Scrub aka SimonThe Letters |
SummaryAfter the death of his mother, his stepfather finds young David does not fit into his plans. His college roommate now runs a 'special' school and rather prim and proper finds his life changes when he is enrolled at this school. The headmaster organises the older boys to bully him but this is just a start. He learns practically what sex is all about at least what pain and sex have in common. Told in 28 letters which chart his progress.
Publ. Nov 2008
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CharactersDavid (12yo)Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMb tb gb – oral – humil spank ws (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteNot for the sex averse, the squeamish or those who don't realise what the stories in this archive are about. It does have underage sex, sadistic people and obviously is utterly untrue. I have no plans to continue it and David hopes I won't but 3;Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at ...... or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Letter 1The Boy's Stepfather to HeadmasterFollowing our conversation at the old boys' dinner I writing to you as you requested then.My stepson David who is now twelve and a half is still in quite a state after the loss of his mother. (his long sine disappeared father does not concern us here) I also find life difficult as a result of her death but I can help myself. My fist idea, and still my ideal, would have been to take him to bed every night with me to replace his mother psychologically as well as physically. However, whenever I tried to just get him into my bed, he made such a fuss that I was worried that he might report me to the police or other authorities. He needs to learn to do exactly as he is told but I cannot teach him this myself. My problem is the usual one that I am not always at home nor, indeed, is he. This means that he could easily tell other people about how I am training him and this severely limits what I can get away with. As I understand it, you run a very successful school for interesting boys. It is run both for converting certain boys into tough types and, on the other hand, for training sissies and other boys to become perfect slaves. You explained that you need to be given full parental rights over every kid who joins your school. I am more than willing to give such an undertaking and hope you can send the appropriate forms as I would rather to do it without using the family solicitor! I would like to get him out of here quickly as I can as my problems will become more severe as my need for sex increases. I know plenty of other boys but I can hardly bed them while he is living here! I gather that as an old school friend of yours, I would be able to visit the school as often as I wish. As I am not currently working, I could act as a P.T. or form teacher. I would enjoy this so much (with the marginal benefits) that I wouldn't require payment. However, regretfully I feel that I should let the boy settle down at your school for some weeks before I join him. I am sending to you a number of things which will give you a better understanding of the boy. There are photographs which I have taken myself and also which were taken at his school in the normal course of events. You will notice that he is especially slender and small for his age. There are also letters and reports from his various schools and these show that he has always been academically and physically up to the other boys in his form. He has been given quite a lot of responsibility by the school and has been a prefect for over a year. He does not make a good authority figure for younger boys as he can be a bully as I know from complaints that I have had received at home. It is strange that boys who would normally be bullied themselves make natural bullies themselves given half a chance. You will see from the photographs that the School is a smart Catholic day school. It has a good reputation locally. It doesn't punish the boys corporally but it believes in self discipline (whatever THAT is). Being a Catholic primary school it does not teach the boys anything about any sort of sex. I don't believe that he plays with himself let alone with other boys. However, he is an attractive youngster with a bit of natural cheek and can be quite disobedient if he is not carefully watched. Not that it will worry you!
