PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche

Michael and Jeff


A father discovers that his 7-year-old son and his friend like to be tied up.
Publ. May 2005 (Lolita Bondage); this site Feb 2008
Finished Length 16,300 words (33 pages)


Michael (7yo), Jeff (7yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/bdsm
Mbcons anal oral – bd elect spank toys


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with the title of the story or the author's name in the subject line.

Being an only child gave my son, Michael, an ability to hog my entire attention since the day he was born. My wife split shortly after that time, leaving me to raise him alone. She took off with some hot-shit with a fast car; I hadn't heard from her since.

Anyway, when Michael was born he consumed my time. Thankfully, I had a business that allowed me the flexibility to take care of him, and since I did own the business, I never had to report to anyone.

While he was growing up, I saw a part of myself in him. I could tell he was going to be a lot like me. Most men would look on that as a source of pride, I saw it as a source of trouble.

Immediately I noticed his precociousness. First it was the non-stop questions, and then it graduated into boldness. When he was four, he didn't see the need for clothes. One time in the mall, he stripped totally naked while I was ordering something from a store catalog. I chased him through three shops before finally catching him. Several people laughed like they never had before. We haven't been back to that mall since.

When he was seven, he walked up to me in my den, totally naked, of course, and asked a question that most would think was odd. I didn't, for Michael, that is.

"Dad?" He asked.

"Yeah, Son," I answered on the other side of my newspaper.

"Why do people like being tied up?"

I stopped reading and looked over the newspaper at the young nudist. "Where did you hear that?" I asked him.

He looked down at his shuffling feet and mumbled something. I had a feeling what it was but I wanted him to say it where I could hear it. I asked him to repeat it.

"I saw one of your magazines 3;" he looked red in the face, embarrassed at being caught by his own curiosity. He was not allowed in my bedroom. I had small collection of BDSM mags tucked away in my closet.

"Those magazines are not for children, Michael, and you know better than to get into my bedroom." I was angry at him for this, but at the same time, not surprised. Forbid a child to do something, and he's going to find a way to do it, especially a child like my son.

"Sorry," he muttered under his breath.

"You will be punished for this, Michael. I think the punishment should fit the crime. You want to know about being tied up, huh?" He shrugged his answer back at me. "Yes, or no, son," I coaxed him. Again, I knew the answer, but I wanted him to say it.

"Yes 3;" He took the bait.

"How long do you think you should be tied up for going into my closet?"

"I donno," he muttered.

"Well, we'll start with two hours then go from there." His eyes got as big as saucers. Two hours being in one spot, unable to move was going to kill him, and I knew it. He's always been a very active child, so being still always been a problem.

"Go into the living room, and wait for me." He obeyed, and walked into our living room. I went upstairs to my bedroom and retrieved a box of things I had saved from my single days. When I walked into the living room, Michael was pacing.

"Go get one of the kitchen tables, Michael, and bring it here," I commanded.

With slumped shoulders, he ambled out of the room to get the instrument of his torture. I knew enough not to take it too far the first time. I just wanted to scare him a little.

"Please, Dad, I promise not to do it again," he pleaded with me as he walked back in the room.

"Too late, son, the deed is done, and the punishment is next. Maybe this'll teach you to mind me, but I doubt it. We'll see. Now, turn around and put your hands behind your back."

He did as he was told. Once his back was to me, I took the blindfold from the box and tied it around his head, cutting off all light to his eyes. The next thing tied to him was a ball gag, making any intelligible speech impossible.

I pulled him over to the chair, and bent him forward, laying his chest on the seat. With some lubricant smeared over the smallest buttplug, I inserted it into his seven-year-old anus. He groaned and whined, but the plug was there to stay. I pulled him back up and turned him around to face me then sat him on the chair. No matter how hard he pushed now, the buttplug was going to stay in his cute little ass.

"I've got to go get something from the garage, Michael. If you move one inch, I'll tack another two hours onto your punishment, understand?" He nodded. I knew it was uncomfortable to have something shoved up his ass, but he knew better than to call my bluff. I never bluff.

I walked out to get a length of rope and a knife to cut it when I needed. When I tip-toed my way back into the room, Michael was still sitting on the chair, but trying to get the buttplug out.

"I told you to sit still," I said in a deep resonating voice, startling the boy. "I guess you enjoy being punished." His shoulders slumped down; he knew he was getting the added two hours onto his sentence.

The chair he was sitting on had a backing with a solid piece in the middle and a metal pole going around it with enough space to fit a person's arm through. I walked behind him and pulled his arms through those two spaces. I crossed his arms at his wrists and tied them together, leaving enough rope on each end to reach the bottom rungs. Another rope was used to tie his elbows together, making him arch his back and stick his chest out. The free ends of the rope holding his wrists together were tied off tightly to the back rung at the bottom of the chair.

"Oh, stop your whimpering, Michael. I haven't even gotten started yet." That put the fear of God into him.

I reached back into the box of 'goodies' and retrieved a small dog collar. I had used it on my wife a couple of times while we were married. I placed it around his neck with the d-ring in the back. I used a short piece of rope and tied it to the d-ring and passed it through his arms above the elbows. I then took the rope and pushed it through his forearms and back up to the d-ring. I pulled the rope tight, making him pull his head back even farther and his shoulder-length blond hair hang down lower. The rope was then tied off to itself.

It was an effort for him to breathe, but he managed. I mean, after all, I didn't want to kill the boy.

Getting a piece of twine out of the box, I reached between his legs and dug his balls out from under him and wrapped the twine around them. I made several passes with the twine, making sure his little nuts were secured nicely. I left the ends of the twine lying on the seat of the chair momentarily.

I took his legs and bent them at the knees, placing the soles of his feet on the chair. I tied his ankles together with another length of rope, winding around to tie off at his knees. I brought the ends of the twine ensnaring his ballsacks around his ankles and tied his big toes together with them. I made sure the twine was nice and tight. If he didn't keep his feet where they were, he would pull on his balls. I plucked the twine afterwards, just to get his attention; I got it.

When I tied his ankles and lower legs together, I made sure his little cock was sticking up through his legs for me to do something with. I took some left over twine and made some small nooses from them. I rubbed his nipples enough to get them hard and looped the nooses around them. I pulled the slack out and trapped his little nipples with the nooses. You can imagine where the free ends were going.

They were left to hang down as I looped another noose around his cockhead. All three ends met just above his navel. With some ingenious manipulation, the twines were strung together very tight. Every time he took a breath, they pulled on his manhood and his nips.

His small pale body was in some severe torment. As thin as he was, it was easy for me to apply the torment.

"Okay, Michael, you have four hours to be tied up, starting now. I'll check on you periodically." And with that, I left my seven year old nudist son to his torture.

I knew my son, and I knew that just being still for four hours was torment enough, but not having the ability to move at all was hell. I went to the kitchen and made some lunch for myself. From time to time, I would hear a grunt or groan coming from the living room, but it was essentially quiet.

I started to think that this was actually a good idea. I mean that I get some quiet time, and I know that there was no way he was going to move from his spot.

After lunch, I walked in to check on my son. He was straining having to keep his knees bent so that his balls were not put under any more stress than they already were. I checked on them to make sure they were still attached to his body, and all was well. His little nuts were turning a little purple, but that was to be expected.

"Three and a half hours to go, Michael," I informed him, and he groaned. I knew he was expecting it to be shorter.

I went back into my den to do some paperwork and allow him to finish his punishment alone. I played on the internet for a while, and then a computer game for the next thee hours. I would take periodic breaks and check on him to make sure he was okay then return to my game.

After a very long four hours for him, I walked back out to the living room, and began untying him. At once he pulled his arms to the front and stretched his back. He started to remove the collar, but I stopped him.

"That is to stay on while you're here at the house, Michael."


"Because I said so," I informed him. I love that reason.

He slumped his shoulders forward and nodded his submission. I then had him bend over the chair so I could remove the buttplug.

I told him to go play in his room or outside for the rest of the day. Surprisingly, he went and got dressed and ran outside to the backyard. Usually, he prefers to stay in and run around naked. I guess he needed some time to himself.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and we actually had a pleasant conversation at dinner. When dinner was over, he walked in the kitchen, and asked his question again about why people like being tied up.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked.

"It was okay," he shrugged.

"Well, from now on, anytime you do something wrong, you're going to get tied up as part of your punishment, understand?"

"Yes Sir," he answered.

"But, to answer your question, some people like being tied up a lot. It makes them feel good to allow someone else to 3; um 3; have power over them. I know that doesn't make any sense, but it does to some people."

"Do you like it?" It was an honest question, so I answered it.

"I enjoy tying people up. I used to tie up your mother when we were married."

