SockluverThe New Additions |
SummaryTwo years ago then 14-year-old Danny was kidnapped by Marty and turned into a sex slave. Now Marty is bored with him and wants some new sex slaves. With Danny's help he seduced and kidnaps two boys. Through humiliation, beatings and mind control the new additions are trained to become obedient sex toys for Marty and his friends.
Publ. 1999 (ANCGS); this site Nov-Dec 2011
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CharactersDanny (16yo), Ray (17yo) and Kenny (15yo), and their master Marty (adult)Category & Story codesNon Consensual Man-Boy story/dungeonMt tt – non-cons oral anal – bdsm humil spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the e-mail address provided by the author, <>, is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. This is the error message I got:28 July 2007 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. <>: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) Giving up on |
Chapter 1He was hungry for a new conquest. Every since he had completely trained Danny, the excitement had gone out of having sex with him. Sure, his now totally obedient sex toy was always good for relief, but it just wasn't as exciting anymore. That's why they had taken the big trip to the city. Marty decided that Danny had been a good enough boy to treat him to a week's vacation in Milwaukee and buy him a new outfit, as well as pick up a new playmate for him. Of course, Danny could help now that he was completely under Marty's power.He had seduced Danny two years earlier, when the kid had just turned 14. Marty had posed as another teen on the Internet, gradually earning the young blondes trust, until they agreed to meet at an arcade. This was in Chicago, and before Danny even entered the Mall where they were to meet, Marty had seen his pray and acted. In his fake mall security uniform, he had asked the youth for help in pushing a stalled car. When Danny had got to the car, before anyone could see anything, he had an either soaked rag shoved in his face, while at the same time his body was shoved in the trunk. Ten minutes later, Marty was heading into the country in the stolen car, until he made the switch to his own 40 miles [60 km] up the road. After that it was a matter of training the boy through humiliation, beatings and mind control. Now at 16, Danny was the perfect live in teenage sex slave, totally obedient in all things, no matter what. That was the problem. Marty was bored. Along with the shopping, where Marty had bought Danny a nice set of new athletic shorts and tennis shoes, among some other supplies he needed to pick up, Marty was spending their week slowly cruising the suburban areas, on the lookout for what he wanted. On the third day he struck pay dirt. He came upon a vacant lot near a strip mall, where he spotted a group of about ten teenagers, skateboarding around the abandoned parking lot, jumping the curbs and generally trying to show off to one another with their latest tricks. He parked the Suburban he was driving behind some trees, and together with Danny, sat down with some binoculars and watched. Out of the ten or so boys skating, one caught his eye in particular. There! The kid with the brown hair, skating around topless, with those damned baggy jeans that were all the rage these days. They were hanging off his ass, showing off his Joe Boxers for the rest of the world to see. That's all right though, he could take care of those later. This piece of prime teen meat looked about 17 or so, and nicely built. He figured him to be about six foot or six foot one [1.80 m], at about 165 pounds [75 kg]. His brown hair fell over his face in long bangs that were dyed blonde, covering what looked like green eyes. He noticed the kid had at least three earrings in his left ear, and a tattoo that looked like a rope around his upper right arm. He had a nice covering of sweat over his torso that caused his lightly tanned skin to shine in the sun. That's him, he thought. Now, the problem of how to get him alone! As if on cue, the kid looked at his watch and said something to the rest of the group. They all waved as he stopped skating and flipped his board up into hand and walked over to one of the other kids and started talking to him. After a few seconds, much to Marty's surprise, his kid leaned over and kissed the boy he was talking to on the lips! Oh wow! Marty thought, this was going to be interesting indeed! His kid jogged over to what must have been his car (a very cherry Olds Cutlass) and hopped in and fired up the engine. Marty grabbed Danny, told him to get in the Suburban and set out to follow his prey. He almost lost him, but caught up with the Cutlass as it pulled into a Burger Barn parking lot. The kid threw on a ragged oversized T-shirt and headed inside. Marty knew he had to act fast. When he was sure no one was paying attention, he quickly ducked under the kid's car, and made a small cut in the lower radiator hose. Not enough to cause it to leak yet, but once the engine got warmed up; it should do the trick. He then took Danny inside to buy him a hamburger. A very rare treat for the house slave indeed! 15 year old Kenny was in the back of the burger barn getting yelled at buy the manager. He was tuning it out as usual, until he heard the words "you're fired". Fired? Shit, what was he going to tell his Mom? He had been having a hard time concentrating lately and this was the last thing in life Kenny needed at this point. He had been wrestling with some serious feelings lately. Feelings that only his new friend, Ray had helped him face. He was having a hard time accepting being a gay teen, not to mention being a gay teen virgin, with not a boy friend in sight. When he had seen Ray, a couple of weeks ago, waiting in line for a burger, his heart skipped a beat! What a stud! He had thought, and he had to stay close behind the counter to hide the embarrassing erection he got when he started thinking what Ray would look like naked. Ray had immediately picked up on the vibe of this cute kid in his burger uniform staring at him. He thought it was kind of cool, even though Ray was very much in love with his steady boyfriend, Paul. Ray, however, knew how hard it was coming to grips with being gay, and decided to hang out and talk to this kid after he got off work. Ray and Paul skated around the parking lot until the kid had got off, and never being the shy one, skated right up to Kenny when he saw the cute kid staring at him again. He asked straight out if Kenny was gay. Just seeing his cheeks flush bright red, was answer enough, and when Kenny started to stammer out a denial, Ray had told him that it was OK. He and Paul were gay as well. Kenny was delighted and crestfallen at the same time. He was happy he finally had found another kid to talk to about this, but sad that Ray already had a boyfriend. Still, over the last week, Kenny had become a pretty good friend to the whole skater group, and today Ray was supposed to pick him up after work, to go over and hang out with the guys. He was trying to screw up the courage to talk to James one on one. After the first day he met James, he had gone home that night and masturbated about a particular boy for the first time. When he thought of what James might look like naked, the cum flew out of his dick with such force that it hit the wall behind his head! While he knew this whole particular group was not gay, he did know of at least four that were, and James was the other kind of shy guy of the group. James clung kind of close to Ray and Paul, so he figured he might be, but had not the courage to ask yet. He was daydreaming of how to go about it, when he should have been watching the french fries. As a result, they burned up, his manager started yelling at him, and now all he had to show for his hopes, was a shrinking dick, being unemployed, lonely, and scared of telling his mom when he got home tonight. He walked into the bathroom to shuck his burger barn uniform for the last time. Ray arrived early to pick Kenny up from work, as he wanted to grab a burger before they made their way back to the rest of the skaters. As he was sitting there eating his burger and fries, wondering where Kenny was, he noticed a guy and a kid come into the restaurant. They were both wearing what looked like board shorts, and polo type shirts. The older guy looked to be in his mid thirties, and the kid with him, who he assumed was his nephew or something, looked about his age, seventeen or so. Both of them seemed to look at Ray for a moment, before going to order. It was probably his imagination Ray thought. The kid was quite good looking though, about five foot ten [1.75 m], and around 125 pounds [57 kg], with blonde hair parted in the middle, and a nice tan, that showed off nicely against nice new white Nike ankle socks, and Airwalk tennis shoes. The older guy he was with had what looked to be a military type haircut buzzed to the skin on the sides, with a patch of brown hair on top of his skull. He was about five ten [1.75 m] as well, but probably weighed around 180 or so [80 kg]. His legs were much paler then the kids and quite hairy compared to his companion. The younger kid followed the older one around like he was on a leash, thought Ron, like he was really shy or something. His observations were interrupted though, when Kenny walked up to him pouting. "Get me the fuck out of here," he told Ray, loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. Shrugging, Ray got up and followed Kenny, who was now dressed in baggy shorts and a T-shirt, out the door wondering what the trouble was. He ended up holding the door open for the two guys that were walking out the door with their to go order in their hands. The older man thanked him. Kenny hopped into the front seat of Ray's Olds and waited for his friend to start the engine. "Well, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" asked Ray. "I just got fired. I was daydreaming again, and I burnt some stuff. That was the fourth time this week! My mom is going to fucking kill me. Damn it!" He yelled. Ray, who knew more about what Kenny was thinking then Kenny realized, sat there for a moment and stared at his new friend. He knew that Kenny was desperately looking for love, and had a good idea who he was day dreaming about. He wanted to let his two younger friends feel each other out, but realized now, that they might need a nudge in that direction. He stared at Kenny for a moment, taking in the cute but anguished face of the fifteen-year-old sitting next to him. Kenny was small for his age, about five foot five [1.65 m] and 140 pounds [63 kg] or so, but had the most beautiful hazel eyes, when you could see them through his brown bangs. He would be perfect for James, thought Ray, except none of them were sure if James was gay or not. The five foot three [1.60 m], 120 pound [55 kg] blonde, was kind of withdrawn. He hung out with his group mainly to stay away from his house, where he and his dad did not get along well. He was going to find a way for the two shy dudes, to get together without anyone else around. Now if he could only figure out how! "Well, lets go catch up with the rest of the guys at the lake," said Ray. "You won't have to tell your mom right away anyhow." With that he fired up his 455-powered hot rod, jammed it into first gear and nailed the throttle hard, the posi-traction rear end allowing two parallel strips of rubber to be left in the parking lot as he flew into traffic. He didn't pay any attention to the suburban following them. Well, this didn't fit in with Marty's plans. He had only wanted one new addition, not two! He had to admit though, that the more he thought about it, the tighter the growing buldge in his shorts got! He had enough equipment get both of these guys in one grab with Danny's help, which of course, he knew he could count on. Danny was thoroughly his, and do whatever he was told. Yes, two would be good. Maybe he could let Danny get in on some of the fun! He was being a very good slave lately. He started telling Danny how they would do this 3; About two miles [3 km] down the road, Ray and Kenny were heading back toward the wooded lake where they were going to meet their friends. If he could get Kenny to take a couple of tokes, he might loosen up a bit, and get together with James. He jammed on the pedal, causing the B&M built Turbo 400 transmission to drop down a gear, and the balanced and blueprinted big block to came to life. Both boys grinned as they felt the 400 plus horsepower push them into the seats. Passing through 100 mph [160 km/h] though, a huge cloud of steam started billowing from under the hood and the Stuart Warner temperature gage pegged on full hot! "SHIT!" Screamed Ray, as he pulled the car over to the side of the two-lane road. They were at least three miles [5 km] from the nearest phone, and this wasn't a real well traveled road. He got out and opened the hood to see that his lower hose was spilling the radiator's contents out over the ground. He had just put brand new hoses on last month! He knew he should have spent the money on the braided kind, but he wasn't rich or anything and he sunk every spare penny he had into his baby. He looked at Kenny, who knew next to nothing about cars; except that he was begging his mom to get his learners permit, and suggested that one of them would have to walk for help, when they heard a car approaching. This was too good to be true thought Marty. He was afraid he would have to make the grab on a busy street, now here they were on a back road with no one in sight. This was going to be easy! Kenny and Ray both looked up to see a white suburban with tinted windows pull up behind the Olds on the side of the