GreenfrogThe Pleasure Slaveedited by Maiocxx |
SummaryA young boy is kidnapped while part of a diplomatic mission with his father. Abused and enslaved, he is trained as a Pleasure Slave and sold to an African dictator. Years later, the boy's father learns where he is being held, but the outcome is unclear.
Publ. Jun 2010
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CharactersTerrance (11yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/presentMb tb – slave oral anal – bond interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please with Greenfrog - The Pleasure Slave in the subject line. |
Chapter OneTerrance was eleven years old, a slender, tender boy, with blue eyes and blond hair that fell in waves and curls to his shoulders. His hairless soft, smooth skin was as white as milk. He had not the slightest blemish of any description on his skin. Through the clear, pure skin could be seen the faint network of veins. Here and there slight bulges of child muscles could be seen. Perfect teeth as well.He was indeed the personification of the pinnacle of perfection of a young lad. A very fine specimen indeed. His wealthy father who was a powerful American politician was leading a delegation from the White House to the Ivory Coast in Africa. A very dangerous country yes, but as there would also be a strong contingent of bodyguards in the entourage, it was thought safe to take young Terrance on the trip. They arrived by air and landed in Bouke and travelled many miles to the north to the town of Ferkessedougou. The squalor and poverty there is indescribable, the stench and noise almost unbearable. Swarms of flies and insects added to the suffering. How could America exploit this hell-on-earth to their advantage? This was the plan and purpose for the delegation. Cheap labor would be one easy commodity for a start. The children here, for the most part, were malnourished and naked and looked terrified and sad. There was no education here. Just the daily routine of misery and suffering in trying to keep body and soul together. Everyone stared at the group of Americans. They had never seen anyone colored white before. As the group slowly maneuvered itself through the market and into the narrow streets, Terrance drifted to the rear of the group. They turned a corner from one street into the next, with Terrance last in line. A shout went up, "Where is Terrance?" With pistols drawn, they ran back into the street they had just come from. There was no sign or trace of the lad anywhere! The interpreters asked people if they had seen a white boy. Despite the fact that it was less than a minute since they had all walked the street, no one had seen either the white boy, nor any white persons! All the streets were crowded with people. Thus, a gang of heavily built black men had not been noticeable coming up behind the Americans, waiting the opportunity to pounce. A rag soaked in ether was forced and held tight over the boy's face, while his limbs were suddenly grabbed. In only a few seconds he was pulled through a door and into a small room. Eager hands quickly bound wrists and ankles. The limp body was rolled in a carpet. The whole procedure was completed in less than one minute. Quickly, they sped with their trophy out through the back of the house. By passing through buildings as opposed to using streets, they were soon quite some distance from the place of capture. By the time security banged on that door it was all over and far too late. The gang conveyed their prize to a building that had a cellar. They rushed down the steps into the basement. Occupants of the building placed a large paving slab over the entrance hole. A sack of millet was cut open and poured over the entire floor. There was neither trace nor sign of any entrance to an underground chamber. The carpet was unrolled. The terrified youth had recovered from his ether. His ankles and wrists were released. Very big, muscular black men surrounded him. He was not able to understand one word that they said. A couple of times he asked them what was happening and where he was. Each time he opened his mouth he received a slap across the face or mouth. His lip was swollen and cut, plus his nose was now bleeding also. He soon learned that he was to keep quiet. If he failed to do so, more of this treatment would be administered to him. Every item of clothing was removed from him. He put his hands down to cover his penis and testicles. He need not have bothered because, not only were they very small and undeveloped with not the slightest trace of pubic hair. but he was also motioned to that he must stand like a big letter X. He complied instantly, not wanting any more slaps or back-hands. Many hands were soon inspecting him all over: poking, prodding, smoothing, fondling, caressing, tickling, pulling, and pushing. Fingers slid through his hair while others ruffled it up. An enormous great man grabbed hold of the youngster's two ears. His evil eyes glared into the lad's eyes. Never had the youth ever been so afraid. One hand released an ear and moved to the jaw. The mouth was forced open. Fingers entered the orifice. Tongue and teeth were inspected. To the lad's great shock and horror the man inserted his tongue into the boy's mouth. Two large powerful black hands forced the white face and blond hair to be in the closest proximity with the intruder. The youth was too scared to pull away. Anyway both his arms were firmly grasped by other members of the gang. There was now much talk and activity within the group. Cloth was produced and put between the ankles and knees of the young victim. Then the knees and ankles were firmly bound. Wrists were handcuffed behind his back. A gag was then applied to his mouth. A barrel was then rolled out of the corner. He was then placed into the barrel with his knees being forced up onto his chest. A lid was firmly secured to the top of the barrel. The light was turned off. There was silence, stillness and a long wait in the dark. That is, apart from tears dripping down the lads cheeks and muffled sobs from the barrel. Movement and light! The barrel was carried upstairs, taken outside and placed in the back of a pickup truck. There were other barrels exactly the same already in the vehicle. Sacks could also be seen, plus a large crate with some piglets in it. The animals were squealing loudly. There was an assortment of other sacks and boxes and crates as well as the items mentioned. The noise, stench and filth of this place was absolutely unbearable and unbelievable. Although Terrance was gagged and his slender ankles and slim wrists were firmly secured and cuffed, the youth could still get his face to a crack in the barrel and peer out. The vehicle engine was revving up, about to depart. The lad saw a group of white men approach. They indicated to the driver to stop. It was the American group he was part of. With the aid of a translator, they were talking to the driver and asking the gang of men if they had seen a young white boy. Obviously, of course, needless to say, none of them had. There was his dad! Dad put out his hand and took hold of the side of the truck. His hand was about three inches [8 cm] from the end of his son's nose. His child could see and read his parents initials on the gold signet ring on the little finger. There was the date of his parents' wedding on the gold wedding ring on the ring finger. Terrance screamed as loud as he could into the gag and rocked as violently as possible in the confinement of the barrel. In desperation he banged his head on the lid to make as much noise as possible. What with the piglets squealing incessantly and the vibration of the engine running: to say nothing of the general perpetual row continually going on, no one heard or noticed. He watched his dad pull out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and give a cigarette to each member of the gang. In vain the youth tried to draw attention to his plight and whereabouts. He looked on in despair and disbelief as his dad produced his cigarette lighter 3; the one he had just given to his dad as a birthday present 3; and casually lit the driver's cigarette for him. The driver raised his hand in a gesture of appreciation and thanks. Dad shouted out, "Thanks, bye!" Again the driver raised his hand politely as the vehicle moved off down the bumpy road.
