DiversasyCaught |
SummaryEleven, almost twelve year old David enjoys tying himself up. Today his hobby wll set him on a path that will take him unwillingly to places and force him into situtations far beyond anything he can imagine. But is he really unwilling?
Publ. Feb 2009-...
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CharactersDavid (11-12yo), Adalberto Orlando Oliva de Cueva 'Beto' (12yo; from ch. 13), Jordan (21yo),The mistresses: Leanne 'Lee' and Sam(antha) Mr. Scott, PE teacher (from ch. 13) Other boys: Tommy (12yo) Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/bdsmMb Fb bb – Fdom tdom reluc cons mast oral anal – humil bond bdsm spank chast enema toys (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at outdoorcook2002(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter OneVery carefully, I stepped up onto the low, three-legged stool and looped the chain that connected the black leather cuffs strapped around my wrists over the large hook screwed into the floor joist above my head. I pulled on the chain a few times to test the strength of the hook. When I was confident it was secure and would hold my weight, I stepped off the stool taking up the slack in the chain by bending my arms. By straightening my arms, I eased myself down onto the floor. The balls of my bare feet, but not my heels, just touched the concrete floor of the basement. The chain connected to the wrist cuffs around the hook held most of my weight and the cuffs didn't cut into my wrists. I pulled and twisted a few times to be sure the hook wasn't going to come loose and then I pulled myself up by my arms and stepped back onto the stool. From there I could easily unloop the chain from the hook and free my arms. It was perfect – the chain was exactly the right length.I had been playing around tying myself up for about two years. Only recently I discovered that what I was doing was called self-bondage. When I first started, I didn't care what it was called; all I knew was that I liked it. I liked it a lot! I started when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I saw a drawing in a book of an Indian boy about my age captured by another tribe and tied up. For some reason, it looked exciting and I wanted to try it. That same day, I found some rope in the garage and tried tying myself up. It was exciting and the tighter I tied myself, the better it felt. I liked the feel of ropes on my body and the way the movement of my legs and arms was restricted. I was disappointed that I couldn't tie myself up so that I was completely helpless – which at the time was probably just as well. Nevertheless, I carried on for a number of years, learning different kinds of knots and experimenting with one form of bondage or another. Dad had gotten a computer for home and a fast internet connection so I could surf the web and search for sites I couldn't look at on school computers. I began to find sites with adults tied up, but I couldn't find any that showed pictures of kids my age being tied up. There were several internet groups that had a few pictures, but they were taken down almost as fast as they went up. Some groups had pictures showing kids being tied up by other people, which made me jealous since I had to tie myself. I wondered how they found someone to tie them up. It would have sounded dorky to go up to one of my friends and ask him to tie me up. He'd think I was a weirdo or something, so I never talked to anyone about it. One thing I did get from surfing adult sites was that in many of the pictures, the people tied up were only partly dressed or naked. Being naked looked even more exciting than being tied up with clothes on. So I tried it that way when I was sure had privacy. Sure enough, tying myself without clothes on added a lot to my games. After that, I tried to be naked as much as possible. Recently, though, I noticed that my penis would get stiff when I tied myself up. If I tied my thighs together and bent my legs, I'd get great feelings from down there as I struggled. I wasn't sure why, but I liked that feeling as much as being tied up – maybe more. As I looked on the internet for pictures of people tied up, I found I was spending more and more time on the sites that had men tied up. Now, I almost never looked at sites with women tied up. Those pictures were somewhat interesting and the way they were tied gave me some ideas about how to tie myself, but I didn't find them as exciting as pictures of men tied up. I wished I could find sites where there were pictures of kids tied up – preferably naked, but I had no luck at all. Maybe there weren't any. Now I was 11, almost 12 years old and all the experimenting and practice was about to pay off. I was going to tie myself up so that I couldn't escape – sort of. I had been buying stuff from the hardware store, eBay and other on-line catalogs and paying for it with money orders I got at Wal-Mart. One piece at a time, I got all the equipment I would need. I tested each piece again and again so I knew how it worked and what to expect. Today was the last test and I was ready to put it all together. I stepped on and off the stool a few more times to be sure I could always get back up and release myself. When I was sure I could do it every time, I got down from the stool and unlocked the chain from the cuffs. I set it and the locks on the floor since I'd use them again shortly. Leaving the leather cuffs on my wrists, I pulled my shirt up over my head and dropped it on the floor. I unbuttoned my jeans, slid them down my legs and dropped them on top of my shirt. Hooking my thumbs in the elastic waistband of my underwear, I pulled them over my butt and let them fall to the floor. I looked down at my tiny, one-inch [2½ cm] long, circumcised penis and the few wisps of hair that had just started to appear. I thought that it was odd that the hair there was black, when the hair on my head was blonde, now streaking to white from the summer sun. I thought it would be light-colored, too, but I guess not. Although I was happy that I had at least some hair now, I didn't have any compared to the guys in the pictures on the internet. Some of those guys had hair everywhere, even on their backs, and I hoped I'd never look like that. I liked pictures of the guys with almost no hair and well-defined muscles. I also wondered about my penis because it was so small. I figured that it would grow as I did, but I couldn't imagine it ever getting as big as the ones on the guys I saw tied up on web sites. They were huge. Was it possible for mine to get that big? I was still skinny with almost no hair anywhere – not even peach fuzz on my arms or legs like some of my friends had. My chest was thin and flat with tiny dime-sized nipples. When I looked at myself in a full-length mirror, it looked like my hips were larger than my shoulders and my bones stuck out in places. Since the pool had opened for the summer, parts of me covered by my swimsuit were much lighter than the rest of my suntanned body. Slowly and deliberately, I began to get ready. From a box where I stored (and hid) all of my equipment I had bought and the pictures I had printed from the web, I took out an inflatable, vibrating butt plug and lubricated it with a thick layer of Vaseline. Putting one foot up on the stool, I eased the small, blunt end of it through my resisting sphincter muscle into my rectum. I pushed slowly, but firmly and felt the plug slide in. It got wider and wider and forced me open and at the point where it just started to hurt, the largest part slipped in. From there it seemed like it was pulled in the rest of the way as my sphincter closed down on the much smaller shaft. I pushed until the flat base was tight against the outside of my anus. The first times I had used the plug, it was uncomfortable to put in. Over time though, I must have stretched the muscle a little so it went in easily now except for that one short, sharp pain as the largest part pass through. Later, I would pump it up and turn on the built-in vibrator. As it was, it was pressing on something inside of me that made my little penis grow to its full, stiff 4-inch [10 cm] length. I sighed and put my foot on the floor, enjoying the feeling of fullness. I almost felt like I had to go to the bathroom and enjoyed the sensation I got walking around with it in. It kept my butt cheeks apart and the extra lubrication made them slide back and forth easily. I had looked in a mirror one time and the controls hanging down made it look like I had a tail dangling down from my butt. I took a ball gag out of the box and put the hard rubber ball between my teeth and into my mouth. I tightened and buckled the leather strap behind my head so I couldn't push the ball out. I took a small padlock and, with some fumbling to find the small hole, put it though the blade of the buckle, clicking it closed so the buckle couldn't be undone without removing the lock. Next, I gingerly sat on the stool and bound my ankles with a four-foot [1.2 m] long piece of soft, cotton clothesline rope. I bought the rope at the hardware store and, following directions I found on the internet, I washed it several times to soften it. I folded it in half and looped it around my ankles several times. When I had about a foot and a half [50 cm] left, I turned it and wrapped it around between my ankles. Then I tied the ends with a square knot. I repeated the tying process around my thighs just above my knees, enjoying the sensation of the pressure of the loops of rope on my skin as my legs bound tightly together. When I pulled my thighs together, my stubby, hard penis almost disappeared. I could just see the head sticking out from between the white hairless skin of my thighs. I had found a web page called Bondage University that gave step-by-step directions on how to tie someone that was particularly useful. They even had videos on how to do it. Standing up again, I picked up the chain and locks from the floor and holding them in one hand, I used a rope that I had attached to another hook in the floor joists to pull myself up to a standing position on the stool. Once I was sure I had my balance, I reached down and behind me and grabbed the controls of the butt plug. I closed the valve and squeezed the bulb that pumped air into the plug making it grow larger inside of me. As it expanded, the sensations coming from that part of my body increased. Next, I slid the vibrator control all the way up. I could hear the plug vibrating and humming deep inside of me making sensations from my groin area increase even more. When I first saw butt plugs used in some of the pictures on the web, it looked gross. But there were so many pictures I decided there must be something about them that I should find out about. Gradually over a period of months, I began to experiment with that part of my body. I'd wash carefully and began by pressing on my sphincter muscle with my fingers. That felt so good that I gradually started working a finger inside. I'd always do it after I had just gone to the bathroom so I wouldn't get my fingers dirty. I kept experimenting and discovered that I liked it. I wasn't sure why, but it definitely added a lot to my tie up games. Eventually, I saved enough money and bought a butt plug on eBay. It was one of the best purchases I ever made, and from that point on, I used it almost every time I tied myself up. Finally, I relocked the ends of the chains onto the d-shaped rings on my leather cuffs and looped the chain over the hook. I checked all my preparations again and feeling satisfied, bent my legs so my arms would take up my body weight and slid my feet off the stool. It was exactly right – everything I had hoped it would be. I was completely helpless, tied up and naked in my basement hanging from the rafters. It was easy to pretend I was kidnapped and held for ransom. Although I knew I could free myself at any time by climbing back up on the stool, the overall effect was electric. I had never been so helpless before. Deep inside, the butt plug buzzed away, relentlessly vibrating against something that made me feel so good. Never had my penis been so hard nor had the sensations from the vibrating butt plug felt so good. I was still young enough not to fully realize that the overwhelming feeling were sexual. I knew about sex and had taken the classes, but I didn't directly connect sex with what I was doing. Of course I had heard the other guys at school talking about sex and masturbation – which they called jacking off, but I had never tried it. In fact, I only had a vague idea of how to do it. In this summer between sixth and seventh grades, I had no idea where my bondage games were leading. Also, I had no idea that my knowledge of sex was about to change drastically.
