PZA Boy Stories


My Boy


This is a short story about a man acquiring his new sex slave. It takes place in an undefined near future age.

Publ. Feb 2010
Finished 10,000 words (20 pages)


Slave boy (11yo) and his master Dr. Sanchez (early 30s)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
Mb Slave oral analbody modification bdsm chast toys interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form with Dirt - My Boy in the subject line.

Chapter 1

Even though I had been anticipating the wonder of actually being here, I was nonetheless almost overwhelmed at the reality of seeing an entire line of boy cages down the entire length of two long walls of the internment room. And although the word 'cage' was still used, the typical concept of bars or traditional locks was far from the actuality. At eye level were a series of 'enclosures' about five feet across, three feet deep, and four feet high, separated by a foot of intervening wall no doubt filled with the necessary items for the technology needed to keep the boys both interred and monitored. All twenty 'enclosures' – ten on each side – were recessed into the brightly lit wall and even had their own lighting. The interior floor, walls, and ceiling were a muted off white with the top recessed lighting allowing for the interior to be seen quite clearly. And of course each of the occupants. There was absolutely no other artifact within each of the recessed 'enclosures' since all manipulation and restraint imposed upon the occupant boy was accomplished by the use of micro-force fields. Of course there were still the a usual physical mouth gags, muzzles, and butt-plugs, and other training and conditioning devices, punishment and torture devises, along with various chastity and other genital devices used to train and condition each of the slave boys for their future roles as sex toys.

I was there to finally choose my own sex slave. I was certainly fortunate to have been born into a family of sufficient affluence to actually afford such a delectable sex toy as my future property. And even though I had the advantage of seeing all the boys currently available via holo image, the reality of actually seeing them in the flesh was a totally overwhelming experience. There right before me were all 18 boys currently available held within their 'enclosures.' All boys had been specifically chosen beforehand for their amazing looks, and sexual allure. Their apparent ages ranged from a quite small 6 year old to a stunning 14 year old at the very cusp of manhood already starting to show his defined musculature. Of course my own predilection was for a small, trim, and innocent looking 10 or 11 year old, of dark oriental extraction. And the choice had been finally reduced to two possible choices. Although truth be told, the elimination of many of the other boys held here in their confinement from my deliberations was quite a chore. In fact I finally took an injection of nul-arous (a new drug to momentarily abate one's sexual arousal) so that I could make a more objective decision. The final choice was now down to two boys, whose confinement 'enclosures' I was now directed.

For most of the boys, each has been conditioned to maintain themselves in a strong and relentlessly extreme level of sexual arousal but without the slightest ability to assuage this 'need' by any release via orgasm except when allowed when attending to the ministrations of their owners or future clients, depending on their eventual disposition. Many of these specially modified and conditioned boys would become individual sex slaves for some specific master while the remainder will most likely end up in the service of a very high end boy brothel.

At that very moment one of the boys was being released from his own confinement to be readied for placement into a transport crate. I was quite interested in seeing just what precautions were taken to make sure that such valuable property reached its destination safely. The boy in question looked to be a beautiful 7 or 8 year old with short brown hair and the brightest of green eyes. Although I certainly was much more attracted to boys of darker and non-Caucasian features, I nonetheless could not deny the loveliness of this creature. I also made particular note of the boy's total cooperation as the two attendants prepared his small naked body for transport. The two attendants I could see were quite old hands as the process was done with swift expedition. I watched intently as they first lifted the boys legs and inserted first a surprisingly large plug into his rectum. Although the boy seemed to cringe, vocalization was a soft sigh after the brunt of the plug had been inserted and the boy's sphincter could finally relax somewhat against the smaller diameter near its end. Next a long tube was inserted into the boy's small 2 inch [5 cm] rigid penis. I could see the boy's anxious look at the operation but still without the least resistance. One of the attendants pulled on the tube making sure that it was indeed sealed within. Next came items inserted into the boys nostrils and then a large gag into his mouth. He again gave absolutely no resistance and even cooperated on engulfing the quite sizable gag which sealed itself to the interior of his mouth. Then the boy was picked up bodily and placed into the crate in a prone position, and it was at this time I was absolutely astounded to note that the boy had no arms. Where they should have exited his shoulders were absolutely smooth flesh giving no indication that any appendage should have been there in the first place.

It was at this time when I was finally greeted by one of the proprietors, a Mr. Goodwin Boynap as they attached all necessary tubes and activated all the micro-force fields to keep the boy in steady security.

"Dr. Sanchez, may we direct you to the 'enclosur' of the first boy on your list?"

I almost had to literally drag my attention away from all the distractions and allowed myself to be led over to my 'first' choice. Although truth be told, I could not make up my mind between two alternatives. But not only could I not afford at this time two such sex slaves, I only wanted One such boy. I may have been a bit optimistic and idealistic but I was convinced that my boy would become more than just my sex toy. I tore my attention away from a cute 9 year old boy of apparently mixed oriental heritage, a bit young for my taste even if a delectable example of boy flesh.

