Cutter09The Angel Gabriel |
SummaryDaniel meets Gabriel on a stormy night. There's someting different about Gabriel.
Publ. July 2016
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CharactersGabriel (13yo), Daniel (30yo), Gabriel's mother Carol (30yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09 - The Angel Gabriel in the subject line. |
Chapter 1It had been a terrible party, and I wanted something to snack on. The food at the party sucked. I don't know why Sheila didn't just hire a caterer as I had suggested. Oh no, she could do it and save a lot of money. But Sheila is a horrible cook. Well, Sheila is Calvin's problem. And the shitty food for his fortieth birthday will be remembered by all in attendance. That's why I found myself at the corner store at eleven o'clock at night, I was fucking hungry. It was late November, pouring rain, near freezing, and I was starving. I would settle for one of those terrible convenience store hot dogs over the shit she served. As I got out of my car, dodging the rain, I saw someone huddled just around the corner of the building. Not being a complete fool, I pushed the button on my key fob, locking my Lexus. In the store I grabbed a hot dog, and a couple of cans of chicken noodle soup. Not my favorite, but the only kind they offered. I would heat it up and sit by my fireplace and read a book for the rest of the evening, I decided. Outside, I was waiting for a break in the rain to make a dash for the car when I barely heard someone say "Mister?" Looking around I saw the huddled body from earlier. Now I could make out it was a kid. He approached me cautiously. "Mister, could 3;" Not another bum. Damn I hate when they bug you for change. He got closer and I noticed it was really just a kid, no more than twelve or thirteen. "Could I 3; well it's just 3; could I maybe you know 3; for fifty dollars I would 3; you know." He was very nervous and not like other aggressive bums. "What kid?" He was scared and even embarrassed. "I would suck you for fifty dollars," he finally spat out. "Go home kid. I'm not giving you money for you to get stoned on," I said and turned toward my car. "No. Wait. 3; Ok twenty 3; please." "Look, I'm not giving you drug money. But out of curiosity why the sudden drop in price kid?" I laughed. "It's not for drugs. Well it is, but not for me. It's my mom. She's sick and I need to get her some medicine." He looked down for a moment then said "I saw that pretty car, and thought you could pay more so I could get some food too." I could tell this isn't something he was accustomed to. So I asked him "How long have you been hustling?" "What's that?" he asked "How many guys have you done that for?" "None, but I play over there in that playground, and men always come over from here and try to get me to do things with them. I always say no. They offer me money sometimes, but I'm scared to do the things they want. Now my mom's sick and needs medicine. I figured I could get the money for the medicine by doing 3; it." He seemed sincere. "Where do you live kid and what's your name?" "Gabriel, sir. I live over there, but we can't go there. I'll 3; I'll do it 3; in your car," he said pointing to some dilapidated houses behind the store. "So, you've never done it?" Looking down again he shook his head. "But you expect me to pay fifty dollars for something you don't know how to do?" "I said I would do it for twenty. Please. My mom is real sick." He grabbed my wrist and started crying I felt my hair stand on end as if an electric current went through me. "Okay, kid. Stop crying and get in the car." I unlocked the doors and made a mad dash. We jumped in at the same time. He sat there shivering, and I realized he didn't even have on a jacket. It was obvious he didn't know what to do, so I just waited. He kept glancing over at me. Then he looked at my face, then down at my crotch, as if he was trying to decide how to proceed. "Where do you live?" "I told you, my mom is there we can't 3;" I reached in my pocket and fished out a twenty. "Here is the twenty. All you have to do to earn it is show me where you live." I started the car, and pulled out of the side driveway toward the run down houses. "Turn here 3; There, third house." What a dump. I had Gabriel let me in, though he tried to resist. His mom was there and laying on a broken down sofa. She didn't even move when we came in. I went to her and put my hand on her forehead. She was burning up. I tried to wake her but she didn't. I picked her up, she couldn't have weighed a hundred pounds. "What are you doing?" Gabriel asked frightened. I guess he thought I was going to fuck an unconscious woman. "Your mom is very sick. I'm taking her to the hospital. Grab that blanket, and throw it over her." He did as he was told and I carried her to my car. At the hospital, they were none too happy that I didn't know anything about her. Gabriel didn't know much more. Neither of us knew if she had insurance, but I was doubtful. They were a little more understanding when I agreed to pay the bill. We had to wait of course. Great. Just the way I like to spend a Friday night. I finally got a chance to see Gabriel in the light. He was a good looking kid, maybe five feet tall. It was hard to tell, with it soaking wet, but he looked pretty blond, in need of a haircut, nice features, large blue eyes, nice neck. I like necks. I like bellies too. Smooth flat bellies. I bet he has a nice belly. What the hell was I thinking that for. "I don't know your name," Gabriel was saying, pulling me from my thoughts. "Daniel, but call me Dan." "Dan. I like that. You can call me Gabe," he said smiling at me. I noticed his lips had that blueish hue to them you get when you're really cold. He was shivering too. He was soaked to the skin, and it was cool in the waiting room. "You need to get into some dry clothes, or you're going to end up a patient here too," I told him and took off my overcoat. I was draping it over his shoulder, when a doctor came up to us. He said Gabe's mom was very sick. She had Pneumonia and a viral infection that they weren't able to identify. She was still unconscious, and they were going to keep her for a few days, maybe longer if they couldn't get the infection under control. I had already assumed Gabe's father was out of the picture, so I asked him "Do you have any relatives you can stay with?" "My mom has a sister in Cleveland I think." "Anyone here?" He shook his head. "Okay. Looks like you're staying with me." By now it was after one in the morning, I stopped at a drive through burger joint and got us burgers and fries. Then on to my house. "You live here by yourself?" Gabe said when he saw my house. "Yep. but for now it looks like I have a roommate." His smile practically lit up the car. I parked in the garage, and led him into the house. "First we need to get you into some dry clothes. Stay here, I'll get you something to wear." I left him in the laundry room and got a terry cloth robe from my closet, and a towel from my bathroom. "Put your clothes in the dryer and put on the robe. I'll get the food on the table." He entered a minute later, the robe swallowing his little body. Pushing the sleeves up his arms, he dove into the burger. Half was gone instantly before he looked up again. "Thank you for helping my mom.'' "You're welcome," I said as I watched him chewing with his mouth open. One of my pet peeves. I hate when people smack and chew with their mouths open. I resisted the temptation to say something. He already had enough to deal with. "Why did you anyway?" he asked honestly. "You were willing to sacrifice yourself for her, I figured she must be special." He thought about that for a minute. "I would have. You know 3; that, for you." "Why me?" "You're not like the rough guys that usually want me to. You seemed nice and clean," he answered. "How do you know about those things anyway?" He looked incredulous. "I'm thirteen. It's all some boys talk about. Besides, I told you my mom has a sister. Mom says she does things for men for drugs. My mom doesn't really say what, but I can figure it out." It was very late when we finished eating. I went to get his clothes and discovered they were not dry. I hadn't turned on the dryer, and he probably didn't know how to. It's one of those complicated computerized new models. "Gabe, looks like you're going commando tonight." "What's that?" "It means going without underwear. You're sleeping nude." His face lit up again. "I never get to do that at home. Mom wakes me up in the morning, so it's not a good idea." That mental image flashed through my mind. "Well, I do it all the time. You'll like it." Again I got a big smile. I led him to one of the guest rooms, "You can have this room while you are here." His smile disappeared as I closed the door behind him. I'm not sure when the storm ended, but the sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. I swung my feet off the bed, and encountered something unusual. My right foot was on Gabe's chest, my left on his morning wood. "What the hell? Gabe! What are you doing on my bedroom floor?" "I don't like storms. I came in and tried to wake you. I just slept here." Fortunately my sheets were still covering my own morning wood, and Gabe had the blanket from his bed. I lay back down and said "Go get ready." For some reason trying to be nicer than I really wanted. I caught a glimpse of his erection as he dashed into my bathroom. With him in the bathroom, I got out of bed and grabbed my own robe, though it did little to hide my erection. Gabe exited the bathroom. He had neglected to bring his robe with him last night, so he was naked. I couldn't