Chapter TwoDavid is caught and his 'hobby' is no longer a secret
I don't know how long I hung there struggling against my bonds enjoying a fantasy role game in my mind, but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone come into the house! There were footsteps on the floor above me and then someone called my name! "David, are you home? Your dad sent me over to pick up some work he had forgotten for the office." I recognized the voice. It was Jordan. A college intern I'd met a week or so ago who was working in my dad's office for the summer. I couldn't let him see me like this! Instead of being calm and getting back up on the stool slowly so I could silently free myself, I partly panicked. As I reached for the stool, I tried too hard and knocked it over! It fell with a loud clunk and was almost out reach of my bound bare feet. Jordan heard the noise, because he called again, "David, are you down in the basement?" I heard his footsteps stop, turn, and walk toward the basement steps. Even more panicked, I tried to pull the stool back by hooking it with my toes and only succeeded in rolling it over completely out of reach. It made a few more clunking noises as the legs hit the concrete floor. Now I really was helpless! There was no way I could free myself! I'd have to have help! I heard Jordan's steps on the stairs. "David, are you down here?" Jordan came down the stairs and turned the corner toward the unfinished part of the basement where the washer and dryer were. When he saw me hanging from the rafters, he stopped and exclaimed, "What is going on here?" He rushed over, and to my relief, he started pull at the buckle on the gag. As soon as he saw the lock and realized he couldn't get it undone, he gave up and asked, "Where's the key?" I grunted through the gag as much as I could and tried to point with my chin at the box on the floor. He got the idea and dug around in the stuff left in the box. He stopped and stood in front of me holding some pictures I'd printed out from the web, a couple of bondage magazines, and a pair of handcuffs. "You did this to yourself, didn't you?" Well, the answer was obviously hanging right in front of him. My face was burning with embarrassment, but I nodded my head and grunted some more through the gag. I also used my bound feet to point at the stool. He looked at the overturned stool, then up at the hook in the rafter and the dangling rope I'd used to pull myself up on the stool. "So that's how you were going to get out of this, huh? Stand up on the stool? The noise I heard must have been you knocking it over when I came in. You didn't expect anyone home today and got surprised." I grunted and nodded furiously, pointing with my feet again. I desperately wanted out of my predicament. "Okay, relax. I'll get the stool." I let out a sigh around the gag and stopped struggling as he turned and picked up the stool. Instead of putting it back under my feet though, he set it on the floor about five feet [1½ m] directly in front of me and sat down. "Well now, let's see what we have here," he said with a smirk, looking me over. I started to struggle again trying to beg him to let me go, but it did no good since I couldn't make any understandable sounds through the gag. As I thrashed back and forth hanging from the ceiling, he sat and calmly watched, adding to my humiliation. "You know, I used to tie myself up when I was a kid, too. I think most kids do at some time, but I never got into a jam quite like yours." When he said that, I stopped struggling and looked at him more closely as I tried to catch my breath. He got up and slowly walked around me looking at how I'd tied myself. "You did a good job," he said as he pulled on the chains on my wrists. "Mouth gag, butt plug, and you even got yourself hanging; that must have taken some planning." He pulled on the leather strap of the gag. He ran his hand over my bare butt and pumped the bulb on the plug a couple of times. I could feel the balloon on the end of the plug get bigger inside of me. Moving around to face me again, he looked down at my erection. "You must be enjoying yourself because you still have a hard on," he said, and pulled on my penis with his thumb and first finger. I looked down, and sure enough, it was still stiff. I'd never noticed in my panic. Although I didn't think it was possible, I know I turned even brighter red from embarrassment. No one had ever seen me with an erection before, not even my doctor. Jordan stroked my penis with his fingers a few times. No one had ever done that to me before either. I moaned though the gag and shook my hips as much as I could, trying to escape his hand, which only made him smirk more. He let go of my penis and slid his hand up my belly, pushing his finger into my belly button. When he got to my chest he gave each nipple a sharp little twist, making me moan even more. He stooped over and, digging around in the box, he found the ring with all the keys to the locks. Trying one key after the other, he finally found the one that fit the lock on the gag and opened it. He took off the lock, unbuckled the strap and eased the ball out of my mouth. "Please, please, Jordan put the stool over here so I can get loose." "I don't see why I should. This situation has some possibilities I need to explore," he said with a nasty smile. "What do you mean?" I asked with a quaver in my voice since I was on the brink of crying. "You did this to yourself, right?" "Yeah, I did," "Judging by the looks of what you've done, and your equipment, you've been doing this for quite a while and no one knows about it, right?" "Yeah," I replied nodding my head. I didn't understand. Why was he asking me this? Why wouldn't he help me get untied? What did he want from me? "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret," he said, and I felt relieved for the first time since he came in. "I'll keep your secret – if, and only if, you do everything I tell you to do from now on." Well, I didn't like the sound of that at all, so I started to yell to see if I could attract someone else's attention. "Help, help!! Here in the basement! Help!" Which is as far as I got. On my last yell, Jordan jammed the ball gag back into my mouth and began to pull the strap behind my head. I tried to shake my head to keep him from buckling it again, but he was too strong and I was tied too tightly to prevent it. When it was secure, he walked in front of me and said, "Now that wasn't nice. You put yourself in this position and I will help you get out – eventually, but you'll do it my way. For the yelling, though, you've earned some punishment." Punishment! I panicked again and began to thrash wildly about, hanging from the hook trying to kick out at Jordan to keep him away. It didn't do any good and Jordan sat on the stool and watched me tire myself out. Since I couldn't get enough air around the ball of the gag in my mouth for that much activity, it didn't take too long. Gasping for breath, I quit and just hung from the rafters. "Are you done now?" He asked. I didn't make a sound or move my head to acknowledge his question. I watched in helpless frustration as he got up from the stool and moved around behind me. He circled me a few more times looking me over as if I was a side of beef hanging for inspection. Moving back to face me he said, "For your punishment, I think a little spanking would be in order." He stepped to the side and grabbed my penis and little scrotum very firmly with his left hand. Looking down, I was relieved to see that I'd lost my erection. Drawing back his hand he said, "I'm not really going to hurt you, but I think this will establish who's in charge here. You can jump and thrash around all you want, but when you do, I'll squeeze more on your prick and balls to hold on to you." I was terrified! I'd never been spanked before in my life. Here I was, naked and tied up in my basement, and someone who was almost a complete stranger was going to hit me. I started to cry from the fear and began shaking my head and to try to beg him not to, but the gag kept me from saying anything that made sense. Jordan looked at the tears running down my face and just laughed. "Now you're getting the idea. You give me problems and you'll be punished. Now, I'm going to give you something to cry about," he said, and swatted me on both bare cheeks with his hand. I jumped as much as I could when I felt the first smack on my butt. I was surprised that it really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It hurt some, but it mostly made my butt warm. When he hit my butt cheeks, he pushed the butt plug deeper into my body. For some reason, every time that happened I got a quick thrill in my crotch and penis. Jordan said, "There, that one shouldn't hurt just too much, but you've got a long ways to go yet." He gave me four more quick spanks. Again, these didn't hurt too badly. Even as my butt was heating up, I got that thrill deep inside each time his hand hit the end of the butt plug. I was having a hard time deciding if getting a thrill on each spank was worth the pain of the spank. "Ok, we're half way there. Now we have to get serious about the spanking." The next spanks were further apart and each one was harder than the one before it. My butt was on fire! I couldn't help myself and I began to cry and sob. The burning sting of the spank overwhelmed the thrill. "Last two. They're gonna be good ones." Smack! Smack! The last two sounded like gunshots echoing in the concrete-walled room and each time he hit me, I tried to yell through the gag as tears poured down my face. He let go of my genitals and sat down on the stool again to watch me cry and struggle. I desperately wanted to rub my abused butt, but there was no way. All I could do was hang there shaking and rolling my hips and hope that the fire would go out. After about 2 or 3 minutes, he asked, "Are you ready to cooperate or do you want some more spanking?" I shook my head rapidly back and forth to indicate I didn't want any more spanking. "Fine, I'll take the gag out again if you promise not to start yelling again. Yell and I start to spank again." I nodded my head. No one could probably hear me yelling anyway, so I decided to give up that tactic. He got up and unbuckled the strap on the gag and when I opened my mouth, he took the gag out again and put it in the box on the floor. I cleared my throat and tried to get some moisture in my mouth, but before I could say anything, he looked me directly in the eyes and poked me in the middle of my bare chest with a finger. "Now, you'll answer my questions truthfully and you'll say 'Yes, Sir' and 'No, Sir' or I'll go back to spanking. Is that clear?" I nodded my head and he immediately reached behind me and slapped my sore butt. "Ow!" I yelled, and new tears started down my face. "I said, you will answer either 'Yes, Sir' or 'No, Sir' when I ask you a question. Do you understand?" To keep from being hit again, I croaked out, "Yes, Sir." "That's better. I think you're getting the idea." "Wait until I tell my father about this." He sneered and reached around behind me and slapped me again much harder than the last time. It reignited the fire in my butt and I started to cry again. "Any time you address me, there had better be a 'Sir' in the sentence or you get spanked again. Do you understand?" he demanded showing some anger for the first time. "Yes, Sir," I sobbed. "So you think you're going to tell your dad?" he said putting his face about a foot [30 cm] away from mine. Not thinking and wanting to get back at him, I said, "Yeah. I am." He reached behind me and slapped my butt. "Yes, Sir, Yes, Sir," I yelled out between sobs. "That's the correct response, but you had better get into the habit or you won't be able to sit down for a long time." He dug around in the box with my stuff in it and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "Hmmm, you like using tape too I see. Let's see what I can do with this." He tore off a strip and wrapped around the hook and the chain that held me to the rafters. "Now I can be sure you can't get that chain off the hook. I have to get something out of my car and I'll be right back. Is that all right?" "When I ask you a question, I expect a reply!" He slapped me again. "Now, what do you say?" Desperately, I said, "Yes, Sir, Yes, Sir, I'll remember, Sir." "You aren't doing very well so far. I'll be right back." He turned and climbed the steps up out of the basement. As soon as I saw his shoes disappear I struggled wildly, jumping up as best I could, which wasn't very good since most of my body weight wasn't on my feet, to get the chain off the hook. I think I might have done it if he hadn't put tape around the chain. Nevertheless, I kept trying to get free, hoping the tape would wear through and the chain come off the hook. I gave up as I heard Jordan start to come down the stairs. As he came into the room again, I hung there gasping for breath from my exertions. "Aha, trying to get loose were you?" he asked as he came into the room and set a briefcase on the floor next to the stool. He gave me a huge spank. "I asked you a question!" Since I wasn't expecting it, the force of the slap made me swing back and forth from the hook. When I got the balls of my feet back on the floor, I cried out, "Yes, Sir." "You aren't learning this process very fast. You must like to be spanked." Not knowing if that was a question or not, I quickly replied, "No, Sir, I don't." "If you don't, then you had better start putting in those 'Sirs' where they're needed." "Yes, Sir." I said again, still not sure if he asked a question and where he wanted me to say 'Sir.' I decided put them in everywhere every time he spoke to me – at least until I got untied, just as a defensive measure. "That's starting to sound better. Now, you say you're going to tell your father about our little time together this afternoon?" he asked as he opened his briefcase. "Yes, Sir." "You'll tell him about how you ended up hanging naked and tied up from the rafters in the basement?" "Yes, Sir." "Won't you be embarrassed having him find out about your hobby?" "Yes, Sir. But it'll be worth it." "Worth it? Are you telling me you don't like what we're doing?" "No, Sir." "If that's the case, why did you tie yourself up in the first place?" Now he had me. Why did I tie myself up? I enjoyed my fantasies about being kidnapped, held for ransom and being a prisoner. And I enjoyed the feeling of being bound, but did I like it enough to do this? The pain of the spanking was definitely not part of my fantasies. He smacked me on the butt. "I asked you a question and I don't want to wait all day for an answer. Why did you tie yourself up," he repeated. I yelped from the surprise spank even though it wasn't that hard, and replied, "I don't know, Sir." He swung his hand out to spank me again and I said quickly before he could hit me again. "I like the feeling I get when I'm tied, but I'm not sure why, Sir." "That's better. I know why and I'll explain it to you in a bit. First, I have to get some pictures," he said as he took a digital camera out of his briefcase. Pictures! I stared at the camera as if it was a gun. He was going to take pictures of me hanging naked from my basement ceiling. "No, please don't," I begged beginning to cry from the shame. "There wasn't a 'Sir' in that sentence," he said and spanked me again. Crying freely now from the