PZA Boy Stories

Daddy Zach



12-year old Sam sees a man hiding himself in the bushes. He's curious and follows the man.
Publ. 2002 (assgm); this site Nov 2012
Finished 4,700 words (9½ pages)


Sam (12yo) and Burke

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons mast oral – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.


Sam wiped the tears from his eyes. The skinny, blond-haired boy often sat in the deep brush of the park so no one could see the pain of loneliness on his face. Today was another day Sam wished his life was different. He wished he had a father. He wished his mother didn't have to work so much and he didn't have to spend everyday of the summer alone.

As Sam was about to leave his little hideaway, he heard foot steps on the dirt path. The boy peered over the top of the brush to see a man walk right past his location. The man looked like he was in his forties, brown hair with some grey 3; average looking. Already in the deep-wooded area of the park, Sam watched as the man kept pace and walked deeper into the woods. Curious, Sam grabbed his little backpack, stepped on to the path and quietly followed the man. Sam allowed the man to get a good distance ahead but not so far as he couldn't see him. The man carried his own, larger backpack slung over one shoulder. Sam also noted by the smoldering cigarette butt on the dirt path that the man also smoked.

Sam stopped in his tracks when he saw the man step off the path and into some heavy brush. The boy could hear the man as twigs snapped under his feet and brush being pushed aside. Sam slowly approached the are that the man stepped into. Just beyond the first line of bushes was a smaller foot path that would go completely unnoticed unless it was known. Sam also noticed that the man made sure not to disturb the brush in front of the path to ensure that it's secret will remain just that 3; a secret.

Sam crouched low and stepped onto the hidden path, making sure not to disturb the brush that hid the path. The boy was sure he wouldn't be spotted. He wore a light gray polo shirt along with his tan, rugged camping shorts. His favorite pair with the pockets that have zippers on them. Sam kept low and slow. There was no hurry since he had nothing else to do but spy on this guy. He could no longer hear the man walking down the path so the boy figured wherever it was he was going, he was there. Sam could see that the path lead into even heavier brush then opened up into what looked like a clearing surrounded by fallen trees and thick, lush plants and bushes.

Sam crept up along one of the fallen logs. By peering over the top, Sam could see that the man had spread out a blanket and was leaning against one of the logs as a back rest. From his vantage point, Sam could see the man from the back and to the left. The man would have to crane his neck all the way to the left to spot the boy. The man had pulled an assortment of snacks and cold water from his backpack along with a newspaper. Sam figured this was the guys private place to chill out. The boy looked at the clearing. It was beautiful with its thick, green grass and varieties of plants. And it was secluded. You would have to fire off a cannon to be heard back here.

Sam watched the man for a little while as he skimmed through the newspaper. The man folded it up and pulled a magazine from his backpack. The man leaned back against the tree and sipped water and munched an apple as he flipped the pages of the magazine. Sam was too far away to get a clear look at what the man was reading. If he kept to the log and moved about ten feet up, Sam would be able to get a closer look at this guy. The boy crept along the fallen tree, making sure each step was on solid ground. He could hear the click of lighter and figured the guy just lit a smoke. From his new vantage point, Sam peeked his head just over the top of the log. The man was now only a few feet from the boy and he could see what the man was reading. The magazine had pictures of bare naked people in it. Men to be exact. Sam couldn't see any bare naked girls in it, just guys. The man ground out his cigarette with his right hand then reached for the zipper of his jeans with it. Sam noticed that the man had a stiff weenie. Sam got those from time to time but he never had reason to touch it. The man unzipped his fly and pulled out a penis that was about seven inches [18 cm] long. Sam had never seen a grown man's penis and was so taken aback by what he saw that he hitched his breath. The man turned and saw the boy and Sam did what the only thing he knew what to do 3; run!

The boy bolted down the path, crashing through the brush. At the end of the path he leapt over the tall brush that hid the path, landing with a thud on his side on the dusty main path. He jumped to his feet and ran down the path, fearing the man would be hot on his heels. After a couple of hundred yards, the boy was sure the man wasn't following him so he stopped to catch his breath. Sam wanted to kick himself in the ass for getting caught. As he walked out of the park, Sam couldn't help but wonder what the man was going to do with his thingy after he pulled it out of his pants. Sam also noticed that the more he thought about it, the harder his thingy got. Sam decided to come back again to see if the guy showed up. Sam doubted the guy will show up anymore. Getting caught with his weenie out, Sam figured the guy was as good as gone. That was okay with Sam. Now he would have a new private place to go in the park.


