PZA Boy Stories


Anything For Luke


Single stepfather cares for injured son with some interesting side effects.

Publ. Apr 2016-...
Under construction, June 2016; 21,500 words (43 pages)


Dad (32yo), Luke (13yo), Trey (Luke's friend, 13yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt tt tg – cons oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09 - Anything For Luke in the subject line.


Chapter 1

I met Jill through a mutual friend when she was just eighteen, and I was twenty one. The friend had told me she was pretty and a sweet girl and fun to be around. Being the skeptic that I am, I asked what was wrong with her. He said she had a two year old son. Well I could see how this would be a deal breaker for a lot of guys, but I thought 'what the hell, I'm not looking for a wife, and she's no virgin, I might get laid'. So I agreed to take her out.

Well I didn't get laid, at least not after that date. In fact, it took about a month before I got her back to my apartment. I admit I enjoyed her company. She was more than just pretty, in fact she was gorgeous. I couldn't help thinking about how she must have gotten pregnant at fifteen. Some lucky son of a bitch was fucking a hot fifteen year old.

By the time I did finally get her to bed, I was already in love with her. She insisted on a condom, which I detest, because she didn't want a repeat of her earlier mistake. I could understand that, so I relented.

It wasn't the best I've ever had, but it wasn't the worst either. My six inches [15 cm] did me proud, bringing her to an orgasm before I unloaded in that fucking prophylactic (pun intended).

Jill turned out to be an intelligent young woman. Though she dropped out of school to have her baby, she did eventually get a GED. I found out that she had known the baby's father for a couple of years before they had sex the first time, when she was fourteen and he was fifteen. He swore he would pull out, of course he never did. Not that I blame him, I doubt that I could now, much less at fifteen.

A couple of more months go by with me seeing Jill a few times a week. Sometimes we would go back to my apartment and have sex, sometimes I would drop her off at home. Home being her parents' house. She still lived there because it's hard to raise a child on a waitress's income.

After that few months, her parents wanted to meet me, so they invited me to dinner. I was nervous about meeting them mostly because they must've known by now that I was fucking their daughter.

I tried to do the polite thing, and took flowers to both ladies, and a bottle of scotch to the dad. I had no idea what to take for a two year old. Diapers maybe? More scotch? I settled on a big plastic toy fire truck.

That was apparently the right choice. The boy, Luke, loved the toy. He played with it until they put him to bed. I was even on the floor with him rolling it back and forth until dinner time. He wouldn't put it down for dinner, so it was in his high chair with him. Then afterward he was in my lap, holding it, till he fell asleep in my arms.

I had expected to get the 'third degree' from the father, but it didn't come. Instead, he mostly just watched me play with Luke.

A week later, I was invited again. When I entered, Luke came running to me with the fire truck in hand. I bent down and swooped him up. He threw his arms around my neck hitting me in the eye with the truck. Jill started to scold him and I said it wasn't his fault. He was just excited and it was an accident.

I should mention here that at the time all this was going on, I was in school studying to be a lawyer like my father. As I said earlier, I wasn't really in the market for a wife. But it was too late, I fell in love with Jill and Luke was just icing on the cake.

Not long after the truck to the eye incident, Bob (Jill's dad), invited me to go fishing with him. We had a great time. It was such an idyllic setting and I was so relaxed, I just slipped out with "It's so beautiful here. Maybe Jill and I should get a place around here after we're married."

The look on his face scared me. I thought he was going to blow up. Instead he questioned my intelligence, saying "Son, if you're getting the milk for free, why would you want to buy the cow?"

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, and my expression must have said so.

"Look, 3; I assume you're already fucking her, why marry her and set yourself up for misery? Marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be. Take my word for it."

I guessed he was trying to dissuade me from marrying his daughter which was odd, because I thought he had begun to like me.

I introduced her to my parents at our country club. My dad almost shot a load in his pants when he saw her. After dinner, my dad made a toast "To the happy couple. May you produce many beautiful grandchildren." I hadn't even mentioned this being a serious relationship.

"That's a little premature don't you think," I told them.

"Bullshit. You haven't introduced any girls to us since you were old enough to drive. It's obvious you're in love with her. Make an honest woman of her before you knock her up."

At the time he wasn't aware of Luke and the raw nerve he had just struck. So with my parents in line and Jill's mom also, we decided to get married.

I was on a full scholarship, so my parents used the money they had saved for my education to buy us a house. Jill's parents paid for our small wedding. And with my parents continued support, we were off on life's long trail.

My father's firm hired me as soon as I passed the bar exam, I had interned there all through school anyway. Once I started making money, Jill went back to school and eventually got a real estate license.

Jill had wanted to wait till I finished school to start having our own kids. Then she wanted to wait till she finished school. So I still wore those god awful rubbers. But life was great, almost perfect, until it wasn't.

One day when Luke was almost ten, Jill and I were getting dressed for work at the same time. When she stepped from the shower I noticed she had a bit more tummy than usual. I wrapped my arms around her and put my hand on her belly and said "Maybe it's time to put a baby in there." Then I kissed her neck.

That evening when I came home, Jill wasn't there which was unusual. Her cell phone went straight to voicemail. So I called her mom who said Jill had dropped Luke off there, said she had some shopping to do, and left. That was six hours previous. I picked up Luke and fed him pizza then went home to wait for Jill.

When I went into the closet to hang up my suit, I noticed most of her clothes were gone.

To make a long painful story shorter, the tummy bulge was put there by Tyrell, a co worker at the real estate office. The bitch was making her husband wear fucking raincoats while Tyrell got to ride bareback. When the dust settled, I got the house which was still in my parents name, and I got Luke. Because Tyrell "didn't want to raise no white boy's kid", his words not mine.

Bob said "I tried to warn you, but you just wouldn't listen. I like you, and you're great with my grandson. Jill has always been this way, takes after her mother." I didn't know what he meant but I'm glad he was happy with my relationship with Luke.

I hired a nanny/housekeeper for Luke, and life acquired a new normalcy for us.

I got a bonus for a big case I handled, so when Luke was eleven I had a pool added to our back yard. One of the benefits of having my own pool, was seeing the nanny, Gretchen, playing in the pool with Luke. Gretchen was only twenty two and filled out her conservative one piece swimsuit quite nicely. It would be inappropriate for me to make a play for her, but I still enjoyed the scenery.

As a matter of fact, between work and spending time with Luke, I didn't actually date anyone. Women and children take up the same resources, time and money. All of mine was dedicated to Luke, so I had none for a girlfriend.

Luke loved the water. He spent hours in the pool. It was the best investment I ever made. When he was twelve, he told me he wanted to be on the swim team when he got in high school. He worked hard and swam every day.

When he was thirteen he had outgrown yet another swimsuit. He wanted a speedo type like they wear in competition. By this time Luke was about 5 foot nothing [1½ m] and couldn't have weighed a hundred pounds [45 kg]. Now, either I hadn't been paying attention, which I doubt, or Luke had a major growth spurt since I had last seen him in a swimsuit. He filled out the pouch on that suit and then some. I even noticed Gretchen staring.

It was a few days after when I caught Gretchen in the hall peering through the slightly ajar bathroom door. I backed up and made some noise as if I was just arriving. Gretchen came down the hall and I heard the toilet flush. Luke came out of the bathroom and sort of checked out the door knob mechanism to be sure it was working properly. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I got the impression he had thought he had closed the door, but found it open when he finished peeing.

Another few days later, Luke came to me and said "Dad, do you think I'm a good kid?"

"Son, you're the best kid I've ever known."

"Do you think I'm reasonably responsible?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" I wondered where this was going.

"I was thinking maybe we don't need Gretchen anymore. I can stay by myself when you're not here, and I promise to help with the housework. Just think how much money you would save."

He was really pouring on the sales pitch.

"I guess we could try it for a while. I will have to give her a couple of weeks to find another job. It's only right."

He seemed a little disappointed. "Or I could just give her a month's pay as severance," he smiled and perked up. "I'll have to find someone to cook for us though. How about someone to just come in a couple of times a week, do most of the cleaning and cooking enough for a couple of days each time. We can pick up after ourselves and reheat what she cooks."

He was delighted at that idea. "You're the best, Dad."

I let Gretchen go that afternoon, with pay of course. I didn't ask Luke why he didn't want her around anymore, but I had my suspicions.

So from then on, it was just Luke and me. Sometimes in the evening we would swim together. More relaxing swimming than his workout swimming. On weekends I would grill outdoors as he did his laps. I never got tired of watching him. I have to say that on more than a few occasions my eyes were drawn to his package. Even coming out of the cool water, he still filled that pouch. I always get a lot of shrinkage in the pool. If this is what he's like with shrinkage, I can't imagine what it would be like normally.

Sometimes his friend Trey would sleepover on Saturday night. They met first day of first grade, and have been inseparable since. They're almost exactly the same age, their birthdays only four days apart.

Trey was a little shorter than Luke, and stockier. With all the swimming Luke was doing, he was very lean. I could see his shoulders already beginning to increase in size, but not much. His legs were long and the muscles were developing nicely.

When Luke and Trey would swim together, I would compare them in their wet swimsuits and think, "Trey has a way to go to catch up with Luke." The difference between the two was striking. I couldn't help but wonder if Luke was producing sperm yet, and if Trey had even started puberty at all.

Then one evening I was sitting in the den working on my laptop. Luke came in after showering and turned on the television. I glanced up to see him walk back to the sofa I was sitting on. He was wearing some soft sleeping shorts, and it was obvious there was nothing underneath. As he walked toward me I could see his cock swing under the soft material. I must have froze for a second with my mouth agape, because Luke stopped just before sitting down and said "Are you okay, Dad?"

I slammed my jaw closed and answered "Uh 3; Yeah 3; Just thinking about this case I'm working on." Luke sat to my left, putting his right foot under his left leg, sort of half indian style. He changed the channel on the tv a few times till he came to something that interested him. I wasn't paying any attention to it because my mind was on the gap in the leg band of the shorts created by his bent leg.

I glanced at his face checking to see where he was looking. His attention was on the tv, so I nonchalantly reached for my glass of tea on the coffee table. As I leaned forward, I had a clear view up his shorts. My breath caught as I saw his cock for the first time since he was a child. Of course it wasn't as if I could study it up close, but from what I could see, he was pretty developed. I could just make out a few hairs at it's base, and the nutsack seemed ladened with impressive balls. His cock was long enough to actually lay on the sofa beneath him, drooping over his balls.

"Are those new shorts?" I asked, in case he saw me looking in that direction.

"Not really new. Trey gave 'em to me last weekend when he slept over. He sleeps in them all the time and loves it. I love the soft material and they're very comfortable," he informed me.

"Well maybe I should get some for me too," I said

"Yeah you should. Feel this material," he said pulling on the leg of the shorts.

I reached over and grasped the edge of the leg opening between two fingers and my thumb. I rubbed my fingers together as if examining the material, when in fact, I lifted the leg opening to get a better look inside. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm perving on my son.

"That's soft," I say as I'm looking at his cock. I want to ask how big does it get when hard, but instead I say "Does it get hot at night while you are sleeping?"

"I don't know yet, it's the first time I've tried it."

Not wanting to give up my nice view, I asked "Do you know what this material is?"

"No. I just know I like how it feels."

"It's probably some cotton polyester blend," I say before tugging up just a tad higher for the mental image I want to burn into my brain, then finally releasing the shorts, albeit reluctantly.

