Scrub aka SimonDavie and DavidA Fictional Autobiography
SummaryA young gay sadist inherits a castle in Scotland. In this castle, he establishes a boarding school for boys 10-14 year old. He runs the school himself, assisted by his sister and his adopted son, the 11 year old Davie, both just as sadistic as himself. The basic educational method, for the boys and assistant teacher, is ultra strict discipline. Breaking the strict rules causes sadistic punishments. One special boy is the victim: his nephew David.
Publ. partly 1999 (ASSM); this site
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CharactersDavie (11yo), David (11yo), many other boys, the storyteller (23yo), his sister and other adultsCategory & Story codesSchool Boy storyMb tb bb Fb – Mdom Fdom bdom nc cons oral anal – humil spank ws scat (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThe following story is an erotic, fictional tale of man boy sadistic relationships. To the author's knowledge, none of the events contained in this story is factual in any way, although he fantasises secretly that they might be in another world. It would be very shocked if they were in this one! This story includes graphic descriptions of sex, homosexuality, intergenerational sex, and torture and as the story progresses undoubtedly several more subjects your mother shouldn't and probably wouldn't approve of your reading regardless of your age. If you are under the age of 18 you should obtain your guardian's or parents' permission before reading this file (yeah, that'll happen, haha). You should also stop reading if any of the above listed subject matter might offend you. The author assumes no responsibility for the self-inflicted trauma such an erotic tale of boy-sex might perpetrate upon persons of 'high moral values' (cough).The author also officially absolves himself of any liability for damage to your keyboard or other possessions that might occur as a result of miscellaneous liquids being spewed around uncontrollably as a direct or indirect result of reading this work of erotic fiction (?). I hope you like it. This introduction is based on that of another very different story and I am sorry for any breach of copyright but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that. Anyhow I doubt the writer would either recognise it or read this very different tale. JUST FOR CLARITY THIS IS NOT FACT AND I WOULD NOT TAKE PART OF SUCH ACTIVITIES IN REALITY I HOPE NONE OF THE READERS WOULD AND IF THEY GET THEIR ROCKS OFF MY READING THIS THE OTHER URGES SHOULD DIMINISH! |
Author's noteIntroduction to my storiesMost of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:
If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!
This is a long tale basically about many things. However misbehaviour in UK schools or various sorts including sponsored bullying gets the boys off to a bad start – Not for the squeamish If you skip those chapters that you think you might not enjoy you will lose something but not to much. I wrote this trying to shock myself – which is an odd reason for writing! Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author. Thanks for reading. |
Author's PrefaceThis is my chance to explain myself. I was not sure what to call this tale. Such titles as
suggested themselves before I settled on the current simple solution. I noticed that all these titles were all two sides of a coin and that is a good summary of what the tale is about: It is the interplay of two, sometimes more, characters. You will notice that my subtitle has also an implied dichotomy in it. I do not intend to explain in detail how much is autobiographical and how much fantasy. I, as most authors, find the characters take over and dictate the story. Unfortunately they do not help with any of the chore of writing it down. People need protection and actual names and locations have been changed. Sometimes a person, when he has read what I have to say about him has asked that I am more truthful even if that means he could be identified. Naturally I have obliged if he is not being too foolhardy. You will undoubtedly find that I repeat myself but life is like that. A theme often threads through one's life. This is even more true in the sexual area. I am sure that you have thought that your wife, or whoever, is an earlier amorata of yours. It may have even lead to embarrassing situations. You will also have tried to repeat especially meaningful sessions. I make no apologies where such things also occur here. I have tried to mirror real situations whenever I have not been recounting them. The original work was started without chapters but it became unwieldy and I hope their insertion is an improvement. Occasionally it has lead to very long or very short chapters. There is no significance in that. While this is a full length story it is not intended to be read in one sitting as at least one part of you would be exhausted! Enjoy the tale and ignore any questions as to its veracity! Index
Dramatis PersonæIntroductionIn this story most characters are not named. I try not to use (false) names where I can avoid it. The nameless characters are either
The entry Age in the table needs elaboration:
Chapter One
Term | Week | Activity |
Autumn | 9 | Each boy to wank himself off every night in front of brother, the dormitory captain and me. Older boy is to come twice, younger one once. |
10 | As above but boys to wank each evening until they have had two dry cums. | |
11 | Nightly canings: five strokes every night for older boy, three for younger. | |
12 | Brothers to wank each other and teach each other how they like it best. | |
13 | Also to wank off dormitory captain and me. | |
14 | I give them 'forced wankings'. | |
15 | Last week of term. Each night we had two different boys, one from each of their forms, using the spare beds and abusing the brothers! During the holidays they had to persuade their parents to get them the grey flannel shorts that had been as an option on the clothing list since the war. No boy had worn them since I had been at the school except for one new boy who had got longs on his second week. | |
Spring | 1 | Their bedding replaced by rubber under sheet and transparent over sheet. |
2 | All 'unnecessary' clothing stored – underwear, belt, braces, jockstrap for games, pyjamas and dressing gown. | |
3 | Nightly canings now increased to eight and six strokes respectively. | |
4 | Boys taught to suck dormitory captain and me. They are allowed to spit out cum but only on the front of their brother's short trousers. | |
5 | Visits to all toilets away from the house banned. When using the house ones, they had to get permission from me. Then they had to strip in our dormitory and keep the toilet door wide open while they were there. | |
6 | Veet started to be used to remove all body hair. | |
7 | Both boys 'lose' swimming costumes repeatedly so have to be naked from now during all class swimming lessons and house team training sessions. They already swim nude at my fun swimming sessions. | |
8 | They suck me and dormitory captain and swallow everything. | |
9 | The week of the school play. Both boys have (strangely?) been cast as young girls. To get used to their part they spend the week appropriately dressed but knickerless. They are teased a lot. | |
10 | Anus stretching time for the young 'girls' called Anne and Mary – their stage names. Only dildoes (and candles) used – this week. | |
11 | Every night they spend the whole night with butt plugs in situ. | |
12 | Last week of term and first time they are fucked. I have the honour of taking both their cherries. | |
This Easter holiday is described later. | ||
Summer | 1 | They have to each suck off every first form boy in the house even if the small lad is not keen. I only leave one fly button on each of their shorts. |
2 | They are taught to do a '69' together. | |
3 | Made to wear each other's clothes for days on end. | |
4 | Given baby doll nighties to wear for the night of a fire practice. | |
5 | Given nappies and plastic pants to wear to class They are more or less hidden by their shorts. They both have to wet them at least once a day. | |
6 | During the weekend each of them has to suck off every boy in the house who wants it. Some boys come back for seconds or even thirds. The older boy sucks off 68 boys and swallows 97 loads. The other 76 boys and swallows no less than 137 loads. There are only 83 boys in the house and that includes the brothers! | |
7 | As previous week but being fucked older boy 47 and 65 younger 62 and 97. | |
8 | Half term weekend. Two 'old boys', friends of the house master, share our dormitory and show us some novel equipment – besides that built onto them which is huge. | |
9 | Examination week so no 'training'. | |
10 | Boys' shorts altered. The pockets are be split at the bottom and the length reduced to cover their frequent erections by no more than half an inch [12 mm]. | |
11 | Video film made of them kissing and cuddling, naked and ashamed! | |
12 | Part week end of year. In front of the whole house, each boy is given twenty-four cane strokes on naked backside for plotting to run away. There was some truth in that. |
During the Easter Holidays my housemaster had allowed me to use a small flat that abutted his house. I knew he was able secretly to video what I did. I wanted to give him something to make his hair curl. It was easy for me to arrange that the brothers visited the flat and stayed overnight on many occasions either immediately or back at school or both. If they gave me any trouble, they knew that they would suffer the consequences. However something strange was happening to them. Both boys would do whatever they thought might please me even if I had said nothing. They were head over heels in love with me. They were insanely jealous of each other and I exploited it to the full. I enjoyed bullying them but I did not in any meaning of the words love them. My attitude was that of a cat playing with some mice that just happened to be around.
I have just reread the manuscript and feel that I need to be rather more honest. Most readers must wonder what I did that gave me sexual and emotional fulfilment. It is necessary to say a bit about this most private part of my life. You will have to excuse me for omitting all the salacious details. I do feel that they are far too private to be written down anywhere.
There may have been clues earlier that I had a torrid affair with the dormitory prefect. He never photographed any of it. I had one of my few rows with the housemaster when I found he had made a short video of us kissing. He destroyed it without a murmur. He never again interfered with my private life like that. While I was the active partner in the relationship with the dormitory prefect, I never did anything without his full approval. Our sex was straight forward and without any S/M overtones. It did tend to be triggered off by things that I had done to the brothers. I never did anything with the youth that he might not have enjoyed. I had a similar and equally private relationship with my next photographer. I still regret that I have so few photographs of either lad – naturally those that I have are quite decent although I do have one of the second photographer in his school swimming costume holding a cup after he had represented the school.
