PZA Boy Stories


The Resort


The Resort is a privately owned island in the South Pacific far off the beaten track of anywhere. It's owners provide a unique service for those who could afford to pay; there are a surprising number of people who could pay. It is a kind of a "Fantasy Island" for rich men who liked teenage boys. Any kind of fetish or perversion, short of murder, that a customer wants will be carried out for the right price. But for the resort to be a success, it needs a fresh supply of boys.
Publ. Mar 1999 (ANCGS and ASSGM); this site May 2008
Finished 79,000 words (158 pages)


Luke 'Blondie' (13yo) and Danny 'Red' (c. 13yo); Nick (15yo) and Kent (14yo); the trustees Dalton (16yo), Michael (16yo), Timmy (12yo) and Bobby (12yo); and their master Mr. White

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/now
Mt tt tbMdom oral anal humil spank bdsm ws pierce cross-dressing tickle 'sock/clothing fetish'


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

The following is a work of fiction. It contains many things many people may find offensive such as sex between non-consenting teens and males and a lot of clothing fetish. Standard disclaimers apply. If you don't like it, or you are too young, please do not read it. If you don't like it, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Well, there is my first try at an erotic story. I hope you have enjoyed it. When I started this back in March 1999 I had no idea it would grow to this, and I thank the few of you that took the time to write in with encouragement. I am going to take a break now, but if you have enjoyed the story, and would like me to try another, I would really like to hear your comments and or ideas. Feel free to drop me a line at Sockluver@angelfire.com Please let me know what you think as I am wondering if people want another story such as this. I have heard almost nothing since the last chapter was posted. Support assgm authors! Let them know you like to read their stories!
Cheers, Sockluver!

N.B. The story as posted to usenet had chapters 1-13, 16, 15-18, thus chapter 16 was included twice (identical text) and 14 was missing. However, chapter 15 immediately follows chapter 13. For this version on PZA I renumbered chapters 15-18 into 14-17.


Author's note

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. However, someone claiming to be Sockluver gave me permission to publish via the feedback form, without giving an e-mail address.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


Chapter 1

Luke was terrified; he didn't know what the hell was going on. The last thing he remembered clearly was eating dinner with the truck driver that had pulled over and offered him a ride while hitchhiking along the interstate. The ride had started out decent enough, but after a few hours Luke started to get uncomfortable. The driver of the truck seemed to be asking a lot of questions and looking at him strangely.

He knew it was a dumb and dangerous thing to do, but being a thirteen year-old runaway, with little money he had few choices. It was a stupid impulse, running away. His aunt was decent enough, but Luke could tell that he was not really part of her life. He had been sent to live in New York with his aunt (after a brief stay with his uncle) after his parents had died in an accident earlier that year while on a European vacation. He resented being passed around to all the other rich family members who didn't really want to be bothered with a young teenage boy. The final straw was this morning when he overheard from another room his aunt making arrangements to send him to a boarding school in New Zealand! That was the last straw! He would not be shipped off like so much excess baggage. If his aunt didn't want him, fine! He would go back to California where his old friends lived.

That was two days ago. He had enough money to get a bus ticked as far west as Denver, but if he wanted any money left after he got to LA he had to thumb it the rest of the way. Having come from a wealthy background he wasn't really streetwise and did not comprehend the extreme danger he was in. At thirteen he was very attractive, measuring in at 5'2 [1.55 m] and not an ounce of fat on his pretty young body. He had dirty blonde hair that almost went to his shoulders in kind of an early eighties type of hairstyle that was now becoming quite disheveled as he hadn't had a shower in a while. He did not realize what a picture he painted to certain types of men in the world, as he stood on the side of the westbound onramp of I-70.

At first Ben thought he was seeing things, he could not believe his luck. He was just starting his Denver to San Francisco run when he saw the young beauty with his thumb out on the side of the road. While Ben didn't really go in for the younger type, he new some very wealthy people that really went for them and paid handsomely for them at their collection point if SF. Ben was thinking what he could do with an extra hundred grand (the going rate for a young virgin boy) as he pulled over and picked up the young beauty.

Luke was glad the big truck had pulled over, he had only been standing by the road for fifteen minutes he felt sure he would be safe with a truck driver. "Thanks a lot for stopping mister," he said as he climbed into the cab.

"No problem, I couldn't leave you on the side of the road, there a lot of strange people around these days," he said with an odd grin, and pulled the big rig onto the freeway "Where are you headed to kid?"

"My names Luke and I am going to Los Angeles. Where are you going?"

"What a coincidence, that's where I am headed. My name is Ben by the way and that's where I'm going too. You're more than welcome to ride all the way with me." He lied knowing the boy would be taken care of long before he figured out they weren't going to LA

"That'd be great," Luke answered back, "I can pay you a little."

"I don't need your money Luke, I am more than happy to do it just for the company." He lied again as he thought of all the money his passenger was worth. He continued glancing at the boy, taking him in as he formulated his plan. He had to find out if anyone would look closely for him and where. He could tell from the expensive clothes the kid was wearing that he wasn't some street kid. Brand-new looking Docker pants with a nice long sleeve Rugby shirt and leather Birkenstock type sandals showing dark socks. The little fucker looked like he was taking a class picture, not hitching his way across country Ben thought. He got the boy talking and got him to blurt out his whole story to him. Shouldn't be much of a problem he thought as long as I keep him out of sight. If they look for him anywhere it will probably be in Los Angeles. The boy soon dozed off; allowing Ben to make a call on his cell phone to a pre arranged pager number in San Francisco.

After a few hours down the road Ben asked Luke if he had eaten. When the hungry boy said he hadn't, Ben began to put his plan into action. Telling Luke to 'guard his rig' Ben went into a truckstop and picked up a couple of burgers and cokes. Out of eyesight of the boy, Ben slipped a couple of pills into his coke. Minute's later back on the freeway Luke wolfed down the offered food greedily. He thought the coke tasted funny but figured is was just flat or something. That's when he started to notice Ben staring at him more and asking how he felt. He was getting more nervous but was having trouble thinking.

"I said do you feel like laying down in the back for a while," The driver's voice cut through to him.

"What? Yeah, maybe I 3;" Luke didn't even finish the sentence as he slumped over in the seat.

Perfect, thought Ben as he pulled off into a rest area. Parking in a dark area of the parking lot he quickly got to work. Pulling a tool bag he kept just for this occasion with him, he got the boy into the sleeper cab area of the truck and cuffed his hands behind him. He then cuffed his ankles together, noticing he was wearing black Nike ankle socks. He then rolled him onto his back and strapped him to the bunk. He then got a real close look at the boy. He looked very peaceful lying there on his back, almost as if he was taking a nap.

Ben started to get hard, even though he wasn't really into boys, the very nature of what he was doing was exiting him tremendously, and it always did. This would be the third 'special delivery' he had made for his special customer. He wouldn't touch the boy though, that would make him worth far less money. Looking at him didn't cost anything though, as he started to rub himself just as Luke started to stir 3;

As he slowly regained consciousness, Luke couldn't figure out what was happening, he was on his back and couldn't move. Then to his horror, he saw Ben standing over him Jacking the biggest dick Luke had ever seen in his young life.

"Please Ben, what are you doing," he said and started to struggle and cry at the same time. It was clear to him now. He wasn't street wise, but he knew what jacking off was, and he knew you did it in private, not in front of someone else.

Ben hadn't counted on the kid coming to so soon, but was not in the least put off, they were in a very secluded spot and the idling engine of the truck would cover any noise. Seeing the look of fear in Luke's eyes and squirming around just got him more excited. By this time he had his fly open and was stroking his raging boner right in the tied up kid's face! It only took a few more strokes when he let loose a hot load of spunk all over the crying boys face and chest.

"Ahggghh yessss," he hissed through clenched teeth.

Luke was repulsed and terrified at the same time. He was helpless as the man shot his sperm into his crying face and heaving chest. He wanted almost to throw up.

"Thanks kid," Ben said as he took a towel and wiped himself and Luke's face off.

"Are you going to let me go now?" Luke quietly sobbed.

"Let you go? Ha! kid you are my ticket to a brand new truck, I'm selling you to a private collector."

"Private mmmph," Luke didn't get to finish the sentence as Ben was stuffing a ball gag with airholes drilled into it, into the confused adolescents' mouth. He had to move quite a bit of hair out of the way before he could get the buckle into place behind his little head but with a tug on the strap that stretched his lips to the limit, he fastened the gag in place.

