Koos SmitBeach Front Boy |
SummaryA straight man with wife and children is for his business in Durban. Curious to know how it was to do 'it' with a guy, he picks up a street hustler. The boy appeared younger than expected, and he has an even younger brother 3;
Publ. Jun 2010-
3; (Nifty); this site Nov 2010-
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CharactersJonathan (38yo), Johan (14yo) and Ben (12yo)Category & Story codesBoy prostitution storyMtb – cons oral anal mast – prost incest spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's NoteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Koos Smit!Beach Front Boy in the subject line.Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not. |
Chapter One[A glossary appears at the end of this story to explain the Afrikaans words]It was about 7pm on a muggy summer evening in Durban, the main port city on South Africa's Indian Ocean coast. It was hot and sticky as only tropical Durban can be at the height of summer. Living in Johannesburg I was used to the cool, crisp high altitude climate of the Highveld and I always avoided Durban like the plague in summer. The only reason I was in Durban at that time was because there was an important seminar on that week and my employer had insisted that I go. After a dreary day listening to the droning of interminable speakers in a room where the air-conditioners had obviously seen better days I returned to the Holiday Inn on the beachfront where I was staying, tired, crumpled and scratchy. I yanked off my clothes as I walked in the door, dropping them on the floor as I went straight for the aircon and put it on full blast. Then I called room service for a beer and took a lukewarm shower while I waited for it to arrive. It came quicker than I thought it would. I got out the shower wet and dripping, snatched a towel around my waist and held it there with one hand as I opened the door with the other. The bar boy standing there with my beer on a tray was young and cute, maybe 17 or 18 at most, short and trim, black haired, tanned, black eyed. I turned to fetch my wallet and the bar boy followed me in. I purposely let go the towel and allowed it drop to the floor. I picked up my wallet and turned to face him, watching him as I pretended to fumble for some notes, hoping that he would give some indication – a look, a comment – to say he could be interested. He had picked up my towel and was holding it out to me at arm's length, his eyes troubled and looking away. I ignored it. He blushed and fidgeted and did not seem to know where to look. He was clearly uncomfortable with my nakedness and when I stepped toward him to give him the money he practically jumped backward with fright. "Ah well," I sighed as he took the money and retreated hastily. I had heard that many of the bellhops and bar boys at these Durban beachfront hotels were happy to increase their meager earnings by providing guests with additional 'unlisted' services. But this was obviously not one of them. I switched on the TV and watched the news for a while as I downed my beer, sitting on my bed with my back against the headboard, fingering my cock absently. Then I looked through the classified ads of the local newspaper under the "Massage" and "Escort" columns. The cryptic messages teased my imagination:
Michael (WM) – young and hung – 18yo – for M/M
Dean (WM) – B/L bodybuilder – 10 inch [25 cm] – for M/M full house – will travel Farm Boy Kurt (WM) – built/hung stallion for M/M massage and more I always did this went I went to another city. I would never dream of doing it in my home town. I would imagine and yearn but I would never actually phone. I was married and had two kids at home but had been 'curious' for a long time – for ever, really – and I would fantasize about what it might be like to do it with a guy. But I somehow could never work up the courage to take that first step. Often I would key in the number on my mobile and wrestle with myself for agonizing seconds with my thumb on the dial button before stabbing at the reject button and tossing my phone aside, irritated with myself. As so often before I eventually keyed in the number for the young and hung 18 year old, Michael. I was in the midst of my usual agonizing when I involuntarily stabbed the dial button. I could have cancelled but somehow I didn't. I stared at the phone until I heard the dial tone click out and a man's voice saying "Hello? Hello?" I put the phone to my ear. A deep voice resonated in my ear "Hello, what can I do for you?" I realised at once that this was no 18 year old. "I'm sorry," I said, "I seem to have dialed the wrong number." "No you haven't,"came the reply. Thinking quickly over a faint feeling of panic that I was being sucked into something that I had no control over I said "Is this 3;?" and I gave the number I had just dialed with the last two digits switched around. "No. I'm sorry," said the pleasant voice, "Seems you have dialed the wrong number." "Sorry," I said with relief, and dialed off. I lay there for a while, berating myself for being a coward. I was flying home the next day and once again I would be going home with my questions unanswered. Eventually I jumped up. No use moping about it. I got dressed in a pair of knee length shorts and a loose button up shirt that I did not tuck in, slipped my bare feet into a pair of leather beach thongs, grabbed the keys of my hired BMW and went to find something to eat. I drove down Marine Parade until I found a restaurant further down the beachfront that I had not tried before. It was 10 pm and dark by the time I drove back. As it was during the school term there were very few holidaymakers in Durban that week and the Marine Parade was almost deserted. The lack of bustle and noise seemed almost eerie. Although it was still uncomfortably warm there was a light drizzle that seemed to coat the tarred road with a yellow sheen from the bright yellow street lights. As I entered a traffic circle I passed a young boy standing alone at the kerbside on my left. He was not thumbing but he looked as if he was looking for a lift. I do not pick up hitchhikers but something made me go right round the circle to get back to him. Perhaps it was because he seemed to be too young to be there on his own. Perhaps it was because he looked a little forlorn in the drizzle. Perhaps it was just because I would have liked someone else to have picked up my son if he was standing alone on the beachfront. Whatever it was, I went back for him. As I drove slowly around the circle I checked him out. He looked like a typical Durban beach boy. I could not tell his age in the light of the street. Could have been anything from 14 to 18. Sturdily built, he was short for 18 and tall for 14. As I drew up to him I pushed the button and the window slid down smoothly. I saw he was wearing a pair of denim dungarees that were a little too big for him, the rolled trouser cuffs almost covering his feet which, like most teenage boys growing up in Durban, were bare. He wore no shirt under his dungarees, which were held up by just one strap over his left shoulder. The front flap hung down to the left, exposing the right side of a tanned and well-developed upper body. I came to a stop next to him. He stepped into the road and bent slightly to rest his elbows on the window sill and poke his head inside. "Hallo Oom!" he said cheerfully, addressing me with the Afrikaans for 'uncle', as polite Afrikaner boys are brought up to do. Full lips opened in a wide grin across his broad face and bright blue eyes twinkled a question at me under a thatch of straight blonde hair, now dark and damp from the drizzle. His skin was smooth and tanned a deep golden brown, glistening now like honey from the wet. His arms and shoulders were well-muscled and hairless, except for a light dusting of soft golden down on his forearms. A smell of wet boy and denim wafted into the car and made my belly lurch pleasantly, an intoxicating musk of sea salt, sweat and sun tan cream. How I wished right then that I had the balls to try to pick this boy up. "Want a lift home?" I asked, my heart in the back of my mouth. A shadow passed fleetingly over the boy's face. He looked up at the continuing drizzle and then back at me for a moment. He seemed to be making up his mind about something. Then, finally, "Okay, Oom,"he said, "It's a bit early but with this drizzle I might as well pack it in for tonight." Faint traces in his accent told my ears that his home language was indeed Afrikaans: The slightly clipped tone, the rounded vowels and the hard consonants He picked up a small canvas beach bag from the kerbside and tossed it on the back seat. He paused before getting in and looked at the front passenger seat. "I'm a bit wet, Oom. Have you got a towel?" "No, but it's OK," I said, "It's leather. You can't hurt it" The right side of his smooth tanned torso with its well-defined musculature was exposed to me as he got in and drew my eyes like a magnet. The single buttons meant to hold the side slits in his dungarees closed at the waist were unbuttoned on both sides so that when he sat down the front flap of his dungarees ballooned outward and the side slits gaped open all the way to the top of his thighs. He was not wearing any shorts or underpants and I caught a tantalizing glimpse of smooth tanned buttock and thigh before he patted the flap back against his lap. Once again my belly lurched pleasurably and I could feel a tingling get going in the tip of my cock. Completely unfazed he grinned and said "I never wear under rods, Oom. Too hot and sticky in Durbs. I like my tackle to hang free. You don't mind, do you?" "Of course not, why should I?" I did not tell him that I was not wearing any either and for the same reason. It didn't seem to be any of his business. He ran his fingers over the polished wooden panels in the dash and the door. "Nice ride you hired, Oom!" "How did you know I hired it?" I asked "I can see you're from outta town. And Imperial Car Hire always got those boxes of mints in the car." I laughed. "You're a bright kid!" I said. "But how can you tell I'm from out of town?" "You got that kind of skin that the Joburgers always have. My mom says it's because it's cold and dry there. When the kids come down on holiday they got those 'rosy cheeks and peachy skin' she always says. That's why she's always after me to use sun tan cream and stuff." "Well, she's done a good job with yours," I said, reaching out despite myself and running the back of my fingers down his cheek, "You have great skin." At once I regretted stroking his cheek. He's going to think I'm coming on to him, I thought in panic. But my passenger just smiled as if it was normal for strange men to stroke his cheek and compliment him on his great skin. "Thanks, Oom," he said simply, extending a hand "I'm Johan, by the way." "And I'm Jonathan," I said as I took his hand and shook it. His hand was big and firm, like a gymnast's, and his grip was strong and confident. "You can forget the 'Oom' bit." "Okay, Jonathan it is," he replied with a grin. I looked at him quickly. It seemed an odd reply, but I put it out of my mind. "How old are you?" He grinned at me again. "Eighteen, right?" Again the odd reply. "No way you're eighteen!" He looked momentarily surprised. "Well, that's what everyone wants to hear, but no, you're right, I'm actually sixteen." "That's what I thought," I said. He cast me an anxious glance. "Are you still OK with that?" This was really a puzzling conversation but I replied, "Sure, why not?" "No, nothing, some guys have a problem with me being under eighteen, is all." By now we were continuing North on the Marine Parade. I suddenly realised that I had been so absorbed by my young passenger's attractiveness and enigmatic conversation that I had forgotten to ask him where he needed to go. "So where are we going, Johan?" He looked at me in surprise. "Where do you want to go, Jonathan?" he asked "I thought I was taking you home," I replied "No that won't work!" he said, "My mom is there and anyway she thinks I'm sleeping over with my friend Andrew." "Well, must I take you to Andrew?" Johan laughed out loud and looked at me incredulously. "No, silly, Andrew's dad would have a fucken heart attack if we turned up there! He don't like me hanging out with Andrew! He chased me away from there before!" "Then what 3;?" I asked, now completely befuddled. "Yissus, but you're slow for a Joburger! Where you staying, man?" "I'm staying at the Holiday Inn. You mean 3; you want to crash with me in the hotel? You don't even know me 3; I could be 3; an axe murderer 3; what would your mom say?" I finished lamely. Then the light finally went on: "Oh gosh 3; Oh my gosh 3; Oh my gosh!" It dawned through my thick skull at last that this sexy young boy was picking me up! I jammed on the brakes and slowed down, turned into one of the many empty parking slots along Marine Parade, pulled up the handbrake and switched off the engine. I turned and looked at Johan as if seeing him for the first time. My heart was pounding in the back of my throat and my pulse was racing like I had just finished a hard game of squash. "You weren't hitching a ride, you were hooking customers!" I accused. "Sure, you knew that!" "No, I didn't!" "I watched you checking me out as you went around the circle. You liked what you saw and you came back for me!" "I've never picked up a guy in my life! I felt sorry for you getting wet and I wanted to take you home." Johan looked at me appraisingly for a long while and then said, "Maybe. But when you stopped and spoke to me I could see in your eyes that you wanted me." I blushed at the truth of what he said. "And 3; I can see that you still want me!" he said, glancing meaningfully at the long hard bulge in my shorts. I glanced down and blushed brighter. Still I said nothing, looking back into Johan's cute young face, not trusting myself to speak. Johan reached up to his left shoulder and unhitched the one strap still holding up the left side of the front of his dungarees. The heavy denim cloth collapsed onto his lap and left his upper body completely exposed all the way to the top of his thighs. He pushed the cloth away to reveal a cock that even in its unerected state was both exceptionally long and exceptionally thick for a boy of sixteen. It was white and smooth and thin blue veins could clearly be seen beneath the surface of the skin. Like all Afrikaner boys, he was uncut. An ample foreskin covered the whole apple shaped bulb of his cockhead. He had no pubic hairs at all and there was no indication that the smooth elastic skin of his pubic area had ever been shaved. I yearned to touch him but I looked about nervously. Johan giggled. "Don't worry, it's still drizzling. You'll never see a Metro Cop out in this wet!" I looked over his nicely muscled chest, arms and shoulders and the well defined ridges of his belly. My mouth was dry and I licked my lips as the blood pounded in my head. "Now tell me you don't want this," said Johan, his eyes shining and his wide grin threatening to split his cheeks. For answer I reached out to touch his gorgeous cock. At the same moment Johan pulled up the flap of his dungarees and hitched up both straps. "Not here," he smiled, "Let's go to your hotel." We got back to the hotel in record time. I parked the car in the hotel parking garage and went up alone to collect my keycard from the front desk. Johan waited in the garage a while to give me time to get to my room. Carrying his small beach bag he took a service lift from near the laundry straight up to the tenth floor where my room was. No guest would ever have given him a second glance. Shirtless and barefoot boys are commonplace anywhere in Durban and especially in the hotels that front on to the Marine Parade. The bellhops, bar boys and housekeeping staff who all knew him as a rent boy would simply have winked and sent him on his way with perhaps a lewd comment. But Johan was anxious to avoid the front desk staff and some members of hotel management who took a dim view of what he did for pocket money and who might have thrown him out. I was standing at the door waiting and when the knock came I practically yanked Johan into the room. "Hey, whoa there," Johan laughed at my nervousness, "Relax, it's nearly midnight, no one's gonna worry us now." "Sorry," I said sheepishly, "I've never done this before." "Don't worry about it, I done it plenty times and I'll teach you," said Johan, "But first let's get the business out the way." "Sure," I said "For fifty bucks you get one blowjob and for another hundred bucks you get to butt-fuck me once. You my last client so I kip here tonight plus you gimme fifty bucks for breakfast and you drive me home in the morning – early, 'cause I got to get to school by 8." "That's two hundred bucks, right?" I said "Ja, and you pay me now." "No problem. What do I get for three hundred bucks?" Johan grinned broadly as he undid the straps and let his dungarees fall to the floor around his ankles before stepping out of them, "For five hundred bucks you own me for the night and you can do whatever you want whenever you want it 3; 'cept 3; you can't whip me tonight." "I don't want to whip you!" I said as I fiddled with the buttons of my shirt, my fingers clumsy with excitement and anticipation. Johan stepped up to help me, standing on his toes as his strong brown fingers nimbly worked their way down the buttons. His boy musk scent just under my nose was heady. The tip of his cock brushed against my thighs as he worked and my cock instantly erected under my shorts. "I don't mind 3; really!" said Johan, "Lotsa guys like to whip me and I've learned to get off on it too." But tomorrow I got a swimming gala at school and people will ask questions if I come there again with whip marks all over my back and arse." "What did you tell them last time?" He laughed. "I made up some story about my mom's boyfriend beating me and then running away. I begged them not to tell the cops or he might come back and hurt my mom. They felt sorry for me and let it go, but they won't buy that story a second time!" "I suppose not, but they won't have to. I don't even have a whip." "I've got one here!" he said, reaching into his beach bag and showing me a black braided leather whip tightly wound into a small coil. "No Johan!" I chuckled "I don't need it! Here's your three hundred bucks. Put it away in your bag so you won't forget it." Johan pushed the whip back into his worn beach bag and took the cash from me. My eyes drank in the tanned perfection of Johan's body as he took the money and bent over to put it in a wallet that he fished out of his beach bag. Every shape and curve set my loins tingling: His broad brown feet with their well spaced toes, high arches and dirty leathery soles; his rounded calves and muscular thighs; his slim waist and hard round buttocks; his muscled back and shoulders, the bulges of his biceps and forearms; the uncut cock hanging down at least 5 inches [12½ cm] on the slack and the large testicles hanging down slightly further in their smooth, pubeless, ball sac. He was a full head shorter than me and, despite his well-developed muscularity, I began to doubt if he was even 16. Perhaps it was his hairless pubic area or his exceptionally smooth skin. Perhaps it was just the way he spoke. There seemed to be a trace of innocence there despite his obvious sexual precociousness. Could he be 14 or even 13? My son was 13 but he was nowhere near as developed. Then I thought of some of the muscular well-developed 13 year olds in my Grade 8 son's rugby team with the big bulges in the fronts of their tight rugby shorts that had me watching every game. If they were 13 so could Johan be. I worried about this for a moment. Did it matter? If I was prepared to have sex with a 16 year old did it matter if the boy was really 14 or 13? A glance at the teenaged Eros in front of me settled the question. It wasn't going to matter tonight. "Now I need a shower," he said, "My foot soles are dirty and I'm still sweaty and I got an arse full of cum from the last guy that wanted a quickie in his car. Just before you came." "I love your dirty foot soles and the smell of your sweat and the thought of the cum in your arse just makes me more horny." "No, I want to shower with you," Johan replied simply, "It's part of the fun!" "Well, if you put it that way," I said, quickly pushing my shorts to my ankles and stepping out of them, "lets go." "You don't wear under rods either," observed Johan, "Cool!" We got into the shower. Being a Holiday Inn the shower was over the bath so there was ample room for the both of us. "Will you wash me?" Johan asked. I loved his simple directness. "It will be my pleasure," I replied. In fact I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. For the next half hour I slowly and carefully shampooed and soaped every centimeter of that firm and perfect body. When I got to his arse he spread his legs wide and asked me to pay special attention to his crack. He bent over and asked me to clean his hole, something I would in other circumstances have regarded as being too gross to contemplate. Somehow it was no problem for me then and I was happy to soap my fingers and insert first one and then two into his wet and soapy hole, twisting them about and pumping them in and out until his firm but elastic anus was clean. Then I had to do his cock and balls, an especial pleasure for me, pulling back his foreskin and soaping the swollen purple head at the top of his now erect and fully engorged cock. Fascinated by his smooth hairlessness I asked, "How often do you shave here? It doesn't look like you ever had any pubes!" Johan smiled. "I don't shave there! I just never had any pubes. Check, I don't have hair in my armpits either!" I looked. Sure enough his armpits were as smooth and hairless as a ten year old's. I looked at him enquiringly. He shrugged, "My mom says it's genetic. My father never had pubes either. Nor does my boetie [younger brother]." "I think it looks helluva sexy," I said "Ja, I know," he said matter-of-factly, "It used to worry me a lot but lotsa guys told me they like it." I looked at him for a moment. "Okay, how old are you really?" He grinned at me. "Does it matter? "No it doesn't 3; really! I just want to know." "Well 3; I'm really fourteen." "Okay, then, I thought so!" I said, closing my fist around his by now bone stiff cock and gripping it hard, "Though your cock and balls are huge for a boy so young!" "Ja," he chuckled, "That's what everyone says!" Finally we sat down opposite each other on the floor of the bath, our legs crossing over each other's as I scrubbed the leathery skin on the soles of his hard well-formed feet as clean as they could get. As I scrubbed Johan spoke, "So now I told you my real age, will you tell me your real name?" I looked up at him in surprise. "What do you mean? Jonathan is my real name." "Well most guys I go with give me a false name. They don't want me to know who they really are." "I see!" I replied, "Well my real name is Jonathan and when we get out the shower I'll show you my ID if you like." "No, I believe you. I was just asking." Then it was my turn and Johan returned every favour in full measure. As he soaped and washed my arse crack he remarked "You never had a cock up here, did you? "No I haven't. I told you I've never done this before!" "Well it hurts for a while the first few times you do it, but if you hold out the pain passes and gets really lekker! [nice]. I'm gonna loosen you up a bit here so you can start to get used to it for when I fuck you just now." "Who says you're going to fuck me? I'm paying to fuck you!" "Ja, you're gonna fuck me! But I'm gonna fuck you too, 'cause you gonna want me to!" "Jeez! Nothing wrong with your confidence!" I said. Johan chuckled. "I'm bladdy good, mister! You gonna beg me for it, I promise you!" Johan got me on all fours in the bath and started playing with my anus, gently rubbing and pressing against it with a soapy finger, explaining how I could relax my sphincter. "Just pretend you're trying to have a shit," he said "What if I do have a shit?" "You won't but if you do its okay – it's only shit – we bum boys are used to it and we're in the bath already!" I laughed and then both of us fell silent as Johan slowly worked my anus. One slippery finger seemed to pop in eventually and made me suck in my breath quickly. Involuntarily my anus squeezed tight and gripped his finger. There was a stinging feeling that passed soon as Johan waited for me to relax again. "Does it hurt?" he asked "Just a bit, but it's okay now," I replied. Johan started pushing his finger in deeper, very slowly, until I felt his other fingers up against my arse. Then he pulled it out, slowly, almost all the way, before pushing back in again. For a while I felt his strong young finger pushing in and out slowly, gradually moving faster as he and I both felt my anus relaxing to accommodate his persistent intrusion. Then I felt his other hand moving between my legs and his