"Really? Did she really like it?"

I smiled at some of the memories. "Yeah, she really did like it, and you may get to the point where you begin to like it, also."

He thought about it for about half a second then shook his head. "I don't think so, Dad."

I smiled at him; that was the same thing his mother said after her first time. After I made her cum several times being hog-tied, she was begging to be tied up.

"We'll see, Son."

That was the beginning of a new era for us. He didn't understand that I knew exactly what I was doing.

He didn't do anything wrong the next day, which was surprising, but the following day, I caught him looking through my mags again. He was looking at them while sitting on his bed, sporting a nice stiff hard-on. I cleared my throat when I saw him. He knew it was futile to try and hide anything, or deny he was doing anything wrong. My room is off limits.

"Dad, please, I couldn't help it. I just wanted to look 3;" he did try and plead his case, though.

"What is the one rule about my bedroom, Michael?"

"I can't go in," he conceded.

"Right; and the punishment?"

"I get tied up 3;"

"Right again, but this time, you're going to get a paddling." Again, his eyes got as big as saucers.

"Please, please, please, Dad, no," he was practically on his knees begging.

"Don't tell me, ‘no', Son, I will do as I see fit. And just for that, an added ten smacks and another two hours in the chair." He didn't say another word after that.

I led him downstairs and had him bring a kitchen chair into the living room once again. I knew it was only a matter of time before we were doing this again, and I was prepared. I pulled the box of toys out from the downstairs closet and was waiting for him to come into the room.

He walked in with his head low, dragging the chair behind him. He looked like he thought he was headed to the guillotine. I almost smiled; his look was so pathetic, but he knew the cost of disobedience.

I placed the chair in the middle of the room, and told him to lay his stomach on it. The first thing I did was put the blindfold and ball gag in place. I then pulled his arms through the back of the chair, and folded them on top of each other. I tied his wrists to his elbows and then to the outside bar of the back, winding the ropes around the bottom of the chair. I did this so that he could not move his arms up and down the back of the chair.

I tied his knees to the bottom rung of the chair and to each of the front legs, forcing his butt up in the air. His ankles were brought together with another length of rope, and crossed over each other. What this did was force his thighs open. It was not the most comfortable position to be in. With his cute little butt sticking out, the buttplug was greased up, and eased into his anus, but not all the way. I wanted the first swat of the paddle to force it inside.

I reapplied the twine to his balls, but this time I wrapped them individually, and pulled them apart as well as down. The twines were tied off to the same spot as his knees. Yet another twine was used to tie off his cock to the d-ring in the dog collar. It was pulled just tight enough to stretch his little cock to its limits.

A last piece of rope was used to wrap around his body, making sure he was secure to the chair. I could tell he was scared; good, I wanted him that way.

"Now, Michael, I believe that twenty-five swats should do it. Of course if I mess up on the count, I'll have to start over again at zero." He whimpered through his gag.

I took the paddle out of the box and examined it for the first time in years. It was one of those paddles that had a series of holes in it to allow the wind to pass through it. I knew this was going to hurt him a lot more than me.

I lined up the paddle to his upturned ass, pulled back, and swung downward.

SMACK! "One." The buttplug bulleted the rest of the way inside his anus. Michael made a sound that was a combination of a groan and a scream, I think. I couldn't tell if it was from the swat or the plug going inside him. Both probably hurt.

SMACK! "Two." A nice red welt had appeared on his young ass. As the number of smacks increased, the redder his backside became. At the count of ten, his skin was a deep, deep red, almost a mahogany. I could tell he was going to have problems sitting down for the next few days.

SMACK! "Eleven. Now, what comes after eleven? Oh, yeah," I teased him. SMACK! "Twelve." I moved the paddle around to tenderize the entirety of his ass.

SMACK! "Twenty." Some bruising was showing by this time, and he was wailing into the ball gag. I looked at his blindfold and it was soaked with his tears. "Five more to go, Michael."

SMACK! Count. SMACK! Count. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Twenty-five."

I laid the paddle on the floor and walked over to my son. Yep, he was definitely going to have problems sitting down. I grabbed the last piece of rope, and tied it around his waist. The free ends were run between his legs and passed over the buttplug. I tied them tight enough to keep the plug up his ass for the duration of his bondage.

"Okay, Michael, four hours from now, I will release you. I have some things to do outside." I frisked his black wavy hair, and left the house to do some gardening in the back.

About an hour later, a friend of Michael's came over to visit with him. Jeff was my son's age and body build with darker skin and cold black hair. He had a round face with small dimples in his cheeks. He was kinda cute in his own way. Anyways, I told him to come back in about three hours.

"Why, Mr. Thomas?"

"Because he's being punished right now, Jeff."

"Ya mean tied up again?" That shocked me. I stopped what I was doing and turned to face the boy.

"He told you about that?"

"Yes sir."

"Really?" He nodded. "What did he say about it? Be honest."

"He just said that he did somethin' he wasn't supposed to, and you tied him up for a while, that's all."

"Did he say anything else?" I was fishing for something.

"Well, he did say that he kinda enjoyed it a little."

"Well, well, well. That's interesting," I said to myself. "Since you already know about it, you may go inside and see him. Here are the rules for you if you ever want to come here again, though. Don't touch him, or play with him in any way. Also, you cannot tell anyone about what you see; they wouldn't understand. Any questions?"

"No, sir," he said with a smile, and walked in the house.

I figured I was probably making a mistake letting Jeff see my son in his bondage, but the damage had already been done. Besides, allowing him to see the boy will embarrass him into not disobeying me again, hopefully. I doubt it.

After another hour of work, I walked inside to get a glass of lemonade. When I walked in, Jeff joined me in the kitchen.

"Want some lemonade, Jeff?" He nodded.

"Uh 3; Mr. Thomas?"

"Yes, Jeff?"

"Umm... Michael's 3;um 3; things are turning blue."

"You mean his balls?" Again he nodded. "It's okay; you may say ‘balls' or ‘nuts' when you're here. As far as his balls turning blue, he'll live. Once I untie them and blood goes back to them, they will be fine. It's all part of his punishment. Besides, didn't you say that he liked it?"

"Yes, sir," he said with a smile.

"Well, then let him enjoy it for another two hours or so. Although I had better go check on him."

Jeff and I walked into the living room with our drinks and saw my son just the way I left him. Jeff was right; his tiny nuts were turning a nice shade of blue. I knew it was embarrassing Michael for us to be standing over him and watching him, but I didn't care. This was all part of his punishment.

"Why is his behind so red?"

"He got a paddling also, Jeff." His eyes got as large as Michael's did earlier that day. A small "wow" escaped his lips, too. I could tell that Jeff was getting a little excited as he looked at his friend as he was forced to bend over the chair. Jeff's shorts were starting to tee-pee out at the crotch. I pretended not to notice for a minute.

After inspecting Michael closely and determining that he was okay for another two hours, I turned and left the two boys alone. As I was gardening, I continued to think of different ways he could be punished. One of my best attributes is very active imagination. I started designing up different devices in my head as I worked.

Jeff joined me outside after a half hour or so. We talked about mundane things, kid things, for a while till I thought I had his confidence.

"Jeff, I noticed inside while you were looking at Michael, you got a little excited," I said to him cautiously. I didn't want to scare the boy off.

When he looked up at me, I knew I had hit pay dirt.

"Well," I prodded.

"I guess so, sir," he shrugged shyly.

"While it's just you and me, you can call me Nathan, okay?" He nodded. "Secondly, it's nothing to be ashamed about. Lots of people get excited when they see someone tied up, especially when they are naked."

"Really? I thought it was weird to like that stuff."

"Unusual, yes, but not weird. People do it all the time, just not too many kids. Were you thinking about trying it?" Another risk on my part. I waited with baited breath. Seconds passed like eternities.

It was ever so slight, but he nodded. I walked over and sat next to him.

"If you want to do it, I can show you, but you must promise never to say anything about this to anyone, understand?" I emphasized the word 'never', making sure he got my meaning.

"Yes, sir, I understand," he said. "Never say anything to anyone."

"Good, lad. Now, if you want to do this, ask your parents if you can spend the weekend over here, and we'll get started." It wouldn't have been an unusual request as Jeff has spent the night with us before.

"Okay," he said, and was actually smiling when he said it.

Michael had just over an hour left on his imprisonment, so I left him to stew inside while Jeff ran home to talk to his parents. I knew the Wilsons pretty well, and I had the feeling that Jeff would be back over here in an hour's time with his clothes for the weekend.

An hour later, I walked back inside to untie my son, when an inspiration hit me. I went into my den and got my digital camera from my desk. I walked over to where my son was still tied and snapped a few shots of him bent over the chair. The pics even showed his enflamed asscheeks and grossly purple balls.

