SanibelBoysThe Taken
SummaryTwo American brothers are kidnapped in Mexico for randsome. For the duration of their stay in the kidnapper's mansion, they are trained and transformed to sex slaves.
Publ. Mar-Jun 2005 (SanibelBoys Yahoo group); this site Aug 2007
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CharactersJustin (15yo) and Jeremy (17yo); and Marco (14yo) and JorgeCategory & Story codesNon-consensual story/kidnapMt – Mdom oral anal – bd cbt enema humil pierc scat spank tort toys ws – mod (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThis story is total fiction. It is a compilation of ideas from Marcus and Billy. Our whole family hopes that the reader will find something, some part of the story interesting. The first chapter sets up the story quite well (we think), and with our story outline the reader should be able to follow along real easy. Enjoy !!!This story cannot be reproduced, copied, used in any form, without the express permission of its author. The author does not want to have his present e-mail listed here, thus, send feedback and questions with the feedback form . |
Chapter OneThe date is June 4th, 2002. The year has just ended for the students at most private schools in and around Washington, D.C.Jeremy has just completed his junior year and Justin just finished his freshman year. Jeremy is on the lacrosse team and Justin is wrapped up after school on the soccer team. I guess lacrosse is something you can only find in those 'private schools'. They have a wonderful and loving relationship with their parents. The two boys 'want' for nothing, but I wouldn't call them spoiled. Jeremy has had a steady girlfriend for the past year, but bless his heart, he and she are still 'virgins'. Justin, well what can we say about him. He still finds great pleasure in 'flogging his log', while dreaming of the right girl to appear. Mom is a 'stay at home' mom, and is a great one at that. She devotes all her time to her boys, taking them to school, picking them up after practice, going to their competitive games and cheering them on. Dad, the rock of the family, is so dedicated to his family, that when he is away on business, he calls them almost every night. Dad works for Uncle Sam. He is among the higher ups of the U.S. Diplomatic Service. Fifty percent of every year he is away on government business. I don't I'd like his job. Every place he has to travel to, is some sort of 'hot spot'. He has meetings with people that you and I only read about or hear about on the news reports. This is the first year that Dad has not been at home when his boys graduated into the next year, next class. He is on assignment in Mexico, trying to work out something dealing with 'fair trade' and he apparently is having a tough time of it. Least of all, he is not making a lot of headway, although he is making some enemies amongst those who want to see any and all policies fail. He knew before he went down there that this wasn't going to be an easy assignment.
He had arranged for his wife and two boys to fly down, at taxpayers expense, after the school year ended. Jeremy did and didn't want to go. He asked his mother if he could stay home, alone. Mom instructed him on the pro's and con's of him remaining behind. He opted to go to Mexico. The entire family was to enjoy three weeks of vacation in one of those out of the way towns that lie on the Gulf of Mexico. The heck with staying home, two weeks of sun and fun away from air pollution, gets my vote.
The vacation was going great, better than great. Eating out every day, hiking in lush green mountains, riding bikes all around town, splashing around in the warm gulf waters. What more could anybody want.
The boys didn't mind too much, when their parents took them to a store to buy new swimsuits. Mom and Dad wanted the boys to 'blend' in with most of the locals, while they were at the beach. The first time they put on their new suits, in the hotel room, they felt strange. Standing looking at each other, seeing the outline of the other's genitals, gave each of them an embarrassing feeling. Neither had seen the other naked since they were just kids, now each could sort of detect the changes in the others' private area. Bikini swimwear south of the border is the accepted 'garb' when at the beach or pool. Both went to show their parents, hoping that the parents would change their minds, but that didn't happen. Good ole Dad, was even wearing a sporty looking bikini when the two boys got to the living room. Mom surveyed the three men and said that they all looked great. I think the words she uttered were, "my handsome hunks".
The boys and their father wrapped their beach towels around their waists and the family headed for the sandy beach. Except for the 'white zone' on them, they looked, now, like the others. So, this ritual of heading off to the beach in the afternoon heat continued on almost every day. The entire family was getting that 'bronzed' look and there was no more 'white zone' to be seen by the naked eye.
The family vacation was soon to end, three days left and they all had seen and done just about everything there was to do. This one afternoon was different though. Instead of the whole family going to the beach, only the boys went. The boys just figured that mom and dad wanted some 'quiet time alone'. At least that is what they called it, but the two boys knew what was going on. A little 'hanky panky' amongst parents is an acceptable and totally understandable arrangement.
The boys had a great time at the beach. By now they had become friends with a couple of other 'vacationers' and they all got along well together. Justin looked at his watch and noticed the time; time to be going back to their hotel room to clean up. Dad was taking them some place extra special for dinner tonight. The two boys and their 'new acquaintances grabbed up their towels, coolers and everything else they had taken down to the beach and started heading back.
When they reached that little area where the beach meets the roadway, between the beach and hotel, the two friends noticed their parents standing there waiting for them. All four of the boys walked over to greet the folks. After a short chat Jeremy said that they needed to head back upstairs or else face a lecture on punctuality from his parents.
As the two boys turned to leave, their two acquaintances and the father hindered their movements. Justin and Jeremy were grabbed and pushed backwards until they fell face first onto the floor of a waiting van. The side door slid closed, and the vehicle sped away. There was no one around to see the abduction. When the van pulled away, the only two people standing there were the parents of the other two boys.
Inside the van was a whole different story. Two dark skinned, muscled men along with the two friends were sitting on top of the struggling Jeremy and Justin. Both of the boys had their mouths taped shut. The same miserable tape was used to bind their wrists and ankles together. After about thirty minutes of struggle, the boys' energy gave out, but not their determination. They lay face down, for the longest time, hours perhaps before the van came to a stop.
They heard the side door open, grabbed by their feet they were pulled out of the van; with a thud they landed on hard earth. Hands grabbed each one, under the shoulders and at their ankles. It was so dark by now that they couldn't see much of anything, except the glaring eyes of the two boys, which they had befriended two weeks ago.
Bright lights greeted the two boys, as they were carried through an open door into a building. Carried down a hallway, through a few more doors, down some stairs and none to gently left on a cold concrete floor in a dark room.
The door to the room, which they had been left, slammed shut and you could hear the sound of the key; as it secured their fate. They lay in darkness, until the darkness overcame their bodies and they fell asleep; asleep next to each other, like puppies huddled together to keep warm.
Morning came; Jeremy and Justin were awoken by the sound of voices outside of the door. Four big men entered the room. Standing over them, the men looked like the 'Jolly Green Giants". The two boys were rolled over onto their sides and the tape binding them was removed. Rubbing first their sore limbs, then their eyes to shake loose the dry tears. One of the guards, the darkest skinned of the four, knelt down and yanked the tape from their mouths. Another of the guards placed a plastic pail on the floor, while the other remaining two sort of just stood there watching. After a few minutes one of the guards, speaking in awful English, said that they would be fed shortly. All four of them left the room and before the door was shut and locked, the two young "friends" walked in with a tray of food. The two brothers were told to eat and that the pail was for them to use if they needed to piss or leave a dump. The door once again was closed and locked. There were no windows, just one light fixture, bare floor and bare walls.
By now the search for the two was well underway. The local police and the 'state cops' were everywhere, looking for the two boys. The State Department had been notified and had 'special' people enroute to the beachside community to look, as well. It didn't take long before they found what they were looking for. An envelope was taped to the family's rental car.
The note said the boys were fine, unharmed. The boys would be returned safely when and if these so called talks between the two countries was called off. Apparently, who ever snatched the boys had something to lose if an agreement was reached between Mexico and the U.S.
The parents, being under such stress and pressure, were managing to 'keep it together' the best they could. They left the resort town and went to Mexico City, where they stayed at the U.S. embassy.
Back in the holding room, the two boys had eaten their meal, but now faced the dilemma of having to use the pail. Not so much using the pail, but using it in front of their brother. Justin took his bare feet and moved the pail into a corner. He pushed down the front of his bikini, bringing his penis out fully. Just before he let his urine go he looked inside the pail and discovered he had forgotten to remove the 'potty paper". With a now empty pail, Justin let loose with his piss. He turned red in the face, although Jeremy couldn't see his face. Sliding the bikini back in place, he turned back, away from the pail, towards his brother. Jeremy, by now, had that little string thing untied and was moving towards the pail. He looked at his brother, glancing down at the bulge. He reminded Justin that he needed to "shake it" a couple of times; as he was showing a damp spot on the front of his swimsuit. Jeremy urinated in the pail, commenting that he hoped someone would come and take the pail away before their little room started to stink to bad. Bikini in place, both boys sat quietly on the floor talking now about why they were here, who were these people and when they could go home. Neither of the boys seemed to be out of control, but their minds were racing on thinking about 'running out of here the first chance we get'.
And again the door opens; a full-grown man enters without a word and takes away the empty breakfast dishes. A second man follows behind, and speaking in understandable English, tells the two boys to follow him. Reaching the doorway both boys look down an un- inviting, almost lightless corridor. They couldn't see anything that resembled a way out. They had no choice but to follow the man.
Turning one corner and almost running into the ass of the guy leading the way; the two boys were shown a door, in which to enter.
The door was opened and there stood the two youths who they had thought were their friends. The two strangers began talking to Jeremy and Justin. They told them of the situation between their father's employer and the United States.
Jeremy, showing his protective side, clenched his fist; wanting to strike out, but was quickly informed that such action would result in certain punishment. Justin began to cry. Both boys were at the mercy of adults, once again.
The two youths produced a camera and took full body pictures of Jeremy and Justin in their speedos. The photo would be sent to the embassy. Next Jeremy and Justin were told to strip so that they could take a shower and rid themselves of the body odor.
After some hesitation, both boys were naked and standing under a warm spray from a pulsating showerhead. The other two teens just barely stood out of the water spray and watched the two Americans clean up. Perhaps they were comparing their 'you know whats'.