It had been a long three days since Sam caught that guy in the park with his thingy in his hand. He couldn't get the sight of that big wiener out of his head. The boy also noticed that his own wiener has been quite active in the last few days. Just last night the boy got out of bed with a stiffy, took off his underpants, and checked himself out in the mirror on his closet door. He looked at his skinny body and his small penis sticking out of the hairless "v" of his crotch. Even though he was twelve, people were always mistaking Sam for a younger boy. He was skinny. Too skinny his mother thought. Sam looked at his butt in the mirror. Just a butt 3; maybe a bit small, but just a butt. Sam rubbed his right hand over his penis like he saw the man do. It felt like tickling 3; but better than tickling. Sam had to admit the guy was on to something because the boy couldn't stop rubbing himself.

Sam continued through the park as he remembered hearing his mother last night and jumping back into bed, afraid himself of getting caught with his weenie in his hand. The boy realized how that man must have felt when Sam caught him. The guy was minding his own business and it wasn't like he was in the middle of the park for the whole world to see. Sam did follow and spy on him and that made the boy feel a little guilty.

Sam was on the path leading into the deeper part of the woods. He was getting closer to the small foot path that branched off the main path. Sam could feel the lump in his throat as he stepped over the thick brush and on to the hidden path. The boy wondered if he should just spy or let the guy know he was there 3; if the guy was there at all. Staying low and slow, Sam approached the clearing again. He crept up on the fallen tree and peeked over the top. To his surprise the man was there. He had his snacks and water laid out along with his newspaper. The man was dressed in shorts and T-shirt. Sam had on his camping shorts again but this time sported a light blue polo shirt.

"Hello," the man said making Sam jump. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

Sam got up from his crouching position and crawled over the log into the clearing.

"My name is Burke. What's yours?"

"S-Sam," the boy replied quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Sam. Would you like an apple or something?"

N-no thank you."

"Please have a seat," the man said as he patted the blanket on the ground. "I promise I won't hurt you."

Sam slowly walked to the blanket and sat himself on the corner farthest from Burke. The man had a nice smile and seemed friendly enough. The apples did look good. So did the grapes and other fruits.

"I take it that was you who caught me the other day?" Sam looked away from the man as his face flushed red. "It should be me that blushes, son, not you."

"But I was spying," the boy replied. "Mom says it's not nice to spy on people."

"Well, she's right," Burke said as he rubbed his chin. "It's also just as wrong for me to do what I did too."

"Oh," Sam said. "What were you doing?"

"Umm 3;" Burke scratched his head as he dug for an answer. "I was masturbating."

"What's that?" Sam looked at the man with a confused, scrunched look on his face. Burke realized he just walked into a mine field.

"Well, masturbating is something guys start doing when they go into puberty. You'll do it when you get to be around twelve."

"I am twelve," Sam said as he looked away again.

"I'm sorry," Burke said as he put his finger under the boy's chin and lifted his head. "I was a late bloomer too when I was your age. You'll be a man soon enough. Don't be in a hurry to get there 3; it's not all that it's cracked up to be."

"Oh," Sam replied. "So what's mas 3; mast 3;"

"Masturbating. It's when a man, or boy, stimulates his penis for 3; for 3; sexual release."

"Oh," Sam said as he relaxed a little more and tilted his head as he looked at Burke. "Is that why you were looking at naked boys?"

Burke was still walking through a mine field and just heard a click. "Um, yes Sam. I was looking at naked men because I'm a homosexual." Burke had the feeling the next question was going to be the explosion in the mine field.


Wait on it, Burke thought to himself. Here it comes.

"And 3; and 3; and 3;" the boy stammered.

"Homosexuals are men who have sex with other men." Burke knew the quicker he finished, the quicker he could get out of the mine field. He did find it amusing, and a little stimulating, answering Sam's questions.

"Can I still have an apple?"

"Sure," Burke answered in relief. "Help yourself."

Sam dug into the apple. He was hungrier than he thought he was. Burke also shared his water with the boy, handing him his own bottle of water. The two chit-chatted about this and that. Sam became more relaxed and slowly edged himself closer to Burke. Every few questions Sam would ask a casual question about Burke's sexuality. Did he have a boyfriend? What kind of men did he like?

