PZA Boy Stories


The Pensbrooke School for Boys


Two innocent brothers go to a boys school and get to know their new roommates REALLY well. Lots of boners!
Publ. 2004 (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Dec 2010
Finished 7,000 (14 pages)


Jacob (12yo) and Travis (14yo) and their room-mates

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
tt bb – cons mast oral


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Warning: This story describes sexual acts involving 12 and 14 year old boys. Read no further if stories like this offend you.

LizardGuy wrote me in December 2010: "I'm pretty much done with the lizardguy stories and name. I still want people to enjoy them, if they find them. But I'm sort of tired of them, so I'm not interested in communicating with readers about them anymore. Maybe I'll write some new stories using a different name." Shortly after that, he had closed down his e-mail address.


Mr. Richards was fed up with the public school system. After weighing the pros and cons, he and his wife decided to send their two sons to a private school – The Pensbrooke School for Boys.

Twelve year old Jacob Richards cried when his parents told him he would be going to a new school after summer vacation ended. He was expecting to start 7th grade with the same kids who were in his 6th grade class. He wouldn't know anyone at the new school.

Fourteen year old Travis Richards wasn't very happy either. He was about to enter the 9th grade at Hilldale High School. Like his brother, he didn't want to go to a new school where he'd have to make new friends. Also, his girlfriend Jessica went to Hilldale. If he went to a new school, he'd almost never get to see her.

To make matters worse, the brothers would have to live in the dorm rooms at Pensbrooke. At home Jacob and Travis each had their own bedroom. At Pensbrooke all of the students have roommates. Like most 14 year old teenage boys, Travis was in the habit of doing certain things alone in his bed before falling asleep at night. (I think you know what I'm talking about.) He wouldn't be able to do that with another guy living in his bedroom, would he?

Jacob and Travis complained so much that their parents signed them up for only one semester at Pensbrooke. If they hated the school after being there for four months, they could return to Hilldale. So, on a Saturday morning in early September, Jacob and Travis Richards left the house they grew up in and drove with their parents to the Pensbrooke School for Boys.

There are no girls at The Pensbrooke School for Boys – only boys. Boys of all ages. Pre-pubescent boys. Boys showing the first signs of puberty. Boys in the midst of puberty. Fully grown boys. Every student has a cock and two balls dangling between his legs. The school is filled with boys and cocks and balls.

Jacob: His First Night at Pensbrooke

Jacob had to share a dorm room with three other boys who were the same age as him – 12 years old. Two of his roommates, Adam and Steve, arrived the same day as Jacob. His other roommate, Nicholas, was expected to arrive the next day.

Jacob spent the afternoon getting to know Adam and Steve. His two new roommates enrolled at Pensbrooke two years earlier and had been roommates since then. It didn't take long for Jacob to realize that Adam and Steve were really cool kids. Jacob was a somewhat shy kid, but after only a few hours he could claim to have two new friends at Pensbrooke.

They ate dinner together in the cafeteria and the food was actually pretty good. Adam and Steve told him that most of the teachers were really cool and there were lots of fun activities they could participate in when they weren't in class or studying. Also, every dorm room had a television and private bathroom. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being a student at Pensbrooke after all.

That first night the three boys returned to their room for the evening. The only thing that made Jacob a little uncomfortable about the living arrangement was that there were four boys assigned to the room, but only two beds. Even though the beds were somewhat large, it made him feel weird to have to share a bed with another kid. At least he'd have a bed to himself the first night – Adam and Steve slept together the last two years and they wanted to continue doing so.

At 8:00 PM Jacob decided to get ready for bed. At home he always wore just underwear and a pair of shorts to bed. So, he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change into his sleeping attire. After brushing his teeth, he stripped to his undies and pulled on his sleeping shorts. As he opened the bathroom door and entered the bedroom, he saw that Adam and Steve were already in their bed under the covers watching TV. Jacob walked across the room and crawled into his bed.

"We're watching baseball. Do you like baseball, Jake?"

Jacob loved baseball. He even played on a team during summer vacation.

"Yeah. I love baseball."

The fourth inning ended and a commercial came on. Adam got out of bed to use the bathroom. He was butt naked! Jacob couldn't believe his eyes. His mouth opened in disbelief. ("Oh my God! Adam's naked! He was in bed with Steve and he didn't have any clothes on!", Jacob thought to himself.)

Adam walked to the toilet and started peeing without closing the bathroom door.

