PZA Boy Stories

Phill later Brian

A First Time for Everything

and other stories


  1. A First Time for Everything (8,500 words / 17 pages)
    Mothers think Gary is a nice teenager who helps young children at the playground. Gary indeed likes young boys, but not in the way most mothers like. Is he still nice when he meets a naked young boy playing in the mud?
  2. A Perfect Match (5,000 words / 10 pages)
    After whipping and fucking his 14 year old sex toy, Grant looks back how he acquired the boy.
  3. Alcohol Madness (6,500 words / 13 pages))
    Brad day dreams about fucking a virgin boy. One day a young boy asks him to buy him a beer - Brad sees his chance.
  4. A Short Story of a Boy Rape (11,500 words / 23 pages)
    Wesley picks up a boy who plays truant from school. He brings him to his house with a well-equipped dungeon. And what do you think there will happen?
Publ. 2003 (GNCS); this site Jul 2012
Finished total: 31,500 words (63 pages)


Men (18-30yp) and boys (7-14yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Man-Boy Sex stories
Mb & Mtnon-cons/cons oral analspank ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

This is an orphan stories, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.
<broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk>: host mx1.mail.eu.yahoo.com[xx.xxx.177.9] said:
    554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk
    cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102].
Are you the author, please contact me.

Author's note

I am not going to tell you not to read this if you are underage – I can't think of anything more likely to make you go and do just that! Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter.

For the boys' age, see the note on Phill later Brian's author page.



A First Time for Everything

Mothers think Gary is a nice teenager who helps young children at the playground. Gary indeed likes young boys, but not in the way most mothers like. Is he still nice when he meets a naked young boy playing in the mud?

Gary (18yo) and Ricky (7yo)
Mb non-cons mast oral anal – first spank

Gary, an eighteen year old, was enjoying himself in the children's playground. It was part of a large park and had swings, see-saws, slides, climbing rails and sandpits. The youth was at one of the swings standing behind a young boy and gently pushing him on his back so that he swung backwards and forwards. The boy was loving it as his mother kept an indulgent eye on him whilst watching her infant son playing in the sandpit. She was pleased that this teenager was keeping her son happy and assumed that he was here with a younger brother or sister of his own.

That was not the case. Gary had come to the playground alone on the off chance that he might help the odd boy or boys to play on the swings. Mothers with two or more children to keep an eye on were often grateful for his help. He was, after all, only a teenager himself so mothers looked fondly on him. It was not as if he was some dirty old man wanting to prey on innocent young children.

For his part, Gary loved to lift young boys into the specially designed safe seats for young children. He would help them put their little feet through the two holes and take hold of their soft legs to get them comfortably in position. He would run his hands up their bare soft thighs lingering with his hands on their flesh for as long as he dare without arousing suspicion. These warm summer days it was marvellous because the young boys were normally dressed in just a pair of very brief shorts which showed their bodies off splendidly. Once the young boys were safely installed on the swing Gary would stand behind them and gently push them. The kids just loved to be pushed on the swings and Gary loved the feel of their smooth backs as he pushed them.

The afternoon wore on and boys came and went as Gary gave each one of them a swing. As it got later the mothers started to leave with their children until, at last, there was only Gary and older kids left. Gary started to walk to the car park; he was not interested in older boys or teenagers; they were too loud and brash for his liking and all they wanted to do was to show off in front of their mates.

When Gary got home he was in a funny sort of mood as he moped around his house. He turned on the PC and started to look at some pictures of young boys that he'd down loaded. As he looked at the adorable forms, some naked and some with clothing on, his cock started to get hard. The eighteen year old turned off his computer feeling guilty at the fact that these pictures had aroused him.

He went to his bedroom and dropped his shorts, he was not wearing anything underneath. Then he took off his T Shirt and lay naked on the bed. He started to stroke his fully erect eight inch [20 cm] long cock. As he ran his hand up and down the hard shaft he closed his eyes. He started to think of how lovely and soft the skin of the young boys had felt that afternoon. His hand moved faster up and down his cock as he imagined sliding his fingers along a boy's thigh and under the legs of his short pants. Faster and faster his hand moved as he imagined his fingers coming into contact with a young boy's willy and being able to stroke it. Gary was panting now as he pictured himself picking the boy up off the swing and laying him across one of the benches. Sweat was pouring off Gary's body as he wanked himself as hard as he could whilst imagining his cock being forced up the screaming young child's back passage. He pictured himself thrusting in and out as hard as he could. He was panting and groaning now as he wondered just how it would feel to actually fuck a young boy. Then Gary shot his load all over his belly and chest.

He lay on the bed panting as slowly his ardour cooled and his cock started to go soft. Then he jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom to clean himself feeling really ashamed of the fantasy he'd been having whilst masturbating. He kept saying to himself "I'm not a fucking queer and I don't fancy little boys." An inner voice kept replying "liar, liar, liar."

Next day Gary put on a pair of blue cotton shorts, sandals and nothing else. Around midday he decided that he would have a drive around in his car. After a while he parked and went for a walk through some fields. He heard a giggling and laughing and lots of splashing and walked very quietly along the overgrown footpath, pushed through some bushes that had invaded the path and saw in front of him a small pond. There were three boys playing on the edge of the pond, or more exactly, one young naked boy on the edge whilst two much older boys were jumping in and out of the water. Gary settled down in the bushes to watch, enjoying the sight of the naked youngest boy who was playing in the mud at the edge of the pond. After a while, maybe an hour, the two older boys, at least fourteen Gary guessed, got dressed in their briefs, shorts and trainers.

"You coming bug face," one of them said addressing the younger boy, "or you going to stop here all fucking afternoon?"

"I'm staying here Tommy, I'll come home later," the young boy replied as he made some mud pies.

"Please your fucking self," the one called Tommy said. "Don't get into the fucking water and go straight home when you leave here," he ordered.

The second of the older boys now spoke.

"Aw come on Tommy, Joey and Bill will be waiting for us. Bug face will be alright here," he said.

"Yeah okay Kenny," Tommy said picking up his cycle as Kenney did the same. "See you bug face," he called out.

The young boy looked up from his play and grinned.

"I'll tell mummy you've gone to find a girl to fuck," he said laughingly.

Tommy dropped his cycle and leapt over to the young boy and picked him up and started to twist one of his arms up his back. The boy started to squeal from the pain.


"You go running to mum with any fucking stories about me Ricky and I promise I'll break your fucking arm for you," Tommy snapped.

"Aw I was only joking Tommy, you know I wouldn't tell mum anything," the youngster replied trying hard not to cry.

Tommy let go of his brother's arm and walked back to his cycle.

"Just remember cunt, you go telling fucking tales on me and I'll make you wish you hadn't been born," Tommy warned as he picked up his cycle.

Then Tommy and Kenny started back up the path on their cycles whilst Gary moved back deeper into the bushes. He watched the two teenagers disappear.

Gary waited a full ten minutes watching young Ricky play. When he was sure that the other two boys had gone he quietly moved out of the bushes and crept up on Ricky who was absorbed in whatever fantasy game he was playing and did not notice Gary's approach.

"Hi Ricky, your brother Tommy told me you were playing down here and asked me to keep and eye on you," Gary greeted the boy.

Ricky looked up and saw the young man standing looking down at him.

"Who are you, I don't know you, why should Tommy ask you to keep an eye on me," Ricky asked suspiciously.

Gary laughed as he sat down on the grassy bank of the pond.

"Tommy, Kenny, Joey and Bill," are all friends of mine Gary replied, remembering the names of the boys he had overheard them talking about.

Ricky relaxed and started to play with the mud again.

"I don't need anyone keeping an eye on me, I'm fucking seven years old and can look after myself," Ricky said.

"Sure you can," replied Gary as he lay back on the grass.

He felt in the pocket of his shorts and took out a sweet which he popped into his mouth. Gary immediately honed in on this. Like most young boys, he seemed to have an instinct for sniffing out sweets.

"Gee mister I'd sure love a sweet, I'm real hungry," Ricky said.

"My names Gary not mister, and if you want a sweet you'd better come and get one. First wash all that mud off you," Gary said.

At this stage the eighteen year old youth did not know what he had in mind. All he wanted was to get young Ricky near to where he was laying on the grass. Ricky jumped into the pond with a big splash making Gary sit up alarmed.


"It's shallow here and I'm just getting myself clean," Ricky replied as he splashed water all over his body washing the mud off.

Then the boy jumped out onto the grassy bank avoiding the muddy area where he had been playing. He stood in the warm sun for a minute or two letting it dry his skin. Gary lay looking at the seven year old and his heart was pounding away.

Ricky was four feet [1.20 m] tall. He was not fat but then he was not thin either. When he stood moving his arms around in the sun drying himself off his ribs could be seen beneath his skin. He had short black hair, lovely brown eyes, a rather flat yet adorable nose and a wide mouth with beautiful red lips. His tanned body was beautifully smooth. Two pink nipples on his non existent chest, and a belly button that was one of those very deep type. Further down his soft uncut cock hung over his little balls. His cock was a good inch [2½ cm] in length and the foreskin completely covered the boy's nob.

Then, almost as if obeying Gary's wishes, the boy spun around in the sun. His smooth thighs and legs were dying to be stroked. As for his buttocks, little firm orbs divided by a dark crease, they just needed a man's hand to part them in order that his young boy shit hole could be seen.

In his blue shorts Gary's cock was fully erect and throbbing painfully as the boy scrambled up the bank to join him. The kid threw himself down beside Gary and he grinned at the youth.

"How about me having a sweet now Gary?" Ricky asked.

"Well only if you can find one," Gary answered still not having any clear idea what he was going to do.

All he wanted was to feel the young boy's body next to his. His cock was painfully erect now.

Without a care in the world the naked seven year old boy launched himself at Gary with a giggle. He got on top of the youth with his back to Gary's face and his lovely smooth legs either side of Gary's body. Then he leant forwards and took hold of Gary's tented shorts with one hand whilst he thrust the other into Gary's left pocket; the pocket from which he'd seen Gary take the sweet. His hot little hand felt around but instead of finding a sweet it was touching Gary's hard cock and his balls as the eighteen year old gave a groan of pleasure.

Gary was no fool, he'd palmed the sweet having taken it from his other pocket and then pretended to take it from the left pocket. His left pocket had no lining, if a hand was put in there all it would take hold of was Gary's cock and balls.

Quite unruffled the boy withdrew his hand from Gary's shorts as the youth had a hand either side of Ricky's body holding him steady. Gary was enjoying the feel of the Ricky's warm smooth flesh under his hands as he slowly lowered them to rest on the young boy's hips.

"Ain't nothing in that pocket," Ricky announced as he leant forward to put his hand in Gary's right pocket.

Gary's hands moved slightly and he could now feel the boy's willy against them as he still kept a grip on the child's groins.

"Got em," Ricky announced triumphantly as he pulled a toffee out of Gary's pocket.

Still squatting on Gary's naked belly the boy unwrapped the sweet and popped it into his mouth. Then he went to move off Gary but the youth moved one hand up to Ricky's flat chest and pulled him back so the kid was laying on top of him. At the same time his other hand moved to take hold of Ricky's little willy and Gary started to move his fingers up and down the soft stem.

With his mouth full of toffee Ricky tried to tell Gary to stop at the same time as he tried to get off the youth.

"Lay still you little fucker and let me play with you," Gary panted as, for the first time in his life, he had a young boy's willy in his hand.

A few quick strokes up and down with his fingers and Ricky's cock was fully erect. Now, instead of being a one inch [2½ cm] little tool it had grown to a lovely two and a half inches [6½ cm]. Ricky lay pinned down on his attacker not sure what to do. He was enjoying the way his little willy felt but he also knew that it was naughty to let a man play with his ding dong like that.

Gary was also growing nervous. He loved what he was doing; the feel of the boy's cock in his fingers, the child's bare buttocks on his belly; Ricky's bare back on his chest; the whole thing was driving Gary out of his mind. He wanted to play much more with the boy but he could not risk continuing in the open like this. For all he knew Tommy and his friends might return any time.

"Where's your clothes Ricky?" Gary whispered in the boy's ear as he continued to play with his willy.

"By the tree over there," Ricky replied nodding his head towards a nearby tree.

Gary laughed as he let go of Ricky's stiff little cock and then pushed the child off him.

"Better get dressed and I'll take you home," he said to the boy.

Ricky scrambled over to the tree and quickly pulled on a pair of red briefs and then his small yellow shorts. He then put on a pair of trainers and stood up.

"I can go home by myself," he said to Gary who was standing very close to him.

"No, I'll take you home," Gary said as he took hold of the boy's slender arm and started to move down the path away from the pond.

Ricky went with him dragging his heels a little but Gary had a very firm grip of the boy's arm.

"Why you coming home with me?" Ricky asked as the came in sight of Gary's car.

"I promised Tommy that I would make sure you got home safely. Come on get into my car," Gary answered.

"Tommy never worries about me getting home, he knows I can get home alright," Ricky said standing by the side of the car with Gary still holding him.

"Stop arguing Ricky and get in the car now," Gary said as he opened the front passenger door.

Ricky looked at Gary and then, shaking off the youth's hand, got into the car and did up his safety belt as Gary stood watching.

"Good boy," Gary said, "here have another sweet," he said offering Ricky another toffee.

The boy took it and started to unwrap it as Gary got into the driving seat of the car. Once in he locked the doors from the inside control and then started to drive off. He got onto the road and turned left and started to drive away.

"You're going the wrong way, you should have turned the other way," Ricky said as the car gathered speed.

"It's okay Ricky I know another way," Gary answered.

The youth's mind had been working overtime from the moment that he had told the boy that he would take him home. He decided to take Ricky to an old barn that had long been abandoned and was well away from any human habitation. As he drove along the country lane his heart was thumping as, at last, he knew what he was going to do. He licked his lips as he looked across at the seven year old sitting sucking on the toffee.

Ricky was quiet and felt very uneasy. He was sure that Gary was going in the wrong direction. He was even more sure when they left the country road and turned down a rutted dirt lane. They drove along the lane for fifteen minutes before coming to a field with an old barn in it. The broken gate to the field was open and, from the look of the weeds and length of grass, nobody every used the field. Gary turned into the field and drove straight up to the barn and parked round one side where the car could not be seen from the lane.

"Let's get out here and play a little," Gary said with a grin as he got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side.

"I want to go home, I don't want to play any fucking games," the seven year old boy said as Gary opened the car door.

"Well too bad Ricky my boy, I want to play for while and then you can go home. Now get out of the car or I'll drag you out," Gary said still with a smile on his friendly face.

Ricky slowly got out of the car. The young boy was beginning to feel a little frightened. His older brother, Tommy, had told him in graphic details what happened to young boys when dirty old men got hold of them. Ricky knew that such men would stick the cocks up young boys shit holes and fuck them and that it hurt the boys a lot and turned them into faggots. Tommy had told him all about that as he loved frightening his young brother. But Gary did not look like a dirty old man. He was young and had a friendly smile so Ricky was sure that he was not one of those that Tommy had warned him about.

"Come on we'll go in the barn and have some fun in there," Gary said as he held onto Ricky's arm.

He led the boy into the barn and pulled the ramshackle door closed after him. There were plenty of gaps in the roof and sides of the barn so it was light inside. There were bales of straw lying around, some covered in black plastic whilst others were not. They all made handy seats however and could also be used for other purposes as well as Gary knew only too well. He had visited the barn on several occasions, until now always alone, and sometimes masturbated whilst laying back on one of the large straw bales.

"Now Ricky let's take our clothes off and get comfortable," Gary said as he slipped out of his shorts having kicked off his sandals.

Ricky stared at Gary standing naked and his eyes seemed glued to the youth's erect eight inch [20 cm] long cock which was leaking precum.

"Fuck off you bastard," Ricky said as his senses returned and he turned and made a dash for the door.

Gary caught him before he reached it and took hold of Ricky around the waist and picked him up and then swung him about laughing as he did so.

"Not so fast my little fellow, you don't think you can get away that easy do you," he said as he threw the youngster up in the air and then caught him.

Ricky was now caught between two feelings, one of fear and one of fun. He loved being swung about and tossed up in the air and yet he was now frightened of the naked teenager.

"I want to go home Gary, please take me home," Ricky squealed as Gary carried him across to one of the bales.

The youth sat down with Ricky on his lap. His hands were on the boy's thighs holding him in place. Gary ran one of his hands up and down Ricky's smooth warm thigh and then moved his fingers underneath the leg of the boy's short.

"Come on Ricky, take your clothes off and let's have a bit of fun," Gary said in a wheedling tone.

"I don't want to, I want to go home," the boy said as he struggled to get off Gary's lap.

"If I have to undress you then I'll give you a good spanking," Gary replied in a more steely tone of voice.

"I'm not going to undress for you, I want to go home," Ricky said.

"That's enough you little fucker," said Gary as a thrill passed through his body.

Suddenly the thought of undressing Ricky by force and then spanking him became erotically appealing to the teenager. He stood up still holding young Ricky and then put the boy face down on top of a bale of straw. He held him down firmly with one hand whilst his other hand pulled the trainers off Ricky's feet.