"Do you like girls?" Sam asked.

"Sure," Burke replied. I like girls but not like other men do. I have friends who are girls but I don't have a girlfriend. I'm not attracted to girls like that."

"I don't like girls, either," Sam said as he laid down on his stomach next to Burke. "Does that mean I'm a homosexual?"

"Not at all. It just means you aren't ready for girls yet." Burke reached down and put his hand on Sam's back and gently rubbed the tense, twelve year old muscles. A kid this age shouldn't be so tense.

"I don't like boys either. They're mean to me." Sam rested his head on his arms. "That feels good." Burke continued to rub the boy's back, his hands making smooth strokes from Sam's shoulders to the dip in his lower back.

"If I was a homosexual, I'd want you for a boyfriend." Sam looked up at Burke and smiled. Burke smiled back as he continued to rub Sam's back. After five minutes, Burke could see that the boy nodded off. Burke had to admit that Sam was a little cutie. The boy obviously had social issues and latched right on to Burke. Burke continued to rub Sam's back. He edged his hand a little lower each time until it was touching the firm behind of the boy. Burke knew he was taking liberties but he couldn't help himself. The small behind was just too tempting to pass up. Burke cupped Sam's right cheek and allowed his thumb to linger into the crack of his behind. Sam shifted his weight and let out a little moan. Burke gave a gentle squeeze then decided enough was enough and gave the boy a gentle shake.

"Hey sleepy head," Burked whispered. "It's time for me to go home." Sam sat up and rubbed his eyes. He seemed a bit confused then smiled at Burke.

"Are you going to be here tomorrow?" the boy asked.

"Probably. You can join me if you like. Won't your parents mind?"

"No," Sam replied as he stood up. "Mom works all day and I don't even know who my father is." Burke felt his heart ache, never realizing just how lonely this poor kid was.

Sam helped Burke pack his blanket and belongings. The two talked while they walked down the path and towards the edge of the park. Both promised to see each other tomorrow and went their separate ways.


Sam laid in his bed later that evening, deep in thought of the days events. He fell asleep today but woke up when Burke rubbed his behind. It felt funny but it also felt comforting. No one, not even Sam's mom, ever touched him. Sam reached down and slipped his hand past the waistband of his underpants and cupped his small, hard penis. The boy gently rubbed his penis, learning how to stroke it so the good feeling happens. As he stroked, Sam imagined himself being rubbed on his naked body by Burke 3; his strong hands gently touching him and making him feel good all over. Making him feel wanted. Sam also could not stop thinking of Burke's penis. Ever since he saw it, the boy wanted to touch it 3; feel it. See how a big penis worked. What it smelled like. The boy was rubbing himself faster as the images of he and Burke played over in his mind. Sam hitched his breath as a tingly feeling like he had to pee started in his penis. He knew he should stop rubbing because he was going to pee all over his bed but he couldn't stop. He was consumed by the feeling and before he could stop, his whole body shook as the tickle vibration shook his whole body. He even surprised himself when he moaned loud enough for his mother to hear.

As his body calmed down, Sam relaxed and caught his breath. He didn't know what happened but it felt good. He did know that something that felt that good couldn't be harmful or damaging to his body. He decided to ask Burke when he saw him tomorrow. Sam turned off his light and covered himself with his blanket in case his mother heard him moan. She never came in that night.

The next day Sam was off to the park. He had picked his clothes very carefully. He wore a simple, baggy gray T-shirt and he wore a pair of shorts that were too big on him. If Burke rubbed his back again, the shorts could easily be slid over his thin waist. The shorts also had very baggy legs and sitting in the right direction, Burke would be able to see that Sam was without underwear today.

Sam walked down the path towards the thicker part of the park. He was consumed with excitement and wondered if Burke would be as friendly as he was yesterday. Sam found the hidden path and made his way to the clearing. He hopped over the log and found the clearing empty. No Burke. Disappointed, Sam decided to wait. Maybe Burke was running late or something. Sam sat on the soft grass and leaned back against the log that Burke usually leaned against. The boy yawned. He had spent the better part of the night tossing and turning, not sleeping until the early morning hours. Within minutes, sleep took over and Sam let out a small snore as his head rested on the log.

"Hey, sleepy head 3;" Sam's eyes fluttered open at the sound of the familiar voice. The boy beamed with delight as his eyes focused and the friendly face of his friend Burke was leaning over him. "You need to get to bed earlier, Sam."