After showering and being allowed to dry off, Justin and Jeremy were each handed a pair of shorts. And we mean shorts, as in short shorts. Again a photo was taken for delivery to the embassy. No undies, no shoes, no shirt; just the shorts.
A man, later found to be the father of the two teens, entered the shower area and introducing himself, verifying what his sons had already spoken of.
"Now then, young fellas, the way it's going to work is this. My boss will expect an answer from your countrymen by 1900hrs. If no answer is given, being the correct answer, both of you will be moved from here to a different location. Each day that there is no response from your America, you will be moved. Moved farther and farther away from your parents. As far south as you can imagine, and that's a long fucking way a way."
"Furthermore, if you cause any trouble, at any time, on any day, you will be severely punished for your infidel ways. Some of the men here are already talking, and hoping that one or both of you do something stupid. Trust me, kindness is not in their vocabulary!"
The time arrived for an answer, which never arrived this first day. The two boys were marched barefoot back out and down that same corridor. Arriving at the end of the corridor, facing a door, they were told to remove their shorts. Obviously they refused, out of embarrassment or something similar. That is all it took to get a head slap and their shorts yanked down to their ankles. Hands pushed each of them against the wall and then someone finished removing their shorts for them.
A flash and a click, another photo was taken of Justin and Jeremy. A length of rope and chain was brought forward, from somewhere, from someone directly behind the two. The dark man nearest the door reached for the rope and began wrapping poor Justin's gonads, pulling firm enough to cause a lot of pain for him. The man behind Jeremy took another piece of rope and likewise brought forth screams from the poor youth. The two loose ends of each rope were then affixed to the ends of the chain. Jeremy and Justin were now bound by their balls, and if they separated more than six feet [2 m] from each other, the balls would respond painfully.
Hands from the grown men, none to politely, turned the boys around, right there in the hallway. Now with their butts facing the door, the door opened and they were told to march backwards until the last of them was completely free of the hallway. The darkness of night would soon be upon them. Again a flash and a click, another photo. One photo of the two, back view, and front side.
Marching backward the two boys were guided up a ramp, onto a different truck. As they entered the truck, they looked back and saw the other two boys grinning and laughing. "Have fun you two" the two yelled out to Justin and Jeremy.
Once in the truck, they were each tied to opposite sides of the trucks cargo area. Oddly enough, once they were well secured to the truck, the chain between the two youths was extremely tight, but not tight enough to cause any pain, yet. The back door of the truck was pulled down. Now the two boys were once again in darkness.
The next morning the pictures of Jeremy and Justin arrived at the embassy. The parents were told of the pictures and demanded to see them. Mom and Dad went ballistic, which is understandable. How could anyone be so cruel to such nice, innocent boys? The photos only made Dad more irate with the whole situation and he wanted answers and he wanted them right then and there. No immediate answers were available. Both of the parents sat sullenly by themselves thinking of their sons, the loves of their lives.
The truck came to a sudden halt, causing both the boys to almost fall sideways, and that would have been a disaster in the making for one or both of them. The rear door was opened and the bright southern sun blasted its way inside.
Now a stranger climbed up into the truck. He brought with him the piss pale. Taking Jeremy's cock into his hand he held it in the pail. Jeremy didn't make use of the pail, but Justin did; out of sheer fright he needed to piss. Another man jumped up into the truck, followed by someone tossing a cardboard box inside right behind him.
"Don't do anything stupid now. You aren't in any position to escape or to find your way back home. You will have your hands untied and allowed to eat a meal. Then you both shall use the bucket to piss and crap in; before we finish the day's journey."
As soon as Jeremy had his hands free, he started a fight with the closest of the men. What Jeremy failed recognize was that Justin was not yet released from his bonds. The two men easily overcame Jeremy. They hit and kicked him so much that he fell to the floor of the truck. A set of handcuffs soon had Jeremy's hands cuffed tight behind his back, with his ankles still tied to rings. Justin was released from his wrist bindings and cuffed in the same manner as his brother.
The meal for the two was designed to be eaten with hands and utensils. Now however, that was out of the question. The food for each boy was placed in front of him. The man, whom Jeremy tried to fight off, took his boot and squashed each item of food. "Eat like the fucking dogs you are!" bellowed the man. The man was calling the boys names, which they had never heard before. It didn't take long before the two men started talking in Spanish and neither Jeremy or Justin could understand one word. Suddenly the men started hysterical laughter. Breaking his laughter the one man told the boys to hurry up and eat.
"We can't eat like this" Jeremy said. The response came back to eat like a 'fucking dog'. "Please, sir, please don't make us do that," the now sobbing Justin said.
That same boot pushed both heads down, smashing them into their own food, and the boys knew that once more, they had been defeated. Both boys eat the food the best they could, under the circumstances. Yet another click and flash, from a camera.
When the boys decided to stop eating, whether they were full, or just upset by having to eat in this way; they rose to their knees, looking face to face with each other. Food was all over each of their faces. The heavy booted man, decided to have a bit of fun with the both of them.
He got right down between the two of them. Grabbing the back of Jeremy's head he pulled it towards his own mouth. Sticking out his vile tongue, showing his decayed and rotting teeth; the man began licking the food from Jeremy's face. Jeremy struggled like a trooper but to no avail. Justin likewise received the same treatment. The man laughed, then spit in each boys face, as he began some sort of diatribe in Spanish.
The other man, not to be outdone, began by fondling Justin's cock. This brought pleas and begging for mercy from the 15 year old teen. Jeremy began using foul language of his own. Calling the two perverts, queer, etc. (you get the picture). Both boys were then brought back up into the standing position. Leaving their hands, cuffed behind their backs, they took rope and put it from one ring to the other across each boy's neck. Unfortunately, now if the truck made a sudden move or stop, the boys didn't have much upper support. In that case, they would move further sideways and the chain would be put to use on their balls. Before the men jumped off the truck and sealed the boys in for the next leg of the journey the one with bad teeth, got down again between the two boys and give each boy a kiss on the head of each penis.
With Justin crying and Jeremy yelling obscene words the door closed and they were once again moving along a roadway. Although the boys had been told what was going on, they couldn't understand the 'politics', which left them at the mercy of these two weirdo's. At least we know that they are safe and unharmed as they make their way to wherever.
By the time the truck came to it's next stop, the boys were physically exhausted from doing a fine job of maintaining their balance during the bumpy ride. A couple of minor tugs on the chain, but neither suffered to much.
When the door was raised, a foul stench erupted into the face of whomever it was that opened the door. Each boy, embarrassed, needing to empty his bowels had left a nice 'calling card' on the truck's floor. The driver of the truck, started right in yelling at both of them in Spanish, which had little effect on Jeremy and Justin.
The teens were untied from their bindings and rudely shoved to the ground below. Someone who, apparently held a 'higher standing' then them was chastising the two men who brought them this far. Next thing the teens saw was these two men getting hit by a walking cane. And hit brutally too. Several other men came up and grabbed these two blokes and tossed them right back up into the back of the truck. The two men apparently knew what was coming, as even in Spanish, Jeremy and Justin could tell that the two were pleading for their lives. A big burly man stood behind the truck, as another one slowly drove the truck out of sight. A sharp, loud and thunderous sound came from just down the dirt road. Within a few minutes the big dude was walking back, alone. Shortly after that the last man who drove the truck returned. The two men, who were in the back of the truck, never did return.
Jeremy bumped his shoulder into that of Justin and nodded for him to look down past the row of trees and the gate, as a large plume of black smoke rose above the green treetops, backlit by the late afternoon blue skies. Both boys knew, just from observations that the first two were deceased and now being cremated in the vehicle in which they had just been delivered. Whom ever these people were, the boys knew not to fuck with them, least they suffer the same fate.
A young male, about in his early 20's brought the two boys back to their own world. He got between them and took hold of the chain, but not really the center. He pulled on the chain bringing the boys to a standing position and with unequal lengths, Justin was closer to the man, than Jeremy was. As the boys were being moved forward, they noticed the wooden gates being closed behind them. Moving ever so slowly, the two were being taking to a building some one hundred feet [30 m] in front of them. All around them they witnessed things, the likes they had never heard of; let alone seen.
The area, which they were in, was void of females. But, men, who were wearing dark green shorts and shirts, were beating the males they saw. Some of the males couldn't have been more than 13 or 14 years old. Other males were in all sorts of torture devices. Some males of various ages were engaged in 'perverse' sexual activity. None of the men could speak, as each was firmly holding some form of gag in their mouth.
Justin started to freak out. He pulled away from his captor, but the chain yanked on his ball sack. He screamed, and then fell to the ground. Jeremy attempted to come to his aid, but was shoved back, to stand in his place; like a statue.
This little disturbance by Justin caused some laughter and commotion amongst the men in green. Several of them towered over Justin and kicked at his young body. Two of them, hooked their waistbands and produced cocks the size of which would bring fright to a normal gay man. Piss flowed and covered the cowering Justin from head to toe. Jeremy was helpless and now more frightened than ever. Justin was yanked to his feet and the three proceeded, again, towards the building. Both boys knew better than even to try speaking. Fear had now set in, BIG TIME!
The door opened, just before the boys got to the building and a well dressed man came out. You could tell that he was of Spanish decent. The boys were brought to a stop and the man approached them. Speaking in good English the man addressed them.
" You boys have arrived here, due to the inadequate thinking of your government. While you are here you will follow all the rules. If you don't understand the rules, don't ask for clarification, just accept the consequences if you fuck up. This place, in which you are standing is for our use, not that of our government. Here we do what we want, when we want and to whom we want. As you have seen on your walk, men and boys receive the same forms of punishment. You too can and will be broken, if you stay here long enough."
The two boys didn't know even what to think as this man, of some stature, kept on with his 'welcome speech'. The only thing they knew so far; is what they had seen and heard.
