Brianski aka BrianBenin, A Roman Slave Boy |
SummaryThis is the story of Benin a 13 year old boy enslaved by the marauding Roman Army from his North African home, in the year 53BC. He is bought by a senator as personal slave for his 12-year-old son. The young master loves two things: sex with his slave and punishing him.
Publ. Mar-Aug 2004 (Eunuch & MMSA); this site Dec 2007
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CharactersBenin (13yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/antiquityMt Mb tb tg – oral anal mast – spank bd tort humil chast castr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are offended by stories of young boys, who are abused and beaten, do not read this story. This story is not factual, but is based on historical readings from the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. |
Céladon's noteSome of the names used by Brianski for his characters are very odd for Romans. I changed them in more usual names.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Benin was the son of a baker, who once lived happily with his family, helping his father need the dough and bake the bread, although it was hard work, he was a happy and content boy, he was a handsome lad, with black curly hair and a light bronzed skin, muscular for his age, broad of chest and slim about the hips.Then one day, the Roman Army entered his village, torching the houses, the villagers ran for their lives but were soon rounded up by the soldiers, including Benin who had been separated from his parents. The Roman Empire could not survive if slaves were not replenished, all the menial work was done by slaves, personal servants were always in demand by the wealthy citizens of Rome, slaves for the galleys, slaves for the baths, so the army was despatched to gather in more poor souls, to be sold at auction in the slave markets, this had the added benefit of swelling the coffers of the emperor. Benin, amongst several hundred others were marched to the port and put aboard a galley destined for Rome. Within two days they arrived, hungry and frightened, they were herded with the aid of whips and a kick and taken ashore. They were put in pens, separated by age and sex, and given a bowl of maize to eat. Benin was ravishingly hungry, and scooped the foul stuff with his fingers into his mouth. Benin was in a pen with eight other boys, aged from 11 to 15, they were roped together at the neck, and as it was now getting dark they tried to get comfortable enough to sleep. As dawn broke, Benin's group were woken by buckets of water being thrown over them, huge Nubian guards laid into them with canes, rousing them, pushing and shoving them out of the pen, they led the group to a wooden building, still tied to each other with ropes around their necks, the leading boy, who was bout 14 years old was unhitched from his companion, his clothes torn from his back, he stood naked, while more water was thrown over him, and two slaves quickly dried him. Across the room sat a fat man, he reminded Benin of a toad, there were now six Nubians guarding this group, the fat man beckoned for the first slave to be brought forward, with a Nubian on each side they dragged the boy before the fat man, throwing the boy to his knees. The fat man leant forward and patted the boy on the head. "They are so unkind to my beautiful boys," he said to a scribe sitting next to him. He leaned forward again and took hold of the boy's arm and pulled him to his feet, he began his inspection of the boy. He stroked the boy's skin, feeling his belly and up to his chest, playing with the boy's nipples, then down to the boy's legs, stroking slowly the underside of the boy's thighs, he then stroked the boy's cock, this fingering had aroused the boy, and his cock began to grow, the fat man smiled at the boy's erection. He then turned the boy around and had him bend over, caressing the boy's buttocks, he then pushed against the boy's anus with his finger, the boy resisted, he pushed harder, at last the sphincter gave way and he entered the boy's hole, thrusting his finger deep inside the boy, who moaned, his cock now standing fully erect. The fat man spoke to the scribe, "tonight's sale for this one. He should fetch a good price." It was now Benin's turn, he also was dragged forward, the fat man instructed the guard to keep him standing, and he also was naked. The fat man began by pushing his fingers into Benin's mouth, Benin almost gagged as the man's fingers almost went down his throat, he then began the body inspection, first playing and pinching Benin's nipples, Benin stepped back as he did not like what was happening, he then heard a swish, and one of the Nubians brought down a cane across Benin's buttocks. "Stand still boy," cried the fat man. Benin could not believe the pain that seared through his buttocks, tears welled up in his eyes, and he now stood motionless in front of the man. The inspection continued, probing his belly, the man played with Benin's navel, which stood slightly proud of his muscled belly, then down to his cock, which was some 5" [12½ cm] long and semi-hard, a very good size for such a young boy, the fat man smiled, he weighed Benin's balls in his hand and separated each ball and squeezed, Benin went to move back again, but refrained, and stood passively while the man continued to explore his body. He was now told to turn round and bend over, the man pushed against his anus, it was very tight, but the sphincter gave way as the man's finger entered him, he pushed hard, feeling Benin's prostate, this produced a not unpleasant feeling and his cock grew to its full extent, the man finished by slapping Benin on the buttocks, "Take him to the villa" he commanded, a slave put a rope around Benin's neck, and took him away. Benin was led out of the building, which opened up into a courtyard, around which were many small doors, the slave removed a piece of wood which was securing the door, and thrust Benin in. The cell was only 1 metre [3'4"] wide by 2 metres [6'8"] deep and 2 metres [6'8"] high, it smelled of urine and had an earthen floor, the door was secured with the plank of wood and Benin sat down on the stinking earth. The only light was from a small grill at the top of the door. A feeling of despair overwhelmed Benin, and tears trickled down his cheeks, what was happening to him, he enquired of himself, where are my Mother and Father, he felt totally dejected. Benin had been incarcerated for several hours, when the door was opened, the same slave dragged him out into the bright sunlight, and Benin squinted as his eyes adjusted. Six other boys were being taken out of their cells at the same time, each had a rope put round their necks and they were taken inside the villa. They were all taken to the bath house, and handed over to another slave. "My name is Medianus," said the slave; Benin just looked at him, wondering what was going to happen next. "Lost your tongue," Medianus enquired, "No," replied Benin. "Come closer my beautiful one," said Medianus, "you are a fine specimen, so handsome." Benin shuffled over, Medianus began stroking his black curly hair, lightly touching his skin, caressing his cock, which stirred in his loins, Benin did not dislike the feeling this produced. "You are a hot one," cried Medianus, "you will fetch a high price in tonight's sale." "Sale?" enquired Benin. "Yes my beauty, you are to be sold in the special sale tonight, there will be rich merchants, senators and brothel keepers there tonight, they will bid highly for you, you must prey to the gods that you are not purchased by a brothel keeper, because your life will be a hard one," said Medianus. Benin was not happy about this prospect and wondered where he would end up. "Never fear my little one, come, we have much work to do, as I prepare you for the sale, you must look your best," said Medianus. Medianus instructed Benin to enter the bath and gave him a cloth to wipe the worst of the dirt off his body, Benin took the opportunity to look around, he saw three Nubian slaves stationed around the bath house, standing guard, and small boys struggling up some steps from the basement carrying leather pales of hot water, they struggled with the weight then poured the water into the baths which were being used to cleanse the slaves ready for the sale. They then scurried off to fetch a further supply. They wore only tiny little pieces of cloth around their hips, the sweat poured from their body, one slipped on the marble floor, but quickly regained his composure and ran down the steps, and they all carried marks of the cane across their buttocks and legs. The heat was intense in the bath house; steam came off the water in the baths, and also from ducts in the floor and the walls. Medianus called Benin out, and he stood naked, the water running off his body. "First we clean the inside of your body, stand over that grating in the floor," he commanded, Benin stood over the grating. "Now bend over." Benin complied. Medianus took a hose, which had a bag at the end and filled the bag with warm water, he then parted Benin's buttocks and pushed the hose up his anus, the warm liquid flowed into Benin, he felt his belly swelling, he cried out in pain, as his stomach extended. "Stand up and close your buttocks as tight as you can, I will count to thirty, then let go," ordered Medianus. Medianus counted slowly. "I must let go," cried Benin. "No, No, hold on," said Medianus. Benin contorted his face in agony as he squeezed his buttocks tighter together, eventually Medianus reached 30, and Benin let go, the filthy water went down the grating, to Benin's relief. "Once more," said Medianus. Benin's chin dropped as he realised he would have to go through the torture again, and so it was, his anus was thoroughly cleansed. "Now for your belly, my pretty one," said Medianus. Benin remained over the grating, while Medianus fetched a flask of liquid. "Drink this down my boy," he commanded Benin drank cautiously, it was not too unpleasant, he was thirsty anyway, and soon downed the full amount. "Just lean forward over the grating," said Medianus. Within a short while, Benin began to sweat more than ever and had griping pains in his stomach, and then with a great rush all the liquid pored from his mouth, emptying the contents of his stomach with it. This was repeated, it made Benin reach as he tried to empty the last droplets of liquid from his belly. "Very good," said Medianus, "That is the worse bit over with, now I will clean the outside of your body, lie on the marble slab, belly down." Benin did as he was told. Medianus dried off the sweat from his body, scraping with a wooden spatula, this removed any remaining dirt from every pore of his skin, he then poured oil over his back and legs, he then started massaging his skin, first his back, then his buttocks then his legs, then repeat again and again until all the oil had been absorbed into Benin's skin. Benin enjoyed this attention. His body felt invigorated with the massage it was receiving. He was then told to turn on his back, and the oil treatment began again. This time Benin enjoyed it more, as Medianus massaged the oil into his body, he liked it when Medianus stroked the inside of his upper thighs, just below his ball sac. This produced wonderful feelings in his cock, which grew and grew until it stood proud and erect. "They said you were a hot one my beautiful friend, but save your juices until later, you will have plenty of opportunity to show yourself off," said Medianus. The whole process had taken over an hour. Medianus told Benin to jump into the bath and let the water wash over his body. Medianus called him out and began drying him with a cloth, then he took a pummis stone and rubbed the bottom of his feet, and the small calluses on his hands, he then took a sharp knife and trimmed Benin's hair and the small amount of hair under his arms was removed, he went down to his pubic hair and trimmed the little amount of black hair that was growing there, leaving a small stubble of black hair. He then had Benin bend over and took a pair of tweezers, and located some hairs growing around his anus, these he removed by pulling them out by the roots, Benin yelped with pain, at this sensitive spot. Benin's preparation, which had taken at least two hours was almost complete. Medianus led him by the hand, past a Nubian guard into an ante-room, which was much cooler, Benin shivered as the cool breeze from the window cooled his body, Medianus gave him a final hard rub with a rough cloth, this put a shine on Benin's skin, it glowed golden in the light, he looked ravishing, Medianus would have gladly sucked and pleasured him, but he could not. Medianus then took a bottle from a shelf, opened it and poured the liquid on the palm of his hand, the liquid had a sweet flowery smell, and Medianus put this behind Benin's ears, under his arms and around his cock and anus, the job was complete. Benin was told to stand on a raised dais, still naked, with his hands on his head, within a few minutes, the other slaves were brought in one by one and received the same treatment, until there were seven beautiful boys from 11 to 15 standing patiently waiting. Some twenty minutes later, a door at the far end of the room opened and the fat man, who had examined Benin and the other slaves earlier in the day, he wore fresh white and gold robes, entered the room. He was followed closely by his scribe, who carried a tablet to write on. Two Nubians brought in an ornate chair for the fat man to sit on. Medianus and the other attendants standing to the rear of each boy, told the boys to kneel on the floor, there lips kissing the marble, as a sign of respect to the fat man. They all obeyed. The fat man, sat down, completely filling the chair, "First Boy" cried the fat man. This was Benin, Medianus took hold of his arm and pulled him up and walked him over to the fat man. Medianus told him to kneel again in front of the fat man and to kiss his feet; Although Benin did not want to, he complied. "Stand" commanded the fat man, which Benin did, Medianus stood to one side, knowing that if the fat man found any faults he would be severely punished. The fat man pulled Benin forward and began his inspection. This was very thorough, as he wanted the boy in perfect condition for the sale. He started by pushing his finger in Benin's mouth and told Benin to suck it, he withdrew his finger and rubbed it on Benin's upper arm, this produced no dirt, Medianus sighed with relief, Benin was then measured with the aid of the scribe, who was a boy of some 16 years old, he also was fat, and Benin cringed as his fat stubby fingers took the measuring tape around Benin's body, Benin did not like the way the scribe's fingers lingered on Benin's skin, the scribe measured his chest, his waist, his height and wrote down the results. The fat man then spoke to Benin, "remember boy you are number .1. when your number is called you come forward." "Yes," replied Benin. At this the fat man was handed a cane by the scribe, he told Benin to bend over, and brought it down across Benin's buttocks. "You say 'yes sir master' boy, say it boy," he yelled, "Yes sir master," cried Benin "And again," yelled the fat man, each time bringing the cane down across Benin's buttocks. "Louder," shouted the fat man, "Yes sir master," shouted Benin. Four strokes lay neatly across Benin's buttocks, he was breathing heavily, as he fought the tears back. The scribe smiled in enjoyment watching Benin in pain. The fat man turned to the scribe and said, "some of the client's to-night like to see some marks across a boy." The inspection over, Medianus led Benin across to the wall adjacent to where the fat man sat. Benin had to stand some 18" [50 cm] from the wall with his feet 18" [50 cm] apart, he then had to raise his body onto his toes, as far as he could and support himself with his finger tips. He was directly in line with the scribe who kept an eye on him. Medianus warned Benin not to move as he would be punished again. The inspections continued, next was the 11 year old boy, then the black boy, then a very good looking blonde boy, until about an hour had passed and all the boys had been done, they all stood on tip toes facing the wall. Only Benin showed signs of punishment, but all the boy slaves had learnt a lesson, the four red wheals, which were going blue at the edges stood out. The fat man called for some wine and sat back in his chair drinking, and told the scribe to go over to the boys and make sure they were on tip toes. The scribe relished this duty, as he got to each boy, he put his foot under the boys heel and pushed upwards, one heel at a time, making the boy fully stretch up the wall, the scribe was not satisfied until the boy's finger tips were extended to their maximum, when he got to Benin he could not resist pinching the wheals on Benin's buttocks, Benin moaned in pain, the scribe put his foot under Benin's right heel and pushed upwards, Benin stretched as far as he could, then the left heel, again Benin stretched to his maximum, the scribe repeated the process several times until he was satisfied. The fat man then called for some food, and gave some to the scribe; they both devoured the food with relish, while the slave boys stood as still as they could, their leg and arm muscles now aching, Some 30 to 40 minutes passed, the boys straining to hold their positions. This was particularly hard for Benin as he had the pain in his buttocks to endure and he had been standing in that position for the longest time, but he was determined not to give in. The fat man then clapped his hands, and the main door to the room opened, two lithe young youths came in, carrying what looked like cloth, they wore miniscule garments around their cocks and nothing else, they had ruby red lips and cheeks, with mascara make up over their eyelids and brows, their finger nails and toe nails were painted the same ruby red as their lips. They