My passion was boys. So much so that I had dedicated my life to the betterment of designing and modifying boys for the sex boy slave trade. I was a research biochemist looking for the means of one, maintaining boys at the an abiding and continual prepubescent stage of physical development, and two, designing various methods of chemically conditioning them to keep them at an excessively heightened sexual arousal. Although other means of conditioning and modifications are at the disposal of people involved in the boy sex slave trade, bio-chemical means is at the very crux of any successful inexpensive sex boy 'conversion.' Ultimately we have been attempting to arrive at the perfect sex boy slave. One that is maintained at a continual and precise physiological age. One that is conditioned for an extreme need for sex. And finally a boy which is conditioned to extremes of submission and a relinquishment of self directed behavior. A boy is need of a master. The perfect slave boy.

Although several of the confined boys were only at the mercy of their micro force fields to maintain physical restraint, the two boys I was interested in were additionally fitted with various physical bondage and chastity paraphernalia. The first boy was a cute 10 year old of mixed Chinese and Thai genetic mix. At the start of his conditioning 5 months prior, his body was first stabilized at his physiological standard age of 10 years, even though chronologically he was 11, and intellectually he was a precocious 13. As we approached, even though his head was held rigid by a mechanical framework surrounding his head, neck and straps which circled around and under his arms, I could see his eyes track back and forth between us. I was interested in his emotional state, and could see not the least bit of fear and only a very low level of anxiety. This was also confirmed by the monitors above the 'enclosure.' And although a tube was fitted into his urethra to keep his circumcised penis straight outward from his body, his sexual arousal was quite evident by its rigid 3 inch [7½ cm] engorgement. The monitors also showed a libido level of 2.2 bE, (equivalent to 2.2 times the standard level of the average 19 year old boy at the apex of his sexual arousal). I wondered if the boy was even capable of disengaging his attention from his arousal enough to respond adequately to the series of questions I had prepared.

I was quite fond of this boy's features and amazingly cute body parts. His heritage was evident in his almost stereotypical oriental configuration – straight black hair, oval face peering out from under the strong epicanthic folds of his bright hooded eyes.

The small nose was positioned above his mouth which at present was totally encased within a severe muzzle and obviously being held open by a severe mouth-filling gag. I was quite entranced by the fact that his eyes now tracked back and forth with my own as I moved to take in his entire body. I saw absolutely no alarm or apprehension in that steady gaze. And the monitors confirmed that his own emotional configuration, though containing a measure of concern and fretfulness, had an even greater measure of interest, desire, and even what could probably be interpreted as willful acceptance of his approaching sale. His conditioning had been apparently quite successful. He would make an exquisite and enthusiastic slave boy.

The boy was being held by in a modified sitting position by micro force fields but which allowed the boy to flex his widely held open legs in the horizontal plain. The boy's arms and hands were tightly bound to the small of his back by glove like covers of each hand being connected to bands about the base of the opposite upper arm. An additional strap bound about the middle of his forearms was also attached to a belt encircling his chest. But I was quite amused that countering his occasional attempts to close his legs, and thus relax the strain on those particular muscles, was engineered by a quite simple device. It consisted of a small widened oval shaped ring about 5/8ths inch [16 mm] wide and a quarter inch [6 mm] thick which tightly encircled his small penis directly below his small scrotal sac. What was interesting was the addition of two small projections of about ½ inch [13 mm] which were laterally emplaced. Additionally, the base of each of his feet were forced together by a restrictive glove covering the central portion of each foot with straps also going behind each ankle. Another strap extended upward and attached to a ring at the base of his butt plug which caused the weight of his legs and feet to pull downward on the plug. I assumed that only a well affixed plug expanded significantly within the boy's rectum maintained the position of his feet.

Other than the observed bondage straps and devices, I saw no other method of maintaining the boy within the interior of his 'enclosure' and assumed that the main positioning of his small body was being maintained by various micro force fields.

Mr. Boynap reiterated the basic modifications to this particular boy. (Definitely they did not include the removal of his arms).

"Just to refresh you memory, this boy has been received the usual drug regimen to make sure his physical and sexual development remains static. Both of his main boy openings have received the usual enhancements to make sure they give their user maximum pleasure. And to insure that your special boy is always ready, his own sexual appetites and libido has been severely increased. In fact, changes to his own genitals and prostate will keep your boy in continuous arousal even after any number of his own orgasm. But yet no amount of self stimulation will give him climax. Something to give the boy motivation to allow his body to be used."

I was quite familiar with the usual sexual augmentations necessary to help condition the boy into a willing sex toy. But I was also impressed with the high standards of this particular boy procurement agency. They used all the latest in technology and the neural implants to obtain the requisite behavioral and 'willing' participation of the boy.

"I also understand this this boy has been conditioned to remain passive during sex and welcome severe bondage?"

"Definitely, this boy has undergone behavior modification by the latest in DNS [direct neural stimulation] brain implants to make sure he responds positively to being used as a passive sex toy. The implant is also controlled by instructions from the chips in his slave collar."

I was quite astounded what technology could do these days. And totally in awe how an innocent boy can be turned into a willing sex slave.

"And we now need not even remove or alter any of his previous memories or restrict his other natural behavior patterns. Makes for a much more complete personality for your special boy."

I did have one question: "I thought this particular boy was already predisposed to submissive response to his same sex?"

"That is correct; we just carried this to its current extreme."

I returned my attention to the boy in question. The arrangement of the genital ring with its extensions was such that every time the boy allowed his legs to relax inward, the ends of these projections made contact and a significant pain – similar to an electric current – was induced throughout his entire genital region. The boy made quite a loud even if muffled gasping sound the one time he closed his legs too far. The pain must have been substantial enough to bring a few tears to his eyes.

