DougdDaniel |
SummaryA thrown away boy finds a new home and a loving father.
Publ. about 2003 (Pauliecum, site long gone); this site Mar 2016
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CharactersDaniel (12yo) and Randy (25yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb – cons oral mast – (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's commentThis story includes almost all boy lover clichés: A Rich & Solitary BL, The Magic Lawyer, The Monsters at Home, The Instant I Love You, Bathtime etc. Fun Tails must have wrote his Boylove Story Clichés (what's that?) having a story like this in mind. But it is nice read. See my comment on Fun Tails: who wants to read a story of a boylover in the real world? We want to dream about the boylove world 3; |
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me. |
I was walking home from work with a big grin on my face. It had been a great day, I had just come from a meeting with my boss who informed me that he thought I was doing a great job and had just given me a $100.00 dollar a week raise. I had only been working for six months at Web Wonders, a web page design company and my boss told me he was very impressed with the job I was doing. So, needles to say, I was a happy 25 year old. My name is Randy, Randy Davidson and I considered myself one lucky sob to have fallen into this great job. I was almost home when suddenly an old Ford Station wagon came zooming by me, almost knocking me off the sidewalk. After my initial surprise I was shocked to see it screech to a stop at the curb about 30 feet [10 m] in front of me and watched as the passenger door was flung open and a small form was forcefully ejected from the car. I watched in horror as it bounced on the sidewalk and then rolled onto the grassy strip along the side of the road. I was just realizing that it was a child when I heard a loud male voice hollering at the top of his lungs from the car. "YOU ARE NO LONGER A SON OF MINE 3; I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN, YOU LITTLE WHORE!" And with that the door slammed shut and the car burned as much rubber as that old tank could and sped down the street. As soon as my wits returned, I ran up to the small shape that was curled in a fetal position on the side of the road and knelt down beside him. It was a boy of about 12 or 13 years and he was holding himself and balling his eyes out. I leaned over him and asked, "Are you all right? Are you OK?" I reached out to brush his beautiful long dark brown hair from his tear filled face and asked again, "Are you OK?" He just kept sobbing and sort of shook his head no. I then noticed the big ugly red scrape on his knee, probably from bouncing off the sidewalk. I knew I had to do something to help this poor thing. I leaned in close to his ear and softly told him, "We need to get that knee taken care of. My house is just down the street, you just relax and I will get you there. I got up and walked around behind him and as gently as possible picked him up and cradled him in my arms and began to rapidly walk the half block to my front door. I struggled to keep him steady as I fished out my keys and unlocked the door. Once inside, I gently laid him on the couch and knelt down beside him. His tears were still running down that beautiful smooth face and he looked scared and completely confused. I ran my hand through his beautiful hair again and said to him, "Just lie here and relax, I'm going upstairs to get something to put on the knee. Don't worry, it is all over now, I will not let anyone hurt you." With that he looked at me for the first time and gave me a small smile and nodded just a little. As I was running up the stairs to get some antiseptic spray and some tissues I was thinking to myself 3; That BASTARD, how could anyone treat a sweet beautiful creature like that. I wouldn't even treat an animal in that fashion. I vowed to myself at that time, if I ever come into contact with that monster, I would not hesitate to kill him. I got the spray and tissues and ran back downstairs. My beautiful new charge was lying on the couch trying to control the flow of tears and not doing a very good job. I knelt in front of him again and said soothingly, "This will not hurt. It will feel a bit cool and will help to take the sting out of that ugly scrape. I sprayed some of the antiseptic on his knee, causing him to jump a little. Then from his beautiful lips came his first words since I had picked him up. His voice was so sweet and timid that I almost melted on the spot. "Thank you. It feels better now." I began to wipe some of the tears from his face with the tissues I had brought down. I leaned close to his beautiful face and then felt my breath being sucked from my body. I got a good look at his eyes for the first time and I instantly fell in love. He had the most beautiful emerald green eyes I had ever seen. It was as if his creator had picked two of the most beautiful emeralds in the universe and planted them in this sweet beautiful face. I sort of hesitated with my tear clean up and he got a puzzled expression on his face and asked me, "Is something wrong, are you OK?" When I was next able to speak I said to him, I just had my breath taken away by you. You have the most beautiful emerald eyes I have ever seen and I got lost in them for a minute." As I was finishing cleaning his soft rosy cheeks I realized I did not even know his name. I stopped brushing his face and asked, "Now that we are destined to become good friends, please tell me your name." With this I was rewarded with the second beautiful smile from this magnificent creature and his eyes sparkled with a new light and he said, "My names Daniel, but everyone calls me Danny." "Well, Danny my name is Randy and I am very happy to have met you, although I am so very sorry it was under these terrible conditions. I don't know if you want to talk about what happened but if you do I am here to listen and help you in any way I can." I saw his face scrunch up and the tears begin to flow again and he squeaked out, "I can't talk about it right now 3; it hurts too much when I think about it." "That's ok, I said while drying his tears again, you don't have to think about it or talk about it till you are ready. Just remember I will be here for you any time you want to talk." "Thank you, I've never had anyone be this nice to me before and I don't know what to say." "You just lie there and rest for a while. Are you thirsty? I will go get you something to drink." I went into the kitchen and got a glass, filled it with ice and poured a generous portion of Coke into it. I brought it back to the living room and knelt down beside him again. I offered him the straw and held the glass while he sipped the coke. I was rewarded with another smile as he drank. "That tastes great, I did not realize how much I needed that." While he was sipping on the straw I had my first good opportunity to look him over and discovered something wonderful to behold. His dark brown hair was shoulder length and cut in a sort of shag style that accented and highlighted his beautiful angular face. He had a cute button nose that was a beautiful base for those magnificent eyes 3; I just could not get enough of them, once again causing my heart to beat rapidly and my breathing to increase dramatically. He was a slender creature, could not have been more than 110 pounds dripping wet. He was clad in a dirty undersized T shirt and a pair of old gym shorts. The poor thing did not even have any shoes. His legs were smooth, slender and well formed, but he could not have been any taller than 5' [1½ m], but it was 5' of pure beauty and I felt myself getting aroused as I took in all there was to see. As I glanced back up to his face, I could see him looking at me. "What are you looking at?" he said timidly with a twinkle in those eyes. "Just looking at you, making sure there are no more cuts or bruises and taking the time to see just how beautiful you are." "I am not beautiful, I'm just a skinny little rag who had been disowned by his family." I leaned in close to his face, took it in both my hands and directed his gaze to me. "You are nothing of the kind, You are the most wonderful beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on and don't you let anyone tell you different." With that he closed his eyes and I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "I can bet that things have been very tough for you but as of now things are going to change. You are here now and I promise you I will not let anyone hurt you in any way, do you understand?" Once again the tears leaked from the corner of his eyes and he nodded his head. "Wonderful, now you just lie there and rest, take a nap if you like. When you are ready we will have something to eat and get to know each other better. OK?" "Ok, I am a bit sleepy. Thank You Randy, you are a good friend and I feel safe with you." He then relaxed and closed his eyes. I stood up and just watched that sweet innocent things breathing as he drifted off to sleep. I moved over to a chair opposite him and just sat and drank in the radiance of the beautiful boy sleeping on my couch. I began to drift about in my thoughts and thanked the powers that be for bringing me to this sweet thing. A fulfillment of my greatest fantasy. I hoped I could help him heal the hurt and torture I could tell he and been through and swore I would do everything in my power to see that he was able to get through it with as little emotional damage as possible. He woke up about an hour later, yawned and opened those gorgeous eyes and smiled at me. "I feel better now, but I'm kinda hungry. You got any food around here?" "Well, I do but lets go to McDonalds and get some take out and come back and watch ANTS on DVD, I just got it and want to watch it myself." "Yeah, great idea. Where is the bathroom?" I told him and he sort of limply scampered up the stairs. After he came downstairs I gathered up my keys and we got in the car and headed to McDonalds. He must have been hungry, he ordered a Big Mac, and a Quarter Pounder, a large fries and a chocolate shake. We took our goodies back to the house and spread out the feast in front of the big screen TV and I started the movie. "I've never seen this before, he said, my daddy would not let me watch movies." "I think you will like it, I've seen it before and want to watch it again." We munched and watched the movie. Danny seemed to enjoy it quite a bit 3; laughing at the right spots and engrossed in the plot. I took this time to once again linger over his sweet, beautiful body. I still could not believe I was sitting next to this magnificent creature. After the movie and dinner, I suggested that he should take a bath and I would loan him some clothes that belonged to my cousin who I