IgnaciousCow-Boy |
SummaryA boy's family is going through rough financial times, so for the sake of his younger brother, his parents 'volunteer' him to become a cow-boy, the producers of the most popular healthy drink in the world: cow-boy milk.
Publ. Apr 2017
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CharactersProtagonist (8yo), Justin (8yo)Category & Story codesBoy-slave and Fantasy storybb – slavery oral – first med ws toys milking (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Ignacious: Cow-Boy in the subject line. |
Chapter 1I bolted upright in my bed, my mouth wide open and screaming as I clutched my blanket to my chest. Tears streamed down my eyes as my PJ bottoms quickly grew warmer. I sobbed harder as I tried to stop wetting myself, but it didn't stop until my PJs and sheets were both soaked. I jerked my head left and right, looking around for 3; something 3; My heart thumped hard in my chest as I saw dark shadows crawl around the walls of my room. I reached to my side and grabbed my teddy, squeezing him to my chest, my light green eyes just peeking over his head in between his ears as I bit down gently on the back of his fluffy head, my saliva making a slowly growing damp spot that wet my face from my chin up to my nose. I didn't see any monsters around, but that didn't mean they couldn't see me. I whimpered and squeezed my teddy closer to my chest. If I stayed really still, I could just barely hear what sounded like hushed whispering. I didn't blink for a few minutes, my eyes constantly running back and forth across the room as my heart slowed down. I couldn't even remember what the nightmare had been about, and that just made it worse. The pee cooled down to an uncomfortable level, squishing wetly every time I adjusted myself. I was still sniffling when I scootched over to the edge of my bed and ever so slowly eased my head down, making sure my teddy was still in front to protect me just in case there was something under my bed. It was completely dark down there. "Do you see anything, Teddy?" I mumbled into the back of his head. He didn't say anything, so I pulled my head back up and looked around the room to make sure that nothing had snuck in while I wasn't looking. I quickly swung my legs over the bed and rushed over to the door before anything under the bed could get me, my teddy still clutched to my chest as I reached up and flicked the light switch. I turned around and pressed my back against the wall, a deep sigh of relief easing out of my lungs. I dropped down to the floor, rubbing my face into the damp back of my fuzzy teddy. I could still hear the whispering voices, a bit louder now, but I'd known the light wouldn't help with that. I took a few minutes to let my heart slow down, then got up and pulled my wet sheets off the bed, tossing them into the dirty clothes hamper along with my pee soaked PJs. I went into my drawer and pulled out another pair of pajamas. They were a fluffy white onesie that felt a bit childish for me, but it was so comfy to wear that I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. I spread a new sheet onto my bed and then sat my teddy down on top of it. I walked back to the light switch, making sure the path to my bed was clear before flipping the switch and dashing back to my bed, diving into my teddy and quickly tugging the blanket over my head. I hugged my teddy to my chest, resting my head on his as the air under my blanket warmed up. The whispering died down for now. My eyes drifted shut 3; 3;And then shot open. The dull whispers from before were back, louder. My parents were screaming at each other. The doors to both our rooms were closed and they weren't very close to each other in any case, so most of the words turned into a muffled mass of anger by the time they got to me. I pulled my pillow over my head and squeezed it around my ears. It always felt so horrible when my parents fought, especially since they did their best to hide it from me, always putting on thin, stressed smiles whenever they were together with me after a fight. It was about money. My father had lost his job and now the family was scraping by on savings and what little money my mother earned in her part time job. Recently I'd actually had to switch over to regular cow milk on my cereal. My parents tried to tell me that it was just as good, but it was always so thin that I could barely taste it. I had to force myself to eat every bite and the leftover milk always went down the sink. I sniffled into my sheets as the words "Money!" and "Cody!" vibrated through the walls of my room. The loud, arguing voices of my mom and dad grew louder and louder. "Volunteer 3;! 3;Like it 3;! 3;Seen the videos 3;! They all look so happy out on the farm." "I know. But I don't have to like it." They'd finally lowered their voices, just in time to knock on my door and open it up. "Hey there sweetie, are you up?" My mother called out into my room, turning the light on. I quickly wiped my face on the sheets and then lifted up my head, holding my soft fuzzy blanket around my face. "I'm up 3;" my soft boy-soprano answered as I looked up into the pained faces of my mother and father. "What's going on?" My mother opened her mouth, and then closed it, looking away from my face. My father sighed and then a forced smile worked onto his lips. "You like watching cow-boy documentaries on the TV, right kiddo?" I slowly nod my head, not quite sure why they'd wake me up in the middle of the night to ask about that. "Well, how would you like to go see them up close? On a farm?" A big smile broke across my face as I eagerly nodded my head. "Can I really?" I squeaked, tossing the blanket off my head and jumping down onto the floor. The soft footies of my full body pajamas sank into the thick carpet of my room as I ran over to my mom and dad and hopped up and down in front of them. "Ah 3; But wouldn't that be pretty expensive? Can we really afford it?" I bit down on my lip, suddenly less enthused about the idea, despite how amazingly fun it sounded. My dad chuckled and rubbed his hand through my hair. "Leave worrying about the money to the adults, kiddo. If it makes you feel better, there won't be any cost to us. You can just go and pet and play with the cow-boys as much as you like." I jumped up and hugged my dad, wrapping my legs around his waist and nuzzling my face into his chest as he wrapped his hands around my bottom to keep me from falling down. Early the next morning my parents loaded my little brother and I up into the backseat of the family sedan. I teased him the whole way to our elementary school about how I was going to play with cow-boys all day while he was stuck in boring class. "If you like cow-boys so much, then why don't you just apply to be farmhand while you're there!" he yelled and stuck his tongue out at me. "Ah~ Maybe I will," I shot back, "Then I'll get to drink aaaall the cow-boy milk that I want while you're stuck with the disgusting regular milk! Hey, if you beg me real nice right now, I'll even bring a freshly milked bottle back for you." I grinned down at the smaller boy, loving the conflicted look that spread across his face as he weighed his pride against the possibility that I wasn't lying. " 3;You really will?" the smaller boy asked, licking his lips at the thought of a full bottle of fresh cow-boy milk all to himself. My teeth flashed as the grin expanded and I nodded my head. "Uuuu 3;" He looked down at his lap, picking at his jeans. "You promise?" He looked up at me nibbling on his full pink bottom lip. "I promise. All you have to do is beg me for it." "Urrr 3; Fine! Please, my beloved big brother, bring me back a bottle of freshly milked cow-boy milk. I could never hope to achieve your brilliance, so please please please, help this poor boy out and bring me a bottle filled to the brim!" "Oh wow! You even managed not to roll your eyes that time; you're getting pretty good at this Cody." I laughed as I reached over and mussed his hair. His arm twitched upwards, reflexively going to push my arm away, but he even managed to hold back from that. The car pulled to a stop in front of the mostly empty school and Mom turned back to look at us, "Alright you two, enough playing around. It's time for Cody to get to school so we can make it to farm early enough." "Fine," Cody sighed, popping his door open and hopping onto the sidewalk. "But you'd better remember my bottle of cow-boy milk after that!" he called out before shutting the door and going to sit with all the other kids who had to be dropped off before the school opened in front of the door. The rest of the car trip went by fairly quickly, mostly because I couldn't keep myself from falling to the side and going to sleep after five minutes of driving. I woke up with a wide, jaw splitting yawn as my mom reached back and pushed against my shoulder. All the drowsiness disappeared as I looked out the window and saw the huge field filled with dozens of cow-boys crawling around on all fours. "Wahh! We're here! Look at 'em all Mom! Ah! That brown one's looking at us! He's soooo cute! I wanna pet 'im!" My face slammed up against the glass along with my waving hand as we drove by the staring cow-boy. The car stopped in front of an old wooden farm building with incredibly out of place glass doors at the end of a cozy covered porch. I jumped out of the car and would've run straight to the fence they kept the cow-boys behind if my father hadn't grabbed my hand before I could. My mom got out of the car and took my other hand, both of my parents walking me up to the building and through the glass doors to an even more out of place modern white tiled room with a receptionist behind a counter on one end and a dozen chairs in the other. My mom took me over to the chairs and picked me up into her lap. I looked out the glass door, trying to get another look at the cow-boys while my dad talked to the receptionist. "Oh, is this the lucky boy?" a professional happy voice asked. "That's the volunteer," my father confirmed, "He really loves cow-boys, so he's pretty excited about it as you can see." Both of them laughed while my mother hugged me more tightly. "Ah! I can see him! The brown cow! Do you think they really make chocolate cow-boy milk, Mommy?" I asked, eyes wide and sparkling like my grin as I look up at my mom. "Oh, I wouldn't know, why don't you ask the farmhands when you go out to play with them?" Her voice quivered slightly, but she was looking out the door too, towards our car, so I couldn't see her face, only her chin. "Ah! I'm gonna!" I declared, nodding my head with conviction while my dad answered some questions from the receptionist. "So, let's go over this just to make sure everything is correct," the receptionist said in her business-like tone. "The boy is eight years old, Caucasian, has no known injuries or illnesses including STDs, with no sexual history of any kind. Oh, and he really likes cow-boys." The smile on her face was audible with that last sentence. "Is that correct? Just sign here, and have the little tyke sign the line right next to it and you'll be good to go." She handed a clipboard and pen over to my father and he quickly signed it and then brought it over to me. "Alright," he said in a tight voice, "J-just sign right here and you can play with the cow-boys all you like, son." He handed the pen and clipboard over to me. My eyes quickly scanned down the page for the line next to my father's signature. I made a few squiggles that my writing teacher would've held me after class for and then handed it back to my dad. "Done! Can I go see the cow-boys now?" My father nodded and turned around, handing the clipboard back to the receptionist. She looked over the document quickly, then smiled and stood up, hooking the clipboard under her armpit as she walked around the desk towards me. "That's right! You're all signed in, so say bye-bye to mommy and daddy for now and we'll get you ready." My mom squeezed me to her belly even harder. "Come on Mom! I can't play with the cow-boys if you keep trying to squeeze me to death!" I whined, trying to wiggle out of her grip. She finally let go when Dad put one hand on her shoulder and used the other to ruffle my hair. "Heh heh heh! See ya later Mom and Dad!" I called out without turning around, taking the receptionists hand and letting her lead me through an opaque glass door and down a long white hallway. I reached up to fix my shaggy brown hair from my dad's mussing. I started to wonder why it was wet when the receptionist stopped in front of a white door with the number "03" printed on a plaque beside it and a deadbolt lock installed above the handle. "We just need to make sure that you have a clean bill of health before introducing you to the herd," she told me as she pulled me into what looked a lot like my doctor's exam room. She hooked her hands under my armpits and lifted me onto the paper strip running down the length of the chair. "The doctor should be here soon." A soft giggle escaped my lips as the receptionist ruffled my hair and exited the exam room after hooking the clipboard to the wall. "Now be a good boy and wait here for the doctor to take care of you, alright?" she told me before closing the door, a second click following a second after the door clicked shut. Chapter 2"Doo doodoo~" I hummed while kicking my legs back and forth over the edge of the chair, the paper whispering and wrinkling as I moved. I looked around the room, my eyes flicking from one object to the next. There were a bunch of stainless steel counters and trays with medical instruments tossed around. A large glass cooler in the back corner that stretched from the floor to the ceiling held hundreds of glass vials filled with bright multicolored fluids. I rolled over onto my belly on the chair, letting my feet hang over the edge as I looked over them all. Each shelf in the case had a big warning label on the edge. I wiggled further up the chair to get a closer look. One of them kinda looked like the radioactive symbol, but it was different 3; The door behind me clicked open before I could get a better look. I looked over my shoulder to see a very small doctor poking his head through the door. "Uh, are you the doctor I'm supposed to be waiting for?" I asked. He looked around the room again, then slipped inside and closed the door. "Why, uh, yes! I mean, ahem," the doctor's boy-soprano mysteriously changed into a boy-alto, "Yes, I am Doctor, uh, the Doctor." He nodded his head, his long blonde hair falling over his eyes and slightly baggy white face mask. "Uh, are you really? Your coat is kinda baggy and you look kinda 3;" I started, flipping back over onto my back and sitting up. The Doctor looked down at his clothes, lifting up one arm and examining it as the massively baggy white sleeve fell down his arm, finally revealing his glove coated hand. He dropped it again and the sleeve fell past his fingers a good half a foot. The neckline for the coat went halfway down his chest and it looked very much like he was standing on the bottom couple of feet of it. "I don't see what you mean. I'm wearing a doctor's coat, and a doctor's gloves, and a doctor's mask. I'll admit I lost the doctor's hat, but I'm pretty sure they only wear those into sur–!" His body froze mid-sentence, eyes darting up too look at mine. I just watched him in curiosity as he lifted up his hand, the sleeve of the coat folding over his fist as he coughed into it. "Yes, WE only wear those into surgery. To keep the dandruff out of the incisors." He looked at me nervously. I nodded hesitantly, trusting that the doctor knew what he was talking about. He let out a little sigh. "Yes, dandruff. It's a big issue for doctors. Because hospitals are all white. The light keeps reflecting off all walls and windows and stuff and dries out the scalp." He nodded his head, voice gaining confidence as I just nod and vacantly mumble out affirmations. "'S also why old people's hair gets all gray. All that time in the hospitals with the light reflectin' all around." He moved his hands in straight lines, miming light bouncing off walls as the cuffs of the coat dragged about a second behind and six inches [15 cm] below the movements of his hands. "Can't paint the walls, though, or the janitors wouldn't be able to see where the germs are growing and they wouldn't be able to clean 'em up." His eyes locked onto a certificate framed on the wall midway between the counter and the cabinets hanging off the ceiling. He slipped his hand into his coat and pulled out a piece of paper, bunching up the sleeve of his left arm so he could grip it in his hand. He jumped up and grabbed at the counter with his arms, wiggling back and forth as he pulled himself up until his belly was on the counter with his legs squirming behind him. He reached up and pushed the paper against the frame, bending it so the edges caught in the little gap between the glass and the frame itself. He patted it and then let himself slide back down, the impact of his shoes on the tile dulled by the bottom of the lab coat pooled around his feet. "Anyway, what seems to be the problem with you? As you can see, I'm a real medical doctor with a real medical diploma." He pointed back at the piece of paper he'd 'framed.' It did indeed say that he was a real medical doctor. The diploma was piece of yellow construction paper with the words 'Graduated SOME CUM LOUD from the real medical school for legitimate doctors' written in large letters across the middle of it in green crayon, underlined three times in purple, pink, and red. The corners of the degree had the warnings 'Totally a hundred personed real doctor!' 