renewed pain in my butt and from humiliation, I gasped out, "Please, Sir, don't take pictures of me, Sir." "You lose, kid. These will make a good addition to my collection and serve to keep you in line. You wouldn't want these on the web or handed out around your school, would you?" "No, Sir, Please, Sir, don't, I'll do anything you say," I begged and shook my head. "I know you will. That's the point of the pictures," he said with a nasty grin as he began to snap pictures of my body from all sides. After about a dozen pictures, he set the camera down and asked, "So you like being tied up, but you don't know why. Is that what you told me?" "Yes, Sir." "I'll tell you why then. Some people are turned on by bondage – being tied up. Do you understand what I mean?" "No, Sir." "What I mean is that some people get sexually excited when they are tied up. When I came in your little prick was stiff and hard wasn't it?" I was reluctant to admit it, but he'd already seen it so when he drew his arm back to spank me again, I blurted out, "Yes, Sir." "Let's have those 'Sirs' a little faster," he ordered. "I suppose you don't know much about sex, do you?" I could feel my face flush, but I answered truthfully, "No, Sir." "When your prick gets stiff and hard, you're turned on sexually and it feels really good. You've been getting the feeling by tying yourself up, but there are other ways. You can rub and stroke it and get the same feelings. Like this…" He took my soft little penis between his thumb and index finger and began to gently pull it out away from my body and then let it go back while still hanging on to it. In spite of my aching butt and humiliation, I enjoyed the feeling. Steadily, he kept pulling and releasing it and, as if it had a mind of its own, it grew in size and got stiff. In a short time, it was hard and poking up and out from my crotch at about a 45-degree angle. For some reason, I found myself lightly panting. Jordan let go of my penis and stepping back he said, "That's more like it. You like the feeling you get when it's like that?" Although I wanted to lie and say I didn't, it was obvious that I did. "Yes, Sir." "Good, that's what's supposed to happen. Now for some more pictures and then I'll show you what really makes it feel good." With that, he picked up the camera and began to take pictures again making sure my stiff little penis was in each snapshot. Try as I would, I could not get my penis to go back to its soft, small size. It wanted to stay stiff. After taking another dozen or so pictures, he put the camera into his briefcase and closed it. He started stroking my penis again this time using his thumb and two or three fingers. "Close your eyes and relax and enjoy the ride. You'll like this," he murmured as he continued stroking. I did as he said and found that the good feelings from my crotch began to grow and grow. I started to thrust my hips in time to his stroking and gasp loudly as the feelings intensified. I concentrated entirely on the urgency coming from my hips to the point where nothing else mattered to me. All of a sudden, I felt something hot and wet begin to spurt out of my penis again and again. After about 6 or 8 spurts I relaxed and the room came back into focus. I wasn't sure what had happened, but it was the greatest feeling in the world and I wanted to do it again – and again. I looked down and saw that my penis was bright red. I looked down further to see if I'd peed on the floor but I only saw a few wet spots in front of me. As my breathing slowed to normal, Jordan let go of my penis. He reached back and turned off the vibrator on the butt plug and let the air out which helped me relax even more. "Did you like that?" "Yes, Sir. That was the greatest feeling I ever had." "You've never done that before?" "No, Sir. Not like that." "Well, I'm glad I got to be the first, then. What you had is an orgasm and the stuff that came out of your prick is called semen. They talk about that at school in your health class?" "No, Sir. They used to talk about sex in health, but a bunch of people from churches got together and got rid of it. My dad wasn't happy about it." "I'll bet he wasn't." "Please, Sir, can you untie me? I'm getting sore." "I will in a few minutes. Did you like doing that enough to want to do it again?" I thought about it for a while and said, "Yes, Sir. I liked it a lot and want to do it again. I don't like to be spanked, though." "That's good, because you'll do it a lot more in the future. If you don't like to be spanked, do as you are told and you won't be." I wondered what he meant by that, but he didn't give me a chance to ask. "One more thing then, I stopped in the bathroom upstairs and got some of your dad's shaving stuff. I think you'll look better without the hair you have down there," he said pointing to my crotch. "What do you mean?" He slapped me again. "You're forgetting the 'Sirs' again." "What do you mean, Sir?" I correctly repeated. "I'm going to shave off what little public hair you have and I'll expect you to keep it that way until I tell you differently, understand?" "Yes, Sir. I think so," I said, not really understanding. I'd just started getting hair there and I really didn't want to lose it, but what choice did I have. "Hold still unless you want something down there cut with this razor," he ordered. "Yes, Sir. I will, Sir." He didn't have to tell me twice! He sprayed some shaving cream onto the ends of his fingers and spread it on the wisps of hair around my penis. As he shaved me, he held my penis in one hand and stretched and moved it around. It had shrunk back to its small size after the orgasm, but it was getting stiff again all by itself. Carefully, he continued to shave my hair off until I was completely bald again. "It looks like you like this, too, don't you?" he said, as he pulled on my now stiff penis with his thumb and forefinger. I'd to admit it. "Yes, Sir." "Well, I'd jack you off again, but I don't have time right now," he said as he cleaned off the leftover shaving cream from my crotch with a damp towel that he found in the laundry basket near the washing machine. "One last thing before I let you go. You will do as you are told and you will tell no one about this, understand?" "Yes, Sir." "If I hear that you told anyone, those pictures I took of you will be in circulation. So you have no choice. Is that clear?" "Yes, Sir." "Also, since you like being tied up and you obviously like being jacked off, you can expect that you'll be doing a lot more of those with me. Do like that idea?" Well, I wasn't really sure about it, but I was in no position to disagree and I wasn't going to argue about it, so I said, "Yes, Sir." "Do you have an email address?" I was startled by the sudden change in subject and said, "What?" "I asked, 'Do you have an email address?" He slapped me and said, "I didn't hear a 'Sir' in that answer." I yelped out, "Ow! Yes, Sir!" "What is it?" He jotted down my Hotmail address as I spelled it out to him. "This had better work." "It does, Sir. Please, please untie me now." "All right then, I'll help you get yourself loose." He took the ball gag out of the box and said, "Open up and I'll put this back in." "No, don't. I don't want that back in. I want you to let me loose," I said desperately, beginning to struggle because for the last few minutes I'd become aware my arms had been hurting more and more. He spanked me. "Ow!" "I didn't hear a 'Sir' in that sentence. When I tell you to do something, you do it without complaining," he said as he slapped me again on my raw, sore butt. "Ow! Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!" "I'm going to put you back in the same condition as I found you and you can figure out how to get loose on your own. That's what you were planning to do anyway, right?" "Yes, Sir," I said, resentfully. "Watch your attitude, or I'll start spanking again. Now open your mouth." I knew when I was beat and opened my mouth. He put the ball in and fastened the strap behind my head. He took the small lock that was in the blade of the strap, put it back through the loop and clicked it closed. He reached down, pumped up the inflatable butt plug again and turned the vibrator up full. He moved the stool over in front of me and climbed up on it to unwrap the tape around the chain and hook so I could get it free. "Is the stool close enough so you can use it to get free?" I nodded my head, relieved that my ordeal was about over. "Remember, not one word to anyone," he warned, grasping my penis again and stroking it. "You'll be hearing from me soon, so check your email frequently. When you do get an email from me you'll do exactly as you are told." He pulled out his wallet, took out a bill, and dropped it in the box. "Here's five dollars. Hang on to it because you'll need it to follow the directions you'll get in your first message I'll email to you tonight. You'll have deadlines to meet. So follow the instructions. If you don't, you'll see your pictures all over. Do you understand?" I moaned slightly, responding to his stroking and nodded my head at the same time. "Oh yeah, there's one more thing to do, yet. I see you have some clothespins in your box. It's a shame not to use them." I'd seen spring clothespins clipped on some of the guys in the pictures on the internet, so I got a few. I've never used them on myself because when I tried one on my finger it hurt so much I couldn't imagine putting them on any other part of my body. It was just something I thought I'd try someday when I got more courage up. Jordan reached into the box and took out a handful. With one hand, he pinched the tight skin over one nipple and clipped one on. It really hurt! I started to struggle hoping to dislodge it when 3; Smack! He spanked me again. I tried to yell, but the ball gag did its job and I could only mumble and struggle. "Knock that off. I'm going to put these on whether you want them or not. As soon as I'm done you can get untied. You had them in the box so I assume you want them on. I'm just helping you out. I stopped struggling as much as I could and let him put them on hoping it wouldn't take too long and I could free myself and get them off. As I watched, he put another on my other nipple, a couple on each ear, one in each nostril, and two on each side of my tight scrotum. The only ones that really hurt were the ones on my nipples, but strangely enough, it seemed like there was an electric wire that ran from each nipple to my still-stiff penis that sent shocks every time I moved. I tried to hold as still as possible so Jordan would leave sooner. "That's the right attitude," he said when I stopped moving. "You and I are going to be really good friends. Or else," he warned me ominously and patted my bare, abused butt. The next thing I heard were his footsteps going up the stairs. Chapter ThreeDavid is now free – or is he?
Carefully, I pulled myself up onto the stool, aware of what could go wrong and not wanting to get trapped again. I flipped the chain from the wrist cuffs off over the hook and I was free! When I let my arms drop, the pain was so awful I lost my balance. I partly jumped and fell at the same time off the stool onto the concrete floor adding a few bruises on my shoulders. The only good thing about the fall was that it knocked the clothespins off my nipples. I lay on the cool cement floor of the basement slowly working my arms and legs as much as I could to get the blood circulating again. As some of the pain eased, I reached down and took the pins off my scrotum and then from my nose and ears. After a while, I rolled over onto my back and tried to sit up. As I put weight on my butt, I yelped into the gag from the pain. I rolled back onto my side and pulled the box with the key ring in it over to me to get the keys to unlock the padlocks on the wrist cuffs and gag. I freed my hands first so I could turn off the vibrator and let the air out of the butt plug. I unlocked the padlock on the strap of the ball gag, unbuckled it and pulled it out of my mouth. I had a hard time untying my legs since I didn't want to try to sit up again, but eventually I got the job done and struggled to my knees using the stool to pull myself up. Holding on to the stool, I straightened a bit at a time. I could barely stand because of the aches and pains in my arms and legs and bruises I gotten falling off the stool. Once or twice, I almost turned and sat down, but I decided that sitting would be worse. I twisted and looked behind and down at my butt. What a mess. It was red all over and purple bruises were beginning to show. Very gently, I spread my cheeks, eased the butt plug out of my rectum and dropped it to the floor. I didn't dress or put anything away and hobbled toward the stairs. I'd heard sometimes that soaking in a bathtub of warm water would ease sore muscles and aches. I hoped it did, because I needed it. I looked at the clock as I went through the kitchen and discovered I'd been tied up for only 40 minutes! It seemed like it had gone on all afternoon. I limped into the large master bathroom and started filling the bathtub. As the water ran into the bathtub, I stood at the mirror and inspected the damage. I also checked to see what I looked like without my little tuft of pubic hair and decided that even though I looked like a very little boy again, for some reason I liked it. I sat down on the toilet by spreading my legs so most of my weight was on my thighs and not on my sore butt. I took a wad of toilet paper and cleaned the excess Vaseline from between my cheeks and around my anus then sat and waited while the bathtub filled. When I thought there was enough water, I stood, flushed the toilet and turned the water off in the tub. I stepped into the tub and holding on to both sides eased my sore bottom down toward the water. As soon as my skin touched the warm water, it felt like it had burst into flame again. I jerked up and tried again, but it was no use. I couldn't get into the water. Then I had an idea. Since things got numb in the winter with the cold air, maybe I should try cold water. I drained the warm water and then turned on mostly cold water. While the tub filled again, I went back to the basement to collect my stuff. As I started down the steps, it felt like the skin on my butt was too tight and it would tear if I took too big of a step. I eased down the stairs and collected my clothes and equipment, tossing it all in the box. I put the stool back where it belonged and put the towel back in the laundry. Walking slowly, I climbed back up the steps carrying my box. I looked at my wrists and the red welts from the leather cuffs were almost gone already. At least I wouldn't have to explain that to anyone and my other sore spots would be covered by my clothes. When I got back to the bathroom, I put the shaving stuff back where dad kept it. While I dug around in the medicine cabinet, I decided that maybe some aspirin would help my aches and pains, so pulled the bottle out. I'd never taken any before, but my dad took them when he said he had aches so I thought I might as well try it. I shook out two and swallowed them with some water. By this time, the tub had about 6 inches [15 cm] of cool water in it so I turned the water off and stepped over the side to ease my sore behind down toward the water again. As I made contact, it hurt, but nowhere near as much as before. Slowly, slowly, I eased down toward