PZA Boy Stories


Elijah, Izzy & Aaron

San Carlos Island stories #4, #6, #9 & #11

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories


  • #4 The Love Boat (1,800 words / 3½ pages)
    This is the story of an unlikely friendship between a San Carlos Island 'boy' and his first client. Don't let the title fool you. This is nothing like the 1970's TV sitcom.
  • #6 Elijah (12,000 words / 24 pages)
    This story has some of the same people from the story 'The Love Boat'. Elijah gets a two week vacation from San Carlos Island. He is spending two weeks at home with his mother, younger brother Jiri and his wicked stepfather Homer. Later his brother Jiri comes to Summer Camp on San Carlos Island.
  • #9 Lester DelRay's Revenge (2,000 words / 4 pages)
    Slave owner Ben Toeber has a soft spot, his eleven year old son Izzy. Ben's enemy Lester DelRay discovers young Izzy sequestered in luxury in the Swiss Alps. Will Lester be able to use Ben's love for Izzy to take control of San Carlos Island?
  • #11 The Clone Master (2,000 words / 4 pages)
    This story started off as a sequel to Lester DelRay's Revenge but it has enough new ideas that I feel it represents a new story line. It deals with human cloning to create very beautiful boys for both fun and profit.
Publ. Eunuch Archive (2008-2009) This site: Nov-Dec 2010

4 and 9: Finished, 6 & 11: Under construction. 18,000 words (36 pages)



Category & Story codes

Slave Boy & Prostitution story/eunuchs
Mbslave anal oral – prost castration & nullification


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


a main theme of this story is the non-consensual or coerced nullification of young boys, that is cutting of their penis and scrotum. If you don't like stories with that theme, don't read further.

If this type of material offends you or if you don't like it, then


Author's note

This is a San Carlos Island story. San Carlos Island was the invention of another author, Timothy, for his "Sander" story. He never finished that story and gave others permission to use it.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author, you mail will be send to him by Paolox31(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Josh - Elijah in the subject line.


The Love Boat

San Carlos Island story #4

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories
Elijah (9 & 12yo) and Drew (adult)
— Mb – cons anal

This is the story of an unlikely friendship between a San Carlos Island 'boy' and his first client. Don't let the title fool you. This is nothing like the 1970's TV sitcom.

Technically speaking Drew and Elijah were client and slave but in reality they were close friends. At times it seemed that they were best friends. They had first met on San Carlos Island three years earlier. Elijah had been a recently castrated and frightened little 9 year old slave and Drew was is first client. He had tried to be brave but after he was delivered to Drew's room the little eunuch lost his composer and started to cry uncontrollably. Most clients would have been angered by this display and demanded a full refund, but not Drew. Even in tears-and trying to cover his crotch in shame-the little guy was so pretty that the man fell instantly in love. He lifted the child up into his strong arms and comforted the naked eunuch. He wiped the tears from Elijah's beautiful face and the long blond hair away from his sexy blue green eyes.

"Let's get you dressed," Drew had said. "That will make you feel safe. Don't worry little Elijah, I'm not going to do anything to you. I won't hurt you in anyway."

"But if I don't please you Ben will place me on the auction block and I'll end up in some cheep brothel having my brains fucked out every night." the little eunuch said and he started to sob anew.

"Don't worry about that little one," Drew said. "Next morning I'll tell Ben that you were fantastic. I'll tell him that you are the best I've ever had and I've had plenty. If Ben ever dose decide to sell you I'll buy you for myself."

"But why?" Elijah had asked. "Why are you doing all this for me when I haven't done anything for you?"

"I'm doing this because you are a wonderful little guy and I want you for my son."

"But why would you want me as your son? I've been gelded. I'm not even a boy anymore," Elijah said.

"That doesn't matter to me," Drew replied. That night Drew and Elijah stayed up late just talking and eating pizza. The Nullo explained that his real father, who he had loved, died years ago, and that he had been sold by his new stepfather. "I never want to see that creep again," Elijah had said. "He was planning on selling me all along, even before he married my mom. He was only interested in the money. Once married my mom couldn't refuse him and I got sold into slavery. I never want to see either one of them ever again as long as I live!"

"Think of me as your new dad," Drew said

fast forward three years

Elijah had just turned 12. With Drew's love and support-and Ben's guidance-he had become one of the best and most expensive sex slaves on San Carlos Island. Elijah was far too skilled for Ben to sell at any price. To celebrate their three year anniversary Drew had rented the nullo for ten days to take him on a father son Caribbean cruise. Two days at sea Drew found the child on the ship's deck looking down at the swimming pool. The pool was filled with happy fathers and their naked young sons playing and splashing in the cool water. But Elijah didn't look very happy. "Why the long face?" Drew asked.

"When you told me that you were taking me on this cruise I didn't know that there was going to be so much nudity and boy swapping," the youth answered.

"Well I hadn't expected things to be quite so blatant," Drew admitted. "But I don't see why it bothers you."

"You mean that because I'm a San Carlos boy who is used to sucking dick and have his butt pounded by all sort of strange men it shouldn't upset me!" Elijah shot back.

"I didn't mean it like that Elijah. Look this cruise is for you to have fun. If you don't want sex that's fine, you don't have to have it. On this ship you are my son. No one knows that you are a slave and they never will. Now why don't you go for a swim with your new friends?"

"The other kids, and even some of the men, are starting to ask questions. They want to know why I never remove my swimsuit," Elijah said.

"If you want to leave your suit on you can and if you want to go nude you can. Either way it's all up to you," Drew replied.

"Go naked?" Elijah asked. "Have you forgotten that I've been castrated?"

"That was three years ago. I thought you had adjusted to being a nullo."

"I have but have they?" Elijah asked pointing to the pool. "This cruise is for rich boys and their proud dads. Boys like that are never castrated. The have too much money for that. People will ask questions. What will I tell them when that ask what happened to my genitals?"

"Let them ask," Drew said. "You don't have to answer. Tell them that sexual nullification is a personal matter and it's really none of their business why you were done."

After awhile Elijah did go down to the pool but he kept his suit on. One of the boys, a cute little ten year old named Joey, was just coming out for a swim. "Ouch!" the naked boy said to Elijah as he rubbed his cute little bottom. "I'm so sore back there. My butt really got some pounding last night." But the boy had a triumphant grin and was clearly hoping that Elijah would ask for details.

"What happened?" Elijah asked.

"Last night my dad got really drunk at the poker table and he lost me to this really big black guy with a ten inch [25 cm] whang! I'm not kidding. It was this long," Joey said as he held his hands apart like the kid who was telling about the fish that got away, only this fish didn't get away!

"Your dad lost you in a poker game?" Elijah asked.

"It was only for one night," Joey said. Then he smiled and added. "The black guy was so huge it was scary as hell and his dick hurt really bad but all the same it was the most fun I've ever had. The black guy treated me like I was his slave! I had a blast! But then you wouldn't know anything about that Elijah. Poor Elijah you don't know what you are missing. Everyone says that you are a virgin and will probably die that way."

"I'm not a virgin," Elijah replied.

"Oh yeah right!" Joey teased. "I've already had four different men now and I sucked three of them," the boy bragged. "How many men have you had?"

"I lost count soon after my ninth birthday. The fact is I'm a world class catamite. I'm rated in the top 2% on the Greenburg scale," Elijah answered true.

"Lier!" Joey said. If you had a rating that high you'd be making 10,000 a night. As it is you can't even remove your pants. Did you know that my dad offered your dad to trade us for a night? Your dad answered, 'Sorry I'd love to enjoy Joey but Elijah hasn't yet told me that he is ready to be swapped.' That's just what your dad said. I should know, I was there."

Elijah hadn't known any of that. As a slave he had no rights at all. He wasn't used to being treated with such respect, even by Drew.

"You can't even take off your swimsuit Elijah," Joey said as one last dig.

With that Elijah did remove his suit and tossed it overboard. "Elijah you're a nullo!" Joey exclaimed staring at Elijah's smooth crotch.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Elijah replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry it came out that way, really I am," Joey said. "I've heard about eunuchs before of course but until you I never met one. Why did they castrate you? Did you want them to? Do you like it? Did you cry when they did it?

"Castration is a very personal matter for any kid. If I feel like it I might answer your questions later on but only if I feel like it," Elijah replied.

"Okay Elijah, I guess it was pretty nosy of me to ask you all those questions like that. And just so you know, I don't have a problem with it. In fact I think it looks hot." Joey said and Elijah believed every word because Joey's little penis was standing up and just as hard as it could be.

Latter that day Elijah found Drew sunning himself on a deck chair. "I see that you have overcome your shyness about going nude," Drew said to his young friend with a knowing grin.

"Yeah," Elijah replied with a coy smile. "I guess I was being pretty silly. You were right. No one is bothered that I'm a nullo. In fact I'm something of a celebrity. I'm the only nullo on this ship and just about everyone wants to ball me. The boys as well as the men."

Elijah then straddled Drew's lap. The man reached up to to run his fingertips lightly over the little eunuch's flawless body. The child purred with pleasure. He them leaned forward to French kiss Drew.

"I'm sorry that I've been acting like such a little shit daddy. You take me on a wonderful cruise and I've been mean. I want prove my love to you."

"Really?" the man asked. "And how would you like to do that.?"

"There are a lot of wonderful boys on this ship and you could have anyone of them. Lead me out to any man on board and in return you can take your pick of any boy you see. That's how it works on The Love Boat.

"I'm not lending you out to anyone," Drew said. "You are the only boy I need."

"But I'm not even a boy," Elijah giggled as he fingered his empty crotch provocatively. The young eunuch then positioned his boy pussy over Drew's had dick.

"What? Are you going to fuck me here?" Drew asked. "People will see us!"