Jacob looked over at Steve and whispered in astonishment, "Adam's naked! Why isn't he wearing any clothes?"

Steve pulled his bed covers down.

"I'm naked too."

Jacob's eyes wandered over Steve's unclothed body. ("I can't believe he's just laying there naked. I can see his wiener and everything. And he doesn't even care.")

"Why are you and Adam naked?"

"We never wear clothes to bed. No one at Pensbrooke does."

("No one at Pensbrooke wears clothes to bed!?! They must be playing a joke on me. Why would all the kids here sleep naked? That's crazy. There's no way I'm getting naked in front of other kids.")

Adam finished peeing and jumped back into bed with Steve.

"Jake was asking about why we sleep naked."

"Everyone does. Some new kids don't. But eventually they sleep naked too."

"I don't think I'll ever want to sleep naked."

"Why? It's fun. Everyone does it."

They continued watching the baseball game. Steve sleepily turned off the television after the game ended. Jacob and Adam were already fast asleep.

All of the boys sleep naked at the Pensbrooke School for Boys. They get boners several times throughout the night. While they're sleeping, their cocks fill up with blood. Naked boys with boners sleeping together.

Jacob: His First Morning at Pensbrooke

The next morning Jacob was the first to wake up. He quietly got out of bed, entered the bathroom, and closed the bathroom door. He would have locked the door too, but the bathrooms at Pensbrooke don't have locks on the doors.

Jacob walked over to the toilet and positioned himself so his back was towards the door in case someone walked in. He didn't want anyone to see him pee. He put his thumb inside the waistband of his undies and pulled down. His wiener popped out of the top of his undies and he started peeing. He flushed the toilet, walked over to the sink, and started brushing his teeth. Suddenly, the door opened and Steve walked in – still naked.

"Hi, Jake."

Jacob's curiosity forced him to glance between Steve's legs where the kid's balls and floppy dick were dangling. Jacob greeted Steve the best he could with toothpaste in his mouth.

"Hi, Steve."

Steve stood in front of the toilet and started peeing. Jacob glanced over and saw the pee flowing out of Steve's dick. ("He's peeing right in front of me and he doesn't even care I can see him.")

Steve finished peeing, wiggled his cock to shake the last few drops off the tip, and flushed the toilet. Then he walked out of the bathroom and jumped back in bed with Adam.

After he finished brushing his teeth, Jacob picked the clothes he was going to wear that day and took them into the bathroom. He shut the bathroom door, took off his sleeping shorts and underwear, and stepped into the shower. The naked boy turned on the shower and started washing his hair. About a minute later Adam's head peered around the shower curtain.

"Hi, Jake," Adam said, smiling cheerfully.

Jacob was shocked at this intrusion on his privacy. He quickly put his hands between his legs to hide his dick.

"Adam, I'm taking a shower."

"I take my shower in the morning too."

Adam stepped into the shower with Jacob.

"It's my turn, Adam. You can take one after me."

"Why? There's room for both of us."

"Yeah, but 3;"

Jacob couldn't think of anything to say that would make Adam leave without being rude to him. He didn't want to have a fight with his new roommate. The only thing he could do was wash quickly and get out of the shower. When he stepped out of the shower, Jacob saw that Steve was standing by the bathroom sink brushing his teeth.

"Hi, Jake."

"Hi, Steve."

Jacob quickly got dressed. ("Now both Adam and Steve saw me naked. I bet this is gonna happen every morning and there's nothing I can do about it. And when the other kid gets here, I'll have to sleep with him and he'll probably sleep without any clothes on.")

There's no privacy at the Pensbrooke School for Boys. At first, the new kids feel uncomfortable because of this. But they soon learn to accept the fact that the other boys see everything they do – everything.

Travis: His First Night at Pensbrooke

Jacob's brother Travis had to share a dorm room with one other boy the same age as him. At Pensbrooke the younger kids typically have three roommates and the older kids only have one roommate. Travis's roommate was a 14 year old kid named Ryan.

Like his brother, Travis became concerned when he realized what the living arrangements were. There was only one bed in his room. One bed and two guys. The math didn't add up. ("What the fuck! I have to sleep with another dude? That's so gay.")

At least Ryan was a cool guy. Travis quickly became friends with him. Ryan had attended Pensbrooke for several years and told Travis all about the teachers and lots of other cool stuff about the school.