road. Ray was surprised when the two guys from the burger barn were in it. The older one spoke, "Hi there, looks like you got a bit of car trouble. Need a hand?" Ray couldn't put his finger on it, but for some reason this seemed weird. The cute kid was now out of the car as well staring at the engine compartment with Kenny. "Ah, thanks dude, but it's my radiator hose. I could fix it with some duct tape to limp it home, but I would still need some water." "Well, I have a car phone if you want to call someone, or I could give one of you a ride back up the road if you like. I'm Marty, by the way, and this is my nephew Danny." Marty lied, offering his hand. "Uh, I'm Ray and this is my friend Kenny," Shaking Marty's hand. "I could try and call my friend," thinking that there was probably no one home right now, but he didn't like the thought of going off with guy for some reason. I'm being stupid he thought; this dude is out with his nephew on vacation or something and just being nice. Still 3; "Sure, just hop in the front seat, the phone is in the center console. You will have to leave it plugged in, I killed the battery last night on the darn thing," Marty said. "Thanks Marty." Ray hopped in the rider's side of the monstrous SUV. He left the door open though as he dialed his friend Mark's number; praying that he was at home. Just as he hit the send button, he heard a scream over by his car and looked up to see Kenny clawing at his face. What the fuck? he thought, and turned just in time to see Marty aiming a can of something at him! The Pepper spray hit him right in the face and immediately Ray forgot about everything except the searing pain in his eyes! He put his hands to his face and immediately Marty lifted his shirt and zapped him with a stun gun, further immobilizing the larger teen, so Marty could get the cuffs on him. Once he had Ray's hands cuffed behind him, he pulled he confused and crying (from the pepper spray) teen out of the front seat and belted him in the back seat. He went over to help Danny grab the totally confused Kenny and secure his hands as well. Another painful zap from the stun gun made their work easy. Soon both Ray and Kenny were belted in the backseat, with their hands cuffed behind them. They both desperately wanted to rub their eyes, which still felt like they were on fire. While Danny cuffed their legs together with manacles, Marty fitted the boys with a stun belt, the type that violent prisoners wore in court. He could now remotely zap either one of them if they tried anything. Only then did Marty spray the antidote in their faces, bringing them relief. "OK you two listen up and listen good. Just keep quiet and do exactly as your told. If you try anything I can make it very uncomfortable for you understand?" Both were scared. Kenny was on the verge of tears, while Ray was a picture of rage. How could I let this fucking happen? He thought. Marty saw this, and slapped Ray across the face, leaving a red mark where his hand had struck him. "I asked you a fucking question, Ray. When I ask you a question, you answer with yes Uncle, got it?" Kenny who jumped in his seatbelt when he saw Ray get slapped blurted out "Yes Uncle," while Ray just glared at Marty. Marty held up the stun control and said, "well at least one of you isn't stupid." He pressed the button for Ray's belt. "AAAAGGGHHHH 3;All right Yes Uncle, Yes Uncle 3;.Stop it PLEASE!" Marty grinned. "That's much better Ray. That's not so hard now is it? Still, I don't need trouble today as we have a long trip ahead of us to your new home. You will get to know all the rules soon enough, both of you." Kenny was starting to cry. What was he talking about? His home was here. His mom would be pissed if he didn't show up. This was all happening too fast for him to comprehend. Ray was desperately looking for a way to escape, but pissed because this bastard had all the cards right now! He watched as Marty had Danny put on some rubber gloves and steer while he pushed his car off the road into the woods a little ways. Shit! While the car would not be hard to find, it would probably be days before anyone would look for it here. Shit! Neither Marty nor Ray saw a very nervous Danny slip something under the seat of the car as he got out. When they returned to the Suburban, Danny went to the back and came out with a canteen. He held it to Kenny's lips first, and the boy took a few gulps of the water, even though he didn't want to. He was afraid of getting zapped by that horrible belt! Ray would have nothing of it. He wouldn't open his mouth, until Marty told Danny to hold his nose shut. When Ray couldn't hold his breath any longer, his mouth opened involuntarily and he was forced to gulp some of the water down, but not without coughing most of it out over his T-shirt. It was enough though. The drug in the water soon took effect, and both captives' eyes got heavier and heavier until their heads bobbed off of their chest, so to anyone looking in, if they could see through the dark tinting, would just see two sleeping boys in the back seat. God this was exciting! Marty was getting that feeling again as he looked at the two unconscious teenagers in the backseat. "Danny we are going to have fun with these two! I may even let you fuck one of them!" "Thank you Uncle!" said Danny with as much enthusiasm as he could. While he was totally obedient to his master, this whole episode reminded him of a day two years earlier 3; "For now though, I need some relief, before we get on the road. Get over here boy, and get to work!" "Yes Uncle," replied Danny, and he crawled over the center console and opened the fly of Marty's shorts. He was greeted with the sight of a wet spot in the middle of his master's Jockey boxer briefs, which were covering a sizable erection. Danny pulled the waistband down under the base of Marty's balls, and put his mouth over the six inch [15 cm] cut dick, that was already leaking a huge load of cock snot. He heard the familiar moan, as he started running his tongue all over the underside of Marty's dick. Month's of training and punishment for doing it in correctly had made the sixteen year old blonde an expert at fellating his master. He started to play with Marty's balls as he increased the pace of his sucking. As always, Danny was now getting hard while he sucked. He wanted desperately to fondle his own dick, but he knew that was not allowed. He felt sorry for these two new boys, but at the same time happy that he might have some company closer to his own age, even if they were forced into servitude of Marty and his bastard friends. He hoped upon hope his plan would work! For now though, he had to go along. He felt Marty grab his ears, and pull his head down on his fuck tool, and he knew it was coming. Soon he felt the hot goo bouncing off the back of his throat! He swallowed every drop, ensuring he didn't spill any. When he was sure his master was dry. He placed his softening penis back into its cotton pouch, zipped up Marty's fly and sat back over in the seat. "Thank you for letting me suck your dick Uncle!" Reciting the required line. "You're very welcome Danny." Marty started the engine and turned the Suburban around. Soon they were on the way back to his home state, with his new cargo safely tucked in the back seat. Marty put in his favorite CD set the cruise control, then reached over to play with Danny's naked thigh. When they got back to his forest hideaway the real fun could begin!
Chapter 2It took about six hours to drive back to Marty's property, deep in the Wisconsin forest. He had inherited a small fortune as the only son of a large beer company founder. Now he could afford to spend most of his time at his lair, a very large house nestled on 50 acres [20 ha]. He did most of his work via computer, for a few hours a day, allowing him to pursue his other hobbies. When Danny got out to unlock the gate on the private road leading to his house, Ray and Kenny were still sound asleep. They would probably be out for at least three more hours, Marty figured. He drove through, and after Danny got back in the Suburban, he drove the remaining mile and a half [2½ km] to his house, driving into the four car garage, and closing the door behind him via the remote control.Once inside the garage, he got an old military stretcher he had, and laid in on the floor next to the SUV. With Danny's help, he first got Ray out of the backseat, and laid the unconscious teenager onto the cot and strapped him to it. Together they carried him through the hall and down the stairs into the basement, which had been converted into a very well equipped dungeon with the help of some of Marty's more perverted friend's. It had also been Danny's home for the last two years. Only recently had he been allowed upstairs and only then on special occasions. After removing the stun belt, they laid Ray out on a cot in a small cell in the corner. His leg irons and handcuffs were left on. They repeated the process with Kenny and locked him in a cell next to Ray. The cells looked just like an old west jail, constructed of iron bars set into the concrete floor. There were four of them, and now two were occupied. Danny's cell was left open as now he was only locked in it at night or when he was being punished for some other infraction. After locking the door to Kenny's cell, Marty turned to Danny. "You were very good on this trip Danny, so now I am going to rely on you to help me there their training. I want you to change into the clothes I have left out for you in your cell, then call me when they wake up." "Yes Uncle," Replied Danny, going to what he now thought of as his room. He knew it was too good to last. This trip was the first time in two years that he got to dress like a normal teen and sleep in a motel, and now it was back to business as usual. Marty had promised to take him out more often based on his behavior on this trip, so he did his best to go along with everything he said, including hunting for the new boy. The thought of running away stayed in the back of his mind, but if he got caught, he didn't want to think of the punishment that he would receive. In his cell, he took off his new clothes and put them in the small dresser that was in there. Lying on his cot were the clothes that Marty must have put there before they left for Milwaukee in anticipation of having a new addition to the 'family'. He pulled on the black spandex bikini underwear first, followed by a skintight black T-shirt. Next was a set of denim overall's that were the short pants type, that were so short, his ass cheeks were barely contained in the back of them. Black athletic socks, and black and white Chuck Taylor high top sneakers completed his outfit, or so he thought. He hadn't noticed the collar until now. He hated the collar, which brought back memories of his first days in this dungeon. He shuddered when he picked up the vile thing, which was thick black leather, about an inch [2½ cm] wide. He looked in his small mirror to make sure he got it on strait, so that his 'dog tag' was hanging off the front, as Marty insisted. Stamped into the metal tag were the words, Slave Boy Danny. He pushed the small padlock through the hasp and locked it, knowing only Marty had the key to unlock it. Now fully dressed as his 'uncle' and master desired, he lay down on his cot and stared at the sleeping form of Kenny in the cell next to him. He hoped someone would find his note 3; About an hour later, Kenny began to wake. He must have been having a bad dream he thought. His head hurt, and when he went to rub it, he couldn't move his hands. It came back to him in a flash! When his eyes focused, he saw that he was lying in what looked like a jail cell, and he was staring at Ray, in the cell next to him, also cuffed. Panicked now he rolled over to see that kid from the Suburban, Danny staring at him! He also noticed the clothes he was wearing when without a word to him, he got up and walked out of the cell he was in and out of his view. Why was he wearing such weird clothes? Was that a dog collar he had on? What was this place? He rolled back over and whispered to Ray to see if he was awake. His older friend did not stir. He wanted to shout out but was afraid to. He rolled back over to see Danny coming back with Marty. When Danny had called on the intercom saying one of the new boys was awake, Marty's cock immediately twitched in anticipation inside the jockstrap he was wearing under his black sweat suit. He immediately went downstairs, where Danny was waiting for him, and walked over to Kenny's cell where the frightened youth was now fully awake and struggling in his bonds. "Ah, I see your awake Kenny. Welcome to your new home! Danny, help me get your new brother out of his cell so we can start to play." "Yes Uncle," Danny replied, and they both grabbed Kenny and pulled him out into the main area of the room. "P-please just let us go, we won't tell anyone I promise," Kenny pleaded as they took him over and stood him between two large wooden beams in the floor. "Don't speak unless spoken to, Kenny. That's against the rules." Marty said, as he undid the handcuffs behind Kenny's back. "Now be a good boy and take your shirt off." "W-W-Why do I have to do that?" Kenny asked in a quivering voice, rubbing his wrists. "Kenny, around here you do as you're told without questions. I have told you that once already in the back of the Suburban. If you continue to disobey, you will be punished. I promise you that you will not like that. Now be a good boy and TAKE YOUR FUCKING SHIRT OFF!" Kenny winced at the anger in Marty's voice, and without event thinking what it implied, he shucked his T-shirt. Danny took it from him and tossed it in a trashcan. Before Kenny