"Good, let them watch. I want everyone to see how much I love my daddy." The young eunuch replied as he lowered himself onto Drew and expertly used his butt muscles to grip and release the man's hard dick as he slid himself up and down on the shaft in sexual ecstasy. The frightened little eunuch Drew had met three years earlier had blossomed as Drew had always known that he would.

The End (For Now)



San Carlos Island story #6

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories
Elijah (11yo) and Jiri (9yo)
— Mb – slave anal oralbond diaper

This story has some of the same people from the story 'The Love Boat'. Elijah gets a two week vacation from San Carlos Island. He is spending two weeks at home with his mother, younger brother Jiri and his wicked stepfather Homer. Later his brother Jiri comes to Summer Camp on San Carlos Island.

Chapter 1

Elijah sat alone on a beach watching a gorgeous sunset over San Carlos Island. As usual the young nullo was as naked as the day of his birth save for his slave collar. His well tanned and leanly muscled 11 year old body was every bit as beautiful as the picture perfect sunset and the island paradise on which he lived. But the little eunuch was sad. Presently Drew came and sat down next to the 'boy'. Wordlessly Elijah leaned into the man's strong arms to allow himself to be held. In this position his empty crotch was completely exposed but Elijah didn't mind. As a slave, two years into a five year contract, he had little modesty. He was used to being placed on display for the enjoyment of clients and he had even come to enjoy it. The power to 'turn someone on' was a very real power indeed and Elijah loved having it. He knew the effect he had on men and boys alike and relished being desired. Drew was a client but he was also Elijah's friend. He sensed that at that moment Elijah wanted only to be held and loved but not fucked. Drew was disappointed but he respected Elijah far too much to force him even though it was well within Drew's rights as a client to mount the 'boy' with or without his consent. Elijah understood this and loved Drew for it.

"Don't feel bad little nullo, being a eunuch isn't all bad," Drew said.

"You think I'm unhappy because I'm cut?" Elijah asked.

"Well aren't you?"

"No looking back on it I'm happy that Ben had be neutered. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. When I was a boy I suffered from something called Attention Deficit Disorder which is also known as ADD. It felt as if there was a little cyclone constantly swirling around in my mind scattering my thoughts all about. It was like trying to watch TV and having someone change the channel every few minuets. It was horrible. My mom took me to a doctor who put me on drugs but they didn't work very well. Try as I might I just couldn't hold on to my thoughts or concentrate. When Ben had me gelded I was very mad at first but then I discovered that the castration cured my ADD. For the first time in my life I had control over my own mind. If I had known all along that castration often cured ADD I would have gotten down on my knees and begged to be cut."

"Well if being a eunuch isn't so bad why the long face?" Drew asked.

"Before I was a slave I had a mother and a younger brother. I miss them," was Elijah's reply.

"Perhaps your mother and brother could visit you here," Drew suggested. It was true that many slaves on San Carlos had visits from family and even from friends they had known before they were sold. Ben encouraged such visits since his slaves enjoyed them but also because it was good for business. Some of the younger brothers and friends decided to stay on as slaves and others decided to be castrated. Either way Ben profited. Castrating minors was now illegal in the US so free boys who wanted to be cut had to come to San Carlos. It was a profitable side business for Ben

"No that would never work," Elijah replied. "Homer, that's my stepfather the jerk who sold me, told all his friends that he got rich playing the stock market. The money he flashes around really came from my sale. Even my younger brother Jiri believes this lie. Jiri was told that Homer sent me away to a fancy boarding school on the east coast where they are treating my ADD. If Jiri saw me here and saw that I was a nullo sex slave he'd figure out where Homer's money really came from and he'd know what a lier Homer really is. Besides I don't think I'd want my mom seeing me fucked by a client. It might upset her."


The following day Elijah was summed to Ben's office. "Elijah thanks for coming so soon," his master said. "You'll be leaving on a trip this evening and traveling as a well-to-do free boy. Now step forward so I can remove your slave collar. We can't have it drawing unwanted attention." The little eunuch did as he was told. Ben removed the collar and Elijah stood stark naked before his owner in all his nullo glory. Moved by Elijah's beauty Ben took a moment to brush the long blond hair away from his slave's large thoughtful eyes and run the fingertips of one hand up and down Elijah's supple form admiring the perfection. Lovingly Ben petted the nullo's firm, pert little bottom. He felt like screwing the pretty little eunuch then and there but there was no time. Alas!

"Now Elijah," Ben said. "You are to report to the wardrobe department straight away. Tell them that you need to be outfitted for a two week trip. Chose whatever clothing and accessories you like but everything is to be custom made, nothing off the rack. Tell them that I expect you to leave the island looking as beautiful as any movie star. Also have them issue you two thousand credits. I want you to have your own spending money to do with as you please. Any questions?"

"Just one," Elijah said. "Who will I be serving? He must be someone very rich."

"You'll be serving no one but yourself," Ben said. "I'm giving you a vacation. You've earned it. Now enjoy!"

"What?" Elijah asked in disbelief. Slaves didn't get vacations not even Ben's slaves.

"Elijah," Ben said, "since I bought you two years ago you have been one of my best slaves. The reason you're so good is that you're happy here and the clients can sense your joy. I need to do what ever I can to keep you happy. That's only good business. Last night I spoke with Drew. He told me that you were unhappy as you missed your mother and younger brother. Just for the next two weeks I have signed over your ownership to your mom. Fourteen days from now you will revert back to being my slave but for the mean time you belong to her. I trust she will return you to me a much happier slave. Now get your cute little butt over to wardrobe and from there to my flyer. We don't want to keep your new 'owner' waiting do we." Ben said and he gave Elijah a goodbye kiss on the lips and then a playful little smack on his naked bottom. The smack was just hard enough to sting. I was a reminder that Ben was a man to be obeyed.

Later that night Elijah found himself at the Los Angeles Airport. The handsome young and very well dressed 'boy' turned more then a few heads and Elijah well knew it. He had more then enough pocket money but he realized that even if he didn't he could quite easily raze much more.

After two years as a slave it felt funny to suddenly be living the life of a rich free boy. The lady in wardrobe had even tried to fit Elijah with artificial genitals so that he could appear to be a complete boy. She had explained the even fully dressed someone might notice the lack of a bulge in his pants and suspect the truth. But Elijah had refused. He didn't want a fake penis and balls glued to him and he said so. The lady explained that she could install his 'new penis' so that he could pee while standing just like a real boy. She also said that he could chose to be circumsized or uncircumsized and very well hung. But even so Elijah had refused and the lady had, at last, given up. Elijah didn't want to pretend to be something that he was not.

At first Elijah's mom and his brother, Jiri, didn't even recognize him. He looked so fit, tan and well groomed. Jiri, who was just nine, let out a yelp of pure glee when he realized the boy with the movie star good looks was in fact his own brother who he hadn't seen for two years. He danced with joy after kissing Elijah. "That fancy boarding school certainly dose agree with you," his mom said with a wink and Elijah realized that for the sake of Jiri he was suppose to play along with the ruse.

"Where's Homer?" Elijah asked not really wanting to see the man who sold him. Elijah was secretly hoping that Homer and his mom had split. But no such luck.

"This is Friday and that's Homer's bolling night," Jiri explained. "Homer won't be back until really late tonight or maybe not even until tomorrow morning. But Eli just want until you see the new house he bought us. It's huge with a big backyard and a swimming pool and five bedrooms each one with its own bathroom but you can sleep with me in my room just like we did before we were rich."

"Jiri your brother has had a long trip and he'll want a room to himself where he can rest with out you bothering him and keeping him awake," their mother said.

"No really mom, I'd like to sleep with Jiri," Elijah said and he wondered if his mother might suspect that he was a eunuch. If Homer knew that he was Elijah was sure that he wouldn't have told her. But did Homer even know himself? Probably not Elijah surmised. Homer wouldn't have bother to ask.


That night Elijah showered and then returned to the room he was sharing with Jiri. His little brother was lying naked on his bed reading a comic book and when he looked up at Elijah he gave a little gasp of shock. Elijah was naked and Jiri could see that his brother was a nullo.

"Sorry I guess I should have told you earlier that I've been castrated," Elijah said as he climbed onto the bed and laid down next to his brother.

"What happened?" Jiri was finely able to ask after he regained his wits. He was unable to take his eyes off his brother's empty crotch and his own little penis had grown as had as a rock, painfully hard. Elijah has see this sort of reaction in boys before.

"This," said Elijah proudly as he touched his nullo place, "is what really paid for this house, not Homer's great stock market sense."

"I don't understand," Jiri managed to say.

"Little brother, I haven't been at boarding school. The real story is that Homer sold me to be a sex slave. That's where he got all his money."

"By why did they castrate you?" Jiri asked. "Were you bad?"

"No I wasn't bad but boys can be very selfish when it comes to sex," Elijah explained. "Boys think that sex is all about their own enjoyment and their own needs. As a eunuch I understand that sex is really about providing enjoyment for others. I was cut to make me easier to handle and to provide greater enjoyment for men in bed. If you like you can touch it. I'm used to it."

"Do you mean 3;" Jiri started to say but he couldn't go further.

"Yes I've been fucked many times and by many men," Elijah said and he took his little brother's hand and moved it to the place where his penis had once been. "It's not gay for you to touch me because I'm not a boy." Elijah added.

Jiri was spellbound, "Dose mom know?" the boy asked.

"She knows that I'm a slave but she dosen't know that I'm a eunuch."

"How are you going to keep her from finding out?" Jiri wanted to know.

"I'm not going to keep it a secret. Tomorrow morning when we go down for breakfast I'm going down naked. I'm not going to make a big deal out of it but I do want mom to see what really bought this house."

"But won't she be mad?" Jiri asked.

"I should think so little brother but not at me. This was not my idea." Elijah said. "Mom will be mad a Homer and If we are really lucky she might just toss Homer out on his ear!"

