Author unknownThe Bicycle Tour |
SummaryA man and a boy make a bicycle tour. At night they share a motel room.
Publ. 1998 (ASSGM); this site Feb 2012
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CharactersBen (adult) and Adam (11yo)Category & Story codesConsensual storyMb – cons mast oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's noteThis story was sent to me by Ayas. Thanks, Ayas.The story was sent to ASSGM in August 1998 by Quantum Fantasy with the remark "Author unknown". |
Chapter 1The first day of the three day bicycle tour was complete. The end had not come soon enough for my eleven year old riding companion, Adam. He and I were making the long trip together. Originally, I had been reluctant to take someone so young on such a long ride, especially since he was small even for eleven. My energetic young friend had assured me that he could meet the challenge. In the past few weeks, we had ridden a lot practicing for this tour, and his dedication had reduced my concern about his ability. Even so, the day's 100 mile [160 km] ride was a little much for the boy.The excitement in anticipation for the ride had made Adam eager to be one of the first riders to start out in the morning. During our drive to the start of the tour, he had bubbled continually with questions and plans of how he intended to ride. I had bearly stopped the car in the parking space when he jumped out and began unfastening his bicycle from the carrier. "Come on, we don't want to be late," he urged me, when I joined him at the back of the car. "Don't worry, Adam. We have forty five minutes before we can start the ride anyway," I reassured him, as I lowered his silver bicycle to the pavement. The boy took his bike from me, quickly hopped on, and began to ride around the parking lot. "Watch out for the cars," I called, with a standard adult warning. My caution was more of a natural reaction than a necessity; Adam was an excellent and experienced rider. During our time of riding together we had been in some very congested and dangerous traffic situations and the youngster had learned to show very good judgement. For a moment I watched the boy ride. His down-sized eighteen speed mountain bike was dwarfed by the full sized bicycles around him, but his legs wouldn't even come close to reaching the pedals on one of those. I unloaded my bicycle, packed the last necessities into the saddle pack, and joined Adam to ride to the registration booth. There were several other riders already in line when we arrived. After five minutes of waiting we made it to the registration table. We told the person at the table our names and he looked for our information packets in a large box filled with brown envelopes. The man sitting next to him at the table overheard our names and looked up. "So this is Adam Miller. The youngest rider in our tour," he said. "It's great to have you riding with us, Adam. Are you sure you are ready for this?" Adam beamed to think he was recognized by a total stranger. "Yeah, I am definitely ready!" he said confidently. "Way to go, Adam," said a man standing in line behind us. "Go get 'em, Adam," said another. Adam turned on his cute dimpled smile, but lowered his eyes, showing a little embarrassment. He hadn't expected to be a celebrity from the start. We each collected our registration information, tour biking jersey and water bottle, then headed back to the car to deposit the extra pieces. Adam pulled off his shirt and exchanged it for the newly received jersey. Since the smallest shirt that had been offered was a man's small size, the jersey had plenty of extra room after it covered the slender boy's frame. After watching the boy change his shirt, I retrieved the map for the day's tour from the packet. We then mounted our bikes again to head for the starting point. There were several others in the area of the start, but much to Adam's delight we found a spot near the starting line. There was still about a fifteen minute wait when we arrived. Even though this was not a race, the promoters added excitement by making everyone wait until a certain time to begin. More and more riders gathered around us as the starting time neared. Finally, it was time. One of the tour officials fired a starting gun and the riders were off. Adam took off with the best of them, but some of the older, stronger riders quickly passed him. This didn't seem to dampen the boy's spirits, however, as he continued to pedal with all he had to give. The ride covered some quite steep mountain terrain. A lot of gear shifting was required to make our bodies work most efficiently as the road rose and then declined again. Unfortunately, the down hill portion never seemed to be as long as the climb up had been. Adam's enthusiasm made the first couple of hours go by quickly. By early afternoon, however, the thrill had dwindled as each hill brought more fatigue to the young boy's body. Our stops at the refreshment stations became longer as we tried to recuperate before our next encounter with the hills. We finally crossed the day's finish line as the clock neared three o'clock. Adam was more exhausted than I had ever seen him, but his spirits still seemed high. I knew that was important since we still had two more days to ride. We returned to the registration area, as required, and checked back in with the race officials so that they knew that everyone made it back safely. We then loaded our bikes onto the car and drove to the motel where I had made reservations. Adam had trouble keeping his tired body going until the spaghetti dinner at 5:00 p.m., but he was almost as hungry as he was tired. It took two helpings of spaghetti and bread to satisfy the boy's hunger. I wondered how all the food my young friend was stuffing in his mouth could find a place in his slender body. After dinner, Adam and I headed for the room we were sharing in the motel. We walked through the lobby where several other bicyclists were lounging in small groups on couches or the floor, discussing their experiences. Normally Adam would have wanted to stop and listen, but tonight he too tired to be interested. Our room had two double beds, a small dressing area and a bathroom. When we entered, Adam headed straight for the bathroom. When he came out, I said, "I need to go to the bathroom, too. I'll be out in just a few minutes and then you can take your shower first." "Okay," the boy agreed. I was only in the bathroom a short time, but when I came out Adam was laying on his bed fast asleep. The boy had taken his shirt off, but he still wore his shoes, socks and biking shorts. Exhausted, he had collapsed laying at a slight angle on the bed with his lower legs and feet hanging off the edge. At first, I was tempted to wake him so that he could take his shower, but I decided sleep was probably more important now. I walked to the boy's side, lifted the his legs onto the bed, straightening him so that he was laying lengthwise. Adam was so sound asleep that he made no reaction to the movement. I sat down on the end of the bed to remove the boy's shoes and socks. I untied each tennis shoe then pulled it from his foot, trying to be gentle so as not to wake him. Next, I pulled off his socks, but not even their removal from his sensitive feet changed the heavy rhythmic breathing of sound sleep. After I put the shoes and socks on the floor, I looked back at the sleeping boy. The youngster now wore only his Spandex biking shorts. I looked at how tightly they conformed to his sleek body. The front of the shorts was completely flat against his stomach and abdomen except for the little mound that poked up prominently between his legs. I knew from my own experience that the shorts were kind of tight to wear for long periods and wondered if I should try to take them off to make him more comfortable. Comfort was not the only reason I thought about removing the boy's shorts. Even though Adam and I had been friends for some time, I had never seen the boy in his underwear or less. Admittedly, I have a desire for young boy's that extend beyond casual friendship, although I had always tried to suppressed it with Adam. Sure, I would rub his back or legs, but I didn't try to fulfill my desires any further. Still I had hoped that maybe this trip would be an opportunity to see more of the boy, literally. What I wouldn't give to see his smooth hairless abdomen and immature penis! It occurred to me that this might be my chance to see my young friend's body without making a big issue out of it. For a while I sat and looked at the boy. He looked so innocent sleeping quietly. Adam has dark brown hair that accent the features of his handsome face. A few light freckles cover the area around his tiny nose, but now his sleep hid his stunning blue eyes and dimpled smile. I felt very lucky to have a chance to be with such a beautiful young boy. My eyes continued on down to admired the youngster's bare upper body. Adam was so thin that ripples formed on his sides where his ribs were visible under his skin. On his chest, the child's nipples pointed their tiny tips up from the small, light brown circles that surrounded them. His stomach, was slender and flat, even with all he had eaten for dinner. The little round indentation of his navel was just above the waistband of his shorts. The boy's legs were covered about mid thigh by his shorts, but the bare legs that extended below the shorts were smooth and firm. Unlike the bony "chicken" legs of many boys that were as slender as Adam, his were full and muscular from riding his bicycle. It was late enough in the summer that his legs had a golden tan. I had always been excited by seeing Adam's legs. I liked it better, however, when he wore loose fitting shorts that allowed a more complete view of his upper legs and, occasionally, a glimpse of his underpants. No matter where I looked on the young body in front of me, my eyes always moved back to that little mound in the front of the boy's shorts. I could feel my own dick getting hard in my pants as I looked at the partially clad boy and fantasized at the possibility of seeing the rest of his body. Finally, I made up my mind. I would take off at least the boy's biking shorts. If Adam woke up while I was removing them, I would tell him that I just wanted to make him more comfortable. Besides he would still have his underpants covering him. If I were truthful with myself, that would probably only a temporary situation also. I would have had to admit that if removing his shorts didn't wake him, I wouldn't be able to stop until I had taken off whatever underpants I found under them, too. I got up and moved up on the bed so that I was sitting just below Adam's waist. I figured this would give me a comfortable position while I removed the boy's shorts. Reaching to place one hand on each side of the child's body, I slowly slid my fingers into the elastic waistband of the shorts. I pulled the material outward and began to move it down his lower torso. The pressure from the tight elastic at