His body had had enough torture for one day, so I released his bonds. Even as the last rope was undone, he flopped to the seat of the chair, exhausted. He had only a moment to rest as the doorbell rang. I told him to run upstairs and get some clothes on. I hurriedly put the box of toys away and replaced the kitchen chair. Even as repulsed by having the buttplug up his ass, he was even more sickened by the thought of pulling it out himself. I knew he'd still have it snuggly in place for later.

"Mrs. Wilson," I said, beaming at her as I opened the front door. "Come on in."

"Thank you, Nathan for allowing Jeff to stay for the weekend. He's wanted to do this for the whole summer."

"Really? He never said anything to me," I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, that's my fault I'm afraid. I didn't think you would want him for the whole weekend. And my name's Julie."

"It's no problem, Julie," I said with a very disarming smile.

She turned to her son to give him some last minute instructions, and then a "you do what Mr. Thomas says, now" speech. Of course he will, of course he will.

They said their good-byes, and she turned and left for the weekend. I had two submissive boys for the entire weekend. I kept thinking just how lucky I was. Jeff took his things upstairs then the two boys bounded back down to join me in the den.

"Mr. Thomas, sir," Jeff began, "we were wondering, if we were going to get tied up tonight."

"Do you want to be tied up?" I asked them.

Unbelievably, both boys nodded their heads. I was sure Michael had had enough for one day. I guess that goes to show that even adults get surprised sometimes.

"We'll talk after dinner, boys."

Michael ate dinner with the buttplug still inside him and naked, as usual. Jeff was still a little shy about nudity, so he ate in his underpants. I think Michael was starting to get used to the buttplug. Jeff had already seen it, but didn't know what it was. He asked me about it when Michael was taking his bath.

"It's a buttplug," I informed him. He giggled at the word; most seven-year-olds giggle at anything having to do with butts or groins. "It fits inside a person's backside. You'll wear one before going to bed, also."

The shock on his face mirrored the one he had earlier.

"What did you think was going to happen?"

"I dunno. Will it hurt?"

"I promise that it will go in as gently as possible, but you will wear one for the night, Jeff."

"Yes sir."

When both boys had finished their baths, I allowed them to stay up a little later than normal, being a summer weekend and all. At about ten o'clock, I announced that it was time for bed. The boys knew what that meant and they scampered up the stairs to my son's room. I went to the downstairs closet, and retrieved my toy box then followed them upstairs.

"Okay, Jeff," I said upon entering the room, "bend over the bed." The boy reluctantly obeyed. I lowered his underpants with one hand and reached in the box and retrieved a second buttplug with the other. After lubing it up, I placed it at the entrance to his backside. With the paddle I had used earlier that day on Michael, I tapped it place. A good solid swat pushed the plug inside his rectum.

He reared up his head and hissed at the sudden intrusion. Of course the paddle hitting his derrière hurt a bit, also. Michael watched his friend get the same treatment he had received earlier that day with a certain degree of interest. That was the only hit with the paddle Jeff was going to get, so Michael didn't get too excited.

I had the boys stand back to back. I pulled their arms behind them and around the other's body. I tied their wrists together, wrapping the excess rope up their forearms to end at their elbows. The boys' bodies were tight against each other. Another piece of rope was tied around each of their boy-packages at the base, right where they connect to the groin. The free ends of that rope were wrapped around the partners' wrists, and then wrapped around the back to ensnare his own cockhead. If either of them moved their arms, not only would they hurt themselves, but the other one as well.

A dog collar was attached around Jeff's neck and clipped to Michael's collar, holding their necks together. Ball gags and blindfolds were also added and tied to each other, making sure their heads were well attached. If one moved a head, so did the other.

I wasn't finished with their cocks, though. I used a piece of twine and pulled them upwards by wrapping it around the heads and through the front d-ring of each of the collars. I twanged them a little, just to cause a little more pain for them.

I tied ropes around them at their knees and ankles. There was no way they could move a leg. Twine tied off their big toes, and the free ends brought up to encase their protruding ballsacks. I pulled the lines tightly, but not too tight. It did make it impossible to move their toes downward without causing excruciating pain to the family jewels, though.

I laid them down in Michael's bed, for a good night sleep, at least for me. There would be no getting up in the middle of the night for a drink or other such nonsense. They were stuck there for the night.

Before I left the room for the night, I did add one more thing. Clothes pins were added to each of the four nipples. Both boys screamed like school girls into their gags as each of them were applied. No matter how they tried to get them to come off, the pins were staying for the night.

I turned the light out and left the room, to enjoy a nice quiet evening to myself. Let the boys enjoy themselves.

Before turning in at midnight, I looked in on them. Both boys had been quite anxious to get out of the bonds I put them in, but they didn't get anywhere. The only way I knew they had tried, was that the covers on the bed had moved. Both sets of testicles were now a really nice shade of reddish purple due to lack of oxygen. They would survive.

Both of their cocks had suffered punishment as well, though nothing that was permanent. I took the liberty of removing the clothes pins from their nipples. As anyone who has had that done to them can tell you, when the blood rushes back to the abused area, it hurts just as bad as when they were first applied. After removing them from my son's he screamed into the gag, I'm sure making Jeff wonder what I had done to him. I didn't let him wonder long. He screamed almost as loud as Michael. Although neither boy yelled as loud then as when I replaced the pins.

They were still moving around and grunting when I left the room for the night. I slept very well that night, secure in the knowledge that my son and his friend were having fun, but not getting into any trouble. After all, this is what they wanted. This is what they got, that's for sure.

Morning came too soon for me. I woke to a grey sky, with the hint of rain in the air. I almost forgot what had happened last night as I moseyed into the bathroom for my morning piss. I looked in the mirror then remembered my son and his friend were tied up in his room.

I smiled at the memory, and then walked in to check on them. They were actually snoring lightly when I walked in. I first pulled off their nipple torturing clothes pins, waking them to the experience of pain to their chests. The blindfolds and ball gags were removed next.

"Good morning, boys," I said with a sincere smile.

"'Morning," they mumbled back to me.

"How do you feel?"

"Sore. Can you let us out, please, Dad?"

"What about you, Jeff? Wanna be let out?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Hold still." I began undoing what I had done to them the previous night. When the boys were finally free, both of them complained that they couldn't move the arms that they had been sleeping on.

"The feeling and movement will return in a few minutes," I assured them. When it did return both of them were flopping around like eels, complaining of needles in their arms.

The buttplugs and collars were to remain in place for the duration of the weekend. When Michael had to use the toilet for the first time that day, he came to me to take the plug out. He used the facility, and then I replaced the device. Jeff removed his plug on his own.

The boys played games together for most of the time, that is after cartoons. That afternoon, I decided to get a little bolder with the two boys. When they had finished another one of Michael's board games, I told them to come to me on the couch. I had Michael first.

I pulled his arms behind his back, and tied them with them crossing each other where he grabbed the opposing elbow. His wrists were tied to those elbows and another rope was tied just above his small biceps. A piece of rope was tied to the back d-ring on his collar and passed around his bound forearms, then back up to the collar and pulled tight. His head was forced back a little and his hair fell down his back a bit.

I placed the blindfolds over his eyes and turned him around to bend him over the sofa. He waited for my next move on his knees.

I turned my attentions to Jeff. His arms were tied up the same way, except they were in front of his dark body. The rope was used with the d-ring of his collar as well, but another one was added to go south. That rope was wound around his cock and balls at their base, then passed back up to his arms. I bent him over the sofa and secured the blindfold, having him wait along side Michael.

While they were helpless, I stripped off my clothes and sat at the end of the sofa, admiring the view. I reached down and pulled out each boy's buttplugs. The reaction was identical; a grimace then relief. But my plans were not finished.

I greased up Michael's rear end and began to widen his anus with my fingers. It was a little wider than normal due to the plug being imbedded in him, but I needed it larger to accept my throbbing cock. I had been looking forward to this for a long, long time.

My fingers probed and prodded in and out of his anus amidst his complaints. When I had enough of them I told him to be quiet; it was nothing compared to the buttplug that had entered him. When I thought he was wide enough, I raised him up to straddle my torso, aimed my pole towards his backside, and then eased him down.

When my cock touched his anal barrier, he flinched, not knowing what was touching his most private part. When the realization set in, he begged me to stop what I was doing. I slapped his ass in response.

"You want a whipping with the belt instead of this?" I asked him. He hesitated, sorting out whether a whipping would be better than my cock up his ass. He finally shook his head, no. "Then stop the complaining, and accept it, son."

