PZA Boy Stories


Slaveboy From Moscow

(Slaveboy series 2b)


This is the first sequel to The Codicil and Slaveboy From New York and relates the continuing painful adventures of young Sergei.
Publ. Sep-Nov 2006 (Eunuch); this site Jun 2007
Unfinished; 11,000 words (22 pages)


Sergei (14yo), Yuri (14yo), Sasha (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/now
Mt Mdom anal oral chast – enema humil spank tort toys


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

Archivist's note

Only two parts published. Both parts were completely included and continued in the combined story Slaveboys From Moscow & New York.

You can read this story in two ways:
(1) As two stories, Slaveboy From Moscow and Slaveboy From New York (first version) respectively.
(2) Here as a single story, Slaveboys From Moscow & New York . Both versions are cross-linked.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Christmas
  2. Park
  3. Circoncision

54; 76; 80; 85;: 55; 86; 78; 76; 77; 89; 90; 74; 86; – One: Christmas

‘Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: freedom for slave owners.’
- Lenin
Moscow & New York 1

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, Christmas 1999)

After his excruciating experience on the wheel, 14 year-old Sergei had been too distressed and damaged to return immediately with his Master to the dacha near St. Petersburg. The boy had instead been afforded a spare cell in the basement of the similar country residence near his home city of Moscow at which the most recent auction of new young slaves had just been held.

Sergei’s back, buttocks and the rear of his legs had been agonisingly indented with a morass of bloody spike marks. Fortunately, all of these injuries would eventually completely heal and not leave any permanent scars. The young Muscovite had, despite his acute anguish, been sensible enough not to wriggle too much as the wheel was slowly mechanically revolved over several hours, under the initial cruel supervision of the host, and so he had not made his wounds more serious by radical movement.

Nevertheless, the pain induced when Sergei had revolved upwards, causing the full weight of his body to press against the spikes on the rim of the wheel, to which his wrists and ankles were chained so that he was stretched taut in an uncomfortable curve, had been immense. The relief accrued when the boy subsequently moved downwards had also initially been lessened by the fact that he at first believed in horror that the gap between the lower edge of the wicked device and the black concrete floor of the torture chamber was insufficient to allow him passage.

The petrified Sergei only accepted that the gap was just sufficient for most of his slim body after he had been revolved several times through 360°. However, the boy also discovered that his flaccid cock did brush the polished floor on each revolution. This phenomenon became more noticeable, both physically and visibly, with time, as the unruly penis reacted by gradually becoming hard.

The host of the auction and the many guests, who had accompanied him to watch him hurt Sergei, and who included the boy’s own Master, noticed this penile reaction, which was common because the wheel had been set up partly to induce such a phenomenon when torturing young males. The spectators naturally stayed to see the equally customary denouement.

Despite Sergei’s excruciation and his earlier ejaculation when the butler had sodomised him, his raging young teenage hormones, boosted by previous enforced celibacy and unknowing consumption of strong aphrodisiacs, needed only two dozen revolutions of the wheel to make him cum again. The boy’s ecstatic erection was still shamefully spurting semen when he was once more temporarily uplifted to face the ceiling instead of the floor, causing some of the ejaculate to fall back onto his genitals and belly.

When Sergei was subsequently again moving downwards and he was in the relevant inverted position, some of the residual cum even dripped onto his chest and face, thereby completing his humiliation, to the utter delight of the many spectators crowded into the torture chamber. Having watched this pleasant spectacle, the latter throng subsequently departed to leave the boy to enjoy his torture on his own, as the wheel was allowed automatically to turn slowly for a few more hours.

During this generally agonising period, Sergei somehow managed to enjoy two more brief ecstatic intervals, as he orgasmed twice more.

Moscow & New York 3

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, several days later)

After spending several days lying on his front on the bed of a tiny basement cell in a dacha near Moscow, whilst the rear of his body healed with the aid of a corrupt doctor’s expert attention, Sergei was returned to the similar country residence of his own Master near St. Petersburg. Two limousines and a private jet aircraft provided the boy’s transport and, during the journey, he had been able to judge from the snowy and seasonally decorated scenes through the windows that Christmas was imminent.

Sergei was now continuing his recuperation in a more familiar tiny basement cell. As the boy did so, he was excused the generally unpleasant daily exercise sessions.

Such pardon from the daily exercise sessions, however, made the common monotony of Sergei’s current existence even more acute. The boy was therefore unsure whether he should be displeased or happy about the situation.

Sergei had discovered that lengthy periods of suffering at his Master’s cruel hands in the basement of the dacha, such as that endured on the day of his induction, were actually quite rare, as were the man’s perverse parties. Despite his clear cruel lust for his four slaveboys, the multi-millionaire simply did not appear to be present at his country residence with them very often.

Sergei would have known if he was being left alone whilst one of the other three slaveboys suffered nearby because the walls in the basement did not seem to be too thick. The sound of music coming from the entertainment room or of screams from the torture chamber could readily be heard.

Sergei judged correctly that his Master remained a working multi-millionaire, who committed himself to a very hectic business schedule, as well as social life. The boy therefore rightly presumed that the allures of making more money and of enjoying events elsewhere were somehow often greater for the man than the attractions offered by his four exceptionally beautiful young slaves in the basement of his country dacha.

Sergei by now knew that his Master compensated for his absence from his dacha by frequently being accompanied by one of his young slaves on his business and other excursions. The selected boy would act in public places as a valet, just as Yuri had done during the man’s recent trip to New York.

Sergei himself had so far not yet been chosen for the privilege, apart from his recent horrible and injurious trip to Moscow for a fraternity event. However, the boy’s failure to be selected for another trip would soon end and again he would not enjoy the experience.

Given his Master’s frequent absences, much of Sergei’s first three months of service for the sadist had therefore actually largely been filled with immense monotony. Such boredom was interspersed with only occasional bouts of humiliation and suffering of varying length and cruelty at the hands of the man or his staff.

The staff tended not to overplay their employer’s generosity in being willing to share his young slaves’ sexual services. They were keen not to damage the boys in some way through overuse, which might engender their boss’ anger and so endanger their lucrative jobs.

Consequently, Sergei found that most of his time was spent alone in his tiny cell, naked apart from the cruel transparent chastity cage encasing his genitals. At such times, the daily routine was always monotonously the same.

The boring schedule did, though, provide Sergei with the only way in which he could guess the approximate time. The boy would not otherwise have been able to make a decent judgement because his tiny accommodation was windowless and the cell’s fluorescent light was never switched off to indicate day or night

The usual routine would begin with an order, which normally woke Sergei and was conveyed over the intercom, for the boy to cleanse and groom himself in readiness for the doctor’s daily visit. The physician would be calling to perform the customary health and welfare checks and supervise the usual enemas. He also now caused the young slave a lot of pain as well as shame by applying the stinging depilatory solution to appropriate areas on the 14 year-old’s perfect body.

