PZA Boy Stories

Phill later Brian

Christmas Presents


A father buys for his two sons very special Christmas presents, and buys one for himself as well.
Publ. 2003 (NCGSS); this site Dec 2012
Finished 19,000 words (38 pages)


Wesley, father; his sons Jaguar (12yo) and Damon (10yo), and their slaves Tommy (11yo), Jason (9yo) and Danny (6yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Man-Boy story/slavery
Mb bbnon-cons cons reluc oral anal interr spank bond ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.
<broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk>: host mx1.mail.eu.yahoo.com[xx.xxx.177.9] said:
    554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk
    cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102].
Are you the author, please contact me.

Céladon's note

In the original story the author was not very consistent with the ages of Wesley's two sons, and the youngest slave was a bit too young for PZA standards. For the way they acted and spoke, it seems as if the author had reduced the ages after writing. Thus, I hope the author is not offended that I changed the ages of the boys in the story.

Wesley, a black man, was sitting comfortably in his reclining arm chair. On his lap was a young black boy aged ten whilst sitting curled up on the sofa was another black boy. His age was twelve. All three were naked as the day they were born and they were watching a porno video featuring the violent rape of a eight year old boy by an man in his middle age. Both characters were white.

As they watched the video all three had a hard on. Wesley was fondling the ten year old boy's stiff cock. The boy's name was Damon and he was wriggling about on the man's lap pressing his back against the big hard cock he could feel there.

The second boy, Damon's brother, was named Jaguar and he was playing with his own stiff fuck stick whilst watching the white boy being violently raped.

Wesley was, in fact, the boys father and lived alone with them. Their mother had fucked off several years ago to live with another man. She had left when she realised that Wesley's interest lay not in women, not even in men, but really lay solely in boys. Young boys, older boys, even infant boys it did not matter. Wesley was sexually aroused by them all. His wife didn't care a fuck about that; what she wanted was a real man, one interested only in fucking women and one who could also help her feed her heroin habit which she had acquired shortly after finding Wesley in bed with his older son, Jaguar. Not just in bed with him but with his cock buried to his balls up Jaguar's shit hole. At that time Jaguar was nine years old whilst his brother was seven. She remained with Wesley for almost a year after that but only for the sake of convenience. She had found herself a man and, after Wesley coughed up a generous settlement for her, she signed away all her parental rights of access to the boys and fucked of for a wonderful life of sex and drugs. That was the last Wesley saw of that woman.

As the video came to an end and the bleeding, battered, bruised and well fucked picture of the boy faded from the screen Wesley gave young Damon a kiss.

"Well boy's it will soon be Christmas and I just don't know what the fuck to give you."

Jaguar grinned at his daddy. The boy was not only being fucked by his pa but he was also fucking his younger brother, that was when his dad had not got his cock up the young boy's snatch.

"How about giving us a fucking white boy, I'd love to fuck the arse off a honky," Jaguar suggested.

"Yeah daddy and I'd like one too. I'd love to have a fucking honky as a slave just like they made slaves of us niggers," the youngster said eagerly.

"Well that's easier said than done boys. You don't just go into a fucking shop and buy a couple of honky kids you know," Wesley pointed out.

Jaguar laughed.

"It's okay man I was only fucking joking," he said. Then he added, "although whoever makes those special videos you get seem to know how to lay their hands on honky boy trash."

Jaguar was referring to the fact that in the rape videos like the one they had just been watching the participants were not actors but real life people and the rapes were not staged but were real life too.

"Forget it boys I'll have to think of something more realistic to give you for Christmas," Wesley said. "Now come on kids, let's put out the lights and go upstairs to the bedroom. I'm going to fuck the arse off young Damon here whilst he sucks all the juice out of your cock Jaguar. Then, when I'm finished with the little fucking slut, you can suck my cum out of his cunt."

Damon jumped off the chair and started eagerly upstairs. His daddy had been fucking the boy since Damon was seven. Wesley had soon got the youngster used to taking his nine inch [23 cm] long and one inch [2½ cm] thick cock into his boy cunt right up to the hilt. He could also swallow it down his throat until Wesley's balls were pressing into his chin. Damon loved his daddy's cock and he also loved Jaguar's. Sometimes they took turn and turn about fucking him.

As Christmas approached Wesley was not idle. He contacted the men who supplied him with the videos and outlined what he wanted. They told him that supplying such goods would not come cheap but Wesley, who was a very successful business man, did not consider that a problem.

Christmas Eve arrived and Wesley packed the two boys off to spend the day in a nearby large leisure complex. He gave them plenty of spending money and told them not to return until evening as he had lots to do to get ready for Christmas Day.

After they were gone a van drew up at his house. Wesley lived in a large house set in two acres of land and was not overlooked by any neighbours. Two burly white men got out of the vehicle as Wesley came out to meet them.

"We've got your goods if you've got the money," one said.

Then the other, an evil scar faced man, spoke up. "After the trouble we've gone through to get your fucking goods you'd better have the money or I'll have your fucking black heart for dinner," he growled.

Wesley looked at him and did not doubt for a moment that if he tried to welsh on the deal his life would not be worth a shit.

"Okay guys I've got your money," he said soothingly. "Just let me have a look at the goods to make sure it's what I ordered and that it's in good order."

They all three walked around to the back of the van and one of them men unlocked it. Wesley looked in and seemed very satisfied with what he saw.

"Will you give me a hand to stow the goods in the basement?" he asked. "I don't want my boys to see their Christmas present until tomorrow morning."

The men laughingly agreed and helped Wesley carry the goods down into the basement which was pleasantly heated. Both of the men looked around admiringly.

"You've got this fixed up real good," one remarked. "I guess that you and your kids are going to have a fucking good Christmas playing with these toys."

Then all three laughed uproariously.

Wesley took them upstairs into his library. He went to a wall safe and opened it. Then he counted out a large sum of money and handed it to one of them.

"Thanks," the man said as he took it, "the boss will be real pleased that everything went off okay. Now don't forget, examine the goods in twelve hours but all should be well. Everything has been carefully timed for the goods to be ready for use by nine tomorrow morning."

"Yeah Christmas Day," Wesley said smiling broadly.

Then Wesley shook hands with them and led them out of the house and they drove off.

The boys came home in the evening having had a terrific day at the leisure complex. Damon excitedly told his daddy about a boy of eight that they made friends with, coaxed him into a deserted area of the complex, and Jaguar had spent two hours raping him before turning him over to his brother to play with. Damon had made him suck his cock whilst he sucked the boy's. Then Jaguar spoke up.

"Yeah the only pity is that the fucker was a brother, I'd have loved him to have been a honky."

Wesley scolded both the boys and warned them as he had done so often in the past about the dangers of picking kids up and raping them.

"Sooner or later you fuckers will be picked up by the cops and then you'll finish up in some fucking home for delinquents whilst I finish up in prison," he said.

The boys just grinned at him.

"Well boys it's Christmas Eve so don't forget to make a special wish before you go to sleep. And no getting up in the night to see what father Christmas has left you. I'm going to fuck you tonight Jaguar and then you can fuck Damon and then, hopefully, we'll all be so fucked out we get a good fucking nights sleep," Wesley said.

They watched one of the rape videos and then retired where Wesley fucked Jaguar and then Jaguar fucked Damon. Damon then sucked the cum out of his brother's cunt whilst his daddy sucked Jaguar's fresh cum out of him. Then they all went to sleep.


Wesley woke first on Christmas morning and smiled at his sleeping sons. He loved them dearly and would have laid his life down for his boys. Then he got out of bed and went down to the basement. Unlocking the door he bent over the presents that he had bought for the boys. He made sure that the presents were in good order and then returned to the bedroom. By now the boys had awoken and were examining the various small presents that had been left by Father Christmas on the floor by their bed. It was more than an hour before all three got up and showered and then went down to the kitchen. Wesley had already prepared their Christmas morning breakfast and all three tucked in eagerly.

Then, as was usual on Christmas mornings, the boys rushed into the main family room where the Christmas tree was. Always their main presents were under the tree. Damon and Jaguar looked rather disappointed as they saw only two small presents there. The presents were of identical shape and size.

Jaguar picked his up and saw that the label read 'Happy Christmas with lots of love Daddy XXX'. Damon had now picked his up which had an identical label. Both boys ripped off the gift wrapping paper and took the lids off identical cardboard boxes. In each box nestled a key with a label saying 'Basement'.

"What the fucks this daddy?" Jaguar asked angrily. "What fucking sort of Christmas present is this."

Damon, being only ten years old, was trying to hold back his tears as he saw that his main Christmas present was some fucking old key.

"Why don't you go to the basement and use the keys on the door?" Wesley asked with an amused smile on his face.

Then both boys went rushing down the stairs that led to the basement area. Jaguar got there first and unlocked the door. Damon had caught him up and both boys rushed in and then stopped amazed.

The basement that used to be cold, dark and dirty was now sparklingly clean. It was very well lit, had all sorts of furniture and trappings and it was nicely heated. Then the boys' eyes took double takes as Wesley entered the room. There were two large beds with mattresses but no bed linen. One bed was marked 'Jaguar', and the other marked 'Damon', but that was not what caused the boys' astonishment. It was what was on the beds.

"Happy Christmas boys," Wesley chortled as Jaguar and Damon squealed with delight.

Chained by their wrists and ankles to the beds were two frightened white boys. They were gagged but did not have blindfolds on and could see the black man and two black boys, all as naked as they were, standing looking at them.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy thank you so much," Jaguar shouted as he ran across to the bed with his name on it.

"Now boys," Wesley said with a big grin, "I'd better let you know who these boys are. Your present Jaguar is named Tommy and he is eleven years old. Damon your present is named Jason and he is nine years old. Jason is Tommy's brother. They are both virgins, I have been guaranteed that, and they are yours to do what you please with."

Jaguar and Damon were quickly on their beds and started to play with the white boys' soft cocks. Jaguar was telling Tommy how soon he would be fucking the shit out of him. He made clear that the honky was going to be his slave in all ways including sexual.

Damon was not quite as explicit with his boy. He was feeling a little inhibited as he lay fondling Jason's cock as the young boy shed tears of fear from his big blue eyes.

Wesley in the meantime had gone to a curtained off part of the basement. He drew back the curtains and exclaimed aloud, "fucking hell, just look what Santa has left for me."

On yet a third bed with a large label saying 'Wesley,' lay a very young white boy. He too was gagged and chained to the bed.

"Just look at this boys I've a honky of my own. Now this fucker is the youngest brother of the three. His name is Danny and he is almost seven years old. This one boys is mine, all mine and I don't want either of you fuckers touching him."