Chapter 2

Warning! It's pretty intense. In fact it's just about more than even I can deal with!

Too excited to sleep Elijah and Jiri talked well into the night. Jiri wanted to know everything about San Carlos Island and Elijah told him as much as he thought the 9 year old could handle. Presently there came a knock on the door. "Boys I know you are awake," their mother said. "I can see the light from under the door and hear you giggling. May I come in? I think we need to talk."

Both children were naked on top of the covers. Well this is it, Elijah thought. If mom comes in now she'll see what they did to me. "Just a moment mom," he said. Although Elijah had been preparing himself for this moment he was still extremely nervous. How would his mother react when she saw that he was a nullo? Would she scream? Would she go looking for revenge? Elijah didn't know. He sat up on the bed with his legs spread wide apart so his mother could take it all in at once and get it over with. He knew his nerve was about to fail but he managed to say, "O. K. mom, I guess you can come in now. The door opened and, for a moment, no one said a word.

Elijah's mom broke the silence. She said, "Oh honey they castrated you. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to comfort you and help you recover. I know it's never easy for a boy to lose his penis but I'm sure you were very brave and it looks like a nice clean job. How to you feel about being a nullo? Are you very upset?"

This wasn't the reaction Elijah had been expecting at all. He managed to say, "I guess I'm okay with it."

"And your master," his mother continued, "the one who ordered you unmanned, is he a good man? Do you like him?"

"Yeah, Ben is very good to me," Elijah said.

"Well I'm so happy to hear that and I'm so proud of the way you are handling this." She came closer to examine her son's now smooth crotch. "A fine piece of work indeed and nothing to be ashamed of," she said.

"Mom why did they do this to Eli?" Jiri asked.

"Jiri your brother is a slave and although we may not like to admit it a slave is simply human livestock. Unless used for stud all male livestock is improved by gelding. Sexual nullification has made your brother much more docile, obedient and subservient. It has made him even more lovable and sweeter than he was before, if such a thing is possible. I know how cruel it seems but we just have to except that it was necessary."

"Mom will I be sold a neutered someday like Eli?" Jiri asked.

"I hope not darling," was the answer. "But I may not be able to prevent it. If it comes to pass we'll just have to manage as best we can. Elijah is setting a great example of how to adjust to slavery and emasculation. You should be very proud of your brother. I know I am."

"Mom you make it sound like I'm a farm animal," Elijah said.

"There is an element of humiliation but humiliation is necessary to rid you of your boy like pride. To be honest Eli now that I see how well you have adjusted I'm glad you're a eunuch. It will make this visit easier for you."

"How so?"

"Follow me boys," their mother said. "There is something you need to see." She lead the two naked children down a flight of stairs to the basement.

"But this is Homer's private room!" Jiri said with alarm. "We're never suppose to go here, not ever!"

"The time has come for you to learn the truth. It can't be put off any longer," their mother said as she entered the code on a lock and the door slid open. All three entered the room. It was large and well appointed but filled with strange furniture and strange items.

"What's this thing?" Jiri asked as he pointed to a large complex object in the middle of the room.

"That little brother is a Berkley Horse sometimes called a spanking bench," Elijah answered. "It holds a person down to be spanked, screwed or nutered. I was strapped to such a device when I was castrated. Most of the other stuff in the room is bondage gear. Mom what's going on?"

"Boys I know this will not be easy but please try to understand," she said. "I couldn't live a normal plan vanilla life. I was dying of boredom. I needed excitement and danger. I had to have it to live. And that's when I met Homer. He understood and offered what I needed but as always there was a price to be paid. I had to sign a contract. Homer isn't my husband, he is my master and I am his slave. He has total power over me."

"No!" Elijah gasped. "Mom how could you?"

"Elijah darling, you of all people should understand. Answer me true. Do you love Ben?"

"Yes I love him," Elijah said. "But Ben is nice."

"Ben had you castrated," his mother returned.

"Ben had to have me cut for business reasons. I'm worth more now as a eunuch than I ever was as a boy. He didn't castrate me to be mean. Ben loves me!"

"Well I love my Homer just as much as you love your Ben. I also love both you and your brother. Elijah please try to understand."

"Why did you need to show us this room?" Elijah asked. "Why couldn't you have simply told us about Homer?"

"Tomorrow night we will be entertaining guests. Homer's friend Mr. Conner and Mr. Conner's 16 year old son Shawn are coming for dinner. After dinner we will all come to this room. You will secure me to this bench and watch as Mr. Conner spanks and then fucks me. After that Elijah it will be your turn. I'll strip and tie you to the bench so that Shawn can enjoy fucking you. Don't worry darling, Shawn is a very handsome and well built teenager. Just go with it and you'll have a blast."

"I won't do it!" Elijah shot back with such force that one might have thought he was a boy had not his empty crotch been visible for all to see.

"It's not your chose darling," Elijah's mother said. "Ben transferred ownership of you to me for the next two weeks. But what Ben didn't know is that I'm a slave. Everything I own belongs to Homer and that means that for the next two weeks you are Homer's slave. Displease Homer and he will place us both in a brothel until it's time for your return to San Carlos.

Elijah looked distressed. His mother sat down on the spanking bench and said, "Sweetheart come closer to me." Eunuch like Elijah did as he was told. She pulled the child onto her lap and gently rubbed his empty crotch. This calmed the little eunuch. Being touched there also reminded him that he was a nullo and no longer a boy. "Remember dear," his mother said, "you and I are slaves. We serve our masters. We do their biddings. You are no longer a boy and you will never be a man. You're a wonderful young eunuch and you will serve the sexual needs of men and boys alike. I love you dearly and don't want to see you hurt. I don't want to see you spanked. But I do want to see you well fucked because I know that you will love every wicked second of it just as much as I do."

Chapter 3

Unhappy to learn that his mother considers herself to be Homer's slave Elijah goes looking for help from his friend Drew.

Drew was in his office when his secretary buzzed him over the intercom. "Mr Peterson I have a young boy here who is asking to see you. He arrived unannounced and unattended," she said. "Shall I send him in?"

Drew knew that on occasion beautiful and sexually uninhibited young boys were able to use their charms to slip past studio security. Once on the lot they would seek out producers such as himself and ask to 'audition' for a part in a movie. Drew hated to take advantage of such boys but sometimes the temptation was too great. Some of the boys were stunning! "I don't know Jackie," he replied. "I'm very busy. Do you think I should see him or send him away?"

Jackie understood that Drew was asking for an assessment of the boy. "This is one you'll most definitely enjoy," was her response. Jackie knew what sort of boys Drew enjoyed and this was clearly one of them. She could see the kid was a sexy little vixen.

"Send him in," Drew said wondering what he was letting himself in for. The boy would be willing to screw to gain favor, they all were, but how would he try to pull it off? Would the kid be coy an innocent or bold and daring? It was a game that never played out exactly the same twice.

When the 'boy' entered his office Drew was momentarily stunned speechless. It was Elijah dressed in semi formal wear. He looked great but Drew decided to play it cool.

"If Ben knew that I had contacted a client off island he would place me on the auction block," Elijah said. This was true. A slave contacting a client was forbidden. Slaves were suppose to respect the private lives of their clients not show up at their offices. "You won't tell Ben will you?" Elijah asked. He sounded scared.

"Well I don't know," Drew said with a small smile playing at the edges of his lips. "I most admit that I'd enjoy seeing you auctioned Elijah. I'd buy you and keep you for myself. I'd like that."

"But what if you were out bid and I was sold to someone else?" Elijah asked. "What if I was bought by someone really creepy who liked to hurt kids? What then?"

"Out bid?" Drew asked with mock horror. "Not a chance of that happening! No one could outbid me!"

"I'm worth a hundred times that and you know it you old pervert!" Elijah said and then the two of them busted out laughing. Elijah ran into Drew's arms and Drew lifted the little eunuch up and swag him around. They hugged and kissed and Elijah said, "I missed you Drew."

"I missed you to Elijah," the man replied. "What are you doing in L.A.?"

"Ben sent me on a two week vacation to visit my mom and my little brother."

"Ben's a great guy," Drew said. "You're lucky he owns you. How are you getting along with your family?"

"Last night I let my little brother and my mom see me naked," Elijah replied. "It wasn't easy coming out to them like that but I wanted them to know. They know that I've been nullified."

"Oh my, how did they react? Was it ugly?" Drew asked.

"My brother was intrigued but at the same time he was frightened. He's afraid that someday soon he might find himself strapped to the castration table with his legs in the sturups and his balls exposed and and ready to be taken. I tried to tell him that even if he is castrated it isn't all bad."

"And what about your mother?" Drew asked. "What did she say when she saw that her son isn't a boy any longer?"

This question clearly embarrassed the young eunuch. Elijah hung his head and said. "Mom knows more about castration than I thought. She told me that when she was 13 she spent the summer as a slave and that her master had her help when the boys needed to be fixed. She knows all about castrating boys. I thought that she'd be mad when she saw that I was a eunuch and blame my stepfather for what had happened. I was hoping that she'd throw the jerk out on his sorry butt. But she wasn't mad at all. She said it was hard seeing me with a smooth and empty crotch but she admired the workmanship. She said that she was proud of me for being so brave and making the transition so well and setting such a good example for Jiri. She says she loves me even more now than she did when I was a boy."

"Your mother is very understanding and very insightful," Drew said. "You're a very lucky child to have her to return to when your slave days are over."

"Drew do you love me?" the nullo asked.

"You know I do," the man answered him. "You are everything that I ever wanted. You are a dream come true."

"But do you love me more because I'm a nullo?" How would you feel about me if Ben had let me remain a boy? Answer me true. Are you glad Ben had me cut?"

"Eli it's difficult to explain but I'll try," Drew said. "To better understand your sexual needs so that I might provide you with the maximum pleasure possible I've watched as other men have enjoyed you sexually. I've compared notes, so to speak, with other clients and I've talked with Ben about what turns you on."