knew what was happening, Marty had placed his wrists in large leather cuffs that were attached by chains to the beams he was standing between. Marty took the slack out of the chains so the small teen's arms were pulled tightly out and slightly up, leaving him restrained and exposed in the middle of the room. "Take his leg irons off Danny, he won't be going anywhere now," said Marty, while peering in to Kenny's eyes. This is what he loved best. The feeling of power over his boys, the fear in their eyes; his dick was now painfully erect, tenting out his sweatpants, even with the jockstrap on. Kenny swallowed hard. He wanted to speak, to ask what was going on, but he was terrified. He wished Ray would wake up. He would know what to do. He felt Danny undoing the leg chains while Marty was staring at him. He wanted to look away, but for some weird reason he couldn't. Marty walked up to him and started running his hands all over his naked chest and back, causing goosebumps to break out over his body. Suddenly Marty licked his ear, and he gave a start and tried to back away, only to pull on his chains. Marty grabbed his head in his hands and held him hard while he started licking all over his ear and cheek. Kenny started to cry. "Oh, come on now Kenny, it's not that bad." Marty said. "But since you moved away from me, you will have to be punished. Remember that you belong to me now and have to do everything I say. We will wait a bit though, I'm sure your pole smoking friend over there will need to be punished too." Kenny's eyes got big when Marty said that. "Oh yes, I know all about Ray. I saw him give his boyfriend a goodbye kiss. That's good. I won't have to train him how to do that, but what about you Kenny. Do you like to kiss boys?" Kenny blushed at this and looked away. He was still sniffling, and although he knew he was gay, he didn't like to talk about it, especially to this creep. He felt Marty rubbing his stomach now, with a finger probing his navel, while the other hand played with his right nipple. Kenny started to shuffle his feet a little as his nipples hardened and his dick started to stiffen, however slightly. He had never been touched so intimately before in his life, and as scared as he was, his teenaged hormones were kicking in. "Have you ever kissed a boy Kenny?" Marty whispered inches from his ear. Kenny shook his head violently from side to side. "Remember how you are supposed to answer me Kenny. Say 'no Uncle, I have never kissed a boy'." Kenny closed his eyes and whispered, "no uncle, I have never, I have never kissed a boy." "That's better Kenny. Well I can help you there, or rather Danny can. Danny come give Kenny his first kiss," said Mary cheerfully. Oh my God thought Kenny. What did I just say? Just then he saw Danny walking toward him. He was wearing a dog collar! Shit! He had to admit though that this kid was good looking, and the too-small overalls left little to the imagination. Then he was right at his face. Danny put his hand on the back of Kenny's head and brought his lips up to Kenny's. At first Kenny was too mortified to do anything, but then he felt Danny's tongue forcing its way into his mouth! Oh Man! Without thinking, Kenny started to respond to the tongue in his mouth. While he was now scared shitless, he was also getting very aroused. He had wanted to do this for over a year. Not like this of course, but now that it was happening, his pent up sexual frustration was letting itself out. He started to hump up against Danny, who was humping him back. "OK, that's enough," said Marty, pulling Danny away. Kenny's shorts (as baggy as they were) were now sporting a very large tent, much to Kenny's shame. "So it is true. You do like kissing other boys. Well this is going to be lots of fun." Just then they heard moaning coming from the corner cell. "Ah good, I see your friend is coming around. Danny get the chair and put it in front of Kenny here while I go get Ray." "Yes Uncle," said Danny, and Kenny watched as he dragged a funny looking wooden chair over in front of him. It was wood with wide arms and a very tall straight back. On the arms and legs were thick leather straps. Ray woke slowly. Much the same as Kenny, he tried to move his limbs and found they were still bound. He had to pee, and he was very thirsty! Before he even was really aware of his surroundings, he felt himself being lifted up and led out of what appeared to be a jail cell. He was starting to remember what had happened as he was half walked, half carried, into the main room. He felt the cuffs coming off his wrists, and he wanted to strike out, but he didn't have the energy and his limbs were too stiff. He felt himself being shoved into a chair, and his arms being strapped to the arms of the chair. He came awake very quickly though when he focused on Kenny, wearing only his shorts shoes and socks, chained between the two beams in front of him. "What the Fuck! Let us go you fucking asshole. What the fuck is your problem? Fuck 3;!" SLAP! Ray's face recoiled hard when Marty slapped him. "I am the only one allowed to curse around here Ray. You will have to be punished for that, but we have all night to take care of that." Marty said. "We need to get started on both of your training." Ray tried to kick out at Marty, as his feet were still unfettered, but Marty saw it coming and stepped back easily. He grabbed Ray's baggy jeans by the legs, and gave one yank to pull them easily off right over his shoes revealing his Joe Boxer underwear with all the smiley faces all over it! "You fucking pervert! Give me my goddamn pants back you asshole! I will fucking kill you, you son of a bitch." Kicking the whole time and struggling with the leather restraints on his arms. He would have kept screaming obscenities too, if Marty hadn't shoved a ball gag in his mouth. While he fastened the device around the back of Ray's head he was talking. "Ray I was afraid you were going to be like this. I know your skater punk type. What you need to learn is some discipline, and I am the one that is going to give it to you. You keep breaking the rules and you have only been awake for five minutes. You need to be more like your friend Kenny over here. He seems to enjoy himself. Look at his dick sticking out in his shorts." When Marty said this, Kenny wanted to crawl in a hole and die! He couldn't help it! That kiss and the grinding had set his hormones into overdrive. He was scared to death, embarrassed and turned on all at the same time! He didn't know what to do, all he new was he didn't want to be here! Now his older friend, whom he counted on to get him out of this mess, was tied to a chair with no pants on! He watched as Marty placed Ray's struggling legs into the thick leather restraints and pushed his socks down so he could get the straps tight against his skin. Ray's legs were now secured so that they were spread apart leaving his crotch wide open for Marty to play with. Marty was admiring Ray's tan muscular legs as he fought with him to get them secured. Once he had them tight in the cuffs, he took time to slowly rub them up and down, enjoying the feeling of the little peach fuzz that was the only hair on them. He ran his hands further up Ray's legs, pausing to rub the inside of his thighs, and he could feel Ray's muscles tighten while he fondled him. This just got Marty more excited, and he next licked the inside of Ray's thigh while Ray screamed into his gag. Satisfied Marty got up and told Danny to bring his work tray over. He stared down at Ray, whose blonde bangs were now almost hiding his whole face, and then over to Kenny, who was still kind of freaking out over the whole thing. "First off Ray, you look like a punk, and I don't like punks. I got rid of those ridiculous pants that all you punks like to wear, but that hair! What the hell are you supposed to look like? Well Uncle Marty and will take care of that." Marty said with enthusiasm. Ray was pissed off! He was scared as well but he didn't want to let this bastard know that. When he started running his hands over his legs, and then licking him, he wanted to do something, anything to make him stop, but he was bound too well. He was beginning to see the hopelessness of the situation and was fighting back tears of frustration when he saw Danny rolling up a large wheeled cart with all kinds of stuff on it. Marty said something about his hair and he reached down onto the cart and pulled back a set of electric clippers! Marty leered at Ray as Danny handed him an extension cord and he plugged the clippers in. He flicked the switch and a loud clack followed by a steady buzz was heard. Oh shit, thought Ray. It had taken him almost the whole summer to get his bangs to wear they would cover his face! Paul had even helped him dye the front blonde! Marty leaned over to him and held the clippers to his ear so he could almost feel the buzz in his brain. Then Marty stood back up. "You know what? I want to watch this. Danny, I am going to let you give Ray here a haircut. Cut it just like I did yours when you first got here." "Yes Uncle," Danny replied. He took the buzzing clippers from Marty and walked up next to Ray. He saw the pleading eyes of the bound, near naked teen. Danny flashed back for a moment to the night when Marty had his head in a powerful grip as he ran the clippers over his skull. He was so scared! He had been kept like that for months until Marty had determined that he was trained enough to let it grow out. While Ray's eyes silently pleaded with Danny not to do it, the blonde knew he did not have a choice. He would at least try to be more gentle then Marty had been with him. He took a handful of the blonde bangs in Ray's face and lifted it up. He then placed the unguarded blade against Ray's forehead 3; "Oh shit no!" thought Ray when Danny, who did look like he was sorry, placed the buzzing blade on his skin. He felt the cold steel of the cutters hacking a path over the middle of his head. There was no stopping him now. Danny started running the cutters over his head repeatedly and Ray could see mounds of hair falling down on and around him. He also could see Marty rubbing his groin through his black sweatpants while he watched, captivated as Ray was shorn. When Danny said he couldn't get the hair on the back of his head with the gag on, Marty knelt down to Ray's face. "I am going to take the gag off you now Ray, but listen to me. If I hear one peep out of you, I will go over to your buddy there and punish him for anything you do. Do you understand me?" While Ray wanted to fight this bastard every step of the way, he couldn't bare for anything to happen to Kenny. He looked scared out of his wits over there and there is no telling what this pervert would do to him just to get at me. He knew he had lost this round and nodded that he would be quiet. He did feel great relief when the now slobbery ball was removed from his mouth. He was still gasping for breath and working his mouth around when he felt Danny press his head to his chin and finish the job on the back of his skull. Danny didn't quite know why, but he was getting terribly excited while cutting this new guy's hair. His little overalls were now sporting a pronounced buldge in them as he finished his task. He was finally in control of someone else for a change and it aroused him tremendously! All too soon he was finished and to Ray's horror, he held up a small mirror to his face and showed him his new hairdo! He had nothing but a five-o-clock shadow left on his head! Without any hair his ears also looked like they stuck out more he thought. Oh god! A single tear escaped his eye as he looked away from the mirror. Danny put the mirror down and brushed away the piled up hair off of Ray. "You look much better Ray," Marty said, tugging on one of Ray's earrings. "I will keep you like this until you learn to obey so it is up to you." He turned to Kenny, "I like the hair on your head the way it is Kenny, so we will leave it there for now as long as you're a good boy. Now the rest of your hair though, we will take care of that when we are done with Ray here. Danny, cut Ray's underwear off." "Oh no, he is going to find out!" thought Ray. Helplessly he watched as Danny took a small pair of scissors and started cutting up the side of his boxer shorts. He closed his eyes as Danny pulled off the shredded undergarment that had been a gift from his boyfriend. Now naked but for his skecher skater shoes and white socks, he heard both Danny and Marty gasp, as they discovered what up until now he only shared with his lover. He kept his crotch shaved smooth as the day he was born! Color crept into Ray's cheeks as Marty smiled and ran his hand over the smooth area just above his cock. "Way to go Ray!" Laughed Marty. "You just saved Danny some work!" He turned to Kenny; "Did you know Ray shaved his pubes Kenny?" Kenny, who was just as surprised as the other two, turned bright red at the question. He was shocked and excited at the same time seeing his friend naked like that. He was always afraid of getting caught staring in the showers at school, and now his new best friend was naked with a bald dick right in front of him! "Uh, no sir, I mean uncle, I didn't." "Well, we better make sure you two match now shouldn't we? Danny, bring the cart and the clippers over here. Oh wait; let's get Ray set up first. Get his dick nice and hard Danny so we can get him harnessed up." Marty said as he pulled some more materials off the cart. "I have to make some new tags here." Both Kenny and Ray watched as Marty started to mess around with some kind of machine on a workbench, but their attention quickly went to Danny, especially Ray, as the collared slave boy took Ray's up until now, flaccid penis into