The doctor would invariably temporarily remove Sergei’s transparent perspex genital chastity cage for the purpose of applying the stinging solution to the boy’s smooth sexual organs. The young slave’s frustrated cock inevitably celebrated the brief freedom from tight restriction in spiked plastic by immediately rising to full erection, aided by his generally recently unsatisfied raging teenage hormones, which were further stimulated by the aphrodisiacs that continued to be furtively included in his diet.

Such penile hardness, however, never lasted for long, even when the doctor next began gently rubbing Sergei’s genitals, using hands protected by rubber gloves. Normally such attention would be humiliating but nevertheless stimulating but not when the action signalled the smearing onto the boy’s sexual organs of the stinging depilatory solution.

Despite attempting to brace himself as best he could for the resultant genital anguish, Sergei invariably uttered a low pained groan as the shiny viscous fluid, which resembled baby lotion in appearance but not effect, was applied and his sexual organs felt like they were on fire. The boy’s cock would also immediately shrink to agonised flaccidity, thereby enabling the doctor subsequently to refit the chastity cage with speedy efficiency.

Afterwards, Sergei could usually not resist looking down at his freshly smeared and re-caged genitals. The boy would be rewarded by the sight of his sexual organs encased in tight-fitting plastic and now shining back at him. The fluid rubbed onto them would be reflecting the light of his cell’s two main constantly switched-on sources of illumination, namely the fluorescent tube on the ceiling above and the television screen on a high corner shelf by the door.

From experience, because he had not been informed of the fact, Sergei appreciated that he would not be given any solid sustenance after the doctor finally departed if he was required for sexual service, whilst water from the tap in his cell would be his only drink. The efficiency of the enemas to which the boy had just been embarrassingly subjected was not to be marred by other consumption until his duties had been fulfilled.

Sergei could therefore now always tell whether his Master was resident or expected in the dacha. Food would quickly arrive after the doctor’s daily visit if the multi-millionaire was not present or coming. Otherwise, the boy would have to wait to be fed and the delay was invariably prolonged until the man had satisfied his perverted sadistic lusts for the day.

The Master was often inconsistent and erratic in his sexual activity. The man frequently changed his mind about which slaveboys to use, in singles or multiples, and how in order to sate his lusts, and he might also require several deviant sessions before he was fully satisfied.

Consequently, confirmation that the Master had finally sated his perverted appetites for the day could arrive late and only then would an unused boy be stood down from waiting to be summoned. Whether any appetites, for food rather than sex, possessed by the young slaves, used or not, would then be met depended on two factors.

One was the lateness of the hour, as the domestic staff usually could not be bothered to feed the boys beyond the early evening. The other related to the physical condition of those young slaves upon whom the Master had vented his generally cruel sexual desires, as they were often now too pained to be worried about food.

Boys, even those not summoned for sexual service by the Master, could therefore often pass the day without any sustenance whatsoever, apart from the water provided by the taps in their cells. However, the resultant feeling of starvation would be psychological rather than real. The doctor was accurately kept informed about what the young slaves did consume because he controlled their diets carefully in order to ensure their health and welfare, albeit not out of kind concern for them. His consideration was for his employer, who did not want sickly sex toys but rather pristinely lively ones.

The first indication that the Master was not resident or expected was the arrival, shortly after the departure of the doctor, of cereal in milk contained in a light plastic dish, accompanied by a spoon and a cup of the same material, with the latter filled with orange juice. Sergei correctly presumed that such fare, which would be pushed on a tray through the narrow flap at the bottom of his cell door, represented breakfast and meant that another morning had come to the outside world.

After consuming the breakfast, and returning on top of the tray a now empty plastic dish and cup and used spoon back through the narrow flap, Sergei would then have little to do other than contemplate his own thoughts whilst lying on his bed. Viewing or reading pornography by either watching the television or perusing the illustrated literature stored on the little bookshelf next to him tended to be unattractive, although not because the consistent theme was pederasty. The boy was instead reluctant to do anything that might stimulate his caged cock to want to grow and, despite still considering himself to be basically heterosexual, he now knew that the relevant scenes and words did indeed somehow induce such a reaction.

The deeply bored Sergei would wait like this for hours until the daily summons came to frequent the dacha’s large well-equipped gymnasium. In addition to the boys’ food and for the same reasons, the doctor also monitored the young slaves’ exercise regime, as spending whole days lazily lying on beds was not good for their bodies.

On days when the young slaves were required by their Master, the boys would, of course, have no need for physical exertions other than those imposed on them by the multi-millionaire. However, when the man was away, rigorous daily exercise sessions in the dacha’s gymnasium were prescribed for all expect those needing rest to help them recover from recently inflicted injuries, as Sergei was now requiring.

The large well-equipped windowless gymnasium was actually inside one of the metal doors in the sinister corridor outside the boys’ cells. There, the young slaves, naked apart from their genital chastity cages, would exercise in a group under the supervision of one of the domestic staff, a big muscular brutal-looking man in his mid-50s who had once been a Red Army physical education instructor.

The exercise routine was always the same. The boys would initially have to sprint several circuits of the gymnasium, with the one coming last literally earning a black mark. Their instructor used a rubber stamp coated with indelible ink to impress a little ebony circle onto the young miscreant’s right arm.

The boys subsequently practised some gymnastics. They attempted to use a horizontal bar and then rings to pull themselves up from the floor, which was covered in cushioned matting, and also indulged in rope-climbing, walking along a narrow beam, which required good balance, and vaulting over a wooden horse. The associated energetic floor exercises, conducted to the instructor’s accompanying shouted orders, included handstands and summersaults.

Fortunately, most healthy Russian boys are accustomed to performing such gymnastics at school and so the four young slaves all proved at least competent at these exercises, thereby earning few further black marks for errors. However, when they first practised in their current states, they also felt rather peculiar doing so wearing their leather slave collars, wristlets and anklets, plus their genital chastity cages, silver nipple and cock rings and little frenum barbells of the same precious metal on the underside of their penises.

This impression of peculiarity was exacerbated when, due to their energetic movements, particularly whilst inverting themselves for a handstand or summersault, the boys’ nipple-rings also flipped around, sometimes uncomfortably so. However, they eventually became accustomed to exercising whilst so adorned with the regalia that their Master had deemed appropriate for his young slaves.

After the gymnastics, further sprinting was required, this time on the moving platforms of running machines, which was followed by ones simulating cycling and rowing. In each new session, the instructor would establish slightly higher targets for the boys to accomplish on this equipment, in terms of distance achieved in a fixed time. He also set similarly increasing goals for the subsequent lifting of weights.