help but look, now could I. His belly was perfect. Smooth, flat and well sculptured. Just below was a soft four inch [10 cm] cock with just a few, barely visible blond pubes. He perfectly fit the name Gabriel. Angelic, no other singular word suffices. His pale blond hair was the perfect halo for him too. My breath caught in my throat. I had never been attracted to men before, and would never give young boys a thought. But this boy was perfect. He stood in front of me, giving me plenty of time to appraise his beautiful body. "You must need to pee real bad," he said looking to where my eight and a half incher [22 cm] had parted the robe to point directly at him. I grabbed my robe together and said "All males get this way in the morning. Nothing to be ashamed of." "I know, but I never saw one that big before. Never saw any really." Brushing past him, I notice his had started to rise again. I stood at the toilet waiting for my erection to subside, which took much longer than usual. Gabriel's beauty didn't help. "Your clothes should be dry. Get dressed and we'll get breakfast," I yelled through the door. I peeked around the door to be sure he wasn't in my room, and started to get dressed. My cell phone rang just as I dropped my robe. It was the hospital calling. Gabe's mother was still unresponsive, which didn't bode well. I was listening to the doctor drone on in medical terms which are not my strong suit, when I turned and saw Gabe staring at me. Not just at me, but at my cock. I had nothing to cover with, and I was still on the phone, so fuck it, let him look. He was dressed in the clothes he had on last night, I wore nothing but a smile. He didn't turn away, he didn't even look away. He just kept looking at my cock. My cock likes to be admired and decided to stand and salute it's admirer. Gabe watched it lengthen and begin to rise. His mouth dropped open in surprise. Soon it was pointing at him, then even higher, at his face. I was finally able to get away from the doctor, and acted as if Gabe wasn't even there. First I laid out all my clothes and then slowly got dressed. He watched my every move. Or maybe it was my cocks every move. Gabe finally tore his eyes from my crotch when I pulled on my boxers. "That was the doctor. He said there is no use coming to the hospital right now. Let's get something to eat, then check back this afternoon." "Okay," he answered softly. Being a bachelor I keep little food in the house, so off to Denny's we went. They serve a decent breakfast 24/7. Gabe talked nonstop about his mom. I asked him about friends, but he seemed to have very few. He spent most of his time playing alone on the playground by the store where I picked him up. His mom worked hard and they barely got by from what I could gather. After breakfast, I needed another diversion. I decided the nearby multiplex theater would do. Gabe had seen none of the new movies so had trouble deciding which. Of course popcorn, soda, and candy are a must. The film was a sci fi action thriller, which Gabe loved. In the car, I called the hospital. She was awake and lucid, which was a good sign. We went to the hospital and they let Gabe right in. I waited out in the hall, not wanting to face her. After thirty minutes, Gabe appeared and motioned me inside. I stepped in, and he dashed out. Chicken. Leaving me to face her alone. She waved me over, and took my hand. "I understand I owe you my life." "Nothing of the sort. Maybe a homecooked meal though," I wanted to add 'and your first born son too' but I didn't. "How did you happen to find me?" she asked. I had no clue what Gabe had told her. I couldn't say 'Your son wanted to blow me for fifty bucks.' So I just said "I met Gabe at the store by your house. He seemed pretty upset, and told me you were sick. I convinced him to show me where you were, and the rest is history." "Did he tell you to call him Gabe?" "Yes, ma'am." "My name is Carol not ma'am. After all you've done, I think we should be on a first name basis. You know, he only let's me call him Gabe. If he told you to, he must think you're very special." What do you say when someone says that to you? "I think he's very special too." Shit! That sounded creepy. "Did he stay with you last night?" "Yes, ma'am. Uh Carol." " I heard the nurses talking about a bad storm last night." "Yeah it was a doozy. By the time I got you to the car, you were pretty wet," I said, glad to change the subject. But she was still on it. "Gabe is afraid of storms. Usually he climbs in bed with me when it gets bad," she said, giving me a funny look. "Yeah, I found that out when I woke up this morning, and he was on the floor beside my bed," I had to point out that he was not in my bed. "I'm sorry, if he put you out too much. He can be quite a handful." "No. He's been an angel. So when do you think they will let you out of here?" Again I tried to change the subject. "They are very tight lipped on that. Seems the Doctors are concerned about some infection." "That's the impression I got too," I said. "If it isn't too much of a bother, could Gabe stay with you a while longer?" "No bother at all. He's been on his best behavior." I hope she couldn't sense that I was anxious to get the hell out of there. She probably did because she said "I can't thank you enough. I don't know how I will ever repay your kindness." Then she turned away and closed her eyes. When I realized she was actually sleeping, I left the room. I found Gabe talking to one of the nurses, who said "She was trying to stay awake til you got here. I gave her a pretty strong sleeping pill. I'm amazed she was still awake." On the way home I asked Gabe if he liked pizza. He looked at me like "Duh". "Okay how about pizza for dinner?" "I'm not really hungry right now," he answered. "I suppose not after all that popcorn and candy at the theater," I said accusingly. He gave me that angelic smile, which I have no defence for. ' I have never been around kids, but I know you have to keep them busy or watch them constantly. When we got home, I suggested we both shower then we can watch tv till I order the pizza. Standing in the shower, letting the warm water soothe me, for some reason I kept picturing Gabe nude. He is just so fucking cute. Then I heard something and looked up to find Gabe stepping through the glass door. He was naked. "What are you doing Gabe?" "You said we should shower," he defended. "I didn't mean together! There is a shower in your bathroom." All of my bedrooms had en suite baths. He looked very hurt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Okay. It's not like you haven't already seen me anyway." I tried not to look at him as I started to lather my body. But it was too late. My cock had seen enough to begin to rise. By the time I got to it, it was a solid steel bar. I handed the soap to Gabe who was busy watching me. I nudged him to get his attention, and he took the proffered soap. I turned toward the spray and began rinsing. I suddenly felt his hand on my back. "You didn't do your back," he said as he lathered it for me. Shit, did that feel good. My cock was never going down at this rate. He soaped up my shoulders and back then went for my butt. That's when I turned around. Stepping aside, I made room for Gabe under the spray. His cock was pointing at his belly button. Jesus, it was perfect like the rest of him. Slightly pointed bell shaped head. A little over five inches [13 cm] I would guess. Pale like the rest of him. Angelic. The only word I still could find for him. I was mesmerized. As he began to lather himself, I woke up enough to say "Gabe, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to mention this to your mother." "I know. I won't say anything," he said conspiratorially. I just watched as he bathed, I don't know why I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Then he handed me the soap. "Will you do my back?" This fucking kid was torturing me. I took the soap and sat on the built in ledge. I watched my hand as if it belonged to someone else. It glided over his perfect unblemished skin. I wanted to lick the suds from his body. His alabaster skin glowed as if illuminated from the inside. His shoulders were almost feminine. In fact, from the back, his whole body could have been female. Even his glorious butt. How long have I been soaping that beautiful butt? Damn! I've got to get a grip on myself. I slid the soap on down his legs, and as I reached his ankles, he turned around. His cock was right in front of me. Did I just lick my lips? He stood there unmoving, almost in offering, it seemed. "Wash your hair while I get us some towels," I stammered. I stepped out, congratulating myself for my strength. Grabbing towels, I turned back in time to see him rinsing his hair. Fuck, was this kid gorgeous. I quickly toweled off and waited for him to step out. When he did, I wrapped the large towel around him and just started to dry him off. As if it were the most natural thing in the world. My thoughts were of the unnatural kind though. I wrapped the towel under his armpits and tied it there. He suddenly reached out and pushed my erection downward. He laughed hysterically as it bounced back up then bobbed up and down. "Very funny," I said trying to subdue a laugh of my own. "Dan are we going commando again tonight. I don't have any clothes." Shit, something else I hadn't given a thought to. "Uh sure Gabe, why not." He gave me his angel smile again and walked out in his towel dress. I tucked my towel around my waist and followed him. I found him in the den, one foot on the sofa, one on the floor. His cock pointing skyward, like a beacon, calling out to me. Lord give me strength, was all I could think. Showing him how to work the remote for the cable, I had trouble concentrating on what I was doing. The little shit just sat there moving his leg back and forth, drawing attention to his rampant cock. When he had the hang of the remote, I went to get a much needed scotch on the rocks. Downing the first one, I poured a second. "Aren't you going to watch tv with me?" He asked innocently. "Sure Gabe." I sat down on the end of the sofa, and the little devil crawled up on my lap. My cock throbbed and he giggled. It throbbed again and he giggled again. "That feels funny," he laughed. "Sorry." What else was I supposed to say? 