PZA Boy Stories



San Carlos Island story #7

Click here for an introduction to the San Carlos stories


Kyle is surprised when his father sells him to become a San Carlos Island slave.
Publ. Eunuch Archive (2008) This site Dec 2010
Finished 18,500 words (37 pages)


Kyle (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Slave Boy & Prostitution story/eunuchs
Mb bb – slave mast anal oral – prost castration & nullification


First – this is a minor caution story. It may be illegal in your country to download or read this story. It isn't yet in the USA where it's being written. It's a work of fantasy and fiction, and no real person is depicted in the story. Neither does it advocate or condone anything that happens in the story. Although there is graphic descriptions of boys having sex with other boys and with adults, the descriptions are no more graphic than books that can be found on Amazon.com.

If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


a main theme of this story is the non-consensual or coerced nullification of young boys, that is cutting of their penis and scrotum. If you don't like stories with that theme, don't read further.

If this type of material offends you or if you don't like it, then


Author's note

This is a San Carlos Island story. San Carlos Island was the invention of another author, Timothy, for his Sander story. He never finished that story and gave others permission to use it. You don't have to have read any of the previous San Carlos Island stories to figure this one out, although reading them would give you more of an idea of what San Carlos Island was like. If you've read the other stories, you will probably find inconsistencies between this one and the others. I did not re-read them first. Take this as a stand-alone, rather than a continuation of the other stories.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Paolox31(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Slammr - Kyle in the subject line.


Part 1

Chapter 1

I was in my room playing a game on my computer when my dad came in. It kind of surprised me. He was home early from work. Usually neither Mom nor Dad got home for another hour, and my dad usually pretty much ignores me. He's not mean to me or nothing like that. He just doesn't have much to do with me. Hell, he doesn't usually look up when I come into the room. He's never told me he loved me. That's why it surprised me that he came into my room.

"Have you started puberty yet?" he asked.


"You heard me. Have you started puberty yet? Have you started growing hair down there?"

"Dad," I said, "you're kind of embarrassing me."

I was embarrassed. I was almost thirteen and I hadn't started puberty. My dick and balls were still small, and I had no more than a little white peach fuzz above my dick. Out of my class, only Jimmy Humphreys and I hadn't started puberty. I was beginning to wonder if I ever would.

"Take off your pants," he said. "I want to see."

"Dad, that's a little weird. I don't want to."

"I'm your father. I have every right to see my own son naked. Now, take off your pants."

"OK 3; all right, already. I haven't started puberty, if that's all you want to know."

"You're almost thirteen, aren't you? I had already started puberty when I was your age? Are you masturbating?"

I felt my face burn. "No," I said, although it was a lie. I did jack off – for all the good it did me. I couldn't squirt or nothing.

It feels good to play with my pecker, but I wish I could squirt like Sam Aarons can. He's the one that taught me to jack off. He's been able to squirt for better'n two years.

"Take off your pants," he said again. "I want to see for myself."

"I don't want to," I said. That's when he hit me, a slap across the face.

It surprised me more than it hurt me. It was the first time he had ever hit me. My mom was always the one that spanked me when I was a kid. Like I said, he pretty much ignored me.

"Take them off, or I'll take them off for you," he said.

Fuck, was my dad some kind of perv? I knew some old guys liked boys. A couple of kids at school brag about all the money they make letting old guys fuck them.

He reached down, unbuttoned the top button of my jeans, and unzipped them, letting them drop to the floor.

Fuck – I had a boner. For some reason, the thought that he might want to fuck me turned me on. If that would make him love me, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

I kind of figured I was queer, anyway. I'd rather look at a naked guy than at a naked girl – not that I'd ever seen a naked girl. Still, guys turned me on. Yeah, I guess I'm queer. I suck Sam Aarons' cock. I guess that makes me queer. He laughs and calls me a cocksucker, but as far as I know, he's never told anyone that I do. I told him I'd never suck his cock again if he did.

I don't swallow his spunk or nothing like that. I tell him to let me know when he's going to cum, but he never does. He squirts in my mouth, but I always jerk my mouth away when he does and spit it out. Cum tastes weird.

Did my dad want to fuck me, or did he want me to suck his cock? Would he make me swallow his spunk? I glanced at his crotch. He had a boner. I could see it pressing against his pants.

He pushed down my undershorts. My boner stuck straight out. Fuck, it was hard.

Dad grabbed my dick, pushing it this way and that, rubbing the skin up above it with the other hand. He squeezed my balls. "Ow 3; that hurts," I said.

"Good," he said. "You haven't started puberty."

"I told you I hadn't." I was standing in front of him, naked as a jaybird from the waist down, my pants and boxers around my ankles, my dick hard and sticking straight out. "What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to the doctor," he said. "Get dressed."

"Why?" I asked. "I'm not sick or nothing."

"It's not that kind of doctor," he said.

"What kind of doctor is it?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said. "Pull your pants on."

While I pulled my pants up, he took his cell phone out of his pocket and made a call. "This is David Lantz," he said. "I'm calling about my son, Kyle. He's good. He hasn't started puberty. We'll be right over. Best we get it done today."

Get what done? I wondered, but I didn't ask. My dad's not one to answer questions.

It didn't look like a doctor's office. The sign out front said, 'San Carlos Island Tours.' I started to say something, but after looking at Dad's face decided not to. He had one of those 'don't bother me' looks on it.

We went up to the receptionist's desk. "Kyle Lantz, here for the procedure," Dad said.

"Ah, yes," said the receptionist. "Have a seat. Nurse Appleby will be right out for you." She smiled at me. "We have video games, but you won't have time to play, I'm afraid. As you can see, no other boys are waiting. You're the only one we have scheduled for today."

I looked over at a big screen TV. A Playstation9 was hooked up to it. Hell, they weren't even supposed to come out until September. I wondered how they happened to have one. I wanted to play it, but about that time a woman in a nurse's uniform came into the lobby. "You must be Kyle," she said.

"Yep," I said.

She looked at my father. "Does he know why he's here?" she asked.

I glanced at Dad. He shook his head.

What the fuck was going on?

"Well," she said, "this will only take a few minutes, Kyle. Follow me."

We went to one of those little rooms that you go into when you go to the doctor's. I guess they're the same everywhere.

I expected her to tell me to have a seat and that the doctor would be in soon, but she said, "Take off all you clothes and lie down here." She patted the table, one of those padded things the doctors have you lie down on.

"Can't I wait for the doctor?" I asked. I didn't want no woman seeing me naked, especially since I had a boner. I was getting them more and more often. Maybe I was getting close to puberty.

"We don't need a doctor for this procedure," she said. "I just need to give you a few shots."

"Can't you give them to me in my arm?" I asked.

She laughed. "No, they wouldn't do any good in your arm.

"Can I just pull down my pants far enough for you to stick me in the butt?" My face burned again. I didn't want her to see my boner. I willed it to go down, but it wouldn't.

"Sorry, Kyle," she said. "I need you to be naked and lying down on your back. I need to examine you first to make certain you haven't started puberty.

There was that again. Why did it matter that I hadn't started puberty. "Get your pants off, Boy," Dad said.

"Your shirt, too," Nurse Appleby said. "I need you to take everything off."

I kicked my shoes off. I wasn't wearing socks, and turning my back to them, I took off my shirt, tossing it onto a chair. When I hesitated, my dad said, "Get your pants off."

Keeping my back to them, I slipped my jeans and boxers down to around my ankles and stepped out of them. I started to reach for them to toss them onto the chair, but Nurse Appleby said, "That's OK, Kyle, just climb onto the table.

I lay down on my stomach. "You'll have to turn over, Kyle," she said.

I turned over, covering my hard dick with my hand. She pulled my hand away, revealing my boner. "Do you masturbate, Kyle?" she asked. "You do, don't you."

I nodded. I'd lied to my dad, but for some reason I couldn't lie to her.

"It looks like we got to you just in time," she said. "You're on the verge of starting puberty." She turned to my dad. "I'm glad you brought him in. If you'd waited any longer, it might have been too late."

I still had a boner. "Do you ejaculate, Kyle?" she asked.

"What does that mean?" I asked. Hell, I knew what it meant. I was just embarrassed talking to her about jacking off, especially in front of my dad.

She turned to my dad. "Would you mind waiting for us out in the lobby?" she said. "I need to ask him some questions, and he might be hesitant to answer them in front of you."

"Are you sure you don't need me when you – you know?" he said.

"I'm sure Kyle won't give my any trouble, will you, Kyle," she said, looking at me.

"No Mam," I said.

My dad left, shutting the door behind him. She walked over to me and started jacking me off. It scared me, but it felt too good for me to tell her to stop.

"Does that feel good?" she asked, as if she had to ask. One look at my face would have told her. I nodded, anyway. "Do you spurt? Do you have orgasms? Does anything come out when you masturbate?"

I shook my head. "Just a drop or two of clear stuff," I said, "no spunk or nothing like that."

"Do you have orgasms?" she said.

I shrugged.

"Do you like sex? Have you fooled around with other boys?"

I couldn't answer. I was too busy humping her hand. I was cumming. I wasn't shooting or nothing like that, but damn, it felt good.

Wow! It was the best one I'd ever had. She did it much better than Sam did. Hell, I do myself better than Sam does me. He just jacks me off so I'll suck his cock. He don't put no effort into it.

When I was finished, she examined my dick. "Good," she said, "no ejaculate. A little lubrication, but nothing else. It's a good thing your father brought you in when he did. If we'd waited a couple of months, it would have probably been too late. You would have likely started puberty."

"Why does that matter?" I asked. "I want to start puberty."

"Your father is taking you to San Carlos Island, and we don't allow boys on the island that have begun puberty. We had to make certain you hadn't before he took you."

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll find out once you're there," she said. "Now, I have to give you some shots before you go."

She walked over to the counter on the other side of the room and took a hypo out of a drawer. She filled it out of a bottle. I'd had shots before, but usually with one of those guns. This had a long needle.

"Do you want me to turn over?" I asked, thinking she was going to shoot me in the butt.

"No," she said. "You're fine.

She separated out one of my balls out by squeezing my ball sac and stuck the needle into it. Fuck – it hurt. The shit she shot into it burned like hell. "That fucking hurts," I said.

"It'll only hurt for a minute," she said, filling up the syringe from another bottle.

"What are you going to do, now?" I said.

"I have to give you some more shots," she said.

