PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way

Fun with Chuckles


This is a 35 part series in which sixteen-year-old Charles is coerced into dressing up like a clown (Chuckles) and together with fifteen-year-old Shane making sex education videos, and the subsequent enlightenment of six-year-old Kenny who receives the videos from a "nice man in the park" and tries out the fun things Chuckles suggests with his best buddy Aaron.
Publ. 2002 (ASSGM); this site May-Sep 2008
Finished 159,000 words (318 pages)


Actors: Charles 'Chuckles' (16yo), Shane 'Ginger' (15yo), Jason (16yo)
Audience: Kenny (6yo) and Aaron (6yo)
Film makers: Jack and Rob

Category & Story codes

Other Boy story
tt bb bt t-dog b-dog – nc cons mast oral anal best humil toys ws spank cbt bond scat


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Permission to post at other sites must be obtained from the author.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at daemonway(at)yahoo(dot)ca or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Fun With Your Pee-er
  2. Fun With Words
  3. Fun With Your Nuts
  4. More Fun With Your Pee-er
  5. Fun With Your Bum
  6. Jerking Off Fun With Your Best Bud
  7. Cock Sucking Fun With Your Best Bud
  8. Kissing Fun With Your Best Bud
  9. Fun With Your Pee
  10. More Fun With Your Bum
  11. Still More Fun With Your Bum
  12. Fun With Teddy
  13. Fun In The Shower
  14. Fun With Big Brother
  15. Bath Time Fun
  16. Fun With Leather
  17. Still More Fun With Your Pee-er
  18. Fun With Your Pooh
  19. Fun With Stinky Feet
  20. More Fun With Rover
  21. Fun Playing Prisoner
  22. Fun With Socks
  23. More Fun With Your Pooh
  24. More Fun With Socks
  25. Fun Playing Dressing Up
  26. Even Still More Bum Fun
  27. Still More Fun With Pooh
  28. Fun With Cum
  29. Spit, Snot, Puke, Farts And Other Fun Stuff
  30. Still More Fun With Socks
  31. Still More Fun With Rover
  32. Camera Fun
  33. Even Still More Fun With S&M and Pooh
  34. Fun With Chuckles and Friends
  35. Fun For Boys And Men

Chapter 1

Fun With Your Pee-er

Sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth nervously wiped his sweaty palms on his cargo pants as he stood before the back door of the white split-level with brown trim. It was a normal looking, average-income house like every other house on the block with a well-trimmed lawn, a flower garden in the front, and a deck and a high fence for privacy in the back. It was a typical house in a typical middle-class part of the city, a part of the city that Charles, coming from Manor Heights, would not normally frequent. Inhaling deeply, he reached out and rang the doorbell.

"Well, Charles, hello," greeted the man who opened the door, the same man who had approached him in the mall last Saturday. "Right on time," he said, looking at his watch. "I like that. Com'on in."

Charles followed the man down the stairs to what he guessed was the man's office. It was a small room, a third the size of his bedroom, with just a desk, a filing cabinet, and two stacking chairs besides the one behind the desk. He sat uncomfortably on the edge of the metal chair as the man sat behind the desk and pulled out a file folder.

"So, you've thought about what we talked about."

"Yes. Yes, sir," Charles said nervously.

"So, by signing this, you agree to make a series of children's information videos for us in return for payment to be agreed upon for each video. And in return for payment, you release all distribution and copyright to us," he said, handing the boy the paper.

As the boy read the simple one-page agreement, Jack studied him closely. The boy was perfect. Five-foot-seven [1.70 m], a hundred-and-thirty pounds [59 kg], with sexy deep blue eyes and thick, honey-blond hair that curled down over the tops of his ears and down to his collar in the back, he was a good-looking boy. He was slim but not skinny, with an athletic build but not muscular, and with a perfectly smooth complexion and that fresh faced tv-star look.

"So, how many videos we talking about?" he asked, returning the form to the man.

"Well," Jack said with a smile. "That depends. There is a big demand for videos like this, so if you do a good job on the first one, there could be a dozen, maybe a couple dozen."

"Yeah?" the boy responded, his big blue eyes growing wide and his face brightening with delight at the thought.

That was one of the things that had attracted Jack to the boy, that bright-eyed, innocent, fresh look. He'd spotted him at the arcade, where he did most of his scouting for young teenage boys, and had immediately been struck by his appearance, though from his stylish clothes and the money he was spending, he wasn't sure how he'd find a hook. This was no destitute junkie he could offer free drugs to, or a poor boy he could attract with a roll of money, or a lonely boy he could offer fame and fortune to. Following him down the mall, the more he watched the boy the more he wanted him, and when he stopped at the sports store to admire the air-support runners, he decided to take a chance. They'd talked about the shoes (he said he was looking for a pair for his son's birthday and would appreciate advice on which were best) and about sports (the boy was on the high school basketball team) and the boy confessed that his parents were on his case for squandering his allowance and even though they had plenty of money, they refused to increase it. That was when Jack suggested the possibility of the kid doing some weekend work for him. Extra spending cash without the restrictions his parents put on his allowance, being a video star, and a job that wasn't very demanding were powerful reasons to accept the offer. So for a two-hundred dollar pair of Michael Jordan Airwalks he agreed to do one fifteen-minute video.

"So, everything look all right?"

"Yeah," the boy replied with a shrug. When the guy had first started talking to him at the sports shop, he had figured him for some ignorant chump who probably had to scrimp and save for months for anything of any worth from the plain no-brand clothes he was wearing, and when he'd said he was looking for a good pair of runners for his son, he figured the least he could do is help him. Then the more they talked and the more appreciative the guy became of his knowledge about clothes and runners in particular, the more he began to like the guy, and when he suggested the video idea and told him how he looked perfect for the part if he was willing to do a bit of memorizing and follow directions, he was glad he'd taken the time to talk to the guy.

Jack signed the form and passed it over to Charles who added his signature. Following him to the room adjacent to the office, another small office about the same size as the first, Charles sat down as the man turned on the television and popped in a video. While he watched clips of Bubbles the Clown from Britain, Buttons from a show called Toddlers Friends, Clarabell from an old TV series called Howdie Doodie, and Bozo the Clown, with instructions to notice in particular how they talked and their mannerisms so he could copy them, his cheeks were painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue and a multicolored frizzy wig was fitted over his head and large oversized yellow and orange boots were fitted over his new Jordan Airwalks.

He was then lead to a third room garishly painted in bright colors with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and assorted play school furniture and toys scattered about. Having him sit down on a small child-size chair, he was reminded that all he had to do was read the blue writing on the prompt cards and perform the actions written in red. At that point a second man in his early twenties joined them, a dark-haired fellow with a moustache and straggly, greasy looking hair, who was the cameraman. With a signal from the cameraman, Jack held up the first card and Charles began.

"Hello there my little friends," he said enthusiastically as he'd seen on the clips. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow as directed on the card, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Charles sat back and paused, a bit bewildered by what he'd just read. Jack flipped over the next card and he continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your pee-er."

Charles' eyes widened as he looked at the card, and then looked up at Jack, who immediately told the cameraman to stop. "Charles, you must only do the actions that are on the card," he admonished.

"What sort of video is this?" Charles asked, wrinkling his brow in bewilderment.

"I already told you, an instructional video."

"For who?"

"Little kids. Kids from four to eight."

"About, about 3;" Charles could not say it.

"Having fun with their pee-ers."

"I can't make a movie like that!"

"You signed an agreement."

"But I didn't, that is I, well I didn't know 3;"

"Charles, Charles, I'm joking," Jack said with a grin, "you can't think I was serious." Charles looked up at him from the tiny chair he was sitting on, totally not understanding. "It's a video for adults. A spoof. You know what a spoof is?"

"Not exactly."

"A spoof is a satirical parody," Jack responded. "Like making fun of something. Comedians on TV who have a funny skit about something that's serious are doing parody. This is a parody about sex educational films. Understand?"

"Sortta," Charles responded though he didn't really. "So this is for adults?" he asked, which was the important thing.

"Right. Do I look like the type of guy who'd show something like this to kids?"

"No," Charles responded. Jack didn't. He looked like a business man, just like his father, except he wore hundred dollar suits and his father wore thousand dollar ones.

"So, can we continue?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Some people call your pee-er your noodle, so we're going to have oodles and oodles of fun with our noodles," Charles continued as he read off the card. At that point he was supposed to giggle like a little child, but it was a half-hearted laugh.

"So, the first thing we have to do is take out our pee-ers." Charles read the red print in disbelief and Jack stopped the cameraman.

"Charles! If you keep ruining the shot, I'm going to have to start making you pay for the photographer's time. Do you understand? This is not that hard."

"I can't take our my pee-er," the teenage boy said, staring at the card.

"Of course you can."

"Not on camera."

"We have an agreement. And you have new shoes," Jack said, nodding to his feet.

"But, I, I, you can have them back."

"And what am I going to do with a used pair of shoes that have had a pair of stinky teenager's feet in them?"

"They're just like new, and 3;"

Jack stepped forward and slapped Charles hard across the cheek, so hard that he brought tears to the surprised teenager's eyes. He slapped his other cheek just as hard. Charles knew immediately he was in trouble. "Enough. We have an agreement you little prick, and you're going to stick to it. Now anymore stops and I'm going to bill you for Rob's time here. And give me a hassle, and I'll tell your ol'man about our agreement. Understood?" Charles nodded. "Then roll the cameras."

Charles looked as if he was about to break into tears as he looked down and pulling down his zipper stuck his fingers in the fly. "Now," he said, his voice quavering as he looked back up, "let's do this together. Won't that be fun? I'll show you mine, and you show me yours. Except of course I won't really be able to see yours," he said with a half-hearted chuckle. "But you'll be able to see mine," he continued, trying to sound like it was funny but failing miserably. "Now, let's both take out our pee-ers when I say the word three. One 3; two 3; three." His face was bright red and he felt totally embarrassed as he pulled out his dick in front of Jack and the cameraman. Never had he felt so humiliated. That, of course, was one version Jack wanted caught on film. He wanted everyone to see how the kid felt doing what he was doing. That was the version for the adults. There were many adults who got a rush out of seeing a cocky, smart-ass rich teenager humiliated.

