#1 The Adventures of Collin
Collin is at a loss when he catches an uncle having sex with his nephew
Collin (14yo), David (12yo), Steven (10yo) & Robby (10yo)
Tb Mb bb – cons oral anal
– spank
Part 1
Collin lived in a large trailer park. The park was an inexpensive place to live and his family had moved there after his father had lost his job. Collin wasn't happy about living in the park because there weren't any kids his age that lived there. He was 14 and the oldest boy in the park besides him was his brother David who had just turned 12. That didn't stop him from making friends though. He met a couple of younger boys that lived near bye. Steven and Robby were both 10 and hung out together constantly. Steven looked a lot like Collin's younger brother David, he had short cropped dark brown hair and pale skin. Steven also had the same slender build that David had, the only real difference between the two boys was that Steven had brown eyes, while David had green and that David's face was rounder than Steven's. Collin also looked like his brother David, but he had lighter hair than David, it was a light brown with reddish high lights. Robby was the only blonde hared boy of the three and without doubt the cutest. Robby was also slender, but his body seemed almost perfect in dimensions. His arms, chest, tummy, all were tight and smooth. He could've been a model for one of those clothing stores, especially with his striking blue eyes and bright heart shaped ruby lips, but his uncle, who took care of him, had other ideas.
Any ways, David actually met the tow boys first, while he was exploring the woods, the three boys played together for most of the day and it wasn't until Collin went to look for his brother, that David introduced them to him. Collin wasn't that enthusiastic to have as his only friends two ten year olds, but being summer he had to make do.
For the most part the four boys rode their bikes around the park. They made ramps so they could jump them and see how far they could go and also tried to learn tricks like they saw in the BMX magazines. After a few weeks Collin accepted the two boys and the four hung out together all the time.
Steven's parents were a bit wary of Collin playing with their son, him being four years older, but understanding that their wasn't anyone for Collin to hang out with, they soon adjusted and made no fuss.
Robby's uncle, Mat, had no qualms what so ever about the teenager playing with the boy. In fact he encouraged it and often had his nephew invite the boy over for drinks of lemonade. Mat was a friendly guy and he had all the newest video games in his house. He had an Intellivision, a Coleco-vision, and an Atari 2600, all set up to a large color television. The boy's would play games for hours at a time, Mat watching them closely, enjoying just being near the boys. None of the boys thought this was strange, in fact they all thought Mat was cool, they couldn't wait to hang out with them. The only time he acted strange was when he kicked Collin and David out, leaving himself alone with his nephew and Steven. When this happened Collin and David would ride home sulking, not really knowing what was wrong.
Collin figured it out about a month into his visits to Robby's house. He was playing a game of Asteroids when he noticed Mat rubbing his crotch in the reflection of the television. Mat had a visible erection outlined in his shorts. Collin couldn't understand what Mat was getting off on at first, thinking that it must be something men do when they're in their thirties, but then he noticed that Mat was looking at his nephew who was laying on the rug, stretched out on his stomach. In fact Mat was looking at the boy's butt. Robby and Steven often times would take their clothes off when the trailer got hot and just wear their underwear while they were in the house, on this day, that's what they were doing too, though Steven also had his shorts on.
Collin couldn't believe it at first and the distraction made him lose his turn on the game. David took over his controller and Collin sat back on one of the chairs watching the game, his eyes darting over to Mat to see what was going on. When Collin lost, Mat had stopped rubbing his crotch, but Collin was sure that he had seen little Steven look over at the man and give him a mischievous grin. Did the two younger boys know that this man got off on them. Collin wondered if Mat got off on him, if he had looked at his butt while he was lying on the floor playing the game. After observing Mat for a few more minutes he realized that the man was engaged in looking at David's legs. Mat was actually looking at Collin's little brother's legs! It was a few minutes after Collin realized this that Mat stood up and told the Collin and David that he had to make lunch for the younger boys and ushered them out of the house.
Collin and David left the trailer and got on their bikes and rode towards home, but after they had gotten out of sight, Collin motioned for his brother to stop and pull over to the side of the road.
"I'm going back," Collin said in a quiet voice to his brother. "I want to see what's going on."
"What do you mean?" David asked, not understanding.
Collin realized that his little brother, who had only recently begun to masturbate, had no real understanding of what sex was, that David couldn't realize that Mat was probably doing things with his nephew and his nephew's best friend.
"You don't have to come," Collin said. "You can go back home."
Collin really didn't want to expose his brother to anything really weird and he hoped David would just go back home while he went back to check out what was going on in the trailer.
"No," David said. "I'll go."
Collin nodded and started to drag his bike into the underbrush, hiding it behind a bush. David set his bike next to Collin's and the two headed back to the trailer.
The trailer had a large wooden fence around the backyard, but was completely accessible from the front. Collin looked to see if anyone was watching then motioned for David to follow him. Mat snuck to the living room window, got to an angle where he could see around the curtains that blocked most of the view and looked inside. What he saw was the back of Mat's head as he sat on the couch. He could hear Mat breathing heavily.
"That's good," Mat said. "Keep doing that."
Collin wondered what was happening and knew he wouldn't find out unless he could get a higher vantage point. Collin motioned with his hands for David to be quiet and to go get him something to stand on. David scrambled off and Collin looked back inside the window, listening to Mat talk.
"Man," Mat said. "That's really good. Keep it up!"
"Do you like that better?" Collin heard Steven ask.
"Yeah," Mat said. "That's really nice. Keep doing that."
Collin knew in his heart what was happening, but until he could see with his own to eyes, he wasn't going to believe it. David came back with an empty milk crate about that time. Collin was impressed with his brother's speed in finding the crate and gave him a thumbs-up and David smiled, proud of his accomplishment. Collin positioned the milk crate under the window and then stood on top of it. He looked inside and what he saw nearly made him fall.
Kneeling in front of Mat was little Steven, whose mouth seemed to stretch around Mat's dick. Collin marveled at the size of Mat's penis which looked to be at least as thick as three of Collins fingers and obviously pretty long, since about five inches [12½ cm] were still outside of Steven's mouth. Collin was shocked when he saw the boy bobbing his head up and down the top part of the penis, eliciting groans from Mat.
"Oh that feels good!" Mat said, putting a hand on the back of Steven's head.
"What's happening?" David whispered. Collin put his finger to his lips, motioning for David to keep quiet and looked back inside the window.
Mat had both hands on the back of Steven's head, pushing his hips up to meet Steven's down strokes. Collin couldn't believe it, a blowjob! Collin felt his own dick start to swell in his pants and suddenly wished it was him that was on receiving end. He suddenly began to realize how cute the boys were, how someone might see them as sexy. It was after that thought that he felt a tug on his belt and he lost his balance and fell, crashing into the side of the trailer. It took a moment before he could regain his senses, his ankle had been twisted in the fall and he gripped it with one of his hands, the other he used to try to get up. David was kneeling under the window, trying to keep out of sight. Collin heard a nock on the window and saw Mat, an angry look on his face, motioning for him to 'get in there!' The curtains were pulled closed quickly.
"Help me up," Collin said.
"Sorry," David said, taking Collin's hand and helping him to his feet. "I didn't mean to make you fall, dude."
Collin grabbed his brother's arm as he stood up and pulled him to the door of the trailer. He knocked on it and heard Mat say, "come in."
When they opened the door, Collin saw Mat still sitting on the couch, his pants zipped up, but not buckled. Next to him he saw Robby sitting, curled up with his knees pulled to his chest. He looked even paler than he normally did.
"Get inside and close the door!" Mat hollered.
All the boy's in the room jumped when they heard the angry voice. Collin and David scrambled inside and closed the door behind them. They stood and waited to see what would happen.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Mat asked, still angry, but trying to sound calm.
"Nothing," David answered, almost in a whisper.
"Nothing?" Mat asked, beginning to calm down.
"It was my fault," Collin said, his voice wavering. "I wanted to see what was going on, you know, after we left."
"What do you mean, what was going on?" Mat asked, now getting nervous.
"I saw you," Collin started, then looked over at David and wondered if he should continue.
"Don't worry about him," Mat said. "Before you guys leave, he'll know everything there is to know about this stuff."
David, recognizing he had become the new center of attention, shifted on his feet nervously.
"I saw you masturbating," Collin blurted out. "While I was playing the game."
Mat's face went pale. There was a moment of silence and then he asked in a quiet voice, "And that made you come back and spy on me?"
Collin nodded. No one said anything. Steven had his hands covering his crotch, hiding what Collin could see was a small erection. Robby was sitting in the chair in the corner, his legs hanging over the chair, looking like he was going to start to cry.
"So what now?" Mat asked.
"What do you mean?" Collin asked.
"Are you guys going to squeal on me?"
"No," Collin said quickly. "I won't say anything."
Collin nudged his brother, who added, "Me neither."
"So what do you guys want to do?" Mat asked in a very even voice. "Do you want to watch?"
Collin was quiet for a minute, then answered, "Yeah. That would be cool."
"Okay," Mat said, a smile forming on the corner of his lips.
Mat noticed the sizable lump in Collin's pants and the absence of one in David's pants.
"Well," Mat said. "Lets start the show where we left off, strip boys."
Collin, not realizing Mat meant only for Robby and Steven to strip, began to take of his clothes. Mat didn't stop him and David started to do the same.
Robby and Steven only had to pull their underwear off to get naked and they did it with nervous hesitation. Soon the four boys were naked, with all but David sporting erections.
Collin looked at Robby and Steven's penises, which both were about as long as his index finger, maybe three inches [7½ cm] and a little thicker than his thumb, Steven's was uncircumcised and a bit thicker than his friend's, but tapered off at the end. Collin's own penis was circumcised and stood out prominently, being the second biggest in the room. It was about six inches [15 cm] long and about two fingers thick, around it stood a thin bush of curly hair, but the rest of his body was hairless. David had no pubic hair, his circumcised penis was still limp and hung over a large round set of balls, larger than you'd expect on a twelve year old. The stealer of the show, though, was Mat, who sported an erection that looked to be nearly nine inches [23 cm] long and very thick, three fingers at least, Collin thought. Mat also had hair all over his body, on his chest, his scrotum, and under his arms.
"Steven," Mat said, interrupting the Collin's examination of the others. "Why don't you suck on me some more?"
Steven moved hesitantly down to floor and knelt in front of the man. He took the penis in his hands and stroked it a few times, then Mat pulled Steven's mouth to his and Steven stretched his lips around the head and began to suck on it.
"Oh that feels good," Mat exclaimed.
Collin felt a little awkward standing in the middle of the room naked and he moved to where he could see Steven work on Mat, then sat down on the floor. Collin's ankle hurt as he knelt to sit and he winced, but the pain couldn't distract him from the sight of this handsome little boy with his mouth wrapped around a man's penis. He began to absently stroke his own penis.
"Why don't you show your brother how to jack off," Mat said. "Or maybe he'd like Robby to show him."
Collin looked over at David, whose penis was now semi-hard.
"I'm his brother," Collin said.
"So? I'm Robby's Uncle and he sucks my dick all the time," Mat said.
"I want Robby to do what Steven's doing to you," David said suddenly.
Mat laughed and said, "What do you say Robby, do you want to give your buddy a blow?"
Robby looked over at David and nodded. David walked shyly over to where Robby was sitting and stood in front of him.
"No, sit down David," Mat said. "Robby can get on the floor in front of you."
Collin couldn't believe what was happening. He sat and watched as Robby took his brother's dick (which looked to be a little under five inches [12½ cm] long) inside his mouth, causing David to gasp. When he turned back to Steven and Mat, he saw that most of Mat's dick was inside of the boy's mouth and that Steven's face was red and his eyes were watering.
"God that feels good!" Mat said.
"You're choking him," Collin said, a bit frightened.
"He's learning to deep throat," Mat said in a matter of fact voice, letting the boy pull his mouth off 'til all but the end was in his mouth, then driving it back in, even deeper than last time.
"You got a nice one there," Mat said looking at Collin's penis. "I think you could probably take Steven's butt."
Collin blanched and asked, "You fuck him?"
"Only Robby," Mat replied, then gasped. "Steven's butt is too small for me right now, got to stretch it out."
David's groans filled the room right then and everyone turned to see little Robby flicking his tongue along the underside of David's erection.
"Feel good," Mat asked.
"I think I'm going to pee," David said.
"No," Mat said. "Let him keep doing it, you won't pee."
Collin watched as David's hips started to lurch forward, the only sign of aggressiveness as his little friend worked on his penis.
"God!" David shouted.
Mat laughed and Robby looked up and smiled at David, obviously pleased with the response to his work, then got back to work.
"Woah," Mat said as he suddenly felt an orgasm build. "God Steven you're going to make me cum already!"
After a bit more of Robby's expert work, David made a whining sound and pushed his hips into the air, rubbing his penis across Robby's face and rosy cheeks. Robby grabbed the penis and jerked it. David groaned, continuing to thrust his hips, his eyes focused on his penis, trying to see the feeling coursing through his body, then cried out as it jerked and a dollop of clear fluid shot out, hitting Robby on the forehead. It continued to jerk and David panted as two smaller spurts of fluid came out and landed on Robby's lips and in his mouth. Mat stood up and pulled Steven's head from his lap.
"Man I wish I could've taped that," Mat said. "Let me have a taste Robby."
Mat leaned down and stuck his tongue out and licked the fluid off of Robby's forehead.
"Mmm," Mat said. "That is sweet."
Collin started to stroke his penis faster, feeling a tremendous amount of lust building inside him. He wanted one of the boys and he really didn't care which one at that time. He didn't even notice Mat grab his hand and pull it away from his penis.
"Calm down big guy," Mat said. "You'll waste it. Steven why don't you suck him a bit, get him ready for your butt?"
Steven looked a little pale at the mention of his ass, but went over and kneeled in front of the teenager. Steven's hands wrapped around the penis and he used his thumb to spread the fluid leaking from the slit around the helmet of Collin's cock.
"Suck it," Collin said. "Please?'
Steven giggled and leaned down and took the penis in his mouth, wrapping his lips around the head to form a vacuum, he sucked on the penis. Collin groaned.
"He's going good," Mat said. "I think he wants a taste of you."
It only took a few seconds of Steven's sucking to cause Collin to come. Collin wrapped his hands around the back of the boy's head and felt his seed slide past his dick into the boy's mouth. Steven never stopped sucking, and Collin could feel the boy swallow each shot of his cum as it filled his mouth. When he finished, he pulled the boy's mouth from his penis.