Luke appeared to be unaware of my covert perving, and went back to watching television. I returned to my laptop, but my mind wasn't on my work.

After a few unproductive minutes, I become aware of sex sounds. The movie he was watching is one of those teen slasher flicks. The unsuspecting couple are fucking just before the killer hacks them to death with a machete. I looked at Luke's face to gauge his reaction. Some movement caught my eye, and I glanced down at his lap. I could actually see his cock elongate and get hard under those wonderful shorts. He subconsciously tugged at his hard cock and I could clearly see the outline his meat made in the material.

Then, as we all did at that age when we got a hard on in school or church, he lay his arm over it, blocking my view.

I set there wondering what was going on with me. Why was I perving on my son. I know he's attractive, blond with big blue eyes. He's lean and building muscles. I couldn't help but notice that on his small frame, that cock looked enormous. Maybe that was it. He's just small statured and so his cock only seemed big. That doesn't answer why I was so interested. I told myself it was just natural curiosity about my child's development. That was true of course, but that didn't explain the erection in my pants.

Later in the shower, my dick was still hard. I started stroking it, and instantly flashed on my mental image of Luke's cock. I blasted a load faster than I thought possible.

Okay, this isn't right. I shouldn't be thinking of my son's cock when jerking off. The idea that I was only interest in his development went right out the window.

The next day on the way home from work, I stopped by a store and found shorts like the ones Luke had on. I bought him a pair in each color and design they had. I even located a couple of pair for myself. My reasoning was twofold. It gave last night legitimacy, and in the future when he wore them, I might get a special treat for my eyes.

It was a Friday night, so we both had the next day off. I usually let Luke stay up a little later on weekends, so after dinner I handed him the shopping bag with the shorts in it.

"Ahh. Great Dad. Thanks." And he rush off to his room. I went to my own room and showered and put on a pair of the shorts too. They really are comfortable. It's like not wearing anything yet soft too.

When I returned to the den, Luke was already there sitting on the floor cross legged, playing video games.

"Wanna play, Dad?"

It's not unusual for us to do this, so I said "Sure."

I grabbed a controller and turning back could see a gap in his shorts on both legs. As I sat down, I glanced and noticed he wasn't wearing anything under the shorts, and neither was I. Copying his sitting style, I was aware of the gap that formed in my own shorts.

It was very hard to concentrate on the game, I kept stealing glances at his cock. He was winning easily, which was not usual. After a while, he turned to me and said "Come on Dad, what's wrong with you?" Just as he said it, I saw his eyes dart to my shorts.

"Just having trouble concentrating on the game I guess," I answered. His eyes were still on my shorts. Then he looked down at his own shorts. It seemed to dawn on him that if he could see mine, I could see his. He didn't move though.

I decided to give him a break, and asked "Are you ready for something to drink? I am."

"Sure, Dad," he answered nervously.

I got us a couple of cokes, and added some bourbon to mine. I returned to the den, thinking he might have changed positions, but he hadn't. Sitting down next to him again, I saw that his cock looked a little longer and chubbier. My heart fluttered a bit.

We began playing again, but this time it was Luke having trouble concentrating. After only a couple of minutes, not only could he see up my shorts, he was also sporting a full erection. His mind was definitely not on the game. When I realized this, my own dick started to rise.

Luke got up and said "I'll be back in a minute," trying to hide his obvious problem. He returned after about five minutes, his erection gone. When he sat down, I could see that his cock was rather reddish looking. I knew then that he had gone to his room and masturbated. For some reason this thrilled me no end.

Saturday we spent working around the house and yard, in the afternoon Luke went for a swim. I watched as I trimmed bushes, fucking them up badly. As the sun set I asked Luke if he wanted to watch a movie while we ate some of Helga's (the new cook/maid) wonderful fried chicken. It was rare for us to eat in the den, so he jumped at the chance.

I went in and showered and put on my shorts, and then started to heat dinner. Luke came in while I was in the kitchen, and headed to the shower.

I set up our folding tv tables in front of the sofa, and by the time I returned with our food Luke was sitting down. He wore just his shorts, like me, and I saw something on his shoulder. I told him to pick a movie, and I went to the kitchen to get our tea, and then sat beside him. Luke was perusing the video list on our cable system, so I took the opportunity to look at his shoulder more closely.

There, easily recognizable by any guy, was a wad of cum. Luke must have jerked off after his shower, cleaned up most of it and not realized that he had shot some on his shoulder. I was impressed that he hit his shoulder, and that it wasn't a small amount.

I couldn't decide what to do. Do I say something and maybe embarrass him or keep quiet and when he discovers it later be embarrassed that I probably knew about it and didn't say anything so he wouldn't be embarrassed.

I opted to try to make it seem as though I really didn't know what it was but bring it to his attention anyway. We had cream gravy on our mashed potatoes, so when he leaned forward a bit I said "Luke, you got some gravy on your shoulder." Continuing to look at the tv, but paying attention to my peripheral vision, I saw Luke swipe at his shoulder, look at his hand, quickly grab a napkin to wipe it on and muttered "Shit."

It was the first time I ever heard Luke curse. "Did you say something son?"

"Uh 3; No sir. I was just getting the gravy off my shoulder," he said as he wiped the napkin on his shoulder.

I just nodded my head, but I was thinking 'Yeah, boy gravy.'

A couple of weeks previous to these events, I had taken Luke and Trey to an expensive amusement park. In reciprocation, Trey's dad was taking them camping the next weekend.

All week long it was about all Luke could talk about. In the evenings we would put on our sleep shorts and watch tv, or play video games. I know I was peeking at him, and I assume he took a few peeks at me as well. By Friday I was as horny as a goat. Within minutes of them leaving, I was stroking my cock like a madman.

We all worry about our children when they are out of our sight, but we have to give them room to grow, and hope for the best. Sometimes the bad things do happen. Friday night around 11:30 I got a call from Trey's father.

They had roasted hot dogs over a campfire, then sat around telling stories, and having a good time as the fire burned down. Luke got up to throw his paper plate into the dying fire, and tripped. When a person falls, their reflex action is to either grab onto something or to put out their hands to brace against the impact. Luke put out his hands, which landed in the embers. If he hadn't, his face would have hit the flames instead. His hands were pretty severely burned though. Trey's dad had to drive him twenty five miles [40 km] to the nearest hospital. He was calling me from there as the doctors tended to Luke.

I think there are a few police officers that are wondering what was that flash that passed them, as I am sure I broke several land speed records getting to that hospital.

I arrived just as they placed him in a room. They were going to keep him overnight. He was pretty out of it because of the pain meds they gave him. I slept in the chair beside his bed. Well, slept is a bit of a stretch.

The next day, they reexamined his wounds and rewrapped them. I was given instructions on how to redress the wounds every morning, and some kind of ointment and bandages. After two weeks I was to take him to our regular physician. The doctor did say he didn't think there was any damage to the nerves or deep tissue.

Luke's hands were wrapped up like boxing gloves. He had absolutely no use of them. I called my secretary at home and informed her of the circumstances. I asked her to postpone anything on my schedule for two weeks. I could do some work at home but for the most part, I was on vacation. Not much of a vacation to see your son's hands burned to a crisp.

The pain meds kept Luke pretty loopy. He could carry a conversation, but his speech was slower and he talked like he would if he were with his friends at the park.

His next pill was due just after we arrived at home. Twenty minutes after taking it he said "Yo! Dad! We got any more of that 3; that 3; shit, what's that shit called 3; Ice cream! Yeah, we got anymore ice cream?" He would never talk to me that way if it weren't for the meds. Fortunately, the meds were to be tapered off over the next few days.

That first day, I discovered a bright side to this dark cloud. Luke couldn't do anything for himself. Not anything. Not feed, or dress, or bathe, or go to the toilet.

After he ate his ice cream, Luke said "Dad, I need to pee." It took me a few seconds to realize he couldn't do that himself.

"Okay. No problem." I led him to the toilet, because he was wobbly. I stood behind him looking over his shoulder, and reached around to undo his pants. They dropped to the floor, and he stood in his tighty whities. I tried to maintain propriety, by hooking my thumbs into the waistband on each side of where his cock would be. I pulled the waistband out and down to free his cock. When his stream started, he was having trouble aiming it into the bowl. Piss was going everywhere but the toilet. I was forced to direct it for him, wasn't I. I grasped his cock and aimed it.

Maybe my senses were heightened because of the situation, but I could feel his urine pass through his urethra. I also noticed the heft of his cock. It was definitely bigger than mine, and he was only thirteen.

When he had finished, I squeezed it between two fingers and my thumb, from the base to the tip, and gave it a shake. I shook it a couple of more times, just to be sure there was no leftover urine, you know. Then I had an idea.

"Let's get you comfortable." I took off his shirt, being careful not to hurt his hands, then pulled his briefs down. "Have a seat on the toilet, and I will get your sleep shorts." I went to his bedroom and retrieved his shorts and returned to the bathroom.

He was sitting on the toilet with his legs close together. "Okay. Stand up son, let's get these on you."

He hesitated, then said "You're gonna get a good look now." I guess he knew I was looking at him just as he was looking at me, in our sleep shorts. He stood and his erection flipped up from between his legs in all it's glory.

My breath caught in my chest. His cock was beautiful. Probably a little over seven thick inches [18 cm]. That pale fresh color that only teen cocks have. Large rounded knob slightly pinker and wider that the shaft. I couldn't believe it's size. My god, he is only thirteen. How big was he going to get?

I held open the shorts and bent down for him to step into them. He placed his wrapped hands on my shoulders to try and balance himself. I was staring at his cock just inches from my face. He raised his foot to step in, and lost his balance, falling backwards onto the toilet. I was trying to capture his foot in the shorts, unaware he was falling. His fall caused his cock to slap my face, as I followed the foot with the shorts.

Luke, with the help of the meds, thought that was hilarious. "Dad 3; Dad 3; You got 'dick slapped' 3; SMACK ! Right in mouth 3; Now that is fucking funny," he said between bursts of laughter.

I had to laugh too, the kid was stoned out of his gourd. He was falling off the toilet he was laughing so hard. I was glad to see him having a good time, considering his hand situation.

"Dad, lick your lips," he said as he tried to right himself on the toilet.


"Lick your lips for me. Please, just run your tongue over them."

I did as he asked. He watched. Then burst out laughing again.

" Basically 3; You just licked my junk 3; How do I taste?"

He would not behave this way normally, and it's a good thing I'm a patient and understanding kind of guy.

"Very funny Luke. Now let's get these shorts on you, and get you into bed."

Once I got him into bed, he was out like a light. I thought maybe those pills were too strong for him. They certainly remove his inhibitions.

A few hours later, he stumbled into the den where I was working on my laptop. He sat beside me and plopped his head down on my shoulder. I patted his knee, and went back to work.

After a minute he said "It wasn't a dream, was it?"

"What son?"

"I really did it, didn't I?"

"Did what son?"

"I hit you with 3; well 3; with my dick. Then I told you to lick my junk"

"Not exactly. Your dick hit me as you fell, and then you said that I had basically licked your junk."

"I didn't tell you to do it? I didn't say lick it?"

"No. You asked me to lick my lips after I was hit by your dick. That's when you said I had basically licked your junk."

He thought for a moment then said "I asked you to lick your lips? And you did?"

I paused but answered honestly "Yes."

"Really?" He was a little surprised.

"Yes. You know I would do anything for you."

"Are you mad at me for acting like that?" he asked worriedly.