"Now look very, very closely at my pee-er," Charles instructed in a monotone voice as the camera zoomed in. "My pee-er has a skin covering the top. If your pee-er is like mine, slowly pull back the skin until it slides off the top like this. Boys who have skins have to pull them back when they have a bath because if they don't they get yucky, icky stuff under their skins. That is very, very important." He could not believe he was saying this stuff. "Now if you do not have a skin like Chuckles, don't worry. Some boys don't have skins. You can still have fun with your pee-er anyway. Now I want you to play with your pee-er. Watch how I do it first. Watch real, real close." Charles wanted to die as the camera zoomed in even closer. He bounced his dick with his fingertips, and stroked it, and tugged on it, but of course with the two grown men watching him he didn't feel the slightest bit horny and nothing happened. Jack stopped the camera.

"Now, Charles, you're not looking very happy," Jack advised. He wasn't. "You're supposed to be enjoying this, and you're supposed to be getting a boner. Now we'll have to shoot this again, right from the beginning."

"Right from the beginning?"

"Yes, now put your dick back in your pants and we'll do it all again. And we'll do it again and again until you get it right. Now I told you I'd have to bill you for Rob's time if you screwed up, and I meant it, so if you don't want to run up a big bill, you start acting like the clowns on the video I showed you. Understand?"

Charles nodded. "Hello there my little friends," he began again trying to mimic the clowns on the video. Jack smiled. Now this was the other version that he wanted, the version he'd sell to the perverts who would hand it out on the playgrounds and in the school yards.

"Now rub your finger along the edge of your pee-er like this," Charles said, going beyond the point he'd reached before. "Now didn't that make your pee-er feel real tingly? It made Chuckles's pee-er feel reeeeaaaallllll good! Let's do it some more and you'll be surprised what will happen." Charles looked up at the card, which now showed a colored photo of a naked woman, and then a woman pulling apart her cunt lips, and of a man mounting her. He'd never seen anything like it. The pictures and rubbing the rim of his dick head started to get him hard. "See what is happening! See my pee-er getting bigger? Mmmmm, that feels soooooo good! My pee-er is getting hot and it is getting hard."

Charles stared at his now erect cock. This was so perverted. Thank heavens none of his friends would ever find out how he'd really earned his new Michael Jordan runners. He pushed his dick down and let it spring up and giggled like a clown should, and told those watching to do it too. The camera zoomed back out and showed Chuckles with a pleasant smile.

"I have lots and lots of toys," he said as he waved about the room and the camera panned. "But do you know what my very, very favorite toy is? Can you guess? You are right, it is my pee-er. Because I can't take my toys wherever I go, but I can take my pee-er," he laughed as he continued to stroke his stiff dick. "And I can play with it all day. First thing when I wake up I play with it to get it nice and hard and tingly. You should do that too. And whenever I go to the bathroom I play with it. And when I watch TV I play with it. But many, many bad grown-ups don't want you to play with it. They don't want you know how good it feels. I bet some of you have already been told playing with your pee-er is bad. Well, I'm going to show you a funny trick you can play on grown ups. First get a pair of scissors," he said, reaching over and picking up a pair on the table beside him. "If they are pointy be very, very careful. Now take your pocket and turn it inside out like this. Now you can make a little hole in the end. Be very careful now. Now you can stick your fingers in the hole and find your pee-er and play with it and nobody will know. Now isn't that a funny trick?"

"Now I don't know about you, but Chuckles' pee-er is starting to feel real funny. It is hot and tingly and real itchy. That means you are about to have the best part. Now don't be scared because it is going to feel very, very good. Just keep rubbing it and it will make you twist and wiggle like you are riding a wild bucking horse." Following the instructions, Charles scrunched up his face and shook and quivered as he faked an orgasm.

"Now, wasn't that fun? I hope you liked it," he said, gasping as if out of breath. "And you know what would be a real, real good idea? If you liked it, you should give this video to one of your friends. But if you do, remember to tell them what you were told. And what was that? Do you remember? Good! That's right. Only look at it when you are alone. Repeat after me. Only look at it when you are alone. Of course if you want to keep this video, you can go look for the guy who gave it to you and tell him you want another one for a friend. And you know what? If you play with your pee-er before you see him and let him see you got a nice hard pee-er in your pants, I bet he'll give you another fun video with Chuckles. Because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles saying I hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

Charles put his dick back in his pants and wiped off his make up.

"That was just fine. Now, next week I want you to come by at the same time and we'll make another video."

"I don't want to make any more."

"But you owe me."

"What do you mean?"

"It took twice as long to make this video as it was supposed to, so I have to pay Rob four hundred dollars, not two, so you own me two hundred dollars."


"You can pay me, or you can make one more video."

"One more."

"That's right. And if you don't want to make more after that, I won't force you."

As Charles left, he felt dirty and ashamed, and still did not see why any man would want to watch such a perverted and silly video. He didn't really want to make another one, but he knew he didn't really have a choice, and just one more and he would be done. Besides, it couldn't be as embarrassing as the one he'd just made.

Chapter 2

Fun With Words

Six-year-old Kenny squirmed in the seat on the bus so much the driver discretely asked him if he had to go pee, to which Kenny replied that he was just anxious to go home. The driver smiled and thought about her own children and how great it was to be six and so eager to go home and tell mom and dad about your exciting day at school. What she did not know was that Kenny's eagerness had nothing to do with that. The cute little brunette with big brown eyes and a little button nose had in his backpack two videos he'd been given by a man in the playground at school. The first video was a copy of the one the man had given him last week that he'd asked for to give to his best buddy Aaron. The second video was a new one.

Arriving at home, he was delighted when his mom told him she'd run out of milk and bread and asked if he wanted to come to the store with her. Of course he told her he'd rather stay home and promised he'd be good and wouldn't let any strangers in the house while she was gone. As soon as the car pulled out of the driveway he ran straight to the VCR and stuck the video in. It began with Chuckles the clown standing in a brightly colored classroom with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and assorted play school furniture and toys scattered about where the previous video had been shot. It looked like a fun room not unlike his kindergarten room last year or his grade one room this year.

"Hello there my little friends," Chuckles said enthusiastically. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, raising an eyebrow, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now."

Kenny had not forgotten the rule. It was the same rule as Chuckles had warned him about on the first video. He reached down and rubbed his penis through the cloth of his jeans as the video continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" Chuckles clapped his hands joyfully. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with words. Chuckles loves learning new words, and I hope you do too."

Kenny nodded vigorously. He'd been in Grade One for two months, and he loved to learn new words and to read. He already knew his alphabet and his numbers to ten and how to print some words, though he had trouble with p and b and some others that were real hard to print.

"Now one word I'm sure you all know is the word pee-er," Chuckles said, picking up the chalk and printing the word on the blackboard. Of course he knew that word. He knew it even before he'd seen the first video, which was all about fun he could have playing with his pee-er, which he was absent-mindedly rubbing as he watched the video. "Another name for pee-er is penis," Chuckles continued, writing it on the board also. "I have a great idea!" he said as if it suddenly came to him. "Let's take out our penises while we talk about this word."

Kenny eagerly pulled down his fly and pulled out his little penis as he watched Chuckles do the same. Chuckles had a huge penis, and he hoped his would be as big when he got older. He also had skin over his just like Chuckles, which Chuckles had said in the first video some boys had and some didn't. It had been a good video, and he'd done just like Chuckles had said at the end. He saw the man in the playground and told him he wanted another one he could give his best buddy, and he showed the man the bump in his pants because his pee-er was hard from playing with it and asked him politely if he had a second video just like the video had said to do. It worked because the man was very happy to give him the videos.

"Penis is a nice word," Chuckles continued. "It is a word your mom and dad use, and they wouldn't mind you using it too. Like when you come to the breakfast table in the morning, you can say, my penis was hard when I woke up, why does that happen? Try it tomorrow morning and you will see how pleased your mother and father will be. I bet they will be so surprised and pleased they will get all red with happiness and not know what to say. Say, I have another good idea. I'm going to play with my penis while we talk about this word. I love to rub my penis til it feels good all over. Why don't you rub your penis too?" Kenny already had reached down and was stroking his dicky just like the first video had shown. "Another time you can use the penis word is when you have company, like your daddy's boss, or your aunt or mommy's sewing circle. When they are all sitting there, you can come into the room and say my penis is feeling real itchy. I bet everyone will make a big fuss over you being so polite and sharing that with them. If there are any men in the room you can ask them if their penises ever get itchy," Chuckles said with a chuckle, "and if they get all red in the face that means that their penises are itchy right then!"

"Now another word instead of penis is prick," Chuckles continued, printing it on the board. "Why don't you run and get some paper and a pencil or a crayon and you can write these words down so you can remember them." Kenny put the tape on hold and grabbed some paper and a pencil from his Winnie the Pooh backpack. He stuck his tongue out between his lips as he looked at the TV screen and concentrated on printing the words. "Prick is not a real bad word, but it is not a nice word either. It is one of those in between words. And it can mean your pee-er, or it can mean someone who is dumb or that you don't like. Like you can say, my brother is a dumb prick. Or my teacher is a prick if he is a man. Try saying that on the school playground, or say it in class but real soft so just your best buddy can hear. It will make your buddy laugh and your teacher mad, but he is just a dumb prick anyway." Kenny smiled. His teacher was not a man, but it was a funny idea.

"There are many, many words for pee-er. A word that big boys and men use is cock," Chuckles continued, writing it on the board, and Kenny carefully copied it down. "Cock rhymes with rock and sock. Right now my cock is hard as a rock," he said, and the camera zoomed in on it. "I like to rub my cock in a sock," he continued, and then looking like he had a sudden idea, he took off one of his huge orange and yellow runners, pulled off his sock, and slipped it over his stiff pee-er that was sticking up in the air. Kenny's was stiff too and it felt good, but it was too small to put his sock on it. Chuckles continued with it hung there and Kenny laughed. "Now boys have a cock," he said, and walking over to the bulletin board, he pointed to a dozen pictures of men and boys of all ages and races with stiff dicks. The camera panned in to each one and Kenny concentrated. He didn't know there were so many different sizes and shapes, and even different colors.