"You going to fuck that little snot nosed honky brat dad," Jaguar asked curiously, "his hole will be much too small to take your big cock."

"Don't you worry about that Jaguar I'll let you watch as I fuck him. I'll take his cherry and he'll take all my fucking cock. I want his older brothers to watch when I deflower him as well."

"Gee daddy as it's Christmas what say we have a party this afternoon. You fuck Danny whilst we all watch and then I'll fuck Tommy. I bet that Damon will be able to get his cock up Jason's cunt, he sure had a good try yesterday afternoon," Jaguar said.

"You know boys it's Christmas Day. We've got our meat and all it needs is stuffing. I wonder if our new family likes stuffing. Let's take of their gags and have a little chat with the honkys," Wesley said.

The boys removed the gags from Tommy and Jason whilst Wesley removed the gag from young Danny. As soon as Danny's gag was off the boy started to howl loudly.

Tommy looked across at Wesley and tried to sit up on the bed but manacled as he was he could not.

"You leave my brother alone," Tommy said angrily, "he's only a young kid so what the hell do you want with him?"

Wesley grinned at the white boy.

"I suppose you and your brothers want to go home to mummy," he said with a chuckle.

"We ain't got no parents, we live in a boys' home," Tommy answered. "But they'll have the cops after you as soon as they see that we are missing."

Wesley's grin got even wider showing his beautiful white teeth against his black skin.

"I know all about you and you can forget about the cops. Officially you have been adopted by a very nice family so there is no question of you being missing. Now then Tommy it's Christmas Day so me and my sons want to be specially nice to you today. Do you like stuffing?"

Tommy looked suspiciously at the big naked black man. He was fascinated by the size of the man's nine inch [23 cm] long cock which was throbbing with passion and dripping precum.

"If you're going to be nice to us, why are we chained to the beds?" he asked.

"Don't you worry about that Tommy," Wesley replied in a kind voice, "now do you all three like stuffing?"

"I don't know we've never had it," Tommy said, "they didn't give us stuff like that at the home."

Then Jaguar spoke up.

"Fuck it dad, do we have to piss around like this. Let's go have our Christmas dinner and then we've got the rest of the day to play with our presents."

"Yes daddy, let's do that," Damon piped up, "I'm dying to have lots of fun with Jason."

"Okay boys, we'll go have our meal. It should almost be ready by now," Wesley agreed. "Unfortunately we can't give these bastards anything to eat. Because of the drug that they were given yesterday they must not eat until after nine tomorrow morning. They can drink though so no doubt you boys will be able to accommodate them that way when we return down here."

The three went upstairs to eat. The white boys remained chained to their beds.

"Listen you two," Tommy whispered after Wesley and his sons had gone. "I don't know what is going on but I think we're in real trouble. I'll do my best to help you if I can. The main thing to remember is that we must stick together. We're brothers and we must help each other because no other fucker will help us."

Danny was sobbing his heart out.

"Tommy I'm ever so frightened of that black man. He looks at me all funny and I think that he's going to hurt me real bad," the six year old boy said.

"Don't worry Danny I'll do my best to make sure he don't hurt you. But whatever he does try to be brave. I think that all three of us are in for a real bad time," Tommy replied.

"If that black bastard called Damon tries to fuck me around I'll kick his fucking nuts in," Jason said.

The language he used was the sort of language that all the boys in his boys' home used when they talked together and no adults were around.

"Yeah that's it Jason," Tommy encouraged his brother, "knee the bastard in the groin. Fuck Jason you can take that nigger cunt, you've kicked the shit out of bigger boys than him."

Then silence descended as the three boys lay wondering what was in store for them.

Three hours later and well fed and very cheerful Wesley and his boys returned to the basement. Whilst they had eaten their festive meal Wesley had briefed the boys on the sort of ways that they could install a 'master slave' relationship between themselves and the white boys. He had told them how they were free to use whatever implements were available in the basement to impose their will on their slaves. They could also use these implements on the slaves when they simply felt pissed of or was looking for a bit of fun. The slaves were their's, body and soul, and they could do whatever they pleased with them, but they must always stick to their own slave unless they were given permission to use and abuse one of the others.

Now Wesley was going to brief the white boys on the basic rules that they must obey, then the three would begin to enjoy themselves for the rest of the day with their slaves.

Jaguar and Damon went and sat on the beds to which their slaves were chained. Wesley stood in the middle of the room so that all three honkies could see him.

"Now you fuckers, I'm going to let you know the basic rules that you have to obey. You should know that the boys sitting on your beds are your masters and you are that boy's slave. Danny stop that fucking whimpering or I'll really give you something to cry about. I'm your master and you are my fucking slave."

Danny gulped hard and tried not to cry as he heard Wesley's words. Tommy raised his head and shoulders from the bed and started to shout.


"Daddy, daddy can I use the whip or cane on him, can I teach him to keep quiet?" Jaguar asked eager to try out his new power.

"No not yet Jaguar," Wesley replied, "I've got to explain the basic rules to the bastards first. Now you fuckers the first rule is simple. You obey your black master instantly. You do whatever he says without any questioning or argument. Rule 2 is that you never speak without being asked to. Rule 3 is that you answer all questions put to you by your master honestly and without hesitation. Now I guess that covers the rules. You should know that if you disobey a rule your master will punish you severely. We have whips, canes and belts that we will use on you if necessary. Needless to say we don't need an excuse to use these things on you and we have many other ways of playing with your bodies that may hurt you a lot but certainly won't hurt us."

Wesley grinned at the three white boys who had listened to his speech. Now they were truly frightened. Then he walked across to the bed to which young Danny was chained.

"Boys," he said addressing his sons, "I promised that you could watch me as I took this slave's cherry. You must make sure that your slaves watch as well. Then you two can fuck your slaves, because we don't want any fucking virgins around here."

Jaguar and Damon sat on the beds with lustful avid looks on their faces. They wished that they could have raped their own slaves first, but were eager to see how their daddy got on with such a young boy.

"LEAVE HIM, LEAVE HIM, LEAVE HIM," shouted Tommy who was very close to tears "HOW CAN YOU ABUSE A FUCKING SIX YEAR OLD BOY?"

"Use the cane on him Jaguar and make him shut up," Wesley said irritably as he started to unfasten one of the chains attached to the manacle around Danny's ankle from the manacle attaching it to the bed post.

Jaguar dashed across to a rack containing several canes and took one down as Wesley unfastened the second chain from the other bed post. Now the boy's ankles were free still with manacles and chains hanging from them. Jaguar had reached his bed where Tommy lay straining to get free from his chains.

"Now slave, I'm going to teach you not to open your mouth unless told to," snarled Jaguar as he brought the cane slashing down across Tommy's bare chest.

The boy screamed from the sharp pain and Wesley and Danny seemed to freeze as they watched Jaguar beginning to lay into his screaming slave with the cane.

Damon meantime saw that Jason was about to say something.

"I wouldn't speak, cunt, if I was you or I'll have to lay into that lily white body of yours with a cane myself," he warned his young slave.

"Never, never speak unless I tell you to," snarled Jaguar as he brought the cane down again and again across screaming Tommy's chest and belly. "You're my fucking slave so you keep that hole in your head closed unless I have my fucking cock in it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" shouted the angry Jaguar still thrashing his slave with the cane.

"YES, YES, YES," screamed Tommy beside himself with pain, "PLEASE STOP HITTING ME AND I'LL KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT," he pleaded.

Reluctantly Jaguar let the cane come to a rest by his side. This was the first time that he had ever thrashed another person and he had enjoyed every moment of it. He was amazed at how good Tommy's screaming for mercy had made him feel; the wonderful sensation as the cane he was wielding bit into the boy's tender flesh; the erotic feelings he had as he saw the red welts covering his slave's chest and belly. He knew that he would be beating this bastard slave very often just to hear him screaming with pain.

"Okay daddy I guess my slave will keep silent now," Jaguar said.

"Good, then I'll start to make my own slave feel happy," Wesley said feeling pleased with the way his son had beaten the helpless white slave.

"Now slave give me a kiss," Wesley said to the six year old boy who was lying sobbing on the bed.

Then he bent over the youngster and gave him a kiss on his lovely red lips. Danny's mouth was completely smothered by the thick lips of the black man and the boy could smell the man's peculiar nigger smell that so many white men and white boys find so sexually exciting. Danny was too young to feel such erotic emotions.

Next Wesley placed his big black hand over the boy's tiny almost one inch [2 cm] cock. Then he fondled it for a few minutes at the same time feeling the boy's balls which were, of course, tight to his body.

"Lovely Danny, lovely," Wesley said approvingly in a thick lustful voice.

Then the man got onto the bed and knelt at Danny's feet. The boy was lying on his back with his arms outstretched and each wrist manacled by a chain to each head bed post. Wesley pulled on the boy's legs until his arms and the chains attached to his wrists were fully stretched. Then he took hold of the boy's ankles and pulled them up into the air and then pushed them down towards the kid's wrists. The manacles around Danny's wrists had two metal rings. The chain to the bed post was attached to one of the rings leaving the other one on each wrist free. Wesley quickly pressed a slide on the free left hand ring and it opened. He placed the ring on the left ankle manacle through the open ring and let go of the slide. The ring closed and now Danny's left ankle was attached to his left wrist. Then Wesley did the same with the boy's right ankle and wrist. Then he looked admiringly at his handiwork.

Young Danny's butt was sticking up in the air, his buttocks stretched wide as his legs had been stretched wide open so that his ankles could be fixed to his wrists. Once again Wesley repeated himself.

"Lovely," he said, "just fucking lovely."

Then he turned to his sons.

"I'm going to have to use some lubricant on this fucker's cunt. His hole looks real tiny and I'll never get my cock into it without some KY. Damon you'll find some in the cupboard bring it to me please."

As Damon went to the cupboard to get the KY Wesley knelt behind the boy and placed his big black hands on Danny's tiny adorable half moons of his arse. He pulled them apart to reveal the sweetest of tiny brown shit holes that one could imagine. Lovely and smooth like the rest of the boy's hairless body, the rosebud lips were closed tight. Wesley could not resist but bent down and stuck out his tongue. Then he started to lick the outside of that adorable hole. His tongue ran around the closed tiny lips and Wesley found the taste of his slave irresistible. He puckered his tongue and pushed it hard against Danny's hole and managed to force the lips apart. His tongue entered the young boy's hole and he started to lick all around the inside.

Danny was squirming with embarrassment never having had such a thing done to his poo hole before. But, despite his feeling that what was happening was very naughty, he found the black man's rough tongue inside his body was rather nice.

"Yes boy your cunt tastes real good," Wesley said having withdrawn his tongue from the boy's shit hole.

