PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

London, 1892


Jonathan goes to a boy orphanage and learns what "bedtime fun" means.
Publ. Oct 1997 (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Aug 2007
Story was never finished Unfinished; 7,500 words (15 pages)


Jonathan (12yo)

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mb tbcons oral analprost


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

All characters are portrayed by actors 18 years old and over. Disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer. There. - Bill.

Author's note & Disclaimer

In honor of the new newsgroup, I have writen an historical tale of Victorian England.
Like it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Chapter 1

It wasn't easy being a poor boy in the slums of London in 1892. All the more so if you were an only child and your widowed mother was in chronic bad health. Despite living hand-to-mouth in a one-room flat, 12-year-old Jonathan had led a sheltered life. He never knew his father, and his mother had been sickly for as long as he could remember. Nevertheless, she had made sure he didn't run with the neighborhood boys. He would spend his days helping her sell trinkets and flowers on the street, and they always went to church on Sunday. All through his childhood, he was so busy helping and caring for his mother that he never had a chance to pursue childhood games and pleasures. When his mother died, Jonathan was without a single family member to take him in. The neighbors felt sorry for the boy, but all were too poor to feed another mouth.

The pastor at the church brought Jonathan to a private orphanage, the Home for Destitute Orphan Boys, that was in a different part of London, and the boy had with him only the clothes on his back, which had been patched and mended multiple times by his mother. The shirt sleeves ended well above his wrists and the pants well above his ankles, a result of his having grown 4 inches in the past year. At the orphanage, they were met at the door by Mr. Mullins, the 'warden', who dismissed the pastor and took Jonathan by the hand. Mr. Mullins was a cheerful looking middle aged man. As they walked around the building, he told Jonathan "we have only a few rules at the Home, lad. Work hard. No fighting. No bullying the younger chaps. But break the rules and you're out on the street; and you can be sure that I've sent quite a few out the door to fend for themselves. Obey those rules and you'll get a warm place to sleep and three meals a day. You'll also find that I don't object to boys having some bedtime fun, so long as no one gets hurt or bullied."

As he mentioned the 'bedtime fun' he winked at Jonathan, who didn't understand what the man was talking about. Mullins continued "when a lad gets to be 15, it's time to send him away on an apprenticeship; or I'll line up farm work for him if he'd like a change from the City. Fifteen's plenty old for starting out in the real world."

When they came to the 'work room', Jonathan saw some two dozen boys who ranged in age from 8 to 14. Most were dressed poorly (though a few wore one or more surprisingly nice items of clothing), and all were at work making the kinds of trinkets that Jonathan and his mother had sold on the street. Mr. Mullins called to one of the older boys, named Ned, and instructed him to show Jonathan the rest of the orphanage and explain the procedures. Entering the sleeping quarters in the 3rd floor attic, Jonathan saw that all the boys slept together on lumpy bedding arranged on rough wooden bunks lined up close together. Ned looked the younger boy over, noting his exquisitely beautiful face under an unruly mop of blond hair. He had delicate features, and deep blue eyes shone out below long eyelashes.

Ned said "You know, mate, those clothes you're wearing are so small, they're about to split. I've got an extra shirt and pair of pants you can borrow til the charity ladies come by with the next handout of castoff clothes. Now get out of those rags and stash them under your mattress."

Jonathan noted that Ned had fairly nice clothes on, especially a vest which was of fine material. He removed his shirt, and while removing his pants he modestly turned his back to the older boy.

"Turn around and let me see you. You'll have to show all the lads tonight, so you might as well not be shy." Jonathan slowly turned around and let Ned see his crotch - hairless, but with a 3-inch penis and dangling ball sack that showed signs of sexual development.

"We do a fair amount of cock-play around here in the evening, if you know what I mean. Usually you can just say you aren't interested and you'll be left alone, but tonight you'll need to show all the lads what you've got. We do that to all the kids on their first night. Do you wank off yet?"

Jonathan looked puzzled.

