R. PrestonBobbyAKA Loving Bobby |
SummaryI think we can all agree that S/M couples exist, but at just what age do they realize what interests them? Is it when they turn 30? Or 21? Or 18?, 16?, 11? And if they do happen to realize early on what makes them tick, what would happen if they met someone who, while maybe not actually looking for a boy like that, was at least willing to explore their fantasies with them? I wonder 3;This is a story about 11-year-old Bobby and the protagonist of the story, one of the two is a masochist.
Publ. Mar 2002 (Nifty); this site Dec 2007
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CharactersBobby (11yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/bdsmMb – cons mast oral – bd spank pierc (Explanation) |
DisclaimerWARNING! Do NOT read this story!There! That should cover even the "red" states! Everyone knows that a fast rising star on Wall Street who has made more money by his mid thirties than he can possibly spend in his lifetime doesn't retire, he keeps on working fourteen hour days until he either goes broke, or drops dead at his desk at age ninety something, so obviously this story is fiction. Don't try this stuff at home!
Author's note© 2002 R. Preston. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at 2old4u(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1The renovations to my new home were nearing completion and after a six-month delay it was actually starting to look like I was going to be living there soon. The contractor called and said that as soon as the pool was filled and the security system was installed I could move in.The next day I drove the few blocks to the house and was met at the gate by the security contractor. He handed me a remote control and beamed proudly as I pushed the button. The ten foot [3 m] high gate slid back effortlessly into a pocket in the wall and I drove my old pickup up the driveway looking back to see the gate sliding closed behind me. Pushing another button one of the three new garage doors opened and I pulled my rusting hulk into the bay, hoping that it wouldn't leak too much on the new floor. The garage door was just closing as I slammed the old truck door, something that was required to have it close lately, and watched as a chunk of rust fell off and shattered as it hit the floor. 'Just a few more weeks, girl,' I thought as I walked around the front of the truck and headed for the door that led into the house. As I stepped through the door I was shocked to see the change since I'd last been there. The house was an early forties modern/futuristic style that had belonged to a long forgotten movie producer. The decorator and the contractor I had chosen had done a great job of maintaining the feel of the era with some new furniture and some of the original pieces. The rest of the morning was spent meeting with the contractor and after inspecting the work, I gave him his final check and he went on his way, probably hoping never to see this place again. After buzzing him out through the gate I slowly wandered around the house and for the first time it sank in that this was actually all mine. It was a huge two-story house with a full basement sitting on almost three acres [1.2 ha] of land, surrounded by a twelve-foot [3½ m] wall, on the fringes of the 'good side of town.' To the west were the homes of the rich and famous and to the east things quickly deteriorated into near slums. I spent the afternoon exploring and eventually ended up in the basement games room. The room had been a screening room that I had modernized with a big screen TV and surround sound system replacing the old screen and projector. To the other end of the basement was a thirty-foot [10 m] square room that was one of my favorite parts of the house. I had found it by accident shortly after buying the house. While clearing out the basement I knocked over an old floor lamp and when it hit the paneled wall the long forgotten door swung open. I found the door was completely hidden until I pushed on the section of the paneling and it squeaked open. I knew the squeak could easily be silenced with a few drops of oil but considering what was inside I liked the effect. The room had solid concrete walls, ceiling, and floor and heavy beams ran up the walls and across the ceiling. It was actually a completely separate room buried to the side of the house connected by an eight-foot [2½ m] passageway. The room had been converted into a dungeon, and I guessed that it had been the old producers version of a 'casting couch'. I'd always been interested in S/M so I spent the next several weekends cleaning up the room and reviving or replacing all the leather accessories, turning it into my own secret world, (just in case I ever ended up dating one of those wild California girls that I'd heard go for that kind of thing), before disabling the power and calling in the contractors to renovate the rest of the house. After the final electrical inspection I spliced into the breaker panel to power my little dungeon and waited till the house was finished. I turned on the light switch and found the room was just as I'd left it almost two years earlier and I was certain that I it went undetected by all the workers. Checking my watch I saw that it was time to go so I pushed the panel again and the door screeched shut becoming just another panel in the wall. I went upstairs and out to the garage and hopped into my old F150 for the three-block trip to another world. "I'm sure not going to miss this place" I mumbled to myself as I pulled my truck up in front of the old three story walkup that had been home for the last two years. It was a dive but it was close to my new house, the apartments came furnished, and it was reasonably safe. Well maybe I'll miss one part of it, I thought as I looked up and saw Bobby sitting on the front steps, looking down at his sneakers. As I stepped from the truck and slammed the door he looked up and saw it was me. His face lit up as only an eleven-year olds can as he came running down the steps and jumped. The impact almost knocked me over as he slammed into my chest and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Down Dino, down boy" I chuckled. "Huh?" he said with a puzzled look on his face. "Flintstones!" I said. "Oh ya." he said as the smile came back to his face. "What's up pal?" I asked as I gave him a hug and bent over till his feet touched the ground and he released my neck. "Rent day!" he said as if that explained everything. "Oh that's why you had the long face when I drove up." "Yeah 3; mom was short again and the landlord yelled at her, and you know what that means." "Bobby gets yelled at?" I asked. "You guessed it." He said. "You want to hide out in my place till she cools down some?" I asked. "Thought you'd never ask!" was his only reply. We stepped inside and started up the creaking staircase to my top floor room, being extra quiet as we passed the second floor so his mother wouldn't hear us and start into him again. I had just opened the door when I heard the landlord coming from the rear apartment. "Just the guy I want to see." I said as I let Bobby into my room and shut the door behind him. I took a couple steps down the hall and spoke to the landlord telling him that I was leaving at the end of the month. "Damn!" he said, "You're the only one in the whole place that pays his rent on time and now you're leaving. Well I knew it was too good to last, let me know if you need a reference and where to send your deposit to." "No I don't think I'll need a reference for a long time." I said, "And just put the deposit towards what Bobby's mother owes you." "Glad to." he said, "I really feel sorry for that kid too. How such a bright kid can come from such a thick woman I'll never know." "Well good luck" he said as he started down the hall shaking his head. I stepped back to my room and opened the door to find Bobby standing there with a tear running down his cheek. When he saw me the floodgates really opened. "You're going away?" He sobbed. "'Afraid so kid." I said as I bent down to give him a hug. "Why?" he asked as he stood there sobbing on my shoulder. "I've got another place to live now," I said. "'Nother apartment?" "Yeah something like that." I told him. His crying slowly diminished as I picked him up and sat him on the edge of the table. I never really thought about it before but the boy had become attached to me and I could tell by the lump burning in my throat that I had similar feelings for him. I pulled up a chair and sat down in front of him. I could see the questions racing through his mind as he sat there looking at me through tear-swollen eyes. "Will I ever see you again?" he asked. Now it was my minds turn to race. When I moved in here it was only supposed to be a temporary place to live. I'd planned to keep my other house and my money secret and just disappear from here when the new house was done. I'd never even thought about anyone missing me until now. I looked up and saw Bobby looking down at me, waiting for an answer. I felt that I owed him the truth, but I stalled for time as I told him, "I didn't really think that you would care if you saw me again." "Of course I care, you're the only grown up that I can talk to that doesn't treat me like a little kid!" and the floodgates opened again. I leaned forward and put my arms around him and felt his head resting on my shoulder again. I really needed time to think this through but I felt really bad about how Bobby was feeling. I never had a clue that this would be so hard for him. Here comes that burning lump again. I reached back and gently grasped his small biceps and slowly pulled his head off my shoulder and looking into his tear-streaked face said. "OK kid, you win 3; but you have to promise me something." "Anything," he said, "as long as I can come to visit you sometimes. "This is really important Bobby, I want you to think really seriously about it and don't give me your answer until tomorrow morning, OK?" "OK" he said with a serious yet puzzled look on his face. "You have to promise me that you will never tell anyone where I'm moving to or anything else that you find out about me. This is Friday, if you think that you can keep that promise, see if your mom will let you help me move tomorrow and I'll show you my new place." "Wow," he squealed with a relieved look on his face, "Is that all" "Now that you're feeling a little better go wash your face, you don't want anyone thinking that you were crying do you." "Hell no!" he said as he trotted off to the bathroom. Bobby was back! He stayed around for a while watching TV as I started to pack the few things that I planned to take with me. About 9:00 he decided he'd better go home to ask his mom if he could help me tomorrow. At the door he turned, jumped up, and gave me a big hug and whispered "thank you" in my ear. I returned his hug and set his feet back on the ground and as he walked out the door, I knew my secret would be safe with him.
Chapter 2The next morning I woke to the sound of a quiet tapping at the door and hopped out of bed, dragged my jeans on, and headed for the door. There was Bobby wearing his usual shorts and sneakers with his tee shirt slung over one of his bare shoulders. I glanced at my watch and was shocked to see that it was only seven-thirty."Kinda early aren't ya?" I asked. "I was scared you'd go without me" he replied. "After last night there's no way I'd do that to you." I said, "What did your mom say?" "She says I can help, but she'd really like it if you could keep me till tomorrow night, if you can." I quickly thought of my schedule for the next couple of days, and decided there was nothing he would interfere with, so I said "Sure, why not." I wrote down the phone number for the new house and he ran downstairs to tell his mother. While he was gone I finished dressing and packed my unneeded alarm clock into one of the boxes. By then I heard his footsteps coming down the hall and met him at the door with one of the smaller boxes for him to take to the truck. After about half an hour we had all my personal effects loaded into the truck and we headed for a drive-through for some much needed breakfast. As we sat in the parking lot finishing our breakfast I asked him about his promise from the night before and he gave me the 'my lips are sealed' sign. "Good enough for me," I said and off we went. The old truck rattled down the remaining two blocks and creaked to a halt in front of the new gate. I unclipped the remote from the sun visor and handed it to the thoroughly confused eleven-year-old in the passenger seat. "Push the green button." I told him, and when he did he was amazed as the huge gate slid out of the way. "Did 3; did 3; I do that!" he asked, looking like he thought he was in trouble. "You sure did kid," I said as I wheeled the truck through the gate. "Wow," he said as he spun around in his seat. I could see his big blue eyes staring back at the gate as it slid shut behind us. "In fact you did such a good job on that one you can push the blue one now." He spun back around in the seat and pushed the button looking around to see what would happen next. His jaw dropped as the garage door closest to the house started to go up. "Did I?" "Yup." "Wow." I pulled the truck into the garage and heard the door closing behind us. "Wow." We sat in the truck for a while as I tried to answer his flood of questions on everything from remote controls to single-family dwellings, both concepts being equally foreign to him. Finally he seemed to be getting the idea, so we got out of the truck and he followed me into the house. His eyes were darting around as I opened the door and told him to make himself at home. "Wow really." "Yes." "You really own all of this." "Yes." "Wow 3; I can see why you made me promise not to tell anyone." I left him alone for a minute and got my suitcase out of the truck, and on my return I said. "Come on upstairs, if you're spending the night you'll have to pick out a bedroom." "Wow." I went up to the master bedroom and put the suitcase on my bed. "I'm going to have a shower, the other bedrooms are down there, take your pick." "I have to pee, can I use the bathroom before you shower." "There are four bathrooms on this floor alone you should be able to find one." I waited for the 'wow' but it didn't come. Maybe he's finally getting used to this. By the time I'd finished showering and dressing I heard a light tap on my door. "Find one?" I asked. "Yup," he said and taking me by the hand he marched me down the hall to the bedroom of his choice. After seeing the room I finished unloading my truck as he explored the main floor. I was just putting the last of my clothes away when I realized that his mother hadn't sent any clothes for him. I heard him coming back upstairs. He stood at my doorway and looking at him I realized that the faded old shorts and tee shirt he had on were the only clothes I'd ever seen him wearing. "Well does the place meet your approval? Do you still want to come and visit me sometimes?" I asked. "Does it 3; Do I 3;," was his reply. "Then we'd better go shopping for some clothes and other things you'll need when you come to visit." We went downstairs and I called a cab. As we waited for the cab we made a list of what he would need and we managed to get his size from the worn labels on the clothes he had on. The cabby let us off at one end of the mall and by the time we got to the other end he had everything on the list several times over. For some reason buying things for this boy, who'd had so few possessions all his life, made me feel really good! We struggled out the end door of the mall and carried our purchases across the parking lot to the car dealership next door. I spoke briefly to the salesman that I had been dealing with there and he went inside to get the keys for the new suv that I'd bought last week. He pulled it up to where we were waiting, helped us load our packages into the back, and we headed back home. I handed Bobby the remote from my shirt pocket and we were soon pulling into the garage beside my old truck. Back in the house we cut the price tags from his new clothes and he went upstairs to put them away and get changed. I heard the shower running in his room; followed by his new hair dryer, and a few minutes later when he came back downstairs my knees almost gave out. For the first time I saw that this kid wasn't just cute, he was, to borrow his favorite word, WOW! His skin that I'd always assumed was just dirty was actually very deeply tanned. His hair that had always looked dark brown, almost black, was really light brown almost blonde. He noticed me staring, smiled, and slowly spun around like a model. His 'rat tail' that was usually a narrow ropelike string had turned into something more like a mane that was light brown near his head and tapered to a blonde point more than half-way down his back. He completed his spin and stood looking up at me from under his long bangs with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. "You like?" he asked. "Wow!" "Hey, that's my line!" he protested. "What have you done with my friend Bobby?" He smiled and handed me one of his new tee shirts and said. "We missed the tag on this one." I took the shirt from him and as I was cutting off the price tag he asked. "Do you really mean that?" "Mean what?" I asked as I handed his shirt back to him. "Am I really your friend?" "You bet," I said and I knelt down and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back and we said his favorite word together, "Wow!" He put his shirt on and asked. "What do you want to do now?" "Well we did everything that I had to do this morning so lets go get some lunch and we'll do whatever you want this afternoon." Bobby had to think about it for a while, being more used to being told what to do than choosing his own activities, but by the time we got to the restaurant of his choice he said. "Usually on Saturday my mom either sends me to the pool over on Third Street or sometimes she lets me go see a movie, do you think we can do something like that?" "I think we can come close to that but the pool was only filled yesterday and even with the heater running all night it might still be a little cold." "You got your own pool? Where is it?" he shrieked. "It's in the back of the house just outside the window of the room you chose, I'm surprised that you didn't see it." "I guess I was too busy looking at the inside of the house." He replied. We stopped at the video store on the way home and I let him pick out some dvd's for us to watch on the big screen later. We were soon changed and we met in the upstairs hallway and headed for the pool. He was wearing the new Speedo that he'd picked out that morning and I could tell by his tan that they were his normal choice for swimwear. After making him promise to never go near the pool if I wasn't around, I opened one of the sliding glass doors and we stepped out onto the patio surrounding the pool. He trotted over to the ladder at the deep end and holding onto the big chrome handrail he dipped in a toe. "Wow," he shrieked, "It's already warmer than the one on Third Street ever gets!" and with that he trotted over to the diving board and did a near perfect dive into the pool, emerging a few seconds later at the opposite end of the pool. He pulled himself out and came trotting over to where I stood watching, somewhat surprised at his abilities. "Where did you learn to swim and dive like that?" I asked. "It only costs a dollar for the whole day on Third Street so my mom sends me there all the time when she wants to get rid of me." And with that he headed back to the diving board. I pulled out a couple of lounge chairs and lay back in the afternoon sun and watched him as I thought back on the last twenty-four hours. Just this time yesterday I was planning to move here all by myself, making a clean exit from the old walkup, and now, just a day later, those plans had changed almost completely. As I watched him pop out of the shallow end of the pool for about the tenth time and come running over and lay down in the sun beside me I knew that this was far better than anything I could ever plan. He lay there quietly for longer than I thought possible at his age before I finally broke the silence. "What are you thinking about?" "I'm just making a picture in my head of your new apartment in case mom or someone asks me about it. Do you think it should be a one bedroom or two?" Yes, this was far better than anything I could ever plan.