his mouth. Danny was very good at what he did, as even though Ray didn't want to go along with their plans, his dick had other ideas. It started to stiffen inside Danny's hot, wet mouth. Ray tried to think of other things, but soon was at full hardness as the sucking continued. Next Danny started to play with his smooth balls, while he tongued the piss slit of Ray's six incher [15 cm]. As soon as Danny tasted Ray's precum that started to flow out, he stopped and stood up. Ray saw that Danny was sporting quite a hardon in his pants as well. Kenny, whose shorts now looked ridiculous as they failed to conceal the huge boner the youngster was sporting, was just staring wide eyed at his first look at man to man sex. Even though he was tied up, he was now very turned on at the same time, much to his confusion and embarrassment. "He's ready uncle." Danny said to Marty, who was now walking back toward Ray. "Excellent work Danny, here put Ray's cock and ball harness on." "Yes uncle," replied Danny, taking the leather device from Marty. He knelt back down in front of Ray, and while the bound teen watched in scared fascination, Danny expertly attached the device to Ray's hard dick. The vile thing had straps that wrapped around each testicle, separating them and spreading them out wide, as well as wrapping tightly around the base of his dick, making point obscenely out from his body at a 45 degree angle. "Very good Danny, now here is his new collar with his very own name tag. Put it on him." "Yes uncle." Danny's hands trembled as he took an identical collar to the one he was wearing from Marty's hands. Tears filled Ray's eyes as Danny fastened the thick leather around his neck. He saw the word Slave Boy Ray stamped into the tag that would hang off the front of him just like Danny's. He tried to move his head around to avoid the collar, but it was no use. Even though it wasn't on tight enough to restrict his breathing, he felt like he was being strangled, and started to hyperventilate. He started to panic, until Marty rubbed the stubble on his head and whispered to him. "Just calm down boy, you won't suffocate. Breathe deep and slow. Get used to your new collar. You will be wearing it a long time. Look how cute it looks on Danny." Ray calmed a bit as he heard the lock click into place on the back of his neck. Marty leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He wouldn't open his mouth until Marty held his nose shut again. Marty forced his tongue into Ray's mouth and started to play with his still stiff dick. Ray was whimpering in frustration when Marty finally stopped, and stood back up. "We have time for that later. It's Kenny's turn now!" Marty said as he turned to the chained up teen behind him. "Kenny, why don't you ask Danny here to take off your shorts so we can see if your dick is bald." Oh shit! What am I gonna do? Kenny was too frightened to speak. He didn't want to be naked in front of everyone. Yet his dick was as hard as ever. What was going to happen? Is he going to put one of those things on my dick? Is he going to put a collar on me? Oh shit! He just started to shake his head no. Marty shook his head. He picked up Ray's discarded jeans and pulled the black leather belt out of them and doubled it over. "Kenny, I have given you an order and your shaking your head no. That is unacceptable. You need to learn your lesson now." He started walking toward him. "Leave him alone you Bastard!" Ray shouted, but it was no use. Marty walked behind Kenny and raised his arm. "Take my shorts off Danny! Please take my shorts off!" Kenny screamed in fear. "That's better Kenny, but you still need a lesson." WHAP! The belt struck Kenny on the back of his thigh. "OUCH! Take my shorts off PLEASE Danny!" WHAP! On the other thigh! "Please take my short's off." Kenny was crying openly now. Marty dropped the belt. "Much better, remember both of you, you belong to me now and do as I say. Period!" Kenny's thighs were burning as Danny walked up and started unbuttoning the fly of Kenny's baggy khaki shorts. Danny slowly ran his hand up inside the legs of the shorts and played with Kenny's dick, through his boxer shorts before taking them out and slowly pulling his shorts down his thighs. Kenny was sniffling when Danny pulled first one foot, then the other through the leg holes. Now Kenny was just wearing his white socks, Nike's and patterned Hanes boxers. Danny smiled because Kenny's little five incher [12½ cm] was sticking out of the slit in his underwear. Danny looked back at Marty, who nodded his head. Danny grabbed Kenny's boxers in his teeth and started to slowly pull them down with his mouth. Kenny started to moan and tried desperately to lock his leg together to trap his falling underwear, but it was no use. Despite the waistband of his underwear getting temporarily caught up on his straining teen cock, his boxer shorts were soon also down around his ankles. His five inch [12½ cm] cut penis was sticking straight out of its sparse brown bush, now that it was unencumbered by cloth. Kenny had never been so humiliated in his life! He was embarrassed of his body to begin with (although he had no reason to be!), and he had a giant woody now to add the icing to the cake! "Well, I guess Kenny here has a bit of a forest we need to deal with. Sorry Kenny, but I don't let my boys have any body hair. Why don't you ask me to shave your pubes for you." Marty said. Kenny couldn't even look at Marty, not to mention Ray. He couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth even as he said them. "Please shave my pubic hair Uncle." "Hey, I would like that Kenny, thank you." Marty replied, as he picked up the clippers. Oh my god! What did I just say? Thought Kenny. Marty was walking toward him with the buzzing clippers. He got up right to his face and just smiled as he pressed one hand to the small of his back. Soon Kenny felt the now hot steel blades pressing against his abdomen as Marty held his body in place. He shuddered as he felt the vibrating instrument cut a path through his already sparse patch of light brown pubic hair. It only took about four swipes until he was nearly as bald as his friend and mentor; who was silently fighting his bonds directly across from him. Marty then sprayed some shaving cream into his hand, looked at Kenny and smiled. He then spread it around his entire groin, causing his dick to throb even more, especially when Marty spread the cream on his ball sack. Kenny was humiliated at his aroused state in front of his friend, but try as he might; he couldn't will his cock to go soft. He watched as Marty scraped away the stubble that was the last remnants of what had been his bush. His dick started to drool precum as Marty gently shaved his balls, not that there was any hair there to begin with. Marty walked behind him and kicked his legs apart. "Danny come over here and hold Kenny's butt cheeks apart for me." Danny came to the front of Kenny and knelt, so that he was eye to eye with Kenny's now totally hairless dick, reached around and pulled his pert cheeks apart. Kenny could feel Marty looking at his totally exposed ass hole now, and got even more humiliated then he already was. "Hmm, a few hairs back here we need to take care of!" Kenny felt a finger spreading some cream where no one had ever touched him before. He let out a moan, and his knees started to give way. "Take it easy Kenny, stay very still while I finish this." "Y-yes uncle." "Good boy Kenny." He felt the blade scrape the area around his most private spot. His dick was a ticking time bomb by this time. Marty tossed Danny a towel. "Clean him up Danny, and we will finish getting Kenny ready." "Yes uncle," Danny replied and started wiping the excess shaving cream off Kenny. This was more than Kenny could handle! When Danny started rubbing his balls with the towel, Kenny let out a loud squeal, and his hairless cock started shooting long streams of white hot teen jizz all over the floor. Danny tried to stand out of the way, but still caught a blast right on his chest. When Kenny was done with one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever had, he hung limp by his chains, exhausted, ashamed, and afraid. "Kenny, I didn't give you permission to do that! Look what you did to Danny's clothes and to the floor!" Marty said angrily. "I, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. When he touched my, my thing, he 3;" "Your cock, Kenny, when he touched your cock! It doesn't matter now; you will clean this mess up right now. Danny, you might as well take off your clothes. Just your underwear and shoes boy." Ray watched as Danny started stripping, and Marty fixed an identical collar around Kenny's neck. Marty unchained his friend and shoved him down on his hands and knees. He gave Kenny his boxers and told him to wipe up his cum off the floor with them. Silent tears were falling from the flushed cheeks of his naked friend, while he wiped up his mess off the floor. Ray wanted to say something, anything to make his friend's humiliation stop, but he could not think of what to do. Damn it! He looked at Danny, who was now wearing only his skimpy black briefs and shoes and socks, and wondered what Marty had done to him to get him to be so compliant. He shuddered at the thought. Kenny's arms dropped the moment they were unchained. They felt like rubber. He closed his eyes tightly when the collar was locked onto him, hoping he would wake any moment from this nightmare. The only awakening he got though, was Marty shoving him to the floor and handing him his underwear to use as a rag. He crawled around wiping up his spent seed, trying not to let Ray see him crying. He wanted to be as cool and brave as his buddy seemed to be, but it wasn't working. When he was done he looked up at Marty, who told Danny to take the cum soaked boxers from him, and for Kenny to stand up and place his hands behind his head. Out of his peripheral vision Kenny could see Marty getting something off the wall. When he came back in front of Kenny, his eyes got bigger as he saw that Marty was holding a large paddle with holes drilled in it. Painted on it were the words, DANNY'S BEEN A BAD BOY. "This is Danny's paddle," Marty began, "but since you two haven't had the chance to make your own yet, his will do for now. You came without permission Kenny, and for that you will receive four strokes." Ray saw Kenny bite his lower lip. This was too much! "Leave the kid alone you bastard! He couldn't help it. He's fifteen for God sakes. What do you expect?" "I expect you to shut the hell up Ray. You haven't learned your lesson yet either obviously. I think you will get twenty strokes. For now though I am tired of listening to you. Danny, use Kenny's underwear to quiet Ray down please." Ray saw Danny come at him with the funky shorts. He was going to fight this, he thought, until he saw the sorrow in Danny's eyes, and knew that he was just doing what he was told. He didn't resist as much as he wanted to when Danny shoved the wet boxers halfway into Ray's mouth. Danny was surprised when he saw that Ray had a tongue stud. He wondered if that had hurt, and what it would feel like to have that tongue give him a blowjob. No time for that now though, as Danny then took a length of tape, and fastened the make shift gag in place. "Kenny, go and bend over Ray's lap." Marty instructed. Kenny, who was too frightened to do anything but obey, did as he was told. When he lay over Ray's lap, he could feel his friend's leather bound cock sticking right into his belly. He squirmed to adjust himself, but no matter where he moved, he could feel Ray's manhood, and it sent small jolts through him. His dick started to get half-hard again. "You will say 'thank you uncle' after every stroke or I will start over Kenny. Do you understand?" "Y-yes uncle." Kenny replied, and grabbed Ray's arm and shut his eyes. He heard the first blow before he felt it, the flat wood of the paddle making a loud slapping sound on Kenny's cute tushy. His cheeks showed color almost immediately. Although it started to burn quickly, Kenny didn't cry out, he just said in a barely controlled voice. "Thank you Uncle." "Very good boy. Take it like a man." Marty said, and laid the second blow. SLAP! Ray could feel Kenny squeeze his arm when he felt the impact of the paddle on his rear. He wanted to cry for the kid, as he knew it had to hurt. He also felt Kenny's now hard dick pressing into his leg and it caused his own tied up prick to give a stir. This hot smooth body rubbing all over him was sending signals to his lower brain! By the time the fifth blow had landed and Kenny was openly crying, both boys had slug tracks over their laps from their dicks leaking on each other. Marty pulled Kenny off of him and looked at both of their pricks. Ray noticed that Marty's sweat pants were hugely tented out. "Not bad Kenny, your learning. I see you're hard again. Remember no cumming unless I say so. Now just stand with your hands behind your head while we get your friend ready for his punishment." So there stood Kenny, naked but for a collar and his socks and shoes, with bright red buttcheeks, watching in fascination, as Marty started to untied Ray from the chair. Mart first attached a leather cuff to Ray's wrists before undoing one of his arms. Ray immediately started to struggle, but he was in too awkward a position to be successful at landing any blows. Soon Marty had his left arm locked to Ray's collar, and then the right one. Only then did he undo Ray's legs and haul him up out of the chair. He dragged Ray by his collar over to what some weird looking wooden bench. He placed Ray, who was still fighting every step of the way, into a kneeling position and locked his ankles into a