"What's wank-off?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Ned said "Lord! You ARE an innocent, aren't you! Come over here and sit on my bed and I'll explain it to you. Wrapping his left arm around the Jonathan's bare shoulder, Ned reached down with his right hand and pulled back the foreskin on the startled boy's soft dick, exposing the beautifully shaped cock head. He began stroking the youngster's penis, feeling it lengthen and stiffen in his hand. "Ever do this?" he whispered in Jonathan's ear as he moved his fingers up and down on the slender 4½ inch erection. Jonathan shivered slightly and shook his head "no". He had held and squeezed his hard dick while lying in bed, especially in the last few months when it had grown at least an inch and got hard much more often. While that had given him a warm, tingling feeling, he had never felt anything like this before. Jonathan was soon writhing with sexual pleasure and moaning "Oh yes! Oh! Oh! That feels so good! Please don't stop! OH!" Ned hugged him tight; deciding to add a bit extra, he stuck his tongue into Jonathan's ear and quickened the pace of his stroking hand, sending the young boy's nervous system into overdrive. His body stiffened as a shot of cum launched for the first time from his straining boy-cock, and more warm fluid oozed down his cock shaft onto Ned's caressing hand.

"You'll have plenty more of that here at the Home" said Ned with a smile and a wink, wiping the cum off his hand with Jonathan's discarded shirt as the boy dressed in the borrowed clothing. "A lot of the lads pair off with regular partners every night. When it's a young lad with an older one, the little one is called a 'pet'. Cute as you are, there's plenty of older ones who want you for a pet and young one's who'll want to BE your pet. My advice: play around with the lot of them before you team up with one. I've got me a randy pet named Little Jimmy, but I still like to play with the other lads."

Jonathan asked eagerly "want me to do the wank-off thing to you?"

Ned ruffled Jonathan's hair with his hand and kissed his cheek, saying "No; I think I'll save up. Thanks for asking, though."

They returned to the work room and Ned continued to explain the ways of the Home as they worked at a long table next to each other, sitting on a bench with other boys. At times, they pressed their legs and hips together and Ned's hand secretly stroked Jonathan's inner thighs. Jonathan looked at him and smiled warmly and let his own hand feel the warmth of Ned's crotch, stroking the older boy's long, stiff cock through the material of his pants. Jonathan was excited about the idea of seeing the 14-year-old's cock, and hoped he would be able to that evening. When at last Mr. Mullins called out 'quittin' time', all the boys jumped up and cleared off the tables, putting finished articles, materials, and tools in appropriate bins. Several boys ran to the kitchen a brought out pots of soup and loaves of bread. When Jonathan got his meal, he saw that the soup was thin and the bread stale. But he was well accustomed to inadequate food, and this seemed just fine to him.

As the boys ate, Mullins said "attention lads; I need four volunteers for a "night shift". Who wants to go?"

All around the room, hands shot up, including Ned's. Mullins called out "OK; it'll be Ned, Joe, Freddy, and Herby. Be ready for the carriage in half an hour."

"What's the night shift?" whispered Jonathan.

Ned replied "Ah, the night shift! It's a little money-making scheme of Mr. Mullins' to help make ends meet around here. There's this high- class whorehouse in the theatre district, and every week the proprietor, Madame Isadora, let's all the girls take a night off and has a 'boy night' for her customers. The gents come by invite only. Some of the regular gents fancy a bit of boy-flesh on the side now and then, but I hear that other gents only come around for boy night. Isadora gets other boys besides us, maybe from other orphanages or maybe off the street, but Mullins get the call almost every week. Mullins likes to share it around so everyone who wants gets a chance, but he also knows what the customers like, and he picks accordingly. Each of the lads who goes gets a shilling and doesn't have to come to the work room the next day. Also you can eat some fine food and even drink some wine or whiskey if the gent doesn't mind. See this vest I'm wearing? Got it as a gift from a gent who fancied the way I sucked him off."

All this was too much for Jonathan's innocent mind to take in all at once, and he just stared at the older boy wide-eyed with wonderment.

After Ned and the other three boys had left for their night shift adventures, the remaining boys filed into the sleeping room. Little Jimmy came over to Jonathan and introduced himself.

"Ned asked me to help you out tonight" the beautiful 10-year-old said cheerfully. "Ya know, if your cock is as cute as your face, you'll be a popular lad at bedtimes. Now tonight, 'cause you're new, the first thing that'll happen is you have to stand up naked on your bunk and let the lads feel you up. No getting out of that one. Then it's cock-play time; you can join in if you want to."

Mullins came in and turned down the gas lights as the boys were settling in, leaving the mostly dark room bathed in a warm glow. As he closed the door, he said in a knowing voice "Don't stay up too late, lads."

Then several of the older boys called out "Hey, new lad; time for your show. Stand up on your bunk and strip down."

Jonathan's heart was beating wildly as he stepped up onto his bed and looked out over the twenty boys calling out and looking at him expectantly. He felt a combination of excitement and anxiety, and for a moment he just stood there with his face blushing crimson. Little Jimmy was standing near him and whispered "come on, mate, you can do it."