Chapter 3After lying in the sun for a while we went back into the house to change. He was wearing a white pair of gym shorts and carrying a tee shirt when we met up again on the main floor. We picked up his movies and I lead him downstairs to the old screening room. As he unwrapped the dvd's and poured us each a soda I started up the commercial popcorn maker and after I showed him how to load the movie, we sat together on the overstuffed sofa watching his first choice. It was a comedy and we soon found ourselves roaring with laughter. When the first movie was over we both took a much needed pee break, refilled our drinks and popcorn, and he loaded in his next choice of movie.'One thing about a kid,' I thought to myself, 'you never have to show them how to use anything electronic twice.' His second choice was an old B movie called The Barbarians. I noticed that he was sitting much closer to me for this one and I guessed that he hadn't seen too many scary movies like this before. In the early part of the movie twin brothers are kidnapped by an evil sorcerer, and sent to a dungeon. By this part he was pressing up against me and I had my hand resting on his shoulder. Then a scene came on where the two young boys were strung up by their wrists and whipped with a heavy cat-o-nine tails. I could feel Bobby flinch every time the whip hit their backs. When the next scene faded in he looked up at me and said, "That looked really hard I wonder if I'm tough enough to take anything like that?" I looked down at him thinking about his question and was amazed to see that his shorts were unmistakably tented. The movie went quickly downhill from there and we sat, both deep in our own thoughts, waiting for it to end. When the closing credits finally started running we both snapped out of out thoughts. "This house is big enough, shouldn't it have a dungeon too?" he asked I thought about it for a minute and decided, what the hell the kid already knows most of my secrets. "But it does," I said. "No way!" he squealed, "Where, I promise I'll never tell anyone." We went out of the projection room and he followed me to the area of the secret door. I showed him the panel to push and he gave it an apprehensive little push. When nothing happened he looked over his shoulder as if to say I knew you were just fooling around. "Push a little harder." I said and when he did the secret panel slowly creaked open. He jumped back and looked on in amazement as the door swung all the way open. "You really do have a dungeon down here!" he said as he started through the door. I flipped on the light switch as I passed it and followed him down the short corridor to the main room. He stood there for a long time, just looking around, taking it all in. I half expected him to get scared and want to leave but to my amazement he confidently walked over to a row of whips hanging on the wall and selected one almost identical to the one he'd seen in the movie. He removed it from it's hook, stood there looking at it for a minute deep in though, then nodded to himself as if he'd made a decision. He then turned and walked back to me, handed me the whip and in a quiet serious voice said, "Will you use this one on me please?" I couldn't believe what was happening. "Are you sure about this?" I asked. "Never been more sure of anything in my life!" he replied. "Ok," I said, "But remember this is all your idea." I really expected that he would only want to stand there and get a swat on top of his shirt but it quickly became obvious that he had other things in mind. He peeled off his shirt tossed it onto the rack beside him, walked over, and stood under one of the spreader bars that was hanging by a cable from the ceiling beam. In shock I walked over to the winch mounted to the wall and lowered the spreader bar about even with his shoulders. When I returned he eagerly offered his wrists to me and I carefully strapped on the wrist restraints and reattached them to the spreader. I went back to the winch and tightened it up a little. His arms were now over his head but his feet were still flat on the floor. He protested that the boy's feet in the movie weren't even touching the ground so I went back to the winch and slowly gave it two more turns. His feet were now well clear of the floor and I could see the strain in his arms, but as I returned to him I could see a little smile on his face and unbelievably he was starting to tent again. Recreating the scene in the movie I picked up the whip and standing in front of him I gently swung the whip letting it hit his side and sending the tips snapping into his back. He reacted immediately by jerking in his bonds and I expected him to ask to quit but when he stopped swinging he looked back up and said, "Harder please." He seemed to be really serious about this so I stepped up to him and reaching over his shoulders I parted half of his rat-tail into each hand and brought it forward and let it hang down his chest. I resumed my stance and swung again, slightly harder than the first time. He was more prepared for that one and only gave a slight flinch. After a second he repeated. "Harder please." I swung again with considerably more force than the first two times wrapping the whip around his side and landing the ends of the lashes just below his shoulder blades. He cringed and flinched and after a second said. "That's good like that." Thinking that he'd finally reached his limit I was about to let him down, but before I could even move. "Can I try to do twenty just like that one?" He seemed sure of what he wanted so I told him to count each lash out loud and if he wanted me to stop that he only had to stop counting. He understood so I resumed my stance and let fly with the first lash. It cracked just below the base of his neck. He shook violently but immediately called out. "One." And so it went as I slowly worked my way down his tiny back. When he called out "Nineteen" I was just brushing the waistband of his shorts with the thongs of the cat. "Last one," I said. "Where do you want it?" "Middle of my back, really hard please." I waited for a few seconds and when I saw him rise up slightly, tensing his back by pulling on the spreader, I gave him his hardest lash of the night. It wasn't as hard as possible, but it was substantial. When it landed he rose up even higher in his bonds, twisted slightly, then lowered himself slowly and hung straight-armed before me. I could tell by the look on his face that he was in his own little world. I just let him hang there for about thirty seconds and looked into his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity his vision cleared and he slowly looked up at me and when we made eye contact he gave me a little smile. I stepped forward and brushed his hair back behind him and stepped back to just look at him. To my surprise his nipples, that had gone untouched, were almost twice their normal size and fully erect, and his shorts were so tented that the waistband was starting to pull away from his tightly stretched stomach. He was recovering surprisingly fast so I went and lowered the winch until he once again stood flat footed on the floor. I left him like that for a while and then gradually lowered his arms the rest of the way down until the spreader was at his waist. After the circulation returned to his wrists and arms I unhooked the restraints from the bar and carefully removed the padded cuffs from his tiny wrists. As soon as his hands were free he threw his arms around my neck and gave me a huge hug that I returned being careful not to hurt his back that I knew had to be stinging. We just stayed there for a long time until I felt him ease his grip on my neck. He backed up slightly and I was surprised to see that he was crying. "Did I hurt you too much?" "No, it's just 3; well 3; all my life I've had dreams about having someone do that to me and now it's really happened. I'm just so happy!" I pulled him back to me and held him close and let him cry on my shoulder. When the crying stopped I let go of him, he picked his shirt up from the rack and together we left the room. We went back to the screening room and I turned up the lights to have a look at the damage on his back. I was almost afraid to look but as I moved his rat-tail aside I was shocked to see that his deep tan hid almost all the welts with only a few lines in the center of his back, remnants of his last lash, still visible, and even they were fading fast. "How's it look?" "Hardly a mark on it and they'll all be gone by morning. How's it feel?" "It still stings pretty bad and my arms are a little sore but I like it." "What do you want to do now?" I asked. He thought for a moment and asked. "Can we watch those boys getting whipped in that movie again?" "Anything you want kid," and I dimmed the lights and returned to the sofa. He reloaded the dvd and came and sat down right beside me. I put my arm around him and once he'd found the scene that he wanted he snuggled in close beside me. When the whipping started I could feel him flinching again every time the boys on the screen were lashed, and when the scene was over, he looked up at me, and with a very pleased look on his face said, "I think I did it better." "Couldn't agree with you more, Bobby."
Chapter 4It was after nine and we'd both had a long, surprise filled day, so we shut off everything in the screening room and headed for bed. I told him I'd come tuck him in in a minute as turned through the doorway into my room and he went down the hall to his room. I got ready for bed, put on some sweat pants, and walked down the hall to his room. He was dressed the same as me and was sitting on the side of his bed waiting for me. I sat down beside him and put my arm around him. He snuggled into my side and looking up at me said."I had a really great day, thanks for everything." "I had a really great day too, and thank you for everything." "But I didn't give you anything," he said. "No, You gave me everything" He thought about what I'd said, smiled, and after giving me a big hug slid back and started to get under the covers. "Sweet dreams," I said "I've already had my sweet dreams for today, but they were real." And as I reached across to tuck him in he leaned up and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," I replied and after kissing him on the forehead I got up turned out his light and returned to my room. I lay in bed for a long time just thinking of the days' events and eventually fell into a deep pleasant sleep. When I woke early the next morning I had almost convinced myself that it was all a dream until I heard the shower running down the hall. I got up, quickly showered and prepared myself for another day full of surprises. We met in the hall and after a quick breakfast he wanted to see the rest of the yard. We went out the front door and slowly toured the property. When we got to the small garage in the back yard and I showed him the riding mower inside, he just had to try it. For an eleven-year-old who'd rarely even been in a car before, he got the hang of it quickly, and was soon roaring around the lawn. He returned with it and stopped beside me, turned off the key, and before the motor even stopped turning, he declared himself my official lawn-mowing boy. He restarted it, after getting my assurance that he had the job, and carefully returned it to the garage. We continued our tour and he questioned me about the things that he hadn't seen before and we were soon back by the pool. It was getting warm already so we both took our shirts off and sat by the pool. He pulled his hair over his shoulder and as he bent forward he asked me if the marks were gone off his back. I looked closely and reported that they were and as he straightened back up in his chair he surprised me again when he smiled and said. "Good. We can do it harder next time." I sat back in my chair in disbelief and thought about what he'd just said. At most I thought that last night was a one-time occurrence, but once again he had other plans. "You really want to do that again?" "Sure I do, but not today though, my arms are still kinda sore. Maybe next time I'll keep just my tip-toes on the floor." I didn't know why he wanted to be whipped but it was obvious that he did. In fact he seemed to already be planning his next scene. We sat in the sun talking for a long time. He decided that Wednesday after school was the best time to do the lawn, as it was his last week of school before summer holidays and his class was going to 'some museum!' on Thursday and there was no school on Friday. I told him I'd call him Tuesday night to make sure it was all right with his mom but he told me that he wasn't allowed to answer the phone so he'd call me. I thought that was a little strange but no one ever accused his mother of being normal. He asked to go swimming again, and after getting my approval he ran into the house to put on his bathing suit. He returned quickly and went about what had become his normal swimming routine, off the diving board then hauling himself out the other end and running back to the board and repeating the whole process again. After about twenty laps he came running back over and sat down dripping beside me. After he caught his breath he panted. "That gets really tiring when you don't have to wait for a bunch of kids in a line-up ahead of you." "I can take you over to Third Street if you like" "No, I'll get used to it," he replied smiling. We went back into the house and I ordered a pizza while he went upstairs to change and dry his hair. I was surprised to hear his shower running again. When he finally came back downstairs I was just returning from the front door with the pizza. I dropped it on the table and as we were sitting down I asked him why he'd showered again. "If I go home smelling like a swimming pool and my mom finds out that I wasn't at Third Street she'll ask questions. A guy like you can't afford to live in an apartment building with a pool, can you? Even if you can afford two bedrooms." "You're brilliant Bobby!" "I try my best." I looked at him and we exchanged smiles and I thought this has to be the smartest kid I'd ever met. We ate our fill of pizza and went downstairs to watch TV in the screening room. There wasn't much on so we just sat and talked about what else I should get for the house, what I needed to stock the kitchen with, and what I should get to fill the third bay in the garage. His answers were well thought out and we agreed on almost everything except he thought that I should get a red sports car and I thought black would be better. Several hours later we decided he'd better get going and without a word he ran up to his room and came back wearing the clothes that he'd come with. We exchanged smiles and headed into the garage and soon the old F150 was rattling towards his house. I double-parked in front of the walkup and he gave me a quick hug, and said that he'd call me Tuesday. He hopped out of the truck ran up the steps and disappeared through the doors into his other world. I returned home but found myself just wandering around the empty house. After living by myself for most of my life I felt really alone for the first time. I turned on the stereo and switched it to go through the whole house and went upstairs. I looked into his room and saw that he'd made his bed and had all his new clothes that he'd worn that weekend neatly piled on his bed. I walked over to take the clothes to the laundry when I saw a small note on top of the pile that said. "Thanks for the best weekend of my life, I love you, Bobby." I sat on the edge of the bed holding the note, and looked down at the pile of clothes as I recalled the weekend. I saw the Speedo that he wore as he swam in the pool, the tee shirt that he so happily took off and tossed onto the rack, and the white shorts that he'd been wearing when he got whipped. I stood up and walked over to the pad and pen on the desk and wrote my own note. "Thanks for the best weekend of my life, I love you too Bobby." I left the note on the desk, went back to my room, and went to bed.