"Yes Sir," he said, then complied with my wishes.

I eased him down onto my shaft. When the head of my cock penetrated his nether region, he grimaced, but didn't say a word of complaint. With infinite patience, I slowly pulled him down on top of me till I was fully embedded in his rectum. My man-sized cock may not be very long, but the problem is that it is very thick when fully engorged. My son was straining to keep from complaining again.

When his asscheeks were resting on my pelvis, I reached around to Michael's member. Even though he was skewered up the ass by my cock, and complaining a little, his rod was at full strength. It was then that I turned my attentions to Jeff.

"Jeff," he raised his head in acknowledgement. I continued, "Climb up on the couch and sit down facing away from my voice." The boy did as he was told, and straddled my legs. I pulled him towards Michael until he was right in front of him.

I bent his body forward to lie on my legs. With a little movement and some effort, I maneuvered his asshole to be in line with Michael's stiffie. He sat up at once when the head of my son's cock touched his rear door. Michael also moved, but in a wonderment way, like he was curious to the new sensation.

I pushed Michael towards Jeff, and off my cock, forcing his own cock up the boy's small rectum. Because Michael wasn't as large as the buttplug was, he accepted his boy-cock easily and my son slid inside him with no resistance. Michael's body language changed from wincing in agony to a growing pleasure at being inside his friend's asshole.

I moved my son's hips back and forth a few strokes and as he fucked the other boy, he was also riding me. Soon enough, he picked up the idea on his own, and didn't need me to guide him any longer. I let go of his hips and he continued humping on his own. When I let go, I didn't just lie there, I reached around the two of them, and wrapped my hand around Jeff's very hard staff.

With the skill of one who has been single for a number of years, I began stroking his cock. He was starting to feel what I was doing, and began moving his own hips, and my other hand stopped him.

"Don't move, Jeff. Stay where you are to allow Michael to do what he wants," I commanded him. He nodded his understanding of my order. I continued to masturbate the boy's cock as Michael continued to fuck him. My thick cock was gliding in and out of my son's ass with a lot more ease, now, and I could tell Michael was having less pain from the intrusion. As the pain lessened, the pleasure began to increase for Michael. He began to pick up the pace.

Within minutes, I was unable to hold back my orgasm any longer and sent my seed deep into my son's depths. Shortly after my cum, Jeff stiffened and moaned, making it known he had just finished as well. Michael was close behind him. He made one hard push and erupted through his own pleasure peak. Both boys were too young to produce any semen, of course, but the feeling was no less intense.

We laid on top of one another for a few minutes, recovering, until Michael was saying that he was hungry. I just noticed that I was quite hungry as well. I untied the boys and released their blindfolds, but replaced their buttplugs. We got cleaned up then fixed supper in the buff, sat and ate the meal in the same way.

After supper we watched some TV shows, sci fi mostly, and then it was bedtime. I had been planning this the entire time we were watching TV. They brushed their teeth, and walked to Michael's room to wait for me.

I walked in and told them to follow me to my room. I have a four poster bed with rails at the top that was perfect for what I had in mind. I led my prey into the room and stood one on each side of the bed.

I tied Jeff's arms behind his back first, in the usual manner; crossed over each other with the wrists tied at the elbows and another tied just above the bicep. A rope was then tied around his ankles and the excess passed under the bed. The free ends were tied tightly to Michael's ankles, pulling both boys to the sides of the bed. The boys could not move away from the sides, nor go to their knees to kneel on the bed. I decided that since I was over on Michael's side, I would bind his hands in the same manner as Jeff.

Now came the tricky part. I wrapped twine around Jeff's cockhead and passed it over the rail above his head then pulled it down and over to Michael. With another piece of twine, I ensnared my son's nipples and left some slack to hang down. The piece of twine holding Jeff's cockhead was passed through the slack, and pulled tight. This raised Jeff up on his toes as well as Michael, but both for different reasons. I repeated the process with Michael's cockhead to Jeff's nipples. The twines were pulled very tight and didn't give either boy any slack to move.

A rail passed down the center of the bed at the top and was to be used for the next phase of my plan. Another long piece of twine was wrapped around my son's testicles and thrown over the center rail and tied off to the d-ring in Jeff's collar. Again, any slack was taken out to make sure it was pulling on his boy-jewels. Once again, the process was repeated for Jeff's mutual discomfort.

Both boys were moaning and complaining greatly about their bondage situation. Blindfolds and ball gags were reattached for the night. I wasn't quite done with them yet. I wanted relief, and Jeff hadn't taken me up the ass yet. I was about to remedy that shortcoming.

I walked behind him and ran my hands up and down his smooth, supple body. His dark skin was divine, almost like running my hands over silk. He cooed at my touch. I was making him grow a little, but not much as the twine started to bite into his skin. With one hand around his waist, I reached back and pulled the buttplug out of his asshole. It made a ‘pop' sound that made him giggle.

He stopped giggling when the head of my cock slid between his legs. With the thought of really de-flowering him, I had built up a lot of pre-cum on my dick. I used the liquid to slick up his nether-hole. I moved my cock back and forth a few times to get enough of the slippery substance around his small hole. I knelt down on a small stool to get the angle I needed.

"This is gonna hurt a bit, boy, but it's necessary," whispered in his ear. He nodded. And with one really good hard push of my hips, I speared the dark-skinned asshole of the young lad.

He bellowed as best as he could through the ball gag. He struggled to get away from the invading missile that had torn into him, but it was no use, I had tied him too good. If he moved any, both he and Michael hurt. There was no place for him to go, but to accept me inside him.

I stayed still for a minute to allow him to get used to me. My cock was still a few inches from being fully buried inside his rectum. With a fair amount of patience, I waited for him to calm down before I continued the insertion.

I pulled out a little then pushed my cock inside further. Another inch had made inside. I continued this until I felt his small asscheeks against my crotch. I was fully embedded inside the boy. With one hand continuing to steady him, I began to fuck his ass with slow rhythmic movements.

Even though I had cum earlier in the evening, this boy's ass was still so tight, that I felt the familiar sensation building in loins. Within minutes, I was injecting his bowels with my seed. The feeling was indescribable. I felt like I had moved into another plane of existence.

My right hand moved around his body and enveloped his small cock. I figured it was justice if I allowed him an orgasm as well. The left hand that had been holding him steady, released the twine that was pulling his cock. I know Michael was glad to have his nipples not be pulled for a while, but Jeff was especially glad to have his cock free as well.

With my own cock still buried in his rear entrance, I stroked the boy to a powerful orgasm. He almost passed out from it. Having my cock inside him seemed to heighten the experience.

After his orgasm had faded, I pulled my cock out of his backside, and replaced the buttplug. I retied his cockhead to the twine that was connected to my son's aching nipples. The cock was stretched out as far as it could go without any serious damage being done to it.

The problem was that I was getting hard again, and was looking for more action. Michael was my next target. I walked around behind him as well, bringing the stool with me, and started the same procedure with him that I did with his friend.

When I removed the buttplug from my son's asshole, it didn't make as much of a sound as when I did it to Jeff. Again, with one hand to steady him, I lined up my cock with his small asshole using the other. He whimpered a little when he felt the tip at his buttcheeks, and did try to clench them together to stop me. Instead of forcing my way inside him I backed off and stood up.

"Just for that, boy, a session with the belt is coming," I informed him. He squealed at me to not do it, but it was too late. I walked to my closet to get the belt I always used on him. The paddle was downstairs and it was too much trouble to get it. I returned to the bed and walked up behind him. His ass was still a little sore from the paddling I had given him the previous day, but I figured he could stand the belt.

"I think twenty licks should do it, don't you?" Michael moaned, but nodded slightly. It wasn't a question, per se. I folded the belt in half and grabbed the free ends. A scary practice swat against my hand had him shaking.

SWAT! "One!" An "uh!" sound came from Michael and a red line had formed on his right cheek where the belt struck him. Another SWAT! A second red line formed just under the first. I brought the belt back down on a backhand swing against his left cheek and an identical red line formed on fresh skin.

After another fifteen strikes, his ass was inflamed again. SWAT! "Nineteen!" With the last one, I lined up to his left to bring the belt down fully against his whole ass. That one made him jump as the entire area was very red and sore. I laid the belt down on the bed and walked behind him.

"You gonna let me in, now, boy?" I hissed in his ear. He nodded his answer, not that he could talk through the ball gag. I knelt down and lined myself up with his seven-year-old asshole and with now practiced ease, I slipped past his barrier. His sphincter muscles clamped down on my cock as they did before, making it an even tighter fit.