both bowed in front of the fat man, who said,"You know what to do, just get on with it." "Yes sir master," they cried in unison in high pitched voices. They approached the boys lined against the wall, "Oh! My lovelies, we are here to rescue you," both giggled with laughter. Medianus, who with the other slaves had been waiting patiently for this part of the proceedings to begin, was instructed to bring Benin from the wall. Benin's leg's ached and his calf muscles were stiff, but he had survived this ordeal. The two seamstresses descended on Benin, touching him and caressing him, they quickly measured around his hips, then round the back, through the cracks of his buttocks, one of them kissed his buttocks, and said, "let mummy kiss it better," as he stroked Benin's wheals. They soon got to work, cutting cloth, which was shear as gossamer, and twisting thread. Within a few minutes they had made a garment, although tiny, it was expertly stitched together. It consisted of a small triangle of see-through cloth, with fine thread attached to each corner. They first tied the threads around Benin's hips, and then went underneath up the crack of his bum, they made a small loop in the thread around his hips and passed the third cord through the loop, this secured the garment. They cut the thread on Benin's hips and tied a small bow at each side, any excess thread was then cut off. They then took two small gold coloured balls, which had a small solid ball inside. They shook the balls, which made a tinkling sound, these were then stitched to the front of the garment one each side of Benin's cock. The garment was now complete, you could see Benin's cock through the fine material and the balls made a jingling sound as he walked, they then made the final touches to Benin himself, a little rouge on his nipples and cheeks they brushed a little black mascara on his eyebrows and hair brushed tiny amounts of mascara on his navel to make it stand out, they painted his toe and finger nails a bright red. "There my darling you are complete, come we must show you to the master," they said. One of them led Benin over to the fat man master, he got Benin to turn round in a circle and to jump in the air, the bells made a lovely sound. He was pleased with the result and thought how much money he would earn out of the boy tonight. Although he was selling the captured slaves on a commission for the emperor, only he knew how much he achieved for each boy, so it was customary to devalue the amount actually obtained from the sale and he would pocket the difference, plus the commission on the lower amount. A very lucrative business. Medianus was instructed to take Benin and wait for the rest of the slaves to be similarly kitted out. Medianus spoke in a low whisper to Benin, that he would try and see the clients before the boys were taken to be sold, that way he could tell Benin which ones to attract, so get the right master, who hopefully, would be kind to Benin. He also told Benin that the way he acted in front of the client purchaser was most important. He should smile at the man, act provocatively, by pushing his hips out and to keep his belly in, so as to show off his muscles, making himself as attractive as possible, this in fact was not difficult, as he was a beautiful boy with perfect symmetry. After all the boys had been kitted out, it was now time for the dress rehearsal. Each boy was led into the next room, which was huge, eight couches were laid out in a semi circle, large columns were either side of the main entrance door, around the walls were the finest tapestries and pictures of lude scenes, one was of two naked boys, one fucking the other, another of a young girl being fucked by a donkey. Many oil lamps illuminated the room. The two make-up artists and each boy's preparation slave walked into the room, followed by the fat man and scribe. Long fine gold chains were attached to the boy's necks, Medianus held the one attached to Benin and likewise down the line, the fat man clapped, and the boys were led around the room, first walking then breaking into a trot, they circled the room four times. In the centre, in front of the couches was a dais, they all stood on the dais and the slaves removed their chains. They then had to turn slowly, with their hands above their heads; the fat man became annoyed as they were all turning at different speeds "No, No," he screamed, "do it together." "No.1. boy you turn." Benin turned slowly. "Yes, like that, now you boys all turn at the same speed." All did but one, the black boy was still going too fast, the fat man went to him and laid the cane across his back and buttocks. "Stop! Stop!" The fat man shouted at the top of his voice. "Start again," This time they got it right. But he made them start again, running around the room, up onto the dais and turn, he was still not satisfied, so they did it again and again until they got it right. The slave boys were breathing heavily, their chests rising trying to take in more air. The fat man was at last satisfied. He then sat down on the first couch, and beckoned the first boy over. It was Benin. He instructed Benin to kneel and kiss the floor as a sign of submission. He told Benin, "the client will touch you or pull you by the arm. You then stand placing your hands on your head and turn slowly, you will then be told to remove your garment or the client will undo the bows. You will then be inspected by the client. Do you understand boy," he enquired. "Yes sir Master," Benin replied. "Good, now go back to the dais and do it again." Benin stood on the dais, the fat man beckoned him over, he immediately knelt in front of him and kissed the floor, the fat man took him by the arm and pulled him up; Benin put his hands on his head and began to turn slowly. The fat man told Benin how to remove his garment, taking a single strand of cord on his hip and pulling, this untied the bows, and the garment fell to the floor. "Good boy," said the fat man. "Now have you all been taking notice," he enquired, "Yes sir master," they chorused. Benin went back to his place, picking up his garment, the two make-up artists came over and dressed Benin, making final adjustments until they were satisfied. All but one of the slave boys performed well, except one of the blonde haired boys, who made the fat man increasingly angry, as he kept doing things wrong, either forgetting to place his hands on his head, or not being able to remove his garment quickly, the two make-up artists clucked around him. Making adjustments, several strokes of the cane later, he finally managed to get it right. "You may now rest boys, the clients will be hear in about an hour, your helpers will stay with you and bring you when I call, and put on a good show and you will be rewarded with a nice kind master." He departed the room, followed by the scribe, who toadied around him.
Chapter 2. Sale and a new masterBenin and the other boys waited patiently, shuffling their feet and feeling nervous."Medianus," said Benin, "I am hungry, I have not eaten since early this morning." "You will not get anything, my boy, if you are lucky your new master will feed you, if not you will go hungry," said Medianus. Medianus peered through the curtains, watching the clients arrive, and noted where the senator and the merchants were seated. He told Benin, "do not forget what I have told you, rub your cock so it grows before you go into the room and thrust your hips forward to make you look more desirable, the more passive you look the better, the man in the first couch is a senator and the men in the third and fourth couches are merchants, put your display on for them, the rest are brothel keepers, just stand and do just what you have to, and do not smile." Benin nodded in agreement. The two slim young men, who had helped prepare the boys with make-up and dress appeared. They were both naked, and to Benin's astonishment were painted all over with gold paint, they, evidently were the cabaret, they were to perform an exotic dance to get the clients in the right mood. The two men, performed for the clients and returned some 15 minutes later, covered in sweat. The time had now arrived for the slaves to enter, each slave boy, chain round their necks were dragged forward into the large room and were lead around the room at a trotting pace, making four circuits, then as rehearsed they were led onto the dais, their chains removed, all the boys put their hands over their heads and turned slowly in unison. The fat man smiled, as the boys performed as directed. Having turned several times they were told to stop. The scribe hurried over and passed the details of the first boy to the fat man, who of course was Benin, he extolled Benin's virtues, his slim body, finely muscled torso, his slim waist, his shaped legs with good calf muscles. How he would make an excellent personal servant, with the correct training, the fat man pointed out the wheals on his buttocks, he learns quickly he told the clients. Benin was then instructed to step down from the dais and approach the first client, the senator. Benin's cock was straining at his garment, he felt strangely excited and nervous. He walked forward and knelt in front of the senator, and kissed his feet, the senator leant forward and took hold of Benin's hair, firmly but gently pulling the boy to his feet. He ran his hands over the boy, this excited Benin, and he could feel his cock straining even more at his garment, the senator took hold of a string at the side and pulled, undoing the tie, then the other side and the garment fell to the floor. Benin's cock stood up straight, he could feel the sap rising within him, the senator continued his inspection, stroking Benin's cock, Benin began to breathe heavily as he fought against his feelings, pre-cum dripped out of his cock. The senator smiled and remarked how hot the boy was for his age. Benin was then passed to the next client, a tall thin black bearded brothel keeper, who drooled at Benin, He grabbed Benin's balls, and squeezed, the pain seared through his body, but at least his cock went down, the brothel keeper turned Benin around and had the boy bend over, he pushed with his fingers against Benin's sphincter, again painful until the fingers were fully inserted, he twisted his fingers, which again produced pain to Benin, who was not liking this one little bit, Benin was passed down the line, the brothel keepers gave the more intimate inspections, by the time Benin reached the merchants, he found it difficult to smile but did his best. The remaining slaves were still waiting patiently, they were all told to kneel down, except Benin who was returned to the dais, and the bidding began, the fat man extolling Benin's virtues, twisting his body this way and that, he asked for bids of 20,000 sesterces to start, one of the merchants bid this amount then the senator bid 22,000, one of the brothel keepers bid 25,000, until finally Benin was sold for 33,000 sesterces to the senator. A handsome price, the fat man beamed with delight. Benin smiled as he was lead over to the senator, the chain having been put round his neck again, and handed to the senator, Benin immediately dropped to his knees in front of the senator, and kissed his new master's feet, the senator pulled the boy up, and had him stand to his side, placing a hand on Benin's buttocks and felt the wheals on his cheeks. He was pleased with his purchase, and thought whether he would keep him for himself or give him to his 12 year old son. Benin looked around him, as the next boy was brought down for inspection, it was the 11 year old, who looked very apprehensive. The senator waved him past, so he went to the brothel keeper, who licked his lips as the small boy stood in front of him, he told the boy to remove his garment, he fumbled with the ties, so the man ripped the garment from him, this stunned the boy who looked sheepishly at the towering man, his examination was exhaustive, every part of his body examined in every detail, every orifice explored. The boy was passed along the line. Benin noticed that there were young boys serving at the tables of the clients, he recognised one, who had carried water in the baths earlier in the day, this time he wore a tunic, gathered at the waist with rope, the tunic rode up his legs exposing the lower cheeks of his buttocks, the boy looked exhausted, but had to serve, as was his destiny. The 11 year old was knocked down to a brothel keeper, poor little wretch, Benin thought. The sale continued, more food and wine was offered to the clients, the senator gave Benin some grapes, much to Benin's delight. Next on the block was the black boy, some 14 years old, he was passed to the other end of the line and inspections began, eventually he came in front of the senator, now naked, he was probably the only boy who at 14 was of legal age in Rome, and was classed as an adult. The senator inspected the boy, having him kneel before him as he thrust his fingers in the boy's mouth, feeling his teeth, running his hands over the boy's head, feeling the bumps, there was a belief that prominate bumps in the right places on the head was a sign of intelligence. The senator continued, feeling the boys pectoral muscles, playing with his nipples, passing down to his belly, probing the muscles, then he stroked the boy's cock, this had the desired effect of the boy's cock rising up hard, he weighed his balls, then explored his anus. The boy was a fine specimen of young adulthood, lean and muscular, his cock was a good 7" [18 cm] long by this time, he would obviously make a good breeding slave. The bidding began, the senator wanted the boy, and pushed the bidding to 40,000 scercestes, and secured him, so he had purchased two new slaves at immense cost, more money than Benin had thought existed. More food and wine was produced and the sale took another hour or so to finish. The fat man thanked all the clients, not all had purchased, but there would be plenty of other opportunities, he was pleased with the result as he collected the money and the scribe issued bills of sale. The senator asked for the boy's costumes to be fitted to his new acquisitions for the journey home. The two boys were led out, a slave on each chain to their new master's carriage, they were secured to the back of the carriage with rope around their necks, their hands tied behind their backs, the carriage was pulled by two horses, driven by a Nubian slave. The master got into the carriage and gave the order to start, the horses began a steady trot, the two boys having to run to keep up, the bells on the costumes making a rhythmic sound, although it was now early evening, the son lowering in the sky, the temperature was still very warm, the boys soon produced copious amounts of sweat, which ran down their backs. The boys received many admiring looks as they toiled to keep up, the more adventurous citizens of Rome, shouted lewd comments. They had been going some 20 to 25 minutes just leaving the outskirts of Rome, when the senator gave the order to speed up, the horses broke into a faster trot, the boys had no choice but to increase their speed, their legs ached, the sweat filling their eyes, as they pounded the earth, after a further 10 minutes, the pace slackened and they entered a driveway, a resplendent villa before them, they pulled up in front and stopped, both boys gasping for breath, as they tried to get more air into their lungs. Benin sank to his knees exhausted. The senator alighted from the carriage and walked round to the back, seeing Benin slumped to the floor, he screamed at him to get up, he was not allowed to rest on the floor, the senator told him he would be punished for such an act. Benin struggled up, several slaves came out of the villa and unhitched the two boys and took them into the house. As the senator entered his 12 years old son ran to his father, "father, father," he cried and jumped up at his father, hugging him around his neck. The father kissed his boy on the cheeks and hugged him. "I have purchased your first slave my boy," said the senator." "Oh father, thank-you, which one is mine?" "The younger of the two boys, the light skinned one," said the senator "Can I have him now father," he said "Not yet my son, he has to be trained first, besides he needs punishing, as he rested without permission perhaps that could be your first lesson on how to treat slaves if they misbehave," said the senator. "Show me how father," cried the boy. "Very well," said the senator. He beckoned to a slave standing close by, who brought him a selection of canes. "First, choose the cane you think fits the crime, the thinnest stings the most, then a thicker one for more serious crimes, and the very thickest will produce the most pain, but is more difficult to use, we will start with the thinnest cane." He swung the cane through the air; it made a fine swishing sound. "First get the slave to bend over and grasp his ankles, before that tell him to take off his costume, it is always best to punish them naked, make sure he bends fully over, so the skin on his buttocks is nice and firm, now take aim like this," he told his son, bringing the cane up high, "make sure you look at the point you wish to strike, then bring it down with full force, striking his buttocks, like so." The cane whipped through the air and landed in the middle of Benin's buttocks, he screamed as the pain seared through his body. "Now you try my boy, remembering to take aim, look at the point on his body you wish to strike, raise the cane and bring it down hard, and then make sure you follow through, so he takes the full force of the stroke," instructed the senator The boy took up position and took aim, raised the cane and brought it down on Benin, the cane struck Benin at the top of his legs just where the buttocks meet, Benin again screamed. "Is that where you wanted to strike your slave," asked father. "No said the boy, I wanted it higher up." "Try again, but