'Supper legit! He's got a docter cote and evrythin!' 'Its not like just anyone can print out these dagreeze.' and 'He even had to memorize ALL the words to that bone song. Even the little ones.' written in smaller print, also with crayons. "Gotta case of the weasels?" He continued while I was still reading his degree, "Or–?" He tried to take a step forward, the front of his lab coat stretching tight for half a second before it jerked his head down, slamming him face first into the floor. " 3;Uuuuu 3;" he moaned after half a minute as I stared down at him wide-eyed. "A-are you okay, Mister Doctor?" I asked, inching forward on the bed, wondering if I should jump down and help him. " 3;Dogdor Dogdor 3;" He mumbled from the ground, slowly pushing himself up. The white face mask now had two thick dark red lines running down the center, little droplets of blood dripping down from the bottom. "I didit go do medigal sgool to be galled misda 3; Whad?" "Uh, I think you're bleeding a little bit 3;" I pointed to his blood dripping mask. He crossed his eyes, trying to look down at it, then brought what I assumed was his left hand underneath a pool of white sleeve fabric up to his nose and pulled it away to look at it. "Uwah!" He turned to the sink, took a step, and fell back onto his face. He quickly pushed himself back up this time and lifted up the bottom of the lab coat, revealing the very tips of his cowboy boots before trotting over to the sink and hopping up, hooking his armpits into the counter as he reached to turn on the water. His lab-coat was still touching the floor, but from the way it swayed with little bumps appearing in the fabric said that his feet were a few inches off the ground. He pulled up his mask, letting a small pool of blood wash into the sink as he splashed water into his now bared face to clean the blood off it. His cheeks looked smooth and soft, and it didn't look like his little nose had been visibly damaged in the falls. As soon as he had gotten most of the blood out of the mask, he started soaking and scrubbing at the sleeve where it'd been soaked in the blood. When he decided he was finished, a large pink damp spot covered half his left sleeve. "Good enough!" He declared as he dropped back down to the floor and then hopped back up with a grunt a few times to knock the handle for the sink back and turn the water off. His boots clapped down onto the tile one more time. "Now, as for you, Mister 3;" "Ah! My name is–" "No no, I don't like getting names. It makes it harder when I lose my patients 3;" He reached up with one dripping wet sleeve and wiped at his eye. Water dripped down his cheek as he pulled his hand away. "Uh, I was told that this was just a check-up. To make sure I'm healthy enough to play with the cow-boys!" I couldn't help but wiggle my butt back and forth against the seat as I said that last bit. "Which seems a bit weird since I didn't have to get a checkup when I came here on a field trip last year. Hey hey! Does that mean that I'm gonna get even closer to the cow-boys!?" My eyes started to sparkle as the words came out faster and faster. "I tried to get 'em to let me milk 'em, but they wouldn't 3;" A little shiver ran down my spine as a thought hit me. I started bouncing up and down on the chair. "Do you think they're having you check me out so I can milk 'em?!" "Eh? Yeah, sure-sure. Check-up, you said? Of course. As a doctor, I know all about check-ups." The doctor nodded his head and very carefully walked over to the exam chair. His bright green eyes just barely hovered over the edge of it. He had to jump up and down, his long hair bobbing up and down as he tried to get a better look at my body. "Yeah, you're pretty cute." He winked at me and gave a thumbs up. "O-oh." I blushed, turning my head to the side. "Th-thank you. Does that mean that I'm healthy?" The doctor stared at me blankly and shrugged. "Shouldn't you, um, check to see if I'm healthy? Isn't that the whole point of a check-up?" "Hey! Who's the doctor here?" I lowered my head in shame. "You are 3;" "That's right! And don't you forget it! Now we need to start checkin' you for all the diseases since you're such a hippo-anaconda-maniac. We'll start with strip-shoat. The only way to check for it is to strip the shota." He nodded his head. "I've never heard of strip-shoat before 3; Did you mean to say strep-th–" "Who's the doctor!?" He asked loudly, cutting me off, his eyes glaring into mine. "Now then, since you're the only shota here, we'll have to strip you." "I'm a shota? I thought I was just a boy." "Nope, I've examined you and you are one-hundred percent grade-A shota. And since you're having trouble stripping yourself 3;!" He jumped up and grabbed my shirt, nearly pulling me off the chair as he clambered up on me. He sat his firm rear down on my waist and immediately grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started pulling up. "Ah! Hey!" I reached down and tried to stop him, but despite being a little bigger than him, he easily ignored my resistance and pulled my shirt up until my arms were tucked against my head with my shirt. Instead of pulling it the rest of the way off, he tightened the bottom of my shirt around my elbows and knotted it and hooked it onto the back of the chair so that I was left completely blind and unable to reach down to stop him. "What are you– Hnnn~!" A soft soprano moan forced its way out of my lips as I felt his fingers slowly teasing up my soft bare sides. "Tsk tsk tsk. That's no good. If you're already moaning like that, there's a good chance you do have strip-shoat. We'll have to examine you further to see how far the disease has spread." I felt the button on my shorts snap open and could hear my zipper being pulled down a second later. "Hnnn~! D-don't you have to run blood tests or something? Preferably something." I tried to squirm away from him, but he had my pant legs down below my sneakers and knotted around my ankles before I could even budge him. "No way. I'm not THAT big of a sadist. Now let's see how far your strip-shoat has developed." He tugged my undies down, letting my erect little hooded cock twitch up into the open air. "Oh, that's not good at all." He flicked the skin covered head, sending my little dick bobbing back and forth. "Haunnn! D-don't play with m-my p–" I switched over to a whisper, "Penis 3; It's dirty 3;" "Ah, a dirty penis. That's probably what got you such a bad case of strip-shoat. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. I know about this kinda stuff. First we need to clean you up before you get any dirtier." I felt his little fingers squeeze a tight ring just under the head of my cock. "First let's see just how bad it is 3;" I opened my mouth, trying to tell him that's not what I meant, but then he started to pull down and my words turned into a high-pitched moan as my foreskin was tugged down, the very tip of my penis peeking out. "Stop it 3;! It feels weird 3;!" I mewled out softly, my pale, naked body twisting and writhing around on the chair. He completely ignored me and just squeezed down harder, tugging my tight foreskin down further on the head of my cock. "You're stretching it! It hurts!" "Hum, nice and tight, eh? I can see why you wouldn't want to peel it back and wash it. You're lucky you came to me when you did, before your strip-shoat got any worse." He leaned in to get a better look at my little dick. My cock twitched as the gentle breaths from his nose washed over it. "Oh wow, and the head is super sensitive huh? Have you not pulled it down even once?" I closed my eyes tight and shook my head. "Well then, this is going to be a real experience for you." He suddenly squeezed down hard and tugged his hand down, my tight foreskin forced back over the slick, sensitive head. "A-Ah!" I opened my mouth and clenched my teeth, my fingers digging into my shirt. This was the first time my cock head had been fully exposed. Just the air passing over it was causing it to twitch back and forth. "Put it back on!" I whimpered, kicking my tied together legs uselessly around in the air. "Oh no! Your strip-shoat is even worse than I thought if just this is enough to make you go crazy. I gotta start washin' your dick right away!" The doctor ruffled through his coat pockets and then spat on the tip of my dick, his warm saliva quickly running down the side. My chest heaved up and down as gulped down the hot air trapped inside my shirt with my head. "Now hold still, I'm going to start cleaning you now." Hard bristles scraped against the sensitive head of my dick. I jerked my head back and forth, all the air leaving my lungs in a silent scream as I bucked my hips, trying to move the doctor off me, but he just squeezed down with his surprisingly strong thighs, holding my down to the chair as he ran the brush over every nook and cranny of my cock head. My vision started to blur gray before I could force myself to suck in another breath and scream into my shirt. It sounded waaaay higher pitched and girlier than I'd intended, but with tears running down my cheeks, I didn't even care. "Stop it!" I went completely limp when he finally listened to me, only after scrubbing every last inch of my cock head. I took large, heaving breaths, gulping the warm air into my lungs. Sweat ran down my face and soaked into my shirt. He rustled through his pockets some more, and flinched as I felt the soft cloth rub against me. My cock head was still pretty sore from the brushing, but I couldn't help but let out a sigh as he ran the cloth all over it. "Hmm, this isn't good at all. Your dick was pretty dirty, but not nearly dirty enough to cause a case of strip-shoat this bad. All the dirt musta gone into hiding when it saw a doctor of my caliber had caught onto it! Well don't you worry! I'm on the case! And I'm a real doctor!" I groaned when he pulled the nice cloth away. "Are you finally gonna untie me now?" I asked without much hope. "Nope!" he replied just before I felt a fuzzy ball rubbing against the tip of my dick. "Now we've gotta clean out the inside!" "The in–!" He pushed the q-tip inside me, gently twirling it around. "Hiiii!" I squealed, my cock throbbing around the intruder, the little hole squeezing down on it, making it feel even thicker. "T-take it o-out!" My whole body trembled. I tried to twist my hips away, but that just made it rub up against the walls of my cock. I had to bite down on my shirt to muffle my moan as he started to thrust it in and out of me. "Come on, let's squeeze all that nasty dirt up out of this dick!" I shook my head back and forth, but he just grabbed my cock anyway and started jerking it up and down while digging the q-tip deeper and deeper inside me. Then another patch of wooly softness hit the tip of my dick, followed by the tip of his finger pressing against my slit as he pushed it completely inside of me, his stroking hand forcing my urethra to clamp down on it. "'S no 3; D-dirt in 3; There!" I groaned through gritted teeth, my fingers clenching and unclenching on my shirt over and over. A soft little sigh exited my lips as he stopped stroking me off, but I couldn't help myself from jerking my hips up as he pulled away, my hidden face burning in shame. "Hmmm, maybe it's deeper down 3;" The doctor pressed two more q-tips up against my cock-slit. My eyes went wide and I jerked my arms hard against my shirt, trying to pull it off the chair. The first q-tip went down to the base of my cock already, but when he pushed the other two in, the first sank deeper, past the end of my cock, the end poking against a sensitive little nub deep inside and forcing a gasp of pleasure out of me, the twitching of my little dick forcing it to grind against the sensitive love button. The doctor giggled and then pushed his finger down against my slit again, the q-tips sliding down until they disappeared inside me. "Now, let's get this lil cock all cleaned up, 'kay?" He put a little square of medical tape over the tip of my dick, keeping the q-tips inside as he pulled his hand away. My cock twitched, the q-tips twisting around each other inside, rubbing up against the walls of my dick. I bit down hard on my shirt, my saliva already soaking into it and making a big damp spot on the orange fabric. "Alright! Time for the power-scrubbing!" I clenched my eyes, my breaths coming in shuddering gasps through my nose. He grabbed my dick and stroked it fast and hard. I writhed underneath him, my sweaty, glistening twisting, my soft undefined abs straining against his weight. Sweat pooled into my belly button and then splashed out as I arched my back. The q-tips twisted against each other and ground against the inside of my cock as my tight foreskin slipped up and down over the head. The lower q-tip brushed against my love button again and, I sucked in a mouthful of the mixed sweat and drool soaked into my shirt, letting it all out as a long, low moan. My hips bucked up into his hand as my penis started to tingle and twitch like crazy in his grip. "Oh!" I moaned, my hips jerking forward as all the naughty pleasure came bursting up through my cock. I panted hard, my chest rising deeply up and down as the rest of my body lay limp. My head felt all light and my entire body tingly. "Nnnn 3;" The doctor stopped jerking me, letting my foreskin slide back over the head of my dick and bunch up around the very tip. He ran his fingertips up the back of my cock. "Hnn!" It twitched hard when they reached my tip, the head of my cock super sensitive even through my foreskin. "There we go. That musta scrubbed up all the dirt in your dick. Now for bein' such a good boy, you get a treat." He grabbed the collar of my shirt and tugged it up, letting a flood of cool air into the little chamber my shirt had created around my face. The hot, sticky air rushed against his face as he pulled up his face mask and pressed his lips against mine for half a second before pulling back. He pulled my shirt up a bit further and tilted his head down, getting a good look at my wide eyes and blushing face, grinning