thumb pressing against the bottom of my anus to open a way for a second finger to slide in next to the first. Again the sting of the sudden stretch caused my anus to clench momentarily and he waited for me to relax before going on. The sensations Johan was making me experience in a place that I had never touched before without a substantial wad of toilet paper were incredible. I could never have believed it without feeling it for myself. It was so strangely fulfilling and pleasurable that I found myself wanting him to go on and on, to penetrate me deeper and to fill me even more. My cock by now was rock hard and slapping eagerly against my belly as I panted on all fours like a puppy on heat. When Johan eventually slid his fingers out I felt as if something had emptied me and I moaned briefly in disappointment. "See, I told you, you gonna beg for it," Johan gloated "Can't you go on, please?" I begged "Don't worry, you gonna get plenty tonight, that was just a teaser to get your arse ready!" laughed Johan, "Let's get more comfortable on the bed." Towelling ourselves hurriedly we made a dash for the bed, giggling and groping at each other as we went. I was thirty-eight years old but this sexy young Afrikaner boy was making me feel like a naughty teenager. Johan scrambled onto the bed and flipped himself over to lie on his back, his one hand behind his head and his feet crossed. He reached out for the TV remote and started flicking through the channels. I got onto the bed and knelt over him with my knees straddling his thighs. "Don't you have a porn channel?" he asked. "No such luck! This is a family hotel, remember?" I replied and grabbed the remote out of his hand, switched off the TV and tossed the remote onto the bedside cabinet. "Okay, we'll make our own!" he giggled and raised himself up onto his elbows. "Put your cock in my mouth," he instructed, his wide mouth open and inviting. I did so, shuffling forward on my knees until my balls were close to his face. I pushed my bone hard cock down to the horizontal and pushed its swollen head into Johan's welcoming mouth. His lips closed around my cockhead and I could feel his strong tongue exploring its surface and working energetically at the sensitive tip. Suddenly he sucked my whole shaft practically down the back of his throat, leaving my pendulous balls pushing against his chin. I almost doubled over at the intensity of the pleasure being generated by that blonde teenage head that was so voraciously attached to the tip of my cock. Simultaneously I felt Johan's hand slide up between my legs and one of his fingers probing insistently at my anus. It felt slippery and I realised he must have dabbed it through the precum now leaking copiously from the tip of his cock and puddling into his small flat navel where it nestled between the hard ridges of his belly muscles. I concentrated hard on relaxing my sphincter and was quickly rewarded by the feel of his finger sliding smoothly inside me and probing expertly for my prostate. Johan's blue eyes smiled their approval up at me as his lips continued to slurp up and down my rigid shaft. Just as I felt my cock would explode, Johan disengaged both his mouth and his finger and slithered out from underneath me. He patted me on my butt and said "Lie down on your back!" I did so. "Now spread your legs wide and lift them in the air!" As I complied, he shuffled around on his knees to take position between my legs. He put his hands against the backs of my knees and pushed them away from him so that my knees were resting on my shoulders with my anus wide open and facing slightly upward. "Grip your ankles and hold your legs like that," Johan said, "I'm just gonna lube you up a bit and then I'm gonna fuck you." Being slightly unfit I could not reach my ankles. Seeing me struggle Johan laughed and said, "Okay, grampa, just hold your legs here by your knees!" Johan jumped off the bed to fish a bottle of lubricant out of his bag of tricks and was back in a moment, rubbing the glistening stuff along the whole length of his cock. As he shuffled up to my exposed arse he rubbed some of it onto and around my anus with his thumbs, gradually pressing harder until eventually he gained entry and spent a few minutes thumb and finger fucking me with his slippery digits until he judged me ready to take his cock. I loved watching Johan's face as he worked. The tip of a pink tongue stuck out between his full lips as he concentrated on the job. Now and then his blue eyes would look up at me and his wide mouth would spread into a grin that made my belly lurch. Then he got me to lift my arse off the bed while he put a couple of pillows under it. Finally he was ready and after giving his cock a few quick tugs to ensure that it was still rock hard, he edged forward and pressed the purple tip of it against my arsehole. Slowly he teased it in with pressure from his hips and the help of a thumb as he leaned forward over me and supported his weight on one strong arm planted on the bed next to my ribs. I watched the six pack abs contracting under his smooth tanned skin as he worked his cock-head into me and I felt my own cock instantly swell even harder as I willed that thick intrusion into me. Finally his cockhead slipped in and Johan was able to support his upper body on both arms placed either side of my torso. He felt my arse contract momentarily with the stinging pain that met his entry past the barrier of my sphincter and he paused, his eyes locked with mine as he waited for the pain to pass. When I nodded that I was ready, Johan started to thrust his well practised cock slowly into me. I loved the way it seemed to fill me, and I do not mean just physically, as its slippery thickness slid inexorably forward. I found myself panting gently and wincing with each new pang of pain. "Are you okay?" Johan asked, "Do you want me to stop?" "Fuck, no!" I grunted, "It feels great!" When Johan had gone all the way in I held him there with my palms pressed against his hard round buttocks while the exquisite pain morphed slowly into a strange sensation of release and pleasure. Then I let go and he withdrew slowly until his swollen cockhead pulled up against the restriction of my sphincter. Instantly he started moving forward again, a little more insistently this time. Again I held him in me at full length, but this time just because I loved the feel of his rampant maleness filling my void, not because there was any pain. Gradually Johan pumped faster and harder. Soon the sweat poured off him and he was panting and grunting as his hips smacked wetly and rapidly against my butt cheeks. The naughty twinkle in his bright blue eyes had turned into the hard glint of lust; the smiling lips were drawn back against his perfect white teeth in an animal snarl of domination and his sweetly boyish face was contorted with the effort of conquest. I could not have stopped him if I wanted to, nor could Johan have stopped himself. He was the slave of his cock at that moment and entirely in its thrall. And so was I. Every fibre of my being thrilled to the onslaught of this beautiful young animal and I gave myself up entirely to his conquest, revelling in his strength, his hardness, his sheer maleness as he took me and owned me. Finally Johan's fucking accelerated to climax until his hard young body seemed to go into seizure above me. His eyes shut tightly and his body arched into a tightly muscled bow that quivered and shuddered as his cock pulsed and writhed deep inside me. I could feel his cock jetting its hot and slippery load into my arse. Johan let out a long moan of release and then collapsed forward onto me as his cock spasmed into stillness inside me. No longer a marauding Nordic warrior raping his captive slave but a young boy again, snuggling against my chest and purring as I ran my fingers through his sweat-matted blonde thatch and slid my hands over the glistening wet ridges of his muscled brown back. I would have been happy to lie and cuddle with this beautiful young boy but, with the vigour and power of recovery that healthy young boys the world over are cursed with, Johan suddenly lifted his head. "Now it's your turn!" he said. He scrambled up and looked down at my cock, which had been lying erect and rock hard between us and had left smears of my pre-cum on his belly. He reached down and folded his fingers around it, squeezing a couple of times as if testing it. "You're ready," he said, leaning over to pick his bottle of lube off the bedside cabinet. He squeezed a generous quantity into the palm of his hand and slathered it all over my cock. He reached between his legs and used the residue on his fingers to lube his anus before getting onto his hands and knees in front of me. "Put it in me," he said simply, looking back at me over his shoulder. "It's pretty big," I said, "It doesn't look like it'll fit!" For answer Johan backed his arse into me, pushing his crack against my cock and waggling it from side to side. "It'll fit!" he said, "Just push it in!" I pushed my cock down to the horizontal and pressed its swollen purple head into the inviting round depression leading to Johan's winking brown pucker. "How does he get it to do that?" I thought as my cockhead slid tightly but easily past Johan's well used sphincter into the warm moist channel beyond. "Ahh! 3; Now push it in all the way! Hard!" Johan cried out. I thrust my hips forward hungrily and was surprised to see my cock go in all the way. "Pump it! Pump it!" Johan called out, "Harder! Harder!" I pumped my cock in and out of his elastic teenage arse harder and faster until the sweat poured off us both and all you could hear was the slapping of my hips against his butt cheeks and the rhythmic grunting of both of us, punctuated with ever more frequent moans and whimpers of pleasure. The exquisite pleasure radiating through my body from the tip of my cock suddenly intensified as I accelerated into climax. Johan felt it coming and he cried out "Don't stop! Don't stop!" as if that were even a possibility! As I fucked him with the frenzy of a jockey riding for the finish, Johan called out "Yes! Yes! I want your cum! Gimme your cum! Gimme your cum!" Though my brain told me that this was just part of the script for a seasoned rent-boy and that he would have picked up these corny and contrived expressions from watching countless porn movies, I found it incredibly arousing and it pushed me over the top. Great shuddering waves of ecstasy shook me like a man possessed to the very tips of my toes. My ears roared and I could feel my cock spasming as it squirted what felt like thick jets of cum deep inside Johan's arse. Afterward we showered together again and got into bed but there was not much sleeping that night. Johan taught me many things that night and basically changed my life forever. In between the sex Johan became quite chatty. He told me with disarming frankness that his mom was a sex worker. "But she only does calls. She doesn't work the beach front like me," he added with a chuckle, "I can give you her number 3; seeing you swing both ways!" When I politely declined, he said "Good! I don't like to share my clients!" "Am I a client?" I asked. "Sure, I give you my cell number and when you come to Durban you give me a call!" Johan said he was sure his mother knew what he was doing to make the money that he gave her every week, but she never asked and did not seem to mind. "How can she mind when she does it herself?" said Johan. When Johan and his brother Ben had been very young she had brought most of her clients home and by the time Johan was 10 years old there was nothing that he did not know about sex. In the same year he was introduced to man sex by one of his mother's boyfriends who lived with them for a while, a 25 year old called 'Henk'. Unemployed and permanently horny, Henk turned his attention to Johan whenever his mom was out working, which was often. His mom found them at it when she came home unexpectedly one afternoon after school and threw Henk out. Johan missed Henk but soon afterward bumped into him at the swimming pools on the beach front where Henk was trying to pick up young boys. Within 10 minutes Henk was rogering Johan in a change cubicle and within an hour after that Henk had pimped Johan to two other men. Johan loved both the sex and the money and that was the start of his career as a Durban beach front rent boy. Johan's mother would not allow him to leave Ben home alone at night until Ben turned 10 years old. So for the first two years until Johan turned 12 he could only ply his rent boy trade in the afternoons after school. During the long nights waiting for his mom to come home Johan relieved his boredom by introducing Ben to boy sex. The 8 year old already knew from interested observation of his mother and her clients everything there was to know about sex between men and women. His keen interest made him a quick and ready learner when it came to learning about sex between boys. Soon Ben was also spending his afternoons hanging out at the beach front pools in his Speedo and disappearing every now and then into the change rooms for a blowjob or a hand job with some man that Henk had arranged. To Ben's disappointment Henk would not allow his youngest charge to be fucked in the arse until he turned 10. Although Johan, whose cocklet was impressive for a 10 year old, fucked him almost every night, Ben hankered for a greater challenge. So whenever Henk was not close by Ben would strip off his Speedo in the cramped change cubicle and manfully offer his young arse to be fucked, begging the client not to tell Henk. Few could resist the offer to pork that delectable little arse, especially as it was free (although many would tip Ben privately) and soon Ben built up a whole clientele of private clients who were not making their bookings through Henk. By the time Ben was 10 years old he was already an accomplished rent bottom. "Nest time you come to Durban I'll bring him with me. He's only 12 but he's the best boy fuck you will ever have next to me," he said. "I taught him!" he added proudly. The thought made me instantly hard and started another round of passionate sex with my boy lover. No sex that I had ever had, ever before, and I had only ever been with women, had ever been so utterly great. Nothing in my memory could match the incredible fucking that this 14 year old boy gave me that night. I was instantly deeply in love with him. I wanted to own him, to make him mine forever. I went a little mad. I made him wild promises. He listened to it all politely, saying nothing. He had heard it all before, of course. He knew that in the cold light of dawn reality would sink in, that I would go back to my wife and kids and he to his mom and his younger brother. I would go back to Johannesburg and my career. He would go back to his usual daily routine of school in the morning, beach in the afternoon and sex for cash at night. And that was how it was. He woke me early and I took him home, dropping him on the pavement outside a block of flats where he said he lived just off Point Road, which was Durban's red light district, being conveniently situated close to both the harbour and the beach front. Johan, and later also his brother Ben, was a magnet that drew me to Durban whenever I could get away for several years after that first encounter. But those are tales for another day.
Chapter TwoBack in Johannesburg I nursed an arsehole that was a little raw and sore for a few days. But it was an exquisite pain and one which I welcomed as a constant reminder, while it lasted, of the incomparable exhilaration of my introduction to boy sex at the hands of the young Afrikaner beach boy, Johan.I found it difficult to settle down to the daily round of work, family and social life. I was like a teenager after his first sexual experience: Johan was permanently in my thoughts, both awake and asleep, and I found myself in an almost permanent state of arousal. For the first time in many years I was having wet dreams nearly every other night. I even took to wearing underpants in a vain attempt to hide the untimely erections of my suddenly unruly cock and to absorb its embarrassingly constant dribblings. I even found myself being tormented by feelings toward my 13 year old son that I had never experienced before. Or perhaps more accurately (as I came to realize) they were feelings that I had never acknowledged before. I can vividly remember to this day one particular wet dream that played itself out a few times in that period. The dream always started with my son creeping into my bed in the early hours of the morning, as he used to do every day up until he was about 5 or 6 years old. He would be naked, but that was not unusual, since my sons and I have always slept naked, summer and winter. And it always ended with his warm mouth clamped around the head of my cock and an explosion of wet and slithery cum over me and the sheets. These dreams were deeply disturbing to me at the time and began to interfere with my relationship with my son. I found myself avoiding the affectionate hugs, loving physical contact and especially the rough and tumble couch and carpet wrestling that had always characterized our relationship until then. Dirk noticed the change and was clearly puzzled by it although I think he put it down to my being in an extended bad mood at the time. When my wife told me that Dirk had complained that I was very 'nors' these days and wanted to know if everything was alright at work I realised that I had to pull myself together before I would lose it completely. By sheer concentration and the exercise of will I was able to gradually shut Johan and my electrifying Durban experience out of my mind and focus on getting my life together again. After about a month or so I felt that things had returned to 'normality', although I was no longer quite so sure what that was. Then one chilly Highveld day in late autumn my boss called me to his office and told me that I had to go to Durban for an urgent meeting with a customer over a deal that was threatening to go belly up. The news sent my emotions into an instant spin. Wild elation at the prospect of seeing Johan again quarreled violently with the mental barriers, walls and compartments that I had so resolutely been building up around those emotions during the last couple of months. "Uh 3; Why can't Fred go?" I heard myself asking, one part of me wanting to kick myself for saying it, "Because Fred is the poephol who made the bugger-up up in the first place!" he replied, "The customer never wants to see him again!" As there seemed to be no alternative, it was arranged that I would fly to Durban that afternoon and meet with the customer the next morning. I was to spend a few days at his factory sorting out the problem. "Don't come back until you've got this order back on track!" my boss ordered. I realised suddenly that I was thrilled to be going. First, it was an opportunity to escape from the icy clutches of the Highveld in Autumn to the balmy tropical weather of the Natal coast where holidaymakers swim in the sea even at the height of winter. And the thought of meeting up with Johan again had me feeling like a child on the night before Christmas. I pondered briefly on how easy it was for me, apparently, to abandon my resolve and my principles when presented with a real opportunity to indulge my fantasies. Then I salved my conscience by telling myself that this time what happened in Durban would stay in Durban. I would not bring it home with me. Before I even left the office I called Johan on the phone number he had entered on my mobile phone when I last saw him. "I put it under 'Pielseun','' he had said, chuckling at his joke. Later I changed it to 'Johan' in case Dirk, who was forever playing with my phone, should find it and ask awkward questions. "Hey Jonny, how goes it!" Johan's husky boy's voice answered, abbreviating my name, Jonathan, to Jonny with easy familiarity. I could scarcely contain my delight, even as I thought, Shit, the kid's got my number in his phonebook! It took less than a minute to arrange a meeting for that night. I did not yet know which hotel I would be staying at, so I made an arrangement to pick Johan up outside the Wimpy next to the Aquarium on the beach front. "Okay, we'll see you there at 8. We're staying the night, right?" said Johan "Uh 3; who's 'we'?" I asked, puzzled Johan chuckled, "Me 'n my boetie, man, did you forget about Ben already?" "I don't know that I'm ready for that yet, Johan!" I said, hesitantly, remembering that Ben was just 12 years old. "Well, he can't go home tonight so he has to be with me!" "Why can't he go home?" "Mom's busy," was the cryptic reply. I waited but Johan did not volunteer anything more. I knew that his mother was a 'sex worker' as Johan called it and I left it there. "Is it okay?" Johan asked after a moment. While I hesitated still he said "Ag please, Jonny, please can Ben come too? Otherwise I dunno what to do with him. He'll be real good, I promise. You don't have to do anything with him if you don't want. He'll just watch TV while we're busy." "Well that could be all night!" I replied. "So get a room with two beds!" After a long pause in which it dawned on me that if I refused I may not see Johan either I eventually said "Oh okay, bring Ben along." "Thanks, Jonny, you won't be sorry. And you'll get us both for the same price!" "No 3; I meant 3; Oh never mind 3; I'll see you tonight outside the Wimpy." The flight to Durban from Johannesburg is little over an hour long, but the traffic getting to and from the airports at each end adds another two hours to the trip, so that it was dark by the time I reached my hotel on the beach front. I first took a shower and then had dinner in the hotel dining room before taking a barefoot walk along the beach. At about 7 thirty I spotted the Wimpy in the distance where I was due to pick up Johan and Ben at 8. I decided that I might as well walk there to fetch the boys. I thought it would look less suspicious for the three of us to walk back to the hotel together along the beach front like any other dad and his sons on holiday. I got to the Wimpy at about 7 forty five. I spotted Johan at once, even though he had shaved his shaggy blonde thatch into a short bristled buzz cut that made him look younger yet incongruously tougher, like a marine in boot camp. He was sitting on the low wall separating the beach from the promenade. He had a wide grin on his face as he watched the antics of a smaller boy on the promenade and did not notice me. I stood and watched him for a while, savouring the sheer magnetism of his golden tanned and exceptionally muscular young body. He was barefoot and shirtless as usual and wore his trademark oversize dungarees with the one strap hanging down and the buttons on either side of his waist casually undone to reveal smooth tanned skin and the hint of a dimple half way down his buttocks. There were two small well-used rucksacks at his feet and one broad brown foot rested easily on one of the bags The boy he was watching was younger, with a slimmer, more wiry build, but otherwise looked like a younger version of Johan. He was nicely muscled although he lacked Johan's brawniness. He had blonde hair that stood up on top and was closely shaved back and sides. His smooth skin was tanned a deep mahogany and, like his older brother, contrasted startlingly with his bright blue eyes. The younger boy was also barefoot and shirtless, like most boys on the Durban beach front would be, and he wore only a pair of faded, rather threadbare, denim shorts that were a touch too small for him. He was walking about with great ease on his hands, occasionally dancing a little jig in time to the music blaring out from the Wimpy for the amusement of the passersby. He had the same appealing kind of unkempt roughness that Johan had: A feral quality that hinted at danger and excitement and made them somehow irresistible, a highly saleable quality in their line of work, I suppose. Some people threw money on the ground and the boy would balance on one hand over the money and with his free hand pick it up and toss it to Johan, who would catch it deftly and slip it into his pocket. As I watched, Johan mistimed a catch and instead of closing his fist around the coin, accidentally hit it away from him. It flew through the air in my direction, hit the paving and slithered to my feet. As Johan jumped up to fetch it our eyes met and he suddenly recognized me. His eyes lit up instantly and he called out "Hey, Jonny!" as he rushed across to give me a bear hug. "Hey, Johan," I replied as I hugged back, rubbing my hand through the bristled blonde hair on the top of his head and enjoying the feel of his hard muscled young body against mine and under my hands. Seeing us together, the other boy dropped his feet to the ground, stood up and came over. He stood back a little shyly but with a big grin of welcome on his face and held out a hard and grubby paw. "I'm Ben," he said simply. I gripped his hand. "I'm