"No son. Pills will make you do stupid things sometimes. That's why drugs are illegal."

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to be such a shit. Shoot! Sorry."

"It's okay, son. We'll just say it's still the drugs talking." And I hugged him to me.

The next day I changed his bandages after breakfast. I told him to look away, so he wouldn't see his mangled flesh. He looked at me like I was nuts. Well sometimes bad burns can appear worse after a day or two. In his case I was right. The blistering was bad, but the raw flesh below the blisters is worse looking. Some of his blisters had burst, and dead skin was hanging loosely around the edges, and the raw flesh trying to heal, was very red and angry looking. I thought Luke was going to puke.

I smelled something bad, and at first I thought it was his burns. Then I realized that he probably hadn't bathed since before leaving on the camping trip.

"You need a bath young man," I said with a wrinkled nose.

"Come on, Dad. Isn't it bad enough already? I mean, you have to help me pee, now bathe me?"

"Son, I understand that during all of this, your dignity may take a little bruising. I will do anything for you son. Bathe you, dress you, even wipe your ass when you take a shit. You know, in the animal kingdom, some mothers actually lick their babies clean right out of the uterus. That may seem gross to you, but to a parent, it's just part of loving our children," I explained.

Luke looked thoughtful for a moment, then said "Did you mean what you said about wiping my ass?"

"Of course, Son."

"Good, cause I really need to go."

While he was on the toilet, I started the bath water. I poured in some liquid soap so it would create bubbles to give him some level of modesty.

As I was wiping him, I had to give him a little jab. "You know I used to do this for my little baby boy a long time ago."

"Aww Dad!"

"Maybe I should have a bidet installed," I carried on.

"DAD !"

"It's passed time for your pain meds, but how about I only give you half a pill now and half later, so we can avoid a repeat of what happened yesterday?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me," he answered. He stood and walked to the tub, leaving his shorts in front of the toilet.

I got a pill and cut it in half, then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

By the time I got back to the bathroom he was laying back in the tub with bubbles up to his nipples, and his eyes closed. "Are you okay, Luke"

"Yeah, I forgot how good a warm bath can feel. This is nice, I should take more baths instead of showers."

"Here swallow this, and I will let you soak awhile," I said popping the half pill in his mouth then holding the water bottle to his lips. "Don't get your bandages wet," I added as I left the room.

When I returned fifteen minutes later, he appeared to be sleeping. I got a washcloth and some shower gel, and knelt on the floor beside the tub. I lathered the washcloth, and started on his chest. I made light, circular motions over his chest, then down each arm to the bandages.

"I could get used to this. I feel like a prince or something," he said keeping his eyes closed.

I rinsed and lathered the cloth again, and started on his left foot. Lifting his leg I worked my way up till I bumped into his balls. I did the same to the right leg. By the time I finished that leg, his hard cock was laying up his stomach to the top of the dissipating bubbles.

It was going to be difficult to wash his hair, but I had an Idea. "I'll be right back," I said. I ran to the kitchen and got a couple of large ziplock baggies. I figured this would give him some time to let his cock go down too.

I put the baggies on his hands and zipped them up to his wrist. He was still erect.

"Lean forward, Son. I need to do your back," he complied without argument.

I unblocked the drain so the water could escape, then got the hand held spray head, and wet his hair. I shampooed his hair, giving him a slow scalp massage in the process.

"Stand up, Son," I helped him stand, then rinsed him from head to foot with the sprayer. His cock was still hard as stone, and I realized, I had avoided it to the point that I didn't get it washed. His eyes were still closed from the rinsing, so I just poured some shower gel into my palm and reached for his boyhood. Well, actually his is rather man sized.

Wrapping my gelled fingers around his shaft, I slid them up to the head, then down to his balls. Luke moaned. I did it again, and as I reached the sensitive head, he made a sharp intake of breath, and moaned as my hand slipped to the base again. Then I did it again, before I reached under and washed his nut sack.

His cock was throbbing with every beat of his heart. I gelled my other hand and washed his ass cheeks and his crack, giving a little extra attention to his pucker. Then I returned to the front and spread some lather onto his lower stomach and the few hairs on his pubis.

I couldn't help myself, I had to feel his cock again, and grabbed it. I slowly stroked up and down the beautiful specimen a couple of times with Luke moaning all the while.

Suddenly Luke said "Dad, Dad. Uh 3; You 3; stop."

"Is something wrong, Luke?"

"No 3; It's just 3; Umm 3; I mean I 3; might 3; Uh."

"Don't worry, Son. I know. It's alright. Go ahead."

I continued to stroke it for him, and in another minute or so, he unloaded. It seemed like a lot, but it had been at least three days since he had relieved himself.

"Un 3; Unn 3;Ahhh," Luke cried as he blasted all over the tiles. I stroked it till he lost that peak rigidity. Then I got the sprayer and rinsed his lower half again.

While I towel dried him, Luke said "Dad, I 3; well 3; I mean 3; Thanks Dad."

"It's ok Luke. I was young once too, you know. Like I said, I will do anything for you."

Chapter 2

I can't believe I did that. I actually masturbated my son after bathing him. I stroked his big cock till he shot a load all over the shower tiles.

Luke was relaxing on the sofa, his half pill had helped with that. I also think it allowed him to not stop me from stroking his cock. I was in the shower now stroking my own erection. The mental images and memory of my incestual contact with my son, were the fuel that got me over the edge.

I donned my sleep shorts, so Luke wouldn't be the only one under dressed. Then I called Helga and explained I would be home for the next two weeks, and she could have the time off, with pay of course. I did a little work on my laptop, then started lunch. Simple sandwiches should suffice.

When I went to get Luke for lunch, he was still resting. I could see the outline of his erect cock in his shorts. I wondered what he might be dreaming of. It must have been good, because it hadn't been that long since he had cum. But then, he's thirteen. A walking erection.

I roused him and helped him sit up. "Lunch is ready. Meet me in the dining room."

As I fed him his sandwich, he said "Dad, thank you. I mean, thanks for all you're doing for me. It can't be fun for you, helping an invalid."

I flashed to stroking him and thought 'Some of it is.' but I didn't say it.

"Son, this is no imposition at all. I actually don't have to fight traffic to work for two weeks. That is the bonus on top of getting to spend quality time with you."

"Yeah, but some of it is pretty gross, and embarrassing."

"Not to me. Want to talk gross? Wait until you have to change a baby's messy diaper. That would gag a maggot. If it's your baby, it makes it a whole lot easier. If it's not, I hope you don't throw up on the baby," I laughed.

"What about when you 3; You know," he asked shyly.

"That was actually kinda fun," I admitted.

"Really? Why?" He asked surprised.

"Well it's not something most dads get to do. And your's is a lot different than mine so that was interesting too."

"Yeah I noticed we're different."

"Oh you did, did you?" I said almost accusingly, while giving him a bite of his sandwich.

"Uh 3; well, you know these shorts don't hide much," he defended.

"Yes, so I've noticed."

He thought for a moment while he chewed another bite.

"Why is 3; I don't want this to sound bad, but why is mine so much bigger than your's? I mean you're a grown up, and all."

"That's a good question. It's probably genetics. You know I'm not your biological father." That's when it dawned on me. Maybe Jill left me for Tyrell, because she liked the much bigger cock from Luke's father. Maybe Tyrell fits the stereotype.

"I know that Trey has a little one, does that mean his dad does too?"

"Maybe. Unless he got that gene from his mother. But I'm no geneticist. Or maybe he hasn't hit puberty yet. Or he could just be unlucky," I laughed.

"So, having a big dick is a good thing?"

I laughed and said "As you know, I don't qualify to answer that question."

I held his glass to his lips as he drank, then wiped off his 'milk moustache'.

Luke grinned and asked "So do you still 3; you know?" He made an up and down motion with his wrapped hand. I assumed he would have made a fist if he could.

"Masturbate? Yes. I'm not that old yet. That is something all men do, even after marriage, until we're much older than I am."

"After marriage? Really?"

"Yes, so don't get married just for sex. You still end up jerking off," I informed him.

"It was kinda embarrassing though. You doing that for me, I mean."

"I can understand that. But as I said it was kind of fun. You're a beautiful boy, and I don't usually get to play with one that size."

We had finished lunch and started to leave the table. Luke stood, and he was pitching a big tent in those shorts. "Sorry, Dad. All this talk about 3; you know 3; sex stuff 3; kinda got to me."

"It's only natural, Son. Don't worry about it." He sat on the sofa, his tent sticking obscenely in the air. He tried to push it down with his arm, but it wasn't cooperating. It just kept jumping back up.

"Sorry, Dad," he apologized.

I sat beside him and said "Let me help." I pulled his waistband up and over his cock, letting it hook under his balls. I grasped and began stroking his beautiful boy cock.

He made a sudden intake of breath and moaned. He laid his head on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes, and dropped his bandaged hands at his side in submission.

"Dad. You're really good at that," Luke moaned as I pleasured him.

"I've had a lot more practice than you," I replied.

I scooted a little closer to him so I didn't have to reach as far. Luke raised the hand between us as I moved, and let it fall in my lap. When it landed, I realized I was as hard as stone too.

I continued my efforts, relishing the feel of his cock in my hand. Luke rubbed his bandage hand over my erection, discovering my arousal.

"I guess you do enjoy doing this," he said without opening his eyes.

"Yes," was all I said.

I could tell he was getting close, then he grunted and erupted on his stomach and my hand. When I was sure he was finished, I went to the hall bath to get a washcloth. While the water was warming, I looked at the cum that had streamed down my fingers. For some reason, I licked it off.

Returning to the den with the washcloth, Luke noticed the tent I was pitching in my own shorts.

"I would do it for you too Dad, but 3;" He held up his obviously incapable bandaged hands.

"That's okay, Son. I can handle it myself." We both laughed at my pun.

Trey called and wanted to come visit, so I put on some clothes just before he arrived. He said his dad would pick him up in an hour, and I led him to the den.

I went to get sodas for the boys, and as I was about to enter I overheard, "Really! You're shitting me, right?" Trey was saying

"No dude. You're my best friend. I wouldn't lie to you or tell anyone else that," Luke replied.

"How was it?" Trey asked

"Aw man. It was great. Better than I do," Luke told him.

I felt proud that I had pleasured him so well, but a bit embarrassed that he told his friend about it.

Trey said "I wish my dad would do that for me."

"He'd have to find it first, runt," Luke laughed, and received a punch in the arm for his comment.

I cleared my throat loudly and entered the room "Look, Dad. Trey brought me that new video game I wanted. As if I could play with these." Indicating to his bandaged hands.

"Hey dipstick. You're not always gonna be wrapped up like a mummy," Trey jabbed back.

I gave them their soft drinks and left them alone. Later, Trey's dad came. He couldn't stop apologizing for what happened. I guess he was worried about some kind of lawsuit.

"It's okay. Accidents happen. It's not like you purposely set him on fire. Or did you?" I said jokingly. From his expression, you would think I had slapped him.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Although, when I took Luke to the toilet to pee, we were both a little less uncomfortable about it. Then as I shook off his excess urine, he did begin to chub up a little.

The next day I started with taking him to pee, then breakfast then, changing his bandages, only this time Luke chose not to look.

After I wrapped his hands, I put the ziplock baggies on them too. "Does this mean I'm getting a bath?" Luke asked, but I didn't detect any regret in his voice.

"Yes. You're not homeless so you will bathe regularly," I answered making an excuse to avail myself of my son's body again.