the waist left a reddish band across the boy's stomach. The stripe allowed me to easily see where I had started. The close fitting material of the shorts and the boy's sleeping weight made it relatively difficult to pull them down. I had to work my hands to the back of the pants to encourage them past the boy's hips. Persistently, I inched the top of the shorts down revealing more and more of child's smooth, white abdomen. After forcing the shorts down an inch or two below the boy's navel, I realized that I had not found the his underpants. I moved my hands to the front of the shorts. Folding the cloth downward, I attempted to locate the top of Adam's underwear. I had to pull the front of the shorts down quite a way to find the elastic waistband of the boy's briefs. It became obvious that, due to the tightness of the biking shorts, the underpants had been moving downward with the outer shorts. At first I considered pulling the briefs back up on the boy's body. Then my real desires resurfaced. Could I help it if the child's underpants came off when I removed his shorts? "Of course not!" I laughed to himself. I moved my hands back to a position where I could continue to remove the shorts. Little by little I maneuvered the pants down the boy's body trying to be cautious not to wake him. Caution was difficult, however, as my own excitement grew with each new inch of bare skin. I could feel my hands starting to shake in anticipation. At last, I reached the object that had been the constant focus of my attention. The top of the shorts were at that bulge between the child's legs. Positioning my hands at the front of the pants, I pulled the material up and over the little mound. There in front of my eyes were the youngster's sexual organs. As if relieved to be freed from the confinement of the tight bicycling shorts, Adam's little penis poked up from his body. For several seconds I held the pants and looked at the child. At eleven years old, Adam' genitals did not have any obvious sign of change to indicate the onset of puberty. His abdomen was smooth and free of hair and his penis was still small. A wrinkled skin collar that framed the tiny purplish tip was all that remained of the foreskin that once covered the now circumcised organ. The grooved, petite head formed a distinctively cap for the short shaft that provided support. I pulled down the pants a bit more so that I could see the sack that held his testes. Having been confined by the tight pants, the flaccid skin pouch was pressed tightly against his body, except for where it outlined two miniature balls. My hands were shaking and it was difficult to catch my breath as I looked more closely than I ever had at a young boy. Even though I was excited about looking at the boy, my job with the shorts wasn't over yet. Moving my attention back to them, I carefully continued to move both his shorts and underpants down his body. Finally, they were came free of his bottom, releasing them from the weight of his body and making them much easier to move down his legs. I stood up from the bed and pulled the pants on down and off his feet. As I lay them on the bed I looked back at the boy, now completely naked. The whiteness of his abdomen was contrasted by the darkened tan skin of his chest and legs. I couldn't keep my eyes off his little penis, but still I needed more than that. I knelt down on the floor beside the bed. Next, I reached up and put my right hand between the boy's legs. Very gently, I began to fondle his little penis. The tiny, purple tip wiggled softly between my fingers as I gently squeezed the pudgy shaft. I reached up my fore-finger and caressed the tip, feeling the shallow grove and then pressing gently to open the tiny slit at the tip. After a minute or so, I released the shaft and moved my hand to its base. There I engulfed the silken pouch in my fingers to find the little jewels it held. Gently, I explored the boy's tiny nuggets of gold in my hand. The smooth, oval balls moved softly against my fingers. Driven by some unknown force I continued to massage the tiny balls for some time. Then I stopped the motion of my fingers and released him so that I could look at his little sack again. As I peered down, I saw the skin of the boy's scrotum move! It seemed to be continuing the motion I had stopped! I looked closely at the child's penis and realized that it had stretched out while I was fondling his balls. It appeared that, even in his sound sleep, Adam was getting an erection! I moved my fingers back to the shaft and started moving the skin up and down. The shaft did feel firmer that it had previously. I continued to move my hand back and forth while clasping the boy's stiffening organ. Harder and harder the slender shaft became, until it felt like it could have a bone inside. I had never actually felt any erection, but my own and had only dreamed of holding a little boy's. Yet, here I was holding a boy's stimulated penis that I had created with my own caresses. I was elated to see that a young boy could get so hard. By this time my own dick had been so hard for so long in my own tight shorts that my crotch ached. I couldn't take it any longer. I released the boy and stood up. The child's erect penis continued to hold itself away from his abdomen, pointing it's tiny tip straight up his body. Putting my hands to my waist, I stripped off my shorts and underwear. My too-long-restrained dick shot out as soon as my pants gave it freedom. I tossed my pants to the floor and knelt down on the floor beside the boy's bed. Once again I reached up and put my fingers around the little, rigid arrow sticking up from the boy's body. Up and down I moved my fingers, feeling the firmness of his shaft. Now that my pants were no longer in the way, I could put my other hand down and massage my own cock as well. There was something unexplainable about those few inches of stiffened boy meat and tiny balls that kept my hand and eyes fixed there. Another couple of minutes of caressing him was all I could take, though. I released the boy and stood up. His little dick jerked, as if asking for more, but the urging of my own body was stronger. I lay down on the second bed in a position where I could look across at the nude child. It didn't take much more than a minute of warming of my dick with the pressure from my hand to bring about a climax. Afterward, I lay there for a long time just looking at the naked youngster. His penis had now relaxed, returning to the shriveled size it had been when I first removed his shorts; just a pudgy stub with a purple head stuck up between his legs. No matter how much I liked the view, I knew I too would have to get some sleep if I was going to be able to complete the ride the next day. I still needed to shower and I realized that it might not be the best thing if Adam woke up and found himself laying naked on top of the bed. I got off my bed and used my underwear to wipe the cum from my body. Next, I retrieved the boy's underpants from the side of his bed and guided his tiny toes and feet through the holes. Reluctantly, I pulled the briefs back up his legs and under his bottom. After taking one long last look at the immature sexual organs, I hid them once more under the white cloth of the underpants. I then pulled the covers from the other side of the bed and wrapped them around the sleeping boy. I grabbed a clean pair of my underwear from the suitcase and went into the bathroom to shower. When I returned to the bedroom area, I looked back at the my roommate's bed. Adam had turned onto his side with the blanket pulled tightly around him. I pulled on my underpants, turned off the light and got into bed. My mind was filled with the beauty of the young boy in the next bed until I finally drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 2My alarm went off at six thirty the next morning. I knew we would have to hurry to get ready and repacked our bags in time to be at breakfast within an hour. I got up, pulled on my shorts and went to wake the boy. For a moment I stopped to be sure that I had my story straight in my mind if Adam asked how he had gotten undressed. I bent over the child and shook him gently. "Good Morning, Adam. It's time to get up," I said.The boy turned toward me and opened his eyes slightly. "Come on, Pal. We need to get ready to go," I coaxed. "Okay," he said groggily, rubbing his eyes. The youngster threw back the blankets and sat up on the bed as I walked away. "You went to sleep before you took a shower last night," I reminded him. "It might be a good idea to take one this morning before you add today's dirt and sweat to yesterdays." "Okay. Did you already take one?" he asked. "I took mine last night while you slept, so I just need to wash up a little and a few other things. I can do that at the sink outside the bathroom." Adam stood up and went toward the bathroom. I tried to be nonchalant as I watched his smooth body move, clad only in tight-fitting white briefs. I kept my eyes focused on the little mound in front of his pants for as long as possible. It was a little disappointing to see him close the bathroom door tightly behind him as he went in to shower. I had hoped to somehow get a glimpse of him showering. Oh well, maybe before we returned home. Soon I heard the water running in the shower. I, too, began to wash at the sink. I was thankful that Adam hadn't ask about the removal of his shorts or the fact that he wasn't wearing anything but his underpants. Hopefully, that meant that he didn't realize that I had removed them for him. After ten minutes or so, Adam came out of the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. He walked over to the suitcase we were sharing and dug around for his clean clothes for the day. He had to retighten the towel a couple of times, while he was bent over searching, to keep it from falling off. I wished he would have just given in and removed it. All was not lost, though. Having located his clean underpants and shorts, Adam walked back over to the bed. Before sitting down on the bed, the boy unfastened the towel and removed it from his waist. Laying it beside him, the naked boy sat down on the bed and adjusted his underpants in his hands. I was breathless as I looked at the boy. Best of all, Adam didn't seem to be in any extreme hurry to cover himself. Trying not to be overly obvious, I looked between his legs at the little organ I had played with the previous night. His penis had the same relaxed style it had when I had first uncovered it. It wiggled playfully as Adam raised one leg and then the other to put his feet into the underpants. My view of his extremities was changed as they were pushed side to side with the raising of each bare leg. He then stood up. For a moment, I had a full view of his penis sticking out and slightly downward from his smooth body. He then pulled his underpants up his front and his young sexual organs were again hidden from my view. My only hope was that I would have other chances to view