Jonathan," I said. "I can see you're Johan's brother," I added. "Well, we only have our Mom's word for that!" joked Johan. I laughed. "Okay, if you say so," I said, "Are you ready to go?" "Sure, where's your car?" "I left it at the hotel. I thought we'd walk." Johan and Ben both screwed up their faces in momentary disappointment. "Okay, sorry guys, I made a mistake. Next time I'll bring the car," I said "It's no problem," said Johan, "Walking is cool." "NOT!" added Ben with a grin. "No, it's okay 3; Really!" And so we set off down the promenade toward the hotel. The boys were excited, which surprised me really (spending the night with a client could hardly be a new adventure for them) and they chattered animatedly in between running on ahead and then back again, racing each other from lamp post to lamp post and generally being just noisy and boisterous boys. As we went down the promenade I told the boys my plan of marching through the foyer as dad and sons, but they baulked when they saw which hotel it was. "They know us here," said Johan, wrinkling his nose and curling his lip impishly, "They'll chuck us out and you too!" "Ja!" said Ben, "Like when we went there with that German ou! That was a fokop!" "Ja!" agreed Johan with a chuckle. So I gave them the room number and they went around the back through the parking garage, where they were friendly with the attendant, and then up a service lift. When I got to my room they were waiting for me in the passage with beaming faces. The younger one, Ben, was already quite unabashedly fingering an obvious erection through the threadbare cloth of his too tight denim shorts. I opened the door and they pushed in ahead of me, peeling off their pants literally as they went through the door. I caught a flash of two perfectly formed golden brown bums as they moved through the light of the table lamp and I noticed that each bore several angry purple horizontal stripes across them. Ben dashed to switch on the TV and then both of them jumped up onto the beds, sitting with legs folded under them while Johan flicked through the channels until he came to the gay porn channel. He grinned up at me; "I remembered this hotel's got porn channels. Can we watch a bit?" "Sure," I replied, "But just tell me something first." They looked at me quizzically and slightly anxiously. "Who gave you boys those stripes on your arses?" "Ag it's nothing," said Johan, looking relieved that that was all I wanted to know. "But I want to know!" I said After a pause Johan said "Ag, it was Henk. You know? I told you about him! The guy who pimps us?" "Yes?" "Well, he wanted Ben and me to do a job for him tonight and we told him no, we're busy." "So you both took a whipping to be with me tonight?" "We're boertjies, we can take it'!" Johan laughed, "We're not pap like you English okes!" "What did he hit you with?" "He's got this lekker, like, cane, with silver on top that he always carries," Ben offered, sitting up and twisting around so I could see the livid welts across his buttocks. "But 3; he doesn't own you! He can't just hit you guys because you don't want to do a job for him." Johan looked at me pityingly. "Ja Jonny, in your world maybe. You don't know anything about our world, man! Henk beats all his boys. He can beat us anytime he wants. What am I gonna do? Go to the cops? What am I gonna tell them? He beat me because my arse was too sore to take another client's big dick up it? They will laugh at me, man! And if that bastard Sergeant Scholtz is on duty he would cane me and fuck me himself, like he done before!" "Okay, okay!" I said, "I'm just upset you had to take a beating for me." "Don't worry about it, really. We're pretty tough, you know, and we're used to it. And Henk is not so bad. He always hugs us after he beats us and says he's sorry he has to do it or we will think he's gone soft and can do what we like. And today he even fucked us both afterward to let us know he forgave us!" In any other circumstance I might have been angry with Henk but instead I felt strangely aroused. Johan noticed and eyed my crotch with a grin. "Hey, I saw your cock go hard there! You can also whip me just now if it makes you jags!" "No, it doesn't!" I protested, realizing as I said it that I was lying. "Ja, right!" said Johan. "Jislaaik!" said Ben, fingering his own erect cocklet as he watched someone's gigantic dick pumping in and out of a young guy's arse on the TV screen, "Check that ou's moerse tril." "Ja, it's moers," agreed Johan, his own cock lengthening rapidly like a filling hosepipe where it lay between his beefy thighs. I watched the two tanned and beautifully made boys as they gazed enthralled at the sex play on the TV screen as if it was new to them. Once again I marveled at Johan's complete lack of body hair. At the age of 14 most boys have developed a respectable bush of pubic hair. Apart from the lightest dusting of soft golden down here and there Johan had the smooth and hairless skin of a ten year old. He had told me the last time we met that it was something he and his brother had inherited from their father. And it was obvious that his 12 year old brother was equally hairless. My own cock was by now hard and erect and tenting my shorts. Johan suddenly looked up at me, grinned and patted the bed next to him, inclining his head in invitation. "Take your clothes off and get comfortable," he said, as if he owned the place and I was his guest. I quickly pushed my shorts to the floor and stepped out of them, at the same time pulling my shirt over my head and dropping it on my shorts before jumping on the bed. I lay back against the pillows with my legs stretched out. As I lay there I reached out to stroke the leathery road blackened soles of Johan's big broad feet where they stuck out beneath the firm brown globes of his buttocks. Johan twisted around to give me a smile; and the way his back and shoulder muscles bunched when he did so sent a quiver through my cock. He turned back to watch the porn movie but at the same time casually wrapped his strong young fist around my shaft and almost absently began to stroke and play with it. After a while I moved my hand up to stroke his muscled brown back, running my fingers down in long feather strokes from the smooth shaved back of his neck, over the long bulging muscles on either side of his spine down into the deep cleft at the top of his buttocks. Johan practically purred with pleasure as I did this and the smooth skin of his back positively quivered with gooseflesh wherever my fingers touched him. I looked across at Ben on the other bed. He was also now lying back against the pillows with his legs stretched out, his hard brown feet crossed, and watching the porn movie with slack mouthed raptness as he fingered the tip of his rock hard little cock with steadily increasing rapidity. "Slow down, Ben, you got the whole night still!" Johan addressed his brother sharply. Ben started as if woken from a daydream and gave Johan and me a sheepish grin. "Sorry," he said and at once laid the palms of his hands flat on the bed on either side of him as he went back to watching the movie with his cocklet bobbing up and down against the hard fatless ridges of his belly muscles in time with what must have been a thumping heart beat. Now Johan leaned forward, supporting his upper body on his elbows, raising his beautiful round arse in the air and spreading his knees apart in mute invitation to me to finger his now exposed and flexing anus even as he continued to watch the porn movie. I caught an intoxicating whiff of Johan's teen boy smell and I moved closer to him to breathe more deeply of it. His beach boy fragrance of adolescent sweat, salt, sun, sea and sand mingled excitingly with the stronger musk of male sex. The tiny globules of rubbery cum still clinging to the soft downy hairs of his lower back and the creamy moistness of his butt crack testified to a busy afternoon in the beach front washrooms. Instead of being repelled by the detritus of Johan's washroom sex I was strangely excited by it. I greased my long middle finger in the mix of cum and vaseline lining the valley floor between Johan's firm round buttocks crack and slowly slid it into his warm and inviting hole. A glob of cum dribbled out beneath my finger as I drew it back. "Jeez!" I exclaimed, "You're bung full of cum here! Must have been a busy afternoon!" "Ja," Johan replied matter-of-factly, "It was Henk's clients. I finished just before you came. Musta been a whole mini-bus of Dutch guys. College swim team. Fuck, they was big okes, hey! I thought some of them was gonna split my arse open!" "And me, too!" piped up Ben, "I hadda help!" He held up a hand with his thumb folded onto the palm: "I took four of them in my arse. Four, hey! One after the other: Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!" "Ja!" laughed Johan, "Ben was cool! You could see he was sore from those moerse big fucken Dutch cocks in his arse, but he kept saying, like: "Okay, Kaaskop, you next!" Ben beamed with pride at this praise from his brother and started fisting his cocklet again until Johan spoke sharply once more: "Ben! I told you!" Again Ben said "Sorry," and put his hands palm down on the bed, shutting his eyes to the sexual stimulation surrounding him in an effort to stay the climax that his throbbing cocklet was threatening. Continuing to pump my finger in and out of Johan's slippery anus I said to him, "Why musn't Ben cum? He can have a bit of fun too, can't he?" "Ben doesn't really cum, he just has dry throbs," Johan replied between sighs of pleasure at the finger fucking I was giving him, "It's just that he must keep his energy for you Ben looked sideways at us, "Ag I do make a little bit of spunk!" he said. I was about to protest that I had already told Johan that I was not ready to have sex with a twelve year old but the protest died in my throat as I looked across at Ben and realised that I was in fact more than ready to have sex with him. So I said nothing and carried on finger fucking Johan, adding a second finger and then a third without any sign of discomfort from Johan. At the same time I took Johan's by now fully erected cock in my other hand and slowly slid my fist up and down its hard thick shaft. Soon Johan was grunting with pleasure and his cock was dribbling a steady stream of silvery precum onto the bedcover. Suddenly he twisted away from me and called out, "Stop! Stop! I don't wanna cum yet!" I lay back on the bed as, still on all fours; Johan turned around and crept up between my legs, pushing them apart as he advanced. He took my straining cock in his fingers and lifted it up to his lips from where it was bobbing against my belly. He stuck out a long pink tongue and licked around my bulging cockhead to take up the precum that was practically bubbling out at that point. Then he took the whole of my cockhead, purple with engorged blood and swollen to the size of a small apple, into his wide warm mouth, his bright blue eyes catching my eyes and twinkling at me as he did so. His supple lips and strong tongue worked an electric magic on my cock that had me gasping in seconds, my vision a blur and every muscle in my body taut and quivering as I surrendered myself to his power. Just as I thought my cock was going to explode Johan opened his mouth and released me from its mesmeric thrall. "Open your legs more and lift your knees up to your shoulders like I showed you last time!" he ordered as he scooped up his precum, spat on his palm and lubed up his boner with the mix, "I'm gonna fuck you now!" I lifted my legs as Johan wanted. "Ben, come hold Jonny's legs back for him!" he ordered his younger brother. Eager to get involved, Ben scrambled off the other bed and took up a position straddling my head with his knees touching my ears. I had to wriggle down off the pillows so he could fit in at the top of the bed. He took hold of my ankles in his hard strong paws and pulled them back and apart so that my arse lifted and my hole was exposed to Johan's entry. Johan pulled the pillows out from under my head and shoved them under my buttocks to lift them a bit higher. Looking upward my vision was channeled between Ben's strong smooth thighs to the pink pucker of his anus beckoning between the spread apart mounds of his firmly rounded young buttocks. A few inches above my nose the hairless brown orbs of his pre-teen testicles were pulled up tight against the base of his hard and swollen cocklet. His fleshy little dick, too young to ooze precum, was so hard and erect that it twitched as it pressed against the hard brown bulges of his belly muscles. Then I felt Johan's cockhead pressing against my anus as he leaned forward, supporting his upper body with one fist pressed against the bed and aiming his shaft with the other. "Make it loose!" he said to me between his grunts of effort, "Did you forget how, already?" I concentrated hard on relaxing my anus for him. "Jislaaik! It feels just as tight as last time, man! Didn't you get fucked since then?" "No," I moaned through my teeth, gritted against the pain of his assault, "You were the last." "Ag shame, man, I'm gonna hurt you now!" was his reply, unsympathetic despite the words. Finally Johan gained entry and I could feel his hard thick cock slide all the way into me, filling me in that exquisitely painful yet warmly satisfying feeling that I remembered from the last time this 14 year old boy had fucked me and that I suddenly realised I had been yearning for ever since. I gasped in pain at first as Johan pushed his cock in and out of me with the unsubtle vigour and roughness one would expect of a young teenage boy. After a while, however, the pain subsided and was replaced by intense feelings of pleasure as Johan gradually accelerated his thrusting until he was pumping into me like a piston, grunting like a wild animal, his mouth open, his tongue hanging out, his eyes glazed and his body covered in a sheen of sweat. As the muscular young teenager banged away at my arse I slid a hand around the back of his brother's smooth muscled thigh and explored his elastic pre-teen anus with my middle finger. Like Johan, Ben's hole was also still liberally lubricated with a mix of Vaseline and cum from the four members of the Dutch swimming team that he had taken up his arse barely an hour before. My finger slid easily into his well used and well oiled channel and he began to rise up and down slightly above my face as I pumped first one and then two and then three fingers into him, feeling his sphincter ring give way willingly as I stretched my fore and middle fingers apart to make way for the third. "Haai, oom dis lekker!" Ben called out and then he began to croon with pleasure. After a while Ben dropped down over me, supporting his upper body with his left hand pressed against the bed, wrapping his little boy fingers around my thick cock as far as they would go and lifting it to the vertical before sucking my swollen purple cockhead into his mouth. His smooth young balls rested against my lips and my nose and his hard cocklet pressed against my chin. I started licking and sucking at his balls, exhilarated by their own musk and sea salt taste. While still fingerfucking him with my one hand I used my other hand to prize his rock hard little dick away from where it was pressed against his sweaty brown belly and pull it downward into my mouth, sliding back the big loose bag of his velvety soft foreskin with my lips. As my tongue slid over his walnut sized dick head I tasted the sharp tang of unwashed boy cock. Once again something that would normally have disgusted me now just heightened my excitement. While Ben's tongue darted around my cockhead and Johan's thick meat pumped away at my arse I sucked Ben's hard little shaft all the way into my mouth until his balls rested against my lips. Ben, his mouth filled with my own cock, gave a muffled squeal of pleasure. Automatically, he started humping my mouth. He humped faster and harder. It felt like he was trying to shove his cock down my throat. Suddenly he stopped thrusting and sucking my cock. I felt his body stiffen above me as his cock started spasming rapidly in my mouth. I felt a smidgen of salty cum spurt onto my tongue as Ben shuddered and moaned with ecstasy. Just then Johan started moving rapidly to climax, pumping harder and faster, expelling his breath in short grunting jerks in time with his thrusting, his smooth golden brown body shiny with sweat, his bulging ab and pec muscles bunching and rippling with the effort until he too came to a juddering halt, bellowing his pleasure as his cock went into spasm, squirting out its great jets of hot cum deep inside me. As Johan pulled out of me, Ben released my cock from his mouth and moved forward over me to straddle my midriff with his back to me, his broad brown feet planted sturdily on the bed either side of my hips. Johan held my straining cock erect as Ben lowered himself onto it. I was amazed at how smoothly my dick entered his elastic hole and slid into his tube, even though it looked as if it was stretching his sphincter to breaking point. Johan scooted on his knees around to my side and bent over my belly to watch closely as his younger brother's bum hole slid down onto my thick shaft. Halfway down Ben stopped moving for a short while and I could actually feel his ring flexing against my cock as he prepared to take more of me inside him. Johan looked back at me and grinned. "You feel that? Lekker, hey? I told you Ben was good! I trained him, you know!" I could not trust myself to reply. The sensations I was experiencing were incredible. A moment later Ben slid all the way down my shaft until his hard round buttocks touched my groin. Again he waited for a while, breathing hard as he got used to having me inside him. As he did so he went down onto his knees, sliding first one foot and then the other backwards, rocking from side to side on my cock and generating the most exquisite spasms of pleasure in the tip of my cock. I reached out and gripped his strong hard feet, loving the rough leathery feel of his dirty, thick-skinned soles under my palms. With his hands on his hips, Ben started raising and lowering his body up and down my cock, slowly at first and then gradually faster and faster, the muscles of his buttocks and back knotting and writhing spectacularly under his glistening brown skin as he expertly massaged my dick into a high state of electrifying pleasure. Every now and then he would twist around and grin at me, beaming with pride and pleasure in the knowledge that he was good at his work. Then suddenly the rapidly intensifying pleasure in the tip of my cock mushroomed into an explosion of ecstasy that arched my whole body into a quivering bow, lifting Ben off the bed as I thrust into him repeatedly, loosing bolt after bolt of thick hot cum deep inside his channel. Once again I had been transported by a boy, a young pre-teen boy, to a plane of sheer ecstasy that no woman had ever taken me to. Briefly sated for the moment, the three of us lay on the bed together, myself in the middle and Ben and Johan on either side of me. We chatted and they told me more about their lives. "Tell me about what happened with Sergeant Scholtz," I said to Johan eventually, intrigued and not a little aroused by what he had let slip earlier. Johan looked at me suspiciously "What you want to know for?" he asked, "You not gonna go cause shit there, are you?" "No, man!" I replied, "It just makes me jags to hear about it!" "Oh. Okay," he said "Well 3; nothing much to tell 3; I got cross with Henk one day 'cause he beat me when I didn't want to go to this big party at this rich Charrah's place to give bum to his friends and clients. They call him the Rajah and his place is called the Rajah's Palace. It's like a club – like a big fucken mansion on a private beach near Sheffield where okes can sleep over. Anyway, so 3; I went to the cop shop to report him. Only I came across Sergeant Scholtz. Turns out Henk is his big mate. So he calls Henk on the phone. When Henk comes they take me into this concrete room deep in the basement and then have turns whipping my arse with those long thick canes they got." Johan shuddered at the memory. "Jissie, that was sore. After the first few jacks I was yelling «Okay, Okay, I'll go!» but Sergeant Scholtz kept on hitting me until I was screaming like a girl!" "When they got tired of hearing me scream Sergeant Scholtz fucked my arse real hard with his gigantic fucken piel while Henk watched. Then Henk had a turn while Sergeant Scholtz watched – but that wasn't so bad 'cos Henk is not so big." "Of course I went to that party. And you know what? After I got there with Henk Sergeant Scholtz also came. Turns out he's big buddies with the Rajah too!" he chuckled. "Really?" I said, my cock already hardening unbidden at Johan's story. "Ja," said Johan, "And know what else? That party went on the whole weekend. I never made so much money before, although I couldn't hardly walk for a few days afterward! I was glad Henk and the Sergeant beat me and made me go." "I also go now," Ben piped up proudly, "We make the most money at those parties." "Ja, we go often now. We're going this weekend. You should come too." added Johan, "I can score you an invite if you want. I got for other clients before. And I get commission from the Rajah if you come. You'll like it. It's great! There's lotsa boys there. Some older than me. Some younger than Ben even. It's like 3; like just fucking and sucking in your face the whole weekend! But you gotta bring plenty cash!" "How does it work?" I asked "You book in like at a hotel. You can stay one night or the whole weekend or even longer, if you like." "And what happens there?" I asked "Lots of things. Anything you like. You can order 'room service' from the boy menu. You can visit the 'theme areas' where you can be a Roman emperor fucking your boy slave or a ship's captain fucking your cabin boy and stuff like that." "And what do you and Ben do?" "We do the surfer boy thing on the beach. You know, 'cos we got the muscles and the tan and we swim good!" "What does that involve?" "We hang around and swim kaalgat on the beach until guys come and then we play with them in the sea or on the sand or in the pool they got there until they ready to fuck." "So that's where you get the all over tan?" "Ja." I saw that Johan and Ben were both hardening again at the memory of their beach front orgies. I took a cock in each hand and started stroking them. "Well, boys, I don't know if I "m ready for that yet, but I see you're ready to play some more now." My two beautiful young Afrikaner boys were insatiable that night and somehow I seemed to draw from their inexhaustible store of energy too. We had sex again and again and when I was too tired the pair of them would take turns fucking each other, as much for their own pleasure as mine. It was past midnight when we finally settled down to sleep, cuddled together on the one bed, and I slept the deepest, most peaceful, sleep that I had slept in a long time. Durban schools were on holiday that week, so the boys did not have to hurry back home in the morning (although I got the impression that they were frequent truants and that it would not have bothered them unduly to miss school if it suited them). So, after getting them washed and showered I treated them to a big breakfast at the Wimpy. Then they left me and wandered off down the beachfront. I watched them go, blonde, tanned and shirtless, their leathery bare feet padding on the walkway and their beach bags on their muscled brown backs. They looked like any of the many other young boys heading for a day of surf and sun on the fine white sands of Durban's beachfront. It struck me that no one who saw them would ever dream that these two young boys would spend much of the day getting their kicks (and a good amount of cash) from having grown men's cocks rammed up their arses and down their throats. It made me glance at some of the other young beach boys passing by and wonder how many of them would also be happy to take a cock up their arses for a few bucks in between swims. I felt a stirring in my shorts as I thought of this and in a brief moment of madness wanted to run after Johan and Ben and drag them off to the nearest washhouse for a fuck. Then I got hold of myself, telling myself to be patient and wait for tonight. The boys had agreed to be with me each night of my stay, except Friday through Sunday night, when they were booked for another weekend orgy at the "Rajah's Palace". They begged me to come, promising they could get me an invitation, but it sounded to me too much like a flirtation with the crime underworld of Durban, so I said I would think about it and let them know by Thursday night. So I went back to my hotel to change for my work appointment at the factory later that morning. I have to confess, though, that my concentration that day was not what it should have been as I daydreamed constantly about the sex I would enjoy that night with the two boys.