"I do go to bed early," the boy replied. "I just can't seem to sleep."

"Something on your mind?" Burke reached into his large backpack and removed the large, green blanket. He spread it out and he and Sam made themselves comfortable. "I'm pretty good at keeping secrets if you have something on your mind that might be a bit personal."

"Well 3;" Sam said as he ran his finger in circles on top of the blanket. "It's just kinda something with me. Can I have an apple?" Sam knew he should talk to Burke but he was scared. He was scared of what Burke might say to him. Afraid of rejection.

"Sure, buddy." Burke pulled a small bag from the backpack with several apples in it. He tossed one to Sam. Burke had a feeling Sam might have some issues about his homosexuality and may be uncomfortable talking about it. Not to worry, when Sam is ready, he'll open up.

Burke and Sam relaxed in silence on the blanket, enjoying the warmth of the late morning. Burke with his paper, Sam with the comics section. Sam was laying on his stomach away from Burke. Burke couldn't concentrate on his newspaper with Sam's little butt in his line of sight. Burke had the felling the kid wanted him to be in the line of sight of his butt. Sam folded his section of paper and sat up and turned to face Burke, his knees bent to give Burke a view up his shorts. Sam's stomach was doing butterflies.


"Yeah, buddy." Burke did not lower the newspaper.

"Am I dorky looking?"

Burke lowered the paper to address the unusual question. He gave the boy the up and down. Sam was not dorky and will be a handsome young man. His hair was always neat, his clothes clean. As Burke worked his way down Sam's body, he couldn't help but notice the large gap in the legs of the boy's shorts. Sam was not wearing underwear and his small, cut, and hairless penis was quite visible. Burke could feel the lump in his throat. Also visible were the two, small, delicate mounds of the beginning of Sam's behind.


"Uh? Oh, I'm sorry." It was Burke's turn to turn a dark shade of red. "No, you are certainly not dorky looking. You are a very handsome young man." Sam smiled at the compliment. He also smiled knowing Burke was staring at his dick. Sam was no longer afraid of rejection. He knew Burke would not hurt him.

"Will you give me a back rub, Burke?"

"Um 3; okay, sure." Burke was really nervous now. Sam wanted to test the waters. Burke wanted this so bad his hands were shaking. As Sam positioned himself next to Burke, before he laid down on his stomach, he pulled his T-shirt over his head. He then lay down next to Sam, his head away from him.

"Okay 3;" Burke reached out and gently began to knead the boy's shoulders and blades. He was tense, but not as tense as yesterday. This was a different tension and Burke knew exactly what. As Burke moved his hands over the smooth skin of Sam's back, Sam wiggled and adjusted himself so that his butt was poking up a little more than usual. Burke moved his hands down and over the arch in Sam's back. He continued his up and down motion, each time moving his fingers over the elastic of Sam's shorts.

"That feels good," Sam purred. Burke took the go ahead and when he lowered his hands over the arch of Sam's back again, he pushed his fingers past the elastic of the shorts and gave the small curves underneath a gentle squeeze. Sam didn't react so Burke continued to ease more and more of his hands underneath the shorts with each stroke of the boy's back.

"Do you want me to stop?" Burke asked, still a little unsure of this.

"No," the boy replied. "It feels good. Even better then yesterday."

Burke pulled his hands away from Sam in shock. The boy did know that he felt up his behind yesterday.

"Y-y-you knew about that?"

"Yeah," Sam said as he turned over his shoulder to look at Burke. "I was awake when you touched my butt."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Well 3; if I said something you might have stopped and I didn't want you to because it felt good." Sam lowered his head back down on the blanket, an indication he wanted the back rub to continue. Far be it for Burke not to oblige the boy. Burke continued were he left off, moving his hands up and down the length of Sam's back, each stroke moving his hands further and further under the light material of the boy's shorts, the soft flesh of the boy's buns on top of the firm muscles underneath greeting Burke's kneading hands. As Burke felt and stroked the boy's back, he continued to move his hands under the elastic band of the shorts, hooking his thumbs on the outside and slowly lowering and exposing Sam's behind.

"Do you want me to stop?" Burke asked.

"No," Sam replied, his voice relaxed and almost sleepy.

