Stories by Sam the Ham |
Sam the HamFamily DramaThe challenge was to write a short story which must include all the following items:
SummaryDan had little desire to visit his family in Japan. His mother had dragged him along in the vague hopes of healing old family wounds. Strangely he finds that both his young cousin's mother have something in common
Publ. June 2016
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CharactersDan, HayatoCategory & Story codesConsensual storytt – cons oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Dan walked out into the front yard as a cool breeze ruffled through the trees, the morning sun shone through a partly cloudy sky and he hated it. It was his mother's fault. She wanted to go visit her parents, his grandparents and they lived in Japan. Almost literally on the opposite side of the world from where he lived. That in itself wouldn't have been bad for a week or two, but she had decided to stay for a month. A month! That basically meant no Little League and because of the time difference virtually no time to talk to his friends. There was only a little time on either end of the day and he couldn't help but feel like he was losing them. They weren't even in Tokyo. They were in Nagano Prefecture, outside the city of Ina, in a small town nestled in the Japanese Alps. In short pretty much the middle of nowhere. It was a miserable little place and Dan had grown to hate it and he had only been here five days. If his dad wasn't away on deployment he would've begged to stay home with him. Even if he had been able to come there was no way he would have been able to get that much leave. He really had no idea why his mom had wanted to come anyways. There was a bunch of family drama he was only peripherally aware of. From what he had gathered his mom had started dating his father while she was in Tokyo attending a university. That would've been fine except for the fact that his dad was an American Marine assigned to the embassy and she was from the middle of nowhere. Her parents hadn't approved and from the way they still treated his mom, Dan wasn't sure they had forgiven her own whatever. Her brother, his uncle seemed more excepting one and he was glad they were staying with him instead of them. He heard the door open behind him and turned to see his mom step outside. "Are you ready to go Dan?" His mom asked speaking in Japanese. Dan had to translate the words into English or at least their closest equivalent before reversing the process for his answer. "Yes." "Good, then let's go." Before the two of them had taken five steps the door opened again and Dan heard his cousin's voice. "Please wait. I want to come with you." Dan turned to see Hayato smiling as he closed the door. "My parents said it was okay." "Sure," Dan's mother said with a smile. Dan didn't say anything. Hayato was a bit taller than him with short dark hair. He was polite but so far the two of them have been sort of maintaining a distance. Part of that was language problem. Hayato spoke broken English which was somehow more frustrating to Dan than having to translate everything. Still as he fell into step with them Dan didn't mind the company. If he was going to enjoy any of the strip he figured they should become friends. The little he had seen the town didn't give him much hope that there were other people around his age. His mom's parents didn't live far. Just a few minute walk. More Western-style houses quickly gave way to traditional. Apparently they ran a hot spring living right about the place. The second story the house could easily be seen over the wall that surrounded the front. The wall was stucco in current around the side where there was a door just before the wall turned into a bamboo fence that apparently enclose the rest. This was supposed to be the big meeting. The one after the jet lag and all the traveling. The one that was supposed to be just between his mom and his grandparents. Dan had no illusion that they cared about him. These were people who had as far as he was concerned every been sent him a birthday card. His grandmother opened the door. She was old and didn't smile. Is mother bowed slightly as did his grandmother. Dan averted his eyes pretending like he was looking at the woods. He figured it would look better like he wasn't paying attention rather than he simply didn't know what to do. He could speak the language but reading and customs were only barely touched on. He didn't turn to face his grandmother until he heard his name and then he's just smiled as she commented that he looked good. He said thank you and they were invited inside. Surprisingly the bamboo fence continued on inside cutting off what would be the front yard from the back. They were let up an enclosed flight of stairs to what had to be the entrance to the house which look traditional. Actually Dan realized it was to be more of an apartment on a house. They all remove their shoes and followed his grandmother down the hallway. The room they were led to had a small low table with his grandfather sitting at it. Dan's mother sat on the opposite side of the table as his grandmother sat next to her husband. Dan took the seat next to his mother while Hayato took one of the free sides. Nobody said anything for a few seconds so Dan started to look around. There was a squirrel on the wall that looked like it had been painted. It was of a nature scene. There was also a vase and a cubbyhole that had what looked like real flowers in it. Finally there was the view. The far wall was a shoji screen and it was currently slicked back to reveal an overlook of the town. Dan realized that if someone was coming up the street they could easily see what was going on appear. That was