PZA Boy Stories

Lonely Randy

Randy and His Boys


Can a horrible traffic accident actually be the start of a new and better life? Read on!

Publ. Mar 2017- 3;
Under construction, Apr 2017; 15,000 words (30 pages)


Randy (51yo), Jack (12yo), in later chapters Chris (11yo), Chad (13yo), Pete (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy
Mbcons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Table of Contents

  1. The Boy In The Hospital
  2. Randy and Jack Meet Chris
  3. Chris's Birthday Wish
  4. Another Boy
  5. Confession and Forgiveness


Chapter 1
The Boy In The Hospital

I was heading home after working late trying to get some work caught up. As I passed one of the local bars, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver who had left a different bar. I was then hit by another car that spun my car and I ended up hitting a street light. Luckily I had my seat-belt on.

The fire department had to use the 'jaws of life' to get me out.

I was taken to the local hospital 3; it's a small-town one 3; only has 250 beds.

The doctor had me x-rayed to see how much damage was done to me. Luckily I only had both my arms and legs broken. He decided to keep me a few days for observation. Being a small hospital it was busy and nearly full and the only bed available was in the children's ward. I was going to be a roommate with some kid. I wasn't too keen about the idea of sharing a room with a kid, but I didn't have much choice.

The orderly took me in a wheelchair to the room. When we entered, the boy stared wide-eyed at me, mouth wide open. He was a cute boy, with light brown hair, hazel eyes and was very skinny. He looked to be 4'9" [1.45 m] tall. The orderly helped me to get my hospital gown on and then into bed.

After he left, the boy kept starring at me. "What happened to you, mister?" he asked.

"I was involved in a car accident. I was hit head-on by a drunk driver, then hit by another car. My car is totaled. The fire department had to use 'the jaws of life' to free me. I'm lucky to be alive. All I suffered are two broken arms and legs."


"My name is Randy. What's your name?"

"Jack. How old are you, Randy?"

"I'm 51. How old are you?"

" I'm 12, but I'll be 13 in a few months."

"What are you here for?"

"My dad beat me really bad. I'm recovering from it."

"What did you do to get beat so bad?"

"He found me sucking another boy's dick. He hates me cause I'm gay," Jack replied, hanging his head down. "Do you hate me too?"

"Why would I hate you? You've done nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned."

"But I'm gay."

"So? It's no big deal to me. Where was your mom when he beat you?"

Jack hung his head. "She died six years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It's had to be rough losing her at a young age."

Jack was quiet.

It was after eight pm and the nurse came in with Jack's medications. "Time for your meds Jack"

Jack hung his head. "Do I have to take them still? They taste yucky. I'm tired of them."

"Yes, you only have a few days then you're done."


Jack took his meds, though he was not happy about it. The nurse looked at my chart… I don't get meds 3; and then she left.

Later that evening Jack asked, "Randy, do you like me?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I had one. Not any more."

"What happened?”

"She said I was too small and left me for a guy who had a bigger one."

"A bigger one? A bigger what?"

"Down below. I'm small."

Jack thought about it; then it dawned on him. "You mean your dick? She left you for a bigger dick?"

I looked down embarrassed. "Yes, Jack," I replied.

"How big are you when you're hard?" he asked."

"Six inches [15 cm]."

"That's a nice size as far as I'm concerned," he said.

"Thanks Jack," I said.

"Can I see it?" asked Jack. His eyes were wide with excitement.

"Only if I can see yours," I replied.

"Deal," he said.

"How big are you Jack?" I asked.

"Four inches [10 cm]. I wish it was bigger," he said.

"You're growing. It'll get much bigger when you get older," I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

Jack got up and came over to my bed. He lifted the covers, pulled up my hospital gown and looked at my dick. He took it into his hand and started squeezing it. He was making me hard real fast.

"Jack, that feels really good. Oh jeeze. I'm going to cum if you keep that up," I said breathing harder.

Jack looked at me and smiled and started pumping me faster.

"Jack, I'm going to cum," I said.

He bent his head down and took my dick into his mouth and started sucking and pumping faster.

"Oh shit. Jack, I'm cumming. Oh oh oh!" I said as I shot my load into his mouth. He kept sucking and pumping 'til I started to go soft. Then he released my dick from his mouth.

"That was good. I like your cum," he said.

I just looked at him. "Get up here so I can return the favor," I said.

He put my hospital gown back down and lowered the covers. He then climbed up by me, pulled up his gown and lowered his dick to my mouth. I took his dick and started sucking him off.

"Oh Randy. That's feels really good. Please don't stop!" he gasped.

He started pumping my mouth with his dick going faster. Suddenly he started to cum.

"Oh Randy, I'm cumming!" he said. I could feel his cum as he shot off in my mouth. I tasted his cum, then swallowed greedily. I liked his cum. Sweet tasting. After he finished cumming, I let his dick slip out of my mouth. He looked down at me with a big smile on his face.

"Thanks Randy. I loved that."

"You're welcome. Better get to bed now." He got down and went to his bed. We both fell asleep fast.


The next day the doctor came in. "Randy, we got a private room for you now," he said.

I looked over at Jack. He didn't smile and looked rather upset.

"Doc," I asked,"is it alright if I stay here or can Jack come with me?"

He looked at Jack; then at me. "You really like him don't you?" he asked.

"Yes, I've grown quite fond of him. I would like him to stay with me, if possible."

"I think I can arrange that."

"Thanks. I would like to see the hospital administrator please."

Jack and I were moved to a private room. An hour later the administrator came in.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"What's going to happened to Jack when he gets released?" I asked.

"He's going to be placed in foster care. His father is in jail and he has no family around here," she replied.

"Any chance I could become his legal guardian?" I asked.

"Let me check into that. You sure you want that?"she asked.

"Yes, very much," I said. She left to check into it.

Jack looked at me. "You really like me and care about me?"

"Yes. I've fallen in love with you. I want to take care of you. Does that bother you?"

"No, I'm glad. I'll have a place to live and I love that you want me."

A few hours later the hospital administrator returned. "Good news. The state agreed to your request. Jack can live with you when you both get out of here."

"Thanks. I really appreciate that."

She left.


A few days later both Jack and I were released from the hospital. I was being pushed in one wheelchair and Jack in another one. There was a cab waiting to take us home.

Jack helped me up to the door and he got the key and opened it.

I closed the door then went to my den to make a phone call. I have a speaker phone and called my friend Ron who is a lawyer.

"Hello, this is Ron. How can I help you?"

"Ron, it's Randy."

"Randy, how are you doing? I heard about the accident. You're lucky to be alive."

"I'm home now. Do you know who hit me and caused the accident?"

"I can find out. Want to sue?"

"You bet. Also the bar he was in. They should have called a cab for him."

"I'll check into it. Anything else?"

"Yes there is. I want to adopt a boy. I need your help with that." And I told Ron about Jack and all that happened to him.

"I'll check into it. You're his legal guardian so it should be no problem for you to adopt him. Call me back tomorrow morning at nine."

"Will do and thanks." I hung up the phone and saw Jack standing in the doorway.

"Well I guess you heard everything."

"Yes. Do you really want to adopt me?"

"You bet. I want you to be my son. I love you and care very much about you. I hope you feel the same way."

"You bet I do. I can't wait to call you Dad."

I got up slowly and took Jack to the kitchen. "Jack, I'm totally worthless with my arms in a cast. You will have to help make the meals for now."

" I don't mind. You've given me a home. You've showed me love. I will help all I can."

I hugged Jack and he climbed up onto my lap and put his arms around my neck, hugging me hard. Then he kissed me on the lips.

Then he got down to get lunch started. Of course all Jack could make were heat-ande-eat meals.

After lunch, we went into the bedroom so I could lie down. The casts on my leg were bothering me.

After I lay down, Jack asked a question. "Randy, can I suck your dick please?"

"Only if I can do you afterwards."


He opened my pants and pulled my dick out. He stroked it lovingly and then leaned down and started sucking. He loved my dick and sucked on it like his life depended on it.

"Oh Jack. That is great! You do a great job! Shit I'm going to cum already!"

Jack increased the sucking 3; faster he went 'til I cummed. "Oh god, I'm cummin', oh oh oh!" I shot load after load after load into his mouth. Finally I stopped and he released my dick.

He looked up at me and smiled. "I love the taste of your cum."

" Come up here so I can suck you off, my love."