"But girls," Chuckles said, "don't have a cock. They have a big hole. A word big boys and men use for the hole is cunt." He wrote the word on the blackboard. "A girl has a cunt in front." Chuckles showed them another bulletin board with pictures of naked women, all of them showing their holes, some with hair and some with not, and all ages from girls Kenny's age to girls as old as his mother. "And cunt can mean not just a girl's hole, but can mean the girl too. Your sister is a cunt, and your mother is a cunt, and if you have a female teacher she is a cunt. You try calling them that next time you see them, and when they ask where you heard the word tell them you heard it from your father. That would be exciting!" Chuckles laughed.

"Now, boys have cocks and girls have cunts so that boys can stick their cocks in the girls' cunts. I know," he said, wrinkling up his nose. "That sounds real yucky. Some boys think it is so yucky they would never stick their cocks in a girl and would rather play with just boys." Kenny agreed. Girls were yucky. He'd never stick his cock in a girl. Boys were much more fun. "Daddies stick their cocks in mommies to make babies, and many boys stick their cocks in girls because it makes the boy's cock feel very, very good. When a boy sticks his cock in a girl's cunt, people say they are having a fuck." He wrote the word on the board. "Fuck is another word that big boys and men use. You can use it in many, many interesting ways. Like when you are mad, instead of saying darn, or shoot, you can say fuck. Like when you stub your toe, don't say darn or ow, say fuck!

If you like a person you can say he is a good fuck or a good fucker, and if you don't like a person you can say he is a worthless fuck or a worthless fucker. Instead of saying I don't care, say I don't give a fuck, or just say what the fuck. If you want to make something sound very important, use the word fuck. Like you can say, get the fuck out of here, and if you didn't understand how a teacher did something, you can ask how the fuck did you do that? If someone asks you and you don't know, you can say how the fuck should I know? If someone wants you to do something and you don't want to, you can say like fuck, or fuck you, or fuck off, or go fuck yourself. See how many fun ways you can use the word fuck?" Chuckles asked with a laugh.

"And there's oodles and oodles and oodles of more ways. When you are trying to do something and can't do it and have to give up, you can say, fuck it. If you make a mistake you can say you fucked up and that what you were working on is really fucked. If someone tries to cheat you, you can say I've been fucked, or that the person has fucked you around. If you don't know something, you can say you know fuck-all. And you can use it to describe anything. Like you can say it is fucking cold outside, I am fucking tired, pass me the fucking potatoes, it is my fucking turn. Almost every word can have fucking in front of it."

"Now," said Chuckles very seriously. "Here is something you can do for Chuckles. I want you to let other boys know about these words. Use them as often as you can. And write them too. When you are in the bathroom at school write them on the walls. Scratch them in so they are hard to remove. Scratch them on the wall outside the school, and on the playground. For a real funny joke write fuck you or teacher is a cunt on the blackboard and cover it up with a map so when your teacher rolls it up everyone will see it. That will be a big laugh."

Chuckles smiled into the camera and Kenny laughed. "There are oodles and oodles of more fun words, and Chuckles has oodles and oodles of more fun things to tell you about," he said as the camera pulled back and Chuckles pulled the sock off his still erect penis. "I hope you had fun today learning new words," he said. "And you know what would be a real, real good idea? If you liked this video, you should give it to one of your friends. But if you do, remember to tell them what you were told. And what was that? Do you remember? Good! That's right. Only look at it when you are alone. Repeat after me. Only look at it when you are alone." Kenny repeated with Chuckles.

"Of course if you want to keep this video, you can go look for the guy who gave it to you and tell him you want another one for a friend. And you know what? If you walk up to him and say, fuck, that was a fucking fun video on words. Do you have any other fucking fun videos about fucking or cock fun, I bet he'll give you another fun video with Chuckles. I am fucking sure he will, because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles saying I hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

Kenny rewound the video and tucking his stiff penis back in his jeans, he took it to his room and hid it. Then he went and looked out the window. "Fuck," he said, "I hope that cunt comes back from shopping fucking soon." He was eager to take the first video to his best buddy, and to go scratch some of the words he'd learned on the equipment at the playground so others would learn about them.

Chapter 3
Fun With Your Nuts

As sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth walked up the sidewalk toward the white split-level with brown trim he recalled his visit to the house the last two Saturdays and the perverted videos he'd been forced to make dressed up like a clown. The first had been totally embarrassing, making him take out his dick and jerk off in front of the cameraman. When he'd let the stranger buy him the pair of Michael Jordan Airwalks in return for staring in a video for him, he'd had no idea it would be for a smut video. The guy didn't look like a smut producer. In fact he looked very normal, just like your neighbor, or your best friend's dad. He still could not believe they'd forced him to play with himself. At least they had not made him do it all the way. Now that he would never have done, no matter what!

He would have made only one video except he'd been forced to return last Saturday because they said he owed them two hundred dollars because of the extra time it had taken them to make the first video, which had been all his fault because it had taken him so long to do it because the whole idea of playing with himself in front of the guys and having it on video had totally whipped him. The second video had not been so bad. All he had to do was make a video teaching kids some swear words. Big deal. Anyone whose ever spent any time near playgrounds or school yards would know that kids already know most of the dirtiest words. Besides, it wasn't as if the video was really going to be used to show to children. Just like the first video he'd made, it was to show to the guy's friends, guys who thought it was a big joke to pretend to make videos for kids, and who got turned on by the idea. Now that was really dumb if you asked him.

Anyway, that was going to be his last video, but it wasn't all that bad making it, not like the first one, and it was easy money, so last Saturday he'd agreed to make a third. In his heart he knew it was probably a bad decision, but there was nothing that he could do about it now other than hope. With a frown, he rang the back doorbell, and like the previous two Saturdays, he was greeted with a big, friendly smile and taken downstairs, where once again he was shown a video of famous television and circus clowns for inspiration as his cheeks were painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue and a multicolored frizzy wig was fitted over his head and large oversized yellow and orange boots were fitted over his new Jordan Airwalks.

He was then once again lead to the third room garishly painted in bright colors with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and assorted play school furniture and toys scattered about. Having him sit down on a small child-size chair, he was reminded that all he had to do was read the blue writing on the prompt cards and perform the actions written in red. The photographer was already waiting for him. With a signal from the cameraman, Jack, the man he'd met in the mall and who had boughten him the new runners because his dad had refused to give him another advance on his allowance despite the fact his dad was filthy rich, held up the first card and Charles began.

"Hello there my little friends," he said enthusiastically as he'd seen on the clips and had done in the first two videos. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow as directed on the card, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." It was the same message Charles had said in the first two videos, and now saying it for the third time, it came easy to him. Jack flipped over the next card and he continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully and wondered what this video would be about. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your nuts."

Charles's heart sank. He should have known better. This was going to be just as embarrassing as the first video. Jack had flipped the chart over so he didn't have time to think about the situation, and he knew from the first video, that he had best not pause or Jack would become angry, or worse, he'd charge him for the extra time he took and he'd have to make a fourth video. That, he resolved as he stared at the card, was not going to happen. This was it.

"Now I bet right now you are asking, what are my nuts?" Charles said.

"Charles, Charles, Charles," said Jack, interrupting the video. "That was not convincing." You are supposed to have a puzzled look on your face, like this is a big mystery, and remember, for the little boys who are going to see this video, it is.

"Sorry." Charles was. Not because he hadn't done it right, but because he had already cost them time, and he knew every time Jack had to redo a scene it was going to cost him.

"Okay, say it again. And remember, you're supposed to look puzzled. You know, just like Clarabell did in the video you were just watching when he was wondering what Howdy Doody's surprise was. You are going to show your admiring fans a big surprise," he added with a chuckle. "Now, let's try this again."

"Now I bet right now you are asking, what are my nuts?" Charles repeated, making an exaggerated puzzled look on his clown face. "Well," he continued with a whisper, leaning forward into the camera and winking, "those are those two little things hanging under your pee-er. Some boys call them their balls instead, because they sort of look like balls. And just like balls," Chuckles giggled gleefully, "you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with them."

Charles felt foolish as he inhaled deeply and prepared to read the next card. "Now Chuckles wants you do exactly what he does. Chuckles says, pull down your pants and your underwear." He giggled, but Jack didn't think it was convincing enough, and he had to repeat it. Determined not to cause any further delays, Charles unzipped his fly and undid his belt, and his large, baggy yellow and blue spotted clown trousers dropped to the floor, revealing his plaid boxers. As he pushed his plaid boxers down, he turned a bright red and was clearly embarrassed, which was just what Jack wanted him to look like for the adult version of the video. Of course for the version he intended on being given to kids, he wanted Chuckles to look like this was the most fun he'd ever had in the world. So, to Charles's dismay, the scene was repeated.

"Now," Charles said with even greater resolve as the camera zoomed in, "take a real real real close look at Chuckles's nuts. Everyone has two nuts, one, two," he said, pointing and counting. "Now this is very very very important," he said from the card, leaning into the camera as instructed and looking very serious. "A boy's nuts are very very very sensitive. That means you can hurt them way easy, and oh boy fuck, do they ever hurt if you're not careful. If you want to really really really hurt someone, grab their nuts and squeeze tight, or give them a good kick or punch between the legs. Ho boy, they won't fuck with you if you do!" he said with a giggle.

"Now, run go get a couple ice cubes from the fridge, and a candle and a match, and I'll show you some fun tricks you can play with your nuts. Pause the video and I'll wait for you." The card said to count to ten slowly and then to continue. Jack placed the materials he would need on the table beside him. "Now," Charles said as he reached over and picked up two ice cubes. "Here is a neat trick you can do with your nuts. Take the ice cubes and hold them against your balls like this." He did and of course his nuts immediately began to shrink. He continued to do so until they were both almost drawn back into his body. "Isn't that funny how they shrink right up like that? But don't worry, you can make them puff up again. Just light the candle. Now be very very very careful you don't burn yourself. Children should not play with matches. They should play with their pee-ers and balls instead." He giggled but not convincingly enough and again had to repeat it. Damn. He wondered how much extra time he'd already built up.

"Now very very very slowly and carefully bring the candle closer to your nuts. Just enough so you can feel the warm flame. You don't want to bring it so close you burn your nuts. Yikes!" he said as he grimaced with mock pain. "Now watch." Of course his nuts began to swell again. "If you can't get a match and candle, you can do the same thing with your mother's hair drier, but be very very careful plugging it in."