I had a sexual relationship with the housemaster although nearly all our sex had to take place during the day. He was the active partner and he would love to fuck me. He would rim me for hours, or so it seemed, to prepare me for the entry as he never wanted it to hurt me. I often would just suck him off if that was all we had time for. Again that was quite private and I have equally few photographs of him while we were at the school.
I am sorry about this emotional insert. I feel that, in an autobiography, one must be quite honest.
I invited the brothers and the dormitory prefect to stay at the flat on several weekends. On the first of these, the Friday was similar to a typical evening at school but we didn't have to worry about noise. I had the first of several parties the next evening. I invited four boys from my form. Two of them brought along their girls, while the other two had juniors from our school in tow. I knew these kids in particular would enjoy misusing their knowledge about the brothers. I didn't mind that rather the reverse.
The brothers wore skimpy waitresses' clothing and they served the meal. I arranged the table so that the rest of us were sitting close to the wall and the 'waitresses' had to squeeze behind our chairs with their hands full.
The girls were the first to discover that the boys were not wearing knickers. After the meal, I put on some records and we danced. One girl suggested that the brothers should put on a show. After each dance with due ceremony, they removed an item of each other's clothing. The dancing continued long after they were completely nude. No one even suggested that they should dress again. I then made them put on other, more explicit, 'educational' displays for the girls. By the time the visitors left I was tired but very randy. It took me several hours of fun in bed before I was ready for sleep.
The other evening parties were largely similar. I remember one when we invited a group of scouts. They showed off their knowledge of knots. The brothers had to get loose or be punished. If they got free, the scouts would put on another demonstration. If they couldn't get untied, we punished them before we had the next round.
The next year, the housemaster put me in charge of a larger dormitory. It had all the new boys in it. It also held the brothers and another photographer. He was in the older brother's form. Last year's photographer had gone to university, unfortunately in my view. The new boys got a very full sex education. Again the photos were very fine! There were two very small prepubescent new boys who particularly enjoyed bullying the brothers. They were having a rough time themselves. Their fag masters were enjoying their power over the youngsters. More accurately they enjoyed their bodies! The boys having fun with the underdeveloped lads at other times were their form mates or other boys only little older but much bigger than them. Some of this even happened in my dormitory. I always blindfolded the brothers, when I thought it might happen, as I didn't want them seeing other boys bullied. After such a session, it helped these little kids, if they could take their revenge on some older lad or other. It scarcely mattered to them if he wasn't the bully.
I did nothing to discourage the little kids enjoying themselves with the brothers. Indeed on one occasion when the smaller boy tried to push another boy away who was playing with his cock, I gave him a severe caning for bullying! Once when the other kids ordered the brothers to pee in their shorts during a church service, I almost stopped them.
I forbade the brothers ever to do up more than one fly button. Often they had to go round the house quite bare. I did not let them visit a toilet unless they persuaded two or more of these little monsters to accompany them. The little kids caned the brothers almost daily for some imagined fault or other and, after some practice, they learnt to make the caning really hurt. It was all good if not quite good clean fun! The years went by and I became more senior. I choose to remain in charge of the junior dormitory. The housemaster naturally kept the brothers there. By this time virtually every kid in the house had enjoyed themselves with the two lads. What is more important no boy dared befriend them. Their problems were nearly as severe away from our house. Sometimes I took them to the nearby town. I could always find a local kid who knew the score.
I wanted to make my last week at the school truly memorable. On the Saturday ten days before the end of term, I put my plan into operation. The housemaster arranged that none of the boys would be needed after games (about 4:30) for the rest of the day. Once all the boys were watching expectantly, I carefully sewed the tip of one brother's foreskin to the others' foreskin. I used plenty of stitches! We held a race. They had to wank each other. The first boy that made his brother come would not be circumcised! They may have been horrified but the other kids were delighted.
Nothing that I do is ever simple. I watched very carefully and, as soon as one or the other got hot, I would stop both of them for five minutes or so while I did some else that they would find unpleasant. Several times I made them have a tug of war without using their hands. Each time, the loser got twelve of the best. I also hung weights from their balls. It makes a climax more difficult to achieve. I used various sprays on their cocks and I even coated their cocks with an embrocation to which I had added some sand. It was interesting to watch them start wanking each other after that. I used an interesting enema apparatus, which has two outlets. One went up each of them. Once the liquid was inside them, a non-return valve stopped it coming right out although it could flow freely between them. Hard punches to one or other stomach proved quite amusing and all without any smell.
All good things eventually end and finally the younger lad came. I chose not to notice this happen but caught his brother shooting a couple of minutes later. That would, I decided, make a better video. I had them scrub themselves off with nail brushes. I gave the younger lad a pair of rather blunt pointed nail scissors. I signalled for a doctor friend of the housemaster to stand by in the study as I didn't want a serious accident. The boy was very careful to cut his brother very far back so his own corona was in no danger! Once the boy had separated their cocks, the doctor and in and took over. He cleaned and stitched up the circumcised cock. I then let the other boys have a free for all with that brother while I took the younger one to bed. I left the cut off foreskin attached to the younger brother for a week. The housemaster arranged for him to miss games. He had great difficulty in peeing, but great art demands some sacrifice.
I removed the stitches on the last night of term and cut the now dried foreskin into two. Each brother had to eat one piece! I made sure they chewed it up rather than just swallowed it. I had been lent an unusual but very effective prostrate massager and I used it to milk them completely dry. The older boy almost filled a coffee cup and the other was not far behind. I let the rest of the boys in the dormitory have a field day with them before taking them round to every other dormitory and study. Every boy had a chance to fuck one boy in the arse and his brother in the mouth. I have never forgotten that night. At four in the morning I eventually decided to go to bed.
Plenty of the other boys saw the brothers leave the school and catch a train but they never arrived home. There was some police interest but no real concern. They checked that the boys had got into a local train, rather than the express they should have caught, quite voluntarily. No one had seen them again. The parents apparently told the police that the boys had not been looking forward to the holidays and showed them the boys' letters. I had checked all the letters that they had written home than term to make sure that they gave that impression. The police had said that they had obviously run away. Unless they were picked up for other reasons (police's wording) there was little that could be done.
During the holiday, my ex-housemaster took me away as a 'Thank You'. We visited a number of people around Europe. Many had several photographs that I had taken of the brothers. Quite often I was invited to work over one or more lads. I had great fun. We also visited the brothers who were working in a Mediterranean brothel. As I told them, they did not even have to work very hard to earn their living. They didn't seem to be enjoying themselves. They complained about being chained up in sight of the sea but I pointed out that they could hardly go swimming as they were completely naked all the time.
We had to hurry as my, friend, the schoolmaster, had to prepare for a new term. While we were on the ferry, I was bored so I filled up a pools coupon for the first time in my life. I won the jackpot! I was due to go to university in a month but I decided to give that a miss.
While trying to plan my new life, I had a look at my ancestral estate. It was only five miles [8 km] from the house, where my parents had brought me up, and was still my home. The estate was not very large but had an old Borders' castle It was neither ancient nor fine enough to be a tourist attraction. The castle was mostly unused as its upkeep would be exorbitant. Part of it was a 'home' for difficult teen-age boys. A small charity ran it but the state paid most of the running expenses. I found out that the charity's founder had died recently. The charity was about to fold as the was no government money for capital projects. No one was prepared to find the necessary finances. The people concerned didn't really want to keep it going. There was its headmaster but he was just an employee and his views didn't seem to be considered.
Penniless employee or not, I spent time getting to know the man. One evening, he invited me to spend the night. We sat drinking whisky (mine) in his room. A steady stream of naked boys knocked at the door to get the key to the toilet. He gave them six with the tawse on their backsides. He said to me, "I don't let them use the toilet after tea. If I don't watch it, they will wank themselves silly locked in there. In the dormitory, it is a different matter as they can't do it secretly. I even have spot raids!" It was a pleasant evening. Most of the boys were erect when they came in and still hard when they left to go back to bed. He would use a stop watch when they went to the toilet to make sure that they don't have time to get into mischief.
I did not know how to break the ice so I replied I think the cane is better on the backside and the tawse on the hands particularly for the younger ones.
The next boy who came in was a charming twelve year old. The man said, when he was about to tawse him, "Be my guest." He gave me a cane. When the boy had gone, the man said, "I can see you know how to give it. I had hoped to deal with your backside. Boys, between fourteen and twenty, interest me greatly. You definitely fit that specification."