He moved up by my mouth, pulled his pants down and offered me his dick. I took it into my mouth and started sucking him.

Jack was moaning. "Randy you do a great job. Oh yeah! Keep sucking! I'm going to cum real soon! Oh god, that feels really good! I'm going to cum. Get ready. Here it comes." He shot load after load after load into my mouth. I swallowed greedily and then released his dick.

"Thanks Randy. I needed that."

"You're welcome. I love the taste of your cum too. I love you Jack."


The next day at nine, I called Ron.

"Hello, this is Ron."

"Hi Ron, it's Randy."

"Randy, great! You won't believe who hit you. You sitting down?"


"It was none other than the dear old mayor's son. He was so wasted he doesn't remember hitting you. The mayor is offering thirty million to keep this hush. He also offering another ten million to keep the bar out of this. Forty million to settle out of court. What do you say to that?"

"How much are you going to rip me off for?"

"Ha ha! My buddy! I'll take five million for my time. You get thirty-five million."

"OK, go for it. Call me when the money is ready. What did you find out about Jack?"

"You can adopt him. I filed all the paper-work. He will be yours next week. You're welcome."

"Thanks Ron.I really appreciate it. Jack means a lot to me."

"No problems." I hung up the phone and looked up to see Jack standing there. "Listening in again?"

"Yes, I can't wait for next week to get here so I can start calling you Dad." He came over and hugged and kissed me.

Two hours later, Ron called back. "Randy, the money is ready to be picked up. Can you come get it or can't you get around yet?"

"The casts come off on Monday."

"Today's Friday. You want to wait 'til Monday to get it?"

" I have to. It's hard enough to get around my place as it is."

"What time is your appointment Monday?"

"Nine am."

"Come see me after you're done. You can get your check and Jack's adoption papers too."

"See you Monday." I hung up and looked over and saw Jack there. I just smiled and shook my head. I knew Jack had heard everything.

Monday morning. we got up and got ready to go to the hospital. The cab picked us up and dropped us off. We checked in.

Five minutes later the doctor removed the arm casts, then the legs. I got up and walked out on my own. Jack was waiting for me. When he saw me, he ran over and jumped up into my waiting arms. We hugged and kissed each other. Both happy, we headed out the door and walked to Ron's office.

"Randy, good to see you. This must be Jack."

"Yes it is."

"Hi Jack. I went to school with Randy. I've known him since sixth-grade. He a great guy. He always looked out for me. You are one lucky boy to have him adopt you."

"Thanks for telling me how great he is."

"Randy, you need to sign for both the money and Jack."

"OK, let's get started." Fifteen minutes later the paperwork was done.

"Here's your check and adoption papers. Congrauations."

"Thanks Ron." We shook hands and then we left and went to the bank.

"Can I help you sir?"

"You bet. I want to open two accounts. One in my name and one in my boy's name. I want five million to go in my boy's account and thirty million to go in mine. The name on mine is Randy. The other is Jack."

"Yes sir. One moment. Please sign here and here. Jack, sign here and here. OK all set. Here are your bank books. Have a nice day."

As we walked home, Jack asked, "Why did you put so much money in my bank account?"

"Jack, I love you. The money is yours to do whatever you want. I hope when you're older you use it for college and invest it. Hopefully you do not waste it on junk you don't need. I hope you invest wisely. Even buy wisely. I'm fifty-one. I want you to be happy. I don't expect you to live with me 'til I die. You will have your own life to live. Someday you will meet that special person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Use that money wisely. You invest wisely and you can make more money."

"But I don't want anyone else. I love you and want to stay with you."

"You can stay as long as you like. I'm going nowhere soon. I'm just saying. I bet when you go off to college you will find your true love. Don't worry. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Dad. I love you."

"I love you too."


When we got home, Jack wanted to have sex. "Dad can I blow you?"

"Later. There's something else I would like to do with you if you're willing."

"Anything for you."

"Well son, I have a bit of a foot-fetish."

"What's that?"

"It means I would like to love your feet. I want to take your bare-feet into my hands, smell them, kiss them, lick them and suck your toes. Then I want you to give me a foot-job. That means you rub your feet on my dick 'til I cum all over your feet. Will you allow me to do this?"

"Yes. I'll try it once."

"Good. If you don't like it we will stop immediately and do something else."

"Ok, let's try it. What do we do?"

"Let's go to the bedroom." We went in and he looked at me.

"OK. First let's get undressed. Then I would like you to sit on the end of the bed."

We both undressed and Jack sat on the end of the bed. I got down on my knees in front of him. "Just relax. Let me do all the work. Hopefully you will like this."

He relaxed and watched me and I took Jack's right foot into my hand. I brought it up to my nose and smelled it. It had a light smell to it from sweating from walking earlier. I enjoyed the smell.

I then started to rub the foot. Gently almost like a light tickle. Jack giggled some. Then I started kissing the foot. First all over the top. Then to the sole of the foot. Light kisses. Then I started licking from the heel up to the toes very lightly. Jack let out a light moan. It felt good to him.

I then started licking where the toes join the foot. Jack giggled. It tickled. I then started sucking on each toe. I ran my tongue between them as I sucked.

Jack let out a moan. He couldn't believe how great it felt. I then put the foot down and took his left foot up to my face and repeated the same thing.

Jack moaned some more. "Dad I can't believe how great it feels."

I smiled at him and then took each foot, one per hand and place them by my dick. I started fucking Jack's feet.

He watched wide eyed. He never had seen this. He liked the feel of my dick on his feet.

I went faster, building up to my climax. Suddenly I shot off on Jack"s feet.

I looked at his face. The look was priceless. Jack had never had cum on his feet. He loved it and I then licked the cum off his feet. "What did you think of that?"

"I liked it very much. It was different but enjoyable."

"Will you let me give you a foot-job?"

"What do I do?"

"Trade places with me. I will rub your dick with my feet 'til you cum on my feet. Then I'll clean your cum off my feet. You don't have to kiss or lick my feet."


We traded places. While he lay there, I rubbed my feet all over his dick and he started breathing hard.

He had never felt anything like this. He was really enjoying the feeling of two feet rubbing his dick. He started breathing faster and harder. I knew he was close to cumming so I increased the pressure.

Suddenly Jack lost it and shot his load onto my feet. "Oh god, that feels really great."

I smiled at Jack and then put my finger in Jack;s cum and then brought it up to my mouth and licked the cum off.

Afterwards we talked. "How did you like it, Jack?"

"I enjoyed it. It was different, but nice."

"Glad you like it."

"We can do it again sometime?"

"We will but not too soon."

We got dressed and went out for supper.

When we got home he asked me to do something else. "Dad, will you please fuck me? I want to feel you inside me."

"Are you sure? That's a big step."

"Yes. I'm ready to give all of me to you. I'm gay and I want you to do me. I know you will be gentle with me. That why I love you so much. I know you will never hurt me, unlike my real father who beat me all of the time. You just want to love me."

"You're right there. I could never harm you. I love you too much to hurt you."

We went to the bedroom, got undressed then got in bed. I got some lube and prepared him to get fucked.

I put lube in Jack's ass. Then I put some lube on my finger and gently pushed my finger into the boy's hole. He moaned when I pushed into him. I was up to my second knuckle as I went in and out.

I then added a second finger, stretching his ass. Jack was moaning more. He liked it a lot. I then added a third finger and he started bucking around. I removed my fingers and then lubed up my dick.

Placing Jack on his back and his feet on my shoulders, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I saw the love that Jack had for me.

I slowly pushed in. Jack gritted his teeth; I knew he was in pain so I pulled out fast.

"Why did you pull out?"

"I saw the pain I was causing you. We will do it differently. I will lie on my back and you can lower yourself. That way you can control how fast or slow you want to go."

"OK. I didn't think of that. I told you, you really love me like I do you."

I lay on my back. Jack faced me, then slowly pushed down on my dick. This time he slipped in.

"Oh my god that feels really great, Dad. Do you like it?"

"Yes, sweet boy, I do. You have a tight ass. Have you ever done this before?"

"No, you're my first."

"Really? Thanks Jack for letting me be your first."

He took all of my six inches and started bouncing up and down moaning loudly. I grabbed him and rolled him onto his back. I started pumping faster and faster. Jack moaned louder and louder. His dick was leaking pre-cum all over himself.