this time take steady aim and keep looking at the point you wish to strike," instructed the father. The boy took careful aim, steadied himself, and struck Benin a vicious blow, the cane bit into Benin's skin, crossing the first wheal the father had made, Benin screamed out loud, tears welled up in his eyes. "Much better my boy," praised the father, "that is enough for to-night, I am sure you will have many opportunities to practise." "Thank-you father," said the boy. At that moment Benin started to stretch up. "There, said the father, you have another opportunity to punish your slave, he has moved without being given permission, you can do it tomorrow, for to-night he and my new slave will bed down with Tebius and there instruction can begin tomorrow." "But father," exclaimed his son, "I was hoping to take my new slave to my quarters, so I can get to know him better, please, please father." "Oh very well, but I will post a guard outside your room, we do not know if the new slave can be trusted yet, if there is any signs of trouble, call the guard," said his father. The senator took the black slave boy to Tebius. Benin followed the boy, who at a year younger than himself, wielded power over him, Benin felt dejected and betrayed by Medianus, who had led him to believe the senator would be a good master, but now he was in the hands of his son, who he feared would gain joy of inflicting pain on Benin. The trio walked down a corridor and entered a large room, with a huge bed on one wall, a bath in the corner, fine drapes hanging from the shutters, embroided couches and cushions were placed around the room, and Benin thought his whole house could fit in this one room. The guard entered the room and closed and locked the shutters, bowed to the senator's son and stood guard outside. "My name is Publius, I am the son of senator Crasus, my father has the ear of emperor Tiberius and is a powerful member of the senate, now you are my slave boy, and you will call me master." "Yes master," replied Benin. "Have you a name slave?" "Benin, master." "I may call you that or I might change it, I will give it some thought." Publius reclined on a couch, looking at the naked Benin standing in front of him. "You are dirty, slave. Why are you so dirty and grimy?" "I was running behind the carriage from the slave market to here, master, the sweat ran down my body and the dirt came off the road master." "You ran all the way from Rome," questioned Publius, "that is a long way, is that why you collapsed on the floor when you arrived." "Yes master." "Come closer, and turn round," instructed Publius, Benin walked closer and turned so his back was facing him, Publius touched Benin's buttocks, feeling the bruising and the wheals created by his punishment. This caused Benin some pain as he pinched and prodded the boy. "You have colourful cheeks slave," said Publius, "I like the yellow and blue/black of the bruising and the way the wheals stand out, and I am to punish you again tomorrow, I will look forward to that, I wonder how many strokes I will give you, two, three, maybe more, I will punish you after school, in the afternoon, I will bring my school friends with me, they can witness your punishment, you also can look forward to receiving more pain." Benin shuffled his feet and felt apprehensive at the prospect, but did manage to reply a submissive, "yes master." "Guard! Guard!" called Publius. The Nubian slave ran in brandishing his sword. "All is well, my friend, just go down below and tell the slaves to turn the wheel, so I can run some water for a bath, and tell the kitchen I am hungry and to prepare some food," said Publius. "Yes sir master," replied the slave, and scurried out of the room. "In future boy, you must reply to me as 'yes sir master', rather than 'yes master', do you understand boy," Publius commanded. "Yes sir master," Benin replied "Come," said Publius. Benin followed his master over to the large marble bath, Publius slid a metal panel to one side, and water flowed into the bath, Benin was amazed, not knowing he would soon be well acquainted with the method of pushing the water from the hot springs below the villa up into the baths, this was done by a slave on a treadmill deep below the villa. As the bath filled, Publius instructed Benin to remove his clothing, his tunic was made from the finest cloth, and embroided with fine stitching, cream in colour with green piping, his sandals were of the finest soft leather, his undergarments of pure silk. Benin removed these items and the boy stood naked, he was not fat but appeared to have little or no muscle, his cock was smaller than Benin's, only 3 inches [8 cm] long. "Help me into the bath boy," said Publius, Benin took hold of the boy's arm as he sat down in the water, "Now wash me, with this cloth and pummis stone, but gently boy." "Yes master," replied Benin. "Oh dear, oh dear," said Publius, "you forgot the 'sir'! That means extra strokes for tomorrow slave boy." Benin was dismayed at this, he was tired, hungry and lonely, and he was no match for the intellect of Publius, who acted older than his years, he had a sharp brain and was obviously well educated. "Say it boy," shouted Publius. "Yes! Sir! Master!" Pausing between each word. "Yes sir master," Benin replied, "If I beat you, will you learn?" Publius asked. "Yes sir master," replied Benin The bathing continued, the guard knocked on the door, Publius beckoned him in. "Your victuals have arrived, master," he said. "Send it in," said Publius. A young girl entered, she was about 15 to 16 years old, she wore a tiny costume, covering her genitals, she had a fine gold chain around her neck, from which two smaller chains hung, the ends of which were attached to her nipples. A string of bells was attached to her right ankle. Benin thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he could not help but stare at her. But he was brought up with a jolt as Publius hit him across the back of his head. "You are attending to me, slave," he barked, "do you want me to add even more strokes for tomorrow's punishment?" "No sir master," Benin replied. Benin finished bathing Publius, and helped him out of the bath and he was given a towel to dry his master, which he did very thoroughly, he was then told to get in the bath himself and to make sure he cleansed himself well. Publius sat on the couch nearest the food, which smelt wonderful, it was roasted skylark, basted in honey, with fine vegetables, fruit, sweetmeats and other items too exotic to identify. Benin could smell the delicious food, which made him feel even hungrier, but Publius tucked into the many dishes laid before him. Benin finished his bath and towelled himself dry. He was told to stand in front of Publius and wait until he had finished his food, both boys were naked, Benin could feel the ache in his stomach, which was crying out for food, but he just waited patiently, Publius taking no notice of him. After some 10 to 15 minutes Publius finished, he did not offer Benin anything but just told him to turn down his bed, Publius clambered onto his bed and laid down on his back, he then beckoned Benin to join him, who warily laid next to his master. "Suck my cock slave," Publius commanded. Benin had never done anything like this before, but took his master's cock in his mouth and began to suck, Publius took hold of Benin's head and thrust it down on his cock, which grew to a larger size. Benin was made to suck his master's cock now at it's longest length, as Publius pulled Benin's head down, his cock almost going down Benin's throat. Benin choked but kept sucking, then he felt his masters hips jerk and great streams of cum filled his mouth. He could taste it, salty and creamy. Publius withdrew his cock, Benin looked at his master still holding the hot cum in his mouth. "Swallow it slave," Publius told him. Benin struggled but swallowed the creamy liquid, his stomach reached but he kept it down. "Now clean my cock with your tongue slave boy." Benin did as he was told, and licked his master's cock, until no cream remained. Publius then put his foot in Benin's groin and pushed him off his bed onto the floor, telling him, "now your stomach's full you can sleep on the floor." He laughed heartily at his own humour. Benin laid on the hard marble floor, he could not get his naked body comfortable in this uncompromising position, his master was sleeping soundly, his belly full and obviously feeling content from having his sac emptied of cum. Benin's hunger was getting the better of him, his belly ached for food, his mouth dry from lack of liquid, he felt miserable, cold and lonely. He then remembered the food his master had left and thought about eating the remains, but thought better of it, but the hunger pains got worse, he had not eaten all day, his stomach had been emptied earlier in the day, he felt his navel was touching his backbone, then hunger got the better of him. The food left by his master was on the other side of the room, so he crept on all fours round the bottom of the bed, the light had faded and it was difficult to see with the shutters closed. He groped around until he found the wooden platters with the remains of the food, he scooped up the food and pushed it in his mouth, then carelessly he let one of the plates slip to the floor, it landed with a crash. "Guard! Guard!" Publius cried, as he awoke with the noise. The guard rushed in, carrying an oil lamp, Benin trying to devour the food as quickly as possible. Publius sat up in his bed, and peered at Benin. "You are a thief he cried, take him away guard, I will deal with him tomorrow" shouted Publius. The guard led Benin out of the room taking him to Tebius's room, where he would spend a restless night, hoping tomorrow would never come.
Chapter 3Benin looked around him and recognised the black boy. Benin smiled at him then looked over at Tebius, who was older than the other two boys, about 18 years of age. He was naked apart from the usual tiny garment covering his genitals, and the black boy still wore the garment supplied by the slave auctioneer. They lay on rough Hessian mattresses, filled with straw."I have been expecting you," said Tebius. "What have you been up to, and what is your name," he enquired. "My name is Benin, I was attending my new master, Publius, when he fell asleep, I took food from his plate, which he had discarded, unfortunately he awoke and he screamed at me telling me I was a thief, he called the guard, who brought me down here," said Benin. "Oh dear," said Tebius, "you are in trouble, I don't envy you being the slave of Publius. He had me punished not long ago, saying I was disrespectful. I could tell he was enjoying watching me being punished, he had a grin on his face. His father dotes on the boy, he gives him everything he wants. The boy has a hard face and is clever and calculating. I fear you will be whipped soundly for your misdemeanour," said Tebius. Benin looked at the black boy, who responded by telling him he was called Romo, Benin just nodded, and looked downcast. "I don't suppose you have been told, but you will have your balls cut out tomorrow, the same as my master did to me when I arrived here some four years ago, senator Crasus will not have you two rampant boys wondering around the villa, while his three beautiful young daughters are living here," said Tebius. Both boys looked shocked, "what will they do to us," they both chorused. "The surgeon will come and you will be tied down to a table on your back, so you cannot move, he then takes a sharp knife and slices your ball sac open and cuts out your balls, it is quite painful, but you will soon heal, but your cock will never get hard again," said Tebius. Both boys looked at each other in horror, "I hate this place, I hate it," screamed Benin," I will run away, so they will never find me." "I would not advise you to do that," said Tebius, "they will hunt you down and you will have a slow agonising death, or they will send you to the galleys, to die pulling oars all day long, nobody lasts more than six months in a Roman Galley." Benin could not believe what had happened to him or what was likely to happen to him in the future. The time was getting late, and they all drifted off to sleep. Early in the morning the sun shone through a window high up on the wall, the Nubian guard outside summoned Tebius, he was wanted by his master. Tebius was gone a short while, on his return told the two boys that the senator wanted to see all three of them. "You had better put on one of my garments," said Tebius to Benin, and tossed him the smallest garment he could find, it was still slightly big, it slipped down as Benin walked, but at least it gave a covering to his genitals. Before they entered the senator's room, the guard announced that they had arrived, they could hear talking, but could not make out what was being said. They waited several minutes, but were then ushered in, Tebius first, followed by the two new slaves. Tebius bowed and the two boys did the same. The senator was seated behind a huge desk, his son Publius reclined on a couch, staring at Benin with beady eyes, this made Benin feel uncomfortable, and he shuffled his feet with nerves. The senator began. "I have called you in to tell what is to become of you all, you Tebius, after four years of loyal service will be sent to my country vineyard, to look after the villa and the villa servants, this will happen in five days time, in the meantime you will teach the two new boys how to behave. You, Romo will take the place of Tebius as my personal servant, and you Benin, as you probably already know will be my son's first personal slave, I fear you have much to learn, and you will find my son a hard task master, but if you learn quickly you will have a good life." Benin was not so sure. "This afternoon, the senator continued, "the surgeon will arrive to nullify both the new arrivals, although initially painful, you will come through it and be better slaves for it." At this point, Publius interrupted,"But father is this really necessary? I would prefer Benin not to be nullified, me and my friends can have more fun with him if he is whole." "You must think of your sisters, my boy, they must be protected, although there is one thing we could do," he hesitated and thought for a moment, and then continued, "we could have the blacksmith make him a metal belt, which he would ware at all times except when alone with you and your friends, only you and I would have the means of removing the belt, but this would only be a temporary measure," he concluded. "Thank-you father, can we do that please, I will enjoy seeing him fitted with the belt," said Publius. "Very well," said Crasus, "But off to your tutorial now, I will see you this afternoon, you can witness Romo's surgery." Publius grinned at Benin as he left. Crasus turned his attention back to Tebius, "I have arranged the surgeon to be here at 2.00p.m, take both boys to the lower floor room at that time, and I will see if the blacksmith is available to fit Benin's chastity belt at the same time, also the seamstress should be here shortly, make sure both boys are fitted out." "Yes sir master," replied Tebius. All three bowed, turned and left the room, Tebius was overjoyed at learning of his new position. He knew if he did well over the next few years, he could be made a freeman; Romo said little but wondered how he would fair. Benin sulked and felt sorry for himself. "Come my fine friends, we will go and get something to eat in the kitchens." The kitchens were situated on the floor below, and the aroma as they entered was wonderful. The chief cook was a huge fat man, who eyed the group. "What have we here," he cried. "Starving wretches I assume, show them what they can eat," he told Tebius, they were all soon tucking into fresh bread, meat, fruit. Benin was grateful for satisfying his hunger. When they had finished, the cook called Benin over. "You are a bit scrawny," he said, "perhaps I should fatten you up, and you can return the favour by opening your anus for me, I will fuck you like you have never been fucked before." He lunged towards Benin grabbing his garment, which split at the seam and he was left holding the tiny piece of cloth. He laughed heartily, the other kitchen scullions laughing at Benin. He begged for the return of his garment, but the cook waived it above his head, getting Benin to jump for it but always keeping it out of his reach. The cook took hold of Benin's hair, the laughing stopped and the cook peered into Benin's eyes, "keep on the good side of me boy and I will look after you, if you don't you will be permanently hungry, not good for fine little boys like you," he said and let Benin go, and threw his garment across the kitchen. Benin ran after it, the scullions grabbing at the boy, one picked up the garment and threw it in the opposite direction, Benin chased after it, only for it to be picked up by another and thrown away from Benin again. Eventually the cook told them to let Benin have his garment back. As the boys left the kitchen, the cook shouted after Benin "not to forget what he had told him." Benin just looked over his shoulder and shrugged, pulling on his garment, and tying it at his side to hold it up. Tebius led them upstairs, along another corridor into a workroom, there waited the seamstress and her two helpers, she was an older woman, quite fat but jolly looking, the two girl assistants, dressed in nice clothes, looked pretty and welcoming. "You call me mam," she told the boys. "Strip out of those garments she requested." Both boys removed their tiny garments, Benin's just fell to the floor as he let it go. "You are a handsome looking young fellow," she said, as she took hold of Benin's arm, "we will soon have some fine clothes for you to wear." She quickly got to work, measuring around Benin's waist, around his buttocks, down his back, paying particular attention to where the tunic would finish on his buttocks. "Your