PZA Boy Stories


Two for Ten


A playboy jetsetter makes a family an offer they can't refuse.

Publ. Feb 2017
Under construction, Feb 2017; 20,000 words (40 pages)


Brett (13yo), Jason 'Jay' (35yo), Leon (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mtcons mast oral anal – toy


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Two for Ten in the subject line.


I've always been spoiled. I know it. Everybody around me knows it. Think of the movie Arthur, that would be me, only less drinking, and more money. A lot more money. I'm worth several billion dollars. I have led the playboy lifestyle like Arthur, I've been to all the best parties, slept with starlets and models, jetted around the globe for a thrill or dinner.

Now at the age of thirty five, there isn't anything left to do. No new places to go, no new faces to see. All the parties are just like the last one.

And like Arthur's family, my so called friends think it's time for me to settle down. "Get married, have a bunch of kids, and live happily ever after," they all say.

I say, Bullshit!. Like Arthur, I don't want to be in some loveless marriage just to please other people's idea of what is best for me. If I marry someone with the same financial situation I have, it would be a 'merger', not a marriage. And people would assume it was just that. If I marry someone not of my financial status, then people would say she married me for my money. Which would probably be true.

Which brings up a major point. How would I know my intended actually cared for me, and not the money. Who wants to marry a gold digger? Who would want to produce children with a brainless bimbo?


This is what had been on my mind as I drove from my house in Palm Springs to L.A. I wasn't actually driving. I was in the back of the Limo. We stopped for gas at some god forsaken place in the middle of Shitsville. While Leon filled the tank, I went to drain the lizard.

I had just reached the door of this grand establishment, when I heard a racket behind me. A, used to be green, station wagon, banged, smoked, farted, and wheezed into the lot, and pulled up to the pump. In the back, I saw six or seven kids, bouncing and screaming and crying and whatever else a pack of kids do.

That would normally be the end of the attention I would expend on this type of thing. I entered the restroom, and stood at a less than clean urinal, and did my business. I paid little attention to the door opening and someone stepping up beside me.

"Did you see that Limo out front?"

I turned to see a kid of about twelve or thirteen standing at the next urinal. He wore a torn striped t-shirt, and cut off blue jeans, and was bare footed.

"Yes I did. Pretty nice huh?" I answered.

"Yeah. I'm gonna have one like that some day," he said as he unsnapped his jeans and pulled out his dick.

I noticed he wasn't wearing underwear, and his shorts didn't fall off of him because they were too tight. He had to struggle to even get his dick out. He tucked his t-shirt under his chin and pointed his dick toward the urinal. I saw about three hairs on his four inch [10 cm] soft dick. It crossed my mind that he was going to have a nice sized cock someday, and probably make quite a few girls very happy.

"So you want a Limo? I hear they're expensive."

"Yeah. I'm pretty smart though. I'll go to college and make a lot of money," he said confidently.

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

I was just putting my cock away, when he said "Man, you got a big one."

Glancing at his a moment, I said "Thanks, yours is pretty big too for your age." His face lit up.

I got in line at the counter behind a man and all those kids. "Can I have this Dad?" one little boy said, holding up a candy bar.

"No Caleb, put it back," his almost toothless father answered.

The kid from the restroom came up and stood beside toothless. He saw me and smiled, then glanced behind me and got a stern look on his face. Reaching around me, he took the candy bar out of Caleb's pocket. "Shame on you Caleb."

Toothless pulled money out of his pocket, mostly change, and said "Can I get eight dollars and thirty seven cents worth on pump four."

The kid from the toilet said "I got a nickel, Dad."

"Make that uh 3; uh 3;" toothless started.

The kid whispered "Eight forty two."

"Eight dollars and forty two cents worth," toothless repeated.

They left the store, and I got a pack of cigarettes. I know, disgusting habit. I only smoke once in awhile, and usually only when I'm worried about something.

The kids from the other car were running around as their dad pumped his gas. Toilet boy smiled at me again and waved. Then he saw Leon open the door as I approached the Limo.

"That's your car?" he asked.

"Yeah. I got a good deal on it." He laughed at my joke. "Want to see the inside?" I asked.

"Can I?"

"Come on."

He jumped in and his mouth dropped open. "This is bigger than our whole house practically. What's this?"

"That's the bar. Ice is down here," I pointed out.

"What about all these buttons?" he asked.

"Well, these are for the tv, these are the stereo, this is air conditioning and windows 3;"

"Sir 3;" Leon started

"In a minute Leon."

"You got a tv in here?"

"Yep, and a dvd player and 3;"

"Sir 3;"

"In a minute Leon. Over here is the intercom and closed circuit for outside cameras. And this is 3;"

"But, Sir, the other car has gone."

"What other car?" I asked rather indignantly.

"The boy's family, Sir."

"Shit. Okay, follow them."

"Should I try to get them to pull over?"

"No just follow them."

"My dad is a little slow. He doesn't do a headcount sometimes. Last week he left my little sister at the unemployment office."

"What's your name son?"

"Brett. What's yours?" he asked, still looking around the car.

"Jason, but call me Jay. Would you like a Coke?"

"Yeah. I mean, yes sir."

Well at least he tries to be polite. And in the store he stopped his brother from stealing. He even gave his dad his last nickel, and tried not to embarrass him by whispering the amount. Pretty decent kid.

I watched him sip his Coke, and when he wasn't looking, I gave him the once over. Cute. Very cute, actually. Sandy hair, almost to his shoulders. Brown eyes that sparkle when he smiles. Probably a little over five feet [1.50 m] tall. His clothes were a mess though. I looked down at his tight shorts and could see his bulge there. I flashed to what it looked like at the urinal.

He saw me looking, grinned at me and asked "Do you really think mine's big?"

"Well, I didn't get to really examine it closely, at a glance it seemed reasonably big."

He looked toward the front of the car, "Can Leon see back here?"

"No. it's totally private. Soundproof too," I assured him.

He lifted his hips, unsnapped his shorts, and with some effort, pulled them to his knees. His boyhood now on display, was more inviting than I would have imagined. I had never been attracted to males, but he was intoxicatingly cute.

"May I?" I asked, reaching for it. He nodded. I wrapped my fingers around it. Even soft, the head stuck up above my fist. I gave it a squeeze and felt it firming up.

What a thrill. I was touching a boy's dick. This was new territory for me. Something taboo, illegal even. Yet I couldn't take my eyes, or hand, off. I stoked it a few times, and it grew to about five and a half inches [13½ cm]. Nicely thick too.

"How old are you, Brett?"

"Twelve. I'll be thirteen next month."

"Has anybody else touched you like this?" I asked because of his apparent lack of shyness at a man playing with his dick.

He looked down a moment and nodded. "Mr. Groves, he's a man my dad does odd jobs for, sometimes he'll give me a dollar if I let him see it. But I don't let him touch it. You're the first one to touch it. Well, except my sis 3; Uh 3; except for me."

Did he just start to say sister? Hmmm.

"He just looks at it?"

"He likes to 3; you know 3; play with his, while he looks at it. I have to stay naked till he finishes. Then he gives me the dollar."

"Why did you let me touch it?"

"You seem nice. You let me ride in your Limo. I don't know. I guess I kinda wanted you to touch it too. Can 3; can I see yours?"

I took my pants down and leaned back. I was already hard, and it lay against my flat stomach.

"Man yours really is big. Can I touch it?"


He reached for it, and I made it jump. He drew back and giggled. Then reached for it again. His small hand moved up and down it. He then used two hands on it.

"So your sister plays with yours?" I asked him.

His eyes flew open. Then he nodded in admittance. "Don't tell on us, please Jay. I don't want my sister to get into trouble."

"I'm not going to tell on you. What's your sister's name?'

"Becky. She's almost eleven. She likes playing sexy games, too."

"Oh? What kind of games?" He really had my attention now.

"Well, not 3; you know, fucking 3; but, she likes to play with it. I finger her a little too."

Now that would be fun to watch. I have never seen that before. And I've seen just about everything. Two preteen kids playing sexy games, would be different.

"What about your other brothers and sisters?"

"Becky and I are the oldest. We're pretty close. We kinda look after the little ones. The little ones, they just act wild sometimes, you know. Since dad had his accident, he doesn't seem to notice some things. Mom gets really frustrated, and well, it's just gets to be too much for her."

I was beginning to understand the situation now. Dad had some kind of accident, and is a little slow because of it. Mom is overwhelmed with a bunch of kids.

Leon's voice came over the intercom. "Sir, I believe we have arrived."

Brett struggled into his shorts, and I tucked my cock back into my pants.

I pushed the intercom button, "Don't get out yet, Leon"

Brett was having a difficult time because his shorts were so tight, his hard dick wouldn't allow them to be fastened.

"Shit 3; They're gonna see me."

"Relax. The windows can't be seen through from the outside."

A couple of kids faces appeared at the windows, trying to peer inside. Being scared must have affected his dick, because Brett was able to fasten his shorts.

"Now, Leon," I said into the intercom.

Leon got out, buttoned his jacket, and came to my door. When he opened it, the whole family was standing just outside. They all stared in shock as Brett stepped out.

"Thank you Leon," Brett said as if it was a normal occurrence for him.

"What on earth?" Brett's mom said, then turned to her husband. "You didn't do a headcount, did you?"

"I thought I did."

"He left me at the gas station," Brett explained.

Mom just shook her head.

"This is Jason," Brett introduced me.

"I'm sorry you had to go out of your way. Can I get you a glass of water? I'm afraid I don't have much else to offer," Brett's mom said. She wore a sack dress that was probably home made. So did all the girls.

"No thank you Mrs 3; ?"

"Oh, sorry. Baker, Helen Baker. This fool, is my husband Frank."

I shook their hands. We were standing outside an old Airstream travel trailer. It was probably eight feet [2½ m] wide, and maybe thirty five feet [10 m] long. I couldn't imagine how two parents and seven kids could live in it.

"Well thank you for bringing him home. I hope he wasn't any trouble for you."

"Not a bit. He's a pretty special boy," I said to relieve her.

"Yes he is. I wouldn't trade him for a million dollars," she said smiling at Brett.

That's when it hit me. Out of the blue. An idea so wild, I surprised myself by saying it out loud.

"How about five?" I countered.

"What?" she asked confused.

"How about five million dollars?"

"You're joking, right?"

"No. In fact, how about ten million for the two oldest?"

"Are you insane? You can't just go around buying children."

"Well in some places you can, actually. But I don't want that. I like Brett. He's smart and funny, and a good kid."

"This is absurd. I 3; I 3;"

"Just hear me out. It's obvious you could use some better transportation. Listen to my proposal, and I'll buy you a new car."

"A new car, just to listen? Even if we turn you down?"

"Just to listen," I promised her.

"Okay. We'll listen."

"Leon take us to the closest new car dealership," I said getting into the Limo.

Helen called Brett over. "Watch the little ones we'll be back soon."

Once on our way, I offered them a drink. They both accepted Cokes.

"Helen, it's obvious to me that you have too much on your plate. You feel overwhelmed and like your drowning, because there is no relief in site. Frank isn't much help, in fact, he needs help. You're burdened with all these children, and can't really spend the time with them that you would like."

