PZA Boy Stories


Billy the Thief


Billy is caught stealing food, which leads to life changing experiences.

Publ. Apr 2017
Finished 8,500 words (17 pages)


Billy (12yo), Brad (adult friend)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb tb – forced/cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


I had been caught shoplifting. After several attempts to contact my mom, the cops took me to the juvenile detention center. By the time we got there and I was processed through, it was late. I was stripped to my underwear and placed in a cell. It was after lights out, and as they locked the steel door behind me, I felt completely alone in the world.

I was soon to find out that I might be alone in the world, but I wasn't alone in that cell.

"What's your name kid?" a voice called from a bunk.

Startled, I mumbled, "Billy."

The room was so dark, I couldn't make out anything. But then he stood and walked over to the door. He gazed through the wire mesh glass window in the door, looking for guards I assumed. As he did, I could see his face in the light. He was actually kinda pretty. Older than me by few years, taller for sure, with long wavy dark hair.

I could just make out the white area around his midsection and realized he was also only wearing briefs.

He turned to face me. "How old are you, Billy?"

"Thirteen," I lied. I wouldn't be thirteen for a couple of weeks.

He stepped over right in front of me and I took a step backward and plopped down on a bunk. He was so close, I could make out the outline of his cock in his underwear.

"Well, Billy, there are only two ways to survive in here. Fighting or fucking. Now it's kinda late, and I don't want to hurt you, so what's it going to be?"

There was no way I could win a fight against him, or ever do any damage to him. I had heard about guys fucking other guys in the butt. I just never contemplated doing it. I was still trying to get my first piece of pussy. Hell, I would settle for my first kiss even.

He hesitated for a few seconds, I guess waiting for a response. Then he reached for the waistband of his briefs and slowly pulled them down.

Closing the gap between us, he said, "Get it good and wet, and take off your underwear."

I have to admit, I had been curious about other boys for about six months, like how I compare and stuff, but had never been this close to a naked boy. His cock grew to about six and a half inches [16½ cm] and a little on the thin side. I leaned in and took it into my mouth. I slid back and forth on it a few times, hoping I could get by with just sucking it.

"Take off your underwear."

I was terrified but did as I was told, surprised to find I was hard. He had me lay on the bunk face down.

"Now push out like you're trying to dump, or this is gonna hurt worse," he said as he pushed against my hole.

I started to cry out when I felt my muscle give way, and he forced my face into the pillow.

"Don't scream, or we'll both be in deep shit."

His cock worked further and further into my ass on each stroke. I thought I would die from the pain. After a while I felt his balls on my butt cheeks, and he lay down on my back.

His slow strokes soon made the pain disappear. I found myself lifting my hips to his invasion.

"You should get used to this. You're too little to fight, but I bet you'll be doing a lot of fucking."

He picked up the pase a bit, still laying on my back. His hips driving his cock in and out of my chute. After a minute, he was pushing hard on the down stroke, trying to get even deeper in me. The constant rubbing of my dick on the bed was keeping me hard, and he was hitting something inside me that felt like lightning inside my balls.

He thrust hard and grunted. I felt wetness inside me. He pulled back and thrust hard again, and I felt his cock pulsing in my tunnel as he collapsed on my back.

I was dying to cum. I rolled us over onto our sides, grabbed my dick and stroked it maybe five times before dribbling my cum on my fingers.

I started to pull off him, but he stopped me. His cock hadn't gone soft, and he wanted seconds. Spooned in behind me, he fucked me for a long time. It was much easier the second round as his cum provided lube to my aching bowels.

In the morning, a bell rang out waking me. The lights came on and I had my first good look at my 'roommate'. He really was pretty. Under better circumstances I might have let him seduce me into getting fucked. I watched his cock moving around in his underwear, remembering how it felt inside me.

He caught me looking and smiled, giving his basket a squeeze right in front of my face.

An hour later the door opened and I discovered we were not alone. Two other doors opened and two boys stepped out of each. They too wore only underwear, and my eyes automatically went south.

We were led single file into a dining room, where the last of previous diners were leaving. They wore blue jumpsuits, and whistled and made kissing noises as they passed us.

I whispered to my 'roommate', "Why don't we have jumpsuits?"

"Because they don't know where we're going yet. If you're gonna be here awhile, you'll get one. Most likely they haven't got in contact with your parents yet."

Well that was disheartening. My mom was a drunk that would disappear for days. That's why I was stealing food in the first place. No telling how long I would be here.

We were marched through a serving line and given breakfast on metal compartmentalized plates, then sat at a table. I kept my eyes down, trying not to attract any attention.

"Jacobson!" a guard called out halfway through the meal.

My 'roommate' stood then leaned toward me and said, "Remember, fuck or fight, and you might survive." Then he walked toward the guard who had called out his name.