'Lay down and I'll show you funny.' ? After a few minutes of some stupid shit on tv, Gabe said "You're still hard. So am I." "So I see," I said, pointing out that his was on display. "Why are you still hard?" He asked "Maybe because some little minx is squirming around on my lap." He turned to look at me "You got hard in the shower. Did I cause that?" "Yes." "I wasn't squirming on it then," he defended. "No. But you were naked in my shower," I explained. "You got hard because you saw me naked?" I didn't have an answer, at least one I wanted to admit. "You got hard this morning too. Was it because I was naked?" I finally allowed "You're a beautiful boy. I couldn't help admiring you." Out came that smile again. He hugged me and said "Thanks. You make me hard too." We watched the rest of the lame tv show in silence. "Are you getting hungry yet Gabe?" "A little. But maybe you should wait till that goes down, before you open the door to the delivery guy." "Then get off my lap and cover yourself so it can," I demanded. He scooted over and closed his towel gap, smiling the whole time. As we ate pizza, Gabe asked "Do you think my mom's pretty?" "I really haven't seen her at her best, Gabe. I doubt that she would want me to judge her in her current condition." "You said I was beautiful." "You are. And you're not hospitalized," I pointed out. "So if I were sick you wouldn't think I was beautiful?" Damn kid just won't let something go. "I'm afraid I would still think you were the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. There. Satisfied?" "Yes 3; So, do you have a girlfriend?" Shit. I hadn't even thought about Susan since I left her at Calvin's party. "There's a girl I've been seeing." He looked hurt. "But we're not engaged or anything," I just fuck her occasionally. "Do you have sex with her?" He continued. "That is none of your business. Besides, why do you care who I fu 3; Uh have sex with?" "You were going to say the F word." "Do you mean fuck? Fuck fuck fuck." He broke up laughing. "My mom would threaten to wash your mouth out with soap," he said between fits of giggles. "Your mom isn't here to protect your fragile young ears. So I can abuse them as I see fit," I said wiggling my fingers as if I were going to grab him. He screamed and ran, leaving his towel behind. A naked angel was flying around my house. Chapter 2I had sent Gabe to his room after another tv movie. I retired to my own room and couldn't sleep. I lay there in the dark thinking about the recent events. My mind in a turmoil because of this damn kid. Why was I so enamoured with him? He asked me if I thought his mother was pretty. For the life of me, I couldn't even remember what she looked like, and it had only been a couple of hours since I had seen her. These thoughts were interrupted by my bedroom door opening. Gabe's distinctive silhouette snuck across the room and crawled into my bed. Spooned in front of me, he reached back and grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest. "It's not storming Gabe," I whispered. "I know. Please hold me," he scooted back, snuggling his nude body to mine. Damn. I knew then I was lost. This angel was going to drag me to the depths of hell, and I was going willingly. I dreamed I was in a church. There were angels flying around me. All with Gabe's face. Nude, sporting erections and taunting me with them. Flying close, but just out of reach. "Do you think I'm pretty?" One would say flying by. "Am I the most beautiful creature?" Said another. "Do you want me?" Yet another would say. I was startled awake. But there in my arms was the angel, Gabriel. I did want him. God help me, but I did. I lay there reveling in his closeness. Wishing for the hands of time to cease. Let me stay here in his glory. I kissed his perfect neck, and lay my head back down beside his. "It feels even bigger without towels between us." Gabe whispered. I realized my cock was in his butt crack. I started to back up. "No. Don't move. Please stay there," I stayed, and kissed his neck again. We laid there probably another twenty minutes, just basking in the closeness. "We need to get moving," I begrudgingly said. "Do we have to? I want to stay here in bed." God how many times have I wanted to hear that from someone. I just didn't know that a boy would make it so appealing. "Me too. But your mother will be waiting to see you." He reluctantly stumbled out of bed and to the bathroom. He wore the same clothes as the day before, and the day before. By the time we had breakfast, the mall was open, so I took him to buy some clothes. At the counter, an hour later, the clerk was ringing up six pants, eight shirts, socks, a robe, and two pair of tennis shoes. I noticed an obviously missing item. I went to a nearby rack and picked up two packages of tighty whities in his size. "Aw 3; do I have to get those?" "What would your mother say about you going commando?" "We don't have to tell her," he proposed. "Mother's have a way of knowing shit," I said. The sales clerk just nodded his head. I sent Gabe to the changing room to put on some of the new purchases. When he came out, he was even more angelic looking, if that was possible. We were driving to the hospital, when Gabe said "Did you mean what you said?" "What did I say that could possibly need questioning?" I can be a smartass sometimes. "About staying in bed." Damn this kid likes to spring traps. "Yes, Gabe. I did," I answered honestly. At the hospital I waited in the hall again, giving them some time alone. Gabe poked his head out and motioned me in. This time he didn't run away at least. "Daniel," she said holding her hand out to me. She looked much stronger, sitting up in her bed. "My knight in shining armour." "Carol. Maybe you should lay off the painkillers," I joked. "Nonsense. You are. Now that I'm feeling better, I want to know more about you." "Not much to tell, really. What would you like to know?"
"Well, let's start with how old are you? What do you do for a living? Things like that." "Uh. I'm thirty. My father had a trucking company, which I started running when I was twenty five. Then I inherited it two years ago, when my parents were killed by a drunk driver," I hated the sound of that, but it was all true. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been hard on you." "You take what life has to dish out for you. Sometimes it's steak, sometimes it's a shit sandwhich. Oh sorry. You didn't hear that Gabe." Gabe covered his mouth giggling. "Gabe says you have a big house. Was that your parent's too?" "Yes. It's kind of big for just me. I just couldn't part with it." It sounded so pretentious but again it was true. "Any lady friends?" Damn. Third degree time. "No one special. I promise there won't be a bunch of women traipsing through as long as Gabe is staying with me." She seemed to accept my answer. We talked a bit longer, seemed like ages, then Gabe and I left. He was happy about his mother looking much better. I was happy that he was happy. McDonald's for lunch, then home. "Can we take a shower?" Gabe asked "Sure, Gabe. Go ahead." "I said, we." "Gabe, we shouldn't get into bad habits," I tried to explain. "It's a good bad habit. We won't have much more time together. Please." Who can say no to an angel. I know I can't. "Okay." He raced upstairs, and by the time I got there he was nude. I can't believe my body's immediate reaction to seeing him. It was quicker than the first time I saw porn as a teen. Bam! Instant erection. He adjusted the water temperature as I got undressed. When he saw my cock, bam! For him too. I started by shampooing his hair then worked my way south. His body is just so perfect, I want to memorize each millimeter. I know he must have thought I was crazy as I stared at each spot I lathered. When I reached his cock, I didn't stop. I soaped it, and stroked it with my fingers. Just to make sure it was clean of course. I could feel the need in his reaction to my efforts. I know it had been a long time for me, at his age it was an eternity. I had only stroked it for a few seconds and he exploded. His entire body convulsed, as he shot a huge load on my thigh. I had never thought I would enjoy that as much as I did. I brought an angel to orgasm. When he finished spurting, and began to relax, I sat him down on the ledge and proceeded to bathe myself. He reached for the soap when I got to my junk. "Let me." "You don't have to do that Gabe." "You did it for me," he reasoned. "I enjoyed it too," I countered. "So will I." He wrapped his soapy hand around my cock and stroked it slowly. "How big is it?" He asked curiously. "Eight and a half inches [22 cm], but right now it feels closer to nine [23cm]." I can't remember ever being as hard as I was right then. "Do you think mine will get this big?" Boys are always worried about their size. "I don't know. You're already pretty big, and thick too. And you're still growing. So you might even pass me by." He continued stroking me, but it didn't take long before I was