Dirt10 Shorts
SummaryStories set in the present day or near future, with one major theme, the use of boys as slaves and/or sex toys. Some are consensual, most are non-consensual.
Publ. Dec 2011-Feb 2012
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CharactersVarious boys (11-14yo) and their mastersCategory & Story codesBoy-Slave stories/present & futureMb Mt – slave non-cons reluc cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Dirt - 10 Shorts in the subject line. |
#1Masked Boy
A 10 year old boy thinks he is being taken to a foster home. His new life is not as he expected.
2,500 words (5 pages)
Small boy: nearly 11 years old Big black guy: middle aged boy lover
Mb – slave prost anal oral – bondage body-modification
The small boy looked up anxiously at the black man who, at 6' 1" [1.85 m], 185 pounds [84 kg], looked quite big to the slight young teen who'd been recently sold by the supervisor of a boy's state run home in which he resided. Such sales have in the past provided the man with substantial income. Several more boys like little Amos, and he will be able to retire in considerable comfort. The day before, the boy had been excited as he thought he'd been put into the foster care of the kind man who had taken him out every weekend for the past month. After all, by the time a boy had reached the age of 10 or 11, the chances for a foster emplacement was seriously diminished. Several times the man had made offhand remarks about the amazingly cute aspect of the boy's slim lightly muscled body. The boy himself, so taken up with the prospect of finally having a real home, gave little regard to such (to him) strange compliments. After all, he was quite a hodge-podge of ethnic origins, with moderate brown skin, hair, and eyes, moderate looks (according to the boy's self-image of himself), and moderate sized body (for his age). And that was what he considered his 'problem' – he thought of himself as not so very different from all the other boys around him. What he could not have understood, that in the eyes of the typical boy aficionado, his looks were stunning, his body perfect, and his light brown shin, without flaw. The day before, the papers had all been signed, and the boy had been smiling and quite eager to set up his very own room in his new residence. Of course the room into which the boy would soon find himself would be quite removed from any family residence. Just minutes earlier, the boy had gradually awakened, barely remembering that small prick on his neck. And he suddenly sat up as he realized that he was now stark naked. Covering his small genitals with his hands, he looked around for his clothes in the brightly lit room, totally devoid of any window or any furniture except for the slim pallet on which his body rested. It was at that very moment when a strange black man had come into the room carrying a black rod-like thing in one hand and a strange metal contraption in the other. The man's smile was not comforting. "Where 3;" That was the only word which had escaped the boy's mouth before the black rod had been brought to his exposed genitals. It was several seconds before the spasming boy could even start to scream. "Boy, you will say and do nothing unless ordered. Absolutely nothing." The shaking boy, amidst flowing tears, again tried to ask where he was and where was his new foster dad. The second touch by that horrific rod finally convinced the now shivering and frightened boy to not speak another word. It took almost a full minute before he could even get enough control of his body to again sit up. As the black man started reaching forward with the same black rod the boy suddenly remembered the man's orders and lay back down on the palette now wet with the boy's own urine. "Sit up boy. We need to see if this fits you." The boy fearfully wanted to ask what the strange metal thing was but stopped himself before his words could form. As the metal thing was brought near, the boy recognized that a large portion of it looked to be some strange kind of mask. The black man smiled as he addressed the boy's unasked question: "This is what you have to wear. It's your new mask." Now the boy was totally frightened. "Please. I'll do what you want. I don't need no mask." "Boy, you will do what we want anyway. And you will wear this mask." The boy tried to back away from the man as the man advanced on him looking about desperately for some way out. But of course there was none. The small featureless room had only one door and no other openings. And then the boy pleaded in earnest as the man picked up that strange black rod again. The boy knew he could not take another jolt from that thing. "Please mister. Don't." "You will let me put this on you without any fuss?" The boy started crying again. "Just please not that rod again." The boy shuddered as his body was still trying to recover. He'd never felt such pain before in his previous 10 years. The man knew just how devastating those jolts from his specially made device could be. Especially when touched to the boy's genitals like last time. The boy's scream could be heard in the next room despite the soundproofing. The boy had instinctively tried to cover his exposed genitals until the man threatened to again use the rod. His ragingly rigid slender 3 inch [7½ cm] brown penis had now totally deflated. The boy hesitantly moved his hands away exposing his small slightly brown toned genitals to full view. The man smiled as the beautifully formed little boy parts were exposed and vulnerable. Though the boy was not yet aware of it, neither his genitals nor any other part of his body would be his to use in the future. His body and all its special parts would be totally owned by whoever was using him at the time. The boy looked at the very strange metal thing as the man lifted it toward his head. At first the upper part of it looked similar to one of those half mask people sometimes wore on Halloween. Only this one was a dull silver and now that he saw it more clearly, it definitely seemed much bigger. It would extend from his hairline, over his eyes, over most of his nose, and even over the upper portions of his cheeks, leaving only his mouth totally free. There was also an extension which followed down from in front of the ears and would go around and under his chin. Then he saw the bottom part which he assumed would form part of a collar – a very wide collar. He was more than frightened. "It has a collar?" The man laughed. "Sure boy. Slaves wear collars. And this one has been just made special for you." In fact it had. Unknown to the boy, during his period of unconsciousness the night before, a mold had been taken of his face and neck and the combination mask and collar had been specially made to conform to his features perfectly. Beside the collar, there were two additional straps about an inch [2½ cm] wide which extended from the mask from just below the ears and connected in back of the head. An additional inch wide strap also extended from the very top center and connected in the back to this first strap. When locked into place, the boy's entire upper face and neck would be totally covered. The boy was intrigued in spite of his fear. He could see what looked like small locking clasps at the ends of the straps and the back of the neck part. His mind had not really taken notice yet of that word the man used, namely slave. Through his momentarily interrupted tears he asked: "It locks on?" "Sure boy. But don't worry. There's just enough room to force water between the mask and your face to wash it every once in a while." The boy was not unintelligent and looked up in sudden fear. "Force water?" "Sure kid. It doesn't come off. Ever. Well, maybe it will need to be resized a bit as you grow." The boy started crying all over again. "But 3; but why do I have to wear that thing?" The man smiled. "Well boy. We find it much easier to control slaves when they can't see." The boy was shaken by the word the man used. "Slave?" His attention was back on the horrible thing which the man brought to his head. He emitted a wordless exclamation as he realized there were no eye holes! "NO! Please no!" The boy started backing away again and butted up against the wall behind him. And then started struggling as the man pushed the cold thing against his face. The boy's 74 pound [33.5 kg] frame was no match for the well muscled black guy. He tried to bite the guy and suddenly collapsed screaming several seconds later. That damn rod only touched him this time on the arm but that was still enough. Even after the pain passed, his entire arm was tingling and he could barely move it. When the cowering and crying boy recovered enough the guy grabbed the boy by his naked shoulders and stood him up against the wall. "Going to cooperate boy?" The boy could barely speak. "Yes. Yes. Just don't do that again." And he just stood there in despair as the mask was again pressed against his upper face. He felt the bottom portion below the back of his jaw and then both clasps click into place. It was quite a close fit, and he could just barely make out a slight amount of light coming from below his nose. Then the collar was closed and he discovered it severely limited his ability to bend his head in any direction. It had to be a full three inches [7½ cm] wide. And inflexible. He started crying all over again. "Please. Take it off. I'll be good. I promise." "I know you will boy. But just the same. The mask is permanent. It takes a special key to release those straps. We have one boy upstairs who has had his mask on for over seven years now. You'll get used to it." The boy could not imagine being held there for years. And blind for the entire time. He was in nearly complete despair. "But don't worry boy. You'll be quite busy. We have many clients, and some of our clients like to have a little fun with you boys before fucking you." Upstairs there were over twenty such boys in varying degrees of bondage. But one thing was repeated in every case. Once a boy had been put into his 'room,' there was absolutely no possibility of escape. He was attached to a stanchion somewhere in the room by way of a chain that was never removed until the boy got either too old or too scarred to attract a sufficient number of clients. About half the boys were then either sold to a mining interest in Africa and forced to labor in a mine from which the boy would never emerge, or sold to a broker of young men sufficiently broken but still of sufficient quality to become some rich man's play thing. The black man smiled remembering their very first boy. That was over fifteen years ago and that boy was still alive, hooked up to a railed cart forever pulling it back and forth along the hot and muddy walkways of a well established diamond mine. He chuckled to himself when he remembered that that particular boy never was released from his mask. Or ever given any clothes. He suspected that after all those years he'd totally given up ever seeing again. He wondered how it would feel being forever blind in spite of having two good eyes. Of course the boy's collection of body scars from the lash kept increasing until he had finally been totally broken. And that same boy, never released from his harness, was well fucked every single night. The black man got word just last year when two more boys had been delivered to the mine, that the boy looked forward to feeling of such intimate couplings. It was the only close interaction he now had with any other human being. And the second boy they had acquired was at this very moment concealed in the black man's very own dungeon where he had again been chained – this time to a ring connected to an anchoring frame that had been set into the concrete floor – 14 years before. He had even forced the boy to pour the concrete himself. The boy's entire world – actually now a young man – has since, been circumscribed by that 20 foot [6 m] chain, just long enough to reach all the torture devices. Several times he had thought about getting a new boy but found he had become inordinately fond of the one he'd been torturing and having sex with over the past 14 years. And the boy, or young man, himself, has been long since resigned to his fate and is even quite enthusiastic when used for sex. Though this slave was 23 years of age, his totally glabrous state and diminutive size still made him look more like a boy than a young man. Of course no one may ever discover the size of his engorged penis since it has been in a chastity tube ever since he had been capable of producing sperm. It was in fact four weeks later before the new boy was installed in his own room. There had been the other modifications that were deemed necessary. It had taken most of that time for the boy's gums and throat to heal after the removal of all his teeth, and the severing of his vocal cords. A very dispirited boy, who could now neither see, nor utter a sound, was finally escorted via a leash temporarily attached to his collar, to a room, the insides of which he would never actually see. As the naked boy was led on, hesitantly stepping not being able to see what was in front of him, tears could be seen seeping out from under the boy's metal mask. Five minutes later a spreader bar had been attached to metal cored leather ankle cuffs, forcing the boy's legs permanently open so that there would be easy access to his special boy parts and anal opening. The nearly comatose boy sat at the edge of a large soft bed as additional padded cuffs were attached to his wrists and connected to each side of his neck collar by chains only six inches [15 cm] long, just long enough so that his hands would be able to perform their only acceptable function. As the boy felt his body prepared for his future role as a sex slave, the big black man noted that his small little boy penis was sticking stiffly outward its full three inches [7½ cm]. The drug regimen for the boy had been started several days before. His slim and cute body would be lusted after by his many future clients. Finally, an additional padded 12 foot [3½ m] chain, already attached to a stanchion on the floor at the foot of the bed, was permanently locked onto his right ankle. For at least the next decade or so this cute boy would be kept in this same room and allowed to do only one thing – being used as a sex toy. As the boy was lifted and placed onto the center of the bed, the large butt plug which had been resizing his anal opening over the past four weeks caused him to open his toothless mouth in a mute moan, feeling the immense invader which would be removed for only two reasons. To allow the boy to be cleaned out as necessary, and for it most important function, to be used as a pleasure hole for invading penises, or possible other objects as the boy's clients were disposed to use. The very next day the boy's training had begun. Unknown by the man who had been the very first to deposit his own cum into the boy's rectum, nor even realized by the boy himself, this very first day of the boy's new life as sex slave was in fact his 11th birthday though it was never celebrated. Three months later the little 11 year old was quite proficient in his assigned tasks.
#2Kato & the Aphrodisiac Factory
Fourteen year old Kato is happy to be free from his abusive dad when his uncle invites him on a vacation tour of his out-world business ventures. The last stop is at an aphrodisiac factory.
3,750 words (7½ pages)
Kato (14yo) Uncle Bent (middle aged) and totally 'bent' t – non-cons forced masturbation – modification bondage Little Kato was absolutely thrilled. Over some serious objections of his step-Dad, he was about to embark on the trip of his young life. At barely 14 years of age, having lived a rather sheltered but secure life, Kato, for the first time in his life, was going to explore new places and enjoy new experiences with his Uncle Bent. He wasn't sure just how his uncle had finally convinced his step-Dad at the last minute, but he was thrilled to have to pack so precipitously. He barely had time to include his Med-Di, wrist-comp, multi-comp, and Holo-Kubic, (along with a few clothes) and accessories, and meet his uncle's Bot-Cop on the roof of the family's vehicle barn.