"Man that was good," he said. "Thanks Stevie."
"You liked it?" Steven asked. "Was I really good? You tasted good, not too salty. I liked it."
"I liked it too," Collin said.
"Get him hard again Stevie," Mat said.
Robby started to stroke Collin's penis, then looked up at the teenager and asked, "Would you suck me?"
Collin was taken aback at first, but realized he really wanted to suck the boy, so he nodded. Steven pulled him by the hand to the couch and had Collin lie down, then crawled on top of the teen and presented him with his stiff little penis. Collin wrapped his thumb and fingers around Steven's penis and pulled the skin over the end, then sucked the little helmet into his mouth. He expected it to taste bad, but it tasted clean, no piss, just a slight tangy taste that he couldn't place.
"David," Mat said. "Would you suck my dick? Please?"
David waited for a second, taking in the request, and then said, "Yes, but only if you don't do what you did to Robby. I don't want to deep throat you."
"Sure buddy," Mat said. "I'll tell you when I'm going to come too, so you don't have to swallow if you don't want to."
David nodded and followed Mat over to a chair, kneeling in front of the man as he sat down.
"Take it in your mouth," Mat said.
David leaned forward and put the end of the huge penis in his mouth. He was a bit older than the other two boys, so it didn't stretch his lips or fill his mouth up quite like it did them. David at first was taken aback by the taste, but realizing it was part of sucking cocks, he put it into the back of his mind and continued. David tried imitated what Steven had done to his own penis, but Mat's penis was very large and at times hard to suck and use his tongue on the penis, regardless Mat groaned as, what he considered the 'virgin cocksucker', went to work.
Collin liked sucking his little friend after awhile and soon felt two mouths working on his now flaccid penis. He couldn't see, but knew Robby and Steven were licking his penis, trying to get it hard again. Steven's penis was a mouthful and David decided he wanted it all in his mouth, so he wrapped his hands around the boy's butt and pulled his hips down so he could have all of the little erection inside of him. Steven didn't complain and was enjoying the lavish affair that was taking place around his penis. Soon Mat was groaning, the sucking he had received from Steven had pushed him close to the edge and now this cute dark hared preteen who was sucking him for the first time, something he couldn't get out of his head, was getting him ready to shoot.
"Oh God," Mat said. "Take it out now if you don't want to swallow."
David took the penis out of his mouth quickly, not really wanting to taste his 'stuff' yet. He watched intently as the man stroked his slick and shiny penis. Suddenly Mat groaned and his cum shot out of the end of his penis landing on the boy's chin. David lurched back and another spurt of semen landed on his chest, then another. Deciding he couldn't avoid it, he let the fluid land on him. Mat seeing this leaned forward so the remainder of his cum would land on his young partner. When he was finished, David's chest and stomach was coated with the sticky fluid. The man and boy watched as it flowed down towards the boy's penis.
"That was great," Mat said. "Now I'll clean you off."
With that Mat pushed the boy down so he was laying back on the rug and started to lick his semen off the boy. David thought it was gross, but liked the feeling of the man's tongue on his body, he could already feel the blood rush back into his dick. Meanwhile little Steven was on the verge of an orgasm.
"Suck it!" Steven said in high soprano voice. "I'm cumming."
Collin started to suck harder on the young boy's prick, as the boy groaned and ground his groin into Collin's face, he felt the penis jerk and throb in his mouth. It did this for a few seconds then stopped. Steven soon pulled his sensitive penis away from the teen's mouth.
"I think it's time for something new," Mat said. "You're going to get your first taste of boy pussy Collin."
Collin looked at the man, not really happy with his choice of words. The young boys laying on top of him obediently rolled off and knelt on the rug, waiting for instructions.
"Collin, you take Stevie," Mat ordered, then added. "I'll take Robby. David you can take whoever you want after we're done."
David nodded and the boys got in place. Collin sat up and Steven surprised him by crawling across his lap as if he was waiting for a spanking, only he had his legs spread. Mat sat Robby in a lounge chair and pushed the boy's legs back 'til his knees were at his chest.
"First you got to open them up," Mat said, taking a tube off the stand next to the chair and squeezing some out onto his hand. "You have to lube them up to do that."
Mat began to coat his nephew's anus with the lubricant, occasionally pushing the tip of his finger inside, causing the boy's ass cheeks to tighten.
"When you got enough on, coat your finger and push it inside them," Mat added as he slowly pushed his finger inside the boy's rectum, causing the boy to catch his breath. "If they don't have a lot of experience, it might take a bit to loosen them up."
Mat threw the tube over to Collin who pressed out some lube onto his fingers. He then coated Steven's anal ring with the slippery substance, 'til it was shiny. He looked over and saw that Mat had already gotten a second finger into Robby, whose only reaction was to wince occasionally when his uncle's fingers went a bit too deep. Collin pushed his finger between the cheeks of Steven's butt, 'til it touched the boy's sensitive ring, then started to push his finger inside. Steven gasped as he felt his anus stretch as the teen's finger entered him. It didn't hurt the boy, but it did feel uncomfortable and he tried to shift around to where it didn't feel so awkward. Collin pushed inside of the boy and then pulled back, continuing 'til all of his finger was sliding in and out of the Steven's tight ass. Steven squirmed a bit, but didn't fight the penetration of the finger. When Collin felt he was ready he pulled out and then pressed in with two fingers, quickly pushing past the still resistant ring of flesh. Steven cried out as a sharp pain shot around his anus.
"Don't go too fast," Mat said. "You have to take it slow."
Mat was now shoving three of his fingers in and out of his nephew, while David watched. Robby grunted now and again, but his stiff penis jumped at the finger's intrusion. Collin turned back to his own task and began to push the fingers in slowly, when he met some resistance he pulled back and then pushed in again. Steven winced now and then, occasionally he would say "ow", but for the most part accepted what was happening.
"I think he's ready," Collin said, more because he knew he was ready and he couldn't feel the boy stretch any further.
"Okay," Mat said. "Put some more lube in him, then coat you dick with it. After you're slick you can try to get inside of him. Take it slow, don't rush, let him open up for you."
Collin nodded and pulled the boy off his lap. Steven laid down on the couch and pulled his legs up in the air. Collin added some more lubricant to the boy's ring, then coated his dick.
"Ready?'" Collin asked.
"Yeah," answered Steven.
Collin pushed the head of his cock against the tight ring of Steven's anus, but it didn't seem to want to let him in. He tried repeatedly as it slipped away. Steven gasped at each try, feeling the sharp jabbing pain as his anus stretched with each attempt. Soon Collin was frustrated with his failure and he held onto the boy's hip with one hand and grabbed his penis and pushed. Slowly it entered the young boy.
Steven cried out, Ow! Ow! Ow! but Collin didn't relent and soon the head of his penis was lodged inside of the tight hole.
"A little rough," Mat said. "You inside?"
Collin nodded, not believing the incredible tightness of the warm hole.
"Okay, then push it in really slow," Mat said. "Really slow."
Mat was preparing to put his own penis into his nephew's butt. He watched as Collin pushed inside, saw the grimace on Steven's face and thought about telling him to go easy but didn't. Mat pushed the head of his own prick inside of Robby's ass, causing the boy to also cry out.
"God," Mat said. "You're still so tight."
Mat had only been sodomizing the boy for a few weeks, though he had been having sex with the boy since his parent's left him there. Robby had lived with his uncle for about two years now and up until this present addition to their play, was a happy participant. Anal sex wasn't Steven's thing, though. Even after his uncle prepared him for a year in advance, that first ass fuck was excruciatingly painful and it had only gotten better towards the end. Even now Steven didn't enjoy it, but at least it didn't hurt horribly bad, so he was willing to let his uncle have a go at him.
Collin had half his dick inside his young partner by the time Mat was beginning to stroke in and out of Steven's butt. Collin began to thrust a little deeper each time he went in, eliciting grunts and the occasional Ow from Steven, each time he thrust inside. After what seemed like a half-hour to both boy's, Collin was finally fully inside of Steven's ass. Collin could hear the slapping as Mat went to work on his nephew's butt and this urged him to start his own long strokes into Steven's butt. Steven didn't like it, but he wasn't one to complain. It hurt bad and he would've liked for the teen to stop or cum, but he knew it was part of sex and that he'd have to do it eventually with Mat, so he was willing to let Collin have a few goes at him, if it opened him up for the older man.
Mat was way to turned on by the things taking place around him, each sound one of the boy's made sent tingles through his penis, it was only a short while before he was jabbing at his nephew's ass as he felt his orgasm build. When he started to come, Mat pulled his penis free and came all over the young boy's stiff penis. Groaning, he watched the boy's anus quiver as his cum ran down the valley and into the still open hole. As his orgasm faded he examined the boy and was happy to find no tears or lesions, inside or out.
Collin had picked up the pace when he heard Mat come. He was thrusting in and out of young Steven, pushing the boy's body against the couch, so much so that the boy could not even move to get more comfortable. Mat watched as young Collin groaned and let loose inside of the boy. Collin's butt cheeks clenched each time young Robby cried out. It was Mat who figured out that during Collin's climax he had forced young Steven to the apex of his own climax. The stabbing repetition of the penis prodding his prostate, put the boy over the edge, so with Collin's viscous finale, the occasional pain was overwhelmed by the most powerful orgasm's Steven had ever felt. Collin focussed completely on the sounds Steven made; squeals, grunts, all of these led Collin to a powerful orgasm. When it was over, tears ran down Steven's eyes, his ass still hurt a little and he wanted Collin out of him.
"Take it out now," Steven said in soft tired voice.
"Man you came hard Steven," Mat said. "Maybe you are an anal boy."
As Collin pulled his penis out of Steven, the boy suddenly felt how empty his insides were. A dull pain throbbed inside as well. Mat examined him and shined a light into the quivering hole.
"No tearing," Mat said. "It'll hurt, but you'll be alright."
"Can I do it again sometime?" Collin asked the boy.
Steven nodded and lowered his legs to the ground, wincing when a sharp pain shot up from his anus.
"Cool," Collin said.
The night ended with David using his new found skills on young Robby's penis (both boy's were to sore to do what David wanted to). When Collin and David walked home, they knew something was different now, that this was the end of what their childhood was.
Part 2
Collin was very excited about his new found partners. All he could think about was the boys and what they could do for him. He felt a bit guilty about having sex with them, but rationalized that because they liked it, it wasn't really wrong. The next day he went over to Mat's house early in the morning. He heard the TV on inside and knocked. Inside the trailer, the TV was quickly turned off.
"Who is it?" Mat asked, in what sounded like a nervous voice.
"It's me Collin."
There was movement inside and the door opened. Mat stood there in his boxes, his dick obviously hard.
"Come on inside," Mat said.
Collin walked by Mat and moved to sit on the couch, as memories of what happened the day before flooded back, he saw an astonishing sight on the television. On the screen were two boys about the same age as Robby and Steven, they were lying naked on a bed and looking off camera as if someone was talking to them.
"Like the movie?" Mat asked.
"What is it?" Collin asked, astonished that something like this actually existed.
"What's it look like?" Mat said. "It's a movie."
"Yeah," Collin said, watching the television.
"Robby's taking a bath," Mat said. "Steven probably wont show today, he was still sore when he left for home."
Collin nodded, his attention drawn to the boy's on the screen who were now stroking their penises.
"I'm going to make some coffee," Mat said. "Feel free to beat your meat if you want."
Collin nodded.
The boy receiving the blow job from his pal, was obviously enjoying the experience, his eyes focused on the activity around his groin. Both boys looked to be related, they had the same dark black hair, facial features, and tan skin, they looked Hispanic, but didn't speak Spanish.
"Where'd you get this?" Collin asked.
"From a friend," Mat answered.
Collin rubbed his prick through his pants, getting excited at the scene taking place on the screen. Eventually the boy sucking, stopped. He grabbed a bottle and squeezed some stuff onto his hands, then rubbed it all over the boy's penis and inside the cheeks of his butt, coating every inch, including the boy's anus, 'til it was all shiny. After he completed that task he rubbed the remainder of the lubricant on his own penis.
"They fuck?" Collin asked.
"Yeah," Mat said, coming back into the living room with a cup of coffee.
"Wow," Collin said.
The boy was now entering his buddy's butt. He pushed easily inside and smiled at the camera. The boy being sodomized smiled to, both seemed to be enjoying their little coupling. After a while the boy who was sodomizing his friend, started to pant and pulled out his penis, the camera zoomed in and the image of the boy's penis jerking and throbbing filled the screen, though nothing came out. The screen then faded to black. Mat stopped the tape and started rewinding the cassette.
"You liked that?" Mat asked.
"I guess so," Collin said.
"Yeah," Mat said watching as Collin continued to stroke himself. "I guess you did too."
About that time little Robby came out in just his underpants, his hair was still wet and he looked at Collin sitting on the couch for a second.
"Collin came over for a visit," Mat said.
"Where's David?" Robby asked.
"He's still in bed," Collin said.
"We must have worn him out yesterday," Mat said, then laughed.
Collin didn't like Mat saying that about his brother, for that matter he didn't like the fact that he had David give him a blowjob, but his lust outweighed his anger and instead he looked at little Collin, undressing the boy in his mind. He couldn't get the images of what he saw the boy do last night out of his head.
"Maybe he'll come over later," Robby said.
"You like little David, huh?" Mat asked.
"David's cool," Robby said. "I guess."
Mat smiled and said, "Well he'll come over later on I think."
"Do you want to do something Robby?" Collin suddenly asked.
"Like what?" Robby replied, suspicious of Collin's intention.
"He wants you to watch a movie with him," Mat said.
"Oh! Okay," Robby said, excited. "What movie do you want to watch?"
"I've got a new one I think he'll like," Mat said, then got up and left the room.
"Cool," Robby said. "I've seen all the other ones tons of times."
Mat came back into the room and ejected the tape in the VCR and replaced it with another. He handed the cassette to Collin.
"Why don't you sit next to Collin?" Mat said and Robby got up and crawled on the couch next to the teenager.
Text popped on the screen that said Nicky's Training. Then the scene opened up with a boy about eleven or twelve standing naked in a basement, behind him loomed a large wooden X. The boy had blonde hair that was long, but trimmed neatly, his eyes were brown, his body firm and hairless.
"My names Nicky," the boy said. "And today I'm being punished for being bad."