Even though the buttplug had done its job well, and I had already fucked him once that day, he was still quite small and tight. When the skin of my lower belly touched his asscheeks, they gave off a small amount of heat from the thrashing I had just given him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, and began fucking him with earnest gusto. The indescribable feeling of being in a young boy's asshole was pure euphoria. Within mere moments following entering him, my orgasm was building. After a few good hard pumps of my hips, I thrust harder and sent my balls' contents deep in his intestines.

I was spent. After fucking two gorgeous seven-year-olds my strength was depleted. I pulled out of my son's ass, making him groan as his sphincter tried to shrink back to normal. I replaced the buttplug inside him, making sure my semen remained where it was.

I crawled into bed for a good night sleep, leaving my two hostages to stay standing up for the night.

When I woke in the morning, they were both still awake, but barely. I think they sort of zoned out during the night, but remained alert to make sure nothing was ripped from their young bodies. I pulled Jeff's blindfold and ball gag off first then Michael's.

The twine that ensnared the boy's cocks to the other's nipples was released as well as the one holding their ballsacks. The latter ones were retied from their collars to the middle beam, though, not to the other's balls. The ropes attached to their nipples were then tied to each others' nipples across the bed. The clothespins were placed over the twine just on the tip of each nipple, sending excruciating pain through their young chests.

I reached down and massaged Michael's small nuts to get the feeling back, and he started to get erect from the manipulation, despite the pain in his chest. I bent over and fit my mouth over his hardening cock for a morning thrill for him. He apparently enjoyed it, as he came in my mouth a few minutes later.

I did the same thing for his friend, and left the two boys to themselves while I took a much needed shower. I knew both of them needed some sleep, but I wasn't ready to give it to them, yet. I wanted to see how long they could last.

When I returned to the room, both boys were straining against their bonds, but I also noticed that both of them also had erections again. I didn't retie either of their genitals back. I looked at Michael's backside, and there were a few dark spots and lines across his ass, but otherwise, fine.

I decided it was time to release them from their bondage to enjoy the day. Jeff was supposed to return home today. Each of them flopped to the bed once totally freed. I walked each of them to the bathroom for their morning baths and to relieve themselves in the toilet.

Breakfast was a simple matter, just cereal for all of us. The boys wanted to play outside for a while, so I let them go out back. I allowed them to take off their collars, but the buttplugs remained in place. At about noon, we had lunch.

At about three o'clock that day, Jeff's mother called to talk to him. Michael and I left him alone with the call, and walked in the living room. I was lying on the couch with my son in front of me, facing the same way. I had my right hand down his shorts and was playing with his cock and balls when Jeff walked in the room.

"My mom wants to talk to you, sir," he said and handed me the cordless.

"Julie, what can I do for you?" I asked her.

"Nathan, do you mind watching Jeff for the rest of the week?"

"Why do you ask?"

"My mother has had a turn for the worse in hospice and they need me there. Simon and I don't need the added hassle of having to take care of him while we are there. He seems to enjoy being with you. Please?"

"Just a second, Julie," I said, then covered the phone to talk to Jeff.

"Would you like to stay here for the week, Jeff? Your parents are going out of town to see your grandmother." He nodded very enthusiastically.

"He seems eager to stay, so I suppose I could take care of him, if you want," I said in a mock bored voice.

"Great, thank you, Nathan. Simon and I will bring a suitcase by on the way out of town with his things in it. Thank you, again."

"You're welcome, Julie. I hope everything will be okay with your mother," I told her sincerely.

I hung up the phone then told Jeff to take the buttplug out of his ass before his parents get here.


"Because your parents may give you a hug and find it by accident. Remember, this is a secret." He nodded that he understood. "Do you not want to take it out?"

"I'm gettin' kinda used to it, sir," he said with a shy smile.

"Well, just to be on the safe side, let's take it out when they get here, then you can put it back."

He nodded then went to the bathroom to remove the invading plug from his anus. An hour later, Julie and her husband stopped by and dropped off the suitcase for Jeff. They both hugged him good-bye, and then left on their trip. They had to drive the rest of the day and the entire next day to get where they were going.

The minute they left, Jeff went to the downstairs bathroom and replaced the buttplug, without me telling him. I guess he truly was getting used to the device. The rest of the day passed without incident or note. The boys played in the back yard, upstairs, and on my computer till it was dinner time.

I tried to make dinner a little special, so I ordered us a large pizza. The boys ate like it was their last meal, or something. When we finished eating, we turned on the TV.

Michael asked to sit on my lap for the evening. I was enjoying the shows in my recliner. I nodded and he crawled up into my lap. Minutes later, he reached back and opened the fly to my shorts and began playing with my cock like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Without any prompting from me, he sat up and pulled his own shorts down his legs and kicked them off to the floor. I sat back and watched him, wondering if he was going to do the next thing on his own or not. He sat back and continued to play with my hard-on.

I did make one adjustment, though. I guided one of his hands down to play with my balls. He took my lead and continued after I let go of his hand. At one point, he stopped playing with them and sat up to pull the buttplug out of his backside.

The other hand guided my stiff cock towards his rear entrance. He hissed and winced a little as the head of my cock slid past his barrier, but otherwise accepted the invasion with no resistance. He slid further back until I was completely buried inside him. Once he felt my skin against his, he leaned back to lay his body on mine. He didn't move for a while after that, he just watched the television with me.

Jeff, meanwhile, had passed out on the floor watching the TV. I guess being forced to stand up for the entire night had caught up with him. After a few programs, it seems that the same thing had happened to Michael. He was snoring well before his usual bedtime, even though I was embedded in his ass. Both boys were well used to having something spreading their anal shoots. Good. I knew there would be plenty more fun times ahead for me and my son.

The two boys slept as they were for the remainder of the evening. When it was time for me to hit the sack, I picked Michael up and carried him to my bedroom. After laying him on the bed, I pulled out of his ass and went back for Jeff. He moaned a little as I carried him to the bed to sleep next to Michael.

I slipped in behind my son, then back inside his waiting asshole for a good night's sleep. It felt comfortable to be inside him as I fell asleep. I wished that he didn't have to grow up, but it was inevitable. It happens to all of us.

I woke in the middle of the night with a sensation of something gliding over my cock. I looked down and saw Michael moving his hips along my erection. Without any further provocation from me, he had begun to fuck himself with my hard-on. I wrapped my arm over the side of his body to grab his lower armpit. I began to fuck my boy with a faster, harder rhythm.

He reached up and moved my hand over the closest nipple to my hand then used my thumb and forefinger to pinch it; hard. I took his lead and increased the pressure on his immature nipple. With the other hand that I had under his head, I reached up and did the same to the opposite side. He hissed at the pain his chest was going through, but his little boy cock was hard as a rock. The little masochist was beginning to enjoy the pain. I continued to pummel the boy's asshole harder.

"Harder, Daddy," he whispered. I acceded to his request. I began to tear into him like he was a two-bit whore, and not the fruit of my loins. Jeff, even though in the same bed, slept through the entire thrashing.

I rolled him over and onto his stomach to give him a proper fuck. He closed his legs, gripping my cock in his asshole tighter; making it feel like it was in a vice. I wrapped my arms under his pits and over his shoulders to get a better hold on him. If he wanted a hard fuck, I was going to give it to him.

I rammed my man-pole into his seven-year-old ass without thinking of the consequences of possibly tearing him apart. He grunted with each and every thrust of my hard cock reaming him out. His tight little ass bearing the full brunt of my animalistic thrusts. By now, I had reached fever-pitch velocity. I began feeling that familiar sensation of a building orgasm, and began to prepare myself for it.

With one final guttural thrust, I sent my seed into my son's bowels yet again. I collapsed on top of him from pure exhaustion. He began to squirm under my weight, so I moved off to the side. With my cock still buried inside him, he rolled with me, and we ended up with me on my back and him on top.

He reached back and stroked the sides of my face, feeling the gruffness of my facial shadow.

"Thank You, Daddy," he said, quietly.

I had to smile; he was thanking me for fucking his lights out. I reached down to his stiff little cock and began stroking it. He moved his legs apart to allow me better access to his crotch. As I stroked him faster, he started to move his hips in time with my strokes. This caused his ass to glide up and down on my own cock again. The feeling was making me hard, also, locking in any sperm that was still implanted in him. Most of it had seeped out and pooled on the bed under us.

He reached behind my neck and laced his fingers together. I heard his breathing getting faster and his grip tightening on the back of my neck and I knew he was closing in on his own orgasm. With a tightening of the muscles in his body, he shot over the edge.

Knowing how sensitive a boy's cockhead is, I left it alone to lie on his abdomen.

"You're hard again, Dad," he said, almost teasingly.

"Um hmm," I answered back.

