PZA Boy Stories




A teenaged kinky lad is irritated by his little brother's visits until he decides the boy can be of some use.

Publ. Nov. 2014
Finished 3,250 words (6½ pages)


Jack (15yo) and Mark (7yo)

Category & Story codes

Teen-Boy story
tb – cons oral – incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at ymjwtb(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Zadziu - TeenPerv in the subject line.


For most of the week, Jack was perfectly happy as a 15 year old, living in his own special world. He lived with his mum in a small house in an ordinary town in the north of England and to all intents and purposes he was just a happy go lucky, conventional teenager. His bedroom – where he spent most of his time – was packed with posters of football teams and players and pop groups and Formula One drivers.

But once a week his world was turned upside down when his dad would arrive with his younger brother and stay for the weekend. And suddenly the private haven that was his bedroom was invaded – and by a six year old. He hoped it would be a temporary arrangement but when, after a few weeks, his mum bought another single bed for the room, he realised that life was never going to be the same.

His brother, Mark, was a bouncy kind of boy, inquisitive, noisy, bursting with energy. He utterly adored his older brother and wanted his attention and his company all the time. He was curious and loved to pry into anything and everything his older brother did. In other words, a total pain in the arse as far as Jack was concerned. Now this would not have been so bad if all he was interrupting was some time spent listening to One Direction or an episode of Doctor Who – and he did indeed disrupt those innocent pleasures – but far, far worse was that his presence severely curtailed Jack's activities on the internet. For those activities were of a kind that belied the seeming innocence of the conventional teen bedroom 3;

Jack, in fact, lived a double life. And increasingly he wanted to spend more time as his other persona than as boring, conventional teen Jack. For online he became, no, in fact WAS, TeenPerv. With the onset of puberty, Jack became a sex addict on the internet – and of a very specific kind. Not for Jack the teenboy crushes on teen girls or women, for Jack had known for some years that he was gay. But again there was a refinement in this in that the object of his desires were not boys of his own age, or infatuations with older guys, pop stars and film stars, but very definitely with boys younger than himself. And nowhere could that taste be satisfied better than in the darker side of the internet.

It was Pedo Heaven, once you managed to find your way to it. And once there, a whole world of forbidden desires opened up. Moralists might opine that it was a corrupting influence but Jack personally saw it as more 3; educative. For his contact with pedos who were unashamed of their desires only served to encourage Jack to dig deeper into his own psyche and discover its own dark secrets that were so often mirrored in the forbidden files he came across. He began to look at the world with new eyes – there seemed to be so many guys out there who were hungry for pictures and videos of boys being penetrated by man cock, or older boys doing it to younger, or just boys playing around and experimenting.

At first, his preferred age range had been 10-12 but little by little he was drawn to younger and younger and found to his amazement that no matter how dark a desire he discovered in himself, he was not alone. Others were on the same journey and the more esoteric the tastes became the more the sense that he was part of a special sub-section of a specialist group grew in him.

It became like a challenge to him to see how taboo his desires could become. So he viewed with excitement eight year olds being fucked by older, adult men, the big cocks seeming even larger when contrasted with the tiny little cocklets of the boys. The greater the disparity in size the more he was excited by it. He felt that layers were being peeled off him as if he were an onion! What would be at the centre should he ever get there?

For soon it was not enough to see eight year olds being ruthlessly penetrated or sucking cocks that were impossibly large for their tiny mouths, he wanted to see younger, much younger. He wanted to see filthier fantasies played out on their tiny, hairless, smooth bodies. And as he advanced ever deeper into darker and darker worlds, the more exciting it became. Kids in cages, kids in slings being fisted, kids being pissed on and shat on, kids in bondage, kids being spanked, caned, whipped 3; This was all an amazing and dangerous world and Jack would become giddy with excitement and devote more and more time to it.

However, Mark was the fly in the ointment. Regular as clockwork, there he'd be, hassling his brother, demanding his attention, taking him away from the studies he so earnestly and devotedly wanted to pursue. For never was there a more keen student of this esoteric brand of sociology and psychology than Jack.

So Mark was regarded as nothing but an irritant and Jack became increasingly distant from his brother. He would pray that the boy would be put to bed early and would fall asleep. But that just meant that Jack was banished from his own bedroom until that happened and so was forced to sit downstairs and watch hours of boring and conventional television, all the time missing the subjects he really wanted to pursue. And, more often than not, any time he checked on his brother, Mark would be still awake and simply willing himself to stay awake until big bro would come to bed. The little fucker seemed tireless 3; And it was not uncommon for Jack to find that when the little tyke did fall asleep, he, himself, was too tired to look for the dark gold he lived for.

He was seriously pissed off with this state of affairs until one night in a pedo chat programme when he was pouring out his frustration to some stranger, the guy on the other side said, "What are you complaining about? You have a golden opportunity for some fantastic action and you are letting it pass you by. All the pedo perves of England would be sick with envy of you and all you can do is complain and moan about it!"

