FuntailsRGB |
SummaryA man, his fiancé, her son. What they mean to each other breaks taboos of all kinds.
Publ. Mar 2016-... (Nifty); this site Nov 2016-...
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CharactersJames (33yo ), Krista (27yo), Billy (11yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story
MFb – cons oral anal – incest
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteComments welcome. Even if you're reading this in an archive years from now, I'd love to hear what you think. Mail the author at funtails(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Funtails: RGB in the subject line. |
Chapter 1The flirting started at dinner. Well, to be honest, the flirting never stopped in the house since we had gotten everything into the open, but on the day I'm talking about, I had just arrived from the factory and my girlfriend, Krista, had just finished one of her amazing stews. As we sat down, Billy came to the table, after spending the afternoon on his sixth-grade homework. He was Krista's son and the three of us had been living together for a year. I sat at the head of the table and Billy, his blond hair a little tousled, sat to my right. He was in a polo T-shirt and neat little khaki shorts. Krista was on my left, radiant in her house dress, her auburn hair in a neat braid down her back. I held their hands to say grace. Despite all the craziness of what we three had become, I remained a very traditional man believe it or not, and I could not continue living my blessed life without remembering to thank the Creator at meal time. We squeezed each other's hands gently and reassuringly as we prayed, but Billy made sure to give me an erotic little fingertip slide just as I lifted my hand away. His mother saw and she shook her head in wonder at his incorrigible horniness. I gave her a quick peck on her lovely lips then attacked the food. "Did you finish your homework?" I asked Billy. "Yeah." "All of it?" asked Krista, knowing how he was. "Yes. All of it. James, tell mom to stop hassling me." "Listen to your mom, Billy, you know how this works." No playtime if homework wasn't done. That rule was working out great. Krista turned to me and asked, "How was work, honey? That new client for real?" "Oh yes," I said. "He's taking me on a fishing trip next week." "Fish," said Billy with a scornful look. "Yuck." Billy remained a city boy despite moving to the sticks to live with me. He looked at me and asked, "You're not going are you?" "Well, Mister Fenton's bringing his son along. I saw a pic. Cute boy. Very cute." Billy showed just a touch of panic and then rolled with the joke by saying, "No one's cuter than me." I felt a little bad at denting his armor. This world the three of us were building with each other was still new and Billy was an insecure boy to begin with. I spooned up some stew and fed it to him as a peace offering. When he'd swallowed, Billy licked his shiny lips and my cock twitched. I took another spoonful of food for myself. The lamb was amazing. Part of the joy of having Krista as my woman was that she excelled at the domestic stuff despite her wild and sordid past. Her father had been a strict and traditional man in his own household when she was growing up. Maybe if he had kept his hands to himself, she would have remained that epitome of middle-class, Christian virtue instead of – well, there aren't any nice words for what she became. There was a tension at the table, as there was most nights for the last month. We knew what was going to happen after the dishes were put away, but all three of us valued our little family scene too much, so we stayed in our roles, soaking up this new reality. I had been a lonely bachelor before these two came along. Krista had been a stripper, fucking clients in the backrooms for extra cash. Billy had been a discard, a kid with no friends at school, tagged by his teachers as a troublemaker, and too crass to gain sympathy from any other adult. But we had been good for each other. Nowadays, Billy was a diligent student who left for school on time every morning, neat and smelling like clean laundry (Though his hair remained charmingly resistant to combs.) His mother had become a modern version of the classic American housewife – polite, demure, dressed with classy pearls and sensible fabrics while she sold cookies at the PTA sale, yet still a tiger in the bed. And I had changed too. My coworkers wanted to know why I was so happy all the time and the change had spilled over into earning me the latest manager spot to open up at the lumber mill. Our dinner continued our happy vibe. We smiled at each other, made jokes, poked each other with toes and fingertips, and we looked at each other with undisguised lust. Three months ago, I had begun fucking Billy. I know that's not a polite way to say it, but it's not a polite thing what he and I do. I stick my cock up his tight ass chute and give him a good hammering, until I fill his little boy hole full of hot seed. What else should I call it? He and I had liked each other from our first meeting, when I'd gone to pick up Krista for our third date. He had tried to hide it of course. A boy with a mother like that learns fast that the men in her life are like the pollen floating through the open window, never staying for long, potentially irritating and ultimately of no consequence. But I could see the spark of hope under the world-weary contempt of his gaze. Young Billy wanted a friend. And that's what I was for nine months. Then Billy needed a lover. And that's what I happily became. His mother knew from the start. From early on Billy and I had always snuggled. Often when we all watched TV as a family, I'd end up with him pressed against me while his mom made comments about him stealing me away from her. One night after she and I had made love and were lying in bed, I said, "Billy groped my cock tonight when we were watching the movie." "He's always putting his hand on your crotch. You two are so immature with that grab-ass shit." "No," I said, holding her so she understood I was serious. "He, like, squeezed it and caressed it and – Honey, I think he might be gay." "Hmmm." She didn't say anything more, but caressed my cock back to hardness and had me fuck her once again. The next night, it was clear Billy and I were feeling each other up the whole time as we shared one end of the couch while his mom watched with sidelong glances from the other. She said nothing as we graduated to kissing. The next night went similarly. And the next too, with Krista tense, but not objecting. At first, I figured she was in denial or maybe she was letting me molest Billy because she was scared of losing her new life, but when she started asking questions, I understood. She wanted to know about what we did and what it felt like and what Billy thought about it. After Billy and I went on an overnight trip one time, she asked me what we had done, her voice overly casual. I knew she wasn't interested in hearing about the theme park we'd visited. "We took a shower together at the hotel," I said. She seemed to shiver. Hearing this was turning her on! "I soaped him up." Another shiver. "All over." A big shiver. "Then I made him do me. His hands felt so good on my cock. I don't know if I've ever been harder. When I came, I splattered Billy's whole stomach." Judging by that last series of trembles, Krista had cum hearing about us. And so it continued, escalating, until one night after I'd brushed my teeth, I said to Krista, "Honey, I'm going to spend the night with Billy. It's time for, you know – the big boy thing." "Oh," she said, shock and nervousness mixed with hope and arousal on her face. I kissed her passionately, thinking about the fact that I was about to go screw this woman's son in the ass. Again, don't get me wrong 3;what Billy and I did was always for mutual fun, so I don't want you to feel I ever treated him disrespectfully or crudely. But standing there, holding her, the plain reality of it sunk in. I was going to ass fuck her 11-year-old son. I think it made her even hornier than me. As I left our bedroom, I said, "I'll leave the door cracked open." She gulped and nodded. Knowing she was watching gave everything I did with Billy that first time an extra thrill. The second time we made love that night, I said to him, "Your mom's watching." He froze, ceasing to thrust his hips up against my cock. I said, "She's been watching from the start. Mommy saw her boy suck me. She saw her little boy lose his virginity to my cock." He moaned in arousal, holding me tighter and as I pumped his ass, his little dick vibrated in a dry orgasm between us. That next day, I took Krista out for a romantic dinner. As we walked on the riverbank afterward, she asked me, "So what was it like?" "It was amazing. Your son 3;his little ass feels like Heaven when I'm in it. He's like an angel when I'm holding him against me." She gave a little groan of frustration. "What is it?" "I don't know 3;" She looked down. "It's just that I'm his mom, I should be protecting him, but thinking about you two together, seeing it 3;it just makes me feel so confused. It's like I wish I could be a boy for you and also at the same time I wish I could have him the way you do and – I feel so dirty." "You know what?" I said, holding her closer. "It is dirty. But that's okay. It's okay to be dirty. You're a dirty woman and you raised a dirty boy and now we're all happy together." Except we weren't quite all together, were we? About a month after I had started fucking Billy, I was once more in bed with him, plowing his ass, with the bedroom door wide open. "Mom's watching again," Billy panted against my ear. "I can see her in the shadows." "How's that make you feel, knowing she's watching you fuck her man?" "Good in a way," Billy said. "Like I beat her at something because she can't keep you to herself." "But?" I said, sensing he had more to say. "But kinda bad too. She's my mom. I don't want her to lose out on anything because you're with me. I mean, you're fucking me and she can't even see it properly." I knew it wasn't what Billy had intended, but I seized the chance and turned to the door. "Krista, Honey?" No answer. But I could hear her heavy breathing. "Honey, Billy wants you to come inside. We don't need to hide this, do we? We're a family. Me and Billy, we're happy to show you how much we love each other." Still just breathing. "Yeah, mom," Billy added. "Please." Krista emerged into the room, her long hair loose and sweaty and a wet patch over the crotch of her sheer nightgown. She sat on the bed near Billy and he reached out for her. They held hands and she said, "Oh, baby, I'm so proud of you." "Thanks, mom." As they gazed into each other's eyes I resumed fucking the boy, our naked bodies unashamedly grinding against each other until we came. After that, Krista often watched us have sex. And Billy and I would have sex at the drop of a hat, anywhere in the house, any time. (As long as his homework was done of course.) One unexpected outcome was that since his mother was watching him get nailed, even openly fingering her pussy while she watched, Billy decided he would sit in on his mom's bedroom time too. It was a rush, undressing Krista in front of her son, then, after warming her up with my tongue, laying her naked body down so Billy could have the best view of everything I did to his mother and then fucking her as he watched from different angles, taking it all in – a man's cock claiming his mother. The insanity of this life wasn't lost on me. So much could go wrong. Krista could have regrets. So could Billy. Heck, so could I. And sharing has never been a thing humans are good at. But then one day I came home early from work and Billy and his mom were out by the new pool, sunning themselves. They were nude, on separate deck chairs, holding hands. And they were talking about me. It was surreal. I almost laughed as they discussed what they liked about my cock. "The way the veins run up the side when he's hard is so cool," said Billy. "Really? You like that?" asked his mom. "Yeah. You don't?" "I've never liked veiny cocks. Kinda gross. But I tolerate it on James because his crotch smells so good. I don't mind getting all up close to it." "He smells like my socks," said Billy laughing. "After I've worn them for three days." "He smells like a man should smell. Like he's been out working hard to provide for his family." "Or maybe he's been stealing socks from a middle school gym and stuffing them down his pants." "James would never do something like – " Krista laughed. "Actually, he totally would do something like that." Their conversation moved on to which parts of my body they liked and what each of them had noticed about my sensitive spots. Right then, listening to my two lovers share their love of me, I knew this life was golden. "Mom?" said Billy finally. "Yeah?" "I'm really glad you hooked up with James. He's a great guy." "I know, Honey. But don't tell him that. He's arrogant enough as it is." I came out of the house, grinning, and said, "Too late, my little sluts!" I grabbed each of them by the arm and tossed them into the pool as they squealed and yelped. They surfaced and cursed my name while I stripped off and plunged in to join them. That afternoon I made love to them both, side by side, as they bent over the edge of the pool, their hips and shoulders touching while I shifted back and forth from their respective love holes. A month ago, we took that final, inevitable step. I had been getting Billy prepared, telling him about what it felt like to fuck a woman in general and his mom in particular. He himself would give her compliments now, about her earrings or her dress or hair. To an outsider, it probably sounded just like what a good son would say to