him in the next two nights we would spend in motel rooms together. We both finished dressing, packed our things and headed out for the car. After stopping for breakfast, we headed for the start of the ride for the day. Each day's ride was quite a distance from the previous, so we had about an hour drive from our motel to the start. This second day's ride was to be 87 miles [140 km], slightly less than the day before. It also covered a somewhat flatter terrain, making the trip a little easier for both of us. Now that Adam knew what he was in for during the day, he was not quite as excited as he had been the day before. Never the less, he still wanted to be at the front when the starting gun fired. Adam started off on his bike first and I followed closely behind. I couldn't help but view the boy riding ahead of me a little differently through the day, however. My mind frequently wandered back to the view of his body I had the night before. Although all that was exposed now were a few bare inches of his legs and his arms, I imagined seeing the tight, little bottom on the bicycle seat in front of me exposed to its full glory. The day was hot, but the flatter ground helped us make it through the afternoon. Adam counted out loud as the mile markers came down to the last few. "Ten miles to go!" he yelled. "Seven 3; Six 3; Five!" Then, "Yes! Only one mile!" as a last shot of energy hit his weary legs. It was around two thirty in the afternoon when we crossed the finish line, a little earlier than the day before. Yes, even our non-race had a finish line. It added a nice conclusion after enduring the long ride. We located my car and attached our bikes to the rack on the trunk. Then, for an hour or so we wandered around with the other bikers, talking and enjoyed the snacks that were provided for us. It was soon time to drive to our hotel for the night. It was located only a short distance away. When we arrived, I gave the registration clerk my name and he checked for our room. He said that the only rooms they had left were singles with king sized beds, but that they would add a roll-a-way bed for the boy. At first, I argued that the reservation called for a double bed room. He apologized, but said again that was all that was left, so there wasn't much I could do but give in. As we walked to the room, I explained the situation to Adam. He didn't seem overly upset about having to sleep on the roll-a-way bed, so I tried not to let it bother me. When we entered the room, Adam was the first to notice how big the king sized bed really was. "Wow!" he exclaimed, as he dove onto the bed. "This is big enough for five people." It was true. The king sized bed did seem extremely large compared to the ones we had slept in the night before. As Adam was quick to point out, it even had three pillows. "We don't need a roll-a-way," the boy said. "There is plenty of room for both of us in this bed." I wondered if Adam realized what he was saying. I never would have expected him to offer to sleep in the same bed with me, but it sounded wonderful. None the less, I figured I should try and be sure. "Are you sure you don't want a bed by yourself?" I asked. "No way! I want to sleep in this big one. You can sleep on that side and I will sleep over here," he said, pointing to opposite sides of the bed. Obviously, the boy had it all figured out. I definitely wasn't going to argue if he was this eager to sleep in the same bed with me. My mind was already exploring the possibilities the situation could provide. If I could somehow get Adam to sleep in only his underpants again, perhaps I could fondle his body once more after he went to sleep. We soon left the room to go for the dinner that had been set up for the bicyclists in one of the banquet rooms in the motel. We found space at a table with two seats left at one end. Most of the people on the ride ranged in age from their late teens to early thirties. They were all older than Adam and most found it interesting that the young boy was making the ride. The people at our table were no exception. They seemed to enjoy talking to this young rider or teasing him. Adam seemed to enjoy the attention, too. My mind was somewhat preoccupied with the thoughts of getting the boy back to our room in into bed. Even so, I didn't push our leaving until several of the others at our table had left. "It's probably time for us to go to our room, too, Adam," I recommended. "That way you can take your shower tonight before you fall asleep and you won't have to take it in the morning." "Okay," he agreed. We got up from the table and said goodbye to the other bicyclists that were still there. When we returned to our room, Adam again dove onto the huge bed. I notice that the roll-away bed still hadn't arrived. "Standard motel service," I thought to myself. At least the fact that Adam had no intention of selling on the roll-away bed would save me an argument with the registration clerk. Their lack of service still pissed me off. "Why don't you go in and take your shower right away tonight, Adam? That way you will be done in case you go to sleep while I am taking mine." "Okay, but I am not as tired as last night," he said. The boy took off his shoes and socks, but went into the bathroom still wearing his shorts and shirt. I wished he would have undressed in the main room, but I didn't know of any way to suggest it. Soon I heard the toilet flush and then the water running in the shower. In about fifteen minutes, Adam emerged from the bathroom. He was carrying his clothes and had a towel wrapped around his waist, just like that morning. This was more like it! He lay the clothes he had taken off by the suitcase and came over to the bed. "May I watch television while you take your shower?" he asked. "Sure, Adam. I won't take too long and then we better get to bed. Morning will be here before we know it," I said. "Okay, I'll just watch until you are done." He turned on the TV and then crawled onto the bed, still wearing just the towel. I went into the bathroom and started my shower. As I stood there with the water running on me, I thought about the boy and his beautiful body. It didn't take thinking of about him long before my dick was sticking straight up. I then had an exciting thought! If Adam went to sleep while I was in the shower, he might still be wearing only the towel. It wouldn't take much to expose his little body if all I had to do was lift the towel. I took a little longer in the shower and bathroom than I normally would, hoping that Adam would go to sleep. Finally, I walked out of the bathroom, still drying myself, to check on the boy. It was slightly disappointing to see that Adam was still awake, laying on his stomach on the bed watching TV. The only consolation was that he had not started to get ready for bed. His lower body was still covered only by the towel. I let my towel dangle in front of me to cover my genitals, but was still obviously naked. "Why don't you get into bed, Adam?" I suggested. "I'll be there in just a couple of minutes." "Okay," he answered, and began to crawl off the bed. His towel had apparently been loosened by his movement on the bed and it slipped from his body completely when he stood up. He grabbed for the towel, but rather than cover himself as I would have expected, he lay it on the chair beside the bed. I looked at the smooth, bare, young body, expecting him to turn around and get his underpants from the suitcase. As I watched in disbelief, the naked boy instead pulled back the bedspread and crawled into bed. I couldn't believe it! No underpants, no shorts, no anything, he was going to sleep in the nude! I quickly retreated to the bathroom to regain my composure before Adam noticed my surprise. I finished drying myself while I tried to decide how I should proceed. Without a doubt, I was anxious to crawl in bed with that naked boy, but I wanted to be sure about how I should act. How I wanted to feel his smooth, naked body against mine! Should I do what was right and wear my underwear to bed as I had the night before? Or should I do what my evil desires wanted and sleep nude, just like he was? What the hell! I was going to do what I wanted. I wrapped the towel around my waist. After all, if he didn't want to sleep in the same bed with both of us naked, all he would need to do was get up and put on his underwear. I turned off TV and all of the lights except for the one on the night stand by my side of the bed. I then reached to the bed, pulled back the covers and doffed my towel, tossing it beside the bed. Adam watched as I crawled into bed. I could tell that he was looking at my dick, this being the first time that he had seen me completely naked. I reached up and turned off the last light. "Good night, Adam," I said, putting my arm across his chest for a moment in a light hug. I wondered if he was going to say anything about my nakedness. "Night, Ben," was his only response. Adam lay on his side of the bed, and I lay on mine. I wanted to pull the beautiful child to me so that I could feel his soft skin, but I resisted and lay there silently. In a minute or so, the soft voice broke the silence, "Are you asleep, Ben?" "Not yet, Adam," I answered. "Do you know how hard the ride is tomorrow?" "About like today," I speculated. "Perhaps a few more hills, but not as hard as yesterday." "That's good," he said. "My legs are getting pretty tired." There seemed to be a tone of relief in his voice. It hadn't occurred to me that he might be worried about the ride ahead of us. "I can understand why they would be, Adam. You have done a great job the last two days. Don't worry, if we need to take it a little slower tomorrow we will. It's our last day and we can take it at what ever speed you want to enjoy the ride." "Thanks," he said. "I'm sure I will be okay. Good night, again" "I know you will be just fine, Pal. Good night." I must have been pretty tired, because I soon drifted off to sleep, before I had a chance to explore my young bed-mate. I am not sure how long I slept before I was awakened by a cry from the boy. "Ouch...oh..oh!" he wailed, springing to a sitting position on the bed. "What's wrong, Adam," I asked, in the most comprehensive voice I could muster after being startled awake. "I have a cramp in my leg and it really hurts. Oooo..ouch!" I reached up and flicked on the light. The boy was sitting with his right leg drawn up to him under the blanket. Tears were streaming from his eyes as he cried in pain. I sat up beside him and pulled back the blanket. "Here let me rub your leg for you, Adam. That will help to work the cramp out." He was holding the calf of his right leg. Without waiting for permission, I put my hands to his leg and, pushing his hands aside, started to massage the area he had been holding. I could feel that the muscle in his leg was clinched up tightly. Even though he was not trying to flex the muscle, it felt as hard as a rock. "Oh..Oh," he cried as I pressed against his leg. I knew it was painful, but the cramp