"Fuck," I said. I didn't feel so good. My ball hurt, and I felt a little queasy.

She separated out my other ball and shot it up. The second one burned just like the first one had. "Oh, oh, oh," I said, clutching at my balls.

She took another syringe out and filled it from another bottle. "What are you going to do, now?" I said.

"Just a couple more, and we'll be through," she said.

"You aren't going to shoot me in the balls again, are you? That hurt." I couldn't figure out why she had injected my balls. I'd never heard of anyone getting shots there."

"No, I'm through with them, she said. She picked up my dick and injected it. It hurt, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as the shots to my balls had.

"What did you shoot my balls up with?" I asked.

"I guess I might as well tell you. You'll find out soon enough. There was Neutersol in those shots. You've effectively been castrated. It's irreversible. Your testicles are going to die.

"What did you shoot in my dick?"

"A drug that will destroy the erectile tissue and nerves in it. I'm afraid you've had your last erection."

"But, why?" I asked.

"Your father has sold you to San Carlos Island," she said. "All our boys have been neutered."

"Was it really Neutersol in those shots?" I had heard of Neutersol. It had first been used on dogs, but now a kind of it was used on men and boys. A TG at school had his balls shot up. They had shrunk up. He let me feel them once. They were like little ball bearings, small and hard. It didn't hurt him at all when I squeezed them.

"Yes," she said.

"But I don't want to become a girl," I said.

"No one wants you to become a girl," she said, "I might as well tell you. You'll find out soon enough. Do you know what kind of place San Carlos Island is?"

I shook my head.

"It's a place where rich men come to have sex with nullos."

"What's a nullo?" I asked.

"It's a boy that's had his penis and testicles cut off. Once you're on San Carlos Island, they'll cut yours off. Unlike this time, you won't feel a thing. You don't hurt any longer, do you?"

I realized that I didn't. I squeezed my balls. It didn't hurt a bit. I squeezed harder. They were completely numb. "I don't want my balls and dick cut off," I said.

"It's not your choice," she said. "Your father sold you."

"He sold me?"

"Don't look so sad," she said, when I wrinkled up my face. "It's only for four years. By then, you'll be too old for our clients; they like their boys young." She laughed. "Nullos, I mean. They like their nullos young. In four years, you'll be free and rich. Your father is only paid half your contract. Ben will make certain he'll never touch the rest."

"Who's Ben?"

"Think of him as your new father," she said. "For the next four years, he'll be your legal guardian."

"Can they just cut off my balls and my dick?" I asked.

"Yes, a legal guardian can have his ward castrated or nullified. Your father has sold his rights to you. He was already planning to have you castrated. That's how we heard about you. We have all the doctors that do castrations on referral. When your father contacted one to arrange your castration, he called us. We've had you under observation, bugged, you might say. We know everything you've done for the last two weeks. We even know about the blowjobs you gave that other boy."

"You aren't going to tell my dad, are you?" I don't know why I cared. The asshole had just sold me. He was going to have me castrated. Hell, I had been castrated. I still had my balls, but if Nurse Appleby was telling me the truth, they were as good as gone."

"I'm sure he already knows," she said, "but it doesn't matter. He knows what you'll be doing on San Carlos Island."

"Are they really going to cut off my dick and balls?" I looked down at them. My dick was limp. I was standing naked in front of a beautiful woman, who had earlier jacked me off, and my dick was limp. What better proof was there that it was dead? I squeezed my balls again. They were still numb.

She grabbed my hand. "Don't squeeze them too much. They aren't completely dead yet, and if you squeeze them too much, they'll hurt. I'll give your father some pain pills for you to take. When the anesthetic wears off, you'll be feeling some pain but nothing so bad that the pill won't ease. And, yes, they are going to cut off your balls and your dick; but your father was going to have your balls cut off anyway, and you wouldn't have anything to show for them. This way, you'll be rich once you leave San Carlos, and I think you'll find that you don't miss your dick and balls in the least. I don't know of a nullo on San Carlos Island that wishes he still had his."

"What will I look like?" I looked down at my crotch, at my dick and my balls. "How will I pee?"

She placed a finger under, behind, my balls. "They'll make you a pee hole here," she said. "Wait and see. You'll like it. I mean, look at this." She held my dick and balls in her hand. "Do you really want to go through life with these ugly appendages hanging from your crotch? Here, put your legs together."

I did, and she tucked my dick and balls between them, hiding them from sight. "That's kind of how you'll look," she said, "only better. Here, I have another shot to give you.

What's in it? You said you already killed my dick and balls.

"It's a long lasting synthetic hormone. It will take the place of the testosterone your balls would have made, but it won't affect you the same. You won't change into an adolescent as you would have with testosterone."

"Will it change me into a girl?"

"No," she said, "we want you to stay just like you are. Four years from now, you will be a little bigger, but otherwise, you'll look much the same as you do now. This hormone will provide you with a sex drive. Most eunuchs don't have much of one, but our nullos are horny all the time. You will be, too, once this hormone takes hold."

What good will it do me?" I waggled my limp cock up and down.

"You're not going to need that. You have your butt, don't you? You'll be surprised how sensitive your butt hole will become. If you weren't letting that boy fuck you, you might try letting him. You might be surprised at how good it feels." She gave me the shot. "Put your clothes on," she said, "and I'll walk you out to the lobby."

I dressed. I'm a eunuch. At least, I'm going to be one. No, I'm going to be a nullo. Besides the TG boys at school, I knew several boys that had been castrated, but I didn't know any nullos. Even the TG boys didn't have their dicks cut off until they did the whole sex change bit, and then, they weren't nullos. They were girls, with pussies.

It was funny. I'd never wanted to have my dick or balls cut off, but now, the thought of having it done kind of excited me. As we walked out to the lobby, I tried to imagine what I would look like without them.

"Did you really sell me?" I asked my father, once we were in the car.

"Yes," he said.

"Do you know what she did to me?"

"Did she tell you?" he asked.

"She said she shot me up with Neutersol; my dick and balls were going to die."

"You'll be better off without them. I wanted to have you neutered right after you were born, but your mother wanted me to wait. She agreed to let me have you castrated, but this is better. Do you know how much money we'll make off this?"

"How much?" I asked.

"A million credits," he said. "They'll pay me a million, and you get a million once your contract is finished."

"Do you know what I'll have to do there?" I asked.

He shrugged. "You're queer, anyway. Do you think I don't know you've been sucking that kid's cock?"

"Who told you?" I asked.

"He told his brother, and his brother told his father, who told me. His father didn't care that you sucked his son's cock, as long as it wasn't his son, who was the cocksucker, but he told me. He thought I should know my son was one. That's when I decided for sure to have you castrated. Oh, I was going to have it done anyway, but that made me decide to have it done now."

"Don't you love me?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't think about love much. I don't know that my father ever loved me. You'll be better off on San Carlos Island. They tell me you'll have everything you want; and you'll be rich. What other father wouldn't do that for his son?"

"That's not what you care about," I said. "You only care that you're going to be rich."

He shrugged.

Chapter 2

I spent most of the weekend in bed. I had my shots on Friday and didn't feel so good. My balls and my dick hurt, and I felt sick at my stomach. By Monday I was pretty much OK, so I went to school.

I saw Sam in the hallway. He had a big grin on his face. "I heard about your shots," he said. "How does it feel to be castrated?"

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Your old man told mine," Sam said. "He was bragging to my father about how much money he was getting for you. I think my dad's gonna sell my younger brother. I'm too old, because I already hit puberty, he said. Otherwise, he might have sold me. Are you really getting a million credits?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Did they cut off your balls?"

"No, they just shot them up with Neutersol like they did that TG kid, you know, Allen Waxman, or Alice as she calls herself now."

He grabbed my balls through my jeans and squeezed. "That doesn't hurt?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Do they look different?"

"Not really," I said, "not that I can tell, anyway. My dick won't get hard, though."

"Not at all?"

"No, it just hangs there."

"That sucks. Have you tried jacking off?"

I nodded. "Nothing happens. It's like trying to jack off my finger, for all the good it does."

"That does suck," said Sam. "I don't know what I'd do, if I couldn't jack off." He laughed. "You never will squirt now, will you?"

"No, when I go to San Carlos Island, they're going to cut off my dick and balls. I'm going to be a nullo."

"Fuck," said Sam. "They're going to cut everything off?"

"Uh huh," I said. "I' m going to be completely smooth down there."

"Are you pissed?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. They tell me I'll have anything I want on San Carlos Island, even a Playstation9. Did I tell you I saw one?"

"No shit," said Sam. "I didn't think they were coming out until September."

"They aren't, but they, the San Carlos Island people, already have them."

"That's cool," said Sam, "but I don't know if I'd want to give up my cock and balls for one."

"My dad was going to have me castrated, anyway, and it's kind of your fault. If you hadn't told your brother I sucked your cock, my dad might have waited. He might have let me go through puberty first."

"Hey, I didn't mean to tell him. It just kind of came out. It's not like I told anyone at school. You told me not to tell anyone at school. My brother's in high school. How did I know he'd tell my dad? My dad doesn't care if you suck mine, as long as I don't suck yours.

I didn't know he'd tell your dad. But your dad told mine he was going to have you castrated anyway. He's even trying to talk my dad into having me castrated. If anything, I'm the one that should be pissed. My dad wouldn't have thought about having me castrated, if your father hadn't brought it up."

"Do you think he's going to?"

"I sure as hell hope not," said Sam. "I don't think he will, but I didn't think he'd sell my younger brother either, and he's already had a man from San Carlos out to the house to check him out. My brother's only ten, but I grew my dick when I was eleven, so they'll probably do him right away, if they accept him. When are you going to San Carlos?"

"In three months," I said. "They want to give my balls and dick a chance to shrink, so they can cut them off right after I arrive, and there was something about not having a trainer available."

"Doesn't it freak you out that they're going to cut them off?"

"Kind of, but they're dead anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter. In a way, it's kind of cool."

"Kind of cool? Are you fucking insane?"

"Not really. Just think 3; I'll be different from other boys. I won't be a boy or a girl."

"You'll be a fucking eunuch."

"No, I'll be a nullo."

"What's a nullo?"

"A boy that's had his dick and balls cut off."

"How will you pee?" asked Sam.

I told him about the pee hole they'd make me.