I made it clear that I wasn't interested in GETTING it and I prefer to punish and do other things to boys between eleven and fifteen. He suggested that we toured the dormitories. As we went round I pointed out which were my favourite looking lads. He said that he would do the same for me as he did for himself. I did not know what he meant but I soon found out. In the first dormitory we went in. There were five rather narrow double beds. In each bed there were two boys one fifteen plus the other somewhat over twelve. The man said, "The older boys can select which boy to share their bed with each night and it is up to him exactly what goes on. If the older boy comes up his partner, the youngster must report to the study for a shit straight away. Most of the youngsters you saw me punish fell into this category and are saving themselves problems in the morning."
As we continued round the room, he pulled the covers off any pair where he had not already punished the younger boy. Sometimes he then commented, "That's O.K. he will have sucked the boy off or something similar." On other occasions he told the boys that he would punish both of them at morning assembly. It is the older boy's responsibility to care for his junior 3; in every way he added.
When he got to one bed he told the older boy to go into his bedroom and warm my bed! The boy didn't look too happy but he did as he was told. The man explained to me out of hearing of the boys, "That boy does not like having sex with men or boys. He hates it when he has to spend the night in my bed! He tries to protect some of the youngsters by having them in his bed and NOT doing anything with them. What do you think of his partner?"
I said that I found him very much of a turn on. The man spoke to the lad who was now without his protector, "Sit up and I will put this elastoplast round your wrists as I don't want you getting into mischief." He then turned to the other boys, "Have your fun and then put him into the visitor's bedroom to warm that bed. Oh! Tie his legs up too when he gets in there as I don't wanting him running around nude."
These boys were he explained all referred to as seniors. The juniors wear a slightly different uniform. I lock them into their dormitories. They sleep very definitely one to a bed – or else! A boy moves up from the juniors when I think he is ready for sex. That is usually just when he starts to get hairs.
I asked about the various juniors. One in particular had caught my interest when I arrived. The man said, "I know which boy you mean. He is due for a punishment tomorrow morning but he isn't a junior. Although he is young enough, I consider that he would be a bad influence in a junior dormitory. He sleeps in the next dormitory we will visit. He was sent here by mistake. His only relative, his grandmother, looked after him but she was taken into an old peoples' home. There is no one else to look after him. He is a good Catholic and believes that all sex outside marriage is evil – not that he knows what sex is all about – yet. You should remind me to play a recording of his confession last Sunday. Every night I have to strap the boy's wrists to the outside of his thighs to stop him getting up to mischief! I was sorry he had not asked to go to the lavatory as it would have been fun to see him with his bound hands." The man went on, "The confession could have been very dangerous for me, if Father B__ was not such a good friend and shares all our interests."
The man made quite a noise before going into the room even so boys were scampering back into bed as he opened the door. All the lights were on which was convenient. The boy, who interested me, was lying completely uncovered facing the door. His older bed mate had a tight grip on his waist and was pushing against the little kid's backside. I was nearly sure that the older boy was penetrating him. The youngster looked very miserable and his eyes were red as if he had been crying for some time. However, his cock was dribbling pre-cum and was erect. This may have been because there was a shoe lace tied very tightly round its base.
"I am just showing my friend around. Sleep well I promise that we won't disturb you again." The man said speaking to the older lads and ignoring the youngster. I was sorry to leave so soon but the man whispered, "I promise you that you can have your fun in the morning. Let them have theirs now."
Once we had gone round the senior dormitories, he took me to the junior ones. Everything was normal there one boy to a bed and all asleep. I was tempted to pull back some of the covers but I didn't. In all, there were fifty-six kids. There were four senior dormitories each with five double beds and two junior dormitories each with eight single beds.
After this tour he wished me good night and said, "Bring your camera in the morning as there will be some opportunities to take a snap or so. Don't ask permission to take a photograph just go ahead. If you are not tired, there is a T.V. set in your room and channel 8 may be the most interesting but try them all. Channel 8 will go on for a good hour yet. Oh! Before you turn on the T.V. either send the boy in your bed back to his dormitory, or put the blindfold that is by the bed onto him. It might be a good idea to put the ear muffs on him too."
I didn't send the boy back but let him stay in my now warm bed. The television was a closed circuit set with channel 8 focused on my favourite's bed. There were various remote controls that zoomed in and out moved the direction in which the camera was pointing adjusted the focus changed to other cameras elsewhere in the school.
I didn't sleep over much. The action was still in full swing when I eventually turned my attention to my companion.
In the morning I went, camera in hand, to help the headmaster get the kids up. The boy, who was clearly my favourite, was asleep. He directed the other boys in the room to get quietly out of bed and to leave quietly. Once they had left the headmaster carefully removed the sheet that now covered the boy. The boy stirred but didn't wake. I knew the other boys had kept him awake until early, or not so early, that morning. He was lying half curled up but I was able to examine and photograph him as much as I wanted. His face, particularly round the mouth was covered with dried white stuff and his lips looked swollen and sore. There was more of the same stuff round his unnaturally red arsehole. Dried pools of sperm lay on his stomach. String had been tied around his hairless, and now shiny, balls, It was so long that its ends would trail on the ground as he walked. It was quite as tight as the shoelace had been the previous night but it was only round the balls where last night the shoelace had been round his cock as well. When I finished, the head indicated we should leave and let him sleep on.
We went first to my room as I had used up a whole roll of the film. We went on to watch the completely naked boys washing. All their clothes were on pegs round the walls. There was a queue of boys waiting for the headmaster to check that they had washed properly. He obviously enjoyed this task and talked to me as he did.
"Don't worry if you want to take photos."
"This boy never washes under his foreskin unless I examine him carefully."
"Do it now while we watch and don't DARE to get hard as you did the other day."
"This boy's cock always looks red and sore. I can't think why."
"If you want to see a confirmed bum boy, look at this one's arse. Bend right over boy and open your legs wide so the visitor can see what I am talking about."
"This one never washes himself properly. I have asked his older bed mate to wash him every morning. He usually does a good job particularly on the lad's, so called, privates."
Eventually all the boys had dressed and left. The man went over to the only clothes left in the room. He laid them out and I could immediately see that they had already been 'adjusted'. However only the wearer would have been aware of these alterations. For example the vest had holes over the nipples and the underpants had no the seat. The previous day, I had noticed the white stains on the front of the shorts. Indeed that had been one reason for my initial interest in the lad. The man put everything but the shorts and shirt into a black plastic bag and said to me, "Have you any use for these or should I just burn them. I put them in my car 'For future use'."
When I returned, he produced a razor blade. He removed the shirt tails and all its buttons but that was nothing compared to the damage he did to the shorts. He first sliced off the bottom couple of inches from the legs. Soon there was only a quarter of an inch [6 mm] of material left in the crotch but he still wasn't satisfied. He cut the leg holes on a slope. Between the legs the cut was nearly vertical. At the front three inches [7½ cm] above the crotch, the shorts were a scant two inches [5 cm] wide. The cut curved to the side of the shorts where it was just one inch [2½ cm] below the waist band. At the back the curve was not so pronounced.
He cut out the slider of the zip and threw it away. He lengthened the fly to where the various pieces of flannel that make up the shorts join. The top of the zip had a press stud and a hook. The man cut off the hook. He gave the press stud a bang with a hammer saying, "It will still do up but it will be easy to pull apart and may come undone of its own volition."
The pockets showed so he cut them off. Lastly he cut a heart shape out of the seat. It could hardly have been larger. Its base was half an inch [12 mm] from the extended fly while the top nearly reached the waist band. He replaced the clothes such as they were on the boy's hook.
We all went to breakfast. He invited the captain of the lad's dormitory to sit with us. The youngster looked like the leader of a motor bike gang or a muscle freak. Nevertheless he was very polite to the headmaster who asked, "How did it go last night?"
The boy replied, "Very well, I think. I warned the boys yesterday to lay off sex as there was a big night in store. Once we had got ready for bed, it was difficult to hold them back. I managed to keep up the pressure from nine o'clock lights out until well after two this morning. I had to ban the boys working on both ends of him at once. After a fuck, I didn't stop them using his mouth for a quick clean up. However, I made sure that it didn't develop into a full scale mouth job. I had them fucking for an hour then swapping to using his mouth for an hour and so on. Williams came eight times!"
The man then said, "O.K. That sound as if it was a lot of fun. Now we need to consider today's plan. Will you go up with another senior and collect the mother's darling. He should be still fast asleep. Carry him here but don't untie him. Put him in the high chair."
There was a large child's high chair on the stage facing the room.