babysat once in a while. He jumped up and exclaimed, "Great idea, I want to wash off any traces of my stinking daddy." "Come on upstairs and I will get you started, but you need to be careful about that knee, don't get it too wet and I'll put some more spray on it when you get out." We went upstairs and I started the bath water, getting the temperature just right. "You want some bubbles?" "Yeah, cool, never had a bubble bath before." I poured in some scented bubble soap and swirled it around. "There you go, now let me help you out of that shirt." He lifted his arms and I pulled the shirt over his head, getting my first look at his smooth undeveloped torso. He had the most beautiful skin, soft velvety. His nipples were rather large and a dark chocolate brown color. I just wanted to lean over and lick them right then and there, but decided that patience was a virtue. He then turned his back to me, pulled off his shorts, giving me a beautiful look at his cute sweet bottom before he giggled and slipped into the tub and under the bubbles. "You take your time and enjoy your bubble bath. When you are ready to get out, call me and I will help you rinse off and dry you." He ducked under the bubbles long enough to get a face full and then popped back up giggling and said "Ok, I can't wait." While he was playing in the tub I checked out the clothes left by my cousin. I found a pair of cute blue jockey undies that would fit him and a tank top shirt. I put them on the bed and went back into the bathroom. He was busy washing his legs and arms when I returned. "Want me to wash your back?" "For sure!" I reached in and picked up the soap and started rubbing that beautiful velvet. I was in ecstasy. Running my hands all over him, he sagged down a bit, closed his eyes and began to purr. "That feels so nice, please don't stop" "I could do this for you forever." I said as I leaned in and kissed him on the nose. "Pffff, you taste like strawberry bubble soap." I said as I blew it back in his face. He laughed and threw a handful of bubbles at me. After about 30 minutes, I told him he should get out before he turned into a wrinkled prune. He laughed and stood up. I drained out the water and the bubbles and turned on the shower to rinse him off. He danced and played under the spray and I got my first look at what he had up front. He was big for his age, perhaps 4" [10 cm] soft, cut and a wonderful sight. He saw me looking and turned toward me with a twinkle in those eyes, smiled and asked, "You like what you see?" "More than you know," I stammered, "Ok time to get out." I picked up a towel and held it open for him to step into. On the way out of the tub he slipped a bit and I quickly wrapped the towel and my arms around him to keep him from falling. I held on tightly and brought my lips up to his and gave him a gentle kiss. He was a bit startled. "Be careful my sweet love, don't want you to fall." He then smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug and said, "Please kiss me again" and I did, this one lasting a bit longer, running my tongue around his lips and tasting that honey sweet mouth while running my hands down the length of his back and caressing those sweet bun cheeks. After a while he pulled away, and with a great big smile on his face, stated: "I Love You Randy." "I Love You too, Danny. We are going to be great friends for sure." With that I picked him up, wrapped in his towel and cradled him in my arms and gave him a big hug. "Ok, you cute little nymph you, I'm gonna spirit you away and get you into a cute sexy outfit." I carried him to the bedroom and put him on the bed and picked up the undies and the tank top shirt. These belong to my cousin but I know he would be glad to let you wear them. Danny stood up and took the jockeys from me and gave me a show as he slowly pulled them on. Then I took the tank top and helped him into it, enjoying the pleasure of just touching him as it slid down the slim body. He then stepped back two steps and did a slow turn, very sexy and enticing. "What do you think? You like?" "Oh Yeah!" He put an impish grin on his face and with the with his emerald eyes twinkling, purred like a happy kitten and twirled again. "Oh God, Randy I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life." With that he ran forward, jumped into my arms and kissed me hard and long. For the first time our tongues joined and I almost fell over from the sweet sweet taste of his mouth. We kept this up for almost 10 minutes when I happened to glance at the clock. It was almost midnight, where had the time gone. I carried him over to the bed and gently laid him down. "We need to go to sleep soon, we have a busy day tomorrow. We are going to get you some new clothes." I moved over to the other side of the bed and stripped down to my underwear and slid in beside him. He immediately slid over and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you so much for taking care of me. I've never had anyone love me like this before" "I leaned over and kissed him and then whispered into his beautiful elfin like ear, "Thank You! For coming into my life, you are the wonderful thing I have been waiting for all my life." "Would you do me one favor before we drift off together, please take off your shirt so I can hold you and feel that beautiful boy body next to me?" He sat up and pulled the shirt off, rolled over on top of me and began to kiss my face and neck. I wrapped my arms around him and reveled in his ministrations. Oh, how lucky I was. After a while he rolled back off and I turned over on my side facing him and wrapped my arm around him, pulling him close, smelling the sweet strawberry smell of his clean beautiful hair and just held him. Soon his breathing became regular and I knew he was asleep. It took me almost two hours to fall asleep, just holding and breathing in this fantastic boy that had come into my life. Chapter 2I awoke the next morning and opened my eyes. There he was. It wasn't a dream or a fantasy. I paused for a moment to thank those in charge for sending me this most wonderful gift. During the night he had rolled over and was now lying snuggled right against me, his sweet beautiful face nestled between my neck and shoulder with his arm wrapped across my chest. Each time he exhaled in his sleep, his sweet breath tickled my neck sending shivers up and down my spine. My dick was so hard I thought I was going to explode right then and there. Then I noticed that he had snuggled himself against the entire length of my body and I could feel that his beautiful now 6" [15 cm] cock was as hard as a rock and pressing against mine. Anyone who has ever experienced the depths of ecstasy will know what I was feeling. It took my breath away. Here was this beautiful elfin child lying next to me as peaceful and serene as anything I have ever experienced. I slowly reached out and ran my fingers through his beautiful long hair. Caressing it and loving the feel as it slipped softly and silkily through my fingers. I realized then and there that I was deeply and totally in love with this child and vowed to keep him with me the rest of my life. As I was lying there drinking in the beauty of that sweet face, his eyes fluttered then slowly opened. Revealing to me those magnificent emeralds (I know I go on about them but I just can't help it!) He gave me the most magnificent smile and said, "Good Morning my Love, I am so happy to wake up and find you still here with me." I leaned over and kissed him full on the lips, letting our tongues play together, sharing the sweet saliva of his beautiful mouth. Running my hands down the front of his smooth chest, tickling those beautiful brown nipples till they were standing at attention, begging for more. He moaned and wiggled about, causing our pair of hard dicks to rub together in blissful unison. I slowly pulled away from that mouth, with a touch of regret and began kissing him all over his face, licking that cute button nose, across his chin, down his neck then back up to one ear, where I licked the sweet curve at the top of his ear, kissed and nipped at the sweet lobe and whispered to him. "Danny, you are the most wonderful, beautiful thing that has ever come into my life and I never want to lose you for anything." I ran my tongue around the inside of his ear lapping up the sweet taste of his body and sending shivers all up and down him. He suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me to his lips, staring deep into my eyes, kissing me hard and frantically. Then pulled away and whispered to me, "I Love You with all my heart and it would shatter into a thousand pieces if you ever left me." I kissed him again, slowly and longingly and began running my hand up and down his chest again. I moved lower with each stroke and finally allowed myself to run my hand down and touch that beautiful hard cock for the first time. I slowly rubbed it through the cloth of his briefs, hearing him suck in his breath and shiver with each touch, slowly running my hand down across his inner thighs. We were staring deeply into each other's eyes and drowning in the beautiful feelings of love being passed between us. I next noticed that he had moved his hand to my hardness and was slowly caressing me through my briefs, sending bolts of electricity through my body. Here was this wonderful creature exploring me for the first time. I continued to stare into that emerald pool and told him, "Danny, I love you more than life and want to be able to explore all of your beautiful body but I never want to do anything you don't want. If I ever do anything that you don't like just tell me and I will stop. You are so wonderful that I need to know all of you, sink into the depths of you body and soul." He looked back at me and said, "I want nothing more than to have you on me, in me and all over me, you can do anything you want and be assured I want it as much as you do." We continued to rub and explore each other and fall into the depths of each other's eyes. His hand on my dick was bringing me so close to shooting that I did not want him to stop. But I had an entire afternoon of exploration and sex planned after we returned from shopping. I gently leaned over and kissed him hard and long 3; reveling in the return kiss I received, Tongue fighting, and devouring each other's mouths. After we finished the contest I pulled away and told him, "Danny, I have a beautiful afternoon planned for us, together in bed learning about each other and exploring every inch of you, but first we need to go shopping and get you some new clothes, are you ready?" "Oh Yeah! I can't wait to have some nice new clothes for a change, my daddy never bought me anything new, only second hand stuff from Goodwill. UGHH!!" "Well, get your sweet fanny out of this bed and we