DirtCapture and Enslavement |
SummaryAn author and boy lover does what he had only fantasized about for quite a number of years. He kidnaps and installs his boy, Peter, in his house, fully intending to keep the boy 'forever.' Over the next year he introduces his boy to quite serious bondage, and makes ever increasing demands on his new slave. The boy, Peter, gradually submits but uses every opportunity to manipulate his new master. He finds he even enjoys some of what this person has done to him but keeps engaging in a battle of wits trying to better his situation. He deliberately conducts a campaign to make his master see him as more than just a slave. He is party successful. And Peter finally gets his chance to escape. But suddenly he realizes that he has a decision to make that he'd never considered. It seems that his master had become for him much more than merely a master, or even a companion.
Publ. 3 chapters, May-Jul 2007 (Lolita bondage), this site May 2008-Jul 2010.
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CharactersPeter (13yo) and his masterCategory & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt – Mdom nc/coerc/cons oral mast anal – bond spank chast interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThe first three chapters of this story, originally published on the Lolita Bondage website, were edited by the author especially for this site, chapters 4-11 are written for PZA. NB with consent of the author, the age of Peter is reduced from 16 to 13.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form with Dirt - Capture and Enslavement in the subject line. |
ForewordI am no doubt the luckiest man alive. Well I don't really believe that but I'm WAY up there on the luck scale. As I am writing this account, and reminiscing about things that happened more than 30 years ago, I revel in the realization that I would change almost nothing in my life. And how many people, especially gay people, can say that? I decided that I have to write down how the most important part of my life unfolded. Though my life started over 60 years ago, the part I am writing about started when I was in my late 20s. I am seated on a plane right now to my new publisher, and my new hefty multi-book contract. Peter and I have decided that most of this money would go for the new school we are opening specifically for gay and other marginalized or at risk kids. But the beginning of that project is another story. Let me finish this one first.Although this will look like your usual run-of-the-mill stories of depravity and selfish lust, it is really a love story. I now must state that it took quite a number of years before I even understood what love really was. And if it weren't for Peter's extraordinary ability to give of himself selflessly and teach me what real love was all about, I would probably be a miserable old man wasting away my final days in prison.
Chapter 1I must start this story on what I look back on as my day of fate. That day when for the first time I saw the boy who would become the pivotal person in my entire life, though I wouldn't realize it for quite sometime the way I think about it now. At least I look back at that day as the pivotal moment that insured my future happiness.I was sitting in a library eschewing my more comfortable work room back home, sitting instead in the city's main library doing research for my next book. I liked to sit and espy some of the boys that went through my view. To say that the boy was good looking, or even sexy, would be to greatly stretch the truth. Of course I'm not exactly handsome myself. The last time I checked, I was not quite 6 feet [1.80 m] in height and very slender at 140 pounds [63 kg]. My features are almost a caricature of the male Negro, and I do not think there is more than a hand full of people that I have ever seen that are quite as black as I. Though of reasonable muscle tone, no one would mistake me for an athlete. Though I am reasonably well endowed, I am no super-stud. My low hanging testicles are probably merely average in size and my penis probably only a bit larger than average at not quite 7 inches [18 cm] when erect. Its size and shape, however, I have always thought to be well formed. But definitely I was not a 'stud.' I can clearly remember back to that day in the library doing research for my new novel. My mind had been temporarily wandering as I was experiencing one of my frequent hard-ons. I was always a bit frustrated sexually as my frequent foray into my favorite fantasy – that of acquiring and possessing my own personal sex slave – would not realistically ever be achieved. (Well it WAS only fantasy). But this specific mind wandering had been occasioned by seeing THE BOY. The boy of my usual fantasies was invariably small and very slender, and of course white. And the boy I was currently looking at brought my fantasy back to me with sudden force. He was generally of the same build as myself, and definitely not that good looking. But there was some intangible look or feel of him that brought out the lust in me. So for whatever reason this boy definitely attracted my attention. Perhaps it was his apparent energy and how he carried himself. He had a certain assurance that belied his apparent age. The boy of my fantasy was always white, very small for his age, inquisitive and intelligent, full of fun and energy, and above all a total submissive. Someone who would gradually come to accept my mastery over him and eventually become content and accepting of his continued and total slavery to me. I frequently envisioned somehow 'capturing' some easily handled boy, so small and light that I had no trouble maintaining physical control over him. Thus the boy of my dreams was always invariably much smaller than myself. Yet he had to be old enough to be at the cusp of sexual maturity. I wanted for all his sexual experiences (or at least most) to be as my personal and eventually well trained slave. Yet I wanted a boy old enough to be able to relate to with a reasonable degree of maturity. At least enough for him to have a good sense of himself and his own identity. Of course this fantasy boy could almost never exist. He was fantasy after all. Oh yeah, he had to be gay of course. And that is what brought this particular boy to my immediate attention to begin with. I was in one of the reading rooms of the main library. And there he was fully engaged in some kind of research – at least I assumed so from the large stack of books he had in front of him. (And I was curious as to why he wasn't just on a computer somewhere with so much information on the internet these days). I was intrigued. I was finally able to get close enough to see some of the titles of the books in front of him. Biology, human anatomy, psychology, and one in particular I was astonished to see him engrossed in – a book detailing some of the early history of black slavery. The page he was so engrossed in contained full page drawing of a few of the restraining devises used on the unfortunate people as there were placed on board ship for transport to the new world after their capture in Africa. There ware also drawings of numerous nude male slaves in some kind of hold. This young boy – I figured to be about maybe 11 or 12 years old – was so engrossed in these drawings, he never noticed as I was able to stand behind him as he perused the various pictures and drawings. His eyes seemed to linger especially over the depictions of young black males in various stages of confinement and restriction devices. And amazingly I eventually noticed his apparent hardened boner pushing against his pants. I was intrigued enough that I got a lot bolder and as I looked at the titles of some of his books, I wondered what other things he had been reading about. So I took a chance. I took a seat a couple chairs down, and 'accidentally' pushed one of his books onto the floor. As I picked it up I saw that it was a psychology book and it had been lying upside down at the place where the boy had been reading. The boy suddenly turned toward me with what looked to be with some embarrassment. As I apologized and handed him the book I was able to see that the topic in large print at the section it was open to was on 'Homosexuality.' I finally realized that this boy was probably suddenly interested in not only the topic of sex, but was probably gay as he was researching this topic and of course avidly searching out pictures or drawings of naked boys or men. (Ok, so I was perhaps trying to read into what this boy was doing that I could be certain of). But I suddenly decided that I wanted to at least talk to this kid and find out for sure. The boy closed the book I handed back to him, and placed the other book onto the table and started putting on his jacket. I suspect I embarrassed him enough (or maybe even scared him enough) that he decided to leave. I was so disappointed. I should have been more careful. I suddenly became determined to find out more about this kid. I hurried down the stairs hoping to get ahead of the boy as he chose the elevator. I was out of air but in luck as I reached the ground floor. He was totally oblivious to everything around him as he made his way through the front doors. I had no trouble following. An hour later I followed him halfway across the city. I stood across the street as he entered a rather large but decrepit building. I stood there for a good while trying to decide on just what toothed another, somewhat older boy came out the door and lazily headed down the block. Since this boy was black I reasoned that the building was an apartment complex even if I saw no large parking place. At the spur of the moment I decided to enter the building and perhaps find out to which apartment the small white boy belonged. But I got quite a surprise when I opened the door and found myself staring into the vestibule of a large house. Fortunately I was not seen and I quickly retreated, my heart pumping just a bit faster. Now what? I retreated to a vantage under a tree down the street always. Several minutes later I saw the black lad returning with some kind of package; he had obviously just gone to some local store. Only because he was black did I get the nerve to inquire about where he lived.
Two hours later I was finally back at my own large rambling house. All the way home I kept mulling over what I had learned. Apparently the small white boy, whose name was Peter I had found out, lived there along with the black kid and almost twenty others. It was a group home. What really surprised me was when Jamal, the black kid, mentioned that Peter was in the school class ahead of him. Peter was 13 years old! I didn't discover any more because Jamal seemed to get nervous with all my questions. But I was now even more determined than ever to learn more about this Peter. All that evening, as I was trying to continue my writing – I am a moderately successful writer of science fiction for teenagers – I kept having my thoughts returning to what was easily and quickly becoming an obsession – Peter. And as I was reclining in bed that night, he loomed large in my fantasies as I masturbated to climax. Two weeks later I found myself outside his home and for the second time and followed him as he emerged. The first time I never got a chance to 'meet' him. But this time was fortunately different. To my surprise we wound up back at that same library, and again I was able to see him leaf through books (including the ubiquitous National Geographics) and noticed again his intense interest in the male nude figures. He never noticed me; he was so engrossed in his own thoughts. I was trying to figure out a way to talk with him when coincidence and fate struck at the same time. Among the books on the table in front of Peter was one of my earlier novels. Over the next few weeks, I finally got to 'meet' and speak with this boy. And eventually not only gained his trust, but he seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying. But now was the big day! Everything was in place. It helped that almost anyone giving him special attention was bound to gain at least a measure of his trust – he wanted so much for some one to care for him. We talked on a few additional occasions and it was helpful that he was himself trying to write. I had finally won the boy's trust enough to convince him to meet me at a local park where I would drive him to my house. Thus it was about six weeks after I first saw the boy when I had everything in place. He was on edge and unusually quiet as I traveled the last mile or so, but he came to life as I turned into a long private drive and stopped in front of what to him had to seem like a mansion. During our latest conversations he mentioned his interest in becoming a writer again and since he had even enjoyed one of my own stories, I finally convinced him to come with me and I would let him read the partly finished text form my latest creation.
As we neared the room where I had everything in waiting for his transformation into my permanent slave, I grabbed him and reached for the door. He fought pretty well for a small slender kid but I was finally able to overwhelm him and force him the last few yards into my preparation room. I literally threw him inside, quickly grabbed his left foot, and closed around his ankle the leg iron which had been prepared. It closed with a loud sound of the lock engaging. The other end was permanently attached to a large steel ring which in turn encircled a wide steel pipe that was accessed through a small opening in the back of the elevator that ran down to my dungeon from this anti-room. It was a major reconstruction project to have this pipe installed and allows the boy to be transported from the dungeon, up to this room, and then even to my own bedroom upstairs. The chain, which will eventually be attached to the boy's permanent collar need never be removed. And before the boy had even started to scramble from my grasp, I jumped back out of his reach and sat in a nearby chair trying with effort to regain my own breath. I went back to the door and slammed closed the deadbolt. I had my boy!
Chapter 2Peter looked at me with quite a mixture of emotions running through his expression – surprise, incredulity, and finding a resting place on stark fear."Don't have a heart attack boy. I have no intention in bringing you to harm." Although the prod convinced him not to shout, he made a few unintelligible comments, and pulling on the leg shackle, he then burst out crying. "Please don't kill me!" "No worry there boy – you are way too valuable to me. I have a dungeon in the basement where you will soon take up permanent residence." "Dungeon!?" The boy's shocked look was beautiful to behold. And even more beautiful was the strong boner that I could see lifting the material of his 501 jeans. All my surmises were apparently correct. He looked where my eyes led his own and he suddenly shifted with acute embarrassment. "I see that at least a part of you are somewhat excited by that prospect!" It was beautiful to see the free range of conflicting emotions running through his demeanor and his eyes. He finally realized the full implication of his predicament and what I had just said. "NO! I can't do that stuff!" "Not only can you, I can assure you that doing 'that stuff' and to please me sexually, will soon become your main purpose in life. Only after you start pleasing my sexual demands will I perhaps reward you with maybe a few things that you would like." The boy was looking everywhere but straight at me. His desperation quite evident. It was quite arousing. I stood and reached around to get a locking waist belt which had cuffs attached in front for the boy's wrists. When he saw what I had in hand he started yelling and pushed himself backwards until he hit the wall. "Submit to the inevitable boy. I don't want to hurt you." I really didn't but I was hoping the implied threat would stop his yelling and obtain some measure of compliance. It didn't work. "You're just one of those degenerate perverts that like little boys." "Boy, you will need to learn your place. And I do not want a little boy. In fact I want you. I want someone that I can train to be my life partner – as my slave. And so I need someone young enough to start with." "You're nuts. I'll never be your slave." "Boy, you already are my slave!" Unfortunately, and I expected nothing different this early on, my boy wouldn't stop complaining and objecting. So I reached back to the table and picked up the ball gag. It took some effort but I was finally able to force it into his mouth and at least able to reduce the decibel rating of his outbursts. It was also psychological in that he had to now realize that I had no interest in hearing any of his pleas. After another struggle I had the belt around his slim waist and his wrists in the cuffs leaving him essentially helpless. He suddenly stopped struggling and just collapsed onto the floor quietly crying and moaning. I was so sexually charged by the situation that I was almost creaming my own pants. I was never much into causing someone pain, but I was totally revved up by the experience of having this boy so totally in my control. And of course anticipating all the future sex that I would soon be enjoying. Any pain that I might be forced to administer will only be used to elicit cooperation and insure my continued total dominance and control over the boy – MY boy. And no matter how old he got to be, he would still be my BOY. Among all the paraphernalia that I had so recently purchased it included only two types of paddles and two small scourges or flogs. I had no desire to either cause any permanent marks on his beautiful skin or even cause excessive pain. Just enough to get his cooperation. As I stood next to my boy he finally stopped crying and looked up at me. "Come boy; we need to get you installed in my dungeon. Take a good look around at this room. You will never see it again." I said that for dramatic effect. If and when I brought him from the dungeon to my bedroom he will be blindfolded. So it was not actually a lie. The boy shuddered at those words but didn't make any sound. I reached down and hefted the boy by the back of the belt. I maneuvered him and the extent of the chain onto the elevator, closed the gate, and pushed the button. I forced the boy to stand up so he could see his final destination. I wanted to see his reaction. The elevator was entirely open. Only surrounded by a cage and rail. We quickly reached the bottom, and I opened the gate and took great delight in the boy's look at his future abode. I feel justified in believing that I well captured the true ambiance of a dungeon. All the walls were dark paneled wood. All the lighting was indirect, except for a few spots that could be made to light up several areas where I would be having my fun with the boy – MY boy. I was very excited by exercising this degree of control. And I believed I was rightly proud of my imagination in inventing the full range of control and bondage devices arrayed before us. There was a small cage. A slanted horse could be seen to my right, and an X-shaped cross to the far left. Directly in front was what I thought of as simply 'the chair.' It somewhat resembled a dentist's chair but had separate rests for each leg and foot and which could swing out quite far, completely letting the person's testicles and ass hole open for whatever use the captor wanted to do. Other miscellaneous bondage devices, including the ubiquitous sling, could be seen near an extended alcove beyond the horse. It was my intent to eventually never allow my boy free from some kind of bondage except where necessary to maintain his musculature from deteriorating. And in bed at night there would of course be the main exception. There were also shelves and closets containing other smaller items. A shower and separate bath were also installed partly out of sight behind the free standing elevator platform. Crisscrossing the entire room was a series of chains, bars, and pulley systems that could rise and lower a restrained captive almost anywhere in the room and then be used to transport him elsewhere. Also, not evident at first sight, were doors leading to three smaller rooms. One of these contained everything necessary to keep a completely mummified captive alive for an extended period and stationary in either an upright, or horizontal position. The second room was actually smaller than a closet. It was about six feet [1.80 m] high but less than two feet [60 cm] wide and a foot [30 cm] deep with padded walls and different rods and/or spikes that could be affixed throughout in different combinations forcing the unfortunate resident into being a contortionist if and when locked into the small space. There was also a special door that could be fitted that forced the occupant, if placed properly within, to have part of his butt and more importantly his butt hole, to the outside so that I could work on this hole as I saw fit. Oh, there was also my pride and joy in restraining devices. This was to be found beyond that third door. I had the thing specially prepared just for Peter, and I would need to have it modified when Peter did any significant growing. But I believe all the added difficulties very well worth the effort. More about this later. There was one final thing I had done. There were a series of cameras, all with even infrared capabilities, so situated throughout, that I could always relax elsewhere and enjoy watching my boy no matter where he may be at that time. I removed his gag. "What do you think boy?" "Holy shit! You're certifiable! You're fucked up man!" There were other more interesting adjectives used, but with the same gist. It was getting monotonous so I reinserted the gag and almost lost a finger. I would make sure he paid the consequences later. I continued watching my boy's face as he took in all the frightening furniture and gadgets. I was happy to see that it was not all in fright. He was definitely excited as well. And his boner seemed to tell its own tale. "Come boy, we need to get you properly unclothed and installed." The boy looked at me not understanding my last few words. He would soon learn as I led him to the chair and the start of his new life. My excitement could not be contained. Pete finally got some of his own determination back as he started fighting me as I tried to steer him toward the chair. I finally solved the entire problem by simply picking him up bodily and forcing him into the seat. With great difficulty I finally