On that one occasion, Mr. Boynap pointed to both the substantial urethral sound and emerging butt plug.

I was given additional information: "Dr. Sanchez, this device attached to the boy's genitals has several functions. Together with his urethral sound you see emerging from his penis slit, and the substantial rectal plug, it is constantly involved in sending a periodic stimulus directly to the boy's neural system maintaining his excessively high arousal. In addition those two extensions, when they come in contact to the flesh of his closing legs allow quite a substantial pain rapidly fluctuating between his penis, testicles, and rectum. It is maintained at a reduced level of severity so that the boy is not in such an extreme need of maintaining his legs in its present open disposition, but is just sufficient enough to force him to try to keep his legs open. He knows that his sex parts are to be absolutely the property of his future owner and must be 'open' to use."

I smiled at the boys efforts to maintain his legs in its severely opened position. And his gasps of obvious pain at his one failure. It was the only time in which his eyes closed with the escape of several tears and his emotional monitors registered significant apprehension and fear. I leaned forward to make an intimate inspection of the boy's sex parts. His genitalia was quite a few shades darker than the already darkened dark ochre color of the exposed portions of his smooth satiny skin. His small but perfectly proportioned 3 inch [7½ cm] penis with its slightly enlarged hood, stood straight outward and I bent over a bit to take in the small quite wrinkled pouch containing his undeveloped small marble sized testicles. He made a small gasping throat noise when I could not resist a light touch to his pouch and continuing along his perineum towards the plug which exited his rectal opening.

Mr. Boynap explained: "The boy's anal plug has been a constant attachment except during his training periods when his enhanced rectal sphincters, both exterior and interior, were being conditioned to exert appropriate pressure on the training penile device. His conditioning has been quite successful, and his response to any moving anal invasion is automatic and quite arousing for the one using this particular opening."

I had been quite aware that both the boys 'sex holes' had been conditioned to operate at an extreme level in penile stimulation of the user. His rectum has also been substantially altered – by the implantation of special cells along its entire lining – to provide an automatic lubrication for the user and keep the boy's rectum in perfect condition for its proper and designated use.

As I continued my manipulation of the boy's now quite turgid penis I noted his rapid assent toward orgasm. His body tensed, and his entire rectal region started to pulsate about his rectal plug. In addition, to the very limited allowance of his restrictive bonds, his penis was pushed back and forth in a typical sexual choreography. His breathing started coming in short but rapid gasps and his eyes eventually rolled upward. I was quite surprised when I noted the degree of his sexual arousal and intensely mounting climax.

"Is this normal?" I asked. "Isn't this degree of intense pleasure possibly dangerous?"

Mr. Boynap laughed. "Not at all. And it is an exceptionally positive behavioral motivator. This boy is quite rewarded for his desire to passively submit to, and please, his prospective master."

I was delighted at the boy's response as he underwent an intense and quite drawn out orgasmic climax. I was told that only when stimulated by physical contact with another person was he able to experience actual climax.

"Not only does this boy need an outside agent to stimulate him to successful completion, his orgasmic response to rectal stimulation is even greater. But his conditioning allows him to experience climax only by his absolutely passive submission. Any effort on his part to come to climax will in fact limit his sexual response."

After this display I continued to explore the boy's naked body. The longer I examined it, the more I was impressed. He was the absolute epitome of my perfect boy. His coloring, and trim body proportions, along with the merest suggestion of muscle definition, was almost infinitely alluring.

I asked Mr. Boynap: "Could the boy's gag and muzzle be removed? I would like to question him." And of course I also wanted to see his lovely lips at close range.

At this time the boy was finally recovering from his intense orgasmic episode. I could see him locking his eyes on me again. I was quite interested in obtaining his own understanding of not only his conditioning, but how he felt about his enslavement and acquisition of a master. A master he knew he would be required to obey unconditionally, and to submit absolutely.

"Of course, sir. But first it will be necessary to remove the immobilizing frame surrounding his head."

The frame of straps and ceramic was quickly disengaged from the boy's collar, including the portions which extended across his chest and encircled him just below each arm immediately below each shoulder. Now I could see the boy's muzzle more clearly and how it was attached so tightly to his face and head. As Mr. Boynap started to remove the boy's muzzle I noted that there were four different straps holding it in place. After taking out the tube disconnecting the front of the muzzle – a tube allowing for nourishment to be given to the slave without removal of his muzzle and gag – the strap connecting the back of the muzzle which extended from the top of the boy's head and extending down along the sides of his face just behind his eyes and connecting below his chin, was first disengaged. Next disengaged was the connection to the Y-shaped strap from the edges of the muzzle and extending besides each side of the boy's nose and joining just before its connection to a single strap which continued about the top of his head and down back to another strap which extended horizontally from the muzzle below his ears. Finally the harshly tight restrictive devise was taken away revealing an amazingly cute face and mouth – a mouth still harshly extended by the invading mouth gag. This was next disengaged. But it needed a small tool which engaged a small sprocket within its interior, which when turned, finally allowed the gag to compress enough so that it could be withdrawn. I was amazed not only by the extreme size of the gag which must certainly have filled the entire extent of the boy's mouth, but also of the extension which must have necessarily been forced quite a distance down the boy's throat.

Mr. Boynap iterated: "You will note the tube extension which allows nourishment to be introduced directly into the slave's throat. This was necessary because of the severe restriction of the gag which allows for no movement of the boy' s tongue and hence not allowing the boy to adequately swallow to any significant degree."