It was like a lightning bolt. More than that, it was a call to arms. Here he had been, looking to images and stories and and videos, all at a remove from him when the solution was right in front of his nose, handed to him on a plate. Of course, his first instinct had been to reject the idea as outrageous. In addition to the taboo of sex with underage boys, there was that powerful societal taboo on incest. But to the perve mind that was just another spice to be added to what was already a hot and spicy dish. It made it even more exciting to Jack, if the truth were told.

He found himself looking forward to Friday night and the next visit of little Mark 3; His mind was working overtime at all the wicked things he planned to do. Then a thought struck him. He really needed a plan of action. He couldn't just throw himself at the boy and initiate him into the delights of being fucked. And what if the little bugger screamed and brought their parents running to find him with his cock stuck well into his brother's impossibly tight little hole? He needed a long term plan. But he was pretty sure there was much he could do in the meantime.

To be a successful perve takes guile and intelligence and most of all, patience. Pedos more than other perves have to become good at this to escape discovery. He realised that already he was good at it. He had found the hidden, dark web; he had set up all sorts of security arrangements to safeguard his lifestyle; he had learned about encryption for his massive porn collection; he was presenting himself as a normal teenager to the world at large while still satisfying his perverted appetite. He would proceed with caution.

Friday came and he put the beginning of his plan into immediate action. Instead of being in his room, already sulking at the change of pattern that would soon engulf him he was at the front gate as his father drew up in his car. And there was Mark, running towards him as usual, always looking for the hug he never received. But today was different, and there was Jack to sweep him off his feet and hug him and swing him round and yes, it was true what the perve online had said, this was indeed a golden opportunity. Mark was already transfigured in his eyes. He saw him now as he never had before – as pedo bait. And boy, was he perfect for the part! He was undeniably cute, and the skin 3; still babyish smooth. Holding him and carrying him were suddenly fantastically sensual things to do. He couldn't wait for the kid's bedtime.

His parents noticed the change in their elder son but couldn't have been more delighted. This was how things should be! They ascribed his previous sullenness to the trials and tribulations of puberty. Now, they said to one another, he is growing up at last. He is accepting that with growth and age comes responsibility. He is becoming sophisticated and worldly. A great step forward. If only they could have seen into their elder son's heart and mind!

Bath time as a prelude to bedtime. "I'll do it!" said Jack, eagerly. "And then, I'll put him to bed."

"Well, that's a turn up for the books," said his dad. "And not before time. You've done nothing for that boy, ever."

"Well, don't criticise him," said his mum. "Praise him!"

Mark was as delighted as they were. He was clinging to big bro now, as he was carried up the stairs, as if they had always been inseparable. In the bathroom and while the bath was running, Jack, for his part, almost ripped the boy's clothes off in his haste to get at that incredibly hot little body. He kept licking him and kissing him as he undressed him which made Mark giggle and scream with pleasure.

"My God, this is SO easy," thought Jack. "Why did I never think to do it before?"

The younger boy could not get enough of physical contact with his brother. Jack had to prise him off him to get him into the water. Out came the soap and now Jack had the amazing pleasure of really getting to work on the kid's body. To think he had wanked himself silly at the thought of doing this to a boy and the opportunity had been there all along. "Oh fuck, I could have been molesting him from birth!" he thought. "In fact, should have been! He would have been well trained by now and I would have had the taste of boy cunt years ago. Still, better late than never."

And again and again he kept thinking, "So easy!" Playing with the boy's cock and tiny balls? and his arse? Had to be done. Hygiene. Education. Has to learn to keep himself clean especially in the grungy parts of the body. The little boy had never been bathed like this before but evidently loved it. And to Jack's amazement and pleasure, he got a little hardon.

"I'll just pop this into my mouth for a minute," said Jack to Mark who giggled even more as his brother's mouth encircled his cock and balls. Jack swirled his tongue around. Fucking heavenly. And only the very beginning of all that he had planned.

Towelling him dry added to Jack's pleasure. There was a lot to be said for buildup 3; When he had wanked, it always happened too quickly. Here, in reality, certain things took a certain time but the erotic charge was there throughout and was building and building. The more the climax was delayed, the more desirable it became, and the hornier HE became.

He led him into the bedroom and locked the door.

"Now into bed, Mark."

"But where are my jimjams," said the little boy.

"Big boys don't wear jimjams," said his brother, "and you want to be a big boy, don't you?" Then added under his breath, "Though I fucking don't want you to be a big boy. I want you to stay six always." Then aloud, "But don't tell mummy and daddy, cause they want you to stay little. It's our secret." This would become a mantra throughout the evening. Throughout many evenings. "It's our secret."

Mark nodded, eagerly and pulling back the covers, jumped into his little bed.