the mother he adored, but I knew it was the seed of lust I had planted germinating in his mind. As for Krista, she was telling me more and more about her frustrations. She had found an outlet in sharing sex with me and Billy, watching us, even touching us as we made love, but more and more her body called out for her to go further. I let her energy build until one night we were all in the master bedroom. Billy was watching me fuck his mother doggy style while I pressed close to her from above. By now Billy had copied his mother's habit and would caress me and her both while he watched. "Krista, honey," I said softly, "I think it's time Billy did more than watch." "He already does more than watch." "I mean with you, honey." She said nothing, but her pussy was gripping my cock in vice-like spasms as she considered the thought. Billy leaned down and said, "I promise I'll do it good, mom." She looked at him, her eyes holding a desperate wetness and asked, "You sure you want this, baby? This is a big step. We can't go back from here." I couldn't tell if she was afraid he'd say no or afraid he'd say yes. "Mom, I love you. I want to make you feel good." I rolled Krista and me over, so she was splayed lewdly over my body. Billy knelt between our thighs and pulled my shaft free of his mother's pussy, saying, "Gotta get that smelly thing out of the way first." "Careful how you talk, boy." I wagged a finger at him from below. "I might just stick that smelly thing up your ass." He bit my finger playfully and I pulled it back. His mother reached up and drew him down. "Never mind him, baby. Mommy's ready for you now. Make mommy happy, baby." Incest. A mother and her young son, sharing their bodies as lovers. Man, watching that I almost came without touching my cock. The love between them made me jealous. There was no way two people could ever be more closely bonded. What they had as they held each other close, tasting the forbidden erotic pleasure most mothers and sons would never share, was the most special thing in the world. Even now, after a month of us being a true threesome, I never got tired of watching them. Tonight, as Krista loaded the dishwasher and cleared up the sink after dinner, I was hard just remembering it. I went over to her, pressing my hard cock against her round ass and nuzzled her neck. "I love you, Honey. You and Billy both." She kissed my lips gently and said, "We love you too, you pervert." "Pervert?" I rubbed my hand up her thigh, under her conservatively cut dress. "At least when I fuck Billy it isn't incest." Krista stiffened. This was a sore point with her. Now, I don't want you to get this wrong. I'm not into tormenting my women. But the fact was Krista totally got off on the incest aspect of letting her son fuck her and the reason was that a deep, old-fashioned part of her mind knew how demented and fucked-up it was. And feeding that sense of sin and transgression made each new act of incest a minefield of pleasure for her. "Oh, James," she said, "What kind of mother am I? How can I keep – ?" "You're the best kind of mother. The kind every boy wishes he had – sexy, beautiful and willing to break the rules to make him happy." From the living room, Billy's voice floated in. "Guys, what's taking so long? I've got the movie all ready to go." Again Krista stiffened. These videos were another way I fed her sense of shame and lust. It was amazing how mere images made of red, green and blue light could take a person back through time. They always made her uncomfortable, but today's was going to be a doozy. I took her hand and led her out of the kitchen. In the living room, the lights were off. The home theater projector in the ceiling and was casting a blue glow on the giant screen that had been lowered at the wall opposite the couch. The fold-out couch had been flattened to make a bed. Billy was of course naked, his hard boy nail bobbing up and down as he eagerly shifted on his feet. "Ah," I said, pulling him to my side, "My favorite boy, all ready for action." I leaned down and kissed his soft lip, rubbing the firm curve of his ass with my free hand. He tasted like his chocolate pudding desert. His mother stepped to one side and started unbuttoned her dress in the corner of my vision. Billy reached for my belt buckle and I pulled back and opened it. We got done faster than Krista so we ended up standing there naked, watching her step out of the dress. She shook her hair out, and it I could see the wicked side of her mind creeping into her slight smile. Billy stepped forward first and he and his mom hugged. She was quickly stroking his back in erotic swirls while he licked at her hard nipples one after the other. They both gave off groans, Billy's prepubescent voice high, Krista's deep with lust. I hit 'play' on the laptop sitting on the side table and then walked over to join the mother and son. I enveloped them in my arms, crushing Billy between us. He purred and wriggled his butt against my thighs while my hard cock painted his smooth back with my leaking juice. Krista and I kissed, out tongues seeking each other out in slow, but intense, swipes. With one hand I stroked her hair and the soft skin of her back. I slid the other hand between them, fingering Krista's wet pussy and Billy's belly-button in turn. This felt so right to me, having these two lovely creatures so close to me, giving and taking pleasure from each other. Unlike Krista, I had no hang-ups about this to break through. I just felt the peaceful sensations of love and lust in a warm bubble. On the giant wall screen, the action had begun. A Catholic schoolgirl, her hair dyed blond like most porn stars, is hitchhiking down a lonely road, until a bus carrying a football team stops for her. Billy knelt. Given his slim frame and the fact that I was a big guy, he fit easily between my slightly spread feet. I pulled Krista to me, her breasts smushing against my chest as we continued kissing. Billy's silky blond hair tickled the bottom of my balls as he ate out his mother's pussy. He was quite good according to her, but then again, moms always say their son is the best at everything. The porno playing on the wall was one of Krista's films, from when she had first run away from home over a decade ago. She had lost count of how many she made, but my 'research' had turned up dozens of scenes which I used for our special sessions. "See?" I whispered in Krista's ear. "See how slutty you were from the start?" In the bus, the girl finds there aren't any empty seats, so she sits on the lap of one of the players, a big guy with dark hair. She giggles shyly as he slips his large hands under her sweater. Her skirt is riding up her thighs as he spreads her legs lewdly. "Billy is a dirty boy because he had a dirty mommy." Krista groaned in a mixture of anguish and lust and kissed me even harder, still watching the scene with her flickering eyes. Billy was watching too, taking it all in as he slowed his licking at his mother's crotch. I kissed my way down Krista's neck, along the smooth roundness of her breasts and down her slim stomach, until I joined Billy at the place of his birth. We competed, our tongues brushing as we playfully fought to poke into Krista's snatch. Eventually, I let him win for a bit, then kissed the flavor from his mouth as I held his head to me. After I took my own turn flicking my tongue against Krista's clit and into her slick opening, I kissed Billy again. Krista the schoolgirl has lost her sweater and shirt. She's on her knees in the aisle of the bus, a cock in each hand, taking turns to suck them. One jock is kneeling in front of her, sucking a breast while his hand moves about under her plaid skirt. In the background another football player is twirling her panties in the air with a grin. Billy and I worked on his mother until she could take it no more and her breathing became panting. I rose and held her upright as her body shivered, Billy's expert young tongue driving her through her orgasm. When she was finished cumming, I laid her on the couch bed and pressed my lips to hers softly. Billy crawled up her body and he joined us for a sloppy three-way kiss. I stroked his back and his ass then stuck a finger into his hole. Typical Billy, he was already lubed up. Lying on my side, I watched the boy kiss his mother, then I said, "Spread your legs for your son, honey. He's ready to show mommy how pretty he thinks she is." She broke her kiss and looked into Billy's eyes with wanton lust then said, "Oh, baby, yes, I want you to fuck me. Fuck mommy, baby." Billy and Krista shifted around until he was set to mount her and then I leaned in and kissed her. Over my shoulder, I felt Billy start rocking as he entered his mother and Krista moaned into my mouth. The sofa bed started squeaking as he picked up the pace. I rolled back to watch the spectacle of a boy fucking his mother and then hugged them both. I kissed Billy on his mouth, my hand resting on his butt as it rose and them he plunged into Krista's pussy, again and again. Krista moaned, the wicked thrill of being fucked by her own son quickly overpowering her until her whole body shook in reluctant groans. Billy came soon too, as he always did his first fuck of the night, and gasped as he dry-fired his cock at the womb he had left 11 years before. Breathing hard, he rolled off Krista, coming to rest between me and his mother, the three of us on our backs, we adults holding him as we watched the larger than life porno action on the wall. The action has moved from the bus to a set made to look like the 50-yard line on a football field. School girl Krista is totally naked now, kneeling on the painted grass, a huge black cock in her mouth while a red-headed guy with freckles on his back is pounding her from behind. Her eyes carry a dazed look. I've seen that look before. On Krista. And on her son. School girl Krista is on a sexual high. "See how your mommy takes it?" I said to Billy, though I was really targeting my words at his mother. "You've got a lot of catching up to do if you want to be as good a slut as your mom." I fondled his prick, which was hard again. He got a dreamy look on his face and I told him, "One day, I'm gonna put you on a fifty-yard line just like that and let a couple dozen guys fuck your ass all night. Might even have all the kids from your school come fill the bleachers." That wasn't true of course. For one thing, I liked having Billy to myself. For another, I didn't know fifty pedophiles. Heck, I didn't know even one if you ignore people I met on the internet. But this slut talk was for Krista. She was looking at me with hunger and guilt as she pictured her son up on that wall taking the gang fuck she once had. She let out a stifled sigh. I propped myself up on my elbow and watch the sexy boy beside me, his slim torso and hairless crotch and smooth legs. I placed a hand firmly on his far hip. I said in mock menace, "In fact, I don't think I should wait. I'm gonna fuck you right now, whether you want it or not." Billy had horrible acting delivery, but to his credit, he knew his part and jumped right into it. "Oh no, mister, please don't fuck my little ass." Then he looked up at Krista, "Mommy, please, I'll suck his cock if you want, but I'll never be able to take that monster." "I'll do whatever I want, kid." I spread his legs wide and looked at Krista while I got in position to fuck her son. Billy was like me, taking his pleasure wherever he could without guilt or second thoughts. But Krista lived our role-play on a deeper level. I could see the dread in her eyes as she pictured this as a real scenario. Billy pretended to wriggle loose from my grip on his waist and I shouted to Krista, "Hold him down. Help me fuck your son's ass. Do it!" With a gulp, she pressed down on Billy's shoulders. "Mommy," he said, "what are you doing?" "Quiet, baby. Give the man what he wants. Mommy needs to see him fuck your little ass." I was all set and rammed my hard cock into Billy's very slick chute. I was all the way home in an instant. Billy still had some trouble adjusting to my whole cock even after all these months, so his acting improved dramatically and he yelled in discomfort and wriggled. Krista put her weight on her arms, holding him still as I began fucking him. His warm, wet insides were heavenly around my eager cock. For a few seconds, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feel of it, the knowledge that I was inside a cute young boy. Then I looked into Krista's eyes as I always did when we played this game and said, "See what a bad mom you are? Look at you helping a man fuck your innocent son. You're holding down you own defenseless child so I can molest him." There were practically tears in her eyes at this point as Krista lived our fantasy. "Go ahead," I said, "Kiss your boy while I fuck him. Tell him it's going to be okay." She pecked him on the cheek and said, "Just hold on a little more, baby. Mommy's proud of her little boy. You're taking that big cock so well for mommy. " At this point, the whole setup fell apart because Billy was having too much fun getting fucked and he moaned in pleasure before saying, "Oh, God, James, fuck me harder. This feels so good." Krista and I both laughed, jolted out of our little roleplay and back into the fun family fuck night we were having. I leaned down and kissed him before getting up on my knees and taking deeper strokes into Billy's tight ass while holding his splayed ankles. His mother knelt near me and we kissed. Then she leaned down and kissed Billy as the boy squeezed one of her breasts with his left hand and stroked her neck with his other. I heard a triple beep from the movie behind me, a little warning I had inserted earlier to mark the start of my surprise. Without turning around, I knew what was