Chapter 3

Fuck! I'm horny all the time. I'm always sticking things up my asshole, my finger and other things. Mom gives me enemas. Nurse Appleby told her I should have one every day. I'm also supposed to sleep with my asshole plugged to stretch it out. Nurse sent home a box of them with my dad. Each one is a little bigger than the previous one. The last one I used is almost as big around as Sam's dick. I keep wondering what it would be like to have his dick up my ass. I'm going over to his house after school. I might let him fuck me.

We were in Sam's room. His parents don't get home until later. He was already naked. I started taking my pants off. "You don't have to take them off to give me a blowjob," he said. "It's not like I need to jack you off any more."

"I thought maybe you could fuck me," I said.

"And get shit all over my dick? That's gross."

"I had an enema before I came over," I said. "I'm all cleaned out."

"You had an enema?"

"Yeah, I have one every day." Taking off my pants, I lay down on the bed and stuck my finger up my ass. I pulled it out, showing it to Sam. "See," I said, "no shit."

"Cool," said Sam. "Yeah, I'll try it."

I lay on my back with my legs raised. Sam scooted in between them. "Ow," I said as he pressed the head of his dick against my asshole. "Easy, I'm a virgin down there."

"Your mouth's no virgin," Sam said, laughing. "Maybe I should just use that."

"No," I said. "I want to try this." I looked over on his dresser, where a bottle of lotion stood. "Use some of that lotion," I said, "the stuff you use when you jack off."

"Do you want me to squirt it in you?" he asked.

"No, just rub it all over your dick," I said.

He did, and the next time he tried, his dick slid right in. God Damn, it felt good. Only, about the time I was really getting into it, he came, spurted, and collapsed on top of me. "You came too soon," I said.

"I couldn't help it," he answered. "It felt too good. Man, I didn't know it would feel that good. Can we do it again?"

"Damn straight," I said, "Right now."

He looked down at his limp cock. "I can't right now, but give me a minute, and I'll be able to."

It was more like four or five, but once again, he was inside me, humping away. I loved it, and I was about to cum – I know I was – when he came and collapsed on top of me once again. I was so fucking close. If only he could have lasted another minute or two.

I was trying to get him to fuck me again. "Fuck, Man," he said. "I already shot twice."

"Don't you like it?" I asked.

"Fuck yes," he said, "but I got to rest first. I already jacked off three times today."

The door to his room opened. It was his older brother, Gregg. He's seventeen. "What are you fags doing?"

I rolled my eyes. We were naked, and Sam's cum was leaking from my hole. "Just playing around," I said.

"Is it true you've been neutered?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said. It had only been a couple of weeks, but my balls had shrunk and were becoming hard. My dick was smaller, too, never more than about an inch [2½ cm] long, and hidden within my foreskin all the time. The only time I saw the head of my dick was when I skinned back the foreskin to pee.

"You want to be fucked by a real man?" he asked.

"What have you got?" I don't know where that came from. I don't even like Gregg. He thinks, just because he's older, he's hot shit.

He dropped his pants. His dick was hard, and bigger than Sam's by a couple of inches. Whereas Sam's is only five and one quarter inches [13½ cm] long – he measures it every day – Gregg's dick must be seven inches [18 cm] long. "Think you can handle it?" he asked.

"I think so," I said.

He pushed Sam out of the way and crawled between my legs. I didn't suggest lotion. With two loads of Sam's cum in my ass, I was already well lubed.

As big as Gregg's dick is, it hurt at first, but once he had it in 3; "Oh, shit. That feels good. Fuck me, Gregg. Fuck me hard," I said.

He pounded my hole, his balls slapping against my ass. His big cock filled me. I could feel it thrusting deep inside me. Oh 3; I was cumming. "Oh, oh, oh, shit, shit, shit," I said, hanging onto his ass, trying to pull him all the way inside me, even though he was already pounding his dick in as far as it would go.

I don't even know when he came. I was out of it by then. I don't know that I passed out, but I wasn't much aware of what was going on around me. The orgasm had taken me someplace else. The fucking orgasm was something else. If it was an orgasm, whatever I'd had pulling on my dick wasn't. That had been a ripple on a pond. This was a tsunami.

Gregg fucked me three more times; Sam fucked me once. I came every time Gregg fucked me, but once again, Sam came too soon. Besides, his cock didn't fill me up like Gregg's did.

I decided then and there that I was glad I was going to be a nullo. I'd never been able to spurt, but I'd watched Sam spurt I don't know how many times, and I know from watching him that my climaxes had to be ten times better than his. Gregg even, only grunted a little when he came.

If I'd known getting fucked felt this good, I would have been letting Sam fuck me a long time ago. But, maybe it wouldn't have. Maybe it has something to do with that shot Nurse Appleby gave me.

I was taking a shower in Sam's bathroom when the door opened. I pulled the curtain back and looked out. It was Sam's dad. He was naked and had a boner. I could see right away that Gregg took after him. If anything, his cock was bigger than Gregg's.

"Hi, Mr. Aarons," I said, striking what I thought was a seductive pose. For an old dude, he wasn't bad looking, not that I was looking at his face at the time. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock. I thought I'd had enough fucking, but one look at his hard cock, and I was horny again.

"The boys tell me they've been fucking you."

I nodded.

"I understand you're going to San Carlos Island where guys will pay 50,000 credits a night to fuck you," he said.

I shrugged. No one had told me how much I'd bring.

"What will you take to let me fuck you?" he asked. "I'd like to have some 50,000 credit ass."

I looked past him. Sam, still naked, with a boner, stood in the doorway grinning.

I don't know why I said it. I like Sam. I really do. He's my best friend. "Close the door, and I'll tell you." Once he closed the door, shutting Sam out of the room, I said, "Have Sam castrated, and I'll let you fuck me."

"You want me to have Sam castrated? Why? He might not be able to fuck you, if he's castrated."

I shrugged. "His dick's too small, anyway," I said, "and he cums too soon. Maybe he'll last longer without balls.

"I don't know why I want him castrated. I think it would be cool for both of us to be. Don't tell him I wanted him castrated, though. Pretend it was your idea. I don't want him pissed at me; and let me come along when he's castrated. I want to watch."

I didn't know why I wanted him to have Sam castrated. Maybe it was because I knew Sam was glad I had been. He always had a shit eating grin on his face when he talked about how my nuts were dead.

It wasn't that I was wishing something bad on Sam. I liked being castrated. I was glad I was going to be a nullo. Maybe Sam wouldn't like it as much, but I knew it would be the best thing for him. All he thought about was jacking off and getting blowjobs from me. Maybe, if he didn't have sex on the brain all the time, he would do better in school.

Mr. Aarons grinned. "I was thinking about having him castrated, anyway. OK, it's a deal. Sam can kiss his balls goodbye."

"When are you going to have it done?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said.

"How about tomorrow?" I said.

"OK," he said. "Can we fuck now?"

"Not until after he's castrated," I said, although if he'd pressed it, I would have fucked him then and there in the bathtub. I was hot for him and wanted his dick inside me. "Tell you what. I'll give you a blowjob to hold you over. Is it a deal?"

"OK," he said, "I'll have him castrated tomorrow." He sat down on the toilet and I sucked him off, swallowing his spunk when he shot into my mouth.

I was on my way home when my cell rang. It was Sam. "What did you say to my dad," he asked.

"Nothing. Why?"

"He's going to have me castrated tomorrow, and I can't talk him out of it."

"I just gave him a blowjob. He asked me if I liked being castrated, and I said I did. He said he'd been thinking about having you castrated. You told me he was."

"He wasn't until your father mentioned it. It's all your fault."

"Not all my fault," I said. "Your father would have never called mine, if you hadn't told your brother I sucked your cock. What's the big deal, anyway? I like being castrated. I want to have everything cut off."

"Yeah, but you like sucking cock and getting fucked. I don't; and you're going to be paid lots of money. No one's paying me shit. I'm going to have my balls cut off, and I'm not going to get shit for them."

"Can I come along and watch?" I asked.

There was a long silence. "Fuck, I guess," he said. "I don't want to go with just my dad. I'm pissed at him. Are you sure you didn't say anything?"

"What could I say to make your dad want to have you castrated?" I said. "I'll bet he'd already decided to have it done. It's cool, though. You'll like it. Just wait and see."

"Fuck if I will," Sam said. "Fuck, I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll jack off or something while I still have balls. You want to come over and fuck some more?"

"I can't. I gotta go home. I'll give you a blowjob after you've been castrated, and when you're healed – are you getting shots, or are they cutting them off?"

"They're cutting them off."

I grinned. That had been one of the conditions Mr. Aaron had agreed to.

"I'll let you fuck me after you're healed, then," I said. "Gotta go. See you tomorrow." I hit the 'end' button on my phone.

Chapter 4

Sam's dad picked us up after school. Sam had talked about running away, but I had convinced him not to. "It's not so bad," I kept telling him. "Besides, they'd just catch you and do it, anyway."

"Please, Dad, I don't want to be castrated," said Sam, when we got in the car.

"It's too late, Sam," his dad said. "I've already decided. I'm going to sell Billy to the San Carlos Island people, if they'll take him, and have him castrated, if they won't. I'd have Gregg castrated, too, but he's old enough to legally make his own decision about that. I should have had all you boys done. If I'd had you done a couple of years ago, before you started puberty, I might have been able to sell you to the San Carlos people.

You've been a little shit since you hit puberty, anyway. This should calm you down some. I talked to Mr. Harris, your vice principal, and he recommended I have it done. He thinks most boys should be castrated. He said eunuchs make much better student and cause less trouble at school. This might be the only way to keep you in school. They were considering expelling you. Besides, look at Kyle. He's happy he's been castrated."

"He still has his balls," said Sam.

"They're dead," I said, pinching them. "I can squeeze them and not feel anything."

"Why can't I have the shots, then?" said Sam.

"You don't want the shots," I said. "They kill your dick, too." I didn't tell him that Nurse Appleby had given me a separate shot to kill my dick."

"No, I don't want the shots, then," Sam said, "but I don't want my balls cut off, either."

Arriving at the clinic, we went inside. "Sam Aarons for a castration," Mr. Aarons said, placing his hand on Sam's shoulder.

The receptionist smiled at Sam, who had his face all screwed up, looking like he was about to cry. "It won't hurt a bit," she said, "and you'll be much happier without them. Are you a second or third son?"

Sam said, "I have an older brother and a younger brother."

She turned her face to Mr. Aarons. "Are they intact?" she asked.