I hadn't even asked his name. I was too busy getting fucked I guess. Even though I hadn't really wanted to be fucked, he was the closest thing to a friend I had there. Now I was alone again.

We were marched back to the cells, and locked in. I sat on the bunk staring at the metal toilet with no seat. I guess that is so no one uses the seat as a weapon to beat someone to death. I eventually had to make use of that toilet, when breakfast collided with all the cum in my ass. I was grateful I was alone in the cell at the time.

Lunchtime was a repeat of breakfast, except afterward we were led to the showers. Me and the other four 'underwear' guys were given towels and told to shower. I was a bit embarrassed because it was quite obvious I was the youngest and smallest of the five.

The others quickly got naked and under spray heads in the communal shower. I followed suit hoping that no one would notice my few sparse hairs and smaller dick.

I stood facing the wall, opposite to where the others were. There were two white guys, one Mexican, and one black guy. Soon I noticed one of the others take the sprayer next to mine. The black guy had moved over beside me.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the smaller of the two white guys standing in the doorway looking out. He nodded to the black guy, who grabbed me around my chest, pinning my arms. The Mexican was quick to join in holding me, while the other white guy moved up behind me.

"Man, I've been thinking about that pretty ass of yours since I saw you this morning," he said as he lathered his swollen cock.

His cock was about the same size as Jacobson's, and being slick with soap, he had no trouble pushing it into me. The two holding my arms watched as he took hold of my hips and began fucking me quick and hard.

I thought this was pretty harsh punishment just for stealing food. Hunger drove me to it. Now I was getting raped for the second time in less than a day.

I wanted to cry out, but I knew it would do no good. I saw the guy by the door kept glancing over at us while still keeping watch for guards. Looking to my left, I could only see the lower half of the Mexican as they held me bent over. His dick was shorter than the guy fucking me. Somehow I felt relieved by that. Until, that is, I looked to my right. The black guy's cock was at least an inch longer and a bit fatter than the one currently plowing my bowels.

For some reason, I found myself moving into the thrusts behind me. My fucker noticed. His hand came around under me and grabbed my hard dick.

"You can let him go. He's liking it," he said to the two that were holding me.

They let go of my arms and I grabbed my knees for support as I responded to the fucking.

"Yeah, he likes it. Don't you? You like my cock in your ass."

"Yes," I grunted, as he thrust hard one last time and emptied himself in me. He pulled out and relived the watchdog at the door. The Mexican got behind me as the watchdog came in front and presented his small dick to be sucked.

Mexican didn't last but a few strokes, and spewed. He was quickly replaced by the black guy. Thank god for the previous two loads inside me. The black guy pushed in hard, going deeper than I had taken anyone before.

"Shit! Take it easy man. I ain't fighting you." I yelled pushing the dick from my mouth. I turned toward the wall so I could lean on it as I got fucked. He had fucked me about a minute, when I squirted my load on the floor.

Watchdog turned my head back toward him so he could unload in my mouth. I swallowed and leaned my chest against the tile wall. Black guy stepped up closer, leaning on my back as he fucked me. His big dick felt good churning my insides.

"Dis is some good white boypussy. I hope I get more of dis," he whispered in my ear as he continued plowing me. At the moment, I hoped so too.

He dumped his load in me and quickly pulled out. I suddenly felt like a part of me was missing.

A guard came in and noticed all the swollen red cocks in the shower. It didn't take him but a couple of seconds to surmise who had been fucked. "Everybody get dried off and back to your cells. You too 'Nancy boy'," he said to me with a wink.

Back in my cell, I made immediate use of that metal toilet again. I couldn't believe the amount of cum that poured out of me. I sat there wondering how long I could take this. I hadn't wanted to be fucked, but when it was happening, I couldn't imagine not being fucked. It's like a switch being turned on inside me. Once a cock was in me, I was ready to rock and roll.


Around five o'clock, my door was opened and the guard from the shower handed me my clothes. "You're getting out. Too bad, I wanted to sample you myself."

He led me through a series of locked metal doors to where my mom was waiting. "What were you thinking? Shoplifting for god's sake. Do you know what I had to go through to get you out? I swear 3;"

"Oh yeah, must have been terrible for you having to pay a fine. Did you have to give up your beer money for the week?"

She had no clue what I had been through. If I hadn't been hungry, which was her fault, I wouldn't have been shoplifting in the first place.

A man was waiting outside for us. No surprise there. She always had a man around somewhere. He was not one of her usual drunk friends though. Nice looking, tall, clean cut, standing beside a shiny new car.

"This is Brad. Brad, my jailbird son, Billy."