secured a ring in the back of his waist belt to a bar connecting the bottom to the back of the chair, and backed away. I think I wound up with more bruises than did my boy. I backed away from his onslaught. I was winded again. Who could have believed that such a small boy, with his hands held immobile at his waist, could have caused me so much of a problem. Of course there was also the exhilaration in the subduing of my captive slave. But I needed a rest and also decided to exercise some authority. "Boy, I think you need to be reminded that I require your obedience and submission." Peter quieted a bit and sat still as he realized that no amount of thrashing was going to dislodge his butt from my chair. He was also eyeing me as I went over to a cabinet and retrieved my lightest flogger. I decided that even through his pants, its sting might be adequate for demonstration. "Remember I said that I require your cooperation and obedience. You will have to learn that its lack will be bring you punishment." Peter started moaning and writhing as I as I held the flogger's handle, showing the cruel lanyards. In a sudden downward swing I hit his right thigh. Even through his scream I was delivering a second blow to his left thigh. I repeated both blows for emphasis. I heard his loud whimpering as I returned the flogger and came back behind him. Then I reminded him about trying to bite my finger, and brought the flogger down on his thigh one more time with all my strength. When I could get his attention again I spoke: "Imagine how that would feel on bare flesh boy. Will you stop fighting me and submit to the inevitable?" Through tears, he was quickly nodding his head. "Sorry boy, but you need to learn that disobedience will be punished and cooperation will be rewarded. Very simple." It was strange, but up until that moment I had a raging hard-on. But the blows seem to have deflated both of us. I truly hated to inflict that much pain but alas it was necessary. I felt it necessary to reinforce the lesson. I moved around to look Peter straight in the eyes. When I had his attention I said: "Now boy, let's get one thing crystal clear. You submit to what I intend to do, or you will be punished. I am now going to do three things. First I will be taking the shackle from your ankle and then restraining you in this chair. Next, I will remove all your clothing for which you no longer have any need. Finally I will place on your body five permanent restraints. They will consist of metal reinforced leather and foam padded cuffs around your ankles and wrists, and a metal collar around your neck. To this collar will be permanently affixed the chain that I will be removing from your former leg shackle you now see. Note that this chain and collar will never be removed. You are here as my permanent guest." This last remark brought on a sort of wining moan that must have been dredged from the bottom of his very soul. I was glad I had in his ball gag. I did not want to have to hear any of his entreaties. They would have been useless anyway. I did not want the boy to hurt himself thrashing around, so as soon as I released him from his ankle restraint, I secured the foot and leg to the slightly raised left leg rest. It was bent at the knee and I moved it outward about a foot [30 cm] to make it easy for me to add restraints about his upper calf and lower thigh. I then did the same to his right leg. I knew all these restraints will make de-clothing the boy more difficult but safer for both of us. Throughout this process, the boy sat there just whimpering a bit. Next I released his wrists in turn from his waist belt, and secured his arms to the armrests of the chair. I secured each arm at the wrist and just above the elbow. Finally I removed the belt entirely. I then added belt restraints built into the chair, at his waist and his upper chest. My boy was pretty well immobilized. I then walked over to the cabinet near the wall and retrieved a small but hefty pair of scissors. Releasing only restraints as needed, and then re-securing them, I started cutting off his clothing. In spite of his squirming at my touch, and his whimpering moans, I could readily see his returned erection. It accompanied my own. I started with his right sleeve, and then the left. Then I started cutting down the middle of his shirt. After exposing his chest and beautiful dark nipples, I could not keep my hand from wandering all along his naked chest and flat belly. My moans of pleasure mimicked those moans coming from my boy. With not a little effort his shirt was finally pulled from his pants and found its way in shreds to the floor in from of him. "See how easy it is boy when you cooperate? It would appear that we are now both enjoying this." He tried denying this by shaking his head and verbalizing, but at least on a sexual level I could tell that he very much liked what was happening. I then unbuckled his belt and pulled it away. He started getting louder and I had to reassert the dominance of my position. I looked at him (since I was now kneeling in front) and asked: "Do I need to get the flogger again, boy? Your naked chest is a tempting target?" He shook his head forcefully. I then started on the inside of his right cuff and cut all the way to his crotch, making sure I had a good feel of his boner. He made a short gasp as I touched him through his clothing. I was anticipating just how much I would be feeling him up when naked later in the day. I opened his zipper and had to get a snipper to get through it. I then finished the cut to his crotch and was rewarded with a sudden springing out of his rod-like boner pushing against the cloth of his briefs. I continued down the left leg. With a few more cuts and not a little effort I was finally able to pull what was left of his jeans fully away. His breathing by this time was getting a bit more rapid and I could tell he was almost as sexually excited as myself. I was almost at the prize. I walked away a space to just savor the moment. My own raging hard-on was almost painful. I returned with the scissors and quickly dispatched his last vestige of modesty. I could no longer wait. I reached out my hand and as tenderly as I was capable at the moment took hold of his jewels. I barely started touching his beautiful 5½ inch [14 cm] rigid penis when it erupted again and again. He was heavily moaning and with his head leaning back started grunting with each spurt. I collected as much of his nectar as I could and brought my hand to my mouth. I then pulled down my own pants and exposed myself. I did not want to upset my boy too much at this time so I just showed him my pitch black penis and testicles, and masturbated, finally covering his trunk and lap with my own spunk. It was one of the strongest felt climaxes of my life. "Thank you boy." I muttered as I pulled up my pants and withdrew to clean up. About an hour later I returned to a boy struggling in his bonds. He looked up in alarm as I stepped off the very quietly operating elevator. "Don't hurt yourself boy; you can't get out of that chair until I let you out." He tried to speak, and gave up after a while. I couldn't help just staring for several minutes. To me, although he was probably at least 20 pounds [10 kg] under weight for his height and age, he was the epitome of boy pulchritude. I was almost mesmerized. And grateful that he was now all mine. I reaffirmed the commitment I made to myself when I decided to take him. No matter how difficult, I was going to train him properly. No matter how long, no matter how much effort, no matter how distasteful I must make his punishments, eventually he would become the perfect boy slave. I just hoped I was up to the task. One great thing in my favor – it was quite obvious that not only did he respond to male-male sex, he was also evidently a natural submissive. This would make things so much easier. "OK boy we need to clean you up and finish with your installation. But I would suppose you might be thirsty. Now I am going to take out the gag but on the condition you do not try to speak. Do you understand?" Peter nodded. But as soon as I had the ball gag out he started pleading to be let go. I was not surprised, but I had to let him know that his behavior was not acceptable. I walked to the table behind him, grabbed again the lightest flogger and returned. When he saw what was in my hand he started screaming "No, no, please!" As much as I wanted to heed his pleas I knew I couldn't. Without remorse, I swung downward and hit his beautiful chest and right shoulder. He screamed. His scream came out as soon as he was able to draw in breath after the shock of the blow. This was possibly the worst pain my boy had felt in his life till now. And I knew that over the next several months and even years, there will unfortunately but necessarily be more and much worse in store. I waited until my boy was again receptive to what I would say. "Now before you do anything else that will merit even more punishment I must stress that ABSOLUTELY NO words are to come from your mouth. You are only permitted to nod your head yes or no. Only when I give specific permission are you to speak." He was finally able breath normally again after the two blows on his naked skin. I used the flogger on myself a couple times to test it out so I fully know just how much it hurts. And his skin was more tender than mine. I again had his full attention. "Now be careful only to nod, do you understand you are not to speak?" He nodded quickly. "And do you remember just how many times you broke that rule?" It only took him a second to realize that he had broken the rule twice, and to further understand the implication. His eyes widened and I could see him silently pleading. Not only a beautiful boy, but intelligent also. "Sorry boy, but I must reinforce this rule." And he winced anticipating the next blow. I took my time and then aimed for his left thigh. From my position it was not as forceful but it still had to be pretty excruciating. I let him take a moment to recover. "Now boy. Again. Do you understand not to speak until given specific permission?" With tear filled eyes he nodded quickly. I turned to bring the flogger back to the table and noticed something that made me smile. His penis was quickly boning up again. "Now boy, we will proceed with your full installation here in the dungeon but I suppose you could use something to drink." He nodded strongly. I walked back to the elevator and retrieved a vanilla milk shake that I left there. By this time it should be easy enough to draw in a straw. I returned and put the straw in his mouth. He moved his right arm as much as possible and looked at me. "No boy, for now I will hold on to the mug. Just drink." He made short work of the large mug. "Say thank you master." My boy must always show gratitude for the good things I do for him. He just nodded again with a puzzled face. I smiled. "Boy, when I say to speak then for that one time you have permission. Say thank-you master." He said "Thank you," and looked up at me for any visual cues, and seeing my expression hastily added the word "master." I decided not to quibble over his slight hesitation. I smiled to reinforce his decision to address me properly. I put the mug aside and then brought out a basin with warm water and a washcloth. I quickly washed the shake from his lips, and the now dried cum from body. I took great liberty with his penis and testicles, and for a moment thought he was going to erupt again. "OK boy, let's start with your cute ankles." I wheeled over a small cabinet and pulled up a stool and sat in front of him. I released his right foot and put it onto the edge of my cushioned stool between my legs. I then opened a drawer and retrieved the first of the ankle cuffs that I had specially made. It consisted of a shaped web steel band fully an inch [2½ cm] wide and an eighth [3 mm] thick covered in heavy leather. The inside of the cuff had an additional heavy thickness of leather and a special very dense foam plastic. I tested one similar to it out a couple weeks ago and suspended myself from my wrists for an extended period. My arms and especially my shoulders gave out in pain well before my wrists. I also learned that I would only suspend my boy for reasonably moderate periods. Unless he had support from some other area of his body. I did not really want to injure him. I put on the first cuff. The outer metal band extended from one end and with effort was slotted over a couple rivets. I inserted a long handled clamping device. Though the metal rivets were soft enough to squeeze shut, they were nonetheless permanent. I finally finished with all four rivets and inspected my handy work. "You will note boy that this cuff is permanently emplaced and also has four projecting u-bolts to use for fastening your ankle to whatever I decide to fasten it to." Instead of looking scared or worried, Peter seemed mostly excited. I smiled at the implication. I did the other ankle and then his two wrists in similar fashion. After the first wrist, I let him inspect the cuff more closely. He looked at it intently, turning his wrist first one way and then the other. Again his curiosity and excitement seemed to me to be very apparent. I then locked in place about a foot [30 cm] of chain between his ankles. This chain was meant to be removed when necessary. I did the same with his wrists but with a lighter chain. At some later date both his hands and arms would be more severely restricted. But that could be even weeks away. All in due time. For his neck I had been at a quandary. I knew how badly a leather collar could chaff a sweating neck, yet I did not want his neck to suffer from a cutting metal collar. I finally opted for a simple thick oval shaped ring, made out of polished stainless steel about an inch [2½ cm] thick on its long axis and fairly heavy. It was made small enough so that it would rest on his neck muscles rather than his collarbones. It also had u-bolts jutting from four equidistant points on the outside of the collar, their use obvious. I lifted it up and showed it to him. It was currently in two pieces. Peter was strangely excited as he inspected the thing. I looked down and could see copious amounts of pre-cum dribbling from his penis slit. He appeared as turned on by all this as I was. What I was able to have made for me were two machined halves that would fit together almost seamlessly without welds or even hasps. The flat end of the curve had two bolt like projections which had a cone-like tip which was designed to fit exactly into a cone-like hole in the other half of the collar. The main distinction was that the flair of the cone had to be forced into a groove of its opposite member. It took a special vice to force the ends together. I put the two pieces in place around my boy's neck and fitted them together. There was a small gap left. I then fitted onto the collar a special hefty vice clamp made just for the collar. It was designed with a small motor to turn the two screws. In spite of the huge gear ratio the motor started to strain and I started to get worried. But then there was a sudden snap, and the ring became one solid object. It was beautiful to behold. Its permanence was obvious. I then retrieved the long chain which snaked its way from the pole in the back of the elevator and put a nearly closed ring, about two inches [5 cm] in diameter and about 3/16th inch [5 mm] thick and attached the last link of the chain to the back u-bolt of the collar. I then forced a protective mat all around the metal collar between the boy's neck and the metal. I got up and wheeled over a welding machine. I put a protective set of goggles on my boy, and put on a welders hood. (I wanted my boy to actually see the bright light so he could better experience more fully his retreat from freedom. In seconds the ring was welded into place. I let it cool as I returned the machine and the rest to the elevator. I came back and remover the mat and inspected my handy work. Peter was staring at me intently. I gave the chain a few small tugs. "Well boy, you are now permanently attached to my dungeon. You may speak. What do you think?" The boy let out a gasp and his penis suddenly erupted. Amazing! That said more than a whole barrage of words. He tried to speak: "My god. I can't believe I did that. I think 3; I think 3;" That was all he got out and then the boy started shaking almost uncontrollably along with crying gasps. I quickly released him from the chair and held his thin frame tightly to my body. "You will be fine boy. Just accept your situation. Submit. I will take good care of you." Finally the boy got control of himself and asked: "Why are you doing this? Please let me go." He again started to cry. But I could not show any mercy. He broke another rule. "Boy, I told you that you must address me as master. You are my slave. You are not to speak. However you ARE allowed to scream and yell." This time he did yell as I approached him with the light flogger. I gave him four good ones across his legs. He started crying between his gasps for air. When I again had his attention I spoke: "Now listen carefully. You will NEVER again be free. For the remainder of your life you will be my slave. And you asked my why. It's both simple and complicated. Simply put, for my own sexual gratification. I want to use you for sex. But more than that, I also want a full time companion. Why you is more complicated. First of all I find you very sexually attractive. And I also noted that you are also gay and from the stuff you were reading I could tell that you were sexually turned on by the type of things I am doing to you right now. You even had an orgasm when you realized the nature of that collar around your neck and the chain attaching you permanently to this place." The boy tried to interrupt me a couple times but I just waved the flogger in front of him. "You may now respond boy." Through whimpering tears he spoke: "But this is all wrong. And I really don't WANT to be a slave. At least permanently. Please let me go." I thought that his 'at least permanently' was amazingly telling. At some level he DID enjoy this. "Boy, the sooner you accept the fact that you will NEVER be free again the better you will be. I will promise you one thing. I also want this to be sexually enjoyable for you too. Though I intend to control absolutely your every movement, I will allow you sexual release when you are good." I reinserted his ball gag, showing him that I was no longer interested in what he had to say right now. He did not resist its insertion. In spite of all the sophisticated bondage apparatus in the area, I decided it best to go slowly in introducing my boy to severe bondage. I wanted him to respond sexually and in a positive manner. And I also planned to bring the boy to my bed tomorrow morning after a night of tight confinement. I intend to introduce him to man-boy sex very gradually so that for now we will most likely engage in no more than frottage and mutual masturbation. I will also probably suck him to orgasm. I wanted him to enjoy that portion of his enslavement as much as I do. Perhaps tomorrow or the next day will I start with the series of anal plugs designed to open him up gradually and with as little pain as possible. For once I was glad that my penis was not a monster. So after allowing my boy dinner and all he could drink, I brought him into the largest of the three side rooms and told him to sit on the small bench. I opened one of the drawers and got out a medium sized Foley catheter. I lubed it up and could see the apprehension on my boy's face as I used betadine on the glans of his penis. The secret of a relatively pain free placement is to KY its entire length. I put the tube into the cringing boy, who by now knew better than to speak. He was flinching as I gradually inserted the tube; I stopped when I felt the tip pass through his the sphincter at the opening to his bladder. I then filled the bulb with sterile water thus anchoring the end in his bladder. To the emerging end of the catheter I added an additional clamped off tube about three feet [90 cm] long. I then opened a small square hole in the floor. It was perfectly sized for the boy. After removing the chains connecting his extremities, I lifted the boy and slid him into the opening feet first, making sure that his two legs went to opposite sides of the lower partition. This partition would reach to a few inches above his knees when he came to rest. I continued to drop the boy down and again making sure his hands and arms slid into the separate compartments on each side of the main opening. When he came to rest, only his head rose above the floor, nor could he bring his legs together nor touch himself with his hands or arms. I could see that he was quite frightened, not understanding just what I had in store for him, but fortunately for him he did not speak. I then fitted together two halves of a covering for the hole that just permitted his neck a small clearance. What I did have in store was a bit nasty I had to admit to myself. I then fitted a soft leather hood over his head. It was very form fitting, especially when laced up in the back. There were only openings for the boys nose and mouth. Next I fitted a small gag into the boy's mouth that had a rubber flange that extended between his gums and teeth and then a second larger leather covering that fitted over his entire mouth. The walls inside his confining hole were heavily padded but held another surprise. I hit a button and the front wall of his abode started moving inward, squeezing the boys body snugly in place, just leaving space for his feet. The boy started moaning and thrashing his head about until the wall finally stopped. He was now as snug as a bug in a hole. Or would that be as snug as a boy in a hole? Oh, about that nasty surprise. The mouth plug had a hole exactly the diameter of the tube that I had extending upward from his penis. However I actually fitted into this hole a similar tube of slightly salty water. I then released the clamp on both tubes. Sudden head thrashing and groaning and other sounds emanated from the stuffed boy as the boy thought his own urine was flowing into his mouth. I wondered what the boy was thinking as I turned out the light and closed the door behind me making sure that the chain from his neck collar fitted into the groove provided for it. About three hours later a set timer allowed him a good drink of pure water. Tomorrow morning I would introduce my new slave to the magic of man-boy sex.