new young master has told me that he wants a good amount of your buttocks to show when you are waring a tunic, she then measured around his genitals, up through the crack of his bum, and lower around his belly. She passed the measurements to one of her girls, who began to cut the cloth, then she started on Romo, measuring the same as before, when she was measuring around his genitals, Romo became excited and his cock began to grow. "My, my" she said, you are a frisky one, "look at this girls, I am sure you would love to bed him tonight, look at the size of his cock." Romo was somewhat embarrassed, but just smiled at one of the girls who was particularly pretty. "Do not even think about it," said Tebius, "that is forbidden fruit, it will be you who will be spreading your legs for your master to mount you." Within a short while, the first garments were ready for fitting. Benin tried on his undergarment, which was made of fine cream colourer cloth with a fine gold thread running through it, the strings were of fine gold, very thin but strong. The elderly woman threaded the garment around Benin, up through his bum crack and tied each side, the gold thread just sitting on his pelvic bone at the front. She was pleased with the result, it was a perfect fit and provided little but essential cover to his genitals. Next the tunic which was fashioned in one piece, a hole in the middle which went over his head, the main body of the cloth, which matched his undergarments, apart from slim blue piping around the edge came down Benin's front and back. She took hold of a piece of the blue piping and passed it around his waist and tied it to the side, she then pulled the fabric up and over the waist cord, to hide it, this had the effect of exposing a good half of his buttocks at the back, and the lower part of his undergarment at the front. "Walk across the room," she commanded Benin. Who strutted around showing himself off, the back of the tunic rising at each side, as he walked, exposing more of his buttock cheeks. She was pleased with the result, and told her assistant seamstress to make nine of each of the garments exactly the same, this would complete Benin's wardrobe. Now for Romo, there was just one problem, his cock stood up rigid and hard. Tebius walked over to him and went to squeeze his balls to make Romo's cock flaccid again, but as he did so, Romo side stepped him, and lunged at the pretty young seamstress, pulling her to the floor. Romo ripped at her dress and tried to mount the girl. She screamed and the older woman cried, "Stop him! Stop him!" Tebius called for a guard, and tried to pull Romo off the girl. Benin also tried to help Tebius, but Romo was so strong he resisted any attempts to be extracted from the girl. He pushed his cock against her hole, she screamed more, then two guards entered, and dragged Romo off the girl, one putting a sword to his throat. The guards restrained Romo and looked at Tebius for instructions. "My master has gone to the senate," said Tebius. "We will take him to the prison below," said one of the guards who were restraining Romo. "No. No." said Tebius, "You stay here, and guard him, I must carry out my master's instructions." The guards poked Romo with their swords, one at his throat, and the other at his genitals, which by this time had returned to there normal size. The seamstress worked quickly and skilfully, producing garments identical to Benin's, apart from the piping around the edge of the tunic, which was green in colour. After the garments were fitted to Romo and the seamstress was satisfied, Tebius told the guards to take him away. They led Romo in his new tunic down to a holding room, deep down below, awaiting the return of his master, senator Crasus. Tebius took hold of Benin's hand and led him to his master's apartments. "You will help me clean these rooms and then I will go with you to Publius apartments and we will clean them, you will have to clean your master's rooms everyday after you have served him his breakfast and he has gone to the tutorial, which he does everyday. He returns at 2.00 p.m and you must be waiting for his return at this time and you serve him for the rest of the day, what ever he wants," said Tebius. They soon got down to their work, dusting and polishing, cleaning the bath, removing any soiled clothing and dirty dishes, they then went to Publius apartment and began the same there. Benin worked hard and was bending over the bath scrubbing it clean. Tebius walked up behind him and placed his hand on Benin's buttocks. Benin stopped and looked up to Tebius. Tebius stroked Benin's buttocks with one hand and went inside his tunic with the other, gently playing with Benin's nipples, this excited Benin. Tebius leant forward and put his lips to Benin's, they embraced, Tebius's tongue exploring Benin's mouth, Benin's cock was throbbing in his garment, straining at the restriction. They continued exploring each other's bodies. "Fuck me," said Tebius. "How do I do that," asked Benin. Tebius got up, removed his undergarment and told Benin to do the same. Tebius knelt down in front of Benin and took Benin's cock in his mouth, sucking long and hard on Benin's cock. Tebius then laid on his back and put his legs in the air and told Benin to enter his anus. Benin got down on his knees, and lunged forward with his cock, pressing against Tebius's hole, Benin pushed hard, eventually he entered Tebius, pushing his cock its full length inside Tebius. Benin's cock throbbed as he pushed back and forth inside Tebius. The feeling inside Benin could not be stopped as his loins thrust forward pumping his cum inside Tebius, he pumped and pumped thinking this wonderful feeling would never stop, eventually he ceased and sunk to the floor. He extracted his cock from Tebius, who rose up and kissed Benin on the lips. "Thank-you Benin," said Tebius," you fuck really well for a young man." Both boys quickly put on their undergarments. Benin asked Tebius if he could fuck him. "No," said Tebius, I have been castrated and my cock never gets hard anymore, the same as is going to happen to Romo later today, but you are lucky, you will have to ware a metal belt, although uncomfortable, it is better than having your balls cut off. Maybe Publius will fuck you, I doubt if he will want you to fuck him. You will soon find out. Lets go and get something to eat, the time is getting late and we have to be in Crasus's apartments shortly. They entered the kitchen, the cook gave Benin an admiring glance. "Fine new robes for my beautiful boy," said the cook, who was very busy preparing the midday meal, "Don't forget my boy, come and see me tonight when your master has finished with you, we can have some more fun." Benin nodded, quickly devoured some food, and left unscathed. Both boys stood outside Crasus's apartments, waiting patiently. A good deal of a slaves time is spent waiting for their masters. It was just past the allotted hour when Crasus returned together with his son Publius. The two guards had already brought Romo, they also were waiting patiently. Crasus and Publius entered and the senator beckoned the entourage in, he enquired of the guards why they were holding Romo, they explained what had happened. Publius turned to Crasus and suggested his father might want to have Romo's cock completely removed. Crasus thought about this but decided it would devalue him too much. He would punish him severely for his actions, but only his balls would be removed. Publius beckoned Benin over, who stood in front of his young master. "Turn around boy, bend over boy," said Publius, Benin did as he was told. Publius liked what he saw. "Let's go down to the courtyard and get the proceedings underway," said Crasus. Publius had sent his school friends home, as he did not want any distractions from what he was about to witness. In the courtyard stood the surgeon with his table, and the blacksmith had arrived and was pumping up his brazier and heating the metal for Benin's chastity belt. Firstly Romo was dragged to the table by the two guards, stripped of all clothing. The guards struggled against his strength to place him on his back on the table. They secured his wrists and ankles by means of leather straps which were attached to the table, and then placed a thick piece of leather under the small of his back. This had the effect of raising his genitals up, so that the surgeon had plenty of room in which to work. A strap was then passed over Romo's belly and secured under the table. Romo could not move. The surgeon beckoned Publius over closer to the table so that he would have a good view. The surgeon passed a thin bladed knife through the flames of the brazier, he then lifted Romo's cock up and placed across his belly, this exposed his balls, he felt each ball in turn. Romo's cock grew in nervous anticipation. The surgeon made an incision on the left hand side of his ball sac. Romo could not help himself, as cum spurted up his belly. "They often do that," said the surgeon. He then pushed two fingers in and pulled out the left ball. Romo was sweating and clenched his teeth. The surgeon cut the piece of long skin that held his ball, the ball dropped to the table. Then he took a hot piece of metal from the brazier and cauterised the cut to stem the flow of blood. The process was repeated on the right hand side. The whole operation had taken just a few minutes. The surgeon offered Publius Romo's balls, which he took and placed them in a small container. "Take him to the secure room and chain him," Crasus instructed the guards, "I will punish him tomorrow for his actions." The surgeon gave his farewell, saying he would send the senator his bill, he did not have the audacity to ask for payment straight away. Publius called Benin over to the blacksmith. He again was told to strip and he undid the cord and pulled his tunic off over his head. Then untied the tiny gold strings which held up his undergarment. "A fine looking boy," the blacksmith said to Publius. "I can understand why you do not want him deflowered just yet, he should give you hours of pleasure." The blacksmith pulled Benin forward, feeling him around his buttocks and his genitals, picking up his cock and weighing it in his hand. He had already made a rough model of the belt, which he took out of the brazier, it was glowing red. Benin backed off, but he dragged him back, took hold of a pair of pliers and immersed the metal in a vat of water, much to Benin's relief. Steam came off the metal, which he dipped several times into the water, tested it with his fingers and judged it sufficiently cool, to have the first fitting. The belt was quite small, shaped in a triangle at the front with a metal bar that ran underneath Benin's buttocks. From each top corner of the triangle were two hinged pieces of metal, which met at the back. All three pieces joined at the back and were secured with a crude screw device, which was turned with a key. The blacksmith removed the belt from Benin and reheated it in the brazier, taking a hammer to it, moulded it in a slightly different shape, cooled it again and Benin had to try it on again, this went on several times until the blacksmith was satisfied with the fit. Then for the last time he removed the belt, heated it again and made small holes in the underside of the front metal triangle. "This allows him to urinate without removing the belt," explained the blacksmith, "but it will have to be removed if he wants to shit, or if you want to put something up his arse." He laughed at his own joke, and Publius smiled. "What do you think?" asked Crasus. "Very good, fine workmanship," said Publius. He tried to pull the belt off Benin without undoing the screw, but it was impossible, and Publius was satisfied. The blacksmith gave both keys to Crasus, who immediately gave one to Publius. "There my boy, he is yours to do with as you wish," said Crasus. "Thank-you father, may I have my own canes father, as I have promised to punish Benin for yesterday's misdemeanours." "Of course," said Crasus, "You will need them, but remember there are many ways to punish slaves, not only on their buttocks which is the best place, but also on their thighs, and the soles of their feet. I would restrict punishment with the cane to 30 to 40 strokes a day, but you can punish in other ways, give them tasks to fulfil, if they do not complete the task, have them run around the garden carrying a heavy weight above their head. I am sure an intelligent young man like yourself can think up many ways to inflict pain if your slave displeases you, and have much fun doing it, come I will give you the canes." The blacksmith, dowsed his brazier, and went on his way, satisfied of a job well done. Benin put his tunic back on and followed father and son back into the house. He wondered how Romo felt, now that he had been castrated, and wondered if that would ever be done to him. His belt was a good fit, although slightly heavy, he wondered if it would chaff his skin, time would tell. All three entered the villa, as they did so, Crasus's wife was leaving, she stopped and looked at Benin. "Is this your new play thing?" she asked Crasus. "No," said Crasus, "this is Benin, your sons first personal slave. Look we have had him secured, so that he will not be a threat to our daughters." "Quite right too," she replied, as she pulled up Benin's tunic. "Nice looking boy" she remarked. Most women of Rome, who were married to wealthy men, did not kick up a fuss if there men had boy slaves to sexually gratify them. The women were quite happy as long as they were not pestered by their husbands. The group moved onto Crasus's rooms, where he selected about six canes, short long fat and thin. "There my boy, they are all rattan canes, very pliable, soak them in water and they will keep their flexibility." "What about whips?" asked Publius. "That is one thing I forbid in this house, if you get too zealous with a whip, you are likely to remove skin from the boy, which will cause scarring and thereby reduce his value, which would never do." "Very well father I understand," said Publius. Publius and Benin both bowed and left the room. Benin following Publius behind, knowing he did not like the look of the canes Publius was carrying. They both entered Publius apartment. Publius sat down on a couch, he was still carrying Romo's balls in the container, he placed them on a table and said sarcastically to Benin, "if you get hungry you can eat those," referring to the food Benin had stolen the night before. "Now let me have a look at you boy, your tunic looks good," he adjusted it so more of Benin's buttocks showed to the rear. "Remove your tunic boy," he commanded. Benin undid the cord and took the tunic off over his head, and Publius tried once again to remove it without undoing it, but could not, so he got the key and unscrewed the bolt at the rear and removed the belt. Benin was grateful for that, as it was beginning to become uncomfortable. "I am good to you boy, am I not, said Publius, "you could have had your balls cut out if it was not for me." "Yes sir master," replied Benin. "Now I have to fulfil my promise to punish you Benin, for yesterday's failings. Let me see, what you did wrong, number 1 after my father and I punished you got up from the bent over position before being told you could, you really must not take these things upon yourself Benin, you must think, before you act, do you understand boy?" "Yes sir master," Benin replied, he stood naked, he had butterflies in his belly. "Number 2. You forgot to include the 'sir' when replying, is that not so Benin?" Publius asked. "Yes sir master," replied Benin, he shuffled his feet with nervousness. "Number 3. Keep still slave," Publius raised his voice, now for the most serious offence, "you stole my food. How did you not know I may have awoken in the night and felt hungry, but you, you greedy individual, put yourself before me, is that not so?" he asked in a slow deliberate manner. "Yes sir master," Benin again replied. "So you agree you need a good thrashing to help you behave in a better fashion." Publius did not wait for a reply. "I think five strokes for the first offence, a further five strokes for the second, and for the more serious offence thirty strokes, making forty strokes in total, is that right Benin?" he enquired. "Yes sir master," said Benin. He really did not know if that was right or wrong, but dared not to disagree in case he angered his young master, then he might give him more. "First you will fetch me some food, go the kitchen and bring me back some delicate morsels to eat, but before you go, put on your belt," commanded Publius. Benin reached down and picked up the belt, struggled to put it on and turned with his back to his master, who secured the device. Benin turned to face his master, awaiting the order to go. "Bow to me slave," said Publius. Benin bowed and walked quickly from the room, down to the kitchen. As he entered the kitchen, the cook spied him immediately, took one look at him, and was dismayed to see the chastity belt around Benin. "Who has done this to you, my little angel," he enquired. "My master," replied Benin. "You still have a lovely mouth boy, you must come to see me tonight, and we will have some fun." "Yes sir," replied Benin. Plates of delicate morsels were soon provided, Benin balanced them on a tray, and left the kitchen as soon as he could, and took the victuals to his master. Benin placed the tray on a table in front of his master, who then released him from the belt. "While I eat boy, you will stand against the far wall where I can see you, your feet apart and up on your tip toes, with your finger tips against the wall, there you will contemplate your punishment, which I will begin when I have finished my food," said Publius. Benin walked over to the wall and stood on his tip toes, with his fingers against the wall, this position showed off Benin's bodily form to perfection, his tight