Letter 2Stepfather to HeadmasterDear old friend,I am sorry to have to ask you to write that letter. I am sure that you will understand that I have to safeguard my position. One of the ways that I do this is to ask people to write to me fully with their proposals. Your letter was of course exactly what I expected to hear from you. The best way to proceed now is for me and you to collect him in your car from school next Thursday. I would like you to come with me to the first part of his induction for your sake – not his. This part will take place away from the school and it will last for the whole evening. I tend to work slowly and steadily to make him worry about what is going to happen next. I will tell him that he will be going to a new school very early on but I do not repeat it over and over again. Often I will tell him other things that are not quite true or are clearly lies. He ends up not knowing what is true and what is false. This helps tp foster the state of mind I require. It is essential that you give him absolutely no information about our plans. He should start off in his normal school uniform. Indeed he should find it rather odd that you have picked him up from school as I imagine that he normally would make his own way home. It is up to you to set this up. I have had difficult problems when boys are allowed to return home in their normal way. Most boys dawdle on their way home and in a couple of cases we have been waiting for the boy to appear when he has phoned to tell his father that he is staying over at a friend's. This obviously causes problems. I like to spend the day at the home of the boy discussing any ideas and wishes that the guardian may have about the training of the boy. I also can check out the boy's private things and make sure that I have taken any that may be of use in his training. When we collect the boy I will normally drive with you in the front seat and the boy in the back. He may want tea or a drink or even, if we are lucky, to go for a piss. However our first stop will be at the studio of a photographer friend of mine. The boy will be wearing his normal school uniform so we will expect him to look his best and we should get some decent photographs. (There will be no further opportunity to get DECENT photographs but plenty to get indecent ones!) We will even allow him to brush his hair and wash his face if we feel the that would be a good idea but there will not be anywhere for him to pee. These first photographs will be quite normal and make a useful keepsake and may make good publicity, as I like to have a decent photograph on the cover of any booklet we publish relating to that particular boy. The rest of the first evening differs from boy to boy depending on what we have planned for the boy. It will, in your boy's case, involve a haircut and a visit to a doctor friend who luckily lives next to the barber. I would suggest that you come along with us to the barber and then to the doctor. The plan would be to say your goodbyes to the boy before he goes in to see the doctor. There is a small room with a comfortable chair for you to watch the boy's medical. The doctor is very imaginative and most boys end up crying long before the medical is finished. The boy's pleas and tears don't help him a bit! You may well find it useful to spend some time after the boy has left talking to the doctor who knows the way I operate very well indeed. You would be able to leave of any further ideas you have for my training of your boy. It is usually best to wait until after the medical before verbalising these things as many guardians find that their ideas of what I am prepared to do change at that point.
Letter 3Headmaster to BarberI have another new boy who I would like you to deal with next Thursday at about 4:30. If this will give you a problem, please let me know. The boy will arrive at your saloon with and his stepfather, who wants him to enrol in my school, and myself. The boy is very shy and should be a very interesting subject for your treatment. I trust that you can do the usual type of hair cut. There is no objection to you inviting other people along to watch the fun - as it will add significantly to his embarrassment.He needs the usual short back and sides and a good shampoo. As usual I will expect you to manage to soak his clothes while giving him his shampoo. When we leave you, we will go to the doctor's and as usual we will have a video transmission to your place so you and your friends can enjoy the next part of his induction. I am sure that you will want to visit him at the school in future. You will be most welcome.
Letter 4Headmaster to DoctorDear Dr Johnson,I am pleased to tell you that I have another kid for induction. He is a stepson of a great friend of mine. We went to the same school and even had the same study when we were seniors. We shared our fags and had great fun with them, although they might not have agreed that it was fun. We have kept in contact and, as a result of his now broken marriage; he has a boy who is surplus to his requirements. The boy has shown himself to be unwilling to perform the sort of duties my friend requires. I believe that a short course at my school should give the boy a much-needed lesson in obedience. This boy is a Catholic and has attended a Roman Catholic school. They naturally give the pupils no lessons in sex education. Your examination should be aimed at embarrassing the kid more than finding out anything about his body. That will wait until you next visit him at my school. I have no reason to believe that there is any medical problem with the boy. The stepfather and I will bring him to your surgery and then the man will leave us but probably will watch unknown to the lad from the little room. I think that we should make a full record of the session. Obviously video will be the main element of this record but, if you can have that still photographer around and concealed him in the false ceiling, it would be a good idea. I will also invite the man who usually takes the decent photographs of a boy before he comes to my school, to come and take some photographs to thoroughly embarrass the kid. This visit should start at about seven o'clock on Thursday next week. There will be no rush as the boy will not be introduced to the other pupils until the next morning.