will get dressed and rolling." He started to get out and I just had to reach over and nip at that sweet ass that he pointed at my face while getting up. He looked back, smiling and said, "Patience Man, you can have all of that this afternoon." We got up and ran to the bathroom to get ready. I watched as he took off his undies and tired to get his stiffy to start peeing. I leaned over him and took it in my hand and started rubbing it. "Hey, you are not helping," he squealed. "Sorry, Danny, I just couldn't resist." I gave it another quick squeeze and then stepped to the other side and pulled out my raging hard-on, I too, was soon just standing there waiting for the plumbing to kick in. He looked up at me then back at my cock and laughed out loud. ""Having a problem? Let me help" and he reached over and began stroking me the way I had to him. "You little imp, were gonna be standing here holding our joints all day if you don't stop that." I reached over and pinched his cute little bottom, he squealed and then started peeing. Watching him encouraged me and I started too. We hopped into the shower and I was excited when he offered to wash me all over. I gave him the loufa sponge and the soap and knelt down so he could start with my shoulders. His rubbing with the scratchy sponge sent shivers all up and down my body. He scrubbed his way down to my ass and I was give a sweet surprise when I felt his other hand sneak between my cheeks and grab a quick rub. I then turned around and let him start on the other side. He worked his way down to my still throbbing cock and I told him please don't use that loufa there. Just you're cute little hands. He just smiled up at me and began to soap up the length of my dick. Stroking it up and down. Making me get more and more excited 3; almost causing me to cum all over his sweet face 3; but that was for later. I wrapped my hand around his and told him that he better slow down or I would not be able to control myself, besides it was my turn to wash him. I turned him around and began on him the same way he did on me. Taking my time to slowly caress that sweet smooth skin all the way down his back, down his legs and then back up to his cute little fanny. Slowing caressing each beautiful rounded bun and then inside to caress and sneak a feel of the beautiful tight rose bud inside. I slipped my little finger in just a bit and he squealed and spun around and kissed me hard. "That was very nice he gasped." We hopped out of the shower and got dressed. He in the only clothes he had, the ones he arrived in, but I promised him we could burn that nasty stuff as soon as we got back and he could model for me all the new wonderful clothes we were going to buy. We headed for the mall and our first stop was Old Navy. He scampered inside and just stopped and stared at all the beautiful clothes. He looked up at me and with a great big smile asked, "What can I get?" "Anything you want honey, you certainly deserve it" We ended up coming out with 2 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of long pants, 6 shirts, and 5 pairs of undies, including one tiny thong that I just had to buy for him. Our next stop was at Target to look for shoes and some T-shirts. We found sneakers, sandals and a pair of dress shoes for him and 2 sexy tank tops and 3 T-shirts. He had wandered off and suddenly appeared carrying the cutest little tight bright red bikini bathing suit and was jumping around asking, "Can I get this, Can I please?" "Of course sweets, you will look fantastic wearing that 3; and I can't wait to take it off you." He smiled that beautiful smile and hugged my waist, looking up at me, "Thank you, I Love You so much." "And I love you too, my little cutie. Now let's go home and you can model you new clothes for me." "Ok, let's go, I can't wait" We headed for the check out, then loaded the car and sped home. As soon as we arrived he grabbed a bag full of clothes and raced into the house and up the stairs. Calling back as his cute little buns disappeared up the stairs, "Give me a minute to get ready then come up for the modeling show." "Ok, I called back, I can't wait!" I brought in the rest of the packages and took my time climbing up the stairs. When I got into the bedroom he was standing there in his cute blue undies laying out his new clothes on the bed. I took off my shirt and pants and sat down on the end of the bed. "It all looks so great I don't know where to start!," he exclaimed while moving the things around on the bed. "Why don't you start with the basics. I would love to see you model those beautiful undies for me 3; leave the sexy thong for last, I want to help you put that on." He gave me one of those marvelous smiles and with a twinkle in his eye began a slow strip tease while slowly pulling off his briefs. Turning his back to me and bending over while slowly pulling them down from his sweet smooth bubble but. He turned his head around to make sure that I was watching and caught me rubbing my crotch in anticipation. He wiggled that beautiful behind seductively as the sweet cheeks came into view. Then rubbing his finger between them making me want to jump over there and stick my tongue all the way up the wondrous opening. But I controlled myself; we had a long way to go. He then turned around and pulled them the rest of the way off, letting me see that beautiful 6" [15 cm] snake. He slid seductively up to me and asked me to kiss it for good luck. I just couldn't resist, leaning forward and licking the tip and into the beautiful slit in the end. He shuddered and I could feel it pulsing and twitching with my tongue. He then proceeded to model all of the beautiful clothes we had gotten with him, getting more and more excited with each view. Finally we had tried on every thing except that sexy thong. I picked it up and beckoned him to come up to me with my finger. "Come to me my beautiful wonderful boy 3; I want the privilege of putting this on you myself." He swayed slowly up to me, removing all of his clothes during the process. He stepped up to me and I knelt down before him. I picked up one of his feet and slipped his foot through the leg hole, then did the same with the other one. Pausing for a moment to run my hands slowly up his legs to his sweet balls, caressing them and rubbing them. He was in ecstasy, moaning and grunting. I then returned to the thong, and slowly brought it up his legs. Slowly slipping the cute little pouch up over his ball sack and surging prick. He was so hard that the cute head of his dick was sticking out of the top of it when I got them on him. I then turned him around and spread his sweet cheeks, looking for the strap. I found it nestled in the beautiful ass and leaned in to lick it from top to bottom, letting my tongue slip around the side of it to play with that sweet pucker. Danny shuddered and fell back against my face, pushing my tongue even deeper into that lovely hole. I reached in and moved the strap out of the way and pushed gently on his back till he was bending over, giving me better access for my delighted tongue. I stuck it in as far as I could. Savoring that wonderful tastes and smell. I could not get enough. He was twitching and moaning like nothing and reached back to push my face farther in. I finally stood up and turned him around, stepped back and took off the rest of my clothes. I just stood there admiring this fantastic creature. I could not get enough of him and my raging cock was leaking precum like it was a fountain. I stepped forward and slowly caressed him from top to bottom, leaning in to lick and kiss each of those beautiful brown nipples one at a time. Licking, and nipping them, running my tongue all over his beautiful chest. I felt him go limp as those hot little nips got hard, standing out like little soldiers waiting for more action. I kept this up till he was moaning and grunting and squirming. Sucking on each of them trying to get as much as possible into my mouth. I then continued licking and kissing and sucking down the front of his body, sticking my tongue into his cute little navel, causing him to squeal "That Tickles!" I traveled down to the top of that sexy thong with his cock head sticking out and began to lick it and kiss just the tip. Running my tongue all around it and sucking on the head, sticking my tongue into its slit, trying to taste more of the pre cum that he was leaking. Then down the front of the thong sucking and licking and getting the front wet and partially see through. Next down to his beautiful balls, licking and sucking each one through the cloth. I couldn't take any more. I had to have it all. I looked up into his eyes and with a big smile on my face I slowly pulled the thong down his sweet smooth legs. Then I leaned into him and slowly sucked his entire cock into my mouth, taking in all 6 inches, slowly, ever so slowly, till I felt my nose being tickled by his crotch hairs. I stopped and just stayed there, sucking, licking and trying to get more of it in my mouth. I wanted all; I had to have it. After about of minute of deep throat, I slowly began back up the shaft, sucking and pulling with my cheeks, staring into those eyes. He was in shaking and twitching, and moaning like there was no tomorrow. His eyes were glazed over and with each inch up and down he shook like electricity was running up and down his spine. I reached the top and began another slow trip down to the bottom, this time getting just a little bit faster with each stroke. Soon I was moving at a good pace and I could feel him getting closer, his ball sack was pulling up towards the base of his cock and was pulsing with the rapid beat of his heart. I kept up the motion knowing I was going to be rewarded with the one thing I had been dying for. His prick started twitching, he started fucking my face with force. Holding onto the back of my head and shoving that sweet thing as far into my face as he could. Suddenly I could feel it building at the base oh his cock 3; I knew he was close so I speeded up my sucking, grabbing his ass cheeks and shoving him into me as hard as I could. He then started screaming 3; "I'M CUMMING!!, I'M CUMMING!!" and then erupted into my waiting mouth with shot after shot of the sweetest cum I have ever tasted. I had to have it all, sucking and sucking and licking, trying to get every last drop. He came for the longest time, and when he was finished the first time, I started the quick sucking action again. Grabbing his balls and gently squeezing and sucking for all that I was worth. After about three minutes I was rewarded with another great blast from his dick. This one I held in my mouth and did not swallow. When he pulled my head away because he was getting sensitive, I pushed him gently back onto the bed and climbed up on top of him, pressing my lips to his ready and waiting mouth. I began kissing him and opened his mouth with my tongue and let him taste the most wonderful cum in the world. I then pulled away and he was gasping and panting and licking his lips. He rewarded me with the most wonderful smile I had ever seen and between gasps said to me, "That was beautiful, that was wonderful, It was my first time, no one has ever done that to me before 3; I Loved It 3; and my cum tasted wonderful. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I pressed my face into his again and just kissed and kissed and kissed. We made out for about 10 minutes savoring his flavors and wanting to get as deeply inside him as I could. I wanted to crawl inside of him and surround him with all of me. After he caught his breath he pulled me into a big hug and panted into my ear, "Randy, I Love You so much, That was the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me. I never want to leave you and will do anything for you any time you want." "My sweet, wonderful, beautiful, man child, all I ever want to do is please you and you make me so happy just watching you enjoy what I am doing with you!" Chapter 3Daniel rolled on top of me, positioning himself so his cock was on top of mine, staring deeply into my eyes, his face showing his beautiful impish grin, he began sliding up and down. This caused the most wonderful sensations to run through my body. This beautiful child, looking deep inside me, knowing that he was my true love and wanted to do nothing more than pleasure me all the time. I reached up and pulled his face to mine and began exploring his sensuous mouth with my tongue, digging as deep as I could, tasting all the sweet juices he had to offer. His rubbing was causing my dick to grow and grow. He felt the reaction as he sped up his motions. When I was a hard as a rocket I pulled away from his delicious mouth and whispered to him, "I want you to suck my dick, I want you to taste my cum, I need your mouth all around it, please make me cum in your mouth and I want to suck your sweet cock and lick your beautiful ass at the same time." With that his smile blossomed to a full bloom. "I am so glad you asked," he panted, "I've been waiting to do that since I first met you." He then turned around and placed his beautiful but and 6" [15 cm] hard cock over my face and began licking the tip of my enflamed rod. His tongue flicking in and out of the piss slit, searching for pre-cum that was beginning to flow. Then rolling his tongue around the sensitive head, licking and nipping with his beautiful teeth. Staring up at his beautiful backside swaying in my face I did not know where to start 3; that cute ass, those lovely hairless balls, or the swinging dick. I decided the hairless balls were the best bet. I began licking the space between them and his sweet pick pucker, running my tongue lightly along the line between them, spreading saliva and relishing in the delicious boy odors. I reached up and sucked one of his balls into my mouth, rolling it around, sucking and caressing it with my tongue. I then added the other one, having a mouthful of sweet boy testicles. This caused him to moan and squirm a bit more as he sunk his mouth down the length of my cock. This caused me to add to the moans, joining him and pushing up with my hips to help him take it all in. I then moved up to his sweet but crack, licking and lubricating the entire length of it, and of course spending more time at the tight pucker than the rest. I began to tickle the outside of it with the tip of my tongue, feeling him loosen and tighten it to help me enter the spot. I spread his cheeks and buried my nose up there as far as it would go, inhaling the ecstasy of my boy. Then my tongue pushed its way inside, swirling around the inside searching for hidden treasures. During all this, Danny was picking up the pace on my cock 3; moving from the base to the tip, swirling his tongue around it and then shoving the whole thing back down his throat. I could feel his balls drawing up and the load building and then decided I wanted to share our orgasms and moved to his cock and dove all the way down. Wrapping my cheeks around it and sucking and pulling on it like a suction pump without moving up or down. My nose buried in those silky pubes rubbing back and forth to feel their silkiness. Danny pulled off for just a second, long enough to moan, "Oh God that feels so great 3; don't stop, please don't stop!" I immediately began pumping that rod with all my might. Zooming up and down, sucking to end all. I could feel him begin to get close and I wrapped my hand around his sweet ball sack, rubbing and squeezing and pulling on it. He did the same to me, all the while, sucking like a vacuum cleaner gone mad. We kept up this frantic pace for about three minutes and I could not hold it any longer, he was ready to shoot. I slid down to the base again, pushing the 6" [15 cm] down my throat and began the full suck again. He moaned, and shoved his dick in as far as it would go. He sped up his ministrations on me and we both built and built. Finally I could hold it no longer and began shooting load after load of hot cum down his throat. As soon as the first shot landed in his mouth he pulsed and began filling me with the biggest load of cum I had received yet. Both of us moaning and shoving and cumming and cumming. After about five shots each we laid in that position for a couple of minutes, getting our breath back and savoring the flavor. He then pulled off, turned around again lying on top of me rubbing our softening dicks together and without a word, began kissing me, opening his mouth to share my load with me, I did the same for him. Our mixed sperm, sliding between us for about four times till we each had to swallow the nectar. He then pulled away from my lips and panting, gasped to me, "WOW! You taste so wonderful that was fantastic." "You are so right my beauty, I love the taste of you, I could eat that forever!" "That was the first time I have ever tasted cum and it is wonderful 3; Kinda spicy and sweet at the same time," he gasped and grinned. We continued kissing for another 5 minutes, until I told him, "Danny, I want to be inside of you, I want to feel you and love you inside. I promise I will be gentle and not hurt you." "Oh, Please, I have dreamed of nothing else." Ok, roll over and lie on your back. I reached over and got a bottle of water based lubrican't and squirted some on my thumb and first finger. I then moved down so my face was even with his softening dick. I reached up and began rubbing the tip of his cock with the lubricated thumb and finger very lightly and slowly, spreading the lubrican't slowly around the head. He moaned and his cock immediately began to rise again. When he was hard, I put a bit more on my fingers and began spreading along the entire length of his rod. "Oh Randy, That feels so nice 3; so wonderful!" I kept sliding slowly with just the finger and thumb, up and down until the entire shaft was coated with the lubrican't and he was in ecstasy, Humping up and down, and squealing 3;"Uh, Uh, Uh" Keeping my ministrations up on his dick, I changed position so I was staring between his spread legs and put some lube on my other hand and began massaging the pink pucker. Running my finger all around the outside, slowing exploring the entrance. I put some more lubrican't on and slowly, ever so slowly, began to push my finger inside. He tensed just for a second as it slipped in, but then moaned again, and pushed back, putting it in farther. I slowly inserted it till it was all the way in then twirled it searching for his prostate. When I touched it for the first time, I thought he was going to cum right then and there. He screamed, "AHHHHHHH, what did you just do?" "Oh my God, do it again, please" I touched it again and got the same reaction. I laughed and told him, "that, my love, is your secret cum spot, I can turn into my love slave just by rubbing that spot, but I plan to do it with something other than my finger." I continued to stretch his tight pucker, putting in two then three fingers. He was pushing and rolling and moaning the entire time. Still keeping up the slow jack off on his prick. I then pulled out my fingers and told him the best way to do this the first time with out hurting him as much was for him to sit on my hard cock. I got up on the bed and handed him the lube, put a lot of this on me. He took it and began rubbing up and down, lubricating my hard, hard dick. "That's Wonderful, feels so good. Ok, now turn around and let me put some more up there for you. I don't want to hurt you. He turned and I liberally put more up his hole. Ok, you beautiful man-boy, I'm gonna show you the best part of being together. I want you to kneel over me and move down till you feel my dick at the entrance, then I will hold it steady while you slowly push yourself down on it. He climbed on top of me with a look of excitement and just a little fear and began to lower himself to my dick. I felt it touch his pucker and then he slowly lowered himself onto it till the head was inside. He grimaced just a bit. "It hurts a little at first, just relax and you will get used to it." He stopped for a few seconds then slowly began lowering himself down on it. Inch by inch, till he was totally impaled. His sweet but cheeks rubbing on my crotch hairs. He had a look of total wonder on his face, and just sat there for a minute. "I feel kinda full, but also it feels good." He then began slowly bringing it back out till just the head was still inserted and then back down again. "Oh, Oh, Oh, Mmmmmmm, that feels so nice, you fill me up so well." He then began to speed up, taking deep strokes faster and faster. I reached out and grabbed his still straining cock and began stroking him in rhythm to his movements. I began pushing up my hips to help him shove it in as far as possible. About every third stroke I could tell I was hitting the prostate because he would scream, "AHHHHH, UHHHHH, AHHHHH, OOOOOHHH." Oh sweet Jesus, it was magnificent, this is what I had waited for, this is what I wanted melded into him, getting to love all of him inside and out. I knew I could not last too much longer. I sped up shoving it into him as hard as I could and he sped up his bouncing up and down on it. We both screamed loud enough to wake the dead and I began shooting shot after shot into his hot tight tunnel. When he felt the first shot flood deep into his body, he shoved himself down on top of me with all his might and then began shooting all over my face and chest. I opened my mouth just in time to catch the first shot. It flew down my throat, causing me to shoot another two times into that tight, tight tunnel. When we finally stopped cumming, he just collapsed forward, with