5th Anniversary Stories |
BaraFull CirclePZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story![]() Story synopsis: Richie and Mike (12/13 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods, so the tracking device send an alarm to the authorities. The older brother(s), who saw them playing, wanted to teach their younger brother(s) a lesson and told the slave police that their two new young slaves had wandered away. |
This is Bara's version.
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for the other versions.
SummaryRichie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.
Publ. June 2012
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CharactersRichie (12yo) and his brother Mike (13yo)their brother Gerry (18yo), Mike's friend Paul (13yo), Mr. Belmont (Paul's father) Category & Story codesSlave-Boy storytb – slave oral anal – humil spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Bara - Full Circle in the subject line. |
Mike looked enviously at some of his old friends tucking into the food on the laden table. He glanced at the half eaten sandwich on the plate he was clearing, wondering whether he dare eat it. He was always hungry by late afternoon. His next meal was not until the house was cleared and tidy and everyone else tucked up in bed. He glanced at his master and decided not to risk it. His arse was still bruised from the last beating. He stole a quick glance at his brother, Richie who like him was a naked slave serving at his parents neighbourhood get together. "Slave, come here." Mike turned to the voice. Paul, once his best friend was beckoning him over, "Get rid of that plate then pour me a glass of lemonade. Take it out to the gazebo." "Yes sir." Mike replied knowing that his master was watching. There was a cool breeze. Mike stood shivering while he waited for Paul who came sauntering out as if he had all the time in the world. "Put the tray down and present." Paul said, "I'm going to play with you a bit then fuck you. I suppose Gerry has already fucked you so my cock won't hurt you." "No sir." Mike replied feeling even more betrayed by his friends behaviour. "It's the only way I can talk to you." Paul said, "I've got to prove to that lot that I'm not your friend any more. Otherwise I won't be able to talk to you again. Dad's looking into your case. He's always liked you and he'll help if he can. He just can't understand why you put those collars on voluntarily." Paul was running his hands over Mike's body as he spoke. "You know that it was just a game, sir." Mike said, "We just wondered what they felt like and what it was like to be a slave." He grinned ruefully, "We know now, don't we, sir." Paul punched Mike in the stomach so that he doubled up with pain. Paul grabbed the slave's ear and pulled him up straight. "Your brother is watching." Paul said, "I've got to give the creep a show so that I can borrow you to clean my room. Don't worry, it's just a cover story so that Dad can talk to you in private." "I'll clean your room anyway, sir." Mike said, "You'd better beat me up or something so that Master sees some bruises. I don't care any more. Just be my friend as much as you can." "Get a move on." a voice called out from a distance. "Sorry." Paul said as he pulled out his belt, "I can't be your friend any more today." Mike actually felt better as Paul swung at his stomach, chest and thighs. The last one landed on his cock. It was not the pain that he liked, it was the idea that Paul was still his friend and that his torment was a conspiracy to hide their friendship. Even as he bent forward running his arms along the balustrade around the gazebo he was relaxed. Paul was right: his thirteen year old cock would feel good after his Master's uncaring thrusts. Richie watched with the others as Paul appeared to torment then rape his former friend. He no longer believed that Gerry had just wanted Mike enslaved. He had been sure that he was Gerry's favourite younger brother and would be looked after he had tricked Mike. Gerry had just been happy to find himself with two slaves instead of just one. He had been jealous of Mike, ever since he was born when Gerry was five. When Richie arrived a year later, jealousy had turned into hatred. Now eighteen, Gerry should be enjoying a rich pampered life as the only child of wealthy parents. Instead it was made clear that he should look after his younger brothers then, when they were old enough, find a job if he was not going to University. Not even his parents finances could support the five of them indefinitely, especially since they were not going to give up their own extravagant life-style. Even now they were chatting with their friends, unconcerned about their children. Richie saw Gerry looking at him with a deepening frown. Panic stricken at the thought of another beating he hurriedly began clearing plates and glasses. As Paul sauntered back, Gerry was delighted with the way Mike had apparently been so thoroughly humiliated by his former friend. "When you pick him up." Gerry said putting his arm round Paul's shoulder, "He can wear a dildo with