"You boys are the only 'white boys' here. So some of my men may decide to see if they can abuse you a bit, but then abuse for the Americans is always a welcome thing to witness. If you stay here long enough, even I, the commander of this installation, may just turn you both into my personal slaves; for the duration of your wonderful, happy stay here. Your stay, so far, depends solely on the response of your government. And, by what I have heard, you may be with us a long while."
Jeremy was the first to drop to his knees and cry out, followed by Justin. They were begging for release, to be reunited with their parents. This was just the sort of thing the commander was waiting for.
The commander barked some orders to the young guard, in Spanish. Several other guards came out the door and aided in getting the boys to their feet.
"Since you two are the first 'whites' we have had here, I feel it only right that all of the men here get to see 'all' of you." The commander said, quite calmly. "Only in your cells, shall you be allowed to speak, so remember that rule as rule number one." Having something more important to do, the commander turned and walked back into the building.
The guard, that was still holding the chain, turned to face the two boys and began speaking. "You have heard rule number one. Rule numbers two is 'always obey' and never hesitate when given an order. Now then, I need to get both of you on display for our guards and the other prisoners, so you shall follow me and do exactly as I say. I shall not hesitate to mark your beautiful white skin, covering them with red marks from a whip. You also will have the mandatory examination by our 'friendly physician' and least I forget, instead of taking photos of you for your parents, we will be sending them a nice video, so they can see AND hear you. Perhaps when they see the video, your government will follow the demands placed upon them."
The two were led off to an area, somewhat shaded by trees, to two wooden frames. The guard removed the chain, which had been keeping them linked together. He placed each boy directly in the center of these 'frames'. With some help, the man had each boy tied spread-eagle within his own frame. Their arms and legs spread wide, but not so wide as to cause them anything more than a little discomfort. The ropes, however, were not removed from there scrotums, so the ends were left dangling down.
All of the guards that had been out in the 'exercise yard' came over to Justin and Jeremy making their usual remarks in Spanish. Some even ran their hands over the bodies, except that they didn't touch the genital areas nor the butt.
"The commander said that we should see all of you, and that is what we are going to do." Saying that, the guard turned and yelled out, in Spanish, and quickly two prisoners were bringing pails of hot water and some sort of plastic tool tray. The prisoners were wearing torn shorts and tee shirts, but no shoes. They, the prisoners, smelled worse than 'road kill armadillo', but the smell was soon to be Justin and Jeremy's least worry.
One of the guards was using the video camera, trying his best to get everything on tape as the two foul odor slaves set about their task. Both Justin and Jeremy, still bound, received a bath of sorts. The hot water felt great, on their exhausted, sleep deprived bodies. Almost 'relaxing', to the point of even soothing their minds, of the previous two days. The soap stung their eyes a bit as the two others were just scrubbing away, mindless as to the comforts of the two boys. Each boy received a warm water rinse, then came something neither of them expected.
The attending guard produced an old fashion shaving mug and straight razor from the tray. Beginning with Justin, he shaved the poor youth bald from head to toe. Justin, cried out and wept the entire time. It was beginning to look like Justin was always the first to receive such treatments or admonitions; perhaps there was reasoning behind all of that. Jeremy, once Justin was smooth as ice, received his treatment. Jeremy remained silent, angered, determined. The man doing the taping, even had the two dirty slaves, pull the butt cheeks apart so he could film this most private area; to show the parents that their sons had been razored 'everywhere'. Not that either of them had much body hair, but perhaps to prove a point.
The guard called out for everyone to come and see the 'pretty white Americans' and come see they did. The guard prevented anyone from touching the boys. Just the mental embarrassment was enough for them, for now. The guard sent the gawkers away, stopped the filming and then he himself went up for a closer look.
"Perhaps just a little more for your parents", the guard said to the two, now terrified youths. The guard removed his belt, from his shorts and proceeded to give each of the boys four or five good hits on their butt, while the video recorder was once again taping the scene and recording their screams and pleas.
Justin and Jeremy, both lost control their bladders and bowels. The guard commanded one of the 'skuzzy' slaves to shovel the poop away. Another of the slaves threw water on the boys to rinse them off a little. The taping stopped and the video camera disappeared.
By now the sun was sinking below the horizon, and both boys were finally being removed from their positions of humiliation and degradation. Each of them was forced to their knees and given bowls, of what you would call 'hog slop' to eat. The commander came out into the 'yard' and began looking at the now de-humanized youths.
" My what beautiful trophies you both are! I for one, hope the American government allows us to keep one or both of you. But for now, I'm sorry to say that your government has yet to comply with the desires of 'our people'. You have traveled many miles in two days, with many miles yet ahead of you. I must select only one of you to continue the journey, this night. The other shall remain here, with ME, as my 'guest'; at least until tomorrow night."
Scared, silent and petrified, the two boys listened. Each afraid for the other's safety. Afraid of their own destiny and the road leading into it. The huge wooden gates opened up and entering the compound was a small, perhaps six, group of honey colored, long haired and nearly naked males. Following behind them were several donkeys.
The commander spoke out in his voice of authority, telling his men and the new group of men, just which one of the boys was staying and which was to leave. Young Justin was to leave, while Jeremy was to remain behind.
The boys cried out for each other and tried hard to hug and grasp hold of each other, but the group of men soon had them separated. Jeremy had his hands tied behind his back, his ankles tied together with rough rope. He stood, face covered in tears, watching them take Justin away from him. This was to be the first time ever, that either of them had been apart.
Justin was roughly tossed, face down across the back of one of the donkeys. His wrists tied to his ankles; forcing him to stare only at the ground beneath. Justin, clueless at his fate, without his brother and parents; wept openly, freely and loudly.
One, from the group of new men, rubbed Justin's' head and then proceeded to his other side. The male, taking both hands, spread Justin's' butt cheeks; leaned forward and sucked on the poor unsuspecting youths' hole.
He turned to the commander, speaking in some weird language, told him that he was sure the 'poor white virgin' would learn his place in his new world. The group of men exited the compound, with Justin and Jeremy crying and yelling out words of encouragement to one another.
As Justin was almost out of sight, a loud engine noise was heard from above. A helicopter hovered above as a rope and small basket was dropped down to the ground. A guard ran towards the basket and placed the video cassette into it. The rope and basket disappeared into the sky, and the helicopter rumbled away into the night sky.
"Please, God, get me out of here. I haven't done anything wrong. I need my brother. Please, I beg you, let me go. Oh, God please let me go, I won't say anything to anyone, and please just let me go." Jeremy said as he began to be reduced to a crying, whimpering youthful male.
A sharp slap across the face brought Jeremy out of his world of fear and terror. "Just shut the fuck up, you sniveling little cocksucker!" the boss man yelled abruptly at Jeremy. "Just keep your mouth shut and obey any and all commands given to you by my men. What you are hearing are the sounds of males, who were once men. They have wronged our people and now are learning to become good obedient slaves, to better our society and raise the morale of our soldiers. While you are here with us, you to will learn the life of our slaves. You will endure much pain and suffering. You will accept the fact that we have control over every thing you do, everything you eat, and even when you take a piss or dump. You can and will learn how to please me and many others, both with your mouth and your ass. So just shut up, keep your eyes and ears open and learn life's lessons well."
Jeremy was 'dumbfounded' by what he saw and heard, as he was being led down into a large room. Males were being fucked in the mouth and in the ass. Some of the men were being whipped. A couple of the men were being covered with piss from their handlers. One man was struggling violently as one of the soldiers was squatting over the poor mans mouth, which was being forcefully held open. Jeremy could see the ultimate act of humiliation; one man being another mans toilet.
Jeremy began to get an upset stomach, knowing all to well that soon he would be 'chucking the big pieces'. Two half naked men came and hauled him over to near center of the large room. They released him from the ropes which had been binding his arms and legs. In no time, Jeremy was tied spread-eagled. Both arms and legs spread so wide, Jeremy thought he would rip in two.
One of the men tied a narrow width rope around his testicles, Jeremy noticing that the rope was really long, as the remainder of the rope rested on the floor. Soon, a large, giant of a man came into the room leading a dog that looked to weigh about 60 pounds [25 kg] or more. The man picked up the loose end of the rope and affixed it to the dogs' collar. Next the man produced an old ragged tennis ball from his pocket. He called to the dog, getting his attention. Tossing the ball, bouncing it off the floor, ceiling and walls, the dog began to chase after it. With the dog running around the room, between men and slaves, it didn't take long for the rope to tighten up, running out of any 'extra'. A sudden jerk by the dog as the rope tightened, brought Jeremy's scrotum to a full extension. Jeremy could only scream out in pain, as it felt as though his guts were being pulled out his nuts. Another man took the ball from the dog, tossed it across the room as the dog tried in vain to catch it. In a matter of seconds, the 'free men' began playing the old game of 'keep away'. Being kept away from the dog, that is. Each and every time the slack of the rope vanished, Jeremy could only let out screams of pain; with an occasional plea for mercy.
Jeremy tried, as hard as he could to concentrate on anything but his current situation. He thought of his parents, and what they were doing to 'free' him and Justin. He cried openly when he thought of his brother, and what was happening with him. Jeremy had always been Justin's' protector but now he couldn't even help himself.
Jeremy allowed his eyes to look around the room, more or less at eye level, rather than down to where the dog was running and barking. He noticed one major thing, as he surveyed the other men. All the naked men had hair. Head hair and everything, and it was only Jeremy, hanging there who was as smooth as a watermelon. And, the others were dark skinned compared to him.
With a loud commanding voice, the large man brought the dog to a sudden stop. After releasing the dog from the rope, both the man and dog left the room. The rope remained on Jeremy, trapping his balls, which now were swelling up from the torturous abuse.
