it is was not to the style and standard of this household. I've changed my mind about you though and so; Amos will find you a proper bed for tonight and you will dine with me. In the morning, after we break our fast, a sturdy young donkey will be provided for you as my host gift in order to make your travels easier. The numerous roads between here and the Royal City loop and turn and twist like snakes. There are hundreds of taverns, Inns and Public houses. If you begin a regular circuit, you'll be welcomed at every one of them. You'll receive food, lodging and no doubt, many coins for your music." So much for the harsh judgement of 'Artred the Cruel'. He was essentially a kind man. The meal was over and the boy was required to sing. He picked up his lute and sat upon the ledge. He chose not to compete with what the fake Bard had played (which probably, Artred had expected him to do). Instead, he played the haunting song of 'The White Boar and Myrianthal'. Just the intricacy of his finger work upon the lute moved Bancucous to almost cower in timidity. He had no such skill. The boy was a flower and he was a weed. Bancucous knew this. In the morning, the two of them stood at the gate as they watched the portly man; mounted on his newly acquired donkey ride away as Bancuous strummed his lute and sang a raucous song in his loud bellowing voice. Besides the donkey, the Master had enriched his purse with a handful of silver. Scillio suspected that the man had also obtained at least two full wine skins so the ersatz bard surely deemed this visit to the house of Artred to have been a very worthwhile stop. "Master, if this boy may ask, why were you so kind and generous to that man when he tried to deceive you?" "Because it wasn't serious deceit and could never have harmed me. I recognized that he had no talent but he was so amusing and his self-indulgent showiness was entertaining. Entertainment and amusement are worth a reward in these days boy. You are always smart to reward the source of your enjoyment. You'll learn that soon as I begin to have guests and you serve as my minstrel. You'll soon build a purse of silver 3; even gold. That will all be yours to keep. Speaking of that, let us go see to your new tunics and order your minstrel's shirt from the old ladies." As the boy and man walked into the sewing chamber, they saw the four old women seated around a table working thread through cloth and the noise from them was undoubtedly conversation though it sounded more like humming and clicking. The old woman who was obviously, the leader of the group turned to them at the door. "You're too early Artred! Come back later!" "No, I need to speak with you all." The old woman waved them inside. "Just as well, come and look." The big man and the boy approached the table and the other three old women smiled. "This is the plain tunic that you ordered and it's ready if you actually want it today." It was light brown linen beautifully sewn with no decorative stich work. It was truly plain but lovely. "These other three will be ready tomorrow as you directed. They are not extravagant but they have color and style. The boy will look well in them." "These look fine Imeralena, in fact, I think the boy will wear the finished brown tunic now since we're going out upon the grounds but there is another garment I need to discuss with you." The four old ladies cackled at the big warrior as if they knew they could do so with impunity. Eventually, the one known as Imeralena said; "Artred, you are a great warrior and whenever fighting breaks out, I'm glad that I'm in your house and under your protection. The truth is though; you are ignorant about what goes on inside and outside your villa. The walls of this home might as well be made of linen. There are no secrets here among the servants. We've been working upon the boy's minstrel robe. It's over here." She led them to a table that had blue cloth spread over it. It was light blue. Scilio had only seen the sea once but the color reminded him of the sea. The edges from hem to cuffs were in the process of being sewn intricately in dark blue thread. "Lovely" said Artred. "Now here is where you must sew your first patch." He said as he touched the left shoulder. The old woman slapped his hand away. Artred was such a benevolent Master and some of his slaves had been with him so long that they considered themselves family rather than slaves and had no qualms about correcting the man that actually owned them. "Tccch! Do you think that I don't know these things? I was raised in the north and I know the northern ways. I knew this boy's grandfather when I was young and fair. I sewed on two of his first five patches and eventually, his bands of patches became thrice crossed 3; a bard three times over. He was the finest minstrel in a lifetime and your men cut him down like a common soldier. You think we don't hear things Master?" Artred blinked finding himself on the defensive against one of his oldest slaves. "Imeralena, he was slain because he was fighting like a common soldier! Before two of my men had laid him low, that old man had killed four of my soldiers 3; four! What were my men supposed to do 3; sit down and ask him to sing a song?" The old woman turned away muttering quietly; "It would have been better if they had." She took Scillio by the shoulder and guided him to the table. "This will be entirely too big for you boy and that is by intention. You are very young and this garment will hang upon you like a robe but you will grow into it and soon it will fit you like a proper minstrel's jacket and serve you for many years before it will need to be re-made. Now, your grandfather began his first line of patches with a red one and we've talked it over and we believe you should as well." She held up a small red star carefully cut from soft cloth. "This will be your first patch and it shall be sewn upon the left shoulder before you receive this jacket." "Thank you Imeralena. It's beautiful." The brief conversation reminded Scillio of the conversations he'd heard growing up about the warrior bards of the north who led roving bands of raiders and even armies against large enemies. His grandfather was obviously one such and he was proud. Then he remembered how he was captured; a little boy in a loincloth standing in front of his mother and sister holding a spear while all hell broke around them in the village. He'd backed them into a crevasse in the cliff and in his young mind had imagined that a determined nine-year-old boy could hold off a trained army. He'd made one lunge at an oncoming soldier and from the side; his spear was quickly plucked from his hands. Amid laughter, he was dragged across the compound and brought before the man he now knew as Artred who had placed him face down in the dust and put a heal upon his neck. His life had changed after that. "Well ladies, I need that jacket ready by the end of this week because we're having important guests and Scilio must sing. (there is more to come)
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