"So what have you learned?" Elijah wanted to know.

I've learned that it's not easy to share you with other men but share you I must," Drew replied. "I've heard you squeal with delight and beg for more while being ravaged and I know it's not an act to please the clients. I've seen you weep when saying your good-byes to a man who has just screwed you and I know that your tears are real. When another man puts his dick in your hot little hole you forget I'm even alive because all you can thing about is how good it feels and how you never want it to stop. You love me Eli but I'm not enough to satisfy a kid like you, no man could do that all on his own. You love any man who puts his big hard dick into your tight little boy pussy."

"But don't you enjoy seeing me happy? Elijah asked not bothering to deny the truth of Drew's words. They both knew that Elijah loved to fuck and he wasn't too particular as to who did the deed just so long as the dick was big a hard. Elijah could never get enough.

"Sure I'm happy for you but at the same time seeing you with another man makes me crazy with jealousy and I'm humiliated to see that the kid I love is nothing but a horny little slut who lives to be fucked and give head. Elijah young sluts like you live for sex. Kids like you love sex far too much to be allowed to keep their pretty little dicks. Having genitals is more responsibility than you could ever hope to handle. You need control and castration provides that control."

"Drew will you do me a favor?" Elijah asked.

"That depends," Drew replied. "What do you want?"

"I want you to send some of you movie studio goons to beat up my step father," Elijah said. "I don't want him killed or hurt to bad but if they could just put him in the hospital for a few weeks until I go back to San Carlos that would be really great."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Eli but I don't have goons working for me and the security people would never do such a thing. Tell me what the problem is that you are having with your step dad and perhaps we can find some other solution."

Chapter 4

This part is told from the point of view of nine year old Jiri.

Homer had told us that we were going to have guests for dinner. A guy who I had never met before named Mr. Conner and his son Shawn were coming over. I also knew that Homer had promised Mr. Conner that Shawn could 'enjoy' Elijah. I know that sounds pretty weird. I think it was Homer's way of showing us that he was the man of the house, and that he was in control of everything, even who got screwed. Poor Eli, even though he was a slave and got it all the time on San Carlos Island he didn't like having to take orders from Homer. Eli didn't like Homer and nether did I.

When the doorbell rang I jumped to answer it. I was stunned when I saw that Mr. Conner was none other than Klaus Conner the famous fashion designer. He had is own label, sort of like Calvin Kline or Bill Blass. Only he specialized in fashions for boys ages six to sixteen.

"You're Klaus Conner," I said. "I'm a big fan of yours."

"You must be Jiri," he said. "Homer has told me all about you. This is my son Shawn."

"So you like my dad's work?" Shawn asked.

"And how!" I replied. "I'd love to wear his clothes but Homer is too cheap to let my mom buy them for me. Homer makes my mom take me to a discount store whenever we go shopping."

"Well I'll just have to talk with Homer about that Jiri," Mr.Conner said. "You are such a gorgeous boy that not showing you off in the very best is a crime."

I looked over at Shawn and he gave me a dazzling smile that almost made me melt. He was a very well built boy of about 15 or 16 and what a looker he was, real a stud! "Shawn I'll bet you want to see Elijah," I said and I realized how that sounded but everyone just laughed.

Over dinner I noticed that Elijah was very quiet and hardly touched his food. But every now and then he would steal a sideways glance at Shawn. Shawn noticed this and he gave Elijah a little wink and a grin. This made Elijah drop his fork and blush like a little school girl. It was clear to everyone in the room that Eli was smitten by Shawn. He acted like he was in love. The reason Elijah wasn't eating was obvious. He couldn't. All he could think about was what was to come after dinner when Shawn would open him up, enter his butt, and in triumph empty his seed into him.

"So tell me about that fashion design business Mr. Conner," I said.

"Jiri please call me Klaus," he replied and asked. "Do you really want to talk about anything so boring as business?"

"It's not boring to me Klaus," I replied. "I love fashion. It's what I want to do when I grow up."

"Well if you really want to know this fall I'll be introducing a new line of clothing designed exclusively for young eunuchs."

"What's the point of that?" I wanted to know. "I thought that slaves spent almost all their time naked. Why do they need clothes?"

"No I'm afraid you don't understand Jiri," He said. "I'm not designing for slaves but for free eunuchs."

"Free eunuchs?" I asked, "I thought eunuchs were all slaves or former slaves."

"No Jiri not all eunuchs are slaves," Klaus said. "But sometimes well off nullo kids feel that they need to hid their true nature and that's what I want to change. As you know eunuchs are neither boys nor girls, they are neither male or female, they are a third gender and they have an identity, a style and a beauty all their own. They deserve their own fashion. Whether dressing for a formal occasion, a day in school, or a day at the beach, a young eunuch should not have to dress like a boy. He should not feel that he has to pad his nullo place in order to look male as some do. Rather he should have clothes that accent and emphasis the beauty of a smooth crotch. He should be proud to let the world know that he is a eunuch and his wardrobe should reflect that pride. He should feel that although he has no sex he is still sexually desirable and a prize to be coveted. They say 'clothes make the man'. I believe that clothes should make the eunuch as well. In the highest echelons of the fashion world eunuchs should not feel inferior to boys or to anyone else."

"Well that would be really something," I said. "Who are you going to find to model for you; Slaves?"

"No Jiri slaves will never do. I produce a luxury product that will be marketed to well to do children and so I want nothing to do with the slave trade. I'm going to use free nullos as my models."

"Where are you going to find these free eunuchs?" I asked.

"I have already signed four but I'm looking for more. How about it Jiri, you're beautiful and have a really great outgoing personality. Would you like to model for me? You'd make a lot of money and see the world all at the same time. I'll take you to Rome, Paris, St. Petersburg and New York. You'd learn about the fashion industry from the inside out. There will be glamor, excitement and fame. You will be on the cover of the top fashion magazines."

"I'd like that but how could I model for you Klaus? I'm not a eunuch," I said as I wondered if he had confused me with Elijah.

"That can be corrected," he said.

Suddenly I realized that everyone at the table was looking at me. My mom. Homer, Elijah, Shawn, everyone. Klaus was suggesting that I be 'fixed' and everyone wanted to see how I'd react to the idea. I felt naked and embarrassed. My dick had a funny puckery feeling like it wanted to curl up and die.

"Jiri," Klaus said tenderly, "I have a very good doctor who will take excellent care of you. She loves children and is very gentle, I promise you that. The operation will be painless and afterwards you'll have only a few weeks of mild discomfort until you are completely healed. I know what a big step this is for any boy but I think it will be good for you. I dare say that you find the prospect exciting, most boys your age do although they are loath to admit it."

"The doctor is a lady?" I asked in horror. I had always thought that castration was a 'Guy Thing'. If I were to be fixed I had always imagined that it would be done by a man or better yet a eunuch, someone who knew first hand what it felt like to be strapped to a castration table with legs spread. I figured that only men, boys and eunuchs would be there to watch. What would it be like to be naked and bound before a women? What would she think of me? How would I feel when she grabbed my dick and balls to slice them off? If I cried would she think me a baby? Would she feel powerful when she did me? "I won't let a lady do that to me and that's final." I said.

"Once you meet Susan you'll like her," Klaus said. "She has a way with boys like you who are afraid to be snipped. She will know how to best handle and comfort you. When she makes the cut it will be done with love. Believe me Jiri she has fixed many boys and everyone is thrilled with her work, the parents and the new eunuchs alike. She never leaves a scare. You'll look great once the swelling and the tenderness subside. You'll look like you were never male at all."

As I listened to Klaus say this something very strange was happening inside of me and I didn't understand it at all. My dick grew hard, harder than it had ever been before. It was so hard that it was hurting me. I squirmed in my seat trying to find relief but none would come. Everyone realized that I was hard and a part of me wanted to run away and hid. But another part of me wanted to stay and say yes and have it removed. I didn't know why I was feeling the things I was or why the feelings were so intense. I was scared, excited and happy all at once. Eli had told me of something called a 'fetish'. Well I think that's what I had. I think I had a castration fetish and I didn't know if I should fight it or surrender to it. I was so confused.

Finely I said, "Klaus if I agreed to see this doctor and let her do me and then come work for you everyone would know. I'd be in all the big fashion shows in all the great cities. I'd be in all the fashion magazines but everyone would know that I was a nullo. If I modeled swim wear and underwear, which I know I would, people would see that I was smooth. I'd be famous but famous as a full eunuch."

"Yes Jiri everyone would know but is that really so bad?" Klaus replied. "It's not like you were a slave or that castration was forced on you. Everyone would know that you were free and had chosen castration of your own free will. Dose that bother you so much Jiri? Is being a eunuch really so bad? Are intact boys really so much better than smooth boys?"

"No I guess not," I said at last. "Eli is a nullo and he's cool. But once my boyhood is gone it will be gone forever. There will be no turning back. I need to know more about nullos before I say yes or no. I know that Elijah has been promised to Shawn. Well I want to watch as Eli gets it. If it looks like something I'd enjoy then I'll agree to be fixed. If not all bets are off and I stay a boy."

Chapter 5

A young boy tries to sort out his confused feelings about castration.

"I'm not here to have it done," Jiri told the lady doctor. "I'm just here because I have questions and I was told that you'd be able to answer them. Really that's the only reason I'm here," the boy insisted.

The young doctor smiled disarmingly to reassure the frightened boy. But in truth she was thinking how much she would enjoy getting the charming and oh so pretty little angel on her table and under her knife. But she could not let him know that. She needed to proceed with caution lest he be scared off. She said, "Don't worry Jiri, you are safe with me. I'm not going to try to talk you into anything that you don't what to do. All I want is to help you better understand your feelings. Now what would you like to ask me?"