Chapter 5The next few days were spent getting the things done that we'd talked about. He called on Tuesday and said it was all right with his mom if he helped me 'work on my truck' and he'd be waiting for me at three thirty. I could almost hear him saying, 'People like you living in cheap two bedroom apartments don't have lawns!' I picked him up right on time and as I pulled into the garage he spotted the bright red Porsche 911 Turbo sitting in the third bay. He jumped out of the truck and ran over to look at it, then turned around and ran back to me and pounced. I grabbed him as he slammed into me and he gave me a huge hug."You got a red one." "That's what you thought I should get wasn't it." "That makes me feel really 3; really 3; well 3; special I guess." "Trust me Bobby, you are special to me." He went back and looked at the car again and as we walked into the house he said "It's red," before he ran upstairs to his room. He returned a minute later wearing just his Speedo and his sneakers. When I questioned him about it he said he wanted to try to get his tan even darker so the marks wouldn't show, and with that, he went outside to mow the lawn. I went upstairs and watched him from the balcony as he started the tractor and started mowing. He was doing fine so I waved to him and went back inside to finish installing the exercise machines that he'd suggested, for the basement. I was just finishing up when I heard him upstairs so I called for him to come down and try them out. He enthusiastically tried each machine and I was quite surprised how strong he was. He asked for more weight on most stations and showed almost perfect form. Standing there watching him work out, wearing only his Speedo, I could tell that this was an investment that I wouldn't regret. When he finally tired he went upstairs and changed clothes and we went into the garage for his trip home. He asked me to show him what we 'fixed' on the truck so I chose the shocks since they had been replaced recently and I knew that I hadn't spoken to anyone about it. After I showed him what they were and how they were attached he leaned over the front tire, making sure to get dirt on his shirt, and reaching down wiped some grease from the suspension parts onto his hand. He reemerged from the wheel well and rubbed the grease on his hands and patted a little on his face. On the way to his house he asked me for ten dollars, just so he could show his mom that he really was working, then he'd give it back to me the next time he saw me. "Tell her I can't pay you until the check comes." "Hey that's even better!" he laughed, "You're getting pretty good at this too!" "I've got a great teacher!" I said and we were both laughing loudly when I pulled up in front of his home. He promised to call soon, gave me a greasy little hug, got out and ran into the apartment. I drove around the block and headed for home. The next morning I was woke up by the phone and on the line was Bobby's mom in a big flap about something. I figured she was pissed about Bobby coming home so dirty last night so I quickly apologized for that. She said that was no problem at least he had fun and seemed to be learning something. It turned out that she had some kind of a family emergency and had to catch the noon bus back to Arkansas. She asked me if I could look after Bobby for about a week since he seemed to like me and I had two bedrooms. She had no one else she could leave him with and was in a near panic. I told her it was no problem that I'd be happy to look after him. She calmed down considerably when she heard that and I arranged to meet her at her place at eleven to pick up Bobby's stuff and to give her a ride to the bus depot. She met me at the door and handed me a plastic shopping bag that contained all of Bobby's belongings and went back into the room to grab her matching 'luggage.' We piled into the truck and I made a u-turn and we headed for the depot. She gave the usual parental chatter about not being afraid to swat him if he got out of line, making him make his own bed, bedtime, etc. etc. etc. Just as we were passing my new home she stopped babbling long enough to look right at my front gate and said, "I really wish my boy could grow up in a house like that." I could feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck when she said that! I looked over at her and said, "I really wish he could grow up there too." She showed no reaction and went right back to her babbling so I just brushed it off as another one of the strange coincidences that seemed to be plaguing me lately. By the time we got to the bus depot my ears were ringing and I think that Bobby was allowed to breathe and sleep, and not much else. I stopped in front of the depot and she thanked me for everything, grabbed her two grocery bags, and lumbered into the station. I sat there for a second shaking my head and shuddered thinking of the poor S.O.B. that was going to get stuck sitting beside her all the way to Arkansas. I went back home for a while and at three I went to pick up some tacos and drove to Bobby's to pick him up. He was a little disappointed that his mom wasn't there to see his report card so he showed it to me instead, all A's except for one B in gym. I knew this kid was smart. He told me that he really wanted to work out at my house a lot and he hoped to get all A's next year. He still seemed a little down so I asked him if he would be OK. "Only if you promise to whip me really hard later tonight." I promised him and he seemed to cheer up considerably. We got home and devoured the tacos. I told him about what his mother had said and we both had a really good laugh. I sent him upstairs to shower and change since he still had traces of grease on him from last night and I set about cleaning up the trash from our supper. When he came back downstairs he looked great. "Will you whip me now?" he asked. It was only about four so I decided to see how he handled anticipation. "No," I said. "Think about what you want to try while we take the new car you picked out and go shopping." He was a little disappointed but said, "Ok as long as we get back in time." Soon we were walking into one of the upscale malls in the area in search of more clothes for him since last week I'd only bought enough for a couple of days and now that he was staying for the whole week, and I really didn't want to do laundry every other day, we needed more for him to wear. I tried to drag it out as long as I could and he was getting more agitated by the minute. Finally when we had about as many bags as I thought we could jam into the Porsche I sent him into the video store to buy some more dvd's. When he came back out he was almost frantic, so we left the mall and went home. I told him to take everything out of the car and put it away neatly in his room and then meet me in the screening room with just his white shorts on, and I went downstairs and waited for him. I heard him make three trips into the garage and finally heard him coming barefoot down to the basement. He had the dvd's in his hand and took them over and put them neatly in the storage cabinet. As he walked back over to me and I saw that he was dressed just as I'd asked. "All done," he said I thought about having him do a workout but I decided that he'd had almost all the waiting he could take, so I had him sit down beside me, and asked what kind of a whipping he thought he wanted. Knowing that it was coming soon, he calmed down considerably, and carefully described what he wanted. He told me that he mostly wanted a lot of hard lashes across his back with slightly easier ones to his sides and this time he wanted to try some across his chest and stomach. He also thought he might want to try some on his bare bottom but he wasn't really sure about that yet. He wanted to see how the rest went and decide just before it happened. I knew better than to ask him if he was sure because he'd obviously put a lot of thought into it. I explained what a safe word was and when he fully understood what it meant I told him to pick one. He thought for a moment then chose 'friend' I told him to pick another word to use if he decided he wanted to get his bottom strapped too. He chose 'trust.' He obviously understood so I told him to stand up and gave him a hug and we headed for the dungeon. Once inside I closed the door and checked my watch. It was almost eight o'clock. He'd been waiting four hours for this. I buckled the wrist cuffs on him and he walked over to the spreader bar and attached the cuffs to the snap hooks on the end of it. He wasn't going to be suspended this time so I put two more restraints on his ankles and attached them together with a six-inch [15 cm] chain. I would have preferred a spreader bar but I had to keep his legs together, in case he said. 'trust.' I cranked the winch until his arms were tightly stretched and his heels were just off the floor. At the whip rack I selected three different cats and laid two of them on the padded bondage table nearby keeping the lightest of them in my hand. Stepping back in front of him I could see in his eyes that he was already starting to get into his own 'zone', so I took another step to the left and began whipping him with light strokes to his chest. After just a few lashes he told me I could hit him harder but I told him to wait the harder ones were coming. I worked his chest and belly slowly increasing the strength of the lashes until I could see they were starting to have an effect on him. I could see his stomach and chest muscles tighten every time the whip landed and his shorts were definitely starting to tent. After what must have been well over fifty lashes I stepped back in front of him and started to work his sides. I kept the strength of the blows about the same as I'd been using when I finished whipping his front so he was instantly feeling some sharp pain on his sides. He stood there twitching his hips from side to side as I alternated the lashes. I gave him about fifty to each side still increasing the strength of the lashes and finished with a quick hard series to his tightly stretched armpits. I let him rest for a few seconds while I put the whip back on the bench and picked up harshest of the of the three. I put my hand through the loop on the end of the handle and stepped back to see how he was doing. He was tented a little more but still not quite as much as the last time and he was shining from a light coating of sweat that covered him from head to toe. He had welts covering the whole front of his upper body but they were already fading. He seemed to have recovered sufficiently so I stepped up to him and gently pulled his rat-tail forward and adjusted it so half was brushing each of his swollen red nipples. He knew that meant it was time for his back and he looked up and gave me a little smile. I walked around to the right of him and just stood there for about twenty seconds looking at his beautifully tanned back stretched out before me. I raised the whip and brought it down hard across his shoulder blades. He wasn't expecting that and made a short little squeal that was the first sound he'd made since asking to be whipped harder. When he regained his composure I started again and covered his entire back with lashes that were hard but nothing compared to the first one. I decided he could probably take one more series so starting at his neck I worked my way down his back hitting a little harder with each stroke but being careful to skip over the spot where the first one landed. I was whipping the small of his back and was almost finished when I noticed him take a really deep breath. I was afraid I'd pushed him too far and he was going to use his safe word but instead of 'friend' he loudly said "trust"! I tossed the whip onto the bench and stepped in front of him. I reached down and as I grabbed the waistband of his shorts I saw that he was more tented than I'd ever seen him. I quickly but gently lowered his shorts around his erection and as I let them drop down to his ankles I saw his little prick for the first time. It was huge for his age, well over four inches [10 cm], uncut, hairless and standing at full attention. I could've looked at it all night long but I had Bobby's needs to look after first. I quickly picked up the broad tailed cat and started delivering medium-hard lashes to his beautiful white butt. It was just starting to turn pinkish red when he unexpectedly started to buck violently in his bonds and yelled "Something's happening!" he continued jerking for a few seconds before he yelled "friend" I dropped the whip immediately, and as I looked down for a place to support him so I could hit the quick release on the spreader bar, I was amazed when he give another big shudder, squealed and came! I suddenly realized that there was no emergency so I released my grip on him and stepped back to let him finish. After he'd shot a couple more times onto the floor he came down off his tiptoes and hung weakly by his wrists. I stepped in front of him and gently pulled up his shorts. I wrapped one arm around him just below his bottom and carefully lifted him up, released the cuffs from the bar and after sweeping the whips onto the floor with my free hand, I gently laid him down on the padded table. I removed the chain between his ankle cuffs and tossed it aside. He lay on his back for a long time just staring at the ceiling as I gently rubbed his chest and caressed his nipples. Finally he turned his head towards me, smiled, and softy said. "WOW!" "I didn't know you could do that." I said. "I didn't know that I could that!" he replied. "In fact I don't even know what that was!" "You mean that was your first time!" "Yeah, I've never felt anything like that before!" and he stared back up at the ceiling. I started to unbuckle the wrist cuffs but he asked to keep them on. "Think you can make it back upstairs?" "Yeah" he replied, "but I'd like it even better if you carried me." I gently picked him up and we headed upstairs, closing the secret panel behind us. On the way up the stairs to the second floor he asked if he could sleep in my room so I took him in and lay him down on my bed and went around the other side and got in beside him. He rolled over gingerly onto his stomach and turned his face towards me and smiled. I put my hand on his back and gently rubbed it as he asked me questions about what had happened to him. I didn't really think it was my place to be telling him, but after envisioning his mother telling him, I answered him as honestly and correctly as I could. He seemed to be understanding everything I was telling him about cumming, and grinned proudly from ear to ear when I told him that most boys can't do it until they're older than he is. It was getting late so I told him to get some sleep and I'd tell him more tomorrow. Then unexpectedly he leaned over and gave me a big kiss on the lips and when he lay back down said. "I love you, you're the only adult that doesn't treat me like a little kid" "I love you too Bobby," I said as I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He settled down in the bed and was soon asleep. I lay there for a long time just caressing his back and hair thinking about how to handle tomorrow, and wondering how I ever survived before he came into my life.