"Yes," said Mr. Aarons. "The older boy is too old for me to have castrated, but I'm either selling the younger one or having him castrated."

"Good, we recommend castration for all boys. Since cloning has been perfected, boys no longer need their testicles. How about this young man?" she said, looking at me."

"Oh, I've already been castrated," I said.

"Fantastic," she said, "and how do you like it?"

"I like it fine," I said.

"See," she said, turning to Sam. Your little friend likes being castrated. You will, too. Just give it a chance."

After a few minutes, a nurse called out, "Sam Aarons."

I stood up. "Come on, Sam," I said. I'd already asked the receptionist if I could watch. She said one of us could, either me or his father. Mr. Aarons, according to our agreement, said I could.

"Which of you is Sam?" the nurse asked.

"He is," I said. "I get to watch. I've already been castrated."

"Good for you," the woman said.

Once in the room, She made Sam undress. He had a boner, but she didn't jack him off, like Nurse Appleby had me. Still, he came when she touched his dick to move it so she could shave off his pubic hair. "Quick on the trigger, aren't you?" she said. "I never saw a kid that needed castrating more than you. I'll bet you masturbate five or six times a day, don't you?"

When Sam didn't answer, I said, "At least, that many. He jacks off all the time."

"Well, this will take care of that little problem," she said.

She cleaned up the mess and continued shaving Sam. Before long, he was as hairless as I am. She even shaved his balls. Once through, she gave him some shots around his dick and his balls, and taped his dick to his stomach. "Let's give the shots some time to take effect," she said. "The doctor will be in to remove your testicles in a few minutes."

After a while, the doctor came in accompanied by the nurse. She handed him a folder. "Sam Aarons," he said. "We're going to do a bilateral orchiectomy on you, Sam."

"I thought you were going to cut off my balls," said Sam.

"I am," said the doctor. "That's the medical term for it." He poked Sam's balls with a probe. "Do you feel that?" he asked. When Sam said he didn't, he said, "Good, let's get it done."

"Will I be able to masturbate?" asked Sam.

"I don't know," said the doctor. "Some boys can and some boys can't. It depends on the individual. You won't need to so much. Even if you're able to, you might find that you go days or weeks without doing it. You'll find that sex is no longer an important part of your life, which, of course, is one of the reasons we castrate boys. You'll be much happier not thinking about it all the time. You'll be able to live a happier, more productive life without your balls. Do you want me to put them in a bottle for you when I'm done?"

"I guess," said Sam.

"Let's do it, then," said the doctor.

I watch him slit Sam's ball sac open up close to the top of it on one side. He popped one of Sam's balls out. I couldn't see it none too good, all covered with blood like it was, but it was bigger than mine had ever been and looked kind of white.

While the nurse held it, he tied off the cords to it, and cut it off with a laser scalpel. I could smell the burning flesh.

The nurse dropped Sam's ball in a pan, while the doctor went back for the other one. Before long, both Sam's balls lay in the pan, and the doc stitched up Sam's ball sac.

"All done," the doctor said. "Keep some ice on it. Your scrotum's going to swell up some. It will even look like you still have testicles for a while, but," he held up the pan, "as you can see, here they are. When the swelling goes down, you'll have an empty scrotum, and over time, your scrotum will shrink."

The doctor put Sam's balls in a bottle containing some kind of liquid and handed them to Sam. When we were out in the lobby and Sam's father asked if it was done, Sam held up the bottle containing his balls to show him.

Back at Sam's house, while Sam was in bed with an ice bag on his ball sac, I went in his father's bedroom to fulfill my part of the bargain. I definitely got the best of it. Sam's father was an even better fuck than was Gregg. It took him longer to cum, and he knew more moves than Gregg did. Gregg just pounded away until he came, but Mr. Aaron took his time. I had two orgasms before he had his first one.

I had only bargained for one fuck, but I let him fuck me twice, which, old as he is, was all he could handle.

When Sam felt like having one, I gave him the blowjob I'd promised. I couldn't tell any difference in the taste of his cum. A couple of weeks later, after the swelling in his ball sac had gone down, I let him fuck me. It took him longer to cum, and I even had an orgasm.

I'll be leaving for San Carlos Island in a couple of days. I can't wait. I'm ready to have my dick and balls cut off. My balls are small and hard, and my dick has almost disappeared. I can't pee without getting myself wet, because I can't skin my foreskin back far enough to reveal the head of my dick. Neither my balls nor my dick are good for anything. I'm ready to be a nullo.

I'm glad I got Sam castrated. I like him much better as a eunuch than I did as a boy. He's doing better in school, and even his mom thinks it was the best thing for him.

All the boys in Sam's family have been castrated. Billy wasn't accepted by San Carlos Island, so his father took him to the clinic to have him castrated.

Even Gregg has been. It was the only way his parents would agree to pay for his college education. They figured it would be a waste of money, if Gregg kept his balls. Sam tells me that his mom is trying to talk his dad into being castrated, too.

Part 2

At the airport for the trip to San Carlos Island, Kyle meets Jack, another soon to be slave. Unlike Kyle, Jack is still intact and doesn't know he's about to be nullified.

"Dad, I'm not mad at you for selling me or letting me be castrated." We were walking into the waiting room to take a chartered flight to San Carlos Island. "I realize now what a great thing you did for me. I'll be rich, and I'm glad I don't have balls any longer."

Actually, I still have balls, little dried up peas, but they stopped working months ago. They no longer make testosterone or the other shit balls make. They certainly won't ever make babies.

They'll soon be cut off, anyway, along with my dick. Soon after arriving at San Carlos Island I'll be nullified. I'll be a nullo. I can't wait.

Several boys at my school have been castrated since Congress passed the tax cut for parents of castrated boys. My best friend, Sam, and his brothers have been, and seeing the difference it made in Sam and some of the other boys at school, I think all boys should be.

I'm not like them, though. They're eunuchs. I'm going to become a nullo. What's the difference, you might ask? Nullos have everything removed, cocks and balls. They're left smooth with a pee hole between their legs.

Another difference is: eunuchs have little sex drive. Nullos – at least, San Carlos nullos – are horny all the time. They implant a long lasting, synthetic, hormone under our skin that makes us as horny, as if we were LOADED with testosterone, but that doesn't turn us into adolescents like testosterone does. I won't ever grow a beard or grow body hair, which is fine with me.

I must admit that I've become a little slut since Nurse Appleby killed my balls and dick and injected me with the hormone. I've seduced my best friend's father – well, he came on to me, actually – several of the boys at school that haven't been castrated, and even a couple of my teachers.

I've even tried to seduce my own father, but although I know I turn him on – I can see his hard cock pressing against his pants – he always tells me to go to my room. He never comes in there anymore. I think he knows what would happen, if he did.

No two ways about it, I like – no, I love – being fucked, and the bigger dick the man has, the better.

My friend, Sam, was the first to fuck me, but Sam has only a five inch [12½ cm] cock, and before he was castrated, was too quick on the trigger. He never made me cum until after he was castrated and could last longer.

I only let him fuck me once after he was castrated; I had promised him that one. His dick is just too small. After having his father's seven inch [18 cm] cock, Sam's five incher [12½ cm] didn't do much for me.

Luckily, Sam no longer has much interest in sex. I don't think he's jacked off for a couple of weeks. When he had balls, he jacked off five or six times a day, and I don't know how many blowjobs I've given him, but I sucked him off sometimes two or three times a day.

Although he's only a few months older than me, he went through puberty two years ago. I still hadn't when my balls were shot up; and of course now, I never will.

I was always pissed because I hadn't, but now I'm glad. If I'd started puberty, I wouldn't be going to San Carlos Island and I wouldn't, in four years, be a millionaire. That's right: when I serve out my contract, I'll be paid a million credits. Does it matter that I'll be fucked by rich guys? I'm going to be a whore, but I'm going to be an expensive whore. It will cost my clients 50,000 credits to spend a night with me.

A few other fathers are waiting for the plane with their sons. We're early. I was so eager to go, I kept bugging my dad, until he gave in and called a taxi to take us to the airport.

I look at the other boys. I'll be thirteen next month and I'm probably the oldest; but I'm small for my age, and a couple of others are my size. Most of them look about ten, which I've learned is the age of most boys recruited to be San Carlos Island slaves. After all, usually boys my age are well into puberty.

Looking at them, I realize why Billy Aarons, Sam's younger brother wasn't accepted. Every one of them is beautiful. They aren't cute. They're beautiful. Billy is a cute kid, but he isn't beautiful.

Sam wouldn't have made it either, even if he had been castrated before puberty, which turned him into a gangly adolescent. He was kind of half way cute as a kid, but he wasn't beautiful by a long shot.

I'd always thought I was ugly, but every man I've let fuck me tells me how beautiful I am. Even Sam's dad, after he fucked me, told me I was beautiful, and looking back, I remember how he looked at me, whenever I was over at their house.

My dad looks at me the same way, but he won't fuck me, even though I've made it plain I want him to. At least, if I haven't made it plain, it isn't because I haven't tried.

We check in at the counter. "Oh, yes, Kyle Lantz, the agent says. He leafs through a folder with my name on it. "I see you've already had the first procedure, Kyle, and have been filled in on what else will happen on the island. How have you adjusted to the idea of being castrated and becoming a nullo?"

"Fine," I say. "Best thing that ever happened to me."

"Good," the man says. "Please don't say anything to the other boys, though. You're the only one out of this group that was given the first procedure. The rest of them are still boys and don't know they've been sold or will be nullified once they get to San Carlos Island.

We only do the first procedure this side of the island on boys that are in danger of reaching puberty before we can work them into the next training program. For the rest, we find it's better to wait until they're on the island for them to find out they're about to become nullos. It's for their good. It saves them a lot of anxiety. So, please don't say anything to them."

"OK, I won't."

"Promise?" he says.

"I promise."

"Good," he adds, "because if you do, you'll be fined 50,000 credits. It'll come off what you'll be paid once you fulfill your contract."

"I said I promised." He smiles and hands my dad and me our tickets.

While my dad reads a magazine, while we wait for the plane, I look around the room at the other boys. I grin to myself. None of them know they will soon to be nullos. I try to imagine how I'd feel if I went to San Carlos with my dad, thinking we were going on vacation, only to find out he'd sold me, and I was to be nullified and become a fuck toy for rich men.