She nodded, and I noticed a tear in the corner of her eye.

"You have all these kids that you can't provide for, and yet you want the best for them. You don't know where your next meal is coming from, or if there will even be a next meal."

The tear now rolled down her cheek.

"I would like to see you and your family prosper. I think that, with help, you could raise some wonderful children. Brett is an example of what you can do when you're not overwhelmed. He was your first, you weren't drowning then.

"I am not married, and I doubt I could find a woman as strong as you, this late in my life. If I did, there is no guarantee we would be able to have children. I would love to have a son as great as Brett."

She nodded.

"Ten million dollars is a lot of money. You have probably heard where people win the lottery and in a very short time are broke."

She nodded again.

"What I propose is this. I will put ten million dollars in an interest bearing account. You can't actually get the ten million, but you will get the interest every month. That is a lot of money. Even at two percent interest it will be close to twenty thousand a month.

"I'm sure you can raise a family on that much money. It would be enough to pay for all your needs and even send them to college.

"Most likely I can get five percent on ten million. That would be forty thousand a month in interest. What do you think your life would be like with forty thousand a month coming in."

She's nodding. And thinking.

"After your youngest child finishes college, you and Frank will receive five million out of the fund and the children will receive one million each. By then you will have learned how to manage your money well. You would probably have saved some of the interest that was coming in, so you and Frank will have quite a nest egg to retire on, your children will be through college and well on their way to a good life with their nest egg as well.

"You will have provided for your children much better than you could possibly do now."

I could tell she was thinking about it. Frank, just looked confused.

Leon announced our arrival. They soon picked out a large SUV that would carry all their kids. I had it added to my insurance, and gave the salesman my debit card.

Frank followed us in the new car, and Helen rode with me.

"You know what they say, 'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is'. I'm just not sure this is a good idea," she noted.

"I think that Brett should have some say in it as well, and who is the next oldest?" I asked as if I didn't already know.


"I think Brett and Becky should be let in on this discussion. They may not even want to live with me. I don't want to force them into a situation they may not like."

"That's true. Now, I hate to be crude, but I have to ask. Are you going to have sex with Becky?"

"Wow. You get right to the point, don't you. Well, if Becky looks anything like her mother, that is definitely a possibility."

Helen ate up the compliment and blushed a little.

"I can promise you I will never force them to do anything they don't want to do. It will be in the contract. I won't make them do anything other than normal kid stuff, like brush their teeth, and do their chores."

She wasn't convinced yet, so I thought I should sweeten the deal a bit.

"Tell you what, because I think they should know what is going on, I'll add to the offer. It will be awhile before the interest will start rolling in, and you need money before that, I will give you five hundred thousand dollars to let them come with me today so I can explain it all to them. I will bring them back tomorrow, at which time, you will have one hour to talk to them and give me your answer. Even if the answer is no, you keep the five hundred thousand."

"You mentioned a contract?"

"Yes this is going to be a binding deal. I'll have my lawyer explain each clause to you so that you will understand it perfectly. I think that just to be sure everyone is completely happy with the deal, we should meet again in six months. You can talk to Brett and Becky and see that they are happy. If they want to go back with you, they can, and you still keep the ten million. I am so sure that this will work out for all of us that I am willing to risk the money after only six months."

We were back at the trailer. Helen and I remained in the car and came to a decision about the next twenty four hours.

"Brett, Becky, would you like to spend the night with Jason?" their mom asked. They looked at each other with huge smiles and then their heads bounced up and down.

"Leon, are we closer to Palm Springs, or the place in L.A.?"

"Palm Springs, Sir."

"Palm Springs it is then. Leon give Helen your phone. There is enough information in there if she needs to call."

In the car I had a chance to inspect Becky. She was a little shorter than Brett, and had similar features. They could almost be twins. They were both thin, I'm sure due to the lack of food at home. They were both model material, with flawless complexions and great bone structure. She seemed polite, with a lot of 'Yes sirs' and 'No sirs'.

I explained to them why they were spending the night with me, and told them all about my proposal to their parents.

"You want to buy us for ten million dollars?" Brett finally asked.

"I prefer to think of it more like helping your family. Your brothers and sisters would have the opportunity to become whatever they want. Your parents wouldn't have to struggle any longer just to provide them with food and the basic necessitiesm of life.

"If you two agree, you are the ones giving them this chance at a good life. The arrangement also provides your brothers and sisters with a million dollars each once they finish school, to start their own lives with. Their lives will be greatly improved, and I will see to it that they have all the guidance they will need.

"As for the two of you, well, I can only say that I can give you the life that most people can only dream of. You will never have to worry about money. Nor will your children, grandchildren, or even your great grandchildren."

"How rich are you?" Brett asked in shock.

"Every year Forbes magazine lists the richest people in the world. My family has been on that list for over thirty consecutive years."

Becky seemed to have something on her mind, so I asked her about it.

"Why the two of us? Why not just Brett, or even all seven?"

"Brett told me how close you two were, and I want him to be happy."

He took her hand and they went to the seats that faced me at the other end of the passenger compartment. He whispered in her ear, and she looked shocked.

"You told him about that?" I heard her say. Then they whispered back and forth for a while.

They stayed on that side of the car, occasionally whispering, sharing a smile then whispering some more.

I instructed Leon to pick up some dinner for us on the way to the house. We entered the gate at the house, and pulled up to the front. Leon opened the door for us and the kids got out first.

They just stood staring at the house with their mouths open.

"You might want to close your mouths, some bug may fly in," I joked.

"Is this where we would live?" Becky asked.

"This is only one of my houses. We can live anywhere you want. Or just travel all the time. I have a large jet too. This house is just the closest one to where your parents are."

When they saw the pool they went outside to look in the back.

"Who are they, Sir?" Freida, the housekeeper asked.

"I'm not sure yet. They may be my children. Leon brought food. Will you set the dining table for us?"

"Yes, Sir." Freida, and most of my staff, are quite aware of my playboy ways. It wouldn't surprise anyone that I might have kids out there somewhere.

We sat in silence at the table. When we were nearly through, "Can I ask you something?" Brett said, then looked over a Leon and added "In private." I nodded to Leon and he left. "So, you bought them the car just to listen to your deal and, then you paid our parents half a million just for us to spend the night with you?"

"I wanted a chance to explain the proposal to the two of you, and show you what I'm offering too. Even if you decide you don't want to live with me, then your family will have enough to live on for a long time."

"But the half a million was for us to spend the night with you?"

"Yes, I hoped it would give us a chance to get to know one another."

We finished dinner and sat in the living room and chatted. I couldn't help but notice Becky's panties as she sat across from me. One foot folded under her, the other on the floor, left a wide gap to look up. She either had not been taught to sit properly, or didn't care that she was on display. Between her panties, and Brett's tight shorts, I didn't know where to look. Both were appealing and inviting.

Leon was also having trouble not looking at her panties as he sat beside me. Brett would start to ask something and then look at Leon and change his mind and ask something else instead.

I finally said to them "Leon is my most trusted employee, and friend. He goes with me everywhere, as my driver, and bodyguard. He is an ex special ops marine and could kill a man with a paperclip or stick of gum. He has gotten me out of many bad situations and I trust him with my life. You can say anything in front of him."

"He knows about this?" Becky asked.

"Leon, what do you think is going on here?" I asked him.

"Sir, it appears to me that you are trying to adopt these two. Knowing you as well as I do, I would suspect you offered their parents quite a lot of money in order to help them out. And I can honestly say, they would all be very happy if they took the offer."

"Tell them how we met."

"I was a counselor at a summer camp you attended when you were eleven. We became friends, then your father hired me. Eventually I joined the military, and when I got out, you met me at the airport on my return to the U.S. I've been with you ever since."

"Do I have any secrets from you?"

He smiled "Not that I'm aware of, Sir."

"If we're such good friends, why do you call me sir?"

"Because it is the proper way when others are around."

"And what do you call me when no one is around?"

"Usually, Jay. Sometimes it's Dickhead," he laughed.

Brett and Becky thought it was hysterical.

"Tell me, Leon, do you think I'm making a mistake taking in these two?"

"Sir, they seem to be pretty good kids. Quite attractive, and intelligent too. I'll let you know if I change my mind."

"I'm sure you will. See kids. You can relax and say whatever is on your mind in front of Leon."

"Why do you want us?" Brett asked.

"I don't have any children, and I would like to. I just don't want to get married in order to have them."

"So, what happened in the Limo made you decide on us?" Brett asked needing clarification.

"Probably. The idea occurred to me just after that, while meeting your family."

They whispered between themselves, then asked "Can we go outside and talk?"

"Sure. Just don't go outside the iron fence," I cautioned.

When they had gone I asked Leon "What do you think really?"

"Just as I said. They are attractive and intelligent. Brett has a heart of gold. Becky is going to be a heartbreaker some day. Well, they both are really. How much did you offer their parents?"

"In total, ten and a half million."

"You know in some European countries and Asia and Africa, you could have gotten a hold herd of kids for that much."

"Yeah, but I like these two. And the ones over there are so abused it's hardly worth the effort anyway. Are you willing to look after them as well as you do me?"

"Jay, you know I'll do anything you ask of me. I'm sure they will grow on me too, so if not out of respect for you, I probably will for them anyway."

"Thanks Leon. That means a lot to me. See if they would like something to drink, then show them to their rooms. I'm taking a shower and going to bed."

I was in my shower letting the warm spray wash away my thoughts. I was hoping I wasn't making a big mistake with these children's lives. I also made a mental checklist of things I needed to do if Helen and the children agreed. I didn't think Frank was an issue.

I dried off and got into bed. I sat up and reached for the pad and pen I keep in the nightstand. The list would be long, starting with calling my top attorney, Giles. I made notes on what I wanted in the contract and about the money.

I was drawn from my list when I heard my bedroom door open.

"Jay?" Brett said.

"Yeah Brett, come in."

He entered followed by Becky. They both had wet hair and were wearing terry cloth robes.

"What can I do for you son?" That sounded strange coming from me. Son? Hmm.

"Uh 3; we're here."

"Yes I see that."

They both climbed on the bed and sat indian style, facing me. There was an uncomfortable silence then Brett said "What do you want us to do?"

"Well, I hope you will make the right choice, and be with me."

He nodded at his sister, then they both untied the sash on their robes and took them off. They were nude underneath. I looked at their bodies. Brett was hard and pointing at his belly button. Becky had little puffy nipples where her breast would someday be. Her slit was small and undeniably enticing. Both of these kids were gorgeous. I was hard in an instant.

"What's this about?" I asked after I regained my composure.

"Don't you like us?" he asked.

"You're beautiful. Both of you. But why are you naked in my room"

"You paid our parents to spend the night with us. So we're here. What do you want us to do?"

It finally dawned on me what this was all about.

"My dear Brett. Come here," I held out my arms to him and he scampered into them. "This is not why you are here tonight. I really just wanted to spend time with you and tell you about what was happening."

"You don't want to play sexy games with us?" he asked into my shoulder.

I drew him away and looked down at his nice dick. Then into his eyes.

"I would love to play sexy games with you, just not tonight. Not until you are mine. I don't want your mother mad at me before she signs all the papers."