Eventually, the time that Travis was dreading arrived. It was getting late and Ryan and Travis returned to their room for the night. Travis went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he walked back into the main room he saw that Ryan was already under the covers in their bed. Travis had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Ryan, I have something to ask you."


"Do you think it's weird that the guys at Pensbrooke have to share a bed?"

"Dude, I know how you feel. At first I thought it was weird too. But now I'm used to it. It's no big deal."

"Maybe not."

Travis still felt uncomfortable about it. And now he had to decide what to wear to bed. At home he slept in his boxers. But sleeping in the same bed with a guy wearing only boxers 3; that's gay. Maybe he could wear boxers and sweatpants. That wouldn't be as gay. But it would be sort of uncomfortable. Travis liked wearing only boxers to bed. What should he do?

"Ryan, do you care if I just wear my boxers?"

"I don't care at all. You can wear whatever you want. You can even sleep naked if you want."

Travis laughed at Ryan's 'joke'.

"Yeah, right. I think I'll stick with boxers."

Travis stripped to his boxers and climbed into the bed with Ryan. Ryan grabbed the television remote control.

"Do you wanna watch some TV before going to sleep?"

"Yeah. That's cool. But I'm pretty tired. I won't be able to stay up too late."

Ryan turned on the baseball game. After watching the game for a few minutes, Travis moved his arm and accidentally brushed it against Ryan. He felt Ryan's warm, bare skin. Sleeping with another guy was SO gay.

"Sorry, dude."

"Travis, if we apologize every time we touch each other in this bed, we'll be apologizing a million times every week. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, OK."

The inning ended and a commercial came on. Ryan moved to get out of the bed.

"I gotta take a piss."

Ryan stood up. Travis was shocked to discover that Ryan was naked. ("What the fuck! He's naked! I'm sleeping with a naked dude!")

Travis didn't know what to do. He saw Ryan's dick. He saw Ryan's balls. And he saw Ryan's ass as he walked to the bathroom. Travis's mind was spinning as he heard Ryan piss and then flush the toilet. Ryan re-entered the main room and walked toward the bed.

"Uh, dude, I don't know if you noticed it, but you're naked."

"Me and my old roommate always slept naked. You don't care, do you?"

If Travis said he didn't care, it would be gay and a lie. If Travis said he did care, Ryan might get mad at him for not letting him sleep naked.

"Ummmm 3; I guess it's OK."

"Cool. I've slept naked for so long I don't think I could fall asleep if I was wearing any clothes."

Ryan climbed back in the bed. Travis tried hard to stay on his own side of the bed. The baseball game ended. They were both tired. Ryan yawned.

"I'm really tired. I'm gonna turn off the TV."

"That's cool. I'm tired too."

Ryan turned off the TV. They were lying in bed together in the dark. One guy wearing boxers. The other guy wearing nothing. After about a minute of silence Ryan quietly asked Travis a question.

"Are you gonna jerk off tonight?"

Actually, Travis was feeling pretty horny. He usually jerked off every day and he didn't do it yet that day. If he was at home alone in his own bed, his hand would have been on his hard dick. But he wasn't at home and he wasn't alone.

"No. I don't think so."

"Me neither. I'm too tired to even jerk off. We can do it in the morning."

"Uh, yeah. Maybe."



Ryan fell asleep almost immediately. It took Travis about an hour to fall asleep. Then he woke up in the middle of the night with a boner. He realized that his hand was resting against Ryan's skin. He pulled it away. Was he touching Ryan's stomach? His thigh? His ass? Travis couldn't be sure. He fell back to sleep.

Travis: His First Morning at Pensbrooke

The next morning Travis awoke to a very shocking sight. Ryan was lying in bed naked next to him uncovered. That in itself wasn't very shocking. But what was shocking was that Ryan was leisurely jerking himself off. He was stroking his hard boner right out in the open in front of Travis. Ryan noticed that Travis was awake.

"Hi, Travis."


"I'm jerking."

"Uhh, yeah."

Travis allowed his eyes to wander to the aroused dick between Ryan's legs. There was something fascinating about it. He never saw another guy jerk off before. He never even saw another dude with a boner before.

"I woke up and you were still sleeping, so I decided to start without you."

Travis was confused. ("He decided to start without me? What does he expect me to do? Get naked and jerk off with him right in this bed?")

"I think I'm gonna wait."

"You're not gonna jerk? Dude, you didn't do it last night. You must be feeling totally horny."