I was astounded to the degree of the harshness of the boy's gag and muzzle. But it was still within the protocol of maintaining total control over the slave's physical comportment. I was about to start my interrogation of the boy when I was halted.

"Dr. Sanchez, we still need to remove the boy's breathing tubes before he will have the ability of adequate speech."

At that pronouncement, a small tool was inserted into the boy's nose and a small dowel which extended through a hole in the boy's nasal septum was disengaged from the a breathing tube in each nostril and then the entire apparatus was withdrawn. I could see a slight sigh emitted from the so totally controlled boy, in spite of his conditioned discipline which demanded no discernable sign of anything but total submission and acceptance of his condition of absolute slavery and passive and submissive existence. Mr. Boynap touched a spot on the control above the boy and he screamed as a disciplinary surge of pain was administered through his slave collar.

"Please note that the boy is not required to maintain silence when disciplined so long as no actual words are expressed. And the surge of pain is not that overwhelming, just enough to make sure that the boy knew he had disobeyed his slave protocols."

I was now looking into the boy's eyes and was surprised to note that the boy did not seem to be in any distress. Even the monitors shown a relatively calm emotional equilibrium. I was quite impress with the boy's demeanor and degree of conditioning. Especially considering his relatively immature emotional development. I also noted that the boy seemed to still struggle to keep his legs open. I smiled at the boy's demeanor and apparent acceptance of his condition and future disposition as someone's slave and possession. Of course I was quite aware of the boy's extensive conditioning using all manner of drugs and positive and negative reinforcement using both pain and sexual rewards as behavioral modifiers. In fact I was quite astonished to see the slight beginnings of a smile form on the now revealed slave's beautiful full mouth.

I was also amazed at the boy's discipline. In spite of the liberation of his head he still remained unmoving except for the tracking of his black eyes.

Mr. Boynap seemed to have read my thoughts as he opined:

"You will please note the superior conditioning and training of our slaves. Note that this boy is still maintaining full discipline."

I was now determined to discover just what my boy – I was starting to already think of this boy as mine – thought and felt concerning his situation and enforced slavery. I was quite interested in the events leading up to the boy's enslavement and his thoughts concerning his total and absolute removal from his normal boyhood situation and undertakings. This boy would no longer know anything than subjugation and control. And his total enslavement. Especially the severity of total control of his physical body and all body functions. All food intake, and waste removal was totally outside his own control. He was now and forever entirely in the control of his future master.

I offered the boy a small drink which had been in my own hand and wondered at the boy's seeming inability to understand just what I offering. Mr. Boynap smiled and commented: "Please note. This boy has been conditioned to take absolutely no nourishment other than through his own mouth gag in some manner of a forced feeding. In fact the modification of his mouth parts even make any normal feeding impossible as you will soon learn when you see the structure of his mouth parts."

But a question came to mind. "Can the boy then speak?"

"With difficulty, but with only a small amount of experience, he can be understood."

And I continued: "And how about the introduction of fluids from either his master's penis or when he is required to minister to his master's anal orifice?"

"Of course sir. The insertion of a man's penis is similar to the forced feeding methods, and of course the boy's tongue and outer mouth parts will still be able to perform their expected function when he is required to minister to a master's anal opening. You will also note that the boy's tongue will be more than capable of far insertion into the interior of the master's rectum."

I was now anxious to see the boy's modified mouth parts. Of course I had been provided with diagrams and holos of this boy's specific modifications but to see the actual thing – well, that was much more exciting. I addressed the boy.

"Slave, open your mouth to its fullest extent."

The boy complied. The only difference I noted was the apparent mouth opening was somewhat more circular than a normal mouth. But the size of the opening was perhaps even slightly further than that of a normal boy's mouth. But when I looked into the interior I could see the obvious modifications. All the boy's teeth had been removed. And additional folds of flesh extended around the entirety of the boys gums and further into its interior. I knew from previous information provided that the folds of flesh were extensively muscularized. And the boy's conditioning resulted in his automatic response when a penis was inserted. I was informed that the boy's oral ministrations were phenomenal. I extended several fingers into the mouth's interior and the boy automatically started massaging my fingers. The sensation of the enfolding musculature, together with his quite talented tongue, along with the strength of his sucking was totally amazing. I could not wait to experience putting my own substantial penile member into this boy's mouth. I was totally delighted. And I was even more delighted when I noticed that the boy seemed totally entranced himself. I looked a question at the proprietor.

"As you can see sir, the boy has been conditioned to take certain delight and pleasure in using his mouth parts for their most important function. He was been conditioned to take inordinate sensual pleasure in this task."

I was now wondering just how this boy was even capable of speech given the modifications made to his mouth. "I would like to question the boy now."

"Certainly. He will answer with absolute truth and desire to accommodate any prospective master. He certainly understands that his collar will detect even the smallest attempt to dissimulate, or even the slightest prevarication. And in this regard he understands that his punishment would be substantial."

But the boy, obviously understanding my intent seemed totally undaunted.

"Slave, how did you become enslaved? Start by briefly describing your family and living situation and then the events leading up to your enslavement."

The boy seemed to smile and I now recognized that its slight skew was caused by the modification of its configurement.