I remembered how pissed I was to find out the trip to the doctor's office was to have me castrated. Of course, by the time I knew, my balls had already been shot up and were dying. It'll probably be the same for these kids. They'll shoot up their balls first then tell them they're going to be nullified.

I guess that's better. Once I realized my balls were dead, the idea of having them cut off wasn't a big deal.

I see a kid about my age – about my size, at least. "Be back in a minute," I tell my dad. He just grunts.

"Hi," I say, walking up to where the kid sits with his dad. "I'm Kyle. What's your name?"

"Jack," he says.

"Want to go look at the planes?" I ask. I don't give a shit about seeing the planes; I just want to get him alone to find out how much he knows. Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to tell him his balls will probably be dead or dying by tonight.

"Sure," he says. "All right, Dad?" he asks.

"OK," his dad says.

"We might play videogames, too," I say. "They have Playstation9s here."

His dad looks at his watch. "OK, be back in an hour, though."

Jack says, "OK," and we head off.

"Are you excited about going to San Carlos Island?" I ask.

"Shit, yes," he says. "My dad says it's really cool. We won a free vacation, just my dad and me. I have an older sister, but she can't come. My mom can't either. It's gonna be so cool."

"Did you go into their office for a physical or anything?" I ask.

"No," Jack says, "but some guy came to my house to examine me." He looked around and bent his head over close to mine. "He made me take off all my clothes, and he felt me up. He even jacked me off. He said he had to be sure I hadn't started puberty."

"Did you shoot?" I ask.

"Nah," he says. "I can't shoot none. It sure feels good, though. Don't you jack off?"

"I used to," I say.

"Don't you anymore?"

"Nah," I say, "I like getting fucked better."

"You let other boys fuck you?" I watch his face to see how he takes what I've just told him.

"If their dicks are big enough," I say. "I let men fuck me, too."

"My friend's older brother makes me suck his cock," Jack says.

"Do you swallow his cum?" I ask.

He nods. "He makes me. Have you ever, you know, sucked cock?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Do you swallow it?"

"Sure," I say. "He never fucked you?"

"No, he just makes me 'n his brother suck his cock. Do you like the taste of it?"

"It's OK," I say. "Do you?"

He shrugs. "It ain't so bad. I threw up the first time he made me swallow it, but I kind of like the taste of it, now. Jeremy – that's my friend – and I suck each other off, but neither of us can shoot. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I guess if you let guys fuck you, you won't hold it against me that I'm queer."

"Are you queer?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says. "I've known since I was little I was queer. I love looking at other kids' dicks. Jeremy and I have been playing with each other's dicks for as long as I can remember. If you want to, we can go into the bathroom and jack each other off."

Thinking fast – I certainly couldn't let him see my shrunken dick and balls – I say, "I don't like my dick. I want to have it cut off someday. I never touch it except to pee."

"Do you want to be a girl?"

"No," I say, "I want to be a nullo." I'm not telling him he's going to become one. I don't see how it will hurt to tell him I want to become one.

"What's a nullo?" he asks.

"That's a boy that's had his dick and balls cut off."

"You WANT that?"

I can tell by the tone of his voice that I've shocked him some. "Sure. Don't you think it would be cool to be all smooth down there? Getting fucked beats anything you can do with your dick, anyway."

"Does it really?" he says. "I always wondered what it would feel like."

You'll soon find out. "I have great orgasms when I get fucked, much better than anything I ever had jacking off."

"It feels good to have your dick sucked," he says. "I always cum good when Jeremy sucks my dick."

"Not as good as I do, I'll bet," I say. "I've been fucked by a lot of guys, and I always cum better than they do, even though they can shoot."

"Really?" he says. "Maybe I'll let Tommy – that's Jeremy's brother – fuck me, when we get back."

Yeah, sure. In four years, I think. By then, you'll have all the fucking you want.

"You really want your dick cut off?" he asks.

"Yeah, and my balls, too. Don't you think it would be cool?" I glance at his crotch. He has tight shorts on. I can see his boner pressing against them. He doesn't have much, but then again, he hasn't started puberty. If he had, he wouldn't be on his way to San Carlos Island.

"Let's go in the bathroom. We can go in a stall, and I'll give you a blowjob." Maybe your last one, I think.

"OK," he says. "I'll give you one, too."

"No, I don't like to have anyone touch my dick. I just like being fucked."

"I could fuck you," he says.

I reach over, placing my hand on his dick. "Not with that, you couldn't." I'd let him, even though his dick's too small for me to even feel it up my ass, but he'd see how shrunken my dick and balls are. "I'll just give you a blowjob. You don't have to do anything to me. Do you want to?"

"Beats playing videogames or watching airplanes," he says.

We go into the bathroom, into the last stall, and close the door. "Take off your shorts," I say.

"You, too," he says. "I want to see your dick, too. I told you I liked to look at other boys' dicks."

"Not just yet," I say. "I'll let you see it after we're on San Carlos Island. But, if you want me to give you a blowjob, you're going to have to take off yours."

He pulls down his shorts. He's wearing white briefs under them. Boys in white briefs turn me on, even though I'd never wear them. I can see his dick making a little tent of them. He pulls them down.

His dick is only about three inches [7½ cm] long, but it's hard and sticking straight out. His balls are tight against it. As I watch, one of them retracts up out of his ball sac. He's turned on for sure.

He doesn't have any hair, of course. I try to imagine how he'll look without dick or balls. The thought of it turns me on. What use are his dick and balls, anyway? He can't shoot, and his dick isn't big enough to fill my ass.

He'll be better off without them. Just wait until he's been fucked a time or two. He'll know that's better than anything he could do with his dick. I'm almost reluctant to give him a blowjob. I'd rather bite his dick off.

I smile. Wouldn't that surprise him? But, I won't do it. He'll lose it soon enough. I kneel down taking his dick into my mouth. "Oh," he say, grabbing me by the hair, while humping my face.

Before long, I feel him shudder. I know he's having an orgasm.

"God damn," he says. "That felt good. You sure you don't want me to give you one? Jeremy likes it when I suck him off, and Tommy must, because he makes me blow him every time I go over to their house."

I'm glad he liked it, but I didn't get much out of it. I mean, like he didn't cum, and his dick didn't even touch the back of my throat. If I'm going to suck a cock, I like for it to slide down my throat. I like to feel hot spunk shoot into my mouth.

I like Jack, though. He's cool; and it will be nice to have a friend on San Carlos Island. I wish I could tell him he was going to be nullified, but I promised I wouldn't; besides, it would cost me 50,000 credits, if I told him; and I can see that it would be better for him to find out like I did, after his balls have been shot up and are dying. No sense having him worry about it on the flight over there.

We go back to the lobby, and Jack and I sit opposite his dad. We talk about shit. He's excited about going to San Carlos Island. We ask his dad if it's OK that we sit together on the plane and he says, "OK."

I ask my dad, but I knew he doesn't care. We go up to the ticket agent. He cocks one eyebrow and says, "Remember what I told you."

"Don't worry," I say, so he changes our tickets so that we sit together on the plane.

When they announce the flight, a cheer goes up from all the boys waiting, including from Jack and me. I wonder if they'd cheer, if they knew what awaited them on San Carlos Island.

Part 3

Some of you probably know me from stories Timothy and others wrote about me. Not all of what you read is accurate, but much of it is. This is a continuation of Kyle's story. He arrived on San Carlos Island several years after I did. By the time he arrived, I was no longer a slave but had stayed on San Carlos Island to work as a member of the staff. I introduce the new boys to San Carlos Island and help them adapt to the idea of being nullos and slaves.

Jack is sitting next to the window, so I have to lean across him to look out. We're circling to land at the San Carlos Island airport. From what I can see of the island, it's beautiful, a lagoon at one end and an extinct volcano at the other. The island is surrounded by white sand beaches. We land and file into the terminal. A woman with a clipboard meets us. "Welcome to San Carlos Island, boys," she says. A man is with her. "You boys will come with me," she says. "Ryan," she gestures toward the man with her, will take your fathers for their orientation. Come along, boys."

She takes us through a door into a locker room. "All right boys. Take off all your clothes and put them in the lockers. Beyond those doors," she points to the doors on the opposite side of the room, "no one wears clothes on San Carlos Island, not even staff. Besides, you all need shots before we let you mix with the others on the island."

I raise my hand and say, "I've already had mine."

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Kyle Lantz," I say.

She looks at her clipboard. "You're right," she says. "You won't need shots, but we still need to check you out. Take off your clothes, too. No one wears clothes here."

"Aren't you going to leave first?" a boy asks her. "I don't want to get undressed in front of a girl."

"You're not going to wear clothes while you're on San Carlos Island," she says, "so you might as well get used to it. Get them off, all of you. Hop to it, boys."

"Fuck," says Jack. "I didn't know we'd have to go naked. Is this some kind of nudist club or something?"

"Something," I say, grinning. I didn't know we'd be naked all the time, either, but considering what kind of place San Carlos Island is, it makes sense.

Around the room, boys start taking off their clothes. Most of them are wearing shorts, t-shirts, and sandals or sneakers. Jack pulls off his shirt. "Aren't you getting naked?" he asks me. I haven't taken off anything but my shoes yet.

"In a minute," I say. I think the sight of my dick and balls will probably freak him out, and I'm trying to think of something I can say to explain them.

While he takes off his shorts, I pull off my t-shirt. He stands there in his white briefs, covering his crotch with his hand. "What's the matter?" I ask.

He leans over and whispers, "I have a boner."

I laugh. I've already noticed that half the boys in the room have boners. "You're not the only one," I say, pointing out some of the other boys.

"Do you?" he asks. "Is that why you haven't taken off your shorts?"

"No, I don't have a boner," I say.

"Take off your shorts, then," he says.

"You take off your briefs first." He pulls them off. He definitely has a boner. It will probably be his last one. If he gets the same shots I did, it will.

"OK, you," he says.

I pull my shorts and boxers off with one motion.

"Mother fucker," he says, when I'm naked. "Your dick is tiny. No wonder you didn't want me to see it." He looks around. A few other boys heard him and are looking our way. "I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

I look down at my crotch. I have a dick, but it's hiding in a tube of foreskin. "It's OK," I say. "I told you I wanted it cut off."

In a few months, this is what yours will look like, I want to say. If they haven't cut it off before then.

They call my name first. I go into a treatment room. Another woman is there. She's naked, the first woman I've ever seen naked. I can see her pussy beneath the hair covering her crotch.