"I love to play with myself," Charles observed, flushing a bright red with embarrassment as he fiddled with his balls. He was sure Jack would stop him, but to his surprise he didn't. What he didn't know was that in the editing, the adults would see him blushing with shame while the edited version would zoom in on his crotch. "But there are some fun ball games you can play with your best buddy, or with a bunch of buddies. You can compare to see who has the biggest nuts and who has the smallest, and you can play the ice and candle game and see who can make his nuts shrink the smallest, and who can make his swell the biggest. And," he said with a whisper as he leaned into the camera, "you can rub each other's nuts real gentle and it will make your pee-er get hard!"

"Now you remember in the very first video you watched how I told you that you could cut a hole in your pocket so you could play with your pee-er whenever you wanted?" He paused to a count of three. "Do you? Good!" he exclaimed as if he'd been answered. "Well, you can do the same to play with your nuts any time you want," he said with a grin.

He reached down and picked up a pair of shorts with Winnie the Pooh and other Thousand Acre Woods friends on them. "These are my favorite shorts to wear in the summer. Do you know why?" he asked with a conspiring grin. "Let me show you." He slipped them on and spread his legs. "If I don't wear underwear, I can show off what nice nuts I have. Here are a few ways you can flash your nuts at people." Walking over to the bulletin board, he pointed to it and the camera zoomed in on youngsters on swings, climbing trees and playground monkey bars, lying on park benches, and sitting with their knees pulled up under their chin, all showing their nuts. "If you don't have short short shorts with big wide legs like these, tell your mom to go buy you a pair so you can have fun this summer."

"Now, wasn't that fun? I hope you liked today's video," he said as if he'd had the best fun he'd ever had. "And you know what would be a real, real good idea? If you liked it, you should give this video to one of your friends. But if you do, remember to tell them what you were told. And what was that? Do you remember? Good! That's right. Only look at it when you are alone. Repeat after me. Only look at it when you are alone. Of course if you want to keep this video, you can go look for the guy who gave it to you and tell him you want another one for a friend. And you know what? If you wear your shorts and let him have a look at your nuts, I bet he'll give you another fun video with Chuckles. Because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles saying I hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

As Charles left, he felt dirty and ashamed, and still did not see why any man would want to watch such a perverted and silly video. As he'd expected, Jack told him he'd made them take too many repeat shots, but to his surprise, Jack said since he'd tried his best, instead of making a video for free, Jack would pay him half his usual wage. As he headed down the street, he resolved that he'd do the best job yet next Saturday, and the next video would be his last.

Chapter 4
More Fun With Your Pee-er

In this chapter Chuckles shows another way in which a dog can be a boy's best friend.
Thanks to LG who wrote with some of the ideas in the story.

As sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth walked up the sidewalk toward the white split-level with brown trim, he resolved that this would be his last visit to the house. The previous three Saturdays he'd been forced to dress up like a clown and make perverted, sick videos to show to men who thought it was funny to make a spoof of sex ed films, a satirical parody the man who was making him make the videos had called it. He had no idea what a satirical parody was, but he knew that he had to do exactly what he was told or he'd wind up having to make a fifth video, and that was not going to happen. No matter how sick or perverted, he'd do exactly what they wanted, to the best that he could, and have this over and done with, and if a stranger ever again offered to buy him something in return for staring in a video for him, he'd tell the guy where to go.

Like the previous three Saturdays, he was greeted at the back door by Jack with a big, friendly smile and taken downstairs, where once again he was shown a video of famous television and circus clowns for inspiration as his cheeks were painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue and a multicolored frizzy wig was fitted over his head and large oversized yellow and orange boots were fitted over his new Jordan Airwalks. This time he took off his underwear and instead of his baggy clown pants he put on the Winnie the Pooh shorts with the wide legs he'd worn for the previous video supposedly telling children how to play with their nuts.

He was once again lead to the third room garishly painted in bright colors with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and assorted play school furniture and toys scattered about, and as he once again sat down on a small child-size chair, he was reminded that all he had to do was read the blue writing on the prompt cards and perform the actions written in red. As the photographer set up, Jack stepped outside and returned with a beautiful long-haired collie. Charles had no idea what a dog could have to do with a video about sex education, but its presence gave him hope that this video would not be as embarrassing as the previous three. With a signal from the cameraman, Jack held up the first card and Charles began.

"Hello there my little friends," he said enthusiastically, determined to not have to repeat a single scene this time. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow as directed on the card, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Jack flipped over the next card and Charles continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully and wondered what this video would be about. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun-oh my," he said as if suddenly noticing something. Pleased he'd done so well, he glanced over at the collie as the card instructed. "Oh my!" he repeated, and this time not reading from the script.

The collie was curled up on the floor cleaning itself with its tongue as dogs do, and at the moment was grooming itself between its legs. The cameraman zoomed in on the collie, and then panned up to Chuckles' shocked expression. Flustered, Charles looked at the cue card for instructions, which in the film looked like he was looking to see if anyone else was around. He looked back at the collie as the card instructed and the cameraman panned back to the dog's crotch. The collie was vigorously licking and nuzzling its sheath and huge, black balls. The camera and Chuckles continued to watch as the action caused the dog's dick to begin emerging out of its sheath.

"Oh my," said Chuckles sincerely, "look at Rover. Look at Rover licking his nuts and his pee-er. Look at his pee-er coming out of his fucking sheath. It looks like Rover is having some fucking fun!" Charles was reading directly off the card with a mixture of surprise and apprehension, wondering just what perverted thing he was going to be doing next. His voice was stilted as if he was reading, or like a child's story was written, just what Jack and the cameraman wanted it to sound like.

"I bet it would be fun to lick your own pee-er," Charles continued, reading from the card. "Let's pretend we are puppies like Rover." The camera zoomed back out as Charles stood up, dropped his oversized shorts, and laid down on the rug as the card had instructed. He curled up into a ball as he tried to lick his genitals, which not being double jointed, was impossible. As he twisted around to read the cue card, in the video it looked like he was pausing to think. He suddenly looked like he'd just had a brilliant idea as the card instructed. "I know. Maybe if I make my pee-er hard, I can reach it with my tongue. Do you remember the video about playing with your pee-er? Let's make our pee-ers hard together and then try to lick them!" he said gleefully.

That was not so bad. He knew already that it was going to be impossible to lick himself like a dog, and he'd already played with himself before the cameraman and Jack. Being sixteen and a virgin and being naked, it did not take him long to get an erection. Again he tried to do as the dog had done, but of course was unable to do so. He made a sad clown face. "I guess boys can't lick their pee-ers like dogs can," he said sadly. "Fuck and shit!" This was a totally dumb video and he couldn't imagine why any adult would pay for it, but that was no concern of his. So far he'd done exactly what he was supposed to without any pauses, and he was determined to carry this one off and put an end to his career as a video star.

"I know!" he shouted as he clapped his hands together and grinned a wide blue-lipped grin at the camera. "If I can't lick my pee-er, and you can't lick your pee-er, why don't we lick each other's pee-er!" Jack turned the cue card and Charles read the next one with just as much curiosity as to what was going to happen next as he was sure anyone viewing the video would be wondering. "Come up to the TV and press your pee-er against the screen and I'll lick it." The camera zoomed in on Chuckles' open mouth and as he stuck out his tongue the cameraman held a glass plate in front so it was splayed flat against the glass.

"Aw, fucking shit!" Chuckles cursed as he put on his sad face again. "That did not work. Maybe it will work if you suck Chuckles' pee-er." The camera zoomed in on Chuckles hard pee-er until it filled the screen. Placing the glass in front of it, Charles pressed forward, flattening his glans. "Lick Chuckles' pee-er," he instructed. He could imagine some little kid at home leaning forward and licking the TV screen. "Aw fucking shit again!" he said once more, the camera pulling back and once again showing his sad clown face. "That did not work either."

He sat there on the floor looking alternately puzzled and sad. He looked over at Rover and the camera panned over to the dog, who had been distracted from licking itself by Charles's actions. While the camera was off him, Jack stepped over and bending down swiped Charles's stiff dick and balls with a damp cloth.

"What was that?"

"A cloth that's been soaking in wet dog food," Jack said with a grin.

"What?" Charles asked. "Why?"

"Just continue the video," Jack said, holding up the next card.

"I have another idea," Charles said, reading the card. "Rover liked to lick his pee-er so much, I bet he'd like to lick mine! Let's see, shall we! Come here Rover. Come here and see the nice big bone I have for you!"

Of course the dog came over immediately upon being called, and of course smelling the food on Charles's dick and balls, he immediately began to sniff his crotch, and then gave it a big lick. Being rewarded with the taste of dog food, the collie began to lick more eagerly. Charles sat there with a look of wonder on his face, exactly the type of look Jack wanted for both the video he'd be selling the men who would pay big bucks for the video, and for the video he'd be having distributed in playgrounds and school yards. The dog's tongue was hot and rough, and he was slobbering like this was the tastiest chew bone he'd ever had. For a moment Charles went white with fear with the thought of the dog biting on his erection and he drew away instinctively.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!" he read from the cards. "This is so fucking hot! Come, Rover, come lick my big fat cock some more." He turned and motioned for the dog to come over, but having licked off the food, the dog gave him only a cursory lick. Charles looked over at Jack for to what to do and noticed he had flipped over the cue card. "Aww," he said with a big sad clown face. "It looks like Rover doesn't want to play this game anymore." He sat there sadly, and then looked up at the camera brightly as if he just had a great idea, as he'd been instructed to do on the cue card.

"I got a great fucking idea!" he said gleefully, clapping his hands and feeling like a fool. "When I got Rover, I taught him some tricks, like how to fetch a stick, and how to roll over. Here Rover, go get the stick," he said, picking up the stick on the floor and tossing it a short distance. Of course the collie scampered after it and returned it, his tail wagging. "Roll over, Rover, roll over." Of course having been taught the trick, Rover did, and looked up for approval. Charles reached down and patted his stomach, and of course following instructions, reached down and squeezed the dog's sheath. The camera zoomed in as he squeezed and stroked the hairy case, and having stared in sex videos before, Rover lay there obediently as his slick, red dick began to emerge from the sheath. While the one camera zoomed in on Charles's hand, the other zoomed in on his face, showing his shame and embarrassment playing with the dog's cock.