"Master, I was being raised by my father at the time. I never remembered my Mom. Although I lived at home, and enjoyed the normal situation of a boy going to school and had several friends I hung out with, but I was very unhappy and lonely. My Dad didn't care about me, and I was too shy and felt too different from any of my not-very-close friends, to enjoy myself. I never could understand until I was going through my present slave training, but I felt so different from all the kids around me. I frequently cried myself to sleep at night."

I was only able to understand the slave's words by a computer interface.

I interrupted: "Slave. I am wondering. How long did you feel so different?"

"Master. I can not be sure, but it seemed like forever. I remember being happy a long time ago but not during the last few years. I think that my dad never liked me at all. He didn't actually hurt me, but I never felt he liked me and I know he never really cared for me. And I was never sure but I think that he realized that something was wrong with me."

"Wrong? What do you mean by that?"

"Master, I finally realized that I hated being by myself. It's hard to explain. I was so needful of someone to direct me. I needed security and I so wanted someone to cherish me, but didn't know how to find anyone to even like me. I so wanted a best friend but had no one. And now I realize that my master can be the person to cherish me. I really want some master to take care of me. And of course I am finding out that all this sex stuff is so amazing. I really like all that kind of stuff."

"But slave, you still have not explained about your Dad's thinking that something was wrong with you."

"It's not too clear to me. But he took me to a brain doctor to see what was wrong. He mentioned that I never could form real friends and did not interact right with people. And especially when I complained about needing so much some special friend. I don't know why but during the last several months I lived with my Dad I felt this urgent and all important need to have some special boy in my life. And what the doctor said to my Dad which sealed my fate was that I would never be able to be attached or attracted by a girl. Only a boy. My Dad seemed so disgusted. I never could understand just why. I know that some kids, especially the older kids, tormented the boys who wanted other boys, but most kids couldn't really care. Why did my Dad have to hate me? Why did he sell me?"

I finally understood just what had happened. Certainly his own Dad was someone still bothered by same sex relationships. I knew that this boy's own Dad sold him into slavery. And now I understood why.

"Look slave, that no longer matters. You are now a slave and I will take care of you. You said that you wanted a special friend to take care of you. Well I have decided that I will be that person."

The boy made another of his partial lopsided smiles. I decided that I need not bother with my supposed number two pick. This boy had captured my heart. And my possessiveness. I wanted him. I wanted to take absolute possession of him.

"Mr. Boynap, I have decided that this boy will be mine. Let's make all necessary arrangements."

I transferred the funds. The boy was released from his 'enclosure' and all of his restraints were removed except for his collar and wrist and ankle cuffs which were permanent. The boy seemed to flounder without the physical control measures, as if he no longer knew how to maneuver his own limbs and body parts. Of course he was now conditioned to be totally dependant on someone else taking full and total charge of his body.

"Boy, you are going home. I intend to be a considerate master but I demand absolute and total submission. Pay your proper respects to your new master."

The boy actually smiled. "Master, I obey."

He was installed into the transport cage where his body and limbs were safely encased. Since his transport would only take several hours he was only refitted with his mouth gag and muzzle, along with butt plug and penile sound. It was not deemed necessary to hook him to any elimination or feeding device. Of course a breathing tube had been reinserted into his nose. My new slave seemed to be entirely focused on what was being done to him but throughout he remained totally passive – as he had been so conditioned, and of course commanded. I couldn't wait to install him into my own dungeon – and the anticipation of using him for my every day sex toy was almost overwhelming. I had a system of electronic tethers which would be in continuous attachment to an anchor point in his left ankle cuff. Even during those times when released from my dungeon, and from total bondage, he would be restricted to only specific areas within my estate. I have long last decided that I wanted a boy that was not only totally my possession, but totally mine at all times. Of course I also had plans to keep him with me when on many of my excursions.

After I had completed the transaction and my boy had been sent ahead, I made sure I had all relevant information on the new technology which allowed me to directly control my slave's response to any administered pain.

The technician was there to acquaint me with the new technology. "Dr. Sanchez. The boy you have acquired has been conditioned to react with extreme positive sexual arousal to tactile pain. And under relatively higher degrees of such pain he can even experience an orgasm. But you also can actually determine the specific degree of his pain by this control."

I was then instructed on the control. I was told that so long as the pain was of a relatively tactile variety with only moderate penetration into underlying tissue, I could even regulate the degree of pain my slave experienced.

"Sir, even with a severe caning, so long as the instrument is not too severely structured, you can whip your boy for several hours without any possibility of his passing out. In fact you could even limit his pain to almost nothing. Of course, even with the enhancement of his skin tissue and interior connective tissue, you must be careful not to permanently damage your boy. And this is what this monitor is for."

And I was shown how just to determine exactly what methods and degrees of torture I could enjoy using on my new boy without causing any real damage.

"And sir, this monitor shows how he is reacting both emotionally and psychologically to your ministrations. You do not want to cause any significant degree of physiological harm if you want to make sure his conditioning will continue to award you with maximum his positive response to his enslavement, use, and control."

After having all this information forwarded to my home in the New Haven Isles, I quickly returned to my estate to welcome home my new slave.

