PZA Boy Stories


Learning With Ryan


I'm fascinated by my step dad, and my mom is batshit crazy

Publ. Dec 2016
Finished 10,500 words (21 pages)


Sport (13-14yo), his stepfather Ryan (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mtcons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


I don't even know where to start. Maybe when my mom married Ryan, or when they enrolled me in a private, all boy school. Maybe before that even, when I first discovered the good feelings playing with my dick brought to me. I'm just so confused right now, I'm having trouble getting things straight in my head.

Ryan is a nice guy, he and my mom dated a long time. She divorced my dad when I was eight, and went to work for Ryan, soon after. They had business meetings, but soon that turned into dates. I guess I was almost ten, when they had their first official 'date'. Once they began to date, Ryan was a fixture at our place, and we went to his house a lot too.

I didn't think too much of it the first time Ryan stayed the night at our place. I mean, I was just a kid, sleepovers are a part of life. I was at a sleepover at Jimmy's house a few months later, when I walked in on his older brother jerking off.

That was an eye opener for sure. He was fifteen and had a big dick. Well, to me it looked big. I asked him what he was doing, and he gave me a lesson in self gratification. One I will always be grateful for and make use of often.

I made use of it the next night in my bed. Boy, was that fun. I did it three times that night. Of course it was dry, but I didn't know the difference.

The next weekend, Ryan stayed over. I went to bed at my usual time, but now I had something to keep me awake. I was into my second time, when I heard noises. I pulled up my tighty whities and went to investigate.

The noises were coming from my mother's room. As I got closer, I could make out moaning and Mom saying things like, "Oh god that's good. Don't stop" and smacking sounds, like skin on skin.

I ran back to my room, and finished what I had started. It's not like I thought my mom was being hurt or anything. If fact she said not to stop whatever it was.

The next time I had a sleepover at Jimmy's, I asked Ted (his brother) about what I had heard. Ted was older, and cool, and had taught me something good, so I waited to get him alone and asked.

I got another good lesson on what goes on with men and women. Ted even used his own dick as a prop, going all the way to show me his sperm.

Man, did that interest me. He explained how guy's dicks went into their pussies, and the sperm made babies in women's bellies, and 3; well, you know 3; all of it. Stuff I would eventually learn in Health Class, anyway.

At first though, I wondered why they would be trying to put a baby in her belly. Ted explained that it wasn't just about babies, that people did it because it felt good. That's when it all made sense to me. The rubbing I was doing to myself, and the stuff they were doing. Duh 3; It shouldn't have taken me so long to put it together. After that, I knew why Mom and Ryan were doing it.

When we started Health Class, (silly name for it), I learned about puberty and hairs and all that. The rest I knew already. Truth be known, I was already starting puberty anyway.

I did begin to wonder about other boys development. In gym class, when we began showering after, I would sneak peeks at the other boys. I liked it when I found I wasn't the smallest one, well, I mean smallest dick. I wasn't the biggest either. Tanner had the biggest one in my class. He had more hair than anyone else too.

To be honest, I waited around for Tanner to go to the shower, just so I could be in there to watch his dick swing back and forth as he bathed. Which gave me the idea to watch Ryan in the shower.

This would be difficult, because Ryan and mom had their own bathroom. I had my own too, it's a big house.

Ryan had always been nice to me. We went fishing, and camping, and stuff dad's do with their sons. Since he and mom started dating, he gave me cool gifts and stuff too. He bought me a nice rod and reel for our first fishing trip, and an ipod, even a gaming console after they got married. He's just a nice guy.

I had to wait for a chance to see him in the shower. It didn't come along till Mom went to visit her sister in Maine. She waited for Ryan to get home from work before leaving. She thinks I'm still too young to be left alone. Even for a couple of hours. Sheesh.

Ryan kissed Mom goodbye in the driveway, when he arrived, she got in her car, waved goodbye, and he came into the house.

"Hey, Sport," That's his pet name for me, "What do you want to do tonight?"

"I'm kinda tired, can we just order a pizza, and watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure Sport. Let me get out of this suit, and I'll be right with you."

He went to their room, which is on the opposite side of the house from mine. I followed a little later, and heard the shower start.

My heart began to beat faster, I knew it was my chance to see him naked. I knew I couldn't just spy on him, because there is no way to see him, without him seeing me too. I needed a reason to go in there. Pizza!

I went into the bedroom, and heard him open the shower door. I assumed he was just stepping in. Entering their bathroom, I saw what I was hoping to see. He was just tilting his head back to wet his hair, and I was treated to his whole body in plain sight through the glass shower.

He was in great shape. Flat stomach, nice abs, a little hair on his chest and belly. But what really caught my breath, was his dick. It was soft and hanging limp, and still bigger than Ted's when he was hard. Now I knew why Mom made so much noise at night.

I must have gone into brain lock or something, because the next thing I know, Ryan is speaking to me.

"Is anything wrong, Sport? Did you need something?"

"Uh 3; no 3; I uh 3; I wanted to ask 3; Oh yeah. Do you want me to order the pizza?" I had trouble remembering my reason to be there, and I know he saw me staring at his dick.

"Sure 3; the number's on the fridge," he said. We keep a magnetic clip on the fridge that has the numbers for delivery places.

I'm still staring at his dick. "Was there something else?" he finally asked.

"No 3; I mean 3; Man, you have a big dick," Shit!! I can't believe I said that.

"Uh 3; yeah, I guess I'm lucky that way," he nervously laughed.

I tore myself away from their room, and called the pizza place. My heart was still beating a mile a minute, and I couldn't catch my breath. I sat on the sofa and just replayed the whole thing in my head. Was he really that big? I mean, it looked like something you would find on a farm animal, not your dad. Or even a step dad.