Now Danny had lived in the boy's home since he was a young baby and he heard the way all the older boy's talked. He knew full well that a cunt was something that girls had. You stuck your cock into it and that made babies. It was called fucking, he knew that too. He was aware that older boys played with each others cocks. Even Tommy did that as he and his mates wanked each other off. He also knew that sometimes a boy would let other boys stick their cocks into his poo hole and then they would fuck him just like he was a girl. Such boys were called 'queer' and 'fairy' and 'homo' and treated with contempt by the rest. Nevertheless whenever one of the normal boys felt like it they would either fuck the queer or make him suck their cock. One other thing that Danny knew for sure, boys did not have cunts they had cocks.

"I don't have a cunt sir, I have a cock," he said.

Danny always called adults 'sir' or 'miss'.

"You've got a cock and a cunt, but your's is a boy cunt," Wesley explained as he smeared the KY around the youngster's tiny hole.

Then he started to smear a liberal amount on his own nine inch [23 cm] long hard fuck stick. As he did so he continued to talk to his very young slave.

"Your boy cunt is also your shit hole. When I and others fuck you then we use your boy cunt to do that. All you young queers have cunts as well as cocks but really you don't need the fuck stick because all you want is to have a cock up your cunt or down your throat."

Danny listened to this as he watched with growing alarm whilst the black man lubricated his huge cock. It was shining black, had thick veins running down the shaft whilst the cock head was a pale purple with what looked like a big mouth running across it. The mouth was, of course, the piss slit and was oozing precum. Beneath this big black cock hung a huge pair of black hairy balls.

"I'm not a queer or a fairy or any shit like that," the young boy burst out, "I'm a normal boy and I like girls and things and I play football as well," he said.

"Bollocks," replied Wesley as he now lay over the upturned youngster, "you're a fucking fairy and a slave. You just can't wait to get your master's cock up your boy cunt. Any moment now we will hear you screaming with pleasure."

As he said that Wesley had positioned his big cock head against Danny's closed shit hole. He held it there with one hand whilst his other hand rested on the bed near the boy's shoulders. Then Wesley started to bear his weight down onto the boy and his cock started to press hard against Danny's anus. For a moment nothing happened and then two things occurred simultaneously.

Wesley's cock head forced open the boy's anus and entered through the very tight ring and Danny shrieked out in pain.

"There I told you that you'd be screaming with pleasure," Wesley said with a big smile as he forced his cock further into the screaming young boy.

Both Tommy and Jason on hearing their young brother's shrieks of pain started to shout together.


That was all they could do as they were securely chained to the bed.

"Let your slaves scream and shout as much as they like for the moment boys," Wesley said, "there will be plenty of time for you to break them in. For now just let them watch how much Danny enjoys having my big black cock up his honky young cunt."

Accompanied by the delightful screams from young Danny and the yells of anger from his two older brothers Wesley forced more of his cock into the boy's tight ring.

The black man loved the way Danny's virgin tight ring gripped hard on his big thick cock. He loved to feel the kid's intestines wrapped tightly around his fuck stick as he forced more and more of it into the screaming boy.

Tommy had now been reduced to tears of anger and frustration as he saw his young brother being so cruelly violated and found himself helpless to intervene.

"STOP IT YOU BASTARD LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE, PLEASE MISTER LEAVE HIM ALONE," Tommy was shouting but his pleas went unheeded as Wesley enjoyed it as he tried to make Danny happy by fucking the shit out of the kid.

"You love my cock don't you boy, you love having your master's fuck stick up your tight cunt. Scream louder slave, scream louder so that I know just how much you love being fucked by my big black cock," Wesley said to the boy as he forced yet more of his cock up Danny's tight hole.

Now Wesley had managed to plant six inches [15 cm] of thick cock into the young boy's cunt. He could feel his cock head deep inside the boy's guts and was worried that he might harm the boy seriously if he continued to force more of his rod up the kid's cunt.

"Listen boys," he said to his sons, "I don't think that this bastard can take anymore of my cock this time around so now I'm going to fuck the shit out of him and then you can do the same to your slaves."

"Fuck it dad," Jaguar said disgustedly, "I wanted to see you shove the whole length of your big nigger cock up that honky cunt."

Wesley laughed at his sons disappointment.

"Don't you worry about that son," he said, "the fucker will take the whole length of my cock within the next twenty four hours.," Then Wesley started to pull his cock out of Danny's tight hole before slamming it back in again. Out again and back in, out and in, out and in as Danny screamed his head off. Now the black man started to fuck the boy faster. His cock was coming almost all the way out before being slammed back again. Wesley was sweating and panting, grunting and groaning, as he fucked the kid as hard as he could.

"Shit Jaguar, I sure wish I could fuck like my daddy," Damon said enviously as he watched Wesley pounding in and out of the screaming boy's arse.

"Yeah I know what you mean but I don't understand why that little bastard is making such a fuss. Having our daddy fuck him is the best thing that's ever happened in his life," Jaguar replied as he gave Tommy a back handed slap across the face.


Tommy ignored the blow as he continued to shout at Wesley to stop.

The man had been fucking Danny properly for the past fifteen minutes. He had spent thirty minutes getting his cock into the boy to the depth it now was, that is six inches [15 cm].

Wesley could feel his balls tighten and his body started to shake. Danny could feel the cock head deep inside his guts throbbing hard. Then the boy felt a warm sensation inside as Wesley shot his load of cum into the boy.

"God that's fucking good slave, shit you are a real lovely fuck," he said as he rested on top of the kid.

He had shot the entire contents of his balls into Danny's boy cunt in one big load. Still with his cock inside Danny's pussy he turned at smiled at his sons.

"Okay which of you cleans my cock and which sucks my cum out of my slave's cunt?" he asked.

"I want your cock daddy, I want your cock," Damon shouted eagerly.

The boy loved to lick clean his daddy's fuck stick after it had fucked either Jaguar or himself.

"Yeah and I'll take the fucker's cunt daddy," Jaguar said equally pleased.

He knew that he would get a big mouthful of cum from Danny's guts.

"Right," replied Wesley as he withdrew his big cock from young Danny's guts.

It was covered in sperm but not only sperm. It also had streaks of the boy's blood and also brown streaks of Danny's shit mixed in with the cum. The boy's arse was now leaking red, brown and white cum as the generous load Wesley had given the slave started to run out of his hole.

Jaguar had already leapt onto the bed and Damon was by the side of his daddy.

"Just a moment boy," Wesley said to Damon. Then turning to Jaguar he said, "release the slave from his chains then have him sit on your face."

As Jaguar released the boy's ankles from his wrists and then released the wrists chains from the bed posts Wesley was speaking to his slave.

"Jaguar will be lying on the bed on his back. Sit on his face with your cunt over his open mouth. Then, as he sucks, you will strain as if having a shit to force as much of my cum out of your hole and into his mouth as you can."

Jaguar then put his oar in.

"Don't you force some shit out as well as the cum or I'll fucking kill you, I'm not into fucking scat, all I want is daddy's thick cream."

Then Wesley and the two boys laughed uproariously.

Damon was down on his knees and licking his daddy's cock clean of all the cum and blood. Jaguar was now lying on his back with Danny sitting on his face as ordered. Wesley could see the cheeks of Jaguar's face hollow as the boy sucked hard and, by the look on his face, he could see that his slave was trying to force the cum out of his cunt. He obviously was succeeding as Wesley could see his son's throat working hard as he swallowed the contents of Danny's cunt. Then Wesley saw Jaguar's hand creep around to the kid's cock and begin to play with his cock and balls as he still kept swallowing hard. The man knew for a certainty then that Jaguar was enjoying his meal.

As Damon finished cleaning his daddy's cock Wesley spoke to the boy.

"I need a piss son, are you thirsty?"

"Fucking right I am daddy," Damon replied and then closed his mouth tightly around his daddy's cock.

Next moment Wesley was sending a fountain of yellow piss straight down Damon's throat. The boy was coping excellently as he swallowed every drop not letting any spill from his mouth. He'd had plenty of practise at drinking piss from both his daddy's cock and that of his brother's. He loved the strong acidic taste of his daddy's piss; much stronger than that of young Jaguar's. At last Wesley's bladder was empty and he gave his son a pat on the head.

"I love giving you a drink Damon, your mouth is so warm and you swallow so well. Now boy it's about time you really got acquainted with your slave. He's yours for the rest of the day."

As Wesley finished speaking he saw Jaguar push Danny off his face. The boy looked across at his daddy and gave a big smile.

"That was good daddy, I really do love your cum," he said.

"Right Jaguar I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now boy go and get your nigger boy cock up your honky slave's cunt and fuck him real good. He is all yours now and you can do what the fuck you like with him. As for me I'm taking Danny boy to my bedroom where we will spend the rest of the fucking day getting him used to my cock. Both up his six year old honky cunt and also down his fucking throat," Wesley said as he lifted his slave off the bed and put him over his shoulder.

"Fuck off daddy," Jaguar replied cheekily, "you'll never keep a hard on that fucking long, especially as you've just fucked the little squirt."

"Have you forgotten those special pills that I take now and then, Viagra they're called. I've taken two already so I'll be fucking hard for at least the next twenty four hours," Wesley replied.

"And as randy as hell as well," laughed young Damon who had been listening to the exchange.

"Too fucking true son," Wesley answered. "I can't wait to get my cock back up this honky's tight cunt and the way he's wriggling about on my shoulder he's just as eager for me to fuck him as I am to have him. Now you young fuckers amuse yourself with your slaves and I don't want you coming to my bedroom tonight. All I want in my bed for the next twenty fours hours is one loving little honky slave. You can go to bed down here with your slaves."

"I was going to anyway dad," Jaguar answered airily, "and I don't need any fucking pills to keep my cock hard," he added cheekily.

Then Wesley left the basement and Jaguar and Damon moved to join their respective slaves.

Damon immediately got on top of Jason and started to kiss him on the lips. The white boy kept moving his head backwards and forwards trying to evade the black boy's thick lips.

Twelve year old Jaguar, sporting a six inch [15 cm] long hard nigger cock, was not interested in kissing his slave. He wanted to hear the fucker scream and beg him for mercy and then he would fuck the little shit silly. He looked across at his brother who was still trying to nuzzle Jason and then a bright idea came to him.

"Hey Damon," he called out, "why don't you copy me and do the same to that snot nosed little bastard as I do to this fucker? Let's see which one of the two screams loudest and which is the first fucker to beg for mercy."

Damon looked across at his brother and felt a sense of relief. He had not really known what he should do with his slave. He knew that he had to fuck him but he was trying to put that moment off as he didn't think he'd be very successful as his cock was only two and a half inches [6½ cm] long; about the same length in fact as his slave. And, of course, he was to young to shoot his load.