Further sprinting of circuits around the gymnasium was immediately followed by four now sweaty and tired bodies, all usually displaying at least one black mark on their right arms, literally making a splash. An adjacent basement chamber, directly accessed through a broad door-less arched entrance, contained a swimming pool, about 15 yards long by 10 wide, which was full of very cold water, whose temperature was deliberately kept low by special refrigeration equipment. The Master did not want to spoil his slaveboys by providing fun amenities.

All of the boys loved swimming but not in this freezing water, into which they, however, did not dare to hesitate to dive and which was perfumed to make unnecessary any subsequent need for a shower to restore their bodies to sweat-less sweet-smelling perfection after their rigorous exercises. The performance of the chilling breaststroke over several lengths of the pool concluded the session’s formal components and so the young slaves were naturally happy for two reasons to finish their race as quickly as possible.

First, the boys could then haul themselves out of the cold water. Second, the young slaves could begin to recover from their inevitable exhaustion without having to face other tiring physical challenges.

Unfortunately, one of the boys tended to be less happy than the others at the conclusion of the session. He was, of course, the one displaying the most black marks on his right arm.

The instructor liked to vary the suffering now to be endured by the worst performer during the day’s exercise session, whose identity would be determined by another tie-breaking length swum in the freezing pool if there had been a draw. The cruel man also proved to be quite inventive in using the gymnasium equipment for the purpose.

One example of such cruel ingenuity was demonstrated on the sole occasion so far that the naturally very fit and athletic Sergei had earned most black marks. The boy had done so mainly because he had hurt an ankle during one of the vigorous exercises. The injury was only slight and did not linger too long in the wake of the session, especially after the doctor had treated it with liniment and massage, but it had hindered his capabilities at the time.

Whilst the other boys watched, the instructor removed Sergei’s genital chastity cage and padlocked his leather wristlets to the gymnastics rings, adjusted so that the 14 year-old was uncomfortably suspended above the floor. The man then fixed a little but strong metal clip, located at the end of a length of sturdy cord, to his young victim’s cockring.

This cord was usually utilised to tie the thicker climbing ropes out of the way to the walls when they were not in use. However, on this occasion, the instructor found another use and began to pull.

Sergei’s naked body, on which his released penis had as usual become erect to celebrate its temporary freedom, was consequently drawn by his genitals in the direction in which the cord was being pulled. In response, acute agony immediately overwhelmed the groin of the boy, who began to believe that either his sexual organs would be ripped off him or the cockring would be. He did not think that the latter option would be much better, as the circumference was so narrow that surely his balls would in the process be crushed or torn away too.

In the event, none of these threats actually materialised. By the time that the sadistic instructor had pulled Sergei’s naked form by the boy’s genitals to an angle of about 45° to the floor, and tied the cord to the study horizontal bar apparatus to keep the young slave there, the 14 year-old’s sexual organs were still in place, albeit excruciatingly so.

Before removing the black marks on the boys’ arms with special solvent, the instructor normally concluded the exercise sessions by requiring the young slave who had earned the most to offer his orifices either for sodomy or fellatio. However, Sergei’s anus and mouth had at the time still been his Master’s exclusive preserve and so the man had required the second worst athlete on the day to fulfil the function.

Whilst a tearful Sergei, who somehow avoided begging for mercy because of the proscriptions against talking without permission and exhibiting cowardice, breaking either of which would only incur further punishment, remained agonising stretched in the air by his genitals, Sasha was therefore being sodomised. The instructor again found use for a piece of gymnastics equipment for the purpose. The sex act proceeded whilst the boy was resting facedown over the vaulting horse.

After eventually returning to their cells very tired and possibly also still very hurt after the daily exercise session, a midday luncheon of cold sandwiches would be delivered to the boys. However, a hot evening dinner was later supplied, after a long afternoon boringly spent lying on the bed, unless a salad had been deemed more appropriate according to the careful dietary calculations of the doctor. This final meal of the day would be provided on a plastic tray, with multiple compartments to house the various ingredients, and be eaten with cutlery and be washed down with juice in a cup made of the same cheap material.

Sergei did not believe that his multi-millionaire Master was being parsimonious by providing only plastic utensils. The boy instead thought that safety was a more likely reason, including ensuring that the young slaves did not attempt any self-harm, given the miserable nature of their existences.

Sleep, frequently fitful and often induced not only by tiredness but also by the utter monotony of such a life, would subsequently eventually overwhelm the boys until the whole daily cycle restarted. Given this routine, there should be little surprise that the young slaves were often unsure whether they were displeased or happy at being excused the exercise sessions in order to assist their recuperation from injuries.

Sergei was now in such a dilemma, not knowing whether recuperating from injuries in such a boring manner was better than being subjected to the daily gymnastics sessions or even his Master’s perversions, either of which at least broke the monotony. The boy’s associated melancholy about his present circumstances was made worse by the fact that he knew that many people in the outside world were celebrating and enjoying Christmas.

Moscow & New York 8

(A basement cell of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 2 days later, Christmas Day 1999)

Sergei had been slumbering fitfully in his cell but suddenly woke up in terror early on Christmas Day morning. The boy had just experienced an awful nightmare that would also inflict him on many other occasions in the immediate future.

Sergei had never discovered the ultimate fate of the 15 year-old who had been subjected to the dreaded codicil at the recent quarterly slaveboy auction near Moscow. He had been too busy in the basement below, attached to the wheel, to find out at the time and the host and his guests, when they had finally arrived to torture him, had provided no clue.

Sergei’s Master would not lower himself to speak to him other than when issuing commands. The boy also appreciated that asking a question about the matter would be punishable for talking without permission.

Sergei therefore did not know whether the 15 year-old had lost his genitals. The issue was frighteningly important to him because he too had agreed to the dreaded codicil and news of the boy’s fate might have provided him with a clue regarding the future destiny of his own sexual organs.

The recent nightmare had depicted a beautiful 14 year-old, very much like Sergei in terms of features, failing the challenges of the codicil. The boy’s genitals had subsequently paid horribly for his lack of success.

Having in his nightmare witnessed the 14 year-old’s failure and the tragic consequences, Sergei now firmly believed that he too was destined to suffer a similar fate. He had originally hoped that he would either not have to face the relevant challenge or, if he did, he would succeed. However, he now believed differently.

Sergei, whose nightmare proved to be an unwanted but also his only Christmas present, now wished that he had never agreed to the irrevocable codicil.