Letter 5Barber to HeadmasterThank you for providing the opportunity of yesterday's fun and games. Such a nice youngster! He blushes so very easily! Since I had invited so many people to watch his first haircut, I put on a show after we had watched the doctor at work. I am only sorry you missed it but I am sending you a video. We had the tailor's two boys arrive just as you left. They do so hate the man's way of dressing them. I don't know of any boy over six who would willing wear such small short tight shorts and they are fourteen and sixteen! I gave them the same short back and sides haircut as I gave your boy. But I also shaved one of each of their legs to give them a lopsided appearance. For the first time I also shaved half their crotches and dyed the rest of the pubic hair in one case a vivid green and the other a vibrant puce!It was a couple of hours before they left and all my guests were very satisfied. It is always amusing to get two boys to satisfy twenty men. Especially as they know that if they work slowly the other lad will have to bear the brunt but they both will get punished if they take too long.
Letter 6Doctor to HeadmasterAs usual I enclose a report of the examination of yesterday's boy. I will just say how much fun he is going to be to us all.
Other pointers to this boy's training
When he arrived nude to the waist, carrying these clothes in his arms., he looked good enough to eat. He seemed upset when I gave him the big plastic bag "To put those wet things in." That was of course much intensified when I suggested he adds his trousers and then underpants to the contents of the bag "As they look equally damp." It was some time later that I told him to put his shoes and socks in the bag and give it to his father "As I will give you clothes to get to your new school." That was the first time he actually started blubbing since he had arrived. He continued to cry when his father left the room (It was nice of you to show the man to the door – or wherever) The boy was terrified to left alone with two complete strangers. I suppose that it is not surprising that the boy felt that he should be anxious when he was in that position. You know how the rest of the so-called medical went. The visit of the photographer was a great success as it always is. The idea that these photographs are actually been taken really terrifies the boy. It is not so much what the photographs actually contain but the fact that anybody who sees them will see him completely naked and exposed in ways that he has probably never even thought about. It was interesting that he selected the little girl's very small dress rather than the indecent shorts to wear when you took him to the school. It was undoubtedly an interesting Assembly when he was introduced in that dress. After all he was wearing nothing underneath and I know that you always have a floor light exactly where he is standing. I am sure it became transparent!
Letter 7Headmaster to Matron (male)The new boy who is coming here shortly is a rather weak kneed type of individual. He was head boy at his previous Catholic prep school and was rather a bully there.He should get no opportunity to bully at our school. Will you put him in dormitory Va. I know it is rather a small dormitory and the rest of the boys are seniors. I want him to be issued with full kit. However, the kit is all to be much too small for him and very worn and damaged. I expect that he will lose it regularly so please do not waste good things on him. In future, if he should complain to you about anything, please do not sort it out yourself but refer the matter to me. If it is that he is being bullied you could however take the usual action for a boy who tells tales. Any other action that you care to take, which doesn't discourage the other boys' activities, will of course be all right providing you report it to me later! If any other boys seem to take his side in any argument please treat it as urgent. The boy concerned should be segregated and referred to me immediately.
Letter 8Headmaster to Head BoyWe have a new boy arriving here next month. He is quite young. He has a reputation as a bully and I do not want him to have any opportunity to be a bully here.If, on the other hand, he is bullied a bit then that it only serves him right. No action should be taken against boys who decide to bully him even when the bullying is sexual. If he is reduced to tears, then that indicates that he is learning his lesson. However, you might feel it worthwhile to indicate that a nickname of CRY BABY would be useful. While it is traditional only for you and your assistant to have fags. I feel in this case that it would be a good idea for him to have to fag for the rest of the prefects and other senior boys. This would undoubtedly give rise to interesting bullying and the senior boys using him sexually. This, I think, is not a problem but rather will be a useful part of his training. You can show parts of this letter to other boys but I think you should not let them keep the letter.