Kato's perspectiveIn spite of my step-Dad being there to see me off, I still could not contain my joy and excitement about my upcoming adventure. Uncharacteristically, my step-Dad did not greet me with his usual air of disdain nor even make some deliberate-to-hurt remark. (Just being away from him and his bevy of 'secretaries' for three weeks was enough to celebrate). Neither of my older brothers were there either but that wasn't surprising since they too had a penchant for humiliating me since I was so very different. So small for my age – damn, barely 5 feet [1½ m] (I guess I got Mom's small genes), non-athletic, and academically, so far ahead, they couldn't come close. And oh yeah, Mom left me the 132 million Fed Dollars in a trust. (My Mom, Dad's second wife, died in an accident a few years ago and it still hurts thinking about it).I decided that I was going to forget about all of my troubles and enjoy these three coming weeks. Besides, I had a good future ahead of me and decided to enjoy rather than be addicted to 'business.' I was even going to forget about my suspicion that I was attracted to guys exclusively. And can you believe it, I've just turned 14 and I've still not completely gone through puberty yet. Oh well. I'd worry about that later also. Uncle Bent was taking me on a tour of one the facilities that conducted some portion of the family business. It's something to do with the exotic animal business I'm pretty sure. It's pretty hush-hush since I think that Uncle Bent and his company doesn't too much worry about import-export regulations. I really wasn't THAT much interested in exotic animals even the few species of off world ones that can live in earth type conditions. But just going to another planet and all – that's exciting! Maybe I can get Uncle Bent to let me entertain myself somewhere else while he visits the operations.
Uncle Bent's perspectiveAt last I can get out of my office for a while. I decided at the last minute to oversee the operations of one of my most financially lucrative businesses. (No, it's NOT the one that deals in exotic animals – that one I keep exactly within bonds of all Federation laws). I suppose you COULD say that my main business DOES deal in the exotic – I deal in boys! Almost exclusively in good looking pre-adolescent boys mainly from the ages of 6 to 13, though on occasion, at the special request of a client, I DO make exceptions. Of course what was in store for young Kato was something entirely different. And I meant to enjoy the entire procedure of converting the brat into something financially productive.My brother-in-law wanted to take out an insurance policy on the boy and thus the boy just had a complete medical 'work-up.' And it just so happened that it was by one of our company doctors. I never got along with my brother-in-law and knew that he was in a bad financial way so I was quite curious as to why he'd obtained this big policy on his son. I eventually learned that he had contracted to have his boy never make it back from this trip. But I decided that our plans could dove-tail. I had a good use for his boy who was at the cusp of puberty, exactly the age our esteemed experimental team wanted. Little did the boy know that that he would never leave the facility to which we were now headed.
Kato's perspectiveMy uncle seemed to be acting funny on this last leg of our trip. Up to now I'd been left pretty much on my own and was allowed to do most anything I wanted. But yesterday Uncle Bent insisted that today I accompany him."There's something I've been wanting to show you boy. I promise you, you will never forget it." I was curious at the strange inflection in my uncle's voice. As if he were taking great satisfaction in my discomfiture. But hell, I've had a great trip and adventure so far. Who cares if I have to spend a boring morning to please my uncle. When we got to the facility I was quite surprised at the security. We were eventually escorted to an inner office that spoke of money! But no sooner was I in the room when a white gowned man entered and asked my uncle: "This the boy?" The way he asked the question had me a bit frightened. "Yes. I believe that you will find him eminently suitable." "Yes Mr. Bent. We already have an entire workup, and computer simulations agree. An excellent test subject." I started getting really scared. They seemed to be talking about me as if I were just an object for study. "Uncle Bent, what 3;" I got no further. "Stop your inane prattle boy." His look froze me still. What the hell was happening? Unfortunately I was to find out. Two other men entered the room. One of them asked: "Doctor, is this the subject?" The white gowned guy, who I found out was a doctor of some kind spoke to them. "Take him to surgical theater three and prepare him for immediate surgery; make sure the entire medical team is there." I barely started to object when one of the guys grabbed me and held on very tightly. I tried my best to break free but what could a scrawny kid do to a big man? Then the other guy slid this large thick 'U'-shaped thing around my neck and then a flat piece was sort of pushed onto the ends from the other side. I heard a distinct click and then was released. I started to run for the door when an amazingly horrendous pain surged down my entire spine. It was so intense I couldn't even cry out at first. All I could do was experience PAIN. I couldn't even conceptualize it. My LIFE was PAIN. Then it suddenly quit. I sobbed like a baby. I was even grateful for them stopping the pain. Fortunately there was no residual pain. Just the memory – but that was enough. "That was just one second boy. Would you like to go for ten seconds.?" In crying sobs I pleaded: "Please no. Please." I looked up at my uncle for support and I saw him smiling. What the hell was going on? "Please Uncle Bent. What's happening? Why are they doing this?" "Kato, your life as you knew it is over. Your Dad was even planning a scheme to end it to get both an insurance claim plus your trust. I just decided to make one small change. You have the perfect genetic makeup for my team here to use you for their experiment. They are pioneering an amazingly new kind of revolutionary aphrodisiac. And you will be made to provide it for them." I was totally unable to understand what I had to do with any aphrodisiac. "Please Uncle Bent. I'll do anything. Just please let me go home." "Boy. Part of what you said is correct. You WILL do whatever these gentlemen ask. But you will never leave here. In fact if the experiment is a success, there is a chamber in one of the rooms here in which you will permanently reside. And it is perfectly sized for your future function. And that is to produce a biochemical that will help make me even more immensely wealthy." I was scared. Chamber? Permanently reside? How could they expect met to live in a single room all the rest of my life? "Please Uncle Bent. I'll cooperate. But don't let them put me in a small room." My uncle smiled. "Show Kato the chamber Doctor Nogood." A holo appeared in the middle of the room and I wailed as the full realization hit me. The 'chamber' had various tubes connecting it. And 'it' was about three feet [90 cm] long, about 1½ feet [45 cm] wide and less than a foot [30 cm] deep. I couldn't even understand how they expected to fit me into this chamber. My uncle again smiled. "Doctor please explain." "You WILL fit boy. Easily. Especially with no arms or legs. You will no longer be needing them. Along with several other portions of your anatomy." I tried to run but again was felled with that unbearable pain. But this time it just would not quit. I decided that I'd do ANYTHING to make it stop. It took me at least five minutes to recover enough just to stand up. I was trembling. I was then told that the pain lasted only three seconds. The next time it would be five. I was determined there would be NO next time. When told to follow the two men I complied looking back at my uncle in a last hope that he'd stop them. He didn't. As I followed I realized that indeed my life was over. I just hoped against hope that it wouldn't be too painful. I was barely able to walk as I knew that I was going to my doom. How could they do this to another human being? I was led down a corridor and into a brightly lit room. There was all kinds of machinery and monitors. And a sort of elevated chair with separate extensions for both arms and legs. "Boy, remove all your clothing." I only hesitated a fraction of a second when I saw the doctor reach for remote. I quickly complied. It felt really weird there standing in front of all these guys totally naked. They didn't seem to care whether I covered my genitals with my hands or not. And then I started crying again as I realized that soon I'd not HAVE any hands. "Over to this chamber boy. Step inside and I would suggest you close your eyes." In spite of the tremendous fear as to what was going to happen in that chamber I still complied though I continued shivering in spite of the warmth of the room. Once inside I noticed nozzles coming from all directions. There must have been 30 or more. I closed my eyes and soon was bathed in a warm chemical that actually felt good on my skin. I stopped shivering. Finally, after several minutes, it quit. I heard from a speaker to stay sanding and keep my eyes shut tightly. I again complied. Another chemical hit me that seemed to cool me as it hit. My skin felt strange especially my scalp. This lasted about twice as long. And then there was a final spray. I felt strangely tingly all over. And then I could feel clumps of my hair actually wash off my head. The entire process was repeated four times. By then I realized that I was entirely naked. Even my eyebrows were gone. I wondered if it was to be permanent. I guess that was the least of my worries. I started to cry again as I realized that the whole process had begun. I was now part of some kind of experiment.
As little Kato was released from the 'shower' he felt quite naked having lost all his hair. His skin tingled as it dried. He was then led over to the chair and quickly strapped in. He made no move to resist remembering the severe pain that could be administered. His arms were strapped into place both above and below his elbows and then his wrists. Likewise each leg was bound bit above and below he knee and at the ankle. But what now really frightened him was that his head was tilted back into a rest and several bands were fastened around first his forehead and then at the level of his eyes.
Kato's perspectiveI felt a small prick at the base of his neck. Soon my entire face, mouth, and nasal area felt funny like it belonged to someone else."Listen up boy. Today we will be working on your face and neck. The plan is to make it impossible for you to speak after this day. This is to impress you with the idea that nothing you say could possibly interest us." When I awoke my mouth HURT! And very quickly I realized that some kind of metal ring was now holding my mouth wide open. The ring was somehow implanted were my teeth had once been. I could also feel that somehow my tongue was now permanently bonded to the bottom of my mouth. And I found out that I had no voice as I tried to yell and no sound was produced. Coming out of my mouth – and now permanently affixed to my lips and teeth ring – was a wide tube that completely filled the opening. I could see most of it as it extended from my mouth. The end was affixed to some flexible tube. I later learned that it was a forced feeding apparatus. And how I would now be fed for the remainder of my life. I tried to sit up but was totally strapped to the bed in which I lay. "Well, boy. Things are proceeding nicely. You won't feel anything now between your legs since the entire area has been numbed, but your testicles are being given a series of injections. This is to permanently stop them from ever producing sperm. However, the testosterone that is normally produced is being altered so that you will never go through puberty. But it will still enable you to get erections and have orgasm. You will soon also be the horniest boy around as the chemical you will eventually produce will raise your libido about ten fold over that of a normal boy. In fact you will soon be experiencing orgasms that will eventually fill your life. There is also a small unit injecting your prostate. In about a week's time it will enlarge about twenty fold and produce – we hope – our new aphrodisiac. I suppose I was fortunate that I could feel nothing down there. An over all malaise set in and I sort of just gave up. I just numbly cooperated. What was the point in trying to resist? The next day my mouth had grown accustomed enough to the ring and feeding devise that it no longer ached. But it still felt so weird never being able to close my mouth. I was again brought into the operating room and trembled at the realization that today I would loose both arms and legs. They said even my entire buttocks was to be removed. My uncle was there and I (silently) cried as I realized that he was enjoying watching the procedure. It is now several days later and I have bandages where my arms and legs used to be. I can barely move. Just flex my spine and stomach muscles to wriggle a little. But soon even that will be denied me. Over the next several weeks I could feel all kinds of things being done to my butt hole, and rectum, penis and testicles. A series of injections were daily put into my butt hole and rectum and an expandable plug was inserted and over the two week period my butt hole was enlarged to about 5 inches [12½ cm] across. My penis these last days seemed to continuously maintain its severely hard 4 inch [10 cm] erection. The next day a mirror was situated so that I could see my penis and testicles. My penis and testicles were now encased inside a metal cocoon. My penis was an erect and totally stiff four inches [10 cm] , and my testicles were only marble sized. I was told that their future function only needed this small size. The next day I was again brought into surgery. This time they kept me awake as a thin metal rod was inserted into my right arm socket. I could feel it as it seemed to be guided along through my shoulder, into the other shoulder and then out of my left socket. I was told that during the surgery which removed my arms that this hole for the rod had been prepared. The next day was one of terror. I was brought into the room where my 'chamber' was located. Sure enough it was a metal box that could be entirely sealed off from the outside. I was brought out of my lethargy and again began to silently cry. My uncle was there and was smiling. I was then lifted by the rod coming out of my shoulders and brought over to the chamber. I wailed (silently) as I saw where I was to be attached. The two rod ends fit perfectly onto two slots and were welded into place. I started wiggling my body in terror. But that soon ended as my hips were held tightly and bolts were then screwed into two sockets in my very hips that I never knew had been implanted. As the two bolts were tightened I could feel myself stretching and eventually allowed almost no free movement. My uncle came over to me and spoke: "Now the good stuff happens boy. And I will be here for the entire proceedings. Your chemical and hormonal changes have proven successful. This time next week your prostate will be producing over a liter a day." How could they do this to me? Would I ever stay sane? Over the next two days, I was affixed to a permanent feeding tube. And permanent tubes were attached to the end of my penis and a small fitting part way between my extremely enlarged butt hole and my tiny encased testicles where my urine output was permanently rerouted. When the tube was attached to my penis I could feel an internal tube then pushed inside me for at least 6 or 7 inches [15 to 18 cm]. It was quite large and I could not stop feeling it inside my penis. I hung there all night. The only thing I could see or hear were a few monitors. I also evacuated my bowels as I couldn't stop it from happening. The opening would not close. The next day a positively huge fitting was eased into my anus and up inside me. It felt like I was constantly taking the largest dump of my life. But one that was never ending. My uncle confirmed that the last stages were about to begin. He showed me a metal mask. It was roughly head sized and shaped and had openings only for a widely opened mouth and two nostrils. I quaked as I recognized where it would be going. Over my head and face! I was helpless as the last operations were performed. Fortunately I was put to sleep for them. When I awoke I was totally blind. Nor could I hear the faintest sound. Not even those made by my own body. They had removed my eyes and replaced them with metal orbs. I could feel the heaviness inside my sockets. My outer ears had been entirely removed and I could feel invading rods in my ear canals. My inner ears were also totally removed. I could also feel tubes that had been routed up into my nostrils and down into my throat. I guess they wanted to make sure I would never have a lack of air. My face and head were also entirely encased into that metal mask I was shown previously. That was not all. My head was affixed somehow and I could not move it even the slightest. I was in total despair. The only sensation I could feel were faint vibrations coming through the frame I was attached to. And that was when I realized to my horror that the sealing plates were now being put into place around my body. I was to be forever sealed away! And about an hour later I felt myself getting so amazingly horny I could think of nothing else. That thing in my butt was sending neural pulses throughout my system. Also the encased penis and testicles were being directly stimulated. And then the orgasm! It filled my entire awareness. And it must have continued for five minutes as my penis pumped out its 'liquid gold.' This was to be my entire existence as about 30 minutes later the same thing happened again. And then again. And then again. At long last, as I realized that I was hungry, my mouth filled with a mushy substance and I was grateful that it at least tasted good. But soon after I realized that there were some kinds of drugs in my new diet. For some reason I could not understand, I seemed totally unconcerned about my inability to do anything. Also I could not seem to take my awareness away from my immature but severely aroused genitals. I also realized – when I next awoke – that I had sleep periods but I do not know how long they were. This was now my new existence.