happening on the screen. "Billy," I said, "Look at the movie. Make sure you watch the movie." His mom was intrigued by my tone and turned too. They watched, even as I kept fucking Billy. School girl Krista is on her back. She's taken half a dozen cocks by now, though no one's cum yet. Yet another football player steps up to the action. Or rather kneels. This is the punter and the others have been ragging him all night as football teams do to punters. But this young man is special. His golden blond hair and fine nose have a familiar delicate look. With his pointed chin and thin face, he's cute rather than handsome. Krista gasped. She hadn't seen any of the videos since they were made and the hundreds of guys she fucked during that period are mostly a blur, but like any mother, it wasn't hard for her to recognize the face of her son in the stranger fucking her onscreen. Billy looked to his mom and then to me and then to the screen. He was a smart kid so the truth hit him quick. "Mom? Is that 3;?" "Oh, God, baby 3;yes." The football team is standing around the couple on the fake grass, yanking their cocks. Krista looked at me with dawning dread, remembering how this scene went. She shook her head and mouthed to me, "No. You can't." But it was too late. One by one, the jocks come, blasting their loads on the school girl below them. Krista gave the production company her older cousin's social security number and stolen ID to prove she was eighteen, but she's actually just sixteen as these dozen men start coating her in semen from forehead to crotch. Her breasts become shiny as rivulets of white run down it at different angles. The young blond between her legs is thrusting hard, lost in the moment. So lost that he forgets to pull out and he cums inside the high school porn star, gasping and grunting. From the look in her eyes, it's clear that Krista just came during the bukkake shower too. "See that, Billy?" I asked as I kept fucking the stunned boy under me while he and his flabbergasted mother stared at the screen. "You were born to be a boyslut. Your mother conceived you covered in the sperm of an entire football team after they all fucked her." Billy continued to stare at the screen for a few more seconds then grinned at me and said, "Cool!" I smiled back and said, "I knew you'd be happy about that." Krista looked relieved that Billy took the video of his conception so well, but her own reaction was just what I intended, a flush of shame at having her slutty past exposed to her son. I stroked her face and brushed her hair back over her ear. I said, "You know what I wish more than anything right now?" "What?" "That I could get Billy pregnant by cumming inside him." "What?!" shouted Billy. He rubbed his flat belly at the thought. "I'm a boy. Boys don't get pregnant." "I know. That's why it's just a wish." Krista reached down and stroked Billy's tummy too. I knew her head was a whirl of images at the idea of 'what if' as she watched my big, hard cock continue to fuck her son's tight ass. I almost came right then, but I held back. Tonight was too important. "But there's something else I could do," I said. "Without wishing." "What?" I looked at Krista and asked, "You remember what we talked about?" "Yes." She looked at her flat stomach. I had asked her to stop taking the pill a month ago and hadn't cum in her pussy since. "It's time. If you want it." She looked down at Billy and rubbed his forehead, admiring the cute son her last pregnancy had brought her. Those had been desperate times and she had struggled to raise the boy well. Now she had a good life, with money and security. She was ready to try again. "Yes," she said softly. Then she smiled and said a little louder. "Yeah, definitely, let's do it." "Do what?" asked Billy. "Your mom and I are gonna make a baby tonight." "Really!?" He'd been asking for a few months now. "Oh, wow, this is so – Hey!" I rose up and away from him, taking my hard prick with me. "Sorry, buddy," I said. I gotta give the sperm to your mom." "Crap," said Billy. "Oh, don't worry, baby," said Krista. "I'll finish you off." She got on all fours over her 11-year-old son and slipped her lips over his hard shaft. He breathed in sharply and gripped her hair. I got behind her and slid into her dripping pussy, my cock ready to shoot off. I kept my pace steady as I fucked her, kneading her firm butt under my palms while she blew her son. Leaning back on his elbows, Billy looked up at me with a smug smile, as if to say, 'Ain't this just the perfect life?'. I nodded to him and then he looked at his mother and a spark came to his eyes. He knelt, his mother leaving his little dick for just a moment before dutifully slurping it back into her mouth. "Eiffel Tower?" Billy asked me mischievously. "Yeah," I said, "Eiffel Tower." Then we high-fived over his mother and held it, forming the 'tower'. Krista looked up for a moment and said, "God, you two are so immature." "Hey," I said, "If you don't like that one, we can always do the Paris Catacombs." "I've never heard of that," she said. "It's where we make the tower anyway, but we bury you under us." Before she could react, I flipped her onto her back and straddled her twisting waist, then sunk my cock right back into her wet slit. Billy got the idea right away and lowered his butt over his mom, so that his cock went in her mouth. "Ahh," he sighed. Krista got into it too, quickly getting back to sucking while I picked up the pace. I couldn't hold it for long. I signaled Billy for the high five and after we were holding it, I pulled him to me, kissing him hard and deep as I unleaded into his mother's twitching pussy again and again. Thanks to the thrill of what we were doing and the Viagra I'd taken before dinner, I never got soft. Billy had cum, so he dismounted and snuggled up to his mom as I kept fucking her. She was well into her sex-trance as Billy kissed her and stroked and squeezed her boobs. I imagined Krista's belly pregnant with my child, those boobs swollen with milk while Billy and I sucked on them. Just that image set me off. I leaned quickly down and said into Krista's ear, "You made your first son covered in cum. And you're such a slut now that you're making your second kid with a child molester whose going to be kissing your first son as he shoots his load up your cunt." She moaned, that familiar mix of arousal with anguish. I turned left and Billy was already there, his lips ready. We kissed as I slowly put more and more effort into each thrust. When I was right about to burst, I moved back to Krista's ear and said, "And this is just the first kid, Krista. Next year, we're gonna make another baby brother for Billy." She looked at me, dread in her face as she could tell what I was leading to. Her neck throbbed and her body was trembling in lust. I said, "Only next year, instead of me making a brother for Billy, we'll put Billy between your legs and let him do the work himself." Krista wailed as she came, her passage going wild on my cock, squeezing and pulling. I grabbed Billy and kissed him as I unloaded once again, squirting and squirting, aiming for his mother's womb, until I had nothing left to give. Billy and I each cuddled up to one side of Krista, and we held her close, stroking her stomach and dreaming together of the future. Chapter 23 months later 3;Friday evening dinner at the country club. Billy was leaning over the rail of the terrace looking out at the Georgia sky as the summer sun drifted to the horizon. His ass was so cute in his khaki shorts, especially with his polo shirt riding up and exposing his smooth lower back. I helped Krista into her seat. With her belly three months pregnant, I didn't do the normal thing and slide the chair forward. Her hair was up tonight, exposing her slender neck, and ears where diamond drop earrings hung, elegant in the low light. Things like that helped here at the club, where Krista and I were new members still trying to feel like we belonged. I took my seat opposite her and smiled. "Billy, don't do that," she said to her son. "It's dangerous." "Aw, mom it's barely one story up." "Come back here, Billy," I instructed him, keeping my eyes on Krista who was managing to make her maternity dress look sexy. Who am I kidding? She's sexier because of it, because I know my child is growing in there. The waiter came over. Billy took his seat between me and his mother, a cute pout on his lips. "Wine for me," I said to the waiter. "Grape juice for the lady." I looked over at Billy and raised an eyebrow. "Wine," he said to the waiter. "He'll have chocolate milk," his mother said. "Awww," he muttered as the waiter left. Again I smiled at Krista, feeling fortunate. She returned a shy smile, glancing around warily. We were interlopers here in a way, me being a member only because my boss liked me and my family enough to consider us worthwhile. Like most of the people in the county, he knew that Krista had a dark past. Her current state was little better for the morally upright, with her pregnant and living in sin. Unlike most people, however, Mr. Drake was a real Christian, happy to let someone work for their redemption. Plus I think he had a crush on Billy and always had the boy caddy for him when he did his usual nine holes after church on Sundays. Still, some of the club members had been cold to us. But Mr. Drake had laughed if off, pointing out that half the wives in this place had been whores of some sort before. "You look beautiful," I said to Krista. "Oh, God, not this again," said Billy rolling his eyes. "You don't think you mom is beautiful?" "Of course she is. But ever since you got her pregnant it's like that's all you can talk about is how she's glowing with life and all that." His mom seemed worried and said, "Billy, it's not that James is – " "It's okay, Krista, I think we should let him be honest about this." But he had gone quiet. I stroked his slim shoulder and arm. "C'mon, buddy, you can tell us. We don't have secrets." "You do too have secrets." He looked surprisingly upset, his blue eyes shiny. "Like that time you and mom went to Chik-fil-A without me and afterwards you said she had a doctor's appointment." "Your mom was having cravings." "Yeah? Well me too." "Yes, we realized that after we came back and we didn't want you to feel bad, so – " "Billy," said his mom, "are you jealous of me?" "A little," he admitted, his head dipping down. "Like yesterday when James came home, I hugged him at the front door and he ended up just going to talk to you where you were sunbathing at the pool." I joked, "Did you see how your mom looked in that bikini, with her belly bumping out?" He looked at me like I was dumb for not realizing that he could indeed see that she was gorgeous that way. I said, "Billy, buddy, I love you more than ever. It's just that every day is something new with your mom and this pregnancy. You can't blame me for paying attention." "I don't blame you. I just feel left out." His mom stroked his hair. "It's okay, baby. Nothing wrong with having feelings like that. Change is hard." He looked at me and then Krista and said, "I'm still glad about the pregnancy and the baby brother and all that. I mean, I'm happy it happened. Plus mom's been even hornier than usual." And as we laughed, the mood shifted and our family dinner just clicked into our usual joyful gathering. About an hour later, Mr. Drake came by and greeted us. Just before he left for his own table, he gave me a questioning eyebrow. I gave a slight nod, letting him know everything was on track. As I fished in my jacket pocket a minute later, however, I realized I might have a problem: Billy. Soon after, the solution came to me. I signaled the violinist and he closed off his piece and walked over. He then lifted his instrument and played a long rising note that drew Krista's attention. Billy too. And most of the people on the balcony. While the violinist segued into a quiet, romantic piece, I knelt on the wooden deck between Krista and Billy. Krista looked down in shock. She knew right away what I was about to do, but I was about to disappoint her a bit. I spoke to Billy instead, pulling out the box with the diamond ring and opening it for all to see. "Billy, you and your mom have made me happier than I have any right to be. You give me comfort and joy and a place to be myself. I know you've had her for your own all these years and it's not always easy having to share her, but I think we work better all together. Please, I'm asking you – and her too of course –" the crowd laughed. "I'm asking you, Billy 3; I want to marry your mom." Krista's eyes were wet with happiness. She nodded slightly at me to show that she understood why I asked Billy instead of her. For his part, Billy seemed to be having a hard time processing the situation. He reached out and took the ring like he was examining an alien artifact. He held it up, the diamond sparkling in the light, a serious contemplative look on his face. I was starting to worry that my gambit to make him not feel left out was going to backfire. Then he looked over at his mom and smiled. She smiled back. He reached with his free hand for her and slipped the ring over her finger. The crowd cheered and clapped while I brought Krista to her feet and kissed her. *** In the car, going home, Krista and I held hands silently in the front. Billy splayed out in the back, texting his friends about the news. After a while, Krista said, "Thank you so much, James." "I'm pretty sure I'm coming out with the better part of this deal." "Oh, I know that," she said, a laugh in her voice. Then she got serious. "I mean for how you did it. I grew up respectable, but since then I've had these issues, feeling like I'm not good enough, feeling like dirt, white trash. Being that stereotype single mom