"Strap him in and get two of the smallest juniors to force feed him with some of this meal's left overs mixed up well. If you want, you can add a bit of pee, but make sure that he knows what it is. Once he has finished his meal, take him to the changing room. I would take plenty of boys as it will be good fun. Oh! Do take some juniors as they could learn a lot. Then undo him, one hand at a time, and dress him in his adjusted clothes. There is no harm is teasing him a bit. Stay with him until I am ready. Once you have brought him to me, you can relax as he will be on the stage until after this morning's assembly. You might ask some boys to cut a few more fresh birches as we are running a bit short. Do make sure that the new ones stand in brine for as long as they can. If they are used without a good soak, they are a bit tender at this time of year."
"After the assembly, for the rest of the weekend, you will be in charge of the kid unless an adult is around. His mouth and arse are as much on bounds during the day from now on as they have been at night. Give priority to the juniors as they won't get a chance to interfere with him at night. I intend to move him from one senior dormitory to another so all the seniors will get ample opportunities to enjoy him. Don't allow him to go to the toilets under any circumstances, but when it is absolutely necessary, he can lie in the iron bath in the playground. Encourage all the boys but particularly the juniors to use it for all their toilet needs. I won't lock the toilets but please let me know which, if any, boy uses them as he will be the next candidate to take this boy's place."
"Try to avoid him coming but there is no harm in making him leak as you did last night. I will be using him to demonstrate the facts of life to the juniors next week."
"This afternoon Father B__ will visit us. He particularly wants to hear that boy's confession. He will hear it in the senior 'quiet room' which has been wired for sound. Father B__ will pressurise the kid to tell all and it should be fun. Oh! You should sit him down so he looks as decent as possible before the father arrives. The boy won't want to move much!"
I will pass over the next hour rather more quickly. When the boy was brought into the head's study, he was already in tears. I gave him a little while to come to his senses while I photographed him but it didn't seem to help much. Indeed, when I had a couple of the youngest lads hold his cock and then rub it a bit, he burst into floods of tears. I tried sitting him down on my lap and mentioned, "How would you like to leave here and come to live with me?"
He didn't seem able to answer me coherently. I don't know if it was because I had undone my flies and I entered him as I pulled him down.
All the boys had gone into the hall. We went in procession to the stage. The head took the lead. One little boy came next holding one of the strings firmly. He was followed by the boy himself. He was kept at a correct distance by another little kid. This kid walked behind him and held the other string – after it had gone between the criminal's legs. I took up the rear with the senior boy who carried some of the birch rods.
There was an excited buzz of conversation but it stopped instantly when the head held up his hand. He asked me Would you like to give him his birching? It needs to be very hard and you look young and fit. I would like to make a video of it and we can both have copies. Naturally I accepted. I had seen several birchings mostly while I had been on holiday with my ex-housemaster. While I given a couple, it was still quite novel to be giving an official punishment. To be honest my backside seemed to have lead a charmed life. It had seldom been warmed and never with a birch.
The head then spoke quietly and clearly to the kid, "I have established a tradition. You can choose the number of strokes you will want. If, however, you are too lenient, I will add your number to whatever I feel would have been correct. I will ask you for your choice in a couple of minutes. Do you understand?"
He got a whispered, "Yes."
There was complete silence. The head paused in a theatrical matter before starting, "The main purpose of this morning's assembly is to welcome our neighbour who will, I hope, be a frequent visitor. He will give our juniors some sex education lessons in a few days. I will make a video of them for possible future use. Any senior is welcome to attend. Let him know if you would like to lend a hand, or whatever else that he thinks might be instructive for the kids. The boy, who is awaiting punishment, will be the main specimen. I think our visitor would like to say a few words about the boy's future treatment."
The man turned to me and I said, "It is important that this idiot does not spoil the lessons. I would like you to report AT ONCE if he does anything that might interfere with them. This is not sneaking as it is your own interests. Please report at once if you ever see him Touching himself down there. It does not matter what the reason is. He must not touch those areas even to wash them or shake off the last drops of pee! Like all the things that I want you to watch out for, it is better to report it even if you were wrong than to miss reporting him when he is guilty.
Getting an erection.
Hiding his so-called private areas from you as that might mean he is getting into mischief! Rubbing his body against bedding or anything similar as that might be secret masturbation.
Going anywhere on his own or even sitting in a corner out of the limelight.
Washing, Peeing or shitting without permission of the headmaster or myself.
Climaxing whatever the reason. Any of you may play with him as it is quite fun to handle another boy when but he knows that he may NOT come."
I continued for some time talking about other things that he wasn't allowed to do. Then the headmaster took over.
"Now I would have an unpleasant task to do but our visitor has kindly agreed to help me. This nasty sex maniac, who has been behaving 'as if he was a cheap prostitute' needs to be taught another sort of lesson. He is to be birched. I hope he realises the seriousness of his crimes. In a moment, we will find out if he does when I ask him how many he thinks he deserves. Now you understand the gravity of your behaviour?
"Have you decided how many strokes of the birch you deserve?"
"You realise that my friend here has kindly consented to give them to you. He will, I hope, take no account of your youthfulness unless to punish you more severely because of it. The crime is that much greater for one so young as you 3; YOU REALISE THIS?"
"Yes," he whispered almost inaudibly.
"How many strokes do you think you deserve?" He held up one of the fresh birches.
The boy's answer was inaudible and the man had to shout at him several times, "HOW MANY? I want everyone at the back of the room to hear your answer."
"Twenty-four!" the boy eventually shouted and burst into loud sobs.
He didn't know that we would have accepted half that. He had never seen a birch used and had no idea of its effects. However, if he decided that two dozen was a fair punishment. Who were we to disagree? The arrangements were unusual. We didn't do much more to secure the boy. A coffee table stood in the centre of the stage. It was about one and a half feet [45 cm] high and rather wider. The man ordered the boy to stand astride this. A loop of cord was put round his ankles to stop him wriggling. We fixed the string from his balls to a heavy weight that we put on the table. He tried to reduce its pull by bending his knees a little but soon forgot that when I started to punish him, The man picked up a curious object. It consisted of two shaped pieces made from hard rubber. They were originally small door wedges and they were held together by a steel oval shaped ring. Also attached to the wedges was a leather strap with a buckle. The wedges went into either side of his mouth. The strap went round the back of his head and was tightened. With a bit of a struggle we forced the ring into his mouth just behind his teeth. This kept his mouth very wide open and clear of any obstruction. It also stopped him saying anything intelligible. A senior stood on the table facing the boy and the audience. He pushed the boy's face into his groin. I think everyone saw him open his flies first! It was then up to me to do my part.
I decided to take my time. The birchings, that I had seen previously, had, I thought, been given far too fast. At the back of the room there was a large clock with a second hand. I started off giving one stroke every minute. I missed the second hand getting to the top on two occasions so I slowed down to one every two minutes.
As well as the noises he made, I was aware of the perspiration building up on his body and the heat that he seemed to give off. There were little involuntary movements as if he were shivering. They were not hidden by his more violent attempts to move away from the birch. I thought I could detect a slight animal smell slowly coming from his body. All these observations did not interfere with my enjoyment in finally USING a real birch. I was also happy that all the boys watching counted the strokes out loud as I couldn't have kept count. I wouldn't have wanted to give him too many at least not by mistake.
There were many clues that I was getting through to the boy and even more that I was getting through to the audience. There may have been a boy not frigging himself but I didn't spot him. The senior, who was helping me, climaxed on the nineteenth stroke so I told him to fall out and took off the boy's gag. From then on he swayed about a lot more but he didn't damage himself. He gave vent to his feelings and offered me anything if I would let him off just one! Well, I am kind so I stopped after the twenty-third stroke and said to everyone, "I think he has had enough for now and it is a pity to waste my efforts. However, since he specified that he wanted twenty-four, I will grant that request when I come next week, His backside should then have recovered enough for him to take them all at once. If he can't, I will visit you each week until he can."
Somehow the almost inert body in a strangled voice said, "Please, give me the last one now. I will take it, PLEASE."
I replied, "Once I have made up my mind to stop as, indeed you just asked, you can hardly expect me to start again. I will be kind on this occasion and start again. Will you all start counting from one!"
I only gave him another dozen before saying, "I think you were right first time. I will give the two dozen next week."
This time he kept quiet! The head took over which was lucky as I was all in. I half saw him rub something into the boy's backside. Later he told me it was a special mixture he kept for such occasions. It was principally liniment to which he added salt and sand. I was beyond caring. I hadn't even touched myself but I was soaking wet down there and I didn't care who knew it! Shortly after this, I think, the head helped me leave the stage. I can remember being in his room talking and drinking strong black coffee.
Just before lunch we went back to the hall. The boy was still tied down by his balls and there was a crowd of lads having fun with him. The head cleaned him up for lunch and he offered the boy a choice of either sitting on a hard wooden bench or on my lap. The boy chose my lap. The head suggested that I dropped my trousers so that they would not get bloody! I got through lunch and, at the head's suggestion, I had a rest in my room. The man suggested that the boy should also rest there – I didn't object.