"Maybe we should get these off," Burke said as he started to push Sam's shorts down his hips. Sam lifted his slim hips and Burke slid the shorts down Sam's slim, smooth hips. Burke's eyes drank in the beauty of Sam's body 3; taught, lean, and flawless in it's youthful grace. Burke continued to massage and fondle Sam's behind, absorbing it's perfection with his hands. He moved down to Sam's legs, going no further than his thighs. Burke easily spread Sam's legs, exposing the soft, downy region between his legs. Burke gently massaged the soft flesh at the base of the boy's behind, lightly rubbing his fingertips with feather-like touches the small area of sensitive skin at the base of Sam's scrotum. Sam began to squirm and moan's hands magically opened up new sensations the boy was just beginning to experience. Sam opened his legs wider and pushed his behind up to give Burke easier access to his dick and balls. Burke reached under the boy and cupped the already erect penis and scrotum. His left hand continued to massage Sam's buttocks while his right hand stroked the rigid penis.

"Turn over," Burke said. Sam obliged and rolled over, exposing his boy body to Burke. Burke hitched his breath as the young, smooth body revealed it's front side to him. Sam was not muscular, but his body was tight and his muscles taught. Firm chest with small, pink nipples 3; a tummy that would some day be a sexy six pack. Burke looked Sam in the eyes. The boy had a dreamy look on his face that assured Burke that all was okay. Burke leaned down and gave Sam a soft kiss on his mouth. Sam smiled back at him as Burke continued down the smooth body, pecking at it with light kisses, stopping to run his tongue over Sam's nipples, then to the belly button. Sam squirmed with delight and rubbed his fingers through Burke's salt and pepper hair. The boy was alive with pleasure and thrilled at the attention his young mind and body have been craving for years. For the first time, Sam felt special.

Burke continued to lick and kiss until Sam's small, cut penis was touching his lips. With one last look to Sam for approval, Burke opened his mouth and swirled the small dick into his hungry mouth. Sam let out a deep gasp and pushed his hips forward as the warm, wet envelope of pleasure swallowed his dick. He grabbed handfuls of Burke's hair as the man slurped and suckled both the penis and scrotum easily into his mouth. Burke ran his index finger between Sam's legs, lightly skimming the sensitive skin between Sam's testicles and rectum. Sam was full out moaning and hunching and bucking his hips, his fists white knuckled as he hung on to Burke's hair. Sam felt the pee feeling happening again and hoped this one would be as good as the one last night. The sensation started with his penis and within seconds the boy's young body vibrated with delight as his orgasm exploded over every nerve of his body. Sam threw his head back and his mouth opened in a silent scream as wave after wave of new sensations washed his body in pleasure. With one final buck of his hips, Sam collapsed, spent and breathing hard 3; his young mind digesting the powerful sensations that washed over his body and soul.

"Wow," Burke said as he lifted his head. "You really dug that, didn't you?"

"Yeow 3;" Sam said as stretched like a cat. The boy smile beamed with happiness. This must be what love is like.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take care of some business." Burke opened his pants and released his engorged penis. He needed relief in a big way and started to masturbate his dripping dick.

"Let me!" Sam reached out and put his tiny fist over Burke's thick shaft and gave it a few light tugs.

"Like this, sweetie." Burke placed his hand over Sam's and demonstrated to the boy the technique of masturbation. Sam watched with wide-eyed fascination as Burke's penis became slippery with precum. The man's dick throbbed beneath Sam's hand. Within a few strokes, Burke's body shook and stream after stream of hot, white cum sprayed a four foot area on the blanket. Burke sat back to catch his breath. Sam climbed into his lap and the two cuddled in the afterglow of orgasm. Burke lifted Sam's head by the chin and looked him in the eye. Without speaking, Burke leaned in and kissed Sam. He kissed him two more times then pushed his tongue past the boy's lips. Sam hesitated then joined his tongue with Burke's, returning the kiss.

"I love you," Sam said as he nestled his head in the nape of Burke's neck.

"I love you too, Sam." Burke leaned in again and gave Sam a long and final kiss. "We have to break this party up."

"I know."

Together the man and boy dressed and packed the blanket and food. They took their time walking hand in hand towards the opening of the park. They stopped at the edge of the woods and gave each other a long, loving hug and a quick kiss.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" Sam asked as he looked up at Burke with his blue, puppy dog eyes.

"Should be, sweetie 3; should be."

The End