Jonathan smiled and whispered "Alright then; here goes."

He removed his shirt and pants (he had no underwear) and stood with his hands on his hips, Glancing down at his cock, he watched as it arched up in a beautiful full erection within seconds, untouched, straining toward his belly. The boys let out a cheer of approval. Little Jimmy called out "line up for a feel" and was the first to reach out and stroke the half-mature boner, followed by a line of 15 others who jostled each other as they impatiently waited their turn. The whole line had their feel of Jonathan in about 10 minutes.

A few of the boys watched, but didn't participate. A couple of the youngest boys were curled up on their beds going to sleep, even with the noise and excitement around them. For the others, though, Jonathan's 'show' signaled the beginning of the night's orgy of boy-sex. When everyone who wanted had fondled Jonathan's cock, Little Jimmy asked him "can I give you a suck?" But an older boy, his hard 6-inch cock in his hand, stepped up and said "I got what you want, mate. Play with me tonight." A shirtless 13-year-old ("Big" Jimmy, as it turned out), with an arm around the shoulder of a grinning naked 9-year-old, said "make it a threesome with me and Benjy. We'll take you places you ain't been before!" Jonathan was quick to settle the issue, saying "I'll go with Little Jimmy." With Jonathan still standing on his bed, sporting a rigid hard-on, Little Jimmy's face was right at cock level. His hands grabbed Jonathan's ass cheeks, and he let the top inch of the hard penis glide through his wet lips. His tongue toyed with the foreskin that half-covered the cock head. Then he brought a hand up to the shaft and pulled the skin back so his lips and tongue could stimulated the ridge of the cock head. Slowly, he let his wet lips slide lower on Jonathan's penis until the entire boner was deep in the younger boy's mouth. Jonathan's knees almost buckled from the unending blast of sexual pleasure, and he steadied himself with his hands on Little Jimmy's head.

Looking out into the semi-darkness, Jonathan saw that most of the other boys were now engaged in some variety of sexual activity: sucking, kissing, hugging, or fucking; most in pairs, some in threesomes. On the bunk next to Jonathan's, Big Jimmy and his pet Benjy were lying on their sides, watching as Little Jimmy sucked Jonathan's dick in and out of his skilled mouth. Benjy lay with his back to Big Jimmy's front, and the older boy diddled with the pet's immature stiff penis and kissed his neck and shoulder as the older boy's 5-inch erection slid back and forth between Benjy's smooth inner thighs, protruding out just below the youngster's ball sack on each forward stroke.

On another bed, Jonathan saw a boy about his age on his hands and knees; his mouth was sliding up and down on the hard-on of a boy of similar age; his ass was raised in the air and the 6- inch cock of an older boy was plowing in and out of his receptive love hole.

Around the room were similar scenes. Sometimes they would change places or shift to new positions. Sometimes a boy would call out in a lustful voice "oh yes; I'm cumming!" Jonathan looked down at Little Jimmy, whose eyes looked up at him as his lips and tongue glided and teased and sucked on Jonathan's pubescent rod. Then he let the erection pop out of his mouth and asked eagerly "want to slide your cock into my hot arse?" Jonathan looked up again at boys fucking here and there in the room and replied breathlessly "yes, please!" Little Jimmy ran over to Ned's bed and reached into a wooden box, pulling out a small bottle of oil. Coming back to Jonathan's bunk, the lad applied a coating of the oil to the 12-year-old's cock. Then he stripped off his clothing and lay down on his back, applying some oil to his love hole. Spreading his legs and pulling them up and back with his hands, little Jimmy said "come on, then. My boy-cunt is itching for a good fuck."

Jonathan blushed at this rough language, and then grinned at the thought of it coming from the mouth of a 10-year-old. He knelt between the boy's legs and used his hand to guide his straining cock against the slippery rose bud of flesh. Little Jimmy flexed the circle of muscle open, and Jonathan pushed slowly forward, intoxicated by the intensity of the sexual rush. Little Jimmy wrapped his arms around Jonathan's neck as Jonathan instinctively moved his hips and arched his back in a steady fucking rhythm. Pulling Jonathan's head down to him, Little Jimmy kissed the older boy, at first gently and then more and more passionately. As their tongues danced together, Little Jimmy flexed his ass muscle, alternating tight and relaxed, and Jonathan groaned as he felt the unstoppable surge of orgasm rushing through his body. His brain was setting off fireworks as the second cum in his young life burst into the hot tunnel of Little Jimmy's ass.