stripper. And to get a romantic proposal like that at a country club having all those people cheering us 3;it felt like a dream. Me and Billy, when he was a boy, I'd promise him that one day we'd find a place where we were wanted. And you gave is that." Her voice broke a little and I understood that final look that had passed between them before Billy put the ring on her. "I love you, Krista. Every which way you are." She squeezed my hand and gave me a knowing smile. "Don't worry," she said. "I'll always be your dirty little slut when you want me." "Good. Because tonight's not over." Before she could react, I added, "I'm thinking of the resort at Rapid Bend for the wedding. End of September." "Oh, yes," said Billy from the back. "That place is cool. They have the new water slides and the Terrorcoaster." "And a lovely forest grove near the river with a full-service reception tent." Krista seemed doubtful. Rapid Bend was near her parents. She knew what I was asking. "James, I don't know. My father's not going to want to come and trying to even convince him is going to be a lot of stress." Krista's father had disowned her once she ran away. He and her mother had not spoken kindly to her since and refused to acknowledge Billy's existence. "Don't worry about it, babe," I said in a cheerful voice. "I know how to win him over. I'll handle it. If it doesn't work out you'll never have to deal with him." *** After we got home, I took a piss and then I sent an email to Fred Lewiston. Krista's father was in for a great big surprise once he clicked my link. But that would bear fruit over the next few months. Tonight was for other business. The projector was already set up in the living room, the movie cued up. I stood behind Krista, the two of us watching the blank blue screen. "Is it bad?" asked Krista, a fearful note in her voice. She knew these flashback sessions could be humiliating. Seeing her trepidation made my cock harder. And knowing her, she was getting wetter. More proof that we were the perfect fit. It was odd how much changed once you got to sex. All that stuff before where I was sweet to her, where I took pleasure in our tender ways with each other, that was real. I respected her, I adored her. But in the bedroom, I got off on that edge of rubbing her face in her dirty past. In manipulating that guilt she had from her sexual adventures and, of course, over the fact that she was not only letting me molest her pre-teen son, but encouraging it and even fucking the boy herself. I stood close behind Krista, looking at the wall as Billy started up the movie. Krista gasped as the title came on the screen: Pregnant Bukkake Sluts 9. "James, no 3;" "Yes." "James, I can't let Billy see this." Billy was staring at the screen as she said this, his smooth naked body glowing in the pale light so that he looked angelic. Fifty-six men, of all races, ages and sizes are talking, lounging and laughing in a large black-walled locker room. They're in various stages of undress as they openly pump their cocks and tell the camera about how much they're looking forward to shooting their load all over the face of the movie's star. Many boast about how much cum they have waiting. Sixteen-year-old Krista is led into the room. She's about seven months pregnant. "You can't hide this from him, Krista. Better he find out this way, okay?" She choked up a bit and nodded. Young Krista's face flickers with doubt as she looks at the men – and cocks – arrayed for her defilement. "This was the worst part of the whole thing," she said quietly. "Right at the start." "Really?" I asked, knowing how this movie ended. "Yeah. I was so conflicted. The men treated me like this object and it made me feel so vulnerable, but after things with my dad, I kind of got off on that too, you know? So I was worried and horny all at once." The men are in a ring against the back wall of the locker room set. Krista takes a slow lap to greet them all, smiling shyly. They pinch her tits and slap her ass and call her slut. One guy leans her over and loudly says he needs to kiss them sweet lips before they get all ruined today. There is a black bean bag on the floor with a clear plastic bowl. Krista does a little dance around the bag once she's greeted all the men who will be cumming on her face, shaking her hips and wiggling her butt. There are no preliminary sex acts. Fifty-six men need to have their orgasm in the next 20 minutes. Krista reclines in the bag, her legs splayed, her head back, face upturned as she holds the bowl in her lap. The men cheer. I kissed her neck and began unbuttoning her dress at the back. She shivered, whether from the air against her bare skin or the sight of her young son engrossed in his mom's degradation on screen, I couldn't say. I've made sure that Billy has never seen any bukkake videos before. The worst was the football team cumming on his mother three months ago but that was tame compared to this movie. He was in for a shock. I knelt, kissing the rise of Krista's ass and sliding her panties down and off. I circled my hands around her pregnant belly and stroked the precious bump. Billy came over, his slim form moving with boyish grace, and leaned against his mother's side, sucking one breast. I twisted his hips to me and took his hard little boy nail into my mouth. The first guy to come grunts and blasts Krista's sweet face with three spurts of thick cream, most of it curling across her forehead. She flinches and her body goes tense before relaxing slowly. The expression on her face is like someone who just realized they mistakenly got into the deep end of a swimming pool. The pearly streaks gleam against her skin. "That looks awesome," said Billy. He looks up at his mom. "How did it feel?" I reached through Krista's legs and finger her steamy pussy. She was totally turned on despite her nervousness and shame. "It's heavy," said his mother. She stroked his back and neck tenderly. "Just one load of cum on your face takes up all your attention. It's warm and sticky and slides about so you're constantly aware of it. And the smell is so strong it feels like you're breathing cum." On screen, a second and third load have been delivered, one spurt across Krista's top lip. "James," said Billy, "I want to try that, taking it on my face. You've never cum on me before." It was true. I always came up his ass or down his eager throat. "Are you sure?" asked his mother. Young Krista is going through shell shock. She's taken five loads now and it's overpowering her senses. The last guy rubs his cock around her lips, spreading his load across them. Her breathing is short and shallow. The next guy comes up and braces the head of his cock at her cheekbone. She shifts away a bit before remembering her place and lets him stay there, her expression apprehensive. She flinches worse than ever as he blasts a spray of cum down her cheek and it drips off her jaw. Billy said, "Yeah. I gotta know what this is like." I pulled Krista down, lowering her to the carpet. There was no need to watch each orgasm in a video like this. It was kind of repetitive really, except for the occasional super-spurter. The hypnotic appeal was in the way the effect of the continuing facials built, like those time-lapse videos of a skyscraper under construction where you find yourself fascinated by the accumulated effect. I laid her on her back and knelt between her thighs. Again I stroked the pregnant belly. Billy lowered his head to her pussy and licked it. She had him carefully cover her in a sixty-nine position and began sucking her son's cock. He sighed and wiggled his ass a bit. I was sorry to lose sight of her swelling stomach, but Billy's cute, smiling face was a good replacement. I held him under the chin and slid my cock head between his soft lips. Eagerly, the boy sucked on my cock and it jerked in his mouth at the sensation of warm wetness. The base of my shaft was resting on his mother's pussy cleft and I began to slide back and forth along the slit, poking the head further into his sucking mouth A few heavy drips of cum hang off Krista's cheek and chin then separate and fall, landing in the clear bowl she's holding. The plan is that all the cum will end up there sooner or later, whether from falling directly or flowing down her neck and breasts. She smiles. With her initial shock over, she's into this now and actually licks her lips. Through eyes she has to squint because of the cum flowing down from her forehead, she spies the next ready cock and calls it over with a finger, oohing like a young girl asking for ice cream. I tenderly stroked Billy's silky blond hair wondering if I'd have enough of a load when I came to blast his hair too. Billy smiled around my cock at my touch and I was filled with love for him. He was a treasure, this boy, so beautiful and eager to please. His mother moaned as she kept sucking on him and I knew she needed my cock in her. I pulled back, getting one last kiss from Billy's red lips and then slid into Krista, our year of constant sex making us practiced at the act. She wrapped her legs around me and I held still as I enjoyed the sensation of my cock encased in her tight, gripping pussy. Even better was knowing that I was inside a woman whose stomach was swelling with my child. I stroked her smooth thighs and hips, with one hand as the other continued playing with her son's hair. Billy pushed up with his hands, to a kneeling position, his mother still sucking on his stiff little cock. I leaned forward to kiss him tenderly on his lips and then pulled back and said, "Gotta make sure I kiss those lips before I come all over them." He laughed and said, "Like you care. You'd kiss me even if I looked like mom in the video." We both glance over at the wall. Krista's face is absolutely caked in gooey cum, luminescent under the lights. He facial expression is pure sexed-out bliss. She has gone to that zen-like place where she floats on pure sexual emotion. Billy leaned toward me and began licking my nipples, giving them gentle bites on occasion. Still stroking his hair, I started slowly pumping my cock in his mother's pussy. Even after so long, I still had to shake my head sometimes at the amazing situations I found myself in with these two. Making love to a sexy mother and son 3; I rocked back and forth, stroking down Billy's smooth shoulders. Slowly I built my speed. Krista gave brief squeaky moans under us with each stroke I made. She always came faster in these three-ways than when she was having sex with just me or just her son. Today was just the same. Muffled, she cried out and her pussy shivered around me, squeezing me so hard I almost lost control. I held still a moment, deep inside her, until the shuddering ended. She went limp, and must have stopped sucking Billy because he eased off her sideways and said to me, "Let me fuck mom now." I pulled out and tapped Krista's thigh lovingly. "Roll over, babe. Time to give the boy a turn." She complied with a dreamy air, getting onto her knees, with her shoulders and the side of her face pressed against the thick carpet and her round ass in the air. For a second I was tempted to go back to fucking her, but the anticipation on Billy's face was too much and I could not deny my boy this treat. "Give her a little tongue action first," I said softly to him. While he crouched and began slurping on his mother's pussy, making her moan, I knelt at Krista's face and presented my cock to her, hard and dripping with her juices. She smiled when she saw it and got on her elbows. She was a more experienced cock sucker than her son, so she knew that it didn't require anything fancy. Unlike Billy, who sucked cock like was playing a game for his own amusement, Krista got down to the business of pleasing her man. I stroked her hair and admired her pretty face, which retained its sweetness even with all she had lived through from the time she was a girl. I leaned backward and lay flat. Krista held my cock upright, the diamond on her new engagement ring glinting. On the screen, that same innocent face was masked in flowing cum a sluttish and almost animal lust animating her expression. Billy ended his pussy eating and began fucking her, making her body rock gently as she sucked me. I asked softly, "How does that feel, Krista?" She looked up at me, questioningly. "How does it feel to have your own son fucking you? What do you think all those women at the club would say if they could see you now? You think they'd still clap and cheer you for marrying me? You think they'd want you in their club, a woman who lets her own son fuck her?" Krista moaned, turned on by my shaming of her. I continued, "A woman who enjoys it? Is that the kind of high-class woman you are?" Billy had a short fuse, like most boys. He came with a grunting and shivering behind her. "One day when Billy cums, he'll have a load to shoot in you, babe. He's gonna make you pregnant. I bet you'd love for them to know that at the club, wouldn't you?" The thought sent Krista wild and she was coming again. She paused her sucking, her lips hovering over the head of my cock as she panted – her warm, excited breath washing over me as she moaned. As her orgasm ended, she half fell against my cock, the precum smearing along her cheek as her lips came to rest at the base of my stiff shaft. Billy pulled back, a satisfied smile on his face. He and I helped Krista lie flat on her back, her swelling baby bump rising and falling with her deep breaths. "You," I said firmly, pointing at Billy. "Me what?" "You need a good fucking," I said menacingly. "Damn right, I do!" Billy was bouncing on his heels. I loved this kid. I loved his eagerness to have fun, the energy that had blossomed in him since our paths had crossed, changing him from a cynical, beaten-down brat to a lovely sprite. Following