a tail hanging from it. I've got a leash that clips to his cock. It's got little teeth that really dig in. I'll see what else I can do to make you look like a little master." Paul smiled, "Thanks Gerry. The little creep really thinks that I'm still his friend. I've got a load chores stacked up and he's expecting to just sit around in my bedroom." Gerry laughed, "The sooner we break him, the better. You can have him whenever you like. You'll have to tell me what he did to you one day." Not long after the party began to break up. Gerry settled down to watch television while his parents announced that they were going on to a restaurant with some friends. Richie and Mike were left to clear up and clean the house. The following day Gerry handed Paul the leash clipped to the slave's cock. Mike's hands were cuffed behind his head and a tail hung between his legs. Paul tried to laugh at the sight, managed enough of a giggle to satisfy Gerry, jerked the leash so that Mike yelped with the pain and hurried off. Mike followed as best he could. Once Paul was back in his own home with the front door safely closed behind them, he quickly released Mike's hands, telling him to remove leash and dildo. As Mike obeyed, Paul picked up a dressing gown and offered it to Mike. "It's the best I can do." Paul said, "Relax, you're not a slave in this house." Paul led the way through to his father's, David Belmont, study. "I'm so sorry to see you in this situation." Mr. Belmont said, "Paul was dreadfully upset when it happened. What do your parents say about it?" "It's so nice to come home to a clean home." Mike answered bitterly, "It's for our own good really. We'll learn all about responsibility and how we must all work for a living." "I don't believe some people." David exclaimed angrily, "I've got a friend, another lawyer. His name is Ray Hamilton-Reilly. He's become something of an expert on slave law and he takes on cases for free if someone is unfairly enslaved." He paused, "Paul has told me his version of events and he knows I'm disappointed with him 3;" "Paul tried to stop us." Mike interrupted then froze, terrified that he had spoken out of turn. "OK but he still joined in as master once you'd put the collars on." David said, "I suppose it was understandable and it would have been OK if the collars had been for temporary slaves. Start from the beginning. Take your time and tell me how this game started." Mike paused, collecting his thoughts, "I dunno really. I thought it was Richie's idea but now I know it was Gerry's." "Tell me the way you saw it at the time." David said, "Don't worry. Paul's told me how close you two really are. I don't mind so you won't get him into trouble." "I think that's how it did start." Mike began, "We found them in our attic and took them to our camp down by the river. Richie started saying that I should put one on and be Paul's slave for the afternoon. You know, it would prove that I loved him. I refused but he kept on about it. In the end I got fed up and said I'd do it if he did it as well. He didn't want to and I asked him if he was chicken. He gave in and put one on. I couldn't back out then and put the other one on." "Two questions." David said. "Who found the collars?" "Richie. He took me up there to show me." Mike frowned, "Gerry could have shown him where they were." "But he already knew where they were." Mike nodded. "Next question. How worried was he when you refused to put the collar on?" Mike frowned again then looked as if understanding had dawned, "Very. He kept looking towards the path. I didn't worry about it at the time but it was as if he was waiting for someone." "So the three of you carried on playing until the YPS arrived. You didn't realise that you had reactivated the trackers?" Mike shook his head. "From what I can make out the collars belonged to two slaves who disappeared about ten years ago." David said, "Their owner lived in your parents house. It was nothing sinister. The owner was a known abolitionist. The theory is that he kept them in a friend's house until he could introduce false files into the system. Then they were taken across the country and started a new life." Mike listened intrigued as David continued, "The YPS must have understood that you couldn't be the two missing slaves. They'd be in their late twenties by now. The question is why did they confirm the enslavement? They just left you in Gerry's custody didn't they?" "Yes." Mike sobbed, "They told Paul to go home. I didn't understand it was real until he whipped me that first time." "You mean Gerry whipped you that first time." David said. "That's what I said." Mike said puzzled, "Wasn't it?" "It could have sounded as if Paul whipped you. Sorry, I'm thinking like a lawyer." Mike smiled but Paul interrupted, "So why did they confirm the enslavement, Dad?" "I'm not sure." David replied, "There have been a lot of scandals concerning the YPS recently. Going back to the two that escaped, there could have been some bribery involved. Some officials had it both ways: enslaving kids for a price and releasing others. Either way it