buttocks, with the little dimples on the side, the muscles running down his back either side of his spine, and the calf muscles in his legs stood out taught and firm. "If you move boy, or your heels get closer to the ground I will double your punishment, do you understand, boy?" he asked. "Yes sir master," Benin replied. "I can't hear you slave," said Publius. "Speak up." "Yes sir master," Benin shouted in reply. The time ticked on, and Benin's feet, legs and his belly muscles ached, but he was determined not to move. He did not want to displease his master, although younger than Benin, he was all powerful, and controlled Benin totally. After about 45 minutes, Publius finished eating walked over to Benin, Publius put his foot under Benin's heel and pushed upwards. The movement in Benin was slight. Publius was pleased that Benin had not moved to any degree. "Come over to me Benin, I wish to start punishing you," commanded Publius. He could delay it no longer. Benin turned and walked over to Publius, who reclined on a couch. "Fetch me the canes boy." Benin walked over to where the canes had been left picked them all up and offered them to his master, who got up from the couch, and took the first cane from Benin, a thin long cane. Publius swished it through the air, then tried another, then another, prolonging the agony for Benin. He finally chose a medium length cane, but very thin. "Now Benin, bend over," he commanded. Benin bent over to his full extent, grasping just above his ankles. "I will give you twenty strokes now and a further twenty strokes before bed tonight, or I may postpone the balance of your punishment until tomorrow, and Benin you must thank me after each stroke. If you fail to thank me for that stroke that stroke will not count, do you understand Benin?" "Yes sir master." Publius practised with the cane, swishing it through the air. Benin felt apprehensive and sick inside awaiting the first blow, which came shortly afterwards. It crashed into Benin's buttocks, there was a slight delay then the pain seared through his body. He screamed and forgot to thank his master. "Oh dear Benin, you forgot to thank your kind master, that one will not count so you still have twenty to receive," said Publius. Benin's heart sank, the second stroke landed. "Thank-you master," cried Benin. The blows rained down on Benin's buttocks, 8, 9, 10. The strokes were now beginning to cross previous ones, this inflicted more pain on Benin, 12, 13 strokes. Publius was shifting his position, and the blows were landing at the top of Benin's legs, two landed one on top of the other at the top of Benin's legs just where the cheeks of his buttocks started, this caused Benin excruciating pain. He did not fail to thank Publius for each and every stroke. Finally number 20 was delivered, just one to go. Publius delayed applying the stroke regaining his breath. Publius stepped back admiring his work, then stood further back, then ran forward and applied a massive blow right in the middle of Benin's buttocks. The force of the blow made Benin rock forward, but he managed to hold his position, tears rolled down his cheeks, it felt his buttocks were on fire, the pain seemed to increase in intensity, tears dropped to the floor. Publius, pleased with his work, sunk into a couch. Benin remained still, clutching his ankles, he dare not move, for the risk of more punishment was great. "There Benin, the first half has been done, only another twenty strokes to go. I may give them to you in a minute when I have my breath back." Benin's heart sank, 'not more, not now,' he thought, 'my buttocks will be skinned alive he thought.' Publius made Benin wait about ten minutes, then told him he could get up. Benin released the grip on his ankles, and stretched up, his back ached, but it was nothing compared with the pain in his buttocks. "Come here boy," Publius told Benin. Benin walked over, facing his master. "Did you not find that exciting Benin?" Publius enquired. "No sir master," replied Benin. Publius took hold of Benin's cock, and stroked it, pulling the skin back. "My cock is straining to get out," said Publius, "I think I will get you to service it, and if you do a good job, I will postpone further punishment until tomorrow, turn around Benin." Benin complied, Publius stroked the wheals on Benin's buttocks. There were three small areas of blood, where strokes had crossed and the skin broken. Publius passed his fingers over these areas, gathering the blood. "Here Benin, lick your blood off my fingers." Benin took his master's fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean. "Now Benin, you may disrobe me." Benin did as he was told, removing his master's sandals, tunic and undergarment. His master's cock stood up hard and proud. It looked bigger than last night. "Go to the bed Benin and lie on it." Publius relieved himself in the toilet in the corner, then climbed on the bed. "Kiss me Benin," he was told, and Benin kissed his master's lips, daring to enter his mouth with his tongue. Publius did not protest, so Benin became more passionate, and stroked his master's body with his finger tips, caressing him slowly and lightly, sliding his fingers down to his master's cock, pleasuring his master, at the same time remembering his passionate affair with Tebius earlier in the day. Publius told Benin to take his cock in his mouth. Benin complied, his master's cock was now to its full extent. Benin sucked on it, feeling the throbbing member inside his mouth. Publius withdrew his cock from Benin's mouth and told Benin to lie on his back and lift his legs in the air. Benin did as he was told. Publius mounted Benin, thrusting his cock against Benin's hole. Benin tensed, the cock would not enter to start with, but Publius persevered. Eventually Benin's sphincter gave way and Publius entered Benin. Benin felt the pain as he thrust into him, then the sensation changed, as Publius's cock rubbed against Benin's prostate, causing Benin to feel more relaxed, and pleasure ran through his body. Publius continued to pump into Benin, his sap rising, Publius gave out a few groans and emptied his cum inside Benin. Publius fell forward on top of Benin, and kissed Benin full on the lips. "Thank-you master," said Benin, knowing he had lost his virginity. Publius pulled his cock out of Benin and told Benin to lick it clean, Benin scooped up the cream between his lips, and sucked his cock to clean it thoroughly. Benin could feel the cum dripping from his hole, but felt a feeling of contentment, momentarily forgetting the pain in his buttocks. "You will bathe me now," said Publius. Benin smiled at his master, and walked over to the bath, pulled the metal shield to one side and water flowed. Publius walked closer to Benin, and stroked his cheek. Did Benin detect a sign of love? he wondered. "I will postpone the second half of your punishment until tomorrow," Publius announced. "But you will still have to be punished, because that is only right between master and slave." Publius was almost apologising. "Thank you, sir master," replied Benin. Benin washed Publius with care, scrubbing him clean, then towelling him down to make him dry. Benin then got in the same water and washed himself clean, making doubly sure his anus hole was clean and that the cum had finished dribbling out. Benin dried himself and awaited instructions. Publius yawned, and laid on the bed, he also felt contentment, as he knew he had lost his virginity. Publius beckoned Benin over to lie next to him. Benin stretched his arms above his head, his superb body laying flat out. Publius secretly admired Benin's body, caressing it, his finger tips playing with Benin's nipples. This sent signals to Benin's cock, which soon became hard and stood proud and erect. Publius teased Benin's body, first his nipples, then his navel, then very lightly across Benin's cock, Publius stretched down further to the inside of Benin's thighs, stroking lightly up and down. Benin was going crazy for more, but dare not say, as Publius's fingers reached the top of Benin's thighs, and caressed Benin's ball sac, then back up to Benin's cock. Benin began to pump cum up his belly, this was an involuntary action as Publius had ceased caressing him, Benin just wallowed in the wonderful feeling it produced. "Thank you, thank-you! Master," said Benin. Publius leaned forward and kissed Benin's lips. Both boys were totally satisfied. Publius forgave Benin for not including the sir.
Chapter 4Publius and Benin drifted off into contented slumber. Some hours later Publius awoke feeling cold, he sat up with a start and saw Benin sleeping soundly next to him, wrapped in the covers, he did no more than put his feet on Benin's buttocks and pushed him to the floor. Benin, startled, awoke with a searing pain in his buttocks as he landed on the floor. He crawled around the floor on all fours, and leant up against a couch, he soon fell back to sleep. As the early morning rays of the sun entered the room, Benin stirred, his buttocks were still tender from his punishment the night before. He relieved himself at the toilet, as he did so Publius awoke and beckoned Benin over. He told him to turn around and slapped him on his buttocks, as the area was badly bruised, Benin felt the pain shudder through his body."Don't sleep in my bed again slave boy, or your punishment will be more severe if you do it gain," said Publius. "Sorry, master sir," replied Benin. "Get your belt boy," Publius commanded. Benin found the belt, put it on and Publius secured it as before. "Now go down to the kitchen and fetch my breakfast," Publius told Benin. Benin began to trot off when he was called back. "Where are Romo's balls," asked Publius. "Here master," said Benin. "Take them to the cook and tell him to cook them and bring them back with my breakfast," Publius instructed. "Yes sir master," replied Benin. Benin scurried away, down to the kitchen, as soon as he entered the cook grabbed Benin by the ear. "Where were you last night, you little wretch," he asked. "In my master's bed," replied Benin. "Did he fuck you?" asked the cook. "Yes sir," Benin replied "Did it hurt boy, probably not," he suggested, "he will only have a small cock, wait to you get mine up your arse, and you will feel that." He laughed. "Please sir, my master asks if you will cook these for him," said Benin "What are they?" he enquired. "Romo's balls," replied Benin "There is no accounting for taste, while you are waiting, tuck into some food, and tell me how does your master fuck you with that belt on." "He has a key sir, and removes it." "Oh, a key, that is interesting, you will steal it boy and bring it to me, so we can have some fun together," the cook demanded. Benin did not know what to say, if he stole the key he would get into trouble if found out, even if he got away with it, he did not want the cook's cock up his arse. He just replied,"Yes sir." As Benin finished stuffing his face, the cook brought over the cooked balls, he stroked Benin's neck, his fingers travelling down his back, down to the belt, he tugged on it but it was secure. The blacksmith had done a good job, the cook picked up a ladle and smacked Benin on his buttocks, pain from the bruising shot through his spine and Benin winced. Benin grabbed the balls put them on the tray and was up to his master's bedroom as fast as he could, away from the clutches of the fat cook. "There you are Benin, at last I am ravishingly hungry this morning, and as a special treat you can eat your breakfast with me," said Publius. "Thank-you sir master," Benin replied. "Here, Benin, eat those," said Publius. He handed Romo's balls to Benin. Benin's mouth dropped, he did not know if he could; only yesterday they were inside Romo. Benin took the plate, and hesitated, gingerly picking up one of the balls, he did not like the look of it, especially as it had a tube attached to the ball. "Come, come Benin eat it up there's a good boy, I am told they are an aphrodisiac, they will make you more sexy than you are already," said Publius. Benin carried the ball to his mouth, and popped it in; he just let it rest in his mouth, not wanting to swallow it. "Benin," commanded Publius, "make sure you chew it, let the flavour treat your taste buds." Benin plucked up courage and bit into the ball, it was surprisingly soft, and not unpleasant to the taste, he chewed quickly and swallowed, then took up the second ball, but this time did not hesitate, but just chewed it straight away and swallowed. He felt his stomach heave as the ball slid down his gullet, at the thought of what he was eating. "Well done, Benin, I expect you to be doubly passionate to-night and excite me with your love making, you must think up new ways to please me. You can dress me now, as I have my class to go to, and Benin do not forget, you are to receive the second half of your punishment to-day. I will perform the task in front of my school friends, they will probably find it quite entertaining, also you will carry my books to class each day, starting to-day, then return here and clean my rooms, and make sure you do a good job, I do not expect to find a scrap of dust anywhere." "Yes sir master." Benin dressed Publius, then put on his own tunic, took up Publius's books and followed his master to the classroom. They entered the classroom, the tutor stood at his desk, he welcomed Publius, and the other students were already in attendance. "Is this the slave boy you were telling me about? He is a fine looking fellow, he compliments your own personal beauty perfectly?" enquired the Tutor. Sartorius the tutor squirmed to Publius. He was a lecherous old fool and was always praising Publius. It was important to him to carry favour with Crasus, father of Publius. "I was wondering," continued Sartorius, "as you know we have been studying the human body, and have seen from the human skeleton the formation of the bone structure, I was wondering if you would agree that we could use your slave to identify the muscle structure. It would be most helpful and much easier than identifying them from drawings." Sartorius asked. "I don't see why not, what time do you want him here," asked Publius. "I think at noon, after the late morning break would be ideal," said Sartorius. "Benin, be here at noon, now off you go, you will have to work extra hard to clean my rooms in the time you have." Benin scurried off, wondering what was in store for him now. He worked diligently, dusting and cleaning, he put the dirty breakfast plates on the tray and took them back to the kitchen. Benin entered the kitchen, always wary of the reception he would get and planned to skulk in, put down the tray and go, but the fat cook spied him and called him over, disappointed to see that Benin was wearing his metal belt. "Come here my pretty one," he commanded, Benin walked over to the man, who took hold of Benin's arm and took him in to a small private room. "Now my boy, if I cannot fuck you, you can suck me." At that point he spread his garment and took out his huge cock, which was already standing up straight and hard. "Take that in your mouth boy," he instructed Benin. The smell of the fat man's cock made Benin reach in his throat. Benin knelt down in front of the fat man taking his cock in his mouth. Benin nearly choked as the cook took hold of Benin's ears and pulled him down onto his cock, the cock was so big it went down Benin's throat, this made Benin heave and choke and he found it difficult to breathe. Fortunately he came quickly, pumping cum down Benin's throat. Benin coughed and spluttered, his mouth filling with cum as the cook withdrew his member. Benin stood up, and the cook wiped the excess cum from Benin's lips with his finger and inserted the digit in Benin's mouth for him to suck it clean. He dismissed the boy and said. "I look forward to the next time." The cook's laughter ringing in Benin's ears, as he ran off as fast as he could, the salty taste filling his mouth. The sundial showed it was almost noon, so Benin tidied himself, and positioned himself outside the classroom. Sartorius came to the door and beckoned Benin in to the classroom. "Bow to your betters boy," instructed Publius. Benin complied. Sartorius took hold of Benin and stood him on a low lying table, a skeleton already took up the position adjacent to Benin. He looked at the skeleton, which gave him the creeps and wondered if that what he looked like without any skin. "We shall need him in the nude," said Sartorius. "By all means," replied Publius, who got up, told Benin to remove his tunic and turn around while he undid the screw supporting the belt, which he removed. Benin started to scratch himself where the metal belt had chaffed his skin, it was an immense relief to have the belt removed, which was heavy and uncomfortable. "Hands on your head Benin," said Publius and await instructions from Sartorius. "Yes sir master," Benin meekly replied, feeling a little embarrassed at the tone of Publius's voice and his nudity. Publius's friends marvelled at his authority over the boy, and were jealous that he should have such a pretty boy as his slave. Sartorius looked at the boy with envy, his lean beautiful form, the fine chiselled features to his chin, the way his navel stood out in the middle of his belly, how he would love to bed the boy, but feared he would have to content himself with one of the boys from the cheap boy brothel in Rome. Benin stood naked, next to the skeleton, his hands on his head, as Sartorius made comparisons with the skeleton, pointing out Benin's pelvic bone in relation to the skeleton, how the bones in his feet matched that of the skeleton. He then started pointing out each muscle in Benin's body, pointing with a stick, at his biceps, his triceps, his pectorals, his abdominal muscles, thigh and calf. This took some time as Sartorius lingered with his stick on Benin's body, letting the stick glide down Benin's frame; he made Benin arch his back, lift one foot at a time to