my cock still embedded in him. He came up to my face and planted one of the hottest and longest kisses I have ever received. Panting and totally out of breath, he gasped "Uh, Uh, Uh 3;I have never, never, never felt anything like that before 3; it was total bliss. Oh, Randy, I Love You more than you will ever know." "My beautiful, wonderful baby, you are the greatest thing I have ever been with. I'm so glad I did not hurt and you liked it. We can do it anytime you want." My softening dick slowly slid out of the now stretched opening and he just lay there, totally worn out. Panting and slowly getting his breath back. I kept kissing and hugging him, letting our two slippery dicks intertwine and make their own love to each other. After a couple of minutes, he looked deeply into my eyes and just stared and smiled, letting me sink inside that beautiful face with those emerald eyes, not saying anything just staring and staring and staring. I leaned up to his ear and whispered into it, "The only other thing I long for is for you to fuck me too." When we get out strength back and you can build up another big load of sweet boy juice, I want you inside me, filling me with you sweet cream!" "You mean it! I get to fuck you too?" "Of course darling, I want it so bad, you just don't know how much. "Fantastic, I can't wait" He grabbed my face and began kissing eyes nose mouth ears neck and me all over. He started singing softly, "I'm so HAPPY, I'm so HAPPY, I'm so HAPPPPPPY!" I just had to laugh and took that opportunity to slip my finger back up his hole and for one last time, rub his prostrate, one, two, three times in a row. "AHHHHHHHHH, UGGHHH, OHHHHHH!!!!!" "So you liked it huh?" "YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!" With that he just slipped off of me and snuggled tightly beside me. Just lying there staring into my eyes and smiling. Chapter 4We lay there together and slowly drifted off to sleep, wrapped together smelling of sex, love and happiness. Wrapped together sleeping the sleep of two people who are perfectly content being together. I woke up about 2 hours later and woke up the sleeping beauty lying next to me. Sweetness lets get showered and go out for Chinese food and then we will go see The Matrix, one of my favorite movies. "Ok, great idea 3; I've never had any real Chinese food before but I bet I like it." I'm sure you will, we will go to a Dim Sum Restaurant I know and I'm sure you will like it. We hopped into the shower and laughingly washed each other. Taking special pains to wash those areas we had worked out so well just a short time ago. After showering we got dressed. Danny in some of his new hot clothes and we headed out to the restaurant. I explained what Dim Sum was on the way and he said it sounded good. We arrived and I introduced him to Tran Tay the owner. We were shown to a good table and I said, "Bring on the Dim Sum". The carts began arriving filled with those wonderful dumplings filled with all kinds of fillings. I chose about 5 different kinds, pork, prawn, and vegetable to get us started. We ordered some tea and steamed rice to go with it. I showed Danny how to use chopsticks and he seemed to pick it up pretty quick. He tried a couple of different varieties and exclaimed 3; Good, very good. We spent the next hour sampling about 10 different types of Dim Sum and he enjoyed every one. After getting our fill we headed for the theatre. It was my new favorite one, the new AMC, a multi storied building that housed 12 giant screens with stadium seating, high backed seats that rocked and the arm rests lifted up so you could snuggle with your sweetie during the movie and I intended to do just that. We stopped and got popcorn and cokes. (The only drawback to AMC is the quality of their popcorn 3; not very good but I had to have it with the movie so got some anyway). We went into the theatre and found good seats about 1/2 way up the room and right in the middle, in my opinion the best seats in the house. I raised the armrest between us and snuggled close to my sweetie, put my arm around his neck and we began feeding each other popcorn. I leaned over and planted a big kiss on his face and said to him, "I think you are going to like this movie, I've seen it before and I really like it. It has a good plot and story line and fantastic graphics and special effects. The movie started and we sat there snuggled together and he was enthralled by the picture and so was I. When it was over he leaned over to me and gave me a big kiss and a hug. "WOW, what a great movie 3; Thank you for bringing me to see it." "Anything for you my love". It was after 10pm when we got home and we were both sleepy so we headed upstairs to the bedroom. We stripped down and hopped into the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed and rubbed him all over for 10 minutes. Once we came up for air I told him that it had been a fantastic weekend but I had to go to work tomorrow. I would love to stay with him all the time, but needed to make money for us to live on. I explained that I would show him in the morning how to make sure the doors were locked and to keep the windows closed and the blinds drawn. I did not want anyone to know he was in there alone. I still was worried that his pig of a father would come around looking for him. We drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms. The alarm clock went off at 6:30 and we woke up and immediately rolled together and started making out, rubbing our morning hard-ons together and making both of us moan with delight and pleasure. I moved down on his beautiful hard dick and sucked it all the way in. Pulling off for just a second I looked up at him and said, "Morning-cum is always the sweetest, and just what I need to start my day." I then proceeded to suck him for all that I was worth and in just a couple of minutes was rewarded with a huge mouthful of sweet boy cream. As soon as he stopped cumming he quickly moved down to my raging cock and began the same procedure on me and it took less than 3 minutes for me to explode in his mouth. He came back up and kissed me sharing my morning load. We were both in heaven. I got up and began dressing for work. My lover got up and went downstairs, still naked and poured us a glass of orange juice and began warming up a couple of muffins I had gotten. I came downstairs and sat next to him, munching the muffin and orange juice. During breakfast I explained to him that he needed to be very careful during the day when I was not home. We walked around the house making sure all the doors and windows were locked. I showed him how to operate the A/C incase it got hot. And gave him my office phone number and told him to call me for any reason, and especially if he thought he had a problem. I told him I would come home at lunchtime and we could have lunch together. With that I was out the door and on my way to work. I just could not believe all of the fantastic things that had happened in just 2 short days. It was just Friday afternoon when I was walking home from my job that this magnificent fantasy began. I mulled over all of the wonderful things that had happened and thanked all the powers that be for bringing my one true love into my life. Work that day was a drag 3; I could not keep my mind on my work, constantly thinking about my beautiful elf all alone at the house. I counted the minutes till lunch and when 12:00 rolled around I rushed out and hurried home. As I approached the front door I hear some Tecno Rock music playing at almost top volume and when I unlocked the door and entered the living room there was my sweetie, dressed only in the cute little thong and a scarf tied around his head dancing around the room with the vacuum cleaner. He did not hear or notice me right away, but when he did, he turned those cute buns to me and danced and jiggled for me. I could feel my cock rising in my pants and laughed and grabbed him from behind and rubbed my stiff one into the crack of his ass, humping him like crazy and dancing around the room with him in my arms. After a couple of minutes he broke away, turned toward me and put my hand on his swollen dick in the front of his thong. "Oh, Masser, you surprised me, please rub my dickie 3; he missed you very much. I stuck my hand inside the thong, grabbed his sweet rod and rubbed up and down. "Oh, Masser, you really know how to treat the help!!!" We both broke up laughing and fell together to the floor. "Wow, I really made a great find when I got you 3; not only do you fuck like a minx, but you clean house too. What more could I ask for?" "How about some kisses you great big stud you." We rolled together on the floor exploring each other's mouth like it was the first time. "Oh, Danny 3; Oh Danny, if I could only love you more than I do. I am in total ecstasy every time I am with you." "Me too, I spent the entire morning thinking about you, counting the minutes till you came back to me." We finally broke apart and he told me, "Your lunch is ready, just give me a minute to put the finishing touches on it." Ok, you fantastic boy, I am hungry and ready for the feast you have prepared. He ran into the kitchen and said over his shoulder, "Wait till I call you, Ok?" "For sure sweet thing!" "Ok, you can come in now." I walked into the kitchen to find the table set with candles and a lunch of sausage sandwiches and a salad laid out. We sat down next to each other and began to eat. "It is wonderful, where did you learn to cook like this?" "Just something I picked up along the way, my stupid daddy did not know how to cook and I would have starved if I didn't learn to cook for myself." "Well it is just delicious." We munched together, me just staring into those beautiful, beautiful eyes and smiling like I could not stop. "When I get home from work tonight, after dinner, you and I need to have an important talk" "Ok, I'm ready to talk about some things now that I could not before." We finished lunch and I helped him clear the table and load the dishwasher. I showed him how to load the soap and start the machine. "Well, my darling, I hate to do this but I gotta get back to work. Remember, keep the doors and windows locked and I will be home as soon as possible." "Don't worry about me, I am being very careful. I agree with you, we don't know where that monster bastard is and what he is up to." With that I kissed him long and hard and went back to the office. When I got back my boss came up to me and said, "You must have had some great weekend, I don't remember ever seeing you so happy especially on a Monday." "Mr. Johnson, you could not begin to believe the weekend I had. It turned out to be the most fantastic time I have ever had." "I will tell you about it some time, but I can't right now." Ok, well you best get back to work, that project is due in just one week. I then attempted to give all my attention to my job, it was not easy, but I did get something's accomplished. 