"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FUCKER, LET ME GO HOME YOU BASTARD," young Ricky was screaming at the top of his voice.

"What language for a young boy like you to use!" exclaimed Gary. "Your brother is very naughty to teach you those bad words," he said.

As he was speaking Gary was undoing the front of Ricky's shorts. Then, as the boy continued to yell to be allowed home, Gary grabbed the legs of the shorts and pulled them off the youngster. Now all that Ricky was wearing was his pair of red briefs. Gary took hold of the waist of them and pulled them down the boy's thighs and then down his legs. He tossed them onto the floor by the kid's shorts and Ricky was now gloriously naked.

Gary held the boy face down on the bale of straw whilst he stroked the kid's lovely buttocks and ran his finger up and down the crease that divided them. Gary had dreamt so long of this moment, had masturbated so often as he pictured having a young boy helpless and at his mercy, that he almost shot his load there and then. He pulled himself together as he stroked the tanned buttocks of the boy.

He then picked Ricky up off the bale as the boy threshed his arms and legs about

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD, LET ME GO YOU FUCKER," he was screaming whilst shedding tears of rage and frustration.

Gary was laughing as he sat down on the bale and laid the boy face down over his lap. His fully erect penis was laying up his stomach as the boy's soft penis and warm belly laid on top of it. Ricky's upper body and arms were hanging down one side of Gary's lap whilst his legs stuck out the other side. Until their arrival in the barn Gary had never considered treating the young boys that he yearned for roughly. It was only when Ricky had resisted him that he suddenly got the urge to spank the boy.

He raised his hand high and brought it down with a loud smack across the child's lovely tanned buttocks.

"OW," yelled the boy as Gary's hand connected with his behind.

The hard smack was stinging when a second blow landed and then a third and a fourth. Gary was watching as the tanned behind started to turn red. He wanted to spank the boy even harder, he wanted to hear Ricky screaming and begging for mercy. He brought his hand down again and again and again as Ricky screamed his head off.


Gary ignored him as the boy's tanned arse was now turning very red indeed. Then a stick laying on the floor caught Gary's eye. It was about three feet long, very thin and looked like a hazel stick. He put his arm around Ricky's waist and stood up holding the screaming boy. He walked across to the stick and picked it up and went back to the bale. This time he laid Ricky face down on the top of the bale as he stood by the side. Gary waved the stick up and down and found it very flexible and then he struck the plastic covering of the bale on which Ricky was lying. The boy jumped as the sound seemed to ring around the room.

Gary's cock was throbbing with excitement. He'd never felt this way before in all of his life but now he wanted to try the stick out on the helpless boy laying across the plastic covered bale of straw.

"Ricky I want to play with you, I want to suck your cock and I want you to suck mine and then I want to fuck you. Will you agree to play with me Ricky?" Gary asked in a husky voice.

Young Ricky twisted his head round to look at the youth who was hell bound on abusing him.

"No, no, no," he cried, "Let me go home you dirty bastard. I want to go home, I want to go home."

Gary smiled a genuinely happy smile. Ricky had said just what he wanted to hear. He raised the hazel stick shoulder height and brought it whistling down through the air. It struck the unprepared young Ricky across the middle of his back leaving a deep red line in his tanned skin where it had struck.

Ricky screamed, no that is not true, Ricky shrieked at the sudden pain as the stick bit into his skin.

"OW, OW, OW, STOP, FUCKING STOP," the boy shrieked as Gary, a big smile on his teenage face, raised the stick again.

This time he brought it down across Ricky's shoulders leaving another deep red line as the boy shrieked and begged him to stop. A third blow landed across Ricky's already burning buttocks and a fourth across his back again. Then Gary paused as the boy shrieked in pain.

"Tell you what Ricky, let's see if we can do this bit by bit. First of all Ricky will you let me play with your cock and suck it?" Gary asked holding the stick up in the air ready to strike.


"Good boy Ricky, we're making progress now. When I've finished playing with your ding dong will you lick and suck my cock for as long as I want you to?" Gary asked.


THWACK the stick struck Ricky across the shoulders as the boy screamed and shrieked.

THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, three quick strikes of the stick across Ricky's back twice and his buttocks once left the boy, eyes streaming with his tears, shrieking his head off from the terrible burning pain.

"Have you changed your mind yet Ricky," Gary asked in such a gentle and kind voice, a voice that seemed hardly able to belong to somebody who could beat the child in this cruel fashion.

"Yes," the boy said through his tears.

"Yes you've changed your mind and you will suck my cock, is that what you're saying?" Gary asked holding the stick ready for action.

"Yes I'll do it," Ricky cried.

"You'll do what Ricky, come on Ricky tell me what you will do," Gary asked in his wheedling tone of voice.

The young boy gulped back his tears.

"I'll suck your cock Gary," he said. "I'LL SUCK YOUR FUCKING COCK GARY," he shouted angrily.

Gary smiled.

"I'm really pleased to hear that Ricky," Gary said. "Boy are we going to have some fun playing together. And when you've finished sucking my cock will you let me fuck you?"

Ricky desperately did not want to be hit with the stick again. The whole of his back and buttocks were burning with pain. Yet he most certainly did not want to be fucked. Tommy had told him that it hurt more than anything else in the world when a man shoved his big cock up your shit hole. Tommy was not the sort of boy to spare his young brother the more lurid details and, if anything, he embellished the story to make it more frightening for the youngster. Now Ricky, faced with a decision, recalled all those terrible descriptions Tommy had given him of how a man fucked a young boy.

"NO, NO, NO," he cried in a desperate voice, "YOU CAN'T FUCK ME, YOU MUSTN'T FUCK ME, I WON'T LET YOU FUCK ME," he screamed.

THWACK the stick struck Ricky across his buttocks and the boy started to shriek again.

THWACK, THWACK, the stick whistled down across his shoulders and back.

"Have you changed your mind," Gary asked enjoying the wonderful music of the boy's shrieks of pain.

"NO, NO, NO, NO," Ricky screamed desperately.

THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, four very painful blows from the stick. One across his shoulders, two across his back and one across his burning buttocks.

"Changed your mind yet Ricky, are you ready to say yes?" Gary asked.

Ricky's back was a mass of red lines, some were seeping blood where the skin had been torn. He was burning with pain from his shoulders down to his buttocks and now he heard Gary's chilling words.

"If you say no Ricky I'm going to start hitting your thighs and your legs and then back to your buttocks, back and shoulders. This time I won't stop until I've given you another twenty strokes of this stick. You'd better decide quickly boy, what will it be, a good hard fuck or the stick?"

Ricky knew when he was defeated. Sooner or later he would have to say yes so he might just as well say yes now.

"Yes Gary you can fuck me after I've sucked your cock," the boy replied with a break in his voice.

"There now Ricky, that wasn't such a hard decision to come to was it?" Gary said as he put aside the stick.

"Now you lovely little devil, lay on your back for me please," Gary requested.

Still crying from the pain of the beating with the stick young Ricky turned over and lay on his back. The cold plastic sheeting helped ease the burning pain, but that only lasted a moment or two and then his back hurt just as much as before.

Gary knelt by the bale and started to run his hands all over Ricky's chest and belly. He ran a finger around the young boy's nipples which quickly hardened and stroked down the boy's chest to his belly. He played with his finger around and in and out of Ricky's belly button as the youngster lay crying.

"What a silly boy you were Ricky," Gary murmured, "All I wanted to do was play with you for a bit, then we could have had a nice fuck before I took you home. But no," he murmured as he took hold of the child's soft cock between his thumb and forefinger, "you had to refuse and make me give you a beating before you changed your mind. Still I did enjoy beating you so it all worked out right in the end"

As Gary was speaking the boy's cock stiffened until it was fully erect. It was a lovely boy cock, two and a half inches [6½ cm] long, a very red nob which had a tiny piss slit, the foreskin stretched hard back down the shaft. Gary could resist that boy cock no longer; he had waited eighteen years to get one of those in his mouth. He leant his head over Ricky's body, stuck out his tongue and licked the red nob and then licked up and down the shaft.

Ricky's crying started to peter out as he felt Gary's tongue in contact with his willy. He had never experienced anything like this before and it felt real good to the boy.

Gary opened his mouth and closed it over the boy's fully erect spike. He moved his lips down the shaft as he sucked hard on the cock head. Then he moved his lips back up still sucking. Down again and back up, down and up, down and up. As he sucked he just could not believe how lovely the young boy's cock tasted.

Ricky was groaning with pleasure his recent beating forgotten for the moment. He loved the way Gary was making him feel. He lay back on the bale with his eyes closed just enjoying the sucking sensation on his cock and the feel of the youth's lips rubbing up and down his shaft. Involuntarily his buttocks started to rise and fall in time with the movement of Gary's lips.

Now Gary knew the kid was enjoying himself. He reached for Ricky's tiny balls and started to tickle them as he continued to suck on the boy's cock. Then, with his other hand, he reached up the youngster's chest and started to rub first one and then the other of Ricky's nipples.

The boy was squirming with pleasure now as he moved his buttocks up and down. Gary was squeezing his tiny nipples between thumb and finger as he tickled the boy's balls and sucked on Ricky's cock. Ricky had never experienced anything like this before and didn't want Gary to stop.

For more than half an hour Gary pinched and twisted and rubbed the boy's erect nipples, tickled and played with his tiny balls, sucked his cock as he moved his lips up and down the shaft and all the while the boy was groaning with pleasure, squirming and writhing and moving his buttocks up and down.

Then Gary stopped playing with his new playmate and knelt by the bale staring down into the child's lovely eyes. This was the first time he'd ever played with a boy in this way and he knew that it wouldn't be the last time.

"Now Ricky I want you to suck my cock just the way I've sucked yours. I want you to play with my balls, twist them and tug them as you suck on my cock," Gary said.

Then he leant over and kissed Ricky on the lips. It was not the sort of kiss that his mummy or daddy gave the boy. It was a passionate kiss, a hard kiss, a kiss where Gary's lips were pressed against those sweet lips of the boy. Gary was forcing his tongue into the boy's mouth, he managed to lick the inside of Ricky's lips before exploring further with his tongue.

Ricky lay on the bale with Gary's face tight up against his making it impossible for him to move as he felt the teenager's tongue inside his mouth. Truth to tell Ricky did not really want to move; the boy was enjoying the attention that Gary was giving him.

Having tongued the inside of Ricky's mouth, enjoying the sweet taste that he got, Gary pulled away from the seven year old boy. He stood up, lifted the boy up off the bale and stood him down on the floor.

"Kneel down in front of me," Gary said huskily as he stood with his legs apart.

His eight inch [20 cm] long cock stood out from his body and his big balls dangled below.

Ricky knelt down as instructed.

"Now lick my nob and then open your mouth and start to suck on it like it was a sweet. Take hold of my balls to steady yourself and pull them, twist them, do what the fuck you like with them," Gary said.

He watched as the young boy took hold of his balls; god it felt so good to Gary, no other fucker had ever touched his balls before. He watched as Ricky stuck out his lovely red tongue. He watched and shivered with delight as the boy ran his red tongue over his cock enjoying the sexual feeling that he was getting. Then he started to groan with pleasure as the boy opened his mouth and closed it over his nob. He placed his hands very lightly on the boy's head as he felt Ricky sucking on his cock.

The boy, when sticking out his tongue and licking Gary's cock, had licked up some of the teenager's precum. He found the taste very nice, quite sweet and nothing like he had thought stuff coming from a cock would taste like. After several licks of Gary's cock head the boy opened his mouth and closed it around the nob. Then, just as if it was a lollipop, he started to suck hard on the cock. As he sucked he drew more precum from the piss slit into his mouth and swallowed it with pleasure. He could hear Gary groaning and felt the youth's hands on his head. He tugged and twisted Gary's balls as he sucked on the cock. He was enjoying the feel of the teenager's big balls in his hand. In fact he was enjoying everything.

So was Gary. He was achieving the things that he had dreamed about for so long. Things that, when awake, he would never admit to himself that he wanted. Now, with the seven year old boy kneeling in front of him and his cock in the kid's mouth, he was able to admit to himself that his need was for boys. Young boys, boys just like Ricky.

He pressed down on the child's head with his hands and felt more of his cock entering Ricky's mouth. Ricky looked up at him with his lovely brown eyes and Gary's heart pounded as he saw the wonderful sight of his cock in the child's mouth. He pressed harder and his cock head went deeper until it was touching the back of Ricky's throat. The boy started to gag and retch and his face turned bright red as he found it hard to breathe. Garry released the pressure from the boy's head and Ricky pulled back letting Gary's cock drop from his mouth.

"Get it back in your mouth fucker, suck my cock now and don't stop until I tell you to," Gary panted at Ricky who was gasping for breath.

"I can't breathe Gary when you push on my head, I can't breathe and it makes me feel sick," the youngster whined.

"Get sucking on my cock now you little bastard or I'll use the stick on you again," Gary snarled feeling very frustrated with Ricky.

Choking back his sobs Ricky opened his mouth and closed it around Gary's cock once more. He started to suck and again felt Gary's hands on his head and then the pressure as Gary pressed down. Once again the teenager's cock was touching the back of his throat but this time it went further. Gary pressed Ricky's head real hard and his cock entered the boy's throat. Then he relaxed the pressure and pulled back with his pelvis and his cock came out of Ricky's throat. Pressure again, a forward thrust of his pelvis, and more of his cock was down Ricky's throat before it was pulled out again.

"As you suck my cock you've got to swallow," Gary panted, "suck and swallow, suck and swallow," he said.

For the next twenty minutes Ricky was sucking on the youth's cock as it drove in and out of his throat. Soon he was taking five inches [12½ cm], six inches [15 cm], seven inches [18 cm] and then, at last all eight inches [20 cm] of Gary's cock. Each time Gary thrust forward with his pelvis his balls, which Ricky was no longer holding, pressed into the youngster's chin. Ricky was holding onto Gary's thighs for dear life as the man drove in and out of his throat.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT I'VE GOT TO STOP OR I'LL CUM," Gary shouted in frustration as he felt his balls tighten.

He pulled his cock out of Ricky's mouth much to the young boy's relief. Ricky's throat felt sore from having the thick long cock thrusting in and out of it. He'd felt like being sick at the start and throughout the ordeal had found it hard to breathe. He hoped very much that Gary was now going to let him go.

No such luck for the boy of course.

Gary knew what he wanted; he wanted to feel Ricky's smooth buttocks under his hands. He wanted to spread those buttocks to reveal, what he was sure would be, a divine looking little shit hole. He wanted to kiss the lips of that hole and lick it. Maybe a few crumbs from Ricky's last toilet would be adhering to his ring, if so Gary knew that he would enjoy licking them up. Then he wanted to thrust his own cock through what must be a really tight hole. Once that was achieved he wanted to fuck the shit out of the kid, fill him with his cum until his bowels were overflowing. Oh yes, Gary knew what he wanted.

Gary had never fucked anybody before in his life. He wasn't sure what the best way to fuck young Ricky would be. Dog fashion? Possibly. Laying over the bale with his legs hanging over the edge? Again possibly. With Ricky laying on his back and his legs over his own shoulders so that his buttocks were sticking up in the air? Maybe not. Then he came to a decision.

He told Ricky to stand up and, when the boy had done so, he told him to go and lay on the bale face down with his legs hanging over the side. The boy, half crying as he remembered what Tommy had told him about how painful it was to be fucked, climbed onto the bale and lay face down as ordered. His legs were too short for his feet to reach the ground. Gary stood behind the boy and saw that Ricky's buttocks were just the right height for him as they were level with his waist. He pulled the boy a little further off the bale so that his hands could reach around Ricky's waist and play with the boy's cock and balls. Then Gary forced the boy's legs as far apart as they could go. Everything was now ready.

He knelt down and placed an open hand on each lovely smooth buttock. The marks from the stick showed clearly and he ran his hands lovingly across them. He felt the boy's buttocks twitching as he stroked them and his cock throbbed with excitement. Then he spread the buttocks wide.

He let out a deep sigh of pleasure as he saw nestling at the bottom of the boy's crease the most delightful looking pinky brown hole imaginable. The little pink lips were tightly closed and the outside of the hole was as smooth as silk. Gary stuck out his tongue and licked across Ricky's anus and the youngster shivered with pleasure.

Gary kissed the closed lips as he pressed his mouth hard against Ricky's shit hole and then he licked it a few more times. But now he sorely needed to fuck it; he could not wait any longer.

For a moment he was at a loss as to what to do. He guessed that his cock need lubrication but, not expecting to have such a wonderful afternoon, he'd certainly got nothing like that with him. Spittle was the answer he decided. He spat in his hand and rubbed his cock up and down. His precum mixed with his spit and soon his cock was nice and slippery so Gary, who was now standing up, moved close to Ricky's buttocks.

He placed one hand on the small of the boy's back whilst his other hand held his cock against Ricky's shit hole.

"Ricky just think, right at this moment we are both virgins but any minute now and neither of us will be able to make that claim," Gary whispered to the trembling boy.

Then he thrust forward with his pelvis. His cock head pushed against Ricky's immature sphincter and quickly forced it open. Then his cock was through the tight ring and into Ricky's tight arse hole.