He released my neck, and sat up on his knees and placed his feet along side my torso. Without any direction from me, he raised his butt up, and eased it back down my hardening staff.

The semen still implanted inside him acted as a lubricant, not that he needed one anymore, but it did help me slide into him. I knew that it still hurt a little bit, but he never once complained about it. In fact, just the opposite; he began to enjoy the pain, just as I did once.

Within minutes he built up a steady amount of speed, pumping his butt up and down my prick. I grabbed his hips, feeling the youthful power in them.

"Spank me, Daddy," it almost went unheard. I stopped him as he came down on me fully. I looked at his back for a second. He turned around to look me in the eye. Then the word, "Please," came out, ever so silently.

"Why? You've done nothing wrong," I asked him.

"'Cause you want to," he answered.

His asscheeks still bore a few of the marks from last night's events. Even so, here was my son, offering his tender backside for another round of spankings.

I pushed him off my rod, and led him from the room, down the stairs and back into the living room. While I got the box of toys out, I had him pull a kitchen chair into the room. When I walked in, I handed the dog collar back to him. He put it around his neck and then laid himself across the chair, waiting to be punished.

With the back of the chair to his right, I tied a rope to the d-ring of the collar, and then down to the right rung of the chair legs. His right arm was pulled around the back of the chair and tied to the leg in the back just above the two rungs. His left arm was pulled under the chair to the left, and tied to his right elbow. Both elbows were then tied down to each of the front and back rungs. Both knees were secured to the left side legs of the chair. His ankles were crossed and tied together with the free ends of the rope tied off to the bottom of our sliding door. The sliding doors divided the living room from the entry. At the time, the door itself was locked in place and unable to be closed. A twine was then tied to his cockhead and pulled to its limits and secured to the bottom of the opposite door. I didn't leave his balls unattended. They were wrapped and tied off individually with another piece of twine and pulled down to his big toes. I tied them tight enough to make him have to raise his feet off the floor or the twine would cut off his circulation.

With every part of his body tied off, the punishment phase was ready to start.

"One loud word, and the ball gag goes in, understand?" He nodded. "Also, you will keep the count. If you mess up on the count, I start over. Got it?" Again he nodded. Before I began the paddling, I saw the buttplug resting on the chair. I retrieved it and pushed it inside his ass, but only far enough to stay for a second or two.

I pulled back on the paddle and swung down hard on Michael's upturned ass.

SMACK! "Uh! One!" Michael said.

SMACK! "Uh! Two!" I moved the paddle around like I did the last time he got this treatment, making sure I reddened the entire ass.

He counted bravely and true. I never told him how many smacks he was going to get. I made him wonder at the limit. Tears started flowing at around fifteen, and continued to flow through his entire ordeal.

SMACK! "Uhhh! Twenty-five!" His grunts and groans were getting longer as the numbers increased. I still continued on.

SMACK! "Uhhhh! Thirty!" My arm was beginning to tire out at this point, so I switched arms and went to the other side of my victim. He groaned when I did this, knowing that a fresh round of paddling was coming.

At forty, I stopped to inspect my work. The entire small ass was red from the blows. One or two or so of the blows had landed on his almond-sized balls. Those elicited a louder sound from Michael. More like a quiet scream. He knew better than to get any louder.

After deciding that my son could stand another few paddle blows, I backed up and continued. Ten more times the paddle landed on his young ass, one of those tagged his captured balls.

When I was finished with the fiftieth swipe of the tortuous paddle, I walked around to face him. I knelt down in front of him and told him to open his mouth. He looked at me as if he had a question about my order then he obeyed. I lined my cock up with his supple mouth, and inserted it inside.

When the tip hit his gag reflex, I backed off a little. I pushed again, he gagged again.

"Make believe you are swallowing a piece of meat, Michael," I suggested. He nodded as best as he could with my cock in his pint-sized mouth.

I tried again, and this time, he was able to get it down his throat without gagging. I thrust it past his nasal passage and down his gullet. I pulled out to let him get a breath, then plunged back inside. His throat was super tight; almost like fucking a pre-teen virgin (that's another story).

I built up some speed as he got used to my cock, and within mere minutes, I exploded my sperm down his throat. Believe it or not, he was able to swallow it all. After having cum just a scant hour or so ago, there probably wasn't much, but he did swallow it.

I reached down and kneaded his sore, red asscheeks. It was an attention-getter. He squinted hard, but didn't bite down on my cock still imbedded in his throat.

"Good boy, Michael. Just for being able to control yourself on that one, you'll only stay tied up for the night, instead of the entire day tomorrow. I will be down in the morning to untie you. Good night, son."

With that, I slapped him on the ass, pulled my cock out, and left him alone for the rest of the night. I heard Michael groan a little as I left the room. I climbed the stairs to rejoin Jeff in the master bed. I needed some serious rest after what had just happened. I was out in minutes after lying down. I must remember this exercise when insomnia strikes.

Early morning found me horny again, and another supple seven-year-old boy in my bed with me. While Jeff was sleeping, I slipped his buttplug out of his backdoor, and aimed my hard-on to replace it.

As the head of my prick passed his sphincter, I heard him hiss through his teeth. He was now awake.

"Please go slow, Sir," he begged. I obliged. I took my time fully inserting my entire staff inside him. He moved his top leg forward to allow me better access, also to make it a little less painful.

He accepted me without complaint. Once I was totally inside him, the fucking began. I slowly built up speed as I had done the night before with Michael. Before too long, he was moving his hips to meet my thrusts. I decided it was time to roll him over onto his stomach.

Unlike Michael that had closed his legs, Jeff opened his wider. I moved my legs apart, slightly, forcing his out even wider. I encircled my arms through his armpits and over his shoulders, giving me better leverage with the boy. He grunted through each and every powerful thrust I made.

I had cum twice the night before, and it was taking some work for me to finish inside Jeff. I built up a slight sweat pummeling him, but it was worth it. He bore it well as I continued to tear into his young asshole. After at least fifteen minutes, I hit pay dirt. I made one last guttural thrust into the boy and ejaculated my seed deep into his bowels.

I rolled off him, and he rolled with me, keeping my softening penis inside. We lay there panting for a few minutes, catching our breath. I made to pull out of him, and he stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just like the feeling of you there, Sir, that's all," he answered. He looked around for a minute, and then asked about Michael.

"He's a bit tied up right now," I said. We both snickered at the joke; he knew where his friend was.

I needed to get a shower and start the day, so I rolled him back over onto his stomach. Grabbing the buttplug, I pulled my cock out and reinserted the plug before any sperm leaked out. With a swat to his upturned ass, I rolled out of bed and ambled to the shower. I knew I probably reeked. My shower lasted a little bit longer than usual, as Jeff walked in and joined me. I stroked him to a small orgasm as we were finishing up the shower.

We toweled off, I got dressed (he didn't seem to want to) and we made our way downstairs for breakfast. We noticed Michael was still asleep on the chair, and we snickered at him. When we got into the kitchen, he asked me a question.

"Um, Sir, could I, um, do him like you did me this morning?" He asked, shyly.

I turned and looked at him standing there in the buff. His little cock was starting to reharden. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and left the room to go fuck my son's pretty ass.

As I was finishing breakfast, I heard Jeff groan through his second orgasm of the morning. I walked into the room to see what was happening, and I saw Jeff lying on Michael's back with his little prick still buried up my son's asshole. I took the paddle and quietly walked up behind him and swatted his young backside.

"Uhhh! One!" He said. I was surprised a little by this. Obviously he knew that others were to follow, and he didn't move a muscle to stop me. When the paddle struck him, it did cause him to drive his cock into my boy's ass again. I also noticed that it began to grow again.

SMACK! "Uhhhh! Two!" I continued to paddle his youthful backside and each time he drove his cock into Michael. He was fucking him in time with the swats of the paddle. The paddle continued to rain down hits on his tender backside and as his ass got redder and redder, his cock got larger and larger. The little masochist never tried to fend me off with his hands; he actually enjoyed the pain of the swats I was delivering. I noticed him cumming at least three times before I stopped paddling him.

Michael was sore from the same instrument used on him the night before and the driving Jeff had just given him. Jeff climbed off him and turned to leave. I stopped him.

"Untie him, Jeff," I told the boy. He was a bit disappointed, but untied Michael from the chair. The color returned to his small nutsacks as well as his boy-cock. Michael stretched out his arms and legs from being in the same position for so long, and then walked to the kitchen for his breakfast. As he walked in the kitchen, I had Jeff replace the buttplug in Michael's anus. The boys ate breakfast together then Michael went upstairs for a shower.