"That's a good idea Jaguar," Damon answered, "what are you going to do first?"

Damon was walking around the basement taking a good look at all the furniture and fittings, it was all new to him. He saw that there were ways of suspending the slaves from beams across the ceiling. They could also be tied down across benches; fixed to X frames or put into wooden stocks. There was also a table like contraption that Jaguar found could be made to extend by turning a handle on the side.

"Fucking hell this is a rack," he said to himself, "oh shit I'll sure try to see how much I can stretch my honky slave using this. I'll keep that for tomorrow."

"Look Damon, there's two nice benches here, they look tailor made for these fuckers. You take the smaller one and we'll manacle the slaves across them. See their ankles can be manacled to these legs and then they bend across the bench. I reckon we can manacle their wrists to the other two legs. The manacles are already fixed in place on the benches."

Damon had got off the bed and was now standing next to Jaguar as his brother showed him where the manacles were. Then he asked a question.

"How will we get those two honkies over to these benches? When we unchain them from the bed they might try to attack us."

"No sweat bro," Jaguar replied. "See on that shelf are plenty of sets of handcuffs. We'll handcuff their wrists once we've removed the chains from them and then we'll do the same with their ankles. Look those manacles will fit around their ankles okay," he said pointing to some pairs of leg irons lying next to the handcuffs.

"I'll help you fix your slave Damon and then you help me with mine," Jaguar said to his brother as they returned to the beds each carrying a set of leg irons and a set of handcuffs.

Then Jaguar picked up the cane that he had already used on Tommy. Tommy was eyeing him angrily but was saying nothing.

The eleven year old white boy was worried sick over his six year old brother Danny. He had heard Wesley telling his sons what he planned for the boy and Tommy was scared that the black man would do the youngster serious harm or even kill him as he tried to satisfy his lust for young boy flesh.

Jaguar ignored his slave as he dumped the handcuffs and leg irons on the bed. Then he moved to join Damon who was standing by the side of the bed on which his nine year old slave was chained.

"Okay Damon," whispered Jaguar, "now warn your honky slave that if he struggles to escape or fucks us around at all you will beat him with the cane until he begs you to stop. If he shows you any fucking cheek give him a taste of the rod. Here you are," and Jaguar handed Damon the cane.

Young Damon, only one year older than his victim, said exactly what his brother had told him to say. Then Tommy, who had heard what Damon had said but had not heard Jaguar's instructions to his brother, called out to Jason.

"Tell the queer pervert nigger to fuck off," he called, "don't take any shit from that black fucker he's only a kid like you."

Jason, trembling slightly because he was terrified of these two black kids, heard what his brother had said. So, being in awe of Tommy who was king of the roost in the boy's home among kids of his own age and younger, he did as he was told.

"Fuck off nigger I aint no pervert," the nine year old said in a trembling voice.

Jaguar looked at his younger brother but said nothing. Damon hesitated for a moment and then raised the cane and brought it swishing down to strike Jason across his lovely white chest. The boy screamed with pain because, although Damon was only ten, the cane really bit into his tender flesh. Proof was there for all to see, a thin red line across the white flesh of the boy's chest. Then Damon, enjoying the way Jason had screamed, brought the cane down again, again, and again whilst Jason screamed and shrieked in pain.

"STOP IT YOU BASTARD, STOP IT YOU PERVERT CUNT," yelled Tommy as he saw his younger brother being beaten.

The two black boys ignored him and Damon struck Jason again and then again.

"Call me a nigger would you honky?" Damon said as he slashed the boy's belly with the cane. "You'd better say you're sorry and beg me to forgive you or I'll beat you to a fucking pulp," Damon said enjoying his role as master and the power he had over his very own slave.


Damon stopped beating the boy for a moment.

"You going to obey me now cunt, you going to behave whilst I unchain you and put the handcuffs on you?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, yes," sobbed young Jason. "I'll be a good boy and do anything that you tell me to do."

"See," Jaguar said knowingly to Damon, "it don't take much to make a honky faggot do what you want him to do."

Then Damon got onto the bed having handed the cane to Jaguar.

"Don't worry Jason," Tommy called out to his brother, "I'll make both these nigger bastards pay dearly for what they're doing to you."

Jaguar turned and looked long and hard at the eleven year old white boy. Then he spoke very quietly.

"Boy you're a fucking idiot you know. Once I've got you fixed down on the bench over there I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Now shut your fucking mouth or your brother will receive another twelve strokes from the cane."

Tommy choked back the words he'd been about to utter. The last thing he wanted was to see Jason beaten some more. He already felt very guilty because he had told his younger brother to defy the two nigger boys.

Whilst this exchange between Tommy and Jaguar had been taking place Damon had removed the manacles from Jason's wrists and replaced them with the handcuffs. He was now placing the leg irons on his young slave. The two leg irons were linked together by a fifteen inch [40 cm] long chain. It was sufficient to permit the boy to hobble along but not long enough to allow him to try and run away, kick out with his feet or do anything else to cause trouble.

Jaguar helped Damon to pull the boy off the bed and onto his feet.

"Okay slave follow me," Damon ordered proudly and led the boy who came stumbling behind him across to the smaller bench.

Jaguar brought up the rear.

"Hey honky you're in for a real fun Christmas Day," he mocked the young boy as he followed him across the room.

At the bench Jaguar took over because Damon was not sure what to do. First Jaguar removed the leg irons and made Jason lie over one end of the bench whilst keeping his feet on the ground. The bench was just the right height for the kid's feet to touch the floor whilst he lay with his chest and belly on it's padded flat surface. His buttocks stuck out over the edge of the bench and looked really lovely. Well formed, but tiny, half moons, as white as milk, with a crease running down between them.

"Fix his ankles to the legs using those manacles," Jaguar instructed pointing to open manacles attached to each leg of the bench.

Damon pushed the boy's legs open as wide as they would go but the bench legs were just a little too wide apart for his ankles to be manacled. Jaguar now bent down and took hold of Jason's left foot and pulled it right over to the left leg of the bench.

"Get that manacle round his fucking ankle Damon," he ordered and his brother obeyed.

Then Jaguar grabbed Jason's right foot and started to pull it over to the right leg. Jason started to shriek with pain as his legs were painfully parted but Damon managed to secure the manacle around his ankle. Jaguar stood up and saw the Jason was also upright. He shoved him down over the bench.

"You were fucking told to bend over that fucking bench he growled.


Now the young boy's buttocks were spread apart and the crease dividing them had almost disappeared. His tiny hole with beautiful smooth lips which were closed could now be clearly seen.

"Hey bro he's got a lovely looking cunt for a honky, you should have a great time fucking that cunt," Jaguar said admiringly.

"Do you think I'll manage to get my cock up his cunt and fuck him?" Damon asked anxiously.

"Sure you will don't you worry." Jaguar reassured him. "Now let's fix his wrists to the front legs."

Damon removed the handcuffs from the still sobbing boy. He took his left arm and pulled it over the side of the bench and found that it just reached the front leg where another open manacle waited. He snapped it shut over Damon's wrist. Finally he secured the youngster's right wrist to the remaining leg of the bench. Now Damon was bent over the bench, his buttocks stuck out one end and his head stuck out the other. His arms and legs were manacled securely to each of the legs.

"He'll do now let's go get the other bastard," Jaguar said as he picked up the cane. "I guess we'll need this."

Once by the bed that Tommy was on Jaguar wasted no time. Raising his arm he started to thrash the boy using the cane. Tommy had already had a taste of it and now was screaming his head off once again as the cane bit into the flesh of his shoulders, chest and belly. Jaguar gave Tommy twelve strokes of the cane before stopping.

"Right you cheeky fucking honky bastard are you going to try and fuck me around whilst I put the handcuffs and leg irons on you?"

"No I'm not, I'm really not," Tommy sobbed as blood ran down his body where the cane had broken his tender skin. "Please don't hit me again."

"See Damon all these white bastards are the same. They like kicking us blacks in the fucking face and treating us like shit but they soon change their tune when we do it to them," Jaguar said angrily.

He, like most black people living in prominently white countries, knew only too well what racial prejudice was. He had been verbally and physically abused all his life by white people in the name of white supremacy.

"You try anything on faggot and you wish you'd never been born," the twelve year old black boy growled at his white slave.

Then Damon and Jaguar removed the chained manacles from first Tommy's wrists and replaced them with handcuffs and then from his ankles and replaced those by leg irons. Throughout the operation Tommy, sobbing quietly, was like an obedient young lamb. They pulled him onto his feet and made him hobble over to the larger bench.

The flat padded surface of this bench protruded out from the frame so that when Tommy bent over it anybody standing behind him could grab his balls as they hung down in the space provided. Again it was a struggle to manacle his ankles to the bench legs. The benches had clearly been made to ensure that the victims legs would be stretched painfully wide thus ensuring that their holes were not only visible due to the flattened buttocks but also available to any hungry cock.

Finally both slaves were secured firmly over the benches.

Jaguar now had a wicked idea.

"Say Damon let's have some fun with these slaves before we fuck the bastards," he said. "What we'll do is ask them questions and if we don't like the answers we give them a stroke of the cane. If the answer is still not one that we like they get two strokes of the cane and so on until the answer is correct. Look I'll show you what I mean."

He strode around to Tommy's side and held the cane in his hand.

"Okay slave now do you want my nigger cock up your cunt?" he asked.

"NO I FUCKING DON'T," yelled Tommy.

Thwack. The cane made a thin red line appear across the middle of Tommy's back as the boy screamed out in pain.

"I ask you again do you want my nigger cock up your cunt?" Jaguar asked.

"NO I'M NOT A FUCKING QUEER I'M FUCKING STRAIGHT," Tommy yelled as he tensed his body for the next blow.

He was not disappointed but this time he received two stinging strokes of the cane. One landed across his tender buttocks whilst the other across the small of his back.

"Wrong answer boy," purred Jaguar. "Now think about it boy, think about it. Do you want my nigger cock up your cunt?"

Tommy was not dim witted and realised that if he said 'no' he would probably receive three strokes of the cane this time. He also knew that no matter what he said, when Jaguar was ready to fuck him he would. What, apart from a face saving act, was the point of saying no.

"Yes," he whispered "I do."

Again Jaguar struck him with the cane, this time the boy received three strokes. Once across his thighs, one across his buttocks and the third across his shoulders. He was screaming with pain as his whole body burnt from the stinging strokes of the cane.

"Not the right answer," Jaguar said smugly. "Now if you want me to fuck you the answer must be 'yes master I want your nigger cock up my honky cunt real bad'. Lets try it again. Do you want my nigger cock up your cunt?"