Letter 9Headmaster to Dormitory Captain VaThere is a new boy, who was head boy of a small Catholic prep school, joining us next week. He was a bully there and needs to be taught that bullying is not very nice when he is on the receiving end. I am putting him in your dormitory and hope that you can help me with this.He is very much younger than the rest of your dormitory but I consider that to be an advantage in training him. I believe he has no sexual knowledge and if he learns it in practical ways like being used as a girl then that is no bad thing. I am arranging that the night patrols will not come up the corridor leading to your dormitory. If anything is done to him then we, as staff, do not want to know officially. Since I assume that the other boys in your dormitory will use him sexually, I have not bothered to set up an extra bed for him. There may be a problem in that he will have a weak bladder and may find it difficult to avoid peeing at night. There are a number of options that we might consider if you want to discuss these ideas and need some special items of equipment or clothing speak to me privately. He is not to be allowed any privacy at any time. This includes when using the toilet or changing for activities. Our matron will be giving him enemas from time to time so he should not need to defecate normally. He is not being given a set of normal kit as it may be there that his kit will get damaged by other boys. That is no excuse for him. He MUST look neat and tidy at all times. You can obviously punish him yourself if he looks a mess, or for any other reason. However, I would like it if he were reported to me at least three times a week for a variety of offences. These offences do not need to have actually been committed.
Letter 10Headmaster to Night StaffPlease do not patrol the area near dormitory Va. A new boy will be sleeping in that dormitory and I have given special instructions to the dormitory captain. He will carry out these instructions and it may result in some rough housing. For that reason it is imperative that the staff do not interfere with any activities in that dormitory in the near future. If you are interested in observing what is going on, the video recorder will be switched on to record the activities in that room every night. The dormitory captain does not know that this will happen so if you watch the recording do not under any circumstance mention it to any boy.
Letter 11Headmaster to StorekeeperPlease put in Dormitory Va the following-
Letter 12Headmaster to Sport StaffThe new boy who will be arriving next Thursday should be given many tough workouts. He had a reputation as a bully at his previous school. We have been asked to show him that being bullied is not so much fun. I know that he is much younger than most of our other kids. However, that should not lead you to interfere with what the boys do to him. Indeed you may find it enjoyable or interesting to add your half penny's worth to that bullying.He is not in any position to complain about any activities that we might start using on him. In particular I expect that the boys, at any rate, will use him sexually. I see no problem in this and all staff will be told to allow this sort of activity to take place. Indeed, in your area you might even find it possible to encourage it. I would have no objection if you even play a part in this activity. Please keep me informed of his progress, or lack of progress. He is unlikely to be a excellent sportsman which will work to our advantage and to his disadvantage. if he fails to meet your expectations, please punish him. If his backside is not too marked up, you may use corporal punishment on him otherwise make him run round the field stark naked several times or – I will leave the punishment to your imagination. He might be late for some of your lessons as his previous teacher may have been dealing with him after his lesson. You should not take any account of this sort of excuse.
Letter 13Document from Headmaster for Staff Notice BoardThe boy David ___ who is arriving next week is a particularly nasty piece of work. He needs to be sat on hard.In particular he has a reputation as a bully. As you know, I dislike natural bullies and we must break him of this behaviour. Please encourage the boys to bully him as a first step. As a additional measure, please bully him yourselves in ways the other boys will find fun and will themselves be inclined to tease him about. There is no possibility of him complaining to anyone about his treatment here. Since he is a very handsome lad I expect that people here may find him a sexual turn on. If boys, or even yourself, find this the case please follow your inclinations and let the other boys fallow theirs. Please keep me informed of his progress. He has been issued with warm out clothing but that is no excuse for him not to look as smart as the other boys.< Letter 14Main Notice Board from HeadmasterDavid ___ will be joining the school next week. He is considerably younger than most of you. He is reputed to have been a bully at his last school. For this reason alone I will not punish any boy for bullying him in any way whatsoever. While I normally punish boys for playing around with each other, in his case I will make an exception provided it is be done for your fun and not his. Please do not let this boy pull down the reputation of our school.