at me before pulling his mask back down and letting my collar snap down against my chin. Chapter 3A muffled, worried male voice came through the door, "Why is this door unlocked?!" The door slammed open just as the doctor started to jump off. His foot caught on my leg and his upper body swung down into the base of the chair. " 3;Oh, it's just you, Justin." The new voice shut the door. I felt the doctor being lifted up off of me, then heard the click of his cowboy boots hitting the floor. "You know you're not supposed to get sneak peaks at the new boys, and no, you were not helping me." Large fingers suddenly appeared inside my dim, musky shirt, lifting the collar up and pulling it over my damp face. I blinked as bright light seared across my eyes, a large man in similar clothing to the doctor who may have been treating me, or may have just been playing around. "Um, hello sir. Are you a doctor too?" I asked. The man turned his head to Justin. "You know you're not supposed to give the livestock false impressions of you. Things need to be kept simple for them." As he talked, the man pulled my shirt off me and tossed it onto the counter. With my hands finally free, I pulled them down to my crotch. My foreskin had rolled up over the tip of my cock again, hiding the tape that was keeping the q-tips inside my dick. I winced as I gripped myself just below the head, just like Justin had done and started to pull down. The real doctor slapped my hands away and easily pulled them back over my head. "Tsss. Its file said that it never touched himself down there. You're teaching it bad habits already." Wide metal cuffs slapped down on one wrist and then the other. My arms were spread over me, bent over the top of the chair. I tried to pull them up, but the chair didn't even shake. "I-I wasn't touching myself like that! There wah–, yah–! Ah!" My explanation was cut off by a bunch of connected metal bars being pushed into my mouth. The doctor pressed a button on the side and all four arms sprung out from the center, hooking onto my cheeks and spreading my mouth painfully wide. "Aowaha! Wah hah hoo haowiee!" "If you really do want to be a veterinarian someday, you really need to learn how to treat the animals." The vet still completely ignored me as he talked to Justin, even as he unknotted my pants and pulled them off. He treated me like a chair that occasionally wiggled annoyingly, taking measures to stop the wiggles but never even thinking to ask it to stop. "You can't let yourself get so attached to livestock." "Aww, but they're sooo cute Dr. Underwood. Just look at how his lil pink tongue is wiggling around in his mouth! He has no clue what to do~" Justin giggled, the blonde boy finally pulling his mask off completely. He was seriously good looking. I would've spent more time staring at his handsome face if Dr. Underwood hadn't tugged my pants off at the same time and pulled them over the sides of the chair and locked my ankles into place. "'Sides! I am learnin'! I didn't even ask him his name!" The doctor sighed, placing his hand over his eyes. "Yes, I suppose that is a big improvement for you." "So I can stay and watch this time?!" The boy jumped up and down in excitement. "I mean, I already know all abouts doctorin' an stuff. I even got my own degree." He subtly nodded his head over to the degree he'd just put up on the wall. The real doctor rolled his eyes, making sure to turn his back to the fake before cracking a little smile. "Fine, fine, just stay out of my way. You might learn something useful." Dr. Underwood walked back up to the top of the chair and reached into my spread open mouth, pinching my tongue, pulling it up, twisting it around to get a look at it from all sides, then holding it over my upper lip to get a look into my mouth. He pulled a dentist's stick mirror from a nearby tray and stuck it in, getting a look at the back of my teeth. He let out a few "Hmm"s and "Oh"s as he pulled my tongue to the other side of my mouth and started down the other side. Finally, he let my tongue go and squirted a bit of water into my mouth, ignoring my surprised sputters and my sweaty abdomen twisting around against the restraints. "Well, its teeth appear to be healthy and white, although a quick polishing may be in order." The doctor scribbled down some notes on the clipboard the receptionist had brought in and then set it down on the counter next to my shirt. He released my right wrist, grabbing my hand to pull my arm in front of me with his left hand. He used his right to squeeze my bicep, digging his fingers painfully into the muscle. "Haah! Aah!" I tried to pull my arm out of his grip, but he just tugged at it until I felt like it was going to dislocate. His hand kept moving up and down my arm, digging into my soft young flesh. Then he started to bend it, twisting it in ways arms were not meant to be twisted. "Haow!" I arched my back, trying to move my shoulder to take the pressure off, but he just kept moving it around as my muscles and joints screamed in pain. Then, ignoring all my indecipherable screams, he pulled it back over my head and slipped the manacle back on my wrist. He grabbed the clipboard again and started talking to himself as he wrote. "Muscles are a bit lacking. Flexibility okay. Still plenty of baby fat. He should do fine on the standard diet." I shook my head back and forth, drool oozing out of both sides of my clamped open mouth as he set the clipboard down and walked over to my other arm, unlocking and grabbing it. I tried to jerk it out of his grasp, but again, he easily manhandled it into whichever excruciating position he pleased. He pulled it back over my head when it was aching as badly as my right one. Even more sweat rolled down my body, the entire room starting to fill up with my musky boy scent. The doctor ran his fingers across my damp, glistening belly, fingers stopping to dig into the hairless skin every few inches. When he reached my belly button he shoved down hard enough to force all the air out of my lungs. I breathe in, but he kept forcing his hand down and I just couldn't work any air into my lungs. I tried to flex my abs, but his fingers just dug through my muscles, adding more pain to my belly. My vision started to dim. I tried to flex my arms but they didn't listen. A flash of fear spiked through me as my vision went completely dark. What if he didn't let go? This wasn't what 3; doctors 3; I gasped for air through my forced open mouth and my flaring nose. My lungs burned and every inhale felt like someone was slamming a hammer into my belly, but the cool air finally blowing down my throat felt like heaven. My vision came back spottily, gray flecks dancing around everything. Then the doctor's fingers were at my eye, pulling the lids back, forcing me to stare directly into a blindingly bright light for a few seconds before switching over to the other eye. I blinked a few times, the whole room looking dim now. The doctor was back at the counter scribbling down more notes. I started to cry. Every sob hurt that sore spot on my belly the doctor had been suffocating me at, but I couldn't stop myself. "Haaa 3;! Hwaaah!" Tears streamed out of my eyes. I tugged at my wrist and ankle cuffs, jerking my body against them so hard that it hurt. I could feel my skin rubbing painfully against the metal, but I didn't care. I didn't wanna be here anymore. I didn't even care if I got to the cow-boys. I just wanted to go home! "Shhhh. It's okay." Soft little fingers combed through my hair, a warm arm wrapping around my chest. "It's okay." I turned my head and saw that Justin had found a stool and lost his lab coat and was currently petting me. He pressed his pleasantly plush smooth cheek against mine and nuzzled into me. His plump pink lips pressed against my cheek, giving me kiss after kiss. My heart stopped racing quite so badly and a light blush rose to my cheeks. "There there, you're alright, see? Dr. Underwood just has to examine you a bit to make sure you're healthy." He gave my chin a kiss. "I know it hurts, but he's really doing it for your own good. So be brave and give a nice big smile, alright?" He beamed down at me, flashing his pretty white baby teeth. "Ah, you've still got this in place, don'tcha?" He flicked the metal brace keeping my mouth spread open. "Well just promise me a nice smile when you get it off, 'kay?" He leaned down and kissed the corner of my eye, his tongue flicking out to lap up my tears. "Let's get your face cleaned up too. You're way too cute to have your face ruined by tears." I couldn't help but giggle as his tongue started to run up and down my face, tickling me as it cleans my face up. He even lowered his mouth to my chin and sucks up all the saliva that's been drooling out of my mouth. I sniffled, my tears finally stopping, my body relaxing into his gentle cleaning kisses. I let out a soft sigh as he worked up to my nose. I did squirm a bit as he dug his tongue into my nostrils, licking up the little streams of snot leaking out of them. I stiffened up as I felt the doctor's large hands on my chest, but slowly relaxed as Justin just switched nostrils, swirling his tongue around inside it. "It would've calmed down soon enough on its own, anyway," the doctor told Justin, "You can't spend so much time comforting each animal that comes in when it's your job to look after hundreds of them. Oh, this wasn't in the file." "Tch, you're jus' sayin' that cuz you're old and ugly and none of the cow-boys can get it up for you." Justin pulled back from my face to stick his tongue out at the doctor. The doctor ignored him and placed his fingers around my nipples and pulled them apart. "Eh? Whatcha doin' to his nipples? They look kinda weird now that I take a look." "Oh, have you not seen a pair of inverted nipples before, Justin?" the doctor asked, spreading his fingers and pulling the little slit that hid my nipples open. A little shiver ran down my spine as I felt the breeze blow against my moist, normally-hidden nipples directly. "See, its areola are puffy and have 'swallowed' its actual nipples. It's the first case I've seen on a cow-boy that hasn't been induced. Of course, since the nipples are usually protected by the areola, they tend to become fairly sensitive 3;" The doctor dipped the tips of his fingers inside my inverted nipples, just barely brushing against the little nubs themselves. "Hawaaoh!" I yelped, my back arching up into his touch. My immature penis throbbed, the q-tips still held inside by the medical tape hidden under my foreskin. I arched my back further up as the doctor pulled his fingers away from my chest, letting my nipples close back up. "Oh wow, that's a better reaction than I got playing with his penis 3;" Justin said in awe. "Yes, this is definitely worth noting." The doctor turned back to the counter and started scribbling down more notes. Justin watched Dr. Underwood and waited for a second to make sure he wasn't going to be turn back immediately. Then he looked down at me and licked his lips, pressing his lips right next to my ear and softly whispering, "Don't worry, as soon as the Doctor is finished with you, I'll play with your sensitive nipples over and over until you're satisfied, 'kay?" I pressed my chest up into his hand as he ran his fingers across my nipples, not quite pushing them inside before the doctor turned back around and he quickly jerked his hands away. "Careful Justin. A little comforting is fine, if pointless, but you don't want it to get overly attached to you. It's very likely that it'll be assigned to a different farmhand." "Yeah yeah, cuz we all follow those rules sooo closely." The doctor just sighed and unstrapped my left leg. My heart started to beat faster in anticipation of the pain. "Shhh, it's okay." Justin started petting my hair again and kissed my cheek. The doctor ignored him and worked his fingers across my leg, digging the tips into my muscles to test them before straightening it out and pulling it up and seeing how far he could push it towards my face. It wasn't very far until my muscles started screaming that he couldn't move it any further. He still managed another few inches before twisting it to the side and going through the same things he'd put my arms through. The pain wasn't nearly as bad this time. I didn't know if it was because the doctor was taking it easier on me or if it was just the presence of Justin standing by me, stroking my hair. The way my legs burned when I tried to twitch them told me it was probably Justin. The doctor gave my leg a painful jerk when I tried to test it, then finished up his tests and strapped me back in. "Truly poor flexibility in its legs." While the doctor went back to writing notes, Justin lifted up his head and looked down into my mouth. "Ah, your mouth is prolly gettin' dry, huh?" He jumped up onto my chest, closing his eyes as he stretched out his arm. "Hnnnn!" He wiggled his fingers, just barely tapping the edge of the squirt bottle that the doctor had watered me with earlier. He wiggled his fingertips on the very edge of the cap, just barely making the bottle wobble, then wobble a bit more, and then his fingers were wrapped around it and slid off my sweat slick chest. "Ha ha! I got it!" A joy-filled smile spread across his face as he giggled. "Ah! You got my shirt all wet 3;" He looked down at his sweat soaked button-up shirt. It was barely visible on the thin, nearly skin-tight black fabric and after a few seconds of brushing at it, he just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, if that's the way you're gonna be 3;" He tilted back his head and opened his mouth wide then lifted up the bottle and squirted until his mouth was full. He gargled the water for a moment before closing his mouth and swishing it around. Just watching him made me realize how dry my mouth had gotten. I tried to swish the little bit of saliva left in it around before swallowing it. He chuckled at my little display before leaning over me and pressing his mouth into the gaping hole of my mouth and parting his lips, letting the mixed water and spit flood into my mouth. I sputtered at the unexpected intake, splashing some of it onto Justin's cute little face before gratefully swallowing the rest. Although I did try to scrunch up my face out of principle. The metal brace jiggled slightly. "Why you ungrateful 3;! I give you water and you just spit it up into my face!" Justin flicked the tip of my nose and stuck out his tongue before wiping as much of the moisture as he could into his mouth and sucking on the fingers that did it. "I suppose I can forgive you though." He winked at me. "Yes yes, very cute. I'm sure you'll be able to milk it for several gallons per session with that sort of acting. Now if you're done with its mouth, I still have a few more things to go over." The doctor reached into my mouth, ignoring my tongue this time as hand pushed it down against the bottom of my mouth and pushed two fingers down my throat until I gagged. He frowned, pulling his fingers back for half a second before jamming them back down my throat. My eyes watered as I tilted my head down, trying to move my throat away from his fingers. He easily kept them in place as my stomach did flips. I felt nauseous when he finally pulled his fingers out. Everything looked all wavy as I coughed and retched, feeling the vomit trying to rise up my throat. I just barely managed to swallow it down, but I could smell the stomach acid burning in the back of my nose. "Extremely over sensitive gag reflex. Its file says that it turns nine next week. You'll have to really look after its feedings until it matures," the doctor warned. "Don't worry, we always have lots of fun teaching the calves how to feed properly," Justin promised, running his soft fingers over my neck. "Well, just make sure you take extra care of this