No matter how hard I tried, I could not get them out of my mind and I spent the day hiding unruly teenager type erections or wanking them off in the bathroom as images of their blonde hair, muscled bodies, smooth tanned skin, hard cocks and firm round arses chased each other round my thoughts like a slide show on crack. At lunchtime, unable to stand it any longer, I managed to get away on some pretext and I rushed back to my hotel to change into shorts, T-shirt and slops before heading for the Durban beach front area. I was not long before I found Ben. Actually, it was he who found me. I was hanging about in the vicinity of the public pool change house, which the boys had told me was their usual beat, when I heard Ben calling: "Hey Jonny! Howzit man?" I turned to see the 12 year old waving at me as he emerged from the pool where he had evidently been taking a dip. Barefoot and shirtless as always, he was wearing a pair of old rugby shorts that seemed a couple of sizes too small, hugging his buttocks closely and looking like he had a live rat stuffed down the front of them. Ben rushed over and flung his arms round my waist. I rubbed a hand through his wet blonde bristles and hugged him back. My belly lurched as his luminescent blue eyes looked up at me and his broad face split in a wide-mouthed grin. "Coulden wait huh?" Ben shot out, cheekily. I felt my cheeks redden but "You know then!" I replied. Ben grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the direction of the change house. I pulled back instinctively, knowing what he had in mind, and glanced about guiltily to see who might be looking on, thinking that I would rather we went to the privacy and safety of my hotel room. "Come!" said Ben, "Come!" as he kept pulling at my hand. Then I glanced at Ben's lithely muscled body, wide full mouth, sparkling eyes and bulging shorts and that overcame all my reservations. With the blood pounding in my temples I allowed the eager young rent boy to lead me to his lair. The change house lights were switched off, or not working, and the white tiled walls struggled to disperse the cool gloominess of the unlit interior. Ben's leathery bare feet padded softly over the grey tiled floor just ahead of me. His warm moist hand still held onto mine with a strong grip, as if afraid I might make a dash for it. The air inside the building pressed thickly into my nostrils: The ammoniac smell of cleaning fluid mingled with the sea and sand salt smell of the beach and the faint wafts of urine and sweat that characterise public bathrooms everywhere. Ben stopped in front of a metal locker. He produced a key from somewhere and teased open an old brass padlock. Inside was a scruffy beach bag which he yanked out. Snapping the padlock shut he swivelled on a hard bare heel and grabbed my hand again, leading me to one of the change cubicles. There was a strong smell of dagga [cannabis] smoke in the locker room. It came from two fuzzy-eyed young boys sitting on the floor with their backs to the wall, sucking at a joint that they passed from one to the other. One wore a threadbare towel around his waist and the other was naked. Both had a shock of sandy sun-bleached hair that looked like it had not sampled shampoo for a month. Both had the same wary, appraising, hungry, feral look that Ben and his brother wore like a badge of their profession and I realised that these were Durban rent boys too. The naked one winked at Ben and gave me a sardonic thumbs-up sign. "Jeez, you busy today, Ben!" "So would you be if you got out and hustled instead of sitting here smoking weed all day!" Ben retorted, "Henk's gonna whip your asses today." The other looked me up and down and, while holding my eye, spread his legs and deliberately rubbed the palm of his hand up and down his bulging crotch. Ben showed the boy his middle finger as we passed. "Fuck off Kris! Go find your own!" he said amiably, peeling off his wet shorts even before we entered the change cubicle. Once inside, Ben closed the door and turned to face me in the small space, his impressive young cocklet already ramrod stiff and rubbing against his smooth flat belly. "You still dressed? Jeez, you're slow!" he said with a grin, "It's gotta be quick in and out here!". He reached out both hands, inserted a thumb into each side of my waistband and slid my shorts to the floor in one smooth movement. As usual, I was not wearing underpants and Ben purred his approval. As I pulled off my T shirt he closed hard strong fingers around my rapidly erecting cock and started wanking me vigorously, the pink tip of his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth as he concentrated hard on the job in hand. Ben quickly had me rock hard and grunting my pleasure. Every now and then he would dart a pink tongue at my cock head to catch the precum that was dribbling out copiously. Soon I felt his wide warm lips slip over my swollen purple head and suck my cock deep into its warm moistness. After sliding slowly up and down the whole length of my shaft a few times he gripped the shaft in his hand and pumped at it while vigorously working his supple lips and strong tongue all over and around my cock head. Just as I thought the rapidly swelling ecstasy of pleasure would blow the top of my head off, Ben let me go and turned to fish in his beach bag for a tube of lube. As he did so he bent down in front of me with his legs apart and presented his arse to me. "Take my butt plug out!" he said to me. I saw what looked like a red plastic disc flat against his anus. I reached out and touched it gingerly. "Just grab it and pull!" said Ben. I worked my fingers around and under the disc and pulled against it. It was stuck firmly and my fingers slid off. "No, grip it tighter and pull harder!" ordered Ben. "What you got this thing in there for?" I asked. "I smaak [like] the feeling," Ben explained, "And Johan says it helps stretch my hole more, "cause it's still a bit tight for the okes with big trils, like you" "I thought you were walking a bit like you had a carrot up your arse," I laughed, "Now I know why!" "Sure," Ben chuckled, "But get it out now, or must I do it?" I took a firm hold of the plastic disk and pulled hard against it. Slowly the butt plug lifted out of Ben's arse, making soft sucking noises as it did so. I looked under the disk and was amazed at how thick the shaft of the plug was. It got stuck briefly and I tugged a bit harder. Ben grunted softly and I saw the muscles of his back and buttocks tighten. I saw that the plug's thick shaft was widening yet further, looking like it was stretching Ben's 12 year old bum hole to breaking point. Then suddenly it pulled free and Ben sighed his relief from the momentary pain. I saw that the plug had a bulb in its shaft and I realised that it must be intended to prevent it being accidentally ejected from Ben's arse. I inspected the plug with my nose screwed up a bit. "Don't worry!" Ben chuckled, "It's clean!" He held up a plastic squirt bottle with a long nozzle and squirted out a jet of soapy water. "I keep my channel clean, you see?" I put the bulbous red butt plug down on the slatted wooden bench. Ben spread his sturdy legs wide apart and offered me his arse, his hole flexed open about a finger width. He twisted his head round to grin at me. "So what you waiting for, Jonny, put it in!" Hurriedly slathering some of Ben's lube on my cock, I put one hand palm down on the smooth tanned skin of his young back while I guided the bulging purple head of my rock hard cock to push against the beckoning lips of his hole. Despite the stretching effect of the butt plug Ben's young ring was a still a bit of a tight fit for my swollen shaft and entry was slow as it widened steadily. The effort for Ben was evident from his low sighs, the tightening of his back muscles under my hand, and the way he would suddenly push up onto his toes, as if trying to evade the onslaught. As I pushed myself deeper into him his arse ring actually pulsed a few times, squeezing and releasing my cock and inducing an incredible wave of pleasure as it did so. Ben heard my grunt of surprised delight and chortled. "Ya like that, huh, Jonny?" "It's great!" I breathed. "Learned it 3; from this Chinese 3; trawler guy 3; at the 3; Seaman's Club," Ben panted as he tried to do it again. "Aaah," he moaned, "Sorry 3; Can't 3; do it for 3; long 3; yet 3; Gotta practice 3; more 3;" Finally I was all the way inside Ben. I paused to let him adjust but Ben reached behind and patted my thigh with his hard little hand. "Moenie wag nie, Oom! Naai my! Naai my!" he said, lapsing into Afrikaans. [Don't wait, Uncle! Fuck me! Fuck me!] Needing no further encouragement I quickly pulled out until I could feel my swollen head pull up against his arse ring. Then I took a grip of his shoulders before thrusting my cock hard all the way back inside the warm softness of his channel. Ben's muscles knotted up under my hands and he groaned in pain even as he grunted out through clenched teeth, "Gaan aan! Gaan aan!" [Go on! Go on!] I could not have stopped myself even if he had begged me to and in very short order I was pumping his sweet young arse hard and fast. In minutes Ben's moans of pain had turned to a soft crooning of pleasure. For a long while there was just the sound of flesh slapping on flesh and Ben's and my grunting as my thick cock pistoned in and out of Ben's delicious fuck tube. Perspiration poured off both of us as the intensity of feeling in the tip of my cock swelled and grew. As I felt myself rushing to climax, I had a sudden urge to see my cum splatter over the smooth tanned skin of Ben's back, so I withdrew and started pumping the tip of my cock with my hand. Ben twisted around to look at me pleadingly: "No! No! Cum inside me," he begged. Quickly I pushed my straining cock back into Ben and lay forward over his strong young back as the tip of my cock exploded in exquisite waves of ecstasy that billowed through my whole body. No sooner had my cock stopped pulsing inside him when Ben pulled himself off it, turned around and took its shaft into his wide mouth, sucking and licking up and down its length to clean off what remained of my cum. "There, you're done!" he announced shortly and stood up. I reached a hand down to his still stiff and bobbing cock but he brushed it away. "Hey, not now, Jonny, I gotta go work some more. You can do me tonight!" Ben lifted his one foot onto the bench and squatted down slightly as he deftly inserted the butt plug back into his arse. Some of my cum dribbled down the inside of his thigh as he did so. Then he scooped up his shorts and his beach bag from the floor before pulling open the cubicle door. "See ya later, Jonny!" he called over his shoulder as he headed out the change room. "Hey, what about your money?" I called after him, fumbling for my wallet in my clothes. "On the house, Jonny!" he called back with a wave of his hand as he disappeared around the corner. The other two rent boys were still hanging about in the change room. Both were naked now, their bodies wet from the shower they had just taken. Their faces brightened on hearing my last interchange with Ben. "Hey mister," said the one Ben had called Kris, "You c'n have Adi and me both for what you were gonna pay Ben!" I looked over the two boys. They were older than Ben, about fourteen or fifteen. Although they were not as well muscled as the young Afrikaner, there was something in the hard wiriness of their lean brown bodies that stirred my gut. Like any rent boys worth their salt, their teenage cocks were long and their balls were large. Still I hesitated. Adi grinned suddenly. "Aw c'mon, mister," he said, pointing at my slowly elongating cock, "You know you want to!" I had to grin back. "Okay, get in here, you two! You better be worth it!" "Don't worry, mister, we'll give you a real good time!" said Kris as he came up to me and closed his fingers around my cock. Jonathan with Pedro (13yo) and Zak (16yo) The stories that Johan and Ben had told me about the delights of the 'Rajah's Palace' grabbed hold of my imagination as my time in Durban went by. It came to a head on the Thursday night when Johan told me that they could not be with me again until the following Tuesday as their pimp, Henk, had hired them out to the Rajah's Palace for the whole long weekend. As I was going back to Johannesburg on the Sunday, this meant that I would not see the sexy pair until I next came to Durban and who knew when that would be? My still unsated lust for the blond, tanned, barefoot brothers overcame my extreme reluctance to expose myself to the risks of patronising an illegal establishment run by a kingpin of Durban's underworld, and I reminded Johan about his offer to secure an invite. His eyes lit up: "Will you really come? Yissie, man, that's kif! [Jeez, man that's cool]." He reached over me to punch his younger brother on the thigh: "Hey Ben, you hear that? Jonny is coming to check us out at the Palace!" Ben just grunted, his glazed eyes riveted upon the porn channel action on the hotel room TV as he fingered his rock hard cocklet feverishly. "Ag, when he's got sex on the mind there's no place for anything else!" said Johan as he rolled off the bed and fished his cellphone out of his beach bag. "That sounds a bit like all of us," I laughed "Ja 3; that's true, hey 3; if you think of it 3; my mom says boys think about sex three seconds out of every four and I think she's right 3; I'm, like, sex, sex, sex, cool car, sex, sex, sex, I need a hamburger, sex, sex, sex!" Johan guffawed at his own joke and I had to join him, it was just so cute the way he said it. A call to Henk and it was arranged: On Friday night I was to leave my car at a parking garage on the Victoria Embankment and then wait at the Yacht Mole over the road where I would be picked up and taken to 'the Palace' at Sheffield Beach, about an hour's drive away. I would be booked into a double room for two nights, returning on Sunday in time to catch my flight to Johannesburg. I coughed involuntarily when told what it would cost but thought, what the hell, I don't often get to spoil myself. Johan told me that I had to pay in cash, no credit cards. I had some qualms about carrying that amount of cash on me at night in the harbour area, but one glance at Johan's smooth muscled body and perfectly rounded butt evaporated all concerns and I agreed. Ben and Johan could not stay the night this time. They, together with some of Henk's other boys, had been booked for a party of German tourists taking a booze cruise on a luxury motor yacht in Durban bay later that evening. But the boys did their best to make up for it in the hour that we had, and I was exhausted but supremely happy when the time came to drive them down to the Yacht Mole. It was a warm and humid evening as we pulled up at the entrance to the moorings. The boys pointed out where I was to wait for the 'Palace' pick-up the following night. Then Johan spotted their pimp waiting nearby with a group of about five other young boys of various ages. "There's Henk. We better go," he said. Johan and Ben got out the car, grabbed their beach bags, and trotted over to Henk and the knot of boys, waving goodbye over their shoulders. I watched them as they went. They were both shirtless and barefoot as usual, but instead of his trademark dungarees Johan was wearing a pair of board shorts, as was Ben. "Henk wants us to," Johan had said laconically when I had asked him about it back at the hotel. "And on the boat we all have to wear 3; this!" he added, yanking a skimpy bright-coloured sarong from his bag. I got Johan and Ben to try their sarongs on before leaving the room and I had to say they looked incredibly sexy in them. There was only just enough fabric to cover the essentials without hardly any overlap. They simply tied a knot at the hip on one side, leaving the thigh and half the buttock exposed on that side. I felt my cock hardening again, but it was time to leave. The other boys waiting with Henk were, of course, also barefoot and wearing similar shorts, though some wore vests or tank tops. They looked for all the world like a typical bunch of Durban boys meeting their coach for evening swim training. I recognized Adi and Kris, the boys whom I had fucked in the beach front change house earlier in the day, among the group of boys. They spotted me too and grinned, giving me a thumbs-up sign. I was momentarily embarrassed at being publicly acknowledged by a couple of Durban rent boys and I glanced around but no one paid the least amount of attention. Henk noticed my embarrassment and gave each one a quick clip against the back of the head and spoke sharply to them, I suppose about client confidentiality or something like that, and they quickly lost their grins and looked down at their bare toes as if they had suddenly spotted something interesting. Comparing Johan and Ben with the other boys I felt an irrational sense of pride that, although they were all physically attractive, 'my boys' stood out as exceptionally sexy and well made. When Johan and Ben joined the group, I saw Henk remonstrate with them briefly, probably about being late, before he started shepherding all the boys through the iron gate down onto the pontoons. I watched them pad eagerly along the walkways to where a big, brightly lit motor yacht stood waiting, its powerful diesel engines murmuring quietly. On the upper deck the party was already in full swing. Laughter and loud voices wafted up to where I waited and I felt a pang of jealousy as I thought of the night of pleasure that the Durban rent boys would give the guffawing Germans. Aroused at the thought I drove back to the foreshore, parked my car in the hotel garage, and walked slowly up the promenade, literally hunting for a rent boy to relieve the pressure in my balls. I shook my head wryly to myself as I thought, "If my friends or family could see me now 3; cruising the foreshore for sex like 3; who knows what!" A few older boys!young men really!caught my eyes as I passed by and made the upside down 'V' sign in front of their cocks in one of the customary signs of their availability, but I was looking for younger meat. Finally, near the end of the promenade, I found a cute 13 year old leaning against the wall in the shadows just outside the yellow ring of light from a lamppost, the signature beach bag lying on the ground at his feet. Like most of the beach front rent boys he was shirtless and barefoot. He was olive complexioned and looked as if he could be of Portuguese extract. His black hair was shaved in a kind of short mohawk style: shaven bald on each side and bristled on the top and back, tapering into a short braided rattail hanging from the nape of his neck down into the valley between his nicely muscled shoulder blades. His right ear-lobe was pierced by a small silver ring no bigger than a pinkie ring. His shorts were noticeably too small and too tight. Probably intentional I thought: to accentuate the perfect globes of his young boy butt and the bulging package in the front of his shorts. Dark brown eyes, lively but experienced way beyond his years, caught mine. He knew at once what I wanted and he flashed me a white toothed smile, moving a fist quickly up and down the front of his shorts in a wanking gesture to confirm that he was ready and willing to provide it. I stopped in front of him. "How much?" I asked "Fifty bucks a BJ. Hundred a butt fuck and two hundred for anything you want." He spoke with the warmly rounded vowels that proclaimed his Portuguese origins. "Okay," I said, darting a glance up and down the deserted walkway. "You got a room Mister?" I told him the name of my hotel and my room number. "Sure, Mister, I know it. Go there and I'll come after." I walked on and he stayed leaning against the wall until I was out of sight. I felt like a bit of an idiot. What if he didn't come? I need not have worried. I had just had time to shower and put on a pair of boxers when there was a quiet knock at the door. I opened the door and there he was, looking at me steadily with his brown eyes. I quickly let him in after glancing up and down the corridor to make sure no one was watching. I looked the boy over in the light of my room. The top of his head was level with my chest, his spiky black hair coarse and shiny. His smooth olive skin was deeply tanned and his body was wiry but well-muscled. His too tight shorts were bleached to a faded yellowish colour. My eyes were drawn once again to the prominent bulge in the front of his shorts. It looked like he had a live animal in there. The kid wasted no time. He tossed his little bag of tricks onto the bed and then, hooking his thumbs into the elastic waistband he tugged his shorts down to his ankles and stepped out of them, leaving them where they lay. His smooth, boyish cock and balls seemed disproportionately large for his body. They weren't man-sized, but they were definitely big for his age: A good handful!apparently an essential requirement for the profession of a rent boy, judging from those I had met so far! In his case the size and prominence of his sex tackle were accentuated by the thick stainless steel cock ring which thrust them proud of his crotch and kept them permanently partially engorged. His cock was uncut, and he had no pubic hairs: either because he had not grown any yet or because they had been shaven or plucked. "You like my cock, Mister?' the boy asked with a broad smile, catching my interested gaze and thrusting it out for me to look at and, I presumed, touch, if I wanted to. "Sure, it's a great cock!" I replied, reaching out a hand to feel it. "Yeah, I'm young and hung!" he laughed as he closed his hand around mine and made me stroke his lengthening manhood. "All the guys like my cock!" Then he released my hand, stepped up close to me and hooked his fingers in the waistband of my shorts. He looked me quizzically in the eyes and asked: "So whatcha buyin Mister?" "How much if you stay the night?" "Well 3; I could maybe get another couple butt fucks tonight, so let's say 3; four hundred bucks." "Maybe you'll get nothing more 3; or just a blowjob 3; so let's say three hundred," I countered. "Deal!" he replied at once. "What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Pedro, he replied. "If I'm staying the night, can I get something to eat?" Pedro asked, picking up the room service menu. "Sure," I replied, "Tell me what you want and I'll order." He chose a double burger and fries. I decided to have one too and I phoned through the order as Pedro switched on the TV and perched his naked bubble butt on the edge of the bed to flick through the channels. "Get us some beers too," he suggested while I was on the phone. I asked for two beers. "Get a six-pack," Pedro mouthed at me. I complied. We lay side by side on the bed, watching rugby on TV as we waited for the food. Pedro had that heady musk of boy sweat and salt sea spray that I had come to associate with the Durban rent boys, for whom ablutions after sex were a simple matter of a dash across the sand and a dive into the warm surf. His feet were brown, hard and leathery, with straight, evenly spaced toes that looked like they had never felt the inside of a pair of shoes. His soles were blackened with road dirt. I reached over and gripped his cock. He looked at me and smiled. "Don't'cha want me to shower first?" he asked. "I'm sweaty and my feet are dirty. And my arse is still full of cum from the last oke what fucked me. Just before you came along. I didn't get time to take a dip yet." "No, I love sweaty boys with dirty feet and sticky arses. It really makes me horny. We'll shower together later." "Cool!" he replied, grinning widely. I felt the thick tube of white, blue-veined boy flesh come alive in my fist as it swelled and hardened instantly. His cock head surged out of the thick foreskin like a balloon finding release. A glistening drop of precum appeared in his piss slit and I lowered my head to lick it up. My nostrils drew in the sweet smell of boy crotch and my tongue tasted the saltiness of his cock. I licked all around the shiny purple plum surmounting his shaft and sensed his belly muscles tighten with the pleasure it gave him. The slightly acidic trace of urine tingled tantalisingly on my tongue for a brief moment before it was gone. I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck it, working the head hard with my tongue as I did so. "Wow, Mister, that feels fucken awesome!" Pedro grunted, his boyish toes curling with delight. I smiled at him with my eyes as I continued to bob up and down the tip of his cock, feeling his shaft go rock hard in my mouth. I tried to slide a hand under his leg where the thigh meets the buttocks. At once he lifted his knees, opened his legs and planted his broad feet flat on the bed cover to open the way for me. I reached round his arse into the smooth and hairless space between his butt cheeks. My middle finger explored