The boy was too embarrassed to come right out and say it. For a while he just sat there with his mouth closed looking at his feet. After a while the doctor said, "Perhaps this is a bit too much for you right now. Shall I call your mother and have he come to collect you?"

"No," Jiri said finding his courage, "I don't want to leave yet. I have questions about what you do to boys, how you turn them into eunuchs."

"It's true that I castrate boys," the doctor said. "Some people think that what I do is barbaric and cruel. But I make sure that the boys I change feel no pain and I've seen many young boys transformed into beautiful, healthy and happy young eunuchs. Do you know any eunuchs Jiri?" she asked.

"Just one, my older brother Elijah, He's 12. He's a full nullo," the boy replied.

"Dose you brother like being a eunuch?" she asked.

"I guess," Jiri answered reluctantly. "He's a slave at a really fancy resort on an island. He has friends there and he makes really good money. He didn't really have a chose about being fixed. One day his owner just ordered it done. I guess he's okay with it. He doesn't seem to mind too much. He isn't mad at his master."

"But it bothers you?" the lady doctor asked.

"Sometimes I have nightmares about it being done to me," the boy answered true. "The strange thing is although these nightmares scare me silly at the same time they thrill me like nothing else. Something about them is just so much fun."

Jiri's nightmares were almost too intense for the boy to deal with. Jiri would dream that he was tied to a table about to be cut as others, looking on, enjoyed his plight as waves of humiliation washed over him. In his dreams Jiri would fight desperately for escape but resistance was futile. And there was more, something deep inside Jiri didn't want to escape. Something deep inside the confused mind of the child wanted to see the blade remove his boyhood and leave him smooth, a nullo just like the brother he loved. Then he would awake and find himself safe in his bed but trembling in a cold sweat. His little penis, a rock hard four inch [10 cm] spike of boy flesh pocking up between his legs. Jiri would reach down to hold it, relived to find that he still whole. But at the same time he would wish that the dream could have lasted just a little longer so that he could have seen it taken from him. His emotions were so powerful and he couldn't really understand them. It was all so confusing, like a war inside his mind. He didn't know if he wanted to stay a boy or become a eunuch.

"Jiri," the young and very attractive doctor said, "What you are describing is not so unusual. Many boys are frightened by castration but at the same time they are fascinated by it. Usually the more a boy knows about being gelded the less it frightens him. Now tell me about your brother Elijah. How did you feel when you first discovered he was a eunuch?"

"I was shocked the first time I saw him naked. After he was cut I mean," the boy explained. "But I was interested as well. I wanted to look away and I wanted to look closer. I wanted to blot it from my mind and I wanted to learn more. I don't really know what I want any more and that's the problem. I feel so mixed up."

"Do you feel that nullification has made your brother something less than a complete child?" the doctor asked.

"No!" the boy said forcefully. "Elijah is still Elijah."

Do you think that Elijah is now some sort of freak?" she asked. "Do you love him any less for being a nullo?"

"He's no freak!" Elijah all but yelled. "Castrated or not I still love him. Nullificaion dose not turn a kid into a monster!"

"Jiri I didn't mean to upset you," the doctor said. "I'm just trying to make a point. Often times boys feel that castration will diminish them. They are afraid that others will see them as handicapped or as objects of pity. They are afraid that once they have lost their penis, and are no longer able to make love they will not be loved. But you know that's not true. The fact that your brother doesn't have a penis does not make him any less complete. I does not mean that his friends and family will not love him. It doesn't mean that he can't enjoy being loved."

"I once watched while a teenage boy made love to Elijah," Jiri said. "I liked watching it happen. I think that maybe I might like to be a eunuch and have a boy like that take me but I'm afraid. The boy undressed Elijah as his kissed him and told him he was beautiful. I could see that Elijah loved what the boy was doing to him. But but once my brother was completely naked the boy used a thing on him. He put Elijah in a harness. It was made of black leather with silver studs and it held Elijah's hands behind his back so that he was completely helpless. At the back there was a leash so that Elijah could be lead around like an animal, like a pet. I don't know why the boy did that. Elijah was not trying to get away or anything. Elijah wanted to be fucked. When the boy put his dick inside Elijah's butt, well I don't think my brother had ever been happier. I even think that he enjoyed being harnessed but I don't really know why. Dose being a nullo make Elijah want to be treated like that?"

"I sometimes boys as well as eunuchs like to be bound," the doctor explained. "I don't think that it has much to do with castration one way or the other. Sometimes being placed in a harness feels good. It might feel good to let someone else take total control of your body."

"I guess," Jiri said, "But I still don't understand it."

"Well perhaps this will help," the doctor said as she produced a gift wrapped package from under the table. "Open it," she said.

Jiri pulled away the bright and festive paper and what he saw made his gasp. It was a beautifully hand tooled boy harness and it had his name embossed along the chest strap. The leather was red and glistened like a polished gem. The studs were silver and glittered in the light. It was both beautiful and horrid. Tentatively, as if he were afraid of being burned, Jiri touched it with the tip of his index finger. His heart was pounding so hard that he felt he could hear the rush of blood flowing though his temples. His breath came in shot little gasps. His penis was so hard it ached. The young boy was so overcome with emotion that he was unable to speak.

"Will you let me strip and harness you?" the young doctor asked. "I think it would help you to better understand your brother."

Jiri was unable to resist and the doctor smiled as she began to remove the boy's clothes.

Chapter 6

Jiri takes a trip to San Carlos Island to learn more about castration and about slavery.

Many nights Jiri laid awake late at night thinking about nullification and wondering what it would be like to be smooth. The boy knew that all he need do was tell his mother and stepfather that he wanted to be fixed and they would take care of everything, all the plans would be made and in a week-or maybe two-he would be fixed. He had been told that it would be painless and that it would take only a few weeks to heal. But even so Jiri could not muster the courage to ask. Like most boys he was afraid of the knife and he was afraid that he might someday come to regret being a eunuch. Most of all he was afraid of losing the ability to jack off.

Those sleepless nights were a sort of slow torture for the boy. Sometimes it seemed that he could think of little else as he laid on his back with his dick painfully hard. Finley, in the small hours of the morning he would realize that he could endure it no longer. He would fling off his bed covers and strip naked. Then, in the moon light that flooded his room, he would beat off wildly pumping his hard little dick until the skin was red and chaffed. At the tender age of nine he was much too young to shot but he would come dry and those organisms were pure bliss to the confused boy. They would provide him with relief and afterwords he would be able to sleep at last. Often times his mother or step dad would find the find the small boy still naked and fast asleep atop the covers. The red and irritated state of his dick was all they needed to see to know how he had spent the night. They would just laugh and offer the embarrassed boy ointment for his bruised member. That was humiliation for the boy but he knew he was powerless to control his urges.

Jiri knew he could never bring himself to ask for castration but he might be able to do the next best thing. He might be able to take a one in five chance of being cut. The owner of San Carlos Island was offering something new for boys like Jiri, a short term slave contract. The real slaves referred to the short term boys as 'Summer Camps Slaves'. Five boys would all agree to sign on together for only three months of slavery. The group of five boys would be called a 'Cabin'. At the end of the summer Ben would have only one of the five cut. The other four boys would return home with their boyhood intact. Jiri was intrigued. The idea that he might be cut was pretty neat.

As Jiri thought about it he realized that his odds were even better than one in five. If one of the other 'campers' in his cabin decided that he wanted to be cut Ben would have him castrated and that would let the other four boys off the hook. It seemed a pretty good deal. Jiri could spend the summer on San Carlos Island, earning money, learning new skills, having fun and almost certainty return home at the end of his term a complete boy. He told his mom that he wanted to go to 'Summer Camp' on San Carlos Island.

Three weeks later he was on Ben's flier with four other boys ages eight to twelve. They were his 'cabin mates' and they were on their way to San Carlos. Jiri was a bit afraid that he might be the one to go under the knife and so he asked, "Is anyone here going to ask to be the one cut? If so that takes the pressure of the rest of us." All the boys shook their heads no. Not a one of them wanted to be castrated and Jiri realized that was bad luck indeed.

A blond 12 year old named Neil said, "No way am I going to lose my package, that would spoil everything. When I turn 18 I want to return to San Carlos to work as a trainer and a slave handler. The only reason I'm here is to learn more about the island and how it works and to impress Ben. He won't higher anyone unless that person has spent at least a little time as a slave. Ben says everyone who works on San Carlos should know what it's like to be a slave first hand. I'm going to do my best for him but I'm not going to lose anything. I'm not going to let him cut me."

A cute little eight year old named Mikey said, "My mom has just gone through a messy split up with her boyfriend and I need to help her out by making some money but I don't want to be cut. No way am I going home a nullo!"

A totally gorgeous ten year old named Cal said, "I'm an actor and this fall they start filming a new blockbuster movie about a slave boy. The director said the staring role was mine under two conditions. The first condition was I needed to get some experience really being a slave. The second condition is I have to remain a boy. The role in the movie was written for a boy, not a eunuch. Getting neutered would spoil everything."

An eleven year old named Shane explained that he signed on because he wanted to learn how to please a man in bed but he most defiantly didn't want to be cut.

"Well none of us want to be a eunuch," little Mikey said. "So how will we decide who gets it? Are we going to have to draw straws?"

Just as he was asking their 'camp counselor' entered the cabin. He was a hot 17 year old Mexican named Roberto. "Don't worry about drawing straws boys. It isn't going to come to that," Roberto answered with his thick Spanish accent. "When the time comes for one of you little darlings to be fixed Ben will decide who it will be. If he can't make up his mind he'll let me make the call. If you want to keep your balls you better do as I say and be good. The bad boy gets the knife."

"But HOW will he decide?" Mikey asked sounding panicky and unnerved.