"It is so much fun playing with Rover's cock I forgot what I was going to do," Chuckles said with an insane giggle. Charles felt inwardly proud of himself covering his embarrassment so well. "Like I was saying, I taught Rover oodles and oodles and oodles of tricks. And do you know how I taught him those tricks?" he asked, looking into the camera and raising an eyebrow. "Right! Each time he did something right, I gave him a treat. Like I played with his cock to make him feel good, or I gave him a pat on the head. Which do you think he liked best?" Chuckles asked with a giggle. "Right again!" he shouted as he clapped his hands. "And sometimes, I gave him a special doggy treat," he continued, picking up a bag of dry dog biscuits.

"Let's see if we can teach Rover to lick my cock until it feels real good like in the first video you saw where I showed you how much fun rubbing your pee-er for a long time was. All we need is a bowl of wet dog food, and a cloth soaking in it." He reached over and the camera zoomed in as he picked up the cloth and then again, one camera showed him wiping his dick and balls with it while the other showed the disgust on his face. The collie of course immediately came over and tried to eat from the bowl. "No, no, Rover. If you want to eat, you got to eat it off me," Chuckles said with a giggle, shoving his crotch out invitingly. Rover of course complied.

What he was doing was disgusting, more disgusting than any of the videos he'd done before, and the stupidest. Who would want to buy a video of a dog licking a boy's cock? As Rover's hot, rough tongue ran over his balls and shaft, and over his foreskin-encased knob, Charles felt his cock begin to throb with the same lust and pleasure as when he jerked off. The dog forced his tongue against his knob, pushing back his foreskin in an attempt to get at all the food taste, and Charles was surprised at how strong a dog's tongue was. A droplet of pre-cum oozed out of his dick to his surprise and his shame. The two cameras, the close up and the longer range one, both picked it up, and the film would be edited so any young boys looking at it would not become worried about what had just happened to what Jack was hoping was becoming their favorite clown.

"Ohhhhh, that is sooooooo good," Chuckles sighed, and it did not take much acting, as the dog once again quit. "I just thought of another trick while Rover was making me feel soooooo good," he continued. Reaching over and scooping up a large scoop of dog food with his index finger as the card said, he suddenly got a disturbed look on his face.

"Charles! And you were doing so good! Now we will have to shoot that scene again!"

Charles's heart sank and a sick feeling turned his stomach. Not a reshoot. Not after all this! For one little hesitation, they couldn't make him come another week! After all, what they wanted him to do with the food was sick. He looked at the man with a pleading, deploring look, all of which was caught on film, with Jack's image carefully shown in profile so you could not make out his face.

"Do it."

Charles knew there was no choice. Inhaling deeply, he spread his legs, bent over, and inserted the dog food up his asshole, getting most of it all over his anus. He repeated the action, his face now a bright red under the clown pain. "Come here Rover," he called half-heartedly. "Come here and see where your food is now."

Rover came over of course, and sniffed his asshole, as he would have with or without food, and then gave it a cursory lick. Rewarded with more food, and unknown to Charles having not been fed for the past twenty-four hours, the collie eagerly began to lick his asshole and nibble at it, working his stiff, muscular tongue into the boy's anus, all of course caught on camera. "That's it Rover, lick Chuckles's asshole. Oooohhhhh fuck that feel sooooooo goooooood!" It was stimulating, as stimulating as it was disgusting. His stiff dick jerked as the arousal about his asshole spread up the shaft of his cock. "Look," he giggled as he constricted the muscles of his groin and exaggerated the jerking of his stiff cock as told to on the cue card, "Rover is making Chuckles wag his tail just like Rover is wagging his. Good dog, he said, real good dog."

Wiping his stiff and now aching cock with the damp cloth once again, Chuckles once more had Rover lick his bone, giggling over the word 'bone' and feeling like a child. Once again he squirmed with the arousal of having the dog's hot, rough tongue licking his balls and his dick head eagerly and forcefully, and to his shame and dismay he felt the familiar signs that he was about to ejaculate. He looked up at Jack in despair, hoping the man would call an end to this before it was too late, but he knew that was not going to happen. Jack quickly wrote on a blank card, "smile and start making loud and happy moans."

Of course the cameraman would edit that part out for the video for the kiddies, and he zoomed in on Charles's face as the sixteen-year-old parted his big blue lips and threw back his head and began to groan and moan and sigh, and then to quiver uncontrollably with his orgasm. The adult version would show that too of course, but it would also show the sixteen-year-old boy shooting his semen into Rover's mouth, and they would see Rover eagerly lapping up the marrow from the bone he was still eagerly licking. The kiddies would not see that of course. It was much too soon to introduce them to cumming. All they would see is their favorite clown and his dog having an immensely good time. The adults would see behind the ecstatic look of joy the look of shame and embarrassment in his deep blue eyes.

"Well," said Charles, the men allowing him to recover and waiting until his dick, having been licked clean by Rover, was limp once again. "That was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, fun, fun! If you have a dog, I hope you will teach him this trick! And if you don't have a dog, as soon as your mom and dad come home I want you to ask them for a puppy. You can teach him right from the first day to lick your cock, and you and he can have hours and hours of fun together. And if your little friends don't have a puppy, you can show them the trick you taught yours. I bet if you told them you'd show them the trick for five cents, they'd pay you. And I bet they'll pay you again and again and again to let your puppy do the trick with them. Oh yeah!" he said suddenly as cued. "Be sure you get a boy dog. Boy dogs are lots more fun, and in some later videos Chuckles can show you other fun tricks you can teach your puppy."

"But," he said with a sad face, "it is time for Chuckles to go." He bent over and picking up his Winnie the Pooh shorts, he put them back on. "I hope you enjoyed watching the video today as much as Chuckles enjoyed making it for you. It was oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, fun, fun, and I did it just for you," he said with a big grin as he looked into the camera. "If you liked it, you should give this video to one of your friends. But if you do, remember to tell them what you were told. And what was that? Do you remember? Good! That's right. Only look at it when you are alone. Repeat after me. Only look at it when you are alone. Of course if you want to keep this video, you can go look for the guy who gave it to you and tell him you want another one for a friend. Maybe you can take your puppy for a walk when you go look for him and introduce them! I know he'd like that. He'd like that a lot! And I know something else," Chuckles said with a big grin, "I know he'd have another video for you. Because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles saying I hope you have a fun, fun, fun day!"

Charles removed his frizzy wig and began to remove the paint from his cheeks and his lips. In a way he wished he could leave the paint on. With the paint he was dumb Chuckles the Clown who made satirical parodies. Without it he was a sixteen-year-old pervert who'd just had sex with a dog! He looked in the mirror, he looked at the sixteen-year-old pervert. The cameraman caught it on the hidden cam. It would make a perfect ending for this video.

"Great performance today, Charles," Jack said with a wide grin. "And since you did so well, I'm going to pay you in full, even if you did make us repeat a scene."

"It was just once," Charles protested.

"Charles, Charles, Charles. Do you have any idea how much trouble it is going to be to splice out that scene and make it look like it never happened?" Charles didn't. "Now, we'll see you next week."

"This was my last video," Charles said as he put on his regular clothes.

"Your last? But Charles. I thought you were having fun," Jack said, as if surprised.

"If you want, you can keep your money," Charles said, handing Jack the bills. "I don't want to make any more videos."

"Charles, has anyone told you that you are a very good looking boy," Jack said, stepping up to him. Grabbing his cheek, he pinched it tightly. "I'd hate for anything to happen to your pretty face. Girls don't like boys who have ugly scars, or disfigured noses from being broken, and they'd never want to kiss a boy who had a big slice out of his lips," he concluded, releasing Charles's cheek and giving his lower lip a twist. With a huge smile, he stuffed the bills down the front of Charles's blue jeans and wrapping an arm about him, escorted him to the door.

Chapter 5
Fun With Your Bum

In this chapter six-year-old Kenny learns some of the ways a boy can have fun with his bum when he is home alone and bored.

Six-year-old Kenny's mother and father watched as their son went skipping down the street to take his new puppy for a walk in the park. They had been very hesitant about buying him a puppy at his young age, and had been even more skeptical about his promise to look after him and to feed him and to housebreak him, but he had been so insistent, more insistent than he'd ever been about anything else he'd ever wanted, and with his big brown eyes and little button nose and big smile, it was difficult to say no to him. When they'd gone to the pet store, he'd immediately headed right for the puppy collie, exclaiming something about it being just like Chuckles's Rover, except a puppy, whoever Chuckles was. On the way home they asked him about that, and Kenny replied brightly that he was a clown he watched once a week, the best clown in the whole world. His mother usually peaked in at the cartoons her son watched Saturday mornings and didn't recall a Chuckles the Clown program, but then she didn't pay that much attention, and a clown program had to be all right.

Anyway, for the past week, Kenny had been true to his word. He had made sure the puppy was fed, though the puppy didn't seem to have that much of an appetite for a growing puppy, he took him for a long walk to the park every day from which he returned in an especially happy mood, his hair tousled and his clothes disheveled and the shirt pulled out of his shorts from wrestling around with the puppy. They knew it was a mistake, but they'd even allowed him to let the puppy sleep in his room at night, though they insisted he keep him off the bed. Of course when they found the puppy curled up and snuggled up to him each morning they knew it was not their son's fault, but he and the puppy looked so cute laying there sound asleep they couldn't be angry. In fact they had taken a one picture of them sleeping there with Kenny's pajamas a kilter, but not indecently, and the puppy curled up with his head in his lap that they were considering sending as a Christmas card.

Spotting the man whom he'd met five weeks ago, the chipper youngster headed straight over to him to introduce him to his new puppy, Laddie. He confessed he was going to call him Chuckles at first, and then Rover, but his father had suggested Laddie, and that sounded like a great name. He added that Laddie was a boy. He had made sure of that. Like Chuckles had said, the man was very pleased to meet Laddie, and he gave him a pat on the head, and Kenny a pat on the head too, and of course he gave him a brand-new video, and this time, a brown bag with some things in it. Promising that he wouldn't look at the video until he was alone, like he had promised the previous four times, and that he would keep it and the bag hidden good and wouldn't look in the bag until he watched the video, he headed home anxiously to see what Chuckles had to teach him this week.

Saturday afternoons his mom went shopping, and his dad either went with her or he went to the gym to work out, and this Saturday was no different. Up until this September they had insisted he accompany his mother, but now that he was in grade one, and promised to stay in the house and not to open the door to strangers, and since it was usually only two-and-a-half hours, they had been allowing him to stay home. As they pulled out of the drive, they saw him standing there looking out the window, and he returned their wave. It was so cute the way he was looking out the window, evidently missing them already, but looking so proud they were leaving him home alone. The moment the car was out of sight, Kenny ran to his room, took the video and brown bag from under the bed, and ran to the television.