With that a man wearing a mask that had an opening around the eyes, nose, and mouth came on the screen and led the boy to the large X and began fastening the boy's ankles to each arm of the X and then fastened his ankles to the bottom legs with cloth straps. He tested each strap and when he was sure it was tight, stepped back so the camera could get a shot of the boy.
The camera zoomed out and then zoomed back in focusing eventually on the boy's face then panned slowly down to the boy's penis, which was semi-hard, the foreskin still over covering the head. Off camera movement could be heard, the boy's penis suddenly twitched. The camera pulled back to show the man standing next to the boy, a cart with several different types of paddles and whips hanging from its side was rolled next to the boy. The man picked up a long thin switch type instrument and swung it through the air, allowing a whooshing sound. Nicky's face blanched.
"What do you say?" The hooded man asked.
3; please punish me," Nicky said, frightened.
"Please punish me what?" The man asked, bringing the switch down 'til the tip caressed the boy's penis.
"Please punish me master," Nicky said, trying to squirm away from the switch.
"I'll punish you Nicky," The man said. "Since you want me to."
Collin felt Robby squirm next to him and wrapped a protective arm around the boy.
"I don't like this movie," Robby said.
"He's not really getting punished," Mat said. "He's acting."
A 'Ow' rose from the television and a red line could be seen across the boy's stomach.
"I didn't even hit you that hard Nicky," The man said. "You've got to toughen up."
The switch came down again across the boy's belly, leaving another thin red line. The boy grimaced.
"Three more," The man said, then with rapid strokes brought the switch down across the boy's belly three more times, eliciting an 'Oww' from Nicky each time the switch hit him.
"That wasn't that bad was it?" The man asked.
Nicky shook his head, the camera focused on his face which was now flushed, his eyes watering.
"Do you know what comes next?" The man asked.
The boy shook his head again and the man struck him with the switch lightly.
"Say, yes master or no master," the man said.
"No master," the boy said.
"We use the slapper now," the man said smiling, then turned to the cart and rummaged among the whips and canes 'til he found a small thin length of rubber that was flattened. "Are you ready?"
Nicky nodded his head and the man brought the slapper a short distance from the boy's still erect penis and then struck it lightly, eliciting a gasp from little Nicky, who bucked his hips upwards.
"Was that too hard?" The man asked.
"No master," Nicky said.
"Good," the man replied, then brought the slapper down a little harder across the boy's penis. Nicky cried out this time and the man looked at him.
"You'll be fine," he said.
"Please, not so hard master," Nicky said.
The man brought the slapper down a little lighter this time, the boy's penis continued to jerk after being hit.
"Does that feel good?" The man asked, his hand coming down to the reddened penis, stroking it softly.
"Yes master," the boy answered.
"I don't like this movie," Robby said again.
"Me neither," Collin said.
"It's a game guys," Mat said. "Wait 'til the end."
"One more slap," the hooded man told the bound boy. This slap was the hardest of them all and the cried out in a high pitched whine. His penis seemed to throb and jerk as if it had a life of its own.
"That's too hard," the boy said. "Please no more of the slapper."
The man brought the slapper down again across the boy's penis.
"No more what?" He asked.
"Please," the boy cried out. "No more, master."
The hooded man slowly placed the slapper down on the cart, then turned to the boy again and began stroking the boy's penis. At first the boy tried to pull away, the stroking hurt his sensitive penis, but after a while he lunged his hips at the man, trying to have the man stroke his penis faster. The man pulled away then and stood up and unfastened the boy.
"Is he going to hurt him more?" Robby asked, feeling very sad for the boy.
"Watch and see," Mat said.
Collin couldn't understand why Mat watches the movie, it seemed like the boy was being punished for nothing but the hooded man's own twisted pleasure.
"This is really sick stuff," Collin said.
"Shh," Mat said.
The man led the boy to a table that had part of it slanted down at an slight angle, where the table slanted there was a large rectangle section cut out of it. The table was covered with a soft red leather upholstery, giving it the look of a flattened lounge chair. The man helped the boy onto the table and the boy lied down on his stomach, moving 'til his penis and balls hung inside of the rectangular opening. The camera angle changed and one could see that the boy's penis could be accessed from below the table and this was proven when the man stroked the boy's dick once again, stopping only when the boy let out a loud moan.
"Not yet Nicky," the man said.
The man left the sight of the camera and returned with the cart. He picked a paddle out of the cart and then began slapping it against his hand.
"This is a nice one," he said. "I think this will work."
Nicky tried to look behind him, his eyes focusing from the corner of his eyes, trying to see which one the man had picked.
"He's mean," Robby said.
"Shh," Mat told his nephew.
The paddle came down across the left cheek of the boy's butt. The boy yelped. The next time the paddle was brought down across the other cheek. The man continued this, alternating from one of the boy's butt cheeks to the other, gradually spanking the boy harder, each time gauging by the intensity of the boy's protests. Nicky's penis slowly softened from the assault on his butt. Finally the boy said, "Please master, no more" and the man stopped.
He walked over to the front of the table and began turning a crank, which caused the back slanted portion of the table to separate, giving the man access to the boy's anus.
"Now it's time for your reward," the man said, then walked to the cart and picked up a large dildo, that was nearly as large as Mat's own penis. "Ready?"
Nicky said nothing, instead he tried hard to see what the man was doing.
"Are you ready?" The man said, bringing the flexible phallus down across the boy's reddened butt cheeks.
"Yes," the boy hollered, then added. "Yes, master."
The man laughed and then coated the dildo in lotion. He placed the head of the dildo at the entrance to the boy's anus and then motioned off camera for someone to come onto the set. A small blonde hared boy, about six or seven came and stood next to Nicky. The man motioned for the boy to take hold of the dildo and the boy did, then without being told, began to push it into Nicky's ass. Nicky squirmed as it went in. The angle switched then to show the boy's penis stiffening again as the dildo pressed against his prostrate. Occasionally he let out a soft grunt. After the dildo was inserted all the way into Nicky, the man motioned for the boy to take it out. Then the man made a fist and the younger boy nodded and started to push his hand inside of Nicky's butt. Nicky yelped as the boy slipped his hand inside the dilated hole.
"Do you want me to stop," the man asked.
"No," Nicky said. The camera angle zoomed to a close up of the boy's face, a thin coat of sweat beaded across his forehead. The young boy continued to press his hand inside of Nicky's butt only stopping when the man tapped him on the shoulder. After that the boy turned his wrist around inside of the boy, obviously loosening him up.
At first Collin thought this was just too cruel, but then he realized the boy's wrist was about as thick as Mat's penis, only slightly larger than the dildo it replaced. The boy was being loosened up for something, but what?
After a few more thrusts, the man took hold of the boy's arm and pulled it free from Nicky's anus with a loud sucking sound. The hand was strangely clean of anything disgusting, just a slickness from the lotion obviously applied earlier. The man unbuttoned his pants then and pulled them down, out popped an erect penis that was bigger than any Collin or Robby had seen before. It was longer than Mat's by a couple inches and a bit thicker. The man coated this monster with lubricant and stepped behind Nicky.
"I'm fucking you now," the man said. "Thank Chris for loosening you."
"Thank you Chris," Nicky said, not sounding to sincere.
The man placed the head of his penis to Nicky's hole and looked into the camera.
"Nicky's training is in being a good boy," the man said. "Earlier today he said something nasty in front of a stranger and that's why he was punished. Now he's going to have some training in being butt fucked by a real man. He's a virgin when it comes to men, so enjoy this first time."
The camera zoomed in and a small window opened up in the corner to show Nicky's face as the penis started to enter his obscenely dilated hole. It slid in easier than any one watching the movie could expect, only meeting resistance when it was halfway inside the boy. Not being deterred, the man added pressure, until once again it started to move into the boy's bowels.
It took only about a minute for him to bottom out inside of the boy and Collin and Robby both were shocked by the sheer size of the man's penis and how much it stretched the boy's anus. Each stroke in or out tugged the tight anal ring in and out. It looked like it threatened to tear at any moment, but the man obviously knew what he was doing and continued his onslaught. The boy's watched Nicky's face in the small box on the corner of the screen, as the boy grimaced with each thrust of the man's monster penis. For the most part, though, the boy was relatively quiet, only making an occasional grunt here and there. When the man had stroked in and out of the boy for few minutes, he stopped all but the head of his dick outside of the boy.
"You ready Nicky?" The man asked.
"Yes," Nicky said, then a look of anxiety crossed his face and he added, "master."
The man put his full weight into the down stroke of his next plunge. Nicky cried out, his cheeks flushed. The man began to fuck the small ass in earnest, lunging in and pulling out with tremendously fast strokes. Nicky continued to grunt, his eyes watered, occasionally he cried out. The small blonde boy moved under the table and began to play with Nicky's penis. The man groaned as he felt his orgasm rise inside of him.
Nicky began to cry out with each of these last rapid thrusts and only stopped when the man pulled his penis out and came on his exposed hole. The semen dripped inside of the widened hole, pooling at the entrance, coating the insides of Nicky's bottom. The last of the semen was injected straight into Nicky's anus as the man placed the head back inside the boy. Only the suckling sound of the young blonde boy, Chris, sucking Nicky's penis could be heard over the groans the tired boy made. It didn't take long for little Nicky to cry out in his own orgasm. The blonde boy pulled away and a small dollop of cum shot out onto his cheek. The penis continued to jerk as the young blonde boy stroked it, eventually putting it into his mouth again to suck out any excess semen.
After awhile Nicky was untied and he stood up on wobbly legs with the help of the masked man.
"Well Nicky did you learn your lesson?" The man said.
Nicky smiled and said, "I think so, but you might have to teach me again."
With that, the screen faded to black and Mat stopped the VCR and ejected the movie.
"What did you think of the movie?" Mat asked.
"Really sick stuff," Collin said, not able to admit he was a bit turned on.
"I think that man was mean," Robby said. "He shouldn't have done that stuff to that kid."
"Well he was a bad boy," Mat said. "And when you get so old, you have to be punished."
"You wouldn't do that to Robby would you?" Collin asked.
"No," Mat said. "Not unless he wanted me to."
"Good," Robby said.
"Why don't you give Collin some attention," Mat said. "I'm sure after that scene, he'd love to get inside your butt."
"Would you mind Robby?" Collin asked.
Robby was silent for a minute, then said, "Sure you can do me, if I can do you first."
"It's a deal," Collin said.
The End
#2 Voyeurism, Masturbation, and Jeff
A young boy finds out what his friend's brothers do while their parents are away
Jeff (9yo), Timothy (9yo), Ricky (11yo) and Michael (16yo)
tb bb – cons oral anal
Part 1
Jeff woke up early in the morning to watch cartoons. Not a bashful child, he went downstairs in his underwear and sat in the middle of the floor, cross-legged. He knew his parents were leaving that morning and because of that, his mind wandered from the cartoons to his babysitter, Michael, a sixteen-year-old teenager who lived down the street from them. Jeff's family knew Michael's family for as long as Jeff could remember. Often the two families would spend nights together watching TV or playing board games. Jeff wasn't really that upset about Michael babysitting him, rather he was nervous because he knew things about Michael that his parent didn't. He learned that Michael did strange things only a few weeks back, when he was at Michael's house playing with one of Michael's little brothers, Timothy, who was the same age as Jeff, nine.
On this particular night, while their parents played cards in the kitchen, Michael had asked one of his brothers, Ricky, who was eleven, to come upstairs with him. Jeff didn't think anything about it until Timothy motioned for him to be quiet and follow him. As they went upstairs, Timothy dragged Jeff into the room Timothy shared with his brother Ricky. He then opened the closet and pulled aside some clothes and began moving a box that was stacked on the top of other boxes, behind this box was a small hole that looked as if it was made by a nail. Timothy put his eye to wall, covered his mouth, and giggled.
"Look," Timothy said, pulling Jeff by his arm into the closet. Jeff put his eye to the hole and was shocked at what he saw.
Kneeling on the floor in front of Michael was Ricky completely naked. Jeff could only see Ricky from behind, but in front of him stood Michael who had his hand on the back of Ricky's head, pulling it back and forth towards his crotch. Jeff really didn't know what was going on, but he knew boys weren't supposed to be naked together in their bedrooms.
"What are they doing?" He asked Timothy.
Timothy laughed and amused replied , "You don't know?"
"No," Jeff said.
"He's giving him a blowjob," Timothy whispered in a serious voice.
Jeff had heard about blowjobs in school and knew it involved putting someone's penis in another person's mouth.
"No way!" He said, not knowing if he really believed Timothy.
"Watch for awhile," Timothy said with a wry grin. "You'll see."
Jeff put his eye back to the whole, Michael was now laying back on his bed with Ricky kneeling over him. It really was a blowjob. Jeff could see Ricky's bright red lips wrapped around Michael's penis. Jeff was shocked more by the mass of black hair at the base Michael's penis than by anything else, then he saw how big Michael's penis was. It looked like it was as big as one of those popsicles you bought from the ice cream man.
"It's eight inches [20 cm] long," Timothy whispered from behind. "And almost as thick as my wrist."
Jeff nodded and watched as Ricky continued to take the penis in his mouth, while Michael ran his hands through his brother's dark brown hair.
"That feels so good," Jeff heard Michael say in a strange voice. "Lick my balls."
Ricky took the penis out of his mouth and began licking his brother's balls. They looked to be the size of brazil nuts, which made Michael's penis look even bigger. Jeff could see Ricky's hand move down to his own penis, which was about half as long Michael's and not nearly as thick. Ricky was completely hairless down there, his penis was swollen and unlike Michael's, Ricky's had skin that came over the end. Jeff had seen other boy's who had penises like that in gym class.
"Why are they doing that?" Jeff asked Timothy.
"Because it feels good," Timothy said in a matter of fact voice.
"What makes it feel good?" Jeff asked in a curious voice.
"Want me to do it to you?" Timothy asked, his voice changing a bit.
"No," Jeff answered quickly, then added. "Not now at least. Maybe you we can do it later."
Jeff heard Ricky squeal and he looked back through the hole, Ricky's mouth was back on his brother's penis, but he had most of it in his mouth, something Ricky didn't seem to care for. Michael groaned and hunched his hips forward, pushing his penis back and forth into his young brother's mouth.
"I'm almost there," Michael said in a frantic voice. "Suck harder!"
It was obvious to Jeff that Ricky was trying to pull away from his brother's assault, but wasn't having much luck, then in one quick movement, Michael pulled all but the tip of his dick out of Ricky's mouth with an even louder groan. The shaft of the penis throbbed and pulled up. Ricky's eyes were watery as he looked up at his brother's face.