He was on the toilet again as the tub filled, and I remembered his pill. I gave him another half pill, and some water. When he had swallowed it, the little smartass said "You just want to drug me so you can take advantage of me."

"Yeah, I don't care if you're in pain, I just want to have my way with your sexy body," I laughed with him being halfway honest though.

I bathed him much the same as I did the day before, but I used the washcloth on his rock hard cock and shampooed his hair while he was still sitting down.

When I gave him a final rinse, he was standing with his cock swinging back and forth, and his eyes closed, and he asked "Do you really think I have a sexy body?"

I glanced at his magnificent appendage and said "For a scrawny kid, you're very sexy."

Turning off the water, and grabbing a towel, I began to dry Luke off. He didn't say anything, but when I held out his shorts to step into, he looked very disappointed.

We both entered the den sporting tents in our shorts. He sat down, and I sat beside him. "I thought this would be safer than standing in a slippery tub," I said as I reached for his cock.

"Good idea," he said and closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

I didn't want to rush this, so I stroked him slowly trying to give him as much pleasure as possible. He was moaning quietly, but I could tell he was lost in some fantasy.

After a couple of minutes I asked him "What are you thinking about."

"Uh 3; nothing," he answered a little too quickly.

"Come on. Tell me. It's okay, I won't get mad," I stopped stroking.

He looked at me. "Promise?" He asked.

"I promise."

He looked at my hand on his cock and then leaned back again. "Trey showed me a website on his dad's computer. There was a video of a guy getting 3; you know 3; sucked," he said closing his eyes.

"Ah yes, a blow job. I remember those. So that's what you were thinking of?"

"Yeah. I was just picturing it in my head."

I started stroking him again. "Were you thinking about how it must feel to have a warm wet mouth wrapped around your throbbing cock?"

"Mm hmm," he moaned again.

"Lips sliding up and down your shaft. Trying to draw out your precious cum."

"Mmm Dad. I'm so close." I could see his stomach muscles tighten and his balls draw up.

"Go ahead, Son. Give that mouth what it wants." Then, without thinking, I bent down and took his cock into my mouth. I only managed to slide up and down on it a few times before he unloaded.

"AAHHH. Oh Shit Oh."

I could feel his urethra throb as it delivered his essence into my mouth to savor.

Luke went limp. Not his cock right away, but the rest of his body just sank. I continued to suck him for a minute, making sure I got all he had to offer.

I had done it. I had sucked my son's cock, and I almost came in my own shorts from the experience.

"That was great. Wait 3; Did 3; Did you just 3;?"

I was sitting up by the time he had come to his senses, but I wasn't sure if I had come to my own senses. I think I was a little stunned myself.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Did you just 3;"

I was afraid to answer him. Ashamed even. I didn't know how he would react. Would he hate me? God I had definitely fucked up. But I had to be honest with him. I nodded my head.

"Why?" He asked. Still a bit unbelieving.

"It seemed right at the time. You wanted to know what it felt like. I said I would do anything for you. So I just did it. Are you angry with me?"

"No, Dad. It was fucking awesome. Uh sorry."

He was smiling at me, that was a good sign. I hoped I hadn't scarred him for life.

"Dad. What did you do with my 3; stuff?"

I just shrugged.

"You swallowed it? You did, didn't you. That's so Awesome."

"I'm glad you think so. It was definitely new for me," I said as I left the room. I headed straight to my shower. Once the water was right, I got in and jacked off furiously.

When I returned Luke said "Where'd you go?" Then he looked at my crotch and said "Never mind. Can you turn on the tv? I've been trying to pick up this remote for ten minutes."

"Remember that, Son. You're helpless without me," I said laughing.

"Wait till I get these bandages off. I'll show you helpless."

"Ooo tough talk for a helpless guy. Maybe I won't turn it on. Maybe I think you need to suffer for a couple of days."

"Aw come on, Dad," he pleaded.

I pushed the button on the remote, sat down beside him, and drew his back to my chest. Wrapping my arms around him we cuddled for a few minutes. I was on top of the world.

"Did you?" he asked, pumping his bandage fist in the air.


"Awesome," he mumbled.

That night I grilled steaks out by the pool. As I was setting plates on the patio table, Luke said "I wish I could swim. I'm gonna be so far behind in my training. Why did this have to happen to me?"

"Luke. Bad things happen. If not to you, then somebody else. Either way someone gets hurt. Maybe the powers that be thought you could handle it and come out at the end okay. They say, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" I believe it. One way or another we will be stronger for it in the end."

I had just put a bite of steak in his mouth when he asked "Dad, have you done stuff like that before?"

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, it's bad manners," I said trying to dodge the question.

He chewed and swallowed. "Well, have you?"

"When I was a little younger than you, a friend and I jerked off together once, just kid stuff. That's about it," I answered truthfully.

He nodded knowingly as I gave him another bite. Which made me suspect he and Trey had done something similar. I thought it was a good time to bring up something though.

"Luke, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to share this with Trey. I know he's your best friend and all, but some people may not understand. You wouldn't want something to come back and bite you in the ass down the road."

"I understand, Dad."

"How are your hands feeling?"

"They hurt a little."

"Do you want a pain pill?"

"I'd rather not take any if I don't have to. They mess me up pretty bad. Besides, I don't want to miss anything."

I wondered if he were hinting at a little more 'special attention'.

"Let me know if you need it though."

Later we were going to watch a movie before bed. Luke said "I should pee before we start the movie." I led him to the toilet, and directed his stream. Okay maybe I stroked it a few extra times. By the time we got to the den, he was stone hard.

I got out my laptop and pulled up a blow job video from a website. I set the laptop down beside him on the sofa, then went to get us drinks. By the time I returned, Luke was pawing at his cock with his bandaged hands.

I knelt in front of him and grabbed the waistband of his shorts. He immediately lifted his hips so I could pull the shorts off. I engulfed his cock in my hungry mouth.

"Oh God! Thank you."

I worked his beautiful cock rhythmically, not too fast or too slow. I wanted it to last but he needed relief. I made sure my tongue was stimulating the head on each stroke.

"Dad. That feels so good." He was thrusting his hips to meet my mouth.

I had been so busy concentrating on my efforts, I had my eyes closed. I looked up and he was watching me, not the video. This somehow inspired me, and I wanted more than anything to please him. I saw his sixpack tighten, and he started grunting.

"Dad. I'm gonna cum!" he warned, as if I was going to pull off and deny myself my reward. I could feel his cock swelling, all I could think about is getting his cum in my mouth.

If you have ever experienced a boycock shooting in your mouth, I don't need to tell you how wonderful it is, if you haven't, I can't express it to you clearly. If it was your own son delivering his mana to you, I definitely don't need to tell you how I felt.

"Dad, that was the best ever!" Luke exclaimed after he had calmed down. I was still nursing on his cock, I don't know why I didn't want to let it go.

The thing about boys is, they are insatiable, and I think I have an unquenchable thirst for boy cream. At least for Luke's. I continued to suck on him, not even considering Luke was seeing his father on his knees sucking cock. I just wanted to give him all the pleasure I could.

He didn't go soft. I wouldn't let him. I took him into my throat and out again. I worshiped at his altar for as long as I could. Then he gave me his divine grace again.

When I had swallowed his second offering, he looked completely wiped out. I was kind of proud of myself. Except when I tried to get off the floor, I discovered that I am too damn old to spend 45 minutes on my knees sucking teenagers. Of course I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I gave Luke a drink, then sat beside him. His shorts were still at his ankles. "Why were you watching me instead of the video?" I asked him.

"That girl had too much makeup and bright red nails and she just looked like a whore. I don't like girls like that. Besides, you were doing a better job than she was. She was doing it all for the camera, you were doing it for me.

Because you love me. I don't think she even knew that guy's name."

I hadn't realized Luke was that perceptive.

I couldn't resist, I hugged him so hard he squealed. "Ah, Dad. You're lucky I can't fight back."

"So that's why you didn't stop me from sucking your big cock. You just knew it would be a hopeless endeavor," I taunted.

"Yeah. Let's go with that," he grinned.

After the movie, I gave him another half pill, just so he would get a good night's sleep. I didn't want him to be in pain and have a fretful night.

In the morning I woke him and noticed his morning wood. "Do you need to pee, or are you just happy to see me?"

"A little of both. I need to pee, and I'm happy to see you because I need to pee." The little shit has a sharp tongue.

"Smart ass. I ought to let you lay there till you wet yourself, then not even change your linens, so you have to sleep in it," I said, but I helped him up anyway.

We did our morning routine of bandage, breakfast, and bath. Then to the sofa for the fourth part of our routine, blowjob. I got on my knees in front of him and slid his shorts off.

"You don't have to do that," he said.

"You don't need relief? I know what it is like for young boys, horny all the time," I said in shock.

"No. I mean, you can just use your hand if you want. You don't have to you know 3; suck it."

I was a little hurt. He didn't want me to blow him. I thought I had been doing a good job of it.

"You don't like it? Am I doing something wrong?"

"It's not that. No, you're great at it. I just mean, you don't have to if it's gross for you. You know sucking a dick and 3; well, you know 3; all my stuff in your mouth. If you want to just use your hand it's okay."

I was on my knees between his legs, he was laying back on the sofa watching me. I looked at his face as I slowly sunk my mouth on his cock. He continued to watch as I started to give him pleasure.

After a minute or so Luke said "You like it too. You like sucking my dick don't you?"

"Mm hmm," I half moaned.

"Is your dick hard, Dad?"

I nodded.

"Take it out. Take your dick out and jack off while you suck mine."

I hesitated, gazing into his eyes as I worshiped his cock.

"I want to see you cum at the same time I cum in your mouth," Luke said.

I used my free hand to pull my shorts down. My cock sprung out, ready to explode.

"Stroke it for me, Dad. Show me how much you like my dick." Luke goaded me. He was right though. I loved sucking his cock. I couldn't wait for it to unload in my throat. I wanted it badly. I needed it.

I only stroked mine a few times and I knew I had to hold off. I wanted to cum with Luke. I needed to give him what he wanted.

I didn't have to wait long. Luke tensed up and thrust his cock into my throat. I knew he was pulsing his cum into my belly, and that is all it took. I spurted my own seed on the floor between his feet. I thought I would faint, I came so hard.

"That's right, Dad. Cum with me. My dick is making you cum with me." He was right again. He knew it was his cock that made me cum.

When he had finished giving me his juice, I continued to slurp on his cock.

"Just making sure you got it all?" Luke asked.

I nodded and licked the head again.

"If you want more, I can go again," Luke offered.

He offered to go again, not so he could cum again, but so that I could have more of his cum. He was doing it for me. Of course I accepted and continued to suck him to completion a second time. He knew I craved his juice, and gave me as much as he could. He held back as long as he could so that I might have my fill of him.

When he recovered from his second orgasm, I was still toying with his cock. I felt like a girl on her honeymoon, exploring and discovering her new husband's body.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Luke asked amazed.

"Never even thought about it till I did it for you that first time. Actually I didn't even think about it then, I just did it. I thought about it a lot since then though."

Even limp, his cock held my interest. He let me play with it, just watching me while I occasionally would lick the head or even his nuts. I would take it into my mouth giving it a tongue bath.

"You really seem to like it though," Luke observed.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Or maybe you and your cock are just so captivating," I joked honestly, as I sat on the sofa next to him.

"When was the last time you had sex, I mean not with me or by yourself?"