and quickly found the opening to his fuck chute. It had the firmness one would expect of a 13 year old boy but the ready elasticity of one used to being fucked often and hard. The area was warm and slippery with the leaking cum of his last client and after the briefest resistance his hole flexed open to welcome my finger. Soon both my middle finger and forefinger had gained easy entry and were slowly and smoothly sliding in and out of his cum-lubricated channel as I continued to devour his eager cock. By now Pedro's arse was lifting off the bed as he tried to ram his cock deeper into my mouth, moaning softly, gasping hoarsely and grunting like a wild animal with each thrust. His head was flung back, his mouth hanging slackly open and the veins standing out thickly on his neck. His eyes were screwed up as if he was in pain. His whole body was as taut as a guitar string and his knuckles were white as he gripped fistfuls of the bed cover with his big brown hands. Suddenly he went rigid and I felt his cock start to throb violently in my mouth. He let out a long low groan of sheer pleasure and release as he squirted thick jets of hot slippery cum into the back of my mouth, his body shuddering underneath me with each ecstatic shudder. I could not swallow his load quickly enough and much of it squirted out of the corners of my mouth. It dribbled over my fingers and straight down his pulsing shaft to pool on his belly and balls. I was amazed that a 13 year old could produce so much cum. Slowly Pedro came down from his high and his body began to relax. "Jeez, that was amazing Mister! I been so horny but I haven't cummed all afternoon. That jizz was just bursting to come out!" As soon as Pedro got his breath back he grabbed my wrist, pulled my hand up to his mouth and carefully licked off all his cum. I scooped up as much of the rest as I could with my forefinger and fed it to him before myself licking the sticky residue off his belly, his balls and his still hard cock. As I write this now I am suddenly struck by the fact that in those days 'safe sex' was about making sure you didn't get a girl pregnant. No one gave a thought to HIV or AIDS, which was pretty much unheard of in South Africa, certainly among white folk, and bareback sex between men or boys was the norm. How things have changed!. But back to the story! My own cock was swollen rock hard and more than ready for release, so I lay back on the bed and said to Pedro: "Start earning your money, boy!" Pedro needed no second invitation. He kneeled between my outstretched legs, took my cock in one hand and lowered his head to it, expertly running his long wet pink tongue up, down and around my shaft, again and again, teasing me to distraction. Every now and then he would take the whole of my cock head between his pliable lips and do amazing things to it with his lips and tongue. He seemed to be able to gauge exactly when I was about to cum and would then release my cock and spend a while licking and sucking at my balls while the urge subsided. Fuckit! Where the hell did these rent boys learn to do this stuff? Eventually I could take it no more and I got up onto my knees. Pedro knew exactly what I wanted and he deftly snatched a tube of lube from the little bag at his side, squirted some into his hand and slathered it generously over my quivering cock. "You're pretty big there Mister, so I'm giving you a lot!" he said breathlessly, adding with a grin 3; "No extra charge!" Pedro then handed me the tube, turned around on his knees and bent over until his forehead was resting on the bed. He reached up and placed a hand on each butt cheek, pulling them outward to expose his winking pucker. I squeezed some lube onto my fingers and worked them in and out of his boyhole a few times. I could feel Pedro flexing his anus against my probing fingers and knew that he was getting ready to take my rather thick cock inside him. The professionalism of the youthful prostitute was admirable and at the same time it made me even more horny. Finally, I could wait no longer and I placed my swollen cock head at the entrance to his fuck chute, gripped his waist and pushed 3; once 3; twice 3; three times. Each time my cock just rode up his lube smeared slit and popped out between the firm smooth globes of his butt cheeks. I had to grab my shaft with my right hand and guide it into Pedro as I pushed. Once again there was some resistance 3; not much 3; but a little more than when I had finger-fucked him earlier. I could see the boy straining and heard him growling softly as if he was trying to take a dump and then suddenly his anus relented and he gave an audible gasp as my whole length slid smoothly into his moist channel. Pedro stiffened and he started panting quickly as the initial pain radiated from his anus through his body. I waited until he stopped panting and his body relaxed, indications that the pain had morphed into the warm glow of pleasure. "I'm okay 3; you can fuck me now," Pedro said a little breathlessly. I drew my cock back until it almost exited and then began to push it in and out slowly, very gradually increasing the tempo. After a while Pedro twisted back to look at me. "Fuck me harder! Harder! Faster!" he hissed between clenched teeth. I responded at once and began to ram my cock harder, faster and deeper into his arse. "C'mon, Mister, you fuck like a girl! Fuck me harder!" His words seem to flick a switch somewhere inside me. Pedro obviously enjoyed rough handling and I decided to give him what he craved. I pistoned into his arse like a runaway train. Soon Pedro was moaning and whimpering with both pleasure and pain as my big cock rammed repeatedly into his fuck channel. The force of my thrusts kept shifting Pedro ahead on the bed and I had to keep shuffling forward on my knees to stay inside him. Eventually he fetched up against the headboard and was able to use it to push back against my thrusts. Finally I thundered to a climax that seemed to explode through my whole body. Again and again my cock pulsed as it shot thick hot wads of cum deep inside Pedro. As soon as I was done cumming I pulled out my still hard cock and watched Pedro's flexed-open hole slowly shrink shut before collapsing on the bed next to him, deeply satisfied and glowing warmly. Pedro immediately took my cock into his mouth and sucked and licked it clean before laying back next to me. Almost at once there was a buzz at the door. Our room service order had arrived and I quickly pulled on my boxers to collect it. Pedro also pulled on his shorts and ducked into the bathroom to hide while I took the tray and drinks from the youngster at the door. The bell boy was cute. He looked about 16, though quite short for his age. His body filled the uniform nicely with his stocky, muscular build. His eyes were navy blue and his hair an untidy thatch of red gold. His round face had the red-brown complexion of a ginger who spends a lot of time in the sun, but without the freckles. "You must be hungry, Mister!" the bell-boy said cheekily, as he pointed his chin at the two burgers on his tray. I felt my cheeks redden. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry," I said. The boy winked at me conspiratorially. "Don't worry, Mister, Pedro and me's friends. I won't rat you out!" At the sound of the boy's familiar voice Pedro leaned out the bathroom door and gave his friend a thumbs-up. "Howzit, Zak, working late shift today?" "Yeah," replied Zak, "I saw you sneak in just now." "So we cool then?" asked Pedro. "Sure!" I paid Zak and handed him a generous tip. He hesitated in the doorway, as if summoning the courage to ask something. "Say, Mister 3; uh 3;" "Yes, Zak?" He blushed bright red and clammed up. "Uh 3;Nah, nuthin 3;" "Come on Zak, out with it!" "It's just 3; I seen you with Johan and Ben 3; and now Pedro 3;and 3; uh 3; well would you ever think of giving me a go?" The last words came out in a rush and then, as if shocked by his own effrontery, he spun on his heel and walked quickly away. "Hey Zak!" I called, "Get back here!" Zak obeyed, still blushing. "Get in here, I want to talk to you," I said, ushering him into the room and closing the door. "Please Mister, I'm sorry, don't report me, I need this job!" Zak said, almost in tears. "Of course I won't report you Zak!" I assured him, "I just want to be sure you know what you're asking for." "He knows what we do," Pedro interjected. "He hangs out with us sometimes on the beach front. He always asks us to tell him about what we done with our clients. I can see it makes him horny. He said before he wanted to give it a try. He wants the money but he's bang [scared] to take a man's cock up his arse. "I'm not scared" Zak said indignantly, "I been practising with my mom's dildo 3; I can take it all the way in! I just dunno how to get started with clients and stuff." "Okay, Zak" I intervened, "So you want to try out being a rent boy?" Zak nodded. "When do you come off shift?" I asked. "I finish in an hour, Mister." "Shall we give him a try?" I asked Pedro. "Sure, why not? It's your money," Pedro answered. "How much are you going to cost me, Zak?" I asked. Zak looked sheepish. "I dunno, Mister 3; what you payin Pedro?" "That's Pedro's and my business," I replied, "But in any case Pedro is an expert and you are a rookie." "Well okay," said Zak, "Mister can decide afterward what it's worth." I smiled at him: "Shrewd answer, Zak!" I said, "That's a fair deal." Zak smiled back and left with a bounce in his step. "See you later, Mister!" he called back over his shoulder. I watched him as he walked away down the carpeted passage. His tight black trousers and body-hugging white waiter's jacket showed off his muscular little body nicely and set my cock tingling once more. Pedro watched with me. "He's got a nice ass," he remarked. "Looks great in swim trunks too. He's a gym bunny 3; works out at the gym here in the hotel every day! he can go for free 'cause he works here. If he was doing tricks here he could pick up guys all the time from the gym!" We went back into the room and ate our burgers and had a beer while we waited for Zak to finish work. We decided to put off showering until Zak got there, figuring he would also need it after a day's hard work and it would be fun to do it together. Besides, it would help break the ice for Zak and help to get him used to getting naked and personal with other men and boys. To make conversation I got Pedro to tell me his story. His parents had worked for the Portuguese colonial government in Mozambique's capital, Lourenço Marques. When things fell apart and the country was plunged into civil war, most of the white population fled the country with little more than the clothes on their back. Pedro's parents stayed on at their posts but sent Pedro to safety in South Africa together with some people they thought they could trust. He was only two at the time. These people dumped him off at a Child Welfare facility in Durban and took off with the money Pedro's parents had given them, never to be seen again. Pedro never saw his parents again. Some while later the South African Social Welfare Department's enquiries elicited the information that both his parents had been killed. Pedro was placed in foster care. The Social Welfare department was under massive pressure at the time to cope with the influx of about 200,000 white refugees from Mozambique, including thousands of orphans, most of whom could not even speak English. As a result, the officials did not look too carefully into the background of anyone who offered to take one of the orphans of their hands. The result was that Pedro ended up with a couple who took on foster kids for the government allowances that this entitled them to receive. To supplement this income they put the older kids to work, begging at street corners and hustling tourists. Some of the children were pimped out for prostitution. Pedro grew up to accept that selling sex was part of the natural order of things. He lost his virginity to an older boy at the age of 10, with the encouragement and active assistance of his foster father. After this he was fucked daily by the older boys and his foster father in turn to 'get him ready' for sex work. A few weeks later he had his first client, who was so happy with his performance that he paid the boy a big tip. His foster father allowed him to keep half of the tip. Pedro told me this with the same kind of glowing pride that my son Dirk would show when telling me about a try that he had scored in a rugby match or some other achievement at school. I asked him if he ever thought of getting out of prostitution or running away from his foster parents. "Nah 3; they treat me okay," he said, "They only beat me when I don't get clients and come home with no money. I know I deserve it because the only time I don't get clients is when I'm buggering around on the beach with my buddies." "What about the clients?" I asked. "Yeah, some of them can get a bit rough, but most just want to get their rocks off and don't treat you bad." "So you're quite happy with things as they are?" "Sure, lots of things could be better. I see the rich kids in their nice houses on the beach and sitting in the restaurants on the beach front with their mom and dad, wearing their larney clothes and having fun 3; I think that would be nice 3; but it's never gonna happen for me. So I don't worry about it." "Really?" I asked "Sure. Anyway 3; I couldn't give up the sex." "The sex?" "Sure! You like sex, don't you?" "Of course I do!" "Well I don't like it 3; I love it," he laughed, "I think about it all the time. I even dream about it. I can't concentrate at school because all I'm thinking about is cock and cum. I'm thinking all the time 3; when is the bell gonna ring so I can go to the beach front and catch a fuck?" "Sounds like you're addicted to sex!" "Yeah, that's what someone told me. I'd do it for free if I didn't need the money! If I lived with one of those "normal" families now I'd be sneaking out all the time to find cock. All of us rent boys are the same. Your buddies, Johan and Ben, are the same. You get to want the sex all the time 3; you can never get enough dick!" "Lucky for me, then!" I laughed. "Yeah, you see! So now you can stop wanting to 'save me'" he said with a grin. "I don't wanna be saved!" "Okay, I get the point!" Soon after there was a furtive knock at the door. I opened it and let in a clearly nervous and excited Zak, now off duty and changed into faded beach shorts and muscle vest, with an old pair of well-worn beach slops on his feet. As I followed Zak in I saw that Pedro had already yanked off his shorts. Zak stopped short, momentarily taken aback by the younger boy's in-your-face nakedness. He stared at Pedro's half engorged cock and big low hanging balls. Then he recovered: "I gotta get myself one of them cock rings," he said, pointing at Pedro's thick shiny steel one admiringly, "It really makes your junk stand out!" "Yeah, it's cool," said Zak I turned Zak around and pulled his vest over his head. "Let's get a proper look at you" I said. I liked what I saw. Zak's compact upper body rippled with a well-defined musculature. He had brawny thighs like Johan's and his calves were round and bulging. It was obvious that he spent a lot of time in the gym. As Zak kicked off his slops Pedro came up behind him, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and started tugging them down. Startled, Zak grabbed Pedro's hands and stopped him. "What's the problem, Zak?" asked Pedro, "You gonna fuck with your pants on?" Zak blushed. "No, sorry, I just got a fright, is all," he mumbled. "C'mon, Zak, you gotta chill, buddy. You gonna spook your clients you give them that shit!" "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry" "Okay, then" said Pedro as he tugged Zak's shorts down his legs to the floor. Zak stepped out of his shorts and instinctively shielded his genitals with his hands. "Zak, c'mon, what did I just tell you baby?" said Pedro as he slapped Zak's hands away, "Let the Mister see what he's payin for!" "Sorry, Mister" said Zak, blushing furiously. "I know I'm fucking this up. You don't have to pay me anything, okay?" "That's okay, Zak, take it easy, you're not fucking anything up. I know this is new for you. There was a first time for all of us, you know. Just relax and go with the flow. No one's judging you here." I looked over Zak's package. From my limited experience he certainly seemed to have the right equipment for a rent boy, and then some. His uncut cock was thick and fleshy, hanging down over bulbous balls to dangle between his thighs like a python hanging from a tree branch. It must have been fully eight inches [20 cm] on the slack. A small tuft of red pubic hair nestled between the base of his shaft and his belly. Otherwise his body was pretty smooth and hairless for a 16 year old. I yearned to take his cock in my hands but I realised that Zak was still a bit skittish for that, so I cracked open a beer and handed it to him. "Have a beer," I said, "It'll help to relax you." Zak took the beer gratefully and Pedro and I had one too. "There's only one left," noted Pedro, "Better order some more." I ordered another 6 pack from room service. "Are there any more cute bell boys down there wanting to join us?" I asked Zak in jest. "Daniel is pretty cute," Zak replied, "And I'm sure he's also into guys, because he's always checking me out, especially at gym. But I haven't asked him yet." "I was just joking, Zak, there's enough of us to go on with. Better have another beer!" "Okay," said Zak sheepishly, "But I'm gonna ask him if he's into guys next time I get a chance." Soon, however, the beers kicked in and took the edge off Zak's nervousness. "How about we have a shower?" I suggested eventually, "You must be sweaty from work and Pedro and I also need to clean up." "Cool," Zak said, and went off to the bathroom. We heard him switch the shower on and a moment later we heard the shower door close behind him. "Go join him," I suggested to Pedro. "I'll follow soon." I heard the shower door open and the boys talking. Then the shower door closed again. I waited a moment and then went and stood in the doorway of the bathroom and watched them. They were sideways on to me. Zak was facing up with his eyes closed as the water streamed over his face. Pedro was behind Zak, slowly soaping his back. Pedro spotted me through the shower door and winked, giving me a thumbs-up sign. Pedro's hands moved deftly onto Zak's buttocks but Zak seemed not to mind. Even when Pedro slid his fingers between Zak's butt cheeks and started soaping him there, all Zak did was rise momentarily onto his toes before spreading his legs to give Pedro easier access to his crack. I saw that Pedro's cock was already standing up ramrod stiff and, as he continued his ministrations to Zak's crack, Zak's prodigious cock was stiffening like a filling firehose. Pedro continued downward, soaping Zak's bulging thighs and calves, and soon was on his knees behind Zak, tapping his calf to get him to lift first one foot and then the other for soaping. Pedro was an expert at this and, from the quivering erectness of his meaty cock I could see that Zak was clearly enjoying the unaccustomed attention and pampering. Now Pedro stood and ordered, "Turn around!" Zak obeyed and Pedro started soaping his pecs, then his brawny arms and down onto his washboard abs. Zak's eyes were open now, and they followed every move of Pedro's magic hands. Eventually Pedro reached Zak's cock. He paused and looked an enquiry at Zak. Zak nodded and closed his eyes as Pedro closed his soapy fingers around Zak's cock. Slowly, sensuously, he soaped up and down the length of Zak's cock, sliding his fingers down onto and around his balls and then back up again. I could see every muscle in Zak's body knotting up but I realised it was with sheer pleasure, not nervousness. I decided it was time for the acid test. I opened the shower door and stepped in. Zak opened his eyes but he just smiled at me. I reached down and took over stroking his cock from Pedro. Zak just closed his eyes and continued to enjoy the ride. While Pedro started soaping my back and my arse I continued sliding my closed fist up and down Zak's thick soapy shaft. Zak began to whimper softly and started fucking my hand, impatient to drive himself to climax. Immediately, I stopped wanking him. "Easy, there, boy, plenty of time to cum," I murmured in his ear. With a soft moan Zak closed his fingers around my own straining cock and began to stroke me as I had stroked him. His movements were slightly awkward, not surprising for a rookie, but he was not rough and I could feel that he had a sensitivity for how he was making me feel, responding to my body language and several times asking me how it felt for me. I realised then that Zak probably had what it takes to make a good rent boy: He clearly enjoyed male sex; He was quite a slut once he got over his inhibitions; He enjoyed making me feel as good as he felt; He was compliant and he was responsive both to my needs and to what my body was telling him. I looked forward to assisting with his further training under Pedro's expert guidance. Pedro now knelt behind Zak again and, with his fingers slathered in body crème, began stimulating and probing Zak's bumhole. Instantly, Zak spread his legs again to give Pedro access. Soon Pedro's forefinger gained entry to Zak's tight anus and he began sliding it in and out, pushing sideways against the sphincter at the same time to relax and stretch it in readiness to take cock. "Aaah 3; yes!" Zak moaned softly, his blue eyes glazed with pleasure, "That's so cool 3; work me hard there, Pedro, I wanna be ready to take Mister's cock." "Yeah 3;" said Pedro doubtfully, "You're pretty tight here Zak, I reckon you gonna take my cock first and then maybe Mister's big shlong if you're up to it." Zak opened his eyes and examined the girth of my swollen tool in his hand more closely. "Yeah 3; it's pretty big 3; but I really wanna take it up my arse tonight 3; I'm not a sissy, Mister, I know it'll hurt but I don't care!" I realised that Zak felt his honour was riding on his performance so I just said: "Okay Zak, we'll see how it goes. We'll start with Pedro first. His cock is pretty big and he can give you a good stretch before you have to take mine." "Okay Mister," Zak said, relieved. Soon the pressure was building up in my cock so I got Zak to stop stroking my shaft and we both soaped and stroked Pedro until he nearly came. Finally we got out the shower. Pedro got Zak into the bath, unscrewed the head of the hand shower and taught Zak how to insert the top of the hose into his anus and give his channel a thorough clean out. "Mister doesn't mind a sticky arse but some clients are fussy about it," I heard him explain to Zak as he hosed his own fuck chute clean by way of demonstration. Zal obediently hosed his channel thoroughly before joining Pedro and I on the bed. Pedro and I lay back side by side with our heads on the pillows and played with each other's cocks until Zak came out. Zak got onto the bed, kneeled between us and looked from the one to the other expectantly. "So, Zak, show us what you can do," I said to him. "I dunno 3; what do you want me to do?" "Use your imagination," Pedro said, "Never let your client think he knows more about sex than you do. It's a big put-off for them. Even if it's your first time, just pretend you been doing it for ages. After a while you won't have to pretend. You really will know more about sex than most of them!" "Okay," said Zak, lightly stroking the length of Pedro's swollen shaft with the tips of his fingers. Up and down he stroked, allowing his fingers to run onto Pedro's balls, down between his thighs and then back up again. "Hey, that feels great," Pedro said, "Who taught you to do that?" "I like doing it to myself, so I know it feels good," Zak replied. In no time Pedro's cock was rock hard and bobbing up to press against Zak's fingers. Zak stopped stroking Pedro at this point and then turned his attention to me, doing the same thing until my own cock was leaping at his touch and begging for release. After doing this several times Zak bent over Pedro's cock and took it between his lips, licking and sucking the head for a while before sucking the shaft into his mouth, bobbing up and down almost its whole length and sending Pedro into back-arching, toe-curling ecstasy. Then he turned to me and did the same thing before going back to Pedro. Eventually Pedro could stand the pressure in his balls no longer and he jumped to his knees. "Bend over doggy style," he panted to Zak, "I'm gonna fuck you now 3; hard!" Quickly, Zak went on all fours and eagerly presented his arse to Pedro. Pedro found his tube of lube and hastily oiled up his cock. While he did so I squirted some lube cream onto my fingers to lube Zak's hole. He was, as Pedro had said earlier, "pretty tight there", and