Actually, Travis was feeling extremely horny. He woke up with morning wood inside his boxers and seeing Ryan jerking himself made his boner even harder. Plus he didn't jerk off even once the previous day. His boner was begging for him to jerk off. But jerking off with another guy in the same bed? That's gay – and Travis wasn't gay.

"No, I'm not that horny. Maybe I'll do it later." ("Like when I'm alone and don't have another dude watching me.")

"OK, but I gotta jerk now. If I don't shoot soon, my dick's gonna explode!"

At first Travis considered immediately getting out of the bed and going to the bathroom. But in the end his curiosity forced him to stay. He wanted to watch Ryan jerk off. Ryan was just lightly petting his cock. His dick was very very hard and it looked like it wanted to cum real bad. Just by looking at the shape and color of Ryan's boner, Travis could imagine how good it was making Ryan feel.

"My dick's feeling so awesome right now. I love jerking."

Travis studied his roommate's aroused cock in detail. It looked like it was about the same size as his own dick – 4½ inches [11 cm] long. He wanted to take off his boxers and jerk his own boner sooooo bad – but he didn't. A shiny drop of precum appeared on the tip of Ryan's dick.

"I got some precum. Do you get precum when you jerk?"

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"I like to rub it all over my dick head. Like this 3;"

Ryan poked his index finger in the clear drop of goo on his piss slit. He swirled his finger around in a circle until his entire cock head was covered with a shiny film of precum. Then he stroked the underside of his cock shaft until even more precum oozed out.

"My dick's leaking like crazy now. When I get enough of it, I do this 3;"

Ryan stuck his finger in the goop and rubbed it down the length of his shaft. The slippery friction made his knees bend up.

"Fuck 3; that feels gooood."

He kept stroking up and down his sex rod using just his slimy fingertip – teasing his horny cock – getting closer and closer to cumming.

"Dude, I'm gonna cum in like ten seconds."

Travis just stared at the throbbing boner that was about to spit out a load of hot 14 year old boy cum. He wished it was his boner. Travis had two days worth of cum stored up inside his horny teenage body. The rate of Ryan's breathing started to increase. The first ripples of his impending orgasm were approaching.

"Aw, fuck 3; I'm gonna cummmmm 3;"

Suddenly, Ryan's toes curled and his butt lifted slightly off the bed. Jets of creamy cum squirted out of his dick. Travis watched the ropes of sex goo splash on Ryan's chest and stomach. After his orgasm subsided, Ryan straightened his legs and lay in the bed enjoying the relaxing after-effects of his orgasm.

"Fuck, dude. That felt so awesome. Cumming's the best feeling in the world."

Ryan looked over at the clock.

"Oh my God. We gotta leave now or we're gonna miss orientation."

Ryan grabbed his boxers, which were lying on the floor right next to the bed. He used them to wipe the cummy mess off his chest and belly. Then he threw them on the floor, got a fresh pair of boxers out of his dresser drawer, and put them on. Both boys finished getting dressed. They walked out of their room – Ryan with a soft and satisfied dick – Travis with a hard and horny cock that badly wanted to be jerked off.

Jacob: After a Month at Pensbrooke

When we last left Travis's 12 year old brother, Jacob, he was embarrassed to be seen naked in front of his roommates Adam and Steve. Here's how spending a month at the Pensbrooke School for Boys can change a boy 3;

Jacob walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He was butt naked. He looked over at Adam and Steve's bed and saw that both of them were naked too. Adam was lying on his back on the bed with his milky-white thighs spread wide apart. Steve's face was in Adam's crotch. He was sucking on Adam's dick.

"Are you guys sucking again?"

Steve took Adam's 3½ inch [8½ cm], erect cock out of his mouth before answering.


Jacob jumped on Adam and Steve's bed. Adam's boner was glistening with Steve's saliva. Jacob leaned over and put Adam's stiff dick in his mouth. He didn't care that it was covered with Steve's spit and he didn't care that he had another kid's boner in his mouth.

Over the last month Jacob learned that Adam and Steve were just about the coolest kids on the planet. And he also learned that boners are cool. 12 year old boys love boners. Boners are fun! Jacob learned a lot about his own boner 3; and Adam's boner 3; and Steve's boner 3; and Nicholas's boner. Nicholas was Jacob's other roommate. His bed-buddy.

Nicholas walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He saw Jacob sucking on Adam's dick and started laughing.

"Oh my God! You're sucking him AGAIN!"