It is now about three months later. I think; I am not sure. All I can think about most the time is sex. And I get these so amazingly realistic awake dreams. I also wondered just how rich I was making my Uncle Bent.
#3Captured for Sale
A horny 14 year old discoveres a porn store where a kind man will let in underage gay teens into the back door to view special gay videos. Unfortunately, this kind individual has his own agenda.
10,500 words (21 pages)
Small teen (14yo) George (middle aged) procurer of boys Oriental master (30s or 40s) Mt – non-conc oral anal – modification bondage interr I suppose that I was just a naïve young teen. Very young and very naïve. From one point of view my total undoing occurred because I was not only a horny 14 year old – though I probably looked more like 11 or 12, I was such a skinny little runt – but what really turned me on was other boys. (OK I only fibbed a bit. I'll be 14 next Friday – just five days from now). There were at long last a couple of guys that I was finally able to talk to in a couple chat rooms who were just trying to be friends rather than the usual older perv trying to get into my pants so to speak. And last week one of them told me about this one porn store in the downtown area of the city where one guy there would let 'special customers' (like young horny teens) in the back door to view some male porn. It was the second time I was admitted through that back door when the guy (George) said that he had a better viewer in a different room. So I followed the guy into the next room and when I saw what was in that room I was stunned. There, in a small cage against the far wall, was a boy in some kind of restraints and a tight form-fitting bag over his entire head which was sticking up through a sort of hole in the top of the cage. The bag only had holes for nose and mouth – a mouth which was forced into the largest stretched-open extent with some kind of plug filling the entire opening. And strange, I noticed that even though he was making some attempt to struggle free from his tight bonds, there was barely a sound coming from him except for perhaps that of heavy breathing and a well muffled near continuous moan. I looked in total terror at the person whom I thought had been doing me a favor. He smiled as he saw in my eyes that I instantly recognized the situation I was in. But as I said, I had been so sexually aroused at the prospect of being allowed to view some more male porn, I had let my testicles do all my thinking and never had given thought to anything 'bad' happening. The guy took delight in explaining: "That special gag, along with a spray for his throat, keeps his vocal cords almost totally silenced. I do not need any commotion when transporting him to where he will start his modification and training." The guy now laughed as he saw the increased fear on my entire bearing. I instantly turned to make a hasty exit and soon realized that the only door into this room was not to be opened without some kind of key. He laughed again as he grabbed me by the back of my shirt, lifted me completely off the floor, and swung me around toward a small cage similar to the one occupied by the other boy. All my struggling had no seeming effect and it became a total loss when a spray was squirted into my face and within seconds all my muscles just about stopped working. I could breathe and barely move just a tiny bit but it was useless as I saw him reach for a weird wide belt with straps and cuffs attached and another round object with its own set of weird straps. It was only after he started forcing the round object into my barely resisting mouth that I realized it was very similar to what was filling the other boy's mouth. I tried to scream but barely emitted a hoarse squeaky sound as the round rubber object was forced into my mouth and a set of connecting straps were secured around my head. My first thought was that at least it wasn't that uncomfortable until the guy got this weird smile on his face, fitted a small hose to the gag with what looked exactly like that needle thing which was used to inflate footballs and such, and then I really started to panic as he touched a switch and the gag in my mouth started expanding! I was quite glad that it stopped just short of causing severe pain in my jaw. Then he seemed to take delight in showing me the weird belt thing which had very small straps coming down each side in the front and weird small bags hanging down in the back. The small straps had thick, wide leather cuffs at each end. And I knew that he was going to put that belt around my waist and my wrists into those cuffs. Well what did I know? The clasp wound up being in the back and after attaching it tightly around my waist he shoved my right hand into the bag thing on the left so that my arm crossed over my stomach. I was totally unable to resist as my hand was forced into a cone shaped fist in the small bag which in turn was pulled very tight around my skinny wrists. My other arm was then pulled over top of my right arm and my left hand likewise secured into its own tightly fitting bag. And I was so much thinking about my trapped hands that I totally forgot about the cuffs now hanging down a little ways from the back of the belt. The guy then, with seeming little effort, turned me onto my stomach (and arms) and I started trying to shout again as he pulled my one foot back up to my butt and tightened one cuff around my ankle. He did the same to my other foot and ankle. I started crying as I realized how hopeless my situation was. And a new terrifying thought suddenly entered my head – was I soon going to be killed? "There boy. You're quite valuable; we sure don't want you getting away. And stop fretting. We are very good at this. In no time at all you will be trained to be someone's full time permanent slave." Slave?! Permanent?! I was so totally frightened. Could anyone be forced into slavery these days? I sure knew that I would escape at the first chance. "Ah! I see we picked well again. Your boner speaks volumes!" I suddenly realized it was true. All this belt and arms and legs thing and being forced into this situation was strangely very sexually arousing. I tried to will my boner away but the more I thought about being so trussed up, and felt my physical entrapment, the more aroused I seemed to get. Then I gasped as the guy turned me over, opened my fly and started fondling my very stiff 4½ inch [11½ cm] penis. NOBODY touched me like that before! It took barely seconds and I was shooting all over. It surely felt like the most amazing orgasm of my very short sex life. "See that boy, you like all this. You'll make a very good slave." I immediately tried to state that I most definitely would not, even as my penis started to stiffen again at the very prospect. 'Traitor,' I thought! The guy then easily picked me right up by my pants and shirt and placed me into the small cage. I was forced onto my butt with my feet and lower legs barely able to fit in trapped on each side of my small butt. I realized that even if and when the chemical in the spray wore off, I would barely be able to move. But he was not finished. Because my shoulders were sort of hitting the back of the cage, my head was sticking up almost entirely above it just like the other boy's. I tried to look over at him but still could barely move. Just then a leather bag was lowered over my entire head. I started crying as the bottom was buckled around my neck and something was then done to the bag as it started being pulled very tightly around my entire face and head. I couldn't see at all. There only seemed to be a hole in front of my stretched open but plugged mouth, and thankfully at the bottom of my nose. Then I could sense something lowering down in front of me and finally realized it was like the other cage I'd seen. The top closed but with my head sticking out above the top of it. Later I was to understand just why. It was so they could give us something to drink with some fitting being pushed through a sort of valve in the center of our mouth gags without opening our cages. I was in total turmoil. What was going to happen to me? What would I tell my foster parents? Or more correctly, what would my foster parents think when I never showed up? Though that was one thing I even took a perverse delight in. They would stop getting the State funds for me – which I had come to realized was the only reason they had fostered me in the first place – and oh yeah, to do all that work around their house. I wondered just who was going to mow their lawn. I smiled picturing my foster dad with that big gut hanging over his belt, pushing that mower over a lawn grown to 5 or 10 inches [13 to 25 cm]. Finally I sobered up again, realizing that I was in a worse predicament than being with my foster dad. But again my penis turned traitor. It was getting quite stiff again. I kept trying to move but it was useless. I was getting a bunch of sore spots and I could do nothing about it. And I sure hoped that I would not start to cramp. Fortunately I was quite small – considering my age – and the cage was not a bad fit after all. I started thinking back to how this had all started.
It had been just a week ago when I had taken the train to the downtown part of the city and; in excited anticipation, walked to an area where existed a bunch of porn stores, many of which had viewing booths. I'd never been in one before but an acquaintance I met on line swore positively that if I rung a doorbell on the back door of a certain place and asked for George, that I'd be let in to view special shows just special for gay teens. And as I said I never allowed that tiny voice telling me that just maybe I was doing something dangerous. And as I touched a small button next to that back door in that back alley, my hormones were flowing just too strongly. And my 4½ inch [11½ cm] engorged penis would not allow any other disquieting thoughts. Indeed, when I finally stilled my fears with the opening door, my first impression was that the guy was not frightening at all. Probably in his thirties and just average looking though probably a couple inches over 6 feet [1.80 cm]. He even smiled when I asked haltingly for George. "Ah. I'm George. Come inside where I can get a good look at you." I stepped inside into a brightly lit hallway and felt a bit relieved to see everything clean and neat. The guy looked me up and down and added: "You sure are a bit of a shrimp aren't you?" I wasn't sure how to react. "I guess," was all I could say. "Don't worry lad, I can see you are grown up enough where it counts as he looked down at my tenting pants. I was quite embarrassed, but felt better when he added: "Look kid, I've been where you are, and believe me I too wish I could have viewed some good porn when I was a tyke like you. So I accommodate you guys when I can." I tried to answer the few questions I was asked as he led me down a brightly lit hallway but I could barely say anything but yes or no. But sure enough all my worries were put to rest as he ushered me to a relatively new booth in a clean and sparsely furnished basement area. It was well lit, clean, and without any obvious things to bring back my half formed anxious thoughts. He smiled as he explained how the booth worked. Or rather the viewer which was placed in the booth in front of a comfortable chair. And naïve as I was it took me a moment to realize what the box of tissues was for. "Just push that button to start and keep pushing to see the people in the movie and a short description of the action. When you finally get one you like then push what number you want to see. This is a sort of special booth with some really far out movies. It's part of a new marketing project to get to see what customers are mostly interested in." OK, so I was SO naïve. But I bought it totally. "After a scene is finished the next set of selections will be along the lines of the one you liked only more explicit and even more, shall we say, intense." Wow. The selection was difficult to make until I came to one which was about two big black guys running down a white boy and tearing off his clothes and then molesting him. I kept picturing myself in the role of that boy. He seemed to be about my size also. As I watched I had all I could do not to masturbate too soon. Then it got REALLY good as they forced him to suck on their big black dicks. He had all he could do to swallow and a lot spilled out of his mouth. Then abruptly the scene ended. I was disappointed but then I realized there were additional things to watch. I kept hitting the button and now the scenes I was getting to choose from were startling. I finally decided to start the one where again a small white boy (like myself) was all trussed up in all kinds of straps and stuff keeping him immobile while lying on his chest and stomach on a sort of thin bench. His hands seemed to be enclosed in some kind of mitt which in turn was pulled down and attached to the bottom arm of the bench. It seemed his legs were likewise held totally immobile along the back side of the bench. Then in came this oriental guy wearing a sort of harness but with his massive penis sticking way out in front of him. The boy, who had some kind of gag in his mouth started squirming as he saw the guy approach him. His head was resting on his chin at one end of the bench while his naked butt was stuck out at the other end. He started squealing even more when the guy got a glob of something on his hand and started shoving his fingers into the boy's butt hole. I couldn't stop pulling on my own penis as the boy screamed when the guy pushed his big penis right into the boy's rectum. I came so hard I could hardly sit upright! I could actually feel that big cock shoved into me. (I guess I dismissed the idea that it could hurt so much. I only started thinking about that much later as I was going back home). I just sort of rested there not paying too much attention as the scene finally came to an end. I was about to get up after throwing all the tissues away that I needed to clean myself up. As I started to open the door there was the guy smiling. "Well kid. See anything you like?" I was too embarrassed to say much. I just sort of nodded and said "sure." "Well you sure are welcome to see one of the last list of movies. They are even better!" Now I was really torn. After coming down from my climax I was more embarrassed now than anything and I wanted to run, but the idea of just what could be even 'better' started making me hard again. Hormones won out. And this time I decided to run through all the options first. They were all getting me boned up again. And this time they seemed all to be about men either kidnapping boys like myself and forcing then to have sex or even worse (or better) strapping them down and doing even worse things, like doing things to their genitals or putting things up their butts. But finally I came to one which started out by a black guy – somehow a person with really black skin turned me on so much – was leading a small teen boy on a leash connected to an actual collar! And the boy was entirely naked except his hands and arms were strapped behind his back and there were cuffs on his ankles with only a foot [30 cm] of chain connecting them. But what was REALLY so amazing (or arousing) was the thing which was attached to his penis and testicles. I'd never imagined such a thing. His penis was trapped into this small tube and held on by two rings, one around the root of his genitals, and another around just his testicles. The very idea had me dripping again. But I was determined not to masturbate again until I'd seen at least most of the movie. He then strapped the boy face first onto this big X-shaped thing where he could hardly move. And then I couldn't believe it. He took this whip thing which had a handle and a whole bunch of thin leather thongs about 2 feet [60 cm] long coming out of it and started to flog the poor boy. And wow did he scream. After a while he stopped and turned the crying boy around. But I was mystified. The boy never even tried to stop what was happening but just let the guy – who was mostly naked himself and sporting a big black penis standing right out – attach him to the X-thing again this time front facing out. And wow, the boy's penis was as rock hard as my own. As the flogging started again I sort of kept putting myself in the boy's place and wow I just barely touched myself and I spurted all over even though I had an orgasm just 20 minutes before! And as I was cleaning myself up, I was amazed to see the poor boy, even though he was screaming and crying, suddenly stop screaming for a while and then even had his own orgasm. I could hardly believe it. I was getting ready to leave since my hormones had finally quieted down and I was getting embarrassed and fearful all over again about enjoying all this stuff. As I opened the door I looked back to see that the movie ended with the big black man having an orgasm with his cock shoved up the rectum of the boy. I was almost wishing that the boy right then was myself. The guy, George, smiled as he saw me coming down the hallway. "Enjoy yourself?" "Sure," I sort of mumbled. "Well you have to come back next Saturday and then rate the views you have watched. It's only fair." Who cared about fair. I wanted to see more. I was thrilled but really embarrassed at the same time. I finally told the guy I'd be back the same time next week. All that week I just could not get some of those images out of my mind. Wow, they so turned me on. I was quite grateful that I could sort of block out the horrible place I lived by allowing myself to fantasize about being some of the kids I had seen being used for all that sex stuff. And I really was so turned on by imagining myself being controlled physically by all that bondage stuff. A week later I again was outside pushing the bell button. But this time I was much more excited than scared. I wondered if I had the nerve to tell the guy to just start with the third series of movies. I was trying to get up the nerve when the door opened and there was George smiling. "Great, you came back. We have a special booth all set up but it's down this other hallway." I gladly followed almost stepping on the guy's heels in anticipation. And that was all it took to lure me to this horrible fate.