"Well now, I hope you enjoyed our little welcoming ceremony." Spoke the boss man, softly into Jeremy's ear, from behind him. "You see, you American punk ass, that we enjoy having visitors from time to time. Now I want you to just keep your senses about you and absorb all that is going on in the room. Before we let you rest for the night, you too, will begin to enjoy the transformation from a free man, into a slave. You will learn to obey. You will learn how to serve. You will learn how to speak. The longer it takes for the Americans to decide on our demands, the more you shall learn. And, I hope that you stay with us or others long enough to learn all there is to learn." Laughing then nothing, the boss man walked silently away from Jeremy and the others.
Justin was not doing as well as his older brother. Riding, draped over a donkey for who knows how long, Justin could tell that his original group of men had turned him over to yet another group. This group spoke a language that wasn't Spanish. Justin couldn't tell who they were, what they were, let alone what language they were speaking. Occasionally straining to raise his head to get a glimpse of his new captors, Justin was soon in total shock.
Whoever these men were, they were completely naked. All of them had long and shiny black hair. Most of the men he could see had things stuck through their noses, ears and nipples. There was some sort of vine like rope around their necks with the other end of it tied to their cocks; holding the cocks in a vertical position near their abdomens. The men were talking amongst themselves laughing and having a good time as they continued even further into the depths of the forest. Justin couldn't figure out what they wanted with him. What could they possibly do to him. Justin, like his brother, began thinking of his parents and also of Jeremy. Justin knew that Jeremy must be going through hell, thinking of him and worrying about him. It was during this part of Justin's journey that he began to realize just how much he loved his older brother. How many times he had wanted to tell Jeremy just how much he loved him. The more Justin's thoughts were of his brother, the more tears dripped onto the earth below. Justin wondered, if his brother knew just how much he worshipped the ground he walked on.
Distant noises and voices told Justin that they must be coming to a rest stop or something. Soon, the air around him was brightened by the light coming from many camp fires. The sounds of females and little children surrounded Justin. Hands, many hands, found their way to Justin's body, stroking and rubbing him on every inch of exposed flesh, including his fully exposed butt.
After Justin had been taken down from the donkey, was when he finally regained his balance and most of all his surroundings. Now he could see that most of the little children were pointing at him, and saying something to the women of the group. It began obvious to Justin, that most of these strange people had never seen a white person before; let alone one who had been shaved from head to toe.
With a shout from some older man, the children and women left the men to tend to Justin. They led him away, and into some sort of out building made of tree parts with leafs for a roof. Justin found himself needing to relieve his bladder, as in urgently. He spoke in English, but nobody understood a word. He reached for his cock and shook it; thinking perhaps they would get the message. Instead of understanding his need to pee, one of the men came up to him and took hold of Justin's cock. Justin could tell, this was getting him nowhere. Justin had no other choice but to let his piss go. As soon as he began pissing, a younger man, about 22 years old, ran up to him. With the older of the two men still holding Justin's penis, the younger one knelt down and stuffed his own mouth with Justin's dick. The man swallowed all of the piss which Justin had left inside his body. Justin could not believe what he was seeing. And for sure, he could not believe what he was feeling. A strange man swallowing his urine, engulfing Justin's cock all the way down to the pubic bone. The sensations to Justin's nerve system only multiplied the sensations he began to get mentally. Before he could understand any of this, his cock became rock solid. The young man who had swallowed the piss, backed away from the youthful erection; as all the other men laughed aloud.
Were these men laughing at Justin? Or where they laughing at the man who still remained on his knees?
Several other men came forward grasping Justin's cock and scrotum. Justin reminded himself that he was the only white person there and that he was the only male that did not have his penis tied up to his belly. Least he forget, he was the only one without hair, so in a way all this made Justin look even more like some sort of freak.
The men removed their hands from Justin's cock, each taking one side of Justin's body and bending him over forward. Other men moved in to pull his cheeks apart; as yet others inspected his virgin hole. Though none of them dare invade Justin in any manner at this time
The oldest of the men said something and one of the others left, only to return with a pail of warm water and some foul smelling soap. The cleaning Justin received was like a gift from above. The smell of the donkey was washed away and only the soap odor remained, yet not near as bad as the smell of a donkey who needed a bath as well.
Moments later sounds of other men were heard, as more of them entered the little area. Justin looked around at the ones entering and could see that the youngest appeared to be about his age and the oldest of them about 30 years old. The laughter became unbearable to say the least, as all of them began pointing at Justin, grabbing his tackle, and rubbing his now clean body.
The humiliation of all this, combined with the laughter and embarrassment brought Justin to tears, as his knees gave out and he huddled in the dirt. Justin cried for Jeremy, and for the briefest of moments he could feel Jeremy crying out for him as well.
From outside the tiny structure a female was calling out to one of the men on the inside. The man, whom the woman was calling out to, left quickly. Just as fast as he left, he returned; holding a bowl of food. The group of men began talking and laughing all the while pointing at Justin.
A handful of the younger men roughly grabbed hold of Justin and moved him into an area where the earth was covered with straw like material. Justin was pushed; no he was shoved to the ground. He was then placed on his hands and knees. The men reached down and pulled his legs wide apart, at the knee joints. His hands were likewise spread out wide and also way out beyond being aligned with his head. This made his face ever so close to the ground. The bowl of food was shoved under his mouth and the men prodded Justin, where he got the idea they were urging him to eat. Whatever was in the bowl, Justin didn't seem to mind and ate everything he could get into his mouth. All the while Justin was eating, the men yakked amongst themselves with an occasional laugh from the older men and giggles from the younger ones.
Justin figured out that whoever these men were, wherever he was, that the language they were speaking was something not taught in any school, not even in college. These men had to belong to some sort of native Central American Indian tribe.
After the bowl had been removed from beneath his mouth, Justin was given a bowl of water, which he consumed eagerly. Two of the men re-arranged Justin's hands so that he was now erect, but still on hands and knees. More talking and a bit of shouting got someone to put a shiny bowl beneath Justin. A hand grabbed a hold of his cock and pointed it down into the bowl. With little effort, Justin let go a good, steady stream of urine. Then all the other younger men also pissed into the bowl. The bowl was covered with a large type of leaf and set aside.
Justin was then left alone kneeling on the straw like, covered earth. He was left without knowing what to expect. Not knowing much of anything except for his humiliations and hoping to be reunited with his brother very soon. He was overtaken by exhaustion and just fell into the straw and slept soundly.
With the morning sunrise, came the video tape of the two boys being delivered to the embassy. When the parents were informed of what was on the video, they became irritated at the 'political system' and all of its faults. They demanded to see the tape for themselves and were quickly taken to a room which was like a production studio. When they saw what the boys had been subjected to, mom broke down and about lost it all. Pops was trying to comfort his wife and still verbalize his concern over the boys and why nothing had really been done yet to assure their release. One of the government officials told them that they should not expect to much more from the embassy at this point. Negotiating with 'rebels' was not something the government was apt to do, not even for two teenage males.
What really frightened them was the last part of the video, which was a shadow of a man talking into the camera lens. "If our demands are not met within the next twelve hours, the two youths will be gone from you, FOREVER!" The voice didn't sound like he was bluffing one bit. "We will not destroy the youths, but we will educate them in the ways of slavery, the likes neither you nor they could ever imagine. As you can see by our video, we have already begun to take away their identity and self worth. Two handsome males, such as these boys; will be very pleasurable to teach. They will not even know you, when we are through with their education program. Soon, you will not exist in their minds. But seeing that we are not a cruel people, we shall continue to send you updates on their training and educational advancements. TWELVE HOURS AND COUNTING, but I think we all know the answer, or lack of, by now…"
Also, with the morning sunrise came the knowledge that most of the twelve hours had all but ticked away. The parents knew this, in their hearts and the government knew it and seemed distant to the reality of the entire situation.
The boys, however, knew nothing of what had been going on. All they knew is that a group of adults was now in charge of them and that their fate was in their captors' hands.
Justin, awakened by sounds of the 'tribes' people, adjusted his eyes to the still dimly sunlit stall he had slept in. He hadn't been disturbed at all during the night and was grateful that he was allowed to sleep his exhaustion away. Some of the voices, both male and female sounded as if they were getting nearer to him. The only thing in his mind was his brother Jeremy. Where was he and why wasn't he here to help and also to protect him?
Jeremy, unlike Justin, got little sleep during the night. He didn't have the privilege of sleeping much. He didn't even have the opportunity of sleeping on a bed, on the floor or on plain earth. He had been left tied to chains, spread-eagle, the entire night. He was subjected to hearing the screams and cries of other men throughout the night. Long into the night Jeremy could hear the pleas for mercy. Even in Spanish, Jeremy could tell that men were begging and pleading for release, for solitude from the torture and humiliation.
The door to the 'training room' opened and several men, whom Jeremy hadn't seen before entered. These 'thugs' were dressed alike, in tan shorts, white short sleeve shirts. The coal black hair on their heads was perfectly combed and they smelled of expensive cologne.
The two men started to visualize everything within the room, and starting on their right walked by each slave and or his tormentor; commenting to one an other as they slowly made their way completely around the room filled with male bodies; leaving only the center of the room to inspect. Arriving in front of Jeremy, both of the men eyed him from the front and then from the back. Neither of the men touched Jeremy, they only surveyed his body. The man who appeared to be the tallest, locked eyes with Jeremy; as if he wanted to look into the boys' soul.
Turning towards one of the 'free men' the stranger spoke quietly and yet with distinction. What ever the man said, sure got Jeremys' attention. One of the slaves was dragged in front of Jeremy and made to put his mouth around Jeremys' cock. Jeremy was in shock at what was happening, yet his dick remained soft.
More words in Spanish and another man came forward and began to piss all over the one who was holding Jeremys' cock in his mouth. Deprived of sleep, Jeremy had no idea what in the hell was happening, and he surely didn't see the reasoning behind any of this. The mouth slipped off of his cock and went to the dick that was spewing the piss. On his knees, the slave gratefully accepted the remainder of the piss, swallowing all of it.