wooden board of some kind. The more this kid struggled, the more excited Marty was getting. He loved a teen with spirit! Ray was a very built kid and had a lot of strength, and judging from the scars and scabs on him, had seen his share of fights, so Marty was being very careful how he handled him. After he locked his wrists to his collar, he dragged the struggling kid over to the whipping/fucking bench, avoiding being a target in case he tried to kick him. He got his legs positioned into the stocks and placed the top locking board into place. Ray was livid! He was lashing out anyway he could at the bastard but he knew what he was doing to well, keeping him unbalanced the whole time. With wrists locked to his neck he couldn't balance himself enough to do anything except go where Mary wanted him to. He was shoved onto some kind of bench and felt his ankles placed into wooden cutouts for them. Before he could try to move them, and board was placed on top of them immobilizing him. Ray screamed into his gag, as Marty started untying his Sketchers. He felt his shoes being removed and then his socks being yanked off. Ray was now completely naked as Marty unlocked one arm at a time and pulled it tight out in front of him, buckling it into yet another leather cuff. Marty turned a crank to take up the slack in the chains attached to the cuffs, pulling Ray's chest tight against the padded support of the bench. He was in a kneeling position and bent over at the waist as well with his arms pulled tight in front of him. This left his ass and the soles of his feet as inviting targets. Ray was still screaming into the gag at the frustration of being so helpless and vulnerable. Marty smiled at his handiwork then called Kenny and Danny over to him. Marty handed Danny the paddle. "Danny, I want you to give Ray his punishment while Kenny and I watch. Make sure you lay the strokes on good too, or I will tie you down right next to Ray. Do you understand me boy?" Danny swallowed hard. He knew what this damned paddle felt like on his ass and hated it with all his heart. To further his humiliation, he had been made to sand and paint the vile thing! He looked at Ray's prone figure and then back to Marty, who was rubbing his dick through his sweats. He also knew that if he argued at all he would just get whacked as well. He looked at Ray one more time then said, "yes Uncle, I understand." "Good boy. First I think I will get more comfortable." Marty said and pulled a chair over to watch the show. What he did next really make Kenny frightened, for Marty stripped completely naked! He sat down on the chair, and said, "Come sit on Uncle Marty's lap Kenny." Kenny was repulsed! Fantasizing about his friends was one thing, but this guy was a grown man, like twice his age! While Marty wasn't a bad looking guy, he just wasn't comfortable around naked people, especially when he was too! "Come here Kenny!" Marty commanded, and Kenny started to slowly walk toward him, his once rigid pleasure pole now a shriveled up worm. Marty grabbed his wrist and yanked Kenny onto his lap. Now he was very afraid! It felt very strange sitting on this guy's lap, with both of them being naked. Kenny could feel Marty's turgid six-inch [15cm] hardon pressing into the small of his back. Marty placed his hand on top of Kenny's legs, right next to his dick, and spoke. "That's better. This will be nice. Danny, you can start spanking Ray, Twenty strokes remember. We will let Ray slide on thanking you, because I think he will need that gag in him for a while to come yet!" Ray was looking over his shoulder at Danny, who was now directly behind him with the paddle in his hands. The evil thing looked out of place in the hands of such a cute blonde boy! They made brief eye contact, and Danny wanted to say I'm sorry, but he knew he dared not speak to Ray. Ray just slowly looked away and closed his eyes. Danny noticed that he was clenching his butt cheeks in anticipation of what was coming. Danny raised the paddle, closed his eyes, and brought it down hard on Ray's ass. WHAP! "MMMMPPHHH" WHAP! "MMMMPPHHHHHHH" Kenny could feel Marty's dick start to leak sticky stuff onto his back while he watched his other teen slave ravage Ray's butt with the paddle. Soon he was thrusting his pelvis up and down, so that his dick was now nestled in Kenny's butt cheeks, with the pre cum and sweat providing the lubrication. Kenny's dick was coming back to life as well, as Marty was stroking it in time with his thrusts. Kenny was crying again. He was amazed he had so many tears! He was watching Ray take a brutal spanking, and he had a stiffie! What kind of friend was he anyway! He saw that Danny was now sporting tented briefs as well. Marty saw this as well and laughed. "Good boy Danny! Spank that ass. When you're done you can jerk off and cum boy!" By the tenth stroke Danny was sweating profusely! He had forgotten that it was another kid in front of him, and was just taking out his frustration at all the paddlings that he had suffered through! He was almost hypnotized as he started to strike the paddle harder and harder, and he was getting turned on! On the fifteenth stroke, Ray lost control of his bladder, and he felt the warm liquid running down his legs. He didn't care; he just wanted the fire to go out! By the twentieth stroke, Ray was out of control and crying from the pain and the humiliation! Danny dropped the paddle, and pulled his underwear down just in time. It only took one stroke of his hand, and with a loud shout, his cock shot out rope after rope of Danny sauce all over Ray's just spanked ass! Danny dropped to his knees and just sat there panting. At the same time Kenny saw Danny shoot his load all over Ray, he winced as Marty pulled him back toward him tightly. He felt hot sticky stuff start flooding into the valley of his ass crack! GROSS! Marty had cum, and shot his load between their two bodies! Marty took some of his jizz onto his fingers and started to jack off Kenny. "OH YES!" Marty said through clenched teeth. "Cum for me now Kenny, shoot your load for Uncle Marty 3; Danny get over here and take your new brothers load!" Danny did as he was told and crawled over to the two of them. He got his face right up to Kenny's dick and put his tongue out. Despite all the weird and terrible shit that was going on, the sight of this hot little blonde teen was too much for Kenny. The minute he looked at that mouth so close to his dork, he forgot all about Ray for a moment and let out the same squeal as before and proceeded to give Danny a cum facial! Danny tried to catch most of it in his mouth and swallow it as instructed, until Kenny was dry. They all three slumped there for a few minutes, almost oblivious to Ray, the young skater punk, who had lost his dignity in front of them and was shamelessly trying to cry the pain and humiliation away. Soon Marty got up and told Danny and Kenny to use their tongues to clean him off. Kenny was grossed out, but did as he was told, as he didn't want to be the next one on that horrible bench. Once they were done, he walked, still naked over to Ray's face. "I'm going to let you sleep here tonight Ray. Think about how you want to live around here. It doesn't matter to me either way, but I suggest you start following my rules." Ray just kept sobbing quietly. He turned to the other two. "Danny put Kenny in his cell, and then go to bed. I will see you all in the morning. You are not to touch or talk to Ray. Am I clear?" "Yes uncle," Danny replied, and Marty walked out of the dungeon and locked the door behind him. Danny looked at Kenny and said, "we better get you into your cell. I don't want to get in trouble." "OK," replied Kenny, not knowing what else to do. He allowed himself to be led into his cell. Danny gave him a small bucket and told him that was his toilet, and closed the cell door. Danny looked at Kenny for a moment and said. "I'm sorry. It's not my fault Kenny." "Whatever," replied Kenny and he rolled over on his cot, kicked off his shoes and tried to sleep, praying he would wake up at home. His last thought as he drifted off while feeling the strange collar on him was of James. He wondered if it would feel like that with him 3; Ray's last thoughts before he went to sleep in his own mess, were of his hands wrapping around the throat of this fucker when he got the chance. Somehow he would find a way. He would have to start playing along to get Marty's guard down 3; Danny, who was hurt when Kenny turned away from him was in his cell hoping upon hope someone would find the note he left on the motel stationery under the seat of Ray's car. If anyone found the car at all 3;
Chapter 3Kenny woke up with a raging piss hardon. He had to go bad, but didn't want to pee in the bucket that Danny had left with him. He looked out of his cell and could see Ray over in the corner, tied bound and gagged to that awful whipping bench. He appeared to be sleeping. Kenny wanted to talk to him, but he didn't want to wake Danny. He didn't really know whose side he was on in this whole mess. Soon, he couldn't ignore the pressure in his bladder, and squatted down over his piss bucket. He was disgusted about peeing next to where he had slept, but relieved at the same time.The sound of the piss in the filling the empty bucket woke Danny, who watched the cute boy Kenny silently, hoping they could become friends. He hated when Marty made him do stuff to either of these new guys, but also feared the repercussions of disobeying. When Kenny was finished and shaking his now soft dick over the piss can, Danny whispered, "morning Kenny." Kenny spun around, horribly embarrassed that he had been observed while doing his business, and even more so because he had nothing to cover his nakedness with. He kept a hand tentatively over his dick while he answered back, "Don't look at me while I do that!" "What, piss? Listen Kenny, I know you probably hate me already, but you better get used to that kind of stuff and worse around here. Last night was only a small taste. I'd like to be your friend, so please don't think I like doing this stuff. I've been locked up down here for a long time. I want to go home too, but I tried to run away once when I was outside and I got whipped so badly, I couldn't get out of bed for two weeks. I didn't want to spank Ray, but it was either he or both of us. So you need to forget about being embarrassed about being naked, and doing sex stuff, and shit like that, because it will only make it worse. That bucket was the only toilet I got to use for six months, until Marty said I had earned the right to use a real bathroom. So get used to it!" Danny snapped. He turned away, pulled on a pair of white briefs and walked out of his unlocked cell and went to the real bathroom in the dungeon and shut the door. Kenny sat down, naked on his cot, and thought about what Danny had just said. The gravity of this whole situation was more than he wanted to think about. He wished he could talk to Ray, who he noticed was now awake and softly moaning. He must really be uncomfortable after sleeping all night tied up and with the funky underwear taped in his mouth. He made eye contact with his friend and waved, but Ray just turned away, obviously embarrassed at his state. Just as Danny was exiting the bathroom, the door opened and Marty shouted in, "Danny, come get your new brothers their breakfast!" "Yes Uncle!" Danny replied and went out into the main house. Danny returned with two bowls of some sort of hot cereal and some water bottles. He slid one of each through the bars to Kenny and said, "You better eat it dude, this is it until dinner, and before you ask, no, there is no spoon. Use your fingers." With that he headed over to where Ray was tied up. Ray had been awake for a while, but was keeping quiet, not quite sure what to do. He overheard Danny talking to Kenny and was thinking about what the captive slave boy had said. He had to pee, but didn't want to mess himself again, and he was dying of thirst as well. Finally he saw Danny heading his way with what looked like food. Danny set the bowl down in front of Ray, then with one sweep, ripped the tape holding the nasty boxers in Ray's mouth off. Ray immediately spit out the sopping wet shorts and coughed a few times, having trouble closing his mouth after being forced open all night. "Thank you," he managed to rasp out. "Shh, don't talk, just take a drink." Danny said and held the bottle up to Ray's mouth. The bound teen drank greedily, almost draining the whole bottle. Danny pulled the bottle away from Ray's lips and then took two of his fingers and scooped up some of the lumpy cereal and held it to his mouth. Ray looked doubtful at first, but hunger took over and he licked the offered food off of Danny's fingers. It was bland, but neither he nor Kenny had eaten in almost 24 hours, so he had soon finished the whole bowl, licking Danny's fingers clean. Danny got a slight thrill out of hand feeding this tied up skater punk, especially when Ray's tongue stud ran along his fingers. Danny then placed a pail under Ray's crotch and told him to pee if he had to. It took Ray some concentration, but he was able to start a steady stream into the bucket. He felt so helpless and humiliated, which make him angry. Ray wanted to talk to Danny, and figure out how they could escape, when he saw Marty enter the dungeon. "Ah good, I see Ray ate his breakfast like a good boy," said Marty, bending down to meet Ray eye to eye. "Are you going to behave today Ray, and start following my rules?" Ray looked back at him and tried to out stare him, but it was no use. He broke contact first and just mumbled "Yes uncle Marty, I will behave." He would say anything at this point to be untied. Marty ran