one." "Yeah yeah," Justin waved off the doctor's concerns. The doctor in turn rolled his eyes, turning his attention to my penis. Unlike Justin's playful approach to it, Dr. Underwood just grabbed my penis and quickly peeled the foreskin back. He sighed when he saw the medical tape on the tip of my penis. "O-oh. I wonder how that got there. He must've had some kinky parents, huh?" Justin turned his head and started to whistle before thinking better of it after two notes. "Yes, I'm sure they just forgot to mention that they regularly trained his urethra using the same brand of medical tape that I use." The doctor grabbed a corner of the tape and ripped it off. "Haaaahwo!" I yelped, feeling the q-tips start to rise up, again twisting against each other. Once the fluid-soaked fuzzy tips of the first two popped up out of my hole, they sped up. I couldn't help but jerk my hips up, helping propel the two of them in an arc that ended with them in my gaping mouth, my tongue desperately lashing out to push them against my cheek and keep them from falling straight down my throat. "Nice aim!" Justin clapped as the third q-tip breached my slit, my bucking hips launching it up to my belly button where it splattered, oozing out a little pool of my dick juice. "I'm glad you had fun with your little g–" The doctor was interrupted by a stream of piss exiting my recently cleared urethra. It splashed against my hairless groin, then slowly built up pressure as tears once again bubbled up in the corners of my eyes. The stream arched over my belly, splashed the q-tip down to the floor and kept gaining pressure until it sprayed over my chest and onto my chin. I jerked my head back and forth, looking over to Justin, hoping that he wou– He had fallen to the floor, clutching his belly and kicking the bottom of the exam chair as he laughed, tears falling down his face. I tilted my head as far to the left as I could, the stream of urine still splattering against the inside of my cheek, the rancid yellow liquid quickly pooling in my mouth despite the best efforts of my tongue to flick it out. I started to fully sob, my piss soaked chest heaving up and down. A sniffle turned into a hiccup which turned into me choking on a mouthful of my own piss as the stream finally started to peter off. I had to frantically swallow my urine between coughs that sent piss splashing up across my face. I could barely suck in half a lungful of air before I started coughing and spluttering again. I gasped for air as soon as I gulped down the last of the urine. The musky taste still filled my mouth as I continued to cough. Dr. Underwood slipped a hand under my body, just above my waist and shoved my body up before slapping me on the back until I got over my coughing fit. Then he pulled his hand back and let my back slap back down onto the chair. Justin slowly climbed up to his feet, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Ha ha ha ha! Did you forget to go potty before volunteerin'?" he asked, stumbling over half the words through his giggles. "You have amazing aim, though! If you were still thirsty after your drink, you should've just said so. Pff 3;!" He climbed back up onto his step-stool and flicked my metal mouth brace. "Yes, watching a cow-boy urinate all over itself is very funny." Justin nodded his head vigorously, "Now if that was all the q-tips that you inserted?" Justin pressed his fingers into my mouth and fished up the q-tips that I'd just managed to not swallow and gave the doctor a thumbs up. "Good. Now hopefully your fun won't ruin this next test." The doctor had a thin black tube dripping with lubricant in his hand, He lined it up with my penis slit and slid it inside. It was about as thin as the q-tips, and without the fuzzy tips, it slid inside easily. I lifted my head and stared as more and more of it went inside. I could feel it bending deep inside, following my urethra all the way to my bladder. Then the doctor started pumping his fingers on a little ball at the end of it. I could feel the tube swelling up inside me with each press of his fingers. I started to gasp at piss reeking air through my mouth. I winced as he kept pumping, the expanding walls of the sound stretching out the walls of my urethra. One part of it swelled up faster than the rest, pressing up against a little bump deep down my hole. My cock gave a little twitch with every pump. I could feel it swelling up as the pressure on my little love button increased. After a minute of pumping, the pleasure from the little ball grinding against my prostate started getting beaten out by the strain of the rest of the tube against my urethra. I wiggled my hips a bit as the discomfort turned into mild pain. The doctor placed his left hand on my waist, holding me still while his right kept steadily pumping the tube up. "Oh wow, and you were complaining about what I did to his urethra." Justin had finally managed to stop the last residual giggles and wipe the final few tears of laughter from his eyes. The rod in my dick had expanded to the thickness of a pencil. I could see my little slit stretched tight around the black rod. I could feel each pump from the doctor expanding it out a bit more, stretching it tighter and tighter. I tried to grit my teeth, but only managed to make my mouth brace jiggle. "I know how far a urethra can stretched out on its first sounding and this is a device made for the purpose, unlike your q-tips. Ah. Here we are." The doctor finally stopped pumping the device up and gave it a little tug. I gasped as the large bump right on my love-button was pulled up, thinning out as it stretched and then slamming against my sensitive nub when the doctor let go. I jerked my hips up automatically at the stimulation. When he tugged again, a bit more firmly this time, I let out a little whimper as I realized that most of the air he'd been pumping into it had been going to a single balloon inside my bladder. I could feel it pressing against the exit to my bladder, the balloon flattening out against the sides, at least three inches [7 cm] in diameter, far too big to enter my urethra. "Haauu!" I yelped as he released the sound again, the ball against my prostate again flattening out and rebounding into it hard. I couldn't stop thrusting my hips for a good thirty seconds while the vibrations against me slowly died down. "Well, I'd say it's taken about as much as it can handle for now," the doctor declared, starting to twist the end of the sound. "We'll leave the sound in to get its urethra up to par with the calf-boys. After a week of steadily increasing the size, it should be able to handle the loads required of a fully-grown cow-boy." The doctor finished twisting the end of the rod off, leaving a quarter of an inch [5 mm] of threaded rod sticking out of my dick hole. He twisted a little black cap onto it, leaving the rod inside while he reached for my hands, finally getting ready to let me go. Before releasing the metal cuff, he paused for a moment, then pulled his hand away. "Well, we may as well while it's here and tied down." The doctor turned to the large cabinet filled to the brim with various colored liquids and almost as many different warning symbols as there were vials. The doctor ran his finger along the glass, mumbling the labels of the vials until he came to what he was looking for. Then he opened up the door and pulled out a pure white vial. "Here we go 3;" He set the vial down on the counter and opened up a drawer, pulling out a large plastic wrapped syringe. He tore open the plastic, tossed it in a bin and then pulled the safety cap off the needle. He picked the vial back up, pushing the needle into the rubber top and then flipping it upside down, pulling in half the large syringe's worth of fluid before squirting a bit back into the vial and pulling it free. He flicked the needle then walked down to the bottom of the chair, between my legs. I shook my head back and forth as I saw where he was aiming the needle. "Um, Doctor, don't you usually give that to the calf-boys the day before their first milking? You said this guy still has a week until he becomes a cow-boy, right?" Justin looked genuinely concerned as the needle drove into my ball sac. "Aaah! Gnnng!" I tried to jerk my balls away from him as soon as I felt the sharp tip, but the doctor's other hand casually reached out and grabbed the base of my scrotum, holding it still while the needle broke through the flesh and punctured my ball itself. "GRAAH! HAAAH!" He twisted the needle around, digging the sharp tip through my sensitive flesh, scraping against nerves and twisting through flesh until he found what he was looking for and pushed the plunger down. My groin felt cold and numb to the point where I could only barely feel a little pinprick when the doctor pushed the needle into my other ball. By the time the doctor found the right place on the second ball, the numbing cold had turned into a burning heat. My entire groin was flushed red and oozing sweat when he slowly pulled the needle out of me. Every sensation was heightened below my waist. I could feel every millimeter of the cold metal needle tugging against me as it pulled out, my skin ever so slightly pulling up around it. "Yes, usually I do wait longer, but since this one will only be a calf-boy for a week, I thought it would help it become acclimatized more quickly. A week may be a bit long, but it's better than letting it worry the other calf-boys for a few days before bringing it back in to be treated. There shouldn't be any adverse health risks for putting off the first milking for a week." The doctor finally came and unfastened my arms and legs, then reached into my mouth to snap the mouth brace back down to its compact size and pulled it out of my mouth. "Since you're already here, and I'm sure it's half the reason you went to the trouble of sneaking in here, feel free to get the calf-boy kitted up. It has my stamp of approval." The doctor walked out of the room, half closing the door behind him before stopping, walking backwards into the room and grabbing Justin's fake totally real and serious diploma off the frame he'd wedged it in and then started forwards again, walking out the door after smirking at Justin and giving him a wink. "I'll just be confiscating this until you're actually worthy of being called doctor." The door clicked shut behind him. Chapter 4"Ah! My diploma! I worked really hard on that all day yesterday. Tch. Mean ol' jerk." Justin stuck his tongue out at the door, then turned back to me. My arms just twitched as I tried to move them to push my sore jaw back up. "Ah, yeah, he can be a bit rough with the new cow-boys, but I'm pretty sure that's just to make sure that they're healthy enough to mingle with the herd." I winced as I forced my aching muscles to move, the pain of arms momentarily outweighing the burning, slowly spreading pain in my balls. I managed to force my jaw to close just enough that I could ask through my slightly raspy, over-screamed voice, "Hey, Justin, my parents sold me to you as a cow-boy, huh?" The tears that I'd just barely been managing to hold back started streaming down my face again. My stomach felt all twisted up and it felt like there was a big hand in my chest squeezing down on my heart. Justin's arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his shirt as I clutched at it and wept. "There there," he said in his soft, comforting voice, hand patting at my back. "They didn't sell you. You just got 'volunteered.' Besides, being a cow-boy is fun. You'll get to play with me and lots of other fun farmhands and even more cute cow-boys every day. You said that you really wanted to see the cow-boys and play with them, right?" I pushed my face into his chest and shook my head, my shoulders trembling as my tears and snot stained his shirt. "Yes you did. You were really excited about it when you first showed up, right?" "Uh uh!" My voice trembled even worse than my body as I shook my head again. "I don't wanna be a cow-boy! It hurts!" "Shhh 3;" He rubbed my soft, naked back. "It doesn't hurt all the time. Your balls are going to ache a bit until you get milked on your ninth birthday, but I promise when I milk you, you're gonna forget aaaall about that." He kissed the top of my head and patted my back some more, still holding my head into his chest. "They burn! They burn so hic so bad right now. And Doctor Underwood was so mean to me!" I sniffled loudly, my fingers digging into Justin's shirt. "My whole body aches, and I can barely move my arms and legs and my jaw is so sore it hurts to talk!" My voice was muffled by his chest, but he didn't seem to mind. "Shhh. I know. You're all sore right now, but everything's gonna get better, I promise. I know your balls are burning, but you just have to get through the next day and then they'll feel all better. I promise. You're going to be fine." I pulled my face back from his chest and looked up at him. "D-do you hic promise? Really?" He nodded his head and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "I promise. You're gonna have lots of fun here. Did you ever get to see the calf-boys on any of your school field-trips?" I shook my head, letting go of his shirt with one hand to rub at my eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, handing it to me before continuing. "Oh, well if you thought the cow-boys were cute, you're gonna love the oth–" He swallowed, catching himself," The calf-boys. They're too young to get their spots yet, so instead we put them in big fuzzy cow-print pajamas." I blew my nose on his handkerchief after dabbing at my eyes with it. "That doesn't sound that cute 3;" I muttered. "That's just because you haven't seen them running around their pen, tackling each other and rolling around. Trust me, any true lover of cow-boys has a special soft spot in their hearts for calf-boys. Now, do you feel like you can walk?" I nodded my head, "Yeah, I think so." My legs still felt a bit trembly, but I was still pretty sure that I could manage to stand on them. "Good! It's time to get you some new clothes," he declared, slipping one arm under my thighs and another under my back and surprisingly easily scooping me up and setting me on the floor. "Wah!" My legs shook and ached as I put pressure on them, but Justin didn't let me go until I'd steadied myself. As I stood up straight, I saw that Justin was indeed shorter than me; even though I was barefoot and he had his cowboy boots on, I could just barely see over the top of his head. "Um, can I put my clothes on now?" I asked, reaching down and gently tugging at the sound sticking out of my dick. I couldn't even get a good enough grip on the slippery end sticking out of my foreskin to twist it off. "Nope!" Justin looked up at me with a cheerful smile, "Not those clothes anyway. They aren't for you anymore. Now come on, Dr. Underwood said that I could getcha a quantomated with the place, so let's go! Heh heh, all the other farmhands are gonna be soooo jealous when they see me showing you around." He held his fist up to his mouth, but it did nothing to hide the almost evil smirk behind it. "Now come on!" He slapped my ass and started walking out the door. I hadn't realized just how filled with my musky, sweaty body odor the room had become until Justin threw open the door and a rush of clean, fresh air flooded in. The fresh air cleaned out my nose, giving me a clean palette to experience the muggy air of the room as it swirled back over me. It reeked of boy-sweat and urine. It smelled stronger than the locker room at my school after the football team was done with it. I actually made me a little dizzy, and for some reason my penis twitched. I blushed as I looked out into the hall, my hands covering my bright red groin. I was starting to get used to the pain, and it wasn't even as bad as when the