I could not believe that that was barely an hour ago. I was starting to get really achy from being held immobile in this cage and it was especially scary trussed up the way I was and not being able to see and wondering what was going to happen next. And I guess the boy in the cage next to me was starting to moan really loud. I could hear him trying to move. And then burst out with a very muffled crying. And I wondered why I was not crying. And suddenly there was a lot of noise and people talking. And then I gasped as my cage (and of course myself) was sort of tilted back and something was put under the cage. Then I felt myself being wheeled away and finally outside where I figured out I was put into some kind of truck. I couldn't believe it. I was being kidnapped. That only happened in the movies. Or in stories in the news about OTHER people. My heart raced as I was so wondering what was going to happen to me. All I could hear from the guys moving me was that I (and the other boy) were being taken to where we would have our 'modifications' done and our training started. It seemed SO unreal. Yet at the same time entirely too real. And I was so thirsty and so stiff. And I had to pee! With all the bouncing and the very long ride that seemed never to end I simple had to just let go. And I then realized that the smell indicated that the other boy had done so himself. Now to just get something to drink! And to stretch my legs out straight. I was now crying myself from all the hurts and stiff pains. I was suddenly NOT aroused any more. My penis had been deflated for some time and I just wanted to be back home. Even my home. Finally, after a very long easier ride which I supposed was on the freeway, I could tell we were in city traffic again and soon the truck was being backed up somewhere. The trip was long enough we could be in a different city. PLEASE, just let me out of this cage! So much for getting one's wish. After being maneuvered all over the place including an elevator ride down, I was finally put to rest and very soon the top of my cage was lifted. And two big hands tried to lift me out of that small cage. I could not get my muscles to work and I simple fell onto the floor. By now I was alternating from trying to yell to crying unabashedly. Finally, my ankles were released and so too my hands. I luxuriated in being again able to move. Strangely no one was saying anything and I could no longer hear the moans or crying of the other boy. As soon as my hands were half workable I tried to get off that hood thing. The guy who was doing stuff to me started to chuckle. "That stays boy until we have you ready for surgery." SURGERY!?! I quickly realized that they were dead serious. They were not just trying to intimidate me. I really went into panic mode now. I even got myself onto my feet and tried to figure out how to escape. I barely made a single step before my dread turned to panic as I felt a small needle puncture my neck. I never had a real chance anyway. I was 5 foot [1½ m] nothing, very small boned, and weighed barely 85 pounds [38 kg]. When I awoke some time later I found myself totally naked and lying on some cushioned table. The table I realized later was merely a large shelf that could recess into the wall. I had a headache, my vision was slightly blurry, and when I tried to move I started to panic all over again as I could move nothing. And when I tried to open my eyes I was suddenly blinded by too bright a light. And thankfully my face was free of that mask thing, and my mouth free from that gag. A voice came out nowhere: "Don't try to move – you can't. It will only cause you undue anxiety. Here drink this. Your throat muscles will still work." I was so thirsty I sucked avidly on the proffered straw. "This will make you feel better. It also has a remedy for the headache you must be feeling from that first shot I gave you." Damn! He even sounded solicitous. "Please," I was able to barely whisper, "Please let me go. I won't tell anyone." I was SOOO happy that that mouth plug was out of my mouth. "Boy. Don't be naïve. We haven't gone to all this trouble just to let you go. We already have a buyer for you. And he had been very specific. You have no choice in the matter. After you are mostly healed from your surgeries, you and the other lad will soon join two other boys on what we call our discipline wall of cages for your initial training. Like them, you will be trained to obey and perform. We have great success with lads who are just beginning to explore their sexuality. Especially with the new technology. You will be delivered to your new master as an obedient, trained slave. And don't worry too much. I have a very select cliental. They are only interested in permanent slaves. And when you leave here, you will be eager to be your master's slave. Eager to submit yourself to his every wish. Eager to explore your new life with your new master." Like hell I will. But I quaked at the meaning of his words. I was already condemned. But I wanted to live too. I decided, at least for the time being, to try and cooperate. The drug must have been fast acting. Physically at least, I was feeling quite well. And I also realized I was quite sexually stimulated. My 4½ inch [11½ cm] stiff penis was again acting as traitor.
Again the boy was certain his very thoughts were being read. Of course the guy preparing him for his modifications and attachments knew what all the boy's were thinking at about this stage. "And in spite of what you are now thinking, you will very soon realize that to submit and cooperate will be your only real alternative. And your own predisposition for submission and to be mastered will make your transition into an obedient conscientious slave much easier." The guy then showed me a strange short metal rod about 6 inches [15 cm] in length and about a quarter inch [6 mm] in diameter. There was a decided bend toward one end. Also shown were a weird series of thin intertwined metal bands, and I was surprised to eventually recognize their configuration. They were in the distinct shape of a penis and a pair of separated testicles. He explained: "And when this is attached to your genitals and activated, you will quickly realize that your future has only ONE possibility, and that is to cooperate in your training to become an obedient slave to your eventual master." I started getting very worried. I had heard of rumors about new technology which allowed the joining of specific area of a person's neural network being invaded by micro fibers which can then be directed to control that portion of a person's anatomy. It was usually used to help enervate and direct paralyzed limbs or other barely functioning organs. Now I was truly frightened. I was starting to realize that it did not matter how much I didn't want this to happen. I started shaking as much as my limbs would allow it, and tears again fell down my face. But as if that wasn't cruel enough. The guy described additional measures. "The buyer for you also requires other special modifications. He wants you entirely muted and totally incapable of existing on your own. Your surgeries will begin shortly." "Muted?! Surgeries plural!?" Then I envisioned being castrated. But if so then what was with the genital attachments? I was starting to panic all over again. But frustratingly, whatever drug he had given me made almost all real movement impossible.
I was not sure how long I had remained in a semi-delirious state, in and out of semi-consciousness. But I was fully awake now. And was suddenly frightened as I remembered words like modified and surgery. Strangely I felt pretty good. And wow! I had a boner that simply would NOT quit! Boner!!? Maybe my worst fears were unfounded after all. But I almost started panicking again when I wondered what all had been done to me. My mouth felt quite weird as did my hands and feet. And there was something in my rectum. Something large though it sort of felt good rather than bad. At that moment I realized that some guy was standing next to my bed. I felt like I was in some kind of hospital with the monitors and all. I tried to ask a question and found that my mouth simply would not work right, nor could I make a simple sound. I tried to move to see what had been done to me but my ankles were spread wide and with ankle cuffs, attached with a short bands to each side of the large bed. Likewise my wrists were cuffed above. I was loosely held in a spread eagled position. I again tried to say something. Then someone spoke with amusement in his voice: "You may as well not even try boy. Your vocal cords and in fact your entire larynx has been completely removed. And your mouth has been heavily modified. In place of your teeth there are now fleshy ridges better able to caress and stimulate. And your mouth doesn't close at all any more. And special growth hormones have been applied to the base of your tongue. In a few weeks it will be about three inches [7½ cm] longer and ready for its new function." As he spoke I started to cry (silently) as I realized that all he said was correct. As I tried again to move my tongue around I realized it already felt a bit bigger. I seemed barely able to swallow even with my mouth feeling wide open. But something hard was also filling up my entire mouth which I realized was attached to something clamping down snuggly onto the entire circle of my lips. I felt the outer extension now that I thought about it and it seemed to snuggly cover my face from just below my nose to well under my chin. I could also feel some kind of strap going around the back of my head and another attached to this very strap just behind my lips which went over the top of my head. I whimpered (without sound) as I realized that my mouth plug, which held my mouth stretched open, was now so obviously a part of whatever the new me was. The guy leaned over me and tested the mouth plug and covering piece. "Good fit. Molded just for your face. And only removed when your mouth is needed to function as intended. And that is to suck – like on a penis. Or with your elongated tongue, on your master's rear opening." I almost gagged at the very thought. Surely I'd never be able to make myself, no matter what they threatened me with, to actually lick a person there. He laughed aloud as my silent tears streamed down my face. I soon discovered that other 'improvements' as he called them, had also been made. My thumbs had been totally removed down to my wrists. And that was when I remembered the phrase: "Totally incapable of existing on your own." I started crying in earnest. My life was over. At least any life I had dreamed about. I couldn't imagine any existence with no thumbs. And never again being able to speak. But I also realized that my penis was again turning traitor. It was as hard as a steel rod and I was so aroused! I looked around as far as my bonds allowed and saw a white jacketed individual looking at the monitors nearby. Ones that I was apparently connected to. But then I became quite aware that my penis was not only experiencing an all time stiff arousal but there was also a muted pain associated with a severe constriction running it's entire length. And then I remembered that weird contraption of metal bands shaped like a penis and testicles. I was now certain where that specific thing had been attached. I desperately wanted to see what my penis and testicles looked like. The first guy turned to me and spoke: "You're doing quite well lad. Your feet and hands are almost entirely healed as is the hole in your throat." I quaked. "Hole in my throat?" At least that was what I tried to say. Of course my mouth was quite impossible to use for speech even if I still had my vocal cords. He must have been reading my thoughts. "That hole is now plugged but can be opened so that you can still breathe even when your mouth and throat are being used for other things." The snicker in his voice when he said 'other things' was not difficult to interpret. I tried in vain to discover what else had been done to me. But at least I could tell – I sure hoped – that I had not been castrated. But there was simply something a bit wrong also. My boner simple WOULD NOT QUIT. I was wondering if I was being drugged, cialis or something. Or possibly one of the newer drugs which could force sexual libidos to quite high levels. Well at least they intended my genitals to stay operational. But my emotions were all over the place. My feet felt kind of funny but I knew that at least they were still there. I had imagined worse. But I again thought about what remained of my hands. No thumbs! What the hell was I supposed to be doing anyway? Master? Slave? I was now unfortunately totally believing it all. "Boy," the guy spoke getting back my attention, "you are almost ready to take up residence in the training room. There you will occupy one of the cages. There are three others occupied at this time. Boys who are also being trained. Your training will start tomorrow and whenever not in training, your residence will be your cage. You better get used to it. I happen to know that your new master will be keeping you in total continuous bondage when you are not either servicing him or being on leash as he is the type of master who frequently likes to have his boy accompany him." I lay back exhausted trying to fight my bonds. And still my penis was turning traitor as it kept trying to fully expand in spite of those frustrating bands of metal not quite allowing complete engorgement. And other irritating things were starting to demand my attention. I was getting quite thirsty, and I realized I needed to pee. And most frustratingly I was totally incapable of making my needs known. And those words kept coming back to haunt me: "Totally incapable of existing on your own." It was quite obvious to me now that I was not going to perform any bodily function without either permission or perhaps even help.