Chapter 3I couldn't hold out very long myself. I awoke several times that night thinking about my boy and having sex. My original intention of forcing discipline upon him almost forgotten. I wanted him to WANT sex so bad, that worry about being held captive was of secondary consideration for him. But I forgot about what the delay would do to me. It was barely five in the morning when I retrieved my boy. I removed my boy from the hole and then the catheter from my boy. But for the time being I decided to keep in his mouth gag. He tried to speak and I lightly hit his naked thigh with a leather strap. More to get his attention than to hurt."Lister carefully boy. Since I have not taken out your gag, you are intelligent enough to realize that I don't wish you to speak. Do you understand boy?" He nodded yes but I could see some tears forming in the corners of his eyes. I attached the two short chains, one to his ankle cuffs, and the second to his wrist cuffs behind his back. His penis was bobbing up and down and rigidly engorged. His slim build seemed in contrast to his healthy sized genitals. "No need to get teary boy. In fact I want you to enjoy our first morning together. You need a shower, and then a good meal. You must be both thirsty and hungry." He again nodded. "But first I have to do something about your leaking and unrestrained penis." He seemed more curious than fearful as I hooked his leash and had him hobble over to 'the chair.' I sat him down and decided to restrain his arms and legs. I think we both got so aroused by this for opposite reasons. I tilted his head up so that he could see everything that I was doing. "Now boy, I will be introducing you to another of your usual restraints. I definitely want you to enjoy our sex sessions but I insist that I will be in total control of your genitals. They belong to me. And only I will ever again touch them." I then brought over the low wheeled cabinet with common tools and the simplest of the chastity devices I had prepared. When I have my boy exactly measured I will be able to have more exotic attachments made to specification. But for now I picked up a simple clear plastic tube with a simple metal ring attached to the back portion. I also had a small tub of ice and alcohol. I brought up the tub to his testicles and penis and plunged then entirely into the very cold mixture. Peter moaned loudly and pulled on his restraints. I withdrew the tub and was satisfied at his now shrunken penis. Later chastity device instillations will require an even more drastic reduction of size, but this would do for now. Besides, it won't be on my boy for long. I quickly inserted his flaccid penis into the tube and closed the two halves of the back metal ring around his penis and snapped it shut behind his testicles. This metal band was rather wide – over one inch [2½ cm] – and thick so that it held an internal lock. It also fitted rather tightly. The boy moaned even more than before as it squeezed the base of his penis shaft rather tightly. I looked up and was rewarded by my boy's intent expression. He seemed much more intrigued and excited by the device than frightened. I decided I wanted his views on what was happening. I removed his gag. He started exercising his jaw to help relieve the stiffness. The gag was not extreme but he had it in a number of hours. "Boy, you may speak. But remember to address me correctly as master. What do you think about your penis tube?" "Ah 3; Master, it feels weird. But it also feels horrible. I am so aroused but my penis feels like it's going to explode." "That's the idea boy. While that's on you, you will not be able to get a complete erection. And no erection, no matter what I do to you, means no orgasm." I realized that that was not precisely true, but close enough for now. Sometime soon I was going to see how he responds to continuous prostate stimulation while his penis is tightly restricted. Different people react a bit differently. Many can even cum, but in a very frustrating way. "Please master, what are you going to do to me?" "I already told you boy. You are now my PERMANENT slave-boy. But do not get too fearful. I am not a sadist and intend no deliberate harm. In fact just the opposite. I want you to enjoy what I have in mind." "But please, I want to go home. I didn't think you'd ever take me out of that hole. I got so scared. And why'd you make me drink my own pee? That was gross." I ignored the 'pee' question. I decided to wait before I told him it was only a ruse. Although he will soon have to realize that I was not actually making him drink the stuff. I wanted him totally consumed with the idea of his genitals and what was coming out of them. "Boy, I said you could speak, but I expect you to show proper respect for your master. You didn't address me as sir or master. I have no choice but to punish you. I think this time the light leather paddle. I rescind your permission to speak. But of course feel free to yell or scream." The boy started shaking and looked up with pleading eyes. He started to cry and to make a sound and remembered not to speak at the last second. I released him from the chair and added: "Boy, it will be much easier for you if you just learn to accept the fact that you will NEVER leave this dungeon or my house. You will ALWAYS be my personal slave. But be assured I will ALWAYS care for you. Now walk over to the cabinet and bring me the light paddle." The boy seemed to bring himself some resolve from deep from inside and walked resolutely over the cabinet. He brought back the paddle and knelt in front of his master as he had been taught. "Good boy. And I have decided to make this a bit more fun for you since you have generally tried to be a good slave boy. I am going to completely strap you down on that table over there." The boy realized that his master was correct. The idea of being rigidly affixed to the table had him instantly trying to get hard. Too bad he couldn't. It was so 3; SO frustrating! He was hoping his master would eventually remove the chastity device from his penis. Although he realized that just having it on was a turn-on in itself. He almost started to get up and go over to the table, and just remembered in time that he had to wait for his master's command. And he then had a sort of epiphany. He was also aroused by the idea that he was under the control of his master. By this time pre-cum was flowing pretty freely and dripping from the slot the tip of his polyvinyl encasement. All thoughts of fear and terror sort of retired to the background. For now all he was focused on was obeying his master and the thrill of being bound to the table. And for the first time since his kidnapping, he just wondered that maybe he could at least allow himself to enjoy the few moments like this. For some unknown reason he started to cry again. But it was from the tremendous power of the emotion at the time rather from sadness or fear. I took a hold of my boy's neck chain and led him to the table, and I was so happy when I saw an actual smile on his face even through his tears as I lifted him and lay him on his stomach. He just lay limply, freely allowing me to attach the cords through the u-bolts of his ankle and wrist cuffs. I pulled them pretty tight, stretching him taut. I could hear a couple grunts as I went to each of the four cords and pulled them just a bit tighter. I then retrieved the paddle and immediately, without warning, came down pretty hard on the middle of his beautiful butt. There was a good wail from him. Nine more just as hard had my boy screaming and crying, but I was quite proud of him for not uttering a single word as so ordered. I decided he deserved a reward. I released his legs and arms, turned him over, and retied his arms over his head and wide. I then pulled his legs and put a four foot [1.20 m] spreader bar between them. My boy grunted loudly as his legs were separated so forcibly. But still not a word. I was smiling, and of course I was quite aroused. And so was my boy I could easily see noting the dripping pre-cum. I then attached the center ring of the bar, attached it to a cable over head and pulled my boy's legs high over his head. His beautiful rosebud was exposed and inviting. His butt was pretty red. I released his penis and testicles from their current imprisonment not that he could not possibly touch them. Instant woodie. I leaned over and started licking and sucking on his beautiful and tender love hole. I was in seventh heaven and soon lost track of time as I also fondles his jewels. (Or more correctly MY jewels that happened to be attached to my boy's body). I could feel his testicles retreat and quickly put my mouth over his rigid penis and stuck my wetted finger gingerly into his anus. He didn't last long. And the eruption was formidable for such a barely sexually developed boy. His groans of pleasure were almost as loud as his earlier shouts of misery. I was so turned on I immediately dropped my pants and started pushing my own rigid pole between his legs. I didn't enter him since he was still not opened up enough yet. I wanted him to actually enjoy his first anal penetration by his master's penis. So it would be at least several weeks yet if not longer. I had all the time in the world. My boy was a permanent resident. I came quite forcibly. I rubbed my black hard penis between his white slender thighs and over his own testicles. My boy watched intently and his own penis was already starting to recover his own intense orgasm. He started to say something and I had to grab the tawse and lightly slap his tender chest. He yelled but never stopped trying to see what I was doing. I was so wound up I did not last long either. It was one of the most powerful orgasms I'd ever had. When I recovered I looked into my boy's eyes and said a silent thank-you. "You did great boy. I picked well. And I am happy to reward you when you behave properly." The boy smiled. And I was encouraged by this. I had great hopes that my boy will eventually totally submit himself to me. In this effort I knew it was paramount to make sure that Peter realized there was not the slightest hope that he would or even could return to his former life. That his incarceration was permanent and unalterable. I would have to think on how best to do this. Although I had originally intended to give my boy his shower before our session of sex, I was too caught up in my own arousal to put it off that long. But now I released him from all his restraints, reattached the small chains between his ankles, and also his wrists behind his back. I then attached his leash and had him walkover to the open shower area. I attached a dangling cable to the each wrist cuff after I had released them from behind his back, hit a remote, and soon had my boy on his toes. I warned him not to speak but I welcomed his moans and groans. Groans from his stretched body; moans from my touching of his entire body and fondling his genitals. His recuperative ability was evident with his 5½ inches [14 cm] of penis was soon projecting straight outward above his moderate sized testicles. I was entirely naked as I cleaned us both up. I could see that he was greatly aroused by both his predicament and my touching him. He was also quite interested in seeing my own black body along with its 7 inch [18 cm] black penis. I was quite aroused myself and eventually could not stop myself from grabbing his slight white body and pressing my rigid penis against his smooth stomach and chest. We both experienced another orgasm before we were finished. I had mine while holding him tight into my body; he had his a bit later when I was cleaning his own modest penis while extended a soapy finger into his virgin anal opening. He moaned loudly as I entered this tender hole and started wiggling it around. I didn't even punish him immediately when he started saying things like: "Oh my god," and "Please keep doing that," and just plain "Aaaahhhh." I was glad that my boy was so enjoying our sex together. It was my plan to make him totally focused as much as possible on the sexual aspects of his incarceration and future bondage. I wanted as much as possible for his penis to make as many of his future decisions as possible. The only objections I received were when I started to give my boy a thorough rectal lavage. I used a normal saline solution so that I could avoid causing any cramping. After the outset the feeling he allowed me to continue without serious complaint. After we were done I dressed casually and then released my boy and brought him over to a padded X-shaped cross. He showed fear as I started attaching his ankle cuffs to the widely spread anchoring legs of the cross. "Boy, you will obey and submit. Otherwise you will not like the consequences." I also had to remind him not to speak. I then stretched him upward by attaching his wrist cuffs well above his head. In spite of his former objections, his penis was again standing at rigid attention. I next inserted a soft medium sized gag into his mouth and affixed it with the retaining strap behind his head. All this was new enough for him that I could see his arousal was winning out over his fear. Next I brought over a special wheeled cabinet in which I had my electro-torture devises. I opened the top drawer and selected a slender conductive rod along with a slender butt plug, which was also conductive. I must confess that my boy had not really earned such a severe punishment but I was quite anxious to use this new toy. I decided only to use these items for now. My boy suddenly got very anxious when he saw what I had in my hand. I didn't want him to fight me on this so I never yet mentioned anything about a punishment though he could easily have figured it out. "Now boy, I'm going to lube these objects up real good so these should slide in real easy. But if you try to fight me on this it will hurt. You understand boy?" My boy both nodded and tried to say something. I ignored him for now. I was so aroused myself that I wasn't focusing on much else right now. My boy, in spite of his obvious fear, was also quite turned on by all this. I first pushed the butt plug up into his butt hole. It was slender enough not to be painful though my boy's hole was being invaded by something new to his experience. As I gradually shoved the well lubed plug into his rectum I was telling him to relax. He did make an effort but moaned during the entire process. I too was moaning internally but for a different reason. I was imagining all the future occasions when I would be shoving my own black penis into this white boy's hole. The boy's penis I was glad to note stayed as rigid as my own. When the plug was well seated I lubed the thin rod and my boy was watching not quite understanding what I had in mind. He must never have seen or fantasized about this in his short life. He would be in for quite an experience and not just the feeling of something being forced up his penis. I grabbed the boy's now rock hard penis and he started trying to pull away as I brought the lubed rod toward the slit. He started getting quite vocal when he realized his efforts would be to no avail. I was wondering if he realized that he was in more trouble for disobeying again. I very deliberately pushed the rounded ended end of the rod into his urethra and did not stop until the first 5 inches [12½ cm] had disappeared. "Look boy, this isn't much different from having that catheter put into your bladder. Relax." To insure his minimal movement of my intended fun, or his punishment, I strapped his thighs to the beams of the cross, and then his slim waist. The more he struggled and vocally complained, the tighter I pulled on the straps. He finally got the message. "Now we are almost ready boy. And you need not do anything more than nod. But you need to understand right now that you are my slave. When I tell you to do something or not to do something you obey. Or be punished." My boy started moaning through his gag. His eyes widened as he surely by now knew what I intended to do. I continued: "Right now I order you to stop struggling and to be quiet. The more you disobey, the more I will do to you." I made sure he fully realized that both the plug in his butt, and the rod in his penis were connected by wire to a special small generator, that could provide quite a variety of currents, pulses, and voltage. His reaction when I touched the control was one of surprise. Having never felt anything even remotely like this before, he was momentarily unsure what he had felt other than the physical jolt. His reaction to the jolt, because I had the control on absolute minimum, I think even more surprised him. He expected to feel pain, and although the smallest current can feel a little 'sharp' he, I suspect, was also aroused by such an intimate 'touch' inside his most sensitive sexual parts. Of course I only allowed the control to remain at this level long enough to lull him into a false sense of having been 'saved' from a severe punishment. I deliberately touched the pad until the current was at its mid intensity, and the time was a full three seconds. His reaction was even greater than I would have expected. A mighty muffled scream escaped his lips as his body arched outwards. He started profusely sweating and I smelled a small odor of urine as driblets escaped his penis struggling for release around the inserted rod. The jolt had caused his internal sphincter on his bladder to give way. He was also unabashedly crying. When the jolt stopped three seconds later, an eternity to him I would guess, he was panting heavily and the look I received could have felled a lesser man. I deliberately removed his gag and immediately he started a cursing streak. I touched the control for a lesser jolt and only a quarter second, showed him the control and touched the pad. He shouted but got the message. "Now that I have your attention boy, I only want to hear answers to my questions. Anything else I hear and that big jolt will last twice as long. Do you understand boy?" He at first seemed to have trouble deciding, but then opted for no more pain. "Yes. I understand." "You will address me as master. All the time." "Yes master." I could tell he did not quite like having to do this. "Now do you know why you are being punished?" "No, I 3; master, I do not. His tears were now stopped but he of course was still quite upset. "You should boy. You spoke before without permission." We finally got to an understanding of his 'errors' and he promised to do better. Then I got a diabolical idea. I changed the control to keep giving him a series of small jolts so long as the right spot on the control pad was being touched. "This boy is the control. As long as you touch this spot, you will receive the jolt as determined by this other control. As you can see, the force is only at half intensity. Remember that in the future. The pain can be quite excruciating. Now I have a proposal. For your transgressions, I had decided that another 3 second jolt would be appropriate. Do you understand boy?" His fear was palpable. "Yes master, but I promise to be good. Please don't hurt me like this." "As I said, I have a proposal. If YOU touch this pad, and give yourself the punishment, I will allow you to get by if you can hold onto it for just one and a half seconds. BUT, if you stop I will still give you the full three seconds. What do you say?" The boy I could see was really struggling with this decision. Finally he seemed to take on a strong determination and said: "I'll do the shorter time." I released one of his arms, gave him the control, and showed where he had to touch the control. He never hesitated. He took a hold of the small remote and gripped so that the spot was touched. He immediately groaned and with a fierce determination held on in spite of the pain. I finally said: "Stop." With a strangled sigh he dropped the control and slumped back. I could not believe it. He was smiling. I had to admit that I didn't think he would be able to do that. I tested this thing on myself once (but with the contact on the outside of my penis) since I wanted to know just what it could do, and I could not last more than a second at half intensity. Not voluntarily anyway. I was impressed. I decided to reward my new slave. Except for the usual ankle and wrists cuffs, and a small butt plug I insisted he keep in his butt as a start to open him up, I allowed him to roam the area to the extent of his neck chain. He at first seemed to like the invading plug, but started to complain that it was getting uncomfortable an hour or so later. But I was adamant and he finally relented. I needed to hit his naked thigh with the tawse only once. That evening I decided to take him up to the second floor, and show him how to make dinner. I also connected his wrist chain to a short one from his collar so that he would have to bend far over to touch his own genitals. He was intrigued by the way other end of his neck chain was connected to a ring that slid on the pipe in the open elevator. The chain permitted him access to about half of the kitchen. He was quite attentive, and our conversation centered around just why I had chosen him and how I could actually do this to him. "But you have to get caught eventually. They will be looking for me." "But not in the right places, and probably not for long. Boys in your situation run away all the time." "It wasn't that bad. Though I have to admit that the food here is much better." He even smiled at that. I was wondering what he'd be saying if I told him that frequently he would not be in any position to eat as he is now doing. He moved in his chair and I could tell that the butt plug was bothering him. But then he inquired: "I was sticking to the chair. Do I have to be naked?" "Boy, you are here because I want to use you as a sex slave." His reaction to this statement, as before was more of interest than horror. I continued: "Thus I want to see you naked at all times. Besides, I've told you, being my slave, your body belongs to me." I fully believed that he enjoyed our sex that night in my bed, as much as I did. I released him from all his bonds except of course his neck chain which I kept out of the way by draping it over the head of the bed. I had a bracket specially prepared for it. I allowed him to sleep without his butt plug, but this was going to change shortly. I warned him to cooperate mentioning that I had even worse things than the electro-shock device. I was surprised at his reaction. Instead of being fearful, he pleaded to be shown these things the next day. Of course man-boy sex was quite new to him. He admitted that although he fantasized about it a lot the most he'd ever engaged in was masturbating together with a couple other boys. They'd not even touched each other although he so wanted to. I laid my now strangely unmoving boy onto my bed face up. He was quite obviously quite aroused, his penis sticking up its entire rigid 5½ inches [14 cm]. I loved its beautiful shape and smooth form along with his somewhat large testicles pulled up tight now into his groin. I could see he was ready to blast off. I could not wait. I lay down directly on top of him and he started to gyrate and moan. I started kissing him, forcing my tongue inside. He got the message and actively and eagerly participated. Eventually I moved down first to his areoles and then his groin. I licked my way around his now very squirming groin. He never said a word. He just kept moaning. I no sooner started touching his erect and dribbling penis to my lips and he erupted. He erupted several more times that night, and I was getting envious – youthful genitals. Of course I too had some of the best sex in my life. This was the first time I was fulfilling my own fantasy of having sex with my own slave boy. Emphasis especially on 'slave'. Just the idea that I controlled him completely was such a turn on. I was also quite pleased, that even though he was quite eager to experience what to him was very new, he became extremely passive as he became aroused. I decided that I had picked quite well indeed. Later that night my tongue explored a whole lot more of his body and he finally said something when I invaded his beautiful rose-bud. I was holding his slim legs up to get a better look, and as I started rimming him he said: "Oh shit." I stopped for a moment, and laying back on top of him he finally asked: "Ain't that a little gross? I mean sticking your tongue there?" "You didn't like it?" "Fuck yes. But 3; yuck." "I made sure you were very clean boy, and you will be trained to do that to me too, boy." I could some misgivings in his expression but as soon as I had turned him over, propping couple pillows under him, and restarted shoving my tongue into his pucker hole, he never voiced any objection. I then got us in a 69 position and instructed him to do to my penis as I did to his. His first reluctance was easily overcome when I retrieved the tawse from the dresser and gave him a swat on his butt. Soon after, however, he seemed quite eager and even though he never got more than a few inches of my own raging hard-on into his mouth, he even tried to swallow my cum as I came probably as much as I ever had. Later, as we were discussing what we had done, and how we had felt, he was quite voluble in his joy. "And I didn't even mind the taste that much. I was so aroused that I just swallowed. Wow. If this is what means being your sex-slave, maybe I could do this for a while." "Boy, not 'a while'. Remember. This is for ever." He sort of just mumbled his assent. He would finally realize that he had no choice in the matter. It would just take time for him to fully realize that I was totally serious. And that he was my slave for life.