Chapter 6When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I jumped up and sprinted to check his room. He wasn't there so I ran downstairs. He must have heard me running franticly around the house and yelled "I'm down here!"I went to the basement and saw the dungeon door open so I went in. He'd changed from his shorts into one of his Speedos but I noticed he still had the wrist and ankle restraints on. What's up?" I asked. "I kinda made a mess down here last night so when I woke up before you I thought I should come down and clean it up." He said motioning towards the mop and pail standing in the corner. He had all the whips hung back in their proper places and the place looked spotless. "You didn't have to do that." "I wanted to 3; Look I got some marks!" he said as he sprinted across the room. He showed me some welts under his arms where he wasn't quite as tanned and then turned around to proudly show me the one in the middle of his back from the first lash he'd gotten there. It was still quite visible but had faded considerably and would probably be gone in another day or two. Other than that his tan hid all the other marks. When I told him he'd be as good as new in a day or two his reply was. "Good, then we can do it again." I bent over and put my arms around him and he put his arms around my neck. I lifted him off the floor, gave him a big hug and carried him up the stairs to get some breakfast. He helped me make breakfast and while we were eating he asked if he could keep the cuffs on all day. I certainly didn't have a problem with that, as they looked great on him. I told him it was ok but he couldn't wear them outside too much or he'd get tan lines that might be a little hard to explain. After breakfast we both showered and I told him I had to go out for a while and he said OK he had some things he wanted to do around the house. I warned him not to go near the pool "Or else he wouldn't get a whippin'!" which sounded a little weird, but with Bobby the normal threat was more like a bribe. He laughed, gave me a hug and a kiss and I was off to buy some teaching aids. There was a strip mall nearby with a good bookstore and a drug store so I headed there. I was standing in the book store amazed that there were so many sex ed books when the sales girl came up and asked if I needed help. I told her I wanted the book for my boy and she showed me one and said it was the only one she would recommend because it was thorough, honest, and it didn't 'preach.' It sounded like exactly what I wanted so I bought it and thanked her for her help. I went next door to the drug store to look for some condoms. The druggist asked me if I needed any help and I told him I wanted an assortment of small sized condoms for my kid. He looked at me as if to say sure buddy that's they all say, so I reached into my bag and showed him the cover of the book I'd just bought. He looked at it for a second and we both broke into hysterical laughter. After we stopped laughing he was very helpful and I was soon on my way home with the book and a large supply of condoms. When I got back to the house Bobby had the kitchen all cleaned up and the dishes all stacked in the dishwasher. "You didn't have to that." "I know, but I really like doing it for you." "Do you help your mom like that at home?" "Yeah, but she makes me do it, and yells at me if don't. This is different, I'm only doing it for you because I like to, not because I have to, and it makes me feel good." I knew the feeling well, I got it every time I did something nice for him. "If that's how you feel then carry on." I said "Oh, by the way I got something for you." I handed him the bag with the book in it. He took the book out of the bag and when he saw what it was he gave me a big hug and thanked me repeatedly. I told him to take it out by the pool and I'd come out, after I'd put on my bathing suit and we can read it together. He sprinted towards the pool but just before he ran through the open patio door he stopped so fast that he almost fell over. "It's ok to go by the pool now isn't it?" "Go ahead," I told him 3; he was afraid I wouldn't whip him any more. When I got back out to the pool he had one of the loveseats pulled into a nice sunny spot and was waiting for me. I sat down beside him and he leaned forward so I could put my arm around him then he leaned back, pressed in tight beside me and started to read his new book to me. He was actually a pretty good reader and only needed help on a few words. The girl in the bookstore was right it really was a good book. We read through the boy girl humping part and with the help of the pictures he seemed to understand that part. It then went on to the how babies are made part and when we were done that section he thought for a few minutes and asked. "Since I can ejaculate now does that mean I can be a father?" "No," I told him, "It only means that you can make babies, being a father is much harder." He looked up at me and I could tell that he was thinking about what I'd said and when he lowered his head and rested it on my chest I knew that he understood. He lay there in silence for a long time before looking back up and saying angrily. "I'm going to be a father not a baby maker!" "I hope that someday you are a good father Bobby." The day was getting pretty warm and I knew that Bobby had just gone through something pretty intense so I suggested that we go for a swim and soon we were splashing around in the pool. He looked so cute swimming around in the pool wearing wrist and ankle restraints and a matching black Speedo. It seemed like he'd already forgotten everything he'd learned today but just before we got out he swam up to me, put his arms around me, hugged me, and said, "I'm going to be a great father." We hugged each other for a long time before I kissed him on the forehead and said, "Yes I think you will." After a quick lunch we returned to the poolside and prepared to tackle masturbation. He quickly read through the female part but slowed down considerably for the male section. He asked a lot of questions that I answered as well as I could and he soon had pretty good idea what it was all about. I could see a little bulge in his bathing suit when suddenly he stood up, dropped his Speedo to his ankles, sat back down beside me, and asked me to show him how. Thank God for twelve-foot [3½ m] walls! I almost cracked up but fortunately managed to keep a straight face. I took his hand and showed him the basics and told him that if it feels good then he's doing it right. He was soon fully erect and stroking like a veteran so I told him that he was doing great, but that was enough for now. He looked a little disappointed but he stood up and pulled his Speedo back up and sat back down beside me. He asked me how long he had to do that before he came, and I told him it depended on how turned on he was at the time. I told him that last night he was so exited that no one even had to touch it but usually it took a little longer. He said he understood so we quickly had a little talk about discretion. I didn't want to scare him off anything but I didn't want him dropping his drawers and wanking at anyone that was passing by. He understood that already and told me he'd only done it in the back yard because he knew no one else could see him. I gave a little sigh of relief and held him close for a while. By this time a little cool water was something we both needed so we had another swim and soon we were back in the chair and he was reading about birth control and std's. He picked up most of it pretty quickly but as I expected he was a little confused about condoms so I sent him into the house to get the bag that I'd left on the table. When he came back I showed him all the different kinds, explained the differences and showed him how to open the packages. He asked if he could try one and I told him since no one could see us that I thought it would be all right. He stood up and dropped his Speedos again and got himself hard. I helped him open the package and he took it and rolled it on. He played with it for a while to get the feel of it and then removed it and replaced his Speedo. He then asked when a condom was needed and I told him. He awkwardly asked me if I might have aids and I explained to him that I got tested every six months when I got my physical and was always negative and I'd been so busy getting this house renovated that I hadn't even had intercourse for over a year. That seemed to be the end of his questions so we picked up our stuff and went inside for supper. He took his book and condoms up to his room and changed into some dry shorts while I started supper. He still had the restraints on so I showed him how to oil them so they would stay waterproof and he worked on them while I finished making supper. We had a light supper and decided it would be a good time for a workout. He insisted on cleaning up the kitchen so I went upstairs to change and brought back a tank top and sneakers for Bobby. We had a great workout and we seemed to inspire each other to try even harder. His little muscles looked like they were going to pop right through his skin as he strained against the weights. After almost two hours we staggered upstairs to our respective showers and met up again down in the screening room feeling only slightly refreshed. He snuggled in beside me and we sat watching TV and talking. By nine thirty I was ready for bed but when we got back upstairs Bobby announced that he was going to masturbate and since it was his first time he really wanted me to watch to see if he did it right. I couldn't pass up an offer like that so I followed him into his room and watched as he stripped and lay on his back on the bed. He started to slowly stroke himself until he got hard and then asked me to pass him a condom. I gave him a lubricated one and he opened the package and rolled it on like a pro. I guess electronics aren't the only thing that you only have to show kids how to use once, I thought as I watched him start back into his rhythm. I sat on the side of his bed softly encouraging him when I noticed him going into his zone. He had the same look in his eyes that he had whenever he was being whipped on his back. Once he was in his zone it only took him about ten strokes before he started to wiggle and twist and after only about ten more strokes he arched his back, let out a high pitched squeal, and shot his load into the condom. He kept his back arched until his orgasm subsided then he came crashing back onto the bed. He recovered quickly and got up and scurried into the bathroom still wearing the condom. About a minute later I heard the toilet flush and he came back out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his restraints and a big smile. He came over to me and sat sideways on my lap and I put my arms around him. I asked him how it was and he told me he liked it, it wasn't quite as powerful as the first time, but he knew what was happening so he wasn't scared. I told him he came pretty quick and he told me that not much happened at first but then he looked up at me and thought about me whipping him and came almost immediately. I gave him a kiss and told him I was glad that he enjoyed it. He scurried off my lap and crawled nude under the covers. I tucked him in and he asked me if he could read his book for a while so I handed it to him and told him if he had any questions he could ask me in the morning. I said goodnight and started for the door and as I got there he informed me the next chapter was on something called oral sex. When I got back to my room I was seriously considering some masturbation of my own. I stripped and jumped into my bed and lying on my back I pulled the covers over myself. Instead of masturbating I almost immediately fell into a deep sleep filled with pleasant dreams of the events of the past week. As I lay there dreaming I felt a strange sensation and slowly started to wake up. I felt like I'd just had a wet dream but I shrugged it off as just my imagination and was about to go back to sleep when I felt something move between my legs. I lifted up the covers and was greeted by a cute nose, two bright blue eyes and a smile "No questions on that chapter," he said. "Get up here you little scamp." I said, and he started crawling up the front of me, still under the covers. When we were eye-to-eye I wrapped my arms around him and rolled onto my side and he slid off my chest onto the bed beside me.
Chapter 7We woke up the next morning still face to face with our arms around each other. He got out of bed first, stood up, and had a big stretch. Only then did he look down and notice that he didn't have any clothes on."Looks like I forgot something last night," he said grinning. "Looks fine to me," I countered. "Glad you like it," he said as he headed for his room to get ready for another day. I finished first and was starting breakfast when I noticed him beside me. I looked down at him and saw that he was clean, dry and naked. "You didn't say what we're doing today so I didn't know what to put on," he said. "New tee shirt, new shorts, socks, sneakers and I'm afraid you'll have to take off the wrist and ankle cuffs today." "Do I have to take them off?" He wined as he turned and started to walk away. "Yes!" I said and I gave him a playful swat on his bare butt. He started to run but after only one stride he stopped, backed up, and stood wiggling his butt at me until I gave him a swat on the other cheek. Only then did he sprint happily off to do as I asked. I watched until his cute little ass disappeared from view and went back to cooking. He was soon back dressed as I'd asked and he started quizzing me about what we were going to do. I told him to trust me, we'll have fun, and he replied that he always trusted me, and if I said we'll have fun, he was sure that we would. It was overcast and a little cooler, although rain wasn't predicted, so this was the ideal day for what I had planned. Traffic was light and we were soon getting off the 101 freeway and nearing our destination. Bobby was totally lost and had no idea were we were going, but he sat quietly, buckled into the passenger seat, certain that wherever I was taking him we were going to have fun. When we pulled into the Universal Studios lot and headed for the theme park parking garage he got really exited. Although he lived all of his life only about a twenty-minute drive from here, he'd never even seen the place before and only knew one person, a classmate, that had even been here. But he'd seen their advertising on the TV and he knew we were in for a fun day. He'd never been in a parking garage before, so, even though there were lots of empty spots on the ground level, we raced the car up the ramps to the top level and parked up there. When we got out of the car he came running around to my side and gave me one of his jumping hugs and thanked me for bringing him here as we headed for the front gate. The place was as near to being deserted as I'd ever seen it. It seemed like the locals weren't here because they thought it would crawling with tourists but the tourists were still in transit trying to get there. I paid our admissions and into the park we went. We both had a great time. The lineups that usually plagued the park were almost non-existent, and even when we did have to wait in line on some of the more popular attractions, we so enjoyed each other's company that the time passed quickly. He was full of questions, but they weren't the usual annoying type of questions that I heard parents around me getting asked. Instead of asking, "What time is it?" "How much longer do we have to wait?" "When's lunch?" "What're we going on next?" he was asking about how the rides worked and how they did the special effects on some of the attractions. I soon found myself telling him all I knew about hydraulics, electronic controls, and blue screen effects. He listened with a great deal of interest and sometimes he even seemed a little annoyed when we got to the front to the line and it was our turn to get into the attraction. While waiting in line for the Back to the Future ride Bobby stood beside me and was quietly telling me how he thought blue screen effects worked, to see if he understood me correctly. When the father behind me tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around to see what he wanted. He'd apparently been listening to Bobby's quiet, carefully thought out explanation, and after he gave a quick look back at his two kids, arguing noisily about nothing in particular behind him, he smiled and asked if I wanted to trade. "Not for a million bucks," I replied with a smile as I used my hand that was resting on his shoulder to hug Bobby a little closer to my side. I thought about what had just happened and proudly realized that I wasn't the only one that could see that Bobby was pretty special. We had a great time for the rest of the day and because the park was so empty we saw and did almost everything there was to do. We talked a lot in the lineups but he never mentioned anything about sex, whipping or anything else that could prove embarrassing and I was pleased that he had such a good sense of what was public and what was private. There were a few things we missed so we made plans to try to come back a day or two before school went back in the fall, if we could sneak it past his mother. When we got home it was quite late but he still wanted a whipping or something before he went to bed. I told him it was too late for that now and it would have to wait until tomorrow sometime. He was disappointed and said if we couldn't do that could he at least be chained up to his bed for the night. I explained why it was too dangerous to leave someone tied up alone for that long to which he replied, "Then I guess you'll have to chain me up in your bed." He wasn't taking no for an answer so I gave in and told him to go get ready and not to forget to pee because it would be a long time till morning. He trotted happily off to his room and I headed downstairs to get what I would need. I picked up some chains, locks, and quick releases and headed for the door. As an afterthought I went back and got a small pair of adjustable tweezer type nipple clips that were connected by a small gold chain. I had everything just about ready when he returned wearing his cuffs and nothing else. A week ago I would have been shocked but I just told him he looked great and he hopped into bed. I snapped the quick releases onto his cuffs and adjusted the chains and padlocks until he was in a slight spread eagle. I left a fair bit of slack for him but it was tight enough that he couldn't reach the snaps to free himself. I then went to the other side of the bed and lay down beside him. He lay there quietly thinking for a while getting used to the helpless feeling and then told me I could do whatever I wanted to him. I asked him what his safe word was and he told me so I went to work on him. I slowly stroked his chest and belly and lightly tickled his hairless armpits causing him to squirm and reminding him how helpless he was. Then his nipples got special attention as I rolled them between my fingertips while gently pulling them. "That feels so good" he moaned. "I can see that." I replied, as I felt them getting erect and looked down at his rapidly growing penis. I slowly began kissing and licking them until they, and his prick were both fully erect and he was moaning blissfully. Then I switched to gently sucking and nibbling on them and they became bigger and harder than I'd ever seen them before. I then showed the nipple clamps to him for the first time and told him what they were called. He quickly figured out what they were for and asked me to use them on him. I gently put one on his left nipple and slowly tightened it until he started to wince slightly. I waited a few seconds for him to absorb the pain then repeated the process on his right side. He seemed to be enjoying the sensation and I could tell that he was starting to get into his zone so I just waited and let him enjoy the feeling. When it looked like he was getting used to the pain I reached over and gave the little chain a tug. He grimaced and pulled against the chains on his wrists as he began absorbing the new wave of pain he felt going through his body. I repeated that several more times until I could see that he was completely in his zone. I gently released the little gold chain and let it drop onto his chest then leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. He weakly returned the kiss and when he finished I kissed him on the chin and then slowly began kissing him in a line down the center of his chest. I kissed him several times in the little hollow between his pecs, being careful not to disturb the gold chain laying there, then worked my way down to his tightly stretched navel. I worked on his belly button for a while then continued my journey 'south' to his rigid little member. I kissed my way up the side of his shaft then tickled the little bit of the head that was peeking out of his foreskin. I then used my hand to stroke him a few times and finished with a down stroke that left the entire head exposed. After kissing the head a few times I took all of him into my mouth. Almost immediately I could feel him spasming so I reached up and gave the chain a couple quick tugs. That was all it took, and he started bucking so violently it was all I could do to keep him in my mouth as I sucked his sweet load from him. When he was calmed down again I removed the nipple clamps as gently as I could and kissed each nipple as the clamps came off. I then leaned over and kissed him on the lips and lay back beside him to let him recover. He lay there in silence for a long time just staring into space before he softy said, "Thank you, that was great." "You're welcome," I replied. "I really enjoyed it too." "Where'd you learn how to do that?" "My best friend Bobby taught me how." He looked a little confused and dejected so I reassured him that I only knew one person named Bobby. He still looked a little confused but he now looked happy instead of dejected. He looked so cute lying there bound, spread eagled, beside me. I could see that he was deep in thought again, and after a long time he asked. "Am I really your best friend?" "Absolutely." "How did I teach you how to do all that?" I explained that I really loved him, and because of that love, I wanted to make him feel really happy, so I just did whatever I thought would make him feel good, and watched his 'body language' to see if he was enjoying it or not. His love of pain made it a little harder but I did my best. He thought about what I'd said for a minute before asking. "What's body language?" I thought about how to explain it and replied. "You know sometimes when you come home and you can tell that your mom's really mad about something before she even says anything or you even see her face?" "Do I ever!" he said. "You knew she was mad because you read her body language." "I guess I knew what it was all along I just didn't know there was a name for it." "Good," I said, "It's something that's really valuable to know how to do well and you should practice it whenever you can." "Why?" "Because it's easy for people to lie with words and facial expressions but their eyes and bodies usually tell the truth." He thought about it for a while and asked me to help him get even better at it. I said I'd try the next time we were around some people and he looked like he was eager to learn. I asked him if he still wanted to be chained up all night and he said that he did except that he really wanted to give me a big hug and kiss. I leaned over and we kissed and said goodnight and we soon drifted off to sleep each feeling more loved than we ever had in our respective lives.