"Swallow it," Michael said, wrapping his hands around the back of Ricky's head. "Swallow it."
Jeff saw Ricky swallow something and immediately thought Michael was peeing in his mouth.
"He's peeing in Ricky's mouth!" Jeff almost shouted, shocked that Michael would do such a thing. Timothy laughed.
"No," he said. "He's cumming in his mouth, you know, cum?"
Jeff didn't know, but he nodded like he did.
"You do know what come is? Don't you?" Timothy asked.
Jeff didn't say anything. When he looked through the hole he saw Michael with his mouth over Ricky's crotch, engulfing all of the small penis. Ricky's head was moving back and forth and he had his eyes shut tightly. Jeff kept watching 'til Ricky suddenly shouted and started to grind his hips up in the air, trying to force more of his penis in his brother's mouth. His eyes were wide open now as he took deep ragged breaths. Finally Ricky calmed down and he started to pull his penis away from his brother.
"Sweet," Michael said. "You taste so good I could eat you."
Ricky laughed, then the boy rushed to get back in his pajamas, while his brother watched, stroking his now softened prick 'til a drop of a bright white milky substance formed.
"Missed a spot," Michael said.
Ricky leaned down and licked the fluid from the end of his brother's prick.
"Tell mom I went to bed," Michael told his brother as he left his room.
Jeff and Timothy heard Ricky walk past Timothy's bedroom to the bathroom.
"He's washing his mouth out," Timothy said. "It doesn't taste that good."
That night Timothy explained to Jeff what cum was, but couldn't explain why a blowjob felt so good, all he could say was that it made you come. Needless to say Jeff was confused. For the next few weeks he didn't go in Timothy's house, rather they played at Jeff's. Timothy constantly tried to get Jeff to let him give him a blowjob, but Jeff wouldn't go for it. He didn't tell his friend, but what he saw had kind of frightened him.
When Jeff had heard that Michael would be babysitting Timothy, Ricky, and him, he felt his stomach drop. He told his parents he wanted to go with them on their vacation, but they wouldn't have any of it.
Now this morning he was sitting in the living room watching cartoons, trying to think of anything but Michael and his big penis.
Part 2
When Jeff's parents left he stood in the window of Michael's house. He watched as Michael's parents helped them load their mini-van up, stacking the suitcases in the back. As they pulled away Jeff felt like he was going to cry. This wasn't what he had wanted.
"Well it looks like it just us kids." He heard Michael say, then in a authoritative voice add,. "Jeff you can sleep in Timothy's room and Ricky can sleep in my room with me."
That made Jeff feel a little better, what he saw when he came in from playing army with Timothy and some of their friends, didn't.
Timothy and Jeff had played Army in the back of their house for about four hours before they got hungry and decided to go get something to eat. Jeff had forgot everything about Michael and what he saw him do, that is until he heard the sounds coming from inside the house. Loud grunts and a slapping sound seemed to fill the living room. Timothy, ever the quick thinker, pulled Jeff into the kitchen. As if nothing was happening, he started to take out all the fixings for sandwiches.
"You like mustard," he asked Jeff, even though he knew the answer was yes.
"What are they doing?" Jeff asked.
"They're just having some fun," Timothy said, knowing all to well this was one thing he couldn't show his friend, not until Michael wanted him to see it.
"But what are they doing?" Jeff asked again.
Timothy was silent for a minute, then said, "They're working out."
"Working out?" Jeff asked in a stun voice.
"Yeah," Timothy answered, nodding his head. "They're lifting weights."
"I don't believe you," Jeff said.
"Well if you don't believe me, go look for yourself," Timothy said, trying to sound hurt by the accusation.
Jeff didn't want to see. He took the sandwich that Timothy had made for him and walked out the kitchen door. Timothy motioned that he would be a moment and ran out of the kitchen towards the sounds. Jeff though he heard Michael say "oh shit" but wasn't sure.
For the rest of the day, Timothy tried to make Jeff forget about those sounds. When Jeff didn't talk about it anymore, Timothy believed that was the end of it, but it wasn't. Jeff kept thinking of those sounds all day long and he was more scared than ever. He stayed out 'til he heard Michael's voice call them home.
Michael seemed to see the apprehension in Jeff's eyes as he passed him through the front door. Michael wasn't happy, he knew he screwed up. Timothy knew that too and was a little happy, not wanting to have to hear his friend make the sounds Ricky did. Even though it didn't hurt him or Ricky that much anymore and even felt good sometimes, he knew it wouldn't feel good for Timothy. Timothy knew it was inevitable though, if not while their parents were on vacation, Michael would get the boy he'd been talking about for the last few months in bed, he would have Jeffy.
Michael ordered pizza for the boys, unknown to Jeff it was a reward for Michael and Michael had claimed half of one of the pizzas for himself. This made Jeff a bit suspicious, but he let it go. He really didn't want to think about it.
After they were done eating Timothy suggested a movie. Ricky added he wanted a 'special movie', both he and Timothy grinned mischievously. Michael decided they'd watch James and the Giant Peach and ran to his room to get it.
Timothy, Ricky, and Jeff sat on the couch, with Jeff in the middle. Michael started the movie and said he'd be leaving to go play on his computer. It wasn't until about five minutes after Michael left that the movie changed.
Almost immediately the giant peach was replaced with a nine-year-old blonde hared boy with bright rosy cheeks, lying back on a bed in only his underwear. The boy's body was slim and tanned from being out in the sun a lot. Jeff looked around but said nothing. There was a muffled voice from somewhere off camera and the boy pulled his underwear off, exposing his soft uncircumcised penis to the camera. The boy began slowly tugging on his penis his face looking off camera occasionally. After it was stiff another boy about the same age as the one on the bed, but with almost jet-black hair, sat on the bed. He too was naked and his penis was hard and shiny, the skin pulled back over its head. Following some direction, the dark hared boy began sucking on the blonde hared boy's penis, causing him to moan.
Jeff felt movement under the blanket and when he lifted it up to look, found both Timothy and Ricky stroking their penises to erection.
"Take yours out," Timothy said in a husky voice.
Jeff didn't do anything. He heard a grunt from the screen and saw that both the boys were lying with their faces in each other's hairless crotches, sucking each other at the same time.
He felt Ricky's hands on the side of his shorts, he lifted his hips to help him pull them down. A hand started to feel his softened penis. It pulled at it and Jeff felt a tingle run up and down its length. On the screen the boys were sucking each other, their cheeks hollowed inward from the suction they were placing on their penises. Jeff saw Timothy's head go under the covers and then something wet descend over his penis. Timothy began sucking on Jeff's penis, running his tongue along the length, it started to stiffen in his mouth. Jeff's hand rested Timothy's back. He watched as the boys on the screen changed positions again, the blonde haired boy standing while the dark hared one slurped loudly on the tiny cock.
"Do you like that?" Ricky asked in a hushed voice.
Jeff nodded watching the television, the blonde haired boy was moving towards the front of the bed, he took someone's hand and pulled a boy that looked a lot like Timothy, only a couple of years younger, onto the bed. The boy had the same sandy blonde hair and tanned complexion that Timothy had and if Jeff didn't know any better, he would've though it was Timothy. The three boy's bodies entwined as the continued their sexual activities, their cries became frenzied, as they got further and further towards bliss.
Jeff felt his own penis tingle even more, the good feeling only getting better. A thin sweat formed on his brow as Timothy continued to suckle his penis. He felt something nudge his cheek and turned to find Ricky's penis only inches from his face.
"Please," Ricky said in a soft wanting voice.
Jeff didn't understand at first, then Ricky bumped the head of it against his lips. He opened his mouth and let it slide in. At first he didn't do anything but hold it in his mouth, feeling how hard the small penis felt, the stiff smoothness of it. It felt so strange to him.
"Suck on it," Ricky said, running his hand in Jeff's hair.
On the screen Ricky watched what Jeff couldn't, the older two boys taking the younger at both ends. One roughly banging the boy's ass, while the other humped his dick into the boy's mouth. This went on 'til both boys started to grunt. As the boys on the screen started on their own orgasms, Jeff felt his first orgasm beginning. He felt the rush of feeling surface somewhere deep inside his little penis and slowly gather strength 'til a squealed escaped from around Ricky's penis. Ricky realizing what was happening and not wanting any post orgasm guilt to stop his own orgasm, started to stroke the portion of his penis outside of Jeff's mouth. This did the trick and both boy's orgasmed at the same time, Jeff made no sound as he came, sucking even harder on Ricky's penis as his own penis pulsed in Timothy's well skilled mouth.
Ricky held Jeff to his penis as he groaned, his penis throbbing inside Jeff's mouth. Jeff felt small bursts of sticky fluid spill across his tongue, but his own orgasm seemed to blind his impulse to pull away, not until his climax had started to wither, did he finally he Ricky tell him "to swallow it."
As he gulped down the slightly tangy liquid he heard Michael's voice from behind them say, "So what do we have here?"
Part 3
Jeff immediately felt his stomach flutter when he heard Michael's voice.
"You guys seem to be having fun," Michael said. "Can I join in?"
"We're all done," Ricky said, almost as if he was jealous of something.
"I'm not," Timothy replied quickly, his small penis stiff and throbbing.
"Then maybe we can play some," Michael said, sounding disappointed. "Since these guys don't want to."
Timothy hopped off the couch and stood up, his small erect member pointing up at the ceiling and said, "Do you want to play here?"
Michael looked at Ricky and little Jeffy and said, "Sure maybe it'll get these guys in mood. I'm sure Jeff would like to watch."
Jeff almost felt as though he would panic. Did Michael know what he saw him do? Did Timothy tell him? He felt his muscles tense and suddenly felt very naked, so he pulled his shorts back up to cover his penis.
Michael moved over to where his little brother Timothy stood and kneeled in front of him. He started to stroke Timothy's small penis with just his thumb and two fingers. Timothy moaned and rocked his hips towards Michael.
"Do it faster," Timothy said in a throaty voice.
Michael began to tug on Timothy's penis with quick jerky motions, pulling the skin back and forth over its head. Timothy gasped when this happened and Jeff knew it must have hurt a little.
"We got to get that foreskin loosened Timmy," Michael said, as if he was defending his action. "Otherwise you'll never be able to jerk off without hurting yourself."
Timothy just nodded his head. Jeff looked at Timothy naked for the first time right then, trying to really look at him. He had taken baths with Timothy when he was younger and had seen him when he pissed, but this was the first time he really paid attention and he liked Timothy's body now. Timothy had very little fat on his body, rather it was smooth and tight. His skin was tanned all over except for his privates and round butt, which were a pale white. This seemed to pull Jeff's attention to those areas even more. He was unlike Jeff, in that Jeff had pale skin, a small slim frame, and very dark hair, perhaps this bred even more fascination for Jeff.
Timothy seemed very vocal, groaning as his brother went to work on his slim erection. He held onto his brother's head, his hands tangled in the mass of dark brown hair, as if his life depended on the feeling he was getting. When Michael pulled his mouth away from Timothy's penis, Timothy protested and lunged his hips forward. Michael reacted by nipping the small head with his teeth, causing Timothy to jerk back and giggle.
"Ready for something else?" Michael asked.
Timothy nodded his head and went back to the couch, taking a seat beside Jeff again. Michael kneeled on the floor in front of him and started to suck on his brother's penis again. Ricky got up quick off the couch, startling Jeff. As he saw Ricky leave the room, he began to get up to follow him, but Michael grabbed his arm and pulled him back down on the couch.
"He'll be back," Michael said. "He's going to get something."
Timothy leaned back and watched as Michael started to work on Timothy's penis again. Jeff noticed the tip of Timothy's penis seemed an angry red now, from all the attention Michael was lavishing on it.
"Does that hurt?" Jeff asked.
"No," Timothy said. "It feels real good."
Ricky came back into the room with a towel and small tube in his hand. He held them out to Michael who put the towel underneath Timothy and sat the tube on the end of the couch.
"You ready Timmy?" Michael asked, taking his mouth away from the boy's penis. Timothy nodded his head.
Jeff wondered what was going to happen as he watched Michael take the cap of the tube and press some clear stuff onto his right hand's index finger.
"Loosen up," Michael said as he moved the finger down below Timothy's balls.
"Can you lick me first?" Timothy asked.
"You didn't clean yourself out," Michael said in a matter of fact voice.
Jeff was completed oblivious to what was actually going to happen as Michael continued to move his finger into Timothy's crack.
"Spread your legs," Michael said.
Timothy lifted his legs up and held them with his hands, looking between them to see what his brother was doing. Jeff could see the well-lubed finger toying with Timothy's pink anus. (If Jeff had been wiser about those sorts of things, he would've noticed that it wasn't a well used anus, but was still rather 'fresh' as Michael put it, but then again Jeff didn't even know why an anus would be well used.) Slowly Michael pushed his finger inside his brother's bottom, Timothy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. This part always hurt him a little.
"I'll go slow," Michael said, noticing his little brother's discomfort.
While Jeff continued to watch Michael's finger move slowly into Timothy's butt, he felt a tug at his shorts. Ricky was kneeling beside him, his own penis stiff again, trying to get at Timothy's. Timothy lifted his hips up and pulled his shorts off.
Michael was moving his finger back and forth now, pushing inside Timothy's butt a bit more every few strokes. Timothy had his eyes open now and was watching the finger move in and out of his bottom. Jeff thought that Timothy seemed to like the sensation.
Ricky had moved his mouth down to Jeff's cocklet, taking the small penis into his mouth. Although it was still sensitive Jeff liked the sensation and felt himself start to get stiff again.
"Looks like they're getting their energy back," Michael said with a little laugh. Timothy turned his head quickly to catch his brother sucking on his friend's penis.
"Do that trick," Timothy said to Ricky.
Ricky took all but the tip of Jeff's penis out of his mouth, Jeff tried to push his hips up to put more in, but Ricky put a hand his stomach and forced him back down. Suddenly Jeff felt Ricky's tongue flick against his sensitive head in quick fluttering motion. He let out a loud groan.
"Feels good, don't it?" Timothy said.
Jeff only nodded, looking over to see that Michael had put Timothy's penis back in his mouth, sucking on it so hard his cheeks hollowed. Ricky, on the other hand, was beating Jeff's little dick ferociously with his tongue, trying to bring his little friend to another climax. Ricky rarely showed his prowess as a cocksucker to anyone, the fact he was using his tricks on Jeff was proof that Ricky had fallen for him. When Jeff felt Ricky's finger toy with his butt, he tried to squirm away, but he couldn't seem to fight the sensations in his penis, so he sat still and tried to clench his butt.