Becky crawled up beside us and with a little sadness in her voice asked "You're not going to 3; fuck me?"

I pulled her in for a hug. "Not tonight my little nymphet," I looked at Brett and he was smiling. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"She got kind of excited when she thought you were gonna do it to her. Then I told her you had a really big one. She was worried it wouldn't fit in her."

I looked down at her little slit, "You are pretty small down there. You've never had anything in it?"

"Only Brett's finger. I know he told you about that," she said giving him a dirty look.

"I kind of tricked him into telling me," I defended him.

We talked for awhile, neither child seeming shy about their nudity. They are delightful kids too. I truly enjoyed their company.

"It's getting late, and we have a big day tomorrow," I finally told them.

"Can we sleep in here?" Becky asked.

"Well 3; I suppose so."

Brett whispered to me, "She wants to see your dick."

They began to crawl under the covers with me, and I just pulled them off so I was exposed to the kids.

"Oh my god!" Becky said at the sight of my cock.

"Told ya," Brett said.

I awoke in the morning spooned behind Brett. My morning wood in his buttcrack. I assumed his was in his sister's buttcrack too.

Leon appeared and said "Freida said breakfast is ready. It's almost nine."

Both kinds jumped up naked, grabbed a robe, and flew out of the room. I looked at Leon for his reaction. He had watched them leave then turned back to me.

"I wasn't expecting that. Did you 3;"

"No, but I could have," I said, getting my own robe. Leon has seen me naked countless times. He smiled and nodded.

We stopped at a local bank, and I made arrangements for the half million to be available to Helen and Frank. Then on to their trailer. I was as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I hadn't been this excited since Christmas when I was five. Expectant, and scared that I wouldn't get what I was hoping for.

As we pulled up in front of the trailer, I told Brett that I would wait in the car for one hour, then I needed an answer. They got out and ran inside.

Longest damn hour of my life. It wasn't even an hour, but felt like a month, when Brett's face appeared at the car window. "Mom wants to talk to you."

I looked at my watch, it had been forty minutes.

I entered the shabby trailer, and was glad I had given them the half million. Even if they said no, at least Brett and Becky wouldn't have to live here any longer.

"We talked about it all night. Well, I talked, Frank mostly nodded. First, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I had a really hard time with this. I understand that it would be best for my whole family, but these are my babies we're talking about me giving up.

"I was still undecided when Brett and Becky came home this morning. I talked to them, and they seem to really like you. That was good to know. Then I asked where they slept last night."

Oh shit. There it goes. Ok, on to the next project.

"Brett got really quiet and nervous like he does when he doesn't want to tell me something. Usually it's something one of his siblings has done, and he doesn't want them to get into trouble. They both looked kind of sheepish, and I knew something was up. I had to pry it out of them, but they finally fessed up. They thought you had paid me to let you have sex with them last night. Becky said she was willing to do that because you were nice, and helping their family. Brett said they came to your bedroom naked. Have I got it right so far?"

I hung my head and nodded. I was just about defend myself, when she continued.

"Don't interrupt. They said you were naked in bed when they came in. Brett said they offered themselves to you, and you said no. Becky told me she asked you flat out if you wanted to fuck her. But you turned her down. It dawned on me that these two want to help their family. That even though you had paid, and had the opportunity, you didn't take advantage of them. For all you knew, it may have been the only chance you would get to do that with them, and yet you didn't. This spoke volumes about you.

"They told me they slept, naked, in your bed, with you, that you were naked too, and you didn't even try to do anything with them. That made my decision for me.

"I have no doubt that something will happen eventually. My kids take after me. I like sex, that's why I have so many kids. I know they are getting to be just as horny as me. You are a strong man, if you could turn down that chance.

"I don't want to give up any of my children, yet they deserve more than I can do for them. After speaking with them, they both would gladly go with you, but I am only giving up one. Brett is stronger and more suited to the lifestyle you can give him.

"They are very close, so I think they should be allowed to see each other, and spend time together. I also think they both can go far with the right education.

"So my counter offer is this. Five million for Brett, set up the way you said in an interest bearing account. When the others finish school, they are on their own. No million for them. But in addition to the five million, I want you to pay for Becky to go to really good boarding schools. She should be allowed to see Brett during holidays etc. at your expense, and her choice, but she is to remain my child. Brett's name would be changed to yours. Whenever you are in the area she is in school at, Brett should visit her, if he wants.

"Here is a list of amendments to the contract. Meet these, and you got a deal."

There were only three items on the list.

One: She wanted an attorney of her choice go over the contract at my expense. This is actually a very smart move on her part, though I wouldn't try to put anything over on her at the risk of losing Brett.

Two: She wanted a financial advisor to help her along the way. This was no problem, I had already told the kids I would provide her with all the guidance she needed.

Three: The godfather clause. She wanted it put in writing, that if anything happened to her, I would take the rest of her children in and raise them too. I hadn't expected that.

"I have no problem with the first two. I notice in the third, you only mentioned if something happens to you. Not Frank, just you."

"Yes. I love my husband, but he isn't capable of raising a family alone, as you probably have guessed. If I can't be here for them, you have to be. I'm very steadfast on that amendment."

"I understand completely. I agree to your terms. I will have it in the contract. My attorney, Giles, will be in touch within a couple of days. Here is the bank information for the half million. They are waiting to hear from you, the money is available now. Giles will advise you in any manner you wish, and have his team at your disposal."

As you can imagine, there was a tearful farewell. Surprisingly, no one seemed to have any second thoughts, or regrets. Brett packed up what few things he wanted, mostly keepsakes, and was in the car.

"Leon, call captain Moses and have the Jet ready for a trip to New York. Have Liz meet us at the airport."

"We're going to New York?" Brett asked.

"It's the best place to shop," I pointed out.

Liz is my assistant, social secretary, and pain in the ass. She hates it when I spring things on her at the last minute, so I enjoy doing it. This is really going to throw her into a spin.

Giles was shocked at what I asked of him, but said it would be done.

At the airport, Liz greeted me with her usual cold demeanor. "I must have misunderstood Leon. It sounded like he said you bought a kid."

Brett stepped out of the car and said "Hello."

Liz about shit her knickers. "Uh 3; Uh 3; Hello." Leon was laughing at her loss of words, it's an unusual position for her to be in.

"We're going to New York so you can take him shopping. I know how much you like to shop at my expense. Use my private card, and get him everything."

"What do you mean everything?" Liz was still a bit in shock.

"What he is wearing is all he has. Get him everything. You'll have four days. He also needs a haircut, but not short. I love his hair long, don't you?"

"Y 3; yes, quite handsome." She at least had started making notes.

"He'll need a cell phone and tablet too."

"What about your golf date in Seattle with Bill?"

"Cancel it. He sucks at golf, and he cheats. Fucker is richer than me and cheats for a hundred dollars a stroke."

We were well into the flight, when the stewardess served us lunch. Liz had been sitting in back with the kid, getting to know him, I guess. She came up front and sat next to me to eat.

"So, what's the going rate for kids these days?" she snipped.

"In total, probably around seven million."

Ice tea shot out her nose and mouth when she choked on hearing that.

"I don't suppose we're talking Pesos?"

"No. Good old U.S. Dollars."

"Well, he is a delightful child, if you like children that is."

Liz is an unattractive spinster, but she has great credentials, and puts up with my shit. Of course she's paid well for it.

Brett was at the windows of the jet as we approached New York. "I always thought New York had tall buildings and lots of people," he said.

"We're thirty thousand feet [9000 m] high, wait til we land. You'll see," I explained.

Driving through the city, Brett was staring open mouthed at everything.

"Your usual three suites are ready for you sir," the clerk at the Plaza said.

"Actually, I need more room now. The presidential suite has four bedrooms, right?"

"Yes, Sir. And It's available," he said eyeing my new companion.

"Okay, I'll take it as well the smaller two of the other three. That will be what I'll need when I'm in town from now on."

"Yes, Sir. We'll be happy to accommodate you."

"Have Gaston make us something special tonight. We're celebrating. Send it up around eight."

"That will be for how many people?"

"Four. Of course the rest of my staff's bill will be included in mine as always."

"Yes, Sir."

Brett was on the balcony of the suite, looking out over the city.

I turned to my assistant and said "Liz, I need a nanny. Not just any nanny. She has to be special. She has to have a teaching degree, and be a loving companion for him. She needs to be open minded and tight lipped. Has to be able to travel and not be involved with anyone that might tie her down."

"Okay I'll start right on it. I'll call all the agencies."

"After you make those calls, take Brett and get him some clothes. Enough to get through the shopping you will be doing the next few days. He can't be seen in those rags. And try to get us tickets to Lion King, and reservations at Ramsey's place for tomorrow, or the next night."

I called Giles again to be sure he was working on it. He assured me he would have everything ready for signatures in two days.

Gaston did a wonderful job on our celebratory dinner. Brett had on new clothes, and you could tell he felt good about himself. Leon was in a jovial mood, and even Liz laughed once in awhile.

After dinner, we sat on the balcony, enjoying the sights and sounds of New York, and each other's company. Watching the awe and amazement on the Brett's face is wonderful. I get to experience all he is experiencing as if for the first time.

Over the years, I guess I had become numb to what should be exciting. Callused even. There were no new thrills, no wonderment. Now with this kid, I can appreciate the world in a different way. See it through a child's eyes. I think I made a good decision in adopting this kid.

It was near eleven when my bedroom door opened.

"Jay?" Brett said cautiously.

"Do you need something son?"

He entered, wearing a robe, and wet hair. I couldn't help but wonder what was underneath.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Of course son. What's on your mind?"

He sat on the bed beside me. "You see, at home, I knew what I was supposed to do. I took care of the younguns, and helped them with homework and made sure they didn't get into trouble. Now, I don't know what's expected of me. What purpose do I have? How do I earn my way if I don't have the chores and kids to look after?"

"I see. Okay then, let's talk about what is expected of you. I expect you to grow, because that is what kids do. One day they're little, then they're getting married the next. Unfortunately my time with you is already cut short, so for me, it will happen much faster than for most parents."

"So, you're my parent now?"

"Of course not by blood, but in a few days, I will legally be your parent. As your parent, it will be my job to take care of you. When I get old and infirm, you'll probably have to take care of me," I laughed.

"I expect you to get an education, and do what makes you happy. Parents want their kids to be happy. I'm new to all this, so I will learn as we go along, and so will you."

"So, education, and we take care of each other?" he asked.

"Pretty much. Of course, we also have Leon to look after us, and soon you will have a nanny too. I'll let you know as we go along what else you might need to do."

"Can I sleep with you again tonight. I'm all alone for the first time in my life."

"Sure, Son."

He took off his robe, and as I suspected, was nude under it, and hard. Climbing in bed with me, he slipped into my arms easily. He lay on his side, his erection against my hip, his head on my shoulder.

"Do you miss your brothers and sisters?"

"Not really, only Becky."

"I'm sorry, but you will get to see her though."

"Yeah. And I guess it's a good trade. I mean, I may not have Becky with me, but I get to sleep with you, and get to be held like this. I never got to do that before with my mom and dad."