"It's simple," Roberto said. "If you want to keep your balls and your dick you have to show that you deserve them. Do everything you are told and no whining and you'll leave the island a boy. Now I need all five of you white boys to strip naked. As new slaves you are not entitled to any private property not even your own clothes."

Slowly, but without protest, the boys started to strip. As they did Roberto smiled in anticipation and grew hard. He loved little white boys and each one of his young charges was a beauty. He was going to enjoy the next few months. With his 'campers' now quite naked he said, "That wasn't so hard was it? Now it's time for me to collar you. Who's going be first?"

Jiri was frightened now. Sure he knew what he was getting into when he stepped into the flier but this was different. It was one thing to ask to be a 'summer camp slave' and other thing to be naked and collared and in danger of being castrated. But he did as he was told. He allowed Roberto to collar him and he didn't make a fuss. The next step into slavery was even more humiliating. Roberto made the boys bend over and presents their butts for inspection. One by one Roberto spread their young firm cheeks apart to ascertain who was, or was not, a virgin.

The first butt he checked was Cal's. Roberto laughed and said, "I knew you wouldn't be a virgin. All you Hollywood boys are alike. Always getting your butts pounded by casting directors and movie executives. Yeah and I bet you love every second of it don't you movie boy. Well where we are going you'll fit right in my little tart. You're going to have fun fun fun. After two months on San Carlos you'll be begging to stay. Just you wait and see. You're not ever going to want to leave my blond pussy boy. Why play a slave in a movie when you can be a slave in real life? Hollywood's loss will be San Carlos' gain. You'll make out great blond boy."

Robert them moved on to Mikey who was softly weeping. "Goodness gracious little darling, your hole is as tight as a miser's purse strings," Roberto exclaimed. "What's wrong my little one? Does your mommy and daddy not let you out to play with the big boys? I would think that a tender little morsel such as yourself would have been ravaged may times over by now. Well no matter, I'll correct the oversight myself before the day is done. You're tight little boy pussy will be another conquest for my hard Mexican dick. It may hurt the first time but trust me you will come to love it. Soon you will sit up and beg for more my little puppy. You'll live to be fucked."

As Roberto progressed down the line he was amazed do discover that, with the exception of Cal, all of his 'campers' were virgins.

"Hey what's going on here?" The confused young Latino asked. "You are all virgins except for the Hollywood slut! How can that be? I thought American boys liked to fuck. Am I on Candid Camera? Is that funny gringo Allen Funt hiding somewhere? Is he about to jump out and say, Smile Roberto, you're on Candid Camera!"

None of the boys knew what so say and so they said nothing.

"Oh well," Roberto said with an air of resignation. "We can't have you cherry boys screaming your heads off and bleeding all over the place as our clients ride you. I'll just have to brake all of you in myself. Looks like I really have my work cut out for me. Four cherries to take before midnight. Is my dick ever going to be sore. It's true what they say, No rest for the wicked Mexican kid.

Chapter 7

Jiri begins to adjust to his new life as a 'Summer Camp Slave' on San Carlos Island. He meets his new master and makes a new friend. A young recently cut slave named Nathan. This chapter is told from Jiri's point of view.

My first morning on San Carlos Island went pretty well considering I was now a slave and all. The place was gorgeous and everyone seemed happy. Even the cut slaves like my brother Elijah were having fun. He showed me about and we played in the surf for a while. But then Elijah needed to go off and spend some time with a client. I knew what that meant. My brother was going to 'get it in the end' as they say. He was going to be fucked. The thought frightened and upset me. San Carlos was paradise but it was paradise paid for by sex. The one good thing was that my owner understood this and tired to make it as pleasant as possible for the slaves.

After my brother departed with his man I walked off to spend some time by myself and think. Along an all but deserted stretch of the beach I found a pretty little blond kid about a year or so younger than I. He was sitting on a log with his eyes downcast in a very unhappy sort of a way. He was the first unhappy person I had seen on the island. The other strange thing about him was that he was not completely naked. He was wearing a red diaper sort of like the boy in the old Disney Cartoon The Jungle Book.

I sat down on the log next to him. "My name is Jiri," I said.

"I'm Nathan," he said so softly I could hardly hear him.

"What's wrong?" I asked afraid that he might start crying.

"They gelded me last week," Nathan replied.

"Lot's of kids around here have been gelded, even my brother," I replied trying to be helpful. "Being castrated is not such a big deal," I said but I knew I was lying.

Nathan looked at my little dick and replied, "Easy for you to say Jiri. You are still a boy. You don't understand. Ever since they did me I have had a hard time controlling when I pee. That's why I have to wear this diaper. I tend to wet myself. It's not so cool peeing when you are sitting on a guy's lap. It's pretty gross really. They tell me that I'll learn how to control it but it's sort of weird to be back in diapers for the first time since I was a baby."

"Well I think he diaper looks good on you. It's sort of cute. And you don't have to go naked like I do. I'm still trying to get used to everyone seeing my dick hanging out."

"Would you like to be in diapers like me?" Nathan asked. "Will you keep me company? That way I wouldn't be the only one. There would be two of us. Two diaper kids."

"Maybe I would," I lied again. No way was I going back into diapers but I wanted to make the little guy feel better. It was a white lie.

Just then Ben, my new owner, appeared and said, "Hi boys. Neither one of you has any duties right now and school isn't in session. Why aren't you playing. There is lots really neat stuff to do."

"Well Sir, Nathan isn't feeling too good and so I'm keeping him company," I said.

"That's a very nice thing for you to be doing Jiri," Ben said. "Now let's see if we can figure out what's wrong with Nathan and if there is anyway we can make him feel better." With that Ben sat down next to the little eunuch and gently slid one hand down the front of his diaper. "Poor kid!" Ben exclaimed, "You're soaking wet. No wonder you are unhappy. Why didn't you ask for help? Come on let's get you changed. You'll feel a lot better in a dry diaper," and Ben lifted Nathan up into his arms. "Come on Jiri, you can help." I followed Ben as he carried Nathan to a changing station. Ben placed Nathan on his back on the table and put the little eunuch's ankles in a sort of stirrups like devices. They lifted and spread Nathan's legs so that Ben had good access to the diaper which was positioned right on the edge of the table.

"Jiri," Ben said, "Why don't you help. Come and stand here between Nathan's leg's. I'm going to teach you how to change a diaper."

I wasn't sure that I really wanted to but since Ben was my master I thought I should obey. I took up position over Nathan and between his spread leg's. Ben stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. "Now remove the wet diaper Jiri," Ben said. I hesitated. If I pulled it off I'd be stripping Nathan naked and the little guy was in such an exposed and helpless position. "Go on Jiri," Ben insisted, "Nathan needs dry diaper. Don't let him stay in a wet one." Very slowly I reached up to Nathan's tummy and took hold of the front top end of the diaper. I felt a little shaky but after a moment I forced myself to go on. I gave the diaper a little tug and I heard the Velcro rip apart and the old diaper came away in my hands. Nathan was now totally naked except for his collar. My eyes were drawn down to his nullo spot. The poor little guy had not completely healed. His empty crotch was still a bit red a puffy. Ben handed me a warm wet wash cloth and said, "Nathan needs to be cleaned up. Be careful as the skin is still a bit tender." Slowly I began to wash Nathan's crotch. Nathan smiled and let out a little sigh of contentment. "That feels really good," he said. I felt myself growing hard and I knew Ben noticed. Although my dick was small, a boner on a naked boy is a hard thing to miss.

Next Ben handed me a soft dry tarry cloth and said, "Now dry Nathan off." I did as I was told with a sort of fluffing motion. Then Ben handed me some talcum powder. I knew what I was suppose to do with it. I sprinkled a little onto Nathan's empty crotch and began to gently rub it in. As I did so I took a really close look at his nullo place. I sort of liked the way Nathan's crotch looked. I really liked touching it and Nathan liked it too! "That feels so so nice," Nathan said dreamily. Ben smiled and said, "Nathan, now that you are getting over your operation you are finding out how much you like to be touched where your dick once hung." I could not resist. I touched Nathan's exposed boy pussy. The little guy giggled and said, "What are you going to do to me Jiri?"

Before I could answer Ben handed me a fresh diaper for the little eunuch. I wanted to continue to touch him down there but I knew that that was not my job. Ben showed me how to place and fasten the fresh diaper so that it would not leak but still be comfortable. There is a sort of art to diapering. By job was finished and so Ben lifted Nathan off the table. The little eunuch gave me a big smile and a hug. "Thanks Jiri," he said. "You're the greatest."

"You're welcome," I replied.

Nathan turned to Ben and said, "Ben can I put a diaper on Jiri?"

"I don't know about that," I said.

"But Jiri you said you would!" the little eunuch pleaded.

I looked at the diaper changing table and with a start the horrible reality hit me. "That's not a diaper changing table is it?" I said. "It's really a castration table. Boys have been nullified on that thing!"

"It's both a changing table and a gelding table," Ben replied.

"I don't want to get on it," I said. I wondered how many boys had lost their balls on that table. I wondered if my brother had been gelded on it. I wondered if someday I would be neutered on that creepy piece of furniture.

"But I did," Nathan said. "I was on it."

"Yeah but we all know that you don't have anything left to lose," I shot back.

"Aww Jiri, don't be such a baby," Ben said. "You're not going to be castrated, at least not today." and before I knew what was happening Ben lifted me up onto the table and placed my legs in the stirrups. I was totally naked and totally exposed and I was on a castration table. I didn't like it but even so my little dick was still hard as a rock. My balls though were pulled up close my body as if they were trying to hid from the knife that might someday claim them. I was terrified. But then Nathan started to play with my balls and I liked it. He then lovingly stroked my dick the way a collector might caress an incredibly rare and valuable work of art. I can't tell you how great it felt! It felt so very good that I forgot where I was and how frittered I was.

"Ben how would you like to see me give Jiri a blow?" Nathan asked. "My trainer says that I do it really well, he says I'm the best little cock sucker." Nathan boasted.