There on the screen in the garishly painted room with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls sitting in a chair way too small was his friend amongst a clutter of toys, with his cheeks painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue, with a multicolored frizzy wig and large oversized yellow and orange boots and his Winnie the Pooh shorts. His legs were widespread, and you could see he was not wearing any underwear. Kenny reached between his legs and began to fiddle with his little wiener absentmindedly as the video began.

"Hello there my little friends," the clown said enthusiastically as he'd done on every video. He was always so happy and cheerful Kenny had to smile just watching him. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow like he always did, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when you were alone. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home by yourself. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Kenny had, of course, done what he'd been told. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your bum. That's right," he said with a giggle and another clap of the hands, "with your bum! Now when the man gave you this video, he gave you a little bag of stuff. I hope you remembered to bring it, did you?" Kenny nodded vigorously, shifting on the backs of his legs folded under him excitedly and anxious to open the bag.

"You did? Good? Because Chuckles is going to show you how to play with some fun toys. Chuckles likes toys," he said, gesturing about the cluttered room. "Do you?" Kenny nodded again. "The toys you are going to play with are real special toys. They are called sex toys," Chuckles said. He had sort of a funny look on his face, excited but sort of not excited, causing Kenny to wonder why for a second. "Now, open the bag and dump everything out in front of you," Chuckles instructed as he dumped out his bag, and Kenny immediately forgot his question as he did likewise. "In the bag is a paper with a list of things," Chuckles continued. "Pause the video and go get as many of the things as you can find. But don't take too long. If you can't find something, you can always try what I'm going to show you another time."

Kenny paused the video and picked up the list. It had a lot of things on it! Leaping to his stockinged feet, he scooted off to find as many as he could. Ten minutes later he was back with most of them.

"Now for today, let's get totally naked," Chuckles said with a grin. With that he stood up, and removing his big shoes, he pulled off his socks, and then pushed down his shorts and unbuttoned and removed his shirt. It was the first time Kenny had seen Chuckles naked, and as the boy quickly pulled off his runners and ankle socks, and removed his shirt, blue jeans, and white briefs, he felt sort of excited and sort of naughty stripping too, even though he was alone and nobody could see him. Chuckles stood at five-foot-seven [1.70 m] and weighted a hundred-and-thirty pounds [59 kg]. He had the typical body of a sixteen-year-old, the muscles of his chest and thighs becoming defined but still having a boyish curve. He had silky tufts of hair under his pits and a thick bush of honey blond hair above his penis and ball sack, both of which were impressively large, especially impressive for the six-year-old sitting down naked on his folded legs before the television. Kenny noticed Chuckles had fine blond hairs on his lower arms and on his calves. The six-year-old was three-foot-nine [1.14 m] and forty-three pounds [19½ kg] and the only hair on his smooth, soft body was the dark brown hair on his head.

"Now remember in the last video I was showing you how to teach tricks with Rover, and I stuck a bit of dog food up my bum?" Chuckles asked with a big grin. Kenny nodded. "Well, if you've tried that yet, you'll know it feels good sticking a little bit of dog food up your bum. And if that feels good, just think how good it will be to stick the things you have around you up your bum!" he said, clapping his hands and giggling his hysterical laugh. Kenny looked about him uncertainly. Some of them looked very big.

"First we want to make sure your bum is nice and clean. It does not have to be. Some boys like to play with their bums when they are dirty, but I'll tell you all about that in another video. Right now, we want to have clean bum fun, right?" he asked, the video zooming in on his face. Kenny nodded again. Playing with a dirty bum sounded yucky. "Now, watch me very, very, very carefully, and then go do what I did in the bathtub," Chuckles instructed, and Kenny moved closer to the television, his eyes glued to the screen as Chuckles got up and headed to his bathroom.

A few minutes later the six-year-old innocent was in the bathroom tub with several of the objects from the brown bag and that he'd gathered up from the list. First he took the bottle with the squeeze handle like his mom used to wash windows or the oven which had been in the bag, and he put in the sprinkle of the soap from the dish washing machine that he'd found and filled it with water. Standing up, he spread his legs and placing the nozzle snug up into his anus, he squeezed the handle. A shot of water squirted up his rectum, and like Chuckles had said, it felt way weird. Remembering to remove the nozzle before releasing the handle so the bottle wouldn't suck the water back out of his asshole like Chuckles had warned, he released the handle and repeated the action. Chuckles had called what he was doing giving himself an enema. He'd noticed when Chuckles had done it his pee-er had gotten a bit bigger, and he noticed his was now too, and it felt good. He wondered if the water he was squirting up his bum was going in his pee-er to make it bigger.

By the time he'd emptied the bottle, his rectum felt very full and uncomfortable, like he had to take a poop really bad. Squatting down over the drain, he opened his anus and pooped the soapy water back out, and it gushed out like a flood just like he'd seen Chuckles's do. It had little chunks of poop too, just like Chuckles's had. It splattered all over the front part of the tub, and on his bare feet and the back of his legs. Reaching over and taking the glass he had gotten from the kitchen and the rubber hose from the bag, he carefully slipped the one end of the hose into his bumhole, and then taking a big mouthful of water, he slipped the hose between his lips and blew the water up his bum. That felt even weirder than the squeeze bottle. Being careful to keep the end of the hose in his bum, he blew a second, and then a third and fourth mouthful of water up his bum, and then squatting over the drain again, he pooped it out too. It was a bit soapy but hardly had any poop. Chuckles had said if he was in school or something and felt like an enema, he could do it using just the hose since it would be easy to take a bit of hose to school, but the squeeze bottle would be better if he wanted to go to the playground and do it in the bushes. Anxious to find out what more Chuckles had to teach him, he decided that his bum was clean enough with that once rinse, so after washing out the tub and wiping off his legs, feet, and bum with a face cloth, he hurried back to the living room.

Following Chuckles's instructions, he lay down on the floor so he could still see the television, and he raised his legs and spread them and began to stroke his bumhole with his fingers just like Chuckles was doing. It did feel good like Chuckles said it would. He watched as the camera zoomed in and Chuckles ran his finger around and around his anus and he trembled with the pleasure as he did likewise. He then took the tiny tube that said Vaseline that had been in the bag, and squeezing out a little dab of the opaque grease on the tip of his index finger, he stuck it in the entrance of his bum just as he'd been sticking a bit of dog food up his bum for Laddie all week. Chuckles said Vaseline was used for lots of things and his parents would probably keep it in the bathroom, and he'd see a jar in there when he'd gone to get his toothbrush. Chuckles said if he didn't have any Vaseline, he could use butter or cooking oil or even his spit. Following Chuckles's instructions, he took the pencil from his desk and put lots of Vaseline on the eraser end.

Continuing to watch, he stared at the television screen as the camera zoomed in to show a close up of Chuckles' butt, and then as Chuckles slowly slipped the pencil up his butthole. It slowly disappeared until only enough of the tip stuck out to grab it and pull it back out, which is what Chuckles did. Inhaling deeply and somewhat nervously, the six-year-old placed the eraser tip against his anus, being sure to check that it had a full eraser and none of the metal was showing. Chuckles had been very emphatic that he be sure nothing sharp be stuck up his butt. Holding his breath, he slowly and uncertainly began to ease the lubricated pencil up his rectum. It felt strange feeling something penetrating and stretching his anus, and slowly entering his rectum instead of leaving it. It also felt good. It was a much shorter pencil than Chuckles had used, and he'd said it was since he was so much younger. Chuckles knew everything.

Easing the pencil back out, Chuckles picked up a carrot next, and Kenny watched bugeyed as the carrot was slowly eased up into his rectum until it disappeared. He laughed when Chuckles slowly pooped it back out. He paused the video and picked up the carrot he'd gotten from the refrigerator. It was short and slender, just a bit longer than the pencil and just a bit fatter than two of his fingers, just like Chuckles had said it should be. He tried to stick it up his hole without putting Vaseline on it like Chuckles had done and suggested, and he beamed with pride as he felt his hole stretch and the carrot slip inside him. His anus was greased enough like Chuckles said it might be. As he pushed it right in, he was worried at first what would happen if he couldn't poop it back out. How was he going to explain to his parents what the problem was, or to the doctor how he got a carrot up his rectum? He didn't have to worry, it pooped back out easy, and it felt weird having it pushed back out of his body.

Following Chuckles' example, he inserted a wiener next, and he watched as Chuckles inserted a celery stick up his. He'd have to ask his mom to buy them some celery, and some grapes. He had marbles, and he inserted them one after another up his rectum, inserting six before pooping each one out with a little fart, just like Chuckles had done. That was way funny and he'd laughed when he'd heard Chuckles do it, and he laughed now as he did it. He'd found his mother's lipstick, and he stuck it up his hole next, and then he opened it and painted his butthole like Chuckles' painted his. His mother's lipstick was Cherry red. He painted his cheeks, and his lips like Chuckles too, and went to look in the mirror. He looked at his face, turning this way and that and making a face at himself in the mirror, and then he bent over and looked over his shoulder as he pulled apart his butt cheeks and he laughed at the sight of his butthole. He opened and closed it, making it wink at him like Chuckles had called doing it.

Returning to the living room, he lay on his back on the carpet again so he could watch the video, and after putting Vaseline on it, he slowly inserted his middle finger up his anus, sticking it up as far as it would go. Chuckles said guys told other guys to stick it up their ass, and gave them the middle finger sign, as an insult, but really it felt great doing it. Chuckles was right of course. It did feel great. Kenny began to ease his finger in and out of his tight little hole just like Chuckles had. That felt even better. It sent tingles of arousal through his anal ring, and up his rectum, and his little cock began to get stiff just like Chuckles cock had. Chuckles called what they were doing finger fucking. He slipped his fingers about his dick and began to tug on it while he finger fucked himself just like Chuckles. His breath became louder and faster, just like Chuckles too, and he furiously finger fucked his asshole while he jacked off with the other hand just like Chuckles had speeded up. Soon his body was bucking and jerking just like Chuckles's was as he reached his dry orgasm, the video panning in on Chuckles's contorted face. Finger fucking while jacking off was even better than just jacking off, and when Chuckles suggested he might want to do it every night just like he did, Kenny nodded that he was definitely going to be doing it every night.