"Hop up here and let me take a look," she says, patting a treatment table. She skins back my foreskin until she finds my dick and rubs my balls between her fingers. "Nicely done," she says. "We'll schedule a cutting for you tomorrow. You're ready."

"When are you going to cut the others?" I nod toward the door.

"In about a month," she says. By then, their testicles will be destroyed."

After she's through with me, I go out through another door into a different waiting room. When the first boy comes out, he's clutching his balls and crying. "What's the matter?" I ask.

"She gave me a shot in my balls and in my dick," he says. "It hurts."

"Did she tell you anything?" I ask.

"She just told me to come out here and wait," he said. "Oh, oh, oh, it hurts."

Four or five boys later, Jack came out holding his balls. "Ow, it hurts," he says. "Did she shoot you in your balls?"

"No, I already had the shots," I say.

I can see the realization of what had just been done to him dawn in his eyes. Reaching down, he grabs my balls and squeezes them. "Is that what happened to you?" he asks. "Did you have the same shots?"

"Yeah, did she shoot up your dick, too?"

"Yeah," he says.

"You can't get it hard, can you?"

Oblivious to the other boys in the room, who watch and listen, he strokes his dick. After a minute or two he gives up. His dick remains limp.

"No, I can't," he says.

"You've had your last boner," I say. "In a couple of months yours will look like mine, if they haven't cut it off before then."

"What do you mean, cut it off?" he asks.

"We're all going to be nullos," I say. "I'm getting cut tomorrow. The rest of you will be in a month or so."

"But, why?" he asks.

"Your father sold you to San Carlos Island. We're to be fuck slaves for the next four years. But, it's not so bad," I add. "I get a million credits once I fulfill my contract. You probably do, too, and I meant it, when I told you I wanted to be a nullo. And you'll like being fucked, too. You said you'd probably let Tommy – or whatever his name is – fuck you. Here, you'll get all the fucking you want."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks. "You knew it, didn't you? You knew what was going to happen to me in there, didn't you?"

I nod. "They made me promise not to tell anyone; besides, it wouldn't have done any good. Your dad had already sold you. They were going to do it, whether you wanted it done or not."

"Are my balls really going to die?" he asks.

"Yeah, are our balls going to die?" chimes in another boy.

"If they shot them up, they're as good as dead. You can feel mine, if you want. They're just hard little peas, now." A couple of boys came over and felt mine.

As other boys come into the waiting room, each is told his balls are as good as dead. Most of them don't believe it at first, not until they come over and have a feel of mine. I tell them I had the same shots a few months ago.

A couple of boys want to beat me up, but Jack says, "It's not his fault. They did him, too."

"Are we still friends?" I ask.

"I don't know," he says. "You should have told me. If you were really my friend, you would have told me."

"What good would it have done?" I say. "We had fun, didn't we, back in the airport at home and on the plane? How much fun would you have had, if you had known you were to be castrated? If you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at your dad. Isn't he the one, who should have told you?"

"I guess," he says. He feels his balls. "Are they really going to die?"

"Yeah," I say. "They shot them up with Neutersol. They're as good as dead."

"And, are they really going to cut everything off?"

I nod. He starts crying. I put my arm around him. "You'll get used to the idea," I say. "They're no good anymore, anyway." I wag my dick. "Look, this isn't good for anything. I can't even piss without getting wet. I'll be glad to have it cut off. It'll be cool to be nullos. Just wait. You'll see."

"I don't know," says Jack. "I couldn't wait until I was able to shoot. Now, I don't guess I'll ever be able to."

"No, none of us will," I say, but we'll gain more than we'll lose. Wait until you get fucked the first time. There's nothing like it. I KNOW it's better than being able to shoot."

"What if I wasn't queer?" he says. "What if I didn't like to suck cock or anything like that?"

"I'll bet every boy in here is queer," I say. "I'll bet every boy in here has fooled around with another boy." I don't know where that came from, but that's what I think. Maybe it's because I knew I was queer and Jack, the only one of them I'd talked to, was queer, too. I speak to a boy standing beside Jack. "How about you? Have you had sex with a guy?"

"With my father," he says. "He fucks me."

"Do you like it?" I ask. He nods.

Years ago, it was against the law for an older man to have sex with a kid, but of course, it isn't now. A man owns his kids until they're sixteen. Short of killing them or maiming them – having their genitals cut off isn't considered maiming – he can do anything he wants with them. He can fuck them or sell them like our fathers had us; but if a kid is sold, he's freed before his seventeenth birthday. That's why my contract is for four years. Some of these younger guys might have longer contracts.

I ask several of the other boys standing around. They've all had sex with men or boys. A few have just jacked off with their friends, but most have either been fucked or sucked a dick or two. The ones I ask have been playing with their peckers for as long as they can remember.

Most of them are still sad they've been neutered, but one boy says, "I'm glad. I never liked my dick; and I hate having balls."

"I'm glad, too," says another. "I don't like mine either."

Turns out, after they're over the shock of what has just happened, about half the boys in the room are either glad they're to be nullified, or at least the prospect of it doesn't bother them. I don't know that I wanted it before I had the shots, but I do now.

A door on the other side of the room opens. Four people enter. At first, I think they're girls, but I quickly realize that I'm seeing nullos for the first time. Each of them started life as a boy. Now, each is a nullo. They're beautiful.

"Hi," one of them, a tall, blond, nullo says. He has a collar around his neck. "My name is Sander. I'm a member of the staff, but I started out as a slave just like you. We've been listening, so we know that you've found out that you've all been neutered; and it's true that you will be nullified just like we have been."

He places one hand on his crotch, and points to the other nullos with the other. "I know some of you are upset and feel you've been betrayed, and in some ways, I can't blame you. I felt betrayed by my father, who, by the way, was my first client.

"I don't regret being nullified. I love being a nullo, as I think all of you will be. No boy, man, or woman, enjoys sex as much as a nullo does, but if, when you've finished your contract, you don't want to have sex, they'll give you a shot that will counter the hormone shots you've just been given, and you will have zero interest in sex. Few ever choose that, because sex as a nullo is great, but it's there, if you want it.

"You were injected with a synthetic hormone. It's going to make you horny as hell, but your dicks no longer work, so the only way you can get off is to get fucked.

"You will have trainers assigned to you. Trainers are boys with cocks and balls. Most of them have large cocks, seven or eight inches [18-20 cm] long. They will teach you how to service clients, and they will teach you by fucking you and having you suck their cocks.

"Never, and I repeat, never spit out a client's cum. Always swallow it. For those of you, who haven't sucked cock, it'll taste a little strange at first, but I think you'll come to like the taste of it. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Your trainers will teach you all you need to know.

"I encourage all of you to experiment amongst yourselves. I know your dicks don't work." He looks around and laughs. "They aren't proper dicks, anyway, as small as they are. You'll find strap-on dildos in your rooms. Play around with them. Take turns fucking each other. The more your asshole is stretched out by the time you begin your training, the more fun your training will be. The dildos are graduated in size, so you can start with a small one and work your way up.

"There's an enema machine in your bathrooms. Get in the habit of having one before engaging in sex. If a client ever complains of getting shit on his dick and asks for a refund, you will be fined whatever he paid for your services. Too many fines, and you won't have anything coming at the end of your contract.

"But, if you treat a client right, he'll tip you. At the end of their contracts, many nullos have made more from tips than their contracts have paid them.

"Like I told you, I started as a slave myself, as did my friends here. I had problems adjusting, and at one time I was in danger of being sold to a brothel. Don't go there. Being sold to San Carlos Island was the best thing that ever happened to me. I think you'll find it is for you, too.

"If you're sold to a brothel, your contract is voided. You'll get nothing when you're freed. You'll find, too, that the clientele of a brothel are nothing like ours.

"Our clients are screened and can only visit San Carlos Island after receiving an invitation. Any client that sadistically hurts his nullo forfeits a substantial deposit and is never again allowed on the Island.

"Treat your clients right, and they will treat you right. Many will fall in love with you. Some will even want to pay off your contract and adopt you. We rarely allow that, and only if you agree to it – as long as you're making us money that is. If you're not, we'll sell you to the highest bidder.

"Does anyone have questions?"

Several boys raise their hands. Sander points to one. "Did it hurt when they did it?" he asks.

"When they nullified me?" Sander asked. The boy nods.

"It hurt like hell, but that was a long time ago. That was before boys were given the shots you just got. I was nullified without anesthetic in the arena. We no longer do that.

"By the time you're nullified your balls and dick will have shrunk up, and your balls will be dead. You'll go to sleep and wake up a nullo.

"With the application of the healing machines and medicine we have here on San Carlos Island, you'll be healed in a week, two at the most.

"As you can see, I don't even have a scar where my dick and balls used to be.

"Any more questions?"

"We we ever see our families again?" a boy asks.

"For most of you, your contract will run until just before your seventeenth birthday. It depends on the contract your father signed, but most are in effect until then.

"After you've been on the Island for a year, your family can visit. A part of the Island is set off for that purpose, where you can visit your family without their coming into contact with clients. That's the one time you'll be allowed to wear clothes. At all other times, you will be naked. Personally, I hate to wear clothes. I think all of you will soon feel the same.

"Some of you will see your fathers sooner. Some of your dads have paid to be your first clients."

"Did mine?" I ask.

"What your name?" asks Sander. When I tell him, he says, "I don't know, Kyle. I don't think so, but he might request you before you're ready to service clients. Some decide to make that request after they've returned home and had a chance to think about it. You'd be surprised at how many fathers, who would have never fucked their sons while their sons were still boys, can't resist the chance to fuck them after they're nullos."

He answers some more questions, but I'm not listening. I'm thinking about my father. Do I want him as my first client?

They take us to our assigned rooms. I ask to switch with the boy that has the room next to Jack, and they let me.

Once in my room, I can't believe all the shit that's in it. A big screen TV covers one wall. I have my own Playstation9 and my own computer. Alex, the nullo, who takes me to my room, says, "Tell the computer your name." I do, and he says, "Your room is now programmed to your voice. Only you or one of the staff can open your door. Just say open, and it will."

He shows me the bathroom and how to use the enema machine. He tells me to sit down on it and use it. "Can't have you going around full of shit," he says. "Never can tell, you might want to play games with your friend next door; and I'm not talking about video games."

Once I've had the enema and a quick shower, he opens a drawer and shows me the strap on dildos. "You're cute," he says. "If I had time, I'd strap one on and demonstrate it on you."