ready. He watched fascinated as I shot my load on the glass wall of my shower. We rinsed off, and got out. I dried him again still admiring his beauty. While I was drying off, he left. I found him in my bed. I didn't say anything, I just climbed in and spooned him. "Mmm, perfect," he whispered as my cock made contact with his ass. I held him close, but not close enough. I couldn't get close enough. I wanted to be a part of him somehow. He was just too perfect to not fall in love with. What? How could I be falling in love with a boy? Shit, am I falling in love with Gabe? Ok Dan let's examine this. Well, there's his looks, he's absolutely gorgeous. But are you that superficial to love someone just because they're pretty? Okay, he's bright, not worldly though. Actually pretty innocent, until you came along. He loves his mother. Who wouldn't love a boy who loves his mom. What else though? What qualities do you admire in women that he also possesses? There's a certain vulnerability, you just want to protect him from the world. At the same time, he softens you. You're not the hardass you usually are when around him. You're almost human in fact. Then there is last night and now. Just holding him. When have you ever felt like you do now? When have you ever wanted to crawl inside someone and be a part of them? What about sex? Well, there really hasn't been any. Just a hand job, that isn't really sex. Hell, according to Clinton, a blow job isn't sex. Admittedly I find him sexually attractive, I just have to look at him and I get a hard on. Could I enjoy sex with a boy? Could he? Would he? Damn, it's all so confusing. All I know is that for now, I'm going to enjoy what time I have with him. When Carol gets out of the hospital, I may never see him again. God what an awful thought. We lay there, in and out of consciousness. A total dreamlike world of timeless existence. My arm around his chest, his back pressed tight against me. Waking only to kiss his neck, and drift away again. I became aware of the shadows on the walls indicating it was evening. Shit how long have we been here? I need to feed Gabe. "Gabe. Baby, it's dinner time." Baby? Really? Shit. I am in love with him. "I don't want food. I just want to stay here with you." God I love this boy. "If we don't eat, eventually we will die and your mom would find two naked corpses in bed. Do you want your mom to find her son dead with a hard on? How do you think she would feel about that?" He started laughing at the mental picture. "Now get your beautiful little butt up and dressed," I said with one last kiss to his neck. "I love it when you kiss my neck," he said, then slid out of bed. I can only take so much fast food, so I made a reservation at one of my favorite restaurants. Gabe looked at the menu and said "Dan, it's so expensive. We can eat somewhere else." "We are celebrating your mom's return to good health. What would you like?" He looked through the list and asked "Is steak good? I've never had steak." I ordered the Chateaubriand for two. We were having a good time, Gabe was laughing. I love to hear him laugh. Then during dessert, he suddenly looked sad. "What's wrong, Angel? "I don't know. I'm mad at myself, I guess." "Why?" "I have been so happy with you, and I don't want our time to end. I even thought maybe mom won't get better soon, so we could spend more time together. I'm sorry Dan. That's so bad. I want my mom to be healthy but 3;" He started to cry. "Baby. I know how you feel. I feel the same. But we don't know what the future holds. Even after your mom gets better, you can call me anytime." "You promise? You won't forget me?" His tears stopped flowing. "I promise. I could never forget you, even if I tried." His face lit up a bit. "Does that mean you're going to try?" "I wouldn't dare. I would rather eat all the glass in this restaurant than forget you." "What would you like to do now?" I asked in the car. "Shower." Gabe said with a smile. "Oh lord, my water bill is going to be outrageous." We did shower again. It was just like before. We stroked each other at the same time, both shooting our loads on the other. In bed we held each other in total serenity. Monday morning I called Gabe's school explaining I was a family friend and that his mother was in the hospital. I gave them all the pertinent information to contact the hospital, and his mom. Then I called Calvin. He is my manager of operations. I told him I was taking a few days off. I know he can handle things so I wasn't worried. Then on to the hospital. Carol was much better. Cheerful, and had better color. I could finally see some resemblance with Gabe, though he was much better looking. "Gabe, honey," she said reaching out to him. Her voice was stronger too. Suddenly I felt the same as Gabe. I didn't want her to get well. Damn, that's cold. "Guess what honey. They're letting me out tomorrow," she said excitedly. "That's great Mom." Gabe responded, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it a hundred per cent. After our visit, I made arrangements with the nurses to pick her up the next day. The nurse said "Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. To be honest, we all thought she was terminal. Her fever alone should have fried her brain. Oh well, god works in mysterious ways, right?" Then Gabe and I left. He was quiet. Driving home was like a funeral procession. Very somber. Once home, Gabe dashed upstairs. I put on a pot of coffee, not because I wanted it, just to try to find some normalcy. I love the smell of coffee brewing, it seems like home, safe somehow. I found Gabe in my bed crying his eyes out. Even with red eyes and puffy face, he was still angelic. "Dan. I don't know what to do. I love my mom, but I'm happy with you. I've never been happy before." I hugged him to me "Gabe. My sweet angel. I'm always going to be near no matter what. I promise." The rest of the day is a blur of nothingness. Neither of us wanting to face what was inevitable. In bed, I just held him. We knew there was an end coming and we weren't happy about it. We picked Carol up the next morning. She was glad to be released. Gabe put on a smiling face for her benefit. As she was getting ready, I went to the billing office and paid her bill. The clerk said "Some of the specialist bill separately. You may receive an invoice from them as well." I went back to Carol's room, started wheeling her toward the door. A nurse stopped me and said "She still needs a few days bedrest, and someone to make sure she gets her meds." I looked at Gabe, he looked at me, we both lit up with huge smiles. As I pulled out of the parking lot, Carol noticed the hospital bill in my shirt pocket. It was folded in thirds, but several pages thick. She reached over and took it out. I tried to get it back "Hey, that's mine and none of your business." She gave me that look that only pissed off mothers can give. I backed down. "Oh my God!" I thought she was going to faint. "What mom?" Gabe worried. "Thirty seven thousand dollars, that's what. I can't possibly afford this. How on earth will I ever repay this much money?" "I said it was mine and none of your business," I scolded her. "You paid this? Then how will I repay you? I don't make this kind of money." "Well, my car could use a good washing, and I have two pair of shoes that need polishing," I joked. "It's not funny. I don't have a dime to my name. I might not even have a job now that I've missed ten days." She looked out the window silently for a moment. "That's was the exit to my house. Where are we going?" "You heard the nurse. You still need a few days bedrest. You're coming to my house." "Dan, you've done enough. I couldn't possibly ask 3;" "You didn't ask and neither am I. It's a done deal." Pulling into my gate, Carol said "Oh my. It's a beautiful house." I carried her into one of the downstairs bedrooms "Where is Gabe's room?" "He's been in the room next to mine upstairs." It wasn't really a lie. He has been in there a couple of times, just hasn't really slept there. All of the bedrooms have large flat screen tv's. I showed her how to operate the remote, and left her and Gabe alone. I was smiling because I had at least two more days, maybe three, with Gabe. I still don't understand why he makes me so happy, but he does. I ordered chinese take out to be delivered. Gabe came up and asked "Do you have any soft drinks? She prefers Coke or Sprite." "Look in the fridge in the bar, there might be some there. If not, try the butler's pantry." "The what?" I guess he's never heard of one. "Come. I'll show you." At one end of the kitchen is a door that leads to the long butler's pantry. I rarely go in this area except when I'm having a party. That's when I saw the door at the other end. I had forgotten all about that. I've never even been in there. My house is large, the back of the house sort of horseshoes around the pool. The butler's pantry is at one corner of the pool, with a pass through to the pool area. Beyond that is the maid's quarters, then the cabana, along the side of the pool opposite the house. "Found it!" Gabe said. "Get her a glass of ice from the kitchen," I told him as I opened the door to the maid's quarters. I had no idea it was this nice. A bedroom, living room, private bath, and small kitchenette. It hadn't been used in years, and needed some updating, but it was very nice. I went in to see Carol. "Dan, I don't know how you've done it, but I have never seen Gabe so happy." "I'm sure it's only because you are well, and out of the hospital." "No, it's deeper than that. He is truly happy for a change." "Can you cook?" I asked, changing the subject. "As soon as I get out