Chapter 8When I woke up the next morning I could feel him wiggling around in the bed beside me. I looked over at him and could see he had a pained look on his face and when I looked down and saw that he was as hard as a rock and had a light coating of sweat covering his whole body. I asked him what was wrong and he quickly explained that he was so excited by the idea of being chained up all night that he forgot to go pee when I told him to. I laughed and then, not being into water sports, quickly released him and watched him trot into the bathroom.I was sitting on the side of the bed, still smiling about what had happened, when he came back out, sat on my lap, and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I asked him what that was for and he said it was the ones that he couldn't give me last night. He told me that he'd been lying there for almost an hour, but he saw me sleeping so peacefully that he didn't want to wake me up, so he just lay there in agony trying to be still. I hugged him and thanked him for being so considerate but told him next time to just wake me up. It was raining out, which probably didn't help the situation that he'd just gone through, so I told him to have a shower, put on whatever he wanted, and bring his book downstairs so we could read it after breakfast. It was almost noon so we had lunch instead of breakfast, and all the time we were eating he kept staring at me. When I finally asked him why he said that he was trying to read my body language, but all he could read was happiness. I smiled and told him not to worry, he'd read me perfectly, and still laughing we went into the study. He decided that he wanted to read by himself so he could surprise me with what he'd learned like he'd done the last time with the oral sex chapter. I told him not to be afraid to ask if he had any questions and went to my desk to boot up my computer. I logged onto the net and went to my bank's site to see how my finances were doing. Before I'd retired I could tell you my net worth at any second within a few thousand dollars but once I hit a hundred million I'd reached my goal, and promptly retired while still in my early thirties. These days I rarely looked at my accounts and was quite surprised to find that even after sinking a pile of money into this house I was now worth over twenty percent more than when I'd retired. I logged off the bank site and seeing that Bobby was still deeply into his book I went surfing to find something to read so I wouldn't disturb him. I visited some of the archives and story sites but found that most of the stories that I used to find so exciting now seemed trite and boring when compared to my new reality. I eventually found what seemed to be a well-written story called The Story of Tim [also in this archive! click here] so I saved it to disk and after logging off I continued to read it. I was about halfway through the story when I heard Bobby close his book and put it down on the table beside him. He looked quite upset so I spun my chair around and motioned for him to come sit on my lap. He sat sideways across my legs and leaned his head into my chest and I put my arms around him and held him close. I let him sit there quietly for a while before asking him what was wrong. He told me he was reading about anal sex and he thought it sounded like it was really painful and gross, but he thought that I would want to do it with him and if he refused that I wouldn't like him any more. With that off his chest he started crying so I held him close and tried to calm him down. When he finally stopped sobbing I explained to him that I would never manipulate or force him to do anything he didn't want to, and I tended to agree with his views on anal sex anyways. I said that I loved him and I would continue to love him forever no matter what he did, or didn't do, and I couldn't stop loving him even if I tried. He started crying again but now they were tears of relief and happiness so I just held him close and we sat rocking in the chair. He eventually stopped crying and just lay there with his head on my chest and after a while he looked up and said that he loved me too. After a few minutes he slid off my lap and started to ask me about my computer. I spun my chair around and started to show it to him. He was reasonably knowledgeable about computers but explained that the computer lab in his school only had five old Pentium one thirty three's that still worked and there were thirty students to a class, so he didn't get to use them very often. I showed him how to log on and we were soon surfing all over having a great time. I asked him if he wanted a computer for the desk in his room upstairs, so he could use it whenever he came to visit, and he thought that it sounded like a good idea. The study was the first room that was finished in the house and the computer was almost a year old so I told him that if he helped me build a new system he could have mine for his room. He told me that he didn't know anything about building computers but I reassured him that it was easy and I'd be glad to show him how. He thought that it sounded like fun and since the forecast called for rain tomorrow morning we decided to do it then. We went to the website of the closest supplier and went through the listings until we figured out everything we needed and printed out a list of all the parts for my new machine as well as a cpu and memory upgrade for his. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was after seven so we shut down the computer and went for supper. After we ate I asked him if he still wanted the whipping that I'd promised him the night before and he said absolutely, he just hadn't wanted to bug me by asking about it. I asked him what he wanted to try this time and he said that he trusted me and I knew what he liked so it was up to me. I thought about it for a few minutes and once I had a rough idea of what I wanted to do I told him to go downstairs and get ready. I waited for a few minutes and finalized my plan before heading for the dungeon. When I got there I saw that he had already stripped, all his clothes were neatly piled on the padded table, and he was patiently waiting under the spreader bar. I lowered it down for him and he locked his cuffs into the snaps and I added a three-foot [90 cm] spreader between his ankle cuffs. As I stood up I couldn't help but notice that he was already getting an erection. I tightened the winch until he was stretched but still comfortable and then added something new to his experience. Going to the cabinet on the wall I selected a small leather blindfold and after showing it to him I buckled it tightly over his eyes and once he was sightless I began the mind games. "What is your safe word?" "Friend." "Good, you're about to get a very hard whipping all over your body and you might have to use it." "I'll try my best not to," he said. Stepping back I took in the scene before me as I let his anticipation build. His nipples had recovered from last nights introduction to clamps and weren't red or bruised but they were still larger than they normally were and looked quite sensitive. Before the session even began I'd already decided that they were off limits for tonight. Looking down I could see that he was now fully erect and I took that as my cue to begin. Taking the lightest cat I gave him a fairly light lash across his chest making sure to stay below his nipples. He reacted as if the whip had drawn blood. He squealed and pulled against the bonds as I looked on in amazement at the difference a blindfold and a few words could make. I waited till he settled down and gave him another similar lash this time across his tightly stretched stomach and got the same reaction. Too bad this only works once I thought as I gave him another lash across his chest. I worked his front and sides for a while, varying the locations and timing, and was still getting the same reaction. I put down the cat and quietly took down the riding crop and gave him a light slap on his inner thigh. He reacted so violently that he lifted himself right off the floor. After about a minute I did the other thigh and he left the floor again. When he'd calmed down from that I quietly went around and gave him a light tap on his little white bottom. He bowed forward and squealed again, and after six strokes he was still doing the same thing. I then let him rest for a while and replaced the crop with the cat before stepping up and moving his hair to his chest. He knew what was coming now and to heighten the experience even more I told him I was now going to give him twenty hard lashes across his back and if he made me proud and didn't use his safe word I'd make sure he got to come, if he hadn't already. He nodded and I stepped around behind and gave him a lash that was only about half as hard as the hardest one he'd taken before and got a reaction that was twice as violent. He was reacting so much that it took me over ten minutes to get in the next eighteen lashes. I informed him that he only had one more to go but it was going to be the hardest one he'd ever had in his life. He didn't say anything but I could tell that he was summoning all his strength and courage to withstand the blow. I saw him flexing all the muscles in his back so I gave him his final lash that was only slightly harder than the other nineteen. He squealed loudly and bucked so violently that I thought he was going to bend the spreader bar. He started to calm down and then started bucking again before shooting a load half way across the room. He then settled down and hung from his wrists and I could see that although he was covered in sweat there wasn't a mark on him. I told him how proud I was of him, which I was because even though it was in his head, he'd just taken a lot of pain for me. I undid the ankle spreader and waited till he could stand by himself. Then I undid the cuffs from the spreader but instead of releasing him I locked them behind his back and asked him if he thought he could walk upstairs. He said he'd try and I carefully lead him upstairs to my room and stood him in front of the full-length mirror and removed the blindfold. He was totally confused. Where he expected to see welts and maybe even blood he saw nothing but a little sweat. He stepped closer and looked again, still nothing. He turned around and looked his back confident that there had to be something there and still he saw nothing. He was dumbfounded. He looked at me and asked, "What happened?" "Your mind and body played a trick on you." "But it hurt so bad I thought I would be bleeding." "I know and I'm really proud of you for taking all that pain for me but I would never ask you to try not to use your safe word if I was whipping you as hard as you thought I was. In fact I'd never whip you as hard as you thought you were being whipped." I unlocked the cuffs behind his back and we sat down on the edge of the bed as I tried to explain what had happened. He had a really good grasp of it in no time so I sent him to have a shower before bedtime since he'd been sweating so badly. He understood what happened but he still had to make one more check of his back in the mirror before he really believed it. After a quick look he headed off to his room to get ready for bed. I was in bed when he returned and said that he was still a little shaken up so I lifted up the covers and let him in beside me. I held him close and we were soon asleep.
Chapter 9We awoke simultaneously the next morning and when I threw back the covers we both saw that it was my turn to wake up with the hard on. He ordered me to lie back down and not move and proceeded to give me one of the best blowjobs I'd ever had. After he'd finished I asked him where he'd learned to do that so well and he smiled and said his best friend showed him how. I knew immediately what he meant and gave him a big hug.We separated and I reminded him we had to go the computer store and he soon returned without his restraints and appropriately attired for a trip to a computer store. We decided to eat out and were soon heading out the driveway in the suv. To anyone that saw us we must have looked like a typical father and son talking about little league or something while in reality we were talking about the intensity of our last S/M session together. As soon as we got out of the truck at the restaurant he immediately changed the subject to computers and stayed on that topic until we were back in the truck when he immediately returned to S/M questions. He seemed to be getting more amazing every day I thought as we left the restaurant and I headed for the computer shop. All the parts were in stock and we were soon back home and I was showing him how to remove the cover on the old computer. He was a little apprehensive but after I showed him how, he changed the processor and added the memory and when it restarted and worked fine his confidence level took a big jump. He did most of the work on the new one and when it started he was ecstatic. I showed him how to set the bios and gave him the Windows disk and told him just to run it and answer all the questions while I went to make lunch. He was just doing the final restart when I returned with a sandwich for him and he thanked me for showing him how to assemble the machines, telling me he liked learning things like that but no one ever took the time to show him before. The house had network cables installed in every room so it didn't take long till we had everything set up and he could access the Internet from his bedroom. I thought about warning him about chat rooms, but I figured anyone dumb enough to answer someone claiming to be a eleven-year old boy who loved to have his back whipped and give blowjobs was too stupid to find him even if he sent them a map. We went for a swim and had just finished supper when the phone rang. It was Bobby's mother calling from Arkansas, collect naturally, and she asked to talk to him. I gave him the phone and went into the next room to give him some privacy but I could still hear some of the conversation. "Yeah, really nice, lots of fun, really good." After about ten minutes he called to me and as I took the phone from him he motioned that he was going upstairs. I nodded that I understood and started talking to his mother. She made a lot of small talk asking if he was behaving himself and telling me that it sounded like he was having a really good time, and then after a long pause she dropped a bomb on me. She told me the reason she had to go to Arkansas was because her husband had a parole board meeting this morning and had just been released after doing half of a thirty-year sentence for murder. I quickly did the math and figured out that this wasn't Bobby's father we were talking about, which she confirmed, saying he didn't even know about Bobby and he would probably kill them both if he found out. She then went on to say that she'd considered all her options and the safest thing for Bobby was if she moved back east with her husband and didn't ever tell him about Bobby. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but she went on to explain that she didn't even know for sure who Bobby's real father was or even how to find any of the possible men, and that none of her relatives even knew that she had a son. She then said that he seemed to really like me so she was hoping that I would take care of him, and if I couldn't, I could just drop him off at children's services. She told me were Bobby's birth certificate was hidden in their apartment, and that he had a key. She then apologized and after saying that she wouldn't interfere with his life any more and was throwing the paper away with my phone number on it she hung up. I sat there for a few minutes, just listening to the static on the phone, and then, resisting the urge to slam it down, I gently hung it up. I was on an emotional roller coaster, feeling rage one minute and sadness the next. I realized that she was doing what she had to do to protect Bobby but I couldn't believe how she got them into that situation in the first place. It did explain why Bobby wasn't allowed to answer the phone and why he was so good at deception. I tried to figure out what to do next, and although I wasn't sure of my next move, I was sure that he wasn't growing up in the foster care system if there was anything I could do about it. I went slowly upstairs as I tried to figure out how you tell a kid that he was never going to see his mother again, and still had no clue what to say when I got to his room. When I looked through his doorway and saw him happily playing with his computer I was tempted to put off telling him, but after taking a deep breath, I stepped into his room. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and turning his head he asked how many more days we had together before he had to go home. When I didn't reply I could see him looking closely at me, and then he got out of his chair and walked over and hugged me around my waist. "You are home." I replied. We sat down on the edge of the bed and he cried as I told him truthfully what his mother had said to me. When I finished he asked me if he had to go to an orphanage, and I assured him that I was going to do my best to make sure that he never did, and although I wasn't sure how I was pretty sure that I could prevent it. He was a little relieved to hear that but continued crying as I sat beside him trying to comfort him. Eventually the tears stopped and he went deep into thought as he sat leaning against me. After a long time I could see the look on his face change from one of sadness to anger and determination. After a couple more minutes he stood up and asked me to follow him to the kitchen when we got there he asked me to sit down and wait for him to call me. With that he headed downstairs. He'd made a decision, I didn't know what it was, but I trusted his intelligence enough to know that it must be right for him. I heard the weight machines crashing in the basement and could tell by the sound that he was working them hard and fast. I didn't think he could keep up that pace for long but his emotions must have been giving him amazing strength and endurance because it was almost two hours before the basement fell silent. Soon I heard a noise then I heard him call my name. When I got downstairs I saw the dungeon door was open so I went in closing the panel behind me. When I got to the end of the corridor I couldn't believe what I saw. He was naked hanging from the spreader, his feet almost two feet [60 cm] off the floor. There was a stool lying on its side across the room where he'd kicked it to after hooking himself to the bar. He was breathing hard, covered in sweat and every muscle in his body looked to be pumped. His hair was stuck to his chest where he must have put it before attaching himself to the bar and I could see he showed no sign of erection at all. All he said was "Back, hard, now, till I say stop!" and he looked over at the heavy cat he'd put on the bench. I picked up the whip, and although I didn't feel right about it, I trusted his judgment and stepped beside him. I gave him a fairly hard lash to the center of his back and he immediately said "harder!" I hit him a little harder and he said "harder!" I hit him a little harder and told him that that was as hard as I'd go. "A lot then!" was his reply so I set about covering his sweaty back with hard lashes. Although I'd whipped him before this wasn't the same person. He just hung there and the only response he gave was an occasional twitch when the whip hit a tender spot. I paused and went in front of him and saw that instead of the glassy blissful look in his eyes that he had when he was in his zone all I saw was anger. I could see that he was still completely soft and was getting no pleasure from this at all. All he was getting was pain and that's all he wanted right now. He looked at me and asked for more so I went back beside him and continued. I'd long ago run out of clear skin and was now putting lashes on top of welts but aside from the occasional twitch he gave no response. I really wanted to stop, but if I stopped before he told me to, the whole thing would be ruined for him, so I trusted him and kept lashing away at his back. Finally after over a hundred lashes he said "enough." I dropped the whip and stepped in front of him and although he was still soft the look in his eyes had changed to a look of peacefulness. He's done what he had to do I thought as I carefully carried him upstairs and put him face down on his bed. I removed his wrist cuffs and went to my room to get something for his back. I had some cream that I'd gotten from the shop were I'd bought all the dungeon supplies and now I was really hoping that it worked as well as the salesman said it did. When I got back to the room I was feeling really guilty about what I'd done until he looked up at me and said, "Thank you, I feel a lot better now." I sat down beside him and I could tell that he was crying again so I warmed up some of the cream between my hands and started to gently put it on his back. I could feel him flinch as I touched some of the worst spots but when I apologized he said it was ok and the cream was making it hurt a lot less. When I finished I got up to leave but he asked me to stay with him so I lay down beside him. He turned his head to me and gave me a weak little smile that made me feel a lot better. We lay there for a long time just looking at each other and occasionally talking. Finally sometime after midnight he looked seriously at me and said, "I guess some mothers are just baby makers too." With that he put his head down and went to sleep. He'd put his mother out of his life and I never heard him mention her again. I lay there for a while and watched him sleep as I wondered what our futures held. I soon decided that the present was more important right now and Bobby was going to need me tomorrow so I put my head down and went to sleep.