He took the video out of the VCR, and took all the stuff to the bathroom where some of it he washed super clean, like the hose and the lipstick and his pencil. Chuckles had laughed and said he could stick it up his butt one last time and not wash it and it would be funny for his mother or sister to put the lipstick on her lips holding the tube that was up his ass. It was funny, and maybe some day when he got mad at his mother he'd do just that, or if he ever got a sister. He made really sure he washed the two ends of the rubber hose. Like Chuckles had said, it would be yucky switching the ends next time and putting the end he blew in up his ass and the end that was up his ass in his mouth without having washed it. Ewwwww! Kenny wrinkled up his nose and looked at his face in the mirror. He'd almost forgotten to wash the lipstick off his lips and cheeks, and off his asshole! That was a lot harder and he made a mess out of the face cloth. He finally gave up and put the face cloth in the brown bag.

The food stuff he broke up into tiny pieces and flushed down the toilet. Like Chuckles had said, it would be yucky to have a hotdog with the same wiener that had been up his ass, though it would be funny to give someone he was mad at the wiener. Putting the bag of stuff and video way under his bed where he'd stashed the other videos, he sat down at his desk, Laddie curled up in his lap, to do some coloring. He drew a clown with big red cheeks and big blue lips and frizzy multicolored hair. He was still working on the picture, his tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth with concentration, when his parents returned. They smiled at each other at the sight of their young son concentrating on his drawing so hard and his new puppy curled up in his lap. His mother noticed, as mothers would, that his fingernails were clean, and they hadn't been when they'd left. He'd even washed his hands while they were gone. He was such a good boy she thought as she and her husband slowly slipped down the hallway to the living room.

Chapter 6
Jerking Off Fun With Your Best Bud

In this chapter Chuckles meets a fifteen-year-old boy who is similarly being manipulated to become his reluctant co-star in some of the videos.
Thanks to Rick for suggesting the character and some of the ideas in this story.

As sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth walked up the sidewalk toward the white split-level with brown trim for the sixth week in a row, he wondered what he was going to be forced to do next. So far he'd been forced to jack off in front of the camera, to talk dirty, to play with his nuts, to let a dog lick his dick until he came, and last week to stick things up his ass and then finger fuck himself while he jerked off. After last Saturday he'd felt never felt so filthy and disgusted with what he'd done, and he'd felt like he had a gaping hole between his legs for the next several days. He'd tried to get out of making the videos right after the first one, but the guy who had gotten him started had claimed he owed them for screwing up the first ones, and when he had insisted he was not doing any more after the video with the collie, Jack had threatened to cut up his face. Well, he hadn't said that exactly, but he sure hinted at it. Last week he'd just been too disgusted with himself to object to what they were making him do and had headed home totally humiliated and ashamed, because of what he'd done, and because he didn't have the courage to put an end to it no matter what the consequences.

For the first taping sessions Jack had shown a video of famous television and circus clowns for inspiration as his cheeks were painted a brilliant red and his lips a deep blue and a multicolored frizzy wig was fitted over his head and large oversized yellow and orange boots were fitted over his Jordan Airwalks. This time they skipped the video and went straight to painting his face, and they had him put on his baggy clown pants that he'd worn in the first videos instead of the Winnie the Pooh shorts. As he was lead to the play room garishly painted in bright colors with cartoon characters and animals stenciled on the walls and assorted play school furniture and toys scattered about, he wondered what this video was going to be about.

Entering the room, he found another boy sitting there on a small child-size chair beside his. As the photographer set up, Jack introduced him to the boy as Ginger, which he said referred to the boy's reddish-yellow hair though from the glance he gave the photographer there was something else behind the name that he wasn't telling.

The boy, whose real name was Shawn Finnigan, was wearing a short-sleeved Gap T-shirt, baggy cargo pants, and, Charles noticed, Jordan Airwalks. He immediately wondered if the boy had been tricked into making his first video like he had by buying him the expensive runners, and then forced to make others. He wondered if he'd been forced to make the same videos. Actually, the fifteen-year-old youth, who was a hundred and twenty pounds [55 kg] and five-foot six [1.67 m], ten pounds [5 kg] lighter than Charles and an inch [2½ cm] shorter, was not exactly sure why he was there other than Jack, who had befriended him four weeks ago, had told him it was to make a video about friendship and what good friends do together. That was good enough for the shy, lonely teenager who had difficulty making friends. He was neither strong nor well coordinated to make a good athlete, too shy and introspective to be popular, and a little on the slow side so not someone who was a speaker or a whizz at anything, though he was a descent artist, and he wasn't a retard. Generally teased as a dummy by boys his age and snickered at by the girls for his slowness though he was a good-enough looking boy, he much preferred adult company and was much more comfortable around adults, who had always treated him with respect and kindness. So, when Jack had approached him and begun talking to him down at the park where he'd been standing on the sidelines watching a group of boys playing football, he'd readily warmed up to the middle-aged man. He knew all about talking to strangers, but Jack didn't look or act like the type of man who would hurt kids.

"Now, this is Ginger's first video," Jack said. "So I want you to help him along, understand?" he said to Charles. Charles nodded. He had no idea what was about to happen but he already wished it was over. It would have to have something to do with sex, and it had been embarrassing enough doing perverted things alone never mind in front of another teenager. "Now, a little different process this time," Jack said. "Chuckles, you still read the blue writing on the prompt cards and perform the actions written in red, but now we have cues in black for Ginger to read, and his actions are in green. Why don't you boys practice the first couple cards while Rob gets the cameras ready?" Charles knew that was not really a choice. He glanced over at the cameraman and noticed that a couple more cameras had been set up.

"Hello there my little friends," Charles said enthusiastically, as he had on each of the previous videos. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first," he said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow as directed on the card, "did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important," he said seriously. "So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now."

Jack flipped over the next card and Charles continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully as he wondered what this video would be about. "The man who gave you this video also told you something different this time. He said that you could watch it by yourself, or you could invite your very, very, very best buddy over to watch it with you, maybe a buddy who you have been getting videos for, or a good buddy you'd like to share these videos with but have been scared to. But most important, he told you it had to be a buddy you can trust to keep secrets," he said, looking into the camera as it zoomed forward. "That is because today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your best buddy. And here sitting beside me, is Chuckles's best buddy, Ginger," he said, motioning to the boy beside him. "This is Ginger. Say hello to everyone, Ginger."

"Hello everyone," Ginger said flatly, as Charles had done his first time, "raise your-oh, I'm supposed to do that, not say it right?"

"That's right, Ginger," Jack said softy. "Now don't be nervous. Just read slow and act natural. We have lots of time. But try to act excited okay? You're here with your very best friend, and you are going to show everyone one of the fun things you and Chuckles do when you are together." Ginger glanced over at Charles and smiled at him shyly. "Now, try it again."

"Hello everyone," Ginger said brightly, raising his hand and waving at the cameras.

"There are many, many, many things that best buds can do together," Charles continued reading. "And there are some very, very, very special things that best buds can do. What do you like to do most of all Ginger?"

"I like to draw more than anything," Ginger replied enthusiastically, reading from the cue card.

"Yeah, Ginger is a great drawer," Chuckles said. "Show us some of your drawings."

Ginger held up some of the pencil and the pen and ink drawings he'd done, forest scenes and pictures of guys playing ball, and Charles was impressed with them. He was a very good drawer.

"Say, Ginger, will you draw something for me?" Charles asked as if suddenly thinking of it as he read off the card.

"Of course. Good buds do things for each other," Ginger replied, trying his best to sound like he was talking and not reading. "What would you like me to draw?"

"I'd like you to draw my pee-er," Chuckles said with a smile.

Ginger was shocked, and his face showed it. Charles expected Jack to stop the video and reshoot the scene, but Jack wanted the shocked look, both for the version he'd be distributing to the kids in elementary school and the adult version he'd be selling.

"Oh," read Ginger uncertainly, which was the tone Jack was looking for. "Gee, I don't know. I've never drawn someone's pee-er before." Ginger stared at the card, and then at Charles uncertainly. When Jack had talked about friends and doing things with a buddy, this was not what he'd expected at all. He was also confused. Adults made a big fuss over talking about your dicks, but here was Jack with a play with lines having two teenagers talking about their pee-ers. Not only that, Charles wasn't seeming to have any problem with the lines he was reading at all.

"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours," Chuckles said, wondering just how far this video was going to go. If he was going to be expected to suck his supposed buddy's cock Jack could forget it. He'd take the beating or whatever Jack had in mind before he'd do something disgusting like that.

"Gee, do you think that would be okay?" Ginger asked, being uncertain if it was and wondering if they were really going to be expected to so something like that putting in the right feeling to the otherwise childish sounding line.

"Sure. You are a boy. I am a boy. We both got pee-ers. Why not?"

"Well, I guess it would be okay," Ginger said.

The two boys stood up as the card indicated and as Ginger began to unbuckle his belt and slowly pull down his fly, Charles slipped off his brightly colored clown suspenders and began to pull down his zipper. His heart was already beginning to speed up with anger and with anxiety as he undid the top button of his pants and Ginger unclasped the clasp of his. As their baggy pants dropped to the floor, they glanced at each other's underwear as the card told them too. Charles was wearing his plaid Joe Boxers, Ginger a pair of tight white briefs that showed the outline of his dick in the pouch. Slipping their hands under the elastic bands, the two pushed their underwear down together, both feeling embarrassed and self-conscious and again they looked at each other's crotch, out of curiosity, and because the card told them to.

"Your pee-er is different from mine," observed Ginger, the pause as he'd looked up to read the card and then looking back down having to be cut from the final version of the video.

Charles had also checked out what he had to say, and he looked down at his, and then at the fifteen-year-old boy's. "Let's compare!" he said, trying to sound enthusiastic but feeling foolish and childish.

"Yours doesn't have a head like mine," observed Ginger, reading from the cue card.

"Mine is covered with a skin. That's cuz mine is uncircumcised and yours is circumcised," observed Chuckles. This was more like an instructional video, but he was still uncomfortable saying the words. "That means mine has a foreskin and yours does not. Would you like to see the head of my pee-er?"