Once again, the mouth went back to Jeremys' dick and Jeremy still was clueless. Suddenly he felt the sting of a whip on his butt, pushing his hips forward and almost choking the man who was on his knees right in front of him.
To Jeremys' surprise, one of the 'thugs' spoke English. "Don't you get it, you dumb ass punk? Why are you not pissing in this nice urinal I have supplied for you? If you don't start to piss, I will see to it that you receive 20 lashes. NOW START!"
It wasn't just the need to piss, but rather the threat of the lashing, which got Jeremys' piss flow to start. Jeremy had to close his eyes while he urinated, as he couldn't believe this, or any of this was really happening to him. He tried to concentrate all his thoughts towards his younger brother.
"There now, don't you feel much better? I'm sure, by watching you, that your body was grateful for such a fine magnificent release. You see (he continued), all of our slaves are trained to be a fine urinal. A mouth is a much better place to empty one's self than even the finest of urinals or toilets. And yes, my son, you too will become such a fine object of need and desire."
Jeremy was released from his chains, and he fell to the floor. He lay there huddled into a ball, crying. Instantly his body was drenched in male piss. The 'free men' and the slaves were all pissing on him from head to toe. His cries for mercy went unheeded.
Jeremy was still on the floor, smelling of piss, when a bowl of food was set down in front of him. His hunger over-rode his sense of smell and he began eating it with a vengeance. His one and only mistake was he was using his hands to shovel the food into his mouth. A sharp sting across his back, and words in English made him change his eating habits real fast. He stuck his face into the bowl and eat every morsel that was to be had.
The door opened again and every body in the room scurried away from Jeremy, back to their places along the walls. Everybody that is, except for the two neatly dressed 'thugs'. They remained next to Jeremy as a tall handsome man approached.
Jeremy attempted to stand up, but was kept down by the two men. "Kneel boy", said one of the two men, and Jeremy slowly got up onto his knees. A hand on Jeremys' head prevented him from looking at anything other than the floor.
"Well now, what is this? What have we got here? Don't tell me this is what all the fuss is over. Such a fine example of a white man, I must say. I will be most anxious to take this slave with me, back to my residence." The voice said, I a rather gentle manner." I have never had an American slave before, but I'm sure that he can and will be trained to take care of all my needs, and that of my family. Oh, and I almost forgot; are there not two of them?" Where is the second slave?
"Sir, one of the two stated, he is with the workers of the south Sir."
"I see, but I'm not sure that having the other one there is such a good idea, at this time. They can be rather crude and most cruel if they get upset. But, on the other hand, that may prove to be a wise decision. If this slave knows of what can happen to the other, will not this make for a much better training of the slave?"
"Sir, yes Sir", the two chimed in unison. "What makes this seem so delightful Sir is that the other white male is this slaves' brother."
"Well then, this really IS going to be a lot easier than I had ever hoped for. But, I must say that I am truly saddened about the condition of this new slave. Look at this body. It only has a slight tan and that awful tan line. Tan lines are so disgusting to me. I want this slave either all white or all tan; it makes no difference, but see to it immediately."
Now at this point, one would think the obvious; but the two men looked at each other as if to say, how do we get a white body white. I wonder which floor their elevators were stopping on.
"Just make sure you take my new slave out into the sunlight, so he will tan nicely and be sure to use our special oils on his entire body. I don't want to get him burned by the strong sunlight. And, by the looks and smell of him, he has had a piss bath this morning. I find that likeable as well, but at this moment I need to piss too. So, there seems to be no time like the present to see how hard it shall be to get the slave boy up to speed as a urinal."
"Now slave, raise your head up so you can take my piss into your body," the man commanded in a firm tone of voice. Jeremy didn't know what to think, nor what to do. All he knew is that failure to obey a command would get him a strong, firm whipping, or worse.
"I have no intentions of asking a slave twice, so get to it boy. If you let any of it spill out or you spit it out onto my clothes, you shall be severely punished."
Poor Jeremy raised his head just enough to see the man lower the zipper of his pants. Jeremy blinked and the next thing he saw was a dark skinned, uncut dick. The man placed both hands behind Jeremys' head and slowly pulled him towards the waiting cock. The smell of man scent to Jeremys' senses was the first thing to overcome. Not even in gym class had he smelled something as sweet and fragrant as this. Jeremy opened his mouth as the man slowly laid his cock on Jeremys' tongue. He was told to close his mouth and to begin swallowing, as the piss was soon to start flowing. Jeremy did as commanded, swallowing all of the mans' piss, not one drop wasted. Jeremy had not realized that the man was controlling the flow of piss with his hand, as not to allow a sudden, gagging, surge into the back of Jeremy's throat. The taste wasn't what Jeremy had expected, and he wasn't repulsed by it either, although he didn't like the idea of having to do such a thing on a regular basis.
After the cock was put back and the zipper closed, the man told Jeremy that he had done well for his first time as his urinal, but still needed to prefect his skills.
"Ok, enough of the small talk, now we will be leaving in three hours, heading back home with this new slave; so make sure he has been given a chance to absorb some sunlight, given a bath, and make damn sure his insides are squeaky clean as well", were the latest of orders the man gave his two nimrods.
"Now then slave, you must follow the orders of my two aides here, and don't hesitate like you just did when being a urinal. We will be leaving this place and heading back to my home, where you will be trained, regardless of the pain, to be a slave for myself, my wife and my two sons. You will be treated fairly, for a slave, and be given all that you will ever need to live. IF you fail your tasks, I'm sure that your brother will be giving you incentive to do better. For he shall suffer the pains for your errors! As such, my youngest son suffers, while his older brother learns the ways of the world and our family business."
That said, the man left Jeremy alone, with the two 'aides'. They quickly got him outside into the sunlight and began to oil his body, as he stood erect with his hands firmly gripped behind his head. The sensations of the hands, combined with the lotion, on his cock and balls brought forth an erection, the likes he had never had before. He was told to remain in this position, no matter what; until such time as told otherwise.
As the minutes ticked by, the sun became intense on Jeremys' body, and he could smell the perfumed fragrance of the oil on his body. It was a sweet smell, but to him it smelled a little effeminate. Standing motionless, Jeremys' mind reverted back to thoughts of his brother. How he had seen him, as himself, razor smooth, manhandled, fondled and humiliated. He was praying that Justin was safe, unharmed, well taken care of.
Time was going by, but slowly for Jeremy and his mind began to play tricks on him. He was in desperate need of water, as the heat of the noon hour, brought torrents of sweat from within his body. But still, he persevered, constantly thinking of his parents and brother.
Justin, on the other hand, was not doing as well as his brother. Soon after he had woken up, Justin was taken by a rope around his neck, to the center of what looked like a cluster of crudely erected huts. He was once again made to get down on his hands and knees, by way of a quick to his butt. Like last night, he was made to urinate into the large bowl. He was given food to eat, but his food was only tossed on the earth in front of him, much like a farmer puts grain down for his chickens. He was reluctant to eat such food, but the hunger within his belly forced him to swiftly move about eating whatever he could get into his mouth.
He had not paid much attention to those around him watching his eating. When he was done, raising his head to a horizontal position he brought his eyes in contact with female. She was brightly dressed with strand upon strand of ornamental beads adorning here neck. She seemed to be speaking, with authority, to the others. Justin was taking, by the rope leash down a short, narrow path, to a rapidly flowing stream. A young man, of twenty years, led Justin into the stream; still crawling like an animal. The water was tepid and felt good on his bare skin. Once Justin was in the stream, up to his neck in water, three girls followed him in and began at once to scrub his whole body with some god awful substance, which smelled as bad as a hen house on a hot August day.
After a brief time, the girls were scrubbing his cock and balls, while at the same time one of them was harshly rubbing his ass crack and boy pussy. He began to feel the excitement of his situation by the natural male instinct to get an erection. The girls all laughed at him, and each one of them grabbed and played with his cock. He was red with embarrassment and there was no way out. Justin then realized that with all the males here he was the only one of them that was circumcised, so this must be what the girls are laughing about as well.
When the girls had finished his bath, several rather large males pushed the girls away from Justin. They reached under the water, tying Justins' wrists together along with binding his ankles side by side.
A large round pole, perhaps a thick tree limb, was run through the bindings and ever so quickly, Justin was upside down in the water. Justin was now bound; face up, with his limbs tied to a pole. Two of the men brought Justin completely out of the water, yet they all remained in the stream. The men turned so that Justins' head was upstream of his ass.
Justin began screaming with all his strength as something invaded his ass chute. The pain was almost too much for Justin to bear, as he began to feel a liquid running into him. He continued to scream and plead, as the water flowed in. It finally registered with Justin, that he was getting his insides cleaned out. Every time the invasion halted, he let loose with the watery liquid and his bowel content. Over and over the men preformed the task of giving Justin his very first enema, be it from un-civilized natives or not. The purpose of the enema finally concluded after a rather long, fitful session.
Justin was left 'hanging' there, as the men carried him back to the village center. At the center they placed the pole onto two opposing stakes; and left Justin hanging in this awkward position. Ever so briefly, Justin thought they were going to roast him and then eat him. Again, he started to cry; wanting and needing his brother.
Back at the compound that kept Jeremy captive, Jeremy had been baked by the sun for over an hour, had gotten his enema and had been recently bathed; all of which was unlike what his brother had gone through.
Jeremy was blindfolded, bound securely with his hands behind his back and his feet bound with about two feet [60 cm] of rope between the ankles. A rope was placed around his neck and he was led off towards the vehicle which would take him away from this hell hole and to his new home. Jeremy was halted during his slow walk, and two pairs of hands lifted him off the ground and his ass was bounced down onto hot metal. He was pushed along the metal flooring for only a few feet and then the rope to his neck was firmly tied off. He was able to get himself sitting erect on the metal floor, keeping his legs bent. As long as he didn't move his head more than a few inches, the rope around his neck didn't seem to affect his breathing or blood circulation.