"Sure let's see what you can do," Ben replied. With that Nathan went to work on me. He kissed me there and started to lick sending thrills running all through my body. Someone had trained him well indeed. The little eunuch was a genius when it came to using his mouth and tough on my balls and dick. I was loving every second and I felt something building inside of me. I knew I was going to come. Ben knew it as well. "Back off Nathan," he said. "We want this to last. Don't let Jiri cum too soon." But I didn't want it to last. I wanted it then and I wanted to bad. I felt angry that Nathan had stopped. I reached down to take my dick in my hands and give it the attention it needed. But Ben saw what I was doing and he stopped me. He grabbed my hands and fastened them into restraints above my head. I was held fast, unable to move an inch and afraid that I might be denied the climax I so desperately needed. But after a while Ben told Nathan to go back to work. The little eunuch did as he was instructed with relish. But each time I came close to coming Ben ordered him to stop. It was torture, but a wonderful sort of torture. I was so fired up but denied the final relief.

Then Ben told Nathan to back away. "I want to try something on Jiri," he said. He then pushed an index finger up into my butt. I didn't like that too much and tried to fight it but Ben was too strong and the finger went up inside of me. Ben then felt around and found a magic spot up inside me butt. He started to play with it and then something happened to me. It was like an explosion of pleasure form inside my butt spreading out to every part of my body. I gasped and shook but the restraints held me fast. It felt so good that I felt I might die to lose my mind. All I could manage to think was, so this is what it feels like to have a man's finger in my butt. What would it be like to have a man sized dick inside me?


Lester DelRay's Revenge

San Carlos Island story #9

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories
Izzy Toeber (11yo)
— Mb – coerc anal —

Slave owner Ben Toeber has a soft spot, his eleven year old son Izzy. Ben's enemy Lester DelRay discovers young Izzy sequestered in luxury in the Swiss Alps. Will Lester be able to use Ben's love for Izzy to take control of San Carlos Island?

Izzy Toeber was a student at one of the world's most exclusive (that is to say expensive) boarding schools. The boy stood at the picture window of his private dorm room regarding the magnificent vista of the Swiss Alps. Beautiful tho they were the boy did not enjoy the view. Izzy was living very well indeed, his father saw to it that he lacked for nothing. But Izzy missed the pristine beaches and warn weather of San Carlos Island. He missed the company of his slave friends who he loved and who loved him. He missed his father, he missed being able to go nude when ever he felt like it. He even missed the clients. As the son of the Island's owner they all treated Izzy as if he was a boy of some importance.

San Carlos had been Izzy's home for the first ten years of his life but two years ago his father had sent Izzy here saying that the boy needed a 'more normal life'. The lonely boy had never shaken the feeling that he was in exile. He felt that his father was punishing him for what he wanted to be.

Izzy heard a knock at his door and in stepped a man who he had not seen since his days on the island. The boy let out a cry of joy and ran across the room to embrace and kiss Lester DelRay. "Lester!" the boy cried. "Am I ever glad to see you! Will you stay for my birthday? I'll be 12 in three days. My dad will be here and the three of us can celebrate together!"

Lester smiled when he heard this. He and Ben had once been friends but they had fallen out. Lester was glad to learn that Izzy knew nothing of this. "Izzy I'm afraid that I can't stay long," he said and added, "I would have come sooner but I didn't know where you were. Your dad would only say that you were at a boarding school but he didn't say which one. No one on the island knows how to reach you dear boy."

"My dad can be such a jerk at times," Izzy admitted. "When I was ten he got mad at me and sent me here."

"Here doesn't look too bad," Lester said as he glanced around Izzy's room. "It looks like you have at least two of everything a boy your age could want."

"Yeah I've got all the most expensive toys and the teachers take me and the other boys on field trips to Paris, London, San Francisco and Hawaii but it's not like life on the island."

"But your dad sure dose love you Izzy. You are the apple of his eye."

"Do you really think so?" the boy asked. "Sometimes I wonder."

"I know he dose," Lester replied. "Izzy about six months ago a group of very well heeled investors from Japan offered to buy San Carlos Island. They wanted the best and were willing to pay top dollar. They made your father a truly fantastic offer. But your father turned them down cold. This got me interested and so I had my people look into the matter and what they discovered astounded me. About a year ago your dad transferred ownership of San Carlos to you. You will take full control of the island when you come of age but until that time Ben is only the caretaker. You, my young friend, are the true owner of San Carlos Island and all that comes with it, lock stock and barrel. Ben has made you a billionaire and yet he has banished you from your own kingdom. What's going on little man? Why are you here?"

"When I was about ten my dad said that he was looking forward to retirement but that the island was to remain a family run business," Izzy explained. "Dad said that San Carlos would be mine and that I was to learn how to manage it."

"I follow you," Lester said. "Then what happened?"

"Dad wanted me to help him decide what slaves to buy and sell and when they were to be cut. But I couldn't do that. From the time I was born it was the slaves who cared for me. They fed me and changed my diapers and bathed me. While dad was seeing to business, which was most of the time, it was the slaves who played with me, tucked me in at night and read me bedtime stories. So I told my dad that I couldn't do what he wanted. I also told Dad something else and he got really upset."

"What did you tell you father?" Lester asked.

"I told my dad that I wanted to be a slave. I told him I wanted to learn how to service clients and to make them happy. I told him I wanted to me nullified. It was hard telling him that last part but it's what I want. I told my dad that I wanted him to make me his slave and if he wouldn't do that than he should sell me to some other slave owner. Like I said dad got really upset. He said I was a mixed up kid. He said I was just going through a phase and that I'd grow out of it. He said I didn't know my own mind. He said I had to get my head straight. He said that no son of his would ever be a nullo slut! Lester why did my dad say that last part? It was so mean! Dad traffics in slaves just like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson once did. He buys and sells slaves so what's so bad about being a slave. Slaves make people happy and they have fun doing so. What's so wrong with what I wanted?"

"I don't know Izzy, but I do know that men can be very funny when it comes to their own sons. I think your dad sees you as an extension of himself. Izzy has your dad ever showed you how much he loves you?"

"No, he dose it all the time with his slaves but not with me. I asked him to, heck I begged him to do me but he said that he needed me to be a top not a bottom. Dose he love his slaves more than he loves me?"

"Izzy have you ever been with a man?" Lester asked.

"No," the unhappy boy said. "I want my dad to be the first. I've been holding off hoping that he will change his mind and screw me but I don't know how much longer I can wait. Lots of my friends are doing it but not me. It's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do any more."

Lester judged correctly that the boy was stung by his father's rejection. The boy had offered his dad something very special, something that he could only give once. Izzy had offered Ben his virginity and Ben had turned him down just as he had turned down those Jap investors. Lester decided that the time had come to give the horny little boy what he so clearly needed. Lester closed and locked the door to the room so that they would not be disturbed at this very intimate juncture.

Izzy was flabbergasted when he saw how huge and hard Lester's dick was. He was at once spellbound and terrified. He knew that a dick that large could give him great pleasure or great pain. It all depended on how the man chose to use it.

From his days watching nullo slaves being fucked by clients Izzy knew that he should try to please the man so that he might not be hurt. With out being instructed the boy fell to Lester's feet and took the mighty shaft in both his hands and began to kiss and lick the bulbous head. The horny young boy ran his small fingers up and down the shaft and felt the weight of the large balls than hung below. Soon Lester was leaking pre-cum like a fountain and the boy sucked it up hungrily. Izzy was like a baby who had been starved and then found himself at the tit of his mother. He couldn't get enough.

Lester realized that he was about to cum but he knew that the boy needed it in his butt, not his mouth. Roughly he pushed Izzy to the floor. Dazed with lust the boy laid helpless on the floor and made no resistance as Lester stripped him naked. Rendered nude the young boy's firm and well tanned body was spectacular. Lester knew how much he would enjoy the task at hand as he positioned Ben's helpless young son face down along the edge of the bed with his cute little butt propped up just waiting to be ravaged.

With the boy's legs apart Lester savored the view of Izzy's cute little still virgin hole and the tender hairless little boy balls and penis that hung below. That little puckered boy pussy wasn't going to remain untouched much longer. Lester fondled the boy's charming balls and tiny hard dick and as he did so he said, "Someday soon I'll order my best cutter to remove these my little one. You won't be needing genitals once you are a member of my stable of nullo sluts."

Izzy moaned in sexual ecstasy but when he felt Lester began to open his butt he emerged from his trance. He realized that he was about to 'get his' and the boy was terrified. "No Lester you're way too big. I won't be able to take it! If you try to put it in you'll split me in two!" He boy pleaded to retain his innocence as he tried to break free from the man's clutches. But his effort was futile, he didn't have the strength. Lester held him fast.

"Izzy you are the thing that your father loves most in this world," Lester said. "I only wish he could be here now to see what I'm about to do to his precious young son. I'm going to fuck you senseless my little sweetheart. By the time I shoot my cum into your hot little hole you'll love me not Ben. I'm going to make you my own. Ben Toeber will soon learn how wrong he was to deny Lester DelRay. I can't wait to see the look on Ben's face when I offer up his darling little son as a naked, bound and nullified sex slave. I'm going to offer you to the highest bidder my little one and do you know what? You're going to love every second of it!"

With that Lester DelRay impaled Ben Toeber's helpless little boy with one mighty thrust of his big dick. Feeling as if he was being ripped open the boy screamed out in pain and tried anew to escape. But resistance was futile. Izzy realized that control of his own body had been taken from him and that his pain was Lester's pleasure.

The boy's screams did not upset Lester in the least. He knew that the room was sound proof, no one would hear. The man savored the exquisite feeling of his dick being so tightly grasped by Izzy's hot little boy pussy. It was oh so wonderful.