Chapter 2The journey over the dirt tracks through the night was very tedious and grueling. However, mercifully, there were three or four stops on the route.Terrance was taken out of the barrel and his ankles and wrists were freed. A heavy collar and chain was fixed to that delicate slender neck. He was made to run, skip and jump; to dance and jig about, in order to be kept soft and supple. The gang did not want him to get stiff. Indeed with such a very rare , exotic commodity as a white slave boy, they did not want him to get a deep vein thrombosis from being cramped up for such a long time without being able to move his limbs. The night was as dark as pitch. Nothing could be seen. The abductors used small torches for their needs. It became clear that, in each of the other barrels, was another bundle of misery and suffering. Who or what, or from where the other boys came was impossible to tell; not even to know if they were black or white. The lad was given water to drink, but no food. When it was time to move on, the chain was detached from the collar; however the collar was not removed from that silky, swan-like neck. The youth was put back in the barrel, this time without wrists and ankles bound. Eventually, as the sun was just creeping over the horizon, they reached their destination. No idea where. It looked something like a farm with many out buildings. Noise, not of machinery or cattle, but of people. (No, I have no idea what happened to the piglets that were on the pickup truck earlier. No doubt they were off loaded at one of the stopping points during the night.) People were talking excitedly approaching the vehicle. Some men were shouting orders a little way away. Terrance could not understand one word of what anyone said. He peered through a crack in the barrel as two men got up into the back. The lid on the barrel next to Terrance was removed, the barrel was tipped and emptied out over the side and a naked boy's body tumbled out. Before it hit the ground, one of the bystanders started to thrash the tender flesh unmercifully with a whip. Two great, sturdy men grabbed an arm each and twisted the limbs firmly behind the lad's back. A third man started to slap the youngster around the face. They all shouted at him. "Poor creature," said Terrance to himself. The hapless youth was yanked up onto his feet. He was still being struck around the face. In unison, the two great bullies gripping the twisted arms, strained them in such a manner, that the boy's thorax was thrust backwards while the pelvis and abdomen went forward. Yes, he screwed his face in agony as he coughed and attempted to spit the blood from his mouth and nose. The lads tightly closed eyes were filled with tears. At least his head was now safely back out of reach from further punishment. The trader now turned his attention to the lower abdomen and legs. Despite it still being early morning the body and head of the youth was a mass of beads of sweat, due not to the temperature but because of the rough handling he was forced to endure. The slave trader gently fondled the testicles and stroked the flaccid penis. Then lowering himself he started a thorough examination of the legs of his new acquisition. First, the boy's legs were thrust wide apart by the examiner ready for inspection. Powerful hands took hold of the slender, gentle/pretty ankles. Finger and thumb went around them very easily. Each foot was lifted individually and scrutinized. Toes spread apart to see if there was any skin disorder. (No, there was nothing wrong; this was, indeed, a perfect specimen, just as Terrance was. The coughing and spluttering to clear blood from nose and mouth continued, but no one took any notice of it. The upper torso was now a bloody mess. The blood, phlegm, mucus and spittle gently dribbled and trickled down the body and dripped onto the ground. A lot flowed, steadily like a lava stream, down the abdomen and legs. This did not cause any problems to anyone, it was all part and parcel of the job of processing the commodities ready for market. The hands gently moved over the soft, smooth skin that stretched over the shapely muscles that felt like steel. Terrance cringed in fear in his barrel. The thought of all this happening to him filled him with terror. His cheeks were wet with tears as his lips quivered in keeping with the lad's trembling body. Was this to be his fate? Curiosity forced him to look at the horrific scene again. Attention had now moved up from the feet and ankles. Scrutiny and study of the lower limbs in precise detail was being undertaken. Yes, spindly, but seductively shapely. Now to feel the calf muscles and bone structure of the thin legs. The slave trader pressed his fingers firmly on the shin and felt up and down pressing on the tibia and fibula. Then he attempted to crush the young tender muscles in his strong hands. He griped the limb tightly with one hand and grasped the muscles with the other. The muscles were pushed, pulled punched and pummeled as if the intention was to tear them from the bones. One leg was pulled out straight, just in front of the examiner's face. Then, the calf muscle was squeezed as thin as possible and the slave trader lunged forward at the compressed muscle and bit it! Eyes moved to thighs. Smoothing, stroking, manipulating and massaging of the upper legs took place. This was followed by licking, sucking and kissing of the limbs. Next the patella, (knee cap) was pulled about and given some hassle. Not too much; to dislocate this bone would bring financial disaster as far as the selling of the slave was concerned. The fingers then felt for the beautiful leg muscles that are so tantalizing in these parts: gluteal, sartorius, biceps femoris and other muscles. Not to forget, of course, the adductor muscles that forms the flesh on the inside of the thigh. Oh! How the boy wriggled, writhed and tried to struggle, (Not much hope of relief, escape or release, as he was still in the vice-like grip of the two great big powerful men who were assisting in torturing and tormenting the lad.) as the slave trader attempted to insert his middle finger into the boy's rectum. He did not push too hard as he did not want to damage the external anal sphincter. Next attention was devoted to the testicles. The scrotum was gently touched, tickled, caressed and fondled. The penis smoothed and held softly in the man's hand. Terrance was completely confused, bewildered, bemused, surprised and astonished at what he saw next. The slave trader, who was carrying out this exploratory examination, slipped the child's penis into his mouth! Terrance was amazed at this and wondered, WHY? "Will he bite it?" he said to himself. No, he was sucking on it, quietly moving his head backwards and forwards! Suddenly, the youth seemed to go into convulsions, thrusting his hips back and forth violently. His muscles went rigid and taught and he uttered grunts and groans. The slave trader gulped and swallowed hard. Then he stood upright and licked his lips. "Whatever was that?" asked naive Terrance innocently to himself. The slave trader then brought his fist down hard on slave boy's abdomen. Instantly, in a synchronized action, both men released their grip on the youth's arms. Obviously this had happened many more times before with other boys, so everyone knew the routine. The lad crashed heavily to the ground on his back, with his arms still twisted behind, under his back. He brought his knees up to his chest for relief. Relief! No time or room for that. The men again seized his arms and yanked him to his feet. He clutched his painful elbows to ease the pain there and leaned forward, breathing heavily, to alleviate the agony of his abdomen. However, his arms were pulled up above his head so that his chest/thorax could be examined and an inspection of his head and neck carried out. Then, of course, the shoulders, arms and hands would be looked at. Terrance was astonished, astounded, and amazed at the slave boy's face! Not only was the face very bloodied. It was swollen beyond recognition as a result of the physical brutality that had been inflicted on it. The bruising was astounding. It was not possible to open the swollen eyes. The cheeks were puffed up and there were several cuts on the enlarged lips. "Will my barrel be next?" quaked Terrance. "Is this going to happen to me as well? No! Please, no!" The lymph glands in the groin, neck and armpits were checked for signs of good health. They were not in the least bit swollen. All the muscles in the torso and arms had the thorough going over as those in the legs and buttocks. Nipples were pinched and twisted. The pectoral muscles on the chest were slapped and punched, but as they passed to the shoulder joints with raised arms it was easy to pinch them there. Again, here, the muscles were squeezed as thin as possible and bitten. The