of this bed, I'm gonna make you that home cooked dinner you asked for. My grandmother was a great cook and I learned from her." "I assume you know how to clean." "What?" "Look, Carol. I have this big house, I hate cleaning, and I eat out everyday. You said you may not have a job anymore, and Gabe is happy here. Why not stay, and work for me?" "Dan, I'm not sure 3;" "I don't want to say you owe me, but." "Are you blackmailing me?" She started to get pissed. "No, actually that would be more like coercion than blackmail. But none the less, I would really like you to stay. I hate eating alone, living alone really. It's a huge house going to waste. You would even have your own apartment. You said yourself, Gabe has never been happier. Just give it some thought." When the food arrived I set it up in the dining room, and opened the drapes. I went to Carol's room where Gabe was with her chatting. "Lunch is served Madam," I said as I picked her up and carried her to the dining room. Gabe ran to the opened drapes "Dan I didn't know you had a pool. I love to swim. Too bad it's too cold to swim." "The pool is heated, you can swim anytime. We'll have to get you a suit first." "Pools should be enjoyed by children. Don't you agree, Carol? Just another part of this big ol' house going to waste," I said laying it on pretty thick. She gave me a grin and just shook her head. "How's your food Gabe?" "Good. Not as good as Mom makes though. Mom's a great cook. I get tired of fast food." Gabe said between mouthfuls. "Have you been talking to him?" Carol asked me accusingly. "Not a word. I swear." "Talking to me about what?" "Nothing. Eat your food." Carol and I said in unison. "Suddenly everyone's gone crazy." Gabe mumbled. After lunch Carol said "Okay, where is this apartment?" "What apartment?" Gabe asked. "Right this way Madam," I said bending to pick her up. "I am capable of walking Dan. Though not far." I escorted her through the kitchen to the maid's quarter's. "It's lovely," she said as she looked around. "You can get new drapes and linens, even new furniture if you want. Make it your home, with your tastes. There's a private entrance so you can come and go as you please. A small kitchen for those late night snacks. It's a little dusty because no one has been in here in years." "Well those drapes are really not my taste," she said as if it was a deal breaker. "New drapes it is then. Hell, knock the whole thing down and start from scratch if you want." "What about Gabe? Where will he sleep?" "We can get him a bed in here if you want." Then I said in a kind of whisper behind my hand "But you know boys his age like their privacy. You've probably noticed him taking long showers lately. He can stay where he is." "Yes, I've noticed. He is growing up. He has no privacy where we are. Neither do I," she said offhandedly. "So?" "How much does it pay?" "How much do you make now?" I countered. "After taxes about four hundred a week." "Okay six hundred after taxes then" I offered "What? No, wait. I can't let you 3;" "Okay eight hundred after taxes, and not a penny more. But the hours vary." "You really want this, don't you. Why?" "I told you. It's a big house. I just come here to sleep and change clothes. It's not a home." She looked at me expectantly, waiting for more. "Okay, to be honest, it's Gabe. He makes it a home. He has brightened my existence. He would make it worth coming home to. He is such a great kid, and he deserves a good life," I think I blew it. I told her too much. She came up to me. I thought she was going to slap me. Instead, she put her hand on my cheek and smiled "I know just what you mean. He does the same for me. He's my angel. A gift from heaven. That's why I named him Gabriel. I would hate to think what would have happened to me without him for inspiration. I would probably end up like my sister." "So, you'll take it?" I asked as she turned to leave. "Thinking about it," she called over her shoulder as she wobbled out. Gabe was waiting in the kitchen "What is she thinking about?" He asked when I entered. "What she wants for dinner," I told him. "Go tell your mom, we are going shopping." It's hard to find swimsuits in November, but there is a sporting goods store that carries them year round. Gabe picked out a red speedo. My mind flashed to how it would look on him, so I told him "Get a white one too. And maybe a blue one. Damn that's a nice green one, get that too." I got matching ones in my size as well. I couldn't let him swim alone, he might drown. Carol was sitting on the sofa in the den when we returned. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" "I'm not an invalid. I'm just supposed to rest. I'm resting here," she answered defiantly. I threw my hands up in surrender. "Whatever you think best." Gabe appeared in his white speedo. Mine and Carol's eyes went straight to his crotch. Damn! That kid should model swimsuits. He was perfect, and filled out that swimsuit perfectly too. "Can I go swimming now?" "May I." Carol and I corrected in unison. Gabe rolled his eyes "May I?" "Sure Gabe. I'll join you in a minute," I answered. We watched his bubble butt bounce out. "He really has grown up." Carol said. "I didn't realize he was 3; that mature." I went out and turned on the heaters around the pool. When the space started to warm, I got a blanket for her and put on a pot of coffee. Then I went in and escorted Carol out. We sat and drank our coffee and watched Gabe in the pool. He was in and out and running around. His white suit hid very little. Actually it hid nothing. Carol seemed contemplative. I didn't talk, just left her to her thoughts. As the sun started to set I told Gabe it was time to get out. I got a towel from the cabana, and dried him off. He stood and let me, grinning the whole time. I'm sure Carol noticed. Gabe and I went to KFC and got a bucket of chicken for dinner. Afterwards, we all sat in the den watching tv. Carol lay on one sofa, with a blanket over her, Gabe and I on another. His feet tucked under him, his head on my shoulder. I noticed Carol glancing at us, but never said a word. Around 10:30 I told Gabe to get ready for bed. Then I helped Carol to her room. "He really cares for you," she said as she got into her bed. "He doesn't even cuddle up to me like that anymore." I didn't know how to respond to this. I finally just said. "He probably likes having a father figure around for a change. He hasn't had much of that," she nodded in acceptance. Upstairs, I found Gabe in my bed. "This isn't a good idea Gabe. What if your mother comes up here?" "She's still too weak to climb the stairs. I won't stay long, I just need you to hold me a while." How do you say no to that? I got undressed and lay with him. After a few minutes he turned to face me. Putting his hand around my cock, he leaned in and kissed my lips. It was soft, sensuous, and sexy. It was undoubtedly by far the best kiss I have ever received. I could feel the want in him. It's extremely enticing to know that someone wants you. Desires you. I pulled him on top of me, our bodies pressed together, our lips embracing. He broke the kiss and said "I love you Dan." "I know, angel. I love you too." Then I did something I never thought I could do. I lay him back down. Then I bent and took his cock into my mouth. It was the most natural thing ever. I wasn't repulsed in the least. I felt like it was meant to be. It was my angel's cock and it was suppose to be in my mouth. "Oh Dan. Oh that's so good." My angel moaned. I had to have his nectar. I needed it inside me. When he exploded, I was like a starving calf on a teat. I couldn't get enough. I knew I would do this as often as I could. When he had finished convulsing, I spooned in behind him. "That was incredible." Gabe whispered. "For me too, Angel," I whispered back. "Have you done that before?" "Nope. You're the first and the only one I will do that for." I awoke suddenly. Gabe had been in my bed when I fell asleep. He was gone now. After my morning piss, I went downstairs, and smelled coffee. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Carol was looking through the cabinets in the Kitchen. I sat and watched her for a moment till she noticed me. "You really don't have anything in this kitchen except coffee." "I said I ate out." "You have two huge refrigerators, a freezer, the biggest pantry I have ever seen, not to mention a butler's pantry, and not an ounce of food. How is that possible?" "Careful planning?" I joked. Gabe came in yawning. He was wearing his robe, and I would guess underwear beneath it. "What's for breakfast?" He asked though another yawn. "Nothing." Carol snapped. Then she looked at me, shook her head and said "Okay. You win. I'll do it. Because you definitely need help." "YES !" I yelled. Then grabbed her up and swung her around. "Put me down. There is one condition. I have free reign." "Did I miss something?" Gabe asked in confusion. "Anything you want, Carol," I agreed. "What is going on? Are you two nuts?" "No, Gabe. We're not nuts. I've just agreed to work for this lunatic. Wait. He's a lunatic and I agreed to work for him. Yes baby, we're nuts." "Work for him how?" Gabe asked still in the dark. "Here. We're gonna live here." Carol explained. Gabe grabbed her, almost knocking her over, "Thank you mommy. Thank you, thank you, thank you." By Friday, Carol was back to normal. She had spent the last few days making lists, and wanted to go shopping. First I took her to the Lexus dealership. "What are we doing here?" she asked. "The job comes with a company car. Pick one out. Here is a credit card." She picked a bright red SUV. "Are you sure Dan? It's awfully