With an uncanny sixth sense, Michael handed his younger brother the tube of lubricant. Never missing a beat with his oral assault on Jeff's penis, Ricky started to coat two of his fingers in the jelly. Timothy squealed beside him and Ricky almost felt like telling him to shut up, afraid it would scare young Jeff from the fun he wanted to have with him. Of course Ricky had no way of knowing that Michael had shoved two more thick fingers into Timothy's 'fresh' hole, or he might have had a bit more sympathy for his brother. Jeff did know however, looking down to see what had caused the reaction. Seeing three fingers plunged into Timothy's ass caused a shiver to run up Jeff's spine. Timothy made no attempt to avoid the plunging fingers, other than clenching his anus tightly around the intruding phalanges.
While Michael worked on Timothy's asshole, preparing him for something much bigger, he looked over to see his brother pushing the tip of his forefinger into Jeff's butt. Jeff seemed to take it quite well, the only reaction he had to the intrusion was that he closed his eyes tightly. Obviously the oral stimulation made up for the small amount of discomfort. Ricky proceeded with Jeff's ass, much the way his brother had, slowly inserting his finger deeper and deeper as he sucked the boy's cock. He was surprised when he had finally bottomed out inside of Jeff's virgin ass. Ricky began to stroke his finger in and out, moving it in circular motions. Jeff was settling down now, after the initial jab of pain, the finger wasn't all that uncomfortable.
Michael was ready to proceed with the purpose of his three fingered invasion of Timothy's ass, but he resisted the urge to replace the fingers just yet, afraid that if Timothy started to overreact it would scare Jeff out of letting Ricky have a go with him. Michael watched as his brother eased another finger into Jeff's tight ass. Jeff's anal ring tugged inwards when Ricky pushed inside and seemed to cling to the fingers as he pulled out, Michael knew, that despite Ricky's smaller penis, Jeff was going to be one tight screw. The two older boys continued prodding the younger boy's asses, until finally Michael took his fingers out of Timothy's ass.
"You ready Timmy?" Michael asked.
Timothy nodded and watched as Michael lined his penis up to his brother's puffy red hole. As Michael started to push in, Ricky stopped sucking on Jeff's penis to watch the intrusion. The large head of the eight inch [20 cm] penis pushed on Timothy's resisting anal ring. Michael started to worry he hadn't prepared his brother enough, when suddenly the tip popped inside, eliciting a gasp from small Timothy, whose face was reddening.
"Breath," Michael told Timothy as he enjoyed the sensation of the tight anal ring around his cock.
Timothy grimaced as he waited for his anus to loosen and accept his brother's large penis. Ricky started to remove his own fingers from Jeff's ass, unable to wait any longer.
"You ready?" He asked Jeff.
Jeff, still in shock from seeing Michael's large penis push its way inside of Timothy, just shook his head, unaware that Ricky intended to put his own, if somewhat smaller 5 inch [12½ cm] penis in his own bottom.
Timothy started to relax and looked over to watch his friend's face as Ricky lined his penis up for penetration. He moved his hand over to Jeff's and took hold of it. Jeff winced when he felt the tip of Ricky's penis begin to stretch his hole. Ricky, not willing to give him a chance to say no, pushed the rest of the head inside of Jeff.
Jeff screamed, "Ouch!"
"Damn it, you've hurt him!" Michael hollered at Ricky.
Ricky, seemingly unfazed, said "Just relax, it gets better."
Jeff held tightly to Timothy's hand, each boy feeling their anal muscles spasm and flutter around the penises inside of them. Timothy was getting used to the larger penis, having already had it inside him a couple of times. Jeff, on the other hand, was still struggling to remain as brave as Timothy, not wanting to be thought of as a baby.
Michael took his penis outside of his brother, realizing he needed more lubricant. Timothy, who knew it would be painful when he inserted it again wasn't happy and told Michael he 'could handle it'. Michael didn't want to have to stop later on though, so he pushed the tube inside of Timothy's slightly dilated hole and squeezed a large amount inside. He decided his penis could spread it around well enough and without thinking lunged it back inside of Timothy's butt. Timothy cried out and tried to pull away from his brother, but Michael would have none of it.
"I'm sorry," Michael said as he grabbed his brother by the shoulders, preventing him from squirming off of his penis. "Just hold still, it'll only hurt for a bit."
Ricky had started to work his own penis into Jeff, who instinctively lurched up sending more than a comfortable amount of Ricky's dick inside of him. Both young boys tightened up as they felt the increasing pressure of penetration.
"Be glad I'm not Michael," Ricky told Jeff jokingly. Michael smacked Ricky upside of the head and he shut up, instead focusing on the tight muscles surrounding his penis.
Jeff was getting used to Ricky now and started to push against him, wanting to get it over with. Michael understanding, started to move his penis inside of Jeff's anus slowly, then pulled it back out slowly, beginning the rhythm needed to finish the sodomy.
Michael also started to fuck Timothy, knowing he couldn't handle all of it, he only pushed half of the large penis inside of his little brother. Soon Timothy became more relaxed and Michael began to quicken the pace, eliciting gasps and grunts from Timothy. Jeff on the other hand was silent for the most part, only grunting when Ricky lunged in at the wrong angle or started to go to fast. Both of the younger boys were starting to wear out and the older boys, realizing this, started to try to occupy their interests a bit longer by stroking the boy's penises.
Soon the room was filled with moans as the smaller boys felt their own orgasms start. The stimulation of their young prostates started to make the ass fucking more than bearable for the kids. In a sudden, almost synchronized flash of energy, the older boys began to hump wildly inside the boys, joining Timothy and Jeff's moans with their own lustful sounds.
In what seemed like a second, young Jeff, feeling Ricky's penis pulsate and throb inside of him, began to have his own orgasm. Jeff cried out; oblivious to the pinching feeling of Ricky's jabbing penis, or of Timothy's own squeals from the fast fucking Michael started in the throes of his own orgasm, Jeff concentrated on that tingly sensation, the electric sparks tripping through his penis, unaware that Ricky wasn't even stroking it to his climax. He panted and groaned as his penis shook and lurched, overcome with the powers of his young orgasm, unaware of the world that was slowing down, unaware that the other boys were finally done, Jeff got lost in the midst of his pleasure and was wrapped in his own warm darkness
When Jeff finally came to, he saw the three other boys standing over him.
"See I told you he's alright," Michael said.
The End
#3 Rebecca and Thomas
This was the first story I ever posted, back in 1999. Inspired by the writings of Debonair, it follows the sexual awakening and exploitation of a young boy named Thomas.
Thomas (c. 13yo), Rebecca (c. 15yo), Ricky (11yo), Sean (8yo) and Fred (30s)
Mb bb Mg bg – cons oral anal
Part I
It was summer and everything seemed right. The sun was out, the sky clear, and it was warm, but not too warm. Rebecca stood on the balcony overlooking the backyard of her parents house. She watched her next door neighbor, Fred, mowing his yard. Fred was much older than Rebecca, in his early thirties. He wasn't wearing a shirt and as he pushed the mower along, she noticed how fit he was. He obviously worked out a bit, because he was well toned, his muscles moved like small ribbons in the wind, coming forward and moving back.
She was fascinated with Fred. Even though her parents thought here chaste and pure, not thinking or knowing about the mechanics of sex, or for that matter the genitalia of the opposite sex, Rebecca knew all to well about those 'secrets'. She had learned from magazines she found in her father's work shed. She knew what men and women did and though it was frightening at first, she had overcome that fear, she had mastered it, not only mentally, but physically. She had prepared herself well for what she was planning. She had practiced the moves on her young neighbor, Thomas, two years her junior.
She had caught Thomas sneaking into her father's work shed, caught him looking at the very same magazines she did. At first she had watched him as he moved his hand under the waistband of his shorts, watched him move his hand back and forth in the hidden recesses of the fabric. She had watched and knew by name what he was doing, masturbating. She wanted to see him, what his penis looked like. She knew it would be smaller than the ones she had seen in the magazines because he was not nearly a man yet, but still it was a penis. With a great burst of energy she flung open the door and stood over him. Thomas, so surprised by this intrusion, did not even remove his hand from his pants.
"What are you doing?" She asked him.
He looked up at this girl standing over him, her hands crossed across her chest, staring at him as if he was a criminal, or worse, a pervert and replied, "nothing." Then remembering that his hand was still inside his shorts, he pulled it out quickly and began to feel sick.
"I wont tell on you," Rebecca said.
He did not believe her, he wanted to, but he knew Rebecca well enough to know she was not one to keep a secret.
"Tell me," Rebecca asked. "What were you doing?"
"I was looking at a magazine," Thomas said softly.
"Really?" Rebecca asked as if she was surprised. "Then why did you have your hand down your pants?"
"I didn't," Thomas said defiantly and began to stand up, 'til he realized his penis was still hard and would give away his secret.
"You didn't?" Rebecca asked, trying hard to still sound surprised.
Thomas crossed his legs and looked up at her, shaking his head 'no'.
"Then show me it," she said firmly.
"Wha-wha-what?" He said in shock.
Thomas's young mind couldn't understand why this older girl would want to see him, he thought it was just plain cruelty, that she was going to make fun of him. His eyes began to well up with tears. Rebecca, seeing this, decided to take a different approach.
"I want to see what it looks like," she said in a loud whisper. "I've never seen one before."
For a moment Thomas was quiet, the he realized he might have an escape and picked up a magazine and said, "they have pictures in here!"
"No," Rebecca said, "I mean in real life."
"This is real," Thomas said. "Look."
He opened the magazine to a page sporting a man with a huge erection standing over a woman, semen dripping down in a long strand onto her face.
"I mean in person," she said pulling the magazine out of his hands.
"Oh," he said, not knowing what he could do now to get out of it.
"I won't tell on you if you show me," she said.
"I don't want to," he said.
"Come on," Rebecca said. "It'll be a secret."
"No," Thomas said defiantly, then in a moment of what he thought was sheer genius, he added, "not unless you show me yours."
For a moment Rebecca was silent, not sure what to do, but then she began to pull the hem of her shirt up slowly and Thomas could not pull his eyes away. She exposed her firm slender stomach and he saw her small oval belly button, the thin separation of muscle that ran above and below to the parts he was most interested in. She continued to pull her shirt up slowly, 'til he saw the bottom of her ribs, protruding above her tummy, like thin waves on a tanned ocean. He took a deep breath in preparation of what she would show him, then she stopped.
"You show me yours first," she said, smiling at him.
He looked at her now in a new light and realized his penis was harder than it was before.
"But it's, you know
3;" he began.
"I know," she said looking at him as if he was dumb. "That's what I want to see."
"Oh," he said.
He stood up and put his thumbs inside his waistband, preparing to push them down.
"You won't tell?" He asked.
"I'm going to show you mine!" she almost shouted.
He began to push down his shorts, and she saw his firm belly slowly curve down to his bald pubic area, then the thin hard base of his penis, being pulled down by the band of his underwear. Then suddenly it popped out and she jumped.
It wasn't as large as she expected, maybe four inches [10 cm] long. It was hard and round, and the head flared out red and angry. She began to reach her hand out for it and he stepped back. She stopped and looked at his face, flushed with anticipation.
"Show me," he said.
She didn't tease him this time, but pulled her shirt off in one quick stroke. She folded it across her lap and he looked at her. Her breasts were small and conical, with thick nipples surrounded by red areolas. He looked down her belly and she sighed, and pushed her own shorts down, exposing the rest of her body to him. Her pubic mound was sparsely covered with thin blonde hair. A tight groove running through the center. She pushed two fingers inside the groove and pulled it apart, showing him the pink that lay inside. Thomas felt his penis throb. Rebecca noticed it also and began once more to reach out for it. He didn't step away, but rather stood very still. She could see his legs shaking.
The first thing she touched was the head, she ran her finger around it, surprised to find it so soft. She had expected it to be rough and stone-like, but instead it was giving, like a pillow. He let out his breath as she pushed against the sensitive underside, running her forefinger down slowly to the base, sending shivers through his body.
"I need to sit," he squeaked.
They both sat next to each other on the small bench that ran along the back wall of the shed. She again touched his penis. Softly pinching the head. He wanted her to stroke it for him and thought of asking her, but before he could, Rebecca asked him, "Can you show me how you do it?"
He nodded his head and began wrapped his small fist around his prick, slowly moving his hand up and down. He gathered saliva in his mouth and let it drip down onto the head of his penis. With the lubricant he stroked faster, looking at her. She had moved her own hand down between her legs, rubbing herself with quick circular motions.
"Will you do me?" he asked.
Rebecca was unsure what he meant, but thinking that he wanted something more than a touch, and wanting to try out the skills she thought she had perfected on the vegetables her mother left out for an afternoon snack, kneeled down in front of him. She moved his hand away, exposing his penis once again, then leaned forward and stuck her tongue out, letting it slip around the tip of the most sensitive part of his member. He gasped and pushed his hips forward, sending the head of his penis into her mouth. She opened wider so that he wouldn't scrape against her teeth. She knew what to do from an article and she wanted to see if it worked. She began to suck. Thomas watched her cheeks hollow and groaned. His face and chest glistened with sweat. She moved forward taking more of it in her mouth. She marveled at how rigid it felt, how unforgiving. She wanted to see if she could make him have an orgasm, or cum. She sucked harder and began to rock her head back and forth faster, taking all of him in her mouth. She let her tongue cradle the thick vein that ran along the underside. She didn't have to ask if it felt good, she could tell. Thomas was gripping her shoulder tightly with his left hand, his right hand holding up his t-shirt. His face looked strange, as if he was putting an intense amount of concentration into what was happening to his body. She continued sucking him and watching, then it happened
3; His penis began to throb. Thomas let out a small wail that seemed to come from deep inside his stomach. His hand moved, gripping the back of her head as he thrust in out of her mouth. His penis throbbed and jumped. She felt something spurt out, something sour and salty. She knew what it was and she waited for more to come as he continued in his throes of ecstasy. She continued to suck on his still stiff prick 'til he tried to pull away.
"Did I hurt you?" Rebecca asked in surprise.
"No," he said. "It just really, really tickles now."
He didn't want to touch her and she didn't try to force him. They both got dressed and didn't talk about what happened. Later on in the week he would walk home from school with her and ask her if she would do it again. She said yes and did, he seemed to like it even more.