I shook his hand, even though I had no expectations of seeing him more than this one time. Nice guys usually don't stick around my mom long. They get a piece or two of her pussy, then disappear.

The good thing about having a new man around was that I would get to eat. The nice ones fed us, maybe took us to the movies. One even bought me the clothes I was wearing. He lasted a week, which was not the norm.

We arrived at a nice little house in a decent neighborhood. It wasn't huge, but much nicer than where we lived.

"Billy, go play in the backyard awhile," Mom said as soon as we entered.

I figured Brad was going to get his reward for picking me up.

The backyard was nice too. The grass was green and well maintained. There were shade trees, and weed free planting areas. On the porch was one of those metal bench swings suspended from the ceiling on chains. Clay pots with actual live flowers lined the porch.

I sat on the bench swing, contemplating my life. I don't think I'm a bad person. Give me a place to sleep, a roof over my head, and some food, and I'm a happy guy. I just haven't had much of that lately. At least not steadily.

Then I thought about the last few days. It really was stupid of me to get caught, it's not like it was my first time to steal food. Then to end up in Juvenile Detention, getting fucked like a cheap whore. I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. My life had taken a turn for the worse.

I thought about all the cocks that had been in me. How it felt to have them moving around inside, possessing me totally. I was somewhat surprised, but not really, to find myself getting hard. I wanted to whip it out and jerk off, but it was still daylight, and I was outside in clear view of the neighbors.

The sunset was nice from where I was sitting. I was thinking about finding a dark place to rub one out, when Mom opened the sliding glass door.

"Billy, dinner's ready."

Dinner? I couldn't even remember the last time she'd cooked dinner. I entered the house, not expecting much. It was food, so I'm happy. Surprisingly, she had made pork chops and mashed potatoes with cream gravy, and broccoli.

We sat down at a dining room table, with plates and glasses of iced tea. Almost like a real family. Brad sat at the head of the table, with Mom on one side and me on the other.

I guess I was feeling sorry for myself, but for whatever reason, I had tears in my eyes as I shoveled a forkful of mashed potatoes into my mouth. Why can't I have a normal life like this? Why do I have to steal food just to survive?

I looked across the table at my mom, and I knew the answer. It was because she was a drunken slut bitch. It was up to me to make changes, she obviously wasn't going to.

I decided then and there to take charge of my life. At some point in life we have to take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions. Stop blaming other people for our own problems.

At just shy of thirteen though, I wasn't sure how to accomplish that. How could I support myself if I can't even steal food without getting caught?

Later I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was at first. All the lights were out, and I was alone.

I decided it was a good time to finally take care of the problem in my pants. I went to the bathroom in the hall, and sat on the toilet. I heard moaning, and figured Brad was getting another slice.

I started stroking. It's probably a sick thing, stroking to sounds of your mom getting fucked, but at my age, it's open season on everything. Then all of a sudden, it was me getting fucked. My mind drifted to that first cock in my ass. How Jacobson felt lying on my back as I pushed my butt up to him. His breath on my neck, his cock arranging my insides to fit him.

I spewed in record time, and even went for a second round.

Back on the sofa, I had just closed my eyes, when I heard a door open. Brad came through the living room and to the kitchen. When he opened the refrigerator door, I could see he was only wearing white briefs. I had figured him as a boxers kind of guy. Getting a bottle of water from the fridge, he glanced into the living room at me. I feigned sleep, and he went back to the bedroom.

The next day, Mom was on her best behavior. Even though they picked up a six pack of beer, she only had two. Brad had one. She cooked dinner again, and I wanted to have her checked for a brain tumor.

We sat and watched tv together, like a family. When the evening news came on, Mom went to the bedroom. Brad stayed with me for a few minutes, watching the sports report.

"There are two other bedrooms if you would like to sleep in there," he said as he stood to go be with Mom.

"No, I'm ok here." I didn't want to get accustomed to being in a home I wasn't going to stay at.

He got a blanket and pillow out of a closet for me. "Well, make yourself at home."

When he was gone, I pulled off my pants and tee shirt, and lay down. My hand automatically went to my dick. I wondered how long it would be before he was fucking her. But again, I was drawn back to my experience in jail. I was bent over looking at that black cock, knowing it was going inside me. I felt it slide in deep, the knob end going where none had gone. I quickly lifted the waistband of my underwear away from my body, and shot on my belly. The memory of those four dicks fucking me in the shower, soon drew another load out of me.

I heard a noise, and realized I had fallen asleep. Brad was walking through the living room again. His white briefs reminded me of my first image of Jacobson, in the dark cell.

I came up behind Brad as he took a bottle of water from the fridge. "Can I have some too?" I asked, startling him.