expensive. I can use some cheaper car." "Buy the damn car Carol. You're going to need it with all you have to do." "What are you going to be doing?" she asked as she waited for her car to be delivered. "Taking Gabe shopping. That is your credit card. Use it at the store. If you get time you might want to look at draperies and linens for your apartment." I left her at the dealership and went home to pick up Gabe. We had found a few minutes here and there for me to give him blow jobs. At night he would sneak into my room for an hour or two. I would again suck his wonderful cock. After, he would spoon into me. My cock lying along the crack of his ass. He loved to kiss me and stroke my cock. I would shoot on my belly. I got home and Gabe was still sleeping in his room. He had gotten used to sleeping nude and I loved finding him that way. I pulled the cover off him and stood admiring his beauty. Then I gobbled his cock. I think he enjoyed waking up that way. With the taste of his cum still in my mouth, we went shopping. First a cell phone, then a computer, and a gaming console. We also went by his old house to pick up anything he might want from there. They didn't have much to start with, and what little they had of any value had been stolen in their absence. Gabe got a few of his favorite clothes and other momentoes. It was sad to me to see how little he had. I intend to make up for that. When we got home, Carol was unloading her new car. Gabe about shit his pants when he saw it. "Mom. That car is awesome!" I think Carol bought out the grocery store. Gabe helped unload and Carol made us sandwiches for lunch. Just as we sat down to eat, my cellphone rang. "Oh hi, Susan 3; Yes I know I haven't called, I've been rather busy 3; I don't care what Calvin told you. I didn't say I was busy at work. Just busy." I glanced over at Gabe who had a sad look. Then at Carol who had one eyebrow raised. "Look, Susan. I don't think it's going to work out between us 3; I know it's a shitty thing to do, but yes, I'm dumping you on the phone." The connection was terminated from her end. Imagine that. Gabe was smiling again. That's all that mattered to me. "Did you get all of your stuff out of the car, Gabe?" "Oh shit 3; I mean shoot. Sorry mom," he dashed out. He came prancing back in and stood in front of Carol, reached into a bag and pulled out his cell phone. "Look what Dan bought me. I'd give you my number, but you don't have a phone. Oh, wait. What's this?" He reached back into the bag and pulled out her phone. "My number is already in there, and so is Dan's." She smiled at me, then Gabe said "We went by our old house. Mom, someone broke in and ripped us off. They took the tv, and that old radio you had in the bedroom." Carol just shook her head. "I guess I should go by there and salvage what I can." "My office number is in your phone too. Call and ask Calvin to arrange a truck and a few guys. Get what you want out, then they will take care of the rest." It was after dark when Gabe and Carol returned. "Dan, I can't believe how much money I spent today. Here is the total," she said handing me a paper with some rudimentary math. It included a new living room set, linens and drapes, food, and the car. It was a lot, but to be expected. "It's more than I have earned in the last five years. Are you sure you don't want me to take the car back?" "Carol. That is my household account. There is still over a million in it. Don't worry yourself over it." "A million! In your household account? Are you nuts?" She exclaimed. "It costs money to maintain a house like this, I just haven't gotten around to the maintenance part. That's your job. That's why you have that card." Gabe was grinning from ear to ear. "You two sound like parents should sound. Only usually the man is complaining about how much the woman spent." We both chased him down for a tickle attack. The entire weekend Carol worked on setting up the kitchen the way she wanted, cleaning her apartment, getting it ready for furniture and draperies to be delivered on Monday. During the day, Gabe and I played video games and swam. Turns out that Carol really is a fine cook. Dinners were excellent. At night we watched tv, Gabe always snuggled up to me, and Carol was on the other sofa. Gabe managed to sneak into my room for an hour or so each night, just to be held. Of course I managed to blow him too. That hour with Gabe was worth whatever it cost me. Monday I went back to work, and Carol enrolled Gabe in a new school. I spent most of the day wishing I was home with Gabe. It's funny how I have never had a wife and kids, now I was anxious to get home. Not to the wife so much, just the kid. Don't get me wrong. Carol is a fine woman. I have actually grown quite fond of her. Just that all women, all people in fact, pale by comparison to Gabe. I really didn't want a wife in my life. I desperately wanted Gabe. Of course Carol isn't my wife, and I had no intention of changing that. Unless I had to. For now I didn't have to. Chapter 3Monday evening I arrived home to find Carol in the kitchen. Dinner smelled terrific. "You have to see the apartment." She drug me in there, and I admit she did a damn good job redecorating it. Even the bathroom had towels that matched the rugs. The living room furniture looked great. All in all it was a very nice little place. Much nicer than that shitty little house. "You did an excellent job. Looks great," I complimented. "Gabe is in his room. Let him know you're home," she suggested. I was glad because that is what I really wanted to do instead of coming in here. I got one of his angelic smiles as he ran and jumped into my arms. "Dan! I've missed you so much." He kissed me in a very non, friends only, manner. Both of our cocks were instantly affected. "I've missed you too, my angel." He wrapped his legs around my hip, and I carried him downstairs. I let him down and he ran to the kitchen yelling "Dan's home Mom." I was home. It finally felt like a home. I never tire of snuggling with Gabe. We were on the sofa, Gabe in my arms when Carol finished in the kitchen. She went to the bar and poured me a scotch on the rocks and handed it to me with a big smile. Then she sat on the other sofa. The rest of the week went pretty much the same. Saturday afternoon, Gabe and I decided to go swimming. Carol was in the den when we passed through in our speedos. She hadn't seen me in mine and sort of gasped. "Did a squirrel climb into your suit?" she asked as Gabe exited. "What?" "I thought Gabe filled his suit, but you're really packing." It was the first time she had ever made an off color remark. "Sorry, I guess I should put something else on." "No. Don't bother. It's just that I can see why Gabe likes you." "What?" "Never mind. Go, swim," she said, shooing me out. After our swim Carol suggested we grill steaks for dinner. "I love steak." Gabe said remembering our Chateaubriand. "You two go rinse the chlorine off. I'll start the grill and the veggies," she said. Gabe got in the shower with me, which I thought was a bad idea, but couldn't say no to. I'll never get over the heart palpitations I get from seeing him nude. We rinsed quickly and I blew him in record time. He ran to his room and dressed as I got ready in mine. Downstairs, Carol was humming in the kitchen. She was startled when I walked in. "Oh. I wasn't expecting you so quickly. The grill is going, but wait a few minutes before you put on the steaks." Later in front of the tv, Gabe fell asleep in my arms. Carol looked over at us and smiled. "He really does love you." "I love 3; He's very special to me too," I tried to cover. "Then why, this afternoon, didn't you 3;" "Didn't I, what?" "Make love to him." "WHAT?" "You mean 3; You haven't 3; All this time together and you haven't? You're a stronger man than I thought." She was almost as shocked as I was. "It's obvious he loves you. It's also as obvious you love him. I just assumed you had. The first time I met you in the hospital, I knew then he wanted you." "Carol 3; I 3; I 3;" "With all you've done for us, and given us, why not give him what he really wants? You. Completely. Did you see the look on his face when Susan called? He was hurt and jealous. Until you broke up with her. He lit up like Times Square at Christmas." "You really think he wants me to 3;" "How far have you gone with him?" "Well, I 3; uh" How the hell do you answer a question like that? "Have you been naked together?" "Uh 3; yes," I barely whispered. "Has he seemed unwilling in anyway?" "No, not at all." That was my attempt at defending myself. She stood "There's a new tube of lube on your dressing table. Don't hurt my boy. Good night." And she was gone. What the hell just happened? Did she just give me permission to fuck her son? Permission? It was more like a command. I picked up Gabe, and carried him upstairs. He was awake when we passed his room and went into mine. He stood as I undressed him, and he watched me undress. I lay down and he spooned in front of me. He wiggled his butt to get my erection in his crack, and pressed himself against me. She was right. He wants it. Why hadn't I seen it before? I've just been so enamored with him, his beauty, I didn't want to spoil it. I kissed his neck, I love his neck. He turned and kissed my lips, and reached for my cock. I wanted to explode right then. I pushed him away so I could kiss and lick my way to his cock. I kissed all around his beautiful belly. I love his belly. Then I swallowed his cock. I could tell it had grown in the short time I had known him. He honored me with his cum. I lay back down beside him and kissed his neck again, and went to sleep holding him.