The voice of the man, claiming to be his Master, along with the two aides seemed to be on either side of him. "Ok let's get the show on the road" the Master said in a jovial tone of voice. A whine, rumble and swishing was heard and felt, as the blades and rotor of a helicopter were wound up. The short time it took to be airborne was enough to get Jeremy into a state of confusion and mortal fear.
The metal cooled quickly under Jeremys' ass, as the chopper climbed into the sky. The noise did not allow Jeremy to clearly hear and understand anything the Master was saying, except that he knew a lot of talking was going on. The ride was smooth and without any air turbulence and Jeremy was beginning to relax somewhat. The direction of the helicopter suddenly seemed to be stopped of its forward motion. Jeremy thought perhaps they were getting ready to land or something. How wrong he was.
The helicopter was hovering over the lush green forest, with only a small clearing below. One of the men riding up front slid the side door open and tossed out a long length of nylon rope which had some sort of hooks and such attached to the ends.
On the ground the natives scurried for the swaying ropes and hooks. The natives quite rapidly attached the ropes to the pole which was supporting Justin. With a wave of hands and a farewell native dance, the helicopter rose once again into the cloudless sky. There, beneath the bird, hanging 100 feet [30 m] below was Justin. The rest of the ride, which took only half an hour or so, Jeremy had no idea about Justins' dilemma, nor did Justin know that his brother was riding just above him. Without getting his enema, Justin would of left turd traces from point A to point B.
Again the helicopter stopped its forward motion, gently lowering itself earthward. A handful of men below, grabbed the pole which held Justin as two others released the nylon rope. The rope was retracted back into the helicopter and then it began a slow and easy decent to the ground. Everyone stayed inside the bird until the blades had completely stopped their rotations.
While the helicopter had been descending, Justin was being freed from the pole and his restraining ropes. Two of the men held tightly to Justins' arms so he couldn't move, but at least he was facing the helicopter as the door slide open. The new Master exited, followed by the two aides. Several men strode up to the bird and slowly began releasing the neck rope and other bindings on Jeremys' body. When completed, they pulled Jeremy out by his ankles.
No sooner had his feet landed on solid ground, did Jeremy lock his sights on Justin. With little effort Jeremy freed himself from the men and raced to his brother. The men holding Justin released their grip, and the two brothers hugged and cried with happiness. Jeremy pulled his head off of Justins shoulder, once again locking eyes, and gave his brother a firm, loving kiss, right square on the lips.
Justin thought nothing of the kiss, other than thinking Jeremy was overcome with happiness. Jeremy on the other hand, after spending time in the compound watching and listening to more than he ever imagined, needed to kiss his brother. He needed to let Justin know that he loved him, now, before and forever. What Jeremy had learned inside the compound needed to be conveyed to Justin, as quickly.
After the brief exchange of emotions between the brothers, the Master came forward. "Indeed, what have we here. I see that the other brother carries many of the same traits as his sibling. You both will have time to talk amongst yourselves very shortly, but now we have more urgent matters to tend to."
Their new Master turned and began walking towards what was a superbly eloquent looking residence. Justin didn't know who this man was, where they were, nor what was expected of them. Justin could only follow the lead of Jeremy as both boys fell into step with the other men as they made their way to the house (palace is more like it).
Just short of the steps leading to the main entrance, the Master stopped and told the men to "take the slaves to the rear entrance". Justin looked puzzled when he heard the word 'slave'. He looked at Jeremy and Jeremy gave him a look as if to say, 'hang on, I'll explain later'.
As they walked slowly to the rear of the house, the boys couldn't help but notice the manicured lawn, weed free of course, and the expertly trimmed trees and shrubs. They could see a couple of men working on the grounds, dressed in nice shorts, shirts and sneakers. No one seemed to care about the new boys, even though they were still newborn naked. No touching, no eye contact, no nothing. The men escorting them didn't even look at Jeremy or Justin.
The rear door was opened by another man, dressed equal to those working in the yard. The group entered the home, remaining silent. Once everyone had entered, the door closed. The boys were in a large empty room, with sparkling tile floors and opulent décor on the walls. Through another door entered two men, who could be described as Greek Gods. They had the most perfect features of any man you could imagine. Their skin was smooth as glass and their clothes were like something one would see only in an upscale store in downtown Manhattan. Clearly these men were men who commanded respect and got it.
The men who had escorted the two boys into the house, swiftly and silently backed away from them; only stopping when they had gotten to within a foot [30 cm] of the walls.
The two dominate males approached Justin and Jeremy, and without saying one word, looked them both over from head to toe, front to back. Finally it was time for the hands on inspection and both boys stood firm. They feared even to flinch, as these two males even sent fear into their bodies, bone deep. Groping, prying, tugging and spreading, each boy was looked a upon and into by each of the two men.
"Now kneel!" the older of the two barked at the boys. "When either of us enter a room, both of you shall, without fail or hesitation, kneel and bow your heads. You are here because you now belong here and for no other reason. The time spent here can be quite nice and pleasurable for each of you, but then again, that depends totally on you learning your new life status. Rule number one is that if you see a person wearing clothes; remember that you are less than they are. You shall remain forever, as you are now. Unworthy of clothes, as a slave should be constantly visible and available to all. Rule number two, you are never allowed to speak unless you are in your private quarters. You will never be asked a question which will require you to answer. Silence is your golden rule. Rule number three, hair, none of it. Each of you will be required to shave the others body, whether it is daily or whenever; no hair no stubble……….. TOTALLY SMOOTH. Rule number four, and a very important rule it is; you shall never cover yourselves even in the presence of a female. Our mother has seen the male penis and balls before, so she will expect to see yours as well. Our female friends enjoy the naked body of a male also, and they may or may not want to grab you and play with you, but they will not ever demand sex from you."
"So now then, I have instructed you on the first four rules of your new world. Are there any questions?"
The man was dressed identical to all the others and had a rather sullen look on his face. He remained quiet as he stopped just short of being along side of the two well dressed men.
"Now then, our new slaves, let me introduce you to Tito; who will be your tutor while you are with us. Tito knows his job well, sometimes to well. Tito will instill into you all of the other rules which you must follow. He will instruct you as to your daily routine. He will answer any question you may have and those which he has no answer to, he will present them to us, as only he knows how. But keep in mind that you are only permitted to speak while in your slave quarters. Now my brother and I have much work to do today, so for now Tito will help get you settled in." That said the two men turned, without saying a word to Tito, and left as quietly and swiftly as they had entered.
Tito moved closer to the two boys who were still kneeling on the hard tiled floor. He gently, almost lovingly, placed a hand on top of each of the boy's heads. With smooth heads, the boys could feel the rough calloused hands of Tito.
"Now listen, and listen carefully", Tito said as quietly as he could, yet with enough determination so the boys could hear him. "I am going to turn around and walk towards the same door which I entered. By the time I get to that door you need to be right behind me, yet no closer than three feet [90 cm], and you must move in the manner which is proper. In case you are not familiar with such manner, I will simply say that you must crawl."
Tito turned and walked towards the door, the two brothers followed on their hands and knees. The floor was not being merciful on their knees, but they feared punishment and endured the relatively short distance. Once outside the room and with the door closed, Tito told the brothers to stand and continue, in silence, to follow him. Tito led them to what was a very small elevator. The boys were told to get into it and remain there until the door opened up again and when Tito was standing in front of them. The elevator was so small that Jeremy and Justin had to get back down on their hands and knees and back into it, so that they were facing the door. Once they were inside, Tito pushed a button on the wall, the door closed and the elevator was descending. In a jiffy, the elevator stopped, the door opened. Tito was not there yet, so the boys waited, as they had been instructed. Tito came down some stairs directly in front of the boys and he told them to get out and stand erect. Tito turned to his right and the boys followed once again.
They came to a door, which was made of wood and richly designed. It gave the appearance of having been polished and waxed continuously. Tito took a key from his pocket and opened the door, only to reveal a more ominous door, one that looked like it belonged in a prison, not a mansion. Tito unlocked the steel bar door and motioned the boys inside the room. The room was quite nice, really. There was a full sized bed, chair, television and even a semi private toilet and shower area. Tito told the boys to sit on the bed, as he placed himself into the chair.
"Ok now, we can talk freely. Let me do my talking first and then if you have questions, you may ask them. First off, let me say that I am not happy that you are here. All the people you see around the 'compound' wearing the same uniform are what are called "paybacks". They are here because they have done something to displease the Master, mostly due to costing him money or losing his money. You see, the Master deals in a highly desired trade of selling drugs to buyers in your country. Those working here have lost merchandise or money belonging to the Master; or their relative has done something to displease the Master and they now must pay the price. In any case, most of the workers will never leave here."
"As for myself, I am here because of my son. The Master used my son once to 'mule' some product for him. My son was caught before he got to your country. Master was able to get my son out of our jail, but my son was then brought here. Master and his two sons decided to turn him into a sexual object for their use and amusement. They brought me here to degrade and humiliate me, while I had to watch them train my son. Then one day, Master told me that my son would be going away with another man. Apparently some sort of business deal was made, which included the Master assigning my son to this other man. That was three years ago and you two are the only ones that have arrived since then, and now I must help you to become the same as my son."
Jeremy looked at Justin, both having blank looks on their faces and swelling eyes. Justin was not to certain what "sexual object" really meant, but after what Jeremy had seen the day before and also earlier that morning he knew more than he wanted to know.