I laughed "Before your mom left. About two weeks before she left. Even then it was with a condom on. I guess it has been about twelve years since I did anything without a condom."

"You wore a rubber with Mom?" Luke asked in surprise.

Although she has had no contact with Luke since she left, I didn't want to say anything bad about his mother. Boys tends to idolize their mothers, and I didn't want to ruin the subconscious image of his mom by speaking ill of her. So I didn't say the whore was fucking a black man bareback, while her husband was denied that privilege.

"Yes. We had you, we didn't need other children," I explained.

"I call bullshit. Dad, she left US, not just you. She left me too. Even Grandpa Bob said it was her fault, and he's her father. Look, Dad, you don't have to protect me from the truth. You have always been there for me. I can't remember a single time when she was. When I was little and had a bad dream, who did I call out for?"

"Me," I answered.

"Who taught me to ride a bike, and when I fell off, who doctored my scraped knee?"

"Well, you were hurt, of course I did," I tried to explain.

"When I got a cold, who made sure I took my medicine and put cool compresses on my head?"

"Luke, that's what parents do. We take care of our children."

"Exactly! You're not even my real father, yet you have always taken care of me. Because you love me. She didn't give a shit and left us, because she's a selfish bitch."

"Luke! Language!"

"I'm sorry Dad. But just because you haven't said anything doesn't mean I don't remember things that went on then. If I have to be honest, I'm glad she left. Did I tell you I saw her at Wilson Park?"

"No. When?" I know I must have looked shocked. I haven't seen her, and I didn't think he had either.

"Trey's dad took us there for a softball game. I saw her with a big black man. They had a kid, and a little baby with them too. I can do the math. She had to be pregnant when she left us, or soon after. That's why I was surprised that you wore a rubber."

"Well Luke, your mom was quite young when you were born 3;"

"Yeah, I know. She was a hottie too. I used to think 'at least Dad was hitting that.' but you didn't get to, really."

He hugged me. "That's just another sacrifice you have made for me, that she obviously didn't feel the need for."

I had to choke back tears, I hadn't realized he was that perceptive, and was even aware of all this.

"Can I ask you something else, Dad?"

"Luke what happened between me and your mom is not really something I want to talk to you about right now."

"It's not about that 3; it's about sex."

I know he understands all the mechanics and obviously knows about where babies come from, so I thought he had an issue he wanted to discuss. Like, why is my dad sucking my cock?

"Sure, Luke. You know you can ask me anything and I will try to be as honest as I can."

"When you were my age, and you 3; you know, jerked off, what did you think about?"

"When I was your age, it didn't take much to get me going. I found my father's stash of Playboy magazines and after just a couple of pages, I would shoot like Mount Vesuvius," I laughed.

"And when you got older?"

"Until I met your mother, it was usually about someone I had been with or a movie star or whatever. After your mother and I got together, mostly it was about her. Like you said, she was a hottie."

"Since I got burned, what do you think about when you jerk off?"

Shit!! I wished I had seen that coming. The little asshole had cornered me. Led me right to the edge of the cliff and asked me to jump, and my happy ass followed right along.

"Um 3; I umm," I stuttered not wanting to say and not wanting to lie.

"Come on, Dad. You said you would be honest with me," Luke pried.

Shit shit shit ! !

"You," I finally answered.

"Me what?"

"The last few days I was thinking about sucking you when I jerked off. And just now, I was actually sucking it, and it was the best orgasm I've had in years."

"Why?" Luke asked me accusingly.

"I'm sorry son. I shouldn't have done it. It's just that you were so needy, and I couldn't just sit by and let you suffer for two weeks or more. I said I would do anything for you." I didn't want him to not love me any more. I had really fucked up.

"I know why you did it. What I meant was, why did you think of me when you jerked off, and why was it your best orgasm?"

I didn't have a good answer for him, at least not one I wanted to share with my son. But I had promised to be honest.

"When I was young the sexiest thing I ever saw was those magazines my dad had, when I got older, your mom was the sexiest thing I ever saw. Now, you are by far the sexiest creature I have ever seen in my entire life. At first I did it for you, afterward I realized I enjoyed it too. More than I care to say. I'm sorry Luke I shouldn't've taken advantage of you. Can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you for what? For loving me? That's the real answer. It's just another example of how much you love me. Everything you have done for the past eleven years has been for me."

I thought I would break down in tears. I went to the bathroom to calm myself and washed my face.

I sat beside Luke and turned him so he could lay his back against my chest. I held him as close as I could, wanting to stay that way forever.

"Can I tell you something Dad? But you have to promise not to get mad."

"Luke, you can tell me anything. I promise. I could never be mad at you."

"Remember I said that Trey and I had watched a video of a guy getting sucked? Well it wasn't a girl doing it. It was Trey's dad. He was blowing the 16 year old boy next door. Trey saw them and caught it on his cell phone."

"That must have been pretty disturbing for Trey."

"Not really. But it did make us horny. We tried a few things, that's how I know Trey has a little dick. Trey kept saying how he wished his dad had blown him instead of the kid next door. Of course what he meant was, he wanted a blow job, not really caring if it was his dad or not. But it got me to thinking about getting sucked by my dad."

"I see." It all started to make sense now.

"So, when you put on that video of that nasty girl, I didn't want to watch it. I wanted to watch you. I knew you weren't doing it for the camera, you were doing it because you love me."

"Luke, besides having the biggest cock on any kid I've ever seen, and being the most beautiful. You're also the smartest," I said as I tried to hug him even tighter.

"I just want you to know I love you too. I want to do something special for you, too," Luke said, looking over his shoulder at me. I could see the love in his eyes, and a hint of something I didn't recognize.

"You gonna wash my car? It's gonna be difficult with those bandages, unless that's what you're gonna use as rags," I laughed, which made Luke bump my chest with his head.

"I'm serious Dad. I want you to fuck me."

Surely I misunderstood him. Did he just say he wants me to fuck him?

"I want to give you my ass. No condom like you had to use with Mom. I want to show you how much you mean to me, like you show me everyday. I want you to have my virginity. Something no one else will ever have. Something Mom or anyone else has ever given you."

I was totally stunned. And very touched.

"Son, you don't have to do that to show me how much you love me. You show me everyday too. Just by being the wonderful boy you are. All parents should be so lucky to see the results of their efforts like I do."

"If you won't do it for you, do it for me. You said you would do anything for me. I want this. I've wanted it for a long time. I just didn't know how to get around to it. These last few days have been very special to me, and this would make it perfect."

I could tell he was serious. God I love this boy. I have since I first laid eyes on him.

"Setting yourself on fire seems like a kind of extreme way to get an assfucking."

Another head bump to the chest.

"I will do it but only if you return the favor." I can't believe I just agreed to fuck my son, and only if he would fuck me too.

"I was hoping you would say that," the little shit said.

"If we do this, there are a few things we need to do first."

"I know, I researched it online. So I guess we need to go to the store for 3; supplies," Luke observed.

We got dressed and went to the store, then to lunch, then we went to see the latest sci-fi thriller at the theater. As if it was any other day. I know my mind wasn't on the movie, and I doubt Luke's was either.

Once home, I helped Luke 'prepare', then I did the same. I took him to my bedroom where I had placed some olive oil on the night stand. I laid Luke on the bed and made sure he watched as I poured the oil on my hand and then on my hard cock. I wanted to be sure he could see what I was going to put in him, giving him a chance to back out.

He watched intently, but never said a word. I got on the bed between his legs and took his cock into my mouth. When he was as hard as I have ever seen him, I placed his legs on my shoulders, raising his ass off the bed slightly.

I continued my manipulations to his cock as I slid a finger into his pucker. Luke let out a low moan as I did. I didn't want to hurt him, so when he was ready, I added a second finger sliding it slowly into his waiting hole. Luke adjusted quickly so I tried a third finger, to stretch him out a bit. Luke never complained, only moaned.

His cock had retreated some, but returned with a vengeance. I thought it was time.

"Luke, are you sure? We don't have to do this, you know."

"Please Dad. Don't stop. I want it," Luke cried with lust in his eyes.

I had done a good job in loosening him up and my dick head pop in easily.

"Ahhh," Luke moaned again as I slid a little into him.

"Are you okay, son?"

"I'm perfect. You got my cherry, Dad. Now fuck me good."

Damn kid knew all the buttons to push. I started rocking back and forth, gaining ground slowly. Once I was seated all the way in, I started to lay the pipe to him. As I built up a steady rhythm, I also stroked his big cock. I wanted it to be as good for him as it was for me.

His ass was the tightest, warmest, wettest, thing I have ever stuck my dick in. Tight warm pudding, combined with his lustful face, and beautiful body. I was lost. And the moaning! Soon he was thrusting his hips up to meet my dick. My god, it was the greatest sex I have ever had. He was far more responsive than his mother, or any other woman I have ever been with.

"Dad 3; Don't stop 3; I'm gonna cum. Oh God. You're making me cum with your dick. Ah ah aaahhhh"

That was all I could take, and I blasted his colon with my juice. As I watched his sperm pool on his belly, I let his ankles off my shoulders. Luke lay there, eyes closed, arms and legs spread wide like he was making 'snow angels'. Only his softening cock revealed the less than angelic truth.

I slipped out of him and he grunted in disapproval. I sat back on my heels, just admiring his beauty. Lightly stroking up and down his legs. Then I leaned over and licked up his cum and swallowed his cock.

"Why, Dad?" Luke said barely loud enough for me to hear.

"What?" Was he mad at me now? Did he regret doing it?

He raised his head and said "Why did we wait so long to do this?"

"Most dads just don't say to their sons 'You know, let's give butt fucking a try today.' Know what I mean?" I laughed as I lay down beside him.

"You should have told me it would be like this. I would have tried it."

"I didn't know. This is the first time I've ever had anal of any kind."

"Really? Never?" Luke seemed astonished.

"You're going to take my anal cherry in more ways than one," I told him.

"Give a few minutes, and I'll finish the job."

We lay there, gathering our strength, enjoying the afterglow.

"Not even with Mom?" Luke asked after a few minutes.

"She wouldn't let me anywhere near there," I answered honestly.

"Dad, would you do something for me?"

"Sure, Luke. What?"

"Would you kiss me? Not like your son, but like a lover?"

"Anything for you Luke," I said as I leaned over and kissed his beautiful boy lips.

Chapter 3

I was laying in bed with the most beautiful boy in the world. Well, at least he is to me. My son, Luke. He isn't a big kid, but he has an impressive cock for his size and age of thirteen. And at the moment, it is in my ass.

He had given me his virgin ass, and now I was giving him my own ass cherry. A couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have dreamed this would be happening now. But here I am.

"Oh god Luke. That feels so good." I moaned, as he plowed my ass from behind. We were spooned together, his bandaged hand was thrown over my hip to keep me from getting away. As if I wanted to.

"I told you you'd like it." Luke said as he thrust deeper into me. "Do you like my big dick in you Dad? Don't you wish we had done this before?"

He fucked me good. I can't believe it was his first time to fuck, and he didn't even have the use of his hands. Once he was in me, and picked up his rhythm, he was a natural. It was my first time having a cock in my ass, but it wouldn't be the last. I only hope I'm good enough for him to want me again.

"I love it Luke. You feel so good in me."

All too soon, I felt his cock swell in my bowels, then his hot juice spurting in me. This put me over the edge too. I realized that the only bad part of this was not getting to taste his sweet nectar.