had to be massaged out. Even though I still can't believe it myself, in my attempt to relieve his pain, I didn't give any thought to fact that he was naked. After a couple of minutes, I could feel the muscle start to relax. Adam also seemed to be calming down. His tears had stopped and he lay part way down, resting on his elbows. "Is your leg feeling better, Adam?" I asked. "Yeah, it feels a lot better. That really hurt! What made it do that?" "Unfortunately, you can get a cramp like that in your legs when you have been exerting them a lot, like you have been in the last two days. Even though we practiced a lot, your legs are telling you they were not quite ready for this much. Sometimes the muscle cramps and tightens up when you least expect it. The best thing to do is just massage it until the muscle relaxes," I explained. "Wow, I hope it doesn't do that again," he said. "I think it will be okay now," I said, trying to reassure him. There was no way I could know if it would happen again or not, but I did not want him to worry about it. "Why don't you just lay back and try to go back to sleep while I rub your leg?" I suggested. "Thanks for making it feel better, Ben," he said as he lay back done on his pillow. "You're welcome, Pal. Try to get some sleep now." The boy closed his eyes and I continued to rub his leg. Now that things were calm, my mind and eyes drifted back to exposed portions of the child's body. I looked down at the flaccid penis and scrotum that were being pushed to one side by his raised leg. I wished I could massage there as well and bring pleasurable feelings just like I had with his leg. I continued to rub him until it appeared that he was asleep. Gently, I put my hand to his foot and pulled downward to lower his leg. After taking one last look at his raised genitals, I pulled up the sheet and blanket over the child. Sure, I wanted to caress his little-boy parts, but it was late and I figured his young body had been through enough. I turned off the light and lay back down. Surprisingly, it didn't take me long to go back to sleep also. Some time later, I awoke again, but this time it was not from a crying child. Instead, it was from a most wonderful feeling. In his sleep, the boy had moved around and rolled over to cuddle next to me. He was laying on his side with his back pressing against me. His warm, smooth body felt fantastic against my side. I could hear and feel his heavy, rhythmic breathing indicating that he was asleep. I turned from my back onto my side so that I was facing the boy. Gently, I put my hand against his bare back and rubbed down to his bottom. Adam had no extra fat on his young body, but his rear end still felt plump and firm. I drew my finger through the crevice between his hips. Next, I rubbed across his side and down to his abdomen. I probed between his legs until I found his little pecker. I moved more closely to the boy so that my front was pressed against his back. My dick, which as usual was hard, was sandwiched between my abdomen and his soft bottom. I used the arm that was over the boy to pull him more tightly against me. He moaned softly as I changed his position. The movement caused Adam to shift his top leg slightly, trapping both his penis and my hand that encased it, between his legs. So there I lay, my naked body pressed against the back of the nude child; my hard penis against his smooth bottom; holding his little penis and balls in my hand which was captured securely between his bare legs. In that marvelous position, I soon went back to sleep.
Chapter 3The next time I awoke, we were both laying on our backs again. Adam was beside me with one leg stretched across mine. I looked over at the clock. It was ten minutes until six; too late to try and go back to sleep. I certainly didn't want to get up and leave my young friend any sooner than was absolutely necessary. The boy still seemed to be very much asleep. Maybe I could enjoy him a little more before he woke up.Slowly, I moved my hand, under the sheet, across the boy's body trying to find that special handle I had gone to sleep holding. My first estimates on position were inaccurate and I felt the smoothness of his leg and then his abdomen. Finally, I struck gold. My hand touched Adam's penis, but it wasn't the soft organ that had fit so tightly in my grasp previously. The boy's dick was standing at full attention with a morning erection. For a couple of minutes I rubbed my fingers up and down on the hard, slender shaft while I worked my own dick with my other hand. I extended my finger to caress the soft glands at the tip. But I wanted even more; I wanted to see him, too. Trying to be as gentle as I could so as not to wake the boy, I pulled the blanket off of us. There was a fair amount of light coming in at the window from the approaching dawn and lights outside so I could see the boy's body. He had one leg bent slightly to the outside of the bed and the other one over my leg. His position highlighted the straight, rigid shaft that extended up his front, holding its head half an inch or so from his body. I put my hand on my own dick and started to relieve my built up sexual tension. Once again I had the thrill of using the child's exposed body for my stimulation. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that I would be making a habit of jacking off while looking at the front of a naked young boy, his tiny cock just as hard as mine. It wasn't long before my cock had shot its wad. I used the towel to clean up and then took a last long look at the boy before waking him. His virgin penis was still standing at full attention between his legs. Funny how nature made him ready to plant his seeds long before it gave him any to sow. Knowing that I couldn't stall any longer, I lay the blanket and sheet back over the naked boy. I had made up my mind that I would let Adam decide whether or not we would ride today. If his legs were in too much pain, it would be better to skip this last day the take a chance on turning him off on bicycling. Regardless of his decision, I needed to wake him up so that we could discuss it. While still balancing myself up on my elbow, I put my other arm across the boy's chest. Shaking him lightly, I used a sing-song voice to say, "Good Morning, Adam. Time to wake up." He opened his eyes a little, the closed them again. "Hey, Adam, you need to wake up," I continued to try and arouse him. I knew that last night's cramp attack combined with the last two days of riding had worn on his body making it harder than normal to get started. This time he opened his eyes more fully, "Okay," he said. "How does your leg feel this morning?" I asked. He raised his leg under the blanket and seemed to be rubbing it. "I think it is okay, just a little sore," he answered after a few seconds of inspection. "You know, if it your legs hurt too bad, we don't have to ride today," I said, presenting him with the alternative. "No way!" he exclaimed, sitting up in bed. "There is no way I am not going to finish the ride today! Even if I have to pedal with my hands." I was surprised by his conviction. Even after two long days of riding, his spirits and determination were still as strong as they had been that first morning. "Okay, Pal," I laughed at the picture of him pedalling his bicycle with his hands. "Then we better get going so we have time to eat and get to the start." In agreement, he pulled off the covers and got out of bed. He groaned lightly when he stood up on his sore legs. I could tell that the muscle in his right leg was still tender, because he had a slight limp as he headed for the suitcase. The naked boy looked so little and vulnerable my heart was filled for compassion for him. "Are you sure you are going to be okay, Adam?" I asked. "Sure, just a little sore," he smiled back at me. "Okay, if you say so, but just remember this isn't worth keeping going until you drop. There are always other rides," I said. "I know, Ben. Thanks for worrying about me. It doesn't hurt that bad, really." I still wasn't convinced, but decided to let it go for now. "Okay, then let's get ready!" I told him enthusiastically. We dressed, loaded the car once more and then went back to the banquet room for breakfast. No less than five people noticed Adam's limp and asked him if he was okay in between the time we entered the room and when we found a place to sit and eat. Even more than I realized, everyone seemed to have taken notice of this special young boy. It made me proud to be with him to share this experience. As always, breakfast was followed by a drive to the day's starting point. I made Adam walk around for several minutes while we waited for the ride to begin. That seemed to help the soreness and by the time he mounted his bicycle for the start, his limp had almost disappeared. During the ride, I did insist on frequent stops to rest and longer snack breaks. Whether he admitted it or not, the boy's legs were still bothering him. It helped Adam's attitude to see that several other riders were having trouble keeping up the pace of this third day. We would frequently meet the same people resting either when we arrived at a aid station or by the time we left. One or another would often joke with Adam or ask him how he was doing. At one aid station, a couple of hours into the ride, I left Adam sitting under a tree while I got some oranges for us to eat. When I returned he was rubbing his legs. "Are they feeling worse?" I asked him. "Not really, they just kind of ache," he answered. "Would you like me to rub them for you like last night while you eat your orange?" I offered. "Yes, please," he said in a somewhat pleading tone. I sat down at his feet and began to rub the calf of his right leg. I enjoyed having my hands on his soft body. For several minutes I massaged the boy's legs, moving back and forth between them. "Does that help?" I asked. "Yeah, it really does make them feel better," he said. From that point on we took a few minutes for me to massage his legs each time we stopped. I think that refreshed us both at least as much as the treats that were provided. The last aid station was five miles from finish line. Adam decided that he didn't need to stop if the end was that close. He began to once again count down the miles. Shortly after we began the last mile we started seeing groups along the roadway. They would applaud the riders as they passed by. Some were riders who had already finished, while others were just interested people from the community. Finally, we rounded a corner and there ahead was the finish line. "There it is!" Adam yelled back at me. One would have thought that the boy had found a new set of legs. He began pedalling for all he could toward the finish. As he crossed the line, among the cheers of numerous bystanders, he raised his arms in victory. In truth his accomplishment was nothing less than a racer who had just won a championship. He hadn't given up. He had proven that he had the determination to accomplish something great.