uncomfortable thought. "Dan," his name sounded strange coming from his grandfather. He hadn't mispronounced it but still managed to sound a somehow. "It is a pleasure to finally see you." Dan double translated that just to be sure. "It is nice to be here," The lie easily fell from his lips. Despite how unhappy he was to be here he wasn't going to ruin it for his mother. That good feeling faded slightly as what felt more like an interrogation then smalltalk started. He was asked about his grades, which were solid B and he sensed disapproval. He was asked about extracurricular activities and he had none. That seemed to be a disappointment too. When he explained that he like video games, camping, fishing and hunting that at least got a mixed reaction. Salvation then came to him from an unexpected direction. Hayato spoke up. "Dan, I didn't know you like to go camping. I like to go camping. Before we leave we should do that together." Dan smiled over at his cousin. "I think I would like that." "Are you two getting along well?" His grandmother spoke up for the first time. "Yes," Hayato answered for him. "Dan has been very nice." Dan was so taken aback by the blatant lie that he just stared at his cousin. They had barely talk since his arrival. "Maybe I could show Dan around the spring? We are closed today." His grandmother looked over at his grandfather who nodded slightly. "Yes, that could be good. Before you go I have a gift for Dan." That piece Dan's attention. Considering how many birthdays and Christmases his grandparents from the site had been silent for it had to be something good. His grandfather reached below the table and slowly pulled up a small wooden horse. Reaching across the table he placed it in front Dan who stared at it. It was a small wooden horse may be slightly longer than his palm. He had seen woodcarvings before about this one looked on the higher end. The horse look like it was in mid gallop with its head low. Despite the size it was quite a bit of detail. Dan could make out muscles and even main going down its head. He slowly picked it up and it was surprisingly heavy. He turned it upside down and saw that was apparently a boy or at least he thought that's what that little was supposed to represent. He could even see the hoofs. One of them even looked like it had been split down the middle. He wondered if that was an accident or on purpose. It was as smooth as the rest of the horse when he ran a finger over it. "Umm, thank you," Dan said unsure what to make of the gift. "I carved it," his grandfather added. "You did a good job," Dan said helplessly as he felt the long turned against him. "I should show Dan around," Hayato said slowly pushing himself to his feet. Dan was all too happy to follow his cousin out of the room. By the time he was halfway to getting his shoes back he realized he had horse back on the table. He hesitated for a second wondering if he should retrieve it or not. Then he realized his mother would do it for that way you wouldn't have to worry about it. As they were getting their shoes on Hayato stopped and looked at him. "Where's your gift?" "I left it on the table," Dan couldn't be sure but he thought Hayato might be giving him a dirty look. "Why? Did I do something wrong?" Hayato hesitated clearly thinking. "Grandfather is very proud of his carvings. Some of them can sell for ¥10,000." Dan's eyebrows shot up before trying to do the conversion his head from the end to US dollars and realizing it was less than a hundred dollars. Impressive but he hadn't known that. He had first just assumed that they bought it using stuff like that at all not as detailed from a few dollars. "Well, I didn't know," Maybe if he was in a different he could see it from his grandfather's perspective. However, expecting gushing gratitude seemed wrong somehow. Hayato finished putting on his shoes. "It doesn't matter now. Let me show you the hot spring." As they descended the stairs an idea occurred to Dan. "Is this plan? You tagging along and then getting me out of there?" Hayato stopped when he reached the bottom of the stairs. He turned looking embarrassed. "Maybe suggestion." "So everyone thought I was screwup?" Dan said crossing his arms and subtly having some very bad feelings towards his uncle. Hayato shifted uncomfortably. "Grandfather and grandmother are very traditional. It can be difficult sometimes for myself too. Nobody told me to, but nobody objected when I offered." Dan felt a little piss, but at the same time felt a little thankful to Hayato. He had wanted to get out of there. "Well thank you for getting out there." Hayato smiled relieved. "Yes, let's go." They made their way around to the front entrance. There was a sign overhead but Dan couldn't read it. To his slight surprised and produced a key and unlocked the front door. "You have a key?" Hayato looked over his shoulder as he pushed the door open. "I help out here. Have you ever been to Hot Spring before?" "No," Dan said looking around the entrance. It was relatively small. There was a spot to take off your shoes and hang up your coat. Along one wall was a display table with several wood carved figures on it. He quickly pulled his eyes away from them. The only other big picture in the room was the desk which had a door on either side of the desk. "Men's and women's," Hayato said pointing to the doors and turn. "Would you like to try a Hot Spring now? It would just be the two of us." "I guess," Dan said not really caring. They remove their shoes and went through one of the doors. The wood gave way to tile little cubbies. They undressed but Dan watched his cousin to see if you should remove his underwear or not. When he did he followed suit. He wasn't particularly shy even if his penis