The rest of the day, the boys played around outside and in Michael's room. Buttplugs and collars were in place, of course. Lunch was served at about noon. At about five o'clock, the phone rang. It was Jeff's parents calling to tell him that they had arrived at his grandmother's. They would be staying for the rest of the week.

While the boys were playing that day, I went back to thinking of the devices I could make. I had been so busy enjoying Jeff and Michael that I had not thought about anything like that since Friday. I now had time to think about it.

That night, after giving both of them a good hard fuck, even though it was still early, I tied them both up in Michael's bed in a 69 position. Michael was on top with his head pointed down to the foot of the bed. His wrists were tied to Jeff's ankles and his elbows tied to Jeff's knees. The same was done to Jeff's wrists and elbows to Michael's ankles and knees. Each collar was tied around the other's waist, just above the groin and buttocks. Both cocks were fit into the other's mouth. Another rope was tied around the middle to make double sure they weren't moving.

All four sets of limbs were tied in a spread-eagle position to each corner of Michael's bed frame. Blindfolds were put back in place and I left the room and proceeded downstairs.

I made my way to my den to do some drawing and scheming. There was an idea I wanted to try that I had heard about on the net. It was a simple design, and easy to build, so I started planning on it right then. I had all the tools and equipment I needed, and since neither boy was going to be getting up for the rest of the night, I decided to go ahead and start building my first S & M device.

It took only a few hours to build in my workshop behind the house, so I was finished building two of them before one o'clock that morning. I went upstairs to get some sleep, but not before checking on the boys. They were sound asleep. I didn't want to wake them, but thinking about the devices I had just built, I couldn't help but get a piece of ass before calling it a night.

I removed Michael's buttplug and tore into him like it was going to be my last fuck. He moaned a little, but otherwise made no complaint. As I rammed his asshole, his cock grew and stuffed Jeff's mouth again. My balls banged into Jeff's forehead, waking him up, also. After spilling my seed into his rectum, I pulled out, causing some to spill onto Jeff's face, but he didn't seem to mind.

I wanted to used my new toys on both of them, so I untied Michael from Jeff, and led him from the room. Jeff was left tied to the bed. I led my son to the spare bedroom's bed and laid him on his back. His arms were tied together at the wrists, and he was pulled down the bed as far as possible. His legs were spread out to the sides of the bed so far that they almost made a straight line across the bed. He squirmed at having his legs being split so far apart, but there was nothing he could do about it. I made sure he couldn't move up by tying a noose around each thigh just below the hip joints, and pulling the free ends to the foot of the bed.

His young body was stretched to its limits. I didn't want his legs to feel the device I had made. I guess it's time to describe the device to you.

I made a small box with an opening at the top just large enough for two child-sized balls to fit through. One side of the box was a lid to open. On the side of the box opposite from the hole, was a small hook. One the opposite side from the lid was a gear with a small prod sticking out from the end. A cord led from the gear to the outside of the box. On the lid was an adjustment knob.

I placed a thin leather strap around my son's testicles, and pulled them through the opening of the box. I hooked the strap on the hook at the other side, securing the box to his groin, and making it impossible for his balls to escape the box.

I closed the lid and set the adjustment knob to its lowest setting, then plugged the cord in the wall socket. Before turning it on, I tied his cock to his collar, and pulled it tight as well. I flipped on the box and watched the fun.

The gear turned to make the prod touch one of his balls every five minutes, and alternating between them, delivering an electrical shock to each testicle. The first touch didn't hurt him much; it surprised him more than anything else. So, I upped the intensity. The second touch of the prod had him squealing.

It wasn't enough to cause any damage to him, but enough to cause some pain. I mean, after all, I do want grandchildren some day. He was begging me to stop the stinging, but of course I didn't. I placed the ball gag in his mouth, and left him to his fun.

Fifteen minutes later, Jeff was in the same position and feeling the same stinging in his balls. Every couple of minutes I could hear one of the boys grunting through their gags as the prod made contact with a testicle.

Before retiring to bed, I went to check on Michael's balls. They were a little red, but none too worse for wear, so I called it a night. The setting I had it on was not going to cause any damage, but it would probably keep them up all night. As far as how high it was set, I'd have to say it was about 20% of full tilt, so I did have some room to play with, so to speak.

That night, I slept like a baby. I knew they weren't going to, but that didn't matter. The next morning, I woke up and had my morning piss then checked on the boys. Jeff's box just delivered a shock as I walked in the room. He tensed his muscles and squirmed, still trying to get his balls to evade the prod. He was also whimpering after the prod retracted, telling me he got no sleep, whatsoever. The best part was that even though the boys sported hard-ons, neither could reach orgasm no matter what they did. I walked quietly over to him and put the adjustment knob on full tilt. I walked into Michael's room, quietly, and did the same to his box. I leaned against the wall to watch what would happen.

Two minutes later, he screamed like hell into the gag and his body rose up off the bed a little as his muscles tightened, due to the severity of the shock. I lowered the level back down to the previous setting, and left the room. I watched Jeff have the same reaction from the doorway.

I didn't know about the boys, but I was enjoying myself immensely. After lowering Jeff's box back down to the previous level, I turned and left the two boys alone while went back to work in my workshop. I wanted to enhance the electrical devices somehow. I sat down and thought about it.

After a few minutes, the idea hit me like lightning (no pun intended). I began to work with the materials I had in the shop, and there were a lot of them. I took only an hour or so to complete the upgrades. I went back in the rooms where Jeff's box had just delivered a shock to his scrotum.

I turned the box off and released his balls from the confines of the tortuous device, but I didn't untie him. I wanted the boys to remain as they were; tied to the beds, wondering what was coming next. After removing the box attached to Michael's loins, I made my way back down to the workshop.

After an hour, I had two boxes ready for experimentation. I carried my new devices up to each of the rooms that the boys were still tied down. Both boys were squirming about something, and then it hit me. Both needed to use the toilet. I untied Michael and led him to the bathroom with the gag and blindfold in place. He was led back to the guest room and retied into the same position he was in before, with some minor adjustments. Firs, he was tied upside down and twine was tied around his cock and pulled up to his collar.

The device was then replaced. The improvement I made was to add a metallic dildo behind the hole for his balls. I was inserted into his anus as his balls were pulled through the hole. He groaned at the intrusion, but accepted it without further complaint, that is until I turned it on.

After flipping the switch, the machine pushed the dildo deeper into his young anus. When the anal missile was fully embedded inside, the box then delivered the electrical shock, not only to a testicle, but through the invading dildo. His sphincter muscle tightened harder around the metal intruder, causing an even more painful experience. I put the setting just a little higher than I did for the night, and then left the room.

I went to untie Jeff to take him to the bathroom, and found a small puddle of piss on his belly; he couldn't hold it any longer. I took him to get cleaned up then back to the room. Because he wet himself and the bed, I decided to punish him a little. Besides, I knew he would like this anyway.

I bent him over the side of the bed with the head of it on his right. His arms were tied together, and pulled to the far side and secured to the frame. His waist was at the right height to the edge of the mattress. Two pieces of rope were tied back around the joints at his hips and his legs. These were then tied to the bed frame on that side. His legs were split and one was pulled to the head, the other pulled to the foot of the bed. I pulled his balls down and inserted the dildo into his ass as the device was reapplied.

I turned it to the same setting as my son's box and watched the show. The box did its thing and Jeff was howling into his gag, but he was sporting another erection, also. The punishment was that the weight of the box itself pulled on his balls, making them more painful.

Being satisfied with my ingenuity, I left the boys to their toys and headed downstairs for some fun on the computer. I saw my digital camera, and decided to take a few more pics for myself.

I left the boys to their painful boxes for pretty much most of the day. I didn't bother feeding them until dinnertime. When I released them from their bonds and boxes, both had a similar reaction; they took to their pricks like maniacs. Both boys beat off with such intensity that I thought they would pull their pricks off their bodies.

"So, did you enjoy today, boys?" I asked at the dinner table, knowing the answer. Both of them looked at each other, and while smiling, nodded. I smiled knowing this was the first of many encounters for them.

That night, after fucking both of them, I allowed them to get some sleep. I tied each of them up in a hogtie and hung them from the outside railings of my bed. The only other thing I did was I tied small weights onto their little cocks. Of course, blindfolds, ball gags and buttplugs were in place as well. They were asleep in about a half an hour.

The rest of the week proceeded about as well as you might expect. Each of the boys were paddled, spanked, hung, shocked, and well fucked by the time Jeff's parents were to pick him up. The night before they were due back, I decided to make it a bit special, but even I didn't know about something happening, until the phone call.


"Hey, Nathan!" The voice on the other end was mildly familiar. It took me a minute to place the voice.

"Carl?" I asked.