Ryan entered a few minutes later. He was wearing those loose sleep pants he likes to wear, and I could smell the body wash and shampoo he uses.

"Did you order the pizza?"

"Yeah, should be here in a few minutes."

"Great, I'm gonna grab a beer, find us a movie. Want a Coke?"


I picked one of those teen slasher flicks. I hadn't seen it before, I didn't know if Ryan had.

He had barely sat down when the doorbell chimed. "The money's on our dresser," Ryan said.

I paid the guy and sat the pizza on the coffee table, then went and put on my sleep shorts too.

Ryan was picking up a slice when I came back in. "You can't tell your mom I let you watch this movie."

"If you've seen it, we can watch something else," I offered.

"I haven't seen it, but I don't think your mom would approve of it."

"I won't tell if you don't," I conspired.

"Good. I've been wanting to see it," he laughs.

Halfway through my first slice of pizza, a kid in the movie got sliced, big time. Headless corpse staggering and then falling down. Blood spurting everywhere. I swallowed the rest of my pizza, and moved closer to Ryan.

"Did you see that Sport? Great special effects."

"Yeah, great."

A few minutes later, they show a cheerleader making out with her boyfriend. They get hot and heavy, and soon got naked. Of course they don't show much in the movie, just her bouncing up and down on her boyfriend, but there's no doubt what they're doing. Her tits are shown flopping up and down, and she's moaning like mom does at night.

"Maybe we should watch something else," Ryan says.

"I'm not a baby. I've seen tits before," I lied.

As I turned to lie to Ryan, I see his dick kinda jump in his pants. It had gotten longer, and was stretching out the loose fabric of his pants.

I was processing what I saw in his lap, when the cheerleader's boyfriend gets a machete through his neck from below. It was pretty gory, and I flung my head down on Ryan's chest, to cover my eyes.

"I'll change the movie, Sport," Ryan says trying to comfort me.

"No 3; that's ok 3; I just wasn't expecting that," I said glancing back to the tv. The cheerleader is oblivious to her boyfriend's predicament, and is still bouncing on him. She's running her fingers through her hair with her eyes closed, and hearing him moan, thinks she's fucking him good. Her tits are still flopping up and down, and from my position on Ryan's chest, I see his dick lurch in his pants again.

By now it's tenting his pant leg to mid thigh, and I can't take my eyes off it. Then cheerleader loses her head, and I close my eyes.

"Did you see that?" Ryan asked.

"Yep," was all I could manage.

I keep my eyes closed through the body hacking scene, but when things quiet down some I open them again. Another teen couple is making out in the lake. Of course they are nude, and you can see her tits as she's bobbing up and down in the water.

I look at Ryan's cock, which has gone completely hard now, and is pointing at his hip bone, almost curving around his hip. I can easily see the outline of it, even the large ridge around it's head. Jesus, he has a big cock.

I start to sit up, just as the machete starts whacking the couple. I throw myself back down on Ryan. This time my arms go around him and my head is a bit lower.

By that I mean, my hand is on his hip, with his cock running the length of my arm and under it. My chin is at his bellybutton, and my eyes are an inch from that cock head. I didn't really notice, because my eyes are closed. Then I feel Ryan's cock lurch again, and open them. Ryan tries to sit up, but I hold him tight.

"I need to get the remote," Ryan says.

"No. It's okay. I know you want to see this movie," I reply as I'm staring at that cock head just under my wrist.

"Are you sure? I don't mind."

"I'll just cover my eyes if it gets bad again," I said, but didn't sit up.

There wasn't any more sexy scenes after that, but there were a lot more scenes where I needed to cover my eyes. Each time, I would rub my arm over his cock to put my hand in front of my eyes. Then back again, rubbing over his cock again. I loved feeling that big thing under my arm. Of course the constant rubbing was keeping it hard, which was my intention.

I also noticed that when I would move my hand away from my eyes, the waistband of his pants lifted from him a bit, and I got a glimpse of his cock. The second time this happened, I didn't place my hand on his hip, but right on his cock head instead. I wrapped my fingers around it and got a feel of that powerful cock.

I figured he couldn't see what I was doing, because my head would be in his line of vision. So the next time I uncovered my eyes, I let my fingers catch the waistband on the way back to his cock. I stared at that magnificent cock. I had the head and maybe an inch out in the open.

My fingers were under it a bit, when I went to cover my eyes again, pushing it closer to me. I was looking right at the slit on the end of his cock. I was awestruck. I don't know why, but seeing it from this angle, and so close to me, had me mesmerized.

I glanced at the tv and noticed the closing credits running on the screen. I didn't want this chance to pass me by. I was so close to his cock and I loved looking at it.

"Can we watch another movie?" I asked without raising my head.

"Sit up so I can get the remote," Ryan answered.

"Let's just watch what comes on this channel next," I said, not wanting to relinquish my position. Also because he might see what I had been doing.

I found out why this channel's nickname is 'Skinamax'. They show a lot of movies that have a lot of nudity. The next one had little plot, but lots of sex scenes. They didn't actually show sex, but you know what I mean.

"Uh 3; You definitely can't tell your mom about this," Ryan said.

"Huh?" I thought he was talking about me staring at his cock.

"This movie. You can't tell her about it," he said conspiratorially.

"Uh 3; My lips are sealed," I assured him. Only I wished they were sealed around his cock. Why did I want to put it in my mouth?

As I lay there on his belly, staring at his cock, I realized I really did want to take it into my mouth. I would have too, but I didn't think I could get away with it. My own dick was as hard as it had ever been. I glanced down at my lap to find out if Ryan could see my hard on from his position.

I hear more of the moaning coming from the tv, and see a guy on a girl. From the side, you can see her tits and her knee is up. The guy is between her legs, and you can see his butt moving up and down a bit. That's all they show.

I reach down and adjust my boner in my shorts.