The next day I introduce my boy to the next of his restrictive devices. I brought him over to the 'chair' and had him sit. There would be no need this time to strap him in. I removed the usual chain between his wrists cuffs but left the one between his ankles. "Sit quietly boy. I find it time to introduce you to a something new." I brought back from the cabinet two small mitt-like things made of tiny metal links, very similar to chain mail only the links were very much smaller and of amazing workmanship. I had then specifically sized so that they would perfectly just fit over the boy's hands when he held them with his fingers bent all the way in and his thumb aligned straight upward away from his wrist. I showed my boy how to hold his right hand and fitted the glove-like affair over his fist so that it reached just barely past the bend in his wrist. Around the top edge of the affair was a thin band that encircled his wrist but open on the bottom side. Running from his wrist for about two inches [5 cm] was a coil of wire that threaded through the links so that when I pulled on it, it took up all the slack in the chain mail making the entire affair fit very snuggly over his entire hand. I then closed the top band with the small internal lock. (There were times when I wanted my boy to be able to use his hands. Also his nails needed to be clipped from time to time). This closure also trapped the wire so this it could not be pulled back. After fitting the flexible wire in its provided groove around the top of the mitten, the work was finished. I looked at the finished product and was very pleased. My boy would only use that hand again when I gave him permission. I then enclosed his left hand the same way. When I was finished I told my boy that he was allowed to speak as I told him to inspect his new 'mittens' and tell me how they feel and see how much he was able to open his hands. He tried to open his fingers and thumbs and he found that he could barely move them. I smiled. He brought his right hand close and turned it for his closer inspection. "Master, how do they come off?" "That's the great thing about these 'gloves' boy; they only come off with this small key, and when I say they come off. The links can breathe so your hands do not get too hot, and you can even wash your hands." "But then I can never use my hands!" "Exactly!" He started to get very anxious. "But then I can't do all sorts of stuff, I need to use my hands!" "But boy, I told you a number of times. I intend to make you totally dependent on your master for everything. But I guess if you don't like the gloves I could always have your hands amputated." There would actually be times when I would allow him to use his hands, but he did not have to know that now. He looked at me with a horrified expression. "Oh please no!" "Good then. Get used to the gloves since amputation is the only other alternative. And that's enough argument. You are no longer permitted to speak." I replaced his wrist to wrist chain with his arms behind him and told him to sit while I prepared the equipment for his first extended session of bondage and forced submission. It was going to be minimal, and followed by a very extended session of my favorite activity – man-boy sex! When I returned he was holding up his hands still trying – unsuccessfully of course – to open his hands. He looked up at me with a touch of fury on his face but knew better than to speak.
Chapter 4The Master's PerspectiveIt was several days later, and my boy had not once in that time been without his 'gloves.'"Now remember boy, there are two main reasons why I have kidnapped you and installed you here. One is for your companionship which I very much desire. I hope that eventually I will have you continue your education and maybe even have you help me with my novels, both in researching for them and even in writing them." My boy seemed to perk up at this. "Of course the second reason is for the sex. I am really turned on by enslaving you, controlling you, and fondling you. But there will be much more. Eventually you will be trained to suck my penis which I can see you are so interested in as I see just where you attention is now focused, and not just like last night but being taught how to swallow the entire thing. And then to take my cock up your cute butt. There will be other things which you will eventually get to also." "But in the effort to have complete control over you we need to do a few more things to you. I will gradually introduce you to increasingly more intensive bondage controls. I saw you so interested in some crude devices in those books in the library. Well, the things I have in mind will be quite a lot more sophisticated."
Peter's perspectiveThe boy was watching intently as the black man brought over another cabinet on wheels. He so wanted to speak and ask questions but was afraid of physical punishment which was ONE thing he definitely did NOT want to get accustomed to. But he was SO turned on by what was happening to him he even forgot for a moment the dire situation he was actually in. Kidnapped? Slave? He thought to himself that this guy was absolutely loony. But he felt betrayed by a small portion of his mind that was even eager to experience what this black guy said he was going to do to him.The man picked up what looked like a wide leather belt similar to the one he put on him before, but this one seemed a bit wider and had quite a wide straps attached across the back part. When he positioned it around the boy's slim waist the boy realized that there was some kind of internal stiffening since the belt was fairly rigid. When the black man pulled it tight in the front, the boy gasped. It squeezed his waist very tightly. There were two small buckles in the front which were quickly fastened. He could see the pleasure in the man's face as he was doing this. Somehow they boy wanted to not only appease this strange guy, but to even please him. Wasn't that just too weird?
The Master's PerspectiveI was quite pleased to not only see my boy cooperating, but his evident erection spoke for itself. I could not resist fondling his penis and testicles after I tightened his belt. Then the boy started to moan and arch his head back while thrusting up his pelvis so I had to stop before I brought him to orgasm. Definitely not in my short term plans. I then removed his wrist chain so that I could position his arms properly. I placed his arms behind his back and pulled his hands as far as I could so that each wrist was close to the back of each forearm. At this he started to yell and pull his arms away."Please, no. That hurts. Please." He even pulled his arms away from where I was trying to position them. It was partly my own fault. I had not restrained him well enough so that I could instantly punish his behavior. I immediately anchored his ankle chain to a bracket in the floor. "Boy, that was totally against our rules. You of course know that I will now have to punish you." "But I couldn't help it. That hurt me." I knew that there was practically no pain. The boy was so limber that at worst it was merely uncomfortable. I also knew that I first had to regain total control of his body before I could discipline him. I next grabbed the boy's right mittened hand. He tried to pull it away but I could easily overpower him. I reached up and grabbed one of the many cables I had at various places throughout the chamber. I quickly snapped the clip on the ring in end of the cable to one of those in his wrist cuff and hit a number on the remote I had in my pocket. I was very glad that I had color coded the ends of the cables. Instantly the cable pulled his hand upward forcing my boy to first extend his right arm upward and then to stand and finally he started yelling as the cable was starting to pull him very taught. I hit the remote again just as my boy started yelling in earnest. I now had control and his attention. His left foot had even been forced to leave the floor. He was grimacing and pleading for me to ease up on the cable. I ignored the plea and instead retrieved a leather tawse from the far shelf. He pleaded as he saw me return with it. "Please no. Please." Again I had to ignore his plea. Instead I swung the twase with considerable force against his exposed right thigh. His yell could have awakened a person sleeping in the next block. "Now boy, you will not speak unless given permission. Nod if you understand." He almost made the mistake of speaking again but fortunately realized that this was indeed serious. He nodded with tears running from his eyes. His penis had also withered somewhat. "Boy, I must make sure that you understand that I am completely serious. This is no game. You WILL obey. When I am positioning your body parts, you will offer no resistance. Nor will you object. Do you understand? You may speak only to answer questions." Grudgingly he replied: "Yes sir." I immediately hit his thigh one more time with considerably force. He yelled nicely. "You are to address me as 'master' at all times boy. Do you now understand?" Out came a gasping: "Yes master. Please don't 3;" I didn't let him finish. Another forceful hit and an even louder yell. He was crying uncontrollably now. "Did I give you permission to speak boy?" With a pleading look he answered: "No master. I'm sorry." I again gave him a good wack on the same spot which was quite red by now. His yell was louder if that were possible. "I did not ask you to explain yourself boy. Only to answer my question. Are you finally starting to understand that you obey my instructions exactly – no more and no less?" "Yes master." It was barely understandable with all his sobbing. Although the cuffs permanently emplaced about the boy's ankles and wrists were relatively water-proof, I was still worried about them so I made sure that they would not be too often immersed in water. But I definitely wanted something permanent so that my boy would understand that possession and control were the main order of his new life. He was his master's slave and property and totally in his master's control. I decided to remind the boy that he was totally in his master's control. This time when I forced his arms behind him and positioned them to be held by that wide strap in the back of the belt. To enhance his feeling of helplessness I then attached cuffs about his upper arms and attached to it a strap which forced his upper arms closer together. Then I brought him over to a small cage. I opened top and forced him to sit with his legs outstretched in front. It was built so that his body was a tight fit. I then secured several straps about his chest which held him against the back of the cage. His head just projected about the top of the cage. I then positioned his legs into sections of the cage which allowed them to be anchored by placing several large U-shaped metal anchoring bolts over his thighs and lower legs which fit into locking holes in the bottom of the cage. The boy was startled when they snapped securely in place. He could only move his legs less than an inch [2½ cm] in any direction. When I lowered the top of the cage there was a small cut-out which fitted relatively close about his neck. When locked in place his head projected about the cage. Several times I had to 'remind' – by use of the tawse – not to object to what I was doing to him. Next came a measure which I was not sure how he would take. Over his entire head was fitted a large metal globe with absolutely no holes, which attached to the top of the cage. He would still get air from the space around his neck. I then turned on a recording which would flood the metal globe. For the next several hours he would continuously hear the following: "I am a slave. I must obey my master at all times. I must totally submit to my master's will." I also wondered if he would be able to contain his urine. It didn't matter. There was a small drain right under the cage.