Moscow & New York 10

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, 1 month later, January 2000)

Sergei had finally been chosen by his Master to accompany him on a business trip. On this occasion, the excursion was to Saudi Arabia, where the multi-millionaire had oil and other interests, as well as a certain friend who shared his passion for hurting beautiful boys.

For his current role of valet, Sergei wore the customary smart uniform of black Russian-style round-collared buttoned shirt, with the inevitable double-headed eagle logo on his left breast, plus, of the same hue, shoes and tight trousers, which highlighted the lovely curvature of his buttocks nicely. The boy’s usual slave accoutrements had been temporarily dispensed with, apart from his hidden genital chastity cage and silver cockring. The former adornment was invisible to airport scanners, whereas the latter was not. However, this inconvenience did not matter, as the multi-millionaire used his own private jet for travelling significant distances and only frequented private terminals where important people like him, plus his entourage, were not subjected to such security scrutiny.

Sergei attended his Master virtually wherever the man went, performing menial tasks and errands as needed. The boy also satisfied the man’s lusts on a hotel bed at night and frequently in the mornings too, although then the bathroom shower was often an alternative venue.

During such business trips, the Master’s inherent cruelty rarely inspired his desires. The man instead generally confined satisfaction of his sexual needs to plain sodomy or fellatio. Unfortunately for Sergei, a visit to the new isolated desert residence of his Arabian friend was to trigger his sadism.

As the Master, accompanied by Sergei, was shown round the sinister basement amenities of the Arab Sheikh’s desert retreat, which had not yet been supplied with four young Americans, he asked his friend if he would like to practise the use of some of his new equipment on his slaveboy. The host was naturally delighted to accept the kind offer.

Sergei was, on the other hand, appalled and terrified, as he was next ordered to take his uniform off.

44; 74; 72;: 55; 72; 88; 82; – Two Park

'"Why do you always wear black?"
"I am in mourning for my life. I am unhappy."'

- Medvienko asks a question of Masha in Chekhov's 'The Seagull' (I)

Moscow & New York 11

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, January 2000)

The blushing Sergei reluctantly and unhappily but nevertheless obediently began to remove his black uniform in front of his smirking Master and the equally amused Arab Sheikh. The boy's embarrassed facial redness had arisen despite the fact that both men had already seen him naked.

Sergei's Master had, of course, viewed his young slave's sublime nude body frequently. The Arab Sheikh had done so when present at the boy's original auction near Moscow and subsequently when a guest at the dacha near St. Petersburg of the young Muscovite's multi-millionaire owner.

Nevertheless, stripping in the current manner always embarrassed Sergei and caused his lovely face to blush, which was a reaction that rather pleased both his Master and the Arab Sheikh. Both men liked to see that the boy, despite what he had already endured, had not yet become immune to experiencing deep humiliation.

Sergei's Master and the Arab Sheikh were also happy to note, as the shamed boy lowered his last cover, namely his sparse tight black lycra briefs, embossed with the usual double-headed eagle logo, that his exposed cock now quickly became aroused and erect. Such a debasing development subsequently caused the young slave's facial redness to intensify.

"I thought that this particular brat was not supposed to have masochistic tendencies," the Arab Sheikh also commented in the lingua franca the Saudi Arabian and Russian multi-millionaires invariably used when conversing, namely English. He did so as he observed the rapid growth of Sergei's cock and remembered from Moscow and St. Petersburg a particular detail of the boy's psychological profile, which was unusual for a certain secret fraternity's expensive young slaves.

"He's not supposed to be," Sergei's Master replied, "but, as I considerately granted the brat sexual relief only last night in our hotel bedroom by sucking him off before I fucked him, perhaps the assessment should be revised. His current arousal surely cannot arise from returned desperate need but from the circumstance he now faces, namely the prospect of imminent torture. Our psychiatrists and psychologists have been known to make mistakes, which is understandable because people's inherent characteristics can be so complex."

Sergei's facial redness intensified still further in response to such talk, conducted as if he were just some psychiatric or psychological experiment, with his cock the prime subject for empirical study. The boy also disliked the suggestion that he might in some way have masochistic tendencies, although he had to admit that the evidence to support such a theory was mounting, not least as a result of his present embarrassing penile condition.

"Well, what do you want to do with the brat first?" Sergei's Master next asked, quickly changing subject because he was now keen to watch the Arab hurt the boy. In reaction, the Sheikh glanced around his comprehensively and expensively equipped torture chamber, whilst apparently initially stuck for choice. However, the sadistic man eventually settled on his selection.

"Come, brat," the Sheikh, attired in his resplendent white Arab robes, subsequently commanded of the very frightened Sergei in answer to the question posed by the boy's Master. The naked young slave, again with a mix of reluctance but obedience, complied by following the man towards a big sturdy table, upon which rested a large thick plywood board with several sets of handcuffs, cords and ropes attached.

As soon as the pair arrived immediately before the table, the eager Arab Sheikh next ordered the highly reluctant and scared Sergei, who was reasonably conversant with English, to climb on top and lay face down on the plywood. The boy once more obeyed, whilst carefully ensuring that his unruly stiff cock was not crushed but instead rested carefully on the surface of the board, pointing downwards between his legs.

As the Arab Sheikh subsequently began to fix Sergei in a spreadeagled manner to the plywood using the handcuffs, he advised the appalled young slave "The board to which I'm attaching you, brat, once belonged to a Dean Corll of Houston, Texas, USA. This mass murderer had between 1970 and 1973 abused, tortured, mutilated and killed at least 27 boys, many whilst attached to this home-made contraption!"

Sergei listened to this unwanted information in grim silence. However, to the delight of the Arab Sheikh, the sudden noticeable trembling of the boy's delectable form suggested that the news of the plywood board's provenance, and not just the certainty that something nasty and painful would now be inflicted on him, had instilled intense horror in the child.

Having secured the truly petrified Sergei in place, facedown and spreadeagled on the plywood board, which possessed such a sinister provenance, the Arab Sheikh next produced a large rubber dildo. The cruel man then informed the horrified boy "As one of his tortures, brat, Corll sodomised some of his young victims with this. However, I think it's too small to use on your by now well penetrated rear and would probably only induce your perverse body to enjoy pleasure."

The Arab Sheikh subsequently swapped the large dildo for another of even bigger size, which was very broad and a massive 18 inches in length. "This one though, brat," the smirking man now advised Sergei, "should be much better in making you squirm in pain rather than pleasure.

"The dildo once belonged, brat," the Arab Sheikh informed, "to the American, John Wayne Gacy, who between 1972 and 1978 used a party trick as cover to entice 33 young males to allow themselves to be cuffed. He subsequently proceeded to chloroform, strip, torture and simultaneously rape and garrotte them, having generally restrained his victims on a three-foot long, two inch thick by four wide, wooden plank, with a pair of holes drilled in each end. It too is now in my torture chamber over there, and I'll probably transfer you to it when I fuck you later!"