It was a few days later and I was getting so bored just being kept in that bed. Well except for my extraordinary sexual arousal. Which seemed to get so much worse so fast. The first day I was easily able to move except there were those restraints about each wrist and ankle not permitting me more than to sit up in bed. That first day I had to pee SO bad and decided that I would simply have to pee the bed. I sure couldn't yell for any nurse (though all I ever saw the guy who seemed to be in charge – probably a doctor of some kind – and that other white coated guy). But as I tried to relax my bladder's sphincter it simply would NOT come out! In fact I could not seem to get anything to work! I started crying in frustration. Even that feeling of releasing one's bladder I simply could NOT make happen. Finally after an agonizing hour of squirming and fidgeting, and crying, the guy came back and dared to smile. He saw my obvious distress. "So you now realize that you can't pee on your own. You never will. The valve which allows you to hold your bladder closed has been removed. And your urethra has been rerouted as I will demonstrate." He partially released my leg straps and pulled my knees up and I started fighting him. "You want to pee or not?" I stopped fighting. And he again lifted my knees, and grabbed hold of a hose thing with a sort of metal valve at one end and pushed it against something half way between my scrotum and butt hole. I felt a click and immediate relief as my pee finally flowed down the hose. He seemed delighted to explain. "This is now where your pee comes out. There is a special fitting there annealed right to your flesh which will only open when in contact with the special fitting like the one on this hose. You will never be permitted, or even able, to pee without permission." I was in shock. One more addition to the things I COULD NOT do on my own! I already discovered that I couldn't eat on my own. And even IF I still had thumbs, that thing in my mouth only permitted another special fitting to be attached to as demonstrated at my 'meal' times. Then a semi liquid mush was forced into my mouth and I was forced to swallow. I was glad that at least there were several flavors and they tasted half way decent. (I was fed several times so far but I was told there were additional flavors – IF I were a 'good boy'). The third morning I realized that they must have relieved my bladder while I was asleep. Because this was the first time I did not feel the need to go when awakened. And that butt plug. I was getting used to it being there ALL the time and again until someone ELSE removed it – I surely could not – I could not even relieve my bowels on my own. I was one shafted kid. They were right. I realized that I simply could not function at all on my own. None of my bodily functions could I control. And worse, I could not even make my needs known. I was never again going to speak. Or ask the simplest question, since I was certain that I'd never be allowed to write anything. And that brings us to my insistent boners. I found out about them yesterday. I WAS being drugged. But NOT by pills or anything like that. Something had been implanted in my prostate that kept me totally aroused ALL THE TIME! FOREVER! That, along with that thing on my genitals keeping them 'turned on' so to speak, kept me in constant sexual heat! At night I cried trying to relieve myself but simply could not get to do anything as long as that chastity thing was secured to my penis. It was SO frustrating! I was soon begging (without voice) for someone to DO SOMETHING! PLEASE! I was getting so horny just after two days! I would have promised ANYTHING for sexual release! And that was when I finally realized one of the ways that they were going to 'train' me to be a good and obedient slave. It was so simple and so paralyzing. I WAS totally dependant on (whoever owned me?) for all my bodily needs. And worse – at least to my way of thinking – I would do almost anything for some sexual release! I was finally told that second morning by a person in regular clothes who now accompanied the guy in white, that my libido was being deliberately enhanced with genital and prostate stimulation. "We are not using drugs. They are too unreliable and their effectiveness can vary and even become ineffective. We are directly stimulating both your prostate and genitals. Without sexual release your libido, like you are experiencing now, will keep climbing without sexual release. I bet you would do almost anything right now to be brought to a sexual orgasm." I shook my head as affirmatively as I could. Just get that thing off my penis and PLEASE let me come! But then came the even more shocking revelation. "And that device on your genitals is permanent. In fact it is annealed to your body and can only be deactivated by total nullification of your boy parts. And no amount of stimulation to your genitals by yourself or by anyone else for that matter will ever bring you to orgasm. Only to its very edge. " I was completely stricken. But that means 3; The man continued: "The ONLY way you can now have sexual release is by rectal stimulation." His smile was quite sinister. I was in shock as I heard those words. Then what would I ever do? How could I stand this ever present need to orgasm unless I allowed someone to fuck me? And will it actually give me any real pleasure? Especially since my penis can not engorge at least fully. "I probably can guess your question boy. Not to despair. Prostate stimulation, from your boy hole being quite well fucked, can bring sexual release and even quite amazing pleasure – so long as your penis is allowed to fully engorge. And now that will be up to you boy now won't it? You be good and just maybe someone will touch the control which will allow those bands to ease up on your penis." That third morning my bonds were released and FINALLY that gag being held in my mouth was removed. My feeding had been entirely through an attachment through my gag as nutriment was forced down my throat. But then I discovered that there was still something done to my jaws which allowed them only a small amount of movement. I couldn't come close to closing my mouth and I begun so embarrassingly drooling like a dog. I was helped over to a bath and toilet area. I cried inwardly as I had to go on my hands – what there was left of them – and my knees. They had done something to my ankles so that I could not stand flat on my feet! And I cried even harder as I realized that I would be like this forever. But at the same time my sexual arousal was by this time so great that I could barely concentrate at the task at hand. And when I got inside the shower – which took up half the room – there actually was no toilet. I was even further embarrassed to discover that my toilet consisted of some touch to my 'urine valve' and I released it right there on the floor of the shower room. Then that plug which had occupied my butt was released and pulled out. I could actually feel it decrease in size and I then realized that I needed very badly to take a crap. But even this I discovered, would not be left to my own devices. A different kind of plug was connected to a hose which quickly filled me to bursting. But in spite of all the humiliation and considerable eventual cramping, I was so aroused I tried to rock back and forth on that large dildo nozzle pushed up my butt. The two guys there began to laugh as they surely realized just what I had in mind. One spoke up: "Sorry boy, with you penis in our control, nothing but frustration will happen." He was right as I was by now feeling the full constriction on my poor penis. The pain seeped enough into my consciousness that at least for a while I was able to stop thinking about my need for sexual release. I finally realized that I was in a sort of sexual and physical hell and there was NO WAY OUT. Eventually I was confronted with the first stage of my so-called 'training.' The one guy back there just watching finally spoke up. "Listen good boy." With the pain in my bowels and the pain associated with my constricted genitals, I could barely make sense of his words. He seemed to nod at the one holding my shoulder and the hose into by butt. It was pulled loose and to my great relief and embarrassment brownish water shot out into the drain. My different kind of butt plug was reinserted; a spot on the back was touched; and it expanded inside me. I gasped at the immense pressure. "Listen up boy. You now realize that only total obedience and submission will do you any good. Do you understand boy?" I nodded as vigorously as I was able. "Good boy. And you will submit willingly to all of your training? Remember good cooperation will be given good reward." I would have agreed to almost anything. Again I nodded. "Very well boy." Another control was touched and three things started simultaneously which caused me to eventually collapse onto the floor of that shower. First the bands about my penis seemed to relax and I was instantly totally and almost painfully engorged. Next I finally realized that there was something in the entire length of my rod-of-steel penis that was actually metallic and I could even feel it even past where my penis joins my body. I remembered that small rod like thing I had been shown. And incredibly my penis and whole groin area came ALIVE with sexual response. I was almost in heaven as I was quickly brought to climax. It was that plug in my butt hole which started both vibrating and pulsing. I could entertain NO other thoughts as I spurted again and again from the end of that rod in my penis. And even after no more fluid would come out the most intense and amazing orgasm of my life, it kept pulsing through my groin. I finally looked up in amazement as I eventually came awake to the real world again. The trainer was smiling. "See boy, cooperate and that is what you can look forward too." I forgot momentarily and tried again to speak. The trainer probably noticed. "No need to speak boy. There is nothing that you could say that we would be interested in. Your entire world now is ONE THING. Submit and obey. And of course sex. In fact we will be making sure that the ONLY things you will eventually be thinking about is obeying your prospective master, readily submitting to him and seeing to his needs, especially his sexual needs, and merely hoping that he is pleased enough with your efforts that he will reward you with your own orgasm." I was stricken. THAT was to become my entire world? And as I thought about it, knowing what had so far been done to me, I realized it was the stark truth. And I also realized that resistance was basically useless. I moaned and then started (silently) crying. Not because of what they had done to me, but because I knew I did not have any strength of will to resist. I was only able to save any sanity by remembering that orgasm and making up my mind that I would indeed cooperate in my own training. I then recalled my bravado of a few days earlier and almost laughed at my naïvety. So much for either escaping or even resisting. I got back on my hands (what was left of them) and knees, and looked at my trainer. I nodded and finally bowed my head. "Good boy. And please do not despair. We have chosen correctly. A lot of what you will be doing you will enjoy. And besides, your prospective master is not a cruel man. He will reward cooperation and submission." I was hosed down with at least warm water and that gag was put back into my mouth. Through it was placed a fitting at the end of a tube which in turn was connected to a large bottle. I drank. It was some kind of electrolyte replenisher and I was happy to note it even tasted good. Then a leather collar was put about my neck, a leash attached, and I was led out of the room. I guessed I would have to air dry. I started wishing for some kind of pads for my hands and knees, if I were to be kept on all fours, and wondered again about the danger inherent sometimes in wishing for things. And then I soon saw the cages. There were now four of them lined up against the wall. One was occupied by a boy much younger than me. He too had a huge gag in his mouth and his eyes followed us as I was brought to the cage next to his. I could see through the webbing of his cage that he was at least entirely whole. No parts missing. (And of course totally naked). I tried to get a view of his genitals but his ankles were bound tightly to his wrists and his body was thus shielding my view. He sort of gasped as he realized that I DID have missing parts. So he still had his voice too. I was suddenly envious. Why could I not get a master who wanted me whole? But just as suddenly I was remorseful. That kid was not the one to blame. He too was in a similar situation. I wondered how his 'training' was going. We were staring at each other as I was backed into my cage. This cage was quite different. It was much roomier for one thing. I realized that here I would be able not only sit up but also just barely lie down. And the sides were some kind of open webbing. And as I entered I was so relieved to feel a SOFT bottom!
Over the next several days my training went remarkable smooth. I certainly was cooperating. I had absolutely no other choice. And I was quote relieved to note that indeed pads were eventually put onto my hands and knees when needed. It is just that those on my hands forced all the fingers together and they couldn't bend so long as they were in the mitts. The pads on my knees were most welcome and even comfortable. And as I was led from place to place on a leash I suddenly realized that I was now more a pet than a human being. The training also included all manner of servicing simulated penises. Then when the time came, I realized that indeed my tongue was now amazingly long as I was taught how to first rim and then actually stick my tongue into a simulated ass hole. The idea frightened me so much as I realized that I was soon to be performing on the real thing. But a few minor jolts through that thing on my genitals had quickly stripped me of any will to resist my training. I was amazed eventually to be told that my training was finally over and that I was soon to be sent to my master. For the past several days I'd been wondering just who he was and more importantly, what he looked like. In the past, my fantasies about sex partners seemed to have been primarily of non-Caucasians. I was hoping 3; I just realized. I was almost actually looking forward to meeting the guy who had made me his slave. Of course my sky high libido level seemed to have a lot to do with disregarding possible negative future occurrences. (And for some reason which I simple refused to think to much about, I was even anticipating some of the sex things I'd soon be forced to do). It was the day before I was told I'd be prepared for shipment – yes, not sent, but shipped! – to my soon-to-be-master, when the doctor again showed up. I'd been now allowed out of my cage for entire days at a time. Well where would I go? At the time I was sitting in a chair – a comfortable one. One thing I was using to reassure myself, was the fact that much more often than not I was allowed to be comfortable. Even the air temperature was high enough so that after a couple weeks I felt comfortable being totally naked. And even showing a stiff boner seemed no longer so embarrassing. For large segments of time I even totally forgot about the fact that I was naked. I looked up at the doctor with merely minor worries. "Well boy, only several last items to be fitted." Well, fitted sounded better than surgery. But I was still worried. Damn! I so wished I could ask the simplest of questions. That was when another guy brought over some strange sandal-like things. "These your master sent. They've been specially made just for you. There will be times when your master wants you to be able to walk." The sandals had a lot of straps along with metal braces which fitted over my feet and around my ankles. Bracing rods and straps even fitted half-way to my knees. It took some effort, but after I finally discovered that if I took only small shuffling steps – damn that chain connecting my feet didn't help – I could finally sort of walk. And finally standing upright suddenly allowed me to again think of myself as more than a pet. After several spaced out training sessions, the foot-braces were again removed and I was brought over to a high table where upon I was placed. By this time it would never have occurred to me to do anything but passively cooperate. Even if I was again so frightened about what was to be done to me. "Not to worry boy. Just a few ring emplacements. The holes already exist." Rings? Holes? The first two rings were not at all intimidating. In fact they were quite small and thin. And I was more intrigued than frightened as they were fitted through the very sensitive nubs on my chest. And I was amazed that just those small almost weightless rings could so stimulate me. But it was the next two rings which had me frightened. Where the hell were they supposed to go? One was fully three inches [7½ cm] in diameter and really thick – I judged it to be at least a quarter inch [6 mm]. And I was totally near panic as the doctor took a hold of my nearly permanently stiff penis. (It was only later when I realized that it had never occurred to me to even try to resist). "Nothing painful boy. The hole is already prepared." The ring was not a complete circle. One end was fitted into a hole just behind the glans of my penis and shoved through. In no time the ring was squeezed together and literally locked in place. "This can come off with a key boy. But your master said you will be wearing it most of the time." I was soon to realize that the ring would almost never allow me to be unmindful of my penis – if that could have been possible – as it swung from my stiffened rod as I moved either on all fours, or during those infrequent times, on my two feet. It fact it was that final ring which would take me the longest of all to get used to. I later found out it was called a guiche ring. It was even larger than the one dangling from my penis. It was about five inches [12½ cm] around and again probably a quarter inch [6 mm] thick. I was quite surprised to discover just where it was to go. Why would anyone put a ring there? I was also to discover that the line between my butt hole and scrotum was quite sensitive and even able to arouse me when touched. There was a large hole already prepared through the anterior base of my penis. And I was later to discover, the ring would no longer allow me to close my legs. Later items of bondage and control would frequently include wrist and ankle cuffs, spreader bars, and bands which would occasionally encircle my upper arms and thighs. I must also confess that I most often seemed to be even more sexual excited and aroused when my master would place me in bondage. It seemed the more confined and controlled was my body, the more passive and aroused I seemed to get. And I was also to eventually discover, I most often LIKED being my master's slave. Though strict and quite controlling of my every action, he was never cruel or sadistic. I just wished I could be with him all the time. Those (fortunately few) times I was locked away in storage (that's what he called it) awaiting the time of his return, I was so bored. And I seemed to be even more in thrall to my ever present sexual arousal. But these things were still in my immediate future. At present I was becoming increasingly anxious about what my master would be like and how I could cope with my future as a real slave. (The idea of actually being a slave was still not entirely real). That night I was (very carefully) placed into a very large and padded crate. At least I assumed I was. The entire process was carried out only after I'd been sedated. I only knew about the crate part since I saw it very soon after I had been brought out of it by my future master.