He then shot his cum onto himself. The first blast landed on his neck. The next on his chest. The rest on his stomach. While he was cumming his ass tightened on my dick causing me to cum in his ass.

I nearly fell onto Jack. He caught himself and put out his hand to brace himself. He looked up at me while I looked down at him. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I then moved off Jack pulling my dick out. I then started licking the cum off the boy.

Jack got up and headed to the bathroom and let the cum slide out into the toilet. I then took Jack and we took a shower together, cleaning each other up. We returned to bed where we got into a 69.

Afterwards I asked Jack if he would fuck me.

"You really want me to do you?"

"Yes, Jack. I did you, so the least I can do is let you do me."

He was happy to hear that. He had been wanting to fuck me but was afraid to ask. Now he didn't have to.

Jack got the lube and put some in my ass and on his fingers. He started fingering my ass. Then he put a second finger in. He felt I was loosening up so he lubed his dick up and then penetrated me.

Jack was small so he slipped in easily. I felt Jack pumping me and let out a soft moan. This turned Jack on as he picked up the pace. Faster and faster he went. I shot out a load and finally he cummed in me.

"Thanks Dad."

"Welcome Jack."

Jack was very happy with me and I with Jack. We continued to have sex twice-a-day doing whatever Jack wanted.

Chapter 2
Randy and Jack Meet Chris

It's been nearly two months since Jack and I had been released from the hospital. I took some of my money and invested it. I now had tripled my money.

I brought a new house with an indoor heated pool. Jack loves to swim, especially nude.

It was a few days before Jack's thirteenth birthday. He and I sat talking.

"Jack, what would you like for your birthday?"

"I don't care. You have given me everything I needed and more. You love me better than my real father ever did."

"Thanks Jack. I'll surprise you then, if I can."

Jack got up and walked over to me. He sat on my lap and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the lips. "Dad, you don't need to buy me anything. I love you. If you really insist then I would like a new bike."

"You got it, my sweet boy." I hugged Jack and kissed him, too.

He got up and took my hand. "Let's go swimming."


We went to the pool. Jack stripped off his clothes and jumped in. As I removed my clothes I looked at Jack. I couldn't help admiring his body.

When he first came home with me he was very thin. I knew his father had beat him really bad. I suspected he starved him as well. He'd put a few pounds on, filling out nicely.

He grown two inches now at 5'1" [1.55 m]. He's going to be taller than me. I'm 5'6" [1.68 m] tall.

His dick had gotten bigger. It was 4" [10 cm] long. It's now 4½ inches [11½ cm] and growing. He'll be bigger than my six-inch [15 cm].

He was a wreck when he first came here: physically, mentally and emotionally. His father was a real asshole to him. I'm glad I was able to adopt him. He's been clinging to me since he came here.

Jack looked at me. "You going to get in or just sit there?"

"Sorry Jack. I'm coming in now."

"You're daydreaming."

"No,just thinking about my son."

"Hope it was all good."

"With you always, my love." He smiled at that.

I got in the pool, but didn't swim at all. I just stood there.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Jack. Got a lot on my mind."

"Like what?

"You mainly. Do you remember when you first came here how thin you were?"


"You've put some weight on and filled out nicely; you look great. You've also grown. You're now 5'1" [1.55 m] tall. You're dick's now a half-inch longer. I'm proud of you son."

He beamed at this.

"How tall is your father?"

"He's 6'1" [1.85 m]."

"You're going to be tall like him. Try not to look down on us little guys." I smirked and he laughed.

"Did you ever see his dick? How big it was?"

"Yes. It was 8½ inches [21 cm]."

"You're going to be like him. Tall and a large dick. Unlike me who's short and small." I had a grin on my face.

"Maybe so, but I love you more than him." We both smiled.

"I've also been thinking about your birthday in two days. Want a party?"

"No. A quiet day with you, sucking and fucking."

"We will go to the park after breakfast; then out to lunch. We'll have sex afterwards. Out for supper then come home and go to bed".

"That early to sleep?"

"Who said anything about sleeping? We will be sucking and fucking 'til we fall asleep."

"All right. Just what I want. A night of great sex with you."

They got out of the pool. I dried him off, and then myself. We went into the house for sex.

"Dad, can we 'sixty-nine'?"

"You bet."

We went into the bedroom, took off our swimsuits and got on the bed. Jack got up on me. He turned around and lay on top and offer his dick to me. I took Jack's dick into my mouth and Jack took me. We started sucking each other 'til we both cummed in each others mouths at the same time.

The next day I went to Walmart and got a bike for Jack. I got it home and hid it. Then I went and brought a cake for Jack. Later that day I took Jack and went to the park. When we got home and ate supper, Jack was ready for more sex. I told him he had to wait 'til tomorrow since it was his birthday. He asked for a blowjob 'til then. I agreed and sucked him off.

The next morning Jack woke up and saw me standing there. "Happy Birthday Jack." Jack smiled.

I walked over to the bed. "I'm going to blow you."

He threw the covers off and took off his briefs.

I got on my knees and took Jack's dick in my hand. Squeezing it gently, I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "I love you son. I hope you enjoy this blowjob."

At that I leaned down and took his dick into my mouth. I slowly bobbed my head up and down on him. Then I took his balls, kissed them and gently sucked on them. I then went and started rimming his ass.

Jack gasped. He was not expecting that. He raised his legs so I could stick my tongue into his ass. He was happy.

I then stopped and went back to sucking his dick. I bobbed faster and faster. Jack was moaning from the pleasure and all of a sudden, he shot his load into my waiting mouth.

I gulped Jack's offering to me. He came again and again, but finally stopped.

But his dick was still hard, so I smiled and went on sucking him.

Jack went nuts. It was the first time I sucked him off back-to-back. He was moaning in pleasure and squirming all over as I sucked him to a second climax. He exploded in my mouth a second time, more intense than the first time. Load after load after load poured into my waiting mouth. He shot six huge loads before it slowed down to a few small ones. When he finished, I released his dick. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me .

"That was quite a load there, son. Thanks."

"Thanks you dad. I loved that. You suck great."

He got up and dressed and went to the kitchen. "What's for breakfast, Dad."

"Jack, it's your birthday. What would you like?"

"Can I have French toast and bacon?"

"I like the way you think. Yes you may. I love that. Sit while I get started."

"Can I help you?"

"Why not? You're old enough to learn how."

Jack was happy. I got out the electric griddle and turned it on. He got the bacon out of the refrigerator and I showed him how to separate the slices and place them on the griddle. He made four slices each.

While the bacon cooked, I got out the ingredients for the French toast. Jack watched eagerly. He never seen it made from scratch. I told him to flip the bacon and he did. Then I got a plate and put paper towels on it for the bacon.

"What are the paper towels for?"

"For the grease as it drips off the bacon."

I removed the bacon from the griddle and placed it on the plate. I then took a turner and moved the grease out of the way. I next got the loaf of white bread and took out eight slices.

I dipped the bread in the batter and placed four slices on the griddle. These were for Jack. As they cooked I got out two plates, syrup, butter, silverware and glasses. I poured two glasses of juice and placed them on the table. I poured milk for Jack and coffee for myself.

I put the bacon and French toast on a plate and handed it to Jack. Then I made my own. Walking over, I sat down with Jack and we ate.

"Dad, these are so good. I didn't know you knew how to make homemade French toast."

"Yes son. I learned at your age how to cook… my mother taught me. I eat out a lot 'cause I hate cooking for one. Now I have you, I can cook for two and teach you."

"Thanks dad. I love you."

"I love you too. More than you know."

Afterwards, we did the dishes and then took him outside and gave him the bike I got for him.

He went wild with excitement. "Dad, this is the one I was saving up to buy."

"What? Did you spend the five millions I gave you?"

"No. You said not to spend it on stuff I don't need. So I was saving up for this bike. Thanks." He hugged and kissed me.

"Take it for a ride?."

"You got a bike. Come with me." I grabbed mine and we rode out to the park and enjoyed ourselves. We returned home and got ready for lunch.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Can we get Chinese's food?"

"You bet."

We went to a buffet style all-you-can eat. When we were full, we went home. When we got home Jack wanted to have sex.

"Don't you want to go swimming?"

"No. I want to spend time with you."

"I'll swim today. I just had too much on my mind a few days ago trying to plan today."

"Ok, Dad, let's go swimming."