it did not help that Zak was both nervous and excited about taking the first real cock up his virgin ass. "Whoa there, relax, fella!" I said to Zak as I teased his sphincter open with my forefinger, "It helps if you make like you're trying to press a putty." "Sorry," said Zak, "I'm just nervous" Slowly Zak's sphincter relaxed and accepted my finger, but it took some time of finger-fucking, first with just my forefinger and then with two fingers, before he seemed just about ready to take Pedro's cock. I motioned Pedro to move up close behind Zak and get ready to insert his cock right behind my withdrawn fingers. He did so and, as I pulled my fingers out he pushed his cock into their place. Even so, it took some strong, sustained pressure before Zak's virgin sphincter finally relented and allowed Pedro past the first gate, to the accompaniment of sharp gasps and small cries of pain from Zak. Zak reached back with one hand and pushed against Pedro's pelvis, as if trying to push Pedro out of him. Pedro just gripped the top of Zak's thighs and held on until he could feel Zak relaxing after the wave of pain passed. Then he pushed his cock in a little further. Each push set up a new wave of pain, gasps and moans and Pedro would wait until that subsided before carrying on. Once or twice Zak tried momentarily to struggle free when the pain got too much for him but Pedro held on relentlessly, knowing there was no other way to get Zak used to it. I was stroking Zak's back and neck with one hand all the while to help relax him. With my other hand I reached under his belly to tease his big cock into staying erect, hoping that it would take his mind off the pain. Then Pedro was all the way inside Zak and the last spasm of pain had passed. Zak had stopped moaning and was waiting with muscles tensed for Pedro to begin fucking him. Pedro drew his cock almost all the way out of Zak and immediately pushed it all the way in again, this time without stopping. Zak felt pain but it was less than before. Slowly Pedro increased his rhythm and speed until he was pumping Zak's arse hard and fast. With each thrust the pain was slightly less and the pleasure more. Soon both boys were grunting and panting like a pair of mating dogs with the violence of their coupling but for Zak they were now sounds of pleasure. I lay down next to them and continued to tug at Zak's cock, now freely dribbling precum onto my hand and the bedcover. For a while nothing could be heard in the room but the sounds of the straining boys panting and grunting and the slap-slap-slap of sweaty flesh smacking on sweaty flesh. Then Pedro's thrusting became suddenly more urgent and his grunts began to escalate into vocal cries as he hurtled headlong to ejaculation. Suddenly his body went stiff and he was silent for a second before bellowing out his ecstasy as his whole body convulsed uncontrollably and he shot jet after jet of hot cum into Zak. Before Pedro had even finished cumming he withdrew his still spasming cock, spraying squirts of cum over Zak's back and my chest as he moved aside. "Quick Mister, fuck him now while he's still hot and loose!" he said urgently. Quickly I got up, hastily lubed my rock-hard cock and positioned myself between Zak's kneeling legs to spear his arse. I placed my cock head against the entrance to his fuck chute and pushed gently but insistently. Despite the hard fucking that Pedro had just given him, Zak's sphincter was struggling to accommodate my massively swollen cock head. I pushed harder and Zak started to whimper with renewed pain. I pulled out and slathered my cock head with more of Pedro's lube, squirting some direct into Zak's hole before renewing the assault. This time I got a little further but soon Zak was whimpering and twitching. His back was arched and his butt was actually quivering with the pain as if it had just received a stroke of the cane. Driven by almost overpowering lust and the blood roaring in my ears all I wanted to do was to ram my cock in and fuck his arse as hard as I could, but my better nature took over. "I think this is a bridge too far for you Zak. I don't want to hurt you. I think you did well enough taking Pedro's cock for now." "No please, Mister, don't give up now! It hurts but I swear I can take it! Please Mister, please, I beg you! I need this! I need this! Please, I need this!" Zak was in tears and he sounded desperate. I decided I could not dishonour him by being paternalistic. "Okay, Zak, brace yourself," I said to him. I reached over his back and, with both hands, took a firm grip of his muscled shoulders on either side of his thick neck. I got Pedro to guide my cock to the entrance of Zak's fuck chute and hold it there as I pushed hard against Zak's sphincter. Slowly, millimetre by millimetre, I could feel his anus giving way as I shoved, sweated and grunted with the effort. Zak's whimpering went up a pitch with each shove until he was crying continuously, almost howling with pain. I shut my ears to his cries and gathered myself for a massive thrust. I pulled my cock out a bit and then I put all my strength into powering it forward like a battering ram. Zak bellowed in sheer agony at the onslaught but his sphincter finally gave way like breached flood barrier and my thick shaft rushed unchecked into Zak's fuck channel. Though Zak was crying and his muscular body was writhing in pain beneath me, I could not have stopped then if I had wanted to 3; and I definitely did not want to. With one hand gripping Zak's shoulder and the other wound in his mop of ginger hair he had no way of getting away from me and I buggered his arse like a machine. It was not long, however, before Zak stopped yelling and thrashing about and I felt his body relax under me. The pain had obviously left him and he began to participate in his fucking, moving his body in rhythm with my thrusting and making a sound deep in his throat something like a roughing purring. It was obvious that he was now enjoying the fuck as much as he had enjoyed it with Pedro. I did not want to come too soon, so I pulled my cock out of Zak's arse. I was amused to see him push his arse instinctively backward as if to draw me in again, and the look of disappointment on his flushed and sweat-drenched face as he looked over his shoulder at me. I flopped onto my back and held my stiff cock upright for Zak to sit on it. Zak did not understand what I wanted and Pedro had to enlighten him: "Sit on it silly!" he told Zak, "And bounce yourself up and down it with your legs 3; like doing squats in the gym. Mister wants you to do the fucking for a bit while he rests." The light went on in his beautiful blue eyes and Zak awkwardly straddled my middle, facing me, and lowered himself to impale himself on my stake. This time my cock went in tightly but smoothly. Zak lowered himself gingerly until his hard round butt was sitting on my groin. He reached back with his hands to steady himself on my thighs. Then he slowly and a little awkwardly started raising and lowering himself on my cock shaft. As he got his rhythm he began to go faster and my cock started to throb with pleasure. Though untouched by his own or anyone else's hand, Zak's own impressive cock was standing up ramrod straight by this time, bouncing stiffly backward and forward and slapping meatily against his rippled abs. To the surprise of all three of us, Zak suddenly let out a little cry of delight and the tip of his cock started sending out little eruptions of white cum. The powerful initial squirts spattered onto my belly and chest, followed by a continuous pulsing stream that rushed like white lava down his convulsing shaft to form a sticky pool on my belly. "Wow!" Pedro cried out with delight at Zak's spontaneous ejaculation, "That was cool, man!" Zak's spectacular trick pushed me over the edge too. I lifted Zak off my cock a moment before squirting my own cum all over his belly and his thighs. Zak rolled over onto his back and all three of us lay still for a while, enjoying the release of a magnificent ejaculation and the warm afterglow of fantastic sex. Then Pedro prodded Zak in the ribs. "C'mon, rent boy, you not here to relax, you got work to do." Zak sat up eagerly. "What do you want me to do next? You gonna fuck me again?" "We both gonna fuck you raw tonight, buddy, but right now you gotta do clean-up. First you scoop up all the cum on you with your finger, like so 3;" (Pedro demonstrated how to do it) 3; "And then you slurp it off your finger all sexy like in front of your client to keep him horny." Zak started to screw up his face with distaste but caught himself and did as Pedro instructed him, almost gagging on the first slurp. Several slurps later, however, he announced, "Hey, actually it doesn't taste bad at all 3; I can handle this." "Now you cleaned yourself off you gotta clean your client 3; but this time you lick it off his body with your tongue and you suck it off his cock." By now Zak was enjoying this part of his duty and he licked and sucked me clean with enthusiasm. Pedro helped and then he and I spent a pleasant few minutes licking the cum residue off Zak. Thoroughly licked and momentarily sated, we decided to have a beer before our next round of sex. "So how do you feel about your first session of man sex as a rent boy?" I asked Zak. "I feel amazing, Mister, like my eyes been opened. I been shown a new world!" "That's great!" I chuckled, pleased that the experience had been so positive for him. Zak got up, came over and hugged me. "Thanks a ton Mister 3; for giving me a chance 3; and for believing in me enough to push me through the pain when another man might have wimped out on me 3; I'll never forget this 3; thank you." I hugged Zak back. "It was a pleasure, Zak 3; and I mean that 3; it really was a pleasure 3; even though it caused you pain 3; And I've never seen anyone cum like that before 3; it was fucking amazing!" Zak blushed with delight. "And speaking of pain 3; how is your arse feeling right now?" "My arse is sore Mister, but it feels like a good, sexy kind of sore that I want to be there forever!" "You think you sore now," laughed Pedro, "Just wait till tomorrow 3; you gonna be so fucken sore you won't hardly be able to walk for the rest of the week." "You serious?" asked Zak anxiously. "Yes, for sure, you gonna be sore buddy," Pedro replied, "But don't worry, I got some strong pain pills will help you through the week." "Thanks, bud!" "You welcome. Maybe you should take one now to get you through the night?" "Nah 3;" said Zak, "This pain is cool 3; it makes me feel sexy and alive 3; I'll hold onto it for now." As I looked over the sexy naked bodies of the two boys who were spending the night with me 3; so youthful, alive and bung full of juice 3; I considered myself the luckiest man alive that night. I felt that we had just begun to plumb the depths of pleasure that they could invent and my cock came alive once more at the thought. Pedro was the first to notice my lengthening cock. "Hey Zak!" he said, pointing at my cock, "Looks we on duty again, buddy." "Cool," said Zak happily as he reached over to take my stiffening cock in his strong fingers. Chapter FiveNext morning I took Pedro and Zak to the beach front Wimpy for breakfast. No one gave us a second glance. We could have been father, son and friend down from up-country on a mid-term break, to anyone who might have bothered to notice. In fact, there were three other men accompanied by young boys in the diner and I could not help wondering if any of them might have been client and rent-boy. Probably not, I told myself, but 3; well 3; who can tell 3;? Both Pedro and Zak had decided to bunk school that Friday. Pedro was also booked to work at the Rajah's Palace that weekend and had to get to the pick-up point at the Yacht Mole by 10 am. Zak wanted to go home to nurse his arse, which was raw and sore from the hard fucking that Pedro and I had given him most of the night. "What are you going to tell your Mom about not going to school?" I asked him. "I'm just gonna tell her I'm tired from working and that I'm feeling a bit off," he replied. Zak had called his mom the night before and told her that he would not be coming home as he would be working the night shift for extra money. All three of us were yawning as we sat waiting for our food. It had been a long and glorious night of hard and messy sex that none of us had wanted to end. Eventually, however, sheer physical exhaustion claimed us one by one and we fell asleep in a sprawling heap on the bed, liberally covered in cum and sweat. Pedro had fallen asleep even as I was fucking him and I myself succumbed moments later, practically in mid thrust, and fell into a deep sleep with my cock still inside him. We were woken about three hours later by my usual morning wake-up call and I had quite a job getting the boys up and into the bathroom. We had a good laugh at Zak's expense when he first tried to get up. His face screwed up in pain as he gingerly levered himself off the bed. "Oh my fuck!" he moaned, "My arse is so fucken sore 3; Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He stood unsteadily with his legs spread wide apart. "Shit, man! I can't walk!" he cried out in panic. We made Zak lie on his belly with his legs spread out, toes on the floor, so we could examine his arsehole. He winced and moaned as we probed around but, apart from being a little red and puffy, there was no blood and he seemed to be okay. After Zak had his shower, Pedro treated Zak's hole with some cream that he had in a little tin in his bag. Treating Zak included finger-fucking him for a while with a cream smeared finger, which had Zak sucking air sharply between his teeth and moaning and whimpering for a while, but it seemed to do the trick and Zak eventually announced that, although still a bit sore, his arse was feeling a lot better. "So has this put you off being a rent-boy?" I asked Zak with a smile "I must admit I thought about that when I first got up," said Zak with a wry grin, "But when I think how fucken great the sex was, I get jags [horny] all over again 3; check how my cock is getting hard again just talking about it now." I laughed. "Yeah, I can see you're made for the work, Zak!" "Sure he is!" laughed Pedro, "He's a fucken cock-slut 3; can't get enough of it 3; just like me!" "Sore arse or not I reckon I can take another quick fuck, Mister?" Zak looked at me pleadingly. Pedro looked a question at me, his eyes twinkling and his own cock rapidly stiffening. Both boys looked more than ready for another fucking and my own cock was hardening at the sight of them, but I had to get to work soon. "Sorry, boys, I'd love to, but I have to get to the factory this morning." The pair of them exchanged a sly smile and then sidled up to me where I stood at the bottom of the bed with my cock standing up straight and announcing my deepest desires. They both dived at me in the same moment and tackled me onto the bed. Zak sat on my chest and pinned my arms down while Pedro went to work on my cock with his lips and his tongue. "Oh, alright, I surrender!" I laughed, "If you're that horny then go for it 3; But just a quick one!" "Cool!" the boys chorused. An hour later, once again covered in cum and sweat, we had to have another shower before setting off to the Wimpy for breakfast. Zak was still walking uncomfortably but he was as happy as the cat who got the cream, which I suppose he did, in a manner of speaking. After breakfast I dropped Pedro off at the Yacht Mole and Zak outside the seedy block of flats in the Point Road area where he lived with his mom. I realised it was very close to where Johan and Ben lived and I thought I would like to hear Zak's story one day. Then I headed off to the factory to tie up the last few remaining loose ends. My project had come to an end and I would have the afternoon to get myself ready for my weekend at the Rajah's Palace. The time passed slowly, as it always does when anticipating something, but eventually the time came to depart for the Yacht Mole to catch my transport to the Rajah's Palace. I had decided against leaving my hired BMW at the rather dodgy looking garage over the road from the Yacht Mole. Instead I left it in the hotel parking and took a taxi to the Victoria Embankment. I was a bit early and I did not want to hang around on the side of the road, especially with a wad of cash, so I had a drink at the Yacht Club while I waited. I sat on the upstairs veranda overlooking the walk-on moorings and watched the comings and goings of the sailors, fishermen, divers, charter boat crews and the many others who plied their trade there as well as the yacht-owning businessmen down for a drink after work or tinkering on their boats. I watched a couple of barefoot boys hanging around the gate to the walk-ons with small bags slung over their shoulders, looking like they were waiting for someone. When a policeman strolled by on his beat the pair of them seemed to miraculously melt away but a few minutes later they were back. I suddenly realised that they were rent-boys and I chuckled to myself. Not long after that a grey haired yacht owner arrived at the gate laden with a couple of kit bags and a cardboard box of provisions. He called the boys over and chatted with them briefly. Then he opened the gate with his tag and held it as the two boys went through, carrying all the man's kit. I watched the three of them as they moved along the walkways and eventually boarded a large sailing yacht moored stern-to some distance away. They went below and did not surface again while I sat there, setting my cock tingling at the thought of what the man and the two boys were probably up to. As I sucked at my beer I suddenly thought that it would be a great idea to charter a yacht and take my 13 year old son Dirk for a few days' sailing during the Spring Break in a couple of months' time. He had been pestering me lately to take him on a trip for 'just us boys' and it occurred to me that a sailing trip to Richards Bay and back, would be just the thing. We would do a bareboat charter, of course, and perhaps Dirk could bring a friend to help crew. 'Bareboat' means that you hire only the boat and provide your own crew, but the expression always tickles my imagination with its sexy innuendos of uninhibited nakedness and freedom from constricting social mores on the high seas and away from prying eyes. Then my imagination really kicked into gear and I thought 3; what if instead of Dirk's friend we took Johan and Ben with us 3; maybe Pedro and Zak too 3;? The thought of Dirk having his sexy little athlete's arse pounded by Johan or Pedro stirred feelings in me that I thought I had managed to suppress. I realised that, far from being suppressed, they were still smouldering just below the surface. Just then my transport arrived and I put these thoughts out of my mind as I made my way down to the parking area. An hour and a half later I was settled into a very comfortable double room in a huge house on a walled North Coast estate that had been built in the style of an Indian Rajah's palace. Armed security guards let us through the massive front gates. Others patrolled the grounds and the private beach that was part of the estate. There were two large beds side by side in my room. On a table there was a printed leaflet which set out information about the available facilities. It encouraged guests to divest themselves of clothing and instead to wear the bathrobe and slippers that had been laid out on the bed when moving about the hotel. Later I assembled with the other guests, most of us clad only in our bathrobes, in the spacious bar lounge where we were served with complimentary drinks. Like me, many had chosen to go barefoot in the warm Natal weather rather than wear the soft slippers that had been provided. In my case I had the added motivation that I did not want my tough Afrikaner boy, Johan, mocking me for wearing slippers "just like a moffie rooinek!" [basically 'sissy English boy')]! We sipped our drinks while a silver-haired Indian man explained the program and the rules. "Welcome to the Palace, Gentleman, my name is Suraj. I am the manager of the estate and you should come to me if you have any problems or special requests." "In a few minutes and again tomorrow night some of our boys will put on a show for your entertainment on the stage to my right. After the show all our boys will be on display for viewing and selection. Once you have made a selection your boy 3; or boys 3; will go with you to your room. They are your slaves while they are with you and they will do anything that you want them to 3; and I mean anything! They can stay with you as long as you like. When you have done with them they will return to the lounge to be available for someone else. You may then make another selection or you may go to one of the several theme areas where you may participate in group activities which have a particular theme or flavour that tickles your fancy." "Whichever boy is with you at two in the morning will stay with you for the night. If you don't want him to share your bed 3; that is what the other bed is there for." "For those who are first time visitors, let me explain our rules: Everything is covered in the daily rate except drinks, room service meals and special services." "If you need to discipline your boy, whether because you are not happy with his performance or simply for your own pleasure, please use the implements provided in your room for the purpose. And please use them moderately. We don't mind a few whip marks or even a little blood, but if you put a boy out of circulation because of injury it's going to cost you an arm and a leg 3; maybe literally." Suraj paused at this point to incline his head toward a couple of big burly bouncers standing with arms folded to one side. Just then the lights dimmed in the lounge and a couple of spotlights focussed their beams on the centre of the stage. The show was about to begin. The sound system began pumping out The Girl from Ipanema and a pair of boys, clearly identical twins, came onto the stage carrying boogie boards. Each wore a beach towel wrapped around his waist and I guessed nothing else. You could see they were already erected under the towels and they were obviously well hung. They looked to be about 13 or 14 and had the tanned lithe look of surfer boys. An untidy thatch of long sun-bleached blond hair and blue eyes completed the picture. After a brief, rather awkward dance (they were surfers and rent boys, after all, not dancers!) they tossed their boogie boards into the darkness behind them and went into a lover's clinch, tongue-kissing each other and grinding their hips together. The grinding quickly brought their beach towels down to reveal the full joy of their truly impressive boy cocks: thick, long, hard and rampant with anticipation. I had hardly noticed that, while this was going on, a bunch of naked boys had entered the lounge and were moving among us, talking, stroking, feeling, massaging, kissing, getting onto laps and offering drinks, pills or their bodies 3; anything for the pleasure of the guests. Suddenly I felt something wet tickle my ear. I looked quickly to my right and saw Ben leaning over the arm of the sofa I was sitting in, with his tongue sticking out of a cheeky grin. "Howzit, Ben?" I greeted him warmly, throwing an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug. Ben rolled over the sofa arm and settled on my lap. "I'm cool," he said, reaching automatically through the folds of my bathrobe and playing with my erected cock, "That's my buddies, Joe and Todd, doing the show 3; fucken big knobs on them, huh?". "That's for sure!" I replied, "Where's Johan?" "He's gettin' a gang bang from Sergeant Scholtz and some of his guys in the kitchen yard." "What do you mean?" I asked "You remember Sergeant Scholtz from the police? 3; Henk's friend? 