"I wish you would," I say. "I'm so fucking horny. Usually, by this time of the day, I've already been fucked a couple of times."

He grins. "I know how you feel. Go see your friend next door. He has some dildos in his drawer. Let him try one of them on you, and if you can talk him into it, use one on him. You'll probably have to start him out with one of the smaller ones, but I take it you've had some good size dicks up your hole."

"Seven inchers [18 cm]," I say.

He opens his eyes wide. "I'm impressed," he says. "You'd better get what fucking you can in tonight. You're getting cut tomorrow. You won't be able to fuck for a week or two."

"That long?"

He nods. "Take care," he says, "and welcome to San Carlos Island. I think you're going to like it here. You have the right attitude." He leaves, shutting the door behind him.

I take one of the dildos out of the drawer, one about seven inches [18 cm] long. Finding some lube, I smear the dildo with it and stick it up my ass. God damn! It feels good. I'm surprised how much like real dicks they are. I start to fuck myself with it, but decide I'd rather have Jack fuck me. If he won't, I can always come back and do myself.

I press his door buzzer. "Who is it?" I hear through the speaker.

"It's me," I say, "Kyle. Can I come in?"

The speaker is silent for a long minute, before I hear, "OK, just a minute."

When he opens the door, his eyes are red. I can see he's been crying.

"What's up?" I say.

He shrugs. "Nothin."

"Aren't our rooms cool?" I say pointing to all the electronic shit.

He shrugs again. "I guess."

"What's the matter," I ask.

He starts bawling. "I miss my mom. I miss my dad. Shit, I even miss my sister. I won't get to see any of them for a whole year, and I can't even jack off. I'm so fucking horny, and I can't even jack off. It's driving me fucking crazy, and I can't do anything about it."

"Your body isn't used to the hormone yet," I say. I was like that at first. I was sticking stuff up my ass all the time. It gets better. You're still horny all the time, but it evens out some. What you need is a good fucking. Hell, I need a good fucking."

"I don't know," he says. "I looked at the dildos, but even the smallest one looks awfully big."

"Big – shit!" I say. I'll bet you've shit bigger turds than that."

He shrugs. "I guess, but still 3;"

"Have you had an enema?"

"Yeah, he made me take one."

I go to his drawer, taking out the smallest of his dildos. "This isn't big," I say.

"Looks fucking huge to me," he says.

I rub some lube on it. I don't put it into the harness yet. "Lie down and raise you legs."

"I don't know about this," he says.

"Do you want to get off, or don't you?"

"Fuck. I want to," he says. "I wish I could jack off, though. Maybe, you could give me another blowjob."

"You wouldn't even feel it," I say, "and you sure as hell wouldn't get off. The shot they gave you kills all the nerves in your dick. You wouldn't feel nothing. Now, lie down and raise your legs. I god damn guarantee you, you're going to like it."

He lies back on his bed, spreading his legs, sliding his feet up close to his ass, his knees pointing toward the ceiling. I see his pink hole. It cute as all get out, but one glance tells me he's never stuck nothing in it. It's a tight son of a bitch.

I cup his butt in my hands, raising it off the bed and lick his asshole. I've never done that before, but guys have licked mine, and I like it. I like it a lot. "Oh, oh shit," he says. "That feels fucking good."

Instead of answering, I try to push my tongue into his hole. He squirms, rotating his hips. I look up at his face. He has his eyes closed, the tip of his tongue exposed at the corner of his mouth. I watch him lick his lips.

I stick my middle finger in his ass, past the first joint, the second, until it's all the way in. He's humping my finger. I try working a second finger into his hole. It takes a while, but I soon have my forefinger and middle finger in his hole. He's moaning now.

Taking out my fingers, I kiss his hole an reach for the dildo. It meets some resistance. He says, "Uh." I know it hurts him a little, but he doesn't tell me to stop. It slides all the way in. I pull it almost all the way out and slide it in again. "Yes," he says, "yes."

I leave it inserted in his ass. "Just lie still," I say. "I'm going to put on the harness."

"Hurry," he says.

As I jump off the bed, I see that he's squirming, clenching his asshole around the dildo. I shouldn't have worried. He's going to like fucking. I don't doubt that in the least. Nothing like a good fucking to make him forget home.

I fumble with the harness but finally get it on. I lie back down on the bed. He groans when I pull the dildo out of his ass. "Hurry," he says. "I want it."

After screwing the dildo onto the harness, I stick it back in his ass and begin fucking him. I've never fucked anyone before – not that way, anyway – but I've been fucked enough to know what to do.

With my hands around his butt cheeks, I ram the dildo into him. He squirms, rotating his hips as I do. "Yes, yes, yes," he says, quicker each time. "Uh, uh, uh." Then, he screams and collapses onto the bed. His eyes are closes, his mouth is open, and he's panting.

I continue to fuck him, but very slowly, taking forever to slide the dildo out then back in, watching his face as I do. Nothing in it tells me he wants me to stop.

Soon, he's moaning again, "Faster," I hear him say. I speed up. He's lifting his ass off the bed, meeting me as I ram the dildo deep into him.

He climaxes again, collapsing back onto the bed. I continue to fuck him slowly, but he shakes his head. "I 3;" he takes several breaths. "I 3; I 3; I can't take anymore," he says.

I stop and start to pull it out, but he says, "No! Don't take it out, but don't move either. Just lie on top of me with it in." He seems to take a breath between each word.

I lie down on top of him, kissing him on the side of his mouth. I don't kiss him on the mouth, because he has it open and is breathing through it.

We lie there for a long time. I don't know how long, but I'm about to doze off. I hear him whisper, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I say, kissing him again, this time on the cheek.

Part 4

Kyle's and Jack's second day on San Carlos Island. The attend orientation conducted by me,

I don't get my fucking. I fell asleep on top of Jack, the dildo still in his ass; it had been a long day.

I rolled off of him sometime in the night and awake when Alex opens Jack's door in the morning. "Time to get up," he says. "You have a busy day ahead of you. Get cleaned up. I'll be back in thirty minutes to take you to the mess hall for breakfast."

Looking at me, he grins. "Looks like you took my advice." I'm on my back, the dildo still strapped to the harness around my ass. "Did you get your fucking?"

I shake my head. "Oh, too bad," he says. "Doesn't look like you'll get one, unless you can talk your friend into a quickie. You have orientation right after breakfast, and you're scheduled to be cut right after orientation."

I look at Jack. He's still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. As much as I'd love a fucking, there's no way I'll be able to show him how to use the harness, get fucked, and get cleaned up by the time Alex returns for us.

"Are they going to cut off your dick and balls today?" Jack asks after Alex has shut the door.


"Aren't you scared?"

I shrug. "A little, but he told me it wouldn't hurt, and I can't wait to be nullified. Don't you think Alex and the other nullos are neat? They look so cool."

"I don't know," says Jack. "They look weird to me. I mean 3; they're boys, but they don't have anything down there. Boys are supposed to have dicks and balls."

"But they're not boys," I say. "I'm not one, and you're not either, not since you had the shots. You still look like one. Your dick and your balls still look the same, but your balls are dying and your dick won't get hard. We're both nullos. We just haven't had the operation yet."

I grasp my dick and balls in my hand. "I hate these. They're ugly and good for nothing. I can't wait to get rid of them. I want to look like Alex. I think he's beautiful."

"Do you think mine is ugly?" He holds his dick with two fingers of his right hand.

I hesitate. I'm not sure what to say. I don't want to hurt his feelings; he's been through a lot since yesterday, but I decide to tell him the truth.

"Yes, I think it's ugly. I like a full grown dick as much as anyone, as long as it's on someone else, someone who might fuck me, but a little boy's dick isn't good for anything. I – I didn't think much about it before I had the shots. I guess that I just accepted that I was supposed to have a dick and balls; but after I was castrated by the shots, after my friend, Sam, was castrated, I realized that boys were better off without their balls. I like Sam much better, now he's been castrated, and I like the boys at school that have been castrated much better now they no longer have balls."

Looking at his circumcised dick, I say, "You were circumcised when you were a baby. I think, instead of circumcising baby boys, they should castrate them. The world would be a better place, if all boys were."

"Who would fuck you, then?" he says.

"I'd stop taking the hormone, and I wouldn't need it. For now, I like fucking and have to take it anyway, for the next four years, but I'm not sure what I'll do, after my contract is up. Maybe it would be nice not to think about sex all the time. Maybe it would be nice not to need it. I think my friend, Sam, is happier now that he doesn't need it."

"Why wouldn't it be enough for them that they've killed our balls? Why do they have to cut them and our dicks off?"

"Because they're ugly," I say. "Look how ugly mine are. They're just useless flaps of skin. Don't you think Alex looks cool?"

Jack shrugs. "I don't know. Boys are supposed to have dicks. He looks like my sister down there, except she has a pussy."

"With cloning, boys are no longer needed," I say. "Girls still are. Babies are grown inside them. Look how many boys have been castrated since the tax law passed. A bunch of boys at my school have been, and I bet a bunch of boys at your school have been, too?"

"Some," he says.

"Some? I'll bet it's more than just some."

"OK, a bunch. Ten or fifteen."

"If your dad hadn't sold you, I bet he would have had you castrated. If you're going to lose your balls, you might as well be paid for them."

"But, what if I don't want to get fucked by a bunch of old guys?" he says.

"You liked it last night when I fucked you didn't you?" He doesn't say anything for a minute. "You did, didn't you? You sure as hell seemed to enjoy it."

"OK, I liked it, but I like you. I don't want some stranger's dick in me, especially not some old guy's dick. It wouldn't be the same."

"A dick's a dick," I say.

"Do you really believe that? Didn't it make it special because you were fucking me?"

I don't know what to say. It was special fucking him, but I didn't get off. Only a dick up my ass gets me off, and he doesn't have a dick. OK, so he still has one, but you really can't call that limp hunk of flesh a dick. It doesn't turn me on. I think it's ugly. I think he'll be hot as a nullo, much hotter than he is with those ugly things hanging from him.

"I liked it," I say. "I loved getting you off, but I can't get off that way. It's like sucking cock. It's fun, but it doesn't get you off."

He looks at the dildo; it's lying on the bed where I threw it after taking it off. "I could put that on and fuck you," he says.

"I want you to," I say. "We don't have time today; and I'm getting cut later on, but when I get back, I want you to. But it's not the same as having someone cum with you. It's not the same as having someone squirt into you while you're cumming."