"Are you two going to sleep all day?" Carol asked, standing over us holding a tray with coffee and orange juice. "Mom!! Uh 3; Uh." She saw the unopened box containing the lube, and gave me a dirty look. "How do you feel this morning, Gabe?" she asked leadingly. "Uh fine, Mom." "I have some errands to run. I'll be back in a couple of hours," she informed me inparticular. "Shit. My mom caught me in bed with you. How are we going to explain that?" Gabe said after she was gone. "I don't think we have to worry about it," I said as I pulled him back to me. "Gabe can I ask you something?" "Sure, but what about Mom?" "Do you want me to make love to you?" "You mean like 3; fuck?" "Yes." "More than anything. I thought you knew that. I've practically begged for it," he said kissing me. "Did you say anything to you mother about us?" "Of course not. Why?" "She gave me permission to 3;" "She said you could fuck me?" "No. She said you wanted me to, and not to hurt you." He lay his head back on the pillow. "Mom's are spooky." After a minute he wiggled his butt against my cock and said "Will you?" "Are you sure?" "I love you Dan. Yes, I'm sure." I used the lube to prepare him as best as possible. He took one finger with no problem. Two was a little harder, but he managed. I could tell the third was very uncomfortable for him, but he didn't complain. I gave him one more opportunity to back out, as I worked three fingers in and out of him. "Are you still sure, Angel?" "Please. Make love to me." I lubed my cock and lined up. "Push out, like you're on the toilet," I instructed. The bulbous head of my cock popped in, and he grunted. I held him around his chest, and kissed his neck trying to soothe him. I began rocking back and forth slightly trying to make it as painless as possible. He never complained as I slowly gained ground in his colon. After about four inches [10 cm] were in him, I just worked that for a while. He started to relax and back into me so I continued a little deeper. At six inches [15 cm] I started to pick up speed a bit, making about three inch [7 cm] strokes. I would have been contented with that. But Gabe reached behind him to feel how much was left. "Please, Dan. I want it all." God how could anyone say no to that? I worked more into him, until my balls were pressed against his. He grunted some, but never stopped me. Once he was used to it, I began to withdraw till just the head remained. Then slowly back all the way in. I did this for ten minutes, making sure his ass was mine. I had never fucked anyone as slowly as I fucked that angel. Then I withdrew, causing Gabe to grunt his displeasure. I turned him onto his back and put his legs on my shoulders. I noticed there was cum on the bed. Leaning in I kissed him as I lined up again. Once I was in all the way I began to fuck in earnest. He wrapped his legs around my waist, and his arms around my neck. He gave himself to me completely, moaning my name. Then he convulsed and shot another load between our bellies. His ass tightened around me and I unloaded deep inside him. We both collapsed, falling asleep in each other's arms. I awoke to him nudging me with his ass. "Again." Was all he had to say. He took the second round easier, and I wasn't as concerned about hurting him. Afterward we showered. We stumbled downstairs in just our robes, to find Carol setting the table for lunch. "About time," she said, then she noticed that Gabe was walking kind of gingerly. She gave me a huge smile. "Are you okay, son?" she asked concerned. "Wonderful, Mom. Just wonderful," he answered grinning at me. "Uh 3; Well, lunch is almost ready. Dan, would you like some coffee first?" "Yes, please." She turned toward the kitchen and said over her shoulder "And maybe some vitamins." Gabe and I both laughed at that. We went swimming in the afternoon. Carol sat poolside watching us. We had on our matching red speedos. Gabe and I kissed openly, not having to hide our affection any longer. His mother didn't seem to mind. I got out to get us all some cold drinks. My erection was along my hipbone, the head actually partially exposed, as I passed her on the way to the kitchen. Gabe got out behind me, his erection also obvious. As I reached the door with sodas in hand I heard her say. "I can't believe you were able to take that whole thing. It's huge." "It hurt a little at first. Then 3; oh my god. I loved it." "So, you actually had an orgasm?" She sounded even more surprised. "Twice. The first time." Then he added "Three the second." Gabe bragged giggling a little. "No wonder you're in such a good mood. Oh my lord." "Oh my lord, what?" I asked, pretending to only hear that part. "Gabe was just telling me he made an 'A' on his Spanish test." My angel climbed onto my lap, kissed me and said "Actually, I would say it was an 'A+'." "How about we eat at a nice restaurant tonight," I suggested Gabe and I showered together without worrying about getting caught. We went to the same place Gabe and I had gone before. As we were getting out of the car Gabe said "You'll like this place Mom. They have a great Chateaubriand." Carol laughed and said "My, aren't we worldly all of a sudden." I'm sure they thought we were a family. Well, I guess we are, sort of. Gabe had chicken, Carol had salmon, I had veal. We all tasted each other's dishes and laughed and had a great time. During dessert, I reached into my pocket and pull out Carol's first paycheck, and handed it to her. "What's this?" she asked. "Your paycheck." "Dan, I can't take this. I still owe you for the hospital bill" "No you earned that. Keep it." "Take half, till I pay back the hospital bill," she insisted. "Even if I took half, I would just put it in Gabe's college fund." "What college fund?" "Didn't I mention it? All my household employee's children have a college fund." "Asshole. I'm your only household employee." "Mom! Watch your language young lady." Gabe scolded with a smile. "And when did you open this account?" she asked accusingly. "The day you got out of the hospital. Which reminds me. You need to stop at the bank and sign some papers." Back home while sitting in the den, Carol asked "How is it you're still single. I'm surprised some woman didn't snatch you up a long time ago." "I'm not a nice person. Let me rephrase that. I wasn't a nice person, till I met Gabe." His smile lit the room, and I hugged him. "I find that hard to believe. Look at all you've done for us." "Do you hear my phone ringing with friends inviting me places? I don't have friends. I know it now, hell, I knew it then. I just didn't care." "What about Susan?" She pointed out. "Susan was just a piece of 3; Susan was a convenience." "So, all of a sudden, you're a nice guy?" "I'm learning to be, and trying. Just the other day, I didn't shoot the bird at a guy who cut me off on the freeway." "Very funny. So you think the difference is Gabe?" "I know it is. When I talked to him at the store that night, something changed in me. I normally would have not given him the time of day. Anyone else, I would have berated into a pound of quivering flesh. I certainly wouldn't pick up their sick mother and take her to the hospital. I mean, hell, you could have been contagious, and I wasn't getting sick for anyone. That would be way too inconvenient. Gabe loves you so much, I felt it. I had to see what this special boy found so important. When I picked you up, he was afraid I was going to hurt you. He was ready to fight a grown man twice his size to protect you. Then at the hospital, when he told me to call him Gabe, I knew it was special. Even before you told me. I knew he had shared a piece of himself with me. In my entire life, no one else had ever done that. From that moment I knew I now had to protect him." They were both listening to me intently, a little misty eyed too. "What about you? What was your life like before Gabe came along?" "It was 3; Um 3; Gabe it's getting late and you have school tomorrow." Talk about avoiding the subject. That was a doozy. "Aw come on Mom." Gabe pleaded. "You only have two more weeks before Christmas break. Then you can stay up as late as you want." Carol said pushing him out of the room. "What? What did you say about Christmas? Shit! I haven't done a damn thing about Christmas for him. I don't even think I have any decorations. Oh and a tree. We gotta get a tree. What does he want for Christmas? What do you want? Shit!" "Calm down, Dan. You don't have to do anything. You've done plenty already. I'm alive because of you." "Kids like Christmas. It's important," I insisted. "He's never had much at Christmas anyway." "Even more reason for it to be special." "Okay. Don't panic. I'll get a tree and decorations tomorrow," she assured me. "Make it a big tree, Noble Fir. Biggest you can find. And 3; and 3;" "Dan! Go to bed," she commanded. "What took you so long?" Gabe asked as I entered. "I was only a minute." "Seemed like forever," he said reaching out to me. "You know I'm not as young as you. I can only do this maybe ten times a day," I joked as I slipped inside him. "I don't think my butt can take it ten times a day," he grunted. "Oh 3; That's good. I'm willing to try though." "For you, I think I can manage twenty," I said as I gave him slow long strokes. "Shut up and fuck me," he said pulling me down for a kiss.
"Jesus, Mom!" Gabe said jerking the blanket up to hide our nudity. "Sorry, Dan. I was trying to just wake Gabe. Get up son, or you're gonna be late for school," she said standing over us. "Could you maybe step out, so I can get up." Gabe groused. "From what I saw, you're both already up," she laughed as she left. "My mom saw my dick hard." "Well, she saw mine in her son's butt crack," I retorted. Gabe laughed all the way to the bathroom. I couldn't take my eyes off his bouncing butt. After dropping Gabe at school, Carol poured me a cup of coffee. "Sorry I woke you." "No problem I needed to get up. I'm sorry you saw 3; that." "My little boy isn't so little anymore. I think he's already bigger than his father, and still growing. And his hair down there, it's so blond." "Just how long were you standing there before you woke us?" "A couple of minutes. You two looked so sweet, I hated to disturb you. And you are hung like a prize breeding bull. Can he really take that whole thing?" "Uh 3; yes. Tell me about his father." "Not much to tell really. We dated a few times. He got me drunk at a party, and took advantage of me. I was only sixteen. When my father found out I was pregnant, he said I was a whore like my sister, and threw me out. Been on my own since." "It's admirable, being so young and raising a child by yourself. Why did you change the subject when I asked about your life before Gabe.?" "When my dad threw me out, I was desperate. I did some things I'm not proud of. You were right, though. The minute he was born, my life changed. I got my shit together and took care of my son." She paused a minute then said "Now that we are being so open and honest, tell me about the night you met Gabe. I know you both are hiding something." "I would love to tell you, Carol. It's part of what endeared him to me. But if he chooses not to tell you, I'm not breaking that confidence." She smiled and said "Thank you." "Thank me for what? I didn't tell you anything." "You told me you were and honorable man who can be trusted. Gabe told me the truth when I drove him to school." "Oh really 3; Just what did he tell you?" I said not believing her. "He said he offered you a blow job." I was defeated. I looked at her with sadness in my eyes. "Carol, can you imagine that sweet, innocent boy, offering to do 3; that, to buy you medicine?" "Why didn't