He put his arm on my chest, and diddled with my chest hair. "Do you mind me being in here with you?"

"Not at all. I enjoy holding you," I answered honestly.

He sat up and looked at my chest hair, then traced the happy trail with his fingers, below the covers, until he ran into my hard cock just above my belly button.

Moving the covers down he looked at my cock. "I can't believe how big it is."

"And I can't believe how big yours is," I admitted.

"It's not as big as yours," Brett laughed.

"But you are still growing. You might even get bigger than me. And on your little body, it looks positively gargantuan." Ok a bit of a stretch, but he does have a nice cock. It doesn't hurt to boost his self esteem.

He lay his head back on my chest, but lifted my cock and examined it. He stroked it slowly up and down. Not really to make me cum, just to get the feel of it, I think. He lay it back down, then hefted my balls in his palm.

After a couple more minutes of examination, Brett turned off the bedside lamp, and snuggled into my arms. He pulled the blanket up around us, and grasped my cock again.

"Can I call you Dad?" he said in the darkness.

"I would love for you to call me Dad. I just never thought the first time someone called me that, it would be a preteen boy who was holding my dick at the time."

He chuckled, "Yeah, that's funny."

Brett raised up and kissed my cheek, then said, "Good night Dad."

"Good night, Son."

"Jason, are you decent?" the overly formal Liz asked, while knocking on my door.

"No. What do you need," I answered, as Brett hid under the covers.

"Do you know where Brett is? I can't find him anywhere."

"Yes, I believe he is just about to get into my shower," I lied.

"Okay, when he gets out, tell him I will meet him in the lobby. His breakfast is on the balcony."

"Wi 3; Will do," I choked out, because about that time Brett grabbed my morning wood. I watched the lump in the covers which was his head, move toward my cock. I felt his lips on the head of my cock, as he kissed it. Then he jumped out of bed and ran to the shower.

I was busy most of the day with meetings and phone calls. Being the head of a conglomerate that controls several multinational companies, is not as easy as one might think. My father did it before me, and his father before him. Now my father has retired to his ranch in Texas, and I do all the heavy lifting.

I got a call around three from a number I didn't recognize. I normally won't even answer calls like these, but for some reason I did. "Hi Dad. What are you doing?"

"Just taking care of some business. What are you doing, baby boy?"

"Trying out my new phone. I wanted to be sure I had your number right."

"Well, it seems you do."

"Okay. Bye Dad."

A few seconds later, I get a text from him. It's a picture of his dick, taken in the stall of a public restroom. Probably didn't even have his phone for ten minutes, and he's already sexting. Oh well, that's my boy.

Liz and he barely made it back in time for our dinner reservations. At least he was already dressed and so was she. "You look lovely Liz," I complimented her.

"I'm glad you like the dress, it cost you three thousand dollars," she jabbed.

"Worth every penny too." Anything that could make her look good was priceless. Though I didn't say it of course. She was a little pissed that I didn't balk at her spending my money on herself. But I know she didn't get a chance to pack for this trip properly. Besides, she was able to get the reservations, and the theater tickets. I don't know how she does it, I just know she does, so the dress is a bonus for a job well done.

Ramsey's food is always excellent, tonight was no exception. His standards are maintained, whether he is in town or not. Brett thoroughly enjoyed Lion King. It's a perfect show for kids, and adults. It was great too, for being his first Broadway experience.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Brett was exhausted. It's tiring to shop all day and party all night. He went straight to his room, and so did the rest of us.

I undressed for a quick shower, and had just stepped in, when the bathroom door opened, and in walked Brett, with his now familiar robe on. Without a word, he drops the robe, opens the glass door, and steps in with me.

I turned on another spray head for him and he stands under it. I can tell that he is barely able to keep his eyes open, and he yawns several times. He's standing there, but not bathing. He is almost out on his feet. I soap up a washcloth and began washing his body for him. I did his upper torso, then proceeded to his lower extremities. He grasp my shoulder to steady himself, as I lift his legs to do his feet. He was still out of it when I washed his dick, but it gets hard, and I look up into his face, and he is smiling down at me. I wrap him in a towel, and finish my own shower.

He is sitting on the toilet, wrapped in a towel, sound asleep. I pick him up and carry him to bed, dropping our towels along the way. Once he is situated, I climb in beside him. He snuggles up into my arms, kisses my cheek, grabs my cock, leans down and kisses it, then lays his head on my chest and goes to sleep. He is a funny kid.

Leon wakes me in the morning, "Jay. Liz is awake. You may want to get up before she comes looking for Brett again."

We both watch Brett jump out of bed, grab a towel from last night off the floor, and run to the door. He pokes his head out as he is wrapping the towel around himself, though it doesn't hide his morning wood. Then he darts down the hall.

Leon turns back to me, "Did you 3;"

"No but I could have."

Another day of shopping for Brett, and another day of business for me, ended with dinner in the hotel, followed by Wicked another great show for Brett. At dinner, Liz asked Brett what he thought of Lion King.

"I loved it. The costumes, the music. And I always did like Elton John's song Circle of Life. Now it makes more sense to me.

"Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz?" Liz asked.

"Of course. Who hasn't?"

"Well, keep that in mind at tonight's show."

The more I see Brett enjoying things, the more I enjoy them. His wonder and excitement are contagious. Life is becoming fuller for me, through him.

He came to my room again and showered with me. This time he was a little more awake. He bathed himself, and watched me bathe. We were both hard the entire time. I had already learned to appreciate Brett's beautiful body, but now seeing it in the light of the bathroom, in all his glory, I am overwhelmed with its perfection. His butt is to die for. I wanted to bury my face in the crack.

We dried off, and brushed our teeth together, as if that is the way we have always done things. Then we went to bed. Snuggled together in the darkened room, he kissed my cheek, then grabbed my cock. He then leaned down and kissed it again. Right on the slit. I thought I felt his tongue there as well, and the kiss lasted longer than the two previous ones.

"Do you mind that I did that?" Brett asked laying his head back on my chest, but still holding my overheated cock.

"No. I noticed you did it yesterday when Liz was at the door."

"Yeah. I 3; Well 3;"

"And last night when you were half asleep, you did it again."

"I did?"


"When Liz came to the door, I was under there with it, and I just wanted to 3; I don't know 3; get closer to it. It just kinda drew me in. But she was at the door, and I was a little scared she was going to come in."

"No, she won't come in without permission, so relax. Leon is the only one that will enter my bedroom without being invited."

After a moment he whispered "Can I do it again?"

"Yes," I whispered back.

He scooted down a bit and lay his head on my stomach. He gave my cock an open mouth kiss, right on the head again. I know for sure his tongue lapped at the slit a few times as he kissed it. Then he lay his head back on my stomach, still slowly stroking my cock. He couldn't see much more than a silhouette in the darkened room, but he was looking at it as he stroked. It was as if it were the eighth wonder of the world, and he was awed by it. He scooted down a little more, and his lips encircled the head, taking it in completely. Laying there working the head with his tongue and lips, like a calf on a teat. His tongue swirled around my glans, sending shivers of pleasure through me. He slid down a little more, taking another inch into his mouth. He didn't move, he just enjoyed nursing on it. He took another couple of inches in, till it was at his throat. After a torturous minute, he applied more suction and slid back to the head and down again. He did this four times and then took it out of his mouth.

"Is this alright?"

I wasn't sure if he was asking if it was alright for him to be doing it, or if he was asking if he was doing it right.

Either way the answer was a resounding "Yes, baby boy."

He went back to work on it. It was not the most expert blow job I've ever had, but it was the most loving and intensely enjoyable one I've ever had.

As he sent pleasure through my body, I reached down between us and found his hard dick. I was about to cum, and I wasn't ready to yet.

"Come up here," I guided him up to straddle my head, grabbed his butt cheeks, and pulled him to my mouth. I moved his hips back and forth in a fucking motion. He got the hint, and grabbed the headboard of the bed, and began fucking my face.

I could tell it was an awkward position for him, so I scooted down the bed a bit to give him more room. He shoved the pillow back under my head, and lay down on me. Grasping the pillow for leverage, he returned to face fucking me. Using my mouth like a vagina, reaching down into my throat on every stroke. He held the pillow as you might a girl's ass while fucking her, getting maximum penetration on each thrust. Soon his thrusts became erratic, and I knew what was coming. He grunted each time he thrust against my face, mashing my nose into his pubis. Then he pushed hard and deep and unloaded in my throat.

He lay on top of me, trying to catch his breath, as I lay suffocating under him. Even if I could breath through my nose, which I couldn't, his dick blocked any air going down my throat. I didn't care. I could have died happy just then. Explaining to the e.m.s. guys might be troublesome though.

He lifted his hips, and I took a deep breath. "Oh. Dad, I'm sorry." He said as he withdrew his dick. I hated for it to leave me. I could barely taste his nectar as a drop hit my tongue on the way out.

Turning around, he slid his mouth down my cock. His butt in front of my face beckoned to me. My cock lodged in his throat, before he backed up some. I wet my finger, and pushed it against his pucker. He wasn't expecting that, and moved away from the intrusion, his throat taking in my cock. He backed off again, only to be met with more of my finger. He was spit roasted on my cock and finger. I pushed further into his boy pussy hitting his button inside. He moaned and jerked forward, taking even more cock. He began back and forth motions, fucking my finger with his ass. His dick had softened a bit, instantly became a steel rod. He began leaking juice from his cock, and I pulled it to me so I could collect it with my tongue as it gathered. He became frantic, wanting my cock, and wanting more butt play. He was pounding back on my finger and leaking like a hydrant. His moaning made it evident he loved the finger in his ass. So I took it out. I've never heard anyone sound so sad. He actually whined in disappointment. I wet a second finger, and pushed both against his opening. He wanted it and pushed back hard, sending two fingers into his welcoming hole. His groan vibrated my cock. I knew I wouldn't last much longer. I pulled back my fingers a bit and jabbed them hard and fast into his ass. Taking his dick into my mouth, I continued to finger him roughly. He shot his second load in my mouth, and collapsed forward. My cock slid to the end of his throat, and I let loose a torrent of cum directly into his gullet. It had been awhile since I had unloaded, and I usually cum a lot. I was afraid of drowning him in cum. But I was so far down his throat, he didn't even have to swallow for it to go into his belly.

He had to back off my cock, like a sword swallower removing his sword. Once it was clear, he lay his head down next to my cock. He cradled it lovingly, and kissed it again. I've never had any woman who actually worshiped my cock as he did. I removed my fingers from his butt, and he groaned again.

Brett got up and went to the restroom, returning a few minutes later with a warm soapy washcloth. He cleaned my fingers, and took the cloth back.

Once he was back in my arms and comfy, he asked, "Is it always like that? Sex, I mean."

"That was pretty intense. Maybe because it was the first time for us."

"You've never had sex?" He sounded incredulous.

"Not with a male, who also happens to be a preteen, and my soon to be son."

Brett accepted my answer, and cuddled in to sleep. His question, answered one of mine. He knew when he took my cock into his mouth he was initiating sex. He knew it, and wanted it. I don't think he was expecting the butt play, just maybe giving me a blow job.