We went to the pool, took off our clothes and jumped in. Jack started splashing me and I splashed back. It turned into a water-fight.

We splashed each other equally. Then Jack turned it up a notch and we got wild. I grabbed him and dunked him. He came up and tried to dunk me but he had a hard time doing so. I let him get his way and he dunked me. I came up and started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I let you dunk me. It was fun."

Jack started laughing. He knew he could not get me unless I let him.

I looked at the time. "Shit. Supper time already. Time flies when you're having fun." We got out and dried and dressed and headed out for supper.

"Can we get a pizza?"

"Yes, my boy." He liked my pet names for him.

We went to Pizza hut and dined in. Then home.

I had promised Jack we could have sex after supper. When we went in I stopped him in the kitchen, and went to the refrigerator and pulled out the carrot cake. I put it in front of him with a candle on it and lit it.

"Happy birthday Jack. You want me to sing the birthday song?"

"No thanks. You can't carry a tune."

"Fine, be that way."

He hugged and kissed me and then made a wish and blew out the candle. "Thanks Dad. I love you."

I then cut the cake and gave him the first piece and then took a slice for myself.

After we ate, I cleaned up, putting the cake away and rinsed the dishes. They can wait'til morning.

Jack and I then went to my room. We undressed and sat on the bed.

"Well birthday-boy, what do you want to do first?"

"I would like to 'sixty-nine' 'til we cum in each others mouths."

"Your wish is my command, dear boy."

Jack smiled. He knew I would do anything he wanted me to do.

We lay down with Jack on top. He took me in his mouth and I took him in mine and we sucked each other for at least ten minutes.

I was the first to cum as I shot three huge loads in Jack's mouth, then two less powerful ones. He swallowed all I had to offer and then shot his load. I received four huge loads and three minor ones. I swallowed greedy as I love his cum.

He then slid off me and turned around and hugged me and kissed me on the lips.

"I would like to have you play with my feet. It's been awhile. I enjoyed it the first time we done it."

There no way I could say no to that request. I had not played with his feet since the day my casts came off. I didn't think he liked it. He lay back by the head-board and his feet were mine to enjoy.

I picked both of them up and kissed them gently. He was watching me, a big smile on his face. I let the left foot go and held the right. I kissed the top of the foot all over. Then I kissed the sole of his foot. Then licked from the heel to the toes.

He moaned enjoying the feeling. I then sucked his toes. Starting with the smallest going to the biggest. Sucking and licking between the toes. He was moaning and stroking his dick slowly. I then put the foot down and took the other and did the same and he picked up the pace of his stroking.

I put his foot down and moved up and took his dick into my mouth and started bobbing up and down.

"Dad, that feels so good. I'm going to cum soon."

I kept sucking faster. he moaned and was moving all over the bed.

He lifted his hips up trying to shove his dick deeper into my mouth. Finally he tensed up and shot a large load into my mouth. He shot over and over 3; I received five large loads and three small ones as he spent himself.

He lay back and smiled. I released his dick from my mouth, moved up beside him and hugged him tight, giving him a kiss on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up.

He let out a sigh.

He was contented.

I just held him. I was in no hurry to let go.

Soon I heard some light breathing as he fell asleep in my arms. I turned off the light then slid down. Still holding him, I soon fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up. He was still asleep in my arms. I had to go piss, so I slowly tried to move him without waking him.

I nearly succeeded. I got up but he heard me and sat up. "Dad, where are you going?"

"To take a piss. I'll be back when finished."

He got up, too. I got into the bathroom and released my bladder. Boy it felt good.

I turned around. Jack was waiting his turn. I moved out of his way so he could go. We returned to bed.

"Dad, will you please fuck me?"

"No. It still your birthday, even though it was yesterday. I want you to fuck me. A present for you."

He was surprised. He hadn't fucked me for a while. He liked it more than I did.

"Thanks, Dad. It's been a while since you let me do it."

"Happy thirteenth Jack. I love you, my boy. Just be gentle 'til I get used to it again. Your dick is bigger than the last time."

"I will Dad. I love you too much to hurt you."

He got the k-y lube and put some in my ass. He then lubed his dick and then got behind me and slowly entered me 'til I got used to how it felt.

He waited a few minutes.

I nodded my head and he started pumping my ass. Slowly at first then faster. He found that special spot and had fun with that. Damn! I was hard as a rock.

He reached for my dick and slowly started pumping me. The boy was good; he was bringing us both to orgasm.

He pumped my ass faster as well as my dick. I don't know who was moaning louder, him or me. Suddenly he grabbed both my hips and flooded my ass. My ass milking his dick caused me to shoot my load.

I collapsed on the bed with Jack on my back, his dick still buried in my ass. We were both breathing hard. He caught his breath then pulled out of me. I rolled over and grabbed him. I pulled him to me and hugged him and he kissed me on the lips.

"Thanks Dad. That was awesome."

"Yes it was special."

We went and showered, and dressed and then went and got breakfast.

After we ate we went for a walk. We went to the local park to relax and have fun. Jack got on the swing and had fun. I sat and watched him. After a few minutes Jack was headed to the monkey bars. I joined him to be sure he didn't fall and get hurt. Then we left and headed home.

On the way, a small boy approached us. "Sir, can you spare a dollar for something to eat?"

We looked at this boy. He was a sorry sight 3; filthy, dirty, hair matted down, dirty and ripped clothes. Bruises on his arm. What a mess.

He look at me, his eyes pleading. Jack watched, wondering what I would do.

"What's your name kid?"


"How old are you?"


"Where do you live?"

"On the streets. I'm homeless."

This got to me. "You have anything other than what's on your back?"

"No sir."

I looked at Jack and nodded. He knew I would help this boy.

"Come with us. We were going to get lunch and take it home. You can join us."

The boy's face lit up with a huge smile. "Can I really join you? That would be great."

Chris joined us and walked with us.

We stopped at the pizza parlor and I went in and ordered an extra-large pizza. I knew Chris would be hungry. In fact, I ordered two. l paid and went out to wait with the boys for the pizzas.

Twenty minutes later I went back in. The pizzas were ready. I took them and left.

When I got outside, the police had Chris up against the wall as well as Jack.

"What the problem, officer?"

"You know these boys?"

"Yes. The clean one is my son. The other is a friend. What did they do?"

"We've gotten complaints about kids hanging around the pizza parlor."

"They were waiting for me while I went in and got the pizzas. They don't hang out here."

"Sorry sir."

He let the boys go and we continued home. The boys were shook up. It a good thing I had come out when I did.

When we got home, I told Chris he needed to shower first. I took him to the bathroom, showed him how the shower works. Then, showed him the soap and shampoo.

"Leave your clothes on the floor. I'll have Jack get you some of his old clothes. They should fit you."

I left Chris to shower and to see Jack. He was going through his old clothes already to help Chris. "I was going to asked you to do that. See if you had anything that would fit him."

Jack looked up and smiled. "I hope he's cute after the shower." That's my boy 3; thinking of sex. I grabbed some of his old clothes and left. I went into the bathroom where Chris had just finished and opened the curtain.

My mouth fell open. He was 4'8" [1.42 m] tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes 3; really sexy. His dick was a good 4" [10 cm]. I just stared at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just looking at how sexy you are."

He smiled, "Like what you see?"

"Yes. So will Jack."


"He's gay and I'm a boy lover."

"You mean I get to have sex with both of you?"

"If you want to. But we will never force you to do anything you don't want to do."

I handed him the clothes and then did a double take. He looked familiar to me. "Chris, what is your last name?"

He told me.

"My god. You're little Chris. Don't you recognized me? I'm your godfather, Randy."

Chris looked at me and his mouth fell open. He ran to me and threw his arms around me.

"Randy! It's been a long time since I seen you. How long anyway?" "Nearly five years. I didn't have a job. I took an office job but I didn't like it. My boy, I'm glad you found me. What happened to you that you're homeless?"

"We were involved in a car accident. I'm the only survivor."

"I remembered hearing about an accident, but I didn't pay much attention. I didn't realized it was your family." I started to cry.

"Why are you crying?"

"Your parents were like family to me. That why you're my godson. I lost my best friend. I'm so sorry Chris."

He hugged me tight. "At least you will have me."

I hugged him again and kissed him. "Get dressed and come downstairs to eat. I got two pepperoni pizzas for us." I went to the kitchen where Jack was waiting and told him about our conversation. He smiled.