Tommy had managed the time before to say yes but he just could not bring himself to say want Jaguar wanted to hear.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU NIGGER PERVERT," he yelled bracing himself for the blows to come.

"Hey this is fun," Jaguar said laughingly to Damon, "do you want to play?"

"Right on man," Damon replied, "but aren't you going to hit your slave for giving the wrong answer?"

"Sure am Damon but see how the fucker is sweating as he's waiting for what's to come. Now, once this cunt gives the right answer, then you can ask your slave a question and beat him until he answers right. Then it will be my turn again," Jaguar said and, not waiting a moment he brought the cane swishing down the strike Tommy across the middle of his back.

He gave the boy another three strokes of the cane making four in all as Tommy screamed and sobbed from the pain of the blows.

"Again honky, do you want my nigger cock up your cunt?"

Tommy could take no more. He'd had a total of ten strokes of the cane and his whole back, buttocks and thighs felt as if they were on fire. He could not face another five strokes of that wicked cane.

"Yes master I want your black cock up my cunt, I want you to fuck me," the boy whispered in a voice that trembled.

"Good, that's the correct answer," Jaguar said. "Now Damon it's your turn."

Damon took the cane from Jaguar and went to stand by his slave. He'd been thinking of a question to ask young Jason not wanting to ask the same one as Jaguar.

"Answer this question slave," he said in a grand ten year old boy voice. "Do you want to drink my nigger piss, do you want me to piss down your fucking throat?"

Jason gulped back his tears. He'd seen what had happened to Tommy and heard Tommy ask to be fucked by Jaguar. But Jason was not going to look like a coward in his brother's eyes, a brother that he worshipped. Fleetingly he wondered what was happening to his younger brother Danny but then concentrated on the question.

"No I don't," was all that he said.

Thwack, Damon now struck Jason across his back with the cane and the boy let out a sharp howl of pain.

"Wrong answer," Damon said gleefully, "you should have said yes. Now then do you want me to piss down your throat?"

"No, no, no," panted Jason fearfully, he knew what to expect.

Twice the cane struck him, both sharp cruel blows. One hit him across his back again the other across his buttocks. This time Jason screamed loudly and now started to cry.

"Do you want me to piss down your throat?" Damon asked not wasting time with any frills.

Jason had seen his older brother crumble under the viscous blows from the cane and now he did the same.

"Yes," he replied, "I want you to piss down my throat."

"My turn now," Jaguar said as he took the cane from his brother.

"Okay slave answer this. Do you hope that my daddy is fucking Danny right at this moment?"

Tommy desperately wanted to say 'no' but he knew that Jaguar wanted him to say 'yes'. He reasoned to himself that there was no point in defying this vicious twelve year old as he could not prevent Danny from being raped however and whenever Wesley felt like doing it.

"Yes master I hope that your daddy is fucking Danny right now," Tommy replied.

"Aw it's no fun if these bastards are going to say what we want to hear," complained Jaguar. "Do you want to continue with this game Damon, after all we can fucking cane them or even whip them whenever we feel like it."

"Let's fuck them," Damon suggested his ten year old cock being stiff and ready for action.

"Good idea," Jaguar agreed, "you start on your slave whilst I start on mine."

Damon hesitated and then said in a very meek voice.

"Can I watch you first Jaguar?"

"Course you can fucker," Jaguar replied with a laugh, "now just watch whilst I give my slave a real good fucking."

He went to the cupboard and came back with a tube of KY.

"I'd better use this just like daddy did on his slave," Jason said.

Then he squirted a little into the crease of Tommy's arse and rubbed it around the outside of the boy's hole with his finger. Next he smeared some KY on his stiff six inch [15 cm] pecker. It was a lovely black colour with a very light purple cock head. His foreskin was pulled back down the shaft of his cock just as far as it would go revealing the almost white inside of the skin and his tiny piss slit was actually leaking minute quantities of precum. His lovely, still hairless, balls hung down and his two little nuts could be seen outlined inside his scrotum.

Then, holding his stiff boy cock with one hand and with the other pressing down on Tommy's back he positioned his pecker against the lubricated lips of Tommy's boy cunt. Then Jaguar pressed forward with his hips putting all his body pressure onto his cock but Tommy's sphincter held firm against the attempted onslaught.

"Come on your honky bastard open your cunt for my cock," Jaguar hissed as he kept pressing hard against Tommy's anus.

Tommy made no reply but willed his shit hole to remain closed. Jaguar was used to fucking boys' cunts whether or not they were willing and most of them weren't. He moved his free hand around to Tommy's cock and balls whilst keeping his cock pressed hard against his slave's hole and then he tugged hard on the kid's bollocks. Tommy let out a howl of pain and his sphincter suddenly opened.

Jaguar's cock head slid in followed by the first inch of his cock and Tommy started to yell.

Now Jaguar's six inch [15 cm] long cock was not all that thick, maybe just over half an inch [12 mm] in girth, but it was thicker than anything that he penetrated Tommy's hole and it felt real painful to him.


"Don't be a stupid honky cunt," Jaguar answered as he forced more of his cock up Tommy's tight passage. "In a moment you'll get used to my cock and then you will start to love it."

Now Jaguar pulled his cock just a little way out and then shoved it back in as hard as he could and four inches of fuck stick slid up Tommy's love channel stretching it as it had never been stretched before. Tommy was howling and shedding tears of pain, anger and humiliation as the twelve year old continued to bore into his body. Jaguar pulled out and thrust in, pulled out and thrust in, pulled out and thrust in getting ever deeper as Tommy's screams of anguish started to peter out.

Now Jaguar had got all six inches [15 cm] of his black cock up the virgin honky's cunt. His boy balls were pressing into Tommy's buttocks proving that he could get his cock in no further.

Once again he pulled almost all the way out of Tommy's cunt and then thrust back in again. His hands were holding his slave's hips as he thrust in and out of Tommy's tight hole.

Jaguar loved fucking boys cunts, they were so hot and so tight and they made his thrusting cock feel so good. This was the first time he'd ever fucked a honky and he loved seeing the white skin against his own beautiful black silky hide. He was thrusting in and out of Tommy's cunt as hard as he could and grunting and groaning with the effort and also with the erotic pleasure that he was getting.

Then he heard Tommy start to moan, not moans of pain but most definitely moans of pleasure. He removed one of his hands from Tommy's hip and felt for the slave's cock. He found it and discovered that the youngster was sporting a real hard stiffy.

"Look at that Damon," Jaguar panted as he continued to fuck Tommy as hard as he could "the honky really loves my black cock up his white cunt, look at his cock it's real fucking hard."

Damon looked and squealed with delight.

"Can I suck it whilst you fuck the bastard, can I suck it?" he asked eagerly.

"Hey honky do you want Damon to suck your cock whilst I fuck your cunt?" Jaguar enquired of the moaning white boy.

Tommy replied with simply.

"Yeah man, yeah man I want him to suck my cock," he answered.

The change in Tommy was something that he could not help. As Jaguar fucked him the boy had found his prostate gland. As his nigger cock went in and out of that tight white hole it massaged young Tommy's love gland sending the most erotic messages to the boy's brain. His whole body was set a tingling with sensual pleasure and the feeling of the black cock inside him got better and better. He wanted Jaguar's cock up his cunt and now he wanted Damon's cock in his mouth. He was no stranger to cock sucking, often he forced younger boy's to suck him off and he loved the sensations it gave him. But this was the first time that he had ever been fucked; he was certainly no fucking faggot fairy homo bastard. Yet having Jaguar's black cock up his white cunt was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

He felt the young boy's mouth close around his cock and begin to suck it expertly. In no time at all Damon was moving his lips up and down the shaft of Tommy's cock whilst his tiny hands played with the white boy's balls. At the same time Jaguar was hammering in and out of Tommy's boy cunt and the feelings that the white boy was getting was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Tommy groaned, "oh yeah man fuck me, oooh god suck my cock you little black bastard, that's the way master fuck your honky slave silly," he panted.

"You like my black cock don't you honky?" Jaguar enquired of his slave as his cock was thrusting in and out of the boy's cunt. "You don't want me to stop do you faggot, you want to be my fuck boy don't you?"

"Yeah master I'm your faggot fuck boy," replied Tommy not caring what he said.

All he wanted was for Jaguar's cock to keep fucking him and for his brother to keep sucking on his cock. Now Tommy could feel his balls tightening and his body started to tremble. Jaguar was fucking in and out of his hole as hard as he could and Damon's hot mouth around his throbbing cock made Tommy feel that he was in paradise.

Then suddenly, totally unexpected because he'd never shot his load before, he sent his virgin load of sperm into Damon's mouth. As he did so he could not help but moan aloud.

"Oh god that's good, oooh that's fucking good, oh hell this is just wonderful," he was moaning as Damon sucked all his cum out of his cock.

Jaguar knew that Tommy had shot his load because, as the boy sent his jism down Damon's throat his sphincter tightened like a vice around his cock. As Tommy held Jaguar's cock fast with his sphincter muscle the twelve year old black boy groaned with delight. He himself was close to cumming but before he did so he wanted to be sure that Tommy had actually fed his baby making seed to Damon.

"Did he cum in your mouth bro?" Jaguar asked as Tommy's sphincter relaxed and he was able to resume fucking his slave's tight hot cunt, "did he shoot his fucking load?"

Damon took his mouth away from Tommy's cock and replied cheerfully.

"He sure did but he didn't produce much fucking cum and it was all rather watery, not nearly as good as your's or daddy's."

Still fucking Tommy as hard as he could Jaguar pantingly asked his slave a question.

"Is that the first time you've cum slave, is that the first time you've shot your load?"

"Fuck me master, fuck me and yes that's the first time I've ever shot my load," Tommy answered enjoying the feel of Jaguar's cock thrusting in and out of his cunt.

Then Jaguar felt his own balls tighten and Tommy could feel the boy's cock head buried in his intestines appear to get larger. Tommy groaned with pleasure as Jaguar pulled his throbbing cock out of his boy cunt and then slammed it all the way back in again. He started to groan even louder as he felt a warm sensation inside his guts and heard Jaguar gasping and moaning. The black boy had just shot his load of cum deep into the body of his slave.

Having unloaded himself Jaguar rested a moment on Tommy's back as Tommy continued to groan with sexual pleasure.

"Did you like that fuck slave?" Jaguar asked.

"Oh yes master it was real good, I loved it a lot," the subservient white boy answered.

"Is that the first time you've ever been fucked, don't fucking lie now make sure to tell me the truth?" Jaguar asked curiously as he recovered his strength still resting on his slave's back and with his cock buried to the balls inside the white boy's body.