Ryan kinda laughs a bit. "It's okay, Sport. It's getting to me too."

"Yeah, I know," I said as I lay my arm back on his erection.

"Oh 3; Sorry about that, I guess you can tell from there," I don't think he knew his cock head was exposed.

The moaning got louder, and I could tell it was coming to an end. I was still looking at Ryan's cock. I felt it throb a bit under my hand, and watched as a drop of liquid appeared at the slit. I was fascinated. It stayed there for a few seconds then slid down. Just before it dripped off, my tongue darted out and snatched it up. I don't even remember thinking of it. My tongue did it all on it's own.

I heard a moan, and wasn't sure if it was Ryan or the tv. He didn't get mad or anything, so I guess it was the tv.

A minute later some guys are horsing around in a pool, and three girls come out naked. It was the first time I ever saw a naked woman. I couldn't even see what all the fuss was about. They didn't have anything between their legs except a little strip of fur, and a slit.

Ryan must have thought differently, because his cock lurched again, and another drop appeared. This time, I did let my tongue out to clean it off. I heard another moan, and I know it was Ryan this time.

He didn't say anything, but he leaned forward enough to see his bare cock real close to my face. I took the chance and sorta squeezed his cock and stroke it up to the head, and another drop came out. I licked it off too.

"Oh Jesus, Sport. Why'd you do that?" he asked in shock.

"I don't know. It just seemed like the right thing to do," I explained.

I sat up and said "Don't be mad. Please," I still had my hand around his cock.

"Your mom is gonna kill me. Shit."

"She's not here. It's just us, and I won't tell, I promise."

"No shit, you can't tell her! She'd hang me up and roast me."

"I'd never say anything to get you in trouble. I swear."

He took a big swallow of his beer. "Sport 3; I 3; she's gonna kill me 3;"

"Can't we just watch the movie?" I said kinda pressing him back into the sofa.

He took another big drink, as I laid my head back on his belly. His cock was now pointing straight up toward his face, and I was right in the line of fire. More than half of his cock was exposed, and my hand was around it, well, almost around it. My fingers didn't reach all the way around.

Ryan began to relax a bit, and I stayed right with him. I didn't even need to hear the moaning on the tv, to know what was happening. I could tell by his cock's reaction. It would get even harder, and a drip would appear. I would snake my tongue out, and lick it off.

Now though, I wasn't trying to hide it. I let my tongue slide from the top of his cock head, across the slit, and over the ridge on the other side. Each time Ryan's stomach muscles tightened and he would let out a grunt, like 'ungh'. I would then stroke my hand up to the head, hoping to draw out more juice.

These movies never show anything but tits, and a little fur. No dick, not even soft. But Ryan seemed to like it. I could tell because his cock head looked inflamed. I had gone this far, so I started to slowly slide my hand up and down his cock. When he didn't stop me, I did it a little more. I pushed his waistband down as I stroked his cock. Soon I could see the whole thing. Hard and huge. There is no way he didn't know I was stroking it now. So I got brave and picked up the speed a bit.

Some slut was on her hands and knees taking some guy from behind her. I felt Ryan's stomach muscles tighten again, and put his cock in my mouth to get the drop. Only it wasn't a drop. He grunted and fired a load right into my mouth. It took me by surprise, but I managed to swallow, and take more of his cock into my mouth. I had the whole head and a couple of inches when it fired a second shot into my throat. I swallowed again, and I felt my stomach heave a bit, but I kept my mouth on him and swallowed a third time.

Every time his cock fired, Ryan made that grunt sound "Ungh". I didn't let his cock go. My fingers gripped it, I held it in my mouth, my head laying on his belly, rising and falling with his breath.

But it seemed right somehow. Comfortable. Like home. Just a boy and his dad sharing a moment of bliss. How could this be wrong? But I knew it was, and so did Ryan.

After a few minutes of me treating his cock like a baby's pacifier, Ryan started to get up. I let go of his cock, reluctantly. He stood, with his waistband under his balls. I hadn't the chance to examine his balls, and from this angle, they looked huge too. He pulled at the elastic waistband, and let his cock fall inside his pants.

"Uh 3; Sport 3; It's time for bed."

"It's not that late. Can I stay 3;"

"Bed. Now. We'll talk in the morning," Ryan said sternly.

He has never used that tone with me, of course he usually has no reason to. I stood with my shorts tented in front of me. I saw him look at it, but he didn't say anything. So I went to my room.

I stripped off my shorts, got into bed, and beat my meat. I beat it twice more before I could finally go to sleep.

In the morning I stumbled into the kitchen to find Ryan sitting at the breakfast table with his morning coffee. He didn't look like he had gotten much sleep. He got up and poured me a bowl of cereal.

Usually we chat while I eat my cereal and he has coffee. Today he just took his coffee into the living room and left me sitting by myself.

I saw the pizza box on the counter, still with only two slices gone. A reminder of what happened last night. I finished my cereal, put the bowl in the sink, and ran some water in it. I went to the living room, and found Ryan.

As soon as I sat down, he stood and went back to the kitchen. He must be really mad at me, I thought. I heard him return and looked up. He was still wearing the sleep pants, and I could see his cock sway back and forth underneath, as he walked. I was wearing the same shorts too, and my dick jumped a bit at the sight.

I've got to get a hold of myself. This is what got me in trouble in the first place.

"Ryan, please don't be mad at me. I 3;"

"I'm not mad at you, Sport. I'm mad at myself."

"What? Why?"

"Look, boys your age will experiment. I understand that. Hell I jerked off with my best friend lots of times."

"You did?"

"Yes. It's only natural. Boys bodies are changing and they want to know about sex and things. Changing clothes after gym, seeing the other boys. Comparing dicks. It's all part of growing up."

"Then why are you mad at yourself about it?"