Adam was watching his stiff cock enter and exit Jacob's sucking mouth. He LOVED having his boner sucked. Out of the four boys Adam was the youngest. But he was also the roommate who seemed to like having his dick sucked the most. He looked up after hearing Nicholas's comment.

"I'm still horny. Steve was trying to make me dry-cum and now Jake's sucking me."

"Give me a turn, Jake."

Jacob stopped sucking and Nicholas jumped on the bed – a bed filled with four cute, naked 12 year old boys.

Nicholas bent over and licked Jacob's saliva off of Adam's stiff sex pole. He was licking it like a popsicle. All boys like sweet, delicious popsicles. They taste yummy. It tastes good when you lick and suck on them. The popsicle that Nicholas was currently licking was a 3½ inch [8½ cm] fleshy spike in the shape of a 12 year old boner.

Jacob and Steve wanted to help Adam dry-cum too. Since Nicholas was licking the left side of Adam's boner, Steve bent over and started licking the right side of it. Jacob positioned himself between Adam's legs and started licking Adam's balls and up the underside of Adam's boner. They were like three puppies sharing a single bowl of food.

Adam was loving the attention his balls and boner were getting. The kid's blood was pulsing through his cock and it was as hard as it could get. Lick 3; Lick 3; Lick 3; The knob that capped Adam's dick was swollen and had a purplish color. At the very tip was his piss slit which in about a year would be squirting out watery cum. But his young body couldn't make cum yet. Lick 3; Lick 3; Lick 3; Adam's saliva-covered shaft had veins running up it underneath the skin. It was warm and fleshy and 3½ inches [8½ cm] long. Lick 3; Lick 3; Lick 3; Adam's ballsac contained two small, tender eggs. The pouch that Jacob was licking was soft, hairless, and silky smooth. Lick 3; Lick 3; Lick 3; Obscenely aroused 12 year old boy genitals.

The three wet, pink, slimy tongues were starting to make Adam's boner get that funny feeling that he loved so much. It felt tingly and filled with horniness. And they kept licking and licking and licking. Eventually it happened: Adam's young body started to orgasm. As he let out a high-pitched yelp, his buttcheeks clenched together and his hips bucked up and down.

As soon as Nicholas, Steve, and Jacob realized what was happening, they stopped licking.

"He's dry-cumming!"

After a few seconds Adam's orgasm subsided. No mess to clean up – just sweet, innocent, orgasmic pleasure.

Travis: After a Month at Pensbrooke

Jacob wasn't the only one who changed over the preceding month 3;

Ryan was lying naked in bed as Jacob's brother, Travis, walked out of the bathroom. Travis was also naked and had a boner.

"Ry, I'm soooo horny tonight."

"You're horny every night."

"Yeah, but tonight I'm more horny than usual."

Travis jumped in the bed with Ryan. Ryan reached his hand over and started petting Travis's boner. In the preceding month Ryan and Travis learned a lot about each other's bodies. One thing was certain: They both loved to cum. They made each other's 14 year old dicks squirt many times since they became roommates. Their bed sheets had cum stains on them.

"Make me cum, Ry."

"I'm gonna do you real slow tonight."

"OK. Cool."

The horny teen spread his legs wide apart in anticipation. Ryan began by teasing Travis's boner with his index finger. Just running it up and down the length of Travis's inflated shaft.

"That feels awesome. But don't go too slow. I really wanna cum."

"Just relax. I'm gonna try to make you shoot a lot."

Since he started puberty, Ryan learned that the amount of cum you shoot seems to depend on two factors. 1) The time since your last cum and 2) How patient you are while jerking. If you go slow and make it last a long time, it tends to make the orgasm feel better and you shoot more.

Ryan poked at the two sperm-filled eggs in Travis's squishy ballsac. He loved having Travis as a roommate. He loved playing with Travis's dick and he loved when Travis played with his dick.

Ryan leaned over and licked Travis's sagging pouch. There were a few pubic hairs growing on Travis's sac, but it was still mostly smooth. Ryan used his tongue to poke at the two balls and then he licked up the underside of Travis's boner. After a few more licks, Travis's dick was throbbing with horny pleasure. Ryan sat up.

"How does that feel?"

"Awesome. Are you gonna make me cum now?"


They were both staring at the swollen rod between Travis's legs. Ryan reached out and started teasing it with his index finger again. He knew he could make it cum whenever he wanted to. But for now he just wanted to play with it enough to keep Travis horny. The plump piece of meat Ryan was stroking felt warm, hard, and fleshy.