Letter 15Headmaster to All Notice Boards and to All PrefectsThere are special rules which David ___ will have to keep. In the unlikely circumstance that he breaks any of them please punish the boy yourself or report him to me. If the breach is serious you can do both.
Letter 16Headmaster to StepfatherYour son has been at my school for two weeks now. He is not enjoying life here one little bit. The other boys and the staff however are finding themselves enjoying having him here.I am enclosing a video that covers some of the activities that he has been involved in. This week he is due to spend three days with the doctor who has arranged to give some sex education lessons to various girls' schools. The doctor has asked me if your stepson is available to help with these lessons. The man normally takes two boys with him and uses the bigger boy as the male while the youngster has to play the female role. The boy will therefore be publicly fucked, amongst other things, in front of a number of younger girls. Their ages range from approximately from six to sixteen and the activities that will be covered varies accordingly. A video is always made of these classes for future use by the girls' school. A copy is available to me indeed I can have as many copies as I wish for the cost of blank tapes.. It is better produced than the normal ones taken round this school as those are not intended for public showing. The word "public" in the last sentence is possibly too strong a word to use as the videos, which your boy in involved in, will only be used to show various pupils at the girls' school. Also I know that a number of other copies will be supplied to various interested adults. When the boy has finished this interlude and returns to the school he will be treated rather more harshly than before as he will no longer have the excuse that he doesn't know what to do as he is new to the school or because he was a virgin. I know that you are looking forward to visiting the school and I hope you can come as soon after he returns as practical. You will have to choose how you want to interact with the activities here. For example you can sleep in the spare room with him or you can sleep on your own and watch the video of what the boys are doing with your son or you can even share the dormitory. I have done this on many occasions without any problems as the main group of boys understand only too well our interests and they tend to arrange a special type of show for us. If you go along this route you will have to realise that a video will be made and it is impossible to guarantee that you will not be in the original copy. Naturally any copy distributed would be carefully edited and your face and, maybe, even your body would not appear on a distributed copy.' There are a number of people I know who prefer to appear on such videos but they take care that they wear a mask or disguise themselves in other ways. Do please phone me soon.
Letter 17Boy to StepfatherDear dad,I have been told that I should write this letter and it will be checked before being sent to you. 1 would like it very much indeed if you would let me come and to live with you. I will do anything you want and you can do anything you want to me. The treatment I get here is awful. I did not realise that men and older boys enjoy using people like me in such ways. I have not had a single day when I have not been beaten many times. The main problem is that most of the people who beat me will not consider the soreness of my backside as a valid excuse for not beating me or a reason for beating me any less hard. They usually say that it shows that I need a harder beating because I obviously haven't learnt my lesson. I have just come back from visiting a number of girls' schools. The girls were awful to me. In most cases I never was allowed to wear more than the girls dress that I had arrived at this school in. The demonstrations on their school stages were not by any means the worst thing that was done to me. I was often in a room with three or four girls with me stark naked they did most of the same things that the boys at this school do to me. I would also be punished in the same sort of way. However, it is much more difficult to drink girls pee than to drink that from boys without spilling a drop. The girls' apparatus needs a sort of kiss to drink the liquid without spilling it. It is much easier to drink holding a prick in your mouth. Please, please think of getting me out of this place I will do whatever you want – whatever it is. I am very sorry that I didn't do whatever you wanted before.