"Because I'm not a thirteen year old boy. I'm an adult. I shouldn't have let it go that far. You're supposed to do those things with a friend, during a sleepover or camp out. Not with your stepfather."

"Well, it was kinda like a sleepover. We were alone with pizza and scary movies. I don't think Jimmy even jerks off yet."

"Then some other friend."

"You're my friend too, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. But still 3;"

"Wouldn't you'd rather I learn from you, than 3; I don't know, some stranger behind some bushes, or something?"

"Well, I guess, but I 3;"

I leaned over and hugged him. "Ryan, I don't trust anyone else. Just last week a kid got a boner in the shower. They crucified him. He missed two days of school, and when he came back, they were merciless. You wouldn't believe the things they called him. He hasn't been back since then," I moved my hand down to his crotch.

"I 3; uh 3; I'm sorry 3; Still, what about Jimmy?" he asked, running his fingers through my hair as my head lay resting on his chest.

"I don't trust Jimmy with the combination to my bicycle lock. I certainly wouldn't trust him with a big secret," I answered, as I slipped my hand under the waistband of his sleep pants, and found my prize.

"Sport 3; I 3; Oh 3; You really shouldn't 3;"

His cock responded to my touch quickly. I pulled it free of its confinement.

"May I? Please Ryan?" I didn't wait for an answer. I took his cock into my mouth again. I could only handle a few inches, but I bobbed my head up and down on what I could take.

When I knew he wouldn't stop me, I slid off the sofa and between his legs. I looked up into his eyes as I returned to sucking his cock.

"Oh 3; Jesus 3; Sport 3; You do that so well," he moaned, looking down at me.

I took my mouth away, "Do I Ryan? Am I as good as Mom?"

"Shit 3; Don't stop. Your mom doesn't do that. She says it's dirty."

"I'll be dirty for you Ryan," I said. I meant it too. I took him deep into my mouth again. I couldn't believe Mom would not want to do this for him. She doesn't know what she's missing.

"Oh 3; I'm gonna cum, Sport."

It didn't slow me down even a little. I sucked harder and faster. I wanted his cum in me. I felt his cock throb, and that thick vein pumping his cum up and into my throat.

Just then the phone rang. Ryan shuffled a few feet before leaving his pants behind and answering the phone.

"Hi Dear. Glad you made it alright. How's your sister?"

I crawled over to sit on the floor beside him. His big cock hung down in front of my face, begging for more attention. I gobbled it up, tasting the last drops of his cum as it drained for him.

"Yes Dear, he's behaving splendidly. No he can't talk right now, he's doing some chores for me."

The thought of talking to his wife as his stepson sucked his cock must have excited him. His cock grew hard in my mouth, to the point where I had to back off, or choke to death.

He put his hand on the back of my head and held it in place as he moved his hips back and forth. "Yes, he's is a very good boy. I have no doubt he will do whatever I ask of him."

I let him talk, and fuck my face. He was soon pushing more cock down my throat. I still couldn't take all of it, but he fed me all I could.

"I gotta run, Dear. Our son needs something. Ok. Love you too. Bye."

"Oh God 3; You're making me cum again," Ryan cried out and pushed more cock down my throat. I felt his cock throb again, but I didn't get to taste it, as he sent it straight to my stomach.

"Sport, you have to stop doing that. I was talking to you mother, for Christ's sake."

"So I shouldn't suck your dick, while you talk to the woman who won't suck your dick?"

Ryan laughed "I know it's absurd, but you know what I mean. You shouldn't be sucking my dick at all."

"Did you like it?"

"Yes, but that's beside the point. It's just not right for me to let you do that. You're a kid, I'm an adult. Not to mention it's highly illegal. I could go to prison for the rest of my life."

"I promise I won't tell. I can keep a secret."

"Yeah sure. Like what?"

"I can't tell you, then it wouldn't be a secret."

"Prove to me that you can keep a secret, and I'll let you do it again," he parried.

"Mom's going to be in Maine all week, make it all week long and you have a deal."

"It would have to be a pretty big secret for that," he laughed.

"Deal or no deal?"

"Okay, but it better be good, Sport."

"Remember when you got your new car two years ago?"

"Yes. How could I forget that."

"You wrecked it the next day."

"Yes, I couldn't believe some dumbass hit me while I was in the meeting."

"It wasn't you or some dumbass."

"Of course it was."

"Nope. I was there when it happened. If you promise not to get mad I'll tell you about it."

"Okay 3; shoot."

"That morning mom had an appointment at the hairdresser. You were parked behind her. You let her take the car if she could get back in time for your meeting."

"Yes I remember."

"Mom left the beauty salon but she forgot her phone. She pulled up in front to run in and get it. She was parked in a red zone reserved for fire trucks if the building catches fire. An old lady was parked in the handicap space across from it. She didn't expect anyone to be behind her and backed into the car."

"But I went to the meeting after that."

"Yes. You left the house and got in on the driver's side, which is closest to the front door. You didn't see the other side of the car, until you left the meeting. You walked across the parking lot from the passenger's side. That's when you saw the damage, and assumed someone hit it while you were in the meeting.

"You were so angry that some dumbass hit your new car, Mom was afraid to tell you it was her fault. She had worried all day how to tell you. Then she saw the chance to not get blamed."

I saw Ryan running through that day's events in his head. Then he said "Son of a bitch. You're right. You've kept that secret for two years? Why tell me now?"

"It's water under the bridge now. You're not angry about it anymore since the insurance paid it off."

"That's true."

"So 3;?"

"Okay, you proved you can keep a secret. But it's still not right."

"Ryan, you said what people do in their bedrooms is nobody's business."

"I was talking about something else. And someone else."

I gave him a dirty look. "Trying to protect my innocence. Really? I already sucked it what difference does it make now?"