The boy shrieked in terror as his shit hole was stretched wide open whilst Gary gave a loud scream of painful joy. The tight ring around his cock sent shards of pain through Gary's body, but it was pain of a most erotic nature. This was the most wonderful moment of Gary's life.

Poor young Ricky was screaming and shrieking as Gary's cock ploughed further up his back passage. It hurt him as he'd never been hurt before and he felt as if he was being split in half. Gary was sweating and his sweat was dripping onto Ricky's back as the youth forced more and more of his hard cock into the screaming child's shit hole. Gary kept thrusting forward until he felt his balls pressing into young Gary's buttocks. He forced all eight inches [20 cm] of cock up the young boy's back passage and now he rested over Ricky for a moment.

Ricky was still shrieking and screaming as the whole of his bowels and guts hurt like hell.

"Be happy Ricky," Gary whispered to the screaming boy as he lay over him, "I'm going to fuck your cunt now boy. I've turned your shit hole into a cunt and now you're a lovely little boy faggot," he said.

Ricky's screams and shrieks were even louder on hearing that. Tommy had made sure that he knew what 'cunts' were; they were the things girls had so that boys could fuck them. He knew, again from Tommy, what faggots were too. They were boys who wanted to be fucked just as if they were girls. Ricky screamed more in terror than pain now; what would Tommy do when he discovered his young brother had a cunt and was a faggot. Hot tears of shame and fear poured down his lovely cheeks.

Gary was now ready to start fucking in earnest now. He pulled his cock almost all the way out of Ricky's cunt and drove it back in again. Out and in, out and in, soon Gary had a nice rhythm going and he felt around Ricky's waist for his tiny cock. He found the soft little ding dong and as he fucked in and out of the boy he ran his finger and thumb up and down Ricky's soft shaft and soon the boy's cock was fully erect.

"See," panted Gary as he drove in and out of the crying young boy, "you're a real faggot now, see how hard your cock is because it likes the way I'm fucking your cunt."

Ricky cried even louder; he believed what Gary was saying. His cock was hard as the teenager drove in and out of his newly made cunt. The young boy was now more terrified of what Tommy would say and do than he was of what Gary was doing to him. He lay there sobbing his heart out as Gary fucked the shit out of him.

Then the teenager felt his balls tighten. He drove in and out of the tight hole even harder and faster and then started to spew his cum into Ricky's bowels. Gary shot his load once, twice, three times and then four. He'd never cum so much ever before. His balls quite empty, Gary lay on top of young Ricky, his cock buried deep inside the boy, gasping and groaning with pleasure.

"Fucking hell Ricky that was awesome, it was fucking great. It was the best thing that I've ever had happen," Gary exclaimed as he pulled his cock out of Ricky's hole.

Now that he had shot his load Gary felt a slight sense of unease. What if Ricky told his mum and dad and they informed the police. He pulled the boy off the bale of straw and squatted down to face him so that they were at eye level. Then he told Ricky that he must never tell anybody what had happened. If he did Gary would come after him and steal him away from his mummy and daddy forever and give him to lots of dirty old men who would spend all day and night fucking him.

Ricky swore on his life that he would never tell anybody; he didn't want Tommy ever to find out.

"If anybody asks why you've got those marks on your back tell them that some boys beat you with a stick. They were strangers and you caught them doing dirty things with each other so they beat you for spying on them," Gary said.

Again young Ricky swore that he would stick to that story. Gary looked around the barn and found some old rags and cleaned Ricky's cunt, buttocks and legs up. Once he'd finished you wouldn't know anything had happened to Ricky unless you carried out a very close inspection of his cunt.

They put their clothes back on and Gary drove the boy back until he was quite near the turn off for the footpath to the pond. He dropped Ricky off and drove off home.

Gary was happy, it was the best afternoon he'd ever spent in his life. Of one thing he was now sure. This would not be the last young boy he'd fuck. But next time he'd make sure that he had some lubricant, a nice bamboo cane and possible a belt and a whip.

"If only," he thought to himself, "I could find a real young boy, one no older than four. Shit I'd keep him to play with for more than a few hours, days, maybe weeks," the new recruit to the ranks of paedophiles thought.

As he got out of his car at his home his cock was fully erect and making a huge tent in his shorts.

"Shit I need another boy badly," he said as he went indoors to have a wank.

The End


A Perfect Match

After whipping and fucking his 14 year old sex toy, Grant looks back how he acquired the boy.

Grant (28yo) and Alan (14yo)
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THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, the sounds reverberated around the room accompanied by a boy's voice shrieking and screaming.

Then a man's voice.


"YES, MORE YOU FUCKER, BEAT ME MORE YOU FUCKING WANKER," the boy's voice shrieked out.

THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, more sounds of leather striking bare flesh as the boy's voice started to scream and shriek once more.



A few minutes silence and then the sound of a lash whistling through the air and striking bare flesh. A shriek of pain from a boy, the sound of the lash and another shriek of pain. For twenty minutes the whipping continued with just the sounds of the lash whistling through the air and striking bare flesh, the grunts of a man wielding the whip with all the strength he could muster and the shrieks of the boy who was being whipped so unmercifully.

In the bright light of the underground dungeon a naked boy was hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. A man, also naked, was using a whip to beat the boy unmercifully.

The man's name was Grant and he was twenty eight years old. He was six feet [1.80 m] tall, brown hair and blue eyes. Not muscular and yet not thin, his pecs were developed but not in the body building sense of the world. His abs looked normal, as did the rest of his body. His cock was fully erect, a nice eight inches [20 cm] long and two inches [5 cm] thick, and he had a generous sized set of balls swinging beneath. Very little body hair apart from a thick brown bush. As he walked away from the boy his back was straight and he had a pair of well formed buttocks.

The boy, his name was Alan and he was now fourteen years old, had blonde hair cut very short all over. Lovely green eyes and upturned nose and a very sweet looking mouth with ruby red lips. His body was slim and his ribs could be clearly seen as he hung from the ceiling by his wrists. He had no body hair at all, if it had begun to grow then it must all have been shaved off. Rather large nipples for a boy, in fact they were two inches [5 cm] long, and a cock which, like the man's, was fully erect and measured no less than seven inches [18 cm] long. His balls hung very low considering that he was merely fourteen years of age. Lovely firm and well formed buttocks, smooth thighs and legs. The only thing that marred the boy's beauty was the fact that his body was covered in old and new markings caused by the many beatings that he received.

As Grant walked away from the boy still carrying the whip the youngster called out to him in a loud voice.


Grant spun around and raised the whip high. He sent the lash curling through the air and it struck Alan around his neck. The boy let out a screech of pain as his body was spun around by Grant pulling the whip back. Then the man sent the last whistling through the air again to strike the screaming boy around the middle of his body.

"I'LL FUCK YOU WHEN I'M READY YOU MISERABLE LOOKING LUMP OF SHIT," Grant yelled as he struck the boy for a third time with the whip.


Grant put down the whip and walked back to Alan with a big grin all over his face.

"Fucking hell Alan you still make me as horny as hell, I'm going to give you a real good fucking now," Grant said to the grinning boy.

Grant lowered the rope and then removed the handcuffs that were attached around Alan's wrists. The boy lowered his arms.

"Yeah you pervo bastard and you've got me as horny as hell with the beating. I need a real good fucking now," the fourteen year old boy replied.

Grant picked Alan up in a fireman's lift and slung him over his shoulder. The boy's head and upper body was hanging down Grant's back whilst his buttocks and legs were hanging down the front of the man. Grant had one arm across the boy's legs holding him firmly in place and his free hand was patting and stroking Alan's buttocks as he carried the laughing boy from the room.

They went up a flight of stairs into the main house, up a second flight of stairs and into Grant's large bedroom. The man approached his king size bed and tipped Alan off his shoulder onto it. Then he too got on the bed.

Alan wasted no time as he took a tube of KY off the bedside table. Squeezing a little onto his fingers he quickly lubricated Grant's hard cock.

"I want every last inch of that cock up my cunt you pedo bastard, I want you to fuck the shit out of me you boy loving pervo arse fucker," Alan said as he lay back on the bed.

Grant got between the boy's legs as Alan raised them and rested them on the man's shoulders. Then Grant positioned his cock against Alan's boy cunt and thrust forward really hard.

Alan had relaxed his arse muscle in readiness for the man's cock. He gave a deep sigh of pleasure as he felt the two inch [5 cm] thick rod entering his body and he pressed forward with his buttocks as Grant drove all eight inches [20 cm] straight up the boy's cunt.

"That's the way bastard, fuck me you cunt, fuck me as hard as you can," groaned Alan as Grant started to fuck in and out of the boy.

Within a couple of minutes he was in full swing thrusting in and out of the boy with all eight inches [20 cm] of his cock and Alan was moving his buttocks in and out keeping time with Grant's cock movements.

The boy was groaning aloud as his prostate gland got pleasured by the man's cock. The boy loved to be fucked, it was the best thing that ever happened to him and the only man who ever fucked him was Grant. Not to say that Alan missed out that way; Grant fucked the boy at least twice a day and sometimes, on very special occasions, would fuck him five or six times.

Grant had been fucking Alan for thirty minutes non stop when the boy reached above his head and felt for a condom that he knew was there. As Grant drove in and out of the groaning boy, Alan put the condom on his throbbing boy cock. Then he relaxed again enjoying the big cock that was driving in and out of his body.

Another fifteen minutes passed and Grant, sweating profusely, was still driving in and out of the boy's cunt. Suddenly Alan's body arched as the boy's frame stiffened.

"ARGH YEAH I'M CUMMING, I'M FUCKING CUMMING, OH GOD, OH SHIT I'M CUMMING," he screamed as he filled the condom with his boy juice.

As he shot his load his sphincter closed like a vice around Alan's cock.

"That's the way boy, shoot your load, make it a good one for your boy fucking pedo bastard friend," Grant panted with his cock held firmly by the boy's arse muscle.

Then, his boy balls empty, Alan's sphincter relaxed and Grant continued to fuck the boy. He fucked him for a further ten minutes before filling the fourteen year old with his cum.

Once he'd shot his load Grant laid down alongside the boy he'd just fucked.

Alan removed the condom from his limp cock and leant over to look down at the pervert who had just fucked him.

"Mouth open you pedo bastard, I've a little treat for you," Alan whispered and Grant obediently opened his mouth.

Alan placed the open end of the condom between Grant's lips and the paedophile started to suck the contents out of it. As he did so Alan got between his legs and started to suck on Grant's cock which was covered in cum which had streaks of brown in it. Both were now contentedly sucking as they enjoyed the flavour of each other's cum.

Grant started to reflect on how he had first come across Alan as he lay sucking the boy's cum out of the condom.

It had been six years ago when he was just twenty two and Alan, god bless him, was eight. He'd found the boy sitting by the side of a road in a run down estate on the edge of town. He'd stopped with the intention of posting a letter in the nearby pillar box when he spotted the crying boy. Grant sat down beside him on the edge of the road and asked the kid what was wrong.

Alan had run away from home because he'd had a big row with his mum and older sister and he didn't know what to do now. Grant told him he could go back to his house and have a bite to eat and then Grant would phone the boy's mother to let her know he was safe. After that he would take Alan back to be reunited with his family.

The boy was happy about that and went back home with Grant. That was the last time the boy had ever left Grant's house; he'd never put a foot outside since.

Grant had known from age fourteen or fifteen that he liked to play with boy's younger than himself. The older he got the more sexual the play became but he'd never had full sex with a kid. It seemed that fate had taken a hand because Grant was as horny as hell on the day that he met up with Alan.

Once indoors he took the boy up to his bedroom, tore the kid's clothes off him and raped him. That day he raped Alan seven times until the boy eventually lost consciousness and then Grant tied him to the bed. Over the next few days he constantly fucked the young boy as Alan shrieked and screamed.

It was an accident that Grant discovered what fun it was to beat a young boy. How sexually exciting it was to mark the smooth white skin of a boy with deep red lines from spanking or a belt. How erotic it was to hear the kid scream for mercy.

Alan had managed one day, about three weeks after his abduction, to get free of the rope. He almost escaped that day, it was just his bad fortune that Grant had returned just as he was jumping through a ground floor window. Grant took him back indoors, stripped his own clothes off, Alan being naked of course, put the boy over his knees and spanked him until his buttocks were black and blue. He was so turned on by the boy's screaming that he draped him over the back of an armchair and started to lay into him with a leather belt marking deep red lines in his body from his shoulders down to and including his buttocks.

The boy screamed, in fact shrieked would be more accurate, and Grant's cock throbbed with excitement. He threw the belt to one side and fucked the kid as he lay draped over the back of the armchair. It was a wonderful fuck and lasted almost two hours as Grant kept reliving the thrashing he'd given the boy.

It was a short step from there for Grant to transform the cellar into a dungeon. It was there that he would beat the boy for hours on end. He graduated from belt to canes and whips. At the end of each punishment session he would take Alan back to his bed and fuck the shit out of the kid.

It took three months for Alan to get used to being fucked and another two months before he began to positively enjoy it. He still hated and feared the punishment session but started to look forward to being fucked.

He had soon learned how to suck cock and could take all eight inches [20 cm] of Grant's cock either up his cunt or down his throat, not only take it but enjoy having it. Before the first year of his abduction was past, Alan was begging Grant to fuck him.

Grant taught the boy how to speak dirty. He told him what the words meant so the boy used them correctly. Soon Alan was swearing like a trooper.

During the second year Alan learnt to enjoy water sports. Now a day never passed without the two of them pissing into each other mouths. Sometimes Grant would fill Alan's bowels with piss, fuck the shit out of him and then the boy would expel all the piss and cum into a basin. The two would share it between them never leaving a spare drop behind. It was a short step from there to introduce the boy to scat although neither of them were as enthusiastic about that as they were piss.

They restricted the scat activities to Alan licking Grant's shit hole clean after he had finished crapping and, just now and then, Grant would make Alan squat over his face and enjoy the sight of the boy's cunt opening as he started to have a shit. The man did not eat the shit but washed it off once Alan had finished. He would make Alan piss over his face to get the worst of the mess off before using the more conventional methods of cleaning himself.

During the second year of his captivity, the boy was now nine years old, Alan began to get stiff when his punishment sessions began. It first occurred when he did something to annoy Grant. The man grabbed him and put him across his lap and started to spank him. As Alan felt Grant's hand hitting his buttocks, heard the slapping sound as the hand connected with his bare flesh, felt his buttocks warming and then getting hot, felt Grant's hard cock pressing into his belly, his own boy cock started to stiffen. When Grant finished spanking him Alan found himself screaming for the man to continue.

He heard Grant asking in an amazed tone of voice whether he really wanted the spanking to go on.


And Grant obliged and spanked the boy for a further half hour by which time Alan's buttocks were red raw and burning like hell. Then the man threw the boy across a bench and started to fuck the shit out of him. Young Alan had four dry cums during that session.

A couple of days later Grant took Alan to the dungeon.

"A spanking, a belting or a whipping?" Grant asked.

It was the first time he'd ever given Alan a choice.

The boy almost opted for a good long spanking but his body seemed to want something more. He told Grant that he wanted to be given a good belting and he wanted the man to use the heaviest leather belt he'd got.

Alan lay lengthwise down the narrow padded bench. His arms and legs hung down either side of the bench so that only his body, face down, was on the padded top of the bench.

"Twenty, forty or sixty strokes of the belt?" Grant asked.

Again it was the first time he'd ever given the boy a choice.

"Sixty," whispered Alan as his trembling body yearned for the punishing sting of hard leather against his bare flesh.

Grant's cock was throbbing with excitement as he raised the belt and brought it hard down across Alan's bare shoulders. The boy's body shook as the leather bit into his flesh and his cock immediately started to stiffen beneath him.

"Harder you bastard, fucking hit me harder," Alan panted as the belt bit into him again.

In a few moments the nine year old boy was shrieking and screaming as Grant really laid into him with the leather belt. His back from shoulders down to his buttocks was soon glowing red as blow after blow from the belt bit into his smooth and tender flesh.

After thirty strokes from the belt Grant stopped. Alan was still shrieking and screaming from the terrible burning pain.

"You want me to stop now Alan, have you had enough?" Grant asked the boy.

"No you stupid fucker keep belting me you bastard," Alan cried, "Come on you cunt, let me feel that leather on my bare flesh," the boy begged.

Grant raised the belt again and started to thrash Alan unmercifully.

"Harder, harder, harder," panted Alan as he had a dry cum.

By the time Grant had delivered all sixty strokes of the belt, Alan's body was red, blue and black and it felt to the boy as if he was on fire from the neck down. But still the youngster's cock was rock hard and he had experienced two further dry cums.

"Fuck me now you pedo bastard, get your big cock up my cunt and fuck me," Alan groaned as his back passage cried out to be filled.