And my very first thoughts when I saw him was "wow." To me, the man, though probably average in most aspects, seemed to exude an air of superiority. And perhaps a bit of dangerous command. But it would seem that most of my concerns had been focused on his physical aspect. I had so much hoped it would be someone I could get attracted to physically. He stood perhaps just over 6 feet [1.80 m], was athletically built but definitely not one who worried about time in any gym, was perhaps in his thirties or forties, and was almost stereotypically Oriental in feature. Definitely not what you could call handsome but to me, very attractive. Of course I now suddenly started to panic. What was REALLY in store for me? "Boy, you definitely need a bath. While there I will teach you exactly how you are to bathe your master. But first we need to attend to something most important." I was more intrigued than frightened as he showed me two halves of what could only be a metal collar. It was only about a half inch [1½ cm] wide, much less in thickness, and quite polished. And as the two ends met as he placed it about my neck, I heard a definite click. "There boy. Now you will know of your permanent status as my slave. I've searched long for the perfect boy." If it had been possible, I'd have been smiling as my master attached a leash and led me, still on all fours, into the largest bathroom I'd ever seen. And I was almost totally focused on my master as he disrobed. His own (average sized and) apparently uncircumcised light brown penis jutted almost straight out above his large testicles. Though there was a considerable thatch of black hair immediately above his penis, elsewhere he was next to hairless. My next thought was what his butt hole would look like, especially since I knew that perhaps quite soon I'd be sticking my lengthened tongue into its interior. He turned to reach for something and I marveled at the delicious sight of his apparently hairless butt and cleft. The sight of his butt hole sent a chill down my spine. I knew I would very soon become very acquainted with every ridge of puckered skin about its entrance, and lathe far into its velvety interior with my own tongue. As he turned back he again gave his slave a commend: "I am not an unreasonable man, but I expect absolute and total obedience. Anything less than total attention and submission will be dealt with severely." I could not answer. I only nodded. It seemed that he expected to be obeyed without hesitation. As I started thinking about my future with my master I had a strange thought: "Why didn't he simple advertise for a slave? He could probably have had quite a selection to choose from." And then came a most startling and incongruous thought: "I'm glad it happened this way."
#4The Training of Jeremy
Mr. Smith has a someone procure for him the perfect boy
8,500 words (17 pages)
Jeremy (13-14yo), slaveboy John Smith (30s), would be master Pete Carol, lawyer Mt – non-cons/cons oral anal – interr bdsm spank Actually 'hanging' would be the wrong word. It was Jeremy's 14th birthday, and in celebration he was, for the time being, attached to the cross, though not 'hanging.' The cross that was anchored to the wall of the 'dungeon,' to which he was nonetheless quite well attached. I had specifically chosen a light hued wood for the cross in order to enhance its contrast with the dark mocha skin of my young slave. As he 'hung' there, with his hands and arms, legs and feet, quite well attached to the wide upright and crossbar with a series of 16 tightly fitting straps, along with two wide belts about his waist and chest, I could not restrain from allowing my hands wander about the areas of smooth dark skin that was available. Just looking at the straps and belts, one might wonder just how the boy was being kept so firmly attached. Well, one of the main attachment points not readily noticed is the metal 'seat' which consists of a simple 'j' shaped hook which had been screwed onto the main beam of the cross and which bent around with its somewhat bulbous end, about ¾ inch [2 cm] around at its widest, ending in my boy's rectum. (Please note that I definitely eschew any oversized abject being seated into my boy's rectum; I want a tight orifice in which to shove my own modest member). Just prior to my slaveboy's 'crucifixion,' he had been divested of all his usual adornments and attachments, except for his metal collar which had been permanently affixed shortly after his acquisition. Although he usually sports a number of other attachments when in normal 'dress,' none of them were permanent. Nor were they usually adorning his black body when I have him in my bed. I wanted a boy in my bed, but I also wanted my own comfort, and while in my bed, my slaveboy rarely wore anything more than his collar and four (soft) cuffs on ankles and wrists. The collar and cuffs so that even in the comfort of my arms, he would always know his status. During most days, when not confined to some mechanism of bondage – which he seems to enjoy – his attachments would usually include chains attaching wrist cuff to wrist cuff (routed through a wide ring on the front of his collar), and a one foot [30 cm] hobble chain attaching ankle cuff to ankle cuff. The first chain I allow just long enough so that he is capable of performing his usual duties. His four cuffs are of soft leather covering a braided wire core. There are several other attachments which my boy sports on most occasions. To make sure he is always cognizant of his main purpose, that being my sex slave, there is a wide ring which is attached to the base of his genitals. Its silver contrasts well with his dark chocolate skin. In order to make sure he is also always mindful of the main purpose of his sex hole there is a slim band which curves right into his anal opening and a small bulbous portion which resides in his rectum. Finally attached quite snugly to his black penis just behind its slightly bulbous glans, is what I call a starburst. It is a very tight ring with eight short tines extending outward like the points of a compass. It was comical for the first several weeks while he had to learn how to walk all over again. It was also cinched tightly enough so that my boy was incapable of getting a full erection. Again a means to remind him of who and what he was. And who controlled his life. One final attachment, though I admit not commonly used except when he was being punished for some minor infraction, was a large mouth gag specifically shaped to fit his mouth together with a form fitting muzzle which strapped around his head keeping his mouth tightly closed. My slave is required to keep all cuffs, chains, etc. in absolutely clean and shiny condition. He then presents his four cuffs, along with his other attachments, every morning after our usual showers. But don't think that the bondage is the only world my slave inhabits. In fact, after nearly six months into his training, I trusted him enough to actually don (minimal) clothing and run errands. Needless to say, I had never envisioned this when I first acquired him. Of course, his other attachments had gradually evolved so to speak, since I had first started his training.
Getting back to my slave's special day, Jeremy was not hanging from the cross, just attached to it. But that isn't to say that he wasn't in pain. He was in significant pain at specific intervals. But to have 'hung' him there would have been contrary to what I was in the process of doing to him. First of all, to actually hang a boy say from his arms for any length of time would necessarily cause serious physical damage, and I wanted to reward my boy, not damage him. Secondly, it was only the image of being 'on' a cross that really turned me on. And I thought a long time ago that a large part of the fun was having total physical control. Just watching my boy react, awaiting with a measure of fear, was almost as good as the actual torture, even if minimal, and hearing him scream. I watched as the present cycle started and the boy started screaming all over again. His deep timbered voice was a delight to listen to, and it seemed to so compliment his deep chocolate coloring. And at rimes his lusciously pouting nigger lips seemed to even vibrate. Of course electro torture had to be carefully monitored. I deliberately kept the current low, wanting the pain to be quite bearable. And I definitely did not want to damage his beautifully formed black penis which held one of the probes, even if I was quite envious of its beautifully formed 7 inches [18 cm]. The other probe was sticking out of the boy's rectum. I know that I will never convince you, but I am not a sadist. I was merely training my new boy. He must be absolutely convinced that my doing with him as I please and physical control, was now a permanent fact of his life. And frequently the preamble to any possible reward. And indeed the reward was just as important as the pain. When I'd first starting training my slave boy, I'd made the decision to keep him in chastity most of the time but only after the first week, not only was he pleading for release, I eventually come to the conclusion that allowing it would be a good means of directing his training as my slave. Besides, I wanted some measure of cooperation, not a broken spirit. As I watched my slaveboy, I was recalling that day, several months ago, when I first brought him into this room, and into his cell. (I was thinking now that the cell might be done away with. It looked impressive and fitted into the dungeon scene, but frankly it was barely ever used. Even when I found it necessary to be gone for a while). His reaction to his training was somewhat of a surprise.
Jeremy had been quite a find. I was wealthy enough to 'arrange' for what I wanted in the form of sexual 'entertainment,' when I finally decided that it was high time to acquire a permanent 'companion.' I knew just who to see. Pete Carol was a lawyer who had helped a few acquaintances out of problematic 'situations.' Situations which included underaged boys. 'Gifts' were spread around, money – sometimes a great deal of money – exchanged hands, and 'situations' became only memories. And when I just recently discovered that this same Pete Carol had arranged for another acquaintance of mine, whom I had known from a very private group of men who liked young boys, to be made a foster parent of one of the young teens that had been in the system for a while, I knew I had the person who had the best chance of delivering to me my own 'special boy.' I presented myself to Pete Carol as John Smith, an obvious alias. I didn't need to be subtle. After a short introductory conversation at a very expensive restaurant, we finally reached an understanding. "Look Pete, I don't want a boy as such. But I do want a person who can be trained to become the perfect slave. I want someone who is totally innocent. Someone whose only experience of sex will involve extreme submission and control. And possibly torture. Not excessive torture, but enough to get the boy screaming and me all aroused. But I want a slave who only associates the pleasure of sex with the ongoing control and occasional torture which precedes it. Now do you understand why I want someone just at the cusp of pubescence? Someone who is submissive and if possible, has some evidence of being a masochist? But also someone who has not a lot of sexual experience?" Pete did indeed understand. This guy wanted a boy – ok person – who could be trained into being a masochistic sex slave. "Mr. Smith, I do have access to many files of boys in the system. But what you are asking for I've only seen once in ten years." "I'm not expecting a miracle. If you can at least find a boy – preferably a younger teen but who is either very late in sexual maturity or at least with almost no real experience, but who is definitely responsive to male-male sex. And preferably one who exhibit's a very submissive personality. I will train him to accept all the rest. After I am done with the boy, he will be a very willing companion." "I'm not sure if such a boy can be found, especially one who can be fostered out, but I will definitely try. It may take a good deal of time and effort but for a price I will definitely commit my full attention to finding you your boy."