"Okay, okay. You win. But only till your mom gets back."

"Yay!" I said as I reached for his cock again.

"It's going to take me awhile to go again. I'm not thirteen."

"I know. I just like playing with it too. It's beautiful."

"Shit. Now I'm a sextoy for a teenage boy."

I really like looking at Ryan's cock. Even when it's soft, I could feel the power of it, the heft of it. It more than fills my hand, and his balls are huge too, like goose eggs.

"Why doesn't Mom like to suck it? It's beautiful."

"Your mom is a wonderful woman, she's just a little hung up in the bedroom. There's lots of things she won't do. I think it's your grandmother's fault."

"What else won't she do?"

"Anything really. Oral, giving or receiving, anal, role play, watching porn, different positions. It's missionary or nothing. I think it may have been part of the reason your parents divorced."

Man, I hope Ryan and mom don't get a divorce. I like Ryan a lot. "I'll do those things for you. I don't know what some of them are, but I'll do it. I'll be as dirty as you want."

Ryan hugged me, kissed the top of my head and said "You're a good boy, Sport. I don't think you want to do some of those things."

"What's role playing?"

"Pretending to be someone else, you know, like dressing up in a cheerleader's uniform or like a naughty nurse."

"What different positions do you like?"

"I love doggystyle or cowgirl or reverse cowgirl or 3; Shit, all this talk is getting me excited," he said.

He was right too. I could feel his cock start to thicken and get longer. "Would you like to watch some porn?"

"Actually, we have things to do. We can continue this 3; uh 3; conversation later," he said getting up and slipping into his sleep pants.

Damn, just when I thought I was going to get some more of his cum.

We spent the rest of the morning doing chores around the house. Ryan mowed the yard as I cleaned my room. Mostly picking up clothes and putting them in the laundry basket. I get sloppy sometimes.

I did some research on the internet. I looked up doggystyle and cowgirl. Then I looked up anal. Damn! No wonder Mom didn't want to do that. Man, I found out a lot about that though.

Later, I surprised Ryan by getting in the shower with him. "Jesus, Sport. What the hell?"

"This is my experimenting time right? I have to shower at school with a bunch of guys. I want to see what it's like not to worry about boners and stuff."

I watched Ryan, and he watched me too. I got hard really quick, and he wasn't far behind. I realized it was the first time Ryan had ever seen my dick.

"Do you think I'll get as big as you?" I asked, drawing his attention to my dick.

"Maybe. You still have a lot of growing time ahead of you," he answered, not taking his eyes off me.

I 'accidentally' dropped the soap, and bent to pick it up. Somehow it kept slipping out of my fingers, and I had to chase it around the shower to get it. I bumped into Ryan a couple of times backwards as I chased that soap.

I finally got hold of it and asked Ryan, "Will you wash my back?"

He didn't argue, he just took the soap and started rubbing it across my shoulders. I bent over again, and he had to reach to get to my upper back. I felt his hard cock slide up my back as he did it. It felt like it was halfway up my spine. I heard Ryan groan a little, and I can only imagine what it looked like from his point of view.

As he washed lower on my back, I bent over further. He went all the way down to my butt. He moaned as he soaped up my butt cheeks. Ryan seemed to take an extra long time soaping my butt. I didn't mind though, it felt really nice.

"Jesus. You're killing me here, Sport. Let's get out and dry off," Ryan said abruptly.

We dried off and I thought we might go to bed. Ryan started dressing and said "Want to take in a movie, Sport?"

We go to the movies a lot. Mom sometimes comes too, but usually it's just me and Ryan.

"I have some work to finish before Monday," Ryan said when we got home.

"Okay, I'll entertain myself for a while. Don't give it a second thought. Your only child playing by himself out on the streets. No really, I don't mind being alone with nothing to do," I said laying the guilt trip on heavy.

Ryan just frowned at me and went to his office.

I grabbed some money from my stash in my dresser drawer, hopped on my bike, and went to the grocery store about eight blocks away. When I returned, Ryan was still on his computer in his office. So I locked myself in my bathroom for a while.

I came out later in just my bathrobe. "Can we just have soup or something for dinner? I ate too much popcorn at the theater."

"Sure, Sport. I think there's a game on tonight. Turn on the tv, and I'll open a can of soup."

We watched the game and ate our soup. At halftime, Ryan went to his bedroom. I assumed he was getting into his sleep pants. While he was gone, I lay on my side on the sofa, with my head on the arm rest. My robe was pulled up enough in back that from where Ryan sits, my butt would be on display.

I was right, Ryan returned in his sleep pants. I watched the game, pretending not to notice Ryan looking over at my butt every once in awhile. I saw his sleep pants tent out in front, so I reached down and scratched my butt, raising the back of the robe a bit more in the process.

Ryan let out a moan, then got up and went to the kitchen. I heard ice dropping in a glass, then he returned with a drink in his hand. It was a brown liquid, but it wasn't Coke. Ryan doesn't drink often, so I know it was because of me.

When the game ended (our team lost), I sat up and got the remote and changed channels to 'Skinamax'. Then I lay back down, only with my head on Ryan's chest.

I heard the same grunts and moans as the night before, but my attention was on the lump in Ryan's pants. He chugged the last of his drink and set his glass down. I reached into his pants and grabbed his cock. Damn I can't believe how big it is. I pulled it out of the waistband, and just stared at it. Then I slowly stroke it a bit.

The next scene with moaning started and I glanced up to see some girl taking it in what I now know is doggy style. I stoked his cock again, and a drop appeared in the slit. I took a long, slow, lick at it, then put my lips around the head of Ryan's cock.

I used my tongue around the head a little, then I sat up and said "Let's go to bed."

"Sport 3;"

"You're mine til Mom gets back, remember."