I think for a minute; then I say, "I like turning guys on. I like turning men on. I like it, how they get hard with precum dripping from their cocks, how they can't wait to get their dicks inside me. I like the control I have over them. They'll do and say anything to fuck me. They'll give me anything I want, if I'll let them fuck me. I'm glad to be a slave on San Carlos Island. I plan to be the most popular nullo on the island. We get tips if we're good. I'm going to be rich as hell by the time I leave this place."

"You said you love me," he says.

For a second, that catches me unawares. I've almost forgotten I had. Now, I recall that I said it after he said it to me.

I think it's the first time I've ever told anyone I loved him. I don't remember anyone ever saying it to me. I might have told my mom I loved her when I was a kid, but I don't remember that she ever said it to me. I know damn well my dad never did.

"Did you mean it?" he asks. Tears, gathering in his eyes, begin running down his cheeks.

I put my arms around him, pull him close, and kiss his cheeks, tasting his salty tears. "I – I love you," I say, although it comes out much harder than it did last night.

"Do you still want other guys to fuck you?" he asks.

"It's not going to happen for a while," I say, but it will happen. It'll happen to you, too. Other guys will fuck you."

"I only want you to fuck me," he says.

"Even if I don't have a dick?"

"I don't care," he says. "I love you."

"I kiss him again, this time on the mouth. I feel his tongue slide past my teeth. I meet it with mine. I wish we had more time, even if it was only to fuck him with the fake dick. Maybe I do love him.

By the time we take a shower, Alex is back. He and a nullo I haven't seen before gather us and the other boys and lead us to the cafeteria.

Alex stops us at the cafeteria door. "I got to warn you guys. Once we go in, you're going to get razzed. You're the new guys." He glances down, looking from one boy's dick to the other. "And you still have those things hanging from you. I know you might find it hard to believe, but we're proud of being nullos, and we think that those things are ugly." He points at our groins. "A lot of the nullos in there are going to let you know that. Until you get cut, you're the freaks, not us. The only boys on San Carlos Island that have dicks are trainers – who have real dicks – and new guys like you, who haven't had them cut off yet. Ben used to castrate some boys, letting them keep their dicks, but he hasn't for years. Now, all slaves, except for trainers, are nullified, and none of you is going to be a trainer. Your balls are already toast."

We go into the cafeteria. Catcalls, jeers, and laughter seem to be coming from every table in the room, "Wooee, fish, new boys, oh, how ugly, look at those tiny dicks, you're not going to have those long 3;"

"Hey, look at this one," a nullo says as I walk past him. "He's ready to be cut. Were you born that way, kid, or did they shoot up your balls with some super Neut?"

I don't answer, but among all these nullos, I feel out of place still having a dick and balls. I look around at the boys with me. Several of them cover their groins with their hands. Maybe they are, too.

After breakfast, we're sitting in a classroom. Alex and the other nullo escorting us – Eric is his name – are standing at the front. We're seated at desks, similar to the ones at school. Sander, the nullo we met yesterday, comes in. "Hey, boys," he says. "How was your first night on San Carlos Island?"

A boy raises his hand. He has tears running down his cheeks. "Are they really going to cut off our dicks?" he asks.

"Have you seen anyone here that has one?" Sander asks. The boy shakes his head. "Does that answer your question?"

The boy nods, but almost bawling now, says, "I don't want it cut off. I don't want to be a slave. I want to go home. I want my mom."

"Stop it! Now!" says Sander. "You are a slave. You will be nullified. Few of us wanted to be nullified or wanted to be slaves, but we were sold by our dads just like you were. The sooner you accept it, the happier you'll be."

He beckons to me. "Kyle, isn't it," he says. I nod. "Come up here, Kyle. I walk up to the front of the class. He has me turn around facing the class.

"This is how your cocks and balls will look in a couple of months. They're already toast. Do you want to keep yours, Kyle?" he asks. I shake my head. "Speak up, Kyle. Tell them."

"I want them cut off," I say. "I hate them. I want to be a nullo like them." I gesture toward Sander, Alex, and Eric. "I think they're beautiful."

"What do you think about being a slave?" he asks.

I shrug. "It's OK, I guess."

"You don't care that you're going to get fucked by men?"

I shrug again. "No." I repeat what I told Jack earlier, "A dick's a dick, and I like dicks. I like to be fucked." I glance at Jack. He has a frown on his face.

"OK, you can sit down," Sander says.

"Forget about the home you had," he continues. "San Carlos Island is your home, now, and Ben Toeber is your father. He owns San Carlos Island, and owning the island, owns all of you.

"Until you're seventeen or until your contract is up, you belong to him. He can do anything he wants with you; and if you can't make it on San Carlos Island, your contract will be voided, and you will be sold, probably to a brothel, where you will remain until they decide to let you go.

"Most brothels won't care whether you've reach the age of emancipation or not. They'll keep you as long as you make money for them, and you'll be lucky to have fare back to the States when you're freed. Most of the brothels we sell such boys to are in countries that don't have an age of emancipation. You might be slaves for the rest of your lives.

"Many of them have no love for the USA, but they love white American nullos.

"I'm from America like all of you are. American nullos are our most popular merchandise, possibly because most of our clients aren't American and like to see America humiliated. They like it that the once great America has become a third rate power and is selling her boys into slavery to become sex slaves for them.

"How many of you have heard about the castration tax relief laws recently passed by the American Congress?"

Most of us raised our hands.

"China and the EU pressured your congress into passing that law. It was either that or have your economy tanked."

I raise my hand, saying when he calls on me, "I thought it was because of cloning, that boys no longer needed their testicles."

"Cloning of people is too expensive to be used by everyone," Sander says. The whole thing's a scheme to depopulate the United States to provide space for the Chinese and Europeans."

"Doesn't anyone know?" I ask.

"Of course," says Sander. "The politicians and the people in power – the rich elite – know. You can bet they aren't castrating their sons. They aren't selling their sons into slavery. And the tax laws are only the first ones to be passed. Soon, any boy born to a family making less than 100,000 credits a year will be castrated. Do any of your fathers make more than 100,000 credits a year?"

No one raised his hand. "So, as you can see," says Sander, "none of you would have kept his balls, even if you hadn't been sold. We got a line on many of you because your fathers had already contacted a doctor to have you castrated."

"That's how they found me," I say. "My dad was going to have me castrated."

"My dad said he was going to have me castrated," one of the boys says. "I was surprised when he told me he was taking me on this trip. I thought maybe he had changed his mind."

"How do you know all this?" asks another boy.

"Ben Toeber told me," Sander says. "He knows EVERYTHING. Besides, our clients are some of the most influential people in the world. We have prime ministers, presidents of countries, American senators, and congressmen among our clients. You'd be surprised what you hear, if you keep your ears open."

"I want to be a nullo," I say.

"See," says Sander. "Most of you will by the time you're cut, and after you've been a nullo for a while, all of you will, or you'll probably end up in a brothel. We don't sell many boys to one, but out of every new group, there's usually one." He looks around the room. "Don't be that one."

"If you're an American," a boy says, "why don't you tell them back home what's going on? Don't you care that the Chinese and Euros plan to castrate American boys?"

"I'm no longer an American," says Sander. "San Carlos Island is an independent country, and I'm a citizen of it. America allowed my father to sell me into slavery. I owe America nothing.

"Besides, what makes you think I believe castrating boys is bad? I don't. I think all boys should be castrated – all boys, not just American boys. It will never happen, of course, not even in America, but I think it should. Select cloning could be used to continue the human race. It would cure the overpopulation problem. The world can no longer sustain our current population.

"All of you are fortunate you're here. If you play your cards right, you'll make a fortune during your time on San Carlos Island; then you can decide to go home, to other country, or to stay here. On the other side of the island we have a community of ex-slaves, who have decided to stay on the island.

"Now, how many of you have been fucked?" Five other boys and I raise our hands. When Jack doesn't, I gesture for him to raise his.

He still doesn't. "Raise your hand," I say.

Sander glances down at the seating chart I'd seen in his hand, when he called me to the front of the class. "Jack, right?" he says. "Have you been fucked, Jack?"

Jack shakes his head. "You have too," I say. "I fucked you last night."

"That doesn't count," Jack says.

"A fucking is a fucking," Sander says. "I can see by looking at Kyle's dick, he didn't use it, so I guess he used a dildo, right?"

Jack has his head down, and his face is red. "Yes," he whispers.

"Did you like it?" asked Sander.

When Jack only shrugs, I feel not a little insulted and say, "You came twice. I thought you were going to pass out. I sure as hell thought you liked it."

He looks at me and says angrily, "I liked it because it was you, OK? That doesn't mean I want some old guy to fuck me."

"Whoa! This is serious. Are you in love with Kyle?" Sander asks Jack.

Jack shrugs.

"Sounds like love to me," says Sander. "It's a mistake to fall in love with someone on San Carlos Island. Wait until you leave here to fall in love. It will only cause you heartache and unhappiness. I know. It almost ruined me. I fell in love with my trainer, and I can't tell you how much unhappiness that caused me. It almost caused me to get sold to a brothel.

"It's OK to love. Love can free you of yourself, allowing you to break out of the shell each of you are in, but falling in love locks you in a prison of your own making. When you fall in love, you build a wall around yourself and the person you love, locking – or wanting to lock – everyone out. None of you are mature enough to fall in love.

"Love Kyle, love your trainer, love some of your clients, but don't fall in love with any of them. Don't want them to the exclusion of all others.

"None of your trainers are going to fall in love with any of you. They will love you while they're training you, but once you've been trained, they will move on to another boy and love him. You will be just a fond memory, one they'll soon confuse with all the other boys they've trained.

"When my trainer told me he loved me, I didn't realize he had told every boy he had trained that. I wanted to love him and no one else, and I wanted him to love me and no one else.

"If I'm not mistaken, you feel that way about Kyle. You want him to yourself 3; right?"

My eyes are on Jack. He doesn't even shrug this time. Sitting at his desk, his head is down, his face screwed up, his lower lip out.

"Get over it, Jack," Sander says. "Kyle's getting cut today. He'll be away for a few days. Take the time to get to know some of the other boys. Let one of them fuck you. I think you'll find it feels just as good when one of them does it.

"If you can't get over it, I might be looking at the boy that gets himself sold to a brothel, and you don't want to be that boy."

The End