Pete CarolIndeed the proffered money was astronomical if the right boy could be delivered. Fortunately I had several advantages. I was a lawyer and a pro-bono child's advocate at times for kids trapped in the 'system.' I was actually good at this and had gained the respect of many counselors, child psychologists, and more importantly, administrators. Thus I had considerable access to files on kids whom the 'system' had taken in, in many cases from their parents or parent because of various forms of physical and psychological abuse. It took almost a year of appraising file after file until I found what I considered a very good candidate. Jeremy Baldwin was a small slim black teen who had been first brought to the attention of social services when a teacher, coming back to the school grounds pretty late to do some work, discovered Jeremy under the bleachers comatose and nearly naked. He was lying there with his shirt pulled up over his head and one shoe on his left foot. It was quite clear that he had been assaulted sexually by the presence of sperm all over his upper legs and stomach and some blood leaking out of his presumably damaged rectum.The next day three upper classmen were arrested. It turned out that these three boys had been harassing poor Jeremy for quite some time, eventually forcing a boy whom they assumed was a faggot – stereotyping his lack of physical ability, shy submissive personality, and his 'obvious' attention to other boy's genitals. In fact all three of these things were true, but under questioning, Jeremy adamantly maintained that NO, he was not gay. "Heck doc, how would I even know? I can't even come yet," he replied when I inquired. But the doc was worried about how easily the older boys had been able to coerce the kid in performing fellatio on demand. It had been going on for some months when they decided, as the opportunity presented itself, that it might be even more fun to use the compliant boy anally. The boy cried quietly but did not physically resist. He just screamed in pain as the first boy, with more than average endowment, forced himself into the boy's rectum with almost no lubricant. His semen and some of the boy's own blood was all the lubricant the other two boys used. But the doc noted something amiss in the lab report a couple of days later. It seemed that some of the seminal fluid, albeit a small amount, was not from any of the three boys. It was finally discovered that Jeremy had indeed 'come' sometime during his sexual attack, even if with minimal fluid and no sperm. After several more 'talks' with Jeremy, the doc realized two things. One, Jeremy seemed to have almost invited his attack. His total compliance when one of the boy's 'took' him out to the bleachers to meet the other two, was not entirely a work of coercion. The crying Jeremy finally admitted: "I don't know why I went with him. I really don't. I just sort of wanted to. I don't know why. Please don't tell my Pop. Please. My Pop'll kill me." By this time Jeremy was totally distraught and obviously in great fear of his father. Later the doc discovered even more. "Please. I just don't know why. But I got so excited when they pulled all my clothes off. And Billy was so humongous. I couldn't take my eyes off it. It had to be at least a foot [30 cm] long. I wanted to run but something made me also hope he was going to force me to do things. I just couldn't make myself do anything. I was sort of frozen." Eventually the doc elicited what to poor Jeremy totally damned him. Crying in great sobs he finally blurted out: "I WANTED them to put their cocks into me. I don't know why but it felt so exciting. I'm sorry. I don't know why. I know I'm a disgusting pervert like my Pop says, but I can't help it." Finally Jeremy was relieved when the doc promised that their conversation was private and definitely his Pop would never find out. In typing up his notes later that night Dr. Manual drew a deep sigh and finished his conclusions wondering if he could actually help the poor boy. "Jeremy Baldwin has a definite deep seated paraphelia. What he has described as 'emotional excitement' is in fact a sexual arousal engendered by the prospect of being sexual abused and manipulated by others. His paraphelia is also manifest in his acceptance of pain as a precursor to and in accompaniment with his own arousal suggested a neurotic condition which had its genesis in past treatment and behavior. Although his underlying constitutional homosexual orientation may very well be his normal mode of sexual response, his subconscious passivity and more so his need to assuage his perceived guilt almost coerces him to seek out sexual activity and release where it is forced on him. Furthermore, masochistic tendencies I believe also stem from behavior patterns already in place for years as his father punished him for even the slightest activity concerning sex and his sexual organs, thus at an early stage of internalizing his own concepts of sexuality and sexual activity, he intimately associated with it the pain inflicted on him by his father." "I became suspicious when Jeremy Baldwin's abject fear of his father became overwhelmingly obvious. I was starting to suspect that the evidence of both old and newer hematomas which covered the entire trunk and upper legs of his body were not in fact caused by the three boys in question. Jeremy and the three boys all claimed that there had not in fact been any beating." "Further investigation was finally to reveal that Jeremy's father had been repeatedly beaten the boy for any presumed 'illicit touching' of his own genitals. The father was a religious fanatic bent on making sure his boy would never commit the sin of Onanism. It was eventually revealed that poor Jeremy had been the victim of physical abuse for imagined sexual 'sins' from an early age. Unfortunately as the boy started entering the early stages of puberty, he had a deep seated fear of his own sexual desires. Although he had totally rejected his father's religious views of sin including sexual sin, he nonetheless has incorporated a subconscious connection with submission and pain with any sexual act in an effort to absolve himself of any culpability for doing something that his subconscious had been convinced was wrong. And even though he no longer consciously holds this understanding of sex and sin, his deep subconscious made no such concession." When Pete discovered news of a new boy just fresh from the hospital and temporarily in residence at the group home which was usually reserved for 'at risk' teens, with the best effort of the system to keep boys like Jeremy away from the more abusive members of the system's teen population, he was immediately curious. Pete got animated when he heard that this Jeremy was a young teen who had been sexually abused at school and physically abused at home. After reading Jeremy's file, Pete Carol decided that further investigation was indicated. And finally, when he met and talked with Jeremy, he knew that he had probably found the boy for Mr. John Smith. Now to work the system. Pete 'volunteered' as the boy's advocate but soon discovered the bad news – the boy was not available to be fostered. A long term of intense counseling while the boy was kept in a 'secure and trama-free environment' was what had been recommended by the courts. He gave his client the bad news. Mr. John Smith and I communicated by disposable cell phones for security. I wasn't even sure exactly where this Mr. Smith even lived. "Not to worry Pete. From what you say this Jeremy sounds perfect. And the fact that he is a black kid even gets my juices flowing even more. I always wanted a nigger slave."
Mr. John SmithI eventually obtained the entire file on one Jeremy Baldwin. He was the only son of a widower. And a father who was a fanatical member of an even more fanatical Christian Church. I was quite worried about the boy's own assimilation of his father's religious beliefs until I discovered that the boy had absolutely no moral scruples concerning gay sex. This I was not sure I could have overcome. I wanted a slave who was complicit in his own slavery, not a boy I had to force into having gay sex. And I was just a bit surprised when I obtained several pictures of his naked form. They no doubt had been taken during his stay in the hospital. His bruises were fading but still evident. And he was actually smiling – obliviously not too self-conscious about his nudity. After reading all the various reports, I was just about certain that this would be my new sex slave. And after seeing him I was certain. Jeremy was a typical black kid – although on the dark side and quite well endowed for his early stage of development. I couldn't believe it when the medical report maintained that the boy had just begun having wet orgasms. His flaccid penis was fully 6 inches [15 cm] long. And his sizeable nearly coal black scrotum was hung almost as low. I was instantly envious. I was fairly well endowed myself, definitely above average, but this kid, when sexually mature, would no doubt be hung like a pony if not a horse. Another thing I noticed was the smooth skin of his circumcised penis. The back view did not show enough to see his anal opening but his butt was absolutely gorgeous. But all this was not what was surprising. His looks were very typical for a black kid and perhaps even more extreme in its ethnic features with deep set eyes, high cheeks and a nose which was barely apparent until it suddenly flared out quite widely just above a set of lusciously heavy lips. Definitely not what you could say good looking but he appealed to me. What WAS surprising was here Jeremy was just 13 years old but looked more like 12, maybe even younger. He barely reached an inch over 5 feet [1½ m] and weighed not quite 80 pounds [36 kg]. Quite slender but not too much so. But someone whom I could easily manhandle even if I was barely over 6 feet [1.80 m] myself. The boy was just showing some signs of future musculature, but I wanted a 'boy' who stayed slim. I was not really attracted to big muscles.Of course I really had no desire to go through of all that trouble of getting the kid as a foster child. I wanted absolutely no trail leading to me. I had already assumed that the boy would suddenly be found missing with absolutely no clue as to how, where, why, whom, etc., etc. Two weeks later, using a stolen nondescript car, I parked outside the group home. Jeremy always left the home and got into the awaiting vehicle to take him to his therapy session. It was that easy. I was 15 minutes early and phoned the home stating that the doctor was running early – the boy was in therapy three times a week – and the car would be waiting as usual. As Jeremy bounced into the front seat, he looked at me and asked: "Where's Mr. Thomas?" "Sick. I'm just filling in." By this time I was pulling away from the curb. "Doc said to bring you right over since he's had a cancellation. Sorry but no McDonald's until after the visit." I said all the right things and the boy relaxed. About a half mile [800 m] from the office, I pretended to have car trouble. I pulled over to the curb and got out. The boy stayed put which I had expected. He was quite shy and not very demonstrative. With anyone in authority he commonly only reacted to directions. I finally leaned into his side window and gave him the bad news. "Sorry Jeremy, it looks like a flat. But we're early enough, this won't take long." He finally noticed that I was incongruously wearing gloves. "Ah. How come 3;" He never finished. I was quite easily able to cover his mouth and nose with a sedative and in less than 20 seconds he was unconscious. I had deliberately chosen an area of warehouses and dilapidated buildings to have my 'flat tire.' I quickly lifted Jeremy out of the car, and brought him to the back of a van I had rented. There was a box inside which was lined with enough material to insure that the boy would not only stay unheard, but also safe from self injury. The air tank I had feeding him air would last long enough. I lived about 600 miles [1000 km] away and could make it easily in ten hours by freeway. An hour and a half later I had pulled off onto a deserted side road miles from anywhere. Jeremy was probably about ready to awaken. I opened the lid on his coffin shaped box and administered an injection. He stirred at the small pain but did not totally awaken. I gave him a strong analgesic in an effort to alleviate the headache which usually accompanied being knocked out. I knew I was taking a gamble but after reading his file I was hoping that he would not become so alarmed that he'd do anything rash. Just to make sure he could not escape his ankles were restrained with soft cuffs and a very short chain. Likewise his left wrist was also cuffed and chained to the side of the box. I left his right hand so that he could take a drink. I also had a container if he had to urinate. About 20 minutes later I heard a sharp gasp and a rattling chain. I looked inside and saw a frightened black kid looking up at me with a bit of fear but no tears. He tried to pull up his left hand and cried out: "What the fuck!? What's happenin'? Why'm I in this box? Please don't hurt me." He now started to cry as he realized that both his legs and wrist were held in place. "Boy. No need to be afraid. I am NOT going to hurt you. I know you hear all about men who kidnap boys but I know after reading your file you are quite intelligent. So I 3;" "My file? What file?" "I've read all about you. I had someone copy all your medical records and I know everything you told Dr. Dodge. I know all about you. And that's why I decided to kidnap you." "But why me? I'm nothing' special. In fact 3;" "Jeremy, you are VERY special. At least to me. As I was trying to tell you before. Deep down I know you understand what I want." Jeremy seemed to shudder and I could see a mixture of emotions show in his expression. His big lips and strikingly black eyes were very expressive. He just barely whispered one word: "Sex?" He made it a question but he really knew. "Right on boy." And I smiled as I touched a very hard penis jutting upward as much as his pants would allow. He realized that he was reacting with quite a bit of arousal and he understood enough after his sessions with Dr. Dodge why. I asked but didn't need the answer: "You like this don't you?" As I started fondling his now prominent bulge. He shook his head in denial but didn't try to stop my hand. I couldn't resist. I looked around making sure we were still alone and opened his fly. His penis immediately sprung upward and he lay back and only whimpered as I manipulated his now quite rigid pole. Hard, it was fully 8 inches [20 cm] long. Again I felt some envy. At best I barely reached 7 inches [18 cm] and wasn't that thick. Not like 13 year old Jeremy. And to think it would most definitely get even bigger. Jeremy didn't last long. In less than a minute he shook with spasms and unloaded. In spite of the size of his genitals he didn't have more than four short spurts. The boy had just started having wet orgasms. But the climax drew quite a series of moans from a very submissive boy. He just lay there staring up at me when he recovered. I had a cloth handy and cleaned him up. "Well boy. How was that?" "What are you going to do to me? You promise you won't hurt me?" I was surprised at his question. As if everything else was a normal course of events. I smiled. "Boy, I've spent over a year searching for the perfect boy. Someone I can train to be my sex slave." Jeremy became alarmed again. "Slave?! You can't do that!" "Not only CAN I do that. I AM doing that. And look. Your penis seems to like the idea." It was true. It seemed the very idea had at least pleased one portion of his anatomy. "Please mister. I promise not to tell. Please let me go. I promise." "I know you won't tell. Because you will not be able to escape. Why do you think you are chained down? You ARE already my slave. My sex slave. And you will be trained to be the perfect sex slave and companion." Jeremy tried to pull at his chains. It was just a reaction. He knew he was helpless. He started crying. "I don't want to be a slave. Please." "Boy, at least a part of you likes the idea. You are quite sexually aroused right now." I started lowering the lid, and he yelled. "NO! Please don't lock me in here again." I opened the lid enough to be heard. "Boy, I decide what is going to happen to you. I'm taking you to my estate and there you will be locked in restraints all the time unless you are in bed with your master. You have no choice. But I know I've picked well. I think you will enjoy the sex almost as much as I will. Now you may as well relax. Even sleep. The trip will take another eight hours." At his protest I closed the lid. His yells were barely audible. I was quite excited. After locking the box and the back of the van, I walked into the nearby trees and masturbated my quite engorged penis. The whole situation so aroused me. To have my own slave. Finally. I smiled thinking about having my own personal slave. And all his future screams and yells. He would very soon learn that pleasure only followed pain. That orgasm he just had would be the last one which was unearned. And I was quite happy about my choice. What a lucky chance. I thought it more his personality which almost invited being abused. Beside his small physical stature, he was unusually submissive. Just what I wanted in my future slave. He didn't have to know everything yet. This was going to be a drawn out process. And very soon we would be finding out just how much a masochist the boy was. There was a guy I had sex with once who could only climax while being whipped. That was something I didn't want. I wanted a boy who would mature accepting whatever his master directed including torture but who could also respond sexually otherwise. I not only wanted a slave to control and torture. But also a bed companion; a bed companion who was NOT being tortured. Ok I admit it. I wanted something