"Jay, Liz said Brett has a ten o'clock appointment to get his haircut, and breakfast is on it's way," Leon informed us, bright and early the next morning.

Brett didn't rush climbing out of bed, his morning erection leading the way to the bathroom. We watched him saunter away, return and put his robe on and leave.

Leon looked at me and said "Jay, don't get mad, but that boy has an exceptionally fine ass."

"No he doesn't. He has an incredibly amazing ass. Why would I get mad about a compliment."

"Well, I 3; I didn't want 3; Never mind. I'll see you at breakfast."

I had all but forgotten about them because I was busy all day. When they came in around six, I was stunned.

Brett's hair was a little shorter, had thin highlights, and layered to let his natural wave fall in a very sexy disheveled look. I wanted to take him straight to bed and mess it up some more.

"Close your mouth before a bug flies in," Brett said, getting back at me for a couple of days ago.

"You look amazing." The transformation over the last few days was incredible. The street urchin gone, replaced by an exciting young boy. The barefooted hillbilly was now a type of jetsetter, with high priced model looks.

"Some director gave me his card. Wants me to be in his next movie," Brett said. Liz nodded in confirmation.

"I can see why. Liz, what's on the agenda for tonight?"

"Dinner at 'Le Reve' and then back to 42nd street for Cats."

"Have I told you lately that I love you?" I asked her.

"No. But it sounds like a good song title."

At the theater, Brett was enjoying the show thoroughly. When Leona Lewis sang 'Memories' there were tears streaming down his cheeks. She's no Streisand, but she was damn good.

In the car, Liz asked Brett "Which play did you like best."

"I loved them all, for different reasons. But I guess Cats, because it's so emotional. The others are fun and have a message, I guess, but I didn't cry during them. I never would have thought I would cry over a play about cats. Dad, can I have a cat?"

"Cats don't travel well. How about a dog?" I pointed out.

"What kind of dog?"

"What kind do you want?"

"I don't really know anything about dogs, never had one. What kind do you like, Dad?"

"I guess Yellow Labs are my favorite, or German Shepherds, but they shed a lot. I also like Dobermans. I had a red Dobie that was a great dog."

Brett seemed to want to mull that over a while.

I assumed that Brett would come to my room later, and I had a surprise for him. A five inch [12 cm] long, four inch [10 cm] around, surprise, lubed and waiting in the nightstand.

We showered, teasing each other beyond normal, then went to bed. He immediately went down on me. While he was down there, I reached into the drawer and pulled out the surprise.

I turned him around and lay between his legs and swooped down on his dick. I fingered his pucker a bit, then slipped my finger in. He began pushing against my finger, wanting it further in him. I removed my finger and replaced it with the toy. He thought I was going with two fingers, and pushed into it.

The bulbous head popped in, and he let out a groaned "Oh God," I pushed in a couple of inches, and pulled back, then back in all the way. "Oh God." he repeated.

I pulled it out completely. His dick never went soft. He bucked up into my mouth then whispered "Put it back," I popped it back in, then slid it home, aiming for his prostate. I must have hit it too.

"Oh 3; Yes 3; Oh."

I pumped it in and out a few times slowly, then began to fuck him with it in earnest, banging his inner button repeatedly. After only a minute, he moaned loudly and shot his load into my mouth. Even after cumming, he continued to hunch up at me and down onto the toy. "Don't stop." He pleaded, so I picked up the pace and force of the fucking.

About five minutes later, he grabbed my head and thrust into my throat deep and hard, unleashing his nectar. Then he collapsed.

I removed the toy, and crawled up beside him. Cradling him in my arms, we went to sleep.


The next day, we had a meeting with Giles and Helen, back in L.A. We left Liz to interview prospective nannies. Upon entering Giles' office, Helen and the kids glanced up at Brett a moment, then did a double take. Becky screamed "Oh my god! Mom, it's Brett." They all just stared at him till Becky said "You look amazing. I didn't recognize you at first." They all ran to him, Becky threw herself into his arms.

I have bought large companies, and signed less documents, than I did getting Brett. At the end everything was settled. Helen said that Giles had been very helpful to her, getting her brochures for several schools to choose from for Becky. He is helping get them a new house, and will handle the sale and financing.

Giles suggested that Helen and Brett not be in contact, but that Becky would receive a phone once she was away at school, and would be allowed to have Brett's number.

I assured Becky that she would receive a monthly allowance while in school, and it might be a good idea if people thought she is related to me. It would probably open many doors for her.

From there we went to Florida. I have a house on Jupiter Island, not too far from a famous golfer. That's not why I bought it. I bought it because I love being on the water. I spend a lot of time at this house, and It has a place to dock one of my yachts. I have another in the mediterranean, though I don't get there often. I was considering selling that one, but now I think I'll wait till after taking Brett on it.

Alma, the cook and housekeeper, met us at the door. I know she has help in the house, but I pay little attention to it. She lives in the servant's quarters, and I suppose the gardener does too. The house and lawns are always immaculate.

"Who is this handsome fellow?" Alma asked.

"My son Brett. Brett, this is Alma, the best cook in Florida."

"Nice to meet you, Brett. Jason, I told you all that screwing around would catch up with you one day. His mother must be very attractive, and thank god he doesn't look like you."

Brett laughed, but didn't reveal anything.

"Alma, show Brett to the room next to mine. Then bring us something to drink out by the pool."

It had already been a long day, and the sun was just setting. Leon and I were talking about a barroom brawl he got me out of in New Orleans, one he knows I want to forget. As we were laughing, Brett came out in a speedo. We both watched him stroll passed us, and dive smoothly into the pool.

"How is it that his ass looks even better in a swimsuit?" Leon asked offhandedly.

"I don't think it's better. It's just the anticipation of what is waiting beneath, that teases the mind."

Leon tugged at his crotch, adjusting his rising dick. I had never thought of him as being interested in boys but maybe I was wrong. We have done a lot of crazy things over the years, even shared a few sluts. Brett is so hot though, maybe he affects everyone that way.

Brett stepped out of the pool, and came to sit with us. His wet swimsuit clinging to every curve and bulge in it. Alma came out with drinks for us, just as he sat down. Even she stared at his crotch.

"We had dinner on the plane, Alma, but maybe a little later you could whip up something light. Maybe just a few sandwiches or something."

"Sure, Jason."

Alma still calls me Jason instead of Jay. At least I broke her of the habit of bowing as she left my presence. She was first person I hired when I bought this house ten years previous. The ponzi schemer I hired her from, never forgave me for it. At least not before he went to prison anyway. I haven't seen him since then.

Brett was in and out of the pool, and the conversation. When he would stroll to or from the pool, the conversation stopped anyway as Leon and I stared.

Brett suddenly noticed the yacht at the dock. "Oh my god, Dad. Is that your boat?"

"That's our boat Son," I corrected.

He gave me a smile that would light the Vegas Strip, and hugged me. "Thanks, Dad," he said, as he got me all wet.

"For what?"

"Letting me know that I'm welcomed, and part of your family."

I looked at Leon, who smiled and nodded, then his eyes went to Brett's butt again.

When we got to bed that night, Brett snuggled into my arms and latched onto my cock like it was his security blanket. "So, I'm your son now?"

"Well all the papers have been signed, but they won't be filed at the courthouse until tomorrow."

"But, I'm yours?"

"Yes, darling boy, you're mine."

"Good. I like being yours. In my old home, I didn't feel loved. I had all that family, but only Becky loved me. The rest just thought of me as someone else that bossed them around. My old parents didn't get to spend any time with me, because they were busy with the others. And I certainly never got to hold my old dad's dick at night. Obviously mom did that a lot," he laughed.

"I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner then. I would have held you all night, and you could hold my dick as much as you wanted."

"Do you mean that? You don't think it's weird that I like to hold your dick?"

"As you go through life, you will find out that a lot of people do strange things behind bedroom doors. As long as they enjoy it, and no one is killed, it's their business. If you like my dick, and I like you holding it, then it's fine. Of course, you and I both know what we are doing is a little illegal. Well, illegal for me, not you. But a lot of people do things that are illegal in their bedrooms."

"So, do you like me holding your dick?"

"I love you holding my dick," I answered honestly.

After a quiet minute, Brett said "Did you bring 3; well, you know 3; ."

"What, Son?"

"You know 3; that 3;"

I reached into the nightstand drawer, "Do you mean your favorite toy?"

He smiled. "Actually it's my second favorite," he said giving my cock a squeeze. He took it from my hand and looked at it a moment. Then he held it next to my cock.

"Will you 3; you know 3; ?"

"Will I what, Son?" I teased him, knowing full well what he wanted.

"You know 3; put it in me?"

"Just put it in? Sure, no problem."

"No silly. I want you to 3; to fuck me with it."

"Oh 3; sure," I reached into the drawer and pulled out the lube. I applied some to the toy, and turned back to Brett. He had his feet in the air, and his butt cheeks spread with his fingers.

"Someone is anxious," I noted.

It didn't take long for me to slide the whole thing into him. He closed his eyes and moaned. I slid it in and out slowly, making sure to give him all of it.

"Faster," he requested.

I pulled it out, then back in faster. I kept it up for a couple of minutes.

"Do you like it?" I ask Brett.

He answered by grunting and spewing his load on his stomach.

"I take that as a 'yes'," I laughed.

I continued to fuck him slowly now. Just a casual, methodical, in and out. He lay there, eyes closed, accepting the fuck as if it were no different than eating breakfast. His dick seemed to be constantly draining juice. It was as if the toy was milking his prostate into constant flow mode.

I asked him if he wanted me to stop, "Just a little more please," he begged.

Not wanting to disappoint him, I did as he asked. Then I picked up the pace, increasing the speed and force of the fucking. Brett bucked into the toy wanting release. His next orgasm didn't produce a lot of juice, but he yelled out "OH GOD!" and collapsed.

I turned out the light, and held him as we slept. I woke up sometime later, with his lips on my cock, and his hand jacking me.

"You don't have to do that Brett," I told him.

"I didn't do anything for you tonight or last night. I feel like I'm neglecting you."

He stroked my cock into his mouth until I unloaded. He swallowed what he could, and licked the rest off after. "It doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would. In fact 3; I kinda like it. Can you give me some more?"

"Hey, I'm not thirteen. Give me a rest," I made a mental note that he had a birthday coming up.


After breakfast the next morning we flew back to New York to pick up Liz and interview potential nannies.

The first two were okay, but not right. The third, Liz said "I think you'll like this one" with a shit eating grin. It was a guy, vibrant blue hair, huge ear gages, leather and chains. I didn't even let him sit down.

Liz read my expression of disgust. "I just wanted you to see what I've been seeing. There isn't a lot to choose from. Those first two were the cream of the crop. Maybe we'll have better luck in L.A."

"Out of fifteen million people in New York, this is the best?"

"Well, there was one other, but I didn't interview her."

"Why not? This bunch sucks."

"Do you remember that actress who divorced her husband because he was sleeping with the maid and got her pregnant?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, the nanny knew about it but didn't tell the actress. Wouldn't even testify in the divorce. The only reason anyone even heard about it is because the actress complained to the agency. They didn't even want to send her resume. I have it right here."

She fumbled through her stack of folders, pulling one out of the bottom.