Sergei was naturally disgusted to receive all this information. Although he realised that the Arab Sheikh did not propose to kill him, a sense of the evil that had once been perpetrated on many boys previously immovably attached to the plywood board on which he now rested also permeated his being. This horrible feeling caused much of his already quaking bare flesh to breakout in goosepimples in fright.

Sergei's terror was further exacerbated when he next felt the broad curved tip of Gacy's wicked and currently cruelly deliberately unlubricated dildo touch his sensitive sphincter. "No, please don't," the boy subsequently could not prevent himself from spluttering, despite being fully aware of his Master's prescriptions against speaking without permission and begging for mercy. However, the provenance of what was about to be inserted into him, rather than the undoubted agony that the brutish implement would cause, had prompted this reaction.

Sergei simply did not want to experience inside him a huge dildo that had been used to torture many of Gacy's young victims, shortly before they were raped and garrotted. To the boy, his dislike of the notion was truly not connected to his fear of the expected agony but rather to a strange sense of sacrilege.

Moscow & New York 13

(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Yuri, naked apart from his tiny perspex genital cage, surveyed the current daylight scene outside his absent Master's dacha through a huge window. What he saw was akin to the Arctic, with the ground covered in deep snow and the copious trees of the nearby forest more notable for their whiteness than their usual evergreen hue. However, the beautiful boy's sensuous dark brown eyes were more alert to a manufactured wooden object than those growing naturally.

In what in summer was a grassy paddock adjacent to the dacha, which was enclosed by a tall fence, was a sinister wooden shape, currently ominously uncovered by snow. Yuri's gorgeous body shivered slightly at the disturbing sight, which was a reaction that his Master's butler happily noticed.

"I see, slut," the sadistic butler commented in his usual endearing manner, "that you've noticed what awaits you. It was previously covered in snow but I've had that cleared so that you can spend some time attached naked to it in the freezing cold."

"And the temperature really is freezing," the butler added, "as it's well below zero centigrade!"

Moscow & New York 14

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

Sergei could not help but begin to scream and yell for mercy, as the Arab Sheikh began to push Gacy's mammoth dildo into him. However, the boy's understandable reaction to the excruciation engulfing him did not last for long, as his senses overloaded and he fainted.

"Do you think Gacy's young victims fainted too?" the Arab Sheikh asked rather nonchalantly of Sergei's Master, as both looked at the unconscious boy.

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

As the appalled Yuri was led to his fate by the warmly clothed butler, the boy wondered how long he could survive being attached naked in the freezing outdoors to the waiting X-shaped cross with bondage rings. As he advanced petrified through the snow, he also hoped that his bare feet did not immediately succumb to frostbite and his chilled nude body to hypothermia.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

Sergei's unconsciousness did not, of course, last too long. The sadistic Arab Sheikh had no intention of allowing the boy's mind to have a prolonged rest from enduring excruciating agony, as his rectum was invaded by the largest intruder yet experienced by his rear orifice.

A hose spraying freezing water soon induced Sergei back to consciousness to experience the further painful advance of the huge dildo into him.

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The appalled Yuri, now completely naked because his genital cage had been removed, had wondered how long he could survive being attached nude to the waiting X-shaped cross with bondage rings in the freezing outdoors. Amazingly, the answer proved to be quite a while.

After being led petrified through the snow, whilst hoping that his bare feet did not immediately succumb to frostbite and his chilled naked body to hypothermia, Yuri actually found being chained spreadeagled to the cross much pleasanter than he thought possible. The reason for this startling development rested on the ground just in front of him where, camouflaged from view from the dacha, a low in height but highly effective in operation blow-heater was situated.

As a consequence of the operation of this heater, Yuri's naked body, despite being outdoors in Arctic conditions, quickly returned to warmth. However, the whole situation did at first appear surreal to the boy before he astutely realised that his attachment to the external cross was not performed to freeze him but just to scare him.

Yuri's Master would not have welcomed returning to find one of his expensive young slaves minus some toes because of frostbite or dead through hypothermia. After all, the man had first claim on seriously harming his boys and anyway he also had contractual obligations to limit his abuse of them.

Yuri had known these facts and now felt rather silly at being initially deeply frightened at being exposed to the freezing outside elements. The boy appreciated that he should have recognised that no serious harm would be allowed to befall him in the absence of his Master and that the sadistic butler was just playing psychological games with him.

The butler also attempted to continue his mind games when leaving Yuri attached to the cross to return indoors. "The heater," he advised the boy, "is set to turn off intermittently. Let's just hope for your sake that the gaps in operation aren't too long!"

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

"I think that's about all the brat can take without permanently damaging him," the Arab Sheikh suggested to Sergei's Master, whilst looking at the mammoth dildo, about half of which was embedded in the agonised boy.

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Yuri's clever perception of the butler's real cruel intent now made him appreciate that the gaps in the operation of the blow heater would not actually prove threatening. However, he still could not prevent himself being scared again when he subsequently occasionally heard the machine switch off and felt cold quickly begin to invade his naked form.

Yuri was also aware that, at such times, his fright must have been noticeable, as the butler and some of the other staff of the dacha frequently looked at him through the residence's windows. Their laughter on such occasions provided the evidence for the boy's correct assumption.

Despite knowing that the butler was playing mind games with him, the humiliated Yuri could not additionally help but admit to himself, as he remained attached to the cross for hours amidst the switching on and off of the heater, that the man was winning.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

Sergei had just been returned by freezing water to consciousness again after once more fainting. On this occasion, his senses had overloaded with pain when the Arab Sheikh, with one vicious jerk, had withdrawn the whole length of the huge dildo from him.

The Arab Sheikh was now looking at the copious blood on the dildo's surface. "Hmmm," he then commented, "perhaps I won't fuck the brat after all."

"I don't fancy his blood despoiling my cock," the Arab Sheikh advised Sergei's Master in clarification, "and so, with your permission, I'll let him suck me off instead." "The slut will comply with whatever you want," the Russian guest replied, "but first punish him for speaking without permission."

"Any suggestions?" the Arab Sheikh asked, whilst looking around at the panoply of devices in his comprehensively equipped torture chamber. "Well," Sergei's Master answered, "the brat's already suffered virtually everything you have here. Don't you have anything uniquely your own, so that the slut will always remember his time here as your guest and his trip to Saudi Arabia?"

"I certainly do," the Arab Sheikh responded, "and it'll be nice to see how the torture works!"

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Yuri was not surprised that his cock, sexually unsatisfied for over two weeks and currently released from the genital cage, had quickly grown to erection, despite the frequent chill temporarily inflicting the shaft whenever the heater switched off. However, he was interested to note that the hardness and throbbing of his penis actually intensified with the advent of the cold.