biceps, triceps and deltoids muscles seemed to be admired for their magnificent, majestic beauty by the examiners. The men all seemed to smile at them, and then poke, prod, or simply just touch them. This was followed by licks and kisses. Fingers were forced into the mouth. An examination in the mouth was difficult because of the swollen and enlarged lips. A small measure of relief as water was given to the child to drink. However, no food was given. Well at least he had had a drink. As yet, the other barrels had not been opened, nor did the occupants receive refreshment. All hands and support being removed from the boy's body, he fell to the ground as a limp lump of dejected misery and disconsolation. A large, heavy box was brought out of one of the outhouses and a selection of yokes, collars, shackles, handcuffs, and chains were soon on display. A metal collar was soon selected and fitted around the young lad's neck. It had four metal rings equal distance from each other, welded around it. The boy's wrists were handcuffed behind his back. A chain was then fastened to the ring at the front of the collar. The other end of the chain was fixed to a ring that had been secured in a massive great block of concrete. The bundle and epitome of abject misery and suffering just lay there motionless. The gang of bullies walked back to the truck. They took hold of another barrel, but not the one Terrance was in. Exactly the same thing happened to that little lad as had occurred to the other boy. Wicked, cruel treatment to each and every one. Indeed, each youth had the same experience as each other. The only difference was it was a different man that sucked each slave off. The other thing was, instead of the chain of their collar being affixed to the concrete block; their chain was fastened from their collar to the back ring in the collar of the previous slave who had been examined and assessed. Only one barrel left on the back of the pickup truck now. His turn had come! The end was nigh for him 3; for life as he had known it up to now. As Terrance continued to watch what was going on, he was surprised to see that all the other boys had been stood up. In a locked, securely chained file they were being led away. The men with mean faces, cruel expressions and smiles of glee were walking straight towards him, rubbing their hands. The all laughed as one man jumped onto the back of the vehicle and opened the lid of Terrance's barrel.
Chapter 3The lid to Terrance's barrel was thrown to the ground. He screamed in absolute terror as he looked up and saw a large, powerful black hand come down into it. A mop of his most beautiful, glorious, blond hair was grabbed in the man's fist and Terrance was yanked up in the barrel by his hair.Instinctively, he put his hands on his head. However, a backhander soon reminded him of what he had just seen. He must be passive, meek and submissive, or else. The other boys were and look at what they had to endure when they were compliant. What would happen if you dared resist. Terrance stood at attention like a soldier. Several drops of scarlet blood trickled down his face and dripped onto his snow white breasts. There was a gasp of amazement, surprise and astonishment at seeing such a treasure. Many of the people in this part of the world had never set eyes on a white person in their life before. Imagine having a WHITE slave boy! How prestigious. What a fantastic high price he would fetch in the market on the auction block! Terrance was indeed 'The Must Have' He was now the star attraction; he had stolen the show, taken the world by storm. Such an astounding, priceless, stunning artifact as this had to be handled with the utmost care and attention. Never must it be allowed to get scratched, marked or marred in any way. No, this child was not tipped out of the barrel, but carefully taken out. The onlookers were aghast. A deathly hush fell on the spectators. Each time the youth moved, a different angle, or facet of his beauty could be seen and the admiring public gasped, "Ooooooh!" in surprise, delight, adoration and worship. The white, naked slave boy stood there for all to gaze upon. The big black slave trader still held his prisoner firmly and tightly by his hair. In response, the child put his hands onto the strong black hands in a vain attempt to ease the pressure. Pressure was still applied for the pleasure of everyone as he was pulled up onto his tiptoes. His face grimaced, and with his hands freely on top of his head, his chest expanded to maximum capacity and his abdomen contracted as much it could. A cheer arose from the crowd, followed by hoots, laughter and applause. Yes, the show was spectacular and captivating. The sun had now cleared the horizon. It gleamed and glistened on the boy's clean, pure, white healthy skin. The light accentuated the ribs straining to break through the boys chest. His skinny legs could scarce be seen because of the reflection of the sun shinning and dazzling from the slender form and brilliant white shiny skin. The slave trader released the hair. Oh! One or two strands of blond hair had come out and were stuck to the tormentor's hand. He carefully removed them and presented them to some charming little girls who were in the front row, to their absolute delight. Limbs were twisted to produce varying postures and positions to enhance and magnify the beauty and delights of this delicate morsel. As all this was going on, Terrance looked around to see where he was and what it was like. He assessed the place was both a trading post and also an agricultural place. Large quantity of arable land was being farmed. Being an intelligent boy he reckoned the two most important items of trade were slaves and cereal crops. He was fully aware that he was now a slave with no hope of ever being released. He was now an item of property belonging to another person. He was owned body, soul, mind and spirit. He had no rights or say in anything. This would be the rest of his life. He looked around him from the back of the truck, and shut out all the activity that was going on in his immediate presence. A large number of naked slave boys were brought out of a large low building. They were totally nude apart from the fact each one had very good strong, heavy boots on his feet. Orders were being shouted. A number of the bigger slave boys were grouped in pairs. Both lads in each duo were about the same size. They were then yoked together with heavy wooded yokes. Mercifully the wood had been shaped and padded so that it would not damage the workers skin. The slave boys' hands were then put behind their backs and handcuffed and a steel chain was put around each waist. These two chains were then linked together by a cross member. A further cross member was fixed between the two sets of handcuffs. Thus, each team of workers was secured by the yoke on their necks: chains around their waists and by their wrists. The yoke had a steel ring central front, central rear and at each end. An O gag was affixed in each boy's mouth, thus forcing it open. Terrance realized this was folly. It could and would jeopardize the respiratory system. Not only would breathing through the mouth like this cause sore throats, but the air would not be cleaned, filtered and moistened by the nasal passages as it should be. The dirt and dust from the fields would go straight into the lungs. Sure recipe for emphysema and asthma. Plus, this way the body would unnecessarily loose precious body fluid causing fatigue, exhaustion and dehydration. Who cares? Life is cheap in these parts! An inspector went around checking that each pair of lads was safely and securely harnessed together. In his hand he carried a cane. For no accountable reason he would give one very severe lash to a boy's chest or leg. Not all the slave boys, just some. A short chain was now fastened to the ring in the front of the yoke. A little boy aged about six or seven took hold of the end of the chain and walked these, 'oxen slaves' or 'pony slaves' across the yard to farm implements and machinery. These poor little brats seemed so starved, as if they had never eaten a proper meal in their lives. There were plows, harrows, seed drills, mobile water butts and various other things waiting for bodies to be attached to them and to be drawn across the fields. The two were brought over and backed into plow shafts and pushed, shoved and pulled and harnessed into them. The shafts were secured by chains to the chains that were fixed around the pony/ox boys' waists. Now, just behind the boys' buttocks was a metal cross member of the shafts. This steel pole was oval shaped, easy and comfortable to grip. The slave boys took hold on the bar. A heavy bolt was now placed through the center of each pair of handcuffs, on through a hole in the bar, and then firmly secured with nuts on the other side of the cross