"There we are," said Ben as he patted Luke on the cheek, and then he dug into the tool bag and pulled out a little leather case. Luke could only lay there and watch as the truck driver pulled out a syringe and a little bottle of clear liquid. He drew a little of the liquid into it and then looked down at the boy who now started to scream muffled cries into the ball gag. Luke was struggling and grunting but it did no good. Ben viscously ripped a sleeve of the boys shirt from the shoulder down to his elbow and leaned down to whisper in Luke's ear "don't move kid, you wouldn't want me to screw this up would you?" With that Luke felt a not to gentle prick into his arm and minutes later, a blackness overcame him; his new life was about to begin, just not the one he set out for 3;

Chapter 2

Luke started to come to about 20 hours later. He felt himself being manhandled out of the cab of the truck and realized he was in some sort of warehouse. He was aware that two men were holding him while he could hear the murmured voices of the truck driver and someone else. Ben then came into view and said, "thanks for hitching a ride kid," then walked away laughing. Luke was still confused and very frightened as the unseen men dragged him to what looked like a dog carrier for an airplane. His arms and legs were very stiff from being cuffed and his mouth ached from the gag, but he had no strength to resist as he was shoved into the kennel. He still didn't have any idea what was going on except that he new he was screwed. He had left no note of any kind and his aunt would have no idea where he was. He had no idea where he was!

He lay there in his cage for about an hour when the two thugs brought out another dog carrier and set it down next to his. The bigger one than bent down and looked at Luke.

"Ben hit pay dirt with this one, he'll probably get a bonus when they see him."

"Yeah, but I feel better when the next one gets here and we can get em out of here," the other said as he opened the door to Luke's cage. "Come on punk, its your one chance to use the toilet for the next two days."

Two days! Thought Luke. Where were they taking him? The men yanked him out of the kennel and brought him to his feet. The first guy then got down and unlocked the cuffs on his ankles. "Don't even think of trying to run punk, if you want to live, got it?" Luke nodded his head yes. They then headed him into a filthy little bathroom. As the smaller one reached to his dockers and started undoing the fly Luke tried to back away. A quick stinging blow to the side of the head stopped him. "Knock it off punk, unless you want to shit in your pretty dockers." His pants and underwear were yanked to his knees and he was turned around and shoved down on the toilet seat. "Go ahead twerp, you got five minutes to do your business starting now."

Luke didn't know what to do. While he had to go to the bathroom, he couldn't do it with someone watching him! He had never been so humiliated in his life! Eventually nature took its course though and much to his shame he started to shit into the toilet in front of the two strangers, followed by a long piss. When he was finally done they yanked him to his feet. With his pants to his knees one of the men shoved a wad of toilet paper into his cuffed hands behind his back. "Go ahead kid, wipe." They laughed. Tears came to Luke's face, as he had to hop around wiping his behind with cuffed hands for the amusement of his tormentors. He wanted to die of shame.

When he was done, they pulled his pant's back up. When the thug was zipping his fly back up he lingered in that area rubbing his teen dick through Luke's pants. "You got a nice little piece there kid, your going to be very popular at the resort." Luke wondered what he meant by that as he fought, much to his horror, the boner he was starting to sprout in his pants. He soon had other things to think about though as the cuffs were put back onto his ankles. He tried to kick and struggle but the men just laughed as they picked him up and shoved him back into the dog kennel.

Just as he was locked back into his cage, he heard another truck come into the warehouse. This must be the other one they were talking about, thought Luke. He then saw what he must have looked like when he arrived earlier. He saw a young red headed kid about his age being yanked out the back of rental truck and the driver being handed an envelope of what Luke assumed was payment for his fellow victim. He watched (from what he could see from his little windows) as they took the new boy into the bathroom and saw his humiliation. He felt for the boy as he new what he was feeling. They started heading the red head toward the cage next to him when he heard them talking.

"This other kid aint any bigger than the first, lets just save the space and ship them together."

"Good idea, lets get'em ready."

Luke got a good look at his new companion. Slightly taller than himself, about 5'4 [1.60 m] or so, but built in that gangly adolescent way with arms and legs almost too long for his body. He probably weighed the same as Luke even with the extra height. He was dressed in more typical teenage clothing, baggy jeans , tan suede Ariwalk sneakers, white socks and an oversized T-shirt that his shoulders almost came out of the head hole. He had red hair in done in bowl cut with very pale skin and freckles typical of a red head. He too was cuffed and gagged and looked, if possible, more scared than Luke.

Red, as Luke thought of him now was shoved into his kennel the opposite way of Luke so that he was staring at the not so good smelling shoes and socks of his cage mate only inches from his face. Luke then felt his pant leg being lifted up and his sock pulled down on his leg and he wondered what was going on. "Just got to find a vein here," he heard as he felt his leg being felt up. He then felt a needle being stuck into the back of his calf. He then got to see Red get the same treatment and watched as his big bell bottom was shoved up and the Adida logo'd tube sock shoved down his smooth freckled calve. He could hear Red trying to scream and he almost kicked Luke in the face as struggled, but to no avail. The needle soon found its home and was taped into place.

"This is so you maggots don't dehydrate on your trip," he heard as a moving blanket covered almost all the light coming into the now very crowded cage. Luke wondered what else was in the IV, as he was becoming sleepy again. He fought to stay awake as he felt the cage being moved. He and red were bouncing into each other when all of a sudden he felt the kennel being lifted what he could guess was a truck. He then heard a rolling door shut and sensed he was in the back of another truck when it started move and he hear the sounds of traffic and airplanes. He must be at or near an airport! But which one? The hopelessness of his situation again settled in on him. He would give anything to go to a private school in New Zealand now! He started to cry again as he drifted off.

He awoke to a horrible smell and someone slapping his face. "Rise and shine shitheads," he heard, as the smelling salts were wave under his nose. He was in the back of a small airplane he could tell, but not where he was as there were no widows in the back where he and Red were tied to the floor. What Luke and Red did not know was that they had been transported from truck to a plane to another plane in the last 36 hours to make sure they could not be traced. They were now in the back of a small seaplane heading for the island that would be there new home/prison for the next few years. It was The Resort.

The Resort was a privately owned island in the South Pacific far off the beaten track of anywhere. It's owners provided a unique service for those who could afford to pay; there were a surprising number of people who could pay. It was a kind of a "Fantasy Island" for Rich men who liked teenage boys. Any kind of fetish or perversion, short of murder, that a customer wanted would be carried out for the right price. But for the resort to be a success, it needed a fresh supply of boys. That was where Luke and Red came in.

Luke, now fully awake tried to move and again found he was bound. His hands were cuffed together in front of him but a chain led from them down between his legs to the floor so he could not stand up. He was still gagged but with tape over his mouth so he had to breathe entirely through his nose. He didn't like what he smelled either! Neither he nor Red, who was tied similarly in the seat next to him, had showered in over three days! Then much to his horror and shame he realized he smelled urine! Looking down confirmed his fear as he saw the stain in his pants where he had soiled himself in his sleep. He was mortified, but at least, he thought, I wasn't the only one as he noticed a similar stain in Reds crotch. Luke noticed Red looking at him with a little sympathy in his eyes and he new then he had at least one friend in this mess.

Minutes later the plane touched down in the surf and taxied to a pier. The two boys had no idea in the world where they were, (nor would they ever) or what they were in for. The man that had woken them up came to the back and undid the chains holding them to the floor. He then yanked them both to their feet by the handcuffs and dragged them out the hatch into the warm tropical air. Luke had to fight to keep his balance and squint from the bright light at the same time. When he could focus he had a hard time grasping what he saw. Looking up from the pier he saw a huge mansion with even bigger grounds surrounding it. Then he saw his welcoming committee. On the pier was a man in a white suit leering at him and Red. Standing behind him were four boys, two about sixteen or so and the other two twelve or so.

What struck Luke was the way the boys were dressed. The two older boys had on what appeared to be some sort of modified scout uniform. Khaki long sleeve shirts with patches of 'The Resort' emblem on their sleeves, tucked into green medium length tight fitting shorts. Their very tanned legs didn't show much however they also had on green knee socks with red bands at the top. Completing the older boy's outfits were very shiny Doc Martin boots and red berets. The younger boys had on tight yellow T-shirts tucked into royal blue shorts with blue knee socks and yellow bands at the top. They were wearing low quarter docs and no hats. Luke noticed the little boys had crew cuts.

He was broken from his study when the man in the white suit walked up and stared into his eyes. It was the most frightened he had been since this whole nightmare started. He was relieved when he broke his lock and stared at Red next to him, no doubt with the same effect.