Grant had already decided to fuck the boy he'd just thrashed. He mounted Alan as the boy lay on the bench. He drove his eight inch [20 cm] long cock straight up Alan's cunt as the cock hungry boy groaned with pleasure. Then he started to fuck in and out of Alan's bowels enjoying the heat from the boy's back on his chest as he lay on top of the kid. He fucked young Alan for almost an hour before filling the boy with his cum. Then he dismounted, put his mouth to Alan's cunt and started to lick his cum out of the boy's back passage. Once he'd cleared the entrance to Alan's cunt he pressed his mouth hard against the brown lips and started to suck. As Alan groaned with pleasure, Grant sucked out all the cum he'd just deposited in the boy and swallowed the lot.

He did enjoy the taste of his cum mixed with Alan's body flavours. When he had finished he moved away from the bench. Alan, still laying flat down on it, turned his head to look at Grant.

"Get your cock over here you pervert and let my boy mouth suck your pedo fuck stick clean," Alan requested.

Grant gave a laugh and perched himself on the end of the bench just in front of Alan's face. The boy raised his head and opened his mouth. Then he closed it over Grant's cum covered cock and started to suck it clean.

Alan loved Grant's cock. He loved to suck it; he loved to have it up his cunt; he loved to stroke it and kiss it; he loved everything about that cock. Next to Grant's cock, Alan loved the man's balls most. He could spend ages just rolling the nuts about in his hand. He loved the feel of the man's scrotum and the way his big balls moved about in his hand as he played with them.

Over the course of the next week Alan found himself begging to be caned and whipped in addition to being spanked and belted. Punishment sessions seemed to last longer and longer as Alan kept begging for more harsh treatment. Always, when the session ended, Grant would fuck the boy silly and, or so it seemed to Alan, the longer the punishment session lasted the longer Grant would spend with his cock up the boy.

It is hard to explain exactly what had happened to Alan. When he was being beaten it hurt him like hell. It made him scream and shriek as his body was treated to either a bare hand, a leather belt, a cane or a whip. Yet it also made his cock stiff and he kept having dry cums. The harder he was beaten the more erotic was the effect on him. And always, the boy knew, once the punishment session was over the sex session would start.

Alan lived for sex. Every moment that he was awake he thought of Grant and his cock. There was nothing the boy would rule out if it was in anyway connected to sex. Often it was he who would suggest something new to Grant rather than the other way round.

It was Alan who had led the way into scat. In a way he was disappointed at Grant's reluctance to throw himself heart and soul into that. It was Alan who had played with a bottle up his cunt and Grant had then started to introduce dildos. Alan was the one to encourage Grant into ever more harsher punishment sessions.

By the time he was ten, fully settled into his life with Grant, there was nothing that seemed to upset Alan.

Shortly after his abduction, Alan had been having his nipples, cock and balls developed. Grant started off using nipple clamps on the boy and attaching weights to them to encourage the nipples to stretch. At the start the nipple clamps had hurt like hell and his nipples would be sore for hours after the period of training.

Grant had strapped a leather band around Alan's cock, just below the base of the boy's nob. He had also tied a cord around the base of the boy's tight little scrotum. Both of these things had been done at the same time as the nipple development commenced. He had attached weights to the strap and the cord thus pulling down on the boy's cock and on his scrotum and the weights remained in place for the same length of time as the nipple weights.

As the days and weeks passed the weights got heavier and the boy became accustomed to walking about with them on.

Over the months and years it had worked. Alan's nipples were very long, his cock was long also whilst his balls hung very low.

Just after Alan's eleventh birthday he shot his load for the first time. Grant had been very lucky because he'd been sucking the boy's cock at the time and so had enjoyed the taste of Alan's very first cum of his life.

Again it was Alan who suggested that he put a condom on if he was near to cumming whilst being fucked by Grant. That way Grant could still enjoy Alan's cum after he'd finished fucking him.

Grant was brought back to the present as Alan finished sucking his cock. The boy crawled up the man's body until his face was looking down at Grant's.

"I love you Grant," Alan whispered and pressed his lips against those of Grant's.

Grant put his arms around Alan's scarred body and held him tightly as they both kissed passionately. Then Grant pushed the boy off him so that Alan lay on his back. He leant over the fourteen year old boy and started to chew on his two inch [5 cm] long nipples. Alan purred with pleasure as he moved one of his legs to rub against Grant's soft cock. He moved his legs up and down as Grant sucked and chewed on his nipples and he felt the man's cock rising again.

Thirty minutes later Alan was sucking up and down on Grant's fully erect cock. He was taking all eight inches [20 cm] down his throat with no trouble at all. Grant was laying back with his eyes half closed enjoying the way the boy was sucking him off.

'What a pity,' he was thinking to himself, 'I've got to start thinking about a replacement for Alan.'

The teenager was getting too old for Grant, the man really preferred prepubescent boys. And yet he would like to have Alan around, he loved the punishment sessions and he did enjoy swallowing the youth's cum.

Alan was using his mouth very skilfully and also his hands on Grant's balls. Grant started to pant and groan and heave his buttocks up and down as he shot his load into Alan's mouth. The boy swallowed the cum happily; just like Grant, Alan loved the taste of cum. Then, once again, Grant and Allan cuddled and kissed in the afterglow of the sexual experience.

"Alan I think it's time to discuss the future," Grant said as he pushed the boy off him and they now lay side by side.

"What you mean fucker, what about the pissing future?" Alan asked.

"Alan you know how I picked you up when you were eight, well I'm afraid that I'm going to have to find another young boy to replace you. You're getting a little too old for me," Grant said very gently.

Tears welled up in Alan's eyes.

"I don't want to leave you Grant, you know how much I love you. I want to stay with you," Alan said.

The two lay quietly for a few minutes.

"I'll never get rid of you Alan, you must know that," Grant said gently. "It's just that I need a young boy to satisfy my sexual needs, or I will need one within the next year."

"Grant you know what I would really like?" Alan said, still with a bit of a sob in his voice.

"What's that Alan?" Grant replied.

"Well now that I can shoot my load I think that I would like to have my own boy to fuck. We could have one each and see whose the best at training his boy," Alan said excitedly.

"We've got almost a year in which to decide but I must admit your idea appeals to me," Grant answered. "It sure would be great to have two young fuckers here and we could have some great punishment sessions too"

"Yeah," said Alan propping himself up on his elbows, "we could see which of our boys could take the most punishment and have sort of winners rewards. If my boy won then you would have to fuck me whilst if your boy won you could have a punishment session with me."

Grant laughed.

"You cunning little bastard, it seems to me that you would win either way," Grant said as he leaned over and kissed Alan on the lips.

"I'll tell you what, we will start looking out for likely candidates. As of tomorrow I will take you out with me and we will se what we can find. As I say, we've almost a year before you reach fifteen so we should get two boys by then," Grant said.

"I want mine to be six or seven, I want to start him real young," Alan announced.

"With luck both boys we get will be around that age, I don't want to have to keep finding new ones," Grant stated.

"Yeah," he said in a dreamy voice, "a nice five or six year old boy would just suit me. Shit thinking of it has made me as horny as hell," Grant said as his cock, fully erect, throbbed with excitement.

"Then fuck me you pedo bastard, come on get your cock up my cunt and fuck the shit out of me you dirty stinking pervert cunt," Alan said as he raised his legs into the air.

Grant rolled on top of his young lover and started to fuck the shit out of him. He gave him a really good hard fucking and, once again, Alan put on a condom just as he was about to cum. When Grant had finished fucking the teenager, Alan lay between his legs sucking his cum covered cock whilst Grant sucked Alan's cum from out of the condom.

Man and boy were as happy as sand boys as they looked forward to an exciting future.

The End


Alcohol Madness

Brad day dreams about fucking a virgin boy. One day a young boy asks him to buy him a beer - Brad sees his chance.

Brad (30yo) and Danny (12yo)
Mb reluc/cons mast oral anal – first

Chapter 1

Brad, a thirty year old bachelor with close cropped black hair and even blacker eyes, was sitting on a bench near a parade of shops. Among the shops was an off licence. A few minutes walk away, just across the main road was a copse of trees and bushes which shielded the small grass field from the view of people using the road or shops. Brad knew that this copse and field were used by teenagers to drink alcohol, have sex and even, he guessed use drugs. Brad was a friendly guy and sometimes obliged the odd fifteen to seventeen year old by purchasing liquor for them from the off licence providing they had the money to pay.

He knew that this was illegal but knew they would get some other sucker to purchase it for them if he was not prepared to do it. It was not a regular habit of his, just now and then when he was in the area.

On this particular afternoon Brad was sitting enjoying the sun. He liked this place of a summers afternoon because he could watch the preteens on their way home from the local boys school. Boys being boys they were always horsing around, wrestling each other and sometimes trying to grab another's goolies. Brad would day dream about some particular boy that he had noticed, imagining that he'd got him at home helpless and at his mercy. He would sit getting a hard on as he dreamt about fucking the virgin boy. The boys he day dreamed about were never older than twelve and mostly a good deal younger.

The main rush out of school was now over and there was only the odd kid passing and soon there wasn't even that. Brad's cock was soft once again as he thought about going back home.

"Hey mister could you buy me a beer please," a voice suddenly said.

Brad looked around and saw a kid of eleven or twelve standing just behind the bench he was on. The boy had taken off his shirt and was carrying it on this warm summer afternoon. He had dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a sweet straight nose and very red lips. His lovely smooth white body was lean without being skinny. You could, however, just see the outline of his ribs. He had two beautiful pink nipples and a belly button that was raised.

The man grinned at the boy.

"A bit young to be wanting beer aren't you son, how old are you?" Brad asked.

"Fifteen, nearly sixteen," the cheeky little urchin replied with a grin.

"If you're a day over ten then I'm a fucking Chinaman," Brad said with a laugh.

"Hello Mr. Foo," the boy answered back with a big grin, "I'm fucking twelve not ten."

"Well I can't buy you a beer, you're much too young and it would be illegal and get me into trouble," Brad pointed out to the boy.

The kid wiped his arm across his nose.

"You've got beer and cider for my brother before now and he's only fifteen, that's only three years older than me," the boy said.

Brad was eying the delicious little meal standing in front of him. The boy was about four feet ten inch[1.45 m] tall and had a real appealing look. The man looked around and there was nobody about.

"What's your name son?" he asked.

"Danny," the boy answered, "what's yours?"

"I'm Brad," the man answered. Then he went on, "look Danny even if I wanted to get you a beer the off licence is closed at the moment."

"Aw shit," the kid answered. "Ah well I guess that's it," he said.

"Maybe not," Brad said quietly. "I've beer at my house which is only just down the road."

Danny looked at him eagerly.

"Would you give me a beer then Brad?" he asked.

"Any money to pay for it," Brad asked pretending to keep things business like.

Danny screwed up his nose and gave the man another cheeky grin.

"Well I've got twenty p," he said feeling in the pocket of his light blue jeans.

"Come on then Danny lets go," Brad said standing up, "we'll have to see what else you can do to make up for the price of the beer."

The man and the boy started to walk away from the parade of shops towards the houses and bungalows.

"I bet that you'll let me have the beer for nothing won't you Brad, you wouldn't take my last twenty p would you?" the boy asked in a wheedling voice.

"Okay you win," laughed Brad, "but I shouldn't really give you any alcohol, whatever would your parents say?"

"Dad would think it a big joke, he sometimes gives me a drink of his beer. I expect mum would go bananas as usual," the boy said airily.

They turned into Brad's garden and walked up to the door of the bungalow. Brad opened it and the two walked in.

"You can sit in the other room," Brad said as he went to the fridge and got out a cold can of beer.

He walked into the living room where Danny was sitting on the sofa.

"Wow you've got a Play Station 2, what games have you got?" Danny asked.

Brad passed the boy the cold beer.

"Have a look in the cabinet you'll find plenty of games in there," he said as he looked hungrily at the boy.

From the moment that Danny had spoken to Brad the man's cock had been rock hard.

"Drink up your beer Danny," he said as the boy was looking through the games.

Danny took several big swigs of beer and then stood up brandishing Spiderman 2.

"Can I play this Brad, can I play this," he squealed as he took another big swig of beer.

"Sure I'll put it on for you," Brad replied as he took the game from the boy.

Danny took yet another long drink of beer. Brad noticed the boy's face was getting flushed and that he was now giggling. He put the game into the console and switched on the TV. Then he handed the controls to Danny. As the boy took the controls with one hand he took another long slurp of beer with the other. Brad sat down on the sofa next to the youngster and watched as Danny loaded the game. The boy did not seem in full control of his movements as he tried to get Spiderman to jump from roof to roof. He put the control on the table, giggled and took another swig of beer.

"Let's just watch tele, Scooby Doo is on and I love that," Danny said swaying slightly.

"Okay," Brad replied as the boy emptied the beer can and stood it on the table.

Brad turned games console off and switched the channels to Cartoon Network. Scooby Doo had already started.

"Can I have another beer Brad?" Danny asked.

"I don't think you should, you'll be getting drunk," Brad replied.

"Fuck no," exclaimed Danny, "I can drink at least six cans without getting pissed," he said.

Brad stood up and went out to the fridge and got out another beer. He returned and handed it to Danny.

"Don't blame me if you finish up pissed as a newt ," he said.

The he sat down next to Danny as the boy rested his socked feet on the low coffee table in front of him. Both of them had taken their trainers off on entering the house. Danny was slurping the beer as he watched the antics of Scooby Doo and Brad could see that the alcohol was having it's effect on the kid. He reached out a hand and placed it casually on Danny's upper leg. The boy ignored it as he slurped the beer and started to giggle and laugh as Scooby Doo and Shaggy were racing all over the place to try and escape a monster that was chasing them.

Brad moved his hand further up the boy's leg towards Danny's groin and still the boy, engrossed in the TV program, ignored the man's hand. Brad's hand now moved across Danny's trousers and rested on top of his genitals. Then Brad gave a little squeeze and felt the boy's soft cock beneath the material.

"What the fuck you doing Brad?" asked Danny although he did not move the man's hand or try to move himself.

"It's alright Danny, drink your beer and enjoy yourself," Brad said as he squeezed the boy's cock through his trousers again.

"You trying to touch me fucking up, you a faggot or what?" Danny said with a loud giggle as he took another mouthful of beer.

"I'm not a faggot Danny but I am trying to feel your cock. Just interested in how big it is that's all," Brad replied.

"I've got a big fucking cock," the boy said proudly.

He drank some more beer.

"You can open my zip and have a good fucking look if you want," the boy said as the beer started to destroy any inhibitions that he might have had.

Brad licked his lips and lowered Danny's zip and then he pushed his fingers through the slit in the boy's red underpants. He found Danny's cock and pulled it out through the slit and saw that the boy, soft and uncircumcised, had a cock all of three inches [7½ cm] long.

"Shit Danny that is a big cock for a boy. I bet it's a lot longer when it's stiff?" Brad said with a little laugh whilst Danny was giggling uncontrollably.

"If you rub it up and down it gets fucking stiff," the half drunk boy told Brad.

"I'll tell you what Danny, how about taking those fucking jeans and underpants right off so that I can see it properly. Maybe I'll try and get it nice and stiff for you, I'd love to see just how long it would grow," Brad said.

Danny lurched to his feet and Brad put his arm around the kid's waist.

"Careful now we don't want you falling over and hurting yourself," he said.

"I'm not fucking well pissed," the giggling boy said as he stepped out of his jeans and underpants.

Then he sat down next to Brad again and the man immediately put a couple of fingers around Danny's soft cock and started to rub the foreskin up and down. The foreskin had been covering the whole of the boy's cock head. As Brad pulled it down the shaft of Danny's cock his sweet red nob came into view with it's lovely little piss slit. Licking his lips with pleasurable anticipation, Brad rubbed the foreskin back up and over that red nob. Then down again and back up as Danny, now ignoring Scooby Doo, lay back on the sofa with his legs spread wide and groaning with sexual pleasure. It took only a few strokes up and down with his fingers and Brad had the boy's cock rigid. It was now just over five inches [12½ cm] long and quite thin being about a half inch [1½ cm] thick.

Danny was holding the half empty beer can in one hand and now took another slurp of it. Brad looked at the boy's sex filled slack face and his half open eyes.

"Has anybody ever sucked your cock for you Danny," he asked very softly.

"Fuck no," the boy exclaimed, "a girl sucked my brother's cock a couple of weeks ago but I've never had that done to mine."

"Shit I'm surprised that with a nice long cock like yours no fucker has ever sucked it for you," Brad said. "Hell boy you deserve better than that. Tell you what Danny, I'll suck it for you."

"Wow will you Brad, will you really suck my fucking pecker?" Danny said the alcohol having dulled any misgivings that he might have had.

"Sure will Danny, just lay back and enjoy yourself. I'll suck your cock and play with your balls," Brad told the boy.

He then lowered his head over Danny's lap and licked the lovely red nob and toyed with the piss slit using the tip of his tongue. Danny was groaning with pleasure. Brad felt around and found the boy's lovely small balls and started to fondle them. As he licked the nob he could see how smooth Danny's belly was right down to the base of his cock. Not a single disfiguring pubic hair to be seen. Just a few blue veins just below the skin of the kid's white belly.