Chapter 4This last night we had reservations to stay at a Holiday Inn. Like usual, there were a lot of people there and I had to park a fair distance from the lobby. Adam decided to stay in the car while I checked us in.As I stared to leave the car, Adam said, "Why don't we get a room with a big bed like last night? That was fun to sleep in." I was pleased with the suggestion. "Okay, I'll see what I can do," I promised. The lobby was fairly busy so I had to wait at the registration desk. The clerk was a young man and I tried to sound nonchalant when I asked if I could change the reserved double-bed room for one with a king sized bed. Whether it was because he was busy or just not paying attention, the clerk didn't show any surprise that someone registering with one adult and one child would make such a request. There was a king bed room available that was not reserved, so he gave me the key. "Did you get one?" Adam asked, before I hardly had a chance to get in the car. "One what?" I teased. "You know, a room with a big bed?" "Oh, that!" I exclaimed and tossed him the room key. "Only the best for you, young man." "Yes!" came his standard indication of approval. We drove around to the side and then walked up to our room. I held the suitcase as Adam opened the door. The room seemed a little bigger than the one the night before, but there was the requested king sized bed. Adam was quick to dive in and the bounce in the middle of it. He then got up to investigate the bathroom, the closet and all drawers. I reminded him that we had promised to call his mom and let her know how our ride went. He seemed excited to do that and called he right away. They talked for some time as he told her about his experiences on the ride, how hard some parts had been and, most joyfully of all, about winning the new helmet. She must have asked about our accommodations, because he told her that the motels were pretty neat. I listened cautiously until they changed the subject, but I was finally relieved that he said nothing about our sleeping arrangements. Somehow, I just didn't think that she would understand. After he had hung up the phone, Adam asked "May we go to the hot tub I saw downstairs. I bet it will make my legs feel better." Since I figured it was too early to get him into bed, I agreed. "We can go down for a little while. Then you can take your shower before we go to bed," I said. "Okay," he said, already digging for his swim trunks in the suitcase. He had brought them with the hope of swimming in the motel pools every night, but had been too tired until tonight. As I looked for my suit, I watched Adam. Modesty apparently now a thing of the past, he quickly shed shoes, socks, shirt, shorts and underpants! His cute little penis and balls wiggled on his front enjoying their freedom, until they were again captives of his pants. It took me a little longer to change, but I tried to hurry as much as possible while I sat next to the boy on the bed. I noticed that his eyes were focused between my legs as I removed my underwear. Although I knew it was more curious then the desire I had for that part of him, I welcomed his interest. When I was ready, we grabbed our towels and walked down to the pool and hot tub. The water in the spa felt very hot, but we slowly worked ourselves all the way in. There were several other people around the hot tub and pool. Two little boys about seven or eight years old were with their parents by the pool. As I watched their cute little bodies move in and out of the pool, my standard instincts thought about what was hidden under those swim trunks. It was an exciting thought that with all the times I had watched little boys at pools in the past, dreaming of touching their bodies, this was the first time it might actually come true. Not with them of course, but hopefully I would once again be able to explore my young companion. When we had taken several intervals in and out of the hot tub, I told Adam, "We better get out before they mistake you for a red cooked lobster and serve you for dinner." "Yeah, right," he said, not really appreciating my comparison. He did look down at his reddened body, however. "It's not that bad," he said. When we got out of the hot water, the night air caused a quick chill so we didn't waste any time getting back to our room. Adam was shivering by the time we got there, so no coaxing was necessary to convince him to get back into the warm water of the shower. When he came out of the bathroom he had exchanged his swim trunks for a towel. He again sat down on the bed to watch TV while I showered. This time, however, the boy was already in bed when I came out of the bathroom . He had the covers pulled up around his so all I could see were his bare arms and shoulders. There was no way I could tell if he had his underwear on underneath. I quickly decided not to let that change my actions. After all, he had slept with me when I was nude last night; I wasn't going to put something on just in case he had. I turned off the TV and walked to my side of the bed. Pulling back the covers, I dropped my towel and got in. I resisted the temptation to immediately reach over and see if Adam had anything covering his tight, little bottom. As I reached up to turn off the light, Adam playfully pulled my pillow away to his side of the bed. "Hey, where do you think you are going with that?" I asked, ignoring the light for the time being. "I need more pillows," he giggled. "But that one's mine," I said, reaching across him to retrieve the pillow. The boy clutched the pillow tightly to his chest, saying, "Not any more! Now it's mine!" "We'll see about that," I said. I moved my hands under the sheets to his bare sides and began to tickle him. The boy wiggled, twisted and laughed. I took the opportunity to move my hands to the lower part of his body. My insides jumped with joy when all I felt was skin, soft, bare boy-bottom skin. I continued to move my hands around on him and tickle. Quickly, I poked his sides, stomach, legs, and once, I even probed down his front between his legs. For just a second I felt the soft touch of his wiggling penis. After a couple of minutes, Adam's laughter had him gasping for air. He flung the stolen pillow back at me and blurted out, "Okay, you can have it!" "Thanks, I knew you would see it my way," I said, trying to fake the sound of superiority. "But I think I would like to have this one, too!" I said, as I pulling the boy's pillow out from under his head. "Oh, no you don't!" he yelled, diving on top of me to try and reach the pillow I was holding off the far side of the bed. Each time he would reach for the pillow I switched it to the other side. The child squirmed around on top of me grabbing for the pillow. My dick quickly enlarged to a fully upright state with the feel of the naked boy wiggling on top of me. I soon realized that if he did much more rubbing of my dick it would literally have an explosion that would cover the boy with something he might not appreciate. Without being too obvious, I let Adam catch the pillow on one of the passes over his head. "Got it!" he called triumphantly. "Yeah, you're pretty sneaky," I said, making believe it was all his doing. The boy stuck the pillow back under his head and slid part way off of me to the side, but he kept his leg across my upper legs. I thought that I could feel his penis against my hip. It was difficult to fight off the desire to take him in my hand. We lay there silently for a few seconds, as if each waiting for the other to make the next move. Fortunately, Adam took the next step that I had been afraid to make. The boy moved his leg up and pressed it against my hard dick. He then started to talk about the sexual connotations of our situation. "Your weeny sure gets stiff a lot, doesn't it?" he asked. "Yes, it does when I rub around without any clothes on," I said. "I guess it just likes the feel of the rubbing against someone else's skin." I knew more than that I was turned on by the naked, young boy that was doing much of the rubbing, but I wasn't quite ready to tell him that. "Yeah, mine gets stiff from rubbing, too." I wasn't sure how far I could get, but the conversation was leading in the direction I wanted. "Is it stiff now?" I asked. "A little," he admitted. "Would you show me how stiff it gets?" I continued pressing further. "Gee, I don't know," Adam hesitated. "I never did it in front of anybody before." "I know you haven't, Adam, but I am not just anybody. You and I are sharing a lot of things that are really special and kind of private. After all, I bet that I am the only one you have slept with when you weren't wearing anything, aren't I?" I asked, feeling quite sure that all this wasn't a normal thing for the boy. "Yes," he admitted, almost sheepishly. "I know and that is wonderful. We are sharing something great! I would like to share something more, something I know you will enjoy." The youngster thought for a minute, than softly said "Okay, I'll show you." Without allowing a moments hesitation for him to change his mind I said, "Great, Adam. It is a normal thing for boys to enjoy their body. I would like to see how you make your penis stiff and then maybe I can help you find ways that it can feel even better." "Okay!" he said, now seeming almost anxious to show me how he did it. "First, I lay on my tummy." He rolled over on the bed beside me. "Then I put my hand under me so I can rub my weeny on it." I figured he had his hand under him, but I couldn't see since he had the sheet and cover over him. There was no way I was going to miss this act, so I asked, "Is it okay if we pull the covers back so I can see how you do it?" "Okay," he agreed and pulled his hand back out to push the covers aside. I took a hold of the sheet and blanket and pulled them towards me and down so that all of the boy's naked body was uncovered except for his ankles and feet. Now that he was totally exposed, he went back to his explanation. "See, I put it under here so I can rub my weeny on it." He raised his white, little bottom slightly into the air and pushed his hand under him below his waist. "Then I rub my titty with my other hand while I move my weeny until it gets hard." He put his other hand to his chest. His body blocked by view so I couldn't see what he was doing, however. He then started his performance. As I watched, the boy began to move his bottom. His little, white rear moved up and down, back and forth. I could see his slender butt cheeks tighten and release. For several minutes I silently observed, looking over his bare legs, back and bottom. Around and around he worked his bottom. Sometimes he looked at me with his bright blue eyes and smiled. Other times he closed them. And sometimes he would get a slightly look of anguish on his face. It was