We fell asleep with his nice cock still in me. I woke, of course, when his revived hard on began sawing in and out of me again. "I'm sorry Dad. I thought I could do it without waking you up."

"Not likely. Have you noticed how big your cock is? Try sleeping while someone is driving a truck through your colon." I laughed, but didn't stop him.

In the morning, I woke up before Luke and prepared breakfast. After our meal, I changed his bandages, bathed him, then to the sofa for his morning blow job. This had quickly become my favorite part of our day.

That became our routine. Me doing everything for Luke throughout the day, and being rewarded with a load of his cum. Sometimes I would get a load after lunch as well.

Then at night, we slept together, sometimes I fucked him, but we found that he preferred top almost as much as I preferred bottom. He always made sure I came before giving me his load.

Trey came over a couple of times during Luke's two week recovery. They would mostly just sit and talk, since Luke couldn't do much more than that with his bandaged hands.

I could see a lot of improvement in Luke's hands each time I rewrapped them. I was a little worried that when the bandages did come off, he wouldn't need me anymore.

But the big day came, and Luke was very excited. The doctor said he had healed well, and that Luke didn't need the bandages any longer. He did warn Luke that the tissue underneath would still be somewhat sensitive, so to take it easy.

I had taken Luke to the doctor on Friday afternoon, so I still had the weekend before having to return to work. Trey was coming over to spend the night, and I had decided to cook out on the grill.

Luke couldn't wait to get back in the pool, and came out in his speedo. I was just lighting the grill, and had a terrible thought. I actually wondered if I could get Luke to pick up one of these hot charcoal briquettes, I could spend the next two weeks caring for him again. I felt ashamed for my thoughts. I mean lusting after him in his speedo, is only marginally better than putting him in a situation to avail myself of that wonderful body.

Trey's dad dropped him off, he was wearing his swimsuit as well, and I told him Luke was in the pool. He exited the patio door, as I gathered things to take out to the table.

I could hear Trey tell Luke "Man, I think your dick got even bigger. You really fill out that swimsuit."

"I've been growing, that's for sure. Jump in, the water's great."

After dinner, the boys played video games and roughhoused around. It was just like the last two weeks hadn't happened.

In the morning I called them for breakfast, and they both appeared wearing the sleep shorts we had become so fond of. It was easy to tell that Luke wasn't wearing anything under them, and I assumed Trey wasn't either. Later I took them to the mall. The whole day was just like any other day. Luke paid no extra attention to me or vice versa. It looked like our special time was over. I was saddened by the realization that it was a passing fling. Two ships in the night as they say.

Trey's father picked him up around 6:30, at 7:30 Luke called to me. I found him in the tub, eyes closed, bubbles up to his neck. Except for the lack of bandages, it could have been any day of the last two weeks.

"Did you call me, Luke?"

"Yeah, Dad. Could you wash my back?" Luke asked without opening his eyes.

Okay now, either Luke was very spoiled, or trying to initiate something. I hoped it was the latter.

"Sure Luke. You know I don't mind." I lathered a wash cloth and he leaned forward. I took probably longer than necessary to do his back, neck, and shoulders. When I finished, his cock was sticking up out of the bubbles.

I latched onto it and asked "Do you need help with this too?"

"Mmhm, if you wouldn't mind." He moaned.

"Let's go into the den."

By the time he rinsed off and drained the tub, I was waiting by the sofa on my knees. He entered wearing the sleep shorts which instantly hit the floor as he sat down. I couldn't wait to get my lips around his cock.

I started to worship his cock when he said "Trey told me something interesting. The reason his dad was blowing the neighbor boy, was the boy caught Trey's dad fucking his little sister. He blackmailed him into blowing him anytime he wants."

I looked up in surprise. What the hell was going on there I wondered. But I really don't have any room to talk, since I was, even at that moment, blowing my own thirteen year old son.

"Yeah. The kid offered to get Trey a blow job for 10 bucks. Said he knew a guy that would do it or get arrested. He told Trey that he had set the guy up, tricking him into fucking his little sister. He caught it on camera and was blackmailing the guy. The kid didn't know that Trey knew he was talking about his dad."

I told Luke "That is one mean kid. It's bad enough that he set him up for blackmail, but then to try to embarrass both Trey, and his father, by making him blow his son. That's just pure evil if you ask me. How old is the sister?"

"She's like eleven, and the brother has been fucking her for a couple of years. She must like it though, she let Trey's dad fuck her too."

The mental image of an eleven year old girl getting fucked by a teen boy was a huge turn on for me. It reminded me of how Luke,s mother was also getting fucked at fourteen. I didn't like the blackmail aspect of it though, and said "That kid needs to be punished."

I stopped my ministrations to his cock and said "Luke. You asked me a bunch of personal questions, it's my turn to ask you some."

"Okay, Dad, shoot."

"When did you first start masturbating?"

"I dunno, couple of years ago I guess." He replied.

A couple of years? That would make him only eleven. "What did you think about when you did it?"

"It's like I told you. Mom never really paid me any attention. She never cuddled me like you did. She didn't show me the affection that you showed me. So, at first I discovered that it felt good to play with my dick. Then I would imagine scenarios where I was getting the attention I wanted. You know, sexual attention. But it wasn't a female doing it. In my mind it was always an adult male. It wasn't until Trey said he wished his dad would blow him, that I realized I wanted you. It was you in my fantasies giving me the sexual affection just as you did the nurturing affection you showed me everyday." He answered honestly.

"What would happen in these fantasies?"

"We would be cuddling on the sofa like we do sometimes while watching tv. But then you would start rubbing my tummy, then slide your hand down into my underwear. When you touched my dick, I would slide my underwear off so you could get to it better. I was always a willing participant. You would then suck it for me. I never got too far beyond that before I would orgasm. I always wanted to do it for you too, but I didn't last long enough to get to that point of the fantasy. I also knew you loved me, you've always shown that. But in the fantasy, you loved me sexually too. I could feel that as you reached into my underwear, you were doing it for me. You wanted to make me happy sexually, just as you did in every other way."

I think I might have had a few tears in my eyes as I swallowed his cock again. I worked on it for a minute, then asked "Do I? Do I make you happy? Sexually and otherwise?" It seemed strange that I would be asking this as I was sliding my hand up and down on his saliva soaked cock.

"For sure. I know you had sex before, but the sex we have, we learned together. You hadn't done any of this, neither have I. It's like we were virgins on a honeymoon. We were each other's first. That is special to me."

"For me too. I probably would never have done any of this with anyone but you. Now, I don't want to do anything with anyone but you."

I went back to sucking his cock. He suddenly shot a huge load in my mouth. I quickly swallowed all he gave me.

After he recovered, he asked "Did you mean that Dad? You don't want anyone but me? You're not ever going to date or get married? Never going to fuck another woman?"

I thought about that question for a while. "Son, I would never ask you to give up a normal life with a wife and kids. I don't expect you to stay with me until I die. But even if you and I never have sex again, my life is complete. I have experienced all I need. You are the best child I could ever wish for, so I don't intend to have more children. You have given me the best sex I could ever wish for, so I don't need anyone else for that. You make me proud as a father, and fulfilled as a lover. If I die tomorrow, I die contented. If I die in fifty years without anyone else in my life, and never have you again, I still die contented."

He gave me a brilliant smile "I'm going to fuck you so hard when we go to bed together tonight."

That was I promise I was going to hold him to.

I was sitting down with my first cup of coffee of the morning, when my ass reminded me of just how hard he did fuck me last night. He was relentless, filling my ass with his cum three times before we drifted off to sleep. I'm not complaining, just saying.

Luke stumbled in and I made him some breakfast. "Did you mean what you said about that kid needed to be punished?" Luke said between bites.

"Well, I think he should be stopped. I don't know about punished. He shouldn't be setting people up. Then again, it is Trey's father's fault as well. He shouldn't be fucking eleven year old girls either. But I have no room to talk, I'm having sex with my thirteen year old son. Temptation is hard to resist sometimes. For me, it was you. For Trey's dad it's eleven year old girls. I'm not going to make excuses for what he did, but I can certainly understand how it can happen."

"So what can we do? I don't want to get Trey's dad in trouble."

"There's a guy I know who does some 'investigative' work for my firm. I got him out of a situation a while back, so he's a bit shady. He owes me a favor. I'll give him a call."

"Dad, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about." He looked a little pensive, and just toyed with his food.

"Okay… Is something wrong?" He had me a bit worried.

"Well, you know how in sixth grade we had sex ed?"

"Yes. I remember how excited you were at first, then disappointed, too." I laughed.

"Yeah, it wasn't the porno we were all expecting. Anyway, one thing that was talked about is how sex changes relationships."

"Yes, it usually does."

"How?" He asked seriously.

"Well, let's assume we are talking about an average young couple of 18 years old. On the first date, he's a perfect gentleman. He opens her car door, pays attention to her, laughs at her silly jokes. She hangs on his every word, pretends to like sports, and laughs at his silly jokes. Basically, they're both lying their asses off.

"After dating a while, she finally decides to give it up. They have sex. The thing about sex is, people are pretty transparent during it. True personalities become apparent. Then afterward, most people decide they don't have to pretend anymore.

"She soon discovers he isn't prince charming, and he discovers she isn't cinderella. She doesn't like it when he leaves his underwear on the floor, and the lid off the toothpaste. He doesn't like it when she screams at him about his underwear, and doesn't give blow jobs.

"She learns that he is a selfish pig, and he learns she is a psycho bitch."

Luke listened intently, taking it all in, then asked "Is it always like that?"

"No, of course not. That is just an example. But sex does change relationships on some level or another in all cases." I told him honestly.

"What about us?" He asked worriedly.

"That particular example doesn't apply to us. I already know you leave your underwear on the floor and the lid off the toothpaste." That comment got me a smack on the arm.

"Let's examine it. For the past eleven years, I have always seen you as a wonderful son. A great kid. Smart, funny, well behaved, but still a child. My child. Now I still see all that, but I also see a very sensual, sexual, attractive, person. I say person, because that part of you, the sexual Luke, I hadn't seen before.

"You have always seen me as your dad. The one who pays the bills, feeds you and takes care of you. The one that back in first grade you told your friends 'My dad can beat up your dad'. Now all of a sudden, I'm the one you also look to for blow jobs, and has a smaller dick than you and maybe those same friends.

"Instead of the powerful Wizard of Oz, suddenly, I'm just the dirty old pervert behind the curtain pulling the ropes."

"Come on, Dad. You know I don't think of you that way. You might be a bit of a perv, but you're not old." He joked. So he got the punch on the arm. "Do you think this will change our relationship?

"In some way, of course it will. I know I'm not going to be able to see you in your speedo without getting an erection. That didn't use to happen. As far as the rest of our relationship, I'm still your dad. I'm still going to yell at you about your underwear on the floor, I'm still going to make sure you get to school, and help you with your homework. I'm still going to cuddle with you while watching tv. But now, I might slide my hand into your underwear, cause I know you like it. I hope from your standpoint, you can still respect me as your father, and do as you're told, just as you did before.

"If you can't, then we will have a problem. My first priority is being your father. If we can't continue as father and son, then I will not hesitate to end the sexual aspect of our relationship."

He was thoughtful for moment then said "I understand. I want it that way too. I propose that during the day we are father and son. At night in bed, is a whole different story. I love you as my dad, but I also love you in bed."

"Okay Luke we'll give it a try. Does that mean that it's too early for a blow job?" I said as I got to my knees.