Letter 18Boy to StepfatherDear Dad,I have been told to write to you to thank you for coming to see me at school. It is something that I didn't in fact enjoy because I was unable to do things as I might wish. It was awful when you came into the dormitory and told me that you were going to spend the night there. The other boys seemed to know that this was going to happen and had prepared things to do to me which were even worse than normal. It was the first time that I had been fucked by every boy in the dormitory in one night. It was also very unpleasant to have to suck off the boys just after they had fucked me without them cleaning themselves up first. I am used to having to drink boys' pee but I did not like you see me doing this. Of course the worst thing was that you showed them how you could use me. I don't think that I have been caned so hard on any other occasion. I am to invite you to spend as many weekends as you wish with us here and the headmaster has told me that you might live here permanently and teach us. Please don't do this and have pity on me. I am writing this in the hall completely naked and have had every piece of my clothing confiscated for trying to be cheeky. All I was doing was to try to look as smart as I could. I don't enjoy it here and I would like it very much if you could arrange for me to live anywhere else at all. I would do whatever I needed to in order to stay there. No other place can be as unpleasant to live as it is here.
Letter 19Headmaster to Step-fatherI am enclosing a second letter from your son to you. I hope that you find it nearly as interesting as I do. It seems that he is ready for the next stage of his training. A good opportunity for this has come up recently. A man I know makes private videos for individuals. He also makes training videos. These contain the type of training which interests you and me. The work that he produces is much stronger than the normal material produced of boys with other boys.He is about to produce a series of videos for a client of his who I know well. He is looking for a boy to act the lead. I had a quick telephone conversation with him and he would like to use your stepson. It seems to me that he also needs a character like you. If you were to act with your son, he could make the video even more interesting. He would pay you very well if you were prepared to appear without a mask. I will send him a copy of this letter if you would like me to. Over to you as I need to punish your son yet again although I cannot recall what it is for but I am sure it will benefit him. I need sign off now.
Letter 20Step-father to HeadmasterI was very pleased to get your letter and I feel that I cannot neglect the idea in it. I am prepared to act along side my son and I hope that we can get the job.I also would like when the filming is finished to join you and work full-time with you on training your boys to be good athletes and doing other things equally well. I would really enjoy it most if I could also work on my son and really train in so that eventually I can find him a post as a complete slave. I hope to hear from you soon to find out what is the possibility of that job emerging. I am enclosing some photographs of myself in swimming trunks and suggest you forward them. I must admit that my basket is shown off quite effectively in the photographs.
Letter 21Headmaster to Step-fatherI am writing to you formally to confirm that I am offering you a job with the school when the filming contract finishes. You will work full-time for the school as a gymnastics instructor. The pay will be ten pounds a week but you will find that everything you want is provided free.The cost of your son stay at the school is nil as it will be a part of your earnings. You will have to sleep in the same dormitory as he does and as some senior boys do. The school does not have holidays as such. We do have breaks where we take the boys camping and so on. The film producer has confirmed that as soon as you have obtained a passport for yourself and one for your son he will take you on. He will be writing to you officially soon. This is a formal letter for your files and therefore contains no chat or other such information
Letter 22Film Producer to Step-fatherI wrote in my previous letter that I had offered you the job and you have since been pleased to accept it. I said that I would outline the plot of the film. It must be stressed that this plot will change when I have finished casting the film. You must also realise that it is imperative that your son knows nothing of the plot as he is not a trained actor and the only way he will look convincing is if it is happening without him knowing what will follow.
DRAFTStory line the aristocrats who lived in the castle were slaughtered by a group of ruffians. The ruffians were mostly teenagers but with two older leaders: One was the blacksmith who worked with the jailer / torturer, the other was a local tough man. The only member of the aristocratic family that was left alive was the younger son who was captured by this group. The group had itself suffered for centuries by being ill treated in all sorts of ways by the aristocrats. The ruffians decided that they wish to punish severely the boy for the family's sins. Some detail (this is to give an idea of the sort of activity. But it does not represent a summary of the total action) the boy has his arms fixed behind his back using metal and there is no way the fixing can be broken; this will remain in situ for the whole of the film. Equally his ankles are fixed about two feet apart with an iron bar welded between them. The boy initially is clothed in smart items. The ruffians are in rags. The first type of activity is teasing followed shortly afterwards by corporal punishment and slowly and steadily the activities become more clearly sexual. The whole story works to a crescendo of activity using the body of, and pain to, the youngster.