doctor had played with my arms. Justin stayed within arm's reach of me as I wobbled out of the door, his hand moving towards me anytime I tilted too far to the side to help steady me. We passed by a few people as Justin lead me through the building, some dressed in suits like they worked in an office, some in outfits similar to Justin's, although generally their jeans and button-up shirts were much looser. My face flushed and I tried to hide behind Justin as we passed each one, but they all ignored me, treating the sight of naked boy wandering the halls like an ordinary occurrence. Justin waved and said "Hello!" to each of them, and they all greeted him back, some of the handsier ones patting his head as they passed. My legs slowly grew steadier underneath me as I used them, the muscle pain slowly fading as I finally got to give them a much-needed stretch. "Um, isn't that the room where the doctor examined me?" I asked after what might have been the third time we passed it. "Ha ha! Yeah, I thought you could use some exercise to stretch out your legs a bit. It really helps after the doctor looks you over." "Yeah, it does, and I do feel better, but um, couldn't that have waited until after I got some clothes on?" Justin waved his hand in front of his face. "No way. Getting into clothing makes you stretch out in all sorts of crazy ways. Much better to get you stretched out beforehand." I stared blankly into Justin's back, trying to keep my face as straight as possible as I imagined what he must look like changing in the morning to make such a statement. "Pfff– " I quickly started coughing to cover up my laughter. "Fine, since you're feeling sooo good, let's get you into your new clothes!" Justin took kept going straight instead of turning into the hall he had been for the past few rounds and opened up a door. There were lockers lined up against two of the walls, with two clothes racks against the far wall. The clothing on the right was obviously grimier and muddier than the clothing on the left. There were two long wooden benches a few feet in front of the lockers. Justin ignored them and went to the leftmost rack. He scooted hangars along it until he found what he was looking for and had to go up onto his tippy toes to pull it off. It was a fuzzy cow-print full bodysuit with a hood on top that had little fake horns sticking out of the sides and fake floppy cow ears beneath them. My heart skipped a beat as he brought it to me. It filled up my whole vision. I could only hear blood rushing past my ears. Tears started to build up in my eyes again when Justin reached me and slapped me on the back. I let out a little gasp, tears still unshed as he said, "Now put this on and tell me this isn't the comfiest thing you've ever worn! I'll betcha you can't!" His eyes narrowed and he looked around the room. He waved me down, and when I leaned over, he cupped a hand over his mouth and whispered to me, "Jus' between the two of us 3; I've actually tried one on before." He shivered slightly just recalling it before continuing, "And I regret it horribly," His eyes started to water as I looked at the suit with distrust, "Cuz now everythin' else just feels all wooly and itchy!" He threw his arm over his eyes and faked sobbing. A-at least I'm pretty sure he was faking it. It couldn't really feel that good, right? My hand twitched towards the hanger holding it up before I realized it. "Ah, yes, go ahead! Take it. Just 3; Just promise me that you'll tell me how it feels against your naked body?" I blushed but nodded, taking the hanger from him. 3; TRIED to take the hanger from him. His eyes were watering and his knuckles were white with a death grip on the fabric. "This is supposed to be mine, right?" I asked, tugging at it. He nodded his head. "Take it away!" He stuck his head into the hood and was rubbing his cheek against the soft fabric. At least I assumed it was soft. Every time I took my hand off the hanger to feel it for myself, Justin slapped my hand away. "Stop tempting me with it and put it on already!" I started to pull on the hanger, but Justin's grip didn't so much as twitch, even when I leaned back and dug my heels into the ground. He lifted me up so I was swinging by the hanger. "Just gimme the suit already!" I cried out. Justin loosened his grip, actually letting pull the suit a few inches towards myself. "Are you sure? You'll treasure it properly, right? Treat it right? Kiss it to bed in the evenings?" "Yes! I'll love it just like you do, so let me get dressed already!" He finally let go of the calf-boy suit, dropping me a couple of inches down onto my bottom. "Fine! Just 3; Just treat her right." "Yeah yeah 3;" I rubbed my bum as stood up and turned away from the other boy. I pulled the hanger out of it and set it down on the bench. I lifted the suit up and twisted it around, looking for a zipper to pull down that would let me climb inside. The only hole was for the head. It might've been possible for me to fit through it. I was very aware of Justin's eyes watching me as I lifted up my leg, my balls swaying a bit more heavily than I remember them doing before. I slipped my leg into the head hole and down into the suit. "Nnnn~ Oh god that's fluffy," I moaned. The outside was fuzzy and fun to run your hands over, but the inside 3; A little shudder ran down my spine as I slipped my leg further down into it. I slipped my other foot down into it and then sat down on the bench, my butt slipping into the over-sized cow hood. I lifted my legs up into the air and rolled onto my back, kicking my legs around to get them into the right holes. After a bit of wiggling, each of my toes went into its own individual cubby, surrounded on all sides by that lovely material that seemed to massage them every time they even twitched. Then I tugged the suit up snugly to my waist. The outside was still wrinkled, the fluffy fabric flopping around, but the inside hugged all of my curves perfectly, fitting snugly to my hairless body. I wanted to just sit there and hug my legs all day, but even more than that, I wanted to feel that material over the rest of my body. Just having it brush against my balls, cupping them gently, seemed to whisk away all the pain. I pushed my hands through the head hole and started pulling up. The opening clung tightly to my skin as I pushed it up to my neck and then worked my arms up into the sleeves. My fingers slipped into their little gloves more easily than my toes had. The collar hung a little tightly around my neck, squeezing it almost uncomfortably, but it was squeezing with a fluffy fabric that I never wanted to be away from ever again. I lifted my arms up and hugged myself, rubbing my arms up and down my sides. The outer fabric ran several inches past my fingers, making me think of Justin in his lab coat. I couldn't stop rubbing up and down my sides. Every inch of my skin felt so warm and safe, like I was hugging a big teddy bear with my entire body. My eyes slowly drifted closed. I kinda just wanted to curl up and take a little nap 3; My upper body slowly drifted to the left, leaning down as my legs lifted up and tucked up into my chest. I wrapped one arm around my legs and lifted the other to my mouth, gently sucking at the clean fabric while my thumb lifted up and pushed into my mouth. I felt someone lift my head up and pull the hood up before setting me down. The fabric didn't look very thick, but it was even comfier than my pillow back 3; Than the pillow I used to sleep with. I pulled my thumb out of my mouth to thank Justin. "Moo 3;" The suit's collar buzzed uncomfortably around my neck as I tried to speak. I scrunched up my face. That hadn't sounded like the 'Thanks' I'd been trying to say. I opened my mouth to try again, "Moo. Moo? Moo!" The collar kept buzzing around my throat and my words kept coming out all messed up. "Moo?" I tried instead. The collar stayed still when I said it on my own. "Moo moo moo." But anytime I tried to say anything else, it vibrated my throat, changing the words as they came out of my mouth. I turned to Justin, trying to ask him what was going on. My head was half turned when he tackled me off the bench. "Oh god, new calf-boys are sooo cute while they're still learnin' how to talk like proper cow-boys!" He wrapped his arms and legs around me and ground his face against mine. "Come on, say something else!" I puffed up my blushing cheeks and turned my head. "Oh, a naughty calf-boy trying to disobey a farmhand, eh?" His face split into a grin. "Well, we have ways to deal with naughty boys like you. Ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha!" He threw his head back and laughed. And while I was still distracted by the display, he attacked! His fingers digging into my sides, pushing the soft fabric into my pliant skin. "Pfff! Mmmm!" I bit my tongue, my cheeks curling up in a forced smile. Despite my best efforts to bring my elbows down to block his attacks, his fingers just seemed to curl around them, always hitting a new vulnerable spot. My mouth was eventually forced open as I writhed back and forth on the bench, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Mooohooohooo! Mooo! Moohoo!" I laughed, my jaw working up and down, my lips curled up in a smile that showed off all my pretty white baby teeth. "Ha ha! I've got you now! Not so tough while you're being tickled, are you? Are you?!" He doubled his efforts until I shook my head and let out a negative "Moo!" Then he nodded his head. "That's what I thought. Now let this be a lesson to you and moo like a cute cow-boy lots and lots. Cuz it's cute." Chapter 5"Moo." I nodded my head, bringing my hands with the floppy cow-print sleeves dangling below them up to wipe at my eyes. "Now come on, you'll have plenty of time to sleep at night. It's time to introduce you to the other calf-boys." "Moo." I nodded my head and stood up, the inner body-suit hugging me tightly and massaging me with every movement while the outer fluffy cow-print layer ruffled and wrinkled against itself. There was a faint buzzing noise in my ear as I stood up, and my legs went back to not cooperating with me. It wasn't that they were sore again, they just seemed to wobble, and the whole room around me seemed to wobble and wave with them. Justin waved me to follow him out the door. I took a step forward and had to throw my hands out and wave them around as I stumbled forward, nearly falling before Justin grabbed my arm and helped me steady myself. "Whoa there! Take it nice and slow, you don't want to fall, not that it'll hurt too much with you wearing that suit. Now let's try again." He let go of my arm and took a couple of steps forward, spreading his arms and waving me towards him with his hands. I puffed out my left cheek as I took a slow step towards him, my lips pressed down into a thin line of pure concentration. I lifted up my left foot, my body swaying until I lifted my arms up at my sides for balance, and slowly moved it forward and placed it down. A satisfied little smirk crossed my lips before being quickly replaced with extreme concentration again as I lifted up my right foot and slowly pushed it forwards, ahead of my extended left. "Mooo!" I lifted my head up from my feet and beamed at Justin as soon as my right foot hit the floor. I lifted my arms up in a victory pose, the floppy sleeves of the cow suit dangling down from my extended fists. "Great job!" Justin gave me a quick thumbs up and then reached up to pat the top of my head. My eyes drifted shut as his hand pressed the hood of the suit down onto the top of my head. The inner lining of the hood was made of the same stuff as the rest of the inner suit from the feel of it. I couldn't help but push my head up, rubbing against his petting hand. My eyes slowly opened up when he pulled his hand away and walked out into the hall. I couldn't resist the urge to lift my hand up and pat my own head like he'd just done. I frowned. It still felt kinda nice, but there must've been something about the two layers of cloth rubbing together that kept it from feeling as nice as just his bare hand on the one layer. Or maybe I was just bad at patting my own head 3; I took a few slow steps towards him, hoping that whatever the doctor had done to my muscles would wear off soon. I wobbled around like a toddler just learning how to walk unless I kept my arms outstretched, the floppy sleeves waving around with every movement I made. I slowly got used to the way the world was wobbling around me as I followed Justin through the building again. I stared at my feet, tongue sticking slightly out of my mouth as I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. I barely noticed the people we passed now that I was fully clothed and had to focus so hard on walking. Until one of the men casually reached out and patted my head as he walked by. I stopped walking and let out a little sigh, my head following his hand until my body was tilted back forty-five degrees and I had no hope of recovering my balance. "Mooo!" I cried out, squeezing my eyes shut and gritting my teeth in preparation for hitting the hard tile floor. "Moo?" It felt like I'd fallen a foot down onto a feather mattress. It was pretty quiet on the floor, for some reason. The suited man who'd pet was looking back nervously. "Is he okay?" the man asked Justin in concern before looking back at me. "Ah, don't worry sir!" Justin saluted before kneeling down and helping me up to my feet. "These suits are lined with stock absorbers so tough that he could run into a soup warehouse with no problem!" He dusted me off as I softly mooed in pleasure from the contact, that buzzing that was just in range of my hearing coming back. "Ah, r-really? Well it's good that he's alright anyway." The man waved and then started back down the hall, walking a bit faster now. I looked around myself for the first time since we started walking again. My face went bland. I pointed up ahead towards the locker room I'd changed in. "Moo." I looked at Justin staring him in the eye, my arm still outstretched with the sleeve waving below it. "W-well, you were having trouble walking, so I figured another few rounds around the building wouldn't hurt before taking you outside. I was helping you out, so don't look at me all accusingly like that! Fine, no more practicing, I'll just take you out to the calf-boys now." He started walking again. I followed behind him, one hand on the wall so I could balance myself better and not have to focus entirely on my feet. The door outside wasn't too far past the locker room. It was a glass push door that fit well with the modern interior of building, but really clashed with the rustic farmhouse look it had going on the outside. I didn't spend too much time thinking about that, however. In front of me was a huge green field with cow-boys roaming around. They didn't have fluffy suits like I was wearing, they were completely naked, the distinctive black blotches of a cow directly on their skin. I stared at them while I followed Justin towards a row of dozens of big red barns. Then, because I no longer had a wall to steady myself on, I fell onto my face. Luckily the grass was nice and soft. It sounded so peaceful out here, with just the rustling of the grass in the wind and the cow-boys in the not-so-distant distance mooing. "Are you okay?" Justin asked as I rolled over onto my back. "Moo." I stared up into the bright blue sky with just a few wispy clouds rolling slowly across it. I took a deep breath, my chest rising up as I breathed in the fresh air. I spread out my arms and legs. Cow-boys definitely were super cute, and being surrounded by them day sounded like a dream come true. The only downside was that I had to become a cow-boy myself. But that was basically saying that the only downside was that I had to become super cute myself 3; I nodded my head, trying