"Sure." He reached in and grabbed a bottle for me. As he straightened up, I see the front of his briefs up close for the first time. They looked pretty packed. I could see a long bulge, and I could make out the ridge around his cock head near the end of the bulge.

I must have been staring at it a while, because he said, "Did you want this?"

I was confused at first. Then I saw the water bottle in his outstretched hand. I stepped into the light from the fridge, and took the bottle. I stared at his crotch as I twisted the cap from the bottle. As I drank from the bottle, I looked at his face. His eyes were on my underwear.

Replacing the cap, I looked down at myself. I had been wearing these briefs for five days. There was a couple of pee stains, but worse, my dick was still a bit swollen from my jerk off session, and the last of my load had dripped out leaving a very noticeable wet spot. To top it off, my cum was also drying on my belly in that sticky, flakey, way cum dries.

"Shit," I murmured, feeling myself turn crimson.

"Uh 3; Maybe 3; umm. Just a minute," Brad mumbles.

He grabs a dishtowel and wets a corner of it. Kneeling in front of me, Brad begins to wipe my belly clean.

"No reason to be embarrassed. It's perfectly natural for a boy to 3; I just didn't realize you were old enough to 3; Well, you know."

I'm looking down at him as he, almost lovingly, cleans me. I hook my thumbs into the waistband and pull it down just enough for my new pubes to be exposed, and maybe a bit of the base of my dick.

"Did any get down here?" I asked.

Brad takes a quick breath in surprise. "Maybe we should be sure," he says as he brushes the damp towel over my pubes. It hadn't been long since I had cum twice, but I felt my dick start to respond to his touch. He seemed to take longer than necessary to wipe off such a small area too.

I slowly pulled the waistband back up, and Brad stopped cleaning me. He stood, and I could see the situation had affected him too. The bulge was longer, thicker, and straighter than it was before. Hmm, maybe I could affect changes in my life.

"You should get some clean underwear. I don't think mine will fit you," Brad said.

"Even if the waist wasn't too big, I think yours would be too stretched out in front," I said, pointing out the difference in our size.

Brad chuckled. "Yeah, you're probably right. We'll pick you up some tomorrow."


The next day, we left Mom, and went shopping. I thought we would go to Walmart, or at best, Target. But Brad took me to a nice department store. He let me pick out some shorts and jeans and a couple of shirts. I invited him into the dressing room with me to try them on.

He sat on a bench in the dressing room, as I stood with my back to him in front of a mirror, taking off my clothes.

First I tried on a pair of jeans. They were pretty stiff, and I had trouble with the zipper. I asked for his help. His hands were shaking a bit, but he managed to get them zipped.

"Maybe we shouldn't take these," I said.

"They'll soften up once they've been washed."

"I hope so, or you'll have to help me zip them every time I go to the bathroom."

He choked back a moan at the thought.

Next I tried on some light blue shorts. "Do you think they're too tight in back," I asked, pushing my butt out a little.

"Uh 3; No, they look just fine."

He really seemed to like the white shorts. When I asked if they were too tight, he placed his hand on my butt. "Not at all. Just perfect."

"Mom makes me get clothes that are too big so I can 'grow into them'."

"Your mom isn't paying for these, and they look uh 3; great on you."

Next was some plain loose fitting red shorts with elastic in the waist. I sat down on the bench and asked Brad, "Does my underwear show in the leg openings when I sit down?"

He stood in front of me and looked down at my lap. I spread my legs a bit.

"A little."

"Maybe I shouldn't wear undies with these. I wouldn't want them to show."

I took the shorts off, and tried on the shirts. I asked his opinion of each.

"So, what should I take?" I asked at the end.

"All of it," Brad said, giving his crotch an adjustment tug.

We went over to the underwear section, and got a package of tighty whities. I saw a pair of sheer boxer briefs, and pointed to them. "I bet those are comfortable."

Brad took a pair of blue ones off the rack. Then looked at me, and got a black pair and a red pair too.

We were just getting into the car when his phone rang. Mom wanted him to pick up some more beer on the way back. I could only assume she had already drank the three that was left. I began to worry about how this day might end. It was still early afternoon, and with more beer available 3; well, I just didn't want to think about it. I had witnessed her drunken antics before.

A few hours later, she switched to some amber colored stuff in a bottle she found in the pantry. That was my cue to step outside. I sat on the porch swing and waited for the shit to hit the fan.

After dark, the music started. That was actually a good sign. It meant she was in happy drunk mode. Not mean drunken bitch mode.

I was about to fall asleep on the swing when I noticed the music had stopped. I waited another ten minutes, then quietly went inside. The lights were out, so I took off my clothes to lay down, when I noticed I was still wearing my old underwear.

I dug through the bags that were still where we left them by the front door. I pulled out the black boxer briefs, threw my old underwear in the trash, and put on the new ones. Man, did they feel nice.