Letter 23Film Producer to HeadmasterI enclose the first part of your commission. As usual the goods that you have supplied are first rate. I particularly like the younger element but the more ancient one reacts very interestingly with it. I will be keeping them for the best part of the year and will pay you on the normal weekly rate.
Letter 24Step-father to HeadmasterI'm enjoying my stay here very much but I cannot say the same for my son. The way the producer works is that twice a week he gets on with the major film for the whole day. The rest of the week he is preparing the scenery, training the actors or using it producing other short films. These use my son in very different ways from the major film but they still have him in his metal constraints. Many of these small films are of an educational nature. They resemble in some ways the time my son spent with the doctor going round the girls' schools. There are often audiences but these are usually adults who have can have fun with my son and some of the other boys after the filming.One of the nicest things that go on in these short films is that many of the visiting audience bring along kids for use in the films. One kid in particular who comes here about once a week is younger than my son and much more fragile looking but has hots for my boy. We all encourage this lad to go to have fun with my helpless son's body. this boy is a natural bully and having sex with my son seems to mean to him giving my son a lot of pain. Most of the interesting training of my son takes place when we are not filming either the official film or the shorter ones. The boy cannot move at all because of various metal devices. He cannot even roll himself over. He is as helpless as a very small baby. Indeed many of his problems arise because he is forced to behave as a baby for example he is unable to control his penis. When he needs to use the toilet, the effect is that, if he is lying on his back, he pees all over his face and body. He is usually laid that way up, as it is more amusing. He is either masturbated almost continually or maybe for three weeks he is not allowed to climax at all. This leads to a tremendous need for him to be able to get himself off. The doctor who gives him pills carefully chosen to add to this need. The cell in which he is lying has its floor covered with either coarse straw or occasionally coconut matting, also when he is allowed to lie on his front and we watch as he humps the floor and rubs his most sensitive skin on these rough materials. It is most amusing to watch, as we take good care to avoid him achieving his objective. The other boys are encouraged to put on a show with him as victim whenever the time allows. The ideas that they have are developed by discussion with any adults around. We naturally do nothing to discourage any ideas they might have even when they may be rather stronger than we might normally encourage. There is an interesting idea which has been put to me and which I would like your comments on. On the last day of filming here when we have a celebration and the metal constraints have to come off my son it seems to us that he ought to help pay for this in some way. What has been suggested is not he is circumcised and three other slave boys who have also been used in the filming several times on also uncircumcised but have a series of fun operations down there. Since this will affect his filming capabilities when he comes back to your school I would like some comments from you. Under the agreement I know I have no right to stop this operation but I think I might be able to suggest some interesting alternatives. I don't think my son would enjoy these activities any more than watching himself circumcised.
It is about two days since I wrote the first part of this letter.
I have put the ideas that I have had about the final party to the film producer. It has been the cause of much debate and discussion. I have partly been given my way but the ideas that the others have will need to be included. I will be in charge of dealing with my son and it is likely that there will be no less than four video cameras available and a number of still cameras. The number of people there according to my temporary boss, the film producer, is fifteen adults and ten boys so it should be quite a session. I have met most of the people who will be coming and know a lot about their tastes. If I am in any doubt I can check with the film producer. I am signing off now, as I need to know from you if you have any problems over the suggested operation on my son. Also there is a possibility that I might do other operations on him and need your guidance urgently.
Letter 25Headmaster to Step-fatherI have got your letter and will answer your questions briefly as I fear that if I don't hurry, it could affect things with the film producer.I thought I have made it clear that the film producer has carte blanche as far as the treatments that are given to your son. I am slightly worried that you appear to be arguing with him about the treatments. It is imperative that you do everything that he and his friends want. Indeed you should do your best to go, as much further, as you can envisage rather that just as far as they want you to go. You have a chance at this party to really show that you have interesting ideas and I trust that you will not disappoint the film producer or me. The fact that you feel too kind to your son is obviously a serious danger and for that reason I would stress that I want you to go further than you think they want.