5:00 finally rolled around and I was out the door like a rocket. Skipped all the way home, whistling and singing to myself the entire way. As I got closer to the house I glimpsed a car that reminded me of that old Ford Wagon disappearing down the street. I jumped behind a tree and watched it drive out of sight. "That stupid fucking bastard, he had best keep himself away or I will do something he will surely regret. I decided I would not mention this to Danny. The last thing I wanted to do was upset him, but vowed to keep a sharp eye out for that creature from Hell. I came in the door to find my beauty stretched out on the couch, watching TV and munching some cookies. I jumped on the couch on top of him and began sucking face and stealing some cookies from his mouth. "Oh, you sweet cookie faced beauty, are you glad I'm home?" "You betcha, my lover, I really missed your sweet face this afternoon." With that I slid down and took one of his feet in my hand and began sucking on his toes one and a time, licking all around them, sticking my tongue between each of them. Then I headed for the bottom of the foot, running my tongue up and down, causing him to squeal and squirm and laugh 3;"Oh, STOP 3; that tickles." I just gave him a wicked smile and continued to lick him while he yelled 3; "OH, Ha, Ha, Ha, Oh please stop!" "Ok, Ill stop, but what are you going to do for me?" "You just come upstairs with me and let me undress you and help you get into something more comfortable. I'll then rub the tension from your shoulders and kiss and suck you all over. A little afternoon delight before dinner is just what you need." With that he took my hand and started up the stairs with me in tow. We got to the bedroom and he proceeded to undress me starting with my shoes and socks, then my shirt and my pants, finally my briefs, exposing my ever-growing cock to his sweet lovely lips. He leaned forward and took it into his mouth, licking up and down the length of it from the tip to the base. Coming back up to the tip and running his tongue all around the top, sticking his tongue into the slit, and sucking the pre-cum that was starting to flow. I leaned down and took off his thong and turned around so I could put that hard beautiful rod into my mouth. We lay there sucking and licking, each of us getting more and more into it and coming closer and closer. I watched as his sweet smooth ball sack drew up toward his cock and heard him begin to moan. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum and fill your face with my sweet sperm." "Oh, Oh, Oh, Me too, please suck it harder, I want to fill you up with my sperm. We started sucking for all we were worth, each of us dipping all the way down and then back up as quickly as we could. "Uh, Uh, Uh, Ahhhh! here it cums." I grabbed his asscheeks pulling his cock all the way into my throat and began sucking for all I was worth, and he did the same to me. And then we both started shooting at the same time. Blast after blast of delicious boy juice, running down my throat, filling my mouth with that wonderful nectar. I tasted the first shot and began filling him at the same time. Erupting into his face like a major volcano. We finally came down off the mountain and just collapsed. Face to dick, dick to face, just lying there, panting and licking the last precious drops that oozed from our cock. "You get better tasting every time I get to suck that marvelous rod, I gasped to him" "I am so glad you like it, I live every minute of my life to please you." "My darling, I love you so much it hurts, I will love you for ever and ever and ever. You are the most wonderful, beautiful, fantastic thing that has ever come into my life." "Oh Randy, you make me want to cry, I just have to tell you that I will die if we can't be together." After a short rest to get ourselves back together we got up, he put his thong back on and I slipped into a pair of boxer shorts. We went downstairs and I told him I liked to relax, have a cocktail and watch the news before fixing dinner. I went into the kitchen to begin mixing me a vodka and Squirt, one of my favorites and asked him if he wanted one. "Sure, I'll try anything once." I mixed two, his not as strong as mine and went back to the living room and settled on the couch. He snuggled up to me and sipped on his drink. "That's not bad 3; I can't hardly taste the vodka." "Just sip it, don't want you tipsy before dinner, my love." I picked up the remote and turned on the news. The big story was about Hurricane Floyd that was a monster storm and heading toward South Florida, where my mother lives. I watched the report and told Randy, "I'll have to call mom and make sure she is ready for this thing." It sure is a big one and I'm worried about her. I picked up the phone and called her. She told me she was not that worried because the forecasters predicted that the storm would turn north and not hit her directly. I was relieved and told her to take precautions and be safe and I would call her again soon." Danny had been watching the news report and listening to me on the phone. "I'm glad she is not worried, it would be terrible if something happened to her." "Thank you my sweet lover, it is great to see that you are concerned. I can't wait for you to meet her; she will fall in love with you at first sight. "You mean she knows about you and won't be upset that you and I are together?" "Absolutely not, she knows all about me and will be proud of you when she gets to meet you." "Cool" After the news I went into the kitchen to fix dinner. After eating we cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. "Randy, lets have that important talk I told you about today. Wait here a minute and I will be right back. I went into the den and got a legal pad and a pen. I sat down at the table and patted my lap. Please come sit on my lap and we will talk. He came over and sat sideways on my lap, wiggling his cute little bottom on my hard thing sticking out the front of my boxers. "Randy I have a very important question to ask you. What would your answer be if I asked you to live with me for the rest of your life? Is that something you want to do? It won't be easy but I think I can arrange things so you and I can be together legally." With that he looked into my eyes and the tears began to flow from the corner of his eyes. "Oh Randy, I dreamed this could be. I want it more than anything in this universe." "Ok, here is the plan. I need to get some information from you so we can get a copy of your birth certificate. What date were you born?" "I was born on June 24, 1986." "Oh my sweetie, that is my birthday too, we were born on the same day. What a fantastic thing!" "Really, we can celebrate together!" "For sure!" I wrote down the date on the pad and then asked him, "Do you know what city you were born in?" "Yes, it was Charleston, West Virginia." "And do you know the name of the hospital you were born in?" "Yes, I think it was called Doctor's Hospital." "Great, now we can write there and get a copy of your birth certificate, that is a great first step. I have a good friend that is a lawyer; he is gay and deals with the type of case that involves children like you. I will go and talk to him to see what we can do to get you legally attached to me. I think I will ask him about getting me to be your foster parent or guardian at first with the plan of eventually adopting you and making you my legal son. Does that sound like something you would want to do?" The tears really began flowing then, "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes 3; The most wonderful thing you could ever do for me. I can't believe you would want to do that. Oh please make it happen." "My darling, I will do everything in my power to see that it happens. It will take time, and we will have to take it one step at a time but we can't do anything now but I will begin tomorrow. I will call my friend and set up a meeting." "It is lucky that this is summer and school is not in session, that gives us time to get your papers and start the process of getting you legally able to stay here. We will have to register you for school in the fall and having the papers in order will make it much easier." "School! UGGGG!" "Sorry Danny, you will have to go to school if you plan to be able to stay with me." "Ok, I'll do it, besides school is not that bad anyway." "Well, I will get started with the process as soon as possible." With that I wrapped my arms around him in a great big bear hug. "What do you think, could you ever call me daddy?" "Oh daddy, I would love nothing more. "Well then my son I guess we are on our way to a long wonderful life together. I want nothing more in the world!!" "ME TOO!!" he squealed, hugging me tighter. "Let me kiss away those tears, look at me I'm crying too, tears of joy, I've got my beautiful son with me forever." With that we began kissing the tears out of each other's eyes, laughing and crying all the while. "Daddy, I Love You so much, I Love You so much." Chapter 5We awoke the next morning at 6:30 when the alarm clock went off, rolled together and sucked face for about 10 minutes. We then jumped up and ran to the bathroom to pee and shower, rubbing and humping like crazed rabbits all the time. After showering and getting dressed I told my lover that I would call the attorney this morning from work and set up a meeting with him. We had a breakfast of juice and muffins and I was off to work, carefully locking the door on my way out. I got to work and began working on the project, putting all I had into it. The deadline was just a few days away and I could make it if I worked at it full time. About 10:00 I paused long enough to put in a call to Bruce Davis, my attorney friend. I explained what had happened and what I was trying to do. He told me to bring Danny and come to his office this afternoon at about 1pm. I said we would be there and then called my boss and told him I needed the afternoon off for a very important meeting. He reluctantly agreed when I told him I would make it up on Saturday in order to be sure the project was finished in time. Twelve o'clock finally rolled around and I left the office for the day. Hurrying home to find the sweetness standing in the living room waiting for me. I grabbed him, picked him up and danced around the room with him in my arms. "My sweet beautiful, soon to be son, I love you so much!" We danced and kissed, rubbing tongues and sharing saliva. "Oh my soon to be daddy, I can't wait! I am so excited, being able to stay with you forever." 