"He's going to want sex with us."

"He can blow us both."

Chris entered. He looked good in Jack old clothes.

I got three plates out as Jack got out three bottles of soda. We sat and ate. Well Jack and I ate 3; Chris inhaled his slices. He was starved. We went through both pizzas. No left-overs. Chris made sure of that.

After we ate and cleaned up, we sat and talked. Chris had lost his family due to a drunk driver. He the only one to survive. I told him about my accident and how I met Jack. I was falling in love with Chris and I knew I would adopt him as well.

We went to bed. Chris asked if he could sleep with me and I agreed. Chris took everything off and got in bed nude. I did the same and he snuggled up with me. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheeks. He kissed me back, but on the lips.

"Can I blow you?"

"Only if I can do you as well."

"You want to do me too?"

"Yes. I do."


"Cause I'm in love with you."

That was good enough for him. I got him in a 'sixty-nine' and we sucked each other off. He was too young to cum and had a dry one instead. I filled his mouth full as he swallowed fast. Then he snuggled up and fell asleep.

The next day Jack asked me what had happened last night.

"We sixty-nine'd. He had a dry cum. I filled his tummy."

"Then what happened?"

"We fell asleep. I need to call Ron this morning."

"Are you going to adopt Chris?"

"I hope so."

Chris came in. "Chris, I need your last name. I'm calling my lawyer to see if I can adopt you." He smiled and told me his last name.

"Was Steve your father?"

"Yes, why?"

"I went to school with him. He married Jenny and I was Steve's best man. I should be your legal guardian. They asked me to take you and Jeff in if anything happened to them. What happened to Jeff?"

"He died in the accident. I'm the only survivor."

"You will be my son now."

I nearly ran for the phone.

"This is Ron."

"Ron, it's Randy."

"Hey, old boy! How's Jack?"

"He's fine. Do you remembered Steve and Jenny from school?".

"Sure do. You were Steve's best man."

"Did you know they died? Killed by a drunk driver. Jeff died too. Only little Chris survived."

"I heard about that. Chris disappeared after the accident. You're his legal guardian. No one knows where he is."

"I do. He was a street kid. I ran into him yesterday. He came up to me begging for money or food. He's here with me now. I want to adopt him. That's your job."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it. There's also a will. You've been named in it. You're responsible for Chris and his assets. They left him fifty millions."

"Did you say fifty millions?"

"Yes. Steve was a computer whiz. He owned his own company and invested wisely. The fifty millions was to be split by Jeff and Chris. If Jeff's dead, Chris gets it all 3; the company and the mansion he owned. You're the executor of the estate."

"Wow. Get me Chris' adoption paperwork. When it's all ready then I'll take over the estate 'til he can."

"I'll get right on it, papa."

"That's a good boy, Ron." I hung up laughing and called the boys in and told them what Ron had said.

"I'm worth fifty millions?"

"Yes. If Jeff lived, he would have gotten half and you half. Now you get it all. I'm the executor of the estate. Which means I'm responsible for everything 'til your old enough to take over."

"Does that mean after I'm adopted I can call you Dad?"

"Yes. Jack will be your brother."

"Neat! Can the three of us have sex now?"

"You bet."


We all went to my room since I had the biggest bed. We got undressed and climbed onto the bed.

"What would you like to do first Chris?"

"I want to suck Jack. Do you mind, Jack if we 'sixty-nine'? I can't cum yet though."

"I would love to. I don't mind if you can't cum. You can have a dry one."

The boys got into position and they sucked each other with gusto. I was hard just watching. I even slow-stroked myself. Chris came first. Then Jack.

They saw me stroking myself and both came over. Jack pushed my hand away and they took turns sucking me. Then they both sucked me at the same time until was on the verge of cumming.

"I'm going to shoot boys. Get ready."

A few minutes later I shot my load. The boys passed my dick between them. First Jack took a load, then Chris. They really loved my juice.

Next Chris asked me to do Jack. He wanted to see us 'sixty-nine'. We did. Jack and I were sucking each other with much desire. Jack had me down to my base and I had him. We sucked faster and faster.

Jack shot off first. He shot five large loads and three minor loads. I shot off right after, giving him four large loads and three small ones. We both swallowed greedily after we released each others dick.

I looked at Chris as he looked at us, dumbstruck. He hadn't realized how much we loved each other.

"You two really love each other."

"Yes we do and I'll love you just as much. I'm glad you found us when you begged for help."

Chris smiled at that and we cuddled up 3; Jack on the left side of me and Chris on the right. We fell asleep shortly thereafter.

The next day Ron called me. "Randy, some asshole is fighting to get custody of Chris. I'm fighting back hard. It's in the will that you're the legal guardian. The court usually honors the will."

"Who this prick that's doing it?"

"Some bitch who claims to be the grandmother. I happened to know both sets of grandparents are dead."

"Do what you can Ron. Keep me informed."

"You bet."

I hung up the phone. I was shocked that some bitch was interfering with me adopting Chris. I found the boys swimming. "Boys, I need to talk to you both."

They came over and got out.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Ron called. Some bitch is claiming she's Chris's grandmother. Only thing is, they are dead."

Chris nodded in agreement. "But why?"

"I think she found out about the money and wants it. Ron got the will stating I'm the legal guardian. He knows both sets of grandparents are dead. He's mad. No one messes with me or my kids. He'll fight this tooth and nail. He knew both of Chris's parents too. Ron, Steve and I were best friends. Ron knew Steve's family as well as Jenny's."

"You knew both my parents?"

"Yes Chris. Your parents were my family. I was there when you and Jeff were born. That why I'm your godfather. Now legal guardian. "

The boys looked at each other. I had known Chris long before Jack.

They looked at me. "You won't let anything happen to us will you?"

"Not if I can help it. You're my sons. I love both of you very much. I'll protect you both the best I can."

They both hugged me and kissed me as we went into the house to watch TV. The boys snuggled up to me and I put my arms around them.

The phone rang. And I went to answer it. "Hello, Randy here."

"Randy, it's Ron. The bitch lost. She's in jail with fraud charges. Chris is yours. The judge hurried and signed the adoption papers. Come by in the morning at nine to pick them up."

"Thanks Ron."

"Welcome Randy."

I hung up and returned to the couch. The boys looked at me. "That was Ron. The bitch lost. She's in jail with fraud charges. The judge hurried and signed the adoption papers. We are going to see Ron in the morning. Chris is now my son."

"All right! That's great!"

"Sure is. I told you guys it would work out." They snuggled up to me again.

The next day we got up, showered, got dressed and then ate. We left and went to Ron's office.

He came out to greet us. "Hi Randy. Hi Jack. This must be Chris. He looks so much like Steve."

"Yes he does."

Chris smiled.

"Randy, here the adoption papers. Also the will. Here the keys to the house. I hate to rush you but I got an emergency court session to go to."

We left and went home. I grabbed the car keys and we got into the car. I asked Chris for his home address and he gave it to me.

We arrived at his home. What a house! It rivals those in Hollywood. I couldn't believed how huge it was. It made mine look like a dollhouse.

Chris was smiling. He was home and wanted us to move in with him here. We got out and went in. Chris showed us around.

He had an indoor heated pool. It was Olympic size. He had a TV room, a game room, a music room, a gym and even a large kitchen. I didn't want to sell my place so I would have to rent it like my other place.

"Will you move in here, Dad?"

"Are you sure Chris?"


I looked at Jack. He nodded. It was settled.

We moved in to the mansion and I put the house up for rent.

The boys were happy; I was happy. We had a lot of sex that night.

After that day we had sex daily; sometimes more than once-a-day. We 'sixty-nine' and fuck each other. I even let the boys fuck me from time-to-time. Both boys love it in the ass and I was kept busy trying to satisfy them.

Chapter 3
Chris's Birthday Wish

It's been two months since I adopted Chris. He lost his family in an accident due to a drunk driver. He was the sole survivor but after the accident he had disappeared for a few weeks 'til he came to me and Jack begging for either money or food. I wanted to know what happened to him during those two weeks.

"Chris, I would like to talk to you please."

"Sure Dad. What about?"

"I would like to know what happened to you during those two weeks you were missing after the accident."

Chris looked upset. This was the one thing he didn't want to talk about. "Do we have to?"

"Yes I think it's about time. I think you would feel better afterwards."

He didn't smile.