I came back only three hours later. I could not resist the allure of my slave's body any longer. When I lifted the metal globe from his head I could see that my slave had been crying. And sweating. And that he'd peed himself. The smell was quite evident. He tried to speak: "Please let me out of here. Please." I decided not to discipline him too severely. "Look boy you still have not learned. You may speak ONLY when directed or given permission. After I bathe you I will be giving you your necessary punishment. He barely stopped himself from objecting. Again I raised him by way of cables and brought him by way of the ceiling pully system over to the shower area and washed him off. Of course I was naked myself and I smiled as I notived that he seemed not to be able to take his eyes off my own very black naked body. "Like what you see boy?" "Master. Please. You can't do this to me." This time I could not longer allow his disobedience. I left him hanging there from his wrist cuffs with his feet barely touching the floor and retrieved a slender supple cane and started immediately wacking his butt and legs. He started yelling and pleading me to stop. "Boy you know the rules. You must obey totally. At the cage I never gave you permission to speak. And to my question, instead of answering, you again made a useless plea. You must be punished." I did not hold back and by the tenth swipe he was crying unabashedly. But his pleas stopped when I said that for every voiced plea he would get one more swipe. The pain from the cane is deeper than the tawse and lasted longer. They would remind him of his transgressions for quite a few hours. After finishing the shower and allowing him to eat and empty his bowels – he was amazed when I insisted on cleaning his bottom. Boy, I now want an answer to my question of a half hour ago. "Do you like looking at my naked body?" Eventually I forced it out of him. He did. And eventually he made one last plea. "Master, why can't you just make me have sex with you? I think I could really like that. Why all this kidnapping and prisoner stuff?" I answered. I wanted a slave, not just sex. And I was greatly attracted to him. "Look, I like having sex with white boys. And you are amazingly cute. You know when you finally realize that escape is impossible you make get some measure of freedom at intervals. I also want a companion as I've said before. And I am not unreasonable. You too will be allowed sexual release when you start cooperating." Eventually I stopped any more of his objections with the expedient of again putting into his mouth a quite severe mouth gag which could be pumped up. But then I led him to the elevator and brought him into my bed. He of course was a typical teen with raging hormones. Divested of everything but his collar and cuffs I continued his sex education even if it still did not include anal penetration with anything more than my own finger and a very slender butt probe. Within a very short period of time he started responding quite willingly. I brought him to orgasm with my hand and then with my mouth. And tought him to fo the same with me. Of course there was also the caressing of other body parts with both hand and tongue. He was an avid student and I was quite pleased. Three hours later I was so beautifully sated that I postponed what else I had planned and just held my lovely boy in my arms on top of me and fell to sleep. I awoke later to a squirming boy. I looked at my watch and discovered we were asleep for almost two hours. I had to make a pit stop and asked my boy if he needed to pee. I reattached his wrist and ankle chains and I led him over to the elevator and returned him to the dungeon. He was getting the hang of holding onto the long chain permanently attaching his neck collar to the bar with spanned all floors at the back of the elevator. I brought him over to the toilet and shower area. Instead of having either of us use the toilet, I just turned on the shower and told the boy he was still allowed to speak until I told him otherwise, and he started squirming as I started soaping him up. "Master, I need to pee real bad." "Well boy nobody is stopping you." He looked at me and just said "Oh." And then let loose and squirted on my legs. I returned the favor. I then produced a pair of small, very well padded, terrycloth gloves that I fitted onto his hands telling him to suds me up too. We had a great shower and both of us had another orgasm. We finally finished, and dried off. I put my clothes back on. "Master, do I ever get any clothes?" "No boy. You will never have any need for then. And I like seeing you naked. And as far as I can tell you LIKE being naked too." He looked down for a moment and looked up with tears in his eyes. "You mean that I will never, never, ever leave here?" "You are my slave boy. You will be my slave forever. But I will also take care of you forever. And NO, you will NEVER leave here." "But how about when you have to go somewhere?" "You will see boy. I have a surprise for you. But don't ask what. You will only find out when it happens." I was thinking that my surprise had better work. I spent quite a few thousand dollars on the entire set up in that one side room alone. And I saw my boy touching his penis, even if only with his metal encased hand. There will be a new rule instituted right now and additional measures taken so that my boy will cum only when I let him. Eating wasn't as difficult for my boy as he thought it might be. Of course I had everything ground up and had a special large spoon that attached to the underside of his right hand. After dinner, I brought my boy over to an open area of the floor and removed his usual chains. With a special remote, I lowered two separate bars. The shorter bar, about three feet [90 cm] long, had a set of two chains at each end, to which I attached him. One set I attached to ring on his wrist cuff on opposite sides so his wrist would be pulled upwards evenly. Before even doing anything more my boy sprouted an immediate boner. I raised the bar until it forced my boy to stand up straight with his arms stretched upwards. I brought the other bar, about four feet [1.2 m] long and again with a similar arrangement of short chains, over to the boy's legs. I attached one set to either side of his right ankle, and then, pulling his left ankle to the other end forced his entire body to hang from his attachments. I attached the final ankle and hit the button. With a bit of trial and error I finally had my boy suspended off the floor with his legs and arms spread wide, but also with his head well above this butt and legs, almost like he was sitting all spread out. He started to moan a bit so I put a ball gag into his mouth since I wanted him to just concentrate on what I was doing to him and what I wanted him to remember. I did not want a lot of questions. "Stay right there boy. I have to gather a few things." I chuckled at my own joke. About ten minutes later I was ready. I checked to see if he was in any real pain but he seemed OK; at least his penis was sticking up real hard and leaking. "OK boy, here's what we need to do. There is now a new rule that you must always obey. And to disobey will bring more punishment than all you have received up to now put together. Do you understand how important this is?" He nodded. "Now from now on, only when I give you permission will you be allowed to have an orgasm. No cuming unless I give you specific permission. Understand?" Another nod but it seemed reluctant. "Don't look too worried. I intend to be a kind master. I will still let you cum a lot. But only when I wish you to do so. But knowing just how horny young teenagers are I will help you out." I picked up the parts of his new chastity device. Parts of it I purchased, and parts I had specially made. "Now this part fits around your waist." It consisted of a wide band of metal about an inch [2½ cm] wide made from into a wide band from wire. It was covered with several layers of soft leather, but thick enough so that the woven wire band would not cut in. I put it around his waist locking it in the back. I wanted it removable. A separated piece, similarly constructed formed two arms that attached to rings about two inches [5 cm] on each side of his belly button and went down his body on each side of his testicles where they immediately joined into a single strap that turned into a more cord-like strap that tightly fit into the crack of his butt. Just as it reached his tailbone it widened again and then attached to the center of the waist belt in the back. This piece was important for a couple of reasons. Of course it would hold next to the boy's body, the chastity device. Also it would make the boy feel something in his crack all the time it was on. And third, it would be able to hold into my boy's rectum, the but plug of my choice which I intended to have him wear most of the time. I saw my boy leaking again. "Right now boy you have permission to cum any time it happens." He grunted. I fitted this later set of straps and was happy it was money well spent. My boy started to wiggle frantically as I pulled the strap tight into his crack. I also helped matters along as I started stroking his hard penis. I stopped before he could cum. Next I showed my boy an entire set of black rubber butt plugs. They ranged from quite small to one that was not quite the size of my own engorged penis. I did not want to stretch my boy any further. All of the plugs were very flexible and with no taper. I chose the smallest which was a little bigger than one of my fingers. But first I lubed up a finger and started teasing the rim of his anal opening. He started moaning and wiggling. I took my time but finally pushed the very tip of my finger into his butt. The startled look on my boy's face was precious. But his moans were more of pleasure than anything else. I took my time but in about five minutes had my entire finger lodge and was wiggling it around. I had my other hand on the boy's testicles so that I could feel when they started to retract. I wanted this session as prolonged as possible. When I hit his prostrate I am sure the boy would have gone through the ceiling had not gravity been holding him down. I tried to explain just what was happening in as much detail as I could, but I was not sure how much he was taking in since he was so revved up and by now squirming around so much. Every time I felt his nuts pull up, I pulled out my finger and waited a while. After this happened about five times I kept on going and also went down on his penis with my mouth. He came almost immediately and I swallowed quite an amazing amount of his cum. His moans and grunts made me grateful the room was soundproofed. As he stopped jerking all around I came off his penis but kept milking his prostate a bit more. His squeals hit a higher register. I was so turned on myself that I pulled out my own member and with just a few strokes came all over my boy. He hardly noticed. I went over to the sink and got a towel and cleaned myself up. Including my hand since I did not have on any glove. I decided that I was going to have to start regular enemas for my boy. Since I did not want to make them too uncomfortable and to avoid his cramping I intended to use Ringers instead of water. Its pH would help avoid the cramping. Also too many water enemas were not really too healthy and could cause complications. I brought over a wet warm wash cloth and a towel and cleaned up my boy who had returned to the land of the living. He was now in a condition where it would be easier to fit him into the chastity device. This consisted of clear molded polyvinyl tube and small extension that would fit over both his penis and testicles. The whole thing fit pretty tight and small slots in the flange extending from both sides fit onto four tabs that extended from the straps already in place. He was watching intently. My boy made quite a noise as I applied some crushed ice to his penis. It now totally deflated. I quickly fitted on the tube and locked it in place. He immediately started to squirm. I understood completely just how very frustrating that tube can be after even a short time. By this time I felt he was probably starting to hurt so I took him down from the trapeze and reattached his usual two chains. I told him that he was allowed to touch himself all he wanted so long as the chastity device was on. He immediately tried to remove the thing even with his encased hands. Of course it was futile. I chuckled. I also removed his ball gag and said that he had permission to talk. I asked about what he thought about his orgasm. "Oh my god, that was fantastic. Tremendous. Out of this world. How did you do that?" He went on and on in this fashion and I tried to explain about his prostate and so on. Then I explained that it would be duty to learn how to do the same for his master. I answered his next barrage of questions. I could tell that even if he voiced some tentative objections, he seemed genuinely interested. And even more so when I mentioned that I would force him to do as expected. I was happy to not that the idea of being 'forced to do things' actually got him more aroused. "Look Peter, I need you to pay attention to what I am saying." This was the first time I called him by his name in the past two days. So he knew this was maybe something besides master-slave stuff. "That series of butt plugs are intended for a couple of reasons. One of course is to help keep you at least a bit sexually aroused all the time. But for now they are important to help stretch your anal sphincter so that you can finally take my entire large penis up your butt without any pain. Eventually, when we have man-boy sex, when I have your butt hole stretched enough, I want to experience my orgasm by using your butt. (I deliberately refrained from using the word fuck because I didn't like it). But I want the experience to be good for you also and I hope that eventually we can coordinate things so that we can both cum at about the same time. And it can be just as fantastic for you as it is for me. You understand?" Peter was a smart boy and he caught on right away. And I think he understood that this was even beyond just our master-slave relationship. We talked about it for quite a while. Then he asked about the chastity device. "Well boy, that is purely because you are the slave and I am the master. You only get to cum when I allow it." "But already it feels horrible." "You mean it is hurting?" "Well, not hurt, but I really really NEED to get hard!" I laughed and said that that was the idea.
Chapter 5Over the nest couple weeks, I was finally able to train my boy to bring me to climax sucking my cock and he eventually was even able to swallow all my cum. Of course I reciprocated as his reward. (It was MY reward too).But it took another week or so before Peter was finally able to swallow my entire penis without choking. I rewarded him with an entire afternoon of playing with his body. (Ok so it was a reward to myself too). But I made sure my boy enjoyed a number of orgasms. Of course I was most anxious to get us to the stage of anal sex. Meaning my penis into his butt hole and the velvet confined of my boy's rectum. For once I was grateful that my endowment was merely average. My smooth skinned black penis was not quite 7 inches [17½ cm] in length and arrow straight. My boy I could tell was quite fond of it and truly was starting to enjoy sucking on it. By this time we were up to a butt plug that was getting much closer to my own size. I was happily anticipating the day when I would use my boy's anal sphincter for that which it was made. I also fantasized about the marked contrast of my very black penis ramming into his white butt and pink hole. It was about this time that I decided that Peter's next step into restrictive body control should take place. I took my boy down from the low trapeze. I find this one easier to use when washing him. He really likes his freedom from his chastity belt so sometimes when he has been very compliant I draw out the procedure. Of course, I rarely allow my boy to actually cum during this time. I brought him over to the chair and lowered him directly into it. He knew exactly where to place his arms and legs. Since it was this morning that I would be attaching my boy's new foot-ware as I thought of it, I only fastened his trunk and arms to the chair. He looked into my eyes and I could see him want to speak so badly, I decided to give him permission. "Ok, boy, it is time for the next step in your progression into my complete control over you." He clearly did not understand exactly what I meant . "But master I can't do anything already. It gets so frustrating with these hand things. I keep wanting to grab something. And you never let me do anything until you say I can." "Of course. You are my slave boy. You will always be my slave boy. You exist to serve me. That is what you DO." I was smiling, already anticipating the next stage in my boy' s total dependence on me, and his reaction to it. "Boy there are a number of things yet to be done to you. This is just the next one." I already had the small cart next to the chair and I reached around and grabbed the two utterly simple contraptions, yet will no longer allow my boy have the ability to bend his foot to walk. He will forever be forced to keep his feet pointed straight down from his calves. Each item consisted of a simple metal ring, slightly triangular in shape, and about 3 inches [7½ cm] in its longest dimension. The ring itself was about a quarter inch [6 mm] thick. This ring was sized to fit snugly over my boy's ankle when his foot is fully extended downward. A flattened part of the ring runs along the soul of his foot and the remainder runs back along his foot and wraps snugly around his Achilles tendon. Attached to each side of the flat piece at the soul of his foot are metal web extensions that crossover the top of his foot. Two rivets join these two ends. I had a special end of one side of the riveter that was very flat so that the belt over his foot can be tightened very securely. Again two more metal web straps were run tightly around the ankle and are also riveted together. Simple but very effective. "OK boy, do not fight me on this. You know the consequences." My boy allowed me to position both feet and secure both of them. I was very happy with the restraints as my boy, after their attachments, could barely move either foot and definitely would never walk normally again. Of course, being the generous and kind hearted master I am, I made sure that where my dungeon was not carpeted, the floor covering was thick foam rubber. I reattached the boy's usual two chains, guided him from the chair and onto his knees and told him to follow me. I chuckled a few times as he desperately tried to stand. Of course with his hands restricted in their gloves and with the chains connecting both ankles and both wrists, it was made that much more difficult. The look in my boy's eyes as he realized just what I had done to him was priceless. He finally straightened up on his knees he looked into my face imploringly and asked: "Do I have to keep these things on my feet all the time?" "Of course boy, as you can see they are permanent. They will NEVER be removed." "But I don't think I will be able to walk with these things on." "That exactly why I put them on your feet. I said that you will be made completely dependent on me. Besides, you will still be able to walk on your toes. It will just be difficult until you get the hang fit. Besides, I will always be there to help you." "But…" I interrupted: "You will never walk normally again. And I have one more interesting item here – it's called a spreader bar. Now with this in place any walking will become almost impossible. This thing will spread you wide." A saw that a few tears reached my boy's precious eyes, when I reached across him and reinserted his medium ball gag. He knew that this concluded any further discussion or argument. And any more complaining. I was his master and my desires in this regard were final. I told him this as I directed him along the floor on his knees. Then helped him get up onto his toes. I was happy to see that he quickly became resigned to his fate in this regard. I also saw his penis tube bobbing even when he was still indicating that he was also sexually aroused by the whole proceeding. Of course so was I. I was bringing my boy over to the x-shaped cross to modify the manner of his attachment. Now that he can no longer stand on his entire foot, my boy needed different support to keep him upright and immobile. One thing I had done was to lean the cross back about 5 degrees. Friction alone would help somewhat. But the addition I made I found much more pleasing, and arousing – possible for both of us. From under the beams where they crossed, I had built out an extension about a foot [30 cm] long and five inches [12½ cm] wide with a well rounded and padded top. This extension would provide a sort of seat. Projecting from the top of this extension, about several inches from the beams was a stable projecting threaded bar about three inches [7½ cm] long. I had a number of butt plugs of varying sizes and designs that could be threaded on the projecting rod. The one I had on now was relatively small. It was about 6 inches [15 cm] long but a little less around than my own penis. It could bend as needed to fit my boy's rectum with relative comfort. After all, I only wanted to arouse my boy, not hurt him. This plug was special. Running up three sides of the plug were three thin strips of metal. As in electrically conductive. My boy has been supported on similar plugs before so that he was not overly frightened when I had him sit on the floor, then put his legs on to my shoulders. I then lifted him by his hips and eased him down on the pre-lubed plug. He even moaned as he came to rest. The moan was a pleasure moan. I then quickly extended his wrists and attached then tightly. Next was his legs. I next tightened straps across his forearms, upper arms, chest, waist, thighs, and lower legs. Then I released his penis. Instant erection, and more moaning. I also had an instant erection. I shed my own clothes. I planned a wild afternoon. But first things first. I next removed my boy's gag. He was panting with arousal. I fondled his equipment which was oozing pre-cum. Then I roamed my hands all over his beautiful boy-body. I didn't want his to cum yet so I was careful not to overdo things. But this time on the cross was to be special. Something we never attempted so far. "You may speak boy." "Master, please let me cum. Please." "Soon boy. But first something very special." "Now no talk while I get you set up. This will be something new for both of us." I liberally coated a thin conductive probe about 7 inches [17½ cm] long, and gradually