more than just a slave. But Jeremy wouldn't know that for quite some time. I had to stop myself from pressing down on the accelerator time and again as I sped down the freeway. Eventually I reached the Weed turnoff. I loved this area of very northern California. My living room and study had amazing views of Mt. Shasta. And was far enough off the main road among small rolling hills and juniper trees so not to be visible. Directly outside were small rock outcroppings, a natural pond, and Mt. Shasta. Inside, besides a comfortable dwelling, was a 'dungeon' even if it was on the ground floor. I had the place built after I made my second million. I would like to claim that I was a great investor but alas, it was more luck than anything else. I ran a small business, had a couple good years and bought and sold at exactly the right times. But now I was officially 'retired' even though I was now dabbling in collecting rare books. My passion was two-fold: centuries old pornography, and 19th century Americana, mostly government publications, guide books, and railroad publications. But all that would be taking a back seat for a while. I had a slave to train. I finally got to my estate, maneuvered the box with the boy onto a gurney into my four car garage (which only had three vehicles), and drove back to Redding to return the van. I picked up my car which had been serviced, and returned north to my boy. He had now been inside that dark box for almost 11 hours. I pushed the box into my 'dungeon.' It was a medium sized room with paneled walls, and wooden floor except for a central covering of a special rubberized laminate, with a large shower area back in one corner. There was an entire set of tracks bolted to the high ceiling so that I could move my slave anywhere I wanted no matter how he was trussed up. I decided that for at least the first month or so he would never be without severe restraints except when occupying my bed. While in my bed his restraints would be minimal. Perhaps mittens to make his hands useless and maybe a tether to an ankle cuff. Just enough so that he knew that escape was not possible. There was quite a collection of whips, canes, paddles, and other implements of torture but most of them were only for visual effect. I mostly liked to use a soft paddle, a slender and supple cane, and a multi strand light flogger. I wanted to hurt my slave, not harm him. My own thrill was not in maiming but in absolute control and hearing my slave scream. I also liked to use a supple tawse. It created quite a lot of surface pain but no deep damage. One of my favorite things was to use it on the soles of the feet, or the palms of the hand as the tawse was originally used on English schoolboys. Used with moderation it created quite a lot of pain without any real injury. As I brought the box into the 'dungeon' I was so excited my penis was trying to burst my pants. I could hear some movement and even some muffled yells as I moved the box into the barred cell which would house my boy from time to time. I closed the barred door behind me. I was taking no chances. The most important thing I had to convince Jeremy was that escape was absolutely impossible. At no time would he be left unchained or untethered to something. Or otherwise so totally restrained it didn't matter. I had several types of body bags which he would soon become very familiar.One body bag really took me quite some time to create once I had the boy's dimensions. Over most the entire interior surface was a series of tiny steel nubbins, ending in points like miniature cones. Not enough to either injure or pierce, but after the bag was tightened around the boy's body, there would be considerable discomfort and even pain. The boy's arms and legs were fitted into their individual compartments with arms and hands held immobile along the boy's body as in a normal body bag. Small donut-like pads were situated at knees and ankles to insure proper distribution of force. But the bag was also significantly different from other bags of similar design. I am quite proud of the engineering of this particular bag. A series of attachment points for small tightening straps started up each leg both front and back starting at the toes which were forced downward, and continued up to the buttocks in the back and groin in the front. A small hole in the front was tightly situated against the boy's groin to allow his genitals to stay outside the bag. Another two sets of straps coinciding with these four rows connected both sides of the boy's legs on front and back. And all the straps were so connected to a set of ratchet points in both front and back – about 15 on each side. When a special ratchet was inserted into each of the 30 points of attachment, the material of the bag would tighten about each of the boys legs in addition of tightening his legs together. Thus as each ratchet was turned the hundreds of small pointed cones will dig into the boy's flesh as he is the bag is tightened around him. A similar arrangement of ratchet points about another 15 both front and back, extend up both back and front from crotch to neck. As these are turned the sleeves about the boys fingers, hands, and arms tighten as also do the material around his trunk. As the material tightens about his body, one small step at a time, the small cones bite into his flesh. There was no hood. I wanted to see his face, see his looks of anguish, and hear his shouts and screams as one by one I turn a ratchet. With sixty separate ratchet points I can easily extend my enjoyment as one could take a full hour tightening the bag about the boy's body. There are other attachment points about the bag to hang the boy between vertically placed poles as I watch him scream and yell and even plead for his torture to stop. And after the bag is fully tightened and all those beautiful metal cones are pressed well into the boy's flesh, I still have both his genitals and face and head to play with. I couldn't wait to use it, but that was probably several days away. Now I just wanted to introduce the boy to absolute control and later his first torture session. I opened the box to see a crying boy look up in fear. It quite excited me. "Please, let me out. Please." I realized that the jug I had for him to urinate in I had totally forgotten in my haste to get the boy home. The padding was soaked in his urine. I very deliberately took up a small tawse and hit the boy across the thighs. He yelled probably more in surprise than pain. He had his pants on and it was difficult to really hit with any real force. "Boy, did I give you permission to pee?" The boy looked at me in surprise. I was sure his teen mind considered that my expectation was totally unfair. I was sure he tried to hold it as long as possible. The situation never invited 'fair.' Just control. "No." He said weakly. "But I couldn't hold it. I'm sorry." "Boy, from now on you only pee with permission. In fact you only do ANYTHING with permission. I control you entirely. Before you do anything you must ask yourself if you have permission." And as I saw him struggling to sit up I added: "That includes ANYTHING boy, like even sitting up right now." The fear in the boy's eyes was palpable. He collapsed onto the cushioned bottom of the box and barely voiced the word: "Sorry." I hit him twice again on his thighs. He howled in pain. I smiled. I was so aroused I wanted to push my penis into him right then. He started to say something when he got his breath back, and I deliberately held up the twase and exclaimed: "Stop. Anything means anything. Even speaking. You were hit twice more because you disobeyed. For trying to move without permission and talking. If you understand just nod." He nodded energetically with new tears running down his face. "You will soon learn boy. Disobedience will be punished. You will be responsible, and there will never be any forgiveness." He almost started speaking but suddenly just nodded. Quite a surprise. Almost anyone else in his position would not have acquiesced so soon. I smiled. I made a production out of attaching a chain to the loop in his left wrist cuff which was attached to the back wall of the cell. Only then did I release the boy from the attachments within the box. The cuffs and short attaching chain was only released from the bottom of the box. They stayed on his ankles. He actually showed more interest than fear as he watched me intently. And I was quite heartened when I saw his erection pushing against his pants. Eventually I got him out of the box and commanded him to stand still. He did so. Boy did he stink. I would obviously be using the shower in the corner of the room quite soon. I decided to test him. "Boy, you have permission ONLY to move your head to see your surroundings, and you can move your limbs only to get out the kinks. But do not move from the center of your cell." "Yes sir." He winced as soon as he spoke. But I was surprised as he almost tried to apologize but suddenly he just closed his mouth. A few tears again leaked down his face as he expected another lash. He wasn't disappointed but I only hit him with moderate force. He seemed a bit surprised at the mildness of the punishment. "I know you're trying boy. So I was lenient. I want so much to reward your compliance. You are doing quite well. I am very proud of you boy." Jeremy even seemed to respond to the praise. And it was actually meant even if I said it more as a matter of his training. I was fully intending to use his already subconscious need to be controlled and associating sex with control, but I also wanted him to know that was to be rewarded for this behavior. In a week or so I expected him to be doing his very best to please me. As opposed to avoiding punishment and pain. After all he would receive the pain regardless. It will soon become an automatic part of his life. I pushed the gurney out of the cell and then out of the room without closing the very heavy wooden door which was the only exit. There were no windows, the light coming from cleverly designed indirect lighting. There were also strategically aimed spots but they were off at this time. I brought the box out to my truck and I would dispose of it later. I then looked up at a monitor just outside the 'dungeon.' I was quite pleased. The boy seemed to start to move from his spot several times but always stopped after just a short step. But he made use of his time to look about. Two walls were covered with all manner of whips, paddles, straps, chain and manacles, and other things one would expect to see in a classical dungeon. What surprised me next however was him reaching down and touching the floor. It was a special composition of laminated rubber, making a resilient surface but easy to clean. He seemed rather curious about it and then started looking at several pieces of 'furniture.' There were the not quite classic X-shaped and upright crosses; there were provisions whereby the boy could be attached quite securely yet not damage his joints. There also was a slightly slanted bench with obvious manacles at its four lower corners, a chair with separate extensions for legs and arms, and a not so regular cross which was specially built to specifications. It had numerous attachment points so that when my boy was attached, it had the 'flavor' of him being hung, yet made sure that he was actually more attached rather than hung. As I said, I had no intention of causing injury. At least none that couldn't heal in a day or so. One thing I was next surprised at was his lack of fear. Instead he seemed more curious and even excited. His huge prong was standing straight out. I again looked with envy. And his hanging testicles were a good match for his huge endowment. I decided then that his penis would only know complete freedom on infrequent occasions, or when in his master's bed. His great endowment was going to be his great source of frustration. I would have to have several chastity devices made for him. None of the ones I had, except perhaps the chain-link cage, would actually fit. His genitals were even larger than I had assumed from seeing photos of him naked. Then I smiled as his hand went to his penis and started rubbing. But I was amazed when he suddenly stopped with a very loud sigh. I decided only to give him a token punishment. I did state that he could move his limbs, but he had to know that touching his own genitals was a most serious offense. I thought that he was able to stop masturbating was quite astounding. He was quite aroused. Perhaps he was smart enough to realize that I would be monitoring him. His intelligence test indicated him to be in the top 10% of his peers. Again I was envious. He might even be smarter than me. I consoled myself by touching my own hard cock knowing that I was the master, and the boy was the slave. I reentered the room and without a word, took up a pair of huge shears and started cutting off all his clothing. He was genuinely startled and almost spoke. I answered his unasked question. "You will not have need of clothing for quite some time boy. At least until your training is complete." He automatically tried to stop his disrobing until I picked up the tawse. I hit him again on his legs. He only whimpered. But he also put his arms back down. But he watched intently as I cut up both arms, then across the back in a 'T.' His shirt fell away. I pulled it out of his pants and tossed it into a small can just outside his cell. Then I released his belt and pulled it out. His penis was just as rigid as my own. I then allowed his pants to fall to the floor. "Step out of them boy." He complied. His penis was now sticking through the hole in his under-shorts and he started to cover up with his hands. I simply hit them with the tawse. He yelled, pulling his hands away and rubbed them together. It was very important to demand explicit obedience and submission from the very start. I explained this using the tawse was for emphasis and motivator. Next came his shorts. I simply cut up both sides and it too fell away. He now stood entirely naked. His shoes and socks had been taken off before I put him in the box. He was ramrod hard, sticking out a full 9 inches [23 cm]. He was so aroused I could see his testicles starting to rise in their sac. I would expect him to orgasm as the slightest pull on his engorged penis. And I then observed something remarkable. He was sort of leaning back a bit with his eyes closed. He was at that moment totally reveling in his sexual excitement. A total submissive. "Boy, what are you feeling?" "I can't help it. It's like with those boys. When I get so aroused I just need someone to do something." "I will boy. I definitely will. But now we need to get you clean." I decided to introduce my slave to his leash, something he would have to get entirely used to. But a leash needs a collar. At least that was where I wished to attach it this time.
I must confess that for the very first few days, I was so consumed with what I thought of as Jeremy's training, and of course using him for sex, I'd totally forgotten about getting to actually know the boy. So I was actually stunned when he was serving me breakfast that fourth morning, and after he was allowed his own food while kneeling at my side, that he asked for permission to speak. "Very well. You are doing quite well boy. What do you wish to ask?" He seemed to have a small tear at the corner of one eye and I expected for him to plead to be let go, or some such nonsense. So what he did say startled me. "Master, I like you better than Pop. I hope I never have to go back to him." I did not know how to respond right away. I temporized: "And why is that boy?" "Well master, you care for me. I can tell it. And please forgive me but that punishment last night, the one you almost apologized for but said I had to learn how to properly behave, well it was nothing compared to what my Pop used to dish out." "Worse?" I'd given him ten fairly good swats with the slender cane on his black butt and legs. "Hell yes master. And you said something he never said in all my years. That you wanted me." It was strange how this small conversation led to quite a difference in how I continued training my slave. I soon recognized that the boy seemed to actually thrive being my slave and bed mate even so far as responding quite well under stringent physical restrictions. It was that very night I allowed him to have his own orgasm. And he was abundantly profuse in his thanks.
It was only three months later when I discovered that physical restraints were no longer necessary for the purpose of keeping him from absconding. In fact he seemed disconcerted when not tethered in some way.
A month after that I discovered that he was frustrated when I had 'failed' to keep him sufficiently physically restrained. He liked being physically controlled especially as a preamble to sex – which I noted he enjoyed as much as I did even if his own penis was kept in chastity much of the time. I must confess, however, that I enjoyed allowing him his own pleasure.
But it was not until his 15th birthday, which we had celebrated by an extensive series of torture and sex when he asked a startling question while we were resting in each other's arms in the afterglow of our subsequent sexual activity. I enjoyed the contrast of his black skin against my own more typically Caucasian coloring. His now fully monstrous penis – now fully 10 inches [25 cm] when engorged – was back in the chastity tube I sometimes encased his penis after sex. Its failure to test its current confinement a testament to the number of orgasms I'd permitted my slave for his special celebration. My slave looked to me for permission to speak. I nodded. "Master, I was hoping. Will you always want me? Please?" Jeremy was shaking at his uncharacteristically bold question, and I could see tears forming at the corner of his black eyes. "Boy, you are my slave forever." I could not possibly conceive of any other future for either of us.
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