They lay in a tight embrace, still kissing, and Jonathan's softening penis slid out of Little Jimmy's tight hole. Then Jonathan became aware of the younger boy's stiff penis poking against his stomach. Jonathan reached down and gently caressed the hard boy-dick with his fingers, and Little Jimmy purred with delight. Jonathan kissed the boy's neck, then kissed the nipples on his chest, then his bellybutton. Finally he reached the object of his curiosity: a 3-inch cock the thickness of a thumb, straining in full erection. The older boy licked tentatively at the red cock- head and then let the little rod slide into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue the way Little Jimmy had done for him earlier that evening. Jonathan marveled at how much he enjoyed the feeling of this hot, stiff, smooth flesh in his mouth, and he made every effort to please his young friend. Little Jimmy moaned with pleasure, holding Jonathan's head and guiding the speed of the sucking action.

"Oh, oh, oh yes! That's it! Yes; do that more! Oh, please put your finger in my arse"

Jonathan was happy to comply and let his index finger glide into the warm opening, still slick with oil and cum. As his mouth sucked, his finger moved in and out, and Little Jimmy writhed with ecstasy. Suddenly, the 10-year-old's body went stiff, and he clenched at the covers on the bed. His erection twitched and pulsed in Jonathan's mouth, though no fluid emerged.

"OH GOD!" he gasped; "what a cum!" and he pulled Jonathan's head away as his body relaxed.

Oblivious of the sexual activity that continued among some of the boys around them, Jonathan and Little Jimmy fell asleep in each other's arms. Jonathan awoke to the sound of several boys entering the room and saw that it was Ned and the others, returning from their activities at the bordello, well after midnight. Jonathan called out softly to Ned, who came over to where he and Little Jimmy lay and said "well mate, looks as if you did alright in last night's cock-play!"

Jonathan blushed and asked "is it OK that I played with Little Jimmy?"

"Oh sure" said the older boy cheerfully; "that's what I was hoping would happen."

"Tell me about the night shift, Ned" Jonathan said excitedly. "Sure. Come on over to my bed and we can talk."

Jonathan, still naked, padded over to Ned's bed as the older boy stripped off his clothing.

"Whatta you think of my new pocket watch, courtesy of my gentleman friend" Ned said as he pulled the piece from his vest pocket. When Ned was undressed, the two lay together under the covers and Ned told of his experience.

"When I got to Madame Isadora's, the first thing was a bath in a real bathtub, and the old dame herself scrubbed my back. She even had me stand up so she could wash my cock; said I had I had real nice equipment." And Ned let his crotch press against Jonathan's leg.

"As she was washing me Isadora told me what I should do with the gent, just like she's always done the other times I've been there. Turns out the gent wants to pretend he's a young school boy, and I'm the senior schoolboy who is in charge of his discipline. Isadora loves to do dress-up with her girls and us boys, and some of the gents fancy dressing up too. So when I get together with the gent, he's in short pants and knee socks and jacket and a schoolboy cap. I'm in this long black professor's robe with not a stitch on underneath. The gent comes in all sheepish-like and says 'I'm sorry I was naughty, sir. It shan't happen again.' I say 'Boy, you'll have too take what's coming to you. Now drop your knickers and bend over the table. The gent pulls off the short pants and his drawers and pulls up his shirt. From the look of his boner, I could tell he was getting excited by this. I take this long wooden rod and tell him 'I'm giving you 20 wacks, and you'll count off after each one.' I let him have it on his bare arse, and he kinda jumps and counts 'One 3; Two 3; Three!' I take it slow, and I'm not hitting him TOO hard, but hard enough to make his arse cheeks bright red and his legs tremble. Around number 15, I see that he's wanking himself while he wiggles his arse to enjoy the next wack. I say 'what are you doing, boy? Stand up straight.' He says 'oh please, sir, I couldn't help myself.' I tell him 'your mind is polluted by sex. If that's what you want, get on your knees and have a taste of this.' And I open the robe and show him what I got. He gets on his knees and crawls over to me. I'm about half-hard already, and his mouth immediately goes to work on me. I can tell he's no beginner at sucking, so I take him by the head and shove all the way into his throat; in and out; and he loves it."

As Jonathan listened in wonder, he could feel Ned's hard cock pressing against his body. Jonathan reached down and took hold of the 14-year-old's boner and knew without looking that it was as big or bigger than any that he had seen on the other older boys earlier that night. Ned had a thatch of pubic hair and 7 inches of meat; Jonathan pressed his own hard dick against Ned's erection as the older boy continued his story.