member. Thus, the hands could be moved to the open and closed position, but they could not be removed from the bar with which they pulled the plow. The other items for towing or pulling were all the same design. These two youngsters had obviously been used to this type of hard labor for years. They had incredibly big strong well developed bodies and leg muscles. For the moment no one was going anywhere. The whole contingent would be prepared for the days work, and then they would all move out together on convoy to their place of work. The two slave animals in the front then had blinkers attached to their heads covering their eyes. These articles were adjustable as to the amount of light or sphere of vision permitted. They were not going anywhere just yet. The skinny little boy who had been leading them shouted orders at them. Both beasts of burden lowered their heads so the little chap could put the blinkers on. As they were not ready to go, he adjusted the blinkers for total darkness. He had obviously been put in charge. This small child had been given the daily quota that must be completed. If this was not attained he would be held responsible and be given a severe public flogging for it. His terribly scarred back proved this was no idle threat by the masters. In turn he shouted and threatened his charges. He gave them several strokes with his cane to remind them that he was boss and they were to be submissive under his charge. Yes, either of them could easily have made minced-meat out of him with one hand tied behind his back. Alas there was no possible way they could get there own back or take revenge. They usually had a different boy team leader each day. Obviously some were easier than others, while some took great delight in being cruel, spiteful and sadistic. A slender boy, aged about twelve, was brought across from the waiting group. This lad stood to attention at the other end of the plow where there are two handles. A heavy leather collar was fitted around his neck. Stitched into the leather was a chain; when the collar was attached, the two end rings of the chain came together in the front of the neck. These two links were then attached to the end link of another chain, the opposite end of which, was secured to the steel ring on the back of the yoke. Welded to the handles were chains with cuffs. The slender, tender, timorous youth took hold of the handles. His wrists are immediately secured in the cuffs. He too can manipulate his hand and fingers as he liked, but not remove them from the handle of the plow. He too bows his head in meek submission and obedience to the little child. Blinkers were put on and turned to absolutely no light. Then a ball gag was secured in his mouth. The child leader then shouts his orders and to let him know what is expected and required by the slave directing and guiding the actual plow. To enforce his authority the little boy thrashes the beautiful, round trembling buttocks. The welts come up and stand proudly as he wriggles and writhes, but there is nothing to do but endure. Eventually, all is ready; the blinkers are adjusted accordingly, or removed, and the work force moves out into the fields. The mobile water butt of course is used, for giving water to the team after a certain number of furloughs have been completed. Irrigation is done by other slaves carrying heavy buckets of water, all day, every day. This strenuous work, of course, causes these slaves to have amazing physiques. On the back of the pickup truck, the show was over, the fun had finished, the five minute wonder was gone. The majority of the crowd soon dispersed as Terrance was lifted to the ground. He just felt so absolutely humiliated. If he dared to attempt to cover his genitals and penis with his hands he got a hard slap across the buttocks. That was better than the slap across the mouth each time he dared utter a syllable. His hair was taken hold of again and he was taken to a shed. He expected to see the others who were on the same truck as him, or at least other slaves. Thoughts rushed through Terrance's head. YES, he was a slave: but what kind of slave was he to become and where would he spend his servitude?
Chapter 4Terrance was alone in this shed with three very big strong black men. The door was locked and secured behind them. The windows were open for ventilation but were heavily barred with metal grills. Still being held by his hair, he trundled along meekly, mildly and passively.He was taken to a chair and shoved into it. In the back of the chair was a steel collar and the fitting was adjusted so that the child's neck fit comfortably in it. Then it was secured and locked. Both wrists were firmly secured in cuffs on the arms of the chair; likewise those beautiful slimline ankles were locked firmly at the bottom of the chair legs. A chain was then fixed around the abdomen to the back of the chair. One of these abductors had a book. On the cover Terrance could read the words Translator's Dictionary. With eyes glaring and blazing he shouted at the poor little chap, "YOU – PLEASURE SLAVE!" Terrance was astounded by this. He wondered what, on earth, a pleasure slave could possibly be. Would it be that he might have some sort of pleasure? He couldn't imagine what. The only thing that could give him any pleasure now would be united with his mum and dad. Would he ever see either of them again? The three adults departed. He was left alone and forlorn. He needed to urinate and defecate. What could he do but mess himself! What would happen now? When the captors returned he expected and anticipated harsh treatment. But no! He was released from his bonds and other very small slave boys were brought in to clear up his mess. Not only that, but Terrance had to stand very still like a big letter X, while these other little ones had to thoroughly wash him down. Legs, buttocks testicles, penis and all. Terrance could not understand why he was treated so differently from all the others. From that day on, he was never, ever allowed to do anything for himself. Others had to wash him, feed him, wipe his back side and blow his nose. Even to drink, a small slave had to lift the drinking vessel to the boy's mouth. Most of the time his hands were in handcuffs behind his back, thus they could not be used. He wore special gloves so that he could not use his fingers: they were separated from each other. He could not pick his nails, bite his fingers or scratch himself. Under no circumstances was he allowed to speak. To ensure this, most of the time he wore some type of gag or his mouth was sealed with tape. He was given a special diet which was spoon fed to him. "WHY?" we ask," is this?" Well, the training of a pleasure slave is like this. More of this procedure will be explained a little later. After being cleansed Terrance was again returned to the chair and confined with the same bonds. A clean ball gag was fit to his mouth. Again, everyone left and he was alone. A black boy about his own age came in. An obnoxious and loutish child. He was dressed very smartly with very expensive clothes. No doubt the son of the owner of this hell on earth. The youngster swaggered up to the captive; sneered and spat in his face. Then he laughed as the mucus slid down the face and onto the victims' chest. This was done several more times. Some large ladies came in and busied themselves by placing a table up to the dejected lump of humiliated misery in the chair. Another chair was placed at the table and food and drink set on it. It was set or two. It was very apparent that the two boys were to enjoy the meal together. The black boy was to remove the gag from the slave boy's mouth and feed him with a spoon and give him drink, while he, himself, ate. The black boy smiled and gave clear indication that he would carry out this task. The ladies left. With a look of glee and delight the fat black boy ate both lots of food himself and drank all the drink too. As he did so he kept pointing at Terrance and laughed heartily. The dejected slave was very hungry and thirsty, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. When the women returned, the black boy fiddled with the gag in the white youth's mouth to imply that he had taken it out, obediently fed and watered the slave, and was now simply re-fixing and adjusting the gag. Mercifully, it was not long before the abductors returned. They removed the gag and gave the boy water. In this hot climate much fluid is required. The traders know that a slave in poor health 3; in this, case poor condition 3; will cost them money. The door opened and several little black slave boys entered. They were carrying towels. Terrance was immediately released from his bonds and gag. One of the slave dealers put a finger on the young pleasure slave's lips and shook a massive fist in his face. The message was clear enough; one word and you'll