the bottom and finally managed to sit all the way down. I lay back as far as I could to take the weight off my butt and actually started to feel the soreness fade away. I closed my eyes, let out a sigh and completely relaxed. After about 5 minutes, I sat up and turned on the cold water to see if a lower temperature would help even more. It did! I ran the water so that it was about 6 inches [15 cm] from the top edge of the tub adding hot water to raise the temperature when I began to shiver. After about a half an hour, I started to feel better, so I sat up and got to my feet. I took a towel off the rack and dried my upper body, patting the bruises on my butt with the soft towel. I tossed the towel on the floor, stepped out of the tub and dried my lower legs and feet. I started to empty the tub, picked up the towel and put it in the hamper. Picking up the box with my clothes and equipment in it, I padded out of the bathroom to my bedroom. I pulled a pair of loose boxer shorts out of a dresser drawer and stepped into them. I slid them up over my legs and over my bruises then lay face down on my bed. Now that I was out of the water, I could feel the heat in my buns and they throbbed with every heartbeat. I couldn't decide what to do. I should probably call the cops. I mean, after all some guy I don't really know comes in and spanks me until I can't sit down. That's assault isn't it? But then I'd have to explain to everyone how I ended up in the basement tied up, naked and hanging from the rafters in the first place. I can see myself telling that to the police over and over. Yeah, right. Also, Jordan had those pictures. Maybe I should talk to my dad and tell him, but I don't see how I could. He'd think I was some sort of a pervert and probably punish me some more. I'd sure lose my internet privileges. And anyway 3; anyway my real problem was, I liked being tied up and not being able to escape. I liked the feeling the butt plug gave me. I liked it a lot when Jordan pulled on my penis and wanted him to do it again. I didn't like the spanking, but would he spank me if I followed his orders? One set of emotions after the other went through me and I just couldn't decide what to do. I closed my eyes and started to go over the event in my mind. As I thought about it, I kept coming back to what it felt like to have Jordan's hand on my stiff penis and the surging orgasm. Just thinking about it made my penis get stiff again and I wriggled my hips around to get comfortable on the bed. As I did, I could feel the deep tingling down between my legs begin. I concentrated on remembering Jordan's stroking felt like and wriggled and wriggled and wriggled on the bed faster and faster. All of a sudden, it happened again – the spurting from my penis and the great feeling of release. I rolled onto my side and looked at the front of my boxers. There were a couple of small wet spots on them and I turned back down on my stomach. As I lay there catching my breath, I realized why so many of the guys at school talked about jerking off: it felt so good. I wanted to do it again. But, although I liked what I'd just done, it wasn't anywhere as good as when Jordan did to me while I was tied up. As I thought about it, I got drowsy and fell asleep. "David! David, I'm home. You in here!" It was my dad home from work! I must have slept all afternoon. I jumped to my feet forgetting about my sore spots. "Yeeyow," I yelped. Quickly I turned it into a call, "Yeah I'm up in my room. I must have fallen asleep. I'll be right down." Quickly I pulled my clothes from the box and pulled on my shirt and jeans. Good thing they were baggy. I doubt I could have gotten a tight pair on. I went downstairs and got through the evening all right, although it was a real effort to sit at the table for dinner and not wince and wiggle around on the chair trying to find a way to sit that didn't hurt too much. Fortunately, the chairs had some padding on the seat, which helped. Dad didn't seem to notice. After dinner, I said, "Dad, can I check my mail on the computer?" "Sure go ahead. Expecting anything?" "No, but a bunch of us at school said we'd keep in touch with email this summer. It doesn't look like they're going to follow through, though." "Well, maybe they're busy. Keep trying; it's a long summer." "OK," I got up from my chair and walked out of the room as normally as I could and into the den to the computer. I found a small pillow on the couch, put it on the wooden seat of the chair and eased myself down in front of the computer. I fired it up, went to my hotmail account and checked for new messages. Sure enough, there was a new message from 'Your Best Friend' and it had two jpg files as attachments that must be pictures. I almost deleted it, but curiosity and fear of what he might do with the pictures made me open it. It read:
Hi David, this is your new Best Friend.'Other friends'; what did he mean by that? Almost afraid of what I would see, I opened the attached files. They were both pictures of me hanging naked in the basement. In one, the gag was in my mouth and it was hard to tell who it was. The second was without the gag and my penis was stiff. It was easy to identify who it was and what was going on. My face began to burn red again in embarrassment. I was about to delete them, when for some reason, I stopped and took a closer look at the pictures. If I didn't know who it was, I would have found the pictures exciting. There was a slender, hairless, naked boy tied up, and gagged hanging from the ceiling. Just the sort of pictures I'd been looking for on the internet, but couldn't find. After all that searching, I never thought that when I found some, the pictures would be of me! I leaned close to the screen to see more detail. To my surprise, I felt my penis begin to grow inside my boxer shorts and jeans. Not seeing an alternative, I wrote back to him putting in lots of 'Sirs':
Dear Best Friend, Sir.I got out of my email and shutdown the computer. "Dad," I called. "I'm going to run down to Wal-Mart for a minute." "OK, watch the traffic," he called back. I went up to my room and found the five-dollar bill in the box. I took it out, put it in my pocket and then hid the box under my bed. I pulled on my sandals and headed out the door. I almost jumped up on my bike before I remembered that sitting on that narrow seat probably wasn't a good idea, and decided I'd better walk the five or six blocks. I walked as quickly as I could down the street and across the parking lot of the Wal-Mart. Since I'd never bought saving stuff before, I really didn't know where to look, but fortunately there were signs in the aisles. I found the saving cream and bought a 5-pack of disposable razors. When I checked out, I had some money left over. I made it back home at a somewhat slower rate than before, since my butt was getting sore again from the exercise and my jeans rubbing against the sore skin. I decided to take some more aspirin when I got home. I hid my purchases in the box under my bed and went back to the computer. After getting into my hotmail account, I sent:
Dear Best Friend, Sir.I didn't expect to hear from him for a while so I got out a movie to watch and decided to check back when it was over. About an hour and a half later, I went to the computer again and checked my email. There was a message again with some attachments:
Hi, David, this is your New Best Friend.I wrote back and added lots of 'Sirs' again:
Dear Best Friend, Sir.I opened the picture files and saw two more pictures of myself hanging naked in the basement. One was from behind showing my red butt and the other was a close-up of my stiff penis. I exited email and turned the computer off, very confused. I still couldn't decide what to do. I spent the next few days bouncing the options around, call the police, talk to dad, not be here, or do as Jordan demanded. My butt still had a few bruises in places, but most of the soreness had gone away in a few days. On Monday afternoon, I laid on my bed wearing only underwear and thinking about what had happened. I'd just come from the pool and showered to get the chlorine off my skin. As before, my mind kept wandering all by itself over to the memory of being tied up and Jordan pulling on my penis until it spurted. Why did that feel so good and why was I thinking about putting up with the spanking and humiliation to have it done to me again? What was wrong with me?
Chapter FourDavid begins a journey of dicovery
On Wednesday, since I was no further along in deciding what to do, I did what was necessary. First, I shaved off the pubic hair stubble that had grown back, which I didn't mind since it was starting to itch anyway. Digging around in my dresser, I found a pair of winter pajamas that probably still fit, packed them in my book bag and sat in a chair in the living room looking out the window for Jordan's car. He pulled up in front and I walked down the sidewalk to get into his car. As I hooked my seat belt, he asked, "Did you follow instructions?" I nodded. "Yes, Sir. I did." "Good. You're learning. Follow instructions and you'll be rewarded. If not you know what can happen." "Yes, Sir. I do." We rode in silence the rest of the way. Jordan drove to a rundown part of town that I didn't know, pulled into a cheap motel and parked. "Get out and follow me." "Yes, Sir." I picked up my book bag as we got out of the car. Jordan went to a room, unlocked the door and motioned for me to go in first. It had two large beds, a TV, a few chairs and a small table. A bathroom was clear at the back. Nothing was new, and it smelled funny, but it seemed to be clean. I set my book bag on the table. Jordan followed me in and closed the door. "I have to get a few things out of the car. While I'm doing that, you take off all of your clothes, fold them neatly and put them on the table. When you're done, stand in the middle of the room and wait. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." "That's good, you remembered your manners. You are to call me 'Sir' and reply to questions with either 'Yes, Sir' or 'No, Sir' or you'll be punished. This is your only warning." "Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir." "Good. On the other hand, if you cooperate, you'll be rewarded." "Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir." He pulled the drapes across the windows and turned on the lights. "Fine, we'll get along then. Follow instructions and be ready when I get back." "Yes, Sir." When he'd gone out and shut the door, I slipped off my sandals and set them under the table. I pulled my tee shirt over my head and folded it into a neat rectangle. Sliding my jeans down to my feet, I pulled them off and put them on top of my shirt. I was reluctant to take my underwear off, but I wanted to avoid being spanked so I'd follow Jordan's instructions exactly. Hooking my thumbs behind the elastic waistband, I pushed them over my hips and let them fall onto the tops of my bare feet. Picking them up, I folded them in half and put them on the pile. Now naked, I moved to the center of the room to wait for Jordan to come back. My timing was good, because I'd stood there only a minute or two when I heard the door unlock. Jordan came in with his briefcase and a gym bag. "Good job. I see you can follow instructions," he said, setting the bags on the table and briefly inspecting me. As soon as he'd come in, I'd clasped both hands in front of my hips covering my genitals in embarrassment. I wasn't so distracted that I didn't remember to say, "Thanks, Sir." Jordan pulled out a chair from the table and sat down facing me. "Come over here so I can inspect you." "Yes, Sir," I replied and walked the few steps over to stand in front of him while keeping my hands firmly clasped in front of myself. "Drop your hands. You're covering up the part that I want to see. I want to check if you've shaved today." "Yes, Sir. I did, but I'm not too good at it. This was the first time I've ever shaved," I said, keeping my hands in place. "You'll get better with practice. Drop your hands-now. I won't tell you again." I didn't want to, but I could hear the warning in his voice and I reluctantly let my hands drop to my sides exposing my newly-shaven crotch. I felt my face flush red and I stared down at my toes unwilling to meet Jordan's gaze. "That's better. Look at me, David," he ordered in the same tone of voice. "When I tell you to do something, you will do it the first time. I never want to repeat myself again. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir, but 3;" "Be quiet! I don't want to hear it. You will do as you are told and no excuses." "Yes, Sir," I replied again, almost whispering. He looked at my shaved pubic area closely. "You did a good job for the first time. It'll get easier with practice. Now, turn around and let me see your butt." Slowly I turned and faced the other direction. I could feel his hands on my cheeks checking out the few small bruises that still showed. "Does this hurt?" he asked, as he prodded a bruise with his fingers. I yelped and said, "Yes, Sir, but not too bad." "Hold still." He began to run his hands over my body starting at the top of my head in my hair and working down feeling every inch of skin. His hands were warm and he touched me lightly and gently. He spread my butt cheeks, prodding my anus with a finger, making me jump a little. "Turn around." Slowly I turned and faced him with my face burning with embarrassment since my penis was stiff from his touch. He ignored it and began again touching every part of the front of my body beginning in my hair and working down. He pinched each nipple firmly and wriggled a finger around in my navel. He rolled my radish-sized testicles round in their sac and when he got to my penis, he pulled on it a few times. Even though I was thoroughly embarrassed, I was disappointed when he only gave me two or three strokes and quit. Then he had me put one foot at a time on his knee so he could examine each toe and the sole of each foot. When he was done, he said, "I don't know if you realize it, but you are beautiful. I know that people don't usually describe boys that way, but you are. Your skin is smooth and clear, you have a symmetrical body that's well-proportioned and well-defined muscles for someone your age. You don't have any body hair yet, which is good. Pictures of you will be perfect." I didn't know what to say. No one had ever called me beautiful or any other compliment like that, so all I said was, "Thank you, Sir." "Let's get started then. If this goes well, you'll get a reward at the end. Come over here and lean your elbows on the table. Keep your legs straight." I almost panicked when I realized that if I did that, I'd be in a perfect position for spanking. I couldn't refuse, so I took the position and said in a voice trembling with fear, "Please, Sir, don't spank me." "I'm not going to spank you since you haven't done anything wrong yet. I'm just going to give you an enema. Have you ever had one before?" "No, Sir, I don't know what that is, Sir." "I'm going to squirt some liquid up your butt that will make you go to the bathroom. It won't hurt and you'll probably enjoy it since you like to have things up your butt anyway." He emptied the gym bag on the table and took a small plastic bottle with a long nozzle for a lid out of a small box. He set the empty box on the table and took the cap off the bottle. "This