Yuri now astutely realised that his inherent masochism was being perversely stimulated by the sense of danger on such occasions. The boy also perceptively recognised that such excitement would soon induce the inevitable, making victory for the butler in the mind games complete.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

The reddish flat desert rock was not far from the Arab Sheikh's remote residence amidst the searing hot desolate climes of the eastern Nejd Plateau. The fact that the stone surface was Sergei's current destination became apparent to the boy as he approached within about fifty paces.

Sergei could see from this distance that there were four bondage rings embedded into the rock, which would enable a boy like him to be chained spreadeagled to the flat surface. The purpose for being so presented also now became apparent.

"I'll brush this liquid sugar onto the brat," the Arab Sheikh happily advised Sergei's Master, "which will encourage the nasty local insects from a nearby ant-hole to introduce themselves to his naked body!"

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Despite the chill again invading his body, a drop of nervous sweat ran down Yuri's brow. The blow-heater appeared to him to have been switched off for longer than usual and consequently the boy's naked form seemed to be becoming colder than ever.

Yuri began to wonder whether the heater might have suffered a malfunction and that he might die of cold before the butler or anyone else in the warmth of the nearby dacha discovered the boy's predicament. All of his previous certainty about his safety consequently suddenly evaporated in panic and he opened his mouth in readiness to shout for help. However, an event then happened to stifle such a desperate entreaty.

Amidst his acute sense of danger, Yuri's groin suddenly felt as if the area were ablaze rather than freezing. The boy's mouth also uttered a loud moan instead of a shout, whilst his naked body visibly vibrated and his cock erupted with several long strings of sperm.

As Yuri's mind later returned to reality from a previously unparalleled ecstatic high, he heard the sound of the heater again operating and felt his naked body once more being warmed. The boy also noticed the butler emerge from the nearby dacha, with the Master's genital whip and a set of vibrating nipple clamps in his hands.

Yuri now appreciated that the butler must have somehow been expecting and waiting for him to ejaculate without permission. The boy also realised that the items now in the man's possession would imminently be used to punish him for his shameful penile misdemeanour.

Yuri also realised in utter dejection and humiliation that the butler had truly won his mind games.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

Despite the continued distress felt by his recently ravished rectum and his current highly disturbing circumstances, chained face-up, naked and spreadeagled to the reddish flat rock under the unforgiving hot desert sun, Sergei's cock was again shamefully erect and throbbing. However, the boy could not establish in his own mind the reason behind such continued embarrassing penile arousal.

Sergei wondered whether his clear sexual arousal stemmed from the actually rather stimulating effect induced by the Arab Sheikh's paintbrush, as the implement was used to coat his nude body with liquid sugar, or from a return of evidence of latent masochism. After all, his immediate future, at the mercy of voracious desert ants, did not superficially appear attractive but perhaps the very threat was causing a previously hidden perversity to come to the fore.

Sergei eventually had to make a great mental effort to avoid unauthorised ejaculation when the Arab Sheikh concluded his painting of the boy's naked body with liquid sugar by smearing his excited genitals with the substance. He did so and succeeded by briefly contemplating a sad matter, namely the serious illness of his younger sister that had led him to his present perilous predicament.

Perhaps significantly in terms of the possibility of his latent masochism, Sergei chose not to contemplate another sad matter, namely that thousands of ants would probably soon be feasting on his naked sugar-coated body. The boy notably believed that he would surely succumb to ejaculation if he had given such notions his attention, particularly whilst the Arab Sheikh brushed his scrotum and erection.

Moscow & New York 16

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

To any outsider, the scene would have been incongruously surreal. A man in heavy winter clothing whipping the exposed genitals of a naked 14 year-old boy chained spreadeagled to an X-shaped cross in the snowy and freezing Russian countryside, whilst severe vibrating clamps also tortured his nipples, was not an everyday sight.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

The sight of a naked sugar-coated 14 year-old boy chained spreadeagled to a reddish flat rock in the desert wastes of Saudi Arabia would have been similarly incongruously surreal to any outsider. However, to the likes of Sergei's Master, such scenes were commonplace, as he now waited happily for the ants to attack his scared and helpless but somehow sexually excited young slave.

Sergei's Master did not have to wait long, as many ants began to swarm out of a nearby hole to rush eagerly towards the now appalled boy, their senses have quickly detected the waiting sugar.

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Having comprehensively beaten Yuri's post-orgasmic genitals with the relatively light but very stinging genital whip, the butler left the boy to enjoy the torment continuing to be provided by the heavily weighted vibrating nipple clamps. However, before departing for the comfort and warmth of the nearby dacha, the sadistic man advised "I'll be back in a couple of hours to fuck you in the snow!"

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

In his panicky desperation to try to deter the encroaching army of large ants from consuming the sugar covering the front of his naked form before presumably beginning to bite and eat the underlying flesh, Sergei began frantically to shake his body. He did so as best he could, given his tight chain restraints, and such energetic movement caused his erection to flop around and then, in possible evidence of hidden masochism, orgasm.

Sergei's convulsions suddenly became those of ecstasy rather than panic, despite his naked body now being invaded by the ant army, as several spurts of semen gushed from his cockhead back onto his body or onto the rock on which he was chained. The insects beginning to swarm all over him appeared to enjoy this additional feast.

(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 3 hours later)

After his outdoor adventures, Yuri, with his genital cage restored, had finally been returned to his tiny cell in the basement of his absent Master's large luxurious dacha. As the boy now lay on his bed, with his nipples and sexual organs still a little sore, he recalled his very recent experience of being sodomised by a clothed man when lying facedown and naked in snow.

As Yuri remembered the incident, he had to confess that the presence nearby of the operational blow-heater had actually helped make the experience perversely enjoyable.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

The re-clothed Sergei sat awkwardly at the back of the Arab Sheikh's helicopter, as the aircraft took off to return the owner and his Russian guests back to Riyadh. However, the boy felt uncomfortable not just because of recent rape by Gacy's huge dildo, which was still causing his bottom discomfort.

Thankfully, the ants had not been allowed to embrace Sergei's body for very long. In fact, immediately after the boy had succumbed to orgasm, the Arab Sheikh had used a small but highly effective spray, originally hidden amidst his flowing white ethnic robes, to chase the insects away.

The spray not only neutralised the attraction of the sugar for the ants but also turned the substance into something that the insects were happy to flee with great speed. As with Yuri's simultaneous experience in Russia, Sergei's current supposed torture was designed to terrify and not harm.