not a look of pain, but rather one of the desire for hidden urges to be allowed out. My own dick was sporting a tall erection looking at the naked little boy squirm on the bed. I was enthralled at watching his bare back and bottom move. Still, the area I wanted to see and touch, that special extremity that made him a boy, was hidden from by view under his body. Finally, I could take no more of his hidden meat beating act without becoming involved. "Is it getting stiff?" I finally asked. "Huh 3; huh," he squeaked. I wasn't sure how far Adam would actually let me go, but I wanted to try for anything I could. "I'd like to see how stiff you have made it," I said, gasping a little with my own excitement. "Would you raise up for a minute and let me see it?" I am sure he wasn't too excited about stopping his masturbation, but he honored my request. He pulled his hand out from under his body and turned to one side. His little dick was long and thin, just like that first night and before he awakened this morning. Only it was more exciting this time because he was awake. Breathlessly I said, "Here Adam, let me put my hand under you and you can rub your penis on my hand and then you can rub both your titties at the same time. See if that doesn't feel better." I was too anxious to give him time to object. Quickly, I slid my hand under his body. Fortunately, his own state of rapture discouraged him from even trying to prevent my advance. He even assisted by raising himself slightly so that my hand could proceed. His stiffened organ moved up with his body, but still hung down slightly from his front. It rubbed against my fingers and hand as they moved passed. I positioned my hand so that the child's penis fell against my fingers. I almost gasped as I touched his stiffened organ for the first time when he was awake. As I pressed against his slender stick, I said, "That's good, Adam. Now do what you were doing, but on my hand." He lowered himself and began to once more move his bottom. This time I could feel the movement he was using to stimulate his hardening penis against my hand. I applied a slight pressure and movement with my fingers to supplement his own. For another minute or so I let the boy work himself. I could tell he was getting more and more excited, and so was I. But I wanted to have more of an active part. I wanted to masturbate him to orgasm. I my excitement I gasped, "Turn over on your back, Adam. Let me help you." I don't think the boy knew what I intended to do, but he rolled over onto his back. As he did I pulled my hand out from under him. When he turned over, there was his stiffened penis sticking straight up along his abdomen. The little shaft directing its purple tip up the boy's body as it tiny testes clung tightly to it's base. Immediately I took his penis between my thumb and first two fingers and began to stroke up and down on his organ. I think he may have been a little surprised to have me take him so openly. However, he was so anxious to continue the stimulation he had started that I think he quickly decided that this was okay. Even with his organ fully erect, Adam' penis couldn't have been much over three inches [7½ cm] long and not much thicker than my finger. Yet it obviously had all the sensitivity necessary to excite the boy. He started to breath in gasps as I rubbed his member. For another minute or two I continued to masturbate the boy. I tried to calculate the pace and pressure of my hand that would give the slender organ what it needed. The boy gave a couple of whining sounds. I looked away from his middle for a minute and saw that his eyes were closed tightly and his face had a reddish tinge. His time was coming. My gaze surveyed his smooth naked body before returning between his legs. The boy had his hand to his chest and was rubbing his left nipple with his fingertip. Then it happened. The boy thrust his bottom up and down to move his penis in my hand. I figured he was ready. I pushed my hand to the base of his hardened penis and squeezed firmly. "Oh 3; oh," he moaned. The thin little dick pulsed in my hand as the boy convulsed in his climax. His youthful orgasm continued for several seconds, then he lay quietly. I held his softening penis for a little longer, then Bent over and kissed him on the cheek. It was the first time I had ever dared to show my affection for my young friend in that way. He opened his eyes and looked at me, but he didn't appear to be surprised or disturb by the kiss. I released his penis, rubbed my hand up his smooth stomach, then rolled onto my back. I had to have some relief, too. Even though I was hesitant about jacking off in front of the boy, I couldn't wait for him to go to sleep. I began to rub my rock hard dick. The boy must have wondered why I was leaving him, because he turned and looked over at me. His gaze went down at my dick and then back to my eyes. "After holding you, I have to do it too, Adam. My body wants to do what yours did." That was all I could explain in my excited state, but that seemed to be enough. The boy sat up on the bed beside me to watch. "Spread your legs so I can see your weeny, Adam," I requested. If for any reason he hadn't already guessed what turned me on, he did now. The boy quickly obliged and moved one leg under his bottom. That raised his abdomen and displayed his relaxed little penis a few inches from my head. With that view and my highly aroused state, it wasn't more than a couple of minutes before my dick was shooting wads of cum onto my stomach. The boy watched silently until I was done. Then, as I reached to the floor and picked up the towel to wipe myself off, he asked, "Is that sperm?" "Yes, sweetheart," I answered. "Since I am grown up, my penis shoots out sperm when I have an orgasm." "I know," he said. "They told us all about that in sex education class last year. I'm gunna' have sperm in a couple of years." "That's right, Adam. But as you can tell, you can still enjoy your body now!" I threw the towel back on the floor and taking the boy's arm, pulled him so that he was laying across my chest. I kissed him again on the cheek, only this time he raised up and kissed me on the mouth. Happily, returned that one, too. I then pulled the blankets over our naked bodies. The boy lay quietly against me as I rubbed my hands over his smooth, bare back and bottom. In only a few minutes I could hear his breathing become heavier as sleep overtook him. After a few more minutes of absorbing the wonderful sensations of having a naked child sleeping on top of me, I too drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 5The next morning was Saturday. Adam actually awoke before I did and the motion of him getting out bed woke me. I watched sleepily as the naked young boy walked to bathroom. My mind drifted back to our encounter last night and I hoped that Adam wasn't having any anxiety because of our activities.Shortly, I heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open. The child, still as naked as when he was born eleven short years before, hurried back to the bed and slid in beside me. I reached over and pulled him toward me. "Good Morning, Adam," I said, followed by a kiss to his lips. He reciprocated and then said, "Morning." Fortunately, the tone of his short response sounded up-beat. "It's kind of nice not to have to hurry and get ready this morning isn't it?" I asked. "Yeah, the ride has been fun, but I don't know if my legs could take another day right now," the boy admitted. "Mine either, I am ready for a day off." I held him for a couple of moments trying to decide whether or not I should try and arouse his young body again. He solved my dilemma for me before I could make a decision, although not with the answer I would have preferred. "Can I turn on the TV and watch cartoons?" he asked. My mind was quickly brought back to the fact that my young lover was indeed a little boy with priorities far different than my adult sexual ones. "Sure," I agreed. He again hopped out of bed and turned on the television. As soon as the picture came on the screen, he started searching the channels for a cartoon he preferred. In our darkened room, the colors displayed on the screen reflected off his bare body. A warm glow seemed to emanate from his sides as he stood facing the set. Finally, he came to one blaring out the theme song for Masters of the Universe. "Yes!" he said, as he backed away from the TV and sat down on the edge of the bed. We watched the show for the next half hour. In reality I watched more of the boy then the television. As the time went by, Adam frequently changed his position on the bed. Changing from sitting, to laying on his stomach, to laying on his side the youngster gave me several viewing angles of his fine young body. I resisted the temptation try and reenact the last night's sexual activities with the boy and settled for just admiring his exposed body. Adam did not seem to be the least bit apprehensive about his unclothed state as he lounged on the bed. There was only a half hour left until we had to check out of the motel by the time the program ended. I didn't figure that would give me enough time to encourage the boy to more prurient interests. Adam was now laying on his stomach beside me. I sat up and rubbed the boy's back, allowing my hand to extend down over his soft bottom. "I guess it's time for us to get ready to go," I said. "Do we have to already?" he asked. "Unfortunately, we do. We have to be out of here by ten thirty." "Can't we tell them we want to stay longer?" he continued his pleading. "I don't think so," I answered. "Besides we have a pretty long drive ahead of us, too, so we should get started." I almost couldn't believe that those words were coming from me. What I really wanted to say was, "Sure, we can stay for another day and have twenty-four hours of wild boy-sex the likes of which neither one of us have ever imagined." But such an answer wasn't feasible. Reluctantly, I got out of the bed. The boy crawled off also and we met at the suitcase. We both stood there nude as we hunted through the suitcase for our clothes. I was pleased that Adam selected a pair of loose-fitting, blue, athletic shorts, rather than a pair of tight bicycling ones. I knew from past experience that these would show off his tanned legs very nicely. When the boy had dug out every thing he needed, he sat down on the bed and began to dress. I couldn't help but feel slight despair as Adam pulled his underpants up beyond his legs to again hide his cute, little penis. With our motel stays over, who could tell when I would see my young friend's body again. After we finished dressing, we loaded the car and checked out of the motel. We found a Village Inn Restaurant and stopped for a late breakfast before starting out on the road for home.