'Well baby boy, after lunch today we have a meeting with the lawyer to begin getting things set up so lets eat and then get ready to meet Bruce." Lunch was ready. It consisted of chicken noodle soup and crackers. We slurped together and shared kisses between spoonfuls. After lunch we hurried upstairs and I helped him pick out something to wear and then dressed him. We then took off for the lawyer's office. As we were riding up to Bruce's office in the elevator I told Danny, "Don't be afraid, Bruce is our friend and on our side. Just answer his questions truthfully and everything will turn out all right." "Ok daddy, I'm anxious to get things rolling too." We arrived at his office and were immediately ushered into his office. Bruce came around his desk and out to meet us. "You must be Danny, I am glad to meet you." "Thank you sir, I'm very happy to meet you too." They shook hands. Then Bruce came over to me. "I can see why you want to fight for him, he is very beautiful." "I will do what ever is necessary to make things work out." "Ok, sit down guys and lets get this started." "Ok, first things first, Danny tell me how you and Randy met and why you want to be able to stay with him." Danny began the story of how I found him on the side of the road and took him in. Then explained about our getting to know one another and quickly falling in love. Ending with the exclamation, "I love him more than life itself and would do anything to be able to stay with him!" Now, Randy, I think we can work things out but it will be a long and involved process, the first step will be to get you approved as his temporary guardian and I will contact the city and county authorities and petition them to begin the process. This should only take a few days. They will contact you to set up interviews for both of you. If we can get this approved, then in approx. 6 months we can begin the adoption process." "Bruce, thank you so much. I really appreciate your going to bat for us. We both want nothing more than to be together. I really love this boy and am willing to do anything necessary to keep him with me." "Ok, I'm going to make some phone calls this afternoon and get the ball rolling. I will call you tonight with a progress report. You guys go home and get things ready for the interview. Make sure there is nothing in the house to indicate that you are intimate. You will need to stress that you are not sexually active and your main concern is for the boy." "Absolutely, Bruce. We will be ready when they arrive." We all rose shook hands again and Danny and I left the office. "Well my beautiful sweet boy, we are on our way. Things are in motion and I think we will soon be legal together. I'm so happy, this is what I want more than anything else." We headed home, stopping at a local deli long enough to get some cold cuts and salads for dinner, then to Blockbuster to rent a DVD to watch. We got home, fixed the food and settled down in front of the TV to munch and watch the movie. Just as the movie was ending the phone rang. I picked it up and it was Bruce informing me that the interview was set for Saturday morning at 10:00 with both the city and the county. I assured him we would be ready, thanked him again for all his work and hung up. "Ok my sweetie, we are set for Saturday for the interview, and we will be ready. Hey, my love, I'm feeling very horny and want you to fuck me tonight. I want to feel you inside me." "Ok! I've been waiting for you to ask me, been saving up my cum to fill you up." "Great, I'll race you upstairs." We both jumped up and raced for the stairs. "Last one up is a monkey's uncle" he called as he raced ahead of me up the stairs. We reached the bedroom at almost the same time with him beating me by just a second. "I win, Mr. Monkey's Uncle" he giggled. I grabbed him and threw him on the bed and began ripping off his clothes. When he was naked, I grabbed his already hard dick and gave it a big squeeze. "Hello, my great big lovely, I can't wait to have you inside me." Daniel squealed and giggled. "He can't wait to shove himself up you either!!" He then grabbed me and stripped me naked in about 25 seconds. Bending down and sucking my hard dick all the way in. "Ummmm," he mumbled with his mouth full, I love the taste of this thing!" While he was sucking away I reached over and got the lubrican't and rolled over on my back, pulling my legs up to my shoulders. I handed him the bottle and said, "Get me all slick and ready you hot little minx." He took the bottle, squeezed some on his hand and proceeded to rub my hot and ready asshole with it. First one finger then two and then three inside me, rubbing and twisting getting me ready for the invasion. He then spread some on his hardness and proceeded to position himself between my upraised legs. I could feel that beautiful 6" dick rubbing against my hole. Then I gasped as he put the head just inside my ass. "Oh, God, Danny, You feel so good. Please push it in deeper!" "Ohhhhh, It feels so nice." He slid it slowly in, until I could feel his pubes rubbing on my ass and his sweet hairless balls rubbing against me. He stopped for a few seconds, just letting me feel all of him inside me, then slowly, every so slowly drawing it out until just the head was still inside me. Stopping for another few seconds, then slowly back in, all the way. "Randy, you are so tight and hot. I don't know how long I can hold out. I'm gonna fill you up with my cum, Ohhhhh, Uggghhh, I LOVE IT!!" He sank it back in again, picking up the pace with each thrust. I was pushing my ass forward as far as I could with each thrust, wanting more of him inside me 3; begging to feel all of him impaling me. "Danny, oh Danny, you feel so wonderful inside me. You were made to send me into ecstasy, please don't stop. Fuck me harder and deeper." He started fucking faster and harder; pumping my ass for all that it was worth. My cock was harder than it had ever been before and I had not even touched it. I could feel my balls drawing up into my crotch and felt my load building. I could not hang on much longer. "Danny, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!! I can't hold out much longer. You feel so beautiful inside me." With that he sped up his thrusts even more. Hammering my but with that beautiful cock. "Uhhh, I'm getting close, just hang on for a few more seconds and we will cum together. I'm gonna fill you up with my hot sweet boy juice." He shoved and twisted. I shoved back, my cock twitching like it had a life of its own. "AHHHHHHH!!, here it cums," I screamed, watching as my dick began shooting. The first shot went over my head and hit the headboard. At that same moment Danny screamed, "OHHHHHH!!, and began filling me with his hot steamy cum. Shot after shot blasted into my ass, making me feel I could open my mouth and have it shoot out. We kept pushing and cumming, pushing and cumming for almost 2 whole minutes until we were both totally empty. He kept his now softening dick inside me and fell forward. We came together in a hard hot kiss. Tongue fighting and sucking for all we were worth. Danny then backed down a bit and licked my cum from my chest and then came back up and we shared it back and forth till we could not breathe any longer. He rolled off me and lay next to me, trying to catch his breath. "Oh my God, that was fantastic. I've waited so long to do that with you and you were wonderful." "Danny, that was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had, you filled me up so well. Now we are truly as one, having shared all we have to share. I love you with all of my heart and want you with me forever." "Oh Thank you, I love you more than anything and can't think of not being with you forever." We rolled together and began kissing and kissing and kissing. After about 20 minutes I realized that my darling had fallen asleep, still making out even in his sleep. I brushed his beautiful hair from his face and wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes and drifting off knowing I was the luckiest man in the world. Chapter 6The next morning we awoke together, sucked each other off for breakfast and then I suggested we shower and get dressed and go out and run some errands. After getting dressed we headed out for the grocery store, picked up some supplies and then on to the garden store to buy some bulbs to plant in the garden. As we were driving home, I reached over and began rubbing his dick through his shorts. He started getting hard right away. He then leaned over and unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock and began blowing me while I was driving. "Easy boy, you will get us killed and you will have a lot of explaining to do when we are found locked together, wrapped around the steering wheel." He just giggled and sucked even harder. We pulled up and stopped at a red light. I glanced out his side window and saw next to us a van with a cute 12 year old blonde boy staring at us through the window. I leaned down and told Danny, "You have an audience." He sat up and looked out at the cute boy. He then pulled down his pants and started shaking his ass at the boy. I could tell he was going at his little dick by the way his arm was bouncing up and down. Suddenly his mother glanced over and saw what he was up to, she reached over and whomped the blonde boy up the side of the head and started yelling at him. "Barry, stop that right now." Barry just kept on wanking and shot his mom the bird with his free hand. While watching him pull his little pud I licked my middle finger and proceeded to shove it up Danny's willing asshole. Pushing it in to the hilt while watching Barry jack even faster, he was licking the window watching my finger fuck that sweet tight asshole. Suddenly the light turned green and the van sped away. I laughed and told Danny, "you certainly got that little fucker hot to trot." At the next corner we caught the light again and here was Barry, still wanking away. Danny sat up and said, "Watch this, Ill give him something to wank for." He stood up, pulled off his shorts and stuck his hard dickie out the window, shaking it up and down. "Hey boy, you suck on this." Barry rolled down his window and leaned out as far as he could, stretching his arm out the window. He could just brush the very tip of Danny's hard leaking cock. Danny kept up the bobbing movements and Barry stretched so far he almost fell out of the van. "I want it, I want to suck it, stick it out farther, please!!" Barry continued to tickle the tip of his rod trying to get more. Suddenly he leaned out so far he almost fell into the street. Him mom screamed and grabbed his shirt jerking him back inside just before he fell. "You little whore!, you almost killed yourself, just trying to grab that prick. I'll show you some prick grabbing when we get home if you don't settle down and stop fucking around!!!" The light changed again and off we