Now, though, she wanted to see more. She had thought of her neighbor, knew he looked at her, and decided that Fred might like to play too.
Part II
Standing on the balcony all she could think about was Fred. His dark hair was mussed up, strewn across his forehead. He never looked up at her, he just kept pushing the lawnmower back and forth across his yard. She watched and waited 'til he only had a little bit left, then walked down the stairs to the yard, acting as if she didn't know he was there. She sat on a lawn chair by the pool and looked out of the corner of her eye towards the hole in the wooden fence. She saw the eye and knew he was watching. She reached behind her back and untied the string holding up her bikini. It had been a ritual of hers to come out and sunbathe topless, she had picked it up while on a vacation with her parents in France.
She rubbed lotion across her stomach, moving her hand slow and provocatively. When she was finished rubbing the lotion into her stomach, she moved her hand up to her breasts and poured lotion across them, letting it slowly slither down across each one. She worked at a languid pace, making sure to press her fingers into her nipples 'til they were stiff and hard. She knew he was still watching, she expected him to be working on himself now and this almost made her laugh.
When she was finished she spread a towel next to the pool and lay down, sunning her lithe body. Even though she had an idea of the effect she was having on Fred, just as she thought she knew why Thomas wanted to play with her, she couldn't understand fully the fire burning in Fred's chest. He felt hot and wanted her badly, he didn't know if he could wait much longer. He knew she was teasing him, he wasn't stupid, but why was she doing this, exposing herself to him. Did she actually want him, a middle-aged accountant? She couldn't, yet he wanted to believe she could and that was enough.
As he felt his orgasm surge, he held in his breath, watching Rebecca as she shifted ever so slowly, thinking about what he could show this innocent girl. He walked into his house and decided something had to be done. He couldn't take it much longer.
Two days later Fred was working on his car when the neighbor kid, Thomas, rode up on his bike. Fred liked Thomas. He wasn't the smartest kid in the world, but he was funny. Thomas often helped him while he worked on something around the house. He hadn't come over in awhile though and Fred was beginning to worry he had offended the boy somehow.
"Hey Thomas," Fred said. "How's it hanging?"
Thomas laughed, he always found the phrase funny, but now it held a new meaning to him.
"What's so funny?" Fred asked.
"Nothing," Thomas replied, looking over towards Rebecca's house. He wondered if she would do it to him again.
"You sure?" Fred pushed; thinking something was up.
Thomas nodded his head and shifted around, trying to hide the stiffness in his shorts. It didn't go unnoticed by Fred. Thomas blushed.
"Don't worry about it," Fred told him. "It happens to everyone."
This made Thomas blush even more. He laid his bike on the ground and sat down on the lawn near Fred.
"Do you
3;" Thomas began, then stopped.
"What?" Fred asked, curious as to what he might be asking.
"Do you," Thomas continued. "You know."
"No what?" Fred tried not to smile.
"Do you ever think about," Thomas jerked his head towards Rebecca's house.
Fred blanched a bit, Thomas noticed.
"No," Fred answered, trying to sound convincing. "I'm nearly twice her age."
"I do," Thomas shot back. "All the time."
"Don't you think she's a bit old for you Thomas?"
Thomas turned red again, this time more in anger. He began to stand up, intending to leave, but remembered his stiffness.
"She's not to old!" He said, sounding hurt.
3;" Fred thought for a second trying to find the right words. "Maybe she isn't."
"I know she isn't," Thomas said, puffing up his chest.
"How do you know?" Fred asked, watching the boy's bravado, trying hard to keep his face straight.
Thomas leaned forward, looked around to see if anyone was listening, and whispered, "She did me."
This took Fred by surprise. He didn't believe the boy at first, then he saw the serious look on Thomas's face and began to wonder if it could be true.
"What did she do to you?" He asked him.
"You know!" Thomas said in a shrill excited voice.
"If I knew I wouldn't ask," Fred replied.
Thomas waited for a second, looked around once more, then leaning even closer to him said, "she sucked me!"
Fred was shocked. For awhile he didn't say anything, he began to feel angry, almost cheated on. He felt jealous, then he looked at Thomas and calmed down, realizing this was not the person he was going to be jealous of.
"When?" He asked as Thomas shifted around uncomfortably.
"Last week," he answered. "She did it in her Father's shed in the field."
"You're not joshing me?"
"No!" Thomas said, a little hurt that he wouldn't believe him.
Fred walked towards the house, deciding he needed a drink. He heard Thomas follow him. He walked through the garage door into the kitchen and took out a beer.
"Can I have one?" Thomas asked. "I am a man now."
Fred shook his head.
"Why not?"
"You're not twenty-one," Fred answered.
"I'll tell you what she did," Thomas said.
Fred looked at the kids red lips and round face, wondering how the little blonde hared kid could get a girl two years his senior to do something like that. He pulled a cup from the shelf and poured some beer from his can.
"First you tell me what happened," Fred said in a serious voice.
Thomas sat down across from him at the table, telling him the story of what happened that first time, then the time after. Fred listened avidly, feeling himself get hard thinking about that beautiful girl doing those things. He shifted his penis in his pants. Thomas noticed and stopped his story. Fred was a little uncomfortable and tried to push out the thoughts of the two kids in the shed.
"Can I see it," Thomas asked. Fred looked at him, shocked.
"See what?" Fred asked.
"Your penis," Thomas said.
"No," Fred answered.
"Why not?" Thomas asked. "I won't tell anyone!"
"You're a boy," Fred answered. "I could go to jail for a long time."
"I won't tell," Thomas said, almost begging. "Come on
3; Bobby showed me his."
Bobby was a kid a bit older than Thomas that lived a couple blocks away. Thomas and Bobby played together every now and then.
"That's different," Fred answered.
"Bobby isn't an adult."
"I know," Thomas said giggling. "That's why I want to see yours."
"Haven't you seen enough in those magazines?" Fred asked, a bit upset.
"I want to see a real one," Thomas replied.
"I'm not going to show you mine," Fred began, then a thought occurred to him. "Unless you do something for me."
Thomas nodded his head, not even asking what would be required of him.
"Follow me," Fred told the boy. The two walked up the stairs to Fred's bedroom. Fred closed the curtain.
"Show me it," Thomas begged the man. "I promise I won't say anything."
"First show me yours," Fred told the boy.
Thomas, without hesitation, dropped his shorts to the ground, exposing his small hard penis. Fred looked at the boy's package, the tiny testicles, and marveled at the curve of the shaft.
"That'll be a big one when you get older," Fred told the boy.
"Show me yours now," Thomas said, breathing heavily.
Fred unbuckled his pants and stopped.
"If you want to see it, you're going to have to come get it," he said.
Thomas stood there exposed and thought for a second, then stepped out of his shorts and walked to the side of the bed where Fred was standing. He pushed his hand into the man's crotch, feeling how hard he was. He struggled with the snap at the top of the zipper, but managed to undo it. He pulled the zipper down slowly, almost afraid of what he might find inside. Exposed was the outline of Fred's large penis held within a pair of white jockeys. Fred pushed his pants down to the ground.
"Pull it out," he told the kid.
Thomas slipped his hand inside and gripped the man's penis. It was hot and slick with copious amounts of a sticky fluid.
"It's wet," Thomas said, amazed at the size. It was much bigger than Bobby's, almost twice the size. He asked Fred, "How big is it?"
"Eight inches [20 cm]," Fred answered, smiling. Fred wanted the boy's mouth on it, but he wasn't going to push him. Thomas gripped the man's penis softly.
"Do you want to touch mine?"
Fred slid his underwear the rest of the way down, stepped out his pants, and sat down on the bed. He patted a space beside him, Thomas sat next to the man. He shivered as Fred's hand moved towards his penis. When he touched it, Fred ran his finger over the head of the boy's dick, causing a the boy to gasp.
He put a hand behind the boy's head and pulled it towards his own penis, Thomas didn't resist, he allowed the prick to touch his mouth, then let it enter.
"Do what Rebecca did," Fred told the boy.
Thomas began sucking on the man, pushing more of the thick shaft into his mouth. Fred was elated, Thomas was well on his way to being an expert. As the boy sucked his penis, Fred ran his hand down the boy's back and gripped the boy's ass.
"That's good," Fred said. "You're doing a great job."
The boy looked up at him, his eyes glazed over with lust. Fred put a hand behind the Thomas's head and pushed him a little farther down, 'til his cock brushed the back of the boy's throat and groaned. He moved his hand from the boy's ass to his prick. He gripped the hot tiny shaft and began to stroke it with his forefinger and thumb. The boy pulled off of his cock for a second, to let a long strand of drool and pre-cum drip down onto his own penis, then went back to sucking. Fred spread the lubricant onto it and pulled on the small dick with urgency, as he felt his own orgasm rising. He thought for a second how he wanted to feel it in Thomas's ass, but decided that was for another time. Thomas's penis began to throb and he stopped sucking on the man, just holding the penis in his mouth, as he concentrated on the feelings in his own prick. The man continued stroking the boy and soon felt it throb in his hand. This was too much for Fred and he felt himself cum. With a groan he let his semen pump out into the shocked kid's mouth. Thomas tried to pull back but Fred held his mouth to his penis, grunting and yanking on the boy's dick as he released his pleasure. He felt the boy swallow and saw a small bit seep out from around his lips. Thomas himself was whimpering in his own orgasm, feeling a small bit of his own cum shoot out as Fred jerked his dick. Finally Fred released Thomas from his cock and the boy let it slip out of his mouth. He had a sour look on his face and began to walk to the bathroom to spit out the cum he held in his mouth. Fred grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the bed.
"Swallow it," he told the Thomas. He saw the boy gulp. He ran his thumb across the boys chin, gathering up the semen that had escaped.
"Here's more," he said, smiling at the boy. Thomas sucked the man's thumb into his mouth, gathering the last of the man's fluid.
"Yes," Fred said. "I think we're going to be good friends."
Part III
Thomas was sitting on the workbench leaning back against the wall as Rebecca sucked him. The thoughts of what he did for Fred were still in his mind and he worried about it. He wondered if he might be gay. He thought that because he did it with Rebecca too, he wasn't, that the other thing was just something he did for his older friend. Rebecca wondered if she lost her technique, usually little Thomas was wiggling around by now. She took her mouth off his penis and asked, "Does it feel good?"
"Yes," Thomas said.
Rebecca wrapped her lips around Thomas's penis again. Thomas paid more attention to the feeling, how her tongue slid under the tip, he liked that and moaned. Rebecca felt better about her performance and started to bob her head up and down on the small penis, taking all of it in her mouth and then taking all but the tip out. She started to quicken the pace as she felt Thomas begin to stiffen. Thomas groaned and trembled as his orgasm washed over him.
"That was great," Thomas said.
"I can tell," Rebecca said. "You're still stiff."
Thomas looked down at his slender organ. Rebecca ran her finger over the head, causing Thomas to shiver.
"Can we do it again?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah," Rebecca said. "In a while."
"Cool," Thomas replied.
Thomas left the shed and headed home. He knew he had to pass by Fred's house and that made him uncomfortable. He didn't know if he wanted to do things with Fred again. He wasn't gay, he knew he wasn't because he did things with Rebecca. Still he had to admit he liked doing it to Fred. His penis felt almost good inside his mouth. He really didn't know why, except he liked the feeling of his mouth being full.
When Thomas walked by Fred's he didn't see Fred anywhere. He almost felt bad, like Fred didn't want to talk to him anymore. Then he saw him step outside and wave at him. He waved back and smiled. Fred motioned for him to come over. Fred hesitated, he really didn't feel up to playing around, not after Rebecca just sucked him, but not wanting to hurt Fred's feelings he walked over.
"Come on inside," Fred said, looking around to see if anyone was watching.
Thomas moved past him into Fred's house.
"What's up?" Thomas asked.
"Nothing," Fred said. "Nothing. Just wondered how it was going with Rebecca and you?"
"Fine," Thomas said. "She's getting good at sucking."
Fred smiled and said, "I know, I've been teaching her some new techniques."
Thomas looked shocked, he didn't say anything, he just stood and looked up at Fred.
"She didn't tell you?" Fred asked.
Thomas shook his head no.
"Man," Fred said. "I'm sorry buddy, I thought she told you. Lets go in the backroom and talk. Okay?"
Thomas wanted to leave, he didn't like this conversation. Fred put his hand on Thomas's shoulder and led him to the bedroom. When Thomas walked into the bedroom he saw Rebecca on the TV screen, her mouth stretched around a man's penis.
"Shit," Fred said suddenly and rushed to turn off the television. "I forgot that was on."
"You filmed her?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah," Fred said. "She wanted to do it."
Thomas felt even worse. He thought that what was happening was just between him and Rebecca. He felt betrayed by Fred.
"You alright?" Fred asked.
Thomas nodded his head and said, "I got to go home."
He ran out of the bedroom and all Fred could hear was the door opening and slamming closed.
Thomas sat in his own bedroom and cried. He hated that Fred had betrayed him. Why would he do that to him, he wondered. After awhile a new thought popped into his head, who would suck him now? He really wanted Rebecca to do it, but he didn't feel right. Rebecca had done it with Fred and never told him. She obviously didn't understand. Thomas didn't know whether he felt worse about Fred doing it with Rebecca behind her back or whether the fact that Rebecca wasn't 'faithful' to him, hurt him worse. He felt bad and his penis was stiff. He wanted so much to get someone to play with him, but resorted to jerking off.
The next day, Thomas was walking in the woods when he heard a commotion. It sounded like some kids at the old fort. He snuck through the undergrowth 'til he could see what was happening through the bushes and he almost didn't believe what he saw. Through the front door of the fort his neighbor Michael could be seen stroking his penis and it was a large one, at least as big as Fred's and Michael was still a teenager, only seventeen. Thomas watched, almost drooling over Michael's penis, then suddenly a head descended from somewhere and started to suck on Michael. Thomas stood shocked as he realized it was Rebecca!
Rebecca was sucking like a madman, her body shaking. Loud slurping sounds could be heard.
A voice from inside the fort said, "Man she's so tight."
Thomas then realized why Rebecca seemed to lurch back and forth, she was getting fucked by someone else. Rebecca groaned around the dick she was sucking, her body shaking back and forth, almost trembling as the mysterious figure banged her from somewhere unseen to Thomas.
"Do it man," Michael said in a husky voice. "Fuck her!"