I led the way into their bedroom and turned back the covers. I dropped my robe and crawled on my hands and knees to the middle of the bed. I heard Ryan groan a bit as my butt was up in the air.

I lay on my side facing away from Ryan, and soon felt the bed shift as he climbed in behind me. I reached back and took his hand to wrap around me.

"Hold me, please."

I scooted back and was happy to discover he had removed his sleep pants. His cock was hard as stone against my back. I even felt a little dampness at the end. I rubbed my back up and down it a couple of times, then I bent forward so that his cock was pressed against my butt crack.

"Oh Jesus," Ryan moaned.

I know in his head he was picturing the butt he saw in the shower, that he had stared at most of the evening, and that had just crawled into his bed. Now it was pressed up against his cock.

I held his hand tight to my chest, and after a moment, I could feel him moving his hips slightly.

"There is olive oil in the nightstand," I whispered.


"Olive oil, in the drawer. You should use it."

Ryan found the oil and applied it to his cock. Then he started sliding in my butt crack real easily. He seemed contented humping me, and getting my butt all greasy.

"More oil. Some rubbed off," I whispered.

He didn't hesitate and applied more oil, anxious to get back to sliding in my butt crack. Only I reached back and guided it to my pucker.

He stopped dead in his tracks. I pressed back a bit.

"Uh 3; Sport 3; we 3;"

"I said I would do all the things that Mom won't."

"But, this is 3;"

I pressed back hard, and he popped into me. It hurt like hell. I had used different size candles to get ready for this. I should have used a shampoo bottle too.

"Oh Jesus!" Ryan said drowning out my own painful grunt. Pressing back more, I felt him sliding into me.

"Christ almighty, you're tight," he moaned.

I rocked back and forth a bit, and he got the message. He pulled my back to his chest and began sawing his hips, working more and more into me until I thought I would burst. It took a few minutes, but I was soon liking it, a lot. I didn't think I would, but once the pain was gone, I really liked it.

Ryan wrapped both his arms around me, and kissed my neck, as he pushed in and out of me. "Oh Jesus. You feel so good. Do you like it baby?"

"Yes Daddy. I love it. Keep fucking me Daddy," I answered.

"That's the first time you ever called my Daddy," Ryan said and kissed my neck again.

"It's the first time you ever called me baby."

He fucked me slowly, driving me crazy while doing it. I had never felt so loved as I did right then. In his arms, kisses on my neck, cock plunging in and out of me.

Then he did something I totally didn't expect. He reached down and grabbed my dick. I almost shot my load right then.

"You have a nice dick, Baby," Ryan whispered in my ear.

"Mmm so do you," I said pushing back on it.

"You like it, Baby? Is that what you wanted? Daddy's big cock in you?"

"Yes. I want to do all those things for you that Mom won't do."

"Mmm, Baby wants to be Daddy's little slut?"

"Yes please. Anything you want to do to me. I'm yours."

Ryan stroked my dick in time with his thrusts. Soon we both shot our wads. Mine on the sheets and Ryan's hand, His in my very receptive ass.

I woke up during the night, when Ryan's cock rehardened. It was still inside me and I felt it get hard. He didn't wake up, but he pulled me close, kissed me, and pumped his cock in and out off me for a few minutes. He did it in his sleep. How cool is that?

I woke up on Sunday, and Ryan was still asleep. His hard cock was behind me, but not in me. It must have dropped out some time during the night. I reached for it, trying to replace it in my ass, when Ryan woke up.

"I'm sorry, Sport. I shouldn't have had that drink last night. It's my fault."

"What are you sorry about?"

"You know 3; . I 3; Well, I did things I shouldn't have done. I understand if you hate me now."

"I don't hate you. I love you. You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do," I said as I stroked his cock.

"You wanted me to do that?" he asked in shock.

"Yes, I even prepared for it. I wanted to do something for you that Mom won't do."

"She definitely won't do that. No woman has ever done that for me."


"They take one look at the size of it, and run screaming in the other direction," he laughed. "I've always wanted to do it though. I guess that's why I like doggy style too. I can pretend I'm in their butts. But your mom won't do that either."

"I will. I told you last night, I'll do anything you want."

"Really, Sport? I thought I dreamed that part. Well, all of it was like a dream, really."

I reached for the olive oil, and got on my hands and knees. Ryan ran his hand over my ass lovingly.

"You have a fantastic butt, Baby."

"It's yours anytime you want it, Daddy."

Ryan lubed his cock and got behind me. The fat knob popped in with some effort, and he slid in slowly. I groaned a bit, but pushed back into him. Soon he was stroking in and out and I was loving it. He grabbed my hips and picked up the pace. I felt him going even deeper than last night, and realized he hadn't given me it all.

"Oh 3; fuck me hard, Daddy," I moaned.

He took me at my word, and really started to plow me, going deeper with each stroke. Finally I felt his pubic hair on my butt cheeks, and his balls hitting mine. I had taken his whole cock.

"Oh, Baby. You got it all. You took all my cock like a good boy."

I could feel his cock way up in my belly. "You're making me cum, Daddy. Don't stop."

I shot my wad, just as Ryan reached under and grabbed my dick.

"Cum for Daddy. That's a good little slut boy. Cum on Daddy's cock."

It was the best orgasm of my life. I must have shot a quart of juice on the bed, and Ryan kept fucking me.

"I love your ass, Baby. I want to fuck it all the time."

"Do you? Really? Oh God 3; Fuck me harder I'm gonna cum again."

His words did as much for me as his cock. I juiced again just as I felt him throbbing inside me.

"Baby, Daddy's cumming in you."

The rest of the day we did the stuff we usually do, except it all seemed more fun than usual. At night we showered together, soaping each other and teasing each other. I was amazed that I was able to get that huge cock in me.