I lay down and was about to reach for my dick when I heard the bedroom door open. Brad came through headed for the fridge again. Just as he pulled out a bottle of water, I pushed passed him and bent down to get a bottle for myself.

"Oh sweet Jesus," Brad groaned.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Umm 3; no 3; Jesus, those look good on you."

I looked down, and in the light from the fridge, I could see that they were almost transparent.

"They're not too tight back there, are they?" I asked pushing my butt out a bit.

"N 3; no 3; " he stuttered.

"Are you sure? Feel them." I turned my butt toward the light a little.

His hand slid slowly over my butt. "It's perfect 3; I mean they fit perfectly."

I turned to face him, and his eyes went straight to my crotch.

"Jesus," he muttered again.

"I'm not really sleepy. Can you sit with me awhile, or is Mom expecting you back?"

"N 3; no. She uh 3; passed out."

"That explains a lot," I said, looking down at his very obvious erection.

I closed the fridge and went to sit on the sofa. Brad sat beside me in the dark.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?"

"No. I'm a professor. I have the summer off, same as you."

"Oh good. That means we can spend a lot of time together like this," I said, snuggling up against him, pulling his arm around my shoulders. "I'd like that," I practically purred as I lay my head on his bare chest.

Brad swallowed hard. "Yes. This is nice, isn't it."

I handed him my water bottle. "Could you set this on the table there? I'm getting a little chilly holding it."

Pulling the blanket over us, I snuggled even closer. The whole side of our bodies were touching, and I let my hand drop to his lap. His cock felt like a wooden plank running from his groin to his hip bone.

"Mmm." I moaned giving it a gentle squeeze. "I didn't get a chance to thank you for buying me those clothes. I especially like these briefs. Do you like them?"

"Uhn huh," Brad moaned.

"Want to feel them again?"

His hand slipped down my back and cupped my butt. I scooted down a bit and ducked under the blanket. His cock sprang up as I pulled the waistband away from his body.

"Oh God."

I took his big cock into my mouth. I could barely fit my lips around it, and could only take a couple of inches in. I worked it like a thousand dollar an hour whore. I tried repeatedly to take it into my throat, but the angle and the size made it impossible.

Brad was lost somewhere. His hand kept groping my butt as I sucked his cock. After a couple of minutes, I pulled my boxer briefs down. His hand found my bare butt, squeezed it, and he exploded in my mouth.

I gagged a bit, but kept swallowing as he relieved himself of a gallon of cum. Ok, probably not a gallon, but it was a lot. I liked the taste of Brad's better than the guy in the shower too.

I continued sucking on him until he got softer. I tried once again to get him into my throat. I got the head in a little, then backed off, putting his cock back inside his briefs.

"If we're staying here awhile, you and I could do a lot of things together," I said pushing my butt against his hand as a hint.

The next morning, I was still on the couch feigning sleep. Brad was having coffee, and Mom was having a 'hair of the dog that bit her' by nursing a beer.

"How would you like to go to the coast for a couple of days?" Brad asked her.

"That would be lovely."

"Great. I'll get us some reservations. Why don't you run home and get everything you and Billy will need for the trip?"

At the door, Brad gave Mom his car keys and some cash. "Stop at the liquor store and get what you want."

A minute later, Brad was pouring another cup of coffee, when I walked into the kitchen. I was still wearing the sheer briefs and nothing else, my morning erection in plain view.

"I've never had coffee. May I have a sip of your's?"

Brad stuttered, "It's 3; I 3; Maybe we should cool it off with some milk."

I opened the fridge and bent over looking for the milk that I knew was on the door shelf. After a minute, I 'found' it.

Brad added a little milk to his coffee, and I sat on his lap. Even through the terry cloth robe, I could feel his erection grow under my butt as I took a sip.

"I think it needs a little sugar," I said as I slid off his lap, making sure the robe separated more. I could feel his eyes on me as I got the sugar from the cabinet.

The robe was almost completely open as I sat back on his lap.

"Where's Mom?" I asked adding sugar to the coffee.

"Sh 3; She's gone to pick up some 3; Oh 3;" Brad grunted as I squirmed on his cock. "To pick up some things for 3; Uh 3; I thought we might go to the beach."

I got up and walked to the counter by the stove. I picked up a bottle of olive oil, and turned to face him.

Looking down at his crotch I said, "I definitely think we'll need this." I turned and walked to the guest bedroom.

By the time Brad found me, I was naked, face down on the bed. I was turned away from the door, but I heard him come in.

He stood staring at me a moment then slipped off his robe and briefs.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he caressed my butt. "Beautiful 3; Absolutely perfect."

I heard him applying the olive oil, then slip a finger into my hole. "Are you sure?" he asked.