"Now Madame Isadora told me to make the thing last for a while, so when it feels like I'm getting ready to cum I pulled the gent's head off my dick and said 'now boy, I want you to use your tongue on every part of my body. Don't miss anything.' And he's there on his knees kissing and licking down my leg, and when he gets to my foot I have a seat in a big armchair and he starts sucking my toes. He works his way back up both legs, and I put a leg over each arm of the chair and show him my rear end. 'Now clean off my arse, boy.' And of course, he does. His tongue slips all around my hole and works its way inside. Then he moves on: my nipples, my fingers, my ears. 'Good job, boy' I tell him. Now you may continue wanking yourself, and I'll finish your last five wacks.' So I give him five more, and he's still pulling on his boner. I say 'My cock fancies a visit to your arse hole, boy. Get down on your hands and knees.' He gets down and I lube my rod with some oil that's on the table. As I kneel behind him, I can feel the heat coming from the red skin of his whipped arse, even before I touch it. The gent looks back at me over his shoulder and whimpers 'Please fuck me, sir; fuck me good and hard', so I push into him fast and start pumping his arse hard. I give him the ride of his life, swatting his butt every now and then, and when I finally shoot off into him he finishes his wank- off by spraying his cum all over the rug. Then he's through with his game of let's-pretend, and we lay together naked in bed and he tells me how good it was. After he's dressed, and as he leaves the joint, he gives me his watch."

Ned was as turned on both by Jonathan's body next to him and by the memories of the night's activities. He reached down and pressed both cock together and jacked both at once. Jonathan whispered excitedly "Would you fuck me, Ned? Ain't done it yet, and Little Jimmy seemed to be in heaven when I did him."

Ned smiled and kissed Jonathan's mouth. "Sure thing, mate. I've wanted to have at you since the first time I laid eyes on your face."

Ned got his bottle of lubricating oil, applied it liberally to Jonathan's virgin ass and, to Jonathan's surprise, to the younger lad's cock. He massaged Jonathan's anal opening for several minutes, then inserted a finger, eventually two, working them slowly in and out and side-to-side. All the while, he slowly masturbated the boy's straining slippery boner. Jonathan had to resist the urge to cry out with pleasure as he clutched at the covers on the bed and let the intense sensations wash over his body. When he felt on the verge of cumming, Ned could sense it and released the straining boner, but kept his two fingers in the boy's hole, constantly massaging the muscle wider. Then Ned applied some oil to his own cock, pushed Jonathan's legs back as the boy lay on his back, and positioned his cock head at the entrance of the virgin love hole. Pushing slowly and stopping often, the 7-inch erection worked its way in, inch by inch, until finally Ned's pubic hair was pressing against Jonathan's ass hole.

"You doin' alright, mate?" Ned asked.

"Oh, yes!" Jonathan gasped, as he reached down with both hands to hold his ball sack and stroke his oiled penis. That was all Ned needed to hear, and he immediately began to pull back slowly, then push back in. In and out, slowly at first, then picking up speed. By the time Ned leaned down to kiss Jonathan's mouth, he was fucking at a steady driving pace, and Jonathan's hand was sliding up and down on his own rod. Jonathan's mind and body were aflame with powerful new sensations. Each thrust into his love hole produced of surge of sexual energy in his cock, and the pleasure he was bringing with his stroking hand made the muscle of his ass clench open and closed on Ned's lust-driven erection. Both boys exploded in powerful orgasms and fell together into each other's arms, tongues still exploring each other's mouths. Jonathan drifted off into blissful sleep, feeling a growing emotional bond to the older boy he was snuggling against.

Over the next week, Jonathan settled into the lifestyle of the Home. Days filled with long and tedious work, but accompanied by good companionship. Nights in which his new-found sexuality became an ever-changing intoxicating adventure. Taking Ned's advice, Jonathan was sampling the favors of every boy who wanted to engage in cock-play with him; boys as young as 8 and as old as 14; one-on-one; threesomes; foursomes. He rapidly developed a talent for cock sucking and savored the pleasure of being sucked, being fucked, and fucking other boys. Rare was the night he did not end up asleep in the arms of another boy, but even then, he finished off the night's activities by jacking himself off.

Chapter 2

Ned sometimes was absent from the sleeping room during cock-play, even though there was no 'night shift' announced, and after the second time Jonathan asked him about it.

"Well, lad, I've been with old Mullins. He kinda took a liking to me a couple years back, and you might say I'm his pet when he needs a bit of action. I like the old bugger. He's treated me and the rest of the lads alright, and doing some cock-play with him is a nice way to pay him back. He also plays with other lads. In fact, he'll not send a lad out on night shift until he's had a taste of what the lad can do."