"Listen to me very carefully swine," he said with a trace of an English accent. "My name is Mister White and I am your new owner." He paused to let that sink in. "I paid good money for you and intend to make back my investment. You two are now slaves. You should feel privileged, your part of a very select group of 250 or so young beauties I keep on hand here for the pleasure of my guests. You will begin today your one month training period. Before I can trust you with a client I will try both of you out myself." As he was talking he was slowly walking around the cowering frightened boys, caressing a face here grabbing a nipple there. "But first things first," he said while sniffing them, "is to get you decent enough to even take you into the training dormitory. These fine boys you see behind me are trustees. That is they are slaves like you but have proven loyal to me over the passage of time. You will treat them just as they are your masters, because for the next month at least, they, or anyone wearing those uniforms are your trainers and you will do exactly as they say, or face severe punishment. You will address them as Sir and you will address me as Master is all this perfectly clear?"

The two boys were so shocked that all they could do was nod yes.

"Good," he said turning to the waiting trustees, "get these filthy clothes off of them and get them inside and prepared for tonight's show."

The one who seemed to be in charge snapped to attention, "right away master," then turned to the rest, "you now what to do trustees." Without a word they all started walking toward the two frightened boys. "Oh man they pissed themselves, I hate it when they do that," one of the little ones said making a face. The other older boy who had not spoken approached Luke with a knife. "Welcome to The Resort shitheads," he sneered as he waved the knife in Luke's face. He then grabbed Luke's shirt and cut it right off him almost causing Luke to pee again. In short order all his clothes were cut from his body except his underwear (Tommy's) and his black ankle socks and sandals. Glancing next to him he saw Red standing in his Joe Boxer's and his shoes and socks. "Well aren't they pretty little whores," said the leader. "Get the smell and shit off of em Timmy."

"Yes sir," the other little one said and let loose with a stream of freezing cold water on both of them.

When they were soaked to the bone and shivering even in the warm sun, they were led up the path by their handcuffs. Walking in just their underwear socks and shoes (the underwear of both now nearly transparent) toward a basement entrance to the underground training facility, Luke noticed that Red, while still whimpering, had a raging boner in his shorts. Apparently he was not the only one that noticed, because just then Timmy spoke up, "Sir the skinny one has a stiffie," he cried gleefully.

Red (Danny was his real name) was terrified and confused. He was miserable after being hosed down yet he felt a strange arousal he could not control. He was hoping no one would notice when the little brat spoke up. "What do we have here?" the leader of the little group said. "Look shithead, you only get hard when someone allows you to, what's your problem?" As he was still gagged Danny couldn't answer just shake his head. "You queer for you little friend over here," he asked pointing to Luke. Danny was shaking his head violently no when to his shock he felt a hand on his dick. Timmy was jacking him while he piped in, "I bet he want's to fuck him." Danny was trying to talk into the tape over his mouth to deny everything but the talk about fucking and the hand on his dick was too much.

"MMMMMPPPHHHH" he moaned as he shot a huge load all over himself and little Timmy!

"You shit," screeched Timmy, "you didn't have permission to cum you bastard, you will pay for that later," he said as he walked over to a wide-eyed Luke. "Here, he's your boyfriend," laughed Timmy as he smeared Danny's spunk all over his face and hair. "You two have a lot to learn, this is going to be fun!"

"Enough screwing around and get them inside," shouted Mr. White from behind them. "SIR" they all shouted and dragged the two unwilling, and already halfway broken, new slaves into the entrance.

Chapter 3

The two boys were yanked by their wrists through the doors so hard that Danny stumbled, and Luke fell to his knees. "Get up you clumsy bitch," shouted the other trustee in green as he yanked the boy back to his feet and shoved him against a concrete wall next to Danny. "Now listen very carefully, My name is Michael and this is my partner Bobby," he said pointing the other younger boy in the blue shorts and socks. "You've already met Timmy and Senior Trustee Dalton. We all started out just like you two pieces of shit, and I know you're scared. My advice to you is just forgetting your whole life up till now because it is History. You cunts do everything your told and quickly and you get through your training with minimum punishment. Hell YOU might even like it," he said looking at Danny casing the Redhead to blush in embarrassment over what he had just done and what they had done to Luke.

Dalton spoke up, "We are going to remove your handcuffs and gags now, but you will not speak unless spoken to or move until told. Do you understand?"

Both boys nervously shook their heads, anxious just to have the gags off. Timmy and Danny came up to the boys reached up and viciously ripped the tape off their mouths, Timmy especially seemed to enjoy it, giggling sadistically. "I love the first day," he said.

"Shut up Timmy," snapped Dalton as he removed the cuffs from the boys' wrists.

Luke was just glad he could breath again and was rubbing his raw wrists as he took in the surroundings of the room. It was a brightly-lit room with a tile floor. There were cameras all over the ceiling with what looked like a miniature Photo/TV studio in one corner. His concentration was broken when Mr. White entered the room. He was a tall man about 6'1 [1.85 m] and very fit looking, probably early forties with white hair and those piercing blue eyes that had scared them earlier. He looked at Michael. "Get ready to go on-line"

"Yes master," he said and walked to the corner of the room where the studio was. Michael started activating the controls that ran the closed circuit TV system that was hooked to every guest room on the Island and a private Intranet the connected hundreds of computers all over the world that paid a premium price to be hooked up to the secure Network. "We are ready when you are master."

"Very good, now lets see, who wants to go first?" he said looking first at Danny then at Luke. Neither boy knew what he meant but neither would meet his eyes. "Pick Spunk face," shouted Timmy as he laughed and pointed at Luke.

"Silence!" shouted Mr. White and cuffed Timmy on the head, "unless you would like to go again?"

"I'm sorry master," the now contrite boy squeaked as he crossed his feet and looked at the floor.

"Bring the Redhead over," Mr. White ordered and, much to Luke's temporary relief, Michael and Bobby pushed Danny toward Mr. White and the studio. "What's your name boy?" he inquired.

"D-D-D-Danny Sir."

"That's Master to you cunt," shouted Michael in his and slapped him in the face.

Luke could almost feel the slap himself from across the room when Mr. White raised his hand and said, "there will be plenty of time for that later, lets get down to business." With that he walked over in from of a movie camera set up in front of a backdrop with the same logo as on the older boys uniforms. When a light came on the camera he looked into it and started to speak

"Dear Guests of the Resort, and those of you watching around the world, I have good news. I have just acquired two new fine additions to my collection for all of you to enjoy. In a moment I will give you a sneak preview, but be aware, the real show will be tonight at 0300 Greenwich Mean Time. When they will officially begin their training to please all of you, my dear friends. But to wet your appetite, allow me to introduce Danny." With that he stepped out from in front of the camera and grabbed Danny's arm and pulled him in front of it.

Danny didn't know what to do or think. There he was in front of a video camera in nothing but cum encrusted boxer shorts, tennis shoes and socks. He self-consciously put his hands in front of his crotch. He could not imagine how sexy he looked to the thousand or so people watching both on the island and around the world.

"Put your hands behind your head Danny," Mr. White instructed. Danny reluctantly complied raising his pale long arms up behind his head causing his back to arch slightly. He looked even more erotic, as his little pink nipples poked out from his white freckled chest and the big cum stain in front of his underwear became obvious. He was so ashamed he started to quietly sob. "Now turn around slowly and let everyone see you butt."

Luke watched from the side with fascination and dread knowing it was his turn next. "Your next cumboy," he heard Timmy whisper in is hear. "What's your name maggot"

"It's Luke."

"It's Luke what?" Timmy asked while yanking on Luke's hair.

"It's Luke Sir," Luke replied feeling ridiculous calling a boy younger than him sir.

"That's better, don't forget it. Not get in front of the camera," Timmy replied as he let Luke toward the backdrop Just as he heard Mr. White introducing him.

So there was Luke in his white briefs with the red and blue Tommy logo in front, cum in his hair, little black ankle socks and sandals and nothing else showing off his hot thirteen-year-old body on the net causing many hardons the world over. However it was only as Mr. White said, the sneak preview.

The collector stepped back in front of the camera. "There you have it friends, for guests here of course it will be complimentary on resort channel 3, for my overseas friends, Have the money transferred by 0200 and you will get your password for the system. Until tonight, enjoy your stay." The light on the camera went out.

"Well my little slaves you didn't do too bad so I will let you eat and sleep for a few hours so you can put on a good show for us tonight," he said pinching each of their cheeks. "Remember, no talking" he started to walk out of the room but stopped and turned. "I almost forgot. Danny gets five for cumming without permission.