Brad opened his mouth and closed it over the top of the boy's cock. With tightly closed lips he forced his mouth down the shaft of Danny's stiff cock sucking hard as he did so. The movement of his tight lips forced the boy's foreskin down as Danny moaned and groaned with pleasure. The boy had placed the can of beer, now three quarters empty, on the coffee table and he now put his hands on Brad's head as the man moved his lips up and down Danny's cock. As he did that he kept sucking and was playing with the boy's balls at the same time.

"Oooh yeah you fucker suck my cock, oooh man that feels well good," the boy was groaning. "Oooh fucking shit this is awesome, it's fucking pissing well magic," the boy was exclaiming as Brad moved his mouth up and down the cock speeding his movements up as he did so.

He was sucking and licking as well as moving his lips up and down and now was taking Danny's cock down his throat. The boy was at the height of sexual enjoyment as he felt his cock moving in and out of Brad's tight hot throat. He'd never experienced anything like this before in his life.

Brad was now working his lips up and down the stiff shaft taking all five inches [12½ cm] of the boy's cock into his mouth and down his throat as he sucked and licked on the sweet boy fuck stick. Suddenly Danny's body arched stiffly and then every part of his body went stiff.

"OOOH FUCKING HELL WHAT THE SHITS FUCKING HAPPENING," he screamed as he shook and trembled through his whole stiff body. "WOW IT'S FUCKING AWESOME , OH FUCKING HELL IT'S GOOD," the boy screamed as his buttocks were thrusting up and down.

Then gradually Danny's body started to relax and the stiffness disappeared. He lay back on the sofa with his body covered in sweat as Brad let the boy's cock slip from his mouth.

"What the fuck happened, what the fucking hell did you do?" Danny asked Brad as he looked at the man with awe in his eyes.

"It's okay Danny," Brad said, "you've had a dry orgasm. When you're a little older when that happens you will shoot your fucking cum. I bet you've seen your brother cum haven't you?"

Danny giggled as he returned to normal.

"Yeah plenty of times, he wanks a lot in bed and has to use a towel so his cum don't get on the sheets," Danny said.

"Did you like me sucking your cock, was it good?" Brad asked.

"Brad it was just fucking awesome, I've never felt like that in the whole of my life," Danny replied.

"Good, I'm pleased you liked it. Now Danny you'd better get dressed and get along home. If you want more fun then all you have to do is come back here anytime," Brad said. The boy got dressed and Brad told him not to tell anybody what had happened.

"We don't want you getting taken into care because you drink fucking beer now do we?" Brad said with a laugh.

"Don't worry cunt I won't tell anybody," was Danny's cheeky response. Then he added with a grin, "after all we don't want you to be locked up because you're a pedo pervert do we?" showing that Danny was nobody's fool.

Then Brad's heart beat strongly because as the kid left he called back over his shoulder.

"Have a beer waiting tomorrow Brad I'll be round right after school."

Brad looked after him as he disappeared down the road.

"You come tomorrow my boy and I'll have my cock up that fucking boy cunt of yours, I can't wait to give you a real good fucking. You'll just see exactly what this pedo pervert can do then," Brad said to himself with a chuckle.

Today had been good but tomorrow should be a hell of a lot better.

Chapter 2

The following day just after one in the afternoon Brad was getting ready to sit in the garden for a couple of hours. It was lovely and warm and he felt it a pity to stay indoors. All he was wearing was a pair of white shorts and some flip flops. Then he heard a tapping on the side door which surprised him as most visitors went to the front door and rang the bell. He opened the door and there stood young Danny with a big grin on his face.

"OK if I come in Brad?" he asked.

"Sure thing come in," Brad said all thoughts of spending time in the garden fleeing from his mind. "You've finished school early haven't you?"

"Yeah," the boy replied, "I got fucking bored and thought I spend the afternoon with you rather than sit in some fucking stuffy classroom," the kid said as he took off his school tie and then his white school shirt.

He was now wearing a pair of black shoes, grey socks and grey flannel trousers all being part of his school uniform.

"Come on in and make yourself comfortable but take your shoes off first. I don't want you putting your feet up on the coffee table with those fucking clod hoppers on," Brad said.

"Can I have a beer Brad, I'm fucking thirsty?" Danny asked as he sat on the floor of the kitchen and removed his shoes.

"Here you are, take it into the other room and I'll be there in a moment," Brad said as he passed the boy a beer from the fridge.

A few minutes later Brad entered the room and saw that Danny had turned the TV on and was watching some cartoons whilst drinking his beer. The boy turned his head as Brad entered.

"I wish I'd gone home and put my shorts on," he said, "it's too fucking hot to sit around in long trousers."

"Take the fucking things off then, you've got your underpants on haven't you," Brad suggested with a short laugh.

"OK," Danny answered and was out of his trousers in seconds and he tossed them onto a nearby armchair.

Then he sat back down on the sofa with his legs wide open and his feet propped up on the coffee table. Brad sat down next to the boy who was now wearing just a pair of red boxer underpants. The way Danny was sitting the legs of the boxers had fallen back towards his groin revealing his lovely smooth thighs. Brad could just see the tip of Danny's foreskin peeping out from under the boxers and his already hard cock started to throb with excitement.

"You ready for another beer Danny?" he asked in a thick voice, "or maybe you'd like something stronger?" he added questioningly.

"Like what?" the boy answered.

"Well I think I'm going to have a barcadi and coke with ice but it might be too strong for you Danny," Brad said in the same strangely thick voice.

"What the shit, that ain't too strong for me. I've got pissed on whisky before now," the kid boasted. "I'd like the same as you," he said.

Brad got up and went to the kitchen. He wanted to get Danny merry but not too drunk that the boy would pass out; just drunk enough to lose control of his limbs. He made the boy a barcadi coke with plenty of ice and made the same for himself. He'd put more barcadi in Danny's drink than he put in his own. Returning he sat next to the boy and handed him his drink. Danny took a big swig and obviously enjoyed it because he quickly took a second.

Soon Danny was giggling like a schoolgirl as he watched the cartoons on tele. Brad had got his hand on the boy's thighs and ran his fingers under the edge of the red boxer shorts. His finger tips found Danny's lovely cock and he quickly took hold of it. All the boy did was groan with pleasure and take another drink of his barcadi coke.

Brad ran his fingers up and down Danny's cock and he felt it grow stiff under his touch. The boy had finished three quarters of his drink and his face was growing flushed.

"You're playing with my prick again you fucking dirty old pedo," Danny said as he reached out his hand and put it up the leg of Brad's shorts.

The man was not wearing any underpants as Danny quickly found out.

"Fucking hell Brad you've sure got a hard on, your cock is fucking huge," Danny said as he finished off his drink.

Then he held the glass out to Brad.

"You think you could let go my cock long enough to get me another?" he asked

"You sure you've not had enough Danny, I don't want you getting fucking drunk?" Brad asked as he took his hand away from the boy's lovely stiff cock.

"I'm not fucking drunk," the red faced boy replied. "If you don't get me another drink I won't let you suck my cock later," he said with a giggle.

"So you're going to let me suck your cock are you?" Brad asked as he stood up.

"If you want to," Danny answered carelessly.

Brad made the boy another drink, this time using less barcadi. He sat down next to Danny and watched as the boy started to drink. Danny was very giggly now and he started to try and grab Brad's goolies saying he wanted to see how big Brad's cock was compared with his.

"Tell you what Danny let's go to my bedroom and have a romp on the bed. Maybe a little wrestle to see who can get the other's cock out first. If you win you can have another drink," Brad suggested.

"What happens if you fucking win?" Danny asked as he stopped trying to get his hand into Brad's shorts.

"If I win I get to do whatever I want with you," Brad said.

"No fucking way man, what sort of cunt do you think I am," Danny exclaimed. "You can suck my cock and play with my balls but you ain't going to fuck me or anything like that," the boy stated showing that he was still in control of his facilities.

"Who the hell said anything about fucking you," Brad replied, "and anyway who says you will lose?" he asked as Danny took yet another large gulp of his drink.

"Come on then Brad let's fucking go," Danny said as he stood up holding his glass.

He was staggering a little and clearly the alcohol was beginning to have it's affect on him. Brad took him along to his bedroom and Danny lurched about giggling. The man took the glass from the boy saying that he did not want Danny to fall and cut himself on it. They entered the bedroom and Danny sat on the edge of the bed. Brad handed him the glass and told him to finish the drink off. The youngster drained the glass as Brad watched.

The man's heart was pounding with excitement as he looked at the alluring sight of an twelve year old boy clad only in a pair of red boxers perched on his bed swaying about. The youngster was clearly the worse for drink now as he lay back laughing and started to kick his legs in the air.

"You can't get my fucking boxers," Danny taunted, "I'm too smart for an old fucker like you."

"I'll give you 'old fucker'," Brad laughingly said as he jumped on top of the laughing boy, "I'm only fucking thirty you little bastard," he said as he made a grab for Danny's boxers.

Squealing with laughter Danny wriggled out from under Brad, got behind him and started to try to pull the man's shorts down. Brad twisted over, grabbed hold of Danny, and then stood up on the bed holding the wriggling boy under his arm. Danny was nearly in tears from his laughing as he struggled to free himself. Brad was a lot stronger than he looked and quickly jumped off the bed still holding the boy under his arm. Then he sat down on the edge of the bed, put Danny between his legs so that the boy's head was on the floor and his legs either side of Brad's waist. Brad held the boy's body firmly in place with his legs and took hold of the bottom of Danny's boxers and pulled them up his thighs. He let the boy slip forward onto the floor as he kept hold of the boxers and Brad's legs, then ankles and finally feet slipped out of them and the man was left holding them whilst Danny, laughing hilariously, lay naked on the floor.

"I guess I win Danny," Brad said as he tossed the boy's boxers to one side.

"Aw man and I wanted to see how big your cock was," complained the half drunken boy still lying on the floor.

"Have a look," Brad said as he stood up and slipped out of his shorts.

Danny knelt up and looked at the man standing only a few yards from him. Brad's cock was rock hard and a nice seven inches [18 cm] long and one and a half inches [4 cm] thick. The purple cock head was already leaking precum and his big balls were swinging gently below it. Above his cock was a triangle of black pubic hair and black hairs sprouted from his balls. Danny scrambled to his feet, stood swaying for a moment or two and then got onto the bed.

"Wow Brad you sure got a big thick cock man," he said, "I hope mine grows like that."

"Don't you worry Danny it will," Brad said as he went to the chest of drawers.

He took out a tube of KY, went and sat on the edge of the bed and started to lubricate his cock watched very closely by Danny.

"Watcha doing that for ?" Danny asked curiously.

"You'll see in a minute," was all Brad said as he made sure his cock was well oiled.

"Now Danny I get my reward for getting your boxers off you before you got my shorts off me," Brad said.

Danny was laying on his back stretched out on the bed.

"I know what you're going to do, your going to fucking well suck my cock," the boy said with a giggle.

"Wrong Danny I'm going to fuck that sweet arse of yours, that's what I'm going to do," Brad replied as he made a grab for Danny's leg.

"Shit," the kid said as he scrambled away from the grabbing hand. "You ain't fucking me Brad, no way you doing that," he said trying to evade the man's hands.

Brad stood up and grabbed both of Danny's legs, twisted them to turn the boy over so that he was face down on the bed. Then Brad pulled Danny by his legs towards the edge of the bed so that the boy's body from waist up was laying on the bed and his legs and feet were over the side.


Brad was to busy forcing the boy into the position that he wanted him to bother about replying. He held the Danny down on the bed and used his own legs to kick the boy's apart. Danny was now laying with his buttocks over the edge of the bed and his feet, legs wide open, on the floor. His upper body and head was resting on the top of the bed and Brad was using one hand in the small of Danny's back to hold him down. His other hand was holding his own cock and guiding it into the crease of the boy's behind.

Danny could feel the cold of the lubricant on his skin as Brad got his cock head in position against Danny's lovely pink puckered hole. Danny, his face resting on the bed, was screaming for Brad to let him go but the man was strong enough to keep him pinned in position using just his one hand.

"Lay still you little bastard and relax your shit hole. Try to shit but don't as I start to fuck you if you don't want to get hurt," panted Brad as he started to press forward with his pelvis.

Danny was too panic stricken to take any notice as he continued to scream at Brad to let him go.

Brad pushed forward really hard and his cock head forced the boy's sphincter to open. The man grunted with pleasure as his cock forced it's way into Danny's virgin hole. For his part Danny shrieked with pain as his hole was stretched more than it had ever been stretched before.

"GET OFF YOU BASTARD YOU'RE KILLING ME, OH FUCKING HELL SHIT GET OFF," Danny screamed sobering up very quickly.

Brad ignored the boy's yells as he forced his cock deeper. Danny was not the first kid Brad had deflowered and he was used to a child's screams of protest. He pulled his cock out just a little and then thrust it back in a little deeper. He kept doing that as inch by slow inch his cock penetrated Danny's virgin body. The boy was screaming incessantly as he felt as if he were being split in half but Brad kept forging further ahead until he was fully inside the boy.

All seven inches [18 cm] of his thick cock was now buried in Danny's bowels. The man's balls were being pressed into the tender flesh of Danny's buttocks.

"Now Danny lay back and enjoy it as I start to fuck you proper. You should take pleasure at having me fuck you for the very first time in your life," whispered Brad as he lay over the screaming boy.


It was Brad's turn to giggle.

"You cunt belongs to me Danny, mine all mine," he whispered to the boy.

Then he started to drive in and out of Danny's tight hole as the boy lay screaming blue murder beneath him. Brad fucked the boy hard and then he fucked him gently. He fucked him hard again and his man cock was massaging young Danny's prostate gland. The boy was still screaming as the cock driving in and out of his body hurt him but, at the same time as the pain, he was starting to get a warm glow. He was no longer screaming for Brad to stop fucking him although he was still yelling from the pain. He lay over the bed with his tiny fists clenched as Brad gave him the first fucking of his life.

The man fucked in and out of Danny's hot hole for more than forty five minutes. Danny's screams had died away as his body got used to the cock driving in and out of it but he was still giving short little sobs. After forty five minutes Brad knew that he was cumming, he just could not hold back. He drove real hard deep into Danny's bowels and shot a huge load of cum. He pulled out again and drove back in shooting more cream into Danny's cunt as the youngster groaned half in pain and half in pleasure.

Danny could feel the man's cum filling his bowels; it was giving his guts a nice warm feel. The sperm made Brad's cock lovely and slithery and as the man continued to drive in and out of the boy, Danny started to enjoy it. His enjoyment was short lived however because, after shooting a third load of cum, Brad's balls were empty and the man withdrew his cock from Danny's cunt. He lay over the boy and peppered the kid's neck with his wet kisses.

"Danny you've just given me one of the best fucks of my life," he whispered to the boy.

Brad then stood up, picked Danny up by the waist, and gently deposited him on the bed. He got on the bed beside the crying boy.

"Now then Danny, it wasn't too bad was it?" Brad asked the crying boy as he reached down and felt for Danny's cock.

No sooner had he taken hold of it than the boy's cock became stiff and Brad began to masturbate the youngster. As he rubbed his hand up and down Danny's cock he kissed the boy on his cheek and then on his lips.

"You know it wasn't too bad don't you Danny," Brad said in a wheedling tone as Danny groaned with pleasure at the attention his cock was receiving.

"Well maybe not but it fucking well did hurt at first and you said you wouldn't fuck me," Danny replied accusingly as he squirmed about with the pleasure he was feeling from being masturbated.

Brad did not reply but concentrated on Danny's cock. Then he bent over the boy and started to suck the kid off. Now Danny was really over the moon as he thrust his buttocks up and down. He loved the feel of Brad's lips moving up and down his cock and the suction of the man's mouth on his nob. Then he groaned even louder as Brad reached under him and started to use two fingers to finger fuck his cum filled cunt.

"OOOOH YEAH BRAD, OOOH FUCKING SHIT YOU PERVO CUNT THAT'S LOVELY, THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME," the boy shouted as Brad sucked him off whilst thrusting two fingers in and out of his cunt.

Brad stopped sucking Danny's cock and let it slip from, his mouth. He kept both fingers up Danny's cunt.

"If I make you cum Danny can I fuck you again?" Brad asked.

"Shit man suck my cock and make me cum. You can do what the fuck you like with me but please make me cum," the sex crazed boy cried.

Brad smiled and took the boy's cock back into his mouth. He really did love sucking boy's thin stiff cocks, they were simply delicious. He moved his lips up and down as, every now and then, he'd swallow all of the boy's cock and balls. Danny's buttocks were working overtime now as the youngster neared his climax. Then Danny started to have his dry orgasm as his body stiffened. Danny was shouting and groaning and calling Brad a dirty pedo fucking pervert as he enjoyed yet another wonderful dry cum.

When Brad took his mouth away from Danny's cock and his fingers from the boy's cunt the youngster lay on his back totally exhausted. Brad bent over him and kissed him. Danny stuck his tongue in the man's mouth and licked getting the full taste of a man's mouth for the first time; a taste that he was to come to love.

"How about another barcadi coke and then I'll fuck you again," whispered Brad.

"Ok you pissing pedo pervert, I guess you'll have my cunt anyway whether or not I agree," he said with a little giggle.