you take him up on the offer? Most men would have." "Did you know he had been approached by men before?" "No. Had he done it?" "No. That was part of it. He was willing to sacrifice for you. It touched me. He knew it was wrong. He knew those other men were bad. Yet, he would do anything for you. I had never seen such devotion. That's why I took you to the hospital. That's why I offered to pay your bill. If he was willing to give up his innocence, drill a hole in his very soul, then why shouldn't I be willing to give up a few bucks?" "A few? Thirty seven thousand isn't a few." "Actually it's now up to fifty six thousand. I've gotten a few of your doctor's bills since then." "Jesus Christ. I'm never getting out of debt." "You still don't get it. That money was nothing compared to what he was sacrificing. I have millions. I wipe my ass on fifty grand. He gave me 3; him. He gave me myself back as well. He saved your life. Not me." I had gotten through to her. She began to cry. "That's why I resisted having sex with him. I didn't want to take his innocence from him. I didn't want him to know the dirty side of the world." "What changed your mind?" she asked. "Well partly because of what you said about giving him what he really wanted, me. Partly because he asked me for that same thing. And partly because I'm madly in love with him. I've been with a hundred women that didn't make me feel like he does. No offence. I don't just mean physically either. Emotionally as well." She kissed me on the cheek and said "It's a good thing I didn't meet you first." "Why's that?" "Because, it would be terrible to lose a man as good as you, to my son. That could ruin any woman's self esteem." At work, I went to Calvin's office. "What are you doing with your family for Christmas?" "What? Are you feeling okay?" "Yeah, why?" "I've known you six years, and you have never asked me a question like that." "Do you like your job? Answer the damn question," I barked. "That's the Daniel I know. We're going skiing." "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped on you like that," I apologised. "Who are you and what did you do with Daniel?" I slammed the door on my way out, just to let him know it was me. That's what I will do, though. Take them on a trip. Gabe must have heard the garage door, because he was waiting for me in the laundry room as I came in. He jumped into my arms, wrapping his legs around me, burying his face in my neck. He kissed me and whispered "Take me upstairs and fuck me." Life is tough, what's a man to do. I did what he asked of course. "Hi, Carol," I said as I passed her in the kitchen on the way to the bedroom. He practically ripped my pants off, and swallowed my cock. Well, as much of it as he could. I found his ass ready for me. "What's this?" I asked "Mom told me a few things I can do to make it better." I would have to thank her later. Right now, I had an ass to plough. He wanted to try doggy style. I prefer to see his face, but did as he asked. I took him hard and quick. I realized it was as he asked. He wanted to be fucked. Not made love to. Raw, nasty, fucking. I fucked him like a cheap whore, and he unloaded twice before I erupted inside him. We collapsed onto the bed, still attached. It was an hour after I arrived home, that Gabe and I went back downstairs. On the way up, I had been too preoccupied to notice the banister lined with garland and lights. In fact the whole house was in Christmas mode. A huge tree commanded the entry hall. Another slightly smaller Noble fir was illuminating the den. Ceramic figurines were dotted around, even a Nativity set on a side table. "Carol, the place looks lovely. You did an excellent job." "A company is coming tomorrow to do the house and grounds. They provide decorations, installing, and dismantling. For a small fee of course." "You learn fast. Thanks for making our home so beautiful." "Yeah. Thanks, Mom." Gabe added. We were a family. If someone was to come into our home on any given night, they would find, by all appearances, a husband, wife, and child. The only difference was in the intimacy department. It was Gabe that I kissed goodbye in the morning, and kissed hello upon my return. Gabe sat beside me on the sofa and twirled my hair, or in my lap. He was the one who showered with me in the evenings, and went to bed with me at night. Gabe received all my lovemaking skills and thrilled at my touch. His is the ass I patted in passing, lips I kissed for no reason other than affection. He's the one I looked at to share something funny on tv, or cradle during the sad parts. Carol was in all other respects a perfect wife and mother. But it was Gabriel I loved. The funny thing is when Carol was in Mother mode, correcting Gabe on something, I switched into Father mode. Reinforcing whatever was in question. When he made a good grade I slathered him in praise. When he did something stupid in school, I admonished him like any father would. He responded to both praise and admonishment better than most kids. Even after discipline, Gabe would get in my lap, safe in knowing he still had my unconditional love. When something was afoul, Carol would give me that look, the one mother's give father's, and I would step in and say what needed to be said. Not that Gabe ever did anything terrible. But he was just thirteen. The dual aspect of our relationship seem to just develope. He looked up to me as a father figure, mentor, role model. But he also looked to me as a lover, companion, friend. All of which I accepted delightedly. I hadn't been involved in Christmas for years. Suddenly I was a nut. I couldn't pass anything without buying one for Gabe. Silly putty, matchbox cars, toy helicopters that fly. Everything. Of course I also got him a new bicycle, laptop, video games. The den Christmas tree was buried under gifts instead of vice versa. Carol wasn't left out. I got her a diamond bracelet, perfume, even some sexy undies that no one would see. I knew they never had anything and I had to make up for that. I told Calvin I was taking off during the school break. He was also going to be off the week before Christmas, so the other office staff had both our numbers in case something arose. I had been a slave to the company for way too long to feel guilty about finally taking a couple of weeks off. I had no intention of missing one minute of Gabe's time off from school. I picked him up from school on that friday, and couldn't wait to start our time together. We took in holiday festivities around town. The Nutcracker was being performed at our municipal theater, Holiday in the Park, Town Hall Christmas. Again, by all appearances, we were just your average happy family. At home I took Gabe to bed and mad slow passionate love to him. Carol went to her apartment, and probably masturbated thinking about what I was doing to her son. Christmas morning, Gabe gave me a blow job to completion. It was the first time he had done that. Then we went downstairs to open gifts. I had nice Christmas' when I was growing up, but I didn't really appreciate the experience. Gabe reveled in it. Each gift he opened was like the greatest thing ever. Having never more that a couple of small gifts before, he was overwhelmed with the abundance of it. That was my fault. Carol loved the gifts I gave her, and the earrings that Gabe gave her. Carol gave me an espresso machine, because I love coffee. She said it was the only appliance not already in the house. I told her she should read the directions, because she would be making me espresso's from now on. Gabe wrote me a poem, which I can't begin to recreate here without crying, and he painted a family picture of the three of us. He is seated between Carol and I with his head resting on my shoulder. The painting and the poem now hang in our entry hall. I had no idea he was such a good artist. We left the next morning for our trip. I had booked a two bedroom suite on board one of those gargantuan cruise ships. Carol and Gabe were ecstatic. They would never have dreamed that they would get to do this. I have described Gabriel as beautiful and angelic. There are no other words I can grasp, that better illustrate him. His skin is perfection. I earlier used the word alabaster, I mentioned how his skin seemed be illuminated within. He isn't an albino but he has this purity to him. That's the best I can do. He is striking. After leaving the dock, Gabe wanted to swim in one of the many pools onboard. I was both proud and jealous, as every eye devoured his beauty. His gate is smooth and flawless, his swimsuit, packed full. I dare say he would be the subject of many conversations around the ship. One girl actually ran head first into a pole, because she was staring at Gabe. I saw her later with quite a bump on her forehead. I had noticed this reaction before, at the mall or a restaurant, but it was much more obvious in such close quarters as a packed swimming pool on a ship. It was even more noticeable on the island visits. The native crowds actually parted for us to pass. It was like Moses parting the sea. If you have ever been to one of these little island marketplaces, you know how crowded they can be. Especially when there is a ship or two in port. On the ship, the stares and murmurs were lustful. Young or old, male or female. But Gabe was wearing his speedo, so it was understandable. On the islands, it was almost reverend, which is odd considering the heavily Catholic influence. On one island there is a well known store where you can buy expensive china and crystal much cheaper than you can in the States. Carol had been looking forward to visiting this shop because she wanted to buy some nice china for our home. As we waited for a clerk, I saw a sign at the checkout stand. This shop, which the owners have convinced themselves is so upscale, has a sign that reads "We accept all MAYOR credit cards". I thought it hysterical. Sometimes Spanish people mispronounce J's as Y's. These people actually put it on their sign. Well, I thought it was funny. We returned from our trip, which we all enjoyed, and tried to get back to the real world. Gabe and I were in our bathroom, he was setting the water temperature, and I was admiring my tan. I was looking in the mirror at the line left by my swimsuit, comparing the tanned and the untanned. I looked in the mirror at Gabe thinking how hot his white ass would look as he was bent over slightly to turn the shower knobs. Only Gabe didn't have any tan lines. His ass was still white, but so was the rest of him. He spent more time in the sun than I did, and yet he had no tan whatsoever. Even with very liberal usage of sunscreen, he should have some coloring. A few days later, we were taking down the Christmas decorations. Well, Carol was. I mostly watched. She asked me to get on the ladder and remove the tree topper. "Please be very careful with it. It's the only thing of my grandmother's I have left." I climbed the ladder and reached for it. I guess I'm not very observant at times, especially if Gabe is around. It was only then that I noticed it wasn't a star on top of the tree, but a porcelain angel. "This was your grandmother's?" I asked. "Yes she got it as a wedding present 'back in the old country', as she used to say. She said it was the angel Gabriel. That's where I got his name." "May I see your reading glasses?" She handed me her cheap reading glasses she uses for tedious things like sewing on buttons and sometimes to read. I took the figurine closer to the light and examined it with the readers. The porcelain face and hair was an exact replica of Gabe. The End |
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