Chapter 10He was already awake the next morning when I woke up and had just been laying there looking at me. When he saw I was awake he smiled at me and said he felt much better, but he thought he'd pass on any workouts or whippings for a few days. He paused for a few seconds and added that he might be up for the nipple clips by tonight though. We both laughed and I felt like hugging him but I didn't think that was a good idea right now. I looked at his back and was relieved to see that it looked much better. I asked him if he wanted more cream on it but he said he wanted a cool shower first since he was so sweaty last night. It sounded like a good idea so I helped him up and he walked stiffly into his bathroom. When I returned he was lying on his stomach on his bed and reported that he felt a lot better. I put the cream on and asked him what he wanted to eat, and after telling him to stay put, I went to get it for him. After he ate I asked him what he wanted to do and he said he thought that he might be able to sit backwards on his chair and use his computer. It worked all right and he was comfortable so I got another chair from the next room and sat beside him and we went surfing together. Since it was my old computer it still had my favorites on it so I showed him some of the S/M sights I liked. He was moderately interested and thought some of the leather harnesses looked like fun and then he saw a picture of a twink with pierced nipples. That got his attention and he was soon flooding me with questions about them leading up to the inevitable."Can I get it done too?" "It's a pretty big decision and I understand it's really painful for a while." "Why do you think I want it?" I told him that he couldn't really do anything like that until we figured out how we could stay together as a family but if we got that worked out I'd think about it. I showed him how to use a search engine and while he learned all he could about piercing I went to make lunch. I called up to him to see if he thought he could make it down to eat lunch and he said he'd be right there. When he got there I saw that not only was he moving much easier but also that his shorts were tented and his nipples were showing definite signs of being played with. While we ate he told me all he'd learned, and about a place that he'd book marked that sold everything you needed by mail order. I reminded him that we had to become permanent first and he said we'd figure that out right after lunch. After putting more cream on his back, and noting that the marks were fading fast, we went into the study to figure out how we were going to have a future together. We sat there for hours trying to figure out how I could adopt him without the possibility of children's services taking him away from me and putting him into foster care. I knew it was possible for a single person to adopt but it wasn't easy and no matter what Bobby wanted there was a strong chance that they'd take him away. After several dead end ideas I was about to give up when, after a long silence, Bobby looked up at me grinning from ear to ear said. "If you can't adopt me 3; then I'll adopt you!" I started to laugh and he said. "But I'm serious! Just change your last name to the same as mine and no one will ever know the difference!" I was about to tell him all the reasons why it wouldn't work, when I realized that I couldn't think of any. I had no relatives and the only friends I had were back in New York and even they were more like casual acquaintances than close friends. The kid was a genius! All I had to do was legally change my last name and nobody would ever question that I wasn't his father. We both sat there for a couple more hours trying to figure out flaws to the plan and couldn't come up with anything that we couldn't work around. I was so happy that I scooped him off the sofa and gave him a big hug, completely forgetting about his sore back. When I remembered I quickly eased my grip and when he leaned back I was glad to see him still smiling happily. "Sorry about that." "I liked it 3; do it again." "You little scamp!" "Can we order the piercing kit now?" "Not yet, but you'd better show me the website. With a little luck we might need it soon." We went happily up to his room to see the website and I noticed that he was moving normally and you had to look really close to see any marks on his back at all. I'd have to get some more of that cream I thought, and then thinking of Bobby's appetite for the lash, I wondered if they sold it in fifty-five gallon [200 liter] drums. He excitedly showed me the site, and what he thought was needed, and I noticed that they had a store in L.A. I was hoping that this all worked out and we'd soon have to go there. I asked him if he felt well enough to go out and he said he felt great, so I told him to put on his old clothes and we'd go to his old home to get his id and anything else he wanted. I went downstairs and called my lawyers office and made an appointment for the next day. I'd used him to solve the legal mess when I was buying the house and he really knew his stuff. I'd given him some stock tips that I know he made a killing on and once when I asked him if he had a family he told me he and his wife had tried to adopt but because they both worked children's services deemed them unfit. Both of those things made him ideal for what I needed, he hated children's services, and he owed me a favor. Bobby came bounding down the stairs looking like a perfect little street urchin and just as I was about to ask he showed me his key and went running into the garage. By the time I got there he was already sitting in the passenger seat of the old pickup and we were soon rumbling down the road to his old home. We checked the mailbox and found something from the school so we took that and left the rest in the box. Inside the apartment we found his id and when I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to take with him and he instantly said no. We went out to the truck and he didn't even look back and I figured he must have gotten closure on all that part of his life last night. As soon as we were back to the truck he was right back to his old self, laughing and having a great time. After eating out we went home and tried to relax but we were both anxiously discussing our early meeting with the lawyer. I put more cream in his back and we went to sleep in our own beds for the first time in many nights.
Chapter 11My alarm woke me the next morning and when I went to Bobby's room to wake him up he was already sitting on the side of his bed showered, dressed in his best clothes, and ready to go. He wanted to get on with this! At the lawyers office we were happy to find out, that although it wasn't entirely ethical, he thought it would work, but if he decided to do it, it would probably take at least a week to get the paperwork all done. I reminded him that insider trading wasn't entirely ethical either. We had a good laugh and he agreed to do it, but first he wanted to talk to Bobby alone, just so he could do it with a clear conscience.I went out to the reception area and waited nervously while he talked to Bobby. I knew Bobby wouldn't just tell him any of our secrets but I knew this lawyer had worked as a prosecutor for several years and had extracted confessions out of some pretty wily criminals. I grew even more concerned when I heard Bobby's voice coming through the door loudly saying 'child molester' and then after a short delay 'pervert'. About five seconds later the door opened and Bobby came stomping out looking quite angry but as he stormed past me he gave me a little smile and a wink before throwing himself violently into the chair beside me. I got up and headed for the open door expecting the lawyer would want to talk to me again but he appeared in doorway, red-faced, and said, "I'll call in some markers, you can pick up your new name in the morning!" Then he closed the door almost in my face. On the way back down in the elevator I asked Bobby, "What happened in there?" He looked up and smiled. "Hope I wasn't too hard on him." When we got back to the car he told me what had happened. The lawyer had asked him all the usual questions like if he liked living with me, and what we did together. Then he started to ask him if I ever did any thing to him he didn't like or if I ever made him take his clothes off, or if I ever put my penis up his bum. Bobby saw a way to end the interrogation and pounced! He acted really mad and said. "You must think he's a child molester, and he isn't, but asking me dirty questions like this, you must be some kind of a pervert!" "Hope I wasn't too hard on him." He repeated. It's a good thing he told me before I left the parking garage because I almost fell out of the car. We sat in the car and roared with laughter and it was almost ten minutes before I could drive. We drove around for a while both of us feeling really happy, and I made a few stops on the way. At two of the stops I parked so that Bobby couldn't see where I was going and asked him to wait in the car. When I returned with my purchases I put them in the trunk and wouldn't let him see what I'd bought. We spent the whole day just driving around, shopping and generally having fun enjoying each other's companionship. After eating supper at a restaurant and unpacking the bulging trunk of the car we separated to put away our purchases. I hid the two that I'd bought and I went in to see how he was making out. He was almost done when I got there and I asked him how his back felt. He told me it felt great and took off his shirt so I could look at it. I told him I didn't see a thing and after a comment from him about it being almost time to do it again he asked me to rub some cream on it anyways because he liked the way it felt when I did it. After putting some on his back and at his insistence his front, 'just in case', I asked him what he wanted to do next. After some thought he asked if the fireplace in the living room worked and I told him it had better, it cost me enough to have it rebuilt. Even though it was a warm night we were soon sitting on the sofa watching the fire. When the fire got going really well he said 'back in a second' and ran up to his room. He returned with his worn old tee shirt and shorts and asked if he needed them any more. I said I didn't think so and he tossed them onto the fire. He then came back and curled up beside me to watch them burn. He could have just thrown them into the trash but this seemed to have more finality for him. When they were completely gone he excused himself again and ran upstairs to my room and when he returned he took off his shirt and handing me the nipple clips asked me to put them on him but not to tight. I reclined against the arm of the sofa and slid back making room for him in front of me. We lay there contently as I tweaked his clamped nipples and we both felt happier than we ever thought possible.
Chapter 12We woke the next morning still together on the sofa. Fortunately the clamps had fallen off in the night and his nipples looked fine, just a little bigger than normal. I asked him if he wanted to come to the lawyers with me but he said it was time to mow the lawn and he figured the lawyer didn't want to ever see him again anyway. We laughed and went about getting ready for our separate days and after breakfast I headed for the lawyers office. Bobby must have really shaken him up because everything was ready and he refused to charge me for it. I asked him to do a couple more things for me and he said he'd send me the paperwork.After a quick stop at the dmv for a new drivers license and to change the ownerships to my vehicles, I was off to the bank. Things went reasonably well there until I told them I wanted to open a checking account and get an atm card for an eleven-year old. The manager said they didn't like to do that, but when I mentioned the really competitive rates at the bank across the street, he couldn't wait to do it for me. I showed him Bobby's birth certificate and I was on my way home. Bobby was still mowing the lawn so I ran out to where he was working and when the tractor stopped I told him to sign the piece of paper that I had and to think of a five-digit number that he could remember and he gave me one. Telling him everything was going great I headed back to the bank and Bobby went back to his lawn mowing, looking a little confused, but happy that everything was going well. By the time I got back Bobby was just going to put the tractor away so I yelled at him to meet me in the study when he was done. He came right away and asked what was up. After telling him that everything went great I asked him the number he'd told me earlier and he recited it instantly. I told him it was important to never forget that number or to tell it to anyone else. He understood so I showed him the card that went with it and said I'd show him how to use it the next time we saw a machine. I then showed him the checkbook and explained how that worked and gave him one of the branch managers cards and wrote his account number on the back of it. He understood and wanted to try writing a check. He filled in everything for a one-dollar check and asked me what the date was, so he could fill that in too. I told him and he started to write it in when he stopped and asked. "Is that really the date today?" "Yes it is." "Hey! It's my birthday!" "No way!" "There's been so much happening lately that I forgot all about it!" "Great! Happy birthday 3; I suppose I'll have to get you a gift." I looked at his birth certificate and sure enough it was his birthday and after making me promise to give him a spanking later, he finished writing the check. He did a good job, everything was easy to read, and I noticed his signature was identical to the one he'd given me earlier. He asked me a bunch of questions and when I'd answered them I told him about certified checks and the card from the bank manager in case anyone ever doubted him. We sat there a long time as I tried to tell him everything he needed to know, and he seemed to understand, and as usual was eager to learn. Then he asked why he needed to know all this because he didn't have any money anyway. To answer his question I told him to boot up the computer on the desk and log onto the Internet, and after he'd done that I gave him the web address for the bank. Once on the bank's website I showed him were to type in his account number and pin, and having done that, all his account information came onto the screen. He looked at it for a while and got a chuckle out of seeing his name on the Internet, he continued reading all the information and then asked me what that number was, pointing to his balance. I told him that was how much money he had in the bank, and he said that he knew that, but he didn't understand how to read a number with that many columns. "That's says twenty-five million," I said. "Does that mean that I've got twenty-five million dollars in the bank?" "That's what it means." "That's a lot!" "It's enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life, even if something goes wrong and we get separated." I quickly showed him my new drivers license with the name change on it and then I stepped across the room and sat down to let him absorb everything that had just happened. He had a lot to think about, an hour ago he was a penniless eleven-year-old, and now he was a twelve-year-old multi-millionaire. After a while he came over and sat quietly beside me. I put my arm around his shoulder and after a few minutes he looked up and said. "Thanks dad," and he reached up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The dad part threw me for a second but when I recovered I replied. "You're welcome son 3; Happy birthday." "Happy birthday too you too." He said, explaining that with me getting my new name today it was almost the same as my birthday. We sat there for a while, both deep in thought, before he looked up and said. "You're a great father, even if you didn't make the baby." I felt like crying but we laughed instead and getting up we set about planning what to do to celebrate our birthdays. He went off to shower and change and when he returned I told him to put his atm card in his wallet and we'd go to the mall to buy gifts for each other. He stopped dead in his tracks and stood looking up at me. I thought about what could be wrong, and started laughing, twenty-five million in the bank and he didn't own a wallet.