They both had a drink and a rest. Then Brad got Danny to lay on his back with his feet up over his shoulders. Brad got between his legs, thrust his cock into Danny's cunt making the boy scream from the pain of the entry, and then he started to fuck him again. This time Danny's body quickly adjusted to the man's thick cock and the boy began to enjoy the action as his prostate told his body that it was good. Brad fucked the boy like that for about thirty minutes and then withdrew.

He told Danny to kneel on the bed on his hands and knees and then mounted him from behind. He slid his well lubricated cock back into Danny's hungry cunt. The boy began to work his buttocks backwards and forwards as Brad fucked in and out of him. The man reached under Danny's waist and found the youngster's cock which was already nice and stiff. As he fucked the boy he began to masturbate the youngster again. Danny was now really enjoying himself, he'd never felt like this before and he wanted the feeling to last for every.


Brad loved the boy's dirty talk and it spurred him on to greater heights. He fucked Danny as hard as he could whilst giving the kid's cock a wonderful wank.

Danny's body stiffened again, his cunt gripped Brad's cock like a vice and the boy had yet another dry orgasm. Shortly after, Brad followed suit and filled the youngster's bowels with his cum. When the fucking was all over the two lay together exhausted on the bed.

"Oh shit Brad does this make me a faggot?" groaned Danny.

"No of course not Danny, you may be my faggot but you don't have to anybody else's unless you want to be," Brad reassured the young boy.

He kissed young Danny again.

"Let's go and have a shower and get cleaned up and then it will be time for you to go home," Brad said to Danny.

They both shared the shower and then got dressed.

"I'll be seeing you earlier tomorrow Brad," Danny said, "it's Saturday so no school. I'll come over in the morning if that's okay and stay with you all day."

"Fine by me Danny, I'll give you a nice meal," Brad replied.

"Not just a meal I hope, maybe something more?" Danny said with a wink.

"You mean a beer or maybe a barcadi coke?" Brad asked pretending to misunderstand.

"Well sure I want plenty of barcadi and cokes but I will sure need a lot more than that," Danny said as he waggled his buttocks suggestively.

"I'm sure when you leave here tomorrow evening I will have satisfied you in all respects Danny," Brad replied as he rubbed his crotch.

Then Danny left and went home. Brad thanked his lucky stars that he had offered Danny a beer in the first place. Now he'd cock a young cock hungry twelve year old boy ready and willing to take his cock up his cunt at any time.

"Thank god for alcohol," Brad said to himself as he made another barcadi coke, this time just for himself "I'd better make sure that I keep a good stock in.

The End


A Short Story of a Boy Rape

Wesley picks up a boy who plays truant from school. He brings him to his house with a well-equipped dungeon. And what do you think there will happen?

Wesley (30yo) and Sam (10yo)
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The man was standing in some bushes watching a boy doing tricks on his mountain bike. The boy had no idea that he was being watched. Behind the man was his white van, hidden from anybody passing by in the lane by bushes and also hidden from the boy on the bike, also by bushes. The area was wasteland and there was no human habitation nearby. At weekends and during school holidays it was a haunt for youngsters to play on. Their parents were happy as it meant that the kids were in no danger from traffic and, as there were always plenty of children around, they were pretty safe from the attention of perverts.

But this was not a weekend and it was not school holidays. It was a normal school day and a working day for parents so, apart from the boy and his watcher, the place was totally deserted. This was exactly what the man had expected. He had been pleasantly surprised to find a boy playing on his own on the wasteland.

The watcher was 30 year old Wesley, who preferred to be called Wes. He was almost six foot [1.80 m] tall and had brown hair and almond coloured eyes. Clean shaven, he was muscular and clad in a denim shirt and denim trousers. He was wearing a pair of trainers, Addidas was the trademark.

The boy that Wes was watching was 10 or 11 years old. He had long black hair that was blowing in the breeze. He was wearing a dirty yellow t-shirt, horrible khaki coloured long shorts, the ones that reached to below the knee and were real baggy, and a pair of blue trainers. He was quite slimly built and seemed to handle the bike expertly.

Wes had yet another careful look around and there was nobody about. Then he heard a crash and a yell and saw that the boy had fallen from his bike. He started to sit up and examine his knee. Wes strode out from the bushes and up to the boy who looked up at the man with a guilty look on his face.

"You alright boy?" Wes asked.

"Yeah thanks, I've just grazed my knee on the pedal but I'll be alright," the boy said as he started to stand up.

Wes reached out and picked up the boy's bike and then grabbed the kid by the scruff of his neck.

"You're coming with me kid," Wes snapped at the boy who was trying to struggle from his grasp, "you know that you should be in school now not bunking off to play with your bike."

"Let me go, let me go," the struggling boy panted but he was no match for the much stronger man who dragged him into the bushes together with the boy's bike.

The whole incident had lasted less than two minutes and not a soul had been around to witness anything.

In the bushes Wes dropped the boy's bike onto the ground. Then still holding the struggling boy by his t-shirt with one hand Wes opened the rear doors of the van with the other. Then he picked the kid up around his waist and threw him into the back of the van. He jumped in after and closed the rear doors. Before the boy had realised what had happened Wes had grabbed one of his legs and snapped a manacle around the ankle. The manacle was attached directly to a metal ring welded to the side of the van. The boy tried to kick the man away with his free leg but Wes simply grabbed hold of it and manacled that ankle to a second ring on the side of the van. He picked up a pair of handcuffs that were lying on the floor, grabbed hold of the boy's flailing left arm and snapped the handcuff around his wrist. Then he grabbed the boy's other arm and forced them both around the kid's back and snapped the other handcuff onto the boy's wrist. Now the kid was sitting on the floor of the van with his ankles manacled tightly to the side of the van and his wrists handcuffed behind his back. It was at this point the boy started to scream.

Wes tore off a strip of duct tape and placed it over the boy's mouth and his screams were reduced to muffled noises of protest. Then Wes stuck a woollen hood over the kid's head. It had a hole in it and Wes worked it around until the boy's nose was stuck out through the hole. The kid could now breathe but he could not scream and yell and neither could he see a thing because the hood came down and rested on his shoulders. Finally Wes picked up the free end of a rope, the other end of which was attached to a ring welded to side of the van opposite the boy's feet. He pushed the boy down onto the floor and tied the rope tightly around the kid's chest so that it was underneath his armpits. This prevented the boy from sitting up or from rolling about. Wes jumped down from the van, picked up the mountain bike and chucked it into the van. Then he threw a blanket over both the boy and the bike, closed the rear doors of the van and locked them. He had another quick look around, saw nobody, got into the driving seat and drove away from the scene at a sedate pace. He came across no other traffic and no other person until he finally joined a main road.

Wes was a local man and it only took him 30 minutes to reach his home. He lived in what had once been his parents farmhouse. His mother had died when he was 21 and his father had died five years later. Wes had no wish to become a farmer so he sold all of the agriculture land but kept the house and walled in large gardens. At the time he sold, agriculture land fetched a premium and, as there was 2,000 acres [800 ha] of it, Wes finished up a rich man. He now lived on the income from the wise investments that he had made. To get to his house Wes left the main road and travelled two miles [3 km] along a gravelled track through open fields. The track led directly to his house. The grounds were surrounded by a high brick wall which had been built at the same time as the house. Inside, high bushes helped to screen the house from any nosy parkers. The grounds were extensive and even a farmer working in the adjoining fields would not have heard any screams that might have been coming from the house.

Wes opened the high iron gates, drove in, then he closed and locked them. He drove up to the house which could not be seen from the gate. Then he got out and unlocked the rear doors of the van. The blanket was still over the boy who was lying quite still although muffled noises could be heard coming from beneath the blanket. Wes pulled the blanket off the boy and then jumped into the back of the van.

"Now fucker," Wes snapped, "I'm going to release your ankles. Don't fucking struggle or you'll really be fucking sorry."

Then Wes released the manacles from the boy's ankles. Immediately, despite his wrists still being handcuffed and the fact that he could not see because of the hood over his head, the youngster started to kick out with his feet. The man clenched his fist and drove it hard into the boy's solar plexus and the boy bent double as he lay on the floor. He was totally winded but, with his mouth gagged, could only draw air in through his nose. For some moments he was in dire distress as Wes calmly went about the business of removing the rope from his chest.

"I warned you cunt," Wes remarked in a calm voice as he bent down to pick up the boy. "Now you know what to expect if you try to fuck me around."

Then Wes quite easily hoisted the boy over his shoulder and climbed down from the van. He walked to the door of the house with the boy over his shoulder; the kid's hooded head was hanging down Wes's back whilst the man held the boy's legs firmly against his chest. The boy was still struggling to get air in through his nose, the effects of the punch not having worn off yet. Unlocking the door Wes entered his house with the boy and closed the door behind him. He walked down a passage and opened another door at the end. Then down a flight of steps and yet another door. On entering through that door Wes was now in what looked at first sight like a bed/sitting room.

There was a large bed, a table, sofa and armchair. Two more doors led off from the room. A closer look would have revealed a few odd features. Metal rings sunk into the walls. Ropes hanging by pulleys from the ceiling. A padded bench with metal rings on the sides and on the legs. The same types of rings on the table legs and on the bed posts. A rack on the wall holding a couple of whips, a cane and two or three leather belts. There were many other odd things in the room, far too numerous to mention.

The room itself had no windows but was brightly lit by electric lights which reflected off the plain white walls. The floor was tiled and had no carpets.

Wes walked across the room and dumped the boy unceremoniously onto the bed. Then he raised the hood slightly so that the boy's mouth was now uncovered although the rest of his face was still hidden. Then Wes ripped the duct tape off the boy's mouth. The youngster began to take big gulps of air and then he started to scream.

"Let me go, let me go, what the fuck is going on?" the boy screamed.

"Listen good kid because I'm only going to say this once," Wes replied, "you'll shut that fucking noise up now. I only want to hear from you when I ask you a question. Anymore crap out of you and you'll wonder what the fuck has hit you."

The boy bit his lip as he lay hooded and handcuffed on the bed. He was really frightened and had no idea what sort of mess he'd got himself into. After the punch in his guts the youngster realised that the man would not hesitate to hurt him if he didn't do what he was told. So now he was trying not to scream and shout.

"Just a couple of questions," Wes said. "First what is your name?"

"Sam," was the short answer.

"That's a good boy," Wes said approvingly, "behave like that and you will have quite a good time here with me. Now then how old are you?"

"I'm ten," was the response as the boy tried hard not to cry.

"Okay Sam, now lie still whilst I get some of your clothes off you," Wes said.

Now the youngster started to tremble as he felt the man grab one of his legs. He really did want to kick out but was much to frightened of the consequences to do so. Wes pulled the boy's trainer off Sam's foot then he took hold of the other leg and removed that trainer also. Next he fumbled around Sam's waist as he found the stud button that undid the waist of the boy's shorts. Then he lowered the zip. This was too much for the poor boy who started to scramble away from his molester as best he could.

"Lie still you little fucker," Wes snarled as he grabbed the boy by his ankle and pulled him closer.

Then he took hold of the long legs of the boy's shorts and pulled them down. Sam was kicking his legs about but that rather helped Wes as it raised the boy's behind from the bed. The man had Sam's shorts off him and was holding them in his hand in no time at all. Now the boy was left wearing his blue boxer shorts. His smooth hairless legs looked very appealing as the youngster stopped kicking about.

"Let's get those boxers off now," Wes grunted as he grabbed hold of them by the legs.

"Oh no, no, no, for fuck sake stop," Sam couldn't help crying out as he felt his boxer shorts being pulled down his thighs, over his knees, down his legs, and finally off over his feet.

Now the boy was lying naked from the waist down. His t-shirt did not reach much below his belly button so his lovely cock and balls were now revealed to Wesley's lustful gaze. The ten year old boy's uncircumcised cock was a soft inch and a half [4 cm] in length. It rested on top of his lovely ball sac with the tiny red nob completely hidden from view by the foreskin. The lovely white hairless flesh that surrounded the boy's genitals only emphasised their beauty in the eyes of the man staring at them. Wes feasted his eyes on the wonderful sight, he licked his lips as he saw how perfect the boy's hairless thighs were. One of the reasons that Wes was attracted to prepubescent boys was the fact that they had no body hair at all. He just loved the feel of their smooth soft skin and could lay stroking them for hours. Now he turned the sobbing boy over so that he was lying face down on the bed. His handcuffed wrists could now be seen on his back. Wes pulled the boy's legs wide apart and Sam immediately closed them again. Then Wes gave the boy a sharp slap across his buttocks.

"Keep those fucking legs open cunt or I'll beat you half to death," he growled as he pulled Sam's legs apart once more.

Now the man stood looking down at Sam's firm white buttocks. Licking his lips with lustful anticipation he ran a finger from the top of the boy's arse crease to the bottom as young Sam's body trembled violently with fright. Then he pulled the boy's buttocks apart with his hands as he closely examined the boy's shit hole nestling quietly at the bottom of the crease. He saw the lovely brown pink lips that were closed tightly and ran a finger over and around them as Sam still trembled and shivered with fear. Wes just simply adored a lovely hairless boy's cunt. He usually got his tongue at work on it as soon as possible. In this case however he was in no hurry. He knew that he would be able to eat that adorable boy cunt for as long and often as he wanted.

"Wow Sam you're just what the doctor ordered," observed Wes jovially.

The boy was still sobbing but his body was still, he was much too frightened to move.

"Stop that fucking noise fucker," Wes said. "I'm going to remove your handcuffs now and then you can turn over and get your circulation flowing again. Don't try anything funny cunt," he warned, "or you will wish that you'd never been born."

Wes then removed the handcuffs from the boy and Sam turned over on the bed and started to move his arms about. The boy was still wearing the hood so could not see anything. He was also wearing his t-shirt although the bottom had worked it's way up above his belly button and Sam, his hands now free, used them to push it back down to his waist. The modest young boy wished that it would have been long enough to cover his cock and balls.

"Take off your t-shirt Sam," Wes ordered smiling slightly as he saw the boy's modest behaviour.

"Please mister don't make me do that," young Sam plucked up the courage to say, "please mister I want to go home, please le me have my clothes back and let me go home."

Wes didn't reply; he couldn't be bothered to argue with the boy. He flipped the kid back over so that he was lying face down once again. Then he quickly crossed to the rack and took down a bamboo cane and returned to the bed. The boy, still hooded, could see nothing at all. Wes raised the cane high and brought it swishing down through the air and struck young Sam a stinging blow with it across his buttocks. Same let out a shriek of surprised pain as the cane bit into his tender flesh.

"Take of your shirt," Wes ordered quietly to the sobbing boy "and stop that fucking crying now or it will really make me mad."

Sam, trying to stifle his sobs, turned over on the bed and sat up. He started to pull the t-shirt up over his head and it looked as if the hood would come off as well.

"Don't let your fucking hood come off," Wes warned, "take it easy and get that fucking shirt off without disturbing the hood."

Then Wes helped the lad by holding the hood on Sam's head whilst the boy managed to get his shirt up and over his head. Then Wes grabbed the shirt and pulled it off the boy's arms and tossed it away. Now Sam was totally naked apart from the hood covering his head. He could not see anything and the only hole in the hood was the one through which he was able to draw in air.

Wes liked the look of the ten year old's body. He had a nice smooth white chest and belly. His nipples were small, pink and standing erect. His rib cage showed up clearly as he was of a lean build. Without speaking Wes pushed the boy around on the bed so that he was lying crossways over it, face down. Then he knelt over Sam's back with his knees either side of the boy's body. He reached to the wall and took hold of a pair of handcuffs that was attached by a single chain to a ring in the wall. Then he pushed Sam's left arm out towards the wall and snapped one of the handcuffs around his wrist. The boy could not move because of the weight of the man straddling his body as Wes did the same with his right arm. Now the boy's arms were stretched out above his head towards the wall and firmly secured by the handcuffs. Wes then got off the boy and also off the bed. He grabbed the boy's legs and pulled Sam's body towards the edge of the bed until his buttocks were sticking over the side and his feet touching the floor. The chain between the handcuffs and the wall had been sufficiently long to allow this. Then Wes moved away from young Sam.

Immediately the ten year old boy tried to scramble back onto the bed. He was finding it difficult with his wrists handcuffed as they were and being unable to see. Wes smiled as he saw the boy struggling. He picked up the cane and brought it swishing down through the air then strike the boy once again across his buttocks. As Sam screamed as loud as he could, his cries muffled slightly by the hood, Wes struck the boy a second blow with the cane across his buttocks. Now Sam was screaming and crying in pain.

"I have warned you not to piss me around," Wes said in a perfectly calm voice. "Now get back in the position that I put you with your feet on the fucking ground. Every time you do something to piss me off I will cane you across your fucking behind. And each time the number of strokes you receive will be increased by one. So fuck me around again and you will receive three strokes of the cane."