won't hurt. Just relax." I watched back over my shoulder as best I could to see what he was doing. I felt him spread my cheeks and slide the nozzle into me. It was an odd sensation not at all like putting in my butt plug. When the nozzle was all the way in, the top of the bottle bumped up against my anus and a little thrill shot up to my still-stiff penis. "There, it's in. Now, can you tighten up on the nozzle so it won't leak?" "Yes, Sir." I knew exactly what he meant from my experiences with my butt plug and I tried to close the muscle of my anus around the narrow tube. "I'm going to squeeze it in now." I felt a small amount of cool fluid enter my body and had begun to enjoy the sensation when he said, "Done. You can stand up now." I stood up and faced him. He looked down at my stiff penis and said, "Do you like this so far?" I looked down and red-faced, I said, "I think so, Sir." "No!" he said loudly. "'I think so, Sir' is not a correct answer. It's either 'Yes, Sir' or 'No, Sir' If you don't remember how to answer correctly, you'll earn some punishment. Now, I'll ask again, do you like this so far?" "Please, Sir, I really don't know because it's so new. Can I think about it for a while, Sir?" I pleaded, trying to avoid a spanking. "If you don't take too long." He pointed at my book bag and said, "Get your pajamas out and put them." Almost gratefully, I pulled my pajamas from the book bag and pulled them on. They were long-sleeved winter pajamas with snug-fitting, knitted bands around the ankles and wrists. They had the logo of a professional football team on the front and were blue and grey in color. Since they were last year's, they were a little small and fit more closely on my body than they did in December when I'd gotten them for Christmas. While I dressed, Jordan sorted through the ropes and other equipment he had brought with him in his gym bag. "This is what we're going do," he said. "I'm going to tie you up in different ways and take pictures. I'll tie you firmly, but not so tight that it'll be uncomfortable. I'll use these bandanas to make a blindfold and a gag, which I'll put on you for some of the shots. Do you want to be tied up that way?" I thought about it and replied, "Yes, Sir. I do." "Do you like to be tied up?" "Yes, Sir. I do." "Why do you like being tied up?" I thought about the question some more and leaving out any words like 'I don't know' and 'I think', I said, "I like the feel of the ropes on my body and I like not being able to move." Taking a deep breath and gathering my courage, I added, "It makes my penis stiff." "You like doing this, then?" "Yes, Sir. I like parts of it, but I don't like to be spanked, Sir." "You know how you can avoid being spanked, don't you?" "Yes, Sir." "Remember that. Let's get started. Hold out both hands." I held out my hands and he quickly bound them together in front of me. He had me sit on the bed and tied my ankles together and covered my eyes with a bandana and tied another around my head so that part of the fabric went in between my teeth in my mouth as a gag. I could hear him taking pictures. In the next half-hour, he tied me in so many ways, I lost track. I enjoyed the feel of being tied up, although I wish each tie would have lasted longer because I would have liked to have some time to fight and struggle against the ropes. Jordan could tie any part of my body quickly and without hesitation and untie me just as fast. Gradually, I began to notice I was getting the urge to go to the bathroom. I tried to ignore it and then I remembered the enema. It must be working. When Jordan had taken the gag out of my mouth while he untied me after taking the last set of pictures, I said, "Sir, please. I have to go to the bathroom." "Is the urge strong or can you hold it." "I can hold it for a while yet, Sir." He finished untying me and said, "Take your pajama top off." "Yes, Sir." I didn't mind, because I'd started to sweat since the room was warm and these were my winter pajamas. I took the bottom of the shirt and peeled it off my moist body and shivered a little as the sweat dried. Jordan turned me around by pulling on my upper arm and said, "Put your hands behind your back." When I did, he tied my wrists together a lot tighter than he'd done before. Taking me by the arm again, he led me to the bathroom. "Now you can let the enema out," he said. "But, Sir, how can I go to the bathroom with my hands tied? "You don't need your hands." When I understood the meaning of he'd told me, I blurted out, "No, wait. Untie me I can do it myself." I couldn't remember when someone had to help me on the toilet and didn't want help now! "I told you to do as you were told so I wouldn't have to repeat myself. You've also dropped the 'Sirs.' Now, are you going to cooperate or do you need some persuasion?" "No, no, please don't. I can't, please, please 3;" I begged but he squeezed my arm so tightly my eyes watered. Before I knew what'd happened he yanked me out of the bathroom, sat down on the bed, and forced me over his thighs. Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! He gave me five quick, hard spanks on my pajama-clad bottom. At the end of the last one even though there was some protection from the cloth of the pajama bottoms, I was sobbing. In a low, voice he said to me, "If you don't do as you are told, you'll be punished. You have a choice: either get into the bathroom, or I'll spank you until you're willing to go to make the pain stop. No matter what, you'll get five more spanks. I began to struggle wildly, but I was tied too tightly and he was too strong. He pulled down the back of my pajama bottoms, exposing my bare butt. Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! These spanks were harder than the previous ones. He spanked me on my bare skin, spacing each spank out by 10 or 15 seconds. Resting his hand on my burning cheeks, he asked, "Are you going to do as you are told and go into the bathroom or do I keep spanking?" "I'll go, Sir. I'll go, please Sir, please, I'll go!" I sobbed out. "How many spanks was that?" I thought he'd only slapped me four times, but I wasn't sure. But the question gave it away so I croaked out, "Four, Sir." "That's right. Only four. I'll save one until later in case I need it. But I shouldn't need it, should I?" "No, Sir. No, Sir, you shouldn't!" He set me on my feet and pulled up my pajama bottoms. I stood facing him with tears running down my face, unable to wipe them because my hands were tied behind my back. He stood up and wiped my face with some tissues. "We'll start where we left off," he said and led me to the bathroom again. This time I went willingly and said nothing. He turned me around so I was facing the open door and my back was toward the toilet. "Stand right there," he ordered. "Yes, Sir. I have to go pretty bad, Sir," I said. "Be patient. You can go in just a minute." Jordan walked back to the table and picked up his camera. He stood in the doorway to the bathroom and took pictures. "That's good," he said and set his camera on the sink. He turned took the elastic waistband of my pajama bottoms in both hands and slid them down to my feet. "Just a few more pictures and then you can sit down," he said, as the flash went off. When he was done, he slid both hands up my chest, under my arms and eased me down onto the toilet seat. Since my hands were tied behind my back, I had to sit forward on the seat. He spread my knees and pushed my now-soft penis down behind the edge of the bowl. "Now you won't pee on the floor." He stepped back and picking up the camera said, "Ok, go ahead and let it out." And he started to take pictures. I could feel my face burning again and knew it must be bright red from embarrassment, but there was nothing I could do. I had to go-now! I looked down and began to relax. "Don't look down, look straight ahead at the camera and sit up straight," Jordan demanded, "Or we start spanking again?" I looked up and said, "No, Sir." Water and loose stool began to slip out into the toilet bowl. I passed some gas and the odor filled the small room. "This is great," Jordan exclaimed with a grin. He took picture after picture as fast as the camera would let him. "I know people who'll love these pictures. Keep going until you're empty. Push a little so your belly bulges out." I did as he said, and one more large lump came out, landing with a splash. Dreading what was to come, I said, "I'm done now, Sir." He set the camera down and, reaching behind me, pulled me partway up from the toilet seat by my bound hands so I was bent over. "Stay that position and I'll clean you off." I felt him wipe my anus and between my butt cheeks with a wad of toilet paper, cleaning me off. "All right, stand up." When I stood, he flushed the toilet, pulled my pajama bottoms back up and led me into the other room. He untied my hands and said, "Take off your pajamas and sit on the bed." I sat down on the bed and pulled off my pajama bottoms. He went to his bag and came back with four pair of white sweat socks, neatly rolled. He tossed two pair to me. When I caught them, he ordered, "Put one pair on each foot." I couldn't imagine what they were for, but I didn't ask. "Yes, Sir." When I'd a pair of socks on each foot, he said, "Hold out your hands." He put a pair of socks on each hand. "Now lie on the bed and spread your arms and legs as wide as you can. I slid back and did as he said. "Yes, Sir." He tied a rope to each wrist over the socks and then to the corners of the wide king-sized bed. Then he pulled my legs, stretching me out as far as the ropes would allow and tied my ankles to the other corners. As he tugged on my arms and legs to tie me, I enjoyed the sensation of increasing helplessness. I'd never tried to tie myself this way, feeling the growing tingling between my legs so I knew I'd have an erection soon. Jordan sat on the bed next to my hips. "Open your mouth." When I did, he stuffed in almost all of one of the bandannas he'd been using as a gag into my mouth, jamming it so full of cloth that I couldn't push it out. Reaching for my semi-hard penis, he held it with his thumb and forefinger. He stroked it at the rate of about once per second. When it was fully hard, he added more fingers, but kept stroking it slowly. Every so often, he'd give it ten or fifteen fast strokes and then slow down again. Switching from slow to quick strokes almost drove me crazy and I knew I was going to have an orgasm soon. I started to thrust my hips up against his hand to make him go faster, groaning through the gag. I was right on the edge of spurting when he stopped stroking. Yelling into the gag, I drove my hips up and down trying to finish, but it didn't do any good. I felt the tension in my penis slide down and fell back on the bed, disappointed. Jordan let me take a few breaths and he started slowly stroking again. My penis responded, got stiff and the tension built toward another orgasm. But again, just before my orgasm, he stopped. This time I shrieked into the gag, struggling wildly. He gave me a short rest and then started again and again, bringing me up to the edge, but not letting me finish. It was the most incredible pleasure and pain I'd ever felt. Each time that he brought me close, the intense pleasure would turn to wonderful agony and then change to painful frustration when I couldn't have an orgasm. Finally, when he began to slow stroke my penis after stopping me short again, I knew that this time, no matter what he did, my orgasm wasn't going to be denied. After only a few strokes, I exploded with the strongest orgasm I'd ever had. The first spurt landed on my face beside my nose and I screamed into the cloth jammed into my mouth on each spurt. When it was over, Jordan pulled the bandanna out of my mouth so I could catch my breath, wiped my face and belly with the damp cloth and began to untie me. "Did you like that?" Between gasps, I said, "Yes, Sir, I liked it a lot. That was amazing. My mouth is dry, though." "There's some glasses on the sink in the bathroom. Get some water there. You may not believe it, but there are things that we can do that are even better." I wondered if that could possibly be true, but all I said was, "Really, Sir. Can we do them sometime?" "We can, but you'll have to get better at following orders. Can you do that?" "Yes, Sir." By this time, I was free and he said, pointing to the bathroom, "Pull those socks off and take a shower while I pick up stuff." "Yes, Sir," I said and went into the bathroom. I thought about closing the door, but I didn't since he hadn't told me I could. I adjusted the water and started my shower. As I soaped my body, I noticed that there we some welts on my wrists and ankles from fighting so hard against the ropes. No wonder he'd put the socks on me. The double layer of cloth provided enough padding so I wouldn't have to explain rope burns on my wrists. Also, it meant that he had done this before. "When you're done, just dry off and come out here" he called over the sound of the running water. I got out of the shower and pulled a towel out of the rack. When I was dry, I dropped the towel on the bathroom floor and padded out into the other room. Jordan was sitting in the chair by the table. "Come over here and get over my knees." I froze. "Did you forget you had one spank left?" He asked. "If you don't get over here you'll have a lot more." I shuffled over to him and reluctantly lay across his knees. "That's not bad. You didn't complain, but you made me tell you twice and you didn't say 'Sir.' That's one spank from before and two more for just now. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." "Do you want me to spank you now?" "No, Sir. But you can do what you want, Sir." "Good. We're making progress. You have three coming so here they are." I clenched my teeth in anticipation of three hard slaps. Instead, he just lightly patted me on the butt and then let his hand rest on my bare cheeks. I let out a sigh of relief. "If you're good, you get rewards. If you aren't, you'll be punished. What do you want?" "Rewards, Sir." Jordan pushed his fingers between my cheeks and rhythmically drove his fingers against my anus, giving me little thrills. "Good choice. If you cooperate, you'll get lots of rewards like the one you just got." "Thank you, Sir." "You're learning. When we have these sessions, your body is mine and you'll do exactly as you are told. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." He pulled his fingers out from between my cheeks and said, "Now get up and get dressed so I can take you home." "Yes, Sir." I did as he ordered. When I was completely dressed and he had packed his equipment back into the bags, he said, "Let's go. Take your book bag, go out first and get in the car." "Yes, Sir." We drove back to my house in silence. Jordan stopped his car in front and said, "Check your email tonight for your next instructions." "Yes, Sir," I replied. I reached for the door handle, but before I could open the door, he reached behind seat, lifted a cardboard box from the floor and handed it to me. "Here. A reward for how well you cooperated." I took the box, which was heavy for its size and rattled. "Thank you, Sir." "You're welcome. You can expect more presents and rewards in the future. Don't forget to check your mail." I opened the door and got out of the car, carrying my book bag and the box and walked toward the front door.