my signals, he got on his knees, facing the wall. His mother was crossway under him, his head over her breasts. She stroked his neck and shoulders as he licked and sucked her, then she smiled at me. Most times, I'd be giving her a hard time right now, teasing her about how dirty she was to be letting her own man fuck her son, and for getting off on it. But tonight I wasn't just her man. I was her husband-to-be. And the look on her face was beyond sex. She loved Billy. She loved me. She loved that Billy and I could be so close while still loving her. I stretched out my hand and stroked Billy's shoulders too, her hand under mine. She silently mouthed the words 'Thank you,' to me and I nodded reassuringly. Then I got ready to fuck her son. He was, as usual, all greased up back there, ready to take me on. I steadied the leaking knob of my cock against his tight pucker and pushed insistently, breaking through. Billy grunted and then sighed. I stroked his hip tenderly with my free hand and slid all the way in. Billy was always warmer than his mother inside. Tighter too. Fucking him always turned out more intense. I wasted no time and began pounding him. After all, he had already had an orgasm. Krista had cum twice. I'd been biding my time through two blowjobs and it was time to finish in style. As I fucked his sweet channel, the scene from 11 years ago played out on the wall for Billy. His mother watched too, looking sideways. The bowl is halfway full of creamy cum now. Krista is practically unrecognizable except for that familiar expression of her sexual high. Cum is even pooled in the hollow of her collarbones. Someone hands her a spoon and she begins scooping the film of white stuff off her breasts and neck and into the bowl. Billy was rocking under my vigorous fucking now, jostling his mother and making her boobs jiggle. He made a game out of catching the nipples in his lips, or trying to at any rate. As I continued to fuck him harder and harder, he stopped, bracing himself on his elbows for balance, his face bouncing against his mother's breasts as he slipped into the sex trance he had inherited from his mother. Time for the big finale. The half-filled bowl of cum collected from 56 men is ready. Krista's nose wrinkles as she brings it to her lips. I can only imagine how intense it must smell. "Watch the screen," I told Billy, slapping his ass to break his trance. His head popped up and he took in the scene. He looked back at me after realizing what was about to happen with the bowl, but not believing it. I smiled back and said, "You'll want to see this." Krista knows this is a show. She could probably drink it all in one go, experienced slut that she is. But she makes it last. She takes the first mouthful of cum and opens her mouth to the camera, smiling, then swallowing with an exaggerated gulp. She does this for every mouthful that follows. In between each swallow the camera cuts away to show her pregnant body, the shiny wetness of the cum on her skin, accentuating the seven-months-pregnant curve of her belly. But, even after a minute of this, she's only finished a quarter of the cum. "See?" I told Billy as I enjoyed the heat and tightness of his ass chute, fucking him with rapid strokes. "That's what your momma fed you. All the cum she could find. That stuff is what went into nourishing you 3;making you what you are. Your skin, your bones, your blood 3;even your soul, I reckon. No wonder you still love the stuff." I had a tight grip on Billy's hips now, my climax building as I verbally toyed with Billy. "Tell you momma 'thanks', Billy." Krista looked at me, then at her son. "Go on," I told him. "Tell her thanks for feeding you the cum you needed to be a good little boy slut." Billy smiled and said, 'Thanks, mom. Thank you for all the cum." "You're welcome, sweetie," she told him. I pulled out and started jacking my cock. "Time for you to take it for yourself, Billy. Turn around." He faced me, his head resting in the valley between his mother's breast and her pregnant bump. I walked over on my knees, straddling his chest and as soon as the head of my cock touched his chin, I erupted from the sensation of that touch. Pleasure ripped along with my squirting cum and it fired a thick rope that stretched from Billy's top lip across his pert nose and smooth forehead into the tumbling locks of his blond hair. The second massive shiver of orgasm took me and my aim suffered. This blast of cum sprayed wildly down his right cheek to his ear. Two more jolts of electric pleasure raced through me and I spattered Billy's nostrils and covered his left eye in a streamer of pearly white. As the climax ran its course, I sprayed a few drops over his mouth and chin and his tongue darted out to lick it up. Finally, I pulled back and rested my butt on Billy's crotch, his hard cock pulsing under me. His boyish face is beautiful under the spreading mess I've made on him. "How's that feel?" I asked him. "Awesome!" Billy was smiling. "It's just like mom said. It's heavy and smelly and it's all I can think about right now." Krista was looking at her son's face in shocked silence, an odd smile growing there, like she wished she'd been able to do that to him herself. I moved to one side and took hold of Billy's stiff boy dick and began jerking him off. His mother scooped up a finger of cream off his nose and brought it to his red lips. Wordlessly, he slurped it and then swallowed. Krista said, "Momma wants some too, son." He cleaned the line of wetness on his right cheek and held his finger up for her to take a sample. She sucked and licked it all off his finger. They took it in turns like that as I stroked him until he stiffened and came, his cock still not able to make any juice. We ended up spooned on the carpet as we watched the final moments of the movie. Billy was up against his mother's back as I lay against his. Together we stroked her large belly fingers entwined. Krista has finally taken it all. Or almost all. She scrapes a final load off the bowl with her finger, holds it up to the camera then smiles and licks it clean. I contemplated the fact that Billy still wasn't shooting sperm yet. But I chided my impatience. Soon enough, I assured myself. He'll be ready. Chapter 33 months later 3;The bride wore red. Glowing in her six-month pregnancy, Krista was clearly no virgin, so we were celebrating her fertility and the life growing within her. (Besides, she'd had already had her white dress day, a long time ago.) I heard Billy gasp beside me when she first appeared at the top of the aisle, as the bridal march began to play. The gown was slim and flowing, wrapped over the round bulge of Krista's baby bump. Her dark auburn hair was elegantly swooped up, showing the delicate curve of her neck above her bare, lightly-freckled shoulders. She smiled, an expression of self-confidence and joy, as she glided toward us, arm-in-arm with her father. Blackmailed into being here, Fred Lewison was playing his part to the hilt as the proud daddy for Krista's sake. And say what you want about the bastard – and he was a bastard – but he was a devilishly handsome and refined old bastard with his wavy silver hair and dimpled chin. "Oh, man, James, we are so lucky," said Billy, squeezing my hand with his little paw. He was in a white suit, his hair neat for once with a ton of glue from the hairdresser to keep it in place. He was no virgin either, of course, but he needed to have a 'white dress' moment in his life. I doubt anyone placed any significance on the color choice. Hmm. Maybe Mr. Drake, who was grinning at me. Billy and I watched his mother glide up the aisle and then join us in front of the priest. There, in that sacred grove of gently swaying trees, with the gods of wind and sun and river smiling upon us, I married Krista – as her son and her family and our friends looked on. As the afternoon slipped into late summer evening, there was dining and dancing and drinking and speech-making. Billy was the surprise hit of the evening, his speech full of wicked humor, charming elocution, and sincere love. And a few double entendres that only Krista and I would understand. And the dances 3; The first dance between Krista and me was magic, her brown eyes sparkling, her hips swaying under my hands. Halfway through, I caught sight of Billy shifting from foot to foot at the side of the dance floor and I waved him over. He trotted to us with a comical grin while the audience roared approval. He hugged us both tight and we finished the dance as a slowly moving trio. (Or was that a quartet, considering the bride's pregnant belly?) I danced with my mom of course, while Krista danced with her father. I could see them talking quite a bit, Krista smiling nervously while her father encircled her body low at the waist. Then Krista's five sisters each took a turn with me. They were all wonderful of course. The youngest, Elsie, was a particular beauty at age eleven, with a knack for saying a lot while speaking only a little. In the meantime, Krista danced with her two brothers and a few of her nephews. Then Billy put on his silly grin again and made me dance with him in front of everyone, them thinking it was all a joke, he and I knowing there was a depth of feeling no other man and boy within a thousand miles was experiencing. One of Billy's friends, a dark-haired boy with soulful eyes named Paul, used Billy's tactic of playing it off as a joke to demand a dance with me too. I obliged him and once the music started he pressed his face to my chest with a dreamy expression. I was glad to send him on his way at the end, uncomfortable with the erection he had caused in my pants as well as the way Mr. Drake and others were giving us puzzled looks. Back to dancing with Krista! Her father danced with Elsie, holding the young pre-teen in the same possessive grip he had used with Krista. Mr. Drake danced with my mom. Krista's mom, Daisy, danced with the priest. Everyone danced the conga. The night bubbled joyfully along without a hiccup. I was especially happy to see Krista spending time with her nephews and nieces, whom she had never met before, thanks to her father disowning her. At about ten, I led Billy back to the elevators and we rose to the top floor of the hotel. "I'm sorry about making you leave early," I told him with an arm around his shoulders. "It's okay. I understand." "We just need to make it look like you're spending the night alone so that – " "I know. I told you. I understand." We stepped out onto the corridor and kept walking. I looked him over and said, "By the way, your friend Paul, is he 3; ? He seems rather, you know 3; ?" "What?" Billy looked at me with that handsome face, blond hair over blue eyes, a boy's face that was nonetheless older and wiser than when we first met. "You two have a thing going?" "No. I have you and Mom. I don't want anyone else. It's like asking me if I want a third arm." "Oh." I swiped my room key, opening the door and walking in. Beyond the wide window was a dimly lit forest slope with a river and waterfall. The older resort building, the one with the water wheel, was perched on the shoulder of the waterfall. We were in the new building, a modern architecture wonder which seemed made of glass walls that let you see everything outside. I turned back to Billy and asked, "So you've never been with anyone else? I always figured you and Mr. Drake had your own private arrangement during all those golf games." "Nah. Even if I was up for it, I don't think he'd want to." I made a quick check around the room, including the locks on all the connecting doors. "He's not into boys?" "I'm sure he is." Billy looked at me with that more mature expression I'd been admiring earlier. "But I don't think he's ever actually been with a boy. It's like he's holding himself back out of fear or something." "Can't blame him. Fear is why we're doing all this the roundabout way too." I kissed him quickly on the lips and stroked the side of his head, saying, "I'll be back before you know it," then locked the door behind me. Back on the ground floor, I heard the lord mayor of Notchville, Fred Lewison himself, speaking from around a deserted corner. I walked slowly towards his voice, listening. "You were always my favorite. Elsie's come close. But you, Krista 3; you had this independence about you that I – " "Daddy, that was a long time ago. All this stuff that's happened between us, there's a whole lot more important things to deal with." He put on the voice of a seducer, projecting a confidence that was godlike and sensual. "Baby, you'll always be Daddy's girl to me and I – " "Hey, Fred," I said jovially, stepping into the open. Inside, my heart was pounding. I had never been the most assertive person before meeting Krista and Billy, so being bold still took work. "Uh, hi, James," he said, caught off-guard. But he quickly recovered his poise and added, "Helluva party, huh?" Krista gave me a grateful look as I steered my father-in-law towards the terrace and she went to join her mother and sisters. "You know, Fred, I have to say I misjudged you." "Did you now?" He was still projecting seduction, working that skill that had won him a dozen elections. "Yeah," I said. "You being the kind of man that cuts ties with his pregnant teenage daughter for the sake of his family values votes, I thought you'd fight me a bit, but you've held up your end of the bargain really well. When you gave your reception speech, you sounded genuine and – " "I'm being genuine." "I know," I said, smiling. "I heard. Which is why I've decided to keep a copy of the video." "What?! You promised that if I came, you'd – " "Relax, lord mayor. I'm not coming after your money or anything." "What do you want?" "Nothing, except you being a good dad to Krista – and nothing but a dad. Keep