Tito continued his talk. "Now to begin with, I know that the two sons have given you the first four rules which you must follow. I will give you the rest of your rules during the remainder of this day and tomorrow. First you must know, the two sons are not anywhere as nice as their father, the Master. The older of the two sons is called Ray and the other is called Aldo. Ray can be quite cruel and abusive and Aldo mostly tries to be the one who humiliates others. Both are quite inventive when it comes to torturous methods, just to be able to enjoy the screams of the one they are abusing."
"Ever since my son was taken and brought here, they have made a 'playroom' for themselves. Many times I have heard my son cry out for mercy and forgiveness, but the screams continued." Tito's eyes began to water and small tears fell as he continued.
Ever since my son left, no one has been used in the playroom. I have had to keep it clean and everything in working order ever since. I know what is in the room, but I fear of telling you. Many new things have been added to the playroom since then, although never used. Ray is always bringing something back with him, every time he comes home from a trip to the states."
"Now then, I'm sure that neither of you have eaten anything since this morning, so I shall go and bring you something to eat. Don't leave this room for any reason, but you may talk in my absence if you so desire." Tito rose and left the brothers alone.
"Jeremy, all this talk of slaves and sex is scaring me." Justin said with a scratchy voice. Jeremy could since the fear in it.
"Justin, please don't crumble now. We have to remain strong and hope mom and dad find us soon. I'm sure that they are close and it won't be long before we are out of this place."
"But look at us. We are naked and they have shaved all our hair off. Ray won't let us have any clothes and we can't say anything to anyone unless we are in this room. And what is the purpose of having to kneel when they come near us."
Jeremy listened intently as Justin let loose his thoughts and feelings. Justin conveyed to Jeremy all that had happened to him since the day they were separated. Jeremy was about to tell Justin all that had happened to him, when Tito returned carrying a large wooden tray, which was covered with a bright red cloth.
Tito stopped in the center of the room, squatted down and set the tray on the floor. "I have fixed you a nice meal and you need to eat all of it to maintain your strength."
He uncovered the tray and there were two plates with quite a moderate amount of food on each one. He placed the trays on the floor and told the boys to eat. The boys slide off the bed and sat on the floor to eat. Tito had to tell them the next rule. "Rule number five is that you must not use your hands to feed yourselves. You must eat like an animal and only use your mouth. When you are finished and you have food around your mouth, each of you will clean the face and mouth of the other."
Justin and Jeremy were appalled at having to eat this way but there was nothing they could do about it. Upset or not, they began eating the food and said nothing the entire time they were learning to eat this way. Tito on the other hand, used this time to continue speaking to them.
"This will be your room and it will have to be kept spotless. If they find any dirt, food or anything not kept proper both of you shall be punished. There is only the one bed, so you will have to share it. Both of you will bath every morning on rising. Each one of you will bath the other. The only privacy you shall have is when you use the toilet. You will receive clean sheets each day, so make sure you change them daily. Your cleaning supplies are under the bed in a wooden box. Become familiar with them, and their use."
"The television here will only show what Master and the sons wish you to see. You must never leave it on, unless you are in your room. Don't even think about watching something from the states, as that won't ever happen. Most of what you will be watching are movies which they feel will be of a benefit to you and to them."
"The rest of the night is going to be easy for you. You will be staying in your room until morning. Tomorrow on the other hand, will be a long a most difficult day for you; so I suggest that after you have finished your meal and cleaned your faces that you get some sleep."
About that time the boys had finished eating and each of them had been so hungry, along with the food tasting great that they had even licked their plates clean. Each boy had food bits on his face and around his mouth. Tito saw them being rather reluctant about cleaning each others face, so he had to mention the penalty for disobedience.
Jeremy moved over to face his brother. Looking into Justins' eyes, Jeremy let him know that everything would be alright. Jeremy broke the tension of the moment by starting first. He put his hands around his brothers' neck, brought his mouth up to Justins face and began licking him clean. He waited until the face was clean, before he cleaned around Justin's mouth. Then he placed his lips close to his brothers' lips and began licking the last remaining morsels of the meal off. When Jeremy was finished he ever so lightly gave his brother a kiss, directly upon the lips. Justin began his brothers' face cleaning in like manner. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as he began to feel so degraded, so humiliated. When he had finished, as Jeremy had done, he licked and cleaned around his mouth. He took his arms, locked his hands behind Jeremys' neck and gave him a strong, yet caring hug. He pulled his head back just enough so that his lips were almost touching his brothers' lips and said, "Jeremy, I'm scared but I know that you will help keep me safe. I love you Jeremy." With that Justin kissed his brother intently and with passion.
Tito had been standing there, observing the exchange, and even he had been brought to an emotional stage. He was recalling all the times his son had been in this room, alone. All the times he had witnessed his son eating alone. He began to think of all of the other things that his son was made to learn, made to do, that he soon began to get overwhelmed with emotions which he could not hide.
"All right then, meal time is complete and now I shall leave you two alone until morning." Tito placed the plates onto the tray, covered them with the red cloth and left the room, locking the barred door as he exited. He left the wooden door open.
This was now the first time that the boys were alone, and could speak openly. Justin and Jeremy hugged each other with what remaining strength that they had and both wept openly.
The exchange of emotions between the two boys didn't last long and they both got to their feet and without saying anything, began to survey their room.
"Hey Jeremy, at least this is better than being in a real prison. We have a nice bed, shower room and a television and it is very clean." Jeremy exclaimed.
Jeremy was looking under the bed and found the box containing the cleaning supplies and showed them to his brother. When Justin was finished looking, he closed the lid on the box and carefully put in back under the bed.
"I have to use the toilet," said Justin, "I hope I can go. I know that you will be able to see me sitting taking a dump."
"Jeremy, what is this thing hanging on the wall here?" Justin said with a bit of excitement. "Darned if I have any idea", said Jeremy.
After Justin had finished, Jeremy used to toilet to relive his bladder, and then suggested that they take a shower and get ready for bed. The shower was rather fancy itself. There was the standard shower head and two others located in separate locations. Jeremy showered first and found the extra spray heads to be most useful. He called Justin over to see how they worked, but Justin just remained standing near the bed, looking all around the walls and ceiling. Jeremy was finished but couldn't find any towels to dry himself, so he just allowed himself to 'air dry'. Justin went over and showered in silence.
While Justin was in the shower, Jeremy turned on the television. Nothing was on the screen, but Jeremy decided to leave it on anyway. Justin returned, dripping water droplets on the floor.
Jeremy had discovered a wall cabinet near the shower area and opened it up to find shaving supplies, toothpaste and several new tooth brushes. Also in the cabinet were several bottles of some sort of chemical which neither of the boys knew anything about.
Justin began a new conversation with Jeremy, " so tell me, what all did they make you do, what did you see and hear? Why did they keep us apart? Why are they so cruel? Do you think mom and dad will find us soon? Why can't they just let us go home? How come they shaved us bare and are keeping us naked? Please Jeremy talk to me, tell me why.
Jeremy decided not to say much of his experience, "Well, bro, I don't think that I am up to telling you what happened with me, at least not yet. Perhaps tomorrow I will tell you. Let's just get in bed and relax, and maybe we will be able to fall asleep. Tito says that we will have a very rough day coming up."
The brothers climbed into the single bed, and found it a little awkward being in close proximity to each other. They were able to lay flat with their heads on pillows, but still the torso's seemed to be touching from shoulders down to the feet.
Just about the time Justin was going to ask Jeremy about his ordeal, again, hoping to get answers, the television screen came to life. The first thing they saw was the Masters face, as he was sitting in a large leather chair.
"Good evening, slaves. I am pleased to see that your first evening with us has gone well. It was good to see that neither of you have lost your appetite and are enjoying each others company. I am also pleased that Tito has seemed to begin bonding with you both. Poor Tito has had to endure much over the years and he has most assuredly earned the privilege to be your 'mentor'; so to speak. You will do well to listen to him and heed his advice. I along with my wife and two sons are so happy that you have been sent to us. I hope that our family will become your main concern, for whatever length of time you are here with us. Which, I hope is many many years. You both will be spending most of your time working at your assigned tasks, and with my two sons. They both are easy to anger, so I would advise you to pay close attention to anything that they ask of you. I case you are wondering, your room has microphones and mini cams set up so that if the need arises I or my family can check up on you from time to time; along with the ability to transmit the video link to the living quarters of our 'paybacks'. You see, now that you are with us, the paybacks will have something to view on their television, be it your room, the training room or even the 'events room'.
"So, I shall leave you to watch a nice, heart warming video. This, by the way, is a new one. I believe this one stars you, Jeremy, at our compound. Likewise by late tomorrow your former parents will also be viewing a duplicate copy of it."
Almost if by magic, the lights in the room dimmed. The television screen came to life and there was Jeremy being led into the room which he had been forced to endure the sights and sounds of others and his own humiliations.
It didn't take long for Justin to start asking questions, and persisting on answers from his brother. Jeremy did the best he could to answer them. There were some questions that Jeremy just could not answer, because he honestly did not have one.
"Dang, Jeremy, look at your dick. It is as stiff as a board. Did watching them guys get messed with get you all excited, OR WHAT?" Why would something like that make you horny? And, by the way, did you know that your dick looks so much bigger without all that curly hair that you used to have?"
"Oh my God, why are those men pissing on you? That's disgusting, why would they do such a thing? Mom and dad are really going to be upset when they see that."
Before Jeremy could answer or at least comment on the barrage of questions and comments from Justin, the next images to appear on the television screen were of Jeremy being helped to a kneeling position and of a mans cock resting on his tongue. The next thing that Justins eyes captured were images of his brother taking piss into his mouth; then closing his mouth drinking and swallowing the human urine while the dick was still in place.
"Damn Jeremy, why are you doing that? What in the hell are mom and dad going to say? Don't tell me you like doing that sort of thing. What will your girlfriend say if she finds out you do those kinds of things with other men? That really is disgusting, you know."