I admit that I hoped it would work. I was addicted to his cock already. I would never have guessed that I would even think about being addicted to a cock, much less my own son's cock. Yet, I know that I am.

A few days later, I got a call from my 'shady' contact. It seems all the evidence of Trey's father's indiscretion had disappeared, and had been replaced with video evidence of the neighbor boy fucking his sister. Along with a note that the evidence would be sent to the cops if the boy didn't see the error of his ways.

About an hour later, I received a call from Trey's dad.

"Did you send me a letter by messenger?"

"No. Why do you ask?" I answered hesitantly.

"But you know what it's about." He said cryptically.

"I think so. What does it say?"

"It just says that I'm off the hook, and that I have you to thank for it." He said. "You probably think I'm a terrible pervert or something."

"Not at all. We all have our weaknesses."

"You may not believe this, but she came on to me. I wasn't out looking for it. I mean, I wouldn't do that with a little girl. But she just caught me at a weak moment and I don't know what came over me. I.."

"Look. You don't have to explain anything to me. You were set up. He did it to get something on you. Now you don't have to worry, he won't do anything else to you. And you can stop your...shall we say payment to him."

"You know about that too? How?" He seemed mortified.

"A little birdy, told another little birdy, who told me."

"Shit! Trey knows? He probably thinks the worst of me."

"Trey understands what happened. I'm sure he will forgive you."

He was near tears, I could hear him choking up a bit. "How could he ever forgive me? He knows what I had to do to cover it up."

"Well, there is one thing he might like. He actually let it be known that he would like the same thing the neighbor got."

"You mean.. He wants me to.. You know.." He said incredulously.

"I know he really wants that. If not from you, then someone else. Though I can't imagine how you could arrange that. Maybe you have the willpower to do it just once more, for your own son." I hinted.

"You really think that's what he wants? I don't even know if he can .. you know."

I put my hand over the mouthpiece of the phone and asked Luke "Can Trey shoot a load?"

"Not yet, he said he has started to dribble though." Luke answered.

"A little birdy said not yet, but soon would be."

"You seem to have some pretty knowledgeable birds." He laughed.

"More like smart asses if you ask me." I laughed.

"Well, nevertheless. I owe you big. You really got my ass out of a sling. I appreciate it."

School was starting soon, so I took Luke clothes shopping. I'm sure the sales clerk thought it odd that I would actually go into the dressing room with him, but I didn't care. It was like my own private strip show. By the time we left, we were both hard as stone. And my wallet was several hundred dollars lighter. We went straight home and to bed.

That summer, Luke had grown a couple of inches in height, as well as length of his cock. His swimming had really paid off in his muscle development as well. I'm probably biased, but my son had turned into quite the little hottie.

So when school started, all those silly, giggly, girls were all over him. Some of them had also developed over the summer, and were trying to perfect their skills as wannabe sirens, luring young boys to their doom.

I remember the age well. When Becky Johansen went from flatter than a Ken doll, to a very respectable B cup over the summer. I spent that first week of school wacking off in the boy's room, and choking my chicken to death at night.

Things haven't changed much. Every day when I would pick up Luke from school, there seem to be two or three girls vying for his attention. Though he never shunned them, he wasn't enthralled by them either. He played their game right back at them, toying with them as much as they did him.

He decided to have an 'end of summer' swim party at our house. He invited all of his classmates. I have to admit that seeing all that teen flesh had an overwhelming effect on me. Fortunately I was dressed to conceal my wayward dick.

I was glad that Trey's dad didn't come. I might not have been able to guarantee the safety of some of those girls.

Helga had agreed to cook and help out at the party, leaving me free to sightsee. I listened as the boys whispered about Maryanne's large rack, and Madison's great ass. Most of these boys weren't as physically mature as Luke and it was obvious in their swimsuits. It was also obvious that the girls took notice of Luke's well packed speedo. I witnessed a few whispers and finger points between the girls.

Luke was unfazed and played the perfect host, spreading his attention between all his guests.

The party helped establish Luke as the big man on campus. His popularity soared, with a constant flow of party invitations and such. I had given him a cell phone for his thirteenth birthday, and now it never stopped ringing and pinging messages.

The third Saturday after school started, we were by the pool. Luke was doing his laps, while I had my second cup of coffee. His phone kept pinging with messages and after awhile he finally got out and picked it up.

"Girls are so stupid." He said after reading the most recent texts.

"What makes you say that son?"

He turned the phone to show me a pic of a very inviting pussy. "Madison just sent me this."

"Well it's a very attractive pussy, but that doesn't mean it's hers."

"That's the cropped picture. Here is the original." He said showing a full body shot of Madison which the first pic was cropped from.

"I can't believe she would send this to you." I said aghast.

He went through his texts showing me pic after pic of nude girls. "They all do. Heck look at this one."

It was a pic of a girl named Megan, I recognized from the party. It showed her using a dildo in her pussy. The text read 'Thinking of you.'

"Jesus Christ. I can't believe this." I exclaimed.

"My school should be named Slutville Junior high." He replied.

"Have you sent anyone pics like this?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid, Dad."

"Good. Don't do it. And definitely don't send these pics to anyone else either."

"I won't. I promise." He reassured me.

"How many of these have you received?"

"About a dozen this week. Probably by the end of next week, I should have one of every girl in school."

"I can't believe these girls are so forward. Are you planning to sleep with any of them?" I asked, not able to hide the jealousy in my voice.

"Dad, all together they don't have a full brain. They're just future sluts and whores. Besides, you're the only slut I want." He laughed and gave me a kiss.

That was the right answer. I reached for his speedos and took him into my mouth.

"Oh jesus. You're probably a lot better at that than they are too."

It was a few weeks later that Luke and I were at the grocery store. I am somewhat famous for my chili, well it's actually my grandfather's recipe. I usually make a bunch of chili when we get our first cold weather. We were at the store stocking up on stuff for my chili.

At the checkout stand I hear something and looked up just in time to see a man approaching the automatic doors. The store security guard was lying on the ground near the door. The man was carrying a rifle in one hand and a pistol in the other. I grabbed two cans of diced tomatoes (yes I use canned tomatoes in my chili) off the conveyor belt. I threw one at the guy, hitting him in the chest. I charged him with the other can raised, ready to hit him with it. I had intended to hit him in the head, but he had recovered enough from the flying tomatoes to shoot me. I swung and managed to knock the pistol from his hand. Then I threw my body on his, shoulder to his gut. He flew back into the door frame, and I stumbled on top of him, kicking at the rifle to get it away from him. I managed to trap the gun and his hand between my foot, and a stack of fifty pound dog food bags. He finally let it go when I elbowed him a few times in the crotch. I'm not much of a fighter, but when I do, I fight dirty.

Then it went dark. Next I know, I wake up in the hospital. Luke is by my side. I can tell he's been crying. "Hey, Son. I'm okay." I say trying to reach for him.

"Dad! Thank god. I was so scared." He pressed the button for the nurse, and kissed me.

A nurse entered and I could hear a commotion in the hall outside. "Our hero is awake finally. Good."

"What's going on out there?" I asked.

"Reporters. They won't go away." She said "But you're not getting out of here before Monday at the earliest."

Luke refused to leave my side. So we were both pretty tired when I was ready to leave. As I exited I was inundated by reporters. One local station reporter grabbed my arm "Just a few questions."

I stopped and looked at her "Are you sure you want a statement?"

"Yes.. Do you think we need stricter gun control laws?

"Is this live?"


"Okay, but you won't like what I have to say." I warned her

"What do you mean?"

I got out of the wheelchair and stood in front of a couple of dozen reporters. "More people die in auto accidents than by guns. How many of you are willing to give up your cars? Three times as many die from alcohol than by guns. World wide over three million die each year from alcohol abuse. Add in the innocent people killed by drunk drivers and the abused spouses and children. How many of you are willing to give up drinking? At least the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the constitution. No one has the right to get drunk and kill someone, yet you people worry about guns. Give me a break. Don't use me to further your political agenda."

Another reporter asked "Why did you risk your life to stop him?"

"My son was in that store. I'll do anything for Luke."

Luke wheeled me to a waiting cab, and we left.

Chapter 4

It's funny how things turn out. What goes around, comes around. I had spent a couple of weeks caring for an injured Luke. Now Luke was taking care of me.

Word got out that I was home and the flowers and cards started arriving. There had been some at the hospital, but damn did I get a bunch more. People I didn't even know. And companies wanting my endorsement. The grocery store gave me free groceries for a year.

My statement didn't go unnoticed. The NRA sent me a card and a gift certificate from a gun store. It arrived the same day as the hate mail from gun control activists. Oh well.

Luke wanted to stay home with me, but I insisted he go to school. Helga was going to come and bring lunch and check up on me. He would be with me in the evenings. I had use of one of my hands, one arm was in a sling. So I wasn't totally helpless like he was.

It did cut down on our sex life though. He was afraid of hurting me. I was hoping he would hurt with his cock.

He came home after school that first day and said "Some of my friends think you are wrong about gun control. They said that the man couldn't shoot up the store if he didn't have a gun in the first place."

"I don't know if I'm right or wrong. It's just my opinion. As far as what that guy could have done, he could've look on the internet and find out how to make a bomb out of fertilizer, and just blow the store up too. Then we would all be dead.

"Luke, some people do bad things, others are just batshit crazy. Something like a thousand people have jumped off the Golden Gate bridge, are we supposed to close it to protect the people. Cars aren't held responsible for traffic deaths. It's the idiots and drunk drivers that cause it. I also know that when people have no means of protecting themselves, they eventually live in tyranny. It's happened many times in the past."

"I see what you mean, Dad, but he killed that security guard and shot you. Why would someone do that?"

"I don't know his motives. Could be he just had a fight with his girlfriend or maybe someone told him he had bad breath. Like I said, Luke, some people are just batshit crazy. You have to be crazy to do something like that don't you think? He had planned it so it wasn't temporary insanity."

"What's that?" Luke asked

"It's when a perfectly sane man comes home and finds his wife fucking the garbage man. He just loses it and axes both of them. He was temporarily insane. Kind of like the first time I sucked you, something just came over me and I just had to do it."

"Aw Dad. You know you liked it. So did I. I don't think the garbage man liked being chopped up." Luke laughed.

"Speaking of which, I haven't had a protein shake in a long time. Come here." I said reaching for his belt. By the time I had his pants undone he was hard and ready. It seems that I barely had him in my mouth for a few seconds when he gave me a huge load. I had trouble swallowing fast enough.

"Oh god..thanks." Luke exclaimed.

"Have you been saving that all this time?"

"Yeah. I didn't have much time for it, and I kinda thought you might want it all anyway."

"You're such a good boy. Always thinking of others. Well, let's see if we can drain you completely then." I took him into my throat again.

Trey's dad eventually did as recommended. I had asked Luke about it, and he didn't seem to know. So the next time I talked to Trey's dad, I asked him.

"Yes, I took your advice. I had a long talk with Trey, and he told me about the video and what you did. I explained why I was … well, doing that for the neighbor, that I was afraid to lose him and I had to protect our family. I asked him if it was true he wanted that too. He said that he had been curious what it felt like. I told him I would when he was old enough to shoot a load. A couple of weeks later he told me he could, so I did it."

"Did he like it?" Stupid question. I know.

"Yeah. Thing is, I did too. I guess I got used to doing it for the other kid, or maybe just because it's my son. Anyway, I've been doing it a few times a week since then."