would be in the YPS' interests to cover up another mistake. If Gerry acted as guardian and claimed that Mike and Richie were wild and out of control then they could be enslaved. It should have been a temporary one until it went to court but neither your brother or the YPS wanted that so they cut a few corners. If Paul hadn't been so upset no one would have questioned it." Mike smiled his thanks to Paul. "So what happens, now, Dad?" Paul asked. "You want Mike freed." Mr. Belmont replied, "It's going to be difficult. The only reason we can intervene is because you think that you were involved in a conspiracy so you're entitled to make a complaint. The trouble is, as soon as you do, the YPS will go charging in and offer to replace Mike and Richie. They'll disappear so it'll make the investigation pointless. What's this business about bullying Mike while he's here?" "Gerry always liked putting Mike down." Paul replied, "When Mike was enslaved, he loved parading him around. Look at the marks on Mike's body. He enjoys hurting him. I don't know why but I thought if 3;" He tailed off, "If I liked being his master in a game 3;" He faltered again, "Gerry liked the idea that Mike's best friend would want to hurt him. That's why I got invited to that party even though you refused." "And do you enjoy it?" David asked but immediately raised his hand to silence Paul, "Think carefully before you answer because your birthday is coming up. Supposing I bought Mike as your present. Could you handle it?" Paul looked questioningly at Mike but David snapped out, "I'm asking you. Not Mike." Paul turned back to his dad, "I suppose I could. I'd like to. No. That's wrong isn't it?" "No, it's not." David said, "This all started with a game of master and slave. Do you want to play it for real?" "I could be kinder than Gerry couldn't I?" David smiled, "You're getting the idea. OK Mike, what's your take on what we've been talking about.?" "If I'm a slave I have to obey my master, don't I? If I belong to Paul then the YPS can't take me away. Would you still try to free me?" "Yes." David replied, "What Gerry did was pretty nasty. If nothing else I want to stop him before he hurts anyone else." Paul nodded, "That's right. It'll be like that game. You wanted to play it more than I did. Would you mind being my slave?" "No. I love you and it feels right. Gerry hates everyone. It would never feel right with him." "What about Richie?" David asked. "He cried because Gerry didn't release him either. He said that Gerry had promised that I would be his slave as well. We talked one night. He told me that Gerry had told him about the collars. He told him how to trick me." Mike paused and sobbed, "I thought it was OK because Richie agreed to be collared as well. He thought Gerry could take his collar off then activate mine." "So what about him?" David asked again. "He wanted to enslave me as well. I don't want to help him." "OK." David said, "I think I've got the measure of your older brother. I want you to fetch the rickshaw whip then give Mike a good whipping. Then I want you to set him to work. Use the whip freely. When Mike is worn out I'll invite Gerry over to discuss the purchase. Paul I want Mike to be scared of you, ready to jump if you just look at him. Do you understand?" Paul nodded looking at Mike. "Mike, I think Gerry will be more willing to sell if you're going somewhere worse. I'll compliment him on his training and either offer him a good price or a replacement raw slave plus a top up. If you don't like the plan I'll try to think of a different approach but I think this is the way to go. Think about it and tell us what you think." "It's my best chance, isn't it?" Mike whispered. He stood up slipping off the dressing gown then knelt down before Paul, "Your slave will obey you, Master." "It's up to you then, Paul," David said, "You can't fake this. You've got to be as cruel as possible today. Mike's made his decision so I'll back you and punish him if you go too soft." Paul nodded. Mike was just inches from Paul's groin. He watched the bulge appear in his master's shorts. Paul had been worried about the collars but he had also looked forward to the game. Now he was playing it for real. Paul leant forward, grabbed Mike by the ear and dragged him to the door. Mike just about managed to get on his feet, shuffling forward bent almost double. He felt his own cock stirring. He was going to spend the day with Paul. He was nervous about the ordeals he faced but it would be a challenge to overcome, not part of a process to destroy his spirit. For some reason that he did not understand, the idea of Paul being in control always aroused him. His emotions were slowly catching up with events and his cock was showing more and more of his excitement. "What do you make of his story, Craig?" David asked the slave he used as a personal assistant. Craig shrugged, "I knew I was breaking the law when I tried shop lifting. His enslavement is all wrong. His brother Gerry and his parents are the criminals in this case, Master. They should be punished for what they've done." "You'd better