Jonathan thought for a moment. "I'd like to do night shift. Could I have a go at Mullins sometime?" the boy asked eagerly.

Ned replied "I'll mention it to him. You just keep learning your cock-play as you have this past week, and you'll be a natural for night shift."

A few days later, Ned came to Jonathan and said "I'm getting some lads together to do a 'special' for Mullins. Wanna join in?"

Jonathan looked puzzled. "Special?" he asked.

The older boy replied "Oh; right. Well, I guess there's a short answer and there's a long story. I'll give you both. According to Mr. Mullins, a special is when six boys work on him at once. He says it's the best cock-play a man can experience. The story part he could tell himself better than I can, but I've heard it a few times, so here goes. When he was a young man, Mullins was a sergeant in the Army, stationed in India. His company was garrisoned at the palace of the Maharaja of Jahilipur, who was notorious for his taste for sex with young ones. He had a few official wives, but also had a harem of 50 concubines - 25 boys and 25 girls - between the ages of 11 and 13. He had a staff of servants to train them in all the ways of pleasure, and the Maharaja's favorite was six concubines at a time. Sometimes six boys, sometimes six girls, sometimes three of each. Now the concubines were shown the door when they reached the age of 14, and many took employment in the brothels of Jahilipur, which were famous throughout the country. Mullins made it a practice to take his Saturday night pleasure at one of the better establishments in the city, which had a group of young male graduates of the Maharaja's school of sexual delights. Every once in a while, he'd save up his rupees for the Maharaja's 'special': six boys working him over in the most delicious manner. So tonight we have a go at Mullins. He pays a shilling and a day off of work; just like night shift. Are you in?"

"Yes, please! I very much like to join!" said Jonathan, with his habitual politeness.

Ned coached the boys of what to do, and told them they were to follow his directions while they were pleasuring the middle-aged man. As they entered his room, he was lying on a pile of cushions, wearing a silk robe. A large Turkish water pipe was at his side, and the smell of hashish filed the room, and Mullins said "Ah, come in lads. You see I'm indulging in the vice I brought back from India. Bad for the brain but great for the cock! Come on now; let's see you undress for me, one at a time."

Ned, the leader of the group, started off. He pulled off his shirt and slowly unfastened his pants, pulling them down in a teasing manner meant to arouse the man. When his pants were off, he quickly stroked his cock to its full 7 inches, to the approval of Mullins.

"Now our new lad" said the man, winking at Jonathan. He took another deep drag on the sweet hashish smoke and reached between the folds of his robe to gently stroke himself as he watched the 12-year-old strip down to beautiful, seductive nudity and sporting a firm 4-1/2 inch rod. The other four boys, one of whom was Little Jimmy, stripped down in turn.

Already knowing from Ned's instructions how they would start off, Little Jimmy and Brian (a 13-year-old with red hair and freckles) would knelt on either side of him at his head, kissing his mouth, licking his ears, and caressing his chest and arms. Ned and Jonathan used their mouths on Mullins's cock and balls. The other two, Tim (a 13-year-old blond) and Kevin (a 11-year-old with black-hair) kissed and licked the man's feet, sucked on his toes, and stroked his legs and inner thighs. Mullins closed his eyes and drifted on a drug-enhanced wave of pleasure as six beautiful boys made every effort to please him with their mouths and hands. Probing, hot, wet boy-tongues slithered in his ear, twined around his own tongue, circled his cock head, teased his balls, and sucked on his toes. The man moaned softly as the licking, kissing, and sucking intensified, accompanied by massaging hands stroking every inch of his body. When he pulled his knees up, Ned began to lick his ass hole, while Jonathan concentrated on sucking the 6-inch cock. Jonathan's head bobbed up and down and his tongue flitted around the smooth taut skin of the man's cock. Mullins's hands held Jonathan's head, guiding the rhythm and depth of penetration. Ned licked aggressively at the man's anal opening, and then extended his tongue fully and probed the quivering flesh of Mullins's ass muscle.

Then Ned moved around and straddled Mullins' loins, guiding the man's spit-slick cock into his experienced boy-cunt. Jonathan moved to lick the man's ball sack as Ned began to ride up and down on Mullins' erection. Two other boys positioned their crotches next to Mullins' head in such a way that the man's head could turn one way to lick and suck one boy's cock and balls, then pivot the other way to service the second boy. Mullins played with Ned's hard cock as the 14-year-old continued to take the man's cock deep into his flexing love channel. Numerous times over the next hour, the boys changed positions, pleasuring the man's body with their mouths and hands, receiving pleasure from his mouth and hands, and riding the man's cock as Ned had done. All of them, man and boys, stayed hard the entire time, just short of cumming.