Later that day I met Father B__. I still have a recording of the confession that the boy made to him and which came over the school's loud speaker system. The priest was very clever at getting the boy to reveal everything. I have often had other opportunities to work with him and I am always happy to have the chance.
I will just say that the boy lived with me almost all the time after the head had finished inducting him. I enjoyed his company but I don't think the feeling was mutual. For me the most significant outcome was I took over the home lock, stock, barrel and junior boys. I persuaded the charity to use the money that I gave them for the castle to set up a smaller home. The current headmaster ran it. It took boys of thirteen or over. They even agreed to give priority to boys from my operation.
I had the whole castle restored. My first priority was the part that had been and would continue to be used as a school. I didn't know how many boys I would want to have. I needed to keep my options open. I decided that the new school should be able to hold the forty plus that it had taken before. I could easily get hold of that number of attractive boys. I retained eight of the juniors, all under twelve. I selected them carefully taking account of their looks and characters. I also kept my favourite – naturally. I needed to keep the place nominally open to avoided a full blown inspection. This would take place automatically if it were a new establishment and it would mean led to costs, delays and inconvenience. There would have been a much greater likelihood of further official interest.
I wanted everything done yesterday as, after all, I was only nineteen! I must say that everyone helped but maybe it was my money. First the Charity Commission had to do their bit. In spite of their reputation, they set up a new charity under my own control to run the existing home. This let the old charity move its sphere of operations. My lawyers and the commission produced a charter that gave me almost unlimited freedom of action! We had to find home for half the previous kids. The headmaster took me to many similar homes. His introduction was extremely full. All the other men learnt about my interests but I found out theirs! Governors controlled most of these homes. This limited the men's freedom of action. I made it clear that I would like to have the pick of their kids. In return the men could visit my place and enjoy its facilities as I had when I spent my first night at the castle. This arrangement was satisfactory to everyone.
The headmaster introduced me to numerous probation officers and clerks of magistrates' courts. He explained what I wanted and, for a similar facility, the men kept their eyes open.
I had a lot of building work done. Until Christmas I had only those eight eleven year olds at the school. I also installed my favourite in the part of the castle that was to become my home. Unfortunately I had to reduce the numbers even more when I caught two juniors actually protecting a weaker lad.
I was very fortunate when my ex-housemaster agreed to become my headmaster if I would employ the two brothers as 'Assistant Teachers'. They would not receive any money but just earn their keep! The week before Christmas, I visited the earlier headmaster and his pupils both new and old. I took my 'favourite' as he was now too well trained for me and they would enjoy having him there. The boy travelled in the clothes that the headmaster had adjusted. I had given him no others since then. They were showing some signs of wear and needed a good wash, even though he had spent most of his time with me completely nude.
They welcomed us warmly, particularly when I said that the boy had still not received his full two dozen. The warden, as he now called himself, invited the two toughest boys to give the birching. I remembered them both quite well. They re-enacted my birching of the boy but with ideas of their own. I was very impressed.
They had one birch each. One, an Eton Birch, had been cut from a birch tree that spring. It had been stored in salt water and there were still buds on it. The boy had removed any leaves with a sharp knife leaving sharp ends. He had bound the boughs together to make it a very heavy instrument. The other, an Isle of Man birch, was made from a number of straight stems. These were like thick, slightly short, straight canes. The boys hit alternately from either side of the boy. A third boy shouted out "Now" every two minutes. After every six strokes, there was a five minute break. The boys swapped birches before continuing.
As before all the boys counted out the strokes. After the twenty-third stroke the two boys paused. My 'favourite' said through his tears, "Oh! No! Please finish it off this time."
One of the boys giving the birching asked the other, "What did he say?"
The other replied, "He said Oh! No! Please finish! He wants us to stop and try again tomorrow."
The other decided, "Well, I suppose, we should be kind. We will see if he can take the full dose tomorrow. I hope his backside will be a bit better by then. It looks extremely sore now." He turned to my favourite, "Now thank us for stopping."
The headmaster had trained a fourteen year old as a video cameraman. This lad filmed the whole session. At one point the boy said to me, "Filming means I get a ringside seat and my butt leads a charmed life as there is no boy to film me receiving it. It is great."
The boy did excellent work. When he left there, I employed him at the castle to record everything that went on.
The man had another innovation. Only a curtain separated the adult bedrooms from the dormitories. He explained that I could even draw back the curtain. However I MUST not interfere with anything that went on without the dormitory captain asking me. The boy who was responsible for 'my' dormitory was the one I worked with before. He begged me to help him work on two so-called juniors my 'favourite' and a new boy. They were a very photogenic couple.
The man had split the boys into two groups – Masters and slaves. The masters wore quite smart school uniforms with grey flannel shorts. The slaves had kilts that were as tiny as the man dared let them wear. In common with most Lowland Scottish schools, the local schools had uniforms. Because many families liked their boys to wear their tartans, the uniforms covered the part above the waist and the family could choose to let their boy wear a kilt or shorts. Boys didn't wear long trousers as they would be called sissies. The boys went to various local schools. The warden had a slave and master in the same form. Three slaves did P.E. naked and he hoped many others would by the end of the next term. All slaves had their body hair adjusted in what ever way the master boy in his class decided.
I gave the boys a series of sex education demonstrations. Luckily there were enough 'slaves' so they could have one-to-one practical sessions. Being the middle of the winter I had not thought that I could use wasps or other insects but there was a large wasp nest in the roof. A blow torch and a length of butter muslin did the trick. I didn't have enough medical equipment (arse stretchers, etc.) for them all to try them on their own slave. These things need to be heat treated between each user but I let them try them out on my favourite.
I stayed as long as I could and returned to the castle on Christmas Eve. The two men, who had been running the place, looked as if they were Cats who had licked the cream! On Christmas day, the new headmaster and the two new 'teachers' arrived. I had been careful that the youngsters had no idea what to expect. They were neither overjoyed at the idea of having lessons again nor meeting new, maybe strict, teachers.
I had given the boys their new clothes. The boys did not feel they were having a great Christmas one way and another. The clothes were all completely identical and that included their sizes. Indeed they were not even marked with the boys' names. We would issue enough but they would be allocated to no particular boys. There are many times in a boys' boarding school when several boys would strip off at the same time: after swimming, sports, toilet parades and so on. The weaker boys, or those who were last to dress for any reason, would end up with dirty, torn clothes or even with some garments missing! By the time we issued new kit I would normally have secretly 'withdrawn' at least three complete kits.
A tailor, who shared most of my interests, specially designed and made the uniform. He refused to charge me if he could visit and carry out the individual fittings. You must remember that clothes would not be earmarked! The uniform consisted of all white shorts, top, and plimsolls. He made the shorts from a thin stretchy material. They were so short that even on the smaller boys the bottom ran at an angle from the crotch. The bones to the side of the boys' stomachs were left exposed. There were several tucks in the seat so that the material would go disappear right into the crack. If the boy tried to pull it out, which I find an attractive gesture, it would almost immediately slip back in. The top was a sateen sort of waistcoat without buttons and left a varying area above the shorts on show as well as the boys' nipples.
When they went to church on Sundays and at other times when they were on show to the general public, they would wear T-shirts under this top. They didn't even see these T-shirts that day. Once they had changed into their new clothes and stopped complaining, I spoke to them, "Things are not as black as you seem to think. You are going to have a great time. The new headmaster was my old house master and is a great guy – particularly if you do things his way. You will do things that way as he can also be rather nasty. Most of you should enjoy yourselves. I will be living in the other part of the house and will be here very frequently. Sometimes some of you may spend the night with me. This can be great or awful but that depends on you."
"There will be two grades of boys here. When you are dressed, it will be obvious which is which. You are now wearing prefects' uniforms. Far from being the objects of derision, which you seem to think they are, they give you complete power over the fags who will be virtually your slaves. They will wear another uniform. Normally, seniority which is very important among the prefects, depends on when you started with me. So you are all top of the tree."
"No fag will have any seniority so there will be no pecking order amongst them. If you want to change that let me know. A boy's seniority can be lowered by a vote of all boys SENIOR to him (that cannot apply to you!) or by a decision of the headmaster and myself but that will be VERY unusual."
"Any prefect can order a less senior prefect to do anything. The junior has no right of appeal. Indeed the headmaster or I will regard any complaint to us as unjustified sneaking. We will hand the boy over to the senior concerned for whatever public punishment he considers to be appropriate. I must make it plain that you do not need to feel sorry for the junior boys as they can take their vengeance on the fags. Equally don't feel sorry for the fags as they are here to learn humility and complete obedience."