After our shower we watched tv. We didn't bother with sleep pants. He knew I would just take them off of him anyway. What was surprising was that as I started to suck his cock, he stopped me and made me lay down on the sofa. Then Ryan sucked my dick. Man did I like that.

After he sucked me, Ryan went to the kitchen. I was laying there trying to catch my breath, suddenly, Ryan was between my legs with my ankles on his shoulders. He pushed his lubed cock into me and fucked me face to face, right there on the sofa. He looked at my face the whole time. Then, when I shot a load on my belly, he leaned down and kissed me as he shoved in deeply and filled me with his cum.

"I didn't expect that," I said as we lay in each other's arms.


"I didn't think you would suck me. Have you done that before?"

"Once, when I was about your age. My friend I told you about. We traded, and a few times after that, he did me, but I didn't do him. You're just so beautiful, I couldn't help wanting to do that for you. You've done so much for me in just a few days, more than your mom has done since we met,"

"I told you I would do all the things she won't do. I want you to be happy. I don't want to lose another dad."

"Is that why you do it? Just so I don't leave?" he questioned.

"You did say you thought that might be one of the reasons he left. But mostly, I just want to make you happy. I love you."

Even I couldn't believe I said that. I think I was only then coming to grips with it. I mean I loved him as a dad, a friend, but now I knew I was in love with him. As in romantic love, not love like a brother or friend.

When we went to bed, I did the cowgirl thing. It was different. I had to do all the work at first. I could feel his big cock rearranging my insides. That didn't stop me from bouncing on him though.

Ryan watched me working my butt on his cock, and took hold of my dick. He didn't seem to mind handling it either. That made me cum really quick, and I collapsed onto him. Ryan grabbed my butt cheeks and started thrusting up into me. I was laying on his chest, and his feet were flat on the bed, as he plowed up into my stretched hole. I felt his cum shoot way up in me, and he groaned and fell back onto the bed.

I woke up the next morning lying on my stomach. Ryan was slowly running his hand over my butt.

"Do you like my butt?"

"It's the most beautiful butt I've ever seen. And now that I know how wonderful it feels on the inside, I can't resist it."

"You don't have to resist it. It's yours anytime you want it," I said, pushing him down and mounting him in the reverse cowgirl position. That way, he could stare at my butt as it accepts his great cock.

"Oh Jesus, Sport. You have no idea how much I love this."

"Probably as much as I like having your cock in me, Daddy."

"Sweet baby," he said. He raised up and put one arm around my chest, and his other hand went to my dick. He moved in and out of me slowly. Almost torturing me with the slow pace and exquisite feelings.

"Cum for Daddy," Ryan said. That was all it took for me to explode in his hand, and him to plant his seed inside me.

The rest of the week I slept with Ryan. Some mornings it was hard to get up to go to school because I had spent most of the night doing the things that mom wouldn't do.

I don't know why she won't, but I'm glad she won't. Ryan is too. He seems to love fucking me. He's crazy about my blow jobs now also. I can take a little more than half his cock in my mouth. If I lay on the bed with my head hanging off, he can actually fuck my throat, that is if I remember to breath at the right time.

We found a lot of things to do in bed, but my favorite is when he fucks me face to face. Ryan still likes reverse cowgirl best I think. He likes to see his cock going in and out of my butt.

Mom called on Friday to say she would be home late Sunday. That gave Ryan and I all day Saturday and most of Sunday to fuck ourselves silly. We did.

I was sad and happy to see Mom again. My butt was really sore by the time she got home, my jaws too. I didn't mind though. I was so bloated with Ryan's cum, I was sure my shit would be white for a month.

I overheard mom and Ryan talking as she unpacked her bag.

"I'll take care of you tonight. I'm sure you're tired of jerking off," she laughed.

"No. I promise I didn't jerk off even once while you were gone," he said honestly. I made sure he didn't have to.

"Oh really? I find that hard to believe," she said giving him a kiss.

"I swear it's true. In fact, if you are too tired from your trip, we can wait until tomorrow."

Mom did go to bed early, and Ryan was in my room for one last blow job.

On Wednesday, Ryan asked mom if she wanted to go fishing up at his family's lake house on the weekend. She begged off, but said for us to go without her.

We didn't catch many fish that weekend. In fact I don't think we even put a line in the water. But we had a really good time though. It quickly became a regular thing for Ryan and I. Weekend trips to the lake. Some times we did do some fishing. But most of the time it was his worm getting eaten.

Three months after Mom's trip to see her sister, she announced she was pregnant. Ryan was ecstatic. I pretended to be. I mean I was kinda. I was really happy for them. And I always wanted a brother or sister. But now I 3; I just don't know.

That weekend at the lake, Ryan and I were in bed. My head on his belly, his cock in my mouth. "Are you going to tell me what's bothering you, Sport?" Ryan asked.

I took his cock from my mouth "Nothing," I lied, and lay down beside him. I turned away so he couldn't see my face.

"You've been very quiet, there's obviously something troubling you," Ryan pushed.

I started crying. I couldn't help it, it just hit me quickly.

"What is it, baby boy?"

"You probably don't want me around anymore," I blubbered.

"What? Of course I want you. Why would you say that?" Ryan asked, turning me to face him.

"Well, mom has a pussy to keep you happy, and with the baby coming, your own baby, you probably don't need me anymore."

"Ahh. I see. It's the baby," he said as it dawned on him.

"Your own baby. I'm somebody else's."

"Until recently, have I ever treated you like you weren't my child?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you think I don't have room in my heart for two children?"

Again, I shook my head.

"I admit that recently our relationship has morphed into something new entirely. But I promise that I still want you as my son. As far as your mom's pussy is concerned, nothing has changed. She is still not willing to do the things you do for me. Even if she changes her mind about that, I have come to love what we share together, and I'm not willing to give it up. That is, unless you want to. I dare say, even if I never have sex with her again, I would be just as happy with you. Maybe more so."