inserted it into my boy's penis. After about three inches [7½ cm] were inserted I had to pause since my boy was close to an orgasm. I then continued until about only an inch [2½ cm] was left exposed. I attached two wires, one to the but plug and the other to the penis sound. By this time my boy was pleading for me to allow him to come. I turned on the pulsing current at a very low level. My boy moaned. I turned it slightly higher. My boy screamed. And screamed. I turned off the current and my boy instantly came. And came. I leaned against him, inserted my own penis into his mouth and as trained he immediately began sucking in quite a talented manner. In seconds I came myself. It was amazingly intense. I took quite some time for my boy to recover. He had new tears in his eyes. From his expression I could see that he was quite confused. "Master, you hurt me! Badly!" "Then why did you have an orgasm?" "Master, I don't know. I both hurt but then 3; I don't know." "Don't know what?" "Master, it then felt amazing. Utterly amazing. I don't understand." We talked some about his experience. I then left him hang there while I cleaned both of us off. About 15 minutes later my boy was moaning from the pressure on his arms and the rest of his body. He was pleading to be released. I was conflicted. I wanted to turn on the juice again to get my boy to orgasm again. But I didn't want him hurting too much. Pain was not my plan for my slave. It didn't turn me on and I didn't want him to associate pain with sexual pleasure – only punishment. I released his arms and loosely chained thatches sides. "How is that boy?" "Much better master. Thank-you." "Boy, we are not finished. How about one more time?" "OK. But take it easy please." "OK boy enough talking. The current will only be held to a trickle. I promise." I turned on the current again and then held on to my boy. He was moaning and jerking all around. I started rubbing his front with my own penis. A few minutes later a second orgasm flooded from his penis. And then one from mine as I again used my slave's mouth. Making my boy come was a real turn on for me. I suddenly came back to reality with my boy pleading for me to turn off the current. I did and he just sort of slumped. I took him down and laid him down on the padded basin in the shower area. I lovingly cleaned his entire body telling him how much I cared for him. I know he believed me. I decided to make sure to prepare all Peter's favorite food for dinner. As usual, I put him into strict bondage while I left the dungeon. This time I replaced his large ball-gag, and laid him on his stomach on a specially designed table. It was well and softly padded with a depressed area for his head. There were also holes for his arms and penis and testicles. I pulled his arms downward and attached his wrists u-bolts so that his arms were taut. Then his testicles and penis I wrapped with a leather strip and attached a very small weight. Just enough so that the boy would not be able to stop thinking about his family jewels. (Eventually I was hoping to place a few rings through his penis and testicles but that was well in the future). Then I bound his legs tightly to the table. Finally I put a padded half shell over the back side of his head with the air drawn through a baffle that muffled sound – totally cutting his head off from the rest of the world. Giving him less to distract him from thinking about his testicles. I looked under the table when I finished to see copious amounts of pre-cum again leaking from his penis slit. After two orgasms in less than 30 minutes. Oh to be a young teenager again! One additional thought came to me as I went upstairs. My boy was starting to make fewer and fewer objections to his incarceration. Of course I realized that much of that was largely due to the fact that I refused to listen, and punished him when he spoke to that end. But I was still pretty sure from his demeanor and reactions lately that he was starting to resign himself to the fact that he will NEVER be released. That his life now and forever was to be my slave. I intended to continue to force his entire and continuous attention to his utter helplessness and to start him on the road of looking forward to his next man-boy sex session. I was certain, that given enough time, eventually he would relinquish all hope and even thoughts of release, and concentrate totally on being an obedient slave and of course sex. After feeding my boy and cleaning him up again, I told him that he would be spending his night in bed with me. I would be needing his services. For this I entirely removed his chastity belt, and told him he had permission to cum. He was finally getting pretty proficient with his mouth and throat. It was also my intention to have him start servicing my ass hole. I made sure I was especially clean for the occasion. Later that night we were both getting pretty aroused and I told him he now had to start stimulating the area between my balls and my butt hole and my butt hole itself. "But master, my hands are in these mitts; how am I supposed to do that?" I chuckled. "Boy, you have a tongue. This will become one of its major functions." My boy was reluctant. I assured him that I had cleaned myself very well. I had to resort to threats of punishment but he eventually acquiesced. When I then commanded him to insert his tongue into my rear orifice, he balked. Thirty minutes, and ten lashes with my medium flogger on his butt and legs later convinced him to be more enthusiastic in his new duties. Later I suspect he even started to enjoy this task as his penis stuck out rock hard and eventually he was plowing my shit hole with abandon. The next morning, after the usual ritual of us bathing and my cleaning him out, I told him that I needed to be away from the remainder of the morning and decided to introduce him to an exciting new (to him) method of bondage. I had taken a full face mold of him last week and a couple different metal masks were made. The one I chose now came in two halves and the front piece fit snugly over his entire face and even a bit down his neck while his mouth was stretched with the largest of his mouth gags. There were only two small holes in the mask when attached to my boy's head. One was in the middle of the mouth hole and would allow a tube to be inserted into his mouth if the right mouth gag were used. The second opening was immediately below the nose and again had a fastener so that the right sort of tube could be fastened there. There was also special valve that could be fitted between the tube and the mask that would allow him to breath outside air but also force him to breath in anything coming through the tube. The mask was also lined with a very soft leather that could be removed once in a while for special cleaning. When attached, a series of wing nuts around the closing of the two halve could insure an especially snug fit. (I also had in mind eventually to have made an entire metal suit. But that was in the future). I attached my boy by wrists and ankles to a small hoist, lifted him by his four limbs off the floor, and transported him to one of my three special small side rooms. I could tell he was getting anxious as something different was about to happen to him. But his training held enough so that he never did speak. He must have been wondering also how come I didn't immediately put his chastity device on after his bathing. I could also tell that he was immensely aroused by this whole procedure and anticipating what was to come next. "OK boy, I know you are bursting with curiosity so I will tell you, you are in for something new this morning. I have something new for you and you will finally find out exactly what another one of those three doors leads to." I couldn't help snickering as I thought about what was going to happen to him. I dropped him to the floor, detached his limbs from the hoist, and sat him on a small low stool so that his legs lay out in front with his toes hitting the floor. I then put in a folley catheter and right away he knew that this was going to be something a bit unusual. He was getting used to being cathetered as he barely squirmed as I fed the tube all the way into his bladder. I anchored it there using a syringe of sterile water to blowup the small bulb that now resided in his bladder. I had the other end of the foley stopered so that his urine would not flow out. I picked up one of his medium, and more confortable ball gags and he immediately opened his mouth for insertion. After I made sure it was placed properly, I then brought over his new head mask. He looked up with what seemed to be a mixture of both fear and excitement. Excitement won out as I fitted the very snug mask over his face, and then started bolting on the back molded piece. Not even the slightest resistance was encountered. He was aroused sexually by all this as I was. After tightening the ten wing nuts, his face was now fully and tightly encased in leather and metal. I then turned him around on the stool and literally fed his legs into an opening formed by various thick rods that were attached to the side walls, that I had slanted away from him and led downwards at about a 45 degree angle. I made further adjustments to padded rods and fastened his ankle u-bolts to restraining chains. I hit a button and my boy gasped loudly as his feet were pulled a further foot [30 cm] or so inside the opening and much more widely apart. The stool rolled with him and he was barely still sitting on its very edge when movement stopped. He started swing his legs together and apart. I put an end to that by inserting a leather cuffed spreader bar just above his knees. As soon as he realized what was happened, my boy sat quiet and let it happen. "Good boy. I want you to now try moving your legs." He tried to comply but there was only very little movement allowed him. That was just what I wanted. Then I inserted two tubes into the two holes in the mask, one into the breathing valve connected to his nose hole, and the second that led into a corresponding hole in his mouth gag. The nose valve allowed him to breath normally but also would force him to breath in whatever was fed through the tube. And he so far had not the slightest clue. Next I installed a short bar between his wrist, about two feet [60 cm] long. To the balancing point of this bar was a rigid ring to which I attached a cable that I activated. My boy gasped again as I fed his hands, and then his arms through various padded bars into the interior maul of the closet-like room. This pulled his arms upward at about a 45 degree angle and as it continued it pulled my boy right off the stool. He started grunting as all his weight was now on his arms and legs in a very awkward position. I then attached another cable to a ring on the very top of his head encasement and again lifted him upward and a bit further inward. It was a lot of weight and pressure to put on his neck but it would only be temporary. The way he was now situated caused his body to bend forcibly his waist with his but sticking out in the back. I then took out a section of the door which corresponded exactly with his protruding butt. Before I closed the door I attached the end of the boy's mouth tube into the end of his foley catheter. The valve could be opened and closed with a remote switch. I kept it closed for now. The other tube I passed through opening the door. When I then closed the door all that was sticking out was about 4 inches [10 cm] of his butt which now rested snugly in its own padded opening, plus the end of his nose tube. I was very pleased with the entire construction. Now for a part that I most anticipated. I turned on a speaker and camera. There was a small light inside that I also turned on. I could now see his face, or actually the mask covering his face, plus his arms and part of his trunk in the wide angle lens view on a monitor that was fitted right in the upper portion of the door. I heard faint moaning from the speaker and the camera caught my boy trying to move his head. He was only capable of a small movement side to side plus a small amount of twisting motion. He arms were also moving a small amount, and his hands were wiggling a lot in their confining mitts. And for the first time, as I looked intently at his upper arms, I thought I could notice them a bit thinner as he was losing muscle mass by not being allowed very much use of his fingers. I pushed another button and two wide leather straps, that had been pushed up against his upper thighs and his lower stomach started to tighten forcing his butt rigidly against ins resting place – the hole in the door. He grunted as this took place. This was necessary as the next step in the procedure was to insert one of the larger and more rigid of his butt plugs into his rectum. This one was special. It had a small bladder that could be inflated, well anchoring the butt plug in place, and a small hole that ran its entire length. On the interior side of the plug was a filter that allowed only air (or gas) to pass through. There was quite a lot of grunting and groaning going on as I forced the long plug well pinto his rectum. Within the walls of this plug was a series of rings that could vibrate and move back and forth. His prostrate would be getting quite a workout. I made quite a work out of this placement, drawing it out over 5 minutes. A series of low moans followed as I inflated the bladder, anchoring the plug in place. I looked at the monitor and my boy was twisting and moving as mush as his confinement would allow. I switched to a different camera and saw that my boy's penis was rigid and twitching up and down. A drop of pre-cum fell as I watched. He was almost as wound up as I was. Now to the back hole in the butt plug I inserted a tube which was in turn connected to a large and strong rubber balloon like affair. One difference was that there was a second hole at the far end of the balloon fitted with another valve. Into this hole I inserted the boy's nose tube that was threaded through the closed door. All was ready. Gradually, as my boy farted, he balloon inflated. He had not the slightest clue. About an hour later all was ready. I switched to a setting that allowed a split screen for both camera views. The boy was moving a bit but not enough to strain at his bonds. His penis however was still rigid and still leaking. I turned on the vibrating and ring pulsing control of his but plug. The noise that instantly emanated from the boy's plugged mouth certainly added a new word into Webster's vocabulary. And all the boy's restricting bonds were being fought against. I then opened the valve which allowed my boy's urine to empty his bladder and fill his mouth. The plug inserted had a hole into which his tongue fitted, plus was flexible enough making sure that the boy tasted the urine as he was forced to swallow it. At the same time my boy was forced to gradually breath in his own gas as the balloon slowely emptied. If the noise he was making before was something, he was now rewriting the entire dictionary. I was also glad that I had the bar restraints so well padded, and built so strongly. Even then, for a while I thought he was going to tear the box apart. I then increased the tempo on the vibrator and the pulsing rings that traveled back and forth over his prostrate. His climax was amazing to behold as spurt after spurt shot out of his penis. This was the first time that I saw an eighth and ninth spurt, even if they contained almost no liquid. But amazingly, the orgasm continued as additional dry spasms apparently wracked the boy's body. I then shutdown the mechanism as his boy quieted. I could also see that all the gas he was forced to breath in was also depleted. I switched of the gas and urine valves also. My boy finally just lay there slumped and quietly moaning. During the middle of all the boy's throws, I too experienced my own orgasm. I must have grabbed my own penis without realizing it. I wondered if the boy's climax was as intense as my own.
Chapter 6It wound up being almost three months before I brought my boy, wobbling up on his toes, into the special third side room. I had removed his entire chastity belt and his usual wrist and ankle chains. His bone was sticking out invitingly but I did not want him to orgasm at this time. I had to make sure that my boy's real hole was opened wide enough to allow up inside, the rather large device that it needed to accommodate. Inside was awaiting a storage device which I was just aching to tryout. By this time the boy was trained enough to know better than to even question what was about to happen to him, nor to make any effort to avoid what I was doing to him. I believed he realized by now that I was not going to really hurt him (that much), but what I wanted was law, and not to be questioned. As I opened the door I could see his puzzlement. All there seemed to be in this room was a low metal stand on which was placed a rather large clear plastic box, almost entirely featureless. There was a small open drain under the box plus a two tubes coming out of the ceiling. If given closer inspection, one could see a hole on the bottom of the box about two inches [5 cm] across and near one side. Also becoming evident as you got a better look, there were quite a number of fastening points all around the inside of the box.As I brought my boy inside he could see a sort of shelf along the back wall that was just about perfect boy length and width. It was his preparation table which I could raise and lower with the push of a button. I literally picked up my boy and sat him on his butt. I smiled in anticipation. "Boy, I have been anticipating this event for three months. We will have a lot of fun in here in the future. Now I insist that you follow all my directions exactly and immediately. You sure know by now the consequences of doing otherwise." I could see my boy looking down at the several fine lined welts still crisscrossing his chest, stomach area and upper legs. There were similar ones on his back. I was hoping that none would leave scars, but thinking back on the "incident," that happened about a week ago. I felt fully justified in so forcefully correcting such a recalcitrant behavior. My boy was quick to readily nod his assent. "Good. Now if all goes as planned I can assure you of some of the better orgasms you have ever experienced." My boy's penis started dripping as his arousal level hit a relative high. I opened a cabinet in that abutted a side wall and took out what at first looked like a strange type of leather shirt It was very heavy since not only was the leather in three layers, but between the outer two layers were sown in quite a number of metal supports to make it very rigid in just the right places. There were also an inordinate number of straps, buckles, and other pieces of metal. The arms ended in what looked like a set of rather uncompromising mittens. From the ends of these arms, as well as a few points along their length were very stout straps. The neck of this creation was specifically designed to wrap over the large collar of my slave boy and also accommodate the four u-bolds and the chain around its circumference. The bottom of the garment reached just below waist level except for a wide extension that dropped well down in both front and back. It was one of the most terrifying straight jackets that I have ever seen. I held the jacket toward my boy with the opening toward him; it would wrap around informing front and be buckled pin the back – very tightly and securely. "OK boy lift your arms and hold them stiff so that I can fit this on you." He did so. I had a bit of difficulty but finally got his hands and arms all the way in. The metal mittens on each of his hands fit snugly into the thicker ones of the jacket. Once inside, they allowed his hands almost no movement. As I struggled to get him into the jacket, I could sense that my boy had both a touch of fear along one of excitement. My boy truly loved the sexual arousal concomitant with his bondage situations. I turned my boy around so that I could seal up the bucktoothed jacket. The leather of one side tapered to a thin edge that wrapped around most of his entire back and neck. I forced the three u-bolts of his collar (front and two sides) into their respective slots in the high collar of the jacket. I then stretched one edge of the jacket smooth over his back and wrapped the other side over it. This covering side had along series of buckles along its entire edge. These were now situated just under my boy's right arm. There were a corresponding set of straps in the front that I began to buckle starting with the one right under his arm. He was grunting pretty well as I re-tightened each in turn. I turned my boy back facing me as he seemed to be struggling to move the trunk of his body. I could see he wanted to ask something. "You may speak boy. What is it?" "I can't move my body at all; I can't even bend in any direction, and I can barely breathe." "I can see that you can breathe well enough. And there are metal stays in place that will not allow any movement. That's the purpose after all. Now no more talk until I get all the straps in place." I then pulled his right arm across his chest, turned him again, and started buckling the strap coming from the end of the mitten to a buckle at the back of the jacket. Next I brought his left arm tightly across his right arm and secured also. They were crossed downward a bit so that the buckle attachments were almost at his waist. But movement of his arms in an upward motion was still possible. This was soon corrected by fastening the straps that were attached to the arms just above each elbow to buckles a few inches below. I pulled each tight and secure. My boy moaned again as he realized even more movement was taken away from him. I then buckled closed the top of the jacket starting at the very top one at his neck collar. There was a long notch which allowed the chain from his neck collar to extend. These were fastened tightly so that no movement from side to side was allowed. I turned my boy around again and marveled at the sight before me. The jacket was beautifully made. "There boy. A good start." My boy looked at me with a mixture of excitement and also a good measure of fear. "You may speak boy." "Master I'm afraid. What are you going to do to me?" "This is something special boy. Very special. Just trust me, and submit. I am your master; you have no choice but to submit." After a shudder went through him, my boy looked up and answered: "OK. 3; I mean, Ok master." He was the most beautiful boy in the world at that moment. I looked at him with great emotion and affection. He was my boy. Next I pulled a pair of rather strange looking leather leggings out of the drawer. They were covered with more buckles and straps. These I pulled