"Usually twice a week we will be making parts of a long video. It will have the assistant teachers in the main role but you will all take part. I will explain more when we start. It should be good fun – for you at least."
"That really completes what I have to say. Before the headmaster talks to you, we will have a break. There are mince pies and orange juice outside. Don't all rush there are plenty to go round. Talk amongst yourselves so you can ask me ANY questions you may have when you return."
The boys were quite obviously much happier and there was a buzz of excited happy conversation. We left them alone for quite a time as it was going so well.
When we resumed, we had the promised question and answer session. It took some time for the kids to start to ask risqu questions. Once they started, it became a free for all. They actually tried to shock us. Some typical questions and their responses were:
"What about us being punished?"
"The head or I may whack you in private but that will not happen very often. No one else may punish you in any way."
"What about the other boys?"
"We will punish then similarly. If they are prefects, other more senior prefects can also punish them. You must blindfold any fags present and send any assistant teachers out of the room. You may also punish the assistant teachers in any way at all, IF you are strong enough but you can gang up! Both the headmaster and I will be interested to see novel methods of punishing the fags and assistant teachers. If you produce the most imaginative ideas, you will earn special treats. The fags rank below all the prefects. They have no rights even to punish each other – unless you order them to. Since they will be much more punished than even the most junior prefect, their backsides will develop resistance. You will need to punish them much more severely."
"You have mentioned the assistant teachers."
"They are not able to punish you or even the fags but the fags can punish them if a prefect is present. Adult bums are hard so you either need to hit with all your power or find alternative punishments – or both. While they are not really adults, they are a lot older than you. I think we will have them in. Please do not speak or let them know you are here until I indicate you should. We will have a little bit of fun with them."
It was a hopeless warning as the headmaster brought the two youngsters in. The laughter eventually died down and it really didn't matter. With the exception of them being barefoot (their feet were too big for the footwear) they were dressed identically to the pupils. Naturally what was showy on the small boys was much more so on their nearly adult frames. The waistcoat affair pulled their shoulders back into a military position and did nothing to hide their fronts. Since the shorts were made of a material that stretched round their waists, they appeared to shrink in all other directions! At the back the material compacted into a string separating their bums. At the front, the same 'string' went round one side of their cocks and only showed that it was material about an inch [2½ cm] below the waist band! I had coated their cocks with grease so they glistened in the bright lighting. What is more important it contained chemicals to keep them very hot but lowered the effect of their cock being rubbed. Their new names Cry Baby and Big Baby were written with felt tip pens on their chests.
Each wore what I will call a Special Collar round his neck. These lock at the nape of the neck. They are shaped rather like Balaclava helmets. There is a cylindrical shape of heavy black flannel which can be pulled up to the crown of the head where it locks. There is a cut over the mouth and, sewn to the material, there is a dummy in the shape of a large cock. Anyone can insert this into the youth's mouth and then clip it to the other side of the cut so he could not spit it out! Over the ears are similar flaps but these are thick enough when buttoned down to exclude all extraneous sound. They do have a walkman attached so that we can choose to play interesting recordings or just white noise. The area at the base of the nose has been cut away to allow the wearer unrestricted breathing. The cloth nearby can be soaked in various smelly substances. Over the eyes are large pads so that they are completely blinded.
We had strapped a strong bar twenty-five feet [7½ m] long to the backs of their necks. We cuffed their wrists to it about two feet [60 cm] away from their bodies. The one's left hand could just touch the other's right.
They had an Arabian Halter round their cocks. These consist of a leather band round the base of their cocks making sure in yet another way that their cocks stayed erect. It has pointed studs on its inside. The brothers could feel them constantly even though they were not visible to the little kids.
Another leather band that went round their scrotum. This is very loosely linked to the first band. You can use it to pull the wearer along.
A short but quite wide strap across this second band. This makes a figure eight round the scrotum. One testicle is squeezed through each hole. However, the leather does not really squeeze the balls hard enough. To do that, you need to either hang weights from the chain that runs from this central strap or attach a lead to it and pull him along with it.
I had attached, before they came in, just enough weights from the chains so that the youngsters could see how it worked. We had given the brothers reasonable sized enemas. We had used the type of butt plugs, that could be pumped up with air, to keep everything safely in. This was not visible to the youngsters.
The head addressed his young pupils, "These are your so-called new teachers. You will realise at once that they are unlike any of your previous teachers. In particular, they are much younger and they will have no right to punish you. On the other hand, you have my permission to punish them in whatever way and to whatever extent you please."
"Also every evening you will mark each of them out of ten for their behaviour. We will add up the marks and take the total away from sixty, which is currently the maximum they could get. For every mark they drop, they will be get one stroke of the cane. This will be meted out at the evening assembly."
"I don't like sneaks and I would regard any complaints they make about you as sneaking. I would not regard a pupil's complaint about his teacher in that way. Whatever mark you give, I will not cross question you about it and I will ask for no more details than you volunteer. If you complain about any teacher, I will punish him accordingly. For example, if you complained that he lost his temper, I will not ask what was his reason or how badly did he lose it."
"Some other things that I will explain to you now and then we can forget them. From time to time there may be strangers wandering about the school often with cameras. Nothing they tell me will have any unpleasant effect for you. Sometimes the headmaster or I may observe your lessons. We will neither interfere nor take any action on what we see unless you ask us to. If you are keeping the teachers and the more junior boys in line, we regard it to be in your favour."
"Now you must be getting bored and it is nearly lunch time. There is a delicious Christmas lunch waiting. The new teachers must learn that, although you are still young, you are quite strong. I would each of you to give each of them three hard strokes. If you form a queue, I will bend them over this desk and fix the pole so they cannot get up. O.K. Go ahead. There are a number of canes and tawses over there so choose which one you want to use carefully."
They queued up quietly enough and started to take turns. One particularly small and 'nasty' kid, Nick, was the first to punish both of the teachers. As soon as he had finished, he got back in line. When he saw that I had noticed he winked at me. I let him get away with it. Eventually when stopped the punishments, Nick's hand shot up, "Please. I was waiting to the end. Can I have my turn now?"
I managed to suppress a laugh as did the other kids. They all knew what the boy was up to. Naturally I let him have the final go.
I released the brothers from the table so they could stand up and face the kids. Their scarlet backsides were visible in a mirror at the back of the room. The kids were more interested in their cocks which were quivering and dripping with pre-cum.
I got Nick to peel down the blindfolds so the young men could see their tormentors. The atmosphere had changed and all the little boys were as excited as kids normally get on Christmas day. They were having a great time. Maybe the brothers were not enjoying themselves so much but people should be happy to do what they can to give kids a good Christmas. I realised we would need to work hard to keep the kids on their high.
The brothers needed cooling down so I told the boys to throw them in the swimming pool. The pole was too long to fit into the pool which would stop them drowning. On the other hand, they couldn't swim with the heavy pole fixed to them and their arms tied. It was the middle of a Scottish winter and the pool was in the centre of the castle courtyard which was a frost hollow. Luckily, although there was some ice on the pool, it wasn't too thick. The boys forced the brothers to walk onto it at the deep end. It took moments to crack and soon the youths were in the water. I have a particularly good video shot of a couple of the youngest lads holding either end of the pole. Young Nick is hurrying the brothers along with a cane. Once the brothers were in the water, they had to kick out with their feet to push their torsos through the broken ice. Eventually they had forced their way the twenty-five yards [23 m] to the shallow end. The youngsters allowed them to climb out.
Once back inside the warm building, they soon stopped shivering. They looked less turned on sexually than before their swim. The leather round their cocks still kept them half hard. Nick released the brothers' cocks from the leather. If he massaged the cocks into a semblance of their earlier state, that was a fair reward. I still insisted that they thank him. I then released their hands.
They were then each introduced to each of the youngsters, At my suggestion the prefects let them kiss and suck each of their little cocks. Most were too young too come but could get that glorious tingle that accompanies a boy's climax before he reaches puberty. When they had enough, they just pulled out of the warm mouth but some of them had a pee first. The brothers knew that they had to swallow any liquid.
I was a little concerned with the brothers' sore looking backsides as they were due to get much more punishment shortly. I ordered them to bend over the desk with their legs as wide apart as they could get them. I asked Nick and his best friend Benny to come forward and rub some cream into the red bums. I gave the two friends rubber gloves As this cream can string quite badly. I warned them not to get it between the teachers' bums for the same reason. I knew they would take the hint.
It was only moments before Nick had found that there is something stuffed up there! I gave each of them a long needle. I told both the brothers to squat over buckets. Most of the kids collapsed into fits of giggles long before the brothers had finished. They then bent back over the desk for more cream. I gave the kids old cigar tubes. The kids put cream on the tubes. This let them get the cream deep inside the youth's bums. Benny was more interested in rubbing the cream into their pricks and balls – not that I objected.