That was the right thing to say. I fucked him senseless the rest of the weekend.

It turns out that what Ryan said about not having sex with her again was somewhat prophetic. In the seventh month of her pregnancy, Mom cut Ryan off. She said she was too uncomfortable to do it anymore. We didn't mind too much. We did whatever we could, whenever we could. I was her stand in until the baby came.

When Becky was born, I thought I would be losing Ryan to Mom again. But that didn't happen. Ryan told me she made excuses about being too tired from taking care of Becky all day, and didn't want to. So I took up the slack. I was beginning to think this may be a repeat of what happened with my dad and her. I was born, and she cut him off. He eventually gave up and left.

Well, I was here now. I would see to it that Ryan didn't lose interest and leave like my dad did.

One night when Becky was less than a year old, Ryan came into my room after mom had gone to bed. This had become his routine. He would wait for mom to go to bed, then come to me. Usually he would go to bed with her later, after making love to me. This night he fell asleep, and didn't go back to his own room.

I awoke when I thought I heard my door close. I looked over and saw Ryan still asleep beside me.

"Shit. Ryan, get up. It's morning," I said, jabbing my elbow into his ribcage.

He stumbled out of my bed, and pulled on his sleep pants, that he had dropped by my bedside. He kissed me and left.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen. They were sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee, not talking. I hadn't been seen yet so I ducked behind the wall and watched. Mom had obviously been awake long enough to make coffee, so I guessed she may have been to my room. She could have seen us.

After a couple of minutes more of silence, mom said "You didn't come to bed last night."

"Why should I? It's not like anything is going to happen there," Ryan said.

"Where did you sleep?" she asked coldly.

"You already know, so why ask?" Ryan answered without even looking at her.

"Your pants were on the floor," she said accusingly.

"You know I always sleep naked."

"Was he naked too?" she growled at him through clenched teeth.

Ryan just turned and glared at her.

"How could you?" she accused again.

"How could I what? Expect sex from someone who supposedly loves me? Sleep with someone else? Have sex with someone who I know loves me? What exactly are you asking me?"

Shit! He just practically told her we were having sex. I had been so concerned that Ryan would leave, like my dad did when she refused him sex, I never thought about losing him if she left and took me with her.

Mom's mouth hung open in shock. Finally she said "So I guess you only married me for sex. My mother was right about men. They only have one thing on their minds."

"Your mother wasn't right about shit. I didn't marry you for sex. You were never that good at it," Ryan barked at her.

Holy shit! That didn't help any.

"And I suppose a fourteen year old boy is," she said sarcastically.

"You're damn right he is. Because he likes sex. You don't, so you suck at it. Oh wait. I forgot. You don't suck, do you?"

Mom was shocked silent again for a moment. Then "Oh my god. Do you make him suck your dick?"

"Did I ever force you to do anything you didn't want to do? What makes you think I would force him to do anything?"

The shock returned to her face, mixed with confusion. "Oh my God. Do you think our little boy is gay?"

"Well, he's not so little anymore. And if I had to guess, I would bet he is gay," he said, much calmer now.

"And you've been taking care of him?" Mom asked sympathetically.

Now it was Ryan's turn to be confused.

"Uh 3; yeah I guess so," he answered.

"You dear, sweet man. Thank you," she said as she kissed him.

"For what?" he asked. Now I was as confused as Ryan.

"Well, it couldn't be easy on you to do those things for him. I mean some of those gay things are so disgusting. Yet you sacrifice for our son. You wonderful sweet man," and she kissed him again.

I think it was just then that Ryan discovered mom was totally delusional. I could see it in his eyes as he began to lay it on thick.

"Well, it's my job to take care of my family. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made. It's no different than putting food on the table, you do what you gotta do, to feed your kids."

"I guess. But, do you 3; you know 3; in the butt?" Mom asked, her face all pinched up like she tasted something bad.

"It's no worse than you having to change Becky's diaper."

Mom cried a bit at that. "I didn't think you even noticed the sacrifices I have made. Those diapers are horrible. I guess if you can do 3; that 3; I can change the diapers without complaint. Let's make a pact. You take care of our son, and I'll take care of Becky's nasty diapers."

"What exactly am I agreeing to?" Ryan asked suspiciously.

"I know, you're getting the short end of the deal. I only have to change a few diapers, and you have to spend hours doing god knows what 3; yuck 3; But I promise to cook all your favorite meals and make sure Becky doesn't bother you when you are working or doing 3; well, whatever you have to for him," her face was still pinched up at the thought of what we were doing.

Ryan mulled it over for a minute. "I just don't know about this deal. I mean, he's at that age where he's just a walking bunch of hormones. That's a lot to keep up with. Last night 3; well, I didn't even get to bed, so you know how that must have been."

"Please dear. You can't abandon him now. He needs you. Spend as much time with him as you have to. I won't complain anymore. I promise. We don't want him doing those horrible things with just anybody."

"Okay I guess. Anything for you, my love," Ryan replied.

"Now, go wake him up, and I will make your favorite breakfast."

"Eggs Benedict?"

Mom nodded.

As Ryan passed me in the hall, he grabbed onto my shirt, and pulled me back to my bedroom.

"Did you hear all of that?" he asked me.

"Yeah. Is she nuts? Did she just give you permission to fuck me?"

"That's the way I understood it."

Thirty minutes later, Mom opened my bedroom door as Ryan plowed my ass. "Breakfast is almost ready," she said to the floor, so she didn't have to see what was going on.

At the table, she put a plate in front of me and kinda smoothed my hair. Then she put a plate in front of Ryan and gave him a kiss.

Now you see why I'm confused? I don't know how this is going to play out, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Ryan and I will just take each day as it comes and learn to live with it.

The End

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