Still crying, Sam slid back towards the edge of the bed so that his buttocks stuck out beyond the mattress and his feet were back on the ground. Wes kicked the youngster's feet wide apart and then moved away for a few moments. He stood silently looking at the naked boy whose buttocks showed three red lines where the cane had bit into his tender flesh. Wes loved these quiet moments, a boy unable to see anything; having no idea what might be happening but knowing that he was entirely at a strange man's mercy. As he watched the boy wriggling slightly and trembling and shaking a lot Wes decided that he was going to rape the kid whilst Sam was still wearing the hood. He might even later make the hole in it bigger so that he could fuck the kid's mouth whilst the boy was still hooded. He thought to himself that doing that might be a lot of fun.

He knelt down behind the young boy, put the palms of his hands on Sam's buttocks and pressed them apart, then he stuck out his tongue and licked all the way up and down the boy's lovely arse crease. Sam shivered more violently as he felt Wes's tongue licking up and down the crease of his arse.

"Oh no man, oh no, please don't fuck around with me," the boy begged in a muffled voice, "please leave me alone and let me go home."

Wes stopped licking the boy's crease for a moment.

"That's fine Sam," he said, "I will enjoy hearing you chat with me whilst I'm fucking you. The more that you beg and plead with me to let you go the harder I'm going to fuck your lovely boy cunt."

Having reassured young Sam, Wes went back to licking that lovely crease making sure that his tongue spent plenty of time licking across and around the boy's beautiful brown pink cunt lips. Sam was grizzling as he continued to beg Wes to stop, his words still coming out muffled.

Now Wes licked his first finger and pushed it against the lips of Sam's hole. He pushed very hard and forced the boy's sphincter to open and his finger slipped into the tight hole. Sam gave a little wail of pain as he felt his hole stretch to accommodate the finger. Then Wes quickly removed his finger and pressed his tongue into Sam's boy cunt before the lips had time to close. Now he was licking the inside of that lovely tight boy cunt. He loved the taste of young boys shit holes and Sam's tasted particularly good. Wes let his tongue lick up and down and around the inside of that lovely tight hole as Sam wriggled and squirmed on the bed.

The boy was still sobbing, still shaking with fear and still begging the man to stop and let him go. Wes, of course, paid no attention to any of this; he was much to interested in eating Sam's tasty boy cunt.

Wes was no longer pressing the boy's buttocks apart, having got his tongue into that lovely tight hole he was content to keep licking the inside of it with his nose buried in the boy's crease. He was now stroking Sam's lovely smooth thighs. Wes enjoyed the feel of the boy's hairless smooth skin under his hand and liked the contrast of his hairy arms against that boy's smooth body. Then, still licking and slurping Sam's boy cunt, Wes put his hand around the boy's waist and felt for the youngster's little cock. He found it and started to fondle it and also to roll Sam's lovely ball sac in the palm of his hand. Then, using his thumb and finger, he started to rub the boy's foreskin up and down as he continued to feast on the kid's boy cunt. In less than a minute the boy was sporting a lovely 3 inch [7½ cm] long stiffy.

"Well, well, well," Wes said softly to the crying and now, very embarrassed, young boy, "what's this then darling you must like what I'm doing because your cock is grown into a lovely fuck pole. I'm going to enjoy sucking that a little later."

"I hate you, I hate you, I'm not liking this," Sam sobbed through the hood, "I don't like it, I don't, I don't, I don't," the screamed in a muffled voice.

Wes, always on the lookout for a bit of fun and a little teasing continued to rub Sam's foreskin up and down his stiff little prick.

"You do so like it," he said with a laugh, "you do, you do, you do."

Young Sam just kept sobbing but could not reply. He was so unhappy and he wished that he had never bunked off from school.

Now Wes let go of the boy's stiff cock and moved away from him. He took all his clothes off and put them away tidily into a wardrobe. He had a lovely muscular chest covered in brown hair. The brown hair continued in a thin line down the centre of his abdomen, over his belly button and then merged with his much coarser thick brown pubic hair. He had a covering of brown hair on his thighs and legs. His buttocks were relatively free but wisps of brown hair peeped out from the crease dividing his two big firm buttocks. His cock, uncircumcised, was standing firm and proud. It was eight inches [20 cm] of hard manhood surmounted by a big mushroom shaped purple cock head that was leaking precum. Below this, in all nine inches [23 cm] of boy fucking cock, hung a magnificent pair of balls. The two nuts could be clearly seen outlined in the sac and they truly looked formable.

Wes was ready to fuck the boy, to take this kid's virginity. There was one little pleasure he wanted to give the boy first though. He decided that, although it meant removing the boy's hood for a few moments, Sam deserved to see the cock that was going to take his cherry. Wes now climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of the boy. He knew that the first thing that Sam would see as the hood was taken from his head would be this lovely big man cock. Wes gripped hold of the top of the hood and pulled it off Sam's head. The boy blinked for more than a minute as the bright light blinded him. Then his eye sight adjusted and he was able to see clearly. He saw, right in front of his eyes, an enormous purple cock head leaking precum (although he did not know that's what it was, he thought it was piss) and could smell stale cum (again he did not know that the smell was stale cum) and it frightened the life out of him. So the boy started to scream as Wes smiled to see the look of fear in the child's eyes and to hear the noise the kid was making. He then pulled the hood back down over Sam's head so that the sight of the man's big cock was cut off from the boy.

"You liked what you saw boy?" Wes asked the screaming kid. "Just so that you know, I'm going to fuck you with that and it's all of 9 fucking inches [23 cm] long. Boy rape you can call it but I bet that you'll fucking love it by the time that I let you go."

Chuckling to himself Wes got off the bed and moved to the back of the screaming boy. He rubbed a generous amount of KY lubricant on his cock head and well down the shaft of his boy cunt fuck pole.

"Please don't fuck me mister, please don't put that big cock into me," the youngster screamed as his whole body shook with terror.

Sam wished desperately that he had not seen the man's huge cock. The boy felt Wes's warm body behind him then he could feel the man's strong hands spreading his buttocks and he felt that enormous cock head pushing against his shit hole. Sam almost fainted as he realised that he was definitely going to be fucked by this man and his enormous cock.

For a moment Wes paused with his cock pressed firmly against Sam's boy cunt. He moved his hands so that they were now gripping Sam by his hips. Then Wes pushed his hips forward as he pulled the boy into his groin. At first Sam's sphincter resisted the attempted attack but it was no match to the strong man cock trying to gain entry. It opened and Wes entered the boy. He gave a yell of triumph and pleasure as he felt the boy's shit hole tight around his cock head as it passed through the narrow ring.

Sam let out a shrieking scream as the cock forced it's way into him. He felt as if his ring was being split, torn to bits, as it was stretched to an almost impossible width by Wes's big cock head. The boy continued to shriek and scream as Wes forced his cock deeper into Sam's boy cunt. Now he had his cock head well up the youngster together with three inches [7½ cm] of his hard shaft. And still the man pushed forward as he pulled the boy onto his thrusting cock. Four inches [10 cm] entered the screaming boy, five inches [12½ cm] accompanied by never ending shrieks of pain, six inches [15 cm] as sweat poured off Wes's body and dripped onto Sam's back.

The man rested for a moment as poor Sam continued to shriek and scream.

"For god's sake stop you're killing me," young Sam shrieked at his rapist, "take your fucking cock out of my shit hole it's splitting me in half," the boy screamed.

As Wes rested he laughed at the boy's plight.

"Tell the truth you fucking little faggot," he laughed at the boy, "you love my cock up your fucking boy cunt and you want me to give you more. You're in luck you cock loving little bastard because I've plenty more cock to give you and once you've got it all then I'll really start to fuck you."

Then Wes bent his head over the screaming, pleading boy and kissed him on his sweat covered back. Without another word Wes carried on where he had left off. He started to push forward hard as he pulled the boy onto his thrusting cock. The man was not sure whether or not he would manage to get all of his cock up this ten year old boy the first time round, but he sure was going to try. Now he had forced his cock head and seven inches [18 cm] of hard cock into the boy's tight cunt. He loved the way that the entrance to the hole gripped around his cock like a vice; the lovely feel of the boy's warm back channel gripping the length of his cock in it's velvet like glove. Only an inch of his cock to go and Sam could feel Wes's big bollocks brushing against his buttocks as they swung freely beneath the man's thrusting cock.

The boy's muffled voice was now hoarse from screaming but still his protests rang out. The youngster had never known such pain as that which he was now undergoing.

One very hard heave forward and Wes had reached his goal. All nine inches [23 cm] of his cock was buried in the lovely warm tight boy cunt and his big balls were now squashed between his body and Sam's beautifully firm buttocks. The boy's shit hole had been stretched to breaking point but, miraculously, had not split and not been torn.

"Oh god boy you've got such a lovely tight cunt," Wes gasped out as his big cock throbbed inside Sam's guts. "I'm really going to have a great time fucking you now."

"You fucking bastard," the ten year old boy screamed hoarsely, "you're fucking killing me, oh god you're fucking killing me. Please, please stop now, please let me go home."

"Stop now boy!" Wes exclaimed, "don't be fucking stupid, the best part is still to come. Now you might just as well lay back, relax and enjoy the good fucking that you're going to get."

Then Wes started to pull his cock out of the screaming boy's backside. He made a very slow withdrawal enjoying every tiny sensation that he received from the boy's lovely cunt. When only his cock head was left inside Sam's body Wes drove the rest of his cock back in just as slowly as when he drew it out. As his cock slowly re-entered that lovely tunnel Wes let out a long sigh of pleasure. Sam's screams had died away to be replaced by muffled sobs and low cries of "don't," and "stop," and "please let me go". Wes started to slowly fuck the boy using the full length of his cock to travel up and down that wonderful love passage. Then gradually he increased his tempo, his thrusts in and out of the boy's body got faster; his balls began to slap harder against young Sam's firm buttocks whilst Wes moaned and groaned with sexual pleasure and kept gasping out "oh fuck that's good, oh shit your cunt's just beautiful, so lovely and fucking tight."

As Wes's cock increased it's speed in and out of his body young Sam kept getting the strangest feelings, almost as if all his nerve ends were sparkling. His muffled cries of protest continued but they were not nearly as forceful as when Wes first started to rape him. The boy's body kept shaking as spasms of pleasure flooded through his young frame. He wanted to hate what was happening but, instead, he was beginning to enjoy the feel of the man's huge cock driving in and out of his body. It felt so good as it drove in and equally as good as it was pulled out. He kept getting jolts of pleasure that seemed to run right through his body from the tip of his toes to the top of his head.

"Oooh yeah, oooh yeah, fucking hell that's good," the boy started to mumble as Wes increased his tempo so that now he was slamming in and out of the boy as hard as he could.

"You like my cock don't you cunt you like the way you're being fucked don't you faggot?" Wes panted as he felt the boy's sphincter tightening and loosening around his cock each time he pulled in and each time he pulled out.

"Oooh yeah it's fucking good, oooh it feels so fucking good," young Sam moaned with sexual pleasure as Wes massaged the boy's prostate with his big cock.

"You want more cunt?" panted Wes as he now moved into top gear, "you want me to pound in and out of your fucking cunt don't you faggot?"

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," cried the ten year old boy as Wes's cock took him to even higher peaks of sexual pleasure. "Oooh its so good mister, it's lovely, it's lovely, it's just fucking lovely," the boy screamed as his body stiffened all over and he had a dry cum; the first one ever in his life.

Wes guessed what had happened as the boy's sphincter tightened like a vice around his cock and Sam's body went into spasms. He waited a moment for the sphincter to relax and then started to drive in and out as hard and fast as he could. His balls were tightening, his cock was throbbing and he was going like an express train. His movements in and out of the young boy's body was so fast that his entire cock was being pulled out, including his big cock head. Each time that happened Wes drove straight back in again as Sam's cock hungry boy cunt remained wide open waiting for the man's fuck pole to return

"Shit, shit, shit," yelled Wes in the throes of organistic pleasure, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm fucking going to cum."

Then, with his cock as deep inside the boy as it would go, Wes started to shoot his load. His big balls had produced plenty of sperm with which Wes could fill Sam's body. The boy could feel the warm cream filling his intestines as Wes's throbbing cock kept spurting out little jets of the man cream. Then Wes pulled his cock a little way out and thrust it back again as he shot some more cum into the boy. Sam, by reflex action only, was making his sphincter tighten and then loosen, tighten and then loosen, around the man's big boy fucker. As the sphincter set to work it was milking every last drop of cum from the man and Wes was having the most marvellous sexual climax of his life. After cumming at least half a dozen times Wes's balls had been milked dry. He rested for a moment on top of the young boy as he tried to come back down to earth.

"Shit you lovely little fucker," Wes panted, "that was the best fuck of my life. I'm sure looking forward to doing it all over again."

Young Sam mad no reply as he felt the man withdrawing his cock from his boy cunt. The youngster was deeply ashamed and feeling very guilty because he had enjoyed the latter part of his rape. He could not understand what had happened to his body to make him want to be fucked by the man. He could not understand why he had felt on top of the world when his whole body tensed up like a coiled spring and then seemed to release itself through his young cock.

Wes was totally satisfied and happy with the way things had gone. Now he wanted his cock cleaned by his young victim's mouth but he did not want to remove the hood from the boy's head. He got a pair of scissors and took hold of the cloth material of the hood. He decided to leave the nose hole as it was and make a second hold beneath it where to boy's mouth would be. So he cut a narrow slit in the cloth and now could see Sam's lovely red lips.

"Now boy I want you to stick out your tongue and start to lick whatever it comes into contact with," Wes told Sam.

Then the man held his cum covered cock head right in front of the slit in the hood. No tongue appeared as the boy kept his mouth firmly closed.

"Stick out your tongue and start licking," snapped Wes.

Sam made no move to obey but kept his tongue inside his closed mouth. Wes grunted in annoyance and picked up the cane. Then 'thwack' the cane cut into Sam's buttocks. The boy started to scream as the cane struck him again. Then, as Wes raised it for the third time the boy stuck out his tongue. However Wes continued with the stroke and the cane struck the boy another hard blow across his buttocks. And then a fourth blow landed as Sam shrieked out that he would do as he was told.

"Of course you will Sam," Wes replied complacently, "I know that, at heart, you are a good boy and that you really want to join in the fun. Remember though, next time you decide to fuck me around it will be five strokes of the cane across your buttocks."

Sam was crying but he could not see a thing. He stuck out his tongue but found nothing to lick as Wes was lying down the cane and then climbing back on the bed to kneel in front of the kid.

"Don't stick your tongue out for a moment," Wes said jovially, "for fuck sake boy you're a real randy little cunt and just cannot wait for my cock."

Young Sam, still feeling guilty and worried that the man had got the wrong impression and that he really thought the boy wanted to play with that big man cock, did not know what to say but he did withdraw his tongue. Then Wes held his cock head against the slit in the hood and told Sam that he could now poke out his tongue and start licking. The boy, not wishing to get anymore painful strokes of the cane, quickly stuck his tongue out and it immediately came into contact with Wes's cum covered cock head. Then Sam started to lick and as he licked he swallowed. He now got the full taste of Wes's cum. He swallowed a little more and, though he would try hard not to admit it, he quite liked the taste of the man's slightly tangy cum. So he licked more enthusiastically all across and around the cock head. His tongue managed to find Wes's piss slit and the boy had a feast licking all the cum out of that as Wes moaned and groaned with pleasure.

"Now boy suck my cock head," Wes hissed, "open your mouth and close your lovely lips around my fucking cock head and suck as hard as you can."

Young Sam did as ordered and started to suck Wes's big mushroom shaped cock head. The boy did not mind the taste of that head; in fact he was rather enjoying it. He knew that it was wrong and that he should be deeply ashamed but he just could not help wanting to suck for a little while longer. Wes just knelt there enjoying the feel of the boy's lovely hot mouth around his cock and the kid's red lips closed tightly around the base of his mushroom head, just where it joined the shaft of his cock. As he was lost in the most wonderful sexual sensations as the boy's mouth worked on his sensitive cock head Wes thought how great it was going to be when the boy had all of the cock down his throat. But that would have to wait until Wes's cock was hard again; for the moment he was content with the boy sucking his cock head. For thirty more minutes young Sam sucked and licked Wes's hard cock. The longer he did it the more he liked it. He loved to dip the tip of his tongue into Wes's piss slit and give it a good lick.

"Would you like me to fuck you again now boy?" Wes asked young Sam in a soft gentle voice.

For a moment the boy thought hard, he hesitated about his answer. One part of his brain was saying a great big 'no thank you', whilst the other part of his brain was saying 'go on say yes you know that you want his big cock up your cunt'.

Wes did not try to hurry the boy into giving an answer to his question. He was enjoying the boy's lips around his cock as the ten year old continued to suck hard on his fuck stick. Then Sam removed his mouth from Wes's hard cock. He wished that he could see the man whose cock he had been sucking but with the hood on his world was one of darkness.

"Please mister could you take the hood off me first before I decide?" young Sam asked in a plaintive voice.

"The hood will come off when you tell me that you love me, that you love my cock and that you want to stay with me forever whilst I fuck the shit out of you," was Wes's helpful reply.

"Then I don't want you to fuck me," Sam answered in a decisive voice.

"Well that is a pity because I will have to play with you in a different way if we're not going to have a good fuck," Wes said.