onto my boy's legs, again with some difficulty since they were so tight, except for some looseness right over his knees. Eventually I got to the stage where I needed my boy to stand. They covered his legs and rump and abdomen except for strategic openings at both his crotch and butt hole. I had a bit of difficulty forcing first one testicle, and then the other and finally his engorged penis through the thick walled hole provided. The hole opening centered over his butt hole was just the exact size needed to accommodate the plug I had in mind. All around the top edge of his leggings corresponded buckles with their counterpart on the jacket. I fastened and tightened all of these in quick order. Two additional straps hanging down on each side of his testicles from the jacket joined together just below and would further secure the putt plug in place. These would be fastened later. Now I sat my boy back onto the shelf for what would probably be a small ordeal for him. I had him lay back and I lifted his legs above his waist and secured them widely with small chains connected to an overhead beam. I needed room to work on my boy's butt hole. I retrieved a rather large butt plug, in fact the largest that I had ever used on him. This one had a number of special refinements. When in place it could pulse and vibrate and there were also a series of rings inside that could be made to move up-and-down. In addition, it had to be large enough so that I could evacuate his bowls from time to time. It was necessary to make it open enough so that my boy's rectum could be allowed to expel whatever it needed to expel, with the aid of a nozzle which could be shoved inside and clean him out in an enema fashion. On some later occasion, this 'boxing' was to be along term project. I lubed my boy's hole up very well. He was quite used to this and only did his usual minor squirming. I also applied a liberal amount to the smooth outer surface of the plug. Now I started forcing the plug into the boy's rectum. He squealed and shouted as I gradually pushed it inside its full 8 inches [20 cm]. There was a good five inches [12½ cm] that remained extending beyond his now very expanded butt hole. There was also extensions that rested securely from just in front of his tail bone and all the way to just to the base of his testicles. The worst part was over, but I was not finished. I brought a large metal syringe over, screwed in onto the appropriate hub, and started pushing the plunger. Now my boy really started to thrash about and scream as it gradually filled an interior bladder which finally sealed the butt plug in place. I was very happily encouraged when I heard not a single word from my boy. Very well trained indeed. But unfortunately for him I was not quite done. I next affixed small ratchet to a lug at the bottom of the plug and started slowly turning. This then forced the three rings, which till now were all lined up just below the boy's sphincter, into position inside his rectum. They visibly expanded the wall of the butt plug and were intended to massage the boy's prostate when the small motor inside moved them up and down along the wall of his expanded rectum. My boy screamed. I was not deterred. I continued to turn the ratchet which in turn caused the rings upward, eventually disappearing into his but one by one. After an agonizing 3 minutes I was done, and my boy was now reduced to mere whimpers. The final straps I pulled down on each side of his testicles and where they joined below I brought tightly into my boy's crack making sure that the expending portion of his butt plug fit correctly in the hole provided. This now I buckled in place after pulling it between his legs as tightly as I could. I grunted with the effort. My boy also grunted. I smiled. Now for the next stage. I then turned to the clear but thickly walled box, and removed its lid. I then folded down the back panel which stopped when it reached the horizontal. I helped my boy turn with his back facing toward the box. Then I gradually slid him back wards. The extending portion of his butt plug was causing his quite a sensation as he now mostly rested his weight on it. I kept sliding him back until his back came in contact with the inside front of the box. The top of the box extended to just over his head. Just as I got him in this position his butt dropped to the base of the box as the plug extension fit into its corresponding hole The very outside flange of the butt plug was actually threaded. Onto this I screwed a large flanged plastic nut. And tightened it. My boy was now secured to the base of the box. I could see him trying to look downward to see what I was doing but the jacket allowed almost no movement. "OK boy, now to secure you into my box. This is the really fun part." "Master, how long will I be kept here?" "Boy, your not knowing is part of the fun. But don't worry. I will make sure that your stay in the box will be 3; well interesting and pleasurable. Now no more talking until I get you completely secured." Slotted plastic flanges literally were placed all over the walls. Just in the right places to securely strap my boy in place. The first belt would be the most difficult. This one was about 3 inches [7½ cm] wide and I first threaded it through the vertical slot just under the boy's right armpit. With difficulty I brought it through the opening between his arm and chest around under his left arm and again through a slotted flange behind his left armpit. The two ends of the belt were doubled over his chest and buckled together, after pulling the boy's back snug against the side of the box. I made sure that, though snug, my boy had no trouble breathing. A similar belt were secured about his stomach area. Two more belts secured his shoulders running from below his arms and over his shoulders. The upper trunk of my boy was essentially immobile. Now for my boy's legs. I needed to position them so that his penis and testicles were open for further handling. This was the reason for the extra room everybody's knees. I now bent my boy's right leg pushing his foot tight into his body. With his feet extending downward, I had to fit the front of his foot into a pocket provided for it in the base of the box. Straps secured his led both the trunkfish body and the side of the box at his ankle, calf, and knee. I likewise secured his other leg. My boy, except for his head, was now totally immobilized. As strap after strap secured my boy, his expression took on more and more panic. But in spite of this his penis was now leaking profusely. I decided to work on my boy's head next, and then his testicles and penis. First, to eliminate any complaints or pleading during the remainder of my boy's being 'boxed,' I decided to do his mouth next. This would be filled with both gag and forced feeding apparatus. And what he will be feed will definitely have to be forced. This mouth plug/feeder/gag was specially designed after taking a mold of my boy's mouth. The device was make from molded rubber around a metal frame and finally connected to wide smooth plastic tube that extended partway into the boy's widely forced open mouth. I held it by the tube portion and commanded my boy to open wide. The apparatus was mostly open on the bottom, allowing him a free use of his tongue. With a little effort I positioned the device into his mouth and made sure his teeth fitted into their proper slots. The boy seemed fairly calm so far since, but when I started turning the small ratchet as the side of the device which in turn forced his mouth open as wide as I had probably ever forced it, he started making loud sounds and thrashing his head from side to side. When it was fully deployed, my boy quieted down a lot but stayed moaning loudly. I wasn't near done. I also needed to make sure my boy would not have his breathing blocked so that the first thing I did was to place cannulas into both nostrils and into his throat. After a lot of tears, moaning, and additional thrashing of his head they were finally positioned. I sure didn't want a blocked up nose to endanger my precious boy. Finally the face mask. For this I used one of the varieties of leather lined metal masks that I had made from a mold of his face. The two portions of this mask came together with flanges around the entire circumference of his head. In the flange were a series of holes through which simple nuts and bolts tightened down the two halves. Extending from the wall of the box were a series of threaded extensions into which these bolts could be affixed. The only holes in the front of the mask were the two small ones through which his cannulas would fit, and the larger one that would accommodate the tube coming from his stretched open mouth. Simple. In practice. But trying to fit this onto a head that would not keep still, difficult. My boy's moaning hit an all time high as I pushed the front of his mask over this face. It was quite a snug fit. So was the back portion with his shaved skull. But I finally got all five bolts attached and also bolted down to the back wall of the box. Except for my boy's now twitching penis, he was not moving. He sure tried. I could see his muscles bunch and flex in his attempt to escape or even move in his confinement, but I was happy to see that movement in any direction of more than a fraction of an inch was impossible. Just the slight rise and fall of his chest was discernable. The boy finally started to calm down when he realized all attempts to move were futile. My own exhaustion did not stop me from finishing. In fact as I contemplated the immobile boy in front of me, my erection was stiffening quickly. Now for my boy's erection. I first inserted a Foley catheter into the boy's penis slit, through his urethra and anchored it into his bladder. Next I affixed a hard plastic tube along the entire length of his penis, including his testicles and after putting sealant around the flange at its end, secured it to the leather collar around his testicles with a series of small bolts screwed down into a series of nuts imbedded into the leather collar. It was air tight. The cannula fitted through a small hole at the back end of the tube and was also sealed. There was a small valve also at the end to which I attached a tube which would ultimately run to a vacuum pump. There was also a vibrating mechanism attached to this tube. My boy was in for a good surprise in the near future. I was about finished with the initial setup. I pulled up the back of the box, and sealed it in place. Then I fitted the vacuum tube, the nose tube and a tube attached to the hard plastic one entering the boy's mouth, through holes in the top and sealed that closed too. I looked pat the monitor to make sure the camera's were positioned correctly for when I wanted to view by boy from other locations in the house. I had my boy now inside his plastic box. Totally at my mercy. I attached his breathing tube to pump making sure his breathing would have plenty of air. I next plugged in the mechanism connected to his butt plug. I would be turning it on soon. Then I connected the tube from his penis pump to a vacuum pump. Then for the feeding tube. I had prepared for him a very special meal. After much experimentation using various grains and other foodstuff made a concoction that came at least remotely tasting like I thought excrement would taste. I know it smelled pretty bad. This I then put into the tube connecting my boy's mouth tube. All was ready. With great anticipation I turned on all the switches. My boy gave out a high pitched squeal as his penis tube was evacuated and vibrated, forcing an amazing engorgement of his penis. The vibrator and the rings in his butt plug started running up and down stimulating his prostrate. And the 'food' was now finally being forced into his mouth. I could see him swallowing trying to keep up with the forced feeding. I wondered how he liked the taste. It was not long before I could see a bit of semen escape from where the catheter was exiting his penis. After his fun was over, I put a small amount of water down his feeding tube. I then turned off the switches (except for his air pump), and left him there all secure in his box. He would not be going anywhere. I was thinking that I would probably keep my boy in his box for only six or seven hours this time. I wanted a submissive and sexually horny boy, not a (very) tortured one. I wondered just how he was feeling right now, and how he would weather the next several hours. I wondered. Several hours later I reentered the 'box' room and carefully inspected my boy. I had been keeping careful watch on him via the monitors but I needed to see all the detail now. It seemed that my boy had held up pretty well. His breathing never became very labored showing that he had not panicked – one thing that I had concerns about. Looking at his penis I could see that he was still hard and sexually excited. I was extremely pleased to see this. Apparently my boy was as much aroused at being in tight bondage, as I was having him in bondage and in my total control. I retrieved another measure of the 'food' conction, and put in into the boy's feeding tube opening at the top of the box. I then reattached the hose that would force the odiferous mass into my boy's mouth. Everything was reset to have another go. I turned on all the switches and valves. Instant boy convulsions – at least he seemed to have tried. Also an even higher scream/squeal than before. If possible I think his penis was reaching further into the evacuated tube than the last time. My boy's breathing started coming in heavy gasps. Just as the brown mass of offal reached my boy's mouth, I increased the tempo of the rings in the butt plug. Only moments later I could see semen again seeping out of the end of his penis, around the cannula. When my boy's breathing started to be less labored and his high pitched squeals turned into gasping moans, I turned off all the switches. I decided to give my boy about four to five hours this time before his next forced orgasm, and then to retrieve him from the box. I was so horny myself I was looking forward to a long night of utilizing my boy's so beautiful butt. The replay four hours later (I couldn't stay away any longer), seemed even more intense for the boy, and longer, that the first two. After turning off all the switches, and disconnecting all the wires and tubes, I started opening the top of the box. My boy could head a bit, even with his metal head encasement, and seemed to react. At least his breathing quickened and I could seem him straining at his bondage. I took my time opening up the box since I liked to see my boy's reactions. I soon had the far end lowered so that I could get at the straps binding my boy inside the box. I first released his penis and testicles from the plastic tube. I could hear a lot of moaning and gasping as I did this. On inspecting his penis, I could see, that in spite of his very recent orgasm, it stayed rather engorged with blood. Probably a side effect from the partial vacuum into which it was forced. My boy's testicles were also rather swollen and filled with fluid. I touched them lightly and my boy moaned a bit but did not emit any noise that might indicate that the condition was painful. For this I was grateful. (I suspect that my boy was probably grateful also). Next I removed the restraints holding in place my boy's legs. I finally here did get quite a high pitched moan as I retrieved my boy's feet from their respective slots, and more groans as I helped my boy straighten out his legs. By this time my boy's breathing was coming again in gasps, and I was wondering if he were in any significant pain. But I determined that whatever was happening it was very transient since, as my boy started moving his legs and feet – as much as he were able, his breathing again quieted and his moaning became less vocal. Next I undid his shoulder, chest and stomach straps. He was now free of the box if not his leatherjacket and leggings. I then literally hoisted him into my arms, telling my boy how proud I was of him. I carried him over to the padded table, laid him down on his back, and started removing all his leather bonds. When I released his arms my boy again emitted aloud keening moan, and started trying to move them in all possible directions. "Stop struggling boy. Lay still or you will stay in the jacket for another day." He quieted down both physically and verbally. Some of the buckles were a struggle but I finally removed all his leather coverings. A strong boy odor assailed my nostrils. I expected I would have a chore in drying out and cleaning out the leather apparel with all its boy sweat. I fantasized with the idea of just taking the items to my local cleaners. "Ok boy, you can start flexing and getting the kinks out but no noise, and don't wiggle too much; you are on a raised table. His mask was still in place. I was hoping that the long ends of the bolts were not going to poke any holes in my leather covered table. I decided to partially restrain my boy (for his own safety), and get the smaller bolts and wing nuts for his mask. Yes, I fully intended to make him stay in his restraining head gear for a longer period. I strapped him down onto the table and retrieved the new set of bolts, and one by one, I exchanged them. When my boy finally realized that the mask was NOT coming off, I almost had a revolt on my hands. It was a good thing I already had him strapped down, even if I had only used two straps. This could not be countenanced. Peter must remember his place. "Stop, immediately!" He knew from my tone that this was serious. He just started keening a bit but settled down. "Boy, you forget you place. You are my slave. I decide what happens to you. Period. Now this contretemps must be punished. First of all you have no say in what happens to you. The mask stays on now as long as I decide. You also made it necessary for me punish you. Only because I suspect you have had a difficult day and since I am a very easy going guy at heart, it will only be 20 swats with the paddle." I immediately got the softer paddle, loosened the straps, turned my boy over, tightened them again, and proceeded. By the time I was finished, my arm was tired and my boy's buttocks was bright red. I thought I heard some quiet sobbing through his gag. His head was laying sideways since the tube coming-out his gag stuck out quite a few inches. Which I just remembered I had to clean out. As I looked at the inside of this tube I realized that it needed cleaning. "Boy, I am going to walk you over to the shower area; hang you by your arms, and clean you up. If I get any resistance you will get another 20." I could see him trying to nod his head. He was still whimpering. The clean up took longer than normal since I refused to give in and take off his metal mask, and couldn't use the actual shower. And I had to guide him since he could not see. After bathing his entire body, I stuck a tube up inside the butt plug and proceeded to clean him out. I usually used a buffered saline solution to avoid cramps, but this time I was in a hurry so used just water. I ignored his low moans. I then took out his large butt plug and cleaned his butt very well. I was happy to note that there was almost no chaffing. I then removed the clear plastic portion of his mouth gag, washed it thoroughly and replaced it. My boy would be forced fed for the next several days. "Boy, you will eventually have to understand that you have only one choice. That is to submit completely to your master. So this mask and this mouth gag will stay in until I believe that you have learned your lesson. I was very pleased to see him nod his head in assent. I was even more pleased to see his boner rising into a rigid pole. I decided to reward him. (And myself). I had taken off my clothes to bathe him so I simply placed my penis over him, grabbed hold and proceeded to masturbate us both at the same time. He came only seconds before I did. We both moaned as loudly. I also realized that my boy was probably both thirsty and hungry, so I brought him over to the x-cross and quickly had his wrists and ankles attached. And of course he was also helped by the usual 'butt plug seat' which was only of very moderate proportions. I had cleaned his bottom and the surrounding area very well and I inspected the area for any chaffing. I hit a couple spots with Bag Balm and another liberal use of lube before his butt plug insertion. (I wanted my boy's hole for my cock tonight and I wanted back to its normal tightness). I went upstairs, heated up some beef stew, blended part of it in a blender, and brought it back down to the dungeon along with some milk. I brought the blended mix to my boy, tilted back his head a bit, opened the end of his feeding tube, and gradually poured. My boy started to struggle a bit until he realized he was getting beef stew instead of whatever he might have thought he'd been forced to eat earlier. He ate it up greedily. Next I kept pouring small amounts of milk into the tube until he slowed down appreciably. Last went some water to flush out the whole thing. During all this time I never said a word and my boy was relatively quiet himself. "Boy, I hope you appreciate your dinner and also the fact that you haven't been forced into your chastity belt since this morning. Since you've been a good boy, I will let you sleep with me tonight, and I will even give you permission to come anytime that I am using your butt for my pleasure. I like to be a generous master from time to time." I had three orgasms that night. Pretty good for me. My boy, being the young teen that he was, didn't disappoint me. He also managed to come a couple times later in our lovemaking. We slept that night with my boy in my arms. His head was half on my chest as usual only I but a thin pillow under his face since the metal mask was a bit hard for comfort. I had removed the plastic tube from his gag and inserted a rubber plug specifically designed for it. I believe we both slept well. I know that I had a couple great dreams. The next morning I cleaned my boy, but left off his chastity for the time being. I then placed him on a thin mattress in only loose bondage. This time it consisted of attaching a three foot [90 m] spreader bar between his legs and hoisting it up about a foot [30 cm] from the floor. I then attached a line to the small link at the top of his mask and hoisted him by his head up about two feet. His butt was still resting on the floor. Finally I attached a stiff leather covered stave that fit exactly between the u-bolt at the back of his collar and one on his waist belt, securing it in place. I pulled both arms behind him attaching each wrist to the opposite upper arm just above the elbow. This was accomplished simply by running a strap that clipped into one u-bolt on one wrist bringing