I only nodded.

The bed shook as he got into position behind me. "I've never done this, but I'll try to be gentle."

He applied pressure slowly. I could tell he was bigger than the five previous occupants. It took a minute before my muscle finally gave way.

"OH FUCK !" I cried out.

"I'm sorry BIlly. I'll stop."

"Don't you dare stop now! That was the hard part. Keep going," I pleaded.

He proceeded gradually. I could feel his big cock stretching me more than ever before. Taking me. Making me forget those other five. I grunted with every thrust, as another inch of ground was claimed.

"God, Billy, you feel so good," Brad said as he lay down on my back.

He continued pushing more of that big cock into me. Once he had gone as far as he could go, I knew I would give my ass to him anytime. The switch was flipped again. I loved having his cock in me. I needed to be fucked.

Brad pulled almost all the way out, and slid back in. "Oh god, Billy, I've never felt anything this good in my life." He kissed my neck and pulled back again, just so he could shove it back a little quicker.

"Fuck me Brad. I love your cock in me."

I grunted and raised my hips off the bed in complete surrender. Brad began a steady thrusting. I could feel his big cock moving inside me like some creature building a nest. His nest. His new home. Arranging things in there the way he wanted. Soon to plant his seed, as he crawled around in my belly.

The creature became frantic, moving around as if preparing for a long winters storm. In and out, packing the walls of his nest, as Brad stretched my walls. My chute providing more stimulation to the creature. Gripping and caressing it as it passed.

I cried out as I eliminated my seed onto the mattress beneath me. Brad shoved in hard and his creature replaced my seed with his own, painting the walls of his new nest for the first time.

Brad collapsed on me, as we struggled to catch our breath. He kissed me everywhere his lips could reach. I felt his cock begin to soften inside me, much to my regret.

Brad rolled off me and lay at my side. I snuggled under his arm, and lay my head on his chest.

"Was I good for you?" I asked reaching for his cock.

"The best, Billy. The absolute best."

"You really haven't done that before?" I asked.

"Nope. Women won't let this thing near their ass."

I held the creature up and looked at it. "I can see why." Even soft it was, pretty big.

"Have you done that before?"

"No," I lied. I didn't have a choice the other times. This time, it was my choice.

"So why did you do it with me?"

"I really like you. And I like being here. Then when you cleaned my belly, I knew I wanted to do stuff with you. I even let you see my new hairs, I wanted you to know I wasn't too young. You liked it didn't you?"

"Yes. Very much."

"Better than Mom's pussy?"

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Better than any pussy I've ever had. Honestly."

"So, can we do it again sometime?"

"Do you want to? Did you like it?"

I looked up at his face and nodded shyly. "You made me squirt on the bed."

Brad kissed my nose. "Awesome," he said proudly.


We were in the car headed for the coast. Beside me in the backseat was an ice chest. "Hand me a beer, Sweetie," Mom said from the front.

Shit. Here we go again. She had three more before we reached the hotel.

I've never stayed in a hotel before, but this seemed like a nice one. I was surprised to find that Brad had gotten us two adjoining rooms, with a door between them. Actually two doors. Both had to be opened to pass through.

"Isn't that nice dear? You have your own room, so you won't bother us," said the selfish bitch. What did she think I was going to do, interrupt their fucking?

"Let's go down to the beach and find a restaurant," Brad suggested.

"I need to clean up a bit, and maybe have another beer first," Mom replied.

"Ok. You shower in here, I'll use Billy's shower."

We went into my room, and I locked the door between the two rooms.

"Do you want to shower first?" Brad asked.

"No. I want to shower at the same time." I said, as I pulled my shirt off.

Brad gave me a huge smile and started to undress. We were both hard as we stepped into the shower. We soaped each other quickly and rinsed off. Then I sat on the edge of the tub and tried to swallow as much of his huge cock as I could. I did a little better than the first time.

It didn't seem to matter to Brad that I couldn't take more. He watched me service him, his hand on my head as I moved on his cock. I liked looking up at him and seeing the pleasure on his handsome face. Even though he had fucked me a few hours earlier, he still shot a huge load into my mouth. I was able to get the head into my throat a little for the second, third, and fourth volleys of cum.

Mom decided she wasn't hungry, and went to 'check out' the bar, as Brad and I ate. It was a nice restaurant with fancy dishes and tablecloths. I tried not to embarrass Brad, using my best table manners.

After dinner, Brad went to get Mom from the bar. He returned without her, saying she wasn't ready to leave yet. We walked along the beach. Sometimes it was like we were father and son, sometimes it felt like lovers. We went back to the hotel, and Mom hadn't returned, so Brad came to my room. We lay in bed, and for the first time, he kissed my lips like a lover. It quickly became very heated. He moved down and tongued my nipple, as his hand moved to my dick. A minute later he kissed his way down and hesitated for only a second before taking my dick into his mouth. He was easily able to take the whole thing.