wasn't anything to brag about. Hard it wasn't even as long as his middle finger and he was still bald. When his cousin turned to him Dan surreptitiously checked them out. Hayato wasn't any more impressive than he was. He was maybe a bit bigger with a few sparse hairs. Dan had certainly seem bigger. When he looked up he saw Hayato trying not to look at his. Having no idea what the protocol was Dan just scratched himself. "So we go to the Hot Spring now?" Hayato consciously turned away. "First we to wash." "You wash before you go into the water?" "Yes, it's hygienic," Hayato explained as he picked up a towel. Drying the corner and found a large open area with low faucets. Following Hayato example he sat down on a little stool and started to wash. From the corner of his eye he could see Hayato glancing over at him. He began to wonder if his cousin might be interested or was he just curious? He had to have seen naked before he went to the Hot Spring at least. "Are you gay?" Dan asked as he finished washing his stomach. Hayato straightened and stare straight ahead the wall. "No, why do you ask?" Dan glanced over at him and shrugged. "I thought you were checking me out. I don't care. I have friends who are and messed around a bit just for the fun." Hayato didn't say anything for several heartbeats. "Does your mother know?" Dan considered the question. "That I have gay friends yes. That I've messed around no." His cousin was silent for a long time before venturing. "Your mother is okay with that?" "Why would she care?" Dan said wiping himself down. "Yes, I see."Hayato said beginning to wash the remaining soap off of himself. "Your friends, are they as young as you." Dan shrugged. "Yeah." "They are very young to know." Dan considered the question. "I asked him about it once. He said he knew when he was young. I think I had a crush on a girl in the second grade so I guess it makes sense." Hayato is in silent for a very long time just sitting there letting the water from as Dan turned his off. Then he turned and looked at Dan. "And you have done things with him?" Dan nodded. "Yeah, just..," He trailed off as the court would come to him. After a few seconds of frustration eventually just raised a finger to his mouth and started to suck on it letting the finger move in and out. "I don't know the word." "Sucking," Hayato supplied. "Yes, sucking." "But you don't like them that way?" Dan shrugged. "He makes me feel good, I make him feel good," Hayato nodded and opened his mouth shut it. The older team fidgeted and Dan decided to go for it. "I can make you feel if you make me feel good." Hayato stared at him for a few seconds before looking down embarrassed. "Yes." Dan grinned to himself. If he could find someone to play that way then maybe the strip wouldn't be so bad. He waited for Hayato to make a move but he didn't. So Dan took the lead. "Lay down." Hayato looked around bit before doing just that. Dan pulled him onto his side and manhandled a bit. Bending one of his legs upwards while bringing the other one so it was bent at an angle on the floor. "Okay, here we go," Dan said as he twisted around so that he was now laying the opposite way of Hayato. Was able to rest his head on the other thigh and positioned his legs the same way. Their heights were close enough to each other that they lined up fairly well. Dan found himself staring directly at Hayato 's junk, which was already erect. That wasn't too surprising as he was the same way. A moment later, he felt the other's head come to rest on his inner thigh, and thinking that was a good idea, he did the same thing to Hayato 's legs. They both stopped, both being able to see what the next step was, but equally unwilling to make the final move. It was Dan who summed up the courage to grab the other's length and slide his head forward onto the erection. He didn't put much in his mouth at first, but was surprised that it was like nothing he imagined. The people usually messed with work cut even though he wasn't. The little extra skin not gave him some to play with. Hayato didn't seem to have a taste. It was almost like sucking on a finger or several fingers. It wasn't as hard as a finger though, particularly the tip. It was almost spongy, but as he allowed his tongue tongue to travel down further the feeling was more familiar Before he could do any other experimenting, he felt warmth engulf his own member and the sensation was such that he momentarily forgot that he was supposed to be doing something. He felt Hayato 's tongue flick across the bottom of his tip before he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. For the next several minutes they experimented with tongue and mouth. Eventually Dan settled on sucking in his cheeks and bobbing up and down on the member. This produced a moan from his partner, and after a few seconds, Hayato copied him. It wasn't long after that Dan felt his partner tense and something shot into his mouth. Instinctively, he pulled back, but nothing else came out and soon his own orgasm washed over him. Irritatingly he felt it was dry again. Dan laid there for a moment catching his breath and then slowly sat up moving his leg away so no longer be used as a pillow. He stared down at Hayato's cheeks were red but to Dan surprise he also saw tears in his eyes. "Did I hurt you?" Hayato shook his head and rolled onto his stomach to hide his eyes. After a few seconds he sat up. "That was nice." "Yeah," Dan said hesitantly. "You okay?" Hayato nodded. "Yes, but I think I'm gay." Dan shrugged. "Okay." "Yes, let's go to the Hot Spring now." Uncertain Dan followed Hayato. The Hot Spring was a large natural pool. It started out with a gentle curve and slowly opened up into a larger area. There was a