I didn't even look at it. "Just get her here in an hour. I have an errand to run."

She was waiting when I returned. Anne was an attractive woman in her late twenties. "You have an impressive resume. Why aren't you already working?"

"As you can see, I was until a few months ago," she dodged.

"Why did you leave your last job?"

"The parents divorced," she expertly dodged again.

"But someone kept the kids. Why didn't they keep you too?"

"I suppose you will have to ask her that," she said as she picked up her purse, readying to leave. She assumed the interview was coming to an end, and if I checked with her former employer, she wouldn't be hired.

"Let's be honest here, Anne. I know about the trouble with the actress. What I don't know is, why? Why did you not say anything to her? Why would you not testify in the divorce. Especially if your job depended on it. Why have you not spoken out to the media since then?"

"I believe what people do in their bedrooms is no one's business. Everyone has secrets, I wouldn't want mine spread across the front page. Would you? My job may have depended on it, but so did my integrity, and conscience. I could only hope I would get another job, I wouldn't be able to get my integrity back. Or clear my conscience."

"So who did you tell about what was going on?" I asked.

"No one. I'm not sure how you got as much information as you did. I haven't told anyone."

"The actress threatened the agency. They're not even sending out your resume. Liz had to fight for it."

"That would explain why I haven't been sent to any interviews," she noted.

"Are you dating anyone? Anything tying you down?"

"No Sir. I'm not interested in getting married. My father passed away, my sister takes care of my mother."

"Do you like to travel?"

"I love to travel," she said smiling. She knew the interview was going better now, or I wouldn't have asked that.

"Do you know anything about me?"

"Just what I read in the papers. Billionaire business man, philanthropist, playboy. I'm not sure why you need me though. I work with children, and you don't have any."

"I didn't until recently," I got up from the desk and went to get Brett.

"This is my son, Brett."

Anne stared at him a moment, then held out her hand. "I'm very pleased to meet you Brett."

Her expression told me all I needed to know. "We leave for Florida in an hour. Would you like to accompany us? I have to return to New York next week. If you want the job, and we want to keep you, you can return with me to finalize things here. If you don't want the job, or we are not happy with you, I will pay you for the week, and leave you back here."

"Why do you want me?" Anne asked as we were flying.

"I admire your courage and ability to stand for what you believe in. I appreciate that you didn't crack for the media, selling gossip, true or false. Your credentials are exemplary, and you're not hard to look at. You would be surprised at some of the toads out there."

She looked at me oddly, so I added "That is a compliment, not sexual harassment. You are not required or expected to sleep with me. You haven't asked about pay."

"I really can't be that demanding if my name has been blackballed by the agency, now can I?"

"Good point. Well, in your last position, you cared for four children. I only have one, so it should be only a fourth of what you were making."

Her face went pale, but she remained silent.

"Just joking. I will pay you fifty percent more than you were making. You will be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement, and you are on duty 24/7. You will be responsible for all his schooling, and I expect great results."

Her face relaxed some, she even hid a bit of a smile at the increase in pay.

"As you said, I didn't have children, now I do. Once we are photographed together with Brett, speculation and rumor will fly. You are to neither confirm or deny anything to anyone. Let the media have their circus, but you are not to get involved in it."

"As I said before, what people do in their bedrooms is nobody's business." she reiterated.

I turned to Liz, "Do you have 3;" She was already handing me the nondisclosure agreement.

"Sign this, then we will talk more."

She signed it then said "I assume one of the models or starlets you've been sleeping with, came back and bit you on the behind."

"Not even close. But let me hear you say ass. I know you can. Come on, say ass."

She smiled, "Alrighty then. Ass. Are you secretly married? That goes on a lot in Hollywood."


"Long lost sibling?"


"Well, what then?" she asked flustered.

"Brett, do you want to tell her?"

He grinned. "He picked me up at a garage sale," he joked.

"No, what is it really?" she demanded.

"Actually I was very expensive," he said with a clear expression."

She looked back and forth between the two of us. "You have got to be shitting me? Oh. Sorry. Kidding me."

"Nope. There was a bidding war, but Jay 3; er 3; Dad, won out."

"You bought him from one of those slavery rings?"

"No. That would have been cheaper. I actually bought him from his parents."

Brett went on to tell her the whole story. She listened, mouth agape.

"Who else knows about this?" she asked at the end.

"Just the people on this plane, his parents and siblings, and my attorney, Giles. And now you, of course."

"Ok, no problem. My lips are sealed. And, young man, I bet you were worth every penny."

Brett and Anne spent the rest of the flight getting to know one another. She got his educational background, and seemed impressed with him.

Liz wanted to get back to L.A., so I sent her on the plane when we landed.

Alma was expecting us, and laid out a fine dinner. She appeared to be happy to have another female in the house. We'll just have to see how that works out.

"Well, Anne, what do you think so far?" I asked her poolside.

"What's not to like? Unless you transform during the full moon or something."

"Sir, I believe your secret is out. Now I'll have to find a place to bury the body again," Leon said.

We were laughing at his attempt at humor, when Brett strolled out in a red speedo. His stride effortless. His coltish legs carrying him smoothly as if he wasn't even walking.

He dove in, and gave us a chance to catch our breath.

"Oh my 3;" Anne sighed.

"Yeah," Leon agreed.

I have known Brett long enough to know a little about him. His innocent face, belies the sexy boy underneath. He knows the affect he has on people. He knew exactly what he was doing when he came over to the table, wet speedo clinging to, and accentuating, the well developed boy meat it was supposed to conceal. Every time he dried his hair, 'accidentally' shaking his dick around in his swimsuit, he knew every eye was on it. He knew he was teasing, not only me, but Leon and Anne as well.

It was as if he took some perverse pleasure in saying "Here it is, but you can't touch it." without actually saying it. Then turning his back to us, bending to dry his legs, his heavenly butt taunting us. "Here it is, but you can't touch it." Even going as far as flexing his butt muscles to be sure we were getting the full tease. Then turning back to face us, only to tilt his head backwards, shaking the hair from his face, thrusting his groin right at us.

Yes he definitely knew what he was doing, and the evening ended early because of it, when Leon said "I have to call it a night. It's been a long day."

Anne agreed, "Yes it has, and I have a lot to do to get started."

In bed, I asked Brett "Why were you were teasing us?"

"I was actually trying to tease Leon. He likes looking at me. I see him watching me, especially my butt. He really likes my butt."

So when I turned out the light, and got out the new toy I'd bought him on my errand in New York, I got an idea. The toy is about the size of Leon's cock. I started with the old toy, and he was loving it. Then I slid in the new one. It's seven inches [18 cm] long and five [12 cm] around.

When the knob passed his muscle, he groaned, "Oh 3; that's different 3; Oh 3; and good."

I worked it in slowly, till the fake balls were against his butt cheeks. I then slid it in and out a few times slowly, making him moan the whole time. Then I picked up the pace to a steady fucking motion. Brett went apeshit crazy for it.

"Do you like that?"

"Oh yes," he moaned.

"This one is the same size as Leon."

"Oh 3; Oh 3;"

"This is what it would feel like if Leon were fucking you."

He lost it. "Oh God!" He shot a huge load on his stomach.

I didn't stop. I Know how he likes to go twice. "Do you like Leon fucking you?"

"Oh ye 3; yes 3; Fuck me Leon 3; Oh 3;" The kid is a natural at role playing.

"Is Leon fucking you good?" I asked as I hammered the toy into him.

"Oh God 3; Yes 3; Fuck me." He unloaded again. I leaned down and licked him clean.

"You seemed to enjoy that," I said as I cuddled him to me. In answer, he picked up the toy and looked at it. Then laid it next to my cock.

"Is this really the size of Leon's?"


"He's such a big guy, but your dick is bigger than his?" He acted surprised.

Leon is 6 feet 3 inches [1.90 m] tall, weighs 220 pounds [100 kg] of solid muscle. His cock isn't small, but on his big body, it appears smaller than it is. Like Brett's dick on his little body, looks huge.

"I'm a little bigger than him, yes."

"A little? You're like two inches [5 cm] longer and a lot fatter too."

"Yes. It's mostly genes I think. My dad has a big one too. Maybe Leon's dad didn't."

"You said mine is big for my age, and I'm going to get bigger. Does that mean my old dad has a big one?"

"Probably. Which might explain why you have so many siblings," I laughed.

He continued to compare the two cocks. Standing the toy upright next to mine. Holding the toy to my cock, seeing how much fatter mine is.

"Did you have any trouble getting this in me?" he asked.

"No. You took it quite well in fact. Did it hurt? I'm sorry if it did. I won't use it anymore."

"It didn't hurt. Well, it did, but not in a bad way. It hurt good, if you know what I mean."

"So does that mean you want me to use it again?"

"Definitely. Can we name this one Leon?"

"Whatever you want baby boy."

He took the toys to clean them, then put them back in the drawer. He lay beside me and said "I heard Anne say that what people do in their bedroom was nobody's business. Is that why you hired her?"

"It certainly was part of it."


Leon brought me espresso in the morning. "Are you two sleeping all day?" he asked, sitting it on the nightstand.

Brett climbed out of bed, over me, backwards, so his ass was facing Leon. He picked up his robe at Leon's feet, but carried it to the bathroom, his bubble butt swaying as he walked.

Leon, who had apparently been holding his breath, let it out when Brett was in the bathroom. He looked at me "Did you 3;"

"Nope, but you did."

"Huh? 3; I 3; didn't 3; what 3;?"

Brett reappeared. Our eyes followed him as he sauntered to the door, before putting on the robe, and leaving.

"Jay, I promise. I didn't lay a hand on him," Leon defended.

I picked up my coffee, and gestured toward the drawer. Leon opened it and his eyes got big. He picked up the toy, and even held it to his groin. Knowing it was the same size as his cock.

"Brett asked if we could name it Leon."

"You told him I'm the same size?"

"Yep, and he kept saying 'Fuck me Leon' I think he liked it too."

"Jay, you know I would never 3; but that is so fucking hot," I'm sure he was picturing in his head, that toy going into Brett's beautiful butt.

"You don't know how hot it really is. That boy is a walking sex machine."

Leon was subconsciously rubbing his crotch.

"Down boy. Don't let him get to you. He was purposely teasing you last night."

"Damn. No wonder I had to beat off twice," he related.

"He has the same affect on me."

Anne and Brett spent most of the day together. I hardly saw them, of course I was busy as well. At about three, I asked Alma to prepare dinner on the yacht, Leon was already getting it ready to take it for a spin.

I escorted Brett and Anne to the boat a little later. Anne, Brett and I joined Leon on the flybridge as we sailed down the coast. Brett was having a great time.

"This boat is beautiful," Brett said.

"Have you looked below? It has four cabins and a crew's quarters. And the lounge and galley."

"It's that big?"

"Actually, it's smaller than our other one. But it fits at the dock at home. The other one is twice as big, stays in a marina, and I charter it out, to help pay the permanent crew."


"Yeah 3; like rent. I rent it to people at $400,000 a week."

"You must make a lot of profit on that."