your distance and just do what the job requires. You let her hang out with her brothers and sisters again. You host a barbecue for the whole family at your mansion once in a while. You be a grandpa to Billy. Keep it all respectable. You're big on that, aren't you? Being respectable?" "You are a first class sonuvabitch." *** Krista and I made it to the honeymoon suite before midnight and I carried her across the threshold. I gave her a brief peck on the lips, but set her down quickly given her pregnancy. "About time you guys got here," said Billy. He was standing in the neighboring room, just on the other side of the connecting door, looking annoyed. He was still in his suit I was surprised to see. Even his tie had not been loosened. There was the scent of the cologne he'd bought that week. Krista said, "Hi, honey, sorry we're late," then started taking off her high-heels. I latched the main door behind us. "You not coming in?" I asked Billy, as he continued to lean on the doorway watching us. "I'm waiting my turn for you to carry me across the threshold." I reached over and grabbed his collar and hoisted him into the room. "There. You're across." "Aw, James, honey," said Krista. "give him a good one." I looked at the resentful expression on the boy and had to remind myself that he might act tougher and more confident these days, but he still had his self-esteem issues. I entered the side room and he bounced in behind me. With a quick turn, I scooped him up and faced his mother. She was giving us an adoring expression, her new wedding ring shining as she clutched her hands to her chest. Just below my chin, Billy was looking up with a dreamy expression of seduction that would have been comical on any day but today. Instead, he looked serious and sincere and most of all he looked like he longed for me to kiss him. So I did. Softly at first, but then he tightened his hold on my neck and drew me down for a more intense pressing of lips and sliding of tongues. He was delicious and in this moment, knowing that I really was carrying a boy into a honeymoon suite, it was enough to make me drunk with lust. I took three steps effortlessly, finally breaking the liplock and setting him down next to his mom. "I love you, Billy," I said to him, staring at his blue eyes. "I love you too, James." He threw himself into hugging me. "So much." Krista stroked the back of his head comfortingly until he leaned back and smiled. "You know, Billy," she said, "there's something we need to take care of before we go any further tonight." "I already brushed my teeth. Twice." I took his hand and lead him over to the foot of the bed. "Your mother and I are serious, Billy." Krista and I stood facing each other and held our right hands in front of Billy. "See these rings?" his mother asked. "Yeah." "They're a symbol of how much James and I care for each other and how we're dedicating our lives to each other." I put my hand in my left coat pocket and said, "But they don't tell the whole story. It's three of us in this together." Bringing up my hand, I flipped open the velvet box I'd removed and showed Billy the gold ring it held. "Oh, wow." "It's just for tonight," said Krista, lifting the ring out, "because we want you to know from the start that you're equal in this, but we'll have to keep it in storage for a while after." "That's okay," Billy shrugged. Then he brightened. "Or maybe I can wear it on a necklace." "That might work," said his mother, still not sure how much of our secret that would risk. "Put your hand over us," I said. He did, his warm fingers wrapping nervously around ours. Krista and I both held the ring and slid it along his delicate finger until it was seated securely. Perfect fit. Billy looked down at the ring like he was mesmerized. After a while, he looked up and realized we were looking at him funny. "What?" he asked. "Don't you want to do something else now?" his mom asked pointedly. Billy looked back down at the ring and back up, still puzzled. I smiled and intoned officiously, "You may now kiss the bride." "Oh right. Sorry, Mom." He wrapped his arms around Krista then stretched his neck up and smooched her noisily. Then he looked back up and said, "James, help me lean her over so I can lay it on her good." I laughed and obliged – keeping Krista safe from falling as her son gave her a swooping, bent-over-backward kiss. She came up a minute later with her hair a little disheveled, breathing hard. "Wow, Billy, that was a good one. You really know how to treat a girl." "He learned from me," I said. "See?" I gave Billy, the leaned-back kiss treatment, swirling my tongue against his in his wet and warm mouth. Then I set him upright and nodded to Krista. Time for our plan. While Billy was still oohing unsteadily about his kiss, she and I knelt on either side of his legs and began unbuttoning his fly. His pants even smelled new. "Hey!" "Just relax," his mom said. "We're in charge." "No problem." We slid his dress pants down easily, his new belt making a chime as it hit the floor. Then we yanked his briefs off, leaving his erect little boy cock bobbing about. Krista corralled it with her lips and gently slurped on it. Again, Billy oohed. I slid a palm up the back of his thigh and kissed his hip. My hand cupped a smooth butt cheek and squeezed. He bumped against his mother's sucking mouth and groaned. She put a hand up to keep him still while she bobbed gently up and down on his little staff. I curled a finger around his cheek to his hole and tapped it. He wriggled and Krista backed away and looked up at him with a stern, motherly expression. "Keep still. I'm trying to suck your cock here." "But James is playing with my butt hole." "Ah." She smiled. I leaned over and kissed her, Then we each placed out lips at the side of our son's cock head and continued kissing as best as we could, lips and tongues brushing against each other and Billy's cock. Gradually, I took all of his morsel of cock in my mouth and Krista stood and kissed Billy on the lips while she finished undressing him. She shucked his white jacket and then his bow tie and shirt, revealing his perfect little slim body. I stroked his sides admiringly as I continued sucking on his sweet boy dick. Billy's hand came down and grasped my hair, his tightening fingers attesting to his rising excitement. Krista joined me to continue our kiss/suck on Billy's tender cock. The boy dropped his other hand to her hair, stroking it. He petted us both as we looked after him with our tongues and lips. After a couple of minutes, Krista pulled back and nodded mischievously at me. We stood suddenly. "Wait," said Billy, "what's – " We each grabbed an elbow and a thigh and tossed him onto the bed. He sputtered and squealed. Leaving him no time to catch his breath, we pounced on him, kissing his lips in turn as we jointly stroked his little cock. He moaned his appreciation into our mouths, arching his back on the mattress. How odd, I thought, watching Krista take a turn to make out with Billy while I stroked him, She and I got married, yet the only one naked is her son, between us. Krista looked up and seemed to understand what I had been thinking because she pulled back and signaled me to help. I tapped Billy on the arm and got him to join me. We were almost solemn, aware of how big a moment this was as we unzipped the red gown in the back and slipped it down Krista's smooth shoulders and her round belly. Her heavier than normal breasts were decorated with red too – a satin bra that made my mouth water at the thought of sucking on her boobs. Then we got her all naked and saw that she was wearing matching red panties. Crotchless ones. Her glistening pussy lips were giving off a musky scent. Billy's mouth was hanging open and I think he really was about to drool. But Krista pulled him out of his daze getting him to help undress me. I wanted to just rip my tuxedo off, but they made me disrobe ceremoniously, like they were unwrapping a delicate present. I kind of liked that in the end, feeling like I was caught up in some larger moment. While I was totally naked, Krista kept the red satin bra and crotchless panties on and we returned to rocking Billy's world, this time alternating kissing and blowjobs. At one point we tried a three-way kiss, something we had been trying to perfect over the last few months, but while it was fun and slobbery, getting it right was still beyond us. But there was a great feeling of connection for both of us to this young boy. And he felt it too, judging by the look of awe in his eyes. "I love you guys," he said breathlessly. "We love you too, honey," his mother said, hugging him. Then, without letting go, she rolled back, pulling him on top of her. He kissed her as he squeezed her breasts with both hands, popping them out of the bra. "Neat trick," I said, removing the bra entirely while he moved to sucking on the swollen maternal mammaries. I stroked his smooth back and the rise of his bubble butt. "You ready to make love to your mother?" He looked up at me and then he looked at his mother and asked, "I get to go first? What about James?" "There's no first or second anymore," Krista said. "There's just us sharing what we have." That was a bit of a lie of course. First and second were most definitely still important. That was why we were making sure Billy got his dick in his mother before me tonight. So he wouldn't feel secondary in all this. Billy raised up a bit and looked down at where his hard cock was sliding against his mother's satin panties, just to the right of the heart-shaped opening that revealed her glistening pussy lips. "Wow, Mom, you're so beautiful." "Thanks, baby. Mommy is so happy you find her sexy. Why don't you stick that hard cock of yours in me?" I reached between them, stroking Billy's hard shaft and then Krista's wet slit and her stiff little pleasure nub. I aimed the head of Billy's dick to the opening of his mother's pussy and waited. He pushed past my fingers with a longing moan, entering the same place he'd been born from. For my part, I felt a strange mix of jealousy and awe watching this magical duo, my chosen mates. I was very fortunate that this sexy mother and son were in my life now. I watched them rise and fall together, quickly finding the best rhythm, the way experienced lovers do. Billy kept a steady pace as he kissed his mother and stroked her body from her thighs past her panty-clad waist to her heaving breasts. She had her arms wrapped around him protectively – nurturingly. I suspected that there was no longer any separation in Krista's mind between being Billy's mother and being his lover (and now wife). I moved around to settle doggy style over Billy. My steel-hard cock slid along the valley of his butt cheeks as he bumped backward against me while fucking his mother. I held him still by one hip and placed my swollen head at his tiny pucker. Krista shook herself out of her sexual daze when Billy went still and she looked up at me and smiled. Billy stiffened in anticipation and then I slid easily into his well-lubed hole. His body went rigid for a second and then he breathed out and went limp over Krista. She stroked his hair and neck as I pressed myself all the way into his warm, welcoming ass. I set the pace, fucking into the boy as he lay pliant between me and his mother, his body pressing into her whenever mine pressed into his. It was like I was making love to them both at once. I covered his smooth back in my larger body nibbling at his ear and breathing deeply. With my weight pressing onto the two beautiful beings under me, I lifted my hands to Krista's bosom, intertwining my fingers with Billy's so that we caressed his mother's swollen breasts together. Krista reached up and stroked my head and my neck as she kissed Billy full on the lips. I nuzzled the tender area behind the boy's ear as I hunched over him. When her legs locked around my thighs, I knew Krista was ready. "Fuck your mother, Billy." I slapped his ass lightly. "She's almost there. Give her what she needs." Billy tightened his body as he took back control of the action. Now I was the one who went loose, gently holding position in him as he steadily pistoned into Krista, rubbing his shaft against her special spot with skill and control beyond his tender years. I felt so proud of Billy as Krista moaned out in her ecstasy, brought to orgasm by her son's incestuous cock in her pussy. She grabbed his head and pulled him down for a flurry of passionate kisses and I raised my torso upright to watch them get lost in each other. And to get a better angle for fucking Billy's tight butt. With a firm grip on his hips, I took long, deep strokes, going slow so that he could feel every little slide and stretch as I invaded his channel. He squirmed and moaned, his own strokes becoming erratic as the feelings overpowered him. "Is James hitting that ass good, baby?" Krista asked. "Oh yes, Mom, he's doing it perfect. I feel so full and 3; " He sighed out a long 'oooooh,' as I settled my next stroke extra deep in him, punctuating it with a hip shake that I knew would send ripples up and down his body. Krista reached up and put her hands over mine where I was tightening my hold on her son's hip. She squeezed my hands and said, "Fuck my boy good, James. Give him that big cock." I didn't hurry, carefully keeping with what was working. Billy was moaning louder and louder as I stroked his tender hole, driving him wild. The orgasm building in him overflowed and he shook as he drove his dick into his mother. Krista encouraged him with, "Oh yes, baby, fuck Mommy. Cum in Mommy. Show Mommy how much you love her." His voice strained as he finished in her, saying, "I love you, Mom, I love you. I love you." His anal ring squeezed me as he came and I joined him in climax. I grunted as I leaned down and gripped Krista's shoulders. She grabbed my bucking hips as I fucked Billy's little hole. Billy had gone limp, his head hanging over his mother's shoulder and resting on the pillow. Krista reached up and stroked my neck and we kissed as I shot spurts of hot cum out of my throbbing cock and into her son's willing and eager ass. As I slowed my pumping, my breathing hard, Billy came back to life, nudging my head out of the way so he could kiss his mother. I pulled gently out of him and we each rolled off of Krista. She took turns kissing us then she reached down to our crotches. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and sex. She said, "Two wet, soft cocks. Looks like my work is done." Billy giggled and said, "Not the way James gets horny. He's worse than a dog. He'll be hard again in – " "Me? You're worse than a goat," I said. "You went three times without even getting soft when we were camping." "Fresh air is good for blood flow." Krista started stroking our slick shafts and said, "You both better be right about how quick you can get it up again, because I'm still in need of some fucking." "Yes, my love," I said pecking her cheek. "We shall endeavor to – " Billy's stomach growled. His mother and I looked at him in disbelief. "What?" he asked. I pointed at his belly. "Didn't you just eat?" "Yeah. So what?" "So why – " Krista sat up and tapped me on the shoulder. "Don't fight it," she said. "Let's order up some food." "Pizza," said Billy. "No," I said. "Something grown-up. See if they have chicken nuggets." "Chicken nuggets are grown-up?" Krista asked as she dialed. "Yeah, James," teased Billy, "Pizza's more grown up than your chicken nuggets." "Still more grown up than your nuggets," I said and then lunged at him and grabbed his little balls. He squealed and knocked my hand away. I grabbed for him again. As we wrestled, I heard Krista say to herself, "God, I married two children, not one." Being the mature one, Krista had her mother send up some leftovers from the wedding reception – which was still going downstairs with a few alcoholics, some dance-aholics and relatives making the most of the chance to catch up. "Faster than waiting for room service," Krista explained. Wearing robes, the three of us were soon on the balcony's love seat, eating our midnight snack. By the low grumble of the waterfall under the starry sky, we fed each other bits of lobster and glazed chicken with our fingers, cleaning each other up with our tongues. Then it was time for the main event. I had a pocket projector which hooked up to my tablet wirelessly. It didn't cast as large an image as the setup back home, but the RGB picture was plenty big for my needs tonight. Krista watched with trepidation as I set it up so that it projected a waiting video player onto the blank space between two paintings of Italian villas to the side of the bed. She said, "I didn't think there were any more videos of me left for you to find. I can't remember how many I made, but – " "Took me a lot of work to track this one down. Had to use my computer hacking skills. It's a special limited edition. Very rare." Billy had tossed his robe aside and sat on the bed pumping his hard little cock. I said to him, "You're supposed to jack off to the porn after it starts." "I'm too excited. You always get great videos. Is it a gang bang?" He mmm'd and licked his lips. "I love watching Mom get gang banged." Krista drew her robe tighter around her neck. These movie nights were always embarrassing for her, but I knew she was also getting wet under that robe because the shame turned her on. I tossed the tablet over to Billy and said, "Count to twenty, then press play." Krista looked briefly up and then down again as I walked over to where she was standing. I said, "Honey, we're married now. We're going to have a baby." I stroked her large stomach. "Billy and I love you no matter what happened in your past. Hell, we love you more for it." She looked up at me and I kissed her nose and said, "Besides, we already saw the video of you and the two police dogs, what could be worse than that?" She flinched then said, "I don't know. I'm sure you could find something." The video started up. The grainy scene showed a house with wood-paneled walls decorated with framed paintings and thick carpeting. Krista gasped. "James, no! How did – ?" I held her around the shoulders and guided her over to the bed, while she and Billy watched the screen. The cameraman walks down the hall and through a white door into a girl's room awash with a wealth of fuzzy pink and blue décor. In the center of the room is a smiling girl of about ten wearing an elegant, but simple, white gown. She has long dark-red hair that falls loosely over her shoulders, held back with a small silver crown decorated with white flowers and green leaves. A silver necklace hangs around her neck and white leather sandals adorn her feet. The effect is of a little spring goddess or nymph. "Hi, Krista," says the camera 'man', whose voice reveals she's also a girl. "You all set?" "Yeah," says10-year-old Krista enthusiastically. She lifts her hem to reveal white satin panties. A woman walks in from the bathroom door, holding a bouquet of roses. "Is everything ready, Jenny?" she asks to the camera. "Yeah, Mom," says 13-year-old Jenny, "we're all waiting." "Is that grandma with the flowers?" Billy asked. "Yes," said Krista in a stunned voice, as I peeled her robe back uncovering her bare breasts. She was no longer wearing the crotchless panties, so her bare pussy came into view as I got her naked. "Just lie back," I said to her. "Me and Billy are going to take care of you." Krista takes the bouquet of roses. Her mother looks her up and down, making small adjustments to the gown she's wearing. "Oh, darling, I'm so proud. Your daddy is going to be so happy with how beautiful you look. I can't wait to see his face." "Yeah," says Jenny from behind the camera, "just make sure you get photos taken before he undresses you. I don't have any of me in my virgin day gown because he got me out of it so fast." Both girls and their mother giggle at that and then Daisy Lewison puts some finishing touches on her little girl's makeup as she prepares her to be deflowered by her father. "Wow," said Billy. "Your family is kind of fucked-up, Mom." "And ours isn't?" I ask gently as I pull him near me on the bed. The three of us are kneeling, me behind Krista and Billy facing her. I nuzzle my wife's neck, inhaling her scent, and stroke her round belly and her swollen breasts. Billy joins me, his smaller, smoother hands grazing mine as he strokes his mother's body. Billy said, "But fucking all your daughters? And making them get dressed up before you do it?" "You got dressed up today and did something just as perverted." I lay on my back and pulled Krista down over me. Through the breast in my hand, I could feel her heart thumping as she watched the video in stunned silence. Billy leaned down over his mother, also watching the video. "But this is different. Me, you and Mom 3; we kind of fell into this together. Grandpa, he – well, he – it's different." I knew what he meant. Fred Lewison is just so organized in his systematic molesting of his daughters. Krista walks down the hall and into her parents' bedroom. Her two other big sisters are already there, one 14, the other 16. They've been through this before when they were ten too. Her 11-year-old brother is sitting to one side. The younger kids are nowhere to be seen. (Away at their grandmother's it turns out.) Krista walks over to her beaming father, who is standing before a four-poster bed draped in more springtime flowers. Standing there in a Roman style robe, Fred Lewison is slim, with broad shoulders and a dashing smile. His dark hair flows back from his strong forehead, mixing a streak of wildness into his air of authority, so that he looks like an Olympian god. Fred takes his daughter's two hands in his and kneels theatrically before kissing Krista's open palms and rising. Daisy stands behind her daughter, hands on her shoulders. The other children stand in respectful silence. As Krista watches her father's face with a mix of awe and devotion, Fred says to his wife, "You have brought our daughter to me. Is she ready in body, mind and spirit to serve her fathers in heaven above and here on Earth?" "Yes, she will serve you as you wish. Her body is strong, her mind is clear and her spirit is willing." "What kind of sick woman gives her child over to a man like that?" I asked Krista, my fingers strumming her clit as she lay with her back against my chest. She whimpered and gripped my forearms, knowing I was really talking about Billy. Her pussy juice was leaking down onto my hard cock as it nestled between her thighs. I caught glimpses of Billy's bright hair and mischievous eyes as he kissed her breast and 6-months-pregnant belly. He stroked my rigid cock a few times then slid his fingers to his mother's ass cleft. Fred Lewison speaks to Krista. "My daughter, are you prepared to offer me, and your father above, all your bounty – your labor, your affection, your time and your body? To serve willingly and eagerly?" She smiles at him, her eyes never wavering and says, "I am." "Then it is time to make your first service." He leans in to kiss her, and she responds by flinging both arms around his neck and reaching up. This is not their first kiss, of course – Fred has been training his daughter in minor sexual acts for a while – so they attack each other without any tentative steps. His hands stroke her back and hips as he presses his lips to his daughter's. The fuzzy audio of the recording betrays Krista's moans of surrender. When they finish, Krista's father tells her it's time to get undressed, but Krista makes sure to get them posed for the camera first. The flash goes off with them standing like a newlywed couple in front of the decorated bed where the father will fuck his daughter for the first time. I lifted Krista's hair away from the side of her face and turned her to look at me. "Just ten years old and you're happily giving your virginity to your own father." "You don't understand. He – " "He forced you?" I eased a finger into her pussy opening. "No." "He threatened you?" I thumbed her clit as I stroked my finger in and out of her lips. "No," she admitted with a gasping breath. "You wanted it. You couldn't wait." Two fingers now. Billy had a couple in her ass as well. She squirmed in my arms, her back sweaty against my chest. The two older sisters and their brother sit to the side, like spectators. Jenny with the camera circles slowly, getting every angle. As Krista stands still, watching her father with a sly, lusty smile, her mother takes the bouquet from her and places it into a vase at the bedside. Then Daisy unbuttons her young daughter's gown at the back and it drops to the floor. Krista's pre-pubescent form is revealed, clad only the white satin panties now. Her flat chest is bare, her skinny shoulder blades peek out from under her auburn hair. Daisy takes her place with the rest of the audience. As the camera slowly drifts, Fred kneels and kisses his girl on her nipples while stroking her slim legs. With a teasing finger, he slides the panties down, showing the sweet curve of her ass. When he rises, the camera sees the smooth, puffy cleft of Krista's immature pussy. Fred Lewison lets his daughter undress him. She unwraps the toga he wears and he is revealed to her, his hard cock standing upright like a thunderbolt at the ready. She kneels and takes the majestic organ into her mouth, clearly no novice in the art. Fred places a gentle hand on her head, ironically the most fatherly gesture he's made since the video started. "Suck me, Billy," I said. "Your mom wants to see if her son can work a cock just as well as she could at your age." Smiling, Billy dipped his head down between his mother's thighs and his expert lips took hold of my cock head, slurping and sucking. I took a sharp breath at the feeling of his warm, wet mouth and soaked up the sensation until my breathing calmed down. "Is he doing it as good as you?" I asked Krista as we watched the video where she's blowing her father. "It's amazing how eager he is. How much he loves doing it for me. He's a little whore, like his mother." Krista groaned and shivered as my words inflicted an erotic shame on her. I continued playing with Krista's clit and eased a third finger into her as I said, "He's a whore because his mother was a whore. Poor kid never stood a chance, did he?" Her opening spasmed. She couldn't help herself. Watching the old video of her father using her mouth while her son sucked me sent her into overdrive and she came, her slick body panting against me. "You got her ass all loosened up?" I asked Billy. "Yeah." "Good. Put me in." Two soft, small hands guided my shaft to Krista's waiting butthole. She tensed as her son rubbed the tip against her opening. She might have been an experienced porn star, but a cock in the ass was still a cock in the ass. I held her waist and pushed up into Krista. She cried out as I pressed all the way in, her warm ass chute parting to let me in. Shaking and labored breaths signal when Fred Lewison cums in his young daughter's mouth. She takes it bravely keeping her lips on his cock until he pulls out and sits on the bed. The camera comes close and Krista answers the implied question by opening her mouth to reveal it is full of pearly white fluid. She swallows it down, taking her time and then smiles at the camera before turning her happy face to her father. "You are such a special girl," he says, pulling her to him. "Daddy's real proud of you." He has her kneel over his lap and they make out, Krista pressing and pressing against her father until he lies back on