Travis's cock was slowly feeling better and better. He knew he would be cumming soon. He loved to cum. All fourteen year old boys love to cum. Eventually, the pleasure in his body became so intense that he began to squirm underneath Ryan's stroking finger.

"You're gonna shoot soon, aren't you?"


A few seconds later Travis let out a quiet moaning sound, his pelvis arched up, and his cock started spitting out ropes of white, spermy goo. Pure pleasure. Cum squirting out of a teenager's dick.

Ryan had a close-up look at Travis's squirting boner. By the time it was over, Travis's chest and belly were covered with streaks of cum and the tip of his cock was smeared with the remnants of the final oozing squirt.

"Cool! I made you shoot a lot."

"Yeah. That felt fucking awesome."

Ryan knew that it was his turn next.

"Do you wanna do me now?"


Travis wiped his hand over the pools of cum on his stomach. The sticky, snot-like fluid clung to his fingers. He reached over and started stroking Ryan's boner using the slippery goo as lube 3;.

Jacob: In Bed with Nicholas (1)

One night Jacob woke up around 1:00 AM. He had a boner and he felt a hand playing with it. It was Nicholas's hand. Jacob whispered so Adam and Steve wouldn't wake up.

"Nicholas, are you awake?"



"Cause I can't sleep."


"Cause I'm worried about our math test tomorrow."

"Don't worry. You'll do good on it."

Jacob groped around under the covers until he found Nicholas's crotch. He felt Nicholas's soft and floppy cock. Jacob started playing with his bed-buddy's balls and dick until it turned into a hard boner. Soon after that the two tired boys snuggled together and fell asleep.

Travis: On the Telephone

One night Travis and Ryan were lying together in bed wearing their usual sleeping attire – absolutely nothing at all. They were watching TV. Suddenly, the telephone rang. Travis answered it.


"Hi, boyfriend."


It was Jessica – Travis's girlfriend from back home. Ryan mocked his roommate by puckering his lips and making kissing noises. Travis hit Ryan in his ribs with his elbow.


Even after being separated from Jessica for more than two months, Travis still had a crush on her. He thought she was hot. He loved when he and Ryan played with each other's dicks, but he was still a straight boy. Ryan wasn't his boyfriend or anything – he was just his cumfriend. Ryan liked girls too. But he also liked his bed-buddy's dick.

"I'm glad you called."

"I was thinking about you all day."

Ryan couldn't believe he had to sit through another one of Travis and Jessica's boring telephone conversations. Suddenly, he got an idea. He reached over and started playing with Travis's floppy dick. Travis didn't stop him. They didn't cum yet that night and Travis was horny.

"I miss you. I can't wait till you come back home."

"I might visit soon. Not this weekend, but next weekend."

As Ryan continued fondling Travis's dick, it started to inflate. Travis was getting a boner.

"It's good you're not coming home this weekend. I'm going to my cousin's wedding."

"That would really suck if I came home and you weren't around."

Travis's cock was now fully erect. Ryan stopped rubbing it. He positioned his head between Travis's legs and started licking it. Travis slowly spread his legs apart giving Ryan full access to his cock and balls.

"What's your roommate doing?"

"Uhhh 3; He's studying."

Travis's cock was now throbbing happily. And it throbbed even more when Ryan put it in his mouth and started sucking on it. Travis briefly forgot he was on the phone and let out a sighing sound.




"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?"

Travis was finding it difficult to concentrate on the phone conversation. He decided to ask Jessica a question so he could just listen for a while.

"What's been happening at school?"

Jessica rambled on for a while about school. In the meantime, suck 3; suck 3; suck 3; Travis's cock was sliding in and out of Ryan's moist mouth and he was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. His boner felt so good that he was only able to half-listen to what Jessica was saying.

"It sucks that you're at a new school. But at least there's no girls there. I don't have to worry about you fooling around with anyone."

"Yeah, there's only boys here."

Boys who sleep naked with each other. Boys who jerk each other off. Boys who suck on each other's dicks and make each other cum. And speaking of cum 3; Travis was seconds away from shooting a load in his roommates sucking mouth. Suck 3; suck 3; suck 3;

Cummmmm 3;.

Travis's cock exploded in Ryan's mouth. Ryan tasted the familiar flavor of Travis's hot cock juice. The flavor of sex. The flavor of 14 year old teenager cum.