Danny's eyes got big as Mr. White walked back toward him. He felt other arms grab him and lead him to the wall. "Face the wall and put your hands behind your head, since you're new I will allow you to leave your underwear on. You will count every blow out load or Timmy here will start over. Do you understand?"

"Yyyes Master," he replied with quivering lips.

"Timmy do not mark him up or you will ruin the ceremony tonight."

"Don't worry Master, I have been practicing just like Dalton taught me."

"Very good, before you begin pull your socks up, they are crooked."

Knowing how this displeased his master Timmy quickly complied, giving Mr. White a nice view of his little ass in his tight blue shorts as he did so. "Sorry Master," he said as he walked to a closet and retrieved a wide leather belt.



"I don't think I heard your correctly, I guess I have to start over"

Luke realized the mistake Danny had made, and was sorry for the boy, but strangely he couldn't look away from the slobbering boys butt waiting for the next blow.


"One SIR!"


So it went on until five blows were dealt on his tender ass. He was outwardly crying now, as much from the embarrassment as the pain. He was still crying when he was shoved into a cell off the main room about the size of a closet. He saw the trustees shove Luke into the cell next to him but that was all he could see through the tiny window in his door. A minute later a dog dish was shoved through a small hatch in the bottom of the door containing some sort of porridge in one half and water in the other. That must be dinner Danny thought and crouched down and started to cry again in earnest. Thinking what had brought him here and the life that lay ahead. He also thought of the incident outside. Why did he cum? He couldn't help it. He was at the age when his dick had a mind of its own and he hated that he couldn't control it. When those little jerk Timmy grabbed his cock he couldn't believe the feeling. Though he was terrified, no one else had ever touched him there before and through all the humiliation he became overpoweringly aroused. He was just worried that Luke thought he was a faggot or something.

Next door Luke was too overcome with emotions to be thinking much Danny. He was sitting on his butt with his arms wrapped around his knees trying to cope with what was going on. He was starting to wonder what they could do that was worse but after witnessing Danny's spanking he had a feeling it was just the tip of the Iceberg. He saw the food shoved through the door and all of a sudden was very hungry. It had been days since he had any real food. He greedily picked up the dog dish and dug his face into the porridge. He felt degraded again as he ate this way, but hunger overcame all. After licking the dish clean, and gulping down the water he leaned back and drifted into sleep.

Meanwhile, many stories above the training room, in his office Mr. White a.k.a. 'the Collector' was quite pleased. "They are a perfect addition don't you think?" But all Dalton could do was mumble as his mouth was quite full of his master's enormous dick. He was currently on his knees under Mr. White's desk wearing nothing but a black jockstrap and his boots and socks (his socks pulled all the way to his knees as the master insisted) the rest of his uniform folded neatly on a chair. The senior trustee was quite a looker himself. At seventeen he was almost at the end of his usefulness at the resort (not that he knew that), growing almost to a man. He was 5'8 [1.73 m] and 140 pounds [63 kg], with a deep tan all over and brown eyes and brown hair cut in a neat flat top with a landing strip down the middle.

On his desk Mr. White was reviewing the tape of the sneak preview from earlier getting more aroused by the minute. Luke's little underwear clad butt, was very enticing, as was Danny's gangly body somehow highly arousing. That's why he had Dalton under his desk. As he was watching as Luke turned around showing off his near naked body on the computer screen, he knew he was there and reached under the table, grabbed Dalton's ears and pulled the boy tightly over his cock. Trained as well as he was Dalton got ready for the load he new was coming, and was soon rewarded. Without making a sound, Mr. White shot his load into the boy's hot mouth sighing only when done. The boy dutifully swallowed all, licked his master's dick clean and put it back into his pants. "You may come up now boy, well done."

"Thank you sir," he said while crawling backwards out from under the desk.

Mr. White glanced up at the mirror on the other side of his office and got a perfect view of the jockstrap-outlined ass jiggling away from him. When the boy stood up, he stood at attention waiting for permission to dress again. White got up and walked to the boy taking in his beauty. It will be a shame to sell him he thought to himself, but that is a while away yet. He now stood behind the boy running his hands over his young chest.

"Timmy is getting to big for his little britches," he said grabbing a nipple between each of his thumb and forefingers. "It is your job to keep him in line," twisting just a little, "He can be sent back to being a regular slave anytime," twisting harder Dalton starting to wince, "I know he is your little bitch but I want you to punish him next week in front of me!" A viscous twist!

"YES MASTER, Sorry Master," Dalton hissed through clenched teeth until the master let go of him. Despite himself his dick was poking out the top of his jocks waistband.

"Very well," White said sitting back down at his desk. "Now jack off into your jock for me"

The trustee knew the procedure. He grabbed his jock by the waistband and slowly pulled it down until it finally allowed his cock to spring free. He continued squatting down until he could step out of it. There he stood in front of the masters' desk, naked but for his green kneesocks and boots, and wrapped his jock around his dick and started stroking.

'Yes I will hate to see him go,' thought White. After just a few minutes the boy panted, "permission to cum sir?"

"Ten more strokes boy."

"YES Master," Dalton barely made it to the tenth when gobs and gobs of boy goo filled his jock and spilling all over his hands. He managed to keep it off the floor though for he knew the punishment for that! When he was done, he quietly bent down and stepped back into the gooey sticky strap, pulled it into place, and came back to attention.

White looked at the clock and said, "Very good boy, but we have a few hours yet before the fun really begins. Go as you are through the lobby to the kitchen and get my dinner and bring it back, then you may get dressed again."

"Yes Master," Dalton said as he thought of the humiliation. He knew there'd be dozens of guests in the dining hall at this hour where he would have to walk through in his cum coated jock! He was a trustee, not a common pleasure slave! Timmy would pay for this, tight little boycunt or not! 3;

Chapter 4

Luke did not know how long he had been sleeping. He had no sense of time being locked in the closet. He did know that he was hot, sweaty and smelled terrible. Danny's cum had dried into a crusty mess all over his face and was in his hair causing his once perfect hairdo do look ridiculous. He was just starting to wonder how long they were going to leave him alone when the door was yanked open, blinding him with the sudden light.

"Come on, get out of there you filthy brat," was the first thing he heard when he focused on Dalton's form standing in front of him (in a clean uniform). He was still stinging from the embarrassment that he had suffered in the afternoon and was ready to take it out on anyone he could. He reached down to Luke's crouched form and grabbed him by the waistband of his sweaty underpants and yanked the startled young teen out and on to his feet, causing his briefs to dig into his asscrack. "Stand here with your hands at your side and stair at your worthless feet, do you understand me brat?"

"Yes sir."

"Very good, you might make a decent whore after all."

Luke's knees wobbled as he stood there in the open staring at his sandals, thinking about what Dalton had meant when he said whore. He had only recently started playing with himself and did not understand much about sex. Just when he had needed his Dad the most he died. He couldn't very well ask his aunt about such things. He was an easily embarrassed kid, and would never bring up things like hardons or masturbation to a girl. That was why he wanted to go back to Los Angeles to ask his old Junior High friends about such things. So while he had played with himself a few times, he felt terribly guilty about it.

He didn't have much time to think though, as he heard them pulling Danny out of the other cell and shoving the still waking up redhead into Luke.

"Both of you get in there," said Michael indicating the two to follow Dalton into another room.

As they entered the new room the boys noticed a hamper and a metal tub filled with about a foot [30 cm] of water. "Time to get you brats cleaned up for your big night, so take off your disgusting clothes, put them in the hamper and stand in the tub NOW!" Shouted Dalton.

Luke looked nervously at Danny. It was bad enough to be standing there only in his underwear with another boy, but naked? All through Junior High in gym class he had avoided using the showers when others were around because he was afraid of people looking at him. Danny was moving slowly too apparently having the same thoughts, but he did not want to hesitate for fear of another spanking. Both boys tried to delay the moment of truth by slowly taking off there shoes, sandals and socks as slow as possible. Only a viscous smack from Michael to Luke's butt causes them to hurry up. Not being able to avoid it any longer Luke looked down at his now naked feet and started lowering his briefs. Just as he was going to toss them in the hamper though, Dalton yanked them from his hand.

"Look at this Michael," he said showing the now nervous naked boy's underwear to his partner. "What a filthy little Pig."

To his horror he saw that Dalton was showing Michael a big 'skid mark' in his underpants.

"What the hells the matter with you, don't you know how to wipe your ass," he asked as the memory of scene in the warehouse came back to Luke's mind. "Check out Freckle ass over here," he nodded in Danny's direction. Michael ripped Danny's boxers off of him and inspected them.