3; That Johan told you about?" I remembered Johan's story about the police sergeant who had beaten him and who was apparently involved in the local prostitution scene. "I remember," I said, "What about him?" "The security guys here are all cops who work part time for Scholtz. Scholtz makes sure there's no police raids. So Scholtz gets freebies with any boy he wants. He's got the hots for Johan. So he and his guys are fucking the crap out of Johan right now," Ben laughed. I felt a pang of anxiety, not to mention jealousy. "Is Johan okay?" I asked. "Sure!" said Ben and added, proudly, "Johan can take it! I wish they would take me too, but they say I'm too small." "They don't know what they're missing," I said. Ben grinned at me and then slipped onto the sofa and lay next to me with his legs curled up underneath him as he took my swollen cock into his warm moist mouth. As the waves of pleasure radiated through me I had a brief moment to reflect on how far these boys had managed to corrupt me in the short time that I had known them – from the first fearful fumblings with Johan in the privacy of my hotel room to being prepared to sit in a roomful of strangers and allow a 12 year boy to suck my cock publicly while watching two other boys fuck each other on stage. By now one of the surfer boys was slowly deep-throating his brother. You could practically see the throat swelling with each leisurely stroke. Moments later he was on all fours and moaning loudly as his brother rogered his beautiful arse. Soon afterward the boys stood facing each and stroked themselves frantically to orgasm, ejaculating almost simultaneously and spraying each other's bellies with jets of white cum before grabbing their towels and trotting off stage, their cocks still fully erected and wagging almost absurdly from side to side. The surfer boys were quickly replaced by a group of four boys who acted out a choreographed contortionist orgy for our pleasure. After that there was a bondage act and other acts followed, but by now my attention was wholly given to Ben who was steadily deep-throating me into an ecstasy of pleasure as I finger-fucked his delectable arse on the sofa. "Let's go to my room," I suggested between clenched teeth. Ben pulled his head off my cock just long enough to say, "Let's just wait for Johan and we'll go together," before slurping me all the way back into his throat again. Moments later I felt the coming rush well up in me from the tip of my cock. I pushed Ben's head all the way down my shaft and held it there hard as my cock spasmed and pumped my cum directly into his throat. Ben squirmed and spluttered like he was drowning as he struggled to swallow the flood of cum and tried to pull his face off my cock. I held him there until I had shot my load, knowing it was cruel but driven by a stronger urge. Ben's throat and his reddened cheeks were working hard and the cum he could not swallow was bubbling out of the corners of his mouth. When at last I stopped shooting, I released Ben's head, but by now he had calmed down and he calmly sucked and licked the cum off my still erect shaft and off his fingers. I had not noticed that Johan had arrived in the meantime and had been watching as I reached climax and nearly drowned his brother. "You're such a fucken cum-slut, Ben!" Johan said approvingly with a wide grin. Ben just went on licking. Johan looked at me, still grinning. "He just can't get enough!" he said. "Ja, like you!" retorted Ben between slurps. "Ja, you're just like me, boet!" Johan replied proudly. "So howzit Johan?" I greeted him. "Cool 3; and I can see you're having a good time too!" "So how did it go with Sergeant Scholtz." Johan glared at Ben. "Blabbermouth!" he said, and then answered me: "Ag 3; it was alright 3; I'm used to his shit by now!" I pointed to the purple welts that striped Johan's arse. "And those?" I asked "Ag 3; that's nothing 3; he's into that 3; some guys are 3; I told you already 3; I learned to get off on it too." "It would different if he paid for it, maybe 3; but 3;" "Well 3; he does 3; kinda 3; he gives us boys protection 3; and he makes sure the cops don't hassle us 3; so I owe him really 3; and this is how he takes payment 3; I don't mind 3; I really don't." "Okay," I said, "I understand 3; I don't like it 3; but I understand." Johan's bright blue eyes looked at me steadily for a moment. Then he punched me playfully on the arm. "It really is okay," he said, "thanks for caring." I put an arm around his shoulder and another around Ben's. "Hey 3; let's go down to the beach, I haven't seen it yet." "Kif! [Great!]" the boys chorused, "Let's go!". "Lots of fun we can have on the beach," grinned Johan as he winked at me. "I'm counting on it!" I replied and we set off down the path that lead to the private beach. Night had fallen by then but the pathway was brightly lit and, in fact, so was most of the small rock-encircled beach. We picked up towels from the beach pavilion, where there was a change house, a bar and food buffet. I left my bathrobe in the change house and we padded over the soft sand, all three of us completely naked, to where the warm water of the Indian Ocean washed rhythmically up onto the sand. As we approached the water, Johan gave me sharp smack on my butt cheek with his hard hand and then darted out of my reach. "Ouch you little bugger!" I called out as I tried to grab him. "Try 'n catch me!" he yelled as he sprinted into the water. Now Ben smacked me on the other butt cheek and ran after his brother. I chased after them. By now they were waist deep in the surging water and they dived in headlong. I dived after them. I managed to grab Ben and I lifted him up out of the water before throwing him back in, squealing happily. I set off after Johan but he was too strong and quick and he laughingly evaded my attempts to capture him. Eventually, he let me catch him and I wrestled him playfully to the ground at the edge of the water. We lay on the wet sand, half in and half out of the water, and we wrapped our arms around each other. I loved the feel of his strong young body and smooth wet skin against mine. My lips locked on his and immediately I felt the taste of his warm tongue in my mouth. We kissed for what seemed the briefest time. Suddenly Ben dived on top of us, knocking the breath out of me, stretching his meaty little arms to embrace us both, his breath hot on my neck. "C'mon guys! Stop sucking face now! Let's play!" I suddenly realised that Ben, in fact both boys, had probably never had any kind of a holiday with family at the sea or anywhere else in their lives. They would never have known the simple pleasures of romping and roughhousing in the sand and waves with a father, brother or uncle. My heart went out to them once again and I decided that our time on the beach would be about having fun with the boys (other than sex fun, no matter that they enjoyed that too). I sat up and tousled Johan's hair, trying to ignore for the moment the fact that his cock was already thick and hard from the body contact and the tongue-kissing: "Ben's right," I said, "how often do you guys get the chance to play on the beach together!" "Aww 3;" moaned Johan briefly, screwing up his face. Then he caught his brother's pleading eyes and at once he jumped up. "Okay!" he said, "That's cool! Let's play!". For the next hour the three of us had a great time playing tag, soccer and rugby in between diving into the balmy Indian ocean 3; swimming and boarding despite the lifesaver's warnings about sharks liking to feed at night! Eventually the boys were played out (their boisterous games and limitless energy had practically exhausted me) and we had something to eat at the beach pavilion before heading back up to the hotel. As we walked back up the pathway Johan took my hand in his: "Thanks Jonathan, that was great fun!" he said At that, Ben hugged me around my waist with both arms. "Ja, thanks from me too, Jonathan!" he said. Then he added, shyly: "Wish you could be our Dad!" Johan clipped his brother against the back of the head. "You know the rules, pampoen! [pumpkin!]. No getting soppy with the clients!" he said sharply, but his eyes said something else. I hugged them both close to me. "That's okay," I said gently, "I think I'm more than just a client by now, aren't I?" I instantly wondered if I was not opening myself up too much to a pair of street boys so far out of my family and social circle that if I met them on a Johannesburg street I would probably not give them a second glance. (Well 3; maybe that's changed, I corrected myself in my thoughts 3; remembering how I had been giving such boys more than a second glance since I came to know Johan and his brother). "Ja 3; of course," Johan replied, "But Ben mustn't start getting ideas in his head that can never happen!" "Okay, I understand," I replied, marvelling at Johan's maturity, and not for the first time. Then, changing the subject, Johan asked "Can we come with you to your room or do you want to try some other boys now?" "No, I don't want to try anyone else now, I thought you two could come and spend the night with me?" "Ja, we'd like that," Johan replied for the both of them and Ben confirmed his assent with a grin and a thumbs-up. "That's settled then," I said and we went on up to my room. As we turned into the passage where my room was, the two boys raced ahead of me, each one trying to get in front of the other as their leathery bare feet thudded dully on the thickly carpeted floor. Johan got there first but they both had to wait until I came up with the key card, by which time they were bouncing up and down on their toes with eagerness, their anticipations betrayed by their thick hard cocks wagging from side to side as they bounced. As I opened the door they burst through like a storm surge through a seawall and made a dash for the bed, scrambling onto it and looking up at me expectantly with grinning faces and shining blue eyes. "How about we shower first, guys?" I teased them. "Aw , come on Jonny! We just been swimming! We don't need to shower!" pleaded Ben. "Yes, and anyway you told us before 3; you like your boys dirty and sweaty!" added Johan. "Sure, I replied, "But you must either be clean and showered or you must be really dirty and sweaty. You are neither at the moment!" "Okay," said Johan with a scheming grin, "Then how 'bout this: Ben and I will fuck while you rest your ol' bones and then you can join in when you think we're dirty and sweaty enough for you!" I recognised that he was trying to sting me to action with his jibe about my old bones, but in truth, I felt I wouldn't mind a rest right then. It had been a physically demanding week and I did not have the stamina of a teenager. "That's cool," I replied, "You fuck and I'll watch for now." A fleeting shadow of disappointment flitted across Johan's handsome Nordic face as he realised his gambit had not worked. But insatiable boyish lust has no brakes and he rallied quickly as he turned his attention to his younger brother Ben. As for Ben, he was as happy to have his brother's cock inside him as anyone else's, and he immediately rolled onto his stomach and spread his legs for Johan. For the next half hour I watched as Johan and Ben fucked each other. Watching the two muscular young Afrikaner boys rutting with the lustful ferocity of wild beasts was an intensely erotic spectacle. Though they loved each other as brothers, and even as lovers, their physical lovemaking had the all the force and violence of lions fighting for top spot in the pride. Even as my own sexual excitement grew I thought, not for the first time, how sex for these two beautiful boys was as much about power, prowess and domination as it was about physical pleasure. Finally, I could resist the pressure in my balls no longer. Ben was lying on his back with his legs over Johan's shoulders, grunting and whimpering with pain and pleasure as Johan rammed his big cock hard and fast into Ben's young fuck chute. Johan was snarling with each thrust, his muscles bunching and jerking under the smooth sweat-wet skin with the power he was putting into it. I crabbed over the bed to take up a position on all fours over Ben's head, my stiff cock slapping my belly and drippling a stream of precum onto Ben's face. Ben's glazed eyes cleared momentarily to focus as, grinning wordlessly, he reached up a hard young hand and hungrily grabbed my cock down into his mouth. Ravenously, he devoured my cock head and shaft, working it vigorously with the whole length of his tongue, sucking it into his throat, releasing it, slurping it back in again, to the accompaniment of an almost unbroken purring moaning sound of lust and pleasure. As Ben spurred me toward sexual ecstasy, I rotated my position so that my head was directly over Ben's ramrod cocklet. I pulled it upright and steadied it with my fingers as I lowered my head and sucked it into my mouth, using my lips and tongue to try to imitate what I felt Ben doing for me. His interest aroused by my joining the party, Johan pulled himself out of Ben and shuffled around to my rear on his knees. I felt his hands parting my butt cheeks and then a slippery boy finger impatiently pushing against my still fairly unpractised anus, the momentary sting of entry, soon followed by the warm glow radiating out from his strong young fingers slowly and expertly probing, exploring, stretching and fucking my hole. Then the now familiar feel of Johan's hard cock head pushing against my anal ring as his hands strongly gripped my waist for purchase, the repeated bumping, gently at first and then rapidly more demanding, as his cock "knocked on the door." Finally the sharp pain as he forced entry. My head jerked up and I moaned softly. Ben spat my cock out of his month long enough to chirp: "Hey! Don't stop!" and then slurped it in and again and carried on sucking. "You getting better at this 3; Jonny!" Johan had grunted through clenched teeth as he gained entry, "Got in 3; much quicker 3; this time. Must be 3; all the practice, hey?" Breathless with the first shock of pain, I could not reply, but bobbed my head in assent before taking Ben's little cock (actually not so little anymore) into my mouth again. I felt the 12 year old wriggle under me with pleasure. To my surprise the pain subsided more quickly than usual and rapidly turned to pleasure as Johan slowly but powerfully and relentlessly rocked his cock forward and back in my fuck channel. It seemed Johan was right about the benefits of practice! Soon I felt Ben's cock start throbbing as he climaxed. A smidgen of boy cream oozed out into my mouth and, for Ben's benefit and delight I spat it onto his belly. Ben was always thrilled to see evidence of his rapidly developing sexual maturity. His greatest ambition was to be able to jet out spurts of cum like his brother and like the grown men who fucked him. Then I felt Johan go rigid as his own climax exploded and his big cock unloaded deep inside me. This was enough to push me over the top too and a second time that evening I squirted a great wad of cum down Ben's throat. I flopped back onto the bed, my head on the pillow, and at once the two boys joined me, lying on their sides on either side of me, their faces nuzzling my shoulders, arms across my chest and one leg crossed over one of mine. Their cum smeared cocks, still erect, rubbed against the tops of my thighs. Ben played absently with my balls and my deflated cock . "Fuck, that was lekker, hey?" said Johan, "I didn't get my rocks off all day today, so I had a lotta spunk in my balls!" "Me too!" said Ben. "Did you see how much spunk I squirted in Jonny's mouth? I thought he was gonna choke!". "Ja, I saw that," replied Johan, winking at me, "You a real cum gun now, Ben!" Ben swelled with pride at his brother's words of praise. "Yes it was great," I said to them, tousling their hair, "You boys are definitely the best fucks in town." They both smiled their delight at me. "Hey, I noticed it's getting easier to get my cock in you!" Johan repeated, "Have you been practising?" "Not really," I said, not wanting to tell him about the oversize dildo I had bought some time ago for the purpose of doing just that. "I know you been with other boys this week. I thought maybe they been stretching your hole good!" "No, I didn't let any of them fuck me," I replied. "What about your boy, Dirk?" "No, we don't have sex together!" I replied indignantly. "You don't fuck together at home when the missus is not around?" Johan asked in a mock incredulous tone. "No!" I replied, going a little red, 'He's my son!" "Okay, just joking!" "No problem' Ben lifted his head up to look at Johan and me with a puzzled expression on his face. "So why can't you fuck your son?" Johan looked at me quizzically. "Yeah, Jonny, why can't you fuck your son?" he mimicked. "People just don't do that!" I replied. "Well I know plenty guys who fuck their sons! I even done it with them!" said Johan. "Well, I don't know 3; I just never thought about it, that's all," I replied. "You know you have!" said Johan, pointing at my erecting cock, "You thinking about it now! And you blushed just now when I asked you. You can't lie to me, man!" I blushed again. "You see!" trumpeted Johan. "Okay, okay, Johan you're way too clever for your own good," I laughed, anxious to get off the subject. "Anyway, I don't need to fuck my son, I'd rather come down here and fuck you two instead." "Damn right, Mister!" said Johan, "Nobody gonna give you a better fuck than me "n Ben!" We lay watching TV for a while. Then, after a while: "Why don't you bring him with you next time?" asked Johan. "Who?" I asked "Dirk' I looked at Johan in surprise. "Ja, bring Dirk with you next time. We can have some fun together. Ben "n me can teach him like we taught you." I continued looking at Johan, not trusting myself to speak. "Ja, I checked his photo in your wallet the other day. He's pretty cute. How old is he?" "Thirteen' Johan jumped off the bed and fished the photo of Dirk out of my wallet. Dirk is blonde and blue-eyed like my wife and his athletic build and sporting prowess are the envy of everyone in his grade at school. The photo showed a tanned and beaming Dirk in a Speedo at the hotel pool on a recent holiday. "I'd love to fuck that bum myself!" said Johan, "Dunno why you haven't already!" I went instantly rock hard at the thought of Johan and Dirk having sex. Johan laughed and pointed. "You see!" he crowed again, "Now you gotta bring him!" "Okay, okay, we'll see!" I said, "Now what must I do to get some sex around here? Do I have to whip you guys!" "Good idea!" said Johan, jumping off the bed and fetching a rattan cane that was lying on the table with a braided whip, a pair of handcuffs and some other implements, "We haven't played that game yet with you." "No thanks," I said, putting up a hand to decline the proffered cane, "I was just joking." "Aw 3; c'mon, Jonny 3; don't be a papbroek [sissy]!" Johan taunted. "No, it's not that. I just don't want to hurt you guys, that's all." "You think it doesn't hurt when you put that fucken big dick of yours in our arses?" grinned Johan. I chuckled. "Come on, you know that's different! I don't do it to hurt you, and it doesn't hurt you for long anyway!" "It's exactly the same thing!" said Johan, "Guys fuck our arses "cause it's lekker for them, even though it hurts us a bit. Well 3; guys whip us because it also makes them feel horny, even though it's sore for us. And it makes us feel horny too." "Not me!" Ben piped up, "It makes you horny, Johan, but it just makes me sore." Johan laughed as he slashed the air with the cane, pretending to cane an imaginary butt. "Then why do you go hard sometimes when you get jacks on your arse?" "I dunno!" Ben replied. "Same reason you go hard when you have a cock or anything else up your arse. It makes you horny, whether you like it or not!" "Okay, boys, it doesn't matter whether it makes you horny or not, I am not going to be caning either of you." Ben looked relieved while Johan looked momentarily disappointed. Then Johan's face brightened up. "How "bout you try it out on another boy?" he suggested. This put a new slant on it and, despite my conditioned reluctance, I was immediately intrigued. "Like who?" I asked. "Like maybe Adi or Kris? Or maybe Pedro? " I turned the idea over in my mind. "Okay, why not?" I said finally. Ben was out of the room like a shot and returned barely ten minutes later with the 14 year old Kris. "Hey Mister, howzit?" he grinned at me a little hesitantly from under his untidy sandy thatch. I cast my eyes hungrily over the wiry hardness of his lean brown body with its disproportionately large cock hanging down like a hosepipe over his bulbous balls. "Johan says you want us to do a bit of S "n M?" "Do you mind?" I asked, feeling a little silly as the words left me. "Hey, you're the boss, Mister," he giggled nervously, "We here to make you happy! Don't matter what I mind!" Johan patted a low sturdily built coffee table: "Lie here on your belly with your arse hanging over the end and your knees on the floor!" he ordered. "Jeez, you gonna just get right into it!" Kris complained. "Shuddup Kris! Do it!" Kris complied. Johan secure Kris's wrists to the table legs with handcuffs and his legs with a couple of lengths of rope. Then Johan offered me the cane. "Now you hit him hard on the arse, Jonny!" I hesitated. "Why don't you give him a couple of lashes first to show me how it's done?" "Cool!" said Johan. "Can I also, please?" begged Ben. "Jeez, Mister, please don't let Johan hit me? He hits real hard!" "Shuddup, Kris, don't be such a moffie!" snapped Johan, as he took station behind Kris and raised his right hand above his shoulder so that cane was almost touching his back. Then he brought it whistling through the air to smack against Kris's tightly clenched buttocks with a meaty crack that made me wince. Kris gasped, the breath instantly expelled from his lungs with the shock and pain of the stroke. He body went as stiff as a board and every muscle in his back and buttocks knotted up in spasm. A fiery red welt mushroomed instantly over the smooth white skin of his arse. A hoarse rasping came from his throat as he desperately sucked breath into his lungs. A second later he bellowed as the pain shot like lightning through his body. Johan waited for Kris to settle down before delivering the next stroke. "Maybe we should stop, Johan?" I said, "We're going to have hotel security here if he's going to scream like that." Johan laughed. "Nah, that's nothing!" he said, "He can scream all he wants, no one can hear him outside this room. Even if they could hear him, no one's gonna come! What happens in your room is your business." Johan got ready to administer the next stroke, casting an eye at my sex tackle as he did so. "I see you enjoying this already, Jonny, and we just started!" he said with a wicked grin. He was right, of course: my cock had slowly lengthened in anticipation during Johan's preparations but I had thought it was simply the inviting view of Kris's sexy butt hole revealed by his spread-apart thighs and heightened by the thought of fucking it later. But my cock had practically sprung to attention when Kris screamed in pain. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. A second time the cane fluted through the air and cracked against Kris's delectable buttocks. Another fiery welt sprang up on the smooth white skin and again Kris screamed. Johan handed me the cane. This time I had no hesitation and I laid six more stripes across Kris's arse, my ears and heart deaf to his screaming, sobbing and pleading. When finally, almost at the point of ejaculation, I put the cane down and Johan kneeled to take my cock in his mouth, Ben picked the cane up again and gave Kris another four lashes as I climaxed and shot my load down Johan's throat. Then Johan and Ben, both of them also at the point of climax, stood on either side of the still snivelling Kris and stroked their cocks rapidly to ejaculation, squirting jets of hot slippery cum onto each other's bellies and dribbling great globs of it onto the smooth tanned skin of Kris's back. The two cum lovers then treated me to a show in which they slowly licked the cum off each other's cocks and bellies and off Kris's back. "See, I knew you would get off on it!" Johan said to me triumphantly. "Yes, but I feel a bit guilty about causing Kris so much pain," I replied. "It's not so bad," said Kris. He pointed to a puddle of cum on the coffee table and smears of it on his belly: "And see 3; I also cummed 3; while Ben gave me those last few jacks!" "Good grief!" I said in astonishment, "Did you really cum from being beaten?" "Yeah, my cock always goes hard 3; I dunno why 3; and sometimes I cum!" "So next we can cane you to see if you also cum!" laughed Johan. "That will be the day!" I replied, though without much conviction, "Not tonight anyway!" By now it was late and, after I had allowed the boys to suck and fuck each other to satiation, we all four curled up on the two side-by-side beds and fell soundly asleep. When I woke the sun was well up and the boys had already left, no doubt in need of breakfast and a clean-up. I showered and shaved, threw on my bathrobe and wandered barefoot down to the dining room for breakfast. There were just a few guests at breakfast but each table was attended by a naked boy. Their ages varied from, I would say, 12 to 16. None of the boys I knew was there. The table I chose was attended by a pleasant faced young boy of about 14. He had short black hair and green eyes. He had the muscular build of a gymnast. His large callused hands and thick strong wrists were further evidence of this and the bruises on his wrists seemed to confirm it. His body was only lightly sun-touched 3; unusual for a Durban boy, but evidence of many hours spent indoors on gymnastics equipment rather than on a beach surfing. Like all the other boys, however, his sex tackle was impressive for his age. A long thick milky white uncut tube hung down over bulbous balls. His body was smooth and hairless and his pubes had evidently been shaved, which I always find most attractive on a boy 3; it seems to highlight their youth somehow and was probably the subconscious reason, along with the boy's muscularity, that I chose this table. I sat down and the boy fetched me some coffee after introducing himself in charmingly Afrikaans-accented English as Tiaan. "So, Tiaan," I asked him when he got back, "Did you have a busy night?" "No, Mister, I was not working last night, I am on the day shift," he said with a broad smile. Oh of course, I thought to myself, Johan and them can't be expected to work day and night. "Oh I see," I replied, "So Johan and Ben and the others won't be working today at all' "No, you'll only see them tonight again' I realised that I would have no choice but to try out a new rent boy if I was going to have any sex that day. "So what are you doing after breakfast, Tiaan?" Tiaan smiled again. "Whatever Mister wants me to do, I will be happy to do' "Okay, Tiaan, you're booked 3; you're mine 3; for the morning anyway' Tiaan looked particularly pleased with himself and there was a spring in his step during the rest of the service. He hovered attentively just behind and to one side of me and did my every bidding with alacrity. He kept asking me if there was anything else he could do for me. I got the impression eventually that he was not referring to fetching anything else for me to eat or drink. I realised then that Tiaan's prodigious manhood was hoist at the near horizontal as he stood next to me and kept bumping against my elbow. I followed Tiaan's gaze to another table across the room I realised what he meant: The 12 year old attendant there was under the table, kneeling between the guest's legs and sucking vigorously at the man's cock. My cock stiffened under my bathrobe at the sight but, though I had come a long way, having this beautiful and sexy boy suck me off at the breakfast table in full view of the guests still seemed a step too far. "Um 3; thanks Tiaan, but 3; I think I'll save it for the bedroom just now." "Yes, okay, Mister 3; sorry for embarrassing you!" he replied anxiously, blushing furiously, "It's my first time here and I just wanted to please you!" "No I'm not embarrassed," I lied, "I just had a heavy night and I want to save my energy for later." "You sure, Mister? I don't want to get in trouble with Suraj!" "You won't get in trouble, I promise you." "Thank you, Mister, thank you! I don't mind the beating, but I can't get sent home. I really need the money!" His desperation was patent and had drawn the attention of the floor manager. To put the man at ease I grabbed Tiaan's still erect cock and starting stroking it. "Okay, I've changed my mind," I said as I threw open my bathrobe, "kneel down next to me and start sucking my cock!" "Oh thank you, Mister, thank you!" Tiaan said breathlessly as he quickly dropped to his knees and grabbed my stiff cock, clamped his lips around it and started to suck me awkwardly. Once or twice his teeth got in the way and I tried not to wince too obviously, although by now the floor manager's attention had turned elsewhere. It was obvious that Tiaan was not used to this and I wondered how he had managed to get himself mixed up with this operation. After a while I gently stopped Tiaan's clumsy ministrations and we left the dining room together. Back in my room I sat Tiaan down on the bed. "Okay, Tiaan, be honest with me, I'm not going to get you into trouble: You're not a regular rent boy, are you?" Tiaan blushed and looked sheepishly down at his bare toes. "No, Mister, I'm not," he admitted quietly. "Then what the hell are you doing here? How did you even get invited?" Tiaan looked as if he was going to burst into tears and I immediately felt sorry for him. I sat next to him on the bed and put one arm around his broad, muscled shoulders and the other on his bulging thigh. "You're not in trouble, Tiaan, I just want to help you," I said as I stroked and patted his thigh. As if I had opened a sluice gate Tiaan poured out his story to me: Tiaan was an only child who lived with his mother, a teacher at his school. His father had left them when Tiaan was about 3 years old and he had no contact with the man and no memory of him. They lived in a garden flatlet attached to the home of one of the parents at his school. As I had guessed, Tiaan was a keen gymnast. He trained at a club in Durban's inner city where the coach, a one-time international level gymnast, had spotted his talent and taken an interest in the young boy. Tiaan spent nearly all of his spare time training at the club and he had reaped the reward both in his muscular development, which was magnificent, and in the many awards, medals and accolades that he had won over the years since he had started at the age of six. He had represented his province, Natal, in every age group since the age of ten and he had just recently been selected to do so again at the National Championships to be held in Cape Town in a few months. However, although the provincial federation provided some financial assistance, each contestant had to fund the balance of the cost: a thousand Rand or so. The problem was that Tiaan's mother simply did not have the money. Tiaan did his best to earn some cash by doing gardening, pool cleaning, car washing and other odd jobs in the neighbourhood. He even spent a few Saturday mornings begging at traffic intersections with a placard hanging from his neck and shaking a money tin, but a thousand rand was a lot of money in those days and he was making no headway in raising it. Just when it looked like Tiaan would have to forfeit his place in the team, a junior trainer at the club named Bob Painter buttonholed Tiaan in the changing room one afternoon after school and whispered in his ear that he had a way for Tiaan to earn the shortfall. Tiaan was obviously interested, but when he learned that it involved giving the young man a blowjob, he declined at first. "Not because I didn't like him 3; He was always kind to me and buying me cooldrinks "n stuff. And he's got great muscles and he looks kinda cute. I saw him watch me in the shower sometimes and it made me kinda horny before. I even thought how I'd like him to shower with me. It's just I never done sex before and it scared me." By the next day, however, Tiaan had reconsidered and found an opportunity to communicate this surreptitiously to Bob. A short while later that afternoon Tiaan and Bob slipped upstairs to Bob's flat and Tiaan, with absolutely no idea of technique, clumsily tried to give the eager fellow the first blowjob of his life. "My teeth pinched his cock a couple times," said Tiaan, smiling slightly at the memory, "Actually, quite a few times, an' he got a bit cross an' said "Fuckit, man, don't you know how to do it? There are 8 year olds who can do a better job!"' "I said "Sorry" an' he said "If you want your money you gonna have to let me fuck your butt". I said "Okay" an' then he fucked my arse. It was fucken sore at first but after a while it felt quite lekker an' I could tell he was enjoying it! ' "When we were finished I asked for my money 3; an' he threw a twenty at me. I said "But you promised a thousand" an' he just laughed. He said "I can get a experienced rent boy for 100 bucks 3; why will I give you a thousand?"' "I told him I'm gonna go to the cops an' tell them he raped me. He said "Do what you want 3; they not gonna believe you 3; and I got plenty friends in the cops". ' Tiaan stormed off to the police station. When he arrived there he met a sergeant there who seemed to be expecting him. "Sergeant Scholtz?" I asked. "How do you know?" asked Tiaan, surprized. "Just a lucky guess' I replied. Sergeant Scholtz listened to Tiaan's story and then asked Tiaan to take him to Bob's flat. Tiaan readily agreed. When they arrived, however, Bob and the policeman greeted each other like old friends. Tiaan realised that things were not as they seemed and he tried to leave, saying he had to get home, but the sergeant took Tiaan firmly by the arm, drew him inside and locked the door. "So, Bob," the sergeant said to the trainer, "The kid says you raped him?" "No way, Sarge!" claimed Bob. "He's been coming on to me in the gym for a long time now, and today he offered to let me fuck him for cash. He needs the cash to go to the gymnastics championship in Cape Town." "So you agreed to do sex with Bob for cash?" Sergeant Scholtz asked. "Well 3; yes 3; but he asked me, I didn't ask him!" "Well that's not rape, boykie, that's just two guys agreeing to have sex! You lied to me!" "But he didn't pay me!" spluttered Tiaan, not happy about the course things were taken. "Is that so?" Sergeant Scholtz asked Bob. "Man, I paid him twenty bucks!" said Bob "Is that true?" the sergeant asked Tiaan. "Yes, but 3;," Tiaan objected. "So you lied again! the sergeant interrupted. "But he was supposed to pay me a thousand bucks!" Tiaan cried. Sergeant Scholtz and Bob both guffawed loudly at that. The sergeant clipped Tiaan against the head: "You must think I'm a doos [cunt]!" he said to Tiaan, "Which fucken idiot is gonna pay you a thousand bucks for one fuck with a virgin boy?" At that moment Tiaan realised he was in serious trouble. "Okay," Sergeant Scholtz said to Tiaan, taking out a pair of thumb cuffs and cuffing Tiaan's thumbs together behind his back. "I'm arresting you for making false charges against Mr Painter. What's your mom's telephone number? I will have to phone her to come to the station." "Oh please, please, don't tell my mom!" Tiaan begged, "I will do anything, but please don't tell my mom!". "Well 3; let's see," said the sergeant, "I'm sure we can work something out to keep you from going to a reformatory until you're eighteen." "Please, please, please 3; no reformatory. I'll do anything 3;' "Anything? You're sure?" "Anything!" "Okay 3; I'll let you go 3; but then you belong to me!" "You mean I gotta come live with you now?" "No, you doos 3; it means you do things for me 3; whatever I want you to do!" "Okay, Mister 3; I'll do anything you want!" And that was how Sergeant Scholtz had acquired ownership of Tiaan's sexy young body during the preceding week. "Bob and the sergeant fucked me a few times in Bob's flat that afternoon. Bob said "He's such a slut 3; see how he likes it" and the sergeant said "Ja 3; you can see he wants more!" And it's true 3; I did like it 3;" "Afterwards the sergeant told me how I can make all the money I need at the Rajah's Palace. I didn't really have a choice, "cause he told me to come here 3; but I was excited also." Then Tiaan looked at me with pleading in his eyes. "Please, Mister, can you teach me how to do man sex properly? I don't want them to send me home. I need the money for the gymnastics and I don't wanna go to jail." I looked at Tiaan, perplexed. On the one hand I felt I should be rescuing the kid from the slippery slope that he was sliding down. But on the other hand I was lusting after his body and thankful for the circumstances that had made it available to me. In the end, the lust won and I shut my mind to any further thoughts of helping him. I was going to exploit Tiaan's situation to the full. After all, he seemed to more than a little willing to be exploited. In fact, it was obvious that Tiaan was actually excited to be there, really wanted the sex and was keen to learn more. " Lucky me", I thought as I slid my hand up his leg and scooped up the long and flabby sausage hanging down between his parted thighs. As my fingers closed around it I felt it come alive and within seconds it had started to swell, harden and lengthen. I put my hand against the firm bulge of his chest muscles and pushed him gently backward until he was lying stretched out on his back, with his leather soled feet flat on the floor. I spent some time kneading and stroking his meaty cock, enjoying the feel of its hardness and vigour as it pulsed and strained beneath my fingers. "Gently does it, Tiaan," I said, "You need to take it slowly and gently. You guys wank yourselves like you're taking part in a race to see who cums first. You mustn't be trying to race – you must be trying to make it last as long as possible and cum last. It's the same when you're wanking or sucking your buddy or your client. Make it long and slow at first. Your grip must be firm but not tight like you're trying to strangle it." "Jeez that feels great, Mister," Tiaan purred, the muscles of his body taut with the pleasure he was feeling. "I wish I could make my cock feel this good!" "You can, Tiaan, just take it slowly, like you're making love to it. We'll do it together for a bit' I released his cock so that Tiaan could close his hand around it. He was holding the shaft too low, so I edged his hand up until his thumb and forefinger closed just at the point where his shaft joined the head. "Can you feel this point here?" and I gripped his frenum between thumb and forefinger, "This is where most of the pleasure nerves are, so you need to give it a lot of attention' "Yes I can feel it," Tiaan said excitedly, "I wish I had a dad to teach me these things before!" I closed my hand over his and gently moved it up and down his shaft. "Now just use your thumb and forefinger at the tip of your cock and see how good that feels," I said to him. Tiaan did so and soon his breath was coming in jerks and starts as his grip tightened and his movements quickened. "Okay, now remember you want to make it last," I said, "So stop doing that a bit and spend some time stroking your body and your balls with the tips of your fingers, like this. Make it feel like you're stroking with feathers' I feather-stroked his balls, his cock, his belly and his chest with my fingers to show him how it was done. He closed his eyes and his body visibly relaxed as I did so. After a while I ran my fingers down over his balls into the space between his thighs. "Lift your legs up so your knees touch your shoulders," I said to him. He did so with the perfect control of a gymnast and held them there without having to pull them back with his hands. I ran my fingers gently up and down his crack and then focused for a while on the pink pucker of his anus. "Do this to yourself for a bit so you get the feel of how to do it," I suggested. Tiaan started probing his anus with his strong callused fingers. "You need to be much more gentle' I said, "You're going to hurt the guy if you go in there so roughly. Also, make sure your fingers are warm before you go feeling up the guy's hole. Suck them warm if necessary. He won't enjoy it if you go jabbing him in the arse with icicles." Tiaan chuckled. He seemed to be much more relaxed now and was clearly enjoying what we were doing together. I spent the next few hours slowly coaching Tiaan through all the phases of male sex, carefully teaching him what I had in turn learnt from Johan, Ben and the other rent boys I had come to know in Durban. I spent a lot of time teaching him what I knew of the art of sucking, since this was a skill that he was evidently seriously lacking. First, so he could experience first-hand what he was supposed to do for the men he would be servicing, I sucked him off myself in a long slow blowjob that brought him to a climax that he claimed was the best he had ever had. Poor boy had obviously not had very many! He had certainly never been sucked to climax before. I then started him on a banana from the fruit bowl in the room, taking the peel off to force him to work it gently in and out of his mouth. We went through several bananas before he was eventually able to suck it for an extended period without leaving any teeth marks in the flesh of the banana. Luckily he either had no gag reflex or was able to switch it off. He then sucked me to climax in such a masterful way that anyone else who had experienced it would have thought that Tiaan had had more cocks in his mouth than breakfasts. Certainly I enjoyed receiving it and it seemed to me that Tiaan enjoyed giving it. The boy clearly had a talent for this and he learned quickly. When eventually I got to what I thought was going to be the most difficult for Tiaan: ass-fucking, I discovered to my surprise that although his anus was pleasantly tight, it was much more flexible and accommodating than I had expected. I wondered if the suppleness that is the hall mark of gymnasts somehow also extended to his anal muscles. Don't be silly, I told myself. I mentioned my surprise to him. "Oh 3; that's because I been practising with my mom's big fat rubber dildo all week. Sergeant Scholtz said I better practice stretching my arse or I won't make it through the weekend. I have to meet him every day at the change house on the Foreshore 3; where the rent boys hang out 3; so he can check my progress." "How does he check your progress?" I asked, knowing the answer already. "He fucks me in the toilet," Tiaan answered matter-of-factly. "My arse still gets sore 3;," Tiaan said, drawing his legs up against his chest and curiously probing his anus with a strong forefinger, "But it's a lekker kinda sore 3; like my muscles when I train hard with the weights!" "Check what I can do with my bum hole!" he said suddenly. I examined his anus carefully and could see it was moving weakly. "What are supposed to be doing?" I asked Disappointment clouded his face. "Isn't it opening and closing?" he asked. "it's moving like it wants to open but it's still closed," I replied. "Oh 3; it feels to me like it's opening. Another boy on the Foreshore showed me how to make my bum hole open and close, but I gotta practise more." "That'd be a cool trick," I said, "I'd certainly like to see that." Tiaan's brow furrowed and his eyes slitted with concentration as he kept trying to flex his hole open. After a while he stretched his legs out straight and wriggled himself up the bed until his head was on a pillow. I climbed onto the bed and lay next to him. He snuggled his head into my shoulder, put an arm over my chest and a leg over mine so that his semi-erected cock pressed against my thigh. His leathery toes played with my foot. "I like how this feels," he said to me with a shy smile, "Can we lie like this a while?" "Sure," I said, "I like how it feels too," my cock tingling in confirmation of this. I slid my hand down his back, enjoying the feel of the firm muscle bulges under his smooth unblemished skin. My hand moved down over his hard round buttocks and my fingers explored the valley between them. My fingers played with his pucker a while before it flexed open and welcomed my middle finger. I gently fingered Tiaan's hole for a while as he practically purred at my shoulder, his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his face. Even as I was doing this we both fell asleep, cuddled together like lovers. I was pretty tired from all the unaccustomed physical activity and poor Tiaan must have been exhausted from everything he had endured this whole week. I woke up to the sound of insistent knocking at the door. it was dark in the room and I had to put the bedside light on. Tiaan stirred and came sleepily awake as I did so, yawning and stretching as he sat up and looking confusedly around him for a while before realising where he was. I answered the door. It was Johan, come to check what had happened to me, since he did not see me in the lounge when the show was on. "Come in," I said to him, "Where's Ben?" "He's with another client," Johan replied. "Oh you got Tiaan with you," he grinned as he came in, "Howzit, Tiaan!" "Howzit!" Tiaan replied, lifting a palm sleepily in greeting. "So you know each other?" I asked "We just met this week on the Foreshore. He's Scholtz's new rent boy' "No I'm not a rent boy!" Tiaan exclaimed, "I'm just here this weekend to make some money' Johan looked at Tiaan pityingly and then looked at me and winked. "Okay' was all he said as he got onto the bed next to Tiaan, sitting with his brawny legs folded under him. "So what we doin' tonight?" Johan asked, "I had a good sleep and I'm feeling fris [vigorous] and horny now!" I laughed. "Are you boys ever not horny?" I asked. "Guess not!" replied Johan. "Well I'm hungry right now, so I'm going down to the dining room for a bite," I said, "Why don't you two get warmed up on each while I'm out?" "Cool!" said Johan, turning his attention to Tiaan. Tiaan, who had been running his eyes hungrily over Johan's prodigious cock and muscular body, looked delighted at the suggestion. I threw my bathrobe on and left. When I looked over my shoulders I saw the two naked boys already intertwined on the bed as they eagerly explored each other's bodies with their hands. I paused to watch a moment. Johan was kissing Tiaan open-mouthed and trying to get his tongue in. "Yuck!" Tiaan gurgled as he pulled away the first time. Then he seemed to think the better of it and turned back, mouth open and tongue out. When I left the room they were tonguing each vigorously and Tiaan had yet another sex lesson under his belt. After dinner I returned to the room with Pedro in tow. We found Johan on his knees on the bed with his face in a pillow lying on his folded arms, and Tiaan energetically banging his cock into Johan's raised arse. Johan was calling out instructions for Tiaan's benefit. "Go a bit smoother, Tiaan, you're supposed to be fucking me, not shoving me through the wall!" "Sorry!" Tiaan managed to croak hoarsely between pants, but, with the tip of his cock firmly in charge of his body, his thrusting actually accelerated and moments later his whole body went into spasm as he crooned his delight and shot his load deep inside Johan. When the last ecstatic spasm had passed, Tiaan withdrew his thick cock, still hard, from Johan's arse and flopped down to lie on his back, his body glistening with sweat and his chest heaving. Even as he did so Pedro climbed onto the bed, his cock already stiff, scooped up some of the cum dribbling copiously out of Johan's still open hole, lubricated his shaft and casually shoved himself deep into Johan's fuck chute. Realising suddenly that everyone except the client was having sex, Tiaan jumped up and rushed over to kneel at my feet, taking my swollen shlong in his hard hand and guiding it quickly into his warm moist mouth. And so began my last night of hard and passionate sex with the Rajah's rent boys. As I flew home to Johannesburg the next morning, the memories of the week's sexual experiences with Johan, Ben, Adi, Kris, Pedro, Zak and Tiaan paraded through my mind constantly and kept my cock in an almost constant state of excitement and occasional erection. Fortunately I was able to hide it under my tray for most of the way but as we began the descent I had to consciously smother the sexual reminiscences and concentrate on other things to avert embarrassment when I would have to disembark. On the drive home, however, all I could think of was how soon I could return to Durban and I began to flesh out my idea to do a father and son sailing trip with Dirk and some of the rent boys. I had mentioned it to Johan before I said goodbye and he had been quite excited by the idea. Then finally I was home and I had no choice but to put them all out of my mind, until the next time 3; GLOSSARYag = Oh or ah. Pronounced like the Scots 'och' ag shame = Expression of sympathy, sometimes sarcastic. Boertjies = Afrikaner boys. Prounounced 'boo-r-keys,' with the 'r' rolled such as a Scot would pronounce it boetie = Little brother. 'Boe' is pronounced short like 'boo' in 'book' and 'tie' is pronounced just like the 'ty' in 'panty' charrah = Slang term for person of Indian origin. Pronounced pretty much as it is spelt dis = It or that is. Pronounced as spelt. fokop = Fuckup. Pronounced like 'fawk-awp' but with the syllables short haai = Hey. Pronounced 'high' ja = Yes. Pronounced 'yah' jags = Horny. Pronounced 'yugs' with the 'g' like the 'ch' in the Scottish 'loch' jislaaik = Jeez or wow. Pronounced 'yis-like' Johan = Boy's name pronounced like 'You-hun' with the accent on the second syllable Kaalgat = Naked. Kaal is pronounced 'karl' and gat is pronounced something like 'gut' but with the 'g' pronounced like the 'ch' in the Scottish 'loch' Kaaskop = Literally 'Cheese Head,' slang for Dutchman. Pronounced like 'c(arse)-cop' lekker = Nice or great. Pronounced 'lecker' moerse = Huge (in this context). Pronounced 'moo-r-se' with a rolled 'r' such as a Scot would pronounce it. nors = Grumpy or cross. Pronounced like 'Norse,' only shorter and with a rolled 'r' such as a Scot would pronounce it. okes = Guys. Pronounced like 'oaks' oom = Uncle. Pronounced like 'oo-em' ou = Guy. Pronounced like 'oh' pap = Soft. Pronounced like 'pup' pielseun = Cock boy. Piel means 'cock'. Pronounced 'peel,' but shorter, like 'pill'. Seun means 'boy'. Pronounced 'see-uhn' poephol = Arsehole. Pronounced 'poop-hall' but with the syllables short tril = Cock or dick. Pronounced as written with rolled 'r'. |