"Yeah master that is the first time. I'm no fucking faggot and no bastard has ever fucked me before," Tommy replied almost adding, but not quite doing so, "but I really do want to be your faggot."

"Damon when I remove my cock from my slave you can suck my cum out of his cunt. Whilst you're doing that he can lick my fuck stick clean."

Then Jaguar pulled his now soft cock out of Tommy's cunt. Within seconds Damon was kneeling at the back of the bench and placed his mouth over Tommy's leaking hole. He used his tongue to lick the cum from the outside of the slave's boy cunt and then, as Tommy groaned with pleasure, Damon thrust his cock into the boy's still open hole and started to licked it clean.

Jaguar was now standing in front of Tommy.

"Lick my fucking cock clean slave," he ordered in a rough voice.

Tommy did not hesitate but stuck out his lovely pink tongue and started to lick all the cum off his master's cock head and then he started to clean around the boy's shaft.

Damon had finished licking Tommy's cunt and had placed his lips tight around the boy's hole. Then he started to suck and as he did so Tommy could feel Jaguar's cum being drawn out of his intestines as the young black boy swallowed it eagerly.

It only took a few minutes for Jaguar's cock to be lovely and clean and for Tommy's cunt to be clear of his master's cum. Then Jaguar picked up the cane as Damon moved away from the bench. He gave his slave a hard stroke of the cane across his buttocks.

Tommy let out a loud howl of pain.

"Well slave I bet you're ready to be fucked again aren't you?" Jaguar asked in a playful voice.

Despite the stinging burning feeling across his buttocks where the cane had struck him Tommy replied to his master in a strong voice.

"Oh yes master please fuck me again, oh yes please fuck me again."

"Later," laughed Jaguar well pleased with the way things had gone.

He would have a lot of painfully cruel tricks to play on his slave tomorrow before fucking him silly. But today was Christmas Day so he would fuck the honky silly once again. That, however, would wait until Damon had raped his own slave.

"Right Damon I guess it's your turn with Jason now," Jaguar said to his younger brother.

Damon looked very downcast and unhappy, then he suddenly burst out with the explanation why.

"I don't want to fuck him Jaguar, I really don't want to fuck the cunt. I love it when you and daddy fuck me but I just don't want to do any fucking myself. All I want is to get fucked, I love big cocks up my cunt, or, if I can't get fucked then I love to suck cocks or to give a good rimming to a cunt that's just been fucked."

Then Damon burst into tears.

"Come here you silly fucker," Jaguar said taking his young brother into a tight embrace. "Listen Damon you don't have to fuck the slave if you don't want. Daddy told me that there are some guys who only like to be fucked but will not do any fucking themselves. They are real faggots and I guess you're one of them. Now stop fucking crying and I'll fuck Jason for you."

"Thank you Jaguar, thank you," the grateful boy replied. "Will you tell daddy that I wouldn't fuck my slave?" he asked fearfully.

"Yeah I'll tell him Damon because he'll have to know that you are a real cock loving faggot and that you can't give as well as take," Jaguar replied.

"He'll be so disappointed because he'll think that I don't like my Christmas present, but I do, Jaguar I really do. I'll be able to play lots of games with him and he will wait on me like a real good slave should. I'll just not fuck him but you and daddy will be able to," Damon said.

"Don't worry now Damon, daddy will understand. I bet he'll jump at the chance of having yet another boy cunt ready and waiting for his big cock. Now I'll fuck Jason for you so he won't be a virgin after today," Jaguar told his young brother as he continued to hug him.

Then another voice piped up.

"Master, while you're fucking Jason can I fuck Damon. He says he loves being fucked and my cock is hard again and I'd sure like to get it up his hot hole," slave boy Tommy said.

Jaguar scowled at his slave as he picked up the cane again. He was going to teach him a lesson for wanting to fuck his young brother with his dirty honky cock. But Damon stopped him short.

"Oh Jaguar, can he fuck me, can he fuck me please?" Damon asked eagerly. "I'd love to be fucked by him whilst you fuck his brother."

Jaguar put the cane back down on the floor.

"Have you ever fucked a boy before?" he asked Tommy.

"No master," Tommy replied honestly, "but I've wanted to fuck more than one of the younger bastards in the boys' home. I guess I would have been up them before very much longer," he said.

"Well if your are to fuck Damon I'll have to remove your manacles, but I'm going to put a leg iron on you. It will be one of those with a long chain so you should be able to make my brother happy despite having that on your ankle." Jaguar said having decided that he wanted to keep Damon happy, especially as it was Christmas Day.

Then Jaguar removed the manacles from Tommy's wrists and ankles so that the boy was no longer secured to the bench. Then he moved away to get one of the leg irons which had a long chain and ring attached to it. Tommy made no effort to cause trouble whilst Jaguar was selecting the right leg iron. Instead he sat on the bench and Damon stood in front of him and started to suck on the white boy's stiff cock. Jaguar returned and laughed as he saw Damon at work with his mouth. Then he pushed his brother out of the way.

"Come on let's go over to one of the beds," he said to them and they followed him across the room.

Then, as Damon and Tommy got onto the bed and started to kiss and cuddle, Jaguar secured Tommy's ankle to the bed post using the leg iron and chain. It did not restrict Tommy's movements in any way but ensured that he could not make a dash for freedom or cause any trouble whilst Jaguar was fucking his brother.

"Okay you two enjoy yourselves and here's a tube of KY in case you need it," Jaguar said tossing the lubricant onto the bed.

Then he moved across to the room where Jason was still bent over his bench and safely attached to it by his wrists and ankles.

"Now honky it's time to turn you into a fucking faggot," he said to the white boy with a big grin on his face.

Jason had watched everything that had happened, at first feeling very sorry for his brother. That feeling was soon replaced by disgust as he saw and heard Tommy enjoying his rape and begging the black boy to keep fucking him. He had watched Tommy lick Jaguar's cock clean of cum and then, finally, heard Tommy ask to be allowed to fuck Damon. That had been okay as far as Jason was concerned; both the black cunts deserved to be fucked until they screamed for mercy. But when he heard Tommy ask to fuck Damon whilst Jaguar fucked his own younger brother, namely himself, Jason's disgust turned to anger and loathing for his faggot older brother.

"Fuck off you nigger pig," Jason replied angrily, "you might have my brother begging you to fuck him but you won't have me doing it."

"No worries about that slave," Jaguar answered. "I love it when young bastards like you hate having my black cock up their cunt. Tommy really loves it and just listen to him grunt and groan as he fucks my brother Damon and I reckon that Danny is squealing with pleasure as he gets fucked again and again by my dad. So two out of three brothers are faggots, I'm just lucky that the third one is straight. Squeal for me little pig when I start fucking the shit out of you."

Whilst Jaguar had been talking he'd smeared some KY on his young hard cock and also smeared it on Jason's tightly closed anus. Now he got behind his victim and held his hard cock against the boy's hole with one hand whilst pressing down hard on Jason's back with the other. Jason was helpless to stop Jaguar from doing whatever he wanted but the youngster had a last attempt at trying to change his violator's mind.

"Please master, don't fuck me, please, please don't. Let me be your servant and run and fetch for you. Fuck Tommy as much as you like, he loves it, but please don't fuck me," the nine year old pleaded with tears in his eyes.

Jaguar ignored the boy's pleas. He pressed forward with his hips as he pressed hard down on the small of Jason's back. At first his cock could not force an entrance but that did not last long. Jaguar was much too strong for the young boy and Jason's sphincter opened very reluctantly to allow the black cock to enter.

Jason screamed as his rectum began to be stretched, he screamed louder as Jaguar thrust hard into him. The black boy had half his cock up the youngster's boy cunt in minutes as Jason screamed from pain and anger.

"STOP IT YOU CUNT, STOP IT YOU BASTARD," Jason screamed as Jaguar's cock continued to force it's way up his intestines.

"Piss off fucker," panted Jaguar, "shit slave you've got such a lovely tight hole I'll be fucking you again very soon after this."

As he spoke Jaguar's cock was buried to the hilt inside the boy he was raping and his black balls were pressing hard into Jason's lovely white buttocks. Then Jaguar pulled his cock halfway out of the boy and slammed it back in again. Out he came again, this time a little further, before slamming back in. He had hold of Jason's hips with his hands and was really beginning to slam in and out as hard as he could. Jason was screaming, shrieking, shouting obscenities and weeping tears of pain, anger, frustration and humiliation as Jaguar gave him the first fucking of his short life. Now the black boy's cock was coming almost all the way out of Jason's hot cunt before being thrust all the way back in and still the young white boy screamed at Jaguar to stop. Of course Jaguar had no intention of listening to such shit.

In the meantime Damon and Tommy had got on like a house on fire. Damon had lain on his back, put his legs around Tommy's waist and opened his black boy cunt so the white boy's cock could enter him. It was the first time in his life that Tommy had fucked anybody and from the moment his cock entered the boy's hot hole he was converted fully into being the boy cunt lover that he was. He loved the tightness and warmth of Damon's shit hole. He loved to feel his young balls pressing hard into the silky black skin of the boy's buttocks. He loved the way that Damon used his arse muscle to milk his cock as he fucked in and out of the young boy. It was not long before, with a shuddering, heaving groan of pleasure and delight, he shot his load deep into the young boy. Totally exhausted he lay for a few moments on top of Damon and the two kissed each other like young lovers. In the background they could hear Jason screaming and Jaguar grunting and panting as he fucked the boy as hard as he could.

"Let's watch my slave being deflowered," giggled Damon as he kissed Tommy on the lips.

"I don't know why the young bastard's making such a fuss," grumbled Tommy as he got off the bed to walk across to the bench with Damon. "He's probably enjoying himself just as much as I did but he's too fucking pig headed to admit it."

The two crouched down by the bench taking up positions where they could see Jaguar's cock slamming in and out of the young boy's cunt. Within minutes Tommy's cock was rock hard again; he was sure turning out to be a randy little faggot bastard.

"You're good, you're fucking good," panted Jaguar as sweat poured from his body, "your holes so fucking tight, god knows what will happen when daddy gets his cock in there."


Jaguar just grinned happily as he fucked in and out of the screaming boy's lovely tight hole. He had been fucking young Jason for more that thirty five minutes but now he felt the tightness in his balls. His legs started to tremble and his cock started to throb as he drove it in and out of the kid.

"Damon get ready, I'm going to fucking cum," said Jaguar to his brother knowing that the boy would be wanting to suck Jason's boy cunt clean.

"I'll suck Jaguar's cum out of Jason and you can lick Jaguar's cock clean," Damon whispered to Tommy, "you'd like to do that wouldn't you?"

"Yeah," breathed Tommy sporting a hard on and completely entrapped by the sexual scene that he was witnessing, "I'd sure love to lick his black cock clean."