"Yeah, man," he answered back. It was one of my roommates from college.

"You in town?"

"All of us are, Nat," I always hated his nickname for me; it made me feel like an insect.

"Ben and Steve are with you?"

"Yep. You got time to go out tonight? Catch up on some old times?"

"Well, I got my son plus a neighborhood boy here till tomorrow. Why don't you guys come over here? We can still have a few beers and talk here."

"Sounds good. See ya in a few," he said, and then hung up.

I went into the living room where I had left the boys tied to two chairs. They were untied and chased upstairs to Michael's room. My three friends arrived about half an hour later (just as I was replacing the kitchen chairs).

It had been a while since I had seen any of them. Steve was balding a little, and Ben had put on some weight, but Carl was his usual sports-fit self.

We bullshitted for a while. The boys made their presence known then disappeared back upstairs, doing God knows what to each other. At one point, both Ben and Carl needed a piss, so I told Carl to use the bathroom upstairs while Steve and I did a little more catching up.

Carl came down with a very perplexed look on his face, and I had an inkling what had happened.

"You okay?" Steve asked him.

"You know what your kid's doing to that other kid?" He asked me. My suspicions were confirmed. I blew out the air in my lungs.

"Probably tying him up in some fashion," I answered back.

"You know about that?"

"Yeah, they've been doing it for the past week or so. Wanna piece of them?"

"You're kidding?"

"Nope. Do what you want to them, just don't leave any permanent marks. They like the abuse, trust me."

Each of them looked at each other like Christmas had just come early.

"In fact, wait a second," I had an idea. I walked to the stairs. "Boys! Could you please come down here for a bit?" I yelled up the stairs.

"Just a second, Dad," Michael answered.

I looked at my friends and smiled. I went to the kitchen and brought out two of the table chairs to the living room. I knew my friends would love this.

The boys walked in with only pajama bottoms on. I stopped them before they entered the living room and blindfolded them and pulled their bottoms down and off. I think they had an inkling what was coming next. I walked Jeff in first and tied him across the seat of one of the chairs.

His arms were tied behind his back, crossing the forearms over themselves and tied off at the wrists to the elbows. Another piece of rope bound his forearms. Rope secured his collar to the right rung of the chair. I took yet another piece of rope and lassoed his right big toe, pulled the rope through the back left leg of the chair, pulled it tight, wound it around his balls, past the front left leg and tied it off to his left big toe. This pulled his legs out wide, showing off his boy pussy. If he pulled either leg down, it pulled on his balls. Two other pieces of rope tied his knees to the bottoms of the legs. One more length of rope was passed over his torso and through the back of the chair, tying him to the chair more securely. This length of rope was also looped around his hardening cock.

I led Michael into the room next. I sat him down in the chair, facing the back of it. I secured his collar to the backing. His arms were pulled through the back and tied together at the wrists. The excess of that rope was pulled under the seat of the chair and tied off to his balls, with no slack in the line. His butt was hanging a little off the tip of the seat. I tied a piece of twine to his cockhead and pulled it tight around the back of the chair. His ankles and knees were secured to the back legs.

While I was getting the boys ready, the men were undressing, and getting ready as well. The boys were in for another long, tortuous night.

During college, we saw each other naked, of course, so we knew what each other looked like; no problem. Steve had always been the longer one of all of us, but also the thinnest one. Ben had been the well-endowed one of us; nothing had changed, except he had gotten a little larger since school days. Carl, even though he was always the fittest one of us, he also had the smallest dick of the group. We never chided him about it, because he was always self-conscious about it. When he pulled his pants down, each of us gasped; he had grown his cock out to a full foot long, and about as thick as my son's wrist.

"Jesus, Carl, what the hell did you do?" I was shocked.

He smiled and informed us that he took some pills, as well as used a penis enlarger. It was guaranteed to work; it did.

"There's no way that monster is gonna fit in either boys' backside," I relayed. I was really concerned about him tearing into them.

"Don't worry about it, Nathan, this will fit," he said with a slight smile.

I watched as Ben lined up behind my son and eased his cock up his young ass. As I had been having my way with the boys all week, he didn't complain about the intrusion. Steve went to his mouth, stepped on a stool to get the right height, and pulled his jaw down. Without preamble, he forced his long thin cock down my son's throat. Michael took his member without complaint.

"Looks like you've been sampling the boys, Nat," Carl said as he noticed how easily Michael accepted our friends' cocks. I smiled, but I was still concerned what he was about to do to Jeff. After all, he was due to go home the next day, and I didn't want him to go home bleeding from his asshole. That would be a little difficult to explain.

Carl walked up behind the boy and knelt down to get the proper angle on his boy-pussy. He milked a little precum out and coated his brown hole with the liquid. All Jeff could do was lie there and accept what was about to happen to him. After Carl had enough of the slippery liquid on him, he pushed his cock forward. Jeff grunted as the head of Carl's cock invaded his nether region. The boy was in some serious pain, I could tell, but didn't utter a word about it. Carl continued to feed the monster cock into the boy's backside and Jeff only grunted or hissed.

I was impressed at Jeff's ability to bear the pain. Inch by inch the huge pole eased into the boy's bowels and nary a sound escaped his lips. I watched with increased fascination while my friend skewered the lad. His asscheeks parted further while Carl slipped inside him. Finally, the entire behemoth was imbedded in the young boy. My friend started to pull out of him, slowly, then back inside. He was working up a good rhythm.

At that point, I needed some relief, myself. I walked around to his face, and after kneeling down, I fed my hard-on to his throat. Jeff accepted my cock as he did before; without complaint. As he swallowed my cock whole, Carl continued to drill into the boy. After some time, and a few moans, Jeff was able to take Carl's new mammoth cock without any discomfort whatsoever.

A few minutes later, I heard Ben bellow as he filled my son's ass with his seed. Steve was next to cum. They pulled their respective cocks out of Michael, and switched ends of the boy. As Steve slid into my son, Michael grunted out in pain when the cock hit full tilt. Ben opened the boy's mouth and slid down his throat as Steve had just done.

Carl was last in cumming; following just behind me when I sent my seed down Jeff's gullet. His semen filled the boy's backside and spilled out, onto the floor. I had not seen that much cum in a long time. I was actually impressed with the amount.

Jeff was exhausted from the ordeal Carl had just put him through.

"Uh, Carl?" I asked.

"Yeah, Nathan?"

"Don't fuck him again; I gotta return him to his parents tomorrow, and I wouldn't be able to explain a torn asshole to them."

"I'm fine, Sir," Jeff commented in his bound state.

"That's beside the point, Jeff. You can't be returned to your parents with your asshole bleeding."

"They probably wouldn't even know," he said with a little bitterness.

"Well, I'm not taking the chance."

"What about Michael, Nathan?" Carl asked.

"Be my guest," I motioned towards the tied boy.

Steve began to pummel Michael's ass faster, trying to cum. It took a bit longer, of course, but eventually, he spilled himself into my son. Carl lined up behind the boy, and aimed for home. Grabbing his shoulders, he pushed his mammoth cock into his asshole. Michael yelped as the head of Carl's cock cleared his sphincter muscle. As the enormous member slid further and further inside him, Michael became louder and louder in begging to Carl to stop.

The three of us watched in fascination as the entire pole was embedded up my son's young ass. He was spread farther than was imaginable. Even in his tied-up state, he was still trying to buck Carl out of him; it didn't work. The boy was impaled, and there was nothing he could do about it.

I smiled to myself, knowing that he was going to have a difficult time to sit down for the next week or so. Once Carl was fully inside him, he pulled almost all the way out, and then with an obvious sadistic move, rammed the entire length of the behemoth home again. Michael bellowed out in pain, but his cock twitched; he reached his pre-teen orgasm without even touching his cock.

Carl fucked the shit out of the boy for about half an hour, doing the same thing; pulling almost all the way out, and ramming his cock back home. Michael thought he was being fucked by a freight train. After the half an hour was up, Carl sent another sizable amount of juice into a boy's rectum.

We traded boys again and again that evening, but Carl didn't have Jeff again. Michael, on the other hand, had to endure that flagpole repetitively. I was right; he couldn't sit properly for about a week. My friends left the house about midnight, and went back to the hotel. I left the boys tied up in their chairs all night, with cum on their faces, in their hair, and oozing out of their assholes.

The next morning I woke them up and cleaned them off. Jeff's parents returned for their son at about five o'clock. That night, I fucked Michael hard, and left him tied up, lying on top of me.

That week was the beginning of a great relationship between me, Jeff, and Michael. We continued in our bondage games for another four years until they started getting interested in girls. Maybe I'll fill in the gaps with those stories.

The End