the bed. She goes with him, crouched over his big body, his thick pole waving in the air behind the pale orbs of her ass. He rolls over and she practically disappears from view, she is so small in comparison. Only her splayed legs signal where she is. The camera angle catches the spectators in the background, their faces agog at the action. Krista's mother especially is enraptured, her hand twitching at her knee, though she refuses to finger her pussy as she surely wants to do. Krista's father raises his ass and sneaks a hand under. Once he has set his tool, he looks at Krista and she nods. Then she cries out in her squeaky voice as his big cock slides into her for the first time ever. The camera catches it all as they hold still in the moment: tears running down her face as she pants; her father blissed out at the feeling of his cock in her young virgin pussy; even a close-up shot of the pussy in question, stretched wide by the wide shaft that's violated it. Fred sinks his fatherly cock all the way, seeming to take forever as his cock is so long and because he takes his sweet time, mmmm-ing his pleasure. Krista's face shows alarm and disbelief and wonder as he fills her up. Her expression settles into dazed sexual stupor as her father fucks her. "How did that feel? I asked Krista, slowly rocking my cock into her ass from below. "What was it like losing your virginity to your own father? Dirty? Sleazy?" "Yes," she said, her body falling back against mine in surrender. "That and more. Like I was in my place. My father deserved to have all that power over me as far as I was concerned. He was the perfect man, he deserved to take whatever he wanted from me." "And what about your son?" asked Billy leaning down with a beaming smile to kiss her – and shattering the submissive mood I was trying to create for Krista. She giggled at his goofiness and brushed his hair from his forehead with gentle affection. "He's the best thing to ever happen to me. He deserves everything good in this world." I stroked his shoulder in silent assurance. "Good," he said, "cuz I'm horny and I want some of you." He knelt between his mother's thighs and eased his dick into her. Krista arched her back and said, "Oh yes, baby, fuck me. Fuck Mommy." The three of us hit a groove almost immediately, the video just background noise now as we focused on each other. I kept mostly still and let the rocking of Billy's motion drive Krista's body as my stiff cock remained embedded in her ass. He kissed her breasts and sucked on them, the bulge of her pregnant belly preventing him from easily kissing her while he was moving. She and I stroked his hair and arms as we watched his face slacken with sexual joy. What a wedding night, I thought to myself, having sex with my beautiful wife and her son all at once! 10-year-old Krista is on her hands and knees now, her father stroking into her pussy from behind. She's practically drooling in her own world of sensation. Then her back tightens, betraying her orgasm. As it hits, she falls forward, onto her elbows, her face mashing sideways into the mattress. Her gasping squeals fill the room as her father steadily pounds her. Her mother and sisters watch from their chairs, spellbound. I licked Krista's neck and caressed the smooth swell of her belly where our child was growing. "I have a secret," I said. Billy looked down, but kept fucking into his mother. Krista stayed silent in her apprehension. I said to her, "You know how we told the doctor we didn't want to know the baby's sex?" "Yeah?" "Well, I cheated. I found out two weeks ago." I patted her tummy. "We're going to have a baby girl, Krista." "Cool," said Billy, "A sister." "An innocent little girl, Krista. For a twisted mother." I held her tighter. "And when she's old enough, you're going to do the same thing your mother did to you 3; " "No 3; James, no. I 3; " "You're going to bring her to her daddy's bed 3; " "No, it's wrong, I couldn't 3; " "You're going to help her daddy fuck her sweet little cunt." The muscles of her back spasmed against my stomach. I grabbed her arms almost like I was keeping her in a full nelson hold and said in her ear, "Yes, Krista, you will. Picture it. Our beautiful daughter smiling up at Mommy while you get Daddy to fuck her." Krista shook in uncontrollable ecstasy as her body exploded into orgasm under the overdose of stimulation – Billy fucking her, my cock lodged in her ass and the incestuous images I had planted in her head. Her voice cracked as she moaned and panted in my steady grasp until the orgasm worked its way through her. Krista's head fell back against my shoulder. I stroked her damp forehead and cheek. We kissed, swapping spit as Billy grunted above us and his pace devolved into rapid erratic thrusting. I said to him, "Fuck your mother, Billy. Cum in her pussy." "Oh yeah," he panted over and over as he rammed himself into her repeatedly and then slowed down, his own orgasm over. The feel of this woman on me, knowing she was carrying my child, knowing what I had declared I would do with that child, knowing what I was doing with the child she already had 3; I hit my own climax. "Billy," I panted, "take me out. I'm about to shoot. Take me out." I didn't need to tell him where I wanted to cum. He knelt to get his lips around my cock. But he was a second too slow as he recovered from his orgasm. And the feel of his soft, small hands on my shaft made me shoot a second too soon. The first blast flew onto his face. The second he got into his eager mouth. He sucked the head of my cock as my orgasm ripped down my stomach in waves. I shot a few more times, the sensation pulsing through me until I had nothing left to give. As we recovered, sliding slowly apart, the movie on the wall kept going. I knew from previous viewing that it would continue for another hour, including a scene that included all the girls. Our own little group broke up momentarily as Billy had to (reluctantly) wash the cum streak off his face and brush his teeth. Krista had to visit the toilet. I put away the projector and turned off the room lights. We were soon back in bed, Billy snuggling between me and Krista. His mother said, "If you're going to sleep there, honey, you should get a towel and wipe up the wet spot." "I like sleeping in the wet spot." He grinned. "It's all gooey and slick and nasty." She shook her head. "Such a little boy still." Krista hugged him closer and he cuddled into her. I lay half on my back, half on my side, stroking his smooth flank as I looked at them. Within a few minutes, Billy sagged into sleep, rolling back against me, the hair on the back of his head tickling my nipples. Seeing a pensive look on Krista's face, I leaned over and kissed my new bride on her forehead. She smiled briefly, but the look returned. Finally, she said, "Were you serious, James? What you said about our daughter. About, you know 3; Would you really do that?" "As long as she wants it, yeah. Me, you and Billy, we have something here, but this kid is coming now." I caressed her naked round belly. "One day she's gonna have to decide how she fits into this too. If she wants to be just our kid or something more." "Suppose she doesn't? I almost didn't do it with my dad you know." "Really?" "Yeah, I wanted to save my virginity for my husband, believe it or not. But in the end, Daddy was just too handsome to resist." "Well, whatever our daughter chooses," I said, "I'll be happy. Look at Billy. I wanted to drop him over the couch and buttfuck him the first night we met, but I didn't make a move until he'd shown me he wanted it too." Krista nodded, then looked down at the boy breathing deeply between us. She and I smiled at each other and we knew we were thinking the same thing. Feeling the same thing. Each on our own, we stroked our fingertips along his smooth shoulder and arm, our fingers bumping whenever we passed. I felt goosebumps rise as I thought of how lucky I was to be with this woman and her son. Our son, now. I said, "He looked like an angel today at the wedding." She laughed softly. "What?" "I was thinking the same thing. But it seemed like such a cliché mom thing to say, so I bit my tongue." I smiled back. "Truth is truth. No matter how cliché." "I can't believe he let his hair stay in place." "Give the kid some credit. Billy's matured enough to understand today was too important for his usual tricks." Krista stroked a lock of hair from his forehead."Yeah. He's growing up a bit. Scary." "Sometimes I feel like – " But I wasn't sure it was my place to say. Strange how I was so blatant about taking this woman's child as my little boyfriend, but admitting my more parental feelings felt like encroachment. "Feel like what?" Krista asked. "Like I want him to have the best future ever. And I wonder 3; " "What you're doing wrong?" "Yeah!" I traced the delicate line of Billy's ear with the back of a fingernail. "I feel this panic and I wonder what else I could be doing to make his life good. Maybe something – " From between us, Billy said casually, "You could give me an extra twenty bucks for my allowance. That'd make my – " His mother gave him a quick smack on the exposed side of his butt and he yelped. "Hey, what was that for!?" "Faking," she said. "You're supposed to be sleeping." "I didn't fake nothing. You assumed. That's not my fault." "For eavesdropping then," I said. "How can it be eavesdropping? It's my bed." Again Krista and I made eye contact and smiled from our little parental rapport. He had said 'his' bed. It was clear how he thought of the three of us. "I don't see what you're complaining about," his mom said. "You can take James' cock up your ass, but it's a big sin for me to spank it?" "His cock feels good in there. Your hand is mean." "If my hands are so mean, maybe they shouldn't make you any more of those chewy chocolate cookies that you keep begging me to – " "Your hands are awesome," said Billy, grabbing a hold of both Krista's palms in his. "You can buttfuck me with your whole fist if you want, it'd be great." Krista laughed and said, "I've got no desire to have my hand in your greasy butt. But I think James is up to giving you one last seeing to before we call it a night." She was right. I'd gotten hard with all the contact from Billy moving around and I was quite ready to go again. Wordlessly, I eased behind Billy as he got on his knees, still holding his mother's hands tight, elbows on the mattress. His globes were warm and smooth as I held them in my two squeezing hands. On a whim, I bent and gave each half a kiss. But then I was done playing around. This was just an end-of-the-night fucking. No frills. So I got in position between his legs and made a quick check with my fingers that he was still loose and not too sore. "You ready?" He said, "Yeah. Give it to me," then gripped his mother's hands tighter. I set the head of my cock at his sweet little opening and eased in, using one hand to steady my aim. The warm, tight ring of his entrance slipped over and around my knob and I exhaled deeply before simply grabbing his hips and thrusting right in with one smooth stroke. He grunted and arched his back and I admired the clean, curved lines of his body as I tasted its tight, gripping depths. Knowing he could take it, I immediately began fucking him briskly, using my hips and knees to drive my raring cock into his delicate hole again and again. He began panting in rhythm with me as I savored the sliding, squeezing, sensations. I stared in wonder at the two people below me, boy and woman. She was on her side, her belly swollen with child, her hips flared and her breasts swollen – a feminine beauty. He was so much a contrast, with slender hips, flat chest and skinny legs. But there were so many similarities too, like their pert noses or the curve of their necks. They were clearly mother and son. And they were mine. Krista and Billy gazed into each other's eyes as I sped up, hammering him so hard that her breasts shook with each new thrust. They were in a little private space where he could let her see him enjoy a man's cock in his ass and where she could assure him that it was wonderful to see him take that cock. Her glance flickered to me for a moment, joyful and grateful, before she looked admiringly back at her son. I had been with Krista long enough that I could read that look on many levels. She was happy to see her son be sexually satisfied, but she was also horny from watching it. A mother who was happy and horny that I was fucking her son 3; The thought sent me reeling with wicked joy and the building orgasm burst out of me. I dug my fingers into Billy's smooth hips and railed his tender hole with my rigid cock, shooting the last of my cum reserves into the boy, spurt by spurt. As I calmed down and finished in him with a few slow, deep strokes of my softening cock, I felt his body shake as his own orgasm peaked and then receded. I looked under him, hopeful, but there was no boy juice. I wasn't too disappointed, though. I leaned over and caressed his mother's pregnant belly. She was still a few months away from birth. When the time came, I was sure Billy would be ready to do the job right and put the next baby in his mother. Until then, my new wife and son were still the most beautiful people on Earth and I was going to be with them as much as I could. Starting with a two week honeymoon.
TO BE CONTINUED in 3 months
My apologies to the fans following along. I know this part was due back in September. In my defense, it ended up being a double-sized installment. :-) Of course, since part 4 was due in December, I'm already late on that. I'm catching up though, and I hope to be back on schedule by March when the one year 'anniversary' (and probably the final part) of the story arrives.
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