Chapter 6The drive home started uneventfully. We talked for a while about our last three days of bicycling. Then Adam put one of the cassette tapes he had brought along into tape player. We listened to the music. Occasionally, he would sing along with one of his favorite songs.After a while the child sat quietly and closed his eyes. He didn't even move when the tape finished and popped from the player. I thought he must be asleep. I looked over at the bare legs extending from his silky, blue shorts and thought about the last few nights with the child. The pants were drawn up on his legs toward his bottom by his sitting position so I had quite a bit of smooth, light brown skin to look at. The tan of his legs got lighter and lighter toward his rear. In the depths of my mind I removed those shorts and then his shirt. I imagined that cute penis poking its tiny head up between his legs. Evidently the boy was not sleeping at all. I was lost deep in the thought of his soft bare bottom sitting next to me when the youngster's voice brought me back to reality. In the silence, the boy must have been thinking about the same things I was, because out of the blue he offered, "I liked sleeping together last night." I was surprised that he was awake, but quickly agreed, "So did I, Adam. It was wonderful to sleep with you." Although I was indeed referring to the sex, as well as the sleeping, the boy felt that needed a little clarification. "I liked the other stuff, too." "I did too, Adam. Thank you for letting me be a part of that with you." "Yeah, I felt good when you did me. I never had such a good one before." "I am glad you liked it, Adam. I loved it and I love you. You know it has to be just our secret, don't you?" "Yeah, I know," he said. I was relieved to hear his simple answer. Another couple of minutes passed in silence. I know that both of us were thinking about the previous night's experience. "Do you think that someday we will stay in a motel again and maybe do it again?" the boy asked, somewhat sheepishly. "Do you want to do it again?" I probed. "Yeah," he answered. "I hope we will stay together in a motel again someday. I am sure we will go on other bike rides and we can look for some that are in a place where we have to stay in a motel. But you know, Adam, if you want to have fun like that again, we don't have to wait until we are at a motel. When you want to do it, we can do it at my house." "Oh yeah, I guess we could," he said. He obviously hadn't realized that the mystique of our sexual encounter didn't have to be confined to motel rooms. "When would we do it?" "Some time when we are alone and you want to do it just tell me. I would love to do it with you anytime. Okay?" "Okay," he said. Then the silence resumed for quite a while. Before long we arrived at my house. I knew that we had a couple of hours to kill before Adam' mother would be off work and I would have to take my little lover home. The summer heat of the city hit us like a club when we got out of the air conditioned car. Our ride in the cooler mountains had made us forget about the hot temperatures at home. Adam took off his shirt as we unloaded the bicycles and then carried the equipment and suitcase into the house. I had left the air conditioner on slightly, so the house had remained cool. It was refreshing to get back out of the heat. Next, we sorted our clothes out of the suitcase, putting his in a plastic bag to take home later. When I took out the last of my clothes out, I discovered that there was a pair of Adam's underpants that he had left behind. Before he noticed them, I pushed them into a side compartment of the suitcase. I thought they might come in handy later to stimulate my own thoughts of our encounter when the boy wasn't there. They probably wouldn't be missed, but if they were, I could always search the suitcase again and 'quot;surprisingly' find them. Afterward, I fixed us both a Coke and we went in to watch TV. Adam turned on one of his favorite movies, Breaking Away, on the video recorder. The movie is about some teenage boys and bicycle racing. Obviously, a subject close to both of us. For the next hour and a half we sat on the floor and watched the movie. During that time Adam removed his shoes and socks. He was now down to only his shorts and the underpants I knew were beneath. Having watched him put them on this morning, I was knew exactly what they looked like. That knowledge didn't reduce my desire to see them again, however. I probably spent more time looking at the scantily clothed boy than I did watching the movie. It had never been unusual for me to stare at the boy's body whenever I had a chance, but after the last few days I wanted him in a way I never dared show before. I had positioned myself to the side and slightly behind Adam so that I could look at him without being obvious. At various times the boy would pull up his legs in front of him causing the shorts to slide up his legs. The loose legs of the shorts would, at times, slide almost to his bottom. I loved to look at those beautiful bare legs. I couldn't help but think about his body and last night's encounter. I wanted him again! But I had said that we wouldn't do it again until he wanted to, so I would have to try and live by that. My promise hadn't said that I wouldn't encourage him to want to do it, though. I just wasn't sure just how to do that. When the movie was over, Adam started the rewind on the recorded and we talked about the movie for a few minutes. Like each time we had watched it before, Adam went over his favorite scenes. After it had all been gone over to Adam's satisfaction, the conversation lagged. "What do you want to do now, you silly kid?" I teased, giving Adam a friendly nudge to push him over. "I don't know," he said, quickly retaliating by climbing on top of me. I fell back on the floor and we wrestled. I tried to hold him off while he tried to hold me down. I didn't try too hard though, wanting to feel his bare skin of his chest against me. I started to tickle him, which made him fall down on top of me. I then rolled him off onto the floor. I continued to tickle him under his arms and his bare stomach. This was exactly the way we had started our encounter the night before and both of us realized it. In a few seconds, Adam gasped through his giggling, "Stop a minute." I did as he asked and stopped the tickling. "What?" I asked. Adam answered by his actions. He put his hands to his waist and pushed down his shorts and underpants. He raised his legs and pulled them off. I was thrilled by his actions. I couldn't keep my eyes from his little wiggling penis. Throwing his pants to one side, the naked boy lunged back on top of me. "I'm a better wrestler with no clothes on," he said.. "Oh, you are, are you?" I said, trying not all that hard to hold him off so that I could touch as much of his body as possible. I tickled and rubbed him, moving my hands over his back and soft cheeks of his bare bottom. But in a few seconds he stopped struggling and rolled off. He put his hands between his legs and said, "Your shorts hurt my weeny." "We can't have that," I said. "Is it okay if I take them off?" "Sure," he said, since that was he had expected all along. "Don't you want to have your clothes off too." "Of course I do," I said, offering no further explanation of my hesitation. I pulled my T-shirt over my head, pulled off my tennis shoes and then unfastened and pulled off my shorts and underwear. My body and mind were much quicker that the boy's in anticipation of what was to come so my dick was already enlarging. Never the less, I tried to ignore that fact. It was positioning itself to have sex and since Adam was fully aware that was the outcome of our actions, he would just have to accept the fact that my organ was going to be enlarged. I left my clothes in a pile and stretched back out on the floor. The boy made no comment about my erection, but crawled back on top of me and began to wiggle and wrestle again. "Now I'll really get you!" he warned. The soft skin of his nude body felt wonderful against me. I could feel his penis against my stomach, sandwiched between our bodies. The pressure of his body felt good on my hardened dick, too. As we twisted and wiggled, I asked, "Does that feel better on your weeny?" "Yeah, but I bet it will feel better when you rub it," he giggled. "That sounds like a fun idea. But let's go into the bedroom. The bed will be a lot softer than this floor." "Okay," Adam said, getting off of me and standing up. As he stood in front of me, I could see that rubbing our bodies together had an effect him, too. His slender, penis was also sporting a fine erection. It was the first time I had seen the boy standing up in this condition. His little hard-on protruded out long and