"Jessica, I gotta go. Our floor monitor's at the door."

"OK. It's your turn to call me next time."

"OK. Talk to you soon. Bye."


Travis hung up the phone. Ryan and Travis started laughing.

"I can't believe you did that, dude. That was so hot. I shot a huge load and she didn't even know it."

"What would she do if she knew I was sucking your dick?"

"I don't know. She'd probably scream and hang up the phone."

"I heard you tell her that I was studying. You're such a liar."

"What was I supposed to say? 'Ryan's sucking on my dick.'?"

"No, because technically I was licking your dick when she asked about me."

"Very funny. You should be a comedian."

Jacob: In Bed with Nicholas (2)

One morning Jacob woke up before his three roommates. His bed-buddy Nicholas was sleeping next to him. Jacob was lying on his stomach and his dick was hard. His 3½ inch [8½ cm] boner was pressed against the mattress. He almost always woke up with a boner, but this morning it felt a little different. Jacob rolled over and looked at the inflated cock between his legs. It was a plump and horny piece of meat. He reached his hand down and stroked it. It felt good – in a different way.

Jacob wanted Nicholas to wake up. He nudged him gently in the ribs. Nicholas's eyes slowly opened.

"Nicholas, are you awake?"

Nicholas yawned.


"I have a boner."

Nicholas looked down at Jacob's stiff cock. He realized that his was stiff too.

"Me too."

"Do you wanna play with mine?"

Nicholas reached down and gently placed his hand on his friend's erect cock. He started rubbing it and it seemed to get even harder. Jacob's blood was pulsing through his dick in sync with his heartbeat. Nicholas was touching and rubbing and feeling all over Jacob's boner. He touched Jacob's squishy ballsac and rolled his balls between his fingers. He stroked up and down the length of Jacob's stiff shaft. He rubbed his finger over the ridge of Jacob's cock head. Nicholas was making Jacob's boner feel better than it ever felt before. After a few more minutes of fondling, Jacob felt a sensation that he never felt before.

"Nicholas, my boner feels funny. I think I'm gonna pee."

He wasn't going to pee. He was going to shoot cum for the very first time in his life. Nicholas felt Jacob's orgasmic convulsions begin under his stroking hand. Jacob's pelvis arched up and his cock weakly spit out two squirts of watery kid cum.

"Oh my God! Jake! I think you shot cum!"

Jacob looked at the sticky drops of goo spattered on his belly.

"I think you're right. I shot cum!"

Jacob was proud about what he did. He was the first roommate to shoot cum.

"Adam! Steve! Wake up!"

Adam and Steve tiredly opened their eyes. Why was Nicholas waking them up so early?

"Jake shot cum!"

They suddenly became wide awake.


"No way!"

The naked boys jumped out of their bed and climbed up on Nicholas and Jacob's bed to look at the evidence. The four boys curiously examined the fluid on Jacob's belly. They all knew what cum was, but none of them ever actually saw it. Adam wiped some of Jacob's sex juice on his index finger to get a closer look at it. He smelled it.

"What does it smell like?"

"I don't know. It smells funny."

The other three boys wiped up a sample on their index fingers. They smelled it too. Steve thought of a good dare.

"Adam, I dare you to taste it."

Adam didn't think Jacob's cum smelled bad. So it probably wouldn't taste bad either.

"OK, I'll try it."

He put his finger in his mouth and tasted cum for the first time. He decided that it didn't taste bad – just a little slimy.

"What does it taste like?"

"It doesn't taste bad. Try it."

The other three boys licked Jacob's cum off their fingers. Adam was right – it didn't taste bad. Adam thought of a dare to get even with Steve.

"Steve, I dare you to lick the rest of it off his belly."

Steve looked at Jacob's belly. There was a lot more cum there than the small sample that Steve tasted off his finger.

"Do you double dare me?"

"Yeah, I double dare you."

"OK, I'll do it. But only if Nicholas licks half of it."

Nicholas accepted Steve's dare.

Steve and Nicholas bent down and started cleaning up the cummy mess with their tongues. Jacob liked having his belly licked. Steve licked up the drops gathered inside Jacob's belly button. In a few seconds Jacob's entire first load of cum was gone. Steve and Nicholas had a healthy, high-protein cum breakfast.

"Let's see if we can make him cum again."

"I don't know if I can do it again, guys."