I pulled him off saying, "I want you in me."

He reached for his pants, and pulled a small bottle of lube from his pocket.

"Someone came prepared," I laughed.

"I was hoping for another chance to have you," he replied.

I started to turn over, and he stopped me. "I want to see your face as I make love to you."

I almost cried hearing that. He said "make love", not fuck. No one had ever made any reference to love for me.

It was a little easier this time, but not much. Or maybe I was just overwhelmed by the love word being used. When he was about halfway in, I reach up and pulled him down to me. Our lips came together as I drew my knees back. I wanted him to know I was his completely. He sank the rest of his cock inside, and we moaned out loud together.

Brad had only stroked about four times when I yelled his name, and shot a load between our bellies.

He raised up off me and looked down. "That is so awesome. You never really know if a girl cums or she's faking it."

"Even if I could, I will never have to fake it with you."

He leaned in and kissed me again, and began slowly sliding in and out. His pace gradually quickened, and I was soon yelling out again.

"Oh God, Brad, you're making me cum again."

My chute gripped his cock, and we came at the same time. I could feel that creature spitting his seed way up in my belly.

Brad slid his hands under my shoulders and held me close as we recovered. I felt so safe and happy being held by him.

He eventually went to his room, and I heard Mom stumble in around one a.m. I didn't hear any moaning or bed squeaking, so I guess they didn't do anything. I was glad.

We went to the beach the next day. Mom was a bit hung over, so she didn't do much. Brad and I played in the surf, and built a sand castle. We bought hot dogs from street venders for lunch and returned to the hotel around six.

After dinner, Mom told me to go watch tv in my room. I knew what that meant. I didn't want to hear them fucking, so I put my swimsuit on and went down to the pool. I was a little self conscious, because my suit was from last year. I had grown a lot since then so it was a little tight on me. I didn't mind Brad seeing me like that, in fact I kinda liked it. But down at the pool, would be different.

Luckily there were only two older men there. I swam around awhile, then saw a sign pointing the way to the hot tub. I've never been in a hot tub so I walked passed the two guys toward it. No one was in it so I thought I'd try it out.

Damn, those things are hotter than I have my shower. It took a minute for me to get used to it, but I started to relax. I closed my eyes, and let the hot water and bubbles take away my thoughts of what Brad was doing right then.

I was startled when the two guys from the pool stepped into the tub with me. I smiled and said hello, just to be friendly. One sat on each side of me, which I thought was strange because the whole other side of the tub was vacant.

One guy was probably fifty and kind of fat. The other couldn't have been thirty yet, and better looking than his friend. They were so close, their legs were touching mine.

Soon I felt the fat guy place his hand on my thigh near my crotch. I started to get up, and he pressed down on my thigh, preventing me from leaving. The younger guy grabbed me and pulled me off the seat. He held me bent over, my face only inches above the bubbling water.

"I saw you parading around the pool in your tight little swimsuit. You have a great ass," the older one said.

He pawed my ass a bit, then pulled my suit down. I felt him stand behind me, and then his cock at my hole. I started to scream, and the young one pushed my face into the water.

"Scream again, and I'll drown you."

Why was this happening to me? Am I wearing a neon sign that says I like to be raped? Does my ass scream out "Fuck Me"?

The old fat guy pushed his cock into me. I guess I was still a little stretched out by Brad, because it went in easy. Plus he wasn't that big anyway.

I was struggling to get away as the fat guy started pumping in and out of me. Suddenly he pulled out, and the young one let go of me. I thought for a second the fat guy had cum already, and they were switching places. I looked up to see the young guy running away into the darkness. Behind me, Brad had his arm around the old guy's throat.

"You like raping little boys? How would you like ten thick inches in your fat ass? Yeah, you would probably like that, you fat bastard."

I could see that Brad was determined to choke him to death.

"Don't kill him Brad. He's not worth it," I pleaded.

He finally pushed the guy aside, wrapped his arm around my chest and pulled me from the tub.

"Are you okay, Baby?"

I flung my arms around his neck and clung to him. "I am now," I whispered in his ear.

He didn't seem to care that I was getting him all wet, as he carried me back to my room. He got a towel from the bathroom and then looked at me in my swimsuit.

"Maybe you shouldn't show off your goodies so much. I'll get you a better suit in the morning."

Brad pulled off my swimsuit, and began drying me.

"Where's Mom?"


"Did you 3;?"

"I'm sorry, Baby. But I have to keep her happy, or I won't get to be with you. Your mom is kinda 3; well, she's 3;"

"A drunken slut bitch?"