"Justin, shut the fuck up will you. Let me explain. You don't know anything about anything. I didn't want to do that, but they made me. I had to swallow that piss or else I was going to be tortured like those other men in the video." Jeremy was beginning to think that his brother would get the wrong impressions if he didn't jump in with some sort of response. "Justin, I did it for you, for us, so that we might be set free and returned to mom and dad."
"I didn't know what they had done with you, or to you; but, I thought if I went along with their little game that they might just laugh it off and let us go." Jeremy had no idea that his dick had been hard while he was being pissed on or while he was swallowing it. The only thing Jeremy knew at the time was that he longed to be with his brother, to hold him and tell him that he loved him.
As the video concluded, with the lights remaining dim, Ray appeared on the screen and said, "We all hope you enjoyed your debut Jeremy. All of us enjoyed it, and I'm sure that the 'paybacks' loved it. Perhaps both of you will star in another movie, doing much the same thing with the 'paybacks'. Now, until tomorrow, I'll just say rest well and have a nice sleep, you'll need it."
The screen went blank, and the lights went out. Jeremy and Justin momentarily just lay there in silence.
"Can we talk more of this tomorrow Jeremy? Justin quarried. "Yes, tomorrow will be good if we do talk of this'" Jeremy responded in almost a whisper. "Let's keep our voices down at night, just in case they are listening or are taping us, OK?" Jeremy said.
Neither boy spoke; they just lay upon the bed, heads on pillows staring through the dark, towards the ceiling.
Justin turned on his side, facing Jeremy, laying his arm across his brothers' bare chest; as if to be holding on for dear life. "Jeremy, do you think they will really hurt us here? I wonder what they intend on doing to us. I am scared that I won't be brave like you and that they will punish me and hurt me or you." Justins' voice began to quiver and Jeremy couldn't stand the thought of his brother being in this state of mind. Jeremy turned, so that he too was on his side; now face to face with Justin.
Justin began to tremble with fear and physically began to shake. Jeremy put his hand over his brothers' body, so that his hand was now across Justins back.
Jeremy could tell that Justin was crying, just be the whimper he heard. He moved his other hand to Justins' face and could feel the tears coming down his cheek. Jeremy used his finger and ever so lightly wiped the tears away.
"I'm here Justin, and I will do everything I can to make sure that you are not harmed. I will take your punishments for you, if they allow me to. I don't want to see you hurt in any way. Perhaps this is my entire fault we are in this mess. I'm not sure what to think anymore, myself." With that said, Jeremy placed his lips onto Justins' face and gave him a kiss. "Good night Justin, tomorrow will be ok." Justin, still trembling, put his lips to his brothers' lips and kissed him, the likes of which threw Jeremy for a mental loop.
Both of them adjusted their bodies, so that they were now 'skin to skin, and remained with arms over each other. Jeremy could not help but to get an erection, which Justin could obviously detect; as he too began to get those masculine urges coursing through his own body. Justin slid his arm from Jeremys' back and gently placed his hand between the two of them, on his brothers' dick, holding it gently yet firmly. Both of the boys fell asleep shortly after Jeremy had put his hand on his brothers' cock, holding it in the same manner.
The sound of the door being opened began to get the brothers stirring in their bed. The lights were already on, when they raised their heads from the bed, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Before them stood Tito, looking refreshed and well groomed.
"Good morning, my little chipmunks. I hope you had a good rest? I have learned this day, that last night you got to watch a movie. I'm sure it was useful to you both."
Brothers or not, each of them had their usual morning erections, and with the lights on were a little embarrassed to get out from under the bed coverings. Tito, being a father and a mentor, sensed their modesty; but doing his job was equally important to him.
"Come now, let's get out of the bed so that we can find you some relief from you stiff cocks." Tito reached down and quickly pulled the covers back, displaying the naked teens; hairless and hard.
"This mornings training will be under my supervision and I hope that neither of you disobey me. I would hate to see either of you get punished for failing to obey. I might suggest that you listen more than you talk this morning. What you will be learning this morning, before breakfast, you will be doing every morning for the rest of your stay here. So learn it well, do it good, do it without hesitation."
Tito turned and walked over to the toilet. Both boys followed, walking almost side by side, mentally hoping that he would be the first to relieve himself of a full bladder. Once all three were standing near the toilet, Tito told Jeremy to sit down on the seat. "Sit down, sit erect and DO NOT PISS IN THE BOWL!" Tito's voice sounded more commanding today than yesterday. Jeremy did as he was told, without saying a word, without hesitation. Tito grasped the arm of Justin and pulled him in front of his brother.
"Now then, this shall be the normal routine for pissing anytime you are in your room. I want you to stick your cock in your brother's mouth so that he can swallow your nectar. Justin almost spoke out, almost hesitated; until he looked down at his brother and saw the look in Jeremys' eyes. A look that told Justin to 'just do it' and get this over with.
Justin did as he was told. The feeling of having a mouth on his cock made it that much more difficult to piss. All this sexual, touching and feeling was relatively new to him, but he seemed not to mind so much. His piss began to flow and without controlling the flow, began to make Jeremy gag and choke as he tried to swallow it all. Some of the piss flew back out of Jeremys' mouth onto his brothers legs, but that did not stop Justin from pissing nor did it stop Jeremy from swallowing the rest. When Justin had finished, Tito instructed Jeremy to lick the piss from Justins' body, where it had splashed.
Tito then had the boys reverse their positions, making Justin the one on the receiving end. Jeremy began to release his piss and little brother was having a hard time dealing with his first cock in his mouth, the first piss in his mouth and the need to swallow faster than he ever had to before. Like Jeremy, he spat some piss onto his brother. Some piss even made its way to the floor. After Justin had finished licking the piss off of Jeremy, Tito informed Justin that he had to clean the floor. Justin got down on his hands and knees and licked the floor clean.
"For your first time, you both did rather well. In a day or two you shall be expert urinals for each other. Now then, let's get cleaned up." Tito had them both enter the shower together. Each boy was made to wash the other and needless to say, they both again got erections. Tito had to raise his voice an octave or two, when both boys hesitated when it was time to wash the love hole of the other.
Tito reached a hand to each boy and checked for stubbles. Finding none, he politely said that most likely tomorrow would be shaving day. He kept the boys in the shower until the water has ceased to drop off of them, allowing them to return to the side of the bed.
"Now, while I go get your breakfast you are to make your bed, and don't forget to put clean sheets on every time. You will find sheets, if you haven't already, under the bed nearest the pillows. When you are done, I want you both kneeling, waiting for my return."
Tito turned and exited the room, closing the steel door; but did not lock it. The boys made the bed and smoothed out any wrinkles in the covering, then knelt down near the same spot they had done last night for dinner.
"Damn Jeremy, why did they make us do that? That was awful. If it had been someone else pissing in my mouth I would of bit off his dick. It doesn't taste anywhere near as bad as I thought it would, but still I don't feel good about doing that to you."
"Listen Justin, remember what Tito said. We will have to be doing this every morning and any other time we are in our room and either one of us needs to piss. So you just have to get your mind used to swallowing my piss anytime I need to go. And, don't be surprised when it comes a time, that somebody else will put their dick in your mouth. Remember what you saw on the television last night. They showed it to us for a reason, a good reason! If I can do it, so can you. At least for now, it is only my cock going into your mouth; mine, your brother, the one who loves you so much."
In the same manner in which Tito had done last night, he brought the boys their breakfast. Without having to say a word to them, the boys cleaned each others face when the meal was finished. Tito could tell, was hoping, that some of what the boys had seen and already done was going to be easily retained and done properly (in time). Tito covered the plates, but rather than taking them out, he just set the tray next to the door.
"Now my little lambs, I need to further instruct you on a few more things before we leave your room for awhile." Tito instructed, maneuvered the boys into learning different positions which they would be required to be in at different times. He taught them the proper 'display' position, along with what he called the 'offering' position; which was to be on the knees (spread wide), arms out with palms down along with the forearms and the butt kept high. He reminded them of the kneeling position that held last night when they met Ray and Aldo and never to look into anyone's face, NEVER! Tito said that other positions would be shown to them in the training room later, but for now that was enough to get through this day.
Tito 'asked' if they needed to use the toilet for a dump and both boys said yes. Tito led them back to the toilet area and Justin went first this time. When he was finished, Tito instructed Jeremy to use the tissue and clean Justins' hole. Justin did the same to Jeremy when he was done. "Let me just say, that by the time this roll of tissue is used up, you won't be needing any to clean your brothers hole anymore" Tito said with assurance. "Now, before we leave, you need to brush your teeth; and yes, you are to brush each others teeth twice a day until I tell you different". Awkward as it was, they each brushed the others teeth until Tito was satisfied that the task was performed well. Tito then told the boys to return to the bedside and assume the 'display' position.
Once in the 'display' position, Tito took up a seat on the chair. "Now then my little chick-a-dees, I need to tell you a little bit about the activities which are planned out for you for this morning. I'm sure you both will do just fine, with them. Just remember to obey any and all commands they give to you and you will be ok."
"Today and everyday, unless weather does not permit, you shall be doing some form of exercise. This early in the morning, no one is using the pool so the Master has granted you pool time; but not for horseplay, but rather to swim and maintain your physical condition. You shall also make full use of the exercise equipment down the hall."
"Today I will be with you to show you how to get to the pool, and where the exercise room is. After today you will be required to go on your own to these areas. When you have completed your workout this morning, I will be taking you out to the shop, where you are to be fitted with your nice new decorations. I will be with you the entire time, BUT, I won't be there to give commands; only to see that you are obedient and thankful. Remember the rules you were given last night, failure of them today could earn you a lot of pain and discomfort. Ok, good, no questions, MOST EXCELLENT!"
Tito rose from the chair, the boys followed; followed that is until Tito turned and saw them walking behind him. Mistake number one for the day.