the strap around both upper arms and snapping it to the opposite wrist. And to make sure it stayed that way the middle of his forearms were fastened into the leather cuff that was affixed for that purpose to the leather stave already in place. My boy was quite well trussed up. But I had deliberately left his penis unencumbered and was happy to see it quite rigid with sexual arousal. He uttered only a few minor whimpers throughout the whole process. I then prepared his breakfast – to be force fed of course – by taking a good measure of that same smelly concoction. As I was forcing my boy's morning meal into his mouth, I was rewarded with an amazing reaction. Yesterday my boy could not move. But this time he convulsed his whole body and wildly jerked about his limbs. I made sure this time that his feeding was drawn out. I loved seeing his contortions, and hearing his muffled squeals as he was force fed what I was now satisfied to see he thought was excrement. A few times I had to grab his head with both hands to make sure that the meal had no interruptions. I was glad I had decided to give him his water first. This allowed me to not wash out his tube or mouth afterwards. As he started calming down somewhat I quickly put his penis into my mouth and was very happy when he came so violently. After cleaning us both up, I replaced his chastity belt, and also inserted a thin hollow conductive rod about 5 inches [12½ cm] into his urethra. The butt plug I used this time was of moderate size but had three thin conductive strips its entire length. I was going to make sure that his time spent alone would be spent profitably. I was convinced that his road into total acceptance of his slavery required that most of his conscious (and subconscious) mind be focus primarily on his and my sexual stimulation. I then led a tube from the small fitting at the end of his penis tube to a drain and gave him permission to pee if he had to. Next I connected the conductive rod in his penis and the conductive strips in his butt plug to an intermittent source of electric current. Nothing severe, just enough to get his attention. Then I left for the morning. I needed to get to the library for some research for my latest novel. After all I had better sell lots of new books. My new toys were expensive. And I had a slave boy to keep. Just before leaving I turned on the current to his butt plug and penis rod just a bit. Just as I was leaving I saw his whole body jerk and a high pitched muffled yelp escape his plugged mouth. He would have an entertaining morning. When I got back just past noon, I found my boy still had enough energy to jerk a bit as another jolt hit his penis and rectum. I released his penis and testicles from its bondage, pulling out the rod. Instant hard boner. I decided to give him lunch and see how his penis would respond. After slowly pouring water into the tube of his mouth gag, I then stuffed it with the another measure of that smelly glop. As I turned on the mechanism that slowly forced it into my boy's mouth, my boy started a high keening and kept shaking his head or at least tried to. I would have to have some important words with my slave boy. Then he came in my mouth prodigiously. I was happy about this result. I let him calm down a bit while cleaning myself up. I was aroused enough by the situation that as I also came when I lay down on top of my boy after he came himself. I got dressed into some light clothing and came back to my boy. I released all his bondage, except for his mask of course, and led him over to the chair. I bound his legs, trunk, and arms fairly tightly. I wanted to get his entire attention. He didn't resist at all, and again I could see his penis bouncing around half erect. I used some ice to reduce his erection and replaced his chastity tube. He only squirmed a bit as he allowed me to confine him again. I took a step back and looked at my slave boy. I admired my handiwork as I watched my slave. I was determined not to waver. I needed to be very firm. "Boy, can you understand what I am saying?" He nodded his head yes. "Good. We need to understand some rules and you need to understand exactly what your situation is and what you need to do. Do you understand what I have said boy?" Another nod. "Good. You are my slave. That is final and will never change. As my slave you have no choice about anything. Your role is simple. You are to obey and accept whatever I wish done to you. Again boy is this clear?" A slight delay and then another nod. "I have decided that at times you will eat my shit. Therefore that is what you will do. It is that simple. I need you assent in this. Nod if you understand." I really had no intention of doing any such thing. It was by far too dangerous. In fact I made sure we were both quite clean whenever we licked about each other's anal openings. But mind games were fun. "Good. So here is what is going to happen. You will wear that mask for as long as it takes until you readily accept my shit as your food. Not until I see you readily accepting my shit into your mouth and down your throat will I take off your restrictive mask. You understand boy?" A pause and a shake of his head. Was he refusing? This I could not let happen. But then a slow nod. We will await developments. I decided to let my boy have good long soak in a tub. I removed everything removable except his mask. I left him sitting on the thin mattress while divested myself of all my own clothing. I then pulled my precious boy into my arms and carried him to the large tub in the shower area. I laid him inside sitting up. "I have put you in a bath tub boy, sit quietly for now. I retrieved a remote and lowered a hook on a chain, attached it to the ring at the top of my boy's mask, and then settled into the tub behind him. I was making sure that his mask did not get wet. Then I attached a very short chain to the u-Bolt on his collar and fastened his both wrists to the other end. His hands could be submerged but he could not reach down to his penis. We had a nice leisurely bath and I took great pains to explore every portion of my boy's beautiful body as I washed him. I spent forever feeling around his cute puckered butt hole, and his testicles and penis. He was almost instantly hard from the very start, and so was I. All during the bath I was telling my boy, in different ways, how precious he was to me and that I would take care of him forever. Eventually I picked up my boy and gently sat him down onto my raging hard-on. The velvety smoothness of his tight rectum sent me into bliss. I did everything I could to draw out the process but eventually arousal won out and I started bouncing him slowly up and down. By this time he was moaning loudly himself and just as I was about to come he shuddered several times, leaning his head back, and tightening his own sphincter. That pushed me over the edge. Eventually I pulled the drain stopper, and then started rinsing both of us off – again a long drawn out process. It was as if, once held, I could not give my boy up. I then stood him up, attaching his wrists now to the overhead chain to help him keep his balance, and proceeded to give him an enema using normal saline to make sure he did not cramp. I dried myself quickly and then attended my boy, being careful to be thorough. Using a hair dryer on low setting, I made sure all moisture was removed from his hand encasements. I guess I could have removed them momentarily but I just liked the idea of keeping my boy helpless. Finally I lubed him up well and replaced his chastity harness, using a soft medium sized butt plug, but this time a new metal tube and ring arrangement for his penis and testicles. This was a bit tedious to fit since the tube itself had its own internal tube that fitted into the boy's urethra by several inches. Between using first ice to reduce my boy's penis to the necessary size, and trying to adequately lube the interior tube and keep it sterile took quite an effort. I could see my boy's arms tiring so I tried to hurry and this didn't help. But eventually it was all worth it. When I looked at my boy I was captivated by the beautiful silver penis sticking almost straight out and his testicles pushed downward below by the now connected heavy ring, and the heavy second ring around the base of his penis. It had better look beautiful; it was all sterling silver and had cost a small fortune. I told the boy that he had permission to pee while he stood in the tub on his toes. I was very happy to note that the internal tube was thick enough to eliminate any leakage. After last minute details, I released my boy from the over head chain, and without any more encumbrances, I carried my boy over to one of my so far unused bondage contraptions. Actually it was quite simple, but very effective. It consisted of a very well made silk bag – a bag of boy-sized proportions. The bag was gauze thin and the boy, once inside, could be seen at least in outline. There was a draw string at the top. I guess it was more a draw-rope. There was just enough rooms that the boy could change positions but he could not escape once the draw-rope was pulled tight, and the bag hung from a handy hook. I opened the bag wide onto the floor and sat my boy inside. All the while my boy was making small murmuring noises. I pulled the bag upward drew the top closed which forced the boy into a much tightened position, and then soon had him hanging. He was beautiful to watch. His hands had the freedom to move and he kept exploring and pushing at his confines and soon realized there was no longer any opening. I then brought my bagged boy over to one of my computer stations, opened the necessary files, and proceeded to edit the latest chapter of my newest book. I made sure that my boy was hanging beside me, and found my hand frequently caressing his body through the sheer fabric. For the noises my boy was making, I was sure that he was enjoying the caresses almost as much as I was. Dinner and the start of bedtime that night was almost a carbon copy of the previous evening. However, this time I put a strong sleeping drug into my boy's food. A couple hours later, I lay down the book I had been reading and went over to my boy laid out in all his innocence, his limbs flung in an aping of disarray. I had a very important reason for my ruse. I wanted to take off his face mask to make sure all was well. I first removed the soft rubber plug that had replaced the feeding tube, and then the gag itself. There was an odor from the boys mouth but it was not too severe. A good teeth, tongue, and mouth cleaning was, however, definitely in order. I then removed all five wing nuts and the bolts, and, as gently as possible, lifted off the top half of the head encasement. My boy's face looked up unseeing but this time because of an imposed sleep, his mouth still held open. I could see a bit of chaffing under both eyes, and there were corresponding dried stains on the leather lining of the mask. As I carefully lifted my boy's head, and removed the back half mask, I noted a slight stubble of hair coming in and also a slight odor. Using rubber mats, pitchers, and sundry additional cleaning items, I eventually had my boy's face, head, and mouth looking and smelling fresh. One last measure was to apply a very slight coating of Bag Balm to the areas of chaffing under my boy's eyes. I replaced the old leather linings, and then replaced both the mask, and the mouth gag with plug. I was wondering if my boy would notice when he awakened. I decided that if my boy submitted to additional feedings without putting up a fuss, I would take off the mask in probably two days, especially since his skin and mouth were withstanding this treatment so well. But it was necessary to reaffirm that he is the slave. And this will mark a milestone in his training. After the usual morning routine, I decided to introduce my boy to something new. So after putting back on his acrylic penis tube, along with one of the smooth plastic butt plugs, I arranged my boy so that he was standing (on his toes of course) but with the additional support of an 'A'-shaped stand built exactly for his height. The widened sides of the 'A' were variably padded so that when my boy was in position with the stand between his legs and strapped in tight, his legs were held rigidly and snugly through their entire length. This meant that his weight was distributed over a wide area and not just his toes. I also liked the idea that his legs were held totally immobile. I was very happy to note that my boy was very submissive and allowed me to maneuver his body however I wanted. I could also see that he was dripping pre-cum, indicating as already pretty well determined, that my boy was greatly sexually aroused by his this forced control over him. The next device that I had in wait was truly diabolical. What I had suspended from two chains was what at first glance looked like a full upper body cast fashioned in metal. There were two shells, shaped to fit my boy's upper body, including his entire trunk from the waist up plus his arms extending out perpendicular from his body. When fitted to his body there was additional room for about a half inch [13 mm] of fairly rigid foam padding plus expansion of his breathing chest. I lowered the form fitting shell in front of my boy, and released the latches so that the entire back half could be removed. I maneuvered the front piece into place against my boy's body, telling him to remain still. I then took hold of my boy's arms and pulled them up so that they were extended straight out to the sides. "Boy, you are to follow directions exactly. Do you understand?" He nodded. "Good. I want you to hold your arms exactly where they are now as I fit you into an upper body restraint. There is padding so that it should not be uncomfortable." I couldn't help but quietly snicker after I said this knowing what was soon in store for my boy. "After the back portion is snapped into place, you are allowed to relax your arms so that they can rest in their confinement. Do you understand?" Again another nod. "Good. But here is the part that I must stress is so very important. Although you are allowed to rest your arms, and to breath normally, I forbid you to move your arms or upper body. Do you understand this last direction?" Another nod. I then quickly brought the front half against his upper body be using one of the ceiling hoists. I then got behind my boy, admired his beautiful torso for a moment, and then quickly snapped the heavy back piece into place. There were four latches on the arms, and four more along his sides. His mittened hands, and wrists cuffs, stuck out on each end. "Very good boy. I am proud of you. Now remember; you are NOT allowed to move anything but your head and perhaps your fingers. Is that understood?" A last nod yes. I was wondering how long he could really stand there and not make any movement within his new metal shell. I would definitely find out. I starting timing my boy. Five minutes later I was truly impressed. I knew just how difficult this really was. My boy must really want to please me. Just at the fifteen minute mark I heard slight muffled yelp, followed by a slight movement of the shell and the two chains from which they were extended. Then suddenly a high pitched scream, or at least what would have been a scream except for my boy's mouth plug. I heard some high pitched moaning and a few more yelps as my boy tried to get his upper body back under control. Soon the movement essentially stopped and my boy was just making some low pitched gasping moans. I think mostly from effort, but possibly at his newly acquired understanding of just what would happen if he DID move. What had just happened was very understandable if you knew just what encased my boy. The half inch [1½ cm] foam padding was indeed very firm and thus slightly forgiving. But except for the very bottom of the arms, the entire metal shell was lined about every two inches with very sharp needles about ¼ inch [6 mm] in length. I still thought it remarkable, however, that my boy had done this well so far. But of course another more difficult test was soon be coming up. I had yet to feed him this morning. I used another good measure of that same smelly glop. I then warmed it up in the microwave to get it to body temperature. Its odor wafted strongly in the air. I had to use a larger feeding tube and therefore I had not taken out the rubber plug in my boy's mouth gag and change it for the tube this morning since this one was so heavy especially when filled. Therefore, I positioned another chain to hold up the far end of the tube, which I then totally filled with my offal. I then had the last part of the preparation to make. I took off the tube encasing my boy's penis. It instantly engorged to its full 5½ perfect inches [14 cm]. And was dripping. My boy was heavily aroused. "Boy, I see you know now what happens if you struggle. I now intend to feed you your usual morning meal. I made a very large dump of shit this morning and will be momentarily feeding it to you." At that pronouncement, there was a slight movement and some muffled yells as the sharp needles bit somewhere on my boy's flesh. He quieted his movements again and his yells stopped. "You see now that I am serious when I say you must submit to me in this. I expect you to submit, and calmly accept what I require you to do. A slave is not allowed to even question his master." I heard some muffled reply, and a small nod of his head. I pulled the rubber plug from my boy's gag, set the front end of the tube into my boy's mouth, and started pushing the plunger – very slowly. I wanted to draw out the process to maximize my pleasure of the forced feed. I was quite proud of my boy. The feeding took an entire 15 minutes and during that entire time my boy, at least outwardly, calmly ate his meal. Toward the end of his feeding I bent down to put his penis into my mouth to bring my boy to climax and was startled when to my amazement, my boy started shooting load after load without anything touching his penis whatsoever. I stood for a couple minutes totally unsure what to do. But I finally decided that my boy needed to be rewarded. I immediately detached the tube, and then unlatched the back part of the boy's upper body metal bondage. I took it away and the swung away the front part. My boy immediately dropped his arms. I looked at him and I could see him trying to swallow the last remains of my 'shit' in his mouth. I then released the five wing nuts on his face encasement. I heard some muffled high moans as I think he realized just what was happening. I finally got off the final bolt and pealed away the two halves of the his head bondage. He tightly closed his eyes and made a few noises because of the light. "Now boy, you do not yet have permission to speak. When I take the gag from your mouth you are not to speak. You have been such a good boy you do not want to spoil it now." I said that because I did not want to have to punish him after such good progress. I got the small Allen wrench and loosened the mouth gag allowing the boy to relax his mouth. I then removed the now slimy gag. I could hear a huge sigh as the boy tried to close his mouth. It took him a couple moments but he succeeded with only a slight whimper. He then began to swallow a few times, emptying what was left in his mouth. He was also squinting heavily as he tried to open his eyes against the light. "Boy, you are now allowed to speak. Are you OK?" My boy had trouble forming words but eventually spoke understandably. "Master, my mouth aches a lot. And that was horrible. How come 3;" Then he stopped with a pained expression on his face. He restarted. "Master sorry, I'm not questioning what you did to me. And I was good and did as you asked. But that was horrible. Do I have to do it anymore?" "You have to do whatever your master wants you to do. That's all you need to know." "Yes master. But 3;" He restarted again. "That mask thing was terrible too. I couldn't stand not being able to see anything." "Boy, you did good. In fact very good. Do you realize that you had an orgasm at the end of the feeding without me sucking on your penis?" My boy seemed to blush. "I know. The whole thing, even the terrible needle things making me try not to move got me all sexy feeling. In fact it was amazing." My boy then smiled. "So you want to do it again?" My boy seemed to think about this. Then he replied. "Well, maybe not right away. That stuff taste like shit." A joke? My boy then seemed deep in thought again and finally added: "Well, you are my master and if you wanted to do it again I must obey you. And I of course couldn't stop you." I was a bit wondering just why he said it like that when I saw his penis stiff and leaking again. I realized then that the whole idea of being a slave and being forced to do these things had him sexually exited. It did not hurt that he was looking at my naked body and my own hard black penis. That in turn got me so excited that shit or no shit, I kissed my boy deeply. (And I was so aroused myself that I ignored the taste). I then brought over a small stool, stepped up, and put my penis into my boy's mouth. He responded as trained and I quickly climaxed. And my boy was capable enough by now that barely a few dribbles escaped his lips. My climax was so intense that I almost fell on top of my boy. Several hours later we were both seated at a table enjoying a late lunch. I had given my boy permission to speak during the meal and we were having a real conversation. I had my boy in a special chair. It was fairly simply constructed from wood, had the usual cushioned back and seat, and similar to captain's chair, had the usual arms. But here the similarity ended. There were restraining straps around my boy's calves binding them to the legs of the chair, and similar ones on his forearms. There was also a strap across his stomach and two across the his trunk including his upper arms. He could not move very much. The table was quite narrow so that where he sat across from me, I was able to feed him, as he leaned in slightly with his head. Of course there were a couple additional refinements. A few times during the meal he was suddenly unable to concentrate on either eating or speaking as a small dildo, that had been forced into his rectum as it since it was attached at a strategic place on the chair, started furiously vibrating. At this same time, his penis was suddenly attacked as a set of soft rubber rollers, which imprisoned his penis from both sides, started slowly moving back and forth on his now engorged boner. His shouts and moans were heartening as I saw him respond so well. I made sure that he did not orgasm since I wanted him all revved up for an anticipated long night in my bed. I turned this mechanism on several times during our long drawn out meal.