The man's mind was detached from time. The combination of hashish and unrelenting boy-sex, expertly orchestrated by Ned, brought him to ever higher planes of physical pleasure. When at last the throes of orgasm crashed through his body, he was fucking Jonathan, alternately sucking Little Jimmy and Brian (who knelt close on either side of Jonathan's prone body so their cocks almost touched), having his balls squeezed by Kevin, and his nipples pinched by Tim. Ned had his finger up Mullins' ass and was gently massaging the man's prostate. After a minute, when Mullins' mind started returning from the otherworldly place it had been, he told the boys to shoot their loads on him. On his spent cock; in his mouth; on his face. The boys stood around him and jacked their cocks, cumming very quickly and in massive volume. All except Little Jimmy who stood off to the side with a sad look.

"I'm sorry, sir" he said softly; "I can't shoot yet."

Mullins replied in a sincerely sympathetic voice "oh, my beautiful boy; how dreadful of me to embarrass you that way. Come here, my pet."

And wiping the cum from his face, the man positioned Little Jimmy on his back among the cushions and proceeded to suck and caress the boy's cock and balls and ass with his lips and tongue until the youngster cried out with pleasure and trembled with the impact of a powerful dry orgasm.

Several days later, Mullins announced a night shift at Madame Isadora's. Not surprisingly, the crew he picked was the same six boys who had worked the 'special' on him. As Isadora briefed the boys after they had bathed, she told them that tonight they would all entertain a party of four men celebrating the opening night of a play written by one of the gents (some fellow named Oscar Wilde). The playwright's lover was the son of a wealthy lord, and he was paying Isadora handsomely for the affair. The four men wore fine robes of a Persian style. The boys were outfitted in a style of clothing that would be worn by boy-slaves of a Middle Eastern sultan: small vests, open at the front, were all they wore on top; loose 'harem pants' of a fine satin covered their loins. The boys served delicate but rich foods and refilled glasses of aged Scotch whiskey for the men, who were seated on the floor on cushions. The men joked among themselves and freely fondled the boys' asses and crotches, and each of the boys quickly tented out the material in the front of his loose pants.

As more whiskey was consumed, the men took increasing liberties with the boys, pulling them down to their laps to be kissed and fondled more intimately. The playwright was kissing little Jimmy deeply with his tongue and his hand played freely inside the boy's pants. Then he nudged the boy off his lap, telling him to stand up, and pulled down the elastic waistband of the pants, revealing the boy's eager pre-pubescent hard-on. Sitting on the floor, the guest of honor was in perfect position to suck the 3-inch rod into his mouth as his hands kneaded the boy's slender ass. Inspired by his example, the other three gents quickly stripped the costumes off the other boys and spoke approvingly of the fine examples of boy-flesh that would be theirs to enjoy that night. The boys brought out more cushions. Bowls of warm scented oil were placed around the room, ready to lube ass holes and cocks.

The boys, now entirely naked, kept serving whiskey, and the men poured some of the burning alcohol into the boys' willing mouths. As the level of sexuality grew, the four men each picked a boy for one-on-one play (choosing Jimmy, Jonathan, Tim, and Brian) and directed Ned and Kevin to the middle of the room to perform. Ned and Kevin were instructed to put on a show, and the men called out instructions in excited voices.

"Young lad; suck the older chap."

"You, older one, lick out the young one's arse."

Ned's 7-inch boner stood in dramatic contrast to 11-year-old Kevin's 4-incher. They began by embracing, standing slightly apart as they kissed deeply and their erections rubbed together. At the men's direction for Kevin to suck Ned, the younger boy dropped to his knees and eagerly licked at the 7-inch cock, as he had numerous time in cock-play at the Home. Opening his mouth wide, he took the teenage erection deep into his throat, came back up to the tip of the cock, and plunged back down, again and again in a smooth, sensuous motion that drew moans from Ned and shouts of approval from the alcohol-primed gents. Squeezing the older boy's balls with one hand and using the thumb and two fingers of his other hand to glide along the penis shaft just below his lips, Kevin brought Ned to the brink of orgasm and then sent him crashing over, shooting spurt after spurt of hot cum onto the youngster's face and into his open mouth.