Letter 26Headmaster to Film ProducerI enclose a copy of the letter I received from David's stepfather and the reply that I made. I trust that this will be effective and look forward to receiving the Videos that were made at the party. I know the man well enough to be reasonably sure that he will exceed your expectations.
Letter 27Film producer to ClientsI have produced a new video, which is very unusual and am sure that you will want to get a copy of it. The price is held to my normal price but it is about 50 % longer than normal and has exceptional content.The main character is a boy who you will have seen in the video of the French revolution and in several other films of mine. The first part of that film has been released but I'm working on the second currently and expect it to be in four parts when it is finished. You will remember the main character, a young aristocrat, was put into irons that stayed on him for the rest of Part One. Although you won't yet know they remained on him for all of the other parts. They were, as they appear to be, permanently fixed to his body. Now the videos have been completed, it is necessary for him to return home. The problem is that although his keepers would have liked him to be returned in irons, this is not very practical, as he has to go through a passport control area. The main adult character is his father who will take him back to where he is being educated but not in these sorts of constraints. We decided to make a video as they came off and also to celebrate the completion of one of my most successful video series. I think that it will sell much better than anything I have produced before. We invited a number of people and decided to have plenty of youngsters along. I wanted to make it a memorable experience and therefore I wanted to keep it in my memory. It was obviously appropriate to make a video as I have tended to do before whenever these situations have risen. The video is not only of these restrictions being removed from the boy and the boy slowly recovering his ability to move after some nine months when this was quite impossible, but it also covers a group of boys who needed treatment, and who would have normally be treated separately. I have been too busy to record or even set-up these occasions. I decided to combine all of these in a grand video. This video is only to be produced in limited numbers. It is so strong that I don't wish to keep a stock of these videos ready for possible sale. This offer will only be made over the next three months. I have not counted the number of individuals in the video but there were sixteen kids at the party and many more adults. I would think that all the kids appear to some extent in the video. While some of these kids may be described as homely rather than beautiful, this covers a relative small number. Most of the boys that I consent to be involved with are in a category of "beautiful" but a few might better be described as "handsome" and even less as "pretty". The action is strong and involves in the usual way I categorised action as follows
50 BondageAs usual the numbers (out of a hundred) indicate the relative amount of time that is devoted to the subject. Obviously most of the time several of these categories are being dealt with.
Letter 28Film Producer to His LawyerThe video that I wanted to consult you about is obviously a new one. It also contains much that is significantly more grisly then my usual videos. The main reason is that I had my doctor friend along and he gave me a number of ideas. He also is keen on little operations of one sort or another and he wanted to try some out. Naturally I made a video which I now find is exceptionally interesting.It would be a great pity to edit it but I feel I should take your advice. As we know the law here is considerably better than elsewhere in Europe. I feel that we can use the usual trick of saying that the actors are old enough for legal purposes. The practice here seems to be that it is up to the prosecution to prove otherwise. I did not take up the usual documents to give me permission to film the characters. This is because in the nature of the event it was the guardians' wishes for these operations to be carried out and they didn't consult the subject other than to worry him or tease him. The video is available for you to see but I will outline the considerations that worry me. The boy in irons is not a particular concern as he has appeared sometimes like that in other videos over the last five years. The main circumcision again is quite in the clear. The boy, in fact, clearly needed such an operation and I consider that the fact it was filmed should have no effect. The more serious problems are that the operations, which were done on other subjects' penises, are a little more problematical. I know a number of adults who have this sort of operation done on themselves but that doesn't really seem to cover this case. The subjects are making somewhat of a fuss at various points and they are masturbated as well. The other sexual activities that involve them present no real problem in my opinion. The splitting of the urethra is something that is unusual and might present a difficulty. The opening of the scrotum is also a problem although it is done very carefully with every surgical protection. It is also noticeable of course that the boys, sorry subjects, are not under an anaesthetic.
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