slender from his hairless body, pointing its tiny tip slightly upward. Seeing the child standing there with his firm, young erection turned me on even more, as if that was possible. "I'll beat you in there," he said and started toward the bedroom. "No you won't!" I said, hopping up from the floor. The naked boy started running and I followed. I tried to take in all I could as I watching his bare body move. All too quickly we were in the bedroom and Adam dove onto the bed. "I won!" he exclaimed with a gasp. "You had a head start!" I complained, as I flopped onto the bed beside him. I pulled the naked boy back on top of me. For a minute or two we wrestled again. Then I stopped and held him still. I tried to feel his penis against my stomach, but it was difficult. I put my hand to his side by his bottom. "Raise up," I instructed. This time the boy had a good idea of what I had in mind. He raised his abdomen and I slipped my hand in between our bodies. I found his penis and pressed my fingers against his shaft. The inexperienced love tool had lost most of its firmness during the trip to the bedroom. Laying back down on my hand, he began to move his lower body. Unlike the night before when he had created his own erection, I wanted to help from the start so I pressed his organ and moved my fingers also. It didn't take long before his penis was began to harden again. Even though I liked having his body on top of me, I still wanted to see his hard little cock and balls before he had his youthful orgasm. I gently raised the boy and rolled him over onto his back on the bed. I put my hand between his legs and massaged his partially erect penis and tiny balls. Bending down I kissed him on the forehead and then moving to his mouth we exchanged several kisses. His kisses came quicker as I felt his organ pressing up under my hand. "Does that feel good, Adam?" I whispered. "Oh, yes!" he moaned. I kissed him again. Then, as if some force took me over, I began to move my kisses down his body. First, I kissed his chest and then his stomach. The boy shuddered as I my mouth tickled his body. Still I continued. I turned and pulled my legs under me as I moved my mouth to above his belly button and then below. On to his lower abdomen, I kissed each side above his genitals. I moved my hand so that I held the shaft of his penis between my fingers so that I could kiss his scrotum, and then the base of his penis. Even with all we had done over the last few days, I had never had my face this close to his genitals. I could smell the faint odor of what I thought of as boyhood. Sure, maybe it was really musty smell of sweat and urine from areas continually trapped in underwear, but now it was an aphrodisiac tantalizing my sexual drive. Holding the stiffened organ up between my fingers, I kissed the tip. There was no more holding back, I knew I had to have him in me. I extended my tongue and rubbed it against the rounded head. I then parted my lips and took the sweet candy cane into my mouth. I have no idea what Adam was thinking as my wet mouth closed around his penis, but he lay silently as I worked my tongue against him. With the boy hidden inside my mouth, I proceeded like a blind explorer, feeling each curve and crevice. My tongue was my instrument of exploration licked the steep hill where the glands met the shaft below. It then scouted the gently valley that led to the slotted cave door at the very tip. The door parted with gentle pressure, but still only giving slight access to the long channel where waters frequently flowed. I rubbed my dick while I sucked on the young love tool. I tried to be very careful not to let my teeth press against the tender meat in my mouth. My tongue rubbed wildly on the sensitive glands as I neared the height of my climax. With the boy's stiff organ in my mouth, I was quicker than ever on the trigger and within a minute I was squirting onto the bed beneath me. The frantic action of my mouth during my climax brought Adam around, too. As my senses began to recover I heard him whine and realized that the boy was pumping his penis in my mouth with his hips. Quickly, I resumed the rapid caressing with my tongue on his stiff organ. I heard him groan and his little cock seemed to expand against my tongue. He let out a cry, not of pain but of erotic release. His body jerked and his abdomen pulsed into me as the boy experienced an orgasm for the second time in two days. No matter what anyone says about children not being able to have adult orgasms, Adam's seemed real in every way except for squirting from his little penis. I continued to hold him in my mouth until I felt his penis start to soften. I then released him and moved away, but not before I kissed his genitals one last time. Now that we were both satisfied, we lay there next to each other naked and silent. I broke the silence first. "You are wonderful, Adam. I love you very much and love doing this with you. You know you can't tell anyone about this, right?" "Do you think I'm nuts? I know I can't tell anyone. It is illegal for a man to have sex with a kid. I don't want you to get in trouble and I like doing it with you," Adam said. I couldn't believe it. Somehow I guess I had thought that this was just something special he had naively discovered by accident. He seemed to know everything about what he was doing and what the side effects were. "Wow, Adam! You've thought about all of those things and you still wanted to do it?" I asked in amazement. "Sure. I've liked to play with myself for as long as I can remember, but I never let anyone else do it to me. After that first night when you took my pants off and played with my weeny, I found out that it felt good to have someone else do it to me, too." I was shocked, embarrassed and a little scared. I had been discovered! Adam wasn't asleep at all, he knew that I undressed and fondled him from the first. It took me a few seconds to regain my thoughts and find words again. "You knew I took your pants off that first night?" "Sure, I have a hard time taking those biking shorts off myself. I woke up while you were taking them off." "At first, I only wanted to take them off so that you would sleep more comfortably. They were so tight that your underpants came off with them," I said using my previously prepared excuse. "Why did you pretend to be asleep then?" "At first I WAS still kind of asleep. Besides, I thought that if you knew I was awake, I would have to take a shower and I was too tired to get back up. My underpants usually come down when I take off my tight shorts. It surprised me at first when you took them clear off, but I wanted to see what you were going to do." I was getting quite embarrassed about what I thought had been a secret. "If I had of known you were awake, I wouldn't have done anything. Honest, Adam." "But I wanted to let you do what you wanted. You liked it that I let think I was asleep so you could play with me, didn't you?" the boy asked. "Yes, I like it a lot, but I thought this is what you wanted to do, too." "But it is what I want!" the boy exclaimed. "I was a little afraid at first when you took my pants off and started to play with my weeny, but it started to feel good. It felt better than when I play with my weeny myself. I liked it when you gave me a hard on that night. I was getting pretty horny when you quit and did your own. "Is that why you let me see you with nothing on that morning and night?" "Sure, after all, you had already seen me naked and played with my weeny. What did I have to hide? Besides it felt good to walk around without anything on. I can't do that at home with my mom there. "The next night I slept naked with you so that you would do me again, but I guess I went to sleep before you did. Then my legs started hurting so bad. I liked it when you rubbed them and I wanted you to rub the rest of me, too. Then last night, I really wanted you to play with me. It was kind of embarrassing to give myself a hard on, but it was okay 'cause you did me and that is what I wanted. So, you see, it is what I want and I like it when you do me." "Well, I am glad it worked out this way, Adam. I really do love you and always will. You really excite me, too, and I love seeing you naked. I want to have sex with you like we have, but if ever you don't want to do it anymore, we will stop. Okay?" "Okay, but I don't think I will. It's too much fun!" I hugged the boy to me and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Adam," I said. Soon it was time for me to take him home. I knew his mother would be waiting. We loaded all of his things back into the car. His mother greeted him joyfully. Then we sat down and told her all of the details of our trip. Well, maybe not ALL the details, but we covered everything about the bicycle ride.
The End |