show off his calf muscles. Sartorius could not resist lifting Benin's cock with the stick, exposing his ball sac, all the time Benin had his hands on his head. Sartorius then had Benin turn around and told his pupils that the buttocks were the largest muscles in the body; he could not resist mentioning the bruising to Benin's buttocks, which were a nice shade of yellow, blue and black. Publius mentioned that Benin still had to receive the second half of his punishment, which he would administer after class. "Why not do it here Publius," said Sartorius, "Why you can give instruction on punishment to your classmates, who I am sure will have slaves of their own one day." "If you do not mind sir," said Publius. "Not at all," said Sartorius. "You can do it directly class finishes, how many strokes have you to give the boy?" "Only twenty sir," replied Publius. Sartorius felt butterflies in his stomach and excited at the prospect of watching the boy receive his punishment. By the same token Benin felt nervous with the thought that he had to endure more pain and in front of an audience. Sartorius continued his lesson. He deliberately ran the stick down Benin's spine, slowly and lightly, this made Benin squirm, Sartorius then ran the stick up and down Benin's crack in his buttocks, this gave a tingling sensation in Benin's cock, and he was playing with the boy, but hoped it did not show. Benin's cock began to grow with the sensations running through his body. Sartorius then concluded the lesson, saying they would explore and discuss the boy's reproductive organs, next week, and confirmed with Publius that it would be in order to book Benin's attendance on this day each week. Publius agreed. Sartorius grinned with satisfaction. Benin remained on the table, hands on head, while Publius went to his rooms to fetch the canes. The three other boys rose from their desks and walked over to Benin. The eldest, 14 year old Marcus, looked at Benin and could not resist stroking Benin's cock, then rolling it in his hands, then weighing Benin's balls in his hands. Marcus looked directly in Benin's eyes, smiled and squeezed his balls, Benin winced, as he drew in breath. The second boy, about Benin's age, by the name of Quintus, said to Marcus, "he has got a big cock, perhaps we will get a chance to play with it later." The third boy, Spurius who was much younger than his fellow classmates, just looked on and could not understand what all the fuss was about, this was probably due to the fact that he had not reached puberty yet. "Now, now, boys, leave the slave alone until Publius returns," said Sartorius. At that moment Publius walked into the classroom carrying his canes. "Do you remember why you are being punished slave boy?" asked Publius. "Yes sir master." "Yes, you stole my food, did you not? but out of the kindness of my heart I gave you a special treat for breakfast this morning, didn't I?" "Yes sir master." "I gave him Romo's balls to eat this morning," Publius told his friends, who all laughed and thought it a good joke. "Now to business, twenty strokes to be given, ten on your buttocks, Benin, and five on each of the soles of your feet, I think," said Publius. "But, but 3;" said Benin, "But what," said Publius, "do you think you should have more?" "No, sir master." "Very well, come down here and bend over." Benin complied, Publius pushed his head lower so his hands reached further down to his ankles. Publius then practised with each of the canes, and chose a medium weight cane, slightly thicker than the one used previously, and he practised a few strokes. "Don't forget to thank me after each stroke Benin." "Yes sir master." The first stroke landed squarely on Benin's buttocks, his bruised and battered cheeks resounded with pain, he yelped, but did not forget to thank his master. Publius's classmates thought this great fun, as stroke after stroke landed on Benin. Sartorius felt his cock growing as more pain was inflicted on the poor unfortunate Benin. Finally the tenth stroke was given, tears of pain and anguish ran down Benin's cheeks. "Now for the second half of your punishment Benin, kneel on the low table with your feet just hanging over the edge," commanded Publius. Benin did as instructed. The soles of his feet pointing upwards, and his hands on his head, Benin found it difficult to keep his balance and the hard table hurt his knees. Publius selected a different cane the thinnest and lightest. Publius stood to one side, raised the cane and brought it down across the sole of Benin's right foot, Benin could not believe the pain that the stroke had inflicted, the next stroke landed on the back of his toes, three more were applied to the right foot, then Publius changed sides and repeated five strokes on the left sole, two of which landed on his toes. Benin could not control the twitching in his feet as the pain was excruciating. Publius had not finished with him yet; he intended to show off to the full extent in front of his friends, who could not believe Publius could be so cruel. Publius asked Sartorius for a heavy book, he told Benin to hold the book above his head and not to move until told to do so. The heavy book made Benin's arms ache, and increased the pain in his knees. Marcus found the whole experience exciting and his hard cock strained in his undergarment. He made up his mind to ask his father for his own slave, his father was a rich merchant and would probably wish to follow the example of Crasus. Meanwhile, Benin struggled to keep his balance and the book above his head. Sartorius approached Publius and suggested. "You may consider it a good idea that you set your slave physical exercises each day and when you bring him to the class we can check his progress and measure his muscle development, I could devise a programme for you Publius?" "Yes I would like that, if you have the time sir," said Publius. "Not a problem Publius, we can start off with light exercises then progress the boy with longer and harder exercises, it would be interesting for you students to see how the muscles will grow and develop." The tutor was pleased with his own idea this would be a good opportunity for him to be involved with the slave, and who knows he might get an opportunity for more lecherous pursuits. After some 20 minutes, Publius relented and allowed Benin to relax his position and stand. This in fact was almost as painful as he put his feet to the ground the pain from his caned feet shot up his legs and he hopped from foot to foot. Publius and his friends thought this a huge joke and laughed at poor Benin hopping about. Publius had brought his cloth undergarment back with him, and told Benin to dress, but to leave off his tunic. And belt. Benin did as instructed; he struggled to get the tiny garment on without hurting the fresh bruising on his buttocks. Publius said goodbye to his class friends and told Benin to go in front of him back to his room, carrying his belt, so he could watch Benin hop about, on his way back he bumped into his father, who asked. "Why are you laughing my son." "I have punished my slave on his feet, and he has to hop along when he walks, I think it looks so funny father," said Publius. "I thought you would soon invent new punishments for the boy, you have done well, by the way, I am having my new slave boy punished tonight at 5.00 pm, after his attempted rape of the seamstress's girl, you may wish to come along and observe a hard thrashing. Bring your boy, as it will be a good lesson for him as well," said Crasus. "Thank you father, I will," replied Publius. Benin continued his hopping progress to Publius's room, his toes were swelling more and more, particularly the small toe on his right foot, which had received two blows of the cane. It was almost twice its normal size and was throbbing with pain. The two boys entered the room, Benin was instructed to run his master's bath and disrobe him. Publius wallowed in the hot water of his bath, while Benin bathed him. "I wonder exactly what Sartorius has in mind for your exercise programme Benin?" asked Publius. "I do not know, sir master." "I will make sure they are strenuous enough to build your muscles quickly, I want you to be the finest looking slave in all of Rome, and will you work hard at your exercises?" "I will master, I want you to be proud of me master." "Come jump in this bath, time is getting short, we do not want to miss the fun of Romo receiving his punishment, I will dry myself, but hurry Benin, or you will be joining Romo for further punishment." Benin scrubbed himself clean, but refrained from touching his buttocks and feet. Publius sat on his bed watching Benin, as the boy towelled himself down, his skin shining. Publius wanted Benin to pleasure him, but that could wait. Benin dressed Publius in his finest garments and put clean undergarment and tunic on himself. Publius inspected Benin and they both went off to the courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was a wooden rack with leather straps, a few feet away were two gilt chairs, Crasus entered and sat in one of the chairs and beckoned his son to sit in the other. Benin stood to the side and slightly behind Publius, a Nubian slave stood by Crasus, he told the Nubian to fetch Romo. Romo was dragged into the courtyard a metal ring about his neck with a chain attached to each side, two Nubian slaves held each piece of chain and pulled Romo forward towards Crasus, and they pulled Romo down on his knees, where he was made to kiss Crasus's feet. Crasus spoke, "You, slave boy, tried to rape a servant, for this you will be severely punished and dependant on how you take your punishment, I will decide whether to keep you or sell you. Punish him," he commanded. Romo was dragged towards the rack his feet secured with leather ties, he was then bent forward and his wrists secured with further leather ties, with his back arched over the rack his buttocks were in the correct position to receive his punishment. The two Nubians took up their punishment instruments, each held a thick rattan cane, some 4 feet [1.20 m] long, and Crasus gave the signal to commence. The first Nubian raised the cane and inflicted a mighty blow across Romo's buttocks. Romo screamed at the force of the blow, the first Nubian stood to one side and the second took up his position and delivered the second blow, equally as hard as the first. Blow after blow was inflicted on Romo's buttocks, his screams increased in intensity. Benin could see the flesh swell, the nerves in Romo's buttocks made his muscles twitch. The two Nubians, began to sweat from the effort of inflicting the punishment, they wore just small genital supports, their arm muscles standing up hard as the punishment continued. Benin had lost count of the number of strokes, but he thought at least 30 had been inflicted, small areas of Romo's skin began to blister and break open, and trickles of blood began to form. Relentlessly the punishment continued, Publius shifted uneasily in his chair, this was either due to him feeling the punishment excessive or his cock was straining to get out, I think the latter was the case. Benin felt sorry for Romo, and temporarily forgot about his own discomfort on his feet and buttocks. In excess of 50 strokes had been given, when Crasus raised his hand, the punishment stopped. Crasus got up from his chair and took hold of Publius's hand and took him over to inspect Romo's buttocks, which were now covered in blood. Crasus inspected the buttocks closely and explained to Publius that the cuts were not too deep, and no permanent damage would result, so more punishment could be given; Publius had difficulty walking properly as his cock was hard and was straining to get out of his garment. Crasus gave orders to throw water over Romo to revive him fully and the punishment could recommence. Both father and son settled down in their chairs and the order was given to start the caning again. A further 25 strokes were applied vigorously to Romo, when thankfully for him, Crasus gave the order to cease. "Leave him tied up here tonight I will decide his fate tomorrow," he instructed. "There my son, that is a severe punishment, if you ever want to punish your boy to that extent you must gain my permission and I will supervise the punishment." "Of course father, I hope Benin will never give me reason to have him punished that hard, I think my light punishments will keep him in line." From the pain Benin was suffering now, he thought to himself that he would never displease his boy master to warrant such punishment, he indeed, was not sure he would survive such a thrashing. He looked over at Romo, who was moaning lowly, blood ran down the back of his legs; his buttocks were a heaving mass of dismembered flesh. Benin trotted behind Publius back to his rooms. The Nubians bowed lowly as Crasus left the courtyard. Publius walked quickly along the corridor to his rooms, Benin found it difficult to keep up, his feet were even more swollen from standing in the courtyard, they entered the room. Publius immediately told Benin to strip off naked and to get on the bed, and ripped his own clothes off, within a moment Benin's legs were in the air and Publius mounted him, thrusting his hard cock up Benin's anus hole. He pushed the full length of his cock up Benin, pumping vigorously and emptied his cum inside Benin. Publius lay momentarily on top of Benin, breathing heavily. "Did you find Romo's punishment exciting Benin?" asked Publius. "I was glad it was not me master sir, I will always try to please you, so that you will never have to punish me that way." "I think it was because Romo was tied up and could not move, I found the experience exciting. I think I will experiment with you my slave boy." "But master, master, I have been a good boy please do not punish me, master, please." "No, no, Benin, I am not going to punish you, I am going to pleasure you." With that he fetched some ties from Benin's tunics and told Benin to lie on his back on the bed, he then secured each wrist and ankle to the bed. Benin could not move. Publius then started to stroke Benin's naked body, lightly with his finger tips. He stroked Benin's skin from his head down his face, to his chest, he gently pinched Benin's nipples, playing with them, this excited Benin, and his cock began to grow, he stroked Benin's stomach, running circles round his navel, he then went down to his thighs, and very lightly, stroked the inside, slowly going up to Benin's ball sac, and playing with his balls. Publius pulled Benin's pubic hairs, but refrained from touching his cock, he then went back up to his face and inserted a finger in Benin's mouth, who sucked on it. The excitement in Benin's loins grew, his cock stood up high and hard. He then continued down and pinched Benin's nipples, a bit harder this time, until Benin began to grown with pleasure. Publius's fingers ran down his belly, and gently stroked Benin's cock, Benin issued louder groans, then back to Benin's nipples, he pinched them a bit harder and harder still until Benin's cock exploded cum, he shot forth with such force that the creamy white liquid reached Benin's face and down his belly, he moaned with pleasure. Publius sat on a couch peering over at Benin, it excited him to know that Benin was secured to the bed under his complete control. As he looked at Benin he became excited once again, his cock grew as he sat and played with it. Publius stood up and walked over to Benin, climbed on the bed and sat on Benin's chest, his cock was fully hard by now; he raised his buttocks and inserted his cock in Benin's mouth. Benin sucked on it, taking it down his throat, after a short while Publius was ready to cum again, as he started to ejaculate he withdrew his cock and spurted cum over Benin's face, it went over Benin's eyes and up his nostrils. Publius sat on Benin for a few minutes, scooping the cum on his fingers and made Benin lick his fingers clean. Publius got down from the bed and ran a fresh bath of water and cleansed himself. "I am going to eat with my parents tonight who are entertaining guests, so I will not require your services, but I think it would be a good idea to start your exercises tonight Benin, so I will take you down to the waterwheel and you can spend a couple of hours pushing that round, I am sure it will be good for your leg muscles," said Publius. "Yes sir master," replied Benin, who was not encouraged by the thought? Publius finished his bath and dried himself and selected a fine new tunic to wear, he then walked over to Benin and untied him, put on his belt, and told him to follow, and there was no attempt to clean up Benin. Benin followed Publius to the basement of the single story villa; they entered a room, which to Benin's amazement had a stream of water running through it, at one end was a massive waterwheel, which was being turned by three young slaves. They stood on the shafts of the wheel and hung onto a wooden bar across the top, their wrists secured to the bar with leather thongs. As they pushed the wheel round with their feet, the buckets on each side of the wheel filled, and as the wheel turned, and the buckets reached the top they emptied into a shaft which fed the villa with water. The stream of water was from a natural hot spring, the temperature in the room was hot and steam rose from the water. Standing to one side was an elderly man, thin and wizened, he held a whip in his hand and by the looks of the slaves working the wheel he was not frightened to use it, as all the slaves bore the marks of the whip across their backs. "Welcome master," said the old man. "You have a new recruit for me Sir?" "No sir, he is my own personal slave, who I want to work the wheel to build up his muscles, how long do your slaves work the wheel?" Publius enquired. "About two hours is all they can stand unless I persuade them to give more." He replied and swung the whip above his head. "That will be fine, two hours will be a good