Soon the boy's screams tapered off into soft little sobs as Lester knew they would. Izzy was not the first boy he had tamed. He then comforted the boy whipping his tears away as he whispered, "There there my little one. I'm sorry that I hurt you but it had to be done. The pain teaches you that you must obey me. A slave must always obey his master. Soon the pain will be gone and I'll make you feel very good. You'll soon feel better than you ever believed possible."

Lester was right. The pain did go away and Izzy realized that he liked having a dick up his butt. Then Lester slowly began to slide it in and out and Izzy gasped for breath as he felt pure pleasure. He was experiencing the greatest pleasure of his life! Lester was holding him tenderly now and loving him and Izzy loved being loved by Lester. Izzy realized many things at that moment. He realized that form that point forward he would live to fuck and to please Lester. If Lester ordered Izzy to runaway from his father he would do so. If Lester ordered Izzy castrated Izzy would try to be brave. If Lester rented Izzy out to other men Izzy would do his best to please them. Izzy needed to be a slave and he knew it.

"Lester," the boy panted. "Do with me what ever you want. I belong to you now and no one else."

Lester smiled. He had what he wanted, Ben's son.


The Clone Master

San Carlos Island story #11

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories
Aaron (9yo)
— Mb – slave nosex —

This story started off as a sequel to Lester DelRay's Revenge but it has enough new ideas that I feel it represents a new story line. It deals with human cloning to create very beautiful boys for both fun and profit.

My neighbor Brandon Wheeler had to work late and so he asked me if I would 'babysit' his 9 year old son Aaron. I agreed to do so quite happily. Aaron is a delightful boy and watching him is a pleasure. I always thought that Aaron looked like a boy singer named Aaron Carter who had lived about a hundred years earlier. But as Aaron approached ten I noticed that he looked a bit too much like the Aaron Carter of yesteryear and I began to wonder. I had put him to bed and was sitting next to him gently rubbing his back to help him fall asleep. Once the sweet boy was in dreamland I studied his fetchers and wondered if he was a clone.

"He's a great kid isn't he," Brandon said from the bedroom doorway. He had just returned home.

"Aaron's the best," I replied as I got up and we left the boy's bedroom closing the door behind us.

"Brandon," I said. "Did you ever meet a man named Lester DelRay?"

Brandon's mouth dropped open and he had a look of pure terror on his face, "Doug do you know Lester?" he said once he had regained his wits.

"Yes, I've has some professional dealings with Mr. DelRay," I replied. "As you know I'm a medical doctor but what you may not know is I have cloned humans. About ten years ago Lester approached with a business offer. He had managed to obtain biological material, DNA, from a number of child movie stars and famous boy singers from the late 20th century. He wanted me to clone them so he could sell the clones to childless couples. At least that was what he said."

"What did you do?" Brandon asked.

"As you know a clone is nothing more than a biologically engineered identical twin. I don't see anything inherently immoral in cloning. But Lester seemed a bit creepy to me. I wanted to say no. I should have said no."

"You worked for him?" Brandon asked.

"Yes." I replied regretfully. "I don't know why really. It may have been greed. Lester paid very well. At the time I told myself I did it because I enjoyed the challenge and I also told myself that I was bringing beautiful new life into the world. I guess it doesn't really matter why I did it. Over a period of six years I created more than twenty clones for him. I made identical twins of boys who had names like Billy Gillman, Jeremy Sumpter, Halie Joel Osment and many others.

"Why did you stop working for Lester?" Brandon wanted to know.

"I discovered something very disturbing about him. I discovered that he had lied to me. Lester was in fact a slave trader. The clones I was creating were to be sold as sex slaves and not as free children for loving parents as I have believed. That was when I ended my dealings with Mr. DelRay. Brandon, is Aaron the clone of Aaron Carter that I created for Lester DelRay?

Brandon looked totally beat. He sat down and buried his face in his hands. After a while he said. "My wife, God rest her sole, and I couldn't have children of our own and we couldn't afford a clone so we tried to adopt. That's when Lester found us. Lester had a baby. That baby was Aaron and he was the most beautiful baby Sally and I had ever seen. Aaron wasn't Lester's own child. Aaron was a clone, he was Lester's slave. Lester told us that he was planning on selling Aaron once he reached 9 or ten. At that time Aaron would bring his maximum price. In the mean time Lester wanted Aaron razed as a normal middle class American boy. He offered to pay Sally and me to raze his little slave boy as if Aaron were our own child and as if he was a free boy. We said yes. We reasoned that with the money Lester was paying us, 50,000 a year, we would be able to afford to adopt. God how I which we had said no!"

"You regret your chose?" I asked. "But I thought you loved Aaron."

"I do love him so, don't you see, that's the problem. I don't want any other child now, I only want Aaron. But Aaron belongs to Lester and Lester can take him from me any time he chooses. I live in dread of that day. And as for Aaron, he had no idea that he is a slave. He has no idea who Lester is. Aaron thinks he is my son. Oh what will we do when Lester comes for him?"

"I don't know Brandon but I will do everything I can to help you," I said.

"But why?" Brandon asked.

"All this is my fault," I replied. "I was the clone master who created Aaron for Lester.

A few weeks later I received a call from Brandon. The worst had happened. Lester had come to collect Aaron and Brandon could not stop him from taking the boy. Lester had the law on his side. Brandon was frantic.

When I heard this I placed a video phone call to Lester.

"Douglass," Lester said with a smile as he came on the line, "It's so good to see you again. All this time I've been hoping you'd call. I always wanted for us to renew our relationship. I'm hoping that we'll be able to work together again."

"Lester I need to see you," I said, "We have to talk and I'd prefer it to be in person."

"Certainty Douglass," Lester said. "It just so happens that I'm having a little get together for some of by most loyal customers. It will be at my Aspen estate tomorrow evening. I'd love to see you there. I'll send my flyer to collect you. It will be on the roof of your office building tomorrow evening at six."

Lester was as good as his word. At seven the following evening his flyer deposited me on the lawn of his magnificent Aspen estate. A striking 13 year old nullo met me as I stepped off the flyer. The young eunuch smiled and said, "Welcome Dr. Douglass Williams. My name is Timba and for the duration of your visit I will be your slave. I look forward to serving you in what ever way you see fit."

"You are my slave?" I asked the kid.

"Yes indeed I am," Timba replied. "The Master wishes you to be happy and so he has placed me at your disposal. I am under your command."

"Very good Timba," I said. "You can start by telling me what's going on here. I noticed that there are many other guests, Lester's most loyal customers no doubt. But what's the occasion? Is it his birthday?"

"Oh no," Timba replied, "The Master is holding an advanced showing for some particularity excellent slaves that he will be selling the following week."

"Lead me to those slaves Timba," I said. "I would like to see them."

Timba did as he was told a lead me into Lester's mansion. As I entered I saw that Lester had five boys and two eunuchs ages eight to twelve on display. Each child had a ball gag in his mouth and his hands tied behind his back. What was worse was that the kids were all hung upside down on a rack suspended by their knees. This left their tight virgin boy pussy's as well as their genitals or empty crotches clearly displayed for easy inspection. With a start I realized that Aaron was one of the boys. He was still intact but for how much longer was anyone's guess. Seeing Aaron displayed in such a shameful manner made my heart hurt.

But I must admit, it also made my dick hard. I walked over to where he was hung, took his hand in mine, and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry Aaron, I'll find some way to bring you back home to your dad. I promises." Aaron looked up and recognized me. He was glad to see me but then he blushed and looked away. Being placed on display in such a shameful and humiliating manner was more than the little guy could handle. Lester was trying to break his spirit.

I heard a voice behind me say, "A truly superb specimen of young boyhood, but then you should know that Douglass. Aaron is, after, all, your handiwork. All I did was find the DNA and foot the bill for his creation."

It was Lester. Lustfully Lester than ran his hands over Aaron's firm tan body caressing the firm young muscles and soft skin. "As you can plainly see by examining his delightfully tight little hole our little Aaron is still a virgin but I think he will enjoy his new life. Just watch this." With that Lester parted the boy's butt cheeks and forced a finger into the boy's hot little opening. Aaron squirmed as he tried to prevent the penetration but was unable and then his little dick sprang to life with a rock hard boy stiffy. "What wonderful response," Lester said. "All I need do is touch his prostrate and the little vixen goes all wild eyed with anticipation and desire. What a horny little slut he is. Aaron is ready to be neutered, tamed and mounted. He'll make some lucky man very happy, and he'll make me a good deal richer. Douglass don't you just love free market capitalism." Lester said as he gave the boy's penis a playful little tweak and then placed a kiss on Aaron's tight little upturned balls adding, "I wonder how much longer he will have these cute little things?"

"I want him Lester," I said

"Well of course you do Doug. What man wouldn't. And you'll have your chance to bid on him but I'm not so sure you'll be the one to take him home. There are some very rich people who already have their hearts, to say nothing of their dicks, set on our little Aaron. I'm not so sure you'll be able to afford him."

"Lester you are a monster," I said. "Aaron had friends and a family who loved him and you took him away from all that turn him into a sex slave, a rich man's fuck toy!"

"Am I a monster?" Lester shot back. "Just take a moment to consider the situation Doug. If not for me this fine young piece of ass you see before you wouldn't even exist. I was the one who put up the money for his creation. Sure Aaron loved his daddy but I paid for that relationship as well. I was the one who brought the two of them together. It seems to me that young Aaron here should be grateful to me. If not for me he would never have known life and you helped Doug. You were paid to create this clone So what if I took him away from his friends and family and he misses them. Once he discovers the joy of a good butt fuck he'll forget all about them. This gorgeous little item was made to be screwed and screwed hard."

"I still want him Lester," I said.

"Well Doug my heart is not made of stone," Lester said. "We might be able to work something out so we can both come away happy. But that would involve you working for me. Just how much do you want this little vixen?"