Jack stopped the video. "That didn't sound very convincing, Ginger. You have to say it like you really mean it, like you really want to see Chuckles's dick head." Ginger nodded. Adults knew best, but this was so strange. He repeated his word with enthusiasm, and Chuckles swore if they said he had to do another video because of retakes he'd point out it had not been his fault, and maybe the dough head should be made to do a video by himself. The camera zoomed in as Chuckles slowly pulled his skin back to reveal his knob.

"Your head is not as dark as mine," observed Ginger, who had a purplish-red knob. "And mine is rounder."

"Can yours get hard?" asked Chuckles.

"Yes, it can," responded Ginger with a flush of embarrassment as he read the card. He was really starting to get uncomfortable with this.

"I know," said Chuckles gleefully as his heart sank, "let's play with each other's and get each other hard!"

"I've never touched another boy's pee-er before," said Ginger, a hint of hesitancy and yet desire in his voice, just as Jack wanted. "My mom says a boy's pee-er is very, very private."

"But we are best buds, aren't we?"

"Of course we are."

"And you like to play with yours and get it hard don't you?"

"Yes. I do," Ginger said, not needing a card.

"And it feels great when it gets hard," Charles continued, wishing they'd just get this whole thing done with.

"Yes, it does," admitted Ginger.

"And best buds should make each other feel great, so I think we should play with each other's pee-er."

"Me too," responded Ginger, unable to believe what he was reading and having to repeat the line. He noticed Jack was getting irritated with him, and as difficult as what he was doing was, he resolved to try to do better.

Charles thought he'd done the most embarrassing and dirtiest thing there could be last week, but nothing he'd done yet compared to this. They wanted him to reach over and touch another guy's dick, to play around with it like some Goddamn fag. Hating the two men watching and blushing with embarrassment, he slowly reached over and picked up Ginger's limp dick. He had never touched another boy's dick before. He hadn't ever even thought about doing it. Ginger's dick felt different, smaller and lighter than his own, and strange with no skin. Holding it by the shaft, he rolled it in his fingers, and tugged on it. His heart beating with nervousness, Ginger slowly reached over and took Charles's cock in his hand. It felt weird having another boy touching his, and Charles wondered if Ginger was a fag. He seemed to be as embarrassed about this as he was.

Ginger was. He'd always been taught that his penis was private and not to be seen, and certainly not to be touched by someone else. He wondered what his mother would say if she knew that afternoon he'd let another boy touch his, and fiddle with it, and that he'd touched another boy's privates. Feelings of guilt and shame flooded over him as he sat there in the tiny chair fiddling with Chuckles's limp sausage as the cameras rolled. Neither boy was getting stiff.

Jack was prepared. He held up a glossy centerfold of a naked woman stroking her breasts, her legs spread and showing her slit. He held up another, a close up of a woman's cunt, the parted lips glistening invitingly if you were straight. The two boys had never had sex with another person before so weren't really anything, but their thoughts and their day dreams had always been of girls ever since they'd discovered their pee-ers were used for more than peeing. The third picture showed a man and woman fucking with a clear view of his dick in her cunt. The pictures had the desired effect on the two boys, and being horny, teenagers, and virgins, despite the embarrassment of getting hard in front of each other and in front of the two adults, and despite the shame of getting hard in each other's hands, their dicks rose to attention.

"Let's see whose is bigger," said Chuckles, always taking the lead in the script. Stepping up and facing Ginger, he lined his dick up beside the younger boy's. A weird feeling passed over him as their dicks touched, the feeling he felt when he thought about fucking one of the girls in his class, but a feeling of shame too for doing what he'd just done. The two boys were almost the same size so it was difficult to tell which was the longer. He bent over and picked up the measuring tape off the floor as instructed on the card, and the cameraman zoomed in on his butt. Chuckles measured his dick. "Six inches [15.2 cm]," he announced. He measured Ginger's as the boy stood there and looked down. "Five and three-quarters [14.6 cm]," he announced, "but I think yours is fatter." The last Jack had written as an extra statement. He wrapped the measuring tape about the shaft. "Yours is six and a quarter inches [15.9 cm] around, and mine is 3; five and seven-eights [14.9 cm]."

"You know about 3; jacking off?" asked Ginger, stumbling over the word, which was just perfect in both the adult and the kid versions of the tape that would eventually be made.

"Yeah," said Chuckles with a grin. "So you do too?"

"Yes," said Ginger with a grin though he was mortified to be admitting it to someone else, even though it was just part of the script.

"It feels great doing it don't it?"

"The best," Ginger replied, turning bright red. For the adult version they'd show his face but for the kid version they'd use the camera showing him holding Chuckles's dick.

"How do you do yours?"

"I'll show you how I do mine if you show me how you do yours."


Ginger could not believe the instructions in bright green to begin jacking himself off like he did when he was alone. Of course the pause would be kept in, along with the look of disbelief and then mortification on his face and a close up of the prompt, while the kid version would have it edited out. Wanting to die with embarrassment knowing the boy he'd just met had read his instruction, he slowly reached over and took his dick in his hand, and grasping it at the base began tugging on it with his thumb on one side and his first three fingers on the other. He stroked up to the knob but did not touch it, and then slid his fingers and thumb back down just like he'd done hundreds of times in the privacy of his bedroom. He repeated the action several times and then looked at Charles's crotch expectantly as directed on the cue card.

Charles wrapped his fingers about his cock like a fist, and then slowly pulled down, drawing his long foreskin off the head and stretching it back, and then slowly easing up, pushing the skin back up over the head. Despite his embarrassment and shame, it felt great. He repeated it several more times, enjoying the pleasure rippling through his glans as he repeated his next line over and over in his head and wished some miracle would happen in the next couple seconds so he wouldn't have to say it. No miracle was forthcoming.

"Want to try doing each other's?"

"Sure. That would be great," Ginger replied, his tone enthusiastic but in his heart dreading what he had to do next, and yet curious enough to want to try it. At least afterward he could always say he hadn't wanted to, and was just following the script.

The two boys sat back down on their undersized chairs and reaching over, they began to do each other. Charles could not believe he was doing this, pulling on another guy's cock and letting him wank him, like he was a damn fairy. There had been stories at summer camp about guys getting caught in the can doing it to each other, and everyone had laughed and called them losers and fems. Now he was sitting there doing it himself. Of course he was being forced to do it, but what was the big problem, was that doing it to someone else and having someone else do him felt good, and exciting in a very erotic way. His dick throbbed and itched just like it did when he did himself and thought about the girls at school and fucking them. As he felt Ginger's dick throb in his hand, he wondered if Ginger was enjoying this.

Ginger did not know what to think. He'd never imagined he'd ever have a friend so close as to do something as intimate as this. Charles was actually playing with the most private part of his body, and he was playing with the sixteen-year-old's member. He slowly pulled the boy's foreskin back, exposing his knob, and then he slowly pushed it back over the mushroom-shaped head, doing it just as he'd seen Charles doing it and fascinated by how it slid over the boy's glans. He squirmed with pleasure as Charles stroked his just as he'd showed him, and he wondered if Charles was feeling the same pleasure as he was, and if feeling that pleasure because another boy was doing him meant he was gay.

With their guilt and embarrassment it took a bit longer for the boys to begin feeling themselves approaching their orgasms, but they eventually did. Neither boy knew what to do about it as he felt the tell tale signs, their nuts beginning to draw up under their dicks, their dick heads going all tingling and their shafts almost feeling like your arm does when it goes asleep. As the sensations got tenser and tenser, they knew they should say something, but neither had the courage. How could they possibly announce they were coming to each other, or to the two adults watching?

Suddenly there was a twang deep in their groins, and as their semen gushed up the core of their cocks it was too late. The two boys sat there in the toy cluttered play room grasping each other's throbbing cocks as their sperm spurted out the tips, flying across the carpet to spatter the toy truck, the building blocks, and the Ken doll, all having been strategically laid out within shot range. They stared out at the spattered toys, their faces flushed with embarrassment and their moist lips parted with the ecstasy of cumming. On the one hand they were totally mortified at having come, and especially at having cum because another boy was stroking them. On the other their bodies were flushed with the undeniable pleasure of shooting a load, and their cocks were throbbing and burning with their ejaculations. It was a strange combination of extreme embarrassment and extreme pleasure. Again the cameraman took two versions, one showing the boys' stiff cocks shooting out their stuff for the adults and the other showing just the pleasure on their faces for the elementary kids.

"That was fun, fun, fun," Chuckles finally said with a deep sigh and a big happy clown face, summoning up the conviction to end the tape properly and get the fuck out of there.

"It was," sighed Ginger as cued to do so, but saying it with feeling because it had been pleasant despite being embarrassing. "I'm glad I have a great buddy like you to do great stuff like this with."

"Buddies make each other feel good," observed Charles, "and there is nothing that feels better than a good jacking off, especially doing it to a bud, and having a bud do it to you." He raised his hand and sniffed it as prompted. "I can smell your dick on my hand."

"And I can smell yours on mine. I don't think I'll ever wash it again," Ginger said with an awkward laugh.

"But," Charles said with a sad face, "it is time for Chuckles and Ginger to go." He bent over and pulled up his boxers and his clown pants as Ginger pulled up his underwear and pants too. "I hope you enjoyed watching the video today as much as we enjoyed making it for you. Chuckles and Ginger had oodles and oodles and oodles of fun, fun, fun, today," he said, wrapping his arm about Ginger. "If you watched this video by yourself, you should give it to one of your friends and maybe it will give him the idea to do with you what Chuckles and Ginger did together. If you do, remember to tell them what you were told. And what was that? Do you remember? Good! That's right. Only look at it when there are no adults around. Repeat after me. Only look at it when there are no adults around. Of course if you want to keep this video, you can go look for the guy who gave it to you and tell him you want another one for a friend."

Ginger slipped his arm about Chuckles as prompted so the two teenagers had their arms about each other's shoulders. "And if you watched this video with a good friend, I hope you and him are good and ready do just what Chuckles and I did, if you didn't do it already while you were watching us. I know you'll enjoy it. Jacking off your best buddy and having him jack you off is the bestest!"

"And I know something else," concluded Chuckles. "If you go look for the man who gave you this video he'll have another one for you, and if you bring your best bud along and introduce him, I bet he'd be happy to give you both a copy. I hope you'll go look for him, because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you and your buddies more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles (and Ginger added Ginger and the two boys finished) hoping you have a fun, fun, fun day!"