Chapter 13Our first stop at the mall was to buy him a wallet. I showed him how to use his card to make the purchase and he had no problems so we went off separately to buy gifts for each other. I was having trouble finding much for him until I wandered into the electronics store where I bought a digital camcorder for him. The clerk gave me a funny look as he ran the purchase through on my card, but he didn't say anything. I went to find Bobby and we headed for home, refusing to show each other what was in our bags. We had a really good supper on the way and when we got home we took our packages inside to exchange gifts. In the living room we swapped bags and looked inside. We looked up at each other, thoroughly confused, each of us thinking we'd somehow mixed the bags up, until we finally figured out that we'd both bought the identical gift for each other. When we finally stopped laughing we played around making movies of each other for a while and then I remembered the stuff I'd bought the previous day.I went upstairs, and returned with the packages from the closet were I'd hidden them, and handed the larger package to him. When he opened it up and looked inside he got really exited. There were several leather harnesses inside and a small set of tan colored restraints. He wanted to try the restraints on right away and as I put them on, I explained that they were less bulky than what he had been wearing because they were narrower, and locked on instead of having adjustable buckles, but while they were too narrow for suspension, they were strong enough that he'd never break out of them. They fit perfectly and after showing him the popup D rings I told him they looked really good on him. He ran off to find a mirror and when he returned he agreed that they looked great. I then handed him the last package and after looking inside he attacked me. He was climbing all over me, hugging me, kissing me, and just generally mauling me. When he calmed down a little he went back to the package and started going through the contents, looking at the kit first and then opening up the jewelry box and looking at the two little gold rings inside. I'd bought small rings, only slightly over half an inch [13 mm] in diameter, which, although they looked permanent, were easily removable. When he took off his shirt, and took one out of the box and held it up to his left nipple, I could see that I'd made the right choice. He asked when we could do it, and I told him that we had to read the instructions first, but if we had everything we needed, there was no time like his birthday. As he opened the kit and brought the instructions to me I looked at his tiny little nipples thinking that I'd probably never see them that small again. I was right, by the time we finished reading the instructions they were already considerably larger. The instructions were easy to understand and the kit was complete, and as the box said. "All you need to add are the nipples!" so we were ready. I asked him if he wanted to be strapped down to the bondage table downstairs but he said that, although he liked being tied up, he wanted to do this unrestrained. I had a quick vision of getting the needle halfway through and him jumping and ripping his nipple off, but I understood that he knew his limits pretty well, so I trusted his decision. We decided that the bathroom in my room had the best light so I picked up everything and headed upstairs. He said it was too bad we couldn't tape it so I told him to get his camcorder and told him were the tripod was in my 35mm camera bag. We got everything ready and just before I put on the gloves I hit record on the camera. He'd worked his nipples into full erection and he was sitting on the vanity waiting to begin. We found that if he sat with his arms at his sides and leaned forward slightly that it made the best target. I felt like I should ask him if he was sure about this but I knew him well enough to know that he was. I stepped forward, and after lining everything up and telling to take a deep breath, I carefully pushed the needle through his left nipple. It went through straight and clean. It must have hurt terribly but he didn't flinch or cry out he just slowly let out his breath. He'd asked to have both piercings done first so I used the second needle that was in the kit and we repeated the whole process on his right side. He took it equally well so I stepped back to check my work and was relieved to see that both needles were perfectly level and in just the right spot through the nipples. He must have been hurting but he was giving no outward signs of it, aside from the big bulge in his shorts. I asked him if he was ready for the rings and he was so I carefully replaced the needles with the tiny gold rings and swabbed the area again. When I stepped back and looked he excitedly asked me if they looked Ok and I told him they looked great. Jumping down off the vanity he hurried into my room to look in the mirror, and after removing the gloves and turning off the camera, I went to see if he liked them. He loved them! He was standing in front of the mirror, posing, and seeing how they looked from all possible angles. When he saw that they looked good no matter how he looked at them, he stopped posing and looked straight on at his reflection in the mirror, and putting his right index fingernail under his left nipple ring, he gave it a little flip. I saw him flinch slightly for the first time since we'd begun. He turned around and said. "They're sore but they look and feel great." "I don't know how they feel but I'll agree that they look great." He started to run towards me and was about to jump up to give me a hug when he must have thought of the consequences of our chests slamming together and stopped himself just in time. "Maybe you better just bend over for this." I bent over and he put his arms around my neck and after giving me a hug and a kiss he softly said. "Thanks dad. You did a great job."
Chapter 14We cleaned up the bathroom and after I told him a trip to the hospital for infected nipples wouldn't be a good thing, he took the cleaning solution to his room, and promised to clean them at least twice as often as the instructions called for. I took the tripod and camera downstairs and after separating them he sat down with the camera to watch the replay on the lcd that was built into it. He thought it was great and said we'd have to tape more stuff like that. When the replay ended he asked to try on some of the other things I'd bought for him. We looked at the first harness and decided that the suspender type straps going up the front would be a little too close to his nipples for tonight so we tried the other one. He stripped as I warned him that it was the smallest one I could get, but it would probably still be too big for him, but I could remove some rivets and shorten some of the straps to make it fit better later.There was a belt that went around his waist and to my surprise it tightened right up and still had notches left over. Next was a crotch strap that was wide in the groin area and tapered to a narrow strip to go between his cheeks. We worked his prick and balls through the hole in the crotch section and I adjusted the straps where it attached to the belt so it fit tightly but he wasn't going to lose the family jewels. I was trying to figure out the upper part and he was squirming around getting used to the feel of what we had already put on him when he suddenly said. "Hey this is almost the same as the one Tim had!" I thought for a second and said. "You little scamp, you've been reading the story I downloaded!" "If you didn't want me reading it you shouldn't have left it hidden on your hard drive," he laughed. I was putting the rest of the harness on him as I told him I hadn't finished the story yet, and asked him if the last part was as good as the first. He told me it was good but he thought it had a sad ending, and when I asked him what happened, expecting to hear about a death or something, he told me that Tim finally got his first real whipping, but because his joints were sore, he got it on his front instead of his back. Bobby said that he thought everybody's first good whipping should be on their back. Quite a tragic ending, I thought as I did up the last buckle on the harness, and deciding to see if he remembered any more of the story I said, "Present!" He thought for a second and started to move into the position when he yelled, "Ouch!" We both remembered his freshly pierced nipples a little too late, and when he'd thrown his hands behind his head and spread his elbows, the quick stretching in his chest almost dropped him to his knees, but he was still trying to get into the position. "Don't do it! Stop trying to do it!" I yelled, and was relieved to see him slowly bringing his arms back down to his sides. "I'm really sorry about that. I forgot about your nipples." "Don't feel bad, I forgot too! Until I started to spread my elbows that is, then I remembered real quick 3; and they're my nipples!" We both had a good laugh and when we calmed down he went up to my room to see how he looked in the mirror. He came back and wanted a couple of the straps shortened so it felt tighter and when I did I was surprised that they still had even tighter adjustments than what he wanted. Either there are more people like us around L.A. or there are some pretty kinky midgets, I thought, as I tried to imagine how small someone would have to be to need the tightest adjustments. Bobby said that felt good and he asked me if I liked it. In addition to the lower part it had a wide collar for his neck and a strip of leather running from the collar down the middle of his chest to the belt around his waist. There was a similar strap on the back and both had a large D ring at about nipple level. I told him it looked really good and I especially liked the way the crotch strap spread his cheeks slightly and made his bottom look even cuter than it normally was. He said that was good, because he seemed to remember something being said about a birthday spanking and walked over and lay across my lap, being careful not to jar his rings. I held onto the back strap just above the belt and gave him twelve playful swats on his cutely spread cheeks and then one really light swat and helped him to stand up. "I hope you're happy now son!" I said in my most parental voice. "I'm sorry dad, I'll try not to let it happen again," he said childishly. He stood there rubbing his bottom for a couple seconds and we both cracked up. I slid back in the chair and spread my legs and he sat down between them. He raised his arms slightly and after I'd slipped mine through he leaned his back against my chest. We sat there for a long time, doing what we did best, just talking and enjoying each other's company. He asked me what the little spank at the end was and I told him that it was the one to grow on but I love him so much the way he is right now that I didn't want him growing up too fast. He giggled and pressed his back a little harder into chest and I sat there in silence softly stroking his belly and chest, staying well clear of his tender nipples.
Chapter 15I didn't really want to wake up in the living room two days in a row so I suggested we head to bed. He was worried that he'd roll onto his stomach while he was sleeping and hurt his rings so he asked to sleep chained on his back in my bed again. I said Ok and he went off to his room to clean his nipples and definitely go pee.When he came back I asked him if he wanted me to take the harness off but he said that it felt good and he wanted to keep it on until the morning. The chains were still there from the last time so he lay on his back and I hooked up the ankle cuffs and waited as he slowly raised his hands over his head getting used to the stretch on his nipples. When he felt reasonably comfortable I hooked up his cuffs and climbed into the other side of the bed. I looked over at him and just lay there watching him as he fell asleep. His nipples were looking better already and because of the way his arms were the rings were lifted slightly off his chest. Happy birthday son, I thought as I drifted off to sleep. After unlocking him and removing his harness in the morning, I asked him how his rings were feeling and after giving one a little tug he said they were sore but getting better fast. The house was looking a little messy and the dirty clothes were piling up so after breakfast we decided to do a little cleanup. We went around picking up his clothes that he'd left wherever he'd stripped them off, (Something that I wasn't about to complain about!) and he set about putting everything away in the dungeon as I went upstairs to do some laundry and clean the bedrooms. As I was checking the pockets before putting the last load in the washing machine I found the letter from the school so after starting the machine I took it downstairs for him to open. It was a note asking him to call his teacher at the school sometime in the next week, and since our cleanup was almost done, he decided to call her right away. When he came out of the study I could see that he was depressed so I asked him what was wrong. He explained to me that the computer class was being dropped for next year because there weren't enough machines and the call was so he could choose another subject to replace it on his schedule. He said he felt bad, not so much for himself, because he had a computer at home now, but for all the students that had no other way to learn about them, and he wished that there was a way to get the classes back. When I told him maybe there was a way he got really excited and asked me how. "Why don't you supply the computers?" "But I've only got one." "And you've also got millions of dollars in the bank. I can't think of a better way to spend a little of it." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." We made a quick plan and we were soon calling his teacher to set up a meeting. When she got on the phone I told her my name, and when I asked if Bobby and I could meet with her, she immediately assumed that I was his father, and she said that she'd be at the school all afternoon. When we found her we asked her if it was possible to save the course and she told us that everything was still in place they just didn't have the machines. She said that she would have to contact all the students again but she would be more than happy to do that if it meant that they would get some computer time. I told her I knew a millionaire that was looking for a good tax deduction and if she could get a receipt for him I was pretty sure that he'd be happy to donate the machines as long as he could remain anonymous. She said that there was no problem with that and was thrilled with the prospect of having the course available again. She told Bobby that because there were fewer students next year in the grade that she'd been teaching, she was teaching the next higher grade next year, and she saw on the schedule that he was in her class again. He was happy about that and I could tell that they liked each other, as she went on heaping praise on him as her best student and how smart he was. She told us that she thought they would need at least ten machines and she said what type was required. Suddenly Bobby said. "Maybe I can take a double computer class since the doctor says I can't do gym anymore." She looked at him sadly, thinking that the smog was claiming another victim and said. "We usually need a note from the doctor but I'm sure we can work something out." He's pretty good with teachers too I thought as we started to leave, promising to let her know as soon as we knew more. She walked us to the door and when we were part way to the truck Bobby suddenly turned and ran back to where she was standing yelling. "Look what I got for my birthday!" I almost died! I looked around in shock, thinking that I would see him hiking up the front of his shirt to show off his nipple rings, but was relieved to see him pull out his wallet instead. I waited for him in the pickup and when he got there he was grinning from ear to ear and looked up at me and happily said. "Gotcha!" I realized that I'd just been had by a pro. "How'd she like your wallet?" "She said it was nice. Look she even gave me a dollar to put in it." We both had a good laugh as I left the school and we headed for a large computer store that I'd always found to have good value on complete systems. On the way we discussed what he should get and after he told me how the bigger kids always got the most time by intimidating the smaller kids we decided that it would be best if he got enough so no-one had to share. We also decided that it made more sense to get them a little faster than what she thought was needed because the price wouldn't be much more and they'd take a little longer to become obsolete. Bobby told me that since it was his money that he wanted to try to do the deal himself so after reminding him to watch the body language of the people he was dealing with and giving him a few tips and suggestions we went into the store. Bobby went to the computer display area and I went to look in the software department so I could watch from a distance what happened in case he needed help. If anyone needed help it was the sales staff! Bobby was brutal. He was first reluctantly approached by a teen geek who looked like he thought he was wasting his time but was probably either bored or he thought Bobby was going to steal something. Bobby did as I'd suggested and immediately asked to speak with the manager and teen geek soon reappeared with an annoyed looking middle-aged geek in tow. Bobby then told him what kind of a machine he wanted and the guy showed him what they had. You could tell that he thought he was probably wasting his time, and even if the kid did buy a machine that teen geek could have handled the sale. He told Bobby the price and Bobby immediately asked him if he could do any better than that. The guy reluctantly said they might be able to move a little but they were running a tight margin on them and he couldn't do much. When Bobby asked him if he could do any better on thirty you could see for a second that the guy was seriously considering tossing him out of the store for jerking him around, then you could see him decide that he'd better play along, just in case. "And just how do you plan to pay for these thirty computers." He asked thinking that would put an end to Bobby's little game. "With a check if that's ok with you." "That would be alright but on a check that big we'd have to call the bank to see if it was good," he said. "No problem," said Bobby as he calmly gave him the banker's card and showed him where his account number was written on the back. You could tell that he thought he was going to get laughed at when the bank found out that he was even considering taking a check from this little kid, but it would be worth it so he could toss him out of his store. Fortunately he used a phone near where I was browsing so I could hear his end of the conversation. He called the number on the card and asked for the person whose name was on it. After a brief wait he said who he was and then said. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I've got this little kid in my store that wants to write me a pretty sizable check on an account at your branch." He gave him the account number and waited for a second then he said, "Yeah about that old." "His private account?" "As long as it's under how much!" "Seriously?" "Christ I'd sell him the whole god damned store for less than that!" The manager hung up the phone and stood looking like he'd just been hit by a truck. He took a deep breath and quickly scurried back to Bobby. "Sorry for the delay sir, but everything checks out just fine, and I'm sure we can give you a really good deal on your thirty computers, sir." They haggled for a while and finally struck a deal, after Bobby almost walked out when the guy said he couldn't include on site service for the price that Bobby was getting the machines for. They did the paperwork and they told him they'd deliver them to the school in the morning and keep the donor confidential. Bobby wrote him a check and left the store and I followed shortly after, but not before seeing the manager scurry over to teen geek and start telling him his unbelievable story. The next kid that goes into that store is going to get a lot more respect I thought as I exited the store. We laughed most of the way home about the things that had happened in the store and I told him how proud I was of how he handled it. He'd bought the machines at twenty percent off list and got them to include delivery, setup, and onsite service. Just as we got home I remembered the part at the school about the doctor. Bobby told me he didn't want to take gym because he'd have to take out his rings everyday and we'd have to be really careful about marks on him so he tried the story about the doctor and thought if they insisted on a note that he wouldn't be any worse off. I told him that what he did wasn't very honest, but I thought to myself that it was pretty creative. As soon as we got home we called his teacher at the school and Bobby gave her the good news. She was really happy that there were going to be thirty new computers delivered to the school in the morning and couldn't wait to start calling the students to tell them that the classes were back on. She wanted to talk to me so Bobby handed me the phone. She told me to be sure to thank my friend and I promised her I would. I gave her the new phone number and P.O. box for Bobby and asked her to call us when the computers arrived. I hung up the phone and told Bobby what she said. He looked really happy, and proud that he'd done something to help so many of his fellow students. He went to his room to clean his rings and soon returned shirtless to show me how quickly he was healing. They were looking good and he said they hardly hurt at all, and to demonstrate he gave one a little flip with his finger.