"Trey hasn't said anything to Luke about that." I told him in surprise.

"I told Trey that it would be best not to tell anyone I was doing that." I can understand that.

The rest of the school year was pretty uneventful, other than girls throwing themselves at Luke. Eighth grade girls are a horny bunch. Luke wanted to throw an end of school party. Seems the entire school was there but it was only the eighth graders. The girls that were undeveloped at the first party, had certainly made an effort to catch up. Boys too. Most decided to wear speedos too. I know my tongue was hanging out the entire party.

I saw a couple go around the side of the house, so I followed after a minute. I found them making out, his hand in her bikini bottoms, her's in his speedo.

I watched them for a few minutes, because it was an extremely hot scene. I wasn't going to let them fuck though. I didn't want anyone getting pregnant when under my supervision. He stopped kissing her and she got to her knees and pulled out his handsome thick five incher [13 cm]. She took it in her mouth and worked it over pretty good.

Then she stood with it in her hand and started to use the head of it to push her bikini waistband down. His cock head slid between her legs, and he started to hump into her. The angle wouldn't allow penetration, but it wouldn't be long before they changed that. So I said "Hey !" They jumped halfway to the rooftop, and scrambled adjusting their swimsuits.

She rushed passed me, and as he got close to me, I stopped him. His hardon was not contained in the small swimsuit. "Do you really want to go back there like that?" I said glancing at his cock.

He looked down and said "Oh ..shit. Uh. Are you gonna tell my parents about catching us?"

"No. Just don't fuck any girls here. And tell your friends the same thing. I don't want any girls getting pregnant at my house." I warned.

"Okay. But what am I gonna do with this?"

"I suggest you take care of it." I said pointedly.

He knew I wasn't leaving so he began stroking it. "It felt better when she was doing this." He said accusingly because it was my fault he didn't get off with her.

"What's your name?" I asked


"Well, Joe. If anyone hears of this, I will tell your parents what you were doing back here." I said as I took hold of his dick. I stroked it slowly at first then with a little more purpose.

"Jesus, that feels good." He was pumping his hips back and forth. Then he said "You know.. She sucked it too."

"Don't push your luck you little shit. I'm not going to get caught with your dick in my mouth." Though the thought of sucking it got me hard too.

He noticed and rubbed the front of my swimsuit. "I can come back later if you want me to take care of that for you." He said with a smile. This kid obviously liked sex, no matter where he got it.

"Some other time, Joe." I said and put more effort into getting him off. He shot his load on the brick wall of my house, and I stuffed his dick back into his speedo.

"Thanks. Let me know if you change your mind later." He said as his dick finally receded.

That summer tryouts were held for the high school swim team. Luke made the team easily, even setting new school records in two events. I'm a parent, I'm allowed to brag.

Even before school started, Luke was already the big man on campus, because of his swimming. Once school started, he became known as the big man on campus for other reasons too. Luke had really worked hard on his body, growing taller and stronger, with a swimmers build. His cock grew also.

In the gym showers, they said he could shave a few seconds off his time, by cutting off that big dick that caused too much drag in the water. His coach came to his rescue by saying it was his rudder, and kept him going in a straight line. He inadvertently gave Luke his nickname, Rudder. Within a few weeks everyone forgot his first name, and kids he didn't even know called him Rudder.

Nothing too out of the ordinary happened that year, The next year was a different story. Luke had gone to state finals in swimming and set a few records there as well. When school started the second year, he had a fan club. His own personal cheering section, led by Kimberly Cheeks. At the first meet, she asked for his autograph. Luke was immediately smitten.

Kim admittedly was very attractive. After meeting her I could see why he liked her. She was brilliant too. Had a fair sense of humor as well. She always called him Rudder. He called her Kimchi. I'm sure it was because she was edible and tasted fishy.

Kim had a little brother. Chip was thirteen and cute as a button. I'd like to think that Chip was short for chipmunk and he would then be Chipmunk Cheeks. He wasn't at all fat, but I wanted to pinch his cheeks just the same, lower ones as well.

Kim's Dad was excited that she was interested in Luke. He liked that Luke was a gifted athlete, and the son of a local hero, so he encouraged the relationship.

One day, at the grocery store, I noticed a box of condoms had somehow managed to find it's way into our basket. I didn't say anything, but later I asked Luke about them.

"You never know when you might need one." Luke said.

Kim and her brother spent a lot of time at our house, mostly in the pool. I discovered that their parents were away a lot, and Kim was expected to care for her little brother. Most days, I picked all three up after school, and took them to our house. After dinner, I would have to take them home. Sometimes the parents were home, sometimes not.

Kim and Chip kept swimsuits at our house. Usually they would change and be in the pool in minutes. One day, I looked out and saw Chip in the pool by himself. I assumed that Luke and Kim were still changing clothes. Her in the hall bath, him in his room. A few minutes later, Chip was still alone.

I went to Luke's room and found the door closed. The hall bath was empty, so I knew Kim was in with Luke. I put my ear close to the door, and heard the unmistakable sounds of fucking. Kim was moaning pretty loud too. Then I heard her say "Oh god. Oh god. Don't stop … OOhh." I could only guess what Luke's big cock was doing to her little pussy.

I had to believe that Luke had the good sense to use the condoms. I went out to the pool. Chip got out and came over to me and asked for a soft drink. I couldn't help but notice that he filled out his swimsuit nicely too. Not as much as Luke did at his age, but respectable.

I told him to wait there, and I would get him a drink. I didn't want him going into the house and hearing his sister have another orgasm.

When I brought out his soft drink, I saw that Chip's swimsuit seemed tighter, and his dick was pointing toward his hip. He was getting an erection.

Pretending not to notice, I handed him the drink and sat down. He sat beside me, and took a swig of his drink. Then he said "Do you know what they are doing?"

"I assume they are making out." I answered

"No. They're fucking." He said casually.

"What makes you think that?"

"She told me she was going to today. Do you think I should tell my parents?" He sounded worried.

"Probably not a good idea. Do you want to get your sister in trouble."

"No, but what if she gets pregnant?"

"I'm sure Luke is smart enough to use a condom." At least I wanted to believe that.

Chip absentmindedly began to rub his now fully erect dick over his speedo. "Kim said they call him Rudder because he has a really big cock."

"Yes he does. Your's seems a good size as well." I said glancing at his crotch.

"Oh. Sorry. I was thinking about what they're doing. Do you think she sucked it first?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"Man, would I like to see that. His big cock getting sucked. Bet it feels good too." He said dreamily.

"Blow jobs feel great. Can you keep a secret?" I asked him.


I had him stand up close to me and pulled down his swimsuit. He had a nice five inch [13 cm] cock, just a few whispies around the base. Fairly thick for his age too. Nice bell shaped head, just begging to be slobbered on.

Taking him into my mouth, I made sure my nose was in his pubes and that fat knob was in my throat, before drawing back again.

"Oh god. I knew it would feel good." He moaned.

I bobbed up and down on it for a few minutes and his legs began to quiver. I took it to the base, his balls on my chin, and he exploded in my throat. He had a nice tasty load, that I savored.

"That was the best thing ever." He exclaimed when he could speak again. He saw the tent in my shorts and asked "Do you want me to do you?"

"No, Chip. Thanks for asking though. You can't tell anyone about this. And don't tell your parents what Kim and Luke are doing either. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

"I won't tell. Promise." He said as I stroked his cock again before putting it back into his swimsuit.

"Stay here a minute." I instructed him.

I went to Luke's room, and could hear Kim "Oh God, I'm cumming again Rudder."

Back on the patio, Chip was sipping his drink. I knelt in front of him and pulled out his cock. "I think we have time for another round If you want."

"Oh hell yeah."

Almost every day after that, when they came over, Luke and Kim would disappear to Luke's room, and Chip would get two, sometimes three blow jobs.

Kim was getting all of Luke's cum, so I guess I needed to get my protein elsewhere. Not that I minded. Chip was a good boy, and I enjoyed blowing him almost as much as he liked receiving it.

Kim, Chip, and their parents always went to Colorado at Christmas break to go skiing. This year they invited Luke to go with them. I was reluctant.

"Luke, I don't think it's a good idea. What if you break a leg or something?"

"I guess I would have to stay home a while and let you care for me, like when I burned my hands." He said lecherously, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"What I mean is, your swimming career could be over." I said not taking the bait.

"I hadn't thought about that. But I promise to be careful. Only the bunny slopes for me."

He bugged me for a week straight before I finally gave in. I knew he just didn't want to miss a chance to fuck her. Two weeks without pussy would probably kill him.

I warned him to be careful, to use condoms, and not to get caught fucking their daughter. I even packed several boxes of condoms in his suitcase.

Turns out I needn't have bothered. Her parents had put her on the pill. I guess they are smarter than I thought.

A few days before they were to leave, Luke came to me. "Dad. Will you do something for me?"

"Anything Luke. What is it?"

"Chip doesn't want to go on the trip. He hates skiing, and says it's boring there if you don't ski. Could he stay with you while we're gone?"

"Have his dad call me, and we'll talk about it."

Chip's dad called me, arrangements were made, and Chip came over when his parents came to pick up Luke.

Having Chip around was nice. It almost made me forget to worry about Luke. Yes, I blew him. A LOT.

I managed to get him a few gifts before Christmas, though they were going to have Christmas when they got back. Luke and I decided to wait til after also. But Christmas day, it was me and Chip, so I had to do something. I got him a few video games, and some of the sleep shorts that Luke and I are so fond of. He loved them too.

Christmas night I gave him something else too. His first fuck. I let him fuck my ass all night. He loved that too.

Luke called a few times, and texted several times a day. The first one came just a few hours into their drive.

'They have a two bedroom condo for us to stay in.'

A few minutes later.

'Her dad said I didn't have to sleep on the sofa.'

Then a few minutes later.

'They know I've been fucking her.'


'Holy shit, Dad. I get to sleep with Kim. It's ok with them. AND she's on the pill. I get to fuck her bare for the whole trip.'

I didn't count the number of smiley face emojis he attached at the end.

I kind of felt sorry for Kim. I know what Luke is capable of. That poor girl and her pussy would never be the same. What surprised me was how 'open minded' her parents were. I'm not sure if I had a daughter I would be as modern as they are.

So if their daughter was going to service my son for the whole trip, I guess I should do the same.

I did. We were in bed more than out.

When they returned, Chip's dad thanked me for caring for him.

"It was my pleasure." I said honestly. "Thanks for having Luke."

Mrs Cheeks said "You have a very special son."

After they left, Luke said "I had a great time. I can't tell you how many times I fucked Kim. We barely got any sleep."

I had suspected as much. Poor Kim.

"Then, Dad. Guess what happened."

"I haven't a clue. What?"

"A couple of days ago, Kim and her dad were shopping. Kim's Mom said "I want to see what is making my daughter scream so much." I got scared until she started to undo my pants. When she saw how big my cock is, she just went down on it. She sucked it, Dad. Kim's mom gave me a blow job." He kept saying as if I didn't understand.

"I get it."

"I think she wanted me to fuck her, but we didn't get any more time alone."

"You need to be careful, Son. I doubt that Mr. Cheeks will be as understanding about you fucking his wife, as he seems to be about you fucking his daughter."

Later, Luke came to me and said "Thanks for letting me go. I had a great time. Oh and thanks taking care of Chip too."

He wasn't aware of just how well I took care of Chip.

"Anything for you Luke. Anything for you."


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