sped. Two blocks later another red light. This time Barry stood up and pulled down his pants. He was jacking his hard little nub so fast that I could not see his hands. Suddenly he gasps, leans forward rubs his dick on the window and shoots three great big globs of come on the window. He then sort of slides down, keeping his dick pressed against the window, smearing his cum as he slides down. Next he takes his hand and wipes up a big finger-full of the cum and sticks it in his mouth like a tootsie pop and slowly sucks it all off. He then grabs another finger-full, rolls down the window and says to Danny, "Want to taste it?" "Sure, you little fucker, stick it over here." Barry leans out and so does Danny. Barry sticks his finger into Danny's mouth and he slowly sucked it all off. Pulling back from the finger, he slowly savors every little bit. "Wow, sweet, just like cherry candy." Thanks little squirt, I would love to suck all of that from your cock some time." The light changed and they sped away. I could hear his mother screaming at him as she pulled away. "Just you wait till your father gets home and I tell him what you just did 3; you are going to get your little ass blistered young man. I've never seen you do anything like this before." "Ok, mom, I hope daddy uses his belt. I get so excited when he smacks my bare but and then fucks the royal shit out of my ass. Please tell him so I can get smacked and fucked!!!" We got back home, put the groceries away and planted the bulbs. "Next Spring we will have a beautiful garden filled with wonderful flower from these bulbs we just planted. I can't wait for you to see them." "Me too, I've never grown anything before and I'm very excited to see what comes up." "Speaking of cumming up, what's that I see in your pants there?" I reached over and grabbed his crotch. "That is my love detector, I was thinking about you and it went into action. Wanna watch it get bigger and bigger?" "Oh, yeah, make it bigger and bigger. I'd swear that man meat is getting longer and fatter every day. You've put on 2 inches [5 cm] in length and width since I met you. I can't wait to see you in about two more years. I'll have to back up into the next room just to get you to fuck me with that snake!!" He laughed and grabbed my still hard cock. Just you wait sweets, Ill show you what cock really is. We raced upstairs. On the way up I told him: Ok my little piggie, I'm gonna fuck you naked, fuck you hard, fuck you long, fuck you deep and make you squeal like the little piggy pussy you are. Are you ready?" "Oh, yes farmer John, I need your hay fork all the way in my piggy pussy. I need you to fill me with your sperm so I can bake you a batch of little piggies in a blanket. Please fuck me hard, Please fuck me deep, Please fuck me all night long." "Ok, get ready." I ripped off all his clothes then leaned back on the bed while he did the same to me. I reached over and got the lube and began squeezing some on my fingers and in his tight pucker. I shoved one then two then three fingers in his hole and began twisting them around, making sure I popped his prostrate with each turn. "OH GOD 3; oh, oh, uh, uh, uh, eieeeeieeeeeeee," he squealed like a pig. That is great -- do it more more more more more!!!!!!!! I then flipped him over on his back and grabbed his legs at the knees and pushed them up until they were rubbing his ears. I positioned my hard cock at his hole and shoved it in up to the hilt. "OHOHOHOHUHOHUHU -- eieeeeieeeeeeeeee, the piggy pussy squealed, you are splitting me in half farmer John, take that pitch fork and shove it in harder, deeper, faster. Oh yes I LOVE IT!!!!!" With that I pulled my dick all the way out of his ass and backed it off about 6 inches, took aim and rammed it down to the hilt again and again -- each time coming all the way out and shoving back in as hard as I could. He was screaming and squealing, "Fuck me, Fuck me, I'm your piggy pussy. Fuck my piggy pussy, please don't stop, I want more. I continued force fucking him and leaned down and grabbed his ear in my teeth, I pulled and twisted and tried to rip it off. "You are magnificent, you are so beautiful. You had better keep your mouth open or when I cum in you you will have cum streaming from your nose. I'm gonna fill you so full of my cum you are gonna be able to taste it. I reached down and grabbed his smooth hairless balls and hard dick in my other hand and squeezed tightly, still ramming in and out of his ass. We continued this way for at least 20 minutes. I was amazed that I could keep it up so long without filling him with the huge load I know I was gonna put inside his sweet love tunnel. Ramming, shoving, lancing, spearing his ass, squeezing his balls and cock, sucking his tongue like I wanted to rip it from his mouth, on and on and on. Finally I could not last much longer. I sped up my shoves and tried to put my dick deeper into his ass. I could feel the monstrous load building and I screamed, "Here it comes, get ready to taste it, just then his dick erupted, sending stream after stream of hot boy cum directly into my waiting mouth. I shoved into him one more time and just stopped totally impaled inside him and began shooting stream after stream of cum into his willing asshole. "OH SWEET JESUS, DANNY, I can't stand it; you are killing me; I'm gonna die; you are draining the sweet life right out of me 3; IM CUMMING!!!!!!!! Shot after shot of hot sperm filled his ass channel. He began licking his lips and shouted up at me 3; "I can taste it, I can taste It, you did it you filled my mouth with your cum all the way up from my ass. Wow, don't stop, keep filling me up, I want more more more. After another 5 minutes of cumming and cumming and cumming I leaned down and licked up all of the sperm he had shot onto his chest. Then leaned over and tongued his face, smearing his cum inside his mouth. We face fucked for about 10 minutes then collapsed together on the bed. He was panting as if he had just run 10 miles. "Oh, Randy, that was wonderful, fantastic, magnificent. I love you so much." "Danny, you are the most fantastic thing I have ever touched. I would love to do it with you all the time." We fell asleep wrapped together with our love juices drying, sticking us together. We awoke together about 2 hours later. "We better have a shower and get cleaned up. The council is going to be here soon and we need to make a good impression. They have the power to take you away from me." "Oh, no they won't, I won't let them.!!" "Ok, lets get ready and charm the pants off of them." We popped up and ran to the shower, soaping each other up, making sure we cleaned all those places we had ravaged just a short time ago. Danny's little pecker got all hard and stiff again and I just had to kneel down and suck it off. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum in your face again, get ready here it cums!!!" I sucked harder and deeper and was rewarded with a huge gush of boy juice 3; I sucked and sucked and swallowed it all down." "That was just what I needed 3; now I am ready for the council." Quick, lets get out and get dressed, they will be here any minute." We raced into our clothes and ran downstairs. Me to the kitchen to start tea and get the cookies ready. He ran to the living room and straightened up everything. Hiding the videos and magazines that were strewn about. We had just finished getting ready when the doorbell rang. We opened the door and showed the council into the living room. There were introductions all around and then we settled down to begin the interview. Mary Magmish was the spokeswoman and she began by asking Danny to tell how we came to meet. He once again told the story of how I found him and began to take care of him. They all listened intently and when he was done all of them commented that his father must be some type of awful beast to treat his only son that way. They then told me they wanted to speak to Danny alone, so I went into the kitchen to get the tea and cookies ready to bring out. While I was in the kitchen I could hear them questioning him about our relationship. He told them that he loved me with all his heart and felt so safe and protected while living with me and that he would just die if he had to leave. "Are you two doing anything together that you should not be doing?" "Of course not, I'm not queer and Randy is a perfect gentleman, he would never even think of touching my boy body!!" "Well that is good news, you are much to young to have to put up with someone's aggressions" I came back from the kitchen, put the tray down and they began to question me. "How do you feel about Danny staying with you?" "I am so happy that he has come into my life, I feel totally fulfilled. He is just what I have been waiting for all my life. He fills a giant void that I thought would never be filled. I would be devastated if he were ever taken from me." Ok, give us a couple of minutes alone, I think we can grant you temporary custody of the boy. Come back in 10 minutes and we will give you our decision. Danny and I went into the kitchen and started counting the minutes. 10 minutes later we reentered the living room. "Sit down boys, we have come to a decision. We will grant you temporary custody of Danny, but only for 6 months at that time we will review his status again. If all is good at that time you can begin the process of adopting him legally. We will be watching both of you very closely to be sure there is no funny stuff and Danny you will have to get very good grades in school. Do you understand, young man?" "Oh yes I plan to get all A's especially with my daddy helping me with my homework." With that they rose, and started out the door. "Ok, you now have temporary custody, here are the papers granting you that." We will be returning on a regular basis and calling you both into the office for follow-up." Good luck, we all know you are very good for each other and hope you can fulfill all your dreams." With that they were out the door and gone. I grabbed Danny under the arms and whirled him around and around. "We did it, We did it 3; you are mine, mine, mine forever!!!" "I'm so happy daddy, I love you so much daddy, I'm gonna be with you for the rest of my life!!!" I set him down and we fell on the couch and wrapped ourselves around each other and just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. "I worship everything about you, my beautiful, wonderful, son. You are the stars in my sky and the light in my life. I will cherish you forever." We held each other and kissed and kissed and kissed for what seemed like hours, then just fell back and gazed deeply into each other's eyes. "I love you with all my heart", he whispered just before he fell asleep in my arms. The End |
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