We went into the living room and sat down. Chris sat in the middle of the couch with me on his right and Jack on his left.

"This is going to be hard. I've been trying to forget what happened to me."

"Take your time. We have all day. Jack and I are here for you and will support you. We both love you."

Jack nodded his head and put an arm around Chris's shoulder to show his love and support.

Chris took a deep breathe and let the air out slowly. "OK, I'll try."

He didn't look at me, but he did take my hand and held it.

"We were on our way home after dinner and a movie. Mom and Dad were happy and Jeff and I were talking and laughing. We were happy, too."

"We just passed the bar area of town. All of a sudden this car came towards us. Dad tried to avoid it but the car hit us head-on. The car hit us so hard it pushed the engine into the front seat pinning Mom and Dad. I heard them screaming, then silence."

"Then a different car hit the driver's side in the rear and crushed Jeff, killing him instantly. I managed to move away before I got hit and got the door open and fell out. I got cuts and scraped as I hit the pavement. I almost got hit by the second car but was able to roll out of the way."

"When I looked up, all three cars were on fire. I knew my family was dead. I managed to get up and stumble away. I fell a few times but I got as far from there as I could. I was dazed and confused."

Chris stopped here. He was crying hard. I pulled him to me and held him tight. Jack moved over and joined in hugging Chris. It took a half-hour for him to settle down and continue.

"I didn't know where I was at. I'd never been to that area by myself. A homeless boy found me and helped me. He took me to his hiding place and told me to rest. He disappeared for a few hours and, when he came back, he had some food and shared it with me."

"He told me his name was Chad and he was thirteen years old. He'd been on the streets for a year. His dad hated him caused he was gay. I told him I didn't care that he was gay since he helped me. We became best friends."

"He taught me how to beg for money or food. We went out daily begging. Sometimes we got food. Seldom did we get money. I was with him for two weeks when I stumbled upon you two. I would love to see Chad again. I miss him."

I thought about all he had said to us. "When did you start sucking dicks?"

"Jeff and I done it a few times. I did Chad once and he did me a few times."

"Do you want to do it again?"

"Yes. I have you two to suck off now."

We were quiet after that. I then asked Chris what he wanted for his birthday.

"I wish to see Chad again. I wish he could live with us."

I knew I would have my hand full trying to find him. "Where his hiding place?"

Chris told me. I knew the area well, so I left the boys at home and headed out on my own looking for Chad. I walked and walked looking and calling his name. A few hours later I found him. He was sick and not doing well.

I ran home and got my car. I picked him up and laid him on the back seat and raced to the hospital with him. The emergency room doctor came out and took him in and I went to the waiting room.

The nurse brought me papers to fill out. I did the best I could. I even paid for his treatment. While waiting, I called home and told Jack what had happened. I told him I'd be home late and to feed Chris and himself.

The doctor came to the waiting room. "Are you the boy's father?"

"He's homeless. I'm taking responsibility for him."

"OK. He is very sick and will have to stay for the time being. We don't know if he will survive or not. You got him here in the nick of time. Hopefully he'll pull through. How long has he been homeless?"

"I was told a year by my son who knew him. I wanted to find him and bring him home."

The doctor nodded. "I'll do all I can to pull him through. I hope you adopt him."

"I plan to if he lives."

The doctor walked away and I sat down to wait. An hour later he returned.

"He's doing much better and been moved to ICU for the night. Why don't you go home and get some rest and come back in the morning. If he's doing well we will move him to a room in the children's ward."

"Thanks doc. I appreciate that. Then you can let me know when I can take him home. I'll have my lawyer see what I can do to adopt him."

"No problems. Glad you cared enough to help him." We shook hands and then I left.

When I got home the boys came running up to me.

Chris asked "How's Chad doing?"

"Much better. He in ICU for the night. He will be moved to a room in the morning."

"Are you going to see him tomorrow?"

"Yes. I need to talk to the doctor to find out how he's doing. Then I'll visit him and then return home."

"Your birthday's in two days. What would you like Chris?"

"To adopt him as my brother. Then I'll have two."

"Think so? What if I don't want another son?"

Chris didn't know what to say. Jack did. "Dad, stop teasing him. You know you will adopt him. It's just the way you are."

I just looked at Jack. Damn kid knew me too well even though I only had had him for six months.

I didn't say anything. I went to my office closed the door and called Ron and told him what I wanted. He said he'll take care of it. I went to get something to eat after I finished talking to Ron.

Later we all went to bed.

The next morning Chris asked if he could go with me. It was a school day so the answer was no.

"You're not missing school. You need an education."

"Dad, we both have straight A average. One day won't matter."

"Straight A? You boys are smarter than me. I only had a C average. OK, I'll call the school. You both can come with me."

They were both happy. I called the school and told them both boys were going to visit a friend in the hospital and would be in tomorrow. Then we left.

We arrived at the hospital and went to visit Chad. He was doing much better and was really happy to see Chris. "This is my adopted brother, Jack, and this is my adopted father. Randy. He's the one that found you and rushed you here to get better."

"Thank you, Randy, for helping me."

"No problems. You get better so you can get out of here and go home."

"I don't have a home."

"You do now. You're going to live with us."

Chad was speechless.

A few minutes later the doctor arrived. "Randy, Chad is doing much better. He will be able to leave tomorrow."

"That's great. Hear that boys? Chad is getting out tomorrow morning."

They all cheered.

After our visit I stopped off to see Ron. He had the paperwork all set for me to adopt Chad.

We went to lunch, then home.

The boys wanted to swim so we did. Afterwards we went in and got in a circle and sucked each other off. Then we fucked each other. Then we had supper. Afterwards we swam some more then went to bed.

The next day the boys wanted to go with me to bring Chad home. I told them they had school. They would see Chad afterwards.

The boys were not happy that I made them go to school.

After they left, I went to the hospital to get Chad. He was dressed and waiting for me. "Hi Randy. I'm ready to go."

"Let me check with the nurse to see if the paperwork is ready."

I went to the nurse's station. They told me everything was ready. An orderly was coming with a wheelchair. I went back to Chad and waited. A few minutes later the orderly arrived. We helped Chad get in and took him down to the front door.

I left and got my car and came over to the door to get Chad. After putting the seat belt on him, I drove home. Chad eyes nearly popped out when he saw the house.

"This is your place?"

"Not really. It belong to Chris. I just live here. When his parents died, I became the executor of his estate. Which means I'm in charge 'til Chris can take over when he turns eighteen."

"Wow he never told me that."

"I don't think he knew 'til I was told by my lawyer."

"Are we related now?"

"Yes. You're my son now. I adopted you. You may call me Dad now."

"Thanks Dad."

We got out of the car and went in. I took him upstairs and showed him his room. He loved it. I then took him downstairs and gave him the fifty-cent tour. Afterwards we sat and talked. "Tell me about yourself Chad. Why you are homeless."

Chad just looked at me. He had a sad look on his face. "My dad hated me 'cause I'm gay. He caught me and another boy in sixty-nine. He grabbed the other boy and hit him and then threw him out of the house."

"I hurried and got dressed but before I could get away he grabbed me, called me a fag and started hitting me. He told me I was no good and was no longer his son. No way was he going to have a fag for a son. Then he started punching me. He punched me in the stomach, in the face, all over. He gave me a black eye, bloody nose, bloody mouth a fat lip. I finally got away from him and ran."

"None of my friends would help me. Everyone was afraid of my dad. I just kept going 'til I found a place to hide. That's where you found me. A few yards from my hiding place."

"I been there for just over a year when I found Chris wandering around and took him in. Then he disappeared. I got some bad food and got food poisoning. That's when you found me."

"Not another one. Jack's father beat him so bad he ended up in the hospital from his injury. I met him after being in a serious car accident. I adopted him. He's gay as well as Chris. I'm a boy lover."

Chad smiled. "Does that means we can have sex? I would love to sixty-nine with you."

I took Chad's hand and took him upstairs to my room. We undressed and lay on the bed. We got into the sixty-nine position and started sucking each other.

Chad has a beautiful dick. It's 5" [12½ cm] long even though he's only 13 years old. He'll be a large one when he gets older. I was enjoying his dick a lot.

Suddenly he started shaking and moaning. He shot five large loads followed by three small loads into my mouth. I swallowed it all greedily. After he came down from his orgasm he sighed amd then started sucking me again. I just kissed his dick and held it lovingly. I felt my build up so I warned him and then shot my load. I fired four large loads followed by three small loads into his mouth.