Chapter 2

I was quite pleased with my slave boy. It's been several weeks now and he has just about adapted to his expected routine and behavior. Most of the time he is in moderate to severe bondage and is never without mouth and butt plugs of varying severity. On those rare times that I would be away without my boy, he would be placed into a tight body bag and stored in a small upright constrictive box. If immobile this would usually consist of a boy frame which would force his limbs akimbo, legs separated, and body and limbs nearly rigidly held in place, while being elevated on a small force sled which I could maneuver wherever I wanted. If on leash, the boy's limbs would definitely be held in severe restriction with arms held at his side or folded across the small of his back, and his legs held in severe hobbles at both ankles and knees. With only rare exceptions the boy will be gagged, muzzled, and butt plugged, along with varying severity of chastity devices. My favorite consisted of a small sound emplaced into the length of his penis with 5 small constricting rings in place around the penis, one behind the glans, three between this one and his small scrotum, and a final one behind his scrotum which would be somewhat wider that the other four. Of course there was also the usual clear tube which would tightly encased his entire genitals.

There were only two exceptions to this regimen. One, when we are in bed at night and I want a boy to cuddle up to after our usual period of torture and sex, I frequently allow him the luxury of being totally unbound, with merely a tether attached to one of his ankle cuffs. He of course is forbidden to do anything except to provide me with the sensual (and sexual) pleasure of our body contact. From the smiles and moans of pleasure frequently elicited from him during these periods, I am sure he enjoys them almost as much as his master. One thing I am quite pleased with the degree of his conditioning and training. (I have since made recommendation to this establishment to those few special friends who also were special boy lovers). My boy is always obedient, totally submissive, and always is attentive to his duty to be my pleasure slave. Occasionally I reward him by adjusting the neural stimulators associated with his own sexual pleasure centers and allow him his own orgasm. On a couple occasions I took a perverse delight in forcing his small genitals to repeated climaxes over a several hour period where he would eventually pass out.

The second exception were those rare times when we ventured out together.

And gradually over this period I have administered ever greater degrees of torture. His screams and crying brings me so much enjoyment. And I have also discovered that he is somewhat addicted to these experiences. I questioned him several times and he stated that he himself can not quite understand his own response. On one occasion he came up with at least some kind of explanation.

"Master, I am truly sorry I can not explain better. It's like after a period without any torture I have this growing need within me. Like almost an addiction. But instead of to a foreseen pleasure, it is to feeling of the inflicted pain. But not that I like the pain. Hell, master pain hurts. But it's more than I want to make you happy. And I know that you derive so much enjoyment for torturing me and seeing me cry and scream. I so much want to please you. That is where I feel good about it all. And besides. There were even those couple times I was totally surprised when I had my own orgasm."

Of course, my slave is unaware that the pain I cause him is relatively moderate. After all I want to make sure my property is not actually harmed.

I usually lead up to his torture sessions by putting him in some extreme bondage situation for some extended period. Usually this would include some stretching of limbs or the exact opposite, his being forced into some small confining space. My favorite was a total body suit which was lined with hundreds of tiny receptors. If he remained perfectly still he would be held upright in relative comfort. But any movement at all would sent tiny messages of pain into that part he moved. It was quite satisfying to watch his struggles to remain totally passive and still.

Of course there were those special lengthy torture sessions which I especially enjoyed. This last time I tightly encased both his hands and feet into their own minimal torture devices. First I had my boy hold onto an small egg-shaped object in each hand. They were just large enough to conveniently fill his palm and fingers. Next I had him dip both hands into a special liquid ceramic which after several coatings had cured, put about a half inch [12 mm] coating over each of his hands. Next I placed each hand into a spherical metal encasement and poured more of the liquid into each until each hand was solidly encased. The look is quite arousing seeing each of his arms ending in a round ball. On the far side of each ball was a small hook which would be needed later. I then placed a plate about a half inch [12 mm] think and specially molded to exactly fit the contour of the bottom of each foot. These again I coated with several layers of the same ceramic and again encased each foot in their own spheres, which also were filled to capacity with the same liquid. Soon all four extremities ended not in hands and feet, but four spherical encasements. I was also happy to note that my boy was in extreme sexual arousal throughout the entire process. I smiled knowing just what was soon to happen to both his hands and feet. Next I secured a metal bar to the back of his horizontally extended arms by the attachment of six metal rings. Two rings immediately ring joined the bar behind each wrist and about each wrist and were pushed up against the spherical balls encasing each hand. An additional ring secured the bar just beyond each elbow and another just before each armpit. By this time his small penis – which at this time was left entirely free – was liberally dripping its own juices. My boy was now moaning with his own arousal. Of course so was I.

Next I attached the rings at the ends of each sphere covering his hands to a winch which gradually lifted my boy into a full vertical position with the sphere on each foot just touching the floor. His body was now in the position of a cross. However, the best was yet to come. I next placed a spreader bar between his legs which attached itself within small holes on the inside of each sphere of each foot. The bar caused his legs into a severe extension and also allowed his body to stay off the floor. He was now supported only by the bar attached to his arms and hands. But that would soon change. I did not want his entire weight to remain only on his arms.

I next removed his usual butt plug and quickly injected another special liquid into his rectum. He very soon started to squirm and then scream as the liquid quickly expanded to several times its original volume, totally filling him with probably the largest extent it had to now been filled. But the chemical I had put into my boy's rectum had other properties which he would soon discover. But before it totally hardened I inserted a large plug which extended from his anal sphincter with its own large ring. Soon the liquid had finished expanding and had quickly hardened. My boy's screams had also subsided to occasional moans. But I was also happy to note that his own small boy erection was as hard as ever. Of course the stimulation I was giving to his neural system along with the right drug regimen assured my boy the height of arousal throughout the session which had only begun.