"Let's try it, Jake. Please? Me and Steve didn't get to see it shoot out."

"OK. I guess we can try."

Adam rubbed Jacob's dick until it got hard again. And he kept rubbing it until Jacob felt another orgasm coming.

"Get ready. I think I'm gonna cum again."

Jacob's young body started to convulse for the second time that morning. But this time instead of cum shooting out, a single, clear drop of goo oozed out of his piss slit. The four boys were disappointed.

"None shot out."

"I think it all shot out the first time."

Nicholas looked at the tip of Jacob's dick.

"Look at the top of his boner. A little bit came out."

Adam leaned over, put Jacob's cockhead in his mouth, and ate Jacob's second load of cum.

Over the next few weeks the boys played with their new toy. They experimented with Jacob's squirting dick. They made him cum in lots of different ways. Once they didn't play with Jacob's boy toy for three days to see if that would make it shoot more cum. On the third day Jacob was super horny. When the cum finally shot out of his dick, it felt sooooo good. And it was the biggest load he shot up to that point.

A few weeks later they discovered that Steve could also shoot cum. And about a month after that Nicholas's dick was ripe enough to shoot too. Adam's body was developing more slowly and he would have to wait until the following year.

Four horny 12 year old boys. Four dicks. Lots of cumming.

Travis: In Bed with Ryan on a Typical Night

Both Travis and Ryan were all boned up and wanted to cum. They were lying naked together in bed under the covers. It was nighttime and the lights were out. Ryan was playing with Travis's boner. Travis was playing with Ryan's boner.

Over the previous three months the two horny teenagers slowly merged into a single sexual being with two dicks and four balls. Most teenage boys find privacy and jerk off by themselves when they feel like cumming. When Travis felt like cumming, he simply reached over and started playing with Ryan's dick, knowing that Ryan's hand would soon be gravitating towards his own cock. They weren't gay – they were just two teenage boys who shared a bed and liked to cum.

They were fingering the eggs in each other's soft, squishy ballsacs. Four testicles continuously manufacturing horny teenage boy sperm. Sperm that was destined to be squirted out of two pleasured-filled dicks. Travis felt Ryan's balls and he could feel Ryan's fingers fondling his own balls. Both of their dicks were rock hard and they knew that they were going to play with each other until they felt the awesome sensation of cum shooting out of their cocks.

They could hear each other breathing – the breathy sounds teenagers make when experiencing sexual pleasure.

They could smell each other – the faint sweaty smell of hot and horny teenagers. They associated that odor with sex and cumming. Travis knew what Ryan's cock and balls smelled like.

"Let's rub our holes."


Travis felt Ryan's hand slip between his ass cheeks. Several weeks earlier they discovered that touching each other's buttholes made jerking off feel even better. Travis felt Ryan's middle finger rubbing against his asshole. It felt good – anal pleasure. Travis ran his hand over the mound of Ryan's right ass cheek before slipping it inside the warm crack. His finger probed around his until it found Ryan's hot hole. They didn't care that they were touching assholes. The only thing that mattered was that it felt good. Experiencing sexual pleasure was the only goal.

"I bet you cum first."

"No way. You're gonna cum first."

It didn't really matter. Both of their dicks were going to be shooting cum – just like almost every other night. Travis felt Ryan's hand sliding rhythmically up and down his dick and he felt Ryan's finger massaging his asshole. It felt soooooo good.

"My dick feels so awesome."

"So does mine. I'm gonna cum soon."

"Me too."

A few moments later Travis's hand felt Ryan's dick jerk and then he felt a warm liquid splash on his belly. As Ryan's cum ran down his roommate's stomach and onto the bed, Travis's own dick exploded. Hot cum gushed out of his fat, stiff cock. A 14 year old cock squirting out liquid pleasure.

They fell asleep next to each other without cleaning up their mingled dick juices. Their cum-stained bed sheets were now even more stained.

The Brothers' Decision

The four months were over and Jacob and Travis had to make a decision: Stay at Pensbrooke or go back to their old public school.

No boy has ever willingly left the Pensbrooke School for Boys.

If you're a boy, I urge you to plead with your parents to send you there. I hear there's a cute guy your age named Kyle at Pensbrooke who's currently living alone in a room. If you sign up today, you could be his new bed-buddy.

And if you're a father and want to make your son (and his dick) very very happy, I urge you to immediately enroll him at the Pensbrooke School for Boys.

The End