Michael let out a loud groan as Rebecca concentrated on the head of his large penis. The figure unseen began to thrust into her faster, groaning now and then. Thomas moved around, trying to find out who else was doing it with his Rebecca. He didn't know if he liked it, but he couldn't help but notice his pecker was stiff as a board.
When Thomas finally saw who it was, he almost sighed in relief. It wasn't Fred, it was Ricky, Michael's younger brother. Ricky was eleven and just a year older than Thomas. Thomas thought that the naked Ricky looked kind of cute, maybe even cuter than Rebecca did. He had a firm belly and nice looking penis that looked to be thicker than Thomas's own penis. Ricky also had dark black hair that accented his blue eyes. He could've been a model in a department store magazine.
Michael soon started to grunt and thrust his penis into Rebecca's mouth.
Ricky screamed out from behind Rebecca, "I'm coming!"
A chain reaction started and Thomas saw Michael wrap his hands around the back of Rebecca's head as he thrust his cock deep into her mouth. Michael's brother Ricky humped into Rebecca even faster, groaning as his penis pulsed and jerked inside of her body, his small amount of seed spurting inside her. Michael let out a loud groan and Thomas heard Rebecca gag as the head bumped the back of her throat. Semen rushed out from the corner of her mouth, dripping down her cheeks and pooling in Michael's crotch. It seemed to last for a minute before Michael finally let Rebecca go.
"I need something to wipe my prick off with," Ricky said.
"That's what you get for butt fucking a chick," Michael said laughing. "You should've took her pussy instead."
"You guys aren't getting it," Rebecca said. "I'm saving that for my boyfriend."
Thomas's heart skipped a beat and he gulped. Could Rebecca mean him? While the three fornicators in the fort got dressed, Thomas slipped away as quietly as he could away from the fort and headed to his house.
Two days later, on a Saturday, Ricky ran into Thomas at the playground. Ricky was the only one that had seen Thomas that day at the fort. He hadn't told his brother, because he knew his brother's way of keeping people quiet about sex was forcing them into the party. He liked Thomas and didn't want him introduced into sex that way. He really wanted to introduce Thomas to the joys himself.
"Hey dude," Ricky said. "What's up?'
"I'm getting a new bike," Thomas said, nervously. "My dad's picking it up on Monday."
"Too cool," Ricky said.
"So what's been up with you?" Thomas asked, worrying he had been caught spying.
"Nothing much," Ricky said. "Well nothing you don't know about already at least."
Thomas blanched and tried to think of something to say, but couldn't.
"Don't worry about it dude," Ricky said. "Did you like the show?"
Thomas shrugged.
"Would you want to do that," Ricky said unexpectedly. "You know
"You mean sex?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah," Ricky said. "I know this kid that lets you do practically anything to him."
"Yeah," Ricky replied. "You know Sean?"
Thomas did know Sean, he was a third grader that lived a block from his house.
"He'll let you do anything?" Thomas asked.
"He'll do anything for you too," Ricky said. "As long as you do stuff to him too."
"Like what?"
"He likes blow jobs," Ricky answered.
"Cool," Thomas said, then suddenly blanched. "I'm not gay, but you know."
"Yeah," Ricky said. "Who cares if you have to suck a little dick if you get a nice tight butt to fuck?"
Both boys laughed.
Sean was a cute boy with short brown hair and green eyes. He was short for his age, but he wasn't skinny, rather he was muscular, or as muscular as you can be at eight.
Thomas couldn't believe that Sean was standing in front of him naked, his little three-inch [7½ cm] cock stiff and pointing straight out from his body. Thomas loved the feel of it, it was hard but soft, even softer than his own cock. He also liked the fact that it was uncircumcised and that Sean would squeal each time Thomas rolled the skin over the tip of his cock. Ricky was also uncircumcised, but his skin wasn't like Sean's, it wasn't as tight around the penis, it was looser and seemed to look more like a glove over the end, whereas Sean's foreskin stretched tightly every time he pulled it over the head of his cock, Thomas could actually feel it tug as it slid past.
"Suck me," Sean said to Ricky. "You can fuck my butt if you do!"
"I'll suck you," Ricky said, then added. "But only if you let Thomas fuck you."
Sean looked at Thomas's slightly smaller cock and liked the deal. He nodded vigorously.
"Get on your back," Ricky told the youngest boy.
Sean rolled over and looked up at the two older boys, waiting for them to start. Ricky pulled a tube out of his pocket and started to squeeze some onto Sean's anus. Thomas looked at the little hole and almost didn't believe he'd fit. Ricky pushed a finger inside of Sean's butt and Sean gasped. Thomas watched the finger slide in and out of the hole, coating it in the slimy jelly.
"I don't want to loosen him too much," Ricky said. "It's better when it's really tight around your dick at first."
"Suck me," Sean said. "I need it bad."
Ricky laughed, "Horny little bugger, isn't he?"
Thomas looked down and thought his dick would never get into the tight hole. He guided the head to Sean's hole and pushed, but it slipped out. Ricky saw this and took Thomas's dick between his finger's and told him to "push".
Thomas pushed and felt the little puckered anus slowly open around the head of his penis. He groaned as he felt the warmth of Sean's insides.
"Ouch," Sean said, wincing as Thomas's dick finally entered inside him.
"Hold still for a second," Ricky said. "Let him get used to it."
"I'm ready," Sean said, wincing. "He can fuck me."
"You just want your dick sucked," Ricky said, stroking Sean's small dick. "Push it in slow when you feel him loosen up."
"Okay," Thomas said.
Sean grunted as he felt Thomas increase the pressure on his insides. Ricky watched Thomas enter the kid slowly and then bent down to suck on Sean's penis. Sean groaned and lurched up when he felt Ricky's lips touch the end of his dick, sending Thomas's dick all the way inside his butt.
"Oww! Oww!" Sean cried out, tears welling up in his eyes. "It hurts!"
Thomas, frightened, began to pull out of Sean, but Ricky wrapped his hands around Thomas's waist and pulled him back to the small boy. Thomas looked down and saw the lust in Ricky's eyes as he moved so his dick was over the small complaining boy's mouth. He lowered his dick and Sean opened his mouth instinctively to let it in. Ricky groaned.
After a while, Ricky tugged at Thomas's hips, pulling him away from Sean a little ways, then pulled him back to the small boy, sending Thomas's dick out and back inside the incredibly tight and hot hole.
"This feels really good," Thomas said.
Ricky's eyes seemed to tell Thomas that he knew what Thomas was feeling. Ricky slowly pushed and pulled Thomas in and out of Sean, causing Sean to whimper now and then. After a while, when Sean seemed to be ready, Ricky took his hands off Thomas's and made a fucking motion with his hands. Thomas understood and began to penetrate the boy on his own.
Sean didn't enjoy being sodomized, not all the time at least, but he would allow it to happen if it meant he could get his dick sucked. He loved the tingly sensation and he had to admit that a small dick in his butt seemed to make it feel better. Each time Thomas thrust inside of Sean's little body, Sean would cry out around Ricky's penis. The rough penetration of the inexperienced Thomas, along with the skilled sucking of his little prick by Ricky, was sending the boy over the edge. He groaned with each stroke of Thomas's penis or flick of Ricky's tongue along the underside of his penis.
The pressure built up for little Sean and finally, with a long muffled wail, he thrust up, sending his little penis into orgasm. Thomas's felt Sean's orgasm around his penis, as the boy's anus seemed to squeeze around the base of his dick, it was too much for him and he too came, sending probably the largest load of his life up the young boy's ass, at least two squirts. He groaned and thrust viscously into the Sean's butt 'til he finally finished his orgasm.
Ricky pulled his lips away from the still stiff prick of Sean.
"Man that was good," Thomas said.
"I think Sean liked it too," Ricky said.
Sean was tried to say something around the stiff prick in his mouth. Ricky rolled off the young boy and Sean said, "It was my best yet! Did I have any juice that time?"
Ricky looked at the boy and said, "Not yet, but if you keep it up you'll get some soon. You got to fuck a lot before you get juice."
Sean nodded and said to Ricky, "I want to see you fuck Thomas now."
"I don't know," Ricky said, wanting to fuck his friend's cute ass so badly.
"You can," Thomas said. "I don't mind."
Ricky beamed a smile at Thomas and said, "Okay we'll do it with you on your knees."
Thomas rolled up onto his hands and knees and waited for Ricky to prepare him for his first ass fuck.
Part IV
Thomas looked over his shoulder as Ricky took the tube of lubricant and began squeezing some out onto his fingers. Thomas shivered when he realized that the fingers were going inside his ass. Ricky made sure his fingers were well coated before he put them at the entrance to Thomas's small rosebud. Thomas moaned when he felt the pressure of Ricky's finger slipping in. Sean giggled and sat next to the two boys, watching intently, this would be the first time he got to see someone else butt fucked.
"Take it slow, okay?" Thomas said.
"Yeah I will," Ricky said as he probed his finger deeper into the tight anus, so tight in fact it felt like he was pressing his finger into little Sean's backside.
Thomas wiggled around as Ricky began to move his finger in and out. He felt a hand on his penis and noticed that Sean had decided to feel him up while Ricky prepared him. Thomas wasn't opposed to being fondled by the boy, in fact it took his mind off the subtle discomfort of the finger pushing in and out of his butt.
"You're tight man," Ricky said. "I might not be able to do it."
"You can do it," Sean said. "You fucked me and I bet I'm tighter than him."
"I'll try," Ricky said as he pulled his finger out of Thomas. "Are you ready?"
Thomas nodded his head and replied, "Yeah put it inside."
Ricky moved into position pointing his shiny slender prick at Thomas's small pink hole. As Ricky began to push against the tight anal ring, both boy's held their breath.
"Push harder," Sean said and suddenly pushed against Ricky's backside, sending the head of Ricky's dick popping inside.
"Ow!" Thomas cried out, feeling a sharp pain rush up his spine.
"Damn it Sean," Ricky screamed. "Let me do this."
Sean looked like he was about to cry and said in a sad voice, "I was only trying to help."
"That's okay Sean," Thomas said. "It doesn't hurt anymore. It just hurt when he got inside."
Sean nodded his head and watched Ricky as he needed his hands into the globes of Thomas's bubble butt.
"You really are tight," Ricky said.
"Is he as tight as me?" Sean asked.
"Not quite," Ricky said. "But he's tight."
"When are you going to fuck him?" Sean asked.
Thomas was a little taken aback by the vulgar word coming from the third grader's mouth.
"Soon," Ricky said, pushing his penis in slowly.
Sean continued to stroke Thomas's penis as he watched Ricky's slowly insert all five inches [12½ cm] of his small penis inside of his friend. Thomas felt only a little discomfort, almost a stuffed feeling, but no pain, and began wiggling and pressing back at Ricky. Ricky taking the hint began to stroke in and out of the tight orifice. Thomas moaned as he felt the head of Ricky's penis bump against his prostate.
"That feels good," Thomas said in an almost dazed voice.
"Yeah," Ricky said. "It feels good for me too."
It took hardly anytime for Ricky to orgasm, the combination of seeing his prick move in and out of his friend's butt and the knowledge that Thomas was a virgin, put him over the edge. With a loud moan Ricky thrust forward and felt his semen poor into the tight hole.
"Keep going," Thomas said, knowing his friend had come, and afraid he wouldn't get the chance.
Ricky groaned and stroked in and out as his penis pulsed and throbbed inside of his friend.
"This is great," Sean said, getting turned on by the scene. "Can I fuck him now."
Ricky slumped over his friend, his dick, spent, but still stiff, felt too sensitive in the hole and he had to pull it out.
"Put yours in Sean," Thomas said in a hungry voice. "I'm almost there."
Sean pushed Ricky off of Thomas and moved behind the boy. It took him no time to thrust his smaller penis into Thomas's hole and felt proud when Thomas grunted at the intrusion.
"Do it fast," Thomas said.
Ricky watched the strange coupling, never having witnessed a younger boy fucking an older one. In Ricky's world of sex it had always been the older fucks the younger or at least the boy the same age. Michael fucked him, he fucked Timothy, and Timothy fucked his friend Jeff, but never anything like this. Thomas seemed to enjoy it though, grinding back against the smaller boy's intrusion, moaning when Sean's small penis stabbed against his prostate.
"Does it feel good?" Ricky asked.
Both boy's said at the same time, "Yes!"
Ricky couldn't believe it. He almost wanted to see how Sean would feel up his butt. Ricky had taken Michael's eight inches [20 cm] and the thought of three inches [7½ cm] always seemed inconsequential, but now he began thinking. Maybe he'd let Thomas do him later and have Sean finish up for him.
Sean rutted against the older boy's backside, thrusting wildly into the hole, barely moving away from Thomas, instead just grinding and thrusting. Thomas loved it and felt his penis start to come, it almost ached and he groaned wanting so much for Ricky to suck him, but not wanting to ask his friend.
Ricky watched and decided to jerk Thomas off, hoping to give his friend a stronger climax and perhaps he'd get a taste of Thomas's cum as well.
Thomas began to groan like a madman as the sudden rabbit thrusts of Sean increased the urgency of his orgasm. Sean also felt the tingles of orgasm and wanted so much to cum inside of the other boy, even if he didn't have any cum of his own.
In a quick motion Ricky moved down to take Thomas's penis in his mouth. Sean cried out as he felt his penis tingle at an almost unbearable level, then seem to explode with sensations he wasn't sure he had felt before. Thomas recognizing that Sean's throbbing penis meant he was cumming, began to thrust at Ricky's willing mouth, feeling his own orgasm well up and push out from inside his tummy. Ricky felt the small glob of cum spill out across his tongue, it was sour, but not as bitter as Michael's. He loved the taste. He continued sucking as his friend's penis throbbed and heaved, trying to push more of the fluid out of his balls.
"Man," Sean said. "That was good."
Ricky looked at the small boy, coated in sweat, his penis still inside of the older boy and couldn't help but smile.
The next day all three of the boys agreed to meet at the clubhouse. Michael, sensing something had happened that afternoon had gotten Ricky to tell him everything. Michael, up until then had never heard about little Sean or for that matter that Ricky actively sought out other partners for sex. He decided he wanted to see these things first hand and secretly hoped he'd be able to get some action from his brother's friends. The thought of Sean's lips wrapped around his prick drove him crazy. Sean on the other hand didn't want Michael to have anything to do with his younger friends. The thought of Michael trying to push his prick into Sean or Thomas's butt really disturbed him. He remembered how bad it hurt the first few times and didn't want that to happen to Thomas or Sean. Of course if he had known what was going to happen to Thomas just hours after their little tryst, he might have decided otherwise. Michael however agreed not to fuck his brother's friends, telling Ricky he'd be happy with a blowjob. Ricky agreed to let him come along, secretly feeling good, that for the first time, he was able to tell Michael what to do.