his hand over the stubble where Ray's hair used to be on his head. "That's good Ray, because we have company coming today, and I wouldn't want you to embarrass me." He stood up, making no move to untie Ray and looked to Danny. "Empty his and Kenny's piss buckets then you and Kenny go take a shower together, and make sure you get him really clean. You two are going to be in some pictures today. When you're done, I want both of you buck ass naked ready for inspection in your cell when the doctor gets here. Do I make myself clear Danny?" Oh shit! The Doctor! Danny swallowed. "Yes uncle," he grabbed the bucket went to get Kenny. Marty patted Ray on the cheek and went out the door back up to the main house. Kenny wondered what all this was about when Danny opened his cell and told him to take his socks off, grab his bucket and follow him. Danny shucked his briefs as well and led Kenny into the bathroom. Danny turned the water on and told Kenny to get in. while he emptied the buckets into the toilet. Kenny asked about taking his collar off and Danny replied that once it was on, Marty was the only one that had the key to take it off. Kenny was disappointed but got in the shower. He was quite surprised when Danny got in right after him and started soaping him up. He was going to protest that he was quite capable of doing this himself, but didn't want another lecture from the boy. He had to admit too, that it felt kind of nice to have another boy running his hands all over him. Soon Danny had made his way to Kenny's dick, which was already half hard. He started running his soapy hands all over it until it was standing proud at its full five inches [12½ cm] of teen glory. Danny stopped and told Kenny to turn around and spread his cheeks. Blushing tremendously Kenny did as he was told, even though he didn't really want to. It at least felt good to have Marty's dried cum washed out of his ass crack and the back of his legs. Kenny was even more surprised when Danny told him to now do the same to him! With shaking hands, Kenny started washing Danny from head to toe. The sixteen-year-old blonde Adonis in front of him body was smooth all over, and it was turning him on so much to be able to touch it. This is what he had imagined he and James doing so many times in his nightly jack off fantasies. He noticed that Danny's larger six-inch [15 cm] penis was now quite stiff as well. Now was the moment of truth, he grabbed for the first time another guy's dick! He felt the heat of it in his hand and it almost scared him. He looked into Danny's eyes, but Danny quickly slapped his hand away and said, "We don't have time for anything like that dude, the Doctor is coming and we have to get ready. Now hurry up and wash my ass hole for me." Kenny was a bit taken back by Danny's apparent rejection, but their was fear in Danny's voice when he talked about this Doctor, so he just hurried the rest of the job and both boys got out to the shower and quickly dried off. Back in the dungeon Ray was left alone wondering what the hell was going to happen next, when he heard the door open back up. Soon he heard heavy footsteps and Marty talking to someone else. Ray saw Marty walk into view with another man. The newcomer looked to be about Marty's age, mid thirties or so, with jet-black hair, that was slicked back, and cruel brown eyes. Completing the evil look was a jet-black mustache and goatee giving the effect of a mad scientist from a B movie. He looked about 6 feet [1.80 m] tall at a very solid two hundred pounds [90 kg]. He was dressed in dark suit and a white labcoat. Something about the way he looked made Ray instantly afraid of this man. Marty, who was dressed in his sweats again, spoke to the newcomer. "Here is the one I told you about on the phone. The punk." The newcomer spoke with a slight European accent. "Yes Martin, I see what you mean. A splendid specimen indeed. He needs some discipline and training ya?" He was running his hands all over Ray's naked body, pinching and rubbing. Ray felt his cock being felt as well as his ass being spread, exposing his anus. When he felt the man's finger rub his most private spot, he tried to clinch his cheeks together. He got a hard slap on the ass for his efforts. "Ya, he needs training." "Yeah, he's your typical skater punk. He had pants on big enough for two guys his size, like all the punks do theses days hanging halfway down his ass, like everyone wants to know what kind of boxers he wears. Not to mention all the earrings and the tattoo, and shit, his hair was so fucking stupid looking I had to have Danny give him a proper hair cut." He rubbed Ray's shorn skull for emphasis. "The best part though, is that Ray is a bona fide faggot! I saw him kissing his little boyfriend the day I got him, so at least we don't have to teach him how to suck cock, he has a pierced tongue by the way too. Now we just have to teach the gay skater punk how to be a good slave boy. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with kids these days, but with your help, I think we can turn Ray into a fine obedient young man." He looked at Ray, who was angry and hurt by the words spewing from Marty's moth. "Ray, say hello to Dr. Schmidt. You will address him as Herr Doctor." He grabbed one of Ray's ears and twisted it hard, "Do you understand boy?" "Ouch! Yes Uncle, I will call him Herr Doctor!" Ray shouted through the pain. "Very good Ray, you are learning." He let go of Ray's ear just as the two naked and collared boys came out of the bathroom and entered Danny's cell. The two adults headed to the cell, but Schmidt looked back at Ray with a smile that sent chills up Ray's spine. Once they were dry, Danny led Kenny back into his cell. He showed Kenny how to stand with his legs apart and his hands behind his head, making Kenny feel terribly exposed. Danny noticed a large pile of department store bags on his cot, before Marty and Schmidt came into the small cell. Kenny saw this 'Doctor' and had the same reaction that Ray had had. Fear. There was something about this man that made all the boys skin crawl. Marty knew this and used that fear to help control his boys. He had never tried to train two at once, so as soon as he had got home the other night, he had called his friend Alfred Schmidt, who shared Marty's interests. He was not a real doctor; he just liked using the title to intimidate teenagers. That along with the fact that he was a very strong man almost ensured complete obedience in his presence. "Hello Daniel, how are you?" Schmidt spoke. "Fine Herr Doctor, thank you." "Excellent, and you must be Kenny, is that short for Kenneth?" "Uh, yes, Herr Doctor," answered Kenny, following Danny's lead. "Very good, you were right Martin, this one is very pretty. He and Daniel will be perfect for the pictures I need. Look at that lovely brown hair, and nice smooth body!" He started feeling up Kenny, who flinched slightly at Schmidt's touch. "Don't be afraid pretty Kenny, we are going to have fun today. Although I need to fix you up a bit for the camera. Do you mind taking off their collar's Martin?" "No problem Doc." Marty took a key from around his neck and unlocked both boys' collars. Kenny, who was still not used to it like Danny, immediately started taking huge gulps of air, mainly due to the psychological symbol, more than actually being hard to breath. "Very good." Schmidt said. "If you would be so kind Danny, to put on the clothes in the bags on the left side of your cot, and then help your uncle setting up the cameras while I take Kenny and make him more pretty. Kenny, please come with me." Schmidt grabbed Kenny's arm and led the naked boy out of the cell over to the chair where he had sat on Marty's lap the previous night. He sat Kenny down in the chair so that he was facing Ray. "Might as well let Ray have a look so he doesn't feel left out." Schmidt pulled out a comb and started to comb and arrange Kenny's wet hair, parting it in the middle, combing the bangs out of his eyes so it hung down evenly on both sides of his face. He next combed it back over Kenny's ears. "There we are, now I can get started." Kenny was scared, as he couldn't see what this creepy guy was doing to him. While he wasn't tied to the chair, fear kept him perfectly still as he wondered what 'Herr Doctor' had in mind. He got even more afraid when he saw the man pulling on a pair of rubber surgical gloves. He was pulling some other things that Kenny didn't recognize out of the bag as well. He licked his upper lip wondering what was going to happen. Schmidt was now rubbing a cotton swab with something cold on it on Kenny's right earlobe. "What do you think Ray," Schmidt asked. "Do you think Kenny would look pretty with some ear rings?" When Ray didn't answer, Schmidt went over and got face to face with Ray and stared with those cold brown eyes into Ray's. "I asked you a question young man, and I want an answer. Do you think Kenny would look pretty with some earrings? You must like them, you have three of them in only one ear." "If you say so Herr Doctor." Ray spat out as venomously as he could "When I am done getting my photos Ray, you are going to pay for that attitude. I enjoy young men like you. It makes it challenging. But for now, I need to get Kenny nice and pretty to take some photos with Danny, so I need to give him his earrings now. Maybe you would like a nice pierced scrotum later ya? We shall see." Schmidt slapped Ray across the face and turned to face Kenny. "Well Kenny, would you like me to pierce your ears for you now? Ask me nicely and it won't hurt, I promise. Of course maybe you would like it to hurt?" Kenny started shaking. Oh shit, he thought. He had been begging his mom for the last year to let him get an earring, and even had a couple of fights over her refusal. Now all of a sudden he didn't want one at all, much less two! His toes were curling and he gripped the arms of the chair. He was horribly afraid of this man hurting him so he had no choice to murmur, "p, please, please pierce my ears Herr Doctor." "Thank you Kenny, I would love to. You look so tense! I think I need to calm you down some first though." Schmidt started walking back slowly to the naked cowering 15 year old. He loved the difference between these two new additions. The young tough punk, large and well muscled, who wanted nothing more then get a piece of his captors, yet who was very hot looking in his defiance, and Kenny, the cowed scared to death smallish boy in front of him. Kenny looked who looked as if he was about to jump out of his skin. He and Danny were going to make a hot pair for the pictures he had in mind. He would make a fortune! Right now though, he couldn't resist the youngster's quivering naked flesh. He knelt in front of the boy and spread his legs, which started to shake at his touch. Ah, what a beautiful little shriveled up cock! When he touched it, Kenny nearly jumped out of his chair. "Steady boy, I need to calm you down!" Kenny wondered how the hell this man holding his dick was supposed to settle him down. What the man did next caused Kenny to gasp. Before he knew it, Schmidt had his limp member in his mouth and started to suck on it. In it's shriveled state, the man was able to take Kenny's entire penis easily into his mouth. As he sucked, he forced Kenny's legs even wider and forced his hands under his smooth buns, squeezing and messaging them as he sucked ever harder on the lad's now stiffening member. No, no, no, Kenny thought to himself, as he felt himself getting aroused at the wonderful sensation on his cock. This was not how it was supposed to happen. When he first met Ray and started hanging out with the skater group, he had fantasized at night about his first sexual experience; his first blow job, and it was not with some terrifying psycho! It was supposed to be with James, his friend, and lately the object of all his same-sex fantasies. He was brought back to reality when he felt a rubber-covered fingernail lightly grazing the puckered entrance to his most private spot! He let out a gasp and clenched his but cheeks around the intrusive finger, but in doing so he thrust his now fully hard and leaking pleasure pole into Schmidt's hot sucking mouth. In fact he could feel the man's mustache and goatee rubbing against his baby smooth crotch as he continued to swallow him whole. Schmidt was enjoying himself! He loved the taste of teenage pre-cum, and despite his feeling's, Kenny's steel hard dick was drooling profusely into the doctor's greedy mouth. This kid was hot! He heard Kenny whimpering and gasping, as against his will, he became ever more aroused during his first ever blow. As Schmidt worked his gloved finger into Kenny' resisting butt hole, the lad was unconsciously thrusting his pelvis, hence his dick, into the older man's mouth. He finally succeeded in getting his finger, up to the first knuckle into the fifteen-year-old virgin love canal, and that was more then Kenny could take. With another one of his squeals, he clenched his legs about Schmidt's head and fired a full volley of Kenny spunk into the man's gullet. "Oh Maaaaan, I can't help it, OH SHIT, YYYEEAAAAAAA!!!" Kenny, screeched, as he filled the Doctor's mouth with his cum. Four, five, then six spasms of rapture came out of the embarrassed youths slobbery love handle, before Schmidt pushed his legs away and backed away from Kenny. Kenny did not want to look at the man who had just caused him so much pleasure and humiliation at the same time. He was so ashamed that he could be made to cum so quickly by someone he loathed, especially right in front of Ray. He didn't even notice when he went over to Ray and spit out his come all over his friends face and give an evil laugh. "I love sucking kid dick, but