not to think about my friends at school or my family. "Oh god, it's bad enough that you just laid down on it, but don't go rolling in it!" I looked up at Justin and lifted my head. The smell hit me as soon as I pulled my head off it. "Moo! Moo moo!" I reached back to wipe it off, but stopped with my hands halfway to the back of my hood when I remembered what it was. I turned to Justin, my eyes watering, "Moo?" "Come on, there's a hose just by the house." Justin held my arm, helping me keep steady as he walked me over to the hose. Luckily the fluffy suit cleaned really easily and it only took a few minutes to clean off the poo. "There we go, all better. You need to learn to look where you're going. And especially where you're rolling." I nodded my head and hugged him tightly, mooing my thanks for cleaning it up. He didn't hold onto my arm when we turned back to the barn, forcing me to make my own slow, stumbling after him, scratching at my ear through the hood every now and then to see if that would help with the buzz. It was too soft and easy to ignore to be annoying, but every time I noticed it, it made me want to pick at my ear. The ground was pretty flat, but Justin was cutting through the grass on outside edge of the cow-boy field instead of taking the road, so there were still a few bumps and pits that were covered by the moderately long grass. I fell on every single one of them. If not for the suit, I'd at least have a few scrapes and bruises on my knees, but with it I was perfectly fine to push myself right back up. I probably could've kept my balance, but Justin was walking pretty fast. Well, he was walking at a fairly regular, maybe even slowish pace that was too fast for me with my wobbly legs. "Moo!" I called out after him after tripping on the same rock twice in a row. He'd stopped slowing down when I tripped, so I had to hurry even faster to catch up to him, and that meant that I fell down and more and had hurry even more after him, and now he was starting to get pretty far away from me. I pushed myself up to my hands and knees. "Moooo!" He didn't turn around. He was already a few dozen feet in front of me, so maybe he was confusing my moos with the cow-boys in the nearby pasture. "Mooo!" I looked around me quickly. There were a few boys in the field playing with the cow-boys, and a lone man who must've come out of the farmhouse after Justin and I left leaning with his back against it and smoking. I rubbed my neck. There was literally no way I could ask them for help if I got separated from Justin. That may have been unlikely considering I could see where he was going and he'd probably wait for me when he realized I was gone, but 3; I looked forwards and he was even further away. I pushed myself up and stretched out my arms for balance and tried to jog over to him. I made it three steps before falling. This time I started moving while still on my hands and knees. The world didn't wobble underneath me, and while it may have been slower than a fast walk from my usual self, it was a lot faster than I was walking now, so I crawled after him as fast as I could, slowly catching up. "Moo!" I called out when I'd finally caught up to him, butting my head against his thigh. He looked down and smiled. "Oh, someone's finally learned how to walk like a real cow-boy," he praised. I started to pout, but my face laxed into utter contention as he reached down and scritched my head. I rubbed my face against his leg the whole time he petted me. "Bmmf!" Even the neck hugging collar of the inner cow suit wasn't able to turn my cry into a moo as I walked face first into a fence post. The fence post was thick enough to hold the three, inch-[7 cm]-thick wooden boards that made up the fence itself. The boards were spaced close enough that you couldn't crawl through them, but they made easy footholds for climbing the low fence itself. "Hey, what'd I tell you about watching where you're going?" Justin asked, barely contained laughter leaking into his speech and making the corners of his lips crawl up. "Mooo moo mooo moo moo moooo!" I yelled at him, rubbing my sore face with my hands until it stopped stinging and then sticking my tongue out at him. "Hey! Don't blame me for you walking with your eyes closed, but if it really means that much to you 3;" He knelt down in front of me and pushed my hood back and kissed me on my nose. My face instantly flamed up. "D-don't think that makes up for– eh? Am I–?" He pulled the hood back up. "Moo? Moo moo? Mooo!" I instantly reached up and grabbed the hood, pulling it back. It went just above my ears before it just wouldn't push back any further. "Moo!" I cried out in triumph before letting out a "Moo 3;" of despair. Well, all I had to do was pull the hood back and I could talk all I wanted again! "Ah, you really can't pull that back yourself– No, come on, you're gonna roll around in some more poo if you do that. Oh come on, I'm telling you it's not gonna go back." I had the hood in my grip and was tugging it back with all my might while jerking my head forward. When that didn't work, I rolled onto my back and lifted up my legs, twisting them over my head and pushing at the hood with them. I really only managed to push directly up instead of back, so I tried pull my legs back pretty quick, but just ended up getting my feet twisted up into the hood and rolling around on the grass mooing in distress until Justin calmly grabbed hold of me and pulled my legs free. "Are you done yet? No? That's not going to work either, you know." I rubbed my head against Justin's leg and hand, trying to get it to push the hood back over my head. Like he said, the hood stayed in place. I turned my gaze to the fence post I'd just rammed into. I trotted over to it and scraped my head against it. The hood didn't budge, but it did put a bit of pressure onto my neck. I looked down. The hood flopped down over my eyes, cloth wrinkling like normal. I tossed my head back. The hood flopped backward, wrinkling like normal cloth and then freezing in place when the edge was just past my face. "Mooo!" "Hey! I told you it wasn't gonna work!" I glared at him. "Moo!" "No, you need to keep the hood up." "Mooooo moooo moo moooo!" I pointed at my sleeve covered hands at the hood and then waved them in the air, the ends of the sleeves following at their own pace. Justin rolled his eyes and started walking against the fence towards the nearby, and actually smaller than I was expecting barns. I grabbed onto the fence and pulled myself up, walking after him at a steady pace now that I could steady myself. "Moo, moooo!" I kept calling after him, one hand on the fence, one on my hood, trying to tug it back. Justin just ignored me and kept walking forward while I wobbled back and forth, walking behind him, only keeping upright because my hand on the fence. I kept mooing at him, trying to demand that he lower the hood. It didn't work. After a few minutes of constant mooing, I finally give up and spend the next couple of minutes walking to the barn in silence behind Justin. We reach a point where another fence starts running perpendicularly to the one we're following, cutting off a little field from the main one. At the end of the sectioned off field is the barn we appear to be walking towards, the large front doors opening into the field and acting like a gate. The fence ends and is replaced by the large red and white side of the barn, a fence post squeezed in right up against it to block anything bigger than the inch-[2½ cm]-wide gap from slipping through. I kept my hand on the barn, my arm almost fully outstretched as Justin led me around to the back to a little door. Well, little for a barn door and about regular sized for a house. He pulled it open and gestured me inside. "Time to meet your fellow calf-boys." It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the relative dim of the barn. There were about a dozen individual stalls against either side of the barn. The wooden stall doors were all closed, but there was a good foot and a half gap beneath them that made it obvious the inside was just floored with straw with a little pile in the corner to presumably act as bedding. The rest of the barn had pale smooth wooden floors. "Moo mooo moo?" I asked, looking around for the other calf-boys. "Ah, the others are probably still probably eating. Come on, let's see if we can catch up to them out in the feeding shed." He starts walking through the middle of the barn, and I scurry along after him along the edge of the large room, my tummy rumbling. I'd been too excited this morning about seeing the cow-boys to eat more than just a little bit of breakfast. My hand traced quickly over the first stall as I hurried after Justin, passing over the frame and onto the door without me realizing it until I was stumbling to the side, clutching the swinging door in a death grip. I clung to the top of the door as I slowly worked my sliding feet back under me. I looked over my shoulder at Justin, already nearing the end of the barn, then down the line at all the other doors I'd have to tackle to keep my hand on a wall and be able to walk at a decent pace. I chewed on my lip for a couple seconds before letting go of the door and crawling after Justin with all the speed my young, sore limbs could muster. I caught up to him a few yards outside of the open barn doors. He was cutting across the middle of the sectioned off field, away from anything that I could use to walk upright. I looked mournfully to the left at the fence we were angling away from. Justin headed straight for a wide wooden shed set into the fence between the calf-boy and cow-boy enclosures. There was no front wall on it, letting me see the ten or so young boys lined up next to each other and kneeling next to the back wall, their heads pressed against it. If they were eating, it looked like they weren't able to use their hands. I scrunched up my face thinking about eating oatmeal through a tube. My belly still rumbled at the thought. As we got closer, I started to hear pants and groans and moos of pleasure coming from the other side of the shed. It also became clear the other calf-boys were bobbing their heads up and down in front of the wall. "Moo?" I looked up at Justin, wondering what was going on. He just reached down, patted my head, and asked, "Are ya feelin' hungry, boy? I know it can take a while to get used to the food, but trust me, once you get used to it, you'll have a hard time going back to a regular diet." "Moo 3;" I agreed uncertainly. The shed was just in front of us now, and I could smell it. It was a bit like how the exam room smelled after I was done with it, only watered down by the outside breeze. The floor of the shed was just concrete with half an inch [1 cm] of straw padding it. A little shiver ran down my back as I crawled into the shed and each individual piece of straw pressed into my palm and legs, rubbing into the suit so pleasantly. "Moooo," I almost moaned right before bumping into the back of the shed. Chapter 6I looked up. The back wall was pretty obviously just plastic designed to look like wood from this close. Just above my head, a little hole peaked out onto the other side of the shed. "Moo?" There was a wall a little to the left and a cow-boy a few feet to the right, standing up on a box and leaning against the wall. I pulled my eye away from the hole and looked to my right. There was a calf-boy with his lips pressed right up against the fake wood at about the same spot the cow-boy was leaning against on the other side 3; My stomach tingled as Justin grabbed my head and turned it over to look at him. "Alright, you just sit tight here, I'll getcha set up." I dumbly nodded my head, not turning to the right, not looking up into the hole. My heart was fluttering. The sounds of little mouths sucking on 3; things 3; was suddenly very prominent in my hearing. I loved cow-boy milk, but 3; Something hot and hard slid under my hood and across my hair. I started breathing faster, my eyes flicking half up before darting back down to the ground, over and over again as it twitched against my scalp, leaking a warm puddle of thick goop into my hair. I jumped when Justin put a hand on my shoulder. "Alright, I know this is your first time drinking it right from the source, so I'll be here to help you out." He reached into my hood and pulled it down into my vision. My eyes focused on it so hard the fake wood wall behind it faded. "This," he brushed the head against my lips, "Is a cow-boy's udder. And as a calf-boy, you need to drink from it every day to grow up big and strong." Justin knelt down next to me, his cheek pressing against mine as he started to stroke the cow-boy's dick. A pencil thick rope of clear precum oozed out of the tip, drooling down to the floor in an unbroken stream that oscillated back and forth as Justin stroked. The thick musky scent of cow-boy pre filled up my nose, my head going fuzzy. I glanced to the right, watching the calf-boy at the next hole pulling his lips off the glistening, veiny shaft in front of him. My tummy rumbled. "The precum may not seem as filling, but it's jam packed with vitamins and hormones that you'll need to turn into a true cow-boy." Justin's voice sounded like it was coming from underwater, all faint and hollow. I liked cow-boy milk, and I'd even been disappointed when I hadn't been able to milk any on all the field trips we'd taken to the different nearby farms, but drinking it straight from the source, when it would still be all hot and completely untreated 3; Justin twisted his finger into the drooling column of precum, the viscous liquid clinging easily to his finger as he brought it to my lips. He told me to open my mouth and try some, or something like that. The scent was sooo strong. I shook my head, backing away from his finger. He grabbed one of the little horns sticking out of the side of my hood. My skin crawled as the suit locked up, the fabric stiffening to the point where I couldn't back away. I shook my head again, eyes watering as he pressed his finger against my lips, the precum smearing against them, making my lips wet and glossy as he rubbed his finger against the back of my lip. The taste quickly spread across my mouth. It was good. So good that my mouth started to water, craving more, my empty belly growling. I looked up at the throbbing organ it'd come out of, trying to imagine wrapping my lips around it like the other calf-boys and 3; "Moo!" I looked over at Justin, he was smiling at me, one hand still gently pumping the cow-boy's dick. "Tastes pretty good right from the source, huh?" he asked. "Moo 3;" I didn't look at him as I nodded my head in agreement. I've always loved cow-boy milk, and while I definitely preferred it nice and cold right out of the fridge, the precum he'd pushed into my mouth had me willing to at least try it hot from the big, throbbing, kinda scary tap. I flinched when Justin bopped the tip of the cock against my cheek, jerking my head back as far as the suit would allow, a thick transparent splotch of precum now shimmering against my cheek, a thick strand of it connecting back to his dick and slowly drooping down to the floor. "Pah ha ha ha! It's just a penis, not a snake." He jerked the dick towards me again, giggling as the cow-boy on the other side of the wall mooed in pleasure. I only flinched a little bit. Mostly because the suit wouldn't let me back away any further. "Right right, so sucking di– I mean calf-boy feeding." He paused for a second, then nodded to himself. "Right first you need to show the dick love." He turned his attention from the dick and stared directly into my eyes, one firm hand on the back of my head making sure that I returned the gaze. "Do you love the dick?" "Moo," I replied, trying to shake my head. "Good! Then all you have to do is show that love to the