pour us both a coffee."David said, "We've got work to do." "Once outside the office, Paul stopped and looked at Mike. He leant forward and kissed Mike on the lips, "I'm in charge and a bit of me is going to enjoy it." he said, "Another bit of me is looking forward to when you're free and we can be friends again." Mike nodded and smiled, "I understand, Master. Like Master David said, we can't fake this. Just get on with enjoying yourself." Paul admired Mike's quiet bravery but it did not help. He let his thoughts drift to the equipment in the old stables, feeling the tingles in cock grow stronger. "Follow me." he snapped curtly. Paul led the way until Mike found himself in a room festooned with fixing bolts, whips canes and straps. What caught his attention were two crosses at opposites end of the room. One was a St. Andrews while the other was a Roman style "t" cross. In the corner stood a rickshaw. "Dad rarely has to punish his slaves." Paul explained, "This was all here when he bought the place. You see those marks on that post. It's where I've practised using a whip. Go and stand against it." Mike obeyed facing the post. He allowed Paul to fit cuffs to his wrists then raise his arms so that they could be clipped to eye-bolts above his head. "The tradition is sets of twelve lashes." Paul said, "But I'm I'm only going to give you three now. I'll give you the rest tonight. Every time you please me I'll let you off one. Every time time you displease me, I'll add one. Get to thirteen strokes and you'll be into the second set. That means twenty four lashes." Suddenly Mike heard a swish followed by a crack. He tensed but he felt nothing. He heard the swish again. Even as he heard the crack he felt a thud and moments later a fierce fiery pain spread across his back. He yelled, panicked at the thought of more lashes struggled to free himself from his restraints. The second blow landed adding to his torment, convincing him that his back was being shredded. The third blow almost winded him. He was crying freely, scarcely aware that it was over for now, his world filled with the pain. Neither was he fully aware of his feet being kicked apart and secured to rings in the floor. He vaguely became aware of a gentle probing behind his balls and a steady pressure against his cherry. He knew from Gerry's invasions that the only way to avoid the pain was to surrender and allow himself to be penetrated. This time it felt different. It was not that the invader was smaller but it responded to him. It paused while he wriggled to accommodate it then pushed a little deeper. Waves of pleasure spread outwards as reacted, enjoying what was for once a pleasurable experience. Blood that had been coursing around his body to beat the the pain, filled his cock. Suddenly his hips convulsed, pumping down on the invading cock while shooting his own boy cum against the post. As his muscles tightened around Paul's cock so arms wrapped round him and in his turn Paul thrust even deeper into his slave squirting his own jism deep into Mike. Mike almost collapsed to just hang from his restraints while Paul just lay against him arms wrapped tight. "Whoa." Paul whispered, "I reckon I should let you off at least three strokes for that." He kissed Mike's neck as he felt around Mike's body. "I'm putting two back on because you cummed without permission." he added. Mike could not speak and just nodded. He was completely drained. All that he was aware of was that he had given Paul as good a moment as he had just experienced. The pain could not compete with the emotion of giving Paul so much pleasure while receiving his own in equal measure. On another level he was determined not to go through the agony of another whipping and would do his best to please his master. The idea that the two went together gave him renewed strength as he waited for his master to recover. Paul felt Mike put his weight back on his legs. For a moment he wondered whether he had gone too far but relaxed. For now Mike would have to cope. A few minutes later, Paul was resting on a lounger by the pool while Mike came running from the kitchen with a soft drink for him. It was a hot day so Paul rested in the shade of an large sun shade while Mike began cleaning the pool. Paul was pleased to see that the vivid welts across Mike's back were not bleeding. They would remain visible for ages as would his memories of Mike struggling and screaming under the lash. At thirteen sex was still new, he could recover quickly so more than once he summoned Mike from his work to suck his balls dry again or fetch a snack or another drink. Mike recovered just as quickly; the close contact, Paul handling his balls or just the idea that he was displaying himself for his friend left him just as hard. He was also thirsty and hungry as usual and the sun was beginning to burn him. He looked longingly towards Paul wishing that he could join him. Instead he sighed and continued with his work, sweeping the pool surround, wiping the tables then trying to find things to do just to keep busy. Paul was already deeply tanned all over. He