"Same fucking thing, we will have to make a note of that. Get your filthy asses into the tub."

Luke could not speak if he wanted to as he meekly stepped into the tub opposite Danny who was standing facing him with his hands if front of his dick. What did I do to deserve this, he thought as he stepped into the mid calf deep water. He too was trying to hide his nakedness with his hands.

"You two will lose such modesty soon enough," said Michael as he squirted some anti bacterial soap into the water. He handed a large sponge to Danny and said, "Here wash your pig friend off and do it good."

When Danny moved his hand away from his penis to take the sponge Luke's eyes were drawn to his crotch area. He was slightly fascinated. He had never examined another boy's dick before and Danny's was certainly different. It was the same pale white as the rest of his skin but was uncut, and Luke wondered why his dick was different. It was also slightly bigger than his own, looking about 4" [10 cm] from the base to the end of the foreskin, which was quite long almost looking like a nipple on a baby bottle. What drew his attention most though was the good-sized pubic bush of red hair. Luke had only just started sprouting 'down there' and was wondering if he would grow that much. His view was soon blocked however as Danny squatted down to get the sponge wet. Luke then snapped back to reality as he remembered he was about to be washed as if he were a dog or some other animal!

I still can't believe this is happening, thought Danny as he allowed the sponge to soak up the soapy water. He was bent over at the waist so that he was eye level with Luke's crotch. Also trying not to stare he couldn't help notice Luke's cute little boycock. A sparse blonde bush hovered over a 3.5" [9 cm] soft dick. Two little walnut sized balls hung under the cut beauty in a nice hairless sack. He then started to get that familiar feeling. No please God, not here, not now, he thought, but it was no use. His own dick was slowly starting to grow!

He tried keeping his legs together as he suatted lower starting to wash Luke's smooth but dirty legs. As he concentrated on his task, he was able to keep his prick only semi hard. Please he thought, just think of other things. Just then Dalton spoke up, "Wash his balls real good pig."

"Yes Sir," He was doomed he thought! I am not a faggot! Why am I getting a boner, he thought as he started to sponge off Luke's penis. I hope Luke doesn't notice.

Luke did not, for as he was trying to look anywhere but where Danny's hands were, his own dick was starting to come to life! Just like Danny, no one had EVER touched his cock before except him. Despite his revulsion of standing with another boy naked in a tub, not to mention in front of two leering, fully clothed other boys, his thirteen-year-old cock had no such shame. He wished Danny would hurry up and wash him somewhere else before he had an accident!

His wish came true, but not in the way he was hoping for. "Bend over and grab your ankles piglet," Michael said to Luke, "we need to get your shit stained ass nice and clean."

"Yes sir," Luke whispered as he turned quickly around hoping they didn't notice his stiffie. He bent over grabbing his ankles trying not to fall in the small tub presenting a perfect pubescent ass to Danny. He felt the sponge running over his cheeks and was oddly comforted by the feeling, but not for long.

"Spread your cheeks apart pig, let Red here get all the mud out of your filthy crack." His dick quickly retreated as he was filled with disgust as he spread his but apart and felt the cold air of the room on his little rosebud. He wanted to cry but he had just about run out of tears. Just as Danny was finishing up he heard Dalton walk up and say, "Don't forget to get your faggot jizz out of the pigs hair," and with that felt his head being shoved under the water! He tried to struggle but it was no use in the position he was in. All it did for him was get him a mouth full of dirty bathwater! He felt like he was going to drown when his long hair back out of the water yanked him. "There, much better. Now it's your turn Red, give the sponge to your boyfriend here."

Coughing up water, Luke took the sponge from Danny but couldn't bring himself to look him in the eye. He wordlessly started scrubbing the redhead's long freckled legs, noticing that the older boys little mushroom was starting to peek out of the nipple! He was glad he wasn't the only one! When he started washing the now semi erect dick it really started to come to attention. Luke hands started shaking until he jumped when Michael slapped the sponge out of his hands.

"Wash it don't jack him off you fucking queer, hurry up, we don't have all night to screw around in here, people are waiting."

"Yes Sir," he said picking the sponge back up and quickly, but thoroughly, finishing the job of scrubbing Danny.

"Get out of there and dry yourselves off over there," instructed Dalton "and get yourselves completely dry or you will regret it." With that he tossed the boys two big soft towels and walked to a phone. After a brief conversation he came over to inspect the boys both of whom now were standing with the towels in front the their crotches. "Put those in the hamper, then sit on that bench over there with your hands behind your back," snapped the senior trustee, as he and Michael walked out of the room.

This was the first time they had been left alone together. Both boys nervously looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Luke finally went first and whispered, "hi Danny."

"Hi Luke, hey dude about yesterday, I didn't mean to, I mean, I aint no fag or nothing."

"Don't worry about it man, what do you think they are going to do to us?"

"Don't know, but I bet it isn't good," and for just a little while the boys forgot that they were sitting naked in a room, in a basement of the boyslave resort that they now belonged to. They were both trying to think of something else to say when Dalton came back in the room. They quickly shut up and looked away from each other.

"Let's see, who went first last time? Oh yeah, it was you wasn't it Red, I guess that's makes it your turn Blondie, get up and put your hands behind your head while I take care of Red here."

Luke did as he was told and watched as Dalton cuffed his hands behind his back through an eyebolt in the bench. "Hmm lets see, I seemed to have forgotten something. I know! Blondie go get on of your cute little black socks out of the hamper. Not knowing what to make of this Luke walked over and rummaged through the hamper till he found one of the funky things and pulled it out. He could smell the teenboy foot smell from arms length! "Don't just stand there, bring it here," shouted Dalton.

He walked over and tried to hand it to him. "Get that nasty thing away from me, it's for Red over here. Open up your mouth bitch."

Realizing what the trustee had in mind the horrified Danny clamped his mouth tightly shut. Seeing this angered Dalton, "Damn it bitch when I tell you to do something you do it." With that he viscously clamped the boys nostrils shut. Danny held out as long as he could but between the pain of his nose being held and the need to breathe he had to give in, opening his mouth and gasping for air. "That's better, now shove the sock in his mouth Blondie."

Reluctantly Luke pressed his foul Nike into the unwilling boy's mouth.

"Shove it in deep kid," Dalton said as he pushed on Luke's hand getting the whole thing behind the gagging boys front teeth. "Breath through your nose shithead."

Danny was fighting hard not to puke, both from the natural gag reflex and from the thought of having a sock that was on a boys feet for over three days in his mouth. He finally got his breathing under control just as Dalton produced a set of foam earplugs and stuck them in his ears. They didn't block out sound completely but muffled it a great bit. He then produced a black Lycra hood with only two holes for his nostrils. The world went black for Danny and he could only wonder what was going to happen next.

Luke did not have to wonder what was going to happen, right after he watched Dalton put the hood over Danny's head; Michael stuck his head through the door. "They are ready."

"Hands behind your head Blondie, and follow him," instructed Dalton

And so Luke walked through the doorway, naked, hands behind his head, hair long hair dry but a hopeless mess, back into the studio room. What he saw this time though, almost made him stop in midstride? In the room waiting for him were Mr. White and about ten other adults wearing tuxedos and seated in large leather arm chairs facing a stage that had been moved in just for the occasion. He also saw Timmy and Bobby there as well, only they were wearing different outfits. They were both wearing what looked to be skin tight black rubber shorts and rubber half sleeve T-shirts that look like they were painted on! To complete their ensemble they had on rubber arm bands and shiny red lace up boots that almost went to there knees, with just a hint of black socks sticking out of top of the boots. With a shove to his back he continued walking toward the stage with a strange looking chair.

"Gentlemen, take your first look at the latest addition to my collection, Luke," said Mr. White to the guests in the room and into the camera. "Thank you all for being here and tuning in, without further ado, let's start the proceedings." After polite applause from the men in the room he nodded at the to younger trustees, who grabbed an arm each and led Luke to the chair which was right in front of a camera. They quickly strapped him in place by the arms and legs.

"First friends we have to clean the little animal up a little bit, all that hair, he almost looks like a girl," said White." As you know I hate long hair on my pets, but especially when they are in training. Bobby, give Luke here a real boys haircut.

Luke was once again mortified. He was naked in front of a room full of men tied into a chair where who knows how many people in the hotel and around the world were enjoying his torment. Then the remark about his hair, they wouldn't! He was proud of his long hair, his mother used to style it for him! He was wondering just what a 'real boys haircut was' as he watched Bobby walk in front of him and bend down to grab something. When the pre teen bent down Luke noticed how obscenely short the boy's rubber pants were. His but cheeks were sticking out the side the leg holes and he could clearly see the outline of his crack! Luke then noticed something else. The boy had what looked like a tattoo high on the inside of his left thigh almost at the base of his dick. It looked like the resort logo that was on the uniform patch but it had writing on too that he could not make out.