A relieved Sergei was subsequently released from his chained bondage on the rock and returned to the basement torture chamber of the Arab Sheikh's desert residence, where he was hosed with freezing water to restore his body to cleanliness. The boy then dutifully performed accomplished fellatio for the host, despite him having a particularly obnoxiously hairy and smelly set of genitalia.

Sergei's current discomfort in sitting in the helicopter had been exacerbated by the fact that, simultaneous to his kneeling act of fellatio for the Arab Sheikh, his own Master flagellated his back and particularly his already sore bottom with a short multi-stranded whip. The boy was again being taught that ejaculating without permission was punishable.

"I believe that flogging the brat whilst he licked and sucked," the Arab Sheikh subsequently commented to Sergei's Master, as, sexually sated, he lowered his robes just after impregnating the boy's mouth with copious sperm, "actually helped improve his actions. The ultimate result was amazingly high quality fellatio and not the reverse, which I originally expected. He also appears to have swallowed all of the product!"

"I thought that being flogged whilst performing fellatio," the Arab Sheikh added, as he patted the still kneeling Sergei's silky fair hair in appreciation, "might cause the brat to perform erratically, as the pain induced by each blow might momentarily tempt him to forget his duties. However, I didn't detect any such hesitation, only rather enthusiastic and efficient licking and sucking!"

"I believe that the brat was encouraged in his attainment," Sergei's Master suggested in reply, "by two factors. First, he was not being beaten severely because I deliberately allowed long gaps between each hit, as I really didn't want your pleasure to be disturbed. Second, I whispered to him beforehand that I would finish once he completed his duty but my tempo would increase, and therefore his anguish too, if you were to complain about how he was performing. The latter incentives undoubtedly afforded his act of fellatio greater urgency and proficiency!"

"What a clever Master you are," the Arab Sheikh responded, "whom the brat should reward for your caring consideration. Would you too like to be the recipient of the slut's oral attentions whilst I flog him? We could swap places now if you like!"

Sergei's Master decided to accept the offer.

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(St. Petersburg, Russia, 1 month later, February 2000)

Over the next month, Sergei's Master was often away from his dacha near St. Petersburg on business. The multi-millionaire took as his valet one of his young slaves with him on each trip, usually chosen by rota unless the boy whose turn was due was at the time too damaged through the man's perverse sadism to go.

During one of his Master's absences, Sergei had been treated by the butler to the same game involving the outdoor cross that had been endured by Yuri. To the sadistic man's great satisfaction and the boy's immense distress, similar results were achieved.

Sergei's turn to accompany his Master on a business trip eventually came again. On this occasion, a journey had been made to oil-rich Venezuela. Fortunately for the boy, no-one as cruel as a certain Arab Sheikh was encountered and he suffered no torture, if performing sex acts for the Russian multi-millionaire was excused such a label.

Sergei and his Master returned by flying into the usual private airport near St. Petersburg on the multi-millionaire's Learjet. The boy's bright mind subsequently quickly realised, from observations through the windows of their next transport, a big luxurious chauffeured Mercedes limousine, that the vehicle was proceeding along a route different from the one normally taken to reach the man's dacha.

The windows of the big limousine were tinted but they nevertheless allowed passengers to look out, whilst disabling other people from glancing in. Sergei could therefore judge not only that a different route to normal was being followed but also that spring appeared to have arrived early.

The temperature was currently relatively warm, certainly well above freezing. As a consequence, the snow that the limousine had driven through on the way to the airport, when Sergei and his Master had departed for Venezuela, had now melted and virtually completely disappeared.

Sergei wondered whether the unseasonal Russian weather might be further evidence for global warming. However, the boy's bright mind was not to be allowed to focus on the issue for long, as another even more personally disturbing matter was imminently to grab his undivided attention.

Sergei's ignorance about the reason for the detour from the airport was ended, not long after his Master confirmed that he was in a particularly playful mood. This demonstration of the man's current whimsical disposition began after the boy had just relaxed, as he was enjoying the drive and his own thoughts.

Sergei was dressed in the normal black valet uniform of body-hugging shirt, with Russian-style round collar, and trousers, with the usual discreet logo of the double-headed eagle. The attire was complemented by similarly coloured briefs, socks and shoes but, on this occasion, not for much longer.

Sergei was sitting on the left of his Master in the back of the big limousine, which possessed the usual accoutrements that could be expected in a car belonging to a multi-millionaire. These extras included television screens, which were naturally currently showing pederastic DVDs for the man's entertainment.

Sergei was looking out of the tinted windows not just because of the relative novelty of the scenery and the fact that he might not see the outside world again for a while, as he might be confined to a certain basement for a period. The boy had been re-equipped with his genital chastity cage and, despite still considering himself to be essentially heterosexual, he did not want to view the DVDs. Such action invariably caused him penile distress because his unruly cock inevitably wanted to harden at the sight of the pederastic activity.

Sergei's glancing at the passing outside world was subsequently suddenly disturbed after his Master turned his own eyes away from the television screen to focus instead on his young slave. With no further ado, the man then surprised the boy by commanding him to undress.

On hearing the rather debasing words "Strip, brat", Sergei naturally unhappily but speedily complied, not wanting to incur his Master's displeasure and punishment. The boy's clothing was therefore soon in a neat heap on the wide rear seat of the limousine on the spare space to his left.

Sergei's master next leaned across and to the boy's surprise removed his young slave's perspex genital chastity cage. As a result, an unexpectedly released juvenile cock immediately grew to full needful erection.

What his Master intended him to do whilst in this humiliating undressed and aroused condition then became clear to Sergei. The man unzipped the fly of his own casual trousers, withdrew his semi-hard big hairy cock and commanded the boy to "Suck, brat!" Being an obedient sex-slave, who disliked chastisement for disobedience, the 14 year-old again naturally complied with an order from the sadistic adult.

Sergei, with his own cock wobbling lustfully, knelt on the floor of the limousine before his Master, the big vehicle being long enough to accommodate his degrading pose comfortably. The boy then leant his beautiful head forward to accept the eagerly awaiting manly penis into his mouth and began to lick and suck the rather distasteful appendage, whose inevitable ejaculate he had now learnt to swallow completely in order to avoid punishment for incompetent fellatio.

Sergei's only initial consolation was the fact that the chauffeur could not see his disgrace, the driver being separated from the passengers by an internal divide that included opaque glass. However, such solace was short-lived.

As the naked Sergei compliantly licked and sucked his Master's increasingly erect cock, the boy heard the man activate the device that lowered the internal divide, plus the one that opened the tinted rear windows on both sides of the limousine. These mechanisms were initiated just as the vehicle appeared to be entering the urban suburbs of St. Petersburg. However, the 14 year-old knew better than to stop what he was doing, despite appreciating that his actions would now be at least partly visible to anyone who cared to look inside the limousine and was conversant with the act of fellatio.