spent a lot of time by the pool only wearing anything if David had female guests. His mother was rarely home during the day pursuing a career as a high flying business woman. Somehow swimming and playing around in the pool would not be so much fun without Mike joining him. Sitting in the the shade, watching his slave toil away in the sun seemed the right idea for today. Paul remembered that his mother was becoming increasingly irritated by the state of his room. She believed that he should have some chores to give him a sense of responsibility and cleaning his room was one of them. The two household slaves were busy with their jobs and Paul's orders had to fit around his parents. With a terse order for Mike to follow him he hurried to his room, leaping onto his bed he ordered Mike to pick up the dirty laundry. Mike knew what needed doing and without being given any further instructions soon had the room spotless. Gerry's training has come in useful, he thought. Mike stood beside the bed. He spread his legs a little and clasped his hands behind his head. "Please Master," he said, "All that's left is to make your bed." "No." Paul replied, "All that's left is to lie down on your back and wrap your arms round the back of your knees." Mike complied leaving his cherry nicely exposed for Paul to run his finger along his slave's crack before gently probing inside. He might have explored more but his father yelled up the stairs for him to bring Mike down to the library. Gerry had arrived. David and Gerry were just making small talk. Craig poured Paul a drink while Gerry smiled to himself as Mike was unable to take his eyes off the cool drink. He caught a glimpse of Mike's back. "Only three?" he asked. "I didn't want to do too much damage." Paul said, "He's your slave and he behaved himself." "You've been working him in the garden?" Gerry asked. "Yeah." Paul said, "I got some rays while he cleaned the pool." "Way to go." Gerry laughed, "He doesn't look too happy. Sure he can come over whenever you like. Mum likes the way I'm keeping house so she's allowing me to get a couple of older slaves. That way there's muscle for the heavier work. She likes the idea that there won't be agency staff rushing around whenever she gets home." "In that case I wonder whether you'd be interested in selling Mike." David asked, "Two late teens and Richie will make a good staff. I'll help you choose them if you like. I think Paul liked that game more than we realised. He needs his own personal slave now and Mike seems to suit him." "He's my brother." Gerry replied, "I couldn't sell him." "Not even if the price is right?" David asked, "We could add a clause saying that you can inspect him and insist on reasonable usage." "The price doesn't make any difference." Gerry said, "It'll go to my parents." "Will it?" David asked, "Your parent's names will probably go on the new slave's papers but whose name is on Mike's?" Gerry stared at him, "Mine. I could sell both of them. How much would I get?" "Your parents entertain a lot so you might not be too popular if you got rid of both of them. I watched Richie the other day. He makes a good serving boy and is small enough not to intimidate the most nervous of guests. "OK so how much for Mike?" "Less than you might think. He's too old for the sex market and too young for manual work. That narrows the market. I'll pay the market plus fifty per cent because I want that specific boy not just a suitable body slave for Paul. Do you agree in principle?" "Yeah sure. It sounds fair. How much?" "Don't be so eager, young man." David smiled, "You'll push the price down. I'll write my offer down. You take it home and check the web sites." As with everything else, Gerry's parents were mean about his allowance. In spite of David's advice, he opened the sheet that David handed him, stared at it for a moment and said, "I'll take it." "Are you sure?" David asked, "You really should think about it." "Nah. I guess I can trust you. You'd be pushing to sign if you were cheating, not telling me to think about it. When do I get the money?" "I can fill in the forms online then transfer the money online." In less than ten minutes the bargain was complete and Mike was David's property. Gerry hurried away planning another party. This time for himself and his friends. "OK boys, relax." David said. Paul grinned at Mike who smiled back, remaining at rest. Paul looked at his father, puzzled. "Mike?" David asked. "Please Master." Mike began trying to understand how he really felt, "I'm a slave. I never belonged at home. I belong with Paul but I couldn't be his brother. He's been tough today but he made me feel good." Paul leapt up and hugged Mike, tears in his eyes. "I want to be with you but I want a brother not a slave." "No you don't, Master." Mike sobbed, "You've enjoyed today. Don't let's change things and risk spoiling it." They hugged each other for a while before Paul stepped back. "I think that's got you off another six lashes." he smiled, "Go and wait for me in the stable." As the boys left, David grinned at his slave, Craig, "I'm beginning to