get this. The hand then moved to the head and took hold of the hair and everyone proceeded out of the shed. On arrival at the back of the building to the lad's amazement there was a swimming pool. A slave trader made a gesture with his hand for the youth to have a swim. As soon as the grip on his hair was released he availed himself of this unexpected surprise and jumped in. The other lads all jumped in as well. They played happily together and enjoyed themselves with a short break of some fun. Mercifully they managed to do this without uttering a word. Eventually, they were beckoned to get out of the pool. On exit, he was about to say, "Thank you." However, the fierce expression on the captors face reminded him such a gesture would have very painful repercussions. By sign language he understood he must stand like a letter X. He did so and the little black boys took towels and thoroughly wiped every bit of the child dry. Yes, between his toes, around his penis and testicles; one black slave pulled the buttocks apart while the other dried the crack in between. His hair was dried, and thoroughly groomed nicely with brush and comb. All this time Terrance, in fear and trepidation of the slave traders' brutality, managed not to move a muscle, utter a word, nor flinch in the least. The men noticed this and pleased them. This was manifested by the way they smiled at him and were patting him on the head. Along came the fat black boy swaggering, carrying a heavy bag. Orders were shouted at the younger children. All the wet towels were then picked up by them. Then they marched away with two of the slave traders. The remaining slave trader slid his hands over the soft smooth skin of the clean white boy's body. The fat black boy took hold of the white slender arms that hung down so invitingly and intriguingly on the white wretch in front of him. He too took an interest in them, and gently stroked and smoothed them. These lovely limbs were brought around to the back of the victim and handcuffed. The man's fingers now slid through the blond hair, and then they moved around the neck. Terrance looked up into the man's face. The silky skin that was stretched and strained across the cheeks was gently touched. The terrorized pleasure slave-boy trembled with fear as his eyes anxiously looked around in the vain forlorn hope of any rescue or escape. The powerful hands then compressed the sides of his face. The jaw dropped down. The fat black boy opened the bag and produced a penis gag. It was immediately inserted into the open mouth and secured. As it touched the soft pallet at the back of the mouth, the reflex action was to reject it and eject it. The body started to retch and gag and vomit the foreign body out; this of course was impossible. A steel collar was immediately placed around the neck, attached to which was a long chain. Terrance fell to the ground, his body convulsing and the whole of his frame shaking under the trauma. The fat black boy laid into the writhing white body with his cane, as the other tormentor lifted the slave to his feet by pulling the chain upwards. Once on his feet, the three of them set off around the outhouses towards the big house of the owner of this hell hole. The white lad was pulled along by his chain, while at the same time he was trying to vomit out the penis gag. They turned the corner into the main yard. There, before them, was a carriage 3; as in horse and carriage. However, this carriage was not drawn by a horse but by naked, nude, pony boys. In the shafts were harnessed the four most beautiful boys imaginable. Lovely divine bodies with the most perfect physique of a fourteen-year-old boy imaginable. They stood at attention like a country's most prestigious guard regiment on guard-of-honor duties for inspection by a foreign head of state. Each one immaculately groomed. Their bodies had been well oiled and, therefore, glistened and gleamed in the sunlight. Each one had bit and bridle, plus blinkers to assist in looking forward and front ways only. The four sets of reins went from each bit back to the driver's seat. The fastening of these pony-slaves to the carriage was basically the same as the slave animals described earlier. These, however, did not wear a yoke They wore a leather harness. Front and back the straps were like a letter X, but instead of the straps crossing each other, they were joined to a steel ring like a letter O in the center of the back and above the sternum. Each boy wore a steel collar. The collars were connected to each other by steel chains. That is the two opposite diagonals, the two side by side, end the two in tandem front and back. There were three very small children in charge of this team. One in attendance on either side. They each had a steel collar likewise which was secured by a steel chain to the center of the shaft their side. These two little ones had a feather fan on a long pole. Their object in life was to ensure that no insect should alight on these magnificent creatures. Should they be stung or bitten, then that small child would be spread eagled and whipped. The remaining youngster who also had a cane and the authority to use it, if he wanted, on either of the other two little ones or a pony boy if he saw it flinch or move a muscle. He also had the responsibility of wiping the saliva and dribble away from faces and bodies. When they were stationary like now, he was to remove the bits from their mouths and give water to drink. If any urinated or defecated that was to be cleaned off all skin. As Terrance wondered at this scene, a rickshaw passed through. This boy was secured in the shafts and attired the same way, but he had no attendant slave. The driver drove furiously showing no mercy but shouting and thrashing the poor creature with the whip. The body showed very vividly evidence of regular thorough flagellation. They moved on to the house, the lad being dragged along by his chain. Terrance was becoming quite distressed and exhausted through the trauma of struggling with the penis gag in his mouth. He was sat on a seat at the back door of the house. Mercifully the gag was removed and he was given a drink of water and a few minutes rest. Then up, through the door and into the kitchen. The free end of the chain was secured to a ring that was built into the wall and his hands were released. There, in front of him, was a pile of dirty crocks. The fat black boy administered a few strokes of the cane, and then tapped the dishes. He, the slave, had to wash this lot up. Terrance said nothing, but thought how ridiculous; he was not allowed to exert himself by feeding himself or wiping himself dry with a towel, but it was in order for him to do this. He could not have known, but this was only a one-off. This was still his first day here, he would start his daily routine and in-depth training for being a pleasure later that afternoon. The slave busied himself with the task allotted to him. He was now getting quite hungry because the fat black boy had stolen and devoured his earlier provisions for the day. At last the job was completed. An O gag was inserted in his mouth and secured and hands again put in handcuffs behind his back. The chain was unlocked from the wall and he was towed back out and across the yard. They entered the big long shed that he had seen all the slave boys assemble from that morning. On entering, Terrance was surprised to find the dormitory empty. The floor was immaculately clean. It was obvious that this was someone's daily chore. Likewise, the bedding was put out for daily airing. In the center of the floor was what looked like metal goal posts. However, on closer inspection, things looked quite ominous. The four corners each had metal rings with chains attached. Also there was a winding mechanism to shorten the chains. Terrance soon found that his four young, tender slim limbs were attached to the chains by cuffs and he was spread eagled out like a capital X to full extent. The O gag was removed from his mouth and he was given another drink. Still no food; he felt ravenous. A clean O gag was placed and secured in his mouth. The cross bar was adjusted so that the cervical vertebrae rested up against it. Then two pieces of metal shaped like a letter F were placed one each side of his face and fastened into the bar. It was not possible to move his head or any of his limbs. He was completely immobile. The other two slave traders returned. One carried the Translators Dictionary and a sheet of paper where he had written what he needed to say to his young victim of human trafficking. He opened his piece of paper and spoke in very poor English:
Pleasure Slave was just left to scream and howl all alone fastened securely to the metal frame, and completely unable to move at all. Everyone else left the building. So, his serious training as a pleasure slave was starting now!