I don't swallow!" The laughing doctor said after he spit a huge wad of cum out all over Ray's shorn head and face. He then pulled off the glove that had been in Kenny's ass and held it up to a furious Ray. "Here, smell your friend's cunt you faggot skater punk. Or have you already had your face up there?" He shoved the glove in Ray's mouth. He could tell the angry boy was about to spit it out so he leaned in close and whispered so Kenny could not hear. "Listen Ray. I know that you don't like what is going on here, but you have no choice. If you spit out that glove before I give you permission, I will brake one of your fingers. Do you believe me?" After a frightened but quiet Ray nodded in agreement, Schmidt went back to his bag and pulled on a fresh glove. Kenny was still out of it after his powerful orgasm, and didn't realize until after it happened that Schmidt had pierced his right earlobe with a needle and inserted a gold hoop in his ear. "Ouch!" Kenny gasped; more is surprise then in pain, as Schmidt worked the hoop into his ear. He was thinking again of all the arguments with his mom about getting an earring and losing every time as the procedure was repeated with his left ear. He looked up at a grinning 'Doctor' Schmidt as the evil man backed away staring at him. "Perfect, if I do say so my self!" Schmidt exclaimed, referring to his placement of the matching gold rings. He walked back over to Ray and pulled the vile rubber glove out of the now drooling skater punk's mouth. He was still coughing and trying to get the rubber and ass taste out of his mouth when Schmidt instructed him, "Tell Kenny how pretty he is with his new earrings Ray." Ray looked over from his bondage at his terrified, naked friend. With his long brown hair combed back like it was and now the matching earrings, Kenny did indeed look very pretty, almost feminine. With the threat of more torture, Ray said, "You look very pretty Kenny, the earrings look good on you," as unconvincingly as he could. Ray noticed Kenny look away and start to hold back some tears. Schmidt rubbed his gloved hand over the drying spunk on Ray's stubble covered scalp and said, "Very good Ray. Ah, I see Marty and Danny are back. Excellent." Ray looked over as the two entered that part of the dungeon/basement. He saw the young blonde teenager dressed up in a white short sleeve, button down shirt with very tight and small navy blue shorts that stopped just barely under his butt cheeks. The effect was that his long slender tanned things were exposed all the way down to the navy blue crew socks he was wearing with brown leather loafers. In short he looked like he was wearing a school uniform that was designed by a pervert. Which of course it was. "Well don't you look nice Danny," said Schmidt. "Now all we have to do is get Kenny here all ready, then we can take some pictures! Marty, do you have Kenny's outfit ready?" "Sure do, doc. I bet he will look so pretty in it, that Danny won't be able to control himself." Marty Laughed. "Nice earrings by the way Kenny, now come over here and get dressed." He held out a pair of underwear for Kenny to come get. Kenny, realizing that he had no choice but to obey them, gave a sigh of resignation and walked over to where Marty was standing. It was only when he got closer to Marty that he noticed that they were not normal briefs that he was holding. They had little blue flowers printed on the thin cotton material. They were in fact panties, little girl's panties! He stopped short and started shaking his head. "No, please. I can't wear those. Those are for girls. You can't make me wear them. PLEASE!" He was almost sobbing. "Kenny, you know the rules. If you don't come here and put these on right now, I will whip your ass until it bleeds, then I will start on Ray's. Now GET OVER HERE AND PUT THESE ON!" Marty commanded. With a tear running down his cheek, the naked slave boy reached out and took the panties. He looked at them and then at the grinning Marty and Dr. Schmidt then stooped over to slide them on. After he pulled them up his hips he felt totally obscene. He was totally humiliated, and even felt worse when he saw the obvious arousal of his two tormentors as both were sporting obvious bulges in their pants. Danny just stood there looking at the floor, as he had been through every humiliation Marty and his pervert friends could come up with since he had been taken. "There you go, now that wasn't so hard was it. You look very sexy in your panties Kenny. Now lets get you in the rest of your outfit. Panties wouldn't be complete without a bra, but since you have only little girl titties, we had to get you a training bra. Danny, why don't you help Kenny put his bra on." Marty continued. "Then help him put every thing else on and come over to the studio. Me and the Doctor have to get the lighting just right." "Yes uncle Marty." Danny replied. He took the bra from Marty and walked toward Kenny. By now he was in a state of shock, and was totally submissive as Danny helped him slip on the unfamiliar garment. Next Danny gave him a similar white shirt to his own, but when Kenny put it on he realized it was cut different, and figured it was a blouse and not a shirt. Kenny wasn't so surprised after this when the navy blue skirt came out of the bag for him to put on. Horrified, Kenny allowed Danny to help him pull it on and fasten it around his waste, so that it stopped about midway down his thighs. Blue girls knee socks and brown leather girls shoes completed the outfit so that when the two stood side by side, they looked like a couple of school kids, boy and girl. With trembling legs, Kenny allowed Danny to lead him to where the two men were waiting in a mini photo studio. "Ah good, you are ready. Almost anyway," said Schmidt. "I want to put some berets in your hair Kenny to get the perfect girlie look for you." If was possible, Kenny's cheeks burned even a brighter shade of red at hearing this. Schmidt came over and started working with his hair, combing it and fixing berets into it. By the time he was done, from a distance, it would be hard to tell that Kenny was in fact not a girl! The two 'school kids' were led to two elementary school type desks set up in front of a camera, with a chalk board in the background so that the pictures would look as if they were taken in a school. "Hey we almost forgot Ray!" Schmidt exclaimed. "We wouldn't want him to miss this all this fun." "You're right Doc, I'll go get Mr. Badass and bring him over here," Marty said. He went over to where the cum covered Ray was tied to the whipping bench. He leaned down to Ray's face and looked at him. "I'm going to bring you over to the studio Ray, and I know you will be on your best behavior won't you? If you aren't, I may just decide to take it out on Kenny, got me?" "Yeah, I got you, Uncle Marty," Marty replied knowing he had no choice. Above all he didn't want Kenny whipped like he had been. "Good boy Ray, you are learning finally. If you behave through the whole shoot, I may reward you. Keep that in mind." With that Marty licked at the dried cum on Ray's head, then grabbed his head and kissed the bound teen, forcing his tongue inside his mouth. It took every ounce of control Ray had not to try to bite him, but locked as he was he knew he would pay for it, so he let Marty french him deeply. He could taste Kenny's drying cum in his mouth. Finally Marty broke the lip lock, "Good boy Ray. I am going to take you over to watch the photo shoot. I am sure you will enjoy it, but you have to be quiet, so I am just going to put a gag in you to make sure you behave, OK tough guy?" Ray was pissed off but defeated. The last thing he wanted was another gag shoved into his still sore mouth. "Please Uncle Marty, don't gag me, I will be quiet I promise," he said as convincingly as he could. While he hated what was going on, he didn't want to bring anymore abuse on he or Kenny for the moment. Marty appeared unmoved however. "Fraid not punk, I happen to like the look of you gagged and trussed up. You have misbehaved too often in the last day. IF your good through the shoot I might think about taking it out, but for now," Marty stuffed a red leather ball gag into Ray's mouth, forcing his lips around it in the process, causing the bound teen to wince. Marty tightened the strap around Ray's shorn skull then proceeded to uncuff one hand at a time and lock them to his slave collar. Before he unlocked his legs from the wooden stocks, he fastened leg cuff around his ankles, and attached a leash to a ring on his cock harness. "OK Ray, time to get up." Marty pulled Ray up by his collar off the bench to a standing position. Ray, who was very stiff from being tied to the bench all night, groaned into his gag from the pain in his joints, but had no choice but to hobble after Marty as he was pulled by his dick into the photo studio. On the opposite side of the school set, was a St. Andrews cross, where Marty, with the help of Schmidt secured Ray. He was left bound to the cross, tightly spread-eagled, naked but for his collar, directly in view of the photo shoot, so he could observe the whole bizarre episode. "Now just sit back and relax Ray, we will deal with you in a while," said Marty patting his cheek and giving his limp dick a squeeze, before heading over to Kenny and Danny who were sitting quietly at their desks. Schmidt was looking through the lens of a very expensive camera at the two boys, or boy and 'girl' as it were! "OK, first you two look at each other." CLICK "Very good, now Kenny, spread your legs apart so I can see your panties under your skirt" CLICK "Now Danny put your hand on Kenny's knee" CLICK "Now start to run your hand up his thigh, just under his skirt" CLICK,CLICK,CLICK. And on it went. Danny was getting a sizable erection under his tight school shorts as he followed the perverted Doctor's instructions. Soon he was feeling Kenny's panty covered dick under his skirt as the camera clicked away. Marty was video taping the whole episode as well, while the two helpless teens followed the direction of the amateur pornographer. The scenario continued as Danny was supposedly trying to pick up the little schoolgirl next to him in class, only to have a look of surprise on his face when he feels the bulge of a penis under Kenny's panties. Kenny was told to look embarrassed (like he needed to!) when Danny felt his cock and her secret was discovered! "Good boys!" Schmidt exclaimed, taking pictures the whole time he was directing, "now Kenny get on your knees and unzip Danny's shorts. Good, now kiss his dick through his underwear. Don't give me that look; do as you're told. That's better, I can see Danny is getting a boner now. Danny, grab his head and grind it into your briefs, that's it. Kenny lick all over his dick, get his underwear nice and wet. Danny take Kenny's blouse off, I want a few of him in just his bra while he blows you." Kenny thought it could get no worse as his blouse was removed while he continued to lick around a now fully erect cock through Danny's spit soaked light blue briefs. He was even more embarrassed when he saw Ray watching the whole episode, and realized how perverted this must look. Try as he might though, he couldn't help getting excited himself, as he was licking the dick of another guy, even under the circumstances he was in. Schmidt told him to take down Danny's underwear and then for Danny to step out of them and his blue school shorts. Now Kenny was staring at Danny's 6 inches [15 cm] of cut manhood inches from his lips. Danny was told to take off his shirt next, so now he was standing with a hard on, naked but for his sock and shoes, in front of poor Kenny, who was still wearing the skirt and bra. Now he was told to start back on Danny's prick. This was it! The first time he would actually suck a cock! He closed his eyes and put his tongue to Danny's piss slit. Danny grabbed his head and started to force feed his joystick to him. It didn't taste bad, thought Kenny as he started to slobber all over the organ being shoved down his gullet. It took him a bit to get over his gag reflex, but soon he was going to town like he was a born cock sucker, much to the delight of Marty and Schmidt, who were getting very turned on watching the two teens go at it. Danny was excited as well. It wasn't often that he was on the receiving end of any pleasure around here, and now he had this ammeter porn-star going down on him. That they were both dressed so embarrassingly, was momentarily forgotten while Kenny was brining him to such heights! His sloppy dick was oozing pre-cum as it slid in and out of the boy/girl's mouth. Schmidt told him to take down Kenny's skirt while he was getting sucked, and soon, Kenny was just in girl's panties, bra, socks and shoes, while he continued with his first act of fellatio. Danny was terribly excited, and it looked like Kenny was too, judging by the bulge in his panties. He felt he was getting ready to cum, and the look on his face must have shown it, as Schmidt ordered them to stop. "I don't want you to cum just yet Danny," the Doctor said. "Kenny lay on your back on the desk with and let your legs dangle over the end, that's it. Danny, start to peel of Kenny's panties, nice and slow, very good, now take off his girlie shoes, sniff one of his feet, yes, that's it." Kenny didn't know what to make of this. He was getting turned on sucking the cute blonde Danny's cock, and now after Danny pulled off his panties and his own hard member sprung free to slap at his belly button, he got even hotter. As Danny took Kenny's left foot to his face and started rubbing it all over, he let out a moan of pure lust. Danny's cock was almost in pain from the need to cum. Kenny was bringing