Chapter FiveJordan has set up a photo shoot with Sam, a professional photographer. Sam has a youg friend by the name of Lee who has the same interests as David. He is looking forward to being tied by someone his own age, but things don't turn out quite right
I carried the box and my book bag to my room and dumped them on my bed. Opening the book bag, I pulled out the pajamas, folded them and put them away in my dresser. Then I sat down and opened the box Jordan had given me. Inside, packed in a neat row on top, were six boxes containing bottles of the same enema solution Jordan had used. When I lifted them out there was a wrapped package and, to my surprise, there were two pairs of handcuffs and ankle cuffs with keys in a shining pile of chrome hardware on the bottom of the box. I took them out and admired each one. Then I closed them several times and tried the keys to be sure I could open them. A small paper with instructions said they could be locked so they wouldn't close any tighter after they were on. I tried that feature by pushing in a small lever with the end of a key and discovered that worked, too. After closing and unlocking them a few more times, I encircled my left wrist and clicked the top part of the cuff closed. The cold metal band on my arm felt good so I kept squeezing until it was snug against my skin. Pulling on the other cuff, I felt the hard, unyielding metal dig into my flesh and decided that I might like playing my games with these as much as my ropes and leather straps. For the next half hour, I tried the cuffs on my wrists and ankles, but I never closed them on both wrists at the same time. By that time, I was confident I knew how they worked and they wouldn't jam on me. I set all the cuffs on the bed and gathered up the box and packing material intending to throw it away. When I picked up the box, I saw the wrapped package still in it. I'd forgotten all about it in my rush to explore what I could do with the handcuffs. The package wasn't heavy and oddly shaped. I tore off the paper and inside were a tube of K-Y Personal Lubricant and a plastic bubble pack containing an oddly shaped butt plug with two loop handles. The label said it was for massaging the prostate gland. I went to my desk, got a pair of scissors and cut open the package so I could get it out. Instead of being cone-shaped like the butt plug I had, the bunt end was bent at an angle near the middle. I had no idea what a prostate gland was, so I went downstairs to my Dad's computer and did a Google search. I found an article in the Wikipedia about prostate glands, but didn't understand most of it. What I did figure out was that it had something to do with men's reproductive system and it could be touched through the wall of the rectum. The only way to figure out what the butt plug did was to try it. I closed down Dad's computer and went back to my room. When I checked the time, I saw I had lots of time to try out my new equipment. I stripped off my tee shirt, kicked off my shoes and pushed my jeans and underwear down at the same time. Starting with the cuffs, I locked them around my ankles and wrists with my hands in front of me, making sure the keys were in a location I could easily reach. Walking around my room, I found that I couldn't quite take a full step. As I walked, I pulled on the handcuffs, enjoying the restricted motion of my arms. I sat down on my bed and by putting my feet through the loop made by my handcuffed hands and arms, I could get my hands behind my back when I stood up. From there, I walked around my room and then up and down the hallway, pretending I was a prisoner being led around a jail. By this time, I had an erection and although it was a little sore from Jordan masturbating me this afternoon, I didn't mind and I watched it wobble from side to side as I walked. Shuffling back to my room I sat on my bed, slipped my hands in front of me and opened the handcuffs. I opened the tube of K-Y and squeezed out a row onto the butt plug. It looked to be almost as big as my inflatable butt plug so I wanted to be sure that it was really slippery when I put it in. Squatting down, I put the blunt end against my sphincter and pushed. Surprisingly, it slipped in without much pain. Maybe the enema Jordan gave me helped. I had the same sharp, short jab as the largest part went through the resisting muscle, but then it settled into place. When I stood up, I was disappointed since it gave me the full feeling that wasn't any different than the other butt plug. Since it had handles on it, I reached back and began to move it around. I didn't notice anything at first, but then I pushed it forward and down and something wonderful happened. The tingling in my penis doubled and made me drive my hips forward. I did it again with the same result and decided that the end of the plug must be hitting my prostate gland. Each time I drove it in, an electric thrill shot into my penis, which was as hard as it had been this afternoon when I was tied to the bed. I locked the handcuffs on my wrists and walked to the bathroom. As I walked, the plug prodded my prostate on each step. Pulling a towel from the rack, I walked back to my room spread the towel on my bed so I could lay on it and not get any of the lube on the bedspread. Closing my eyes, I slowly began to stroke my penis with my manacled hands while bouncing my hips up and down on the bed, driving the butt plug deep into my body to hit my gland. After only a few minutes, I had a strong orgasm, but it wasn't anywhere near as good as the one Jordan gave me. After catching my breath, I got up and used the towel to clean off my belly. Then I unlocked the cuffs, pulled the butt plug out and cleaned it and then hid everything in the box with my other equipment. I pulled on underwear, shorts and a tee shirt and lay back on my bed, thinking about what had happened and what I had discovered that afternoon. The orgasm I had when I'd been tied to the bed was the most intense I'd ever had. True, I hadn't had many in the short time since the first one in the basement, but I found it hard to imagine any that could be better. Although the one I just had was good, it wasn't as good as that one or even the first one that Jordan had given me. I had been humiliated when Jordan took pictures of me sitting on the toilet, but what he did later more than made up for it. I wanted to continue being tied by Jordan, but I was a little afraid of what he might do. Did I trust him or not? He promised that I'd be rewarded if I cooperated and he had kept the promise so far. But to be naked and tied up, completely helpless where he could do anything to me gave me butterflies in my stomach. So far, I was still stuck trying to make a decision if I should tell or not. He had the pictures and I didn't want them spread around. If I talked to my dad or went to the police, they'd end up all over the internet, I suppose. And what would it be like to tell the whole story to strangers. Did I want to do that? Not right now. I didn't want to give up this new world I'd fallen into – I liked it too much. I'd wait and see what Jordan was planning. Later that night, I checked my email and found a message from Jordan. I opened it and saw that it had three attachments. I read:
Hi David, I assume you have opened the box and tried out the new equipment. The hardware is for your collection and I'm sure you'll use it well. The bottles of enema are for you to practice with. Twice a week, you are to give yourself one and then get used to how it feels and how long you can control and hold it. The prostate butt plug I'm sure you'll figure out how to use on your own since you already have some experience there.I emailed back:
Yes, Sir, I understand. But what will I tell my Dad? He always wants to know where I'm going and when I'll be back.Checking to be sure Dad was in the living room watching TV, I opened the attachments. The first was a picture of me standing in front of the toilet with my hands tied behind my back, my pajama bottoms around my feet. The next was when I was sitting on the toilet and the third was me tied naked and spread-eagled on the bed with an erection. I looked at the third one closely and my penis got stiff as I remembered what that orgasm had been like. It was the best one I'd ever had, but Jordan said that there were ways of having even better ones! I found that hard to believe, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to find out if it was true. I closed down the computer and went to watch TV with Dad while I waited for a reply from Jordan. After watching an hour-long sitcom, I went back to the den and went to my email.
Hi, David. I talked to your dad today and suggested that you and I do something together this weekend. He's concerned that you aren't getting out enough and didn't have many friends. He thinks we're going swimming first and then biking on the trial north of town. He knows I have several bicycles and ride frequently on weekends. Stick with that explanation and there'll be no problems. Be ready at 2:00There was no way out now. Jordan had gotten Dad to trust him, so I'd have to go. And anyway, I had to admit to myself that I wanted to. Emailing back, I said:
Yes, sir, I'll be ready Saturday. I've tried all of your presents except the enemas and I like them a lot. Thank you, sir. The next few days, after Dad had gone to work, I experimented with the new equipment. I even gave myself an enema. I managed to hold it for more than a half hour before letting it out. My stomach was a little upset afterward, but it wasn't as bad I thought it would be. Several times, I tied myself to my bed as well as I could and slowly masturbated the way Jordan had done at the Motel. I wasn't successful at all and could keep myself from going all way each time. Only by being completely helpless and letting someone else stroke my penis could I get that fantastic feeling again. On Friday, I started first thing in the morning and masturbated six times using the cuffs and butt plug Jordan had given me. Although I was still a little afraid of what would take place, I was looking forward to receiving my reward. At about 1:00 o'clock on Saturday, I locked myself in the bathroom, took a shower and carefully shaved. I'd planned doing it anyway since the hair itched as it grew back. I dried off, wrapped a towel around my waist and left the bathroom. In my room, I pulled off all my clothes and put on my swimsuit. It was baggy like the ones almost all boys wore, with legs that hung down almost to my knees. It looked more like a pair of shorts than a swimsuit. I pulled a clean tee shirt out of my drawer and slipped on my sandals as I pulled the shirt over my head. Right at two o'clock, Jordan pulled up in front of the house and I went out and got in his car. "Okay, here's the deal," he said with no greeting as he pulled away from the curb. "Sam is a professional photographer and will do a photo shoot with you and Lee together. I expect you to be cooperative and do exactly as you are told. If you do well, you'll get a reward and if you don't you'll be punished. Agreed?" "Yes, Sir," I said nodding. "What are we going to do?" "You'll be tied in different ways, but Sam has a lot of equipment like the things you've probably seen in pictures on the web. Lee likes tying people up and wants to tie someone who is about the same age and Sam will take pictures. Does that sound exciting?" "Yes, Sir. I've never had anyone my own age to tie me up before," I said. I was also thinking, that maybe Lee and I could get together by ourselves some time and play tie up games without anybody else. Jordan pulled into the driveway of a large white house and drove around back to park outside next separate building that was the photography studio. In the lawn was a sign that read: Samantha White, Creative Photography Studio, Specializing in Youth and Sports Photography. I read the sign with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I asked, "Sir, isn't Samantha a girl's name?" "Right, but everyone calls her Sam for short. She's an excellent photographer of kids and kid's sports." "I don't want her taking pictures of me tied up!" I protested. "Oh, quit complaining. You'll be fine. She's a real pro. In any case, you are going to do it. Also, you'd better start putting in the 'Sirs' where they're needed or you'll get a spanking before we start." "I'm sorry, Sir. I was just surprised, that's all, Sir," adding an extra 'sir' to make up for the one I forgot. "Better remember that. You will address Sam as 'Yes Ma'am' or 'No Ma'am' at all times," he said as he parked the car. "Get out and I'll introduce you." Jordan got out of the car and walked into the studio and I followed. "Sam, we're here," he called. A woman's voice came from behind a door that had a lit red light above it. "I'm just about done. Go to the back studio and I'll meet you there. You know what to do." Jordan motioned to me to follow and we walked back through the building past several different arrangements of backdrops, lights and cameras to a darkened room in the very back. I noticed as we went through the building, there were no windows except in the front. When Jordan turned on the light, I was amazed to see all sorts of bondage equipment. Almost everything I'd seen in the catalogs was here; chains, handcuffs, gags, a wooden x-shaped cross fastened to the wall, stocks, ropes, locks and things I couldn't identify. The inside of the room had been painted flat black and the single overhead light left most of the room in dark shadows. Against the walls and in the corners were the bulky shapes of a lot more equipment that I couldn't make out. As excited as I was about using what I saw, I couldn't help but notice there was also a large collection of paddles, whips and similar things that made me uncomfortable and half-scared. I was definitely going to cooperate as much as possible today. Before I could worry about it too much, Sam came in trailing that funny darkroom odor. She was a large woman as tall as Jordan, with large muscular arms and a hard face with many sharp angles. "This must be David?" she asked. "Yes, Ma'am. He's been my model several times already." "Well good. Nice to have someone with experience. It makes things go faster," she said a little too loudly as she shook my hand, almost crushing it in her grip. "Jordan said you were cute and he was right. You'll look good on film, especially after I get through with you." I really didn't know what to say, but I though I should say something so I nodded and said, "Yes ma'am." "He knows the rules, then?" "Yes, Ma'am. He forgets sometimes, but not very often anymore. Where's Lee?" "In the house getting changed. I'll set up the lights while you get David ready," she said, as she began to move around the studio turning on various lights. "What do you want to start with?" Jordan asked. "Let's start with leather cuffs on his wrists, and ankles with a collar and a perforated ball gag. Get the shirt and sandals off," she replied, still moving lights around. "Yes, Ma'am." Turning to me, he said, "Come over here and I'll get you set." I followed Jordan over to a table near some metal lockers where there was a large collection of leather cuffs and other equipment including gags. "Take your shirt and sandals off and put them in one of those lockers." Looking over my shoulder to see if Sam was watching, I stepped out of my sandals and pulled my shirt over my head, so I was wearing only my swimsuit. "Yes, Sir." I hung my shirt in the locker and put my sandals on the shelf. When I turned back to face Jordan, he closed the locker door and put a lock on it. I wouldn't be getting my things until he let me. Next, he strapped a thick leather cuff around each wrist and pulled the straps until they were sung, but not tight. He wrapped a collar that was about three inches [7½ cm] wide around my neck and then added two more leather cuffs around my skinny, hairless ankles. Each of the five leather bands had D-shaped rings attached to them in several places. It was obvious by how quickly he put the cuffs on me that Jordan had done this before. I began to worry about what was to happen and hoped I wouldn't be spanked before I was done. Jordan said, "All right bend over the table the way you did in the motel." Surprised, I asked in a trembling voice, "You aren't going to spank me, are you, Sir?" "No. I'm going to give you another enema, though." He pushed on my bare back between my shoulder blades and said, "Bend over – now, or you will get a spanking." Reluctantly, I put my elbows on the table and bent at the waist. I looked at Sam who had her back to us as she arranged lights and reflectors. Since we were in the shadows and she was occupied, it seemed that she wouldn't see Jordan pull the back of my swimsuit down and give me the enema. When he was finished, he pulled up my swimsuit and told me to turn around. I felt the cool enema inside and liked the way it felt, although I was worried what would happen when I had to go to the bathroom. Sam looked over to us and said, "That looks good. David, come over here and stand in the middle of these lights." "Yes, Ma'am," I said and moved over to where she pointed. She took me by my bare shoulders and moved me into position in front of a camera. She stepped back and began to adjust the lights; raising and lowering some and moving them around looking back at me after each adjustment. When she was satisfied, she took out an electronic device and started taking readings on my face, chest, swimsuit and legs. Then she went to the camera and made more adjustments. As I stood waiting, I heard the outside door open and someone come in. "That must be Lee. Lee." She called, "Lee, we're in the back studio just about ready to get started." I saw a small figure come through the door, but since I was under bright lights and that part of the room was in shadow, I couldn't make out any features. As the figure walked farther into the room, I was shocked to see that Lee was a girl! She wore a white terrycloth robe and had her black hair woven into two thick braids. She wore glasses and had a slightly Asian appearance.