dick. My favorite method of showing love is this." Justin swiped his thumb over the head of the cock, spreading the thick, drooling precum all around until it was glistening. Then he pushed the cock up and kissed the underside, his tongue darting out from between his lips and the cock, the very tip of it pressing against the gaping cum-slit, backing up the precum for a few seconds and then pulling away to let it drool over his chin in one thick glob. Justin pulled away and turned to me, the majority of the precum snapping off his chin and splattering into the growing puddle on the floor while the rest of it swung back and forth, dangling from his chin nearly down to his chest. "Just like that. Then the cock know– 3;" Justin paused, his eyes looking up and to the left. He mouthed the last few words he'd said to me, then his eyes went wide. "Ah! No! I meant udder! There's no cocks here. These are udders, and this is how you prime the pump." Just spoke like a bad text to speech program, his eyes squeezed closed, his face scrunched up in concentration until he finished with a nod. "Right. Not a dick." He nodded again. "So once you've primed the udder for milk, eggs, and tractors, you need to start milking it for real!" Justin gripped the base of the 'udder' and squeezed it until the veins started to bulge even larger. My eyes went wide as I watched him cup his other hand under the dick, collecting up a palm-full of the fluid before bringing his hand up and stroking down the shaft, coating it in a thick layer of the clear lubricant that tried drip off the cow-boy's dick in half a dozen spots before Justin's hand slid back up and swirled around the shaft, coating the entire thing a smooth coating of lubricant. "There we go, no it'll go down nice and smooth, no worries at all." Justin kissed the tip of it, his lips forming a tight seal that forced all the precum the cow-boy was pumping out to slide down his throat. I watched as his neck bobbed up and down almost constantly as he made out with the dick, working hard to keep his mouth from overflowing. His left hand acted like a cock-ring, keeping the cow-boy hard and throbbing while his right squeezed down the shaft, released and pulled back up the shaft and squeezed down it again, treating it like it was a regular cow's udder. The cow-boy on the other side of the hole started to thrust his hips, bucking as much as he could into Justin's expert hand. The lusty moos from the other side of the wall grew in volume as Justin wrapped his lips back around the throbbing head and pressed his face forward. His lips were wrapped around the thick cock so tightly that they pushed the thick coating of precum forward in front of them, making a little wall that grew larger as he swallowed more of the cock down his throat. Justin had only made it a couple inches down the shaft when the buildup started to collapse, some of the thick precum sliding across his cheeks and running up his nose while most of it just ran down his chin to splatter onto the floor. He kept squeezing down the length of the cock, milking it directly into his advancing mouth, his hand bumping against his lips before releasing and grabbing the base to squeeze down the length again. Justin made it halfway down the maybe nine- or ten-inch [23-25 cm] cock before it started to twitch and throb so hard that it lifted his head up a little bit with each flex. He quickly pulled his head back, a thick loop of precum wrapped around the shaft marking where he'd gotten to before retreating. "Alright, he's about to blow his load! Get in here and wrap your lips around the head and drink down as much as you can." He let go of the base of the cock, letting the cow-boy buck freely in and out of the hole and placed his slimy hand on the back of my hood and pushed my face forward, bumping my lips against the tip of the cock, still milking it with his one hand. He pushes it past the thick pre ring he'd made with his lips, squeezing it down the shaft until it splattered against my face, his hand on the back of my head keeping me from recoiling as I was drenched in it. Justin giggled when it splattered against my face, but still moved his hand back up to the base and started squeezing down the shaft again, helping to push out the thick gouts of precum that shot out of the tip and sprayed against my lips, forcing their way into my mouth. My stomach grumbled loudly, reminding me how hungry I was and how delicious cow-boy milk was. The dick bobbed up, letting me see inside the massively dilated cum-slit before it flung a thick rope of precum across my forehead and another over my nose. My gurgling tummy eventually forced me to wrap my lips around the head. It was so hot, and surprisingly spongy. I could feel the blood pulsing through it. More than that, I could feel the thick rope of precum pulsing out of it, shooting all the way to the back of my mouth so the only thing I had to do was swallow. It really was delicious. So much better than the cow-boy milk I'd had at home. Even though it was just the pre, it felt thicker than regular cow-boy milk for some reason; it was tough to swallow to the point where I was having trouble keeping up with the heavy flow. Luckily I didn't have to keep up with the cow-boy's excessive precum for long. A few seconds after I started softly suckling him in my mouth, Justin patted the back of my head and told me, "Alright, get ready! The cum's starting to make its way up!" I let out a little grunt of surprise just as I felt the cock thicken around my lips, stretching them out just a little bit more as one final high pressured gout of precum blasted into my mouth and sprayed against the back of my throat with enough force to make me choke. I coughed around the cock, trying to get my breath as precum started oozing out of my nose. I managed to collect myself just in time for the first thick, chunky spurt of actual cow-boy milk to splash across my tongue. My taste buds exploded with the flavor, little electric sparks flicking across the buds. It was so much richer than I was used to, so much thicker, so much better. There were thick chunks of sperm floating in the liquid that squished and stuck to my teeth when I bit down on them. I wanted to swirl it around in my mouth and just savor the flavor until the saliva that had started flooding into my mouth at the first taste diluted it too much, but then the cow-boy's urethra dilated again and Justin's fist came sliding down the shaft, squeezing another mouthful of cum past my lips. "Mmmf!" I grunted, half the cow-boy milk getting forced down my throat as I desperately swallowed, the other half bursting out of my nose and squeezing past my lips. Justin's hand was already traveling back down the shaft, bringing the next load of cum. I desperately swallowed was in my mouth, the ridiculously thick cum sticking to my throat, making me swallow half a dozen times just to get one load down my throat. Before I could get the second set of swallows going, Justin's fist pushed against my lips and another huge wave of cum shot out of the cow-boy's urethra. Again, a large portion forced its way down my throat just because that's the direction it was heading, but there was still a huge amount that forced its way up through my nose again and dribbling out of the corners of my mouth. I tried to pull my lips back, but Justin's firm hand just forced my head deeper down the cock until I was gagging as the head stretched out my throat. Justin kept squeezing the cow-boy's cock, milking blast after blast down my throat. So much of the viscous cock snot was oozing out of my nose that I couldn't even try to breathe in through it. My belly was quickly filled to the brim, but more and more raw cow-boy milk kept forcing its way down my throat. I didn't even have to swallow now that the head of his cock was lodged in my throat. Little black flecks started to dance across my vision as my lungs burned. In the short pause between bursts of cum shooting out of the cow-boy's dick, I blew hard out of my nose, blowing big gloopy cum bubbles that popped and smeared my face with even more cum just in time for me to gasp for a lungful of air through my nose and snort up some of the cum I'd just blew out before the cock blasted another load down my throat. It just kept going on and on, way past the point where I felt even remotely hungry, to the point where I felt nauseous from how full my tummy was. I had to fight for every single breath of air until finally my vision went completely black. I could still feel the cock spasming in my mouth, pushing out load after load for a few seconds, then even my sense of touch dulled to uselessness as my thoughts slowed down to a stop. Chapter 7My belly ached. "Mmmoooo," I whined. Something was licking my face, and something else was rubbing against my bloated belly. I tried to sit up, but as soon as I flexed my abs, an overwhelming urge to vomit surged through me. I quickly relaxed, still tasting cow-boy milk at the back of my throat. I opened my eyes and saw that several young calf-boys were crawling all over me, licking me all over. "Moo moo!" the little calf-boy licking at the chunky bits of sperm glued onto my face pulled back and grinned down at me. His silky brown hair swayed just above his dark blue eyes as he turned around and mooed some more at the calf-boys playing on the rest of my body. They were all at least two to three years younger than me, with the youngest being a little boy maybe five years old hugging onto my leg. They all looked up at me and mooed happily and then went back to licking at my body, their little tongues dragging across my suit and cleaning up the cow-boy milk that had splashed all down it after I'd passed out. "Hnnn~!" I grunted as the calf-boy on my face bent down and bit down on my cheek, scraping his teeth across it to dig up the thick, glue-like cum. I tried to push myself up, but the weight of cum in my bloated belly and the half dozen calf-boys crawling around my body kept me from doing more than moving my head a bit. Their bodies were so soft. Their suits rubbing against mine felt even better than Justin's head rubs. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they slowly drifted shut as pleasant warm, tingly softness ran up and down every part of my body at once. "Mooo 3;" I moaned out pleasurably, starting to wiggle around underneath the other calf-boys just to increase the sensation a little bit more. Sweat started to drip onto my face from the little boy above me. I swallowed the saliva building up in my mouth as his sweat mixed with mine and ran down my cheeks to get absorbed into the hood of my suit. All the calf-boys were rocking against me, each one going at their own pace and mooing softly. My already relaxed muscles turned completely into jello at the treatment. My little wiggles died down as I just enjoyed the little boys rubbing their soft fluffy suits against mine. "Mmmmoo 3;" I sighed, feeling myself starting to drift off again as the calf-boys gently nuzzled my body, their little tongues tickling my flesh, my suit making it feel like a dozen warm feathers were massaging me. And then they were all gone. I half opened my eyes and saw all the cute little calf-boys crawling away from me, the cow tails on the butts of their suits swishing side to side as their slightly flared hips swayed back and forth. "Moo?" I rolled over, my belly flattening against the ground and forcing a mouthful of cow-boy milk up the back of my throat before I could lift myself onto my hands and knees. "Pwah!" I opened my mouth, thick globs of spunk spluttering out of my lips onto the grass. "Hah 3;Hah 3;Hah 3;" I spat out the rest of the cum in my mouth and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, the cum slowly dribbling down the long sleeve of my cow suit. I looked up from the puddle of cum vomit in front of me and saw that all the other calf-boys had gone to gather around an older calf-boy wearing a suit that was completely brown instead of white with black splotches. I looked around for Justin, but couldn't see him anywhere in the calf-boy field. "Moo?" I called out, pushing myself up to my knees and grabbing onto a wooden water trough to get onto my feet. I took a few teetering steps towards the fence and hooked my arm one of the horizontal posts. A couple of cow-boys in the main field on the other side of the fence were laying on their sides, gently licking each other's swollen, slightly red balls. One of them stopped to look at me walking along the fence and started giggling. My face turned pink as the other cow-boy looked over his shoulder, his tongue still hanging out of his lips. I looked away from them, my face burning with embarrassment. It wasn't my fault that I couldn't walk very well without hanging on to something 3; The cow-boys got up and started following me on the other side of the fence on their hands and knees, thick lines of precum constantly oozing out of the little cages their udders were squeezed into. "Moo moo!" the cow-boys called out to me. They were closer to my age than most of the calf-boys, maybe a year older at most. "Moowoo!" I cried out as one of them jumped up and grabbed my long sleeve in his mouth and tugged backwards, jerking me off my feet. The other pulled himself up on the fence and pushed his precum drooling locked up cock. I jerked my sleeve free and kicked myself away from the fence on my back just before a stream of urine started to spray out. "Moo!" I yelled at them, sticking out my tongue before flipping over onto my hands and knees and crawling away. The two cow-boys kept following on the other side of the fence until I hit the outer fence, and even then, they stayed in the corner as I pulled myself up, hooking my arms over the top and standing up on my tippy toes. I tilted my head up to look over the top of the fence and saw Justin already halfway to the main building. "Moo? Moo!" I lifted my leg up, the little footy scraping over the fencepost a couple of times before I was able to hook it onto the bottom rung and push myself up. The second my other foot left the ground, the entire world start to warp and wiggle around me. "Mooo!" I cried out in distress, clinging to the top of the fence and looking down at the ground below me. It was so far away 3;! I squeezed my eyes shut, but the fence still felt like it was wobbling in my grip, trying to slip free so I'd fall down to the ground. "Mooo! Moo mooo moo!" Tears streamed down my face as my heart thumped hard and fast in my chest. I wanted down! Why would I try to climb something so scary high? "Mooo!" Something started tugging at the tail of my suit. I didn't wanna look back to see what it was, so I just clung harder to the fence and hoped that whatever it was would stop. "Moo mooo!" My tail was tugged hard enough that my feet were tugged off the bottom rung of the fence. "Moo moo moo moo moo!" I cried out in fear, kicking my legs back and forth, not sure if I was trying to get them back onto the fence or hit the thing behind me. I hooked my chin over the top of the fence to grip it better, but the thing just kept pulling and my body was trembling too hard to keep a strong grip, so my arms were slowly unwrapping from the fence until one final strong tug pulled me clear entirely and I was just falling and screaming cuz I was gonna hit the ground and it was so far away and I was gonna die and 3; And I hit the soft grass with a soft thump, my calf-boy suit absorbing the impact to the point where it just felt like I was falling a couple inches onto a feather mattress. I could feel the pressure on my gut trying to push up more of the cum into my mouth, but I swallowed a few times and managed to keep it down. "Moo?" I sniffed and lifted up my head, scrubbing at my teary eyes with my floppy sleeves before looking behind me at what had pulled me down