test for you Benin, and no use of the whip sir." He told the old man. The slaves on the wheel were told to stop pushing, and the poor wretch in the middle of the three was untied. He was taken to a room at the end of the wheel house, the metal gate unlocked and he was thrown inside. Benin could just distinguish a group of slaves inside, obviously the replacements awaiting their turn. Benin had never seen this group of slaves before and assumed they never saw the light of day. As was common practise in Rome society, the more menial tasks in the villa were put out to tender and the old man would receive payment from the senator for services rendered. All he had to do was to keep his slaves alive, with sufficient strength to push the wheel. Benin took up his place on the wheel and the old man climbed up the wheel and secured his wrists with a leather thong onto the wooden bar. Benin glanced from side to side looking at his companions, both were almost naked, just tiny pieces of ragged cloth secured their modesty, sweat poured from every pore in their skin. Benin's metal belt was already secured in place, and the order was given to start turning the wheel. Benin pushed down with his compatriots, his right foot slipped on the wet wood of the wheel paddle and he grazed his shin. "Hold yourself up with your hands boy, that way you will not slip," said the old man. After a great deal of effort, the heavy wheel turned slowly, the old man applying his whip to the boys either side of Benin to increase their efforts, eventually the wheel was turning fast enough to satisfy the old man. Benin's feet were giving him a throbbing pain as he pushed down on the wheel, the result of his earlier punishment. Benin was soon bathed in sweat; the metal chastity belt was rubbing into his sides causing him further anguish. Little did Benin know, but most of the trio's efforts were wasted if nobody used the water, as it just returned back into the stream after circling the villa water system. The three boys had to give a sustained effort to keep the wheel turning, after about an hour Benin's legs ached, the pain in his feet increased as droplets of blood oozed from his toes from constantly pushing down on the rough timber. "You would soon harden up my boy, if you were here everyday," said the old man to Benin. "He then gave the order to stop and he mercifully took Benin down from his perch. He inspected Benin's feet and told him to rest, he did not want to be accused of causing damage to the pet slave of Publius. A replacement slave was brought out of the cage, a boy of some 12 years, broad and muscled, thick thighs and huge calf muscles. "He is my best slave. He has worked for me for some four years, I am thinking of selling him now he is in his prime," said the old man to Benin. "Do you think your master would like to buy him?" Benin just shrugged his shoulders, and realised how hungry he was, he hadn't eaten since breakfast this morning. After a half hour rest, Benin was put back to the wheel for another half hour stretch. Mercifully the old man told him he had done well and his stint was finished, Benin's legs shook when he tried to walk from the exertion. "You may go boy, I will tell your master you did well," said the old man. Benin was glad to get out of this horrible place, which was constantly wet and algae grew up the walls, the faint smell of sulphur was making Benin cough, as he went back to his master's quarters, he looked around the room but could find nothing to eat, so he dried off his body and put on his tunic and went off to his own room. He sank down on his straw filled mattress, exhausted. Tebius was not there, obviously attending his master and guests, and poor Romo was still bent over the rack in the courtyard. The hunger pains in his belly gave him the cramp, but he could not face going to the kitchen and having to suck off the cook's smelly cock. He half drifted off to sleep, but thoughts of his mother and father came into his head, he wondered what had become of them. He hoped they were safe and well, tears welled up in his eyes. He also thought of what had happened to himself over the last couple of days, he had always been a happy go-lucky boy, and enjoyed his life, now he was totally dominated by this boy, Publius, a year younger than himself, the pangs of hunger gripped Benin again. Knowing the Nubian night guards would wake him and the other slaves in the morning; he drifted off to exhausted sleep
Chapter 5Benin was awoken by the Nubian guard pushing the butt end of his staff into Benin's chest. He had slept well, and his aches and pains in buttocks and feet felt better. He stirred himself and went up to his master's room and gently shook Publius awake."Are you refreshed Benin?" enquired Publius. "Yes thank-you master." "I am ravishingly hungry, after the small delicacies I eat last night, go and fetch my breakfast boy," Publius demanded. Benin trotted off to the kitchen, thankful he was still wearing his metal belt. As he entered the kitchen, the cook shouted at him to, "Come over here, my pretty one." Benin stood before the cook, who took hold of his cheek and squeezed, demanding an answer. "I know you were not wanted by your master last night, so why did you not come to me?" "I 3; I 3; I 3; was exhausted," stammered Benin "You ignore me at your peril, my boy, you will have nothing to eat this morning, when you are hungry enough you will be pleased to bend over to take my cock, and I have spoken to a friend, who has told me he can make a key for your chastity belt, so I will be able to fuck you properly," said the cook. "Yes sir," said Benin. Benin stood and waited for his master's food to be prepared, the hunger in his belly was overwhelming. The smells of the food being prepared made him drool; perhaps he thought, his master will leave some, so he could eat at least something. Benin took the tray; it was laden with, figs and honey, oatmeal, sweetmeats and other delicacies. Benin laid the tray in front of his master, who started to devour the food before him. "Run me a bath Benin, and get me a new tunic out," said Publius with the honey running down his chin. Benin prepared the bath, thinking of the poor wretches below turning the wheel; he kept one eye on Publius, who unfortunately was tucking in to his breakfast. Publius gave a loud belch and beckoned Benin to help him in the bath. Publius released Benin from his belt and told him to bathe. "Please master I need to go to the toilet," said Benin "Get me dressed first boy, then you can do your ablutions." Benin complied, and then relieved himself. After emptying his bowels his stomach felt completely empty, and the hunger pains gripped his belly. He glanced over at the tray and was disappointed to see that only a few scraps remained. Benin stood naked before his master, who inspected his buttocks and feet, and thought they were healing nicely; no permanent damage had been done. Publius put a clean belt on Benin. "Get my books boy," commanded Publius and they both left the room, Benin walking behind his master carrying his books. As they entered the classroom, Sartorius was waiting and welcomed Publius. "I have got together some training aids for your slave Publius, would you like to see them?" "By all means," replied Publius. "They are simple instruments, but I can assure you they will be most effective. First I have three wooden logs, small medium and large. You can see I have had handles carved, so the boy can lift them up and hold them above his head whilst he runs around the perimeter of the courtyard. Each one weighs heavier than the previous one, they can also be used for other exercises. Secondly I have a leather bucket, with straps to go over the boy's shoulders. The bucket lays over his back, which is then filled with sand, and as he progresses the weight can be increased by adding water to the sand. Likewise I have a leather harness which is fixed around his waist, which has two smaller leather buckets at each side, these also can be filled with sand and water. I have arrange some hurdles around the courtyard, which the slave will have to jump as he progresses around the courtyard. What do you think Publius?" asked Sartorius. "Be back here at two o'clock Benin, we shall start the exercises this very afternoon, and this evening you can have another couple of hours on the water wheel. We will soon have you at the peak of fitness, with the leanest most muscled body in all of Rome," said Publius. "Yes sir Master," replied Benin. "Would you supervise the slave's progress, Sir?" asked Publius. "It would be a pleasure Publius," replied Sartorius. Sartorius was overjoyed at the prospect of watching the boy exercise. He would persuade Publius to have the boy naked he thought, and would take every opportunity to check the slave's proportions. Meanwhile Benin went back to his master's rooms, and found the breakfast tray. There was not much left, just one fig and a little oatmeal. He devoured them eagerly and licked the plate clean of the remains of the honey. It was not enough to stop his hunger pains but at least it was something. Benin busied himself cleaning and polishing, and scrubbing the bath as he had been shown. He then picked up the tray to take it back to the kitchen. As he was walking down the corridor to the kitchen a young woman came the other way, she would be about 15 to 16 years old, dressed in the finest of garments, flowing silks and gossamer. She glided along the corridor, Benin stopped, and stood aside and bowed to the girl out of respect. She stopped and asked who he was; Benin told her he was the slave of Publius. "Oh that arrogant brat, he may be my brother but I detest him, he is so clever and my father dotes on him, as if he were the only boy in the world. Come slave I have a task for you, follow me." Benin turned and followed. He dare not disobey. "Put that tray down slave and come here," she commanded. Benin stood in front of the girl. "Mother told me you were a good looking boy, remove your tunic, and let me look at you," she said. Benin removed his tunic. "What is that contraption?" she asked. "My master's father said I should wear it around the house," Benin replied. She lent forward and tugged on the metal belt and gave out a sigh. "You are handsome and nicely proportioned," she commented. She ran the back of her index finger down his cheek, Benin smiled at her, she continued by lightly pinching Benin's nipples and running her hand over his belly. Benin gave out a sigh, as he felt his cock grow within its restrictions. "Natasha! Natasha!" she called. Benin felt his jaw drop as the most beautiful girl walked into the room. She was black, tall, slim, she was almost naked except for a string of white beads that hung from her hips, a single strand to the sides but longer at the front and the back, just enough to cover her genitals, she had a matching necklace around her neck, which came down to her breasts, but did not cover her beautiful rouge red nipples. "Take this slave to the bathroom and see if he can open the shutter, so I can have a bath to-day. Now hurry girl, or I will beat you, as I have promised many times before," said the mistress. "Yes mistress," she replied, bowed, and Benin followed. The shutter had stuck, but Benin pushed and tugged and eventually it opened, and the water poured into the bath, Natasha smiled at him as the bath filled. The mistress came into the bathroom and told Benin that he would have to wait to shut the shutter, in case her stupid slave could not do it. Benin stood to one side, when to his surprise Natasha began disrobing her mistress, removing the top layer of silk followed by the gossamer like material that slipped to the floor. The mistress stood naked, she turned this way and that, she was obviously tempting him, but of course there was nothing he could do, he looked down at the floor, his cock ached to get out of the belt, as he gazed at the two beautiful women before him. The mistress stepped out of the bath, and Benin closed the shutter, Natasha dried her mistress and they went back into the main room, which overlooked the courtyard where Romo was still strapped to the punishment frame. The mistress stood naked at the window. "The poor wretch down there has suffered a lot, I heard him moaning in the night. I believe father is going to release him this afternoon. I understand the poor boy has had his balls cut out, so he is no use to anybody. Is that why you are wearing that stupid belt Benin?" "I suppose so mistress, Publius likes to play with me and begged his father not to cut mine out." "Does he now, the dirty little tike, he beats you too I see from the state of your buttocks," said the Mistress. "Yes mistress," replied Benin. "Well on your way, handsome one, no doubt I will see you again," said the Mistress. Benin bowed and took his leave, put on his tunic and picked up the tray and went to the kitchen. Butterflies danced in his stomach as he entered, time was now getting on and he was due at the classroom to see his master, so he dumped the tray and quickly departed. He had escaped the attentions of the cook this time. He waited patiently outside the classroom until he was called in a few minutes later. Benin was soon loaded up with his exercise instruments, he carried the large and middle sized logs, Sartorius the small one and Publius the leather straps and buckets. They all made there way to the courtyard including the friends of Publius. The courtyard itself was some 100 meters [330 feet] square, at one end, closest to the villa was a large swimming pool, some 20 meters by 15 meters [65 x 50 feet], various palms and statues surrounded the manicured lawns. "My friends and I are going swimming. Can I leave my slave to you Sartorius?" said Publius. "Of course Publius, I will supervise him for you, may I suggest that he goes naked, as the Greeks do in Olympia." "Yes, of course he should, I will remove his belt for you and here is a selection of canes should he not perform to your liking." Benin stood before Sartorius in the nude, who beckoned him closer, so that he could measure the boy's body. He had Benin turn this way and that, taking down measurements which he inscribed into a tablet. He could not resist his fingers lingering on the boy's already superb body, he caressed the boy's skin, pinched his nipples, stroked his buttocks. The cock in his loins grew, Sartorius imagined fucking the boy long and hard, maybe one day he will have the opportunity. The other boys had all stripped off to their undergarments and were playing in the pool. Sartorius could not believe how he had longed to see his charges in this position, but now down to business. The hurdles had been erected around the perimeter of the courtyard, they were about ½ meter [20 inches] high and ten in number. Benin glanced around the circuit, and could see Romo still bent over the punishment bench in the gravel section in the middle of the courtyard, he had been there almost 24 hours. Sartorius selected a medium sized leather bag with straps, and told Benin to put it on around his shoulders, he then half filled it with sand, he then selected the small log and told Benin to lift it up above his head. "You will run around the perimeter of the yard and no cutting the corners, jumping each hurdle as you go, I will tell you when to stop and keep up a good steady pace." Sartorius instructed Benin. "Off you go" Benin set off, running clockwise around the courtyard. He soon began to sweat profusely, as the temperature was about 90 degrees Fahrenheit [32 °C]. As he passed the swimming pool he was envious of Publius and his friends playing in the cooling water, but he continued to pound the grass as he kept up his blistering pace. Benin's arms ached with the weight of the log as he held it high above his head, he could feel the sweat running down his back and into the crevice of his buttocks, and the sweat from his forehead ran into his eyes. Benin's legs began to ache, so he reduced his speed, but as he came round to start the fourth lap, Sartorius took hold of a cane and as Benin ran passed he took a swipe at his buttocks it landed neatly across both cheeks and Benin picked up his pace once again. Sartorius was excited that he had the freedom to punish the boy and would not hesitate to use the cane at every available opportunity. Some minutes later the Senator entered the courtyard together with another man. They walked over to Romo. The accompanying Nubian Guard was told to untie Romo, which he did. The boy could not move and appeared stuck in the bent position. The Senator nodded to the Nubian who dragged the naked Romo to his feet. The other man, who evidently was a physician inspected the boy and gave instructions for the boy to have his buttocks washed and cream applied, to help heal the wounds and to kill any eggs laid by the blowflies, where the skin had broken. The two men walked over to Sartorius and asked what was happening; Sartorius explained that Benin was exercising as Publius wants him to have the leanest and most muscled body of any slave, and that he was supervising the activities. The two men sat down to take the afternoon sun and to have a glass of wine, in the meantime Benin continued to run around the courtyard. Publius's sister was watching the performance from her bedroom window, and enjoyed watching Benin's naked body run around the courtyard. She particularly liked the way his cock and balls rose and fell with each stride and the way the sun glistened on his sweaty body. Benin had done about ten circuits and was feeling exhausted, his head began to swim, he stumbled over two of the hurdles as he found it more and more difficult to focus his mind on the job in hand, but he pushed himself on. Sartorius noticed he was slacking and helped him on his way with a couple of well timed strokes across his buttocks. Benin became more and more disorientated, until his head was swimming, firstly he dropped the log and then stumbled