Chapter 5The slaves of all ranks and levels had returned from their day's grievous hard labor. Everything had been removed from their bodies completely: yes even the dirt sweat and grime of the days toil. They had returned via the river and were thoroughly lean, and relatively refreshed. They would now be fed, watered, chained and bedded down for the night.When the slaves entered their quarters, they were astonished and astounded to see a white slave boy strung up for their pleasure and delight. These boys had never heard of such a thing as a white person before yet alone seen one. As they entered the shed, they kept to the wall and stared in silence. They were not sure how to react. Eventually they gradually moved closer to gaze on such a strange and unexpected sight. Terrance, or should I say, Pleasure Slave, could do nothing except move his eyes to watch a bit of what was going on, and who was close up to the front of him. He was entirely at their mercy 3; in their hands, literally! Lesson one for a pleasure slave: his whole role and purpose in life is for others to use, abuse, misuse, confuse, but not amuse. Muse on this! Yes the sad little white slave boy did. First there was a touch, then a poke followed by a prod. Then a rub, and thump, a smooth and a stroke. Soon there were so many fingers and hands touching him all over he was quite confused as to what was happening where. They were like a swarm of angry bees or ants. His hair was ruffled pulled and tugged. Most of the black slave boys had either no hair at all or precious little. They must have thought it was some kind of veil or hat. Mercifully, he did not really loose any of his precious hair. The confidence of this swarm of tormentors grew strong. His buttocks were pulled wide apart and a finger inserted up the rectum. Indeed it was most uncomfortable and humiliating, but this is what a pleasure slave has to get used to and accept as agreeable normal behavior. Thus, this is the whole point, plan and purpose of their existence. The tragic victim of all this grief lost count of how times a different finger was inserted into him. Fingers were also put into his mouth through the center of the O gag. One of the bigger boys brought his face up close. Pleasure Slave could even smell his breath. The black face got closer and closer! There was a look in those deep, dark eyes that the white boy had never seen before. Later he would realize: LUST! A large red tongue shot out from between the pearly white teeth and into the mouth of the hapless slave boy. The lad's instinctive reaction was to close his mouth, or move out of the way. Either option was impossible of course. However, once the victim relaxed and submitted to it, he found he rather liked it! Several others tried the same. Shortly, the first lad to have done it pushed back to the front of the queue. There was excited chat between the slave boys, none of which Terrance could understand. Several boys then squatted down in a pile in front of the spread eagled youth. The black youth climbed up on top. The bemused youth now had full view of an erect penis, looking like a ramrod aimed straight at him. He could not believe what he saw! Had never in his life ever seen or imagined such a scene. With a bit of grunting and shoving the penis entered into the mouth of Pleasure Slave. Several tried it. Eventually a smaller sized penis entered in quite simply and smoothly. Something was not quite right, nor satisfactory to those making an insertion. At this stage the victim had no idea that they required a gentle sucking, licking and massage with and by his sweet little tongue that they had just enjoyed touching and fondling with theirs. In frustration they started to spit on him and urinate over him. Next the bigger youth got back on top of his friends. His engorged penis once more entered the mouth, then withdrew. This happened several times and he thrust his hips back and forward vigorously. Using his hand vigorously and ferociously on his large organ he ejected a vast amount of sperm into the face of Pleasure Slave. These were new things of which he knew nothing as such activities were both foreign and alien. Some of the ejaculate had entered his mouth, while the majority had splattered over his face and into his eyes. The salty slime was on his tongue. As he had not eaten anything all day, it was good to have something at least to taste. Several of the boys followed suit. His whole head was now covered in sperm. It slowly trickled down onto the shoulders and body. Other slaves just masturbated where they could on Pleasure Slave's body; legs, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, just wherever. Several penises were wiped clean on a piece of skin that was dry on Terrance. The fun was over; the group began to drift apart. With that, the three slave traders came in. They looked upon the spreadeagled mess of abject misery and suffering. They were obviously very pleased with what they found. They expressed their appreciation to all the slaves in the dormitory. No idea what was said but there arose a huge cry of delight and cheering and clapping. Their faces were filled with laughter, delight, pleasure, satisfaction and smiles. Some orders were then shouted and several slaves then went outside. A wooden crate was brought in by two lads and placed it in front of the specimen of dejected misery still strung up. The slave trader who seemed to be the boss got on top of the crate. He had his Translators Dictionary in his hand. He opened it and said to Terrance, "Suck lollipop!" He then removed the gag from the mouth of Pleasure Slave. The youth was relieved to be able to close his mouth and swallow properly again. This was short lived. The order, "Suck lollipop!" was again given. The tormentor's enormous penis was then inserted into the child's mouth. So full of fear and trepidation, he just did as he was told. Not long after his mouth was completely filled with spunk. Some was coughed and splattered out. The other two men did exactly the same. The dictionary was referred to again. "You always swallow. Next time you spill out. VERY bad pain you get. Be warned!" The lad was immediately released from the frame and laid down. Drink was brought to him. The vessel was held to his lips, but he was not allowed to touch it. He lay passively as the little ones gathered around him and thoroughly cleaned him up. His magnificent, beautiful, glorious hair that was his pride and joy was shaved off completely. His head was as smooth as an egg. There was good reason for this: humiliation and hygiene. They reckoned he would be on the auction block within four months. By that time it would be beautiful and desirable for any potential buyer to want to make a purchase. It would be up to the new owner of the boy as to whether he would let it grow longer 3; master's prerogative. The other lads returned with some long troughs, while others cleared away the mess from the frame. At last Terrance was in pristine condition again. Now all the bear, naked, nude boys were lined up with their backs to the wall, facing the center of the floor where the troughs were laid out. Pleasure Slave was taken to the other side and seated in an upright chair. Again his hands were secured in handcuffs behind the back of the seat: Likewise his slender ankles to the legs of the chair. An immaculately clean wheelbarrow entered, it was filled with food! Ladles were used to shovel it into the trough. The three slave traders took up their stations. One at each end of the trough and one in the center. Each had a whip that they delighted to crack. The fat black boy came in with his cane and started to swish it around, showing off. An order was shouted and the fearful youngsters approached the trough and got down on their hands and knees with their faces hovering over the food. Then a further command was given and they all put their heads in the trough and began to eat. Had any slave dared to move hand or knee from the floor it would have been whipped severely. As it was, the fat black boy lashed out at some of the poor souls. Not that they had done anything to deserve it. When they had