and saved me from that scary, scary height. The brown calf-boy was standing behind me, my tail still in his mouth. I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around the calf-boy's neck and nuzzled my cheek into his, mooing constantly in gratitude. He let my tail drop out of his mouth and let me express my gratitude as well as I could with just moos and hugs and a few kisses to his cheek. My body was still trembling a bit from being trapped so high up as I pulled away from the other calf-boy. The stuffed horns on his brown suit were twice as big as the little nubs on all the others, including mine. I was so busy looking at them that I didn't notice the hole he had in the bottom of the suit until he came forward and pushed me onto my back and his surprisingly thick dick was laying across mine, the tip slightly wet and resting just above my belly button. "M-moo?" I asked, my face flushing bright pink. He pinned my shoulders down with his hands, the sleeves of his outfit cutting off at his wrists and letting him touch me with thin black mittens that seemed to be part of the undersuit. He leaned down and licked my lips while rocking his hips, his soft dick slowly growing harder. "Mmmm~!" I bit my lip as my fluffy calf-boy suit intensified the sensation of him dragging his thick, heavy cock across the little bulge in the groin of my suit. "Hah, hah~" I started to breathe heavily as my little dick twitched, my hips rolling up against his heavy dick. I could feel the blood pulsing through it, the heat of the thing radiating through the suit and heating up my own swelling dick. He slowly lowered his head down until his rough lips were pressing against my soft pink lips. He worked his lips against mine, slowly pushing my mouth open and forcing his tongue into my mouth. The little golden ring dangling from the middle of his nose brushed across my face. I moaned into his mouth, my eyes half closing as his cock stiffened against me and started to leak hot thick precum onto my bloated belly. I breathed in through my nose and shivered as his thick masculine musk filled my lungs. "Mmmm~" I tried to pull my lips away so I could sniff a different part of him, but as soon as I moved my head to the side, he let go of my shoulder with one hand and gripped my hair in his mitten, tugging my face roughly back into position, his teeth nipping at my lower lip as he glared at me with his dark green eyes before going back to tonguing my mouth. I moaned into his mouth, my soft little tongue pressing against his larger aggressive muscle and trying half-heartedly to push it out of my mouth. The larger calf-boy completely ignored my weak resistance and just pushed my tongue around at his own whim, jamming it against the sides of my mouth and up against my teeth. His saliva started to slowly ooze into my mouth, tinted with the same masculine scent that the rest of his body oozed. I could feel my little dick stiffening up against the inside of my suit, the soft inner suit clinging to it and transferring every twitch and thrust of his thick member against me. I rocked my hips up into him, whimpering into his mouth as my dick pulsed around the sound locked in my urethra. The rod kept my dick nice and straight and helped push it straight up, giving the aggressive calf-boy a bigger target to rub against, the entirety of his thick, throbbing cock dragging across the sensitive tip. He started thrusting his hips faster, his heavy balls slapping against the tent in my cow suit and dripping musky sweat all over it. He pulled back from the kiss and leaned down to bite my neck as precum spurted from his cock all over me, my own little dick twitching it frustration, the hyper sensitive tip starting to ache painfully from the constant pleasurable grinding. "Hahn~! Nnng!" I panted, my flushed pink face turned to the side as he bit down and nibbled at my neck, his teeth digging into my flesh as little sparks of pleasure sent shivers down my spine. Then he bit down hard, a deep boyish groan spilling out from the back of his throat as he started to spurt, his cum shooting all the way up to my chin and spilling down into my over-sized hood. My penis throbbed, my balls aching and burning as they twitched up against my body, trying to release, but the sound blocking my urethra didn't let a single drop of precum escape, forcing it all to back up into my balls. "Mooo!" I groaned out, my hips jerking up against his cock. He pulled his mouth away from my neck, thick strands of slobber connecting his lips to my raw, bruised skin until he licked his lips and kissed my forehead, leaving all his saliva in one thick rope pooling across my left eye and dangling down my cheek and jaw to my neck. He swung his hips off me, leaving me to jerk my stiffie into the air while a couple of young calf-boys walked over to lick his slowly shrinking cock, cleaning up all the sexual fluids it'd dribbled all over itself. Another boy crawled up behind him and started licking at his still heavy balls, cleaning the sweat off of them. I swirled my tongue around my mouth, still tasting his mouth and tongue and the raw masculinity of his thick saliva. I'd never thought of my drool as being particularly thin, but compared to his it really was. It felt kinda nice to have it in my mouth. I licked my lips and finally managed to stop myself from bucking my hips up into nothing. The tent in my loose cow-print suit stuck around as I rolled myself back over onto my hands and knees and peeked out through the fence. Justin was gone. I trembled a bit when I looked up at the top of the fence where I'd been trapped, and then had to slowly lower my head to the real top of the low fence. I blushed as I remembered that I'd only gotten my feet on the bottom rung of the fence, maybe a foot in the air. It had seemed so much higher when I'd been on the top, but it seemed pretty safe from down here. Maybe if I just climbed over the top real quick 3; Just to say bye to Justin since I'd passed out when he forced me drink all that cow-boy milk 3; "Moo!" I called out to farmhouse, sticking my tongue out and then turning back towards the calf-boy field with a humph. About half of the dozen or so calf-boys in the field were following after the large brown boy with nose ring, the rest were scattered around in groups of two or three, playing around with each other in the afternoon sun. None of them were standing up, which was a bit weird, since I doubted Dr. Underwood had seen all of them today, so they couldn't all be wobbly from his muscle checks. I looked between all the groups of calf-boys as the thick slobber slowly oozed down my face. I almost wanted to lick it up, but decided to just wipe it and the cum off my face with my sleeves. There wasn't much that I could do about the cum on my chest and belly, so I just left that to drip off me as I tried to decide what to do next. All the other calf-boys were playing together, but most of them were a lot younger than me, and the one who'd saved me from the top of the low fence seemed a bit hard to approach, especially since I could only moo. I looked to the left, over at the pair of fully fledged cow-boys who'd been teasing me earlier. They had the signature black splotches tattooed all over their bodies, and seemed to be trying to lick their way across each other's bodies without touching the splotches. When the black haired one noticed me, he mooed and nuzzled his head into his brown-haired friend's chest. They both grinned, the black-haired cow-boy quickly wiping the grin off his face to push himself up onto his knees and grab the top of the fence and throw his head back and forth, mock terror plastered all over his face as his friend grabbed his tail and gently tugged until the black-haired boy let go of the fence and rolled around the ground. "Moohoo hoo!" he laughed while the brown-haired cow-boy climbed on top of him and started to grind his caged udder up against the other's. I blushed and grabbed onto the fence and pulled myself up to my feet, trying to ignore the laughing moos that were slowly turning into moans. I took a step forward and wobbled a bit, my hand letting go of the fence so I could walk across the field towards the barn to see if there was anything fun over there. I took another step and looked down to make sure I wasn't going to trip over a rock or something. My mouth went dry when I looked down at the grass several feet below my eyes. Now that I thought of it, standing up wasn't that much lower than being at the top of a fence. My heart started to race as I stumbled backwards, my hand reaching behind me to clench at the fence with my suddenly sweaty hand. My calf-boy suit's inner lining absorbed all the moisture, but I could still feel it building up. I turned around and grabbed the fence with my other hand, my heart skipping a beat when I accidentally grabbed the sleeve of my other arm. I threw myself at the fence and slowly lowered myself down, making sure that I had a firm death grip on the fence with at least one had at all time. My eyes were welling up with tears when my knees hit the soft grass, each sweet, sweet individual blade of grass tickling against my leg. It took me a few more minutes to let go of the fence with my hands and press them against the ground. My arms and legs were trembling as I started to walk towards the barn on my hands and knees, deciding that I should probably wait until tomorrow when I was better recovered from the doctor's treatment to stand up again. My arms and legs slowly grew steadier as I walked away from the lewd moans and moos of the jerk cow-boys, my heart slowing down to its normal rhythm. The grass rustled around quietly as my hands and knees pushed through it. I had to make sure not to press my knees down into the long sleeve dangling behind my hands, but I wasn't in any particular hurry so it was easy enough to avoid. When I passed near to a group of three calf-boys rolling around on top of each other, they all lifted their heads with a happy smile and waved at me while mooing. As I waved back, one of their baggy sleeves knocked against another's face and they were quickly back to tackling each other and rolling around in the grass while mooing playfully. I paused for a second to watch them play and lifted my hand up to cover an eye-watering yawn before turning back to the barn. I smacked my lips together and blinked the moisture out of my eyes as I started crawling towards the barn. The large red and white doors were still open, letting me crawl right onto the wooden floor with the light covering of hay. I looked around inside the barn. The only light inside came from the sun shining through the big opening I was standing in. It didn't look like there was anyone inside, so I started crawling around, seeing if there was anything interesting in the barn. The main floor looked barren, so I went to one of the stalls and pushed the side of my face against the door to swing it open. It was empty except for the little pile of hay and a small, dirty mirror hanging on the wall at about head height for me when I was on my hands and knees. I inched my tilted head forward, my reflection slowly sliding in front of the mirror. My light green eyes were red from all the crying I'd been doing and my brown hair had dead grass tangled into it. It was a bit darker than usual with my sweat, a few drops oozing down from my forehead and dripping off my soft pudgy nose. My cow-print hood jiggled around with every twitch of my head, the ears flopping around while the brown stuffed horns on top only wiggled back and forth a little bit. My face was shiny with a light coating of sweat, but in several places it shimmered with the half-dried residue of other fluids. I could still clearly make out where the big brown calf-boy had licked me, even after I'd wiped at it with my sleeves. I backed out of the little stall, hoping that I'd be able to take a bath sometime soon as I absentmindedly rubbed at my face with my sleeve. The outside of the suit was super fluffy and felt nice rubbing across my face, but it didn't absorb moisture very well, so I just ended up smearing my salty sweat over my face and had to blink rapidly to try to get it out of my eyes. I nudged my head into the next stall. Instead of a mirror on the wall, there was a dirty sheep plushie that was big enough for me to wrap my arms around it. I backed out of that stall and ducked my head into a few others. They were all basically the same, about half of them bare except for the hay, the other half with a little trinket somewhere inside. They all had an air of preciousness about them that kept me from doing anything more than looking at them. In any case, it didn't look like there were any games to play or computers to surf the internet on, which I probably should've guessed from the fact that all the other boys were playing outside. Out of curiosity, I wandered over to the door Justin had first led me through. It was in the far corner from the big open doors behind the row of stalls and there weren't any cracks that let light through, so it was fairly dim. I reached up over my head, having to straighten my back and lift myself off my knees a bit to grab the knob and try to twist it. The handle didn't budge an inch. "Moo!" I yelled at it, the floofy sleeves of my cow print suit slipping all over the handle. "Mooo 3;!" I glared at the door knob and lifted one of my arms up, the sleeve dipping down slightly before catching. I grabbed the sleeve in my other hand and pulled it down to my wrist, as far as it would go before the skin-tight inner lining attached to the outer fuzzy cow-print layer and wouldn't let it roll down further. I then lifted up my right hand and used my black mitted left to pull the other sleeve down. I glared at the doorknob, my intense stare down only interrupted by a wide yawn. I shook my head back and forth and reached up, placing one tight mitt on either side of the knob and pushing down hard before slowly and ever so carefully twisting them around. The knob turned. Sweat was rolling down my face, forcing me to blink it out of my eyes. I felt the knob catch onto the latch. A little grin tugged at the corners of my lips. The knob trembled slightly from my grip as I twisted it just a bit further, feeling the latch pull back into the door ever so slightly. The knob twisted back in my hands, the loose grip I had just not quite enough to turn it. "Moo moo moo mooo– Muaaahm 3;" I yelled at the door, getting interrupted by another yawn. I turned away from the door and looked out the doors. I had no idea how to tell time from the sun, but it was definitely a lot earlier than when I usually went to bed. But I'd had to get up early to come here and be 3; sold. My lower lip trembled, but I quickly shook my head, trying not to think about it. I yawned again, deciding that I should find a place to go to sleep. I had no clue which of the stalls was supposed to be mine, or if it even mattered, so I just crawled into one of them with a hay pile but no memento. I crawled onto the hay, my body sinking in until I was sorta floating in the middle of the pile. I was expecting the hay to poke me through the suit, but just like everything else I'd felt through the suit, it felt super sensitive in the best possible way. Every twitch of my body sent the hay brushing across it and sent a little pleasurable shiver down my spine as I felt every single piece caressing my young immature body. Even the ones poking through the front of my hood and sticking into my face directly didn't feel too bad. I spent a few minutes just lazily rolling around in the hay before folding my arms in front of my face and resting my head on them. I let out another big yawn, spitting out the bits of hay that got into my mouth, and then closed my eyes.
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