wonder if there's any point in freeing Mike. He seems like a natural slave." "I don't think so, Master." Craig replied, "He's quite clear on what he wants and is determined to get it. He's accepting our help on his terms. Young Master Paul accepted the relationship that Mike defined and it could be the young master trying to meet Mike's standards. You know kids. They're highly competitive. Not consciously perhaps, but Mike might be even challenging his young master to break him." "You could be right." David said, "It's a pity slaves don't own anything. I'd have a bet with you." Craig grinned, "It'll still be interesting to see how things develop, Master." As Paul settled down to sleep, his cock ached. Not in an unpleasant way but from overuse. He had never cummed so many times, he felt physically and emotionally drained and his mind was full of images of Mike working for him, servicing his cock and even doing things as gross as licking his cherry. He had been curious to see how far he could push Mike and find his limit. Mike was even more exhausted. His back hurt from the whipping while his shoulders stung from the sunburn. Even his cock had caught some of the sun and felt raw. The difference was that Paul was impressed, even awed by his resilience, managed to kiss him tenderly and made him feel as if his efforts were worthwhile. He allowed himself a break from his duties to eat and drink, making do with water while Paul was watching television with his father. That night, he was trying to sleep on the floor, not on his back because the carpet would be too rough on his back, not on his stomach to avoid pressure on his cock but twisted on his side so that his cock rested on his thigh and his back facing upwards. The following day, there was a companionable acceptance of their roles. Paul gave no thought to Mike's comfort or needs. Mike was simply there to please him. They shared a few conspiratorial grins, the occasional hug or kiss. Craig noticed it. To him it seemed as if they were playing a game and following the rules. Being on opposite sides did not stop them being friends. David was finding Mike's case remarkably easy to tackle. Gerry had stated that his parents were planning on enslaving Mike and Richie. His father's signature on the relevant documents were obvious forgeries. Normally no one would have noticed or cared. Technically David was protecting Paul's interest, ensuring that his son was not involved in anything illegal. Without that lever Mike and Richie would have just got lost in the slave system. Now that he had started and Mike was now his property he could investigate as much as he liked. Gerry could be arrested and questioned but there was still no real proof against him only circumstantial evidence. He could claim that Mike had forged the signatures when he put the collar on. Digging around the public records, he found the boys' grandfather's will. Gerry, Mike and Richie had been left a substantial fortune yet David was sure that Mike knew nothing about it. Again no proof of wrong doing but it was suspicious. He had an idea and invited Gerry around. "It's the suspicious lawyer in me." he said, "I always investigate a new slave. What do you know about your grandfather's bequest to you?" "What bequest?" Gerry asked. "Your grandfather left you boys some money. It was intended to be enough so that each one of you could go to university and while there have comfortable accommodation and a couple of slaves to look after you. His idea was that you could concentrate on your studies." "No one's told me anything about that." Gerry said, "Where's the money?" "Good question." David said, "I suggest you hire me to look into it. It's in my interest to help you. You see, as Richie's owner you get his share. Now I'm his owner I get Mike's share." "I enslaved Mike. I get his share too." "No." David said, "It's not unusual for slaves to find themselves with an inheritance. Often the will has instructions to put it into a trust in case the slave's freed. Without explicit instructions, the money belongs to the owner who finds it. In this case, me." "All right, you get Mike's share but not I'm not paying you on top of that." "There's a good chance that neither of us will get anything." David said grimly, "Where's the money? Did your grandfather's lawyers syphon it off, did your parents or is lying around in account and everyone's forgotten about it?" "It's my fucking parents," Gerry snarled, "They know every penny everyone's got. They wouldn't let the lawyers get it or leave it lying around. What do we do now?" "It's going to be difficult to prove." David said, "We'd need more than we've got to start an official investigation. If they were innocent then they might sign a consent form to allow us to see their documents and completely eliminate them but it's not mandatory." "What else can we do?" Gerry asked. "Hand over what we know to the police." David said, "It'll be a low priority case and will take time. They'll start by examining every public document your family's registered. That'll take time in itself. Eventually they'll