"No, Mark, come into MY bed," said Jack, stripping off his sweatshirt. "Don't you like your big brother any more."

"Oh, I love you, Jack," he said, hardly able to believe his good luck. And was out of his own bed and into Jack's like a flash.

Jack was naked and sporting a very hard and aching erection. He stood beside the bed, swaying backwards and forwards to make his cock dance.

"Oh, your thing is all big and hard," said sweet and innocent little Mark.

"We call it a cock and Americans call it a dick," said Jack, getting a thrill from the idea of teaching the boy words he really should not know. "My cock is hard because I love you. Cocks always get hard when you love somebody. Your cock got hard for me – isn't that right?" QED.

"So let's see if you really do love your big brother," he said as he got into bed beside the kid. He started kissing his brother's tiny penis while massaging his tiny buttocks. "Hmmm, but it's not working, Mark. I think you don't love me after all. But I have an idea," he added, helpfully. "Why don't you lick and suck mine? Mine is already hard cos I love you so much and maybe that hardness will pass into you cos that's what happens when brothers love one another A LOT."

Mark needed no encouragement – he dived under the covers and got his tiny mouth onto his brother's cock as if his life depended on it.

Jack threw back the covers on the bed. He had to see this. He had to see what his little bro looked like, trying to get his big brother's cock into his mouth. The boy was licking and sucking and looking at Jack all the while with adoring eyes. He had never had so much of his brother's attention before. Jack had never spoken to him so fondly before. This was a night of nights. It was all Jack could do not to shoot right away. He pulled him off for a break.

"Time for more education," said Jack. "You think this is sucking and licking but we call this blowing, and what you are doing is blowing me and giving me a blow job. You like it?"

"Yes, Jack, I like it."

"Say it, Mark, say I like sucking your cock and giving you a blow job."

Yes, Jack, I love sucking your cock and giving you a blow job." A good and quick learner. Intelligent little bugger.

"I'll teach you lots of things and soon you'll come to me and say things like, 'Oh Jack, I want you to fuck my boy cunt.' Say that too, just to practise. Say it all, now, say it all." It was almost an order which gave Jack another thrill. Soon he'd be trying some SM on the kid, if things continued this well.

"I love sucking your cock and giving you a blow job, Jack, and I really really want you to fuck my boy cunt. What does that bit mean, Jack?"

"Oh, don't you worry, Mark. I'll show you soon enough. Now try sucking me again and let's see if we can get that little boy's boner back again." The boy did exactly as he was told and it was all too much for Jack. With a stifled moan, he shot directly into his brother's mouth. Mark pulled back with a little cry of surprise and revulsion, and so Jack's spunk sprayed over his little face but Jack was merciless.

"No, little bro, you have to swallow it. It is the stuff that makes babies and if just a bit of sour milk like this can make a baby from nothing, then you see how strong it can make you. So if you want to be a good little cocksucker, you have to eat it up like a good boy. It makes you grow big and strong. That's how I grew big and strong. I used to swallow daddy's spunk. And another good way to get this great strong stuff into you is what we call fucking and I'll soon teach you to be fucked so I can get this white stuff into your body and make you grow. Won't that be good? Now swallow it all, atta boy. You have to eat it all and lick every last drop because it is magic. That's a good boy, lick up all my spunk, so you can grow big and get a big boner like me and if we do it enough then you will get to make your own white power juice. But we have to do it a lot." So Mark swallowed, dutifully, and then licked Jack's cock and then licked the remainder from Jack's hand when his brother had collected the remainder from his face.

"This white stuff is like magic, because it is so powerful. But the magic mustn't be talked about or its magic power disappears. So don't tell mummy and daddy, cos then the magic will go and it won't have the power to make you grow big. Remember, it's our secret. All brothers do this to their little brothers but we can't talk about it to anyone because then the magic goes. So, it's our secret! So you cant say it to mum or dad, or your teacher at school, or any of your little friends, even though they do it too."

He paused for a moment, looking at the face that regarded him with awe – amazing how accepting the little fucker was 3; He was so adorable, so totally fuckable. He regretted shooting so soon. "I just know I could have fucked him and he wouldn't have screamed," he thought. "I ought to punish the little fuck for stopping me from fucking him by making me shoot too soon. I really need to feel what a six year old's fuck cunt feels around a hard cock." His cock started to thicken and stiffen again. "Still, the night's not over yet 3;"

Aloud, he said, "I'm making you into a cock sucking little fag boy who wants his boycunt hammered by my big cock. You'll love that, won't you, Mark. You want to be a pedo's little fagboy, don't you? Because you are a pedo's dreamcunt, aren't you, Mark? Now say it!"

"I'm a pedo's dreamcunt."

"And you love it?"

"Yes, Jack, I love it!"

The End

Comments and criticism to ymjwtb(ar)gmail(dot)com through this feedback form with Zadziu - TeenPerv in the subject line.

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