He released my dick and moved up by me and we cuddled. I just kept looking at this sweet boy. He's thirteen, 5'1" [1.55 m] tall with sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes.

I really love him.

We got up and had a light lunch. I made sandwiches with crunchy cheese curls and soda. Afterwards we went out to swim.

While we were swimming, Jack and Chris got home from school. When they saw us in the pool, they came out and joined us. They stripped off their clothes and jump right in.

Chris swam over to Chad and hugged him. "Chris, I didn't know you were a millionaire."

"My dad was. He left everything to me. Well my brother too but he died in the crash."

"Randy… I mean Dad 3; said tomorrow's your birthday."

"Yes, I'm going to be twelve."

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"Dad gave it to me. You for a brother and I have Jack too."

I went over. "Chris, is there anything else you want for your birthday?"

"I want to know more about you. We all do. What made you a boy lover?"

"I don't talk about that."

"Why not? You know about us. We want to know about you."

"I'll think about it. Let's get out and have supper."

We got out and got dried. The boys carried their clothes inside. I checked the refrigerator and decided to take the boys out.

"We are going out to eat. Get dressed."

We hurriedly got dressed. We got in the car and I asked where they wanted to go. The pizza shop won out. I took them to a nice sit down place. As we waited Chris asked about me being a boy lover. I just ignored him. After we ate we went home and to our rooms.

The next day I got up early and went down and made coffee. The boys soon followed. "Chris, since it is your birthday, what would you like for breakfast?"


I made up the waffle and fed everyone. They went to the family room and waited for me to do the dishes and clean the kitchen. I then joined the boys.

I sat on the couch between Jack and Chris. Chad sat on the chair. I looked at the boys. I knew what they wanted. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I finally spoke.

"I very seldom if ever talk about this. This will be the only time I'll tell you. When I was fourteen, I went to a summer camp. The camp is for hearing impaired 3; deaf kids 3; as well as kids with speech problems. I'm nearly deaf myself."

"I became friends with the senior councilor. After camp I went to his home. I didn't know at the time he was a boy lover. We gave each other hand-jobs. Sometimes we just jerked ourselves off. I didn't care."

"Then one night he decided he wanted a blowjob. I didn't want to do it, but he forced me to suck him off."

"We did this for a few days. At first I was repulsed by it. Then I started to enjoy it. I like the taste of cum. We ended up sixty-nine each every night. The following summer we did this at camp whenever we could."

"I was happy when camp closed and I went to his home and we sixty-nine'd every night. I loved sucking him and swallowing his load. He convinced me there was nothing wrong with what we did." "

A few years later I touched a young boy 3; I ended up in prison for that. I never bothered to do it again 'til I met Jack." I got up and walked away.

The boys came after me and made me return to the family room. Jack spoke first. "Dad, we don't hate you. It's too bad you were forced to suck him. At least now you're not forced. We love you and want you to do this with us. We will never force you or each other. Thanks to you we have a place to live and someone that loves and cares about us. We are happy you're our adopted dad. We love calling you Dad. Don't ever stop loving us."

"I won't Jack. You boys make me proud to have you as my sons. I hope we will be happy for the rest of our lives together. I love you boys very much."

They came over and hugged me. After that we enjoyed each other and had sex a lot.

Chapter 4
Another Boy

It's been two months since Chad came to live with us. Chris turned twelve and now Chad was getting ready to turn fourteen. I had hadmore birthday celebrations in the past eight months than in most of my life.

I haven't been this happy in a long time and the boys were happy as well.

Since Chris' birthday, they learned a lot about me and didn't hold it against me. They love me more than ever.

The sex was tremendous. Every night I had a different boy sleep with me. One night Jack, the next Chris and then Chad. Then it started all over again.

I had more oral sex than ever. The boys love to be rimmed. They also love anal and I also allowed them to fuck me. It been the best sex I experienced in a long time. Hell, I never had been fucked 'til Jack came into my life.

Three teens can be hard to keep up with at my age. I've been managing nicely though.

Chad came into my office to talk about his birthday. "Dad, can I talk to you?"

"Of course Chad. What's up?"

"I know you got your hands full with three teen-boys. Would you be willing to adopt another boy? For my birthday?"

"For you? Do your brothers know about this?"

"Yes, I was made the spokesperson for the group."

"I see. Who's friend is he?"

"Mine. I talked to Jack and Chris first to see what they thought about it before I came to you. They're all for it."

"OK. Tell me his name and a bit about him."

"His name is Pete. He's thirteen and lives on the streets like me. That's how I met him. He's been abused physically and sexually. If you agree to adopt him, I'll let him tell you what happened."

"Let me guess. He's gay and his dad beat him."

"That's part of it. Will you adopt him please?"

"Bring him over. I want to meet him first before I decide."

"Thanks Dad."

He left my office and went for a walk to his old street home looking for Pete. He found him and brought him home to meet me.

"Dad, this is Pete. Pete, this is my new Dad, Randy."

I looked at Pete and did a double-take. Pete stood at five feet even. Mousey brown hair, hazel eyes. Damn! He lookwd like me at that age. I think I'm in love.

"Hi Pete. Welcome to our home. Sit down."

"Hi Randy and thanks."

"Tell me about yourself and how you became homeless."

"It started when I was eleven. My parents decided to use me to get drugs. They forced me to have sex with the drug dealer. He raped me and force me to suck him off. I tried to fight him off, but the more I fought, the more he liked it.

If I told my parents ‘no', they beat me and then I had to still had to have sex. When I turned twelve, I ran away. I been on the streets for one year. I've had to give sex to survive."

"Are you gay?"

"At first, no. Now yes. I love sex with men but I did it to survived. I haven't had it for pleasure except with Chad a few times while he was homeless. I miss him."

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Chad didn't tell me much."

I looked at Chad. He just smiled at me.

"Would you like to stay here for a while?"

"May I? I'm tired of sleeping on the ground." "Of course you may. Chad, show Pete to his room then take him to the pool. I'll be there shortly."

"Ok Dad."

After they left, I called my lawyer, Ron.

"Hello, this is Ron"

"Hi Ron, it's Randy."

"Hi Randy. How are the boys?"

"Great! That why I'm calling."

"Don't tell me. You've got another one to adopt. This is what? Number four?"

"Smart man. Yes, number four. Name is Pete." "Where did you find him?"

"Friend of Chad. Five foot even. Mousey brown hair, hazel eyes. Age thirteen."

"Damn! Sounds like you at that age."

"Looks like me too. He's been abused both physically and sexually. He's gay like the rest. Lucky me."

"Damn you've have been having good luck there lately."

"Yes. Get me the adoption paperwork."

"You bet. Bye."

I hung up the phone and went to the pool. They were all there naked. I took off my clothes and joined them. I looked at Pete. He had a five-inch dick already.

I hopped into the pool and the boys looked at me and grinned.

Jack was first to speak,"'Bout time you joined us." He was smiling.

"Had to make a phone call before I came out."

"Bet it was to Ron." Damn! The boy was too smart. Of course he knew me too well.

"No comment." He started laughing and the other boys just looked at us.

"Don't worry who I called, just keep quiet." He just snickered.

Pete came over to me. "Is it bad news?"


"What is it then?"

"Don't worry about it."

Chad jumped in. "I bet he called Ron. He's going to adopt you, Pete."

"Are you?"

"No comment."

Pete smiled. "Yes you are. That's why Jack snickered. Chad knows, too. That means I have a new home and a new dad."

"Damn! I can't keep any secret. You boys know me too well."

They all smiled. Pete hugged me and then kissed me on the lips. "Thanks Dad."

"Let's go in. I would like to suck you."

Pete smiled. We got out of the pool and went to my room. We were still nude so I lay on the bed. "Pete, let's sixty nine."

He got on top of me and I took his dick into my mouth and started sucking. He did the same to me. Our heads were bobbing up and down and he was moaning and squirming around.

He loved the blowjob. He shot off first 3; I got five large loads followed by four smaller ones. I swallowed hungrily. His cum was sweet. Then I let go with my load. I shot off four large loads followed by three smaller ones.

He turn around and snuggled up to me. "Thanks Dad. I needed that. I love the taste of your cum."

"You're welcome. I love the taste of your cum too."