The action of a young head bobbing up and down, as it compliantly performed fellatio in the manner generally preferred by the recipient of such attention to attain ultimate climax, namely sucking the cock fully into the throat before withdrawing likewise and then repeating the action continuously, would be obvious. So too would be the black leather collar encircling Sergei's bare neck, and possibly also the other degrading regalia his aroused naked body humiliatingly sported.

Sergei momentarily wondered how his Master could think that they would not incur trouble through doing what they were doing. However, the astute boy then swiftly realised that such an influential and powerful multi-millionaire would be immune from any action on the part of the local authorities, whose senior officials would undoubtedly be either bribed by him or afraid of him.

Any complaints from members of the public about what they saw happening in the back of a big limousine would therefore quickly be dismissed as mistaken. The complainants might even be threatened with prosecution for slander.

Consequently, Sergei, despite his shame at currently being naked, erect and essentially performing a lewd sex act in public, continued to lick and suck until his Master's now comprehensively hard and engorged cock ejaculated, whilst fully embedded down the boy's compliant throat. Having performed fellatio for this man on many previous occasions, the young slave had recognised the earlier signs of imminent climax and was ready to swallow efficiently the resultant copious creamy product.

As the Master approached orgasm during fellatio, he invariably breathed much heavier than normal. He also began continuously to mumble the word "Yes" and would grab hold of Sergei's head, firmly pushing it downwards onto the cock that was ready to explode. In such circumstances, the boy might have been smothered to death if the strong flow of plentiful ejaculate had not inevitably rapidly followed.

After obediently swallowing the semen, Sergei's head would invariably subsequently be speedily released. However, the Master did not loosen his firm and potentially fatal grip out of any interest in the boy's welfare.

Having satiated his desire, the Master instead simply wanted Sergei to conclude his fellatio by licking the man's swiftly softening cock of extraneous cum. After gulping for life-saving air, the boy as usual obediently complied.

Sergei, of course, did not have to be naked to perform fellatio, especially in the back of a limousine with the windows open whilst driving through an urban area, when stopping for the likes of traffic lights was particularly embarrassing for the boy. However, the young slave presumed that his Master just wanted to add to the 14 year-old's shame and therefore the adult's excitement and pleasure, which was, in fact, only partly correct.

The other part of the Master's motivation for commanding Sergei to strip became evident after the boy had completed his cleaning with his tongue of the man's cock. Having subsequently returned the sated penis to within his trousers, the adult then produced from his pocket a minuscule black thong, with the usual double-headed eagle logo, and ordered his still kneeling young slave to put the tiny garment on, just as the limousine stopped outside a large municipal park.

Sergei again complied with an order from his Master, whilst he continued to taste in his mouth and throat the man's recently consumed cum. The boy subsequently discovered that the minuscule thong barely covered his smooth genitals, especially as his shamefully maintained arousal caused the tiny garment to balloon outwards.

Sergei now waited for his Master's next command, which he presumed would be to regain his seat. However, this assumption was quickly disillusioned when the chauffeur appeared at the door adjacent to the outside pavement.

The chauffeur opened the door and the Master then commanded the shocked and horrified Sergei "Now get out, brat!"

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The doctor employed part-time by Sergei's Master to ensure that his young slaveboys remained healthy despite the abuse he inflicted upon them was sitting and reading a medical book in the room provided for him at the multi-millionaire's dacha. He was not personally accustomed to a certain practice in his own surgical field and was therefore re-learning the subject.

The doctor, who had just attended to Yuri, Viktor and Sasha, was aware that the multi-millionaire proposed soon to inflict the deed on one of his slaveboys. Being subjected to the surgery would be the price one would have to pay for losing a game at a forthcoming party.

The doctor was reading about circumcision.

(St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

The stunned Sergei now fatefully but perhaps understandably hesitated to obey his Master's latest disturbing command. The man therefore felt compelled to advise the obviously shocked and confused boy "I told you to get out, brat. Your delay in obeying will, of course, earn you a punishment."

The Master's worrying statement instantly prompted Sergei into action and he began very reluctantly to move towards the opened door of the limousine, which was currently held by the smirking chauffeur who was now glancing inside. However, the boy's departure from the vehicle was momentarily halted when the multi-millionaire belatedly began to relate instructions.

The Master had always intended to convey these instructions to Sergei before the boy left the limousine. However, the man also wanted to test the virtually naked 14 year-old's reaction to the premature command to leave the vehicle without receiving clarifying orders as to what he was then supposed to do.

The Master had actually been delighted by Sergei's rather natural hesitation, which was expected and meant that he had another excuse to inflict delicious punishment on the boy. The sadistic man, of course, did not need a reason to do so but he liked to have one.

"I was just going to command you to go to the other side of this large municipal park," the Master informed, "where we would have picked you up to continue our journey to my dacha. Your very skimpy attire, slave collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, nipple rings and brand-mark might, of course, have caused public interest, if you were spotted as you proceeded to the required destination. However, I'm sure that, if you had run as quickly as you could, using the intermittent copses for cover, you might have reached the safety of my limousine without being observed, or at least without being caught."

"Unfortunately for you," the Master sinisterly continued, "your hesitation in obeying my initial command to leave the limousine means you require punishment. You will therefore only proceed to the large wood that you'll find in the centre of the park, in the middle of which you'll discover a long-abandoned pillbox built during the Great Patriotic War."

The 'Great Patriotic War' is, of course, the Russian name for the 2nd World War. However, Sergei was not particularly concerned about the pillbox's origin. The boy was now more troubled by the use his Master was imminently to afford to the facility, which also finally revealed the man's wicked pre-planning.

"You'll discover a sturdy chain dangling from the roof outside the pillbox," the Master added, "with an open padlock on the lowest link. You'll find that you can reach up to this if you stand on tiptoe." This piece of data clearly indicated that careful measurements had been used to establish the setting.

"Whilst facing the wall of the pillbox, you'll fasten rings on your wrist cuffs to this padlock," the Master instructed, "which you'll then close to secure you in place. You'll then patiently await developments!"

Sergei was naturally appalled at his Master's instructions. The boy was supposed to run across a public park, somehow undetected whilst dressed only in a minuscule thong and sporting his slave regalia, and then chain himself for an unknown time to a pillbox, which could be visited by anyone. However, he also recognised that he had no real choice but to obey the man's terrible wishes.

Sergei began to do so after his Master once more, but this time in concluding his instructions, commanded "Now get out, brat!"

(To be continued in part 58; 88; 80;: 54; 73; 88; 77; 79; 72; 85; 80; 77; – Three: Circumcision)