Of course Thomas had other ideas completely. He loved the anal sex he had received earlier that day and after the three boys went their separate ways, he couldn't get it out of his mind. Around eight that night he had this urge to have Ricky or even little Sean, fuck him again. His butt actually seemed to itch, a slight tingling sensation spread all along his insides. Realizing it was too late to ask to spend the night at Ricky's, he felt for sure that he was stuck, until he heard his parents talking about going out for a movie. Thomas knew that if he didn't want to go, there was someone who would watch him, his neighbor Fred.
His parent's weren't up to the idea at first and started to think something was suspicious, but decided that maybe Thomas was getting to old for kids movies. They agreed to call Fred and Fred was more than willing to watch little Thomas.
"It would be my pleasure," Fred told Thomas's parents.
Fred was a bit worried when he got the call from Thomas's parents, worried that maybe he had said something, but when they asked him to babysit for Thomas, he was elated. He waited by his living room window for the boy to arrive and when he saw him walk up, he jumped up and opened the door before he could even ring the bell.
"Come in, come in," Fred said. "Where are your parents?"
"They're leaving," Thomas said and handed him a slip of paper. "Here's my dad's cell-phone number. They said to call if you have any problems."
"Okay," Fred said. "Well do you want some soda or is it too late for soda?"
"No," Thomas said. "Can I watch TV?"
"Sure," Fred said. " what do you want to watch?"
"Got any good movies?" Thomas asked, smiling slyly.
Fred laughed and said, "One or two."
Fred motioned for Thomas to sit in the living room and went in and grabbed the tape he had gotten from a friend. It wasn't the video Thomas expected, but Fred hoped it would put him in the mood for some fun. He popped the tape into the VCR and then went and checked the drapes, when he sat down he saw that the title had already popped onto the screen. Daniel's First Time blinked in a bright yellow across a black background.
Thomas watched intently as a small boy around eight or nine appeared on the screen. He had red hair and was sitting on a chair with his shirt open, exposing his pale chest. A voice from off camera asked the young boy, "are you ready?" The boy nodded and proceeded to unbuckle his pants.
"What kind of movie is this?" Thomas asked, excited images popping in his head.
"You'll see," Fred replied.
"Hi, my names Daniel," The boy said as he started to read something from behind the camera. "And today I'm going to have sex."
"Have you had sex before?" A voice asked the boy.
The boy hesitated then replied, "Yes, but not this kind of sex."
A bald headed man with a wild mustache and beard came onto the screen suddenly and Thomas was taken aback by all the hair that covered his body. He was wearing underwear but it hardly hid the obvious lump inside.
"Daniel's been practicing," the man said. "I mean he's been getting himself ready for this day and wanted to share it with you."
"I'm going to get fucked today," Daniel said, a wary look on his face.
"And you'll be able to see it," the man said. "Up until now he's only put this up there." The man held up a very slender five-inch [12½ cm] vibrator. "But now he's getting the real thing."
With that the man pulled his underwear off, exposing his circumcised penis. It wasn't completely stiff, but looked about six or seven inches [15-18 cm] long, it was still almost as thick as Fred's though and Thomas wondered if the boy would be able to take it.
The boy rolled over on his back and began pulling his pants off, the man helped him and soon he was sitting in only his underwear, his own small boner showing up against the white cotton. With a quick swish, the man removed those as well, leaving the boy laying there with just his shirt and socks, his exposed penis thrust up in to the air, slightly arching towards his belly button. It wasn't very big, only three or four inches [7½-10 cm] long, but it was almost the size of Thomas's and Thomas had the sudden urge to suck on it.
The man pulled a bottle off the stand next to the bed and started to drip fluid onto the boy's penis and balls, then letting it run down the crack of the boy's ass. With his free hand he rubbed the lube onto the boy's penis and then massaged his balls as the young red headed watched. The final act of lubing came when the man coated one finger in the slippery fluid and pressed it quickly into the boy's hole. Daniel grimaced slight but didn't complain.
"I think he's ready," the man said as he pushed his finger in and out of the boy.
Thomas watched intently as the man positioned his slick penis over the boy's hole, slowly pressing it against the brown pucker. He tried to press it in and it slipped out. On the second try the hole seemed to open up around the head of his dick and soon slipped past the tight ring.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" The boy repeated as he felt the large penis slip inside of him.
"It'll only hurt for a little while," the man said in a lusty voice, looking down at the stretched hole, it seemed like he couldn't believe his penis was inside that tight hot sheath.
Thomas felt Fred's hand on his leg, but he didn't complain. Instead he watched as the large penis inched its way inside of the red headed boy, Daniel.
"Man that must hurt," he said.
"Only for a short while," Fred said.
Thomas unzipped his pants and waited for Fred's hand to find him. He felt very horny and if it wasn't for his own sense of shyness, he'd have already asked for Fred to try that with him, but for the moment he was content to watch the man on the screen slowly push his penis in and out, going deeper inside the young boy each time. The boy was a real trooper, groaning every once in awhile from the sheer fullness he felt, but not complaining as the man worked his way inside his bottom. As a matter of fact he pulled his legs back farther, 'til they almost touched his shoulder, allowing the man even greater access to his rear.
Thomas felt Fred pull his penis out through his fly and waited for him to begin to stroke it. Fred having already seen the movie decided to suck on his young friend's penis instead, meanwhile the sound of Daniel grunting spasmodically rolled from the speakers of the television. The man had begun to sodomize the somewhat virgin red head, with more vigor. The sound of his balls slapping against the boy's skin seemed to echo off the walls.
Thomas groaned as he felt Fred's mouth envelope his penis in warmth. He rested his hand on the back of Fred's head and watched for a second as he flicked his tongue across his balls.
"Ungh," Daniel grunted from the television.
Thomas looked up and saw that the man had lifted the boy up in the air 'til he was resting on the man's penis. The boy had his hands wrapped around the man's neck and his legs around the man's hips. His eyes bugged out from the intense pressure he felt inside of his rectum. The man began to walk around the room and the camera followed, for the first time you could tell someone else was witnessing the live act of Daniel's sodomy.
"Ride 'em cowboy," the man said as he began to skip around the room, eliciting "Ungh's" from Daniel who grunted over and over, finally quieting down after he rested his head on the man's shoulder. The man continued to bounce the boy on his penis 'til he started to feel the pressure of his orgasm rise, with that he laid the boy down and pulled his prick out of the boy's ass and jerked it while pointing it at the boy's body. With a loud groan the man shot a thick rope of semen through the air, that landed on the boy's chest. The next went further and hit the boy's neck, after that he leaned down and shot the rest over the boy's penis and balls.
Fully sated the man looked at the screen and said, "Now there's one tough little hombre."
Daniel, looking very worn out, laughed and waved as the screen faded to black.
Fred pulled his mouth from the Thomas's crotch and said, "So what do you think?"
"You mean about getting fucked?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah, would you want to try it?"
"I don't know," Thomas said waiting for a few second before finally adding. "I guess you'd have to go really slow, so it wouldn't hurt. And don't try hopping me around like that man did!"
Fred laughed, gave a playful nip to head of Thomas's dick and picked the boy up into his arms and carried him into the bedroom.
Part V
Fred sat Thomas down on the bed and left the room. Thomas leaned back on his elbows waiting for Fred to return. He looked around the room and saw that Thomas had set up a camera in the corner of his bedroom. A red light was flashing on the camera and Thomas was worried that Fred was going to tape them doing stuff.
When Fred came back in the room he was holding tube in his hand. He saw Thomas staring at the camera.
"Don't worry I'm not going to film this," Fred said. "This is a special moment between the two of us and no one else will see."
Thomas smiled at Fred, feeling better now that he knew Fred thought this was a special moment.
Fred sat down next to Timothy and removed the boy's clothes, leaving him sitting on the bed with a small erection. Fred squirted some jelly on his hand and lifted Thomas's left leg up to the boy's chest.
"Hold that there," Fred told Thomas.
Thomas held his leg in place and watched as Fred coated his fingers with the jelly. Fred began running his fingers along the crack of Thomas's butt, stopping at the boy's anus and pushing a bit, them stroking the sensitive skin between the boy's balls and anus. Thomas was nervous; each time he felt Fred's thick finger press against his anus, he thought it was going to go in. Fred watched the boy, trying to find the right time for him to penetrate the boy's anus.
"Have you ever had anything up your butt before?" Fred asked Thomas.
Thomas thought for a second, wondering if he should tell Fred about Ricky and Sean, then shook his head and answered, "no."
Fred smiled and said, "well it might hurt a little when I put my finger in, but just push back like you're going to the bathroom and that will help."
Thomas nodded and began to push down like he was taking a poop. Fred's finger popped inside with little resistance, Thomas closed his eyes feeling the fullness. Fred's finger felt as big as Sean's penis. It didn't hurt at all, it just made Thomas feel full as Fred pushed it inside of him.
"How does that feel?" Fred asked, staring at the boy's face.
"Okay," Thomas said in a low voice.
Fred began to move his finger deeper inside of the boy and felt the boy's inside tighten up. When he had pushed all of his finger into the boy, he slowly pulled it back out, moving it around in a circles, causing Thomas to gasp.
"Did that hurt?" Fred asked.
"No," Thomas said, his eyes still closed as he concentrated on the pressure of Fred's finger inside his stomach.
"I'm going to put another finger in," Fred told Thomas. "If it's too much, tell me."
Thomas nodded.
Fred pulled his finger out an added more jelly to it and his index finger. He then looked at the boy's anus, watching it clench, waiting for it to relax again. He ran his fingers in circles around the boy's anal ring, then as it stopped clenching, began to push his fingers back inside of the boy.
Thomas grunted a sharp pain shot up his spine, he opened his eyes and tried to see how much was inside of him, but couldn't.
Fred held just the tips of his finger's inside of Thomas's butt for awhile, then began to push them into the boy's ass, causing Thomas to gasp. The fingers were thicker than Ricky's penis and Thomas was beginning to wonder if he could take them inside of him. Fred knew the boy was getting nervous and decided to speed things up. Fred steadily pushed his fingers into the boy 'til he bottomed out. Thomas groaned at the slow intrusion, feeling a dull pain inside his stomach.
"It hurts," Thomas said in a trembling voice.
"Only for awhile," Fred said. "It will feel better, but you have to be brave."
Fred slowly pulled his fingers out of the boy, deciding that he had to move fast before the boy chickened out.
"Get up on your hands and knees," Fred told Thomas.
Thomas hesitated for a moment, then rolled over, watching as Fred prepared his penis for the boy's 'first' sodomy.
"I'm going to go slow," Fred said. "Tell me if you want me to stop."
Thomas almost told Fred to stop, but then didn't, afraid that Fred would think he was a coward.
Thomas groaned as he felt the pressure of Fred's penis push against his anal ring, causing another sharp pain to spread through his stomach.
"It's almost inside," Fred said, as he watch the boy's anus slowly open up to allow his penis inside.
A tear started to run down the corner of Thomas's face and Fred almost stopped, but before he could pull out, the head of his penis popped inside of the boy.
"Ow!" Thomas cried out, trying to pull away from Fred.
"Oh god," Fred moaned as he held the struggling boy in place. "Don't fight, it won't hurt for long."
Thomas couldn't hear him, all he knew was his butt felt like it was on fire and he wanted to stop.
Fred pushed his penis further inside of the boy, feeling the boys tight insides grip the head of his penis.
"It hurts," Thomas said.
"Just a little more," Fred said as he pushed further into the boy, stopping when half his penis was in, deciding that was enough. "Just wait Tommy, it won't hurt much longer."
Thomas felt fuller than he ever had before. If Ricky's penis was big, Fred's was a giant. He waited, feeling the pain slowly fade away, only returning when Fred shifted his weight or moved his cock.
"Is it getting better?" Fred asked Thomas.
"A little," Thomas said. "But it still hurts."
"It won't hurt as much after we've done it a few times," Fred said.
At first Thomas didn't know if he could survive a few more times of Fred inside of him, but after a few moments the pain wasn't as bad and it didn't hurt every time Fred moved, only some of the time.
"Are you ready?" Fred asked Thomas, wanting to start fucking the boy.
Thomas just nodded his head.
"Tell me," Fred said in a husky voice.
"I'm ready," Thomas said.
"Ready for what?" Fred asked.
Thomas was silent, not really wanting to say it.
"Ready for what Thomas?" Fred asked the shivering boy.
"For you to do me," Thomas finally said.
"Okay," Fred said smiling down at the boy.
Fred began to move his penis slowly in and out of the boy's ass. Thomas groaned when he pushed in too far, but seemed to be adapting to the man's large cock.
Fred sped up slowly, increasing the speed of his thrusts as he felt his own orgasm nearing. Thomas also felt something, his penis began to tingle as Fred's cock rubbed against his prostate, it felt different from anything he'd felt before.
Fred listened to Thomas's heavy breathing and knew the boy was starting to feel the same thing he had when he was his age. Thomas groaned as Fred sped up his thrusts even faster, lust taking over his reason.
"It feels so good," Fred said to know one in particular.
Thomas laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes as he felt the beginnings of his orgasm rush inside of his little dick, a small spurt of cum shot onto the sheets.
"Ungh, ungh, ungh," the boy groaned, the feelings taking over.
Fred felt the spasms of Thomas's anus around his dick and couldn't take any more, he thrust deep inside the boy one more time and felt the come boil out of his balls.
"Oh God!" Fred yelled, feeling cum rush through his penis, filling Thomas's insides.
Thomas moaned as he felt Fred empty semen inside of his stomach, causing even more intense feeling to surge out of his boy dick.
As Fred's orgasm subsided he collapsed on top of the boy. Thomas struggled under the weight of the man.
"You're too heavy," Thomas said. "I can't breathe."
Fred rolled off of Thomas, pulling his penis from the boy's anus.
Thomas was relieved to finally have Fred's penis out of his ass. He didn't know whether he should cry or smile.
His insides seem to be throbbing. His anus was wracked with spasms, trying to close back up. He felt the warmth of Fred's semen leaking out from his bottom.
"God that was good," Fred said, his hand stroking the boy's back.
Thomas didn't know what to say.
The End