A few minutes later we got up and went back to the pool. The boys just smiled at us when we returned. Chris was the first to ask, "Did you sixty-nine with Dad?"

"Yes, we did."

The boys just smiled. They knew me too well. I gave all my boys blowjobs the first time we're together.

That night Jack came to my room to sleep with me. He's my first son and my favorite. I'll do anything for him. "Dad, please fuck me."

I can't turn him down. I got the lube and lube him and myself. He was on his back and pulled up his legs. I love to look at his eyes when we fuck.

I entered slowly. After I was completely in, I slowly started fucking him. Then I picked up the pace. I went faster as he moaned. He loved me fucking him. Faster and faster I went. "Get ready Jack. I'm going to shoot."

He just smiled and moaned as I shot off in his ass. He loved it. I bent down and kissed his lips as my dick got smaller and I pulled out.

He went to the bathroom and let my cum drain out and then returned to bed. "Your turn."

I let him fuck me. He lubed my ass and then his dick as he entered me slowly. After a few minutes of getting used to him being in me, I nodded my head. He slowly started fucking me. Then he went faster and shot off into my ass filling me.

He collapsed on me, breathing hard as I hugged him to me. After he caught his breath, he pulled out of me.

I got up and went and sat on the toilet and let his cum slide out before I went back in. "What would you like to do now?'

"Play with my feet."

I was happy to hear that since I have a foot fetish.

I took his right foot and kissed the top of his foot all over. Then I kissed the sole all over. Then I licked from heel to toes. Then I sucked each toe, licking between them.

I picked up his left foot and repeated the process.

Next I kissed up his leg to his dick. I then kissed his dick and licked his balls and sucked on them. Then I sucked his dick 'til he came in my mouth. He loved it.

Afterwards, we cuddled up and went to sleep. What I didn't know was that Pete had watched everything we did.

The next day Pete talked to Jack. "I watched you and Dad have sex last night. It looked like fun."

"Yes, sex with Dad is always great. I'm the first boy he adopted. He was a lonely man when I first met him. He was in a bad car accident. The hospital was full so we were roommates. I found out his girlfriend left him caused he had a small dick."

"It don't look that small." "I like it. I jerked him some and then sucked him in the hospital room. He sucked me afterwards. He adopted me when he found out I was going to be placed in foster care. I really love Dad."

"Do you think he would do to me what he did with you?"

"Ask him. I'm sure he would. He a great guy."

That evening Pete asked if he could sleep with me. I told him yes.

"Will you fuck me?"

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"It is."

I told him to lie on his back while I got the lube. He pulled up his legs and I lubed his ass and my dick.

I slowly entered him. He grunted when I first entered. "Have you done this before?"

"No, you're my first."

I got a virgin ass. I went slowly so he could get used to my dick. After I got it all in I just relaxed to let him enjoy the feeling. He finally told me to go ahead.

I pulled back and pushed in. I went slow 'til he got used to it. Then I picked up the pace. Faster and faster. He moaned in pleasure. I finally shot in his ass. I leaned down and kissed his lips. My dick slid out.

He sighed and then went to the bathroom and let the cum slide into the toilet.

"That's was great Dad. I love it."

"Would you like to do me?"

"Can I?"


I gave him the lube and he lubed me. Then he lubed his dick and slowly entered me. After I got used to his dick in me, he started fucking me slowly. Little-by-little he increase the pace.

Suddenly he was pounding my ass like there was no tomorrow. He was moaning in pleasure. So was I.

Then he stiffened up and shot his loads into me 3; five large loads and three small ones. Then he collapseed on my back breathing hard. He slowly pulled out and I took him into my arms and kissed him.

Then I headed to the bathroom to let the cum slide out of me. We then showered and returned to bed. "Thanks, Dad. That was great."

"Glad you enjoyed it."

We fell asleep.

The next day was Chad's birthday. He turned fourteen. He's the oldest one now.

"Happy birthday Chad. What would you like for a gift?"

"You gave me what I wanted. You adopted Pete. I don't want anything else."

"Well, I'm going to blow you."

"OK. I'll take that."

I took him into the family room and sucked him off.

Afterwards we went swimming and enjoyed each others company. The boys were very happy living with me.

They go to school and have straight A averages. I'm proud to call them my sons.

Chapter 5
Confession and Forgiveness

A few months had passed since Pete came to live with me and the boys.

They all came to talk to me; Jack was the spokesperson. "Dad, can we adopt another boy?"

"No, four is enough. I don't need a new son."

"Why not? You love boys."

"Yes, I do but I think four is enough."

"There’s more to it. I know you well. There’s something you’re not telling us."

"OK. Yes there is. I think I have enough kids."

Jack still wasn't convinced. "There’s more you’re hiding, Dad." Jack was too smart for his own good. "What is it, Dad?"

I just looked at them while I decided if I should tell Pete.

"Please Dad. Tell us again."

"If I do, you boys must promise never to tell another person. If you ever do, I'll never trust you again."

The boys looked at each other. Then nodded their heads. "We promise Dad. Not a word to anyone outside this family. We love you very much."

" OK I'll repeat it for Pete."

I look around. I had their attention.

"Back when I was a teen 3; fourteen to be exact… I went to a summer camp for kids like myself. As you boys know, I'm hard of hearing. The camp was for hearing impaired, speech problems and deaf kids. I became friends with the senior counselor. Turned out he was a boy lover."

"After camp closed for the summer, I went to his house for a week. That is when my troubled started. We would jerk off ourselves mainly."

"One night he wanted something else. He wanted me to blow him. I’d never done it before. He forced me to open my mouth and stuck his dick in. He started face fucking me. I didn't like it. To keep him from going too fast, I started bobbing on his dick. I kept going ‘til he busted his nut."

"I was hoping that would be the end. Nope. He wanted me to do it all the time. At first I didn't like it. Now I enjoy it. He turned me into a boy lover."

"A few years later I touched a boy. I went to prison for it and I am a registered sex offender. I was surprised they allowed me to adopt Jack. I was very surprised they let me adopt the three of you."

"Chris 3; he’s my godson 3; so they allowed it. Chad and Pete, I'm very surprised. As I said, I'm not proud of my life history. I never forced any of you and never will. I hope you will not hate me now or want to leave."

I got up and walked quickly away. I could not face them after all I had said. The shame and humility I felt was bothering me big time. I could hear the boys talking, so I went outside and hid from them. I was upset and started to cry. I just hoped they still loved me and cared about me.

I hope they were still happy with me.

Jack came out looking for me. "Dad, are you alright?"

"Yes, just shook up about all I said. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you boys. Especially you Jack. I love you the most."

Jack came over and threw his arms around me and kissed my lips.

"Dad, I love you no matter what. You saved me from foster care. You showed me more love than my stupid father ever did. You’ve made me and my adopted brothers very happy. Let’s go in."

We returned to the family room. The other three boys saw us and came up to me. They hugged me and kissed me one at a time. Then we got into a group hug.

I was surrounded on all sides by my sons.

"Dad, we love you very much"

"Dad, we don't hate you."

"Dad, we were shocked that you were forced to do what you did. You never forced us. You’ve always done what we wanted to do."

"Dad, we are proud of you. We’re glad you adopted us. You’ve always been there for us."

The boys really loved me and kept hugging me and kissing me. I never felt so much love as I did then.

"Boys, I'm so proud of each of you. I'm proud to call you my sons. I'll always be here for you." They were very happy to hear this. They asked me to go swimming with them and I happily agreed. Later we went back into the house.

"I was very lucky to have met Jack. If I hadn’t, none of you would be here today safe and sound. I was very seriously thinking of killing myself. I hated myself for the way I had become. Hell, I didn't even have a girlfriend. The last one dumped me before my car accident."

"Thanks Jack. You saved my life in the hospital. You showed me you cared about me as I cared about you. Thanks to you other three, Chris, Chad and Pete. You show me life is worth living."

The boys just looked at me. They didn't know what to say.

I did and continued. "I'm very lucky to have four wonderful boys. You're all understanding. I'm lucky to have adopted each of you. I don't expect you to live with me forever. I do hope when you go to college you will find your match. I will always be here for you ‘til I die. I said before and I'll say it again, I am proud of all four of you. I couldn't have asked for better sons. Be careful and be safe."

The boys hugged and kissed me again.

After that, we had sex daily. I had each boy on a different night. It was the best sex I ever had.


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