Chapter 16After supper I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said that he felt so good after helping his school, that he wanted me to do something a little different to him. He told me what he wanted and why he thought it would be good and I agreed that it sounded great. He went upstairs to clean his nipples again and told me to meet him in the dungeon. When he arrived he'd already stripped and had his new restraints on so we were ready to try his newest plan.After attaching his two favorite spreader bars to his wrists and ankles, I snugged him up with the winch until he was lightly stretched but still comfortable, I went to the whip rack and selected a small cat that had about twenty tails that were fairly short and not much thicker than strings. As he'd asked me to I started to gently whip his chest, not really trying to hit his nipples, but lashing so easily that it didn't hurt to bad if I did. After about a hundred light lashes to his chest I started moving down to his stomach and had given him hundreds more lashes before getting to his now erect penis. The lashes were just enough to sting but he wanted a lot of them. I skipped over his genitals for now and started working down the inside of his thighs. He gave an occasional little twitch and I could tell by his eyes that he was pretty much into his zone and he really seemed to be enjoying himself. It took about three hundred lashes to get to his knees. I straightened up and gave him a long kiss on the lips and asked how he felt. "Wow!" I hadn't heard that word for a while so I figured that he was feeling pretty good. I moved his hair onto his chest but before going to do his back I reached down with my hand and slid his foreskin back and forth a few times before leaving it so the head was exposed to the cool air. As I stepped around to his back he gave a little moan and I knew he was in his zone. As I started to whip the top of his shoulders I decided to keep count as I worked my way down covering his back and sides with gentle but stinging lashes. When I got to the back of his knees he'd had just over twelve hundred lashes and there were no marks at all except a faint pink color to his untanned bottom. It was now time for the next part of his idea, and I went to the winch and slowly lowered him down onto his knees. He still had the spreader between his ankles and had a little trouble keeping his balance at first but soon was kneeling reasonably comfortably, so I took off my shorts and stepped in front of him. He hungrily took me into his mouth and I leaned over the arm spreader and started whipping his back just slightly harder than before. He was really starting to moan and I was getting close too as he franticly worked me with his mouth. Before we started he told me to winch him back upright and whip the bare head of his penis until he came if he didn't come before I finished, so not only was he sucking me and getting his back whipped, he was also trying desperately to come. I was getting really close so I started whipping his back as hard as I could without raising welts and after about twenty lashes stopped the whipping as I shot into his warm mouth. When I stopped coming I stepped back and noticed that his prick was spared this time, as I saw a puddle of sperm on the floor in front of him. I put my shorts back on and released his wrists and ankles. He stood up after a few seconds and I saw that he was recovering much faster than he did when he had fewer harder lashes. I asked him how it was and he told me it was just as good as he'd hoped it would be, and instead of having just a few sore spots like he usually did, he felt tingly all over. We talked for a few minutes before I sent him to his room to clean his rings again and I told him to lie on his bed and wait for me. He ran off to do as I'd asked and after I'd put things away in the dungeon I went up to his room and found him on his bed waiting for me. I told him to lay face down, and although he was unmarked, I used the miracle cream and gave him a massage from head to toe as he told me everything he liked about the session we'd just had. He told me how he liked the little stinging lashes, and although they would never replace the hard ones he loved so much, they were a nice change. He wondered aloud how many lashes he'd gotten and I told him I hadn't counted the front but he had over twelve hundred to his sides and back and I guessed about two thousand total. He was impressed, and asked if it was hard work to give him that many, and I explained that it was easier than I thought it would be, because they were light lashes, so I didn't have to concentrate on how hard, or were to give them to him. I gave him a little swat on his bottom and told him to roll over and taking some more cream I started to massage his front side being careful not to get any on his nipples. We continued our discussion as I massaged him and when I was almost finished he was telling me how exciting it had been to be on his knees, sucking me, getting his back whipped, and trying to come, all at the same time, with the bare head of his penis sticking out ready to get whipped if he didn't. I told him it was really exciting for me too and he promised to try to think of more things like that for us to try doing. I finished the massage and after he thanked me, and said he'd liked it, I told him to clean his rings again in case I got some cream on them, and get ready for bed. As he was cleaning them he asked if he could sleep chained in my bed again? When I asked him if his nipples were still that sore, he confessed that they felt fine, he just really liked sleeping chained to my bed, so I was soon lying in my bed watching a chained boy sleeping peacefully beside me, wondering what tomorrow would bring.
Chapter 17The next morning, I unlocked Bobby, removed his restraints and he went to clean his nipple rings and get dressed, and for the rest of the day we decided to act like a perfectly normal father and son, which for us was quite a change. We had breakfast and after a long workout we changed into our bathing suits and went for a swim. When we tired of swimming we lay down in the sun talking about things we were going to need in the future to appear as normal as possible to the outside world. I thought I should get a newer 'old' truck, because the one I had now was in pretty bad shape, but he really liked it for sentimental reasons, so we decided to fix it up together so it ran like a new one but still looked like a poor man's pickup. We also thought he should get a bicycle to ride to school, for the days I couldn't drive him there for some reason, and I told him I'd get a keypad for the front gate so he could get in if he rode home from school. We made plans to pick up those things after lunch as we went inside to eat.While we were eating his teacher called so I put her on the speakerphone. She told us that the computers arrived and she said they were all working just fine and asked me if I'd had a chance to thank the rich person who donated them. I assured her that I'd thanked him right after supper last night, and Bobby and I smiled at each other. She went on to say that she'd already excused Bobby from gym class for next year and the doctor's note wouldn't be necessary, but after checking the schedule she'd found that when his gym class was scheduled, the computer lab was supposed to be used by a grade three class that she hadn't been able to schedule a teacher for, because they were all busy with other classes. She then surprised us both by asking Bobby if he'd like to tutor the class instead of taking gym, assuring him that she'd help him with setting up the lessons. He was apprehensive, concerned that he wouldn't be able to teach them enough, but after she assured him that he was more than smart enough, and reminding him that if it wasn't for him arranging to get the computers, the students wouldn't have had any computer time at all, he agreed to give it a try. I told the teacher that I'd be happy to help him plan the lessons if she sent me the curriculum, and with that she thanked us for everything and said goodbye. I was really proud of him but he was still a little apprehensive so I asked him what marks he got in all his years of computer classes and he told me he always got A's. So I told him he already knew the material, all he had to figure out was how to pass his knowledge onto the younger students, and being so close to their age, he should be able to make it easy for them to understand. That made him feel a little better and when I said how proud I was of 'my son the schoolteacher' he cracked up. We'd finished lunch so we went off to shower and change so we could go to buy a bicycle, so the new teacher wouldn't miss any days of school. At the bike store I was amazed to see some bicycles costing thousands of dollars, but true to form, Bobby picked out a used bmx bike that looked a little rough but on close inspection was actually in very good shape mechanically and had been an expensive bike in it's day. It was priced at a hundred dollars but Bobby quickly had him down to seventy-five and the guy agreed to throw in two new tires and a helmet and a lock for another twenty. As we loaded his battered looking bike into the suv he explained that he didn't want an expensive new bike because people would want to know how he got it, and if it looked too good it would probably just get stolen from the schoolyard anyhow. I stopped into the alarm company's shop and bought a keypad, and after them telling me that it was 'so easy to install that a child could do it', I headed home to what I knew was going to be an ordeal. When we got home I quickly helped Bobby install the new tires on his bike and after helping him adjust the fit on his new helmet he went to practice in the driveway. He was a little shaky at first but fortunately someone had taught him how to ride because even though I could ride myself I had no idea how to teach anyone how it was done. After a couple hours and a few skinned knuckles I had the easy to install keypad mounted and programmed with the same number his bankcard used so he wouldn't forget it. Bobby was riding much more confidently by the time I called him to show him how to enter the number to open the gate and he insisted that I watch him 'pop a wheelie' as he went to put the bike away before supper. We finished the day watching movies and after I tucked him into his own bed and kissed him on the forehead I said that I was happy that we proved that we could make it through the whole day with no sex or whippings and still have fun together. He agreed that we'd had a pretty good day and said. "Goodnight dad," "Goodnight son," I said as I turned out the light and headed for my room. The next morning I awoke to a familiar sensation, and when I lifted the covers and looked down at my crotch, I was greeted by a smiling little blue-eyed face that said. "It's tomorrow now! Time to get back to normal!"
Chapter 18It's hard to believe that all this all happened a little over a year ago. It seems like only yesterday, but it also feels like a lifetime.When I'd retired and moved to L.A. I'd hoped to maybe someday find a soul mate, but I'd always envisioned her as a mid twenties California blonde, but although I ended up with someone about as different from that as possible, I'm certainly not disappointed. Bobby and I are still together and still very much in love with each other and in the last year we've had nothing but good times whenever we're together, which is as often as we can be. In a week we're leaving for a month long vacation, just driving around the country seeing as much of it as we can, with the possible exception of Arkansas. Fate is a funny thing, and I can't help thinking sometimes 'what if.' What if the landlord had collected the rent a day later? What if Bobby's mother's husband hadn't been paroled? What if the contractor had finished the renovations on schedule? What if Bobby had gone for a walk instead of sitting on the steps sulking on that afternoon so long ago? I shudder whenever I think of the millions of minute changes that could have kept us from coming together and finding this total love and happiness we now share. We've never heard from his mother and he hasn't even mentioned her. I don't think he'd go back to her even if she did contact him again. When he's at school, even though I try to keep myself busy all day, I still find myself looking at my watch all the time to see if I can go pick him up yet. We never argue and even when we disagree on something we have enough respect for each other's intelligence to listen to the other's reasoning and quickly come to the right decision. The old F150 is running like a top, and although it's cost almost as much as a new one, Bobby's learned a lot and we had fun as we rebuilt it together. We were always careful not to make it look too good, and no one at his school even suspects that he is anything but poor like them. My concerns that his wealth would go to his head were completely unjustified, as he probably hasn't even spent a thousand dollars on himself in the last year, and the interest on his account has swelled it to well over twenty-seven million. Even I haven't spent much in the last year and it seems like as long as we're together we don't want much else. I went to the school one day to sit in on the computer class he was tutoring, and really enjoyed watching him in action and as he tended to his students needs. I could tell that all the little girls, and even some of the boys, had quite a crush on him. He worried all year that he wasn't teaching them properly and they wouldn't learn anything from him, but when his class and the other grade three class were tested together at the end of the year he was surprised to learn that his class scored considerably higher than the class with the real teacher. The principal immediately asked him if he wanted to teach another class next year in any subject he wanted. I suggested to Bobby that he'd make a great Sex Ed. teacher but we quickly decided that the students and school weren't quite ready for that yet and he agreed to teach a computer class again. Even with his own class to teach he still got straight A's on his report card and missing gym class hasn't hurt him at all. We work out together two or three times a week and the way he's filling out so nicely he's probably the strongest boy in the whole school. He's grown quite a bit in the last year but he's growing steadily and not in spurts so with the muscle he's put on in the weight room he still looks well proportioned. His suntan has gotten even darker, and since he's discovered nude sunbathing it now covers his whole body, and his rat-tail's almost blonde tip looks great ending just above his tanned bottom. We haven't had any slip-ups, and as far as anyone knows we're a father and son that just get along better than most. His teacher has never questioned me being his father and seems happy to not have to deal with his mother anymore. Bobby's showing no decrease in his love of sex or pain, and although having his back whipped hard is still his favorite, we are always trying new things. In fact as I'm typing this on my laptop I'm in the dungeon, watching him spin before me, suspended from the ceiling using the D ring on the back of the harness he got for his birthday last year. He's on about a forty-five degree angle to the floor, blindfolded, with his wrists tightly locked behind his back and his ankles locked to a spreader bar. I can hear the buzzing of the two vibrators, one on his erection and the other on a fine gold chain attached to his nipple rings, and below him I can see were he shot his first two loads tonight. I look at my watch and tell him "five minutes" and he starts to moan trying desperately to come a third time before his hour is up. I'm confident that he will, because he's asked me to whip the bare head of his penis if he doesn't, and in a year of using that threat against himself, he hasn't had it done yet, always coming before his self inflicted dead line expires. Life is good I thought as I said. "Four minutes!" He just gave a contented moan and I see a slight smile forming on his lips, I know he will succeed again.
The EndThis was my first ever attempt at writing a story of any kind, but while I now cringe at the way I wrote some of it, I decided that it just wouldn't seem right to change it now.Comments are always welcome.