out the pervert in the young slave. Laying there in the schoolgirl bra and socks, with his hair done like a girls, he looked like a teen slut in heat, except that his rock hard teen cock, made it apparent he was a boy! Schmidt told Kenny to pull his legs up by his head, holding them there with his hands by the backs of his knees, there by exposing his bald puckered boy-cunt to the camera, and to Danny. Ray, who had been watching the whole scene quietly, was mad at himself for being turned on by it. He was usually horny to begin with, and had not had sex with his lover Paul for almost two days. Now he was forced to watch this kinky scene in front of him and he could feel the cum boiling in his nuts despite his anger at their captivity and torture. Seeing his friend Kenny naked and sucking cock right in front of him caused his dick to stick straight out in front of him straining the cock and ball harness that his manhood was encased in. Marty noticed this too, and had put the video camera on a tri-pod to continue taping the whole scene. Schmidt next ordered Danny to start rimming Kenny, and while the blonde school boy started eating out the brunette school girl's 'pussy', as the captions would read, Marty came over to Ray and started fondling him. "Oh Fuck!" Kenny exclaimed when he first felt Danny's tongue on the puckered entrance to his love tunnel. His dick felt like it was throbbing to ten times it's size, and he was leaving slug tracks all over his flat tummy. The feeling was the most intense, pleasurable thing he had ever felt in his life! Nothing he could ever fantasize about while jerking his dick with his hand could compare to this. When he felt the tongue start snaking its way up his chute he started panting and grabbed Danny's head as if he could make the wet organ go deeper inside him. "Hey Kenny, ask Danny to fuck you," shouted Marty. "Yes, we need that to complete the layout," agreed Schmidt. "That will be perfect, the schoolboy fucking the little faggot girlie boy!" Everything inside him told him to scream out NO! Everything that is except the part of Kenny's brain that needed to be taken. He was so lust driven at this point that all common sense had left him and he only knew he must do what these men said so he could reach his own climax. He was almost detached from himself when he heard himself scream out, "Fuck me Danny, please oh god fuck me!" That he was up until this point a virgin was not lost on Kenny, and while this is hardly the way he imagined losing it, he was in sexual overdrive. When he felt Danny start to press his engorged purple pleasure helmet up against his spit slicked ass hole, he just screamed out, "Oh YES!" Danny was every bit as excited as Kenny was, throughout his whole captivity he had always been the fuckee never the fucker. So he was just a bit clumsy as he wrestled to get his six cum rocket lined up with Kenny's puckered rose bud. The fact that Kenny was panting and screaming for him to put it in, spurred him on though, so he shoved as hard as he could once he had his mushroom lined up. It was harder then he thought, but finally he was able to penetrate the fifteen-year-old virgin's love tunnel about half way. Kenny let out a scream of pleasure replaced by pain. Danny remembered the first time he had been fucked and the terrible way he felt. He did his best to be gentle but still was enjoying the wonderful feeling of the tight slut boy's ass as it gripped his dick while he pushed ever further in. "Oh god it hurts!" shouted Kenny. All of a sudden he wasn't sure if he wanted this. As Danny continued to push into him though, he got used to the feeling. Danny grabbed his legs and leaned down to Kenny, and to his surprise, kissed him. Now he had two sensations, and his mind was taken off the pain as Danny's tongue invaded Kenny's mouth while he started to thrust his dick in and out of Kenny's tight boy pussy. Before Kenny knew it, he found himself thrusting back at Danny's invasion of his rectum. Schmidt was ecstatic! Not only did the live gay teen sex scene in front of him turn him on incredibly (he had a huge hard-on under his pants), but he knew he would make a fortune in underground porn with the shots he was getting of these two sexed up teens. The blonde and brunette look really set the two apart and he knew the photos would be some of his best ever. He needed a great cum shot to finish it off however. "Danny pull out when you are ready to cum! I want you to cum all over Kenny." "Yeah, that'll be hot Doc! Won't it Ray?" Marty said while rubbing Ray's tits and rubbing his own boner through his sweat pants against Ray's leg. Ray could only mumble into his ball gag. He would protest what was going on if he could, but his pointed nipples and his hard dick could not hide the real truth. The scene turned him on as well, even though it made him mad. Marty pulled off his sweats and jock, and was now rubbing his dick against Ray's while they both watched the younger teens go at in on the school desks. Soon, Danny knew he could not hold his load any longer. The awesome feeling of his first ass fuck was powerful indeed, and he knew this would be an orgasm to remember. He pulled his six incher [15 cm] out of Kenny's butt with a slick sounding popping sound, and placed his slimy dick up against Kenny's. He pulled one of Kenny's hands up with his and wrapped them around both of their cocks. They started rapidly jerking their engorged wangs, and it wasn't long in coming. Danny was first as he was ready the second he pulled out of Kenny. He gave a loud cry and started firing huge ropes of cum out of his sex organ. His orgasm was so intense that the first rope flew past Kenny's head and landed on the floor behind him. The second, third and fourth however, gave Kenny a very liberal cum bath from his face to his belly button. Of course his own jizz was soon added to the goo covering him. After the first blast of Danny spunk hit him on the face he felt his own cock erupt in rapture, and he soon had two fire hoses spurting teen milk over his sweat covered torso. Seeing the two 'school kids' spew dick snot all over each other was enough to send Marty over the edge as well. With a loud "Oh fuck yeah, here it comes Ray!" he fired his load while standing against Ray, covering the bound skater punk's mid section with cum, that soon started running down his thighs. Marty didn't forget about Ray however. He took some of his own cum in his hand and started furiously jacking his leather-encased dick. Despite himself, Ray was too turned on from the live sex show to hold back. He soon shot a load of skater jizz into Marty's hand. "Good boy Ray! Here's a present." Marty added Ray's own cum to the dried up crusty load left by Schmidt's mouth earlier that day. "Wouldn't want to waste any." Marty said while laughing at his own joke! "But hey, the doc hasn't got a nut yet, and I know you need to thank him personally for providing the entertainment today!" Marty started undoing Ray from the cross. Ray thought about escape and almost took a swing at Marty when he undid his arm, but his captor had experience with reluctant teens and was ready. He grabbed one of Ray's nipples and twisted viscously. Ray screamed into his gag and lost all thoughts of resistance. Quickly once again, his wrists were secured to his collar. His legs were undone and the shackles re-attached. Once again a leash was clipped to his dick harness and he was led over to where Schmidt was taking close-ups of the cum covered boy models. "Ray," Marty began staring straight into his eyes, "We are still going to work you over, but how much we do depends a lot on how you behave right now. Do you understand me PUNK?" A now nervous Ray nodded in the affirmative. "Good little skater faggot! I am going to take you gag out now, then I want you to get on your knees and stare at the floor like a good little slave boy ought to." Marty unfastened the ball gag, and had to almost pull it out of Ray's mouth. Ray let a little yelp out as the ball passed through his stretched lips, but was otherwise silent and did as he was told. He got down on his knees and stared at the floor. He was happy to follow the last instruction, as he didn't want to face the other two boys and show his supplication. The next thing he knew his head was being lifted and he stared into the evil eyes of Dr. Schmidt. "I see you got off on my little show Ray. That is good, I am glad you liked it, but as you can see." He pulled Ray's face against the crotch of his pants. "I have not yet had satisfaction. I am intrigued with that stud in your tongue Ray, do your little faggot boy friends like it! I bet you are just the faggot suck slut of your school aren't you Ray?" Ray was close to tears. It was amazing how this man could just pick such hurtful words. A few people knew of Ray's orientation at school, and he was used to the fag jokes behind his back, but this man was cutting a wound deep into him. That was why Ray was no stranger to fighting. He usually made sure he was on the winning side however, having learned to fend off bullies at an early age, so most of the time he was left alone and even respected. This was different though; he was totally helpless. "Come now Raymond, don't pout. You are a slut boy faggot, and you know it. So put that stud to work and start working!" Schmidt pulled his dick out of his pants and held it up to Ray's lips. Don't even think of biting it young man. I would not hesitate to take it out on your cute little girlfriend Kenny. Understand?" "Yes, Herr Doctor, I understand," the subdued muscular lad answered. Schmidt was thrilled at the power he held over the defiant young stud. He was more delighted when he saw Ray gasp when he saw his 8-inch [20 cm] cock in front of his face! Ray tentatively stuck his tongue out and licked the foreskin of the massive uncut tool held in front of him. The Doctor really got a thrill when he glimpsed the jewelry in Ray's tongue coming close to his organ. He pulled the foreskin back and fed his dick into Ray's mouth. While Ray started blowing Schmidt, Marty wasted no time in putting the other two boys' collars back on. He had a great idea for some after lunch sex scenes, and was going to put them to his friend after he finished with Ray. He chained the two by their collars to a ring in the wall and tossed a towel to them and told them to clean up. He then returned his attention to the freshly shorn, tattooed, pierced, punk slave, giving the doctor head. Schmidt groaned in pleasure. He loved the feeling on the underside of his dick that the tongue stud was giving. After being turned on all morning by the other two boys, he had a man sized load of jizz in his egg sized balls. He reached down and grabbed the leash attached to Ray's harness and gave a tug, "that's it punk, suck that dick. Suck on your betters cock like the faggot slave you are!" He was turning himself on with that kind of talk, and Ray new better to do anything than just suck harder. Since he was a sexually active gay teenager, he did no how to give good head, and that is what he concentrated on, keeping it as mechanical as he could trying not to think of his true love, Paul. He kept telling himself this was not cheating on him, even though he had shamelessly blew his wad all over Marty's hand earlier. His attention was broken when he head Schmidt grunt, "Mein Gott, here it comes boy!" Before Ray new what was happening, huge gobs of the Doctor's semen were shooting down his throat. He almost choked on it, as the man had his head locked over his dick. Gobs of the fuck sauce were spilling down his cheeks, adding to the copious amounts of every one else's jizz already on his sore used body. Schmidt finally finished, and pulled his cock out and dried off all over Ray's face. "You are a born cock sucker Ray, that is your purpose in life. A great little cock sucking punk faggot slave boy! Thank me for letting you suck my dick boy!" In tears of shame and humiliation, Ray said the word without thinking what they meant. "Thank you Herr Doctor, thank you for letting me suck your dick." With an evil laugh, Schmidt pulled Ray by his cock leash over to the other two boys and clipped it to Danny's collar, locking it in place with a small lock. "Tell me Marty, do you have anything to eat? I am starving, and we have so much more to do this afternoon." "Sure Doc, I have some steaks we can throw on the grill." Marty set a bowl of water down next to the three, as well as some unidentifiable food in another bowl. "Here you go boys eat up. Oh, you may have to help Ray since he can't move his hands!" With a laugh, Marty led the Doctor up the stairs and out of the dungeon. The three slaves just kind of looked at each other, wondering what the afternoon would bring. Meanwhile, back near Milwaukee. Three skater punk looking teenagers were walking along the road to the lake. "He just wouldn't leave like that, I'm telling you," the oldest one named Mark was saying. "He would have told us if he was going anywhere, and Kenny would never go anywhere without telling his Mom. Those fucking cops have it wrong, they didn't just run away." "Well he sure wouldn't have left anywhere without telling me, something's up, and I don't like it," Paul, Ray's steady boyfriend for the last year replied. The three teens continued on their way to the lake to think up a possible solution to their friends odd disappearance when James, the youngest and normally quietest of the group, saw some an odd trail leading into the forest next to the road. "Hey guys I don't remember seeing this path before," he said following it into the woods. The other two had stopped while he followed the path. "Holy Shit!" He came running out, "guys, Ray's car is back here!"