His eyes wandered again though as he say what the boy was digging out. A set of clippers! No one ever used clippers on him! He then heard the buzz of them coming to life and Bobby turned around with an evil grin on his face. "Smile for the camera cutiepie," he giggled as he came toward the cowering boy with the clippers.

'No no no no, this can not be happening,' thought Luke as he kept hoping to wake up from this horrible nightmare. But once again he was shocked back to reality as Bobby grabbed a handful of his blonde bangs, held it up and plowed a strip right up the middle of Luke's head! The crowd started to applaud as Bobby held up a handful of hair that used to be attached to the whimpering boy's head. He then started to work in earnest running the #1 guard all over the now openly crying boys head. When he was finished Luke was left with nothing but a 1/8th of an inch [3 mm] of hair all over his head. But the young barber was not done! He made sure Luke watched as he removed the guard, smiled and said, "we got a ways to go yet boy."

Luke could do nothing but despair as Bobby started to take his remaining hair off the sides leaving him with a high and tight that any Marine would be proud of. He had gone from looking like an eighties teen heartthrob to having the barest stubble on the sides of his head with a little patch on top about a 1/8th of an inch [3 mm] in length. With his blonde hair though, he almost looked bald from a distance. Luke noticed several of the men in the chairs rubbing their dicks through their pants staring right at him!

"Very good Bobby, he almost looks like a boy should, go ahead and finish the haircut," said White.

What else could they cut off thought the bewildered Luke? He was bald as far as he knew, as he didn't know what he looked like yet. Timmy came from behind and undid the arm straps and told him to stand. The confused boy stood noticing all of his hair all over the floor around him. He heard a noise from overhead and saw what looked like a trapeze bar lowering toward him. Timmy quickly cuffed his hands to the bar and it started to rise back up pulling on his arms. He ended up in kind of on X with his legs still secured to the barber chair and his arms taut above him. "I've been waiting all day for this," whispered Timmy into the now panting boys ear.

He heard the clippers buzz to life again and saw the grinning Bobby kneeling down if front of his crotch!

"NOOOO PLEASE DON'T," he screamed before he could even think of the consequences.

"SILENCE," he heard Mr. white bark, "Timmy take care of that."

"With pleasure Master," he replied coming at look with a wicked looking penis gag. He shoved the black leather dick into the struggling boy's mouth and fastened it. It had two straps, one that went around the back of his head and one that went over the top of his nearly bald head coming together in the back where the sadistic Timmy yanked it very tightly and buckled it.

"Very good, please continue the haircut Bobby."

And so it was, with Luke crying into his penis gag, tears raining down his face, as Bobby ran the clippers over his little teenboy bush. His armpits got the same treatment even though there was barely any hair there to begin with. He then returned with a bowl and brush. As he lathered up around the boy's dick, much to Luke's horror, the warm cream started to have an effect and his little soldier started to stand at attention. The crowd noticed too and started cheering, only adding to his humiliation. By the time Bobby took the strait razor to his crotch the poor kids dick was rock hard, sticking strait out from his body. Try as he might, he could not will it down!

"We can not continue with his little boy dick hard gentlemen, do I have any volunteers?"

Every hand in the place came up. They drew numbers and the lucky winner advanced on Luke. A man in his early thirties walked up to the still secured and gagged boy and started running his hands all over the boys chest and belly. This revolted Luke, but at the same time, his boycock seemed to throb and get bigger! The man in the tuxedo leaned down and put his tongue to Luke's left nipple and sucked hard. Both of Luke's little pebbles got hard as rocks and stuck out like needle points. Luke was trying to back away from the lustful attacker but he was bound tight and all he could do was wiggle. He didn't understand what were happening and why his body was betraying him. The man than stuck his tongue into Luke's ear. He was totally grossed out by this, but once again his body betrayed hem and his dick start oozing precum. The man moved behind the boy and reached around and hugged him up close grinding his crotch up against Luke's butt. While he was grinding he reached around and started to stroke Luke's cock. Slowly at first but as the precum spread on his aggressors hands it got slicker and he sped up? Luke was almost of his mind. He was being assaulted but could not get away and now he was getting incredibly sexed up. His body won out over his mind.

Watching from the side the two young trustees were ready for the inevitable. When they saw Luke's little ballsack tighten up they new he was ready. Crawling up to his dick they held a plastic bottle up to him just when he started to come catching all his teen spunk in the bottle.

Luke didn't even notice. When his time finally came, his eyes rolled back in his head and he experienced the most powerful orgasm of his young life. He spasm's at least 20 times powerfully as his unseen tormentor jacked him and nuzzled his neck. When he was finally done and the man went back to his seat amid a huge round of applause, Luke slumped in his bonds totally exhausted and totally ashamed of himself. He would probably be even more disgusted if he new he had just caused about 500 orgasms around the world. Yet his denuding was only the first event of the night, what lay ahead for the newly shorn naked little teen? What lay ahead for the sock gagged and bound redhead in the other room?

Chapter 5

As Luke half-hung and half-stood there recovering, Mr. White walked up next to him and rubbed the stubble on his head while addressing the audience. "I hope you have enjoyed the show so far. While we set up for the next event, those of you in the studio audience feel free to get refreshments, or you may wish to take some photos at this time. We shall be ready to go in about five minutes." With that he nodded to the two rubber clad trustees who snapped their knee high leather boots together at the heels and left the room.

With his arms really starting to ache, Luke could only watch in frustration as about ten of the well-dressed audience advanced toward him with cameras in hand. He was soon blinded by countless flashed as the men ogled around him snapping photos. They were taking close-ups of his face, his dildo-gagged mouth, his now hairless crotch and now soft little boy-dick! The worst of it was he could do nothing but shut his eyes and try to pretend he was somewhere else. It did not work. His eyes were still clamped shut when he heard White speak, "It looks like we are ready gentlemen, if you would be so kind as to take your seats. There will be many more photo opportunities tonight."

Luke saw the two boys setting up a steel table next to him out of the corner of his eye, but not clearly. Finally the tension was released on his arms as the trapeze bar was lowering. Michael stepped up and released his wrists. Luke plopped back down in the chair rubbing his wrists.

"Who gave you permission to sit?" barked Michael, while cruelly yanking the boy up by his ear.

Luke bit hard into the rubber cock in his mouth as he was yanked back to his feet. Without really thinking about it he put his hands behind his head showing off his newly shaved pits to the camera. With a grunt of approval Michael bent down and undid his ankles from the chair. He was then led over to the table with the camera and the eyes of the audience following him. Michael lifted him onto it laying him out on his back. The two rubber-boys then stood on either side of the table. Timmy started to rub Luke's freshly shorn crotch area. "Nice job Bobby, now he looks and feels more like the little boy that he is!" Luke fought the urge to shove the boys hand off of him, he new it would just bring more retribution. It became a moot thought anyway as his arms were pulled over his head and secured to the corners of the table.

"Gentlemen, when this boy and our other new addition showed up to us they were in quite a sorry state," White said as he walked around the studio addressing the crowd. Seems they couldn't control their bodily functions. They stank of their own urine so bad that we had to hose them off before I would allow them onto the grounds. Then earlier today, when cleaning them for tonight's festivities, what do we get?"

Luke heard the crowd gasp, and as he looked to his left he saw why. Dalton was guiding Danny into the room, the funky sock still in his mouth, with saliva running down his chin where he had been drooling. It was not the sock that had the crowd's attention though. In each of his hands were the teens shit stained underwear held at arm length in front of the boy. The Lycra hood had been pulled up past his nose but still worked as an effective blindfold. Having had the hood on and the earplugs in earlier, Danny had no idea what Luke had just been through and only knew what he himself was required to say next. As the senior trustee led the blinded boy over to the barber chair, flashbulbs started popping off again. Dalton positioned him where Luke had just been, than yanked his hood off, and wrapping it around his hand yanked the soggy sock out of the boy's mouth. He had no time to comprehend he odd scene before him as the collector walked up to him and started talking.

"Danny what are you holding?" asked Mr. White.

"Our, mine and Luke's underwear Master."

"Designer underwear isn't it? Not cheap Wal-mart stuff?"

"I, I guess so Master."