I then attached a chain to the protruding anal ring from the rear and lifted him by that artifact. He started screaming again and tears filled his eyes as the strain put onto his extensively filled rectum. In order to avoid any damage to my precious possession, I then secured a small wide band about his waist and to another ring attached at its back, I added this additional central support. He stopped screaming but still maintained a keening moan which excited me immensely.

But several more attachments were still to come. The next thing I did was to force a small sound into my boy's urethra. It was specially coated to adhere to the inside of this tube so that it was definitely there to stay until I wanted it removed. From its end was another small ring from which I added a small swinging weight. My boy's moans got significantly louder. Next I attended to my boys head and all its various openings. Already attached were the two tubes which had been inserted into each nostril and secured by the small nasal septum plug. This was only precautionary; I definitely wanted to make sure my boy continued breathing. Next came possibly the most severe mouth gag I possessed. It extended into the boys throat several inches [~ 5 to 7 cm] and filled his entire mouth with a cage-like network of small nearly rigid ceramic webbing. I touched another control and this network forced my boys mouth to its farthest extent. My boy was again screaming. Next I fitted two halves of a preformed mask over the boys head – one side against the back of his head and the second from the front. It too was exactly molded to conform to his entire face so that only the nose tubes and the mouth opening remained. The two halves instantly welded themselves together. A ring at the top of this covering mask gave one more point of support to the boy's body as it too was attached to another chain and pulled upward and slightly outward. By this time my boy had once again settled down to loud moans.

But now the real fun was to begin. I touched a control and several things happened simultaneously. First, the spreader bar between the boy's legs gradually expanded stretching his lower limbs until I could see the extreme tension in the boy's legs, and in addition the bar across the boy's back and extending his arm also began to extend which forced a small scream from the boy as his hands were pushed outward putting quite a tension on his arms and shoulders. Next, the special hardened mixture within each of the four spherical encasing his four extremities started to gradually expand putting pressure onto his hands and feet. Within the small egg-shaped spheroids in each hand, and within the molded plates abutting the base of each foot were dozens of tiny but quite sharp needles which started inserting themselves into the palms and fingers, and the souls and toes of my boys four extremities. A sharp gurgling scream found its way from my boy's mouth. But the fun had barely begun.

Almost immediately afterwards, the mixture within the boy's rectum began to heat and further expand just enough to make sure the boy's screams gain an full octave. And he was now almost uncontrollably sobbing as his body started to convulse in pain. I was so aroused by all this I almost came on the spot. Then the final piece de resistance. The small sound within the boys engorged and rampantly stiff penis extended its own array of tiny needles which puncture his penis from within. The boy's screaming hit an all time high crescendo. I quickly started rubbing my immensely engorged penis into the crack of his cute butt crack and at this moment I came with an orgasmic climax probably the most intense I had ever experienced.

As I started coming down from my own lengthy high I noticed the body of my precious boy spasming and he too had his own intense orgasm. I was quite happy for him.

As his own lengthy orgasm started to quiet down I touched another control and all the needles retracted, the pressure was released from his extremities and my boy's body was allowed to relax from his extreme torture. I had also noted that his quite severe screams had turned to forceful gasps as his own orgasm had been occurring.

At this time I allowed both my boy and myself a short time to recover form the intensity of the ordeal. Well, his ordeal and my amazing arousal and climax. I then allowed the boys body to lower just enough so that a portion of his weight now rested on his not quite so widely separated legs. But the evening was not yet done. Additional torture but of a more traditional variety was still to come.

About a half hour later I came back to my precious boy who was now moaning slightly. His breathing was steady and regular and his trembling had entirely quit. The monitors showed that his pain levels were minimal and in fact he was almost at a physiological stage of rest.

I removed the severe mouth and throat gag which allowed my boy to speak.

"Boy, you have greatly pleased your master. Are you ready for then next phase of your torture session?"

I could hear a definite gasp and a sob. "Master," he was barely able to enunciate so that I could understand. "There is more?"

"Do you wish to please your master boy?"

Another small sob and a trembling answer: "Yes master. Whatever is your wish. But…" His reply ended. He immediately understood that he was not allowed to voice even the slightest opposition to his master's will.

But I prodded an answer. "Boy, what were you about to say? You will not be punished for your reply."

"Thank-you master. It's just, … I mean. Master that really, REALLY hurt! Is this next part going to be as bad?"

"Possibly boy. But definitely not any more severe."

In actual fact, I touched a small control to make sure his own physiological and neural response would only be able to feel a minimum of pain. I also wanted my boy too enjoy his next ordeal. Well, to the extent that he could. The pain would still hurt. But his time he would not be so taken up with pain that he could not also feel his own intense arousal. I also touched another control which would allow my boy to experience his own series of orgasmic climaxes throughout the next portion of his ordeal.

"Boy, submit. Give yourself over entirely to your master."

This was a formal formula. He replied with its standard reply, during which I could hear his own resolve to please his master. "Master, your boy is happy to comply. This slave is your total and absolute possession. It submits completely."

I could almost hear the boy's sincere and content acquiescence. What an amazing boy. I think it was at this very moment when I suddenly was struck with the realization that I was falling in love with my slave. A feeling that I had never before either felt or understood.