"Well 3; yeah 3; Sorry 3; I picked her up in a bar, took her to her place, fucked her, and started to leave. Then the cops called, and she asked me to take her to get you out. I kinda felt sorry for you when she called you a jailbird.

"You seemed like a sweet kid to me. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. Then I saw you in your underwear. You were so cute with cum on your belly. I realized I wanted to kiss you as I wiped your belly off. Then you proudly showed me your first hairs. I was fascinated by you.

"When we went shopping, it was torture watching you change clothes. I was looking at that beautiful butt of yours the whole time. When I picked up the boxer briefs, I was praying for a chance to see them on you. Which really confused me. I've never done anything with a guy, especially not a little boy.

"Then I saw you in those briefs. Oh my god! Then you 3; well, when you sucked me, I realized you wanted me too. Now I can't get you out of my head."

"I know what you mean. I left because I didn't want to hear you fucking someone else," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, Baby, I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to. "

"I understand. Honest. I guess we just have to do what we have to do. Just try not to enjoy it too much."

The next day Mom started drinking again. She went to the bar, while Brad and I were at the beach. He wanted to buy me a swimsuit at one of the shops. But I told him I like teasing him in the old one. Then we went to a carnival, and had a blast. After that there were fireworks over the water.

We found Mom back at the hotel room passed out. Brad came to my room. He made love to me twice before returning to their room.

It was pretty late when Brad finally pulled his cock out of my ass, so I slept late. I woke up when Brad sat on the edge of the bed.

"Cream and sugar, right?" he asked holding out a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. Thanks, but I have to pee first."

I walked naked to the bathroom, knowing his eyes were on my butt. When I returned, I stood right in front of him, and took the coffee from his hand. I took a sip then turned to place the cup on the nightstand.

Brad grabbed me and threw me on the bed. "You love torturing me don't you," he said as he kissed me.

"Whatever do you mean? I'm just a sweet, innocent little boy."

"Sweet? Maybe. But that ass isn't so innocent anymore. I made sure of that."

"Yes, you did." I reached for his cock. "Where's Mom?"

"She's in the shower. Then we have to pack up to leave. Much as I would like to, we don't have time."


The drive home was eerily quiet. They hardly spoke, and Mom only had two beers. We stopped for burgers just before we got to Brad's house. Then, as soon as we walked in, Mom said, "Billy go play outside."

Damn, she was going to fuck him again. I didn't know if I could take this much longer.

A couple of hours later, I was still on that porch swing. Then Brad came through the glass door. "Are you going to stay out here all night?"

I was a little confused, because he was still dressed.

"Want to watch a movie before you go to sleep?"

When the movie was over, Brad said, "Good night Billy," and went to the bedroom.

No good night kiss. Just "Good Night." I was worried something was wrong. I lay awake listening for sounds from the bedroom. There was none, which I was glad about, but kinda worried me more.

I woke up expecting to find Brad having coffee. He wasn't. I waited for over an hour before tapping on the bedroom door.

They weren't there. I was all alone. A couple of hours later, they returned.

"Go out and play Billy," Mom said.

"But where 3;"

"Just Go!"

I knew that tone. I left. A little later I heard the front door slam. I looked around the side of the house, and saw Brad's car going down the street.

Shit. She pissed him off. I guess I'm back to stealing food. I went inside to get my things together, expecting to find Mom either packing or drinking. She wasn't there. They were both gone again. What the fuck is going on?

It was almost eight o'clock when Brad came through the door carrying Chinese take out.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I got a lot of different stuff."

"What's going on? Where's Mom? At a bar somewhere?"

"Nope. She's not at a bar."

"Did you push her off a cliff? It's ok. I won't tell anyone."

"No, Baby, I didn't push her off a cliff. Your mom and I had a long talk yesterday. I told her I would consider marrying her if she would stop drinking."

"You want to marry my mom? Are you fucking nuts?"

"No, Baby. I don't want to marry your mom. But I am nuts. I'm nuts about you. And if that's what it takes to have you in my life, then so be it."

"You still haven't told me where she is."

"This morning we went to see my lawyer. Then we came back here and she packed a bag. Then I took her to a rehab facility."

"Rehab facility?"

"Yep. A place where they get the help they need to stop drinking. It's a three month program."

"You mean she's gonna stay there three months? She didn't even say good bye. What about me?"

"That's what we saw my lawyer for. I have guardianship until she returns."

"So, I get to stay with you? Do I have to sleep on the sofa?"

Brad smiled. "Where would you like to sleep?"

"Under you."


Mom only lasted two weeks. She and another patient ran off together. That was over a year ago. We haven't heard from her since. But that's ok, I'm keeping her side of the bed warm.

The End

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