Jonathan sat in the lap of the young Marquess of Queensberry, a thoroughly debauched aristocrat with a lust for boys. Pulling his robe apart, the lord reclined back on the cushions, pulling the naked boy on top of him, and savoring the feeling of the boy's 4-1/2 inch hard-on pressing against his own rising erection. The gent let his hands roam all over Jonathan's back, ass, and thighs; their tongues intertwined, and their cocks glided together. Then the gent sat up and positioned Jonathan so that the boy straddled the man's lap with a leg on either side of the man's waist, their cocks pressed tightly together. The boy wrapped his arms around the gent's neck and again brought his lips to the man's hungry mouth. As their bodies pressed tightly together, their tongues snaked against each other, and the young lord was oblivious, for a moment, of the orgy in progress all around him.

Had he looked to the center of the room, he would have seen Kevin on his back with his legs pulled up, having his ass lovingly rimmed by Ned. The 14-year-old's tongue probed into the younger boy's ass hole as Kevin flexed and unflexed his pink rosebud muscle.

Had he looked to his right, he would have seen the playwright crouching down on his knees and reaching back to spread his ass cheeks as Little Jimmy got into position behind him to fuck the man with his 3-inch, slender boner. The gent mumbled words of encouragement as the boy gamely poked at the man's ass and began to pump his pre-pubescent cock in and out. Little Jimmy was soon rewarded with a wave of dry orgasm, but the man was nowhere near being satisfied. He went to a shelf of 'toys' and brought back an 8-inch dildo, attached to a harness of straps, and began to strap it onto Little Jimmy. The 10-year-old looked slightly ridiculous with a massive cock sticking out from his small body, but he eagerly took up the challenge of reaming the gent's ass hole as soon as the man lay on his back and pulled back his legs. The lubed instrument sunk in to the hilt as the boy put his entire weight into the first thrust. The man groaned and pleaded with Little Jimmy to fuck him hard; the boy willingly obliged, pumping in and out as the man whimpered with pleasure and jacked away at his own cock.

To the left of Jonathan and his aristocratic customer were Tim, the 13-year-old blond and Brian, the 13-year-old red-headed. Their two clients were choreographing an arrangement that gradually involved all four participants. One man lay on his back as Tim, facing his customer's feet, lowered himself onto the man's hard, lubed cock. He rose up and lowered himself down several times in a smooth, practiced motion, clenching his ass muscle around the man's straining cock. The gent pulled the blond lad back so that Tim now lay with his back resting against the man's chest; from this position he could hold the boy's waist and pump his cock in and out of Tim's tight ass. Then Brian was directed to straddle Tim and take the boy's cock into his mouth. Tim in turn began sucking on the other lad's cock in the 69 position. Brian's weight was supported by his hands and feet on the floor, and his ass arched up invitingly for the other gent to maneuver into position to penetrate the boy's tight love channel with his oiled cock. Though a bit awkward at first, the four soon began to move as an organic whole. They developed a rhythm of fucking and sucking so that the four bodies melded into one sexual entity, each giving and receiving pleasure simultaneously. The boys sucked greedily on each other's boners as each was being fucked in the ass. Before long, Tim and Brian felt the rush of orgasm flooding through their bodies, and they soon were shooting boy-cum from their pulsing adolescent dicks. As each boy's body pulsed with orgasm, their ass muscles clenched at the hard man-cocks that were plowing in and out. Racing to achieve sexual release, the two gents fucked the boys hard and fast, and both let loose spurt after spurt of hot cum deep into the willing boy-cunts.

By now, Jonathan and his customer were 69ing each other, the man on his back and the boy kneeling above him. As the 12-year-old worshiped the man's erection with his lips and tongue and throat, the 20-year-old lord alternated between sucking the boy's handsome slender dick, orally caressing his hairless ball sack, and probing his tongue into the boy's receptive pink ass hole.

In the middle of the room Ned stood crouched over, with his hands on his knees, being fucked from behind by young Kevin in deep, smooth strokes. Inspired by what he saw, the aristocrat positioned Jonathan on his knees, facing Ned and Kevin, and proceeded to fuck the boy's ass as he gazed around the room. It wasn't long before the Marquis had his arms wrapped around Jonathan's chest and was pumping a full load of cum into the boy's ass. Finally, he laid Jonathan on his back and sucked his young cock to its hairless base, pleasuring the boy with his lips and tongue, and slipping a finger back and forth inside the lad's slippery ass. The man's efforts were soon rewarded in a spray of sweet boy-cum, just about the time Kevin pumped a load into Ned's bowels.

(To be continued?)

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