I did not want the brothers to have an 'accident' so we stopped. We had Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. There was one special very trimming. The table was round some eight feet [2½ m] in diameter. A circle, six feet [1.8 m] across, was cut out. In its place were two disks, one just above the floor the other six inches [15 cm] above the rest of the table. I secured one brother to the lower disk and one to the top. They had to squat as if they were frogs. Their knees, ankles, elbows and wrists locked in place. This stretched their knees as wide apart as possible and level with their nipples. Their upper arms were vertical with their wrists inches from their knees. The part of the disks, to which they were fixed, could be pulled out radially. This placed their faces or backsides nearly in our laps.
The disks moved in a clockwise direction which I controlled with a lever. The brothers were fixed so that their bodies were at right angles. There were large bowls just below their faces so we could give them bits and pieces to eat. It was Christmas after all. Most of the kids treated them as pet dogs and gave them choice bits from their own food. Other kids found bits of gristle to put in one or other bowl! I made it quite clear that the brothers were to eat EVERYTHING in the bowls even when Benny decided to have a pee! I almost made an exception when Nick pulled down his shorts and had a shit. After due consideration, I made Nick split it between the bowls to be fair. The brothers had leant by this time to do as they were about to be told before the words had even been uttered.
Sometime during the meal Nick had excused himself and gone into the other room. He returned with the needles that we had used to burst the balloons. He put one beside each of the brothers' rumps. They formed a popular amusement for the youngsters as the yelps they caused were very peculiar. Nick was an inspiration to the others.
The meal eventually finished. Although it was Christmas, I decided to give the kids a lesson. They didn't complain when they found out its subject was 'How to cane more effectively'. I explained that, to be effective, strokes need accuracy and skill rather than brute force. I demonstrated the blow that lands skimming the surface of the flesh. I explained how the correctly timed flick of the wrist magnifies the strength of the blow so greatly. The kids would have plenty of chance to practise later. I worked on one brother's backside while the headmaster used the other. We gave them only another dozen each. The kids seemed to appreciate how much more effective these strokes were than the much larger number that they had given before lunch.
The headmaster and I were hot by the end of our exertions and so we mounted the lads. At least that cooled our ardour even if we were physically still rather hot. We had both come during the meal so they were long slow fucks. From time to time we swapped 'partners' as I find this extends things most satisfactorily. As all good things finally end, we eventually finished.
I got out two bar stools. They consisted of a four foot [1.2 m] thin chromium pole mounted on a heavy base with a minuscule metal seat. This was shaped to follow the contours of a bum. However the seat's shape is slightly exaggerated to make sure that the person sitting on it has all his weight on his most sensitive areas! The centre of the seat can either be plain or can have a built in butt plug fixed onto it. With or without the plugs, the boy's bum rests firmly on the seat. He cannot use his hands to take some of his weight as there is nothing for them to grip.
Some of these metal plugs have quite extraordinary uses. Most of them are hollow so that they can hold hot or cold water. They have been designed cleverly so that these temperature changes mostly effect the boy's ring itself and his 'love button'. Much of the rest of a boy's anus is rather insensitive. What is more important, it is very easily damaged permanently. The little kids specially enjoyed watching one particular variation. This altered the temperature at random times. They would try to spot exactly when the change took place by watching the victim's face very carefully. I offered prizes to the boy who consistently made the best guess. It was a tie between Nick and Benny.
My favourite way of using these plugs, was to combine this fluctuation with a vibration that would start at random. These vibrations were very cleverly localised on the prostrate gland. They would slowly build up, until the sufferer had a quite involuntary and pleasureless climax. If he was left on the stool, he would know that, at any time, the vibrations might restart. I remember putting a highly sexed fifteen year old on a stool and setting the vibration going every hour for ten minutes. I continued this for twenty-four hours and then setting up what I knew was his favourite scene 3; but I get off the subject.
On this occasion one stool had a dildo fixed to it the other was plain. I explained that we would have be a competition to amuse the kids and to decide who would sit on the dildo. They would wank each other. The first to bring off the other four times would have the choice of the stools. However if they took too long, both would sit on dildos. I gave them three quarters of an hour and set a timer going where everyone could see it. I could secretly adjust its speed. The younger lad's fourth climax finished according to the timer after forty-seven minutes and his brother was nowhere near his fourth cum. I put them both on stools with dildos. I was kind or lazy as I only set the seat's temperature control to oscillate every ten minutes. This would heat up to near scalding and then cool down to near freezing. It must have added to the pain caused by their sore backsides pressing on the metal. I left the other controls until another later occasion. I did, however, hang weights from their ankles and wrists. This more than doubled their body weight and discouraged them from wriggling.
I showed the little kids a video. The brothers could watch but probably had other things on their minds. I didn't explain why I was showing it. The video was just called Girls. I can best describe it by including here part of the introductory voice-over.
This video is one of a long series of instructional videos. Your supplier can give you an up to date list. The videos are intended to show boys and girls, of any age, the full diversity of sexual experience. If a youngster watching wants to see other videos in the series, he should ask the adult showing him this one. They cannot be found in the normal video shop so don't try there! If you would like to correspond with the people in this video, please contact us initially through your supplier. We are also seeking people to help us make videos on different topics or to let us have new material in our existing topic areas. We do not pay youngsters for posing for us but we pay the adult who introduced him or who made the video. Often the youngster may have needed encouragement to make the video. You may often notice cane marks or other similar 'persuaders'. That is not important.The first group of scenes concerns the members of a rather proper upper class family. They took part in the video after they were put under quite a lot of pressure. Let us introduce them to you 3;
The video was about four sisters between nine and sixteen years old and their mother. Initially it showed them masturbating. It continued with them being examined closely by a male doctor – and the video camera. I only showed the first two quarter hour sections but the kids enjoyed them.
Time was passing so we gave the kids their long awaited Christmas presents. They each got something straightforward and something that was more of a torture device. I was pleased that, without exception, they were more interested with the later.
I introduced them to THE THRONE. This is a device on wheels that is so large it can just pass through the doors between hall, lobby, dining room and dormitories. It is a toilet seat on wheels. The boy using it is enthroned on high. At the base was a large cupboard that normally holds a bucket but a boy or even two can be forced into it and locked in. Later we checked that we could get both brothers in together while several boys initiated the toilet seat.
The kids were happy to learn that the assistant teachers would be sharing their dormitory. They would be tied to their beds in case they misbehaved.
We planned to take at most one new youngster a week. I started off immediately breaking that resolution but the situation was unusual. At my old school, there had been a problem. It was on the first night of term when teachers expect just these situations. I knew both boys concerned well and the younger one, Sam, intimately! He was a flirt with any older boy. Not that he objected to having sex, but he preferred to get the older boys to fight over him! He also bullied boys younger or weaker than he or, indeed, anyone he got power over. He blackmailed 3; but that is not relevant.
The older lad was fourteen, a year older than Sam, but, even before I left, was passionately in love with Sam. This older lad was a very shy bookworm. The lovelorn stance was strange for such a lad. Once a group of us had debagged him and couple of similar aged lads. He had made an idiot of himself by breaking down and crying. We had naturally continued with him and let the others go. Once he was stark naked he had climaxed without us touching his cock. This had rather spoilt our fun and, although we had rubbed him for a few minutes, we couldn't get him hard again. His cock was quite large but we had left him alone after that.
Sam in character, made sure this lad's love was unrequited! He even picked up other lads in front of this, would be, lover. The older boy had no other outlet and was getting more and more frustrated. In the dormitory they were to share with six other boys, everyone naturally was rather high that night. Once the door closed the other boys got ready for bed but Sam started to act up. He jumped onto a table under the main light and did a strip tease to imaginary music. Later he did put on his pyjama top before going round kissing all the other boys good night with French kisses! After a bit he seems to have chosen his unfortunate lover. He dragged him out of bed and into the centre of the room. He started by rubbing their bodies together then he licked the older boy slowly working his way down the naturally aroused boy. When he got to the desired point, he took him all into his mouth.
He carried on until the frustrated boy responded and carried Sam back to bed. He laid Sam out flat on his bed and was about to insert his rampant member into the willing hole. Sam was even trying to guide him home. The excitement was too much and the lover climaxed over Sam's backside. Unfortunately as the older lad was groaning his disappointment, the new house master walked in. Sam saw him first and immediately started to cry, "Help me! He is raping me!"
I don't think he took the man in for a moment. Unfortunately the house master wasn't alone but had a possible school benefactor with him. He had to treat it as rape as the evidence was there and there were so many witnesses. I got a very full and graphic report from several of the onlookers which was something the authorities would never have heard.