"No, you don't charter to make money, it mostly just offsets some of the cost of ownership. If it was chartered every week, then maybe. But there are a lot of yachts available, and few people who can afford it. I charter that one, because I don't use it that often. In fact I was thinking of selling it. I decided to hold off until I could take you on it."

"Thanks, Dad."

Dinner was great. We ate on the aft deck facing the sunset. It was a nice evening cruise and everyone enjoyed it.

"Can we go fishing sometime? I've never fished in the ocean, but I like fishing," Brett asked as we stepped onto the dock back home.

"Sure, Son. I haven't been fishing in a long time either."

It was pretty late, so we all just headed to our rooms. Brett came in about twenty minutes later. I don't know if he wanted to be sure everyone else was in bed or what. I was stepping out of the shower when he entered.

"Will you stay with me while I shower?" he asked as if it would be an inconvenience.

"I would be honored to watch you bathe good sir," I said with a bow. And watch I did. I love watching him. Even with clothes on, but especially nude. I had a towel ready for him, and I took my time drying him off.

We got in bed and I turned out the light. I drew him to me and kissed his head, as he snuggled into my arms. He caressed my cock, and kissed the head.

"May I see the toy?"

"Which one?"

"Leon," he answered.

I reached into the drawer and started to hand it to him.

"Lube," he requested.

I lubed up the toy and handed it to him. He pulled the covers over his head. After a few seconds, he took my cock into his mouth. Sliding his head up and down my shaft, driving me crazy. Then he moaned around my cock, which felt like a vibrator on it. He moaned again, and again. I realized he was fucking himself with 'Leon' as he blew me.

This kid was made for sex. I don't know if he got the idea from the net, or he just wanted to try being spit roasted. Either way, he is a naturally sexy person.

He continued to blow me and fuck himself with 'Leon', increasing the speed of both. Suddenly, he stopped and groaned. I felt his load shoot onto my leg. I grabbed his head and thrust into his throat and unloaded my own cream.

He suckled at me a few minutes longer, then crawled out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. He returned and dropped 'Leon' back into the drawer.

Once he was back in my arms I asked "Did you enjoy that?"

"Mmmm," was all he said as he drifted off to sleep.


"Anne is looking for Brett," Leon said as he set an espresso on the nightstand.

Brett backed off the bed again, even bumping into Leon with his butt.

"Sorry Leon," he said, looking up at him seductively, before heading to the bathroom.

I watched Leon's dick grow in his pants, as he watched Brett's ass leave the room. "That ass 3;"

"I know."

"Infuckingcredible," he opined.

"How was your night?" I asked.

Leon opened the drawer and saw that the toys were rearranged, "Not as good as yours, I'm guessing."

Neither of us saw Brett enter the room, but he stepped between Leon and the drawer, slowly slid it closed, looked up into Leon's face, then down at Leon's crotch. The hard dick in Leon's pants was evident. Brett bent down and picked up his robe, bumping his butt against Leon's erection.

"Oh, excuse me Leon," he said as he slowly straightened up. He tossed his robe over his shoulder and sauntered to the door before putting on the robe and leaving.

"That kid 3; He's 3; He's 3;"

"Yes. He is."

"What happened last night?" Leon asked, wanting details.

I got up and put on my robe. "Nothing unusual," I said as I stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Leon tapped on the door. "Come on, Jason."

I peed and Leon kept knocking. "You've got to tell me something."

Exiting, I got dressed and Leon was after me the whole time.

"Did you use the toy? Did he call it Leon?"

I finished dressing and started toward the door. "Come on Jason. Tell me."

Closing the door behind me I started down the hall.

The door opened and Leon yelled "Jason, you dickhead!"

"What was that all about?" Anne asked.

Brett and I shared a smile. "He just a little upset with me right now."

"Do you always allow your employees to speak to you in that manner?" Anne inquired.

"Only Leon. Don't let it go to your head," I said settling anything before it started.

I assume he waited for his dick to go down, or maybe he gave it a helping hand. It was ten minutes before he joined us at the table.

"Leon, can you get the boat ready for a three or four day fishing trip?"

"Yes, Sir. How many people do I need to prepare for?"

I looked at Anne. "I wouldn't dream of getting in the way of a guys weekend of fishing. I still have to do my lesson plan anyway, and I have some shopping to do.

"Looks like just three of us then. Stow lots of food, in case we don't catch anything," I told Leon. Glancing at Brett, he was grinning from ear to ear.

"When would you like to leave?"

"How about tonight, we can get an early jump on the fish in the morning," Brett was smiling, and nodding his head.

By lunchtime, Brett was already asking when we would leave. "As soon as Leon has everything ready, we'll leave. Why don't you go pack a bag of clothes and stuff.

Leon came in around Two. "Fuel tanks are full, refrigerator is full, bar is full, bait box is full."

"Well, okay then. Let's go."

Once underway, Brett went below and came out in his white speedo. He lay on the sunbed on the bow, so I lay beside him and soaked up some rays. After awhile, we turned over onto our stomachs. I asked Brett if he would like a drink and got up to get us something. I saw Leon staring at Brett's ass.

"You know you are driving him crazy, don't you?" I said to Brett on my return.

"Yeah. I like teasing Leon," Brett grinned.

"You know he's the only one who can drive this boat. If you make him suicidal, we're in big trouble."

Leon set anchor in a little cove off a small island. Well, I would hardly call it an island. More like a stretch of sand with a few trees on it.

"Are we going to fish here?" Brett asked Leon when he joined us.

"No, it's just a nice spot to anchor for the night. We'll fish in the morning."

"Are there any other boats around?"

"No, haven't even seen one for a while," Leon assured him.

"Dad, can I get an all over tan?"

"I don't see why not. There's no one here who hasn't seen you already."

Brett was out of his suit in a second. He lay back down on his stomach, butt toward Leon. After staring at Brett's butt for a moment, Leon said "I'll get us some dinner started."

"Just something light, Leon. Sandwiches maybe," I said.

When the sun began to go down, Leon turned on the underwater lights around the boat, and announced dinner. Brett didn't bother getting back into his speedo, and walked to the aft deck nude.

He was leaning over the rail, watching the colorful fish attracted by the lights, when Leon came up with a tray of sandwiches. His eyes went straight to Brett's butt, displayed beautifully on the rail.

"Wh 3; what would 3; you like to drink?"

"I think I'm in the mood for a pina colada," I told Leon.

"Brett 3;?"

Brett turned and asked "What's a pina colada?"

"It's like an adult version of a pineapple coconut smoothie."

"Sounds good. Can I have one?"

"You're naked on a yacht. Sounds like the perfect time for one."

"Are you sure Jay?" Leon asked.

"Just one, and go easy on the rum."

We began eating our sandwiches and Leon joined us with our drinks. We had chips and pickles and some fresh fruit too. By the time we finished, it was completely dark. A wonderful breeze was comforting and relaxing. Brett looked over the rail again as I had a smoke.

"Look at all the stars," Brett said tilting his head back. "There's millions of them." Tilting his head further back, he lost his balance and fell into Leon's lap. Leon tried to catch him, and managed to get a hand on his butt cheek as he landed on him.

He quickly drew his hand away, and Brett was sitting in his lap. "Those sandwiches were really good, Leon. And that drink is my new favorite." Then he kissed Leon on the cheek. "Thanks Leon."

Brett leaned across the table to get his empty glass, which put his butt right in Leon's face. He sucked on the straw and made that irritating noise, then sat back on Leon's lap.

"Dad. Leon's got a stiffy." he mock whispered.

"I 3; I 3; It's just 3;"

"Sshh 3; It's okay Leon. I like you too." He leaned forward again replacing his glass where it had been, then sat back on Leon. He leaned back against Leon's chest, exposing his own erection. Then Brett lay his head back on Leon's shoulder. Pointing up at the sky he said "Look at that bright star," and wiggled about as he pointed

Leon put his head back too, but I think it was from being tortured by Brett, who was rocking a bit.

"That's 3; Uh 3; that's actually 3; oh 3; uh Venus."

"I think it's time to retire for the evening. Leon will you make me another drink? Brett would you like a Coke?"

"Yes, please."

"Would you bring them to my cabin, Leon."

In my cabin, I got undressed as Brett watched. "You're torturing that poor man," I told him.

"Yeah, he was really hard."

"Do you want him to fuck you?"

He smiled at me. "Kinda, but I was wanting you to do it to me first."

"Well, I think you have teased and tortured him enough."

"You won't mind if you're not the first to 3; fuck me?"

"How about I go second? He'll loosen you up some for me."

He smiled, and nodded real big. "Are you going to ask him if he wants to?"

"I know he wants to. I won't have to ask. I'll lay down, you get on your hands and knees between my legs and take me into you mouth."

When Leon entered with the drinks, Brett's butt was in the air facing him. My dick was in Brett's mouth, and I was holding out the bottle of lube. Leon set the tray down, stripped and took the lube from me.

He lubed his hard cock, and asked "Are you sure?"

"Consider it your Christmas bonus," I said nodding at him.

"Best bonus ever," he said and bent down and kissed each of Brett's butt cheeks. He stared at it admiringly for a moment, then lined up his dick.

Brett moaned when Leon's dick penetrated him. Leon closed his eyes, and his head went back, like his heroine fix had just kicked in. He worked it in slowly and Brett continued to moan around my cock. Leon grabbed his hips, and began pumping in and out, setting up a rhythm "Oh man 3; this is the best ass I've ever been in. Better than any pussy too."

Brett dropped his shoulders onto my stomach. He couldn't keep up the blow job, as Leon pounded into him so he just held my cock in his mouth and took the fucking. His moans seemed continuous then he let my cock slip from his mouth and groaned "Oh 3; God 3; Fuck me hard Leon." Then he squirted his load on my thigh.

"His ass is squeezing my dick," Leon said.

"Because he's cumming," I informed him.

"I made him cum? That is so hot. Oh shit, I'm cumming too."

Leon unloaded in Brett's ass, and collapsed on his back.

Brett grinned up at me through slitted eyes. I could see Leon grinding against him, and Brett grinding back onto Leon.

"Mmm 3; that felt good. Will you do me now Daddy? I've been wanting you for so long."

"Do you think you can handle me?"

"Mmm yes."

"Okay, if you're sure you want to."

Brett got up and turned his butt to me. "No, baby boy. I want to see your face. Lay on your back."

He did, and I put his legs on my shoulders. Leon handed me the lube, and watched as I prepared to take Brett. I lined up, and leaned down and kissed Brett's lips, he returned the kiss, and I pushed into him. His sphincter gave way to my intruding cock, and Brett moaned into my kiss. He was tight, even after being fucked by Leon. Leon's cum helped allow my entrance into his depths. I made it halfway before backing out, and sliding in again. I watched his face as I gained ground slowly, with Brett constantly moaning. At about seven inches [18 cm] I began fucking him a little faster. He looked between us and saw that I still had a couple of inches to give him. He pulled me down to him again and whispered "Give me all of it Daddy. I want all of your love."

He raised his ass to me, and I scooped his shoulders in my hands, holding him in place. I pushed the last two inches [5 cm] into him, and his eyes rolled back as he screamed and shot cum between our bellies. He grabbed my face and kissed me hard, then said "I love you Daddy. I love your cock in me. You can fuck me anytime you want," I watched his face as I fucked him. Each stroke brought pleasure to him. Pure bliss was etched across his face.