fed sufficiently they moved back from the trough. As the last one shuffled back; further instructions were given. They all moved back to their former position. Everyone filled its mouth to capacity, and then stood in a column. One of the small children that waited on Terrance came to him with his cane in hand. The little one gave the restrained white slave boy four lashes with his cane, one on each limb. Then he gave a very serious gesture threateningly with his cane. The column of boys moved off in procession. Each one came to Pleasure Slave and put his face into his. Terrance had his head pushed backwards over the rear of his seat and his mouth opened. Then the standing slave regurgitated the food from his mouth into the white lads' mouth. The revolting, disgusting muck was really horrible, however, he was starving, it was that or nothing, plus, if he acted up, he would definitely lose and there would be a lot of extra pain, penalty and discomfort thrown in. Feeding was completed. Each slave returned to his position. Collar and chain were attached to the swan neck of Pleasure Slave. The other slaves sat cross-legged with arms folded. The fat black boy lashed out at one or two he thought were not sitting in exactly the correct posture. Terrance was then led by his chain to crawl around on all fours, to each of the seated slaves and lick his face clean. Any of the boys who dared to move a muscle was lashed. The chore was completed. Each body was then cleansed and inspected for infection or disorder. With the exception of Pleasure Slave, every slave was then shackled and hand cuffed. A heavy chain then passed down through the dormitory between each boy's legs above the shackles. Then a collar and chain was attached to each victim. The free end of the chain was fastened to a ring in the wall. The sad, broken little white lad was brought out into the open by his collar and chain. The doors on the shed were closed, locked, barred and bolted. Pleasure Slave, his three little black slave attendants, the fat black boy 3; complete with his cane that he was still waving about 3; plus the three big slave traders strolled across the yard back to the house. They entered the bedroom of the slave trader boss. In the corner was a steel cage. Terrance had his gloves fitted on again, thereby making it impossible to use his hands. A penis gag was fitted in his mouth. However the piece entering the mouth was small. He could still swallow with ease, but of course it did mean it was impossible for him to speak. Surprisingly, the floor of the cage was a comfortable mattress and good pillow. Soon, our little hero was crying himself to sleep on the pillow trying his best to stifle his sobs.
The next six weeks were very similar to his first full day of being a pleasure slave. At the end of the six week's vigorous and rigorous training he was well and truly broken and was putty in the hands of his tormentors. No matter what was required of him he complied meekly, submissively and obediently without the least sign of objection. Indeed he gave the impression that this was his forte in life. His hair grew to a magnificent blond mop, when after six weeks, and still only eleven years of age he was taken to the slave market and sold on the auction block to a foreign despot, or potentate, for a phenomenal price: beating all previous record prices. His new master was The President of his country. Pleasure Slave was his pleasure slave and was kept in a steel cage in Master's bedroom. There he lived; fed, watered, cleaned and cared for by small slave boys who waited on him and cared for him like minions should. Like drones to the queen ant or bee. Three enormous black eunuchs, who were in charge of running the palace also trained, punished, tormented, and made Pleasure Slave's life an absolute hell. A living nightmare. All this without leaving any long term marks on the skin, and most certainly no impairment or mark to detract from this pinnacle of perfection of glory and beauty of youth. Chapter 6four long years, like six eternities, have now passed since terrance was abducted and forced to become a pleasure slaveThis country where Terrance is the most precious, personal, private, sexual pleasure slave to The President is rich in minerals and ores that the American government requires. The White House has sent a delegation to discuss business. Both sides seem happy with the outcome. However, the Americans have to be extra specially careful and diplomatic in how they conduct themselves. The least and most trivial upset before the Americans leave the country to return home first thing in the morning could seriously jeopardize everything. The American delegation were very pleased with themselves. They had won a great deal for The White House and The Pentagon. The African President was also delighted with the arrangements. The Americans were guests of honor in the presidential palace. In order to impress his guests and express his gratitude The President said he would provide each of the Americans with a bed mate for this their last night from his own personal private harem. The guests could choose either male or female. Approximate age and size. Their requests would be considered but they would not be given a preview of the item they would be provided with. However, the leader of the delegation was informed that The President was so pleased, satisfied and grateful, that the leader of the delegation was to have The President's personal, permanent, private, preferred bed mate. Such a thing had never been heard of before. This body must be really something extra special! The American lay naked on the bed, but covered with a sheet. There was a knock on the door. "Enter!" He called. The door opened and in came three massive black eunuchs. They brought in with them a youth of about fifteen years of age. However, his food rations had been kept very short, thus to inhibit his growth and development. He had not been able to have proper exercise so that his muscles had not developed into large limbs and torso. Yet special attention had been given to the slaves' diet to ensure the skin was in absolutely first class condition of health. The little white boy who was brought in on the end of a chain looked lost, bewildered, and terrified. The collar and chain being removed from his neck, he immediately fell to the floor and paid homage, worship and did obeisance to the client in bed. The lad's face was placed hard on the floor and his hands and arms stretched out full length in front of him. Resting on his knees his buttocks stood high above him. The eunuch flicked his fingers. The white slave boy then gave his full attention to the hand that had clicked. Not a single word was spoken, but with just hand movements alone Pleasure Slave acted accordingly. Any sudden movement from any of the men caused this heap of abject misery to cringe and cower in fear. When you consider the relentless harsh treatment and vicious cruelty he was forced to suffer and endure each and every day with no respite at all, then this end product was not surprising. He licked all three of his tormentors' feet, legs and around where their testicles and penis used to be before they had been surgically removed when they had been small little boys. One of the eunuchs spoke to the American visitor, "Sir, The President hopes you will enjoy your evening with his most loved, valued, treasured, possession. His Excellency is exceedingly jealous over this item or commodity of his. Even so, there are certain things you must know and conditions you must adhere to." "This creature is forbidden to speak or utter one single syllable. If he should dare to make the least sound or utterance to you, he will be most severely whipped, plus other tortures and penalties. Plus the contract which was signed between our two countries today will be torn up and annulled. You have been warned. This room is bugged, so do not encourage the slave to disobey his master. We believe he can be trusted, I hope that trust has not been misplaced as there will be dire consequences as you are now aware of." "This animal knows that it is owned body soul mind and