Then Jaguar drove his cock all the way up Jason's boy cunt and started to shoot his load into the boy. Jason was still screaming and yelling as he felt his intestines start to bloat as the black boy's sperm filled his guts. Then Jaguar, not resting for a moment on Jason, pulled his cum covered cock out of the white boy's hole and moved away from him. Damon immediately took his place and started to lick and suck Jason's cunt whilst the white boy continued to scream at him to stop,.

Tommy had knelt down in front of Jaguar and, taking hold of the now rather flaccid black cock, started to lick all the cum off the cock head paying particular attention to the piss slit. The white boy loved the taste of his master's sperm and started to lick the black shaft clean. Then, when all was clean he opened his mouth and started to suck on Jaguar's cock. The black boy started to moan with pleasure as he felt the white boy's warm lips around his limp cock. However his cock head was real sensitive having just fucked young Jason so he pushed Tommy away.

They both stood together watching Damon rimming the young white boy whilst Jason shed tears of mortification. Damon's tongue up his cunt did feel good but the youngster was as straight as a ruler and wanted the black boy to simply leave him alone. But he had no power to force him to do that secured down on the bench as he was.

At last Damon had cleaned the boy's cunt very thoroughly and now Jaguar, Tommy and Damon stood looking down at young Jason. Jaguar could see that Tommy's cock was rock hard and an idea entered his head.

"Why don't you fuck your brother?" Jaguar asked Tommy.

"Wow, can I master, can I fuck the young jerk?" Tommy asked eagerly.

"Yeah, that is if Damon agrees," Jaguar replied. "The fucker is Damon's slave not mine."

"Course you can, Tommy," Damon said happily, "and then I'll clean his cunt with my tongue again."

So now Tommy got behind his younger brother. Jaguar handed him the KY and he smeared some on his cock and then he put a dab around Jason's hole.

"I'm going to fuck you Jason," Tommy whispered to his brother, "I'm going to shove my cock up your cunt and fuck you just like Jaguar has just done."

"Please brother don't," begged Jason, "you're not the same as these fucking niggers, you're my brother for god sake and you always promised to look after me and protect me."

"Times change," grunted Tommy position his hard cock against Jason's hole, "we're slaves now brother and we're going to be fucked whether we like it or not so we might as well enjoy ourselves. Anyway I loved having Jaguar's cock up my cunt and I sure loved fucking his brother. You probably love it too but you're just a pig headed little shit who won't admit it."

As he finished speaking Tommy shoved hard forward with his body and his cock easily entered Jason's hole as the boy's sphincter was too weak to resist. Tommy had thrust forward so hard that three quarters of his cock went straight up Jason's cunt with no trouble at all. Jason grunted and groaned but did not scream out as he felt his brother's hard cock inside him. Then Tommy pushed forward again and his balls were grinding into Jason's buttocks as his cock was buried to the hilt inside his younger brother.

"That feels fucking good, don't it Jason," panted Tommy as he started to fuck in and out of the boy.

"No you shit, no you fucking faggot cunting bastard it don't feel fucking good. I'll fucking kill you if I get the chance," Jason said bitterly to his brother.

Tommy ignored Jason's words as he hammered like hell in and out of the young boy's tight hot hole.

"Jason you've a lovely cunt, so fucking tight and so fucking hot," Tommy whispered as he drove his cock up and down the youngster's intestines. "I want to fuck you lots brother," he said.

Then, much to his annoyance, Tommy shot his fucking load deep into his young brother's guts. Having already cum twice he did not have a great deal of cum to shoot into the boy but he had enough for Jason to feel it.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard," cried Jason shedding bitter tears as his brother violated his body. "I just hope that you rot in hell," he said as Tommy withdrew his cock from the boy.

Then Damon went to work on Jason's cunt and started to suck and lick it clean. Tommy went round to Jason's face, bent down and kissed him on the lips.

"You going to lick my cock clean brother, you going to do that for me?" Tommy asked the angry boy that he had just raped.

"You're a fucking bastard Tommy," Jason replied. "I bet that you'd even fuck young Danny if he was down here and he is not seven years old yet."

"I certainly hope that I am given the chance to get my cock up his fucking cunt," Tommy answered. "Fucking hell Jason his cunt will be well and truly stretched by now having had to service that black man's big cock all day. Yeah I'd sure love to fuck him just to see what a kids cunt of that age feels like."

Damon had finished cleaning the sperm from Jason's hole and was standing listening to the exchange between the two brothers. Jaguar was also all ears. Then Jaguar turned to Tommy.

"I'm going to ask daddy if you can be our friend and not our slave, Tommy," he said giving the white boy a cuddle. "I bet we could have lots of fun together and when we're not fucking each other we could pick up plenty of other kids to have fun with. We only need one fucking slave and Jason will do just nicely for that position. I'm sure daddy will say yes."

Then the two boys embraced and kissed each other on the lips whilst Damon picked up the cane and announced that he was going to play with his slave for a while. Tommy and Jaguar got on a bed together and started to play with each other's bodies. In the background they could hear Jason screaming in pain as Damon started to cane his slave.

"There's whips in the cupboard and all sorts of things that you can try out on that fucker," Jaguar called out to his brother. "See how much of that 20 inch [50 cm] long dildo he can take."

Then Tommy and Jaguar giggled together and were soon in the 69 position.

Meanwhile upstairs Wesley was having fun with six year old Danny. As we know he'd taken the boy to his own bedroom for a day and a night of utter depravity which was not to be interrupted by anybody.

On reaching his room he dumped the crying six year old on his bed and got onto it beside the boy.

"Now Danny stop that whining fucking row you're making," Wesley ordered, "we're going to have lots of fun and before you know where you are you'll be bouncing up and down on my cock having the time of your life. But first I'm going to have a little suck on yours and the you can try mine in your mouth. Now lie on your back like a good little honky boy and let Uncle Wesley have a good suck on that sweet tasting baby cock of yours."

As Wesley said that to the boy he pushed young Danny down onto the mattress and the boy found himself lying on his back. Then Wesley adjusted his own body so that his face was level with the young boy's waist. He stretched out his hand and took the boy's one inch [2½ cm] cock between two of his black fingers. Then he started to rub the imp's foreskin up and down. Within a couple of minutes Danny's cock was stiff and now, still moving the boy's foreskin up and down Wesley used his other hand to fondly the youngster's tight little balls.

"You've a real lovely little cock Danny and such beautiful balls. They're not bad for a fucking honky and I reckon that when you get older you'll have a fuck stick that you can be real proud of," Wesley said as he played with the boy's bollocks.

"You like that cunt, do you like me playing with your balls?" Wesley asked young Danny whose six almost seven year old cock was real stiff under the black man's tender attention.

Danny was giggling like the young boy that he was. He found what the man was doing to him to be real funny and he did like it. So he told Wesley that. Then Wesley bent his head low over Danny's genitals and closed his big thick lips around the child's stiff but tiny cock. He started to use his mouth to move the boy's foreskin up and down the shaft of his cock whilst his big black hand continued to play with Danny's tiny tight balls. Now Danny was giggling and also uttering moans of pleasure as he enjoyed the feel of his cock in the man's warm mouth and the touch of his fingers on his young balls.

Danny decided that this was real nice and laid back enjoying every moment of the sex play just as much as Wesley enjoyed sucking the kid's tiny cock and playing with his midget balls.

After more than half an hour Wesley decided that it was time for Danny to have a good taste of his big nigger man cock. He rolled over on the bed so that he was lying on his back. Then he opened his legs.

"Crawl between my legs Danny and then take hold of my cock with your hands," Wesley ordered and Danny obeyed.

The boy was not nearly as frightened of the big black man as he had been down in the basement. Up here in the bedroom Wesley seemed to be treating him real nice and so far Danny had enjoyed his adventure.

"Now rub your hands up and down my cock holding it as tight as you can. Make my foreskin move up and down so that when you move your hands up the fucking head disappears and then when you move your hands down my cock head reappears. Yes that's the way boy, Danny that's the way. Good boy you are a real quick learner and I fucking like that in a kid," Wesley said as the boy began to masturbate the man's black cock.

Danny had needed to use both his hands around the nigger cock as one of his hands was too small to reach all the way around. Wesley smiled as he looked down at the white boy who was enjoying playing with a man's cock for the first time in his life. The black man was wondering how the boy would cope when he had to close his sweet hot mouth around the big organ. Wesley decided that the time had come to find out.

"That's real good Danny, you've made a fine job of playing with my cock boy," Wesley said. "Now Danny if you are to be a real good faggot you've got to be able to suck cock just as well as you play with it. Open your mouth wide and take my cock in and then close your lips tightly around it. Try to get all of the cock head into your mouth and then start sucking."

Danny raised his blonde hair covered head and looked at Wesley with his big blue eyes. Then he opened his mouth, lowered his head and closed his lips around Wesley's cock head. The boy had difficulty getting the big cock head into his mouth but, dribbling a lot, he managed it and his cheeks were bulging where it filled his mouth out.

"Now suck Danny, suck real hard, pretend that my cock's a lollipop," Wesley said and Danny started to do that.

"Keep breathing through your nose, you know like sniff hard as you suck and you'll get plenty of air into your lungs," Wesley advised.

Danny started to draw air in through his nose and his hot little mouth sucked hard on the big pale purple cock head belonging to the black man. The boy did not mind this task; true his jaws were already beginning to ache because the man's cock head was straining his mouth so much, but he was enjoying the strong taste of the nigger cock in his mouth. Then he felt Wesley's hands on his head.

"Now Danny I'm going to help you swallow cock whilst you suck it," purred Wesley. "A good little faggot boy should be able to swallow the whole length of a man's cock down his throat just as he should be able to take that length all the way up his cunt. Now try swallowing as you suck, swallow and keep swallowing"

Then, as Danny tried his best to obey Wesley started to push hard down on the boy's head. The man's big cock started to move further into Danny's mouth and in a few short moments the cock head was pressing against the youngster's throat. Now Danny felt a gagging sensation and thought the he was going to be sick. He tried to pulled his mouth off Wesley's big cock but the man was pressing hard down on his head and he found it impossible to get free.

Then Wesley's cock head entered Danny's throat and the boy thought that he would choke to death. He spluttered a lot and snot ran from his nose but he could not get his head off the big black cock forcing it's way into his mouth. Then Wesley grabbed Danny's lovely blonde hair and pulled the boy's head upwards and suddenly all that Danny had was a big cock head in his mouth. He was able to breathe much better once again.

"That's good Danny," Wesley said encouragingly, "but you only had about three inches [7½ cm] of my cock in your mouth and you forgot to keep sucking on it. Now this time do better, keep sucking all the time and remember to swallow as well."