I quietly and methodically laid out the next instruments of torture. These were to be of a much more traditional variety. Too bad his extremities were not available for use. I only allowed a slight sigh to escape my lips but quickly put aside this minor disappointment to concentrate on the next part of my fun.

I picked up a small tawse and proceeded to methodically attack every square inch of my slave's body which could be reached. He started moaning and then screaming as the blows came with gradually increasing force. I started to sweat as I extended myself. Soon my boy was again sobbing uncontrollably and his wails and screams again started to climb into his higher octaves. That is when his lungs could give forth their gasping breaths. I was again fully aroused. After about twenty minutes of my attack I heard a sudden intake of breath and noticed my boy's body start a severe complex of trembling spasms. My boy was in the throws of his own intense orgasmic response. I smiled. I touched another control which allowed the invading body in my boy's rectum to deflate. I quickly removed it and replaced it with my own severe erection. Its full eight inches [20 cm] attacked my boy's rectum with swift and severe thrusts. I soon came to my own extended climax as that of my boy had reached its own zenith. For several minutes we both seemingly were caught up with a strange choreography of orgasmic climax. (We were both the fortunate recipients of the best sexual intensifiers on the market).

After a short period of rest – for both of us – I then took up the slender and supple cane and started covering my boy's body with a complete criss-cross of beautiful stripes. During this entire process my boy gave out the most delightful series of gasping screams. I was certainly glad that I had earlier sprayed his throat with a chemical which would greatly allow his vocal cords to maintain this extended and high level of sound. It was music to my ears. And again brought me to a apex of sexual arousal. This time I removed my boy's head covering and plunged my penis into his eagerly awaiting mouth and throat. We again came almost simultaneously. Spasm after glorious spasm each met the other in glorious counter point of pleasure. As our dual orgasm finally abated, I collapsed over the body of my precious boy and cried in happiness and joy of our combined pleasure. And I was also startled at the fact that I was just as happy for my slave as I was for myself. And it was at this moment that I realized that my own pleasure was that much more intensified realizing that I was also able to pleasure my own slave. I was starting to realize that our relationship was possibly now forever altered. Who could have ever thought that I would come to such a love for my own possession? My own boy? Who I now realized was more than a possession. My slave was also becoming a part of my very life and soul.

I released my boy, lifted his now almost comatose small but beautiful body, and took us both to the awaiting swirling waters of my special hot tub. The chemicals within would quickly revive my boy and reduce the worst of his hurt to a memory.

After several minutes my totally unencumbered boy (except for his permanent collar and four cuffs), awrap within my own enfolding arms, looked up at me and smiled.

I took my boy to my bed, and engaged in a long tender period of love-making, during which I think my passion was so intensified by the love I was starting to feel for my slave. This was a very special adjunct to our combined love making and subsequent embrace which had not before existed. Soon, a ghost of a sound came from my precious slave's lips. "Thank you master." And after a very short pause, he added: "And Master, … I don't think its part of my conditioning … master, … I think I love you."

As we gradually drifted asleep still ensconced in our tight embrace, I decided that his punishment for his misdemeanor of speaking without permission would be nominal.

Chapter 3

Several months later, after returning from a small vacation were my slave was allowed free from the restriction of my estate, if not entirely from his usual bondage, I received a startling message from the company which had bought and trained him.

"Dr. Sanchez. We have recently learned that your slave had a younger brother. His father has in fact already contacted us and offered this boy up for sale. Would you be interested?"

The remainder of the message was momentarily disregarded in my surprised reactions. I looked over to my boy and wondered why he had never mentioned his own brother in our frequent conversations. I immediately returned his missive and after a short conversation arranged the purchase. I also informed him that at this time I had no plans to have the boy modified or conditioned. That could await events.

I smiled as I looked over at my boy as he knelt before me. He was in his usual bondage array. Ankle and thigh hobbles, waist belt with attachment holding tight the bands about his upper arms, and upper leg bands holding tight his wrist cuffs. He was also filled with his usual butt and mouth plugs, and affixed with his usual muzzle and chastity device. His eyes – startling in their intent gaze – was steadfastly watching his master's every move. By this time I could see that the way he held his head, behind his muzzle was his endearing smile. I smiled back. I had been thinking about the new technology which would allow a miniature device to be attached to his vocal chords and then directly fed into my own neural system whereby he could communicate with me in spite of this restrictive mouth gag and muzzle.

But now I removed the muzzle and gag so that we could communicate by word.

"Boy, did you know that you had a brother two years younger?"

My boy started shaking, and then tears escaped his eyes. "Master. I thought my brother had died. That was what my dad had told me."

"Well, it would appear that he is very much alive and I have just arranged his purchase."

"Master, may I speak?"

"Yes boy."

"Is my brother also going to be a slave and made to want a master?"

"Not for now boy. He will be delivered in a couple of days and we can later decide what to do with him. What do you think boy? Will you be happy to be reunited with your brother?"

"Master I was wondering. I wonder if he too would like a master. Do you have any friend who would like his own slave boy? Maybe we could both have masters and also see each other from time to time. I would like my brother to be as happy as me."

I was wondering. I had a close friend I visited from time to time, who just night … But then again, it might be nice raising a son. And the poor boy no doubt could sure use a better life. Wow, to even entertain such a thought. And I also just realized that I asked my slave what HE thought! I suspect that my slave has wrought quite a few changes. So I started wondering what if…

The End 3; For now