again, he finally collapsed in the far corner of the courtyard, he lost consciousness, and lay still on the ground. Sartorius ran over to Benin, cane in hand, and struck Benin two blows across his lower back, screaming at the boy to get up, but when he did not stir, he became concerned. Benin gave out low groaning noises, Sartorius wondered if anything more serious could be wrong. He looked up and the Senator and physician had wondered over to where Benin lay, the physician knelt next to Benin and felt his pulse, turned the boy on his back and noticed his tongue lay outside his mouth and to the side, it was also swollen. The physician told Sartorius to fetch some water. By this time Publius and friends were standing concerned as to what might be the problem with Benin. Water was put on Benin's tongue and inside his mouth. Benin coughed and came round from his feint. Publius's sister had also arrived, she looked down on the naked Benin, his chest and stomach rising and falling as he took in air. Two Nubian guards were called and were told to take Benin inside the villa; the physician said he would examine him inside. "Take him to my room, Natasha and I can look after him," said Publius's sister. Publius himself did not want the responsibility of looking after a sick slave and nobody else objected. Benin was given a thorough examination by the physician, who came to the conclusion that Benin was dehydrated and starving hungry and that two days rest and good food would soon make him well again. The physician told Sartorius that if he was to be responsible for the slave's exercises he must also supervise his energy intake in the shape of food before the boy could use energy to exercise and build muscle. Sartorius said he would and that a proper diet sheet would be drawn up and his exercises planned accordingly. Publius gave his sister Benin's belt and told her to put it on him and gave her the key. Nobody bothered to enquire why Benin was starving hungry, perhaps they did not care. Publius's sister, Appia, dispatched Natasha to the kitchen to collect food for Benin, who lay naked on his back on a couch. Appia gazed at the boy, his slim frame looking beautiful in the sunlight which shone through the window, caressing his body with its health giving rays. Appia could not believe how easy it had been to get the slave boy in her boudoir, this evening would be devoted to getting him back to full health and strength, and he would eat, and be bathed by Natasha and fully rested tonight. She would see how he was in the morning but she desired his body, the lust for the boy almost overcome her, but she must resist, for tonight at least. She certainly had no intention of putting on the stupid belt Publius had left for her. Appia knelt beside Benin and put a glass of fresh fruit juice to his lips, he devoured it eagerly. She could not resist supporting herself by placing her left hand on the top of his thigh, and Benin smiled at Appia, grateful for the attention he was receiving. Natasha returned from the kitchen with a tray filled with all manner of food, slices of Venison, Pigeon glazed with cherry sauce, Skylark basted in honey, all sorts of vegetables surrounded the plate; a side plate had oranges, cherries and nectarines. "Sit up my precious," commanded Appia. As she helped him up, Appia spoon fed the boy, Benin relished every mouthful. "You are a good little slave boy, you have finished it all, you must have been very hungry," said Appia. "Thank-you mistress, I am most grateful, I have not eaten properly for several days." "Why have you not had your fill of food, you must eat, or you will whither away," said Appia, taking hold of his cock and shaking it, "You will just whither away." She laughed. Benin looked around but could not keep his eyes off the beautiful Natasha, when she walked she appeared to glide across the room. She was so graceful, her lithe slim body, almost naked as usual, glistened in the evening sunlight. Appia, however, was nice but like Publius a little rounded, not fat, but her breasts drooped down under her garment, her legs he could see were wide at the top, her belly just a little too corpulent. Benin, overcome with tiredness drifted off to sleep. Benin awoke early the following morning. He stretched his naked body to get the sleep out of his limbs, the sun shone through the shutters. Natasha walked in to the room the beads around her lower waist swung in rhythm as she walked over to Benin, bent over, showing off her breasts. She put a cup of fruit juice to his lips, Benin sipped the juice, and could not stop his cock growing hard as he gazed at her body, she pulled off the sheet covering him, and smiled at his erection, at that moment Appia walked in. "My, my, you look healthy this morning Benin; do you always awake with such an erection?" she asked. Benin was embarrassed, he could feel his cheeks flushing red, "I 3; I 3; I 3;," he stammered. "Don't worry Benin it is perfectly normal for a young virile boy like you to have an erection, get up; let me have a look at you," said Appia. Natasha stepped back, as Benin rose from the couch and stood before Appia, naked, his cock was uncontrollable and stood up straight and proud. She caressed his cock, which sent beautiful feeling surging through his body. "How do you feel this morning? Go and urinate Benin, then you can go and help Natasha get the breakfast." She said. Benin said he felt better and scurried over to the drain and urinated, with this his cock went down. "Off you go with Natasha and fetch the breakfasts for all three of us," commanded Appia. Benin began to panic. "I must have my belt on mistress, and Publius demands it," he cried. "Don't worry Benin you will not be wearing that for the next couple of days, at least not while you are in my charge, or is it that you are shy of walking through the villa in the nude. I suppose you ought to wear something, Natasha go and get one of your smallest bead garments," said Appia. Natasha soon returned with a selection of tiny bead garments, she put one on Benin. It really did not cover much at all, in fact his cock tended to poke out the front as he walked, as the garment had no support underneath. "Off you go now Benin, you look very fetching in your new garment, after we have had breakfast Natasha will bathe you," said Appia. Benin felt nervous about going to the kitchen without his metal belt on, but go he must, as they entered the cook spied Benin immediately. "You have come to see me my precious, dressed as a girl, how thoughtful of you, come this way my pretty one, I have a special treat for you," said the cook. The cook took Benin into the back room and pushed him on his bed, the cook dropped his garment to expose an enormous cock, which already stood rock hard, the cook took a small pot of goose grease and told Benin to lay on his back and put his legs in the air, he pushed the grease up Benin's anus. "No! No!" cried Benin. Benin had to submit, as the cook pushed his cock against Benin's anus. Benin froze, as the cook thrust harder and started to enter Benin. The cook pushed against Benin's sphincter, Benin tensed, the cook slapped Benin with the back of his hand across his face, drawing blood from the corner of his mouth, he told Benin not to resist as it would be more painful. Benin's sphincter began to absorb the man's cock inside him, he pushed harder and fully entered Benin, who gave out a scream as the massive member thrust forward further into Benin's anus. Benin felt he was being ripped apart and that the cock would burst his belly, as the cook pumped his cock into him, the pain was excruciating, his anus stretched to its maximum to accommodate the massive cock, harder and harder the cook thrust up inside Benin. The pain in Benin's anus increased, he could not stop himself crying out, he then felt the cook jerk forward and felt the hot cum spill out inside him. The cook emptied himself of cum inside Benin and then lay motionless on top of Benin, his weight pushing all the air out of Benin's lungs, eventually he pulled himself off of Benin and straddled Benin, thrusting his cock towards Benin's mouth, he had to lick it clean, dirt, cum and blood together, Benin heaved as he licked the foul smelling cock. "There my boy, your first taste of a proper cock, not a boy's one, which you can hardly feel, you will grow to enjoy it more and more," he told Benin. The cook allowed Benin to get up and told him to collect his food and that he would look forward to the next time, Benin found it difficult to walk, the pain in his anus was terrible as he put one foot in front of the other, he could also feel the cook's cum, sliding out of his anus down the back of his legs. Benin struggled to get to Appia's apartment, as he entered he burst into tears; both Appia and Natasha ran to his aid. Natasha took the tray. "What ever is wrong Benin, why are you crying?" asked Appia. "I hurt inside mistress," replied Benin, holding his buttocks. "Let me see you," said Appia, She could not believe what she saw, blood and cum was running down the back of Benin's legs, "lay him down Natasha I will go and fetch mother, she will know what to do." commanded Appia, as she ran from the room. Within a short while Appia and her mother arrived, Benin was lying on his belly; the sticky mess was still on Benin's legs. "What happened to you boy?," said the mother, as she scooped up some of the mess on Benin with her finger. Benin hesitated, then said," I 3; I 3; I 3; don't know mistress." "You need a physician, I will send for one, now you lay still until he arrives," said Mother. Within 15 minutes the physician arrived, the same one who examined Benin yesterday, as soon as he saw Benin he knew what had happened, he wiped the excess cum and blood from Benin, and then stuck his fore finger up Benin's anus, Benin gave out a cry. The physician turned to Appia and her mother and told them, "he has been raped, most severely, his anus has been buggered." "Who done this to you boy?" said the mother. "I 3; I 3; think it was the cook," replied Benin. "You think," said the mother, "don't you know." The physician replied for Benin. "He would certainly know who did this to him, and it looks like he resisted as the internal damage is quite severe, but nothing we cannot heal within a day or two. He has certainly been in the wars, this might also explain his hunger, if he has been resisting the cook's advances." "I will let my husband know what has been going on, and he will investigate the matter on his return, this very afternoon," said the mother. "In the meantime we need to cleanse the boy and begin the healing process," said the physician. The physician issued his instructions to Natasha, "run a bath of warm water and let him soak in that for a half hour, then I will clean his inside." Benin was helped to the bath, and cleansed externally. The physician meanwhile prepared his instruments to clean the inside, and they consisted of a pair of tongs, a hose and bag. Benin was lifted out of the bath and told to bend over a drain. The tongs were inserted into his anus, he yelped with pain, as the tongs widened the anus hole. A hose was then inserted into his rectum, the bag, which was filled with a warm salt solution was attached to the hose and squeezed, this solution quickly filled his rectum. The tongs were removed and Benin was told to hold the water inside him. As the salt came into contact with the ripped tissue inside him, he screamed with pain. Benin held on as long as he could, then let go, the mucky solution ran from his rectum and down a drain, the stinging sensation inside him, made him jump up and down, but he soon stopped that, as that hurt as well. Poor Benin's discomfort was intense, he groaned as he heard that the process was to be repeated, but this time he was to hold onto the solution longer. The bag refilled with a stronger salt solution, the process repeated. Benin groaned as the pain in his belly increased as he desperately held onto the solution inside him, eventually the physician gave the order to release, the excreted solution was clearer this time and the physician was satisfied. There now remained the insertion of the healing balm. Benin was told to lie on his side and draw up his knees, the physician firstly spread the cream just inside his anus, then took copious amounts in his hand and inserted his whole hand up Benin's rectum and slowly turned his hand and arm inside Benin to evenly spread the cream, this was not so uncomfortable, but Benin felt that his anus orifice would never return to it's normal size. The physician said he would be back this evening to repeat the process, and that Benin should starve the rest of the day but could go on a light diet tomorrow. Benin lay naked belly down on the couch, Appia told him how brave he was and she gently caressed his forehead, Benin looked up and smiled. Later that afternoon Senator Crasus came to Appia's apartment, as he entered, Natasha knelt down and kissed the floor in a sign of respect. Benin started to get up from the couch but was told to stay where he was. Benin was surprised to see Romo following the senator, he look much improved and healthier, his black skin glistened, where it had been oiled, he wore a miniscule costume, just a pouch at the front with strings that ran around the side and underneath, the fabric was gold, he also wore a gold armlet on his bicep and a gold anklet, apart from those adornments he was naked. Appia gazed at Romo's muscled body. Crasus approached Benin and asked directly, "Who did this to you boy, I want to know now?" Benin was fearful of the senator and replied directly, "The cook sir." "Did he also give you no food, unless you submitted to his desires?" "Yes sir, master," replied Benin With that, the Senator left, followed by Romo, who glanced back at Benin and smiled. Unbeknown to those remaining, the cook had been dispatched off the premises within half an hour and a replacement hired. The physician returned later that evening and the following day and repeated the earlier cleansing and healing balm, on his final visit he told Appia that two more days rest and he should be back to normal and could continue his normal duties. Later that evening, Publius came to see Benin. Benin got up from the couch and Publius promptly sat down. Benin stood naked before his master, who leant forward and took hold of Benin's left nipple, "What have you been up to my slave boy?" he asked. "Nothing master, sir master," he repeated as Publius squeezed his nipple. Benin winced with pain. Appia told Publius to leave the boy alone. Publius retorted "he is my slave not a play thing. Two more days, Benin, as the physician has instructed and you will continue with your duties and your exercises. I will question you further on your return and if I find you are to blame in any way I will punish you." "Yes sir master," replied Benin as Publius left the room. "Pompous fool," said Appia. On the morning of the third day of Benin's recuperation, he felt much better, the soreness in his anus had subsided and his belly was full and wished this life would continue forever. Appia had Natasha give Benin a bath, while she sat and watched. Natasha dried Benin's body and was told to oil Benin's body all over, massaging the sweet smelling oil into every crevice of Benin's body. As much as Benin tried he could not stop his cock growing and becoming fully stiff and hard. Natasha stroked the oil into Benin's skin, he felt great surges of desire, especially when Natasha stroked near his cock and balls. Appia was amused by this and had Benin stand before her, with his hands on his head and to slowly rotate his body before her. He was of course naked, he enjoyed having no clothes on, particularly the metal belt. He secretly liked showing off his body, which he new Appia admired, and it was only a short time before Appia could resist no longer, and reached forward to caress the young slave's body, running her fingers across his skin, gently pinching his nipples. He gave out a soft groan as she did this as it sent electric shocks down to his cock. Appia stood up took hold of Benin's hand and led him into her bedroom, Natasha was told to follow, he stood at the end of the bed. Appia had Natasha disrobe her slowly, first one layer then the next, until she also was naked. Benin became nervous, knowing he should not be in this situation but could not extricate himself. Appia put her forefinger of her right hand out and beckoned him to join her on the bed. Appia told Natasha to watch and observe, as Benin climbed next to Appia, laying on his back. Appia turned on her side and began caressing his body, she then pushed her left breast towards Benin's mouth, he took the nipple between his teeth and gently sucked. Appia had him move from nipple to nipple and the severity of his chewing increased. She gave out low screams of pleasure as Natasha looked on. Both Appia and Benin reveled in their lovemaking until Appia could not wait any longer, she turned on her back, pulled Benin on top of her and guided his cock into her vagina. She grabbed his hips and pulled him down further, within a short while both were screaming with pleasure as Benin pumped into her. She gave a low groan of pleasure as she reached orgasm and he pumped his fluid inside her, both lay back exhausted. Natasha looked on and felt jealous as she would have liked to join them, as it was her duty to pleasure her mistress as she normally did. The next two days were an orgy of pleasure, Appia enjoyed watching Natasha, suck Benin's cock. Benin himself seemed to have an endless supply of cum, which he regularly pumped into Appia, although she would not allow Benin to fuck Natasha, which he greatly desired. Natasha was made to pleasure Benin, by licking his anus, kissing his lips, and sucking his cock. Appia enjoyed watching these antics, Natasha just became more frustrated. Eventually the two days passed and Benin reported back to Publius.