end up where we are now then start doing the things we can't." Gerry looked at David thoughtfully. This was the crucial moment for David as Gerry's greed fought his caution. "Every document?" Gerry asked. David nodded. "If I do hire you, I can tell you stuff in confidence, can't I?" Gerry said, "You can't tell the police or anything?" "No. Everything you told me would be in confidence." "OK then, you're hired. How much you gonna charge?" "Standard rates." David replied, "It'll go through the books and everything will be above board." "OK." Gerry said, "I signed dad's papers for their enslavement. I can't let the police check them out. Supposing you had a consent form. Could you start looking?" "Another forgery." David said, "I'd be covered because I could use the signature accepted by the YPS as a comparison. I've got a copy with the rest of Mike's papers." "So you'd do it?" Gerry said. "It would be easy money, if there's any left." "We could screw my parents to keep them out of court, couldn't we?" "As long as it stays on the legal side of blackmail." David answered. "Give a me form and leave it to me." Gerry said. "If you're sure." David said, "I'm covered. You could get into a lot of trouble." "Gerry grinned, "Who's going to know except you and me?" Gerry almost ran out of the door clutching the documents he needed to sign. David sighed with relief. He played back the recording of the conservation. The only awkward point was Gerry declaring that he had hired David but it was not really a problem. Client confidentiality did not cover them conspiring to commit a crime. David would certainly not be representing Gerry in court. For the rest, Gerry pushed the conversation so he could not claim entrapment. Everything was going well. David wondered how Mike could come from such a rotten, corrupt family. The parents had embezzled their children's money. They accepted Mike and Richie's enslavement delighted at getting a couple of house slaves for nothing. Gerry had enslaved his brothers and saw a chance to get hold of his parents estate. Maybe there was a mix up at the hospital, he thought, I pity the other family though. Gerry returned later that afternoon proudly bearing the forged documents. It was time to call in the police. He had a good working relationship with an Inspector Munro and invited him over recounting events and playing back the recording. "And you've got the documents." Inspector Munro asked, accepting a drink from Craig. David handed them over, "You could have handed them over in the nearest police station." "I know." David said, "But I'm wondering whether you could dig a little deeper and find their inheritance. I can't use that authorisation knowing it to be forged. Gerry definitely alleged fraud and implicated his parents so you can." "It would be a good catch." Inspector Munro said, "It'll be worth making some enquiries. Leave it with me." David heard nothing more for a week or so. He was out when the police cars arrived at Mike's parents house. He did not see Mike's parents or Gerry leaving in handcuffs. It was a day so later that Inspector Munro invited David to his office. "You're the lawyer so you'll have to sort out the tangle." Inspector Munro said, "We've confirmed that Mike was unlawfully enslaved. Richie was also unlawfully enslaved but he committed an enslavable offence by helping Gerry. Gerry also faces enslavement. Their parents not only face fraud charges but drug smuggling as well. They're too old to be enslaved so they face hard labour or execution. The question is, who owns the estate? So far as we're concerned, you're representing Mike. Technically you still own him so it goes to you. Once his slavery is revoked in a court he could well have a claim against you." "Actually, it's simple." David said, "Put everything into a trust fund, "It goes to Mike if he's freed otherwise the closest living relative." "There's also the question of who looks after him, when he's freed." "He can stay with me." David said, "That's no problem. If he'd prefer someone else then that's fine." "Good." Inspector Munro said, "We're working with the YPS on this one. They're anxious to have the case closed as quietly as possible. Gerry and Richie can opt to go to trial if they wish but what with their confessions it'll be pointless. A judge is reviewing their cases now. He may want to call witnesses but I doubt it. Their best hope is to stay with the estate and trust to Mike's treatment of them. What's the matter?" Inspector Munro had heard David's chuckle. "They might find life easier in a labour gang." David grinned, "You wouldn't believe how Paul's treated him as his body slave. I've tried talking to them but the best I can get out of Mike is that if he's a slave for life then he'd better get used to it. If he's freed then he'll be that much tougher." "Does he know about the investigation?" "I've told him that I'm looking into it but that it might take months and I might not find anything. I didn't want to get his hopes up too much." It was a few days later that Mike stood in front David's desk. "Your hearing's set for