spirit by its master. It has been well trained to be submissive, subservient and comply with having no will or mind of its own. Please press that bell by the side of the bed when you have taken your fill of pleasure and we will collect the article and remove it from you without further ado. Is there anything else you require? If not, enjoy your evening." The American dismissed the eunuchs and eyed Pleasure Slave that was his special gift to enjoy for the evening. Yes, only the evening, The President needed it back for the night. His eyes feasted upon the young, tight thighs. Then lusted with the whole complete, delightful scene of adoration, beauty and glory. A slender, tender boy, with blue eyes and blond hair that fell in waves and curls to his shoulders. His hairless soft smooth skin was as white as milk. He had not the slightest blemish of any description in his skin. Through the clear pure skin could be seen the faint network of veins. Here and there slight bulges of child muscles could be seen. Perfect teeth as well. He was, indeed, the personification of the pinnacle of perfection of a young lad. A very fine specimen indeed. So filled with lust and the desire to be gratified: So engrossed was he with this admirable delightful little darling, he did not notice the boy stare at him and the expression on his face change dramatically. Pleasure Slave presented his body, and then in seductive gestures and postures paraded around the room. He lay face down the on the bed next to the guest. The Senator grabbed the lad and forced his face into the bed so that Pleasure Slave could not breathe. He tightly held a fist-full of hair as he applied pressure to the back of the skull. Using oaths and curses and the foulest language, he shouted in the boys' ear, "Kid, remember you are just garbage and trash that no one cares about one bit! You dare make the slightest sound or utter one syllable while you're here with me, and I personally will see to it, that your life so far will seem as if it had been a holiday camp or a picnic." Then the hand was released and the slave boy was free to gasp in air. The youth then continued his repertoire. [I don't have to describe them, YOU know!] He manipulated and positioned his body and limbs in every seductive, sensual, sexual way possible. Never once did the lad attempt to give the least trace of a smile. The American put this down to its severe training, discipline, and various punishments which had not just broken or crushed the boy's spirit but absolutely destroyed him. This wretch, he thought, is no more than a rag doll. Indeed, when all the performing and posturing had finished, Pleasure Slave flopped on the bed all, limp, placid and inviting; just like a rag doll. The client threw the sheet off the bed onto the floor. Like an animal he started to lick, sniff and kiss the nude body all over. When he got to the face there were tears. He licked them up with grunts and moans of pleasure and delight. The youth continued to cry as the American's fingers passed through his hair. His hands went over every single little part of the lad's beautiful silky soft body. There was absolutely nowhere that had not been examined, touched smoothed, caressed, stroked, poked, fondled or caressed. The child's body was wet with saliva. Yet, through all this, he was as limp, placid and still as if he were indeed a rag doll. Eventually, he indicated that Pleasure Slave was to get on his hands and knees on the bed. The anal orifice was examined, lubricated 3; KY jelly provided in the bedside table 3; and the American politician's penis inserted. After the American dignitary had finished fucking and shagging Pleasure Slave: he gasped, grunted, groaned and collapsed on the youth's back. "Never in all my life have I had such a wonderful ride and an enjoyable time. Boy, I wish you were mine! Most sincere thanks for giving me such a marvelous time. I wish there was some way, or thing, I could do to reward you. YES, I would give you anything you want, indeed do anything for you!" he said. The boy now lay flat on the bed face down. The satisfied client lifted himself from the child's body. He then pressed the bell for the eunuchs to come and remove Pleasure Slave and convey it to its next appointment 3; for its next session to bring joy, pleasure, and happiness to either another client or his Master. The man steadied himself as he got to his feet. He put out his hand right by the face of Pleasure Slave. The fingers were splayed out! His hand was about three inches [8 cm] from the end of the lad's nose. He could see and read his parents initials on the gold signet ring on the little finger. There was the date of his parents wedding on the gold wedding ring on the ring finger! Pleasure Slave seized the hand and squeezed it tightly and kissed it vigorously. The American was a little a taken aback by such conduct. The big black powerful eunuchs entered the room. They lifted the prostrate boy from the bed and pulled the hands apart. The young lad's face filled with horror and his eyes with fear. His face was the epitome of terror as his head was yanked back by his hair by one eunuch. Another seized his arms and forced his shoulders back, and chest out: almost hard enough to dislocate the shoulders. The third eunuch replaced the collar and chain firmly around Pleasure Slave's neck: The fear and terror in the wild whites of his eyes told their own fearful sad story. The eunuch asked the American guest "Was everything to your pleasure and satisfaction, Sir?" He hesitated before replying, "Well, yes thank you. Very enjoyable pleasure and leisure. No I do not find fault at all. Indeed I should very much like the opportunity to use it again. Having said that, I could not understand why it gripped my hand so tightly, and why it cried so much." "CRY!" exclaimed the eunuch. "I have never known it to shed a tear once in all the time I have supervised the animal." He looked into the tear-stained face and spat in it. Then he continued, "This article has not been hung in the frame and whipped for a while. Perhaps that is what it needs. Give it something to cry about." The American interjected with a grunt, "OK! Yes please, Thanks" (Senator, what about those words of endearment and appreciation you just uttered?) "But this is extraordinary," continued the eunuch, " because it has been the private personal possession of The President for some six years now, and it has never once ever shed a tear, never once has there ever been a complaint about the brute by His Excellency or any other person who has been privileged to use this pleasure slave. Anyway, I promise to whip it severely when it has completed its use and service tonight. The American interjected again with a grunt, "OK! Yes please. Thanks" "I dare not ask the reason for its tears, and he dare not tell me either. So we shall never know." The slave boy was given a slap on both his cheeks, enough to knock his head off. As the chain was yanked fiercely and powerfully, the boy put both his hands on the chain to take the strain and relieve the pressure from his neck. As they led the lad away, he half turned and leaned back to the man with tears rolling down his cheeks: Still being led away, Pleasure Slave turned his tear-stained face to the American gent. He pointed to the guest's left hand, smiled, put his hand to his mouth and blew a kiss. The client's eyes opened wide! His jaw dropped! He gasped, spluttered and then there came an agonizing cry from a bitter soul with a broken heart. Such a lamentable and pitiful cry as he exclaimed in loud passion as the door closed 3; 3; 3; TERRANCE! !
Not the End?Not satisfied with this end? Will Terrance's father try to rescue his son? Will he succeed? Will he buy Terrance and use him als pleasure slave? Everything is possible. Greenfrog, Maiocxx and Céladon invite all readers and authors to write some final chapters for this story. All submissions will be published here.Only a few 'rules': maximum 2,500 words, and no snuff. Send a meessgae through this feedback form with End for The Pleasure Slave in the subject line, and you'll get the e-mail address for submissions. |