"Oh, I'm gonna cum again. Cum with me Daddy. Cum in me."

Who could deny a request like that from a beautiful boy like Brett.

"I can feel it," he said as I shot my load deep in his bowels. "Give me your love, Daddy."

I finally rolled off Brett, and looked at Leon. He had a tear in his eye, "That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Then he left us alone.

"Thank you Daddy. I really liked it. I want to do a lot more of that," Brett said as we snuggled.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked.

"Yes, a little. But, it's like a good hurt, I can still feel you in me. Like 3; I don't know 3; Like it was supposed to be that way. Like an itch that got scratched good. Even after you quit scratching, you know the itch feels better, even if the scratching hurt a little."

Leon had breakfast ready when we stumbled out of bed. After breakfast, Brett put on his speedo and went for a swim. Leon stayed on deck and watched out for him.

When he came back aboard Brett asked "Why didn't you come in with me Leon?"

"Someone's got to keep an eye out for sharks," Leon answered.

"Sharks? Are there sharks around here?" Brett asked as he jumped into Leon's arms.

"Not usually, but you never know," Answered Leon, not caring that Brett got him all wet. His hand was on Brett's ass, and Brett's cock was mashed against Leon's hip.

Brett slipped from Leon's grasp and said "You scared me." Then he stood on his toes and kissed Leon's cheek. "Thanks for watching out for me."

When he walked away, he left Leon with a hard on. Brett went below, and Leon came to me. "Jason, that boy is something else."

"I agree."

"I've never met anyone, male or female, more sensuous and appealing, and sexy, as Brett."

"Again, I agree."

"You know, I would never do anything to him without permission, but damn he makes it hard."

"Yeah, he makes me hard too," I laughed. "Did you lust after me at that age?"

"You were never that appealing," he said.


"Dickhead," he countered.

Brett came back up on deck and Leon ask him "What kind of fish do you want to catch?"

"I don't know anything about fish, really. But we're in the ocean, so I guess big fish."

"I thought you might say that."

Leon set the fishing chairs into the lower deck, then started the engines. We headed to blue water, and big fish. When he spotted what he was looking for on the sonar, Leon set Brett up in a chair and strapped him in.

"Why do I have to be strapped in?" Brett asked.

"You don't have to. But odds are you will go swimming quite unexpectedly if you're not."

I've been fishing with Leon before. He knows what he's doing, and so did I. There is only one reason to take us here, and strap Brett in. Marlin.

Leon set out two lines and let them drift into the deep water. Brett watched as Leon strapped himself in too. I played waiter for them and got them each a Coke and a pina colada for myself.

It wasn't long before Leon's line started a slight 'clicking' sound as it was taken out. "Brett, come over here, get in my lap," Leon said. Brett did as he was told, and Leon hooked straps onto the rod on either side of them.

"Grab the rod, and when I tell you, I want you to pull back on it real hard." Leon instructed Brett.

The clicking got more intense, Leon made some adjustments on the reel. Then said "NOW."

If you've ever been fishing, you know what it's like to land a fish. No matter what size, it's thrilling to reel it in. Larger fish put up a fight, and it's an ever bigger thrill to land one. Marlin is in a league by itself. There is no bigger thrill in fishing than landing a Marlin.

Brett's first time fishing, and he's pulling in a Marlin. I'm not sure who was more thrilled. Brett, pulling in a huge fish, or Leon, having Brett's speedo clad ass squirming in his lap.

They fought that fish for over three hours. It put up a good fight, and seeing it jump completely out of the water is something Brett will always remember.

The first time it did it, Leon said "That's your fish."

"Holy shit! Really?" Brett replied, trying to reel in some of the line.

"If you don't lose it."

The Marlin weighed in at 413 pounds [187 kg]. Certainly not a record, but for a young boy, with no experience or expectations, a hell of a good catch.

Brett went to our cabin to clean up, and I gave Leon instructions to have the fish mounted and ready for Brett's birthday. I went to the cabin, to find Brett stepping out of the shower.

"Oh my god, Dad, that was so much fun. I have never done anything so fun in my life. Well, except the sex with you of course," he smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know Leon did."

Brett laughed a little. "Yeah, he was hard the whole time. Would you mind if I gave him a little 'thank you' gift?"

"Your body is yours. Who you decide to share it with is your business. I want you to enjoy all life has to offer. Just be careful and safe."


"Yes. I know that Leon is clean, but when you are with anyone else, condoms are a must. If you are fucking a girl or a guy, and especially if a guy is fucking you, always use condoms."

"What does that feel like?" he asked.

"Well, it's kinda like the toy felt. Even though it is the same size as Leon, it's just different than a real cock. When you are wearing one, it has less feeling, and not as fun as bareback."

"I see what you mean. I liked it a lot more when the real Leon fucked me than the toy Leon."

He gave me a very sensual kiss. "Tonight I want to just be with you. But could you send Leon in here now, so I can 'thank' him?"

"You're a horny little bastard, aren't you?"

"Yes. But you love me for it," he laughed.

Leon had just finished stowing the marlin. "Leon go get a shower, you smell like fish. Then Brett wants you to help him with something."

I was on my third pina colada, and the sun was beginning to set, when I saw either of them again.

"I'll get dinner started," Leon said nervously.

"Okay, whatever we have is good. Where's Brett?"

"Uh 3; he's uh 3; resting," Leon said as he headed to the galley. I followed him, and sat watching him a moment.

"Resting, huh?"

"Yes sir," Leon answered.

"Fighting that marlin must have worn him out."

"I suppose so, Sir." Leon replied, again very nervously.

"We're alone, why are you calling me sir?"

Leon put down the pan he was holding. "I'm sorry, Jay. I said I wouldn't do anything without permission, but he 3; he 3; we had sex." Leon was almost in tears. I had never seen him so upset.

"You forced him?"

"No, Sir! He wanted it."

"So he gave you permission."

"Well, I guess so sir, but I meant permission from you."

"Leon. I don't own the boy. Well, I did buy him, but I don't own him. He decides who he wants to have sex with. I'm not his pimp, and he's not my slave. If he wants you to fuck him, and you want to, then do it. You have my permission, but only when he wants it."

Leon threw his arms around me. "Thanks Jay. I feel much better now. I felt like I had betrayed you, and it was tearing me up. I couldn't resist him. That has never happened to me before. That boy is a sex god. I actually sucked his cock. I've never sucked a cock. Never even thought about sucking a boy's cock. And that ass. God made that ass as a gift to whoever gets to see it. Getting to fuck it 3; I can die happy."

"Definitely no Christmas bonus for you this year," I laughed.

"If I never get another bonus, it was well worth it."

Brett was sprawled out naked, face down, on a very messed up bed. I rubbed his back, until he stirred. "Umm 3; Hi Dad."

"Did Leon like his 'thank you'?"

"Mm hmm."

"Did you?"

"Mm hmm."

I bent and kissed his bare shoulder. "Did he fuck you good?"

"Two times. Do you want some?" he asked, wiggling his butt at me.

"Later," I said, slipping a finger into his ass. I could feel Leon's cum inside. "He said he sucked you too. He's never done that."

Brett turned over on his back and smiled up at me. "Don't tell him I told you, but I fucked him too. I know he's never done that either."

"That is a surprise. A big Marine taking it up the ass from a little boy," I laughed.

We ate dinner on deck, and relaxed in the cool breeze. I allowed Brett one pina colada, so we all three had one.

When we got to bed, it was quite late. "Will you make love to me?" Brett asked.

It was the first time he used that expression. "You're not too sore from earlier?"

"Leon can't make me sore. But you can. I like it when you make me sore."

Helen was right about one thing. Her children do take after her, and like sex. Brett was like any boy his age, in that he is just a walking erection. But he is almost insatiable too. I have little doubt that he would fuck twenty four hours a day. With his looks, and natural sensuality, he will have no trouble finding willing partners.

His evening of sex with Leon had made his hole easily accessible. I slid in with little resistance. "Oh god that feels good. I love you Dad."

"You don't prefer Leon?"

"No 3; I love only you. Leon is just fun and games. It's you I belong to. Forever, I promise. I love you, and you fill me more. So, it's much better with you."

We spent the next day fishing for smaller fish. Brett spent much of the day tormenting Leon. "I swear that boy could seduce Jesus Christ himself. Or at least a monk," Leon said after walking around with an erection most of the day.

We spent that night back at the little island cove. Leon cooked up some of the fish we caught, and we relaxed on deck again. I do love being on the water, and apparently so does Brett. He swam some, nude of course. I'm sure just to torment Leon more. Unfortunately for him, Brett didn't invite him to our cabin that night. I'm sure Leon spent the night beating his meat into submission.

After a few stops, taking care of the marlin, along the way, we arrived back home.

"I caught a huge fish," Brett told Anne.

"Really? How big was it?" Anne responded, expecting Brett to show her by exaggerating with his hands way apart.

"Over four hundred pounds [180 kg]," he replied.

"Sure Brett. Whatever you say," she said not believing him.

Brett pulled out his cell phone and showed her some of the pictures.

"Damn 3; I mean darn. I thought you were joking," Anne said after seeing the fish.

"Nope. He put up a good fight, but we nailed him," Brett bragged.

"I'm glad you had fun. Because tomorrow, we get down to serious business," Anne said.

"What kind of serious business?" Brett seemed confused.


"School! But it's still summer," Brett complained.

"Not for you. We have a lot of work to do."

"Dad? Do I have to?"

"You know son, as the head of a conglomerate, I have learned that you find the right people to do a job, and you let them do their job. I don't make all the day in and day out decisions. I make the big decisions. I don't micro manage. Anne is in charge in that area. If she says it's time, then it's time."

Anne stood her ground too. "I understand you think you are getting shortchanged on summer break. But we need to get a head start, because the amount of traveling you do, will take up some of your study time. You will have plenty of time to still do things you enjoy, if you get your school work done."

"So if I finish my homework, I can go out and play, that's what you're saying," Brett concluded.

"Yes. Studies come first, then play time."

"Ok. Starting tomorrow, you're the boss. But for now, I'm going swimming," Brett said as he stomped off.

"Thank you for not overruling me," Anne said after he was gone.

"You have your job, and I have mine. If you fuck up, I will know, and act accordingly. Until then, you're in charge of his education. As long as it is in his best interest, I have your back."

Brett reappeared in a white speedo. His graceful gate carried him right passed us to the pool. Anne and I both just stared at his beauty as he glided by.

"Would you care to join me in a drink, poolside?"

"Uh 3; yes, that would be lovely."

We sat poolside enjoying the ocean breeze and Brett's beautiful form, in and out of the water.

"He really is a lovely child," Anne surmised "I can understand why you would pay so much for him. I would too, if I could afford it," she said forlornly, as Brett returned to the pool after yet another parade to our table.

"Yes, he's quite special," I said, as we watched Brett's incredible ass disappear under the water's surface.

"Can I assume you have a passport?" I asked Anne.

"Yes, why?"

I'm planning a trip and I wanted to be sure you could accompany us."


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