He crossed to one of the cupboards and took out a length of cord then he returned to the boy who was lying silently on the bed. Around the bottom of the hood were several cloth loops and Wes threaded the cord through these. He did not speak to the boy as he did this and Sam, though silent, was breathing heavily. Then Wes pulled both ends of the cord together and it acted like a drawstring pulling the bottom of the hood tightly around Sam's neck. Then Wes tied the two ends together. Now there was no way that the hood could accidentally slip off the boy's head. Then Wes bent down and picked the boy up in his arms. He carried him across to the padded bench and laid him face down on top of it. Then he started to manacle the boy's arms and legs to the legs of the bench.

"What are you doing Mister?" the boy cried out in alarm.

"I'm going to play with you for a while darling," Wes replied in a pleasant voice.

Having made sure that Sam was securely fastened to the bench, Wes patted the boy on his buttocks which were still showing bright red lines from his caning.

"Now my little darling as fucking is not good enough for you I'm going to indulge one of my more peculiar whims," Wes said with a chuckle. "You see my dear boy I love hearing little boys scream when they are being whipped. So what I'm going to do is give you a pretty good whipping."

"No, no, no," shouted the youngster, "please mister don't whip me, fuck me mister but please don't hit me."

"The trouble is Sam that you don't yet know the rules of the game," Wes replied sadly. "Now you chose not to be fucked which meant that I could then do whatever else I wanted with you. I have chosen to whip you. You must, under the rules, receive at least twenty lashes of the whip before I can agree to you playing another game."

Wes kissed the boy gently on his back and stroked his buttocks.

"Now darling I'm going to be very kind to you. Because your arse has already been caned I will make sure that I whip you only on your back and shoulders. If you are a very good boy and keep count of the number of lashes that I give you, when I reach twenty you can opt to be fucked instead. You must count out loud Sam, now then boy do you know how to count up to twenty?"

Sam was blubbering from fear as he blurted out "course I know how to count, I'm ten years old and not stupid."

"Good," replied Wes as he crossed to the rack and selected one of the two whips, "just make sure to count out aloud. Oh did I forget to tell you darling?" Wes said with a chuckle, "if you lose count or miss a count then we start all over again. So that if, say, you have had 14 lashes and the next lash you say '14' again or don't say anything at all then we start from 1. See boy this can be a really exciting game don't you think?"

Then Wes, not waiting for a response from the boy, brought the lash whistling through the air to strike young Sam across his shoulders. The whip had a thin leather lash and it cut into the boy's soft flesh leaving a deep red line across his lovely white shoulders. For his part Sam screamed in pain but did not call out a number. Then Wes struck the boy a second time with the lash, this time across the small of Sam's back. Again the boy screamed but failed to call out as the whip cut into his flesh.

"You're not doing very well boy," Wes remarked, "although I'm certainly enjoying myself. So far, according to you, I've not yet struck you with the whip."

This remark of Wes's brought the screaming boy to his senses. As the lash cut into the middle of his back young Sam shrieked out "1," and then screamed in pain. The next lash landed almost on top of the spot where the first lash had struck Sam. The boy shrieked and hollered in pain but managed to gasp out "2." And so it went on with the lash whistling through the air, a crack as it struck the boy's flesh, then a loud scream followed by a faltering voice calling out a number "3", "4", "5". They had reached 16 and the boy's shoulders and back was a terrible mess of deep red lines across his lovely white skin. Some of the red lines were already turning into weal's and one or two criss-crossed with others. But this did not deter Wes who was enjoying himself immensely. He loved to hear young boy's scream under the whip or cane, especially when it was not being meted out as a punishment but purely for his own pleasure. His cock was throbbing with excitement and he was sorry that there were only five more lashes left before the boy could opt for something else. He used all his force this time and the lash bit so deeply into Sam's flesh that it broke the skin in a couple of places and a trace of blood could be seen. The boy screamed at the top of his voice, albeit muffled by the hood, and then, to Wes's bitter disappointment, he gasped out "17". The remaining three were administered the same way but young Sam managed to keep count until he said "20". Wes was not too unhappy about it; he knew that whenever he felt the urge he could use the whip or the cane on his little darling and raise the roof with his screams of pain.

Although Sam's screams had died away the boy was still crying bitterly. His whole back felt as if it was on fire and he knew that he could do nothing about it.

"Well Sam do you want me to continue this game? Would you like me to give you another twenty lashes, or maybe thirty this time? If not my boy what exactly would you like me to do now?" Wes asked the sobbing youngster.

Sam slowly got his sobs under control; he knew what the man wanted him to say. The boy was no hero and anyway he much preferred to be fucked up the arse that have this monster whip him again.

"Please mister I'd like you to fuck me," Sam replied in a faltering voice full of fear.

"You want me to shove my big cock up your boy cunt and fuck the shit out of you Sam, is that what you are asking me to do?" Wes said in a surprised sort of voice.

Sam felt terribly guilty as he made his reply, both guilty and very ashamed.

"Yes please mister I want you to fuck me please," the youngster answered.

"Well what a coincidence," Wes said in a cheerful voice. "Here you are with your buttocks stuck out over the end of this bench and your boy cunt on show just waiting for a big man cock to enter it. You are in luck you faggot bastard because my cock is ready and willing to fuck that pansy boy cunt of yours. So yes my darling boy I'll fuck you."

Wes waited a moment and the boy made no reply although he was no longer sobbing audibly.

"Did I hear you say thank you?" asked Wes. "Did I hear you say 'thank you for agreeing to fuck my boy cunt for me?" the man asked again.

Sam got the message loud and clear.

"Thank you mister for agreeing to fuck my boy cunt for me," the unhappy youngster answered.

Wes now stood behind young Sam. Using the palms of his hands he pressed the boy's buttocks as wide as he could get them and then, in a crouched position he started to lick young Sam's lovely boy cunt. His tongue pressed hard against the boy cunt lips and they opened so sweetly to allow him in. Then he had a good lick, followed by a good suck and then another lick all around the inside of Sam's deliciously tasty cunt. Wes had decided that he wasn't going to fuck around with lubricants anymore. A good gob of spit on his cock head would be sufficient. So he gobbed a big blob of spittle onto his cock head and then, using one of his hands, guided it to the boy's lovely brown pink boy cunt.

Sam felt the cock head at the entrance to his shit hole and he held his breath as he remembered how much it had hurt the first time Wes had entered him. He felt the man pushing into him and felt Wes's hands pull on his hips forcing his body onto that big hard cock. Within a couple of seconds, assisted by young Sam straining hard, the sphincter muscle opened and Wes's cock head together with an inch of his cock slipped through that tight hole. Sam gave a yelping scream as his ring was stretched again. This time, however, it was not nearly as painful as the first time and, apart from his initial yelp of pain, the boy was silent apart from his heavy breathing.

Wes pushed his cock all the way up the boy's back passage until all nine inches [23 cm] was planted firmly inside the young boy and his big balls were pressing into Sam's buttocks.

"How's it feel darling, how do you like my cock deep inside your guts boy?" Wes asked in a husky voice.

"Okay I guess," Sam answered softly not wishing to appear too enthusiastic.

The truth was that the young boy was loving the feel of the big cock deep inside him and could hardly wait for it to start moving up and down. He desperately wanted to get the same wonderful body tensing feelings that he had received earlier when Wes had fucked him.

Wes now slowly pulled his cock all the way up leaving only his cock head inside the boy, then he drove all the way back down again. Up and down, up and down and now he felt young Sam's body responding. The boy's buttocks were moving in and out as the man's cock moved up and down his love channel. Sam was moaning with pleasure because, once again, he was getting those wonderful sexual feeling. It was rather like electricity being passed through his body until every nerve felt on edge. It was the most terrific feeling that Sam had ever had and the boy knew that the feeling was coming from the man's big cock thrusting in and out of his young body.

"Shit boy you've a real tight fucking cunt and I love it so much," Wes whispered.

He put a hand around the boy's waist and felt for Sam's cock and found that darling little plaything. It was as stiff as a metal rod.

"You love being fucked don't you darling, you really love my big man cock up your tight boy cunt don't you?" he asked.

The boy was in heaven; he hadn't a care in the world. All he wanted was the man's cock to keep sending these terrific feelings through his body as it fucked up and down his love channel.

"Yes mister," Sam said in a loud and firm voice, "I love being fucked by you. I really do love it to bits mister," he said.

"I guess that you're a faggot darling and that's why you want my cock. Am I right sweetheart are you a dirty little faggot whore boy bitch?"

Sam had no idea what most of the words meant. He did know that 'faggot' and 'queer' 'pansy' were words of derision that boys used to insult other boys whom they did not consider manly. Sam had never been called such names; he would have kicked the head in of any one of his peers who dared call him such names. But he wanted to please this man, he wanted him to keep on fucking his boy cunt so he discarded any scruples that he might have.

"Yes mister I'm a dirty little faggot whore boy bitch," Sam agreed.

Wes started to fuck the boy faster. His cock was going all the way in and then almost all the way out as Sam thrust his buttocks on and off the man's big cock keeping perfect time with it's movements. Wes was also masturbating the young boy's cock and his finger and thumb was moving up and down that stiff slender stem in time to the movement of his hips. Both Sam and Wes were groaning with pleasure.

"All you live for now faggot is the feel of my cock up your boy cunt isn't that right?" Wes asked.

"Yes mister all I want is your cock fucking my boy cunt," Sam agreed.

Now Wes moved up another gear as he felt young Sam's sphincter gripping his cock and then letting it go, gripping it again and releasing it. Sam's body was tensing every time Wes's cock entered him, then tensing again each time that Wes pulled out. This tensing was caused by his prostate being massaged by the big boy fuck pole each time it entered and left that delightfully tight boy cunt. Sam's head was spinning with erotic and sexual feelings as his whole being revolved around the big man cock ploughing in and out of his sensitive body. Wes, for his part, was once again having the time of his life. His big cock was entering the loveliest, hottest, tightest most delightful boy cunt imaginable whilst at the same time he was playing with a young boy's stiff cock – one of the joys of his life doing that.

"If I promise to fuck you again after will you let me whip or cane you again first?" Wes asked curious to see just how much the young boy was enjoying this, his second fuck.

Sam thought for a brief moment. The pain from the whipping was swiftly recalled. But that pain was nothing to the pleasure he was getting from being fucked.

"You can do what you want with me mister," the young boy replied "providing you always give me a good fucking after."

Wes licked his lips with pleasure. He'd really hit the jackpot with this young fucker. He now redoubled his efforts and his cock was slamming in and out of that young body. He was fucking the boy so hard and fast that his balls were making loud slapping noises as they struck Sam's lovely buttocks. Now young Sam's whole body stiffened for the second time that day. His hair felt as if it was standing on end as the boy yelled out with utter delight.

"Oooh mister I feel so fucking good, oooh mister something's happening and I don't know what but it's fucking good."

Wes knew what was happening because he was moaning aloud with pleasure as the boy's sphincter gripped his cock as if it were a vice. Sam was having the second dry cum of his life.

"You're having a dry cum darling," Wes told the screaming young boy. "When you're older and that happens your cock will shoot cum just like mine does when its shooting its load inside you."

The boy, sweating profusely, started to relax as his dry cum was over. His cock started to soften between Wes's fingers but the man was not worried about that. He knew that if he kept hold of that lovely little boy cock it would quickly stiffen again. In the meantime he continued to fuck the boy as hard as he could and now he felt his own balls tighten and his throbbing cock became hyper sensitive.

"Oooh darling I'm cumming, I'm fucking cumming up your faggot boy cunt my sweet," Wes groaned as he shot his first load of cum deep into the boy's bowels. A short sharp thrust of his big hard cock and a second load of cum joined the first.

"Yes, yes, yes," moaned Sam, "fuck me man, fuck me man, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," as he felt his bowels filling with thick man cream.

"There's more boy, there's fucking more by lovely little faggot sweetheart," Wes groaned as he shot a third load of cream into his darling.

Then he lay on top of the boy with his big cock still buried deeply inside his faggot sweetheart.

"I'm in love darling Sam," the man whispered, "I'm in love with my own ten year old faggot boy sweetheart. Do you love me?"

Sam could feel that lovely man cock still deep inside him. He could feel his bowels full of man cream. He could remember just how wonderful he felt when he had his dry cum. And it was all because of this lovely man.

"Yes mister," he answered "I fucking love you a lot and I what you to keep fucking my boy cunt."

Wes shifted slightly still keeping his cock buried inside his young darling.

"Do you love me enough to stay with me and not go back fucking home darling?" he asked.

Sam thought for a moment.

"Will I have to go to school if I stay with you mister?" he asked.

Sam hated school that's why he was always bunking off.

"No my darling if you stay with me you will never go to school. I will need you to be with me all the time so that if I feel like a fuck you will always be ready for my cock."

"I want to stay with you then mister. I love you lots and lots and I do want you to fuck me all the time," Sam said earnestly.

Wes could feel his cock beginning to shrivel but he still kept it inside that lovely tight hole.

"You know darling that I will whip you and cane you although I will always fuck you afterwards. Are you sure that you want to stay."

"Fuck me rigid," the ten year old boy exploded surprising and somewhat shocking Wes by his response. "I want to stay with you no matter what," Sam declared. "You can do what the fuck you like with me as long as it includes a lot of fucking," he stated vehemently.

Then not waiting for a reply from Wes he asked another question.

"Can you take the hood off me now mister or must I always wear it whilst I'm with you?"

"Shit," laughed Wes," of course we'll get rid of that fucking hood. Another thing my darling, you can call me 'Wes' and not 'mister'."

Now Wes pulled his cock from out of the young boy's cunt. Then he released the boy's legs and arms from the bench. Finally he went to the head of the bench, bent over and untied the drawstring of the hood. He pinched the top of the hood between his finger and thumb and pulled it up over Sam's face and off his head. The boy was blinded by the bright light and kept blinking owlishly as Wes dropped the hood on the floor. Then Sam, for the first time, got a full look at the naked man and he sucked in his breath with pleasure.

He loved immediately the figure of the 30 year old man, muscular and slightly hairy, standing in front of him. He loved with all his aching heart Wes's big cum covered cock. It was placid now and yet, even in this it's sleeping state it looked quite magnificent.

"Oh Wes," the boy whispered "I do love you, cuddle me Wes and show that you love me too."

And Wes did just that. Then he took the boy to the shower and the kid cleaned himself up. Next they had a good meal. Then Wes said that it had been a very long day and suggested that they went to bed. The 30 year old man and his ten year old boy lover slept together in each others arms. They slept for more than ten hours.

The following day they rose. Wes took the boy into the bathroom and introduced him to the pleasures of water sports. They filled each others guts with their lovely hot piss and then they had a hot shower together. After breakfast Wes asked Sam what he wanted to do. He told Wes that he wanted to be fucked but the man was not really in the mood. Then the boy cajoled and wheedled until he guessed what the matter might be.

"Remember Wes darling," young Sam said "my body belongs to you and it's your to do what you like with it. Just give me a lovely long fuck after you've enjoyed playing with my body."

Wes gave the boy a great big hug and kissed him passionately. Then he tied the boy over the bench and caned him something rotten. The boy screamed loudly and long. Once he'd caned the boy to his hearts content he followed it up by fucking the shit out of his little darling.

And so their destinies were set. Sam graduated stage by stage. He came to love being whipped and caned, he took to water sports with real enthusiasm. He eventually not only loved to be fucked, he could open his mouth and swallow all of Wes's cock and then, with the man lying on top of him, he would suck Wes's cock whilst Wes fucked the shit out of his throat ending up with shooting his load into his darling's gullet. Wes fist fucked Sam as the boy grew older and started to swallow Sam's cum when the kid was old enough to produce it. One vice that Sam had was a vice that Wes did not share. He used to hover around whilst Wes had a shit and then would spend hours giving his lover's shit hole a good tongue washing. Sam loved doing that.

They lived alone together until Sam was fifteen and his body was turning hairy. The teenager knew that this was turning his lover off him. One day Sam turned up carrying in tow a young boy who was hooded and had his wrists tied behind his back.

"My present to you darling," Sam said shyly to Wes, "he is almost eight years old so should give you years of fun."

Wes looked at the very young boy and was quite captivated by his lovely frame. He could not see his face but was sure that it was beautiful. His heart pounded with joy as he heard the young kid making a mewing sound and realised that Sam had gagged him.

He kissed Sam long and lovingly.

"But what about you my darling," he asked, "if I accept this lovely gift won't you be lonely."

"Well no not really Wes," Sam replied with a smile "with your permission I'll bring my own little darling to live with us here. You'll have to take me out in the van to pick him up but he's a real little street wise monkey who thinks that he know it all. He gave me a right mouthful yesterday and, believe it or not, he's only six years old."

The following day the two went off and picked up the second boy. Sam was quite right, the little fucker was truly street wise and he could swear like a fucking stevedore. Within a couple of days he had taken wholeheartedly to Sam and just loved being fucked by the teenager. A couple of months later Wes caught the little bastard trying to fuck his own young boy, Troy. Both Sam and Wes had a real good laugh over that.

And so this tale reaches a happy conclusion. There is no doubt that many young boys would just take to being fucked by a big man cock like a duck takes to water. Alas, not many get the chance.

The End