tomorrow. You should be a free boy by lunchtime." David said, "It means you'll be free when everything else is dealt with. Are you sure that you want to stay with us?" "Yes please." Mike answered immediately, "Will Mrs Belmont mind. I don't think she likes me." "She likes you but you've spoilt her training programme for Paul." David explained, "If you stay you'll be expected to do chores like Paul." Mike grinned evilly, "Richie will have to do both our rooms won't he?" "Ah! You know the extension?" David asked. Mike nodded so David continued, "It's what used to be called a granny flat. The idea was that a relative could move in and have a degree of privacy. Do you suppose the three of you can run that?" "Richie will manage." Mike said, "Paul knows what needs to be done and so do I, now." Mike rubbed his back as he spoke. David grinned. "OK what about Gerry?" "He can look after the garden." Mike said, "It'll save you getting outside help." "You seem to have it all worked out. How come?" "Paul and I talked sometimes." Mike explained, "I knew that they'd been arrested. I want to see Gerry getting off his lazy arse and doing some real work." "Such language from a slave." David chuckled. "I'm sorry Master." Mike replied suddenly he seemed to shudder then crumple, bursting into tears. David rushed round the desk and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Master." Mike sobbed, "I've tried to accept things and be a good slave for Paul. Will he still love me when I'm free?" "You're only free because he loves you and fought for you. What about your family though?" "Please, will you be my family?" Mike sobbed, "They never cared about me." "Are you sure?" "Mum and Dad are in real trouble aren't they?" Mike asked, "Will they be all right?" "I don't know." David said, "They did a lot of bad stuff. It's all coming out now that they're being investigated. You can see them if you want to." Mike was silent for so long that David began to think that something was wrong. "If I did then all they'd do is tell me I'm family and tell me to pay for some fancy lawyer." he whispered, "They wouldn't ask about Gerry or Richie or care about how I'd got on. Do you think I should go?" "It's up to you." David said, "I agree with your opinion though." "I'm tired." Mike announced. "Go and lie on that couch." David commanded, "Practice being a free boy. Tell Craig to get whatever you want. " Mike obeyed and promptly fell asleep.
They sat in the court as the judge ruled that his enslavement was illegal and that he should have all his rights restored as if he had never been enslaved. As congratulations David had bought Mike a smart suit and clothes. Mike did not think twice about being naked any more but he blushed furiously as everyone watched him dress. He felt self-conscious and embarrassed as he left the court as a free boy, ready to move aside if anyone approached him. "We can go home if you like." David said, "Or we could have meal. I know a place where we could sit by the window and watch the world go by." "We could go to the park and play football." Paul suggested. "Please, Master, I mean, no thanks." Mike said, "I still feel like a slave. I'd say sorry master if I tackled someone." "It'll pass." David chuckled, "Does that mean you're not hungry, Paul?"
David was right. Mike had not been enslaved that long and he rapidly settled down. The laws were on slavery were complicated. In some circumstances, the state could claim all of his parents estate as compensation for their crimes. However because Mike was their nearest relative, their estate passed to him on conviction. The state would have to claim against Mike. Since he was not only innocent but also a victim the state had no claim. Mike was suddenly wealthy. It would have been more usual to send to send Gerry and Richie to the slave centre rather than let a family member keep them. Again, Mike was the victim of their crimes so he was allowed to keep them. The meal David suggested began Mike's rehabilitation. Having Gerry and Richie standing before him, naked and in chains completed it. "You're a slimy little toe rag, Richie." Mike said, "You always tried to get me into trouble. Paul's learnt a lot about slave handling. He practised on me. When he goes too soft on you, I'll start practising on you." Mike turned to his older brother. "Gerry, you're just useless. You're going to work in the garden. If you're not busy from dawn to when it's dusk, I'll be after you. You've got a top of the range collar. It's got a buzzer set to go off every two hours. You'll have ten minutes to get a drink and take a piss before it goes off again. It's also got a pacifier. Paul and me have got remotes. Cause trouble and we can shock you." Mike could see the rebellious look in Gerry's eyes. "You see that post with the marks on it. Go and stand in front of it. Paul can start showing me how to use the whip." He turned to Paul, "It's nice. My brothers and I are back together again. It's funny. One's still the master and the other two are slaves for life."
The End |
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