"You guess so? Hilfiger and Joe Boxer, and you GUESS SO. Someone, why I do not know, spent a lot of money on nice clothes and this is how you treat them? Thirteen years old and you can't wipe you're butt properly? We this is your lucky night young man. I will make sure you're both trained before I spend my hard-earned money clothing you little worthless slaves. Do you understand?"

Danny didn't know what to do. He stood there terrified, as Mr. White glared at him. What did he expect? They had been cooped up in a dog Kennel for 24 hours he thought. It's not our fault. What is going on here? He just automatically reacted to what he had learned since he arrived at this hell island. "Yes Master," he croaked out, barely audible.

Of course White new perfectly well why the boys had soiled their clothes, but if anything else, he was a fine showman. His exclusive clientele demanded certain things, and absolute humiliation was one thing they all liked. He knew the boys were too stressed out and afraid to make any sense of what was happening to them. The more they cried and carried on the more applause he got, and that's what made his 'First Night' shows such a moneymaker. It also helped get the boys ready for the next month of learning absolute obedience. "Very good, Bobby take care of your next customer."

From his hard steel table, Luke watched Danny go through what he had just been through. He felt bad for the gangly redhead, for as he watched the grinning Bobby attack his red mop, he got a feeling of what he must have looked like earlier. He also noticed a little bulge forming in the young barbers little rubber shorts stretching them out further looking even more obscene. He then snapped back to his own situation as he felt Timmy playing with him again. "Look at your little boy clitty," he whispered into his ear while flicking the his little mushroom with his middle finger. Luke winced in pain, and tried to cross his leg over himself to protect himself. Ultimately though it was Dalton who saved him.

"Knock it off," he whispered to Timmy, "That's two."

Timmy immediately stopped and put his hands at his sides and looked at his feet not making eye contact with his trustee-leader. Luke said a silent thank you and went back to watching Danny get humiliated. When they were done with his head, all he had left was 1/16th of an inch [1½ mm] of stubble all over his crown. His red hair though, made him look a little less bald than Luke, even though he had more hair on top. When they stood the whimpering boy, tied his arms to the trapeze and stretched him out, Luke noticed, to his amazement, that Danny's prick was rock hard pointing straight up out of the red forest at its base.

Danny just didn't get it. He still had the rancid taste of Luke's sock in his mouth when they tied him into the leather barber chair, and as they tightened the straps on his arms he was able to get a glance at Luke tied to the table next to him. His hair, or rather, the lack of it! He realized at once that he was going to get the same treatment. He loved his hair. One of the reasons he had run away was his father insisting that he get a 'Man's' haircut, whatever that meant. That and a silly argument over getting grounded because of a Playboy that his mother had found under his mattress. He was old enough to make his own decisions, or so he had told his parents as he stormed out of their Seattle house. He realized now how wrong he had been!

Looking at Luke now though, he got a weird feeling. The feeling intensified when Bobby attacked his head with the clippers. The feeling of the vibrating blade running over his scalp was causing his rod to stiffen yet again. Here he was tied to a barber chair in front of strangers getting the 'do' that he had fought so hard to get, shaved off of him, and he was getting turned on! He just didn't get it. Having Bobby's rubber encased package rubbing on his naked white thigh did not help either. I'm not a Fag, I'm not a Fag, he kept repeating to himself. But deep inside he started to wonder 3;

When they tied him to the trapeze and hoisted him up he didn't know what was going on. He hadn't seen Luke's bald dick yet, and was more worried about his huge boner that was now obvious to everyone, as people had started clapping and cat calling, adding to his shame. When he saw the rubber clad barber kneeling down with the clippers though he figured it out at once. "Please, sir, not there," he peeped almost to softly to here. "Shut up, unless you want a dick gag too, do you?"

"No sir."

"Good boy," said Bobby. He loved his job. His rubber shorts were getting even tighter, if that was possible, as he moved his face within inches of the quivering redhead's bush. This was the first kid with red hair that he had done, and even for his young age he was incredibly sexed up right now. People could even see his nipples through the skintight rubber T-shirt. As he brought the clippers to the spot right under Danny's beltline he noticed the pre-cum flowing down the boys white dick. The kid flinched reflexively when, having to pull his boner down out of his way, Bobby made the first pass through his pubes, leaving a bright white 'road' through the red forest between his waist and the base of his cock. Ever since he had been brought to the resort and experienced 'First Night,' he had been fascinated with cutting hair. White had picked up on this and the job had been his ever since. He liked to please the master and did the best he could. He quickly finished using the clippers on Danny's pubes and stood up and took care of his pits, which had quite a bit of hair for someone his age. He then went for the shaving brush and strait razor!

Danny was on fire! He had so many thoughts racing through his head that he couldn't process any of them. He had been so proud a year ago when he started to sprout hair 'down there,' he had more than any one in PE class, making his somewhat of a celebrity in the 8th grade locker room. Now with a few swipes of the Wahl, it was all gone, or would be he thought, when to his dismay he saw the little rubber-clad pervert mixing the shaving cream. On the other hand, for reasons he could not understand he was getting hotter and hotter. It seemed the more embarrassed he got, the harder his dick got, almost to where it was hurting!

Danny couldn't figure out what was happening when Bobby said, "Get ready, this faggot won't last," as Timmy crouched opposite Bobby with a little plastic bottle.

Luke continued to watch the bizarre play acting out in front of him. He couldn't understand how Danny could get a boner just from getting his hair cut. I didn't get a boner until they touched my dick, he thought to himself somewhat proudly. I'm not a sicko like all these people. That's what he told himself, but he couldn't take his eyes off of his fellow 'trainee,' getting shaved.

He didn't even make it to the razor. When Bobby started to smear the warm cream over Danny's pelvic area, he inhaled sharply, clenched his but cheeks together and gasped "ohhhhh."

"Here it comes," cried Timmy gleefully as he held the bottle up to Danny's cream covered dick. He was immediately rewarded with 15 powerful streams of white-hot teen jizz, spurting into the bottle. He could even feel the heat through the plastic of the bottle! He grabbed the panting, freshly shorn, slippery tool and milked it fully getting every last drop of cum into the bottle before putting a lid on the bottle and walking away. Bobby than quickly finished shaving the boys crotch as smooth as the day he was born, than stood up out of the way so the studio guest could come take photos.

Danny was openly sobbing now, even as a fat man got right up to his crotch with a macro lens and started taking pictures of the boy's now soft bald dick. With his red bush gone the extra long foreskin really stood out looking like a shriveled milk cow teat. He was crying from shame, crying from pain, and most of all just crying because he had no control of his own body! He was still crying when the untied him and drug him over to another table that had been wheeled in next to Luke's and tied him similarly to it. The boys looked into each other's eyes in a shard moment of misery until they saw Timmy walk back into the room with a big bag and an evil grin that could only mean one thing. More misery for both of them!

"Gentlemen," Mr. White began, "as Danny was so kind to show us a few moments ago, these lads have no control over themselves. It's bad enough their incontinent, and have poor personal hygiene. But this little whore can't even get a haircut without embarrassing himself." He continued indicating Danny whose lower lip was still quivering. So before our next, shall we say, severe, event, we have to prepare the two little brats for an accident." With that all four trustees starting digging things out of the bag Timmy had brought in. Both boys tried to see what was happening but couldn't because of the position they were in.

The trustees paired up with Dalton and Timmy as usual heading for Luke. The bigger boy grabbed Luke's legs and pulled them painfully up almost back over his head so that all he could see was his own little bald teenboy dick looking back at him. He coughed with the pain as he was trying to swallow the copious amount of saliva that was caused by the rubber cock that was still tied tightly in his mouth. He then felt something being sprinkled over his butt before his legs were unceremoniously dropped back to the table. He felt a soft cloth under his ass and was momentarily grateful for the cushion, when he felt the powder being shaken onto his sensitive just shaven area. "Can't have the little baby getting a rash can we?" Timmy said sarcastically as he made eye contact with the bewildered Luke!

It wasn't until he felt the soft cloth being pulled up between his legs that he realized with horror what they were doing to him. They were putting a diaper on him! He immediately starting screaming into gag, shaking his head no, and kicking his legs violently trying to stop them.

"No no no little baby," cooed Timmy, "you wouldn't want's to get stuck with a diaper pin would you?" He laughed, showing a big pink safety pin to him.

"I've warned you about misbehaving," said White walking up and grabbing the boy's ankles together and lifting his legs up, "boys, especially baby boys who misbehave get punished." With that said he proceeded to bare handed spank the boy.