bamboo fence that went right through it cutting off whatever the other side looked like. There was one tree providing some shade. As the two of them slipped into the water he wondered if this was what it was like to be in a hot tub. Dan explored a bit feeling the warm water wash over his entire body. He found there were little places where someone could sit still be submerged in the water. Hayato didn't join him the exploring. He hung back sitting in a shallow part or most of his chest was exposed. Dan gave Hayato the occasional glance wondering what might be wrong. He wasn't great when it came to emotional stuff. He couldn't understand why somebody would cry after getting an orgasm. After a few minutes I was curiosity was getting the better of the many drifted back over towards his cousin. "You okay?" Dan asked. "Yes." Dan hesitated and ventured. "Did I hurt you?" "No." "You were crying?" Dan asked no longer certain that was what he had seen. "You can't understand." Dan grimaced. That was a stupid thing to say. "Why not?" Hayato let out a sigh. "I'm gay." "Maybe," Dan said staying low in the water. "Any boy likes to get sucked." Hayato shook his head. "I liked doing it to you." "Okay." "That's not a good thing. Especially with my grandparents." "Though get over it," Dan said feeling uncomfortable. Hayato let out a sigh. "I don't know. This might be worse than marrying a foreigner." Dan splash some water at Hayato before turning climbing out of the Hot Spring. He didn't back even though his cousin called out his name. Dan collected his clothing and again on not caring that he was still wet sticking to him. He made his way outside before pausing and realizing he had nowhere to go. His mother would still be talking to her parents and going back to where they're staying wasn't appealing at the moment. He stood there the quiet of nature surrounding him when he heard a cough. He turned his head and realized the sound was coming from above. Remembering the open balcony whatever he made his way to the side of the house. Standing under the window he could just barely hear voices, but he couldn't make them out. They were in English maybe could have not Japanese. He was still angry. Considering what Hayato had sent was not curious about whatever they were telling his mother. He eyed the structure like you would a tree. The two stories weren't flat with each other. The second story stuck out a little. Furthermore there was a little stud sticking out hoping to support the weight of the outcropping.. It wasn't much but he was pretty sure he would be able to get a hand on it. He tested the trashcan for stability and climbed up on top of it. He tried to reach for the outcropping but it was just out of his reach. Pausing for second he realized what he had to do. It was just like a videogame. Jumping from the can he landed on the wall and try to jump off of it. His first attempt send him crashing to the ground but he was up in an instant climbing back onto the can. His next job was more successful in his hands wrapped around the exposed wood stud. Hanging on with his arms he swung his legs against all and used it to pull them up and wrapped them around the wood stud. It was far from comfortable but once he found a comfortable spot he found he could hear the conversation. "Must understand how shameful it was ran off," His mother's father spoke Dan only catching the last half of the sentence. "We try to cover for you but it was very upsetting," His mother's mother said. Dan suspected the old bat was going to say more but his mother cut her off. "That is enough. I did not come all this way for you to hear your old" she used the word Dan didn't know. "I am sorry if you feel embarrassed that I married a foreigner. However, that is not my problem. He has been nothing but good for me and when you criticize you criticize my son. If you say one more bad word of him I shall leave. You can make peace or we continue the war." Dan felt the swell of pride at that moment. He loved his mother but it wasn't until that moment that he felt something more akin to pride. From his point of view his parents were his parents. They loved each other and they loved him. They were a happy family. He was proud of his dad, but he in much of his mother in that way. He just hadn't really know. He stayed there and listened for a little while longer, but his grandparents seem to have taken the worst heart. After several seconds of silence the conversation changed. He sensed a certain amount of stiffness in it but Dan lost interest as they started to talk about people he didn't know. After another few minutes he slipped down from his perch and placed the garbage can back to where he had found it. Hayato came to his mind then. Dan started to feel guilty about how abruptly and angrily he had left. His cousin hadn't actually said anything bad about his father. He was just trying to explain the situation. He hadn't deserved to be blown up at. Then he realized something. His mother had gone against what was expected of her and it hadn't been easy. Dan wasn't sure how it was to be gay in Japan, but Hayato was. Dan made a decision at that moment and like all of his decisions once it was made he put it into action. He made his way back into the building and ran into Hayato in the main entryway. His cousin froze when he saw him but Dan smiled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry at you." "No, it was my fault," Hayato said. "Well, I want to make it up to you," Dan crossed his arms and smiled. "While I'm here, I will suck you as often as I can. You do the same to me and I'll teach you everything I know." Hayato broke into a huge smile. "Deal." The End |
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