Reports went home and the position escalated. The headmaster naturally knew that we were running a special school. We were persuaded to take the older lad. There were a number of discussions with the school's headmaster who was a wise old soul. He KNEW that it was Sam's fault. Finally we agreed to take both the kids. Sam wasn't keen to stay on at a school where everyone knew that another boy had nearly raped him. There were many other seniors who would try their hand at it and that would spoil his fun.
I collected the two kids from the school. I travelled there alone and was the only adult with them on the return journey. I decided to make it clear exactly where they stood. We had gone a couple of miles from the school and we were on a busy main road, when I pulled into a lay-by.
"Right you Rapist. I am not risking you running away. Get out and stand by the boot of the car. Strip off completely and put all you clothes in the boot and lock it. No, unlock it again I said everything and that includes socks and shoes. O.K. Now get back in and put your hands behind your back so I can put these handcuffs on."
At least thirty cars must have passed us, while all this was going on. Six hooted at the boy. This lad, whose only name at my school was to be, I decided, Rapist, blushed beautifully. It was something he did frequently for many years. I drove for a few more minutes before I suggested to Sam that Rapist might get into mischief in the back, He would be safer seated between us. I am sure, if I had tried, I could have stopped more than thirty yards from a sizeable bus queue. The queue was largely a group of schoolboys of about Sam's age. I had Rapist get out. Then Sam had to get out so the boy could sit between us. Then I had Rapist out again so I could adjust his seat but I told Sam to stay put. The older lad had to climb over Sam to get out and then again on his way back. Sam pulled the boy over his lap. He was using a large plimsoll that just happened to be handy as we finally passed the queue.
I had set up one further episode before we got back. The rapist was sitting on a pillow between us. Sam made sure that he did not lose his erection. I then explained I have to go into this village to get some supplies. I hardly do so with you in that state so I will leave you here in this quiet wood. We won't be long so you shouldn't catch a cold. I better tie you to these trees as I don't want you running away. I did exactly that. I didn't bother to explain why I tied him spread-eagled between the two trees or why I blindfolded him. Soon after we 'left', two well build young men just happened to come along. After discussing what they should do to him for some time in very graphic terms, they fucked him. The boy was in tears but the men managed to keep him hard. They then invited their friends to use him so Sam and I did precisely that. We left and the men took the blindfold off him. Then they tried to pee straight into the boy's mouth. He kept it wide open when they threatened him with unspecified punishments.
I was turned on, although I had just fucked the lad. I turned Sam over. I went right up him in one stroke and I am not small! Sam did not object and kissed me nicely while I pounded his backside. I knew that Sam was going to be a great asset to the school.
When we arrived back, the men had gone and the boy was crying like a two year old. Anyone would think that he had been hurt. His hard prick was also dribbling which Sam drew my attention to as if that had been necessary. At my suggestion Sam relieved the boy's tensions while we completed the journey. To be more precise the boy was relieved three times. He didn't seem to enjoy being so intimately handled by the boy he loved.
I ushered the 'Rapist' straight from the car onto the stage still with his hands handcuffed behind his back. There were bright lights shining straight into his eyes so he didn't know who was looking at him. The headmaster, his old house master, addressed everyone, "These two boys are to be new pupils here. I have known them for a long time as they were in my old house. Sam here is a pleasant boy and you will all get to know him well but beware he is capable of being a bit mischievous. Unfortunately this older naked twerp decided to try to rape innocent little Sam. I have agreed to take him in. His previous school has not punished him so he has a birching due. Before that, the school doctor will have to have a good look at him first."
Sam has kindly agreed to take him his meals. He will do whatever else he feels necessary to the boy's well being. None of the rest of you will see him again until he is ready to be birched. I would like it if you call him RAPIST from now on to remind him constantly of his crime. He will be the first of the fags here as opposed to you prefects but you will learn what that means later. "Now I want you, Rapist, to thank little Sam for offering to look after you. No, drop down on your knees and kiss his feet first 3;"
The boys remarked about the lad's cum bespattered stomach and made many lewd comments most of which they made sure the boy heard. Eventually he burst into tears and some boy cried out Cry Baby. At that I took him and Sam away while the headmaster continued with the normal assembly. We went into a small inside room that was artificially lit. Its only furniture was an iron bedstead and a mattress but it was quite warm. I gave Sam the key to the boy's handcuffs and he removed them. However I locked both wrists to the bed head. I then tied his feet to the foot of the bed. We left him with the light on but nothing to do.
At very irregular intervals, Sam would go in. I would watch though a two-way mirror and, if suitable, recorded the happenings on video. Some of those are among my favourite recordings. Sam was able to go to town and intended to do just that. He normally wanked the older boy until he was climbing the wall and left him there unable to touch anything with his prick to finish off. Sam once put one end of a plastic tube over the boy's cock and the other end up one of his nostrils. Sam made it clear that the boy would have to swallow any pee. He that forced him to drink gallons of water. He rubbed irritants on all unprotected sensitive areas and would only wash them away if the boy did something or other. He nearly always forgot his side of the bargain. I particularly remember the time when he rolled the bound boy onto his side. He pushed his own small but very hard cock into the protesting boy. He then made the boy milk him with his anal muscles! The recording that is most popular with the rest of the prefects is one where Sam strips off. He says, "I think you can fuck me today if you ask nicely."
He has the boy begging and he then sits on the erect cock working it right in. He constantly warns the older boy, "If YOU move at all, I will get off you." He then moves delicately up and down wanking himself all the time. He cums first and jumps off the older lad and says as he goes out, "That was nice wasn't it?" The frustrated boy wriggles fruitlessly for a good hour.
The school doctor, who is an excellent medic when there are real medical problems, is a very good friend of mine. He gave the boy a very lengthy and detailed examination not that the conclusion was in any doubt. He advised me, "He is perfectly fit for at least two dozen hard ones. If you want to give more I will have to examine him then."
The head said, "I was only thinking of a dozen," but the doctor said, "I really think you shouldn't be so soft. I, myself, would not consider less than three dozen to be adequate in this case." He managed to persuade the other man to agree to three dozen. I can't imagine it was all that difficult.
The boy received two dozen but then the doctor said, "The boy had had enough for now but he should be able to take the proper punishment next week. You should start again from scratch as it wouldn't be effective otherwise."
Well, doctor's orders are doctor's orders so he received a full three dozen the next week. He didn't break the punishment off again as the boy needed to start the rest of his induction to the school.
By this time, our school holidays were over. Neither the headmaster nor I took normal lessons but left them to the assistant teachers. The prefects decided quite early that while these 'teachers' might wear their 'clothes' when they were not teaching, they should teach stark naked.
I though it rather unkind but they explained that the teachers should be concentrating on the job in hand. If they should erect, they obviously weren't teaching properly and the boys should be able to see this so they could take appropriate action. The minimum punishment for any teacher getting an erection during class, was half an hour on a bar stool. The apparatus, which operated the vibrator and varied the temperature randomly, would be switched on.
Both the head and I were surprised that the kids sat quietly through the dullest lessons. They really worked very hard even when the Maths or English Grammar were not to their liking. It was not the teaching but they could always stop and have fun with the teachers if they decided to.
We were steadily building up the school numbers but we aimed always to have one or two fewer fags than prefects. On the whole we kept to that. We had intended never to have more than forty kids in all. In practice we seldom had less than forty or more than fifty kids. Our numbers are now very stable and we are able to concentrate on improving the attractiveness and characters of the stock! I had been worried about what would happen when eventually the youngsters leave us. The prefects are well equipped to make their way in the world. Many of my friends like to meet well-trained young dominants. I also normally give the boy a tidy sum of money to get him started. A few choose to return to their families and in that case they have no problem – except finding slaves for themselves! The fags are even less of a problem as I have a queue of men waiting to employ them. They are often willing to give me large sums of money to queue jump but usually I resist the temptation. A number of kids have been placed at my school for training. These lads naturally go straight back to the adult who has paid for their training – often surprisingly enough their biological father.
How have I failed? The only certain failure that I had was in the matter of the fags' uniform. I had planned it carefully and it was to be a short (very) kilt coming a scarcely a third of the way down to the knees. The prefects rejected this and preferred to have the boys' completely nude or individually humiliatingly dressed. They would spend much time discussing each fag individually. They might be split between allowing him a girl's bikini or restricting him to a small towel. Quite honestly I gave way because they were so clearly right. A uniform would have been much less effective than this individual approach!
Before I move onto my family matters, there are still a couple of areas that are relevant both to what transpires later and to my own interests. You, Dear Reader have various choices. You can put the book on the fire or dispose it in a similar way. All I will say is Thank you for reading so far and good-bye but please dispose of it safely.
You can skip a few pages but not too many I hope.
You can continue to read. I like your attitude and will try to repay it.