By the time he was done about twenty-five hard strokes later, Luke's ass was bright red and the fight had left him. He just lay there with his cheek on the steel table drooling out the side of his mouth and moaning while the trustees expertly finished up diapering the boy. Why me? Is all that Luke could think

Danny gave no struggle when his two trustees put the diaper on him. He had no desire to get spanked, and new he would lose in the end anyway. When they undid his wrists and told him to sit up, he didn't want to make eye contact with Luke, knowing that this was probably the lowest moment of their lives. He was aware though of all the people staring at them in the room, some of them openly masturbating now, and aware that he and Luke were the source of their arousal. He also at this time noticed the barber chair being moved out of the way and two odd looking devices being wheeled in, in their place. They looked like upright iron bedframes with leather straps and buckles all over them.

"Put these on slaves," said White, breaking Danny's thoughts. He and Luke were each handed a pair of socks. "The only place on the resort slaves are allow barefoot are the pool area, the bathroom, and guest rooms, where what you where is up to the guest you are servicing at the time. I demand my property to be dressed properly as civilized boys!"

Wondering what civilization he was talking about, Danny pulled his on noticing they were long tube socks like they used to where in the seventies. They were bright white with a blue, red, than blue stripe at the top. He pulled them on and thought they were to big, so he bent down and pushed them down toward his ankles as he always did when he felt a tremendous swat on his diapered butt!

"You will always pull your socks up as high as they will go! Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes Master," he peeped back as he bent back down to pull his socks up to just under his knobby knee, he heard someone in the audience grunt loudly with climax. How revolting.

Taking a lesson from his friend, Luke pulled his socks on as high as they would go, but they were only white crew socks that went up mid calf.

"It's time, gentlemen, for the last intermission while we stoke the fire. Feel free to take more photos. You brats get over here!" White instructed as he pointed to an are in front of the bed frames.

As the boys walked over to where they were told, they could not know the effect they were having on the assembled rich perverts, and all the others watching around the hotel and the world. Danny, his white freckled skin with just a hint of red where his hair had been, brighter white diaper tightly conforming to his bald pelvic region, walked with his head down as the flashbulbs went off again. His too long legs were accented by the long white kneesocks and by his but cheeks that were almost popping out the diaper. At least three more of the audience came while he walked by them. Luke was equally as sexy, being slightly smaller than Danny was but better proportioned. When he followed Danny to the bedframes he would not look up. His diaper was just a little too big and was riding up his crack when he walked; he could feel the red flooding his cheeks as the cameras clicked away.

When they both stood in front of the frames, the trustees turned them around facing the cameras and the crowd. They both stood there self-consciously knowing they must look ridiculous. To most of the people in the room though, they were a dream come true! It was then that Luke noticed a mirror on the wall and for the first time tonight, he saw what he looked like. There he was, high and tight haircut, wearing a diaper and crewsocks, with a black rubber dick in his mouth held in by a strap over his nose and behind his head. He noticed Danny looked equally ridiculous, and the helplessness of his whole situation hit him like a wall. He passed out.

He awoke to smelling salts, momentarily confused, than realized that he was attached to the frames. His arms were secured straight out from his sides, like he was pretending to be an airplane and his right leg was secured in four places. Curiously his left leg was free. He was staring at Mr. White's back as he addressed the crowd.

"As you all now I am quite proud of my collection. I have put a lot of time and money into the resort and with your generous help have built a world class institution. Because I am so proud of my collection, I like to let everyone know who they belong to." There was polite laughter from the crowd. "So the first night that I take a new delivery, I mark it. You in the room were the ones lucky enough to win the raffle to witness this first hand." With that he held something up to the crowd, and they went wild with applause.

Luke could not tell what it was, but then saw Dalton pushing in what looked like an iron pot on a cart. When he looked in the pot it was full of red-hot coals. He was starting to get really afraid when White turned around and both boys got a good look at what was is his hands. A branding iron! In an instant it became clear to Luke. That mark he noticed on Bobby earlier. It wasn't a tattoo at all. It was a brand! Like he was a fucking cow! He started screaming again as White shoved the iron deep into the coals.

Danny, who was tied identically to Luke in the other frame, was screaming now too, as he realized what was going to happen. He was shouting with all his might when a Grinning Timmy walked up to him, stood up on his tiptoes and shoved an identical dick-gag into his mouth. He couldn't quite reach though so Michael had to help him finish. So both boys struggled and screamed into their gags with all their might but it was no use. They were both still struggling as the younger trustees got on their knees in front of the immobilized terrified teens and started rubbing clear grease on a spot on their left thighs' just next to their diapers under their dicks.

"Let's see, Luke went first last time so I guess it's Danny's turn," said White as he dug the now red-hot glowing iron out of the coals. He walked slowly toward the boy enjoying tremendously the look of outright fear in the gagged boy's face! He held it up within inches of Danny's face causing the boy to try to back up. Danny got a good look at it and what it said even though was backward.

"Property of White Resorts Int." was printed across the top of the emblem of crossed palm trees.

When White held the Iron closer to his face, Danny then new what the Diaper was for. His bladder involuntarily emptied itself at that moment. He was ashamed and terrified at the same time as White wrinkled his nose and turned to the crowd. "That is why we put them in diapers, young Danny here has just wet himself," he said into the camera, to the applause of the studio audience.

He then turned around and nodded to Dalton and Michael who grabbed Luke's leg and held it out horizontally from his body.

Danny was in a blind panic now as he was trying hard to struggle, but it was no use. When the bigger trustees pulled his leg painfully out he could feel a trace of his urine run down his leg. That was the last of his worries though, as he watched the iron approach his tender silky inner thigh. With no warning White pressed the iron into his flesh, causing him the most incredible pain he had ever felt in his life! He almost bit the rubber dick in his mouth in half, and he immediately shat himself! Then it was over. All that was left was incredible pain and the smell of his burnt flesh. Bobby immediately put a soothing salve on the fresh wound so it would heal and leave a perfect impression.

Luke watched in silent terror as his friend was branded, knowing he was next and could do nothing about it. The scream Danny had let out through the gag had cut right to Luke's soul! His nostrils now filled with the mixed smell of burnt flesh, urine, and teenboy excrement. Then White started to walk toward him! He didn't even get close to him before Luke emptied his bladder into his diaper. Then the scene was repeated as his leg was grabbed and the iron pressed home! Luke almost passed out again as he filled his shit filling up his asscrack in the Diaper. He was only barely aware when he and Danny were untied and led into an oversized playpen in front of them, and sat down looking at each other.

Their gags were removed, and neither comatose boy paid much attention when pacifiers replaced the rubber dick gags. More pictures were taken of the two teen 'babies' playing with each other in the pen, freshly branded wearing just dirty diapers and socks, only now slowly coming back to reality.

"Gentleman the last event of the night has arrived, we must feed the little brats, (applause) and we all know what babies want right?"

"MILK!" The crowd shouted back.

"That's right, milk, a good thing we collected some boy milk earlier, Timmy, Bobby."

The boys were each handed a baby bottle full of each other's cum mixed with a vitamin supplement.

"I need good strong boy whores here at the resort, so you will not be allowed out of the pen, until you drink all your milk like good little slaves," said White, "While you drink your dinner, my friends here shall be free to entertain themselves as they see fit. I suggest you finish your meal quickly if you want to get out of your filthy diapers. Enjoy."

With that all the guests crowded around the edge of the crib, and to the boy's horror, pulled out their cocks and started jacking off! Luke looked at the bottle of Danny's cum in his hand and stared at it. He couldn't! That was to sick. Danny was thinking the same thing when the first load cum from a man behind him splattered all over his head! As he wiped the goo from his eyes he became aware he was squirming in his own filth. With disgusted resignation he put the baby bottle to his lips.

Luke watched in fascination as Danny took the first gulp of what hours before had shot from his dick! He made a horrible face and looked like he almost threw it back up, but the reality was, he was actually quite hungry. As more loads from the masturbating onlookers started hitting Luke in the face and chest he closed his eyes and put the nipple into his mouth. I am drinking Danny's cum he thought as he sucked the slightly thick mixture through the rubber. After everything that had happened so far though, he sort of became un attached from himself as hunger took over for him as well.

To the delight of the furiously wanking crowd, both boys, now liberally dosed with the cum from a dozen onlookers were sucking greedily on the baby bottles gulping each others teen spunk like it was Gatorade at a Soccer Game. When the bottles were finally empty and the last cock was milked dry by the audience. The boys so overcome with the events just looked at each other and then embraced each other diaper to diaper with ones legs wrapped around the others. The last thing of the night either would recall was sitting in soiled diapers, coated in semen that almost acted like glue sucking their naked chests together 3;

But there were 29 more days of humiliation and fetish training to come!