With that Wesley pushed hard down on the boy's head and once again his cock entered Danny's throat. Again the youngster felt that he was choking as the big fat snake was forced further down his throat. Then Wesley pulled the boy's head up again.

For the next twenty minutes Wesley kept this up, forcing the boy's head down on his cock then pulling his head back up. Then forcing it down again and then back up. At the end of twenty minutes he had managed to get six inches [15 cm] of his nine inch [23 cm] black fuck stick into Danny's mouth and down his throat. Now Wesley was wanting to fuck the kid's tight boy cunt real bad. The youngster's hot mouth and tight throat had down their work real well and he was as horny as hell.

"Now Danny suck on my cock for another five minutes, I'll leave it to you to move your head up and down without any help from me. Do a good job of sucking it and I'll remove it from your mouth at the end of the five minutes," Wesley said.

Of course he omitted to mention that he would then be fucking the young boy's cunt with his big black cock.

So Wesley sucked hard as he moved his mouth up and down the shaft of the man's long thick cock. Although his jaws ached and his throat felt rather sore Danny enjoyed having that cock to suck on. He kept getting a lovely sweet tasting fluid in his mouth that seemed to come from Wesley's cock. The boy did not realise then, although he was soon to learn all about it, that the fluid was called precum. All Danny knew was that it tasted real good and he was quite sorry when he heard Wesley tell him that he'd done a real good job for the moment. The man also told the youngster that the next time he sucked that big black cock he would be swallowing all nine inches [23 cm]. For some reason that news made Danny's body tingle.

Wesley now smeared some KY on his big cock and then told Danny to lie on his tummy with his legs wide open. The boy obeyed and the man smeared a little KY around the youngster's closed hole.

"Are you going to fuck me sir?" Danny asked in a frightened voice. "Please sir, don't hurt me the way you did downstairs."

"Danny boy I'm going to fuck you alright," Wesley replied, "and it will certainly hurt you again. Not quite as much as the first time though and soon you'll be taking cock up your cunt like an old timer and loving every minutes of it too."

With that the black man gave a loud chuckle and slapped the youngster playfully across his buttocks.

"Now let's see the best position to start with," Wesley said, "I think that if you kneel doggy fashion I'll start fucking you that way. Come on Danny kneel on the bed like a doggy but make sure that your legs are well apart."

Whimpering slightly because he was afraid of what was to come young Danny knelt on the bed with his legs wide apart. Then Wesley knelt behind the boy and pushed Danny's head down on to the mattress.

"You'll be more comfortable like that," he growled.

He took hold of his rampant black cock and pressed the light purple cock head against Danny's anus. His free hand was used to press down on the small of the youngster's back keeping him pinned in position on the bed. Then Wesley pushed forward hard with his hips and his cock head was pressed hard against Danny's closed hole. The boy's sphincter muscle readily gave way to the much stronger object trying to open the hole. Wesley's big cock head entered the boy for a second time and Danny started to scream.

"Aaah that's good," Wesley sighed with pleasure, "I'm pleased you're enjoying my cock up your cunt, it feels real good to me."

Then he pressed harder and forced the first two inches of his throbbing manhood into the youngster's body. Unlike the first time Wesley did not keep pushing forward. This time he grasped the lovely young boy by his hips and started to fuck his cock in and out of the hole. Danny was screaming from the pain as slowly Wesley forced more and more of his big black fuck stick in the hapless child's boy cunt. Each time he thrust in the cock went a little deeper, then he pulled out and thrust back in, deep again and so it went on until Wesley had buried seven inches of his long cock into the boy's deliciously tight cunt.

"Wow you've got such a lovely tight cunt boy," Wesley panted as he fucked in and out of the three year old youngster, "you were born to be fucked my boy."

Then, as Danny continued to scream as the big cock forced it's way deep into his tight rectum, Wesley fucked the boy faster and harder. He'd now got almost eight inches [20 cm] of cock into the boy and he could feel the kid's intestines pulsating around his tool. He pulled all the way out and back in again, eight and a half inches [21 cm] this time. Out again and back in and now Danny could feel the man's hairy balls tickling the tender skin of his buttocks. Then Wesley pulled out, took a deep breath, and then drove back in as hard as he could. This time he did not stop forcing forward as he pulled the boy's body into his own until he felt his balls pressing hard into Danny's buttocks.

"Fucking hell Danny you've got all nine inches [23 cm] of my cock up your cunt, does that feel good boy, come on lovely admit that it feels just wonderful."

Danny could not reply as he was close to passing out. The pain of the man's cock buried deep in his bowels was almost more than he could bear. That plus the fact that it had taken Wesley just on forty minutes of intense fucking to get his cock buried to the hilt in the boy's cunt was causing Danny great distress.

Then Wesley started to fuck the boy with slow long movements of his cock. In and out, in and out, the black moved his cock and slowly but surely Danny started to feel better, much, much better, as he felt all sorts of new emotions flood his body. The big cock driving in and out of him still hurt like hell but, at the same time, his body was tingling with pleasure and his own tiny cock had stiffened. Wesley fucked the boy very leisurely for another fifteen minutes. Then he told Danny that it was time for a change in position. He pulled his cock all the way out of the boy's cunt leaving Danny's hole gaping wide and the boy with a feeling that something important was missing from inside him.

Wesley now sat up and moved so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the ground. He made Danny stand over his lap with his feet either side of his muscular black thighs. Then he placed a hand on either side of the boy's slender body and told him to squat down. When Danny was squatting with his cunt just above Wesley's still rampant cock the man pulled hard on the boy's body forcing him down into his lap. As the boy was forced down his feet slid of the bed and he sat, or tried to sit in the black man's lap but his cunt was resting on Wesley's cock head. The man pulled him down harder and slowly Wesley's cock entered the boy. Danny slid down that rod of steel, all nine inches [23 cm] of it, until he was sitting with his buttocks pressing hard down on the black man's big balls.

"How does that feel Danny, do you like my cock up your cunt?" Wesley asked the young boy.

"Oooh it hurts sir, it does fucking hurt," the poor boy whimpered.

"Okay just sit there a few minutes whilst you get used to it," replied Wesley.

Then the man started to fondle and play with the boy's tiny cock which, as soon as the black man's fingers touched it, sprang quickly to attention.

"I'm not having you as my slave boy, Danny," Wesley whispered to the boy as he played with his tiny hard cock. "You're going to be my special fuck boy, the one that I will be fucking most. If my boys are very good I'll let them fuck you sometimes as well. You'd love that wouldn't you Danny?" Wesley asked.

"I'm not sure sir, because your big cock still hurts my cunt," the boy replied. Then he added, "but it don't hurt so much now sir, does that mean that I'm a queer little gay boy now?"

"You were a faggot from the moment you were born, it's just that you didn't know it Danny," Wesley laughed. "Now enough fucking chat, I think that you're ready to be fucked."

Then Wesley started to use his hands to lift the boy up and down. This had the effect of making his cock travel up and down Danny's love channel. Slowly Wesley increased the speed of his movements and soon the boy was being lifted up and down very fast. This type of fucking took a lot of effort on Wesley's part and soon he stopped.

"Let's see how you manage this," Wesley grunted to the crying boy.

He held tight around Danny's middle and then stood up. His cock was still buried to the hilt as he walked about the room carrying the young boy with him. He was laughing and chuckling as he strutted about with the youngster impaled on his cock. Then he approached the bed again and fell down across it with the boy beneath his hard body. Before Danny had recovered his breath Wesley was driving in and out of the boy's cunt like an express train.

Now Danny had stopped crying and was groaning a lot as he felt the big cock hammering in and out of his guts. The boy was beginning to enjoy the intense sexual feelings that he was getting. Now the big cock driving in and out of his body began to feel good to the youngster. He liked what it was doing inside him and began to moan and groan ever louder.

Wesley knew the signs and grinned to himself. It had not taken long to get the child to adapt to a man's cock up his cunt. Now he raised himself off the youngster and told Danny to lie on his back. Still groaning Danny quickly did as he was told; he wanted that black cock back inside his body as soon as possible. Then Wesley knelt over the boy and took hold of his ankles. He forced Danny's legs into the air and then pressed them down until the kid's feet were touching the mattress by his shoulders. Now Danny's butt was back up in the air, his cunt wide open and begging to be filled. Wesley obliged.

He drove his nigger cock, nine inches [23 cm] of black fuck pleasure, all the way up the six year old boy's cunt.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," groaned Danny as he felt that hard fuck stick enter him again.

Then Wesley started to fuck the kid as hard as he could. After fifteen minutes of non stop action he rested with his cock buried deep in the groaning boy's cunt.

"Do you like being fucked now Danny?" Wesley asked, "do you like my nigger cock up your honky cunt?"

"Oh yes sir it feels real good though it still hurts a lot, but I like it, I really do sir," the kid replied.

"You want me to continue fucking you until I shoot my load?" Wesley enquired.

"Yes please sir, yes please," Danny answered.

So Wesley fucked the kid real hard for another twenty minutes and then he shot his load. He filled the boy's guts with his cum. When he had finished he made Danny lick his cock clean and the boy set to with a will. When he had finished Wesley pulled the boy up the bed and held him in his arms.

"Are you pleased that you're my fuck boy Danny, are you pleased to be mine?" Wesley asked.

"Yes sir I sure am," answered the boy. Then he looked at Wesley with his big blue eyes. "Are you going to fuck me again now sir?" he asked.

"Do you want me to?" asked Wesley whose cock was as hard as steel.

"Oh yes sir I want you to keep fucking me, I want you to fuck me all night," Danny said.

"Okay boy then that's what I'll do," Wesley agreed thanking his lucky stars that he had taken the Viagra.

He knew that with it's aid he would be able to keep fucking the boy for hours yet. And that is what he did.


Eventually everyone fell asleep. In the basement Tommy and Jaguar slept happily in each other's arms. Damon slept on his own on one of the other beds. All three were happy as pigs in shit. Jason also eventually fell asleep. He was the only unhappy one. He had hated every moment of Christmas Day. He had hated being fucked, having to suck cocks and, latterly, being tortured and abused by a young ten year old nigger bastard. As he fell into a fretful sleep he knew that the next day would only be worse and each subsequent day would only bring more pain and torture to him. Upstairs Wesley and Danny fell asleep, also in each others arms. During the night Danny woke Wesley three times and each time begged to be fucked. Wesley obliged but, at the end of the last fuck session as he fell asleep once more he wondered just what sort of cock crazy kid he had unleashed on the household.

But all except Jason agreed next day that it had been the best Christmas Day of their lives and the two black boys told their daddy that it was the best Christmas presents they'd ever received.

The End