Chapter Six
David has resigned himself to being tied by a girl, but little does he know that's only the start of a long, humiliating afternoon.
"David this is Lee – short for Leanne. She's the other half of this photo shoot," Sam said. I stared at Leanne and was so shocked I didn't know what to say. I was going to be tied up by a girl! "Jordan," I started to say. Impatiently, he cut me off. "Shut up David. Do as you're told or you'll be spanked before we start." "But, but 3;" I tried again. "Another word and you'll get some punishment. Sam has a lot of stuff here I can use instead of my hand. And you forgot to put in the 'Sirs'." Well, that warning did it. I wasn't going to argue when there were all sorts of paddles and whips lying around. I might be embarrassed, but that'd be better than finding out what they felt like. "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir," I mumbled. "Don't make yourself any sorrier, then. When Lee speaks to you, you'll answer 'Yes, Miss' or No, Miss' and do exactly as she says. Understand?" "Yes, Sir." "The only time I want to hear you say anything is to ask a question if you don't understand what to do. Consider yourself lucky. Most people have to pay to have Sam take pictures of them." "Yes, Sir." Sam finished moving lights around and said, "That's enough, Jordan. He'll figure it out if he follows directions and if he doesn't you can correct him. I'm sure you'd like that. Close the door and change. I appreciate the fact that you found David to model, but don't think that anything has changed or it gives you any privileges." Jordan nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. I understand." He walked into the gloom and I heard a door close. "Good. Lee, take your robe off and stand beside David so I can get some light readings with both of you. Lee slipped out of her robe and draped it over the back of a chair. She was wearing a black two-piece outfit that looked like a bikini swimsuit except it was made of some shiny material that reflected the light. She was shorter than I am and lean, but not skinny. In fact, she was more muscular than any girl I'd ever seen and as she moved, I could see her stomach muscles slide under her skin. In a boyish sort of way, she looked good and really fit. She stood beside me while Sam used her light meter a few more times and adjusted her camera. "I know you don't want to do this," Lee said to me somewhat angrily as she looked me over. "Boys rarely do, although you seem to know your place." I didn't know what to say, so I said, "Yes, Miss." And watched Sam bustle around. "Have you done this before?" I shook my head. "No, Miss." "I have and I don't want to waste a lot of time messing with someone who can't get posed right away." Sam looked up from her work. "Be patient, Lee. Everyone has to start somewhere. We'll start training him today. It won't be long before he'll know what to do without being told." Lee snorted. "I suppose so. It'll be nice to have a boy to work with. I guess that'll be worth it." "It's worth it," said Jordan from the shadows behind Sam. I could hear him rustling around, but since I was in the lights, I couldn't see what he was doing. "Take it from me." Lee said, "It'd better be. I hate doing this with men. That last one was fat and bald. He was disgusting. People who look like him should be kept out of sight." Sam said, "Maybe so, but you had your choice to take it or not and the money wasn't bad." "Yes, but now I'm not so sure it was worth it." "That won't matter. You and David together will make the members produce a flood of money." I listened to their conversation. How were they making money on these pictures? Selling them to members? Who were they? More and more I regretted getting into this situation, but there wasn't anything I could do about it now. Sam picked up a box and came to stand in front of me. "Tip your head up a little into the lights so there are no shadows." When I did, she said, "This looks good. Just a little makeup and we can make you quite a bit younger." I didn't like the idea of makeup, but I'd heard photographers used it all the time and I resigned myself to it. "First a little red on the cheeks to take off a few years. Next, we'll make your eyebrows darker and longer and finally a touch of shadow above your eyes." Opening the box, she took out some containers of makeup and applied it to my face. Every so often, she'd stand back and check her work. When she was satisfied, she put the makeup away. "I'm ready," Sam said. "We'll start with David on the cross. Jordan, get him up there." "Yes, Ma'am." Jordan walked out of the shadows into the light. When I saw him, I got another shock. He was naked except for a brief pair of leather shorts that laced up the side and had a locked chain around his waist for a belt. His ankles were locked in a set of ankle cuffs. It took all my will power not to ask him a question about it. Jordan put one hand in the middle of my bare chest and pushed me back against the wall where the large X-shaped cross was fastened. "Okay, put your arms up and I'll hook your wrists in the loops. "Yes, Sir," I said. I stood in front of the cross and raised my arms up and out to the ends of the top half of the X. Jordan pushed me back against the wood and fastened my wrists to the eyebolts with padlocks through the rings in the leather cuffs around my wrists. "Try that and see if you can get free." I pulled and twisted my wrists. "No, Sir." I looked down to be sure that the fabric of my baggy swimsuit was bunched up enough to cover my erection. I would be embarrassed if it could be seen through my swimsuit. "Good, now open your mouth and I'll put the ball gag in. It has holes in the ball so that you can breathe easily, but it'll make you start to drool after a while. It's a little unpleasant, but not that uncomfortable. Your mouth will dry out a little, but when we get done with this set, you can get something to drink." "Yes, Sir," I said as I opened my mouth. Jordan pushed most of the ball into my open mouth and fastened the strap behind my head. I rolled my head around to get the gag set into as comfortable position as possible. Jordan stood back from me and said, "What do you think? Is he a great model?" Lee walked up me, pulled on the wrist cuffs and looked me over. "He is cute. A lot better than the others I've had," she said. Her spoke in a bored tone of voice that made it sound as if she did this sort of thing all the time. Maybe she did, I didn't know. Sam said, "He's great. I can't believe you got so lucky." "Yes, Ma'am. I know. Sometimes fate smiles on you. I'll lock his ankles and he'll be ready for pictures," Jordan said as he dropped to one knee in front of me. He put locks through the rings on the leather cuffs on my ankles, securing them to the bottom of the cross. Sam said, "I'm ready, Lee. Choose what you want to start with." Lee picked up a leather-covered stick that was about two feet [60 cm] long from the table and walked over to the cross to stand next to me. When she raised the stick over her head, fear made me panic and I began to struggle wildly, trying to free myself and avoid being beaten. At the same time, I begged Lee not to hit me. Sam took picture after picture as I thrashed around while Lee stood with her arm raised. After a minute or so, Sam said, "That's great. The look of fear on his face will be worth a lot. Lee, get a whip next." Lee went to the table and came back with a whip made of strips of leather attached to a wooden handle. She moved in position beside me and raised it above her head. This time, instead of holding it, she swung it at me. I screamed in to the gag when I saw it coming and at the last minute, she changed its direction and hit the floor in front of my feet with the leather ends, making a sharp crack. This went on for about fifteen minutes as Lee changed whips, paddle and sticks. Each time that it looked as if she was going to hit me, she'd miss. Sam said, "That's good. Jordan, turn him around and we'll get pictures from the back." By this time, I was exhausted and trembling with adrenalin from my fear rushes. I sagged from the cuffs on my wrists, trying to catch my breath and hoping my stomach would stop roiling. Jordan unstrapped the gag and wiped the drool off my chin and chest. He held up a can of Mountain Dew to my lips and tipped the soda into my mouth. "That was a good session. Lee is good at controlling whips and riding crops and she won't actually hit you, but the looks on your face were great." "Yes, Sir. It looked like she was going to each time, though." "I know. That's how Sam gets real emotion into her pictures and makes them valuable." Now that I'd calmed down, I became aware of a problem that had become steadily more urgent in the last few minutes. "Sir, I have to go to the bathroom. It must be the enema working." "All right. I'll get you down and you can go. There's a bathroom in the far corner of the room." He unlocked my ankles first and then my wrists. I brought my arms down and groaned a little when the blood rushed to my hands. Jordan said, "Ma'am, David has to go to the bathroom. Can he take a break?" Sam said, "That's fine. Take care of it, but don't take too long." "Yes, Ma'am." Waving at me, he said, "This way. We have to hurry because Sam gets impatient if you're not done and ready to go when she is." He shuffled across the room, the chains of his ankle cuffs rattling on the floor. I followed him into the shadows and discovered the room was much large than I thought. When he stopped, I heard a click and several overhead lights came on. We were in a bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower with glass walls and a door with a hasp and padlock on it. There was no privacy of any kind. Jordan said, "Sam sometimes uses this area for pictures and videos. It's open so she can get any shot she wants without walls being in the way. Hurry up and sit down. Sam will want to start soon." I looked over my shoulder at Lee and Sam on the other side of the room. They were facing the other way and occupied with looking at the pictures Sam had taken. If I dropped the back of my swimsuit only far enough to get the job done, I'd stay mostly covered. As I sat down, I carefully lowered my suit with one hand and kept the other hand in my crotch. I was just in time, too because as soon as I'd sat down completely on the stool, the enema came rushing out. In less than a minute, I'd emptied out, cleaned myself off and stood up, pulling my swimsuit up at the same time. Jordan had stood in front of me as I went and I got a chance to look at his body. He was going to be a senior in college so he was at least twenty-one years old. In spite of that, I couldn't see any hair on his chest or even on his legs. He had extremely well defined muscles with thick muscles in his arms and shoulders and appeared to be in tremendously good physical condition. I wondered what sport he was in. The leather shorts he wore had a large bulge at the crotch. Much larger than I thought possible. I was curious about what Jordan's role was in all this, but was afraid to ask. He was in charge of me, but at the same time, Lee and Sam seemed to control him. Examining his body combined with the thought of being locked to the cross again gave me that tingling between my legs that warned me that I was about to get an erection. I followed Jordan back to the cross where he put the gag back in, turned me so my back was facing the camera before he raised my arms and attached the wrist cuffs. For the next half hour, Lee repeated her posing with whips and paddles while Sam took pictures. This time, since I knew Lee wasn't going to hit me, I had throw my head around and pretend to be afraid while I flailed at the cuffs that held me to the cross. Sometimes, if I wasn't convincing enough, Lee gave me a sharp crack on the butt to remind me. Every time she prodded me, I went to greater efforts to appear fearful. Truthfully, I was only partly acting since I'd be helpless to prevent her from actually causing me pain. Finally, they were done and Jordan unlocked the cuffs, took the gag out and gave me more soda. While I emptied the can, Sam adjusted her camera and lights. "Jordan, as soon as he's done with the soda, put him back on the cross facing the camera." Jordan nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." He pointed at the can and said to me, "Are you done with that?" When I nodded, he took the can and set it on the table. He put the gag back in and tightened it up more than he had before so it was uncomfortable and just short of being painful. Then he checked to see if the leather cuffs were still tight. He wasn't satisfied with the wrist cuffs, so he took them off me and put on another pair that were made of much thicker leather and could be tightened more. The odor of the leather and the pressure of it surrounding my wrists started to give me an erection again. As Jordan worked, my penis grew steadily and I checked to see if it could be seen behind the folds of my swimsuit. I was relieved that it was hidden. Pushing me back against the cross, Jordan locked my wrist cuffs into the rings on the cross. As I tugged on the leather bands and rolled my hips, I could tell I was fully erect. Lee said, "Just a minute, let me get into position. I want Sam to catch the spontaneity of this." Lee picked up a crop and stood next to me. "All right I'm ready. Go ahead and finish. Jordan dropped to his knees. I thought he was going to lock ankle cuff to the cross as he had done in the first pictures, so I wasn't paying too much attention to what he was doing. Instead of that, he grabbed the waistband of my swimsuit and yanked it down to my ankles! I was so surprised that he managed to pull my suit off one foot before I realized I was naked in front of Lee and Sam! Worse yet, my hard penis pointed out from my crotch and waggled back and forth as I struggled and complained through the gag. I heard Sam say, "This is gold. Pure gold."
David learns the rules and his role in the photography enterprise run by Sam. He insists he doesn't like participating, but one part of his body calls him a liar. After the session, he is more confused than ever, and struggles with his feelings.
Lee laughed and raised and lowered her riding crop as if she were beating me as Sam's flash went off repeatedly as I struggled. Sam said, "These will be great photos. The expression on his face alone should be worth a lot extra." In less than a minute, I gave up struggling since it wasn't doing any good and stood glaring at Sam and Lee. Sam said, "All right, Jordan, hook his ankle cuffs to the cross and get rid of the swimsuit. We have a lot more to do." Jordan pulled my suit off my other foot and secured my legs. He stood and disappeared in into the shadows, taking my suit with him. Lee sneered and said, "What's wrong, little boy, don't you like this?" I shook my head and mumbled through the gag, "No, Miss." She gave me a mean smile and laughed. "Not all parts of you think so." Sliding her riding crop under my scrotum, she lifted my genitals up and away from my body. When I looked down, I was horrified to see that my penis was still erect! "If you don't like this, why are you still hard?" Even if I hadn't been gagged, I wouldn't have been able to answer that question. I willed my erection away, but it stubbornly stayed up. I'd been completely humiliated in front of Sam and Lee and now I had to stand naked in front of them while they made fun of me and my arousal. The problem was that the more I thought a about my situation, the more determined my penis was to stay stiff. "Well, little boy, show me how much you don't like doing this. Or can't you?" Did I like doing this after all? My conflicting emotions confused me to the point where I didn't know and I shook my head. Sam said, "We'll take that as a no. Change to a whip, Lee. I want to get more pictures. We shouldn't waste a good erection. They're hard to come by some times." Lee giggled at the pun. "I don't think that'll be a problem with this one. In spite of what he says, he's a natural." She picked up a whip with lots of small braided strips of leather on it. She stood beside me again and said, "You'll have to look as if you're afraid of what I'm going to do and then fight the way you were doing before. If you can't pretend, I can always help you." She swung the whip close to my belly and I felt the air move against my bare skin as it whistled by. I nodded my head and mumbled, "Yes, Miss." Over and over. Lee said, "He says he's ready. Let's go." For the next fifteen minutes or so, Lee changed the things she pretended to beat me with as Sam took picture after picture, even after my erection finally went down. Sam said, "That's enough. Jordan, turn him around so we can do a series from the back." Jordan, who'd been standing silently behind the camera came forward and unhooked my ankles. He stood and poked me in the middle of my chest. "I'm going to unlock your wrists and you'll turn around so I can lock them back where they were. If you cooperate, we'll be done faster and you'll get your reward. If you don't, Lee can hit you for real. Understand?" I understood! I nodded, and mumbled a bunch of 'Yes, Sirs' and let Jordan do what he wanted. He turned me around and fastened the cuffs to the cross again. Now at least only my bare butt was showing. Lee moved into position behind me again and said, "I'm going to pretend to hit you again. Throw your head around as if it really hurts. If necessary, I'll give you one so you'll know what the right reaction should be." I nodded and as she swung the stick, I fought against the cuffs and rolled my head around as if I were in pain. After Sam had taken a large number of pictures, she said, "Okay, that's enough. Jordan, turn him around again and take the gag out. It's time to start his training." That was the second time she'd said something about 'training' and I didn't like the sound of it at all. Jordan unfastened the cuffs, jerked me around and hooked them to the cross again. He took the gag out and gave me more soda to drink. Sam came from behind the camera to stand in front of me. In spite of her already taking dozens of pictures while I was naked, I still felt my face flush with embarrassment at her scrutiny. "I run a traditional retail photography business, but at the same time, I have an extremely select group of clients who want to buy photo sets and videos that are not available anywhere. This group of clients is willing and able to pay large sums of money to acquire photos and videos that match their particular interests. As a result, they create a large demand for materials that depict younger models. From here on out, you will be one of my models for photo shoots, videos and fantasy scenes. To show my appreciation as a model in my stable, you'll receive a percentage of the sales and other rewards depending on your behavior. Do you understand?" "Yes, Ma'am. I do." "From the look on your face, you don't like the idea." "No, Ma'am." "No matter. You'll do it anyway. From what I've seen so far today, what you say and what your body tells me is different. I can assure you that the money and rewards will be to your liking." "Yes, Ma'am." But even as I was agreeing, I was trying to figure out how to get out of this predicament. For the time being, I had no options. Jordan had all the pictures he took of me and now Sam had more. I didn't want them spread around, but at the same time, I had to face the fact that there was something about what I was being forced to do that made my penis act on its own. Why was this so exciting to me and repelling at the same time? "The next thing you need to know is that I'm in charge and then Lee. You will do as you're told and not complain. Jordan works for me and you'll obey him as well. If you do, you'll be rewarded and if you don't, you know the consequences." "Yes, Ma'am." "From here on out, you will be naked at all photo shoots unless you are told otherwise. Sometimes you will wear costumes and be bound in different ways. I expect you to cooperate at all times and change as quickly as you can so you won't hold up shooting. You will speak only if you have questions or problems getting into position. Do you understand?" "Yes, Ma'am." Sam started to say something else, but another woman came into the studio, interrupting her. Sam said, "Good. I was wondering when you'd be here." She pointed at me and said, "Go ahead, take your measurements." The new woman walked in front of me and looked me over from head to feet adding to my humiliation. "This is the best one yet. Judging how he's blushing, he must be new." "He is, but I've got several good series today that will sell well." "I'll look forward to seeing them." Pulling a cloth tape measure out of her pocket, she measured my wrists, neck, ankles and waist. She also measured my height, the length of my arms and then pulled the tape measure around my genitals. "How much do you weigh?" Surprised that she talked to me, I said, "I'm not sure, but I think about ninety-five pounds [43 kg], Ma'am." Sam nodded approval when I addressed her that way. Actually, I was afraid not to. "Are you shaving?" "Yes, Ma'am." "Do you have much hair?" "No, Ma'am." As she asked me those questions, she pointed and stared at my penis and scrotum, making me feel more helpless and naked than before. "Can you follow directions?" "Yes, Ma'am." "That's good. You'd better." Sam said, "He's not doing too bad and he improved today. He knows what happens if he doesn't." "Well, we'll see. I'll have everything ready for you in two weeks." She prodded my bare chest with a finger. "Next time I come back, you'd better know how to take orders. I'm not as nice as some people when I don't have cooperative models. Understand?" This new woman talked to me in the tone of voice that sounded like we were making a business deal. There was no doubt in my mind that she meant exactly what she said and in two weeks, I'd do what she said. Then it occurred to me that I'd already assumed I'd be here when she came back to do whatever they had planned. How did I decide that? Sam said, "I have one more series to make. Would you like to stay and watch?" "Yeah, I would. That way I can see how he performs. Give me a good idea of what to expect in two weeks." "I think so. Jordan, pull him down off the cross and into position while Lee gets ready." Jordan unhooked the cuffs from the cross. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back." When I did, he fastened the cuffs together. Then he put another set on my upper arms and ran a chain from them to my neck collar. "Turn around, face the camera and get on your knees." When I did, he fastened the ankle cuffs together and put a ball gag back into my mouth. He pushed me forward so I had to look at the floor in front of my knees. Sam got in position behind the camera and sighted through it. "That looks good. Lee, are you ready?" "I'm ready. You know I don't like doing this on a first shoot, but if you think it'll work that's fine with me. Personally, I think he should earn the right to do this." Lee stepped out of the shadows and when I saw bare feet in front of me, I looked up and got a shock. Lee was naked! I'd never seen a girl naked before, except in pictures on the web and I quickly looked away. She put the handle of the whip she carried under my chin and lifted it. "What's wrong, little boy, see something new? As I looked up, I had just enough presence of mind to mumble "Yes, Miss." Lee laughed at my discomfort. "Take a good look. That's probably all you'll ever get." Since she had lifted my head with a whip, I figured I had no choice, so I looked up at her body. She had small breasts, but they stood out prominently from her chest. Her abdominal and leg muscles showed prominently when she moved and she had a small vertical brush of pubic hair. Without thinking about it, my penis jumped to fully erect, adding to my humiliation. My condition didn't go unnoticed and Sam said, "He's ready. Hurry up and get into position. I don't want to miss this." Lee stood behind me with her whip, pretending to hit me. Sometimes she'd grab my hair to pull my head up and back. Other times she's lift my arms so it'd look as if she was beating my back or butt. Then she'd force me down to the floor and put her bare foot on the side of my face to hold it down. Sam took pictures for about ten minutes and my erection never went down. Sam said, "That's enough. Lee, you can go change. Jordan, you can give our new model his reward." The new woman, who had been watching clapped her hands and said, "You're right, he's a natural. I'm looking forward to our session. See you in two weeks." She turned and left the studio. Lee pulled on her robe, picked up her clothes and left with Sam. Jordan had disappeared into the shadows again, leaving me alone, still on the floor. After a few minutes, my penis had gotten soft and I began to worry if they had forgotten me, but I heard some rustling around which meant that Jordan was still in the room. Since no one had told me to do anything different, I stayed where I was and tried to be as patient as possible, although my position on the floor became steadily more uncomfortable. Finally, Jordan appeared fully dressed. "Well, you can follow directions. I was waiting to see if you'd change position without permission. You did well. Too bad. I'd like to do some spanking." He reached behind me and unhooked the ankle cuffs. Taking my arms, he lifted me until I stood on my feet. Then he pushed me back until I stood against the wall with the cross on it. He left my hands behind my back and hooked the chain from my collar to the wall and then took the gag out. "Now for your reward." He took a tube of lubricant, squeezed out a generous amount on his hand and rubbed it over my genitals, he said, "Have you used this when you masturbate?" "No, Sir." He snorted. "I'm surprised. You have a tube of your own. You'll like this." He stroked my penis and the warm slippery feeling he caused gave me an erection in less than a minute. Alternating between pulling on my scrotum and sliding his fingers up and down my penis, he quickly brought me to the edge and then quit. I struggled, rotating and driving my hips trying to have an orgasm. As Jordan watched me fruitlessly try to get some relief, he laughed. "You must have the worst case of blue balls I've ever seen. And you'll have to stay that way for a while. I'm going to release you, but you are not to touch your prick. Understand?" "Yes, sir. Can I wipe off the stuff?" Leered at me and laughed. "No. Leave it until you get home. You'll need it, then if I'm not mistaken." He took off the cuffs and chain and led me to a table where my tee shirt, swimsuit and sandals were laid out. "Get dressed. Then I'll take you home." Silently, I pulled my clothes on, hoping the lubricant would wash out of my swimsuit and followed Jordan to his car. We drove home without talking, even though it seemed as if I had a thousand questions to ask him. As I got out at home, he said, "Check your email. I have a question to ask you in a couple of hours." "Yes, sir." I walked up to the front door and when I heard him pull away, I yanked the door open and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. Tearing off my clothes, I started the shower running, intending to wash off the lubricant and get clean. As I stepped under the water and scrubbed my penis and scrotum, the sensation of the slippery stuff made me erect again. Turning away from the water, I began to masturbate furiously. All the pent-up sexual sensations I'd had all afternoon were irresistible. I had to get relief-now. Faster and faster I stroked and found that the lubricant let me put more effort into it than before. My organism built and built until finally, jets of semen exploded, making me yell and dance with my hips in the warm shower water. It was the best orgasm I'd ever had masturbating and I knew I'd be using the tube of lubricant Jordan had given me a lot more. I turned into the shower again and tried to wash it off, but as I did, I got another erection! Was my penis out of my control? Turning away from the running water again, I started a second session, only this time I thought about being tied with leather and chains on the floor with Lee's soft, warm bare foot on my face. I had to stroke more than ever and just as my arms were about to give out, I was rewarded. Ducking my head under the flowing water, I bent over gasping for air. I'd never done two in a row before and none had ever been that good. I finished my shower, dried off and went to my room. I took my swimsuit and put it in the utility sink in the laundry room to soak. That would probably take care of the lubricant on the fabric. The rest of the afternoon, I read until my dad got home from work and we had dinner. After dinner, I went to my email and found a message from Jordan:
David, I emailed back:
Dear Best Friend, What was wrong with me? Basically, I'd been kidnapped, humiliated by being naked, tied up and forced to be part of a porno picture session, but all I could think of was doing it again. Just reading Jordan's message vividly brought back the images of the afternoon, and I ran up to my room to get some privacy.